#it shows an incredible act of devotion
"They died holding hands" ok we talked about it now come back two seconds before that. R asked Enjolras permission to die by his side. He asked permission to make one last stand for something he never believed in. He asked permission to join the revolution, to stand up for a cause, to die as "one of them" even if he probably thought he didn't deserve it, since he didn't fight with them. He actually asked Enjolras his permission to be shot with him. And Enjolras, the leader, the only man he believed in, saw this incredible act of devotion, he saw the hope that people would rise eventually, he saw a new light for the future, and he granted him this permission. Meaning they both died happy, because Grantaire was finally accepted by Enjolras, while Enjolras actually saw what he always waited for : the people finally rising.
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permanentswaps · 8 days
Age Gap - Taking It To The Next Level
Read Part 1 by @exploratorytfs.
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I know I confused my boyfriend when I told him about taking it to the next level. His eyes widened in surprise, and I could see the flicker of worry cross his face. He tried to ask what I meant, but I just smirked and kissed him, telling him it was a surprise. Well, yeah, it meant a couple of things – none of them something he wanted, I’m sure.
First, getting myself in shape. I loved his twink body, but now that it was mine, I needed something a little bit more muscular – something that would let me take control and dominate physically, not just mentally. That took me a few months. During that time, I was still doming him, keeping our roles intact, but I was working hard every day at the gym. The transformation was incredible. Now, look at me – this body is ready for absolutely anything.
"Hey, babe, check out these gains," I said, flexing my biceps in front of him. His eyes widened in admiration, but there was a hint of fear too. He knew I was serious about changing things up.
As the months went by and I dedicated myself to transforming my new body, the muscle worship sessions became more intense. Every day after my workout, I would come home, dripping with sweat, and make my boyfriend kneel before me. The smell of hard work and the sight of my bulging muscles seemed to both intimidate and excite him.
"Come on, babe," I said one evening, flexing my bicep in front of his face. "Show me how much you appreciate all this effort."
He leaned in, his lips trembling as they brushed against my bicep, his tongue tracing the contours of the muscle. I could feel his breath quickening, his adoration palpable. It wasn't just about worshipping me; it was about submitting entirely to the new power dynamic.
As my body grew stronger and more defined, the sessions grew longer and more demanding. "Worship every inch of me," I commanded, stretching out on the bed, my muscles glistening under the soft light. He obeyed, his hands and lips moving reverently over my chest, abs, thighs, and calves. The intensity of his worship fueled my dominance, making me crave more.
One night, after a particularly grueling session at the gym, I stood before him, shirtless, my skin glistening with sweat. "Lick it off," I ordered, my voice a low growl. He hesitated for a moment, then complied, his tongue trailing along my pecs and abs, his eyes closed in a mix of submission and arousal.
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The act of worship became a ritual, a way for me to assert my dominance and for him to show his devotion. I reveled in the power I had over him, in the way his eyes lit up with awe and desire every time he saw my body.
"You're lucky to have this," I would tell him, flexing my muscles as he gazed up at me. "Remember that."
The more my body transformed, the more intense our sessions became. I made him massage my sore muscles, his fingers working into the tight knots and making me groan with pleasure. His touch, once gentle and loving, became more desperate, as if he feared losing me to my newfound strength and confidence.
Second, stepping into my new sexual era. I had developed tons of new kinks. Not only had I developed a transformation kink, but I also got really into ropes and bondage. There was something incredibly thrilling about the control and power dynamics that came with restraining someone.
I started simple, with basic knots and ties, enjoying the sight of my boyfriend's lithe body squirming beneath the bonds. "Stay still," I would command, as I carefully wrapped the rope around his wrists, securing him to the bedpost. His eyes would widen with a mix of fear and excitement, his breath hitching as I pulled the knots tight.
As I got more experienced, the bondage sessions grew more elaborate. I invested in high-quality ropes, learning intricate techniques. The artistry of the knots and the patterns they created on his skin were as satisfying as the control they symbolized.
One evening, I decided to push our boundaries further. "Tonight, we're going to try something new," I told him, a wicked smile on my face. I could see the apprehension in his eyes, but he nodded, trusting me.
I spent nearly an hour meticulously binding him, weaving the ropes around his torso, thighs, and ankles, creating a beautiful, restrictive web. By the time I was done, he was completely immobilized, every movement restricted by the tight embrace of the ropes.
"How does that feel?" I asked, running my fingers over the intricate knots.
"Intense," he whispered, his voice trembling.
"Good," I replied, leaning in to kiss him. "That's exactly what I want."
The power dynamic in these moments was electrifying. I reveled in his vulnerability, in the trust he placed in me, and the absolute control I had over him. I could see the arousal in his eyes, mixed with a flicker of fear. It was a heady combination that drove me wild.
The sessions grew more intense over time. I started incorporating sensory deprivation, blindfolding him and adding earplugs to heighten his anticipation and focus his attention solely on the sensations I provided. "You don't need to see or hear," I would murmur in his ear before slipping the blindfold over his eyes. "Just feel."
His body would tense, every touch amplified in the darkness. The thrill of controlling his senses, of being his entire world in those moments, was intoxicating. I pushed his boundaries, exploring new realms of pleasure and pain, always careful but relentless in my pursuit of dominance.
The more we delved into this new sexual era, the more I realized how much I craved this control, this power. It wasn't just about the physical dominance; it was about the psychological hold I had over him. Knowing he was entirely at my mercy, trusting me implicitly, gave me a rush like nothing else.
And I could see the changes in him too. He became more pliant, more willing to submit to my desires. But even as he adapted to this new dynamic, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. I needed a sub who truly appreciated this body, who worshiped it like it deserved. Someone who matched my intensity and desire for exploration.
That thought lingered in the back of my mind, growing stronger with each passing day. I loved him, but this new era of our relationship had shown me a side of myself that craved more. More worship, more admiration, more excitement. And if that meant finding a new sub who could truly appreciate what I had become, then so be it.
Third, and this was the real kicker, was finding a sub truly worthy of this sexy body. Yeah, his body is cute, but it’s really not what I’m into now. He’s too old for me, don’t you think? I’m 20 now, for God’s sake. I should be off pounding twinks, not wasting my time with some older daddy after all.
One evening, we decided to go out to a club together. It was one of those nights where the music was pumping, the lights were flashing, and the energy was electric. I found myself drawn to the younger guys on the dance floor. Their energy, their bodies, their carefree attitudes – it was intoxicating. I realized I wanted that. I wanted someone who could keep up with me, who could worship this body the way it deserved.
As the night wore on, I noticed a particularly attractive twink eyeing me from across the room. He was everything I was looking for – young, fit, and full of energy. I felt a magnetic pull towards him, and before I knew it, we were dancing together, the music and the crowd fading into the background.
"You're amazing," the twink whispered in my ear, his hands roaming over my body.
"Thanks," I replied, my heart pounding with excitement. "You too."
We moved closer, our bodies pressed together, the chemistry undeniable. I could feel my boyfriend's eyes on us from across the room, but I didn't care. This was what I wanted. This was what I needed.
The twink and I slipped away to a quieter corner of the club, our hands exploring each other eagerly. The thrill of the moment, the forbidden nature of it, only made it more exciting. I knew I was crossing a line, but I didn't care. This was my new life, my new desire.
When we finally returned to the main floor, my boyfriend was waiting, his face a mask of anger and hurt. "What the hell was that?" he demanded, his voice shaking with emotion.
"I don't know what you're talking about," I replied coolly, even though we both knew exactly what he meant.
"Don't play dumb with me," he snapped. "I saw you. I saw everything."
"Maybe it's time you faced the truth," I said, my voice steady. "This isn’t working for me anymore. I'm young, hot, and ready for more. I should be out there, exploring, not tied down to someone who can’t keep up."
The hurt in his eyes was palpable, but I pressed on. "I need a sub who truly appreciates this body, who worships it like it deserves. You’re too old for me now."
Tears welled up in his eyes, and he tried to protest. "But we can make this work. I can change, I can be better for you."
"No," I said firmly. "It's not about you changing. It's about me realizing what I need. And what I need is someone who can match my intensity and my desires. Someone younger, more energetic. I'm sorry, but this is the end for us."
He didn't take the news well, of course. He begged and pleaded. "Let's swap our bodies back," he said desperately. "We can go back to how things were. Please."
I looked at him, feeling a mix of pity and annoyance. "Swap back?" I repeated, stepping closer to him. "I don't know what you're talking about. This body has always been mine."
He shook his head, tears streaming down his face. "No, please. We can fix this."
I grabbed his chin, forcing him to look up at me. "Listen to me," I said, my voice low and commanding. "This is my body. It always has been. You need to move on."
Packing my things was bittersweet. There were moments of doubt, memories of the good times we shared. But I knew this was the right decision for me. I needed to be true to myself, to my desires. And staying in a relationship that no longer fulfilled me wasn't fair to either of us.
As I walked out the door, I felt a mix of liberation and anticipation. The world was out there, full of possibilities, full of young, eager subs ready to worship me. Watch out world, Liam Anderson is ready to step it up a notch.
I moved into a new place, closer to the gym and the nightlife. It didn’t take long for me to find what I was looking for. Young, fit twinks who looked up to me with admiration and desire. They craved the dominance I offered, and I reveled in their worship.
One in particular caught my eye – a 19-year-old with a lean, toned body and an insatiable hunger for submission. We hit it off immediately. He was everything I wanted – eager, energetic, and utterly devoted to pleasing me.
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"You're perfect," I told him one night, running my hands over his smooth skin. "Exactly what I need."
"Thank you, sir," he whispered, his eyes shining with gratitude and lust.
Life was perfect. I had the body I wanted, the power I craved, and a sub who worshiped me like a god. The doubts and guilt faded away, replaced by the thrill of living my truth. I was finally where I belonged – in control, admired, and desired.
And as I looked at myself in the mirror, flexing my muscles, I knew I had made the right choice. The world was mine, and I was ready to conquer it.
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citieskyes · 10 months
astro observations: Venus edition
I do $15-20 birth chart readings so message me if you want yours done <3
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🌸 Aries Venus: Aries Venus’s are super passionate and romantic due to that fiery aspect of Aries. This can make them intense and enthusiastic. As such, they’re forward and quick with their approach to love. However; they’re constantly on the go. They need constant stimulation to be interested in someone. They want someone spontaneous who they can have a lot of fun with. If not, they get restless or bored. They get impatient quickly as they require constant adventure and excitement in their relationships in order to function.
🌸 Taurus Venus: Taurus Venus’s are ruled by the planet of love itself! As such, they can have an eye for aesthetics and beautiful things. However, they can be slow to open up at first. They prefer the slow and steady approach to love. As Taurus is a fixed sign, it takes Taurus Venus individuals a lot to truly get over someone they love. That’s where this fixed energy comes in. It’s troubling for them to move on from people and situations. Taurus’s Venus individuals are incredibly devoted and passionate. Above all, they value stability and security in their relationships.
🌸 Gemini Venus: As Gemini is ruled by the 3rd house of communications, these people prefer someone witty that they can banter with. As such, they require mental stimulation in order to stay interested. This is why they get the stereotype that they’re constantly on the go and are hard to commit. That’s not actually true; rather, they get bored if their relationships feel like a routine as they require excitement and variety. Gemini is an air sign so these people can be very flirty and social! People are drawn to their childlike charm and their charisma! With that being said, it is true that Gemini Venus’s can take a while to commit due to that restless air energy.
🌸 Cancer Venus: Cancer Venus’s are the sweethearts of the zodiac. Cancer Venus’s are in love with the idea of love. A lot of Cancer Venus’s are super maternal. In fact, they may want a lot of kids and a big family. They are very loving and devoted, but sometimes they get too infatuated with people and fall in love with the idea of them. They tend to have rose tinted glasses when it comes to love. Cancer Venus’s tend to be nostalgic and constantly yearn for the past, so it’s hard for them to move on from people. They never let go of people/situations because they try to see the good in everyone. As Cancer is ruled by the moon, Cancer Venus’s can feel the fluctuations of the moon when it comes to their personal relationships. They require partners who can adjust to their moodiness.
🌸Leo Venus: Leo Venus’s love dramatic acts of display when it comes to love. They want someone to scream their love for them from the top of the rooftops. They need constant praise and compliments to stay interested as they have high expectations. One of their main love languages can be gift giving as they’re super big on giving back. As Leo is ruled by the 5th house of love and art, Leo Venus’s have a playful and fun-loving approach to relationships. Since Leo is a fixed sign, Leo Venus’s can be possessive over their romantic partners. They want someone who is only about them. This makes them incredibly loyal and passionate. However, pride can become an issue in their partnerships.
🌸 Virgo Venus: Virgo Venus’s crave stability and reliability in love as Virgo is an earth sign. Due to the 6th house energy of Virgo, Virgo Venus’s can be perfectionists in love. This can make them hypercritical and can drive potential lovers away. However, these individuals are very slow to open up and can be reserved in love. This is why one of their love languages can be acts of service. They love giving back to the people they care about. They’d rather small acts of service than big gestures of grand love. They show their love through being thoughtful and caring.
🌸 Libra Venus: Libra Venus’s can be highly sociable and can get along with people from all walks of life. Due to the 7th house energy, Libra Venus’s are highly devoted and relationship oriented. They thrive when they have a partner who they can share their life with. As Libra is an air sign, these individuals are incredibly flirty and charming! They can attract a lot of people due to their romantic and charming nature. However, they may be people pleasers when it comes to maintaining their relationships, so they can come off as pushovers sometimes. This is because they strive for balance and peace in their partnerships. As Libra is ruled by Venus, these individuals may have a special eye for detail and aesthetics.
🌸Scorpio Venus: Scorpio Venus’s desire a passionate and transformative love. This placement screams “ride or die”, you are very protective over the people you love. Giving very much Bonnie and Clyde. As Scorpio is a fixed sign, it takes a very long time for these individuals to move on from past relationships. This Venus sign is prone to jealousy and obsession. This Venus sign can be overly possessive over their partners as they want to “own” them. Often told that they are too “intense”. They can be very seductive and magnetic individuals. Scorpio Venus’s crave intimacy and passion above all. They’re not into superficial relationships; that want something real and long lasting. When they fall for someone, it’s something deeply felt.
🌸 Sagittarius Venus: Sagittarius Venus’s approach love in a playful and fun manner. This is why they prefer their partners to be witty and humorous. They’re optimistic and joyful in love. Due to that 9th house energy, Sagittarius Venus individuals usually fall for those from different cultures and backgrounds. They’re incredibly open minded and prefer dating someone different to them in a way. However, they do get the stereotype that they’re “noncommittal”. This stems from the fact that they value their independence and can get restless if their relationship feels stagnant. They seek a partner who they can experience adventures with and grow together spiritually. Above all, they value their freedom and independence so they need a partner who is willing to accomodate that.
🌸 Capricorn Venus: Capricorn Venus’s can be slow to open up at first as they dislike showcasing their vulnerability. They are the most likely Venus sign to be private about their love affairs. This is due to their shy and reserved nature. As Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, these individuals may prefer traditional forms of relationships; or relationships that are stable and secure. One common trait of Capricorns is that they are practical, so Capricorn Venus’s take on that role as well. This is why acts of service is one of their main love languages. They like to show up for those they care about in practical ways. As Capricorn is an earth sign, these individuals are loyal and trustworthy. They value stability and responsibility in their relationships. They have no tolerance for flaky individuals.
🌸Aquarius Venus: Aquarius Venus’s are open minded above all. They are drawn to people from all walks of life. They prefer the friends-to-lovers trope. They’d rather get to know someone on a friend level than to just jump straight into a relationship. They fall for quirky individuals who are unique in a way. Aquarius is an air sign so they make take a while to open up, but it is a fixed sign after all, so they are still incredibly devoted when in love. Due to the airiness of Aquarius, these individuals value their freedom and independence in relationships. They dislike possessive and clingy partners as they really value their own space. This is why they get the stereotype that they’re emotionally detached, which is untrue of course.
🌸Pisces Venus: Pisces Venus individuals are the hopeless romantics of the zodiac. They can have rose tinted glasses when viewing their potential partners, which can lead to them being taken advantage of or hurt. Pisces Venus individuals spend a lot of time fantasising about their idealised version of love. Their head is always in the clouds! As such, they tend to ignore red flags in relationships as they’re too preoccupied with using fantasies as a form of escapism. They have the tendency to place the needs of others before theirs. Due to that 12h energy, Pisces Venus’s seek a spiritual connection with their partner. As such, they may be drawn to partners who have a similar belief system to them. As Pisces is a water sign, they can be very compassionate lovers! They have the ability to understand what’s going on underneath the surface and they are highly sensitive individuals.
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luna-0-0-0 · 6 months
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I wake up and with a perfectly planned itinerary, make my way to the airport. I can't believe I get to see Master omg omg omg.
He calls while I wait to board the plane and puts me under so I get WET instead of anxious. Master is so thoughtful <3
...4 hours later...
10 more minutes and I get to see him. This feels surreal...
...10 minutes later...
First glance in real life...shock! He is so lovely...I feel so inadequate. I drop my head, cover my face and act like an absolute dummy...cannot look him in the eyes & my heart is beating so fast. Obviously, he is an amazing human being and shows me an incredible amount of patience. I am allowed to hold onto his arm, looking down, as he guides me through the crowd...I feel so safe and cared for. I don't need to know where I am going. He leads me...until a few more minutes when I can finally build up the courage to face him properly. Of course I MELT. My legs MELT. My heart MELTS.
I just floated the entire time and my sense of direction was completely numb. Somehow we arrive to his place.
His scent is incredible...campfire in a pine tree forest clearing. His hands holding me...dopamine overload...still...so safe...at no point during my visit have I felt scared...I am so lucky...
Throughout my stay, we ticked off all items on our to do list. Some of them just innocent sight seeing, some of them less PG13 :))
Master has incredible adulting skills. His home was lovely and spotless, he made a perfect itinerary and showed me around. It was an absolute dream. Not sure if I will ever recover from this or if anyone would ever be able to top this...
Getting tranced online is one thing, but in real life when his soothing voice resonates in my ear, no interruptions, it's surreal.
His breath moving one thin strand of my hear that was in the way, MELTING me, his hand touching my back gently and then I SLEEP DEEP.
Feeling so SAFE in his arms...focusing on his voice and on his hand caressing me.
The world just disappears; the only thing existing is his voice...gentle yet commanding. I am HIS. I SURRENDER completely. I am LIMP.
Pocket watch, his voice, spiral on screen, his touch, kneeling, his scent...never have I ever felt so comfortable being OWNED. His property, his pet, small and devoted...WET
This incredible head rush...these waves of pure pleasure washing over my body...his voice herding my neurons towards extasy. I feel ADDICTED. OBSESSED. And DEEPLY IN LOVE...
WHAT?! 4 days gone?! I need to go back home?!
Thank you, Master.
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with an s/o that has their jolly roger tattooed on their womb I Shanks, Doflamingo, Crocodile
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✢ characters: Shanks, Doflamingo, Crocodile
✢ content: tattoos, implications of suggestive themes
✢ requested by: @anonymous
✢ a/n: Only Shanky was requested, so have the rest for free ;)
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Shanks would be initially surprised and amazed by your dedication and love for him and his crew when he sees your tattoo for the first time. He would appreciate the gesture and feel a deep sense of connection, knowing that his jolly roger is permanently etched onto your body, regardless of the placement.
He would shower you with affection and gratitude, placing gentle kisses on your forehead, and expressing how much your act means to him. Furthermore, he would feel incredibly lucky to have someone so devoted to him.
After you get the tattoo, Shanks would become even more protective of you, knowing that you have gone to great lengths to show your devotion. Ensuring your safety and happiness would become his priority, and he would always keep a watchful eye on you.
The sight of his jolly roger tattoo on your womb would awaken a possessive nature within Shanks. He would desire to mark you as his own, leaving a trail of passionate kisses and love bites around the tattooed area.
During intimate moments, he would explore your tattooed womb area with heightened intensity. The combination of physical pleasure and the symbolism behind the tattoo would create an incredibly intense and erotic experience for both of you.
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Doflamingo would be taken aback by your bold choice to get a womb tattoo of his jolly roger. He would find it fascinating that you are willing to permanently mark your body in such an intimate way to show your devotion, especially since his jolly roger holds strong symbolism for the slave system on the Grand Line.
Despite his unpredictable nature, Doflamingo would feel a sense of pride and possessiveness over your tattoo. He would appreciate the dedication and loyalty behind the gesture and consider it an important symbol of your bond.
He would become even more protective of you, viewing the tattoo as a mark of ownership. Ensuring your safety and well-being would be his priority, and he would always keep a watchful eye on those who lay their eyes on you.
Doflamingo's dominant nature would be aroused by the sight of his jolly roger tattoo on your womb. He would desire to take control and possess you completely.
Your tattooed area would become a focal point for Doflamingo during intimate moments. He would take pleasure in exploring and teasing the area, heightening the sensations for both of you.
The sight of his jolly roger tattoo would reinforce his sense of power and control. He would use it as a tool to assert his authority and engage in a passionate power play with you.
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Crocodile would be initially taken aback by your decision to get a womb tattoo of his jolly roger. He would maintain his stoic demeanor, but deep down, he would feel a sense of surprise and curiosity.
Despite his often cold and detached nature, Crocodile would secretly feel a sense of approval and pride. He would appreciate the dedication and loyalty displayed by you, recognizing the significance of your gesture.
The sight of his jolly roger tattoo on your womb would awaken a protective instinct in him. He would become even more vigilant in ensuring your safety and well-being, understanding the commitment you have shown.
Crocodile would silently admire the tattoo's symbolism, recognizing the deep bond it represents. He would find comfort in the fact that you have chosen to carry a permanent reminder of your shared connection within you.
During intimate times, Crocodile's curiosity would be piqued by the sight of his jolly roger tattoo on your womb. He would find it intriguing and fascinating, but he would keep his reactions restrained, not easily revealing his thoughts.
The tattoo would ignite a possessive desire within Crocodile. He would view it as a mark of ownership, heightening
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copperbadge · 2 months
I guess you probably get asked why you’re converting a lot but I still want to ask,
I dunno, I don't think I really get asked all that much, to be honest. Usually when I do it's like -- I mention I'm converting to a Jewish person and they'll be like "Getting married?" and I'll explain I'm not, which does necessitate an additional explanation.
It's difficult to vocalize, which is interesting because it has really very little to do with faith, and that's usually the most difficult part of discussing any conversion, I think. Often I'll just say, "I heard a call". Which is actually a rather Christian way of putting it, but I think it's probably the easiest way to explain, especially in a heavily Christian culture.
I had...I don't want to call it religious trauma exactly because compared to most people I know who exited Christianity, it wasn't traumatic -- I was just raised in Christianity and had trouble buying the faith in the various ways it was presented to me, and there's a certain type of ardent Christian who comes at you hard if you're in their church asking awkward questions. A few encounters with some egregious megachurches in my youth left a bad taste in my mouth, so in my twenties I really wanted nothing to do with religion and didn't have the time or energy anyway -- I wasn't actively anti-religion, just disinterested.
But in my thirties I had to ask myself, do I wish to be part of a faith community? And once I'd decided that despite being pretty heavily agnostic I did want that in my life, I had to decide what I wanted it to look like. There are churches within many branches of Christianity that are fine, and there are whole branches that are fine too, but I kept tripping over my disinterest in Jesus. I did almost become a Quaker but although I really like a lot of the Friends' attitudes towards social justice and I enjoyed silent Meeting, it eventually didn't feel quite right for me (the Quakers in my life refer to me as "Friend-ly"). I looked into Zen Buddhism but didn't click with it in quite the way I'd hoped.
Judaism didn't feel perfect, but unlike other faiths, after several years of study I have yet to reach a point where it feels "not for me" in the way the others did after a few months; even when I struggle with some aspects, instead of saying "I don't think this is it" I dig deeper, and Judaism is a place where you can just...keep digging. I like the sense of history, I like the idea that you can argue not only with other Jews but with the divine itself and maybe even win; I don't like arguing but I like that the option is there, which it never was in my Christian confirmation classes. I like the way Judaism frames community and family, I like the emphasis on scholarship and exploration. I've had to unlearn a lot of weird Christian and atheist attitudes about the Torah, but that's been educational too. Ancient cultures have always interested me and Judaism is sometimes the practice of actively conversing with ancient history that has been incredibly preserved but not calcified. I like that I can be an agnostic Jew if I so choose, once I finish conversion.
(Sometimes I joke, "Eh, I'm not really a huge fan of pork, either, so it's an excuse not to eat pork chops," but that's a joke for very specific company. I don't keep kosher or plan to, but I like that there is an option to show one's devotion through acts of nourishment, and that food is always such a huge part of Jewish ritual. And I like Jewish food.)
There is something in me that reacts to Jewish storytelling -- the fear and fasting of Esther, discourse on the sacrifice of Isaac, grumpy Rabban Gamliel from the Talmud, even the history of the Piazza Alla Cinque Schole when I stumbled into it in Rome. I didn't care particularly about the story of Moses when I learned it as a child, but I sniffle at the parting of the Red Sea in Prince of Egypt every damn time. Not even because of the miracle! I'm simply moved by the vision of a people going to freedom, scared but going, protecting each other and singing as they go.
Anyway. I'm in a conversation with Judaism that isn't over yet, and either eventually I'll reach a point where it ends, or I'll convert and be in this conversation the rest of my life. Kind of fun not to know yet which it will be.
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xxgothchatonxx · 23 hours
I cannot believe just how perfect Assad's performance was in that art gallery scene.
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I feel like this was to Armand what the confession scene was to Louis. As a viewer, this was the moment where I thought "this is The Vampire Armand". I mean, I've been loving Assad's performance from the start, but I feel like this was the make-or-break moment for the writing of Armand in this show. Because yes Armand is manipulative, yes he does truly horrific things, but he is also broken. He's been hurt so much in his life but what's both so horrifying yet also heartbreaking is how he views that hurt. His devotion to his maker, even after he did so many horrific things to his "beloved Amadeo" (god I felt my stomach drop when he said that...) is so tragic.
And I think Assad captured that tragic devotion perfectly. Because we as the audience know just how fucked up this story is, and I'm guessing the show-only viewers have now got a very strong impression of just how much of a gross asshole Marius is. But Assad delivered those lines like he's telling a fairytale. It's so eerily peaceful and almost romantic, which creates a vivid contrast against what he's actually saying.
From an adaptation standpoint, I think it was a brilliant choice to place this backstory here. Because it provides a logical reasoning for why Armand is the way he is, and why he acts the way he acts (and will act). How he views love, why he's so obsessed with maintaining tradition and order. And I think it's smart from a show perspective to reveal it here and now rather than wait a few seasons. The horror of Armand is still there, but he isn't Armand without the tragedy.
Assad and the writers absolutely nailed this scene. It's such a crucial part of Armand's character and I thought it was both incredibly disturbing but also tastefully done.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 2 months
Parallels in Unknown Episode 9
God I love the physicality in this show.
I will preface by saying once more that Kurt is doing a great job in his role as Yuan, especially lately with all the pushing and prodding Yuan has been doing to Qian, but I once again find myself having to highlight the masterful performance of Chris Chiu.
Wei Qian is a very tense and quiet character in a show that uses voice overs sparingly. This means that Chris has a very difficult job in conveying Qian’s inner monologue through body language alone. Without uttering a word we know what Qian is thinking; what he’s feeling; we understand the depth, the weight of his care for the people he loves.
For Episode 9, I want to talk about parallels. Parallels and how effectively Unknown is able to use them to bring maximum emotional devastation:
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We open with a flashback to Lili and Yuan as kids, to Lili trying to get out of going to school because she is worried the world is going to end. We open with a line from Qian:
“Even if the world comes down, I’ll hold it up.” 
Y’all. That line hit me like a 16 wheeler, holy fuck. This is the summary of Qian’s life, of his goals, of his struggle. Qian’s never had the luxury to live in a world that wasn’t falling apart. But he’s spared Yuan and Lili (especially Lili) from the trauma and the abuse and the pain he has suffered. He is already holding everyone’s worlds together, and that line struck me as the deepest and most beautiful profession of love. And of course, because he is acting as a parent to these kids he has to follow it with an empty threat.
The kids head off to school, but before the door closes behind Yuan he turns around, he looks Qian right in the eye and he says
“Ge, if the world comes down, we’ll hold it up together.”
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Double homicide. A perfect expression of Yuan’s devotion to Qian, Qian who very rarely experiences reciprocity. Qian spent a large portion of his life being uplifted and supported by the people around him: Le-ge, San Pang and his family, Xiong this is true, but for Qian most of those feel like or literally are debts to be repaid. He said it to Le-ge in this episode “I will pay you back everything I owe”, in Episode 1, Qian tells San Pang he’ll pay him back when San Pang covers his bills, Xiong helped kick start Qian’s career, but he’s in business with Xiong now so Qian’s success is Xiong’s success. Yuan is the only person to whom Qian owes nothing, and Yuan is the only person who is trying to care for him back without being owed.
Because this show has been looping in my head, I’ve been thinking a lot about trauma. The first scene we see of Qian and Yuan together, Yuan holds out a metal pipe in defense and Qian has an immediate flashback to his own childhood and the abuse he had suffered. Qian immediately establishes a connection to Yuan that he never will with Lili because Qian was incredibly successful in shielding Lili from the harshness of the world. We don’t see the trauma Yuan must have experienced as a kid, but we get the snippets, the ties in to Qian’s experiences, the illness, the hunger. Yuan has suffered, and Qian has saved him, and Yuan understands the burden that comes with care. Yuan is devoted to Qian, Yuan does not want Qian to hold everything he’s carrying all by himself.
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Yuan has always been like this, and will always be like this for Qian.
Despite the overarching structural problems I had with this episode, I do think there was a strong thematic thread in paralleling space and physical touch all the way through.
The Letter
Qian discovers this letter in a box under Yuan’s bed. 
“In my life, I’ve been driven by a deviant and sharp obsession” 
Qian tenses up, taking in a deep breath, his eyes wandering away from the page. He literally has to mentally prepare himself to continue reading Yuan’s words 
“Looking back, there’s nothing else. But if my life were to cease all of a sudden-” Qian barely moves his head to finish reading, instead just casts his eyes downward.
“-not seeing you one last time would be my greatest regret” 
Qian moves the paper downward, and he looks away. Legitimately, Qian looks at that letter for as short a time as he physically possibly can. 
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I’m mentioning the letter because the face that Qian makes when he is reading it is a recurring character throughout this entire episode. Because we see that face again almost immediately when Qian is at H.O.T.. That man is fully dissociating in his meeting, his mind is not at work at all. He is a statue sitting there with exactly the same face he was making when he read the first few words of Yuan’s letter. And it is not until everyone else but San Pang has walked away that he breaks from that thought paralysis and turns to get San Pang’s opinion. Dissatisfied with San Pang’s response and knowing that Yuan was hiding something from him and has not responded to his phone calls, Qian seeks additional answers. 
Rescuing Yuan
In Episode 1, Qian figures out Yuan is in trouble because he gets a phone call from Yuan’s teacher saying that Yuan applied for a leave of absence, he freaks out and goes straight to the pool hall where he barges in yelling and fighting his way to Le’s door. The second he gets in the room, he barrels straight towards Hu and grabs him by the collar. Qian has to be held back by multiple people in order to stop him from laying waste to everyone there, and the second Le-ge tells his people to let Qian go, Qian starts running straight to Le to fight him and has to be held back once more. 
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While Qian is being detained, he is looking around wildly, face a perfect picture of rage and desperation. When Yuan is brought out and Qian is released, he runs straight to Yuan and pulls him in to a hug and they start to walk away, arms linked to each other’s backs in support and connection. 
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And it sticks as such a vivid memory in my head that I had a visceral reaction to seeing how Qian has changed over time. Because in Episode 9 he knows something is wrong, you can see the worry behind his eyes when he tells San Pang that Yuan hasn’t answered his phone. And San Pang leaves him sitting there, still mulling over everything. When Qian enters the restaurant to talk to Le he appears calm (though there is very clearly a storm brewing inside him), he enters slowly. He is tense, and frustrated, and trying to contain it all. He is trying to keep himself calm. This is a very political conversation. He pours beer for Le-ge, he drinks with him, but you can feel it in the way that Qian sits that his every thought is like a clock just ticking away until something bad happens to Yuan. 
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“Le-ge can I ask a favor of you?” 
“What favor?”
“Help me find Yuan,”
“Are you asking me to help you find him or hand him back?” Le asks bemused and we get a jaw twitch from Wei Qian. Qian is seething, but he knows how Le operates and he’s older and wiser now so he can’t just enter the scene beelining towards Le with his fist ready for a face. As a child he was willing to fight Le, as an adult he has recognized Le more as an unfortunate ally who has all the power. Le and Qian roll up to the scene and we get a far more familiar Qian the second he exits the car and starts sprinting towards Yuan and immediately decks Hu right in the face to get him away from Yuan.
Again he tries to fight everyone that comes between them, again he is detained, being held back by multiple people, again Le and Hu fight while Qian is waiting to be released so he can run to Yuan. Again Le puts an ultimatum on their freedom, before it was a boxing match, now it is Russian Roulette.
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When they are set free, Qian immediately runs to Yuan and grabs him like he did when they were running away. The way he looks at everyone when he has Yuan in his arms is exactly the same way he looked at everyone when he was reunited with Yuan the first time Yuan was taken from him by the gang. 
It’s all the same, the way they walk out together, the way they are made to pause, the way Qian’s face is snarling when he’s trapped. It’s all there.   
Russian Roulette
Now, we are all about reciprocity here so we get another really tragic parallel between the boxing scene in Episode 1 and the Russian Roulette scene in Episode 9. 
In Episode 1, it is Qian that is made to play Le’s game alone: win three boxing matches, he and Yuan get to leave the gang. But Le doesn’t let Yuan off scot-free here either, forcing him to stand there and watch Qian get beat to shit over and over and over again for Yuan’s sake. And we get Yuan being the one to call out to Qian. 
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“Ge, stop fighting, let’s go home!” Yuan yells, and when Qian wins we see Yuan wiping tears away, and then screaming after Qian when his opponent sneaks up behind him. When Qian and Yuan are alone together after the fight, Yuan is crying and when Qian tells him not to cry he says: 
“Sorry. You wouldn’t have been in this fight if it hadn’t been for me,” which in this case is true for reasons outside of Yuan’s control. The things Qian has done for Le are informed by the care he has for Lili and Yuan, but Yuan is not himself the cause of the problem. 
In Episode 9 however….he walks right into the gang as if that is going to do anything, and has to be rescued by Qian. This time, though Yuan does not (or at least has yet to) say it, Qian would not have been in this fight with Hu and the rest of the gangsters if it wasn’t for Yuan. 
Similarly to Episode 1, Le-ge gives an ultimatum to their release, Russian Roulette. Where before we had three boxing matches, now we have three bullet chambers. And Yuan is old enough to protect Qian now, so Yuan volunteers to go first, and we get a role reversal. Before, Yuan had to watch, crying, as Qian fought and bled. Now, Qian is the one sobbing, having to watch Yuan get a gun to the head. Yuan looks at him and mouths “wo ai ni” and Qian immediately closes his eyes because cannot look at Yuan when the trigger is pulled, just as Yuan tried to look away when Qian was getting his skull bashed in in the boxing ring. 
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Yuan gets tortured right back though when it is Qian’s turn to have the trigger pulled, all we hear over the background music is this desperate and broken pleading scream from Yuan to let Qian go. When the game is over and Qian is released he runs straight to Yuan and pulls him up stating “Let’s go home, we’re going home,” another direct parallel to Episode 1. 
Alright, my favorite devastating blow of the evening, the hug in Episode 9 and how it parallels the hug in Episode 1. Because there are two levels to this: 
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photo of the photobook that @thisonelikesaliens was kind enough to send me. gif by @wanderlust-in-my-soul
The hug that Episode 9 more explicitly parallels, in my mind, is the hug that Qian gives Yuan right when they are reunited. He has that boy tucked in his arms, and is holding the back of Yuan’s head with his hand. It’s a very quick moment, but the intensity of Qian’s motion, the strength of his hug, the emotional core of that hug is evident in just the briefest of seconds and matches the intensity, the strength, and the emotional core of the hug in Episode 9. 
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Then you get a secondary parallel with the hug between Qian and Yuan after the boxing match, though it’s not as much of a 1:1 visual as the brief hug above. This is mostly in the changing heights, Yuan and Qian are on relatively the same level here. And you get the hand to the back of the head as a comforting thing which Qian is also doing to Yuan in today’s hug. 
In Episode 9, they are walking back home, it is dark, it is quiet. Qian stops dead in his tracks, the same look on his face as when he read the letter. He turns to face Yuan and clenches his fist because he needs that extra strength, it is taking everything in him to follow through on what comes next and then he just grabs Yuan and pulls him into a hug that parallels the hug they shared when Yuan was younger. Qian hugs Yuan like he is that small, scared boy even though Qian is now so much shorter than Yuan and Yuan is so much braver than he used to be.
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But unlike the hugs in Episode 1, I don’t think this one is intended to comfort Yuan. I think this time, it is Qian reaching out to Yuan for his own comfort. Because in Episode 1 it is Yuan who cries in to the forehead touch, in Episode 9 it is Qian who burrows his face into Yuan’s neck as hard as he can while his face contorts in sobs. This is not necessarily a parallel, but it is the moment of the episode that ruined my life so I needed to make sure that I took you all down with me with a reminder of this scene and a gif. Oh also, they hug in front of a giant pile of wood like they do with the forehead touch in Episode 1 because they HATE US. 
Fishing Conversation v. Letter Conversation
The two big conversations that Qian and Yuan have this episode are really interesting to me because of how they play with space. When Yuan and Qian are out fishing together, Yuan places himself directly in front of, directly next to Qian for the whole length of the conversation where he asks Qian his feelings. Here they are with allllll this space around them, the water, the earth, the air they can sit wherever, they can stand wherever, they can exist wherever they want and they sit half a breadth apart. 
“Four years ago you turned and left, four years later we’re back here. This is enough.” Yuan states
“Can you stop staring at me then?” Qian asks.
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And that in itself is a parallel to Episode 6 and Yuan begging, pleading, clutching at Qian’s knee for him to look at him. Qian could not look Yuan in the eye from the second Yuan told him he was suffering until the moment he returned home, and now Yuan refuses to break eye contact. (And as an aside, it is a very good indication that Qian is warming up to Yuan’s feelings because he says this in a very light, almost joking way. And he follows it with an empty threat, like the empty threat he gave to Lili when she said she didn’t want to go to school, one that Yuan calls him on immediately.) Yuan moves back to his seat, but even then he does not keep any physical distance from Qian, immediately reaching over to grab Qian’s rod ;-)
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At the end of the episode, we get a very differently blocked conversation. It starts with the camera focused on Qian as he ices the back of his head, a place we know has caused him continual problems since the boxing match. Yuan knocks before he enters (which he did for the first time last episode), gives Qian a glass of milk (which they’ve definitely done in this show before), and in response Qian (rightfully imo) yells at Wei Zhiyuan for being dumb, then confronts him with the letter. 
“What is the meaning of this?” Qian asks, and it’s the first time he looks at Yuan in the exchange and Yuan takes it, turns around, and walks away without a word. Yuan puts the letter away and goes to sit on a chair in his room, looking across the hallway at Qian. And this is one of my favorite parallels in the episode, because of what it is doing with distance. 
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Earlier in the episode Yuan and Qian were fishing together and engaging in very intense conversation about their feelings and their relationship to one another (or rather, Qian was undergoing an interrogation about his feelings and hearing once more Yuan’s feelings for him). With all that wide open space at the river they were essentially joined at the hip the entire time. But here, when there is another very intense conversation about to happen- one where Yuan is breaking some news to Qian that is almost guaranteed to make him feel all the more guilty for sending Yuan away and going no-contact -there is as much space between them as possible.
So despite the fact that they are in their house, in a much smaller space than the river, despite the fact that they started the conversation in Wei Qian’s room, one of the few places Qian has been vulnerable in front of his family (especially when intoxicated, triggered, or experiencing symptoms of his chronic health condition), one of the few places that Qian has allowed Yuan to be completely carefree, cuddly, and affectionate with him (even sharing a bed), this space Qian has fought tooth and nail to make safe for his family, Yuan does not tarnish it by being in the room with him for the conversation. 
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No, instead Qian will get this information with as much physical and emotional distance between them as Yuan can muster. 
“...some people started writing their last words” causes Qian to break eye contact with Yuan, but his posture, his breathing, all the rest of his physicality remains the same. Until…
“Everything I own is yours, whether you want it or not,”
That is what breaks Qian. Throughout the conversation as he is hearing about Yuan getting trapped, as he is hearing about Yuan thinking he was going to die, he is stoic, he is stone faced, the most movement you see from him is his eyes looking Yuan up and down in concern and his breath getting slightly quicker with each word, the turn of his head. But here he closes his eyes, he looks down at the ground, he releases his breath. It hits him so hard, the knowledge that he could have sent Yuan away and never seen him again, he sent Yuan away and Yuan could have died, where Qian was not around to protect him. 
It is just such a good mirror to the fishing scene, I love it so much. 
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liveontelevision · 22 days
I saw someone do headcanons on Lucifer and I know you'd write it perfectly. They basically said that if you were to ignore him, he'd practically BEG and WHINE like a bitch to have you talk to him. Even if it's telling him he's pathetic. As long as he hears your voice.
Ofc don't feel pressured to do this if you're busy or anything else, Ily🫶🏻🫶🏻 keep up the great work! :]
OKAY MORE SMUT (seriously, mdni 18+)
Sorry this one took forever but I'm prettyyy sure it's worth it. Let's just say this is Lucifer discovering some new things about himself :D
Throwing out a CW: Intersex Luci
Ignorance is Bliss | Lucifer x Reader
Becoming comfortable with the King of Hell as his partner was easy. He made sure to cater to all your needs and give you everything you asked for. Overall, Lucifer was a sweetheart and a gentleman. And this was especially the case in bed. Considering his immense powers, he was giddy to fulfill any of your fantasies you'd have, no matter how bizarre. After being with him for long enough, fantasies dissolved into curiosities. Some nights became spicing things up in the bedroom in ways that you'd never consider, just to see how much you could handle. Now? you wanted to see how much he could handle.
Neither of you were comfortable with bringing intimacy to the public, not without proper care, at least. But what if you could work him up in a way only you knew about? Tease him throughout the day? How desperate could you make him without touching him? You couldn't recall where you picked up this idea, maybe somewhere online at some point. Knowing how deeply devoted he was to you, he was sure to hold a great reaction to this.
You were together when the hotel was renovated, so it was an easy transition for you. Everyone already aware of your relationship and loving you in turn made your afterlife seem like less of a punishment.
His top priority was your comfort when you both moved. He made sure to be close to you in group settings, keeping a hand on you at almost all times. Whether that be a hand on your thigh or the small of your back, or simply having his fingers intertwined in yours, it felt like a relief for both of you.
But with this little act you were pulling, you would lean away from his touch, and make excuses to disappear for the afternoon. Or in the halls, where he'd usually greet you with a quick kiss or I love you, you'd pull out your phone as you approached him, or simply smiled with your eyes barely looking his direction. He would swear, if anyone asked, that this wasn't bugging him one bit. Not. At. All. You were all his at the end of the day, you could treat him however you want and he'd submit. He's fine. He's acting fine.
When it came to the hotel, there weren't many demons jumping at the chance of redemption in the beginning, so some nights turned into drinks, games, and music. You felt so incredibly lucky to be a part of this family, your eyes scanning across the room and taking in just the pure enjoyment of everyone around you. The center of it all tonight was Lucifer. He was going on about some fantastical story that involved a circus in some other ring of Hell, that then evolved into sharing baby photos of Charlie. His eyes always sparkled when he would talk about his daughter. You loved her too, of course, but your heart always fluttered when his admiration would show.
Still, you had that little experiment to play with tonight. As Lucifer went on about his stories, either entertaining demons with their content or his ridiculous retellings, everyone was drawn in. Not to mention, he was drunk and was acting like a fool, so he was even entertaining Alastor. With one foot on the barstool and the other propped on the counter, he acted out some ridiculous story that you paid no mind to. In fact, you made it a point to not react to anything, despite how intense he was becoming. You'd look down at your phone as he spoke. Or you'd start some random conversation with Husk, who really could care less, but he at least responded to you.
Keeping your eyes off of him was a challenge, but you could tell he was trying to get your attention when he'd brag about something. With no response, he would stutter mid-sentence, then change the topic after not getting the reaction he wanted out of you. With each ignorant glance, he took a swig of his drink.
He was seated after that, being scolded for scuffing the tables with his heels. That's when the ridiculous jokes began. You loved his jokes! You could listen to them all day, even laughing when he told you the same joke over and over. But not tonight, you had to remind yourself. You bit your tongue and sucked in your lips to hide any smile or laughter that might pass through. Still avoiding looking in his direction entirely, Lucifer was suddenly silenced. You looked up at him through half lidded eyes, then back down to your screen, mindlessly scrolling through essentially nothing. Charlie was quick to distract him with a story, he was nodding along and smiling as best he could for her. The party dwindled, leaving you, Lucifer and Husk.
“I-uh.. think our royal highness has had enough. You should take him to bed, kid.” Husk finally draws your attention to Lucifer, who has laid his head on the countertop, incoherently mumbling. You sigh and nod, taking his drink from his hand and rising to your feet. Just barely touching his shoulder, he immediately straightens his posture.
“Good call, kitty!” He had a habit of calling Husk that when he wasn't entirely there, it made both of you cringe, “Bedtime, my love?” He takes a hold of your hand in both of his and you have to remind yourself this is just for fun. The endgame has to be worth it. You pull away, already walking through the portal he had created when he was talking. He looked at you as you stood in your shared room, still seated at the bar. Finally turning, you sigh and place your hands on your hips.
“C’mon, Lucifer.” You said absentmindedly, using a beckoning finger to draw him in. He eagerly jumped from his seat following you in, even with his chest aching. You didn't normally use his name. Usually it was darling, or my love, or good boy if he was acting accordingly. He takes a hold of your arm as the portal shuts, pressing a kiss to your knuckles, then running small pecks along the length of your arm, stopping at the start of your shoulder. You let out a small, almost nervous sounding chuckle, before reeling back.
“Didn't see you around the hotel today, darling. Did you do anything fun?” Lucifer sways as he speaks. Maybe small talk would help? He was trying his hardest to act casual and keep a clear conscience considering how much alcohol he’s had at this point. You shake your head, pulling your top off. You decide to sort through your clothes long enough to let Lucifer catch the sight of you bent at the hips, rummaging through a dresser drawer while topless. You could hear him gulp. He starts the same way, but struggles with the buttons on his vest.
“L-love, I might need-” his intoxication is clear in his voice at this point. After throwing on some sort of silky slip, you sigh and turn your attention to him. Looking down and fiddling with the buttons, he begins to lose his balance and finds himself leaning against a wall for stability. You approach him silently, and easily undo each of his buttons. You'd be lying if this alone wasn't making your stomach flutter. Even then, it was easy to keep your cool after seeing that he was clearly enjoying this too much. You notice his labored breathing as he braces his arms against the wall, allowing you to run your hands across his bare chest and slipping his shirt and vest to the ground with some maneuvering. You keep your hands at his hips for a moment, he lifted his pelvis away from the wall, maybe hoping for some kind of friction. You were lingering barely an inch away from his lips. Hearing the smallest whimper seemed to remind you of your mission, so you quickly pulled away.
“Good night, Lucifer~” just that sentence alone sent him spinning. Your lips so close to him and your voice so smooth, he was beginning to enjoy the sound of his name in your mouth.
More. He needs more.
As you crawled under the covers, you made it a point to hum and moan as you stretched and settled in. Pulling your phone back up to your face, you barely had time to look at anything before a clawed hand had slowly pushed your device down, revealing a very red-faced Lucifer.
“Is something wrong, love? Can I.. help you?” He was genuinely worried. You almost felt guilty at that moment. With a final sigh, you set your phone aside and cupped his hot to the touch cheek in your hand. He immediately let the weight of his head fall into your hands, humming contently at the long overdue contact. Still, you shake your head in response to him, keeping your lips sealed. His lip finally starts to quiver and he lets out a shaky breath.
“Please, I need your voice, love.. I miss it- I miss you.” He almost breaks you, so you decide to reward him for this display at least. You silently press a kiss against his eager lips. He's ready to pull you in and ravish you with that alone, he’d do anything to hear your voice. You pull away. He tries making connections in his foggy mind, tracing through the past few days to see if there was anything he might’ve done for you to be this cruel to him. He can't think of any wrong doings, but.. he'll do anything.
“P-please? darling?” He stammers out, continuing to crawl towards you and sitting prettily on your lap. The view itself drove you mad. You could keep your lips sealed, but you couldn't prevent the blush becoming apparent across your cheeks. He hums, satisfied with this reaction at least.
“I don't know what's going on with you, but.. I love you.” Oh, shit. “.. I love you~” He repeats.
You keep your eyes away from him. This one was a struggle.
“T-That’s fine, don't tell me about your day.. o-or laugh at my jokes, but, darling-” he turns your head to face him, a hand lightly bringing you forward by your chin, you notice his eyes glowing. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” You said it quietly, a hint of defeat in your tone. He immediately perks up, shifting his grasp on your chin to thumb at your jaw, nearly encompassing your throat with his hand. Closing the already very small gap between your lips, he eagerly explores your mouth with his forked tongue. You yelp into his lips in surprise, before pushing him away carefully, seeing how much of a mess you've made him from just that phrase.
“Lucifer, that wasn't very nice, was it? You have to ask.” You said sternly, sitting up to rest your back on the headboard and pulling him with you to keep him seated on your thighs.
“W-Wha.. Ask? To kiss you? Well that seems.. rather…” He questions with a nervous laughter, waiting for the punchline. You only nod your head in agreement.
“Well.. can I kiss you, then..?” He asks awkwardly. It was cute enough, But this wasn't your original vision.
“Mmmm- no.” Making a big show out of tapping your chin and letting your eyes wander around the room, you finally look back at him.
“What? Oh- um.. please?” He clarifies, a now nervous smile present on his face.
“Please, what?” You start running your hands across his abdomen, letting them interlock behind his back and pulling him just a bit closer.
“C-can I kiss you.. please..?” You thought he'd be agitated at this point, but his voice is dripping with desperation. He likes it. You see his hips shifting just above your thighs.
“Hm. Maybe.. I just don't think you want it enough, my love.” You say sweetly, pouting as if you felt any remorse. You ran your hands up his chest, then back down his sides, brushing your fingers just slightly below his belt. He huffs.
“Sweetheart! I-I do want it! please..? I want you, p-please..” He finally moans out, panting heavily only from your hands along his bare skin. You couldn't help but smile, and finally give him what he wants. With a gentle kiss onto his lips, it's clear that he's shaking with anticipation. He wasn't jumping you like before or taking the lead to suffice his own desires. It's as if he was waiting for permission. You weren't going to give in that easily, though.
You pulled away after that single kiss, looking at him like you had just asked a question and were waiting for a proper response. Finally catching his breath, he braces himself up by keeping his hands on your shoulders. He looks at you with the sweetest puppy eyes, shifting his weight on his knees to ease the growing discomfort pressed in his pants.
“More, my love.. I need more- I-I need you to-” He's still rambling. You hum, letting the hand that had been sitting on his hip palm at the bulge in his pants. You learn forward, pressing your lips against his skin and running your tongue up his neck. He shivers, the sudden sensations after being ignored for so long already forces a pathetic sound from him, music to your ears. Your kisses become sloppy, and your little nips will surely bruise and shine by the next morning.
“I-I want- ahh~” He’s keeping up with it? You thought for sure this little game of yours had ended. You won and you're giving him the attention he finally needs, yet he's still begging for you? “talk to me.. darling-” he chokes out, moving his hands that had been tightly gripping your shoulders to cup your cheeks. You were pulled back by his touch, a slightly shocked expression on your face. “Please.” His eyes were brimming with tears. A single line of golden blood and saliva dripped from his mouth from biting a little too hard on his lip, in an attempt to keep his noises at bay. You moved your hands away from his buldge, which had accumulated a wet spot onto his trousers, then went back to trailing your fingers across his skin again.
“Okay.” You respond. He perks up at your acceptance, the little sparkle in his eyes brings a smile to your face. “Since you asked so nicely.” you said sweetly, “So.. how badly did you miss me? Only a few days like this and you’re already a mess.. did you miss our little conversations? My voice?” You question softly, brushing your thumb across his cheek to wipe away some stressed tears that had fallen. He nods, holding onto your hand and burying his cheek into your palm.
“-My touch?” You massage his hip, letting your hand drift closer to the clasps on his pants. He nodded again, much more eagerly this time. “Hm. Good.” with one final kiss to his lips, you push him to the side, swapping your positions, to where you were hovering over him with your arms caging him in. He barely has time to process the quick switch, before feeling your hands tug his pants. He's moaning at the sensation alone, holding onto whatever he could find, gripping your wrist in one hand and balling up the sheets in his other.
You linger above him, your lips just above his. You could feel him panting heavily against you, even before touching him. You'd normally be passionately entangled at this point, But here, you got the chance to see his face. You were enjoying taking your time with this one.
“You're being such a good boy for me.. you're doing so well.” Your eyes flutter shut to capture him in another heavy kiss, and you reach unto his pants, planning to slowly relieve his stress. A sudden request leaves his mouth, stopping you for a moment.
“N-no..! Nono.. love, my name. Use my name- please..” He's shaking his head, finally mustering the courage to make his request. Another new development. God, he was perfect. You move to his jaw, pressing kisses up to his ear before breathing heavily against it.
“Lucifer-” you finally say. He lets out a pathetic whimper, clamping his grip down onto your wrist and bucking his hips into your sudden, yet tantalizingly slow, palming. “You're doing so good for me, Lucifer. My Lucifer. My sweet, Luci~” you mutter into his skin, beginning to pump your hand a bit faster. He is doing so good for you, afterall, he deserves it.
This wasn't the only game you wanted to play tonight. you wanted to fully take care of your poor neglected king after all you've put him through. After toying with him for long enough, edging him from release each time, you finally let him rest. You pull away, after bringing him to the brink and tearing him away each time, you were reveling in his pretty tears. All the senses you were enrapturing suddenly put to a halt, forced him to look at you desperately. You fully dismount him, leaving him nude under your gaze. Slightly embarrassed, he pulls his legs together. You rest your hands gently on the top of knees.
“I’ll need both tonight, Luci.” You say casually. This was something you've tried before, and it was definitely due for a second round. You felt he needed the extra love. He nodded, his face completely heating up. walking your fingers across his legs and helping him take his trousers completely off, you were treated with the pretty sight of his already soaked pussy, that sat quite nicely below his already overstimulated cock. The combination of his two sexes was enough to drive a whimper even from you. You quickly dip down, your own desperation meeting his. After bringing him to the brink beforehand but not letting him finish, it wasn't long before he was squirming and whimpering under your touch.
Even with all that, he was still begging you for more. Drunk off his juices already, you ran your tongue up from his folds, flicking at his clit, then sending a heated trail right up to the head of his cock. he arches his back into the full exposure, and you have to keep your hands on his thighs to keep his legs from shutting. The agonizing moans and gasps he was letting out only made you want to hear more. Hastily pushing three fingers into his entrance, his voice cracked out some resemblance of your name. He doesn't use his other sex often, so when you get the chance to eat your fill, he's almost always struggling to keep any composure. pumping his cock in one hand, you skillfully pump and curl your fingers into him with the other, all the while maneuvering your tongue and lips to suction onto his clit.
“Mm-! I-I can't- ahha- take… anymore- m-mmy love-” He's stammering. You pull away for a moment to let out a single phrase,
“What do you say, Lucifer?” Before continuing your brutal overstimulation. Only hearing more whimpers, you slowed your motions, waiting for a proper response. You only speed up your movements, after keeping your thumb lightly pressed against the top of his head.
“P-Please-” he shoots his head back into the pillows, his legs already shaking. “Please, can I-I-” You hum against him, sending a mild vibration that still made a big impact, before lifting your thumb just slightly.
“You may, Lucifer.” You run your tongue across his entirety again, enclosing his cock into your mouth and taking in his final thrusts.
Still whimpering and gasping, you continue to bob your head, moving slow circles across his clit, and causing his body to fully tremor beneath you.
You finally sit up, enjoying the view beneath you, while wiping away anything that you didn't manage to already swallow. Even with his eyes closed from the pure exhaustion, he's muttering your name under his breath. You still don't know how you managed to get this lucky, so you appreciate his drunken appearance for a moment longer before cleaning him up and eventually settling him under the covers. You hold him tight to your chest, your limbs intertwined. Even with immense angelic power, he returns your embrace weakly, with shaky arms.
“I love you, Lucifer.” You hum, pressing a kiss onto his forehead while brushing some hair from his face. He's still catching his breath, “Luci-” you say just as sweetly. He barely opens his eyes to meet your gaze, still silent. With a gentle grip on his chin, you pull him upwards to fully face you. “I love you~” You repeat.
“Mmn- love you.. dear…” He grumbles, still clearly dazed from the events of the night. Running your thumb along his lower lip, you muffle his tired moan with a kiss, before letting him rest his chin comfortably against your chest. You’d say your little experiment was a success. And you're sure Lucifer learned a lesson along the way; He has to ask for what he wants.
Hope you like intersex lucifer bc I recently discovered I LOVE INTERSEX LUCIFER
More requests and the next part to Suffer is comin' up soon 🫶
( @vififofum / @thornwolfy235 / @tinywolfiegirl / @chipper-chip / @bat-boness / @misfitgirlwrites / @nayomi247 / @lonelynmisunderstood / @escapistoftherealworld / @b4ts1e / @hamthepan / @kyo-kyo1 / @looking1016 / @polytheatrix / @littledolly2345 / @lillianastuff / @yourlocalcryptidbee /@0strawberrysorbet0 / @themageofblood / @jayyyayaysblog / @floralsightings / @azmosposts / @8har0ley8 / @actuallyspiderwoman / @sirenetheblogger / @christineblood / @kaytemchugh / @cimadreamer / @simpdevil66 / @azmosposts / @m3ow1 / @acrazyartist / @redfoxwritesstuff / @4k1to / @meesachan / @corvusskid / @alientee /@xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx / @alon3lylov3r /@sapphireravensworld / @mjmdragons / @catticora )
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karniss-bg3 · 9 months
The Tragedy of Faith
So between tumblr and twitter I've read various takes on Kar'niss and what draws people to him. For some it's the monster fucking appeal, for others it's the desire to fix a clearly broken individual. There are in-betweens and of course this is subjective and depends on the person. Act 2 spoilers ahead. Where my personal interest comes from is how good Larian communicated the tragedy of faith and what a cult can do to a person. Kar'niss is a creature that has been broken by not one God, but two. Lolth broke him physically, the Absolute broke him mentally. His entire identity has been lost to a deity to the point he raises her in his speech. Referring to her as "Majesty" and "Queen", two terms you don't really hear anyone else address her as, he has elevated her to his final savior and leader. He also often refers to himself as "we" and "us", cementing him as part of the hive mind rather than holding any individuality of his own. When he does refer to himself as "I", it's mostly to show further loyalty to the Absolute, to maintain a position of importance in his fractured mind. Cults are notorious for targeting the most vulnerable in society as they are the easiest to mold and manipulate to their doctrine. The fact that goblins are one of the main races that fall to the Absolute's influence is telling in that regard, as they are often dismissed by the other races. Kar'niss was ripe for the picking, an easy target to lure into her arms. No doubt he was found shortly after Lolth twisted him into a drider and banished him, he didn't stand a chance.
Not even taking those elements into account, Kar'niss came from a society that is infamous for cruelty and violence, especially toward males of their species. Drow greatest hits include, but are not limited to: -Killing their young if they are not aesthetically pleasing enough. In other words, ugly. -Sacrificing every third born son to Lolth.
-If a male finds the favor of two competing females, it often doesn't end well for the male. The rival woman will kill the male and chuck his dead body into his opponents bedchambers, just for the sake of being petty.
-Love and emotions of any sort are in short supply, if not outright unseen as a general rule. The nature of drow to backstab and seek to rise in the ranks makes it near impossible to be anything other than fierce and domineering.
With these things in mind, it's easy to assume that Kar'niss had a turbulent upbringing and likely suffered untold abuse from many around him. It's not to say that good or reasonable drow don't exist, it's just not commonplace in a Lolthite society. Unfortunately, the game doesn't give us a great deal to go on as far as his past. What little he reveals only happens after he's dead, and even then its really a cliffs notes version. What we do know is that his devotion is intense and unwavering. He's willing to die for the Absolute because in his mind the Absolute are the only ones who care about him. We even see fellow followers talk down to him, dismiss him, and verbally eye-roll the guy. To them, his fanaticism is over the top and they follow the same God he does.
All told, this leads me to the conclusion that Kar'niss has never, or rarely, known true compassion in his entire life. He's been used as a puppet for one deity or another, and likely mocked or cast aside even when he did everything right. It doesn't surprise me that there are folks who desire a romance option, or barring that a side venture to break him free of the Absolute's hold. We don't know if Kar'niss did terrible things in his past, or where his moral compass sits as his entire personality revolves around God. But I'd love to know, and I crave more background on him in one form or another.
I've spent too much time thinking about different paths that could happen in-game. I also understand it's incredibly unlikely he'll ever become a companion. The sheer amount of time and resources needed to give a character a satisfying arc is likely more than Larian can do with other constraints, but maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised. So Kar'niss lovers, platonic, romantic, or everything in-between...I gotchu fam. We stan the spooder bby. Someone get that man a blanket and a nice mug of hot cocoa. And a cult de-programming kit, one of those would be good.
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yhwhsdaughter · 1 month
Alucard Alphabet
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Affection ༄
He is quite affectionate. Alucard’s heart softens at the mere sight of you, so it’s difficult to be anything but loving. He unconsciously lowers his voice when speaking to you so it comes out like a sweet murmur. He has this need to touch you, whether it be a protective hand on your shoulder or a sultry kiss.
Best friend ༄
The two of you would be inseparable. Alucard might seem uptight at times, but he’s always putting your best interests at heart. His help is available to you, always. He won’t hesitate to intervene in your stead should problems arise. Loves to listen as you tell him your worries and thoughts. Alucard stares so intensely into your soul as he does this, which is endearing but also a bit concerning.
Cuddles ༄
In your arms he wishes to stay for the rest of his days. Alucard wouldn’t bring up the desire to cuddle so you’d have to be the one to propose. He won’t admit to liking it, but it’s quite obvious and he won’t fight you on it. Alucard loves to embrace you when cuddling, preferably facing each other. Kisses your forehead often when cuddling. He also inhales your scent because it brings him peace.
Domestic ༄
Alucard absolutely yearns for normalcy. He wants the two of you to have a mundane life, full of domestic intimacy so bad. Alucard wishes for a time where you can be together, without having to worry about fighting the undead or risk losing you in the process. That said, he is perfect around the house; he cooks, cleans, and offers protection. Your cup will never be empty with him.
Ending ༄
He would try to keep things as civil as possible. Alucard wants an amicable separation—mostly to spare your feelings. He’s definitely hesitant about breaking up the memories you have constructed. There’s a bit of awkwardness in the process, for he’s not the most experienced with amorous relationships.
Fiance ༄
Alucard is so happy to be with you, so he’ll have no issue committing his every breath for your happiness. Having a life partner is honestly all he could’ve wished for. He will be a devoted and loving husband. Alucard would craft the most beautiful rings you’d ever seen. On the inside would be an inscription of his feelings for you, engraved in both your minds and hearts.
Gentle ༄
Would rather die a thousands deaths than ever hurt you. Alucard is a gentleman; he’ll tend to your needs, all of them, sometimes placing them above his. Because of his enhanced strength, Alucard will handle you carefully, almost like you’re made of glass. His touch is that of a feather, his voice like a ghostly whisper. Remind Alucard that even if he were to shatter you with his long sword and fangs, you would die a most pleasant death.
Hugs ༄
Will not ask for them explicitly, but he loves embracing you and being embraced. If he’s feeling particularly needy, Alucard will simply trudge towards you and do it. Now, his hugs are incredibly comforting, though they tend to be a bit heavy since he leans on you, his form draping over yours. He doesn’t want you to disappear, even for a moment.
I love you ༄
Alucard will say this spontaneously. It could be at a time where he’s feeling desperate or peaceful. Either way, the words will slip from his lips. This confession won’t be revealed till he’s sure you’re the one—meaning you’ll have to be patient because Alucard is showing opening his vulnerable heart to potential hurt.
Jealousy ༄
Oh, he gets jealous. I think it brings feelings of insecurity. Alucard might try to be subtle about it, he may even act suave about the whole ordeal, plastering a cocky expression over his statuesque-like face. Immediately, he will bury his face on the crook of your neck, fangs grazing your carotid gently.
Kisses ༄
Soft, desperate and forceful. Not in a bad way though, Alucard just needs to feel you… firmly. He gets carried away in your touch and embrace. It’s so addicting that if he were to miss your kisses for a day, he’ll go into a withdrawal. The most common places where Alucard will plant kisses is your lips, temple, neck, and the back of your hand. In return, he’ll want to be kissed on the jaw, the corner of his mouth, and the crook of his neck.
Little ones ༄
He likes to humor them. Alucard is surprisingly patient with children. He would be a great father; has a desire to form a family, whether it be biologically or adopted. He just wants to share that love and be loved.
Morning ༄
Quite peaceful. He would prepare breakfast so when you wake, a meal is already waiting. Alucard also likes to start the mornings by giving you small kisses, a reminder of his love and proof that you’re real, not a mirage or figment of his imagination. Evidence that you’re with him and he’s not lost himself. He likes to start the day slowly, not eager to do much without you.
Night ༄
He’s a creature of the night, somewhat. So if there’s a time where you can’t wander into the land of dreams, Alucard will keep you company. He’ll hold you in his arms and carry you to the top of Castle Dracula to admire the stars till he feels the weight of your head on his shoulder. Afterwards, Alucard will share your bed.
Open ༄
Um. He’s a bit closed off to be honest. Alucard’s story is complex, one that he doesn’t feel like repeating aloud. He loves to learn about you though—taking notes of all your favorites, dreams, as well as the things you hate. However, when you mention how it can be a bit unbalanced, Alucard will then sit you down and reveal his troubles. It’ll take time for him to tell you everything, but that’s fine because you’re not planning to go anywhere.
Patience ༄
Unlike with others Trevor, Alucard extends you his infinite patience. He might get exasperated but never angry. If we’re being quite honest, everything you do is adorable to him. You could be massacring a vampire and Alucard will have heart eyes, smiling proudly. Blame the beating organ inside his chest that threatens to jump out whenever he lays eyes on you.
Q ༄ Quizzes
You are always on his mind. Alucard reserves his best thoughts towards you, so he’ll remember everything. It’s unnerving, in a good way, how Alucard knows you so intimately.
R ༄ Remember
There’s so many precious memories that are stored in the vault that is his heart and mind; so if you were to ask him specifically what’d be his favorite moment in your relationship, he would probably answer with, “When I lay eyes on you.” So, all the time.
S ༄ Security | How protective is he? How would he protect you?
There’s no safer place than by his side, and in his arms, his embrace. Alucard would go to the ends of the earth for you. Your security, your safety, your well-being— it is all above everything. Albeit he fought against his father for trying to exterminate the world for his mother, Alucard would do the same for you.
T ༄ Try
No one like him would put this much effort into a relationship. He would get and arrange things to your liking but not so much that it would overwhelm you. It’s a bit endearing when he’s a bit awkward about certain aspects of being with you.
U ༄ Ugly
His lack of trust can be a bad habit of his. It’s not like he doesn’t trust you specifically, it’s just… well, in his defense, life hasn’t been kind to him. Because of this he might seem cold or detached, and quite depressive at times. Alucard, prior to you, tended to go off the deep end with ease, almost getting consumed by his thoughts.
V ༄ Vanity
For him its all about the heart, though it doesn’t hurt if you’re a beauteous woman. That said, Alucard finds you extremely captivating in every aspect. There was a time where he would constantly stare at your hands and face whenever you’d cook. He would get so entranced by your movements and expressions.
W ༄ Whole
You’ve attached yourself to his heart and soul. You’re ingrained in his being that any attempt at separation is painful. So, Alucard would very much feel incomplete without you in his life.
X ༄ X-ray
There’s no one that knows you more than him. He knows you like the back of his hand. He could sketch every piece of your face, down to the last hair, from memory alone.
Y ༄ Yuck
Don’t tie him up. Seriously. He loves you to no end and wouldn’t harm a hair on your pretty little self, but the idea of being tied would make him anxious, recalling bad memories. He’s entirely averse to causing you pain. He can’t bear to mark you purposefully—maybe only bites but that’s with explicit consent and once in a blue moon.
Z ༄ Zzz
He likes to sleep holding your hand, always facing you, never away. He’ll sleep on his back or facing you—Alucard doesn’t like to give you his back, wanting to fall asleep staring at you. For if he were to die before he wakes, he would want you to be the last thing he sees.
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Spirit Work II
Spiritual Imposters
Before committing yourself to a deity or spirit one must communicate by learning about the entity in question, making certain they are who they say they are. Discovery of a spirit you thought you were working with is something else that leaves one feeling betrayed, upset, and oftentimes empty. Knowing the signs can really help discern things.
Mental Sock Puppets
A mental sock puppet is the result of talking to yourself and concluding self-talks as something else. The ego talks, you listen to yourself. Not a spirit. Or you establish contact but are incredibly biased hearing your thoughts. Not theirs.
It acts in accordance to your expectations.
You received no new information.
It’s only as knowledgeable as you are.
It only abides by your will. No one else.
It gives no signs unless you’re looking for them.
These are easy to get rid of if you identify the problem, recognize the problem, and let the narrative and ego go. No one needs to hear it. No one wants too either. You only end up hurting yourself and other people if things get too out of hand.
Lying Spirits
Some spirits are opportunists. They can portray an illusion pretending to be someone they’re not in order to gain loyalty and trust. They can take the form of a deity, guide, companion, or anything else that you would be most receptive to. This is why it’s good to know the basics to energy work and magick. Remember to learn different energies and how they feel to you. Remember to analyze the situation, yourself, the spirit, the environment, and working before proceeding forward. A lot of these malevolent entities like to feed off you or cause more drama that’s not necessarily needed.
Spirit Work and Continued Relationships
Veneration and Practice
This is about worshipping the deities or spirits you work with and highly depends on your practices and influences you choose to use and construct.
Most times there will be an altar setup or shrine dedicated to these spirits. Offerings of food, drink, incense, and trinkets would be a way of showing your dedication and interests of the spirits. There are other forms of interaction I have seen before.
Connection through art, music, nature, and meditation are just some of these other mediums. You don’t have to make this complex, and sometimes people have busy schedules making veneration hard to come by.
Try to keep things simple and remember it’s always okay to take a break due to circumstances. Spirits understand life comes first.
Patrons and Matrons
A Patron and Matron are deities that a devotee has a connection to. Its beyond standard devotional relations and is the main contact point for guidance and protection. It’s important to recognize that these types of relationships are built. They are not assigned.
Wicca is known for the patron and matron concept where duo theistic practices entail encouraging practitioners to seek out two divinities. The patron and matron would represent the divine masculine and divine feminine.
This is not a requirement in most practices, but in Wicca it is recognized in many circles.
Fallow Times
There are times where communication between you and the spirits can be difficult, and that’s okay. It happens with everyone. It doesn’t mean a spirit has left or that you’ve lost your ability to communicate. This feeling is temporary, and it’s a reminder that whenever this does happen, you need to take care of yourself first. Get the rest you deserve and try again later. Remember, this is normal due to circumstances – including stress, environmental factors, and any sort of disturbances one may have.
Oaths and Vows
There are many reasons why an individual would take an oath and vow. That’s between the practitioner and the spirit. This promise can come about for many different reasons, and even sometimes at the request of the spirit. However, this isn’t required if you are just working with them. It doesn’t mean control or status either. You can’t parade this around to get your way in certain situations. It doesn’t look good or help. Be aware of that. Remember why you did this, and what does it mean for you. That’s the most important part.
Displeasing Spirits
Those that are new to Spirit Work sometimes worry about displeasing the spirits. Repeat after me, deities and spirits who choose to work with you won’t get mad at you for being a human.
They will know there will be shortcomings, quirks, and variations.
You have NO obligation to listen to ANY person on this subject otherwise.
IF you do upset a spirit or make it angry question yourself as to why. Remember, communication is the key, and sometimes frictions can happen.
IF the behavior seems off and out of place, you may be dealing with an imposter. Check your sources and confirmation methods before determining the circumstances.
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bonefall · 3 months
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Cat? Gray. Eyes? Blue. Hotel? Trevago.
Design babble stuff below
Good god it's been over a year since I last drew her. I can do so much better now
I give her a wolf motif for BB, because in my mind it's about the myth of the lone wolf. Lone wolves aren't normal, they're pack animals. At first, Firestar sees her as this ideal, strong leader who stands independently of everything... but he's wrong!
She's NEVER acted fully alone! She's always been devoted to her family, even as it dwindled. Her ruling style is to protect other Clans, unlike any leader who's come before her. In BB, she even had a mixed-Clan friendgroup called the Forget-Me-Nots.
She helped to depose ShadowClan's tyrant. She sent Firestar to fetch WindClan, even against the wishes of the other two. She even fought Nightstar and Crookedstar when they tried to drive them out again.
She even takes the code SO seriously that she refused to kill Brokentail, extending a mercy that ended up backfiring.
And Firestar learns everything about leadership from her. Grace, diplomacy, fairness... and she was fair to a fault.
Both her and her apprentice would eventually face down Tigerkin, Bluestar during the coup and Firestar even lost a life after defending Hawkfrost for several books.
The only time Bluestar ever became a "lone wolf" was in her cruelty arc, when she was dragging everything she ever stood for down with her.
Her wolf motif shows up in her entire family, to connect them. It's in her nephew Whitestorm, her uncle Goosefeather, her daughter Mistystar, even all the way down into Curlfeather and Frostpaw who are descended from Reedwhisker in BB.
The scar comes from her fighting a badger to rescue Darkstripe and his sister, Cricketclaw, when they wandered off as kittens.
He's a mix of spiky and swirly, as a cross between his dad Deadfoot and his mother Ashfoot.
He's older in BB to change that he was an apprentice on the Great Journey, and also to fix an inconsistency where his dad would be dead when he was conceived.
I think it was a huge missed opportunity that Crowfeather's bond to his mentor, Mudclaw, is barely mentioned in-canon. In BB they were VERY close and Mudclaw was incredibly influential to his personality.
Deadfoot is dead-- Mudclaw was like a father to him.
Crowfeather is torn between the influence of his mother, who was a Forget-Me-Not in her youth, and the hard ideology of his mentor. All the while, the ego boost he got from being selected to go on the Great Journey massively affected him, in a bad way.
He ended up taking Mudclaw's side in the rebellion-- not because he believed that ThunderClan had told a lie (in fact he defends his friend's honor) but because he believed Mudclaw would be a better leader.
But eventually, he found himself surrounded by cats he didn't want anywhere near WindClan. Good intentions or not, Mudclaw was willing to work with cats like Blackclaw and Hawkfrost-- people who want a second TigerClan.
Crowfeather betrayed the rebellion, running to fetch Brambleclaw and ThunderClan reinforcements. In the fight, his nose was scratched in a chevron, the shape of Mudclaw's stripes.
I like the idea that he carries it with him, but always tries to put it off his mind. He mistreats and misuses other people, ignoring the reminder that he is a fallible person that's carved onto his nose.
died of infection. Sad!
All of his kits resemble him in some way. Lionblaze inherited his tail, Hollyleaf has the spikes, Breezepelt has the build, Jayfeather is a miserable git has the ear swirls
He was head of Kitchen Patrol until BB!OotS, but I'm actually planning for him to NOT be deputy in BB. His character growth feels a lot more satisfying in realizing he really doesn't handle power very well, and should stay away from it.
He has old relationships and burned bridges to mend, and staying part of Kitchen Patrol seems like the way he should plan to do that.
I talked about him a lot in Nightcloud's summary and he's going to be coming up in the outline of Nightcloud's Pannage a lot. Much as I love taking potshots at him, he's got a very kind arc laid out.
She is the daughter of LIONHEART whY don't you people give her A MANEEEE
let her be THICK
In BB, the Frostfour are actually from two different litters. Cinderpelt and Brackenfur were in the older one.
Frostfur was head of Kitchen Patrol at the time, and very overworked lmao
So Cinder and Bracken both have an "older sibling" energy. Their mom was usually involving them in every little activity to get some help. Brackenfur is over-responsible, and Cinderpelt was always trying to help out other people and prove herself.
Of course, it also lead to her running right into Tigerclaw's trap which was set for Bluestar-- she wanted to be helpful.
The injury didn't heal right and she has chronic pain. She has severe mobility issues in the hip, and usually keeps the leg bound to her body so it doesn't drag or hurt.
She could have still been a warrior if she wanted to, but discovered while healing that she loved working with Yellowfang. I also interpret it this way in canon, to be fair, but TNP decided to remember it completely differently.
After saving Littlecloud's life they became absolute best friends. They worked on a mobility device for Wildfur together.
They style their manes in a similar way, pushing it up into that "spike" on their heads and out of their faces.
Moonkitti's blonde Ashfur remains iconic, I fear
I draw him like a cheetah so he has the funky cheetah cub hair
I'm a HUGE fan of what the Erins did with the direction of Ashfur's story, with him being an obsessive spurned lover, but that's not really the sort of story I tell in BB!
So I approach his obsession on Squirrelflight as being very... Judge Frollo-esque.
Frollo's ultimate goal isn't to possess Esmerelda. He wants her, but it's a wrench in his plans to commit ethnic cleansing using his religious justifications. Hellfire is about how he finds a way to shift the blame for his own lust onto her, and offers an ultimatum; "She will be mine or she will burn (along with everyone else I plan to slaughter)"
In Frollo's mind, he "forgives" her for what she's "done to him." For what she is. He sees what he's doing as giving her an "escape."
It's not for her benefit. It's for HIS. By giving her this "escape," if she takes it, he gets to think of her as redeeming herself (and thus being worthy of him).
If she does not... then it's no skin off his back. He's Done His Part. Everything was always her fault. He is blameless.
Either way he gets to walk away feeling justified.
All that to say-- that's how I approach BB!Ashfur.
He wants to punish codebreakers. He wants the Clans to suffer for how far they've fallen from where they should be. They've become vulgar, ungrateful, unworthy of StarClan's grace.
He tried to kill The Three because he'd learned of the Fire and Tiger prophecy, and was only trying to protect the Clan. If Squirrelflight had CHOSEN HIM, then none of this would have happened.
He was righting a wrong, you see, and StarClan understood, in his eyes.
When Hollyleaf slaughtered him, violating the Code, it only confirmed he had been right all along.
And again and again and again, he offers Squirrelflight what she needs to redeem herself. He wants her. He wants her to "be better."
When she lets him down... then it's not his fault. She's forced his paw.
SO the blonde hair isn't totally just a fun reference, I also find it fitting because aside from the cheetah motif, he sees himself as angelic.
It's also why I don't portray him as "grubby" like some folks do, BB!Ashfur is much more vain than Canon!Ashfur, caring immensely about his appearance. Thinking about it, he probably won't even let his Bramblefake vessel fall into disrepair, he'd feel more grossed out than usual.
He also gets a very cool boss fight form at the end of BB!TBC which I still need to design lmao.
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oncomingnight · 10 months
Salvatore ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.! "My diehard, My weakness."
-Yandere! Male Model x Reader 。゚❃ུ۪
Hello everyone, I apologize for my absence but I'm finally able to write and put something out for all of you! I hope you enjoy and never hesitate in reaching out to me, I'm here to listen.
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Yassine was signed with the most highly renowned modeling agency that was in the industry. His appearance was completely entrancing, capable of stunning any person that had the privilege of seeing him in person. Everything that had contributed to his 'mysterious' demeanor was absolutely divine and could fill any person with envy. His brown bushy brows, beauty marks scattered over his body & face, dark brown circles as his irises, soft tufts of darkly colored hair, light pink plump lips, arms & hands filled with veins and a height startling to the human eye.
Despite his capability of looking like the most unapproachable man alive, he's incredibly tender-hearted and altruistic. The feeling of his muscular arms being wrapped around your waist in a comforting manner is the best form of reassurance you could ever receive. Yassine quite obviously adores you and he could never go an hour without going on about how devoted he is to you.
Traveling is something he enjoys an incredible amount, especially with you, and only you. He'll show you his favorite areas and'll make sure you're having the best time you could ever have with him. The amount of money he spends on you will act as a concern to you but Yassine doesn't mind, the two of you have different mindsets. Why should he categorize the amount of money he spends on you as a negative? It isn't something malicious when it's in favor of you.
Yassine is incredibly protective of you and he isn't afraid to act on that aspect of him. Someone could be poking fun at you in a non-hurtful manner but he'll still be quick to tell them to cut it out .
"Aye, watch it." "Wanna say that one more time?"
He's been in his fair share of fights and they've all been over you. If he's in an argument with someone else and they bring you up, they're leaving the function with several broken bones. Yassine couldn't care less if he's in a public space, if someone wants to try him and bring up his biggest weakness, he's going to stoop low. He's immensely stubborn and will defend his actions when you question him on how quick he is to fight. "He deserved it and you know it, شہزادی", he says as you clean up the bloody cut above his tatted knuckles.
Whenever he's being interviewed for magazines or podcasts, he'll always mention you or find a way to do so. The delicate manner in which he speaks about you is so endearing, making anyone interviewing him stare in admiration.
When Yassine has to travel for a casting, you're always going with him. He finds great pride in being able to properly take care of you and show you the depths of his love. He will be the first one there when you're in need of any type of assistance, all you need his him and all he needs is you.
He is all about intimacy and showing you just how vulnerable he's willing to be when it comes to you. When the two of you are having an intimate conversation, he's all about eye contact. "Hey, look at me, baby. I'll do anything for you to realize just how much you mean to me. I worship you, you know that?"
His hands are always on you no matter the time of day. It doesn't matter if you're wearing an outfit that covers your entire body, leaving everything to the imagination, his hands are going to be squeezing and rubbing you because he's not the best at containing himself. His ringed fingers being placed onto your thigh, rubbing them back and forth as he murmurs something along the lines of, "So goddamn beautiful" ,and, "you know how much I love this dress."
Wherever the two of you go, you're always seated on his lap. In his defense, it's comfortable and do you really think they clean these publicly used chairs?
Yassine loves taking you out on little trips that include doing things you deeply enjoy. He'll take you on a road trip that's filled with country roads and farm fields, laughing when you point to an area and call out, "look, there's horses!" He enjoys taking you shopping and purchasing items that you've spoken about wanting. Do you want clothing made with fine fabric? You got it. Do you want perfectly curated cosmetics? You got it. Do you simply want cute little trinkets that'll go on your bookshelf? You got it.
Lingerie? Oh, he's buying that anyway.
There's nothing he loves more than going on a little getaway trip and seeing the beauties of a certain country with you. He cherishes being able to cuddle up all close to you in your shared Airbnb , nuzzling his head into your neck, kissing your jugular and whining when you try to get up for any reason.
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blakeswritingimagines · 3 months
Dating Yandere Fire Lord Ozai Would Include:
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His most prominent trait would be a lack of impulse control, which can manifest in many different ways. For example, being possessive and jealous, wanting to monopolize his beloved's attention, and becoming confrontational when faced with potential rivals for your affection. He may also act impulsively towards his beloved, expressing his obsession more intensely than usual and being overly eager to please you, even if it means crossing moral or legal boundaries.
Extremely affectionate and loving (Lovebombing), at least at the beginning, but incredibly possessive and envious when anyone else attempts to claim your affection. He will do anything for you. He'd kill everyone around you and then himself for you to be his.
If you tried to leave, rejected his love, or even implied that you were interested in someone else, he would be overcome with jealous rage. This can sometimes escalate to violence, as he may become physical in his attempts to prevent you from leaving or to punish you for being unfaithful. And if anyone were to ever hurt or threaten you, he would become so furious and vindictive that he would stop at nothing to make them pay.
He likes to exhibit extreme emotion and passion in his love and affection towards you. He may become overly attached, possessive, jealous, obsessive, and clingy, as well as demonstrating intense feelings of jealousy and anger towards any perceived rival or threat. In extreme cases, this can lead to violent behavior, manipulative acts, and even harmful or even fatal attacks.
He does not feel any remorse. Even when/if he hurts you, he will feel no guilt. You will belong to him and him alone, and he does not believe in being gentle when you resist. He is relentless and he will make you obey.
He has been told his intensity can be quite suffocating at times. He will devote his whole being to his one true love. And I mean whole.
This means that when he is attracted to someone, he'll feel an irresistible sense of ownership over you, even to the point where this feeling could develop into an obsession. He will be manipulative and try to exert control over you by any means necessary, so you can never leave him.
He will be extremely possessive over you, to the point where he will try to control every aspect of your life in order to ensure that you can never leave him. This includes isolating you from your friends and family, as well as controlling what you do and where you go. He even resorts to violence if you try to defy him in any way.
He'll be jealous of anyone showing any interest in his "property", and feel a need to "mark" you, and even eliminate anyone who could potentially pose a threat to the person he is obsessed with. He will have a violent, temperamental personality that will only be amplified around you. He will be very possessive and dominant, and get jealous even by little things like someone talking to you. In his eyes, you will be his and no one else's even before you are together.
Once his obsession over you is fully formed, he becomes very possessive of you and will isolate you from any other people who may have an influence on you. He can even become more violent when he feels that he is losing you, showing that he has no problem harming the same person that he is supposed to care about.
He'd make you to be his everything. He'd demand that you spend every waking moment with him. He'd never want you to leave his side. He would be very jealous and possessive of you and would get angry at anyone who tried to take your attention away from him. In other words, he'd always want to be your number one priority.
If you somehow did manage to get away from him or you ended things, he would become violent and manipulative in order to get you back. He would resort to blackmail, bribery, and physical force if necessary.
He would also become emotionally manipulative, using guilt and shame to get you into doing what he wants. He would do anything to make you rely on him so that he could manipulate you into staying with him. He could turn your friends and family against you by spreading lies and rumors about you, or even threatening them if they ever tried to help you. Anything they love and anything they care about could be used against them in order to make you stay so that they will never have you for themselves.
He would also be prone to extreme mood swings from hot to cold, from lovey-dovey and affectionate, to violent and manipulative, depending on how much you have given in to his demands. He would constantly question you about your feelings towards him and be extremely jealous of any time spent with others. He would become obsessed with you and the image of you together, often becoming delusional and ignoring any warning signs that you may be planning to escape from his clutches.
He would reward you for compliance. Your well-being and safety would be an important factor in his decision making and if you behaved according to his wishes, you could expect gifts and praise.
He would punish you harshly if you acted out of line, he felt an intense rage that can only be satisfied through harsh punishment. The severity of the punishment depends on the severity of the offense. Some common forms of punishment he might inflict include spankings, binding and gagging, being made to endure humiliating acts, or being dressed up in embarrassing outfits.
If someone else were to try and take you away from him before you had fully fallen into his clutches, he would do his best to manipulate you and get you to return to his side. He would tell you that he is the only one who truly loves and understands you and that any other person would be a bad influence on you. He would do everything he could to make sure that you stayed with him and dealt with whoever was attempting to break you up.
Azula and Zuko, both reacted very differently to his behavior. Azula became very similar to him, and shared his cruel and manipulative personality over you, becoming his most trusted confidant and gets to watch over you for him. Zuko, however, was horrified by his behavior, and he could not understand why he would treat you in such a way. And tried to confront him on many occasions, but Ozai refused to listen to him.
Going on dates with him could be quite a rollercoaster experience. He would start off very charming and attentive, but over the course of the date, his mood may change drastically as you do or say something that irritates him or makes him suspicious about your behavior. This could end up leading to him questioning you about your thoughts on the date and your intentions.
Affection from him would start out as affectionate and attentive, but his possessive and obsessive nature would soon take over. He would only show you affection when he was getting his own way or when he felt it was appropriate for you to receive it. He would withhold any type of touching if he felt that you had not met his demands. He would only touch you when he wanted to, whether physically or emotionally. He would be very particular about how much physical affection you receive and when it takes place.
He'd always make sure you knew how much he loved you and how much you needed him. You'd be isolated from your family and friends, and you'd never be able to escape or get too close to anyone else. He'd be the only person you could ever rely on and trust.
"I want you to know that I've had my eyes on you for a long time, and now that you're in my grasp, I don't plan on letting you go. You're mine, and you always will be. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you by my side, whatever the cost. You're mine, and you're only all mine."
Orgasm denial - He loves to watch you squirm and struggle as he teases you with the promise of an orgasm, but never quite allowing you to reach climax.
Marking - Leaving hickeys or bites all over your body after you've had sex is such a powerful way to assert his dominance over you and leave a physical reminder of your time together.
Choking during sex – using his hands or a piece of bondage equipment like a collar to lightly squeeze your neck during foreplay or intercourse. It creates an intense sensation that really amps up the intensity and leaves you feeling completely helpless in his hands which he likes best.
Overstimulation - He also loves it when you cum multiple times in a single session – watching you struggle to catch your breath between orgasms and knowing that he's the reason for the pleasure is incredibly rewarding for him. And thinking that you're addicted to his cock and his touch is an amazing feeling.
One of his favorite things to do is play with your limits – pushing you further than you ever thought possible. He loves exploring the boundaries of your sexuality, finding out what makes you tick and how far you can be pushed before you break.
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quanruicorre · 4 months
ପenhypen as boyfriends ᵎᵎ
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ପincludes: heeseung, jay, jake, sunghoon, sunoo, jungwon, niki, gn!reader ପgenre: fluff ପword count: 3,607 (500~ words each) ପcontent warnings: none that i can think of! ପauthor's note: happy valentine's day!
ღ;lee heeseung:
heeseung would be such a sweet and caring boyfriend!
he's so dedicated to you and the longer you two are together, the more and more devoted he is towards you.
heeseung absolutely loves kissing you but he's less likely to do it publicly, as he prefers sharing his affection for/towards you privately.
if you want a kiss whilst out in public, though, he won't reject it! he'll just get a lil shy ! (but he'll still lean over and smooch ya)
heeseung is very passionate with his kisses - he pours all his love into them and so he doesn't want others to bare witness to that amount of love and passion.
when it comes to hugging you, heeseung definitely would back hug you - he can't help it, you just fit so perfectly in his arms, no matter your height.
you're taller? he's hiding his blushing face against your back.
you're shorter? he's resting his head on top of yours and smiling to himself.
you're equal height? he's burying his face in your neck, breathing in your scent.
whilst he's not very clingy with his hugs in public, he's SO clingy when you two are cuddling all alone.
heeseung will literally refuse to let you get up, claiming that the privacy won't last long (he's not wrong) and that you two need to enjoy it whilst it lasts.
and you agree, because you're whipped !
heeseung literally just clings whilst you're cuddling and if he falls asleep..? good luck :D. he's not letting go of you lol
heeseung loves taking you on night time dates, preferring not only the privacy that limited light brings, but also the relative quietness of the world in those early hours.
most people are asleep at 2am, but you and heeseung are having a picnic and sharing sweet memories from your childhoods under the moon and stars.
he's not opposed to more traditional dates like dinner dates or movie dates but his faves are just those quite nights in a random area of south korea where you two can act like you're the only ones left in the world.
when it comes to communicating via the phone, heeseung prefers calling over texting.
tone gets lost over text and he'd hate to misunderstand how you feel.
so if he's ever not sure what you mean, he'll call you, and if he can't, he's gonna be pouty as fuck about it.
i think he'd love facetime calls too but not as much as non-facetime calls because he's afraid you'll catch him staring at you all lovey-dovey.
he doesn't realise you've already caught him doing it irl like... eight thousand times lol.
heeseung would probably stick to simpler nicknames like "love" and "babe".
he's not too spicy with the names he chooses, but sometimes the way he says them makes you feel super special and you can't help but fluster.
and yes he will tease you about it.
overall, heeseung is a top notch boyfriend who'd love on you so much, even if he's a bit too shy to express his affection in large amounts when you two are in public.
but despite that, he'll acquiesce to whatever you want because he's whipped !!!
ღ;jay park:
jay is SO boyfriend coded ! like he's literally THE boyfriend ever.
he's incredibly sweet, always taking care of you and making sure you are happy with him and the relationship, but also just happy in general, tbh.
when it comes to public kisses, jay is so soft with you. always just sweet gentle little pecks that make you cheeks heat up, even after dating for a while.
he's not too big on PDA, not because he doesn't love you or love showing you off, but because he prefers to show his love for you intensely in private.
his private kisses tho? woosh, he's SO passionate, kisses last way longer than they really should, especially considering his members can barge in at any minute and catch you two practically making out.
jay's hugs are so sweet! whilst he would back hug you occasionally, he much prefers being face-to-face whilst hugging you.
no matter the height difference, jay loves burying his face somewhere, enjoying your warmth and your scent.
it's not uncommon for you and jay to be constantly hugging each other, and if you can't hug each other, you'll be holding hands.
the members of enhypen are honestly so tired of seeing you two being practically joined at the hip lol.
speaking of being joined at the hip, jay LOVES to cuddle with you and if the members can't find you or jay, chances are you two have snuck off to cuddle and nap together.
jay just loves being close to you and he especially loves cuddling whilst being face to face so you two can still talk and he can still see your beautiful face and he can still kiss you.
it's not uncommon for non-sleepy cuddle sessions to turn into soft and lazy make out sessions tbh.
dates with jay would be PERFECT!
at first he tries to be boyfriend goals by taking you on cliche pinterest-ready dates like restaurant dates and picnic dates.
but he soon calms down and starts letting you plan dates as well as turning any old movie night into a super fun date night.
in jay's mind, any time spent with you is a date and he loves it.
jay doesn't really like texting you all that much because he much prefers hearing your voice.
in fact, he's so used to hearing your voice that even when reading your texts, he hears the words in your voice and cadence and diction and tone in his head.
if you're more shy about phone calls, jay would understand because, to be honest, he loves any and all communication with you and he'd never wanna force you to do something to make him happy, especially if it made you uncomfortable.
jay would totally call his partner "angel" and i will not accept criticisms on that.
he might call his partner babe, baby, or love on different occasions but his favourite one is angel and everyone knows that too lmfao.
jay is so in love with you and he shows it through all manner of things and love languages and everyone can tell he's ridiculously in love, tbh.
he's just so in love and he can't hide it at all omg.
ღ;jake sim:
jake is the ultimate golden retriever boyfriend and it shows tbh.
the cutest, sweetest, most attentive boyfriend ever, who shows his love in a thousand different ways.
jake kisses you SO MUCH like his lips are always on yours and the members of tired of seeing it lol.
you two need to go your separate ways for 2 minutes? you kiss!
jake thinks you look cute as you vent about something to him and his members? he kisses you. he's that obsessed.
jake also LOVES hugs and it's not uncommon for him to hug you as a greeting.
he just wraps you up in his arms and wiggles you from side to side quickly, so he can hear your cute laugh.
despite his love for hugs, however, jake much prefers cuddling you and he's not afraid to admit it.
the feeling of you in his arms, all comfy and cozy, for a longer period of time, really makes him feel happy and content and peaceful.
jake is definitely the type to nuzzle into your hair whilst cuddling you and just sigh happily because he's SO IN LOVE.
if you and jake are sat down together, you two are cuddling, and the members literally can't separate you two once you're like that.
jake loves going on dates with you because he loves spending time with you!
whether its a simple movie night or a date out at a fancy restaurant, jake is treating you and making you feel so loved and adored.
much like heeseung, jake prefers more casual dates, but he loves going out during the day, rather than the night.
its not uncommon for you and jake to go on cute picnic dates together in a flower-filled park with layla by your side.
jake also definitely considers bathing layla with you to be a date lol.
jake is definitely a cheesy texter - expect lots of silly and cutesy memes to make you smile and giggle throughout the day.
jake loves calling and facetiming you too, tho, as he just loves seeing your pretty face as you just exist and talk to him.
i dont know why, but i can totally imagine jake calling his partner "darling".
he'd say it in both serious and non-serious situations, each time getting a different reaction from you.
he'd probably also call you puppy too tho tbh...
jake is gonna be the cutest most loving boyfriend ever, always flirting with you and making you the happiest you can be.
but if anyone asks him, jake will say he's the one who got luckiest in your relationship!
ღ;park sunghoon:
sunghoon is SUCH a good boyfriend, like damn..
even tho he's not super big on PDA or affection or anything like that, he's the best boyfie ever, no competition.
now sunghoon here LOVES, nay, ADORES kissing you. does anyone else know that? nope.
why? because sunghoon never kisses you publicly unless he's going away on tour and you two don't have privacy to kiss make out.
his kisses are so demanding and he just pours all his love for you into them HOWEVER he's not messy or ungraceful about it nor is it ever too rough.
unlike kisses, however, sunghoon doesn't mind hugging you in front of people. everyone hugs, so in his mind, there's nothing wrong with quickly hugging you as a greeting, sneaking a lil kiss in whilst he does so heheh.
his weakness is when you backhug him like.. no. 1 way to fluster sunghoon tbh.
speaking of flustering him - face-to-face cuddles make him so shy because why are you so close when you're so pretty?! his heart is RACING.
sunghoon loves cuddling you tho and it's not uncommon for the members to catch you two curled up together, his face buried in ur neck as he spoons you.
adorable, truly.
sunghoon would definitely love taking you on ice skating dates tbh. cliche, i know, but he just would!
sharing one of his loves with someone he loves would just make him so giddy and it's always followed up by either a snuggly movie night or a nice romantic dinner.
although sunghoon does love it when you plan the dates because he loves seeing how your brain works and what ideas you have.
this mfer never texts OR calls you, because he'd rather just be there in person.
obviously, if he can't be with you cuz he's busy or in another country, then he'll facetime you or call you or, if he really must, he'll text you, but he grumbles about it for a while after lol.
if he CAN get to your physical location - good luck. because he will make u panic so many times because he leaves your "im struggling today :(" message on read and then shows up at ur place 20-30 minutes later with a bunch of snacks and one of his hoodies lol.
sunghoon is definitely the type to just call you by your name when in public because he's SO SHY about calling you by a cutesy lil nickname in front of others, yknow?
but in private? woosh. it doesn't matter what sunghoon calls you because the way he says it, whining for your attention? bam, ur instantly flustered.
definitely calling you angel tho tbh.
sunghoon may seem like he isn't your boyfriend to some people, but to the people your closest to, it's insanely easy to tell.
he's just So Clearly In Love that it's kinda hard to miss it tbh.
ღ;kim seonwoo:
sunoo is such a cute boyfriend; he's literally so loving and devoted to you.
he literally always brags about you and everyone is tired of his lovesickness lmfao.
sunoo loves kissing you, but who's surprised?
he's always kissing you and pouting at you when you pull away or deny him his kisses like how dare you been so mean to the sunshine >:(.
he can't help it - he loves kissing you because you're just so cute and he doesn't wanna say "you're so cute, i love you" a thousand times over lol (he wud if he had to tho).
sunoo is KNOWN for always being connected to you via a hug. he loves hugging you because, in his mind, you two just fit together so well :((.
he's definitely the type of boyfriend to hug you super close to him and not let go for ages, like 5 minute long hugs minimum lmfao.
which leads me into cuddles: of course he loves them!
sunoo loves that you let him cuddle up to you all the time, even when you're busy, because being near you calms him down and makes him feel so happy and content.
it's not uncommon for people to find you two cuddling and talking away together, happily murmuring lil things to each other in between soft kisses.
let it be known that sunoo is fantastic with date ideas because he's just so dedicated to you that he knows all your likes and dislikes and wishes and hopes and dreams and just AHH he's amazing!
definitely giving you those couple goals type of date experiences that you find on pinterest and tiktok.
from picnics, to movie nights, to dinner dates, to stargazing, you two do it all,
sunoo is definitely also the type to bring you along to enhypen-only events whenever you have free time because he wants you there and he's too cute to say no to lol.
omg sunoo loves calling and texting you - you two can always be found gossiping to each other on the phone, all hushed 'no way's and cute giggles.
he loves seeing your face tho, so you better be prepared for facetime calls at night so you or him or both of you can fall asleep on call together.
i could definitely see sunoo calling you "my star" or "my light" because he truly thinks you brighten up his darkest hours and make his world better.
stop it, thats so cute omg :((.
overall, sunoo is a fantastic boyfriend and everyone is envious of you and him and the two of you together.
you need something? sunoo is on it. you want something? sunoo has already got it!
ღ;yang jungwon:
jungwon is such a cute and sweet and shy boyfriend and it's so fucking adorable.
like he embodies the puppy love stereotype so well, it's genuinely the cutest thing ever?!
jungwon, OH BOY, he absolutely loves kissing you, even if he's so shy about it.
he'll shyly peck your lips before leaning back in for a slightly longer kiss, his cheeks soft pink and his smile HUGE when he pulls away.
the boys love to tease him whenever he kisses you around them because he's so shy about it and he always reacts so much that they can't help but tease him.
usually, to hide his red face from his members, he'll hug you and bury his face into ur skin, nuzzling like a cat.
because jungwon loves hugging you, more than he loves kissing you, if we're gonna be honest.
he always randomly wraps you up in his arms and hums contentedly, so in love with you that he just can't bring himself to pull away for a good few minutes.
and, of course, this means jungwon loves cuddling with you because cuddling is just a longer form of a hug, ngl.
he's definitely the type to want to lay on top of you when you cuddle tho, hiding his face in ur neck as he falls asleep listens to the audio of whatever you're watching.
you're comfy to him and, unless it hurts you, jungwon will not let you trade positions he's too cute to say no to tbh.
jungwon loves at home dates, again, because he gets to cuddle up to you and enjoy the time together in peace and quiet and privacy.
as much as he loves going out for dinner or shopping or star/cloud gazing dates with you, and trust me, he ADORES those dates,
he much prefers movie and drama nights at home where you have too much takeaway to share between you two or "dates" where you cook dinner together and end up with some of the ingredients in your hair cuz he started a food fight lol.
jungwon just loves spending time with you because there's not much time you do get to spend together and he wants to cherish every moment :((.
speaking of spending time with you, jungwon doesn't at all mind if that time is on call with you instead of in person.
he's got a busy schedule so he understands that he can't physically be with you all the time, so it's not uncommon for him to call you so you two can just spend hours at a time doing ur own things, but on call together.
and if a call is impossible, every second of free time is spent texting random updates to you, cuz he just loves you sososo much :((.
jungwon would use the cutest nicknames for you ever, and the boys never ever leave him alone cuz of it LMFAO.
jungwon would call you love or honey or agi (baby), if he was feeling slightly more mischievous romantic that usual.
he'll melt at any nickname u give him tho because he's certifiably whipped.
jungwon is gonna be the cutest boyfriend ever and even tho he's somewhat shy, he's still not afraid to show you off as his beloved partner.
he's just the best, omg !?!?!
ღ;nishimura riki:
this is his first relationship and BOY does it show clear as day (no offense niki, i say this out of love and understanding).
despite that tho, he's very sweet and very quick to adapt to what you want and need so be nice to him and tell him whats up !
riki is very shy when it comes to kissing you, even more than jungwon would be, because he's probably never done it before? (not seriously, at least)
but because he likes you, he will try his best and so you get super confident riki swaggering up to you followed by him kissing you in the cutest, sweetest way possible that makes his cheeks go all pink and warm.
however, this cute shyness is nowhere to be found when riki hugs you - he literally runs a million miles an hour to get to you so he can hug you, ffs.
he's definitely the type to pick you up and spin you around whilst hugging you because he loves you! and he wants to show you that via his actions (because words are hard!)
the boys try and tease him for his way of hugging you but he usually just ignores them because he's already deep in conversation with u (irl or on the phone lol).
despite this, riki is still shy when it comes to cuddles because that's a lot of time spent in close proximity to you and that's kinda scary to him because you're SO PRETTY WTF?!
eventually he does get used to it and he soon finds that cuddling up to you whilst watching a show together, or whilst doing your own separate things, is actually one of his fave things in the world.
riki is still young so dates with him are definitely more chill and less fancy.
we're talking movie nights and walks through the park late at night, but he makes every occasion so enjoyable that you don't find yourself caring what the date is because it'll always be fun with riki by your side.
if you ever suggest doing a fancy dinner date, however, he's up for that because he gets to see u all dressed up and that's exciting for him lol.
riki is THE spam texter of enhypen, you can't change my mind.
he's definitely the type to send you a bunch of random memes for seemingly no reason, but as you read thru the backlog of them, you quickly realising there's a few messages of him being cute about seeing u on that day that r being hidden in amidst the spam cuz he got shy lol.
riki is shy about facetiming because he has the tendency to just stare at you. he does this irl too but because he can't see his own face reflected back like he does on the call, he doesn't mind as much lol.
but yeh, riki is definitely the type to spam u with memes and stuff but he also knows when to stop and leave u alone or listen to you talk and he's just so cute?!
if you think this boy is using nicknames for you, you are actually kinda correct!
riki would mostly stick to a nickname that's related to your name or something like that when around other people because he's shy and embarrassed easily, yknow?
but when he's sleepy and its just you and him, he may let babe or baby slip out, not even realising he's said it til u turn back to face him with wide eyes and slightly flushed cheeks. adorable.
whilst riki may be an inexperienced boyfriend, he's not a bad one, not at all.
he's so genuinely in love with you that he never wants to muck up, ever, and he will always try and fix it if he does !
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