#i spend the entire time giggling like 'hehe you guys are gonna be in love with each other forever btw'
dxppercxdxver · 10 months
hello hello! in preparation for the opening of @tf2shipswag's oc bracket For Real i have written a vaguely persons-of-the-tale-esque bit of propaganda fiction in which our unwitting ocs experience a historical anachronism and discover they have been entered into the oc bracket! if you like early enemies to lovers and a tasteful dose of meta fiction (along with aggressively 18th century styled prose) you'll probably like this! i call it "there's such a thing as an author" or "persons of the tale But Worse"
Somewhere just to the left of the story well known, Samuel Mundy sat perched in the bay window, long legs stretched across the whorled-grain boards with languid content. Liquid summersong pooled in his lap with all the warmth of a loyal cat, golden and simple. The glass panes were thrown open to let in the comfort of the season—what little could be snatched from the jagged-toothed forest filled with the crack of gunfire, anyway—and he clutched a chipped china saucer in his fingers, picking at a fresh bread roll.
Gazing across the Manor’s ill-tended garden, Samuel sighed nearly dreamily, a reflexive smile playing across his cracked lips. For once, his little world was quiet, nary a disturbance to be found.
Of course, however, his peace was not destined to last, and Miss Pauling’s far off cry of, “Mail, boys!” roused the rabble from deep within the house’s corridors, who all came a-bustling with the energy of an anthill, and idle chatter filled the air, quickly snuffing the silence. Samuel, pointedly ensconced in his window-borne nest, merely watched his compatriots greet their friend and sponsor on the lawn as she distributed the sheaves of parchment and carefully tied packages amongst them. They were permitted some personal effects at their stations, which included a small allowance for assorted trinkets and treasures, and thus the days Miss Pauling ventured into town were filled with a quiet sort of excitement. Much as they were soldiers of a secret war, and trained for such, it grew dreadfully lonely and dreadfully threadbare.
This day, though… Something about it was different.
While the great majority of his fellows dispersed from the lawn as swiftly as they had come, their spy, Laurent, remained, conversing with Miss Pauling. Samuel could hardly make out a word at his distance, but his eyes were sharpened by his particular profession, and the feeling between their persons was a tense one. Her brows were furrowed sharply over the silvery frames of her spectacles, and Laurent’s hands formed clipped gestures at his sides. Whatever it was they spoke of, it hardly seemed a pleasant thing.
After mere moments more, Laurent plucked a paper from Miss Pauling’s elegantly gloved fingers and held it out before him, pursing his lips as he studied it, before shaking his head, offering Miss Pauling a crisp salute, and trudging across the lawn.
In what appeared to be Samuel’s direction.
Growling softly, Samuel wrinkled his nose, staring firmly down at his plate in some vain hope Laurent would pass him by, that the mysterious business he appeared so perturbed by was kind enough to leave Samuel alone. The last thing he needed was another catastrophe atop the neverending tumultuousness of his wartime existence.
In spite of his willing, Laurent’s infuriatingly smooth voice lilted into his ears with a weariness that belied an intent beyond an obligatory passing greeting, and Samuel found himself looking up to meet his tired gaze.
The warmer weather had done a kindness to the spy; his sallow complexion and skeletal frame were given a new life in the sun, and the embroidery in his suit shimmered like the finest of jewels. And still, Samuel couldn’t help but find him dour, unpleasant, and downright infectious in his discomfort. Almost in response to Laurent’s hardened grimace, Samuel shifted in his seat, his skin itching ‘neath his clothes.
When the acknowledgement of Laurent’s presence failed to dispel him from Samuel’s immediate company, he sighed, and turned to properly face the equally beleaguered spy, letting his boots sway loosely beneath him.
“Unless it’s business, I’m not interested,” he said brusquely, fixing Laurent with a firm stare that he returned with unflinching readiness. Pale eyes bored into his own as Laurent shook his parchment bounty open with a sharp flick of the wrist.
“While my present port of call has little to do with our current occupation,” he said, calm and measured, “I have a feeling you will want to see this.”
The paper was rough and worn, stained deep yellow with the wear of travel, and the ink splashed across it was coming off on his skin and the leather of his glove in small flakes, but there was no mistaking the printing.
At first, Samuel blanched, presuming it a call for their heads, but as he read, the fear curdled into something far more baffling. Taking up most of the page was a sketched rendition of the two of them—sniper and spy—stood side by side, illustrated Laurent flashing a wry smirk at his ink-bound companion that the drawing of Samuel readily returned. Bold typeface toward the top spelled out “WANTED” clear as day, although there was no reward attached. Twirling arrows pointed to Laurent and him in turn, annotating precisely who was whom. There was yet more type at the bottom, but Samuel had rather stopped processing exactly what it said by then, and handed the sheet back to Laurent with an incredulous scowl.
“What in the hell is this?”
As Laurent crisply refolded it and placed it in an inner pocket, he replied, “We appear to have been entered into some sort of tournament.”
“Tournament?” Samuel’s mind whirled, spiraling out endless possibilities, each one markedly worse than the last, “As in… fighting?”
“Mercy of mercies, I do not believe so,” Laurent mused, crossing his arms and glancing into the distance. “Even with my considerable skill, we would hardly stand a chance with you on our side.”
“Watch your tongue, Frenchie.” Livid, Samuel snapped, instinctively reaching for the machete at his side. “Don’t pretend you’re not glad of this as well.”
Laurent snorted. “Of course I am, but it is hardly a matter of cowardice.”
“Yeah? What is it, then?”
“I do not wish to dirty my suit,” Laurent sneered, mouth curved sharp as his knife. In that moment, Samuel wished for nothing more than to knock that wretched expression from his face, but resorted instead to knotting his fist in the fabric of his shirt. It certainly would not do to lose his composure so early and in a place so visible to his superior, but oh how he longed to rattle Laurent around, maybe beat some sense into him along the way.
Samuel rolled his eyes. “Fine. If we’re not to be fighting, what exactly are we meant to be doing?”
“If I am interpreting the missive correctly,” Laurent said, smoothing the fine hairs of his wig, “it is really less of a gladiatorial affair, and more of a… popularity contest.”
“Oh.” Cocking his head, Samuel let the implications wash over him, feeling his body recoil in the wake. “Oh.”
“Strange, is it not?” Taking a deep breath, Laurent shrugged slow and deliberate. “Still, I suppose I might consider myself at an advantage. I have many a desirable quality to be considered…” He trailed off, but Samuel was suddenly alight with energy.
Held in his hands was the opportunity to be absolutely devilish, and he seized it with vigor.
“Oh, really?” he said, feigning innocence. “Like what?”
Laurent whirled, eyebrow raised in sharp relief. “Is this a joke?”
“No.” Samuel poured as much sincerity into his voice as he could, leaning forward with earnest. “You see, we’ve been friends for so long—” he stifled a laugh, “—and I’d never even realized! Please, tell me about these ‘desirable qualities,’ I would love to hear all about them, and at the greatest of lengths.”
For a long, terrible pause, Laurent only stared, and Samuel faintly worried he was about to receive a length of cold steel across the throat or wedged between his ribs, but then Laurent’s cheeks flared red beneath his powder, and his mouth hung agape.
“You— you arse!” he snarled, seizing Samuel by the cravat and drawing their faces close. “You would do well to mind your manners, bushman. I do not abide mockery, nor do I suffer a fool, and you, sir, are a prime example. Remember this, lest I be forced to remind you.” With this, he drew his suit back, revealing the delicately tooled sheath for his beloved dagger. Samuel swallowed, thought up every prayer he could, and grinned wolfishly, fiddling with Laurent's elegant sleeve cuff.
“Wouldn’t want to get this dirty, would you?”
Laurent’s nostrils flared, his breath hot on Samuel’s lips, before he released him, pushing him back roughly and huffing, indignant. Samuel massaged his neck, relief coursing through his veins. A scant few feet away, Laurent stood in profile, nearly serene if not for the subtle movement of mute, furious speech.
“Nice talking to you,” Samuel said cheerfully, and, strange as anything, Laurent actually laughed. It was a brief, choked thing, barely identifiable as humor, if not for the smile playing across his face.
“You, sniper,” he said, reaching out and taking a bite of Samuel’s bread roll, “are a ridiculous, ridiculous man.” With this last remark, he about-faced and trudged across the lawn, spine ramrod straight and be-ribboned hair flouncing against his back.
“I know you are, but what am I?” Samuel called after him, and Laurent retorted with a sharp, “Go fuck yourself!” which Samuel could only meet with a thrown bread roll. It collided with the back of Laurent’s head with a satisfying muffled thunk, and Samuel cackled as Laurent let loose a long stream of French obscenities, harshly adjusting his wig so rudely whacked askew.
“I hope you know I despise you,” Laurent hissed once he had deemed himself presentable, and disappeared inside the house with the slam of the heavy oaken door.
“Yeah, yeah, hate you too,” Samuel said. Tucking his legs back into his window seat, he inhaled the lively summer air, and discovered he could not stop his beaming.
[as ever, flintlock fortress is a collaboration with @chiropteracupola]
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chocotonez · 1 year
enhypen summer dates: pool parties
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a/n: i like pool parties a lot :) !! enjoy!
summary: you go to a pool party with your lovely boyfriend and the rest of enhypen
cw/genre: fluff, cursing, crack/comedy, playful summer vibes, gn!reader and no descriptions of body other than tanning/sunbathing and briefly some body image themes in sunoo’s, and pls let me know if anything else should be tagged!
june 1k special masterlist here! -> (*☻-☻*)
-he only goes because you either really want to or the members really want him to come
-I can definitely see him trying to unwind with his Nintendo switch under the umbrella until Niki pops his head out and is like hehe heeyyyy
-the members practically drag him to the pool and depending on who you are you’re either sunbathing and enjoying yourself or helping in throwing Heesung into the pool!
-lots of him going “baaaaby they’re bullying me!!” throughout the day
-constantly reapplying sunscreen to ur face that’s just the law of the land
-probably complains a lot but secretly loves it because he gets to spend time with his second family <3
-HATES getting his hair wet at first he’s one of those people that r like “icky no stop I’m gonna get out if you splash me”
-gets hella competitive if there’s a splash fight tho like damn…dawg is full on SOAKING ppl!!
-is so cute tho especially if he notices you getting uncomfy cuz all the water in ur lungs LMAO, starts yelling at everyone and is being annoying like stop splashing or everyone’s going home!!
-always looks out for you and make sure you aren’t drowning <3
-he goes because he wants to see his pretty partner enjoy themself, and also take a nap on the pool side while going snooozeeee but NOO
-wakes up to jungwon and sunoo SOAKING him and he’ll be scolding them but if you’re there he gets all soft :((
-DEMANDS you wear sunscreen and reminds you every ten minutes
-he’s like an old man “ooo the water so cold…”
-I love him.
-brings the best snacks and strictly follows the rules of not swimming after eating much to your + the members’ complaints
-lowkey would much rather be at the grill preparing dinner so he can keep an eye on everyone and including you!!
-probably helps you pick a super cute swim wear in advance too :(( watch you guys match omg
-has a “kiss the cook” apron entirely for you even though everyone else teases him for being on the grill during a pool party <3
-let’s you have first pick of food :) BUT NO FOOD IN THE POOL!!! >:T
-playing mermaids with you or trying to drown NiKi who knows it depends on his mood
-Jake has a black and white tail and his mermaid powers would be singing and talking to animals yes yes yes
-is somehow full of energy the entire time
-jumps into the pool and falls on someone and has a lot of screaming probably but it’s ok!
-constantly lifts you out of the water and is like “FROM THE WAVES!!” And then drops you back down while giggling with a kiss on your cheek
-loves the games where you ride on his shoulders while you try to push another person
-he likes having you close to him to the point he drags you into the pool while giggling because you were completely dry and now here you are just in his arms and in da water!
-takes so many photos of you
-probably does really cheesy pick up lines and act like you guys aren’t in a happy relationship and everyone is cringing bcuz the entire pool party is just him being whipped for you <3
-loud introvert Sunghoon <3
-screaming in the corner of a pool while creating little waves to splash at anyone who comes too close to the little corner he dedicated to the two of u :>
-he loves scheming little pranks with u to randomly jump on other members or just scare them a little hehe
-spends most of his time messing with other people but he also cuddles with you on a little pool float
-the type of guy to huff and puff when his hair gets wet but immediately dgaf when he gets playful
-if you decide to relax on a pool float or at the poolside he’ll be your personal bodyguard and win a 6v1 to ensure your peace
-“if any of you mess w y/n prepare to face the might of the seas”
-probably the one to whine when it’s time to get out
-swims around and kisses your cheek every time he passes by you <3
-gets blushy and shy when the members tease him for being so whipped but he can’t help it, ur his person!!
-pretends like he didn’t act like an excited puppy all day once you two leave
-has a designer floatie and some rubber duckies
-lounges with you on a pool float with matching sunglasses and is holding your hand
-intends to relax with you, reapplies your sunscreen for you every thirty minutes, make sure you’re well hydrated and enjoying yourself but he has the newest water gun model if his members decide to mess w him
-he is not here to play around!! if he’s tanning he will be tanning in peace and that water gun ensures it
-really good at water fights for some reason ?? I have no idea why I can just see him going absolutely crazy with water guns
-takes a bunch of photos of you because he thinks you look super cute all day!!
-loves to randomly splash members and then run away esp if you join in to assist
-nothing is funnier than seeing jay sputter because of a bunch of water sunoo splashed in his face while you two make your getaway to the other side of the pool
-hypes you up!! makes sure to show off to everyone how beautiful you are and how ur just such a stunner in your swimwear !!
-makes u feel like a boss bitch at the pool party no matter what, makes sure you enjoy yourself and have fun! :)
-tried 9 times to calm down his members and gave up on the tenth
-does tiny little splashes to you so you don’t get super soaked and u don’t have any pain in ur lungs but when it comes to anyone else he’s summoning actual waves
-a water balloon gets thrown too far and hits a neighbor doing lawn work and so jungwon has to go apologize
-you were invited so jungwon wouldn’t scold the others too much <3 he can’t help but soften up the second he sees you
-“y/n, help me drown sunoo yeah?” w a little cute smile like he’s not scheming
-you really help him relax a lot!! he doesn’t feel like he has to be super stiff and in charge and he can just enjoy himself at a pool party
-constantly asks if you’re comfortable, too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry, he wants to make sure you’re having as much fun as he does
-you two have matching towels it’s just a fact
-pulls the leader card for you if you’re losing a water fight <3
-“love come here let’s splash jake!!”
-has so much fun u don’t understand
-squares up w jake during chicken fights and he ensures you win no matter the cost
-the type to whine and complain at first saying he doesn’t feel like swimming but then gets really into it
-he messes w u too but just a lot less, no randomly coming up from behind to scare you while he makes sure to push his members under the water 💀💀
-brings ice treats for you to eat in the pool when jay isn’t looking
-probably gets you matching jewelry for the pool party just so he can feel extra close to u :)
-loves being in the water with you, so much so he will pull you off of your chair and into the water
-quietly asks if you’re having fun every now and then to make sure you’re ok!! because as much as he enjoys the pool day he would enjoy it 1000x more if you felt the same way
-probably takes a ton of selfies w u by the end of the day because he thought you looked so cute :(
tag list: @chansburgah
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pupkashi · 1 year
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in which drunk you decided to love on genma (much to a certain jonins dismay)
a/n: hi hi friends ! thank u sm for this amazing request !! this was so fun to write hehe also combined it with this prompt ! hope you guys enjoy !!! <33
wordcount: 3,117
warnings: mentions of alcohol, sort of modern au? mentions of taking selfies and videos, mentions of vomit and throwing up
“it’ll be so much fun please kakashi!” Asuma and Gai pleaded with their much more stoic friend.
“i don’t see why i should go out when i can be in bed early instead” he scoffed, continuing to walk with his eyes glued to his book.
“y/n will be there” gai smiled, grinning widely as he watched his beloved rival stop in his tracks, finally peeling his eyes from his book and looking at the pair.
“okay?” he’s trying his best to act like he doesn’t care much, surely they can’t tell he has a thing for you. “that doesn’t change anything” he looks down at his book, not processing a single word.
“guess they’ll spend the night talking with genma then” asuma shrugs, “let’s go Gai, i don’t think we’re gonna convince him tonight” Gai only sighs, the two giggle to each other as soon as they’re out of earshot of their silver haired friend.
“it doesn’t matter” kakashi mumbles to himself over and over again, ‘they can’t manipulate me like this, im better than that’ he assures himself, taking his usual ninja gear off and heading into the shower. he’s picking out a plain long sleeve and some pants to wear and heading out the door to the karaoke spot he knew they’d be at, ‘im doing this because i want to spend time with friends, that’s all’ he tells himself, knowing damn well he’s lying.
“kakashi! glad you could make it” Gai is smiling, embracing the much less affectionate shinobi and dragging him by the arm into the room they rented out, “the first round of shots have been ordered so i hope you’re ready to drink” he grinned widely.
kakashi’s scanning the room, waving hello to everybody, his heart dropping a bit when he noticed you weren’t even there. it’s 10 minutes later and two terribly sung songs by genma and asuma when he’s about to leave, the door opening stops him from getting up.
“sorry I’m late! i got home and then there was this problem with my sink and then i had to take my dog out and he ended up getting out and- anyway!” you sigh with a smile, hugging everybody and saying hello.
“kakashi! hi” you smile, holding your hand out for him to shake, gai had told you how he didn’t really like physical affection.
“hi” he replied, glad his mask covered the blush creeping onto his cheeks.
“looks like every seats taken, can i sit here?” you point to the open seat next to him, he nods, scooting over to give you a bit more room on the couch. “thank you,” you reply, about to say something else when you’re interrupted by genma and kurenai.
“y/n! you missed the first round of shots you’ve gotta drink double now!” Kurenai smiles widely, you’re about to protest when genma settles in between kakashi and you, already placing the shot in your hand, another in his before counting down.
“ready? cheers!” he smiles, the two of you throwing the shot back, genma hissing and groaning at the bitter taste as you place the two empty glasses down.
“alright champ no need to make a scene” you laugh, watching as genma chases the shot with some water.
“you have another one left! don’t think i forgot” he smiled, handing you another glass, you only looked at kakashi, saying a small ‘cheers’ before downing the shot.
kakashi smiled as your face scrunches up, sticking your tongue out a bit. genma’s face is already dusted pink, he’s getting up quickly, saying something along the lines of ‘round three’ but the room is filled with kurenai and anko’s terrible rendition of their favorite shows opening theme so you couldn’t be too sure.
“I’m surprised you came,” you spoke to kakashi, noticing how closed off he’d been the entire time, “a good surprised” you add on.
kakashi smiled lightly, “Gai and Asuma talked me into it” he chuckled, watching his friends grab handfuls of shot glasses and running towards your direction.
“kakashi! you’re such a heavy weight you have to take all these shots okay!” Asuma is smiling, shoving them towards his friend, you’re covering your mouth and stifling your laughter, feeling the effects of the two shots from earlier.
“y/n! take one with kakashi!” Gai shouts, the shot in his hand quickly finding its way to you.
“what do ya say copy ninja? wanna take some shots together?” there’s a small glint in your eye and kakashi can’t say no, he’s shrugging and grabbing the small glass.
“what the hell” he mumbles, the two of you clinking glasses before downing the shot.
“how the fuck do you manage to pull your mask up and down so quickly” you giggle, genuinely puzzled at the speed of the jonin.
“i actually-”
“y/n singing time!” Genma stops kakashi from continuing, grabbing your arm and pulling you to the microphones
“sorry!” you call out, not realizing how tipsy you were until you stood up and had to keep up with genma’s much larger strides.
“what song should we do? let’s do a love song!” genma giggles, the two of you taking yet another shot before the song begins playing.
kakashi is watching you intently, not bothering to hide the smile on his lips, it was hidden behind his mask anyway. the smile on his lips almost immediately drops when genma is grabbing you by the waist, holding you close to him during the bridge, causing you to giggle into the mic and miss your next line in the song.
he stopped paying attention after that, taking another shot and acting like he was part of the conversation Gai was having with the other ninjas around him.
“okay guys we have to take a selfie!” your voice pulls him away from staring at the all too interesting carpet, your face is flushed as you pull your phone out, smoothing your hair out a bit before standing closer to kakashi.
“everyone say cheese!” you burst into giggles as everyone drunkenly sings ‘cheeeeese’ for the camera, taking multiple before sitting on the couch, closer to kakashi than before.
“kakashi! hi!” you’re smiling widely at him and he’s returning the favor, waving at you.
“oh my god we have no pictures together! we need a selfie right now!” you giggle, scooting closer and snapping a couple pictures with him.
“gosh you always look so good, did you know that?” kakashi’s heart is thumping hard in his ears, his face is burning and it’s not because of the alcohol.
“you do too” is all he can manage out before genma once again sits next to you, easily draping his arm over your shoulders.
“hey sweet thing what are you doing here?” he smiles, you giggle at his antics, letting yourself melt into his side, your hand rest on his chest.
“long day at the office, and you Mr. Genma?” you tease and he sighs dramatically, “looking for love, could you be the one for me?” he’s looking at you a little too sweetly for kakashi’s liking.
the silver haired jonin is clenching his fist around the glass cup of water, his jaw clenched and he’s certain another second of whatever is happening next to him will drive him to insanity.
you were clueless that the man you’d been pining for was seconds away from prying you from genma. your head rested on his chest, making small talk with your friend and giggling at every other thing, laughing loudly at his jokes and smacking his chest.
Gai is the first to notice kakashi’s sudden surge in jealousy, coughing and ‘accidentally’ spilling his water on genma’s thigh.
“sorry! here let’s go get some towels to dry it” Gai smiled kindly, and soon enough your cuddle buddy was gone, leaving you and kakashi on the couch alone.
“are you two like,” kakashi pauses, “are you like a thing?” he’s clearing his throat after he speaks, sitting a bit straighter while your intoxicated brain processes his words.
“me and genma? no! we’re friends, i think he has a thing for someone else though” you nod along to your own words, “no yeah I’m single” a slight pause, “looking” you say, trying to shut yourself up before you reveal more than you want to.
“oh that’s good” kakashi doesn’t want to admit how relieved he felt, like the weight on his shoulders had been lifted.
but then he felt an actual weight on his shoulders, not a metaphorical one. he’s frozen in place as your head balanced on his broad shoulders, giggling as you mumbled something he couldn’t hear.
“what?” he asked, leaning down a bit, “the rooms going so fast” you slurred, blinking before narrowing your eyes.
kakashi frowned, eyes widening as your head rolled off his shoulder, he caught you quickly, letting you settle your head on his chest, his arm wrapped around you.
“is this okay?” he asked, holding you steady as you nodded, “more than okay” you giggled, you were looking up at him as he nervously smiled, a bit tense from the sudden proximity.
“y’can relax kashi” you mumble, giggling at the nickname, your eyes suddenly going wide, “wait Gai said you don’t like physical affection, i can get off if you want” you mumble, making a move to sit up and away from the copy ninja.
“no no it’s okay” he smiles, holding you a bit tighter, “i like it if it’s you” you’re blushing and giggling at his words, twirling the small bunch of hair at the nape of his neck.
“you look real good with your hair down like this” you smile, fighting the urge to kiss the man you were cuddling with.
“maybe i should wear it like this more often if it means having you this close.” kakashi doesn’t know where this confidence is coming from, maybe it’s because part of him hopes you’d forget in the morning, but he also hopes you don’t. maybe it’s the couple shots he took that got him buzzed, giving him the courage to finally make a move.
“aw how come you’re cuddling with him now!” Genmas voice causes you to slowly move your head, the room still spinning as you see him stumbling and sitting on the couch next to you.
“i like cuddling with him! he’s great at it” you giggle, letting you head rest on kakashi’s chest again, your eyes fluttering closed.
genma can’t help but pout, mumbling something about how he knew this day would come.
it wasn’t long before everyone started saying their goodbyes, the ninjas going off in pairs of more drunk and least drunk to guide each other home, everyone making sure they’d text the group chat saying they got home safe and sound.
“you got ‘em?” asuma asked kakashi, who carried you in his arms, already dozed off.
“yeah I’ll be fine, what about you?” kakashi smiled as asuma struggled to keep Kurenai upright as she mumbled something about kissing him.
“think i can manage” he laughed, waving goodbye and thanking his friend for coming out.
it wasn’t for another couple minutes of walking that he realized he had no idea where you lived. you must’ve sensed his panic in your sleep because moments later you stirred awake, rubbing your eyes before smiling at the jonin.
“carrying me home like a real gentleman, are you?” kakashi blushed furiously, chuckling before letting you down gently.
“you sure you can walk?” he asked, keeping a hand on the small of your back to keep you steady.
“think so” you mumbled, walking a bit and stumbling, kakashi tightening his grip on your waist to keep you from falling over.
“is there a trash can around here?” you asked, panic filling your body before running as best you could and throwing up in the metal bin next to the bench.
kakashi rubbed your back, holding your hair and helping you sit and compose yourself.
“god this is not the impression i wanted to give you” you chuckled, kakashi furrowed his brows.
“what do you mean?” he asked, he felt a bit guilty asking, knowing you were more likely to tell him right now than if you were stone cold sober.
“i mean you’re this super cool, attractive jonin that I’ve been pining over for god knows how long and the chance i get to make you think i deserve your affection or some shit i go and get drunk and-” you motion to yourself, “this” you sigh, your eyes screwing shut as you become mor sober by the second.
the world is still spinning, you feel a second round of vomit coming up and the reality of your situation is hitting you like a ton of bricks.
“you don’t need to earn my affection, not now and not ever” he replies without missing a beat, he wants to look you in the eyes, but quickly abandons that idea as you hunch over and throw up again.
“you’re okay, I’m right here” he mumbles, rubbing your back as you continue to expel any contents in your stomach, groaning as you finally finish and sit back up, wiping your mouth with the bottom of your shirt.
“sorry” you mumble, kakashi shakes his head, “nothing to apologize for” he smiles, helping you up and letting you lead the way to your home.
when you finally get home you invite him in, partly for his peace of mind so he knows you aren’t gonna choke on your throw up. his racing mind stops when he sees you in your plaid pajama pants and shirt double your size, your teeth brushed and hair up.
“thank you for everything tonight” your words still slurred a bit as you hug him goodbye, “I’ll see you tomorrow?” he nods as he says goodbye, pausing for a second before turning around. his fingers are itching to pull his mask down, to place a kiss to your cheek.
maybe it’s because he knows you’re the one for him, maybe it’s because he’s always been head over heels for you since the moment he saw you. he doesn’t know what takes over him.
he’s pulling his mask down and placing a chaste kiss on your cheek, you hadn’t processed what happened, much less seen his face as he’s waving goodbye and walking out the door, “goodnight y/n,” his eyes crinkling as he speaks.
when you wake up the next morning you’re wishing the world would open up and swallow you whole. not only did you confess your feelings but you went and embarrassed yourself in front of him, that paired with the insane headache you had was enough for you to cover your entire body with your blanket, too afraid to check your messages.
if it weren’t for the knock on the door you probably would’ve fallen asleep again. with a sigh you’re making your way to the front door, assuming it was genma or another one of your friends you swing the door open, your hair still a mess and toothpaste in the corner of your mouth.
“hi” kakashi smiles, almost glowing from how perfect he looked, your eyes are wide as you realize the state that you’re in.
“kakashi! oh my god hi!” you move to the side to allow him in. “god you have to stop finding me at my worst moments i swear I’m better than this” you laugh softly, kakashi grins at you as you wipe your face and try to fix your hair.
“i brought some soup, i make it for Gai when he’s hungover, figured you might need it” you’re thanking whatever gods there were because you absolutely needed this.
“you didn’t have to” you smile, thanking him for the food and setting it on the counter.
it’s quiet for a second, the two of you just standing in silence before he speaks up, “do you remember anything? from last night?” you can hear the nervousness in his voice, it’s strange to hear that from him.
“yeah” you mumble, “but we can pretend like i never said anything and move on” you smile tightly, already feeling your hands growing cold and your heart breaking a bit.
“no!” Kakashi is quick to stop you, realizing how loud he’d been he apologizes softly before continuing, “i don’t want to just forget it” he mumbles, picking at his fingernails before looking at you.
“i like you, i think you’re amazing and seeing you all touchy with genma made me face my feelings for you” he breathed out quickly, “if you’d like to, I’d wanna give this a chance.”
his dark eyes are darting to your face, reading your expression as you look back at him. his silver hair is falling over his forehead, tickling his lashes a bit when he blinks.
a smile breaks onto your face after he finishes speaking, nodding your head before you can even say anything, “I’d love to” you reply, giggling and taking an tentative step towards the skilled jonin.
kakashi wastes no time in closing the space between you two, his hand finding his way to the back of you neck, his other one snaking around you waist and pulling you so that you’re chest to chest.
“is this okay?” he whispers, you nod, “more than okay” you smile, your eyes fluttering shut as your lips crashed onto his, moving together in sync.
when you both pull away you’re flustered messes, giggling when you make eye contact with him and he’s clearing his throat as you look at him again.
“the soups gonna get cold” he says, breaking the silence and causing the two of you to smile at each other and laugh.
“you wanna stay and eat together?” you ask, kakashi smiles, “wish i could, but I’ve got some horrible genin I was supposed to meet an hour ago” he smiles nervously and you gasp.
“oh my god i didn’t know you had to be somewhere sorry!” you apologize, he’s waving his hands infront of him.
“no no it’s fine, they don’t care much anyway” he smiles, taking a step closer to you and placing a kiss on your cheek before heading for the door. “would you wanna get dinner? around 6?” his voice wavers a bit and you’re smiling widely at him.
“sounds like a date” you reply, biting you lip as you wave goodbye to him.
the two of you were smiling like idiots, kakashi didn’t mind naruto and sakura’s scolding, waving them off and doing some light training, his only thought was you.
karaoke was fun, maybe he should’ve listened to his friends earlier, he thinks. maybe it’s a good thing you were a clingy affectionate drunk, especially when it’s him your clinging to.
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soggyriceee · 8 months
I'd love to request a fic with John "Soap" Mactavish, if you are okay with writing him. If not, you can 7se whatever character you think will fit to this!
And my idea is:
Soap finally got his days off the work, so reader wanted to make him a welcome home suprise. He came home very tired, to eat his favourite food that she made him for dinner, and go to sleep with reader. But reader bought a new pajama. A sexy pajama, that instantly turned him on.
Anddd we all know where it goes hehe.
I would really love if this was a soft, gentle smut. They're very happy to finally touching themselves again c:
- 🦝 (That's me :D)
missed you | John "Soap"
yess, guys plzz request more of the other MW2 men I write for all of themmm~ (not edited)
warnings: oral(f!receiving), soft dom Soap, fingering, praise, missionary, cowgirl, breeding kink but like..cutely??? just really romantic, lovey dovey seggs, listener and Soap orgasm twice
you knew what you were doing. wearing the lace pink, see-through lingerie dress, with a light pink matching set. what you loved the most about it, was that flowers were decorated all over. you had white ribbons on the side of your underwear, a light pink flower in the center. your bra had tiny 'John' chain in the center, the cups a lacy pink. it was beautiful.
but of course, you hadn't put it on until you got out the shower. you wanted to have a romantic night with him. you hadn't seen him in 7 months, he was off in Chicago for another mission he had given you little information about. he hated you knowing how many people he'd have to kill.
"dinner was delicious my love." he smiled, kissing your palm, looking into you eyes. your cheeks couldn't help but turn pink, giggling as he pulled away. you had cooked his favorite meal for dinner, wanting to make sure the night was entirely perfect for him. you both missed each other so much, you couldnt help but spend the whole day perfecting your house. and he couldnt help but bring you far too many gifts from Chicago consisting of clothes, food and random items he found in gift shops or stores.
" go shower, I'm gonna clean up before we get too comfortable in the bed." you smiled, standing from the table. "I can help you baby, dont be silly." he chuckled, grabbing his own plate before you could. but no. as much as you loved cleaning with him, you needed a reason to shower and put on the lingerie. " please, I dont want us both to stay up late. for tonight let me clean for you, you go rest and relax. you had a long mission." you said, taking his plate.
thankfully that excuse was good enough. he agreed and went to shower, quietly sad you didnt want to shower with him. aside from the sexual factor of showering together, he truly did just want to have an intimate, romantic moment with you after the romantic dinner you set up for him. but he knew you were a stubborn woman and he wasn’t going to argue with you.
stepping out the shower, you grabbed the towel he had laid out for you, drying your body. successfully, you were able to sneak in the new set, hiding it in the sink cabinet. of course, it worked. why would he look under there anyways?
you pulled it out, examining the new set with a smile spread across your face. John always loved pink on you. it was the color you wore when you met him. you remember it like it was yesterday. and it always brought a smile to your face when you thought about it when he was away.
it was actually pretty funny. you hated him at first. but he fell in love with you the second he walked into the bakery you used to work at. he came in every day, ordering the same coffee with a croissant. and he’d flirt with you the entire time you’d take his order. you of course, being a college student focusing on nothing but your studies and money, paid him no mind and found him pretty annoying. especially with the constant bragging of his muscles.
“you know, when you get off there’s still this ice cream bar open down the street. i think you’d like it.” he smiled, leaning on the counter completely oblivious to the long line of people forming behind him. with a sarcastic smile, you handed him his receipt. “great i’ll check it out. next.” you responded, looking past him.
but he never gave up obviously. it got to the point even your manager was encouraging you to give him a chance. so, the next time he came in, before he could even say anything, you agreed. “okay. let’s go out.” you said, handing him the croissant you already had beside you.
from then on he’s been completely unable to leave you alone, still making his daily trips to your job to see you. and naturally, as time went on, you became equally obsessed with him. that was three years ago, and a year ago, he officially asked you to move in with him.
of course with that came a lot of alone time. with him being away in the military, which was something he had bragged a lot about during his little flirting moments. “i shoot guns and stuff y’know? lots of super hero activities.” he would joke, wiggling his eyebrows to you, despite the blank stare your give in return.
but with time, you got used to it. not fully. nights were the worst. but it got easier. he called you every chance he could. sent you letters that ,sometimes, never ended up getting to you until even after he got back from wherever he was stationed at.
you snapped back from your little day dream when a small knock came to the bathroom door. “my love.. is everything okay?” he asked, twisting the door knob. quickly, you pressed against the door, holding the knob still. “y-yea just looking on my phone. i’ll be out in a second.”
you began to apply the lotion, rushing so he doesn’t actually walk into the bathroom, spoiling the surprise. you felt a bit rushed, and you were praying you looked as beautiful as you were imagining you would. with the last fix of your hair, you walked out the bathroom and into the connecting bedroom.
on the bed, John laid on his back, pillow over his head. it was a technique he told you he learned in the military that helped him and a few others sleep when away from home. but once you walked closer to him, he removed the pillow, sitting up. and his jaw, literally, dropped. “oh my.. "
as you stood shyly at the door, John slowly made his way over to you, his eyes moving up your body slowly before meeting your eyes. "you look beautiful.." he breathed out, his hands moving to grab your waist. " so beautiful."
as he pressed further against you, his hard on became more and more difficult to ignore. he leaned down, pressing his lips to yours. the kiss wasn't rough, but it wasn't gentle either. it was more so passionate. his fingers gripping your waist, pulling you more into him as if that was even possible, your boobs hurting from the pressure. your hands found his cheeks, cupping them as his tongue slid into your mouth.
he began to back away, keeping you on his body. when his legs his the end of the bed, he fell, back pressing to the mattress. your hands found their way on either side of his head, holding yourself up as the kiss continued.
pulling away, he looked up at you. " you look so beautiful I just.. I wanna worship you.. can I do that?" he asked, his hands moving up and down your body, your smooth skin putting him in a trance like state. when you nodded, he smiled brightly, flipping you over.
your head rested on the cotton pillows, your legs being spread apart and John's head in between your legs before you could even realize. his fingers hooked around the waistband of your lacy underwear, dragging them down slowly. he took in how your bare pussy gleamed for him, his bottom lip tugging between his teeth. oh how he'd dreamed of this moment since he got on that plane back home.
once your underwear got to your ankles, he kept them there, lifting your legs to dip underneath them and allowing them to rest on his shoulders. his hands found your hips, pulling you onto his face. yes he was desperate and he for sure was excited. but he didnt know if it was how long he was gone for this time, or just the fact you looked so beautiful, but he wanted to take his time with you tonight. he wanted to make love with you.
the second he felt the heat from your pussy on his lips, he leaned in, sighing in pleasure as he tasted you for the first time in 7 months. your mouth opened slightly, a short breath leaving your lips as he pulled you clit between his lips. his eyes fluttered shut, head resting on your thigh as he gently, slowly made out with your cunt.
"J-Johnny.." you breathed out, fingers finding his hair. that was his favorite. whether it was to simply massage his head or when he was between your legs, he loved the feeling of your tugging his hair. it was peaceful for him.
his tongue slid in and out your cunt, soft squelching sounds coming from it. your head rested on the pillow, back arching slightly off the bed. his hands gripped around your waist tighter, holding you close to his face. it wasn't like you were going anywhere, but he loved the idea of controlling your body movements.
he opened his eyes, looking up at your arched back and slightly open mouth. "feels good love?" he said into your pussy, circling his tongue right to your clit. you nodded, whimpering at the circular movement. he chuckled, continuing exactly that.
your breathing picked up, head lifting to look down at him. he smiled up at you while pulling your clit into his mouth, sucking right back on it. you hadn't even realized it, but his fingers pressed right at your entrance and slowly, made their way inside you. gasping at the double pleasure, your head fell right back onto the pillow.
"oh fuck Johnny.. too good." you whined, your feet now pressing flat on the bed. he felt you trying to pull away from him, but he was far too drunk off your pussy to give you a break. his fingers slowly moved in a "come here" motion, hitting right at your g spot, his tongue moving in circles around your clit at the same pace.
your stomach turned pleasurably, preparing for the first orgasm you'd be having in months. of course, with Johnny being gone you managed to buy yourself toys to keep you company. not even just for that, but also to try and incorporate them into sex with Johnny. but you only ended up using them for maybe a month or two before realizing it wasn't the same as the real thing. it wasn't the same as Johnny.
" look so beautiful love, so beautiful." he whispered, kissing your clit while his fingers continued to move inside you. your slick ran down to his knuckles, only making him harder. he couldn't help but move his hips against the mattress, trying to relieve some of the pain. but it didnt do much. and it only got worse once your legs began to shake on either side of his head.
it was embarrassingly fast you were going to cum. and you tried to think of a billion other things to help you not cum around his fingers and tongue. but Johnny made that increasingly more difficult. " cum for me baby. show me how much you missed me." he moaned against your pussy, grinding faster onto the mattress.
panting, you raised your head to look down at him. that sight alone made your orgasm take over. "I-im cumming.. oh Johnny~" you cried, your legs shaking fingers gripping onto the sheets. Johnny whimpered beneath you, slurping every last but you had to give him. he held your hips down onto his face, helping you ride out your orgasm.
as your legs began to calm down, he slowed down his tongue movements. "j-johhny please" you choked out, trying to get him off of you. but he wasn't budging. his hands sunk around your thighs, squeezing them gently before tugging you back onto his face further. as he did so, his tongue slid right back into your still throbbing hole, sighing as he tasted the sweetness of your juices on his tongue.
your head pressed back into the pillow, whimpering out as he moved his wet muscle in and out of your hole slowly. "missed the taste of you so much.. gimme one more. can you do that for me love? please." he begged between your thighs, taking his thumb to rub at your sensitive, puffy clit. you gave him a weak yes, gripping onto the sheets firmer, nails digging into your palm simultaneously.
his thumb moved in a faster circle, tongue moving to match that speed. "taste so good. love being between your legs." he moaned, shoving his face deeper into your pussy.
your eyes crossed as you felt his tongue rub right against your spongy g-spot, the feeling of his thumb on your clit adding to the sensation. "i'm s-so close.. " you whimpered, grinding your hips on his face. moaning into your pussy, he looked up at you. keeping eye contact, his thumb rubbed faster against your puffy clit.
he didn't even have to say much before you felt your second orgasm take over your body. "thats it baby.. feel good for me." he cooed, sucking gently over your overstimulated clit. weakly, you shove him away, this time successfully. " sorry.. just missed you so much." he smiled, lifting himself up from the mattress.
as your legs stopped shaking, he positioned himself between your legs, rubbing his tip up and down your slit. "did you miss me too my love?" he whispered, looking up into your eyes. your head nodded quickly, pushing up slightly enough for his tip to push inside. a gasp slipped past you both, his hips quickly moving back.
giggling, he moved his hands to your hips. "so impatient. but its okay. i'm impatient to." he whispered before slowly pressing into your tight warmth. your hands were quick to ball up, mouth forming into an 'O' shape. as he bottomed out into you, his forehead pressed against yours. "fuck I missed this." he groaned, pulling his bottom lip in-between hips teeth.
your hands cupped his cheeks, pressing his lips onto yours. the kiss was passionate. not your usual desperate, sloppy makeout. this one was surprisingly slow. slow but deep. your tongues danced together as his hips slowly pushed away and slowly moved forward again. he sped up a tad bit, nothing to the point bed was creaking or shaking. it was a steady, deep speed. one that allowed you both to just feel each other.
his hands roamed your body, cupping your boobs through the bra. you pulled away to look up at him, a smile on both faces. "I know.. we keep saying I-it but.. I missed you a lot." you said, small moans coming from you before the words could. he chuckled at your small struggle, rubbing his thumb against your cheek. " I missed you so much more my love.." he whispered, leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek.
his other hand made busy with your clit, thumb rubbing it slowly and adding just enough pressure to the still puffy nerve. it didn't take long for his finger to get coated in your slick. "so wet.. don't know how long I can take." he moaned, picking up the pace slowly. you weren't complaining about this. and you honestly weren't expecting him to last too long after 7 months of using his hand alone. maybe a DIY flesh light if he even had the time and tools to make one. which you figured was very unlikely.
his balls slapped against the curve of your arse, his head falling into your neck. his moans slowly turned into whimpers and you knew by that alone he was definitely close. your hands wrapped around his neck, his head slowly lifting up. his eyes were hooded slightly, bottom lip again caught between his teeth. "g-gonna wait for you love.. so we c-can cum.. together." he groaned, looking in your face but quickly looking away. but where else was there to look? your face alone was enough to make him finish right then and there, so that wasn't an option. your body was perfect, the way it looked in the lingerie. the way the lighting in the room illuminated your skin and every curve you have. and oh how your moans and whimpers only made his balls tighten.
through all his struggle, he lost the battle and ended up cumming right then and there. "f-fuck..” he groaned, pressing his body over yours, panting into your neck. you smiled softly, running your hands through his hair as he grinds his hips into yours. “i.. thought i’d last a bit longer.” he breathed out. you could feel the heat from his cheeks against your neck.
you tugged his hair, pulling his head up gently. “sit back.” you said, pushing him off you. as he slid out, you fell his cum seep out of your pussy. he lazily sat back against the headboard, looking up at you as you shifted yourself over his semi hard on. you grabbed it with your hand, using his own cum and your juices as lube.
his hips bucked up a bit, still sensitive. “god you so beautiful.” he breathed out, scanning over your body. his hands reached out, pulling you closer into his chest. he leaned in, biting your nipple through your bra. you whimpered, gripping onto him a bit firmer. he smiled, pulling away to look up at you. “sorry.” he said.
rolling your eyes, you pumped him a bit more. when he was fully up again, you rubbed the tip against your folds, humming as the mix of your wetness and his cum covered your pussy. “come on baby.. don’t do this to me.” he whined, thrusting up gently. giggling, you gave into him and slid down onto his length. gasping, you both leaned your heads back.
his hands were quick to find your hips, guiding you up and down slowly. your body’s moved together, filling the room with little quiet skin slaps with a mix of your moans mixed together. “oh fuck Johnny.. love you so much.” you whimpered, looking down at him. his mouth was slightly ajar, eyes rolled back. as much as he did wanna respond, your pussy was too much for him to even process fully what you said.
your slick ran down to his balls, only making his fingers dig deeper into you. gently, he began to thrust up into you. your fingers remained in his hair, tugging on it gently. his eyes met yours, hands still gripping your hips. “so perfect.. your so perfect.” he panted, “w-wanna start a.. family with you.”
at first you thought it was simply the sex making him talk like that. but you remembered how before he left he’d talk about starting a family, what it would be like to be a military dad. every time you both went to the store he’d make a 10 minuet pit stop to look at the baby clothes.
as you processed what he said, you began to feel your stomach turning and you knew you were close. “i love you so much.” he moaned, picking up his pace slightly. his legs very gently began to shake, his head falling into your chest. “come on love make love with me. show me how much you love me too.” he whimpered.
your hips matched his speed, the sound of skin clapping growing louder. you grabbed his chin, forcing him to look up and kiss you. another deep, passionate kiss. for some reason, you loved this type of sex more than the rough “coming back home” sex. you felt like you both were bonding. spiritually and physically. you loved it. and you loved the idea of carrying his baby even more.
“i w-wanna start a family t..too.” you whined, pulling away from the kiss. he smiled up at you, slowing his hips down. as your hips continued to move, you felt yourself coming closer to the end. your pussy pulsed around his length, hands gripping onto him firmer. “g-gonna cum.” you whimpered, moving slightly quicker.
just as you came around him, body shaking and head tilting back, he thrusted up deeply into you, moaning your name out. his head found the crook of your neck, panting into it as his hips thrusted up into you slowly, pushing all his cum inside you. your hips came to a halt, letting him ride out his and your orgasm. “fuck i love you.” he whispered, slumping back against the bed again.
you smiled, resting your head on his chest while he softened inside of you. you both ended up staying like this, discussing the risks of having a baby right now. but also the positives. “i’m ready for this if you are.” you said as he slid out from below you. gently, he laid you on the bed, pressing a kiss to your neck.
“i’m ready to spend the rest of my life with you my love. whatever you want to do, i’ll do. if you wanna have this baby with me, i’ll make it the best and easiest pregnancy i possibly can.” he said, standing from the bed.
smiling at him, you nodded your head. “okay. let’s start a family.”
omg i really hope you all like this😭 i’ve never written a vanilla smut but the idea was so cute it honestly is one of my favorite works. anyways PLEASE REQUEST OTHER CHARACTERS I WRITE FOR ALL OF THEMM
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ptergwen · 3 years
warmer than cuddles
Tumblr media
w/c: 2.4k
warnings: may plays matchmaker and makes some suggestive jokes
prompt: you and peter get caught in the rain and have to share an umbrella
a/n: thank youuu to the angel who requested <3 swear this is my favorite trope to write hehe ☔️
one of the many things you and peter have in common is being lazy. it’s sort of the basis of your friendship. you’re not the kids who drink or party or get in trouble. you play board games and eat pizza on his ripped up couch. the riskiest thing you’ve ever done is sneak into a movie.
peter was so paranoid you’d get caught, he couldn’t even pay attention. he kept whispering to you about paying the whole time. you had to drag him out by his hand after the movie ended. the next time you went to that theater, he bought an extra ticket to “make it even.”
that about put an end to your trying new things phase. you went right back to your comfy nights in pajamas. tackling each other for the remote, baking terrible cookies that you just throw out, sharing a blanket to stay warm. what also helps is that you cuddle under it.
all the fun you need is you, peter, and your love for doing nothing. may disagrees.
she’s always trying to get you two out of the apartment. in her words, it’s “unhealthy for developing teens to spend so much time cooped up inside.” peter once asked which mother’s facebook group she joined. you snickered at that. may gave you a warning look.
well, you don’t have a choice to stay in today. she’s kicking you and peter out because she has guests coming over.
“it’s girl’s night,” may tells the two of you with a satisfied smirk. she hangs her raincoat on the rack and comes into the living room. peter squints his eyes at her. “you have friends?” he sounds too surprised for your liking. you flick his arm hard enough to make him go “ouch!”
“peter, we only have, like, four friends. that’s counting ourselves,” you inform him with a laugh. peter drops his head onto your shoulder. “and i don’t need any of them but you,” he says sarcastically, rubbing his cheek on your sweatshirt. “aw, i know,” you coo and rest your head on his. may crosses her arms and shrugs.
“you should do a group play date with everyone! i haven’t heard from ned in a while,” she suggests, your eyes flicking over to peter. he’s biting back a grin. “play date?” you try to stifle a laugh when you ask. “you know what i mean. a hang out,” may nods at her better word choice. peter winces in protest.
“eh, ned will probably wanna go out somewhere. we don’t do that,” he tells may, like that’s a completely normal thing for a teenager to say. you raise a finger in agreement. she laughs in disbelief at you and peter. you’re splayed out on the couch, on a saturday, complaining about doing anything else.
“you two make me feel young.” may’s words are a joke, but her tone isn’t. “you are young, may,” you reassure her and smile a little. peter says nothing. his eyes become hooded as he settles into you more. “look at you two, like some old married couple,” may gestures to you from where she’s standing. she smiles this time.
peter’s face gets hot from the mention of you being a couple. your heart skips a couple of beats. you’re pretty sure he can tell from how close he is.
“do whatever you want, just not here,” she gets back to the real conversation. peter hides his entire face in your shoulder as a form of protest. you pat his back. “and not each other. unless you’re safe,” may adds. “may, please. no,” he groans out, positive he’s all red now. you blink at her in horror.
may knows what she’s doing. peter isn’t the most subtle person, especially not about liking someone. she’s learned all the signs that her nephew is falling. he’s falling for you. she sees it in you, too. the way your eyes soften when they meet peter’s, how fast you are to hug him back or beam at the silly things he says.
you two spend so much time apart from your other friends, you basically are a couple. you’re just not old or married. the only thing you need is a push to realize that.
“ok, we’re gonna go now,” peter decides and pulls away from you. “god bless,” you say only so he can hear. he chuckles at that, you getting up from the couch. giving him a knowing smile, you grab one of his hands. he lets you pull him to his feet while exhaling. he’s already exhausted. may watches and shakes her head.
peter walks up to give her a quick hug. “enjoy girl’s night. love you,” he murmurs as she squeezes him tight. even though they tease each other a lot, their relationship is really sweet. it’s very telling how a guy treats his mother. well, aunt in this case. that thought has always been in the back of your mind.
“have fun!” you grin at may when her and peter pull apart. he comes back over to you and tugs on your sleeve. “thanks, kids. we’ll be done around eleven,” she lets you know. you’re already getting your shoes on and ready to leave. eleven is a while from now.
“don’t forget an umbrella! it’s drizzling!” may calls after you two. peter grabs hers that’s leaning against the front door. it’s pink with purple polka dots. you giggle at that. “hey, i like pink,” he defends himself and opens the door, letting you out first. you raise your hands in defense, leaving the apartment.
peter waves at may one last time. “good luck, peter,” she tells him once you reach the stairs. he furrows both eyebrows. “good luck with what?” “you’ll see,” may raises her own eyebrows in a way that’s all too familiar to peter. he calls it her face of wisdom.
still confused, peter heads out. he finds you at the bottom of the stairs. you shove your hands in your pockets and push against the door to open it. peter meets you outside, twirling the umbrella between his fingers.
“is there anywhere you wanna go?” he asks as you start to walk. you’re just going down the block for now. “back upstairs,” you sigh out. “i wish. not an option, though,” peter puffs some air out of his cheeks. you fumble to pull up your hood. he easily reaches over and does it for you.
“thanks,” you say quietly. “you’re welcome,” peter pats the top of your head for emphasis. “we could just walk around.” “until eleven o’clock? that’s five hours from now,” you laugh out, adjusting your hoodie to block your face. disappointment crosses over his features.
“should’ve brought my suit,” he mutters mostly to himself. linking your arm with his, your eyes widen. “i’m not trusting you to swing me around in this weather.” his bicep flexes when your arm wraps around his own. “what? i’ve done it before, y/n/n. on patrol.” you turn your head towards him.
“didn’t you get hurt last time?” you already know the answer. “sprained wrist and a few cuts,” he grumbles, you humming because you’re right. he’d called you in tears when he got home, scared he broke something. you reminded him he would heal soon and stayed on the phone until he calmed down.
that ended up being the whole night. you’re probably the most supportive of peter being spider-man. you of course worry about the toll it takes, but you understand why he does it. the least you can do is be there for him while he navigates the superhero world. not talk him out of it or scold him for making mistakes, be there.
that’s why he loves his lazy days with you so much. they’re his break, his escape from what he lies awake worrying about most nights. you’ve seen what he has to go through, so you respect that. whatever he needs to do to unwind is fine by you. as long as you get to do it with him.
“then you couldn’t patrol for weeks. you could barely hold a pencil.” your other arm sneaks around his. they’re both hugging him now. “you had to be my note taker,” peter reminisces, a smile making its way onto his face. “that sucked, man. you’re such a perfectionist about them,” you breathe out.
peter flips the umbrella around in a show-off kind of way. “you don’t complain when i send them to you.” he sounds so cocky you can’t help but roll your eyes. he isn’t wrong, though. “whatever. seriously, where should we go?” “uh,” peter’s eyes scan the block for inspiration. they land on a man carrying takeout.
“dinner? not at a restaurant since we’re in sweats,” he adds the last part so you don’t have to. “ooh, let’s go to panera,” you happily squeeze his arm. peter quirks an eyebrow at you. “you’re always hungry after.” “so? we can get dessert, too. we have a while.” that makes his heart flutter. a while with you.
“cool, cool, cool,” he sings to you, leaning into your side as you walk. you giggle and push at his shoulder. “i think we can make it there before the rain picks up.” there’s a clap of thunder right after he says that, like something out of a movie. it’s followed by a heavier rain coming down on you two. you pull at the strings of your hoodie to keep it tighter on your head.
“jinxed it,” you remark, both of you stopping so peter can open the umbrella. “ugh,” he grunts out. his lower lip is between his teeth while he undoes the velcro. he pushes down and watches as the umbrella springs open for you two. “here, c’mere,” peter welcomes you under as he holds it above your heads.
it doesn’t quite fit you both since it’s only meant for one person. you forgot he took may’s. the two of you have to squish together so you can avoid the rain, which is pitter pattering down hard on the sidewalk.
you’re comfortable under here with him. the freezing cold weather outside of the umbrella is hardly an issue anymore.
peter turns to face you, letting out a breathless laugh. “you can take off your hood now.” your arms slip from around his. you remove it from your head and give him a toothy grin. it’s one that’s meant to be over exaggerated. “there’s that pretty face,” peter’s voice gets quieter. unlike what you did, that wasn’t a joke.
your pretty face loses its smile. you’re suddenly very aware of how close peter is to you.
you can see the faint scar on his chin from when he banged it into a wall in your living room. he’d ran straight into it during your two person game of hide and seek. yes, you still play that. it was gushing blood for half an hour.
there are also the thousands of freckles dotting his face, the ones you only notice by looking at him super hard. you try to count them whenever you get bored. peter stares back at you while you fall in love with every tiny detail about him.
he takes the time to admire your lips, not just because they look really kissable right now. because of every curious expression they press into when he does something you can’t believe. your eyes, that he feels a sense of safety and honesty and familiarity every time he looks into. he finds them and feels like he’s home.
“peter?” you speak up after a few moments. your tone is hesitant, as if whatever you’re going to ask will change what you have forever. that’s because it might. it’s silent except for the sound of the rain hitting his umbrella. peter finally answers, almost in a whisper. “yeah?”
“i... i think,” you clear your throat before going on. his eyes trail down to your lips again, then back up to your twinkling ones. even on a gloomy day like this, they could light up the whole sky. “i think i love you,” you get out, a hand over your racing heart. peter gives you a small but sure nod. “i think i love you, too.”
he takes a step closer to you, if that’s even possible. his hand without the umbrella comes up to hold your cheek. you watch as he uses his thumb to wipe away a few stray rain droplets. your head tilts to the side, lips parted on instinct. peter leans in until his lips just brush yours, letting you decide what comes next.
you choose to close the space between you two. his eyes squeeze shut, whole face scrunched up when he kisses back. this is a release of all the emotions he’s been holding in that he didn’t even realize he had. you slip into a rhythm, using the angle to move your lips against peter’s.
his hand drops from your cheek to your jaw to support you while you kiss. your own hands grab his biceps, fingers pressing into him, depesrate to have him in your arms. peter lets out a content sigh against your lips before detaching them. it’s not for long. he comes right back in after taking a breath.
you get one long peck from him, then another that’s softer than the last. you give him a short kiss back, lips curving into a smile when this one ends. peter’s thumb smooths over your jawline while he searches for your eyes. he grins at you and tightens his grip on the umbrella handle. he’s surprised it didn’t blow away in the midst of your mini makeout.
“i definitely love you, peter,” you state so genuinely, hands on his shoulders now. that has to be peter’s favorite sentence he’s ever heard. the most beautiful combination of words, said by you to him. “i definitely love you, y/n,” peter agrees, punctuating his statement with one last kiss. you haven’t stopped smiling when his lips meet the corner of yours.
may was right about two things that night. you needed the umbrella for that huge storm, but it did more than protect your from the rain. it also brought you and peter together in a way. the second thing she was right about was that peter loves you, and every feeling he has mirror yours for him.
actually, she was right about three things. you two have to get out of the apartment more often.
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bibbawrites · 3 years
What’s In A Name - Dad!Owen x Pregnant!Female Reader
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Request: NONE
Word Count: 1028 words 
Summary: Part 3 of the Dad!Owen series, the gender reveal plus you and Owen spend some quality time discussing names for Baby Joyner 
Warnings: none? one use of the word dumbass lol i think that’s all?
A/N: part 3 here we go! i just thought this would be a cute little one to write (and yes it is little, sorry that its so short!), the gender reveal plus just chatting about baby names the name that you guys chose as the winner is in here but you won’t find out which one it actually is until she’s born hehe
if you have any ideas of what you’d like to see in the dad!owen series feel free to send them my way! 
Tag List (let me know if you want to be added, removed or if you change your url): @happinessinthedarkesttimes​ @littlemissaddict @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic @headheartbellarke @lovesanimals​ @bartok-the-bat @juliefromaustralia @multi-universe21 
Time had flown since you had found out you were pregnant. It seemed like only yesterday that you were staring at those two pink lines on the pregnancy test, not knowing what was going on, and now you were getting ready to find out gender of the little baby inside you. 
Owen had been convinced the entire pregnancy that you were having a girl, telling everyone you knew, and frankly, you were worried what would happen if the confetti that exploded out wasn’t baby pink. 
You sighed, resting your hand on your tiny bump. There was no changing it now, Owen would just have to deal with it. 
“Y/N, you almost ready?” Owen’s voice came from the other side of the door and you took a deep breath. 
“Yeah I’m ready.” You opened the door, smiling when you found your boyfriend in the pastel pink hoodie he wore as Alex. He scanned your own outfit, a white dress with both pink and blue flowers on it. 
“Didn’t want to pick a side?” He teased, pulling you into a soft kiss, his hand going straight to your stomach. You smiled against his lips. 
“You know me, the indecisive bitch.” You replied and he giggled slightly. 
“If you’re ready to go we should head out. Charlie and Sav said to be there by 11 and it’s 10:30 now.” He told you and you nodded. 
The little gender reveal was going to be happening on set. You all spent most of your time there and you both figured that it was the perfect place to find out what the baby was. 
You linked your hand with Owen’s and the two of you headed out of the apartment and down to Owen’s car. 
In less than an hour you would know the gender of the baby. 
Kenny had allowed Savannah and Charlie to deck out the garage with decorations, and the two of them had set up the perfect little gender reveal, with balloons and streamers and tiny cupcakes. 
You smiled as you took in the sight. Savannah grinned at you from across the room, rushing over quickly to pull you into a hug. 
“I can’t wait for you to find out, it’s been killing Charlie and I.” She said and you laughed. The decision had been made to let both Savannah and Charlie find out the gender so that they could plan the party and you knew that they could both be trusted with the secret. 
“Well its finally time.” You replied, glancing around at the cast members who had filled the room, all wearing various shades of pink, blue or both, and both your family and Owen’s family on facetime calls being held by Jeremy. 
“Everyone ready?” You asked loudly, and everyone cheered in response. You joined Owen in the middle of the room, taking one of the confetti poppers from his hand. 
“Speech!” Charlie called from the side of the room and you and Owen exchanged a look. 
“Okay, well, we just wanna say thank you to everyone for being here and celebrating Baby Joyner, and we love you all.” Owen said. You nodded. 
“Also thank you to Sav and Char for setting this up.” You added, smiling at your two best friends. 
“Okay, are we gonna do this?” Owen looked at you. You smiled. 
“Let’s do it.” You agreed. “You guys wanna give us a countdown?” 
On one both you and Owen twisted the poppers, and instantly the room was filled with shiny pink confetti.
“I knew it!” Owen exclaimed, picking you up and spinning you around as you laughed loudly. He placed you down and you pulled him in for a kiss. 
“You were right.” You said, grinning as the rest of the cast rushed in to engulf you in big group hug. You couldn’t stop smiling, the overwhelming feeling of love was insane. 
You could feel Owen’s hands on your stomach and you shut your eyes for a second. 
You were having a baby girl. 
And you couldn’t wait to meet her. 
Later that evening you and Owen were curled up in your bed, Nickelodeon playing softly on the TV since Owen insisted his little girl be “educated on good kids TV”. 
Owen had his head resting in your lap and his arms were wrapped around your tiny baby bump. You ran a hand through his hair and smiled. 
“You know, now that we know for certain she’s a girl, we should probably start talking about names.” You spoke up. Owen glanced up at you. 
“This suddenly just feels really real.” He admitted softly. You lent down and kissed the top of his head. 
“Don’t stress, it’s okay.” You whispered. He smiled slightly. 
“I know it will be. Cause we’re doing this together, and everything is always okay when we’re together.” He said and you rolled your eyes. 
“Calm down Romeo.” You teased and he giggled. “So, names?”
He pulled a face as he thought. 
“I’ve always liked the name Theo.” He said after a second. “Theo Joyner.” 
“Cute.” You replied, still playing with his hair. “What about Carla or Ella?” 
“I like them. I also like Aurora, like the princess.” Owen smiled. You giggled. 
“Okay Prince Charming.” You said and Owen groaned. 
“That’s Cinderella’s prince, dumbass. Aurora’s prince was Prince Phillip.” He told you and you playfully rolled your eyes. 
“Oh I’m sorry Mr Disney Princess expert.” You retorted and Owen grinned. “Any other names?” 
Owen paused again. 
“What about Olivia? Ooh or Diana.” He suggested. 
“Ooh I like them. Diana’s a bit unusual nowadays though, where’d you get that from?” You questioned. Owen looked away guiltily. 
“The One Direction song.” He admitted and you laughed. 
“Of course. Olivia too, right?” You asked and he nodded. You shook your head slightly. 
“You’re such a dork Owen Patrick Joyner.” You said and he grinned up at you. 
“But I’m your dork, right?” He tried, and you nodded. 
“And baby girl’s dork.” You added, and he smiled, squeezing his arms around your bump gently. 
You lent down, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. 
“And we wouldn’t change you for the world.” 
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I loved your Lev proposing hc! Can I req that prompt but with Oikawa × reader, and if it's not too much, Ushijima × reader? Thank you!!! Sorry if this is a lot.
yesss and i’m really loving this whole domestic haikyuu view :))
he’s been waiting for this moment for SO SO SO LONG
this boy is a part-time romantic, have ya’ll not seen the picture of the sunset he took in his phone??
speaking of sunsets, like lev he would take you to somewhere around sunset time :)
he’d most likely take you to your official date spot, yk that place that you two always go to and have cherished like so many memories there?
it’s probably like under a huge ass willow tree hehe
he’d ask you to a picnic there, and you agree, although you two haven’t been at the willow tree spot since around the start of oikawa’s career
you arrive at around evening, watching him spreading out a small picnic blanket on the floor. you dance over to him, pecking him on the cheek as he chuckles
“what took you so long, i was getting nervous!” he blabbered, as a little cheeky grin grew on your face
“sorry toru, no one can be as on time as you” you giggled pinching at his cheek
you two sat down and enjoyed your picnic for what seemed like hours, until you peeked over at the sky
“hey toru, why don’t you add a pic to your collection? sky’s looking really gorgeous right now” you teased, as he leaned over grab what seemed to be his phone from his pocket
“sky’s not the only thing looking gorgeous right now” he whispered, looking back at you with his irresistible puppy dog eyes and.. a ring?
he had a soft smile on his face as he leaned closer towards you
you placed one hand over your chest in shock and another over your mouth, you were practically speechless as you felt your eyes beginning to well up
“y/n, i love you so so incredibly much. i just want you to be mine forever, for the rest of my life. y/n, will you marry me?” his voice was cracking as he shed a few tears of his own.
you pulled him a little closer and whispered thousands of yes’s, as he grabbed the side of your cheek, pulling your slightly wet faces into a passionate, deep kiss as love confessions spilled from your mouths
farmerboy loves u long time, like he’s never loved anyone else the way he’s so deeply in love with you, like he really wants to start a little family with you
he’s been dreaming of the day he’ll see you walking down the aisle
he’d probably propose to you on a vacation or something, like you guys went to the Bahamas
he got you guys the honeymoon suite at the hotel jus to like hint at the fact he was gonna pop the question on that vacation. 
you guys spent 60% of one of the days there in bed, bare under the covers, just silently embracing each other from the glow of the natural sunlight peeked through the windows
lots and lots of kisses from him that day, and you were slightly suspicious on why mr stoic is being so affectionate all of a sudden. sure, you’d get kisses from ushi, but not this many. and the way he has his beefy arms wrapped around you the entire day made your heart beat slightly faster
after spending like the whole day in bed, he took you out to one of the restaurants near by for dinner, and he made sure to get the patio view just like you please
he’s gripping your hands so tightly on the way there, even ever so softly moving out the few stray hairs out of your face. you’ve never seen him smile so much
you two finally arrive, and it seems... empty? OH he booked out the whole restaurant for you two? your heart goes brrrrrrrr
he takes you out to the patio seats and watches as you admire the pretty stars from above, even chuckling at your over-excited signals to the moon. he glares at your eyes gleaming with such admiration and excitement, and the way your hair moves so delicately with the soft, cool breeze, and the way your smile always manages to emphasize the rosy tint on your cheeks and- no he can’t take it anymore! he has to propose to you now, the urge is killing him
as you murmur on about the names of the stars and how they perfectly match something to do with astrology, he gets down on one knee and look up at you with a blank expression, waiting for you to turn around. he sighs, realizing your too immersed in the beauty of the sky, so he mutter a whisper of your name
you turns around and audibly gasp, smiling so immensely to the point where you feel like your cheeks are abt to fall off
“y/n, l/n, will you marry me?” he announces, as you can see his hand slightly trembling while holding open the sapphire ring box
“yes! yes, yes, yes of course ushi!” you sequel, jumping onto him, causing him to go “oof” as he tightly grabs you, making sure you don’t fall
he softly murmurs how much he loves you, while he pulls you back to caress the sides of your face
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sunqyu · 4 years
~ First kiss with Treasure pt. 2  (Asahi, Yedam, Doyoung, Haruto, Jeongwoo and Junghwan)
Request: “ First kiss with treasure? (reaction something like that) love your blog, you ARE the cutie 💞💞 “ - Anon
Click heeere for pt 1 with the other members. Hope you like it! :D (also someone stop me, they’re getting longer each time) (also someone stop me from calling them beans) (just stop me in general, I guess hehehh) - Nova
so many moments where he wanted to do it
but couldn’t get himself to
the moment you left after another great date that should’ve ended with a kiss he’d sigh
‘next time... yes, next time.’
you two were sitting on a parkbench, taking a break from walking home
by now you were giving pretty clear hints that it was okay for him to kiss you
making prolonged eyecontact and looking at his lips
it started to become quite obvious
and he could definitely tell that there was some type of tension in the air
but who knows maybe he just had something on his face y’know? he could never be 100% sure
he kept thinking about it without taking action
looking back at you with his heart racing
which was a completely new feeling to him
silently hyping himself up he’d scoot closer to you, not breaking eyecontact
is this it? is he going for it?
then you hear people walking towards you and he quickly looks forward again
damn it
however he couldn’t ignore your audible sigh
later on you’d be walking again, strolling through some grass since you thought it would be fun to go off path
you were quickly surrounded by tall trees, lifting your feet up high with every step so you wouldn’t stumble over fallen branches
holding onto each others arms, soft laughs as you made your way through the forest
he felt a lot more at ease now that you two were away from the more crowded places
as you stopped for a moment, looking up and around you at the autumn colors, he’d speak up
‘this seems like a nicer place anyway- doesn’t it?’
you looked at him confused, already forgotten about the earlier moment
even though he was sure he was gonna go for it now, he’d still hesitate
but only for a second before leaning forward
the kiss was quick, simple but heartwarming
it made him think, why was this so scary to him before?
however the next time he’d want to kiss you the butterflies would be right back
only after a few kisses would it feel more natural
but he’s very willing to get used to it, especially after seeing you smile each time
romantic bean
he’s just the sweetest so every moment with him feels so special and surreal
even something as simple as having a quick lunch together or studying in the same room
you both went to different schools but since he wanted to spend more time with you he suggested studying in a bookstore that doubled as a café
it was quiet that day since the exams weren’t really near yet
you both sat at the corner of an old table, you writing out math equations while he was working on an essay on his laptop
the soft ticking on his keyboard and your scribbling were the only things heard in the calm corner of the bookstore
the ticking stopped
you kept writing
it wasn’t until a few seconds later when you noticed he still hadn’t continued typing
looking up, wondering if he was stuck, you were greeted by his warm gaze
what you hadn’t noticed was that he had been looking at you ever since he lost focus
paying attention to how your nose scrunched up when you reached a difficult question
or how you were so delicate when you typed something into your calculator, as if you didn’t want to ruin the calm silence
he never planned on falling in love with his best friend
but here you were, looking almost ethereal in your comfy study-outfit
he smiled when you finally looked up
‘How are the math questions going?’ he muttered in a whisper
‘Pretty good- how’s your essay?’ you whispered back
you weren’t sure why you were whispering
being the only two there except for the barista who was somewhere at front
‘Not great- I’m trying to find a nice way to go from one subject to the next but it’s not flowing well.’
you chuckled, knowing fully well the essay was bomb and Yedam’s inner perfectionist was the only one not satisfied
‘I bet it’s great.’ you muttered, whispering even more quietly than before as if you were sharing a secret
‘You think so?’ he chuckled back, which had been the loudest sound so far but still only audible to you
he watched you nod before looking at your notebook again
a sparkle of confidence lit up his mind as he leaned towards you
lifting your chin back up again with the side of is index-finger
before you knew it you felt his lips against yours
a new but for some reason still familiar sensation
you melted against him, staying there a little longer to remember the feeling
‘Thank you-’ he breathed against your lips with a slight smile
before pulling back and looking at his laptop again
his ears bright red as his eyes went up to you one more time
smiling brightly when he saw you do the same
there have actually already been many attempts
some of which you’re aware of
like the time he was leaning in when you were watching Toy Story in his room but then Jihoon walked in to tell you two about something Junkyu just did
and some of which you’re not aware of
like the time he was hyping himself up to just go for it but when he made eyecontact you said he had disco-sprinkles on his nose from the ice cream he was eating
it has been a struggle
but nonetheless he still enjoys every minute with you and doesn’t feel very pressured
it’ll happen when the time is right
one night you were hanging out in the practice room
the other boys had left already but Doyoung was practicing a solo choreo he had been working on
he loved when you kept him company
the ‘late night crazies’, as you two called it, set in quite quickly though
giggles all over the place as you danced and screamed along to all kinds of songs
he’d teach you choreos of which he tried to convince you they were legit
when really he just made the both of you look silly on purpose
the night was filled with laughter and neither of you realized how late it actually was
you’d go from popping to cha-cha-cha to a dance Doyoung swore was called ‘the transformer’ where you had your backs together with your arms intertwined
your legs all of a sudden in the air as he bent over, holding you on his back
you were crying from laughing so hard as he twirled you around the practice room like that 
while loudly adding his own improvised sound effects to the Skrillex-song that was playing
when he put you down all you could do was roll on the floor grabbing your stomach from laughing so hard
he’d lay down on the floor next to you, staring at the ceiling together as you’d catch your breath
his hand reached for yours, intertwining your fingers and giving a gentle squeeze which made you turn your head to look at him
he continued looking up, visible trying not to smile, corners of his mouth curling up and down quickly
‘If you continue staring at me like that I may actually have to kiss you this time.’
you rolled on your side and inched closer, widening your eyes to exaggerate your staring
he chuckled ‘Alright then-’ and quickly turned to face you
grabbing your cheek with his free hand
firmly pressing his lips against yours
the kiss softened as it went on
both of your relaxing even though you were on the hard floor
‘Freaking finally-’ he muttered before kissing you once more
might need a liiittle encouragement
or just something that clearly lets him know you wouldn’t mind
or better yet, that you can’t wait
something along the lines of a joke or a bet
it builds up over a few dates as your hints become more obvious
but every time you’re blunt about it he would block up completely and get shy
this one time you were playing mario kart and he joked about how he’s the best mario kart player in the world and you’ll never beat him
you ask him what his prize should be if he wins
he asks for something silly like you having to dance the choreo of I Love You in the middle of a busy street before asking you the same
he definitely did not expect you to ask for a kiss
his ears stay bright red through the entire race, barely focusing with his heart racing more than his character as he’s clearly trying to lose
you decide not to tease him about it this time, knowing very well that it would work against you
oh, look at that. he lost. wow.
‘Hehe- whoops.’
audible gulp
without even saying anything you turn to him, trying not to grin too brightly
his heart still skips a beat and in panic he leans in aaaand-
kisses you on the cheek
and regrets it right away
damn it
you’d still smile because even though you really wanted a kiss, you also don’t want to rush him
a couple of games later you get hungry and order food
still thinking about earlier and how he should’ve just went for it, he gets an idea
crumbling up a piecer of paper the boxes with food were wrapped in
‘Bet I can throw this in the trashcan from here?’
‘Alright, what are we betting on?’ you hum in an amused tone
‘If I make it, you have to kiss me. If I don’t, I have to kiss you.’
did he really just say that out loud so confidently
proud of himself already
but it quickly fades away as he realizes what this means
you beam and nod at him
he flicks the ball of paper at the trashcan across the room
it bounces on the edge
both of you inhale sharply
before it lands next to the trashcan
he can feel the blood rushing to his face once again and before you can boast about winning the bet
his hands have already grabbed your face, moving quickly so he doesn’t have time to get shy again
a little clumsily he kisses you
his confidence sets back in through his pride
‘I guess we both won this one.’
has it all planned out
you better be ready
he’s gonna rock your world
at least, that’s what he thinks
asked the olders guys for advice
but also replied ‘Ohh- ofcourse, yea I know that.’ to everything they say
still mentally taking notes
and actually written notes later on so he doesn’t forget
he had this really nice place in mind where there’s a graffiti wall but also loads of flowers
it’s the back wall of an old museum next to a park 
on the wall there’s a graffiti-piece that celebrates love where couples write their names with permanent marker
he’s so hyped
the date starts of in the actual museum
his plan was to make you see his artistic side by explaining paintings
eventually you just have a blast together, making pictures where you reenact all the paintings and sculptures
all the research he did beforehand to impress you was never really brought up
he might get in a quick ‘so this was by a woman who used colored flowers to make her own paint’
turns out that’s actually the painting next to it but you’re still amazed
the next part of mission ‘give her the best date ever’ was getting churros at a stand outside and walking through the park while eating them
he’d hold your hand and try his best to be a good conversational partner while also munching on his churro
‘Are you having a good time?’ just to check.
you were getting closer to his big finale
‘I have something to show you. A few years ago I was here too and promised myself to come back here with someone special.’
he guids you to the back of the building you had visited earlier
‘It’s really cool, you’re gonna love it.’
tension rising
turning a corner
‘Wait- what?’
you were greeted by a completely white wall
aside from a few dirt patches at the bottom it was impeccably white
his heart sank
a soft whine escaping
it left you quite confused because he raised the expectations earlier
‘This moment was meant to be perfect.’ he huffed
after you asked him what’s wrong he would explain everything
from the day he first saw the graffiti wall to how he planned this entire date in detail
‘It was such a great idea too- and- and- you really would’ve loved it.’
he was rambling at this point
the standard he put up for himself was quite high and he didn’t realize how much he had been stressing about it until now so it all came out at once
‘you deserve the best and I prepared the best but the universe just goes nahh-.’
you’d giggle
‘what’s so funny?’ he’d chuckle slightly at your response
after hearing you talk about how much you loved the date and how much you appreciated him for all the effort he put into it
mostly about how it didn’t matter that the wall wasn’t there anymore and that it was the idea that counts
the date was still perfect to you
hearing you say those last view words made him realizee he still did it
you still thought it was perfect
he actually did it
without a second thought he interrupted your next sentence
kissing you deeply as all the built up stress fell from his shoulders
‘I’m a pretty great boyfriend, aren’t I?’
it was rethorical question but his heart still leaped when you nodded happily at him
good lord
will he manage?
still proud for just being able to talk to you
choked on air when you first held his hand
still stutters when you give him a compliment
damn, I’m actually not entirely sure how he would first kiss you
after Jeongwoo wouldn’t stop asking him if he had kissed you yet he would really start thinking
he was gonna have to kiss you eventually
still secretly hoping you would kiss him sometime but also wants to be confident and take initiative
one day you’re watching a show at your place and the two main characters kiss on screen
in the corner of your eye you can see his ears getting red, trying to look natural and clearing his throat
without looking at you he’d mumble under his breath
‘Hey- uh.. weird question but-’
you asked him to repeat himself since you couldn’t hear properly
‘Oh- nothing, no, never mind.’ shakes his head rapidly
his gaze never leaving the tv
a few seconds pass by and you could tell how hard he was thinking still
‘but like- not that I uh- care or anything. But- haveyoueverkissedanyonebefore?’ 
damn, this boy should try rapping more
luckily you did make out his words
this time it was your turn to blush
‘no- have you?’
shakes his head rapidly again
awkward silence, both still staring at the tv
‘would you-...’ a little more silence ‘...- want to?’
you turned to look at him, not really answering his question
it felt like you could hear his heartbeat from where you were sitting, or was it yours?
his head turned slowly, eyes darting over your face a few times before he finally made eyecontact
he could tell from the way you looked back that this was it, now was the time
in a swift motion he leaned forward and kisses you on the lips
a quick peck which made you realize that it was your own heartbeat you were hearing because it was through the roof now
‘Heh wow- your lips are really soft.’
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itsarealshitshow · 4 years
NCT DREAM reaction to falling in love with a fan
Requested by @fruityutas​
Pairing: NCT DREAM x reader
Warnings: None
Author: Admin Emelia
Scenario: The members have secret accounts to keep up and interact with their fans. What happens when they start talking to you and they develop feelings? 
A/N: so we changed the request up a little bit. instead of them falling in love with a fan on their like secret account, it’s how they meet and fall for you. i hope you like it!
Huang Renjun
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- You got front row tickets with your friends to go see your favorite group NCT DREAM.
- During the performance of BOOM, you were really feeling the vibe and dancing while the dreamies were just walking around the stage. 
- Renjun spots you feeling yourself and immediately is enamoured by your beauty.
- He can’t stop staring and smiling at you feeling yourself, he even forgot to sing one of his lines.
- Right at the end of the song, he wrote a message on a piece of paper he got back stage and gave it to you, asking you to meet him at the end of the concert along with his number.
- You took it with a smile that melted his heart and nodded, accepting his invitation.
- It’s gonna be a long night:)
Lee Jeno
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- On a sunny afternoon, you were walking home after a really long day at work, you were really really tired.
- Meanwhile, Jeno had finished a really tiring dance practice and was on his way home. You guys were walking in opposite directions while crossing a bridge and both not really paying attention where you were walking due to your tiredness. 
- And because of that, you accidentally walked right into his chest. It wasn’t a hard crash since you were both walking at a slow pace but you still stumbled backwards a bit and he caught you by your wrist, pulling you into his rockhard chest to make sure you didn’t fall. Of course you saw his face and knew it was your idol crush. You were silently freaking tf out. 
- Both of you were wide-eyed and confused as to what just happened. After a few seconds, he released his grip on you and asked you if you were okay. When he saw your face, he starting smiling at your beauty. How cute you looked all flustered.
- After a few minutes of talking, he asked you if you wanted to get a coffee with him, wanting to spend more time with you. Unable to resist him, you said yes and even gave him your number before walking with him to the nearest coffee shop. 
Haechan (Lee Donghyuck)
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-The moment you appeared in front of him at a the fan sign, he immediately had the urge to be close to you. 
- He leaned forward on the table to make you flustered and to grab your hand. Something about you had him feel different. He has no idea who you are but mans was a simp. 
- He couldn’t stop being cute and touchy, rubbing his thumb on your hand, touching your hair, he even lifted your chin with his finger to look in your eyes. 
- He did everything to watch you blush because it made him feel butterflies in his stomach. When you had to go, he got sad but didn’t let you leave without getting your number. 
Na Jaemin
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- When Jaemin had a day off, he decided to go to the beach with some friends. Meanwhile, you were already there with your friends too.
- Once he got there, he started looking for a good spot for him and his friends to lay down their stuff, when he saw a nice empty space next to your and your friends’ things.
- After they unpacked everything, he sat on a towel, breathing in the warm air and looking at the view. He scanned the entire beach with his eyes until they landed on you walking back to your stuff after swimming. 
- He continued to stare at you with a doe eyed expression, not knowing how to react with his heart pounding in and out of his chest. You were wearing pretty pink swim wear with your hair all wet, sitting on your towel.
- One of your friends was looking around when she spotted Jaemin, THE Na Jaemin staring at you with a lustful yet loving look. 
- “Hey don’t freak out, but i’m pretty sure Na Jaemin from NCT DREAM is checking you out right now”, your friend whispered in your ear while jerking her head in the direction of Jaemin. 
- You slowly turned your head until you saw him, the prettiest boy looking back at you with a smirk. You quickly looked away, blushing hard uncontrollably.
- Next thing you knew, you felt someone sit down close to you. You look over to that person and see an adorable bright smile. “Hi, I’m Jaemin, what’s your name”.
Zhong Chenle
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- You were spending the evening at the amusment park because roller coasters during sunset hit different.
- You and your friends were waiting in a long line for a really fun roller coaster. While your waiting, a few boys lined up behind you guys and you thought you recongnized one of them. 
- You tapped on him shoulder and said, “Excuse me, are you Zhong Chenle from NCT DREAM?” He turned around and was faced with the most beautiful person he’s ever seen. Visibly flustered, he replies, “Y-Yes I am hehe... Who are you?”
- You introduced yourself and told him what a big fan of his you were. You guys were having a really nice conversation. You could tell he was nervous by the way he played with the ends of his sleeves and was blushing a lot. 
- You guys were talking about the rollercoaster you were about to ride when you said, “Yeah I’m kinda nervous to be honest... it looks scary.” Out of nowhere, he got the confidence to say, “Don’t worry you can ride with me, I’ll protect you.” :))
Park Jisung
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- You were a talented and trained makeup artist who applied at SM ent for a job. After a week of suspense, you were giving the good news of being hired to be the makeup aritst for a member of NCT DREAM.
- NCT DREAM?!?!? YOU LOVE THEM! You’ve been a huge fan of them since their debut. You were so excited to find out who’s makeup you’d be doing. 
- Your first day finally came, you had to get your assigned member ready for a radio show. When you arrived on set, your manager pointed to your idol. Sitting in a chair was a bare faced Park Jisung patiently waiting to get his makeup done. 
- You happily made your way to him with your makeup bag, excited to meet him. “Hello! My name is Y/N. I’m your new makeup artist! It’s so nice to meet you I’m such a big fan.” He stared at you with a happy look on his face before saying, “O-Oh hi, yes it’s nice to meet you too, I’m Jisung:) u-uh but you knew that already I guess hehe”, he said shyly with his cheeks a bit red.
- You gave him a cute smile and started to do his makeup. The whole time you were working on his makeup, he couldn’t stop looking at you. He stared at your eyes, your lips, your cheeks, everything! He didn’t want to miss a single detail of your face. Being so close to him had him really flustered, his cheeks looking permenately red. 
- “It looks like I don’t need to colour your cheeks”, you said and smiled at him. All he could do was giggle with embarassment. Before he knew it, you were already done with his makeup, showing it to him with a mirror. 
- “Do you like it?”, you asked him. He nodded quickly saying, “Yeah I do! It’s really pretty... Almost as pretty as you.”
(Oh jisungggg)
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bunnyywritings · 4 years
a birthday wish
tenya iida x gn!reader
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[a/n: so I got home later than I thought I would and it was a bit of a rough day but here’s a little something for class rep on his birthday, hehe I’m a complete mess when it comes to this boy right here🥺...like I don’t understand how he’s not everyone’s favorite but I guess not everyone has taste ✨✨ anyways, I gave reader wings as their quirk, enjoy! -yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´- ]
Work studies were going great so far. You were doing yours under Keigo Takami aka Hawks. He helped you with training that focused on strengthening your wings and using them in combat.
You flinched as the earpiece crackled to life, “That’s enough for now (y/n), let’s go on patrol.” You made your way down to where he was standing on the rooftop, a groan leaving your lips once your wings ceased their flapping. This caused Hawks to chuckle, “Tired?”
“No.” You scoffed at his teasing. “Not at all.” That was a big fat lie, your wings were sore. Every time you took a step, it jostled them painfully. However, you pushed the pain to the back of your mind and went on the patrol as scheduled.
Back at the dorms, everyone was gathered in the common room, trying to relax after a day full of classes and pop quizzes. Denki was flipping through the channels when a familiar face made him stop and turn up the volume.
“Woah! Guys check it out! It’s (y/n)!” The call of your name caught Iida’s attention, he grabbed his mug and made his way towards the couches. A smile on his face as he saw you on the tv, your dazzling grin on display for everyone to see as you were on patrol. He felt his heart beat a little faster at the sight of you. He was a bit somber at the fact that you wouldn’t be there for his birthday.
He’d want nothing more than to be able to cuddle you to his hearts content and sleep with you in his arms, sure it was against to rules but when it came to you, there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for you. Plus, the thought of waking up to you in his arms on his birthday was probably one of the best gifts he could receive. Especially after not seeing you for a whole week. He fished his phone from his pocket and took a quick picture of your guys’ classmates gushing over you.
To: my darling angel ♡
‘You look absolutely dazzling on the big screen darling and it seems that everyone thinks so too.’
You ignored the buzz in your pocket, you knew it was a text but taking your phone out on a patrol wouldn’t really be the smartest idea, so you continued on. Stopping for photos and autographs before you were back in the agency office and having lunch.
“So? Did you consider my offer?” Hawks asked as he popped a nugget in his mouth.
“Well I did, and after speaking about it with a-uh a friend...” Keigo definitely caught onto the blush that made its way to your cheeks. “and once I graduate, I’d love to sign with your agency.” A triumphant grin split his lips.
“That’s great!” His grin turned into a mischievous smirk. “And who’s this friend of yours?” He wiggled his eyebrows as your cheeks turned a bright red.
“He uhm, his name is T-Tenya Iida.” You avoided his gaze.
“Tenya? Wait- he’s Ingenium’s brother?” You nodded sheepishly. “Is he your boyfriend?~”
A laugh rumbled in his chest as he saw your wings ruffle and puff up. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Then you remembered that he had texted you a while ago so you grabbed your phone and unlocked it, heart fluttering so loud you could hear it in your ears.
“Uh hey lovebird...” his call broke you out of your trance, that’s when you realized that the fluttering you heard wasn’t your heart seeing as you were a few feet above your chair. Embarassed, you fluttered back down until your butt was back in the chair.
You finished your lunch and helped with some paperwork since it was a rather uneventful day. You were exhausted but being in the city for an entire week was an amazing experience.
“Hey uh how would you like to get home early?” His offer made your eyes widen.
He shrugged, “Yeah, of course. You can just finish your work study next week. I’ll email Aizawa the paperwork in the morning. You should get back to that boyfriend of yours. It’s his birthday today.” You were even more shocked, how did he-?
“Am I right? You said something about some boy’s birthday earlier this week.”
“I-well yeah, you’re right.”
So you showered in the locker room as he readied the paper work and he accompanied you to the station.
“Well, little one...it’s time to go back to your dorm life.” He chuckled sadly, ruffling your hair.
You dropped your duffle bag on the ground and wrapped your arms around the blonde “Thank you Takami...I really appreciate it.” He smiled and wrapped his arms around your shoulders.
“Don’t get all sappy on me kid and plus...two years goes by like nothing.” He gave you a little squeeze before pulling away. “You’ll probably be way more powerful than me by then anyways.”
After a tearful goodbye at the train terminal, you boarded on the 3 hour ride back to Musutafu.
You leaned back in your seat and tried to catch a small nap. You were shaken awake by another passenger, she gently called out to you until your eyes were open and she kindly let you know that you were at your stop.
Slightly embarrassed, you thanked her profusely before climbing out and making your way out of the car. You pulled out your phone and called a few of your classmates to try and keep your arrival a surprise. Midoriya and Shoto had convinced Iida to go on a run with them. And Sato had gotten started on baking a cake. They had known it was Iida’s birthday but he had made it very clear that he didn’t want anything too wild but that wasn’t gonna fly with you.
Once you arrived, everyone greeted you excitedly but kept the questions down as they helped you set up and whatnot.
When the boys had sent you a text that they were a few minutes away, you went and hid.
“You guys? What is this? I thought I said not to waste time on a party.” Iida gently reprimanded his classmates.
“Well maybe this will change your mind...” Mina giggled and that was your cue. You stepped out from around the corner.
“Surprise!!” You held your arms out and there was a grin on your lips.
Everyone watched with warm hearts as Iida’s eyes widened and slightly glossed over before he sped over to you and enveloped you in his arms, lifting you up and spinning you around before he let you back down onto the ground and held your jaw in his hands and brought you into a deep yet sweet kiss. The action surprised you but you melted into it and moved your lips against his.
“Eww! Get a room!” Denki jokingly groaned.
“Trust me, we will.” Iida’s deep voice rumbled quietly in you ear.
Your cleared your throat and pulled away, face flushed. “O-okay, well uh now that I’m here let’s eat some cake!” Sato brought out a beautifully made cake and placed some candles on it. You watched with a smile as Iida enjoyed the singing from his classmates and the cheers as he was blowing out the candles. As much as he said he didn’t want a party, he sure was enjoying himself.
He opened a few presents, thanking everyone but also scolding(?) them for spending money on impractical things but once the night died down, he thanked everyone once more but insisted that they all get to sleep at a reasonable hour. While he took a shower, you took the time to ready his presents. They weren’t anything too special but you had hoped that they were enough. Sighing, your tried to fight off sleep but it felt like your eyelids weighed tons, and sleep was tugging at your subconscious but you stayed awake because you wanted to have some much needed cuddles with the birthday boy. Not really caring about whether you’d get caught or not.
As Iida made his way into his room, he was filled with a fuzzy warmth that was only caused by you. The way you sleepily watched him move about the room, the way you looked in his t-shirt.
“Now, it’s finally time for your gifts.” You grinned, holding out a box for him.
Playfully rolling his eyes, he took the box from your hands and sat beside you on the bed. With tentative fingers, he carefully unwrapped the box and pulled open the lid. He froze. It was a pair of shoes that he had been wanting for training but they were seemingly sold out everywhere, even with the money that he had, he couldn’t get them.
“How did you-?” He looked at you with wide eyes, the butterflies he got from your lazy grin made him want to pin you down and smother you in kisses.
“Don’t worry about it.” You coyly shrugged and before he could ask once more, you held a little gift bag out to him. Your triumphant expression turning sheepish. “This isn’t anything special really b-but I just thought you’d like to have it.”
He took it and pulled out the colorful tissue paper, and there was a long, rectangular box in it. Pulling it out, he opened the box. Inside was a shiny silver chain necklace with a white gold feather hanging from it, his and your initials ingraved on it.
The silence was killing you.
“I-It’s okay if you don’t like it! I-well I just thought that-“
He could tell it was expensive, he had seen expensive jewelry before and this definitely could easily be something that his mother or father would have in their drawer.
“I love it...it’s gorgeous.” The feather reminded him of your wings. “But, please don’t tell me that you wasted your money on me like this?” He was conflicted because he was grateful but he didn’t like the idea of you spending a pretty penny on him.
“Okay! Then I won’t, it could never be a waste when it comes to you because I...I love you Tenya. So much.” When he didn’t respond, you sighed and stood up and stood in between his thigh and cupped his cheeks in your hands. “Please don’t worry about it, this is something that I wanted to get you. You spoil me all the time and I wanted to spoil you, even if it was just for a bit. You deserve the work Tenya.” He looked up into your eyes as you ran your a hand through his damp hair. “You’ve had so much on your shoulders. Taking Ingenium’s name for yourself, trying to live up to Tensei’s name, being class rep...you don’t give yourself enough credit. You deserve being spoiled, you deserve being loved...” you leaned down and pressed your forehead against his. “You deserve to feel special. You are so powerful sweetheart, I’m proud of you. That may not mean much but-“ you were cut off when he pressed his lips to yours. His hands gripping your hips as you smiled into the kiss.
“I love you too darling, very much.” You nuzzled your nose against his.
“Now let’s get to bed! I’m exhausted.” He chuckled, laying in bed and pulling you to lay on his chest to not apply uncomfortable pressure to your wings. He wound his arms tightly around you as you snuggled into his warmth.
“Happy birthday tenya...” you lazily placed a soft kiss on his lips.
“A very happy one indeed, I’ve got the best gift right here in my arms.” His grin was slightly lopsided as he blindly pressed kisses all over your face. “Now go to sleep, you’ve had a long week.” He muttered as he closed his eyes and snuggling closer to you. His warmth made your eyes finally shut, a small sigh leaving your lips as he ran a hand through your hair and lightly ran his fingers across your scalp. You finally gave into the pull of deep sleep.
His wish was granted. You were in his arms and that’s all that could matter to him.
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tobi-momo · 3 years
Disconnected Fate
a/n: hehe thank you for @velvxtparadise​ for requesting this im so happy you did bc it was an amazing idea (their works are also so amazing you should check ‘em out) but ya THANK YOU ily!!
Disconnected Fate: Soulmate AU/Quirkless AU - Sero x Reader
Synopsis: Soulmates were something to be treasured. The second half of your soul, finally connecting, becoming one. But, you couldn’t really rely on that if your string is cut. But will meeting someone with your same fate change that?
Word Count: 3110
Warnings: Cursing, clubbing, drinking, mentions of vomiting, kissing, old ass pervs, groping (if there are more pls let me know!!) {does include some todomomo and kamijirou}
“Mina, I don’t think this fits very well,” you laugh at your figure in the mirror, turning your body and running your hands down the fabric to slim it down. Mina opens to you, practically jumping at you before placing her hands at your shoulder to rotate your body; jaw dropping at the sight.
“Y/n, shut the hell up. You look so fucking sexy it’s not even funny,” she chuckles, giving your ass a playful smack before tugging at the thin strap that held your dress up. The strings connected to a loose bateau neckline, showing a little cleavage, and looking down, you see the way your snug dress brings out your curves and hips. Wow- you really did look amazing, didn’t you? “Okay, that should do it. Are we ready? The guys are probably waiting for us.”
Your head whips to your friend, who definitely did not tell you about boys being with you. “What? Boys- boys? Mina.”
She looks back at you with a shocked look, making it seem like you knew, and gave a blank, “what?”
“Why didn’t you tell me there would be boys? I only know like, three other people from your friend group, and I’m not even sure they like me.” You complain, leaving the closet for the bathroom to touch up on your makeup before hearing your other bestie chime in.
“Don’t worry, y/n! I like having you around very much, and I’m sure the others will, too!” Momo says, finishing her mascara. 
“Yeah, and you’re fun to duet and play with,” Kyouka acknowledges while painting her nails.
“See?” Mina remarks. “They love you. Eiji has already told the others, and none of them have anything bad to say!”
“Kidding~” she corrects.
“Y/n, you’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it, they’ll love you. Just...I don’t know, be yourself!”
“Thanks, Mina, that actually helps a lot,” you smile sarcastically before turning your smile flat. “I’ll be sure to do that once I get over the fact that I’ve never hung out with your friends before.” 
“Oh my God, y/n. Stop stressing. You’ll be fine.” Mina assures. “And maybe you’ll find a little special someone~” she vocalizes and points to the ring finger of your right hand. 
Oh. Right. You thought, looking down at your hand. The red string tied to your finger that connected you to the person the universe wants you to spend the rest of your life with. The string that leads you to the person you’ve always wanted, needed. Your soulmate. You had always wanted that person to come in your life, to sweep you off your feet and be with you for the rest of your days, but it was hard to believe in all that when your string was cut. Your string connected you to your soulmate, so why was yours cut? Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be for you.
“Y/n? Y/n.” You blink up to Mina’s fingers snapping at you.
“Huh? Oh, sorry,” you smile, “I just spaced out.”
“Classic y/n.”
“Kyo.” Mina glares at Kyouka.
“What? I’m just sayin’.”
“Okay, are we all done here?” You ask while looking around at Momo, Kyouka and Mina; checking the belongings around them and seeing their small handbags.
“Finally! Okay, let’s go bitches.” Mina exclaims as Kyouka shakes her head then drags herself up, leaning her head back, an annoyed expression painted on her face. 
“Bro, come on! Just have one- ONE- drink. Please?” Kaminari pouts, handing Sero a small glass of whiskey, the ice clinking within the glass.
“I don’t know man. You guys are probably gonna get hammered tonight, and Katsuki refuses to be the DD again,” Sero shrugs back, leaning on the counter of the bar.
“You’re damn right I ain’t the DD tonight. I haven’t had a good drink in a minute, and you guys are annoying as it is, so maybe a couple might make it easier to put up with you.” Bakugou groans, downing his drink, walking up to the bartender to order another one.
“Hey, where are the girls? Are they still coming?” Kirishima asks curiously.
“Uh,” Kaminari pulls his phone out, checking his messages, “they are on their way.”
“Why do they take so goddamn long? It’s annoying.” Bakugou calls out, waiting for his drink impatiently.
“Because they are ladies, Katsuki. They need time to get ready and stuff. You know this,” Kirishima whines, as if he had told him this multiple times.
“I know it’s stupid,” he emphasizes. He gets his drink and continues to sit at the bar, irritated.
Kirishima makes his way over to Sero, who sips his water through the black straw poking out of the glass. He looks bored, but not as if he didn’t want to be there. He always liked hanging out with his friends; the more the merrier. So taking this invitation to hang out with his guy and girl friends was a must. He needed a break from all of the stress school put on him. College was a lot harder than he thought it was going to be. This was a perfect way to distract himself even for a little while and drinking water. His friends would be entertaining enough anyways. 
“Hey, Hanta, you excited for the girls to get here?” Sero’s head whips up, breaking his thoughts. Sitting up straight, he leans back with an elbow on the back of the couch. Kirishima smiles giggly, taking a seat next to him.
“Oh, ya,” he says, as if it was obvious, “excited to see how they act when they black out,” he jokes. The girls were always a handful when drunk, thankfully some had their boyfriends to take care of them, but the boyfriends were always a little drunk, too.
“Ha ha, yeah, always super fun,” Kirishima replies sarcastically, knowing exactly what Sero is thinking. “What about you, Shoubro?”
Todoroki was sitting at the end of the table awkwardly, waiting for more company. He looked lonely, but patient. He looked up at his nickname Kirishima gave him tiredly. “Hmm?”
“Excited for the girls to get here?” 
“I guess. They will make the night more entertaining.” See, he knows, too. The girls were known for making the night more interesting. Whether it was karaoke, body shots, dancing, or even fighting with douchebags that tried to dance with them. The night always ended on a good note either way, so whoever was staying sober sure had a sight to see.
“Oh, here come the girls,” Kaminari chimes in, putting his phone in his back pocket before turning around for the door. Three girls walk in: Mina, Kyouka, and Momo. Wait- where were you? Didn’t Mina say something about bringing a friend?
“Hey, boys,” Mina greets, “how are we this fine evening?” She says smoothly, strutting her way to the bar. “Four vodkas, please.”
“You havin’ all of those? Momo and Kyo don’t usually have vodka.” Kaminari laughs, a jokingly confused question.
“Oh, y/n is gonna be here in a sec, and she likes vodka. A lot. So half of these are for her.” Mina smiles as she carefully grabs the shots and cautiously carries them to the table where Momo, Todoroki, Sero, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Kyouka reside. She sets them down, keeping a close eye not to spill, and starts walking over to your figure.
You head into the club, surprised the music isn’t louder, while avoiding the other people around the area. You knew at places like this it got a little crowded and hectic, so you just wanted to find Mina before anything else. With your hands behind your back holding your tiny purse, you look around and see Mina walking over to you, a bright smile plastered on her face as giggles and grabs your hand, dragging you to the table where everyone (besides irritated Bakugou) resides. 
“Katsuki get your ass over here right now!” Mina shouts from across the club, catching Bakugou’s attention. She gives him a stern look, then smiles softly when he grumbles and pushes himself off his chair, slowly walking over there, drink in hand. He plops down next to Kirishima lazily before staring at the ground. “Good. Anyway,” she inhales, clearly excited. You stand there awkwardly, wondering why it has suddenly got so hot. Something in the air was different. You didn’t know what it was, but it was making you nervous. “Y/n, the boys,” she points at each boy, introducing them, “Todoroki, Sero, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Bakugou.” You nod in acknowledgement, getting to know their faces to hopefully not forget later. One face caught your breath, though. Literally. Your breath hitched as you looked at him. Sero, you were pretty sure his name was. He was- beautiful. His raven black hair, his smile, his eyes, his everything- was gorgeous. 
What the hell was this?
You stand there, frozen, staring at his handsome face and body, practically drooling. You were interrupted by Mina yapping at them to shake your hand. Each one of them sat up straight and nodded to you, said how nice it was to meet you. Then you shook hands with Sero.
No. No way.
Right as you switch your hands for him, raising your left hand, he raises his. The red on his finger caught your eye, making you stop in your tracks. Again. He also comes to a halt, both your eyes wide in shock and surprise as you gaze at each other’s string.
This wasn’t real. You were the only one you knew in your entire life who had this. You had looked it up several times for a sliver of hope, but nothing showed. In fact, everything you had searched for came up the opposite. Because of the stories and the legends and the research, you were convinced it wasn’t true. You were convinced that it wasn’t going to happen to you. Convinced that you were going to live your life alone. Was this man really the one for you? Was this man really the one to share your soul with? You couldn't believe it. You just couldn’t.
“Ahem,” Mina purposely coughs, trying to dissipate the awkwardness everyone else has to endure as you and Sero share the weirdest and yet most thrilling moment you’ve had in your life. Your heart was beating so fast, you were nervous, but excited. You were surprised, but happy and sad, a little disappointed and mad, though you felt awakened at these new feelings. They felt stronger than anything you’ve ever felt before, and you could tell he could feel them, too. Mina coughs again, snatching your attention. She smiles and widens her eyes while pointing her head at the other men, who are tiredly awaiting your hand. Once you suddenly realize you’ve been focusing on Sero for the past 45 seconds, you breathe out an ‘oh’ and move on to Kirishima. 
You never stopped thinking about him, though. Throughout the entire night, after every shot you took, every song on the dance floor, Sero was still in your mind. And because of this, you took more shots. And you danced some more. You were taking a body shot off of Mina’s stomach when you notice eyes boring into yours. Swallowing the stinging alcohol you turn over to him, not finishing with the lime, almost stumbling. You want to tell him to stop looking at you, to mind his own business, but you can’t separate your words, slurring an incoherent sentence. 
“Oh? Baby girl needs some help? I can help you,” the strange man, teases, laughing as he grabs your waist, grazing the side of your torso up and down, trying to drag you to the back of the club. “Let me help you, honey.” He starts guiding you to the back, using his fingers to touch the soft skin on your shoulders, your forearms, making their way down to your hips, and finally up to-
“Hey, y/n, you okay?” The man gets interrupted by your hero, his voice giving you butterflies. “Sorry, man. She’s drunk. You really shouldn’t be messin’ with girls like this,” he shrugs before grabbing you by your waist and putting your arm around his shoulder, “or any girls, for that matter.” You lean on his shoulder, barely keeping up with the situation. You feel so light on your feet, but so heavy at the same time. He helps you to the tables you originally sat at before going a little more overboard than you would’ve liked. You moan, a little overwhelmed by the noise, but once he sets you in a comfortable spot on the bench, you lean your head back, satisfied with the cold air on your face. He quickly hands you his glass of water, placing the straw in your mouth and nodding his head, whispering to take a drink. You comply, sipping his water before he takes it out and puts the cup on the tabletop for a brief moment.
Dazed, you look around the room. Your vision is blurry, but you can clearly see Momo and Todoroki making out on the other side of the booth. At least she’s having fun. Meanwhile you get groped by an old man in a corner and probably won’t remember it the next day. Sero’s gone, you think. He was, but only a couple feet away from you. You turn your head from Momo on top of Todoroki’s lap, to Jirou leading Kaminari out of the building, then to Mina taking more shots with Kirishima, and Bakugou acting annoyed but is actually having fun. They all looked like they were having a great time. You look to your left once more and smile to yourself once you see him walking back over. He sits next to you and grabs the cup again, pushing it towards you to take a sip. And you do. 
The next half hour was you and him in the bathroom while you throw your guts up, the nasty alcohol leaving your stomach while he holds your hair up and rubs your back. You cough everything back up, regretting taking a single drink in the first place. You feel his hands smooth over your upper back, and his grip on your hair, tightening in a circle at the back of your head. You lift your head up, turning away in embarrassment.
He smiles in return, taking his hand off your back to grab something to wipe your mouth with. “Don’t worry, it’s not the first time I’ve done this. Come here,” he says softly, almost like a whisper. You turn your head towards him, still not looking at his face, but at his arm. His very attractive arms. He raises his left hand to wipe a cloth at your mouth, you catching the bright red string in sight. He notices this, and slows his motions. “You see it, right? My string.”
You only nod in response, looking away with a blush.
“I can see it, too. Yours, I mean.” You weren’t that surprised, considering what happened earlier that night when you first met him. The feeling was the same as it was before, but more intense. It was like sparks every time he touched you, like fireworks, like electricity. You could tell he felt it as well when he pulled back a little, hesitant to touch you. You knew he felt it when he pulled you away from that strange guy. Guess you were too drunk to notice.
Once he finishes up, he tells you he’s done then helps you up to get ready to leave. You were both tired of this place. Walking back out to the main room, the only people to be seen from Mina’s friend group was herself, Bakugou, and Kirishima. You could only guess where everyone else went. You two continue making your way down, asking if everyone else will be alright, or if they needed a ride. Mina responded that they’ll take a cab home, and that they’ll be okay. Thankfully Bakugou looked sober enough to understand what was going on.
“Yeah, yeah, I got it. Whatever. Fuckin’ leave already.”
Sero returns with a smile, silently thanking him as he leads you to the exit. The cool air felt wonderful against your face, the breeze making you feel a lot better. You groan as your head starts to pound. Sero leads you to his car, opening the door for you and helping you in, shutting the door. 
“Hey, what’s your address?”
You look up tiredly, ready to fall asleep right then and there. “Oh, uh, building 474 on 32nd.”
He only hums in response, checking his mirrors and backing out, heading for your apartment.
“Hey, uh, thank you, Sero. I really appreciate it. I know this is not how you wanted to spend your night, even if you were sober.” You apologize, genuinely disappointed in yourself for letting yourself drink that hard.
“Don’t worry about it. It was fun watching you guys for most of the night, though,” he laughs.
“Oh I bet. Me and Mina got a little crazy.”
“A little?”
“Shush, I know,” you chuckle, trying not to embarrass yourself further. “Um, do you want my number? Or something? It’s just, your Mina’s friend,” We both have red cut strings, “and I want to make up for being such a slob at the party,” I want to figure out why I can see your string. He gladly agrees, putting his number in your phone. “Also,” you interrupt his movements, causing him to look up, “I remember that weird guy from earlier, where did he go? I didn’t see him for the rest of the night.”
He smiles cunningly, a smile that cocks the sides of your mouth up subconsciously. “He was getting on my nerves, so I kicked him out of the club.”
You tilt your head in confusion. “How?”
“I have my ways,” he says slyly, implying exactly what you’re thinking. You smile in understanding, thanking him for the help. 
You unlock your door and wave goodbye to him, sad that he had to leave, but grateful that he didn’t have to put up with you anymore. You lift your left hand in curiosity. Looking at it, you can see every thread on the piece of yarn. Every knot. Although you couldn’t take it off, it looked as if you could. It was weird, knowing the fact that everyone else’s string connected them to their soulmates, while your short piece of combined thread just drooped towards the ground. You never expected to find another person like you. Another person with a lost fate. Huh.
Part 2?? Let me know!!
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poguesofthebau · 4 years
Idea to write for OBX!!!! The pogues just having a good evening together, like playing truth or dare like 16 year olds before the events of the show take place!!
heyo all, writing is hard for me recently so i decided that i would do something based off what real life is like right now with a lil inspo from this request tossed in :) hope you like it!! (naturally, reader is dating jj in this bc i can’t help myself hehe oops)
summary: jj, y/n, and the rest of the pogues (including sarah) live in the world we’re all currently living in: quarantine. so what happens when the craziest friend group in the obx are trapped inside the Chateau for weeks at a time without any authority figures or outsiders? to put it simply, anarchy happens. (alternate summary: what i wish i was doing during this stupid quarantine instead of sitting in my room to avoid my parents’ hovering.) (alternate, simple summary: a hot ass day in quarantine with the pogues.) word count: 2101
sticky. why the hell were you sticky?
you opened your eyes with a deep groan, peeling yourself from jj with a disgusted look on your face. “jj, get off of me.” you’d both been laying on your stomachs as you slept, but the boy had somehow wound up directly on top of you. it would’ve been kind of endearing, cute almost, to wake up so close to jj, if it wasn’t so fucking hot.
someone across the room laughed lightly, and you slipped out from under jj and flipped onto your back, sitting up and squinting to see who it was. when you saw sarah, kie, and pope staring at you from the table a few feet away from the pull-out couch, you let out an annoyed puff of air, raking a hand through your bedhead to slightly calm it. leaning back on your hands, you glanced back down at your boyfriend. his nose was scrunched up, and his hand started rustling around the sheets until it made contact with your right calf. satisfied, his face relaxed again. before you could look back to your friends, pope was speaking. “i don’t know how the two of you managed to sleep like that all night. with those body temperatures combined, i’m pretty sure you should’ve burst into flames by like, 2am.”
“c’mon, pope,” sarah smirked. “they’re in love. their feelings for each other, they’re hotter than anything. like, hotter than--”
“hotter than the flames in hell!” kie interrupted proudly. “and the obx may feel like it’s hotter than that already, but--”
“nothing compares to their sacred, burning love.” sarah and kie both smiled smugly at their own ability to finish each other’s sentences, fist bumping as pope shook his head. “that was good. i love us.” the girls giggled again, and you couldn’t help but laugh a bit too.
“can you corny fucks shut the hell up? a guy can never get a wink of sleep around here, shit.” with that, jj was rolling over, too, a very unimpressed look plastered on his face as he scolded his friends. not as eager to be awake as you had been, jj groaned as he stretched, flopping into your lap on his back when he was finally done waking himself up. your hands naturally found their way to his hair, scratching at his scalp subconsciously as you looked around at the mess of the Chateau. “where’s jb at? and why is it so fucking hot in here?”
“you can’t really complain about body temps when you’re curled up in your girlfriend’s lap like a cat, bro,” pope pointed out. jj rolled his eyes as pope continued. “but since you asked so nicely, it’s the first heat wave of the year-- you’d know that if you ever listened to anything i say throughout the day. john b’s out trying to get food and water and stuff before it’s all gone.”
jj muttered something under his breath about wishing pope had gone out with their other friend as his eyes closed again at the feeling of your fingertips on his hairline. “you know what we should do today?”
“make out? at least let me brush my teeth first, you animal,” jj interjected. you flicked his nose, ignoring the comment otherwise. “oh, so you don’t wanna make out? alright, y/n, but just remember, it’s your rule!”
“jj, why does everything always have to be about you?”
“i have needs, kie!”
“okay, okay, okay, i think y/n had an idea. let the woman speak!” sarah quickly redirected.
“thank you,” you smiled pointedly at sarah. “i think-- and tell me if there are any objections-- i think, maybe, we should day-drink.”
as soon as the words left your mouth, the door beside you was swinging open with a creak, john b bursting into the room. “did someone say-- DAY-DRINK?” he held up a six pack of beer in each hand, that bright and proud john b grin plastered on his face. the entire group cheered, jumping up to help him bring in the groceries he’d gotten his hands on. “thanks to mr. c’s non-existent credit card limit, we are now loaded. thanks kie!” he tossed her dad’s card back on the table, the curly haired girl laughing at his words. kiara had somehow convinced her parents that spending her quarantine with the pogues at john b’s house was an acceptable idea, and they had even given her an emergency credit line for necessities and necessities only.
beer was an absolute need for the pogues, to be fair.
a few hours later, everyone was pretty day-drunk, so to speak.
sarah was currently engaged in a deep conversation with pope about why, exactly, he wanted to be a coroner so badly. you were in the middle of an arm-wrestling tournament against john b, with jj and kie passing the group’s second blunt of the afternoon back and forth. “y/n, your hand is fucking slippery!”
“fuck you, john b! it’s sweaty! haven’t you noticed that it’s a million damn degrees in this place?”
the arm wrestling tourney came to a close soon after, and the group went back to sweating, smoking, and throwing back beers. your feet wound up in jj’s lap as you tried to fan yourself with an empty, folded up cardboard box that one of the six-packs had come in. “hey kie, do you think your dad would mind if we used his credit card to buy a decent air conditioning system for this shithole? no offense, john b.”
“actually, y/n, i kind of take offense to that. just a little, you know?” you stuck your tongue out at your friend, throwing your piece of cardboard at him.
“you know, guys,” sarah spoke up. “me and my sister used to play this game--”
“oh, sarah, please tell me it’s not truth or dare with no dare.” john b’s face twisted into disapproval, and it was sarah’s turn to stick her tongue out at him.
“it is truth or dare with no dare, and i don’t hear any better ideas from anyone else, so we’re playing.”
jj’s hand came down on your ankle as he sat up and looked at the other blonde of the group. “actually, i’m thinking me and y/n will just roll another blunt and go hide in the guest room. that would be a better idea, i think.”
“no way, dumbass! if we have to do it, you two are sticking around for it too. pogues never abandon pogues, remember?” kie and her rules. “so, who starts?”
“well usually when i’ve played before it’s only been two people, so maybe i’ll ask the first question and we can all go around and answer?” jj groaned at this new development, causing you to smile. you flopped around on the futon a bit until your side was pressed against his, and he threw his arm around your shoulders once you’d settled. “okay, first question. um, let’s see... i don’t know. what’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?”
“weirdest place you’ve ever had sex. three, two, one, go!” jj pointed to john b, and the entire group erupted into laughter. john b was clearly struggling to think of an answer, and jj, who had become strangely invested in hour-long game, was running out of patience. “c’mon, man!”
“jesus christ, jj, i don’t know!” john b choked out through his laughs. “a bell tower, i guess?”
“great! sarah? where’ve ya done it, kook princess?” that one earned a smack on the arm from you, and jj quickly rephrased. “sorry! i meant, uh, where’ve ya-- i don’t know. just-- what’s your answer?”
sarah glanced between john b and jj, hesitating before she answered. “conveniently enough, my answer is also... a bell tower.”
with the ruckus that answer caused, you weren’t expecting the game to end any time soon.
“oh, my god. i finally don’t feel like i’m burning alive anymore.” pope threw his arms victoriously above his head as he made the statement, kie smiling at him and wrapping an arm around his waist.
“that’s how fucked the weather’s gonna be forever if humans don’t start taking care of the planet, pope. isn’t that crazy?” pope looked at her and nodded with a slightly terrified look in his eye, not finding the person kie became when drunk completely trustworthy to not flip out on him for his history of littering and excessive plastic use.
“you know, guys,” john b called out, quickly changing the subject. “this is kind of insane.”
“what do you mean, johnny boy? what’s so insane about a heat wave?” your head was pretty much buried in jj’s chest as you spoke, with his hands slowly tracing big circles in your back. the last blunt of the night had just been smoked, and it was hitting you both a little harder than the others had. for the past few minutes, you’d been thinking about you and jj finally making your way to the guest room for the more intimate one-on-one time that the weed had made you crave. as soon as he’d put the roach down, you’d crawled into his lap. the temperature had dropped reasonably, and the sticky feeling you’d experienced that morning was now completely out of the picture. your left hand was wrapped around jj’s neck, your right just hidden under his shirt as your thumb stroked back and forth just above his hip. jj had watched you nuzzle into that position through hooded red eyes with a little amused smile playing his lips, before returning the physical affection by sliding one hand reassuringly onto the back of your neck and letting the other draw shapes into your back.
by the time john b had finished gazing around lovingly at the group before answering, you had almost forgotten about having asked a question to begin with. “not the heat wave, y/n.” his correction reminded you of what the conversation had been, and your tilted your head up to make eye contact with jj. when you locked eyes, you knew jj was thinking the same thing as you: john b’s about to get corny and emotional. and you were both right. “seriously, look at us. isn’t this crazy?” you and jj smiled at each other, and you placed a loving kiss on his jawline before refocusing your sight on john b. “how did we all end up together? i mean, three losers who met in elementary school,” john b listed, looking to you and jj with a bright smile as you felt jj squeeze your neck lightly. “a weird kid who, for some reason, is totally obsessed with dead bodies and shit,” pope looked a john b awkwardly as kie giggled, slipping her hand into pope’s. “and a couple of fucking kooks.” sarah hummed from her spot next to john b, kie sarcastically saluting with her free hand. “you guys, somehow, we all got together, all found each other. what are the odds of that? what are the odds that we found this totally perfect, totally dysfunctional but perfect little family?”
before you could stop yourself, you felt the first tear slip down your face. “fuck you, john b,” you muttered quietly, taking your hand out from under jj’s shirt to swipe at the wetness on your face. scrubbing away the rest of the tears in your eyes before they could escape, you put your hand back down on jj’s arm this time.
“yeah, fuck you, john b. why you makin’ my girl cry, bro?” everyone chuckled softly, admiring each other in the moment. “alright, though, really. since she’s already crying, i guess i should say it now.” your head lifted back up to look at jj, and he looked back down at you as he continued. “i love you.” as you both broke into smiles, he looked back to your friends. “i love all of you guys. you’re all annoying as fuck, and i know i live for giving you all a hard time and stuff. but seriously. this is my family. pogues forever.”
“shit,” kie muttered this time, her thumb swiping under her own eyes as pope looked down at her adoringly. “pogues forever, guys. thank you for taking in us stupid kooks and letting us be who we are. pogues for-fucking-ever.”
“as corny as it sounds, i feel like we’re kind of required to group hug now,” pope added. “everybody up! i love you sickos and psychos, criminal records and all!”
and then, you all hugged the shit out of each other. pogue style.
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choco-mark · 4 years
if you’re still open for the reactions and mtls, could you do ‘what they would get/do for you for your 1st anniversary’ please? i was debating whether or not to send in a second post but i ended up convincing myself to do it anyways bc i know writers block is just so annoying and if this is a way to help you out then i’ll gladly do so 💛
this is definitely a way to help my writer’s block so go ahead!!
remembers it’s y’all’s anniversary the day before because jaemin jokingly said something along the lines of ‘you guys have been dating for too long’
kind of internally freaks because he has absolutely no clue what to do, and doesn’t know if you want to do fancy or casual like he’s going full mental breakdown
ends up taking to you to a local carnival because last minute plans, but y’all both love the energy so it was fun and a way for y’all to spend time together
had no clue what to get you and also didn’t have the time to get anything for you, so he ended up giving you one of his sweatshirts for long term (not like you steal them anyway or anything) but you didn’t really care because he was a gift himself :((
wins you one of those huge plushy stuffed animals from a water gun game and feels like a whole boss
has another mental breakdown when he sees you jumping up and down with that stuffed toy and cannot process that you are actually his girlfriend of an official year :(
tells you he loves you on the top of the ferris wheel while the fireworks are going off like ‘boom, i love you y/n, happy anniversary’ and then gets all shy because he usually doesn’t say things like that
y’all have a fun night after that ;)
was away on tour during y’alls first anniversary and feels like absolute shit because he wants to be with you so he flies over, yeah, fans are a lil confused but you were first priority
what was ten times worse was that you were sick and you didn’t tell him so there was like a mini argument that eventually ended up with him cuddling you for like three hours
you guys don’t even go anywhere, it’s just a cozy day at the (empty) dorm and y’all just made a lil meal together and it was just the two of you
took his time to make a polaroid collection of just you, there’re just a buncha candid pictures of you that you don’t really remember him taking at...all but there’s a little message at the end that puts all of junnie’s feelings into words and it’s just :( 
has to fly back literally the next morning but he blows your mind that night hehe ;)
was a nervous pup for about a week prior to the anniversary date because he was just afraid nothing would go right :(
planned a whole picnic and even got renjun to cook for the two of you (also because he didn’t want to end up blowing up the dorm), and stresses over what he’s gonna wear like ‘will y/n like this??’ ‘nah, i look like shit’ and couldn’t sleep the night before because of it
but when he sees you all smiley when y’all walk down the street to the little field he had set up just for you, that’s when he finally relaxes and falls in love with you all over again
filled a jar full of candies and paper hearts that he cut out himself and has you go through them and read through the little messages he has on them, and then gets all shy from the way you find it really cute
makes love to you for the entire night and it’s just such soft sex because he’s so in love with you omg :(
went insane almost a week before trying to find you the perfect gift but feels like you wouldn’t like his gift and kinda gets frustrated
you guys already live together, so it’s not a surprise when you come home and see him laying draped across the bed with rose petals all over the floor and himself, while he’s just watching you get all shocked
you thought he was gonna propose to you from the way he was looking at you, but gives you a promise ring with his initials engraved in them and you cry because omg that’s :( even i’m upset while writing this, it’s just so pretty and the way he looks at you and promises to marry you in the future :(((
he didn’t really have a plan to do anything because he knows how tired you already are from your day and runs a bath for the two of you
yeah you guys end up fucking after that, but it’s slower than usual and he takes his time to make sure you’re properly pleasured ;)
you already know jaem’s is a romantic lil shit, so he shows up at your house wearing the hottest suit you had ever seen on him, like ever, and is like, ‘get ready baby, we’ve got a long night ahead of us’
you guys end up missing your dinner reservation because he offers to help you get ready but he just ends up eating you out on the couch and doesn’t regret shit because he needed that
he takes you there anyway (and has to pay extra for his horny ass) and y’all are fine dining outside with the moonlight as your view, and there’s a nice lil river flowing underneath the bridge y’all on, yes he paid money for this, rich nana am i right?!
gives you a 24k gold necklace as a gift and you are about to explode from the way he’s fastening that shit around your neck when it’s literally worth more than you and you feel like a broke bitch for your gift to him
kisses on your way home :( and him just whispering to you every three seconds that he loves you, holding your hand, running his hand through your hair :(
and he eats you out for like two hours after that since the meal wasn’t enough ;)
cannot process that it’s been a year since the two of you started dating and isn’t sure if he should buy you a phone or a house, but opts out of both when renjun tells him not to objectify the gift too much 
thinks about what to get you for so long and even searches up ideas (it’s his first anniversary ever, okay?!), and then thinks about your and his relationship deeply and then BOOM he knows exactly what to do
has mark help him write you a song, though he does most of the writing reminiscing on the whole year you guys had together and mark is shedding fake tears of ‘my son grew up’
you spend the night with him the day before and you wake up to him singing for you while watching you with the most love-struck eyes, and plays the whole song he wrote for you off his phone, while you’re like, bawling your eyes out from the way he sang your name
you guys don’t actually do anything except cuddle in his bed for hours after that, just softly talking to each other and stealing little kisses every now and then
has gone into cardiac arrest too many times for it to happen again, so he’s definitely not letting it happen on y’all’s anniversary!! right?! that’s right, confident jisungie in the house now!
thought about what he wanted to get you for so long, but his surprise is kind of ruined when he accidentally leaves it out when you’re over one day, and gets a lil flustered and upset but you didn’t see that much!!
bought you a huge hoodie, since you’re constantly wearing ones that are way too big for you or his own, but decided to go all artist jisung™ and stitches his name like in really baby font on the front :( and it comes out a lot better than he expected
overthinks it on the actual day and wonders if you think it’d be weird that he wrote his...name on your clothes, decides that it is weird, goes to discard of it but turns around and sits down because he had nothing else anyway
you love it anyway :( and you give him the phattest kiss after you put it on and yeah, his heart stopped beating for a lil watching you smile and giggle and all
his heart is doing flips everywhere in his body watching you and kinda just hugs you thigh like you’re his world (you are), and doesn’t let go of you until you give him another very requested kiss 
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imjeralee · 4 years
REQUEST: Birthday - Raihan x Reader One-shot
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Pairing: Raihan x Reader 
[One shot - more like a Drabble tbh]
Sorry it’s so short. This was harder than I realised O_O I hope you like it tho
Fluff, SFW
Title: Birthday
It’s your birthday in a few weeks and you noticed Raihan had been acting weird.
Firstly, he started coming home late.
Like really late.
Secondly, he wouldn’t tell you where he went, just that he had ‘something to sort out’.
Third, he began smelling...strange.
Not so much like aromatic perfume, but more of a musky, earth smell.
When you google up the signs, they all seem to point that your boyfriend of several years could be cheating on you. 
Raihan would never cheat on me, you find yourself thinking to yourself. He just won’t.
But what was really going on was that Raihan was planning a birthday surprise for you and had spent a long time with the presentation and preparation.
You’d been together for a few years now and every year, he’d gotten you something different.
For the first year, he surprised you with a designer handbag and a luxury weekend getaway but he soon learned that you’re not too intrigued or crazed about labels or enchanting locations but all in all, it was a lovely birthday treat and there were several good memories from that.
For your birthday the next year, he got you a baby Pokemon and whisked you off to Alola for a daring skydiving session over Akala Island. 
And the year after that, there was no more beating around the bush and he straight up asked you what wanted and you said you weren’t too fussed because you don’t need Raihan to go all out or take you to such expensive places.
It could be also to do with getting old and being around him for so long that you didn’t have much to look forward to nor did you want anything in particular, you did tell him that you would rather just spend a nice evening with him and have a delicious home cooked, candlelit meal.
However, Raihan’s still determined to treat you so this year too, so he asked the gym leaders what would be a good birthday present for his lover and received mixed results:
Opal told him he should try baking a cake. 
Milo told him a Wooloo is the key to a woman’s heart, but you already have one.
Nessa thought a meal at The Captain’s Table would do the trick.
Kabu said a trip to Hoenn would possibly suffice.
Piers also gave him tickets to his concert.
Raihan rubbed his chin, wondering if it was possible to combine all those ideas but then realised it’s better to come up with something far more original and something that would resonate more with you.
Therefore, he found himself sitting down on the grassy pitch of Hammerlocke stadium one day, writing ideas down. He eventually compiled a list and went through it many times, ticking several ideas off. He even resorted to online videos for inspiration.
In the end, he remembered how much you love Goomy and an idea formed in his mind.
Keeping it as a surprise was harder than preparing the actual surprise.
And the more he came home late and the more he gave you excuses as to why he was being so darned secretive, the more he saw your face falling when he would refuse to disclose where he was going, the more it pained him inside.
Finally, on the day of your birthday, you’re first to wake up and although you try to wake him up too, he’s exhausted because he came home so late last night so all you can do is get ready for work, wriggling free from his grip and slipping off the bed. 
You silently get dressed albeit watching him worriedly before you head downstairs to make breakfast and as you munch on your cereal, reading this morning’s news on your phone, you hear the steps creaking one by one and soon Raihan appears in the kitchen, rubbing his eyes and yawning.
“Hey babe,” he greets you wearily, shoving his feet into his flip-flops and making his way to the sink where he fixes himself a glass of water.
“Hi babe,” you reply, watching him down the drink before he lowers his hand, wiping his mouth.
You both regard each other for a few moments before you clear your throat. 
He looks at you expectantly. “What’s wrong?”
You’re grinning, nudging your head to the calendar. 
Raihan watches you silently, taking another sip.
“...Aren’t you forgetting something?” you say, your grin widening.
He takes another sip.
You end up huffing, crossing your arms. “Rai. Today is-”
“Ah, that’s right,” Raihan says, before he smirks at you. You nod, sitting up properly in your seat. “How could I forget?”
“Yes yes?”
“It’s your-”
“It’s your b-”
You’re leaning further in your seat expectantly. “Yes?”
“Brother’s seminar today, isn’t it? He’s hosting a special training event at Hammerlocke University.”
There is a brief silence following his reply.
“Oh....” you mumble out; you’re visibly deflating, slumping in your seat and throwing your saddened gaze to the floor, “....Yeah, it is. Funny you remembered that and not...well, you know.”
But he’s looking at the clock, “Shouldn’t you be heading for work now?” he adds, “You’re gonna be late.”
“Oh, uh, yeah,” you finish the rest of your cereal as quickly as you can and slide off your seat, grabbing your bag, donning your coat and slinging it over your shoulder. “I’ll be back at six.”
“Okay, see ya. Have fun at work.” Raihan says, and he pulls you in for a quick kiss before pinching you briefly on the ass, and you leave the house.
Once the door closes, Raihan rubs the back of his neck awkwardly when he recalls how disappointed you look, “....I’m really pushing it, aren’t I?” he utters to himself. 
Raihan couldn’t have forgotten the date of your birthday, could he?
You’ve been together for years now.
At work, your coworkers surprise you with a birthday card and a box of chocolates which you are grateful for. You will be going out for drinks with them another day.
They ask you what Raihan got you for your birthday and if he surprised you with anything this morning but you tell them he didn’t mention anything but he remembered your brother’s seminar, not your birthday.
They’re stunned by the revelation and you think, hell I should’ve kept my trap shut because it sounds embarrassing but they tell you maybe he has a surprise waiting for you at home.
You inwardly hope that’s the case.
Work is over in a pinch and you begin to finish up for the day, leaving the office.
You always treat yourself to something nice on your birthday but today you will just pop into the grocery store and buy one of your favourite snacks. 
Once you’ve grabbed a few packets and paid for them, you head home with your goodies and check your phone. You haven’t received any messages from Raihan all day; he’s been awfully silent since and you can’t help but feel extremely disappointed but also, this is rather uncharacteristic of him. 
However, when you open the front door and step inside, you realise the entire hallway has been outlined with little chubby candles.
Your jaw drops open in shock.
“What the...”
And you hastily put down the bag of groceries on the cupboard and kick off your shoes, glancing around.
It’s a pleasant surprise so you step further down the dimly lit hallway, smiling to yourself as you marvel the beautiful display. 
You follow the candles all the way towards your shared bedroom and you open the door only to bring your hands to your mouth to cover your gasp.
Raihan sits on the bed facing you, which is decorated entirely with rose petals and in front of him on the floor are a number of Goomy arranged to form a heart. They all look up at you, blinking their little beady eyes upon your arrival.
“Oh my god!” You exclaim before Raihan grins widely; he’s holding a little silver harmonica in hand.
“Hey baby girl,” he replies, as you gape at the group of Goomy who gurgle happily at you, before you avert your gaze to the gym leader.
“What is this????”
“Your birthday present,” Raihan’s grin broadens. “Watch.”
He lifts the harmonica to his lips and blow a single note which rings lightly in the air, and suddenly the Goomy begin to sing in harmony to the tune of the ‘Happy Birthday’ song.
You smack a hand over your mouth with delight and shock as they warble. 
The Goomy seem to know when to take turns and harmonise in a series of watery gurgles and loud chirping and begin waving to and fro in a mesmerising pattern, their round and squishy bodies bobbing up and down in tune to the song whilst their little horns wiggle in the air. 
The song is almost finished and a particularly chubby Goomy opens its mouth wide and emits a low bass tone to finish the song which makes you giggle.
You squat in front of the group once the song is over and the Goomy cheerfully gather around you as you hold your arms out.
“That was amazing!!!” you gush, patting each and every one of them on their heads and stroking their horns. They line up single file and you giggle and proceed to lift each and every Goomy off the floor and into your arms, hugging them tightly, and pecking them on the top of their heads one by one. “You guys were awesome!”
Once you’re finished, the Goomy jump up and down on their spots happily and you move to stand; Raihan beckons you closer to him and you eagerly step over towards him and he pulls you into his arms and settles you into his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“I thought you forgot...” you say with a pout, fiddling with the white little straps of his hoodie.
“I’d never forget your birthday,” he murmurs, reaching forwards to press a sweet kiss on your lips. 
“Is this the reason why you were always coming home so late? You were teaching them to sing for me...”
“And that smell!” you exclaim.
Raihan blinks blankly at you. “What smell?”
“It’s Goomy,” you chuckle and slink your arms around his neck, kissing him tentatively in response. “I should’ve known.”
“Hehe, but you didn't. Did you like it?” he asks, before he leans forwards and presses his lips deeply against the curve of your cheek, letting go to briefly nuzzle you at the same time, making you squirm and giggle in his grip.
“Yes!” you exclaim, before you throw your arms around him tightly. “Thank you so much, I love it!”
“Anything for you, baby girl,” he replies with a grin, and you smile as he encircles his arms around you, bringing you into a deep, passionate kiss.
Raihan’s gotten you more gifts of course. He spoils you rotten.
Also, no Goomy’s were harmed in this production.
I even made a meme for this:
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awakendreamersworld · 3 years
Welp, here’s another Luca fanfic I made called “Ocean Waves” here’s chapter 1!
Today was the big day, Luca and Giulia was coming back home to Portorroso! Alberto was very excited to see his friend again after a year away, he was racing around town on his Vespa gathering decorations and gifts awaiting their arrival. "Ciao, Alberto1" Said a neighbor "Ciao!" Alberto replied back riding past them back to his house where Massimo was preparing the pesto. Alberto parked his Vespa next to the wooden gate and hopped off and went inside with the box of decorations and gifts, "Hey, Massimo! Look at the cool stuff I got!" He said pulling out some balloons and colored strings and party streamers. "Very nice, Alberto. I'm sure they will love it!" Massimo said bring out a helium tank and starting on blowing up the balloons while Alberto started throwing up the streamers across the room from wall to wall.
"Oh boy, I can't wait to see my papa again!" Giulia said looking out the window from the train heading back to Portorroso "Yeah, I can't wait to see Alberto! There's so much I want to tell him!" Luca said excitedly also looking out the window. "You think he'll like it when I tell him about space and how huge it is? And these photos of stars up close?" Luca asked Giulia "I'm sure he will!" She said sitting back down looking over the images of stars with Luca "Pretty cool, huh?" She said. "Yeah!" Luca said, Giulia gasped "Here we are!" She said pointing at the town of Portorroso. Giulia and Luca giggled with glee happy to be back home, they grabbed their backpacks ready to get off at the train station.
Alberto finished hanging up the balloons and decorations with Massimo and set the gifts on the table he then looked at the time, "OH FISHSTICKS! Their gonna be here any minute!" Alberto said and he and Massimo started outside and headed towards the train station awaiting Luca and Giulia's arrival. It was twelve in the afternoon and Alberto and Massimo made it to the station just in time as the train began pulling up. Alberto was jumping up and down excited to see his friends again after a very long time away, Giulia and Luca ran out of the train screaming Massimo and Alberto's names in excitement. "ALBERTO!" Luca said running towards Alberto and hugging him "Hey, Luca! Long time no see!" Alberto said hugging back, "PAPA!" Giulia said hugging Massimo who was holding her with his one arm. "It is good to see you two again!" Massimo said smiling "Yeah! We have a big surprise for you guys! C'mon!" Alberto said pulling Luca's arm to follow him as Giulia and Massimo followed behind. When they entered their home, there were balloons and streamers hung everywhere across the kitchen with two gifts placed on the table. "TA-DA!" Alberto said showing Luca and Giulia the decorations and gifts. "Wow, this is amazing!" Giulia exclaimed amazed at the decorations "What are those?" Luca asked pointing to the boxes on the table "Those are gifts for you guys!" Alberto said "Go on! Open them!" He said giving Luca his gift and Giulia hers.
Giulia and Luca begin to open their gifts, Luca opened his and it was a friendship bracelet with his name in colored cubes attached to a string. "What do you think? Pretty cool huh? I made it myself." Alberto said putting his arm around Luca, "Wow, thanks, Alberto!" Luca said smiling. Giulia opened her gift and it was a book about pirates, "Santo Pecorino! You actually managed to get one!? I thought they were all sold out!" Giulia exclaimed "Aye, but I managed to find one!" Massimo said, Giulia squealed "Thanks Papa!" She said hugging her dad "Hey, I helped too." Alberto said crossing his arms "Thanks Alberto" Giulia said hugging Alberto and Luca "This is the best surprise ever!" She yelled "Yeah, anyways, c'mon Luca! I have the ENTIRE day planned for us to hang out!" Alberto said "Ok, but let go see my parents first, they're gonna be happy to see me!" Luca said "Ugh, fine!" Alberto said accompanying Luca to the water to see his parents. As they entered the ocean, they began towards Luca's home where his parents were waiting for his arrival. Luca's mom was outside trimming the seaweed when she looked over the rocky edges and saw Luca approaching "MOM!" Luca shouted and started swimming towards his mom "LUCA!" She screamed and swam towards Luca and hugging him as Luca's dad pops out of their home and also swims towards his son. "I'm so happy to see you back home in one piece!" she said squeezing Luca's face "Hehe, I'm fine Mom!" Luca said removing her hands from his face "Its good to see ya, son! How was it out there in the big world?" Luca's dad asked, "Its amazing! There were so many things that I want to tell you!" Luca said excitedly "But unfortunately, we don't have time for that for we have plans packed for today, so he'll tell you guys later!" Alberto said pulling Luca's arm to head back to the surface "Oh, ok! Have fun you two!" Luca's dad said waving goodbye to them.
Once on shore, Alberto brought Luca towards his Vespa, "What do you think?" Alberto asked showing off his Vespa to Luca
"Whoa, how'd you get one?" Luca asked
"How else? Delivering fish and getting money for it!" Alberto said "Wanna ride it?" He asked Luca
"Yeah!" Luca said,
"Then lets go!" Alberto said grabbing Luca and both hopping on the Vespa and riding it through the town together, then after that, Alberto showed Luca more human things he's found and Luca told Alberto what those 'human stuff' were which kinda killed the mood. Alberto and Luca then headed back home after a really long day of hanging out together, and sat at the table waiting for the pesto to get done "Woo! Today was awesome!" Alberto said "Yeah, riding the Vespa was the best part!" Luca said "I know, right?" Alberto said "I can't wait to do more tomorrow!" "Oh, uhh, actually I already agreed to spend the day with Giulia, she has more books that tells you all about the entire world!" Luca said excited "Ok fine, whatever..." Alberto said annoyed as Massimo gave them their pesto and sat down putting a napkin over his shirt as a polite gentleman and they all began to eat. Once dinner was done, Giulia gathered everyone's plates and began washing dishes "C'mon Luca, let's go in the tree." Alberto said heading upstairs to Giulia's room "In a minute, Giulia said she wanted to show me her book about pirates!" Luca said excitedly. Alberto sighed and started heading upstairs again but Massimo stopped him, "Alberto, I need you to take out the trash." Massimo said "You got it!" Alberto said and took the big bag full of trash then looked at Luca fawning over Giulia's book. He gave a jealous look then left outside and dumped the trash in the trash bin, he then began walking towards the water "I wish Luca, or SOMEONE would hang out with me more than Giulia's stupid books" Alberto said kicking a rock, then he heard someone singing, a lady singing.
Alberto went to where the singing was being played and saw a female figure sitting on a rock by the water singing some sort of lullaby, Alberto tried to come closer to get a better look at the silhouetted lady when he suddenly stepped on a stick. The sound of the stick alerted the singing lady as she stopped singing and turned around and looked at Alberto, Alberto stood still not knowing what to do as he stared down at the dark figure. Looking at her, he noticed that she had fins on her back and elbows and her eyes were glowing a bright amethyst color and her hair looked as if it were a brunette color and she looked like she was his age. Gaining all his courage Alberto took a deep breathe and walked closer to the woman with his hand out ready to shake her hand. "Hello there!" Alberto said coming closer to the mysterious woman, but the woman got scared and dove back into the water "Hey, WAIT!" Alberto said running towards the spot the mystery woman was just at and gazing at the water where she disappeared into, suddenly Giulia came outside to see what was taking Alberto so long to come back in the house "Alberto! What are you doing by the water?" Giulia asked "I... Uhh... Nothing just, uh... checking the fish! Y'know, gotta be ready to catch them tomorrow!" Alberto said heading back inside the house as Giulia followed. Later that night, Alberto and Luca were in the tree ready to go to sleep when Alberto told Luca what he saw. "Whoa, really? Do you think it was another Sea Monster?" Luca asked "I don't know, I couldn't really get a better look at her, it was too dark." Alberto said laying down on his pillow and looking up at the night sky "But whatever she is, I'm gonna find out! Maybe she could be our new friend!" Alberto said excited, "Yeah! That'd be awesome!" Luca said also laying down "Goodnight, Alberto!" Luca said as he closed his eyes and went to sleep "Goodnight, Luca!" Alberto said looking back up at the night sky thinking about that mysterious singing lady, as he closed his eyes he could hear her melody singing in his head, "Come with me, into the sea, as we swim far out to sea. In the deep, you will see, a world of my dreams. As you sink into the ocean, without a warning, you didn't know you've fallen-" Alberto couldn't help but hear her song on repeat, what were the last bits she was going to say? Alberto sighed and didn't mind it much, he turned over to his left side and went to sleep. Tomorrow, he was going to go look for that mystery woman.
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your-world-with-nct · 5 years
𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 — 𝐳𝐜𝐥
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➵ pairing: chenle x gender-neutral reader
➵ genre: angst, fluff, crack, one-shot
➵ warnings: cursing, negative mentions of body image 
➵ word count: 2.5k
➵ summary: there was no other way to describe your relationship with zhong chenle than “twisted”. you were in love with him but all you could ever show him was anger and disgust, and it seemed to be the same case for him too. but when his words come out more twisted than they’ve ever been, you begin to question, could you ever untangle the mess you two were in?
➵ a/n: happy (late) birthday lele !! this was meant to be a short drabble requested by @yangerscheeks​ but i ended up falling in love with the plot idea and turning it into a one-shot for you guys hehe enjoy
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game nights with the dreamies were the sole thing you looked forward to after a long week of work; it was the only thing keeping you going. chaos-filled evenings packed with competition, laughter, betrayal, teamwork, snacks, victories and losses, with your favourite seven boys - yes, the dreamies insisted on inviting your older brother, mark, to join you all every saturday night, when he wasn’t too busy - was the ideal way to spend time with your best friends and de-stress from the past week’s workload. from classic board games and party games, to the newest video games, you always enjoyed messing around with them and playing whatever the game of choice was that week. you loved everything about game night - except something, or rather... someone. 
chenle was the only member of nct dream that never seemed to click with you, even from your first meeting 3 years ago; he either completely ignored you and acted cold around you, or irritated you every waking second of the day, teasing you in ways that crossed the line, and sometimes just blatantly insulted you (not that you didn’t respond in a similar manner to him though). you hated it, and you hated him.
you despised his illuminating smile, and his perfect facial features; you loathed his contagious, cute giggles; you disliked how talented he was and how angelic his vocals were; you detested his enticing nature on stage; you were disgusted by his family-oriented attitude and his close-knit relationship with his fellow hyungs; and you absolutely hated how he made your heart pound out of your chest whenever he was around you. you hated that you loved chenle.
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tonight’s game was twister, and, unfortunately, mark couldn’t join you since he was abroad promoting with SuperM, which also meant that game night was a frenzy without a somewhat sane adult watching over you all.
“left foot green, ha! there’s no space left between haechan hyung and jaemin hyung, y’all are gonna fall soon,” jisung cackled from the couch, being assigned as the spinner for this round as he lost the last one.
the remaining players, including you, shifted to claim a green spot, whilst trying not to laugh at jaemin’s behind planted right in front of haechan’s face, “personal space won’t hold me back from winning, bitch!” 
without a doubt, the room erupted into laughter, causing haechan’s stomach to tense up so much that he toppled over, “AHA! HYUNG YOU’RE OUT, YOU LOOOOSE!” jisung yelled from his comfortable spot, not feeling as embarrassed about not snatching a win the previous round, as his spluttering hyung stumbled onto the sofa with him, small wheezes of “minnie why” in between each of his heaving howls.
the euphoric feeling that surrounded the seven of you during moments like this was something you treasured, and you couldn’t hold back a chuckle yourself, grinning at the sore loser gripping his abdomen and cursing out jaemin for getting him out of the game.
“don’t worry, there’ll be another round, hyung. okay, now right hand red,” jisung announced, watching as you all struggled to get to the opposite side of the mat.
assessing the situation, you realised that the only way you could put your hand on a red spot was by extending your arm across chenle’s leg, and reaching over it. it was a risky move as you would be dangerously close to him, but, as much as you wanted him to fall, you knew that boy was extremely ticklish and would jerk his entire leg, which would probably end up with you joining him in being eliminated from that round. however, you took the chance anyway, hovering your arm over chenle and ensuring that you made no contact with him whatsoever.
you thought you could last until jisung called out the next one, until you felt jeno move his elbow underneath your gut, causing all the breath in your chest to flow out of you, and your whole body to fall to the floor, bringing chenle down with you too.
strained huffs left your mouth as jeno, jaemin, and renjun shouted in triumph having taken out two players at once. despite their loud whoops, you couldn’t ignore the annoyed grunts coming from next to you, and the snarky comment that came after it.
“my god, y/n, you’re so heavy, you knocked the wind out of me, and i think you broke my rib too while you were at it,” chenle mumbled out of exasperation, loud enough for you and the rest of the dreamies to hear it too.
usually, his remarks wouldn’t bother you at all, you’d brush them off, or make a casual retort, but, this time he had dug at a deep insecurity of yours, your self-image and your body. “aww, no, i’m out!” you announced, faking disappointment, and dragging yourself up from the carpet, “i’m just, i’m just gonna go, uhhh, go get a, ummm… a drink. yeah, i’ll be back in a sec, guys.”
you tried not to let the emotion show through your voice, but these boys knew you too well, they could already see by the forlorn look on you face just how hurt you were by what chenle said. turning towards the bathroom, you knew that there was nowhere else you could hide to let your new set of tears flow.
“wait, y/n, that’s not the kitchen-” was the last thing you heard from renjun, before you slammed the door behind you, sliding down against it and breaking down in your arms, as the spiteful words your own crush had said to you reverberated in your damaged thoughts.
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“chenle, why... why would you say that to them? you know how sensitive y/n can be, you dumbass,” renjun let out an exasperated sigh at the younger boy, who was currently curled up on the floor, his face buried in his knees as he internally kicked himself for saying such a malicious thing to you. 
running his hands through his chestnut locks, remorse evident in the action, chenle groaned as the other members contributed to renjun’s statement, which simply added to his already immense amount of guilt, “okay, okay! i get it. alright? you guys can shut the fuck up now, i know what i did. you don’t have to make it worse than it already is.”
chenle’s harsh tone shocked his hyungs, and so did the way he stormed out of the room, running off in the direction you went in before. meanwhile, even the said boy was surprised by what he said. what was wrong with him today? why was he acting like this? the only thing he could think of that was affecting him this much was you. you and your melodic laugh, your cute remarks, your enchanting presence - he was so caught up in admiring you that he could barely control himself. 
‘no, chenle, that’s a stupid excuse,’ he mumbled to himself, as he came to a halt when he reached the door to the bathroom you were in, which he deducted from the choked sobs he could hear coming from the other side. the pain-stricken cries were a heart-wrenching sound to chenle, and, at that moment, he wanted nothing more than to hold you in his arms and tell you how much he treasured you.
but, he couldn’t, because he was your enemy, because he made himself your enemy, because you would never love someone you hated. it was times like these that made chenle despise himself for freezing up around you and being selfish, for turning his irrepressible feelings for you into ignorance and hatred, for disregarding how he felt because it was too much for him.
chenle couldn’t keep doing this to you, and to himself; it was torture just watching the sparkle in your eyes dim every time he opened his mouth to say something to you, to hurt someone so precious to him. maybe, it was time to let you know how he really, truly felt about you, just, maybe, his words wouldn’t come out so twisted.
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you didn’t know if it was your vivid imagination, but you swore you heard footsteps approaching, and you couldn’t stand knowing that one of the boys could hear you crying, with only a door to separate you. specifically if it was chenle, oh, you didn’t know what you would do if your crush, and nemesis, was outside, listening to you and your already low self-esteem crumble as you stared down at your shaking body, his cruel words resonating through your head. 
it’s not as if you were unaware that you didn’t have the perfect figure, but it wasn’t something you liked to be reminded of, especially not in such a hateful manner. the fact that chenle’s physique was so flattering made you feel like you weren’t worthy of him, why would someone like him be attracted to someone like you? 
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hesitating slightly, chenle took a few moments to calm himself before his knuckles tapped against the bathroom door. you jumped at the distinctive rat-tat-tat sound, identifying the knocker as chenle; cursing under your breath, you swiped at your blotchy, tear-stained face with the sleeve of your sweater and tried to regulate your uneven breathing. with a few sniffles and a quick inspection of yourself in the mirror, you unlocked the door and stepped out into the hallway, the very person you dreaded to see stood right in front of you, his puffy eyes mirroring yours.
“y/n, i-i’m so so sorry, i just- i can’t even explain- i’m sorry,” chenle could barely speak, his words coming out in incoherent stutters. you had never seen him like this before, so vulnerable, so distressed, so genuine - it sparked something in you. you don’t know what made you do it, but you felt yourself enveloping the boy in your arms, letting yourself sob into his shoulder as you both held onto each other like your lives depended on it.
despite his confusion, chenle relaxed in your embrace, wrapping his arms around your waist and caressing you so gently as you both cried into one another. a strange, unfamiliar warmth crept into the two of you the longer you stayed entangled with each other, a blissful silence filling the air as you two rocked back and forth, trying to regain your composure so you could actually talk things out.
just as you were about to say something, you looked into chenle’s glossy eyes, which was enough for your mind to go absolutely feral with deprecating, doubtful thoughts. what if you had read the situation wrong? what if he was taking advantage of you? what if this was all just a stupid ploy, to mess with you? as you avoided eye contact with your crush, he cupped your chin in one hand, wiping the newest teardrops with his thumb, “shhh, don’t cry anymore, sweetheart, it makes me sad seeing you like this.”
those words confirmed the complete opposite of what you were thinking, and your jaw dropped as you finally connected with his chocolate brown orbs again, seeing pure concern and worry swirled into those beautiful eyes of his. “why, how come- why are you being like this, chenle? you’re never usually this nice,” you managed to say through a few snivels.
“because this is the first time that i haven’t been nervous enough to approach you and speak to you like a decent human being,” he pulled away from the hug slightly to look at you directly while he said this, to emphasise his sincerity.
“wait, nervous? what- why-”
“can i tell you something, y/n?” chenle asked, a subconscious pout forming on his lips as he waited for your answer so that he could continue. once you gave him a small nod, he intertwined his fingers in yours, clutching your entwined hands to his chest.
“i get so, so scared whenever you walk into the room, just seeing you makes my heart flutter at immeasurable speeds. when we first met, i just had no idea how to even talk to you, i was that lovestruck, that the first thing that came out of my mouth was an insult. and i guess that was my way of coping? with my feelings? mark hyung told me that i go all ‘panicked tsundere’ around you - and he’s not wrong.
“i like you, so much, that i can barely act normal around you. and i know that’s no excuse for what i said before, and for everything i’ve ever done to you, but i want you to know that you’re an incredible person and i’m so in awe of you that i literally can no longer function. 
“i’m sorry and i know that you won’t forgive me right now, but i was just scared that i-i would lose you. i don’t know, i thought that if you knew i liked you, i would’ve scared you away and you would never talk to me again. i guess that you hating me was better than you not being in my life at all.”
every moment you had ever spent with chenle made more sense now, how his entire expression would change whenever he saw you, but his façade would fade as soon as your back was turned - he wasn’t trying to push you away,
he was trying to keep you in his orbit, without pulling you too close to him. you had always thought that you just had a twisted relationship, but it turns out that you were both too scared to say anything to untangle the mess that was the two of you.
“oh, lele, you haven’t lost me,” your use of chenle’s nickname brought a fuschia tinge to his cheeks, which caused the corners of your mouth to curve upwards by the slightest bit, “you never would have lost me, because i was holding on to you too, by that singular thread of rivalry we had. if you haven’t figured out by now, i like you too, dumbass. and yes, while i am quite hurt by what you said to me earlier, i can’t just pretend that i haven’t treated you in the same shitty way. i forgive you, and i wanna start again with you, chenle. and this time, you won’t lose me, i’ve got you.”
closing the distance between you two, you pressed your lips against chenle’s own plump ones, revelling in the euphoria rushing through your body as you finally kissed the boy you had been in love with for three years. it wasn’t exactly a fairytale kiss, it was a mixture of salty tears, clashing teeth, and a desperate grip on one another - but you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
eventually, chenle disconnected his lips from yours, his forehead still leaning on yours and his mouth practically ghosting over your cheek as he refused to separate himself from you, “i’ve got you too, y/n, never doubt that. and, by the way, you’re not ‘heavy’ or ‘fat’, or anything like that. even if you were, i wouldn’t care, because you are the most beautiful person i’ve ever met. i-i think i love you.”
“i love you too, chenle,” you mumbled before crashing your lips against his again. at last, you had unravelled your twisted relationship with zhong chenle, and you were hoping to keep it that way.
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