#i realized I only drew her once lol so I caved in
miusato · 24 days
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Nothing says supporting women's right more than uplifting one 💪💪💪
Anyway im open for commission :))
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ae-neon · 1 year
Please give honest feedback
Disclaimer‼️this is a rough draft so my grammar is probably all over the place, it's subject to change and it's probably a little info dumpy. I tried to stick closely to the source material. Also it's not actually a full chapter lol but just pretend.
Chapter 1:
A biting breeze blew through the trees as Feyre Archeron marched ever deeper into the woods, her mood growing fouler with each step. It had barely been a week since the year’s first snow and yet she’d had to venture further into the forest than ever before. The trees grew closer together, the floor thick with brambles and littered with jutting rocks, and worst of all; it was getting dark.
She couldn’t quite decide if she was thankful that she’d come alone. Isaac hadn’t been able to come with her this time, having to stay on the Hale farm to help his father reinforce their shed. He’d never have let her go this far. Isaac was overly nice in a way that made things difficult for her sometimes, but he was also chatty – might have served as a welcome distraction from the cold and her own growing frustration.
“Faeries,” Isaac had explained the night before, lighting a small roll of tobacco as Feyre picked hay from her discarded pants, “Old Len says he saw faeries, wearing fox skins, steal three chickens last Tuesday.” Old Len was mad. He’d once told Feyre he’d seen a giant pissing in the woods and swore a dragon lived in the Kissing Cave, that he’d once seen a mermaid and fought a bear with nothing but his fists, that there lived an old witch in the wood and that he was one-sixteenth an elf.
Still, she couldn’t ignore the unease underlying her irritation. Faeries were real. Not the enchanting sea maidens Old Len sung of, but vicious little creatures that came through the wood, from the far north and the Old Lands beyond Jurian’s Gate. Feyre touched at the iron dagger strapped at her side and took comfort in the handful of arrows in her quiver but didn’t consider turning back, not yet. If she didn’t find something soon, she was going to be late and Nesta would have at her for taking the horse out only to come back empty handed.
She stopped, near instinct now, at the faint scent of blood in the air. She-wolf, Isaac teased when they hunted together. Her eyes found the trail of dark liquid, near black in the weak rays of the winter sun. She scanned the forest ahead but couldn’t spot anything. Quietly, Feyre drew an arrow, high enough to quickly let off a shot but low enough not to accidentally kill if she got spooked.
She slowly followed the trail, hairs on her neck rising as she realized just how quiet the forest was. She’d noticed it before, the eerie change between the sparce trees that enclaved the lands north of town and the true forest. But this was different. Unnatural. Nesta had once told her that Southerners called it the Blackwood, told her that maps darkened here...said that they lived at the end of the world.
Her eldest sister didn’t think much of anywhere north of the rivers they called the Five Fingers though; and Feyre had always wondered how much of that was because of what the Southerners’ said. Songs about Northern girls casting spells, tales about changeling babes and whispers that foul magic seeped from beyond the forest, beyond the Gate, and crept into the air itself. It was stupid, she’d thought, but now... surrounded by the too still forest – Feyre wondered if they were right. If the humans who raised the Gates shouldn’t have fled deeper south; far far away from here.
She saw something, just up ahead, a tall figure but it was gone in the next blink. The snap of a twig brought her whirling around; arrow lifted and aimed, body tense. There, not three feet away, stood an elf. The creature was leaning against a tree, breathing raggedly, face unnaturally pale with dark, wet stains on it’s pants and a half shredded shirt drenched in blood. Feyre didn’t know what to do, pulled back tighter, schooling her muscles through the burn when she noticed her hands shaking.
Her blood was roaring in her ears. They’d stood staring at each other for seconds but time seemed to be stretching impossibly, dangerously thin.
Why hadn’t it moved? How much longer would she be able to keep the bow drawn like this? Her hands were sweating, she might let slip and miss. Was it fast enough to reach her before she could draw again? Should she speak? Her knife- The thing took a step closer and without a second thought, Feyre loosed her arrow, catching it in the eye and watching as the force of the arrow knocked it back, dead before it hit the ground.
It took her a few moments to move. Her first steps toward the body were shaky. Relief calmed her aching stomach when she was near enough to confirm it really was an elf. Pointed ears and the eye that was left; wholly black from corner to corner.
Her eyes caught on the gold chain around it’s neck, from which hung a small golden leaf spotted with blood. She didn’t want to stay another second in the forest - felt like the deafening beat of her heart might call something her way - so she plucked the necklace and shoved it into her pocket before turning back.
It might have been cruel, taboo even, to take from the dead and give nothing in return, but Feyre had never considered herself a particularly good person. This was winter...life was hard and she would not go back empty handed.
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ethmaron · 5 months
mer au ramblings under cut ↓
i was thinking about the mers and their behaviors in particular-- i can't remember if i've ever really talked about it (if i have it's on one of the older posts? probably under one of the asks from capricorn) but bc i had spotted that recent thing i drew in my canvas library the mers are so cat-like in my head. or something. i do think they hide under their tails a lot when they get upset or embarrassed and stuff but that's probably more coming from i think they hide away in little caves and stuff normally and its like just a placeholder behavior sorta deal. they like the dark and small spaces bc like tims got that cave he likes to go to a lot (he takes kon there eventually--idk if ive ever mentioned tims little hideaway lol)
i do think they also like to smack each other with their tails as a playing thing which is fun until its a human and they get absolutely wasted by 30+ lbs of pure muscle. i do think it would be hilarious if in some of the first interactions dick smacks someone and there is very quickly rules established. he ends up only being able to play with jason until he goes . "missing". (tbh this is making me think about little dick and jason and im getting very teary. thinking about bruce deciding to reach out to the humans as a way to help protect both himself and his sons from poachers and stuff. gets them access to medicine.)
i DO think that dick and jason woulda been much closer in this though and i feel like being honest mers kinda have shorter lifespans in the wild? (bruce is probably still pretty young by human standards i think, but is getting up there by mer standards) limited access to food + getting into fights + poachers. actually the fighting aspect is interesting to me because i dont think i've thought much of it before? the only natural defenses they have are teeth, nails and tail. i think mer fights would probably be very quick and typically escalate fairly fast. (also realizing bruce would definitely be a killer in this au by virtue of protecting his territory + his family. wonder if it would turn into a more he doesnt want his kids to have to ever kill? but idk bc that would be a part of the lifestyle of a mer, and they would need to know how to defend themselves anyway) weak points definitely tail fins and throat. fins specifically because they cant swim without them so they'd just kinda sink and rot at the bottom of the ocean if they dont have someone helping them; which is to say in the case of shredded fins because jason kept his fins but theres holes in them which Does effect his swimming speed but only because of the holes and not the material of his fin (i do think the humans have tech that could theoretically replace tail fins in order to help them swim again but they wouldn't be as durable as their natural fins. wouldn't be able to tolerate fast swimming. probably what would've happened to babs--i don't think ive ever addressed her in this au? i should go and design some of the people that are missing. i think shed be reallyyyy pretty.) but i think that once a fight is determined to be to death they just go for the throat/gills.
regardless that is to say that the hiding behavior i think is funny and i do fully believe the first time kon or jon sees it they immediately make a cat comment and then show pictures. depending on who the mer is/their landside education they dont even know what cats are which would be kinda funny i think. hilarious to me if damian convinces jon to bring a cat because he wants to meet it (he definitely still loves animals--probably bffsies w some of the sharks and other animals in their territory.) I DESPERATELY WANT KON TO BRING KRYPTO oh god kory would have a heart attack if he snuck krypto in. bart would love him. i think tim and cassie would be a little ehhh about him but krypto so sweet just a little baby .
i had talked about a while ago that i should try to work bernard in--i think itd be kinda silly if there were a bunch of tims like comic HS friends that are just interns or something in different areas of the facility and stuff and they all end up kinda becoming friends anyway. bernard, darla, ives, etc. idrc if it doesnt make sense this entire au is a trainwreck anyway lol
ACTUALLY very funny to me i was thinking abt how tim gets a little demanding in getting carried/carted around on land and he finds out kinda quick most the people there can't actually lift them up (kon can technically lift tim/bart/cassie but he Struggled at first). him asking ives to take him to a different tank and ives just gives him a really long look before getting a wheelchair and helping tim drag himout of his current tank LOL i think there would be lots of cursing and sniping from both sides .
ill wrap this up but now im thinking abt mer courtship stuff--idk if ive ever talked about that here? its kinda silly LOL
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
Random stuff:
Jin has a tattoo on the back of their shoulders ( I don't know what the exact term is called). It's a pair of wings. I feel they got this in their late teen- early 20's as a final act in their angst phase until they realize " hey maybe I should chill". They don't regret it, it's a really good tattoo.
Speaking of tattoos, I'm changing Wayne's a bit. I feel it would fit his character to have something much smaller than his entire arm. I still think it would be one of a Serperior, but maybe around his forearm? I still need to think about it but yeah.
Jin accidentally called Kohaku and Wally their wife and husband respectively once. They didn't propose yet, but was planning to. They're too embarrassed to try now, especially since Kohaku will never let it go.
Most people are shocked too see Kiran being much more fit that they were before being yanked into the past. Unfortunately for Kiran, this means getting dragged into Danica's and Barry's work out routine against his will. He can't complain to much though. It's probably the least akward time they have together and it's where Danica and Barry act like their old selves. Still. Kiran just wanna study.
Kenji skateboards :D
I'm thinking about having Flint and Buck be distant relatives to Alder and Benga.
Marlon is from Alola and is black in this au because fuck his canon design.
Same goes for Flint and Benga too.
Elesa hair is naturally black in this au.
Drayden might be the train twins uncle or grandpa. Still deciding.
Speaking of Drayden, based on his house in the games, unless that's his wife and kids, I like to imagine Drayden just being like " oh hey do need a place to stay? Sure you can live with me. You're my kid now", and there's nothing much people can do about it lol.
Back to ocs, Aiko is a very skilled dancer due to her training under the Kimono Girls, and also knows how to be an excellent hostess. She just chooses not to use those skills lmao.
Danica occasionally does contests, but not the big popular ones that her mother used to do. More of the lower scale, local contests that happen. Angel is who she uses the most when it comes to these.
She probably has ran into Drew ( oc ) a couple of times but probably never actually introduced herself.
Klink where Ingo and Emmets first pokemon, then followed by what they're most known for, such as Chandelure and Galvantula.
Emmet will most definitely drag Alexis to Chargestone Cave to attract Joltik. It's better than constantly breeding them but poor Alexis is now constantly swarmed by little fuzzy spiders.
Eva is occasionally called by Elesa to do some modelling. She's very good at it, and it allows her to try on different styles she usually doesn't wear. Elliot always gets the photographs first, which never fails to make her heart explode( pos).
Trash talk is something so weird to Naomi. She understands why people do it, her friends do it before battle too. But sometimes it gets mean, and she doesn't want to be mean. So she lightly encourages instead, only really trash talking with her friends, slightly, but treats it as light teasing between friends than something to get the crowd hyped up.
Carol loves trash talk by the way, they get to insult people and play it off as a joke professionally. It will come for their ass later, but they love it regardless.
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hey-its-nonny · 3 years
So, thanks to the lovely @themerriweathermage, i can repost all of my chapters of in between!! Again, a huge, huge, thank you, love. i can’t tell you how happy i am about this.
Chapter one of In Between!
i’m super excited for this!! hope y’all like it!!
note: this first chapter will start out (and maybe end) in Legolas’ POV just for somewhat of his backstory. the rest will be told from your POV!!
The battle was over.
Burials for the dwarves had come and gone, and while Tauriel was grieving over Kili, Legolas was left with a broken heart over the she-elf in question. He just didn’t understand. Tauriel was supposed to be the one. At least he thought so.
Was there something wrong with him? His father would have told him so. He didn’t understand why it stung so harshly, but he supposed that was the risk you took when you fancied someone.
But, a broken heart didn’t really matter now, did it?
The truth was that Tauriel had all too quickly slipped out of Legolas’ grasp; and there was no getting her back. Like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode in his face, it had only been a matter of time before Tauriel slipped away from him. So, he traveled for months to meet a man by the name of Strider.
At first, Legolas had lost his sense of just about everything. He knew where he was going, but he didn’t want to find his way there. Everything he’d loved had slipped out of his grasp in a matter of weeks, and he had no power to stop it.
That’s what he hated: being unable to change things in his life. He was a prince, for Valar’s sake. Changing things to get what he wanted was quite literally what he was used to. He understood that he was privileged, although his father said he’d deserved every bit of what he got, unsurprisingly. Somehow, though, he felt he didn’t.
Just like he didn’t deserve Tauriel.
But, as his walked on with his thoughts tormenting him every waking second, he bumped into something- or someone, to be precise. While lost in his thoughts, Legolas’ feet had taken him to a small village -somewhere near Rivendell- he guessed, judging by the forests and whatnot.
It was a man. He’d bumped into another man. Upon realizing this, the elf froze, his senses coming back to him quicker than he’d lost them. He murmured an apology to the man, and the hooded figure nodded, quickly turning to go on his way.
Legolas realized he didn’t know where to go next, so he went to ask the man. “Do you know a ranger by the name of Strider?” He called, stopping the man in his stride. “Who’s asking?” He replied, low voice ringing in the almost eerie silence.
Legolas somewhat scoffed. “I am.” He stated, knowing full well what the man meant. He was angry and hurt, so a little sass or sarcasm could be expected from the elf. Who would blame him?
Apparently, you would.
Laying the pile of wood down, you readjusted the strap of your pack as your combat knives found their way into your hands. “Answer the question properly.” You spoke out, causing the elf to flinch. Cute. A fight prior to this meeting had put you in a bit of a sour mood, so any further irritation would only make things worse.
Legolas turned and faced you, eyes slightly narrowed, making it evident he wasn’t in a good mood either. “Legolas of th-“ He started, cutting himself off to correct himself. “Legolas Greenleaf.” He stated, turning to face Aragorn once more. “Now, answer my question.” He returned, raising a brow.
You shared a quick look with Aragorn, a questioning gaze evident on your features. “Strider.” He answered, and your expression phased into a calm one. You never really trusted people easily, and this elf would be no different, no matter how pleasant his face looked. Whenever Legolas heard this, however, he looked a bit embarrassed.
You smirked, leaning against the tree with a quiet hum. Aragorn grabbed both yours and the elf’s attention as he spoke up, removing his hood. “Why are you searching for me?” He asked, hand readily reaching for his blade. The bitter cold made this exchange far more intense than it should have been, but the elf showed no intentions of harming either of you.
The elf cleared his throat, searching for the answer to that question. “I merely wish to follow along whatever path you choose to take.” He said after seconds of silence, bringing down his ego as best he could. “Companionship, if you will.” He clarified, earning a distrustful, yet knowing exchange between you and Aragorn.
You walked over and pulled Aragorn aside, hoping to get out of ear’s reach from the elf. It took a while, but once you both were far enough from him, you whispered, “Are you going to let him follow us?” You asked, nodding in the elf’s direction.
The man huffed. “Perhaps. I cannot fully trust him yet, but I feel that it may be good to have him around.” He admitted, gazing at the leafless trees that surrounded you. You sighed, brows furrowed. “I don’t know if it is a good idea,” You replied, uncertainty and caution churning your insides. “but I trust your judgment.”
“We’ll have to take night watch, though.” You added, earning a chuckle from the man. “Let’s get a move on, then.” You sighed, trudging through the woods with Aragorn trailing behind you. A hopeful Legolas met your gaze, searching for any signs of confirmation. He didn’t get anything, though.
You simply grabbed your pack and firewood, tightened your tunic, and went on your way. Aragorn spoke up one final time, doing the same as you. “We do not stop until nightfall.” He stated, earning a swift nod from the elf.
Hours later, you all finally found a resting point in a cave and started a fire, gathered around it in attempts at gaining some warmth. Aragorn had gone to scout the surrounding area, leaving you shivering and alone with Legolas. As you huddled close to the fire, shaking due to the cold, Legolas stood, walking over to the pack he’d brought.
He pulled out a thick cloak, walking over to offer it to you. “Take it. You need it.” He quietly stated, draping the fabric over your shoulders. The warmth was almost instant, and you allowed a sigh of relief to escape your lips. “Thank you.” You smiled, to which the elf nodded.
Suddenly, your curiosity got the better of you. You peered at the elf from across the fire, staring into the sky blue eyes he possessed. “Where are you from?” You asked, trying to pass the time. “Mirkwood, as they call it now.” He answered reluctantly, though he seemed a bit more at ease now. “And you?” He returned, raising a brow as he met you e/c eyes.
You stared at the flickering flames in thought, pondering if you should give the elf an answer. It was only fair. “I don’t remember.” You quietly admitted, a solemn expression on your face. “My parents passed when I was young. I’ve been with Strider ever since. He’s like a brother to me.” You explained, earning an almost sympathetic look from the elf. What were you doing?
You stood before he could offer pitiful condolences and drew both of your knives. “Speaking of Strider, I am going to search for him. Excuse me.” You quickly blurted, gently folding the cloak and setting it down.
You rushed out, internally scolding yourself for such foolish behavior. You searched for Aragorn, wondering what possibly could’ve taken him so long. After a while, you came upon a slight clearing, the silence heavy over the bitter air.
Then, you heard it. Orc voices could be heard nearby, and you assumed Aragorn was with them. You cautiously padded through woods, making no noise as you passed. You counted twenty five orcs surrounding Aragorn, preparing yourself for battle.
Then, quicker than the wind, you dashed towards the orcs from behind and began slashing at them, taking out four within a minute. But, as fate would have it, you got caught in a fight between two particularly determined orcs. “Run!” You ordered, earning a scoff from Aragorn as he faced the majority of what was left of the group.
You took the two down, your worry for Aragorn outweighing your will to survive. Aragorn fought well, taking down the mindless creatures with a certain grace only Aragorn possessed. Just as you thought you were finished, you caught a glimpse of a blade held at Aragorn’s neck.
“Aragorn!” You shouted, cutting down whatever orcs stood in the way as you bolted for you best friend. Amidst the chaos, you were caught again as another group stole your attention. You fought hard, taking the orcs down with urgency. Luckily, however, an arrow was caught in the center of the orcs head before too much harm could be done.
You looked in the direction from where the arrow came and found Legolas standing there. You finished off the rest of the group with both of the boys’ help, panting slightly once it was over. Without hesitation you went to embrace Aragorn, quietly letting out a sigh of relief. “Please don’t do that again.”
The man returned the embrace, and you pulled him along back to the cave, grateful he was still alive.
You sat at the campfire once more, both of your companions sound asleep a little bit away from you. You watched the flame climb the air, relishing in the warmth it provided you. Then, you remembered the cloak Legolas had given you, and you picked up the soft fabric.
You wrapped it around your shoulders and sighed, making sure to keep an eye on the entrance to the cave. You made it a point to thank Legolas for saving Aragorn, unsure of what you would’ve done if things had turned for the worse.
At the end of the day, Aragorn was alive and well, and you had another companion to get to know. Legolas saved Aragorn’s life, and that was all that really mattered to you.
Maybe the elf wasn’t so bad after all.
ugh this SUCKED, but it’s done! i’ll probably edit it later, but i just wanted to post it.
@elvish-sky is the only person on my tag list at the moment i think?? pm me if you want to be added, otherwise i won’t remember lol 😂 hope you enjoyed it!
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geodeminer · 2 years
Febuwhump2022 Day 6 (alt): Trapped Under a Collapsed Building
Oh Lordt, this took a long time. It was one of those things where I was excited about the idea, and got a decent amount of it done, and then it went on longer than I wanted it to, but I didn’t want to start something else, and so I fiddled with it until it was at least... mostly coherent. I’m not a huge fan of this one, but I get the sense that it’s gotten to the point that I don’t think I’m going to approve of it, regardless of what I do to it. lol Here we go!
“Kagome, can you hear us?”
Young female voices slowly brought her to consciousness. Her friends’ voices.
Inuyasha’s voice. He sounded strained. Her eyebrows drew downward in murky thought. Those voices shouldn’t be overlapping each other; they weren’t supposed to interact at all. Certainly not with the level of fear that they held.
She opened her eyes and nearly jumped when she realized how close Inuyasha’s face was to hers. She felt her cheeks heat up, and she pushed at him, though he didn’t budge an inch.
“What are you doing Inuyasha?!” she cried. As she moved to stand, pain shot up her left thigh and she yelped.
It was then that she took in her surroundings.
It was dark, illuminated only by what thin daylight made it past the thick cloud of dust and debris in the air. At first, she thought they might be in a cave, but she quickly realized that it was huge pieces of broken concrete on all sides rather than stone. She was on her back, and to her left was a small open space. Beyond the open space lay a mangled metal pulldown gate from a store. On the other side of it, she could just barely make out the form of Yuka, sending her a concerned look.
She was covered in a thick layer of gray dust, broken only by the places where she had been scratched or sweat had made tracks down her cheeks.
“Yuka! Are you hurt?” she asked, her throat beginning to tighten with fear.
“I’m alright,” said Yuka with a small smile. “We’re banged up, but all three of us are here. Ayumi’s leg might be broken, though.”
Eri chimed in. “We would probably be dead if your boyfriend wasn’t here.” Kagome heard a soft knocking sound. “He threw this thing over us… somehow.”
“Kagome, are you okay?” Inuyasha asked, yanking her attention back to her side of the gate.
It clicked into place.
They were buried under the collapsed mall they had taken Inuyasha to. Her eyes snapped to Inuyasha’s, wide with fear.
“That monster!”
Inuyasha shook his head. “I think it’s dead. It was with us when the building came down. In any case, it’s not here”
“Kagome, this way,” she heard Eri urge her. She glanced back to Yuka, being the only one of the three she could see.
“Oh, guys. I am so sorry. I never wanted to bring this to you,” Kagome lamented.
“No, Kagome, come this way,” said Yuka, motioning to her.
Kagome looked back to Inuyasha and it came to her attention that there was a massive block of concrete on his back. His hands were braced against the floor on either side of her, and she could hear his claws scraping against it.
“Move,” he ordered, taking his right hand off the floor, to give her the opening to crawl out from under him.
She began to move, but yelped when pain once again shot up her thigh. She glanced down toward her legs, but it was far too dark to see anything.
“What’s wrong?” Inuyasha demanded.
“My leg. I think my leg is messed up,” she said.
Inuyasha growled and gripped her right arm. With a heave and a shriek of pain from Kagome, he yanked her halfway out from beneath him. Her leg came into view at that point, and her heart sank when she was in the light.
Her entire front was covered in blood, and there were at least four large shards of glass protruding from her leg.
It was like actually seeing the injury initiated the pain, because it suddenly stole the breath from her. She laid back, feeling tears spring instantly to her eyes, and beginning to heave with a sudden lack of oxygen.
“Just a little more, Kagome,” urged her friend.
Her voice seemed to pull her from her spiral, and she squirmed the rest of the way out from under Inuyasha. The void she crawled into was large enough to sit up in, but not stand, and only measured a few meters wide. She examined her leg in the dim light from above for only a moment, before she felt her normal crisis response snap into place along with a dose of adrenaline.
She twisted until she was able to hook her fingers into the metal gate. “Are you guys able to move?”
“Yeah, but we don’t have anywhere to go,” said Eri quietly. “There’s not even enough room to sit up over here.”
There was an unpleasant coughing sound and Kagome turned to look at Inuyasha. There weren't enough gaps between the pieces of concrete above him to guess how much was sitting on his back, but considering he hadn’t moved, she figured it was a lot.
Kagome moved a little closer to him. “Can you get out from under there?”
In lieu of an answer, Inuyasha raised his right arm a little further, and Kagome’s eyes went wide. She could hear a squeak from behind her.
There were two pieces of rebar impaled through his lower left side, another through his left shoulder, and one more that was pinning his left hand to the ground. There was a thin stream of blood trickling from his mouth, and there was a splatter of blood beneath his head. She realized that the blood all down her front was largely his. “Oh god,” she breathed.
“It gets worse.” Inuyasha gave a wry chuckle. At the same time that he spoke, she spotted pale purple stripes begin to form beneath his eyes.
A shock of fear ran through her. “Where’s Tetsusaiga?” she asked frantically.
Inuyasha’s head drooped to hang between his shoulders. A low rumble began in his chest.
She looked through the gate at her friends. “Where’s his sword?”
“It’s over here,” said Yuka. There was a scraping sound and she produced the sword from her side. “It got tangled in that gate when it came down and pulled it out of his belt.”
Kagome examined the gate from every angle she could manage. “We have to get it to him.”
“That’s what he said,” said Eri. Kagome heard more scraping. “He saw an opening in the gate over on your right, but I can’t see it. There’s a piece of concrete in the way. But if I can reach the sword around it, I might be able to get it to you.”
Kagome moved as far to her right as she could go. The metal gate had been mangled, and there was a small opening beneath it. However, there was a slab of concrete set against the other side of the gate that blocked her view of her friends. Another chunk laid on top of the gate, preventing her from crawling into the gap and creating a small tunnel in the rubble. Eri would have to extend the sword as far to her left as she could, and then push it toward her. The tip of the hilt appeared at the other end and moved slowly toward her.
The growl behind her grew in volume, and the hilt disappeared. “Kagome, what’s happening to him?” asked Yuka.
Kagome twisted her torso to look back at Inuyasha. His claws had already grown, and they were making deep cuts into the floor below him. She could see his breathing increase. “I don’t have time to explain. Reach, Eri!”
The hilt reappeared as Eri refocused. Kagome extended her arm as far as it would reach, but her fingertips just barely touched the torn cloth that hung from the hilt.
“Kagome…” Inuyasha’s voice was just above an enraged growl, and she could feel a shiver go up her spine.
She heard Yuka scream, but when she looked back, Inuyasha hadn’t moved. However, he was snarling at the frightened girl, fangs elongated, and eyes blood red.
“Hold on, Inuyasha. Stay with us a little longer.” She tilted her head and pushed her arm as far through the opening as she could. She could just barely pinch the hilt between her index finger and thumb. She began to draw it from the scabbard when she heard a bone- chilling grinding sound. The concrete at her side began to shift. She didn’t release her hold, but she turned her head just enough to see Inuyasha beginning to push himself upward. “Inuyasha, stop! You might crush us!”
Inuyasha snarled, but stopped moving.
“Kagome…” he growled. “Incantation.”
It took a second or two to figure out what he meant, and when it clicked, she shook her head and pulled at the sword until her fingers slipped off of it again. “I don’t know if that would be better. We shouldn’t move anything suddenly.”
“Kagome…” he snarled again. She saw the concrete beside her begin to shift again, but when she looked at Inuyasha, he seemed to be fighting his way back into his position on his hands and knees. “Incantation.”
She grit her teeth as the concrete finished settling. When she was silent for a moment, the concrete began to shift again.
“Inuyasha!” She looked back, and he was once again trying to stand.
“Incantation,” he growled.
“Fine! SIT!” There was a crashing sound, and the concrete that had begun moving slammed back into place. She held her breath as the dust settled. When she looked back to him, he was face down on the ground, but she could still see the stripes on his cheekbones. The concrete was  now laying fully on him, pressing him into the ground rather than being braced against his arms and legs.
“What’s going on, Kagome?” cried Yuka. It seemed that whatever composure she had maintained up until this point was beginning to falter.
“I’ll tell you when we get out of here!” Kagome promised as her fingers snapped off the hilt once more.
“Eri, use this,” she heard Yuka say. There was some shuffling, and the sword was suddenly thrust closer to her, until she could just barely wrap her hand around it.
She gave a laugh of success. “Got it!”
She heard some relieved sighs, which almost immediately turned to screams as the concrete around them began to shift upward much more quickly. She turned to see Inuyasha once more forcing himself to his feet. When he turned to look at her, his eyes were devoid of recognition. He began turning toward her, pulling himself off of the rebar that had been shoved through him.
“Sit!” Kagome shouted again.
Inuyasha hit the ground again, and the concrete once again slammed into place. A piece above her teetered dangerously, and she shuffled closer to the hanyou. She dragged herself back over to him, the glass embedded in her leg making a sickening scratching sound on the floor beneath her. She slipped the Tetsusaiga into his visible hand and he let out a raucous cough, but remained where he was. She hauled herself past him to sit back against the concrete next to where she had been laying, eyeing the concrete slabs above the opening where she sat.
“Kagome,” Yuka called weakly. Kagome looked over to her friends to find them pushed as far away from the gate as they physically could. “What is he?”
Kagome almost laughed. It suddenly seemed so silly to have dreaded that question so much. “He’s…” She couldn’t think of a single way to explain things to them, so she simply said, “He’s a half- yokai.”
There was a long pause, and Kagome kept the unstable concrete above in her peripheral vision.
“A what now?” said Eri, in a tone that seemed far too casual for the situation.
“He’s strong, that’s all you need to know,” she assured her. “All that you will understand.”
There was a rumble in Inuyasha’s chest again, and while her stomach erupted into anxious butterflies, a look at his face showed unmarked cheekbones. He began to drag his body into the open space, but only managed to get his torso out a small bit before he was abruptly stopped. He let out a snarl, and with a yelp, yanked his left hand into the open space. It was drenched in blood and the hole the rebar had put through it was wider than Kagome figured it would be.
Slowly, he propped himself up on his elbows, and looked at the four girls. “What…?”
Kagome waved her hands at him. “You transformed, but you’re okay now.” She pointed at the concrete that loomed over the open space. “That’s gonna come down on us if we don’t get out of here.”
The grinding sound from a few moments prior suddenly began again, and Kagome felt the heart nearly stopped. She looked up at the teetering piece of concrete above them as Inuyasha began to try and force his legs beneath him.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome curled in on herself as the large piece tumbled toward her. She heard a thud that reverberated through her body, but there was no impact.
“Kagome? Are you okay?” she heard Yuka ask.
She opened her eyes, and all she could see was the concrete slab.
“I’m fine,” she managed.
Just in front of her, Inuyasha had extended his right arm, and was holding the slab away from her.
“Damnit!” he growled. With a roar of effort, he attempted to throw the piece back and away, but it merely ground against other pieces that had fallen with it. He growled, and settled for leaning it back against the rock where the bend in the gate was.
Almost immediately, his torso flopped back to the ground, his heaving breaths sending small plumes of dust into the air. Kagome ran a hand along the top of his head. “Thank you,” she said quietly.
Inuyasha gave a huff, and his eyes moved to look at her, but his head remained in place. “So, what do we do?” he asked.
Kagome looked up toward the distant sky, and shook her head. “I don’t know.” She looked back at him. “What would you do in the Sengoku jidai?”
Inuyasha scoffed at her. “No one in my world would dare build a house this size. Certainly not with this… heavy rock material.” He scratched absently at the ground with his claws.
Kagome looked to her friends, and found them sending her strange looks. “Just go with everything for now. I promise I’ll explain.”
A flash of light nearly blinded her for a moment as the Tetsusaiga transformed, and she heard another yelp of fear from the girls. Kagome held up her hands. “It’s okay. It’s supposed to do that.” She then looked down at Inuyasha. “What are you going to do?”
“I’m gonna blast that stuff off them, so we can get out,” he said, pointing at the rubble that was covering her friends.
Kagome shook her head vigorously. “You can’t do that! What if more collapses on top of us?”
Inuyasha waved with his bloodied left hand. “When I tried to stand, stuff fell on us anyway. At least this way, a lot of the rubble will be destroyed and not fall on us. Do you have a better plan?” he asked expectantly.
Kagome patted her hips, and then looked around quickly. “What about our phones?”
Yuka held up a bit of mangled plastic. “All the ones we found are broken.”
“But they called to us with a megaphone,” said Eri. “Emergency teams are here, but there’s no way of knowing how long it will take them to get to us.”
Kagome looked back to her friends. She could now see all three of them laying next to one another. Eri and Yuka seemed attentive, but Ayumi was between them on her back looking dazed. “I don’t think you understand what an explosion the Wind Scar would be.”
“But what if he bleeds to death?” argued Yuka, glancing behind her at the splatter of blood beneath his hand.
Kagome glanced down at Inuyasha, and he shook his head. His eyes were a little glazed, but he looked attentive. “I’ll be fine. I’m not affected by blood loss the same way you are. But we can’t just sit here waiting to be rescued,” he growled and his hand closed around the hilt of Tetsusaiga again.
Kagome sat in indecision for a few moments, before her eyes lit up and she looked to her friends. “What about the sheath?”
“The sheath?” she heard Eri repeat.
“What about it?” grumbled Inuyasha.
“Can’t it create a barrier to protect us from the rubble if it falls on us?” said Kagome, ignoring the confused glances her friends were sending her.
Inuyasha shook his head. “I wouldn’t try it. I’ve only ever used the projected barrier to stop energy attacks. I don’t know if it would protect against something solid like rocks,” he said, jabbing his thumb upward at the concrete that sat on his back.
When his grip on the hilt tightened once again, Kagome set a hand over his. “Look, help is coming. Let’s just… wait for a bit. If we don’t hear something soon, we’ll try something a little more drastic, alright?”
Inuyasha growled at her, but after a moment, conceded and laid his head back on the floor, pulling Tetsusaiga to his side. After a moment, Kagome slowly shifted herself forward, and gently slid her right leg under his head. There was a flush across his cheeks that matched her own, but he didn’t object and closed his eyes.
“So…” began Eri, leaning far enough over that Kagome could see her. “What’s the plan?”
Kagome gave her a forced smile. “We don’t really have a way to safely get us out, so we’re gonna wait a little bit, to see if the emergency crews can find us first.”
There was a long awkward pause. After a few moments, Kagome sucked air between her teeth and gave a little whimper. Inuyasha’s head popped up immediately. “What’s wrong?”
Kagome motioned to her glass- littered leg. “Adrenaline wore off,” she said.
Inuyasha looked helplessly at her leg, and his ears drooped a little. Kagome noticed his eyes had become a little glassy. “Sorry,” he muttered.
“For what?” Kagome gave a pained laugh. “You saved my life. I think having a bunch of glass embedded in my leg is preferable to death.”
Inuyasha nodded, gave a bit of a scoff, and then rested his head back against her thigh.
“Kagome,” said Yuka, suddenly reminding Kagome that her friends were there. “When you said he was half- yokai, what did you mean?”
Kagome considered for a moment, and even glanced to Inuyasha for input, but he had closed his eyes. “His mother was a human, and his father was a dog- yokai. So he is half- yokai. Hanyou.”
“Wait, that’s what you meant when you told us he was bi- racial?” cried Eri.
Kagome had to laugh, and Inuyasha grumbled. “I still don’t know what that means.”
“You are the one who asked if he was bi- racial. I just… didn’t clarify. It’s true enough, though,” said Kagome. She attempted to adjust her position a little, but hissed in pain when the movement pulled on the wounds in her leg.
“So… those ears on his head… they’re real?” asked Yuka.
The girls peppered Kagome with questions for a few minutes, which she was glad to answer. It was the only thing she could think of to keep all of them calm while they waited. At some point after the conversation began, Kagome felt something cold touch the stocking of her right leg. When she looked down, she noticed a pool of blood that had begun to slowly spread from beneath the concrete that Inuyasha was under.
She sat up straight and gave another hiss of pain. Pushing it to the side, she rested a hand between Inuyasha’s ears. “Inuyasha?”
Her three friends fell silent as they waited for a response, but there was none. Kagome grabbed at the shoulder of his kimono. “Inuyasha, wake up!” she cried.
His eyes opened, and they sluggishly focused on her. “What?” he groaned.
Kagome let out a relieved breath, and combed her fingers through his hair briefly. Her brow furrowed as she looked down at him. His eyelids seemed to be fighting their way downward even as he attempted to focus on her. Kagome gave her friends an anguished expression.
“What’s wrong, Kagome?” asked Yuka, her voice heavy with fear.
Kagome looked back to Inuyasha, whose eyes had slid closed again. “He’s losing too much blood. He’s been bleeding this entire time,” she said quietly. She absently rubbed the tip of one of his ears between her fingers.
There was a long silence as the three girls quickly came to understand the implication.
“He can somehow blast this stuff off of us?” asked Eri, knocking on the wooden structure above her.
Kagome stared at the back of Inuyasha’s head. “He can definitely do it, but… it won’t be safe for anyone. Not us, and not anyone else that might be in the rubble.”
“But… if we don’t get out of here soon, he’ll die, right?” assumed Yuka.
Kagome closed her eyes. She couldn’t bring herself to look at them. She wouldn’t be able to clear the plea from her face.
“He should do it,” said Ayumi, speaking for the first time since she had woken up. Yuka and Eri made agreeing noises.
When Kagome looked up, Eri and Yuka were looking at her. She could see the fear in their eyes, and yet they both forced smiles and nodded to her.
“We wouldn’t be here even now if he hadn’t protected us,” said Eri. “We can’t just sit by and watch him bleed to death.”
“And…” Ayumi continued quietly. For the first time since she had woken up, she craned her neck to look at Kagome. “Well, you love him, don’t you?”
Kagome felt her heart skip a beat, and heat rise to her cheeks. She said nothing, only looked down at the hanyou on her lap. She heard the three girls give good natured laughs. She was somewhat relieved that Inuyasha didn’t react to what she said.
“What kind of friends would we be if we just sat around and waited for your boyfriend to die?” asked Yuka.
Kagome looked back at them. “It’s so dangerous,” she mumbled.
“Everything is dangerous right now, Kagome,” said Eri, leaning to look at her again.
Kagome combed her fingers through Inuyasha’s hair for a moment longer before taking a breath and nodding. “Alright.” She shook Inuyasha once more.
“Mmm?” was the only noise she got from him.
“Inuyasha, we need to get you out of here.”
He sluggishly propped himself up onto his elbows and looked up at her. “Wind scar?” he guessed.
Kagome nodded. Inuyasha looked up above them into the open area they could just barely see, and then to the space that Kagome was in. He bobbed his head to his right. “You should get over there,” he told her, though his voice lacked its normal harshness.
Kagome slowly dragged herself to the side and curled up as small as she could manage against the concrete slab that had almost crushed her. “Is there any way to throttle the blast?” she squeaked.
Inuyasha shrugged and Tetsusaiga transformed again. “It might be throttled anyway. I won’t be able to swing it too wide,” he said. A breeze began to blow through their little alcove as the Wind Scar began to wrap itself around the blade.
Kagome heard a sigh of contentment from her friends.
“That feels nice,” she heard Yuka say. Kagome chuckled a little.
Inuyasha looked through the gate at the girls and pointed at them with his bloody left hand. “Lay as flat as you can,” he said, and Kagome heard the girls immediately begin shuffling as they repositioned themselves.
Inuyasha pushed Tetsusaiga forward, and slipped it beneath the metal gate. He grunted, and began lifting the gate up with just the tip of the blade. After a moment of consideration, he looked to Kagome. “You ready?” he asked.
Kagome nodded.
Inuyasha twisted the blade, so the sharpened side was facing up, took a breath, and then hurled the sword upward. It was not a wide swing, but it had the expected reaction.
Wind exploded into the open space they were sitting in. She could hear her three friends scream. Kagome squeezed her eyes shut and braced herself against the concrete that was currently pressing painfully into her side. She made the mistake of gasping when the explosion hit, and gagged on the plume of dust the Wind Scar hurled into the air.
When the wind settled, all was still for a long moment. Kagome dared not open her eyes, and pulled the neck of her shirt over her nose and mouth. “Is everyone okay?” she called cautiously.
There was no immediate answer, and Kagome’s stomach sank. But after a moment, she could hear Yuka’s voice. “We’re here, Kagome.”
“Just a little banged up,” continued Eri.
Kagome waited another few minutes before she opened her eyes, hoping to give the dust a little time to settle. When she did look, she squinted against the light. She looked upward and could see the evening sky through the hole in the ceiling. The metal gate that had sat between them was gone, and she thought she might’ve spotted it hanging from some rubble a few floors up. She could now clearly see her friends as two of them began to gain their feet.
Her gut twisted uncomfortably when Yuka looked at her, and Kagome could see blood running down her face from the hairline over her left eye. Eri had one hand pressed over a deep cut on her right thigh. But both of them smiled at her when she caught their eye.
She turned to look at Inuyasha. His glassy eyes were looking her over. “Are you alright?”
Kagome nodded. “How about you?”
Inuyasha pointed toward her friends. “Go over there, I’m going to stand up.”
Kagome made a valiant effort to stand, but couldn’t manage the pain in her thigh. Before she could say anything, she felt hands grab her arms and begin pulling on her. She looked up, and found Yuka slowly dragging her over to where Ayumi was still laying.
She looked back at Inuyasha, as he gripped Tetsusaiga tightly, and braced himself against the ground. On his back was the majority of a fallen store, piled high enough as to reach the floor above. “Careful, Inuyasha.”
He scoffed at her. He gave a great heave and forced the rubble on his back upward, tumbling it backward, and triggering a deafening avalanche of cement and merchandise. When he was upright, Kagome couldn’t stop the gasp that slipped out.
The rebar that had pierced his torso had been bent around him when he was forced to the ground by the beads, letting the pile of rubble crash down on him. The floor where he had been laying was awash with his blood.
She could hear quiet noises of distress behind her as the others caught sight of Inuyasha’s position.
He shifted Tetsusaiga to his left hand, which seemed to barely be able to grip the hilt at all, and grasped the bar that had pierced his shoulder. He pulled it until he had forced it straight again. He repeated this with the two rods in his side before tearing himself off of them with a yelp of pain. He stumbled, and landed on his hands and knees, Tetsusaiga clattering loudly against the floor.
Kagome made a move toward him, but was once again stopped by the glass in her leg. In her place, Yuka rushed over to him.
“Can you stand?” she asked him.
He took a few breaths before nodding and standing up.
Kagome smiled and looked toward the sky. “I’m kind of surprised we lived,” she gave a wry chuckle. Inuyasha moved to plop down next to her. He then laid on his side, pressing his back against her right leg, curled up, and seemed to pass out. She heard a couple coos from her friends, and gave them a look before passing her hand through the hair between his ears.
“Is he going to be okay?” asked Eri
Kagome nodded, as she then moved her hand to stroke the side of his face. “Yeah. Let’s just give him a minute, then he’ll get us out of here.”
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writing-the-end · 3 years
LoL Chapter 45- Enemies of the State
A Wizard Hermits tale (AU, designs, ideas belongs to @theguardiansofredland)
A girls’ day out leads to a discovery, and the other hermits need to know about it immediately.
It wasn’t often the girls got to spend time on the mainland together. They love all the hermits, but the three of them are sisters. Very strange, completely different sisters. Even if they’re just getting shipments of food and letters, it’s a break for them. Besides, Stress is the strongest hermit- she easily carries two massive bundles of foods they can’t grow on the island. 
“I need to get some alloys, think we can drop by the smith shop for me to get bricks and ball bearings?” False questions, turning to Cleo and Stress with big, pleading eyes. She wants to test out her skills she learned in Alphasguard. She’s also been using her smithing skills to ease her nerves. 
After seeing the monstrosity in the forest, after leaving it to continue to grow, her nightmares have been plagued with tentacles wrapped around trees, eyes and mouths opening up to swallow the world whole. When the nightmares become too much, the only way she can ward them off is with the light of her forge and the music of metal. She’s made half an armor set in the night alone in the time they’ve been back on Eremita. 
Thankfully, the other two are more than happy to visit the forges of Coral Shores. Plus, it’s more time to themselves, and for Stress it’s more time free from the wretched rolling of Cleo’s ship. At this point, she’d rather walk across the water than get sick over the side of the sailboat. 
“So if you’re making more weapons, think you can give a look at my saber? I think she could use some fine tuning, a bit of that good Falsie touch.” Cleo bumps False on the shoulder, rounding the corner into the dry heat of the forgery area. Stress and Cleo recoil at every bang and explosion of fire from the mouths of the forges, like maws of dragons, but False never felt more at home than in the center of the chaos. She watches a bladesmith heat treat the blade of a battleaxe, fire bursting at the oil’s surface, before cooling as the heat travels from metal to grease. It comes out slightly bent, to which the smith races to fix before the metal sets. 
At the center of the forges, a warehouse of alloys operates as the hub. Smiths come and go, picking up all kinds of metals and materials for their craft. False joins the busy bustle, nabbing bars of iron and steel, even a few bearings and sheets. False prefers to make her own tools, and she knows she’ll need some rods and ball bearings to forge a new pair of tongs. The last one she broke when she fell asleep at the forge, and they melted beyond repair. She’d have likely perished as well had it not been for Wels checking in on his friend. 
When False returns, stowing the metal in her pocket dimension for later summoning, Cleo and Stress are staring at the ground. “What did you two find?” She questions, peering over their shoulder.
At the girls’ feet, a wanted poster catches on the cobblestone, the edges of the parchment singed black by wanton flames of the forges. It’s not something they haven’t seen before, a wanted poster of Doc. Even though his days of crime and revolt are mostly past him, every once in a while some arcane guard captain stirs up the reminder that Doc escaped jail, and they print a few new ones. 
But another paper catches False’s vision, this time bearing another familiar, all though very different face. xB. She stoops down, picking up the wanted poster. She flicks the undried paste from her hands, reading it aloud to the others. “Wanted for crimes against Lairyon, treason, political divide between kipling kingdoms and Lairyon, illegal congregation of a guild, and resisting arrest.” 
Stress has disappeared around the corner, but her gasp lures the other two to see what she’s staring at, wide eyed and shaking in her fuzzy boots. 
The entire wall of the tavern is covered in wanted posters. Every last face on each unique poster depicting every last hermit- including Jellie. Mumbo’s depiction is the most accurate, though his mustache is a little off. But whoever designed these sketches got the multi-mage’s constant look of concern down pat. They also notice who carries the heaviest price on their head. Grian, with almost a million rupees more than anyone else, his wings talking up most of the picture. 
False pulls down her own picture, tucking a blonde lock of hair behind the glass and metal of her goggles. She reads of the list of crimes she’s been charged with. Treason, theft, crimes against the Council and government, illegal congregation of a guild, resisting arrest, mercenary activity, illegal manufacture of weapons… the list goes on and on, more and more bullshit than the last. Most of these are laws she’s never heard of, or are so dated she’s sure they were dredged up from the early history of Lairyon. 
And at the bottom of every last wanted poster was the personal signature and insignia of the Magistrate of Lairyon. Dolios himself created these orders, and the Council approved them. She feels her heart stop, her head swimming, a sensation of vertigo as she realizes what this means. 
The hermits are wanted criminals. Not just lawbreakers, but Lairyon’s most wanted. “We need to get back to Eremita. Now.” 
“I knew things were going on with the Council, but I didn’t expect this.” TFC picks up his wanted poster, brushing out his beard and shaking his head. It’s clear the artist that drew this has no clue how to style dwarven hair. 
“I had heard rumors that there’s discord between the guildmasters of the Council. Do you think our work is affecting them?” Xisuma is half perched on the side of TFC’s desk, rifling through all twenty-something  papers in search of his. He pulls it out, looking at the masked face before him. His fingers brush the corner of the rendition where the mark of him and his brother would be, then runs his fingers over the scratched out metal on his face. 
“Perhaps Dolios is putting more pressure on them to maintain their power, to hinder us. Put enough stress on anything, and even a diamond will fracture.” TFC hums. “Well, as bad as this looks on the outside, we can also take this as good news.” 
“Good news? How in the world are we supposed to take being Lairyon’s Most Wanted as good news?” Cleos snorts, waving a green hand at the stack. Her’s is the only one that says ‘wanted undead or dead’. 
“Because it means it’s working. We’re backing Dolios into a corner. He’s threatened by us. It’s not just enough to deal with us on his own, now he wants all of Lairyon to do his bidding.” TFC stands, quite proud. All of their time spent breaking crystals, hunting down husks, and now discovering the monster in the forest is showing results. So much work, and it’s finally starting to crack his resolve. 
“What do we do about this?” Stress whispers. “The arcane guard and most of Lairyon will be after our heads. That’s a lot of money on each of us.” 
“We keep doing our work.” TFC walks out of the cave he calls home, standing in the sunlight and watching the other hermits train. “When isn’t the arcane guard after us? But the more work we do to stop Dolios and whatever he plans to do with that… abomination, the more we help the people of Lairyon, the less inclined they’ll be to turn us in.” 
“We’re already the champions of the Chimaera’s Cup.” Xisuma points out. Would people see their fall from grace as the pitfalls of victory, or would they read more into the lies spread by their leader. 
“And the Asklepions. Shellor, the other teams from the championship.” False straightens her shoulders, thinking of the people they’ve met so far. “They know we aren’t the villains of this story.” 
“It’s not much, but it’s a start.” TFC nods, and waves to Xisuma. “Keep working on finding more information about darkness. He thinks this will stop us- we’re just getting started.”
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shnuggletea · 4 years
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Ready for some Envy? I know my bf and beta loves some jelly Inuyasha. And jelly Mamo. She just likes some angry fueled confessions I think lol.
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Thank you @clearwillow​ again for the artwork and @lemonlushff​, @neutronstarchild​, and @ruddcatha​ for creating and hosting this great event! Want more sin? Click here to go to the AO3 collection!! Sinfully Human is also on FF AO3 and Patreon if you’d rather instead of reading on Tumblr. Or if you wanna drop me a kudo, bookmark/follow/fave, or comment/review.
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"I envy people that know love. That have someone who takes them as they are."
― Jess C Scott, The Devilin Fey
It was interesting, watching Kagome slowly approach the wild animal before us. People were starting to scatter and a few looked as if ready to jump on Naraku. Even more so when Kagome started to approach. I glanced over at Inuyasha to see him looking super uncomfortable. Probably do to Kagome telling him to 'sit' before leaving him behind to face Naraku. The guy was nuts. The last thing we needed was to cart the two of them to the ER or have the cops show up. How the hell would we explain their lack of IDs and medical records?
No, this needed to be handled quickly and quietly. Hence why I stood back, keeping Inuyasha and Miroku from jumping to Kagome's side. Both of them were very protective of her. It had to be because of what Naraku said, about Kagome using her energy to create them? At least, I had to hope that was why my mate was chomping at the bit to go protect her.
A small seed of jealousy was in my belly but I stomped it out. It was pointless, I didn't care if Miroku had a thing for Kagome. He was just some stupid mistake, calling him here or creating him or whatever the fuck we did.
Now face to face with Naraku, Kagome kept her hands up near her shoulders in submission of sorts. Inuyasha growled but didn't move. Kikyo was on her fucking phone and I was allowing Miroku to press up against me, touching me as usual. I found it oddly comforting that, even in such a strange and stressful moment, Miroku still put his hands on my ass and groped me.
I would never tell anyone that but there it was.
My heart calmed with Naraku, his face paling slowly the longer Kagome stood before him. Inuyasha didn't calm at all, shifting his weight back and forth until it was so bad, it drew my attention from the scene before us. His ears were flicked back and even though Kagome was talking so soft, I couldn't hear her, I had a feeling Inuyasha could.
And he didn't like what was being said.
Naraku was calm so I guess he liked it. For a minute, because I knew the look on Kagome's face. She was scared. I didn't even see Inuyasha move, he was just there, putting himself between Naraku and Kagome. I managed a fearful squeak and that was it.
"We need to squawk back at him," Kikyo said, appearing at my side and speaking like that made sense.
Phone in hand, she held it up for me to read. It was Wikipedia's Raven page on aggression. It went on and on but basically it said that a leader Raven will squawk a certain rhythm and it's expected the lower Ravens will squawk back. "I'm not doing that."
Kikyo looked genuinely surprised, "Why not?!"
"He's your Mate! You picked Raven, you squawk at him!"
"It's for the submissive to do." She replied, crossing her arms over her chest and popping out a hip. "I'm not submitting to him or anyone ever."
Miroku pushed me back a few steps. "For fuck's sake… I'll do it." I tried to stop him but it all fell flat, standing stupefied as he pushed Kagome and Inuyasha back. "Squawk."
There was no flare to it, no feeling. Miroku was just making the sound and it was really hard not laughing. Naraku was thrown, falling back a few steps before squaring up to Miroku. "SQUAWK, SQUAWK, SQUAWK!"
Tilting his head down in embarrassment, Miroku looked anywhere but at Naraku. I wasn't sure if it was intentional but it was pretty clever. "Squawk, squawk."
He was quietly squawking back at the crazed man. Naraku had truly lost it but Miroku was working hard to bring him back down. "You realize he's agreeing to be Naraku's bitch, right?"
My face slowly turned to a scowl as I moved it to look at Kikyo. "I know. When that's supposed to be your place."
Kikyo just scoffed and rolled her eyes. I knew she wouldn't be responsible enough for this. I should have never told her about it but I was sleep-deprived and manic when I rushed out of my room that morning. I didn't even put on pants and I was waiting for Kikyo to get her dig in about my ass.
It was coming, she would never let something like that go.
The only reason I was even friends with her was because of Kagome. Once roommates in college and Kagome didn't even try to shake the bitch. Kikyo latched onto Kagome because no one else would have her as a friend. Which meant I had to put up with her as well because I loved Kagome to death.
Now settled, Miroku, Inuyasha, and Kagome lead while Naraku followed, looking proud of himself. Inuyasha looked pissed, holding on tight to Kagome while Miroku just looked tired. As his reward for being the one to sacrifice his dignity, I let him hold my waist.
"We should go home. Before someone calls the cops."
Kagome's words sounded like magic, as there was nothing I wanted to do more.
Naraku wouldn't stop squawking at the startled people. Kikyo wasn't doing anything and Sango looked as freaked out as everyone else.
Taking a step got me nowhere as Inuyasha's iron grip held me in place. Looking up at him, he grimaced back down in disapproval. "I have to calm him down."
"No. You don't."
I flicked my gaze to Kikyo and his followed, getting my meaning in a split second. "There is no one else to do it."
He let go, reluctantly, and I stepped up to Naraku just as hesitant. His eyes landed on me and he slowed his caws for the moment and lowered his arms.
"Um… hi." I already knew I was falling flat and Naraku's frown wasn't helping. "Look… I know you want to be… a badass but no one here understands."
"They don't need to understand, they just need to fall in line."
Now I frowned, looking at him like the idiot he was. "No one is going to fall in line behind a man squeaking like a mad man." His mouth was set in a hard line so I pressed on. "You don't need all this, it's just more headache for you." The corners of his mouth twitched. "Besides, you have Kikyo…"
"That whore isn't good enough for the likes of me."
"But… you're her mate…"
"You're the one that brought us to life. Me to life. Not her. So I should be with you."
My heart twisted in my chest and my belly-flopped from nerves and discomfort. No way I was about to 'trade up' or something. I may have just met all of them but I was sure Inuyasha was meant to be with me and me with him. "That's not… how it works."
"Of course it is! You want me to be calm and complacent? Then you need to be by my side, Master. Not that Mutt's."
I did want him to be calm. The many eyes on us were seconds from calling the cops if they hadn't already. It had anxiety crawling through my body; a mixture of fear and nerves that made me wonder if accepting to be Naraku's was the only way out of this?
"If you will come with us and calm down then… we can work something out."
His eyes bore into me, blood red and it wasn't my imagination. "That's not good enough."
I was aware. Painfully aware of Inuyasha as he pounced between Naraku and me. The smell of him, like a forest of pine heated by the sun, it calmed me. I still grabbed him, clutching the back of his worn and thin t-shirt that did nothing to hide the rippling muscles beneath. And ripple they did, Inuyasha tense and very angry.
"Stay away from my Master." He growled.
I tried to peek around him to Naraku, but Inuyasha wasn't haven't it, backing us up as he snarled. "She's my Master too, remember. You need to share."
"Like hell…"
"Boys! You're creating a scene!"
The people were even more agitated now. Probably because now a dog was on the premises. We should have put a hat on Inuyasha's head, his ears were pressed back but twitching. Anyone could see they weren't fake!
"Wouldn't want to scare the humans, would we?" Naraku mocked.
"You're scaring Master, you prick!"
Naraku took a step, his eyes wild. I took a step too, pulling Inuyasha back with me. "Maybe I should? She was seconds away from being mine with her fear. If I scare her enough, you will be a forgotten memory of a mistake she once made…"
Inuyasha pulled at my hold but I refused to let go, wrapping my arms around his middle to keep him back this time. "Stop it! Both of you!"
This wasn't what I wanted, what I agreed to. I just wanted someone to love and love me. Not fight or scare others!
Naraku was red-faced and I didn't need to see Inuyasha's to know he was just as pissed. Any second now, they were going to brawl and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Because if I caved to Naraku, somehow found it in me to give myself up to whatever his needs were, Inuyasha would be the one going berserk.
I guess most women would be flattered but I was just terrified.
It was then that Miroku appeared, taking a stance between Inuyasha and I and Naraku. "Squawk."
There was no feeling in it, not like when Naraku did it. But Naraku's entire demeanor changed.
And he squawked back.
A few moments of squawking and Naraku was calm. I thought it was all over until Inuyasha turned to me. His eyes were red just like Naraku's had been. "You would go with him? Be his?!"
My voice was trapped somewhere between my chest and my throat and it hurt. Shaking my head was the most I could do and Inuyasha didn't like it.
"You were ready to be with him, be his Mate. Do I mean so little to you?"
"Nnn..no!" Finally, my voice found its way out. "It's not like that! I just wanted him to calm down!"
He stood back, leaning over me the entire time until now, and crossed his strong arms over his wide chest. "He's better than me. A Raven is smarter, stronger, and better looking than a dog…"
"That's not true!"
In a blink, my face was in Inuyasha's hold, cupping my cheeks with urgency but not hurting in the slightest. "I'm filled with a feeling that I don't know or like. I feel sick and it has everything to do with you. I don't deserve Master."
He was feeling something he didn't know? Inuyasha… he was so naive and innocent, he didn't even know how to express his feelings properly. I was pretty sure he was feeling envy but that was giving myself too much credit.
"What will make you feel better, Inuyasha?"
He looked my face over for a moment before diving headfirst to my mouth. It was different than last night, not licking my mouth as he had before. This time, his lips were firmly pressed to mine, pushing them apart roughly with his need. His tongue swept around my mouth as if searching for something or memorizing it. I wasn't sure but I enjoyed it, letting him do whatever he wanted to me and not giving a damn about anything else.
My tongue searched his mouth in return. And he let me, tracing his fangs while he groaned against my lips. When he pulled back, I felt dizzy. It took me a minute to get my bearings again, Inuyasha slowly coming into focus. His eyes were back to their beautiful gold color and I was swimming in them.
"Thank you, Master. I feel a little better now."
I think I was smiling but my lips felt numb and warm. "Then… how about you call me Kagome?"
He didn't say it and my soul felt like it was begging for him to. To hear him say my name again like he had last night. But he didn't, nodding and taking my hand to lead us back to the others. They were standing around waiting it seemed when there were far more important things we needed to be doing.
"We should go home. Before someone calls the cops." I offered.
Kikyo grabbed Naraku like the errant child he was but he pulled back harshly. "I'm not going back to that tiny little room."
I didn't know if he meant our place or Kikyo's. Both were pretty small. Kikyo reached out for Naraku again anyway. "Come on. I need to get you home!"
"Fuck. You."
Now Kikyo was the one to square up. "You already did and it sucked so maybe you should just go back to where you came from?!"
He took off and damn he was fast! I barely blinked and he was gone. I caught sight of him as he turned the corner a few blocks away. All I felt was tired. I already had to talk Naraku down and now this?
"We have to go after him," I said loudly and Sango whined louder. "Kikyo?"
She was pouting and refusing to do or say anything. Yeah, now was the time for that.
"He's your Mate, dammit!" Sango screeched.
"No, he isn't! He's just an asshole! I think I got the wrong one."
Kikyo glanced around at the others, lingering on Inuyasha, strangely, and I had to grab Sango mid-flight. She was going to slap Kikyo. Probably for being lazy and as much as she deserved it, it wasn't the time for it. "Let's go before he gets any further away."
Sango's eyes went wide and Inuyasha growled. I had just calmed Inuyasha down and now he was irritable again. Something to deal with when we got back. Woo-pie.
"Kikyo should go, not me. Not us!"
My face was tired of all my grimacing and frowning. "She can stay and watch the boys. Get them back home."
"Kagome," Sango stepped forwards and whispered, "I think that's a really bad idea. I don't trust Kikyo."
"It'll be fine," I said, trying to assure myself as well as Sango.
I glanced back, Inuyasha pouting behind me. Kikyo walked over and patted his shoulder. The tension in his shoulders lessened a little as did my worry. Kikyo might be inconsiderate at times but she would at least make sure the boys got home alright. Because I would ask that of her and she was my friend.
"Kikyo, can you take care of Inuyasha and Miroku while we're gone?"
She nodded and we left.
Babysitting. Great. At least the babies were good looking. Inuyasha was filling out his shirt nicely. But his ears were freaking me out, twitching around like they were. And he was pouting which was a turn-off.
Miroku was still watching the distance Sango and Kagome left in. Sango and Kagome's place, aka home, was several blocks away. As much as I believed in my abilities, I wasn't sure how much longer I could stand the looks our way, their good looks gaining attention. It was Inuyasha's obvious ears that concerned me though, not the looks. I was used to that.
"We should get you a hat or something."
Inuyasha perked a little at that, confused. So I pointed to his ears and his hands shot to them as if he forgot they were there. "You have a problem with them?"
God did I ever. But Inuyasha was pouting enough and that was just not attractive. "No! But… others do… It would make, um, make… Kagome! It would make Kagome happy! You know? Not drawing attention?"
He didn't pout more but he didn't lighten up either. I wanted to see that sexy smile he was flashing earlier. But, he was flashing it towards Kagome.
I swallowed the jealousy I had burning my throat. I wouldn't be jealous of my friend. Not Kagome. She was my dearest friend. I just needed to chill and be good. She asked me to take care of them so that's what I would do.
After we got Inuyasha a hat, a bright red baseball cap that barely fit over his ears, the walk was relatively quiet. But Miroku was dragging his feet.
"Come on you two, let's just get you home." Inuyasha was watching his feet and Miroku was watching the world around them when it hit me. "Wait, you guys have never been here before right? You lived… elsewhere?"
I didn't want to know more. Where they came from or how they got here. It made my nerves flare and I really couldn't feel sick right now.
"Yes. We are new to this place." Miroku answered.
His word choice and the tone he took when he spoke told me he hadn't been here long. Something else they need to work on to blend in. Inuyasha barely spoke and when I had heard him, it was broken like he didn't know the language at all. Another thing that bothered me but no man was perfect.
"You've known Sango and Master a long time, have you not?"
Suddenly, Miroku and Inuyasha were beside me. Miroku's question was one they both wanted the answer to. "Yeah. Why?"
With one on each side, my head bounced back and forth, waiting for an answer. Inuyasha held firm. Strong silent type it seemed. Except when he was around Kagome and I was trying hard not to let that bother me.
"I would just… I don't know… how does one know if a woman is attracted to you?"
I giggled a little and they both paled. "They both asked for you to be here so I'm pretty sure they like you if that's what you mean."
"Could you…" Inuyasha suddenly speaking threw me a little. "Could you maybe…. tell us what they like?"
"Same as any woman. A man that can handle and care for them."
"How do you know if you can do that?" Miroku asked.
It hit me hard. "Neither of you have had sex have you?!" The blood rushing to their faces told me the answer. "Okay, okay, I can fix this. Look, don't worry. I'm going to help you both. I know exactly what you need."
I’m hope to have more for you tomorrow but it’s not looking good. Keyboard is out again. 
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ii-iidiiot · 4 years
a brief look into joe's life before he found his brood and some temporarily broken trust.
hermitcraft. dragon au.
joe, tango, false, beef, scar, zed, with mentions of grian, impulse, xisuma, and keralis.
tw for fighting, blood, fire, and talk about trauma (if i've missed any here, or ever do miss any, please tell me!)
929 words.
i personally am uncomfortable shipping the hermits and for this au the dragons are written to see each other more like brothers, but my works are open to interpretation! i apologize for the lack of content but it should be coming soon (i hate tagging lol). any questions or thoughts about dragon au will be answered or responded to, so feel free to interact with me!
the slash of a sword cut through the air, glinting silver. he stumbled back, teeth bared and pupils narrowed to slits. the sword swung again and he shut his eyes tight, prepared for the sharp agony of the blade-
joe startled awake with a low whine. looking around, he noted scar and zed lounging nearby. he shook his head and rose to clawed feet, chirping reassuringly when he caught the concerned looks his brothers sent him.
he just needed some air.
he picked his way out of the cave and took to the skies, intent on clearing his head. beef always said there was no better way to soothe the soul than a good fly, and grian had taken to repeating the same thing. he tipped his head up and inhaled slowly- then exhaled.
maybe beef was right, joe decided as he swept around the mountain in slow circles. a good fly really did make you feel better, if only a little bit.
nothing could erase the events that he'd been forced to take part in, or fully soothe what he'd been put through. but small things could certainly help him feel better in the moment. maybe one day he would be able to put the trauma well and truly behind him but for now, joe knew beef and his brothers would be there to help him cope with it.
he swung wide around the mountain and came back around toward the side facing hermitville. he could see beef working with etho on a project, helping the human hermit reach the higher places on his build. grian was hanging out with stress and the two were scouring the fields for flowers. zed and scar were back in the cave. tango was talking with false. his family was safe. he was safe-
not safe.
his eyes honed in on the flash of diamond as the human waved its sword in tango's direction. diamond always hurt worse; did more damage; left more scars than iron did. he couldn't let tango be put through that, couldn't let the human hurt his brother. joe heard the distant sounds of a cheer when the human deflected a fireball tango shot out and advanced a few steps. he watched his brother take a large step backward and rear back to shoot another fireball-
joe was moving before he'd even realized it, rocketing toward the fight. he wouldn't let the humans make a mockery of his brother- they wouldn't force him to fight for their entertainment or experiment on him or hurt him. not on his watch.
he barreled into the human, sent its sword flying as he slammed it against the ground. he hardly heard the shouting through the blood rushing in his ears, through everything in his being screaming at him to protect tango- surely the humans were shouting because he'd interrupted the fight.
something bumping against his shoulder had him jerking his head, snapping his teeth fiercely, all the while digging his claws in and tightening his hold on the human.
a soft croon had his head moving once more, up toward the noise. beef. it was beef. suddenly he felt tired- the adrenaline was wearing him thin. they couldn't have gotten beef too. not beef, and not tango.
beef crooned again, soothingly, and drew joe's attention to the human he'd trapped. under the clearing of the adrenaline haze, he vaguely recognized false- false who was his friend and who looked terrified, if not.. accepting? his eyes blew wide and he stumbled off of her, curled his wings tight to his body and drew his tail in close. beef continued chirping and crooning gently but didn't move closer, even as false continued laying there.
his eyes swept around him. the hermits, his other friends, many were gathered around, staring at him. he couldn't begin to comprehend all of the different emotions they displayed. there was grian, standing beside beef and looking entirely too sad. it didn't look right on the little, red-feathered dragon. his eyes continued. there was tango- except he was staring at him with thinly-veiled fear, just as false had been.
his eyes were drawn next to impulse, xisuma, and keralis who hovered near his brother, fussing over him. the red of his scales had hidden it, but now joe noticed it- the blood running from above tango's one eye, right into it and down his face.
his stomach rolled. he hadn't-.. but he had! joe stumbled back a step, then leapt into the air and clawed his way back toward their den. he couldn't believe he'd done that, to false and to tango and to their friends who'd had to watch. couldn't believe he'd done that to beef, who'd taken him in, or grian who he'd sworn to protect like a little brother (just like he'd sworn to do with scar, and zed, and tango-).
he hit the cave floor with a stumble and ignored scar and zed, who were getting up and moving toward him. he ignored them and huddled into his corner of the cave. he couldn't believe he'd done that. he would need to apologize later, he knew and he would apologize, he couldn't just leave things like they were. but he needed a minute first.
he couldn't find it in himself to speak yet, not to scar and zed who tried to fuss over him, not to anyone. he would apologize and try desperately to make things up to everyone later but for now?
for now he just needed a moment to collect himself.
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7team7 · 4 years
Keeping rocks from crushing you
Rather than gifting Fire Lord Zuko a wife, the Southern Water Tribe bestowed upon him a bodyguard by the name of Katara.
At first, Zuko was insulted. Bodyguard AU
A/N: another story where Ozai kind of just goes away without the canon story LOL how else will we make zutara strangers to friends to lovers in this context!! While the arranged marriage fire lady katara trope is Very Good I hope you enjoy this take too :)
It was after Iroh lost count when he snapped.
He had full faith in his nephew, but the number of assasination attempts against him was too high for comfort. It was natural, expected that not everyone would agree with Zuko’s rise to power after taking down his father once and for all. Even though the Avatar, aged as he was, played an integral role in defeating Ozai, loyalists still saw Zuko as the true villain. They were loyal to Ozai, but not the rest of his bloodline.
Zuko had managed to win over many skeptics, but that didn’t stop fanatic traitors from making attempts on his life. It was only through Zuko’s own skill and discipline that they avoided some close calls. Even though many of the assassins were clumsy in their plans, the fear of a more organized resistance plotting to take down his beloved nephew kept Iroh awake at night.
So in the interest of keeping Zuko in power and by extension, maintaining international peace, he called upon the help of another nation.
Rather than gifting Lord Zuko a wife, the Southern Water Tribe bestowed upon him a bodyguard by the name of Katara. Their greatest treasure, the chief insisted.
At first, Zuko was insulted.
Not only did his uncle not believe in his ability to defend himself, but he brought in a Water Tribe girl to be his personal bodyguard?
“Why would you hire an outsider?” he demanded. All Katara did was show up and he was already angry. What was wrong with Fire Nation troops? How could he be sure if she was trustworthy? And how old was she anyway?
“I would not be so hasty as to complain, nephew. Not only will the Southern Water Tribe take great offense, but she puts me at ease, more so than any of our own troops.”
Zuko settled down, muttering. If it made Uncle more comfortable, he supposed it couldn’t be too terrible having her around. Still, it seemed excessive. He wondered if he really needed her around; wasn’t there another way to improve his relations with the Water Tribes? Wouldn’t this show the world that he was weak?
But then Zuko watched her display impressive skills time and time again, and successfully do her job: keep him safe.
Unlike his usual palace guards, she was better at being stealthy and unassuming. A woman clearly from the Water Tribes looked more like a visitor than anything.
“Fine, she stays,” he conceded after he only realized she had taken someone out when she asked politely what to do with the unconscious body.
“At your service,” she bowed. Personally, she was looking forward to all the adventures she was sure to encounter in the Fire Nation. A dramatic Fire Lord was nothing she couldn’t handle.
Those adventures came more quickly than she expected. As the nations grew at a staggering rate, it seemed like Zuko was always being pulled in a different direction to attend to something or other.
This time, a lucrative new trade agreement was to be signed with a group of travelers. At least, that was what was reported to the palace. Zuko’s presence was requested because apparently they were being difficult. He had the power to either make them comply or tell them to sail away.
But in what was a running theme, this group of travelers had ill intentions and quickly drew up arms as soon as the Fire Lord arrived. Why did everyone want to pick a fight?
Zuko, practically dead on his feet from constant exhaustion, was slow to react. He felt his face grow hot in embarrassment when one of them nearly managed to land a hit on him.
But before he could take action, Katara blocked his body with her own, making him look totally uncool.
“Katara!” There was no way she could take on all these guys by herself?! She had to let him fight too. He could at least use his swords; he knew his guards had to hold back from using fire lest they wanted to destroy all the precious goods aboard the wooden ship the rogues came in on.
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll save you from the pirates,” she smirked right before spinning away and taking out a handful of men in the process. They were expecting fire, but near the sea, near her element, it didn’t matter what they expected because they wouldn’t win.
Zuko spluttered, too shocked to move. All he could do was watch as she rounded them up and froze them in place.
She turned around to face him as the royal guards moved to apprehend the band of pirates. “I didn’t get you wet did I?” she asked, all sweetness and sunshine. She waved her hand lightly and wicked any moisture out of his clothing, moisture he didn’t even realize was there.
“Nothing I can’t handle,” he muttered, mostly to himself because Katara had turned her attention back to the pirates, giving orders to the guards like she owned the place. He straightened his crown. Spirits, this girl.
They traveled more now that, again, things outside the palace required Zuko’s attention and Katara had proven herself extremely capable. On the way there, she talked and talked and talked. He didn’t mind, though. She had so many stories from and about the Southern Water Tribe; her eyes took on a certain sparkle when she talked about her people. He could tell she really loved her family, but that being able to do something besides heal and cook was invigorating for her.
Good, he thought privately, this arrangement is working out for the both of us.
They were examining precious gems near the entrance of an Earth Kingdom cave when they heard a huge boom.
The Earth King jumped, immediately hiding behind Zuko. He turned back to face the cowering man, but in doing so he didn’t notice the way the side of the mountain had started to shake and crack. Zuko ordered him to get back to his carriage; he would take care of the attackers. Katara, as his appointed eyes and ears, of course noticed.
Right as the Earth King and his men scurried away to relative safety, Zuko looked to see who was causing the trouble. He didn’t get a clear view because suddenly, Katara tackled him from the side and rolled with him until they landed out of the way of the massive rock that rumbled down the mountain.  
“What are you doing?!”
“Keeping rocks from crushing you.” Her eyes darted all over, checking to see if there was so much as a scratch on him.
“Well I’m fine,” he said, more softly than he anticipated, but he felt a strange need to make it better, to make her stop worrying.
“You’re fine thanks to me,” she said with a shit-eating grin as she offered a hand to help him up.
“Congrats, you’re doing your job,” he rolled his eyes, trying to ignore the way his heart was racing.
She grabbed his hand and hauled him towards the Earth King, planting him a safe distance away from the mountain. She dusted off his clothing, “Look alive, Fire Lord. Make sure to stay alert this time, I’m gonna finish up in there.”  
As his guards and attendants started fawning all over him, he grumbled, “Why does she get to do all the fun stuff without me?”
Back at the palace, he challenged her to a spar. He didn’t know why he hadn’t thought to do so earlier, but once they started, they sparred whenever they had a chance. Sure, Katara was protecting him perfectly, but he didn’t want to get lazy or for his own skills to diminish. She gave him a huge smile when he first pulled out his broad swords, saying they reminded her of her brother. Then she nearly knocked him off his feet with a water whip.
She always kept him on his toes, but she wasn’t like other firebenders, always pushing to the limit. She maintained balance during their sparring sessions, they were almost like training sessions than anything. She made sure to give him time to meditate and stretch. And if she seriously hurt him, she was by his side ready to heal him in an instant. Iroh approved, of course.
“I’m a package deal,” she once joked.
Above all, it was just plain fun seeing each other incorporate different bending forms into their attacks. Since they spent so much time together, they had to get creative in an attempt to surprise the other. He always smirked remembering the way Katara’s eyes widened when he first set his swords on fire.
“We’re in the Fire Nation, remember?” he provoked.
She was poised to attack. “Of course I do. And water beats fire, remember?”
The hiss of steam when one element met another made the hair on the back of his neck stand up.
“Katara,” he said very seriously, “we need to talk.”
She sighed. They had just sat down for breakfast and he was already worried about something? Upon further examination, she noticed his eye bags were darker than normal — something must have kept him up all night. She went for a gentler approach and asked, “About what? Is everything okay?"
“People have been talking.”
“People tend to do that, Zuko.”
“Well, they’re talking about us!” He must have been really bothered because he was already waving his arms around and clearly getting worked up.
“Oh, do tell? I thought you didn’t like palace gossip.”
“They think you’re my girlfriend or something,” he spit out. Well, concubine was the word some had used. He wasn’t sure what was more uncomfortable to think about: sex or emotional intimacy with Katara. He shuddered.
“Let them,” she shrugged nonchalantly. “They’ll think that if you have enough time and energy to run around with a girl, you’re not worrying about other things like, you know, your personal safety. Live a little, Fire Lord.”  
She went back to eating and left him with his jaw hanging open loosely. This seemed to placate him for a while, though, because he actually paid attention to his food.
But the spirits would never let her know peace because he spoke up again with great panic, “Have you been telling people that I’m your boyfriend?”
“No way! Why would I do that? I literally work for you. There’s no time for dating when I’m always saving your royal butt.”
“Because you like to mess with me,” he mumbled.
This made her laugh, seeing him blush. “Oh, Zuko. You’re so cute sometimes.”
“What’s that supposed to mean!”
A/N: chapter 2? Maybe? Also I hope katara isn’t too ooc here?? I just wanted her to be Confident and sometimes when writing her jokes/quips I’m like this is a sokka-ism...LOL we stan funny and confident katara!! happy start to zutara week, posting early bc i need to focus on my real work now T_T
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Whumptober 2020 Day 6 - Please... + Stop, please
Fandom: Samurai Jack
Characters: Nago (OC), Demongo
Content Warnings: Ambushed, shot with arrows, blood (both human and nonhuman so some of it’s blue lol), field medicine, hunted, hiding, begging, screaming, loss of consciousness
Word Count: 2,402
Nago And The Demon summary:  Seeking revenge for the destruction of her village and murder of her people 15 years ago, a mysterious masked warrior known only as Nago revives a powerful demon who once served under the vile Aku. But to her surprise, she finds that the demon is almost completely powerless! Now in order to carry out her plan, Nago must travel the Earth with this demon, searching for a way to restore him to his former fearsome glory...
The quiet stillness of night was all around them. The sound of the tent’s fabric rustling gently in the breeze, the occasional snorts of Uma the horse, and of course, the crackling of the fire. Well, “fires”. Plural.
It had occurred to Nago in the past that perhaps they didn’t need a campfire, seeing as her demonic companion conveniently always had one of his own. Though, he hadn’t been very willing in the past to sit still and let her warm herself or cook her food over his head. Honestly, a part of her worried that food cooked over demonic flame might...have some unintended side effects if consumed.
Yet as her eyes wandered from orange flame to blue, a thought occurred to Nago. Something she might not have been willing to say some days ago.
“You know, you...actually weren’t so terrible back there.” 
The demon straightened up, and a sort of surprised and somewhat confused expression came over him. “...Was that...a compliment?”
Nago shrugged. “You may take it as one.” She tried in vain to hide the slight smirk that was working its way onto her face. “But really, I think you do have potential. By yourself, that is. And you’re starting to regain the few powers you had to start with.”
The demon’s eyes narrowed to electric blue slits. “What are you getting at, Mortal?” He hissed.
“I’m offering to help you, so don’t get cross with me.” Nago retorted, mirroring his glare. “What I’m getting at is training you to use those powers. So that you won’t need to reclaim the thousands of souls that were liberated from you. It would certainly save us time, and eliminate quite a bit of risk.”
The demon grimaced, clearly more than displeased with her offer. “And why should I rely on myself?”
Nago scoffed. “Why should you rely on yourself?! Because if you don’t, you have to rely on others! And you know just as well as I do that not everyone is reliable. If this alliance is going to work, you need to pull your own weight in battle.” She let out a heavy, exasperated sigh. “I was willing to forgive you for your uselessness when I first revived you. You had spent quite a long time dead, and your body had been reduced to literally nothing else but powder, congealed blood, and a severed hand. That took nearly all of the strength my ritual was able to give you just to piece back together. I didn’t blame you then for being weak, it was to be expected. But now that you’ve had enough time to rest, your powers are beginning to return, and you no longer have that excuse. You don’t have to be content to be powerless without your precious essence.”
Demongo scoffed in return, and turned his head to dismiss her. He stood up and walked away from the fire, his slender shadowy form soon becoming lost in the darkness of the night. Well, save for the bright blue flame atop his head. That was quite easy to follow with one’s eye.
Nago shook her head, content to let him wander for a bit while stewing in his anger. She knew from experience that he never actually went far, and he’d always returned by at most the following morning. He knew he wouldn’t get far without her, and she knew it, too. She smiled to herself as she began to stand up, thinking she might test her stealth by following him. If she were to jump out suddenly and startle him, well, he certainly deserved at least that.
But something distracted her. Above the sounds of the crackling fire, she’d heard the subtle rustling of grass just above her. She froze up on instinct, and slowly glanced towards the cliffs above the camp. Shadow blanketed the rocks, but glistening in the moonlight, Nago could see the pointed tip of an arrow.
Her eyes grew wide. At once, she leapt from her place in the light of the fire and sought shelter in the shadows. An arrow whizzed by her and landed unsettlingly close to her head. She saw her own face reflected in the sharpened arrowhead. She looked just as frightened as she felt. Silently cursing her demonic companion’s decision to wander away from camp, and then praising his convenient light, she spotted him quickly and ran towards him on all fours, keeping low to the ground in the hopes of not being spotted. A few more arrows whizzed past her, embedding themselves in the ground mere inches from where she had been. Hiding was no good. Whatever was hunting them, it had either impressive night vision, or impeccable hearing. Perhaps both.
As Nago cleared the distance between her and Demongo, realization struck her, and she began to curse the convenient light of his that she had only seconds ago praised. He was the most obvious target on the plains now. She was prepared to tackle him to the ground and extinguish his flame if need be.
As she drew closer, he seemed to pick up on the rustling of grass, and turned around to face her. And it was then that an arrow struck him in the center of his chest. He seemed to fall as if in slow motion, his fanged mouth agape in a soundless cry of alarm. However, he didn’t quite fall immediately, instead merely stumbling backward, his hands moving to the arrow as he simply stared at it in utter shock.
“Get down!” Nago cried. Alas, her warning had come too late. Just as the words left her lips, another arrow struck the demon’s abdomen. He stumbled again, and this time turned to look at her. In the next instant, a third arrow struck his side, followed by another, and another...each striking in close proximity to the one before. At last, he fell. With one clawed hand outstretched towards her, he fell onto his chest.
Nago grimaced, knowing that such a fall would only push the arrows deeper into his flesh. With another panicked glance at the cliffs above, Nago leapt onto the demon’s body and frantically began to drag him away towards the opening of a cave at the base of the cliffs beside them. She made haste, but before she could reach the comparative safety of the cave, an arrow embedded itself firmly in her right forearm. She let out a pained cry of alarm, and released the limp body of her demon to clutch at the wound. A second arrow whizzed past and merely grazed her leg due to a quick reaction to pull it towards her. With adrenaline fueling her, she resumed dragging her companion along, and darted into the cave. She didn’t stop moving once inside, and only came to rest after fleeing to a small crevice in the rock wall. She and the demon she was nearly certain must now be dead sought refuge in a small secluded chamber hidden behind the crevice.
Panting heavily, Nago cringed at the sight of an arrow protruding from her arm. She didn’t quite feel it now, thanks to the adrenaline racing through her system, but she was still lucid enough to know she needed to do something about it. She could remember being taught that embedded objects should not be removed in the field, as doing so was likely to cause further blood loss, but she also knew that the wound would not heal if the arrow remained. Gritting her teeth, she took hold of the arrow with her free hand, and tugged firmly. It came out with some committed effort, and she at once cast it aside and got to work on tearing her clothes to create makeshift bandages. Tying the cloth around her wound as tightly as she could manage without completely cutting off circulation, Nago at last leaned back against the wall and took a moment to catch her breath. The graze on her leg was much less severe. She could afford to leave it be for a  moment.
It was only as the adrenaline began to wear off that she noticed a dim blue light within the chamber. Thinking at first that it was some manner of luminescent rock or fungus, as her narrowed vision cleared, she saw that the source of the light was the demon she had begun to think must have perished from his wounds. But that wouldn’t be lit if he were dead or unconscious...then that must mean...
Demongo groaned, and wearily opened his eyes to meet her bewildered gaze. 
“...How...” Nago trailed off, for a moment too shocked to complete her response. “...How in the hell are you still alive?”
“...Does it matter?” He replied, his voice strained. 
Nago had to concede that at the moment, it didn’t. Instead, she rose to her feet and approached him, examining the wounds he’d sustained. She could hardly believe what she saw. “...Every single one of these should have been a kill shot...” She muttered in awe. 
“Nnngh...pocket...dimension...” The demon whined.
Nago thought this at first to be delirium. She braced him against the wall, and turning around, retrieved her arrow from the floor. She pried the weakened demon’s mouth open, and placed the arrow’s wooden body inside. “I need to remove these. Bite down when you feel the need to scream.”
The demon’s eyes widened in fear...but he nodded slowly. Nago firmly gripped the body of the arrow--or what little of it still remained outside of his body--and pulled. At once she was met with the demon’s muffled screams, which only grew higher in pitch until the arrow finally left his body. Nago immediately clamped her hand over the wound, expecting a sudden arterial spray...but paused when she realized that the blue blood leaving the wound merely oozed rather than spurted. Now she was completely baffled. Assuming his internal anatomy was anything like that of a human’s, the arrow should have struck some manner of vital organ...yet it seemed to have only pierced skin and muscle.
“...There’s something very wrong about this.” Nago muttered as she began wrapping cloth around the wound. “What are you made of?”
He spat the arrow out. The wood now bore deep grooves from his fangs. “I...told you...” He wheezed, one slender finger pointing to his chest. “Pocket... dimension...”
“...Is...that were you once kept your captive warriors?” Nago at last began to realize.
The demon nodded.
“And this dimension in your torso, I assume, also shields your fragile innards from damage?”
He nodded again.
“Well...were we not hiding for our lives from what’s probably a very skilled bounty hunter, that would be absolutely fascinating.” She retrieved the arrow she’d extracted from his chest and placed it into his mouth. “But now...it’s just lucky. Brace yourself.” She gave this last bit of warning just before she tugged a second arrow from his flesh. The muffled screams came louder this time, and he thrashed somewhat, nearly causing her to lose her grip. Still, she managed to free the arrow from his flesh. She quickly got to work on bandaging the wound, and then moved to the third arrow. Before she could grab it, however, the dim light began to fade. Panicked, she saw that her ally was beginning to lose consciousness.
Nago slapped the side of his face a few times. “Stay awake, damn you!” She hissed at him. “I can’t see what I’m doing without that flame of yours.”
He grimaced and whined, but at last opened his eyes, and the flame atop his head grew brighter, though Nago noted that it was still a bit dimmer than usual. But it would have to do. 
“Good. Thank you. Now, brace.” She gave the third arrow a firm yank, wrenching it free of its target. In the same instant, she heard the snapping of wood and a short, high-pitched cry.
She frantically placed her hand over his mouth, and listened intently for footsteps upon the rock outside. Thankfully, there was nothing. She gave a quiet sigh of relief. Not wasting any time, she patched the wound and attempted to place the third arrow into his mouth. However, he turned his head away from her, his mouth held shut. She sighed again. “There’s only two left. If I don’t remove them, you won’t heal properly.”
When she reached for the fourth arrow, the demon suddenly began to beg. “No, please...stop...Nago, please don’t--!”
She seized this opportunity to wrench the fourth arrow free, and immediately clamped her hand back over his mouth to muffle his cries.
“Stop it...stop...” He wheezed as she finished bandaging the lastest wound. “Nago...please...”
“Look.” She gestured to her bandaged arm, the cloth tied around it already stained with red. “If I can work on you with a wound like this in my dominant arm, you can stay awake for one more of these.” She took his face in her hand, forcing him to look her in the eye. “After that, you can pass out for as long as you want. Deal?”
He nodded weakly, and reluctantly allowed her to place another arrow into his mouth. “Brace.” His eyes shut tightly as soon as she said it. With one final act of strength, she removed the final arrow. The demon gasped sharply when she’d finished, and slumped forward over her shoulder. Reluctant, yet moved to pity by his reactions, Nago gingerly placed a hand on his back. It wasn’t long before he fell completely limp, and the light from his flame went out as it became mere smoke. At once, it was terribly dark within the chamber.
Nago leaned him back against the wall, and moved to the space next to him...so she could better watch the crevice that lead into their chamber, is what she told herself. But she didn’t watch for long. Her arm ached and burned terribly, and the exhaustion of her mad dash into the cave had begun to catch up with her. She leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes. They would find a way out in the morning...if there was one.
Perhaps she had made a grave mistake in reviving this demon. For ever since, the price on her head had been increasing at an alarming rate. She wondered as she drifted off, how many more times they would be attacked by bounty hunters looking to make a quick buck.
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angelthefirst1 · 4 years
Stalker Sequence - Part 2
link to part 1 here x
Next we see Gabriel getting the location of the cave from Mary on a map. He believes her and wants to send out two rescue parties.(This is the opposite to Alpha believing Negan, in regards to Mary being a traitor and sending Beta out as a ‘recovery party’) 
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The following scene Alpha follows Daryl to the gas station he is hiding in
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He is in pain, injured and trying to not be seen by her.
She sits down next to this car with the open boot (very significant as this is again a broken down white vehicle)
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In the other coda to this episode 510 we got these clues from Maggie
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Maggie first opens the boot, then closes it then its stuck closed until Glenn comes. Maggie to start with pulls her gun out thinking about shooting the boot open. This is a repeat of Judith shooting Beta through the door (remember this for later) 
Alpha bangs her gun on a pipe calling the dead (it's possible that Beth is in the car boot starting to wake, making noise and attracting walkers. Daryl can't see her shes trapped in the car boot, but thinks she has become a walker.
Also if anyone can figure this clock out im all ears, not sure what to make of it... looks to be pointing to 402? 
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We next see Gabriel's keep sake box, he pulls out shotgun cases preparing to go out searching for his people. Rosita says he is itching for a fight and he says "So what if I am?" Remember above when I said someone would seek revenge and someone would be a traitor and that those things combined would lead to the group falling into a trap that would lead to Beth being taken, well keep that in mind as we go on. We then see Judith asking Mary in her cell what's her name, and what she was like before the Whisperers she can't remember much just echoes of the past (Another indication Beth wakes with memory loss) and is still trapped. Again she and Judith take a liking to each other quickly just like with Magna.
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Back to Alpha and Daryl, the three walkers come due to Alpha making noise, and he kills them, using her knife on one. We cross back to Alexandria and "Echo" post has called in saying around 100 walkers with whisperers are heading towards them (We can now due to Mary's conversation with Judith figure out that 'Echo' post is code for Beth or the location of Beth and her missing memory) but it ends up being a trap we find out later on. As I mentioned before they would end up falling into a trap that will leave Mary (Beth) exposed to be taken.
Over all think of Echo post as being where Beth's body is in season 5 and most of the group are with her, but they send out a few people ahead as look outs who call the group telling them a herd is coming, causing all but Laura (Carol) and Rosita (Daryl) to leave.
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We see Laura take the call from Echo post. Laura who is both a Beth and a Carol look alike and proxy in this episode helping piece together what happened back in season 5. She is the one who takes the information that leads to the trap of Alexandria (Mary/Beth) being left with minimal defenses.
Notice Laura is paired next to Scott (a Tyrese proxy) like Carol would have been back then.
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What happens next sets the board even more, as they all decide on a plan, they question why the Whisperers would send a herd now and Gabriel says "because we have a defector giving us information" they plan on leaving a large group to defend the gates and have Rosita, Gabriel and a few others go deal with the herd coming towards Echo post.
But Gabriel (Who is definitely in a leadership position I would place him as a Rick repeat) He sees Rosita (A Daryl stand in here who even puts the leather vest on) looking uncomfortable about going out (leaving Beth) 
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So Gabriel (Rick) says "change of plans "Laura (Carol) and Rosita (Daryl) stay and guard the gates with Skeleton crew (Beth) the rest will go out to break up the herd"
Next scene it's night time and we see this very symbolic scene of Beta coming up from the grave
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By now the defenses are minimal at Alexandria (Mary’s cell/Beth's Grave) and he creates a diversion of walkers to distract Rosita (Daryl) and Laura (Carol) to get to Mary in her cell (Beth)
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It cuts to Echo post, the group get there and see two of their own dead and wonder what happened.
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Gabriel puts it all together and realizes that the two look outs at Echo post were forced to lie on the radio setting the trap and then were killed. (This is a repeat of when Maggie and Carol were caught by the saviors and forced to lie on the radio in an attempt to trade people, this is a coda (different ending) of that episode as the two here die (Maggie and Carol) instead of the ones that took them. But it further implicates Maggie and Carol in being somewhat responsible for Beth being taken.
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Gabriel calls Rosita straight away and both echo post and Alexandria are confused, as there is no herd or attack yet, just two dead lookouts. It's then we see Beta use the dead to distract Rosita and Laura to get to Mary.
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Before this scene above where Beta kills the people in this house, to use as walker distractions, we see Beta cross from this house...
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To this house...
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Wow! I need stop and add the visual of these two houses!!!
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These images are major references to these filming locations, that were filmed at in season 5, but to date have never been seen on screen… but they will be.
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The reason this episode is called stalker is because someone was stalking Beth back in season 5 and one of the locations she will be at, at some point will be these houses. Beta, after these houses goes straight to Mary’s cell (the car boot)
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He tells her "these are not your people; you think you're still alive? You were dead the minute you came to us" (definitely alluding to Grady and we even have a situation where Laura/Carol comes in and confronts Beta, she dies.  
In 1010 after Mary gets away from the cell, thanks to Laura/Carol. Judith gives her somewhere to hide. (indicating Beth will be in the car boot, will get be let out or forced out by this ‘stalker’ and get into the house where Judith and a gun are.
The series of events here are fascinating because we are at the crossover point where the two versions of the same story cross and head the other way so they are doubled.
Mary has escaped the cell (the car) due to someone helping her get out and for a short time Judith provides a hiding place from Beta for Mary/Beth. 
Remember when Maggie wanted to shoot the car boot open in 510?
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Mary being stuck in the bedroom with Judith is the reverse of her being back in the car boot and someone shooting the lock out to open it. 
This is the crossover story to Mary getting let out of her cell.  
Here we get more good clues as to what happened.
Once the kids are safe Beta wakes and gets to Mary, causing her to fall, hit her head and pass out for a moment.
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It's then Rosita (Daryl) shows up, she now comes across Beta and is aware of his plan to take Mary who is still passed out on the floor. 
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Even though Mary has moved locations Rosita does not see how she moved. Rosita only sees her passed out.
Indicating Beth will wake when someone tries to take her from the car but will pass out inside the house trying to get away from them. Then Daryl comes along realizes someone is trying to take her but still doesn't realize she is alive.
Beta and Rosita fight (This is a repeat of Daryl/Alpha fighting too this is just a smaller scale of it) The whole time they fight Mary is unconscious, Beta gets the upper hand and knocks Rosita to the ground, she is winded, coughing and has her eyes closed.
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Beta is just about to kill Rosita (Daryl) when Mary tells out "stop!" 
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We see Beta, pause, he looks at Mary and she is threatening to kill herself with a knife to stop Beta from killing Rosita (Daryl).
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She knows Alpha wants her alive and willing leaves with Beta to save Rosita.
We never see Rosita look at Mary, she is still out of it from the fight. This fight mixed with the Alpha/Daryl fight makes me think Daryl will be so out of it at one point from fighting with this ‘Stalker’ that he won’t know she was alive.
The very next scene is Beta and Mary walking, on their way back to Alpha.
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Beta says "you will rise you will fall, you will walk with your sister again"
(ITS ABOUT BETH, THIS IS BLATANTLY ABOUT BETH!) Sorry for yelling lol. But again this one has a different coda because Gabriel (Rick) and his group come along shoot at Beta (he runs off) and Mary tells them she drew him out to stop him from killing Rosita. Mary/Beth re-joins the group.
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Next we see Alpha (who had passed out from her injuries) wake up at night in the Gas station next to the car (opposite of Mary waking in the day time in her cell)
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Alpha is wearing her mask but pulls it off (this shows Beth will initially wake and that will been seen or heard to be as her waking as a walker, but she takes the mask off and its clear she is not a walker)
Now we see Alpha as Beth, she even has the scar above the eyebrow on one side and another scar on her other cheek.
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She is delirious and so is Daryl (he is out of it just like Rosita in her fight with Beta) Alpha starts talking about seeing the light through the dark. She sees all of the people who got her there standing around her and she thanks them for making her strong. Daryl can't see the light only dark (because Beth is dead to his knowledge)
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Daryl tells Alpha she lost Lydia because she didn't love her.
They are both alone at this point and I would guess in the coda version of this scene Daryl will actually be saying he loves her to Beth. Alpha gets up trying to get to him saying "What did you say" "I'm all ears" but collapses before she gets to him. (This is another repeat of the interrupted Alone ‘Oh’ moment too) We then see Lydia arrive (definitely a younger version of Daryl)
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Lydia calls her ‘Mother’ (another reference to Alpha being a Beth repeat) Alpha wants Lydia (Daryl) to kill her, Lydia can't and talks about being human and that that is what she seeks.
Again this sequence speaks to Daryl thinking Beth is waking up as a walker, but can't put her down. Even the way Alpha is moving enhances the effect that this is Beth and Daryl and Beth is coming to, but he thinks she's not human and he is not all with it.
He leaves at the same time as Lydia and as they go Alpha saying "I want you to stay" before passing out.
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This is the opposite end of the story; to where we started with Mary waking in the cell.
Alpha wakes and it's daylight, she's alone. (Repeat of Beth waking in the hospital the first time)
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Alpha manages to get up (again there is a white car with the boot open in the background) pointing to Beth getting out of the RV or car, whatever it is she’s put in.
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My guess is its actually going to be the red car with the boot open in the spoiler photos outside the houses; this is her ‘cave’.
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Alpha sees the note and knife left by Lydia, (this is a repeat of the note left for Sofia)
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The very next scene is this the empty grave, this time in the daylight.
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I mean come on!!! It's the grave at the end of the RV tunnel and it's empty. Aaron gets back (this is where he becomes Daryl) Gabriel (Rick) asks if he is okay and where the others are.
Aaron instantly focuses all his attention on the empty grave asking "What Happened?" 
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He can't stop looking at the grave even as he tells them the group got separated and not everyone made it out.
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We then see Aaron (Daryl) interact with Mary, he gets in the cart and Rosita is in the cart also, they are all heading to Hilltop.
Mary even has the scar on the cheek like Beth now.
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This is showing what would have happened if Beth (Mary) re-joined the group instead of disappearing and them all travelling to Virginia/Alexandria after Atlanta. In this version Carol is the one that's missing dead (Laura), instead of the ‘sister’ Mary I'm very interested to see Mary's continued story because I think it will show what would have been if Beth walked out of the hospital and not Carol and I will do another post soon about how Beth and Carol have to switch so when Beth comes back Carol will go. The next scene shows Daryl waking up in the forest
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Which was a complete call back to 510 and this shot
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Notice the infinity symbol on his forehead and all the blood just laying against the tree. Two Daryl’s in the one shot, just like there are two Daryl’s when Lydia and him are here together. 
He asks Lydia If she killed her Mother, she couldn't just as Daryl couldn't put Beth down. We then see Alpha wake again, she has been moved (repeating what we already know happened) and wakes with a white sheet under her and two whisperers attending her. 
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She has been reborn and says "I am no longer weak"
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She goes on her rant about being free, bathing in blood, blah blah blah lol, but what stood out to me was the NOW reference as the shot zooms out. Now is the end of the world.
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We all know Beth's clock points to 1010 but it also points to NOW
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kranamuffins · 6 years
Oopse.. My Hand Slipped
A tall norn, pale with the deep amber-yellow eyes and jet black hair of his clan, surveyed the scene before him. A young girl with midnight colored skin and ebony black hair was bound with chains, an unnecessary precaution for such a young child. Several sons of svanir prodded at the girl as she was dragged by her hair towards the dragon altar.
                                           MORE UNDER THE CUT
With one last glance at the wrinkled family portrait in his hand he nodded. Without a doubt that was her. Daughter of the exiled clansmen Euertagh.
When word had reached the village that housed the clan’s main family compound of an attack on Eue’s homestead in the northernmost shiverpeaks, the clan leader himself had sought to go to them. It had been many years since the previous clan leader’s passing, and Euertagh was the new leaders blood brother, both through birth and battle. The clan had managed to talk him out of it. Warning of the danger to the clan and his own daughter frelliah should something happen to him.
So a team of the best hunters and fighters of the clan was dispatched. Many openly wept coming upon the mess that had once been a liveable homestead. They cheered the bodies of sons of svanir strewn across the countryside.
The bodies of Euertagh and his wife lay next to each other. They made a funny pair. A pale white hulking norn one large axe in hand the other buried in a svanir corpse nearby, next to a smaller lithe human Armed to the teeth with daggers, her skin the color of midnight standing out against the stark landscape.
It had not taken them long to realize that the couple had a daughter. It had taken them even less time to realize that she was missing. And so being the best tracker in the group he, Denmuir, had been chosen to find her, and here she was. The Svanir camp was located in the far north. The only living souls aside from the Svanir he had seen in weeks were some kodan and quaggans located in a nearby settlement on an iceflow. He would have to fall back to their settlement once he retrieved the girl. He had hoped to have more time to get the layout of the place and make a plan.
That was not an option. They strapped the girl to the ice at the altar to their “spirit of the wild” the Ice Dragon Jormag. Strange though, they placed her on her stomach. The girl child’s scant clothing was removed leaving only her loincloth. Designs painted onto her back in blue stood out stark against her skin. The shaman came from his tent, clearly intoxicated.
Realizing belatedly that he had little time to act, Denmuir cursed and hastily drew his bow. The shaman raised his knife as Denmuir loosed his shot. He prayed to Owl and all the Spirits of the Wild that he hadn’t taken too long. That this child would not have to join her parents in The Mists. He was too late. The dagger buried itself firmly in the child’s back, mere seconds before his arrow met its mark at the base of the shaman’s skull.
He called his fury in a war cry, as he burst from the canopy of the great pine he had used for cover, loosing another twelve shots rapidly into the crowd of blood drunk svanir. As he ran towards the, now sober and alert, svanir horde he swapped out his longbow for his sword. He had worked long and hard to obtain this legendary sword, traveling the whole of tyria to meet with masters of swordscraft. The greatsword’s shimmering gold surface seemed to move, and melt, within its boundaries. The light thrown from the weapon blinded the oncoming Svanir. As dusk fell his sword, aptly named The Dawn, bit into the first of many enemies that night.
He was being pushed into a corner. He could feel the ice wall closing in behind him. He would either die here, in combat, as a true warrior. Or he would somehow miraculously survive the swarm that besieged him. He had underestimated their numbers. It was just like those ice rats, to warren themselves in the frigid caves connected to their tents. Yet more appeared as his heels hit the altar on which the girl and the shaman lay slumped, dead. He was tired, wounded, and the cold felt as if it sapped his very life from his body. He raised his sword once again to the oncoming tide of Dragon-Loving Scum, in what would surely be his last glorious stand.
@scribesofcalamity for wanting to know my dragon child better and
  @thenecrographer for being my idea bouncing board when i got stuck
and maybe also @theslightlyevilpooka for bringing me to tumblr, and always encouraging me to try things outside of my comfort zone.
keep an eye out for part 2 of this one! lol
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frostbitesjc · 7 years
Tribulations | A Miraculous Ladybug Oneshot
Sometimes, your strongest power might just be the one used to destroy the one you love. Death, is inevitable.
Word Count: 663 (ikr it’s short, but oh well, drabbles right AHAHAHHA)
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It haunted him.
At first he thought that it was a gift, something so wonderful and amazing that it was almost a legend. A prize worthy for the Gods, a reward that even the most powerful beings in all the Dimensions craved for.
He used to think that his powers were the most glorious, miraculous thing in Earth, despite it being based off bad luck. To him, it was a symbol of freedom, an indication that his life was changing for the better, a way to feel so…
Then, he found out the true meaning behind Cataclysm.
Before he found out, he was naïve, elated with every time he used the power. With all the adrenaline pumping through his veins and the exhilarating feel of simply wielding it, he felt practically invincible.
He had powers! He was a superhero- he had power beyond his wildest dreams and comprehension. He was able to actually do something, influence the lives of others. And for once in years, he felt like he actually mattered.
But over time, he realized that it’s simply destroyed, never built. He even knew the definition of it by heart- a large scale, violent, and destructive event.
It was power, definitely, but it was one of a kind, the type that could bring the world to its knees and destroy entire dimensions. With a single touch, with just one thought, he could annihilate billions, devastate for miles.
And Ladybug -oh god, Ladybug- he loved her.
It was ironic, really, bad and good, black and white, the devil and the angel. She was the true saviour of the world, not him. She was the one who really mattered. He simply obliterated. Like his powers, he was a wreck, a ruin. He caved into himself, and his demons haunted him, even in his dreams.
Yet, he never hated her- he loved her.
She was his brightest light -his only light- in his sea of torment.
Still, he feared himself, and there was nothin he could do to stop it. He was silently dying,
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He was in a white void yet again.
“Do you love me Chat?”
It was Ladybug. He let out a short breath of relief realizing that it was her, and hugged her.
“Of course, My Lady!”
“Then how?”
How what?
Her eyes were swollen with tears, and although she was not saying anything, a picture could paint a million words.
He glanced down at her waist, where his hand was rested on-
“How could you let this happen?” She murmured, but he wasn’t listening any longer. A large gaping hole was on her side, where his hand was rested on, and is smelled of smoke and fire, destruction and death. The wound smoking, black in colour, and blood stained it as well, her ribcage already showing.
Oh god. It was cataclysm.
“You should have been protecting me. We should have been partners.”
Tears trickled down her face, and her bluebell eyes extinguished. For once in his life, he didn’t see the flames of determination in her- he only saw ashes and ruination.
“Look at what all you luck has brought me.”
And all that was left was a skull.
No, no no no no no no no, Ladybug don’t, please, NO!
ωακιиɢ тσ мσиƨтɛяƨ
“No!” He screamed as he woke up, panting and sweating from his time of tribulation.
He glanced at his hand, then forcefully pinched himself.
No more dreaming.
But what he never saw was the corrupted butterfly flitter towards him, the dark purple stains on its wings blending in with the background.
He didn’t make a noise as it got swept into his ring, he didn’t protest as the magic swirled around him, and he didn’t object to the white leather catsuit forming on his skin.
A glowing purple outline of a butterfly appeared on his face, flickering to life.
For now, he would not destroy.
He was Chat Blanc.
ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅ
Haha, I hope you liked this fic! This is my first fanfiction and post here lol. This fic can also be found on the Miraculous Ladybug Amino, at my account Frostbite_SJC.
And in case you don’t understand, he basic plot for this was that Chat was a afraid of his powers as it could kill (Cataclysm), he was akumatised because of his negative emotions.
Unlike what most people think about Chat Blanc, I think that Chat Blanc will not kill or severely injure, but will somehow find a way to steal the Miraculous.
I drew inspiration for this fanfic from http://typosanderrors.tumblr.com/post/138012580414/had-this-sitting-in-my-wip-folder-since-the-cupid/amp
FABULOUS piece of fanart btw, love it so much ❤️❤️❤️
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anodyne-sunflower · 7 years
Rust to Gold (Part 1)-Jack Jackson series
A/N: Guys!! It’s finally here. Not sure how many of you have actually seen PotE but, regardless I hope y'all enjoy. I really love the idea I came up with for his series. While I’m sure it won’t be my popular one, again because I believe not many of you actually know about Jack lol I still adore writing it! Few notes before you read on: I’m using the tv series timeline not the book. I won’t go into too much detail with her father, but you could say it’s Louis VII of France since he reigned at the time. This starts in 1138 like the show does. I am skipping Jack and Tom’s introduction because that’s not really needed for reader and Jack’s story. However, Tom is obviously in this and it will contain and follow the majority of the characters and story lines. And yes, some of history will be a little tweaked if for creative purposes. But, since this is mainly on reader it’s not like I’ll have her interfere entirely with history. It’ll be very very minor. Enjoy!
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MOOD MUSIC: Throne for the game ft. Bradley Hanan Carter by Ramin Djawadi
The dictations of one’s future was a concept you had grown agonizingly familiar with. Being a woman, your father had every right and determination to choose every aspect of your life for you. No matter the cost of your relationship with him. It was a constant reminder of your duties as princess, to blindly follow those demands of your king. With or without hesitation. And yet, in spite of all that you could not bring yourself to obey him this time. There was moments in your life where ignoring his shouts for proper conduct became a habit, except you often caved to his whims by the end of it. After all, a threat to your life was something you couldn’t bear. Now, however, you found the ounce of strength in you to resist his plans.
“You would deny me? Deny your kingdom?! You ungrateful child! I have given you everything! And you disobey me at every turn!!”
Your father’s hands slammed onto the arms of his throne, making you flinch slightly at the loud sound. But, you held your head high tightening your jaw in order to remain the very picture of calm. It was not easy to defy a man like your father, especially when he ruled all of France.
“I would deny you the pleasure of marrying me off to the first man who comes with a bag full of coins and promises of expansion!”
You spat back, breath heavy with contempt for the man who raised you. If that’s what you could call his lifelong lessons in court. It was a risky move, one that you knew deep down would not end well for you. But, you could not bring yourself to marry just anyone. Your heart was not a bargaining tool, no matter the person wagering it.
“What you speak is treason.” His voice grew soft, though the bite behind it was all too clear. “Defy me now, and I will have you hang for this. Do you understand me?”
“Do you understand me?!”
Every word sent chills down your spine, and flattering was the only option your mind wished for. Yet, you could not betray your heart of that you were certain. With every courageous spark in you, you straightened up. Rising on your feet again as you clasped your hands in front of you and stared your father, the king, down.
“Then I shall hang.”
If there was ever a time you saw any hope of pride in him for you, it was oddly now. Perhaps it was the bravery you displayed, but for that brief second he smiled. It was altogether shocking and disgusting, but a man’s honor was everything. And proud of the courage you had or not, he’d still move to execute you.
“You play a dangerous game, child. Take her to the dungeons.” He waved his hand away, not looking at you anymore as the guards neared you. But, you held a hand up keeping your pride about you as you turned away and led yourself down to the bottoms of the hellish castle prison. The guards stuck by you, one hand held above the pommels of their swords and the other holding a shield. You knew if you ran they wouldn’t hesitate to kill you. A prince was an heir, a princess was expendable.
As you stepped down the large stone stairs into the dungeons, your heart began to sink. Knowing that every second that went by was bringing you closer to your last breath. Many children would think their father’s loved them, no matter their rebellious nature. Yours was not that father. If you slandered his name, you would pay, and denying his pick of a suitor did just that. It was an embarrassment, and now you were going to pay with your life.
“May I ask a favor of you?” A sigh left your lips, eyes staring into the dark prison you would soon be housed in. The floor was a mess, hay and water scattered amongst the stones. And only one tiny hold of a window that could bring daylight in. “Will you fetch my handmaid for me?”
The guards stood quiet at first, both of them looking to one another for an answer. And if only for the reason that they watched you grow from child to woman, they agreed.
“At once, your highness.”
It was a needless courtesy on their part, calling you by your title. Because, you knew their allegiance was to the king and only the king. But, you thanked them all the same, following their orders as they gently pushed you into the dungeon. The door behind you slammed shut, the sound of them locking the wooden door only causing your heart to sink further into despair. It shouldn’t be a surprise, but the reality of your refusal was now before you.
Time ran slow inside here, you could only count yourself blessed that the sun was still out. It allowed a sliver of light to bathe across your skin, warming you under the dress you wore. A nice comfort in the cold of the prison.
“Your highness!”
The sound of your servant caught your attention, and you rushed to the door to see her through the small bars at the top. It was the first time you get a semblance of joy today, and you reached over the small window to grab her hand.
“Matilda, I’m so glad you came.
“Why on earth wouldn’t I?” She smiled, though you could see the concern she felt for you. She was always a loyal one, a very rare thing in these times. And her friendship meant a great deal to you. She was originally your playmate, a gift from your father when you were 7. She grew alongside you, and you had come to see her as a sister. She was never a birthday present in your eyes, but always family.
“I fear I’ve made a foolish mistake.” A small laugh left you, but the obvious anguish behind it was evident. Something Matilda easily caught on to. But, ever the sweet one, she brushed her thumb over the back of your hand and shook her head.
“I’ve always admired your will, and even now I still do. You cannot marry that awful man. The rumors around him are numerous, and I believe your fate would be the same no matter what you choose.”
She was not wrong, you had heard your fair share of rumors surrounding William Hamleigh. The son of a lord who likely had the archbishop on his purse strings. He held no title to him, but his family was still rich enough and had powerful connections that your father was positively mad for.
“I think you’re right…” You held her hand tightly, leaning your forehead into the door as you whispered your heartache. “It’s pathetic. I stand by my choice then, but all the same I do my wish for death.”
Matilda was silent, and you thought perhaps she was sharing in your current state of depression. Instead, she released your hand and patted softly on the door.
“I promise, you will not die today.”
It was the last thing she said before running off, leaving you confused and lonely in the growing darkness.
Hours went by, and you began to grow nervous for your friend. Whatever she was planning was likely going to cause trouble, but you’d rather take the fall than have her life forfeit on your behalf. You tapped impatiently at the floor, heels digging into the straw as you say against the floor. By now you must’ve looked a mess, as the winter winds grew strong at night and snuck into the lower parts of the castle. If your father waited anymore days, you were likely to succumb to the elements as opposed to the gallows.
A soft knocking gained your ear, and you quickly turned your head towards the door thinking they had come for you in the dead of night. It was an odd choice and time for execution, but perhaps your father was eager to be rid of you.
“Your highness?”
The whisper of her voice made you relax back into the wall, and you smiled as you warned Matilda of her dangerous intentions.
“I know what you’re up to, and it’s too dangerous.”
“Nonsense. Just trust me, the perks of being a servant, I know every part of this castle better than you. How else would I sneak food?”
You laughed heartily at that, knowing fully well that she had done so quite often. Not that you could blame her, under your father’s rule everyone was likely to starve if he saw fit.
With a click and screech of the lock the door slowly drew open, and you scrambled up to your feet. Matilda stood at the doorway, joyfully smiling as she hugged you to her. The reunion could not last long, because you were sure the guards would catch on quickly.
“You’ve gone mad. You’ll be killed for helping me.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. I promise.”
Ever the optimistic one, you thought. And while you didn’t want harm to come to her, she seemed so sure of herself that you willingly followed her down the dungeon halls. Every time you turned a corner you glared both ways, heart going wild in your chest as fear and doubt took over. People rarely escaped from here, and when they tried the end results were far worse than the original sentence.
“This isn’t-”
“Shh.” Matilda hushed you, not bothering with a torch as it would prove too risky a move and alert the guards to your locations. She grabbed your hand, nearly running down the halls and under a large gap in the stairs. It led directly into the waterways, and you were slowly realizing just how knowledgeable the servants likely were. It was almost a miracle that none of them had been bribed to assassinate the king with all the secret passageways they knew.
Your dress soaked up the water, making you more than uncomfortable. You were not dressed for skulking about castles, and thankfully she had thought of that.
“Put this on, hurry!”
She shoved a bag of clothes towards you, and you sifted through the bunch. It was not something you would’ve ever worn around here, and frankly from the looks of the brown robes they belonged to a peasant.
“What is this?”
Matilda sighed at you, keeping an eye on the exit of the tunnel as she rushed you.
“Your highness, if you are to live tonight it is because you leave here a commoner. Not a princess of France.”
Her words filled you with a sense of sadness. As much as you despised the man on the throne, this was your home and you loved it. But, there was as always truth to her statements. You reluctantly nodded, allowing her to help you get out of your current attire and into the simple robes of your new identity.
“Come on then, your highness.”
Matilda led you out of the tunnel, her eyes scanning the open field in your view for any sign of possible danger. She pointed towards the hill that led deep into the forest where your father hunted, and with a solemn smile she hugged you.
“You are meant for great things, Y/N. And it is because of this and our friendship that I happily risk my life for you.”
You dug your fingers into her back, gripping her close to you in a goodbye that would no doubt last forever. You couldn’t bear the thought of not having her around, but you couldn’t let her help go in vain.
“I’ll miss you.”
Matilda smiled at that, kissing your brow before cupping your cheeks and fighting her tears. “And I will miss you, my friend.”
She shoved you out of the tunnel, frantically moving her hands for you to get going and leave. You stared back at her every step, only stopping when you were at the edge of the woods to bid her one last heartfelt farewell.
You fell forward onto your horse, barely holding the reins as you felt your exhaustion settle in. It had been days upon days since you left France. Traveling on foot for so long before taking a ship to England. The people you met along the way had been decent enough, save for those who desired to rid you of every coin you had. There wasn’t much Matilda could give you, but what she had was kind enough. It helped you gain passage along the sea, before you managed to settle a bargain and take a man’s horse. But, your journey was tiring and with no plan on where to go or settle you were left lonesome and nearly poor.
Your stomach grumbled, once again alerting you to your starvation. You couldn’t even remember the last time you ate, but every minute reminded you of that painful feeling.
“Just a bit more…” You patted your horse, trying hard to stay atop him as he traversed the forest paths. It was still winter time, which only proved harsher to your travels. The cloak you wore hardly contained your body heat, and the biting wind hurt far more than you ever imagined. But, you had to force yourself to keep moving on. Hoping at some point your new home would make itself obvious.
“Just a little….more…” Your eyes drifted shut, your mind fighting against sleep until every ounce of willpower you had drained from your body. With a groan of discomfort, you slid sideways falling roughly from the horse and onto the cold ground of the forest. And all at once everything went black.
Soft hums and murmuring could be heard somewhere in the endless corners of your dreams. A woman’s comforting tone beckoning you to wake, though you weren’t sure if it was real or not. But, it was soothing, reminding you of your mother who had passed so long ago you barely remembered her features.
The woman laughed, making you slowly open your eyes to the sound. She was a blur to you, but you could faintly make out the reassuring smile she held. She patted a cloth to your forehead, parting your hair so she could have better access. She was still humming something, whether that was a song or a spell you weren’t sure. But, you were still grateful to be here in the warmth of a fire.
“Easy now, you hit your head hard.”
“What?” Your voice was hoarse, no doubt from the weather. But, she still understood you and she offered you a cup of water that you were forever thankful for. You drank eagerly from it, almost choking when the soothing liquid ran down your dry throat.
“Ahh, careful.” She took the cup from you, placing it aside and patting your cheek. “You will recover. You must rest though.”
“Who are you?” You forced out, groaning when you turned onto your side. The woman just smiled again, putting some bowls down that contained some sort of salve.
“You can call me Ellen.”
You nodded in thanks, finding the strength to sit up. You held your arm over your stomach, leaning back into the cave walls and examining the area. It was no doubt this was her home, and while you couldn’t exactly believe living in a cave was ideal there was something oddly wonderful about it.
You glanced towards her, watching her stir a pot of stew on the fire. “Oh yes, please.”
Ellen just chuckled again, pouring some food into a bowl and handing it over to you. She walked on her bare feet to the small stool in the corner, continuing her work.
“Thank you, for the meal. And everything else…”
“You are welcome. We need to take care of each other, yeah? I could not leave you to freeze out there.”
You nodded gratefully, taking a spoonful of the meal and delighting in the warmth of it. It was the first time you had decent comfort since you left France, and you didn’t want to leave anytime soon.
“You live here?”
“Yes. There is a village not far from here, my son lives there. He’s a sculptor, a great one.”
She had this grin on her face when she spoke of him, and you believed it to be the pride of a mother. But, you felt there was more to it than that. As if that grin was meant for you as well.
“A sculptor? That’s magnificent.” You glanced around the cave, taking note of the faces carved into the stone of the walls. It brought a smile to your face, now that you knew the source of the beautiful work. “He’s very talented.”
“He is.” She watched you carefully, following your gaze as you took in her son’s work. “You should go there. Kingsbridge. They are building a new cathedral there, there’s work. I’m sure they will take you.”
The first thing that arose in your kind was your father’s words, about princesses never needing to work besides providing heirs. You wondered what he’d think now. There was no doubt he had already sent party after party searching for you, but chances were high he had no idea you could make it so far from France. That made you feel safe.
“Work?…I wouldn’t even know what I could do? I don’t really possess any skills.”
You hoped that hadn’t given anything away, because aside from needlework, and basic royal skills nothing of the common folk made sense to you.
Ellen just smiled, mending the fire as she spoke. “You can learn.”
It made you smile, because she sounded just like Matilda. Always believing in you when you least expected it. You made to speak, moving the bowl to the side as you pulled the blanket over you tighter. But, as the words left you the sound of footsteps cut you off.
“I’m so sorry I’m late, Mother. Philip was in a mood today.”
A young man with the brightest red hair you had ever seen entered the cave, a small bag of things over his shoulder as he removed the hood of his cloak and reached towards Ellen. He pulled her into a warm hug, kissing her cheek and smiling. You watched the entire exchange curiously, feeling very much out of place.
“My boy, Jack.” She laughed joyously, cupping his cheeks and not wanting to let him go. But, for his sake she let him take a seat, before she moved to fetch another bowl for him.
This Jack didn’t seem aware of you at first, his green eyes following his mother’s movement until she waved towards you.
“Say hello to my guest, Jack. Don’t be shy.”
Jack looked towards the direction she pointed, his eyes widening when he set his gaze on you. It was the first time you ever saw a man flustered, and there was something endearing about it. Most men at court took it upon themselves to leer at you, or even touch what they believed to be theirs. But, this Jack fellow just blushed softly, averting his gaze several times before giving a smile.
He simply spoke, looking back up at you with mild interest. You returned the gesture, holding your hand up in greeting.
“You’re the sculptor. It’s nice to meet you, Jack.”
A/N: I knowww, not much in the way of Jack this part, but I had to set the stage ;) Feedback highly welcomed!!! And appreciated. ❤️
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fluffynexu · 7 years
The New Pet!
part 4 of.. 6 (i’m pretty sure lol)
< part 1, part 2, part 3
under the cut bc it kinda got long? nothing ‘not safe’ tho lol.
Quinn stepped over the white, fuzzy stuffing was strewn all across the floor from another dismantled toy. Twovee was deactivated in the corner with a leg missing. Vette would repair him soon enough, but this was the fifth time Lord Whiskerton had managed to chew up one of droid’s legs. Fifth!
Rubbing his temples Quinn went through the ship, mentally cataloging everything this little terror had brought. Food pellets scattered across the floor of the galley, wood shavings from the litter box tossed out of said litter box in the engine room, torn fabric shoved into air vents of the halls, and enough sharp, little bone fragments lying randomly about that it would qualify the ship as a Hazardous Working Station.
Quinn sighed in annoyance. He would have to talk to Akrona about this. Checking his chrono Quinn frowned. The current time was 21:52, Imperial Standard. He’ll talk to her tomorrow.
Right on schedule Quinn went through his usual preparations for bed for the next day. By the time he was finished, the time was 22:24 and he set aside his immaculately folded uniform on the table in their room for tomorrow.
Quinn gently got into bed, careful not to disturb Akrona who was already fast asleep. She had no real schedule to speak of, sleeping and waking whenever she pleased… usually. The resident menace, Lord Whiskerton, had curled himself into a fleshy ball between the two pillows, right next to his wife’s head.
Slowly craning over the wrat, Quinn pressed a soft kiss on Akrona’s cheek. He drew back, looking at her with a small smile when Lord Whiskerton unfurled from his “orb formation” and sneezed in Quinn’s face.
With a frown Quinn glared at the wrat for a moment. Lord Whiskerton blinked in response, trying his best to look innocent. Rolling his eyes Quinn wiped his face and settled into his side of the bed, pulling the covers over him.
The alarm barely rang once before Quinn turned it off. He swung his legs over the side of the bed, yawning and stretching. Akrona, on the other hand, remained dead to the galaxy as far as anyone was concerned. Still, Quinn quietly got out of bed, moving around their room and going about his morning routine.
At the end of it all he came to the desk where he put his uniform the night before. Only… it wasn’t there… even though it was always there. A frown etched itself onto Quinn’s face as he scanned the room. Everything was exactly the same as last night, not counting his missing uniform of course. Except…
Their shared dresser wasn’t fully closed.
No. His side had the door just slightly open... with a sleeve poking out of it.
Taking a deep breath Quinn walked over to the dresser, braced himself for whatever horrors he might find, and opened it.
Everything that had been hung up and perfectly organized were pulled down into a clump on the bottom of the dresser. And in the middle of that clump—a clump of his clothes—was Lord Whiskerton. The wrat wasn’t content to just laying in the pile either. Oh no. Even in the dim light Quinn could make out the tale-tell signs of ripped, shredded, and chewed fabric.
Quinn repressed a scream as his eyes nearly popped out of his head, staring down at the repulsive nuisance.
Lord Whiskerton pressed his head down onto a makeshift pillow, beady eyes looking upward, and his ears perked.
Clenching his fist Quinn tried to control the tremor going through his body. “Get… out…” he snarled in a low voice. “Now.”
Lord Whiskerton blinked, his pink nose twitching, but did not move.
Quinn nearly slammed his fist fist into the side of the dresser, barely stopping himself before he hit anything. “I said get out!” he shouted, reaching down.
The wrat squeaked, scampering out of the dresser faster than a shyrack flying in a Korribani cave. He jumped onto the bed and squirmed his way next to Akrona. Quinn cursed the creature under his breath as the wrat squeaked and burrowed his head into Akrona’s side.
Akrona stirred from the commotion. “What? What is it?” She looked down at the pink wrat, hugging desperately to her side. “Aww, you poor dear,” she cooed, gently petting Lord Whiskerton’s head.
The wrat sniffed and huffed, melting into Akrona’s side.
“Quinn?” she asked, looking up from the detestable thing. “What’s going on?”
“That wretched rodent, he—!” Quinn took a breath before he burst a blood vessel. “It seems,” he spoke in a taut voice, “that Lord Whiskerton had found his way into my clothes during the night.”
Akrona picked up the wrat, cradling it in her arms. “Oh you naughty thing, what have you done now?”
She walked over, suppressing a yawn as Quinn pointed down to the pile of what used to be his clothes.
“This,” Quinn said harshly, “this is not acceptable in any—!”
“Oh, Quinn.” Akrona smiled, unable to conceal her mirth. “Look how adorable—!”
“He made a little nest!”
“I realized that. He destroyed my—!”
Akrona giggled, “He likes you.” She kissed Lord Whiskerton on the head, the wrat snuggling into her chest.
Quinn fell silent and blinked a couple of times. “...What?!”
“He just wanted to be comforted by his father’s sce—”
“Akrona…” Quinn sighed, “We’ve been through this… The wrat is not our child!”
She huffed, rolling her eyes as her shoulders sagged. “Yes, yes. I know.”
“And because of this utter catastrophe, I am now…” Quinn quickly glanced at the chrono in the room, before bearing down on Lord Whiskerton again. “Eight minutes behind schedule!”
Akrona waved off his concern. “Only eight minutes? I’m sure you’ll manage, love,” she said, giving a quick kiss on his cheek.
“That may be,” Quinn replied, somewhat calmer, “but I am now left with nothing to wear.”
“Now that’s not true.”
Quinn pursed his lips, one of his eyebrows arched as he looked upon his Sith wife.
“No, really.” Akrona pointed to the closed drawers within the dresser.
“Oh, of course,” Quinn retorted. “Thank the stars my undergarments had avoided the carnage—this does not solve the problem.”
Akrona lowered her arms allowing Lord Whiskerton to hop down.
Quinn had a slight urge to kick the wrat across the room, but settled for glaring at him instead.
“And you’re sure all of your clothes are…?”
“Destroyed?” Quinn snapped. “Yes. Quite positive.”
Akrona hummed, picking up the bundle of clothes. There was a jacket with a sleeve barely hanging on by a thread, a pair of pants that seemed to have disintegrated, and even the mildly damaged clothes were riddled with holes.
“Oh dear,” Akrona said, inspecting through Quinn’s ruined uniforms.
“You see?”
Akrona sighed, “Well… perhaps you could salvage some of the more… intact pieces?”
“I doubt even the best tailors in Kaas City could fix the damage this wretched wrat has inflicted.”
“He’s not wretched,” she pouted. “But we do have to find you something.”
Quinn gave her an expectant look and crossed his arms.
“Well…” Akrona bit her lower lip, her eyes darting between her side of the dresser and his. “You could… borrow something of mine?”
His arms dropped to his side. “You can’t be serious… the difference in size and shape of bodies would not provide me with optimal clothing.”
Akrona giggled and shook her head. “It was only a suggestion, Quinn. They might not be the most comfortable thing for you… But maybe you’ll be able to manage for now? Until we reach a place to buy you something else that is. Oh! Perhaps you could ask Pier—”
“Well then...” Akrona shrugged.
Quinn groaned, “So my options are one of your casual gowns, or...” he motioned toward the mess of tattered clothing, “this?”
“I’m afraid so, love.” Akrona placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry Lord Whiskerton was so naughty!” she said, while facing the wrat.
The wrat didn’t seem to give any care in the galaxy and groomed himself.
“Alright...” Quinn let out a long sigh. “Which option, do you think, Vette will find to be the least hilarious for her?”
so in case you don’t know, rats are lil destroyers x)
they do things like this, this, and this.
and since wrats are basically Big rats... xD
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