#i was planning to post earlier but i got distracted by a friend so im sorry about that but here's the chapter
ur-a-banditlikeme · 2 years
ive seen other people talk about this, but it’s one of my biggest grievances about st4 so i need to rant about it; max deserved so much better this season.
throughout all of s4, it’s very obvious that max is very depressed and clearly not okay, and obviously i don’t expect any of the other characters to be mind readers but vecna targets her for a reason, and seemingly nobody cares about her or why she could be struggling except for lucas. (you could of course argue that there are worse things going on in hawkins at that moment that they needed to focus on, but still)
she kind of got the will byers treatment, where the group kind of just stopped caring about her after she escaped vecnas curse, as if she was now out of danger (which she obviously wasn’t). 
what confused me the most was the fact that nobody tried to stop her when she offered herself up to distract vecna. the only person who tried to stop her was lucas, but other than that, everyone was radio silent on trying to figure out a safer way to do things. i posted about this earlier but when nancy said she wanted to go back to the upside down, everyone freaked out and told her that it was too dangerous, but when max offered herself up everyone was just chill about it?? the only people that really cared about her this season were lucas, el, and erica.
it felt very ooc for them considering steve is literally known as the babysitter who would protect them from anything, but he said nothing either. and max knew exactly what she was getting herself into when she came up with that plan. she knew there was a very high likelihood of her dying. this is even confirmed when shes talking to vecna and tells him that she just wants him to take her away. that’s why she wanted to do this, she was so tired of living that she didn’t even care if she died in the process of this plan. she even said that she doesn't care what happens, as long as they just ‘don’t miss’. 
even when the plan comes to fruition, they just send lucas and max on their own with no back up?? obviously everyone was important in the overall plan, but if maybe robin had stayed behind to make sure they were okay, (because let’s be real, nancy and steve would’ve been fine on their own) none of this would’ve happened.
idk i just hope that in season 5 the group at least acknowledges the fact that they let her down and that they should’ve stopped her from doing that. the whole ‘2 days later’ bs was just not the move tbh. like max is quite literally on her deathbed and barely anybody seemed sad about it. even when the cali gang come back they only ask where lucas is?? like they know that max’s life was literally on the line which is the whole reason why el needed the tank but once they actually get back they don’t even seem concerned about her? and dustin just responds ‘oh you don’t know?’ like BRO BE A LITTLE MORE SERIOUS lol ur friend literally died and barely came back. max’s fate is literally the result of the whole groups negligence. (obviously it’s nobody’s fault the plan went to shit, but it still sucks that nobody seemed to care enough to stop her, or at least protect her a little better)
anyways the party never seems to really care about max (except for lucas) and im so sick of it she deserves so much better. rant over.
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dragonnyy · 1 year
This is all written by my friend @theyl0vemei! I got permission from her to edit her work so I'll just post my own edited version here. It's just a little drabble of my self insert x Streber <3
u guys dont have to read it lol, im not tagging this or adding it to my masterlist
Streber sat perfectly at a desk in his room and wrote. He had been working on plans for the haunted house which he just had to be prepared for. He had been planning this out for days he was just grateful that he was now getting started on it. But..there was one problem. His boyfriend Jordan. They'd known each other almost since childhood and started dating not so long ago. Streber didn’t mind him being around at all, it’s just that he could be.. clingy and distracting sometimes, you know? He was hoping he could get some of this done and then give Jordan the attention he needed.
He had his glasses on and wrote, focusing on the papers. He was interrupted when suddenly he felt warm arms wrap around him from behind. Ah, It was Jordan. He then felt soft lips plant a kiss on his neck, making Streber blush from the sensation.
“Streber..” He whispered, soon Streber was about to give in but was reminded of his work. “Jordy, I love you but I haven’t even started this project I need to work on for the haunted house!- So please wait...” Streber said slightly agitated, pushing Jordan away.
“Alright...” Jordan sighed and walked off to sit on the edge of his bed, giving attention to his phone. Streber sighed too. He did love Jordan and giving him affection, but he never knew when to stop. He chuckled, knowing thats why he loved him.
Streber then gave his own attention to his paper and started writing. Only a couple hours had passed by, and by the time Streber was halfway done he was already exhausted with working on his project. He'd decided to just work on the rest tomorrow night, since it was starting to get late.
Streber turned his head to take a glance at Jordan. He was laying in bed flat on his back, hands behind his head with his elbows sticking out to the side. His legs were crossed and he had earphones in, connected to his phone which was most likely playing music.
Streber smiles to himself and takes off his glasses, placing them neatly somewhere before getting up from his chair, stretching his cramped limbs from sitting for so long. He walks over to the bed and lays his body weight next to Jordan, looking over at him while laying on his side. Jordan hadn't a reaction to the feeling of his body shifting around next to him, except for smiling stupidly.
Streber places his hand on Jordan's stomach, trying to gain his attention. He pouts when he gets no reaction, instead reaching for Jordan's phone and pausing whatever song he had playing before gently pulling his earphones out.
"Jordy, I'm finished, okay? I'm sorry I seemed mad at you, now please.." He did feel bad for acting that way earlier, knowing that Jordan could've taken it wrongly. From sitting so long, he now desired cuddles from his boyfriend. Jordan's dumb grin only grew wider, as he lay dormant.
'Is he ignoring me?' Streber thought to himself, pouting and furrowing his brows. "Jordy.." He whined, tugging at the hem of his shirt. Seeing no other reaction then Jordan's shit eating grin which was obviously holding back a laugh, Streber had an idea.
Another smirk plastered along his face as he reached up towards Jordan's face, grabbing his nose between his index and middle finger. Immediately, Jordan burst out laughing. Streber joined in and started laughing with him, as Jordan pushed his hand away from his face.
"What the hell are you doing?" Jordan said through childish giggles, finally looking at Streber with a toothy grin. Streber chuckled softly, happy to finally have his attention back. "You weren't responding, so.. I had to make sure you were awake." Streber replied with a smile on his face.
Jordan's giggles seemed to die down as he turned onto his side facing Streber, scooting his body slightly closer. No words were spoken as the two lay there for a few moments, just looking at each other with love-filled eyes.
Jordan had then suddenly moved in out of nowhere, closing his eyes and pressed his lips against Streber's, turning him beet red as he shut his eyes too. They both begun to kiss each other passionately, Jordan reached his hand over to Streber's waist and pulled him closer to his body, deepening their kiss. Streber wrapped his arms around Jordan's, holding onto him tightly.
Streber had pulled away after a minute, leaving them both gasping for air, as they both looked into each others eyes again. Streber giggled softly, running his fingers through Jordan's hair.
"So, now you want my attention, huh?" Jordan says looking at him with soft eyes. "I was working!" Streber said with a grin on his face, playfully pushing him away.
Jordan chuckled, pulling himself under the blankets as Streber copied him. Without warning, Jordan pulled Streber close towards him and locked him in a tight hold, wrapping himself around him which caused Streber to laugh in confusion.
"What're you- Hey, let me go!" Streber says in between giggles as Jordan wraps his arms tight around his abdomen from behind and shook his head. "Nope, your stuck in my jail for the rest of the night." He says, following with a kiss on the top of his head.
Streber sighed softly and settled into his grasp, blushing softly with the warm feeling of his boyfriend right behind him, holding him close. It was only what Streber was dreaming about for the past few years.
He could definitely get used to this.
i think i basically just wrote a new fic with just my oc.. i mean i copied and pasted mei's writing but changed the ending a bit too drastically plus lengthened it lolol
anyway thanks mei ily <3
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jackscharp · 2 months
Maybe I’ll actually post again on this second blog since I’m arguably more into Pokémon than I was when I made it.
For starters, my Pokémon journey:
Right around the time it got huge in the United States, my mother enrolled me in a summer camp. A kid there introduced me to Sandshrew, and he was so cute that I wanted to know more about this game.
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So somehow I convinced my parents to buy me the Machamp starter deck. I didn’t recall there being any fire type cards in the deck, but Im sure I’d remember having learned how to edit decks so early, so it must have had them and just only the holo Machamp stands out in my memory.
Bringing your cards to school to show off or trade was a thing, so I did that, but my backpack wouldn’t fit in the lockers for gym class and so it was left out and some jerk stole my cards. (sidebar, you’d think I learned my lesson but someone got into my unlocked drawer at one of my desks at work this year and stole some Matchbox cars I had in there that I’d take out to decorate the desk; unfortunately I hadn’t been issued a key to lock them - and work stuff - up and this location).
I was dejected enough that I lost interest in Pokémon, and it was pretty quick that it seemed everyone else at my school did too, or at least they stopped being vocal about it. I don’t think I ever heard if my friend Matt got his Charizard he wanted.
Years later, Pokemon Go comes out. I wasn’t going to try it out, but my wife wanted to and so that was my getaway free card to nerd out. Our son wasn’t born yet so we had lots of time to hit up the parks, drive slowly through cemeteries, and follow the online postings of where to find Snorlax and Blissey and the Dratini family.
When my son was born, taking him for stroller-supported strolls through pretty parks with pokestops, gyms, and Magnemite and other nests became a weekly occurrence and was my preferred way to spend the days I’d take off every year for my birthday. Though my wife eventually stopped liking the game, he became old enough to understand and start catching for himself (though unfortunately that was a gateway to all sorts of other videogames and for a while it seemed absolutely nothing interested him other than screens, so introducing PoGo to him had downsides). As he learned to ride a bike, having that with me during those times was an extra plus. I even got the Pokémon Plus or whatever that first edition was called, to discretely fill up my inventory on pokeballs at museums without getting distracted by a desire to catch every Sandshrew, Magnemite, etc. I could find despite not caring whether I got a better one and not needing any more candy.
Some time in the last two years, I realized that the battles were less fun than they had been for me when they first came out and I found multiple types of teams for each league. Battling to win stardust to further power up Pokémon to hopefully win more battles so I could get stardust to… That cycle just wasn’t as fun anymore. It wasn’t long after that that I was rarely opening the game except for trips, to send Postcards to friends. Around this time I had also learned of the mobile game for Wizards of the Coast’s Magic: The Gathering called Magic: Spellslingers. I had never got into Arena and here comes what I found to be a more approachable mode of playing. The matches were more intellectually stimulating than I had found the PoGo battles to be, which is what I was missing from that.
I really liked that game but it didn’t last: Earlier this year, WotC announced that the app - which had little meaningful updates since like fall 2022 - was shutting down in July 2024. The Kotaku article that I read mentioned other similar games that have come to an end but also games that are still going, including Pokémon TCG Live. So: A free-to-play all of the card game, so an even more one-to-one upgrade in the planning and strategy I missed from PoGo, but still with the characters that I know and love, than Spellslingers had been?
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So I started into that, and just hit Master League level in my second season. I highly doubt I will get to Arceus and won’t even try, but I’m glad to have gotten this far. I’m the meantime, I remembered that my friend Red had gotten me a Galarian Darumaka theme deck years ago for some reason. We had never played the TCG together - though he was one of my PoGo buddies for raids and we did remote battles occasionally - so even he forgot he bought it for me. Around that time I had come up with some ideas if I were to ever make a second deck, and now here I am planning to get my son the Pokémon Battle Academy from 2020 for his birthday and myself an Ampharos EX Battle Deck. I don’t be going to no Friday Night Pokémon or whatever they call that sort of thing on this side of the TCG aisle but I look forward to teaching my son this weekend and finally getting some matches in with Red.
I’m hoping there are some other Pokémon TCG Live fans out there among my MtG followers and maybe I can hear about your decks or favorite cards. I plan to share my two favorite homemade brews, as In not sure my minor tweaks to the game-provided intro decks would be that interesting to anyone since my win percentage is sub-50% (and in anticipation of that, my chosen slogan in the game is ‘The most important thing is to have fun. Winning just happens to be fun!’ Or something like that). Maybe you’ll be interested. If not, we’ll, I probably don’t need another blog time sink like my Magic one was at first!
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ladycatofwinterfell · 3 years
Dealing with the consequences, part 2
Summary: One day, six months after they move into their new house, Ned and Cat wake up to an unfortunate surprise. This small and seemingly insignificant event sets things into motion, and they try their best to repair what they can despite that they have messed up before. Because maybe, just maybe, they can do things a little bit better that time around. And you know what they say, third time’s the charm.
This chapter will be entirely from Cat's POV, and I plan to make the next one all about Ned, but we'll see about that. Anyway, hope you like it <3
“Hello, Ned” Minisa said when Ned came inside.
 Catelyn was glad for that only her mother had come. It would have been a lot harder if she had brought Dad as well. He and Ned didn’t really get along. He didn’t know everything and had therefore immediately jumped to the conclusion that it was Ned that had wronged his daughter in some way, and not the other way around. Mom was kinder and for that Catelyn was immensely grateful. She loved her father but sometimes he made things a lot harder than they had to be. 
 “Hello, Minisa.”
 Minisa had Sansa on her lap and was gently bouncing the overjoyed baby up and down. Sansa had previously spent ten minutes trying to eat her grandma’s hair.
 “Is it okay if we eat?” Catelyn asked. “I’m quite hungry.”
 “I’m gonna leave soon, I just wanted to see how you’re doing.”
 For just a second Catelyn got eye contact with Ned over her Mom’s shoulder as he walked into the kitchen to get plates for them. The scent of something that smelled much like her favorite pasta was filling the room and she had to hold back a smile. He knew just what she liked.
 “We’re doing fine” she assured her mother. 
 They were doing fine. A bit of uncertainty, a dash of conflicted feelings, a few unsolved problems. But fine. Maybe no more than fine, but definitely fine. They did their things, raised their kids, lived their lives. 
 “Except for the kitchen, of course” she added.
 They were definitely not doing fine on that point. 
 “Yes, what is your plan for that?”
 “I’ve been looking at some options today while Ned was at work, but we’re gonna talk more about it.”
 It had been deadly dull and she wasn’t looking forward to sitting down with Ned and look into it more, but it would probably be a little more bearable than doing it alone. Sansa really hadn’t been of much help. 
 “Would you like any help with that?” Minisa asked and smiled.
 She smiled like Catelyn was a child who had no idea of that she was doing. Sure, she had no idea at all of what she was doing sometimes, but she was an adult and could figure it out. 
 “No, we have this.”
 The last thing they needed was family members coming with more or less, most often less, helpful advice. It would only stress them. The only one she took advice from was Cersei, which was strange considering where that had taken her. But at least Cersei didn’t pretend that her advice was great advice and that she always knew best... Who was Catelyn trying to fool, she definitely did that. Maybe she was just supposed to stop taking advice.
 That smile didn’t go away. 
 “Don’t look at me like that” Catelyn said firmly.
 Perhaps a little bit firmer than intended, but that pitiful gaze was driving her nuts. 
 “I’m not looking at you in any particular way” Minisa said, raising her eyebrows. 
 “But you are” Catelyn sighed. “And I know all of you doubt everything I do, and that you have done so since I had Robb, but can you please not? Because I’m sick of it.”
 It wasn’t doing any damage to anyone. Her son was a happy child, her daughter would be as well because no matter what she would be loved and cared for. And she knew what her situation must have looked like from the outside, but she was so goddamn tired of people judging without knowing a damn thing. 
 “Oh Cat, we don’t doubt you. We know you always try to do the right thing and that you’re doing your best, as we all are...” she paused, waved a hand through the air, and when she spoke again she had lowered her voice. “But are you really fine? Are you happy?”
 Catelyn had to keep in a number of angry responses. She couldn't really be angry because of course her mother would be worried. That was what mothers did, they worried. Catelyn worried for Robb, she worried for Sansa, she understood. But the small difference was that her kids were still kids, while she herself was a grown woman.
 “I am” she said. “My kids are happy pills and I have the luck to live with a man who is probably a better person to live with than most. And I have a good job, and friends, so I don’t have much to complain about.”
 She definitely wasn’t unhappy. Of course everything didn’t feel great all the time, but she was building with what she had. And that was fine. Not fantastic, but fine. She had a few things to complain about, but not enough for there to be a serious problem. Okay, there was a pretty serious problem, but she couldn't acknowledge that without Ned and he pretty much refused to acknowledge that.
 Her mother was smiling again. But it wasn’t the same smile as before, and that was a relief.
 “I think I should get home to your father now, but it was nice to see you and little Sansa again.”
 “It was nice seeing you too” Catelyn said.
 Seeing her family was always nice, her mother’s timing just hadn’t been ideal. There was a lot of feelings going on. 
 “You don’t need to hide anymore, she’s gone!” she shouted at Ned once the door had closed behind Minisa.
 He had been in the kitvhen for much longer than necessary and she knew perfectly well why.
 “Oh thank the gods!”
 She had to laugh at that. 
They discussed what she had been looking at during the day while they ate. She had been right about the pasta, and it was just as amazing as usual. They got somewhere with what they were going to do an everything felt a little better when they agreed about it. She wished that could have applied to other discussions as well, but she had to do with what she got. At least the kitchen would be fixed.
 “We’ll have to take everything out tomorrow or Sunday if they’re gonna be here Monday” Ned said.
 “We should turn off the electricity in the kitchen as soon as possible, so I think we should do it tomorrow” Catelyn responded through a mouthful of pasta. 
 “We’ll have to move the fridge and the freezer out here.”
 “Ah, damnit, as if the table wasn’t enough.”
 After dinner she handed their daughter to Ned and then she had a shower. She had been longing for that shower all day, there hadn’t really been time for it and Sansa was never too happy when Catelyn showered. 
She came down the stairs half an hour later to a sight so perfect that she had to stop for a moment. It really was a dangerous thing, living together. Because then she could see stuff like that and be hit straight in the face with the desire to have it like that always. They were a family, that was true, but she wished it could have been full circle. She wished she could have looked at the man lying on the couch with their baby and think “that’s my husband and our baby”. Instead it was just “that’s the man I have a messed up relationship with and our baby”. She wished they could have been something to each other as well, she wished things had been different. 
 “Say whatever you want about the mess we created, but we do make cute babies” Ned said, looking at the small bundle sleeping on his chest. 
 When they had been together long ago he had never expressed a wish to have children. He had actually seemed quite opposed to it. That had been one of the reasons for why she had done as she did. But just that second she couldn’t understand how she had ever thought that, because the way he looked at their daughter was so soft and loving. He was a great father. What she was looking at was the way it was supposed to be.
 “Yeah. We do.”
 The knowledge of that they could make good things as well, that not everything they did together ended up being terrible, made her happy. They had made Sansa. And Robb, but Robb was different. Robb was hers. Sansa was theirs. And she was perfect, Catelyn could look at her for hours. She had looked at Robb that way when he was a baby as well. 
 “I’m a bit amazed by it” she added. “That we created her.”
 “I’d love to take some credit for this lovely little thing, but it was mostly you.”
 “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
 He had given her Sansa, and he had been with her through almost everything despite that he had been very angry at her. And she most likely wouldn’t have been able to take care of another baby completely on her own, no matter what she had thought in the beginning. Or, well, she would have been able to do it, the question was about whether or not she would have been fine while doing it.
Catelyn sat on the edge of the couch and laid a hand on Sansa’s back. She was so tiny. Robb had been much bigger. 
 “I had almost forgotten what it feels like to have a small baby” Ned said. 
 “Me too. She’s entirely dependent on us. We are necessary for her survival.”
 “That’s crazy.”
 She looked at him. He turned his eyes from Sansa and to her. But that thing in his eyes, the one she associated with how he watched her daughter, the one she associated with love, that thing was still there. 
 “It’s nice though, isn’t it?” Catelyn said softly. “Being that important to someone.”
 “It is.”
 She couldn’t help but smile, and when he smiled as well she had to look away. Damnit. What was she playing at, what was she trying to do? What was he trying to do?
 “I should put her to bed.”
 When she reached for Sansa he took one of her hands and held it. She met his eyes once more.
 “Ned. We really shouldn’t...”
 “I know, I know.”
 She carefully took their daughter and held the still sleeping baby to her chest. She could feel how Sansa breathed steadily. It was always calming to feel that since she was still in the phase when she was constantly terrified of that her baby would just stop breathing and die. 
Ned sat up. That brought him much closer to her, she could almost feel the heat radiating from his body. 
 “Why do you want to?” she asked, keeping her gaze on Sansa. “You haven’t forgiven me, we haven’t fixed anything, why do you want to?”
 He was quiet and Catelyn was just about to leave the couch and take Sansa upstairs when he answered. 
 “I don’t know. Why do you want to?”
 She could answer that question in a heartbeat. 
 “Because I miss you.”
 She did. She missed him. He was right there, but not like he had been before. And that was her own fault. Everyone could have been happy if it had not been for what she did. 
 “I miss you too.”
 Why had he said that? Anything else would have been better, anything else would have made it easier to stay away. 
 “How can you do that when you hate me?” she asked. 
 “I don’t hate you. I hate what you did, I’m angry and I won’t forgive you, but I don’t hate you.”
 “It sure as hell would have been easier if you did.”
 He chuckled at that. But it wasn’t a happy sound. 
 “I don’t know if I’m able to. Sometimes I wish that I could, but I can’t. You did something to me that hurt me and still I can’t hate you. Maybe that is the reason for why I want to.”
 That made no sense at all. But nothing ever really made sense. Or maybe it did and she just couldn’t understand it. At least she wasn’t alone in that, she had a strong feeling of that he probably understood nothing as well. 
 “Because you can’t hate me?”
 “Clearly there is something about you that stops me from that, no matter if I like it or not.”
 Despite that everything in her screamed at her not to do it, she leaned a bit closer to him. She couldn’t do that, she couldn’t, but she wanted to. It felt like she had never wanted something more.
 “I can’t” she forced out. “This won’t make anything better.” 
 If anything it could make everything worse. 
 “No, but what can make things better?” he sighed.
 She had asked herself that question a million times. What could make it better? She didn’t know. He almost refused to talk about it, gave her nothing on what she was supposed to do. It felt like she was walking in a dark room with no way of knowing where the light switch was. What she did know was that she was incredibly tired of it. It was draining. She was the one who had turned off the lights, but she was still tired of it. 
She moved away from him again. 
 “Am I supposed to answer that? I’m not the one who won’t talk.”
 And suddenly his face was no longer soft, but hard and cold as the northern winter. 
 “Have you considered that maybe trusting you is a bit hard after you kept a child secret?”
 “I’m not asking you to trust me, I’m asking you to talk to me. This is the closest we have been to a meaningful conversation in more than a year. I just want to know what you want me to do.”
 “I don’t want you to do anything. You have messed up enough as it is.”
 All that worked as quite a reminder of why she had not said anything about that earlier. They wouldn’t get anywhere with that, there was no point in trying. And she didn’t want to fight, she didn’t have the energy for that, so she simply stood up and took Sansa upstairs to her crib. 
Catelyn stayed in her room for the remainder of that evening. It was better than risking anything. He didn’t want to fight either, she was well aware of that. But it was hard, and multiple times she found herself almost going to him. To apologize, or try to talk again, or anything, really. She didn’t know what she wanted to do, but she wanted to do something. The fact that she had no idea about what to do ached in her. She hated not having a grip of the situation. 
And when she heard him come up the stairs she just couldn’t stop herself. She opened the door, but he walked right past her. 
 “I would take it back if I could” she said, leaning against the doorframe. “And I’m sorry.”
 Ned stopped. He didn’t turn to look at her, but he sighed. 
 “I know you are because I know you’re not a bad person. You never meant to hurt anyone, but here we are.”
 It was slowly killing her to see him hurt so. It hurt in her as well. Because she loved him. She had denied it for quite some time, but she did love him. Otherwise it wouldn’t have hurt so much. Otherwise the guilt wouldn’t have been eating her up from the inside. 
 “Here we are” she mumbled and once again wondered where they would have been if it had been different.
 “Loving you is undoubtedly the hardest thing I have ever done.”
 She could say the same. Loving him was the hardest thing she had ever done. But she loved him all the same. 
 “Don’t you mean it was? It should be past tense.”
 That didn’t make any– oh. Oh. 
 He loved her. And she loved him. Catelyn had never experienced a stranger emotion than the mix of joy and sorrow that filled her at that realization. It was supposed to be a good thing, and to some extent it was, but at the same time it kept them from going forward. 
Ned just continued to his room, not looking back at her. That time she didn’t hesitate before following him, she couldn’t leave it there. 
 “Ned” she repeated, laying a hand on his shoulder to stop him. 
 “Cat” he responded.
 When he turned around he was so close to her that she could almost feel his breath on her face. 
 “I’m sorry” she whispered and turned her gaze to the floor. “I’m so sorry.”
 She didn’t know what she was apologizing for. For keeping the secret for so long, for showing up at his house one day without a warning, for partaking in the affair, for that he still loved her. Maybe it was all of it. Maybe it was something entirely different. 
He leaned his forehead against hers and she could feel the tears in her eyes. Why did it have to be so hard? Why couldn’t it be easy? She was exhausted. 
 “I love you, and I miss you” Ned said. “That is why.”
 The only thing Catelyn could do in response to that was kiss him. It wasn’t accidental, it wasn’t something she did in confusion, she did it because she wanted to. Because she believed he wanted to as well. And it felt just as good as she had imagined when he pulled her closer to him and deepened the kiss. 
 She had not meant to fall asleep afterwards. She had meant to go to her room and sleep there. But still she woke to the sound of Sansa’s cries and did not realize where she was at first. It took her a moment to understand to who that warm arm around her belonged to.
Ned stirred when she moved away from him and climbed off the bed. She began gathering up her clothes from the floor. It definitely was time to move back to her bedroom and she might just as well do it when she had to go to Sansa.
 “I can take her” Ned offered.
 “No” Catelyn said, perhaps a bit too quickly. “I’ll do it. I should get back to my room anyway.”
 She left before he had time to say anything else. The night before she had been too caught up in the moment to feel ashamed about it. But after that sated bliss had left her she could look at it in another light. Last time things had ended so terribly bad. And the circumstances were very different that time around, sure, but still something tightened in her chest. How would he feel about it? Would he regret it? Would he regret sleeping with her again after what she had done? She didn't want to go back to how it had been between them mere months earlier.
She held Sansa in her arms and kissed the top of her little head. She wasn’t hungry and was quite quickly soothed back to sleep. But Catelyn wasn’t quick to put her down. 
She half expected Ned to come after her. Or maybe she just wished he would. She didn’t know. But he never came and in the end she put Sansa down and crawled into her own bed. And she couldn’t help but thinking of that morning in the kitchen when he had made her pancakes. It had been more than a year since that. And a lot had happened. But she felt the same as she had felt then. She wanted to be with him. All of him. They were living together, she had been in his bed just minutes earlier. It was more than she had had back then, before Sansa. But she still didn’t have every part of him. And she was very sure of that he would never give it all to her. She understood that, and she was aware of that she had fucked up badly. But it still hurt. 
 Catelyn had slept little when morning came, Sansa had refused to sleep longer than an hour at a time, which was unusual. But Catelyn still wasn’t that tired. And she heard when Ned passed her door and walked down the stairs. Always the early riser. Even up earlier than the baby. 
She wanted to stay in bed longer. Because she had no idea about what to do or say when she saw him. It had been fine. Why had they decided to throw sex into the mix as well and shake everything up? She didn’t know. But it had felt so damn good that she was almost ready to take every consequence there was just for more of it. And they loved each other. 
After a while Sansa decided that it was time to get up for them too. So Catelyn fed her and then took her downstairs. 
 “Mornin’” Ned said when she came downstairs. 
 He didn’t look up from the newspaper he was reading. Was he as stressed about all of it as she was? Or was he as calm as he seemed? She genuinely had no idea. Lately it had been very hard to understand his feelings and what he wanted. She just didn't want them to hurt each other because of it.
 “Good morning” she responded as she put Sansa in her chair. 
 It felt a bit weird to have the kitchen table in the living room, but they would have all of their kitchen in the living room in a day when they started renovating the kitchen. 
Ned put away his newspaper and directed his attention towards Sansa instead. He was great at keeping her in a good mood. 
The morning slowly passed. They did some cleaning, which was a hundred times easier when Robb and Jon weren’t home. Lovely lads, but terrible at putting things away. And Catelyn had not even reflected over that they had baby stuff literally everywhere, but she did when she was picking it all up. She could only imagine what it would be like once Sansa learned to walk. 
It was actually quite nice. They didn’t talk much, but it didn’t feel bad at all. He even smiled at her occasionally so he couldn’t hate it too much, right? It could go well. 
After lunch they took boxes down from the attic and began packing down things they had in the kitchen. Catelyn was surprised by how many things they had after only having lived there for half a year. They were just taking a break when she got a messege
 haven't seen you in a while, wanna take a walk or something?
 The timing for that couldn't have been better and an hour later Catelyn found herself walking towards the little coffee shop a few blocks from their house so that she could get some desperately needed coffee before meeting up with Cersei. Ned had happily taken Sansa for an hour so that she could go out for a walk, he was probably glad to be rid of her for a while. He probably needed some time to reflect, just as she did. It had been hard to do so while being just a few meters apart.
 “Well, don’t you look miserable?” was the first thing Cersei said. “Baby keeping you awake?”
 “Among other things” Catelyn responded and took a sip of her coffee.
 She regretted it when she burned her tongue and pulled a face. She should have known that she had to wait until it cooled down a bit. But she should have known that last night as well. And that hadn’t exactly stopped her. 
 “And your kitchen flooded. You’re really living the dream life.”
 Catelyn had to smile. She was living quite the opposite of the dream life. 
 “Fucked up relationship, flooded kitchen, kids that won’t sleep, people wish they were me.”
 Cersei snorted. 
 “You still call that a relationship?”
 She hesitated for a moment. Was it a good idea to tell Cersei about it? She didn’t want to keep it to herself, but it was still so new, she didn’t know what to do with it. But what would change if she told Cersei? Nothing. So she decided to go for it.
 “I don’t know what else to call it.”
 “Have you considered dating or seeing someone else?”
 She had absolutely not considered that. Who would have wanted her anyway? She was living with an ex and three children between the ages of ten and five months. So even if she had been interested in that the situation really wasn’t ideal for it.
 “No. And he told me he loves me last night. I don’t know what that makes it, but it sure is something.”
 She had expected some sort of reaction from Cersei, but the blonde only shrugged. 
 “Huh, I thought it would take longer.”
 And what exactly did Cersei mean by that?
 “I knew it would come sooner or later, but not this soon. Ned’s a stubborn son of a bitch.”
 Catelyn had to stop and look at her. That it would come sooner or later? Had she not listened when Catelyn told her about what had happened before? Ned had barely spoken to her for weeks, had refused to meet her eyes. There had been no sign of love, no sign of that they could ever be what they had been before. How could she have expected that?
 “How could you have known that?” she exclaimed. 
 “Because I’ve been observing this relationship for years now, darling” Cersei laughed. “And no matter what happens you two always manage to snake your way back to each other. I don’t know if it’s a good thing or not, I’m just saying that’s how it is.”
 It would have felt better if she could dismiss that as something that wasn’t true, but Catelyn knew it was. Nothing had ever stopped them before so she probably should have expected it to happen. She should have been ready. She hadn’t been ready. Not for him telling her that he loved her. 
 “I don’t know if it’s a good thing either” she sighed. “It just feels like we’re digging through rock bottom together.”
 “That’s not great.”
 “No. I thought that maybe it was about to get better now, that maybe we could finally move forward, but instead we just fell down the hole. Again. And I can’t even be mad about it because I love him.”
 She didn’t want to feel that way, but she did. It should have been a good thing, love was a good thing, and how many nights had she not dreamt of them being happy with each other again? But that was the thing, she had dreamt of happiness. And at the moment their love didn’t make any of them happy. At least Ned wasn’t happy. And how could he ever be? When he loved the woman who had wronged him so terribly. It would have been a lot more welcome if they had talked more first, and actually started fixing their relationship.
 “Maybe admitting that you love each other is what it takes for you to start digging upwards instead of downwards” Cersei said, sounding way too optimistic for Catelyn’s liking. 
 She couldn’t escape the feeling of that his feelings for her made him unhappy. That he disliked it. And it was hard to blame him for it. She just didn't want to hurt him more. She couldn't stand the thought of making things worse for him.
 “I guess you could fix this if you want to. But the question is whether or not it’s a good idea.”
 Catelyn had to believe it was a good idea. For the sake of her children. And for hers and Ned's sake. She wanted it to work so badly that it ached in her. And if they fucked up yet another time she would never forgive herself. 
 “I don’t know if he wants to. We’re in the same house because of the kids, not because he wants a relationship.”
 It was fully possible that it had made him realize that he didn't want it at all and that he didn't want it to be more than a thing that happened once. She didn't want to dive right into it if he was going to back out as soon as it was brought up again.
 “You haven’t talked to him?” Cersei asked, seemingly surprised.
 “No. We tried to talk, got irritated with each other, I apologized and he told me he loves me and then–“ she stopped herself from finishing that sentence. 
 Cersei laughed again.
 “I knew it!”
 “Oh shut up, that’s really not important.”
 The important part was literally everything but that. But she would have to talk to Ned about everything, she understood that. He understood it as well. Because they couldn’t just leave it there. Some things they just had to deal with as soon as possible. 
They should have had that conversation the first thing that morning, but they hadn’t. They had had a good time instead. 
 “The mood was good this morning though, so maybe I shouldn’t be so pessimistic” she added. “I don’t know, I’m not brave enough to hope for anything because if I get my hopes up and it falls apart yet another time I’m gonna lose my mind.”
 “I believe you shouldn’t think too much on it before you have actually talked about it with him. Because worrying isn’t doing anything good for you.”
 “You’re probably right. I just don’t want us to go into it too fast and end up messing things up for ourselves and our kids.”
 “I get that, Cat. But you really should talk to each other. I’m definitely no relationship expert, I have my fair share of mistakes regarding that, but even I can see that you two fucking suck at talking.”
 "Oh believe me, I know."
 But she was going to talk to him because walking around and being uncertain was quickly becoming unbearable.
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daughter-of-freya · 3 years
How to confess to your gamer bestfriend
tw: none, fluff (mutual pinning)
wc: 1572
note: kenma x bsf!gn!reader, lowercase intended, sorry for not posting in two (2) weeks i had a lot of homework, n e ways enjoy :)
you and kenma had been best friends for years now. you met him in middle school when he was sat next to kuroo as he played on his nintendo, you went up to him and asked him what he was playing and the rest is history. now being best friends is a bit tricky when you're in love with that person, so you're in quite the predicament here, however you're in luck because he is in love with you too, you just don't know it, yet.
3 am
you and kenma are playing minecraft together while on a discord call. you're working on building a castle for you two to live in, while he's gathering resources. this has been going for a good 4 hours now, neither of you feel the need to fill the silence, you're just enjoying each other's company. kenma can surprisingly get quite talkative when a new game comes out he's been wanting to play, or he can't seem to beat a specific boss, but he's also a really good listener. you know you can tell him if something is wrong and he'll listen, though this problem directly involves him so talking to him isn't an option. you're in love with kenma and have been for quite some time now, i mean he's always been by your side, supporting you, just being a good best friend. somewhere along the way you fell for him and you just don't know how to tell him.
7:30 am
kenma lives close to you and kuroo, so you three walk to school together. though this morning everything goes just a bit slower since you two were up late gaming. while you and kuroo are walking to kenma's house, you decide to ask him for advice.
"yeah, what's up?"
"i'm in love with kenma"
kuroo laughs and teasingly says that he already knew and that kenma is in love with you too.
"how would you know that, does he talk about me?"
"y/n, you and games are literally the only things he talks about and he hasn't our right said that he has feelings for you but just trust me on this one."
"how can you be sure though if he hasn't actually said it?"
"you'd have to be blind not to see the way you two look at each other, even lev has picked up on it and he's the most clueless person i've ever met, i'm sure y/n just confess."
"but how, what if he rejects me and i ruin our friendship, that is the last thing i want kuroo."
at this point you've reached kenma's house so you decide to finish this conversation some other time.
12 pm
it's now lunchtime and like usual you're eating with kuroo and kenma, well it's more kuroo trying to force kenma to put his psp away and eat.
"kenma please you have to eat, you already didn't get enough sleep so at least eat, you need energy." you said to him worried for his health
he ultimately gives in and puts his psp away and grabs his bento to eat. kuroo is used to fill silence at this point since the both of you seem to be introverts and not really talkers but usually you would join in a conversation with him, but your thoughts are preoccupied with how you'd confess to kenma. so while kuroo is going on about some volleyball related thing, kenma watches you as he noticed that you had been distracted even in class, you got called on but weren't paying attention so kenma whispered the answer to you from beside you. this got him a bit worried because out of the two of you, you'd always been a great student, after debating for a bit he decides he's just going to ask what's wrong.
"y/n?" he pokes your cheek after saying your name twice, since you weren't responding.
"oh what, yeah sorry i was just thinking." you answered a bit flustered at suddenly being called out
"yeah, i noticed, you were distracted in class too, something wrong?"
"uhm no no, i'm fine maybe a bit tired since we stayed up late?"
"if you were tired you could've just gone to sleep, i'm not going to force to play with me."
after hearing that you reassured kenma that you loved to play with him and that you weren't tired then, but just now. after that little conversation the bell rang signaling that you had to go back to class.
4 pm
you're walking home alone today because the team has practice, normally you'd stay to watch but you've still got to think about how you're going to confess to your best friend. so you would be distracted and getting a ball accidentally spiked at you doesn't seem that appealing.
after you've arrived home, you say hello to your parents and go straight to your room. still not finding a way to confess, you decide to just do your homework and come back to it later. though that doesn't go too well because all your thoughts go back to kenma and if what kuroo said was really true and if he really did have feelings for you. now that doing homework was thrown out the window you start up your computer and think about just playing some minecraft, maybe working on your castle a bit.
you decide to do that, and while you are building a thought pops into your head, what if you confess through minecraft, you both love games and it's the way you met. how you were going to do that was the next question, which seemed even trickier than the ones before.
7 pm
kenma was on his way home from practice, being a little disappointed that you weren't there. he enjoyed your company a lot and dare he say even fell for you. he's not sure exactly when maybe it was love at first sight, you asking him what he was playing, being the first to actually take an interest in him beside kuroo made him feel weird, a good weird though.
he really liked the mutual silence you two shared, it wasn't awkward just basking in the other's presence, he also loved how he could talk to you about anything knowing that he wouldn't be judged. this got him thinking about lunch again and you said you were just tired, but he thought there was something more, he hoped that you would share your thoughts with him, he wanted to help but if you didn't need his help then he'd be lying if he said that didn't hurt him.
all of that aside he was still looking forward to playing together again, making a mental note to stop earlier since he didn't want you to be tired. he liked the server you two had and thought it was cute how much effort you were putting into that castle of yours, it even made him think that there was a slight chance that you liked him back. with that thought he arrived home, went to his room and messaged you on discord to ask if you wanted to call.
a couple of minutes later you called kenma and he immediately accepted the call.
you had everything planned out and hoped he would like it. "so i've got a surprise for you, can you come to the castle second floor please?"
he was quite confused but intrigued nonetheless so he went up the stairs, and there he saw your character in front of a door.
"just go in the room and tell me what you think alright?" you sounded a bit nervous to him, he just attributed that to hoping he would like the room.
when kenma walked his character through the door, he saw two beds in the room with a sign that said "wanna put our beds together?"
you had also moved through the door and were looking at his character anxiously awaiting his answer.
to your surprise kenma said "if this is your way of confessing then yes, if it's not im sorry for making it awkward"
you chuckled at his response and replied "yes kenma this is my way of confessing, im glad you accepted though that would've embarrassing if you didn't"
"y/n why in the world would i not accept, i've been in love with you for years." kenma said a bit frustrated that you would think there was even the slightest possibility that he would reject you.
"wait what, you're telling me we could've been dating for years now and you didn't say anything"
"well you didn't either, until now i gues but i'm happy you did because i would've been to anxious to do anything, kuroo's been pestering me to confess already but now i don't need to anymore."
"yeah i guess so, wanna play now?"
"duh is that even a question."
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misscorn · 3 years
Day 7: Future/Post Confession
I can't believe yet another @takaritsuweek has come and gone so fast 😭❤ everyone in this Fandom is so talented and im obsessed with the nostalgia content 💘 please enjoy my last one shot for this week ☺
Onodera Ritsu was being weird, which could only mean one thing: something was wrong and he wasn't talking to Masamune about it.
Masamune had really hoped that things would go smoother after Ritsu confessed, but that was foolish. Masamune was so, undeniably happy, but they weren't perfect people. Both of them still had things to work on, separately and together. One of those things was more readily relying on one another. So, Masamune was determined to find out what was wrong.
Ritsu just seemed a lot more...spacey than usual. And anxious. And maybe a little gloomy? Masamune couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he knew that he didn't like it.
Currently, Ritsu was over at Masamune's apartment, helping to clean up the dishes as the two of them had just finished dinner. Ritsu was at Masamune's place quite frequently and Masamune always brought up the idea of moving in together, but Ritsu hadn't quite come around to it yet, mostly because he knew for a fact that it would affect any work the two of them brought home. Masamune got...distracted easily and Ritsu tended to get swept away. So, for now Ritsu was content with a lot of sleepovers.
Once they finished cleaning, Masamune led Ritsu into the living room by his hand. He sat down unceremoniously on the couch before pulling Ritsu down with him and on to his lap, making Ritsu's face burn red.
I kind of hope he never gets used to this, Masamune thought, loving the sight of Ritsu's adorably embarrassed expression.
"What do you think you're doing?" Ritsu asked, trying to sound scolding, but he only succeeded in sounding nervous.
Masamune wrapped his arms around Ritsu's waist. "I just want to talk and I figured if I have you like this you won't be able to run away." Like how you love to do.
Ritsu couldn't even argue against that logic, but he made a displeased face anyway. "Fine. What is it?"
"Is everything okay with you?" Masamune asked.
"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." Ritsu said dismissively.
"You just seem like you've had something on your mind lately." Masamune said. "Making me worried."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you." Ritsu apologized immediately.
"Don't say sorry, there's nothing to be sorry for, I just wanna know if there's something going on." Masamune said, trying to sound reassuring.
Ritsu chewed on his lower lip nervously before he spoke again. "I guess I have been thinking a bit..." He started vaguely.
"What about?" Masamune pressed gently.
"Well, my mom's gotten off my back about An-chan, but not about settling down. She's been trying to set up matchmaking sessions, introducing me to daughters of friends of hers whenever I visit, sending me info about singles events." Ritsu tried not to cringe at the thought of going to one of those. "And I just...I think maybe it's time I tell my parents about you. About us." Ritsu said. "I mean, I know we only started officially d-dating not too long ago, but I feel like we're both kind of in this for the long haul." He laughed nervously. They've both been in this for the past ten years, after all. It was hardly too soon to let his parents be in the know. "So, um, it seems only right to tell them..."
"If you want to tell them then you should." Masamune said.
"You make things sound so simple." Ritsu sighed. "It could go really, really wrong, you know?"
"I know. But the other option is keeping it a secret forever. Which, you can if you want, but it might be difficult to eventually explain to your parents when they visit why you have a longterm male roommate and you both wear matching wedding rings and share a room and take care of a little girl who calls both of you dad."
Ritsu's face flushed at Masamune projection of their future together, his heartbeat picking up in pace. "You want to have a daughter?"
"Someday, I think it'd be nice. But we're not even past the step of me meeting your parents, so I don't think they're going to get grandchildren anytime soon." Masamune planted a quick kiss on Ritsu’s shoulder.
"W-Wait, meeting?! I was just going to tell them, I didn't plan on having you meet them yet!" Ritsu said quickly.
"Ritsu, this is your mom we're talking about. If you tell her I exist she will track me down and interrogate the hell out of me whether you want her to or not." Masamune deadpanned.
Ritsu groaned and slumped against Masamume, knowing that he was right. "Maybe I should just test the waters first? It doesn't seem fair to throw all of us in at once."
Masamune hesitated to agree, subconsciously playing with Ritsu's hair. "I want to be there." He said firmly. "I understand you're worried, but like you said, things could go wrong and I want to be there for you if they do."
"You're only one door away." Ritsu said.
"Too far." Masamune insisted, pressing a kiss to Ritsu's forehead.
Ritsu rolled his eyes, trying hard not to smile. "You're absolutely ridiculous."
"Mhm. Besides, I can't charm the hell out of your parents if I'm busy next door worrying about you."
"Oh, is that your plan? To be all cool and suave until they can't possibly reject our relationship?" Ritsu asked sarcastically.
"Yes, exactly."
Ritsu shook his head before he refocused and took a deep breath. "How's this weekend?"
"I can do this weekend." Masamune said.
"I'll invite them to my place for dinner and hopefully it will be totally boring and uneventful and they won't care about us being together at all."
"Yeah, the woman who has hounded you about marriage for over ten years is going to not care about you being in a romantic relationship." Masamune said sarcastically.
Ritsu groaned loudly.
Masamune chuckled. "What about your dad? How do you think he'll react?"
"No idea, which is honestly worse."
"We'll handle it." Masamune promised and sealed it with a kiss.
"I can't do this, I think I should call them and cancel, tell them I'm sick." Ritsu said as he and Masamune cooked dinner together. Technically it wouldn't be a lie since Ritsu was feeling pretty nauseous.
Ritsu had spent all day yesterday making sure his apartment was spotless and then earlier today he and Masamune had gone grocery shopping together since Ritsu’s options for dinner had been a little slim.
"Oh, yeah, tell your mom that you're sick, I'm sure that will make her stay away instead of making her want to come over more." Masamune said sarcastically.
"You're no help."
"I thought I was being a lot of help, unless you wanna cut the onions." Masamune said, not looking up from the cutting board where he was working on the veggies.
Ritsu huffed and turned away to sit at the kitchen table, putting his head in his hands. He couldn't do this, he was such an idiot for ever thinking that he could. Introducing his parents to Masamune? He had never even mentioned liking men to them! And now suddenly he was going to announce that he had a boyfriend! There was only one way this could go: badly.
"Hey," Masamune said softly, abandoning his cutting station to sit next to him. "Its gonna be okay."
"You don't know that."
"I know, and honestly I'm kind of freaking out too. I don't think there's anything that could prepare me for meeting your parents. I want them to like me, I want them to think I'm a good fit for you because I know they're always going to be a big part of your life. Even if they can be a little overbearing, they love you, and it would kind of really suck if the people who loved you the most hated me." Masamune said. "But, either way I know that no matter what happens we'll still be together and for me that's enough." Masamune placed a comforting hand on Ritsu's knee.
"Even if my mom spends every single family gathering trying to drive you away? Even if she keeps trying to set me up on blind dates? Or, worse, tries to convince my dad to mess with your work?"
"Ritsu, the only thing your mom could do to keep me away from you is put out a hit on me."
"Don't joke about that."
"Oh come on, your parents don't have that many connections." Masamune said. "...right?"
"I really couldn't tell you."
"Jesus Christ." Masamune said, breathing through a laugh. "Look, the point is; we're gonna be okay."
Ritsu placed his hand on top of Masamune's and gave it a squeeze as he slowly nodded. "Okay...okay." He said. "Let's hurry and finish dinner then. My mom likes to get places early."
Masamune smiled softly and stole a swift kiss before happily helping Ritsu in the kitchen once more.
Eventually, there came a knock at the door. "I'll keep an eye on the food while you go get it." Masamune said. Dinner was just nearly done.
Ritsu swallowed hard and nodded, turning to leave the kitchen.
"Wait." Masamune grabbed his hand and kissed him quickly. "For good luck." He winked.
"Y-You're such an idiot." Ritsu scolded before quickly going to the front door and opening it.
Youko and Tatsuo Onodera stood side by side at Ritsu's door. Youko broke out into a smile and threw her arms around Ritsu before anyone could get a word out.
"H-Hi, mom." Ritsu smiled nervously as he hugged her back. "Hi, dad." He said to Tatsuo over Youko's shoulder as he was still being tightly squeezed.
"You feel skinny." Youko said as soon as she pulled away, pouting at her son. Ritsu was not surprised to be scolded instead of greeted, but he knew his mother meant well.
"Well, its a good thing I've invited you over to eat then. Come in." Ritsu said with a sheepish expression, attempting to play it off.
"It smells good." Tatsuo said.
"Ritsu, don't tell me you've left the food unattended for long." Youko said worriedly as they shuffled toward the kitchen.
"No." Ritsu's hands started to shake. "The foods being watched. Right now. B-by my b-boyfriend."
""Boyfriend?!"" Both Youko and Tatsuo exclaimed.
"How long has this been a thing?" Tatsuo asked.
"Oh...ten years or so..."
"Ten YEARS?!" Youko had heard enough, marching into the kitchen with her husband and son following not far behind.
"M-Mom, wait, maybe we should talk a little more-"
"You." Youko pointed accusingly at Masamune. "Are you my son's so called partner?"
"I am. My name is Takano Masamune, it's nice to-"
"Takano? I'm not familiar with that name. What's your family background?" Youko interrupted.
Masamune blinked, glancing between Ritsu and his parents, a little confused by the question. "Uh, my mother is a lawyer and my step father is a doctor, but I'm not on speaking terms with either of them."
"A boy with a troubled family history? Hardly seems like a good choice for a partner." Youko commented to Ritsu.
"Mother! That's incredibly rude!" Ritsu defended Masamune immediately. What was she even going on about?
"What do you do for a living?" Youko asked Masamune.
Masamune played along with her questions as he didn't know what else to do. "I'm the editor in chief for Marukawa Publishing's shoujo manga department: Emerald."
"Emerald? Onodera Ritsu, do you mean to tell me that you are dating your boss?" Youko said, putting her hands on her hips.
"I've heard about the great things you've done for Emerald, Takano." Tatsuo admitted. "But it does seem to be a conflict of interest to be dating a subordinate."
"I've been in love with him since I was twelve! Way before he ever became my boss!" Ritsu said quickly before a realization dawned on him. "Wait...these are the things you're upset about? His family and his job?"
"They're very important things to consider when picking a partner, Ritsu." Youko said. "You know, if you had told me that you were rejecting all those lovely girls because they were girls I could have been setting you up with perfectly charming and handsome men!" Youko pouted.
Ritsu wanted to laugh. And cry. And hug his mom and kiss Masamune and melt into the floor in total relief.
"I'm sorry, but I'll have to object to any matchmaking sessions." Masamune jumped in.
Youko frowned sternly at him. "Just what exactly makes you worthy of my one and only son?"
"I know I'm not the kind of person that you would normally want for Ritsu, but I love him. I've loved him for over ten years and there's nothing that could ever stop me from loving him. I will always, always take care of him and make him happy and if there ever comes a day that I don't then please feel free to come back and snatch him away from me because just like you I think Ritsu only deserves the best. I will always be loyal, reliable, and honest with him. And, if you'd still like to join us for dinner, I can show you that I'm not completely useless around a kitchen."
Youko did not move, nor did her disapproving expression melt away, but Tatsuo stepped forward to put a hand on his wife's shoulder.
"So, ten years huh? That's a long time. Why don't you tell us how this all started?" He smiled as he ushered his wife to sit down.
Ritsu beamed, tearing up a bit.
"Well, I was in our school's library..."
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
Love > Shame
Tumblr media
A/n: im hoping i got the request right! Hope you all enjoy! (this is not thoroughly edited srryyyyy) also like frick ^^this video his vlog is the most boyfriend thing ever
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: cussing, partial nudity
Requested by: @ann0325441904​
Tag List: @distrikt9​ @mini-meanhoe​ @poeticallyspaghetti​ @hanstagrams​ @desertofdessert​ @yangomangos​ @hoes4hoseok​
Summary: Sometimes timing isn’t the best. With tensions high at work for Jisung and your time of the month really kicking you in the ass, a fight breaks out between you and your boyfriend leaving you completely alone in a country far away from your old family and friends. Misunderstood problems turn to jealous and catty fights. Is there any way the two of you can come back together?
Genre: romance, angst, fluff
Pain shot through my abdomen. It was like someone was sticking eight thousand needles into my stomach repeatedly for the sole purpose of fucking with me. Fuck womanhood. The pain meds I took earlier were doing nothing to help. This was putting me in a terrible mood. 
The sound of shower running floated from behind the closed door of the adjoining bathroom. My longtime boyfriend, Jisung, lay just beyond it. It was easily one o’clock in the morning, but I always waited up for Jisung to return home from practice. He had also come home in a rather sour mood. 
Deciding that the leggings I was wearing were far too constricting to sleep in with cramps, I got up and waddled my way over to our big closet. Jisung and I both had enough clothes each to fill an entire apartment so when we were apartment hunting, a big closet was a must. 
I threw the pants in the hamper and grabbed one of Jisung’s t-shirts from his side of the closet. The soft black fabric fell around my thighs. Why Jisung bought shirts four times than his actual size was still a mystery to me. The pressure on my stomach lessened but still remained. 
The door opened to reveal a shirtless Jisung emerging from the bathroom. A pair of gray sweatpants hung low on his hips, the fabric making a swishing sound as he walked. It was clear he was still upset. Jisung roughly towel dried his hair, rubbing the cloth over his dark locks. “You still upset, babe?” I asked looking over at him. It took all my willpower not to snap out the words. He shook his head and looked over at me with a pointed glance. “You wanna talk about it?” 
Again, Jisung shook his head. “Ji, it’s not healthy to keep this bottled up. I think you might feel better if you would talk about it.” An aggravated sigh left his lips and he laid back on the bed. 
“Y/n. I’m fine. I don’t want to talk about it.” 
It was hard to watch Jisung so upset. I walked over and laid next to him, trying to ignore the agonizing pain. My fingers traced random patterns against his stomach. The action usually calmed him down. However, he simply turned his head away from me tossing the towel somewhere else in the room. “Jisung, its not good to go to bed angry-”
“Babe, just leave me alone and stop being such a clingy bitch.”
I froze, hand hovering over his stomach. Silence hung heavy in the air. It seemed Jisung had no intention of taking back what he said. He didn’t even seem like he regretted it. “Excuse me?” I said sitting up in disbelief. 
I felt like screaming. Crying. Throwing everything in this room at Jisung’s little pimple head until it popped. “What?” He said rolling his eyes. Wet black hair hung in front of his vision. 
“Did you just....”
“Just get over it. I want to go to bed.”
“Get...over it?” I scoffed getting up from the bed. 
“Yes. You’re overreacting. Just get over it.” I shook my head in disbelief. This was not the Jisung that I knew. This was not the Jisung I was in love with. The boy who ran in the rain with me just to capture the perfect kiss on our first date. The boy who sent me love notes every day for two months until I agreed to go out with him. The one who stayed with me when my aunt died and I was too heartbroken to leave the bedroom since I couldn’t fly home for the funeral. The one who never went to sleep until he told me how much he loved me whether I was awake to hear it or not. 
“Look I get you’ve had a shitty day. But I’m not just someone you can push around Jisung. You know that.”
He sat up, clearly annoyed. “I’m not pushing you around!”
“You called me a bitch!”
“Well, you’re kind of acting like one!”
“Well, you’re kind of acting like an asshole.” Jisung rolled his eyes, pushing himself off the bed. Anger started to bubble up in my chest. “What the fuck, Ji?” 
“Look- I don’t owe you anything okay! All I wanted to do was come home and get to sleep. I don’t want to deal with all your nagging.” 
“Jisung I care about you. I love you! I’m just trying to help.”
Nothing seemed to make it better. Eventually, I stopped trying to be the good guy. I stopped trying to keep my voice quiet. If he was going to yell at me, then I would yell back. He couldn’t just walk all over me. My emotions broke loose along with the rest of hell. 
“Listen I can’t deal with you anymore.” He said turning his back on me and looking out the window. The muscles in his back were tight and tense. “Just fuck off, Y/n.”
I couldn’t take it anymore. The pain in my stomach was just making me even angrier. “That’s it. Get out.” Jisung turned around in shock. He started stuttering and trying to form a coherent sentence. “You heard what I said. Out.” My finger pointed to the door furthering my stance on the situation.
“Get out, Jisung! Go sleep at the dorms.”
He started gathering his things, tugging on a random hoodie and slipping on some socks from the dresser. “This is is exactly what I was talking about.” He mumbled. Jisung stood up, clearly pissed off. He started towards the bedroom door but stopped and turned back until he was standing right in front of me. His wet hair was covered by a beanie, pushing it all in front of his eyes. “You know what, Y/n? Call me when you decide to stop being such a heartless bitch.” 
My hand flew across his cheek before I could even think. What surprised me...what hurt me....was that I didn’t regret it. Jisung stood in front of me, shocked, his eyes looked hurt. His doe eyes which I loved so much always told me what he was thinking. But, as they stared back at me, I didn’t recognize them. 
“I hate you...”
He sighed seeing a tear leak onto my cheek. His long fingers wrapped around my wrist, but I pulled away before he could get to close. His cheek was starting to turn red from when I hit him. “No...you don’t.” I looked away not wanting him to see me cry. Of course, he knew I was lying. There was nothing he didn’t know about me.
“I should....I should hate you...” He made no effort to reach out to me again. In all honesty, I didn’t know if I wanted him to right now. I wanted to push him away, but I also want him to hold me until everything was okay again. “Just go.”
After a moment, he nodded and I followed him to the front door. He picked up his keys and walked out into the hall, leaving me standing in the doorway. He turned back to me, like he was going to say something else, but stopped when he looked into my eyes. 
“Don’t call me,” I said, the last tear falling down my cheek as I shut the door.
Two weeks had passed. It looked like Jisung and I were on a break. Whether it was temporary or for good I didn’t know. My hand brushed over Jisung’s side of the bed. The sheets were cold. They were never cold. Sunlight streamed in through the large glass window in our bedroom. Well...it wasn’t really ‘ours’ anymore. I sat up waiting for arms to pull me back down under the covers. Arms that never reached out. 
Mornings like these were usually spent in Jisung’s arms staring out at the skyline trying to convince him that he did indeed have to go to work. Lazy kisses, sleepy whispers even though no one else was in the room but us. There were no calls. No texts. Not even a fucking post on Instagram. Nothing. 
All my friends were back home. I was alone in Seoul. No one but Jisung. There was a knock at the front door. Dragging myself out of the queen size bed, my feet trudged over the wood floor in the apartment. I looked through the peephole only to find a huge stuffed bear looking back at me. 
“The fuck...” I mumbled. My fingers switched open the locks and opened the door. The teddy bear moved aside to reveal a face that made me burst into tears. “DANNY!” I screamed wrapping my arms around him.  
Daniel had been my friend practically since birth. We grew up next door to each other. Our parents even bathed us together. Daniel hugged me tight spinning me around in the hallway. It felt so good to see him again.
I would not have made it through high school in my home country if Danny hadn’t been with me. I had missed him so much. As most old friends did, we had dated for about six months in senior year but decided we were better off as we were before. Daniel was a sight for sore eyes.
“How are you here?” I asked cupping his face.
He smiled down at me. Even though he hadn’t had a growth spurt since the ninth grade it seemed he had sprouted another five inches. “I’ve been planning to surprise you! With finals coming up I knew you’d be busy, so I came down so we could party beforehand.” He ruffled my hair and moved past me into the apartment. “So, where is he? I want to meet the man officially!” 
Daniel looked around the quiet apartment before turning back to me expectantly. Jisung. He was looking for Jisung. Just the thought of him made me sad. Danny’s smile fell seeing my expression. “Y/n, what’s wrong?” He brought me further into the apartment and closed the door. “Did I say something?” 
I shook my head and ran a hand through my hair. “Do you want some tea?” Looking for anything to distract me I moved to the kitchen and put a kettle on the stove. Before I could turn the switch, a hand came over mine.
“Y/n, did something happen with you and Jisung?” 
He sighed watching me nod. The silence only lasted a moment before Daniel pulled me into another warm hug. The feeling of his arms around me was comforting, but not fulfilling. There was something missing about the way he hugged me. 
My hair. Every time Jisung hugged me, one of his hands would always hold my head to his chest. His fingers would stroke my hair, lingering at the base of my neck. It was a small thing. A very Jisung thing. But, a small thing I missed none the less. I felt empty without his fingers threading through my hair.
“You know what we should do?” I hummed in response as he pulled away, keeping his hands on my shoulders. “Let’s go drinking!” Daniel was always dragging me on wild adventures. He could never sit still. That’s probably why we never worked out. While I loved a good adventure, sometimes I wanted to just sit with a good book, or just lie in bed listening to the rain. 
“Fine. But, you’re paying.” He cheered and rushed off to go change and I found myself doing the same. Hopefully, I could get Jisung off of my mind.
My eyes looked across the room from over the rim of a martini glass. The heels of my shoes lay firmly hooked over the bottom of the bar stool. “What happened anyway?” Daniel said over the thumping music. He sat next to me at the bar of the nightclub we were in, taking a swig from an overpriced bottle of beer. 
A sigh floated past my lips. My fingers traced the base of the elegant glass. “We got into a stupid fight. I regret almost everything. If I wasn’t on my fucking period I probably wouldn’t have acted so rashly. It wasn’t all my fault though. He’s the one who called me a ‘heartless bitch’.” Daniel spit out the beer he was currently drinking. 
“He what?!” 
“He was just angry.”
“That’s no excuse.” 
I sighed, rubbing my temples. “If it helps I did slap him.” Daniel let loose a little smile and took another sip from his drink. “He had a really bad day. He wouldn’t talk to me. I was just trying to help.” I watched Daniel’s brows furrow. The base of his beer bottle was rolling around the bar top as he thought. 
“Do you remember in sophomore year, I had just gotten into a massive fight with my parent about school and I wouldn’t tell you anything about it.”
“Yeah. It pissed me off. You clearly needed to vent. You ended up punching Marty Finch in anger the next day.” 
Daniel laughed before turning towards me again, eyes serious. “Well, I was too ashamed to talk to you about it. Then, I mean. You were always much better than me in school. I didn’t want you to think less of me because I was having so much trouble with something so simple.” I stared into the clear liquid in my glass. “What I’m saying is...he may have felt like you would have seen him as less of a man if he told you how he was feeling at the time.” 
Daniel reached over and took my hand in his, laying it on the bartop. “He still didn’t have to call me a bitch though,” I said with a sad smile on my lips. 
“Yeah, no. That was a fucking asshole move.” My friend glanced down at my now empty drink. “Another gin martini, dry.” He said to the bartender, who removed my empty glass. Daniel scanned my face. It was hard to hide the depressing way I was feeling. “You really miss him don’t you?”
I nodded, looking away from him and out into the club. “I really do. Danny, I miss him so fucking mu-” I froze. I must be imagining things. My eyes must be lying to me because there was no way I was looking at Jisung sitting on the other side of the club. His arm was draped around a girl with dyed hair. Her hand was squeezing his thigh as he whispered something in his ear. His eyes met mine.
There was a flash of something. Sadness? Guilt? Longing? But, it disappeared before I could question it. Daniel followed my gaze, tapping his finger against the back of my hand. “What’s up? Who is that?” Anger started to boil in the pit of my stomach. Maybe not anger. Anger wasn’t a good word. It hurt more than it made me angry. Jealousy. Jealousy is what was eating away at my insides as his hand played with her hair. 
Danny looked over at the man who used to be mine with a curious gaze. “Jisung,” I whispered, turning back and downing the new martini in one gulp. The alcohol burned the back of my throat distracting me from the stabbing pain in my heart. 
Daniel started to get up, fury in his eyes burning like white hot flames. My hand stopped him from doing something he would later probably not regret at all. “Y/n- are you kidding right now? I’m gonna kill him!”
“Danny, stop. Let’s just go.” 
I took his hand in mine and dragged him away from the bar. The air around me felt heavy. Like I was up on a mountain. Pushing away the pain in my chest I dragged my friend away from the club, not feeling the pair of doe eyes on my back. 
The drone of the television played through the apartment. It was raining outside. It had been raining since the night of the club about four days ago. Daniel sat on my couch, my legs across his lap. A half empty bottle of wine sat on the coffee table and a fully drained one lay next to it. Much alcohol had been consumed in the past few days between the two of us. Daniel; to make me feel better. Me; to forget about the hurt I felt in my chest. 
A light buzz was hovering in my brain as I took another sip from my wine glass. “I know that now is probably not the time,” Daniel said, changing topics. “But, I had a question to ask you about Marin.” 
Marin was Daniel’s girlfriend. She was quite possibly the sweetest person I had ever met. Daniel was lucky to have her. “Oh no. What did you do? You didn’t run here to escape from your fuck up did you? Danny, she’ll kill me! I like being alive!” He laughed patting my leg a few times.
“No. Don’t worry. I wanted your advice.” 
“Hit me with it, baby,” I said drinking the rest of my glass dry. 
Daniel set the glass on the table, turning to me. “Is two and a half years too soon?” I pouted my lips and looked out the window. The view was still immaculate without Jisung next to me. It just felt...lonely even with Danny here. 
“Too soon for what?”
He sighed, that familiar cheeky grin popping onto his cheeks. “I want to ask Marin to marry me.” 
“GET OUT OF TOWN!” I screamed. He laughed when I started squealing. My hands slapped at his shoulder. My little Danny was going to get married. 
He rubbed the back of his neck. “I came to Seoul to ask for your advice. And also to ask if you’ll be my ‘best man’ of sorts.” 
“Are you kidding? Of course, I will!” I jumped up from the couch and poured us both more wine. “Have you asked her dad?” He nodded taking a sip of the sweet alcohol. 
“So you think I should do it?”
“Fuck yeah, I think you should do it!” I stared at Daniel with a smile on my face. I could remember when he had gotten his long-legged ass stuck in a baby swing at the park for three hours before we had to find a pair of bolt cutters and run off with the swing. “I cannot believe you are getting married! My little Danny!”  I said leaning over and wrapping my arms around his neck, carefully making sure not to spill my wine. 
The sound of the front door opening had me pulling away from my friend. My eyes widened as Jisung stepped through the door, keys in hand. His stare moved from me to Daniel then zeroed in on my hand still on his neck. 
“Jisung-” I shot up on my feet setting the wine on the table. 
He scoffed closing the door, shoving the keys in his back pocket. “Don’t let me interrupt your date. I just came to get some things.” Jisung’s voice sounded like music to my ears despite its cold tone. He wore a pair of old ripped pair of black jeans I hadn’t seen since we started dating and a baggy white shirt. His usual noir beanie covering his dark hair. 
Daniel awkwardly tapped on his wine glass and watched as Jisung traveled into the bedroom. He looked and me before nudging his head towards the door. I mouthed a few choice words to him which resulted in a silent argument. 
“One of us is going to go in there, and if I do he’s walking out with a black eye and some missing teeth.”
“Oh please. You know he could kick your ass with his hands tied behind his back,” I whispered. 
“Why can’t you date less athletic people? I’d like to be able to defend your honor.” He started pushing me towards the bedroom with his foot. He groaned when I resisted. “Y/n, it’s obvious you're miserable without him and he doesn’t look too happy either.”
Taking a long deep breath, I turned towards the open doorway. My whole body went numb as I took the short steps into the room. Jisung stood at our closet, a bag open on the bed. His head turned hearing the door close behind me. 
“Don’t worry. I’m just getting some clothes. I didn’t think you’d be here.” He tossed a hoodie into the bag, not meeting my eyes. I watched him pack for a moment. He clearly felt uncomfortable under my stare. “I’m going to be out of your hair soon. You don’t have to watch me like a hawk.”
“Don’t leave,” 
His movements stopped, his back away from me towards the closet. An almost perfect replication of the night he left. His fingers twitched as if he was debating putting back the shirt in his hands. 
“I’m a little tipsy, but I’m sober enough to know that if you walk out that door....I’m going to lose you forever.” 
My eyes searched for any sign for me to continue, but his face stayed hidden from me. Jisung dropped his head but stayed silent. I watched his fingers tighten over the fabric in his hand. 
My hand reached out, afraid to touch him, but longing to feel him again. His head turned feeling the brush of my palm on his arm. “Jisung,” He sighed hearing his name. “Please don’t leave.”
Jisung turned around, looking down at me. “I saw you.” He whispered. I saw tears pricking at the edge of his eyes. “I saw you. At the club. You were with the guy in there. I saw you walk in together.” He searched my eyes for something I did not know. 
“So did I; I saw the girl.” He sighed, head falling into his hands. “Did you-...God I can’t even say it.” He winced when I tried to laugh through the awkwardness. “If you did-...we were technically on a break so... I have no right to be mad at you.”
“Even if I did, I would feel terrible if you weren’t.” 
Jisung looked at me with sincerity. “You didn’t sleep with her?” He shook his head, staring down at me. Just one look into his big doe eyes told me he was telling the truth. 
“She kissed me after you left, but I stopped her.” I couldn’t help the smile slipping onto my face. Jisung nodded towards the door before speaking again. “Is that your new boyfriend?” 
“Danny? Hell no. He’s my best friend from back home. He came to visit.” 
“Oh, thank God,” Jisung said in one breath. His hands reached for my cheeks smashing his lips against mine. My fingers gripped the fabric of his shirt tugging him closer to me. Jisung kissed me as if he was afraid I would disappear the moment he let go of me. His lips danced against mine, desperate to be with me again. I pulled away resting my forehead against his.
“Well...I mean technically...we dated in senior year, but that was a long time ago.” 
He nodded, fingers threading through my hair as his lips returned to mine. I was just as hungry for him as he was for me. He smiled feeling me push him backward, without breaking our kiss. He laughed quietly when I moved him into the open closet instead of a wall. Jisung straightened himself up before taking control and pinning me up against the doorframe. 
“Wait,” He said breaking the kiss, smiling as I chased after his lips. “Didn’t you say you lost your virginity your senior year.” He asked looking into my eyes, brows furrowed.
“Umm...shhhh. This is about us, yeah?” 
Before he could say anything else about Daniel, I kissed him again tugging off his beanie and running my fingers through his soft locks. He broke away and nuzzled his face in my neck, arms wrapped tightly around my waist. “I’m so sorry, baby. I was a total ass. I should never have said those things.” 
“No, I’m sorry. I regret everything that happened. My emotions were all wack because of my period.”
“Well...I did deserve that slap.” 
“Maybe a little.”
“Hey!” He laughed, letting me know he wasn’t really offended. My thumb brushed over his cheek as I looked up into his eyes. “Y/n, I’m so sorry. I was too ashamed about what had happened that day to talk about it and I took it out on you. Can you forgive me?”
Leaning up, I kissed him gently savoring every moment. “Jisung, I love you. You never have to be ashamed to tell me anything. I love you unconditionally. Even when you leave coffee mugs all over the house. Even when you forget to pick up groceries when I ask you eight times in an hour.” He laughed resting his forehead against mine. “My love for you is greater than any mistake you could make or problem you have.”
“You are so cheesy.”
“You love it.” 
“I love you,” 
Jisung tilted his head, leaning down for another kiss. This one was slower, more careful. A knock on the door pulled us apart. Danny stood in the entryway, drinking from his wine glass. “So I’m assuming you will need a plus one on the wedding invite?” He said with a smile. 
“Jisung?” He closed his eyes and smiled hearing his name from my lips. “Would you go to a wedding with me?” He nodded, kissing me on the cheek. 
“Would love to, baby.” 
Daniel walked over and reached over to shake Jisung’s hand. “Nice to finally meet you,” He said with his goofy, lopsided grin. Jisung warily looked him up and down but smiled and shook his hand. “You want to be a groomsman?”
“Depends. Did you fuck the love of my life when you were eighteen?”
Requests are open my lovelies! Just send an ask!
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blissfulparker · 4 years
Seasick Pt.7→Peter Parker friends to lovers AU
Parings: College!Peter Parker x reader friends to lovers
Summary: when you give one lie to your mom that you have a boyfriend, she ends up buying an extra ticket for a cruise you guys are going on. Now you’re stuck looking for a fake boyfriend and eventually drag peter in. Except you and peter both like each other and don’t know how long you can last pretending.
Warnings: angst, fluff
A/n: so this is a repost because tumblr glitched and it didn’t post the full thing? It only posted the title that’s it and I don’t know why it did that but hopefully this works this time😤
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The makeup brush meets your cheek as you stand in the bathroom getting ready. Peter finds one of the nicer outfits May packed for him. He wears black shorts and a red Hawaiian top. Maybe matching will make them see how cute and happy you are.
“Do you ever feel bad about doing this?” He stands in front of the full body mirror struggling with a button. His fingers shake at how nervous he is.
“Bad about what?” You ask, eyes wide as you bring the mascara to your lashes.
“Lying? Pretending I'm your boyfriend, lying to your mom and dad and sisters?” his words not meant to be so strong but he felt he should know. Being dragged into all of this, kissing you, touching you, hell making himself more uncomfortable than you.
“No, do you feel bad?” Your voice soft as you ask him, he lets out a huff. Boy does he feel bad.
“I mean, a little. I've never met these people before in my life and I'm just lying to them about everything.” he runs a hand through his curls. They’re soft from a shower earlier and smoothed out with gel.
“Honestly Peter, they don't even pay attention to half of the things we say. You could tell them you've committed murder and they would gloss over it.” you tell him and he raises his brows. It doesn’t make sense. If they didn’t care so much why would you care enough to bring him on a whole trip?
“But like it's your mom. Why do you even need a boyfriend? Why lie?” He feels if his mom was still alive he would love her so much. Cherish every moment with her and make sure to visit her all the time like he does May. May is his only mother figure, she’s his only mother figure and he loves her like that too.
You pump the lip gloss a few times before swiping it over your lips. Pressing it together to get a soft pink that makes your lips look softer. You stare at your reflection and know he’s right. You know he’s right but you hate it.
“Can we not go into all of this right before we see them?” You come out of the bathroom, placing a gold stud into your ear. The dress manages to look better now than it did earlier. Maybe it was the sun setting into your skin, maybe it was the gold highlight at the tip of your nose that made you glow even more. The dress that brought out your features, maybe it was how he always wore the red suit back home, how the color red drives him crazy on you.
“Wow Peter, two in one day. Im proud of myself.” you look down at his pants and he quickly looks down to then realizes you're just teasing.
“Stop.” he groans standing up. “Are you ready?” he asks and you nod. You have a necklace in your hand and look at him.
“Yeah, i just had trouble with this necklace, could you help?” you ask, handing it to him. It fumbles in his hands as he comes behind you and takes it around your neck clasping it. He brushes some fallen hair hair to the side as he latches it in place. Coconut and peaches and the mixture of the lavender vanilla perfume was perfect.
“Peter?” your voice weak in a whisper as you feel his breath on your neck, how his hands are rough and calloused but so large and warm. Your lower half is pressed up against his by accident. You feel how strong he is and how maybe with one simple phone call you two would be out of dinner but rather in bed with each other.
He blinks a few times before backing away. Realizing he was standing too close for too long.
“It's good.” he swallows, gaining his composure. You turn around and reach behind him to grab your bag.
“We good?” You nearly spoke in a broken sentence and he nods before you pass him and grab the door.
“Y-Yeah.” he nods following you behind. He wouldn't let his feelings get the best of him now, not after all he's done here.
The light was dim.
You and Peter sat towards the end of the table. Island music plays throughout the restaurant but is drowned out but the sound of talking.
You are uncomfortable already. Drinking a margarita that was served to both you and Peter. Yet Peter didnt touch his, he didn't really enjoy drinking, he couldn't really get a good buzz unless he had a lot.
“Hey,” his hand places over the drink, “Slow down.” he warned you and you stopped drinking to look at him.
“Sorry mom.” you set down the glass and rest your head on his shoulder. His hand on your thigh and even if no one could see it, he knew you needed some sort of reassurance.
“So peter.” your oldest sister, Arden, folds her fingers and leans over to him. Her husband talking to your dad so nothing could distract her. “Stark tower? What a tragedy that happened to him.” she doesn't care, and you know it. You knew peter was close to tony so you wanted to shut it down quick.
“Arden, don’t.” you give sharp eyes and she bats her lashes a few times at you. Acting completely clueless to what she was about to do.
“What? Im pretty sure i was talking to peter not you.'' That was the first time she got his name right. Peter was shocked.
His hand squeezes your thigh to let you know its okay. You pick your drink back up and take a sip before picking away at the food in front of you.
“It was a tragedy, but um, luckily the tower is ran by his wife, Mrs.potts.” he tells her and she hums.
“Do you plan on staying there forever?” she asks and just before peter can speak you take your head off him and lean in.
“Peter makes very good money working for the towers, he's very smart and is promised a job after graduation. Since i know that's what you're asking.” You say in a little of a slur. You're tipsy. Oh my god. Peter thought. you were tipsy.
“I never thought about that until you put it in my head. Peter what do your parents do?” she looks back at him as if you never even spoke. You pick up your glass again, almost empty and he knows you're moving onto his next.
He's now stuck. Back home dealing with physics and maths while also taking the role of Spider-Man was cake. Answering questions from your sister that made him uncomfortable and dealing with a now somewhat drunk you, that was his biggest mission yet.
He's seen you drunk before, but you were happier. You laughed with MJ and ran down the streets of queens. Once ned had to prevent you from throwing your top off a balcony. This was different, you're slouching in your chair, touching him, clinging onto him as if your life depended on it.
“My mom and dad passed away when I was young so I've been living with my aunt—“ he starts. You set the now empty glass down. Warm feelings going through your blood, you are angry. It doesn’t take his advanced senses to tell him that.
“Why do you care?” you interrupt him. His hand moves from your thigh to your shoulder, gripping it tight.
“(y/n) i think you've had enough to drink—“ he states and you look at peter with sharp eyes.
“No peter.” you nearly spit at him and look back at her. His eyes go wide at how aggressive and assertive you were.
“(y/n) just listen to Parker and sit down and eat your pasta, not everything is about you. Sometimes people can have conversations and it doesn’t revolve around you.” Her words blunt and shocks peter. When sisters fought he thought it would just be about clothes, maybe stolen makeup and hair ties. Never anything like this.
“That's actually my last—” he starts to himself but you speak out not even hearing him.
“No, why do you do this? Every single year you treat me like this? You hate me for no reason and I'm your sister. You didn't even want me at your wedding two years ago, you barely even wanted Maya and she's not any better than you or me.” you pause to look at the girl who falls back into her chair with a glass of white wine knowing she's made you snap. Peter's hands are now both on you trying to get you to take a seat.
“You call me names, make fun of my looks, make fun of the fact that i never had a boyfriend and now that i've found someone and i'm happy you hate him for doing that. So what is it that you want? Are you mad that I wasn't exactly like you? Are you scared that I might be better than you? That i might be happy without being perfect? That I don't need money and a rich man to make me smile? What do you want? I'm nineteen you're twenty seven. Grow the fuck up.” you grab peters drink and take a sip, leaning back. Peter has his hand on the glass too trying to take it away.
“Girls, please.” Your mom has her hand on her face, embarrassed of the little fight. All eyes are on you two, Peter tries his hardest not to go bright red while you try your hardest not to let tears spill.
You pick up your fork, eating a small bite before you look at your sister who rolls her eyes and mumbles something under her glass. You didn’t know why it was your breaking point but it was.
“You know what?” tears threaten to spill, they burn at the corner of your eyes making your vision blurry and your skin hot. “I'm done, you win. Im done.” you get up from your spot leaving the dining area.
Peter sits there awkwardly, shocked not knowing if you need anyone to chase you or what. He gets up anyways, saying a mumbling a few sorries before going after you.
“(y/n)! (y/n)!” he calls after you. People walk past carelessly enjoying their own blissful vacation. You walk quickly with a bit of a lean. You weren't a lightweight, you just were furious.
“(y/n), wait, please.” he stops in front of you, you’re on the beach, close to the main ship. If he can just take you to the room, get you in bed with no struggle, this will be nothing by tomorrow.
“What peter?” you stop, you wipe a tear and look him in the eyes. They’re bright red and puffy, he wishes he would’ve know so much sooner. How a girl like you, the perfect girl in the world could be so broken.
“Look i know you don't like them—” he wants to help he just doesn’t know what’s too far and what’s not. You laugh not wanting to hear it.
“Peter you don't understand. You don't. You never will understand. You think this is all a paradise and thats exactly what they want you to think! It's a cover up peter, this is all just a coverup to be perfect. They Are obsessed with perfection. I'm not perfect to them peter. I'm not. And I thought bringing you here would prove to them that I am. I can have the hot smart boyfriend and handle college at Columbia and look all pretty but I can't. Peter i—“ his arms wrap around you. You sob into his chest as he strokes the top of your head and rubs your back. He presses a soft kiss to the top of your head. As real Peter, not fake peter.
He holds you there for a moment. Letting all the years you’ve hidden this collapse. He doesn’t care about the stained makeup that will appear later, he doesn’t care about anything right now except you.
“Lets go to the room okay?” you nod into his chest, pulling back a bit but he lets you lean into his shoulder, he allows you to rest while he walks you two back to the ship and to the hotel room.
When he walks in, you're practically asleep on his shoulder. Drunken state and crying was probably not the best mix.
“I'm gonna take off your dress now, okay?” he asks respectfully. More nervous than you.
“I've always liked the color red on you.” you mumbled letting him slide down your straps and letting you slip from the dress. You try and play with his shirt while He shuts his eyes trying not to look at your exposed body.
“Relax peter. I'm wearing a bra and underwear.” you stumble a little and Peter catches you.
“You need to get some sleep.” he holds you and you fall into the bed. Crawling to your side and pulling the sheets over your body. Not changing into anything, just laying there in the lace bralette and panties. Peter looks at you already falling asleep, full face of makeup still paints your face. Even if most of it ran down from your tears he still took a rag and some face wash to your face.
“Thank you.” you whine. Touching his wrist as he wipes your face. “Thank you for everything.” you sniffle.
“Of course.” he takes out the earrings and takes off the necklace too. “C-can you wear a shirt?” his voice chips a little and you stifle a laugh.
He grabs you one from the dresser and you allow him to slide it on. It's one of his shirts, you don't know why he's given you his old star wars shirt but you love it. Maybe it had a few pizza sauce stains but it smelled like him.
He walks off to the bathroom to brush his teeth and by the time he's back you're passed out, snoring into the pillow and your hair is already a mess against the pillow.
He smiles softly before hearing the sound of your phone going off in your purse. He knows he shouldn't look but the least he thinks he can do is plug it in.
MJ: so did you tell him?
Betty: He totally likes you back and its not just the fake dating, you should see him when you miss study sessions.
MJ: Why are you afraid of peter? He weighs like 10lbs i could easily knock him over
Betty: ugh you guys better be real when you come back
He shuts it off quickly feeling like he's invaded something. He saw the texts a few days ago but he just thought it was harmless. He was completely clueless.
He plugs the phone in before laying in the bed. Pulling the sheets up to his chest and staring at the ceiling a bit before he feels your arm wrap around his torso. He looks down at you and thinks with all the moments he's seen so far, with all the things you've been through, You need the most comfort now.
He wraps his arm around you and pulls you into his chest. He lays staring for a little while longer before he falls asleep with you on his chest. Arms around your protectively as you both snored into the night.
“Goodnight peter parker.” you mumble into his chest.
“Goodnight (Y/n).”
Next morning peter woke up with you tangled in bed with him. Your cheek presses against his bicep and he really didn’t mind, after the night you had you deserved to sleep. It was late though, a lot later than he expected. 11am and normally he was up. But he didn’t want to move to disturb you.
A knock on the door makes him groan. His body was sore from swimming yesterday and he was starving as he realized he barely ate. He rubs his eyes as he trips over the sheets as the knock gets louder and louder.
You still being dead asleep, he gets up and opens it being faced with your sister.
“Is (y/n) awake?” It’s Maya, not Arden the one who fought and should be here but it’s the younger one.
“Uhh, no, she’s still asleep.” He mumbled trying to gain good vision. He rubs the sleep from his eyes and holds onto the door handle tight.
You’re starting to wake up though, you can hear them talking but your head is pounding and your eyes are puffy. You can’t makeout who’s talking but the sheets are missing peter and you can hear the low morning voice he has.
“Well when she wakes up can you tell her Arden says sorry?” She huffs almost as annoyed as peter that she’s standing in front him.
“Well...shouldn’t Arden come say sorry if she’s sorry?” It was the first time he said something that was in use to defend you. Something he should’ve been doing the whole time.
“She’s busy.” Maya tells him and tries to peak around to get a look at you.
“Well if she was sorry she can make time to apologize to her own sister.” He isn’t as scared of her as he was two days ago.
“Look, kid, I know you want to help but none of this is your place—“ she starts and his grip on the door tightens.
“I think it became my place last night after my girlfriend's sister made her cry.” He tells her with a sharper tone. The girl stands in front of him with a defeated look. She doesn’t say anything before she picks up her phone and starts typing.
“Just, tell (y/n) mom wants to see her for lunch. Just her.” She tries and Peter looks away at you.
“No, sorry we're busy today.” He shuts the door on her before rubbing his face. He scared himself there for a moment but he knew you couldn’t handle another day with them. If he could do one thing for you that would be stand up for you.
“Who’s that?” You asked and he shook his head.
“Oh, just some kid who had the wrong room. ‘Tis all.” He told you and you nodded. You grabbed your phone from your nightstand not remembering if you plugged it in or not. Messages flooded from Betty and MJ scare you that peter might’ve seen.
“Hey did you plug in my phone last night?” Your voice soft as you ask.
“Uh yeah, it was at like seven percent.” He told you before he went into the bathroom and quickly shut the door to take a shower.
You sit up feeling the pounding in your head before walking over to the bathroom door. If you just get in and get the Advil without even looking at him things will be fine.
“Peter,” you knock twice. “Peter I’m coming in.” You open the door hands over your eyes as you move your hand around for the medicine cabinet.
“What are you doing!” He almost shouts and you keep looking.
“My head hurts!” You tell him and he groans.
“So wait until I’m done?” He asks and you shake your head grabbing the bottle.
“No!” You take the bottle and fall out the door. Sitting on the bed you take two before he comes out in fresh clothes and wet hair.
“You could’ve waited…” he mumbles as he puts his dirty clothes back in his suitcase.
“Well, my head was pounding.” You drink all the water from the bottle on your table. He watches you flop back down before you touch your legs. “Where’s my pants?” You ask and he decides with all the things happening, he can at least play a game with you.
“Oh you know, we were both a little drunk and then things escalated pretty quick and you get a little loud. I'm surprised we have—“ he starts and you give him a dead look.
“Peter.” You give him a stare and he huffs.
“You didn’t wanna wear pants.” He told you and you nodded.
“Cute story though.” you wink at him as you walk over to the dresser to find pants.
“Do you remember yesterday?” he asks in more of a shy voice, he doesn't want to get you mad this early in the morning.
“Peter, I was tipsy not blackout drunk.” you chuckle but bite your lower lip.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he comes up behind you and you turn around with a pair of shorts in hand.
“No, not really right now.” you tell him honestly.
He mentally slaps himself for even asking. He knows this is hard but in a way he feels he should know. He should be allowed to help you. Maybe after this trip if you guys were still friends things would go back to normal. Although he hated the idea of normal, friends or not. He wanted to be there for you and maybe you’ll never let him take care of you in the way he wants but he still wants to be there.
You grab your swimsuit that hangs on the clothing rack and take it to the bathroom.
“W-well are we doing anything today?” he asks, defeated.
“Yeah, we can go down to the beach. If you want to come of course.” you say before locking the door.
He was going to the beach.
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juyeoniemyhoney · 4 years
can this morning never end
Namjoon is the most beautiful human being to ever walk the earth. It is natural that you have a crush on him. You expect that eventually, your feelings will die out but then, you find yourself squealing uncontrollably outside of the library that you and Namjoon had agreed to meet at for your pair-work assignment. You have always watched Namjoon from afar. It surprises you when you find out that Namjoon has been observing you too. Well, there’s a first for everything. 
-pairing: Kim Namjoon x reader
-genre: FLUFF, a lil bit of angst, high school/secondary school au (where i live high school is called secondary school;-;)
-warnings: vulgarities, pretty self-depreciating writing if im gonna be honest so be weary, Namjoon is a little bit of a simp for oc in this one, the ending is lowkey shit rip im sorry
-word count: 3208 words
-A/N: hi hi im back, this time with a Namjoon fic. i havent been writing a lot because im so preoccupied with my exams. in all honesty, i shouldnt be writing at all but i have absolutely no sense of self control, so i wrote this. it’s not my best but i really like how joon’s so soft in this so i decided to post it anyway. don’t be afraid to tell me how you liked (or didnt like) this imagine! and requests are open! hope you enjoy this one:)
As you approach the entrance of the library, your heart starts beating a mile a minute.
You stall outside the automatic sliding doors, mind racing with a million scenarios. You freak out a little and silently squeal, earning you disapproving frowns and judging eyes from passers-by. But you don't care. You've waited a whole week for today.
A week ago, during English class, you were busy writing instead of paying attention, as usual, when your teacher had given the class the assignment to write a scenario, of any genre but it had to contain the writer's techniques she had taught in class. And she made the whole class pair up. You, too lost in the world of fanfiction, had not been listening and frankly, you didn't really care, passing her words off as just more homework.
The next thing you knew, Kim Namjoon had turned around in his chair, calling your name in that deep, gravelly voice. At the sound of his voice, your head immediately shot up, eyes wide in surprise.
"Do you want to partner up?" he had asked, lips slinging into an easy grin, eyes curling up and that goddamned dimple making itself made known on his left cheek. He patiently waited for your answer, eyes periodically glancing down to your desk that was in disarray, pieces of paper containing your words messily covering every corner of your desk. You pray that he didn't catch a peep of your (admittedly) cringeworthy fanfic as you tried to subtly gather the papers before he could read too much.
"Um, partner up for what?" you questioned, confused, head tilting ever so slightly to the right in question, brows furrowed in misunderstanding. He mirrored your actions and your heart had unwontedly skipped a beat. A beat of silence passed, "For the assignment?"
Before you could ask what assignment?, your teacher had interrupted your conversation with a satisfied clap and a smile. "Alright, I assume you have all found your partners. I'll give you time to work on your assignment right now. Remember that planning is the most important stage of writing. Do approach me if you have any questions."
Namjoon had turned back to you with a wry grin that looked a tad bit awkward, saying, "Well, I guess we're partners now."
Which is how you find yourself freaking the fuck out in front of a library on a Saturday morning, mind racing with different, absurd scenarios and outcomes of this meeting. You decide to take another minute to compose yourself.
You wouldn't say that you like Namjoon per se. You just think he is the most handsome man to walk on this godforsaken planet. But seriously, that man is far too beautiful to be real. From the first time you met him til now, you have no doubt that that man is a celestial being, gifted to the world from the gods, purely to cleanse the eyes of us, mere mortals. To make matters worse, he is smart too; of a wisdom thousands of years beyond his age. You still can't believe you've had the god-given opportunity to meet someone like him.
Okay so, maybe you kind of like him a lot, more than you let on, but you're not really sure if you like him because he's Namjoon or if it's because you are lovelorn, touch deprived, or both.
You reckon it has taken more than a minute to compose yourself because by the time you snap out of your daze, you are five minutes late when you had actually arrived five minutes earlier than the agreed timing. You sigh and finally walk through the doors that welcome you into the cooling library, cold blasts from the air conditioning cooling down the fierce blush that had taken refuge on your cheeks.
You immediately proceed to find a seat but Namjoon texts you, telling you that he's already a step ahead of you, having secured a seat in a room with tables on the second floor.
When you reach the second floor, and make your way towards the rooms, you can see Namjoon through the glass walls, sitting down and silently reading a book as he waits for you. The closer you draw to the room, the faster your heart pounds in your chest. The sound is deafening and distracting and you don't even realise how fast you had walked until you are finally knocking on the glass door, sending Namjoon a small smile when he looks up at you.
"Hi, Y/N," he greets, smile widening into a grin so wide that it hides his eyes. Your heart stops but you hide it with a small smile as you settle down your things and yourself opposite him.
"So, what genre did you want to write about," he asks as you take a pen and a piece of paper out from your bag. You freeze when your brain registers his sentence. "The assignment is to write a story?"
Namjoon stares at you wordlessly for a while, speechless that it's been a week and you still don't know what the fucking assignment is. You, however, have no idea that he is thinking about how stupid you are and happily stare back at him, taking in his mono lidded, almond-shaped eyes and the dark brown of his irises. His nose bridge is straight and the tip of his nose is a little flat, like a koala. You have never wanted to boop a nose so bad in your entire life.
"Yeah, that's the assignment," he responds patiently, giving you a gentle smile. You can't help but feel that it seems a little tight and forced, like he is regretting asking you be his partner, and regretting that he didn't have enough time to reconsider. You ignore the feeling of dejection that slowly bubbles up inside of you.
"I thought that it'd be easiest to write romance since you're so well versed in that.". You freeze. Time seems to have stopped and your ears refuse to register the rest of what Namjoon is saying, tuning everything out but your deafening thoughts. You have to remind yourself to breathe.
"You know that I write?" you interrupt Namjoon. He stops and fixes you a look of confusion, like it is so obvious that you write. It's not that you've been trying to keep it a secret. The thing is, for most of your stories, Namjoon is the main male character. In most of your stories, you have described every single part of him in excruciating detail, his eyes and lips especially. When your friends had first read your stories with Namjoon as the male protagonist, they had caught on quickly, almost immediately asking you if you were describing Namjoon because of how well you had described him. A bad feeling washes over you.
"Yeah, you're always scribbling away during English so I got curious and asked a few of your classmates," he responds, flashing you another lopsided smile. If this were any other situation, your heart would have been absolutely eliminated because of that smile but in this situation, all you can think about is if he's read any of your work. Because if he has, you're done for.
"What did my classmates say?" you question hesitantly, still deciding if you want to know his answer.
"Well they said that you've been writing since forever. They also said that a lot of people know that you write. Oh, and they also said that you had some published works so I went to check them out—" Namjoon's voice fades out as he continues to talk.
This is it.
It's the end of your social life. Namjoon is going to tell his loud ass group of friends that you write stalker-esque stories about him and then one of his friends is going to accidentally tell their girlfriend and then the girlfriend is going to spread it across the school and you'll be known as the loser who writes creepy stalker stories about Namjoon—
"It was amazing," you hear Namjoon say in between your mild quarter-life crisis. You pause and look him square in the eye. You want to come off as serious but you falter slightly when Namjoon stares back at you, irises a whirlpool of dark brown and glittering fascination, a swirling vortex that draws you in with a vicious intent of drowning.
"Yes?" Namjoon questions you after a beat of silence passes. You want to ask him if he knows that he is reading about himself but you stop yourself. "You like my stories?" you ask instead, feeling a tad bit shy now that you've realised that Namjoon likes what you write about him.
He lets out a small laugh, "Is it that hard to believe that I like what you write?"
"I was just surprised." He flashes you another wide grin and there it is, those cursed dimples show themselves again, grinning tauntingly at you and your heart commits the highest act of treason when it starts to beat faster. You gulp.
"You shouldn't be surprised. It was really good. I really liked it when you described the male character. It felt like I was looking at him myself. That's why I asked you to be my partner. I'm sure with your talents, we can get a really good mark on this assignment."
Your heart thuds a little faster when Namjoon tells you that his favourite part was reading about how you described him. But it falls to your stomach when he tells you that he picked you solely for your supposed talents. You don't know why, but a part of you had thought that maybe Namjoon wanted to get to know you better, and was using this assignment as an excuse. You thought that it was finally happening, someone you like has finally noticed you. But it looks like you thought wrong.
"Thank you," you say meekly, flashing him a half-hearted smile that you're sure he notices from the way he stiffens. "So, you said that you thought that romance would be a good genre, but what do you want to write about?"
Namjoon is silent for a while, lips pursed in ponder. You wait patiently for his answer.
"Well, I thought that I'd wanted to write romance too," he answers flashing you an awkward smile. The silence that follows is palpable and suddenly, you feel so very exhausted. "Well then, that's settled. Now we just have to think of a situation."
"How about this one?" Namjoon asks immediately after you finish your sentence. He says it rather suddenly and it startles you a little. You can't help but hear a certain extent of desperation in this voice. He wants to get this over with, you tell yourself.
"How do you mean?"
"Kinda like us now," he starts but stops to think about what to say next. You remain silent. "We should just write about us but make it a love story. For example, the two main characters are supposed to do a project together so they meet at a library," he pauses to gesture to the shelves surrounding the both of you.
"Then they start working on the project and they start talking. Then, somehow, the boy confesses to her. And the girl tells him she's always felt the same way. We can come up with how he confesses since I myself haven't come up with that yet," he continues, softening the last part of his sentence into a mumble that you barely hear, but still do. You pause. What the fuck?
"What did you say? I didn't hear you," you ask against your better judgement, curiosity getting the best of you. "Huh? Oh, it was nothing."
A furious blush begins to spread on the apples of Namjoon's cheeks, and for some reason, your body begins to mirror him, heart pumping hot blood to the blood vessels that lay beneath the skin of your cheeks. Namjoon shyly directs his gaze to his lap, dark brown bangs, the colour of his eyes, coming down in luxurious curls and waves to hide his eyes. You can't help but think that you like to see Namjoon like this; soft and shy and vulnerable because he is usually so confident and suave. It feels like he is showing a new side of himself to you, like he is peeling back the layers of masks and personas he has built until he is left raw and natural, allowing you to see everything that he is. The thought of that leaves you feeling winded because it is exactly what you want. And suddenly, you don't feel bashful or shy because of his words. Instead, you are determined, hellbent on making something out of this and you hope with your whole being that it is a relationship.
You are about to say something, to question him, bombard him until he is spilling his feelings in fumbled words and sentences of desperation and want, clawing at you until you too, are raw and vulnerable. But he beats you to it, speaking in a soft, hushed tone, as if you are a stern silence that he is afraid of interrupting.
"I think you're amazing, Y/N. What do you think of me?"
He stares meekly at his lap, too afraid to even spare you a glance. You remain silent, building his desperation like you are some professional flirt. In all honesty, you really just want to tell him you like him too but you're just so scared. The evidence that he at least feels something for you is right in front of you and yet your brain rejects it like a vending machine rejects a bill, walls built far too high and thick that words are no longer enough to convince you. He has to show you. And you think he knows that too.
Namjoon's head shoots up to stare you in the eyes, a new found determination and confidence burning in his eyes. The way the light finds his dark brown irises makes your heart do a million somersaults. They light up and turn into a golden brown you can't help but compare to a sweet, caramel syrup that coats your tongue in golden, sugary gratification. You swallow so hard, you feel the sides of your throat rub together painfully. 
"I think you're freaking amazing, Y/N. Every time I look at you, I always want to make myself better. For you. I want to become the best version of myself in hopes that it'll satisfy you and garner your attention. And I really like that you do what makes you happy. I absolutely love it when you write in English because you're always so focused and serious, plus, you make that really cute face when you're concentrating and it always makes my heart beat a little faster and it makes me hate that I sit in front of you because I have to keep finding stupid reasons to turn around just to look at you and I just think you're the most amazing, admirable, lovable person ever," Namjoon lets out. His words are rushed and desperate and you melt like goddamn candle wax.
"I'm— Wow, I'm— thank you, Namjoon. That really means a lot to me," you stutter, not really knowing what to say at first but finding your words soon enough. "Oh, and I feel the same way," you add, somehow missing the main point of your response. It doesn't matter anyway. He knows now. That's all that matters.
"Wait, really?"
You let out a laugh. "Yeah, Namjoon. Is it that hard to believe that I like you too?" you reply, a homage to your previous conversation.
Namjoon smiles a small smile, then it widens, and widens, and widens, until he is flashing you a blinding grin that could outright beat the glare of sunlight. "You said that you like me," he points out, eyes shining.
It is your turn to blush in embarrassment, cheeks feeling hot as you begin to sink into yourself, hair falling from behind your shoulders to hopefully make itself useful as a curtain to shield your red face from Namjoon. Something in Namjoon's chest begins to splinter at the sight. He is so very tempted to pull out his phone and snap a picture of you but he holds himself back at the thought that he is positive he has many more chances to do so. His ribs nearly break in half because of how hard his heart beats.
"It's a good thing that I like you too," he says gently, smile now gentle instead of blinding. "Also, we have a plot now!" he exclaims in excitement as he slides the pen and paper closer to himself, ready to start on your assignment.
"So, we're, are we? You know... Um, dating now?"
Namjoon's eyes widen in horror and he deflates himself, a disappointed frown pulling his eyebrows together at the centre and turning the corners of his lips down. "Shit, I'm sorry I didn't ask— I just assumed—" he cuts himself off, clearing his throat dramatically.
"Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" he asks. Somehow, he still feels nervous even though he knows that you answer is a resounding, "Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend."
Namjoon lets out the breath he didn't even know he was holding and it comes out in a relieved sigh. "Thank God because if not our story would have a horrible ending," Namjoon comments, picking the pen back up and clicking it open.
"Let's write that," you cut in before he can say anything else. "Write a sad love story?"
Namjoon is going to tell you no, to completely disapprove of your idea because writing a sad love story is one thing but writing a sad love story that will be handed up to your teacher for her to grade is another thing. But then, he sees your eyes glisten in determination and he dispels his thoughts immediately, folding into himself like a goddamn lawn chair. He can't believe he was just about to say no to you. What the fuck is wrong with him?
"Please? I'm better at writing angst. Plus, we have a happy ending and that's all that matters," you press, trying to convince him. You don't have a real reason other than the fact that you write angst better. You also don't really know why you want to write angst right now when you feel as if you could fly. But it doesn't matter. None of it matters anymore. Namjoon is your's now. 
Namjoon flashes you a dimpled smile, eyes curling up and glittering with mirth and unadulterated belief in you. You can't help but think that you want him to never stop smiling like that, looking at you like you are some sort of celestial being, hailed from the sky solely to bring him every sort of merriment known to mankind and the heavens. The thought of him thinking of you like that scares you, because you are always afraid of not being enough. But Namjoon diminishes all of your worries with a short sentence, manhandling them by the throat and shoving them off a cliff.
"Okay, I believe in you."
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quirkdotcom · 4 years
The Arrangement //
Shoto Todoroki x Fem! Reader
Part One: The Mall Incident
Part Two
Summary: Your father is a particularly strong pro hero, and owns his own agency, however, he seemingly has picked an opportunity for you to be the tie between his agency, and pro hero Endeavor's agency.
Authors Note:
One; I'm planning this to be a three part fic, my next update hopefully on Friday May 15th ! Let me know if you'd like to be on this specific taglist, or even a taglist for anything I post !
Two; I wanted to have a little fun in this, so I added in an OC of mine! I made the reader attend an unnamed school, where her friends wouldn't be main characters from MHA, and decided to throw in Maiko (my OC) anyways, I hope you enjoy !
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"A student from UA? Is father okay? I thought he hated that school?" You had to stop yourself, had you really heard your mother right?
She sighed heavily, shaking her head slightly, "He does, however, your father is willing to look past the fact as long as everything goes according to plan" 
This time, it was your turn to sigh.
This 'plan' was one of you meeting some student, your parents meeting, and at the end of the day, agreeing to a marriage after graduation.
You knew that you really had no choice in the matter, which is why you had never put up a fight about it, but it didn't mean that you were particularly happy about it.
Quietly, you stood up, excusing yourself from the table and your mother, leaving the dainty tea cup where it sat.
"Well, since the meeting with this student will be this weekend, I'm going to go out and buy an outfit for it." You bowed your head slightly before turning and leaving the room.
Now out of sight of your mother, you stretched, stifling a yawn as you made your way to your room, grabbing your phone from your pocket, sending a quick message to your closest friend, asking if she'd accompany you to the mall.
The two of you attended a private academy focused on teaching it's students to not only strengthen their quirks, or accelerate their academics, but also in etiquette and manners. Everything was about being proper and elite.
It was the very same school that your father had transferred to after his time at UA.
You personally didn't quite like it there, at times some students tried to pick on you, or the teachers would reprimand you for even the slightest mistake.
But, just like the marriage arrangement, you had no choice in what school you attended, your father was hellbent on you following his steps, and staying the hell away from UA.
Regardless, you had eventually made some friends, and for the first few years, you scored in the top of your class.
"Oh, (Y/n) while you're out, would you mind picking up a few things for me?" Your mother's voice rang out from behind your door, breaking your train of thoughts.
"Just make me a list, and leave it on the counter!" 
It didn't take long for you to change out of your uniform and into something comfier, or for you to grab your messenger style purse, or to find the list from your mother. With your father gone, there were no distractions or unnecessary lectures.
What took the most time was getting to the mall. You could have driven, but it was nice out, the sky was clear of clouds, and there was a light breeze that flowed through the leaves in the trees.
So, you took to walking. Though, when you got to the mall, your best friend was standing with her arms crossed and a bored look on her face.
"(Y/N)! There you are! I've been waiting for hours!" She gave a dramatic sigh as you walked over.
"Calm down Maiko ! " you chuckled, she was almost always over dramatic, something that had drawn you to her in the first place.
She gave you a playful wink, and nodded her head to the doors, starting to walk inside, "Whatever, we both know that I can't calm down," she paused, giving small jazz hands, "I've got constant anxiety" 
"Ah, the curse of having a third eye quirk," You followed behind, then moved to the side of her. 
"Oh! What's the occasion for today's trip?" Maiko tucked a piece of light brown hair behind her ear, eyeing you as she waited for a response.
You hesitated, she still didn't know about the whole arranged marriage, and it had been about a month since you had found out.
"Oh...my family and I are meeting another family for some business thing, so I needed to get a new outfit in case they have a son or daughter our age, " You spouted off a lie, knowing that she'd fall for it, only because she trusted you.
"Ooooh another potential merger for your dad's hero agency?" 
You nodded, pausing as your stomach gave a quiet rumble. 
Despite the lunch you were having with your mother earlier, you didn't really eat. 
"Hey, let's get something to eat first," You point to the nearest food outlet.
Before you know it, Maiko and you are each tossing fries to the other, both failing to catch most in your mouth, but you are having a good time regardless.
Once out of fries, you and her are left with your milkshakes, hers chocolate, and your's strawberry. Something kind of impulsive as you haven't had one strawberry flavored in a few years.
"Hey, I think we could probably take these with us to go look for an outfit," Maiko picks hers up, already a third of it gone.
With a nod, you stand up, grabbing your shake and bag, waiting for Maiko before heading off to your favorite store.
"Hey what about this?" She held up a pleated, light blue skirt, it would stop just above your knees, and complimented you very well, "It even has real pockets!"
"And I could wear it with this shirt...and maybe the jean jacket we found earlier?" You smiled happily, holding up a plain white t-shirt, a small v neck cut, nothing too extreme but not too plain.
Your friend placed the skirt into your basket, and you followed suit with the shirt. All that was needed now, would be to grab the jean jacket from earlier.
However, as you turned, you ran into a...hard surface and along with you, came your half finished milkshake.
You stumbled back, eyes wide as you realized what had just happened.
"Oh my gosh, I am so-"
But the male cut you off, his voice monotone as he did, "Save it, just move out of the way, I need to clean my shirt," 
You quietly moved to the side, watching as the moody stranger walked away, leaving you and Maiko to recover.
He had red hair...well only half of his hair was red, and the other half was white, leaving you to wonder how much hair dye it had taken to get it to look so perfect. 
"Well...I wish I could've helped you see that coming...but uh..I got the jacket?" She smiled sheepishly, causing you to let out a nervous laugh, releasing the tension you didn't know you had.
"Okay, cmon lets go pay!" You turned, still reeling from the encounter with that guy..but hey, at least you wouldn't be seeing him again! 
So, with that thought in mind, Maiko and yourself brought your chosen outfit to the front counters, paid and left the store.
"Hey, are you doing anything tonight?" You turned to Maiko after some five minutes, a thought in the back of your mind, nagging at you since you had left the house to meet her. 
"I don't think so! Why, is your mom cooking tonight? Anything she makes is always better than your dads...or yours," she poked her tongue out at you.
"Wha?! Hey! Im not that bad of a cook!" You pouted and crossed your arms, turning away from her, "Well I did have something to tell you but now its not happening," 
She immediately moved in front of you, "Wait no! Your cooking is good! Just tell me the news!" 
"It'll have to wait for my house, it's kind of big news…"
And with that, the two of you set off for your house, Maiko calling her mom and letting her know where she'd be for the night. 
The walk was spent talking about anything and everything, and at one point Maiko tripping and you having to catch her, but hey, that's what friends are for. 
As you approached your house, you spotted your fathers car in the driveway, causing you to screw your face up in dread. 
Hopefully he didn't have a lecture for you, especially if Maiko was here. You had always hated how he seemed to pick on you whenever your friends were over.
And much to your dismay, when you walked inside he met you with a sour look, "(Y/n), where have you been? Don't forget about this weekend's meeting, not to mention the exams coming up," 
You bit back a response about how the exams were two months away, and instead just nodded your head, busying yourself with slipping your shoes off, "I was buying a new outfit for our meeting. I told mother before I left."
He paused, now eyeing you and Maiko, "And came home with...Fujino was it?" 
She nodded, even though she practically lived at your house for a week at a time due to the amount of sleep overs you had, your father had barely bothered to remember her name. 
"Im sorry for not telling you ahead of time, Sir." She bowed her head slightly, only really apologizing because she knew that if she didn't, it would come down on you. 
"Make your way to (Y/n)'s room, I still need to have a few words with her," he commanded, waiting for her to go up the stairs before he continued.
"And (Y/n), do not forget how important this marriage arrangement is. The Todoroki family is powerful, Endeavor is rising in his ranks as a hero, and his son will follow suit. You have to make sure that you are seen as exemplary, no mistakes can be made. Do you understand?" 
You paused, heart hanging heavy, "Yes father…" 
Once he let you go, you made your way to the top of the stairs, seeing that Maiko was waiting for you, a worried look in her eyes, "So...a marriage proposal?" 
"Welcome to the news I had for you…" 
You two moved into your room, the bag of clothes dropped onto the floor, and you climbed onto your bed, grabbing an orange bunny plush, hugging it to your chest.
"Okay so I wanted to tell you about the arrangement but...I dunno, its hard. I'm having my choice taken away from me and for what? So my father and this other hero to have a more powerful agency?" 
"(Y/n)...im so sorry that you've been going through this alone. I'm here for you, whatever you need!" She moved to a swinging chair you had, sitting in it carefully as she thought for a moment, "So, you've never met this guy or his family?" 
"At most I know his family name. But Im too busy focusing on school work to pay attention to how his father is "So high up the ranks" or whatever. Its like my father thinks that this 'Endeavor' guy is the number two pro hero or something…" You puffed out a breath of air, pursing your lips as you thought quietly. 
Maiko stared at you for a few minutes, blinking a few times as she tried to break the news to you. 
"Uhh..Endeavor...as in Enji Todoroki?" 
You looked up, nodding quietly at her puzzled look. 
"(Y/n) he is the number two hero...or wait..if All Might retired a few years back... then number one actually!" She hummed as she herself started to think but eventually shook her head, eyes widening. 
Maiko quickly pulled out her phone, typing hurriedly into it and gasping, "(Y/n) wait! His son goes to UA! His son is reportedly one of the Big Three of his class!" She stopped, scrolling, "uh oh…" 
At this, you scrambled from your spot to her, pulling the phone from her hand to look at what the cause of this 'uh oh' was. 
It was a picture.  A picture of Endeavour's son. He had red and white hair, and a glare so deadly it probably would kill someone on sight. 
But what got you more was the fact that this was the guy from the mall earlier.  You had totally spilled a strawberry shake all over the number one hero's son, and the guy who you would be marrying after graduation. 
"This is...this is fucked. Im so screwed! Not only did I embarrass myself but now I've probably made it seem like im a clumsy girl who likes to shop all the time and now this...Todoroki guy is going to tell his father about me and then it'll ruin the arrangement and my father will kill me." You spouted off more worries until Maiko grabbed your shoulders, shaking you lightly.
"Hey! We aren't planning your funeral yet! Maybe we can meet up with him before you have to meet with his dad! I think I know one of the students at UA!" 
You looked to her, your breathing returning to normal as you nodded along, maybe that could work after all.
"Okay so, we ask whoever you know to get his number and text him about how it was me who spilled the drink and I wanted to apologize...and that Im also the girl he's meeting this weekend!" 
Maiko punched her fist into the palm of her hand, "Okay, lets set this plan into action! I'll text Kirishima!" 
You eyed her, realizing that you had never questioned how she knew anyone at UA, "While you do that, mind explaining to me about whoever this Kirishima is?" 
She only smiled for a moment, putting her phone down after sending him a message about Todoroki, "Oh! He and I work in the same coffee shop! Not everyone is super rich you know, but he's pretty nice guy, kinda cute too. But, you know how my mom is. Im surprised that she let me be friends with you, I swear, she's scared of anyone!" 
You gave a 'Mhhm' to her, knowing full and well that this was the coworker who she tended to talk about but never named, knowing that you'd probably show up to her work to try and get more information.  But hey, you'd leave it at that for now. 
"Well...I guess that now we wait for Kirishima to hopefully send us Todoroki's number?' 
"Now we wait! And with our good luck, by Wednesday we can smoothen out what happened at the mall…" 
You nodded once, as much as this plan seemed rickety, you were willing to take the chance. While you hated the idea of a marriage to whoever this young hero may be, you know that if you messed it up, your father would never let you live it down. 
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voidlitmoon · 4 years
One Trainer’s Trash is Another Pokemon's Family
So if you didn't know, i ended up taking a hiates from writing ANYTHING for a bit, but I was just sitting around earlier and thought "huh, there was that oneshot I kinda wanted to write" and BOOM im formating this at 2am when I finished writing so I can just post this in the morning.
Also note me writing this does not mean I'm fully back to writing because I tbh have no clue when I'll be back in full writing mode, a lot of stuff is going on irl around health issues (I'm good dont worry, just trying to figure out this issue so we can fix it) and my mind hasn't been able to put words together into written sentences well recently for anything, so exspect everything and nothing!!
So @sugarglider9603.... enjoy! If anyone seems off its probably because I haven't wrote in like 4 months :D
Ao3 link
Ao3 series link
Master Post
Words: 1,651
Summery: ' "I found a child in the trash!" Trash Eevee declared happily. The Eevee on watch somehow looked skeptical from behind, but curiosity got them to turn around.
Green and brown surprised eyes hit his own, he felt as the others eyes looked him over from his unnaturally purple eyes to dark brown fur.
"I.. I-" the other stammered in surprise.
"Can we keep him?" His founder vibrated, excited. '
A chance encounter is about to change three lives forever
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“Slow down!” the Eevee hissed to his companion, running through the crowd of humans to catch up. His green and brown eyes swept the crowd, making sure no one grew suspicious and followed the two Eevees, sighing as he thankfully saw everyone's gaze sweep past them, uninterested.
There had been a few incidences when a trainer or a ‘nurse’ had tried to catch them, whether for his strange fur markings, trying to get his friend’s fur cleaned (no one held him for long once that information was leaked), or purely for them being Eevees. He’d heard it all, common lines being “hey are you lost?”, “where is your trainer?”, “is that a wild Eevee?” and of course, the most common
“I’ve got to catch it!”
Heh, no one had succeeded yet, and he didn’t plan that to change any time soon. Or ever.
“Not sorry” the simple line snapped him out of his thoughts as he looked over to the grinning Eevee that probably did need a bath “but I heard yelling in the back alley of the Good Place, and I just have to see if it's new!” The ‘Good Place’ was a restaurant the two constantly saw in their travels from town to town. While they couldn’t read the written name, and wouldn’t dare get close enough to a human to simply know the name when it had no use to them, it always had an identical symbol at every location. It was his trash loving companions (and though he would never admit it, his own as well) favorite location to get food.
“Very well, lead the way” with a flick of their tails, they rounded the last few corners to the back alley where two large dumpsters lay. As a Trubbish scurred off at the sight of them they both leapt up, balancing as they opened one off the lids.
He sat watch as the other squealed and dove in, rummaging through and ripping open plastic bags with sharp teeth. They always had the same parts when working together, he would keep watch making sure no one saw them from the regular path or had any workers walk out the door, while the other would search, eating what he wanted and tossing stuff up to save for later. They had tried to swap jobs once, but it was a mess that nearly got them caught if it wasn’t for his own keen ears, so they kept to their own and worked together.
He glanced at the door, the symbol imprinted on it. Doing this dumpster diving always reminded himself when he was alone. How he’s grateful to have a friend. Actually, doing it at the Good Place always reminded himself when he met the trashy Eevee. It was just after-
A paw swatted at his face, causing him to dodge. He seemed to be falling into nastolga easily today, he thought shaking it out of his fur.
“Did you hear me? I said all these bags have already been looked through” the other huffed “they must have used the other one, which is weird because they usually use the one closer to the door first….” he frowned, confused before brightening “anyways can you help me open the other lid?”
The clean Eevee nodded, hopping across to the other dumpster.
Sta- he shivered, the angry yells still echoing in his ears. She was so mad when she discovered there was no dragon evolution, when she finally discovered he was completely useless. He glanced at the snapped pokeball at his paws, fallen through a space between a few garbage bags.
He knew he had to get out of here, but what was the point? He was with a trainer up till now, and while she was horrible he was still at least alive. But to try and survive on his own? No, he might as well just curl up on this garbage, might as well just
A scene flash in his mind, of a Pecha bush laying under a sprawling indigo sky. Two other faces similar yet different then his, laughing, smiling.
He couldn't give up, not yet, not until he could find them again.
Chatter and a crash of heavy plastic hitting a wall distracted him from the thoughts racing through his head. He pressed low against the bags, ears flat as he waited. Were there people taking trash out? No.. that didn't sound human, that sounded
The lid thunked twice, before late afternoon light poured down onto his dark brown fur. He froze as another pokemon fell down in front of him, another Eevee.
He was bigger, though everyone was bigger. His fur seemed to be a normal shade of brown, yet it was hard to tell with all the dirt and dust coating it. He looked up into the newcomer's eyes, surprise and delight filled them to the brim.
"Oh? OH!" The other gasped for only a moment before flashing forwards, grabbing him lightly by his scruff and before he knew it St- he was in open air and sat on the hard plastic lid.
"Hey hey!" The Eevee scrambled across to another Eevee, his turned back to the both of them. The third Eevee's ear twitched to show they were listening, watching the humans walk by.
"I found a child in the trash!" Trash Eevee declared happily. The Eevee on watch somehow looked skeptical from behind, but curiosity got them to turn around.
Green and brown surprised eyes hit his own, he felt as the others eyes looked him over from his unnaturally purple eyes to dark brown fur.
"I.. I-" the other stammered in surprise.
"Can we keep him?" His founder vibrated, excited.
"Hmm" seemingly gaining his composure, the one on watch came over to inspect him further, sniffing curiously at his fur "I don't think so, he smells too much of humans" the trash Eevee visibly shrunk.
"No!" He cried, snapping his jaw closed at the sudden speaking "I, I me- mean no, I had a trainer, but I don't have one anymore" he attempted to explain, hissing at himself for stuttering.
"I uh" he coughed, attempting to clear his throat, "I, I'm sorry for disturbing your search" he flicked his tail toward the two before curling it around himself, finally looking into the others faces. It was at the moment he noticed the strange markings around the single green eye on the watcher.
"It's no problem," the calmer one replied. He looked as if he were about to continue, before the trash Eevee popped "hey, have you gotten food today?"
He blinked, thinking about all that happened since dawn. Dawn, when his trai- ex-trainer had learned the news.
"I.. haven't?" He tried, not wanting to test his luck. They were strangers, he had to be cautious.
"Here!" The other dove back into the trash. He leaned over frantically, thankful to see the pokeball halfs had sunken out of sight. If they ever asked why he was in there, he would just tell them he was looking for food.
No one would find out the true reason. Well.. maybe two others, but that would have to wait till he found them again. He would find them again.
The walking trash pile hopped back up, dropping what seemed to be a freshly thrown away berry skewer at his feet.
He looked up, alarmed "no, I couldn't-" "oh don't worry" the other's purr sounded like a motorcycle "we'll survive without a few berries."
While he was still uncertain, his stomach grumbled with hunger so he bent down and took a bite of closest fully intact berry. When the sweet familiar taste hit his mouth, he barely stopped the tears. Arceus really had to do that, didn't they.
"Everything ok?" He looked up from the Pecha berry, the special marked Eevee looking at his watery eyes with concern.
"Y-yes, just haven't eaten anything this sweet in a while" he lied quickly, finishing what he could before pushing towards the others "here, might as well not let this go to waste" he smiled.
The marked Eevee hummed before taking a bite from a nearby Oran berry.
After a bit, the dirty Eevee spoke a question he knew was coming "so, you said you had a trainer, do you have a name?"
He paused, thinking, before shaking his head "she never gave me one."
The others nodded in understanding. He looked out at the people walking in the street, passing by with no clue of the trio sitting on the dumpsters.
He didn’t have a name, not to them at least. To them, he would be the Eevee that they found, the Eevee they took in, the Eevee one day they would realize they see as a brother, the Eevee that would inevitably disappear in the back of a truck
One day there would be another family, they would know him as Virgil, Virgil who they found in the forest, Virgil who followed them everywhere, Virgil who got caught finally by his own free will
But no one would know him as Star but his original family. No one would know him as Star, the being who hatched into the world with an angry scream that was not his own, Star, the one who fell in love with the sky on his first night of his existence, Star, the one who found family and then was ripped away from it in his sleep
Star, who would keep searching till the ends of the Earth to find his family.
But for now, he was just a strange looking Eevee in a strange situation, hiding his name from everything and everyone, and that was ok.
He glared at the crowd of humans walking by peacefully. There was only one thing left from his life with.. with the Dragon, one thing he would keep
He would never trust another human again.
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emybain · 4 years
For the kiss prompts. Maybe 42 or 3 for nodrian💙
why not both hehe. no joke ive been trying to post this for two days now. i finished it the other night but i just keep forgetting to post lol. these are NOT connected in any way and they are both post supernova. The first one is a little aged up and fair warning, it’s a bit on the pg-13 side (im so sorry to all my cinnamon followers just LOOK AWAY)
3-a breathy demand:”kiss me” - and what the other person does to respond
42-distracting kisses from someone that are meant to stop the other person from finishing their work, and give them kisses instead
Nova peeked into the art studio of Adrian’s town house, pushing the door open enough so she could see him. Yep. He was still at his easel. At least he had chosen to pull up a barstool instead of continuing to stand; he had been painting for hours. 
Times like this weren’t uncommon. For both of them. It was normal for them to not see one another for hours whenever Nova came over or vice versa, and there was nothing wrong with that. Sometimes, it was just comforting to be in each other’s presence. And it wasn’t like how they used to be, co-depending on one another after the supernova and inseparable. No, after a mutual decision to give one another a break, here they were four years later, going on a stable three years together. They were better now, after both receiving much needed therapy and time to think over everything. It wasn’t easy, especially for Nova, who felt as though she had no one to go to after the supernova, but it gradually got more attainable.
Except for now, when Nova was getting an itch for, well…special attention, and she hadn’t seen Adrian since their early dinner. Before he had let her know he was going to go work on a project, she was going to subtly suggest they extend their date night a couple hours. It was fine, Nova was fine. She figured he would only disappear for a little while and rejoin her in the living room, where she decided to pick up a book from his bookcase. Except he didn’t. So now she had to take things into her own hands. 
“Hey, Babe,” she greeted softly, entering the room slowly. Sometimes, he got so caught up in his work that he didn’t notice Nova until she touched him, which, based on past occurrences, messed him up. “I brought you some water.”
She stepped into his line of sight and set the glass down on the small table beside him. He didn’t respond, though from the tilt of his head, she could tell he heard her. Sigh. 
“You’ve been working really hard, you know. Maybe it’s time for a break?” She took a step toward him, biting her lip and bringing her hand up to the cotton button down she was wearing, fingering the top button. He grunted in response, quietly thanking her for the water. Nova rolled her eyes. Come on. She knew she got like this, too, but tonight, she decided it was ridiculous. She wanted attention, damn it. 
Walking behind him, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and leaned down. He tensed at first, but relaxed just as quickly. He even turned his head around and pressed a chaste kiss to her cheek. Well, it was something. 
“Come to bed,” she murmured in his ear, lips brushing against the top. “I miss you.” To prove it, she kissed behind his ear. She felt him stiffen again, even as he continued painting. Her lips trailed down his neck, holding back a smile. 
“I’ll come in a little bit.” The satisfaction she got from his shaky voice was delicious. “Let me just finish this one section and I’ll be there, okay?” 
Oh, that wouldn’t do. He cursed when she nipped at the hollow in his throat, making sure her hair hung over to expose her neck. Just to tease him. “Why not now, though?” she hummed against his skin, deepening every kiss. His name escaped from her mouth in a sigh, a desperate need. She couldn’t help herself. 
“Shit, Nova.” He leaned back a little, much to her delight, as her hands went up his shirt, nails scraping against his chest. She stopped her caresses for a moment to blink at him innocently. A warm feeling washed over her at how dark his eyes were, a deeper brown than usual. They were breathtaking. 
Nova wiped at a dried paint spot on his cheek. “What?” 
He let out a long sigh, took one look at the unfinished painting, and set down his supplies. Nova grinned. She moved to sit in his lap, not really caring where she got attention as long as she just got it. But Adrian had other plans. 
Nova screeched as he stood suddenly and scooped her up into his arms. Their laughter echoed down the dark hallway and into Adrian’s bedroom, where it continued well into the night. 
They were the only ones in the training hall, save for a few runners or weightlifters with earbuds in. Nova ducked as Adrian threw a punch at her, rolling to her left and pouncing back up, landing a kick to his side. He grimaced. Nova would’ve felt bad, except he had been the one to suggest a quick hand-to-hand combat fight. She pushed her sweaty bangs out of her eyes. Feeling generous, she took a few steps back to give Adrian a moment to collect himself. His eyes followed her as she circled him, knees bent at the ready. When he smirked at her and motioned her forward, she scrunched her face up. 
With a battle cry impressive enough for long-dead gods, she charged him. He blocked her blow and grabbed her forearm, twisting her around to hold her in a choke-hold. But Nova saw it coming. She rammed her heel into his foot, causing him to let her go. Nova rolled away, landing in a crouch. While he was distracted, she swept her leg out, knocking him to the ground. Before he could get back up, she had him pinned down, holding his wrists down with her knees. 
They were both breathing hard, staring at one another in silence. A dull pain rose up in Nova’s side where Adrian had got her earlier. It was worsening slowly, no doubt forming into a nasty bruise. A fight less than ten minutes had stolen all of her energy. 
“I win.” She grinned at him, leaning over and patting his cheek with a gloved hand. Ever since the supernova a few months ago, Nova made an effort to wear gloves whenever she was training with another prodigy. Adrian was the only one who said she didn’t have to around him, that he trusted her, but they still helped her feel more at ease. The rest of her team was still wary around her, and Nova only wanted them to be more comfortable. Sure she could still knock them out with any skin contact, but her hands were her biggest weapon. She hadn’t even been on patrols with them since the supernova, choosing instead to do jobs around headquarters. Just something to keep her busy, and to show the Renegades that she was on their side, for real this time. Some of her jobs may have been made up, like going to bother the Council about anything she thought would help in the process of transitioning into a more democratic government. It was a very, very slow process, but at least she was beginning to see progress. See what her father had envisioned so many years ago.
Adrian interrupted her thoughts by managing to flip them over. Nova’s back hit the foam mat, air rushing out of her body. He held both of her arms over her head with one of his. “No, I think I do.”
“Asshole,” she grumbled, squirming under his weight that only seemed to get heavier the more she moved. “That doesn’t count.”
Her heart raced as he brought his head closer, eyebrows raised. She could smell his cologne, that wonderful pine scent. She chastised herself for breathing in just a little deeper so she could catch more of that intoxicating fragrance. Tilted her head a bit to the side to avoid his intense gaze. Because, well, they were broken up. Nova knew they needed it, that choosing to continue a relationship after what happened would only end in flames. Much as she hated to admit it, it was unhealthy. Adrian had been the first person to truly see Nova for who she was instead of just a pawn on the chessboard or a lie or whatever the media liked to come up with every morning after they had their coffee. He understood her and her trauma. To just…let him go like that…was agonizing. But she knew it was only temporary, that they still both harbored deep feelings for one another. Maybe in a few months and after dozens of therapy appointments, they would be able to talk about getting back together. At least now, after a couple months of coming to terms with the break up, she could handle being alone with him again. Being friends, laughing and spending time together. Well, for the most part. 
To put things simply, Nova was very thankful at that moment that the Council had changed the rule that uniforms are mandatory even in the training hall. And she was very thankful that Adrian had discarded his shirt two minutes into their five mile run earlier that morning. 
“Someone’s just bitter they owe me breakfast.” Nova scoffed, remembering their deal earlier. She jumped suddenly, eyes widening at his hand on her cheek, caressing it. His brows were furrowed. “I didn’t know I got your face. I’m sorry about that.”
Holding her breath, Nova placed her hand over his. He met her eyes and blinked. “It’s fine. Probably just from the mat.” Her voice was barely over a whisper. 
She definitely saw his eyes dip down and focus on her lips for a moment; she couldn’t help but do the same. Somehow, all of her weaknesses regarding him, weaknesses that she had been suppressing for months, were all laid out in front of her. She wanted nothing more than to just…just…
“Kiss me,” she breathed, only slightly noticing how demanding she sounded in that moment. 
He stilled. “Nova, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Yet his voice was gruff. Yet he didn’t move from his position over her. 
“It’s not.” She licked her lips.
His eyes softened and he bent his head down. Nova raised hers up greedily to meet him. It had been an eternity since she had tasted his soft lips. 
But just as their lips brushed, sending a current of electricity down Nova’s spine, Adrian was gone.
Nova sat up and could only watch as he walked away, grabbing his shirt and roughly pulling it over his head. He didn’t look back.
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httpswwwtbhkcom · 4 years
The Girl In a Red Dress
[@httpswwwtbhkcom’s masterlist]
Pairing: Hitoshi Shinso x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warning: None actually. Prom mentions then prom itself
Summary: Hitoshi shinso, was forced to be in prom by his friend or so called his crush. In prom, he was dressed in a suit, he was called “cute” and “hot” by random girls. He didn’t want to be called “cute’ or ‘hot’, Then you came in. Calling him ‘cute’ in a suit
Key: Friend 1- male friend, friend 2- female friend, Y/n - your name, f/d- favorite drink, N/n- nickname,
A/N: I’m pretty sad that no one told me that it’s Shinso’s birthday today. :( i’m glad i saw a post about Shinso’s birthday. 
Reader: Female
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"Hitoshi! Please come with me to prom." You pleaded. "No." His comment was short but dull. He didn't want to go to prom, there was no meaning to prom right? "I don't want to go to prom alone!" You cried. "No means no, Y/n."
"Pleaseee?" "Y/n, just go with your friends.." "But i want to be with you! My friends are going to ditch me sooner or later in prom." You came closer to Shinso's face. Nose almost touching, "Hitoshi, i want you to have fun. Please?" He blushed at the closeness, you noticed that too. So you backed down. Sitting back to your normal position in his bed.
"I-i'll think about it..." Shinso rubbed the back of his neck. "But prom is in a week!" You whined.
"I'll think about it Y/n. Just be patient."
"But you'll just say no before the day of prom."
"Ugh fine." He whined. "I'll come."
"Really? Thank you!" You tackled him, Hugging him tightly. His ears were red, but he hugged you back. "Just as buddies?" He asked, his heart breaking. His voice cracking a bit but you didn't realize it. "Just as buddies." You repeated.
The next day in school:
"You got a prom date?!" One of your friends excitedly said outloud.
"Shhhhhh be quiet." You pointed your finger infront of your friend's lips. Checking left and right then looked at your friend. "I'm here ya know?" Shinso replied, arms crossed. "Oh. Right." You said dumbly. "He's my prom buddy." You smiled at Shinso. Who was digging his head under his Scarf that Aizawa made.
"Yeah sure." Your friend said
"How about we all go to the shopping spree? Boys with boys, girls with girls? Later after school." Your other friend asked. "Sure." The boys agreed with you.
After school: (sorry for time skipping)
You and you're friends came to the mall. Shinso and your male friend were together then you and your female friend.
"Hey hey! Slow down." Your friend was gripping your hand. Dragging you to the nearest shop. Your friend ignored you, still dragging you to a shop.
"Hey stop it!" You yanked your hand. "Heh sorry, i was distracted. I was excited about prom!" "But it's 6 days left!" "Well I don't care! It's so near!" She whisper-yelled in excitement? "Your just excited in prom just because he's there right? As your prom date?" She blushed. "Well yes!" She said determined. Beep beep- A Notification buzzed to yours and your friend's phone
4:35PM ~Today~
Friend 1: Hey, bought anything yet?
Y/n: No not yet, Any luck?
Shinso: Mhm. You know we can see you at the other side right?
4:40PM ~Today~
You looked through the other side. You saw shinso and his 'companion' at the other side, who was already looking at both of you. You sheeply smiled, then got pulled again.
"Eh?! What is it now?" "He looked at me!" She fangirled. You knew they both liked each other. They just won't admit it. Shinso liked you which you didn't know since you were dense.
After shopping. You all planned to meet to the food court.
You were drinking you f/d, while they were eating snacks. "So watcha got?" You asked the boys. Eyes locking on them. "Clothes?" Shinso answered. You hummed. "How about you?!" She asked. "The same thing, clothes." She laughed. "So original." You rolled your eyes. Shinso smirked, holding his laughter. "See? Even Hitoshi believes in me too." You grinned. "N/n. Don't say something stupid." She said. "And i thought she could do a 'and that's how friend 1 and friend 2 got together! The end. End of story'" Shinso replied for you. "Wow, you had red my mind." You giggled. "Welp got to go. It's getting late." He said. "Ok bye." You and Shinso said altogether.
Few days later, a day before prom:
"So whose excited?!" She asked. "Definitely not me." Shinso exclaimed. "Hah? I thought you were going to prom." He said. "She forced me to." Shinso looked at you, who was on their phone. "Huh me?" You asked. "No her." Shinso joked. "Haha very funny." You faked laughed, rolling your eyes. "I'm going to go to the bathroom." She said. "Didn't you just got to the bathroom 5 minutes ago?" He asked. "Yeah yeah whatever." Then she left.
An hour before prom:
"Are you serious?! Isn't this a bit tight?" You curiosly asked. "It's just a red dress. Plus i made you more beautiful than me." She replied. "Yeah thanks for boosting me a bit." You said sarcastically "Welcome!" She shouted.
30 minutes later...
'30 minutes before prom... Kinda scared right now.' you thought.
Another 20 minutes later...
"10 minutes.." you muttered. You were... Nervous?. Well i guess that's how you say it..
7 minutes had passed. 3 more minutes left. The school was already open. You had to make an excuse.. “I need to.. Go to the bathroom!” You exclaimed, at the school’s entrance. “Ehhhh really? fine but don’t expect me of waiting you here, im going inside.” She exclaimed “Deal.” Then you just left, going to the bathroom. 
A few minutes had passed. Shinso has not seen you yet. “Hey, where is Y/n?” “Waiting for your prom date?” He quirked an eyebrow. “Prom buddy..” Shinso corrected. Shinso hid behind the two lovebirds because random girls kept popping out of no where and asked to dance with him and calling him ‘hot’ or ‘cute’. but he politely said no. 
Then you came. “Sorry i was a bit late! i went to the bathroom.” Shinso just nodded then as expected. the two lovebirds from earlier had already left you two. You looked at the suited boy, blushing a bit.
“You look cute in a suit Hitoshi.” You complimented
“Heh thanks, not bad yourself.”
Edited: July 16,2020
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getallemeralds · 4 years
explorers of arvus: shrine of the river drake / 6.15.20
to recap: im in a d&d campaign with the palanauts, solar, and a couple other friends that’s been VERY long-running bc our schedules are a nightmare.
a quick overview of the party: sieron (he/him), half-orc wizard (played by jorb) taure (she/her), half-elf paladin (played by penn) charlie (she/her), halfling sorcerer (played by us) thorne (he/they i think?), half-orc warlock (played by solar) silje (he/him?), tabaxi blood hunter (played by nyx) ...and michael, our long-suffering DM
our current goal: to explore arvus and kill undead! are we making progress on that? who knows!
we are shopping around for a guide! one of the available ones is a tortle that's currently in the bath and he doesnt wear clothes solar: well, if we walk in and he has his dick out, it wont be anything new
the other guide is an elf that mightve been the one listening in to thorne's infodump! she keeps getting in trouble w her adventuring parties bc she keeps getting distracted by archaology. HMM. I WONDER IF SHE'S GONNA GET ALONG WITH OUR PARTY, WHICH HAS AN ARCHAOLOGY NERD,
taure got a really bad hangover so she's stuck in bed and sieron is now the one driving the bus bc he's the protagonist
THE ELF (KALI KORANO) IS A SWEETHEART... WE GOTTA TAKE HER. she keeps getting ditched by adventurers and she is Wonderful and i love her
silly is planning to Kidnap kali (nyx started asking abt her weight and if silly would be able to carry her and it ended up being bc of being able to drag her along if she gets left behind)
HMM michael asked jorb if sieron had alter appearance up, and then to roll arcana and he got a nat 1 turns out: she's also doing a disguise spell! she's a drow masquerading as a woof elf. wo... wood elf.
summer: [head in hands] OH NO, I FORGOT TAURE IS RACIST (taure is not racist)
jorb: oh god, math. [camera zooms in]
[everyone gets distracted locating cats]
OUR PARTY IS HUGE. time to run out into the wilderness!
taure you cant keep doing this. taurE WHY DID YOU BUY 5 BOTTLES OF WINE,
okay so! we're out in the wilderness now. hopefuly we wont be eaten by river drakes or undead!
silly had to make a wisom saving throw against the zoomies
first fight w/ silly! charlie's opening move ws to drop a fucking FIREBALL on 4 ghouls & a shadowghast and... also. started a forest fire. WOOP
note to self: fireball is now banned from being used in forests.
on our way to camp valour! er. valor. currently passing by jarnhalla
summer: oh god, jorb, youre zooming in! michael: [gets very close to camera]
I T H I N K  T H A T 'S A N I N T E R E S T I N G I D E A summer: [LOSING SIER SHIT] michael: [leans back] [whispers] hello, welcome to my d&d asmr,
session may end early bc nyx's computer explodey ):
i dont remember how to take notes. @ future leos i am sorry
god i have no idea where we are. i am bad at paying attention bc my brain is occupied 75% by the motw campaign that also had a session earlier today so a lot of location description michael is doing is Not registering
we fell into a pit trap bc i wasnt paying attention and now i cant get out I GOT OUT
Thorne, Taure, And Silly Explore The Trap Dungeon
charlie tries to play cards with sieron while the rest of the party fucking DIES
charlie and sieron decided to catch up to the party by using gecko climb to bypass the traps (specifically sieron using gecko climb and carrying charlie) but we kept rolling GARBAGE and yet SOMEHOW made it. charlie is miserable. both silly and thorne got knocked unconscious once each
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charlie was on sieron's shoulders to help trap check some stairs and then they fell down and charlie is MISERABLE
charlie: [looks at sieron] [raises arms] UPPIES
i am. so tired.
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katiebug445 · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Marco!
so some context: im in the process of reading attack on titan before the fall and i fucking adore cardina baumeister with my entire fucking heart, he’s such a soft boy and my heart belongs to him and i want his little gay ass to be as happy as can be, so i thought, you know who else needs someone to be soft and happy with? marco. so mardina was born and i fucking adore this ship with my whole heart and they’re just CUTE together okay they fucking are so im posting this but whatever i don’t need to justify myself just take it
Cardina wanted nothing but for it to be special.
He and Marco had been together for just a little under a year, and it was the first birthday they were getting to celebrate as a couple. He’d been planning it in secret for months, buying little things here and there when he was able to go shopping on his own, hiding it away in the top of his closet, where he knew Marco never noticed things. He’d even gone so far as to message Marco’s best friend, a man named Jean who had always scared the hell out of him, for help in making the cake.
Cardina wanted to do it from scratch, to make something entirely homemade for his birthday, but he genuinely had no idea what he was doing, and Jean was a chef, so why not?
Once Marco left for work that morning, Cardina sprang out of bed and got started as soon as the car pulled away, pulling down all of the decorations and ingredients he’d picked up, and took everything down to the kitchen so he could get started.
He dumped everything out onto the table and began to sort it absentmindedly as he tapped around on his phone for a playlist that Marco had made for him of all of his favorite songs, and once it was playing, he tied his hair back and started ripping open packages. The decorating was one of his favorite parts of this stuff, figuring out the perfect placements for banners and streamers and every other little thing was always so much fun for him, he wished he had the chance to do it more often.
Once everything was how he wanted it, Cardina went back to the kitchen, bopping along to a cheery song that he knew Marco loved, and hummed along with it as he typed out a message for Jean, telling him he was ready for him to send over the easiest recipe he had on hand. While he waited for him to get back, he rounded up everything that he assumed he would need to make a cake, trying to remember all of the baking things that Marco used when they made box brownies and cookies.
He kept peeking over at his phone, but nothing had come through yet, and Cardina was starting to get impatient waiting for it. He tried to distract himself by tidying up some little things here and there, but that didn’t take nearly enough time up before he was back at his phone, cursing quietly to himself and wondering if Jean actually knew how to text at all, by the speed it was taking.
Cardina found himself wandering back upstairs with his phone in hand, deciding to go ahead and get dressed, and before he realized what he was doing, had one of Marco’s shirts pulled on, along with his favorite pair of pants and an old baseball cap that he’d been given by his boyfriend, and pulled his ponytail through the hole in the back. Finally, his phone dinged with a message, and a text long enough that it had to be broken up in three parts came through. Suddenly, he realized why it had taken Jean so long to get back to him: He’d written out a novel!
He quickly scanned over the recipe, still a bit intimidated despite this being an “easy” cake, and typed out a quick thank you to Jean before heading back downstairs so he could get started looking for the rest of what he needed. Unlike the boxed goodies that they’d made previously, this required a lot more ingredients, several of which they didn’t have. Panicked, Cardina sent another text asking if it would be okay not to use some of the stuff, and Jean explained that it could, thankfully, be substituted by a few things he did have on hand.
Cardina read over the beginning of the texts from Jean three times, just to make sure he had down everything that he needed, and got started, putting in as much care as he possibly could to every step, and smiled to himself when he was finished mixing in the wet ingredients. It looked good, if he said so himself, and felt a bit of pride in himself for getting that far in without messing it up.
Next came the dry parts, all of which he had ready in a smaller bowl, which he soon realized was a mistake. Everything went in nice and easy until he got to the flour, which was a lot lighter and dustier than anything else, and he made the mistake of dumping it in all together, which created a giant puff of white, which ended up all over his face, his shirt, and even, to his surprise, in his hair. Coughing, Cardina fanned the flour out of his face, and looked over the next bit of the recipe, which was to put everything in together, and mix it. Easy, he thought.
Seeing as the wet ingredients had the bigger bowl, he decided to dump the dry into it, but the bowl was heavier than he expected, and, once again, he was covered in an even bigger mess, and the wet bowl teetered dangerously on the edge of the counter with the extra weight and the momentum in which everything was dumped in.
Cardina yelped, holding the bowl with his hips as he dumped the rest of the stuff in, then hurriedly set the empty one down and moved the full one back to safety. That was entirely too close, he thought, and, because everything was so full, he decided to hand mix it rather than use the machine.
Twenty minutes, a sore arm, and an egg yolk stain on the front of his shirt later, he put the spoon he was using down, and was digging out the other mixer, wondering if it would be okay to use one beater, seeing as the other wasn’t where it needed to be. He decided it would be better than nothing, and plugged it in, at the last second deciding to put it on the lowest speed possible, which turned out to be the right move, seeing as how fast even that spun everything around.
Somehow, he managed to pull it off, and had a cake mix that looked as perfect as everything he found on the internet. Satisfied, he grabbed one of their cake pans and poured it in, which ended up needing to be split into two with the amount of batter he had left, but he thought that would be fine; that meant more cake for the man he loved more than anything. Cardina quickly scanned over the last bit of Jean’s messages, and decided to set a timer on his phone for when it would be ready, and popped them in the oven once it was ready.
While everything cooked, he cleaned everything up, himself included. He didn’t want to take off the shirt, seeing as it was comfortable and smelled like Marco, so he just brushed it off the best he could and settled for that being good enough. He did up the dishes, swept the floor, and cleaned off the counters, all while listening to his music, feeling happy and lighter than he had in awhile. He loved the idea of being able to do this for the love of his life, to be able to surprise him with nice things like this, and thought maybe, if this went over well, he could start asking Jean for more advice on how to cook things.
He hadn’t been keeping track of time, and only realized that something might be wrong when he began to smell something burning, and panicking a bit, checked the timer to realize that he hadn’t actually hit start. Cardina screamed, quickly shutting the oven off and grabbing the nearest cloths he could find to pull the pans out, cussing quietly to himself when the heat from the metal burned through the dishcloths and burned his fingers. He quickly set them on the counter to cool off, and his heart completely sank when he realized that they were all but ruined. The tops of the cakes looked more like charcoal, or the tops of their brownies than they did a lemon cake, and he sighed, his good mood completely destroyed.
He couldn’t even bring himself to ask Jean for help, he was so humiliated, and just stood there for several moments, looking at the burned mess of a surprise, and tried not to cry. Who was he kidding thinking he could actually pull this off? Cardina looked around at the decorations, and the happiness that they brought him earlier in the day turned to disgust, and suddenly they looked horrible, too close together and junky, and made him feel like he was trying too hard to impress his boyfriend rather than a genuine expression of his love.
Tears filled Cardina’s eyes, and he had half a mind to tear them all down, but when he got up to do it, a little thought stopped him: how touched Marco would be to see it, even if it was a huge disaster. He took a deep breath and looked around at the decorations one more time before deciding to leave them, wondering to himself how he’d been so lucky as to land someone as forgiving and kind as Marco was.
The cakes still bothered him, though. A lot. He left them where they were for the time being, and grudgingly decided to go out and just buy a cake for him instead. It felt like cheating, but he wanted to make sure Marco actually had something edible. So, Cardina bought a blank cake and a tube of icing, deciding to at least do the decorating on it himself.
Marco pulled up several hours later, exhausted from a long shift at the restaurant where he and Jean both worked, having worked a double shift to cover for his friend while he spent the day with his new fiance, Armin, and just sat in his car for a moment and tried to relax. He shrugged off his jacket and smock, and decided, just for the night, to leave his work shoes out in his car so he didn’t have to look at them anymore. Barefoot and exhausted, Marco walked up to the house with a paper bag full of food he’d been able to bring home for he and Cardina to share.
He opened the door, not surprised to find it unlocked already, and stepped inside. The first thing he noticed was the giant banner that said happy birthday written out on the wall behind the couch, and his heart lifted the tiniest bit. He was glad to see that at least someone had remembered his birthday after a long day of being bitched at by angry soccer moms on their lunch breaks, and then he realized that the rest of the room was decorated with streamers and even more banners.
“Car?” he called, the tiniest hint of a smile lighting up his face as he hung his keys and smock up on the hook by the door. “Did you decorate all of this?”
Cardina appeared in the doorway, then, and Marco couldn’t help but laugh at him when he saw how much of a mess he looked. His face, despite his best efforts to clean it off, still had flour smudges on it, and he noticed a few white spots in his ponytail that he hadn’t seen that morning, too. His shirt, he realized, was all but ruined, with flour and egg stains covering the front, but he couldn’t bring himself to be too upset with him.
“Hey,” Cardina replied, hurrying up to him and kissing him softly on the cheek. “Happy birthday.”
“Thanks.” Marco grinned, holding up the bag of food. “I brought dinner, in case you haven’t eaten yet. I’m sorry I’m home so late.”
“Don’t be!” Cardina said quickly, taking the bag from him in one hand, and his boyfriend’s hand in the other. “Come with me, we’ll heat this up and celebrate a little while you’re still awake.”
Marco let himself be led through the house to the kitchen, and felt his heart swelling even more when he realized that the whole house had been decorated for the occasion as streamers brushed against the top of his head. “You were busy today.” He commented happily.
“I was.” Cardina grinned, hurrying over to the microwave and pulling out the to-go containers to heat up. “Very, very busy, actually, and I think I deserve a kiss or two for my efforts.” He teased, unable to help himself.
Marco spied the cake sitting on the counter as Cardina spoke, and a huge grin lit up his face at the sight when he read the inscription on it. “I think you’ve earned a bit more than that…” He murmured, popping the lid off the cake and swiping a bit of icing off of the bottom corner, just so he could taste it. “This is good. Where’d you get it from?”
“The little grocery store down the street, I don’t remember the name. The new one.” Cardina replied, peeking back at him and feeling his mood lift the tiniest bit when he noticed how happy Marco looked over his cake. That was something, at least. “Do you like it?”
“I do!” Marco said, part of him wanting to be selfish and skip dinner just so he could tear into the cake and taste it. He still couldn’t believe that Cardina had gone through all of that trouble just for him, and it was touching in a way that he couldn’t describe. “Thank you, you have no idea how much I needed this after today.”
“I think I can guess, based on the look on your face when you were coming up to the house.” Cardina replied, putting the first of the dishes in the microwave before coming back over to sit with him for a moment. “Bad day?”
“No worse than usual,” Marco shrugged, leaning over and giving Cardina a kiss on the cheek. “Just a really rude party at lunch, and a couple different nasty ones during the dinner rush. But it’s okay.”
Cardina scowled hearing that, hating that Marco had to deal with that almost every day, and scooted his chair over closer to him so he could touch him, to comfort him as much as he could. “Screw them. How was it aside from that?”
Marco thought about that for a moment, not wanting to keep complaining about his day, and smiled a little when he realized that something good did happen. “It was worth taking the double shift.” He explained. “I guess Armin asked Jean to marry him tonight.”
“Really?” Cardina smiled, feeling a small wave of happiness wash over him for their friends, making a note to text them both in the morning to say congratulations, and ran his hand comfortingly over Marco’s back. “Good for them.”
“Yeah, I was relieved when Jean messaged me. It’s been too long co-” Marco broke off, then, his face scrunching up in confusion when he spotted their two cake pans half hidden behind a loaf of bread. “Car, what’s that?” He asked, pointing.
Cardina’s heart sank again when he realized that Marco had seen his failure, and with a sad sigh, went over to get the pans. “I tried to make you a cake this morning.” He explained. “But I think I’m just going to have to accept the fact that cooking isn’t what I’m best at.”
Marco’s heart swelled with even more love for his boyfriend when he heard that, and got up to stand with him, slipping his arms around him from behind and pressing a kiss to the back of his shoulder as he looked over the cakes. “What kind is it? Chocolate? It looks good.”
Cardina winced a bit when Marco said that, and shrank into himself some. “It… was supposed to be lemon. Your favorite.”
“Cardina…” Marco murmured, touched that he remembered that little detail, and squeezed him tight around the middle before pulling back and going to grab a knife from the drawer. He grabbed one of the pans and began to cut the cake out, much to Cardina’s dismay. He ignored his pleas for a moment and cut the top layer off, smiling a bit to himself when he saw the cake underneath the burn was still perfectly edible. “Well, look at that!” He smiled, his gaze flickering to the other man. “My boyfriend was sweet enough to bake me a perfectly edible cake for my birthday!”
Cardina’s lip wobbled a little when he heard that, and met Marco’s eyes for a second before the tears started to form, and he tried desperately to blink them back. He really had no idea how lucky he was to have someone as positive as Marco, and the fact that he’d even thought about trying to salvage the cake was making him more emotional than he could believe.
“Do you have any frosting for these?” Marco asked, fixing up the other cake as well.
“No, I… didn’t get that far. I saw they were ruined and completely gave up.”
Marco thought for a second before pulling out his phone, tapping around on it for a second before he found a good recipe for homemade frosting, and showed it to Cardina. “Want to make some?” He asked, smiling at him encouragingly.
With a little smile of his own, Cardina nodded, and while Marco got everything together, he went to get his plate out of the microwave so Marco could eat while they got started, and put his own in to get cooking. Once it was in, he grabbed his phone and put on the same playlist as before, hoping to improve both of their moods some while they got ready.
Marco grabbed himself a fork from the drawer and took a bite of food while he read over the recipe, nodding to himself and thinking that it would be fairly easy for them to do if they did it together. He smiled even more when he realized what song was playing, and shot a loving look towards Cardina, incredibly grateful for him and thinking he was so lucky to have such a thoughtful partner to spend the rest of his life with. “Hey, Car?” He started as the blonde made his way over to him.
Cardina slipped his arms around Marco’s waist and kissed him softly on the cheek. “What’s up?”
“I love you.” Marco said honestly, looking over at him again and feeling his heart swelling with affection. “I really, really love you, you know that, right?”
Hearing those three little words coming from Marco, even though they’d both exchanged them thousands of times over the last year, never, ever failed to send butterflies swarming in Cardina’s stomach, and he squeezed Marco a bit tighter around the middle when he heard them to confirm that he knew. “I love you, too, Mar.” He breathed, kissing him on the side of the head. “I really, really love you, too.”
“Good. As long as you know.” Marco grinned, leaning into the other man’s embrace for a few seconds before getting started on making up the frosting for them.
Cardina watched as Marco took control of the kitchen, providing support where he could, and found himself beyond grateful for Marco Bodt, for being such a generous, loving person, who genuinely appreciated a failed effort at making his birthday something special. He smiled, watching as he moved around the kitchen, humming along to the music and smiling hugely whenever their eyes met, and thought that, maybe, it hadn’t been such a bad attempt after all.
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mcthmanscousin · 4 years
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❛ ✶ ( BOOBOO STEWART , CIS MALE , HE/HIM )  —  did you see JOEL SAITO walking around campus earlier ? i hear a lot of people talking about the TWENTY ONE year oldSOPHOMORE . from what i know , they are studying UNDECLARED and are a part of DELTA PSI BETA . they come across as + GENIAL but also - AIMLESS , which makes sense because on their instagram ( @MOTHMANSCOUSIN ) it says they are an AQUARIUS . when i see them , i think of BLOWN OUT SPEAKERS THUMPING TAME IMPALA THROUGH A MARIJUANA-CLOUDED TOYOTA SIENNA, THE KISS OF SALT ON YOUR LIPS AND THE GRIT OF SAND BETWEEN YOUR TEETH AFTER WIPING OUT ON A PARTICULARLY ROUGH WAVE, & SPEAKING OF CRYPTIDS AS IF THEY WERE CHILDHOOD FRIENDS AND RECOUNTING CONSPIRACY THEORIES LIKE OLD BEDTIME STORIES. the most interesting thing i’ve heard about them though , is the fact that [REDACTED] , but don’t tell anyone i told you that .
howdy everyone, i’m kayla and i 100% chose the above gif bc it looks like booboo’s sarcastically saying “joel” and we love synchronicity in this house! anyway, it’s been over a year since i’ve been in a rp group, so i’m by all accounts rusty, BUT i’m good for plots and wiener dog pics, soooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. anyway, feel free to slide into my ims or like this post and i’ll hit up your ims and we can plot there or move the party to discord. whatever makes you most comfy :) and without further ado, lemme introduce this lil meme of a man:
Born in Oahu, Hawaii as the second child of a marine biologist named Jiro and a spa owner named Cynthia. Siblings are his brother Callum (23) and sister Jocelyn (20).
From a young age, his father instilled an interest for marine life in he and his siblings by taking them to tide pools and teaching them about the creatures that resided there. As the children aged, the boys found themselves venturing deeper into the water, taking up surfing lessons.
What started as a fun hobby that the brothers could bond over turned into a full blown sibling rivalry, one that Joel never seemed to have the upper hand on.
By all accounts, Joel was a talented surfer but never talented enough to place in any competitions. He’d laugh it off or offer a convincing “I’ll beat your ass next time” to his brother but years of taunting and poking and prodding at his inadequacy wore on him. Eventually he just stopped trying to be good at anything?
Easily distracted and disinterested in anything he wasn’t close to obsessed with, school never came easy to him. So, he just kinda stopped trying as much over the years, barely skating by with Cs. He and his friends would skip class, smoke weed, spray paint dicks on the cars of people they didn’t like, and just continually dare each other to do stupid shit.
Somewhere in the middle of all of this, Joel found something he was good at: entertaining. He had an impeccable ability to make his friends laugh by being a loose cannon who was down for absolutely anything. And admittedly, he liked the validation, so he just never said no no matter how ridiculous or illegal the suggestion was. He still carries this habit to this day. Peer pressure? A lifelong friend of Joel’s.
Life goes by fast when you’re not prepared for literally anything, and before Joel knew it, he’d graduated high school and had to make college plans. So, he applied to the out-of-state college one of his cousins was attending: Beaumont.
And he’s been a menace to the campus ever since. :)
Full Name: Joel Darwin Saito
Birthday: February 1, 1999
Sun, moon, & rising sign: Aquarius sun, Leo moon, Sagittarius rising
Enneagram: 7w6
Moral Alignment: chaotic neutral
Sexual & Romantic Orientation: bisexual/biromantic
Languages Spoken: English, some Japanese and Hawaiian Pidgin
He once broke his right leg and sprained his left ankle jumping off of his friend’s roof trying to land in the pool. His ankle still makes a weird clicking noise to this day.
Once tried to follow what he thought was a UFO he saw after drinking some shroom tea and got lost in a forest and was lost for like 3 hours until someone who was walking a trail found him lying on the ground, thinking he was homeless or dead.
The first seed of his love of mythology/lore/conspiracy/cryptids was actually planted when he watched “The Little Mermaid” with his younger sister. He had a lil crush on Ariel as a kid, going as far as to plan a life as a pirate in search of finding her and the two of them falling in love and spreading knowledge of ocean conservation efforts. His sister still teases him about it to this day.
Actually learned how to give really good massages from working part time at his mother’s spa the summer before he went away to college.
Wears a lot of Hawaiian shirts for the irony and will chastise someone for criticizing “the garb of my people” if someone has something to say about it.
Has a beta fish named Alpha and a Red Ear Slider Turtle named Madame Chickpea Stevens who he nicknamed Chicky.
Cousin: Admittedly, Joel’s parents have little faith in his ability to not get into trouble over dumb shit while being so far away. So, they probably asked his cousin to keep an eye out for him. Whether they enable him or prove to be a good influence? Your call.
Bros: Could be his frat brothers, could be friends in another frat or sorority. Regardless, these are his close knit friends who he hits up at 3a.m. to go get Burger King with him when he can’t sleep, do face masks after getting obscenely high together, or get into shenanigans they’ll regret the next day.
Ex(es): Could’ve ended because they decided they were better off as friends, could’ve ended because Joel can’t take anything seriously to save his life and your muse got tired of it, or could’ve ended for another reason entirely.
Hookups/Friend with Benefits: Self explanatory. He has needs.
Good influence: A friend who tries to have him take life seriously for 2 seconds and maybe consider his future because they’re concerned for him.
Tutor: Someone to help him cram before a test because he actually has to be there and take those.
Customers: Does your muse smoke weed and need a dealer? Well, here he is.
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