#i never do scenery so i’m super proud
crystalliumdaisy · 2 months
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ladyelissarose · 1 year
A Mother’s Revenge.
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Warnings: mentions of death, shootings, depression and much angst, let me know if I missed anything!
Chapter 1 - ‘A Nightmare Became An Obsession’
  The warmth of the sun kissed my body warmly, as I stretched out my bikini covered body on the fluffy towel my husband laid out for me on the prickly, golden sand. I laid on my tummy with my head in my hands while I adored the sight in front of me, my husband of 3 years, Jacob, was building sandcastles with my 2 year old baby boy, Benjamin. I could hear Benjamin’s cutest giggles as Jacob tickled his tiny toes and covered them with sand, he wore the biggest smile ever, mirroring his father’s lit up face. As I took a moment to glance at my surroundings, it didn’t take much for me to decided that I was pretty glad we had stuck with coming to the Bahamas for our yearly vacation. The people were super friendly, the weather was durable and comfortable, the scenery was just ethereal, everything was just... almost perfect. I then was called back to give my undeniable attention to my dearest love, as he called out to me as sweetly as ever, 
  “Mamas, is my drink right next to you?”
I sat up a little and looked behind me, there sat Jacob’s empty cup of fresh squeezed, orange juice. I reached for it as I called back, 
 “It’s right here! But let me go get it refilled for you-“
 Jacob stood up immediately with his hand stretched towards me protesting,
 “No, no.. it’s ok-“
I was already standing and throwing on my little dress, then started pretending to walk away to prove my point while smiling at him,
 “Baba, I’m closer, plus little Benny is going to cry if Daddy leaves. I got you.”
 Jacob let his hands fall defeatedly to his sides as he gave in, but not without one more request slipping from his kissable lips,
 “Please give me a kiss first, I desperately need one!”
He puckered his lips and closed his eyes, waiting for me to give him his ‘so needed kiss’. I giggled at his usual behavior, ran to him, and gave him a quick, but passionate kiss on his lips that were mine, as he always said. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek, then looked me in the eye with compassion and love, as he reminded me, 
  “You know I love you right? So so much.”
Jacob was always one to always give me words of affirmation and affection, and I never got tired of it, honestly, I was addicted to it and craved it at every passing second. I nodded at him while responding,
 “I do Baba, and I love you so much too... remember that.”
 He kissed my nose with a smile,
 “I always do.”
He then bent down and picked up Benjamin, and began to coo, and mimic what he thought Benjamin would sound like making full sentences, while waving his chubby hand with his free, much larger hand,
 “Mommy! I wan’ a ‘opsicle pwease , I built Daddy a nice sandcastle!”
 I awed out loud while caressing Benjamin’s soft, baby feet, and looking down at the sandcastle on the ground.
 ‘Oh my goodness how adorable!!’
 (In everyone else’s eyes it probably looked like a terrible mud pie with sea shells as the topping, but in our eyes.. it was Benny’s masterpiece... Picasso.)
 “Awww!! Benny is so sweet!! Look at that magnificent castle!!”
 Benny squealed at my high pitched voice that spoke in words to him, letting him know that I was utterly proud of his work. 
With one last peck on Jacob’s lips and some raspberries given on Benjamin’s neck and tummy after I fixed his adorable little hat, I then moved to make my way to the drink stand they had near by,
 “I’ll be right back, ok? The stand is right there.”
 Jacob followed my finger which pointed towards where the stand stood, once his eyes locked on the it, and knew that he could see me clearly from there, (he always watched where I went if there was going to be quite a distance between us, he was protective and my watch guard) he then nodded approvingly,
  “Ok Mama.. Get yourself something too, ok? I’ve heard that their mango and banana smoothie is delicious.”
He wiggled his brows at me to put more effect into his words, which earned him my toothy smile. 
 ‘Sounds pretty delicious actually.’
I took in his offer to try it, I always trusted his judgment, because he only made suggestions on things he knew I really liked. Soon I was on my way, walking with confidence as per usual. I honestly felt great, I wore my husband’s favorite red bikini of mine, that came with a little dress to wear over it, with cute, black sandals. My hair flew gently in the wind that was flowing softly, and my face was hiding from the sun and it’s hot rays with my matching sun hat. I didn’t need to turn back and look behind me to make sure I was being watched by my husband for my security, I knew he always had my back and made sure I was in sight and safe. I waved at the nice bartender that I approached with a simple order,  
  “Hi! I’ll take a refill on the Orange Juice, a small mango banana smoothie, and a mini strawberry popsicle please.”
He beamed at me with happiness as he replied,
 “Of course! That will be right up!”
He went to work right away, flawlessly making everything separately but all together at once, as so it seemed. I then leaned my back on the bar and began to look at the palm trees that stood tall all around the beach. I liked to watch the seabirds that rested at the very top, watching us down below, waiting for the right moment to steal our snacks or other things. I giggled to myself while shaking my head.
 ‘Bunch of thieves...’
A few loud laughters and gossip then could be heard from either the men or women that chilled inside their makeshift tents and canopies, or that stood around supervising their little ones. My eyes followed what I heard, which was the sweet, voices of little children that came from every direction, while they all chased one aother on the sand and into the cool, turquoise water. Oh I couldn’t wait till Benjamin started running around more, that would be so exciting right? Hearing his tiny feet padding across the floor while Jacob and I ran after him sounds like something great to look forward to for sure. 
 ‘What the hell!?!?’
I gasped and held my hand over my heart when I heard the unexpected, and not welcoming sound, I turned my body towards the bartender thinking it was him that had dropped a large and heavy item. Until I heard it again, but much louder and closer, causing my mind to dreadfully come to reckon what it really was,
 ‘No... it can’t be.’
 After the second bang, haunting and horrifying screams erupted through the entire place, sending chills up my spine, and activating my sixth sense to run for cover towards my husband and my baby. Soon the banging sounds became continuous as I ran faster, I tried to focus on what was in front of me and not on the people and children that fell to the ground all around me, with growing crimson spots on their bodies. My eyes lit up with hope and a second of peace when I saw Jacob for a moment, before I was knocked to the ground with a searing pain in my thigh. A scream of pain left my mouth as I grabbed the place I was shot at, and let out another one when my eyes saw the blood spilling out and falling everywhere. Over all the noise and trauma all around me, I then heard from the distance, an all familiar voice scream for me repeatedly. I looked up right away, expecting to see the source of that voice, but when I didn’t,  my heart dropped in panic. The fear of not seeing Jacob and Benjamin kicked me to my feet with an adrenaline, and miraculously I began to move fast, and ignore the pain that went up my leg up to my torso. My head turned in all directions as I searched frantically with screams coming from the bottom of my heart and soul,
I didn’t realize I was crying until a deep sob left my throat while I tried to gasp for air, and the tears that fell from my eyes were tasted on my lips. Before I started to scream again, I heard Jacob’s voice, coming from behind me. 
 ‘Jacob!! That’s Jacob!!’
 My head snapped towards the direction from where I heard him, and let out a cry when I saw him running towards me with Benjamin in his arms. He screamed for me to get down,
Mid sentence he then was pushed towards the ground, by the force of a bullet that hit his back. I saw it go through him and watched him fall flat to the ground, with Benjamin under him. I shouted for them both as I finally reached them, and was about to throw myself on top on Jacob and shield his body as I thought I would be able to pull Benjamin out. I could hear his little screams and cries that let me know he was terrified and needed me there to save him and protect him, but life... had other plans. A shock of pain rang up my spine and threw me next to Jacob’s body instead, my breath was knocked out of me when my head hit the ground. It registered to me that I had been shot again. I looked at Jacob in front of me, and called out to him as best as could,
 “J-Jacob.. Ba.. Baba.. can you- can you hear me?”
 I awaited his answer, but his eyes never found fine, and his voice never came back to me...  I held in a scream, when I realized, that in front of me laid Jacob, lifeless. Blond began to spill from under him, and make a trail towards me.
 ‘Oh God no!! My Jacob!’
 I began to feel my body lose control of itself as pain and unconsciousness tried to take over, but that didn’t stop me from attempting to grab Benjamin, and check for Jacob’s pulse. I used all my strength to drag my body closer, to work out my thoughts, but that’s when my eardrums busted because of the the sound that came from above me,
They had just shot through Jacob, and silenced Benjamin’s cries. At the moment of their silence, I let a scream come out, but it was choked down when my stomach was kicked and they pushed me to my back. I suffocated while trying to fix my eyes on the person that stole my life from me... and there he stood above me, with his wicked eyes gazing into mine. I can almost swear he was wearing a smile too.
 ‘You wicked... wicked son of a bitch...’  During those few, split seconds of agony and pain, my mind began to take mental pictures of every feature of his monstrous face, and imprint them in my memory... because whether I died today or not.. I knew, that if I became a ghost... I’d haunt him until I took his soul, but if I.. by some miracle survived... I’d hunt him down until I took... his god forsaken life. 
15 months later...
“So ma’am, I’ve heard complaints from your upstairs and downstairs neighbors... they’ve been saying that you’ve been too loud in the afternoons, at night... and in the middle of the night or really really early morning.... is there anything you have to say for that?”
 I clearly heard my landlord’s words, understanding what she was saying and knowing exactly what she expected from me, a reasonable answer or defense to the complaints I have gotten for the past year or so.. I don’t even remember, I lost track of the time and repeated complaints. I simply then looked up from where my eyes rested on the movements of my fingers trying to pry off the loose skin on my pinky, and locked them on the grey headed, old lady’s brown eyes as I replied shortly,
“Im moving out.”
I took in her reaction, which was her shoulders slumping a little and a soft sigh leaving her lips. Yup, I’d be glad too if I was her, waking up to your neighbor screaming at night wasn’t pleasant at all, neither was her random moments of harshly punching the wall or something in her house to let out her anger or frustration wasn’t fun either. Or the times the music is at an ungodly volume to cover the screams and shouts she lets out as she sobs away her thoughts and memories. If I was the landlord, and I heard that my problematic client was leaving, I’d be jumping for joy without shame. I watched her as a few times she opened her mouth then closed it, trying to get some words was proving to be quite the mission for her I guess, but to cease her struggle, I simply stood and and informed her,
 “I’ll be leaving tonight... thank you for everything, and I’m sorry for everything as well.”
 My landlord rose to her feet and her eyes poured sympathy as they looked into mine, though she looked indeed very sincere, my cold heart wasn’t fazed by the warmth her heart gave. Her voice then came out softly, and slowly, making sure I heard and understood her every word,
  “Listen dear, I just want the best for you. I have single little houses, where you don’t have to worry about any upstair or downstair neighbors, it’s just your place-“
 I held in a breath and bit my tongue from rudely interrupting her, I listened on to all the offers she suggested that I should take, but I had already made up my mind.
 ‘Lady, though your offers sound great and all... but I’m not staying here anymore... I’m leaving... to find the man that took my only home.’
 My head clicked back to reality when I heard her call my name and question,
“So, would you consider this?”
She handed me a pamphlet that held all the information she spoke of, I scoffed from the inside,
‘You could’ve just handed me the pamphlet... Now I don’t need it anymore because you told me everything.’
I gently took it from her hand and pretended to care about it as I looked over the pages quickly, then stuffed it in my pocket,
 “Thank you ma’am, I’ll consider it. I’ll be dropping the key off later tonight, when I go.”
 She sent me a small smile, one I didn’t return or even try to mirror,
“Be safe dear.”
 I nodded my head at her before I spun around to walk out, with a low response,
 “I’ll try.”
Simon’s POV
Today was my turn for desk duty, was I happy about it? I think the fuck not!! I hated being situated on a chair for hours looking at a blinding screen. I rather feel the soles of my feet burn from standing or running around for too long, with the sun hitting my back and sweat go through my balaclava, then go through this shit of a job. If I had cash on me, I would’ve paid my buddy Soap to take my place, but I didn’t have my wallet, and Captain Price made sure that he wasn’t around me, because he knew I’d give good ol’ Johnny my place for his, which was to clean all the weapons of every size and type, then test them out at the shooting range. But things have taken a slight turn, when one of our greatest hackers of our team, named Kyle Garrick, aka Gaz, had hacked  into every piece of technology in this person’s house that held a camera, like her phone, computer, cameras, etc. So from those objects, we were able to observe and watch them. And lately we’ve been taking turns behind this screen, for the past 3 months. My team, known as the 141 Task Force, have been prying around a certain person that Laswell had mentioned to them once. I had heard about the so said person, but I wasn’t intrigued, because it was a woman that they all gawked about. Now if it was a male, serial mafia killer that they were onto, I’d be begging to be team leader and I’d hunt and haunt that fuckers soul to possess as mine, it was what I did best. All I had heard about this particular person, was that they’ve been growing an interest on a certain terrorist, which was odd for a woman, you’d think she’d be into.. different things or people? 
On the outside I didn’t even flinch to the sound, but my heart skipped a beat and my breath got caught in my throat. My eyes locked onto the screen and focused on the woman that had just arrived back at her apartment, the sound she made was her slamming the front door shut. I kept a close eye, as I watched her pick up a picture frame from a bookshelf, and hug it close against her chest. She swayed a little side to side, and began to cry softly. ‘Is she crying? You’ve got to be kidding me? I don’t get paid for this shit-‘
At the sudden noise I shifted in my seat slightly. My eyes followed her every move, as she had yanked out a makeshift punching bag from her closet, and began to beat it with all her might. The sound of her fists hitting against it was quite sickening, and sounded very painful. Grunts and whimpers left her mouth as she went on and on for 5 minutes straight, then in a quick flash she began to take out knives from every pocket her clothing held, and started to throw them towards a wall full of pictures and writings that were behind her. I was now fully sitting up and intrigued by her sudden change in behavior, and zoomed my camera towards the objects her knives punctured perfectly. And there, I saw the faces of the terrorists we were after, and could only think,
 ‘What does this woman have to do with these men? Who is she... and who are they to her?’
 “What the fuckin hell is her deal-“
Now I did flinch this time, at the voice of this Scottish man named Johnny McTavish... aka Soap. But I composed myself right away when I felt his hand rest on my shoulder, then I replied,
 “I’m not sure... she was fine one moment, then crazy the next. And look at all the photos on her wall, the door, the furniture... they’re all of the men were hunting for.”
 Johnny shook his head slowly, as he informed me,
 “Ay... last night she was up till 4am... hacking into their systems, trying to collect any kind of information that she could... she wrote down everything too. And was learning how to speak their foreign language.”
 I frowned under my mask, not being able to picture how a woman like her, could be so crazy and mad. 
 ‘What did they do to you?’
“What else do we know about her, other than her observing terrorists?”
 Johnny looked at me sideways, and told me with a tone of disappointment,
“Laswell has that hidden for now... but according to the world and its identification systems, she’s dead right now... and doesn’t have a name. I’m thinking that she works for a higher government.”
 I hummed lowly, as a spark of interest hit me, and I grew curious of her, wanting to know her reasons, her life, the meaning behind the person she had become. Soon I felt a pat on my back as Soap sighed,
 “I have to go mate. Don’t want Price catching me here with you... but keep me informed please.”
 I sent him a sly wink,
“Of course Johnny, now go.”
With one last smile he gave me, Soap walked out of the room and disappeared, 
 My computer rang out a notification, and the search history of the woman started to pop out, and there I read everything she was typing out in that moment on her cellphone. It was all in a different language, but my mind translated it to the language I knew,
 ‘Where do you have shelter that’s in the woods in Italy?’
‘It’s right outside of Venice, it’s very secured, and only the people that contact me know where this place lies, to everyone else it’s unknown and well hidden.’
 ‘Perfect. Can I take it for the next 4 weeks?’
‘I’m sorry, I already have it taken for the next 3 weeks.’
 ‘I’ll pay you 20k in cash. If you let them go and give me the shelter.”
‘.... it’s a deal, I’ll see you in Venice with the cash at early morning daylight.”
I watched the woman’s figure, as it came closer to her computer when she left her cellphone. Her face’s features became clear in front of my screen, looking at it with a sigh leaving her  red and chapped lips. Honestly, she was a sight to behold... if sadness and anger was a person.. or a woman more specifically... it’d look like this one. She was both beautiful yet depressing to see, her eyes held a stare that told me she had seen it all, her expressionless face, told me that she felt nothing anymore. The dark bags under her eyes blinded me from seeing the real color of her eyes. The redness in her eyes made her look more sick than anything. Sometimes I wonder why creations most beautiful and perfect people, suffer more and have the most wrecked heart of all time, why can’t they live a life as beautifully as they looked? My heart for some reason, felt a feeling it hadn’t gone in a long time, or more exact, for the past 12 years... which was ever sense my mother passed away. My heart pinched painfully, and a cold feeling settled inside at the very bottom of it. She then began to click on several pictures she had collected over the past weeks I believe, and started print them out one by one. And in perfect order, she hung the up and left them dangling from the ceiling, her eyes were cold and still the entire time, and her body didn’t move any more than she needed it to. After a few minutes, she had finished, and walked away from the masterpiece she had created, and stood still while observing it. All the photos were of the same people, the same place, all about the same target.
“This is not an observation... this is a fucking obsession.”
I huffed under my breath and sat back in my chair, taking into note what I saw in front of me with shock. As I studied her work of art, I noticed that all the pictures that hung around, seemed to shape something too. I zoomed in the camera, and began to follow each picture, and mentally began to shape what made sense, until it clicked. The pictures all around her, spelled ‘Family’. 
 ‘What in the fucking hell happened to her... damn I wished I read the review they wrote about her.’
 Just then I heard a ringing sound come to life from her place, and I perked up my attention to her every move, as she began to walk towards her cellphone. I immediately connected our systems to the cellphone in her house, and wrote down the number that was calling her, and awaited for her to pick it up, so I could hear who phoned her. But I saw the hesitation she held, how she held the phone in her hands for a moment, looking at the caller ID, as she then took a deep breath and let it out slowly, before answering with a strong, but steady voice,
 ‘Who is this?’
Her voice had a slight tremble to it in the beginning, but soon it came out smoothly. My computer began to record the call as it went forward.
‘Are you the lady that emailed us and got into our system to reach our boss?’
Sounded like a person from a foreign country, their accent was thick and deep. Silence was held for a moment before an answer from the woman,
 ‘Yes... I need to have a meeting with him, to make a deal on something I’ve been planning... something nuclear.’
‘Nuclear? Ahhh... that’s the serious business then... Well, he says you can come in 3 days, in Venice, Italy. There at the boat, well shall meet to discuss your work.’
 I watched how the woman then threw a fist in the air, like if she was happy her call was a success, she then replied simply,
 ‘Sounds good.’
‘Do you have the money with you for this?’
‘I have the money and the notebook, that shows my plans for the weapon.’
‘Good, we shall see you then, Melione.’
‘Until then.’
‘Melione?... what the hell does that mean? Is that a code name?’
My mind wanted to sit for a moment and dissect what ‘Melione’ meant, but I ignored it for now when I saw how she tossed her phone onto the table and ran to pick up her large bag from her bedroom, and began to toss whatever seemed important to her in it. I took that moment of her being busy packing her bags, to run to Price and tell him the news. 
  ‘Damn she’s moving fast.. meaning we have to too.’
Price’s POV
I reread Melione’s file for the 7th time today, and couldn’t process how such a lively, sweet woman, had become the saddest and ‘supposed to be dead’ being to walk this planet. Her name was off the records, but lately she had been going by the name Melione, as she contacted people here and there on the internet. Her observation on my new target, went quite deep, and she had gotten secret information about them in seconds, when it had taken me months to even get a single name or picture. I was very curious as to what Laswell hid from me about her. Up until this moment, the biggest puzzle piece to this case was why? 
 I lit up my old cigarette as I thought,
 What caused this anger to rage in her? What caused her to observe these specific men? Who does she really work for? Does she even work for someone?’
“Price, I got something.”
I snapped out of my own thoughts of a million questions as I looked up from the file I held, and held my eyes on my strongest and bravest Lieutenant, Simon Riley, aka Ghost. He stood there at my door with an intimidating stance, as per usual, but I could tell in his eyes that he held a lot of what he wanted to say, so I let him inform me,
 “What is it Simon?”
He then placed a descriptive note of his observation on Melione on my desk while speaking,
 “She’s going to Venice... she’s going to meet a few men that are going to take her to our target, Captain.”
I scoffed with admiration and surprise,
 ‘She’s a whole team in one fucking body... she’s relentless and fast.’
I slowly came to a stand on my feet, and ordered Simon,
 “Then we leave too, we will not let her out of our sights... tell the men to pack up, we’re going Venice.”
 Simon nodded once before leaving to room,
 “Affirmative, sir.”
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Not an ask but ur work is soooo good!!! Ur imagery is amazing and u do a rlly good job at painting the picture and describing scenery. Honestly forget I’m reading fanfiction sometimes cuz ur words r so beautiful they read like poetry. Read ur suguru fic and it was super sweet ur descriptions rlly made it feel so comforting n cozy and soft. Ur an amazing writer n should be proud of ur work :3!!! I’ve never sent an ask before but felt obligated to send one to u cuz u deserve to know!! Hope u continue writing cuz having an all sfw blog with this level of writing is rare and a blessing :33<3333!!!
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 anon this almost made me tear up phdhdhf ……
u r genuinely an angel, i cant thank you enough for taking the time to write this out !! esp since u usually dont send asks 🥺🥺 it seriously means the world to me !! calling my writing poetic is the kindest thing ever, im so so happy u enjoy it :’3 esp the sugu fic aaa !! i love writing for him the most <3 hes my sweet wife <33
i have lots n lots of wips stocked up so i will absolutely keep writing, dw !! <333 i hope ull enjoy all my future works u stumble upon too !!!
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mikumanogi-blog · 1 year
2022-12-05 “Reverse Little Mermaid #Nogizaka Star Tanjou Live” Ikeda Teresa blog [ENG]
I’m not the greatest at dancing or singing, and that was the person that stood in front of everyone as an idol… I realized this during my first live, I didn’t think anything of it while I was rejoicing and enjoying my time with the group but I recognized it when I returned home.
How could I have done better, I’m lacking something is what I thought as I practiced more. Despite this I had a tendency to feel depressed about the difference in my abilities compared to the other 5th generation members. However, the other 5th generation members would listen and answer when I talked to them about things, no matter how trivial they were and would tell me to just keep doing my best.
Despite the fact that I was thankful to them, I had feelings of envy and jealousy, and I felt absolutely disgusted at myself and I hated that I felt that way (But I love them! I love them…)
The story of the Little Mermaid is that she feel in love with someone and in order to me them they threw away the voice that they were so proud of didn’t they. That means I should throw away everything that I hold dear that isn’t part of me as an idol… If I throw them away God will present me with “me as an idol” is a day dream that I’ve be obsessed with recently. (●´^`●)
 But I want to live as a the reverse Little Mermaid, I want the prince to come see me… and the prince is all of the fans that support me, and I hope that we’ll be together for a long time so I’m going to do my best to be your tattered reverse Little Mermaid.
‘17 funkan’
The MV for new 5th generation Member song for the 31st single ’17 funkan’ has been released on the Nogizaka 46 Official YouTube Channel ✨
Thank you to everyone that have given me their opinions.
Hearing all the wonderful things that people have been saying about it makes me really happy.
But, the fact that I’m here able to make everyone happy is because everyone has been supporting and cheering me on.
Every since ‘Zetsubou no ichi byou mae’ I’m grateful that you continued to watch me and never gave up on me.
It’s thanks to all of you that I’m able to do my very best.
The combination of Me and Kuu-chan 🐱💕
We both have snow piled on our heads and we turned white…lol
 It’s our first combination!!! Recently I’ve been working a lot with Kuu-chan, I’m so glad that we’ve been together so much recently ehe
 I even appeared with Kuu-chan when we went on ‘Zip’ on November 30th. The deadline for telling everyone was really tight so I wasn’t able to let anyone know on my previous blog, thank so much to everyone that watched it (_ _)
 Ever since I was a student I’ve always watched ZIP in the morning, so I can’t believe that I’m the one there on that screen now, I’m so glad. My first appearance on a morning news program was a just a few seconds since it was a very tight block but the fact that I was to touch and feel that atmosphere makes me really happy and thankful
We held an online mini live for the 30th single🤟🏻
We performed the 5th generation song that was recorded for the CD ‘BanHaga’! When I listen to this song the memories of summer rush into my head, the outdoor live in the middle of summer at Jingu will always be a treasured memory along side the scenery that we saw while performing this song. 🎐☀️
It was also a debut of the coupling songs that were recorded ‘Passion fruits no tabekata’ ‘Yume or Moru Kinniku’! To be able to see it live made me think ‘Being a member of Nogizaka is the best’ ehehe
It was super cool, the mature and sexiness felt like I was able to find another side of Nogizaka, if you like please have a listen. (It’s amazingly addictive)
We unveiled our new outfit🍼
The stripped shirt one piece dress is super adorbs, I love it 〜(〃∀〃)
I…what kind of outfit is this? Frilly?
(↑This is the name that Aruno, who is right beside me doing her make up, said. I’m with Aruno 🤍)
🤍Tiktok Live
The 5th generation members did a tiktokLIVE
Did you watch the special MV for ’17 funkan’?
Not only the regular version but being able to make this version as well made me very happy, thank you so much 😳🤍Having everyone see us chit-chatting during the lessons is really embarrassing lmao
I was nervous because this was my first time doing a LIVE broadcast with everyone… The later half, the half where I wasn’t participating, everyone was talking a lot about me and that made me really happy! Making the MV was also a lot of fun, doing this reminded me of those times.
I’m going to continue to work on being able to be more myself and talk more, I hope I get another chance to do a live stream again in the future( *¯ ³¯*)
🤍Online meet and greet and online sign event
Yesterday was the final meet and greet for the 30th single, thank you to everyone that attended. Although the period for the 30th single seemed long it went by in the blink of an eye.
 This was a big turning point, there were so many people that expressed their gratitude up till now and gave me their feelings. My chest is all warm and fuzzy inside when I think about how I was able to work throughout this single with all of the support and protection I received.
When we first met, the reason you started liking me, when our eyes met and the Live concerts, the people who oshi me, I feel like we had so many moments together this single.
I want to know all of it, I want to share it with all of you, and more than just receiving those feelings they were told me directly. I want to repay those feelings in the words I write on my blog and through the performances that I do. There are so many ways I can give and return those feelings and so that’s why I’m glad to be able to work as an idol.
Thank you for everything over the course of the 30th single, so for the 31st single lets climb the Nogizaka slope together.
The things that I weren’t able to write about on this blog will be put into the subsequent blogs.
“Kotoge Eiji no Nante Bi da!”
Every Tuesday at midnight!
The next episode on the 6th will have urban design as the topic 🏙
Everyone do you have a favorite town or spot?
I’m from Tokyo (The only 5th generation members!) but I haven’t really done any research on places to sightsee here… If you have any recommendations please give me some 😳
 “Nogizaka Under Construction”
Every Sunday at Midnight!
It will be an episode on the member graduating this single Saito Asuka. If you like please check it out (●︎´▽︎`●︎)
“Kanarin no Top me torero Kana?”
Every two Saturdays at midnight!
Ikeda will be appearing on the 28th of January!
This will be my first time appearing along side the OG first generation member Nakada Kana🀄🤍
She’s honestly so beautiful. Is this what a top class member of Nogizaka looks like…! As once again I feel like the figure I’m going for has changed again
I haven’t really done a lot of research into Mahjong but Heisei Nobushi Kobushi’s Tokui-san and Sanda-san were very kind and they explained everything step by step while mixing in their talk and I was able to have a lot of fun live (●︎´▽︎`●︎)
Honestly, this was the reason that I have started to study Mahjong. My grandmother love Mahjong and so next time I return home I’m going to challenge her❤️‍🔥
The rules to this game are deep and difficult to understand, the lake seems deep ..
 “New Nogizaka Star Tanjou!”
Every Monday at 25:29-25:59!
 There will be a new episode tonight.
The guest will be the 3rd generation member Nakamura Reno!
Nakamura-san and I performed μ's “Snow Halation” ❄
Ozwald’s Hatanaka-san made a song for us ( ´˘`)🎙🤍 
 “Mada wakai kimi he’ since this program the unit Café au lait was born which is made of Io-chan, Iroha. Their voices are so beautiful and they bring you into their world with the gentle lyrics that make your heart ring…
I’m so glad they got so a wonderful song!
New Nogizaka Star Tanjou! Live was held!
Tomorrow December 6th at Yokohama Pia Arena MM
December 18th at Kobe World Kinnen Hall (Matinee and night)
I’m going to keep doing my best so please continue to look after me (_ _)
Do you prefer sunrise or sunset?
(Blog name: Marshmallowsuke)
Hmmmm… I don’t really seem them often but I guess sunrise. But where I lived before I was on top a hill and on rainy days when the rain cleared up I remember that the sunset was gorgeous🌇🤍
When you’re seeing this comment how much have you finished writing?
(Blog name: Jyoushinko)
I’m only on my 41st word character. The road from here will be long and treacherous, I’m going to do my best! ٩(ˊロˋ*)و
Have you ever been to Kumamoto?
(blog name: Cassiopeia)
I’ve never been but I want go one day… 🧸
On the previous national tour the Fukuoka performance was actually my first time being in Kyuushuu. Next time I go I want to be more relaxed and be able to go around and try various things.  
💌Teresa, what do your friend and/or family call you?
 (blog name: Miriamu)
 🤍 Tere
 💌Question (request) Have you ever taken any picture of the other 5th generation members while they’re sleeping…? (sleepy)
 (blog name: Kuchinashi to Momo)
 🤍I have, of Ioki Mao 🌊🐟
It’s not that I can’t show it but that I won’t show it, why you may ask, it’s because she has one of me..
Since saying that Satsuki has also taken a picture 😖
💌What animal would you like to have as a pet !
(Blog name: Hamburg ni tsuiteru ninjin no amaiyatsu)
 🤍Alaskan Malamute!
I also like Siberian Husky, I wish I could have a big and fluffy dog that I can fall asleep with💭
I really look up to veterinarians 🫶🏻
💌Potatoes with Tomato flavor, the bell rang on the microwave with a mustard flavored broccoli、out of the two which ones are the more delicious do you think… I want to know so badly that I can only sleep at night. I mean I also can’t sleep at night lololololol
(blog name: Tsuyoi Ishi no Ishi)
I like mustard 😚
💌Have you ever mistakenly used body soap and shampoo?
(blog name: white)
A long time ago I was curious and I tried it. It was really foamy and I got really excited but when I got out of the bath my hair was really stiff and so I won’t do it again… (  ߹꒳​߹ )
💌What is something that you want to do at home this year?
 (Blog name: Akashiyaki)
🤍I want a humidifier
Ikeda Teresa is drying out…
1, What kind of hot pot do you like
2, what do you like to add to finish the hot pot?
3, what ingredients do you like that change the flavor of the dish? (yuzukosho? Shichimi) When the season is like this you want to eat hot pot don’t you?
(blog name: Onii-chan)
Personally, I like having leftover nabe for breakfast the next day it warms you up… 😚
1, I like Motsu nabe! I wonder what sauce motsunabe has?
2, probably zousui or rice, I like that too🌾
3, For a flavor change I do like yuzukosho!!!
What do you wear to bed? Fluffy Pajamas? I love you smile Teresa-chan
(blog name: Mirin)
I sleep in sweats with a boa lining and a light parka 😪😴💤
I don’t like brushed fabric but I like boa lined fabric.
A question for Teresa-chan!!!
1, What’s your favorite season??
2, What’s your favorite Chinese food! (I had Chinese food this evening for dinner so I’m interested)
I’m looking forward to spotting you at a live concert
(Blog name: Chiruno no perfect sansu)
🤍I’m super duper looking forward to spotting all of you in the crowd
1, Fall
This fall went by in the blink of an eye… I also like those kind of fleeting moments
2, For some reason I really want to eat Peking duck right now 🙄
When you only have one ticket to the meet and greet, what should one talk about?
(Blog name: Catherine Pick)
At the time just relax, 〜[___]ε`,)zzz…
you can’t oversleep! You need to come see me
Teresa-chan when you put in your own name how do you make it come up?
I type in 瑛 (ei) 紗(sa) and it comes up
Good night 💭
(Blog name: Amanatsu)
🤍It’s a pain to keep doing it that way so I recommend adding it to the dictionary! By the way, if you type in Ikeda it won’t finish it, it’s super annoying💭
Teresa do you like pepper steak? 👲
(blog name: Taroimo 🍠)
I dooooo
💌I like gummy candies, Teresa-chan are there any gummy candies that you like?
(Blog name: Kurune pan)
🤍I like ones covered with crunchy sugar! Ikeda doth have a sweet tooth 🐒
I scored a point in futsal ⚽️, am I cool? I’m cool right? If you cheer me on I think I’ll be able to score a point next week too. I’m looking forward to you blog tomorrow 😪😴💤
(blog name: Mascot da!)
You’re coooool!!!
Do you say or do anything when you score a goal in soccer? Please let me know… 🥹🫶🏻
1, Was there any stories that stood out from this meet and greet?
2, Please tell me a popular story among the 5th generation members!
3, Is there any doctor that you know that can cure my Tereru disease? Looks around restlessly… I’m looking forward to the newest update of #Tereblog ✨
(Blog name: TaruTaru sauce)
My blog has been updated!!! Have you seen it yet? 👀︎💕︎
1, There were a lot of birthdays in December! It appears that people with the Tereru disease have a tendency to be born near the end of the year…? That can’t be the case
2, Satsuki-cahn and Io-chan found out that I send voice messages to both of them, they have Ikeda Jealousy mumumu (⑉・̆-・̆⑉)
3, Right here!!!! But if it’s me I’ll make it worse more than helping ^^
💌Iketya, is there any skill that you want to acquire? 👻
(Blog name: Taskete Ikeda-san)
Iketya wants to start learning an instrument. I miss going to this instrument shop that I often went to when I was younger
Ikeda, what is a food containing tomatoes that you want to eat right now!?!?!? 🍅
(blog name: Chuumon ha Teresa Desuka?_
🤍Bouillabaissem but this isn’t a food with tomatoes, it’s seafood…? Aya recommended it to me ー=͟͟͞͞( •̀д•́)
1, What’s a manga that you recommend?
2, If you were given a million yen what would you do??
3, Since you don’t know your blood type lets go and find out together! When do you want to go? Lol
Let’s climb this slope together!!!
(Blog name: kosama)
🤍Let’s climb together yayayay ( *˙0˙*)۶
1, I’ve been reading a lot of manga of food reports from other countries 💭
I want to eat black bread from foreign countries, I want a solid and bulky bread more than the light fluffy stuff 🥨 (←This looks like a heart, it’s really adorable)
2, I would buy all the volumes of my favorite manga, I would also buy a really good bookshelf that can fit all of them!
3, It seems the data is in my blood donation, I’m somewhat anemic so I need to make sure I get a lot of iron ( ›_‹ )
Hello Teresa-pan! Question! When I played basketball I was a center! What position were you?
(Blog name: Cardigan)
🤍I was a forward ⛹🏻‍♀️=͟͟͞͞
💌Do you have a favorite philosopher?
(blog name: Seneka to kotaete hoshiino ka?)
Thales made water the source of all things, when I remember it like  “water is….Teresu!” (I’m an ethical person)
Recently my outer jacket has become damaged, this year have you bought a new outer jacket? Are there any outer jackets you’re interested in? I want to buy a big black one 🥰
(Blog name: Onyu no zubon)
I bought a black coat with a cape! I was troubled with what to do because I don’t want to waste it by damaging it so I don’t really use it…but at the same time it’s a waste not to use it…what a dilemma (1st world problems)
💌Please tell me an embarrassing episode Teresa-chan
(Blog name: Kakkun)
🤍Most of my meet and greet are typically embarrassing, It’s because everyone is so kind and cool and adorable and yet you’re saying that you like meeeee I’m so glad
 💌Do you think it’s okay for a woman to be a fan of Nogizaka?
(Blog name: Mikoshiba)
🤍From the start I was a Nogizaka Fan!!!! We’re the same 💕
The 25th of December will be my first meet and greet and I’m going to see Teresa-chan!!! How should I talk to you? I’m finally able to meet you so can you say some words to someone almost and the end fo their life, 😭 I’m going to do my best 😭
(Blog name: Ishiri-nu)
I’m going to do my best to be able to give you a present as Tere-santa 🎅🏻❤️‍🔥
I understand not being able to get blood work! Do you get squeamish at checking your pulse?
2, Do you have any Christmas plans?? 🎄 (By the way, I’m doing a solo party at my house. But I won’t be alone, Tere-pan will forever be in my heart ♡)
3, IF the other 5th generation members were to do a gift exchange would you participate? 🎁
(Blog name: Murakami)
1, When I look at my wrist I know there is a pulse there and it’s super disgusting but you look anyways don’t you ( -  - `)
2, I’ll be waiting for all of you to visit me 🥹💕
3, This year we all have planned to get together and have a Christmas party and do a gift exchange!!! I can’t help but be excited ehe
Is it okay for me to keep oshiing someone after I balloted for a meet and greet ticket but wasn’t brave enough to speak to them…..?
(blog name: 🦈👻🦈)
No! You need to come see me 😠, but…even if you can’t come I’d be happy if you were to continue to oshi me…. But…. I do want you to come and see me 😖😖😖
Teresa-chan are the kind of person who when their pencil gets really small you keep it that way? I’m the person who’s like “I really worked hard on all of these drawing” and it make me happy to really short pencils、but my mother is ruthless and throws them away ( ;∀;)
(Blog name: Buta no I wa Mino)
When a pencil gets too small for the pencil case I also ruthlessly say goodbye to them (;_;)/~~~
Rather than an SDG it’s more about performance…If you’re worried about that then it might be better to buy 1 pencil for a 150 yen and use that
What’s your favorite Onigiri flavor? While I was eating my onigiri I was thinking “What kind of onigiri does Teresa-chan like” and after thinking about it I feel like my level of happiness went up…lol This question hasn’t been used yet and so I hope that it will be used soon!!!
(Blog name: Ripa samaa)
This question, I like egg white and beef bowls from Sukiya! And so I suspect there’s some similarities there…lol
Without thinking I would say I like sujiko onigiri!!!!
Conmusclations on your question being used ᕙ(  ˙꒳​˙  )ᕗ
💌Question eheh
1, If I comment too much I’m worried that Teresa-chan will hate me..
2, I studied really hard for my test, can you please praise me! Lololol
3, My friends are going to Shinjuku what is there to do and eat there?
4, Everyone says “Tere-pan’ but I continue to say “Teresa-pan’ is that okay?
5, Do get your hair straightened?
6, What color was your backpack in elementary school?
(blog name: Bacon lettuce cheese sandwich)
I’ll answer eheh
1, That’s not the case!!! Rather the more you comment the stronger Ikeda’s love will become stronger
2, To comment when you’re busy studying for tests and having you think about me, even just a little, make me really happy (●︎´▽︎`●︎)
In the hopes that it will bring your scores up even just a little bit here is in an injection of Teresa-power 💉  ̖́-
3, I seriously want to go to Zara in Shinjuku right now…. (This has nothing to do with the question)
4, Occasionally they call me Teresa
5, Noo, O go to the beauty salon(´神`)
6, Light blue 🛁🪞
Surprisingly there weren’t many in my school, everyone what color was yours?
Question, Tere-san if you could master one sport what would choose?
(Blog name: Ein yori nagai ishuun)
Right now it would probably be bike riding…! (I’m addicted to Yowamushi pedal)
If I would be able to do another sport, or if you would have to have good athletic ability, it was written that for bikes that doesn’t matter, there aren’t a lot of people, like the main character Sakamichi-kun, who can meet their destined competition, I’m jealousBut I guess for me my fated job is to be an idol…or so I hope!
“Well, here is….(Tere-pan please!)”
(blog name: kirarikirarara)
🤍A highlight 🦊
Highlight is a newer term isn’t it, somehow it means the climax or something like that
Although there is the hustle and bustle of the live concert I didn’t forget to write this blog..
The smell of smoke, the dimly lit backstage. You can feel it deep within the venue that this live doesn’t have any of the senior members in it, that’s really discouraging but I can still feel their grandeur.
Thank you for coming to the New Nogizaka Star Tanjou Live!
Today we broke a lot of barriers, and because I knew of my incompetence rehearsal were traumatic and I couldn’t help but feel scared on stage, did you know that. It’s very lonely being on the stage without people sitting in front of you in the audience. But when I remember standing on the stage in front of everyone I remembered yesterday’s meet and greet, and the comments on this blog, and the other various ways you told me that you are supporting me 😳
The venue was hot with everyone’s passion. At the same time as my body temperature I felt like their was electricity coursing through my veins!
It is thanks to everyone that I was able to get through this live today with a smile on my face (_ _)
The 11 members of the 5th generation will work together and do our best in the remaining three live concerts.
To the manager supporting us, to the program staff who gave us a chance, and of course to all of the fans that are supporting us, I would like to thank all of you. Through my performance I hope you will receive my feelings of gratitude.
I love you all!!!
 22.12.05 #Tere-pan blog #21 (years old, soon to be…)
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learningnewways · 2 years
Leaving The Gambia
Wow, where did the time go? Actually, that’s kind of a joke as it felt veeeeery slow at times. This has definitely been the longest four months of my life! 
This week I caught up with friends, packed my bags and said goodbye... On Monday I visited my American friends the Reed’s for some board games and chats, Tuesday I went to the government shelter with Antonia then out for ice-cream with the Kursawe’s, Wednesday I packed my bags and had a farewell dinner cooked my M, then Thursday I went to the Reed’s one last time for Thanksgiving dinner, before heading to the airport. And that was my week! The quickest rundown of all!
It’s hard to believe I actually made it to the end of my time in The Gambia... The first weekend I arrived was so awful, I cried so much... Yet by my final week I was feeling so comfortable that I was even sad to leave... I know right?! A lot can change in a few months! I’m glad to be leaving on a positive note though, as my past few months have certainly been an emotional roller-coaster! I thought seriously about leaving early multiple times, as my parents can attest to! But I’m proud of myself for sticking it out, even when it was really hard. If I had left in one of the times I was feeling more down, I think it would’ve tainted my overall experience. Whereas leaving now in a good place, it means I’m leaving with fonder memories and feeling at peace.
It’s hard to imagine being back home in New Zealand so soon... Seeing my friends and family... Seeing the beautiful Nelson scenery... It all feels like a world away right now, a whole different life. I know I’m going to have to deal with reverse culture shock and lots of processing, most of which I’ll have to do alone, given I’m the only one who lived my experience. How will I live in NZ after what I’ve seen and experienced overseas? Maybe it’s not possible to go back to how things were, maybe the way I live will need to change... I’ve seen so much, not just in The Gambia, but also in The Middle East, that it will be hard to live with the privilege and easy life that is NZ. Of course we have our own struggles and some people are living it super rough, but overall things are pretty great and we have social welfare which helps too.
On Thursday we were watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade on TV and I honestly couldn’t believe what I was watching... It’s hard to explain since there’s nothing like it in NZ... But to me, the parade represents consumerism and over the top stuff to the maximum! And when you watch it from a place like The Gambia, it seems so ridiculous and weird... So much money is spent on these floats, surely that money could be used for something else? Then after the parade, everyone stuffs their face with dinner, then a few hours later it’s Black Friday, so everyone goes out and spends loads of money on things they don’t need... The idea is unfathomable from somewhere like The Gambia where people struggle to survive day by day...
I wish The Gambia wasn’t so far away from NZ so I could visit again easier... I wish there was more I could do from NZ to help... I wish that all the issues that exist in The Gambia, across Africa and the world didn’t exist... That there was no poverty and starvation, no sex abuse and trafficking, no drug and alcohol addiction, no malaria or aids, no violence and murder, no greed and corruption, no death in childbirth, no child brides, no female genital mutilation, no child soldiers... On and on the list goes... It’s paralyzing, the more I learn about the world, the harder it is to know what to stand for and fight for. No one can do it all, but we can all do something. So what am I going to do? 
Most of all, I want people to know and love Jesus. I hope that in my time overseas I have helped at least one person grow closer to Him, whether they are overseas or back home. God works in mysterious ways, so I might never know the impact He’s had on people through me, but I am grateful and humbled that He continues to use me to bring glory to Himself.
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tsubasagirl · 2 years
It’s Nothing (Trafalgar Law x Reader)
Horny yet again for another fictional man who I can never have ;u; Here's a slightly angsty/fluffy fic that I started writing barely 6 hours ago and have only proof read like 2.5 times but really want to post on impulse. Maybe I'll edit this post for my messy structuring later on.
Feel free to give me any feedback (Law's characterisation, description of scenery and actions, word choice etc.) :) No pronouns mentioned, first person, present tense \('o')/ Also a bit of cursing and no smutty stuff sowwy And ignore how this fic is quite similar to my Naib x Reader fic; ain't a super experienced fic writer and am a real sucker for cliché shit
Nothing good can come out of this. It’s nothing but an inconvenience. There’s no time for this. How did things end up like this? Why… did it have to be you?
I’ve been part of the Heart Pirates for several months now, and have bonded so much with my crew mates that we’re practically family. Some of us were outcasts with no place to go, but were fortunate enough to be taken under the wing of our captain. Our strong, resilient captain, Trafalgar Law. My crew mates are like siblings to me, those who I can banter with, those who I can be myself around. 
But with my captain, it’s different. Not that I have anything against him, nor do I feel intimidated by him. Well… kinda… I’ve always admired his determination in his pursuits as a pirate, along with his devotion for our crew. As a crew, we’ve always trusted him and are always willing to follow every one of his orders to the best of our abilities. Sure, we mess around in our spare time and it would sometimes get on his nerves, but we are also as devoted to him, and have sworn to follow him to the end of the world and back. Being a proud member of the Heart Pirates is the life that I will live with to the very end.
However, it wasn’t until recently that I’ve pondered over the difference between my feelings for my crew mates and for my captain. I don’t see him as a sibling, or an equal. It feels to be more than that, that it’s way more than just a professional level, being fellow crew mates. I’ve been so focused on his every move that he’s been clouding my mind more than he should. It seems to be that my ambition is more than just looking out for my saviour of a captain. Once I realised how strong these feelings… how strong my feelings for him truly are… I’ve only been unsettled. I’m terrified. I don’t know what to do… what to do around him.
Trying to comprehend the current situation as rationally as possible, the chance for us to be more than captain and crew mate is basically impossible. Even though he’s my captain, he’s always so aloof and fixated on his goals. I don’t really know anything about his life before he formed the crew, although I feel like I know of his general character as a man. A tall, toned and strong, super cool, and very handsome ma— Fuck! Snap out of it! Get it together!
I shouldn’t be having thoughts like that! I just… know of a lot of details of his lifestyle. Not in a stalker kind of way! I mean, we’ve been living in the same submarine for a long time now, with a well established schedule that everyone is well adapted to. I know how he likes his coffee, how he usually slouches when sitting down, how he stays up until around 2am quietly doing medical studies in his office alone. Not… that I normally stay up that late… I occasionally need to get up to go to the bathroom or to get a glass of water, and I would have to pass by his office, where I would see a dim light peeking out from under his door, and slight sounds of shuffling papers can be heard. Ironic how he gets the least sleep despite being the crew’s doctor… I swear, getting a healthy amount of sleep is the thing he refuses the most. He’s already grouchy enough. But… there is a charm to that grouchiness of hi— AH STOP IT!
Now it’s come to the point where I’m staying up as late as him. Not that I want to. He’s been occupying my mind so much, no matter what I do. Huddling myself tightly in my bed isn’t helping either. I think I need some air… Luckily, the weather is clear and quiet out, and the Polar Tang is docked within the shores of a deserted island. 
I step out of my room in my half-done uniform, quietly closing the door behind me. I walk down the halls, gradually making my way up to the exit. I pass by La— the captain’s office on the way there. Yep. His dim office light is on as usual. I almost stop in my tracks in front of his door subconsciously. Dammit.
I slightly rush the rest of my little trip out to the open sky. I try to close the heavy door as quietly as possible, although it makes my heart jump a little every time it slams shut. I hope… he didn’t hear that. He probably did… He should be dead asleep now. He better be anyway.
I flop my arms onto the railing, slouching in misery. I take in the fresh air, and then let out a deep sigh. I look up to the endless, starry sky. It’s… barely helping. Why won’t my mind clear up?? I’m practically drowning in my thoughts. I want to endlessly bang my head onto the railing, yet am somehow not bothered to do so… I rub my head with both of my hands in frustration. I want to scream, but I don’t want to wake anyone up. Especially the captain. Don’t want to rob whatever sleep he barely has. It’s always concerned me how dark his undereyes are. It doesn’t help that his golden orbs further draw in my attention, yet it’s also been hard to look him in the eye as of recently. His golden, mesmerising orbs…
I let out another deep sigh. There’s no use. No matter how much he clouds my mind, our situation can’t change. It shouldn’t change. I’m just a crew mate with basic first aid knowledge and amateur fighting skills, and Law is a professional surgeon and a master of incredible devil fruit powers. He’s just absolutely amazing. He’s also been through so much, and who knows how much is going on inside him. We’re… far too different. He already has too much going on all the time, and it feels like he can’t ever catch a break. He’s got no time to even know of my true feelings. I… have to keep these feelings hidden… it’s for the best. I just have to act as if nothing’s going on. All of these feelings… are nothing…
“[y/n]-ya,” an oh-so-familiar, deep and crisp voice mutters. 
I jolt up from my slouched position, and quickly whip around to face the plainly dressed man behind me. Law is in his black v neck, the one that elegantly accentuates his swirly black tattoos and sharp collar bones, and has his sleeves rolled up to his elbows like usual. His hands are gently tucked in his jean pockets, and he has his usual stern expression, looking directly into my startled eyes. I’m frozen in place.
“You shouldn’t have your guard so low, even if it seems like there’s no threats near by. It seemed like you didn’t even notice me opening and shutting the door,” he lectures in his usual serious tone.
I unfreeze and mumble, “m-my apologies, captain. I’m just… out of it.”
“Can’t sleep?” He asks blandly.
I slightly relax my shoulders. You’re the one who should be asleep period.
“Y…yeah,” I reply, trying to act as nonchalant as possible by leaning back onto the railing. Awkwardly.
Law slightly tilts his head forward. “I think there’s been something going on with you. You haven’t been yourself lately.”
Bullseye. I expected nothing less of my captain. I glance down to my crossed legs, with a hand holding onto my other arm nervously. “It’s, it’s nothing… captain… really.”
“Don’t lie to me.” At first, it seemed like he raised his voice, but he had suddenly taken a step into breathing range. “You’re speaking formerly even though we’re not on duty right now. There’s definitely something wrong here.”
Godammit I can’t keep it together for shit. I lift my head up hesitantly, expecting to see the captain’s terrifying glare. Shockingly, however, my eyes meet worried ones, an expression I’ve never seen on Law’s face before. He firmly grasps my shoulders and whispers, “do you think I would just stand by and let my crew mates dwell over their problems on their own? No matter how troublesome they are, I’m always willing to help you through them.”
I’m trying so goddamn hard not to let any tears leak by slightly scrunching my eyes. Before I could think, I burst out, “I know that you have so much more stuff that you have to deal with, and I don’t want to stress you out even more by having to deal with my stupid problems, so I can only keep quiet!” My breath is shaky.
He slightly raises his voice and retorts, “if you can’t do a good job hiding it, then the problem couldn’t possibly be that stupid! Tell me what’s going on with you, [y/n]-ya!”
There’s… no way of hiding it now. He’s demanding it as my captain. He’s got me. “I’m… I’m hopelessly in love with you, Law!” I spit out, tears brimming my eyes.
The silence can’t be anymore deafening. Law‘s lips are slightly gaped, and his eyes are a bit widened. His grip on my shoulders loosen, so I shake myself out of his grasp. “Told you it was nothing,” I whimper, slipping past him to head for the door.
Right when I grab the door handle, he calls out, “wait, [y/n].” I pause for a second, then proceed to turn the handle. Suddenly, I’m shambled to face Law front on again. He pulls me into a tight hug. I’m speechless. My face fully flushes immediately. My eyes release my tears helplessly. I can’t even hug back.
“This… is much, much more than nothing, [y/n]. You… mean so much more to me than you realise, although I figure that it may be hard for you to tell. I’m sorry… that I didn’t realise that you felt the same way.” Still holding me close, he delicately moves my face to face his to wipe my tears with his fingers. I’m further stunned to see that his cheeks are also flushed. He’s so cute. I can’t help but laugh.
“W-what’s so funny?” Law stammers, his expression becoming cuter. I slither my arms around his back and lock eyes with him. “Haha… it’s just that, so much is happening all at once, especially seeing this side of you. It’s just… ridiculous.” I let out a giggle, as a small smile creeps upon his face, and his eyes seem to glimmer, defeated by the sight of me. 
He closes the gap to seal his lips onto mine. We passionately melt into each other as he dips me. My god, he’s too good, yet he’s all mine, and I’m all his. It almost seems too good to be true, but nothing else matters right now.
Our lips eventually part, hot breaths warming each other’s faces. We’re both grinning like idiots, but it seems that neither of us care how messy we look. “Does that fix your problem?” Law teases. “Only if you can deal with me and my shit along with everything else, ca— Law” I reply. He rests his forehead onto mine and remarks, “as long as you stay by my side, there’ll be nothing that I… nothing that we can’t overcome.” We both chuckle.
“Get a room!” Multiple voices shout from behind the door, cracked open by practically the whole crew.
Both Law and I freeze in place, furiously red with embarrassment and staring at our surprise audience. A few of them seem to be paying a few others sacks of berries. Others are either making kissy faces, laughing, or are pumping their fists up in victory, chanting “captain” and “[y/n]”. 
I look back to Law and chuckle, “we both seem to have let our guards down, huh?” He turns me to huddle me by his side and faces the crew. Leaning to my ear, he sighs, “I guess I can make an exception. This time, it’s nothing.”
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milkdoie · 3 years
where wayv would keep their pictures of you.
not requested!
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featuring — qian kun, ten lee, dong sicheng, wong yukhei, xiao dejun, wong kunhang, liu yangyang !
warning(s) — mention of children (parenting) at the end of winwin’s
author’s note — i got a lot of submissions on my google form saying that people wanted more wayv content, so here you go!! i love love love them so i’m super happy to introduce you all to my first ever wayv post,,, that isn’t ot23
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[ KUN ; he likes to keep a photo he took of you on your first date in his wallet!! it’s a little torn up and discoloured because of how old it is, but he likes to think of it as a prize he won that night. yangyang said that his dad would do the same thing, but kun loves how lowkey vintage the whole concept actually kinda was :’)
[ TEN ; he most definitely has albums in his phone dedicated to different categories — like his cats, scenery, food, and you!! the album is titled “my y/n <3” and it’s just filled with pictures that he’s taken of you; some without you knowing and also some where you’re posing. it’s filled to the brim with memories, the first few pictures dating all the way back to december of 2019 :0
[ WINWIN ; he has a shrine for you in his room… i’m just kidding, he has a drawer full of printed photos that he’s yet to put into the photobook he purchased two months ago. his original plan was to give it to you as an anniversary gift, but he decided to keep it so he could show your future children how good of a boyfriend he was, “back in the day.”
[ LUCAS ; every single picture and video he’s taken of you has been on snapchat, and so they’re all in his memories — or his “my eyes only” if you happen to label a few pictures as embarrassing. his storage is probably full with how many videos there actually are, but he needs the memories or else he’ll malfunction.
[ XIAOJUN ; keeps a polaroid of you hugging bella in the back of his phone,,,,, with a clear case. I KNOW I KNOW, he’s basic, but guys, he just loves you, okay?? cut the man some slack, he was so proud of it. got so excited to show you what he came up with <//3
[ HENDERY ; actually doesn’t have enough pictures of you to have a full collection, but he does have hour long vlogs that he will never post anywhere on the internet ever because they’re your little thing <3 he likes going on walks with you, and that’s when he’ll take the opportunity to FILM THE ENTIRE THING. his storage is full too.
[ YANGYANG ; he probably does those cringe couple things on his private tiktok account and he just spams pictures of you there with trendy songs over the videos (ie. body by megan thee stallion). his tiktok user is also “y/ns.boyfriend” so it’s kind of a fan account for you?? i have no solid idea to explain his thought process.
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beautifulblhell · 3 years
Something Better To Do
Mafia! Suna x F! Reader
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A/N: So this is for @nkogneatho​‘s FMFM collab! Thank you for letting me participate and I’m so sorry for the late posting!! My procrastinating ass couldn’t do it in June and when July came life hit me like truck-kun 😭 Typed this with one brain cell as the heat has melted my rest and not proofread, so if there’s any mistakes please let me know!! (Or just pretend you didn’t see it T_T) Not super proud of this, but lately my creativity has been 📉
Tags: smut, fluff, mafia! Suna but nothing dark, all characters are 18+, protection (be responsible) smut is at the bottom part if you are only interested in the smut lol
WC: 3177
The day had started off so well. Your parents had to leave for an abrupt business meeting abroad and left at the crack of dawn. Usually you would meet up with Suna whenever your parents were away, but he has been away for ‘work’ for the past few weeks.
You knew it was for something important for the Inarizaki gang, and Atsumu had been tasked to go on this trip. But he had an argument with Osamu a few days prior, and with the latter refusing to cook for him, Atsumu gave himself food poisoning when he tried to cook for himself.
So Kita had told Suna to attend instead.
Your finger hovered above the messaging app, wondering if you should text him. The last message he had sent was from a week ago. With a sigh, you decided not to disturb him and closed your phone.
Still, this was the longest you had been without seeing Suna.
As if your daydreams blended into reality, you heard the familiar purr of a motorcycle. At first you thought you were dreaming. However, when you looked down from your bedroom window, you saw Suna coming to a stop below your window, the morning sunlight reflecting off his motorcycle. He lifted off his helmet, and those yellow eyes raised up to meet yours, his lips curved up lazily when he caught sight of you.
He was already standing at your doorway when you opened the front door and flew into his arms.
“Rin!” You cried happily.
His name has hardly left your lips when his mouth descended upon yours. He cupped your face and pulled you towards him, your lips repeatedly met together, making up for lost time. It was only when you felt Suna’s lip against yours did you realise how much you missed him. Your head was spinning when you finally pulled apart. The comforting scent of the cologne he wore and a hint of cigarette enveloped you.
It’s been too long, you thought, looking up at his face.
One of his thumb wiped across your glistening lips.
“Somebody missed me,” he smirked.
You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t stop the smile spreading across your face.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you were coming back?”
“Thought I would surprise you.”
“Well, you certainly did.” That’s when you realised.
“How did you know my parents weren’t home?” You asked in surprise. Suna never came to your house unless your parents weren’t home, and you usually told him beforehand.
The image of your parents’ initial shock was still fresh in your mind when you broke the news about you and Suna being together, which morphed into disapproval then anger when you said you won’t break it off with him when they told you.
“But he’s part of Inarizaki, the yakuza!” Your mother had said in horror. She would have been less shocked if you told her Suna smuggled pandas for a living.
It would be easier if you moved out of your house, but Suna knew how much your parents meant to you even if they didn’t approve of your relationship, so you would meet up in town whenever both of you were both free or when your parents were away.
“Hmm,” Suna only hummed as his arms encircled your waist and he nuzzled your hair, but you caught a faint glint in those narrow eyes of his.
With a sigh, Suna relaxed his whole body, and you stumbled at the sudden weight you had to bear.
“R-Rin, you are heavy!”
He leaned into your ears and whispered, “You didn’t  say that last time I had you under me.”
He sniggered seeing your red face, and stood back upright.
“Get dressed. I don’t want that nosy neighbour of yours to notice that I’m here and tell your parents once they are back.”
“Where are we going?” You asked, pulling your arms back unwillingly.
Sensing your reluctance to let him go, Suna’s lips brushed against your forehead.
“You’ll see.”
“Are we going to your place?” You asked as you wrapped your arms around his waist behind him on the motorcycle.
“Is that what you want?” Suna flashed you a teasing smirk.
You felt heat build up on your cheeks, and you buried your face behind his back.
“I don’t mean that! Just thought we could watch a movie or do something relaxing since you just came back.”
Suna did look a bit tired. And the smell of cigarettes has been stronger than usual. It was a habit of his, he tended to smoke more when he was irritated or stressed.
“If you continue to be so cute I’ll really take you to my place right now.”
“Nope, take me where you wanted to.”
“Later then,” You could hear the laughter in his words.
Then, with a twist of his wrist, the throttle thrusted the machine forward.
It was always exhilarating sitting on the back of Suna’s motorcycle. He drove fast yet with precision. Instead of driving, the term flying would be more accurate to describe what you were feeling. The familiar scenery of the city blew past as Suna expertly maneuvered between the traffic without slowing down. It was only when he started slowing down did you realize where you were going.
It was a few months ago when you made a passing remark of wanting to go to the aquarium when they finished building the underwater tunnel.
It was one of the things you love about Suna. Sometimes you would make a casual remark about a certain place that you were interested in going to, but Suna would always remember and take you there whenever he had the chance.
As you arrived closer, you noticed the long queue extending from the entrance. It didn’t come as a surprise seeing it was the opening weekend, but you were worried about how long you had to wait.
Instead, Suna simply sped past them and came to a stop at the back staff entrance.
A man in a suit and name badge stood next to a door that said ‘STAFF ONLY’. He had an anxious look on his face, which only deepened when he saw Suna.
“Ah, S-Suna-san, I’ve been waiting for your arrival.” He smiled, sweat running down his face. “I’m the manager, very pleased to make your acquaintance.” He bowed deeply, to which Suna only replied with a curt nod after he got off the motorcycle.
“This way, please.” He gestured towards the back of the entrance.
You turned towards Suna as you walked behind the manager.
“He looks so scared of you. What did you do, hold his whole family ransom?” You whispered, your eyebrows raised.
“No, I told him that I would let Atsumu cook for him for a week if he doesn’t let us into the aquarium.”
You choked back a laugh, trying to hide it since the manager turned around to hold the door open for you.
You had just stepped into the aquarium when Suna’s phone rang.
Suna took out his phone. With one look at the name displayed on the phone screen the decline button silenced the noise. Yet within half a second his phone rang again.
“Just ignore it,” Suna muttered, and turned his phone on silent.
As if knowing the calls will be ignored, your phone chimed.
Sender: Atsumu
“Shouldn’t you pick up the phone, in case it’s something important?”
With a look of resignation on his face, Suna picked up his phone. Even with the phone next to his ears, you could hear Atsumu’s excited voice on the other end.
Suna’s eyes flickered to you, and from the look of his face, you knew your date was going to end before it even started.
“Fine, but I’m bringing her with me.”
After he hung up his phone, Suna turned to you with a look of exasperation.
“Atsumu. He said it was an emergency.”
“Oh,” you could feel your heart sinking.
“I told him that you are coming with me, so afterwards we can head back here.”
“Can I?” Your eyes lit up. Suna had taken you with him to a few informal gatherings before
“Doubt it’s anything of importance, seeing who was calling,” Suna muttered.
He glanced at the manager. “We’ll be back later.”
“Ah, that’s absolutely fine, sir,” the man bowed, and you can’t help but feel he was relieved to see the back of Suna.
By the time both of you arrived at the private VIP room in one of Inarizaki's nightclubs, all of the top members have already assembled on the sofa in the middle of the room.
Atsumu had greeted you both enthusiastically when you first entered.
And unfortunately for both of you, his enthusiasm didn’t abate one bit. An hour and a half later, you were still sitting at the back of the room, with the prospect of listening to Atsumu’s voice for the rest of the day hanging gloomingly in front of you.
You looked up at your boyfriend on the sofa, the only one sitting facing you. Thin wisps of smoke rose from the cigarette dangling between his lips. He made a non-committal ‘mmh’ whenever Atsumu’s words seemed to be directed at him, but from the look on his face you knew he was hardly listening.
By now, even Osamu was heaving a sigh at Atsumu.
“Samu, what are ya sighin’ for?!”
“Just wonderin’ how that single brain cell of yours could work for so long without overheatin’.”
“Hah?! At least I got one unlike yer-”
“Osamu.” Kita’s quiet voice was enough to bring an end to the twins bickering in an instant. He nodded at Atsumu to continue, and no one dared to say anything seeing that Kita wanted Atsumu to speak.
You stared in boredom at the sudoku puzzle on your screen, wondering if you threw your phone at Atsumu’s head it would solve the puzzle. You finally get to see Suna yet the precious time you had together was ticking away, wasted here.
That’s when the idea entered your head.
You raised your arm slightly, trying to catch Suna’s attention. He glanced at you questionly.
With a teasing smile on your face, you placed a finger on your lips. Then, you ran your finger down, until you came to a stop at the button of your blouse.
Slowly, you opened it.
Suna’s eyes widened and he froze. It was rare to catch him off guard, and you suppressed a giggle. Holding his gaze, the next button fell open. His eyes darkened instantly as he realised what you were doing.
In the dim light of the room, a sharp light has entered Suna’s eyes. He leaned back, his eyes narrow, as if daring you to see how far you could go.
Your heart was hammering in your chest. If any of the men turned slightly, they would be able to see you. But seeing the burning lust swirling in Suna’s eyes, the way his sharp gaze raked down your body, as if stripping you even more bare, it was more than enough to heat you up and fuel you on.
Biting onto the collar of your blouse, you lifted your bra up.
If only you knew what you were doing to Suna. It took everything he could not just to take you there and then.
Every muscle in his body was tense. He took his cigarette and mouthed the word ‘bathroom’.
With a small smile on your face, you left the room.
The moment he walked into the bathroom, his mouth crushed against yours. One of his hands held the back of your head, and his other arm slammed on the partition of the toilet stall near your head, trapping you with nowhere to go. His hips were pushed against yours, and you could feel the hard bulge throbbing against you. The kiss was hard, furious. The taste of cigarette entered your mouth when his tongue slipped inside, exploring your mouth, twisting around yours. By the time he let you up, both of you were gasping, the sound echoed in the empty bathroom.
“What do you think you were doing?” His voice was low.
“Just thought I would give you something better to do,” you grinned at him. You looped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you.
With the partition supporting your back, Suna lifted one of your legs until it rested at the crook of his elbow. His other hand reached down between your skirt and slipped inside your wet folds. The feeling of his long finger sinking inside you so suddenly made you gasp and you tightened around them. His eyes thinned as he felt your wetness coating his hand.
“So wet. Did it excite you that much to flash yourself in front of other men? Do you want to see you like this?” His voice took on that dangerous low tone as he hissed out those words.
You shuddered, temporarily lost in the feeling of his finger reaching so deep within you. It was a good thing you already took your panties off before he arrived, because it would have been torn into shreds otherwise.
“Only you,” you whispered once you got your breath back.
Hearing that, Suna added another finger. He was stretching you hard, finger curling inside you, reaching depths where you couldn’t on nights when he wasn’t by your side.
You pushed yourself against his fingers when his movements turned languid. Suna watched you lazily as you fucked yourself on his fingers, but the heavy desires clouding his eyes betrayed his expression.
“Rin,” you whined. Because you wanted him to fill you up.
His only response was easing his fingers out of you. You whimpered, clenching around nothing.
The sound of a belt being unbuckled never sounded so glorious to your ears. You looked down. Suna’s cock stood erect, precum leaking at the tip. Just seeing the sight of it made you yearn for him.
“Hurry,” you begged.
He ripped the small foil packet with his teeth.
“Don’t think your family is gonna be even more pleased with me if you get pregnant, but is that what you want? Maybe I should just fill you up.” The sound of his low voice made the coil in your abdomen tighten. His fingers traced along your stomach. There have been so many times when he imagined just filling you up, stuffing you full of his seeds until it dribbled out, marking you as his.
But not today.
He hooked his arms underneath your knees and lifted you up easily. Your hands grabbed onto his shoulders and your legs settled around his hips. You lifted your hips up. Suna stroked his cock along your slit, teasing your entrance.
Then in a single stroke, his whole length sank into you. A strangled gasp left your lips.
“S-So big,” you choked out those words.
The stretch burned. His fingers earlier did not prepare you enough for the thick girth that forced its way into your walls, and you struggled to accommodate his huge length that was splitting you open.
Suna cursed under his breath. He rested his forehead against the crook of your neck. The feeling of your wrapped so tightly and deliciously around him made him shudder. He gritted his teeth to suppress the overwhelming urge just to fuck you and ruin you right here.
“Been wanting to do this since I saw you this morning,” Suna groaned.
His mouth ran down your neck, his hot tongue leaving a blazing trail in its wake until he reached your breasts. He sucked on your skin, leaving marks all over. Then, his hot mouth captured your nipple. He rolled it with his tongue, his teeth occasionally grazing it, earning a whimper from you.
Once you got accustomed to his length, you rolled your hips a few times, and seeing the pleasure was greater than the pain, you tried to lift up your body and move on your own seeing he wasn’t moving, but Suna grabbed your hips firmly. “Move,” you begged, close to tears. Suna simply rolled his hips, thrusting shallow thrusts that didn’t satisfy you.
A part of him knew you only wanted his attention, yet another part of him was angry that the other men almost got to see you. A sight that belonged to his eyes only.
“What do you want?” His voice was hoarse. Because he wanted you as much as you wanted him. All those nights he spent alone thinking of you, and here you were finally in his arms.
You looked at him straight in his eyes. “Fuck me, Suna Rintaro.”
The words snapped his last restraint.
Suna pulled all the way out, then slammed your hips back down, hitting the deepest part of you.
You would have screamed if it wasn’t for the fact that all the air was knocked out of your lungs by his sudden movement. Every nerve in your body was on fire. Your fingers digging into his biceps, leaving crescent marks.
The question of how you were going to walk briefly flitted through your mind, but by his next trust, your mind was empty because he had just hit that sweet spot of yours.
‘S-slow down!’
Contrary to your words, your hole was eagerly sucking him back in every time he moved, slick dripping down onto the floor.
His hips snapped to yours repeatedly as he fucked you relentlessly.
It took all you had just to hold yourself up. The pace he set was brutal. Lewd squelching sound and your moans reverberated in the enclosed space. The waves of pleasure crashing through your body threatened to drown you as Suna hit that particular spot that sent your nerves ablaze again and again.
Suna watched the way your eyes glaze over from the pleasure he gave you. The way you looked so perfect taking him all in.
You knew you weren’t going to last long.
“I-I’m coming, Rin,” you managed to say those words in between your moans.
“Then come,” his own voice was strained as he was nearing his own edge, his thrusts losing their rhythm.
It was the sight of you coming undone that led Suna over the edge. The way you arch your back, your walls spasmed around him, clenching so perfectly around him. And the way his name tumbled out of your lips as you came. Suna gripped your hips and with a few particular heavy thrusts, he came with a shudder.
For a few moments neither of you said anything. You were trembling from the high that you’ve just descended from, your heart racing in a furious double time.
Suna’s lips gently brushed against your forehead.
“You okay?” He murmured.
You nodded weakly. “Give me a minute.”
Suna nodded, his lips left light kisses across your collarbones.
“Wait, Rin, what are your hands doing?!”
Suna looked up at you with a smirk. “Time for round two.”
Masterlist | Ko-Fi | 2021.07.21
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tavvattales · 3 years
hihi! was wondering if i could request a fluff where reader is singing/humming to themselves and [character] overhears? with bennett, xiao and childe <3 ty!! <33
Yesss! I love this so much 🥰 Here you are, I hope you like it and thanks so much for your patience 😊
If you can, please listen to Thomas Bergersen's song Promise from his album Illusions. It fits perfectly with this request 🥰
GENSHIN IMPACT Character x gn reader fluff stories~♡♡
Scenario: Your beautiful voice
Characters: Bennett, Xiao, and Childe/Tartaglia(Seperate)
Pairings: Bennett x gn reader, Xiao x gn reader, Childe x gn reader
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety/sleepless nights, minor swearing
SFW------> Click down below for some massive fluff
● This guy absolutely loves the sound of your voice. When you soothe him after a long day with just your voice he wishes he could just hear you speak forever. The way you praise him and tell him how proud you are of him makes his heart melt every time. It's no wonder that when he hears you sing for the first time he hopes the moment would never end.
You had your fair share of bad luck in the past, but this took the cake. The Adventures guild asked you to check out some hidden ruins that were discovered that were said to be haunted. You somehow managed to get yourself trapped inside the old decrepit ruins while investigating the supposedly haunted remains when the ceiling above you collapsed, blocking your path.
You heaved a frustrated sigh, "I wish I didn't decide to go off on my own. ." You mutter, plopping down on one of the rocks that had fallen from the ceiling. Thank the Archons you didn't get seriously hurt, "Bennett's company would be nice right about now," you said with a frown. Thankfully being a skilled adventurer, you had packed enough supplies to last a while, at least until somebody realized you were missing. After all, these rocks were far too heavy for you to lift on your own.
A sudden shiver crept up your spine, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. You wrap your arms around yourself, trying to keep yourself somewhat calm, "Right. . Supposedly haunted, they said. This is fine. Yep, " you grumble. You could swear you felt eyes all around you. The only thing that helped you calm down was to sing softly, so taking a deep breath you start singing.
Bennett on the other hand was getting worried as it was getting late and you always managed to come back before it got too late. He wished he could have gone with you, but he was tied up with another commission that he just barely managed to complete. He was starting to get restless and decided to make his way over to the guild to ask where you had gone off to.
Upon getting an answer Bennett ran as fast as his legs could carry him to come find you and didn't stop until he reached your destination. Sweat plastered his face, his silver hair clinging about. His chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath, his emerald eyes washed with worry. That's when he heard a soft, faint singing. Bennett's heart fluttered as he recognized that it was you.
Your singing voice danced in the old ruins, painting the air with a sense of gentleness. It seemed to calm the restless spirits as the feeling of anxiety washed away. Your voice grew louder, but still kept the same graceful, velvety tone. Bennett paused for a moment, his heart pounding as he listened to your beautiful voice. He knew he had to come get you, but he couldn't help but linger just a moment longer so he could take in you gentle voice.
This was a rare treat indeed for him. You only ever sing when you're by yourself. He considers himself super lucky in this moment.
Bennett x gn reader END
● When Xiao heard your voice for the first time it was when you were speaking to Verr Goldet about renting a room at the Wangshu Inn. You voice caught his attention because it was so soft spoken. It made his heart flutter in ways it never did before. He wanted to get to know you, but never knew how to approach you so he stayed hidden and out of sight. When he heard you sing for the first time, he felt a tug in his heart.
You shot awake, your chest heaved as you tried to calm your breathing. Sheets soaked and sweat running down your temples, you were drenched. Another nightmare about your past you were desperately trying to run from taunted you as it lingered in your mind. You took slow, staggered breaths, trying to slow your pounding heart. The moon was high in the sky as it peeked through your window letting you know the moon wasn't even close to setting.
"Damn it," you let out a shaking breath, wiping the hair from your face. Once you steady your breathing you slip out of your bed and head towards the sink to wash the tiredness and sweat from your face. The water was cool, refreshing, as it washed away your worries. You changed into clean sleeping garments as you toss your sweat covered ones into a hamper in the corner of your room.
Debating on going back to sleep you ultimately decide against it, instead you decide to relax out on the balcony. Your room was on the highest floor of the Inn overlooking almost all of Liyue. It was absolutely breathtaking. You lean over the balcony rails, taking in your surroundings. The moon danced across your features, casting beautiful shadows across your face. You take in a breath of the crisp night air before you start singing.
You sang of your past, sorrowful, yet everything about it was beautiful. Your voice was soft, tears bubbling at the sides of your glimmering eyes as you felt the music in you flow. Little did you know someone was watching you silently and with care.
Xiao was perched on his usual spot on the roof also taking in the scenery before he noticed you. He watched as the moonlight enveloped you beautifully. Xiao's golden gaze shimmered, his deep forest green hair blowing gently in the night time breeze as he sucked in a breath for a moment, "Hmm. .?" He muttered, pulling his knee towards his chest as he leaned his head against it, his other leg dangling from the roof.
He closed his eyes, listening carefully to your sorrowful song. The sound of your voice caught his heart and how he longed to comfort you, to touch you, hold you in his arms where you would be safe and sound from the past you so long to run from. Xiao swore from this moment forward that he would protect you.
You heard rumors of an Adeptus living at the Inn and you hoped one day you would meet him. Tonight, though, all he wanted was to listen to you.
Xiao x gn reader END
● He really lives up to his alias. You both always find yourself playfully bantering back and forth. He pushes your buttons because he loves the way you react and vice versa. The playful tone in your voice drives him crazy, but in all the best ways. When he hears you sing for the first time it was after a really long day. It calmed him down instantly.
Childe came home groggily and clearly overworked. There were bags under his tired sapphire eyes, his red hair disheveled, "Y/N, I'm home," he calls for you. You were in the kitchen preparing supper, a savory smell lingering in the air. You came out if the kitchen to greet him excitedly, an apron tied snuggly around your waist. The sight of you excited to greet him made him smile as he pulled you into a deep hug, "Mm, I missed you so much, sweetheart. Today was brutal, " he vented, kissing the top of your head.
"You look exhausted. I'm sorry, honey. I wish they wouldn't over work you so much. . ." You pout, worried for the wellbeing of your lover, reaching up to fix strands of his messy hair before placing a small kiss to his cheek, "Get comfortable while I set the table. Dinner is just about ready, " you instructed, pulling away from his warm embrace, pulling him along to the kitchen table to get him situated.
You quickly set the table and serve dinner. The both of you enjoying a delicious meal while he talked about his day. You gaze at him lovingly, reaching out to grasp his hand as the two of you ate. After dinner Childe attempts to clean up the dishes before you abruptly stop him, "Nu uh. You go take a nice long soak in the tub and rest up. You've done enough for the day. I'll clean up, okay?"
"Awh, my darling is so caring," He chuckles and swiftly steals a soft, but warm kiss. You lean into it, standing on your tip toes, your face flushed pink before pulling away, "I'll meet you in the bedroom then." He whispers in your ear teasingly.
You give him a playful shove in response, "Yes, now go on." You feel the heat rising across your face as you try to calm your beating heart. You take your time cleaning up so he could have more time to relax in the tub. Finishing up, you untie your apron and hang it up. All you wanted to do was lay down and hold the love of your life so you make your way to the bedroom.
Childe is already slowly dozing off as he looks up at you from the bed, his sleepy gaze following your graceful movements towards the bed. You softly plop down next to him, "You'll catch a cold that way, you know," you said, picking up the towel that was on the dresser. You reached over to him to pat his hair dry, but he wraps his arms around your waist, catching you off guard.
He pushes you close to him, your face flushed, "Let me just hold you like this, please?" He looked down at you, pleadingly. How could you say no? You snuggle gently into his chest, breathing in his scent, his arms resting on the curve of your back. He was so sleepy, you wanted to lull him into happy dreams, so with a soft gentle voice you started to sing.
You sang an old Snezhnayan lullaby, your voice sweet, like honey. His eyes widened, then softened with surprise. Your gentle way of singing was the most beautiful thing he's ever heard. He squeezes you a little tighter, his eyes heavy. You reached up to gently stoke his cheek as he drifted to sleep, happy that he was able to hear you sing, knowing he was going to have the best dreams tonight.
He hopes that you'll sing for him again and he'll be waiting patiently for that day.
Childe x gn reader END
THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING! I had SOOO much fun writing this piece. Enjoy~ ♡♡
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jake x fem reader cuddling !!! (fluff 🥺)
Here is it! I hope you like it! I really tried my best! 😅💜❤️💜@bloodsweat-bangtan
Warning: FULL OF FLUFF💖 but mention of " I'll die if you leave me"
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A yawned escaped from your mouth, waiting for class to end. It's been a long day for you with neverending tests. Can't wait for the time to rest....but wait! Don't you have an anniversary to attend? You widen your eyes and stood up from your desk.
" that's all for today class! " The teacher said with a smile. Everyone got up form their seats and prepared their backpacks to leave. You already had your stuff  packed quickly so you were one of the first students to leave the classroom.
"BOOO!" A dark brown hair boy said as he jumped in front of you to scare you with opened fingers ready to tickle you.
" Ahh! Jake! You scared me!" You said touching your chest where your heart was beating fast. You slightly hit Jake on the shoulder gaining a giggle from him. "I'm sorry my precious baby..." He said with his Australian accent. One of the reasons why you felt so attracted to this boy.
Jake wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pull you into a warm embrace as he pinched one of your cheeks with his other free hand and forced an innocent kiss on your lips.
" Not-in school Jake! You know I'm shy!" You complained trying to pull away from him but he grabbed your wrist and pull you back to him, once again force you another innocent kiss just to tease you. "Sim Jake!"  You said not controlling your loud giggles.
" Jake! Hyung!" Suddenly a short brown hair boy yelled from behind you two with his unzipped backpack and his shoe laces untied.
He stopped next to you and saw the way Jake was giving you all his love and attention. The young boy wiggled his eyes at you two as he nudge his elbow against your arm. " OoOoOo~" he teased making a whole scene.
" Riki! Stop that! And tie your shoe laces!" You scolded him sounding like a mother. That's how your friendship with the young boy was: a relationship of mother and son.............and Jake the father.
"I do it later, Jake are we going to play soccer with Heeseung today?..." Jake asked with a hopeful smile and look.
" Tomorrow little bro, tonight I'll spend time with my pretty girlfriend" Jake said as he peck your chubby cheek.
" Tch! You prefer to spend time with your boring girlfriend than with us, your super cool and fun friends?" Riki asked in disbelief with a fake disgusted face just to tease the heck out of you.
" Hey Niki-san! Careful on what you're going to say in front of my girl!" Jake defended you as he walked in front of you as if to protect you. How proud you felt to see him behave so protective towards you.
" Ok ok I'm sorry" Riki laughed. " Then tomorrow is it, see you later Y/n!" Riki waved as he ran off ahead of them.
Jake locked his fingers on to yours holding your hand. " I have little surprise for our second year anniversary...." He said quietly against your ear. You widen your eyes in shock. " I thought you forgot since you didn't mention it in the morning?" You asked covering your mouth.
" Nop..... you'll see tonight" he said softly kissing on top of your hand he was holding.
" Don't worry you won't fall! I'm right behind you" Jake chuckled as he stand behind you, covering your eyes. He was taking you to the place where the surprise was. " Ok we're here.....now open your eyes" he whispered to your ear as he lets go of you.
You slowly opened your eyes. You saw the beautiful scenery in front of you. It was like you were looking at a work of art. A small round table with delicious good smelling food, wine, a red rose and a happy candle sitting right in the middle of the table waiting to be a company by two beautiful strangers. The grass was cut short and it's green color was eye-catching. Large wide trees standing around the park like bodyguards protecting the work of art. It's orange, yellow, and brown leaves swinging around with the lightly wind🍃. Then there was the most beautiful view to see.....a river. You loved how the moon reflected itself on the blue deep water. You loved the way the moon shone on you two brightening the romantic mood even better. Let's not forget about the neon lights of the buildings and skyscrapers behind the river making it look almost like the universe.
" Jake ...." You let out breathlessly, a tiny tear leaving from one eye. " This is ..... beautiful....oh my god Jake! This is amazing!" You squeal and jumped on him, wrapping your hands around his neck, your legs around his torso, lips pecking all over his face. " Jake! This is beautiful! You did this all by yourself?" You asked.
Jake chuckled and nodded quickly. " Yes love, I did it all by myself" Jake....lied...well kind of. To be honest he did this with the help of two romantic freaks: Jay and Sunoo.  Now don't get him wrong, Jake really is romantic, he actually came up with all this places for a special date, while the other two helped with some of the settings.
Either way the three did a good job and now we have a happy Y/n crying because of this beautiful masterpiece. " Oh my god!..Gosh!...Girl get off and let's eat!" Jake yelled as he couldn't handle so many of your soft kisses on his handsome face. Giving him one last kiss on his lips you let him go and run towards a chair.
Jake sat next to you. As the gentleman he is he served you food and a glass of the finest wine. "Heaur, what ma queen desarves....." He said exaggerating his Australian accent. You laughed at his silliness and lightly hit him on his shoulder. " Shut up Jake! You're making me cringe!" You still kept laughing inside while sipping your fine wine.
" Babe, Thank you for this, the food was delicious, the wine was delicious, the desert in front of me was delicious-"
" There wasn't any deserve-"
" You, babe, You are the dessert!" You exclaimed as you pull Jake down to the ground were you two were just sitting a second ago. You two laid on the grass watching the white moon slowly decreasing. Jake turn to look at your pretty  side profile and admire it.
'I'm really dating the prettiest girl on this planet....' he thought to himself. You felt his intense gaze looking at you which made you look back at him as well. As you did he immediately looked towards the moon and pretend as if he never wasn't looking at you.
" Jake, stop! Oh my god Jake" you laughed as you fake punch his arm and side. Jake just flinched and squeak as you tried to. He tried his best to not let you tackle him like that but ended up failing. However, after five minutes he took power over you and had you stuck against him. Your back against his hard chest and stomach, his arms wrapped around together with your arms around your stomach. His breath hitting the tiny hairs of your neck and shoulder.
" I love you,......I love you....Y/n...." He whispered in your ear. You chuckled and smiled at the moon.
" I love you too baby, you're the best thing that ever happened to me, after going through a lot in the past, you've been there for me.....that's why I love you so so much and I swear! Listen to me?....I swear I'll kill myself if you ever leave me Jakey...." You suddenly said with a worry look as you immediately turn around to cuddle him completely; your tiny arms wrapped around his torso, your legs tangle up with his strong soccer player legs. You buried your head against his warm chest and smelled the autumn leaves smell of his cologne.
The thought of Jake Sim leaving you for whatever reason really scares you and you don't want it to become reality.
" Hey! Shhhhh! Don't say that....." He whispered and scolded you. He furrowed his eyebrows down clearly not liking what you just said.
" Babe, look at me.....babe?.....look.....and hear me clearly......I won't leave you....ever.....heard that?....ever princess....you also been there when i needed someone as well....my princess you're my everything......" He kissed your forehead and stay there longer until he pulled away and cuddle you harder against him.
Jake stare at the beautiful moon that brightened the romantic night. He smiled at it and look down to look at you. He patted your hair and closed his eyes still smiling dreamingly.
Thank you for reading 🤎
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Corpse Husband x Plus-sized Reader (Female)
Warnings: Body Image Insecurities, Low self-esteem, Swearing
Genre:  Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Feeling comfortable in her skin has hardly ever been the case for Y/N who’s been struggling with body image issues all her life. However, they only get worse when she sees the ‘type’ of girls her crush is into.
Requested by Anon. Hi darling! Thank you so much for your request (hits close to home 😅) I’m so sorry it has taken me so long to fulfill it and post it but here it finally is and if you’ve stuck around long enough to read it, I hope you enjoy! ALSO! - Never forget how beautiful and amazing you are. Never compare your beauty to someone else’s. We’re all beautiful people and we all shine so brightly and uniquely. No one deserves to be compared to anyone when we’re all so different yet so incredible. Love you and appreciate you with all my heart, Vy ❤
If I ever need my ego taken down a few notches - it never does, it’s barely even present, to be honest - all I have to do is go on Instagram. To be honest, regardless of how I’m feeling, opening that app is bound to make my mood plummet and come crashing into the ground so hard it drives a hole in it - probably in the form of a broken heart.
Being a content creator myself, I often get asked questions about my absence on that social platform specifically. I mean, the questions are based and rational I guess, considering I’m not a faceless YouTuber and yet my Instagram account is void of any photos. It’s not like I don’t post at all - I do! I post on my story often but it’s more often than not scenery I find pretty or a poster I’ve made for a movie/video game. Bottom line is: I barely ever allow a picture of me to make it online. The most my fans are ever gonna get of me is a selfie which is also a super rare occurrence because of how long it takes me to take and choose one I don’t hate.
Ok, but how am I supposed to find the motivation to post any sort of picture of myself when on my timeline I’m always faced with people worthy of posting pictures of themselves. People with such perfect bodies and beautiful faces. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not jealous or envious of those people - good for them! They know what they’re working with and they’re working it well. I have nothing against them, in fact, I love seeing people proud of their bodies no matter their size, shape or weight. Those are my role-models: people who are proud of themselves, their bodies, their attributes and capabilities and don’t hesitate to show them off. Those are the people I look up to but, deep down inside I know I’ll never be like.
Insecure about my body, having been referred to as ‘chubby’ and ‘squishy’ all my life. Inappreciative of the stuff I do: starting from my job as a graphic designer leading towards my job on YouTube - nothing I do, professionally or otherwise, satisfies me. Nothing I do is enough in my eyes because I feel incapable of ever being able to do enough. I’ve been called lazy and a half-asser a few too many times to be able to brush it off as a meaningless insult. 
With these problems I’ve had with myself and my own perception of who I am and the work I do, I’ve never had the time for romance or romantic relationships. I second-guess the intentions of everyone who ever shows any interest in me because in my mind I’m nothing special and I have nothing to offer - nothing attractive or likable at least. That being said, I haven’t even been one to make heart eyes at others either. I busy myself with my job and some side-gigs, brushing off any relationship questions with the excuse that I’m ‘just too busy to be in a relationship’ which is technically true.
Having spent twenty plus years with that mindset, one can imagine how surprised I was when I found myself catching feelings for someone. And that someone just couldn’t be any other than the biggest YouTube sensation at the moment - Corpse Husband.
I’m close friends with Poki - her and I were roommates at one point too - so her inviting me to play Among Us with them wasn’t so strange. One or two games, I thought, nothing unusual there, just friendly curtesy. I wasn’t expecting to warm up to the group of famous streamers nor did I expect them to welcome me among them so easily, mostly because my channel is so small and practically invisible to the YouTube algorithm. But soon enough, I became a permanent member of the team, making friends with every single one of those YouTubers I practically thought of a celebrities.
This journey of branching out to other content creators has proven itself to be surprisingly pleasant and has packed my book of friendships to the brim. All of that came unexpectedly, along with a wave of new subs and a higher view count. However, as I mentioned, it hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows. I came to finally understand what my high school friends were talking about when they were head over heels for a boy - the butterflies in the stomach whenever he speaks your name; the importance of the laugh you share with him, how special and different it is; how cool it is to be impostors with him - ok they never said that, obviously, but it’s what I have as a substitute to the ‘when the two of you make eye-contact’ bullshit since Corpse and I have never seen each other in person. That is, of course, because of him being a faceless YouTuber and me being a self-conscious and insecure girl.
We do talk all the time though - texting, calling, chilling on Discord, you name it. Our conversations range from deeply philosophical to ones that might mislead someone into thinking we’re high. There’s no topic we haven’t touched upon and yet we still manage to find something new to talk about. We have plenty of similarities but we also never seem to run out of differences we slowly come across as we keep getting to know each other better and better. 
And somewhere along that journey I ended up catching feelings.
Human nature of wanting to connect with other people, I curse you for what you’ve done to me.
You might think I’m being overdramatic about the whole ordeal and that this is just a normal, natural occurrence many people experience in their life - some even daily. Well, not only am I far from used to it, but it’s also taking a toll of a different kind on me.
It’s like a constant slap to the face. 
That slap turned into a punch when Corpse and I started following each other on Instagram and I started getting daily reminders of how out of my depth I am with this crush on him. In over my head, especially when you look at all those girls whose pics and videos he reposts on his story. Imagine how that makes me feel, what that does to me - puts me back into the ‘Constantly not good enough‘ basket, the one I’ve been fighting to get out of all my life. In the past and in different contexts I could easily say that it was all just my mind hating me intensely but now - now that I know for a fact I’m not good enough and don’t fit Corpse’s criteria - it hurts ten times as much. I’m not one to do shit for someone’s attention or to attract someone’s eyes, but it really hurts my feelings. Often times, it also leads me to doing dumb things and making rash decisions. 
Like the one I made two days ago.
Imagine me cringing and shaking my head at my own stupidity as I admit this: I, in a frenzy, ordered a whole e-girl getup with overnight delivery. 
Wait, hold up, it gets worse. 
I received it yesterday and spent the whole day regretting that decision, but then, in my most insecure hours - which was somewhere around midnight - I equipped the get-up, took a picture and posted it on my Instagram page. First full body pic I’ve ever posted on there. First pic I’ve posted there of any kind. There to stay, not to be gone in twenty four hours. First pic, and it’s not even of me. It’s of who I want to be in order to fit someone’s criteria. And that fucking stings.
As you might imagine, I’ve spent today’s day regretting that decision as well. Recently my mood’s been nothing but regretting rash decisions that have surfaced under the influence of my ridiculous, constantly-present insecurities. And I would’ve probably gotten over it rather quickly had I not received a message from Corpse that read:
“Didn’t think of you with an e-girl aesthetic“
I didn’t open the message, I peeped at it as it was a notification on my lock screen. It’s still there, an unread notification. It’s been two hours since I received it and I cannot think of a single thing to say in response to that. 
Truth is, I’m afraid. I’m afraid of so many things right now.
I’m afraid of becoming that girl in the photo, cause I’m most definitely not her.
I’m afraid of letting Corpse down by admitting I’m not her.
I’m afraid of what my own mind has made me do because it hates me so much and I’m terrified of what it might do in the future.
I’m afraid and stranded on things to do.
You can’t be her forever, you know. Being her won’t make your insecurities go away, it’ll only make them worse. Haven’t you learned that by now?
I sigh, frustrated and irritated with myself as I grab my phone and tap on the notification, finally deciding to face the music and allow my instincts to carry me through the interaction. Improvisation, that’s one of the few things I’m good at. Let’s hope it doesn’t fail me.
I’m just about to type out my response - not sure what it’s gonna say - when I give the message Corpse has sent me a second glance.  I furrow my brows, finding there’s more to it than that peep through the notification let me see.
“Didn’t think of you with an e-girl aesthetic. You’re personality is so bright and colorful, I could’ve never imagined you were into the darks and blacks“
Because I’m not
I fail to realize until the message has been sent that my thoughts are exactly what I typed out and sent.
And honestly, I’m glad. It feels like I’ve spoken my truth, like I’ve lifted a huge boulder off my chest.
With that rare confidence in mind I go on and delete the picture.
In its spot, I post a picture I just now took - a mirror selfie in my homey get-up consisting of hot pink sweatpants and an oversized blue tee, my hair in a messy bun, my face free of make-up.
I caption it: ‘Oops, had the e-girl filter on for the last one. This is filterless me tho so...Hi 🥴’
A lot better, I’m surprised to hear my inner voice say. I hope I don’t get used to all this kindness on my brain’s part, probably won’t last, but damn if I don’t milk every second of it.
Just then, I receive a new message from non other than Corpse.
“Now that’s the girl I see when I think of you. She’s super cute 😉“
My, oh my, who would’ve guessed Corpse has a game like that - and by that I mean the ability to make me blush so intensely with only a text message.
Now ain’t that better than being someone else, Y/N?
It sure is, it sure is.
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse
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magnumdays · 2 years
Magnum PI 4.12 - Angels Sometimes Kill review
Where to even start with this one? There was so much good stuff!
Guys just hanging out and surfing.
It’s so nice to just see them doing something fun, teasing Rick about the baby thing (”You’re having twins?” cracked me up!) and TC about having the ‘talk’ and just some general comradery. 
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I also never say no to Hawaii scenery! Though did you need to wear a shirt Jay? I could have enjoyed some other things as well...
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Gordon and TC talking and it going badly.
Like I love the intention here. TC going to ask for advice and getting it and then it going pear shaped. But before that he was getting some pretty good advice! 
TC and Cade. Oh my heart.
I think it’s good that there was some consequence for just randomly letting Cade move into the hangar. I mean, it’s awesome that he got the Ohana looking out for him and a place to be but actually having TC as his foster dad - much better. 
So I TC deciding he gonna step up and be even more amazing, we approve. Now they can get a place, TC will be his guardian and Cade can go to school and be a kid. So everything’s working out (though I doubt this is the last we’ll hear of it, probably there’ll be a bunch of drama around social services and getting approved.) 
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These two just be so adorable. 
MI6 fixed Juliet visa
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Phew? I thought this story line kind of was already over but okay guess I’m glad they made it clear. Robin is back to being the owner of Robin’s Nest and we got a small callback to the MI6 story line. I mean I guess this makes sense they could pull some strings (I can’t complain as this was how I got Juliet blackmailed into doing stuff in my Marriage of Inconvenience fic. I think? I can’t quite remember.)
Rick being proud of Jelly-Bean 
I’m just happy for Rick and I love that the Ohana is being supportive. (I mean of course they gonna be). Also, wow, I am so happy I don’t live in America or other place where school costs money, that gotta be rough to be all “here is the ultrasound - let’s start planing on how we gonna save money enough to send them to college” :O I know it was a joke but still...
The Case
Shammy calling in one of the favors Magnum is sure to owe him... 
No, but it’s nice to have an episode where they’re helping out a friend and this felt totally plausible. And horrible. Money is the worst sometimes. The title gives it a way the tiniest bit, but I’d forgotten the episode title so I was good. And I like titles that make sense (last weeks did make sense, I just have no clue on church-y things...)
Over all the case was good. Poor Shammy and poor Dart and his wife. Real heartbreaking.
The trailer kind of gave away too much though, it’d have been better if we hadn’t known Dart was dead. And the end bit too when they went to the bad insurance dude’s house? We also knew he was dead. So yeah while the trailer was exciting but gave away too much. 
I did enjoy that Magnum is suddenly good at doing quick numbers in his head. Or maybe he can only do it with menus? Higgy was clearly impressed either way.
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(Okay, I know that doesn't look super much like her impressed face, but that’s just my bad for not screenshot-ing the right moment, okay?)
I had hoped a case with a vet would mean maybe just one tidbit of a military/spy story. But we didn’t get anything really like that for them or the guys, other than the nod to ‘we’ve all been there’. Which I think was a little bit of a missed thing, just one little thing would have been nice. But also I didn’t miss it in the ep, just thinking about it after.
In the end, Shammy showing up and meeting the wife and her getting to see that her husband had people that cared enough to go searching for him... it was nice. I felt less crappy and Higgy getting to give the ring back felt important so I’m glad they included it... 
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(Though missed opportunity when Magnum found it. He should have held it out to her all ‘look what I found’ and and had her take it. No because I want to see him give her a ring. No. For Other Reasons...I Just Can’t Tell You).
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Only problem I had is... well I’m a little annoyed everyone always end up dead. Like, come on! In almost every episode. I just want more cases where the stakes are high but people are not dying left and right. Is that too much to ask for? Maybe... 
Juliet Higgins the Best Friend Wing Woman of the decade. Seriously.
Her checking in with him, knowing when he’s lying about being fine and trying to get him to open up. She’s really learnt a lot about caring about someone and how to be nice about feelings. And that they’re important, especially with Thomas.
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Her trying to help and getting Lia to work with them after hearing things were tense and they hand’t talked. Especially as we know Juliet starting to come to terms with some of her own feels. But she wants him to be happy, even if that in this moment meant Lia...
And while she might be a bit awkward, she does get out of their first so Lia and Magnum can have their interrogation room talk (that they picked that set made me 100% sure this ep. was going to end with a breakup. because interrogation room... not good vibes.) and then at the end she leaves so they can break up. 
The break up was well done, even if I’m still a little iffy on ‘did Lia do something wrong by not sharing? really? they were not serious’ (not sharing with the HPD and Gordon, sure, wrong of her, but the guy she’s dated for 6 months? maybe wrong? yeah, I guess.)
So because I’m petty... I love Lia more now that she’s not with Magnum. I do hope we get her as Gordon’s partner now and again, because we need some more female characters around! Plus she’s adorable and a cop with a bad-guy dad is a pretty cool character to include. Lots of possibilities there.
Really liked the break up, it was nice (not something you say very often) and I appreciate that. Sometimes things just don’t work out and that’s okay. They can still be friends (and Magnum can ask her for favors...)
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I love that Juliet came to check on him as soon as Lia was gone, Higgy def. wanting to know what happening and then gauge his level of upset-ness with the break up.
“To being single!”
This just made me smile, because well...you be standing next to your soulmate being all “to us being single” and it was just perfectly perfect for me (yes, perfectly perfect.). Also both their expressions. They know neither one of them is actually single...
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So... All good this week. This is def. one of my favorites this season. Especially in conjunction with the trailer for next week. I can’t wait to see what crazy shenanigans our faves get up to that lands them in jail...
(Plus they look super pretty in their mug shots... then again, when don’t they look super pretty!)
Basically all of this episode just makes me go “please make 10 more season“ because when they get it right, Magnum PI really just hits the spot. Like all the spots. The Miggy banter/partner feels, the cases, feels, Ohana, the prettiness of Hawaii, he prettiness of Jay and Perdie, important topics YET not rammed down your throat, just the right amount of wacky drama for dramas sake, the Ferrari, the guest stars being varied and tugging on heart strings, the whole vibe it just works. So yeah, 10 seasons please - but for now I’ll take a season 5 confirmation.
(Anyone know how we’re looking for that? Rating are holding pretty steady aren’t they? For a Friday night show, I think we’re pretty good. And they want to do a crossover with NCIS Hawaii right? So I’m kind of hopeful for season 5.)
That the end of review. Now I’m just going to go full on Miggy dreams and wishes and speculations that this episode made my brain decide on. Okay? Good, just so we’re all on the same page.
Season 4 will end with Jelly-Bean being born + Miggy kiss. They’ve built it up too much for it not to happen (the kiss, not the baby). That’s my firm belief and if we don’t get it I will eat my hat. I mean, seriously just look.
Exhibit A
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“I had that dream again.”
Exhibit B
The whole freaking show, the latest being Magnum and Lia’s relationship ending.
So yeah, I think Higgy will realize and act on what she’s feeling. For Magnum...it’s been kind of obvious he’d be into something happening between them for a long while now. In a way he was just waiting on her. Besides, in romances, it’s the person who has protested and claimed it would ‘never happen’ and is the most emotionally held back, that has to make the move, else it won’t feel (as) satisfying. For these two, that is Juliet. So girl, make your move.
Post kiss/hookup, going into season 5 Magnum and Higgins are trying to figure out their changing relationship. Because seriously, we need that and yes, some viewers will drop off once they will or won’t is over with. But I think by keeping it as a “will or won’t they work out” because let’s face it, they might be perfect for each other they’re also...very different people, they could keep those viewers watching. And besides, show is about more than Miggy. They can be together and solve crimes and banter, not everything have to (or should) change just because they’re doing the devil’s tango, right?
(If they don’t get renewed, at least they’ll have given us a REAL kiss.)
Mean while Rick is trying to be daddy. I’m guessing Suzie (I’m sorry I spell her name differently every time, it’s just one of those names I can never decide on how it’s freaking meant to be) and Jelly-Bean will be a big part of Rick’s story line in season 5.
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And TC has Cade (and while I’m betting we’re getting a nervous TC for a interview or house inspection or something), it will all work out. By season 5, we’ll have both our best guys settling into their dad roles. I hope TC gets a girlfriend too, because dating with a teenage foster kid would be fantastic. And TC needs more screen time, he’s the best. 
Anyhow. This leaves the only guy around who is a hopeless romantic and has actually said he wants to be a dad - Magnum - as the only one (of the trio) without a kid.
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(I mean we all remember this? Right? My ovaries sure remembers it...)
So while 80s Magnum didn’t end specially well for Magnum, I don’t think they’re going to go down that route. I mean they MAY decide to end it really horribly with Higgins getting shot by Ivan and quite possibly dying and Magnum going of to shoot Ivan in cold blood. In a sort of homage to the original. But, I really hope that’s not how it goes. Because...well that would suck and break my heart.
So my theory for season 5 (and the series finale) ends with a real Miggy wedding. I mean we got the ‘fake wedding that never was’. We deserve a real one!
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And this scene with her returning the watch (3.02)...
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If this not a parallel for a proposal I don’t know what is. (And today’s episode means I need a Miggy engagement ring that says ‘Ditto’ on the inside. Because reasons.)
And them taking care of Hiapo - Higgy being unsure about the baby thing - maybe have them taking care of Jelly-Bean in season 5 will end with another talk where she’s more open to it? Is this just me being a a sappy fan girl who just wants my idiots to get their happily ever after? Maybe. Not that Magnum and Higgins need a baby to be happy (just each other).
But!!! It feels like a show that is all about Ohana should maybe end with more Ohana. Even if we don’t need an actual Miggy wedding or a pregnancy announcement for that to be a thing. But it seems everyone else is getting a kid, ending the show on the happy note that Magnum and Higgy are going to be parents too just seems like the thing to do. Coming full circle from season one where they’re all a bunch of single guys, who are Ohana for sure, but now they both have each other as brothers and their own families too, all whom they love very much.
It makes sense to do a parallel to the show’s opening scene...
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(Maybe even with a few additions, like Shammy, Gordon, Jin, Cade, and even Kumu and Suzie could be hanging out.) 
... they’re all having a good time and then Higgy shows up with the lads. But rather than be there to scold Magnum she’s there to join them or point out they’re going to be late for the X thing they’re doing for Magnum’s bachelor party. Or just anything. Or she’s there from the start. Or it’s Magnum, TC and Rick and then Higgy shows up and then everyone else, just dropping in?
IDK, I think that be a beautiful way to show the whole family that started out with these four guys, have lost one but they’ve still got each other and their Ohana has grown. They’re always changing but no matter what or how their lives change they’re always going to be there for each other. That’s the kind of ending I’d want and I think they all deserve! 
Yeah, that was a bit random, theorizing about the show’s endgame, but that’s what my brain wanted to do today so hope you enjoyed my ramblings a little bit!
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captainsimagines · 3 years
To Topple A Giant || Chapter One
Summary: You had made it your mission to destroy even the smallest evils. When the opportunity arises to finally take down your own family after years of gaining their trust, you reach for it. And so does Steve, the man who represents a symbol of everything you hate. 
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers x Reader || Avengers x Reader
Part 1 of 10 ~ Mini-Series
Trope: ‘Enemies to Lovers’; mainly angst, mutual pining, fluff, and eventual smut
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Warnings: This story contains mature themes and discussions such as extreme canon violence, strong language, emotional angst, mentions of Endgame deaths and recoveries, sexual situations, and emotional/physical abuse. All trigger warnings will be listed before the chapter. This is purely fanfiction. 
Word Count: 4000+
A/N: Ooo, let’s hope this does numbers! I love myself some ‘enemies to lovers’ tropes. It’s been a while since I’ve written Steve fanfics. :)
Wakanda, 2018, 4:04 pm.
     The flash of bright white light temporarily blinded you, sending you back to the ground and cupping your face in self-defense. But as quickly as the initial crack, it was over. Eerily silent and loud at the same time. The birds whistled their same tune, some higher-pitched than others. The wind seemed to blow louder, rustling the leaves from the trees and landing all around you and your teammates. 
You lifted your head at the sound of Steve’s voice and checked if the coast was clear. All that remained of the evil was a new blood-stained hammer - a hammer that Thor was watching intensely, as if the answer lay hidden there. It was the only remnant left and your mind was already wondering how to use it to bring that evil back to finish a fair fight. 
“Where’d he go?”
The birds stopped singing. 
You whipped your head around at the sound of Bucky’s confused voice, watching as one of your best friends dropped his gun and looked up at Steve as his hands began to disappear. In a matter of seconds, Bucky - or what became of him - fell to the dirt below. No one spoke, and you watched as Steve tried to control his breathing as he took a knee to place his shaking hand over his best friend’s ashes. A life and mind brought out of the darkness to finally amend those knots he had twisted, now ceasing to exist. In the distance you could hear Okoye shout in turmoil and Rocket begin begging. 
“What’s happening?” you finally choked out, turning just in time to see Wanda lift her head to the sky, defeated and out of will, and succumb to the same fate. “No!”
You ran and fell beside Vision’s now gray and decaying body, reaching over and palming through Wanda’s ashes. You rubbed them between your fingers, inspecting them, and brought your hand to your chest. The pit of your stomach churned as you sat there, immobile and numb. 
So many names were being called but soon everyone who remained fell silent. The trees were still guiding the wind, leaves falling into the ashes of your friends, a sign of a new and unwanted chapter. You felt Steve drop beside you, turning Vision around to see the damage to his body. You winced when you saw the gaping hole in his forehead. 
“What is this? What’s happening?”
Natasha ran to where you were seated, hand over her stomach as if she was ready to vomit. And once she took one look at Vision, that’s exactly what she did. 
You removed your hands from your chest to look at them, the ashes still there and practically mocking you into finally believing this as reality. “Did we just lose?”
Steve was moments away from a full-blown panic attack. He simply looked up at the trees, watching the way the sunlight still burst through with no disruption. “Oh god.”
You caught Steve as he tipped his upper body toward you, wrapping his arms around your waist and holding onto something real. He had to believe you were real. Anyone. And you were the closest person to him. You shut your eyes and held him, running your hands through his hair, wincing when you realized Wanda’s ashes were now on him.
You held him tight, praying to any God you chose to believe in at that moment, that Steve wouldn’t disappear too. 
Unknown Location, 2025, 1:07 pm.
     The air was incredibly musty, as if each person who struggled for breath in this room at one point or another left a piece of their soul floating in search of last minute penance for their sins. And the man in front of you was no different, choking on the purple blood that dripped down his neck and onto his now unbuttoned, white dress shirt. His chest was rising and falling, his breathing becoming less labored with each blink of the eye. His hands were tied behind his back and to the chair he sat on, a flickering light in the corner of the dark, concrete room somehow mocking this man’s last remaining seconds of life. 
“I’m not an evil person,” you started, kicking one of the legs of the chair to startle the poor man. But your guilt was minimal - it’s not like you wanted to do this - but knowing this man did exactly what everyone said he did, hands red and dripping with young blood, you selfishly took pleasure knowing this man would look at you when he died. “It’s just my job as third in command.”
You gave the man a small smile as you bent down to his level, head hanging in shame, slow breaths now pausing in between each intake. You looked to the other party in the room, handing them the gun in your holster, and walked out the room as the sound of two gunshots rang out. 
Left twist. Sting. Breathe. 
You washed away any smell from that godforsaken room, giving extra attention to the roots of your hair and under your fingertips. 
Scrub. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. 
The crack of your neck frightened even you, and you stood under the burning shower for a few more minutes before deciding the sting was enough. You changed into the most comfortable sweats you owned, surprisingly calm for such a gruesome morning you had, and took your time with your skin care routine. 
Circle. Wash. Dry.
Soft music played in the overhead speakers, the classical sounds vibrating from one wall to another and surrounding you with something tranquil - something still. There was nothing to expect from such a sound, only the next repeated chorus, no words or drops - just tranquility. You could barely hear yourself breathe but you were at peace - or mostly - and ready to sooth your growing headache behind the eyeballs with more than just music. You slipped on a pair of comfy, forest green socks and bent them at the ankle to achieve an even fluffier look. You applied your favorite perfume, lotioned up your hands, and donned your tacky friendship bracelet. 
One for you. One for Bucky. One for Peter. And one for Wanda. 
You hummed the whole way to the common room, waving at the morning staff as they fixed lightbulbs, covered holes in the walls, and swept the floors. One muffin and a cup of coffee later, you were resting with your head in Wanda’s lap as she filled your thoughts with your chosen sceneries.
      “I can make you see anything you have already seen, so yes.”
“A miniature golf course, Peter’s high school graduation, a field of all kinds of flowers, and Natasha.”
Wanda stilled her floating hand, smile faltering for a moment before she nodded. “Okay… okay, I can do that.”
     They were images well-drawn out, slow and steady to make the atmosphere similar to when you were actually there. They seemed to float across your vision, comfortable in their positions and radiating the same warmth you had felt the first time around. A moving picture. Wanda really had excellent control of this. 
     “I won!” Sam leapt into the air, pointing at a disgruntled Bucky, who stepped off to the side to not throw Sam over his own head. “I won!”
“How is it possible for you to get a hole-in-one each fucking turn?” Bucky groaned, moping in Wanda’s shoulder as she held him and struggled to keep herself standing from her own intense laughs. 
“I think we got a cheater on the loose,” Steve grinned, pointing at the ring Sam was trying to discreetly tuck back into his pocket. A friendly gift from T’Challa, no doubt. 
“Nuh-uh, give me the fucking proof, Wilson!” Bucky roared, wrapping his arm around Sam’s neck and tugging him forward. “I will not admit defeat if there was foul play involved!”
Sam escaped the hold, climbing onto the rock located to the side of the flag and a sign that read ‘do not climb on rocks’. 
“It just helped me calculate all things geometry, Barnes. We’re good.”
Bucky looked as if he was going to leap on him again, but before he could even finish that thought, Sam slipped on the wet surface and plummeted into the rushing little river. 
Laughter erupted and did not cease until you were escorted out of the fairgrounds by four security guards. 
     A flick of Wanda’s wrist and a new memory began forming, colors blending like an oil painting, dried and covered with a glossy varnish, ready to hang. 
     “Don’t trip on your way up, kid.”
Peter swatted Steve in the side as the super soldier left the room, leaving Peter alone in front of the full-length mirror. He adjusted his tie and tried to lay that pesky dangling strand of hair over the top of his head.
You got up from the couch and made your way over, wrapping your arms around Peter and resting your chin on his shoulder. “You’ll do great. We’re all so proud.”
“It’s just high school…”
You frowned and turned him to face you. “No, you should already be in your second year of college. This is seven years in the making. We are all so proud.”
Peter could feel the slight burn at the corner of his eyes but he swallowed it down, giving you a small smile and a hug. 
“And can you trip? Don’t you stick to all surfaces?”
Peter scoffed and pushed you away, his tiny smile never faltering.
     You could feel Wanda shift her legs underneath you, searching for the most comfortable position as she continued her work. You sighed, already feeling the therapeutic effects. 
     “They’re all so pretty!” you yelled cheerfully, running through the field with your arms extended to the sky. Bucky and Steve followed close behind, leaning down every so often to pluck the flower of their choosing and adding to the bouquet in their hand. 
“Which did Tony prefer?” Steve asked, snapping you from your pollen-filled, ecstatic state. 
“Aesthetic beauty, Rogers! Natasha was a sucker for anything pink and sunflowers.”
Bucky nodded, seeming to take that information into consideration as he plucked the yellow and pink flowers only. Steve chose the most healthy looking flowers, his hand struggling to hold them together as he reached the two dozen mark. 
“I think we’re good. These are good.”
You smiled at both super soldiers and admired their bouquets, leaning over to sniff their masterpieces. “Awesome.”
     Wanda sighed as she neared your last vision, debating on showing you your chosen moment instead of another one. This moment always hurt Wanda as she wasn’t there to witness it, but it was special to you. There were so many others to choose from, but you insisted this was the one you always wanted to see. And Wanda was always hesitant at first - but when she lifted her hand slowly and dropped the memory back into the front of your brain, she couldn’t help but smile. 
     “Are we ready?”
Everyone was practically bouncing on their heels, both excited and terrified. Time travel was new to humanity and you were to be one of the first to experience such a thrill. You were going to get everyone back. 
You squeezed Natasha’s hand once more before you walked back over to Thor and Rocket. You all nodded to each other, saying ‘goodbye’ and ‘good luck’ with your childlike expressions. 
“See you in a minute,” Natasha grinned, her cheeks reddening with a friendly blush as she looked over at Steve. Her hair was pulled back into a braid, a braid you had helped her make, and she was carrying an extra pair of socks in case of a long hike. 
Then a blast of color surrounded your body and the smell of peaches as you landed on Asgard filled your overstimulated senses. 
     You opened your eyes and smiled up at Wanda. You didn’t want to see old memories with your friend, but the most recent. It was like you were grasping onto that last memory of her, not wanting to change anything about her last smile, her last laugh, her last shred of existence. It was oddly calming, and so you hoped Wanda would understand. 
You thanked her again and proceeded to the kitchen. It was bigger than the one before, the soft forest green color of the walls a nice contrast from the blue ones before. You laughed to yourself and your conscience as you silently thanked the explosion that obliterated the horrid blue walls, quickly backtracking at your dumb thoughts. Still, you chose to joke about everything that happened before to avoid falling deeper into yourself. The kettle started howling, smoke circling around the tip. You poured your tea, dropped two cubes of sugar in, and added a little milk. 
It was quite bizarre how quickly you could bounce back from the morning you had. A very bloody, order-filled morning. When one order was given, you had to come up with a plan on how to not disregard the other. You had to listen to Fury and your father, gaining a few feet on each side without toppling the other. Still, it took a physical toll on you. But with Wanda’s help in easing your mind and the very sweet tea you nursed, your emotional baggage was pretty minimal. It sometimes scared you how easy it all was. 
Your morning carried on quietly as you sat on the concrete curb, happily sipping your tea in your sweatpants. You could hear Sam and Scott arguing about something a few feet away from you and Bucky taking his afternoon jog around the track. Quite distracted, the sudden ‘thwip’ and superhero landing of a certain teenager scared you enough to spill a little of your tea. 
“Goddamn, dude!” you whined, looking up at Peter as he tried to control his laughter. 
 “I’m sorry, I thought you saw me!”
“Excuse me for being distracted by the hot super soldier just over there,” you joked, pointing over at Bucky. 
Peter rolled his eyes and sat next to you, immediately reaching over to take the tea from you and take a sip himself. You let him, as you had no other choice, rolling your eyes anyway. 
“What are you doing here? I thought you had classes today?”
Peter handed back your cup, “Nah, I’ve only got classes every Tuesday and Thursday.”
“Ugh, that sounds great. I remember I scheduled my classes for every day of the week just to have more units,” you sighed, taking another sip of tea. 
You pushed Peter’s shoulder playfully, both your laughter catching the attention of Sam and Scott. But as quickly as you had distracted them, they ignored you and went back to bickering. 
“I’m just here to see my friends, sue me!”
“Nope, you’re always welcome,” you smiled, holding out your wrist and bumping your bracelet with his. “How was your week otherwise?”
“Eh, nothing major. Just trying to navigate the world now that they know who's behind the mask.”
You gave Peter a look of sympathy, still mad at the sudden manipulation of the kid after such traumatic events. You had promised him you would protect him by any means possible, as did the rest of the team, but he seemed to be navigating the situation just fine. Staying away from reporters, scheduling his classes during the most isolated gaps of the day, and signing dozens of forms that promised to protect him, give him royalties, etc. After you had brought everyone back, it seemed the least the new management/orders could provide for you all. 
“We all have our days,” you muttered, handing your tea back to Peter. You two sat there for a while longer, enjoying the slight breeze and taste of sugar. 
An agent rounded the corner and spotted you, jogging up and handing you a yellow folder that was sealed in plastic. “For you, from Fury, from whoever before that.”
“Um, thank you?” you said as the agent walked away. You inspected the folder, turning it over in your hands and playing with the thin plastic. 
You lifted it up to Peter’s face, “Here, smell it and tell me if there’s poison.”
Peter scoffed, “I can’t do that!”
“Don’t you lie to me.”
Peter muttered to himself as he took the folder from you, sniffing it awkwardly. “Smells like paper, dude.”
“Cool, thanks.” 
You ripped the plastic off and unhooked the folder, dropping the single item onto your lap. Peter just sipped your tea and watched you open it. 
It was another envelope, but this one was white with custom-printed indents that swirled across the front and a big, red blob of wax smushed- with your initials- sealing it. You ripped it open and pulled the invitation from inside. You must have read it a thousand times, eyes rapidly scanning the small page with secret meanings. 
“You got invited to a wedding?” Peter asked, taking it from you and reading it himself. 
“Yeah, but this is so much more than that,” you said, snatching it back and standing up from the curb. You quickly went back into the compound, searching for the one person who needed to read it also.
You seemed to find everyone before you found the super soldier who wasn’t out for a jog, a line of somewhat concerned superheroes following behind you from room to room. Eager minds and yet, inflexible rib cages full of anxiety and worry, all ready (and quite not) to tackle the new evils of this new world. And whether they followed you blindly or with functioning minds, they were prepared. 
With the rest of the team behind you, you burst through the second floor with the invitation held over your head. Steve stopped mid-bite, milk dripping from his bottom lip as he stared at everyone in confusion. “Um…”
“It’s time-” you started, pulling the stool from next to him and sitting down. 
“Time for what?” Steve interrupted, his mouth still full of cereal.
“Time for this,” you motioned to the envelope you were handing him. “-to finally end.”
Steve read the invitation word for word, the wrinkles in his forehead becoming deeper as his mind worked. You couldn’t quite discern the feeling in the pit of your stomach, twisting and spinning into a tight coil, seeming to spread to the others as it grew in pressure within you. 
“All three?”
“All three,” you confirmed. 
Peter pushed through Bruce and Rhodey, “What’s happening? What’s gonna end?”
You looked over at Steve, his bowl of cereal now forgotten and soggy. 
His eyes were distant and rather cold, hands extended on his knees as if he was drying the accumulating sweat, shoulders building tension. 
“Steve, we can finally end this. We have to tell everyone. It won’t be enough if it’s just you and me.”
He wanted to explode, in both anger and anguish, to stumble over his intact persona and leave it behind - someone he hasn’t known for a long time. It ate away at him each day since Fury notified him of your selfish choice, burrowing into his now tarnished soul in the most sadistic way. But the prospect of finishing this chapter - a chapter that was unexpectedly halted when half the world disappeared - was considerably euphoric. A chance to move on. 
Rhodey already had knowledge of your background, recruitment, and family but Steve’s initial involvement - the start of it - was still a mystery. You sat everyone down in the living room, making room for the others who arrived later, and clapped your hands together. “Story time!”
Steve groaned, face already pressed against a throw pillow. “Just tell them.”
You rolled your eyes at him. 
“You know whose spawn I’m from,” you began, snickers from your amused friends encouraging you. “To better transport their product, they sent me over to the states to attend college like the good little girl they think I am.”
Sam cracked open a beer and lifted his legs up onto the couch, sitting back with a massive smile on his face as he got comfortable for your story. He handed another beer to Scott. 
“Wait, product?” Scott asked, taking a sip from his drink. 
You smirked at him and tapped your nose twice, amused by his ‘O’ reaction. “Anyway, by then I already knew that I wanted out of the game. I didn’t like that life, I didn’t like the violence, I didn’t like my family.”
Steve knew that was an understatement, a cruel and restrained statement from your part, and he wanted to tell everyone just how justified you were in your words, how real you were being, and how much help you would certainly need for this. But like always, he remained silent. 
“But Fury got to me before I could leave. So, we made a deal. I would train as a field agent and he would promote me every other year to lessen suspicion on this whole ordeal. The deal being I would play both teams.”
By now, your whole team was intrigued. 
“I would do what I could for my father and still have my family’s trust, while feeding the information to SHIELD and our lovely star-spangled man over here,” you pointed over at Steve. He gave you a tiny but forced smile. 
“But after the collapse of SHIELD, my father only became more violent, more hard-headed, more suspicious. He- uh-” you stuttered, flashbacks suddenly filling your head. Wanda watched your eyes dart rapidly, sensing the rush of blood to your legs and tips of your fingers.
“He was power hungry,” Wanda said, immediately feeling your heart rate lower. Although you never actually said it, she could tell you were grateful for her intrusion. 
“Yeah, exactly,” you cleared your throat. “But Steve’s involvement all started when Fury asked me who would be the best front - the most reliable front.”
“So, with only Fury and the bad guys knowing - Y/N named me as her partner in crime,” Steve explained, head hanging low as if it was such a disgrace to do what you openly did. You knew his troubles with coming to terms with such an offensive role were multiplying daily, but you were now this close to stopping  every bad force involved. 
 “So, Captain America is the ultimate drug smuggler,” Scott spoke, somehow trying to comprehend the information all at once. You and Steve both nodded in confirmation and avoided the wide and questioning eyes looking back at you. 
“Yeah, he’s essentially the top boss.”
“Y/N-,” Steve interjected, but you beat him to  it. 
“And here we are! Him and I both invited to the wedding.”
Wanda stretched out her words, “The wedding?”
“Yes, the wedding - where three of the most famous and powerful drug lords south of the border will be attending and ready for our taking - including my father.”
Steve stood from his seat, posture straightening as he spoke to the group. “The invitation reads like a threat. No cameras, no plus-ones besides those listed specifically on the card, no speaking to reporters before or after. The trust Y/N has gained would unknowingly make us the contraband of the party.”
After going through more specifics about the whole situation, Bucky finally raised the question eating away at his mind this whole time. “Whose wedding is it, anyway?”
You grinned that stupid little grin Steve always prepared himself for. It was the grin you would display whenever you were going to make a serious matter a joke, or brush something serious off your shoulder as if it didn’t bother you. The sarcastic grin he always wanted to wipe off your face as you defied orders. 
“My lovely little sister’s.”
Rhodey stepped forward to take the invitation for personal inspection, “When is it?”
“A week from tomorrow,” you beamed. “Which means I got to get shopping for a wonderful little, red number!”
“Please, be more excited about this,” Steve groaned, sarcasm dripping off each syllable. 
You flicked your right hand up and in position to flash your charming little middle finger at him, a river of fluffed ego and delight flowing to your cheeks as he huffed and left the room in a stumbled march.
“So…” Scott’s voice ripped through the awkward silence. “We’ve been secret drug smugglers this whole time?”
Please let me know what you think! I listened “The Archer” by Taylor Swift and I was like... yes, I see this, lmao. Tell me if you would like to be tagged in later updates! xxMoni
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ivyaugustetc · 3 years
the dead poets at hogwarts: a headcanon from hell
@aedan-mills @charlie-dalton-simp @pretentious-strikes YOU ENCOURAGED THIS BEHAVIOR SO YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO LIVE WITH THE CONSEQUENCES. also i love you a lot but THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT.
also @aedan-mills i found out that some of the wand stuff is related to their birthdays and i am much too lazy to look all that up and figure it all out, but anyone else is welcome to lmao. sorry to disappoint but alas it's summer and i don't want to research that much. but other than that, please listen to me flex my extensive knowledge on harry potter :)
neil (half blood): i'm sorry,,,, can you say gryffindor? this boy would get up there and in a second the sorting hat would have him all figured out: big dreams with the will to pursue them, but not ambitious enough to step over others to achieve said dreams? sounds like a gryffindor to me. i just know he'd thrive at hogwarts, probably going on to play quidditch (def a chaser) and would excel in charms class. as far as pets go, i feel like he'd stay simple and classy with a chill barn owl he'd name after a famous broadway actor. he would kind of be a mix of james and remus, in which he's wild and crazy but still manages to get good grades. the teachers love him simply because they don't know much about him outside of class. he would absolutely LOVE going to hogsmeade and going batshit crazy at zonko's and honeydukes. he'd have a whole phase where he gets addicted to licorice wands and everyone else thinks they're disgusting but he simply cannot buy enough of them. he'd play a bunch of zonko tricks on the rest of the poets, saving the most harsh for charlie and the most wholesome for todd <3
todd (muggle born): ugh see i can see him being both a hufflepuff and a ravenclaw, but my heart says hufflepuff so i'm gonna go with that. he would absolutely HATE the sorting ceremony with a burning passion. getting up in front of everybody only to have a hat judge u??? no thanks. HAHAHA CAN YOU IMAGINE HIM ON A BROOM. i can't either because he would simply never get on one, probably referring to them as "flying death traps" more often than not. "hey todd, you think about joining quidditch?" "no thanks, i'd rather keep my limbs intact ;)". but he would love muggle studies a lot, even if the teacher was boring as hell. snape would scare the hell out of him for sure, resulting in his lowest class being potions. he would excel in classes that are more learning out of the book rather than in practice. for a pet, he'd want something that could not possibly turn on him and would just be sweet and loving, so ima give him a toad :) he'd name it something fancy and british, like nigel or sumn. and because of nigel, he'd love chocolate frogs because hey they're twins!!
fanon knox (pure blood): hogwarts fuck boy. okay well maybe not f boy but like...his favorite part is the fact that this is a co-ed school rather than an all-boys school so he can spy on both genders equally yknow. hmm i get hufflepuff vibes from him because he's a big romantic, sucker for cute relationships, etc. he would enjoy whichever class his current crush is in, although I feel like he'd do well with classes that involved spells and wand work mostly lmao. he'd want a really fucking cute pet, so i'd give him a kneazle (it's like a cat but a bit more lion like). he'd give it a strong sounding name, something german idk. but he'd love the shit out of that kneazle, i can tell you that much. i feel like he'd try out for quidditch his first few years, not make it on, and then make it on to the team around fourth year and somehow end up team captain in seventh (and that proves kids, that you too can have a redemption arc in sports). as far as candy goes, ima say he likes the super sour candy like acid pops n shit. like i feel like the others would dare him to each as much sour candy as he can and then he wouldn't be able to taste for a week. but he'd think it was worth it :)
cameron (muggle born): good god this boy just wants to learn. magic just fascinates him, what with growing up in a big muggle family (bestie he is the weasleys if they were all type a). he's a ravenclaw, no questions asked. he would love classes involving preciseness and attention, things like potions and transfiguration. i feel like he'd have a cute, stable relationship along the way ofc because he deserves so much love and happiness and UGH he's a baby. he'd stick with a lil ginger cat, naming it after one of the famous wizards he's read about. he would love spending christmas at the school and going places when the ground are nearly empty, enjoying the scenery. for candy, he'd go plain and simple with chocolate frogs. can't go wrong with those. he'd still have fun with his friends, but he'd skip a lot of parties for some studying (don't judge, i do it too lmao). would not play quidditch but would enjoy it, end of story.
charlie (pure blood): slytherin. don't dispute it. think the weasley twins but even more flirtatious. he would be a regular at every single party that happened, flirting with the guys and gals shamelessly and drinking butterbeer like it was water. look me in the eye and tell me he would not absolutely fucking HATE GILDEROY LOCKHART WITH EVER FIBER OF HIS BEING. he'd do spot-on impersonations of him though. teacher's worst enemy. like when he walks into class on the first day, every teacher collectively mutters "bloody hell not this kid again". asks the most incredibly stupid questions ("okay but is there a spell to turn my eyebrows green? just the eyebrows though, not my hair"). he would be the most aggressive beater on the slytherin team, though he would never deliberately try to hit someone, just distract the shit out of them ("put the fear of god in them and fate will do the rest"). he'd want a loud, aggressive pet but he'd probably end up with a mean cat that hisses at everyone. he'd give it the most adorable name that just. does not fit the personality. something like priscilla. for candy, he'd take his chance with bertie botts' every flavour beans and just roll with the punches. he's chaotic like that.
pitts (half blood): ASTRONOMY IS HIS JAM. he fucking loves that class. he tutors the entire ravenclaw house in that class. he's the guy that little first years who are terrified of the class go to when they're completely lost and don't understand what's going on. besides that, i feel like he'd just be everyone's cool older brother yknow? like he'd be in charge of helping all the first years figure out where stuff is and giving them advice to help them and stuff. he would be a die-hard quidditch fan although he would not play the sport (maybe recreationally on the weekends and holidays and stuff, but the fact that it's so fucking dangerous just does not appeal to him). he'd like the candy that does tricks and stuff, like fizzing whizbees and stuff. he gives me charlie weasley vibes, where he's hardcore in certain areas (in his case, astronomy) and just flipping chill in anything else. cool older brother vibes, man. it fits.
meeks (half blood): i've said it once and i'll say it again: nonproblematic ginger dumbledore. also a hufflepuff <3 this dude just wants to fucking coast along, getting good grades and not participating in the dumb shit that could probably get him killed (even though he would in a heartbeat if his friends were in danger. duh). he'd be a teacher's favorite, probably having conversations with his favorite teachers during free time. okay ik this isn't technically at school, but i swear to god he would be dumbledore one day. like he would be the chill ass headmaster who gets shit done while also being very la di da life is nice flowers are pretty type of person. that being said, his favorite candy is and has been lemon drops ever since dumbledore got him addicted to them. his favorite classes would be potions (he'd surprisingly get along well with snape) and he'd just be great and mixing shit right and just knowing how much of stuff to add in ("how much powdered root do i add?" "about three and a half shakes." "that's not a measurement, meeks." "*shrug* it works"). he'd stick with his small friend group and love them to death, but he'd be a friend to all really. he'll help anyone that comes to him asking for help with homework (and though he won't admit it, he gets super prideful when it's someone a few years ahead of him).
stick (muggle born): harry potter if harry potter could've been more harry potter. like he would just be a part of everything and end up being part of some prophecy that demands he'd save the world and at first he'd be like HEY i'm just a small boy but then he'd grit his teeth and finesse the shit out of this preventing the end of days stuff. he'd definitely be a gryffindor, and fucking proud of it. he'd be the seeker on the quidditch team because he is so short and small and yeah he'd fucking kill it there. he'd kind of be the shy one no one expected much from, but once he starts absolutely wrecking the shit out of the other houses' quidditch teams, he'd become sorta popular? like people would invite him to parties and stuff and he's too nice to say no, but he'd mostly just hang around the outskirts, saying hi to the other poets if he saw them and mostly talking to chris and ginny (danburry, not weasley). he'd like defense against the dark arts and minerva mcgongiall would become his literal mother i can't explain it. he'd have an owl as a pet and treat it like it was his own child, telling it thank you every time it brought his mail or took his mail. as for candy, he'd like drooble's bubble gum because the bubbles are all magic and shit and i just feel like that would make him so happy <3
chris (pure blood): the older sister lesbian <3 she'd be a sweet hufflepuff who would be friends with everyone while also being the greatest socialite the school has ever seen. you know that party that practically the entire school attended and talked about for months on end? she planned that shit. she'd be like pitts in the respect that she'd help all the first years find their way in the school and in life in general. she's just such a warm and kind person that everyone would love her. she's have a little pink pygmy puff to match ginny's purple one, and she'd give it such a perfect, human name like lila or something. she'd be great at muggle studies and all the teachers would love her. also every one is so invested in her relationship with ginny it's adorable. he favorite candy is acid pops even though they make her eyes water like crazy. she'd make pretty good grades, every once in a while getting one slightly lower than she'd expected, but she always manages to bring them up to her satisfactory level :) she would not play quidditch, but she would go all out to support ginny, even though they're in different houses. that's what i call love, baby.
ginny (half blood): the mom lesbian <3 she's a ravenclaw and also one of the sweetest people in the whole school. while chris helps other with the social aspect, ginny will help anyone in any subject they need help with (she and meeks are a help duo on this). she's quieter and less social than chris, but she's one of the best chasers the ravenclaw quidditch team has ever seen. she'd end up team captain by fifth of sixth year. she'd be like oliver wood in that she is sO invested in the team's success that at sometimes she'll go a bit crazy, but chris is always there to help her put things back into perspective <3. she'd make stellar grades of course, being good friends with all of her teachers. her favorite candy would be the sweetest things like fairy floss. as previously stated, she'd have a purple pygmy puff to match chris's pink one, and she'd also give it an adorable human name like lisa or something. ginny's just sweet to everyone, especially neil and his friends.
I DID IT. IT TOOK FOREVER AND A FEW HAIL MARYS BUT I DID IT. enjoy besties <3 love u all
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tchallasbabymama · 3 years
Troubled Waters Chapter Four
Hey, yall! Here’s the next chapter of Nia and T’Challa’s journey. I’m super proud of this one (I’m proud of all my work, but still.) With the help of @wordsfromthelivingghost being a bomb ass beta reader, I think this is some of my best work yet. And I’m only gonna get better!
Check out my masterlist to read my other stories (and catch up on this one if you’re new here.) I love when y’all talk to me and share my work so others can discover it, so hit those comment and reblog buttons. Also, be sure to let me know if you want to be tagged in anything. Enjoy!😘
Word count: 8,894
CW: A little blood and cutting but NOT for self-harm reasons. If it bothers you, skip the second half of the scene at Kokou’s temple.
Nia pressed her cheek to the window, careful not to smudge the thin line of white clay painted down the center of her face. Her eyes were wide, and her mouth hung slightly open as she watched Wakanda zoom by from hundreds of feet in the air. She had always loved seeing what the world looked like from above, but it had been years since she last got to enjoy the view. When she was young, Amare would carry her in his arms as he flew high above the ground to give her a taste of what she so desperately wanted: to feel the wind beneath her nonexistent wings.
T’Challa half-watched Nia from his seat off to the side of the cabin as he flipped through news articles on his kimoyo beads. As they flew over a statue of Bast in her full panther form, he could tell the bright blue light radiating from the tunnel beneath the goddess intrigued her. Her head tilted slightly to the left, and he turned off his beads right as she turned around with a question on her lips.
“That’s Mt. Bashenga,” T’Challa answered prematurely as he stood and made his way over to the window, looking out at his kingdom as Okoye steered the Royal Talon over the Mining province.
“Why’s it glowing?”
“Ohhh.” Nia thought back to the human history books she read as a child that told their story of the founding of Wakanda. Obviously, they had censored the part about aziza, but she still found their revisionist history fascinating. “That’s where the meteorite landed, right?”
T’Challa nodded, impressed by her knowledge.
“Ubaba always said vibranium was ‘the humans’ magic’,” she whispered just loud enough for him to hear.
T’Challa was mildly shocked. He had never considered it that way, but he supposed it was sort of otherworldly what they were able to do with the substance. In comparison to other humans, anyway.
Okoye kept her focus on flying the ship, but T’Challa couldn’t help but spot the slight glow that emanated from Nia’s skin while she ogled the scenery. The king reflected on the description of aziza he had read the day before and remembered that it mentioned their luminous skin. He had noticed that even when she was standoffish towards him, she seemed to radiate light from the inside out, but seeing her literally light up in excitement brought him joy.
When Birnin Zana came into view, Nia’s eyes curiously trailed along the tributaries that moseyed through the metropolis and she was reminded of the magic realm’s big city, Birnin Umlingo. She smiled fondly at how similar they were despite the fact that Birnin Zana was so much bigger. It was nestled between rolling hills and sharp cliffsides, and she was pleasantly surprised to see all the lush greenery dispersed throughout the city. There were small parks everywhere and most of the roofs were topped with well-kept gardens. The skyscrapers and apartment buildings stretched to the sky like the trees that lined the streets, but Nia was almost blinded when the sun bounced off of an impressive structure in the middle of the city. Two almost conical, shining towers spiraled up from an ancient foundation that swirled around the base like the flowing tributary that surrounded most of it like a moat. The towers were connected by a long bridge about a third of the way up and despite her amazement, Nia couldn’t help but wonder why they had to build two towers instead of just one.
“Bast, is that the palace?” She pointed up ahead.
T’Challa smirked proudly. He never tired of seeing the dual vibranium spires that towered over even the tallest skyscrapers throughout the city.
“It is,” he said proudly.
“It’s so big,” she whispered, then turned to look at him. “Does it ever feel empty?”
He furrowed his brows, making a little crease appear between them that Nia found endearing. “How do you mean?”
“Well, it’s just you and your family that live there, right?”
The king nodded.
“Then why do you need so much space? And why two instead of just one? It seems so unnecessary.”
Okoye bit the inside of her lip to keep from snickering at Nia’s sincere inquiries. She wasn’t too keen on Nia and wasn’t quite sure why she was there, but she had worked for T’Challa long enough to know he didn’t like people questioning him.
“I don’t- it’s not just...look.” He pointed back out the window to distract her, and Nia whipped her head around to watch their descent to the landing pad in front of the palace.
The three of them exited the Talon, but instead of entering T’Challa’s gratuitously large home, they made a left and walked through the palace gates and into the bustling streets of Birnin Zana. Nia had been to the big city before when she was young, but it seemed like it had exploded over the last couple of decades. It had always been a busy hub of commerce for the Merchant tribe, but business owners from the other tribes had moved there in droves over the past few years to get a piece of the pie.
The three of them passed through the financial district with ease. Nia kept her neck craned to look up at the tall banks, corporate offices, and massive parking garages filled with hovercars. In the distance, she saw an arena and she wondered what took place there. Did they have many concerts? Sporting events? She made a mental note to ask about that later and continued to take in her surroundings. The maglev trains zooming by high above the street caught her attention, and her eyes widened. She had never been on a train before.
They eventually made it to Three Step Town, the cultural hub of the city and Nia looked on in awe at the various businesses that surrounded them. Once again, she was reminded of Birnin Umlingo as she looked around at the diversity that surrounded her. Most of the older folks were dressed in the traditional clothing of their tribes, but the younger Wakandans seemed to prefer a more modern look. They really were a spectacle. Some people had brightly colored manes and shining vibranium tattoos that decorated their skin, and the sight had Nia’s wheels turning. She had never really experimented much with her look, but they were giving her the inspiration to try something different.
Just as Nia began to ponder what body modification would look good on her, she felt someone grab her and yank her to the side of the street. She began to protest right as a streetcar full of people rolled by. Nia turned to thank her savior, smiling sheepishly when she realized it was Okoye.
“Watch where you’re going,” the general warned harshly and let go of Nia’s arm. The two of them joined T’Challa as he spoke to a snaggletoothed young boy who had proudly shown him the Black Panther action figure that he carried everywhere. The boy’s parents thanked the king for being so polite before they said goodbye and went on their way. Nia’s heart warmed a little at seeing T’Challa be so kind to them. He could have easily ignored the family or had Okoye intervene, but he seemed to enjoy interacting with his people. As the three of them continued on their journey, a small smile pushed up the corners of Nia’s mouth knowing he wasn’t as arrogant as she assumed.
Nia was almost overwhelmed by the many shops they passed by. She could buy anything she wanted: jewelry, instruments, furniture, hats. It seemed like they had everything. However, she came to a halt when they walked by a store with colorful, hand-woven baskets hanging out front. The old lady that ran the shop noticed Nia staring and came forward to help her pick one out, but paused when she saw that the king was standing beside her. She saluted him fondly and turned to face his companion.
“Excuse me, how much for this one?” Nia asked the shopkeep as her fingers ran over the intricate patterns along the sides of a mid-sized sweetgrass basket.
“For you it is free,” the older woman said through a bright smile that crinkled her eyes. Before Nia could protest, she had already taken it down and pushed it into her arms.
“Are you sure? I can pay-”
“Just tell people where you got it,” the woman winked before going back inside to help a customer that was ready to check out.
Nia couldn’t believe how kind the woman had been to give her the gift, but her amazement was cut short by T’Challa leaning in close and ruining the moment.
“Just one of the perks of traveling with the king,” he teased.
Nia rolled her eyes and stepped away from him, continuing down the street with her basket swinging in the crook of her elbow. She had been so caught up in her surroundings that she hadn’t noticed the stares from passersby and began to get a little self-conscious. A few people even snapped a picture or two of the king and his elusive friend, some of which would surely end up on gossip blogs by the end of the day.
Her nervousness was short-lived and quickly got replaced with longing when they turned the corner and walked right through the food district. Not only did the colorful produce stands call to her, but the smells of curries and grilled meats continuously pulled her attention from left to right. However, when a deliciously sweet aroma tickled her nose, she stopped dead in the middle of the road.
“Where is that coming from?” Nia sniffed the air and veered off the main street as she followed the scent to a man that was serving up deep-fried sweet plantain on a stick, drizzled with chocolate. T’Challa kept a close eye on Nia but stayed back and let her wander up to the dessert cart alone. He watched as she engaged the man in conversation and saw her come alive when she tasted the sample he provided her. A small smile crept up the king’s face, but his amusement was cut short by Okoye clearing her throat next to him.
“My king,” she started, and he turned slightly in her direction, nodding for her to continue as he kept his eyes on Nia. “If I may...what exactly is her purpose here with us?”
“Nia is a devotee of Bast, and I believe she may be helpful in our attempts to understand what has happened to her,” he stated matter-of-factly.
Okoye sensed his unwillingness to go further into detail and grew quiet again as Nia damn near skipped back over to them with her hands full.
“Here you go,” Nia sang as she held out two of the desserts for them to take. “He saw I was with the king and gave me three for free!”
Neither of them was hungry, but they just couldn’t say no to her big, childlike eyes.
“Thank you,” T’Challa waved to the man behind the counter and took a bite of the dessert, eyes rolling back in ecstasy. “Mmm”
“See? It’s amazing,” Nia said with a mouth full of plantain. Even Okoye had to agree.
The three of them ate their midmorning snack as they strolled through the streets, eventually making their way to a much quieter section on the outskirts of the busy city center. Just as Nia finished licking the last bit of chocolate from the wooden stick, she came face to face with an ancient-looking stone building that didn’t quite fit the vibe of the modern neighborhood. Her eyes zeroed in on the large statue at the entrance. It was a being with the body of a man and the head of an ibis holding a scroll in one hand and a staff in the other.
“Welcome to the flagship branch of the Wakandan Public Library,” T’Challa said proudly.
While Nia loved a good library, she was a little confused about why they were there. “I thought we were going to a temple.”
T’Challa wiggled his eyebrows as he stepped past her, climbing the steps with Okoye in tow, “This is the temple.”
Nia’s curiosity got the best of her, and she followed behind the king and his general. They threw their sticks away in the trash cans outside of the doors that swished open as they approached. Nia hadn’t expected the building to have such modern technologies based on the look of it, but she surmised the library would have a few more surprises up its sleeves.
“Kumkani wam!”
All three of their heads turned towards the woman behind the large marble desk as she scrambled to salute the king, dropping the small stack of books from her arms. T’Challa quickly rounded the desk and smiled at her as he crouched down to pick the books off of the floor. Before she could stoop down to help him, he had already placed them neatly on the desk.
“T-thank you, my king,” the woman stammered and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. Never in her life had she imagined she would be so close to royalty, much less her biggest crush. “What can I do for you?”
“Well…” he started, trailing off to get her name.
“Fatima, sir.”
“What a beautiful name,” he flirted innocently and leaned on the cool marble as Nia and Okoye both fought their eyes from rolling to the ceiling. Okoye was used to his flirtatious manner making women swoon at his feet, but it still irked her to no end. They had a job to do, and he was wasting time. Nia, however, felt the tiniest tinge of something deep in her gut as she watched him make eyes at the beautiful librarian. She waved it off as annoyance since she still wasn’t the king’s biggest fan. Adding “womanizer” to her list of reasons not to like him certainly tipped the scales further away from him, balancing out his actions from earlier.
Fatima giggled as she struggled to make eye contact with the handsome king, “Thank you, your highness.”
“Please, call me T’Challa,” he implored, resting his hand over his heart and flashing his irresistible smile.
“Oh, no. I couldn’t do that-”
“I insist.”
Okoye cleared her throat, and T’Challa’s eyes reluctantly shot in her direction.
“Anyway, Fatima, we were wondering if Abdu is in today,” T’Challa continued as he straightened up and stood to his full height, making Fatima swoon even more in his presence. Her eyes wandered down to his chest, but she snapped out of it and attempted to look him in the eye. Her knees nearly buckled under the intensity of his gaze, but she stood firm.
“Y-yes, he is, my ki-”
T’Challa reprimanded her with a simple raise of his right eyebrow, and she quickly corrected herself.
“I mean, T’Challa,” Fatima giggled once more. “I’ll go get him for you.”
“Thank you, Fatima,” he smiled down at her, watching as she walked away with a pep in her step and her hips twitching just a little more than usual.
Fatima disappeared behind a green velvet curtain, and when they were sure she was out of earshot, Nia and Okoye both turned to look at the king. They wore matching expressions of disapproval, but, for some reason, it stung to see on Nia’s face.
“What’s wrong?” he asked her.
“Must you flirt with every woman you see?” Okoye butted in, clearly exasperated by his antics.
Nia’s eyebrows jumped as a teasing smirk settled on her lips. “Oh, so this is a common occurrence?”
“You wouldn’t believe how many-”
“General,” T’Challa warned, and Okoye stopped talking.
Nia tried to contain a laugh, but it came out more like a snort than she intended. Just as T’Challa opened his mouth to make fun of her, Fatima appeared from behind the curtain with a heavy-set man with tortoiseshell glasses just a few steps behind her.
“T’Challa, my boy! Oh, excuse me, my king.” The man bowed sarcastically and crossed his arms in a salute. T’Challa waved him off with a smile and a click of his tongue, and the two men embraced each other. Nia had noticed T’Challa wasn’t really one to demand formalities, but the man’s familiarity with the king intrigued her.
“Abdu, how have you been?”
It had been several months since T’Challa last visited the library. Abdu had worked and worshipped there for decades and had watched the king grow into the man before him. Some of T’Challa’s fondest childhood memories consisted of him spending hours curled up in the stacks, flipping through whatever book caught his eye that day. Abdu would bring him story after story for him to get lost in, and the older man never tired of T’Challa’s curiosity. No matter how many questions he threw at him.
“Getting old, but I can’t complain,” the much shorter man said as they pulled apart. He looked around T’Challa and noticed his company. “Okoye, a pleasure to see you as always.”
“You as well, Abdu,” she smiled.
“And who might this lovely creature be?” Abdu asked as his gaze fell on Nia. She bristled at his choice of words but said nothing. Even as a child, she had always been sensitive to the word “creature” and felt it offensive to refer to non-humans as such. She knew he had no idea about her bloodline, though, and since he meant no harm she simply ignored the terminology.
“Nia Olu, sir,” she introduced herself with a nod of her head, and he returned the gesture.
“Ah, a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. And what is it that you do, Nia Olu?”
“I am a healer and a devotee of Bast.”
“A devotee, huh? Well, I think we will get along nicely,” he smiled warmly at her before turning back to the king. “What can I do for you all today?”
“Well, actually, Nia is a big part of why we’re here,” T’Challa began. “It seems Bast has gone missing. Neither of us has been able to contact her as of late.”
“Are you a priestess?” Abdu asked Nia, confused as to why a simple devotee would be partnered with the king for such a task. Okoye felt vindicated by his questioning but stayed quiet.
“No, sir.”
“Then, I must say, I’m a little confused on how you would have a direct connection to her-”
“She is highly favored in the goddess’ eyes,” T’Challa cut in, hoping his vague answer would be enough to dissuade Abdu from asking too many questions. He knew it wouldn’t be easy to hide anything from a priest of the god of wisdom, but he also knew he couldn’t give away Nia’s full identity. “We were wondering if maybe you could see if Thoth knows where she is or why she isn’t answering.”
Abdu could tell there was something else to the story, but decided not to press the subject. He figured that if the king felt it was important enough to keep from him, then he had to trust his judgment.
The priest nodded and motioned for the three of them to follow him. T’Challa winked at Fatima before falling in step with Abdu, and once again, Nia’s and Okoye’s eyes struggled to remain straight ahead as they followed behind the two men.
Nia couldn’t help but stare in awe at the rows and rows of floor-to-ceiling bookshelves they passed as they walked through the centuries-old library. She imagined herself spending hours combing through the texts and soaking up whatever knowledge held, just like she did with the many books Amare provided her with as a child. Her daydreaming was cut short when they passed through the children’s section, and she noticed a display of picture books, one of which caught her eye. There, on the cover, was a colorful illustration of an aziza sitting in a tree, watching over a group of children as they played in the grass below him.
Before she knew it, Nia had grabbed the book and started flipping through the pages, scanning the words and pictures for any sign of historical truth. She found none, but her hope didn’t die out. Maybe, just maybe the library held onto more of the past than the Wakandans realized. She knew magical creatures were relegated to folktales, but she began to wonder how many of those tales were historically accurate, if any. She hadn’t noticed that the others had stopped and were watching her tear through the book like it held the secrets to the universe.
“You like that one? It’s a fairly new release. Very popular with the children,” Abdu said, but his words fell on deaf ears.
“Nia?” the king called out to her.
She jumped and dropped the book, but T’Challa caught it before it could hit the ground.
“Yeah? Sorry, I just…” Nia trailed off, unsure of what to say. All three of them looked at her curiously, but when T’Challa’s eyes graced the cover, he understood why she had been called to it. “Are there many stories like this?”
“Of aziza?” Abdu asked for clarification, and Nia nodded. “Sure! Kids love fantastical creatures. You know, some of them even swear up and down that they’ve seen them in real life.”
T’Challa and Nia shared a quick glance as he set the book back where she found it. Of course, Okoye caught their quick exchange.
“Such wild imaginations,” Nia murmured, and the group continued on their trek. She was quiet for a moment as she tried to figure out the best way to word her next question when she decided to just go for it. “Abdu, is there any mention of, um, species that are no longer around in any of these books?”
T’Challa looked at her knowingly out of the corner of his eye. He knew what she was getting at, and he was curious about Abdu’s answer. After seeing Nia’s book the day before, his mind had begun to wonder about ancient Wakandan texts. She had told him that they coexisted long ago, so there had to be some evidence hidden deep in the bowels of the library. If there was proof anywhere, it was here.
“Of course!” Abdu said excitedly and pointed to the far left wall. “Species naturally go extinct all the time. If that interests you, check out our history section over there.”
Nia and T’Challa both cataloged that information for later and started mentally planning their next visits.
The deeper they traveled into the vast library, a tingling grew in Nia’s stomach. There was great power there, and she could feel it. The tingling intensified as they arrived at a large door with an image of Thoth that had been hand-carved by artisans long ago.
“We’ll take it from here, Okoye,” T’Challa ordered, and the general nodded before standing at attention with her back to the door. Then, his eyes fell to Nia. “Ready?”
“I think…”
“That’ll serve you well here,” Abdu joked as he pushed open the heavy door.
Nia wasn’t quite sure what she was expecting to see, but a winding staircase certainly wasn’t on her list of possibilities. The three of them quietly descended the steps, and all that could be heard was the sounds of their sandals connecting with the stone as they went. After what seemed like forever, Abdu came to a halt at another large door and turned to face his visitors.
“You must enter with pure intentions and a cool head, or he will not answer. Understood?”
Nia and T’Challa answered in unison.
“Yes, sir.”
“Of course.”
“Good,” Abdu smiled at them and reached for the handle, pushing it open and revealing what looked to be a private study. The lamps along the stone walls lit up when they entered, and Nia was once again amazed at how the ancient seemed to flawlessly combine with the modern. As she looked around, she noticed that instead of books, there were scrolls stacked neatly on the shelves. A high-backed chair sat behind a large wooden desk with several scrolls strewn about it, and in the center of the room, there was a stone lectern that looked like it had been there since the dawn of time. Colorful pillows surrounded it on the floor, and next to it stood another statue of Thoth. This time, his hands were out and he was holding a staff that resembled the one from the statue out front, except this one was made of gold. This one was real, and it made the hairs on the back of Nia’s neck stand at attention.
Abdu made his way over to the closest shelf and grabbed a scroll from the top of the stack. He then crossed the room again and stood behind the lectern. When he unrolled the scroll, Nia and T’Challa were both surprised to find that it was blank. They watched with bated breath as he produced a shiny gold pen from his pocket and removed the staff from the statue’s arms.
“You two, come sit down,” Abdu said to them, pointing to the floor pillows.
They obeyed his order, and each grabbed a pillow. T’Challa sat cross-legged while Nia carefully placed her new basket on the floor and tucked her feet under her. They waited patiently while Abdu mumbled a prayer under his breath. Despite T’Challa’s enhanced hearing, he could barely make out what Abdu was saying, but the more he spoke, the colder the room became. The priest continued his prayers for several minutes until the staff began to glow with blinding orange light and his mouth snapped shut tight. A soft breeze blew through the room as his eyes glowed the same color as the staff, and the pen in his left hand started to frantically scribble words onto the formerly blank scroll. His hand moved faster than humanly possible, and Nia recognized what was happening as a possession. She bowed her head in the god’s presence and nudged T’Challa in his side to do the same. He followed suit, but neither of their eyes left Abdu, too curious to look away.
It seemed like forever had come and gone as the two sat in silence, watching in awe while Abdu filled the scroll as he channeled Thoth. The only sound that filled the air was the fast-moving pen on the papyrus and a faint humming from the staff, but suddenly, it all stopped. The staff’s light waned, and Abdu blinked his eyes back to their normal shade of hazel. He carefully placed the staff back in the statue’s hands and read over the words he had been given from his god. A frown appeared on the priest’s face, and Nia made eye contact with T’Challa. Neither one felt good news was coming.
“Well,” Abdu broke the tense silence, “to sum it up, it seems Thoth hasn’t seen or heard from Bast in several weeks. He says that’s very unlike her, as I’m sure you know, T’Challa.”
The king nodded. “Is there anything else? Did he say where she might be?”
“Oh, he said plenty, but not about your question. He can be quite long-winded at times,” Abdu murmured as he scanned the text once more to make sure he wasn’t missing anything. He then looked down at his two visitors with an apology in his eyes. “I wish I could’ve been of more help.”
T’Challa stood from his seated position and reached a hand out to Nia. She swatted it away and stood on her own, straightening out her long, flowing skirt before sending Abdu a warm smile. “Thank you for trying.”
“It was a pleasure, my dear.”
“So,” Nia turned to the king, “where to next?”
The smile never left Okoye’s face as she landed the Talon in an open field and proudly led them to their next destination. They had traveled to Okoye’s hometown in the Mining province, and she nodded at her former neighbors as they waved to get her attention. It wasn’t often that she could return to Birnin Djata, but since she was on duty, she had to remain professional.
The town was much smaller than Birnin Zana, and the walk to the temple was much shorter this time around. A few moderately-sized dwellings lined the road to the temple, and Nia could see the town square in the distance. They passed groups of miners boarding and exiting the trains that took them to and from work, and Nia couldn’t help but wonder what all that vibranium looked like up close.
When they arrived at the temple, Nia was pleasantly surprised that this one actually looked like a place of worship. The wall that surrounded it looked as old as time, but the vibranium door in the center had to be no more than a hundred years old. A strange sound echoed from inside, and although Nia thought she recognized it, she was confused on why it was coming from a temple of all places.
“Is something wrong? What’s going on in there?” she asked with concern, making Okoye’s smile expand and her eyes light up.
Nia’s confusion grew, and she turned to T’Challa for clarification.
“Kokou is the god of war. Fighters often train here, and many of his followers go on to become great warriors. Including Okoye,” he explained.
“Ohhh, ok.”
Okoye led them up the temple’s steps, and Nia’s attention was drawn to the rows of fire that lined the walkway. As the party of three got closer to the doors, they slowly parted to grant them access. Loud shouts and grunts came from the right, and Okoye led them down the hallway, directly towards the noise.
Nia watched excitedly as the warriors-in-training sparred with one another. Fists connected with flesh, spears sliced through the air, and fighters seemed to glide across the padded floor. She recognized some of the fighting styles and thought back to her younger days when Amare took it upon himself to teach her some of the combat skills he had to learn for his days as a secret operative. Even though she was a healer, Nia sure was scrappy and could hold her own. It had been a while, though, and she was sure she had forgotten her training over the years.
A bell rang on the other side of the training room, and all of the fighting ceased. Okoye bowed her head in deference as a tall, muscular older woman in red emerged from an observation room and smiled softly in her direction.
“My king,” the woman saluted T’Challa, making all of the fighters whip their heads around and salute him as well. The woman crossed the floor as her trainees stood at attention, and grabbed Okoye’s hands in hers. “Okoye, my dear, it has been too long.”
“Priestess Yaa, how good to see you.”
“And my king, welcome to the Temple of Kokou.”
“Thank you, priestess.”
“What brings you here?” she asked before shooting a sly glance at Okoye. “You never come visit anymore, so I know it must be important.”
“My apologies for keeping her from you,” T’Challa interjected.
“None needed. I knew when Okoye became general that she would have little time for us anymore,” Yaa waved him off and smiled proudly at Okoye before her eyes fell to Nia. “And who is this?”
“Nia Olu,” she respectfully bowed her head.
“And you are a fighter too, no?”
“Um, not exactly. My father taught me how to fight when I was young, but I am a healer and a devotee of Bast.”
This was the first T’Challa had heard of her knowledge of combat, and he wondered what else he didn’t know about her.
“I’m sure it’s still in there somewhere. You have a warrior’s spirit.”
Nia was surprised by the priestess’ comment but thanked her nonetheless.
“Priestess Yaa, we have a problem that you might be able to help us solve,” the king stated.
Yaa nodded and called to her class, “Keep sparring. I’ll be back.”
The room came alive again, and Nia couldn’t help but watch the dozens of bodies moving about with powerful grace as they fought.
Yaa gestured for them to follow her, and she led them around a corner to get away from all the noise. “How can I help you, my king?”
“Bast is missing, and we would like to ask Kokou if he knows where she is,” he cut straight to the point, and Yaa appreciated his brevity.
She gestured again, and the four of them relocated to the other side of the temple. They entered a large, empty room with nothing except a wall of ancient weapons and a huge, raging fire pit in the center.
“This eternal flame was gifted to us by Kokou many millennia ago as a way of contacting him,” Yaa narrated. “In order for him to answer, you will each have to give a sacrifice.”
“I didn’t bring anything to-”
“Blood, dear. You sacrifice blood. He is the god of war, after all,” Yaa chuckled as she glided over to the wall of weapons. Her fingers danced along the flat side of the blade of a vibranium dagger with a red and gold hilt before wrapping her hand firmly around the grip and removing it from its position. Yaa tested the weight of it in her hand as she rejoined the group. Without warning, she sliced her palm open and allowed her blood to drip into the flame. The priestess noticed the look of horror on Nia’s face and attempted to quell her fears. “Don’t worry; you’ll only need a drop or two.”
Okoye was first to step up, pressing the dagger’s tip into her hand and drawing a small amount of blood. She handed the dagger to T’Challa as she made a fist and let her blood droplets fall into the fire pit. The king did the same before passing the dagger to Nia. She looked at it apprehensively, but T’Challa continued to hold it out for her to take.
“Go on, dear,” Yaa urged. “We will heal you up after.”
Nia and T’Challa locked eyes as they were both reminded of the night they became reacquainted with one another. T’Challa’s wound would quickly heal on its own, but she wouldn’t be able to use her powers to heal herself in Yaa’s and Okoye’s presence. She took a deep breath and tried to ignore the feeling of her palm stinging with the memory of alcohol pads. T’Challa knew where her mind had wandered to and took her formerly injured hand in his as he ran his thumb over her palm.
“It won’t be as bad as last time,” he whispered so only Nia could hear him. “Just a little cut, ok?”
Nia’s mouth dried up, and her eyes traveled to Okoye and Yaa. The priestess seemed intrigued by his tenderness towards her, but the irritation on Okoye’s face was clear as day. Nia remembered that he was a serial charmer and removed her hand from his. She reached for the dagger and quickly pricked her finger, squeezing a couple of droplets into the flame.
Yaa set the dagger aside to be cleaned and watched as the flames grew in intensity. All four of them stepped back when the fire surged towards the sky and took the vague shape of a man.
“Kokou,” Yaa fell to her knees, and the others followed her lead. “Thank you for answering our call.”
“Where is the fight?” his voice boomed around the expansive room as what looked to be his head swiveled from side to side taking in the four who summoned him. He had no eyes, but Nia felt his gaze land on her and linger for a moment too long.
“There is no fight this time, but we have an inquiry,” Yaa said as she stood.
“Very well,” Kokou’s voice rang out again, and the flames whipped in T’Challa’s direction. “What is so important that the king requires my assistance? Have you not a god of your own?”
T’Challa looked to Yaa for reassurance as he began to stand, and she nodded for him to continue. “Yes, I do, but she is missing.”
“Missing?! What do you mean missing?”
“She has not spoken to me in weeks, and Thoth has not seen or heard from her either.”
Kokou turned back to Nia. “And you have not heard from her?”
“No, sir,” Nia stood tall as she answered him.
“I am surprised she has not spoken to you of all...people,” he said with a mischievous lilt in his voice. Nia stilled as she realized that he knew what she was. She slyly made eye contact with T’Challa, and though his expression was unreadable, she knew he had to have heard it, too.
“You know, blood can tell you a lot about a person...or being,” Kokou began to pace around the large fire pit. “Who they are, what their lineage is...you, Nia, are very special. But I am sure you know that already, don’t you?”
Nia ignored the confused stares from Yaa and Okoye and stared straight into where she assumed Kokou’s eyes to be. “Yes, sir.”
“Patience, your highness,” the god chastised T’Challa, “I was getting to it. I just had to take a little detour first since you brought me such an interesting young lady. Now, to answer your question: sorry to disappoint, but no. I do not know where Bast is. I wish I did, though; she is an excellent sparring partner.”
Nia and T’Challa both deflated a little bit. They had hoped for a better answer than that.
“Thank you, Kokou,” T’Challa spoke with his head bowed to the god. The others did the same, and just as quickly as he had appeared, Kokou was gone.
“Third time’s the charm,” T’Challa mumbled as he held the intricate iron gate open. Nia and Okoye walked through, and the general was blown away by the beauty before them. The botanical gardens sat on a protected stretch of land on the border between the Mining and River provinces, but people from all over the country traveled there to witness its splendor.
Nia, however, was no stranger to the gardens. She made sure to visit a few times a year just to sit and commune with the diverse group of plants, but she never knew it doubled as a place of worship. She liked that the gardens were never full of people, and depending on how deep she veered off the main walkways, she could avoid the public altogether. Except for the delightful presence of one of the attendants, Nia always managed to find solitude and serenity among the plants of the botanical gardens.
“Has this always been Mujaji’s temple?” she asked as the three of them followed the long, winding path that led to the greenhouses in the back of the gardens.
“As far as I’m aware. Why?”
“It’s just that I’ve been here before, and I never knew. I always felt like there was...something here, but I just assumed I was feeling the energy from all of the plants.”
“You can do that?” Okoye asked, and she caught another shared glance between Nia and the king. They had been doing that all day, and she was growing tired of it.
Nia opened her mouth to try to fix her slip-up, but she was saved when a young woman about her age emerged from behind a mango tree and recognized her colorful headwrap.
Nia ran over to her, and the women embraced. A smile crept up T’Challa’s cheeks at seeing Nia’s faint glow again, but, unfortunately, it seemed that Okoye might have seen it as well. The king ignored her pointed stares and continued to watch Nia and the woman from afar.
“What are you doing here? It’s been months since I saw you last!” Sukutai playfully scolded her before leaning in like she had a secret to tell. “You have to see the new fire lily blooms; I know they’re your favorite.”
“They are,” Nia chuckled, “but I’m here on business today.”
Nia gestured behind her, and Sukutai’s eyes widened in shock as she finally noticed T’Challa and Okoye standing in the distance.
“My apologies, my king,” she quickly saluted him, but he waved her off.
“None needed. Any friend of Nia’s is a friend of mine.”
Sukutai’s eyebrows almost reached her hairline as she turned back to Nia. “I know we don’t know each other very well, but how come you never told me you knew the king?”
“He’s new,” Nia shrugged nonchalantly.
Sukutai shook her head fondly at her friend as T’Challa and Okoye came to stand next to her.
“What brings you to my humble garden, your highness?”
“I would say this is anything but humble, priestess,” he chuckled. This time it was Nia’s turn to be surprised.
“Yeah, I don’t like to advertise it,” Sukutai shrugged.
“Well, I guess we both have our secrets,” Nia teased, making her friend giggle.
“I guess we do.”
“Sukutai, we are here because we need to speak with Mujaji. Bast is missing and-”
“You need to see if he knows where she is.”
“Yes,” T’Challa nodded.
“Right this way,” Sukutai said as she stuck her elbow out for Nia. She wrapped her arm around it, and the two of them took off, chatting about the flora they passed on the way.
Sukutai led them to the back of the botanical gardens towards the greenhouses. There were several smaller ones scattered around that were about the size of Nia’s home, but the very last greenhouse was huge. It stood about two stories tall and expanded across an acre of land.
“How did I miss this?” Nia wondered aloud.
“You weren’t looking for it,” Sukutai winked. “Too distracted by the pretty flowers, as usual.”
“You should really pay more attention to your surroundings, Nia,” T’Challa teased, and she narrowed her eyes at him. Despite the fact that she was still very hesitant to trust Nia, Okoye had to stifle a chuckle at her attitude. It was refreshing for her to see a woman that seemed to be immune to his charms.
The four of them entered the greenhouse, and Nia was amazed at what she saw. Instead of beautiful flowers and lush trees and bushes, there were rows and rows of crops.
“I knew you had some fruit trees, but I didn’t know you grew other foods here, too,” she said with her mouth wide open.
“We have to. Who do you think taught us how to work the land?”
Nia nodded as she soaked up Sukutai’s words. It had never occurred to her that the humans had to learn agriculture from somewhere...or someone. She wondered if aziza had learned from him, too, and if so, why hadn’t she heard about it? Were their history books incomplete, too? Nia’s train of thought was cut short as they arrived at the center of the greenhouse. There was a large patch of soil surrounded by an old stone wall no more than two feet tall. A small plaque near the opening caught the visitors’ eyes, and they crowded around to read it.
“The first garden?” Nia gasped, and her eyes traveled to the rich soil.
Sukutai smiled proudly, “That’s right. This is where Wakandans first learned how to grow sorghum. Mujaji’s magic still inhabits the land, and he allows us to speak to him through it.”
“How does it work?” T’Challa asked, equally in awe of the plot of land that allowed his people to prosper. Yes, they had vibranium, but what use would that be without the ability to feed themselves? Had they remained hunter-gatherers, they never would have gotten to where they are today.
“I’ll show you,” Sukutai said as she untied her shoes. “Nia, would you like to help?”
“Yes, you, silly. You have the heart and hands of a gardener.”
“What do you need me to do?”
“First thing’s first, shoes off,” Sukutai instructed, and Nia slid out of her sandals. “Now, you see those jars full of seeds over there?”
Sukutai gestured behind them, and they all turned around to follow her line of vision.
“Yes,” Nia’s voice shook as she spoke.
“Don’t worry about what each one is. Just go pick whichever one calls to you.”
Nia nodded and padded her way over to the table covered in glass jars. She felt the power radiating from each one, but she felt compelled to pick up a small jar full of green coffee beans. Her hand instinctively reached out to touch it, but she pulled back and looked to the priestess for permission.
“Go ahead, take one,” Sukutai urged, and Nia carefully screwed the top off. She reached in and grabbed one of the beans, and walked back over to Sukutai.
“Ok, how does this work?”
“We start with a yes or no question. Let’s try ‘Do you know where Bast is?’ and go from there, ok?”
“Follow me.”
Sukutai stepped onto the sacred land, and Nia did the same. The ground seemed to vibrate, and Nia’s face lit up. The slight glow returned to her skin, and this time Okoye was sure in what her eyes beheld. She quickly turned towards T’Challa, who looked at her out of the corner of his eye but kept quiet. He shifted his weight away from her nervously and continued to watch Nia and Sukutai work.
“You feel it too, huh?” Sukutai asked with a sly smile on her face.
“It feels...it feels like my feet are buzzing.”
Sukutai’s head cocked to the side, and her eyes narrowed as she tried to understand exactly what was happening. Nia obviously wasn’t a priestess of Mujaji, yet his magic spoke to her in some way. That wasn’t normal, and neither was the faint highlight that appeared on her skin.
“Yeah, it does,” she agreed and shook the suspicions out of her head. She knelt to the ground, and Nia followed suit. “Hold the seed in your hands, close to your face- yes, just like that. Now, close your eyes and let it feel your energy. When you are ready, speak to it. Ask your question.”
Nia shut her eyes and focused on the feeling of the seed in her hands. She pictured it growing big and strong, and after a few moments, her mouth was filled with the taste of coffee. It was ready. She brought it closer to her lips and whispered, “Do you know where Bast is?”
When she peeled her eyes open, she saw a huge grin on Sukutai’s face.
“You’re a natural.”
“Thanks,” Nia giggled. “What now?”
“Now you plant it.”
“Wherever you choose.”
Nia studied the ground around her and turned a little to the left. She held the seed in her left hand as she made a small mound in the dirt with her right. She gave the seed one last glance before pushing it into the soil.
“No water?” she asked.
Sukutai shook her head with a mischievous smile, “No need.”
“Ok...so now we wait?”
“It won’t take long. Usually about-” Sukutai’s eyes widened. “Look!”
Four sets of eyes trained on the tiny green sprout that pushed up from the ground.
“It’s never happened that fast before.”
The sprout turned into a seedling, and the seedling matured right before their eyes. Just as hope began to fill the air, it left, and the coffee plant shriveled up. The leaves turned brown, then a murky black before decomposing entirely. Everyone’s shoulders slumped in defeat, and silence descended upon the group. Without even asking, they all knew it was a resounding “no.”
The silence was thick on the ride back to Nia’s. Okoye flew the Talon with a million questions running through her mind, all of which seemed to come back to Nia. Who is she? What is she?
Nia left her position by the window, no longer interested in the ground below, and met T’Challa by his sand table. She watched for a moment as the molecules dispersed and recollected themselves in the shapes of the temples they just visited and the gods they just contacted. He chewed on his lip as he tried to put the pieces together, but there just wasn’t enough information.
“T’Challa?” Nia spoke softly to keep Okoye from hearing.
“Hm?” he grunted without looking up.
“What if the problem isn't in this realm?”
The king tore his eyes away from the table, and the sand fell flat.
“You are suggesting we go to the magic realm?”
“Again with the ‘we,’” she sighed. “No, I’m suggesting I go to the magic realm.”
He stared at her blankly for a moment before calling out to Okoye, “General?”
“Yes, my king?”
“You will travel back to the palace alone-”
“No-” Nia tried to stop him.
“I will be staying with Nia a little while longer. I will call when I need you.”
“Yes, my king.”
Nia dragged her hand down her face, then immediately looked down and noticed the clay that had transferred to her palm. She pinched the bridge of her nose and groaned in frustration, both at the king and at her careless mistake.
“T’Challa, I just said-”
“I know what you said,” he snipped, “but this is my kingdom, and I need to know what’s going on.”
“I’m going with you, and that’s final.” He turned away and joined Okoye in the cockpit.
Nia sat off to the side and pouted the rest of the way home. When they arrived, Okoye reluctantly left the king behind and flew off to the palace.
“She could’ve just stayed outside, you know,” Nia fussed as they entered her home. “Now she definitely knows something is up.”
He rolled his eyes, “She knew something was up the moment you started glowing.”
Nia froze and mentally kicked herself for not using the glamor spell her ubaba had taught her. She was in such a rush that morning that it completely slipped her mind. The smug look on T’Challa’s face made her want to slap him, so she stormed down the hall to her bathroom to fix her facepaint. As soon as she finished, Nia heard the king make a strange noise and looked out to see what he had done. A laugh erupted from her belly as she watched the king stand on the couch to get away from Sego. He glared at her, but his eyes promptly fell back on the python that was too close for comfort.
“Call off your snake!”
“Python,” she giggled. “Sego, stop messing with him, please.”
Sego turned her way, and Nia could see the playful look in his eyes. He thoroughly enjoyed messing with the king. T’Challa climbed down from the couch and let out a calming breath as Sego slithered away to the kitchen.
“So the mighty Black Panther is scared of pythons, huh?” she mocked him as she leaned against the doorframe.
“Not scared...I just don’t like them.”
“Mhm. If it makes you feel any better, he’s not fully a python. He’s a shifter.”
“Meaning sometimes he’s in his human form, sometimes he’s in his python form.”
T’Challa thought about it for a moment. “Actually, that does make me feel better. Thanks.”
Nia smirked and rolled her eyes.
“So,” T’Challa cleared his throat, “what now?”
“First, we go see my ubaba, then the queen.”
“Ok...how do we, you know, get there?”
“It’s easy,” she bragged as she walked over to him. “Give me your hand, and I’ll show you.”
Nia reached out to him, and when their hands connected, an image of the two of them sharing a feverish kiss popped into her mind. She gasped and pulled back as though she had touched a hot stove.
“What is it?!”
“N-nothing, I just,” she had to think of something quick. “My headwrap. I take it off when I go to the magic realm...to, uh, let my ears breathe, you know?”
“Um, ok.”
Nia hurried from the room and left T’Challa standing there, confused about what just happened. He knew she was lying despite the fact that her excuse had some semblance of truth to it. Thanks to the heart-shaped herb, T’Challa could hear her heartbeat, and something had caused her heart to almost beat out of her chest. His suspicions didn’t last for long, though, because when she came back from her room, his jaw dropped. Of course, he had noticed her beauty the first time, well the second time, he laid eyes on her, but as she came down the hallway fluffing her coils out into an afro that framed her face like an obsidian halo, he felt a knot form in his chest.
“Ready?” she asked, obviously over whatever had been bothering her.
“Yeah,” T’Challa cleared his throat. He was suddenly parched. “Ready.”
“Ok.” She grabbed his hands again, but this time there was no vision. Nia sighed in relief and looked him dead in his eyes as the atmosphere around them began to thicken. “Be cool. Don’t embarrass me.”
Next Chapter
Taglist: @maddeningmayhem, @theblulife, @motheroffae, @love-mesome-me, @toni9, @bribrisback, @dersha89, @impremenior, @ljstraightnochaser, @love--life--passion, @yourstrulybrii
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jisungsmochi · 3 years
somebody to you - hrj
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somebody to you - renjun
behold,, the FINAL part of my nct dream x the vamps songs series! leaving y’all with something really wholesome and fluffy bc i’m inlove with renjun 
word count: 2.8k 
summary: huang renjun didn’t like relationships. he thought they were messy, and honestly, a waste of time. he had his whole life ahead of him, so why would he need a significant other to be happy? that was all until he met you, and thought to himself, maybe it wouldn’t be all bad...
read the rest here! 
I used to wanna be
Living like there's only me
But now I spend my time
Thinking 'bout a way to get you off my mind
renjun scrolled through his endless instagram feed, swiping through threads of his friends with their girlfriends. he would be lying if he said it didn’t make him
borderline sick. he was always a realist, never really seeing the point of having a serious relationship at such a young age. in his life so far, he’d probably say he’s only had one girlfriend, and it was a random girl he asked to prom so he wouldn’t feel left out. renjun was never opposed to love, he just wasn’t actively seeking it.
“dude i reckon you’re gonna like her! she’s super cool from the sounds of it, and she goes to our university!” haechan insists as the four boys sat down for dinner in their shared apartment.
“i don’t need you to set me up on a blind date. i’m capable of finding someone on my own, thank you very much” renjun rolled his eyes, fed up with the continuous discussions of his single status.
“yeah, and how’s that going for you?” jaemin chimed in, causing jeno and haechan to chuckle in response. renjun just scoffed, shoving his mouth with more food to avoid speaking further.
“give it a chance. the worst that could happen is that you don’t vibe with her and you never talk to her again” jeno tries his best to convince the stubborn boy. renjun just shrugs, his mind contemplating the idea.
“okay fine, one date. if you guys really think she’s soo good for me, let’s see how accurate you guys are” renjun snickers. he was not confident in their matchmaking skills at all, but he loved seeing them fail.
“perfect, i’ll set it up for you. just sit back, relax and be your boring self” haechan grins, tapping away on his phone. renjun ignores the cheeky boy’s comments, finishing up his dinner. his first date in over two years, this should be good...
I used to be so tough
Never really gave enough
And then you caught my eye
Giving me the feeling of a lightning strike
renjun was regretting this date already. all he knew about you was your first name and your uni course, nothing else. the boys had refused to show him any photos of you, claiming that it would be more ‘romantic’ if he fell for you at first sight...what a cliche, he thought to himself.
“how will i even know it’s her, if i don’t know what she freaking looks like?” renjun groaned, nerves slowly building up as haechan pulled up to the date location.
“i’ll point her out, okay? just trust me” renjun let out a short sigh, hands slightly jittery. why the hell was he nervous? it wasn’t like he was going to see her after this one date.
as renjun stepped out of the car, his eyes scanned the scenery.
“jeez, you guys really went all out for this date” he was amazed by the view. it was a restaurant that was by the water, multiple little boats sailing across it and the sounds of birds humming.
“of course, you only deserve the best” haechan winked, eyes looking for renjun’s date.
“dude what if she doesn’t even show up. does she even know what i look like?” renjun was slightly panicking at this point, drifting from his tough exterior.
“haechan?” a soft voice interrupted his thoughts. renjun’s eyes diverted to the owner of the voice. he felt stunned by the sight of you, dressed neatly in some jeans and a flowery blouse. you had slightly curled your hair, hands clutching to your purse as you greeted the two boys infront of you.
“hey y/n, this is renjun, your date for tonight! see you kids later, don’t get up to anything crazy” haechan chuckled to himself, shoving renjun to meet you. renjun almost clashed into your smaller frame, catching you off guard. you gently held his arms, keeping a small distance between you both.
“o-oh my bad, i-i’m renjun” he stammered, eyes meeting yours. you were slightly blown away by his looks...he was really attractive. well done, haechan.
renjun would say the same about you. even though he didn’t have a particular type, (as he found it kind of dumb tbh) he believed you could fit it perfectly.
“i’m y/n! nice to meet you” you widely smiled, renjun returning your expression as he pulled out his hand for you to shake. maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad after all.
Look at me now, I'm falling
I can't even talk, still stuttering
This ground I'm on, it keeps shaking
you were currently trying to hold back your laughter as renjun recounted the story of how he caught jaemin with his girlfriend...doing the nasty, during their first week of university.
“oh my goodness! were you scarred for life?” you slammed your fist on the table, causing others around you to glare. but renjun couldn’t even focus on them, attention solely on you.
“of course! it was the first week! like couldn’t they have just waited until midterms?” renjun chuckled at the memory, proud of himself that he made you laugh so much. he must be doing something right.
“you’re really funny, renjun. some of the other guys that haechan tried to set me up with were lowkey boring. i guess he sees me as boring too” you slightly frowned, watching as renjun piped up in his seat,
“y-you’re not boring at all! you’re funny! and pretty too” he muttered the last part, not wanting you to have heard. but you did. you decided not to linger on it much, afraid to make him too flustered.
“you’d be the first guy to say that” you shrugged, taking a small sip from your glass of water.
“have you had boyfriends in the past?” renjun suddenly asked, causing you to raise an eyebrow.
“i-uh i’ve had a few. nothing too serious though, how about you?” you curiously ask in return, watching as renjun looked down to his lap. he hesitated before answering,
“i’ve only had one girlfriend before. i’m not really an avid dater” renjun admits to you, hoping that you didn’t find him lame.
“oh neither am i! we have another thing in common! i feel like relationships can get really difficult to manage, especially if you aren’t in the right headspace, you know?” you started rambling, renjun stringing along to your every word. he found such beauty in the way you articulated your words. he was so entranced he almost forgot to respond.
“i totally understand how you feel, i’ve always thought that i should live my life to the fullest before i consider settling down” he commented, causing you to nod along. you really liked his answers, it seemed like you were both on the same page about relationships. you didn’t expect to enjoy his company this much, initially agreeing to go on the date so that haechan would stop teasing you for not having a boyfriend in uni yet.
you walked alongside renjun, waiting for your roommate to pick you up.
“i had a really good time tonight, renjun. thankyou” you kindly complimented, causing renjun to become more shy (if that was even possible).
“no thankyou! there were times i felt kind of awkward, but you really know how to carry a conversation” he smiled, watching as you started to get shy.
“are you flirting with me, huang renjun?” you teased, nudging his arm gently.
“so what if i am?” he nudged you back,
“well i don’t think i’d want you to stop” you smirked. before renjun could say anything back, your heard the familiar voice of your roommate urging you to get in her car.
“oh that’s my ride. i have to get going. this was nice, i’ll see you around renjun!” you hurriedly embraced the boy, placing a gentle peck to his cheek before rushing to your roommate’s car.
renjun still didn’t say anything back to you, his body frozen from your touch.
‘no no no’ he thought to himself...he was falling for her.
All I wanna be, yeah, all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah
Is somebody to you
Everybody's tryna be a billionaire
But every time I look at you, I just don't care
“so are you gonna tell us about the date or do we have to call and ask her instead?” haechan teased as the rest of the boys sat in their living room. renjun has a book in his hands, wanting nothing more than peace and quiet after his long night.
“gosh, will you let me finish this chapter?” renjun huffed, causing jaemin and jeno to snicker. haechan pulled out his phone, holding it to renjun’s face,
“oh would you look at that? it would be a shame for my finger to slip and dial y/n” before he could continue, renjun hurriedly tossed his book to the side, tackling the pestering boy onto the ground, holding him down firmly.
“holy shit, did you get stronger?“ haechan could barely speak, still in shock from the sudden attack. renjun slowly leans back, letting out a tired sigh.
“you two are ridiculous, let’s cut to the chase, did you like her or not?” jaemin rolled his eyes, ready to hear all the tea.
renjun looked from side to side, not liking all the attention that was on him.
“i-she was really cool. honestly yeah, i did like her. but i don’t think she’s looking for anything too serious at the moment” renjun shook his head, thinking back to your heated discussion about relationships.
“okay that sounds like a cop out excuse. i think you’re just scared” jeno chimed in, the two other boys nodding along. renjun glared at them, trying his best to maintain his composure.
“yeah, i mean, did anything happen aside from good conversation?” jaemin continued to push, renjun now becoming more reserved. of course he trusted his friends, but they never really openly spoke about their feelings like this, it was quite new to all of them.
“she kissed me on the cheek before she left, does that mean something?” renjun muttered, watching as haechan tips himself over, now laying on the ground.
“you’re an idiot, must we spell it out for you? she’s totally into you as well” jeno groaned in frustration.
truth was, renjun wasn’t sure how to properly ask someone out, nonetheless be in a proper relationship with them. he was in desperate need of help...but all he had were his three idiot friends.
“i know i don’t know her well and all, but after she left, i couldn’t stop thinking about her. is this what it’s like to fall for someone? oh god...i’m falling” renjun started rambling to himself, jaemin and jeno now rested against him, shoulder touching either of his.
“the answer is pretty clear, man. go for a second date! make the move, she might be thinking the exact same thing” jeno shrugged, trying his best to advise his friend, the best he could. renjun bidded, actually agreeing with jeno for once.
suddenly, renjun felt his phone ringing. he immediately picked it up without looking at the caller ID.
as if you were listening in on their conversation, your voice rang through renjun’s ear.
“hello? is this renjun?” you nervously stammered, waiting for a response. renjun was completely frozen, his mouth hung wide as jeno pressed his own ear closer to the phone.
“y-yes this is him” renjun finally spat out, hands slightly shaking.
“oh great, this is probably coming as a surprise to you. but i uh, wanted to know if you’d be interested in going on another date” you were able to finish, heart racing as you held the phone tightly. renjun felt his heart stop after your words, jeno shaking him gently to snap out of his daze.
“o-oh yeah, i’d be really interested” renjun replies, mentally face palming himself for sounding a little too eager.
“amazing, i’ll keep in touch” you smiled to yourself, trying your best to contain your excitement. eventually you hung up, screaming into your pillow, kicking your feet up and down. was this how it felt to actually like someone?
“there’s your chance, don’t blow it!” haechan teased, throwing a cushion over to renjun who was still frozen well after the call had ended.
‘holy shit’ he mumbled.
the date you had planned for renjun, involved attending the local food markets they held once a month. you thought it would be a social enough setting for conversation to not get too awkward, as well as enjoy a variety of food. renjun met you at the bus stop, dressed in baggy jeans and a blue wind runner jacket. his hair was slightly styled, some strands gelled back. it really accentuated his facial features, making you admire him even more than you did before.
“you look really good today, i mean, not like you don’t look good everyday i’m sure you do..” you shook your head at your rambling, wanting nothing more but for him to laugh it off. renjun just smirked at you, planning another witty comment to respond,
“not as good as you though” he gently guided you to walk with him, his hand travelling to the small of your back. you slightly froze at the contact, but aimlessly followed him. he surely had his way with words.
as you both tasted some amazing food, renjun found him standing quite close to you. if you were trying a sample, he would stand behind you, his chest touching your back occasionally. it seemed really natural to him, and you didn’t mind it at all. he would often touch your shoulder gently to grab your attention, or pull you along by your waist. it gave you massive butterflies that you could shake off.
“did you want to start heading home? we can walk to the bus stop together” renjun offered kindly, his arm wrapped around your shoulder as you slowly made your way out of the large crowd. just as you were about to respond, rain started sprinkling from the sky. renjun quickly moved you to stand under some shelter as the rain came pouring.
“how the hell are we meant to walk in this?” you half shouted, clutching onto renjun’s side. he couldn’t bear moving you away from him,
“let’s just run, we can’t wait for it to pass” he suddenly took your hand, pulling you along as he bolted to the nearest bus stop.
“you’re so crazy, renjun!” you shout at the boy, giggling at the entire situation. before you knew it, renjun span you around, pulling you close to his chest.
“the only thing i’m crazy about is you” he confessed, catching you completely off guard. he had a habit of making such flirty comments, but this time you felt he wasn’t trying to joke around.
“w-what?” rain was washing over the both of you, your clothes completely soaked at this point.
“i really like you, y/n. i really freaking do. i didn’t want to admit it at first because i was scared of the idea of dating. but i want to be with you. i want to be somebody to you. everyone is out here trying to settle down and start their lives, but i feel like with you we can go at a steady pace. i don’t want to rush things, incase it gets messy, and difficult. but i just needed you to know that i really like you, and i hope it’s not all in my head that you like me back” renjun firmly confessed to you, eyes never leaving yours. you slowly raised your hand to wipe some rain drops off his face, watching as he smiled into your touch. he held you tightly in his arms, awaiting your response.
“renjun, i think i made it really clear that i like you back. i was also nervous about how you’d react, considering you weren’t really looking for anything serious at first. i think we should give it a shot, we can worry about all the stress and possible fights later on. all i know is that right now, you’re the only person i want to be standing in the rain with. now can you please kiss me?” you couldn’t contain your smile as renjun leaned into you. his lips pressing gently against yours. your fingers now running through his wet hair as he held your waist firmly. the kiss started getting deeper, the atmosphere really playing into the romantic nature of it all. eventually you both pulled away, foreheads presses against eachother, softly giggling.
that was the beginning of your relationship with renjun. despite having ups and downs (as expected) you both persevered and tried your absolute hardest to make things work. renjun finally admitted to himself: falling inlove wasn’t so bad...especially when it was with the right person.
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