#i would start taking pictures the week before of the empty venue lol
kehlanies · 1 year
2 notes · View notes
athenasbloodyspear · 3 years
Don’t Make Me Beg Now Baby
Hello fellow Greta Van Freaks. This is my very first Greta fic! I hope you enjoy.
Note: This fic contains mature themes, discussions of past non-con (no members of GVF involved) and drug use. Minors DNI. 18+ only and please take care of yourselves. (See Ao3 for full tag list)
You can also read this fic on Ao3 if you prefer!
Jake Kiszka x Original Female Character
Picture this: The boys are in Northern Michigan to write the new album and they meet a wild young woman who works at a local record store who has a rough history with rock bands.
She doesn’t want to fall into the same traps she fell into before. He doesn’t want to hurt her.
The rest of them just want them to figure their shit out.
Note: While this fic is based on the members of Greta Van Fleet, I obviously do not know them personally (lol) and nearly 99% of this is a fever dream I decided to write down. Some tid bits are based on things said in interviews/photos/songs but please do not come for my neck if you dislike my portrayals as this is a STORY that I have entirely made up.
This will be a slow burn, overly dramatic, cliché fest of me missing my Mitten State and wishing more than anything I could move back home. Their music makes me homesick and for that I’ll never forgive them. ;)
Chapter Under the Cut
The tiny bell on the door to “The Edge” clanked as Jake pushed his way in, followed by Josh, Sam and Danny. The afternoon sun streamed through the slats in the windows at a harsh angle, illuminating the swirling dust. The boys all immediately took a deep breath. They all loved the smell of this place. A mix of dusty old vinyl's, incense and weed. 
The Edge was the shop owned by an old friend, Levi, who had been a longtime family friend of the Kiszka’s. The boys had made the near three hour drive to the shop whenever they had a spare weekend in their younger years. They bought Levi out of his guitar strings and drumsticks and always looked through the boxes of vinyl's hoping to find treasures. Levi sold an eclectic mix of music equipment, records, books, home goods and comically horrific coffee. 
The Edge is where they had each bought their very first instruments, had their first beers and even smoked their first joint. It was a special place for them. 
The old wood floors creaked with every step, the wood walls were covered with old articles from Rolling Stone, photos Levi had taken and autographs from the artists who had cycled through the place over the years. There were stacks upon stacks of vinyl's. Shelves of old autobiographies and music theory books. There were speakers stacked from floor to ceiling, and the whole right side of the store was jam packed with basses and guitars. The back corner had a few keyboards and a drum set, but plenty of catalogues to pick even more instruments from. There were cases of drumsticks and guitar picks and strings. The middle of the store had tables full of incense, candles and interesting home goods. There were tables where local artists sold jewelry, art pieces and furniture. It was full to the brim, most shelves rising way up to the ceiling. Most needed a ladder to reach the top. The basement had a sound studio with even more equipment set up to be used to record, or to test out. 
Levi had inherited the place from his father, who had built up quite a legendary roster of friends over his years. The shop was just off Front Street on the main drag of Traverse City. Levi’s father had made a name for himself as a great host to bands looking to escape to northern Michigan to hole up in cabins and write albums. Levi continued the tradition and took it a step further by buying the space next door and turning it into a club with live music on the weekends. 
If you were lucky, you could catch some super huge bands playing for only about 100 people in the dark side room of The Edge. 
“You bastards finally made it!” Levi called out as he came sauntering out of the back room. Levi looked the exact same as the last time the boys had seen him. Tanned skin from his days paddle boarding and hiking along the Lake Michigan shore, sandy blonde hair that was brighter in the summer, perpetual 5-o-clock shadow because he just couldn’t be bothered to shave, shell necklace around his neck, light wash jeans low on his hips with the same old cowboy boots he’d been wearing since the boys were 12. 
“Is that grey hair I see Levi?” Josh leaned forward with an exaggerated squint. Levi laughed, snagging Josh’s head to give him a noogie. 
“I may be older than you punks by a few years, but I’m not greying yet.” Levi released Josh from his headlock and gave him a shove. 
“I’d say 37 is more than a few years older than us, grandpa.” Sam snarked. 
“You’re makin me regret extending my hospitality, kid.” 
Jake felt himself relax fully for the first time in a really long time. It was just like old times. Exactly what the boys needed. 
“Welcome back dudes. I’m surprised I’m still cool enough for you Rockstar types.” Levi crossed his legs and leaned back against the front counter. 
“We’ll never be too cool for The Edge. This place will always be way cooler than we could ever be.” Danny piped up, walking forward to wrap Levi in a hug. 
“It’s been too long man.” Levi commented as he smacked Danny on the back. 
“We know.” Sam said “Way too fuckin long.” He hugged Levi next. Josh and Jake followed up with hugs next. The room was heavy with a tinge of melancholy. Old friends who had missed each other finally reunited. 
“Well, have you guys been to the house yet?” Levi stepped around the counter and started pouring four cups of the famous nasty coffee. 
“Yeah we dropped our bags off before we headed into town.” Danny spoke up. 
“Isn’t it sweet?” Levi asked enthusiastically. 
“It’s wicked man. Thanks so much for getting that set up for us.” Josh grinned as he snagged a cup off the counter. 
The house was a mid century modern cabin right on the east bay shore. It came equipped with a huge garage studio, front deck and a dock out into the bay. Levi had bought the house in foreclosure and along with help from a bunch of locals (in exchange for beer of course) they turned the house into a perfect getaway for any artists looking to come take a break up north. The place had five bedrooms and three bathrooms with a giant living room with overstuffed couches and velvet chairs. The walls were covered in art and the shelves were full to bursting with plants. It was a kaleidoscope of colors and textures,  with mix matched rugs and lamps. It was Levi’s pride and joy. 
“I’m so glad you guys like it.” Levi smiled even bigger as he passed coffees to the rest of the boys. “Once you’re a little more settled, feel free to send me a list of equipment you want me to set up downstairs and you can start coming in whenever to work. But also, I think you should probably take a week or two off first. You all look about two seconds away from collapsing.” 
“Yeah we’re pretty fuckin beat dude. But we’ll send you a list ASAP.” Jake said, taking a burning sip of the coffee. It singed his nerve endings and he couldn’t have been happier about it. 
Levi opened his mouth to speak again, when a voice filtered through the window to the loft above the store. 
“Yo Levi!” the person shouted “Can you please get off your fuckin ass and pick music to play? I know Wednesdays are your day to pick but if you take forever I’m just gonna put on whatever I want and you can suck it.”
All four boys' heads snapped up to the window to the loft, but whoever was up there couldn’t be seen. All they could see was that the loft had clearly gotten a makeover. What used to be an upper level where Levi stored surplus supplies now looked like it had a plush velvet couch, lava lamps and plants in it. 
“Alright alright! I’ll get on it.” Levi called back up, shaking his head and chuckling to himself as he walked toward the central sound system behind the counter to scroll through Spotify playlists. 
“Who the fuck is that and what have you done to the loft?” Josh asked, hopping up to sit on the counter. 
“That would be the very best thing that’s ever fallen into my lap. A.k.a my new store and venue manager Maven. She moved back to the area after living in Hollywood for a few years managing bands and she completely changed my life. We finally have consistent stock, a longstanding line up at the club and I have had the time to start photography again. Truly a godsend, if not occasionally a pain in my ass. She turned the loft into a breakroom of sorts.  There’s a couch and table up there now. She practically lives up there sometimes.” 
“Damn she must be some woman if she finally got you to get your shit together with that club.” Sammy piped up. 
“She’s hellfire, I’ll tell yah that.” Levi chuckled, finally hitting play on a playlist. The first bars of Surfin USA by the Beach Boys came on the surround system and matching groans came out of Jake downstairs and Maven upstairs. 
“Not this shit again!” Maven yells. Jake chuckled to himself. Hellfire indeed. 
“It’s my day to pick so suck it!” Levi called back before faux stage whispering to the boys “I mostly just play this to piss her off.”
Levi clapped his hands together once “Well boys, It’s close enough to five o'clock and I owe you a beer. Let’s head over to Little Fleet for some grub and beers and we can catch up.” 
Josh grimaced as he sucked down the last bit of his coffee before lobbing the empty cup into the trash at the end of the counter. “You still make shit coffee Levi.” 
“It’s the one thing I wouldn’t let Maven fix.” Levi said with a grin as all five men exited out the back door. 
The boys took a week to relax, as per Levi’s request. They spent the days hiking the shore, kayaking and drinking beer around the fire. It had been way too long since they’d done this. The release of The Battle at Garden’s Gate had been exhilarating and the fans' response had been everything they’d hoped for. People seemed to love the album and they were all so proud. But with press interviews and touring, they hadn’t gotten more than a day or two to relax at a time. And they certainly hadn’t gotten a chance to get back to their favorite old haunts in years. 
They stopped by the store almost every morning for a cup of coffee strong enough to jumpstart their hearts. Sometimes Levi joined them on their escapades, and sometimes he stayed behind to help out at the store. The boys spent a few afternoons sifting through albums and strumming on some of Levi’s vintage guitars. 
Mostly they caught up on each other's lives. The boys recounted their more personal lives that happened outside the coverage of the album and Levi talked about the past few years of his life in Traverse City. Levi told them all about Maven and how she was practically his little sister. They laughed. They drank. They had a blast. 
The boys noticed Levi was a little on edge occasionally, typically when they heard someone shuffling upstairs or equipment moving around in the backroom of the shop. They assumed it was Maven but weren’t sure, since they had yet to see her in the flesh. A week from their arrival they were all sitting in lawn chairs in the alley behind the store, smoking cigs and drinking their coffee when Sam finally asked. 
“So, why haven’t we met your precious Maven yet? Hiding her from us or something?” 
Levi shifted a bit in his chair. “Um..” he coughed out a laugh. “I am actually. Yes. But it’s the other way around, I’m hiding you from her.” 
“Afraid she’ll fan-girl or something?” Josh commented as he ashed his cigarette.  
“In… a sense.” Levi coughed. “But in quite the opposite way you’re imagining.” 
“She’s a fan then?” Sammy piped up.
“She loves your music. A lot.” Levi sniffed and coughed again. “It’s a real safe haven for her. When she’s having a bad day I catch her upstairs laying on the floor smoking a J with sound cancelling headphones blasting your albums as loud as she can.” 
“Exactly how it’s meant to be enjoyed. With a joint in hand.” Jake chimes in.  
“Yeah..” Levi toes the asphalt a bit with his boots, but doesn’t continue.
“Soooo” Sammy drawls “Why can’t we meet her? We’re no stranger to super fans. I’m sure she’s cool.” 
“Um, well. It’s a bit complicated.” Levi heaves a sigh before flicking his cigarette butt into the coffee canister at the center of their little circle. “I suppose I can trust you guys. You’re friends. Do you remember the huge lawsuit that the band Undercover Heart went through last year? The one about the um” He coughs again, “Rape of one of their staff members by the lead singer Ryan?” 
“Yes. That shit was horrific man.” Danny spoke up. “I read all the details I could. They kept the poor girl's identity private but goddamn I felt so bad for her. She was a badass for filing that suit though.” 
“Yeah. She was.” Levi breathed. “So, this is strictly off record and if you repeat this to anyone I will skin you all alive, famous rock stars be damned.” 
“Jesus Levi.” Jake said. 
“It was her.” Levi choked out. “Maven. That’s why she ran back from Hollywood and ended up here. That dude messed her up and she just… she struggles with meeting famous bands now. You know how many people cycle through this joint writing stuff. She just… has a really fuckin hard time with it sometimes. Particularly bands she likes. I think it’s because once you meet someone, and in her case, discover how much of a monster they can be, their music isn’t… safe anymore.” 
“Fuck.” Jake said, flicking his cigarette into the canister. 
“Well I feel terrible for joking about her being a fangirl.” Josh mutters. 
“She just genuinely loves you guys a lot. I never really told her I was an old friend because I didn’t want her to be worried about y’all stopping by. I just know that if she knows you’re here she’ll take off and avoid coming by the shop as much as she can and not only do I need her here, but I think she needs the safety of the shop too. I didn’t want to wreck it.” Levi sighs again. “I know she’ll find out you’re here eventually, it’s inevitable. I just was a coward and didn’t want to break the news to her.” 
“She was a pretty well known band manager wasn’t she?” Danny asks. “She like… completely made Undercover Heart what it was. Before they hired her they were slated to be a one hit wonder but she hauled them into relevancy basically by her will alone.” 
“Yeah. She basically built that man's career for him. She gave him everything, and he took everything from her. If I ever see the man I’m liable to get my ass thrown in prison.” Levi mutters.
“I’ll help.” Danny says immediately. 
All five sit in silence for a few minutes, smoking the last of their cigarettes. When they’d all finished, they stood and stretched to head back inside the shop. 
“So yeah. Anyway, If you see her that’s fine, just… well now you have context for… her.” Levi says as he yanks open the door. 
A few steps into the back hallway, Levi suddenly halts, causing all four boys to nearly bash into each other. The front door to the shop had crashed open and there were footsteps stomping across the store toward the front desk. 
“Listen Levi,” Maven’s tense voice carried down the back hall. “I know Wednesdays are usually your day for music but I’m having an absolute shit fucking day so I’m playing Greta all day and there’s absolutely nothing you can fucking do about it, kapeesh?” 
The very opening chords of Edge of Darkness scratch through the speakers after she finishes her sentence and the boys all exchange a slightly amused look, grins spread on all of their faces. 
“Kapeesh.” Levi calls out to her. He spins and silently nods to the boys to head toward the back door. The boys attempt to be as quiet as they can as they creep toward the door. 
“Also, Levi?” Maven calls again. Everyone halts in their tracks. “You said there was a band coming in soon. Are they here yet? Do you need me to set up the backroom?” 
“Uh, yeah they’re here.” Levi squeaks. All five men share nervous looks. “They’re uh… up at the house.” He cringes at his lie. “I’m getting an equipment list from them today and then you can get started. 
“Cool cool.” Maven calls back. “Do you think I’ll like their stuff?” 
“Uh. Yeah.” Levi grins then. “I think you will.” 
“Wicked.” Maven calls back. 
All five men repress giggles as they skedaddle out the back door and into the alley. 
The next morning the boys wake up to a group text from Levi. 
A weird request, but they did as they were told. They all piled into the SUV they had rented and headed to the shop. Danny peeled open the back door as quietly as he could, and Sammy opened the door to the stairs. They tiptoed down and through the door at the end of the stairs that opened into the booth of a sound studio. Levi sat in front of all the mixing boards with a cup of coffee to his lips. He glanced over at them and softly said “coffees on the table.” 
“Why the weird text?” Jake asked. 
“Because of that.” Levi responded softly, pointing through the dark glass into the soundstage. 
The sound stage was littered with mismatched rugs, and a few milk crates that doubled as tables. There was a gorgeous seafoam green drum set toward the back wall and stands full of various guitars and basses. Along the left wall was a piano and a Mellotron set up exactly to the specifications Sam sent over. However, with all these beautiful instruments to look at that would normally catch their eye, it was the woman sitting on stool in the center, cradling a dark purple Fender guitar that made Jake stop in his tracks. 
Maven, Jake had to guess that’s who it was, was wearing checkered distressed pants, with a ripped up old band t-shirt cropped at her ribs, revealing a sliver of the rounded part of her stomach. Over top she was wearing an orange leopard print cardigan that ran down to her thighs. Around her neck was a series of long necklaces, and her wrists were adorned with interlacing leather bands. 
She was plucking out a melody with her eyes closed, rocking back and forth on the stool. Jake had seen countless numbers of people playing the guitar before. On the road, in the studio, studying old masters on YouTube. There was nothing overly special about the way she was sitting or playing, but he felt a little bit like he couldn’t breathe. 
“She never fuckin plays anymore man.” Levi whispered. “It felt like magic hearing music coming out of the basement this morning. I just felt like you should see it.” 
The melody she was playing was sad. Haunting is a better way to put it, and Jake couldn’t look away. Not even when Sammy placed a cup of burning hot coffee into his hands. She was moving her head along with her playing, the strands of her dark messy hair shaking back and forth. The group watched in silence as she played out the riff a few times, Levi cranked the volume of the mics in the space and they could hear her humming softly. 
“She has a strong presence.” Josh murmured. 
Maven suddenly stopped. Everyone froze as she heaved a sigh and stood from the stool to put the guitar back on it’s rack. 
“You in there Levi?” Maven said then. The boys still didn’t move a muscle. Jake’s head was spinning, having finally seen the face that went with the voice he’d heard in the loft for a week. She was beautiful. He couldn’t even really put his finger on why, but he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Even seeing her through the thick dark glass of the studio. 
Levi hit the button to the mic in the booth and responded “Yah.” He paused before adding. “Sounded good.” 
Maven snorted in a self-deprecating way and said “Thanks.” 
Levi hit the mic button again and said “You should play more.”
“Don’t push it Levi.” Maven snapped back. Levi released the button to his mic and let out a heavy sigh. “Can you check some levels on the lines for me? I think I have everything pretty good but I want to make sure before they get here today.” 
“Sure.” Levi replied. 
Maven pulled the amp cord out of the Fender she had been playing on and plugged it into another guitar, one more similar to the guitars that Jake regularly used while they wrote. 
“Are we looking for a punk or a rock-y sound?” Maven asked. 
“Um.” Levi hesitated. “Rock. Their sound is like…” He tossed a small smile over his shoulder at the boys. “Like Greta’s actually.” 
“Dope. I hope they’re not just copying the boys. They’ve got a mellotron in here and everything.” The boys smiled. She pounded out a few chords on the guitar. “Good?” 
Levi looked over at Jake for confirmation. Jake, who still had not taken his eyes off Maven, nodded. 
“Yeah, that should be good for raw sound. They can play with stuff too. They’re a pretty well educated bunch.” Levi called back.
“Thank god.” Maven snorted. “Not like that indie punk bunch you booked last month who needed me to do fucking all their sound mixing for them.” 
“Maven, I don’t think they kept asking you down here because they need help with their sound.” 
Maven just rolled her eyes at that.  
They repeated the process with each instrument, Levi silently asking for confirmation from the respective Greta member until they were sure the sound lines were all functioning properly. 
“Great work kid.” Levi called into the studio. 
“Ew don’t call me kid. I’m a 27 year old woman.” Maven called back. 
Levi chuckled. “You’re a kid to me.” 
“Whatever.” Maven muttered. “I’m gonna go take a walk along the beach. Smoke a little. Text me if they need me.” 
“Will do.” Levi called back. The boys all tensed, looking for places to hide, or to run up the stairs and back into the alley. Luckily, Maven took the back door out of the studio and up another hallway instead.
“Well boys, it’s all you.” Levi said. “Text if you need anything.” 
Sam piped up and said “Yeah actually, can you pick my brother’s jaw up off the floor?” 
“Jake see pretty lady play guitar and Jake brain break.” Josh teased. 
“You guys suck.” Jake grumbled. 
Levi cackled. “I thought you’d like her.”  
Maven walked along the coast of the bay and absentmindedly smoked a joint. It was an overcast and drizzly day which meant there was no one around, which she preferred anyway. She was feeling on edge. The drizzle was very slowly building a small sheen of water on her arms and hair, but she didn’t mind. The cool water and gentle breeze combination was perfect. 
Maven sat her butt down in the sand and stared out at the waves. She normally wore headphones on her walks, her world was a near constant stream of music, but she had opted for silence today. 
Levi was being weird. He was edgy around her all week, sending her out every morning for tasks and disappearing without saying where he was going around 4:30 every day. She had come to the conclusion that whatever band was in town this week was a pretty big name. Or big enough that he was nervous about her being around them. She sighed. She hated when he tiptoed around her. Maven didn’t blame him. When she first started working at the shop she had had a couple pretty bad PTSD episodes that had scared the shit out of him. She owed him everything for staying with her, talking her down and making sure she was fed and had water when she got into one of her states. 
Levi was her best friend, to put it mildly. He cared for her, kept her safe and in return she busted her ass at his store making sure they had the best products, the best shows and that their artist getaway was something that people would go back and tell their friends about. She loved Levi like an older brother, and he cared for her like his little sister. She would forever be grateful to whatever power in the universe made her stumble into The Edge two years ago. 
She had been high out of her mind, as she had been most days after she came running back to Michigan with her tail between  her legs, and Levi had been struggling with an amp in the shop. She had walked in, spotted his struggle and didn’t even say a word to him, just walked over and fixed the wiring so that it was functional again. Levi had looked up from where he sat on the floor and said “You don’t happen to need a job do you?” 
The rest was essentially history. It only took two months of seeing him every single day, and him not letting her sour moods go by unnoticed, for her to spill her guts over some bourbon one night. About Ryan and Undercover Heart and how badly the whole situation fucked her up. How after she’d recorded her testimony she’d boarded the next flight to Grand Rapids and hightailed it up north. She came crash landing into Traverse City because she’d always loved it as a kid, and figured it would be a great place to start over. The small town she’d grown up in had too many people who knew her. 
He was extra careful with bands for a while. Never letting her be alone in a room with too many male band members, and carefully vetting everyone who came through. Eventually she told him off about treating her like a porcelain doll and he backed down a bit, giving her free reign over lots of the equipment set ups and giving her plenty of hours in the shop by herself. She was happy to do so, so Levi could focus on fixing up the artist house and starting his photography again. 
But he was still very gentle with her sometimes, and she’d always love him for it even when it pissed her the fuck off. 
Once she’d smoked the joint down to the roach, she tucked the end into her pocket. It was sacrilegious to litter near the lake. It was too precious to be fucked with. She meandered back toward the shop. Her plan was to grab her bag and head back to let her Pitbull, Stacy, out for a walk and pee. The girl had been cooped up all morning and Maven felt bad. 
She threw her whole body against the front door, as the latch often stuck, and the loud sound of the chimes clanged in the empty space. She rolled her eyes. Of course Levi left the shop unattended and unlocked. It was Traverse City, no one was gonna rob them, but what if someone wanted to buy something? 
She was humming softly to herself as she made her way around the edge of the counter and plopped down on the stool by the register. She whipped out her phone to ask Levi where he was. She had the message halfway typed when the door behind her, the one that led to the staff restroom, popped open. 
“You know, crime is especially low in this town but that doesn’t mean someone wouldn’t come in here and try to steal your precious coffee maker.” She tossed over her shoulder. 
“Oh.” Was all that came back. It was decidedly not Levi’s voice. Maven spun back quickly. 
“Sorry I…” But that’s as far as she got. She was suddenly face to face with Jake Kizska and all thoughts quickly left her brain. 
They both stared at each other for a long moment. Maven couldn’t quite figure out why he looked just as shocked to see her as she was to see him. He also almost looked afraid for some reason that Maven couldn’t figure out.
He was dressed in an outfit she’d seen him wear plenty of times. A black button up, half unbuttoned, loose fitting light wash jeans and a pair of well worn boots. His wrists were full of bracelets and his hair was longer than the last time she’d seen footage of their concerts, well past his collarbones at this point. 
“Hi.” Jake finally broke the silence. “I’m Jake.” He reached out his hand for a handshake. 
“I know.” Maven replied, and then coughed. Why did you say that you freak? 
Suddenly the front door bell chimed again, and Maven whipped her head to see Levi coming in the front door. She stood abruptly from her stool, skirted around Jake’s outstretched hand, and out from behind the counter. She scooped up her leather satchel on her way. 
She headed straight at Levi. He glanced over his shoulder and saw an apologetic Jake looking forlorn and lowering his hand back to his side. 
“Oh hey Maven-” 
“Hey dumbass, don’t leave the store unattended again. I’m going home to check on Stacy. Probably won’t be back for the rest of the day.” Maven spit as she stormed past him toward the front door. 
“Maven wait-” 
But she was already outside, the hinges bringing the heavy wood crashing back into the frame. The chime of the bells rang through the space. 
“Sorry.” Jake muttered. 
“Not your fault. I knew she’d find out eventually. Right now she’s probably just pissed I didn’t tell her. Which she has every right to be.” Levi sighed. 
After a few more beats of silence Jake spoke again. “Who’s Stacy?” 
Levi huffed a laugh. “That would be her Pitbull.” 
“Oh.” Jake said again. He felt crazy because his brain couldn’t come up with anything else to say. She was prettier up close. She smelled like the Lake and weed and sandalwood. He really wished she’d taken his hand. He shook his head trying to find his brain in it somewhere. 
The other three boys came clambering up the stairs and into the store. They all looked between Levi, who was still standing in the middle of the shop, and Jake behind the counter. 
“Are you two playing freeze tag or something?” Sam quipped. 
“Jake met Maven.” Levi responded. The boys' heads whipped toward Jake. 
“And… I’m guessing it… went well?” Danny questioned.
Levi finally walked back toward the counter. “She left for the day. This is on me. I should have told her y’all were here.” He snagged his keys from below the counter and walked toward the front door to lock up. “I’m closing early, boys. Let’s go get a beer.” 
“Kowabunga baby.” Josh said with a grin.  
Maven sat curled up on her velvet couch, Stacy was her little spoon. There was incense burning, a bottle of wine open on the side table and a lit joint in the ashtray. She had changed into a giant t-shirt and boxer shorts. The soft sounds of John Denver playing off her record player. 
However, none of these things were easing her mind. 
She was pissed, mostly. At herself. At Levi. She was pissed he didn’t tell her they were coming. She was pissed that he felt he couldn’t tell her. She was pissed that she had acted like a freak in front of Jake. 
The anxiety was an endless pit in her stomach. She couldn’t go back there tomorrow. She couldn’t see any of those people. Not when she felt like this. 
She whipped out her phone and quickly shot a message to Levi, before chugging her whole glass of red wine and snagging the joint out of the ashtray. 
Levi’s phone dinged on the table where all of the guys sat drinking beers and chatting. Levi glanced at it and quickly picked it up when he saw her name. 
“It’s Maven.” He said. 
“What did she say?” Jake asked, sitting up a bit in his chair. 
“Fuck.” Levi said, tossing his phone on the table, still unlocked. 
All four boys leaned in to read the screen. 
“Fuck indeed.” Josh said, pounding back the rest of his beer.
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izzy-b-hands · 4 years
Venus As A Boy
I’ve had Venus As A Boy on repeat on Spotify for like a week now, and I finally decided to do something with the energy it gave me, and I ended up here lol. Didn’t expect it to end up Sledgefu, but...it happened! 
My love to all who read/like/reblog!
“You draw?”
“You know I do,” Eugene replied, his brow furrowed over the sketchpad in his hand, and readjusted on the couch he was sat on. “Don’t wiggle.” 
“You like it when I wiggle.” 
“Normally, sure, but not right now,” Eugene said absent-mindedly. “Tryin’ not to mess this up.”
Snafu nearly moved a leg, then didn’t. “You won’t.”
“You trust me that much?” 
“It’s just me...sitting in a chair...like I died in it or something. Can’t mess that up,” Snafu replied. 
“I bet I could.” 
“Shut up,” Snafu grinned. “Be a better picture if we made it more interesting.” 
Eugene raised an eyebrow as he put down another line for the texture of the chair. “And how would you do that?” 
“Can I show you?” 
Eugene kept his eyes on the sketch. “Sure.” 
He kept his eyes down, even as he heard Snafu moving. He was mostly just putting the chair down now anyway, so he could alter it as needed for whatever Snafu had planned. And he was curious, for sure. 
“Okay, tell me what you think.”
He looked up.
Snafu was nude, his clothes tossed away from the chair across the room, one of the cats already nesting in them. He lounged outstretched across the arms of the armchair, his neck tilted back so his Adam’s Apple stood out, his legs settled carelessly by each other, as if he sat that way every day. 
He looked like he ought to be carved for a sculpture, not depicted in a half-assed practice sketch. 
Snafu’s eyes were shut, but one popped open and looked at him. “You gonna keep going? I think I can hold this for awhile, but in case I can’t you might wanna start gettin’ it down now.” 
Eugene swallowed, and nodded. “Right.” 
Snafu giggled, and closed his eye again, readjusting just a bit. “Go for it, artist boy. You got this.”
He ignored the twitching of his cock in his trousers, and tried to focus on the page, to make the lines flow and match the absolute vision in front of him. How could he possibly do that justice?
It was difficult enough not to get distracted just looking at Snafu, watching the slow rise and fall of his lightly haired chest, the soft bit of pudge on his stomach (thanks to a combination of his mother’s recipes and their consistent inability to cut them down correctly, so they made enough for two people rather than for four or more.) The bit of curled dark hair at the base of his cock, which rested against one of his thighs. How his thighs looked so thin, but Snafu knew from experience were all muscle and sinew, strong when they wrapped around his back in bed. His calves delicate but just as strong, and his feet that, it never failed, would find their way under Eugene’s legs on the colder nights to keep warm. 
He was art, just sitting there in front of him. How could he replicate a masterpiece?
But he could try, if nothing else. And try he did, until his fingers and wrist started to hurt, until his hands were stained from his attempts at shading the way he needed it to be. Until Snafu finally made a sound. 
“Gene, it’s been like two hours. I gotta stretch for a second, okay?” 
He looked up as if he’d been smacked, and nodded. “Yeah, right. Really?”
Snafu smiled. “You’re so damn cute, you know that?” 
“Well, you’re beautiful.” 
Snafu blushed. “Shut it.” 
“You are. If you could have seen yourself a minute ago, you’d agree. If I can get this right, you’ll see what I mean, I promise. Forget my drawing, you could be in the museum yourself!” 
Snafu cackled. “Stop lyin’ to me like that. Sweet as it is.” 
“I mean it,” Eugene stressed, taking a moment to admire the scene as Snafu stretched his arms out, then turned and bent over to stretch his back. 
“Then I wouldn’t be here with you,” Snafu said. “That wouldn’t do at all. Can’t put in a museum, darlin’. Just gonna have to admire me here. Like a personal art collection.”
He yawned, then settled back into his pose on the chair. “How much is left, you figure?” 
Eugene sighed and hesitated. “Give or take another one to four hours?” 
Snafu snorted. “Should I assume four?” 
“Depends,” Eugene replied. “On if I keep gettin’ distracted with how pretty you are.” 
“Oh, go on.” 
“Don’t tell me that, I will. Then this’ll never get finished,” Eugene chuckled. “But you are. Incredibly. From a husband perspective, and an artist perspective.” 
“Good. I was afraid you might be biased,” Snafu said, his eyes shutting again. 
“You’re gonna fall asleep on me!” 
“I swear I will not,” Snafu said, before yawning again. “Just a comfy chair.” 
“What do you swear on?” 
“Your cute ass, how about that?” Snafu smirked. 
Eugene could think of plenty of things he wanted Snafu to do with his ass, but for now, swearing on it as a promise could work. 
After all, he had a sketch to finish. Though it was less a sketch now, and more a full-fledged drawing. 
He’d incorporated the window looking out to the backyard into the background, trying to better show texture on the wood flooring underneath the chair, to get every little detail he could. To make it as close to what he was seeing as possible. 
He zoned in again, only stopping when Snafu coughed. 
“Um. I have to piss. And it’s nearly...shit, lemme check my watch.” 
Snafu climbed out of the chair and retrieved his watch from his pile of clothes, the cat laying on them not disturbed by his rifling through them. “Evening now. We’ve been at this all afternoon.” 
“You go use the bathroom, then come back,” Eugene instructed. “I need to see your wrists, to make sure I got them right.” 
Snafu had let one hand rest behind his head, the other arm stretched down to just barely brush the floor, and Eugene needed to be sure he’d gotten the delicate look of Snafu’s wrist just so. It could be finished then, he’d decided. 
A few minutes later, Snafu wandered back in, and stood in front of him, a hand smelling of the soap by their bathroom sink stretched out. 
He took it carefully, turning it over as he examined Snafu’s wrist, looking for any missed detail. 
“Okay. We’re done.”
Snafu smiled. “Can I see?” 
Eugene patted the empty section of the couch beside him, and handed Snafu the sketchbook. 
Snafu’s eyes went wide. “This...I’m not...” 
Snafu chuckled. “I’m not that pretty. No way in hell.” 
“You are. You just don’t see it ‘cause you’re used to that face of yours, and you don’t see it the way everyone else does,” Eugene said. “I don’t draw things inaccurately.” 
Snafu nodded. “That’s certainly true of your bird sketches. But this...” 
“Is my best work yet, even if I couldn’t quite do you full justice,” Eugene interjected. “If I put this in an art show, I’d have to bring you with so they could see that the real thing is even more beautiful.”
Snafu kissed him softly, then handed the sketchbook back. “Can we frame it? I mean, that sounds vain, but you did a good job, and if we can’t show it off at an art show-” 
Eugene interrupted him with another kiss, and shook his head. “Some art for our private collection. Very rare.” 
“One in a million,” Snafu murmured, his eyes still shut as Eugene moved back from their kiss, his dark eyelashes fluttering when he opened them a moment later. “Just like you.”
They both agreed it wasn’t living room art (the questions they’d get from everyone weren’t worth it, better to decide who could see it and when) and so it took a place of honor in their room, on the wall opposite their bed. 
Eugene’s choice, that. He could look either way, and see Snafu no matter what.
And if that wasn’t the best personal art gallery he could get, then he didn’t know what would be.  
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incarnateirony · 4 years
Thank you for your posts about canon / text / subtext definitions. I do wonder about what makes it 'obvious' to some people that Sam and Eileen have slept together. What do they think about Cas knowing that Dean kept the Colt under his pillow? Or that he's an angry sleeper? That look and gesture Dean gave Cas when he went to have a shower after Michael's first exit? The time he told Sam that Cas had left much earlier in the morning, when he'd clearly just got up himself? I'm confused
I have a simple answer: het goggles.
And yes, LGBT people can have het goggles.
I’m gonna tell you a brief story I’ve posted about before – and someone in the meta community even took an ~offended~ tone about it afterward when they heard about it.
A long time ago, the Dean played in my group (by an LGBT man) and I got tired of backflipping around the gay. In our S13-equivalent plotline (which was divergent, it basically split separate track after Tombstone), our respective climb to the finale, we had an opportunity. We took it. Tada, DeanCas canon! It was obvious, right? We run a genre server, we don’t do private sexy times shit, and one of the most important elements to us was being nonperformative and true to the characters. We sent out our big gay flare signals in public over, of all things, a sacred marriage ceremony and then cut-to next-day, where they were sitting in the kitchen talking. We kept using dialogue we intended to make as obvious as fucking possible and yet we noticed it seemed to be whistling by people.
(allow me to scream into the void as an aside about it being a 7 episode crash course through an inverted alchemical set about carrying marks that Cas ended up bound into with Dean. FREE ME.)
I went to DM and asked him, should we like, tell everyone? But the decision was to NOT, because even the best RPers can let meta things influence them. We wanted character reactions to remain authentic.
For the entire next mytharc (S14-adjacent?) we just kept writing on. And on. And on. And maintained their relationship as public, but as *they* are, as people. An established relationship. We didn’t hide it. And it kept getting missed. We kept dialing up HOW front and center shit was.
I want you to keep in mind, this is a server so full of shippers and LGBT people and LGBT shippers that we have a “token straight.”
And they kept missing it. Because of how this fandom has trained them to dismiss content.
If you want an idea of how bold it was, we were DMing each other like HAHA THEY CANT MISS THIS ONE “BET”, like a challenge, or just deadass “They’re going to miss that canon Destiel mention right there.” slamming out post after post with textual elements over the old missed news. There was even a time Cas joked about reconciliatory seduction, but not being the best at it, so maybe bacon would be better at the moment, or something along those lines. I sat, smugly, waiting for everyone to realize OMG WHAT, I even went to the OOC “Waiting for you guys to kill me”
… “Oh my god give me a minute.” I literally had to walk away from my computer, refill my vape, rub my face down for a minute and DM my Dean, going “WHAT THE FUCK”
Our DeanCas wasn’t lowkey. Hell, it wasn’t even subtext. Just their physical elements were private quarter things and their “I love yous” weren’t really strangled down to that three words, but how they say, or enact it, each in their own ways, every day. 
We literally said, on repeat “oh my god this is what Bobo and Yockey’s DMs look like isn’t it” “Without a doubt tbh”
And I mean shit, there was literally a point that Michael Dean basically killed Cas (without actually kiilling him, it was the jumpscare) in Dean’s bedroom on Dean’s bed after being lured in to talk about some shit by actual-Dean who realized Cas was going off on a sacrificial crash course and he cuffed him down there. So that? Sure, that wasn’t sexy time bedcuffing. But when Michael got his hands on the archangel blade and it killed the angel (grace) not the host (soul), and Cas’ wing prints of his near death were all over the bedroom and everything was broken – when Dean decided to move out to the DeanCave, he took human Cas with him.
Awww isn’t that sweet!! He’s like!! Taking care of Cas during his Empty trauma! was the call. Me and Dean’s player sat there staring like
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Everybody thought it was *hilarious*
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And it wasn’t even just shit like this, we had entire mytharcs playing into it. We had structural callback elements to famous related scenes. We had villains and contagonists addressing them as the mytharc lovers. Everywhere you turned, in any way you can imagine, we were trying to paint this picture without just having them randomly start cuddling in front of everybody. Lines like “DAMNIT CAS, BEFORE WE STARTED THIS, I MADE YOU PROMISE TO NOT MAKE ME YOUR WHOLE WORLD, OR UNIVERSE OR WHATEVER” in raging explosions over crash course choices or whatever else. I can not say ENOUGh how much open textual writing we sprayed out, only for it to be dismissed, brushed over, or even laugh tracked off entirely.
By. LGBT people. And shippers.
And people are *so quick* to shut down content that the few things that *seemed* to run opposite were entirely taken to heart. Eg, at one point, only a few weeks after 1. DeanCas went canon 2. Dean became Dinkle and vanished to the wind, someone had their character start talking to Jack about types of love and that “Dean and Cas need to get their heads out of their ass”, etc, and then Jack sat confused and Jack got talked to about Dean and Cas being dumbasses that need their shit together.
So here comes Cas, wandering into the kitchen to pour himself a cup of coffee and he turns around to Jack GLARING at him and he’s basically like, what, and Jack explodes, as a child do, like “WHY DO YOU HAVE THE SEX WITH WOMEN WHEN YOUR HEAD SHOULD BE IN DEAN’S ASS” and Cas just fuckin DROPS his coffee cup and looks to the other person and is like “What did you tell him?!” but they took the resulting “WTF? WHAT ARE YOU TELLING MY SON?” as immediate complete total shut down (atop them clearly not realizing it already happened), rather than like, I just crawled my ass out of an alternate universe I was thrown into right after getting married and losing him and what the hell are you telling my 1 year old son about his dads when one might not come back and why the fuck does he think i’m sleeping with women
Eventually, I snapped. We ended up with a finale of facing Chuck (albeit totally different terms/conditions/location/etc) and yes, even a truth spell, so I went out of my way – and Sam’s player, who is my wife, and was the one person to really figure this out herself because she knows my writing for one and for two I’m the one that personally shattered her het goggles SO SHE KNOWS – went out of their way, and we lined it up exactly right for all the things to come together to hear Sam explode on Dean about just being honest about being in love with an angel and I just – slightly tweaking the usual character voice I’d use to free myself of this gay purgatory, had Cas go “Yes, I know. He told me a year ago.”
Finally, fucking FINALLY, something broke through to everyone, with us literally warping and bending situations and character voices just to be like RELEASE ME
– but when one of the big name meta bloggers got told about this? They were like “Aren’t you mad? Don’t you want more visible representation???” to which I was like IDK MAN I WAS FOLLOWING THE REPRESENTATION LEAD OF THE GAY DUDE IN MY SERVER SO ASK HIM? WE WERE TRYING TO REPRESENT PEOPLE JUST WEREN’T SOAKING IT???? IDK??? WHAT DO YOU WANT
Everyone actually in the server took it really well, “heteronormativity is a hell of a drug” was one of the catch phrases for a while. People went back and sat, kinda embarrassed, reading over a goddamn season worth of canon Destiel and kicking themselves like, how did I miss this? How did I straightsplain this? What the fuck?????
So yeah. Heteronormativity is the biggest culprit and, in many cases, the second is the lack of willingness to introspect and reflect because if they’ve been ~wrong~ then… something. I don’t know what exactly goes through their head. But something.
I’ll add the video I made after 14.20 aired which made some material about Chuck available for it, to “Rat in a Cage” (rats in a maze S15 launch me into SPACE), but that sign over DeanCas? That’s the mark of Venus. 
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ashsilla · 5 years
Losses (Part Four)
Book: Platinum
Ship: Raleigh Carrera (M) x MC (Suiko Hono) with hints of Avery (M) x MC
Rating: T
A/N: It’s the night of the Vinyls! Fiona gives Suiko some advice to lend her confidence. With Avery and Raleigh up for the same award, and the whole world watching, things might just boil over this time.
Tag List: @lunalixo @furiouscloddonutpeanut @lovedrakewalker @topsyturvy-dream @padfoot0415 @omgjasminesimone @parkerattano @cordoniasmost @poor-bi-choices @msjpuddleduck @mallorycortez @coffeebeandragon @lizeboredom @perriewinklenerdie @greek-elsa
EE! News exclusive! Examining Suiko Hono’s not-so-sweet persona.
When we first met the One In A Million winner, she was relatable, awkward, sweet -- everything you’d expect from a small town girl launched into the spotlight. However, since then, we’ve had a peek behind that innocent exterior to the conniving woman beneath.
We all swooned when she announced her relationship with seasoned heart-breaker Raleigh Carrera. The two were #goals in every picture we saw! (Click here for EE! News’ coverage of their first date) They seemed to balance each other so perfectly, even prompting Carrera to temporarily give up his rebellious ways. However, their relationship was put on hold when pictures surfaced of Carrera with another woman!
Yup, you already know: that was Leona Lastrum, Raleigh’s girlfriend of just over a year. The same week as the pictures surfaced, Hono was seen with none other than Avery Wilshere, our favorite Brit.
How has she snagged two major singers so early on in her career? Many fans are wondering exactly what her reasons are behind these romantic endeavors.
“When we were in high school, Suiko was always stringing along guys so they’d do what she wanted,” said an old classmate of Hono’s that reached out to EE! News. “My friend went to prom with her, only to find out that she’d asked a couple other guys and went with whichever one got her the most expensive corsage.”
You heard it here first! Suiko Hono, so-called sweetheart, is as calculating as a woman can be! The real question we’re all asking is this: when will Raleigh and Avery be free of her control?
Suiko felt tears pricking at her eyes as she read the article for what felt like the thousandth time. This was bad. So, so bad. Fiona insisted it was fine -- it would blow over soon, and her follower counts kept going up for whatever reason -- but it was torture. Still, the articles were never as bad as the comments sections. Even though she knew she wouldn’t like it, she clicked into the comments.
raleighstan290: liked suiko till now lol
averaleigh4ever: avery needs a nice girl not some slut whos talking to other guys, suiko hono needs to go get checked for some stds bc im sure shes crawling with them
honoalltheway: dude how do i change my username on here
Suiko snapped her laptop shut, resisting the urge to chuck it across the room. Nope, that would be bad. Computers were expensive.
How was she supposed to walk into the Vinyls confidently when all of this was hanging over her head? How was she supposed to feign happiness at the invite when all anyone wanted to see was her evilly using Raleigh and Avery?
“That high school interview is such bull,” Suiko told the empty bedroom. She’d gone to prom with Shane, and yes, he’d bought her a corsage, but his mom had picked it out. And they’d gone as friends anyways. No boy looked her way twice in high school. Whoever EE! News had interviewed was an enormous liar.
She felt shivery all over. What she wouldn’t give to be back in her old bedroom, making videos for PlayMe and listening to the radio...Shane only a block or two away...New York City and all of this an unattainable dream.
Was that an ungrateful thought?
Before she could deliberate too much on the issue, Fiona was striding into the bedroom. Suiko hadn’t heard her come in.
“Stop moping,” the woman said, all business, as usual. “You absolutely cannot be making that face at the Vinyls tonight.”
“I won’t.”
Fiona looked at her for a moment more, and then let out a frustrated breath. “Okay. Listen closely. If Ellis knew I was giving you this advice, I’m sure he would disapprove, but I think you’ve wasted enough time wallowing in comments online and self pity.” Suiko stared at her. She continued. “The world loves to tear a woman down. Even when the media thought Raleigh was the cheater, who was the guilty party? The woman who tempted him. Now they’re tearing into you because it’s easy, because they can. But you can lean into that. You don’t have to sit by and let them spin their own story of you. You can take everything they say, and you can become so much worse.”
Suiko’s breath caught. “Become...worse?”
A hint of a smile -- a real smile -- tugged at Fiona’s mouth. “Surprise them. Show up solo to the Vinyls tonight. Show them that you are your own woman, and you aren’t defined by who is or isn’t hanging on your arm. At the end of the day, you aren’t Raleigh’s girlfriend, or Avery’s girlfriend, or anybody’s woman except your own. Force them to accept you as Suiko Hono, and nobody else.”
Silence hung in the room. “Are you, Fiona Syed, giving me permission to not do what the label wants me to do?” Suiko finally said, flabbergasted.
Fiona merely shrugged. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I was never here.”
Suiko’s dress for the Vinyls was incredible. Crimson chiffon fluttered around her collarbones, swirling into a bustle at her waist before flowing down into a charming tea length skirt. The red fabric matched her stained lips. All at once she was sweet and girlish, fierce and confident, approachable yet a force to be reckoned with.
She’d never loved a dress more.
Zadie seemed to know she’d outdone herself. A smug grin graced her lips as they climbed into the limo and shut the doors. Her stylist was dressed in a classy black dress paired with a string of pearls -- all old Hollywood and grace.
“I’m so honored to be your date tonight,” Zadie snarked. “I didn’t think it would ever be my turn.”
“Oh, shut up,” Suiko said, but she was grinning. Fiona’s words were still bouncing around in her head. You can take everything they say, and you can become so much worse.
Why should she let anything ruin this night for her? She was going to the Vinyls. This was a lifelong dream!
“Now, remember,” Zadie said, enunciating each word carefully. “Do not crease the dress. Do not stain the dress. Do not cry on it and get mascara in the chiffon.”
“Or you’ll kill me?”
Zadie grinned. “I knew I liked you.”
They were pulling up to the venue before long. Zadie wished her good luck as she climbed out of the back seat and onto the red carpet.
Everyone noticed immediately. “Suiko! Suiko!” The reporters all pressed forwards, leaving Jaylen Riaz’s side ahead. The other singer caught her eye and pouted playfully. Suiko just lifted a shoulder, like you-know-how-it-is.
Jaylen did know how it was.
“Who’s your date tonight?”
Suiko smiled devilishly. “I didn’t bring one.”
All of the reporters seemed to make one collective gasp. “Did Raleigh finally call it quits?” one demanded, while another said, “Is Avery tired of your games?”
“I decided to come by myself, not because I couldn’t find a date, but because I didn’t want one,” she replied, lifting her chin. Suiko tried to channel her inner Fiona, and hoped it was working. “No more questions.”
She stalked down the carpet and caught up with Jaylen. “Look at you,” the other singer said. “Little miss headlines!”
“Terribly, I guess I deserve that right now.”
They both laughed, and then Jaylen reached down to touch the chiffon of Suiko’s skirt. “Who made your dress?”
“It’s another Zadie Choi original.”
“How much do I have to pay you to switch stylists?”
“We can share,” Suiko said.
Jaylen leaned in closer. “They’re probably wondering why we’re being so friendly,” she said softly.
“Let them!”
Suiko looked down the red carpet and caught sight of both Avery and Raleigh. They stood, separated only by Micah, who was flashing a toothy grin at the cameras. Neither of them had a date either. Let the press chew on that.
“Let’s go inside,” she suggested.
Avery and Raleigh were both nominated for song of the year. For Avery, it was ‘How to Start Again,’ and for Raleigh it was ‘Famous.’ Despite everything, Suiko still wanted Raleigh to win.
Her seat actually ended up being between Avery’s and Jaylen’s. It was probably an attempt to create drama, but there wouldn’t be any. The two women respected each other and understood each other.
Just as she was about to sit, a hand slipped around her elbow, stopping her. Suiko spun to see Avery, dressed in a pink suit, his eyebrows knit closely together.
Her mouth dried. “I...”
The blonde shook his head. “No need to say a thing. I understand that we were never a true option.” A rueful smile tugged at his lips. “But I value our friendship, and I want it to continue.”
“Me too,” she said gratefully, and slipped her hands into his. “You’re a good friend, Avery. I don’t want to lose that.”
He pulled her into a hug. She leaned gratefully into the embrace. “Nice suit, by the way,” she muttered into his ear. “Very Gatsby-esque.”
“It’s what I strive for,” he said, with an easy laugh, and they took their seats.
Chris Winters was hosting the Vinyls. He breezed easily through the show, cracking jokes at all the right times and grinning amicably at the camera crews. Suiko felt Avery tense next to her as the next words boomed through the crowd: “And now, the category you’ve all been waiting for: song of the year!”
She tore her eyes away from the stage and did what she hadn’t yet allowed herself to do -- look for Raleigh. He didn’t seem to be anywhere near her. Suiko’s heart sank. Ever since the cameras had caught them in the closet at the charity event, he’d been distant from her, not calling or texting or responding to any press comments.
It hurt.
“And the Vinyl goes to...” Chris called onstage, a bright smile on his face, “Raleigh Carrera, with ‘Famous!’“
The whole audience exploded into cheers as the song came pouring in from all directions.
Suiko turned to Avery, worried that he would be disappointed, but he was clapping and hollering with the rest of the crowd. Despite herself, she smiled at him.
And then there he was, emerging from the masses and making his way onstage. She hadn’t gotten a good look at him on the red carpet.
But now...
Her breath caught. Raleigh wore a suit of dark red velvet embroidered with golden patterns of roses. The double breasted jacket showed a peek of a cream silk shirt beneath, unbuttoned to show off his collarbones. His dark curls seemed to catch and fling the light around the room.
Chris handed him his award and Raleigh effortlessly took the microphone. “Thank you,” he said into it, voice smooth and sultry. “It means a lot to me that my music still matters to you all, after all this time.” He tapped the statue to his chest. “And I hope my new music can inspire a whole new generation of hell-raisers.”
Beside him, Chris Winters visibly winced.
“And now,” Raleigh said, his voice echoing through the sound system, “I’ll sing you all my new single.”
The crowd went wild. Suiko just stared up at him. He seemed so far away. And then he began singing.
But he wasn’t singing the new single of his she’d heard in the studio.
It was a new song, one that she’d never heard before.
She’s made of marble, or made of glass
If dropped she’ll shatter, or maybe outlast
Fashioned to what you want her to be
Time for all you fuckers to see --
Raleigh’s eyes locked with hers, and suddenly he wasn’t far away anymore; suddenly it was just the two of them, in the dark room, and the words were only for her ears. As his lips moved, he unbuttoned his jacket, flinging it from his shoulders and across the stage. Beneath it, his shirt clung to his torso, crossed with a pair of garnet suspenders.
She’s more than a plaything to me
What’s underneath is worth it all
But assholes like you can never see
She’d more than a plaything to me.
The track kept playing, but Raleigh stopped singing. He just stood as the music swelled behind him and stared at her. The crowd started murmuring -- had he forgotten the words? Was someone speaking into his earpiece?
Then he spoke.
“Leona Lastrum is a liar,” he said, his voice booming through the auditorium. Suiko saw people on the sides of the stage gesturing wildly to cut his mic. Whatever they were doing wasn’t enough, because he kept going.
“I had no idea who she was until she threw herself all over me at that club. What you didn’t see pictures of was me shoving her off.” His lip curled. “So I’ll only say this one time. The next person I see dragging Suiko Hono through the mud has it coming.”
Almost as if in a dream, Suiko felt herself standing. Raleigh gazed at her from the stage.
“Everything you’ve read about this girl...it’s all lies. You don’t know her, but I do. And I know that she’s kind, and thoughtful, and exactly the type of person that makes me want to be better. She’s like no one else. And if you believe, even for one second, any of those lies that are spreading about her, you don’t even deserve to speak her name. Because...” Raleigh swallowed, and a small, almost sheepish smile crept across his face. “Because I love her.”
“Go!” Jaylen was hissing, eyes bright with excitement, pushing her towards the stage. “Jesus, Suiko, go up there!”
The backing track to Raleigh’s song ended, and the venue was dead silent. She heard every one of her footsteps to the stage with complete clarity. As she got closer, Raleigh’s face grew more and more nervous. He didn’t know what she was going to say.
She wasn’t going to say anything.
Suiko ran the last distance across the stage and launched herself into Raleigh’s arms, pressing her lips against his, grasping his suspenders in her shaking fingers to draw him closer to her. His arms instantly wrapped around her, drawing her close, and relief poured into the kisses he pressed to her mouth, and the lights were so bright that she could see them through her shuttered eyelids, and the crowd was screaming around them. He was kissing her as if is sustained him -- kissing her in a way that was definitely not appropriate for the Vinyls, mouth wide open against hers.
“Do you really love me?” she whispered against his lips, opening her eyes a little.
Raleigh let out a laugh. “Yes.”
“Good. Because I love you too.”
Giddy, with the face of a boy who’d gotten everything he wanted for Christmas, Raleigh leaned in for another kiss and dipped her elegantly, to the delight of the audience.
If one could die of happiness, in that moment, she would.
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sidlyrics · 4 years
How to download the tickets and what to do on the day of the live
Even though we've already bought our tickets, it's not enough with the email we've received, we still have a few steps left to get our tickets. The way we'll receive them will depend on the purchase method we've used.
Downloading ID-s basic tickets
For a few years now, SID tickets are not printed anymore, we'll get them through Ticket board. Luckily for us, this website is foreigner-friendly (lol) and has an English version.
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We won't have to do anything, two or three weeks before the live, SID's STAFF will create an account for us and update the details of the lives. In order to log in, we have to click on "my page". Our user ID will be our email address and the password will be our birthday in YEARMONTHDAY format.
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Next, we'll click on "application/purchasing history" and we'll see a list of all the lives for which we have tickets, although we won't be able to do anything for the time being.
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A few days before the live (between 3 and 5 days), we'll receive an email letting us know that our tickets ara available.
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If we log in again on Ticket Board, we'll be able to see the details about the tickets and, at the end, we'll have the option to download our ticket and write the personal information about our partner (I don't have pictures of that, but they'll basically be asking their name and email, it's a really simple proccess).
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We can't download the ticket to our mobile phone storage, it's online. Also, we can't take an screenshot, we must show them the website, since they'll be stamping the screen with a special device (I don't really know how it works, but when the stamp is near the screen, it somehow sticks on the ticket). For this reason, it's VITAL that we have access to the internet, since they first need to check our name in the details of the ticket and then they'll have to go back and stamp it.
Downloading LINE ticket tickets
About LINE, the proccess is much simpler. A few days before the live we'll receive our ticket on a LINE message and, on the day of the live, the ticket will be resent at the time of the door opening.
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If we click on the message, a description of the ticket will pop up and, if we scroll down, we can open the ticket. My advice, though, is for you not to touch anything and let the STAFF do it. I opened my ticket and, in order to validate it, you just have to touch the screen, so I validated it myself by mistake before going in the livehouse and it's not possible to open it again. When I explained what had happened to the STAFF members, they understood what the problem was and said nothing, but just in case, show them the description of the ticket and let them do the rest.
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Anatomy of a ticket
Although Ticket board website is available in English, tickets aren't, so we'll see a couple of pictures to understand the relevant parts.
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1- Ticket information. They'll have to access that to check your data. 2- Date of the live, opening time, starting time. 3- Ticket type and number, we need that to know where we have to sit or when we have to go in. 4- Stamp that will appear after our ticket has been validated.
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1- Date of the live, opening time, starting time, location. 2- Ticket type and number, we need that to know where we have to sit or when we have to go in. 3- Confirmation that will appear after our ticket has been validated. In the case of the tickets I've used, the ticket type was "standing", which was the only option available, even for VIP tickets. The letter that appears right after that informs us about which our group is in order to access the venue. The first people to go in will be the VIP (in case there are any), then A, then B... The numbers after the letter tell us the order inside each of those groups. In the Ticket board ticket, in group A, I had to go in in the 19th place; whereas in the LINE ticket ticket, I had to go in in the 53rd place of group B. However, most of SID's lives take place in halls, so we won't be standing, there will be seats. Therefore, in the ticket, we'll get the area where we are supposed to sit, the row and the seat number, like a cinema ticket.
What to do on the day of the live
Even though I imagine that the procedure will vary depending on the live we are attending to, the place where it's held or whether we have a VIP ticket, I'll briefly share my experience. The events I went to took place in livehouses, so they were a lot smaller and there was less people, but I think the procedure to go in is a bit more complicated (in the case of halls, I think you just have to stand in line in whatever order and just look for your spot once you are inside, but it's not like that for livehouses). If you don't know the place, I recommend arriving a little earlier, since some are clearly visible, but others are a bit more hidden (for example, Club Junk Box at Sendai has a sign outside, but it's located in the basement of the building and that's where you'll have to go to stand in the line or buy goods). It is not neccessary for you to stay there for hours, a lot of people just arrive 15 minutes before the opening time. It really doesn't matter when you arrive since you'll have to get in in the order that appears on your ticket. It's true that the sale of goods starts a couple of hours before the opening time (in any case, either on the website or by email, they'll let you know all the details so you know when you have to be there), so if you want to buy something, you can go a few hours ahead (there really were queues to buy merchandise, so I would recommend arriving with a bit of time, also so that you know for sure whatever you want won't be sold out) and leave again until the opening time. Although the STAFF probably won't speak English, there is usually a paper with the goods or they'll be on display, so you can just point at whatever you want. Plus, they'll be showing you the total amount on a calculator so it'll be easy for you to know how much to pay. Most venues have lockers where you can leave your stuff (there were none at vanvan4 in Kanazawa, but they gave us some bags and numbers so that the STAFF could keep our things safe). Normally they'll be between 300 and 500 yen. They are quite big, so your bags, sweaters, etc. will fit. In case there are no lockers at the venue, you might find some at train stations. If we have a VIP ticket, we'll get an email stating when we can go to pick up our passes (for example, the live started at 19:00 and we had to pick them up at 15:30) and the schedule of the VIP event (the VIP tickets for AKi included the rehearsal, an acoustic live and a meet&greet from 16:15 to 17:30, even though we had to be there at 16:00 to go in the livehouse).
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The meet&greet was only with Aki (the other band members were not there) and we just went in order, one by one, to the corridor that gave access to the venue, where Aki was waiting to meet us. In general, everyone was quite fast and didn't stop much, but my guess is that if you stay for too long someone from the STAFF will tell you that you have to keep moving. While you are there, only Aki and the STAFF members are around, the other fans will be waiting outside, so it's kind of private. At the opening time, we have to be ready with our ticket and passport in hand, because they'll be checking it to make sure that the name on the ticket is the same as the name in the passport. If we have an ID-s ticket, it's better for us to carry as well the FC card  with us. I was never asked for it, but it says on the website that they might want to see it, so it's better to be safe. At this time, someone from the STAFF will stand at the door and start yelling the numbers (and don't think they'll do that in a loud voice, so pay attention). First, they'll yell the group that is going to go in (VIP, A, B...) and then they'll start yelling the numbers one by one (they'll do it in Japanese, so you either ask someone to let you know when it's your turn or you'll have to learn the basics about numbers). At the beginning, they'll be going slow, but if there are unsold tickets, instead of saying the numbers one by one, they might do it ten by ten (it happened to me at Osaka, since there were not many people in the B group). When the person from the STAFF says your number, you'll have to approach them, they'll check the number on the ticket and you'll have to go with another STAFF member who will check your passport and stamp your ticket. Finally, since it's a livehouse, you'll have to pay 500 or 600 yen for a drink you'll be given at the end of the live. It is not optional, you have to pay for that even if you don't want the drink, so keep that in mind. However, if you have a VIP, the drink is included in the ticket fee. Once inside, you can stand wherever you want as long as there is an empty space. If you want to be far from the stage, it's okay if you stay at the back, although people usually respect your vital space and you won't have a person stuck right next to you, so it's not really uncomfortable to be in the middle even if you don't like crowded places (my friend doesn't like them and she said it was okay). Also, some people will just voluntarily stay away from the stage, so it's no problem if you arrive later and want to go closer to the stage (for example, at Osaka, the venue had two levels and a lot of people were in the second even though there was still some space in the first. When I approached them to ask if it was okay for me to go down to the first level, they said I could). Now that you are in your spot, just enjoy the live.
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ofcloudsandstars · 5 years
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This week was a wild Samhaintide ride. I’ll post more about it in the read more
Here's yet another selection of stories from my witchy life I am ready to dump on you all so get ready lol:
Wednesday night was the party at the occult shop Treadwells where we met a new witch friend who joined us for the Samhain festivities. I have already made a post about it here but her name is Letitia and she is a beautiful sapphic Taurean witch who loves gardening and cooking (duh she's a Taurus) and all the goddesses she worships and bought an incredible pumpkin pie to the ritual.
So the day begun with me making candles for the ritual. I bought a skull candle, a candle the shape of a jackolantern and then I made several candles which were three mini pumpkins hollowed and filled with black wax that’s pumpkin and bourbon scented, then four tea light spell candles with black wax and four tea light spell candles with a special wax my sag witchy friend bought for me from Edinburgh from a witchy shop. The wax melt was made with herbs and was called 'thinning the veil'. I’ll elaborate later. I also had to walk to the post office to pick up the ouija board. I had a feeling I'd finally get my hands on it on Halloween. Its a very aesthetic round one and I was excited to use it.
We chose to gather in Queenswood in the north of London. It was already SUPER SPOOKY cause there was a murder nearby so all of the buses were being redirected lol. We gathered all in black with our witch hats and delved deep in the woods. It was so beautiful and the ground was completely coated in gold and red leaves so you couldn't even see the path. We found a clearing in the thick of the woods with an old tree that grew sideways so it made a semi circle. We made a HUGE circle that we drew in the earth with a dead stick and went over with dragonsblood incense and black salt.
We opened the space by lighting the pumpkin candles and begun with centering our energy. There were several parts to the ritual we planned, but first we begun with a 'putting it to rest' spell since autumn is the time to let things go and samhain is about death so it was like officially bringing things to an end. We wrote down what we wanted to end in our lives on a piece of paper (such as not seeing coworkers from a toxic job that someone was leaving or the retrograde made my friend run into her abusive father that she had binded from seeing her for YEARS so she wanted to put that situation to rest) and ignited it in my cauldron. When it burned down to ashes we chose a spot (under a goblin-like tree) outside of the circle to open the earth and bury it in. After we put it in it's grave we all said a few words of departure and said: rest in peace. lol.
In my case I wrote down names of these models that are obsessed with this Italian guy (who is the son of a huge fashion designer) who is in love with my sister. They are obsessed with him for his connections to the fashion world and that he is rich and are jealous of any 'hoes' he's currently into so they posted instagram stories on Halloween with them in witch hats taunting that they were going to curse him and all of his lovers or whatever in cutesy filters and my sister knows I practice witchcraft so she told me. So I binded and banished them and the next day they unfollowed her lol.
Anyway, afterwards we focused on what we should reflect on by pulling tarot cards for mercury retrograde in scorpio that was beginning on that day as it's going to be like two weeks of descending into our own underworlds. After we got a card we lit the black tealight candle as a road opening spell to manifest a helpful path with overcoming our retrograde's lessons.
Then I lit the skull candle and we had a moment to reflect on our ancestors and those that we loved that have been lost that year. We each shared stories then lit the white tea light candles with the wax that was for thinning the veil. When we lit it we thought about our loved ones or ancestors.
Finally we did a dance for thinning the veil. I had flying devil oil that was some fragrance oil I got from a hoodoo shop and we dressed ourselves with it and ran around the circle and chanted in the leaves. We then ate the pumpkin pie the lovely Taurean witch bought also some maple sugar fudge she bought (what a champ), and halloween candy. We used the Ouija board but it was really challenging. We thought maybe it was cause we needed to be less grounded so we put it away and cleaned up the ritual space and headed off.
The Taurean witch was going to head home to cook a feast, my French aries witch friend went to her friends she's staying at to have a party and my Sag witch friend went home to cook a dumb supper for her and her mom. I went back to my place to nap then get ready for the night. I met my Sag friend at a music venue to watch Honeyblood which is SUCH a witchy band. The performance really reminded me of some scooby doo hex girls shit. It was a lot of fun (until some grown ass men with no sense of self awareness took the mosh pit to mean something more of a Jailbreak riot and started throwing their whole 6ft man bodies everywhere despite not everyone being gladiator sized. It was really ridiculous but golden when Honeyblood sang "Glimmer" with lyrics like "she can put a hex on you" thats when this one guy in some sailor outfit shoved his body into us and we BOTH looked at him with such evil at the same time and he like.. stopped.. and like hastily moved to another part of the room..)  If you don't know Honeyblood you should listen to them, they are such a babe witch band.
We then went to a bar nearby to get flaming shots of absinthe as its a personal tradition (also a way to 'cross the veil') and someone took candids of us at the bar! (I added the picture above), for some reason we really caught the attention of everyone though we just were in witch hats like EVERYONE was like: OOO WITCHES and like we even had some lady take pictures of us at the bar? Like ok it was cute I guess. My friend was drunk then so every time someone was like: oo a Witch! She'd holler back YASS BITCH 365 24/7!!!! Like o' dear.
Final part to the night was the house party my Aries witch friend (she's the one who's apartment I almost burned down once when I was making spell candles). It was a place around the corner from mine with a host who was HIGH OFF HER FACE on drugs. There was the counter of alcohol that kept us going all night, we had a lot of mingling with everyone there then when it started to get a little less wild we claimed an empty bedroom and tried the ouija board again since we were definitely less grounded than in the forest. Unfortunately the results were still a bit weak but we got a little bit of consistency with movement. There was some guy there that seemed interested but as time went on it turned out he was more interested in me than the board. I am a touched starved human being and he was playing with my hair and I was drunk so I did not care then after we ended up kissing while my other witchy friends and some new comers were chatting about the dead. My Aries witch friend lives on the other side of the city so she asked if they could stay at mine and I was like yea plus it was like 4AM at this point and this guy was getting very handsy like I just wanted my hair to be played with so I was like ok nice meeting you I gotta go. And He was like oh no please come say one last goodbye. I was too drunk to realize that he was in the bathroom and he closed to door to make out with me and I was like this is nice you do have nice flowy long hair that covers your big shiny forehead that I am now noticing in this bright fluorescent lighting but I gotta go. And he's like: No I wanna take you home I wanted to the moment I saw you. And he WHIPS OUT HIS DICK AND SAYS: this is for you. I am DYING like honestly I found it hilarious, I was so drunk I like forgot that there were other people on the other side of the door so I barge out of the bathroom like: WE ARE GOING HOME and my witchy friends saw his dick and were howling with laughter and that 10 minute walk home they would NOT LET ME BE IN PEACE about it.
Samhain Day
Anyway my friends stay over and in the morning I make tea and a light breakfast since we are hung over and we watch The Worst Witch 1980s Halloween special where we fucking Howl at laughter at everything especially Tim Curry flying around in that Cape. The rest of the day is really quiet since most of it is me sleeping trying to recover from the day before.
At 4 PM I call my relatives to say I love them and stuff cause I felt like my closest relatives on the other side of the veil wanted that. I made a feast for myself which consisted of Mashed sweet potato, a salad of chopped royal gala apples, carrots and beetroots and duck sauteed in maple syrup and bourbon. It may sound sweet but the bourbon balanced it out and duck tastes a bit sweet so it blended well with the maple flavor. After I had sticky toffee pudding for dessert. I made a plate for my ancestors and then got ready for fireworks with my other witchy friend who is the sound healer at Alexandra Palace.
I nearly missed the MASSIVE fire effigy burning cause the commute there was a NIGHTMARE since everything was still being redirected. (Thanks mercury retrograde). The fireworks were incredible though. There were so many it was like being bombarded with fiery psychedelics. My friend still wanted to show off her sexy angel outfit for Halloween so I asked if she wanted to hang out with us tomorrow night to party.
Saturday Night
She came over like at 4 and we got ready. She looked a bit like the angel from the remake of Romeo and Juliette with Leonardo decaprio but in lingerie with a long white lace robe. I dressed as a poltergeist though I don't think it came off that way but I had a sheer black dress on with a skeleton body suit, a glow in the dark wig and pale tulle. I just wanted to be a spooky ghost. We had to sneak into a members club that I work at cause I am NOT allowed to be there and I was terrified of them finding out so it felt like Danger Partying. They had a day of the dead party so I blended in but I felt like some staff that recognized me were like staring at me all night. We still had fun and spoke about our Samhain experiences. My friend is also a medium so she gave me some ouija tips so hopefully that can help me in the future.
Sunday Morning
I went to a workshop in the food forest about fire starting!! It was beautiful and magical and the forest was in full autumn mode. I learned how to chop wood with different axes and carve wood and start fires with either two pieces of wood (which is extremely hard on your own like you better be in the dryest place possible and you better have a bow), and how to start fire with flint/magnesium which is 1000% easier would highly recommend. There's so much magic in nature and so much magic in those workshops. We learned which trees were best for firewood and which were toxic and how to use bark or forage for fire starter materials. I am getting more drawn to fire as an element to work with in magic so I loved learning the techniques and also that you can start fires with the back of a knife (the teacher had a specific wood carving knife that was thick) so its like if you get a specific Athame which is ruled by fire you could also use it to start fires too if you got a fire steel key. (It's a rod of magnesium and you'd strike it with the back of the knife hard and fast and sparks will shoot out like fireworks).
Anyway that was my week so far!! It was so much fun and adventurous I couldn't have asked for a better experience. I have today off so I had a moment to reflect and get myself together for work tomorrow but afterwork I am celebrating Bonfire night with my sag witch friend at Victoria park so I am excited to take part in that!
I hope you all had a great Samhain!
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baekhyunsutgrain · 5 years
The Night of All Nights//Park Kyung
Synopsis: Prom is supposed to be the best night of everyone's life. Where you prepare all day, making sure everything is just right. You did that, but at the end of the night, it felt like everything just went downhill. It was supposed to be the Night of All Nights.
Idol(s): Park Kyung of Block B x (Gender Neutral) Reader
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Words: 3.5k
Sorry if this is trashy lol. It’s the first time I’ve written a oneshot in a few years. - Admin Mina🌸
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Senior year came quicker than you anticipated. It felt like it was only yesterday that you were a foolish freshman, stumbling into the wrong classes and fighting with your locker because it wouldn't open which then led to you being late to class. High school would be fun, they said. You begged to differ half of the time.
The years grew harder, more pressure being put when it came to college choices, AP classes, and entrance exams, all feeling so relentless until you finally overcame it. But of course, there were special memories you made.
Freshman year, you were able to interview your first crush for the yearbook as well as take a picture. Sophomore year you discovered the wonders of sign language and how many times you "needed help" from your other comrades in class during a test as well as had your first relationship. Admittedly, it was a failure but to you it was special at the moment, even if you two did spend less than half a year together and broke up twice. It still counted.
Junior year you understood how real life was getting and started looking at colleges everywhere. Instate, out of state, even out of the country, there were just so many amazing opportunities that it began to overwhelm you, but in a good way. Just knowing that there was a whole world for you to explore was one of the most amazing feelings you've ever had.
That was until you had your first hookup after overwhelming tests. Sad part was, they were all practice tests and then you started to get a bit nervous about the real ones, might have had another hook up as well but you don't kiss and tell. But of course, you didn't go through all of this alone, you had your best friend, Kyung.
He was there for you, always giving great advice through your experiences and helped ease the pain when things became too much. The two of you were almost inseparable regardless of who was in your lives and that's how it was always going to be. Even now since you two were shopping for something to wear for the big night that was just weeks away.
"What style tuxedo should I go for?" Kyung asked you, going through one of the stores catalogs.
You shrug your shoulders, going through a stack of catalogs, "I have no idea what I'm going to wear either so you're asking the wrong person. I can't even settle on one color either."
"So... get anything yet?" Kyung asked, peeking his eyes over to see you walk to the empty seat across from him.
You shook your head and buried your face into the pages for some sort of protection. The store was practically empty since it was a school day and you two skipped out in order to not deal with the rush of high school students afterward. Days ago, you asked your crush to attend prom with you and still, you haven't received an answer.
A side of you accepted that your crush would most likely not agree so you kept yourself in check for the most part, but that sickening soft side was still holding out although you protested. You guessed that it couldn't be helped and just accepted that as well.
Kyung took your silence as a cue to change the subject and turned his catalog over, showing you the page he was on as well as the style he was looking at.
"Shawl tuxedo. Color? Undecided but probably in the darker spectrum with a matching tie. Thoughts?" He spoke quickly.
You looked up and raised a brow.
"That's literally what every single guy is going to be wearing. Think outside the box, Kyung, it's going to be the night of all nights."
Kyung rolled his eyes. You were right for the most part so he looked at different styles until stumbling across something that was half formal, half casual. He was liking the way it looked and got up from his seat, finding a sales associate to help him while you took your time.
Just as you were going to pick up another catalog to look through, 5 boys stormed into the store. Those 5 boys were better known as Jae, Sungjin, Younghyun (more known by his English name, Brian), Wonpil, and Dowoon. They were in a band and pretty popular at school.
You liked their music very much and gladly, they were permitted to play at the prom so they wanted their outfits to be great. You and Kyung were good friends with the guys and invited them out, you didn't really expect them to show up if you were being honest.
"Hey guys," you greet them, getting up from your seat.
"Hey, where's Kyung?" Sungjin asked.
"Beats me, to be honest."
"Over here!" Kyung called out on the other side of the store.
You follow the herd and see Kyung standing in front of a mirror checking out the suit that he was currently wearing. It was a nice suit, a deep shade of blue with thin white lines going down on the blazer and pants. He wore a black dress-shirt under and rejected the sales associates proposal of adding either a necktie or bow to complete the look.
"What do you guys think?" Kyung asked.
"Wow, it's so cool!" Dowoon complimented the older boy.
"I agree, it's really nice," Brian added.
"And you?" Kyung looked to you.
Your opinion always mattered the most to him.
"Jenelle is a real lucky girl since she gets to be with the best dressed guy," you say, giving him two thumbs up.
He thanked you for your words and spoke with the employee as you realized your phone was vibrating in your back pocket. You walk away to a quiet section of the store and answer. Just minute passed until you screamed so loud that you made everyone in the store rush to your exact location at the speed of light.
Kyung pushes past everyone around you and asked what was wrong. All you could do was nod your head like a maniac and your best friend hugged you before giving a high five.
"See? I told you that there was nothing to worry about. So what's the matching color for the prom couple?" He asked.
"Red," you announce happily.
• • •
It was just hours away. After a few more visits to the store you, Kyung, and the rest of the guys found what to wear and now it was time to get your hair done and maybe even add a smidge of makeup. Kyung wasn't ashamed to ask his mom for some coverage tonight.
The lot of you as well as dates were going to have dinner beforehand so you were a bit jittery waiting for dinner and asked Kyungs mom to apply some cosmetics on you as well. She thought of you as another child of hers since you didn't have much of a relationship with your parents and felt honored to help you get ready.
"Are you nervous?" Kyungs mom asked as she gently pressed on your skin.
"Yeah... kinda," you admit to her.
"Don't worry, it'll be fun especially if you and Kyung are together. I can't remember a dull time with the both of you unless you were asleep," she said with a soft laugh, stroking your face with a puffy brush before finishing up and handing you a mirror.
You gasped at your reflection and smiled, looking everywhere on your face.
"Wow, I didn't know you could erase dark circles."
"It only takes a little bit to make them go away. I regret letting Kyung watch me put on makeup every day because now he hides his dark circles from me. You two really need to sleep instead of playing video games all night," she said, beginning to scold you.
"Resident Evil after midnight really hits the spot, mom, you wouldn't understand," Kyung whined as he stepped down the staircase.
His suit was tailored to fit comfortably on his body and looked even better with a new haircut as well as no dark circles. Kyungs mother walked to her son and cooed at him in Korean, making Kyung go red as he attempted to shoo his mother from giving a kiss on his cheek.
His mother had you two pose for pictures. So. Many. Pictures. It was unreal. Jenelle texted Kyung just as they arrived and his mother saw you two out, rejecting Jenelles offer to take pictures, claiming she had no camera as well as no space on her phone. Kyung's mother didn't really care for Jenelle if it wasn't obvious yet.
"Hey," you breathed out, seeing your crush in their attire.
"You look great, really. Let's go eat so we can party."
You nod and follow Jenelle and Kyung into the limo for the night.
• • •
The restaurant was very upscale and nice. You'd seen many other fellow students arriving and were glad that Kyung called weeks in advance to put in a reservation. Your party was able to cut past the line and make way to a long table where you and your crush sat next to each other across from Jae and his girlfriend.
The chatter was comforting and everyone was having a good time. You all ordered and while Jae's girlfriend talked to you, your breath slightly hitched as a hand make its way to your thigh. You knew who's hand it was and your heart began to panic as you stutter out your next words.
Your crush laughed under their breath and removed the hand, leaving a ghostly feeling. Thankfully the food was beginning to arrive and you pretty much had heart eyes for your plate considering you haven't eaten in over 4 hours until your crush made a comment.
"That's a really big plate."
You nod, noticing that theirs was large as well, almost larger than yours. Truthfully you didn't see an issue.
"Are you really going to eat that all?" They asked, something off in the way the words came out.
A part of you felt a little ashamed and quickly shook your head in response. Jae and his girlfriend were the only two to hear and looked to you but you never looked back and ate your dinner but not too much, claiming you weren't too hungry despite your stomach claimed otherwise.
You ignored it and went on with the night, arriving at the venue and had your picture taken with your date. Music was blaring and it was quite dark but your crush held your hand, guiding you through the swarms of people and asked if you wanted a drink before going out to dance. You agreed, then headed out with the rest of your friends on the dance floor.
It seemed as though your crush had completely disregarded what happened at the restaurant so you decided maybe that's what you should do as well and it really made your night better. Your crush had no issue getting close and you reciprocated. There were chaperones but it was far too crowded to see where your group was so you guys got away with a lot.
Kyung and Jenelle were more than handsy but that's just how he was. He was quick and no person, male or female, could resist his charm and you mentally cheered him on. Your crush tried advancing but you were really reluctant despite being experienced, it was just how you got when you really cared about someone and hoped they would understand.
Hours passed and you took a break while Jae and the rest of the guys played their second set for the night. Half of the attendees were making their way out, most likely to a hotel for some alone time as the cliché tradition went.
Taking down a third cup of punch, you finally felt quaint and fanned yourself. Your crush sat next to you at the decorated table, swirling the clear cup of red punch until they touched your arm, giving that alluring gaze that sent you on cloud 9.
"How about we get out of here? Maybe... to a hotel?" They suggested.
Your heart fluttered and you swore you could feel your cheeks turn red.
"I... I was actually going to take you home tonight and maybe ask- I don't know- maybe if you wanted to go out on a real date sometime," you reply shyly.
Suddenly, the smirk implanted on your crushed face had vanished and was replaced with a disgusted one. You were shocked to say the least. What did you say? Was it really so rude to treat them in such a way? You always knew to treat people the way you wanted to be treated.
"I want to go to a hotel," they say firmly.
"I don't want to," you reply back, standing your ground, your body beginning to tremble since you didn't really like when people began acting aggressive with you.
"Why not?"
"Because... I... I like you and I want to treat you well," you confess, looking down now not from awkward shyness but shame. You hated feeling shamed but felt helpless at that moment.
Your crush just bursted out in laughter, making you feel the worst you've ever felt in your life. You really hated the fact that Jae and the guys were playing You Give Love A Bad Name by Bon Jovi. Your crush muttered words you were glad to not hear and left you with a crushed heart. All you could do was cry.
• • •
"Jenelle," Kyung breathed out, pulling away from the heated makeout session.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"I'm going to tell y/n that we're leaving."
"Y/n should be leaving too."
"What do you mean?" He asked.
The door swung open, revealing a very agitated teen. It was y/n's date.
"What happened?" Jenelle asked.
A sick smirk crawled on to their face and Jenelle nearly turned to a ghost with how pale she was from the expression.
"Stupid idiot didn't want to leave. Said some shit about liking me or whatever. Seriously, you said y/n would put out."
Kyung was beyond livid. His heart was pumping adrenaline everywhere within seconds and set him off immediately. No one messed with his best friend. Not like that. Not now, not ever.
"You got my best friends crush to accept the prom proposal in exchange for a hookup?!" Kyung yelled at the girl sitting next to him.
"Wait, Kyung-"
"Don't touch me, Jenelle. I'm leaving," he replied, opening to door with such force and slamming it shut.
He pushed past people without a second thought, barely offering any sort of apologies as he headed back inside the venue for you. You just left the bathroom after drying your tears and just watched the handful of couples. Jae finished the set and was sharing a slow dance with his girlfriend for the 3rd time tonight.
You were glad that at least someone was having a good night and sulked alone at an empty table. Kyung noticed you as he made way around again and startled you.
"Y/n," he called out.
He saw the puffiness of your eyes and knew that you cried. You were really bad at hiding and had a really ugly crying face that he always teased you for. It really broke his heart seeing you all alone. He knew your night was ruined and truth be told, his was ruined as well.
When you offered a weak smile it really sounded him even more, and to a point that he wasn't even aware of until now. Without a second thought, he walked over to Jae, briefly telling him what happened and asked if he could play a song, apologizing to his girlfriend but she didn't mind after hearing the horrible thing that happened and vowed to deck the awful date right in the neck at school the following Monday.
Jae rushed to get the rest of the guys and made way to the stage just as Kyung got back to you. He extended his hand out to you and you looked at him with sheer surprise. It's like he wasn't even your best friend anymore, but someone else. Your prom date.
Taking his hand, you walk out to the nearly empty dance floor and look to Jae who was wearing a smile just for you as they began to play. It was your favorite song, Europa by Santana. Kyung wrapped your arms around his neck and gently swayed your two bodies together as the music played.
You couldn't believe the length he went tonight, breaking the guys from their dates just to give you at least one good memory for the night. He truly was your best friend and you just realized it at that moment. You were so thankful to have someone like him in your life and hoped he would be there forever. You really did love him and all the things he did for you.
"Thank you," you mumble. "This is perfect."
"I hope so. It's what you deserve, y/n," Kyung replied, his voice very sultry unlike how he usually spoke.
"Really. Whatever that asshole said to you... be lucky that I wasn't there. You didn't deserve to be played like that."
His words made you suck in a breath of air. It was your first time hearing him speak like that considering he was really good natured and goofy.
"Kyung it's alright just forget about it," you reply, resting your arms on his shoulders.
"No it's not alright," he quietly snapped, his eyes gazing directly into yours. "I really care about you. So much that I wanted to punch your date when those words came out but you were the first thing on my mind."
"What are you saying Kyung?" You reply, deeply concerned and hoping your best friend wasn't still thinking of doing something rash.
Something rash, he did. He kissed you. You didn't pull away, but neither did you close your eyes. You were taken too of guard so you were just frozen there, watching as your long time best friend kissed you. He pulled away, his lips leaving an imprint on you, more memorable than what your crush had done on your leg. This was lasting, the softness of his lips forever imprinted on you. Kyung smiled.
"I like you, y/n. I'm sorry if this is really late, or even random. I guess it was just weird confessing to my best friend when they're head over heels. Can you forgive me?" He asked softly.
"I... when?" You ask, making Kyung laugh at your wide eyes as you pull away and lift a hand to your lips.
"A while if I'm being honest. I didn't think much of it until recently. I thought Jenelle could snap me out of  it but I guess I really do like you."
You began to laugh in your current stupor, making Kyung feel a bit uneasy.
"Y/n, are you okay?" He asked.
You looked to him, seeing his concern and halted your awkward laughing, surprising him with a kiss back. It was such an electric experience despite the shock value. Out of all the kisses you'd given and received, none of them amounted to the feeling that Kyung had given you.
It was special and truth be told, you had some feelings as well but you always pushed them to the back of your mind. The fact that it was happening now was just so comical to you but at least he gave you the best prom night. You knew this was someone you wanted to be with, and now that it was your best friend, it was clear that it would be long lasting.
"Your mom is going to explode when we tell her," you say, remembering how she truly loved you two together.
"Please don't remind me," he groaned, thinking about how she'll be when the time comes.
"Can I kiss you again?" You ask.
"Hell yeah. I've been waiting for this moment for a while."
You giggle before connecting lips again, holding his face in your hands. You pulled away, feeling your heart race. Just as you did, Kyung nodded to Jae and the guys abruptly switched songs. This next one was actually a song of their own. You'd heard it once when you and Kyung came to one of their practices. It was in korean but you loved it nonetheless. It was called I'm Serious, in English.
"Did you plan this?" You ask, crossing your arms.
"The confession? No. Music? Yes."
You roll your eyes, "Kyung Park I don't know whether I should be happy or embarrassed to have you as my boyfriend."
"I'd say both because of the ugly face I'm going to make right now," He said before contorting his face in a way that looked so uncomfortable that it made you cringe.
You hit his shoulder to make him stop but he didn't and proceeded to chase you when you ran away from him and his ugly expression. It was a night to remember.
The night of all nights made amazing by your best friend, and now lover.
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spookysweet-heart · 5 years
A Night To Remember
Request: “Hey there, I really love your works and I almost read every Leon fanfic on your Tumblr lol. So I would be very happy if you could do a story, in which the reader and Kennedy known each other since childhood and they're at prom night. He confesses to her that he has a crush on the reader and secretly she/he has to. 😊♥️ I excuse myself for my may bad English xD”
Fandom: Resident Evil
Pairings: Leon S.Kennedy x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None!
A/N: This was really cute to write, Thank you so much for requesting! :)
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        Walking down the halls to your locker, you were looking around at the few girls and guys who were giggling and smiling with excitement. All you heard while you passed by were them asking what dress they were wearing, colors they chose, what kind of makeup look they're thinking of doing. The boys were all talking about the limos they rented or the cars they were able to get for the night, some were even talking about the hotels they booked for an afterparty.
When you reached your locker your smile widened as you saw your best friend Leon Kennedy standing by your locker, also with a huge smile on his face once he finally saw you. Leon pushed himself off the lockers and opened his arms wide ready for a hug. You giggled as you wrapped your arms around him as he did the same to you. “There you are, dork! You're late!  The last bell was like ten minutes ago.” Once he stepped back from the hug he ruffled your hair a bit, stepping aside so you could put your books away.
“Don’t do that you know I don’t like it.” You gave him a side glare and put your books away closing your locker. “So are we still on for prom tonight?”
“Definitely, what better way than to go to prom with your best friend?” Leon put his arm around your shoulders and squeezed you a bit as you two walked out the front doors of your high school.
You and Leon had agreed to go to prom together, seeing as it would be better than just staying at home doing nothing, plus there would be free food and you two weren’t going to turn that down.
In all honesty, you were still confused since you thought for sure someone would’ve asked him to prom weeks ago. You had to admit Leon is pretty good looking, really funny, smart in certain subjects, and he has a goal of becoming a police officer after high school, what girl or guy wouldn’t want him to be their date or boyfriend for that matter.
“So my dads gonna drive us, which isn’t bad since he won’t do the whole protective dad routine.”
“I mean I wouldn’t blame him if he did though. He just wants his little girl safe.”
You readjusted your bookbag as you two crossed the street going into your neighborhood. “I know but I mean we’ve been friends since we were babies. You’d think he’d trust you enough to spare you the whole ‘bring my daughter back at this time’ and ‘dont try anything funny’ talk before we head in.”
Leon laughed and switched his textbook to the other arm, “(Y/n), if that happens it’s fine. So do I still come by around six?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure both our moms are going to want pictures.”
The rest of the walk home was pretty silent, You would notice him glance at you from time to time whenever you turned your head slightly to feel the warm sun hit your face. 
What you didn’t know was Leon’s heart was racing and his cheeks started to turn a faint pink color. He thought you looked so beautiful the way your hair framed your face perfectly, the sun making your eyes shine brightly. This wasn’t the first time he noticed the little things, oh no this boy fell for you back in middle school and he was doing a good job at not telling you about it. He didn’t want to ruin the good friendship you two had. He honestly couldn’t see a future without you.
Though that doesn’t mean he never thought of telling you. There were times he was so close to saying it but he backed out at the last second and always made up some dumb excuse to cover it up. He also thought about what it would be like to give you kisses, to call you his, giving you cute pet names, to hold your hand. He knew it wouldn’t be too different than how you two were now, minus the kissing part, but he knew everything would have a different meaning if you two did become a couple. 
“Leon? Hey, Leon are you okay?” You waved your hand in front of his face til be snapped out of his weird trance. When he did he looked at you confused.
“What? Oh shit yeah, I’m alright I just started thinking about the last science test we took, I wasn’t sure if I did my best you know?” He nervously rubbed the back of his neck doing his best to hide his blush again.
“I’m sure you did great Leon, so I’ll see you later!” He didn’t realize you two were already at your house till you waved goodbye to him while you walked to your front door. He stayed till you got inside and then made his way home too.
You had just finished putting on your flats when the doorbell rang. Knowing your mom was ready to open the door gave you a few extra seconds to check your make up and outfit in the mirror before you head downstairs. You picked out a dress in your favorite color and one that complimented your figure the best. 
“(Y/n)! Leon is here!” You heard your mom call from downstairs. Smiling to yourself you made your way downstairs.
Leon was busy talking to your mom that when he did finally notice you his words caught in his throat and he stared at the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen.
“Close your mouth Leon, you’ll catch flies like that.” Leon quickly composed himself and stood up straight smiling as you were giggling and made your way towards him.
“Sorry, sir.” Once you were standing in front of him, Leon took out the corsage he brought for you and slipped it on to one of your wrists while you pinned a smaller and similar flower to his suit.
After almost an hour of taking photos and both your mothers gushing over how adorable you two looked, you finally made your way prom.
The drive to the venue was silent, except for the music your dad put on the radio. Once you did arrive Leon got out of the car and rushed over to open your door and help you out of the car.  
Leon thanked your dad for the ride and surprisingly your dad just nodded and smiled back saying he’ll be back to pick you both up before the night ended.
Walking into the ballroom you both made your way to an empty table. You said hello and complimented some of your other friends on their dresses and got comfortable at the table sitting next to Leon.
“You look really pretty tonight, uh not that you don’t look pretty every other day…” You smiled up at him thankful he wouldn’t be able to tell your real blush from the makeup blush on your cheeks.
“Thanks, Leon You look as handsome as always.” Your smile widened as you saw a tiny bit of pink dust his cheeks. 
“Hey, do you want something to drink? I can go get us something from the refreshment table.”
“Yeah, that’d be great, thanks!” You nodded as he stood up and walked into the other side room where all the drink and food were.
Taking a deep breath in and out, you tried to steady your heartbeat. You didn’t think it would be difficult to hold down your feelings tonight but apparently, you were wrong. You knew you were done for when you saw him in his suit and with his hair combed back, he looked incredible tonight.
You calmed down just as Leon came back with your drinks and you thanked him as he handed you your cup. 
The rest of the night you both stole glances, talked to your classmates and even danced to a couple of songs with everyone. Overall the night was fun and you two were having a great time. You both had sat down taking a break from dancing, laughing at someone doing a ridiculous dance as everyone else gathered in a circle to cheer them on.
Finishing your drinks, you two started talking about how funny and adorable your moms were when they made you two take pictures earlier that night. 
As you were both laughing enjoying the conversation you noticed the music started to slow down as your laughter subsided. A slow song started to play and all the couples paired up on the dance floor.
Leon looked over at you swallowing the lump in his throat and set aside his nerves. Standing up he held out his hand to you. Looking down at you with a nervous but slightly confident look. “Would you, um would you like to dance...with me?”
Your blush was way more noticeable by now but you didn’t really care at this point. You nodded in a silent response and took his hand letting him lead you to the dance floor.
Leon placed both hands gently on your waist as you placed yours on his shoulders, both of you swaying to the music. You noticed Leon looking uneasy while you both danced. “Hey, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m alright. I just, can I be honest here?”
“Of course, are you sure you're okay?”
“I am. It’s just- look I don’t know any other way to say this without being nervous as hell.” He looked into your eyes and took a deep breath. “I like you- no, I….I love you, (Y/n). I’ve loved you ever since we were kids as friends and I guess as we got older the love I felt changed to something more than friendship. I understand if you don’t want to be friends or want me in your life anymore after I just ruined everything so I’ll just-”
You caught Leon off gaurd as you pressed your lips against his. Leon was stunned for a moment and when he realized what was happening he gladly pressed his lips back to yours smiling into the kiss.
You pulled away smiling up at him wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him closer to you. “You talk too much you know that?” You laughed when he looked embarrassed hearing that from you. “I love you too, Leon. I’ll always want you in my life no matter what happens.” 
Leon beamed when he heard you say the words he would only dream of. “Good because you’re never going to get rid of me.” 
You smiled and sighed softly. “By the way, how is it that no one asked you to prom, I swear there was a bunch of people swooning over you.”
Leon laughed and shook his head. “Honestly, I got asked a couple times but I turned them all down cause I really wanted to go with you.”  He leaned down closing the gap between you two once more in another sweet and passionate kiss. This was definitely a night you two would always remember.
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cassie-and-ren · 5 years
So obviously I haven’t been posting, for one I’m sorry I’m finally on summer break and I really wanted to relax from school for a bit before my life kills me and secondly it’s really just because I had huge writers’s block and I still do. I”m trying to get new ideas and whatnot, but who knows. I hope I can keep writing for you all! On to my normal blurb...
I really don’t know what this is but I’m a sucker for Catfish the TV show and I always love it when they meet who they were really talking to. So yeah...
Enjoy reading~
    You weren’t the most social person on the planet, that’s an understatement. You didn’t like speaking to people in real life or at all, pretty much you wanted to keep to yourself, and for the most part you were able to. All through school no one bothered you unless they were forced to speak with you and you were content with having no friends. That wasn’t to say you enjoyed it all the time, seeing girls and guys hang out with their friends, talking for hours, laughing and doing things together you did envy it, but what were you to do now? It’s not like you could just all of a sudden start acting friendly. At least you didn’t want to, High School was ending soon for you and making friends seemed pointless. So you hoped maybe as you got older you’d make friends at work or maybe even in higher learning.
    Either way you didn’t really concern about it most time, just the few time it did cross your mind, but you didn’t concern too much about it because you did have one friend…
    As you got home your parents didn’t say much to you so you quickly went to your room and opened your laptop checking to see if he was on. This he was named MaL, at least that was his username. You met him randomly while you were scrolling through your social media, you came across a fan page for Mark and decided to follow it since you felt like you needed some more Mark Lee pictures in your life. That was when one day he messaged you with a simple hello. From there you two talked almost everyday, he knew you had school so he didn’t bother texting you then, but it had become pretty routine to talk with him every other day. You wanted to talk with him more but you didn’t want to come across as needy or annoying and settled on doing it every other day. MaL never said anything either so you were content with how things were.
    Even though you two had never video chatted or spoken on the phone you trusted him and what he told you. He explained he was a male, that he was around your age. He didn’t say where he lived and neither did you, apart from a vague country or continent but a part of you wanted to know. Eventually things went from you just having a cool online friend to having a crush. You enjoyed speaking to him and found yourself wanting to hear his voice and meet him in real life. You never asked because you worried if he’d think you were strange for wanting to meet up, you had only known each other for two months or so, but things were good so you settled on just talking online and didn’t do anything to mess that up.
That’s when you heard a chime on your laptop.
“Hey~ you home yet?” You smiled and responded.
“Yeah, sorry I didn’t text first… I was thinking about something.”
“What about?”
“Nothing serious, just some dumb stuff”
“You don’t think about dumb stuff, are you lying?”
“Lol why would I be?”
“I don’t know, you never know.”
“Well you know, I wouldn’t lie to you.”
“I’m serious!”
“Alright calm down, I was joking! But  I have a day off tomorrow so I can stay up really late tonight!”
“You’re not going to fall asleep on me?”
“As long as you don’t.”
“Well you know NCT is coming to your country?”
“Of course I know! Everyone blew up about it online.”
“Are you gonna go?”
“I really want to but…”
“No, you have to go!”
“Because, when EXO came last time you said you wanted to go but forgot to buy tickets, you complained about it for almost a week after!”
“Who cares, just ignore me or tell me to stop complaining.”
“You can’t be mean to friends.”
“So I can be rude to you then?”
“Okay, not funny.”
“I’m kidding, but if I do go I’ll be all alone.”
“No you won’t.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I mean, I’m going too.”
“You are?”
“Yeah, this time I wanted to see all their concerts, I took some time off from work and my parents are cool with it. So when I heard they were coming to where you are I figured maybe… we could meet up in see each other in real life.” You really didn’t know what to think, if you said yes you were going to meet him. That made you heart race, but you had to respond.
“You really want to meet me?”
“Of course! You’re almost like best friends and this way meeting you won’t freak you out… even though I swear I’m not some creepy dude.”
“I know… but you don’t know if I could be some creepy person!”
“I don’t think you are, if you were you would have asked to meet me, but you never did.”
“Have you ever seen catfish?”
“Okay extreme cases there, besides have I ever sent you money?”
“That’s not the point.”
“Well that aside we’ll be in public with a ton of other people, I wanted to meet you in the venue, I was getting my seat really close to the stage too, but I figured if we went in together we could get seats together.” That seemed like a good idea, you’d meet where everyone was going to be. You did have some money saved and while buying a seat that close was expensive… you’d be killing two birds with one stone.
“Hey, don’t be nervous… I mean I am too but only because it’ll be new getting to see you and hear your voice.”
“That makes two of us.”
“I’m glad you feel that way too… we could do it now if you want. Buying our seats together?”
“...Yeah alright should I pick where we sit?”
“If you want I’ll go in and try and get my right beside you… or at least in the same row.”
“Okay let me bring it up.”
    After that, you spent most of the night trying to find two seats that were empty together, eventually you and him found seats that were close enough together and you bought yours. You and MaL talked for the rest of the night until you started to get sleepy, you were more so than usual and told him you’d call it a night. He let you go and soon you were fast asleep…
    Since their concert was happening after school for you ended, you focused on the end of the year. You still wanted to talk to MaL but despite your wants he seemed to just disappear. You tried to text him everyday now because he wouldn’t respond to you. You were worried maybe he was bailing out on even meeting you, you tried asking him questions only for him to totally ignore them. You weren’t even let on read. He somehow just disappeared from your life, and while you were disappointed you had spent over two hundred dollars just to see NCT so you were going to force yourself to be happy and within the following two weeks you were getting ready to leave…
    The day of the concert had you were nervous for one reason or another, you still told none of this boy to your parents for fear they’d be so worried and prevent you from going, but you did tell them that you wanted to be picked up by them which they happily agreed to. So as you and a large group of other girls were waiting for the doors to open you looked around trying to see if MaL was there. You two did plan to wear something that you two would recognize, you wore a pink bandana on your left wrist while he said he have on black ripped jeans with a key chain he sent a picture. You were still worried that he may have just been setting you up, but you did think maybe he thought the same way. You didn’t have high hopes for tonight and told yourself not to take any stupid risks. Eventually you were let inside and you quickly found your row and seat. You knew what seat he had gotten so you wanted around for a while seeing girl after girl fill the spaces, by the time the stands were filled there was still a seat left open in your row. You hoped it was his and tried to get your mind off it. Then NCT came onto the stage.
    In your mind you were thinking about how handsome they all were up close, but that quickly faded when you saw Mark. He was your bias but that’s not that caused you to stare blankly at him. Once they were all on stage preparing for the first song Mark turned to stare directly at you. You were caught off guard especially when you noticed that easily recognizable key chain. Mark stared at you for a while longer before you decided to raise your left hand showing the pink bandana, upon seeing that a bright smile came to his face and the song started. Everything hit you then. MaL was Mark! You couldn’t believe you didn’t put two and two together! He never said when his birthday was, but you assumed it was during the summer since he would always talk about his gifts during the winter. He also knew a lot about Mark, most of it you brushed off as simple coincidence but thinking about it now, of course he’d know that stuff about himself! You couldn’t believe it, now you were laughing and soon joined everyone else in the fan chants…
    The concert had been amazing, Mark stole glances your way making you laugh when you really didn’t need to, but you enjoyed it nonetheless. Once everything was over you were slowly making your way out of the concert hall, that was until you finally got a message from Mark again.
“Sorry about this, but do you think we can meet up?” You smiled.
“Of course we can Mark… where?” He told you where and you went there and waited around until pretty much everyone was gone. You told your parents you’d call them when you were done so you didn’t have to worry about them just yet. You were about to text Mark again when he called out to you.
“Hey…” You turned as he approached you. You two said nothing for a little bit, Mark broke the silence. “... Did you have fun.” You smiled.
“Yeah I really did.” He smiled happy to hear that, “But I didn’t have fun being ignored for the last two weeks.”
“I know! I’m sorry it’s just after you said you were coming I figured I’d just talk to you here, but I didn’t think about how long that would be.” You nodded.
“I almost didn’t come because I thought you were baiting me.”
“I told you I wasn’t some creep.” You smiled.
“Yeah, instead you’re a liar! I can’t believe you’re Mark Lee!” You were acting like a normal fan would as reality finally hit you, he just laughed at you. “Why didn’t you just tell me?”
“Because I didn’t really know how you were, I was worried you’d tell everyone you knew and things would get out of hand fast.” You nodded. “Plus I really didn’t want you liking me because I’m Mark from NCT, I know it’s kind of corny but I wanted you to like me for me, not what I do.” You smiled.
“I get it, but I wouldn’t have told anyone since I really don’t have friends,” He seemed shocked, “And secondly I already liked you as a bias.” His face went red.
“Y-you did?” You nodded.
“I hope that doesn’t make things weird.”
“No! It just means… uh I know we can keep being good… friends.”
“Yeah… friends.” You two sat in silence for a little bit.
“Hey can I ask you-” You both stopped speaking over each other, he let you go first.
“Well, I was gonna ask if uh you’d be okay with-” You shook your head. “Actually never mind, what were you going to ask?” He got stiff suddenly.
“Uh, I was just going to ask if you were dating anyone, but you said you didn’t really have friends so maybe I shouldn’t have asked that?”
“No, it’s fine, but why did you want to know?”
“W-well because we’re kind of close and I was hoping we could keep being this close and I figured if you were with someone it’d be kind of bad you know?” As cute as he was you held back a smile.
“I get it… and I hope we can keep being close too.” Mark smiled to you. “But no more lies.”
“I promise.” You nodded to him.
“So… do you wanna go backstage with me? Everyone was kind of curious about who you were.”
“You told them about me?”
“Yeah, they kind of make fun of me for it.” Your face went hot, “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“Of course I’m going! Just swear you’ll catch me if I pass out.” You joked, he laughed.
“Sure I’ll have Jaehyun carry you.” You didn’t expect your meeting to wind up this way. You were happy and even more so knowing that your feelings for Mark may have been mutual…
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06love · 6 years
O A S I S  | 5K
Summary:  ❝She was his oasis— a place where he could find safety and sustenance.
Even if he didn’t want to admit it to himself, Kayna was his oasis, time after time, it was her that listened to him when he felt insecure, when he had doubts, when he had thoughts that haunted him, telling him that he wasn’t good enough, she was there for him. And when he least expected it, she became something more, she became his oasis, the place where he could find comfort.❞
Words: 5.800+
Genre: Fluff + tiny bit angst
Pairing: Jimin x O/C
Rooh’s note: inspired by this Bangtan Bomb, + a rainy day while listening to one of the tracks used in his performance. You may cringe from fluffiness? lol, this is basically them pouring their love for each other, and me being soft. Repost + Rewrite, enjoy~
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Tagging @evalocity​ cause you said you wanted to read about my O/C once, so here you go.| photo cr.
Kayna’s eyes witnessed something beautiful and elegant, almost as soft and graceful as the melody itself. ‘Pin-Up Girl’ — the melody she drifted to sleep listening to often. Some nights she would stare at the laptop screen while Jimin was practicing alone in the studio.
They weren’t able to have a conversation, especially at that time of the year where they (BTS) breathed awards shows, and it did affect their relationship at some point, but Kayna was not willing to let that ruin it. No, not the relationship she cherished most. It was the reason she woke up in the middle of the night, for weeks, sometimes months, just so she could send him a good morning message according to his timezone. So, she was not willing to let the lack of communication ruin that relationship.
Even if they were busy and couldn’t talk, it was more than enough to know that the other’s presence was in the room— to be able to see or hear the loved one despite the distance between them. So the new routine to call each other whenever they were alone was created.
Sometimes one of them was asleep, and all the other could hear was the soft moans escaping from the lips they hungered to taste. There were times where one would do their tasks while the other was graciously watching the other on the screen. Kayna would watch Jimin train by himself when he needed to. It was one of her favorite things to do; she says that he has an aura that she swears produces melodies whenever she is around him. She can hear it, his heart beat alongside with his own distinct melody, harmony, him.
While he trained for the SBS Music Awards Festival, Kayna was there, silently observing, with the purest smile of admiration and enjoyment while watching Jimin sway his limbs to the sweet melodic sound that was ‘Pin-Up Girl’ by Nadanmusic. Sometimes she would fall at sleep while he trained till late at night. She enjoyed watching her boyfriend do what he loved, and the amount of happiness she felt when Jimin told her that he’d gotten her tickets to go to the SBS Awards was indescribable. Not because she would be able to see the awards itself (despite that being a memorable moment) but because she would be able to see him doing it live in front of an audience. She would be able to see him perform, see him in his purest form.
After traveling to the spot, Kayna was seated comfortably on her seat next to some other guests, most likely from other idols, in the venue. Some were press, and others seemed to be talk show presenters, but she didn’t mind them, she was focused on something else, rather, someone else, as her eyes searched the venue for the 7 boys she was familiar with.
She was intricately dressed with a long dark blue dress, backless and strapped with a modest v cleavage, tiny sequins fading from the top to the bottom of the dress, a light makeup was applied that suited the event. She was confident and ready to enjoy the show, partially sad because she wouldn’t be able to sit next to him, but she understood and she didn’t mind. One of the rules in dating an international male idol was that her relationship was a state secret. Not even her friends or family could know about it, at least for the time being.
As soon as the lights all went down, her heart raced. She knew he would do the opening show stage, her eyes searched in the dark for the presence of someone in the stage to see nothing but shadows moving towards the center.
The familiar melody began playing and the lights went back up making it easier for her to search for faces. She counted 7 people in that section, 5 females and a couple of males. His silver hair stood out to her and by then her eyes were glued on him. When he began moving, that was when she knew that her previous thoughts were dead wrong. It was even more exciting than what she had imagined in her mind.
Jimin’s arms danced with the music, and every pirouette and twirl he performed seemed to make him as light and delicate as a feather, yet stern like the forces of nature. He was graciously beautiful, he was mesmerizing, and just like that, what seemed a brief second after he began dancing the music had stopped and the attention was turned to meet another group, and they began moving their bodies to an upbeat song.
Kayna didn’t expect Jimin and his group to come back on stage with an upbeat song as well, but when both groups reunited on the center of the stages with a mix of colors and genders, a bright smile was spread across her lips. When he began dancing once again, he blew her mind away. Jimin truly was an exceptional dancer, he moved as strict as he could as he followed the beat of the song, both graciously and firm and it all looked perfect to her. Her eyes never leaving his presence as the familiar song played. She wondered if he knew that she was hypnotized to him right now. Did he know that that stage seemed to be empty and that he was the only one on there? Probably not, but she was happy enough to feel that way.
And just like the first time, in what felt a short amount of time, the first performance was over. The lights went back to black, a cloud of noises with cheers and screams from people that seemed to enjoy it as much as she did was created.
As the show occurred, Kayna enjoyed every bit of it, singing along the songs she knew and cheering for the artists she loved as well, especially when BTS went on stage. She cheered for the boys she loved, one in particular, but no one needed to know about that. By end of the show, she got out of the venue and went straight to the hotel she was staying in for the night. That, not so coincidentally, was the same hotel that BTS was staying in, she knew that it would take a while until Jimin and the boys could go to the hotel. It was not the first time she went to an event he attended and “coincidentally” stayed in the same hotel as them, so she knew the drill.
Kayna had just finished taking a long shower, washing away all the tiredness her body felt after the long hours she spent in the venue both waiting for the show to start and after it ended to leave. She exited the bathroom with the hotel towel wrapped around her body, tucked under her arms. She moved towards the bed where her suitcase was placed, and after spreading the items on the bed she pondered on whether she should use the tea rose lingerie she had bought that came with a night dress, a beautiful silk one by the way, or stick to the loyal sapphire night robe Jimin had offered her instead.
After her skin care routine, from the fragranced body lotion and the sweet Victoria Secret Body Mist to the face creams and lip balm, a routine that took almost 30 minutes. Given the fact that she took her time, it’s been 1 hour in a half since she left the venue where the show occurred and she believed Jimin left it around an hour after her, she decided to wear the silky tea rose night dress. It would match her lingerie even though she knew she probably wouldn’t need to show it off tonight. Jimin would be tired from the training and the event itself, even she was tired and she didn’t train as much as him. But she always liked to look good for him even if they wouldn’t get intimate.
Someone knocked on the door a couple of times, and the sound was loud enough to stir Kayna in her sleep. She pondered, Jimin had the room’s key, so she brushed it off and tried to drift back to sleep thinking that maybe it was a mistake, but shortly after another knock was heard on the door followed by a low whisper of what she thought to be her name.
She got up and called for her lover’s name once, and after a confirmation, her lips curved up as she clumsily rushed out of bed almost tripping on the sheets and stopping right in front of the door. As she paused for a moment and took a deep breath, quickly trying to fix her hair, she slowly opened the door to confirm it was indeed the love of her life and she saw the smile he had on his lips that matched hers.
Jimin’s arms automatically wrapped around Kayna’s waist pulling her up into the warmest and unwieldy hug he could manage, stepping inside the room and shutting the door behind him. They both stood there, for a few seconds before she pulls back and crashes their lips together into the warmest kiss they’ve felt in a long time. So many nights were spent thinking about each other’s lips, picturing each other’s scents, each other’s presence, and the moment finally came.
“…Hi.” Jimin softly whispered after breaking the kiss they shared, and with a short giggle from Kayna’s lips, he laughed again.
“Hi baby.” She smiled at him, trying to get loose from his grip. He lowered her to the ground and her arms automatically wrapped around his neck, not wanting to lose the closeness they shared.
“I missed you.” His arms snaked around her waist, pulling her closer. Just to let her know that he didn’t want to loose the proximity with her too. Her body felt warm against his skin, and that familiar warmth was something that he longed for almost 2 months now. He missed her body against his, the soft touch of her lips on his, her scent… he missed her. By now he could tell the entire room smelled like candy and flowers, both of which he guessed came from her shower essentials and her beauty products. He knew she would do whatever it was in her power to smell and look her best when she’d meet him. That’s something that hasn’t change, no, not for the total of 16 months they’ve been together. She would always do the impossible to be more than presentable for him even when he had told her that she didn’t need to she’d insist on it.
“I missed you more.” She replied with a grin on her lips. Jimin could never get tired of staring at her. He always found her so beautiful yet different— unique. Her smile gave him butterflies every time he stared. Every. Single. Time. And he’d never complain. Even in a hundred years, he’d never complain how good her smile is for him.
He crouched in front of her, one arm moving a couple inches up from her waist, while the other reached behind her knees to lift her into his lap. Gaining a screech from the young girl as she was caught by surprise, wrapping her arms around his neck even tighter now.
“What are you doing, you idiot!” She laughed out loud, a sound Jimin considered the most beautiful ballad. He swore once that if he would ever find himself in a coma and Kayna laughed, a laugh caused by pure happiness, he would wake up because it ain’t no way he would miss such a beautiful sight. He did get hit a couple of times for mentioning him being in a coma but gained a well-deserved kiss from the praise. And maybe something else, but that’s not what matters right now.
“I, am taking you to the bed and I’ll appreciate your beauty while lying on it. Because I’m tired.” He answered her while walking towards the bed. The hotel room wasn’t that big, it had a Queen-sized bed in the center of it and a long couch by the left corner. The bathroom was on the right side of the bed where you could also find the closet with mirror-covered doors that he saw their reflection and stopped in front of it.
“That’s a nice sight,” He remarked as he raised Kayna enough to gain another screech from her placing her over his left shoulder with some effort, letting her bottom face the mirror and exposing her tea rose panties.
“Now tell me, is there a particular reason you wore these today?” He asked as his hands reached the hem the panties and snapped it against her sides. “And why you’re not wearing any shorts?”
“Don’t do that!” Kayna scrunched while grabbing his waist for support. “And put me down, you know I’m scared of this! Jimin!” She continued with her eyes shut, hugging him tightly.
“You know I won’t let you fall, babe. Don’t you trust me?” He smirked, knowing the answer already. He’d do that all the time— ask her if she trusted him. He’d use it as an excuse to do things that she doubted would work or that scared her, but after the question, she’d let him do as he pleased.
“Jimin, you know I trust you, just-” Her grip had gotten tighter and he knew she was almost at her limit. He moved towards the bed and kindly laid her on it, as she loosened her grip on him. He saw that her eyes were still shut and her face still scrunched in fear. He lowered himself and kissed her lips softly, making her loosen her tight expression.
“I hate you…” She whispered against his lips as he replied with another soft kiss.
“Are you sure you hate me?” He gave her a soft smirk then followed to kiss her neck sweetly. “Cause I don’t think someone that hates me-” He kissed her neck again, releasing a soft giggle from her. “-would have such a beautiful laugh,” He placed another wet kiss on the spot, “-to me kissing her.”
Kayna’s hands moved to cup his face and pull him into a proper kiss. A slow one with so much care and sentiment that Jimin had to place his arms on the bed for support because he knew they’d stay like that for a while, and they did. As the kiss deepened and his tongue was now dancing along with hers at the sound of the slowest ballad, there was no rush, no burning desire, just the moment of being able to enjoy the tingling sensation their lips had on each other.
“I missed you so much.” Kayna whispered while their foreheads still touched and their breathing was almost like one. She breathed his scent into her lungs and felt herself feeling complete once again.
Jimin managed to finally crawl in bed and adjusting his body next to her. She did the same, and by now he noticed that the shirt she was wearing seemed familiar.
“Is that my shirt?” He giggled and reached for the hem to see the tag verifying that it was indeed his.
“I had a silk night dress on but I hated it. I mean it looked nice but it didn’t feel comfortable y’know?”
She made a face at him, and he still looked confused as to why was his shirt with her. So she continued, “Fine!” She gave up. “I brought your shirt to give it back, but then it reminded me of you, and it’s so much more comfy than the night dress i bought. Plus, it still had your perfume on it. Sorry!”
She rolled her eyes faking annoyance.
“Does that mean that you haven’t wash it in almost 2 months?” His brow was quirked up in confusion.
She answered that she’d wash it— it was just that she stole his perfume and had sprayed it on the shirt to smell like him.
He laughed at the answer she gave him, and she still complained that it wasn’t the same.
“Well, you can take some dirty clothes from my suitcase, if you feel like it?” He suggested, receiving a hit in the shoulder by the curly-haired girl.
“Are you hungry? We should eat something,” She suggested, ignoring his previous question.
When he agreed, she grabbed the phone to order room service, succeeding right after.
“Do you wanna watch some TV while we wait? They said that it could take around 40 minutes.” She suggested again, this time reaching for the remote to turn the tv on but his arm stopped her.
Kayna turned to meet the eyes of the silver-haired man sitting next to her in the bed. She didn’t notice what he was wearing, it all happened so quick that she didn’t have the time. He had a pink T-shirt and some shorts on.
It took her a while to see that it was the pink shirt she had offered him around 3 months ago, that caused her lips to curve up slightly. It caused her to remember the day she bought it.
Jimin told her he didn’t want it and that he would appreciate something black or blue, but she bought it just to get on his nerves. It was a plain Hugo boss pink shirt. She bought him 2, a light pink one and a hot pink one. He said that it won’t suit him, so he never wore it even when she asked but now he was wearing it.
“I missed you too, you know? I’ve worn both of them lately just to think about you whenever I look myself in the mirror.” He smiled at her and she thanked him for that. “I don’t want to watch TV,” He pulled her close, “I wanna be with you. And just… just be with you.”
Kayna always felt the need to fill the room with some noise or distraction whenever she was nervous, and right now she was. It has been almost 2 months since she last saw her boyfriend, and that placed her on edge. She didn’t know exactly how to cope. She always had that soft feel of a new relationship whenever she was with Jimin. It’s not like they see each other all the time. It’s always at least a week or two before they can see each other again. The longest it’s been was almost 3 months, and she thought during that time they might’ve ended their relationship. It had only been the beginning of their relationship but the way Jimin hugged her when he saw her again like he truly missed her, made her realize that this wasn’t an experiment anymore. It was an actual relationship that he was also willing to fight for despite the setbacks.
She agreed and laid back with him. And after a few minutes of admiration while he stroked her hair, curling it on his fingers, she broke the silence, catching his attention (as if it was possible to be more attentive than he already was).
“I loved your performance today,” She smiled, “You were… baby, you were amazing. When you were up there…” She shifted in bed to look at the beige ceiling with gold prints of flowers along it with a beautiful small chandelier in the center. She ran through her thoughts searching for words to describe her feelings, and her hands slowly intertwined fingers with Jimin’s without her even looking. “You were like, like smoke… that first performance, your body slid and twisted. Just like smoke… y-you know? It was so beautiful to watch, pleasing… yet just like the parting dust, it vanished too quickly.”
She looked almost sad for saying those words.
Kayna didn’t need to turn to know that Jimin’s eyes were glued to her right now. She just knew she had his entire attention. Jimin cared about what she thought especially regarding his performances.
“Then when you came back, and that song started-”
“You love that song,” He interrupted her with a soft laugh and she continued right after agreeing with him.
“-You know I do. I love that song so much. And you!!” She turned to face him, catching him by surprise. “You didn’t tell me you were gonna perform it.”
He said it was a surprise and she agreed, it was indeed a beautiful surprise.
Then she continued, “You did great! You danced like, like- like the wind? I don’t even know how to describe it!”
A small chuckle escaped his lips.
“I’m serious here! Baby, you did amazing, you were- you were just like the wind, strong and devastating, and like smoke, soft and… pleasing. Both in one. Get it?”
Jimin shyly smiled, covering his mouth with one hand. He then looked down at her hands, almost as if he was ashamed for what he was gonna say next, “ I’m-I’m unsatisfied…”
A few couple of seconds passed before Kayna spilled a soft ‘why’ and he continued explaining, “It’s just that… as expected, when we try to shorten and do things quickly there are many parts that are unsatisfactory.”
Seconds of silence followed again after his words. Kayna wasn’t exactly sure how to reply and she wanted to analyze his words carefully.
“Despite that since it is my first time showing that professionally, I’ll work harder next time.”
Kayna understood what he meant, it’s not that he felt like he wasn’t good, he just felt like he could do better. He criticized himself as an artist. And that was fine to do, but in her eyes, he had done the best job possible. He had done everything right yet he still felt like he didn’t, and that’s something she couldn’t have. She needed to assure him that he did great. He was almost perfect. And that was enough.
“Baby, look at me,” Her hand moved to lift his chin so they could both be at the same eye level, and she saw in his eyes what he meant- he was indeed unsatisfied, and she could see something close to shame in them, and yet she was completely confused.
How could a beautiful creature like him think that about himself?
“You were perfect, and I don’t say this just as- as your girlfriend.” She stuttered. Sometimes saying that out loud still sounded weird to her. The world still didn’t know about the fact that she and Jimin had been dating for a more than a year now.
For the past year, Kayna and Jimin had been struggling to keep in touch while he had the busiest schedule and she had her own life to take care off.
In the beginning, she still couldn’t believe he was infatuated with her- a simple girl that happened to cross his way a couple of times. He said it took him a lot of courage to approach her that day at the cafe right before she left. During a few weeks after work, Kayna would go to a cafe near the building he worked, and for some reason —that is still unknown to her. Park Jimin seemed to observe her almost every day, from a few stores high. He then began going to the cafe around the time she was there but she never noticed him until he made himself noticeable. From that moment on, with a lot of care and caution, their relationship progressed into friends. Before she knew it, she had a nervous Park Jimin at her doorstep at 2 am, telling her that for some reason his heart insisted on telling him that she was a trustworthy person and he couldn’t be without letting her know how much she made his heart skip a beat.
Yes, he won her heart like that… slowly entering it. And when she least expected, her heart was already wrapped by his soft and warm hugs whenever he needed an escape. (That wasn’t that often.) Kayna still wondered how they managed to keep things hidden for so long. No one, other than the 6 members of Bangtan and the superiors from Big Hit, knew about their relationship, and that’s how it’s supposed to be, that’s how they would keep it until they both decided it was time to reveal it all to the world.
“I’m saying this as someone that appreciates art, almost as much as you do- You did great. You were perfect to me, baby, and no one can ever convince me otherwise. You know why?” His eyes slowly shut in a smile, as he questioned her ‘why.’ “Because I know talent when I see it, and you,” She reached close to kiss the tip of his nose, “You, baby, you are pure talent, and you know it.”
A bright smile spread across her lips.
“Thank you… you know how much that means to me. You know how much you mean to me.” His arms moved without notice to pull her closer, and her eyes followed the dance, one that their bodies knew too well. Breathing in sync, legs intertwined, arms around waists, foreheads touching. Connected. They were both connect through something far much meaningful than just their bodies.
“I love you Jimin,” The soft sound escaped her lips, and to him, it sounded like a beg, but a beg for what? “I love you so much it hurts just to think that you may not know how much I love you, how you may not feel the love you deserve. But then again, you get love from your fans, from the boys… But I still feel like-” Kayna searched for words in her mind to describe what she meant, and the silence began bothering Jimin for once.
He asked her to continue the phrase, continue to elaborate her thoughts, and she did.
“I feel like I don’t show you that enough, I feel like I should let you know just how much I love you… You see, I feel that what I feel towards you is something more than just a mere connection.”
“How so?” He asked in pure curiosity. What did she mean by ‘more than just a mere connection’?
In response, Kayna sits up and pulls his tired body from the bed to follow her.
The young man complained and whined for a while before she made the cutest puppy dog face and threatened to not kiss him until the sun shines, and the silver haired boy most certainly did not want that so he sat up and got a reward kiss which spread a smile on his plump rosy lips.
Her hands grabbed his, and she began talking, and by now, Jimin didn’t know just how much these words would mean to him. “You know how I’m not good with words, right?”
They both agreed.
She did have some difficulty expressing herself, so she used something else in compensation — illustrations, examples, anything that would make it easy for her to pass on her thoughts. “So let’s just say that… that- that what you make me feel, it… it goes beyond just saying I love you. We’ve been together for a little over a year now and yet I feel like you are the best thing that happened to me.” Her smile was so genuine that Jimin couldn’t help but raise the corners of his lips as well, blushing. “When I see you entering the room, I can’t control the way my heart beats like a freaking drum, every single time, and when you smileee!” She rolled both her head and her eyes grew in astonishment, “Park Jimin, your smile gives me so much hope. It’s the most beautiful smile I’ve seen.” She cupped his face, preventing him from covering his own face as he blushed a hot pink tone. “If, and may the devil be deaf right now, but if I ever go mute, just the way I’ll look and smile at you would be enough for you to realize how much I love you. I’m positive of it.”
By now Jimin was a mess of tiny laughs and beautiful eye smiles.
“Really? That’s how much you love me? You know you could always learn sign language to tell me how much you love me, right?” He corked up his eyebrows but was quickly shutting his eyes as repetitive hits were deposited on his left side as Kayna complained about him ruining a beautiful romantic moment.
“Ah- St-Stop! I’m sorry! Hey! At least I’d learn how to speak sign language for you!” He replied through the blows.
“That’s not funny! I mean thank you, that’s sweet, but let’s just hope that doesn’t happen.”
“What if you get your arms chopped off for some unimaginable reason?”
Kayna’s eyebrows were almost touching because she could not understand where that level of morbidness was coming from. Jimin received another set of hits on his arm that was probably feeling sore by now.
“Are you saying that I might become armless? Why not chop my legs too?”
“That,“ He paused “could also happen.”
By now Jimin was covering his face, Kayna had grabbed the pillow set and aggressively began hitting Jimin with it nonstop. That boy could always ruin those sweet moments.
In time, Kayna realized that it could be the fact that it made him feel overwhelmed with emotions, so he always found a way to make the subject lighter and put away all the attention on him. She knew he was paying attention, listening, and understanding, he just had a little trouble being the center of it.
After several minutes of a young lady violently attacking him with the pillow set, and laughter filling the room. A couple feathers escaped from the pillowcase, landing on both their faces and hair, getting tangled between their beautiful locks. Jimin then grabbed Kayna’s arms, throwing the pillows to the ground.
He managed to pin her against the mattress, sitting on top of her while tiny feathers still fly across the room slowly finding their way to any surface. One tiny little white one falls gently landed on Kayna’s lower lip. The contrast between the coral-pink and the white made his mouth feel dry, he hungered for them once again. He moved one of his hands from the wrists he held, to take the delicate feather from the lips he craved to taste. Her eyes followed every move he made, slowly, carefully as he appreciated what was in front of him.
Kayna’s hair was spread across the bed, her bun was messily undone, shades of brown from the lightest to the darkest decorate the white sheets. It almost matched her beautiful skin tone, and her doe eyes had that sparkle he saw since the first time he laid eyes on her. She was beautiful to him, exotic, unique.
When he moved to close the distance between them, she spoke, “Even if I was blind, and deaf, and had no arms and legs….” He stared at her, waiting for the end of the sentence while their eyes focused on each other, trying to read what they had to say. “Even if I died, I believe my love for you would still be felt. Because I know, I know it is stronger than that. You are the only man I want to be with. The most beautiful person I know, both inside and outside, and there’s no one that could ever make me feel the way you do.”
By now Kayna could see something in Jimin’s eyes, something she hasn’t seen before, and she wondered what it was. What was it that she hasn’t seen it yet?
A tear was able to escape Jimin’s eyes as he looked down at her. It fell and landed on her cheek. A smile was spread across his lips, and unlike Kayna, he knew what he was feeling. — Fear.
For the first time since they’ve been together, Jimin felt fear. Fear of losing her. How could he ever lose such an amazing woman? How could he ever even think of letting her get away? The answer is he couldn’t. He wouldn’t. She was his oasis— a place where he could find safety and sustenance.
Even if he didn’t want to admit it to himself, Kayna was his oasis, time after time, it was her that listened to him when he felt insecure, when he had doubts, when he had thoughts that haunted him, telling him that he wasn’t good enough, she was there for him. And when he least expected it, she became something more than just ‘the girl I have a thing for,’ she became his oasis, the place where he could find comfort.
His hand moved to wipe the tear that landed on her cheek, he lowered his lips and sealed another chaste kiss on her lips. “I’d be a fool if I ever let go of you…” He whispered and gained a smile from his loved one.
Kayna’s arms wrap around him, letting him collapse on top of her. His head buried in the crook of her neck accepting her warmth with all the love she could deliver.
“I’d be the fool if I allow you to let me go. We’ll make it through no matter what. Right?”
To this, Jimin thought back to the words she had once sent him, on a postcard when they completed 6 months together. After the dinner, for the first time, she said it in person: “I love you.” Her trust issues were behind her when she decided to give herself to Jimin. After he dropped her home, she gave him a box and told him to open only when he got home. He agreed and they shared a kiss goodbye.
When he got home, he anxiously opened it and saw a handmade doll that looked like him with brown hair, a pink shirt, and ripped black jeans. A tiny heart was sewed on the right foot and next to it their initials, ‘J & K.’
After that, he noticed the postcard with the distinct trade of her hometown, that said the words he began reciting once again:
“Love is like a river, it flows around rocks, adapts itself to valleys and mountains.” Kayna now joined him to complete the quote she once wrote, their voices together, “Never ending as it flows, but gets greater with time.”
They both hugged each other with a strength that wasn’t even necessary, and that moment felt clear, perfect, the sound of their breathing and heartbeats were the only thing that seemed to exist in the world.
Jimin whispered a soft ‘thank you’ and before Kayna could answer.
There was a knock on the door, followed by the words ‘Room Service’ that cracked a soft laugh from both of them.
“Nothing to make this more romantic than food, wouldn’t you agree?” Jimin laughed, and he moved to the side to let Kayna get up and go answer the door. ♡
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canaryatlaw · 5 years
okay, it’s hella late but we’ll have to see how long this post ends up being lol because a lot happened today but it might not be that much to describe. I woke up at 10:30 am to my alarm and met Jess for brunch at the usual place, taking with me only the essentials (phone, wallet, phone external battery, usb cord, wall plug, and my little container of mints I need for when my throat dries out which I also keep my keys in) and had them all shoved in my pockets because the concert was like hella strict about letting bags in and you could only bring is clear ones which is weird but okay. brunch was good, from there we walked to the red line and took it down to the loop to visit the BTS pop up store. so this is a pop up store that’s been here for a week prior to and during the concerts selling exclusive merch and some Chicago themed stuff but sadly they were sold out of that by the time we got there. We arrived and saw there was a line to go in, so we walked down the block to the corner, saw the line wrapped around the corner, walked down that block only to see the line wrapped around ANOTHER corner and walked down that block, only to find the end of the line just past yet another corner, to the point where the line was almost a square around the city block. So yeah, it was kind of extreme. We ended up waiting in line for like two hours or so, which could’ve been worse so I wasn’t all that miffed about it. We had prepared for it to be cold because Jess said it was freezing last night so I had my hoodie, my winter coat, and at that point I was holding my raincoat since the forecast said it was gonna rain tonight. I gave Jess my coat at one point because I wasn’t that cold and she was freezing. We finally made it into the store, I found it a bit underwhelming tbh, they had a few cool little places you can take pictures and look at the merch, and they give you a “menu” of items and you check off which ones and they give you a beeper (like at a restaurant) which buzzes when your order is ready and then you pay for it and head out. We were probably in there for about 25 minutes. I ended up getting a sticker pack just because everything was expensive (t-shirts were like, $59) and at least I’ll use them, and Jess got a button pack after deciding against the shirt she was looking at and planning to buy one at the concert. Once we finished there we walked back around the block to where there was a noodles and company, we were trying to conserve the amount of liquid we were taking in because apparently the bathroom line at the concert was like, 45 minutes long last night so we wanted to avoid that if we could. I had some mac and cheese and we chilled there for a bit before walking back over to state street. we were about to get on a bus that would’ve taken us straight down the where the field is, but when we went to get on Jess’ public transit pass was empty and you can’t reload it on the bus obviously so we had to get off, thankfully there was a train station right there that we just ran down to and loaded more money onto it, then helped this guy out who only needed a single ride but only had a $5 which the machine wouldn’t take, so Jess just swiped her card for him (it’s like $2 for one ride) and he was very thankful. We walked back up to the street only to find out the next bus we were going to take wasn’t coming for another 17 minutes, so we said fuck that and went back down to the red line station we’d just come out of and took that down a couple stops and then walked the rest of the way there, it wasn’t bad, probably a little less than a mile. So this concert was at soldier field, which is the football stadium here in Chi, and is of course massive. For perspective’s sake, the venue we saw NCT at this past week seats 4,400, (I looked these up I didn’t just have them off the top of my head), the hockey stadium we saw Blackpink and Panic! At the Disco at seats 18,500, and soldier field seats 61,500 (minus the seats that are behind the stage, but still, it’s massive). so it was a lot bigger than our previous concerts. We walked around the stadium till we got to the right gate to enter for people with floor tickets, getting in wasn’t bad thankfully. Once we were in we stopped at a merch booth and Jess got the shirt she wanted and I got one of their lightsticks which is like a must have basically, it’s really cool, you sync it with an app according to your seat number and during the concert they control it via bluetooth so everyone’s lightsticks are either synched together or alternating to make like a cool pattern, and it looks really awesome during the concert. After that we made our way to our seats, it had started raining at this point but it was still fairly light, it would pick up before the concert started unfortunately. I ended up making a bathroom run to the row of port-a-potties they had there, because I can suck it up and deal with that rather than waiting god knows how long for the bathroom line. The stadium had opened a whole 2 1/2 hours before the concert actually started, so we ended up sitting in our seats and waiting for a while. SInce we had bought better tickets, we were in the “A” section that’s closest to the stage, but towards the back of it and on the outer edge, where their stage set up was your basic stage in front and then a platform leading out past the audience and a slightly bigger platform at the end that was basically a “B” stage, and they went back and forth between both during the concert. The row behind us was mostly empty, so some people ended up going to that row since they could get closer, so we got to move in some to get a better view which was cool. The concert was pretty great, I have to give them a lot of credit because the majority of the time they were out there singing and dancing they were getting rained on (the main stage had somewhat of a cover but the B stage did not) but they didn’t miss a beat and performed with the same energy and enthusiasm you would expect at a concert like this, so they get major credit from me for that. I’d been listening to the set list so I had at least some familiarity to all the songs, some better than others but I had a good idea what was generally going on. But yeah, it was really cool and fun and Jess is trying to convince me to end up in New York next weekend for their Sunday show (this is after flying to Orlando for MegaCon on Friday night and spending Saturday there, then we’d hypothetically fly to NY Sunday morning, go to the concert, and fly back to Chicago early Monday morning) which I will admit would be very fun but like, the level of energy and monetary investment that would take to pull off is just not here right now, especially because we’re literally doing a NY trip the weekend after next, lol. So that’s probably not going to happen. I liked it a lot though, all of the boys seemed very genuine (except J-Hope, I had his smarmy little face) and performed very well. I was glad nobody slipped and fell on the wet platform because that could’ve been very bad. They had a ton of background dancers, and apparently they had held Chicago auditions for them a while back so all of them were actually from Chicago that got hired and trained for the job, which is really awesome (and probably more financially prudent for the company than to pay to fly another 30 people around the country). And yeah, that’s pretty much it for the concert. After the encore was finished (because there always has to be an encore of course) we met up with Jess’ roommate who was a few rows ahead of us and started our trek back to the red line station, which wasn’t too bad. Apparently last night Jess had waited in line for the bus back to the station and it took like almost an hour to actually get on, so walking seemed like a much better option. We got to the station and started our journey home, Jess and her roommate bailed about halfway through at the station that lets you switch over to the brown line which is closer to their apartment, so I rode the red line the rest of the way back and then walked from there back to my place. It was a trek I hadn’t made in a while but made many many times before, I don’t think I’d ever done it this late before though since it was almost midnight. I didn’t have my earbuds with me so I wasn’t listening to music, and I couldn’t help notice how eerily quiet it was, but that was probably due to my lack of usual music on that walk. At one point I passed a street where you could hear a man yelling very loudly which was fairly disturbing, and then there was a fairly loud noise of some sort, but not enough of a confirmation that it was actually something abusive, so I just shuddered and kept walking, praying that whatever was going on, nobody would end up getting hurt. I’m super sensitive to those kind of situations due to all the time I spent working at the domestic violence legal clinic, and I know that arguments that start with yelling and throwing things over time will often escalate to physical abuse and other mistreatment (not that yelling and throwing things isn’t emotional abuse in itself, but unfortunately emotional abuse isn’t exactly illegal). so that was a fun thing to hear on my way home that late, but I made it back to my apartment and had to grab a bunch of packages that had accumulated for me, then got to my bedroom and dumped everything, then jumped in the shower and started getting ready for bed, and now I’m here! So yeah, good day. It is almost 2:30 am, so definitely past my bedtime and I am getting very sleepy, so I am going to go to bed now. Goodnight loves. Hope your Monday doesn’t suck.
0 notes
smm-moved · 7 years
O a s i s  | 5k
Summary:  ❝She was his oasis— a place where he could find safety and sustenance. 
Even if he didn’t want to admit it to himself, Kayna was his oasis, time after time, it was her that listened to him when he felt insecure, when he had doubts, when he had thoughts that haunted him, telling him that he wasn’t good enough, she was there for him. And when he least expected it, she became something more than just ‘the girl I have a thing for,’ she became his oasis, the place where he could find comfort.❞
↳ 5.879 words | content: fluff?lol  | pairing: Jimin x O/C | AU: none
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authors note: inspired by the Bangtan Bomb from the SBS Music Awards Festival, + a rainy day while listening to one of the tracks used in his performance, I pictured the scenario in my head with my o/c that you’ll discover if you read. Also shout out to Jungkook’ s Spotify Playlist, because it helped me finish this. I hope you enjoy my first post here, and you can always say something to me. ily
Tagging @kimsshi & @shin-eunhyuk my children, as thanks for giving me the confidence to post this, and @seoulscapes for helping me with the minor errors and listening to me. ily  | photo cr.
Kayna’s mesmerized eyes witnessed something beautiful and elegant, almost as soft and graceful as the melody itself. ‘Pin-Up Girl’, the melody she drifted to sleep listening to, from the nights she would stare at the laptop screen while Jimin was practicing alone in the studio. It wasn’t very often the times they were able to have a conversation, especially at that time of the year where they (BTS) breathed awards shows. And it did affect their relationship at some point, but Kayna was not willing to let that ruin it. No, not the relationship she cherished most. It was the reason she woke up almost every day at different times, for weeks, sometimes months, just so she could send him a good morning message according to his timezone. So, she was not willing to let the lack of communication ruin that relationship.
Even if they were busy and couldn’t talk, it was more than enough to know that the other’s presence was in the room— to be able to see or hear the loved one despite the distance between them. So the new routine to call each other whenever they were alone was created.
Sometimes one was asleep, and all the other could hear was the soft moans escaping from the lips they hungered to taste. There were times like this one in particular, one would do their tasks while the other was graciously watching the other on the screen. Kayna would watch Jimin train by himself when he needed to. It was one of her favorite things to do; she says that he has an aura that she swears produces melodies whenever she is around him. She can hear it, his heart beat alongside with his own distinct melody, harmony, him.
While he trained for the SBS Music Awards Festival, Kayna was there, silently observing, with the purest smile of admiration and enjoyment while watching Jimin sway his limbs to the sweet melodic sound that was 'Pin-Up Girl’ by Nadanmusic. Sometimes she would fall at sleep while he trained till late at night. She enjoyed watching her boyfriend do what he loved, and the amount of happiness she felt when Jimin told her that he’d gotten her tickets to go to the SBS Awards was indescribable. Not because she would be able to see the awards itself -despite that being a memorable moment- but because she would be able to see him doing it live in front of an audience. She would be able to see him perform, see him in his purest form.
After traveling to the spot, Kayna was seated comfortably on her seat next to some other guests, most likely from other idols, in the venue. Some were press, and others seemed to be talk show presenters, but she didn’t mind them, she was focused on something else, rather, someone else, as her eyes searched the venue for the 7 boys she was familiar with. 
She was intricately dressed with a long dark blue dress, backless and strapped with a modest v cleavage, tiny sequins fading from the top to the bottom of the dress, a light makeup was applied that suited the event. She was confident and ready to enjoy the show, partially sad because she wouldn’t be able to sit next to him, but she understood and she didn’t mind. One of the rules in dating an international male idol was that her relationship was a state secret. Not even her friends or family could know about it, at least for the time being.
As soon as the lights all went down, her heart raced. She knew he would do the opening show stage, her eyes searched in the dark for the presence of someone in the stage to see nothing but shadows moving towards the center.
The familiar melody began playing and the lights went back up making it easier for her to search for faces. She counted 7 people in that section, 5 females and a couple of males. His silver hair stood out to her and by then her eyes were glued on him and when he began moving, that was when she knew that her previous thoughts were dead wrong. It was even more exciting than what she had imagined in her mind.
Jimin’s arms danced with the music, and every pirouette and twirl he performed seemed to make him as light and delicate as a feather, yet stern like the forces of nature. He was graciously beautiful, he was mesmerizing, and just like that, what seemed a brief second after he began dancing the music had stopped and the attention was turned to meet another group, and they began moving their bodies to an upbeat song.
Kayna didn’t expect Jimin and his group to come back on stage with an upbeat song, but when both groups reunited on the center of the stages with a mix of colors and genders, a bright smile was spread across her lips. When he began dancing once again, he blew her mind away. Jimin truly was an exceptional dancer, he moved as strict as he could as he followed the beat of the song, both graciously and firm and it all looked perfect to her. Her eyes never leaving his presence as the familiar song played. She wondered if he knew that she was hypnotized to him right now. Did he know that that stage seemed to be empty and that he was the only one on there? Probably not, but she was happy enough to feel that way.
And just like the first time, in what felt a short amount of time, the first performance was over. The lights went back to black, a cloud of noises with cheers and screams from people that seemed to enjoy it as much as she did was created.
As the show occurred, Kayna enjoyed every bit of it, singing along the songs she knew and cheering for the artists she loved as well, especially when BTS went on stage. She cheered for the boys she loved, one in particular, but no one needed to know about that. By end of the show, she got out of the venue and went straight to the hotel she was staying in for the night. That, not so coincidentally, was the same hotel that BTS was staying in, she knew that it would take a while until Jimin and the boys could go to the hotel. It was not the first time she went to an event he attended and “coincidentally” stayed in the same hotel as them, so she knew the drill.
Kayna had just finished taking a long shower, washing away all the tiredness her body felt after the long hours she spent in the venue both waiting for the show to start and after it ended to leave. She exited the bathroom with the hotel towel wrapped around her body, tucked under her arms. She moved towards the bed where her suitcase was placed, and after spreading the items on the bed she pondered on whether she should use the tea rose lingerie she had bought that came with a night dress, a beautiful silk one by the way, or stick to the loyal sapphire night robe Jimin had offered her instead.
After her skin care routine, from the fragranced body lotion and the sweet Victoria Secret Body Mist to the face creams and lip balm, a routine that took almost 30 minutes. Given the fact that she took her time, it’s been 1 hour in a half since she left the venue where the show occurred and she believed Jimin left it around an hour after her, she decided to wear the silky tea rose night dress. It would match her lingerie even though she knew she probably wouldn’t need to show it off tonight. Jimin would be tired from the training and the event itself, even she was tired and she didn’t train as much as him. But she always liked to look good for him even if they wouldn’t get intimate.
Someone knocked on the door a couple of times, and the sound was loud enough to stir Kayna in her sleep. She pondered, Jimin had the room’s key, so she brushed it off and tried to drift back to sleep thinking that maybe it was a mistake, but shortly after another knock was heard on the door followed by a low whisper of what she thought to be her name.
She got up and called for her lover’s name once, and after a confirmation, her lips curved up as she clumsily rushed out of bed almost tripping on the sheets and stopping right in front of the door. As she paused for a moment and took a deep breath, quickly trying to fix her hair, she slowly opened the door to confirm it was indeed the love of her life and she saw the smile he had on his lips that matched hers.
Jimin’s arms automatically wrapped around Kayna’s waist pulling her up into the warmest and unwieldy hug he could manage, stepping inside the room and shutting the door behind him. They both stood there, for a few seconds before she pulls back and crashes their lips together into the warmest kiss they’ve felt in a long time. So many nights were spent thinking about each other’s lips, picturing each other’s scents, each other’s presence, and the moment finally came.
“…Hi.” Jimin softly whispered after breaking the kiss they shared, and with a short giggle from Kayna’s lips, he laughed again.
“Hi baby.” She smiled at him, trying to get loose from his grip. He lowered her to the ground and her arms automatically wrapped around his neck, not wanting to lose the closeness they shared.
“I missed you.” His arms snaked around her waist, pulling her closer. Just to let her know that he didn’t want to loose the proximity with her too. Her body felt warm against his skin, and that familiar warmth was something that he longed for almost 2 months now. He missed her body against his, the soft touch of her lips on his, her scent… he missed her. By now he could tell the entire room smelled like candy and flowers, both of which he guessed came from her shower essentials and her beauty products. He knew she would do whatever it was in her power to smell and look her best when she’d meet him. That’s something that hasn’t change, no, not for the total of 16 months they’ve been together. She would always do the impossible to be more than presentable for him even when he had told her that she didn’t need to she’d insist on it.
“I missed you more.” She replied with a grin on her lips. Jimin could never get tired of staring at her. He always found her so beautiful yet different— unique. Her smile gave him butterflies every time he stared. Every. Single. Time. And he’d never complain. Even in a hundred years, he’d never complain how good her smile is for him.
He crouched in front of her, one arm moving a couple inches up from her waist, while the other reached behind her knees to lift her into his lap. Gaining a screech from the young girl as she was caught by surprise, wrapping her arms around his neck even tighter now.
“What are you doing, you idiot!” She laughed out loud, a sound Jimin considered the most beautiful ballad. He swore once that if he would ever find himself in a coma and Kayna laughed, a laugh caused by pure happiness, he would wake up because it ain’t no way he would miss such a beautiful sight. He did get hit a couple of times for mentioning him being in a coma but gained a well-deserved kiss from the praise. And maybe something else, but that’s not what matters right now.
“I am taking you to the bed and I’ll appreciate your beauty while lying on it. Because I’m tired.” He answered her while walking towards the bed. The hotel room wasn’t that big, it had a Queen-sized bed in the center of it and a long couch by the left corner. The bathroom was on the right side of the bed where you could also find the closet with mirror-covered doors that he saw their reflection and stopped in front of it.
“That’s a nice sight,” He remarked as he raised Kayna enough to gain another screech from her as he placed her over his left shoulder with some effort, letting her bottom face the mirror and exposing her tea rose panties.
“Now tell me, is there a particular reason you wore these today?” He asked as his hands reached the hem the panties and snapped it against her sides. “And why you’re not wearing any shorts?”
“Don’t do that!” Kayna scrunched while grabbing his waist for support. “And put me down, you know I’m scared of this! Jimin!” She continued with her eyes shut, hugging him tightly.
“You know I won’t let you fall, babe. Don’t you trust me?” He smirked, knowing the answer already. He’d do that all the time— ask her if she trusted him. He’d use it as an excuse to do things that she doubted would work or that scared her, but after the question, she’d let him do as he pleased.
“Jimin, you know I trust you, just-” Her grip had gotten tighter and he knew she was almost at her limit. He moved towards the bed and kindly laid her on it, as she loosened her grip on him. He saw that her eyes were still shut and her face still scrunched in fear. He lowered himself and kissed her lips softly, making her loosen her tight expression.
“I hate you…” She whispered against his lips as he replied with another soft kiss.
“Are you sure you hate me?” He gave her a soft smirk then followed to kiss her neck sweetly. “Cause I don’t think someone that hates me-” He kissed her neck again, releasing a soft giggle from her. “-would have such a beautiful laugh,” He placed another wet kiss on the spot, “-to me kissing her.”
Kayna’s hands moved to cup his face and pull him into a proper kiss. A slow one with so much care and sentiment that Jimin had to place his arms on the bed for support because he knew they’d stay like that for a while, and they did. As the kiss deepened and his tongue was now dancing along with hers at the sound of the slowest ballad, there was no rush, no burning desire, just the moment of being able to enjoy the tingling sensation their lips had on each other.
“I missed you so much.” Kayna whispered while their foreheads still touched and their breathing was almost like one. She breathed his scent into her lungs and felt herself feeling complete once again.
Jimin managed to finally crawl in bed and adjusting his body next to her. She did the same, and by now he noticed that the shirt she was wearing seemed familiar.
“Is that my shirt?” He giggled and reached for the hem to see the tag verifying that it was indeed his.
“I had a silk night dress on but I hated it. I mean it looked nice but it didn’t feel comfortable y’know?”
She made a face at him, and he still looked confused as to why was his shirt with her. So she continued, “Fine!” She gave up. “I brought your shirt to give it back, but then it reminded me of you, and it’s so much comfy than the night dress i bought. Plus, it still had your perfume on it. Sorry!”
She rolled her eyes faking annoyance.
“Does that mean that you haven’t wash it in almost 2 months?” His brow was quirked up in confusion.
She answered that she’d wash it— it was just that she stole his perfume and had sprayed it on the shirt to smell like him.
He laughed at the answer she gave him, and she still complained that it wasn’t the same.
“Well, you can take some dirty clothes from my suitcase, if you feel like it?” He suggested, receiving a hit in the shoulder by the curly-haired girl.
“Are you hungry? We should eat something,” She suggested, ignoring his previous question.
When he agreed, she grabbed the phone to order room service, succeeding right after.
“Do you wanna watch some TV while we wait? They said that it could take around 40 minutes.” She suggested again, this time reaching for the remote to turn the tv on but his arm stopped her.
Kayna turned to meet the eyes of the silver-haired man sitting next to her in the bed. She didn’t notice what he was wearing, it all happened so quick that she didn’t have the time. He had a pink T-shirt— something that isn’t exactly common for him to wear— and some shorts on.
It took her a while to see that it was the pink shirt she had offered him around 3 months ago, that caused her lips to curve up slightly. It caused her to remember the day she bought it.
Jimin told her he didn’t want it and that he would appreciate something black or blue, but she bought it just to get on his nerves. It was a plain Hugo boss pink shirt. She bought him 2, a light pink one and a hot pink one. He said that it won’t suit him, so he never wore it even when she asked but now he was wearing it.
“I missed you too, you know? I’ve worn both of them lately just to think about you whenever I look myself in the mirror.” He smiled at her and she thanked him for that. “I don’t want to watch TV,” He pulled her close, “I wanna be with you. And just… just be with you.”
Kayna always felt the need to fill the room with some noise or distraction whenever she was nervous, and right now she was. It has been almost 2 months since she last saw her boyfriend, and that placed her on edge. She didn’t know exactly how to cope. She always had that soft feel of a new relationship whenever she was with Jimin. It’s not like they see each other all the time. It’s always at least a week or two before they can see each other again. The longest it’s been was almost 3 months, and she thought during that time they might’ve ended their relationship. It had only been the beginning of their relationship but the way Jimin hugged her when he saw her again like he truly missed her, made her realize that this wasn’t an experiment anymore. It was an actual relationship that he was also willing to fight for despite the setbacks.
She agreed and laid back with him. And after a few minutes of admiration while he stroked her hair, curling it on his fingers, she broke the silence, catching his attention (as if it was possible to be more attentive than he already was).
“I loved your performance so much today,” She smiled, “You were… baby, you were amazing. When you were up there…” She shifted in bed to look at the beige ceiling with gold prints of flowers along it with a beautiful small chandelier in the center. She ran through her thoughts searching for words to describe her feelings, and her hands slowly intertwined fingers with Jimin’s without her even looking. “You were like, like smoke… that first performance, your body slid and twisted. Just like smoke… y-you know? It was so beautiful to watch, pleasing… yet just like the parting dust, it vanished too quickly.”
She looked almost sad for saying those words.
Kayna didn’t need to turn to know that Jimin’s eyes were glued to her right now. She just knew she had his entire attention. Jimin cared about what she thought especially regarding his performances.
“Then when you came back, and that song started-”
“You love that song,” He interrupted her with a soft laugh and she continued right after agreeing with him.
“-You know I do. I love that song so much. And you!!” She turned to face him, catching him by surprise. “You didn’t tell me you were gonna perform it.”
He said it was a surprise and she agreed, it was indeed a beautiful surprise.
Then she continued, “You did great! You danced like, like- like the wind? I don’t even know how to describe it!”
A small chuckle escaped his lips.
“I’m serious here! Baby, you did amazing, you were- you were just like the wind, strong and devastating, and like smoke, soft and… pleasing. Both in one. Get it?”
Jimin shyly smiled, covering his mouth with one hand. He then looked down at her hands, almost as if he was ashamed for what he was gonna say next, “ I’m-I’m unsatisfied…”
A few couple of seconds passed before Kayna spilled a soft ‘why’ and he continued explaining, “It’s just that… as expected, when we try to shorten and do things quickly there are many parts that are unsatisfactory.”
Seconds of silence followed again after his words. Kayna wasn’t exactly sure how to reply and she wanted to analyze his words carefully.
“Despite that since it is my first time showing that professionally, I’ll work harder next time.”
Kayna understood what he meant, it’s not that he felt like he wasn’t good, he just felt like he could do better. He criticized himself as an artist. And that was fine to do, but in her eyes, he had done the best job possible. He had done everything right yet he still felt like he didn’t, and that’s something she couldn’t have. She needed to assure him that he did great. He was almost perfect. And that was enough.
“Baby, look at me,” Her hand moved to lift his chin so they could both be at the same eye level, and she saw in his eyes what he meant- he was indeed unsatisfied, and she could see something close to shame in them, and yet she was completely confused.
How could a beautiful creature like him think that about himself?
“You were perfect, and I don’t say this just as- as your girlfriend.” She stuttered. Sometimes saying that out loud still sounded weird to her. The world still didn’t know about the fact that she and Jimin had been dating for a more than a year now.
For the past year, Kayna and Jimin had been struggling to keep in touch while he had the busiest schedule and she had her own life to take care off.
In the beginning, she still couldn’t believe he was infatuated with her- a simple girl that happened to cross his way a couple of times. He said it took him a lot of courage to approach her that day at the cafe right before she left. During a few weeks after work, Kayna would go to a cafe near the building he worked, and for some reason —that is still unknown to her. Park Jimin seemed to observe her almost every day, from a few stores high. He then began going to the cafe around the time she was there but she never noticed him until he made himself noticeable. From that moment on, with a lot of care and caution, their relationship progressed into friends. Before she knew it, she had a nervous Park Jimin at her doorstep at 2 am, telling her that for some reason —a reason he was yet to discover— his heart insisted on telling him that she was a trustworthy person and he couldn’t be without letting her know how much she made his heart skip a beat.
Yes, he won her heart like that… slowly entering it. And when she least expected, her heart was already wrapped by his soft and warm hugs whenever he needed an escape. (That wasn’t that often.) Kayna still wondered how they managed to keep things hidden for so long. No one, other than the 6 members of Bangtan and the superiors from Big Hit, knew about their relationship, and that’s how it’s supposed to be, that’s how they would keep it until they both decided it was time to reveal it all to the world.
“I’m saying this as someone that appreciates art, almost as much as you do- You did great. You were perfect to me, baby, and no one can ever convince me otherwise. You know why?” His eyes slowly shut in a smile, as he questioned her ‘why.’ “Because I know talent when I see it, and you,” She reached close to kiss the tip of his nose, “You, baby, you are pure talent, and you know it.”
A bright smile spread across her lips.
“Thank you… you know how much that means to me. You know how much you mean to me.” His arms moved without notice to pull her closer, and her eyes followed the dance, one that their bodies knew too well. Breathing in sync, legs intertwined, arms around waists, foreheads touching. Connected. They were both connect through something far much meaningful than just their bodies.
“I love you Jimin,” The soft sound escaped her lips, and to him, it sounded like a beg, but a beg for what? “I love you so much it hurts just to think that you may not know how much I love you, how you may not feel the love you deserve. But then again, you get love from your fans, from the boys… But I still feel like-” Kayna searched for words in her mind to describe what she meant, and the silence began bothering Jimin for once.
He asked her to continue the phrase, continue to elaborate her thoughts, and she did.
“I feel like I don’t show you that enough, I feel like I should let you know just how much I love you… You see, I feel that what I feel towards you is something more than just a mere connection.”
“How so?” He asked in pure curiosity. What did she mean by ‘more than just a mere connection’?
In response, Kayna sits up and pulls his tired body from the bed to follow her.
The young man complained and whined for a while before she made the cutest puppy dog face and threatened to not kiss him until the sun shines, and the silver haired boy most certainly did not want that so he sat up and got a reward kiss which spread a smile on his plump rosy lips.
Her hands grabbed his, and she began talking, and by now, Jimin didn’t know just how much these words would mean to him. “You know how I’m not good with words, right?”
They both agreed.
She did have some difficulty expressing herself, so she used something else in compensation — illustrations, examples, anything that would make it easy for her to pass on her thoughts. “So let’s just say that… that- that what you make me feel, it… it goes beyond just saying I love you. We’ve been together for a little over a year now and yet I feel like you are the best thing that happened to me.” Her smile was so genuine that Jimin couldn’t help but raise the corners of his lips as well, blushing. “When I see you entering the room, I can’t control the way my heart beats like a freaking drum, every single time, and when you smileee!” She rolled both her head and her eyes grew in astonishment, “Park Jimin, your smile gives me so much hope. It’s the most beautiful smile I’ve seen.” She cupped his face, preventing him from covering his own face as he blushed a hot pink tone. “If, may the devil be deaf right now, but if I ever go mute, just my eyes and smile would be enough for you to realize how much I love you. I’m positive of it.”
By now Jimin was releasing tiny laughs and beautiful eye smiles.
“Really? That’s how much you love me? You know you could always learn sign language to tell me how much you love me, right?” He corked up his eyebrows but was quickly shutting his eyes. Repetitive hits were deposited on his left side as Kayna complained about him ruining a beautiful romantic moment.
“Ah- St-Stop! I’m sorry! Hey! At least I’d learn how to speak sign language for you!” He replied through the blows.
“That’s not funny! I mean thank you, that’s sweet, but let’s just hope that doesn’t happen.”
“What if you get your arms chopped off for some unimaginable reason?”
Kayna’s eyebrows were almost touching because she could not understand where that level of morbidness was coming from. Jimin received another set of hits on his left arm that was probably feeling sore by now.
“Are you saying that I might become armless? Why not chop my legs too?”
“That,“ He paused "could also happen.”
By now Jimin was covering his face, Kayna had grabbed the pillow set and aggressively began hitting Jimin with it nonstop. That boy could always ruin those sweet moments.
In time, Kayna realized that it could be the fact that it made him feel overwhelmed with emotions, so he always found a way to make the subject lighter and put away all the attention on him. She knew he was paying attention, listening, and understanding, he just had a little trouble being the center of it.
After several minutes of a young lady violently attacking him with the pillow set, and laughter filling the room. A couple feathers escaped from the pillowcase, landing on both their faces and hair, getting tangled between their beautiful locks. Jimin then grabbed Kayna’s arms, throwing the pillows to the ground.
He managed to pin her against the mattress, sitting on top of her while tiny feathers still fly across the room slowly finding their way to any surface. One tiny little white one falls gently landed on Kayna’s lower lip. The contrast between the coral-pink and the white made his mouth feel dry, he hungered for them once again. He moved one of his hands from the wrists he held, to take the delicate feather from the lips he craved to taste. Her eyes followed every move he made, slowly, carefully as he appreciated what was in front of him.
Kayna’s hair was spread across the bed, her bun was messily undone, shades of brown from the lightest to the darkest decorate the white sheets. It almost matched her beautiful skin tone, and her doe eyes had that sparkle he saw since the first time he laid eyes on her. She was beautiful to him. Exotic, unique.
When he moved to close the distance between them, she spoke, “Even if I was blind, and deaf, and had no arms and legs….” He stared at her, waiting for the end of the sentence while their eyes focused on each other, trying to read what they had to say. “Even if I died, I believe my love for you would still be felt. Because I know, I know it is stronger than that. You are the only man I want to be with. The most beautiful person I know, both inside and outside, and there’s no one that could ever make me feel the way you do.”
By now Kayna could see something in Jimin’s eyes, something she hasn’t seen before, and she wondered what it was. What was it that she hasn’t seen it yet?
A tear was able to escape Jimin’s eyes as he looked down at her. It fell and landed on her cheek. A smile was spread across his lips, and unlike Kayna, he knew what he was feeling… Fear.
For the first time since they’ve been together, Jimin felt fear. Fear of losing her. How could he ever lose such an amazing woman? How could he ever even think of letting her get away? The answer is he couldn’t. He wouldn’t. She was his oasis— a place where he could find safety and sustenance.
Even if he didn’t want to admit it to himself, Kayna was his oasis, time after time, it was her that listened to him when he felt insecure, when he had doubts, when he had thoughts that haunted him, telling him that he wasn’t good enough, she was there for him. And when he least expected it, she became something more than just ‘the girl I have a thing for,’ she became his oasis, the place where he could find comfort.
His hand moved to wipe the tear that landed on her cheek, he lowered his lips and sealed another chaste kiss on her lips. “I’d be a fool if I ever let go of you…” He whispered and gained a smile from his loved one.
Kayna’s arms wrap around him, letting him collapse on top of her. His head buried in the crook of her neck accepting her warmth with all the love she could deliver.
“I’d be the fool if I allow you to let me go. We’ll make it through no matter what. Right?”
To this, Jimin thought back to the words she had once sent him, on a postcard when they completed 6 months together. After the dinner, for the first time, she said it in person: “I love you.” Her trust issues were behind her when she decided to give herself to Jimin. After he dropped her home, she gave him a box and told him to open only when he got home. He agreed and they shared a kiss goodbye.
When he got home, he anxiously opened it and saw a handmade doll that looked like him with brown hair, a pink shirt, and ripped black jeans. A tiny heart was sewed on the right foot and next to it their initials, ‘J & K.’
After that, he noticed the postcard with the distinct trade of her hometown, that said the words he began reciting once again:
“Love is like a river, it flows around rocks, adapts itself to valleys and mountains.” Kayna now joined him to complete the quote she once wrote, their voices together, “Never ending as it flows, but gets greater with time.”
They both hugged each other with a strength that wasn’t even necessary, and that moment felt clear, perfect, the sound of their breathing and heartbeats were the only thing that seemed to exist in the world.
Jimin whispered a soft ‘thank you’ and before Kayna could answer.
There was a knock on the door, followed by the words ‘Room Service’ that cracked a soft laugh from both of them.
“Nothing to make this more romantic than food, wouldn’t you agree?” Jimin laughed, and he moved to the side to let Kayna get up and go answer the door.
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lumos-star684 · 7 years
All of them. Just to be a pain
Can’t believe I’m about to answer these but its either this or a marketing assignment so here goes…
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
more cereal
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
blank revision cards and raffle tickets
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
white with sugar
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
6: do you keep plants?
non but i would like to (in fact, I’m going to buy one next week)
7: do you name your plants?
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
none im not very creative :(
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
side or stomach usually
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?
hmmm can’t think of this (wait you should know this any idea?)
12: what’s your favorite planet?
13: what’s something that made you smile today?
my little niece started talking to me about flying pigs
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
like the friends apartment with loads of little quirky shit
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
Venus is the only planet that spins backwards relative to the other planets.
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish?
good ole simple pasta with tomato sauce and cheese
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
dark purple 
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
i have no stories omg 
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
20: what’s your favorite eye color?
don’t have one in particular, depends on the person really 
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
there was my little karrimor rucksack that i had all throughout (most of ) secondary school and it broke on the day before the last day of Year 11 but still holds a special place in my heart
22: are you a morning person?
nooooooooo (unless its morning where you’ve been up all night)
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
make tea and watch tv
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
nope (i don’t have a lot of secrets though??)
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?
a hotel kitchen (by accident i should add)
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
at the moment, my black boots
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?
mint?? idek
28: sunrise or sunset?
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
there’s this one little shit that always sends me asks on tumblr
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about sock
socks, my friend, are a fucking brilliant invention. i have a bit of love-hate relationship with socks because i feel like they confine your feet (i mean why would you want to lock your feet into little pockets of cloth?) but on the other hand THEY’RE SO CUTE. little socks with funky patterns and little animals and the super soft house socks as well. having said that, all my socks are black with either pink purple or blue on the foot and heel parts. SO, my favourite thing to do is always wear mismatched socks - but nobody can tell because the main part of the sock is black. It’s like a little secret I can wear all day knowing that my socks are not the same even though it looks like they are.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
we’d just left a club in prague and headed over to burger king. we sat down and then out of nowhere in the middle of prague this group of gujarati kids came and sat down next to us. I had a conversation with them and forgot that the other girls hadn’t the foggiest idea what the fuck we were talking about. we were leaving and then one of them asked me to marry him……
33: what’s your fave pastry?
er…something with chocolate? or apples
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
there was this little black dog that used to be my sister’s, i can’t remember what i used to call him but I’ve still got him somewhere
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
I absolutely love them but can never bring myself to use them (I eventually did and my Latin notes are so fucking pretty)
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
messy but organised messy
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
when people walk slowly in the middle of the street and when people think they’re better than you
39: what color do you wear the most?
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?
i have a little harry potter necklace i got for my 16th which i wear almost every day
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
me before you
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
don’t like coffee shops much
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
last sunday
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?
no lol they’re shit
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
all puns are good puns
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
ermm dunnoo
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
can’t remember exactly what my biggest fear was, but it’s not the same as today (although probably quite similar)
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
nope don’t own any
50: what’s an odd thing you collect?
empty glue sticks
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
you - la vie en rose
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
LOOL some of the trump and theresa may ones have been pretty good
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
no but they’re all on my list to watch
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
probably a stranger on the train
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
moved out 
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
people tagging in posts and memes
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
currently ill in bed so i didn’t even move -_-
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
keef is the wine mom and i reckon you will be the vodka aunt :)
59: what’s your favorite myth?
there was this one where zeus was cheating on hera and when he got caught he turned the woman into a cow
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
yes! usually just snippets i read on the internet though
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
given is what we gave keef and received…i don’t think ive ever received a stupid gift?
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
sometimes yes, either the innocent strawberry and banana smoothie or the orange and passionfruit tropicana
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
music yes, it all has to be in particular playlists and books no, they’re just stacked randomly
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?
bright blueee
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?
you :( and a couple of people from school actually
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?
tiny little black red and purple flowers
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
a bit eh actually, but also nice if i’m inside and in bed
68: what’s winter like where you live?
not great, just a bit grim and rainy and no snow
69: what are your favorite board games?
70: have you ever used a ouija board?
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea?
breakfast tea
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?
1000000% yes
73: what are some of your worst habits?
picking at the skin around my fingers and overthinking (the standard tbh)
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
newcastle born and bred sarcastic little shit who can be a bit annoying but also has a heart of gold
75: tell us about your pets!
MY LITTLE BABYYYYY Goghi is my cat - black with little white paws, a white stripe down her front and a white moustache. Softest fucking fur EVER. She has one funny eye, hates people and sleeps all day. I also have about twenty fish in the pond and two little ones in a tank inside. Varying sizes and no names
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
a marketing assignment, the laundry and cleaning my room 
77: pink or yellow lemonade?
noooo idea..
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
fanclub. they’re one in a minion those things
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
little things like when people come and see me i cant think of a particular example
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
beige and nope we just painted the whole house that colour
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
*can’t remember what anyone’s eyes look like*
82: are/were you good in school?
yeah i was a pretty good student
83: what’s some of your favorite album art?
the airborne toxic event and green day’s american idiot
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
yesss but not sure yet!
85: do you read comics? what are your faves?
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
i have never heard of concept albums (upon googling it appears i do like some of them, yes)
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
3 idiots, dead poets society and kuch kuch hota hai amongst others
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
89: are you close to your parents?
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.
Londonnn - its just….everything (but also expensive)
91: where do you plan on traveling this year?
croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina  and hopefully a couple of other city breaks
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?
hair down if its straight or pony tail if its curly
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
my little cousin’s birthday was yesterday
95: what are your plans for this weekend?
stay in be all weekend drink tea and eat soup
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
procrastinate, all the time
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
INTJ/INTP, gemini and ravenclaw
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
ncs? loved it but also hated it because i don’t like climbing
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
Current favourites: Sometime Around Midnight, Vampire Smile and Wasn’t Expecting That
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
Future - five years ago i was there and twas a bit shite
oh my god you don’t know how long those took me YOU BETTER READ THEM ALL @findinganiqa XXX
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khiphop-discussions · 7 years
B1A4 LA Concert Experience
First, I’d like to say that Powerhouse actually kinda had their shit together. I mean people were kinda confused about lines but it wasn’t that bad. Getting merch was super easy. You were asked at the door before you walked into the venue whether you ordered something and to show your id so they could get it. So there was no waiting around in an extra line like I’d though there would be. the only bad thing I can say was that not all VIPs got to be in the front pit. IF you didn’t have a purple wristband instead of a blue wristband you weren’t allowed in the front most pit even though there was enough room. That was annoying at first but it wasn’t all that bad. What I learned from eavesdropping on staff was that the people (IDK if they meant powerhouse or B1A4′s representatives) didn’t want us all in the pit because not that many people brought tickets and so if all of us went to the pit (which trust me there was enough room for all of us in GA standing VIP or not) then the venue would have looked pretty empty. The Novo fits a nice amount of people, about 2300, so I’d say it like a small-medium sized venue. So there was a lot of space I’d say maybe only a couple hundred people were there, maybe they just broke 1000. Anyway, it wasn’t really the staff’s fault. When the guy told me I need the fucking purple wristband I was in disbelief. I thought he was joking and messing around with me because he was smiling and whatnot but I soon realized he wasn’t. But anyway, still not that big a deal. IDK whether the “people” didn’t want it to look empty because they were taking pics or if they didn’t want to bruise B1A4′s ego (which would be stupid becausefrom what I’ve seen tonight, these boys could perform in front of one person and two kittens and still be happy and hvaing fun). But whatever.
The Concert
Okay so the concert itself was GREAT! The concert started 30 minues early (was supposed to be 8, everybody was in by like 7:20. B1A4 came on stage at like 8:35 maybe?). They performed two songs then did their little talking session. One of the first things Baro said was that B1A4 was tired because they got here early AF. I wasn’t surprised. LA was the last concert and they have been traveling and performing for two weeks and they go HARD AS HELL on that stage! You can’t even tell how tired they are during the concert. It’s like they napped all day, went to the spa where they were fed choclate covered strawberries by people fanning them with leaves, then just showed up to the venue just in time to start the concert lol. So anyway, Baro said something that sounded like “You wanna get laid tonight?”
 and people said yes but I could see quite a few people laughing because OMG he DID NOT just say that! Then he said that like FIVE MORE TIMES! We kept responding “yes” of course because that’s what he wanted. After that 5th time he switched the wording. He said “It’s gonna be lit tonight” and that’s when most people realized that’s what he’d been saying all along. Either way, we were all saying and thinking “Yes” to whatever he said at that point because...umm hello? It’s Baro? So if he’s asking us about getting laid then I guess we’re all down for whatever lol. After that that performed the HELL out of a bunch of songs. I was turnt when they were singing everything, especially “Yesterday” but when “Sweet Girl” came on? The WHOLE place went wild. Even me, I was jumping up and down and fangirling and stuff LOL. Then they sung more songs I think “Lonely” was after that? I can’t remember the setlist exactly I’d have to go look for it but I know I went wild for that one too. Then they sng “A Lie” and like half way through I teared up and almost started crying. Of course Baro’s “Time machine” was cool and the whole crowd was WILD for that as well. They performed more song and it was pretty much the same reaction so I can cut that out. The during the encore it was TOTALLY LIT. CNU was dancing his ASS off. He was KILLING it. Baro was throwing water EVERYWHERE like a madman! It was funny. There was confetti, it was dope. Baro was SOOOOO reckless with thouse water bottles! They had probably 10 or 20 bottles that they were throwing water from. These bottles lasted through about 4 or 5 songs. Baro was going so wild I noticed he was wetting staff and at this point all they could do it laugh because they were on the second floor getting hit lol. Gongchan mostly stayed out of it until the end. Sandeul and Baro started having a water fight. So they were damn near soaked from what I could see from their hoodies. Then Gongchan was like “F it” and poured a WHOLE bottle on CNU while he was just trying to do his job and perform. His back was turned and everything, he didn’t even see it coming. Poor CNU. Of course Sandeul got Gongchan at that point, I think he realized that he hardly had any water on him and took it upon himself to fix that. They were all soaked, I think Jinyoung the least of which, but they were still throwing water and repeating “Good Timing”. I mean this in the BEST way possible when I say I could go my whole life without hearing “Good Timing” again. I definitely got my fill, not in a bad way though. Finally, CNU took off his hoodie during the last performance of “Good Timing” (I think this was the 4th or 5th time they did it? But I know it was the last). He was standing there in just a tank top and the crowd was obviously going wild. He was even gonna throw the hoodie!! Bu Baro stopped him basically and said no. CNU just looked at us and strugged kinda like “Sorry, I was gonna do it but I can’t”. It was all good though. CNU had been throwing stuff generously, he threw quite a few towels which Baro said were for us to bathe with. As if he didn’t give everyone enough of a shower tonight. And that was the end of the concert!
More funny stuff happened like CNU smacking Sandeul on the butt. I don’t remember exactly what song that was (I didn’t recognize it) but yeah. It was before the “Good Timing” deal. I think even before the “Time Machine”. B1A4 asked the crowd what their favorite songs were (before the “Time Machine”) and people said “Be My Girl” which Jinyoung sang a portion of (AHHHHHH, one of my FAVORITE songs of them and I thought I’d NEVER hear it live in person) and “Only One”. Sandeul started singing his solo which Baro called out so Sandeul said that “Be My Girl” is Jinyoung solo and then him and Baro wee having a small little quarrel onstage about it. Then they sung a portion of “Only One”.
The Hi-Touch
Duuuuuude, this was so cool! I was like the 20th person in line so I didn’t have to wait forever. Remember how I told you they said they were tired and how I wasn’t surprised? THIS was were I felt like I actually saw it. None of them were as wild as I saw they were at the other hi-touches in other cities. The were holding hands and all types of stuff during the other ones. I’m not sure if they were BANNED from doing that at this point or if they really were just tired. I’d like to think it was the latter. Shout out to the people who were somehow able to sneak cameras in to the Hi-Touch and recorded it, that’s like impossible. First I touched Baro and he was pretty lively but it was surreal so all I really said was “Hi”. Then I got to Jinyoung and I guess it finally kicked it because I couldn’t say anything. I just stood there for what was about a second or 2, but if felt longer. He just looked at me while I had his hand in mine and gave me the most soft, angelic look and nodded and smiled. Honestly, I didn’t even fully process it was him until I had passed him but he made me feel good and weirdly brought me back to reality with that small little gesture. It was like I had just met the Virgin Mary or something. Then I got to Gongchan, and I got myself together enough to say “I Love You”, I wanted to sya “You’re so handsome” THEN say “I Love You” but the “Handsome” part somehow got lost. Then there was Sandeu and much like Jinyoung I didn’t process until I left (I didn’t process this until I was in my car on the way HOME! I didn’t even remember seeing him during the hi-touch until then LOL) but I said “I Love You, too!” I had been planning all day to say “I Love You” to both Gongchan and CNU but I didn’t want to make the others feel bad that I only said it to a few so I planned to say “I Love You” and “I Love You too” all the way down the line since I do love them all. Finally, I got to CNU who’s hand I held the longest. Probably about 3 or 4 seconds. After going throught the other four I lowkey broke down (not crying but mentally lol) and just got overwhelmed and kinda dipped myself down and said “Oh my god...I LOVE YOU” with his hand in my hand. CNU’s my favorite by the way, always has been and it’s tough competition! So that was the end of that. I waited down the street from the back of the Staples Center and watch the WWE trucks pull away (SIDENOTE: I’m a big Professinal Wrestling/WWE fan and had I not been at B1A4 I would have probably been there) I wanted to get a picture since they had superstars (what WWE called their wrestlers) faces’ on it but didn’t since they went around a back way. It was cool to see them though. And then I got in my car and drove home while trying to figure out why I didn’t remember Sandeul and then I remembered lol.
I have videos and picture but they kinda suck. My camera which is HD wouldhave taken great video HOWEVER, I didn’t know how to zoom in with it so that made it kinda useless. SO I started recording on my phone and video is not good. It’s probably like 360 or 480. And things were moving so it looks worse. It’s an android. The audio is pretty great BUT (because there always has to be one right?) I didn’t get to ecord ANYTHING all the way throught because my memory was filled so I’d delete stuff, record again, and then after 1 to 2 minutes I’d get the “storage low” message again which would force close and save the video. I’ll still post what I got though. Probably tomorrow or after so I can look through everything and see if there’s anything I can do to make it better.
These boys are some of the best performers EVER. Like I’ve NEVER heard anyone perform as good and spot on as they did. Like they KILLED it. I’m always amazed when I see their live video on YouTube and they are hitting all the high notes and stuff because I’m always so sure their voice is gonna crack or they won’t hit it. But they always do. Tonight was no different. Sandeul was singing his ASS off. Jinyoung, CNU, Gongchan ALL of them. They are legit some of the best performers in Kpop. I’ve NEVER heard any group perform that perfect ESPEICALLY after doing all the intensive dancing they were doing and being tired (NOTE: This is my first kpop concert so I can only judge off live concert videos and I’ve never heard another group be so perfect. Of course, I haven’t seen all the groups lives either so there’s that. I’m still a strong believe that B1A4 is top tier despite all that).
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riannagalvez · 5 years
Hello, dolls!!! ❤ I am 38 and half weeks pregnant now and I am so ready to meet my baby girl! It’s funny how anxious I am to get the next phase of this journey started when I know I am also going to miss being pregnant (oh you know, just a typical day in my brain lol).  
My pregnancy with baby #2 did not start well. I had morning sickness ALL DAY and felt really weak during my first trimester. When I felt better, I told myself that I have to enjoy this journey in every way I can. So I looked up activities and events that I could participate in and made sure I would give myself enough time to prepare for baby girl’s arrival. I am happy to say that I can look back at this moment in my life and know that I have wonderful memories….finally.
Raise your hand if you’re a Mama like me who loves free goodies! Especially FREE baby products! So before I tell you how I brought all this home, let me share how my recent trip to New York was for Big City Mom’s Biggest Baby Shower.
 I got the invitation to be one of the Influencers to cover the biggest baby shower in New York months before May 7. I immediately told A there is no chance I will miss it! That even if it’s a work night and we will have to travel from Baltimore to New York, I know in my heart it would be worth it, and it was.
I had the biggest smile as soon as I walked into the venue — excited about everything in store for Moms like me!
It could be a bit overwhelming because of the number of brands they have at the venue but Big City Moms made it very easy to go around each booth.  Do not be discouraged that you can’t bring your stroller in if you have a baby with you, because trust me it’s better that way.
There were lots of people at the event that day but I love how it did not feel like space was too tight, there was no pushing, and the noise level was moderate enough that you do not have to shout when talking to someone.
When I was pregnant with little A, I wasn’t able to go to any informative classes or read a book about pregnancy or newborns…nothing! I did all my “research” after he was born during our night feedings. This time, I want to devote more time to learn more about Motherhood and parenting so seminars are one of the things on my list!
Big City Moms set up two bars to keep everyone hydrated, how convenient!
Here are some of the brands that I learned from. Each table had great things to offer to parents and babies, it felt like 3 hours flew by after A and I went around each table!
Ellie is a parenting group app founded by a Mom in New York. I can’t wait for them to expand to Baltimore someday because I know it would be beneficial for Moms like me who want to escape the chaos of some Mom groups on Facebook. I feel like sometimes you get judged right away when you ask a question! lol
Lassig is a German company specializing in diaper bags and other travel/baby accessories. They caught my attention because I noticed the interesting finish of dishes they have! The designs are so cute.
Upspring was there with their lactation goodies AND Shrinkx belly strap. I was able to talk to them about their cookies and drink mix but I kind of wish I asked about their belly straps as well because I need a new one. I was unhappy about the belly strap I bought after I gave birth with little A and I am still scouting for the perfect one!
Similac and Enfamil were there with a generous amount of formula samples for everyone.
  Stokke was there with their hottest baby gear, but what really caught my attention was this Jetkids trolly that is on my dream list for so long now after seeing their video ad for the product. For those who love to travel like me (especially with kids), this is such a great addition to your packing list because it converts into a bed that you can attach to the seat.
Palmer’s with their awesome skincare products.
I love how they had snacks going around during the event!
Seedlip  is a brand that sells non-alcoholic spirits. I love how regal the bottles look so it would be nice to have a bottle or two on our bar cart for when I have my Mom friends over 😛
We sampled the Grove 42 which is their citrus flavor.
Mommy photo break! 
I loved how they had cute backgrounds for taking pictures. They had 4 in this specific area which was awesome because I did not feel like I was holding up anyone.
  For photobook lovers like me, Little Book of You is a great company to order your baby’s own storybook from.
  One of the brands that I want to make little A try is Banza. They had samples of their mac and cheese made with chickpea pasta at the event and I honestly liked it — which says a lot because I am not a “mac and cheese person”. I, however, like chickpeas though so I think having a box of Banza for my “lazy-lunch-at-home” with the kids would be very helpful!
What a treat! Puff Delights was there to give us a sugar rush ❤
People close to us know how much my husband loves British brands. This is him so engrossed at the Maclaren booth, the only brand he spent more than 10 minutes talking to. We learned tips on how to utilize our Maclaren Quest more and even got a nice gift from them!
  Lil Mixins , Cloud Water Sparkling CBD , Re play dishes , and Twelve Little.
There were interesting services in New York that participated in the event I wish we could sign up for. The ladies from CozyKin were adorable and really good at what they do, they still told me about the company even after I informed them I live in Maryland!
I couldn’t believe how many Dr. Brown’s products I did not know about. Seeing this table full of stuff I can use for little A and baby girl made me want to go to Target right away! lol
This convertible bottle tote caught my attention.
One of the brands we used for little A was Dr. Brown’s and as much as I love how sleek the bottles are and how it prevents him from being gassy, I hated how sometimes it would leak! The lady I spoke to was very informative and told me a tip I will definitely do once baby girl starts using bottles — do not heat your milk with the middle part of the bottle to refrain it from expanding.
EZPZ had an amazing deal at the event that I could not resist. Little A used to throw his bowl or plate off his highchair before so I am going to try to avoid that this time. I purchased a set of mini mat, training cup, and tiny spoon!
Babo Botanicals was there with great organic products for the family.
If you are a fan of Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard then you probably know they started their own brand earlier this year. Hello Bello was there with their products and I was able to feel how soft the diapers are! I am considering trying it for baby girl eventually.
More snacks up for grabs! Cloud10 rice crispies, YUM!
The event was AMAZING! It definitely is one of the highlights of my pregnancy. I would go again if I could! Just the experience itself, the energy during the event and the wonderful team behind Big City Moms make it super worth it to go.
Taking home all these free goodies was the best part about it, of course! 😛
I brought home 4 bags full of products from different brands. When we left Baltimore on Tuesday morning, A gave me a look when he saw we are bringing a large empty suitcase, I told him “you’ll see”. LOL
So how did I get 4 bags?
*1 regular swag bag that you can purchase with your ticket
                       *1 Influencer swag bag that Big City Moms gave me as a thank you for covering the event.
                        * 2 purple tote bags that A and I got when we walked into the event and fill with goodies from the brands.
Regular Swag Bag goodies.
Lotion and Body wash from Baby Magic
A full-size bottle of Hello Bello lotion
Butt paste/cream from Noleo and Boudreaux’s
Ducray hair lotion
…and diapers from Babyganics!!! (Was really looking forward to bringing home a pack of diapers..so yay!)
Sample packs of wipes, lactation drink, and vitamins for kids! My favorite is the mini first aid kit from Shipt.
Formula from Similac and Enfamil
Baby Bottle from Dr. Brown’s
EvenFlo pacifier and baby bottle
Mam baby bottle
Breastmilk storage bags from Nanobebe (which I can’t wait to try!).
Munchable snacks from Nosh (I love this brand so much! It was my #1 choice for little A’s snack when he started eating).
A full-size bag of lactation cookies from Booby Boons.
Booklet of baby’s first holidays
My Influencer goodie bag contained great products from amazing brands. Just getting this bag alone made our trip to New York very worth it.
I may have screamed out of happiness a little bit when I saw Hello Bello gift set in my bag. It has 3 FULL-SIZE bottles of bath stuff AND wipes! #HappinessOverload
Wipes and Diaper Samples
Full-size bottles of Baby Magic Lotion and Body Wash
A full-size bottle of Dapple body wash (after seeing all the bath stuff in this bag, I like to think I will be good on toiletries for baby girl until the end of the year lol!)
Another item I was very happy about, EZPZ tiny cup!! Now we have two at home! How convenient ❤
Sippy cup from Replay that little A is using now (without the cover lol)
Pacifier from Avent
I can’t believe my goodie bag came with a TwelveLittle fanny pack!! They cost $60 originally so it was such a lovely surprise! ❤
Treats for Mommy! I love how the bag came with a full-size bottle of Palmer’s skin therapy oil. I was running low prior to this event and I was happy to get one…for FREE!! ❤
Goodies from the 2 bags A and I filled during the event. I like to think we did GREAT! Lol
Travel bag with formula cans and ice pack from Enfamil. I can never have enough cooler bags here at home! I am thinking of using this when we travel to the Philippines at the end of the year, so this is so perfect!
Melissa from Spoonful One sent me an e-mail prior to the event so I made sure I had time to stop by at their booth and learn about the brand. I LOVE the idea behind it especially since A and I are such foodies. She pretty much filled our bags with Spoonful One snacks — how generous!
Bada Bean Bada Boom and Cloud 10 snacks.
Bowl and spoon set from Replay. I love how they reuse milk jugs to make their products.
My favorite out of this bunch is the Pact onesie. It is the softest onesie I’ve ever touched!
I forgot my sanitizer in Baltimore *facepalm* so when I saw Halo and Shipt were giving away sanitizers, I told A we should each get one! lol
I am now convinced that TwelveLittle is a generous brand! They gave away this year of the pig wet bag. I love it because it’s to represent luck and it’s pink so it will be perfect on baby girl’s stroller 😉
THE BEST giveaway that night, Maclaren cup holder!! A and I loved talking to the lady at the Maclaren booth so much and I mentioned we lost the attachment for our cup holder during our trip to London. It was very nice of her to give us this.
Needless to say, I was one of the happiest Mommas that night! ❤
I love how it also felt like a babymoon for A and I. We stayed in New York that night and was able to try two new restaurants throughout our stay.
Some of my friends thought it was daring of me to take a trip to New York when I am already 37 and a half weeks pregnant. For weeks, I told myself not to go into labor because I would hate to miss the event! Almost a week after, I am just anxious and ready to pop! lol
Thank you, Big City Moms for giving me one of the best memories during this pregnancy! ❤
R >3
  Disclaimer: I was given the opportunity to cover this event and received free products and admission. My opinion and EXCITEMENT are all unbiased 😉 
Big City Mom’s Biggest Baby Shower New York May 2019 Hello, dolls!!! ❤ I am 38 and half weeks pregnant now and I am so ready to meet my baby girl!
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