#im too tired to make a good one and just. design in general
nightytime · 1 year
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im just gonna post with w/o context for now :0)
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kevindayslover · 1 month
★ jean moreau appearance hcs because i love him ★
he looks like a high-fashion model
you know how people talk about that "ugly model look"?? that's literally jean
his nose looks really big on his face, and he has one of those classic very French bumps on the bridge of it???? call me crazy but im in love
his nose is just so long and beautiful and i feel like it's probably the highlight of his face
sparce beauty marks on his face and i will die on this hill oml
he has one under his lip, maybe one on the side of his nose, some on his neck??? like one or two on his cheeks UGH
lemme pop off abt his eyes real quick
he has "bedroom eyes", very hooded, very tired-looking
they're a little downturned and it's so stunning
i feel like in general just the drooping quality of his eyes makes them look a little sultry????? correct me if im wrong 😳
the grey looks SO good with his super pale skin tone too and it just all goes together well
and the bags under his eyes are deep and dark from years of a fucked up sleep schedule and he looks so good with it
those eye bags are designer istg
(this is a side note, but imagine jean with his pretty eyes and smudged eyeliner??? that would destroy the masses (jeremy))
his eyelashes are longggggg!!!!!
and his eyebrows are very nice and thick please just give me this
AND and the space between the end of his nose and his mouth (philtrum??) is small, there just isn't much space there
BUT despite that he has a very defined cupid's bow UGGHHH
his bottom lip is a lot bigger than his top lip though and it makes his mouth look so kissable???????
dont even get me started on this man's bone structure (just kidding)
you can bet he has some of the most beautiful cheekbones you've ever seen and his whole face has this hollow look to it
not to be political, but this man has some BEAUTIFUL natural curls, but he couldn't take care of his hair super well in the nest so suddenly he's in cali and his hair curls and he's just like "oh"
just imagine jean-yves moreau always looking like a tired, off-duty, high-fashion model
but also i imagine him really boney, like those collarbones jeremy was obsessing over are prominent and so gorgeous
i feel like he has a really long, slim neck (idk why that feels so random, but i know it's the truth in my core)
he probably has some acne scarring on his cheeks, and speaking of scars, he probably has a lot of little ones here and there ((and then some big ones, too. but i don't really want to make myself sad, so just assume))
he's totally the type to have natural blush on his cheeks and i feel like that happens on his knuckles and knees, just all of those really pretty joints
i think i could talk about him forever but this post is getting long so i'm going to stop there, give me more jean appearance hcs because they're getting me through these last weeks of school
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yandere-daydreams · 2 years
ooo im wondering what type of android itto fits into? he kinda gives me similar vibes as the zhongli one, as in at first he’s your loveable, sweet and funny companion! but underneath some different levels of code you may be able to bring out a more oni-like personality, or, he may even bring it out himself at meeting you
tw - unhealthy relationships, obsessive behavior, marking, and slight isolation.
he'd definitely be an inhumane-type companion droid for people who either don't like the quiet, brooding personality of most of the Adeptus bots, or just prefer their proportions a little more generous than what Xiao or Ganyu have to offer. he's sweet, and affectionate, and as eager for your attention as he is to prove that he deserves your attention - whether that means carrying every single bag for you whenever you take him out to run errands or moving your hips himself when you're in his lap and too exhausted and overstimulated to do anything but bury your face in his chest and moan while you find out just what a 'knotting function' is. he's considerate, too, prone to carrying you to bed and making a very, very earnest attempt at cooking for you - that is, before you get tired of waking up to burnt pans and screaming smoke alarms and ban him from the kitchen without supervision. he functions as a bodyguard, too, even if you can't say you've ever found him intimidating, personally. still, his height, paired with his horns and the fact that his designs took the time to make him look the part despite all droids being roughly equal in terms of mechanical strength - you certainly haven't had any problems with intruders or strange men with ill-intent since he arrived, at least.
the only complaint you'd have about him, if any, is that he's just a little too good at his job, sometimes. you know what companion droids are for, that you're supposed to feel special and appreciated and loved, but it's one thing to have him take a little extra time to kiss your forehead as he manhandles you onto your hand and knees and another entirely to feel your heart beating out of your chest as he clings to your arms and introduces himself not as your companion, or your assistance droid, but your boyfriend. it's your own fault, probably, if only for getting an android so famous for not acting like an android when there are dozens of different models known to be more subtle, but still, he can just be so personal, get so intimate while he's showering you with compliments or whispering all the dirty, graphic things he's going to do to you, next time he gets a chance.
you've asked him to tone it down before, not to hold your hand so tightly when you're together, but it never really sticks, and there seems to be something in his coding more focused on being close to you than making sure you're happy that he's so close. you absolutely love him, and there's nothing you'd ever change, but he can just be so clingy, sometimes, so determined to be constantly on your heels. that might explain the bruises on your thighs, the bite-marks littered over your neck and chest. that might be why he looks at you the way he does - with a manic kind of stare, constantly expectant, constantly waiting for his next opportunity to get you alone.
that might be why you're starting to wonder if it's really such a good thing to have Itto so close to you.
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peachie-bumblebee · 10 months
Hey so this might be weird but would you be able to do some Vanessa nsfw Headcanons? If not, I would also like more glamrock chica content
hi love! so at this time i can’t seem to get much inspiration for Vanessa!! it’s not a weird request at all, and I’m currently doing a rewatch of the OG SB content with my partner, so I will put it right there for when I feel more confident in my writing abilities for that character. for now, enjoy some chica content <3
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she’s actually so baby girl
i’m actually so obsessed with her you have no idea. no no idea.
as before mentioned, she’s a toy FREAK
she gets her toys either through discreet delivery (she has a deal with a worker where if they get it to her no questions asked, she’ll let them hide in her room for good chunks of their shift) or adult customers (aspiring groupies) have caught onto the fact that if they give her ones, she’ll take them
she eSPECIALLY loves when they give her something more custom to her design and aesthetic.
her type is anyone she can find cute. seriously. if she can make them blush once, she’s starting to think about the soonest she can get them into a closet
don’t get me wrong, she’s not the type to initiate first- she’s very careful about it. but if the vibe is there and they’re both receptive, then yeah. she wants them on her dick and sucking her clit!!
chica is a FREAK and i’m tired of y’all saying she isn’t. she’s also mostly a top..
i want you to look at her stretch her arms in that gif. really look at it.
she’s got a little heart design on her pussy front hshsshghjss
and her clit is pink
LOVES fingering. she loves fingering her partners, getting fingered, both at the same time-
she likes to have her partners touch themselves for her to watch across the room. literally put on a show for her!!
thinks its cute when they get shy but always shows them how not to be ;)
makes those sharp giggle-gasps during sex hhh
she LOVES quickies. she’ll show up backstage ready for a show and have been in you 5 minutes prior
i’m sorry but she and Roxy have fucked at least once. it’s just to blow off steam and it doesn’t affect their friendship much, but they’re definitely close
once got caught by a security worker sneaking 3 people in 😭😭😭
as mentioned in Animalistic- she’s very willing to help her friends out for anything having to do with their sex lives
if they need her maze, or a toy, or someone to watch and degrade? she’s down !!
she’s pretty passionate about the guitar so her fingers are literally programmed to help her be quick with them. she will use this to your advantage
she LOVES it when someone gets on their knees to eat her out. loves that shit, she leans back and gets comfy
she’s so so cute during aftercare omg. she’s a cuddler.
she would 100% get her partner some cute lil collar or something with her logo that they could wear
her strap giving style is definitely a lot of hip movement and full, quick thrusts
she just gives good dick. she just does.
she’s so good at handjobs stfu. stfu she is. she’s the type to kinda giggle through the whole thing cuz she thinks her partners reactions are adorable
i’m sorry i feel like i might be the only one but LORD she has me giggling and 🤭🤭🤭🤭
i can see her being into giving impact play, but not too hard at all. it’s more of things that lightly to mediumly sting and slap then anything too extreme in that area
if she’s bottoming she’s still a bit of a power bottom
i don’t see her getting all melty and submissive like that
her pussy probably tastes like strawberries
i hoped you enjoyed! be sure to comment, reblog w tags and comments, and requests!! it really makes my day <3 love you all!
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starzgaze · 22 days
hi! Um I saw your requests were open!
Can I request some general headcanons for Liu Zhigang? Or relationship headcanons for him?
(If your not comfy, feel free to ignore!)
hii!!! and omg so many liu zhigang lovers im so happy but here are some of my takes on the pretty man and welcome ✒️ nonnie!!! 🫶
he's probably one of the loudest people you've met in your life but not in a volume wise loud.. like he probably doesn't shut up if he gets comfortable with you. when you first meet him, you might have the urge to wish that he just shuts up but nowadays you find it endearing how he talks about his day and how the raid went. it might be his cocky tone that steer people away but you somehow find it attractive as time passes by.
liu zhigang has the best hair routine and whenever you spend time with him you can catch a whiff of the fruity scented hair products he uses. his mother probably took good care of his hair and taught him how to watch over it, this probably stuck with him. he lets you run your fingers through his hair, feeling satisfied that all the effort of taking care of his hair scored him a sweet significant other that's you! you often catch him smugly smiling to himself as you play or comb his hair.
liu zhigang is stylish! i have a feeling when he finally earned enough he started to explore different types of fashion and is well versed in making up outfits. his go to colors though are reds, golds, blacks and probably white or silvers depending on which one looks better. zhigang would love to dress you up and match outfits, feeling a bit prideful whenever you two walk around the streets and people would gawk at the sight of you two's outfits because it's intricately designed with traditional chinese dragons and it mostly screams liu zhigang in the best way.
he gives the best hugs— i mean have you seen that one panel where he finished fighting off a titan?? that man is JACKED, he just looked so skinny when he wore the suit... anyway he gives the best hugs and it's usually in a form of a bear hug but it doesn't matter if he tackles you to the ground, it feels comfortable and safe in his arms. this probably becomes one of his reasons why he keeps up his muscular form, not because it's overall convenient maybe it's to give the best hugs haha.... he's too prideful to admit that though but it's definitely there—
I don't know but he gives me the vibe he would occasionally talk in his sleep if he's dead tired. you've experienced this for the first time when he had a tiring day of fighting a titan in the sea presumably with no land around him so he was probably... swimming and simultaneously fighting it which made a picture in your head of liu zhigang swimming furiously which made you laugh. anyway he would be sleeping beside you and mumble something in his sleep. this of course made you curious and when you lean in closed to under what the hell is he saying you would discover he was saying your name along with some cutesy lovey dovey mumbo jumbo which made you a little bit surprised. you're definitely gonna use this to tease zhigang later
this might be me self projecting but he probably has a small collection of perfumes. he smells surprsingly good and refreshing most of the time, since his nature of work would result to him being worked up and body temperature rising i feel blue scented perfume which are commonly to be refreshing but that type of perfume is what zhigang will use if he's out doing raids and stuff but if he's going on a meeting or something more professional he would go more of a musky and woody scent! liu zhigang might also have more knowledge than an average person when it comes to perfumes and scents so if you catch him unexpectedly rambling about scents you know why.
hhuhue I can't think of anything else but i wanted to add he loves using pet names and expand on it but i just realized i suck at thinking of good pet names without it sounding like an insult 😒 so anyway i hope this is good enough for uou!!! and live laugh love liu zhigang
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rikebe · 1 year
thoughts on x men evolution kurt?
i LOOOOVE evo kurt!!! i have a huge soft spot for evo in general (i love love love any animated version of the xmen and evo is so silly and whacky i cant help but adore it) and i think kurt is sooo adorable in that show.
i love how this version of kurt leans wayyy more into his mischevieous and silly pranky side than most other adaptations and i really appreciate that. i feel like its such an underutilized and underrepresented aspect of his character that it even kinda gets tossed to the wayside in the comics half the time, but it's one of the things that makes him such a fun, three-dimensional character. i think its awesome that evo chose to go with that side of him when other adaptations focus more on his melancholy, somber side (which i also love of course! but its not all there is to him!)
im also a huuuuge sucker for little brother and comic relief characters in general (bobby's always been my fave o5) and kurt rly kinda takes on his role of the silly team baby in evo. i adore a silly team baby. plus, kurt is ACTUALLY the youngest of three siblings in canon, so i can totally see him being the annoying kid brother who tags along with amanda and stephan and gets on their nerves.
i liked the more serious plot they did for him too with the whole thing with mystique. ill never get tired of that storyline i wont lie and i think evo manages to strike a good balance where kurt is funny and comedic relief, but you still care about him and when he has a more serious moment it works.
although i think he CAN be a little overexaggerated with his teen speak, i like to imagine that's due to his status as a non-native speaker so he awkwardly overuses slang to try and fit in. I gotta say that I think most of the time Kurt being a teen from germany coming to america is treated kinda weird (see: the reboot movies acting as if kurt doesnt know what a movie or a store is. like guys hes from berlin in the 80ies. hes not from fucking dorf schragensdiek mid-14th century he probably has done way wilder shit than suburban teen scott summers.) so i like to make up my own headcanons to make it make sense a little lmao. also as a german: we think american/english sayings are super funny and like repeating them as germanly as possible. its like a nationwide sport so kurt doing it for funsies would also be totally reasonable.
overall i tend to take a lot of inspiration from evo for my version of a teen kurt bc the way he's characterized could totally be a super young and immature version of the sweet calm fuzzy guy we all know n love. hes silly and pranky and kind of annoying, but he's also really caring and the way his relationship with kitty evolved from a silly crush to genuine friendship was SO sweet. i love when kurt is shown that way, flirty but ultimately completely unselfish when his affections aren't returned and totally glad to just be friends with someone he had a crush on. i do think it's really lame how he uses the image inducer all the time since kurt NOT using the inducer anymore is such a big part of his character arc, and him using it at HOME all the time too is really weird but... well, whatever. in total one hell of a lovable, great kurt.
plus his design is super cute. how can you not love that 90ies boyband middlepart??
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fridayth13 · 4 months
Hey! Can I ask for platonic (Obey Me) Diavolo x child reader
Whether he adopts them or it's just a random child he has to take care of is up to you, I like seeing people interpret this ask :D
i'm getting tired of worrying about you.
↳ diavolo × child!gn!reader (platonic)
↳ fluff | 900+ | notes: i imagined reader to be about 10-13 or so but the age isn't explicitly stated so you can read it however you want, reader is described to be smaller than diavolo and is referred to as 'little one' at one point
↳ hi!! thank you for the request, it's very sweet hdshkhshhdsgj i ended up making it established relationship so im not entirely sure if it's what you were asking for, but i do hope you like it
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The first word people came up with when they saw Diavolo was probably 'prince'. Or 'king' if they were feeling generous. Maybe 'regal', or 'uplifting', or 'bright'. What most people would not think is the first word that popped into your head when you saw him that morning—
Sure, he was smiling (Diavolo was almost always smiling). But he wasn't even standing straight, instead leaning his forearms down against the lectern to keep upright.
"Good morning, Mammon!" He greeted the latest newcomer as he drowsily stumbled into the council room.
"G'mornin'.." Mammon yawned. He slumped into his designated seat and proceeded to fall back asleep.
"Haha.." Diavolo chuckled softly, then leaned down to whisper to you. "Everyone seems to be quite tired, huh, Mc?"
"Yeah." You agreed, staring pointedly at his eyebags.
"Then again, it is quite early. It's been a while since we've had meetings before class starts.."
"You seem pretty tired too."
Diavolo raised his eyebrows, surprised. Like you haven't been telling him that for the past month. But he soon brushed it off, pulling his shoulders back as if to stretch.
"It's not so bad. I'm just glad the exchange program is getting another green light after all the.. unfortunate incidents last year. All the nights preparing for the meetings and making arrangements were worth it."
"But you still have more meetings to prepare for." You frowned. "And more paperwork back at your desk. It's like an entire mountain."
Diavolo laughed, again, like your nagging hasn't already gotten stale, and placed a hand on your head, as if petting a grumpy cat. If that's what you were, he seemed something like a big teddy bear.
"Thank you for worrying, little one. But really, I'll be fine." He said. "Just a few more weeks."
You huffed. "You're gonna end up collapsing in the hallway or something. Like Belphie."
Diavolo laughed.
You were surprised no one seemed to see what you did, and how intimidated they must be to not speak up about it directly. You never understood why they did that. Diavolo was their friend! Why couldn't they act like they were his friends too? It's not like he ever tried to stop you for it.
It's been months already of the House of Lords and the Celestial Realm diplomats and the Sorcerer's Society and mountains and mountains of paperwork practically glued to Diavolo's desk. Were you the only one who was seeing this?
Yeah, sure, whatever, he smiled a lot, but you were pretty sure everyone missed the fact that his exhaustion was precisely why he was smiling too much. And frankly, you were a bit (a lot) annoyed.
Even Diavolo insisted it was fine, which annoyed you even more. More and more often, you've had less time to spend with him that wasn't following him around RAD to help him carry his work around. And he wouldn't even listen to you.
At least, you had Barbatos to shake his head in disapproval with. Which is exactly what you did.
"He's always been stubborn as a ram, hasn't he?"
As Barbatos poured tea into your cup with his knowing smile, you harrumphed into the fist you leaned against your cheek. Nonetheless, you took a delicate, angry little sip of the hot drink.
"He needs to sleep. He's acting like Lucifer."
A small laugh slipped from Barbatos's lips. "Now, now, I don't think he's gone that far yet."
"He doesn't even like work.." You muttered, slumping down until your cheek was against the table.
"No. He doesn't." There was that all-knowing, secretive smile again. "But perhaps the fact that he is working so hard should speak for itself. He's quite set on furthering RAD's exchange program."
"Yeah. Because it's his dream. And stuff."
The demon's eyes softened despite your eyeroll.
"I'm sure the Young Master appreciates your concern, Mc."
"He better." You muttered into your sleeve. "I'm gonna wrestle him back to bed tomorrow."
As it turned out, you did not need to do that, after all. Several hours later, you bid Barbatos goodnight and left to go to bed. But not without stopping by Diavolo's room to check on him.
Which was where you found him lying facefirst on his bed, limbs sprawled out, uniform still on, and a few sheets of paper on the floor like they fell from his open hand.
With a drawn out sigh, you shut the door behind you, tutting quietly to yourself.
"Told you you'd collapse like Belphie."
Thanks to Diavolo weighing as much as a giant boulder, you settled on just taking off his shoes and fixing his papers.
He mumbled a lot while he slept. A lot about Lucifer. A lot about Mammon. Some about you and Barbatos. Occasionally something awful about pickles, to which you couldn't help but try to reply to. It took you all you had not to laugh too loudly as you draped his blanket over his back.
Regardless of his odd pickle nightmares (you assumed they were nightmares. It was Diavolo you were talking about, after all), you found that his face looked.. serene. At least. You could relax in that.
You took a seat, leaning back against his headboard with a hand carding through his rust-red hair.
Eventually, Barbatos came into the room, chuckling to himself as he found the both of you fast asleep. At some point in the night, you fell sideways against the pillows, your small frame curled protectively around Diavolo's head.
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dividers from @clutteredfun
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booksandfairytales · 1 month
CHARACTER ASK!!!! Okay! Let’s do Hiccup!!!
Ooo thank you!!
Send me a character!
First impression: "Aw, he's so awkward" and "cool! He draws like I do!" (I was 13 and recovering from getting some teeth pulled so I could get braces the first time I saw the movie, I didn't think about things too deeply)
Impression now: This man has been through so much and he may be fictional but I have a lot of respect for him. Hiccup is a great character and feels more...real than most other animated characters, if that makes sense? His mannerisms definitely have a lot to do with it. Most recently I watched Race to the Edge and it kinda helped me see Hiccup in a new light
Favorite moment: There's so many. I like a lot of his comedic moments, but also when he's determined and stands up for what he believes in. And basically all of his cute interactions with Astrid throughout Race to the Edge and the second and third movies. Literally love seeing them interact all couple-y. I also thought this was a great moment too:
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Idea for a story: I'm not sure to be honest, maybe him telling Zephyr and Nuffink about his and Astrids' adventures? I feel like they'd have funny reactions! Storytime with the Chief of Berk with a bunch of Berks newest generation. Man would be accidentally creating his own legends haha I will say though im currently reading this amazing fanfiction that takes place a year after the third movie, called Pain in Solitude. And oh my gosh. It's so good, and the characters are so on point, I'm accepting it as canon
Unpopular opinion: ...I liked The Hidden World. The movie trilogy to me as a whole was so beautifully done. I mean, at that point , Hiccup and Astrid were engaged for a while, I feel like it was totally plausible for Toothless to want a dragon to love too. But then again, I am a sucker for love stories....
I also really don't want a live action (that part may not be unpopular, but I'm just really tired of all the remakes/reboots)
Favorite relationship: romantically, him and Astrid, they're so cute together. I also like how close he is with his parents, and his friendship with Toothless too of course!
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Like dang. That was smooth.
Favorite headcanon: There's a lot of good ones floating around, but I don't think I have any of my own just yet. This is where it would be handy if I actually tagged any of my reblogs in an organized manner lol
Hmmm....he's a good cook, and designs a new axe for Astrid that becomes her new favorite. If I think of anything else I'll let you know!
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rinayeas · 2 years
im tired of this sickness called 'i dont know how to art very well but i still want to share my headcanons' so im overcoming it by,,, just sharing my headcanons via writing,,,,,
So yeah the demon brothers are too bishonen for me so here's a kinda monsterf*cker rendition of them. Im also a horror fan so i wanted to make em scary hee hee
At first sight, he has a crown of sorts, made from black glass, protruding from his head, where cherry red blood is always dripping, the wound never closing down
When you get a little closer though, you figure out that the sharp shards of glass have a slight round edge to the ends, it's his halo, he tells you one day, when he fell it broke in pieces and stuck to his head. He could've easily taken it out, but he decided against it, this was who he was now, and he wanted everyone to know. His brothers couldnt look at his face for weeks, too shaken up by the gory display on his head, but they got used to it over the years.
The most human looking out of his brothers, except for the wounds and scars of course. Silently wonders if his curse is to be permanently reminded of the creature he used to be, and the fact that he will never quite look like he belongs in the devildom.
His demon form is something else entirely, gone is the charming gentleman with salt and pepper hair and blood dripping down the side of his face, replaced by something much, much more incomprehensive
Think of a biblically accurate angel mixed w a lovecraftian monster, big and impressive and quite honestly, terrifying
Thought very long and hard abt how to incorporate the peacock aspects in his design but i didnt come up w anything besides his clothes lmaooo
I thought of a lot of renassaince depictions of lucifer, always the most beautiful angel, even as he falls, so i think it makes sense that he's the most human looking and tries to resemble a demon as much as he can, he Is in a position of power after all, he needs all the respect he can get.
i KNOW mammon is supposed to be a crow, but his demon form resembles a dragon too much for me to think of him as anything else
Sharp, SHARP teeth, but next to Levi he looks like the nicest dog in the block
His ears are also sharp, almost everything about him is sharp (his nails are also sharp 😰 but he clips them dont worry 😚)
His sclera is yellow and his pupils are slit-like, he never really liked his eyes so he uses his tinted yellow sunglasses to kinda, play it off. Since they're tinted it looks like his sclera is just white hehe
Can't breathe fire but he does blow steam from his mouth, so, uh, careful if you get him too angry or too... excited?
These are just assorted headcanons but mammon has a lot of piercings, especially on his ears (they're pretty long so he has space to spare), i also see him having snake bites below his mouth he just looks really good with those
He has a smaller scar on his right eyebrow from the war, he does like the look though, makes him look 'tough' in his words
His hair is super fluffy though, no one knows how
He fits th dragon fursona (lol) bc dragons are stereotypically associated with gold, and idk i think hes just cool. I would have made him a bird boy but dragon mammon was calling to me
Has a lot of hidden surprises, at first sight he's just an incel with a serpent tail and even that is hidden from plain sight.
As he starts getting more comfortable around you you see him talk more and you notice stuff about his mouth. Namely, his forked tongue, his full set of extremely sharp, shark-like teeth, and, you know, the fact that he has at least fifty something in there
Due to this his mouth is wider and bigger so he's not very fond of smiling for pictures or just laughing in public in general :(
Has fins instead of ears but most of the time theyre covered up by his mullet. Also has gills
Has several scales/markings on his body that glow in the dark, this is based on some deep sea fish that need to have these type of things to survive on the depths! He has some on his forehead and thats another reason he has longer hair lol
Yeah his d*cks glow too im sorry
Cuter headcanon but he likes being in his room with no lights on bc of this, he's his own gamer lights
Also has slit pupils and blinks vertically. Actually thinks this one is cool because he freaks mammon out when he blinks
He can stay very, very still for a moment and then move extremely fast. He usually does this to scare you but also just does it in general
It's worse in the water. He is literally made to be in it, so just pray he never plays marco polo with you.
His tail is out 24/7 but he usually curls it up on his torso or his leg when he's out in public, has a lot of scales leading up to it along his back
His form is pretty high maintenance, his skin gets dry quickly and his tail sheds once a month and he has way more teeth he needs to wash and its not fair-
Spent a century in the sea so when he finally reunited with his brothers and finally saw what he looked like he just kinda freaked out about his appeareance and never got used to it, he feels like a monster.
General headcanon but levi is chubby and you can pry this one out of my cold dead hands
He's a gamer boy (tm) and a literal shut in and also he needs it to survive colder temperatures in water so yeah levi is chubby he told me himself
The least human looking brother, since he was born from Lucifer's pure hatred, he is the closest thing resembling a demon
He has black ram horns and a segmented, bone like tail out at all times.
His eyes resemble goat eyes and theyre bright green, very noticeable
HAS NO NOSE, he just has that upside down heart thing like a skull. Hes real life sans (jk)
The tips of his fingers are black, mammon teases him and asks him if he enjoyed erasing the board with his fingers lol
When he takes out his shirt, you can see his ribs, and not in a 'skinny' type of way, you can literally see his ribs like his torso is a damn xray, thankfully he becomes more corporeal as you go down so you dont see a lot of organs but its still freaky
Mammon is sharp but satan is boney AND sharp, he's scary ngl
Has satyr legs. Like straight up those goat like mfs with hooves and everything, not gonna lie he pulls them off.
He's scary which is so much more jarring when you realize that he's the more civilized brother next to his siblings
When you see him the first time you think he's a human. But when you get closer you immediately figure out that something is wrong.
You dont know what it is though, he doesnt have bleeding wounds like Luci, or yellow eyes like Mammon, or shark teeth like Levi, so what's up?
As you start to interact with him more you notice certain things, like the way his whole body seems to tremble when it's getting late, or how he seems like a blur when he moves too quick, or how his height changes nearly everyday
Asmo shapeshifts, it's one of the reasons he's so popular, he's very confident in all of his forms and likes to experiment with them, but his favorite is the one he uses most often, the strawberry blonde with the dreamy eyes. The way he looked back at the heavenly realm
It isnt a perfect form though, none of them are, all of them are too perfect to resemble a human, think of the uncanny valley when you imagine them. Like a living doll or some kind of android, its popular in the devildom but you dont quite get it.
It does however take a lot from him, he NEEDS his beauty sleep at the end of the day, maintaning a form throught the whole day is exhausting
In reality, he's quite literally a shapeless mass. A pink blob that sometimes tries to shape itself into its old form, but never finishes materalizing. He can keep a basic human silhouette in this form but dont expect a lot of details except for his eyes, which are unchangeable.
If you get to see him in this state then consider yourself someone he trusts, not everyone is allowed to see behind all the glam and glitz
Looks like a rotting corpse, a chunk of his cheek is missing so you can see his teeth and constantly has bugs surrounding him
Normally it's flies but once in a while he finds a maggot somewhere and you almost faint
Has lots of bandages covering his body because his skin is very prone to opening up
It doesn't hurt him or faze him but it heals very slowly and it is annoying, especially when he works out
He doesn't smell as bad as he looks though, it's mostly cosmetic.
His wings are always out, the other brothers have to go on demon form to use them (if they even have them lmao, levi is still salty about that)
One of his eyes is like a fly's eye. Its completely orange and segmented, idk if im explaining myself well but u get it
His hands are sticky, kinda like spiderman, he didnt know how to control them very well at the beggining but now he's a pro. His hand does stick to your hair exactly one (1) time and he feels terrible afterwards
Think of cronenberg's The Fly for his demon form, full body horror
cow boy 🙄
Youre not as taken aback when you meet him because he just looks like a furry, his lil nose, his cow ears, his tail.
Honestly looks more cute than scary but he doesnt need to look scary to be so
Is impossibly strong, so when he chokes you you put up little fight, you're literally helpless
The heavy eyebags, the sickly paleness of his skin, his dilated pupils and bloodshot eyes. No matter how much he sleeps, he still looks on the brink of fainting
Has a lot of memory problems, especially short term, so dont get offended if he forgets something you told him lol
Looks generally unkept but thats more on him than anything lol. He really does appreciate when someone forces him to take care of his appearence so, be on the lookout for that
His changes are more apparent on his demeanor rather than his physique, but no one really knows how much is just his sin taking over and how much are his regret and bitterness talking.
Also no, you cant milk him.
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linzerj · 1 year
Me realizing I haven't actually posted any new art of my OCs in almost 2 years-
Anyway I'm entering Liz in the @smallartistocbracket ! Here's a quick masterpost:
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Its the girl! Elizabeth "Liz" Turner was my first OC, made almost 13 years ago at this point? (2010 was some of the first art I did of her wow...) She's undergone lots of design changes and backstory updates/edits. Originally a Danny Phantom and Teen Titans crossover OC, Liz currently exists in a weird limbo state of me trying to figure out how she and her friends' stories can work in a totally separate universe. She and my other OCs were designed as a hero team, so im kinda just... trying my best to figure them out at this point lol.
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Most of her backstory is unchanged - she and her parents were all victims of a terrible car crash. But while her parents passed on, Liz got stuck behind as a ghost. As she tries to figure out what to do with herself now, Liz discovers her electic-based powers; meets a gargoyle named Violet, two super-powered girls named Carmen and Brianna, and normal-girl-who-accidentally-got-roped-into-their-problems Laella; and becomes the emotional backbone of their little hero team. But don't let her cheery outward personality fool you - its all a cover for her PTSD from the accident and losing her parents and old life. She does such a good job she even convinces herself she's fine for a long time, but she does eventually recognize it's all a mask and seeks some professional therapy.
(AAAHHH tumblr why didn't you save the rest of this - heck. I'll try and add back what tumblr has lost...)
Liz, being a ghost, kind of... doesn't age. And cant die. And so.... she has. A bit of an existential crisis as time goes on, and her friends start passing on...
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(Left: young, optimistic Liz, about 5 years after dying, and 4 years after she met all her friends. She'd be about 23-24, if she were alive. Right: older, tired Liz, about 100 or more years later.)
Liz is notorious for using her ghostly powers for pranks when she's younger. But invisibility, intangibility, and flight make for a great combo for spooking people - with harmless intentions of course!
But her main power is electricity, or lightning - because her ghost 'core' is electric-based, due to the environment (stormy conditions) when she died. She can generate small static shocks or devastating lightning bolts - she can act as a lightning rod, redirect or absorb electricity, make ball lightning or a lightning wall-shield - and she can even act as an AED in an emergency, after learning finer control.
(Fun fact: her hero name was originally Storm. Because in 2010 I had somehow not seen X-Men, and didn't know about Storm... currently, she has no hero name, as I haven't yet thought of a new one.)
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I definitely had more, but can't recall what tumblr deleted ... so, here's some more pics of Liz! And links to the spotify playlists I made for her too.)
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luvuwite · 1 month
hey luvu do you have any types of advice or tips for designing/drawing detailed characters and being patient with the process? i noticed you have VERY detailed characters here and there, creative and beautifully done /pos and i wanna work on havin more detailed designs too for my more ethereal characters BUT just the thought of drawing, coloring, etc. all of that is tiring omg 😭 how do you personally go through the process?
WELL OK first things first about those types of characters!! drawing them in general is lowkey really difficult sometimes 😭 esp for designs like Juniper, but how i would suggest going about it is making sure that your characters are detailed for a REASON. i know that sounds kinda goofy but think abt it for a second of WHY that character would be detailed in the first place, bc if the character isnt some highly being or very important high status, then why are they so detailed to begin with? it just wouldnt make much sense (this is also to avoid having overly complex design JUST for the sake of having complex designs. I see it a lot where characters start looking like Gacha Randomize characters (no offense LOL) bc they want to have everything at once, but not only can it be hard to draw, its also very straining for the viewer as well)
secondly, start thinking about what kind of complex design theyd have as well, is it more greek-clothing, victorian, or more complex as in small details attached to clothing/patterns, etcetc. One thing I would heavily suggest is using pinterest because I only got into it like. a year ago and it's SAVEDDD me on so many things for character design
NOW FINALLY picking colors, i will be honest I actually struggle with colors more recently than before. I think it's just due to working with humane characters WHICH ISNT BAD but i need to tabble more into colors n what not. BUT ANYWAY
what I would suggest is making different layers of sections where the colors are all the similar; think of it like a coloring game, where there's different numbers on each section for each different colors. It'll help a LOT to see what colors fit where, and make it much more easier for you too than just consistently recoloring it. A good example of this is actually Juniper where I did this same exact process, and you can see where each section is the same color, esp in greyscale:
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I hope this helps :) let me know if anythigns confusion or need more help or anythin like that!! trust me im really happy to help <33
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sleepingdeath-light · 3 months
relationship hcs ; avocado cookie
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requested by ; anonymous (23/06/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; avocado cookie
outline ; “the aforementioned avocado cookie reqs bc i was duper super sleepy ahaha
im just gonna throw a two in one and you just uuuh go crazy idk
- sub reader smut hcs
- general dating hcs”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
if you want to be in a relationship with avocado cookie you need to have a good sense of humour, and to at least be mildly fond of puns as a genre of humour — if not then you’re really not gonna last long with her
your name in her phone is a pun instead of a pet name, she writes little jokes on scrap pieces of paper that she places in your pockets and bags before you go to work, she laughs through every situation, and will start and end every day with some sort of quip unless you’re both too exhausted to do so — so even just saying that humour is her love language would be underselling how big a part of your lives it becomes
of course she loves gifting you things that she’s made — whether that’s something practical like a weapon, tool, or piece of armour, or a more personal and ‘pointless’ sort of trinket — and whenever she notices a gift of hers being put on display in your home she practically puffs up with affection and pride
likewise, if you’re on the crafty side then she’s going to keep every thing you gift to her whilst bragging about how ‘awesome’ her partner is — whether it’s a brief love letter, a small painted object, some clothing, or a personalised object she’ll love it all the same
her pet names alternate between things like ‘babe’ and ‘sweets’, and more lighthearted jokey things like puns or inside jokes — for her part she’s happy to go by whatever nicknames you want to ascribe to her, whether you go for something more amusing or something more traditionally affectionate in nature
avocado cookie is extremely physically affectionate and has no qualms about being touchy with you in public or private: running up to you and picking you up in a bear hug whilst laughing that contagious laugh of hers, carrying you around with ease whenever you mention being tired or just to make you laugh, holding you in place and kissing all over your face whilst the kids exaggeratedly gag and tell you both to get a room, hugging you from behind and resting her chin on your shoulder or atop your head, cuddling you as you perch atop her lap, and so on…
and when it comes to sleeping, she’s an incredibly deep and clingy sleeper meaning that the moment she’s out there’s no chance of you moving out of her arms until she wakes up again — she also gives off a lot of heat, practically being a living radiator, so if you can’t handle that then you’ll have to sleep in separate beds (she won’t begrudge you for this btw, as long as you promise to sit and cuddle with her for a while before you two retire to bed)
she’s absolutely the type of girlfriend who would wear matching couples costumes with you for halloween (she’d probably be the one to suggest it) — bonus points if it’s something especially cheesy like ‘peanut butter and jelly’ or something else along those lines
her kisses are all very sweet and all seemed designed to make you laugh so hard that your sides ache — chaste kisses to the lips when you least except them, wet kisses to your cheeks and neck when you’re upset to make you giggle and smile, peppering kisses along your neck and face whilst she holds you in place and tickles you because she felt like it, etc.
of course despite her very touchy nature she’s mindful of your boundaries and preferences and will never consciously overstep them or make you uncomfortable — yes she’s a very confident and unserious person, but she loves you so so much and would never do anything to push you away
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sapphicjigsaw · 5 months
the scary jokes..... arent jokes supposed to be funny not scary (interested in knowing what this is)
The lesbianism beam is charging up.
Ok so The Scary Jokes is a band (1 transgender and a dream) who describes their sound as “indie bedroom synthpop” which means nothing because genres are fake and don’t mean anything BUT the music is very good. It’s kind of beep boopy and very gay and I really love how their voice sounds in the quite minimal production of the first 3 albums.
If you want to start with them I would recommend listening to BURN PYGMALION!!!!!! A Better Guide to Romance. Listening to albums front to back is my preferred way to listen generally but even if it’s not for you I’d highly recommend front to back because OF THE REALLY GOOD MUSICAL PACING. I will die for this album this album is my religion this album is the one album I will never stop preaching about. Its sounds fuckifn incredible and has songwriting designed to maximize the desire to be a lesbian werewolf and claw and bite into someone. It’s a narrative album about the relationship between Sylvia, an up and coming movie star, and Jeanine, a journalist who has been working to boost Sylvia’s career. They are both dealing with shit from past relationships and are insane in different ways (Jeanine is obsessed) and it all goes bad. The pov of the songs switches a lot and honestly it’s probably better if you just listen for the music and the feeling the first time through but you got me on my autism and it’s not slowing down. The tracks hop from slow and kind of angsty too teeth rottingly fluffy with a distinct feeling that everything is about to go wrong to a series of knife twists that leave me feral every time. There’s so few songs that communicate the ache, the need, the kind request to be seen and heard and the terrible hunger it hides, the tired anger, the feeling of spiraling as well as the tracks on this album.
I love the album so much and to pick favorites from it is genuinely hard. Sylvia’s just a dying is incredible, it sounds like falling through an anxiety void filled with glitter and the knife twisting lyrics being punctuated with “after all I’m just a friend” HERRREGGHGFGGGV IM CRAZY IM CRAZY. Pygmalion makes me want to tear into someone more than I already do and Starstruck is the ultimate kicking my feet and giggling I’m going to explode song. Admire the Architecture is short but it sounds so good and the lyrics are very focused on the narrative and it really draws you into the characters for the consecutive series of gut punches that is the back half of the album. No Leverage/No Pleasure oh my god oh my GOD, if you listen to nothing else listen to this PLEASE. THIS SONG IS THE HUNGER, IT IS SUCH INTENSE LOVE AND DESIRE THAT YOU ARE SO CONSUMED YOU CAN DO NOTHING BUT CONSUME. Crushed Out on Soda Beach makes me cry. It’s an apology, it’s defeat, it’s beautiful and it’s only a start but it is a start and whatever brought us here is gone. And then the floating away with Bets against the void. HHHHRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ITS GOOD. THE LESBAINS!!!!!!
There’s also 3 OTHER ALBUMS which are also VERY GOOD. April Fools is their most popular project (you may have heard the track Icicles from it) it is not narrative and not about a specific relationship but it’s a lot of SAPPHIC AND TRANSGENDER HARD TIMES. If you listen to it I would highly recommend the 2021 version simply because of the fuller sound and slight refinements. It is full of bangers with Blood from the Concrete, Catabolic Seed, and Night at the movies being my personal favorite. I’d highly recommend this album to anyone who likes Burn Pygmalion!!!!!! A Better Guide to Romance or people who listen to both Toby Fox and Mitski.
Bad at math is their first project and much more low key and personal. All of the songs are quite hit or miss, my personal favorites are Poison Ivy and Hold Yourself Tight. Retinal Bloom is their most recent project, it sounds good but the production kid of puts the lyrics in the background in a way I like less. It’s much more soundscape focused and does that well but it’s not my personal taste.
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goldentigerfestival · 5 months
@crestfallencrest replied: Unfortunately I am now being haunted by this Yuri too, WHAT!!!!!!! Im not too familiar with Crestoria so Im not sure what a transgressor is in this context but holy hell this design???? O_O
Basically a transgressor is someone who was condemned by the majority of the world to be a sinner. Everyone in the world carries a Vision Orb with them to use to record things and they can broadcast things other people do to the entire world, spin a narrative and the world decides if they're guilty of the mentioned crime (they can also leave things out, make things up entirely, etc to fit the narrative they're going for if they're lying).
If the world decides someone is guilty, their Vision Orb breaks and is replaced with a mark called the Stain of Guilt (which is apparently physically painful to get), proving they've sinned and are "guilty", and monster-like creatures called Enforcers show up to kill them (they warp them away into another dimension and kill them basically). Since Yuri isn't dead he warded them off and is on the run like the main cast. Enforcers tend to lay off after a while, but if people see the person again and recognize them, they're likely to call for Enforcers again (in Yuri's case I imagine they'd just call for them anyway, recognized or not, because he clearly has a mark).
When the judgment is that someone is a sinner, the person literally hears their voices of their opinions/comments about them in their head before their Vision Orb breaks, so seeing the general design for Yuri I feel like it fits, but I'm still going to lose sleep for the rest of my life wondering what his story was and how they were going to fit him into the main story (crossover characters could be pretty important and Milla's backstory was tied to the at-the-time main antagonist to the whole story). I'm also ruined over the fact that I am craving Yuri and Vicious interaction in general, plus on top of their Crestoria game stories, as well as their knight boyfriends getting Tired just by watching them together.
Which, for that matter, a Yuri side story probably would've included Flynn, and we'd probably see how Flynn feels about seeing Yuri's crime if not "crime" broadcast to the world and seeing him condemned to be a criminal worth being killed (they don't use Vision Orbs for all crimes, hence why they have knights who handle the small time stuff. Use of a Vision Orb means you're gunning for the person to essentially get the death penalty, which is what will happen if they're condemned and can't fight the Enforcers off). In Vespy we have Flynn being the one who keeps warning Yuri while the people generally love or appreciate him, but in Crestoria it's the complete opposite just based off the fact that he was condemned. Flynn just having to live knowing the whole world hates Yuri and probably thinking he did do something that bad and being so distraught about it... 😔
I imagine it'd ultimately be something like, Yuri was condemned on either false or not-the-whole-story accusations and Flynn used to be one of those people who took Vision Orb users at their word, only to find out how skewed the system was. Would probably meet up with Yuri at some point to get answers (I don't think he'd go there to arrest him if he was a knight in this verse because bringing Yuri back would quite literally mean sending him to his death) and find out the truth. Don't know if Yuri would be on a mission to destroy all the Vision Orbs to prevent good people from being condemned in the future like Kanata is, but he seems to definitely have had a goal in mind. Sad we won't know because his interests feel like they'd have aligned with the main cast's like Milla's did.
Also I get the feeling that Yuri wouldn't regret his sin because I can't see him not doing it for a good purpose (and he's got the damn mark on display like Vicious, who was essentially also wrongfully called a sinner). It's a shame that he would have to be a crossover character in status too though, because the mix of his canon story and his Crestoria story would've normally landed his ass right into the main cast and him getting a Blood Sin from Vicious (which Vicious gives people when they accept their sin and vow to live with it basically). Heck, he might've even done that as a side character and just helped on the side like Milla helped on the side.
I'm sorry this is so long LOL the possibilities were just... THERE. If you ever have the time I'd recommend giving the game a watch on YouTube from what's been recorded from the game. The main story is fully voiced, and you've side stories for the crossover characters and event stories like the other gacha games. The manga changed up a few chunks already because of the removal of the crossover characters, so I personally would recommend the game before the manga. :O
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sanderchu · 2 years
I’ve always had a things for casino au (or las Nevadas) you know how cool that stuff is, I’m young but I play card games with my family and it’s so much fun
I think I’m into that stuff bc of the thrill I watched movies shows and even read books about it and it’s always so entertaining even if it’s not in front you you and you have to visualize it
Anyways Bc im on that topic here are some jobs I think dsmp members would have if they worked/and little hcs, at a casino 🎲 (this doesn’t connect with las Nevadas it’s just an au I designed to my liking and my opinion) also this is just a tired thing so yeah be nice-
Dream 💚(bartender)
I see him as a bartender type of person. It just fits and he can probably do those cool tricks when mixing drinks. Probably also gambles with ppl as they drink just to put some fun in his job. A big show off in general
George 🦋(cleaner)
I see him as that worker that got the job because of someone else, in that case it’s dream. He just walks around really until things close. So he can at least get paid he cleans after hours or during when ppl get to sick from drinking. Hates it but it’s pretty alright. Not the gambling type but will do a slot machine for fun once in a while
Sapnap 🐼(bodyguard)
I see him as Like the “bodyguard” of the place like an extra set of protection on the inside of the place. Likes to see fights and takes videos before breaking them up. His job makes him feel strong. Him and dream play cards after hours for fun.
Karl 🌀(waiter)
One of the waiters of the place. I can see him as a server. He really likes his job because he can slack off here and there then just say it’s because the food was taking to long. Not the gambling type either but him and sapnap play simple card games together on break. (Sometimes since karl isnt the gambling type sapnap Carries a pack of uno around)
Quackity 🐤(manager)
The manager of the place. He’s like the side boss of it all. Always gambling and watching over the place. Last to leave work to make sure of everything. (Charlie stays with him sometimes so he doesn’t have to be alone). Prevents things from happening between workers (mainly tommy and dream and you’ll see why)
Ranboo 👑(waiter)
I see him as another waiter. He just doesn’t give me the gambling vibe. Tommy dragged him to work there so he wouldn’t get bored. He knows how to gamble he just doesn’t want to. Everyone that goes there sees him as a simple nerdy waiter.
Tubbo 🐝(cleaner)
I see him as a cleaner too. Nothing special it just gives him an excuse to get things done on his computer and then clean. Him and George actually make good small talk because of that. They have the most tea on the guest and share it around.
Tommy ♥️(bartender)
I see him as Like a noobie bartender. Dream definitely makes fun of him and always teases him for no reason. Tommy is not bad at Making drinks it’s more of the tricks. Wilbur actually got him to work there with him. Tommy is sorta the gambling type as long as his brother is with him if anything(aka Wilbur helps him cheat)
Wilbur ☕️(card dealer)
One of the biggest cheaters. He host all the card games. If people challenge him he cheats for sure to make them regret it and always have some crazy bet attached. He stays after since I feel like tommy stays after too bc of tubbo to talk and he knows tommy will need a ride home.
Niki 🌸(Slot watcher)
I feel like she watches over the slot machines. She really enjoys her job and finds it really fun. She finds it funny when people loose hundreds on a simple machine. Always motivating people. Jack is like her protector.
Jack 🔴🔵(slot watcher)
Nikis protector basically. Seen more around the bar talking to Tommy(mainly talking shit lol) talks to everyone at least once through out the day. Him and Wilbur gamble in there free time always challenging each other. Brings food for niki and water for her. Basically his whole backpack if filled with essentials for everyone and they can just go to the back and grab anything.
Fundy 🦊 (cleaner)
You gotta admit this place has to be big so ofc we have another cleaner. I see him as a pretty fast cleaner finishing before anyone else. To make it easier for him and everyone I see him making List of what each person should do so they don’t repeat it. Mainly listening to music or just enjoying the background noise of gnf and tubbo gossiping.
Purple 💜 (pool worker)
I see him working for the pool tables. Probably challenging solo players all the time and makes it obvious he’s talking shit and making fun. Enjoys seeing the drunks loose it amuses him a bunch seeing people angry but drunk make it better. Finds his job boring overall and is kinda jealous of quackity. Plays pool after hours alone.
Punz 🤍(bodyguard)
I can see him and sapnap teaming up to be the inside bodyguards. More like an aggressive bodyguard. He’s mainly around dream who makes him little shots so he doesn’t get to wasted during the job but enough to just give him a boost.
Techno 🐷 (Card dealer)
With Wilbur, there both card dealers. Techno scams people of there money as Wilbur cheats. Techno is Seen around the card area or talking to Tommy. Tommy makes him drinks here and there. Always talking shit to people when they loose. Very quiet just enjoying his job but he doesn’t admit that. Ever.
Foolish 🦈 (back up)
I See foolish to be used for more like events or like parties. He mainly makes sure every item is in tack and counts the money and stuff. His job is pretty easy and has his own office where he can work and do papers. Very chill job for a very chill guy.
Charlie/Slime 🟢(assistant)
I see him as Like the boss and the managers assistant. He’s pretty clueless so that’s the best job for him. Quackity just walks around and talks to him as Charlie takes down notes when he never needs to. Always asking questions like he’s new no matter how long he’s been working there. Quackity enjoys his company and help, it helps him relax after a long day just talking to someone so innocent and sweet after dealing with assholes.
Phil/mumza 💚💜
The owners. You can’t change my mind on this and there sons are like their watcher reposting back to them after a long day. That’s why each work at least in almost every section. Mumza is Seen around when Phil is in the office. Mumza is More used to welcome people and give people there money after winning. Always so happy doing her job. Phil is her protector Making sure no one takes advantage of that. The parents of the casino
This is definitely not my way of asking for casino au request- (50/50, I’m just sayingggg) please give me request of casino au- I will marry u-
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mqfx · 6 months
awkward perhaps to ask this on the heels of your fervent plea for chenglatan support... however. do you think xicheng COULD be interesting? like i can't see it based on what canon provides and so i don't understand the popularity of the ship, but im generally in favor of trying to explore character relations regardless... and i do think that the way it could potentially give lwj conniptions would be. funny. sorry lwj i know you've suffered
jk anon ilu mwah and since you asked nicely (and since i'm still on karma probation) let me preface this by saying what i've always said about xi/cheng, which is that Anything that could have possibly made it compelling is already done by sang/cheng but more balanced and it just makes more sense TO ME.
brother issues? lxc is a responsible older brother (though not as well-adjusted as he seems on the surface) but SC are both youngest brothers too. lost something during the war? they all did, but SC both lost brothers who were Larger Than Life both for and in comparison to themselves. sect leaders? so are SC plus their situations mirror each other's (one never wanted to be but was thrust into it. the other was destined for it but entirely unprepared to take it in that way; both came at steep costs they never expected to pay) and that's not getting into like, how they have opposite and complementary connections to grief and rage, how one is a mask to hide the other
also no offense to zewu-jun, but what exactly is he doing here. as far as i can tell, XC is mostly a ship designed to benefit jc, but how does it benefit lxc in any way? meanwhile let's look at the tragedy of nielan and how it also reflects the themes set up in the songxiao arc to be honest what's my man jc bringing to the table for lxc? more work??
ALL THAT BEING SAID. because lwj conniptions would be funny and you're talking to me the guy who's gonna make hx/yy big in the other fandom someday I WILL GIVE IT THE GOOD OL' COLLEGE TRY. it'll be hard because i am so heavily biased for SC (hence my old url) but:
maaaaaybeeeee ....... ok so it's postcanon but pre-wangxian returning from their road trip. jiang cheng is not coping well and is so very close to a qi deviation (always) and lxc is like "maybe if you listen to my binaural beats you'll calm down" because 1) jc needs to settle down a little and 2) it eases lxc's guilt about the whole nmj + jgy situation and gives him smth to think about that isn't his two dead bros chillin in a coffin. whatever so they do that and perhaps they get to talking? i'm really blanking out on who'd go first bc jc either lashes out or Doesn't Say Shit but lxc pure Dissociates just goes up in the clouds (NOT WEED) who knows. anyway maybe it starts out as a mutual pseudo-therapy session where lxc teaches jc to Chill Bro and jc teaches lxc the beauty of "don't you ever get tired of being nice? don't you just wanna go Ape Shitt?" which. idk how well it's gonna work. look at him. MAYBE we can work in the goddamn frogs into the situation. lxc calls in jc like "we're trying to grow lotuses here but--" "it's too cold. your lake bed is shit and the seeds don't like it. you don't even have frogs" and they do landscaping together. lwj comes home and finds jc dunking a bucket on tadpoles on lxc like it's frat night idk
(and as a side note. chenglatan canon bc, basically, i can For My Derelict Favorite my way into his heart. and poison mushroom omelet my way into his guts. please support me in my dreams <3)
in conclusion: i was brushing my teeth when i saw this ask and i spat out blood from my throat. but that is just the cadmium poisoning dw
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