#i'm actually pretty proud of how this scene worked out
trensu · 7 months
Some more of stasis in darkness. you have no idea how many times i've written this scene. i discarded three or four different versions of it before i came up with this one. i feel like this version worked best for the characters. or at least i hope they feel in character.
It was the ninth night.
Steve took his usual spot before the shrine. He greeted his god as he had before but decided tonight was going to be a quiet night. He didn’t have much to say so he’d simply let his faith burn bright in his silent vigil.
Hours passed, and again the strange man didn’t show up as he had been the nights prior. This time, Steve didn’t bother putting it off. He decided to do a perimeter check. As he stood, however, a cacophony of squeaks and beating wings filled the air.
A massive colony of bats burst into the clearing. They moved shockingly fast as they neared Steve and the shrine. Steve ducked his head under his arms but let the bats come. He ignored the little Robin in his head yelling about rabies. He couldn’t risk hurting one of his god’s favored creatures. 
There were so many of them, more than Steve had ever seen in his life. They flew round and round dropping altitude until they coalesced at the foot of the shrine. The din stopped as abruptly as it had started. When Steve could no longer hear a single squeak or feel wings zipping overhead, he lowered his arms. Cautiously, he lifted his head, eyes drawn immediately to the shrine to check for any damage. 
Not a single bat remained. Instead, the strange man sat, cross legged, at the statue’s feet. He wore a dark cloak comprised of deep navies, bruising purples, and an inky black. Each color slowly, gracefully shifted and melted one into another, again and again before Steve’s eyes. Flecks of light littered it in familiar formations. The clasp that secured it around the man was a bright silvery white. It was shaped exactly the same as the waning moon above. 
“Ta-da!” the man said, fluttering his hands in a showman’s gesture.
Steve took in the man's appearance. The ratty travel clothes, the cloak of constellations and its clasp…Steve leapt back in shock. Everything suddenly clicked into place very quickly to paint a very unflattering picture of himself. He whirled around. He couldn't face the shrine. 
"Shit," Steve's voice was loud with a stunned sort of panic as he remembered the events of the past week. He paced anxiously. "Shit, shit. It was y–the whole time, you were–FUCK. How did I miss–and even if you weren't you, you were still a traveler in the night and I treated you like–I'm a fucking idiot. I'm the stupidest man alive, how–"
"Probably from getting dropped on the head so much, huh?" the man asked with that same annoyingly self-satisfied voice he'd been using every night. The annoying stranger with his annoying questions and his stupid smug tone.
Mindlessly, Steve turned on his heel to glare at the man. He jabbed an accusatory finger in his direction, frustration flaring.
"Oh, you can fuck right off, man," Steve replied reflexively. "I am having a crisis!"
A split second later, he felt his stomach drop to his feet. This wasn't just a stranger talking. He backpedaled hard.
"Oh, ohhhh no, I didn't mean that, Lord, I-I wasn't thinking."
The man exploded into raucous laughter. It shook his whole body until he doubled over from the strength of it. He continued to laugh when he toppled off the side of his perch and landed with a thunk on the ground. The man sat up, wheezing and wiping at his face, mirth clearly keeping him in a choke-hold. 
"Oh, far be it for me to interrupt your crisis," the Lord of Night forced out amidst the laughter. He flapped a hand at him. "Please, continue."
The god attempted to regain composure but all that did was turn his full bellied guffaws into snorting giggles. Steve waited, his anxiety fading in the face of the god’s genuine good humor. It took another couple of minutes before the god calmed enough to pop back to his feet and climb back onto the plinth. The man made himself comfortable at the foot of his own statue as he had before.
"So how goes the crisis?" he asked mischievously.
"On hold," Steve said evenly, fighting back the start of a smile. The man said nothing but still radiated amusement. Steve crossed his arms over his chest. "Are you really the Lord of Night?"
"The one and only!"
“And you’ve been here the whole time?”
“So why didn’t you say anything? I mean, I talked to you every night! I don’t get it.” Steve paused as a thought occurred to him. “Was this a test?”
“Uh…yes? Yes.”
Steve narrowed his eyes. The god shifted in his seated position. It reminded Steve of the time Dustin shattered a jar of his most expensive hair product and tried to hide it. Dustin had squirmed guiltily under Steve’s expectant gaze until he confessed to his dastardly crime. Apparently, the method worked on gods as well.
“Okay, it started more as an attempt to get you to leave me alone,” the Lord of Night admitted. 
“Oh.” It came out blankly, which Steve was grateful for, because he felt like he’d been kicked in the chest by a mule. “You don’t want me.”
Steve wasn't sure why he was surprised. This was a classic Steve problem. He tamped down the old familiar sting of rejection. Steve knew going in that this had been a possibility. It was a god’s right to reject an offering.
“I never wanted any holy warriors,” the Lord of Night corrected. “Hence the attempt to make you leave.” 
Steve supposed that lessened the blow a little. It was an impersonal rejection. That was better, right? 
"If you didn't want me as your holy warrior you could've just said," Steve said ruefully.
“You seemed pretty determined to come back, though.”
“Only because I thought you’d want to, like, use me for something. If you’d asked me to, I would’ve stopped bothering you. I could’ve gotten someone else who could worship you better,” Steve said, trying to keep his voice light and unaffected.
"Yeah, I really don’t think you could have,” the Lord of Night said in a strained tone. 
“No, I mean it,” Steve insisted. “I told you, Robin and Dustin wanted to come along. They would make sure you’re not alone again. You would like them. They pick up on stuff faster than me. They’d be good worshipers.”
“That’s not what I meant. Your worship was, uh, it was…no, nevermind, forget that. The thing is, the more you came back the more I…” 
The Lord of Night trailed off. He tugged his dark starry cloak around him tighter. When he spoke again, he seemed to have switched tracks entirely. 
"Look, I don't know exactly how the holy warrior thing works, but you guys do quests for your gods, right?"
"Well, yeah, that's the whole point. We're your boots on the ground. We do acts in your service to spread your faith. Like priests but less boring." 
The god snorted which made Steve grin.
"Priests are so boring," the Lord of Night agreed. 
Things went quiet again. The cloak of constellations made it hard to see his god, but Steve got the impression that the Lord of Night was fidgeting. Steve remembered the conversation from a few nights before, about nervousness and not knowing what to do. Steve fell back on his social graces, his good old Harrington charm, and carefully picked something that would encourage the god to speak.
"I can't believe I didn’t see it,” Steve said, with a self-deprecating shake of his head. “Like, I know I'm not the smartest guy around but I didn't think I was that slow."
"Don't worry about it,” the god replied instantly, breaking out of his internal reverie. “That's not on you. I didn't want you to notice, so you didn't."
"Yep. And, it's not like I have a face to remember, so, y'know. You're good."
"I guess that does make me feel bet–wait. What do you mean you don’t have a face?” Steve squinted at the Lord of Night.
“Well, I don’t know if you’ve heard, but I lost my name,” the Lord of Night said with a hint of irony. “No name, no face.”
“But I saw it,” Steve insisted.
“Did you?” the Lord of Night asked, amused. He slid off the plinth and walked up to Steve until he was only three feet away. The god lowered his hood without any flourish. “What do I look like?”
Steve squinted at him studiously. The god was pale as moonlight and had hair as dark as the night itself; as for the rest of him…it was the strangest thing. Steve knew there was a pair of eyes under a brow. There was a nose above a mouth. He knew the right features were in the right places. However, he couldn’t tell if the eyes were dark or pale. He couldn’t say whether the nose was large or small. The mouth could be thin or it could be full. 
“I don’t know,” Steve relented. The Lord of Night nodded.
“Yeah, me neither.”
“Is…is that the quest? To find your name?” Steve asked, dread pooling in his belly. That quest would involve a lot of reading and…he didn’t even know. Language things? General research, for sure. None of which Steve was particularly good at.
“That’s a bit presumptuous of you,” the Lord of Night smirked. He didn't give Steve a chance to apologize. “But yeah, there’s something important that needs to be done. I’m not strong enough to do it myself and I’m running out of time to do it.”
“I can do it,” Steve responded. “I’ll do it for you, my Lord.”
“You don’t even know what the quest is,” the god said wistfully.
“But I know you wouldn’t ask me to do anything cruel or unfair.”
“You’re unbelievable,” the Lord of Night muttered under his breath. Steve didn’t think he was supposed to hear that so he kept quiet. In a louder voice, the god resumed. “Okay, are you sure you wanna do this? Be a holy warrior? Because you could be literally anything else. You told me you liked cooking during one of your prayer sessions. You could open up a restaurant! Restaurant owners don’t usually die in the line of duty or whatever.”
Steve resisted the urge to roll his eyes. This is what Steve trained for, what he was good at, and he wanted to put those skills to use.
“You said you needed help to do something important. I want to be the one that helps you. I want to be your warrior. I can do it, I know I can. I won’t let you down.” Steve bit his lip uncertainly as a thought struck him. "If you don't think I'm worthy–"
“It’s not about worthiness!" The god cut in. "Do you know what it would mean to be my holy warrior? The weight of the night sky, with all the stars and the moon, will be on your shoulders for as long as you walk the land. I don’t know much about holy warriors but I remember this: there’s no take-backs. You can’t just quit and go off to become something else later.”
“Yes, I know. We covered this in lectures at school. It wasn’t all swordplay," Steve said impatiently. "I did think about it once I finished training and I decided if I could find a god to pledge myself to, I didn't want to be anything else. Then I found you."
“...Okay. If you're sure, then okay,” the Lord of Night said decisively. “So what do I have to do? How do I make you mine?”
“Um, I think it’s different from god to god?” Steve stuttered, heart thumping at the god’s words. “But I guess we can do our own thing? I’m pretty sure it’s the intent that matters most.”
"I can work with that." The Lord of Night gestured downward. "Kneel, kneel. I have an idea of what to say.
"Should I close my eyes or something?" Steve asked once he’d gotten to his knees.
"Nah, this is good," Lord Night said. 
The god squared his shoulders and straightened his spine. Then, something miraculous happened. The Lord of Night spoke his name aloud.
“Steve Harrington.”
It was the first time his god ever said his name; it was stunning in a way Steve couldn’t begin to comprehend. A bolt of lightning down his spine. A roaring forge in his chest. A whirlwind in his lungs. It felt like all of that simultaneously, yet nothing like that at all. How could pitiful human speech hope to encompass the intensity of a god’s undivided attention; his god’s specific acknowledgement of a primitive life such as his? 
Tears sprang unbidden in Steve’s eyes. He became aware how lowly and frail his own body was, and how utterly insignificant his existence was in the vastness of the stars in the sky. He curled forward, hiding his face and making himself as small as he could. He could not bear his god seeing his mortal failings and imperfections. It would invite an exquisite, holy agony Steve surely wouldn’t survive. 
“Oh,” the Lord of Night breathed. “I forgot how that could feel to a human. I’ll try not to do it again.”
“No,” the word tore out of Steve’s throat without any conscious thought. “No, please. Please, my Lord.”
Steve didn’t even know what he was begging for because the singular attention of a god was agony but the thought of his god leaving him filled him with terror. He shattered, left with no purchase save his god’s words. Then there were arms around him, pulling him close, and enveloping him in constellations. Steve’s vision blurred. Great, heaving sobs overcame him as though ripped from his very soul. The Lord of Night murmured comfortingly.
“Alright, there we go,” he said softly. “I’m here, Steve. I see you in the night, every night. The stars shine for you, Steve. The moon turns its face for you. I’m with you, Steve.”
The words crashed into him with the unrelenting force of ocean waves. They swept his footing from underneath him and sent him spinning endlessly, endlessly. They lifted him upwards and sent him plummeting down until he was deep below the surface where the currents finally slowed. Surrounded by eternally burning stars, he was left weightless and suspended in an unearthly calm. The words rang in his skull with the surety and strength only a celestial being could claim.
Somewhere between an eternity and no time at all, Steve came back to himself feeling overexerted, though he hadn’t moved from where he knelt. Steve’s heart and soul had been scraped out of his chest, put between a pestle and mortar before getting unceremoniously dumped back in his weak flesh, but in a weirdly good way. His sobs subsided. His breathing came in and out slowly.
Eventually the cloak of constellations released him as well. He blinked his eyes open gradually to see his god kneeling before him at arm's length, palms resting on Steve's shoulders. Steve felt a stab of shame at having brought his god down low to a mortal's level. 
“Sorry. I’m sorry,” Steve croaked. “Do you still–? Can I still be–?”
“No, yeah,” the Lord of Night said straight away. “That was on me. Not your fault at all. I’m out of practice interacting with mortals."
The god’s words lost the gravitas from before in a way that would've been jarring if it weren't such a relief. He finally broke his hold on Steve. He got to his feet, somewhat gracelessly. 
"Let’s try that again?” the Lord of Night asked.
Steve cleared his throat. He straightened up where he knelt and kept himself still. He nodded to show he was ready.
“Steve Harrington,” the god said. This time hearing his name on his god’s lips was exhilarating but at a level a human could bear. “Do you swear to spread my values in the minds and hearts of mortals, through action and word?”
“I swear.”
“Then will you, Steve Harrington, do me the honor of being my sword and shield? Will you carry my crest through all your agonies and all your joys?”
For a breathless moment, their words hung in the air, resonating through the night with finality. The Lord of Night reached out and gently traced something on Steve's forehead. Steve assumed it was his god's sigil, though neither Robin or Dustin could find any images of it so he couldn't be sure. It felt like an incomplete circle with a squiggle running through it. The god stepped back to observe him when he was done.
The stillness that followed, ironically, rattled Steve’s bones with relief and joy that it was done. His god had accepted him. Then the Lord of Night shuffled his feet in an awkward, shy manner.
“Cool,” said the Lord of Night.
The heaviness and tension brought down by the gravity of their oath ruptured with that single world, and Steve could do nothing but dissolve in helpless, giddy giggles.
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marypsue · 1 year
I had been thinking about rereading the road goes ever on to make a list of all the movie references I put in (which is coming shortly). The conversation I had on here (with possibly two different anons?) about how I wished I’d had more time to develop the final chapter and whether I’d go back and make edits to that chapter now that it’s published lit a fire under me to actually do that reread. I finished it tonight, and discovered that, now that I’ve got enough distance from the fic to read it more from the perspective of a reader than from the perspective of a writer working on editing a WIP, there’s really only one thing about the final chapter that I’d actually want to change: 
I never put a scene in the epilogue that shows that Kali’s still occasionally posing as Conners and working (possibly with Owens’ help) to sabotage any further attempts by the government to keep the whole ‘kidnapping psychics’ thing going or to open a new Gate. 
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churipu · 3 months
𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫! 𝐠𝐨𝐣𝐨
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featuring. gojo satoru x reader
warnings. cursing
note. i thought of this when i saw a"rating celebrities i have met" video on tiktok, i imagined what gojo would be like as a celebrity — hence this fic. enjoy <;33 god i want to make actor! jujutsu kaisen a series so bad.
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actor! gojo who first saw you during a fan meeting, and when you asked for a weird pose to do with him, he's immediately attached — like love at first sight?
actor gojo! who slips in his phone number when he was signing his picture that you asked him to sign, hoping that you, his very own fan would actually text him. because, he genuinely wants to get to know you better.
actor! gojo who receives a text from you during the night, and the first text he receives from you was a "is this a prank? if it's not, i'm going to roll on the ground and cry. if it is, i'm sorry you had to see this text." and he decided to play with you by saying it's a joke — but stopped when you actually believed in him.
actor! gojo who finds it funny that you still don't believe that the gojo satoru is texting you, so he decided to video call you to make you believe in him (you ended the call immediately and blocked his number for a bit after, only unblocking him when you got your head straight).
actor! gojo who eventually got to know you better, slipping in the time to video call you or voice call you during breaks in his busy schedule. sending you your cravings out of the blue, or even bouquets of your favorite flowers.
actor! gojo who will use his empty schedule to come and meet you — taking you out to eat or just spend the day in your home, or his apartment. even exhausted, he still wanted everything to work out with you, so he would do anything; even if most of the time, the both of you ended up napping together.
actor! gojo who sends selfies of himself or a short video of himself during his schedule so you could know what he was doing — pointing out the most unnecessary things in the video, like how he saw a cat (then taking a picture or video of the cat to send to you), or even telling you how he finished the shoot in a short amount of time, wanting you to be proud of him.
"hi! i just did a scene, and there was this really cute kitty — look, i named him tuxedo, 'cause his fur looks like a suit. isn't he cute? what do you think if i brought him home with me, i think you'd like him!" he said, panning the camera to the said cat, caressing its fur gently.
actor! gojo who checks his phone every time after a take in his shoot to see if you had replied to him, and when he sees your notification, he gets so motivated to do his shoot. and when you don't, he's pretty upset. he turns into a big baby and asks everyone in the set what it meant if someone replies late, he is so dramatic.
actor! gojo who if asked about his ideal type during interviews, mentions and describes your personality and looks. and everyone won't know that he was talking about you, he sees people talking about how specific his words are and speculates that he was seeing someone.
actor! gojo who trended on social media after that particular interview and the account who first speculated how specific his description is, and now the whole world is saying he has a secret lover or is dating backstreet.
actor! gojo who then receives a text from you asking about if he was seeing someone because of his trending name. and he decided to ask you out for good — telling you that it was you he was describing, and he would be glad if you'd go out with him.
[ you ] : you're trending omg
[ gojo satoru ] : i know :D
[ you ] : but now that i rewatched the video, it does seem like you're describing someone, who is it? 😏
[ gojo satoru ] : idk if you're nonchalant or you're just pretending not to know :/
[ you ] : ???
[ gojo satoru ] : it's you, silly. i'm describing you to the world, so now that i've said that — can i please be your boyfriend?
actor! gojo who immediately drives his way to your house when you said yes to him being your boyfriend; he had been holding back the urge to kiss you, holding you close, so when he's yours — he just has to have you close to him.
actor! gojo who was a little upset when you said you wanted to keep the relationship a secret from the world so his fans wouldn't be mad at him. but he accepted it, as long as you're comfortable.
actor! gojo who makes it clear to people on set, including his make up artist, and even director that he now has a partner; and that he's madly in love. everyone on set listens to him talk about you every single day, gojo is so lovestruck that he can't stop talking about you, telling people on set how great you are and how deeply in love he is with you.
actor! gojo who still slips in random selfies and videos of him during work so you won't overthink, he will tell you what he's about to do and with who even if you didn't ask — he didn't want to keep his partner waiting for him, he's communicative to what he's about to do so you won't worry.
actor! gojo who brings you out on a date to a fine dining restaurant one night and it turned out to be the gravest mistake ever when he finds his name trending the very next day, all for the wrong reasons.
actor! gojo who's first worry is you when he was trending. half of his "fans" were bashing the mysterious person (you) off, saying the most mean things ever, and half of his fans were happy that gojo was on a date with you, telling him how they're really happy that he's out on a date despite his busy schedule.
actor! gojo who makes sure you're alright first, telling you how you should never listen to whatever his "fans" are saying — because they're definitely not right, and they're just jealous. he tells you that he will resolve everything, so you don't have to worry about anything.
actor! gojo who clarifies, by quote retweeting a tweet that was meant to hate on you — clarifying that he's married to you (even if he's not), and that you're his partner. he EMPHASIZES on how he's not hesitating to sue anyone who delivered hate, and he's personally keeping track on the usernames of people who had made a hate towards you (he jots them down and screenshots them).
and most of these account decided to deactivate right after his open clarification. losers.
actor! gojo who then made a proper clarification by saying that he is indeed in a relationship with you and that you're his spouse (not yet), and he told the whole world how he won't hesitate to take legal actions to whoever decided to mess with him, his personal life, or you.
actor! gojo who was happy when most of his real fans supported both him and you, and tell you both how happy they are. he giggles and kicks his feet reading the comments about how you both are definitely going to last, and how you both will be the best couple ever. he screenshots them and make an album just for these comments, showing them to you to reassure you that everything was going to be fine. you were going to be fine. you both were going to be fine.
actor! gojo who was asked about you during interviews and he gets so happy and smiley that he gets to show you off in front of the camera, telling everyone how deep in love he is, and how you treat him like the best person in the world. the video went viral and people were so envious of you.
"oh, my spouse? best. person. ever. i met them during a fan meeting, yes. they were a fan of mine — i could say it was love at first sight, i look at them and i just knew i wanted to marry them."
people then began to believe that they have a chance with their own idols, most of them making this a meme, and they use gojo as one of those tiktok standards videos.
actor! gojo who still sends you selfies and videos after a long time of dating, never breaking the routine. even when he has a schedule out of the country — he still makes time for you, engaging in video calls and voice calls despite the time zones, sends you the sweetest voice mails when he can't do a call and brings you the best souvenirs ever.
actor! gojo who casually assumes that you both are married since the first time you both got caught — he bought you a ring, and just slips it on you, telling you that you're both now married. and you casually accepted, you both had your own moment, made the official marriage certificate without anyone knowing. and the next second, he just announces to the whole set who knew about his "clarification" that he's actually, for real, honestly, married to you. and he tells them his clarification wasn't just a lie to get out of the situation.
actor! gojo who posted your face for the first time in his social media after so long, and he trended again. this time, with you. the fans were so happy, he gets so happy when his fans compliments you — and he happily retweets and reposts every single thing they say about you. he's such a proud husband.
actor! gojo who mentions your name whenever he wins an award, once again telling the whole world how he wouldn't be able to make it until now without you by his side. and how he's so thankful that you're always there even during his toughest times. he has a habit of ending his award speech with a: "y/n l/n, you're the love of my life, i love you. mwah."
a fan of his made a compilation of his ending speech for you, and posted it on twitter, which of course, went viral.
actor! gojo who constantly posts you and writes about you on his social media with the cheesiest captions ever, and people were down for it. telling you how lucky you are to have a husband like him, and gojo always replies back by saying he was the lucky one.
actor! gojo who finds out you read fanfictions about him when you miss him, he pokes fun at you for it — but finds you really cute, then you both make it a routine to read fanfictions of him.
"oh, i would totally do that. how did they even come up with these? they're really good at this," gojo laughs, laying his chin on top of your shoulder as you scrolled your phone.
actor gojo! who gets so happy when you come to visit him on set, and gets so motivated because you were there real time to see him on the act. and spends his break with you, the crew on set gets so disgusted by him and posts about how gojo acts around you on social media — and the fans are finding it hilarious, they ask the crew for more information about gojo and you.
actor! gojo who definitely brings you to red carpet awards, wanting you to be there with him. asking the paparazzi to take many pictures of you so that he could save them, and they do. taking your pictures from different angles, posting them on social media so gojo could save them.
actor! gojo who refuses acts where he has to kiss another actor/ress, he didn't mind holding hands or hugging. but when it comes to locking his lips with another person who is not you — he won't do it. even when you tell him that it was fine since it was his job, gojo still refuses, and directors would go lengths as long as gojo will act for them, cutting out the kiss scenes and settling for something less intimate.
actor! gojo who sometimes get caught by paparazzi when he's on the way to visit you or when he's buying a gift for you. telling the paparazzi they shouldn't upload the pictures until a specific date when he's planning to surprise you, and the paparazzi agrees (sometimes), but when some of them uploaded the pictures right on the same day, he gets so upset that they ruined his surprise for you.
actor! gojo who protects you from shameless paparazzis, not hesitating to tell them off in front of the camera for you. because, let's all be real, most paparazzis could be a pain in the ass, they could be awful, and they could be really persistent.
"hey, back off from them. i'll fucking hurt you if you get closer, understand?" and these paparazzi will taunt him for it, but gojo could care less about them, he only cares about your safety.
"i'll ruin your fucking camera, y'piece of shit. don't you fucking dare touch my spouse, i'm serious." he mutters out, pushing away a man who had undoubtedly came rushing over, trying to get you out of the way so he could picture gojo.
actor! gojo who makes it clear that he won't tolerate people being hurting you at all. and he won't be afraid to take a risk to hurt them back for you.
actor! gojo who will sacrifice his job for you. because on camera and behind camera, all he thinks about is you.
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f1fnatic · 3 months
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→ ( in which. . . ) you star in a movie as the lead actress. in said movie, you date your co-star. the fans of your boyfriend don't like the idea, so they spread rumors in response to you and your co-stars friendship. but, little do they know, it's not you they should be worried about.
→ ( fanfic genre. . . ) social media au
→ ( face claim. . . ) sydney sweeney
→ ( pairing. . . ) daniel ricciardo x actress!reader
→ ( content warnings/disclaimers. . . ) rumors of cheating, eventual cheating, cyber bullying, language, toxic fans
→ ( author's note. . . ) this was sitting in my drafts for so very long and i just finished it in class, i am so happy i am able to post something after such a long hiatus. I hope you enjoy! see end for more
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liked by glenpowell, danielricciardo, alexademie, lewishamilton and 3,126,731 others
tagged: glenpowell, sonypictures, and anyonebutyoumovie
happy to announce that anyone but you in theaters NOW! go watch it >:)
view 865,729 comments
y/nlover ugh cannot wait to watch!
alexademie pretty pretty girl
y/nnnn all you lexie :(
danielricciardo so unbelievably proud of you roo ❤️
y/nnnn thank you badger ☹️
glenpowell such an honor to work with you!
y/nnnn i can say the same!
y/nhater don't you think that her and glen are too close to be co-stars?
y/nhater2 i'm thinking the same thing there's no way she didn't cheat
y/nfan wtf are u talking ab? y/n would NOT do that to danny they are happy together
lewishamilton free tickets 👀
landonorris 👀
maxverstappen1 👀
charles_leclerc 👀
y/nnnn sonypictures what do you think?
sonypictures I'm sure we can work something out.
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liked by y/nnnn, glenpowell, landonorris, scottyjames31, and 3,421,874 others
tagged: y/nnnn
words cannot express how proud i am of you, my love. you have poured so much blood, sweat, and tears into this movie. i know it has been hard, especially the long shoot hours, the frantic facetimes in between scenes can vouch for that and so can the texts. i will definitely miss the on-set pictures/updates.
i love you so much y/n. i don't know how i could be any prouder. p.s. i better get a private showing if you know what i mean 😉
view 831,341 comments
landonorris gross there are children on this app
hunterschafer cutie pies
zendaya is that blond single?
danielricciardo not atm no get in line
y/nnnn danny be nice.
danielricciardo sry love 🫡
y/nfan LMAO
georgerussell63 get a room 🤮
drlover she is such a slut
alexademie actual goals
y/nnnn awe danny i love you too
y/nnnn definitely NOT crying right now!!!
lewishamilton she is lying she facetimed me SOBBING
y/nnn i called you in CONFIDENCE. CONFIDENCE LEWIS.
y/nnnn you are the sweetest, most supportive person i have ever met. i could not have gotten through this without you ❤
danielricciardo there is no one else i rather support ❤
y/ndanny they are meant for each other
y/nhater what a fucking whore
y/ndanny2 the best couple
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imessage ↴
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Unknown Contact i stole ur mans 😜
lexieee 😚 i am so so sorry my love, he didnt deserve you ❤️
Lando Norris He treated you like shit anyways
alrighty, finished! thank you so much for reading, so sorry for the radio silence, ive been super unmotivated and consumed with school 💔 anyways, requests and feedback are welcome! make sure to leave a comment and kudos as well (only if you want :P)
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zexapher · 4 days
Vacuan Nights, Like Vacuan Days
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They’re just so great together! I’d love for Jaune and Weiss to get a little downtime in Vacuo to live out a moment like this. They really deserve it, and I’d love to see Jaune’s guitar make a reappearance.
The comic here was inspired by u/Silverstar1243’s excellent piece of art, A Serenade Under the Moonlight. Send some love to them on their twitter, commission some art if you’re willing and able, they’ve made some great stuff.
You folks may have noticed I threw in a couple of references for those in the know; the Golden Oreos behind Yang (double stuffed, I might add) for the trio’s ship, Weiss liking it rough for Mallobaude’s great fic, and of course I made a whole theme around the Arabian Nights Disney song. A song, along with its Aladdin compatriots, which I spent the better part of a day finding covers for just to listen to on repeat while I worked.
This one’s now officially my longest comic project, with 14 panels, two over the past record since I added the White Knight kiss at the end. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. Not sure I’d say it was more difficult than my Vanity of Vanities post, but for this one I actually knew how to use my editing software going into it (at least somewhat).
Put a lot of work into this one, been working on it on and off since February. Took a few breaks for vacation, to make my memorial post for Rooster Teeth, and another five meme edits or so, but I came back around to it. First half was pretty easy, relatively minor edits inserting characters into scenes and so on. The second half with Jaune and Weiss was tougher though, with color correcting, merging poses, redrawing features, drawing Jaune’s entire head to fix some lighting issues, etc. Really like how the edit to make Jaune strum his guitar turned out.
The time it took to make the whole comic got me down a little, until I did a bit of math. Including my side projects since starting this, all the scripting and editing and all, I’ve been pumping out a panel every two days. That seems pretty good to me, that kind of accomplishment makes me a little proud of myself.
Really need to get around to watching the second part of the Justice League Crossover movies. It’s got a few Vacuo scenes that might make things a little more authentic instead of me just using Saphron’s house and pretending it’s a suite in Vacuo. I do love taking yet more character stills from Jaune and friends experiencing deep trauma and turning it into something positive, been making that a bit of a personal habit. And I’ve got to say, the background for Jaune and Weiss’ scene is really beautiful, pulled it from when Sun and Neptune hear Ruby’s message about Salem. That’s just a really good shot all on its own, I even saved a copy for my computer’s wallpaper after editing out the two.
Posting a big RWBY White Knight edit, watching not one but two RWBY Beyond episodes, and all on the trail of the news that RWBY’s found partners that they’re negotiating with and that the creative team is expected to stay on. And I'm sipping bubble tea. Life is good.
Anyway, pardon the long write up. I’m invested in this one, and am quite pleased with how the comic turned out. I hope you all get a kick out of it as well!
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angelltheninth · 3 months
Bonds in Bondage
Pairing: Charlie Morningstar x Vaggie
Tags: nsfw, smut, established relationship, BDSM, wrists tied up, fingering, cunnilingus, praise, horny Charlie
Word count: 1.9k
A/N: This needed to happen after that BDSM club scene. Let them be kinky too!
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What a day it was today but now finally, finally Charlie and Vaggie could have some time to themselves.
"I'm really proud of you for today Vaggie." Charlie kissed her girlfriend on the cheek as they got into bed side by side.
"Still don't feel like I did that much. I probably should have stuck around and-" Her lips were met with Charlie's finger against them, "Hm?"
Charlie's smile alone could do away with any of Vaggie's worries. How did she do that again? Some hidden power. "I told you they're already getting alone better... in their own way. You can't argue with results." The smooth finger pressed further against her lips, "And you should know I appreciate all of your hard work." Ah, this. Of course Charlie couldn't go to sleep without addressing it.
"I-I know that, babe. It's just... in my own head." Vaggie spoke softly against Charlie's finger. She really didn't want to make Charlie upset again. If she started letting her own insecurities out now she wouldn't be able to protect Charlie or the Hotel. "Do you want to go to sleep or..." She sensed there was more to this judging by the excited look in Charlie's eyes.
That look meant another big idea or a night with very little to no sleep. Or in some cases both one after the other.
Charlie leaned in for a long kiss. The second option then. In their kiss Vaggie pulled the princess into her lap, her hands tangling with Charlie's hair, "I love when you let your hair down."
"Mmm, yeah?"
"Mhm. It's really hot. Kinda like the rest of you." Her hands unbuttoned Charlie's pajamas bit by little bit until she could press her face against the warm flesh. "What do you want me to do for you tonight hermosa?"
"Actually... I have something I want to try. Something new." Charlie spoke in a low tone, slipping out of bed and fetching something from the closet.
New? Oh Vaggie had to see this.
"That BDSM club we were at, I went back with Angel and Husk. But don't worry, I kept them in line!" Vaggie frowned in worry. Those two being in line wasn't exactly what she was worried about. "It wasn't that bad once they weren't trying to get me in on it. They were very insistent for some reason."
"Probably cause you were the hottest person in there." Vaggie whispered to herself while she watched Charlie open the gift. The princess held the item up in front of her. "A ribbon?"
"A bondage ribbon. It looked pretty, reminded me of the ribbon you wear in your hair." Charlie ran her fingers over the silk material. "I know this kinda stuff isn't usually my thing but what Angel said about bonds and bondage got me thinking."
Of course Charlie would find a way to make kinky stuff romantic. Vaggie let out a small chuckle at the cuteness of her girlfriend. "Hon, it's okay to want to try things. You want me to tie you up? Fine, as long as you're happy."
"No, I... I don't want to be the tied up one." Again Charlie put the ribbon in front of Vaggie, closer this time. Vaggie cringed and looked from the ribbon back to Charlie. "If you don't want to then I'll do it first. But Vaggie I... I had no idea your trust in people was, and I'm saying this with all the love that I can, learned in a really fucked up way."
"I want you to trust me. You know I trust you, you could tie me up and I still know you won't do anything I don't want you to. When I saw you talk about how you were taught I couldn't help but imagine the pain you felt. Why not learn trust in a different way? I promise I won't do anything you'd hate." Charlie was serious about this, not treating it like a game like she sometimes did with Angel Dust and Pentious. It made this more scary. Why couldn't she think of a fun game to get Vaggie to open up?
"I do trust you Charlie, I trust you with my life, my very being." Trust and honesty were very different things though. For most they went hand in hand but not for Vaggie. "How do you want me Princess?" She put a bit more raspiness into her tone. She knew it always made Charlie's mind run wild.
"With... your hands above your head?" No matter how assertive she tried to be she still came of as incredibly gentle. Vaggie loved that about her.
Naturally she indulged her lovers wishes when she asked so cutely. She put one hand up against the bed and waited. Charlie gulped, her pale face now fully pink. Moving up she took Vaggie's wrist, careful not to grip it hard.
Focused on the task at hand she didn't notice Vaggie's head moving closer until she felt lips on her nipple. "Vaggie! I'm supposed to be making you feel good."
"I feel very good right now." Her tongue flicked over Charlie's nipple at the same time as her finger. "You got these right in my face and you expect me not to go for them?" Vaggie smiled against the side of Charlie's breast. "When I'm with you, I don't believe I'm in Hell. You're better then those assholes back up in Heaven too."
Her words escaped her before she caught them. She still hasn't... told Charlie everything. Good thing pretty much everyone in Hell was of the opinion Heaven is full of jerks.
"Y-You're sweet but..." Charlie gasped when Vaggie pushed her pants down and her middle finger all the way into her pussy with great ease. "That's cheating. How do you expect me to... tie your hands when you're... fingering me?"
"I'm sure you'll figure it out babe."
Vaggie hooked her finger forward, urging Charlie to roll her hips along with her. Charlie's vision was blurry as she tried to tie the first knot around Vaggie's wrist. But damn, it was difficult when she kept getting fingerfucked. It was one slow loop after another, missing, bucking her hips, getting distracted by the finger holding still and then starting again.
After a few failed attempts she stopped trying and focused on Vaggie herself. Vaggie glanced up at her girlfriend as she pressed the heel of her hand fully against Charlie's pussy. Her finger sliding fully inside she felt Charlie's inner walls pulsing around her finger as she came and held onto Vaggie's shoulders for balance.
Her horns peaked through her blond hair slightly before she took in deep breaths to calm herself. "You're so unfair."
"You love it baby." Vaggie grinned and pushed the heel of her hand against Charlie's clit every time thee Princess rocked her hips down. "Still think I'm unfair?"
Vaggie just asked her something but Charlie didn't hear it over the sound of her own moans and the repeated squelching. "Yes... fuck... please... so close!" She pushed Vaggie's hand down with her hips when she felt that finger curl inside her again. Her body shivered as her pussy walls clenched and pulsed around the long digit, leaving Vaggie's hand soaked.
"You doing good sweetie?" Vaggie's lips pressed against Charlie's shoulder, soothing her trembling.
"Give me a minute." She needed to catch her breath because holy shit, the room was spinning right now. "How are you the one tied up but I'm the one who got fucked?"
"Talent?" And a lot of imagination. And... maybe a few things she read and saw. But mostly talent. She eased her finger out, feeling how Charlie's walls clenched around her, slowly relaxing around the last knuckle. "Want to clean-?! Holy fuck!"
Charlie tucked her hair behind her ear immediately and sucked on Vaggie's finger with gusto. "You're not the only talented one here." While Vaggie was mesmerized Charlie tied her hand with the other one, finally getting the knot secured around the bedframe. "I've been told I have a really talented mouth on me."
Vaggie gulped and smirked in anticipation as Charlie lowered herself between her legs. "And who told you that?"
"A really beautiful woman. She seems to like it when I do things like this with my mouth." Charlie pressed her lips against the wet entrance and pushed her tongue in. It was slightly longer in her demon form which meant that she could reach deeper, she could reach Vaggie g-spot and curl her tongue against it.
Vaggie pulled at the rope around her wrists, enjoying the little sting against the pleasure Charlie was giving her between her legs. Her thighs locked around Charlie's head, mindful of the pointy horns and fangs.
The sharp edges that Charlie chose to reveal at certain times reminded Vaggie of how dangerous she could be. It also made Vaggie realize she might have a bit of a kink for that.
"So hot in here, you're dripping all over our sheets." Charlie pressed her fangs over Vaggie's thigh, making her shiver. Vaggie didn't shiver from fear, she knew that her girlfriend wouldn't hurt her. She was safe with Charlie, and she will keep Charlie safe, always, no matter what it takes.
Her thighs pressed tighter around Charlie's head as the princess dragged her long tongue to Vaggie's clit. The tongue moved in slow patterns over the small bud of nerves, Vaggie's hips rising, breath hitching in her throat when she realized Charlie spelled her name on her. She was Charlie's, she could never even imagine otherwise.
"Come for me beautiful, I'll take care of you." Those soft, talented lips wrapped around Vaggie's clit and her hands dug into her thighs, keeping them spread open instead of closed. With every suck Vaggie's legs went more slack under Charlie's fingers.
"Charlie! Don't stop, don't, just, don't stop now, I'm-!" She almost felt like she was floating again with Charlie being the only thing that held her down. Her hips rolled into Charlie's mouth, having a mind of their own.
"I've got you Vaggie. I got you. I love you Vaggie." Her wet lips let go of Vaggie's clit with an audible pop, slowly dragging from one side of Vaggie's inner thigh to the other.
"I... I know you do. I love you too Charlie, I always will, please believe that."
Charlie wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, "Of course I know that. You show it all the time." Vaggie hopped all the time was enough. It would have to be enough. "Oh! I sure hope these didn't bruise!" She quickly untied Vaggie's wrists and sighed in relief, "Good. Only a bit of rope burn." Her lips, still damp, dragged over Vaggie's wrists. "There. All better now right?"
"Of course they are sweetie. Come." Charlie chuckled, "Not like... ugh... I'm gonna kill Angel Dust, he's making you like him."
"Don't you like this side of me?"
"I like all sides of you. Even this kinky one. Especially this kinky one. Just be careful when Angel Dust drags you to places." Obviously she can't be there all the time but Charlie could take care of herself for the most part. She was very awkward about it though.
Charlie would be fine. Even if one day Vaggie wasn't here, Charlie would be fine. But for as long as Charlie wants her Vaggie will stay by her side.
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sugaimhome · 1 year
next door again - jjk
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pairing: yandere jk (though not so yandere anymore) x female reader
genre: smut, angst
words: 1.8k
warnings: thigh riding, he's possessive, a bit yandere, he doesn't stop praising her. not much more than that tbh, don't want to spoil it but he cums too.
summary: jungkook doesn't like it when he sees you with taehyung, doesn't like it when taehyung won't step back. that's how you end up here, riding his thigh to prove who you belong to.
a/n: when i read this back i wasn't as proud of it as i hoped i would be... but i still love it lolol and i really love this couple. a special thanks to @zetaares who suggested thigh riding and deserves all the love in the world ty.
main fic
hardly proof read and not beta read ):
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Monday had dragged on. After changing your weekend to spend time with Jungkook all you wanted to do was spend today with him as well, but one thought of those poor children with a substitute teacher… you had worked hard for this job and you weren't about to sacrifice it for some man. Even if that man was really good at sex. And was smoking hot. 
It's the end of the day, you're in the carpark waving goodbye to one of your students when two things happen simultaneously.
Taehyung places his hand on your shoulder.
Jungkook pulls up on his bike.
The thing is, you're still preoccupied with the first to really pick up on the second so as you turn to Taehyung, you begin the speech you'd had in your head since lunch. He'd sat next to you in the staffroom and failed to give you any room, his knee pressing against yours.
"Taehyung, I appreciate you as a boss but-" 
He still has a grip on your shoulder. You feel so uncomfortable. "But I really need some personal space" He tries pulling you closer by the shoulder. He's cornered you because he knows you won't make a scene with all of the children watching. 
He doesn't give up and he's looking at you as if he might-
"She said she needed her personal space." Jungkook's beside you, and you're grateful because there was no way you could have escaped that by yourself. You realise he has his hand on your waist only when he's pulling you closer to him and away from Taehyung. You don't consider what it looks like for a tattooed, pierced, sexy, motorcycle man to pull you close to him. Five year olds would never forget this. Neither would Taehyung, the look on his face. "And who are you?" Taehyung asks him.
"Her boyfriend, who is also a boxer, so don't try this again," he leans down and kisses your forehead. The action has you weak in the knees. You knew that he was only calling you his girlfriend to get Taehyung off your back but it was hot nonetheless. It sounded right. He holds your hand, pulling you away from the scene.
"Do you actually box?" you ask him as he pulls you away, a smile breaks out on his face.
"I'm a county champion" He's got that cocky smile on his face that you'd accustomed yourself too. 
"No way?" you exclaim, letting him hand you your helmet. 
"That idiot is still looking at us." He says, glancing at Taehyung. The area is pretty empty of children, a couple of mums hang about by the entrance, but they aren't paying much attention, and their children are running about mindlessly on the grass banks. "If there weren't children here." Jungkook turns and looks at you, his eyes wide and angry. "I would fuck you over this bike so he knows who you belong to."
"Oh" is all you can manage, heat rushing to your core. There's a part of you that would really like that, but you cringe at how weird and dirty it was so you climb onto the back of the bike behind him, snuggling into his back and gripping him tight. Jungkook revs the bike as he exits the car park. What a scene. You loved it. Taehyung would never bother with you again. Brilliant.
Your mind is clear of thoughts as Jungkook drives through the backstreets, he’s still careful when you’re on the bike with him, your confidence has risen, gripping him around his waist, pressing your whole body to his to keep stable. The helmet restricts the wind from running through your hair and you desperately wish it would, the bike gives you a feeling of freedom. It takes you half the time it would if you were to drive, Jungkook could easily skip the rush-hour traffic.  When you’re home, you climb off his bike and head to his house on instinct. You had practically moved in this weekend, and you had no intention of leaving any time soon. The second you walk in the door, you slip off your shoes and hang your coat up on the hooks, Jungkook walks past you, straight towards the living room where he sits on the sofa with his arms crossed and legs open wide. 
“What's wrong Koo” you ask him, and he huffs.
“Nothing” he mumbles, looking away from you.
“Hey” you say, concerned you’d done something wrong.
“Does that man always irritate you?” he asks.
“Yeah, but I am used to it.” you reassure him, unsure why jungkook's opinion on you and Taehyung even bothers you. It wasn’t as if you were dating.
Jungkook looks at you, then to his lap and you think he’s about to gesture for you to sit there, so you make your way over to him. Though he stops you before you can sit down, playing with the button of your trousers, when he goes to pull them down, you let him, watching as his eyes widen at the lacy lingerie you’d put on this morning, just for him. He spends a moment just looking at you before pulling them down and holding you as you step out of them. “So beautiful. All for me,” he tells you, and you blush. 
He looks up at you, as if to check you were okay. “Want you to ride my thigh.” Your eyes go wide, shocked at his want to please you. “Want you to leave a mark on my grey joggers.”
You shudder, your nipples hardening and heat rushing to your core as he spoke. You nod, and he grabs your waist to pull you towards his thigh. Your skin against the soft fabric of his joggers, and the hard muscles of his thighs underneath, makes you want to collapse, but he kisses you, still gripping onto your waist to keep in control of your body. With your lips pressed against one anothers, you bite and nip at his skin, desperate for him to let you move. When he pulls away you pout, “Jungkook please” you beg him, he smiles.
“What do you want, Love” Jungkook teases, as if he hadn’t been the one to suggest this.
“Wanna ride your thigh” you whisper, looking away from him as you speak.
“You do huh” he taunts, you're hot all over from the embarrassment of it. You hum anyways.
“Good girl,” he lets go of your waist, sitting back and resting his hands behind his head, relaxed as you slowly grind yourself against him. Trying not to moan, trying not to give him that satisfaction, because damn you’d never done anything like this before and it felt so good. He watches your cunt as it glides against his bottoms, hoping to get a glimpse of the wetness you’d leave there. 
“Do I feel good Y/N?” he asks, still watching as you rut against him. 
“Always feel so good Jungkook” you reply, letting a small moan fall past your lips in the process. Only causing Jungkook to smirk in response. You could tell he liked getting you off. “Do you like making me cum jungkook?”
“I do, could watch you cum every minute of every day.” he reaches forward, grabbing hold of your hips and helping you move on his thigh. The weight he applies onto your hips only increases the friction of your clit rubbing against his thigh. You shift your knee, grinding it against his clothed dick everytime you move forward on his thigh. “Fuck” he says, hissing though his teeth. From your mouth falls a constant chant of “oh my god, oh my god jungkook” in a repetitive circle. 
“This is going to make me cum in my boxers” he tells you, throwing his head back in pleasure, though quickly correcting himself when he realises he couldn’t see you with his eyes on the ceiling. You quickly make it your main priority to rub your knee against his confined cock, angry against the confinements of his boxers and joggers. 
The two of you are a moaning mess, receiving pleasure from each other in the weirdest way. You had never done anything so wonderful in your life. The warmth and firmness of Jungkook under you, the way your bare knee brushed his clothed dick.
“Jungkook-” you try to warn him, but you can’t speak, out of breath from the effort and pleasure of it.
“I’m close too” he mumbles, his ears red underneath his shaggy hair. “You’re so hot, so sexy for me.” 
You whine. “So good for me, my good girl.” the imprints of his nails will surely be embedded into your skin for days.
He’s just rambling because he's close to orgasm, but his words only make your release closer and closer. “Jungkook please” you say, though you don’t know what you’re begging him for.
“Damn it, I am cumming” he says, his hands still helping you grind against him. He throws his head back, and your orgasm hits when you see the dark patch of his cum stain the inside of his joggers. You sudder, hardly able to hold yourself up on his leg, you collapse forward, almost feeling like the world has paused for this moment where your mind goes blank of everything but complete bliss and satisfaction. It pauses for you and Jungkook, who runs circles on your waist with his thumb as you come down from your high. It feels like stepping off a rollercoaster, when your heart is still viciously beating. 
You’re breathing in sync with Jungkook until you both return to normal. Suddenly feeling one of your thighs cramping you sit up and use Jungkook's shoulder as an anchor to stand up. He hisses, cursing under his breath.
“Y/N, take my phone” 
You do, standing up on wobbling legs. “Take a picture of me from my stomach downwards”
At first you weren’t sure why, but once you took a few steps back you could see. His left thigh, where you had been grinding against him, was stained a darker grey due to your wetness, and his crotch is wet from his cum. He looked like some kind of sex god. You snap a picture, wobbling back to him and passing him back his phone.
“Might send this to your creep of a boss so he knows you’re mine.”
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mini taglist:
@hoseokgrecns @chimmisbae @kkhope @hoseok666 @crazyforbangtan
ty all <3
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lovetei · 8 months
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I'm in for everything that includes the MC being the sugar instead of the baby :P
MC taking the brothers in Disneyland and everything is already paid
Versions: Demon brothers, Side Characters
Links: Masterlist
He's shocked
You randomly went to the human world and refuses to say anything why
And then you came back with bags and shades saying "Come one losers, we're going to Disneyland!"
This was not on their budget plan...
What do you mean they don't need to pay anything?
You paid it all...
He's... Thankful really...
Well, they need some time off once in a while.
In Disneyland he'll be the parent brother and would say "Satan stand next to that large mouse, I'll take a picture."
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He's also the type to hold the map upside down and wonder what type of language humans are using now because this ain't the one he used to know
When you ask him "Are you enjoying it?" his smile will dissappear and he'll blush before answering "Yes..."
You're leaving? Aww :(
We're going to Disneyland?! Yeah :)
Lucifer don't want to? Aww :(
Lucifer agreed?! Yeah :)
You paid everything?! Yeah >:)
In Disneyland he'll be the type to buy every souvenir he liked
He'll also walk around with those headbands inspired by characters
Will probably follor Lucifer and he told him to stand next to something and pose as he will take a picture
Hell, he'll be laughing his ass off as Lucifer take those pictures with his old ass camera
Like this.
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You left..?
For what?
Oh you're taking them all to Disneyland?!
Like the Disneyland he saw on those human series?!
But Lucifer...
He agreed?!
WAHHH! He's so happy!
He's walking around the park with a map in his hand and he's blushing so much out of happiness
If you hold his hand while walking he'll be so happy he might even tear up.
But he'll show you his skills on those small stalls that includes guns and stuff to win small prizes
For short, he'll subtly show off
He doesn't really care if they can go or not
But he did not actually expect Lucifer to agree with it
He's the smart guy
Always looking for those cheeper but still good food
He'll also be the type to distribute the brothers on each ride and stand in line
Whoever gets to ride first will let the others skip the line
And when Lucifer told him to stand beside that fucking monument of this character the human worshipped so much named "Mickey"
He popped a vessel
But he can't cause a scene so he just stood there
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If you can't parsuade Lucifer then he might just help you
He might even have his brothers sign a petition or something
And in Disneyland he'll just be all around buying stuffs
He's like that pretty girl you will see in lines that will start screaming, going ape shit the moment she stepped in the viking ride or something
While Lucifer took pictures of Satan
He's standing there judgmentally
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Cause as a fucking model
Why the fuck is this bitch standing there like that?
You guessed it
He only liked the Disneyland because of the food there and that fact that the whole place smells like popcorn everytime
He's carrying Belphie ALL THE TIME
In rides he does more work than those shitty ass seat belts tbh
And he's just standing there looking proud with his hotdog because he think they look like family
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He thinks it's a hassle but since you want to go there too
He has no choice
He refuses to take pictures
He doesn't buy souvenirs
And he refuses to stand in lines
He's also the type of visitor that you'll see taking a bench all for himself by sleeping there
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He's sleeping when Lucifer took the photo but he'll laugh his ass off later.
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anxiouspotatorants · 1 month
Actually you know what I need to rant about this: while literati is technically a good girl x bad boy dynamic it is written so incredibly well and avoids so many pitfalls and stereotypes that it makes a good girl x bad boy hater like myself (I’m only half joking — I don’t think any trope is inherently good or bad but I tend to dislike most pairings with this dynamic) fall head over heels for their story and relationship.
So much of what makes the two of them work is the contrast between how others perceive them and how they truly are. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of people who understand who Rory is as a person (Lorelai, Lane, Paris, Richard and Emily to a certain degree for starters), but she's constantly met with the expectation that she just does good and is supposed to make everyone proud 24/7. Stars Hollow as a group especially are big on this, as seen f. ex. through how Taylor takes Rory's one comment about an inappropriate DVD and twists the whole thing into a censorship crusade and makes Rory its poster-child even though she wants nothing to do with it and tells him so repeatedly. But instead of hearing Rory disagree with him (like he would Lorelai and Luke) he assumes that she actually agrees with him - and why shouldn't she when she's the perfect sunshine paragon of good who would never disagree with her elders? Also her grandparents treat her as incredibly fragile and childlike, like she must be too innocent to ever do anything wrong and so whenever she does something it has to be somebody else's fault (usually Lorelai, but occasionally Jess or whoever else was present). Time and time again Rory is treated like something innocent and naive and weak — but not by Jess. He sees her as a person.
And it obviously goes the other way too. Jess is treated like shit by pretty much everyone else. Either people hate him unprovoked or very much provoked (he did do a lot of pranks in his first few weeks and while I'm a Dean-hater I'm not blind to how much Jess picked fights with him), or they’ve simply given up on him. He tells Rory himself that every authority figure he had back in New York gave up on him too, from teachers to principals to his very own mother. But Rory doesn’t treat him like a lost cause, she treats him like the smart, brilliant and asshole-ish teen that he is. By having faith in him she also often holds him more accountable than others. Where f. ex. Lorelai or the other adults just roll their eyes, Rory physically drags Jess into doing his shifts at the diner. While others write him off, Rory chews Jess’ ear out for not helping Luke more and for willfully making enemies out of the Stars Hollow adults.
They don't put each other on pedestals or below each other. Jess doesn’t try to make a sinner out of Rory and she doesn’t try to make a saint out of him. There’s genuine respect between them. They expect each other to have integrity and treat others with kindness and honesty, and the rest is good old chemistry and common interests.
I particularly love how in so many of their scenes (especially pre-relationship) when they spend time alone they just get to be these goofy nerdy kids. They argue about controversial authors and dig through records shops and eat hot dogs and make fun of each other and try to make each other laugh. It’s not just sexual chemistry as it too often is in a dynamic like this (and often uncomfortably sexual when writing teenagers - looking at you Gossip Girl), and not just well written intellectual chemistry — they have platonic chemistry too. A hell of a lot of it actually.
While I don’t think ASP wrote them through a purely deconstructionist lens on the good girl x bad boy dynamic (if she did plan on writing the dynamic at all), there is something to be said about how where many around them treat them like stereotypes they treat each other like people. To so many people, Rory is a perfect small town princess, a little miss sunshine with booksmarts for days but too delicate and sweet for anything with grit and weight. To a lot of the same people and many more Jess is a pathetic brutish and maniacal lost cause, hell personified in a chainsmoking leather-wearing teenager. But to each other they are actual human beings. Kind and mean and flirtatious and scared and reckless and smart. Rory really thinks that with the right motivation and mindset Jess can be the kind who does (and at the end wrote) incredible things. Jess really believes that with a little more practice and support to step out of her comfort zone she can be the amazing journalist she wishes to be.
They don’t have this stupid «we’re so bad for each other but we can’t stay away» thing that too many trope users rely on and don’t even justify in the plot. Everyone else might think they’re not fit for each other, but they knew they were each other’s person from the very first day.
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captain-hen · 13 days
whenever i rewatch 2x01, i'm always amazed at what a great job this episode does in introducing eddie and maddie as main characters, telling us key facts about them without too much exposition or revealing too much in general; all the while managing to balance the rest of the ensemble so we know what's going on with them. and the way maddie and eddie are introduced are tailored to fit their respective characters.
with maddie, she's still very isolated at this point—for obvious reasons. so we actually get to see her POV for her scenes, and we learn some important details about her: 1) she's buck's older sister, 2) there's a significant age gap between them, 3) she and buck are not on good terms with their parents, 4) she's on the run from an abusive relationship, 5) although she hasn't been in contact with buck for three years, she still feels safe enough to run to him, telling us what a deep bond they actually have, 6) she used to be a nurse.
(most of these facts about their childhood that we can glean in 2x01 aren't even expounded on until s4, btw. but i think it's still pretty impressive how the seeds were planted so early on, that, yeah, it wasn't a shock to find out that the buckley parents were neglectful, or that maddie was basically parentified.)
with eddie, it's completely different. i don't think we get a single scene of his from his POV in 2x01, actually—every scene of his is told from the perspective of the characters around him. at this point, we still don't know some of the most important aspects of his character—he's a father, his marriage is failing. but we're still told some very essential facts that form the basis of his character: 1) he was in the army, but he's clearly not proud of his service/doesn't like bringing it up unless it's to help him at work, 2) he's charming and personable enough that he's able to win over the firefam—with the exception of buck—almost instantly, in a way no other new addition to the 118 ever has, 3) he clearly values teamwork and wants to get to know his coworkers—his focus on trying to win buck over is indicative of this, 4) he not only willingly put himself in a dangerous situation with the grenade, but also trusted buck implicitly right away, which suggests that despite the responsible and sensible impression he gives off, he has a hidden tendency for impulsivity—and we now know he does.
idk, all of this to say that i just...really appreciate this episode and how well it handled the introduction of these two characters. it's never an easy thing to pull off, particularly in an already packed ensemble cast. but they handled it beautifully, and i still remember how impressed i was while watching it for the first time.
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4am-enha · 6 months
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description/tags: heavily inspired by a scene from the kdrama “something in the rain” on netflix. reader is basically a coffee addict who meets someone new in the cafe on their break, but there’s a rainstorm outside. heavy on acts of service jay in this, cheesy romantically suggested gestures, rain, umbrellas, proximity, catching feelings, old fashion love.
genre: fluffy, fluff, & more fluff!
pairing: jay x reader (y/n), gender neutral reader.
warnings: none that i am aware of :P
wc≈ 2.3k, one shot format
preview: “The tension between you was so thick, you could almost suffocate. But maybe it was just you getting in your own head. This didn’t have to be a slightly intimate interaction, he could just be being friendly.”
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You were on a no-caffeine streak for a while now. Almost a week. Maybe it wasn’t really that impressive, but a week of no coffee for you was never heard of before. You were actually really proud of it and began bragging to people how you hadn’t touched a drop of caffeine, and how you intended not to touch any for at least a month.
But that all came crumbling down today. You were so sluggish, it was actual torture to not drink any coffee this morning. What really did not help were the strangely dark clouds outside and the type of air that just fills you with grogginess for the whole day. Winter was approaching pretty fast this year, so that would explain this type of weather. These days, it felt like it was dark when you left for work, and dark when you returned home.
All your progress, ruined, before it had even really gotten somewhere just for one cup of your favourite pick-me-up drink this morning. Was it really worth it?
To be completely honest, you did hesitate for a moment about it outside the door of your favourite regular cafe, but as soon as that beautiful smell of coffee beans hit your nose, and the warm embrace of the cozy cafe ambiance with just one-half step inside of the building hugged you- you were completely convinced it was all going to be more than just a little worth it. You actually physically felt yourself hold back an urge to skip inside with excitement.
“Please hold it for me!” A man's voice urged from behind you. Of course, you held it for him. He was quite tall and looked very neat and put together. Well, ignoring the slight panic in his eyes and the messy bundle of things in his arms.
“Thank you! I’m sorry, my bag has just come loose and I'm trying to hold all the stuff in,” he laughed nervously as he walked past you into the cafe.
“No problem,” you laughed lightly back.
You approached the pale, slender cashier who immediately recognized you, “Y/n? It’s been a while. Where have you been?”
“It’s only been a week, Sunghoon, don’t be dramatic,” you joked.
“Well, what can I get you? The usual?”
“Yes please!” You beamed.
He smiled, “Alright! Cash or card?”
You pulled out your card and handed it to the barista, zoning into empty space as you waited for the payment to go through.
“Oh, do you have another card? This one declined.”
“Oh my gosh, what?” You took the card back from him, realising you had brought an expired card with you. You were so tired this morning, you didn’t check what you had picked up before you left for your break. You felt around your pockets for a minute, but deep down you hopelessly knew you had left all other cards and cash in your bag which was sitting pretty under your work desk.
By now, there were a few customers behind you. You didn’t want to make things complicated.
“I’m sorry but I’m going to have to cancel my order-“
“Allow me,” the guy you had held the door for earlier came forward from behind you in the line and tapped his card against the machine.
“Oh my goodness, no! Please cancel that!” You panicked and yelled at Sunghoon, the barista.
“Wait, don't! Please, let me pay for it. It’s nothing, really!” The generous guy joined in with a panicked response.
“Okay not trying to be rude here guys, but can you decide. Please?” Sunghoon pleaded. He was not paid well enough for this and other customers were already mumbling and grumbling amongst themselves in line.
You looked at the stranger with an apologetic face, but he only continued to reassure you that it was okay. He really insisted on paying. You nodded at Sunghoon in approval of not cancelling the payment after all.
Sunghoon then continued to take the man's order, leaving you and the stranger standing awkwardly beside each other waiting for the drinks to be made.
“You really didn’t have to do that you know,” you began, breaking the silence.
“I wanted to,” he smiled and paused for a moment, “what’s your name by the way? I don’t believe I have ever seen you around here before.”
“Oh really? That’s a surprise. I’m always out and about, and as for this cafe I’m kind of a regular,” you smiled.
He hummed in understanding, “I could guess by the way the barista seemed to know you.”
You laughed, “Yeah, I suppose it's a little obvious.”
“And your name?”
“Oh sorry, it’s y/n. How about you?”
“You can call me Jay.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Jay.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you too, y/n,” he held out his hand for a handshake, but you misunderstood and gave him a high-five instead. It took him by surprise, but he laughed it off.
“Oh I'm so sorry I thought you were asking for-“
Jay interrupted you by suddenly shifting his hand to complete your high-five, “No need to be embarrassed, I’ll take a high-five too.”
You laughed about it together and then began some more small talk for a few remaining minutes discussing the usually boringly common topics like work, and how long you’ve lived here, except you actually enjoyed it more than you expected to. You were glad that you had made the choice to ruin your caffeine-sober streak today. Meeting new people was refreshing.
But since your job practically required you to talk to new people every day, and this was something you did daily- maybe it was just Jay that was refreshing. He was actually very intriguing, and not just because he was admittedly pretty to look at. You couldn’t really put it into the right words, but something about the way he talked and used so many unique minor expressions really caught your attention. He was so polite too. Attentive. Thoughtful. A nice outcast from the stereotypical modern type of men you were used to seeing everywhere these days.
Either way, this random interchange completely altered your day into something ten times better than it had originally been.
Coincidentally, your drinks were ready and called at the same time. Jay carefully passed you your drink while picking up his own, being cautious to not accidentally burn you with the hot cup. You thanked him once more and both headed out toward the door. Jay held it for you this time, arguing that it was only equal for him to do so since you had held the door for him on the way in.
Your smile quickly faded as you noticed the heavy rain that had begun a little while ago pouring down in front of you. You hadn’t noticed it right away because of the cafe marquee that slightly protected the street and kept the outer entrance dry. You sighed, staring in disbelief that you were going to have to spend the rest of work today in soaked clothes.
“Something wrong?” Jay questioned upon seeing your face flush with worry.
He made you jump a little because you had sort of expected him to be gone by now. You thought he had left immediately when you had exchanged some final thank yous and goodbyes at the door on the way out. When actually, he had stuck around for a minute to see you off.
“Oh no, it’s just that I have to walk in this horrible weather,” you replied defeatedly.
Jay thought for a moment, “wait here.”
You widen your eyes in confusion and surprise as you watch Jay run straight into the rain, completely soaking himself and his coffee within seconds only to disappear around the corner for a few minutes.
You kept checking your phone for the time, wondering if he was even going to come back or if you should just leave. You didn’t even know what he was doing or why he had asked you to wait here.
Meanwhile, Jay was rushing around the local mini-store for umbrellas. Finally, when he found them he picked up the closest two. One for you, and one for him. But then, he looked at the pair of them and put one back with a cheesy smile that showed that he had some sort of motive behind the peculiar decision.
Eventually, Jay returned, walking toward you in the rain, holding a single closed umbrella with floppy drenched hair, clothes tightly stuck to him, and a bright smile. It made your cheeks feel warm as you smiled shyly back.
You couldn’t help but laugh a little, “you’re ridiculous and insane. You went into the rain to fetch an umbrella?”
“It would appear I did,” he laughed lightly too, handing you the umbrella.
“Why did you only get one? You should take this,” you tried to hand it back to him but he refused and pushed it away with a frown and disapproving shake of his head.
You tried again, “Please, you’ve already done a lot for me this morning. It’s not that bad, I can dry off at work.”
“Let’s share it then,” he suggested, taking the umbrella and holding it up for the both of you, “you said earlier that your workplace was the same way as mine anyway.”
“Oh, well alright then,” you felt yourself blush involuntarily as you began walking very closely, side by side together.
At first, it was awkward and a little uncomfortable, but that feeling didn’t stick around for long. Jay made conversation here and there, making it easy to follow along and it made you feel more confident about being almost attached by the hip to someone you met under an hour ago. Sometimes it would fall silent, but it was a comfortable silence. You would both drift off into your own thoughts for a minute or two.
You had no idea what Jay was thinking about, but you wondered if maybe he was thinking similar things to you. Maybe the situation just wasn’t awkward at all to him, and you were just overthinking it. You couldn't help but be curious about what he thought of you. Hopefully, you made a good impression, and hopefully, he was as comfortable as you were right now.
It was just now that you were noticing how good he smelled for the first time. He smelt as clean and fresh as he looked. His cologne was potent through his wet shirt.
He smelled expensive.
You also noted how tall he was beside you. After some sneaky glances here and there, you saw how sharp his jawline really was. It was as unreal as it had looked from a distance.
When you went to glance over at him again, he caught you. Instantaneously, your eyes snapped forward to avoid it, but he was already softly chuckling upon catching you staring.
“If you have questions, you can ask them, you know,” he laughed.
You laughed in embarrassment, nodding.
Jay began to elaborate, “It's just because you were looking-“
“I thought I saw a bug,” you lied with rosy cheeks.
“You’re a bad liar.”
“No really, I’m telling the truth!”
“Okay, I’ll believe you,” he smiled, seeing right through your attempt to cover up your obvious stares.
The tension between you was so thick, you could almost suffocate. But maybe it was just you getting in your own head. This didn’t have to be a slightly intimate interaction, he could just be being friendly.
As if you were an open book and Jay was reading your mind, he looked over to you.
“You keep drifting out from under the umbrella. Isn’t your shoulder getting wet?”
“A little but it's fine,” you shrugged.
“Come closer, I won't hurt you” he went to put his arm around you to pull you in but he hesitated, “may I?”
You could swear that your face was painted red with blush now, but you nodded anyway and let it happen. He was ever so gentle, making sure he wasn’t pushing it too far. Keeping his arm around you but loosely just in case you might change your mind.
You continued to walk like that together with uncontrollable smiles plastered on each of your faces until you reached the outside of your work building. It was such a peaceful moment that you would surely hold onto it for a very long time after the fact. It had been a while since you felt this rush of emotion that you were so sure had left you years ago.
The rain had cleared up now, spitting slightly still, but nothing compared to what it had been. Jay walked you up to where it was sheltered so that you wouldn’t have to get a single drop of rain on you. You felt bad that he was still very much soaked, while you looked as if you hadn’t been outside at all today.
“Thank you, again, Jay,” you stood in front of him.
“No, thank you, y/n.”
You fiddled with your hands a little, looking down, “perhaps, could I take your number so that I can pay you back later?”
Jay chuckled, “You can have my number, but you’re not paying me back.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, handing him your phone anyway to type in his number.
You then both briefly waved goodbye and you began walking into your building, hiding a giddy smile.
You turned quickly to the sound of Jay yelling your name and ran back towards him.
He held out the umbrella to you, “Take this. It’s yours now.”
Without argument, you took the umbrella and waved goodbye once more. You didn’t turn back this time, but you could feel Jay’s eyes on you- watching to make sure you got in with no problems before walking away himself.
Later on, you found yourself staring at the brightly coloured umbrella leaning against your work desk.
You drifted into the thought of the umbrella and a certain guy, with a smile lingering on your lips.
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note: as always, any feedback/notes are appreciated~!thank you so much for reading!! i hope you have an amazing day/night ^^ finally, i got another singular member one shot out. i kinda liked this one. let me know what you guys thought of it. also, don’t forget to tune into orange blood nov 17th! WHOS EXCITED (I AM).
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fuckyeahizzyhands · 5 months
COLLIDER: I'm so glad that we finally got the chance to touch base about the show.
CON O’NEILL: Yeah. It's been really uncomfortable not being able to talk about it.
COLLIDER: Izzy, as a character, really goes on a beautiful, poignant journey this season. In the beginning, Ed is Blackbeard and back to the old lifestyle of raiding and pillaging ships, but it feels like something's off. Izzy has what he wanted back, but at what cost? What was your take on that — reverting to the way that things used to be, but, obviously, there's been a shift, and things aren't quite the same?
O’NEILL: It goes back to how it used to be, but Ed’s broken, and that's the difference. Before Stede appeared, Izzy and Blackbeard worked as a unit really, really well because they were both on the same page. When Stede breaks Blackbeard's heart, Izzy and Blackbeard aren't on the same page. Basically, Izzy’s looking at a man that he loves falling apart, and all the joy is gone — not just from Blackbeard, but from piracy. He can see Ed's decline, he can see the decline in his crew, which is fundamentally really, really the most important thing to him. He can feel his own heart breaking, because he's seeing the devastating impact of his actions. So, it's a pretty bleak start to a season, but we do have fabulous make-up.
COLLIDER: It does feel bleak, especially for Izzy at times, who goes through the amputation and has to adjust to a new normal of not being able to get around the way that he used to. But it's also an opportunity to see the changing dynamic with the crew. I was really touched by the moment when they built [Izzy] a new leg. It's moving on an emotional level, but it's also proof of how far this group has come. Was it nicer to be able to play those moments of camaraderie instead of being at odds all the time?
O’NEILL: What's interesting, though, is the love for Izzy to his crew and the crew to Izzy, it's always been there. It's just not being presented in this way. The giving of the leg, I believe, is the first time in his life where he's actually had an emotional connection that he wasn't able to control. That act of kindness overwhelms it. But he's still a pirate, and the leg ultimately allows him to be a pirate again. He does change his attitude towards his crew after the new leg and after the unicorn statement, but it's also about how to navigate the new crew as the first mate. And that's the beauty of what David's written. It's not suddenly he's this new guy. He's still a bit of a dick, but he's their dick, as Vico says.
It's a beautiful human version of the story that could have been really sentimental, and I don't think we go there. He doesn't suddenly become everyone's mate. That was never going to happen. That would have been dishonest. But he just has a need for them more because he's not as physically able as he used to be, and with that comes an understanding of them. The way he deals with Lucius is very specific in that he can't give Lucius love and understanding without calling him a twat — because that's who Izzy is, but he does give him love and understanding — and that's down to David and David's choices. Remember, this is a comedy. He's done all this in a comedy. That's really profound that we're going on these routes of human stories in what is essentially a comedy.
COLLIDER: One that really stuck out to me was Izzy singing in the “Calypso's Birthday” episode, especially because it plays as a backdrop to some pretty significant moments. I wanted to ask you about the preparation process behind performing that song. Did you have to record it and also do it live on-set?
O’NEILL: I got an email from David a third of the way through the shoot asking me if I knew “La vie en rose,” which, of course, I knew, but only as I'd heard it. I was actually in Wellington filming a different show because I did a different show for a week, and I just got this message. We were just gonna sing the English version because we didn't have the rights to the French version, and I don't speak any French at all. Nothing. Zilch. And then I got the phone call. Would I be able to learn it in French? So I did. I called a lot of people, and a lot of people who say they speak French don't. But my partner does, and I have a friend who just played Piaf. So, between the two of them, they gave me an understanding of the French.
We recorded both versions, and I lip-synced to the English version first before the scene with Ned. I thought we were just gonna do a little bit of the French version for the end of the episode. I had no understanding that it was gonna play out the episode. I’m thrilled that it does, but it was terrifying. Every minute of that, from the recording of it to the lip-syncing it to the filming it, was terrifying. I haven't sung in public for 20 years. But it felt right, and it felt like the absolute right choice of song. It felt like the absolute right choice of language. I didn't want him to be too French, I just wanted him to be able to because Izzy speaks bits of every language, as most pirates would. I thought it was audacious. I thought it was moving. I thought, again, it shied away from sentimental. And I’m just in awe of how David's brain works. If you would have asked me prior to doing it which song Izzy would sing, I'd never have thought “La vie en rose,” and now I can't think of a song that's more appropriate for Izzy.
COLLIDER: I talked to David, as well, about the scene of Izzy talking about piracy in the finale, and he said it's kind of like Izzy giving his own eulogy, in a way, before what happens next. That scene where Taika is holding you feels significant for the show — not just in terms of the weight and impact, but because so much of the cast is there, and it really feels like a moment of family getting to be together. Even if it's mostly an exchange between Izzy and Ed, everyone's there to send him off. I would love to hear about the experience of filming that on the day.
O’NEILL: David sent me the scene a few weeks prior, and the date was set to film it, which was gonna be in the last week of filming. It was early on in the last week, and then it was in the middle of the last week, and then it was scheduled for the morning of the last day. Then, suddenly, it became the last thing we were gonna ever film in Season 2.
Those things aren't easy. They're quite difficult because no matter how you think about it in your head, it's not gonna play that way. We were on a set, we were on the ship, there were hundreds of crew, there was the whole cast, they were setting up the shot. It was busy. David, bless him, played a playlist to help us all get in the mood, but it's just a cacophony of noise and busyness, and we’re getting towards the end of the day.
Suddenly, it was just me and Taika. Suddenly, all the noise disappeared, and suddenly, all the process of filming a scene disappeared, and it was just me and him. And Taika is a wonderful actor. Everyone talks about his writing and his directing, and this and that. Taika is a beautiful actor to play opposite. And in that moment, we just got to say goodbye to a character that we both loved. You never get a death scene that's going to get all those boxes, but for me, it was never about what Izzy said. It was about Izzy being vulnerable enough and brave enough to say, “Sit with me.” It was about Izzy being allowed to be held in the last moments of his life. That's all I remember about the day. I’m very proud of it.
COLLIDER: I just want to say thank you so much for taking the time to chat with me about the show. It's been great to finally get to reconnect with the cast and to really get to talk about Season 2.
O’NEILL: Oh, it’s my pleasure. It’s my pleasure.
COLLIDER: I’ve enjoyed your performance so much these last two seasons, and who knows? Maybe we'll see Izzy's ghost pop up in Season 3.
O’NEILL: Who knows?
COLLIDER: You can't predict anything with this show.
O’NEILL: No, none of us can, and none of us know. Literally, we are all in the dark, all of us, David included. None of us knows what's gonna happen. David always wanted three seasons, and I think this story should be allowed to run its course. I would say that because I'm involved, but even if Izzy isn't involved in Season 3, I would be heartbroken for the show if it didn’t get to conclude, because it's an important show.
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shakespeareinnit · 3 months
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9 february 2024 》 "Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are." - Kurt Cobain
(I cannot find any evidence whatsoever that Kurt actually ever said this, but a pretty great quote 🤷‍♀️)
Starting to fall into a bit of a rhythm now, which is really great. I'm so proud of myself! Getting up at 8 in the morning no matter what has been so great for me. Even if I was up all night and I am shattered, it's one of my new non-negotiable morning habits. I make myself a cup of tea and even if I go back to bed, at least I gave myself the chance to start the day at a reasonable time! 💕
I keep tackling basic, but very anxiety-inducing things in life (like doctor's appointments, ugh) and with each one, I prove myself I am capable. Been really good this week especially at not getting discouraged by setbacks (like not going to lectures, rotting in bed all day or staying up until 6am). I really need to get on my sleep-schedule next, but I am trying not to overwhelm myself, so we're being gentle about it.
I need to get in my sleep until I can anyway, because assignment deadlines for this semester are coming up, and I am also going back to work in less than a month. Goodbye off-season, you were good while you lasted 💔 I do miss flying though (and getting paid asdffghh) even if I've been super anxious about going back to work. New roster is out though and the crew on my first flight back is fab, which is a great relief! ✈️
I'm still not as caught up on uni work as I'd like to be - and I really desperately need to email some people about uncompleted work from the previous semester 😬 - but we are slowly getting there. Yay!
Little treats after completing tasks is the way to go! I forgot how much I love the rocky road slices they have at all the different cafés around uni 🍫 Plus, been reading Abigail Roux & Madeleine Urban's Cut and Run series again for the hundredth time, and it's making me very nostalgic. I first read the books when I was 16, and today, reading a rather steamy scene in the uni library, brought back a very vivid memory of me reading probably the exact same scene on a school library computer while I should have been working on history coursework. 😅 That was 10 years ago! Insane. Anyway, I always always come back to these books. The rubbish ebook formatting can be very frustrating, and the storytelling is somewhat chaotic occasionally, especially in the first book, but, god, I adore Ty and Zane so much. Bisexual FBI agents enemies-to-soulmates wholesomeness is exactly what I need in my life right now. 🩷💜💙
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that-ari-blogger · 6 months
Persephone Is Stray Gods' Thesis Statement
I mentioned this when I wrote my post on Pan (check it out, I'm rather proud of that), but Persephone is also a weird choice to include. When you think of the Olympians, Persephone is there, but its "Hades and Persephone" or "That time Hades kidnapped Persephone" or "Persephone, wife of Hades." There is a duality to her pop culture appearance, but here, Hades is absent, and Persephone takes a central role. Why?
Let me explain.
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Let's start simple. Who is Persephone? The answer to that is complicated, and thats the point. In the modern understanding, Persephone is the wife of Hades, and that's pretty much it. She's the goddess of spring (although not really). She exists in relationship to her husband and nothing else.
But mythologically, Persephone is terrifying. Her name predates Hades' in terms of archaeological evidence, and she has been equated with the name Kore, meaning "maiden" which, yes, is why that name gets referenced in stray gods. Essentially, Persephone is old, but she had a nickname that people used instead of her actual name.
My theory of this is because you don't want to say the name of a death goddess or she'll notice you, but that is mostly because OSP proposed that idea in their video, and I liked it. Check it out for more detail on Persephone.
The point that I'm going for here is that Persephone is multi faceted in nature but has been whittled down to a 2D archetype in general knowledge. And that's how she is introduced in Stray Gods, she's mean and unpleasant and fits into the "so obviously the killer that she's probably a red herring" archetype. But she gets more complex as a character the closer you look.
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Anyway, let's examine this song.
The visuals are phenomenal. Take this shot, for example. Persephone stands raised above everyone else, with her symbol glowing behind her, symbolising how her influence is enormous and that this challenge will be tough. It's also colouring the rest of the room, all of the nameless NPCs are entirely lit in purple, a colour associated very clearly with Persephone. She is in control of this scene. It's also worth noting how small and indistinguishable grace is here, she fades in where Persephone stands out. Grace is weaker here. Thats some cool visual storytelling right there.
Also, The Underworld is a dope as all hell name for a club. (She's queen of the club called the underworld. So, she's queen of the underworld).
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Similarly, this is cool. Its a bridge, symbolising connection, or a crossing. As Grace argues and fights with Persephone, she crosses into Persephone's world and starts to understand her more.
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This shot is just cool, not much else to it. It's confronting Persephone with herself and her emotions about Calliope, cast in the colours of a sunrise as she forces Persephone to mage a choice about what to do in the future.
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"If she had something to say, would you turn her away?" "Please don't do this."
This neatly shows that at this point in the song, Grace has "won". She has succeeded in the challenge, but neither combatant looks particularly happy. The reason for the victory dominates the camera, the connection has been formed because of Calliope.
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"You hear that? Silence"
I am a sucker for the simple things. A blank stage with a single image on it is all you need to win my heart. This shot is my favourite in the song. It's the moment when you finally get through to Persephone, if you do that. (I'm not telling you how to get here, work that out yourself). What do you see when you finally get through all of Persephone's walls and defences? What do you hear?
Persephone stands before you in an enormous ribcage, where the heart should be. It's overgrown, and empty, and the rest of the body has disappeared. There is just enough there to know that there is a hole, a void.
Phantom Pains sets up a metaphor of anatomy. Specifically, anatomy that has been removed or lost. And here that metaphor is again, showing the wounds at the heart of Persephone. This is a character who knows loss and trauma and betrayal, who is trapped by the memory (I wonder who else is like that).
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In one ending, this area is where you get the explanation of Hades' absence. Persephone killed him.
Stray Gods is a story about family, about how, when it goes well, it can be amazing, but when it goes badly, things get dark. Of course, Persephone would be included in that story, she is part of the archetypal dysfunctional family in Greek mythology. But like the myth, this character is more complex than that. Stray Gods is also about moving past trauma, overcoming it, being more than it, and Persephone's characterisation in the entire musical embodies that philosophy.
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dokoni-mo · 1 year
Jealous Vader. Your thoughts? 👀
yeah i uhhh,,,
warnings: i didnt proofread this at all lol, unwanted flirting, jealousy, swearing, established relationship, secret relationship, and like the tiniest little dollop of angst
Lord Vader saw every last little thing that went on aboard the Executor. Everything. Even if he wasn't presently there to see it, he still knew of it. He could feel it through the force. Every conversation, every plan propositioned and failed, every word spoken, everything. His master had trained him to be as such; keenly aware.
This, of course, didn't stop when it came to you.
He unfortunately didn't get to see you as often as he wanted. He was a busy man, and you were just as such. You were the commander of his legion, after all. That's how the two of you had met in the first place. Developing feelings for you, he found it awkward to give you commands as time went on. He didn't want to trouble you.
"Vee," you had told him, "It's fine. This is what I signed up for. Besides, people are gonna suspect us if I'm the only person you go easy on."
This was true. Very true. He knew it, and you knew it too.
But damn was it hard for him. You were the only good thing in his life, and that wasn't even an understatement. You were. He didn't want to cause you headache. Not even if it was for the purpose of saving face.
Even harder than that, he couldn't show it.
He was proud to have you. Sometimes, when looking at you through the lenses of his mask, he felt like the luckiest man in the galaxy, despite everything that had happened before. Selfishly, he wanted to show you off. Let everyone know you were his, just as much as he was yours.
You were also pretty. He knew that.
But unfortunately, everyone else did too.
He had assigned you to work with another legion from a different part of the Executor that afternoon, one led by some agent Lord Vader didn't even know the name of. You being the commander, you had to work with the other commander such that everything ran as the Empire wanted: smoothly. From across the room, Vader was able to watch you in his peripheral, loosely following the lecture that the agent was giving him. He was too busy to care what the agent was saying.
He was listening.
"Right," you said, "So in order to keep things moving, I think it'd be best if we shuffled the troops every-"
"Four rotations?" The other commander said, not paying attention to your holopad and cutting you off rudely.
You looked up at him with a tiny sneer, "Three, actually."
The commander laughed, "Ah, sorry. Yeah, I agree."
"Okay... Once the shuffles are completed, we should then... What are you doing?"
The commander had taken a few tiny steps closer to you, looking down at your holopad over your shoulder whilst leaning over you. You had taken a step away when you noticed, and the commander grinned sheepishly.
"Ah, sorry, Commander (Y/N)," he said, "I-It's just... I really admire what you do here. And I've never been this close to the action before."
"I..." you said, "Okay..?"
"I-It's just... You're so smart, Commander, and I just really admire you... Pardon my intrusion, but, I think you're really attractive too, and... I was wondering if you'd maybe wanna get out of here sometime? Like one of the nearby systems?"
Vader wasn't listening to the agent's monologue at all now. Without him even realizing, his fists were now curled into tight, menacing balls, shaking slightly with the sheer force of his metallic grip. In his helmet, the sith could also hear that his respirator had increased it's pace, along with the cooling system kicking into gear. Beneath the mask, Lord Vader's jaw had tightened, staring at the scene before him through his brow.
How dare he.
That damned fool. How dare he speak to you like that. At work too? You were just trying to do your job. How dare he speak to you like that. Stand so close to you like that...
Jealousy was an old friend to the sith. He had felt it countless times in the past. Hell, it was a big part of why he was in that damned suit to begin with. Lord Vader had a big heart, as much as he was conditioned to not. He loved deeply. So, so deeply. And, with you being the only one in his life, he gave all that love to you. When he could.
But, that was the catch, wasn't it?
When he could.
Vader knew it was dangerous for you to be close to him. If anyone, like anyone, found out, he couldn't even begin to imagine what would happen to you. He was your partner, sure. But, at times, he couldn't help but feel so far away from you.
He couldn't kiss you like he wanted. Only under very specific circumstances. He couldn't hold your hand. Hug you. Take you to nice places. All of your dates were either inside of his cramped meditation chamber, or in some abandoned closet no one went in anymore.
You didn't deserve it. You deserved more.
More than he could give you.
Did you want someone like that commander? Did you want someone that could see you every day? That could hold you? That was better with expressing themselves? That could simply just love you better?
Perhaps you did. And you didn't have the heart to say it.
Vader understood. He wanted you to be happy. And, if it meant that you would be happy, he would bow out of your life for good. He would do anything for you. Even if it meant his heartbreak in the process.
In his sulking, Vader could hear your voice again, making him relax his shoulders.
"Um," you said, "Yeah, no."
You shoved the other commander further away from you, turning off your holopad and crossing your arms with a stern expression.
"Listen, commander," you huffed," It's cool that you admire me. Great. Thanks. But, I'm taken. And, I'm very happily taken at that. I love my partner more than anything in this galaxy, and he loves me too. And I'm not gonna throw that away for someone like you."
You weren't?
You shoved your holopad into the other commander's arms before you stormed off, "Finish the assessment yourself. If it sucks, that's on you."
Vader's armored head followed your frame as you walked off out of the bridge, disappearing behind the doors that shut behind you.
The many thoughts buzzing in the sith lord's head fell silent, and the world around him seemed to slip away.
Lord Vader loved you.
He really did.
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epitomereally · 6 months
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Celestial Navigation by @sabrecmc
18 year old Omega!Tony finds himself Bonded to Captain Steve Rogers. He isn't happy about it until he is.
An absolutely gorgeous story of learning to love yourself, even when you feel like you don't fit in & that you grew up wrong. I'm so happy to have gotten to bind this mammoth work for Sabre & as a gift exchange for @mourningmountainsbindery (who bound me this beautiful copy of Astolat's Let the River Run—JUST LOOK AT THAT COVER!).
Also to anyone who has @ed me lately (looking at u, em @powerful-owl & tacky @tackytigerfic particularly) & I've been derelict in responding, here is WHY.
This has been the longest binding project I've undertaken, both in page count and in time. My original message to Sabre was on March 16th—can't decide if I want to use the laughing or crying emoji here—and the colophon says I made the book in April 2023 (which was when I started typesetting, maybe). I had been randomly perusing dying videos on Youtube in bed on a Saturday morning, as one does, and came across a video showing how to spiral tie-dye. I IMMEDIATELY had a design premonition of the full design for this fic as a two-volume set, planted into my brain wholesale by the binding gods. I learned many new techniques throughout the process (edge painting, edge trimming/sanding, tie-dying/dyepainting, embroidery, typesetting meta from tumblr which copy-pastes with the worst goddamn formatting in the world, kill me now). Overall, alternately extremely painful & wonderful, and I'm extremely proud of this set.
Design-wise, I went whole-hog with the scifi stars theme. Endpapers are recolored versions of the star charts from the Apollo 11 mission:
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Title page & chapter titles are both rips in the galaxy:
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Epigraphs both star-themed:
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Some more glamor shots because I'm so proud 💕
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8.6 lbs // 3.8 kgs worth of books (~3000 total pages) 🥰
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Celestial Navigation is also INCREDIBLY popular, and Sabre has been incredibly generous answering asks on her tumblr + writing additional one-shots in the universe. There is also a veritable volume of fanart. I was so inspired by seeing @robins-egg-bindery copy of ********, with its appendix of fanart & meta, that I promptly copied them.
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fanart redacted because lots of the artists are no longer active on tumblr but just know i am ECSTATIC about the amount of art in these books
Lastly, I love how @clovenhoofbindery includes their 'Illustrator mess' with their bind posts, as a behind-the-scenes look into the wild process of designing these books. I don't actually have an Illustrator mess for this book (the chapter titles & title page pretty much came in one take), but I do have a DYING MESS. It took me sososo many tries to figure out how to get the dye to look how I imagined in my head. I ended up 'dye painting' instead of tie-dying in the end, but my inbox is always open to chat hand-dying/tie-dying/dyepainting (or what I did differently between any of these attempts). Numbers are the dying attempt.
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Last process shot: I hand-dyed variegated linen thread to match the colors of the bind, which ends up being incredibly difficult to see on the finished bind, but was super fun while I was sewing!
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Body font: Kepler
Title font: Compaq 1982
Chapter number font: aliens & cows
Endpapers: recolored versions of the star chart used by Michael Collins during the Apollo 11 mission (archived at The Smithsonian)
Bookcloth: dyed using Dharma Trading Procion Fiber-Reactive Dyes
Title page and chapter headers: designed in Photoshop using the Ultimate Space brush pack by jeffrettalyn on DeviantArt
Metallic embroidery thread: Cosmo Nishikiito thread
I would dye for this embroidery thread. It is LIGHT YEARS better than the classic metallic embroidery thread from DMC: much easier to work with & much more sparkly. Literally so eye-catching; it truly doesn't translate to photos.
Paint for edges: Daniel Smith watercolor tubes in Iridescent Sunstone and Prussian Blue
Note: these are GORGEOUS watercolors. The color is so saturated and strong and beautiful BUT I don't think I'd recommend watercolors for edge painting. They went on very differently depending on the grit of the sandpaper I used for the edges + they sometimes bled into the pages + they had to be set with fixative, which then stuck the pages together.
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