#i’ve done that with several characters idk what my problem is
eurofox · 1 year
Yakuza 0 review
I’ve finally finished all the Kiryu games and I wanna talk about them.
Loads of spoilers though to follow.
Anyway I figured a prequel would be a good place to start and I definitely feel I made the right choice. I did miss out on references, like little Daigo for example, but that just makes a second playthrough even better. Plus, it makes a lot of the twists and turns a bit more exciting as I didn’t know who was destined to die/survive. Also I wasn’t used to some of the tropes they re-use a lot in this series so it was all fresh.
The good shit:
I really preferred the fighting style in this game, choosing between styles kept things fresh and added strategy. Majima’s styles were more fun, although breaker was nearly broken, no boss stood a chance. I didn’t bother unlocking the legendary styles though.
It did a good job building up Nishiki for Kiwami, I would not have cared about him otherwise. Same with Reina
Although it was a slow start, the story had me hooked fairly quickly and the cutscenes are really well done. Voice acting and music was great. I feel like 0 had the most well told and realistic story out of all the games. Far less dramatic and illogical nonsense (although there is still some). Some really strong characters and my opinion on them was constantly changing. The 3 lieutenants were standouts. 
I didn’t know anything about Kiryu beforehand and I really grew to like him, even if he made some dumbass decisions. I was slower to warm up to Majima but I ended up loving him too.
Punching money out of enemies never got old
Loads of stuff to do, although I just stuck with the main quests for the most of it
Tachibana, my beloved.
One of the better final boss fights in the series.
brilliant soundtrack. Most of the the games have good soundtracks but I think 0 is the best of them.
Kuze always appearing again annoyed me at first but then I got used to it and even started to like him. Of all the games the first Kuze is one of the only ones to kill me several times. And the last one. IDK if 0 is a harder game or if I just got better but I never had as much challenge with most other bosses in the series.
Great and varied heat actions.
2 cities, and both are good.
Sera gets some time to shine here, and the battle to reach him is funny. He’s easy enough though.
The tojo clan HQ actually seemed really intimidating as a first time player. I didn’t realise what a clown show it what turn out to be later of course. The big fight with Oda and Tachibana is a highlight
None of that dumbass purgatory shite. Never liked the Florist.
Majima awkwardly dancing in silence on teh bridge with noone paying attention is burned into my brain
Little Daigo and Ryuji
Disco dancing is fun, although I fucking suck at it.
The bad shit:
Hiding their ‘legendary’ styles behind mini games. I didn’t like cabaret club management or the real estate thing, found them pretty boring so missed out on all that.
Having to go and track down people for training with some move. Again, couldn’t be arsed. Not just this game, but I went through nearly them all without Tiger drop because I wasn’t bothered with komaki’s training. I prefer to have all that stuff in the level up screen.
No autosave, didn’t realise and had to do the first two hours again, nearly packed it in. Thank God for skippable cutscenes.
Following people slowly on occasion is irritating.
Car chase bit is fucking shit, at least it’s brief.
Gun/Knife enemies in this game are a pain in the arse. Same with Kiwami but never had much of a problem with the other games.
Makoto’s braindead fucking decision to confront the bad guy over the empty lot and demand he kill his 3 henchmen. She is a blind girl all alone on a roof surrounded by armed goons, she knows DAMN WELL how dangerous these guys are considering her past and was warned against it. Does it anyway. Traumatised or not, this is such a stupid fucking moment and I didn’t care that she got shot because what the hell else would have happened? He’d go ‘yeah ok’ and kill his lieutenants for her sake? 
Kazama’s nearly godlike powers of foresight started to get a bit silly. He’s really made out to be some kind of genius but I didn’t see much of that when you finally meet him in kiwami. Shimano as well, so much could have gone wrong with his plan , plus he’s  stubborn and implusive in kiwami, not the 4d chess player he’s made out to be here.
At the time I didn’t realise, but looking back it’s a shame they didn’t explore more of the old guard themselves. Kazama is just in jail, dojima and shimano barely appear. IDK, could have had more. It’s long enough as it is I guess.
Not getting to kill Sagawa. I guess it’s to make him seem ‘untouchable’ right til the end but ugh, I needed the satisfaction.
Where did all pink suit guy goons go when he get’s shot by that policeman? That whole section was a bit odd. Murdering a guy to send a kid to college when you already have a fulltime job and getting bribes? Hard to swallow. Didn’t care for pink suit guy much though so no loss
Not a big deal but no voices outside of cutscenes was a bit disappointing. There is a A LOT of dialogue though so I get it.
Oda was an interesting character but I don’t like how they tried to redeem him. He was sex trafficker, selfish and murderous to the end. IDK why makoto forgave him or why kiryu brought him up at the end along with actual victims.
Fetch quests. I don’t want to go and run around the city buying specific drinks for hobbos WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS FUN.
Should have been allowed to give Dojima a thrashing.
Where the fuck is Yumi, Kiryu’s great love and they don’t explore anything about her? Waste of an opportunity
Wei lee Han , I knew he was gonna blow up as soon as I saw the van :(
They make a big deal about civilians getting drawn in/ being killed but Awano shoots some random woman dead and it’s never mentioned again?
Every goon in town is looking for Kiryu and he goes out in the same crisp white suit and bright red shirt? I saw the joke where they jump a guy in the same clothes but it was silly. Even sillier was hiding in his usual haunt, the FIRST place anyone would look. Also even thinking of going back to his flat, thank god it got burnt out. Not a smart man.
The asian elder says Kazama was part of a raid on Little Asia and not even women and children were spared and Kiryu isn’t all that phased? It’s never mentioned again. Same with Kazama being referred to as a monster by the chairman. I thought the series would build upon that but nah. Strange .Did I miss something?
Ok the bad section seems long but it’s mostly nitpicks. I really had a lot of fun with this and went on to play the whole series back to back. However some of the other entries are showing their age now and some people did say starting with 0 sets the bar very high and I agree with that. The plot in this game has it’s outlandish moments but a lot less than some of the earlier games. It’s more character driven compared to some of the others and I prefer that approach. This one had two characters and I feel that’s the right amount, one can get samey and 4/5 can get overwhelming. 
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for the 'why wouldn't date them'
charles, hawkeye, trapper
and i think you might be into twin peaks? if so, dale cooper and donna hayward
whichever ones you want to do :)
Ahhhhhh omg thank you for all of these I want to do them ALL but let's go backwards.
Donna Hayward
Ok so the thing is I AM into Twin Peaks but it's been a while since I've seen it and I tried to watch The Return but I was too stupit to understand much less enjoy it :( sowwy. So I would be dating my own flawed incomplete interpretation of a person, really. Typical Twin Peaks. 
Anyways I love Donna! I think we have similar personalities and stuff. In all brutal honesty I think if I were in her situation with a friend like Laura I’d have done similar things. Also yeah maybe her actions did lead a man to suicide but that was NOT her fault. I think the only three things that would prevent an attempt at a relationship here are 
1) The obvious. Her taste in men = atrocious. In all the rest of these hypotheticals where the character is already canonically in a relationship or has feelings for another character I’m just like yeah the more the merrier but if Donna insists on inviting her insufferable ass boyfriend into the mix I could NOT fucking do it I’m sorry. 
2) This girl is not ready for a relationship yet after All That god damn. But then again neither am I so maybe that balances out. We would need to spend some time as support group buddies just hugging and crying a lot before even considering a date. 
3) It is unlikely we would ever interact as I am never setting foot in that town ever in my life are you kidding me. Donna is super pretty in both her incarnations but I’m sorry I don’t think any pussy pops severely enough for me to risk going to fucking doorknob hell or some shit.
Dale Cooper
Ignore everything I said in that last paragraph. I change my mind. I forgot my beautiful autism creature husband is here. I would risk it all for a date with Dale Cooper and so would all who know and perceive the truth. AND he’s got two hot girlfriends with him at least one of whom is ALSO an autism creature??? Sign me the FUCK up for this polycule IMMEDIATELY. “Oh but OP what about the horrors” I don’t even fucking care it’s fine. Dale can have little an evil doppelganger. As a treat.
Still there are some problems:
1) Dale is an FBI agent and Harry is a cop. Booooooo!!!! But maybe if Annie and Caroline and I unionize we can force them to quit their jobs. 
2) Unclear if I would be forced to join the Black Lodge Horror Vision Rotation along with Annie and Caroline. Boring and time consuming task and unlike Laura you don’t even get to do a Big Scream.
3) I personally actually don’t like pie or coffee at all :( I’m sorry babygirl I understand if this is a deal breaker. 
Trapper McIntyre 
You know that “golden retriever boyfriend” joke? Trapper is like THE golden retriever boyfriend to me. Which I mean as an absolute compliment! Golden retrievers are friendly, helpful, adorable, lovable dogs. I am always up to pet a golden retriever.
But the thing is, I would never get one myself. They’re just a bit too big, bit too much energy, bit too messy, and anyways I prefer cats. No hate, no judgment, just a series of tiny preferences. Not into jocks, not into casual no-strings-attached type relationships, not super into kids, you know how it is. Boring and petty answer but I just feel like this adorable happy-go-lucky goldie deserves the PERFECT forever home and obviously he’s one of the most popular of all the dogs at the Mashblr shelter so I know he’ll get adopted super fast. So I can turn my attention to the miserable ass overbred old cat in the corner <3
Hawkeye Pierce
Oh, Hawkeye. I just don’t think so. Idk what’s wrong with me but I have to work to see Hawkeye as like. A dateable entity in my mind. He’s our little scrunkly! It’d be weird to date a scrunkly. BUT maybe I’ve just been overexposed to him purely by dint of being in the fandom he’s the main character of, because objectively I DO find Mr. Alda’s portrayal of him in certain scenes to be Attractive (TM), and seeing clips of his charisma and charm and humor and all that good handsome stuff is literally what got me to check out the show in the first place! Man. What happened. Hmm. 
I think one issue is that scenes where he’s explicitly trying to be Romantic and/or Seductive have just never done it for me. Like comparing Hawkeye’s lovey scenes with Kyung Soon to Charles’ with Martine, there’s no contest in how they make me feel. To me, Hawkeye is honestly at his most appealing when he’s radiating Friend Energy, which is why his casual relationships actually work really well IMO; you feel like he’s truly a great pal to the nurses he hooks up with. This is also, I think, one of Piercintyre’s great strengths as a ship, because Hawkeye and Trapper both have amazing Friend Energy and then their natural compatibility makes that bleed seamlessly into sweet romantic vibes. And to be clear I would LOVE to be in a Friends To Lovers relationship too but unfortunately I am cringely obsessed with loveydovey romance in a way I’m not sure Hawkeye is even capable of. Plus there’s also just the fact that I’m a shy waiting til marriage person and I suck at banter and yeah it’s just not working. In conclusion neither Hawkeye nor Trapper should date me they should date each other!! But we knew that :P
There are 10000000 reasons not to date Charles. But I will be doing it anyways ^_^ Peace and love on planet earth <3
Anyways I’m not bringing up his Problematicness as a reason here because I didn’t bring it up for anyone else and nobody noticed, so why should it be any different with him. Like no obviously I would not date this dumbfuck racist but I also would not date a guy who thinks it’s a funny prank to make a woman think she’s being sexually assaulted. I also for that matter would not date a guy who works with the dumbfuck racist and is like aw, ya know what, he’s not that bad really :) the second they have a chance to have a bonding moment. I guess I have decided to be a buzzkill about that forever now btw sorry :( oh well 
But ok no real talk I would Not date Charles unless one very specific condition is met, which is that I have whatever magic stardust they sprinkled on his single-episode love interests before they put them in the story that made him be utterly besotted with them, because more than any other character on the show, it seems, the difference between Regular Charles and Charles In Love is so hysterically huge??? Like fuck. My dudes. We’ve done it. We found the one villain who actually does do a complete 180 and starts trying to act right as soon as a girl takes pity on him enough to look at him twice. (Disclaimer: I haven’t seen Ain’t Love Grand yet I’m sorryyyyyyyy) He’s so ~romantic~ and it’s like catnip to me unfortunately. :\ The total opposite of what I said about Hawkeye up there. Offers a girl his stupid little teacup and recites poetry at her. Unbelievable. Did anyone ever think about the fact that maybe I would like to be offered a teacup and recited poetry at. No. You all only think about yourselves.  
Like even though objectively the way he nukes his relationship with Martine was hurtful to both of them, he’s so Tender the whole time it’s insane. She turned him into her pauvre petit miaou miaou overnight. I want that power so fucking bad I NEED that power so fucking bad. Say it with me everyone. I Could Fix Him. (”But OP Martine and Donna DIDN’T fix him he still left them both and never mentioned them again?” Yes but don’t worry they were just loosening the lid on his jar a little bit. I’ll get him open you’ll see. He’s gonna be soooo well trained when I’m done I’ll make him apologize to Maxwell and everything. He won’t even need the shock collar after a few weeks.)
But yeah if I have to like, try to appeal to him on my own it’s not fucking happening. I have no desire to hear the equivalent of a DOS deepfake hologram that has become evil due to being trained on text scraped from youtube comments tell me I’m ugly and stupid, which is exactly what would happen. Up til now I’ve sidestepped the issue that I do not think any of these people would give me the time of day (except Maxwell who would take pity on me probably because he is sososo Good) but I cannot ignore how much Charles just would Not like me. I don’t know how the selfshipper community does it they’re braver than any fucking US marine over there fr. Charles would look at me like I was a gross little bug on the ground and I can’t escape it. Oh well. Who needs him. Where’s your sister you dipshit I’m about to GET IT
#THANK YOU for this kind ask beloved mutual!! Sorry it got long and weird it's been a rough week and I'm afraid that may have bled through#to all these answers which I'm so irritated at myself for but I can't fix it OTL#Starky loves answering questions#majorbaby#I LOVE when people notice what fandoms I'm in it makes me so happy thank youuuu#anyways DOS leading romantic hero of all time but nobody ever let him fucking BE one. humanity deserves to be driven to extinction for this#wtf is ''You give the longest compliments I've ever heard'' ''Then let me be more succinct [adorable kiss]'' BITCH I'M GOING TO KILL YOU#WHAT IF I WANTED A LITTLE KISS HMM!!!!!!! WHAT THEN!!!!!!!#Anyways I used to get so sad knowing my favorite characters wouldn't like me. Cried alone in my room over it as a kid.#Now it's just like whatever. Join the club.#Anyways I LOVE how DOS' insanely amazing ability to sell those one-episode romances better than any other main cast member#inadvertently makes Charles seem uniquely susceptible to falling in love at first sight and being an embarrassing little hopeless romantic#which is an absolutely hysterical trait to give your rude brooding misanthropic antagonist#''I hate everyone in the world and they are all beneath me#except for this random girl I met yesterday who is Everything to me I love her SO much <3<3<3''#SEE. LITERALLY A GUY FROM AN X READER ''I CAN FIX HIM'' FIC.#Actually in my experience most X Reader types are fairly uninterested in fixing the him in question despite all the bad press they get#like at most they only care that the Him is nice to THEM and sometimes not even that#like I'm sure this is a phenomenon IRL but it's really not there much in the kinds of fanfiction#that everyone blames for causing said IRL phenomenon#I know this because I AM an I Can Fix Him person! And I'd be the one to find Fixing Him content if it existed!#for me it's only fun if there's fixing involved tbh. I don't want a Mafia Boss Wattpad BF that's not fun.#that's literally just a guy being mean to you. do we not get enough of that IRL. I want a little project!!!#these tags are one giant red flag for me as a person but you should have known I was unsalvageable the second I begged off a date with Trap#NOT the behavior of a mentally well person#mash
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hxhhasmysoul · 2 years
i’m too old for chainsaw man
finished reading chainsaw man. it failed to traumatise me so it’s whatever. the hype fell flat, but hey that’s standard for me, 80% of the hyped stuff doesn’t even look interesting enough for me to try. and most of the stuff i do try is just whatever. spoilers ahead for the manga so far so like till chapter 106 or sth though i don’t go into details.
with chainsaw man i think i’m too old for it. things done for shock value tire me, leave me completely indifferent. and there’s just so much of that in this manga. the puke recurring gag, the constant maiming and killing of everyone, the constant plot twist that x is bad actually, the creepy sex stuff - i’m referring to makima shit and the gratuitous lesbianism and not to the fact that denji wants to get laid, if anything interesting was done with the latter i’d’ve been ecstatic but it just kept disappointing and being reset (i try to explain what i mean by that later). these things fail to shock me because i’m old and i’ve seen/read too much. they don’t offend me because i’m not automatically offended by poorly handled topics if the intention doesn’t seem malicious - it just makes me lose interest because it makes me think that there are works which handle this better and i could be enjoying them instead. and if the author wipes out the cast too fast before they grow on me i automatically emotionally disengage and i just start to expect it and wait for it. but that means that i don’t get attached to the characters, thus the story can’t grab me and traumatise me.
it reads really fast but for me probably especially so because i wasn’t invested much. it didn’t make me pause. and i kept going and begging it: do something interesting, show me what the hype is about. do something interesting at least with denji, power and aki. do something interesting with makima - and no what it does with her isn’t interesting, it’s telegraphed really early on how her character is going to go and at least for me it just lacked flavour - like i think it’s foreshadowed well, it’s just not exciting. there are so many solid ideas in the story that could’ve gone somewhere but at least for me they never go to any really interesting places. the author just glides on the surface never really diving in.
the problem is that when it comes to denji the story just resets several times. like things happen in the story and they seem to have impact but then a reset happens and they stop meaning anything? and i think it also happens to the other characters it’s just that i only sort of managed to care about denji but the others barely or not at all. but also i’m not really able to care about denji when he gets constantly reset. i feel like i’m watching a playthough of an rpg where someone savescums their dialogue options and choices but kinda isn’t open about it, like acts as if they aren’t doing that? it’s hard to describe.
and i’m even ready to agree with someone who’d claim that this isn’t bad writing but some modern art writing choice. it’s done so regularly that i’m ready to buy that. it just leaves me completely indifferent. i’ve never been into reading experimental novels or stories much, my adhd isn’t very conducive to that. but there was a time in my life when i watched a lot of arthouse cinema, like a lot. i have a very high tolerance for it, static single camera shots that last hours, dialogue that goes on for 20 minutes without pause? been there done that. abstract, surrealist, absurdist, highly aestheticised - you name it i’ve watched an example of it. i’ve also watched films from at least 30% of countries around the world. but what that gave me is an opinion on what i like and also that artsy and rare doesn’t have mean good.
and i feel that with chainsaw man a lot of the hype is about it being a lot of people’s first artsy title. idk, maybe i’m wrong.
also the film references in chainsaw man are hyped. and maybe i’d’ve cared about if i wasn’t so fucking done with the nostalgia culture we have now. like i’ve been done with this thing almost since the moment it started like what 10 years ago? and now i just recoil from anything that is nostalgia infused. so references just leave me cold, too close to that nostalgia shit. sorry.
i’ll say something nice about it to wrap this up. chainsaw man isn’t a bad manga it’s just nothing special imo. i like the visuals though. the author isn’t really this perfect kind of manga artist but at least that gives the thing a visual flavour, it’s nice in its imperfection. i read a lot of webcomics and the vibe is strong with chainsaw man. and i like the character designs and the devil designs. and the world building is fun at times.
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cacaitos · 1 year
the funny thing with ranko is that, tho i may not personally like it idgaf that she likes jin, because in fact it’s waht feeds what i liked about her in the first place. now clarifying so my words don’t get twisted. 
i already said what i like abt characters like her, casca, gorn, roberto etc in that one post. and that i’ve also had compared her to nanami/rei wrt to older siblings (not so much as characters but as a sort of relationship archetype in shoujo). but in all honesty she’s the person with the LEAST reason in both of those group to be this obsessed (adjusted for tone and genre obv) with anybody, so imo that makes her stubborness so much nonsensical and apparent, and i find that funny. casca got a new life, gorn was liberated from ghost’s influence, got to remember one of the most valued moments of his life after being basically brainwashed, so on and so forth. what did ranko get? jin taught her a sport. and was treated the normal way an older brother does to a younger sister. like nanami and rei were in an active abuse situation.
and i want to emphazise, jin treated her the ***most normal way an older brother has treated their younger sister in this recent bunch ive read/watched lol. like that man was FLINGING highschool girls across rooms while berating them, he befriended his best friend through a fist fight, i don’t think he likes his father, barely respectful to his superiors, not proyecting into her neither his unfulfilled dreams NOR his mommy issues onto her like he does w hiromi. literally just siblings-that-dont-hate-eachother activities. doesnt get mad at her, is not weirdly obsessed with her, not even abnormally preferential, idk if he knew that she liked him honestly. but like this is the ONLY NORMAL thing this man has done. so like. and like yeah at first she didn’t know they were related, but what about after that, like who forced you to crawl in the mud for this otherwise shitty guy that, in the first place is not precisely concerned about the age or familiarity thing since he’s dating your underclassman and already got his freudian proyections over her 🤡. like if he wanted it wouldve already happened, he doesnt want you ass Like That, he’s normal about you. this is a problem you literally just get yourself out of, litchrally self-made suffering lol.
going back to paragraph 2, despite the difference in gravity lol those new identities theyre granted do serve a similar function on a relationship level, and behave similarly too, as i said in the og post: the same attributes they feed from their object of admiration are the same thing that makes them progressively unreachable, etc. BUT, again what’s different about her from them is that, ironically despite having the relationship with the lowest stakes out of them, she gets like, the crystalization of what those admiration=depersonalization relationships are. that lunarian guy i dont remember the name of? he’s real. griffith? touga? VERY real, real, tangible threats, but also people who’s humanity (let’s say failability, negative emotions) is ultimately easy to see. now, AwN is not a metaphorical, or symbolic or obsessed with aesthecism series, it’s a spokon lol, it’s pretty much grounded, so i’m again adjusting severity to context. in contrast what is jin? DEAD. dead for like half of the series lol. so what is he not? a threat, anymore. his image exists only in memory and legacy. and so, you know what people don’t consider dead people to be for some reason? pieces of trash. all your shitty behaviour and your harrassing of teenagers and combativeness disappear in thin air when your dead, and only your feats and how nice you were are remembered. he can’t fail or disappoint anyone or lose shine anymore because he’s freezed foreven in the ice of idolization and idealization. what does that make him into, specially in relation to ranko? perfectly and utterly unreachable. like what is she gonna do? he can’t literally be less romanceable than when hes dead, and it grants me peace of mind that nothing is gonna happen xd.
what does that benefit me, you ask. well aside from my interest in that *kind* of dynamic (of the other post), in the most simplest terms is that i then dont have to worry about her being a weirdo or him reciprocating. like what is she gonna do? he can’t literally be less romanceable than when hes dead, and it grants me peace of mind that nothing is gonna happen AND i get the weirdo girl anyways lol. her self-made, completely avoidable, dead-ended suffering is like the key of why i find her entertaining. while she’s serious, talented enough, strong willed and does quite well for the most part of the series, that sliiiight, subtle kiss of misfortune (not completely unrelated to her hubris lol) in JUST the right moments, that subtextual daunting knowledge that she will be forever unfulfilled, stopped RIGHT Before is soooo *chef kiss* funny as hell. lovely.
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arcanegalaxy · 3 years
people are always like ‘osamu is the better twin’ ‘atsumu is the better twin’ but i love them both and in my eyes there is no better twin and there is nothing that could possibly change my mind
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obeiii-mee · 3 years
Hello! Can I request an hc about a shady MC who's not phase by anything in Devildom with the brothers (and Diavolo?? he deserves love!!!)? Like, when Luci's like "i CaN KiLL yOu hUmAN", MC's reaction was like "Oh... congratulations then." i need more shady mc who may or may not be planning to ruin your life😂😂 Thanks and take care!!❤❤
The Brothers + Diavolo with an MC that is not phased by DevilDom
Pls I need more shady MC, they would not take any shit from the brothers. Put any Gen Z-er with these guys and you’ve got yourself a suicidal and reckless human exchange student.
They wouldn’t know what to do with one of those ahaksbakanhaka you’re right, Diavolo deserves all the love >:(((((((
You better take care too >:( thanks for sending me this big brain request. I’ve been preoccupied with other projects so I took a while to get to this ask. Hope you’re doing OK💙
-He thought having a human exchange student was going to be bad enough as it is but this…..this was so much worse than he could have ever imagined
-The moment you arrived, he already knew you were going to be a problem child and a persistent one at that
-Literally the first thing you asked him was : “Why do you look like an off-brand Levi Ackerman?”
-And he was left there, astounded, confused and offended because he had no idea who you were talking about (cuz at that point you hadn’t met the third eldest) and the tone you had was, frankly, pissing him off
-You kept wondering off on your own????? Without looking like you gave a shit even though you almost walked into a butcher’s shop that specialises in human meat???? Tf MC?
-Also really irritated that you couldn’t be intimidated and that DevilDom was like a playground to you, for some reason? Like, MC get out of the fiery pits of eternally tormented souls- this is Hell, not the McDonald’s ball pit ffs
-Things did not improve for him lmao, by the end of the first week he had already ripped out a good chunk of his hair because of you
-“MC, you should know by now provoking demons like this for no good reason is only going to make life harder for you. Keep this up and you’ll get killed in no time because of your behaviour.”
-“Great, can we have a hip-hip and a hurray?”
-In the span of one day, he’s had to come to your rescue six times (approximately) because you’re too nonchalant about your surroundings around literal creatures of hell
-He doesn’t have enough coffee or will to live for this bs
-“Lucifer, I found this dead plant and brought it here because it reminded me of you.”
-“…..sigh. Why? Why does it remind you of me?”
-“Because it’s cold and unresponsive.”
-He made the consecutive decision to ignore you
-(low-key kept the plant tho)
-Honestly, you get on his nerves a lot and he has definitely contemplated killing you in the past but at the end of the day he really can’t bring himself to do it
-We both know he tried a few times lmfao
-“I will tear you limb from limb, human-“
-“Can I finish my tea first.”
-“You…wait, what?”
-“You’re crazy if you think I’m letting this tea get cold. Try to kill time before I’m done and I’ll smash this cup against your head.”
-If you try hard enough, you might even elicit a laugh out of him, especially if your shadiness is directed at any of his brother which results in him patting your head affectionately
-Nowadays he’s just concerned because you seemed to have made an alliance of sorts with Belphagour and Satan and that’s not a good sign
-For his sake, if not yours, at least try to survive the year without getting chomped on by a random demon please
-He’s too stubborn to let you die just because you’re unbothered by everything so cut him some slack and help out damn it
-“Oi Lucifer, how come I’m stuck babysittin’ this stupid human?”
-“And how come I’m stuck with this asshole for a tour guide, with his fake ass designer shoes and no brand sunglasses. That’s a lot of smack talk from someone with crow shit stains covering the back of his jacket. Also, did you stick your hair in a bucket of mayonnaise?”
-He was so offended lol
-Normally, humans like you cower in fear whenever demons are as much as mentioned because of the whole “I can eat you whole” thing
-And here you are; insulting the Avatar of Greed and one of the princes of Hell himself just because you didn’t like his attitude
-Don’t worry tho, he warms up to you in less than a fucking month simply because you still come to his rescue whenever his brothers start insulting him and wow, look at that, his heart is now combusting on the floor
-“Y’all have no right to criticise Mammon when he has the most self control out of all of you.”
-“Since when does Mammon have any self control? He can’t keep himself from nicking anything that looks shiny.”
-“Motherfucker, I don’t see him trying to choke me to death, respectfully pls shut the fuck up. I don’t want to say I have favourites but if I do, it’s definitely him.”
-While Mammon’s in the background, with hearts instead of pupils in his eyes like ❤️👄❤️
-He doesn’t even mind running around after you anymore (will still complain about it though because your ass is in constant danger and he’s had enough)
-Honestly, you keep starting shit with random demons, some of which are quite powerful mind you, and you don’t back down even when he’s there to step in
-Would low key love to watch you fight one of your classmates at RAD and organise a ticket selling booth for the event but Lucifer will hang him a new one if he does
-So for now, he sticks to baring his teeth at the aggravator in question and you’re there, giving the same demon the middle finger
-The way you sometimes match his energy gets him so hyped up lmao
-“Mammon, did you steal Levi’s money again?”
-“T’s none of her business human. Now go away, shoo!”
-“Bitch, don’t ‘shoo’ me, I ain’t a bird. Now tell me, did you?”
-“…..Why do you ask?”
-“Because a new flavour of instant noodles just got announced, called ‘Super Hell-Sauce Flavour’ and I thought you might be more interested in that than wasting the money on gambling.”
-“….ok but only if you come with me to buy some.”
-This…this is true love right here
-Oh no, now there’s two of you
-Why do I feel like his energy would match MC’s almost immediately? Maybe it’s because he spends too much time in his room on the internet like the rest of us do
-“What do you want, you stupid normie?”
-“….300 what?”
-“300 mangas collected, thousands of episodes of anime watched, over 60 character figurines, plushies, body pillows, merchandise and several posters only to be called a fucking normie by a demon weeb that’s only known me for 10 minutes.”
-Boom, instant friendship
-He becomes attached to you almost immediately and now that he knows how unphased you are by DevilDom, he is seriously worried
-Hell, you’re making him consider going outside his room just to make sure you’re alive and not dead in a ditch somewhere because you decided to get on someone’s nerves that particular day
-Even during the quiz thing, when he almost kills you, you’re just sitting on the floor and awkwardly watching him as he throws a sissy fit
-Levi feels sort of conflicted with you because one one hand you’re good company and he loves having you around, you’re his Henry after all
-But on the other hand, you put yourself in so much danger it makes him paranoid so often to the point where he wants to keep you locked in his room and wrapped in bubble wrap
-Nearly had a heart attack when you almost walked right into a pit of lava like MC???? This isn’t one of his video games???? You’re not gonna respawn if you die????
-Besides all that, he gets a bit jealous of you confidence and your ability to just do whatever without fearing death or consequence
-“MC, how do you do it?”
-“Do what?”
-“How do you go about your life without a care in the world?”
-“I guess I’ll tell you my secret Levi. I’m not like other humans that’s why, I’m just so unique I do things differently.”
-“You sound like a pick me-“
-As long as you’re OK and not injured because of your carelessness, he’s indifferent about your behaviour and will even applaud you for your bravery when it comes to this sort of thing
-“lmao the human exchange student just dumped Solomon’s cooking in the trash while looking him dead in the eye 💀💀💀”
-Your attitude towards DevilDom and demons in general kept him entertained, if nothing else
-You rarely seemed to consider how much of a threat that place really is and usually you were just running around, completely ignoring Lucifer’s rules and doing your own thing
-Which, you know, he’s all about
-I can’t say there were no incidents between the two of you
-With his short temper and your tendency to say things without caring about the consequences, there were definitely moments when he might’ve snapped on you
-“MC for goodness sake, what happened to my room?”
-“What do you mean?”
-“It’s an absolute mess! I just told you to bring me my spells and curses book, not mow through everything!”
-“It’s not my fault this place is built like a fucking labyrinth. You should be grateful I went to get it for you at all, I almost tripped and died several times on my way back. Also, you should get a new ladder for your shelves. It did the broken.”
-“You are so lucky I love you.”
-Other than the fact his anger takes over him when things like these happen, he not so subtly encourages you to keep going because seeing Lucifer scowl at your antics gets him wheezing his lungs out
-I like to think Satan would be very impressed, even in the beginning, at the amount of nonchalance you can radiate at times
-I mean, you sure as hell don’t see it often and he loves how unpredictable you are more often than not
-If anything, he should probably thank you-idk how, but his patience has increased significantly every since you got here and he appreciates having some more control of his emotions
-“I’m gonna go put oil in Lucifer’s shoes.”
-“Do you have a death wish?”
-“Satan, I am old enough to make my own decisions and I concluded that this action is necessary.”
-“Necessary for what?”
-“Raising everyone’s morale! All of you seemed to feel down lately so I thought this would be fun for everybody!”
-“Except Lucifer, right?”
-“Except Lucifer. He grounded me from my D.D.D like I’m a fucking teenager who needs to be supervised-pssshht, I’m the most responsible one here.”
-“Yes clearly.”
-“Goodbye dear Satan, I may die today. But it’s for the greater good! (Dramatic exit with sound effects)”
-“(pops head back in) yes?”
-“May I offer you my assistance?”
-You’re basically taking turns pranking his brothers and it’s hilarious
-Satan is not too worried about your well being simply because he knows his siblings and him are always going to be nearby to save you if you pull something stupid again
-Even so, he checks up on you throughout the day; just to make sure
-“Where were you?”
-“Running from a bunch of demons. Who wanted to go munchy crunchy on me, I assume.”
-“Either that or people here are a lot friendlier than originally expected.”
-You can be such a handful and it really tests him, especially when he’s angry enough to begin with
-But despite your amazing talent at either getting completely lost around Hell, purposely walking into a prohibited place just because you felt like it or riling up others with how blunt you are, he still cares about you deeply
-You may be a pain the ass, but you’re his pain in the ass <3
-He should’ve known something was up with this particular human when you stood there, completely calm and collected, while Beel salivated at the thought of eating you on your first day
-Asmo just brushed it off for a while but it kept happening???
-The first time Lucifer ever told you off, you really went and said “Or what? Are you going to eat me? If so, you can go ahead and start with-“
-He came to your rescue and covered your mouth before you got to finish and before Lucifer unleashed his wrath on to everyone in that house
-“OOPSIE! I think MC has been spending too much time with me. Sorry Lucifer, we gotta run now! We have a party to attend, don’t we MC darling?”
-“You mean the one hosted by the guy that tried to kill me because I shoved into him on the hallway at school and then proceeded to tell him to go fuck himself right back into whatever hell hole he was born in before you came and charmed our way out of it?”
-“Ah OK. “
-You’re tiring for sure but you’re not exactly unlikeable
-You have a certain charm hanging about you that Asmo loves
-“I almost died like…30 minutes ago.”
-“Yeah, I almost drank some poison today because someone told me it was water. It smelt off though so I didn’t.”
-“Anyway, I got you this bracelet on my way home.”
-He really does wish you would take things a bit more seriously
-This is your life on the line, you know? What would he do if you died?
-“MC, you’re not immortal, you can die so much more easily than I can, you know that right???”
-“I don’t care.”
-“Well I do! And you should too….”
-A lot of people don’t see past his vanity tbh, because he can be such a caring person towards the people he loves
-The amount of videos he has of you appearing to be completely calm while pure chaos is descending in the background is pretty impressive
-Every time he uses his charm on you to try and get you to commit his sin, it just doesn’t work???? For some reason???? And even if it’s just with simple, innocent affection for now, he is determined to tempt you into it
-“MC~gimme a hug!”
-“But that’s social interaction and I don’t support it- do you have a charger for my D.D.D by any chance?
-Or at least die trying to ig
-Asmo loves having you around but you’re giving him wrinkles and that’s not okay >:(
-The moment he realised how carefree you actually were, he sort of started checking up with you quite frequently throughout the day
-It’s his way of protecting you but if he could, he would follow you around all the time
-Becomes your body guard because you may not care enough about your safety but he certainly does so get ready to be carried everywhere
-You will not get hurt nor will anyone mess with you if he has a say in it and let me tell you, he does
-Thing is, his brothers mostly know him for being slightly dense in some aspects of day to day life
-He’s not perceptive of things that don’t involve food or his loved ones
-And because you most definitely are a loved one of his, he does notice how careless you are really often
-And it scares, rather worries, him because DevilDom is an incredibly dangerous place-even with all the precautions they had taken when you came
-“MC get down, you could fall.”
-“But Beel, look-I’m finally taller than everyone else! Taller than you even! Hey, should I do a backflip?”
-He has no idea why you thought jumping from 60 meter high cliff into a small river of squashed demon blood was a good idea but he wasn’t going to risk anything just because you felt like showing off your diving skills
-Proceeds to carry you away, completely unfazed
-In this case, I feel like Beel is not someone who gets bothered by the horrible things happening around there either
-As long as he has food and his family is safe and happy then he’s also happy, as mentioned above
-But he knows he’s alright with DevilDom because he’s been living here for centuries now
-A bit curious as to why you’re so unbothered
-And even more curious as to why you weren’t terrified of him transforming in his demon form after he lost control when he found out you ate his pudding
-Or more like Mammon did and pushed the blame on you
-“Beel I love you but if you did not just see Mammon shoving the damn container in my mouth two seconds prior to this, then you might need glasses.”
-He apologised to you later for it but even so, you didn’t seem to mind like at all and he didn’t really understand why
-Unless you end up explaining why exactly you feel so indifferent about your life being in potential danger, he won’t really pry
-But now he has even more reason to follow you around like a lost puppy
-Since it’s clear you don’t really care about protecting yourself
-So now it’s his job to do it
-MC protection squad? Mostly Beel and Mammon
-ahhh he cute
-You piss him off so much
-He’s trying to have his moment, you know?
-Finally getting that glimmer of satisfaction after killing a human as a way to avenge his sister’s death
-Trying his hardest to make it as miserable as possible because he has so much rage in him, he needs you to suffer
-“Harder Daddy-“
-“Oh fuck off.”
-Nah but for real, what the fuck MC
-Why does he even bother, he feels like he should be sleeping instead of dealing with your bullshit
-Even afterwards, when your future self shows up and he tries to kill you again, you look more thoughtful than irritated???
-Lucifer and Beel are literally holding him back from doing another Chocky on you and you’re standing there, looking at him with your eyebrows raised
-“Hey Belphie, I have a quick question. I know you’re trying to kill me and everything but do you like the colour blue?”
-“It’s a simple yes or no question Belphie. Do. You. Like. Blue?”
-“Ah ok thanks. I like blue too :)”
-Pls he felt like sticking his foot down your throat
-As of late, he’s kind of glad he didn’t manage to scare you away that day and that he didn’t traumatise you or something
-At the time, he was mad because he didn’t understand why you weren’t scared but now he just wants to make it up to you
-“You didn’t deserve any of that. I’m sorry MC, I won’t blame you if you decide to stay away from me now.”
-“Stfu dipshit, what’s gotten you so depressed? Did you have another fight with Beel? I told you not to eat the last slice of cake.”
-“Rude ass, I was trying to apologise for my past mistakes-let me repent will you?”
-“Said no demon ever. Now let’s go hang out you emo bitch.”
-Y’all vibe together on a spiritual level once that shit gets sorted out
-But he’s kinda scared you might pull out a knife on him ngl
-Obviously, you’re still annoying as fuck with that indifferent attitude of yours but he can live with it
-He appreciates the fact that you’re not scared of him, even after what he’s done
-Ah yes, the future King of DevilDom himself
-He’s very enthusiastic about the idea of you having fun this year…..and to keep you alive….
-He, of course, expected a range of reactions from you when he first summoned you here
-None of which were “Ok but could you not have given me a heads up? Before the whole teleportation thing? I face-planted your onto marvellously polished the floor and now I think I lost even more brain cells than before.”
-He felt so bad gagajajahahwgehhsb
-He apologised for bringing you out here without any warning like that and then proceeded to introduce you to everyone
-Diavolo is actually kind of relieved to see you’re handling everything pretty well
-He thought that maybe DevilDom was too much for a human to deal with
-Meeting Barbatos also went incredibly smooth
-“Barbatos? The one that cleans the floors right? Big fan of your work, I could eat off the floor of the main hall.”
-He’s so glad to see you getting along with everyone and not getting intimidated by the brothers
-It gets him excited thinking about how the exchange program is gonna work and all three realms will be united
-But he’s not stupid so don’t think he’ll allow you to stumble around, getting up to all sorts of mischief
-He always has someone watching you because he would hate to see you die, despite being pretty fond of your carefree attitude
-“MC, please be careful. Most demons here aren’t all that nice.”
-“Aye aye Captain.”
-He fears that many demons would take your indifference as a challenge and try to assert dominance or something by kidnapping you
-As far as creatures of hell go, they love installing fear in people
-So he always keeps an extra eye open for you
-And he’ll be there to help you if something goes wrong
-But other than that, he’s pretty chill as well and he finds you so hilarious, it’s been a while since he’s seen someone as eccentric and dramatic as Mammon and Asmo
-Idk what else to add here, Diavolo is very accepting and as long as you don’t get hurt, he’s glad you can get used to your new surroundings so easily
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felassan · 3 years
Some DA trivia and dev commentary from Twitter
There’s a lot of different tweets, so I’m just pasting and linking to the source rather than screencapping them all or making several different posts or something. Post under cut for length.
User: Was dragon age 2 your favourite in the franchise?
David Gaider: DA2 was the project where my writing team was firing on all cylinders, and they wrote like the wind- because they had to! Second draft? Pfft. Plot reviews? Pfft. I was so proud of what we all accomplished in such a brief time. I didn't think it was possible. [source] DA2 is, however, also where the goal posts kept moving. Things kept getting cut, even while we worked. I had to write that dialogue where Orsino turned even if you sided with him, because his boss battle had been cut and there was no time to fix the plot. A real WTF moment. >:( [source]
Mike Rousseau: I remember bugging that! And then being told it wasn't a bug, and being so confused. Doing QA for DA2 was an experience. Trial by fire. [source]
DG: So I think it's safe to say DA2 is my favorite entry in the DA franchise and also the sort of thing I never want to live through ever again. Mixed feelings galore. [source]
User: (I personally blame whoever it was for ruining most romance arcs in other games for me; they don't live up to Fenris's romance storyline)
DG: I wrote Fenris, so uh - me, I guess? Or maybe his cinematic designer, who put in the puppy dog eyes. [source]
User: If DA2 had just been an expansion, do you think it would have been better received? There was a lot of great stuff in there, and I think my initial dislike of it was because of the zone reuse. If it hadn't needed to be a full game, would that issue not have arisen?
DG: Hard to say. It was either going to be an over-scoped expansion or an under-scoped sequel. If it had stayed an expansion, it might never have received the resources/push it DID get. [source]
User: I'd love to visit the universe where you had an extra year or so to work on it. You did a very good job as it stands, but it definitely had rough edges. Not just the writing team either. The whole game had hit and miss moments, that just a little more dev time could have fixed.
DG: On one hand, DA2 existed to fill a hole in the release schedule. More time was never in the cards. DA2 was originally planned as an expansion! On the other, if we had more time, would we have started doing that thing where we second guess/iterate ourselves into mediocrity? [shrug emoji] [source] 
Jennifer Hepler: This is what I love about DA2. Personally, I greatly prefer something that's rough and raw and sincere to something that's had all the soul polished out of it. Extra time would have helped for art and levels, but it would have lost something too. [source]
DG: Right? I think we could have used some time for peer reviews (and fewer cuts), but I think the rawness of the writing lent a certain spark that we usually polished out. [source]
JH: Definitely. I think the structure (more character-driven) and the tightness of the timeframe let each individual writer's voice really come through. Polish can be very homogenizing. [source]
DG: I should add I'm not, by any means, against iteration. Some iteration is good and necessary. The problem that BioWare often had is that we never knew when to stop. Like a goldfish, we would fill the space given to us by constantly re-iterating on things that were "good enough". [source]
Patrick Weekes: I appreciate your incredibly diplomatic use of the past tense on "had". :D [source]
User: DA2 was my gateway into the series and I’m so happy it is. I love the game the way that it is. It’s one of my favorites of all time. But I am also aware of everything that was said here. If it were remastered, do you think it would change?
DG: I'd be surprised if it was ever remastered. If it was, do you really think they'd change things? Do remasters do that? No idea. [source]
User: Both sides got undercut as I recall. Didn't that whole sequence also end with the mage leader embracing blood magic? It was very much "a plague on both your houses" moment, at least for me.
DG: Yep. Orsino was supposed to have his own version of Meredith's end battle, which only happened if you sided with the templars. That got cut, but the team still wanted to use the model we'd made for him. So... that happened. [source]
DG: I would personally say that DA2 is a fantastic game hidden under a mountain of compromises, cut corners, and tight deadlines. If you can see past all that, you'll see a fantastic game. I don't doubt, however, that it's very difficult for most to do that. [source]
PW: I love DAI with all my selfish "I worked on this" heart, but DA2's follower arcs and relationships are probably my favorite in the series. [source]
User: As I've expressed many times, I love the game, especially it's writing and characters but, for me, the most impressive aspect of it, in consideration of it's lack of time for drafts and revisions, is the 2nd act with Arishok.  What amazingly complex character and fantastic duel
User: Just played it again and I have to agree. Though he is bound by the harsher tenants of the Qun, he makes valid points about free marcher society. Though it is obvious that he and Hawke will come to blows eventually, the tension builds gradually and understandably
DG: Luke did such a fantastic job with the Arishok I found myself sometimes wishing the Qunari plot had just been THE plot. [source]
User: What do you think would have changed, story wise, if you had more time for DA2?
DG: I would have taken out that thing where Meredith gets the idol. It was forced on me because she needed to be "super-powered" with red lyrium for her final battle. Being "crazy", however, robbed her side of the mage/templar argument of any legitimacy. I hated hated hated that. [source]
User: I deeply lament that there wasn't/couldn't be some sort of DA2 equivalent of Throne of Bhaal's Ascension mod.
DG: I'd have done it, if DA2 had allowed for anything but the most rudimentary of modding. ;) [source]
User: I mean, and I think I understand where you were trying, but how much legitimacy did the Templars and her as top Templar have after they're keeping the mages locked up against their will in the old slave quarters? Feel free to not reply.
DG: I think it's the kind of discussion which requires nuance, and which discussions on the Internet are not prone to. [source]
User: Was a compromise that the quest lines don’t branch? It felt like it was supposed to be that way but then you end up in the same place later regardless of what you pick. Like I hoodwinked the templars so good to help the apostates escape but in Act II they were caught anyway.
DG: I remember us having a lot more branching in the initial planning yes. Most of this got trimmed out in the first or second wave of cuts, in an effort to not cut the plots altogether. [source]
DG: "If you could Zack Snyder DA2, what would you change?" Wow. I'm willing to bet Mark or Mike (or anyone else on the team) would give very different answers than me, but it's enough to give a sober man pause, because that was THE Project of Multiple Regrets. [source] I mean, it's the most hypothetical of hypotheticals. It's never gonna happen. I wouldn't be surprised if EA considered DA2 its embarrassing red-headed stepchild. We'd also need to ignore that in many ways DA2 was as good as it was bad BECAUSE of how it was made. But that aside? [source] First, either restore the progressive changes to Kirkwall we'd planned over the passing of in-game years or reduce the time between acts to months instead of years... which, in hindsight, probably should have been done as soon as the progressive stuff was cut. [source] I'm sure you're like "get rid of repeated levels!" ...but I don't care about that. All I wanted was for Kirkwall to feel like a bigger city. Way more crowded. More alive! Fewer blood mages. [source] I'd want to restore the plot where a mage Hawke came THIS close to becoming an abomination. An entire story spent trapped in one's own head while trapped on the edge of possession. Why? Because Hawke is the only mage who apparently never struggles with this. It was a hard cut. [source]
User: I would LOVE to hear more details about this! I don’t suppose there’s any chance of a short story?
DG: I don't even remember the details of the story, sorry. There was a fight, and you caught the bad guy and then realized none of it was real and woke up idk [source]
DG: I'd want to restore all those alternate lines we cut, meaning people forget they'd met you. Or that they knew you were a mage. Or, oh god, that maybe they'd romanced you in DAO. So much carnage. [source] I'd want to restore the Act 3 plots we cut only because they were worked on too late, but which would have made the buildup to the mage/templar clash less sudden. Though I don't remember what they were, now. Some never got beyond being index cards posted on the wall. [grimace emoji] [source] As I mentioned elsewhere, I'd want to restore Orsino's end battle so he wouldn't need to turn on you even if you sided with him. And I'd want an end fight with the templars that didn't require Meredith to have red lyrium and go full Tetsuo. [source] Heck, maybe an end decision where you sided with neither the mages nor the templars. Because it certainly ended up feeling like you could brand both sides as batshit pretty legitimately, no? That was never planned, tho. No idea how to make that feel like an actual path atm. [source] Maybe an option to go "umm, Anders... what are you DOING?" 👀 [source] And, of course, a Varric romance, because Mary took that "slimy car salesman" character we'd planned and did the impossible with him. I can feel Mary glaring at me for even suggesting this, tho. [source] Lastly, the original expanded opening to the game which allowed you to spend time with Bethany and Carver BEFORE the darkspawn attacked. And, um, that's about it off the top of my head. Zack Snyder, WHAT PANDORA'S BOX HAVE YOU OPENED. [source] Shit, I remembered two more things: 1) Restore the "Varric exaggerates the heck out of the story" at the beginning of every Act, until Cassandra calls him on it. Yes, that was a thing. 2) Make DA: Exodus. Yes, I am still bitter. [source] God damn it, I meant "Make DA: Exalted March". The DA2 expansion, NOT Exodus since that was DA2's original name and makes no sense. Because the expansion ended with Varric dying, and that will always be on my "things left undone" list. [source]
User: Whaaaat?
DG: Well, you know that scene in Wrath of Khan where Spock goes into the dilithium chamber because he's a Vulcan? Well, imagine that but with Varric and red lyrium and because he's a dwarf. ;) [source]
John Epler: I distinctly remember referencing the bit from MGS4 where you crawl through the microwave corridor in the split screen, while cinematic battle rages on the other half. [source]
DG: It would have been glorious, John. Glorious. [source]
JE: I don't think I've ever been so certain what a shot should look like as I did Hawke coming in and finding Varric in the broken throne, just like when he was telling Cassandra his story. [source]
DG: It would have come full circle! Auggghh, it still kills me. [source]
User: Lord, you folks are a little too good at this.
JE: The true secret behind videogame narrative is knowing how to make yourself seem a lot more clever than you actually are. [source] 'Oh, we TOTALLY planned that.' [source]
User: Ok, this thread [the DA2 regrets thread, which is the big chunks above] but Inquisition.
DG: My regrets about Inquisition are, more or less, the normal kind. Nothing so dramatic, I'm afraid. [source]
User: You can keep your Varric romance, I want a Flemeth romance goddamnit!
DG: I would allow for one flirt option, and then a recording of Kate Mulgrew laughing for three minutes straight. [source]
User: I had a hypothesis about the repetitive caves in DA2. They're repetitive because it's Varric telling the story and he didn't consider them important.  They're like sets in a play.  (Okay, I really suspect it was a time/money/resources thing but I like my fake explanation better.)
DG: Hang a lampshade on it, maybe? Cassandra: "But that's the exact cave you were in last time?" Varric: "Whatever. They all look the same, I'm not THAT kind of dwarf. Can we move on?" [source]
User: that makes sense, hypothetically to make Varric romanceable and keep his arc—that had to happen for the main plot—I imagine you would have to make double the content (or more)? which would've been a tall order given the time/budget constraints the game was under
DG: Right. When it comes to "romance arc" vs. "follower story arc", we generally only had time to do one or the other. Never both. Romancing Varric would have meant not getting the story of his that you did. [source]
Mary Kirby: The one exaggeration I really, REALLY wanted, that we never got to do was Varric narrating his own death scene with Hawke weeping over him, then cutting to Cassandra's pissed off glaring at him. [source]
DG: Haha! The one I wanted was Varric's plot where he takes on the baddies single-handedly, sliding across the floor like Jet Lee, action movie-style, until finally Cassandra gets irritated and he has to admit Hawke & the rest of the party showed up to help. [source]
MK: We did that one! (He didn't do any Jet Lee moves, though.) Jepler gave him letterboxing to get The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly showdown vibes while he shot a ton of mooks single-handed. [source]
DG: Wow. Shows how much I remember. [source]
JE: I found it! I remember seeing this sequence as my treat for doing a bunch of much more challenging work. It was fun to see how far I could push our limited library of animations. [link] [source]
DG: Heh awesome. I could have sworn it was cut, honestly. I think I was even in that meeting. [source]
User: no disrespect but that’s surprising and rich of Mary “Hard in Hightown” Kirby to think DA2 shouldn’t have had a Varric romance when she wrote an entire book of Varric’s self-insert character pining over his Hawke insert character… HIH is the reason we had VHawke Summer 2018
DG: I can't *really* speak for Mary, or how she feels about it now compared to back then. I only know how she felt about it back then, and I'm not sure it was as much the concept of the romance but that Varric's entire story would be bent to "romance arc" ...a very different thing. [source]
JH: I remember pushing to have the first DLC start with Hawke having an option to ask Varric, "Did you tell Cassandra about us?" and if you picked it, Varric would answer, "Of course not, baby. I told her you were sleeping with X..." and then proceed as if you had had a full romance. [source]
DG: I still wonder how that would have gone over. x) [source]
JE: Okay, one more DA2 thing. Putting together the cinematics for this scene was a blast. [link] [source]
MK: These lines are my greatest legacy. I want "Make sure the world knows I died... at Chateau Haine!" inscribed on my tombstone. [source]
JE: I was so glad no one said 'no' to the crane shot. [source]
MK: It needs that crane shot. It's the perfect icing on that cake made from solid cheese. [source]
DG: The designers were all "we need more combat" and I think we were all "I think you underestimate just HOW interesting we can make this dinner party". [source]
JE: And finally. I think @SherylChee wrote the one-liner. I think we had a collection of like, 20. [link] [source]
Sheryl Chee: Yeah! Something like that! I remember submitted a whole bunch and Frank said you only needed one. Wish I'd kept the other fifteen. [source]
JE: A random chooser where, each time through the scene, you get a different one-liner. [source]
JE: DA2 is the project I'm the proudest of. I also absolutely get that it didn't land for a lot of people. But I don't think it's inaccurate to say that, in a lot of ways, DA2 defined my career. [source]  Everyone spent a year working at their maximum ability. I was a fresh cinematic designer and was given all of Varric's content, as well as the Act 1 Finale mission. It was a lot for someone who had been doing the Cinematics thing for literally 6 months. [source]  There's some stuff in there I can't look at without wincing. And there's some stuff I'm genuinely proud of. Not to mention, it was my introduction to most of the writing team. Several of whom I'm still working with today! Albeit in a different capacity [source] Also, weirdly, one of my most enduring memories of Dragon Age 2 is how much Bad Company 2 we'd play at lunch. It was a LOT. [source] Every game I've worked on has a game I played attached to it. ME2 is Borderlands. DA2 is Bad Company 2. DAI is DayZ. I, hmm. There's a progression there. I don't know how I feel about it. [source]
User: Is DA4 going to be tarkov then?
JE: I've kind of churned out of Tarkov for now. Probably Hunt Showdown, at least right now. [source]
User: I think people also don't take nuance into consideration -- like I FULLY acknowledge the flaws in my favorite games and will openly criticize them, but that doesn't mean they're not my favorite games anymore??? You can like and thing and still be critical of it.
JE: A lot of my favourite shit is deeply flawed! I acknowledge it and I think it's interesting to dissect the flaws. [source]
User: I still wish Justice was an actual character in DA2 rather than a plot point.
DG: There was a moment during DAI where we *almost* put in you running into Justice with the Grey Wardens, and he's all "Kirkwall? I never went to Kirkwall" [source]
User: Does that imply that Justice was shoehorned in to DA2?
DG: Nah, it was an in-joke where we thought it'd be fun to suggest that "Justice" was simply some demon that tricked Anders in DA2. Wooo those tricky demons! We didn't do it, though. [source]
User: [about templars]  except, I don't think it had very much legitimacy to begin with. keep in mind, we interact with other characters with the same argument. The one that comes to mind is Cullen, a sane templar in power. The templar's side of the argument is inherently flawed.
DG: I don't doubt that many people agree with you, and yet people can and do argue on behalf of the templars as well. My place isn't to pick a side, but to provide evidence that players can interpret for themselves [source]
User: Can you shed some light for us on how DA was able to do multiple same-sex romance options for different genders but the Mass Effect team treated them like the plague? What process existed for your team that just wasn't their for the other tentpole franchise?
DG: Different people making the decisions, almost different cultures. I don't know what it's like now, but for many years the Mass Effect team and the Dragon Age team were almost like two different studios working within the same building. [source]
User: It truly boggles the mind. Kudos for doing demonstrably better on consistent queer representation than the ME teams. Y'all never needed us to make petitions to try to get the studio's attention and ask them to do better by us. That's the fight we're once again embroiled in now.
DG: Honestly, I don't feel like tut-tutting the Mass Effect team. They did their part, and if they were a bit later to the show than the DA team they certainly did more than almost every other game out there -- and willingly. [source]
Updates begin here
User: So what was the reason for naming Dragon age 2 "Dragon age II" and not using a subtitle?
DG: As I recall, that was purely a publisher decision. I think they wanted to avoid the impression it was an expansion. [source]
User: Is there no chance of ever remaking DA2 under better circumstances? -Somehow remove the repetitiveness of gameplay by making changes and updating the tech and adding much more to the storyline. It could almost be a new very exciting game.
DG: I'd say there's zero chance of that. Let's keep our hopes up for the next DA title instead. [source]
User: I am a little confused here, help me out here please! How exactly was the cut boss battle with Orsino supposed to work out? How it would've kept him from turning against the player?
DG: It means that, if you sided with the templars, the entire boss bottle at the end would have been against Orsino and the mages. No fight against Meredith. The end decision would have been more divergent. [source]
User: I do remember that one of the reasons going around for that, was that resources were going to the transition to Frostbite. I'm still not fully sold on that having been a good choice. I felt that more time should have been given for that transition considering it was made for FPSs
DG: We didn't transition to Frostbite until DAI. Given our time frame for DA2, I don't think we *could* have transitioned to a new engine. [source]
User: Since your talking about the what could have been for DA2. Could you say what your script was for Anthem? Cause I remember reading that you wrote the plot on that game.
DG: I created a setting for Anthem and scripted out a plot - but, as I understand it, almost none of that ended up being used. So it's a bit pointless to talk about what I'd planned, as that'd be for some completely different type of game. [source]
User: [in reference to the exchange above where DG said “Being "crazy", however, robbed her side of the mage/templar argument of any legitimacy. I hated hated hated that.” re: Meredith] except, I don't think it had very much legitimacy to begin with. keep in mind, we interact with other characters with the same argument. The one that comes to mind is Cullen, a sane templar in power. The templar's side of the argument is inherently flawed.
DG: I don't doubt that many people agree with you, and yet people can and do argue on behalf of the templars as well. My place isn't to pick a side, but to provide evidence that players can interpret for themselves. [source]
If I missed a tweet, got the wrong source link or included a tweet twice, feel free to let me know and I’ll correct.
Edit / Update: Post update 22nd April
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sevenmikento · 3 years
ANOTHER JJK WRITER??!?! I'M SO HAPPYYYY!! And you're accepting requests right now! I---I feel so cniwjebfiamxksownfjjw but 'nough said...
Idk what type of format is suitable for this request so it will be fine if you chose to write it using hcs or a oneshot.
Can I request where fem!reader is the Sukuna's vessel meets a civilian!Yuuji??
A/N: hello!!!!! this was sent in over a week ago but i’ve been so busy with streaming, art and work AAAAAAAAAA anyways imma do headcanons so i can cover more ground since i like this idea hehe :D
fem!vessel!Reader meets civilian!Itadori Yuuji headcanons
as a born and bred Jujutsu Sorcerer, you honestly should’ve known better than to eat Sukuna’s goddamn finger. but in your defence, it was a stressful moment and the only other option was to die, let the cursed spirit eat the finger and inevitably kill Fushiguro Megumi—your only friend and someone who could probably keep the cursed spirit at bay long enough to escape
essentially it was: get killed and greatly inconvenience your friend or eat the finger and die and only somewhat inconvenience your friend
the only thing you did not anticipate was survive eating the finger, killing the cursed spirit in one hit and verbally abusing Sukuna until you regained control of your body
well… shit
life hasn’t changed that much if you were being honest, except now as the vessel of the King of Curses, the threat of being exterminated by the wise old elders was greater than before; but you don’t let that bother you too much since—
“So, if I eat all the fingers and Sukuna doesn’t take over my body… they’ll let me live?”
“That’s what they claim but we both know they’ll actually do,” your mentor and guardian Gojou Satoru said after returning from an emergency meeting with the people he despised the most. you could tell how pissed he was just by the slight inflection of his voice
“But I won’t let them lay a single finger on you,” he ruffled your hair, “got it?”
“Him.” Sukuna’s voice echoes in your head on one of your off days. hiding your mouth behind the bun you’re munching on, you ask him what he means
“The table across from you. That boy. He could have been my vessel.”
“… and?”
“… he’s interesting. Befriend him.”
“What? No, you absolute menace!” you don’t realise you’ve raised your voice until you notice a pair of wide brown eyes stare back at you. feeling your face heat up, you quickly stand and leave the cafe, tragically abandoning the super delicious chocolate bun half-eaten on the plate
“You’re attracted to him. Befriend him and it’ll benefit the both of us, you fool.”
“How exactly will it benefit you? And it’s too late. I’m not going back, not for the boy and not for my poor, poor choc bun :(”
you make it like, a few hundred metres before you feel a tap on your shoulder. when you turn around, it’s the boy holding your bun in a takeaway bag. he smiles like an idiot and though it feels like a huge mistake, you allow yourself the luxury of his company
shortly after you mean, during one of your many late night texting sessions, you learn that he had to move to Tokyo with his grandfather to seek better medical treatment
[11:43PM] Yuuji: so basically… what i’m saying is… i have no friends here :D be my friend?
[11:45PM] (Y/N): okay :)
“Sukuna… touch him and I will kill myself and you.”
when Gojou learns of your new friend, he gets super annoying (even more so than usual, basically) and makes a habit of spending more time with Megumi, claiming that you “don’t need both of them anymore ;—;” because you’ve “moved on to greener pastures”
but in all seriousness, he’s glad you’re making more friends. he’s done research on Itadori Yuuji and concludes that you’ll be alright
the first time you go out together, Yuuji sheepishly tells you he needs to drop by the hospital to give his grandfather some sliced fruits
“It’s okay if you don’t wanna follow, though—”
it takes you, like, ten whole minutes to convince him that you’ll be happy to meet his grandpa, though you have no choice but to withhold another big reason for wanting to tag along
as suspected, Yuuji’s grandfather’s being weighed down by a couple of small fry cursed spirits which you swiftly eliminate when they both have their backs turned to you—or so you think
unbeknownst to you, Yuuji saw the way you glared at the corner of the room, noticed how you did some odd hand gestures and how—almost instantly—his grandfather said: “is your girlfriend a lucky charm? my chest feels so light all of a sudden.”
[12:33PM] Yuuji: thanks for coming with me to the hospital today. my grandfather seems to really like you :) sorry he kept calling you my girlfriend
[12:34PM] (Y/N): no problem, i like him as well :D and it’s alright
[12:45PM] Yuuji: by the way, i have something i want to ask you
[12:50PM] (Y/N): … yes?
[01:03PM] (Y/N): Itadori?
[01:16PM] (Y/N): you there?
“A cursed spirit is after him.”
“You choose to tell me just now?!”
Sukuna doesn’t say it but he has no idea why he told you what he did. it doesn’t matter to him what happens to Itadori Yuuji and yet his gut tells him he needs to be kept alive. so, in a strange turn of events, he tells you where to go
sure enough, you find him fighting off a grade 1 cursed spirit in an alleyway, still alive and kicking despite being seemingly beaten within an inch of his life
although you’re a grade 2 Sorcerer, with Sukuna telling you what to do in your head, you win the battle with only severe bruises and maybe a hairline fracture somewhere
“Where do you live?” you ask and he points at a small house just across the alleyway. “Get your things, you’re coming with me tonight.”
he listens and walks quietly beside you as you make your way back to school
“Are you okay?” you ask once the adrenaline of it all has somewhat subsided
you can’t help but feel responsible for it all, knowing the cursed spirit must’ve hunted him down believing he’d lead him to you—the Sorcerer with Sukuna’s scent written all over you
before Yuuji can lie and say yes, he trips over his own feet but you catch him before he hits the ground
you decide to carry him the rest of the way, giving him a piggyback, his feet just barely off the ground due to your height difference
“What are you?” he asks softly, arms wrapped around your neck as the side of his head rests against your own
“I’ll tell you later. I don’t know if you’ll believe me, though.”
“I will,” he says without missing a beat, “I trust you.”
“It was most likely my fault you got hurt, you know?” you admit dryly, aware that you wouldn’t be able to forgive yourself if you kept it a secret him him
“Yeah…” Yuuji sighs and it stings, not gonna lie, but then he continues: “but you’re carrying me right now… and you helped my grandfather, didn’t you?”
“… yeah.”
he hums softly, feeling his eyelids grow heavy, “that’s enough for me… Thank you.”
you feel him press his lips to your neck before his head lolls forward. your heart nearly stops before an overwhelming sense of relief washes over you when you feel his chest rise and fall steadily
your knees feel like they’re on the verge of giving out but his body is so warm and his kiss made your heart flutter like never before, so, you carry him the rest of the way knowing that you’ll gladly do the same in the future with no hesitation
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haleigh-sloth · 3 years
Some people are missing the point of the word “redemption”.
I took a nap at 8pm and now at 1am I am suffering the consequences of said nap. 
I wanted to touch on a take/topic I’ve seen lately about how the LOV could have been a villain group who only targeted other villains in order to make it easier to redeem them. I wanted to touch on why I personally don’t see how that would have: A. made it better, and B. made any sense for their characters.
I understand this POV to an extent. Like yeah, if they just killed other “bad people” then it’s easy to redeem and save them. But...that misses the entire point of their existence in the story. I’ve seen this post going around and I want to just go on a bit of a ramble here to address why I don’t see how that particular POV really applies to the villains in BNHA. Like, the linked post makes a valid point in that people often write off the villain characters’ moral code because of their crimes. But like...that’s the point. And now there’s the floating take that the LOV is being shown in this way, to make us view radicals as problematic, and that Horikoshi should have made them vigilante type people to make their redemption easier, and I just don’t see it that way. 
I mean, first of all, the villains’ complaints ARE being shown as valid and are somewhat starting to be addressed. Maybe not perfectly, but I think it’s going to get there in the writing....one of these days.
Making them vigilante-esque doesn’t make sense for their characters and doesn’t address what actually happened to them.
If the villains went around and only killed other “bad people”, I mean at that point they’re not villains, they’re just vigilantes. At that point their role in the narrative is completely changed. The problem with Horikoshi making them that type of villain group is that it wasn’t “bad people”, or people who’ve done worse than them, that did them wrong. It was the average everyday people that wronged them, ignored them, pretended they didn’t exist. The society as a whole. Imo it wouldn’t make sense for their goals to only try to kill other types of “bad people”. (I put "bad people” in quotes because I don’t like that phrasing but you get my point.)
Making them Vigilantes Doesn’t Make Them “Better” or Right
The reason they’re considered “villains” is because they’re killing people, period. It doesn’t matter who they kill, or why. Killing is wrong all around. That’s the whole premise behind them being in the wrong. Their killing is not supposed to help them reach their goal. In fact in the story it never actually gets them anywhere. Their goal is the destruction of society and the people in it, which is wrong. (Although I’d argue that the villains could totally destroy society and I’d be cool with it, just not the innocent people in it!) The LOV are out for justice and revenge. And in many stories, not just BNHA, revenge often leads you down a dark path. BNHA and the LOV are no exception. In my opinion, the villains are 100% right about hero society, but they’re not right about killing. 
To say that they should have been vigilante type villains in order to make it easier to redeem them is just...it doesn’t make sense. It also doesn’t make it better at all. Hawks is a perfect example of that. Hawks killed Twice. Twice killed many other people, but despite that, the narrative still views his death as wrongful (still waiting on those consequences Hori). To say it’s easier to redeem them by only having them target other villains completely negates the fact that Hawks killing Twice was horrible and wrong. 
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I mean if we’re going to view this ^^^ as bad, which I do, how is making the villains only target other villains any better? It’s not, truly. It doesn’t change the fact that they are redeemable now just as they are. 
The Whole Point of a Redemption Arc is to Atone for a Crime
I understand being exhausted waiting for the villains to get saved, to get justice, and see a change in the main character’s POV toward heroes and the other heroes change their POVs as well. I do get it because I’m emotionally exhausted too. Why I continue to follow a series that exhausts me idk. (It’s the escape from the numbing existence of everyday life that keeps me invested) But it doesn’t mean that the story would have been any better if the impact of the villains’ crimes were lessened by changing their targets to only other bad apples. 
The villains are getting a path to redemption. Redemption means something bad HAD to happen at the hand of somebody. Maybe even several bad things, at the hands of several somebodies. But now they get to redeem themselves by making up for it somehow. That’s the whole point of a redemption. If you make it to where their crimes are more understandable, “justified”, it’s not really viewed as a redemption....just a change of ways. No real internal change. The LOV needs that internal change. They need to be shown that they have the option of changing internally, and viewing the world around them as redeemable, despite what it’s put them through. 
That internal change is what makes a redemption arc so interesting. It’s what makes it interesting to read and fun to root for. The villains are radical in their beliefs. Those beliefs are being held up to be valid in the story. But they are villains, still. And that’s why they’re getting that path to redemption. To address those complaints that are indeed, valid. 
On another note:
Not that it matters really, but the villains actually were shown taking out more bad apples than innocents tbh. Before the war arc the only mass murders I can remember happening on screen were these fine folk:
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And then during this scene, these people were actively trying to kill the LOV..so
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And anybody Shigaraki murdered as a child I straight up just don’t even hold him responsible for, at all.
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Not even a little.
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I mean...the LOV has done some vigilante work. Give em credit where credit is due. Lol. End of rant.
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Nightwing #81 Review
i swear i actually thought no one was interested so i didn’t write one but a grand total of two (2) people said they wanted to read it, so here it is. honestly, my opinion’s been going a bit downhill, but the art is really cool and there are some decent parts so. holding out i guess? i really hope taylor has an end goal or at least a cohesive plan, otherwise i don’t see this series going anywhere i’ll particularly enjoy
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the cover is very straightforward in its imagery, this villain has nightwing in the palm of his hand, easily manipulated, easily controlled no matter the action dick thinks he’ll take. 
what i find interesting is the colour: both previously and heavily in this issue, the colourist has chosen to make pink this villain’s main colour, with different shades of pink as accents. so why the red in the cover? possibly to just make it more eye-grabbing, though one could argue that pink is even more eye-catching than red. maybe to convey a sense of dread or fear that pink won’t fully get across. either way, it’s definitely a decision i’m curious about.
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so melinda zucco is in a high enough political position within bludhaven that she is next in line to become the mayor after the previous mayor died and dick just,,,,didn’t have any idea she existed? dick didn’t know anything about her? forget dick’s own brilliant detective skills, forget his doggedness at anything zucco related, you’re telling me bruce never found her and told dick about her? maybe he wouldn’t have now, but back when dick was a young kid, he definitely would have at least made dick aware of her existence, to let dick know and ask if he wanted to interfere with her life or anything.
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i have a thought about zucco’s facial expressions. she is very much stone-cold poker face throughout the entire issue. the only time i see her pull a different expression is near the end when dick corners her against a wall with an arm around her throat. 
this is most certainly intentional, what with the varied and intense expressions we see on other characters, dick most prominently. i’m wondering what exactly is the creative team’s reasoning behind this. in these panels, zucco is meeting with the most dangerous, powerful, near-bloodthirsty man in all of bludhaven and becoming the mayor of the city respectfully. in both of these panels, there is barely a hint of emotion in her face: no fear, no determination, no satisfaction. it’s just odd, considering the circumstances she’s in, regardless of any training recieved.
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just spitballing here but. like. from what i’ve read so far, dick doesn’t really seem like bludhaven’s guardian angel. more like when peter parker first put on spandex and blindly stepped out into new york.
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dick, how exactly can you underestimate someone from one move. so he caught your escrima. anyone with enhanced reflexes can do that. you still don’t know how he can actually fight, and this is shown in the next set of panels. 
i just don’t like the wording here. dick’s “underestimated” him, but beats him up easy in the next page. in addition, i don’t know much about combat, but i would assume it would take more than one move to determine exactly what an opponent’s skill level is, made even more complex when you add physical enhancements and metahumans and aliens into the mixture.
idk my first thought when i saw that he caught the stick was “ah ok he’s enhanced” because obviously he couldn’t have reacted fast enough if he wasn’t (as there are few people trained enough to catch it on human reflexes alone.) then the wording in the next panel, i’ve underestimated him, made me think “oh no ok so he’s not enhanced, he’s just a really good fighter and can give dick a run for his money in a fight.” then, it turns out my first assumption was proven correct in the next panel. it just comes across as misleading to me.
(also sidenote but his curls are cute.)
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have i praised the art enough in this series? no, i have not.
i adore the way this is laid out and illustrated. without even having to read the text, the action sequence is visually engaging and intense, and easily followable from one panel to the next. dick’s physical expertise comes through quite efficiently, and i love the special attention shown to draw our attention to dick’s escrima in the bottom right corner.
also that move in the middle row leftmost panel that’s the mcu black widow move to get up off the ground it was the first thing i noticed and it made me laugh; thought it was worth noting
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i’m really loving dick’s escrima sticks in this run. they’re just so multipurpose, it’s hilarious and exhilarating. kinda reminds me of bruce’s belt, the way the button in the middle does eevveeerrryyytthhiinngg. 
got a problem? don’t worry! dick’s installed a feature into his escrima that can fix that! (i like thinking dick helped make them it makes me happy and makes my engineer!dick side satisfied)
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yawn. your big heart is your one true weakness yadda yadda the fact that you care will be used against you blah blah we get it. jesus can the villains please find a different weakness to exploit, this is getting old.
i need dick’s capacity to empathize and care and love to stop being a weakness that villains sneer about. bonus points if dick saves everyone anyway, either because of or despite his great big heart and the villain is surprised by the goodness of mankind or some shit like that.
i need it to be a strength, right from the get-go. the fact that he cares so incredibly much should be an asset that dick has and will use. he’s a very complex character with years of background, it can’t possibly be that hard to find another weakness of his. 
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ooooh this is cool, gosh i absolutely love this.
because what exactly is the reader doing? we are seeing the fear in dick’s face, just as this villain intended. even better, we’re seeing the reflection of it from the villain’s glossy mask, telling us exactly what we’re seeing and exactly what he likes so much about it.
dick’s standing up straight, shoulders drawn back, looking up at this villain’s face with determination and resolve, but his suit is tattered. one eye looks to be swollen. his hair is falling limply around his eyes, as opposed to the curls from earlier. his escrima aren’t even part of the main focus, instead blending into the side of the mask in the outer corners of the mask’s eyes, which tells you exactly how big of a threat they are to this villain.
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poor bitewing’s quite alarmed.
also on second thought why would you bring your puppy out like this, when you know you’re gonna end up fighting someone in the suit. a) how many grey three-legged adorable little puppies live in the bludhaven area dick? and how easy will it be to connect the doggo running around with nightwing with the doggo that dick grayson owns? and 2) is this puppers trained? does she have fighting experience? how exactly can you ensure she will survive this highly stressful situation?
dick take better care of your dog 
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you know what? i was with tim on this one. why exactly is dick so optimistic and trusting about the people of bludhaven? bludhaven, which has been described as gotham’s smaller, smellier, more corrupt sister city once or twice. it’s not just the corrupt people in power, the entire system needs to change and people need to have faith and hope in order for them to come together, espcially if they’ve been living in conditions like how bludhaven has been described. from how clueless dick is about his own goddamn city, i can tell he hasn’t been here long.
it was a nice moment of hope, i’ll admit. but it was a tad unrealistic for me.
also it was in a weird place in the comic. this sort of confrontation and big get-together of the people to rejuvenate hope in each other feels like it should come near the end of a run, if not the end of an issue. certainly not in the first third of an issue. the pacing’s a bit off to me.
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loyal little puppy patiently waiting for her human to wake up. i love her so much.
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no it’s not. it’s bitewing.
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living for this t-shirt honestly. do comics of dc characters exist in the dc universe? they must if the mug and the shirt are any indication
(now i’m imagining the first batman movie that came out in the dc universe and bruce just. being so offended at who they chose to play him.)
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well, yes. but when a group of people are put through hellish conditions over and over again, they soon become desensitized to the pain and terror of their everyday lives in order to both stay sane and keep their life relatively stable, and part of that becomes ignoring or blocking out anything that isn’t directly important to you or your loved ones. having a bleeding heart will most likely get you killed in a city like bludhaven if you don’t have the same skills that vigilantes have.
and of course, people are more than capable of coming together and rallying under their city’s vigilante after seeing the good they’ve done and how they’ve helped the people, but that sort of trust takes time and effort to build. dick also had the whole ric arc and was gone for a while, which has been referenced several times in this particular issue in fact. that’s not going to make bludhaven’s citizens any more likely to trust him.
maybe i’m being a bit harsh but this comic is comic off as a bit too idealistic for the amount of change nightwing can do in a city given the present and past circumstances as well as nightwing’s own abilities. even dick grayson can’t pull off everything.
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ok seriously this needs to stop this needs to stop.
right now, dick reminds me of oliver queen in the few episodes of the cw’s arrow i watched. he does the punchy-kicky-fighty and occasionally has smart insights due to the skills he gained from his past that he certainly definitely totally has but only ever exhibits once, while his team does all of the background research and information gathering and actual work.
this is dick’s city. if he has the same intelligence, worth ethic, and stubbornness in this run that he’s been shown to possess all his life, then he knows this city inside out. he’ll have meticulous notes organized in a ridiculously efficient system, he’ll have scouted out zucco long before this started, he’ll have known when anything big happened in the bludhaven political landscape in an instant.
i’m really not liking exactly how much dick’s relying on babs and tim in this series. sure, he loves them and cares for them and likes working cases with them. but he always pulls his own weight, has always been a mentor figure to tim instead of what’s weirdly becoming the other way around, and takes point on the cases in his own damn city.
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what kind of weak-ass oracle is this?? redacted fbi files are child’s play. babs used to hack into the fbi for fun. this one particular picture is so out of character i want to laugh.
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reading this series has unfortunately made me confront that, despite the tiny fluid acrobat dick that lives in my head 24/7, canon dick is impossibly 5′10 and muscular at that.
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mmm. titties.
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tim said hydrate or die-drate bitch
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love how dick’s doing all this intense brooding and stuff meanwhile bitewing is curled up in a soft comfy post having the time of her life.
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you don’t understand i would legitimately kill myself for her.
also the lighting in this one scene is cool. the blue tones come off so well.
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they’re just. so multipurpose!! they can become a bo staff. they can cut glass. they can become a grapple hook/line. they can electrify someone. they’re a funky colour. i’m becoming really attached to these things. absolute solid choice in weaponry.
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if you’re gonna write up every rookie mistake dick has made during this series to head trauma, then dick shouldn’t be out and about at all, much less in costume.
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see this? this is just straight up wrong. dick most definitely should have spotted her, and would have immediately moved to take her down.
scratch that, dick would have done a full check of the building, because he knows not to break into places uninformed, especially if the owner of the apartment was raised by the maroni family. someone as highly trained, experienced, and competent as dick wouldn’t have done this.
and if you chalk it up to head injury, (which is probably true), than his ~love interest~ and his little brother should have done a much better job making sure he stays in his house.
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zucco looks so awkward it’s fucking hilarious
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are those shadows that mimic a domino mask, to both reflect and hide the fact that his mask is missing? are those bruises around his eyes, to show how, despite what good he’s doing, being nightwing is hurting dick right now? 
(isn’t his domino mask supposed to have an electrifying feature that keeps people from removing them?)
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it’s a little odd how the three known villains of this series are all coloured in warm shades, more specifically pink. meanwhile, in earlier issues, dick’s fondest memories were in pink, memories of him and alfred in particular. why has the colour pink changed from signifying something benevolent to something malicious? idk i hope this gets explained later.
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this i did like. either it’s just a display of brute force in anger, or dick slipped the ties and pulled them off once untied. both ways, it’s an unintentional display of power, and i think that’s kinda cool.
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again. dick is,,,tall? sort of? weirdddd
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i’m so glad most readers are unified in the notion that this was the absolute dumbest fucking thing.
i’m hoping this gets disproved or something soon. and i hope dick doesn’t fall for it, because he definitely knows better than to take something as important as this at face value.
what exactly is taylor trying to accomplish here? why is he trying to go back on what we all knew was a happy, loving childhood and throw strife and disharmony and (what i’m assuming will be) infidelity? this will not end well at all.
,,,,,this review got way longer than expected lol. and i realize most of it just became me ranting. i guess i didn’t realize how ticked off i was originally. fingers crossed it gets better.
tag list: @woahjaybird @birdy-bat-writes @anothertimdrakestan @subtleappreciation @screennamealreadyused @bikoncon @pricetagofficial @catxsnow @thatsthewhump @xatanna-troy @red-hood-redemption @capricorn-stark @batshit-birds​ @comics-observer
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i ain’t done anything for @tolkienocweek yet, mostly because my covid-induced neet-dom has decoupled me from any association with sidereal time and thus there’s no way i could guarantee getting something out on its specific day. still, i do have one character that could potentially qualify for day 3 (background characters) or day 4 (self-inserts), sorta. i’d like to introduce you all to the proprietor of the fëanorian ethics department, the as-yet-nameless fed elf
fed elf is a... moderately idealised self-insert of mine, though she’s taking on a life of her own
she’s also a noldo. of course she is
her Noldorin Craft™ is, as i’ve said before, arguing. she has very strong opinions about almost everything and will debate them at length
she’s moderately infamous for it in tirion
she’s especially fond of philosophy, in the ancient-greek asking-a-million-rhetorical questions style. what should we do? why do we do the things we do? why do the valar get to tell us what to do?
... you can probably tell which side of the fëanor/fingolfin debate she landed on, if it wasn’t already obvious
she’s not particularly close to any of the future capital-H House, but she is in their rough orbit. one of the miscellaneous guild trolls that form the rank-and-file of their initial expeditionary force
idk if she’s ~devoted to the cause enough to go to formenos, but when the trees get eaten and fëanor rolls up into tirion with the solution to all their spider problems, she is all for it
she’s a passing acquaintance of maedhros from those times when he’d show up in her guild hall for debate night, so she probably ends up with his crew, at least initially
... there’s a very good chance her first attempts at crafting a new noldorin ethical system happen on that horrible night aboard the blood-stained swanships of alqualondë
in any case, she gets good enough at murder to not die before the brothers hellspawn are divvying up east beleriand, and the formerly reasonably undelineated fëanorian host is splitting up into its various garrisons
most people stay with whoever they’re already riding with, but there are exceptions. she is one of them, as soon as she hears about caranthir’s Plans she immediately switches allegiance to the future lord of thargelion
he’s deliberately trying to set up on the trade routes! they’re gonna make contact with the dwarves! there are apparently trails leading over the blue mountains, links to communities of elves unlike she’s ever seen!
so many new people to argue with!!!!!!
so she heads up to lake helevorn, and helps with setting up the city. she winds up filling some middling role in east beleriand’s military bureaucracy, when she’s not on orc-killing duty
but her true passion is *~ethics~*
there is actually a practical component to this. due to Certain Events the noldor (especially the fëanorians) aren’t as-well suited to their pre-darkening moral codes as they might have once been
they need a new one, with contingencies for, like, murder, and all the other new situations they’ll encounter in this new world! the questions of what’s right and wrong have been blown right open, and fed elf is possibly the happiest she’s been in her life. they’re building everything else from first principles, why not this?
and the fëanorian host in aggregate does actually care about morality, even though outsiders never believe that. it’s what separates them from the orcs (in their minds at least); they’re doing everything for a Cause, not for destruction’s sake alone. say what you want about the fëanorians, their problem was never a lack of ideals
she gets people coming in sometimes, wanting to know what the right thing to do in a situation is. either that, or they think she’s wrong about something and want to explain why in depth, which is almost as fun
soon enough, there’s a small shop just off the main streets of lake helevorn called the fëanorian ethics department
(she’s the only one with a shop, but she’s not the only member of the host with Opinions. the guy on the other side of the market district whose system is fairly similar in the broad strokes but completely different in the details is her personal archnemesis)
for most of the first age, fed elf has it pretty good. by her standards, at least, and she’ll happily exposit at length as to why they’re the only ones that matter
the work on the system of ethics never quite stops, but it does slow down. she’s less prescriptivist than most noldor, so she does a lot of observation and interviewing and stuff, and also new things keep happening for her to cover, but she does manage to nail down the basics!
she does consultation, in varying levels of official capacity, but she’ll also just. answer anyone who comes in with a question. or asks one within earshot
it’s mostly noldorin fëanorians she has debates with, the sindar and atani generally prefer to ask her whatever they want to know with minimum fuss, but whenever she gets a real fight going they all join the crowd. watching fed elf argue with people is one of lake helevorn’s municipal spectator sports
she also has conversations with travellers! these usually start when some newcomer is staring in befuddlement at the sign outside her shop and she takes the opportunity to pounce
she asks them detailed questions about their own ethical systems, which she files away for potential future incorporation/argument ammunition. they fairly frequently ask questions of their own, most often variations on ‘you guys seriously have morals?’
sometimes this even turns into a proper ethical debate! these aren’t usually as well-argued or intense as the ones she has with other fëanorians, particularly if she’s not talking to a noldo, but when she meets someone who’s a proper match for her it is the highlight of her year
running the shop does generate a fair bit of paperwork she tends to be too emotionally invested in to deal with properly, so she hires help now and then. one recurring underling is a clumsy perpetually-ill atan who is nevertheless really good with the filing and holds fierce opinions of their own, even if they hide under the table whenever anyone so much as raises their voice
(that atan is me. much less idealised self insert)
like every other elf in the host, fed elf is still under arms. she has a unit, she’s part of the orc patrol rotas, when caranthir needs to do a battle she pulls her broadsword out from under her desk and reports for the muster. east beleriand is just a pretty violent place in general, and her most impassioned arguments frequently shade into all-out duels. east beleriand, where even especially the philosophers will knife you
but just like fëanor promised on tirion upon túna so long ago, she’s built a place where she can be the best version of herself, and she couldn’t be happier (marketplace douche notwithstanding)
like so much of the host, she has big plans for when they topple angband and reclaim the silmarils. it’s just, well
i am not entirely sure what fed elf’s fate is after the fall of thargelion. most likely she died at some point, because so do most of her peers and also because she has an aversion to cutting her losses that’s definitely gonna backfire sooner or later
it’s either that, or she abandons everything she ever worked out to flee over the blue mountains, or she sticks with the host long enough to see all their ideals and dreams burn to ash. out of all of them death is probably her kindest fate
if she does die - she’s definitely a kinslayer at least one time over, she is staying in the halls for a While. the local maiar completely stonewall her every time she tries to argue her way out, she has plenty of time to sit around and think
because yeah, the host’s century-long self-immolation has given her a lot to think about. she was wrong, it turns out, in several important ways, and from the outside she can see how much the ethical system she put her heart and soul into was bent towards destruction
if she ever gets out, it’ll be after a lot of self-reflection, a massive dose of humility, and her accepting her own small-but-not-insignificant role in the nightmare they created
the fëanorians as get let out of the halls of mandos are without fail less violent, more self-aware, and just generally more conscious of their actions than they were when they went in. fed elf is no exception to this
she’s also no exception to the rule that their time in elf afterlife therapy generally fails to lower their volume at all. soon after her rebirth, after some time spent rethinking her personal moral code, fed elf puts out a thesis as to why elwing’s refusal to give up the silmaril was perfectly justifiable under fëanorian ethical mores
this pisses off a measurable proportion of aman’s sapient population. soon the furious letters of rebuke are pouring in nightly
exactly. as. planned
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snarkwrites · 3 years
ssw | pietro maximoff; you make my heart beat faster. [ suggestive ]
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Okay, so.. This is kind of a follow up to the one shot I wrote a few months ago, happy birthday. So this picks up the next day. Idk where this idea came from or if it even makes sense when read immediately after that one, but ah well. My brain kept nagging at me to write the thing so I wrote the thing.
[ happy birthday ] for those who haven't read it already.
The translation: ty chuvstvuyesh', chto delayesh' so mnoy, kotenok = "do you feel what you're doing to me, kitten?" loosely via Google translate.
taken from either [ HERE ] or [ HERE ] give or take. It could be one or the other or a mix of both at my own choosing.
the daydream of him inside you // seeing the bulge in his pants // you make my heart beat faster. - those were all the prompts / inspiration used to write this.
Fandom / Character:
MCU / Pietro Maximoff x Barton!OFC, Nicola.
Other Writing Nicola / Pietro can be found in:
[ happy birthday ] + several other oooold posts way back on the blog I think. I wanna write a fic for them one day. We shall see, though.
[ NSFW. Absolutely no minors.] If you're underage, this was not written for you -nor should you be reading it. If you choose to keep reading, this is strictly a you problem. I can't do anything about it. I warned you.
Things you need to be warned about before reading: implied sexual encounter.
Yes. I realize that I don't go full into writing out the scene. But there's enough here that anyone underage has zero business reading it. So, I'm warning you guys now.
Other Stuff:
“Are you feeling okay? You’ve barely touched your food, Nicola.”
My mom’s concerned question cut through my thoughts and I made myself smile, nodding. Taking a bite as I replied through a mouthful, “I’m fine. Was just thinking. That’s all.”
“About?” my mom eyed me expectantly. Hints of an amused smile played at her lips. I hesitated for a moment. If I didn’t know any better, I’d almost swear that somehow she knew something was up.
,, would it be a stretch to think so? One, she is my mom and two, I’ve been acting skittish and just plain out of it all damn day...” the thought came and as quickly as it did, I shoved it down in the depths of my brain.
I shrugged. “ Nothing in particular.” I gave the vaguest answer I could come up with. If she had one tenth of a clue what I’d really been thinking about just now, I’m honestly not sure how she’d react to it.
I’d been replaying last night over and over again in my mind all day. Every single part of me was dying to ask Pietro if it meant anything or not but at the same time, every single part of me was also scared to death to do that very thing. The one or two times we’d been alone with each other today and I did try, the words got stuck in my throat. And he wasn’t behaving any differently than he normally did, so I kind of just… Let it go. Started to convince myself that making the two of us love the night before was just a one time thing. As my best friend Simone would put it, “Sometimes, you just need to scratch that itch.”
The whole problem with her theory is that even now, having scratched this particular itch.. I wanted to do it again. And again.
I wanted so much more than that too. The brief glimpse I’d gotten of Pietro beneath the sarcasm and the flirty swagger the night before completely did me in. I’d gone from trying hard to keep him at arms length to falling head over feet in love with him and knowing this drove me crazy.
I felt someone staring at me.
I looked up just as Pietro was looking down. Pouting to myself a little, I reached out to grab the spoon in the bowl of mashed potatoes to scoop another serving onto my plate. Pietro reached for the spoon at the same time and when our hands brushed, I felt this little jolt.
He moved his hand but not until he’d let it linger against mine for a second or two. His gaze not leaving mine for the entirety of it. Under the table, my thighs clenched tight. I could see his hands all over me again in my head. Feel his cock buried deep inside me.
I went from a little wet to full on soaked between the mental imagery and the brush of his hand against mine. My stomach coiled.
My body tensed a little.
I dropped my gaze first, busying myself with putting more potatoes on my plate. Pietro kept watching me.
My parents were talking at the head of the table as my mom fed Nathaniel some smushed peas and carrots... My little sister scarfed down her food and then shot out of her chair and out the backdoor to go play a game of tag with my brother in the backyard before it got to dark to play and they had to come inside.
I dared to glance up from shoveling food into my mouth and Pietro gave a teasing wink. Biting his lip as he openly fucked me with his eyes.
And there it went.. The lazy flip flop of my stomach. And no matter what I tried, I couldn’t tear my eyes out of the ocean blue depths of his.
I couldn’t take any more of the torture that was being around him and not having the courage to ask what I was dying to know so I stood and grabbed my plate as soon as I finished eating, making my way into the kitchen to put it in the sink.
I went ahead and washed it while I stood there. I was just drying the plate and about to put it away in the cabinet overhead when I felt Pietro’s muscular body press against me from behind. Wordlessly, he took the plate from my hand and sat it on the top of the stack inside. I turned to face him.
This put us body to body.
I swallowed hard. My mouth opened and closed and for about five or six seconds, I willed myself to say something. Do something.
But I couldn’t bring myself to. Because as much as I was dying to know whether last night was a one time thing or if there was really something between us… Parts of me were scared to death that if I asked, I wouldn’t like the answer.
And that kept me quiet.
Pietro’s hand raised. Reaching out. Brushing strands of hair out of my eyes. I barely restrained a whimper at the touch. His eyes flashed a brighter blue and his head tilted slightly as he stared down at me.
Lost in thought.
His hips pressed into mine harder. When I felt the bulge in his jeans, I took a few shaky breaths. His hand rested on my hip, squeezing. Digging the tips of his fingers into it. He leaned down slightly and his mouth grazed the shell of my ear as he asked, “ty chuvstvuyesh', chto ty delayesh' so mnoy, kotenok?” in a breathless whisper.
If I thought I was wet before, hearing him speak to me in his native tongue had me soaked. Absolutely flooded. The only word I could pick out of whatever he’d asked was kitten. And as usual, when he called me kitten, my heart fluttered just a little more in my chest. He rocked himself into me clumsily and I sucked in a breath.
“Pietro.” I muttered. I was right on the verge of asking him what he’d just said. And asking him about what the night before truly was, if he felt anything or if it just kinda… happened. But just as I thought I’d finally be able to get the words out, it’s like my brain froze up all over again. I frowned at myself in frustration and sighed, shaking my head. “Nothing. It’s silly.”
I heard my dad calling my name from the next room, so I stepped away from Pietro reluctantly and went to leave the kitchen. Pietro grabbed hold of my hips, holding me in place for a few seconds. Staring down at me.
“ I need to talk to you later, kotenok. Alone.”
All I could do was nod. Tell him that I was going to go up to my room in a few minutes.
He nodded.
I stepped away and walked into the next room, only barely managing to pull myself together enough to talk to my parents without either one of them seeming to be aware of just how flustered I truly was.
As soon as I got done talking to my dad, I made my way upstairs. Shutting the door to my room and leaning against it just to hopefully pull myself together.
I still couldn’t.
I flopped across my bed, picking up the Anatomy book and my notebook, preparing to start studying again for the final I had coming up soon and just as I settled into it, there were two knocks at my bedroom door.
I slipped off the bed, wandering over to the door. Opening it.
Pietro leaned in the doorway, gazing down at me. That hungry look in his eyes again.
I stepped out of the doorway and let him into my room, shutting the door behind me. When I turned around to face him, we were body to body. Leaning into me, he put a hand against the door, just above my head. I could feel him straining even harder against his jeans. His other hand raised, resting against the side of my face. Cradling my cheek as he closed the distance between our mouths.
I started out with my palm down. Determined to keep distance between us until I finally worked up the courage to ask my question, hear my dreaded answer and be done, but by the time his tongue slipped past my lips and started to trace my teeth, I was clutching at the front of his fitted black shirt instead. He nipped at my bottom lip, tugging until I felt it swelling under pressure. The kiss deepened until I got so lightheaded I thought I’d melt.
He seemed to sense this because he crushed me against him and the hand cupping my face drifted down. Skimming down my side. Stopping at my hip.
The kiss finally broke so we could breathe and we pulled apart; breathless. Staring at each other quietly. Wide-eyed.
“Kotenok…” he muttered softly. Fondly. His voice dying away as he stared down at me like he was lost in thought. Trying to say something.
“What’s up?” I mumbled, my stomach flipping and flopping lazily.
“Last night was..” he went quiet on me again and I tensed a little, bracing myself for him to continue. Preparing myself in the event that what he was about to say wasn’t what I longed to hear.
So it shocked me when he was closing the distance between our mouths all over again as he muttered in a lust-filled whisper, “Last night was more than just sex. You make me feel things that I haven’t before, kotenok.”
My breath caught in my throat and I didn’t realize it until I finally took a breath and it was shaky. I gazed up at him, letting his words sink in. Trying to wrap my head around it. I went to say something, to tell him that I felt the same way and I didn’t do what we’d done last night often, but he pressed the side of his finger against my lips, silencing me and continued to speak.
“You make my heart beat faster.” he took hold of the hand I had rested against his chest, placing it over his heart. I gasped quietly as I looked up at him again and saw the way he was looking back down at me, a look of pure and total adoration.
He looked nervous as hell. Fidgeting a little. Not quite sure what to do with his hands after he moved one off my hip and let go of my hand with the other. He went to step away, swearing under his breath and I realized that he wanted me to react somehow.
I pressed against him from behind. My hand wrapping around his where it lingered on the knob to my bedroom door. “Don’t go. Please?” I asked in a hushed whisper. Pietro turned around and when he did, I melted against him. Raising my arms to wrap them around his neck. Dragging my fingers through a thick mess of platinum blond. Tugging at it as I rose to tiptoe and crashed my mouth against his. Laughing softly when our noses bumped and our lips connected all over again; hungry. Desperate. Frenzied.
He reached down, twisting the lock on my door knob so that it was locked and no one could come in by accident. A low growl rose up from the depths of his chest, hanging in the air between us only to be swallowed by the kiss as our mouths reconnected and it deepened. I rubbed myself against him clumsily. Needy.
His hands locked across my ass and he slipped me up his body, stepping over to my bed. Dropping me against my mattress softly and positioning himself on top of me. Pressing his hips into mine. Bucking against me as his mouth strayed from my own, working it’s way down the side of my neck. His lips caught on my pulse, making me shiver and rock myself up into him as I gave a needy whine and raised my legs, squeezing his hips with my knees. The kiss broke and he muttered against my mouth with a teasing grin, “ Think you can be quiet for me, kotenok?”
“ I can try.” I whimpered as his mouth worked down the front of my throat, teeth scraping against skin. Stubble tickling me. Making me cling to him as he snapped his hips against me and his hands moved down between us, catching in the hem of my shirt. He pulled me up to a sitting position and pulled my shirt off, tossing it onto my bedroom floor. I tugged at his shirt, whining impatiently and he chuckled. Nipping softly at my bottom lip as he teased, “Patience.”
“Pietro.” I pleaded.
He tugged his shirt over his head, letting it settle on the floor near mine. And then he was leaning in. His hands moving up my sides. Stopping to squeeze my breasts, growling to himself quietly before reaching around. Hooking a thick digit beneath the band of my bra and working the clasps free. He pulled it off, balling it up and tossing it on the floor with the rest of our clothes as he leaned into me even more, my back pressed flat against my bed all over again. He positioned himself on top of me, his body spreading my legs wide and as his head dipped down, my fingers curled in my blanket and thick blond hair.
His mouth worked across my collarbones. Then lower. He squeezed my tits together, mouth diving down. Latching onto one of my nipples. Tongue circling lazily until he’d teased it to a point and I was squirming beneath him, rocking my hips, desperate for any kind of friction I could get. My fingers caught in the waistband of his jeans and I worked the button and the zipper free. He pulled away and slipped off the bed to shed his jeans and underwear and eyed me hungrily. Leaning down. Meeting my gaze with a mischief filled smirk as he took off my pants. Holding my gaze the entire time.
I kicked my pants free at the ankle and he was on top of me again. The tip of his thick cock brushing right against my fabric covered crotch as he bucked into me and muttered against my mouth, “Are you ready for me, kotenok?”
“Please?” I begged breathlessly, barely managing to keep my voice a whisper as I did so. When he smirked at me as if he were pleased with himself, I realized exactly what his goal was.
He wanted to see just how close he could get me to getting loud.
I pouted up at him and he chuckled. “What’s wrong?”
“You’re being a tease. I know what you’re trying to do.”
“Oh?” he muttered, his hand disappearing between us. Slipping into my panties. Fingers working me open. Burying deep in my throbbing, wet sex. I arched my back and gasped, my fingers tangling in his hair, tugging at it as I rocked against his hand.
It wasn’t enough. I wanted him buried to the hilt inside of me. Now.
But Pietro was in a teasing mood tonight. Something told me that the more I begged, the more he was going to prolong it. And if I didn’t beg? He’d prolong it.
I was absolutely fucked.
One way or another, he was going to have me screaming his name by the end of the night.
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elderdragonblu · 2 years
For the behind the scenes fic asks: Lacuna - question 6, 7, 12, and 19
Dwjsidhsjsjdjd thank you for asking :D, now I’ll talk your ear off if you don’t mind:
6 - What do you need to write? Is there anything special you need to do/have to help your creative flow?
In general, I use music to help my creative juices flow, mostly because I get so easily distracted with things that I need something that’ll force me to sit down and write. Writing is one of the things I love, and simply need a rope to tether me down. Tones of music can also help me set the right mood for stories, like if I’m writing generally really depressing stuff, my Spotify will be full of really depressing music.
For Lacuna in particular, I used specific songs to help me capture the vibe. Sometimes songs inspire me to write so it was definitely fun. The songs I used for general sad tones or bittersweetness were Ghosts by Trampled by Turtles, Mice On Venus from C418, and Video Games by Lana Del Ray.
There is also an unintentional thing that helps keep my creative juices flowing, too. I have a condition called maladaptive daydreaming disorder, and to put it in short: it’s a disorder where you have a really overactive imagination, it distracts you from everyday life, puts you in vivid daydreams, and makes your life inconvenient as hell. It helps give me ideas and inspiration, but the constant urge to daydream or act out daydreams interferes with my life greatly. Especially considering I have thing to do like basic house chores for example and the urge can get unbearable at times. It sucks mostly because people undermine the severity of this condition a lot and since it’s not even, like, researched enough it’s very much not seen much in society.
Gives a general idea to what I go through for my creative process lmao
7 - What inspired the idea for the plot?
A lot of what I write tends to delve into a characters mind and bringing their thoughts to the forefront. I guess it’s considered character studies, but I tend to only look at trauma and see how certain characters deal with it and whether or not they want to get better. Do they shove their problems down and try to ignore it? Or do they want to face the problem on their own? Etc.
For Lacuna, it was no different. But I also watch animatics on YouTube that can help fire up the process. I can’t recall any atm and idk if I could even find the one that inspired this process. But there’s many images of people just watching rain and waiting for a storm to pass that I genuinely enjoy and get inspired from. Sitting in the rain and contemplating stuff is especially fun to write, even more so with Max’s character considering all the shirt she went through.
Though, Jack Stauber’s rain is actually one thing I can recall that gave me so much inspiration to help me write this story.
12 - Was there a scene you wished you could have included? Why didn't it fit in?
There was going to be a scene where Max stepped out into the rain and would just stand in there. She was just gonna kinda sit there and all those emotions would just barrel towards her. She’d be trying to process all of it when Rachel would find her and get her out of the rain. I would’ve also included Rachel just helping Max take a bath because of her sort of spacey state. Chloe was also going to have more of role too where she’d just hold Max a while after she got out of the bath. Even some wholesome talking while the three of them were in the bathroom with only Rachel and Chloe talking.
Ultimately, though, I didn’t add it in. Of course, I really wish I could, but it was really difficult to try and write someone processing emotions about things while also trying to have a whole side story going on literally right next to them. I’ve done it before, but with Max’s trauma I want to do it justice and at the time I felt like I couldn’t so I just didn’t add it in. And it also just felt like too much? Like the story wouldn’t have fit if I added the scene. Though, honestly I should’ve just tried and heavily edited it and then just send it out there.
19 - Is this one of your personal favorite fics? Why or why not?
With all of my fics ever, I actually hated it for a long time. I get really insecure about my writing and tend to think I’ll never get anywhere with it. I’m extremely pessimistic and when I got such a positive response on my work it really encouraged me. I was like “okay, wow, maybe I don’t suck that much.” And with all my fics again, after a while of not reading it and just focusing on other things, it grew on me. Now it holds a nice place in my heart because I feel like I did fairly well on it. Plus it was the first story that helped kick me off into actually wanting to write more on AO3.
Personal favorite is a little bit of a stretch, but it’s not unreasonable. Definitely a favorite.
Thank you for asking!! Again, I will never shut up so please ask away if you want to, I don’t mind sharing anything about my process!! :)
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annqbthchse · 3 years
Agathas casting + Sofia Wylie
hi I just chugged 2 redbulls, ranted to my friend for like an hour about this because the amount of absolute disrespect and just plain racism i've seen about the casting infuriates me. so here are some of the comments i've seen and my opinion/reaction to them (this is literally just a passionate brain explosion done quite late at night -10pm-  and vv quickly so I apologise if some points are missing/worded weirdly!!)
“she isn’t how she looks in the books” || “i’m all for diversity but [🙄] why did they make the pale one a POC” || “it doesn’t make sense for agatha to be played by a black actress”
for those saying it doesn't make sense for agatha to be plated by a black women,,,  what are you talking about!!! IT ACTUALLY DOES THO???? if anything it makes more sense and adds more weight to her storyline and character arc! her entire arc is realising she has been beautiful ALL ALONG. its just her low self esteem and the impossibly and very eurocentric high beauty standards that's she's up against at the school for good & in Gavaldon keeping her down. having agatha being played by a WOC is perfect because that is something we unfortunatly have to face on a daily basis. it makes for a wider range of people to see agatha and her experiences and be able to relate to someone whose place in society mirrors their own. and isn’t that great??? SHOULDN’T WE WANT THAT????yes. we should.
as a WOC myself, when i found out the news I literally called my friend at like 8am to be like “HOLY SHIT :DDDD” its exciting!! i know that a lot of people loved agatha because they could relate to her and that's great! but you still have that!! book agatha isn’t going anywhere. she's still there! like i've said before, Sofia as agatha allows MORE people to be able to relate to her character. This is an amazing decision and these kind of changes in the adaptation should be welcomed and encouraged. i
and also you can’t just pick and choose what characters can/cannot be black. that literally makes 0 sense and isn’t how it works. having agatha - one of the films lead-  as a WOC is a big deal and suggesting that instead have the side characters have diverse actors infuriates me. why does it have to be a side character??? it makes as much sense for agatha to be black as it does any other side character and sofia is perfect!
ALso Soman (who first published SGE in 2013) probably just used whatever beauty standards at the time and ran with it. but hey, it's literally 2020 and if this year has taught us anything it's that times are changing! casting a diverse lead for a book that has a predominantly white cast reflects that change! its great! tbh before the casting news, i was very apprehensive about the movie because of some of the problematic themes and events that occur but this casting is the step in the right direction! it shows that at least on some level the people making the movie are all aware of its wrongdoings and adapting the movie to better fit and reflect a wider audience in 2020.which is what we all (or at least should) want!!
“She doesnt have straight black hair so she can’t possibly play agatha”
first of all her hair is gorgeous!!! and does it really matter that she wont have straight hair??? will you die if one fictional character doesn't have straight hair?? no. you won't. and she shouldn’t have to straighten, use relaxers or wear a wig to play the role. hollywood has a long standing history of making diverse (predominantly Black!!) actresses having to fit Eurocentric beauty standards LIKE having straight hair. and using relaxes can also be a really traumatising and degrading experience for black women and its unfair for people demand that she can only play agatha if she “fixes” her hair. and yea again it has some very racist undertones. but dudes this is HAIR we’re talking about people. it's such a stupid finicky detail to hyperfocus on that won’t even affect the plot or the movie in any big way. I for one would love to see Sofia play Agatha with her beautiful, gorgeous, natural hair!
we all have our different interpretations and visions of agatha and that's ok! but with that and the movie you have to be realistic. there is no way they could’ve casted the ‘perfect’ agatha. even if they did stick to her book descriptions. you can't please everyone and people will always have opinions and something to say about it
“I can’t see her as agatha because of her previous disney roles”
bruh it's called acting. and you know another famous actress known for the classic disney roles and is now an emmy award winning actress?? ZenDAYA. yea. stfu. we haven’t even seen them in their full costumes or anything, hell this is really the first big information that we’ve had! give it some time,,, lets see the rest of the cast, the costumes, the sets and THEN decide if “she's not my agatha” c’mon guys!! she's insanely talented (a triple threat at 16!!!) and criticising her casting of agatha based on one photo - which literally says nothing about her performance- does have some severe racist undertones no matter how many times you try to defend yourself using the classic “i’m not racist but-” excuse.  
The people who casted her are literal professionals. they do this for a LIVING and have been for ages. SO ofc they would’ve casted the perfect person for the role. these are the same people who casted Harry Potter. pls just have faith in the process. they don’t want the movie to be a flop any more than we do. they picked her for a reason and i'm sure that in time we will see the exact same reasons they do
“I wanted asian agatha so i’m very disappointed in this casting”
I get it, I do but honestly,, c’mon dude A WIN FOR ONE OF US IS A WIN FOR ALL!! all minorities are all severely underrepresented in hollywood rn and idk about y’all but i’m taking this as a massive win for all us POC regardless of whether she's black, brown or asian.
“Sofias too beautiful” || “Agatha's supposed to be ugly >:(”
Agatha has literally been “beautiful all along”. the problem isn’t that she's ugly, its just that she's had impossibly low self esteem and doesn't see herself that way because of the impossibly high (mostly eurocentric) beauty standards she's held against. and with the ugly casting??? you really want them to put out a casting call specifically calling for someone ugly?? what would that even entail?? dudes The Lord of the Rings TV show tried that shit here in NZ a lil bit ago and it did NOT go down well lmao. you can’t just cast an ‘ugly’ person. also ‘hollywood’ ugly is still hot (e.g She's all That ) so idk what you guys were expecting????
pls remember Sofia is literally 16 (!!!!), she's so young and must’ve been SO excited to have gotten this role!! and if we can see all these comments, she definitely can so just be kind. ok
Sofia is absolutely gorgeous and the perfect agatha and i’m very excited to see more of her ❤️
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powered-if · 2 years
Hey dear author! Idk if I’ve sent something to you before, so I apologize if you aren’t a fan of repeats! I love your story idea and your characters! I feel like they’re all in desperate need for a hug and head pats! My MC is more than ready to provide all the love!
I had a RO ask for you if that’s ok! If it’s spoilers or you do not want to answer, I’m more than fine with that!
In the deep crushing stage, how would the RO’s act if MC surprised them by taking them to a secret quiet area in nature they use for peace, and gave them a lap pillow (all of this is done with consent). During the lap pillow, the MC strokes the RO’s hair as to help lull the RO’s to relax and rest.
I really am excited for more of this story! I hope you’re well! Thank you in advance!
Hey, thank you for the ask! ❤️ I don't think you have, and if you by repeats mean several asks from the same person (?) I absolutely do not have a problem with it (on the contrary, I love seeing people come by again :))
I squealed when I saw this! Thank you so much, you're super sweet 🥺🥺🥺 I am doing fairly well, it could be better but it's absolutely fine haha
About the actual ask... it could be slightly spoilery, but it's really cute so I'm just going to answer with their thoughts instead of how they act :)
Daniel: God, she's so beautiful... stop it.
Ilide: I love him— that's it, I'm doomed.
Indigo: This is a totally normal friend thing. Friends do this. Do they? Should I tell them about— I'm misreading this, am I not? But what if—
Simon: Oh. Oh.
Jake: Don't fidget. Nice and easy— breathe in... breathe out. Oh, but she looks really pretty from here...
Rosie: I don't do this with people. What is happening to me?
Nathan: I wouldn't let anyone else do this... huh. I'm in deep.
Charlie: Relax. This is relaxing— stop thinking. Why do I want to kiss them so badly?
Kateline: I could stay here forever.
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mallowstep · 3 years
(Reed anon again)
Just--wtf did Riverclan do with Reedpaw when everyone was rescued? Even in Canon? Like, poor fucking Mistyfoot--two of her kits are with her, but her third and final kit is still in enemy territory, still underneath Tigerstar's paw, Blackfoot is still his mentor. If even a *hint* of Reedpaw's true parentage got out, he'd be fucked. He and Leopardstar would both probably be dead, Leopard carrying Tiger's legacy or not. Tbh I wouldn't doubt Tigerstar'd be petty enough just to kill all of Riverclan itself. Like...Greystripe, you fucking LIVED in Riverclan for a few fucking MOONS. How do you forget or at least NOT recognize/remember the queen that nursed your kits' own kits? You told Firestar you visited them every chance you had. Like...Grey, I get you were worried for you daughter, but dude...you left a child who you saw as a baby to a toddler (thereabouts) under a war criminal. Someone you KNOW had a subordinate who was not against poisoning kits with deathberries. Someone who tried to kill his OWN apprentice. Then, in the Leopard AU, this kid is stuck in the apprentices den during the rescue. Leopardstar and Mudfur cannot get him out without alerting Shadowclan Apprentices. They chose Mistyfoot and Featherpaw's heath and safety (which, at this point it's better than nothing.) And Misty has to choose Feather when Mudfur leads them out of their prison. He then gets to see the absolute horror of his LEADER, murdered, loose a life, to this Monster, see her go through what his mother did, only that IT'S far, far, worse than anything that'd been done at this point. He sees his clan's medicine cat turn against their leader, verbally agreeing and harassing her...just... this poor boy.. In Canon, Misty Au, Leopard AU it all sucks. Dark AU, not so much--still horrific, but Blackfoot is Reed's father in that one, so as his mentor Reed's safety is somewhat assured had Tigerstar not realized Reedpaw was Misty's kit, and that Misty's kits had not all died.
oh my god anon why r u so Damn Good at making me feel things
okay okay okay hm. i'm just gonna -- yeah i'm just gonna put the whole thing under a cut bc i'm a lil too tired to do the thing where i start with the pg-13 and below stuff and then do a cut.
cw: sexual assault, parent being involved in sexual assault of child
heck if i know. i'm like. 100% sure mistyfoot's kits were forgotten about. they were nameless characters for a Long time. reedpaw isn't in any of the allegiances for riverclan in tpb. i...like. i've read tpb how many times? and i honestly didn't know mistyfoot had kits until i checked out the warriors wiki and was like. oh. she had kits? with blackclaw? what the fuck?
i wouldn't put money on it, but i have a feeling the scene involving mistyfoot and her kits could be read as riverclan kits in general. again, wouldn't put money on that, it's just a hunch.
anyway, i kind of just. mistyfoot could have had another litter in the year between tpb and tnp, or during po3, or literally any other time and then we wouldn't have the reedpaw problem (tm).
what the FUCK
he's fucking like. several YEARS old. he's 2 and a half years old and he's a fucking apprentice oh my god just give mistyfoot a second litter it is not that hard.
actually. since mistyfoot's litter isn't named...new hc that reedwhisker is a different litter? hm. anyway.
my tangent on the reedpaw problem aside;
oh yeah, he's so fucking dead. imo prob not him and leopardstar -- riverclan would Riot if their leader was killed, and tbh, so would part of shadowclan -- but him and blackclaw. damn.
and yeah? idk? god. i don't know. tbf he's not in prison i don't even know. altho. actually, to give greystripe some credit -- the fact that mistyfoot doesn't ask to go back for him and how risky the riverclan rescue is, i think "not going back" is actually a reasonable choice.
honestly do we have an erin statement that reedwhisker is part of the same litter as prim and co. it's not on the wiki. i want to know. because i think everyone just assumed he was and -- maybe there is a statement but i want to see it.
because mistyfoot is not the type to abandon her kit. like. what? no. mistyfoot? mistyfoot? my brother just died but i am fucking fine get me the hell out of here mistyfoot? no i know i'm starving but like hell you can apprentice featherpaw to someone else mistyfoot? you're telling me SHE would leave a kit behind without so much as a word about him? fat fucking chance.
in conclusion, unless someone can provide evidence an erin said reedwhisker was part of mistyfoot's first litter, i'm going to assume the intention was that he was a second litter.
and back to the actual topic, now that i'm done for real hopefully.
yeeep. he can't be rescued. and -- mistyfoot has very few choices here. featherpaw is dying, reedpaw is safe for the moment, she won't get another chance. she's not happy about it -- she misses him so terribly much -- but she doesn't. yeah. god. that angst. i hope like. someone somehow just Tries to let reedpaw know it wasn't voluntary.
(i'm not Much One for "you left me you didn't love me" angst if you Can't tell. a pinch of it for flavour, but not as a main plot line, y'know? nothing wrong with it it's very good i just don't like writing it.)
god -- god. in my mind tigerstar takes the life from leopardstar privately bc riverclan would fucking riot but just. reedpaw realizes what's happening. so he follows bc of course he does. he's not the reason tigerstar knows what's going on, but he thinks he is.
and he's there hiding and he sees tigerstar kill leopardstar and hears him tell mudfur what's going to happen and he's sitting there in a bush or something just trying not to so much as twitch because he's so dead if tigerstar finds him. he's so fucking dead.
so he just sits there until long after tigerstar and leopardstar and mudfur have left and when he gets back to camp everyone wonders where he went and he can't explain.
and it feels terrible but he realizes tigerstar is still gloating over everything because as pissed as he is that he lost mistyfoot -- now he's truly taken out every thread of riverclan's leadership.
(frankly no i still think tigerstar's most effective control method for riverclan would be to tell stonefur that if he messes up, he'll kill the apprentices and/or mistyfoot and/or rape mistyfoot, and do leopard au on leopardstar, therefore getting all 3 riverclan leaders in blind obedience to him. he'd have to be much more discrete about leopardstar, maybe convince the clans it's a political thing, i'm not sure. the point is, nothing would Visibly be wrong, all three leaders are just going for this, and so of course riverclan would go along with it. but tigerstar's too much of a prideful asshole to appreciate another culture in enough depth to manipulate them effectively.)
anyway. so reedpaw realizes like -- ah yes. i'm escaping punishment because tigerstar is distracted. and -- god. yeah. oh my god.
and at first like -- he doesn't like. witness anything. tigerstar has some sense of subtly. not a ton -- but enough. direct evidence would be a problem. so no, reedpaw is just sitting with this knowledge in his head. mistyfoot escaped and she was carrying tigerstar's kits (was she? he hadn't seen her he misses her so much he hopes prays she's safe), so now leopardstar is going to.
and the thing about letting things sit like that is that the brain is very, very powerful.
(He called my mother a whore, Reedpaw thinks, and he wants to throw up when he remembers it.
Tigerstar and Leopardstar and Mudfur are having a conversation again and Reedpaw thinks of how Tigerstar would wrap his tail around Mistyfoot, like they were mates, and he wonders what Tigerstar would say if he didn't have to pretend.)
so. you know. yeah. good angst oh my god.
and now mudclaw has flipped from -- one of his best protectors to a great enemy. see, here's the thing. tigerstar only tells mudfur he's going to make him watch. leopardstar ain't dead that long. so reedpaw doesn't know what shadepelt knows and shadepelt would tell him but if shadepelt tries to talk to reedpaw...bad for the both of them.
and reedpaw is around blackfoot and blackfoot is a good guard and how long until -- reedpaw is asked to tell blackfoot something while blackfoot is on guard and he hears mudfur say, "You're a slut like your mother" and he -- can't. maybe he freezes, can't remember what he was supposed to tell blackfoot.
("Spit it out," Blackfoot says, but Reedpaw can't remember why he's even here.
"Even your own father thinks you're just a useless whore," Tigerstar says. He's not speaking loud -- Reedpaw would have to strain to hear the words if his entire world hadn't narrowed down to them.
"Reedpaw," Blackfoot growls. "Spit it out.")
hm. yes. god. bad. good. damn.
and yes the dark au seems like. once again "the angst is very different so i don't know how to rank its magnitude because emotions don't work like that" but. on one hand -- his dad. protection. safety. good. on the other -- his dad really did let two of his siblings die and his mom get raped, huh.
hm. good stuff.
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