#it’s another thing to presume to know what’s going on in the private lives of strangers.
finethingswellworn · 4 months
You know, I think a lot of the toxic parasocial relationships people have with celebrities could be solved if people told themselves this one important thing:
this person seems lovely. The part of them that we get to see publicly seems lovely, anyway. I hope they really are lovely. But I have no fucking idea in reality so I’m going to avoid making wild claims about their personal life.
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
perhaps some angst?? reader and jamie break up but fluff at the end because he wins her back 🥹
I’m sorry this took me so long 😭 Not always the best at writing angst. Thanks for requesting!
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can’t really say i’m enjoying it now
“What the fuck, Jamie,” you say. “What the actual fuck.”
You’re in Richmond’s boot room after training. You’d been upstairs with Rebecca which is a bit of why you’re even in this mess. 
After all, she’s the one who told you he’d changed.
She’s the one who told him to just go for it.
She’s the one who showed you the interview clip.
You might be on the offensive, but Jamie’s on the defensive.
“I don’t get why you’re so fuckin upset, babe,” he shrugs, attempting nonchalance. His eyes, however, are just as fiery as yours. “It’s not that big a deal.”
“Not that big-not that big a deal? Then what is a big deal, Jamie? And don’t ‘babe’ me, you are in absolutely no place to pull that shit after that shit you pulled.”
In another circumstance, that turn of phrase would have made Jamie laugh. Would have made him comment on your command of the English language.
Would have made him kiss you.
Now however, he just throws his hands in the air and says, “It was just an interview. Those are things you say in an interview. ‘Case you forgot, I’m a fucking famous footballer.”
“How can I forget?” you shoot back, arms crossed, “it’s all you ever fucking talk about.”
“At least I’m not a self-absorbed grad student who thinks she’s all that because she ‘makes her own money,’ and ‘has a real job.’” Here Jamie mocks your voice, high pitched and whiny.
All you can see is red. “Damnit Jamie, that is a far cry from telling the entire world about how grateful I am that you decided to date me, and then bragging about how fucking out-of-my-league you are. I’m not some goddamn charity case! And then you had the audacity to make jokes about our private life on live television. Live television, Jamie. Do you know how many people saw that? And are going to see that? It’s not just a joke about yourself anymore. It involves me too.” 
Jamie looks at you, eyes narrowed. He knows he should back down, but he won’t. It’s not in his nature to surrender a fight. “It’s not like anyone’s going to fuckin care, anyway. You’re not even famous, so who gives a shit?”
That catches you off guard. You weren’t famous, that was true, but there were a few more results in a google search of your name these days. Because of Jamie. Some were kind, some were not. 
You knew you had been prickly about it, because you wanted people to know you for you, not as some footballer’s girlfriend. You wanted to be known for your graduate research, for helping people, for something that mattered. 
You had been lashing out as a result, flexing your presumed intelligence in a less-than-graceful manner.
You had seen Jamie bottle up every retort, but now it was all coming out.
He was wrong, but so were you. You know you should back down, but you won’t. It’s not in your nature.
You whisper, “I give a shit, Jamie Tartt. I do. It’s my name but it doesn’t even belong to me anymore. It’s always tied to yours and I can’t get it back.”
You glare at each other in silent anger. The air feels so thick that you could reach out and put a piece in your pocket. There are hot, angry tears in your eyes, and Jamie’s face is red, eyebrows knit together. Your arms are in fists at your sides, and Jamie’s are tightly crossed. Each of you sending the message, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.
Finally Jamie speaks up. “You want your fucking name back?” he asks, far too calmly. “You can have it. We’re done.”
For a moment, all you can hear is roaring in your ears. Then- “Fuck you. Fine. You think I’m a self-righteous bitch? At least I know who I am, and I’m working on it instead of pretending to be something I’m not. Have a nice life, Jamie,” you reply, icy voice cooling the fire in your veins. You turn sharply on your heel and walk out of the boot room. You don’t slam the door. You won’t give him the satisfaction.
Jamie kicks a bench and lets out a single, “Fuck!”
That was three months ago. You booked the first flight you could find back to your parents’ house before you even told them you were coming home for a visit. They were overjoyed to have you, despite the circumstances of your return. 
You managed to keep it together right until the moment you saw your dad’s face at baggage claim, and then you felt everything fall apart. He hugged you as though it was the only thing keeping you from shattering into a million pieces, and you just sobbed.
You spend a month on their couch, slogging through schoolwork and binge-watching tv. Your mom walks with you every morning, claiming she needs someone to keep her from cutting corners. In reality, the fresh air is good for you. She lets you walk in silence, and squeezes your hand the exact moment before a tear falls from your eye.
“He’s just a young man,” she says, “They do dumb things. He’ll learn. I’m sorry he had to learn through you, but you won’t feel this way forever.” 
You tell her once this feels like taking his side. She laughs and says, “Having grace for someone is not the same as taking their side. And anyway, which one of you have I let live in my house for the past three weeks?”
Your dad is less forgiving. You hear your mom talking him out of buying a plane ticket to London. “Violence is not the answer for this,” she says.
You can’t hear your dad’s reply, but it’s something along the lines of “Just wanted to talk to him.”
Your mom laughs. Your dad is downright frightening when he wants to be, violence or no. You catch a snip of “Poor boy, his father- can’t be expected- not excusing-” before you put in some earbuds and slip off to sleep.
Your mom is on your side. She just has the unnerving tendency to understand both sides of an argument. You’re grateful that she doesn’t make any snide comments about Jamie like your sister does, because there’s a part of you that just hurts because that part still loves him, and it feels like slander on his name is slander on yours. 
You try not to note that your name is still inextricably intertwined with his.
Back in Richmond, Jamie is throwing himself fully into football. He doesn’t talk or joke so much anymore, just silently goes through training. He plays better, if anything. He kicks the ball with such precision during matches that the game is won if he’s even remotely near the goal. He is vicious, unforgiving, vengeful toward himself. The team leaves him alone, except Roy and Ted.
Roy still takes him for training every morning and Ted comes over to Jamie’s house with lunch every weekend.
Jamie is still silent.
You spend the next two months in Richmond, trying to make new memories in the places that only remind you of Jamie. It’s almost impossible, because all you can think about is his smile, and how his sharp canines glinted in the light. How his hands would catch your waist and thumbs would draw circles on your hipbones. How he could bring you to tears of laughter in a single sentence or well-timed look.
You’re almost at a point of forgiveness when you see a tabloid. You don’t even register the picture because all you can focus on is the bolded name in the headline. It’s Jamie’s name.
You’re sure it’s about some girl he’s with, because what else would be in a tabloid? You roll your eyes and scoff. Typical. Leave it to him to bounce back. You suppose long-term relationships mean nothing to him.
After that, you stay in your flat. You only leave during times you know are impossible to bump into him. 
Things start to get better. If Jamie’s moved on, so can you. You begin going on runs again. You stop by Mae’s now and again to chat with the regulars. She slips you free chips with a wink and a pat on the hand.
You still think about Jamie. He’s on your mind and you wonder if you’re on his. You remember the tabloid and shake your head.
You’re one semester away from graduating, and your research has started to mean something. You google your name once and see your name in a singular footnote in a research paper you helped write. It’s the first result. You smile. 
You are so close to having your first Jamie-free day. He hasn’t been the first thing on your mind for two days. You don’t have that feeling of falling, or of guilt. It is a beautiful Thursday morning, so you get up, put on your jogging clothes, then head out the door for a run. It’s a little cloudy but you swear that’s the best weather to exercise in. Less sweaty. You are three months out from your breakup and you are beginning to feel joy again. You turn a corner, thinking about a nice coffee, when you ram straight into something warm and solid. You lose your balance, but strong arms reach out to catch you.
“Shit, I’m so sorry!” you cry. “I should have looked where I was-”
Words escape you as you look up into the blue eyes of your rescuer. 
“Hi,” he breathes. “I’ve missed you.”
You’re trapped in his gaze for a minute before-
You’ve stomped on Jamie’s foot. 
“What was that for?” he asks indignantly. 
“Oh I don’t know,” you reply, “maybe for being a complete asshole? It also could be for snogging whatever model you were with in that tabloid? Real stellar move, showing that much remorse. I’m glad it didn’t take long to get over me. Guess the phrase ‘long-term relationship’ means something different to footballers than it does to us little people.”
Jamie opens his mouth, shuts it, then opens it again. 
“Look, you’re right, I’m a fuckin’ arsehole, but what are you talking about? What model?”
You’re a little thrown off by his admission to being an asshole. “What do you mean, ‘what am I talking about?’ I saw your name show up in some headline and you’re only ever in there for some girl, and I get it, it’s fine that you’ve moved on, it just feels really fucking quick.”
Jamie has the audacity to chuckle. “It weren’t about some model. It was about you.”
You go cold. This can’t be happening again. Jamie Tartt, spilling his guts in some sleazy interview, painting you in the worst light.
He sees the look of absolute horror on your face so he hurries on, “Look. You were right. I shouldn’t’ve said what I did. But I did, and I can’t take it back. So I’m doing me best to make it right. It were about a tv interview where they asked about you, and I said we’d broken up. Told them I was a complete prick about everything and I let you slip through my fingers.” For the first time, you take a good look at Jamie’s face. He looks truly awful. Hair floppy (and not in a good way), bloodshot eyes, dark circles. 
He continues, “I know I shouldn’t have been a prick about being famous. It’s just, I get in me fuckin’ head about shit like this. Did the same thing with Keeley. Got scared of something real and knew I’d fuck it up eventually, so I thought I might as well get it over with. And anyway, you’re way out of my league. Figured I might as well let you go before you figured it out. I’ve been- I’ve been getting better. Less dick-like. You can ask anyone, Roy, Coach, whoever. I’m really trying, here. And I know I fucked things between us, and you don’t have to forgive me, but I’m just trying to be better for me and whoever fucking has to put up with me next.” 
You have no words. All you can do is stare at him. You hear your mom’s voice saying, “He’s just a young man. He’ll figure himself out.”
You hear Keeley saying, “he’s grown so much, really, he almost isn’t even the same person anymore.”
You hear Rebecca, as you sat in her office right before Jamie asked you out, telling you, “He’s a shockingly fast learner. Only has to be told something once, and it’s in his head forever. Give him a chance.”
You open your mouth and what comes out is: “I’m sorry too.”
Jamie looks just as shocked that you said that as you are, but you keep going. “My mom talked to me a lot about- about deciding what you can forgive. And I guess, I know I wasn’t blameless. I pushed you away on purpose, and I was aware of every single word that I said that hurt you. She also talked about ‘age-appropriate mistakes.’ She said both you and I made them, and that doesn’t mean I should take you back but that I should at least consider forgiveness. It’s easy to forget that we’re really young, you know? We both have a lot of responsibility, and I forget that it’s ok if we make mistakes. And you being you, your mistakes are more public. I- I needed to figure out if I could deal with it or not. I’m still not sure if I can. I don’t want my life to be on display.”
Jamie nods, expression intent. You take a breath and then continue. “But I guess that I need to figure out which I want more. Privacy, or you. I mean, if that’s even something you want.”
Jamie’s eyes have never left your face. He says, “Always knew I liked your mum,” and then he’s pushing a strand of hair our of your eyes, hesitantly, giving you time to pull away.  
You don’t.
You let him run his fingers through your hair.
You let him kiss you, softly.
You let him back into your life.
I missed you, he had said.
You pull back, smiling. “By the way, I missed you too.”
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Service Fee
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Llewyn Davis X F!Reader • Rating: 18+ pals Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? | request info • Kinktober 2023 Masterlist • Day 3: Exhibitionism
Summary: Jerry offers Llewyn money to watch him and you fuck.
A/N: Llewyn and reader are in a realtionship. So Llewyn kinda realises he's into someone watching him. (martymachlia). Also $500 in 1961 is about $5134.21 today. This was so much more difficult that I thought it would be.
Warnings: martymachlia, exhinitionism , p in v sex, cream pie, hand on throat, cum eating, oral sex (f! receiving), fingering, being 'paid' for sex, typos, please let me know if I've missed a warning!
Word Count: 3035
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This was a bad idea. This was a bad idea, this was a bad idea, this was a fucking bad idea.
Llewyn hadn’t been drunk when the idea, business deal, had been proposed. But he had been a little tipsy, pleasantly buzzed. Enough to make him think, ‘fuck it, sure $500 for thirty minutes and an orgasm?’ He’d be an idiot not to, right? 
Jerry, some friend of a friend of a work colleague of Marty’s, had bought him the drinks. Presumably to butter him up to what he was about to ask. 
It seemed that Jerry got off to watching other people go at it. In the flesh. Like a horny theatre performance. 
He had brought up the subject of porn during their conversation in such a subtle way that LLewyn hadn’t really noticed until they were well into the discussion. 
“I mean, everyone enjoys a bit of x-rated content from time to time, wouldn’t you say?” Jerry spoke with a deep voice that was like a snake charmer, easing Llewyn into agreement without a second thought. 
“I like watching, I need it right there in front of me. Like a sports game, always better seeing it live right?” He had laughed. “Used to just watch people get off on their own, but I tell you, there’s something about seeing  a couple really go to town on each other.” 
What really could you say to that? “Sure,” Llewyn answered, two too many shots down. 
“I used to pay hookers you know, for a show? But it’s just not the same. No offence to the professionals, but I need at least one of them to not be... overly performing if you get my drift.” 
Llewyn nodded.
“I still pay, of course, gotta pay people for their time.” 
“Of course.” Llewyn took another shot. 
“$500 a time, for a couple. $400 for two strangers. Couples are just better.” He shrugged. 
Llewyn’s ears perked up.“$500?”
“Hmm.” Jerry smiled, sickeningly sweet and took a slip of his hardly touched beer. “Cash.” 
Now, in the cold light of day, or more accurately, the cold dark of three hours later, with his pleasant buzz gone, Llewyn knew he had been gently coaxed into asking the question.  
He had practically stumbled over his words in his rush to explain to you. “$500, for like thirty minutes. $500!”
You had stared at him uncertainly. “Llewyn-”
“No, no, I checked. It’s in this club, The Deep, private room, it has like a viewing mirror thing so he can see us, we can’t see him. Only us fucking, nothing we don’t normally do.”
You chewed your bottom lip, it wasn’t like the money would be unwelcome. “He knows Marty?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“This isn’t... illegal is it?” 
“No, no, the club it’s like, people go there to do all kinds of stuff, we wouldn’t be getting paid to have sex... just Jerry would give us a gift... after. A thank you.” 
“Does he... want anything particular?” 
“Just for me to cum in you.” Llewyn shrugged, still a little too tipsy to not feel inebriated. “Like we normally do.” He nuzzled into your shoulder and you paused, looking over the slight flush on his skin. 
“How much did you have to drink?” 
Jerry had met you outside the club, paying your fees to get in. The bouncers greeted him by name. 
“What the fuck are we doing here?” Llewyn whispered into your ear as you both entered.
You glared at him. “Llewyn, this was your fucking idea.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He muttered as you followed Jerry. Llewyn kept his arm wrapped protectively around your shoulders.
“You’re not getting stage fright, are you?” You teased, trying to downplay your own anxieties. 
He gave you a look. 
The room was surprisingly nice. Clean and well kept. 
Llewyn sat gingerly on the bed.
“Well, I’ll let you two get started.” Jerry smiled, somehow the expression didn’t come off as creepy. “When the green light comes on,” he pointed to a small bulb above the massive wall mirror next to the bed. “Feel free to start.” He moved to the door. 
“Wait, erm,” you paused. “Can you hear as well?” 
Jerry’s smile widened and he nodded. “Of course.” He closed the door behind him. 
Okay, that smile was a little creepy.
You bite your lip nervously as you look at the door.
“We don’t have to do this, you know?” Llewyn made you jump lightly as he wrapped his arms around you, pressing his chest into your back. 
You lean against him, “I know,” and sigh. “$500 though...”
He chuckles as he kisses your neck, his beard scraping softly at your skin. “$500.” He echoes. 
You nod and turn to face him, pressing a light kiss to his lips. “$500.” You repeat again. “Let’s get it over with.”
“Never have more romantic words been said.” He teases and you swat at him playfully. 
“You know what I mean.” 
“I don’t know... gotta woo me first.”
“I have to woo you?”
“Hmm.” He smiles broadly, running his hands down to your waist and swaying ever so slightly with you. His half hard cock brushes against your thigh.
“You know what?” 
“I think you might be into this Llewyn Davis.” 
“What?” He chuckles. 
“Being watched,” you tease, your voice low. “I think part of you likes it.” 
“And why is that?” He leans closer kissing along your jaw. 
“Why do you think?” 
“I always get like this around you.” He murmurs.
“Hmm.” You don’t sound very convinced. 
“It’s true,” he continues kissing down your neck only to stop and suck on your pulse point. “You could say ‘get hard’ and I would.” 
Your giggle turns into a moan as he bites lightly at your skin and walks you backwards to the bed. Gently pressing you down when the mattress hits the back of your thighs and moving his hips between your legs. 
He kisses you languidly, almost soothingly sweet in the way he caresses your lips with his. He doesn’t deepen the kiss, shying away ever so slightly every time you try to as he grinds his rapidly hardening length against your centre.
“Llewyn,” you groan in frustration as his lips dance away from you again, grabbing hold of the back of his curls and forcing his mouth against yours. 
He chuckles darkly but licks into your mouth. Finally indulging you.
His hands run down your ribs, stopping at your waist to just inch under your shirt. There’s a hunger in his movements, the force that he grinds against you, how his teeth lightly nip and bite at your bottom lip that’s different. Not unwelcome, just unusual. Slightly out of character for Llewyn’s normal style. 
He kisses down to your jaw, his beard tickling your skin as he sucks a love bite into your neck and starts to hurriedly unbutton your shirt. His breathing quick and urgent.
The way he grinds against you, the outline of his hard cock rubbing against your core, sends sparks of pleasure up your spine. 
He fumbles with the last two buttons on your top as he scrapes his teeth over your jaw and in annoyance he simply pulls the material, ripping the offending things off and sending them flying across the room. 
“Llewyn,” you begin to chastise, but his lips are on yours again as he whines into your mouth. 
“Sorry, sorry, just need you so bad.” He hooks his hands under your knees, spreading you wider as he kisses the tops of your breasts.
Out of the corner of your eye you notice the green light has come on. 
Yeah, okay. He was really into this. 
“Need you so fucking bad, baby.” He mutters under his breath and you’re not sure if he even realises he’s talking anymore. 
You squirm against him as he pinches your left nipple through the fabric of your bra and bites at the other, sucking and licking at it like he’s never seen them before. His salvia sinks into the lace, spreads across the material as he moans and ruts against you. 
There’s a tight heat building in your belly, fire that is being stoked higher and higher with every grind of Llewyn’s hips and drag of his cock. The zip on his fly presses firmly against your clit and you gasp, sinking your fingers into soft curls as you press up against him. 
He growls, momentarily rocking against you harder before he pulls you into sitting up by your arms. 
You open your mouth to speak, but he’s all over you again, kissing your lips and neck and pulling you out of your top and unclasping your bra. 
“You’re wearing too many fucking clothes.” He snarls and bites hard at your neck, groaning when you cry out and wrap your arms around his shoulders. 
As he sucks another messy love bite into your skin and his nimble fingers undo your trousers, pulling his mouth away from you for just a second so that he can pull them down. 
You lean back, helping him to undress you as best you can. There’s an unfamiliar spark of excitement in your chest. Seeing him like this, so close to losing his usual calm control makes heat rise to your face and wetness soak into your panties. 
He didn’t think he’d be quite so into this. Llewyn kisses you hard, sliding his tongue into your mouth for a moment before he pulls your underwear down and throws it to the side. In fact, just a few minutes ago he was pretty sure he was going to have a problem performing. But now, god, if he didn’t hear you moan his name in the next minute he was going to burst a blood vessel. 
There was something about it, something about knowing that Jerry could see you but couldn’t touch you. That you were all his, his his. Just brought him close to insanity. 
He grabs you around the back of your neck a little harshly as he kneels between your open legs and pulls you back towards him. He kisses you deeply again, hungrily swallowing down your every breath as if it was his only source of oxygen. 
Without giving you any warning he plunges two fingers into your folds and presses against your walls. 
You gasp, breaking the kiss and Llewyn pumps his hand quickly, using his thumb to circle your clit as you cry out and grasp at his shoulders. Pleasure burning along your veins.
His name falls from your lips in a high-pitched rush of breath and he moans, sinking his teeth into your shoulder and using his other hand to press against your upper back to keep you as close as physically possible. 
“Llewyn, shit,” you moan, your words catching in your throat as he adds a third finger and fucks you hard. Pumping in and out of you, the sound of your slick echoing obscenely as he groans. 
All you can do is cling on for dear life as he plunges deeper, stroking your walls and clit in a perfect unison. 
“Want you to cum so hard you gush all over the sheets baby,” he growls in your ear. “Want you to fucking soak my hand with it.”
You clenched down on him at his words, your eyes screwed shut as you gasped. He was never normally this vocal, never spoke to you like this and, god, if it didn’t make your head spin. 
“Fuck, need to taste you.” He pushes you down flat on your back forcefully and dives between your legs, flicking his tongue over your clit and moaning against you. 
You cry out, grabbing hold of the bedsheets and then whining as he pulls his fingers out, shoving them into his mouth. You look up quick enough to just see his eyes rolling back into his head, how he rocks his hips against the mattress. 
Then his mouth is back on you, his hands pressing against the inner of both your thighs to stretch you impossibly wide as he curls his tongue between your folds. 
You cry out his name in gasped pleasure. The burn of his beard scraps against your clit as he rolls his tongue and chin up through your folds to your bundle of nerves and then back down again, repeating the action twice before he firmly dives in and presses the bridge of his nose against you. 
Heat coils tightly in your lower belly, beating out from your centre as he groans loudly with every lick and thrust of his tongue. His salvia and your slick mixing and coating his skin. 
It’s too much, the onslaught of sensation suddenly overwhelming as he pushes your right to the edge in a rush. 
“Gonna cum,” you manage to sob out, pulling at his curls to warn him, but he just growls against you and fucks you harder with his tongue. 
Lights explode behind your eyes as your orgasm overtakes you, spills out of you in a wave as pleasure sings across every part of you. 
LLewyn flicks his tongue against your clit, pressing hot and wet against it to stretch out your bliss for longer as you sob and writhe under him. 
Your slick soaks into him, creamy and sweet as you cum. 
He laps at you thrice before sitting up hurriedly, unbuckling his belt and unzipping his jeans just enough to pull out his aching cock. He pumps himself twice in a rush, his eyes glazed over and dark as he looks at you naked and blissed out under him. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he grabs hold of your thigh harshly and pulls you wider. “You made such a mess, fuck.” He pushes forward, notching the tip of his fat needy cock at your entrance and thrusting in without a second thought. 
You gasp in surprise at the sudden intrusion, despite your orgasm and how thoroughly he fucked you with his fingers the stretch of him is still a shock. 
You grab hold of his arms as he bottoms out, snapped out of your post-orgasmic haze. He kisses you roughly, pushing his tongue into your open mouth and demanding your submission as he bends his body over yours. He snaps his hips forward, drinking down your cry as he bottoms out. The burn of him is delicious, hitting so deep, deeper than he ever has before and your back arches up from the bed as you cling onto him. 
You swear between kisses, sob out his name as he starts to thrust harshly into you, pulling pleasure from every nerve with each snap of his hips. 
“That’s it, baby, fuck, that’s it.” He leans up, rutting so hard that he’s sliding you back with every buck. 
“Llewyn, oh my god, please!” You can’t get any other words out, all thoughts dissolving into an incoherent mess as he keeps hitting so deep, as he fucks you into the mattress. 
He bites his lip, his hips moving of their own accord as he chases his high, needing to cum so deeply within you that you’ll be feeling it for weeks. Quickly he sits further up, pressing firmly on your clit with his thumb as he pushes you closer to your second orgasm, demanding you cum and milk his cock for everything he’s going to give you. 
His other hand snakes down to your chin, holding your jaw and neck possessively for a moment before he pushes his thumb against your lips. 
Your eyes widen in surprise at first as his palm presses against your windpipe, not enough to cut off your air, just a dominating hold. But you moan as you open your mouth and flick your tongue against the pad of this thumb. 
Llewyn growls and pushes it in deeper, groaning as you suck on it. Revelling in the way your eyebrows pinch together, how your eyes soften and gaze over as you give into him completely. 
The control makes his head spin and dick swell. He swears under his breath and pinches lightly at your clit as his balls draw up. You squirm and cry out around his thumb, your legs shaking and tensing on either side of his. The thick denim of his jeans rubbing your inner thighs red. 
You cum suddenly, the force of it creeping up on you as it blooms throughout your core, practically forces your back off the bed as you scream silently. 
LLewyn pulls his thumb from your mouth and ruts into you harder, punching the air out of your lungs with the force of his hips as he groans and pumps thick, hot cum inside of you. His orgasm is so strong that he nearly blacks out for a second. 
He catches himself, his hand by your head as he breathes and recovers. It’s only then he notices the tears in your eyes. And a sharp pang of guilt cuts through his chest. 
You grab hold of him and pull him down against you, kissing him hard and moaning softly as aftershocks of your orgasm flow across your veins. 
“Fuck,” you nuzzle against him, whispering against his ear. “I don’t think I’ve ever cum so hard.” 
He leans up to look at you, a small smile on his lips. “You okay?” He keeps his voice low and you nod. 
“More than okay.” 
The smile grows. 
“Can’t believe you kept your clothes on,” you grin, “you’re all sweaty.” 
LLewyn snorts and kisses you softly. “I didn’t have time.” 
He helps you get dressed, your legs feeling boneless in the aftermath of your orgasm. He uses your brief weakness to his advantage and pins you back against the bed, cleaning the mess he made between your legs with his tongue until you’re a shaking begging heap. Your third orgasm is weaker than the previous two, but sweet nonetheless. 
Jerry meets you both outside the room, a flush to his face. He gives you an envelope containing the $500, plus a $50 tip for ‘such a good show’, as well as his card, ‘if ever you’d both be interested in a repeat performance.’ 
LLewyn’s face betrays nothing, but he squeezes your hip eagerly at the suggestion. 
Thank you for reading! I'm not doing my normal tag list for kinktober as to not overwhelm anyone, please let me know if you'd like to be added/taken off.
@flightlessangelwings @steven-grants-world @lonelyisamyw-0love @eyelessfaces @angel-of-the-moon
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fastcardotmp3 · 8 months
stobin on the run; ronance; background steddie; 1k words
After everything, after Vecna, after the Gates close, Robin is never quite able to let go of Starcourt.
None of them are, to a certain extent, but the particular way Robin Buckley clings to Russian conspiracies and the fear of what it would mean for her and her friends if they ever decided they weren't done with those kids who knew just a little too much, is actually dangerous.
She keeps an eye on things, learns Russian for real, never really lets go of the paranoia that any drink she doesn't make herself might be spiked, might be the one that takes her down long enough for her to end up in another cell with no windows and no hope for getting out.
It's dangerous because she's smart.
It's dangerous because of how damn close she gets.
When Agent Stinson shows up on her doorstep and tells her its not safe for her to remain where she is, living the life she's leading, her initial response is to tell her to go fuck herself. Robin hasn't been safe since 1985. Robin hasn't been safe since long before then either, given Steve's stories, given El's.
But the fact of the matter is she's something of a national security risk. The binders tucked under false bottomed drawers in her and Steve's apartment are borderline treasonous.
When Agent Stinson says, "you're not safe," she means from their own government as much as an enemy one, and that?
Well, that earns a different response.
It doesn't feel obvious to her that Steve would come with her when she runs.
He's built a life here in Indianapolis, a job he likes painting houses and a burgeoning relationship with the guy they both came to adore while waiting by his hospital bedside, but when she reflects upon this out loud he gets more angry than he's ever been.
Not loud, but mad all the same, that she'd ever presume to leave him behind when her life was in danger.
So Steve comes.
They're in Scotland first, the quickest flight they were able to get seats on after driving themselves to Canada, and then Italy for a while. They jump below the equator to Argentina and then even lower to Australia.
They see the world. They leave their lives behind. They leave their people too.
And it hurts. It hurts to be hunted by the government they've covered for their entire adult lives. It hurts because of how unsurprising it is.
It hurts to be lonely for no reason other than knowing too much.
It hurts enough to, one day, embrace the danger again.
One day isn't today.
One day isn't the day Nancy Wheeler's phone call doesn't get picked up.
At twenty-seven years old, Nancy has essentially spent a decade working in journalism.
At twenty-seven years old, she's deep into burnout over the frustration of impeding bureaucracy and she's talking with Robin on the phone every other day about how she's going to come join them in Indy and learn to paint or something instead.
She's talking with Robin on the phone every other day.
And then Robin doesn't pick up one afternoon.
And then she gets a call from Eddie.
Nancy resigns from her job at the Boston Globe the same day, hangs up her credentials, and makes that trip to Indy followed immediately by a trip to Hawkins because two of their friends are missing and in their experience? That can't mean anything good.
It becomes clear within a week that this isn't going to be an easy solve. A week of sleeping in her childhood bedroom and watching Eddie spiral and listening to Dustin and Erica go on tangent after tangent about all their various theories, hiding genuine terror underneath all their bickering.
It becomes clear in a month that this is going to require different skills than any of them have, and Nancy drives her car through the night to end up crashing in a bunker where she learns all the ins and outs of private investigation from a man with about twelve different identities should he need them.
Sam Owens went off the radar years ago.
Anyone who worked at Hawkins Lab all but doesn't exist anymore.
It's a hard fucking thing to solve and all the while Nancy carries those phone calls in her back pocket, because she knows Robin wouldn't just leave, not from the way they spoke with each other.
Robin laughed with Nancy.
She was so eager to share stories about her day that she would leave lengthy messages on Nancy's machine. She was so eager to hear Nancy's own stories that she would stay on the phone while making dinner at risk of burning the house down.
She spoke quiet and earnest into the dead hours of the night, the cresting of a rising sun. She told Nancy about everything they'd do when Nancy finally took a break from the job that was making her miserable and how they would find her something fun. Something just fun, Nance, I swear, we're gonna get you hobbies.
Robin wouldn't just leave.
But if she had to? If she had no other choice? Nancy knows Steve would go with her.
It takes three years in the end, and Nancy's half convinced the two of them got sloppy on purpose, caught back in the Americas with a trip to Mexico and a reused passport, and Nancy is dragging Eddie out of his head and onto a plane before she can fully explain that it's mostly a gut thing.
The trail she's been chasing? Seeing them in it even if they're not there? It's entirely a gut thing, which is why it's only Eddie she drags with her, it's only Murray she allows to know where they're going in case it goes wrong.
It's only her head she lets believe it, because she doesn't think her heart will survive another loss like this.
She dreams sometimes at night, of an amused voice teasing in her ear, tinny over the phone lines but so vastly real.
She lets her head believe it on the plane, on the cab ride, on the bus ride, on the walk down a long rural road out to a little house in the desert with a fence and a mailbox painted yellow.
She lets her head believe it when she watches the twitch of a curtain from inside.
She only lets her head believe it, and that's a lie she only realizes was a lie when Robin Buckley steps out onto the porch with Steve at her shoulder and the world stops.
Nancy Wheeler's knees almost give out from under her when those freckled cheeks plump up with the hint of a smile.
When she gets her arms around her, a hand across shaved down and dark-dyed hair, a word over the top about you're okay, you're okay, you're alive--
When Nancy breathes again, it's with the beat of a heart that knows it's not this easy.
But for a moment? She's dreaming in a lonely Boston apartment all over again.
For a moment, she's making plans.
She really does intend to stick to them this time.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 6 months
Thoughts on Last Twilight Ep. 5
Okay so a tell tale sign of a really good show for me is when I am rendered incapable of talking about it, which is why you’ve never seen a single analysis of I Told Sunset About You or I Promised You the Moon out of me, because if I think about that show too hard the bees return to my brain. And I’m having that problem with Last Twilight too where my chest feels absolutely bursting with feelings but I do not know that I am capable of writing anything about this show that is structured or coherent without prompting. So, here’s some incoherent ramblings I guess. 
First off, Aof is fucking brilliant and I am really desperately in love with the way that Mhok and Day just so beautifully complement each other/round each other out. I love that they have two completely disparate backgrounds and yet they can relate to one another so well. 
Mhok was literally imprisoned, and with the ankle monitor and very likely under some form of house arrest or curfew. Mhok walked through the world after his release from prison completely branded as a criminal, and unable to maintain his career because people always took him at face value. Day lost his career because of his blindness, and then willfully imprisoned himself in his own room because of how heavily he was grieving. 
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Mhok knows what it is like to be looked at and judged, and I really loved earlier on in the show how confused he was at why Day would be bothered by that, presumably because he got used to being stared at himself. And I love that Mhok learned his lesson about that by trying to understand Day in a way no one has really taken the time to do for Mhok himself. I love that Mhok is able to take his own experiences of being stared at as a comparison for what it is like to not know if you are being looked at and judged. 
Rung lost her life, and that has fundamentally impacted Mhok and Mhok’s relationship to his sister. Similarly, Day lost (or at least thought he lost) the life he had which has fundamentally impacted himself and his relationship to Night. I don’t know that I have enough information yet to definitively declare how Rung’s death has impacted Mhok’s behavior and approach to life, but I do like to think that Mhok’s experience around Rung’s death, the fact he wasn’t there for her, the fact that he had to go through his first year of life without her imprisoned, may have been a contributing factor to how and why Mhok is so determined to get Day to live his life again. 
I don’t know, I was just thinking about Mhok’s suggestion that Day does his normal thing and goes to Gee’s game immediately following a conversation about Rung’s death and how he thought he would be able to make her False Rice again some day, just felt so clarifying to me as to how and why Mhok approaches Day the way he does. Because Day and Mhok both understand the meaning of “I thought I had more time” so well, for such fundamentally different reasons. 
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gif by @casualavocados
I love that Mhok is starting to open up more to Day. Which, when you think about it, Mhok has been pretty private about his life despite knowing so much about Day’s life right out of the gate. I personally read this as a strong indicator for Mhok’s feelings for Day and how he is making a concerted effort to move from caretaker to lover. And there are so many fun layers to that relationship because their current relationship is not balanced. There is a bidirectional imbalance in the caretaker and client relationship. Mhok has power over Day’s daily life and if he wanted to he could have radically more control over Day’s autonomy. As Day’s caregiver, Mhok inherently has access to much more personal information about Day than Day would have for Mhok. Yet Day is still his employer, still his boss, working for Day is still what pays Mhok’s bills. So in order to sort of bridge that divide, Mhok needs to start working to shift their balance. Mhok already balances the physical caretaking elements of his relationship to Day rather well, and has let Day determine what he can do on his own and what he needs help with, so he isn’t stripping Day of his autonomy. 
If Mhok really wants a chance with Day, then the needs to reciprocate the personal information, and I love how smoothly everyone handled the scene. I think Sea did a phenomenal job with how he had Day react to Mhok’s story, as if some things started clicking in to place for him. Day and Mhok have never talked about Mhok’s background, at most Day has brushed aside the information about Mhok having assault charges. I don’t know yet that Day understands just how much Mhok is capable of relating to Day’s feelings and experiences, because he’s been so busy in the past few episodes focusing on how much Mhok is incapable of relating to Day’s feelings and experiences. 
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I am not the first, nor will I be the last person to say that I loved the allusions to Day and Mhok’s relationships to their siblings. Once again there is some commonality between them there, in that their relationships are complex. We currently have a very limited view of Rung. As far as we know she was ambitious and hopeful, and then she hit a really bad low after her nail salon failed and ultimately completed suicide. We haven’t seen any indication from flashbacks or the like of Rung’s flaws, we haven’t actually seen her fail Mhok, or be heartless to Mhok. Yet Mhok agrees with Day’s initial comment that the hydrangeas means heartless. Because Mhok is still mad at Rung for leaving him, he is still stuck in his grief. We haven’t seen him put in any time or effort to process his own pain, instead Mhok is doing what grieving people do, and helping someone else instead. 
I am sure Rung was not a perfect person, I am hoping we get more flashbacks of her and get to see more of her flaws, more of the relationship she and Mhok actually had. I am hoping we get a change for Day to help Mhok navigate his own pain, just like Mhok has been helping Day. But it was certainly interesting to see the parallels between Day saying that Mhok has fallen for Night’s act, thinking him nice while Mhok has associated his sister with heartlessness. 
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gif by @casualavocados
And I don’t know that I have the energy to get in to it right now in any further detail (hey look at me, trying to keep things short), but I do just want to acknowledge the fact that Mhok has really committed to giving Day as much of a sensory experience as he can. When Mhok took Day out on the practice date, he wore perfume so Day could smell him (and as an aside I love that Mhok puts effort in to making himself look good even though Day can’t see him). When Mhok took Day out on the walk to cheer him up, he brought him to a bridge on a public road, where there are sounds, and there is a fence that Day can feel; he brought him to a flower shop where Day can smell and feel the flowers and where there are bright colors that might register within Day’s limited vision. 
Mhok was constantly touching Day in so many different ways. Casual/platonic touch when he’s performing his duties as caregiver; quickly and playfully when he’s trying to get Day to chase him; heavily and intentionally when he’s both comforting Day and when he’s turning up the charm. One of my favorites is honestly the moment that Day lets his fingers curl around Mhok’s hand when Day switches to using August as a guide. 
Anyway, I love this show so much, it is quickly climbing the ranks to become one of my favorites of 2023.
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mikhailwrites · 5 months
Waiting for Connection 12 / Ghost x Soap
Ghost is retired and plays milsim videogame. Soap is still in the force and sometimes plays that same videogame...
Sorry, I forgot to upload it here, too! On the other hand, that means less waiting time for another chapter for you!
Previous chapter | AO3
Ghost returns home, but it’s different now. Too quiet.  Too barren. He’s never noticed before. Didn’t have any point of reference. He does now. Stripey brushes against Simon’s legs, and the man bends down to scratch the cat behind the ear. “You liked him, mate?”
Ghost has no idea what that means. Simply takes it as ‘yes’ and smiles.
He takes out his phone, an old, cheap thing he barely ever uses. Hits the redial. There’s only a handful of numbers on the phone, even less so in the call history.
He hears the phone ring, and then there’s a click. “Simon?” It sounds a little confused, which is hardly surprising. Ghost is very much not the bloke that would simply call to ask how’s life.
“Gaz… What am I doing?” Simon crosses the room slowly, sinking on the futon he hasn’t yet bothered to magick back into the sofa.
“Have I ever seemed clairvoyant to you, mate?” Gaz chuckles. There’s some rustling in the background. Presumably, Gaz is moving into some more private space.
Ghost chuckles back. “Guess not.”
“Guess again,” Gaz deadpans, “how were the pints with MacTavish yesterday?”
“What? How the fuck…?” Ghost frowns, not even trying to hide his surprise.
“I can’t answer that question,” Kyle utters the line that all SAS know better than their own names. Burned on the back of their minds, etched in their muscles. Tattooed with invisible ink all over their bodies.
It’s an answer and not an answer at the same time. With a single line, Kyle has confirmed that he’s close to Soap without betraying anything. His commanding officer, most likely, and isn’t that hilarious?
“It was fine. I’ve let him crash at my place,” Simon volunteers a bit of intel in exchange.
“Really? Just like that? Back when you still served, nobody except Price even knew where you were living.”
“I didn’t want any bloody Christmas cards,” Simon tries to deflect with a joke.
Gaz lets it go. It’s an ancient history by now, and there are more pressing matters he’s interested in, anyway. “I hope you haven’t crashed him on the first date; that would be ruthless even for you,” Kyle’s smirk can be heard in his voice, but there’s an underlying tone of seriousness, too.
Ghost groans, frustrated. With himself, mostly. “No, of course not. I’m not an idiot. But…”
“But you thought about it, haven’t you?”
That man knows him way too well. Dangerously so. Of course, he thought about it. The face, the body, the way John moved, self-assured, a little cocky, not bothering to conceal what he is. And then the talking, the flirting. Especially the flirting. Without that, Simon would’ve been fine. Mates. Friends. Whatever. Simple, safe. Well, think again. Fuck! “Yeah, I did. And I feel like a bloody cradle-snatcher for it.”
Gaz snorts. “He ain’t that young, and you ain’t that old, Ghost. You know what he does for a living and how it is, so I’m gonna save my breath and spare you the lectures. Have fun, Simon.”
As if he needs the lectures. “That’s all?”
“Does it even matter what I say, Ghost? It’s not life or death business. You’re both adults, if not entirely reasonable. As long as your thing doesn’t fuck up my thing, we’re good.”
“You didn’t really help me, you know,” Simon notes bemusedly.
“If you wanted a voice of reason, I’m afraid you didn’t call the right number. I guess Laswell’s would be what, two numbers down?”
“Well, there you go.”
“Thank you, Kyle,” Simon sighs.
“Anytime, mate. And show the kid some neat tricks while you’re at it, will you?”
“I have no idea what kept Price from strangling you,” Simon huffs a laugh.
“My charming personality, obviously,” there are some muffled voices in the background then. “Gotta run, duty calls and all that. Just… enjoy the life a little, old man.”
“Is that an order?”
“Might as well make it one. Cheers, Ghost.”
Ghost lets himself fall back, sprawling on the futon. Stripey is with him and subsequently on him the next second, stepping on Simon’s chest before he lies down. Kyle was right. If Ghost wanted a voice of reason, Gaz wasn’t exactly the right person to call.
So, if he’s read the situation right, and would like to take it further, what would the next step be?
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dreamsinger-rose · 5 months
Musings about Trolls Band Together
Secrets, Timelines, and Why In The Heck Would Branch’s Brothers Leave Him To Die At The Claws of the Bergens?!
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Hello, good readers! Now that I’ve seen Trolls Band Together, I’m going to start making some new blog posts about our favorite Broppy couple and exploring the world of the trolls in general. Needless to say, this is basically going to be all spoilers, so read only if you don’t mind knowing ahead of time everything that happens in this deeply-satisfying, long-awaited backstory of a movie 😊
The first thing that comes to mind is that when John Dory, Branch’s long-lost brother, first appears, Poppy asks her father if he knew about Branch’s brothers. Looking guilty, he deflects her question. “How would I know anything about secret family members?” Obviously he was also talking about Poppy’s similarly long-lost sister, Viva, but as the troll who was king at the time Branch’s brothers presumably lived in the troll tree, I think he did know.
Maybe he kept quiet because he or Grandma Rosiepuff decided not to keep upsetting him with talk of the brothers who left. Maybe little Branch himself asked him never to mention them again, once he was sure they were never coming back. Or maybe Peppy and Branch did occasionally talk about them in private, but if so, they obviously never told anyone else, not even Poppy.
After World Tour, I suspect Peppy knows a LOT more than he’s ever told his young daughter, in order to let her stay happy. Now that we know there’s an even bigger world out there, full of other societies than trolls and bergens, it’s obvious that he wanted the village to be this idyllic place where his trolls could live innocent, happy lives. I can’t blame him for that. I’m sure they all needed the chance to heal after the trauma the bergens inflicted on them. They needed to feel safe. It seems to have worked, at least for the younger trolls who’ve never known anything else. I have to wonder how many older trolls are more like Branch, hiding emotional scars deep inside.
I also wonder about the brothers’ origins. WERE they all originally troll-tree trolls? If so, did they grow up under the bergen threat, or had the bergens not started eating trolls at the time the brothers left? I got the impression that Trollstice had been happening for years. Yet I find it hard to believe that if they were going to leave, that they’d leave Bitty B in such a dangerous situation. Not after how they greeted him with such (adorable, heartwarming) affection the minute they saw him again.
So it makes more sense that they would have left Branch at the tree before the bergens came along. That would make an awfully short amount of time for Trollstice to become the “tradition” Poppy describes it as in the first movie. Then again, considering the ratio of bergens to trolls in the first movie, if every bergen got to eat a troll once a year, that would mean dozens of trolls would have been lost every single year, enough to decimate the population in a very short time. Peppy escaped with roughly only a hundred trolls, as far as I could tell. Viva rescued maybe another 30(?) Mostly children, by the look of them. Enough for them grow up and create a second generation by the time Band Together starts.
I wish we knew how many trolls there had been originally. Tiny as trolls are, a tree the size of the troll tree should have been able to host at least 500 trolls, if not double that. If the village had originally had about 500 trolls, it would have only taken about four years to lose ¾ of their people. Yikes! I can’t imagine the young King Peppy waiting even a year to try to rescue his people if that kept happening.
Which leads me to wonder if Peppy was originally not from the troll tree. What if he was a roving adventurer like John Dory, who had come upon this caged troll tree full of trapped, desperate trolls who needed his help? Maybe he fell in love with Poppy’s mother, (the princess?) and decided to stay? They made him their king, and he rescued them. What happened to the former rulers?
All of this makes me wonder if Branch’s family were actually big-city trolls who simply left their baby brother with their quaint country grandma, under the impression that he’d be safe there. Before the bergens became a threat, obviously.
If the bergens were already eating trolls by the time the brothers left, (which I doubt, since there was no mention of that) I have two theories as to why they’d do such a selfish, callous thing. Either the trolls didn’t consider the bergens much of a threat (at first), or they didn’t know the bergens were behind the disappearances of their people. It’s even possible that, like in my fanfiction Picturebook Romance, the bergens (mainly Chef) pretended to be their friends at first, until the cage was built. And then it was too late.
LOL I keep remembering Poppy’s comment upon meeting John Dory. “You’re the old one!” He wasn’t too happy about that. But I can easily imagine Peppy being like JD, which might explain why he’s also kind of “old” to be Poppy’s dad.
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calliesmemes · 3 months
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CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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“   You’re a treasure hunter. So what is the treasure you’re hunting? ”
“   She’s a goddamned liar! A nutcase! ”
“   ls there anything you'd like? ”
“   Well, here it is, the moment of truth. ”
“   I know how hard it is for people who care greatly for money to give some away. ”
“   This was mine. How extraordinary! It looks the same as the last time I saw it. ”
“   Just tell us what you can-- ”
“   I don't see what all the fuss is about. ”
“   Your daughter is much too hard to impress. ”
“   You act as if you're going to your execution. ”
“   Outwardly I was everything a well brought up girl should be. Inside, I was screaming. ”
“   You lost our money. I'm just trying to get it back. ”
“   Somebody's life's about to change. ”
“   We are the luckiest sons of bitches in the world! ”
“   Just another example of the men settin' the rules their way. ”
“   Do you know of Dr. Freud? His ideas about the male preoccupation with size might be of particular interest to you. ”
“   She’s a pistol. I hope you can handle her. ”
“   Stay back! Don't come any closer! ”
“   Don't presume to tell me what I will and will not do. ”
“   You're distracting me. Go away. ”
“   Don't be absurd. You'll be killed. ”
“   Come on. You don't want to do this. Give me your hand. ”
“   I've got you. I won't let go. ”
“   Women and machinery do not mix. ”
“   Good for you son, well done! ”
“   Perhaps you could join us for dinner tomorrow, to regale our group with your heroic tale? ”
“   I know you've been melancholy, and I don't pretend to know why. ”
“   It's for royalty. And we are royalty. ”
“   Open your heart to me. ”
“   I’m afraid I'm feeling a little tired. ”
“   Look, I'm running out of time. I need your help. ”
“   Maybe she wants to make peace with the past. ”
“   Could I speak to you in private? ”
“   So, you got a name by the way? ”
“   That's quite a moniker. I may have to get you to write that down. ”
“   I feel like such an idiot. It took me all morning to get up the nerve to face you. ”
“   Look, I know what you must be thinking! Poor little rich girl. What does she know about misery? ”
“   I was trapped in it, like an insect in amber. ”
“   Oh God, I am such an utter fool. ”
“   Please don't judge me until you've seen my world. ”
“   You have a gift — you see people. ”
“   I was hoping I'd catch you at tea. ”
“   Why can’t I be like you? ”
“   They didn't teach you that in finishing school? ”
“   Do you have the slightest comprehension of what you're doing? ”
“   You're about to go into the snakepit. I hope you're ready. ”
“   What are you planning to wear? ”
“   My, my, my... you shine up like a new penny. ”
“   I didn't recognize you. ”
“   Amazing! You could almost pass for a gentleman! ”
“   Remember, the only thing they respect is money, so just act like you've got a lot of it and you're in the club. ”
“   It’s a pity we’re both spoken for, isn’t it? ”
“   Where exactly do you live? ”
“   You find that sort of rootless existence appealing, do you? ”
“   It’s a big world, and I want to see it all before I go ”
“   Something like that teaches you to take life as it comes at you. To make each day count. ”
“   All life is a game of luck. ”
“   A real man makes his own luck. ”
“   What are you doing? I see you everywhere writing in this little book. ”
“   It'll be all business and politics, that sort of thing. ”
“   So you want to go to a real party? ”
“   You're not one of them. There's been a mistake. ”
“   Look! A shooting star. ”
“   My father used to say that whenever you saw a shooting star, it was a soul going to heaven. ”
“   What would you wish for? ”
“   I had hoped you would come to me last night. ”
“   You will never behave like that again! Do you understand? ”
“   I will not be made out to be a fool! Is this in any way unclear? ”
“   You are not to see that boy again, do you understand me? ”
“   Oh, stop it. You'll give yourself a nosebleed. ”
“   This is not a game! Our situation is precarious! ”
“   How can you put this on my shoulders? ”
“   How can you be so selfish? ”
“   We're women. Our choices are never easy. ”
“   Look, you're not supposed to be in here. ”
“   She's a goddess amongst mortal men. ”
“   You're a spoiled little brat! ”
“   You're the most amazingly astounding girl I've ever known. ”
“   You're amazing... and I know I have nothing to offer you. ”
“   I can’t turn away without knowing that you’ll be safe. ”
“   They've got you in a glass jar like some butterfly, and you're going to die if you don't break out. ”
“   Sooner or later the fire in you is going to go out. ”
“   It's not up to you to save me ”
“   I changed my mind. ”
“   I want you to draw me like one of your French girls. ”
“   I expect to get what I want. ”
“   I want to always remember this night. ”
“   You’re trembling. ”
“   I can feel your heart beating. ”
“   It doesn't make any sense. That's why I trust it. ”
“   There’s no cause for alarm. ”
“   Say, did I miss the fun? ”
“   Something serious has happened. ”
“   You can't be serious! We're in the middle of an emergency! ”
“   Don't listen to them... I didn't do this! You know I didn't! You know it! ”
“   I believe you may get your headlines. ”
“   Please dress warmly; it's quite cold tonight. ”
“   Please tell me the truth. ”
“   Tell only who you must. I don't want to be responsible for a panic. ”
“   Do you know who I am? ”
“   I'd rather be his whore than your wife. ”
“   That man tried to take advantage of me! ”
“   Help!! Somebody!! Can anybody hear me?! ”
“   I'll do this with or without your help. But without will take longer. ”
“   I'm through with being polite, goddamnit! I may never be polite the rest of my life! ”
“   So... how did you find out I didn't do it? ”
“   Where you go, I go. ”
“   Don’t argue with me; you know it does no good. ”
“   I will never forget you. ”
“   It seems we've been dealt a bad hand this time. ”
“   You're a good liar. ”
“   I always win. One way or another. ”
“   You're so stupid, you're such an idiot— ”
“   You jump, I jump, right? ”
“   What could possibly be funny? ”
“   Won't you even make a try for it? ”
“   We can't expect God to do all the work for us. ”
“   Shhh. Don't cry. It'll be over soon. It'll all be over soon. ”
“   No... don't say your good-byes. Don't you give up. Don't do it. ”
“   You're going to die an old lady, warm in your bed. Not here. Not this night. Do you understand me? ”
“   You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise. ”
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just-dreaming-marvel · 6 months
Caught In A Web ~ 14
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 1,575ish
Summary: You and Tony go through your first real "rough patch".
Notes: Wow! Can't believe I got another chapter out so quickly. Hope you enjoy!
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You were still in the lab when Tony arrived back. He came storming in, slamming the door open, causing you and Bruce to both jump.
“You’re back?” You questioned as Tony headed for you. “How did—“
You were cut off by Tony’s lips pressing against yours. His hands grabbed you and pulled you into him. You sunk into the kiss, allowing him to press your body against his and allow his tongue to dominate your mouth.
Bruce cleared his throat, hoping that you and Tony would separate. Both of you ignored him. “Uh, I’m just going to go,” he muttered and slipped out of the lab.
Eventually, Tony broke the kiss and rested your foreheads against each other. 
“What was that for?” You breathed out with a small smile, still trying to catch your breath.
“I shouldn’t have gone,” he admitted quietly. 
“What happened?”
“She…” He sighed, almost like he was blaming himself for something. “She wanted to get back together.” You felt like you couldn’t breathe. “And she… she kissed me.”
“Oh…” You felt like you were going to puke. You took a step back, trying to pretend that Tony didn’t look hurt by that. “Did… Did you—”
“I stopped it, immediately. It wasn’t what I wanted at all.” You kept silent. “Y/N… please,” Tony timidly reached out for your hands. You didn’t fight him as he took them in his own. “Say something.”
“You… you stopped it?”
“Yes, as soon as it happened.”
“And did you… did you tell her about us? About… me?”
“I told her that I’m seeing someone. That it’s private and we’re taking it slow.”
You nodded. You understood that Tony wasn’t at fault here, but it was still hard to take for you. Pepper was more his ‘age-range’ and what you presumed to be his ‘type’. You were in your mid-twenties and Tony was in his early-forties. You weren’t the most attractive in compared to others you have seen with Tony. You honestly wondered why he wanted to be with you.
Tony could tell that you were retreating into your mind. He wished that he knew your innermost thoughts so that he could help you.
“Sweetheart?” He slowly rubbed circles on the back of your hands, trying to get you to come back to him. “Talk to me… please.” He waited a moment, only for you to stay silent. “I am so sorry for what happened.”
“I know,” you whispered. “And I don’t blame you.”
“Then what’s going on?”
“I just… Pepper is…” You looked away, hating to get too emotional right now. “Never mind.” You pulled away and turned toward your project.
“Y/N—“ Tony went to touch you but you moved away.
You tried not to flinch at the hurt look Tony gave you. “I’m sorry, Tony. This… this has more to do with me than it is you. Or even the Pepper thing. I promise, let me have a moment to myself and I’ll be fine.”
Tony didn’t quite believe you, but he was going to respect the space you were asking for. “Okay. I’ll… I’ll be in my own lab when you’re ready.”
You nodded, unable to look at him as he walked out of the room. As soon as he was gone, tears began trailing down your checks. You knew that this wasn’t actually about Tony. This was just you and your own insecurities. Between the tears and the growing shakiness, you ended up tossing what you were working on across the room. It went flying, slamming into one of Bruce’s screens, shattering it. 
You stepped backward until you hit the wall and then slid down it until you were sitting on the ground. You broke into sobs, your arms coming to rest on your knees before your head fell against it.
Tony was standing in front of one of his screen. His tie was untied, sitting on his shoulders, with his coat thrown over the nearby stool. His eyes weren’t leaving the live footage on the screen. Tony couldn’t stand seeing you like this. He was blaming himself. 
“Boss,” FRIDAY interrupted, “you’re going to want to see this.” 
FRIDAY moved the footage of you over and opened up the news. There, front and center, was a picture of Tony and Pepper kissing.
“What are they saying?” Tony asked.
“The reports say that the two of you had dinner together that ended in a kiss. Most sources are hoping that the two of you are getting back together.”
Tony sighed, running a hand down his face. “How do we fix this?”
“Unfortunately, the only way would be to reveal your relationship with Miss L/N.”
“Not an option. Just… send out a response saying that the two of us have moved on.”
“And the kiss?”
“Shit. I guess we can say I’m still a playboy.”
“I’m afraid many still believe that, Boss.”
Tony huffed with anger and. annoyance. His hands went down and rested on the desk in front of him, leaning him forward while he head hung down. “FRIDAY, I don’t know what to do.”
“Help is on the way, Boss.”
You were still huddled up against the wall when Wanda entered. The Team had been called up by FRIDAY, where the AI and Tony informed them of what happened. While they were figuring out a plan, Wanda slipped away to see how you were.
“Y/N?” She called gently as she came over to you.
“Did he send you down here?” You rasped.
“No. I came by myself.” She slid down the wall next to you. She gave you your space though, not wanting to push you into anything.
“Did Tony tell you?”
“Yes, and we saw the news.”
Your head snapped up. “The news? It’s on the news?”
Wanda winced at your tone. “Yes.”
“Wanda… I’m scared. I… I care about Tony a lot. I may even love him. But… I can’t compete with Pepper and the press. Pepper’s the right age for Tony. She’s strong and beautiful and the press loves her with him… I… I’m twenty-five, just got my Ph.D due to this job. I’m not as beautiful as her… I don’t know if this will work.”
“Y/N,” Wanda place her hand on your knee, “I’m in a relationship with a robot. That shouldn’t be able to work. You and Tony’s relationship is normal. Tony cares deeply for you. None of us have ever seen him this way, even with Pepper. You are better for him than she ever was.”
You nodded, taking her words to heart. “And the press? How do I handle that?”
“You don’t need to. Tony and the others are taking care of it. Tony will make things better. He will always try to do that for you.”
Wanda took you to your floor, leaving you there alone. You told FRIDAY to inform Tony of where you were and that you would like to see him whenever he’s done. You were standing in your living room, staring at the glowing skyline, when Tony exited the elevator. He was nervous, scared that he had ruined this relationship like he had done before.
“Wanda told me that you and the Team were working on dealing with the press,” you said quietly, not moving to turn around.
“Yes,” replied Tony, taking timid steps to you. “We got it taken care of and still have our privacy.” You silently nodded. “Y/N, I am so sorry that all of this happened. I— I know that I’m a handful and that this is partly my fault.”
“What?” You turned around. “Why would you think that?”
“I went to visit with Pepper despite your feelings on the matter.”
“Tony, I told you to go.”
“Yes, but I could tell that you really didn’t want me to.”
“That’s not—“
“And Pepper’s kiss got caught on camera and sold to the news outlets. I should have been more careful. I… I understand if this is too much for you. If I’m too much for you.” You gave him a sad smile and a chuckle. “What? Is me being open funny to you? I’ll admit that it’s not normal but I—“
“No, Tony, that’s not it.” You walked up to him to close the distance. “I was having insecurities too. Like my age and my looks and—“
Tony tenderly took your head in his hands. “You are the most beautiful woman to me. Please, don’t ever doubt that. Okay?” You nodded, growing emotional. “Okay.” He pressed a light kiss to your lips. “And the age thing? Age is just a number. I never act my age anyway.” That got a small laugh from you. “There it is. That laugh I love.” 
You wrapped your arms around him and pressed yourself close. Pressing a kiss to your head, Tony wrapped his arms around you. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, though I don’t understand exactly what for.”
“Just… for being you. I’m just really thankful for you.”
“I’m thankful for you too, spidey-girl.” He kissed your head again before barely whispering, “I’ll forever be thankful for you.”
You closed your eyes and just let yourself hold Tony close. You knew that this wouldn’t be the last of the rough patches of your relationship, or even the hardest of them, but you had faith that the two of you could make it through anything that came your way. You just needed each other.
next chapter >
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sonkitty · 2 months
Crowley S2 Hair Post #10
(For reference: The Sideburns Scheme)
Crowley, Good Omens 2, Episode 1, The Arrival, storming out
Due to how this part of the episode is structured, this post requires a different format than usual to start.
I am going to start with a specific sequence but cover several things after that sequence in the rest of the post.
This sequence is very important and very special. It is going to demonstrate several game mechanics to the audience in a tutorial.
I strongly believe in my guesses that there are at least 2 fake Crowleys in this sequence. There could be up to 3.
Crowley is going to walk from the threshold of his private meeting room with Aziraphale, into the main bookshop first floor area, through the bookshop's overall threshold, and into the street, stopping specifically at the center of the street.
Let's begin.
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When leaving the room, Crowley's sideburns have become longer than being in the room but not as long as when he encountered Gabriel. I strongly suspect this fake is Gabriel.
Then there is a cut.
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This fake Crowley—who is probably Aziraphale—stiffly walks his way past a cardboard box with visibly long sideburns that are likely to be the same length as when Presumably Actual Crowley encountered Gabriel as shown earlier in the episode.
Then there is another cut.
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Now we have a Blurry Possibly Fake Crowley. This version does not show us enough to guess the sideburn length. Instead, the sequence focuses on an avoided plate of Eccles cakes while a right hand picks up Crowley's sunglasses.
Then there is another cut.
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A human walks past Now Presumably Actual Crowley. His sideburns are shorter than the Aziraphale-Crowley but not as short as when he initially entered the bookshop. He has passed the bookshop's threshold.
Then there is another cut.
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Now Crowley's left profile view almost looks like it matches his left profile view before he entered the bookshop with the left sideburn. It seems to be a little longer still.
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If the sideburns had not fully shortened in the preceding cut, they have here when Crowley is going to tighten his face in anger. I'll go over this part in more detail in the Earthly Objects section, along with the complex window scene that follows it.
Sideburns Check
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Okay, so this storming out sequence told us the story was blatantly lying to us but not because the sideburns changed in length. It's other things detailed in the Earthly Objects section.
When first trying to figure out the sideburns, I saw this sequence, made a post about it, thought it over, and grew exasperated. How else am I supposed to figure out how the sideburns work if I know the story is so blatantly lying on things that are not the sideburns? That's the trick to it right there. The answer is in the question. There is no other way to know. If I want to keep playing the sideburns game—because I sincerely think someone or something in the story wants me to find their meaning, I have to believe there was a hidden message within the lie that was true. This sequence just told me some important things about how the sideburns work. It was a sideburns tutorial.
Proximity to Gabriel will make the sideburns longer. Proximity to humans, or a private space with Aziraphale, will make the sideburns shorter. There can be a length in between the two types with distance involving the thresholds of the bookshop.
Playing the game without that assumption makes the game much, much harder.
Reaching that conclusion took several days of just plain thinking, trying to make more posts, and otherwise living my life. I had to go back and thoroughly update my initial post.
The longer sideburns in the lie are also a clue that Gabriel was there after all, in whatever really happened.
Here is what it takes playing the whole game of season 2 to understand even more. There is an invisible supernatural border between Aziraphale's bookshop and Crowley's car when the car is parked across the street. The bookshop is Aziraphale's home. The car is Crowley's home.
Because this border exists as a human-dominant space, Crowley's sideburns will shorten to the length they usually are around humans once he has reached the proper distance—currently the center of the street—between these two special, supernatural places.
This border will disappear—or expand as a radius—at the end of episode 4 when Crowley visibly crosses the bookshop threshold and walks with Aziraphale all the way to his car while they both hold cardboard boxes of Crowley's plants. As noted in my main sideburns post, I think that's from the shared loan of the homes to form a special connection. After all I have been through with my limited progress in the Rainbow Connection for The Pocket Trick, I am all the more convinced. At my best guesses going over my archive here on Tumblr, I came up with the word "connection" in my main sideburns post a little over a month before I found The Pocket Trick, then took another few weeks to find the Rainbow Connection in The Pocket Trick's Pocket Chain existed.
After the border expands, Crowley has to drive far enough away and give the sideburns enough time to shorten to the desired length for being read as human in the street again.
The story demonstrates such an action with episode 5 showing him arriving back from a drive. A player has to give into the admittedly questionable chronology of the story for that conclusion as well.
Brighter Red Streak Check
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For Gabriel-Crowley starting off the sequence, I cannot find the brighter red streak of hair.
For Aziraphale-Crowley, there is something lighter in shade compared to the rest of the hair above the center of his left eye, but that's not the same thing as being more saturated in red.
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For Crowley exiting the bookshop, it is mostly gone. It is only when he is about to stop in the street that I can finally see something that looks like more saturated red in the same general area I found it before he entered the bookshop. That is the only thing that might be the streak, and it is small. The above image is not brightened. When I tried to brighten an image to check, that part looked even less plausible to be the streak.
After that, I cannot find it.
Hairstyle Changes
The hair changes quite a bit during the whole thing.
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For Gabriel-Crowley, the middle area of the front goes up and to his right some. There's something like a curl behind it on the top of the head.
For Aziraphale-Crowley, the style is more tidy. The front top swoops up and back.
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For Actual Crowley, the style looks similar to before he entered but darker and with the tendrils on top positioned a little differently. I like this one too. It is very distracting in trying to make this post because I like it so much.
When Crowley's face tightens in anger, the cut ensures not being able to see if the brighter red streak is there.
After that, his hair looks to be losing its stronger red saturation before the lightning itself is actually released. It looks more relaxed too.
From what can be seen, the hair is getting darker.
Earthly Objects
(For reference: Earthly Objects | Earthly Objects Study - Windows Part 1 | Earthly Objects Study - Crowley's Sunglasses)
Whoa, there is a lot happening with Earthly Objects here.
So, the way I interpret the storming out sequence to right before a human passes by Crowley past the bookshop's threshold is that is basic rule-breaking in Earthly Objects on purpose.
It might not be, but that's how I like to think of it in the way I play the game as an audience member. Plus, I can name a place where I think the rule-breaking ends and the rule-following starts.
Aziraphale—or Crowley as Aziraphale—is in the chair. Gabriel-Crowley touches the door on the push plate, and somebody picks up those sunglasses. So, there are touches.
However, the main earthly objects meant to be noticed are the cardboard box and the plate of Eccles cakes because they were both left untouched with the box also being unquestioned. Dialogue is lacking when the fakes are on screen.
As I said in my main first post about Crowley and Muriel, Actual Crowley is a top tier player in Earthly Objects who is incredibly deliberate in what he touches, especially with his hands. He's also someone who tends to ask questions.
This part is not the Metatron editing the Book of Life. This part is Crowley, Aziraphale, and Gabriel collectively working together for their edit in the story through breaking the rules of the game, Earthly Objects. That rule-breaking then informs the audience of the lie.
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When Crowley is leaving the bookshop, two fingers are touching the sunglasses. That is not enough to earn credit for touching them as an accessory yet. That is the end of the rule-breaking.
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A human passes by, and then he is touching the sunglasses with at least three fingers. So, rule-following has started. The rule-breaking edit ended, and we have entered the main draft of the story.
By hiding the thumb, that helped put the sunglasses into Accessory Mode too and earning a point for that touch.
Crowley angrily mutters, "Just breathe, that's what humans do...then they count to ten before they do anything stupid!" The number "ten" is a dialogue point. That is Crowley's second point in this solo set.
Now here's where things get even more weird and tricky, but thanks to the annoying, difficult pocket mechanics that are so silly and emphasize a human presence in The Pocket Trick, I have a stronger belief in this ridiculous theory.
Crowley is creating a very specific context to allow him to earn a point by touching the sunglasses with his face.
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Once he reaches the center of the street and stopped, the sideburns are shortened to the desired length for human spaces. He is being read as human. Humans use sunglasses as accessories. While pockets are what tend to use lighting as clues, in the cut where he is stopping, there is extra light on his left sunglasses lens that could very well be a clue about the sideburns, this incoming touch, and a couple of pockets of hair shown by toward the end of the cut. There is a lightning imprint visible on the forehead yet again.
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Crowley tightens his face in anger. The cut itself focuses on the act, and the subtitles note he grunts. The eyebrows lower for an active touch on the top of the rims of his sunglasses and the cheeks rise for an active touch on the bottom of the rims of his sunglasses.
When Nina sees Crowley, she refers to him as "that bloke," so there is even further confirmation that yes, here is a human looking at Crowley and seeing him as human after he has done that particular touch.
So, a benefit to the short sideburns is that it allows him a face touch on the sunglasses in this special context. That doesn't seem like much, but it's valuable to Crowley because, if this theory is right, he does it two more times during Good Omens 2. That would make 3 face touches in a game with a Rule of Three.
He plays this game like it is a competition. He is likely the top tier player because he makes choices like this one: short sideburns for a slight advantage in earning 3 special accessory points across the game during the entire season.
Moving on, it is time for the story's first complex window scene!
These scenes have three steps, and this part is the game's initial tutorial on those steps.
The steps are:
Step 1: The looker looks.
Step 2: The window sees.
Step 3: The looker is seen clearly behind the window pane with at least some of the window frame visible.
When Nina gets Maggie to look, there is a shared blur between the two. That blur is the main one that made me think they mean pass or share in the game. When Maggie looks, she is known to have been attending to her tea, but if she is touching an earthly object, the touch itself is not on screen. She is at the threshold of the window touch with this particular look.
There will be more complex window scenes that will do the same thing to help further confirm this threshold component. For instance, in the next one, Maggie is doing a self-touch with her hand in her mouth and then actually removes the touch during the look. This threshold component is important because of figuring out the steps Crowley is following in The Window Trick without knowing whatever further advanced pocket mechanics might be involved.
For the window seeing, that would be the cut with Maggie and Nina shown from the back while Crowley is seen through the window. Generally, these parts make sure a window frame is somewhere in the cut.
Maggie is seen behind the window pane when the lightning shoots out. While it is a little blurry because of the lightning, that blur is not the same type as what the game uses for the passes and shares, so I think she is still considered to be seen clearly enough to earn the point for looking. The reflection of Crowley's lower body is in the window pane with his lightning.
While Maggie and Nina are looking, Crowley is still busy earning his own solo points, which the game focuses on when not focusing on Maggie and Nina.
I think it goes that one set is the hopping on the ground is point #1 as a touch. Shouting the number "Ten!" is point #2 through dialogue. The lightning actually hitting the coffee shop twice is point #3 as a touch.
The lightning earns its own 3 points with 3 different touches on the door. I eventually took that sequence as a clue about the Rule of Three in Earthly Objects.
For Crowley's next set, his lightning is channeling out of his own neck and striking him. There are actually three specific points on his body where the lightning is channeling out from him, like little nodes. I'm hoping I'm not supposed to count how many are doing what where because I won't do that, and it's mainly communicating the lightning is striking him for a point here.
Maggie will remind the audience in the dialogue that lightning striking someone or something is what lightning does on Earth. Hence, that is how Crowley earns that point.
With Maggie finally forced to see Crowley, the surrounding Soho people react oddly, almost in tune with her. They were moving when she first saw Crowley, but in the next cut, almost everyone is stopped and looking at Crowley. They see him release the lightning. Maggie says she thinks he was struck by lightning—which technically he was because of his own lightning striking him. As if in response, everyone in the street moves on as if nothing happened.
Another theoretical point for Crowley is bringing his teeth together in a chomp. The rules for supernatural beings and self-touches are very confusing because they look like they don't exist for various reasons, but Crowley's play especially suggests there is something like requiring an earthly object touch in several instances for him. This chomp would be one such time. Crowley can do it because of the lightning striking him. The chomp is so fast, I can only ever see it going frame by frame, but I don't think he gets a second point any other way, even with whatever he is doing with pockets.
The third point would then be Crowley letting the smoke hit him as he grunts.
Additionally, it is in this movement where I think the Tied Hands are finally officially re-tied because it's the closest thing resembling one of the clasps possibly striking an edge on the lapel to the jacket. It's hard to tell through the smoke, but I assume it's acceptable because of that and something found I'll describe further down.
Regarding whatever else is going on with pockets, Gabriel-Crowley has pockets existing while visually in the door frame before leaving. After he closes the door and starts walking, the tie strands switch though as they switch, only one of the clasps is visible. As he keeps moving and does another two switches, both clasps are not visible.
Aziraphale-Crowley makes a few pockets with his arms as he walks.
Whoever is the blurry Crowley makes a pocket with the left arm, then more pockets with the legs, waist, and dark horse statue holding the sunglasses. The left hand does end up in a pocket between the body and dark horse statue as the sunglasses are grabbed, creating even more pockets within.
When Crowley is exiting the bookshop, the tie strands are visibly off his chest before pulling back in as his arm obscures them. They looked about to switch, but he hides confirmation of if that happened with his right hand and blurred movement.
After that, the pocket mechanics finally let up a little bit to give the face touch on the sunglasses and the complex window scene the focus they deserve for what they are.
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Crowley creates a pocket with his legs after he is done hopping and the lightning is shooting out from him. In his angered grunt of letting the smoke hit him, his right hand aligns with the jacket, so that an actual thumb joint is at an edge before re-tying of the Tied Hands is done.
Usually, when I refer to a thumb joint, I am specifically referring to the carpometacarpal joint (CMC joint)—which is connected to the wrist, but in this case, the thumb joint would actually be the metacarpophalangeal joint—which is within the thumb itself. I had to look up this thumb stuff. I don't magically know these things.
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Further into the movement, the left thumb is visually over the assumed lapel area and avoiding a visual touch on the actual tie strands.
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The pocket made with his legs opens to reveal little bit of reflected red light from the road. The CMC joint of the thumb is visually touching a different reflection of red light.
The Belt Head is partly visible between the smoke and likely has a tassel tip near it.
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Yet another pocket is formed in the process with the left arm and torso of the jacket. As Crowley's position changes, that pocket opens. The left thumb tip is carefully managed to visually touch the edge of the jacket torso while a pocket is created using the left thumb, left arm, and torso. This pocket includes a red light that is not a reflection found on the road.
There is another red light by the right arm. So, this one is not reflected from the road, but these two red lights by the arms exist as a visual mirror to the camera. A human helps separate the red lights of the car by the right arm by being pocketed between those red lights and having their foot visually touch behind part of Crowley's arm.
I'm assuming these are all factors that help get the job done for retying: "smoke and mirrors".
So, given how much pocket care is being done, yes, I do believe the Tied Hands needed retying after all and required considerable effort to get it done.
I'll go over Muriel later where the phrase "earthly object" is at last uttered in the story after these tutorials the game is giving.
Story Commentary
For the record, I am going to use the phrase "appearance swap" and not "body swap" because I actually do believe Neil Gaiman on saying so here.
Unfortunately, I did not save a lot of valuable posts I skimmed or just read when I was first trying to understand what was happening in Good Omens 2 and not knowing I would eventually be making posts of my own. I'm not the first person to think that Crowley was Gabriel leaving the room, but I have long since lost the link and took a long time to come around to that idea.
Likewise, I don't have another link where someone speculated Aziraphale is later trying to grab Gabriel's hand as if about to do an appearance swap when about to do the little miracle to hide Gabriel. So, I at least had those things in the back of my mind when eventually figuring this sequence must indeed include some fake Crowleys involving appearance swaps.
The main reason I eventually accepted the idea of the fake Aziraphale was comparing the stiff walk he does in this episode compared to the stiff walk he does at the end of season 1:
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They were close enough for me because the shoulders don't move as much compared to Crowley's usual walk. Gabriel-Crowley emphasized the shoulder movement for contrast in the preceding cut. This particular Tumblr post and a couple of comments for it helped point out the stiffness in season 1: Crowley's signature swagger walk.
I suspect that cardboard box was touched and questioned. Somebody might have even eaten some Eccles cakes. Crowley was willing to help Gabriel sooner with understanding the situation better through whatever he learned about the box. I don't know if Muriel was literally on Earth, but they seem to have had a big role in whatever happened because I sincerely believe Crowley has a deep trust in Muriel. I assume Muriel earned it. Beelzebub may have a had a role in things as well.
As I have said in another post, I theorize the original draft had a Big Miracle where the Book of Life was put in the matchbox. It might be more elaborate than that because of so many other things that happened after, but I suspect at least that much.
Still, such things are not in this draft. Whatever really happened has been hidden from the audience for now and replaced with this obvious lie.
Recognizing the fake Crowleys—especially Aziraphale—is crucial because it is extremely important to understand that Aziraphale knows about the sideburns even if Aziraphale never explicitly comments on their changing length. Without believing Aziraphale knows, the sideburns game is, again, much harder.
The lightning itself might be a cover for whatever really happened or part of an elaborate set up for what is going to happen.
It shot out multiple times. Generally, it went upward, spread somewhat in the back and to Crowley's left to do its thing to the coffee shop. It most assuredly did not strike toward the bookshop.
Regardless of its intention, this type of thing is what I love to see in fiction with my favorite characters. I love the anger and the release of actual lightning power. I live for that stuff.
Among the many weird things happening is something involving the car.
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The car is very obviously black in its exterior and parked in front of the coffee shop when the lightning shoots out.
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In the cut after Crowley starts to walk way with his head conveniently not shown, there is a blurry figure who looks like yet another possible fake Crowley. It is hard to tell with the blur, but it looks like they are wearing dark clothing and have dark red hair.
Later, we'll see that Crowley lost a lot of the red in his hair.
The figure's blurry left hand passes along where the car should be.
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The little exterior visible looks more like a dark blue. Nina realizes she and Maggie are locked in, then moves to further confirm this oddity. So, is it the car or is it a fake car now too? Aziraphale-Crowley's attire looked more dark blue compared to the other versions of Crowley. Whatever the car is, Crowley does not get in it and is not seen driving it away. However, Crowley will be seen getting in his black car later at night.
(For reference: Bookend Buddies - Crowley and Muriel (Part 2))
Well, now that we've had tutorials, it's time to learn the name of the game—the Big One that is. I don't think the word "sideburns" is ever said in Good Omens 2. I just made up "Sideburns Scheme" after awhile but given the word play for pocket mechanics, it might be a name I was supposed to find too. But back to the one I initially meant, Uriel will eventually say "earthly object".
After Nina and Maggie realize their phones are dead, the story cuts to Heaven. The scene starts with Michael and Uriel, leading to the arrival of Saraqael and Muriel.
As noted in other posts, thumb tips are relevant to Door Mode. It is my guess that given how the game works—especially with Crowley's sunglasses in The Sunglasses Trick and pockets in The Pocket Trick, a thumb tip could be like a password to activate whatever is in the matchbox.
Saraqael is even giving a clue to an audience member playing Earthly Objects that's possible by actively adjusting their hands to hide their own right thumb before Muriel reveals the matchbox. Thanks Saraqael!
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Muriel brings out the matchbox from behind a folder. A thumb tip is visible, but there is a little shadow added to it, I assume to help cast doubt given how the rest of the scene goes. Muriel seems to be a hidden pocket expert and is making a pocket with their legs, among other things happening in the framing, so that likely contributes too.
At first, Uriel uses the phrase "material object" to describe the matchbox Muriel shows to all of them. Well, I assume it's Uriel. The subtitles technically say "Saraqael", but it sounds more like Uriel to me.
Muriel is holding the matchbox with their index, middle, and ring fingers. The touch is avoiding the palm and the pinky. The thumb is nearby and keeping the thumb tip off the matchbox.
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When the matchbox is set down, the thumb is touching a corner, ensuring the thumb tip is not actually touching the matchbox. Meanwhile, the pinky tip is touching the side with the quote from the Book of Job. The subtitles do not inform the audience of the following. In my opinion, the sound that object makes is that of a disguised magical book, possibly a heavy one at that.
Another interesting thing I'm noticing as I type this post is that Muriel avoids having their digits touch their reflections. By this point in the story, Crowley has actually shown his index finger touch its reflection on his phone and a thumb tip touching its reflection during The Perfect Entrance Trick.
Still, the sound effect is part of why I think the Book of Life is in that matchbox. I also suspect Muriel's methodical touch is why that sound is heard with Muriel's touch but not what will happen with Michael's various touches.
Someone or something turns that matchbox around without us seeing it because the Job quote side was facing away from Michael when Muriel set the matchbox down. It is facing toward Michael when Michael touches it.
Michael touches the matchbox at the top with their index finger. The object does not react.
Michael nervously uses both index fingers, so that the left one holds the object from the top and the right shoves the inner box to Michael's left. Michael's thumb tip is actually visible and even touched by Michael's hand at one point within a pocket formed between the matchbox and Michael's hands. That's still not enough. The object does not react.
Michael nervously does another touch looking similar in reverse but not quite the same. The right index finger holds the matchbox from the top as the left index finger pushes the inner box to Michael's right. The pocket formed between hands and matchbox have the left thumb tip notably away from the touch and the right thumb generally hidden with maybe a right thumb joint visible. The object does not react.
With another last nervous effort, both index fingers work together to shove the inner box back into the outer box. The thumb is shown to be clearly aligned off the matchbox and by the bottom of the index finger in a cut. In the next cut, the right thumb might be visually over the matchbox, but it is understood to be not touching the matchbox because of its previously shown position. The object does not react.
As the whole affair concludes, we at last hear Uriel say, "That's definitely an earthly object." That is our key phrase, merely missing its plural form. The name of the game we've been watching at play in this story is Earthly Objects. All of that touching was a clue that Earthly Objects is a game based on touching. The matchbox was touched properly to remain an "earthly object" and theoretically not touched properly for Door Mode to fully activate and reveal whatever supernatural object it is actually hiding.
The scene in Heaven ends shortly thereafter with Uriel remarking they think "he" went to Earth. One would guess Uriel means Gabriel, but it is Crowley shown on Earth in the next cut.
That transition allows this Muriel scene to act as a front bookend to another Crowley scene. In fact, the next Crowley will scene will have the next touch of The Sunglasses Trick, so it is yet another bookend connection to the Threshold Tricks overall.
That's it for this post. Sometimes I edit my posts, FYI.
Main post:
The Sideburns Scheme
Past version of this post:
Post #10 (angry lightning)
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swabsandcream · 11 months
No Ordinary Fan [Part 2]
Jeffrey Dean Morgan x Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/N and Jeffrey become more involved with one another since their initial encounter.
Warnings: Sexual content (18+), minors dni
A/N: Jeffrey is portrayed as a single man in this fic.
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It had been a week since Y/N met her favorite actor for the first time and somehow managed to catch his eye all in one day. It was impossible to describe the barrage of emotions she felt afterwards. She even found herself bursting into a fit of hysterics once she got home that night, jumping around and screaming as if she had won the lottery. It went on for quite some time, and like Jeffrey had promised, he gave her a call that same day. All the way up to this point, their conversations had consisted of them trying to get to know one another. They shared their interests like their taste in music, favorite foods, and even the tv shows they were currently watching. Jeffrey enjoyed talking to Y/N just as much as she liked talking to him, despite their age differences.
Both of them had agreed to keep their relations private, refusing to tell anyone that they’re talking to one another. Jeffrey wanted to keep anything from leaking to the press prematurely, and Y/N didn’t want to be bombarded by his other fans on social media. They were enjoying the talking stage so far, but since Jeffrey had finished up his meet and greets, he decided to take things a step further. After texting Y/N back and forth a couple of times since the day started, he eventually asked her if she would like to come over to his house for dinner that night. Turns out he lived in the country area located right outside of her city which was about an hour away. This would be considered as their first date, so Y/N was feeling indecisive about the matter. Jeffrey assured her that she could decline the offer if she didn’t feel comfortable with it, but after taking a moment to think and consider the possibilities, she decided to join him after all. 
Shortly after accepting the invitation to her dream man’s house, she found herself in front of the bathroom mirror once again for a quick pep-talk. “Ok. You got this. You’re gonna go over his house and treat him like you would treat any other guy. God, it’s been so long since I’ve been on a date. Just breathe, and please don’t be weird.” 
She only had a couple hours to get ready, so she used her time wisely. She showered and shaved in every single place she so much as suspected there might be hair. Then she went to assess her wardrobe, carefully selecting her outfit in accordance with what she feels could possibly happen that night. She wanted to look sexy, but not too provocative to where he may think that she only came over for one thing. She shuffled through her clothes and found a white, long-sleeved dress that draped down to her knees. She hadn’t worn the dress in a while, but it still fit perfectly, and went well with the light makeup she had put on before she headed out to reunite with Jeffrey.
Roughly an hour and thirty minutes later, Y/N arrived at Jeffrey’s multi-million dollar estate in the country. She felt like she was in a movie, having to stop in front of a huge gate and wait until she was granted entry, then pulling in front of the most beautiful mansion she had ever seen. In fact, it was the only mansion she had ever seen up close and in person, being from the city and a part of the working class. She was taking in the view as she got out of her car, and before she could even make it up the stairway, she was greeted by an ecstatic Jeffrey while he stood in the doorway to his home. 
“Welcome! I’m so glad you- oh my.” He paused, watching Y/N as she walked up the stairway and stood right in front of him. “God you’re beautiful.” He said with a soft smile. “I feel like I might be underdressed.”
His outfit was very homey, a plain white t-shirt with black jogging pants. He also had on what’s presumed to be his reading glasses. Y/N had only seen him wearing them occasionally on the internet but seeing him like this in person felt like a dream to her. 
“No, you look good to me.” Y/N’s comment only made Jeffrey’s smile grow wider, his dimples becoming more visible in the process. He then took Y/N by the hand and brought her inside of his expansive house.
As they walked through the foyer, Y/N was captivated by the interior design of his home. Jeffrey on the other hand couldn’t take his eyes off of her, finding amusement in her wide-eyed expression as she continued to look around. As they proceeded through the hallway, they were greeted by two barking dogs, each of them choosing one of the humans’ legs to paw at. 
“I’m so sorry, I completely forgot to tell you about my babies.” 
“Awe they’re so adorable! What are their names?” Y/N asked as she squatted down to pet the overly excited dog in front of her. 
“This is Bandit.” He lifted up and held the dog that stood at his feet. “And that’s Irwin you’ve got right there.” 
Y/N proceeded to introduce herself to his pet and allowed it to give her a couple of kisses before standing back up. Jeffrey took note of how well she handled being around his excitable pets and how much they enjoyed being around her as well. The two then continued down his lengthy hallway, the smell of food growing stronger as they made their way into the kitchen.
"God, that smells amazing! You didn't tell me you were actually going to cook. I thought you might've ordered takeout or something." Y/N went straight for the sink to thoroughly wash her hands, Jeffrey following behind her as he lowered his dog back onto the wooden floor.
"Suprise, suprise!" His voice was cheerful as he took his turn at the sink. "It's already done, I put it on the table and everything." He finished washing his hands and guided Y/N over to the dining room next to them. He had a long, rectangular dining room table made of marble. On it were two plates of a meal that the two of them mutually enjoyed, along with two stemmed glasses of white wine. The effort and the time he spent putting this together did not go unrecognized by Y/N, referring to him as a true gentleman that knows how to treat a lady.
The two sat across from each other and began to enjoy their delicious meal. They had a detailed conversation about his memories of playing Negan and the on set shenanigans, especially with his good friend Norman Reedus. Y/N didn’t have nearly as many interesting personal stories to share, but Jeffrey listened intently regardless. She particularly loved the way he looked at her whenever she was speaking, like she was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. Although they had finished having dinner, they continued to talk while sitting at the table.
“Perfect.” He muttered, keeping his gaze on her as she told a story about a funny moment she had at work. She cut her story short, not quite hearing what he had said.
“What did you say?” She asked. 
“I said you’re perfect. Everything about you. You have no idea what you’re doing to me right now.” Jeffrey’s voice was deep and sultry, sending chills down Y/N’s spine as she finished her glass of wine. She didn’t have time to respond before Jeffrey got up out of his chair and made his way over to her on the other side of the table. He stood behind her and gently placed his large hands onto her shoulders, leaning down to whisper into her ear. 
 “Come with me. I want to show you something.” His seductive tone combined with the grip he had on her shoulders was a lot for Y/N to bear at the moment. She could feel a buzz coming on from the wine she drank, along with the growing arousal in between her thighs. He took his hands off of her and allowed his lips to brush against her ear as he stood straight up, stepping back from his date’s chair. With no hesitation, she stood up and took his hand as they made their way out of the dining room and into the movie theater he had built inside his home.
She gasped at the sight of the massive screen surrounded by an extra-long sofa that extended from one side of the room to the other. After listening to how much she loves watching films and tv shows, he knew that this room would be her favorite room of them all. He brought her over to the sofa, and they sat down next to each other, leaving a small space in between them. Y/N started lightly bouncing on the sofa with the intent to further entice the man beside her.
"Hmm comfy. Good for...a lot of things." Y/N's flirtatious behavior was definitely working at this point as Jeffrey's lips slowly curled up into a sinful smile.
"A lot of things like what exactly? Could you be more specific?" He placed a hand on her thigh, being covered by her dress, slowly rubbing it with his thumb.
Without a second thought, Y/N grabbed his hand and slid it underneath her dress, allowing his fingers to travel up the bare skin of her thigh. He exhaled deeply, taking in the feeling of her warm and delicate skin all the way up to the dampened cloth covering her warmth. Jeffrey used his free hand to adjust the protruding bulge in his pants, leaning in so close to her face that their noses were touching. She didn't say a word, allowing her unstable breathing to speak for itself.
"Tell me you want this." He whispered.
"I want this." She cooed, granting him permission to press his lips onto hers. From there, the two lovers were entangled with one another on the massive sofa with nothing but the sounds of their acts of pleasure.
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Hi, I'm trans (ftm) and in a week I'm leaving for 2 month long camp. I was assigned to sleep in the girls cabins but have switched to th boys. Does anyone have any tips for a trans boy sleeping in the boys cabins for the first time? Also for reference I'm 14 years old.
Lee says:
I would advise you to speak with the camp staff or counselors in advance, if you haven't already, and make sure they understand the situation and fully support having you sleep in the boy's cabin and also do all of the other activities with the boys, if that's what you want.
You don't want to have to deal with any last-minute surprises like finding out they're re-assigned you back to the girl's cabin or plan on having you change in the girl's bathrooms instead of a private gender-neutral or male space after you're at camp, so you gotta get all of the details ironed out in advance.
That includes making sure you've thought about what you're comfortable with in terms of bathrooms, changing spaces, locker rooms, etc, and how you plan to handle things like binding or packing (and cleaning STP packers), how you plan to manage your period if you have a period, and whether you plan on coming out to your bunk-mates (and, by extension, to the whole camp because you can't assume everyone will keep your secrets) if you aren't already out to them.
It isn't safe to wear a binder 24/7 for two months so you presumably will not be binding at night when you're in the boy's cabin which means at some point over the next two months at least one boy in your cabin is likely to see you without the binder as you get ready for bed at night and get out of bed in the morning, even if you try to avoid it. If you don't mind that, or don't bind anyway, then it's not a big deal, but it's something to consider because it can make it harder to stay stealth if that is something you had hoped to do.
Make sure you have a plan for your menstrual supplies if you use any, and bring enough of them to have some back-ups. Think about what is going to make you feel the most comfortable, whether it's pads, tampons, menstrual cups, menstrual discs, period underwear, etc, and then think about the logistics of it-- disposing of used pads or tampons in the men's bathroom or bringing bags so you can wrap it yourself and carry it to another trash to get rid of, how you could discreetly wash a menstrual cup or period underwear in the men's bathroom, and so on. Don't bring anything to camp that you haven't used before-- this isn't the time to bring a single menstrual cup only to find the size you got isn't comfy for you!
Overall, the largest piece of advice that I'd have is to just be yourself, and be friendly to others. Take the opportunity to get to know your fellow cabin mates better if they aren't already your friends-- they could be the ones who either stand up for you and have your back if some other student gives you trouble, or they could end up being the source of trouble if they feel uncomfortable with you and/or are transphobic. You don't need to be best friends with all of them, but don't be a wallflower and ignore them either, and try to be reasonable even when they're not.
You might encounter curiosity or questions from your peers about your gender identity and body. While it's entirely up to you how much you want to share, being prepared with a simple and confident response can help navigate these interactions smoothly.
Respect the privacy and boundaries of your cabin mates, just as you would expect them to respect yours. Establishing mutual respect early on can contribute to a harmonious living environment. Even so, living with other folks means you may have disagreements and friction over things like how messy your space is, how late people stay up, etc, especially when you're living together for two months, so be prepared to stand up for yourself but also remember to try and be a problem-solver and take a minute to cool down before you get into a fight and learn to let some things go.
As always, remember that you have the right to be there and to feel comfortable in your surroundings. If you encounter any challenges or need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to reach out to a trusted camp counselor or staff member. They are there to support you and ensure that your camp experience is positive and safe. If someone does cause drama or is bullying you or is transphobic etc, don't be afraid to snitch! You gotta take care of you.
All that being said, I don't have a lot of experience with this type of situation myself-- I went to a week of school sleep-away camp in 5th grade and 6th grade but that was before I came out, and the next time I went to a similar sleep-away camp thing was a brief experience in college, so I was a young adult and had been on T and had 2 of my 5 surgeries by that point and I only needed to share a room with my partner. I would like to encourage our followers to add on with more tips if you have relevant experiences and can help anon out! And anon, when you come back from camp, please do share any life-hacks you've picked up with us to help the next young trans camper out!!
Followers, anything to add?
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darkonekrisrewrite · 1 year
The Lov’s bonds with each other are all they have + Dabi Recovery Theories
(Second Side Meta) (Spoiler warning, short meta + theories)
It doesn’t really matter if the Lov inner relationships are unhealthy or if they encourage their worse traits because they don’t have anyone else but each other, even at this current point in the manga.
Excluding Dabi, maybe.
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Shigaraki’s family is dead, Toga’s parents were horrible and Spinner’s family was presumably close to the same as he never mentioned them or at least they’re not present in his life.
And while we don’t know much about Compress’s family other than his Grandfather being a “peerless Thief”, the fact that he wound up in the Lov implies that he doesn’t have much, if anything, going for him either.
The individual members of the Lov have nothing to go back to and no one from their pasts that they could depend on in any circumstances.
So the small and pitfall ridden bonds that they share with one another are their only human connection and what connects them to their own humanity.
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(I don’t really have any concrete proof that this ^ scene isn’t a manipulation on Dabi’s part but the art framing and overall plot relevance of the scene heavily implies that it isn’t a manipulation but genuine in its sentiment.)
Showing tears for others (Toga), their loyalty to others (Spinner and compress), and that despite everything they’re still themselves (Dabi and hopefully in future coming chapters Shigaraki too).
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(Forgot to put this scene in earlier Meta, Spinner loyalty ^ here)
Whether these sentiments and actions have a good result is nearly irrelevant, as the actions and feelings themselves drive the Lov on the only path to survival that is currently available to them while at the same time showing that they do still have many forms of Love inside them.
And the path that they’re currently on is still definitely the only path that could have a chance of them surviving, because the Hero Kids are not where they need to be in the saving department yet.
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(This ^ does not inspire confidence.)
Unless it’s made clear that when the hero kids say they intend to stop/save their respective villains, they mean not only from death but also from being locked up to rot in prison forever, and they’re willing to actually fight in anyway that’s needed to make sure that doesn’t happen, the hero kid’s intentions don’t mean anything.
Because obviously throwing the Lov in prison isn’t saving them, there’s no way the hero kids can save the villain’s hearts from outside of a metal box (a key theme of saving in Bnha is saving the Heart).
That’s not even saving the Lov’s lives either really, because that’s just another form of killing them slowly and depending on perspective, with even more cruelty.
Dabi is both different and similar, as he does still have his family that does care about him but his future with them is still very uncertain.
They all came together to save Touya and each other which is good but Natsuo then saying that things will be “Hell” from now on, whatever that means, leaves Dabi’s fate on pretty much one of only two paths.
With Hero Society or with the Todoroki Family.
It can’t be both, because after everything that’s happened and the parts Dabi played in trying to take down the current system, Hero society won’t let him be saved in any way that could really count as saving.
Dabi Recovery Theories
Personally, what I think should happen, if the Todoroki’s are really intending to follow through on saving Touya and making sure that he can make a full(ish) recovery, is fake his death.
Someone as connected/wealthy as Endeavor must have access to private medical facilities, someplace they could stash Touya to keep him alive.
And with some heroes loyal to Endeavor or Shoto, or if they’re capable of exiting the area themselves with the help of the rest of the Todoroki family, take Touya and escape, hiding him there while saying that the villain Dabi fully incinerated himself in the near explosion.
Dabi is dead to the world but Touya can live and heal.
It’s pretty clear from the framing that Touya will live but for how exactly he would survive with his current injuries and fully recover, I have three theories.
The first theory being that with the right medical attention, Dabi could simply survive more or less as is.
A simple thought but plausible, because excluding one of his arms and some outer muscle lost, Dabi’s injuries aren’t so much worse than what he already went through and survived as a child.
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As long as his insides aren’t burned up (which they aren’t thanks to the appearance of his dormant Ice Quirk), he should be able to survive with medical attention.
And for making a full recovery (maybe not exactly a ‘Full recovery’ in this case as while they could feasibly replace his lost skin, the burned muscle might be different story) prosthetic limbs are pretty common in Bnha’s world, with even Compress being able to get his hands on a metal arm while on the run with the Lov.
The second theory is using Eri’s rewind Quirk, using medical equipment to ensure Dabi survives long enough for Eri’s horn (her power) to regrow and rewind Dabi to a state before he was so severely burned.
This is another simple solution (personally not a fan of this one) but entirely possible, although the heroes continually using Eri to solve their injuries/problems is a bit sketch (even the heroes admit that), so there is one very interesting theory left I can think of.
The Third theory: The heroes (specifically Endeavor) could try to use the imprisoned Doctor Garaki and the high-end Nomu to save and heal Dabi.
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By transferring the high-end Nomu’s regeneration quirk (something all the high-ends have, implying that the power can be replicated and transferred) to Dabi, using the doctor’s knowledge and previous experience of “grafting quirks” onto other beings (the Doctor said he could accomplish this action even without the AFO Quirk).
As for how this scenario would be possible, Endeavor would finally have to step up as a Father instead of as a hero, in fact risking his life/status as a hero.
Either by forcefully taking the Doctor and the Nomu from Prison himself or by leveraging his status as the Number one hero (what’s left of it) to force this plan to happen for Dabi’s sake.
And I personally think that this would be a great ending to Endeavor’s story as a hero, if he truly does regret everything he did.
Endeavor risking or sacrificing everything he personally has left (his hero existence) in the present to help the Son he chose not to show up for in the past, finally putting Touya first to fully save him from the flames.
That seems like good narrative storytelling to me.
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al-the-remix · 1 year
Years pass but people still remain gross about WAGs. And now they dress it up with “intellectual” terms like industrial complex and post-colonial supremacist whatchamacallit. Give me the messy puck bunny blogs at least they’re open about hating WAGs.
Yeah, I can't say I have many complex things to say on the topic, except that that dialogue has been in this fandom forever (all fandoms forever; tumblr, the birthplace of the 'not-like-other-girls-girl') but it's especially bad in rpf and I'm exhausted of reading the same tired iterations on "well, I could NEVER understand how another woman could live like that--" STOP. Just stop it, it's not your life, and it's likely never going to be your life, for all the aforementioned unfair reasons. You don't have to compare yourselves to them constantly. It doesn't make you lesser or them better for being (presumably) born into a more privileged circumstance and it doesn't make them lesser and you better for achieving some enlightened pearl of knowledge.
The puck bunny blogs irk me just as much, and if you find one better than the other I guess it's more a question of what rolls your stomach more: spite or smugness. But in my opinion, calling Kathy an ageing escort that Sid pitty dates is just as nauseating as talking down your nose about her like she's some ignorant waif that cant make her own decisions about her life or her relationship.
Yes, the NHL is an intrinsically racist, misogynistic, homophobic, capitalist, fatphobic--and all the other bad terrible things--nightmare creature whose ailment runs all the way up to the giant sucking malignancy attached to its heart that is Garry Bettman and Bill Dayley, and further, to the executives that they shill for, and even further back to the time period, tenets, and culture that the sport was founded on. Remember, this is the same organization whose administrative and players (retired and current) repeatedly spit in the face of their teammates who've suffered chronic and debilitating injuries, and continue to mock journalists and veterans who try to bring those issues to the forefront, stating that the injury is worth it to win -- (or that the possibility of injury is worth it, considering these comments so often come from players that are still relatively hale).
Hmmm, sounds incredibly familiar to the position the NHL takes on another rampant issue in the sport: sexual assault.
There's a reason why the NHL is falling behind in popularity (and in value) compared to other sports organisations and it's because they cling to their archaic values and methods and flat-out refuse to let them go -- and thus attract players and administrative and fans who find all that entails appealing. It's not everyone in the sport obviously but it's a large enough faction to keep things stagnant -- just go take a look at Ian Kenedy's twitter page and start scrolling through the replies to his tweets if you want a taste of what we're up against here.
If you want to do anything, ANYTHING AT ALL to help improve the hockey culture, there are multiple avenues to explore that might actually make a difference --first of all getting involved in your community not just the internet community-- in chipping away at who this game attracts, how they see themselves, how they see others, how they see hockey players, and how those hockey players see themselves and others. Those avenues do not include dunking on wags. I get it, they all look the same, haha. it's weird, their children and husbands can't tell them apart, hahaha. There, I said it too and now I never have to hear that fucking joke again. Move ON.
I understand that the lines between reality and fiction can blur easily when it comes to rpf, but making actually, completely serious judgements on other people's private emotional lives and relationships is completely out of the realm of reality. You can't know, you can never know completely. It can be difficult enough to identify these things when it comes to a friend or a family member how are you possibly going to make a pronouncement that someone's relationship is stale or without intimacy or connection when literally have no idea who they really are? I've been stalked and I've had people write fanfiction about me and I can 100% say that what they gleamed of who I was and what my life was like from the outside did not run true.
Analyzing those aspects and their intersexuality is worthwhile -- if anyone has an actual interest in these topics I suggest reading: Wille O'ree's biography, Bern Saunder's biography, Fred Sasakamoose's Call Me Indian, Black Ice: The Lost History of the Colored Hockey League of the Maritimes by Darril and George Frosy, On Account of Darkness by Ian Kennedy, Why I didn't say anything by Sheldon Kennedy, Crossing The Line by Laura Robinson, Major Misconduct by Jeremy Allingham, Finding Murph by Rick Westhead -- There are more than that if you're willing to dig for them ... but especially after the back to back Kyle Beach and Hockey Cannada lawsuits I've just had it to up to here with the takes about the ~uwu poor hockey men~~ and their repressed homosexual longings and lack of overall male intimacy and companionship --- who do you think is doing said repressing?? THE HORRIBLE UWU MEN. (Said in exaggeration and jest but also not fucking really.) They are victims unto themselves. 99% refuse to speak up or do anything about the inequality, harassment, and overall intrinsic issues in the sport, the ones who bravely do are shunned by the others who refuse to help themselves or others. They don't see themselves as emotionally underdeveloped manchildren stranded on the frigid island of masculine solitude and arrested development. They like their lives, they don't care about what kind of impact that lifestyle has on other people (or on the environment or on the economy). They like their cookie-cutter world, conservative sandbox and comfortable wealthy liberalism... and most of all they like their hot blond skinny wives and they don't care what sort of social constructs have led to them pursuing a very specific type of woman. The vast majority of them have zero interest in having their eyes opened to a more complex and diverse worldview and it's not the fault of anyone but themselves, least of all the women who get pulled along in their wake.
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riddles-n-games · 7 months
When Xander was little, about five or six-years-old, he had this fascination for the ocean and to go along with it, an odd obsession with sea urchins of all things. He was rather insistent on seeing one at the beach after several private visits to different aquariums with behind-the-scenes tours proved fatal to satisfying his curiosity. One summer, the Hawthorne family was on vacation touring the Adriatic-Mediterranean region on their yacht and every so often, they'd dock at a new marina to enjoy a day on the mainland and explore.
On a day at the beach, the boys were building sandcastles;  Xander and Nash casually worked on one together while Jamie and Gray were having a sandcastle building contest (because, of course) and Xan went looking for shells. He wandered into the shallows and spotted a strange black spiky thing in the water which turned out to be an urchin but an injured sea urchin. An exhilarated science nerd freakout sesh and one nearly induced heart attack later, Nash found his youngest brother excitedly jumping up and down before pointing at a black spiked ball in the water (Nash was extremely thankful his brother had enough common sense to not pick it up although that was still a very real possibility). Xander followed up by explaining what it was and how he knew it was injured so his older brother suggested that they call a rescue to admit it. But, Xan really wanted to take care of it himself and after a bit of back and forth, the next day, on the yacht, they had a saltwater tank set up with everything that a sea urchin would possibly need and also a professional caretaker for it. The boys were still instructed how to care for it but Xander seemed to know a good bunch already and eagerly named the urchin Sea Steve.
Every day, Xander would wake up early to check on it (which turned out to be a male) and just watch the urchin in the tank, looking at it in awe. He was very interactive and loved doing everything he could to make Sea Steve feel better. However, being the child he was, he also did things to make him feel better by putting a bandage on the glass, listened to his "heart", brought him colorful rocks found on the beach and seashells, sang him his favorite song and recited his beloved nursery rhyme, read him stories before bedtime and always checked on him at night when he needed water. Of course, this was all very endearing for Nash to watch but eventually, Sea Steve healed and the time came for him to be released. Xander wasn't pleased and was very upset at the prospect of having to let him go and pleading to keep him didn't help so to keep the peace, Nash got him a toy urchin that was around the same size as Sea Steve. That gave Xander a brilliant idea; the day that Sea Steve was to be put back in the sea, the young boy was unusually calm but still acted somewhat affected to not be too suspicious. He had switched in his toy for the real urchin in the little transport tank the night before and returned Sea Steve to the tank. Nash is still oblivious to this fact to this day and everyone thought when they saw an "urchin" in the aquarium that it was just the toy because Xander had a hard time letting go. The charade went on for a long time, mostly because the old man still knew it was the urchin but he looked the other way.
When they got home from vacation, a much bigger tank was installed in Xander's room for supposedly another sea urchin that would be ordered from someone who actually kept and sold them with no one being the wiser that it was still intended for Sea Steve. The truth was never found out and when Xander still called the "new" urchin Sea Steve, they presumed it was named after the original which was still very much with them. Ever since, Xander and his sea urchin have lived in blissful ignorance of the others.
One of Xander's favorite games was playing pirates and every time, he declared himself captain and Sea Steve was first mate except for the times he played with Jamie which usually ended in a bickering of sorts for who got captain or first mate. In most cases, they settled the matter by being enemy captains on the search for treasure which there almost always was, courtesy of their grandfather, and of course, the sea urchin was always on Xan's team. 
Nowadays, the sea urchin is still found safely tucked away in a tank in Xander’s lab with a new tank mate or two of his own species. He is still the youngest Hawthorne’s favorite pet and lab companion.
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forthisone · 5 months
Me, in January 2024, finally getting round to watching Shadow & Bone Season 2 and knowing the show got cancelled but looking forward to some happy fantasy escapism from real life… realising they are cramming Siege & Storm and Ruin & Rising into one season:
“… Well, this is incredibly fast paced and a lot of book plot is being skipped and there isn’t much space for the characters to actually breathe and have development… but at least i will get to see my beloved “ordinary life full of ordinary things” happy Ruin & Rising malina ending at the end! Right? RIGHT?!”
So tired of adoring the first season(s) of shows and being so ultimately disappointed by subsequent season(s). What is so wrong with two people living peacefully in their happy ending. I hate that they changed their ending just because they presumably were setting up content for another season.
I’m honestly kind of fuming, I was so beyond over the moon with the book ending and the show completely ruined it for me. I appreciate that they didn’t know the show was going to be cancelled and I feel like Season 3 would have had a reunion but…it’s like they made Alina resurrecting Mail remove the special bond they have? Where he is like “I don’t feel true north any more(!!!!!!), how do we know where we would have ended up without our special bond.” And in the books he is completely the opposite “We would have found eachother no matter what etc”. IN WHAT UNIVERSE DOES MALYEN ORETSEV VOLUNTARILY LEAVE ALINA STARKOV TO GO OFF PRIVATEERING. Show universe, apparently.
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I am honestly so upset and it’s going to take me a while to process this. Will delve into other reactions and content maybe post more thoughts at a later date.
Also I feel real bad for the Helnik fans… :/
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