#i think i like it for the same reason i like codywan
literallyjustanerd · 7 months
sinking slowly into herahsoka hell
it's about the angst
it's about the second chance at love
it's about love in war and putting duty first no matter how much you want each other
it's about two incredibly competent, hot bisexuals
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dontbelasagnax · 3 months
Ok fine! You’ve convinced me! I’ll learn how to draw specifically so I can draw codywan kissing, you’ve spread your gospel successfully
How do you draw tho fr cuz I can doodle like, funky lookin birds but people is fully out of my depth send help
You've opened a can of worms asking me for art advice so *cracks knuckles* buckle up.
I sort of (only a little bit) use the Loomis method for easy head drawing. Here is a playlist of YouTube videos by Proko. Highly, highly recommend that channel for your art tutorial needs!
I start with a circle. For side profiles, I draw a line down the side of the circle to determine where the features will sit upon. I draw a triangular shape to mark where the orbital socket is. Around the middle point of the circle is where the jawline ends and the ear begins so draw a line there. There are proportion rules which are good guidelines when starting out in art but since I've been doing this my entire life, I have a feel for things and just wing it. That's to say, I put in a line implying the jaw based on vibes.
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Next, I draw the eyebrows and brow ridge. Then the nose. I find I majorly base my proportions on this area so if anything is off, it throws the rest of the face off.
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Then I draw the lips and chin... or in Obi-Wan's case, his beard. I will mark in his sideburns and hairline as well. Now, about ears: generally the top of the ear begins right around the top of the eyebrow and stops at the base of the nose. At this point I like to draw his eye, define the cheekbone, and refine the eyebrow. I'll finish scribbling in hair and that's it!
(Cody is much the same but I forgot to take useful progress pics 😂)
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Extended Art Advice 👇
Tip #1: Draw lightly. Do not ever grip your pencil tight. This only leads to pain. You will notice I didn't erase at all. This is partly because I know what marks to make because I've done it a million times before and also because my lines are soft enough I can make lots of them and choose to deepen the ones that work.
Tip #2: Practice, practice, practice. Artistic skill is just loads and loads of accumulated knowledge and muscle memory from practice. This sounds boring but, in reality, you should make it fun.
Tip #3: Draw from observation/USE REFERENCE! The only reason I can get away without using reference when I'm feeling lazy is because I've drawn the same things over and over enough times it stuck. Aka I did lots of practice.
Now, to combine all these tips together, let's talk about how to use reference and how to make practice fun.
Reference is a huge aid when drawing at any point in your art journey. But I've found that in order to learn from what you're looking at, you need to think critically.
You obviously have something you want to draw. Reference helps you with that. You'll start out trying to draw what you see. Eventually you will run into an obstacle where you've messed up and things aren't looking good. This is to be expected. Every time this happens, think about what isn't working and find solutions with your reference. Analyze your subject to find your answers. Draw it again. Do not be afraid of failure. Each time you fail, you must look for a solution and this will lead you closer to your goal. This is how you grow as an artist.
I know, it sounds dreadfully boring and like a shit ton of work. It is a lot of work but you can make it fun! You love Obi-Wan and Cody so make Pinterest boards of Ewan McGregor and Temuera Morrison. Whatever you want to practice (may that be eyes, mouths, hands, hair, the face as a whole, etc) draw them. Ever hear tracing is bad? Fuck that. It's a perfectly valid tool to help you learn. If you're drawing digitally, pull up your reference in the art program of your choice, lower the opacity a little, make a new layer and trace what you see. I honestly find tracing to be very hard so when I've done this, I prefer to try to find shapes that will aid me when I'm actually drawing. If you're drawing traditionally, you can print out the photo and trace over it with a tracing paper or use a lightbox. You can also up the brightness on your computer screen and tape a piece of paper and trace that way.
Photos aren't the only references you can use! You can always look to your favorite artists' work and try to figure out how they do it. Often artists will break things down into more easily digestible shapes that will help you better understand how things work. Remember, if you ever copy or trace someone's art, it is for learning purposes only and you shouldn't post it. Feel free to take elements of people's art that you like and put your own spin on it though. For instance: I really love how this one artist draws men's tits so I studied a bunch of their art and now I'm much better at drawing them.
Oh and did you think you only get practice in while studying? Wrong! There's no reason you should shy away from trying to make the art you really want just because your skills aren't the most refined. Spoiler alert: you will grow the most when you push yourself out of your comfort zone. Draw codywan kissing. Draw it really enthusiastically and through profuse swearing and gritted teeth... but never a clenched hand. Don't hold back from the fun stuff just because it's hard. Aim high, land low, and shoot even higher next time.
In the beginning it will be especially frustrating. You'll feel like everything you make is a failure and nothing works out. You'll feel like you're not making any progress. Trust me, you are making progress and I believe in you.
If something really isn't working out and you find yourself growing distressed, take a break. It might last an hour or a week. Just take the break. Don't push it. Come back with fresh eyes and less stress. We all have days where nothing comes out right. Sometimes I can't even draw anything resembling a human face. It's okay. Whisper-yell expletives at your artwork and take the break. It will be okay.
With all that said, happy drawing and even happier codywan kissing!! 🧡💋🩵
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So I have this mildly amusing concept in my head that follows my Codywan at a bar concept (that I don't think I've shared.) It would be really amusing if a bunch of horrible stuff happened and then the 212th and 501st all head back to coruscant together and Cody is all mopey and upset and distancing himself from obi wan for whatever reason and Rex is like 'dont worry we're gonna go to a bar tonight and make this better' and Cody is like fuck no, because Cody. And then Rex tells Fox and Fox, Mr by the book, is like oh yeah sure let's go and he's the one who picks Cody up and is like you're going. And when they get to the bar Rex is already there but he's got Anakin and obi wan with him and Cody is like...pissed at Rex and Fix because this was a set up. And all the sudden Quinlan appears out of nowhere, turns out fox didn't choose to come Quinlan said 'youre going, we're getting obi wan and Cody together, and we'll have a date night' and fox had like begrudgingly agreed for that reason. Cut to Rex is sitting awkwardly at a table with Cody And Obi wan, making sure they drink, and is also drinking himself and eventually Rex gets tired of them and goes and starts dancing with Anakin who hit the dance floor as soon as they got there. Cut to a little later, Cody is DRUNK. And obi wan is really drunk too, but he had gone off to the bathroom so Cody is still awkwardly sitting at the table people watching. Quinlan and Fox have long since disappeared. Anakin and Rex are like dancing so close they might as well be one person. And Cody's by himself. A club dancer comes up and Cody is drunk enough she convinces him to dance with her. Cody is in a State™️ and this girl just taught him how to dance. He's like out of it, that's how drunk he is, and obi wan comes back, also like super super drunk, downs another drink, and sees this club dancer hanging all over Cody and putting her hands all over him and having Cody do the same to her. So Obi Wan walks up to Cody is like 'mind if I cut in' and this club dancer is just like oh another hot man yeah sure and obi wan cuts in, but he doesn't dance with her, he starts dancing with Cody. Cut to Cody's memory pretty much blacking out and waking up the next morning in Obi Wan's bed at the Jedi Temple. He's confused at first because he's been in this room before but can't place it and then he realizes where he is. Obi Wan is awake and tells him good morning, both have horrid hangovers but the minute Cody hears Obi Wans voice he practically falls out of the bed and hits the floor, scrambling to put his clothes back on because he's just in a t shirt and briefs and he's freaking the fuck out cause he just woke up in the same bed as obi wan. Which it's not the first time he's fallen asleep near Obi Wan, but he also can't remember much of anything. So Cody rushes out the door, Obi-Wan calling after him (spoiler alert they didn't do anything they both just went back to Obi-Wan's place and crashed because they're old and boring even when drunk off their asses, but also they're in the middle of a war so they have every right to be exhausted.) And Cody goes rushing back to the barracks and practically pounds on Rex's door until he opens up. And when he does Cody starts talking real fast and Rex is like half sitting up watching him, not really as hung over cause he didn't drink that much, and has a higher tolerance than Cody cause let's get real he drinks way more often. And Cody is rambling and Rex is just like 'cody calm down it's okay, have a seat.' and Cody sits and puts his pounding head in his hands and is like 'I slept with Obi Wan.' but he doesn't know if they banged or not (they didn't.) And suddenly another person sits up in Rex's bed and suddenly Anakin is there and he's like 'what?! You slept with Obi Wan?!? Obi Wan slept with someone?!' and then chaos, hilarity, and angst ensues.
Like believe me, there's so much more to this idea but this much has me giggling.
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Codywan POTC AU ideas
Ok so people seemed to like the idea (and my lack of experience in actually making posts that reach people showed when I tried to make this post through reblogging and it didn't appear anywhere :') ) so here's what I currently have with some rough drawings!
Here's the original post I made about it
Ideas and drawings for AU below, please feel free to use!! No idea if I'll actually write something for it, the creature in charge of driving my brain will decide I guess.
Ok so, Obi-Wan fills the role of Elizabeth and Cody is Will in terms of who’s the governor’s child (or grandchild/ward here) and who is found floating at sea with a mysterious medallion and becomes a blacksmith. Going to deviate from the story a lot but needed Cody to have that blood importance link - you will see why later.
Dooku is governor who takes in his grandson Obi Wan as his ward after Qui-Gon’s death, then brings him with him to port royal (feel like Dooku is a good fit for all the colonisation/sugar plantations/definitely not the good guy the films presented him as considering Caribbean in the 1770s.) Obi-wan and Cody grow up keeping in contact and obliviously infatuated with each other as per films.
Not sure if there’s a Norrington equivalent here. Satine would probably be the easiest fit in terms of romantic triangle but couldn’t be an exact match as she’d never be a soldier even if we ignored period accuracy (no idea if I will or not) and a lot of his actions would be an insult to her as a character. Think it would probably be that Satine and Obi-Wan are dear friends who aren’t interested in each other romantically but are being pressured to marry because advantageous match etc. (Possibility of both getting into Methodism and abolitionism through that and that being their points of discussion, and the clash occurs when from start of events of second film Obi-Wan goes and begins to take a much more active route to abolition eg. Killing slavers and boarding their ships to liberate those inside. Satine being against the killing and violence etc but thats later on!)
For Captain Jack Sparrow, who better than the greatest space pirate of them all, Hondo Ohnaka! (Was considering having Quinlan Vos for it but feel like his moral compass is too strong honestly)
As in the films, black pearl (possibly renamed) attacks the port and Obi-Wan is taken aboard with medallion when he invokes parley and, when he gives his surname as Fett, is taken away as they leave. Barbossa I’m currently thinking is Maul (which ties in beautifully and absolutely not completely accidentally with the clone wars episode where Hondo’s crew mutiny him to join Maul) who is going to manage to get singularly obsessed with Obi-Wan by the end of the events of the first film where he is not actually dead/possibly reincarnated like Barbossa in the films but blames Obi-Wan for everything (which would honestly be more justified than the root of Mauls obsession in canon).
Cody breaks Hondo out to help him rescue Obi Wan, they assemble a crew on Tortuga. Various Jedi characters will be appearing as part of a large network of escaped slaves and outlaws (for various reasons) who want to help people in similarly difficult and/or dangerous situations. The Jedi have had dealings with Hondo before and essentially have a similar reaction to him as ghost crew in rebels - don’t trust him as far as they can throw him but often forced to work with him against their better judgement.
Plot progresses as first film but more oh the real villains are the colonisers (though Maul and his crew are giving them a run for their money). Find out that not only is Fett blood needed to break the curse since Jango was involved with initial treasure taking, but there’s a mysterious extra reason why people are wanting to get their hands on a son of Fett. Murmurs of gaining favours with others saying it’s bad luck to have one on the same ship as them. Jedi and Hondo who have known Fett are also reluctant to give their opinion when Cody asks what Jango was like.
Movie accurate romantic and sexual tension between obi-wan and cody, gonna say period accurate homophobia also playing its part in stopping them acting on it.
After being rescued from being marooned Obi-Wan promises Dooku he will marry Satine if they rescue Cody, then sneaks out of ship to help take the Pearl and then on to rescue Cody. If it is Jedi in the crew they may well go with him but otherwise same as film. Hondo persuades Maul that he should become a commodore and Mauls crew “take a walk”. Then events as film but Obi wan kills Maul.
When they’re back at port royal, Cody saves Hondo from execution and Obi Wan saves them both either through really banking on his power as Dooku’s ward/heir or sneaking them away with distraction (possibly even before execution date). I quite like the second option as there’s an opportunity for using smugglers tunnels and a first, desperate kiss as Cody escapes with Hondo to join the crew on the Pearl.
So ends first film as it were. Here’s some more rough drawings of Cody and Obi-Wan start of first film vs third film. I absolutely used a reference for that first drawing of Cody and I nabbed the obi wan base for the drawings from another piece I’m working on so sorry about style discrepancies!
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Second film! Satine and Obi-Wan’s wedding is taking place the next day and Cody, who has been writing letters back and forth with Obi-Wan , is waiting in the smugglers cave for him so they can run away together. But Obi-Wan never shows. Cody either hears at port or through Satine directly (who knew the plan to run away and was banking on the scandal meaning she could avoid marriage for a good while afterwards) that Obi-Wan has been taken into captivity by a Lord Palpatine/Sidious working for the interests of the East India Trading Company. The charges are for aiding and abetting pirates, his role in helping Hondo and Cody escape has been discovered apparently (maybe yes maybe no, Palpatine doesn’t give a fuck he just wants the compass). Cody somehow finds out about the compass being the wanted trade (Satine as a go between perhaps? Saying she’ll send hired men to get the thing that will save her fiancé?) and heads off in search of Hondo.
Hondo’s meanwhile been visited by an old friend to tell him it’s time to pay his debt, and the black spot appears in his hand. Surprise it’s not Jango! It’s Either Fox or Rex! Hondo scared shitless and runs ship aground on an island which is where Cody finds him and his crew at that time. (Do the Jedi help him get there??) Anyway think the island scenes will be more OFMD vibes than actual events of dead man’s chest.
Hondo tricks Cody into going onto shipwreck to search for key he’ll trade in return for compass. Flying Dutchman arrives and with it it’s captain, Darth Vader.
Another very rough drawing I added extremely rough shading to! Vader is combined Davy jones style with a vampire squid because 1) on brand 2) the membrane sections reminded me of the his mask. He’s wearing a bicorn hat which wouldn’t actually be the trend for another couple of decades but let’s just pretend Vader is incredibly fashion forward.
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Cody is alive and so not of interest to Vader, until Hondo, who Vader has sensed and has appeared in front of on the Pearl, tells Vader that he’s a Fett and so part of his payment of 100 souls. Vader scoffs that a Fett son is payment of another’s debt and can’t be used by Hondo, but Hondo replies that Jango Fett died on land and so has no need to settle his debt anymore. Vader finally accepts when Hondo tells him Cody is in love, giving him a fortnight to find the other 99 souls.
Cody hasn’t heard this on the other ship so first he hears of it is Vader basically telling him and welcoming him as another son of Fett. Cody is confused when Vader tells him he can join his brothers on deck, figures he means crew mates, but instead comes face to face with dozens of men who look near identical to him in various states of ‘fishification’.
More rough drawings! I spent too much time on these but they’re still rough so heck it. Only did Alpha 17, Rex and Fox for these ones.
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Alpha has been part of the crew for the longest time, as the first son that Jango Fett ‘paid his debt’ with. Torn between hair styles, but he’s turning into a great white shark. Alpha hasn’t known any life outside of the ship as he was barely walking when Jango took him to Vader. Jango essentially decided to settle his debt with Vader by making the souls to give himself because he’s a full out bastard. Mostly this meant one night stands and then showing up a few years down the line and promising to the mother he’d take care of the child.
Fox actually managed to live his life without Jango taking him as a child but it was still a hard life and he’s actually encountered Lord Palpatine/Sidious before. He doesn’t talk of that time but he has the brand on his neck from it (the pirate P). Either Palpatine killed him or eventually he either ran into Jango or those who knew of sons of Fett and believed that sending one to Vader would grant you favour from him/gain you a wish or something. It doesn’t, Vader just subtracts one from Fett’s debt. (Possibility of Palpatine killing Fox hoping to gain communication/favour with Vader?)
Rex is the most recent addition to the brothers in the crew aside from Cody. He’s only a couple of years younger and only a bit of fishification has started. He’s the most hopeful still of the brothers. He’s the one Cody trusts most and has as a confidant for his plan to steal the key.
Meanwhile Obi-Wan has escaped and disguised himself as a pirate. Manages to find Hondo and various Jedi. They may their way to island with the chest on it and Cody, who has managed to escape the Dutchman (name change pending) appears and fights Hondo.
Feel it would be kind of funny if Maul were to appear at this point and go all KENOBI, just to add to the chaos.
Vader is Anakin and fulfils the role of Davy Jones with Calypso being Padme (fun bit when they go to see her in her human form and they’re met by the handmaidens). Not a perfect fit as padme isn’t flighty and wild like the sea but hey ho. So Vader locked away his heart and trapped Padme in human form.
I honestly have no idea if the twins are running around somewhere or not and what they’re doing. Ashoka is definitely around somewhere as is Ezra and other rebels.
Had an idea of reincarnation or believed to be of Obi-Wan as someone Vader viewed as his in some way. Can either actually be reincarnation of just that they look similar/obi-wan is a descendant but Vader ends up obsessed with him which helps add validity when they pretend he’s Calypso/Padme.
Satine has been facing off with Palpatine and his cronies from a legal stand point but Palpatine isn’t playing fair or legal (particularly when he gets Vader’s heart (possibly delivered by Maul?)). Bo Katan would be sick to turn up and fight anyone and everyone.
Not sure if Jango is actually dead or not, but he had Boba and since he stuck around and loved his mother he thinks of him as his true child and has amazing cognitive dissonance to not be horrified and trying to rescue the others. But think he’s probably dead and boba’s running around somewhere not even aware how much danger he’s in (but possibly told by Jango not to tell people his real surname).
Oh also! Note on initial drawing - so I imagine that occurring with Mace Windu filling the role of Barbossa in the wedding scene!
Anyway hope there’s something in here that intrigues people!
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frostbitebakery · 2 months
I'm so in love with all of your art. My favorites have to be Codywan, Cody and Obi-Wan separately, and your cursed series art.
May I ask how you came up with the idea for the cursed commanders and Boba Fett series?
Ahhhh this message was the best way to wake up! Thank youuuu 💜💜💜
The Unlucky Ones, my beloveds! That one started like all the others: I went “lmao wouldn’t it be cool” and then it grew into a monster of a concept and venus flytrapping @adiduck in the process.
TUO started because for Halloween I had already Eldritched Obi-Wan so it was Cody’s turn.
I love character design. I like to play around with the given themes or throw them into the ocean and do my own thing. So every time for character designs it really does start out like, “I want to draw that character in these clothes”. There’s no plan. That always happens along the way.
For TUO!Cody I wanted him scary but still being Cody. I thought about typical Halloween things and went with skeletons. Mainly because of the white armor and I thought how cool it would look if the armor was shaped like bones. But I didn’t want the armor to look scary, I wanted him to look scary (and badass) (and like a sexy bastard). While looking for bone refs, I saw enough skulls in different positions. Some of them looked like they were screaming, howling. And I thought, duuuuuuuuude. Duuuuuuude. A skeleton projection rising out of Cody and growing taller and lifting its arms and rushing forward with a scream while Cody stands there like 😎??? YES. LET’S DO THAT.
So the concept of the Curse was born.
It always starts as a visually appealing concept. I try to make sense of my decisions later.
For the other Commanders I thought about how to apply the Cody concept art on them. I didn’t want to copy paste the armor design. But I also wanted them to visually belong together in the same verse.
The designs should be distinct and representative of each character. Even if some details seem questionable at first glance, I always want them to make sense in context. So I add snippets to basically explain myself.
Wolffe’s armor in canon went from red to grey in grief and is rather neat with stenciled designs. For TUO!Wolffe I wanted to up that grief given what Wolffe goes through in TUO. The grey canon design turned into rotten fabric and veils. Which turned Wolffe into a banshee-inspired design. The armor design is reminiscent of those fluttering torn fabrics that indicate a tragedy happened here and the grief is ever present. Going with the banshee and with how I deformed Cody’s face, Wolffe got a deformed jaw (think The Mummy when the corpse screams) which he hides behind a bandana.
Adi suggested beauty in decay for Bly. So he’s got flowers growing out of him. And I desperately needed a reason for him to tell Aayla “General, hold my flower”.
Fox has a deformed back which is only known so far to Adi and me. He started with the little white tufts of hair bc I love that on him and wanted it for TUO!Fox. By then it was already established that their hair goes white with each death. So that meant if I wanted the Fox ears, Fox had to have died twice already. Things like that were the reasons the backstory avalanched into a monster. And suddenly you go from “aww, the white hair looks like ears so cute!!” to “actually Cody killed his brother in training because how the Curse was genetically modified and added to the Commanders makes them go into a berserker state” to “the non-command class clones have instated containment protocols for when a command clone goes berserk”.
Now Ponds. Ponds had to survive. I’m not spoiling his whole story but his character design was inspired by “rising like a phoenix out of the ashes”. So his armor has bird bones and wing bone structures. And with how he looks, his backstory makes perfect sense and is heartbreaking.
Boba was a request by a dear friend. He’s not cursed in TUO canon but my friend loves the design so much she asked if I couldn’t do a Boba design. So I did.
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amikoroyaiart · 9 months
I followed you a while ago for a gorgeous codywan piece. Today, I was randomly browsing cod content only to unknowingly land on your blog again and realize the most stunning soapghost art comes from you as well. Your art is amazing. You are amazing! Please keep going. <3
Thank you for your message! I am very happy to hear that you like my codywan art and ghostsoap as well!
There is something similar in these two ships. I can't pinpoint what exactly but for some reason they give me the same vibe. I feel like I am not the only who thinks that with seeing many codywan artists in COD fandom now (which makes me incredibly happy btw!)
Have a nice day <3
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r-2-peepoo · 2 years
I think Codywan has such a wide appeal and is only growing in popularity (even if they’re still pretty small compared to how huge the whole fanbase is) bc they have a canonical close friendship built on a deep mutual trust so there’s already a foundation for a relationship there (there is the dilemma of ranks but it’s less of an issue imo bc we know Obi Wan isn’t the type to cross anyone’s boundaries like that) but also because it’s simultaneously far enough removed from canon (we see less of them together than other pairings, romantic or otherwise, but still enough that it doesn’t feel forced) that you get quite a lot of creative freedom with them. This works even better when you realise both of them are very reasonable, levelheaded people which explains why so many of the fics about them are just pure fluff or at least hurt/comfort. They provide the best sort of escape from the immediate angst of canon which is why cosy romance really suits them. They’re both also pretty tragic characters and sort of embody the overall tragedy of the entire story in a way so, while angst also works really well, picturing a sadness-free ending for them is always lovely.
Obi Wan’s pain obviously gets more of a focus in canon, what with him being a main character, so it’s so nice to see someone like Cody be able to relieve him of some of it, or at least help him cope. The idea that when you rewatch A New Hope, you could have in the back of your mind that he actually wasn’t alone all that time is just really reassuring to think about.
But also the benefit of seeing so much of Obi Wan is that we know what he’s like as a person really well and so we know he would do exactly the same thing for Cody, hence the real potential for balance in their relationship. I do not think Cody’s pain gets focused on nearly enough in canon (that goes for all of the clones honestly) or in fics, but we can feel safe knowing that if Obi Wan were real, he would be the most accommodating, patient, compassionate person anyone could ever have as their partner or their friend or anything else.
I know I’m just stating the obvious here but there is so comforting about two genuinely kind, good people having a healthy, balanced relationship and that’s why literally no one else compares to them imo. Ik not everyone captures this balances in every fic, but that’s how I view their canon dynamic and how it translates to fanfiction. There doesn’t need to be toxicity because they know how to communicate. They’re definitely both still melodramatic, I mean they are Star Wars characters after all, but it never has to swerve into being unhealthy. They feel like if the feeling of a hug was captured in a ship.
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Just a soft little fic of codywan sharing a moment in the rain :)
The rainforest fulfilled its promise as clouds gathered overhead and rain poured down. Obi-Wan and Cody had been waiting for their intel for hours, pacing between a triangle of trees.
They had agreed to meet with their source at coordinates two klicks inside the forest, and they had been waiting for hours, sitting by a makeshift fire to counteract the cool air. Obi-Wan had watched the sky as dark clouds rolled across the sky, “We should find somewhere to take cover while it passes.” He muttered as a drop of rain landed on his forehead.
Cody watched fondly as Obi-Wan blinked rapidly, smiled, and wiped it away with the pad of his thumb. “Sure, General. I saw a cave just over there.” Cody pointed to where he could see it far in the horizon between the sweeping trunks of the tall trees.
“Ah perfect, Cody. You’ve always had a keen eye.” 
Cody watched Obi-Wan’s lips curl into a frown as they walked. He kept eyeing the sky like it had done something to personally offend him.
“Something wrong, Sir?” Cody asked, looking up through the leaves of the trees to see if there was something he had missed. 
“I’m afraid storms here can take a few hours. Our contact will be late, I’m sure.” Obi-Wan shrugged, then looked back toward the cave they were rapidly approaching, “I suppose we will have to wait.”
“We need the intel; I’m sure General Skywalker can hold things down at the base.” Cody replied, hoping his reassurance would do something to quell Obi-Wan’s concerns. Cody himself was unconcerned; he was not opposed to taking a few hours to sit and relax. The war was long, and brutal, and ever stretching him to his limits. He knew Obi-Wan felt the same, though he was less likely to admit that. 
Like Cody, Obi-Wan felt an urge to protect, and that urge led to pushing himself until every bit of his energy had all but dissipated. 
A few hours, alone in the forest, wasn’t a bad thing. If not for the reason of rest, Cody would never complain about more time with his General. Obi-Wan was a beacon of light in the darkness. He was a soul that glimmered like gold even on the cloudiest days. It was hardly something to ignore
They approached the cave with caution, Obi-Wan entering first with his lightsaber lit and eyes scanning over the features of the walls and loose stones for signs of life. He waved Cody in after a moment, and then went to sit on a flat rock close to the ground. Cody followed suit, sitting next to him on the ground. 
It was then the rain picked up, pulsing against the ground like raining blaster fire. “Quite the weather.” Obi-Wan said with a chuckle, “Can’t imagine I’d want to live here if it was just going to rain all day.”
Cody laughed, a smile creeping onto his face without permission, “What? You don’t like getting mud all over your kit? Don’t like your tunics soaked with water?” 
Obi-Wan shook his head and water droplets fell from his unruly auburn hair and trickled down the sides of his face into his beard. “I can’t say that I do.”
Easy silence fell over them, as if often did. Cody never considered himself one for small talk, and Obi-Wan never seemed to mind. They sat for several minutes, and Cody watched the rain splash into the mud.
For once, his mind was quiet, free from all the noise of blasters and the vode and the endless reminders of the next battle to come. He basked in it, letting his thoughts dissolve into nothingness for only a few seconds before they were back to Obi-Wan.
Copper hair and blue eyes.
But he wasn’t just that, he was intelligent and kind, more compassionate than Cody had been expecting when he’d first seen the General’s little glowing picture the day he was assigned to the 212th. Cody had grown to allow himself the occasional privilege of a moment of appreciation for him.
Obi-Wan looked out on the muddy forest, something between fondness and regret written on his face. Cody found him hard to read. 
“What are you thinking about?” Cody asked quietly, his voice only just loud enough to be heard over the pounding rain. 
“Thinking about? Oh, nothing really.” Obi-Wan answered too quickly with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. 
“You’re lying.” Cody said pointedly, “Really, what’s on your mind?” 
Obi-Wan sighed, then turned where he sat on his stone, “Sometimes I wish I could enjoy moments like these more, but for some reason… I can’t.”
Cody wanted to say he already knew that, but restrained himself. “Why can’t you?” He asked instead.
Obi-Wan nearly snorted, “I’ve never been good at stopping. I hate when things hang over my head, just waiting for me to complete them. I suppose there will always be something I have to do.” The General shook his head.
“You’re right.” Cody said after a pause, because Obi-Wan was right about everything he’d said. But it didn’t have to be that way. “But what if you could learn to enjoy doing nothing?” 
Obi-Wan considered that for a moment, then offered a shrug, “I’m afraid I don’t have a teacher.” 
It was the invitation Cody had been waiting for, “I can teach you. Let’s start now.” He stood up, shucking his pack where it was still strung on his back, and pulled his bucket off of his head. “Come with me.” 
He held out his hand to Obi-Wan, whose eyebrows were raised, “Where are we going?” He asked as he took Cody’s hand, slotting their palms together like it was always meant to be that way to begin with.
“Out there. In the rain.” Cody clarified, and began to pull his arm. Obi-Wan made a noise of protest, “Oh, c’mon, we’re already soaked, what’s a little more water?” Cody offered a smile, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks when Obi-Wan shook his head in defeat. 
“If you insist.” 
“I do.”
And then they were out in the rain, running through the mud without abandon. The rain cascaded over them quickly, little droplets running down Cody’s face and soaking through his hair. Obi-Wan dragged a hand through his flattened locks where they stuck to his forehead and pulled them back over his head. 
“Now what?.” He yelled out, though his eyes smiled.
“Let’s dance.” Cody yelled back, and took Obi-Wan’s other hand. Obi-Wan’s cheeks grew red when Cody pulled him close, their chests almost touching. 
It was clumsy, Cody’s feet moving in the opposite directions of Obi-Wan’s and their arms entangled at strange angles, yet, at the same, it felt equally natural. Obi-Wan laughed, eyes brighter than Cody had seen them in a long time. Cody let his own laughter out in loud sweeps when Obi-Wan accidentally stepped on his toes. 
“You’re a terrible dancer, Cody.” Obi-Wan said after he caught his breath.
“Oh and you’re so much better.” Cody rolled his eyes and dropped Obi-Wan’s hands so he could wrap his palms around Obi-Wan’s waist. 
They stood close together now, completely still.
Obi-Wan’s breath felt warm against the water droplets painted on Cody’s face. 
Their eyes locked and Cody’s heart melted in his chest.
“Commander.” Obi-Wan spoke in a whisper, his head leaning in, just brushing against Cody’s forehead. 
“General.” Cody responded feeling the compulsion to lean in, to feel every part of Obi-Wan. 
Obi-Wan’s lips were chapped, his beard ragged from a week without a shave, but under Cody’s gaze, he was the most beautiful he had ever been. It took Cody’s breath away. Obi-Wan’s cheeks were red, and he opened his mouth like he might say something, but there wasn’t anything to say, not anything that could cut the electricity that burned in between them.
So Cody leaned in, breath brushing across Obi-Wan’s lips.
Closed his eyes.
And suddenly everything was as it always should have been all along. Obi-Wan’s lips were soft against his, a feather-light touch, but it sent a shiver down Cody’s spine.
It was only a moment, and they pulled apart, Cody’s eyes searching Obi-Wan’s for something like approval or disdain or surprise.
“I–hello.” Obi-Wan said, with a hint of a smile. Cody reached out to swipe away a few droplets of water with the pad of his thumb.
“Hi.” Cody replied.
Their staring continued until Obi-Wan cleared his throat. 
“I think I’ve learned how to enjoy doing… nothing.” Obi-Wan said, taking a step back so Cody could see his face, see the redness that had gathered around his neck crawling up into his cheeks and forehead. “You’re quite a teacher.”
“Oh? That’s all it took to teach you how to relax?” Obi-Wan smiled brightly, brighter than both Tatooine suns in the middle of the afternoon. 
“I’m a fast learner.” 
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notthestarwar · 5 months
does ‘the island’ also contain rats by any chance??? Will you talk about any wips you have that may feature rats? 🥺👉👈
You know all about rat island lol that's OUR baby
OK. For the uninitiated. Where to even begin lol.
So it all starts with a gremlins fueled haze. We'd watched the scooby doo movie earlier that day and au thoughts had been lit. Add codywan, my need for begrudging Anakin and cody buddy team ups, and the servers pet rat: it was a recipe for a fever dream. The gremlins music at 1am really just stoked the fire.
So the premise is: no order 66. It's post war, they're not quite at that happy ending yet. There's a feeling that they've all dodged a huge bullet. Cody is learning to live. Obi Wan has taken a sabbatical to figure things out post war. Anakin has been divorced, lost custody, and rejected the Jedi's help. He's a hot mess. He's trying to figure out who he is, in the most messy 'I'm 23 and didn't do any of this when I was 19' kind of way. He's partying. He's become a student. He's messing up in all the mundane ways that you can think of.
Then, he gets a mysterious invite to a all expenses paid resort. It's suspicious as hell, he pays that no notice. He's spiralling.
Now. The resort. Is rat themed. Don't think about that too hard. It's like Disney but it's rat themed and it's adults only so there's lots of rat bars ect and it's on an island. It's like the resort in the scoobydoo movie but it's more disneyfied and capitalist and also all of the rats are terrifying. Like. We have a storyboard of the worst rat costumes I could find (including our fav pet rat obviously) and that's the inspo we're working from here
Now if you're new to rat island you probably think that's the end. Oh no. That's just Chapter 1.
This is based on the scooby doo movie afterall. There's a sith conspiracy on the island. There's bodyswapping. AND. There's a dog.
i'm going to share 2 snippets of it. cause i love it too much to decide.
"Cody had always prided himself on his propensity for research. He was not one to walk in to a situation unprepared. As soon as they’d heard of Anakin’s trip, he’d done some digging.
Rat island was a combination of theme-park and party island, located on the beach planet: Muridae. The resort was, in its entirety, dedicated to a small mammalian creature native to the planet Eukaryota--which is not even in the same system.
Supposedly, the park was based around an ageing cartoon show that had only grown in popularity with civilians during the war, the war had brought many things, a wave of rat based nostalgia was maybe less expected than others.
Despite all his research, nothing could prepare him for the reality of it. As they leave the lander Cody finds himself in a corner of the galaxy he’s rarely had reason to imagine, let alone see. A place of over indulgence, excess and noise.
It isn’t one of the strangest places he’s found himself, Cody had seen weirder things during the war. Not many, but still, some. On one of the strangest planets. But this was maybe one of the least familiar. Kamino had never prepared him for this.
When they stepped out onto the landing platform, Obi Wan looked far too pleased. Cody only scowled.
He wished he’d listened when he was told to bring sunglasses but was utterly unwilling to admit it. Once, when he wore armour wherever he went he had a built in visor, he had tints! He squinted in the sun. Civilian life really was grim sometimes.
“Isn’t this nice.” Obi wan said, looking down at the nearby beach.
“We aren’t staying.” Cody told him shortly.
“Of course not dear, we are just here to collect Anakin.” Obi Wan agreed.
Cody gave him a suspicious side eye.
“Is the sun getting in your eyes, dear?” Obi Wan asked, tilting his head and looking at Cody through his own sunglasses, ridiculous bug eyed things.
“No. Not at all.” Cody lied.
Obi -Wan gave him a long look. Cody ignored it.
Eventually, Obi-Wan he spotted a map. “Ah look. Over here Cody. Look! There's a gift shop.”
“No.” Cody told him, flat, No gift shop.”
Obi Wan gave him a sad look.
“No.” Cody said again. He squinted at the map. “Where is the security office.”
Obi Wan sighed. “To the west.”
“Right lets go.”
Obi wan gave a pitiful sigh. Cody ignored that too.
Cody knew very well they’d be visiting one of the islands many gift shops before they left this forsaken place, there was no need for him to give in so early; Obi wan would only take advantage of such a weakness.
As they round the corner, a person dressed in a loose fitting grey costume, their whole head obscured by that of a rat, seems to pop-up out of nowhere, scaring the shit out of Cody.
“Have a Rat-tastic day!”
Cody will not be having a Rat-tastic day. He finds himself uncertain of what exactly a Rat-tastic day is, but he does know that he will most definitely not be having one."
Next, in this snippet, they finally visit the gift shop:
"Dear. Just pick a pair."
Cody continued to look at the sunglass stand in affront.
"I don't need any."
"Yes." Obi Wan gave him a stern look. "You do."
Cody gave the stand another spin, increasingly offended. "Does every pair have a rat?"
"Well…" Obi-Wan was looking towards the counter, where a sign declared that they where standing in an establishment of 'Rat-tastic Gifts'
Cody just scowled. "Why does the sun have to be so bright?" He made an irritated noise. "This place!" He huffed. "Couldn't Anakin have picked anywhere else?"
"Well, he was invited…"
"He had to accept! Who would accept an invite to Rat karking Island? Only Skywalker. Who would invite Skywalker to a Rat Island in the first place? The whole place seems like some demented way to torture people." He grumbled a few choice words under his breath.  
"Fine!" Cody picked out a pair with the least obstructive rat he could find, only a small metal rat shaped medallion on the end of each arm and a rat print that was, thankfully, reserved for the inside of the arms only.
As they made their way to the counter he caught Obi-Wan looking towards a display showing one of the worst rat costumes Cody had ever seen. It was made out of a kind of plush velveteen fabric that was quite frankly, monstrous. The thing was made of far too much material, giving it the appearance of wrinkly skin. And to add insult to the injury of having to see this thing (and see it he had, the staff in this place roamed the paths dressed in a collection of eclectic rodent outfits) the face was… The eyes. They boggled. The whiskers, were wonky. It was barely recognisable as a rat. 
"NO."  Cody managed, as he marched them to the counter. 
"Feeling ratty?" The twilek at the counter greeted with a bright smile. 
Cody swallowed a small amount of bile. "We are not." He grunted. 
The shop assistant seemed slightly caught for words, his lack of enthusiasm halting her usual script.  She looked to the sunglasses down on the counter. "Ah. Soon!" She threatened, with a smile. 
When they left the shop,  Obi Wan burst in to laughter.
"Soon!" Cody repeated. "I karking hope not. This place is like a cult."
Obi-Wan took one look at his face and burst in to renewed wheezes.
rat island is...ongoing. in the meantime, @felixeis003 has created an amazing piece of art of it here:
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toska-writes · 1 year
hello i just find u'r blog and immediately fall in love with u'r works, i just want to say thanku so much for all u'r beautiful writings! it's just not easy to find platonic fic and I'm really grateful to find u'r blog 😭❤️ if u don't mind please make more codywan x padawan reader, no pressure tho only if u want it. once again thanku and have a nice day love 🥺❤️❤️
Thank you! I love this ship sm
“Dinner Party”
Paring: Codywan x padawan reader (Platonic)
Warning: mentions of food and eating if you don’t like that kind of stuff but nothing else
Word count: 1189
Notes: so I didn’t do a great job with the Codywan and it’s mainly just Cody so…. I’ll have to give this prompt another go
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Obi-wan tapped his foot absentmindedly under the table. Over and over again. You seemed to be the only one to notice as the rest of the room was filled with loud chatter from the many different senators.
Looking around for a second it seemed that Cody had also taken an interest of Obi-wand nervous habit- it was quite hard for a young padawan and a Clone commander to find common ground with the many different people that filled the room.
Of course your master didn't seem to have the problem when he wasn't lost in thought.
You had to admit Cody looked quite odd in a military uniform instead of his sunburst armor that apparently can come off. But a change in pace can be good sometimes.
As your master came back to reality since he wasn't really invested in what a highly decorated senator was saying he looked between the two of you clearly puzzled by your stares. "Is something wrong?"
Both you and Cody made eye contact and a huge smile played at you lips. "Oh no Master I was just wondering how you view Senator Gunrays insights on Coruscant and weather you believe in any of them."
He stared at you for a moment then shot a quick look at the person you were talking about.
A quick nod from him then he said. "Oh yes my young padawan it seems he did say some very interesting things." He fished around his mind for some words. "You can learn many things from the people around you if you just listen."
Cody leaned over from your left side giving Obi-wan quite the look who was sitting to your right, basically asking if he was serious.
"Any more insightful tips to give your padawan sir?." Cody said in quite the formal voice but his eyes said other wise.
"I'll let you know when I think of another dear" was all he quipped back when the clatter of dinner trays filled the room.
You felt a slight nudge to your shoulder as Cody leaned closer to your ear. "Thank the maker I'm starving."
You really could only nod in response since you were also ravenous and a plate full of food was being sat down in front of you.
It was your turn now to give your Commander a quick nudge as you looked to see his eyes blow wide, taking in the abundant food.
Looking at your own plate you felt sort of.... Disappointed?
Not that you weren't grateful to be sitting in a lavish room full of very important people about to eat a full meal that just came out hot, because you were.
The food just didn't seem right for you.
A lump of grayish blue mystery food sat towards the edge of your plate decorated with unusually green ferns.
The main course was- using your best guess some sort of fish. Forks and drinks clanked together as you watch many others enjoying what seemed to be the same meal, but the smell that wafted through the air from your plate made you question if they were really enjoying it.
It would be rude if you didn't eat it though right?
Picking your fork up after choosing what you hoped was ‘the right one’ from the multiple that sat beside your plate you gathers some of the food onto the fork.
To your right Cody clearly was trying to slow down but when all you get is ration bars this must be heaven. This was one of the many reasons you discovered as to why Obi-wan fought so hard for Cody to sit next to everyone at this party as an equal and not just a soldier.
The smell got stronger as it travels closer and closer to your face. I don’t want to be rude, you thought once again and stuffed the dinner into your mouth.
In that moment it finally answered the question of what the underside of a Bantha would taste like.
It traveled roughly down your throat leaving an odd burning sensation in its place.
“Are you alright Y/N” Obi-wan turned to you now as he once again somehow stomached the food in front of him.
“Oh yes master, just taking my time enjoying my food.” You reluctantly scooped another bite and ate that too under the watchful eye of your master.
Before he could respond a loud senator near the head of the table called for Obi-wan to be apart of whatever they were discussing. Weather it was an act under the influence or sober was up for debate.
You were grateful that something on the table was familiar and you downed that water like there was no tomorrow.
The need to eat food and the fact that it was gross was fighting with eachother inside of you as you took yet another bite.
If you didn’t want to scare the senators off by throwing up all over the table you decided for the best that that was your last attempt to be nice.
With a huff you leaned back in your care, crossing you arms over your front. “Not a fan of the food sir?” Cody inquired setting his cleaned off fork nicely on the plate that matched it.
The best answer you could give was a simple nod then you had to add.” Since I’m telling you Cody it tasted like absolute bantha shit.”
Cody laughed at your remark nearly knocking over a few glasses in the process. The odd looks from other senators went unnoticed by the pair as they continued to laugh.
“I’ll have to be honest Y/N I think it was that too.” Cody added after you collected yourself.
“I can’t believe you ate that.” You laughed again. This conversation seemed more like two siblings joking at the dinner table then it did two commanders pretty much sitting in at a political meeting, strange how somethings are.
“I think I have a few snacks on the ship if you didn’t like the food but I’m afraid I can’t get them now.” Obi-wan added under his breath when he finally got away from the talking for a few moments.
“I can mange until then but thank you master.” Without another word and before being pulled back into another ‘very interesting’ conversation Obi-wan pulled some of your untouched food onto his own plate.
“No need to offend the chef now.” He spoke before his name was called yet again.
You felt Cody shuffle beside you, digging in the pockets he wasn’t every used to and tried to find something.
After a moment and satisfied with what he found he slid you something across the table. “Taste like sand but it might be a little better then nothing at all.”
You couldn’t even spare a question as you opened the ration bar and started eating it right away. “Is that the only thing you could find to fit in your pockets since a blaster wouldn’t do it?” You asked with a smile.
“Oh no Crys is just a picky eater.”
Taglist: @arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97
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setaripendragon · 1 year
Sunlight by Hozier - in Mando'a
If you remember this post where I translated I See Fire into Sindarin, you probably won't be all that surprised by this. I've fallen head-first into the Star Wars fandom (admittedly second-hand, but still), and of course, being me, I went straight for the conlangs. Mando'a might not be the most fleshed out language of the GFFA, but it is the one with the most Culture, at least in the fandom, so it's the one I gravitated to. And honestly, I really like how... brisk it is? It drops unnecessary pronouns and verbs, barely bothers with tense at all, and contracts everything. It's so much fun to play with.
Sunlight isn't the first song I started translating into it (that would be Born For This from the Spiderverse movie), but it is the first one I've finished, because matching Mando'a to English scansion is hell. It struck me as a very Codywan song, which is why I picked it to translate (yes, I do imagine Obi-wan composing/singing it in honour of Cody pretty much every time I listen to it).
I did have to make up a couple of words because the dictionary I use didn't have even a near-equivalent to the concept I was looking for, and those will be marked with a * and I'll add the 'etymology' of them at the end. (If anyone knows any other Mando'dictionaries, throwing me a link will win you my undying gratitude.) I also had to get creative with my interpreations of the meaning of certain lines, since, just to pick the most obvious example, Mandalorians probably don't have the myth of Icarus like we do.
Any feedback, advice, or just general linguistics flailing is always welcome. Now, without further ado, here it is:
Tran'nau* (Sunlight)
Ni ru'nevor nau (I shunned the light) Ru'medinui naak be ca'tra (I shared in the peace of night) Ni nu'mirdi ba'slanar (I wouldn't think to leave) Par tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (For sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Tion'ad karta nu'redal (Whose heart doesn't dance) Dar'shekemi tra be ca'tra (Wouldn't abandon the stars of night) Sha solyc hettyc haa'it (At first burning vision) Be tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Of sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Ni r'echoyla ba'gar, tran'nau (I was lost to you, sunlight) Ru'miy sa kisen* ba'gar, tran'nau (Flew like a moth to you, sunlight) Ner tran'nau (My sunlight)
Gar kar'tayli tran'nau (Your love is sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Your love is sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Gehat'ik arasuum (The tale remains the same) Ru'rejor bal ven'rejor (Told before and told again) Runi ru'got* lo ciryc pitat (The soul that's born in the cold rain) Kar'mir tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Knows sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Mar'e lis dinuir gai (At last I can give a name) Ba tracin haaranovyc (To a hidden flame) Sa kar'tayli darasuum (As love/knowing forever) Ner tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (My sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
An tengaana ba'ni, tran'nau (All that's displayed to me, sunlight) Ratiin kar'mir ba'ni, tran'nau (Is always known to me, sunlight) Ner tran'nau (My sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau (Your love is sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Your love is sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Gar kar'tayli tran'nau (Your love is sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Your love is sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Tran'nau (Sunlight)
An ner alii'gai* lo gar gaan solus (All that I am is in your hands) Ke'juri ni ulyc, ner tran'nau (Carry me carefully, my sunlight) An ner alii'gai* lo gar gaan solus (All that I am is in your hands) Ke'juri ni ulyc, ner tran'nau (Carry me carefully, my sunlight)
Antuur* mhi cuy tome (Everyday we exist together) Kar'mir gar ner shereshoy (Know that you're my reason for living) Ner oya bal kyr slati* gar (My life and death belong to you) Ner tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (My sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Narbatir* sen'tra (Wearing a jetpack) Kyr'nayl'gam* briikasyc (I'm death-trap clad happily) Galar carud ni trattokor (Spilling smoke I fall) Chur tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Under sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Gar kar'tayli tran'nau (Your love is sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Your love is sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Gar kar'tayli tran'nau (Your love is sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Your love is sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Gar kar'tayli tran'nau (Your love is sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Your love is sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Gar kar'tayli tran'nau (Your love is sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Your love is sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Tran'nau (Sunlight) Tran'nau (Sunlight) Tran'nau (Sunlight) Tran'nau (Sunlight) Tran'nau (Sunlight)
[*tran'nau = tra (star field)/tranyc (sunny) + nau (light)] [*kisen (moth) = kih (small) + senaar (bird)] [*ru'got (born) = ru- (past prefix) + goten (birth)] [*alii'gai (identity) = aliit (clan)/aliik (sigil/symbol) + gai (name). This is technically already a word that means 'colours', but I took that to mean specifcally the colours one wears on their armour, the 'face' they show the world, i.e. their identity.] [*antuur (everyday) = anay (every) + tuur (day)] [*slatir (to belong to) = slanar (to go) + ti (with). I took the inspiration for this from the etymology of the word 'belong' in English.] [*narbatir (to wear/to put on) = narir (to put) + bat (on)] [*kyr'nayl'gam (death-trap-skinned) = kyr (end/death) + gaanaylir (to trap) + 'gam (skin). Since beskar'gam is literally 'metal-skin' and the word for skin literally translates to 'soft-skin', I figured it could also be poetically used to mean 'clad in']
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dontbelasagnax · 8 months
First, I love your art and your fics so much! Second, you seem like someone who has very good Codywan headcanons, and I’d love to hear some of them if you have any you’d like to share 🙂 (No pressure at all though!)
Tysm anon!!! I don't know what kind of headcanons you're looking for but I have soooo many always haha! They live in the nebulous realm of headcanons in which they are applied to every iteration of codywan unless they are not--for no reason other than vibes. All sfw but I always have thots (very intentional spelling) if anyone would like to hear about the nsfw things.
- Cody has spreadsheets for everything. It calms and organizes his mind. Helps him visualize and put the chaos to rights. When Obi-Wan notices Cody getting antsy and agitated, he gently asks him if he's made a spreadsheet recently. If that doesn't solve things, he'll offer to look over the charts together. If that doesn't solve the issue, he'll pull Cody into his lap, tenderly kiss any available real estate that needs kissing, and twirl fingers through his head of curls and massage away the tension. For all that Cody hates when his hair gets messed up, he does love being pet like a cat.
(the rest is going under the cut because I'm rather verbose)
- SPEAKING OF CATS! Cody is a cat person. This is nothing new, I just wholeheartedly know it to be true. It's only because he wants a cat so badly that he acts like he doesn't care for them. Obi-Wan sees through the facade. He saw how Cody looked at the stray tooka they rescued from the rubble one somber evening. How he cradled the lump of fluff and ran his thumb back between ears as if the lightest of touches would hurt the poor dear. How palpable was the anguish in his eyes after handing off the tooka to the surviving locals of the city. Even after he said, "Glad that's over with. Would hate to get cat hair on my blacks." Obi-Wan knows. So the next time he's on Coruscant, he buys a little orange plush tooka. It's tiny, only just bigger than his hand, but perfect. He ties a piece of flimsi reading '- OWK' to its neck with a ribbon and tucks it under the covers of Cody's bed so its head and front paws peek out. Perhaps he's a coward, perhaps he's just being gracious in letting Cody have some privacy in receiving his gift. What he does know is the next time he feels Cody staring long at the side of his face, he looks back and Cody blushes and smiles ever so slightly- shy. Oh, Obi-Wan loves him.
- Obi-Wan doesn't hate caf. It's simply not his favorite. When he does drink it, he likes it black. There could be many reasons for this but Cody thinks it's a superiority complex thing. Cody likes his caf with cream and two packets of sweetener. Sure, he'll drink any caf shoved his way, but what he truly enjoys? Yeah, it's not the shit coming straight from the dark depths of a Sith Lord's ass crack.
- Cody likes when Obi-Wan drives. Could be a ship, speeder--any mode of transport, really. It's not a secret that Obi-Wan does not like driving. With how calm and steady he remains at the wheel, there is tension in his jaw, bitten into his cheek, and clenched white into his knuckles. It stresses him out. But he is good at it. And he makes Cody feel safe. Cody doesn't get to feel safe a whole lot in the midst of war.
- Cody will never tell a living soul this (except maybe when he gets so sloshed he can't remember his name or all the reasons why he really should not lay out his honest bleeding truths) but his favorite color is not 212th gold. Yes, 212th gold is Cody's color. It's his. But blue is what he finds most aesthetically beautiful. It's the color of a certain Jedi's eyes in the sunlight and the unnatural glow of that same Jedi's lightsaber. It's the color of that Jedi's eyes in a dim room when he looks looks soft and tired, a blue that's more grey than anything resembling an actual blue. It's not one color and yet it is because he loves that color just like he loves that Jedi. He doesn't love the color just when it's pretty in one vibrant idealistic shade. He falls in love again and again when he sees it in new lights. Just like Obi-Wan.
- not to cozywan truth on main or anything but There's not a place Cody and Obi-Wan sleep better than in each other's arms. Or maybe not arms, per se, but sprawled across one another in some fashion. Touching. More often than not, in the tiny cots onboard The Negotiator, Cody ends up plastered to Obi-Wan's back, arm possessively wrapped round his front to keep him from falling off the edge. With the luxury of a bed actually made to fit two grown men, things aren't much better. Cody wakes to find he's being suffocated by Obi-Wan who, in his sleep, discovered the joys of lying directly on top of Cody. Cody's not innocent. He can count multiple occasions where he's buried his face in Obi-Wan's belly and woken up to being gently shoved away from his heated pillow because, oops, his resting place was a full bladder. Neither of them complain too much, not when it's so easy to be lulled into the warm, liquidy loose and easy clutches of cozy sleep in close quarters to the person they love. Something deep in the brain unlocks and says, 'everything's alright now, relax, let it all go--safe, safe, safe,' when Obi-Wan's cold nose finds the column of Cody's throat who's hand comes up to indulgently cards through silky hair. There's a resonating hum of rightness in their chests that says, 'home'.
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kenobster · 3 months
Hey just wanna say i (as an individual who ships obikin) thank u for putting encouraging words about obikin even if u see them as besties. It’s really discouraging to see so many other shippers sh*tting on obikin people just for shipping obiwan and anakin. Yes ik it’s a controversial ship if u look at it closely but i just do it for fun (and love the chemistry between them). I dont shit on other ships (unless it’s really REALLY problematic) and like cant they just leave us alone in peace?? Same with reylo like yes it’s another controversial ship but again if u dont think and/or look too hard then just have fun with it.
I dont mind codywan im not a huge fan but i see why they ship it, just aint feeling it like obikin does. Same for the rest of other ships (except for dinluke i will die for it as well)
Sorry for the ramble (^^;) long story short that campaign speech u put for the silly ship poll was well put!
Hi anon, I am incredibly glad to hear that I could reassure you after all the mean things that antishippers have been saying about your ship. Ship and let ship is a crucial rule in this house of mine, in which Obikin and Codywan are both very welcome. :D
However, I do invite you to examine some of your own beliefs about this subject. Specifically, I'm curious what compelled you to say "I don't shit on other ships (unless it's really REALLY problematic)." While that's the part that most stood out to me, there is other concerning verbiage in your ask (i.e. the frequent use of the word "controversial" and "if u don't think and/or look too hard" which both felt like similar apologetic statements you use when shipping something you feel others will judge you for).
First, I want to highlight what you said about why you ship Obikin — "i just do it for fun (and love the chemistry between them)." To me, that communicates that you don't see any harm in someone enjoying a ship purely because it is appealing to them. Additionally, you say, "can't they just leave us alone in peace??" which suggests frustration that other people don't share your opinion.
Is it possible that the "really REALLY problematic" ships are enjoyed by people for reasons similar to yours? Is it possible that they, too, would like others to leave them alone and let them enjoy a harmless hobby in peace? What makes it acceptable to shit on their ships and not yours? Who gets to decide which ship is an Obikin-level ship and which is a "really REALLY problematic" ship? You? Me? Can you be certain that our definitions agree?
The first thing you should consider is what makes you feel like a ship is "really REALLY problematic." I think you'll find that most of it is a Squick factor — a gross-level factor. Maybe Obikin is "hot" to you, but it does gross other people out. Similarly, perhaps some ships, especially ones with components that might not make much sense in real life, are "hot" to others but gross you out.
For example, I'd like you to picture Chancellor Palpatine kissing AOTC Anakin on the mouth. Make sure your imagination includes Anakin's young boyish features and his barely-legal Padawan braid. 😉 Now imagine them having sex. In case you're having a hard time picturing this, here's some pictures of them to help you out! 😊
Tumblr media Tumblr media
If you're like most people I know, I bet you're super grossed out right now. You might even consider Palpakin to be much more problematic than Obikin. But I chose Palpakin as a comparison for a reason! Because, when it comes down to it, how are these two ships any different in scale? Anakin views both Obi-Wan and Palpatine as a father figure. Both have mentored Anakin since he was 9 years old. There is a significant age gap and power imbalance in both ships. I've even read both Obikin and Palpakin fics that feature sexual activities with Anakin while he's still a minor.
It seems the only difference is that one tends to gross out the average person more than the other. Is being grossed out a reason to shit on someone's harmless hobby? For example, I'm extremely grossed out by sushi. Is that a reason to ban sushi worldwide? Obikin might gross me out, but I don't come after you or your fellow shippers. Palpakin might gross you out, but that's not an excuse to come after me. And maybe other ships gross both of us out, but I will not join you in going after them.
In other words, ALL fandommers, as you so aptly put, "just want to be left alone" and "enjoy the chemistry" of their ship without "thinking about it too hard." So until you agree that NO ship is problematic, you are inviting the same criticism upon ships that YOU like. Because anti-shippers aren't just coming for the "really REALLY problematic" ships; they're coming for every single one of them.
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stormwarnings · 2 months
i'll backtrack a bit!! hi this is eta (currently elwinged but i was also previously radiantsusan/phantomsjulie) and i don't think we've ever actually talked but we ARE mutuals on tumblr and i LITERALLY didn't realise until i was scrolling through my old posts (as you do) and went WAIT I'M MUTUALS WITH STORMWARNINGS (and the answer was YES) and the reason i was so surprised is because i've been bingeing so many of your fics on ao3 recently bc i got back into star wars and! they're! so! good!!!!
i have a special appreciation for 'bury me beneath the tree i climbed when i was a child', it's so gorgeously heartwarming and made me feel all the good feels because it felt so lovely and healing! (my ao3 bookmark says: oh!! oh this was so heartwarming i'm about to cry!!)
and then ALSO (sorry this is going to be a long one) your series 'how i long to grow old'??? THANKS I'M SOBBING????? like it's fix it series but also i am crying over how much these people have lost and yet they still keep getting up???? i love how you write cody and rex and their various interactions, their grief and burdens feel so so so real (also. hey. hey. *grips you gently on the shoulder*. fox. WHY. i am sobbing.) AND THAT TITLE???? YES THEY DO. THEY LONG TO GROW OLD. SCREAMING.
and then ALSO (i said this was going to be a long one) the one that i keep reading and not realising it's also by you, an author who has written many of my favourite fics ('come down from your moutnain')!!!!!! you got the commanders and their relationships with their jedi SO RIGHT!!!! like "are they all like that?" "like what?" and the answers being BEAUTIFUL CLEVER MERCILESS BURNING BLOODSTAINED UNNERVING and you've got them pinned down to a POINT you've got their characters dissected you write them so well!!! i am in awe (and also have that passage screenshotted and favourited)
and you ALSO have written one of my fave silm pieces ever (and i... also didn't realise that stormwarnings who wrote the silm piece and stormwarnings who wrote the codywan au were the same person until a couple months ago and i went. HUH. WAIT.), 'celestial bodies', which is such a gorgeous gorgeous explanation of idril and maeglin if they were a little bit kinder to each other. like--- "you knew my mother. would you tell me about her?" I AM LYING ON THE FLOOR FACEDOWN. and how you emphasise their age and how that shapes them differently!!! lomion is so young and idril has seen things that will never be seen again and it's THEM, it's how it SHAPES them, it's how they understand each other!! i am losing it.
anyway! sorry for the extremely long ask, i was just kind of going ??? the whole morning being like WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M MUTUALS WITH ONE OF MY FAVE AUTHORS!! so!! thanks for writing some of the absolute best works i've ever read + i hope you have a wonderful day!!
RADIANTSUSAN OMG I WAS WONDERING WHERE YOU HAD GONE!!!!!!!!!! eta this made me cry in my first class genuinely this is the sweetest message and such a nice thing to wake up to!!!!
i am SO happy that you (and so many others) were touched by 'bury me beneath the tree' because that fic was truly a labor of love and a little piece of my soul and it makes me so happy to hear how much it was enjoyed. also i promise there is more of 'how i long to grow old' in the works - i have probably ten other fics plotted out, ive just been so busy with college and work and life. as for my other fics, thank you! im still really proud of 'celestial bodies', and the art that my trsb partner made was so beautiful.
anyway NO YOU your art and edits are always so lovely! so happy to see you pop up on my dash again :) have a fantastic day!
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jacksgreysays · 1 year
Hello. I was reading your Star also dream fic. Also watching star wars clip. And I was wondering what would happen if shikako and others, or just shikako meets 'Yoshino's clones'?
Hi demoniorangel!
I’ll be honest I at first did not understand your question because when you said Shikako meets Yoshino’s clones I for some reason thought you meant that someone had cloned Yoshino? And was very confused. But then I realized you probably meant the clone troopers that would have served alongside padawan!Yoshino.
But before I realized that my brain weirdly thought, maybe people meet Shikako and think SHE’S a clone of Yoshino? But realized that wouldn’t really go anywhere.
Like I mentioned before, I haven’t properly consumed Clone Wars so most of what I know about it is through fanfiction, as well as what I know of Bant Eerin—and one of the main reasons why I chose her to be Yoshino’s master is that there was no confirmation on how she died (whereas some other candidates I had in mind had definitive death scenes which I didn’t want to stumble through and muck up) as well as the fact that as a Healer-Knight she wouldn’t be on the front lines as much and thus padawan!Yoshino wouldn’t be either.
I was trying to figure out if Bant and Yoshino would even have an assigned battalion(? or legion or company?) given they would most likely be backline/reinforcements but they probably would because 1) a devoted battalion(?) specifically designed to come in after a battle and clean up/reinforce the planets where the more offense-oriented battalion(s) had cleared the way makes sense and 2) Palpatine’s whole evil scheme relied on the clones overpowering through sheer numbers and surprise.
ANYWAY, so that would mean I’d have to make up some clone troopers who were part of said relief/reinforcement battalion(?) and especially some who were close to their Jedi counterparts and even more especially fond of their padawan commander enough to recognize some of her features in her daughter several decades later…
… unless…
… Jumping off that same previous prompt post (ie Shikako and Commander Fox interacting), Shikako has been summoned to the height of the Clone Wars—which would have been time travel within the Stars Also Dream verse anyway—and people mistake Shikako and Yoshino for each other? Or, at least, think Shikako is Yoshino’s long lost older biological sister as opposed to her time traveling daughter.
But that would make the as of yet unnamed clone troopers and/or preteen Yoshino the ideal POVs since outside POV being baffled by time traveling Shikako is way more fun than inside POV of Shikako realizing it’s 1) Star Wars, 2) the Clone Wars, and 3) that her Mum was secretly a Jedi as a youth and her having to adapt to a new world by which I mean the wider galaxy where she is very often on the backstep…
Actually that does sound fun also.
Hm… anyway, as to your question:
A) No time travel, decades later
The clones who would recognize Yoshino’s features in her daughter decades later must be absolutely wracked with guilt, enough to see her face in their minds often enough to see it in Shikako. I recently read glimmerglanger’s Haunt Me, Then in which the Jedi benignly haunt their troopers after the war. It is a Codywan fic and thus focuses on Cody trying to atone for his part in the Jedi genocide in order to see the ghost of Obi-Wan. I don’t want to get into it any further than that but it is very good and sad (which you know I love)
Anyway, to that same effect, a very minor background of this would be Bant and Yoshino’s battalion(?) eventually being freed from the chips and joining in and healing/leading the charge on the de-chipping because their jedi had been healers themselves and they’d see the ghost of Bant but not Yoshino and that would give them hope, maybe, because they remember Bant shoving Yoshino into an escape pod and sending it off without taking time to calculate the hyperspace jump (hence why she crashes into the previously unknown Naruto planet) and therefore there is no confirmed kill by a clone. But such a thing is dangerous and she was a very young padawan and would she have survived long so there are those who are metaphorically haunted by the mystery of what happened to their padawan commander.
And then they see Shikako and are like… that age is incorrect because Shikako is ~mid teens whereas Yoshino would have been preteen when Order 66 happened so that’s obviously not Yoshino… unless? And she has WEIRD abilities… so like… that’s probably not Yoshino… (unless???)
I think, weirdly enough, what would make it definitely clear that Shikako is not Yoshino is when she brings out her Sword of the Thunder God and it’s like. NO. YOSHINO HAD A GREEN LIGHTSABER NOT A YELLOW ONE (maybe that’s their armor paint color?)
And then they realize… Yoshino had a tubie!!
Anyway, depending on how Shikako got off planet (and whether or not Yoshino knows/is following) determines how the clones react. But now it’s a bunch of clone troopers trying to keep Shikako safe even as she runs around doing her own thing (until Yoshino arrives)
B) Time travel, before Order 66
This would probably just be part of the Commander Fox fic that I’m not going to write, as adding to the information that Fox is collecting on the unsub making her way toward Coruscant—briefly the Bant-Yoshino battalion(?) intersect with Shikako’s travel to Coruscant and there’s a very bewildering moment where Shikako realizes her mum was a jedi and never told anyone while Yoshino thinks she has a biological older sister (Who may or may not be dark depending on how Shikako feels in the force?) or at the very least some kind of relative and that really muddies up the theories of maybe Shikako is a Jedi or Sith from the very distant past or maybe she is Yoshino’s older sister who was raised by the Dathomirian Night Sisters or maybe someone cloned Yoshino in an attempt to clone Force sensitives (although why they’d start with a new padawan and not someone, like say, the Hero with No Fear is bewildering) etc. etc.
Either way it’s Shikako coming in and being alarming and Yoshino’s clone troopers chasing after her lol
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adiduck · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
FIVE fics, Chel? FIVE? 🤣
Okay okay okay I can do this. I'm gonna include cowritten fics, wips, and multiple fandoms to make it easier on myself, though. Also, these are all fics from various times in my life as a writer so I cannot currently say that I would REWRITE them the same way, but they are my favorites nevertheless:
1. edge of providence (Star Wars, M, cowritten with @keensers, wip, 241,962 words and counting, jangobi, arguably one of the best pieces of fiction I have ever had a part in creating)
“Are you going to kill me right here, Mand’alor?” Obi-Wan manages.
Fett freezes, his hold loosening, and shoves away from him as if burned, getting to his feet. Obi-Wan coughs, looks up to where the man is watching him with some strange mix of emotion. His shields are exceptionally strong, for a null.
“There is no Mand’alor,” Fett says finally, and walks right out of the room.
(Or: 15-year-old Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker crash-lands on Kamino on the one day a cycle when the seas are calm and the storms abate. At the time, he doesn’t think much of it. Later—much later—he will come to see it as an omen.)
2. the boat that would row you back (Star Wars, T, complete, 12,317 words, codywan, my first in-text codywan fic and still I think a really fun romp)
“He vanished into the Cosmic Force,” Vader intones, and Cody will never understand why people raised as Jedi don’t just say ‘dead’.
“Is there a reason,” Cody asks, voice shaking with grief over his General’s lightsaber and cloak for the very last time, eyes still burning and blurry with choked-off tears, “you needed to free me to tell me that?” Is there a reason Cody had needed to know at all? Why would Darth Vader--Anakin Skywalker--bother to track down General Kenobi’s former Commander, and make absolutely certain he’d feel the loss sharp and hot in his chest when he delivered the news. What purpose would it serve, now?
“You misunderstand, Commander,” Vader says, and Cody blinks. “He vanished. Wholly. He purposely did not block, I struck him down, and by the time the cloak had fallen, there was no body remaining.”
2.5. Adjacent to Theseus, Seeking (Star Wars, T, complete, 3334 words, codywan, semi-sequel to boat--same universe, mostly just have to be aware of boat's existence, one of my best attempts at creating a particular atmosphere as a main component of a fic, I am aware this is cheating shhhhh)
Cody is somewhere out there, and like this Obi-Wan can no longer feel him.
Cody is somewhere out there, and somehow, his presence in the Force is everywhere, blinding and untethered.
Or, a labyrinth, a monster, a search, and a mystery.
3. an ice-cream covered screaming hyperactive thought (Star Wars, G, complete, 9,863 words, codywan, I just love this one okay, it's so joyful, and I think I did what I came to do re: the underlying story of Cody's building himself a life After The War)
Cody is fairly certain he is not going to get his security deposit back.
There are three new stains on his carpet, and a patch by the door has been roughed up enough Cody’s pretty sure the weave’s come loose. The door itself has scratches in the paint all the way up to the door knob, and the curtains covering the windows on either side of the door are shredded, showing the metal grating over the transparisteel on the street side. The caf machine, the dish rack, and the soap dispenser are all in a collapsed and soapy heap on the floor. Cody’d managed through reflexes honed by war to save his favorite caf mug, but had sadly lost two of his plates and a bowl before he’d managed to wrap the perpetrator in three towels and shove the whole bundle up against a shoulder.
The towel bundle, very put out by this turn of events, is yelling.
4. I Did It All For Myself (Star Wars, G, complete, 6,824 words, pre-codywan, part of a larger wip series (No Choir) and I think not everyone's favorite in that series, but I really enjoyed exploring the tension of beginning to let yourself recover in this one, and I had a lot of fun playing with the timeline)
Obi-Wan Kenobi's hut is entirely bland, dusty white stone and plaster on the inside. Cody borrows four-year-old Luke Skywalker to help him correct this.
5. The General (Girl Genius, T, complete, 37,510 words, I think my first complete long piece of fiction, taught me a lot about voice and pacing and I think is just genuinely a fun ride)
It takes six months for Dimo to officially become acting general of the Jaegermonster army after Baron Klaus Wulfenbach locks Mechanicsburg, and himself and their Heterodyne with it. A lot can happen in six months.
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