#it’s kinda like my pony doll collection?
ghastbutlikegay · 1 year
i just realized that since i actually deliberately AVOID cartoon fandoms most of the time, having a cartoon blog on the fandom website probably isnt a good idea
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flitterjitters · 9 months
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for my first tumblr post, imma introduce you all to my ponysona, Flitter Jitters!! 🦄💕✨
Flitter Jitters
General Info:
- Unicorn, half Crystal Pony
- She/Her, Lesbian, INFJ
- Is a therapist/counsellor pony; her special talent is empathy and loves listening to others + helping them through their problems
- Raised in Ponyville, but lives in the Crystal Empire, in a giant crystal teapot house
- A gentle, quiet introvert, kind of withdrawn + awkward at times
- A scatterbrained, head in the clouds, can be kinda ditzy
- Very anxious and nervous, a hugeee scaredy cat, but tries to face her fears everyday!
- Somehow a mature grandma, and a silly child at the same time
- Can be kinda prissy sometimes, doesn't like to get muddy or dirty
Other Info:
- Likes to draw in her spare time
- Likes traditionally childish things and collects toys, especially dolls and teddy bears
- Also surprisingly really likes horror movies
- Naps a LOTTT, in a constant state of sleepy
- Loves tea parties, and collects funky shaped tea pots
- LOVES animals, and volunteers at Fluttershy's animal sanctuary in her spare time
- Due to her Crystal Pony heritage, when sad her hair becomes straight and her colours dull, but on the opposite end, when really happy she becomes brighter and her hair sparkles
- Used to have a HUGE crush on Princess Luna, and still gets tongue-tied when she’s around
She’s basically just Me but a colourful horse hehe ✨
For her age progression chart, I used bases from LanternOmega + Lilac-Hearts from DeviantArt!
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2bloved · 9 months
nature is healing i just cleaned out my entire closet. that has not been cleaned out since middle school and when i mean clean i mean CLEAN!!!! I VACCUMED THE FCUK OUT OF THAT THING!!!!!!!!!
honorable mentions of things i found:
really old self-published(?) (technically?) "poem" book in comic sans about animals (it did not rhyme one bit) with like 3 pages of clipart and 5 blank pages with http error (my mom paid like 40 bucks for it to be printed btw) from 3rd or 4th grade
X AND Y POKESPE BOOK!!!!!!!! MY AUTISM ACTIVATED THE MOMENT I SAW X/CALEM ON THE COVER cant believe 9 yr knew what was up back at schoolastic bookfair fr
old sketchbook from my prime fnaf phase in 2014 with my totally original characters and my old like overpowered self insert pokemon oc
bootleg classic sonic the hedgehog minifigures of regular sonic and super sonic
deflated ball that kinda looked like a planet (rip i had to throw it away)
random ass dead spider
my entire fucking gen 4 mlp doll collection that mysteriously disappeared in the gap of my memory. and 2 gen 3 ponies i think my mom got me before i was sentient
and some other cool things that i Dont feel like getting up and looking at to mention here
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undeadgoathead · 11 months
Love her or hate her, Barbie is iconic. I have no clue why she was stereotyped as an airheaded bimbo, when canonically she has been a doctor, astronaut, scientist, etc. Like most girls, I have fond memories of playing dolls with friends, and not-so-fond memories of siblings, cousins, etc ruining my toys, cutting their hair, covering them with mud, tattooing them with sharpies, etc.
In girl scouts, I remember each troop had to represent a different country/culture for world tolerance day or some such. So our project was singing the Barbie song in German! I still kinda remember the lyrics. 🎼Ich bin ein Barbie frau, en einer Barbie velt...🎶
On a side note, I also remember our troop representing the UK one year, because I was obsessed with The Beatles and JRR Tolkien. Good times, good times. I was a weird, nerdy kid, and I haven't changed much over the years. This is kinda embarrassing, but I played with dolls well into middle school. What can I say, I loved making up stories in my own imaginary fantasy world. Still kind of do, as a writer.
I had a Pocahontas Barbie... Hip to be Square Barbie...Of course I had the mermaid that changed the color of her hair and tail, depending on if the water was hot or cold...I had a slumber party Barbie with a soft body like a stuffed animal, so you could snuggle in bed. She also came with accessories like an inflatable chair, a box of pizza, a houseplant, and a globe. Perfect for 90s sleepovers!
One Christmas, I was gifted a special edition millennium Barbie for the year 2000. I was too young to understand collectibles, all I knew was it was the prettiest doll I'd ever seen, with her fancy gold dress and matching Christmas ornaments, and couldn't wait to play with it, so I didn't understand why everyone was so shocked when I opened the box and did just that.
I had a few of the Mattel pets, including a fluffy white cat, and a fancy Collie dog. Of course I had the sparkly white unicorn/pegasus horse with wings AND a horn, and a long pretty mane and tail that you could brush, braid, and style. I had a ton of horses in general. Including My Little Pony. And lots of dolls, not just Barbie, but also Polly Pocket, random stuffed animals, etc. Another random sidenote... I remember I used to watch a lot of PBS as a kid... I was fascinated by The Nightly Business Report... So I had my own version, The Nightly Horse Report, and all the new anchors, journalists, and correspondents were horses... Facepalm. 🤦🏽‍♀️
But in high school, I was an edgy, angsty teenager. I rejected Barbie as a sexist symbol of rigid gender roles and corporate greed. One of my aquaintances had dismembered Barbie body parts dangling from her backpack, which I thought was pretty cool. I also took the Barbies from a classmate's diorama when they didn't want them anymore. I don't know what book they were reading in the other Senior AP Literature Class, but it must have been a dark one, because the Barbies were scantily clad in plain white robes/togas, their hands were bound, they were blindfolded, and they were hanging from nooses. Yeah. Yikes. Anyway I used them for home decor in my college dorm, and even in my first apartment. Like I said, I only seem to get even weirder and creepier with age!
Then again, when I was a bratty teenage girl, my idea of feminism was misguided. In retrospect, I actually embodied a lot of internalized misogyny and toxic femininity myself. Joining the GSA (Gay Straight Alliance), poetry club, yearbook, and other extracurricular activities helped me keep an open mind and learn better social skills. But still, one of my favorite computer games at that age, was called Feed the Model, where you crash a haute couture high society fashion catwalk, and you throw tomatoes and other food at the model, hoping some of it lands in her mouth and she'll finally eat something for once, lol. Yes it was hilarious, but also problematic. I also frequented several feminist websites, including About Face and Adios Barbie. Again, I meant well, but the misandry was a little bit hypocritical.
Just like the Barbie brand is taking affirmative action to be more inclusive, I also eventually outgrew my "Hear me roar" phase, and embraced a more modern, intersectional sort of feminism and gender equality. Including a shameless appreciation for girly hobbies, such as dolls. Even in college, a roommate gave me a special Bjork Barbie with a handmade dress, custom haircut, and face painted with nail polish. He customized it himself, and it looked awesome and unique! Again, that Bjork Barbie remained dorm/apartment decor well into my mid twenties.
Now I'm in my 30s. I work at an antique store, and I do sell expensive vintage collectible Barbies to wealthy connoisseurs, as well as the cheap ones to little kids who only have a few bucks of allowance to buy used toys from secondhand thrift stores. So Barbie is still very much a part of my life on a daily basis. Grown adults pay hundreds of dollars for the right doll. I've had deep conversations with coworkers and customers about the magic of imagination, the nostalgic sense of wonder, and the simplicity yet complexity of children at play.
So I'm totally going to see that freaking Barbie movie, damn it! Who's coming with me?
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oetscop · 1 year
oughhhhh ive gotten back into Various Toy Collections after i finally unpacked all my minecraft figures and g1 ponies and like. got toys on the mind ofc so i cut through the toy isle to look at some of the fnaf and minecraft shit and saw a bunch of bluey stuff. i kinda forgot about bluey!
anyway specifically remembered that in an episode one of them has a doll thats like. a shih tzu i think?? but i really just wish there was a brushable/styleable shih tzu doll. maybe its the dog groomer in me, maybe waffles is psychically influencing me (as shih tzus do ofc) but god. it would be so fucking cute 😭
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sunnsfighter · 2 years
Intro And Info!
So yeah , welcome to this page! Call me sunns.
Trying my hand at this now since it might be easier with a migration going on already.. idk?
Im actually a refugee of different site that shut down ages ago (like 3-4 years ago i think??)
Tried insta and its not what im looking for , so im trying here for real this time
(I used IG/twitter for art /feeds and entertainment since i dont use tiktok , and venting/keeping in contact with irls who have insta )
21, dont really care about pronouns (prefer just going by sunns or sunny)
Until requests are made for side blogs or it feels needed, thisll be a multifandom/general content account!
Before ya follow/interact:
Takes me a second to reply to dms !
(Mentally im a bit unstable and partially mute , diagnosed for some things but might have other things going on, please be a bit patient with me! If im too much lemme know)
For tws im doing common triggers only like bugs/gore body horror, auto marking it as sensitive/mature content and and straight up nsfw/lewdposting is going in a new blog if needed . For any uncommon triggers my ocs have or if theres content I do thats triggering and you follow, lemme know in dms and ill make a special oc/contact tag or phrase for you to filter out , and add it to my special tag list below 
I do :
-oc art (for this account i wanna try writing and light doodles, whatevers in my head)
- have a fuck ton of AUs ive always wanted to do a tumblr for , but never gotten the chance to do.. ill test a few out see what sticks
- occasional screenshot edits !
Fandoms, new and old:
- Jojos bizarre adventure
-Monster high: (looking to see the new show and old stuff, skipping the irl movie)
-Card game animes (buddyfight vet, YGO Fan, cardfight vanguard enjoyer, still gotta get back into shadowverse/battle spirits again.. always down for more)
-pokemon (games or anime)
-digimon (anime , want to play the game)
- Carmen sandeigo (90s and Modern)
-Jem and the holograms (revival when??? Read both idw and watched 90s)
-Splatoon (been playing since 2)
Secondhand Fandom interests (i like owning ocs and/or seeing content from the fandom, even people post and talk about it and spoilers , but not exactly interested in the show itself or in the fandom )
-Cookie run
- Steven Universe (seen it all for the sake of knowing how it ends , old fav of mine but lost its shine when i got older, now i just like the ocs)
-BNHA : not interested in watching at all, just like the idea behind it
-osc/ object show ocs (ocs are a comfort of mine, i know little context )
- MLP: ponies fun, and so is edits
-miraculous ladybug : that whole love square thing is nuts and would drive me batty so i wouldnt loyally watch (In order or from the beginning) however i look into people talking bout spoilers cuz i saw some random late season eps and got kinda invested
-the simpsons : twitter algorythm got me into the content ngl
Favorite things:
-OOAK doll customs
-vtuber/mmd/3d models
-crafts and plushies !
-general doll collecting!
-pokemon cards!
Character/inspo list!!!
cardfight vanguard:
carmen sandeigo:
general  aesthetics and other fandom faves:
Special tags/phrases  -
[Tag] Admin Sunndeigo- carmen sandeigo AUS by the admin
(Sub tags TBA, but ill have 90s or 19 before the AUs so youll know whats what)
[Tag] Sunns eclipse- vent tag , commonly paired with code CIL
[ phrase , could be a tag] Code CIL - usually accompanied by a vent post, a character i own with both gore and body horror
Buddyfight: Next Born Chaos [2nd gen buddyfight fanseason] - admins 2nd gen buddyfight fan season/story
The yota project [3rd gen BF ace story]
Admins fan story for buddyfight ace next gens
[Tag]Gemblooded (if tag is active, will add sunns presents to it) - my SU AU.
Next gemerations [tent title] my version of a SU gem world. The CGs do not exist as a team and hybrids are aplenty..
(I cant wait to revive those subrace concepts)
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viddywelldolly · 1 month
An update: I've got around $200 of the $500 I need to get my Smart Doll. I got another box of stuff to sell on Ebay, mainly 80's G1 My Little Ponies from my personal collection. I'm still keeping a few for myself but I figured why not sell a few? they sell well (and quickly) and I'm kinda getting out of that hobby anyways. I'm wondering if (and when) I get Limitless, if she'll be my newest doll obsession. I did find a few other Smart Dolls I really like, the main other one I want being Genesis. But they're so pricey that I'd have to wait months or years between getting them (it really depends on how much stuff I sell). But for now I'm focusing on Limitless because she's the one that speaks to me the most. She's gonna be one spoiled doll, I'll tell you that much! I have $60 worth of clothes for her in my Aliexpress cart. Not mentioning the clothes I'll try to make her by hand. If you couldn't tell, I'm kinda obsessed with her at the moment.
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frivolouslyfluttershy · 8 months
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˚‧*intro to my blog*‧˚
♡✧。 (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡
(This blog is anonymous so all people mentioned have nicknames and I myself use a nickname too)
You can call me odette
My interest are well I have too many but the main ones are
- kid cartoons (mostly cute ones)
- dolls (avid doll collector)
- my little pony (I also collect my little pony merch)
- books (mainly light novels and romance but also horror and mystery)
- comics and manwhas (big fan of rf)
- qua music I have a range of taste but I like kpop, metal, riotgrrrl , jazz, rap, emo and opera and many more (I kinda like all including country)
- I love fashion especially jfashion and alternative fashion
- I like games I mainly play cozy but I wanna get into rpg’s (recommandations are very appreciated)
What I will post
Mainly just random stuff about my interests maybe rants about stuff in my life nothing graphic
Beauty tips (it is my special interest)
That’s kinda it
About me
I’m zizi
I’m autistic , chronically disabled and I have prosopagnosia and tics (not Tourette’s it is a tic disorder though) (+ some mental illnesses )
I’m Dutch and Turkish
I love learning languages I’m currently learning
Turkish , Norwegian and Japanese
(I speak Dutch and English fluently)
(And I’m almost fluent in German)
(I wanna move to Norway with my friend so we can have a homestead there/ care farm for disabled kids and other kids who need a place to stay)
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rainbowxocs · 11 months
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TW: Cults, Child Neglect.
Name: Atsu Kaigan (圧開眼)
Cult Title: “Servant of the Gods”. (神のしもべ)
Nicknames: Atsu-Chan (圧-ちゃん), Yuru-chara (ゆるキャラ).
Age: 21
Pronouns: He/Him (In English)
I Pronoun: Watashi (私) (A neutral I pronoun, usually seen as formal.)
(Will sometimes switch pronouns when dissociating.)
Sexuality: Straight.
Gender: GNC, Guy.
Species: Human.
Disorders: Separation Anxiety, ADHD, CPTSD, Autism, OSDD 1b, Maladaptive Daydreaming, Depression, DPD.
OSDD Information: Atsu’s OSDD is mostly fragmented dissociation, He does not have any fully formed alters that have separate identities from him. His OSDD tends to manifest in certain emotions or memories which causes him to not fully understand where he is or who he is.
Recovering Addictions: Hoarding.
Religion: None.
Job: Fashion Designer, Public Relations for Suka’s Sukeban.
Major: Fashion.
Lives in: Okutama, Japan, 2024.
Languages: Japanese, JSL.
Height: 5’4”
Race: Asian.
Ethnicity: Japanese.
Accent: Shitamashi. (Will sometimes switch accents when dissociating.)
Weapons: Pastel Purple Bat with ribbons and glitter, Purple sparkley pistol, Purple Brass knuckles shaped like a cat.
Alignment: Neutral.
Text Color: Purple.
Main Animal: Horse.
Main Hobbies: Sewing, Plushie Making, and Collecting MLP Merchandise.
Diet: Vegetarian.
Favorite Drink: Apple Cider.
Favorite Fruit: Star Grapes.
Favorite Meal: Daisy, Dandelion, and Pansy Sandwich, Spring Rolls, Jelly Noodles, Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches.
Favorite Candy: Lollipops, Bubblegum, Rock Candy.
Favorite Dessert: Mizu Manju, Oiri Candy Icecream, Rolled BlueberryIcecream.
Favorite Flower: Lilacs.
Scent: Twilight Sparkle Perfume.
Awareness: Not Aware (Effect: None.)
Birthday: June 4th 2002 (Gemini, Horse, A, Loyalty.)
Fun Facts: Has basically every J-Fashion imaginable in his closet.
Special Interests: MLP, J-Fashion.
Stims: My Little Pony Stim Toys. Fabric Stims.
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Stimboard: LINK
Moodboard: LINK
Fashionboard: LINK
Comfort Objects: His Set of MLP Plushies, His Takara MLP figures, His fashion dolls.
Extras: He has those super rare MLP figures that were only released in Japan.
Family: Kida Asahara, Yukimori Asahara (Birth Parents)
Mura Asahara, Akane Asahara. (Aunt and Uncle)
Uru Nanamo, Hwan Asahara, Keh Spo. (Cousins.)
Friends: Uru (BFF), Kagayaki, Hana, Ryu, Boru, Otoko.
Romance: Suka Ringu (Girlfriend)
Enemies: A good chunk of the gangs in the area, The Cult.
Pet: Twilight Sparkle (トワイライトスパークル) (Sugar Glider)
Brief Personality: Atsu has a very bubbly personality, you wouldn’t really tell he is apart of a gang by the way he speaks, He’s kinda goofy, he has a tendency to tell other gang leaders about the lore of my little pony while in the middle of territory disputes. He loves hanging out with his friends and fashion and He generally tries to have a positive outlook on life.
Brief Backstory:
Atsu was born into a religious cult, he wasn’t quite sure who his birth parents were, he would be switched around from couple to couple depending on who took care of him.
He was very neglected in the cult, he didn’t have really any set of parents, just adults that would come in and out and occasionally take care of the bare essentials. He was severely neglected, nobody really taught him basic things like the alphabet or how to read for a very long time.
However. He had one friend in the cult, “The Prince”, aka the Leaders son, Uru, him and Uru got along really well, always playing together and Atsu felt very safe with Uru. He tended to follow him around wherever Uru went, which they both enjoyed. It was nice for both of them to have a break from the cult in a way.
Eventually the leaders got arrested and Atsu was sent into foster care, he didn’t really have any guardians who tried to understand him though. As a kid he had a tendency to daydream about far off lands often times not being able to get out of bed.
When he got to high school, He met his childhood friend again, they both were kinda in the same place mentally. Both shy socially awkward kids with little to no friends. They really relied on eachother. And that caused both of them to blossom into their own people.
Atsu later met his girlfriend Suka, and eventually started to become a fashion designer after finding his love for J-Fashion and also sewing plushies.
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enlightenedrobot · 1 year
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I posted 7,119 times in 2022
That's 2,536 more posts than 2021!
90 posts created (1%)
7,029 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 123 of my posts in 2022
#shitpost - 14 posts
#disney - 11 posts
#art - 9 posts
#disney+ - 8 posts
#music - 7 posts
#hip hop - 7 posts
#dall e mini - 6 posts
#puella magi madoka magica - 6 posts
#tumblr - 6 posts
#generated images - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 94 characters
#a lot of people who make hating marvel movies there only personality trait will point this out
My Top Posts in 2022:
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@teeth-collector64 (my brother) is collecting unused official urls. Direct action.
142 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
The Problem with deconstructing the Powerpuff Girls
The Powerpuff Girls is already a subversive show.
It’s a pastiche of superhero comics that keeps the action and violence of Marvel and DC properties and attributes it to cutesy little girls.
In essense, it’s already a parody. It’s already a subversive take on existing tropes. And like, even without a serialized story, it’s surprisingly smart in how it handles all of these older tropes.
So before the writers of the Live Action Script decided that Professor Utonium should actually be a showbizzy bad dad, they should of probably asked themselves... did the original show already do this?
Cause like... they did. 
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The character of Dick Hardly, from the episode Knock it Off was designed as a foil to Professor Utonium who creates shoddy knock off Powerpuff Girls that he sells to cities across the world for profit. He’s one of the most despicable characters ever animated in the show, and the character of Drake Utonium has way more in common with him than he does that actual professor.
And it’s episodes like this that every other reboot of the show seems to forget.
The Powerpuff Girls isn’t Strawberry Shortcake or My Little Pony. It’s not a show created to sell dolls or produce merch. 
It’s a parody, a deconstruction, a Robot Chicken sketch before Robot Chicken was a thing. And that’s a compliment. It’s subversive humour is influential... the Powerpuff Girls walked so that shows like Kids Next Door, Kim Possible, My Life as a Teenage Robot, and almost every other cartoon after it could run. 
It’s a smart show with a surprising understanding of satire. Which unfortunately also means any parody of the show is going to be redundant. It’s kinda hard to make fun of a show that’s already so good at making fun of itself. 
And like, I’m saying this as someone who is actively working on a dark humour tinged dark comedy heavily inspired by the Powerpuff Girls. Everytime I write, I find myself making jokes the original show already made. Sometimes I’ll accidentally steal entire scenes because I think I’m being subversive. 
The big thing is... I’m pretty sure it’s still possible to make a subversive take on the Powerpuff Girls. As smart as the show is, it’s also kinda dated and stuck in the late 90s and early 2000s. Superheroes have evolved and there’s a lot more material the Powerpuff Girls could actively spoof.
Maybe the show should get a Samurai Jack styled soft reboot. Stay true to the original show, but show how time has passed. Give the show a TV-PG-V rating and the same kind of overarching plot you get with shows like Infinity Train or Gravity Falls.
But to any potential writer writing for this franchise, please, please, please do your research. You can’t pull a Riverdale with the Powerpuff Girls, because the girls we’re never as wholesome as Archie and the gang. 
177 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
There is no way Matt Reeves thinks The Batman is anyway "grounded" or "realistic".
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Gotham is way too stylized; all at once the 30s, the 90s, and the modern-day. The gangsters featured are caricatures. And Robert Pattinson's Batman is tormented in the most "I shop at hot topic and have an angsty myspace page" kinda way.
I enjoyed this movie mostly because it's the first time I've seen a Batman movie actually understand that it's, well, a Batman Movie.
This isn't a grounded political thriller with the aesthetics of Batman thrown on like the Nolan Movies. It's not a pointlessly dark and complicated take on comic book lore like the Snyder Movies, and it's definitely not a character exploration of mental illness like the Joker.
Instead, it's a heavily stylized action movie with cartoonish doses of FIlm Noir. Batman's violent and angsty, but no more than I think you'd expect from a comic book anti-hero. And given the ending, I'd also argue that this Batman is probably one of the nicer incarnations of the character we've seen in recent years. He's flawed and kind of bad at his job, but that just makes him all the more relatable.
Not everything aesthetically dark is deconstructive, and not everything that's violent is realistic. The Batman is probably one of the purest comic book adaptions I've seen in recent years, and frankly, people who think movies like this are in any way realistic have a very skewed perception of reality.The
230 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
Thoughts on Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers (2022)
I nervously stand up to the mic, prepared to exclaim to my audience of dozens a controversial fact. I'm shaking. I'm sweating. 
I clear my throat. Words drop from my mouth like wet clay.
"The Chip n Dale reboot is pretty great, actually."
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Okay, it's not perfect. It's a solid 7 or 8 out of 10. It's delightful, hilarious, and super creative. It's not nearly as good as Who Framed Roger Rabbit, but it's also probably the closest thing to a sequel we'll ever get. And I'm kind of okay with that.
I'll get to the good stuff soon enough, but first let's talk about the bad. 
This movie is the same kinda metahumour drenched post-shrek styled Children's movie, and like, that's not everybody's thing. It's pretty light on fart jokes, but it is pretty heavy on breaking the fourth wall and having celebrity cameos and making jokes about Pop Culture. 
That said, it's a little closer in tone to something like, say, Enchanted or the original live action Scooby-doo movies than it is to Alvin and the Chipmunks. If you enjoy a post Modern Disney Princess or a postmodern Mystery Inc, then this movie works fine. But if you're not open to movies that make jokes about other movies… then maybe stay away from this one.
A slightly bigger issue is the usage of cel shading on most of the Rescue Rangers. It's not nearly as bad as the trailers showed them to be, and in stills, they could almost be mistaken for drawings. But in motion… it really doesn't work. 2D animation just happens to be a better medium for expressive faces and body movement, and as good as the celshaded animation is, it's kinda hard to escape the feeling that it was still, ultimately, the wrong choice.
But I think maybe the biggest issue I had with this movie is the lack of the attention given to the other Rescue Rangers. Montery Jack has a fun scene early on that almost makes you wanna go back to the old show. Gadget and Zipper also make appearances and even have a few good jokes… but for most of the run time… they're just… not there. 
Also, Monty's recasting feels weirdly redundant? Jim Cummings appears quote a few times as other characters and Eric Bana's role is so short and so similar to Jim Cumming's voice, I can't help but wonder why they bothered recasting him at all.
But with all that negativity aside, let's go on to why I actually enjoyed the movie.
This is a pretty good take on Chip n Dale as characters… its true to their personalities of the show, but with a Ducktales-esque revamp of their voices. And while they don't start the show out as detectives, they basically become their characters from the show anyways.
Even the other Rescue Rangers feel true to their original incarnations, with maybe a few odd new takes. There's a twist with Gadget and Zipper that's a little questionable at first, but downright hilarious when it came back up towards the end. 
Outside of the cel shading, the animations actually pretty great. CGI can't replace 2D animation, but I do have yo give them props for so faithfully mimicking both stop motion and puppetry so accurately. There's a Swedish chef parody who's so close to the Muppet style, I initially thought he was just a straight up puppet. 
The movie's biggest strength is actually the diversity of animation styles used. It's not just 2D and 3D… it's everything. Of course the cameos all stay faithful to their original sources, but even the original characters look like they could come from other actual properties.
Off the top of my head, we get cheaply animated insurance mascots with plastic textures occupying scenes with Aardman sheep. Lumiere from Beauty and the Beast shares a scene with Tigra from the 90s Avengers cartoon. And without spring too much, I'm obsessed with a specific scene where photo realistic Disney CGI interacts directly with characters from a certain rival studio.
You could argue that this movie is Disney shamelessly shilling their own IP, and to some extent, that's true. But the sheer number of non Disney cameos really cements this film as a spiritual sequel to who Framed Roger Rabbit. Hell, one of the best cameos in this film doesn't come from Disney IP at all.
The Roger Rabbit influence also shows itself in how weirdly dark this movie can get. It's nothing inappropriate for kids… but like… there's body horror. Cartoon body horror, sure, but it's made with the same stuff that made the scariest Disney scenes we watched as children. It's a weirdly Nostalgic kind of horror, and I'm happy we get to traumatized my little brother the same way I was when I first watched Roger Rabbit.
All n' all, I really liked this one. It's a fun watch. 
342 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I am a normal person. This is a normal thing to do.
1,577 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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A Piece of Home | Bucky Barnes x Reader
Hi, friends! I feel like I've been writing a lot of angst and smut lately, so here's a fluffy one! This fic actually made me kinda sad because I wish it was real
Send me your comments, requests, and/or submissions! 🥰
Tag list: @beefybuckrrito @shadytalementality @everything-burns-down @rainbow-unicorn-pony @mandersshow @breakablebarnes @psychoticmason @glxwingrxse @deepsketchsupernaturalcowboy @lonewolf471 @the-gods-gloted-but-they-burned @jamesbarnesjr @duchessoftheheart @dreamerglassesgirl 💘
Bucky rounded the corner into your bedroom in search of his best girl. He knew you were busy preparing for your business trip, but you were so preoccupied with packing that you hadn’t eaten lunch- and Bucky was not going to stand for that. He found you standing next to the bed, your hands working to remove the comforter, sheets, and pillowcases.
“Hey...what are you doing?” he asked with trepidation. A small laugh left your lips as you brought your eyes up to meet his. He stood there in the doorway, looking like he’d stumbled upon a horrible scene. “Um…I’m taking the sheets off the bed”, you laughed, “what does it look like?” His question answered, you continued with your work. The fitted sheet wasn’t budging from one corner of the mattress, and you let out a huff.
“Hey, could you?” you asked, motioning to the mattress. Bucky gave a small nod and moved toward the bed but didn’t pull the sheet free. Instead, he took a seat on the mattress, actively impeding your efforts. “Ugh, Buck, come on!” you teased as you tried to pull the sheet out from under him. He turned to face you, a sad smile on his lips.
“Why are you changing the sheets? I put new ones on only a few days ago”.
Your hands released the fitted sheet, and you circled the bed, coming to a stop in front of him.
“Well, I’m going out of town- I don’t know, I thought it would be nice to make sure you were sleeping on clean sheets before I left. Is that dumb?” you absentmindedly ran a hand through his hair, putting an instant smile on his face. He hummed in approval at your nails lightly scratching across his scalp, and his eyes fluttered shut. He reveled in the feeling for a few moments before opening his eyes again, letting his gaze fall upon you, his best girl. “Not dumb, doll,” he pulled you into his lap, “very sweet, very thoughtful- as always”.
You face rested against his bare chest and took a deep inhale of his cedarwood scent, wishing you didn’t have to go out of town the following day. “I just didn’t want you to change the sheets because they smell like you, and you’re leaving tomorrow," he whispered as he stroked your hair, "I’m gonna miss you is all. Is that dumb?” Your lips pressed light kisses against his scarred skin, trailing from his shoulder to his neck. When your face finally met his, you planted a deep kiss to his lips.
“Not dumb,” you assured him, “fucking adorable”. Before he could catch you, you scrambled out of his lap and made your way around the bed. He watched as you secured the fitted sheet around each corner of the mattress and helped you put the top sheet back in place. “Thanks…” he threw the comforter atop the bed, a shy smile tugging at his lips. His arms wrapped tightly around you and pulled you into his body once more. “So, ya like how I smell, huh?” you teased, and he nodded dramatically. His face was suddenly buried in your neck and he took a deep inhale that instantly warmed his heart.
The two of you let out a collective sigh and you dreaded leaving Bucky for a whole week. “I wish I didn’t have to go…” you groaned, “this trip is stupid and so is my boss”. Bucky’s deep laugh resounded through the room and vibrated beneath your cheek.
“I’m not gonna say I disagree”, he dropped a light kiss against your neck, “But you’ve worked really hard, and I’m so proud of you.” His hand moved slowly up and down the length of your spine in the way he knew you loved, eliciting a quiet sigh. He always knew how to make you feel better.
Part of you wished you could strip the bed and stuff the sheets in your suitcase to bring you some comfort while you were away. Sleeping next to Bucky and rolling around in the soft fabric that smelled like bergamot, cedar wood, and ginger made your heart flutter. A tiny groan left your lips as you thought of sleeping alone in a big, empty bed that didn’t smell like Bucky for a whole week.
“Come on, you still need to eat,” Bucky took your hand in his, “now that you don’t have laundry to do, you’ve got a few free minutes. Let me make you something.” Before you could disagree, he was leading you by the hand into the kitchen. He listened to you gripe about your trip while he made you a sandwich and laughed as you talked shit about your boss. Nothing could make him tear his eyes away from you; he wanted to take in every moment before you boarded your 6am flight and disappeared for a week.
The two of you spent the rest of the day just appreciating your time together. He let you teach him how to use snapchat and he pulled your ass off the couch to dance to some of his favorite records. Around dinner time, you teamed up to make some chicken marsala and a gigantic salad paired with a bottle of your favorite cabernet.
If you hadn’t had plans to leave early in the morning, Bucky would’ve kept you up late. He would’ve spent hours with his face between your legs, showing you just how much he loved you- but he knew you needed to rest. Instead of keeping you up all night, he let you fall asleep early with your head resting on his chest. He gently played with your hair and admired your peaceful expression until he, too, drifted off.
As you scrambled around the next morning, Bucky helped you make sure you had everything you needed. He drove you to the airport and carried your bag to the check-in counter, making sure he got to spend every last second with you. His goodbye kiss was deep and warm- the kind of kiss that said “I miss you already”. He watched you disappear behind the security checkpoint and made his way back to the car alone. His phone buzzed an hour later as he sat on the couch, missing you:
“This is so lame. Hot boyfriends with metal arms should really be allowed on work trips 🙄 I miss you already. We’re about to take off. I’ll call ya when I land, babe. I love you, Barnes 🥰”
He couldn’t help but laugh; one of his favorite things about you was your cheeky sense of humor. Quickly, he fired off a quick response and imagined you smiling as you read it.
“Hot boyfriends with metal arms should absolutely be allowed on work trips- I’ll call HR for you, doll. Have a safe flight. I love you more, sweets”.
After a long, packed flight with no less than ten screaming babies, you arrived at your hotel. Your phone was cradled between your ear and your shoulder as you opened your hotel room door. Bucky listened as you complained about your flight and the traffic and your creepy Uber driver. “I just need to take a shower and lay in bed”, you groaned, “tonight is a room service kind of night”. He heard the sound of your suitcase unzipping and the small gasp that followed.
A folded stack of Bucky’s shirts sat nestled amongst your work clothes and toiletries, accompanied by a note:
“These smell like me- thought you might want a piece of home. Miss you already. -B”
He waited silently for a response and hoped he hadn’t crossed a line by going through your bag. “Is that okay?” his words were shaky and quiet, “I didn’t know if maybe you’d want to sleep in them”. Every time you thought Bucky couldn’t get any sweeter or more thoughtful, he did.
“Buck, oh my god this is-” you paused only to drop your face into the fabric and inhale, “This is perfect- god, I wanna come home”. He chuckled at your exaggeration but heard the tinge of sadness in your voice. He found a slight comfort in knowing that you missed him the way he missed you.
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ahorseofeverycolor · 3 years
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It’s My Little Monday! With...Pocket Pals Baby Dragon Costume & Baby Pink Ember! In the 80s, the ponies had “Pony-Wear”, so you could dress them up in all kinds of costumes and accessories. In this way, they were trying to follow in Barbie’s footsteps where you had dolls but then would like to buy accessory and clothing packs for dress-up fun. It did have a degree of success, and there are lots of outfits out there for adult and baby ponies. The Pocket Pals set (yes a set of outfits too) were little costumes with an (of course) pocket, in which there would be a pom-pom critter themed after the suit. Naturally also...kids would lose the pal, and really...they kinda didn’t look like much of anything because it was 2 small pompoms glued together. This is the Baby Dragon costume, with little hood for pony & a gap for her mane to pop out. Her tail fits in the dragon-tail. HQG1C baby sparkle dragon encourages her to be brave like a dragon too! This is actually a charming little thing. It’s made of woolly kiddy-pjs type material, and the under-tail part being checkered is so old fashion and quaint. (As is the pocket) It is something perfectly suited to the era that makes sense for it to be exactly the way it is. It’s like something grandma would have sewn in that older days. It’s actually very impressive with how fitting it is for ponies of the era and the era itself coming together. That makes it especially interesting to see, and good to collect.
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strawbrygashez · 2 years
Okay time for those headcanons about what Notty & Dude collect!!! I swear this isn’t me just being self indulgent 😬 and uH, I’m excluding their weapons bc thats kinda obvious lol.
Okay, for Nottem. I really like the HC that hes really good at restoring MLPs so that’s one of the things he gets when he’s out is just old my little ponies that are in bad shape :) that and monster high dolls bc they are totally his thing. Fixing those two things up helps him get his mind off things for a bit & calms him down. I think he’s also really good at drawing so He might even do some repaints or customs here and there. He loves fixing up them bc he feels like he’s giving them life again & giving attention to old things ppl don’t like & just toss away. (He doesn’t relate to the unwanted feelings at all and feels pity bc of that. NO WAY)
But besides those two toy lines, I think he has a couple of Gloomy Bears bc Dude gets them offline for him. They just remind Dude of him so much so why not get him a few?? Notty doesn’t really go out of his way to get them for himself though but does love the ones he’s gifted.
And the only other thing I can think of to add at the moment is books! He had one opened in one of his seats in the opening cinematic. I feel like he probably enjoys poetry & horror novels. He might have a few mangas too he got second hand.
For Dude, he definitely has a Krotchy collection going on. Toys, clothes, plushies, posters, whatever he can get his hands on really. He’s accumulated so much of the merch over the years he probably has some stored away bc he just had so much but can get himself to give them away.
Next is VHS tapes & Dvds. This man is barely caught up with the times so sometimes he’ll pop into thrift stores to find movies & shows he can watch in his trailer. He liked older stuff from his childhood anyways so it’s not a big deal to him that he isn’t watching all the new shows. If he wants to try something new he can just pick up random VHS tapes & Dvds and hope their good. I think he gets particularly excited when he finds old western films.
And lastly I REALLY wanna believe he has a interests in aliens. So he definitely picks up alien themed things when he can. He’s not always on the look out for them but idk if he sees a alien themed backpack or blanket he’s like “sick 😎” and gets them. Same with things with that yellow smiley face on them. He gets packs of those stickers to stick everywhere & on Nottem when he isn’t looking :)
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mayz1er · 2 years
17 44 for the ask game
17. an earliest obsession you remember?
my little pony and fnaf. i fucking loved that shit. i was in like grade school drawing shitty gory fnaf art and putting fake blood on my mlp dolls. still enjoy those things to this day actually i rewatch the mlp series and movies at least once a year and kinda got back into fnaf after security breach. a lot more casual now tho!!
44. do you collect anything?
I DO COLLECT THINGS!!!!!! i collect rocks :DD idk man something abt rocks hit differently the ones i like to get the most are ones from beaches or mountains which i rarely go to. i keep some rocks to give to specific friends. also last year i collected sticks and put them in my locker LMAO like i did that and everyone just accepted it as a me thing. i also press flowers when it’s spring and summer or the flowers in my backyard/houseplants however it’s winter and i haven’t gone outside in almost two months so i am v much lacking on my pressed petals.
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hihicecil · 3 years
can. can you please show us your applejack army. sounds fun
Gladly!! Don't judge how fucked some of them look i super need to clean them lol
So I'll go part by part, starting with my plushes
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The ones on the left and the right are just the basic hasbro ones, just one has a hat and the other doesn't. Center is a build-a-bear IIRC. She had a hat but it got all fucked up and lost
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these are my standard G4's, the one on the right is from the 'cutie mark magic' line. left is completely basic standard g4 aj!
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These are my non-brushable figures, including two blind bags and one of those big vinyl collectibles that hot topic had ages ago
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Couple of mcdonalds figures, iirc the rainbow rocks one was a gift bc i never went out of my way to get them so
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my ABSOLUTE BELOVEDS. BEAUTIFUL. JUST. CHEF KISS. MY RETRO AJ'S. G1 and G3. as of right now i only have interest in collecting applejacks if theyre retro. ESPECIALLY variants like have you SEEN columbian applejack?? I'd kill a man for her. Venezuelan aj also is amazing and theres so many yall
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and this is kinda what i consider my most interesting just bc i know fuck all about her. She was listed on ebay iirc as a prototype which i feel was prob a lie but i've been hard pressed to find anything like her. Shes the same size as the fashion ones but she has pink and red in her hair
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anyway i also have a large powerpony of her but im in the middle of customizing her which i'll post when its done but im too lazy to get her out of the garage studio anyway thank you for asking this bc toys are a special interest of mine!! I could talk about pony dolls all day lol
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hueningkai · 3 years
So not sure if I can still send in an ask about toys BUT IF YES CAN I SHARE!?
So my big thing as a kid, it depended haha. Based on my memory, doll wise I was more into bratz dolls? Like legit the fact they had bobble sized heads and they didn't have feet when taking off their "shoes" was so hilarious to me as a kid that made me love them but also the fashion? Amazing, still holds up to this day. Gosh I had so many bratz dolls lol. I had a bratz rock angelz one (it was Sasha, she was my fav) that I lowkey got salty because my friend stole her from me and denied it she ever did :') i had the bratz snow lodge house along with those skating dolls (best doll house ever btw) then I had two sleepover ones. One was cloe and she had the cutest piggy slippers and comfy pj's (it was plaid sweats and a simple white top with a fluffy bathrobe and a matching sleep mask) and another was Sasha again and she was my fancy sleepover one. She came with these fantastic silk floral robes and pj's, she even had the "normal feet" switch so you could have these rose heels or her actual feet. The best part was this cushion that acted as the sparkly powder for you to use and this (overly musky scented) mini perfume like I loved them. I think I may still have them(?) The rest of my collection i sadly sold because I was "too old for dolls" and I kinda regret that because oof. I also had barbie dolls, those ranged from all kinds like I had one that had a washing machine (which fun fact i put actual soap thinking it would make the experience more real. Not a smart idea but lil me was happy lol) and I remember those fashion design line? I wish I could remember the name but it had like a more fancier option of clothes that you could buy to your barbie doll as a whole so it was a clothing line for your dolls. I have to double check this online lol. I also had a few my scene dolls! Also anyone remember soda pop girls? Yeah my shiz. Polly pocket as well! I had so many and even had those tiny ones that were of magnet? (Random side not but anyone else liked chewing on the polly pocket outfits or pretending you had a lip ring using a dolls bracelet or was that just me?)
Outside of dolls, I had quite the my little pony collection. Heck I even had a few playsets! One was a giant castle that was fantastic and another was I belive a bakery? I remember there was this oven that if you out the metal part of the pony a cake would pop up lol. Also sold those. My proudest collection? My littles pet shop lol. I STILL have my original toys (not the playsets sadly) and even own some of the limited figures where you and to send in stickers to get it? One was a ladybug and a Kola if I remember! Other toys included some pokemon ones and I had a very interesting phase of collecting hot wheel cars? Man I had a good collection as well lol.
OF COURSEEEE!! I just hope you see this anon bc I absolutely love the detail here and appreciate you sending it <3333
agreeeeeed. to this day bratz are iconic and had some of the best fashion in the doll market. the detail & accessories... mga know how to accessorise. you had some amazing ones! the rock angelz line is insanely good, I also really loved the pretty in punk line! omg the sleepover ones were adorable. yasmin was my fav btw! the smells yes! gosh they really did so well with bratz. that is sad :( I actually owned a few recently in my collection but sold them for extra money but I am always tempted to collect again. the collector dolls were gorgeous. side note did you ever watch the live action movie?? bc I love it lmao it may not be the best movie ever but it is a guilty pleasure for me for sure
hmmmmm I'm not sure! there's been so many fashion lines and such that I can't think rn what this is !! I might be able to figure it out if you can give me more detail <3 YES SODA POP GIRLS!! very obscure but sooo good, what a fun line !! I used to chew polly pocket clothes but omg wait I think I did that with the bracelets too, they fit perfectly as a ring hahahahaa!!
oooooo sounds like you had either gen 2 or 3? gen 2 and 3 were based around magnetic play a lot of the time !! I have lady cupcake from gen 2 who has a metal magnetic nose which sticks to a cake and makes it pop up. as a child I had the gen 3 bakery and it had the oven with a magnetic piece that popped open to reveal the cake (I have the oven now!) these are my fav gens (gen 2 being my favourite) and I looooved the magnetic play features. I always wanted to own the castle so I am jealous !!
anon I would love to see anything you have esp your littlest pet shops omg! the fact you had the mail in limited ones too ... so cool! wow you've had so many good collections <3
here's a few of my fav g3s that I own in mib packaging. I had star catcher as a child and she was my favourite so I was glad when I got hold of her new in the box hehe!
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( tell me about your childhood toys )
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