#i just see them as the smallest creatures ever
i-bez-togo-toshno · 2 months
👋 👋 👋 👋 I'm really willing to do some requests so send me smth if you're interested!
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Old men yaoi
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bonefarm · 1 year
The notes on a recent post got me thinking
By nature, I’m a fan of having 2 beers and meeting strangers at a bar somewhere you’ve never been, which is a thing that we don’t do in 2023 between COVID and being afraid of one another because of the prevalence of gun violence and regular violence and misdirected road rage and the million other little deadly social erosions of the past 10 years or so.
You have got to let go of this idea that any place is a complete nothing-burger full of nothing-people.
You have to.
Its vitally important that you navigate that airport with a stranger in Denver and realize he’s got a tattoo of lyrics from your favorite song. To sing House of the Rising Sun with four people you’ve known for 2 hours (and somehow managed to get into the DNCs private bar with) in the back of an Uber in DC when it’s pissing rain and entirely too cold for your southern blood. It’s important to cooperate and solve problems together and go about it laughing and singing. We are silly little creatures that love a puzzle and a story.
It’s also important to flee a tornado in the back of a shitty red pickup at pride in Oklahoma City and feel the sky break wide-open against the lazy /tick-lok/ /tick-lok/ of the windshield wipers while racing down what once was Rte 66. Its important to know that in the face of creeping fascism that place, of all places, has entire gay neighborhoods. It’s important to wake up in an apartment high, high up in NYC and watch the sun through the buildings and boulevards and watch the glorious great goddamn of that impossible number of people all cooperating and all not. To say Hyoo-stun, that way, on purpose just to get a rise of your born and bred NY friend who does NOT think you’re funny but will make coffee for you.
You need to see a beach full of people cautiously approaching and flinching away from a floating, dead horseshoe crab on Tybee Island, Georgia the way any troupe of wild animals approaches an unknown alien thing. Cows in a field, fish in the ocean flinching from a diver. Little children squealing and wide eyed behind their parents legs. You need to be the person that walks out and picks it up and watches the rest of the crowd creep in to investigate.
I don’t get to travel a lot in the way that most people do, when I go to a place it’s usually because something bad has happened there, but I have found it universally true that most people just want to tell you a story or show you a picture on their phone of the craziest thing they’ve ever seen and they don’t particularly care who you are or what your accent is. Sometimes they do, and those people suck, but those people are not the majority.
Sometimes if you let an old redneck talk he’ll tell you everything you never wanted to know about forensic accounting. Sometimes you’ll meet someone in the middle of the biggest city in the US who knows everything about show pigs. I’ve been to the smallest Kansas towns and the biggest cities in the US and I’ve found none of them were full of nothing.
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
some times i see people talking about the Earth and climate change saying things like "now i know it is difficult to deal with utter hopelessness, terror, and visiting the thoughts of death"
and it's like wow I am so deeply sorry about the suffering. but...concern. Concern. Tell me, am I missing something important? Why do I feel a sense of hope for our planet? Am I a lonely fool? Have I been consumed by naïveté and misguided optimism?
That would be weird. It feels weird. It feels like I would be well suited to despair. My natural temperament is Mortal Terror making my body crushed for a thousand years at the bottom of the deepest trenches of the ocean. I've thought before "I can't live any more. This exceeds the tensile strength of the human spirit."
And then? After irreversible catastrophic failure of the soul, there is...what?
We try to imagine the future where we fight to save our home and it is very painful. The resistance feels so small and the machine of death feels so vast. But something's missing.
Everyone else is missing—the plants, trees, bugs, beasts, and creatures. Hello? Are the other humans seeing this? Nature wants you to know that she is not a princess in a tower. Look! Look at the chaos moving through every cell! Iterating! Adapting! Becoming! Thriving! Watch the pollinators tirelessly at work, observe the mycorrhizal network in the forest floor distributing the rich fruits of decay and photosynthesis for every inhabitant! Pay attention! We belong here too. They feed and shelter us, give us the very air we breathe, and in return we plant and propagate, cull, thin, and burn, shape, trample, till, shepherd and sprout seeds. Our species can look toward the future, to the world of our descendants. We can call every plant and animal by name and teach our children to use and care for them responsibly. We can feel this anger, pain, and grief on behalf of the family of Life, OUR family, and we can love the smallest beetle and the humblest moss.
Look at it! This thing is nothing like me, it does not benefit me, it has no use or purpose for me, but LOOK at it! Look at its intricate structure! Look at the marvelousness of its behaviors and biological functions! Look at its uniqueness throughout the whole universe! Look at it, and see its infinite value!
I saved a baby tree from the scorching hot gravel of a parking lot. I watched it grow and thrive in the hands of its caretaker. Many more followed, trees and herbs and flowers, rescued and carefully placed in cups and old tubs that once held yogurt and sour cream. This is so strange, I thought. They're everywhere, offering themselves for free, and no one thinks to take them. Everyone thinks transplanting a tree is hard and that nothing grows on the edge of the pavement but weeds. But it's so easy??? This is weird. Plant Nurseries Hate Her: Get Free Plants With This One Weird Trick.
I protected an old barren garden patch where nothing had thrived from being mowed and weed-whacked, and transplanted little plants that I found. I marveled at the bees that came. Chicory bloomed, then asters and goldenrod. I shed actual tears over a spicebush swallowtail. I ordered some milkweed from the internet, and the monarchs came for them. Less then twenty-five bucks for a divine experience like this. Wow, everyone else really needs to know!
I started volunteering at a nature center, and was allowed to transplant flowers where they sprouted in inopportune locations. I collected tons of seeds all fall and winter long.
There is much, much more, all of it bigger than I ever would have imagined. But this spring there were more birds, in number and in species, than I'd ever seen in my back yard before. Chickadees, swallows, finches, nuthatches, jays, cardinals, warblers, sparrows, woodpeckers of every kind...I remembered just a couple years prior when all I ever saw out there was a couple grackles or starlings or robins, with the occasional sparrow. Those birds come in flocks rather than couples now. And then the bumblebee arrived. An American bumblebee, endangered now, a queen. For a few days she was always out there, would fly out and buzz around me when I came out to tend to my now-innumerable plants. It's nesting time for them. She chose this place I was creating. She saw that this place would take care of her.
A week ago, I discovered wild strawberries growing in my Mamaw's driveway. I found lyreleaf sage growing beside a gravel road. I've become a master of transplanting; I took several of each home. Yesterday, I saw a tiny, metallic blue bee, an Osmia mason bee. Today, I saw an oriole and a strange, very fancy fly. I see something new almost every day. Every day I am being irreversibly changed as a person. How did I ever fail to see how much this matters?
I said I feel hope...do I feel it? I don't think it's a feeling, I think it's a practice. It's being part of our communities and our ecosystems. Nature's interconnectedness is both reality and example: to survive, we take care of one another. And when one member of the community helps another thrive, it creates a cascade that increases the thriving of all. Just by existing, you help us all survive.
You can only take care of so many plants before you have to give some away. You can only hold so much knowledge before you have to give it away. I gave seeds to a dozen different flowers to my next-door neighbor and she invited me inside and wouldn't let me leave without food, and we talked about plants and trees. A family friend lets me have goats' milk and heirloom vegetables in exchange for help around the farm, and I listen to him talk about trees, bugs, and soil and learn so much I feel like I'm about to explode from knowledge.
Being a caretaker is unavoidably a community-oriented, community-forming thing. You can't grow plants all by yourself. Your garden will make too many tomatoes. Share them. Your milkweed will make hundreds and hundreds of seeds. Spread them. Wild blackberries invite you to take and eat. Your lonely retired neighbor invites you to talk and keep her company. Once you grow delicious fruits or little oak trees, you always have a reason to greet someone and say, "Look, it is a gift!"
We're not alone. We are not separate. We take care of each other. Every species, every individual. A single action of caretaking creates a cascade effect of thriving. A single unapologetic love for a creature creates a blossom of curiosity and fascination in everyone surrounding. It's so powerful.
As my chemical romance says "I am not afraid to keep on living"
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foxcantswim · 7 months
Hi there! Saw that you may be open to doing requests so I wanted to send one in if you’re not too busy 👋🏼
How about Vanessa’s reaction to hearing f!Reader screaming in the other room, but it ends up just her being scared of a big bug? (Totally not based on recent experiences I’ve had myself 😅)
FNAF Movie / / Vanessa x F!Reader [Terrifying Creatures]
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(gif by me)
Vanessa comes to rescue you from something much more terrifying than the animatronics. Contents: FLUFF, Established Relationship Warnings: Van+Mike+YN+Animatronics being idiots WC: 1,486 (Had a lot of fun writing this request. Thank you for the idea @heartof-flies !)
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"Seriously guys?" Vanessa sighed in annoyance.
Bonnie and Chica were currently standing nearby, looking down at the mess they had caused. Chica had tripped over Bonnie's guitar and knocked over a table, snapping the legs off in the process. There were a couple of drinks on the table which Vanessa and you had been enjoying too, now they were smashed on the floor. Foxy almost looked smug as he watched on from afar.
She had only gotten here around thirty minutes ago and she already wanted to leave. If it wasn't for you, she would already have. But when you gave her those puppy dog eyes and asked her to help you clean up the mess, she couldn't exactly say no.
You had taken Freddy away so he could help you carry back some cleaning supplies, leaving Vanessa with the other three idiots.
"Come on, help me move this out the way," she beckoned for them to come closer to the table, "You too, Foxy."
He opened his mouth in shock.
"I know you didn't do it, but I still would appreciate the help."
After a few minutes of convincing, he agreed and helped Vanessa, Bonnie and Chica pick up the heavy table and move it to the side of the room. Foxy attempted to kicked some glass away, trying his best to hide it.
"Don't," Vanessa scolded him, "We need to clean up properly. You know how Y/N and Mike are, they'll trip and fall over the smallest thing." She went to grab a broom from the nearby closet, Bonnie following her in the process.
He held up his hand, Vanessa cocked her head before placing the broom in is hand - balancing it as best she could.
Of course it fell to the floor.
"Thanks for the offer, bud. But you don't exactly have a good grip," Vanessa smiled as she picked the broom back up and went back over to the mess.
Upon arriving, she noticed that Chica was pointing at Foxy with her eyes narrowed.
"What did you do this time?"
Then Chica pointed to the floor.
Foxy had clearly kicked around the glass even more, most likely in a fit of anger. He had spread it around to the back of some of the arcade machines.
"You're lucky you have a hook for a hand, otherwise I'd be making you get on your hands and knees to clean this up," she rolled her eyes, "You really just like making my job harder, don't you?"
If an animatronic could smirk, Vanessa was sure that's what Foxy would be doing right about now.
After a few minutes of sweeping, still far from done of course, her mind drifted to you and Freddy.
"What is taking them so long?" she wondered out loud, the animatronics looked between each other clearly curious.
As if on cue, that's when she heard you. A loud ear piercing shriek echoing throughout the pizzeria.
Vanessa wasted no time in throwing the broom to the floor, her hand reached to her belt and gripped the emergency taser hard. She made her way to the storage room at a rapid pace. Bonnie tried to follow out of curiosity, but unfortunately he slipped on the broom... Chica and Foxy were left to now clean up even more as Bonnie fell right into another table.
Vanessa slammed the door open, taser pointed up in the air in preparation.
What she wasn't expecting to see was you standing on a chair in the middle of the room.
"Y/N?" she said, lowering the taser ever so slightly.
"Vanessa! Help!" you exclaimed, terror in your voice.
The blonde looked around the room and that's when she also saw Freddy, he was standing in the corner with a sheet over his head.
"I... What is even going on in here?"
"Careful!" you warned, pointing down towards the floor, "It went under that shelf!"
"'It' being what?"
"The most horrific thing I've ever seen!" you covered your eyes.
Vanessa pocketed the taser, raising an eyebrow in confusion. She kneeled on the floor to peek under the shelf.
"I'm not seeing anything, hon."
"Freddy!" you called, "It escaped! Run whilst you can!"
Freddy wasted no time in removing the sheet from his head, he dropped it to the ground before moving past Vanessa to leave the storage room.
"I didn't think you would actually leave me here, you coward!" you exclaimed as you watched him leave.
"Okay, seriously, Y/N. I'm aware you get scared by the smallest thing. But him?" she nodded back towards the door, "What's he scared of?"
That's when you saw it, "Ah! There!"
Vanessa couldn't believe her eyes. The most horrific and terrifying and scary looking... bug? It crawled out from a different set of shelves, causing Vanessa to step back and simply look at it.
"This thing?" she pointed towards the bug.
"THIS thing?" she put more emphasis on it, "THIS BUG?"
Vanessa simply grabbed a nearby cup from the shelf, she bent down and placed it over the bug and then stood back up straight. She simply looked at you in silence. You looked at her in returned silence.
Clearing your throat, you hopped down from the chair, smoothing down your clothes, "Wow... that was... so scary huh?" a nervous laugh escaped you.
"You are so lucky I love you, Y/N," she couldn't stop herself from smiling, "Don't worry. Your knight in shining armour is here to save you."
You folded your arms and pouted.
Vanessa's smile widened as she stepped closer, "Don't be mad. It's cute," she teased, her arms coming up to pull you into a hug, "I'm sure that bug was very scary."
You tried to stay mad, but Vanessa always managed to pull you out of it. The blonde placed a soft kiss against your cheek, causing your face to heat up.
"Come on, Y/N," she continued to place even more kisses, "Can't stay mad at me forever."
Finally, a smile crept up on to your own face, "Nessy..." you groaned, "Stop!" you tried to push her away.
Vanessa finally captured your lips with hers, you finally unfolded your arms to wrap them around her instead.
A smug smile was on Vanessa's face when she pulled away, "I'll be here to save you from all the scary bugs."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes.
The pair of you finally managed to find the mops and other cleaning supplies, getting ready to clean up whatever extra mess the animatronics have caused whilst you two were gone.
As long as there weren't any bugs around, you were sure you would be fine.
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(BONUS/Alternate Scene)
That's when you saw it, "Ah! There!"
Vanessa couldn't believe her eyes. The most horrific and terrifying and scary looking... bug? BUG?!
"MOVE!" Vanessa exclaimed, hopping up onto the chair.
"H-Hey!" you said, trying not to fall off the chair as you clung to Vanessa's arms, "Nessy!"
"That is the biggest bug I've ever seen!"
You gulped, "What do we do? We can't stay here forever!"
"I don't know! Look for something to hit it with!"
"I can't reach the shelves from here!"
The two of you remained on that chair for the rest of the night... And the rest of the following day...
Eventually, the sound of echoing footsteps filled both yours and Vanessa's ears.
"What the hell happened in here, Freddy? Why is there so much glass?!" you heard a voice, "Don't look at me like that... I want this mess cleaned up now."
The door to the storage room opened, and there stood Mike. He froze upon seeing both you and Vanessa standing on a chair.
"Heyyyy, Mike..." you started.
"Am I interrupting something?" he said, extremely confused.
Vanessa smiled, "Nope. Nothing at all."
"Then whyyy are you on the chair?"
"Erm..." you gulped.
The blonde then suddenly gasped, "Mike! Behind you!"
Mike turned around and saw nothing at first, his eyes slowly drifted downwards. His heartrate picked up before he turned and sprinted towards you and Vanessa, "MOVE!" he shouted, jumping onto the already crowded chair.
"Mike!" you exclaimed, now having to hold on to both Vanessa and him in order not to fall, "You were supposed to be our last hope!"
"Someone else can deal with that!" he shook his head.
Vanessa almost slipped, "Find your own chair, you idiot!"
Lets just say, the three of them spent a long time bickering on that chair. Their only salvation was when Chica came in and fell over the sheet Freddy had dropped earlier, accidentally landing on top of the bug... Not without knocking over a lot of shelves in the process though.
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Taglist: @marvelwomen-simp
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tinydefector · 9 days
Do you think cybertronians ever get a bit freaked out on how tough we are? Yes they can break us like toothpicks but humans seem to be able to take a good beating as well with adrenaline helping. Even our own body and oxygen trys kills us and yet we stick around like roaches. We're fragile in some reasonable and dumb ways and then resilient in the most dumbest ways.
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Oh definitely, alot of the bots are very off put by how fragile humans are just in general and tend to avoid them.
But then there's the moments like Ratchet working a late shift and a small knock on the door alerts him someone's there, he turns around expecting it to be Rodimus or Whirl who he's about to scold but instead it's one of the humans and they look worse for wear. After fussing over them for a moment, detailed scans relay fractured ribs, a broken collar bone, and a heap of bruises and yet the humans just like. "Can I have some Panadol, Nurophen, and a glass of water?" Because they don't know what else to do its what they would get. Most of the times they ended up in the hospital. Ratchet is losing his God dawn mind as he rushes around looking for the best painkillers he can find for orgaincs in the smallest dosage he can give, hoping to primus it doesn't shut their heart down. In the end, they end up on a medication that makes them extremely drowsy, almost like the green whistle/ Weed.
Ratchet ends up doing alot of study on the human body and realises just how fucked up little monsters we are. We literally need oxygen to survive but he we have to much pure oxygen it will kill us. Water, we need a certain amount of it, if we don't have enough we will get dehydrated and die, if we have to much we will get water poisoning, intoxication, or a disruption of brain function. This happens when there's too much water in our cells, such as the brain and blood cells, causing them to swell. When the cells in the brain swell, they cause pressure in the brain, resulting in death. The issue is that it can become an addiction to drinking too much water for the effect it has on the body. Same with nearly everything we consume, it can kill us, but we need a lot of it in moderation.
Human: "I just need some basic pain killers and a nap"
Bot: "No, you need full surgery, sedations, and 3 weeks of recovery!"
Human: "nah she'll be fine!"
Bot: "Absolutely Not, bed now before I cuff you"
Following that imagine a first contact AU where Cybertronians and humans are just slowly getting to know how the other works and next thing a human is kneeling over in horrific pain and it send the bots all into panic mode trying to help them, wondering what's happening and thinking they are dying. And the human after about ten minutes some pain killers still looking rather pale and unhealthy just go. "Sorry about that fuck I hate, Cramps/palpitations/ phantom pains/ and such" and the bots are just looking at them horrified like.
Human: what you talking about?
Bot: everything that just happened you literally just short circuited!
Human: nah that's causal wait till you see the really funky shit.
Human pet AU
Cybertronian's keeping humans as pets is like humans keeping hamsters. Humans are some of the most homicidal, suicidal and just deranged creatures that Cybertronian's could keep as pets. It's gotten to the point that they are a luxury/ exotic pet because if you do not feed them the right stuff, give them the right amount of light and socialising, and they will just die. There are so many Cybertronian's who take their human into clinics worried as and its just the human being a little bustard because they didn't get the treat they wanted 2 weeks ago and are still holding that grudge. Not to mention, we are prone to causing as much trouble and issue. We are like cats.
But we are also very easily sick and primus forbid a human gets sick because to a bot they think it's a death sentence for their sweet little spitfire of a human who they have had now for ages. And the human looks ready to die, and the next day, they are up and about like nothing ever happened.
Human: if you don't feed me the meals I want I'm going to pretend to die. If you do feed me what I want I might actually die because I shouldn't be eating it.
Human: totally worth it.
In conclusion, the cybertronians are rather wary/ concerned about how resilient humans really are.
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vampiric-hunger · 4 months
⊱─ 𝕤𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕚𝕟𝕖 𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕦𝕣𝕖 ─⊰
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➺ 𝕡𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘: Ascended Astarion/f!reader
➺ 𝕥𝕒𝕘𝕤: no y/n is used, rating - E, smut, improper use of charm spell (sorta), vampiric charming, dub-con I guess?, PiV, fingering, blood drinking, creampie, breeding kink, waiter there's a tiny bit of plot in my porn
➺ 𝕤𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: only a stupid rogue would try to rob a suspected Vampire Lord but here you are, doing exactly that. well, right until you get caught with your greedy fingers picking a lock. surprisingly enough, Lord Astarion is not mad when he finds a thief in his chambers. how (un)fortunate you are that he thinks you're beautiful. and his punishment might yet become a reward instead.
➺ 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 4,257
𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕣 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕖: Astarion breeding kink this, breeding kink that, well, here i am trying my own hand at it for the very first time ever. i don't know how good it is but i had fun writing it! this one shot started as something else, but well, here we are, being horny. enjoy! <3
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p.s. in regards of "improper use of charm spell" tag - Astarion is using his vampiric charm on reader, she is completely under his control for most of the fic and thus i marked this as dubcon but she only truly consents towards the end of it. so if you're not into this type of thing click out.
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You’re stupid, oh yes you are.
You suspected so even before you broke into the palace.
Like last night, when at the Blushing Mermaid your thieving buddies dared you to break into this grand home and steal an item two of them have been hired to steal. By whom? That never matters in your line of work. But you were drunk and too proud of your own skill in thievery. You boasted that you could do it the next night and so they dared you. You took their dare but when you woke up this morning you realized how badly this could end.
Breaking into the palace of a suspected Vampire Lord is something you never attempted nor have many others. But here you are now, attempting the stupidest heist of your life and only now you’re realizing just how stupid indeed you have been the night before and even more so tonight, for coming here, for breaking in and making it this far. Shit, you don’t even remember what consequences of failing this dare are anymore, you were too arrogant in your drunken haze and you might actually get killed.
So now you’re here, in a small, windowless, positively secret room, adjacent to Lord’s bedroom, your focus on the pedestal in front of you.
“A pretty little thing, aren’t you?” a smooth, almost silky voice comes from behind you and yet it feels like an assault.
You freeze, your fingers extended over a small metal chest that you were picking a lock of just a moment ago. You knew the risks coming here, or at least you hoped you did. And now it looks like you got caught in the act.
As you straighten your back and turn around you are met with crimson eyes, a toothy smirk and relaxed body language of a man who you came here to steal from. Astarion, the newest Lord of Baldur’s Gate, latest patriarch of Szarr palace, a charming man that you heard rumors about of being an actual vampire. Undesirable creatures tend to know of one another’s existence. Him – possibly a dangerous monster and you – a thief and a dagger for hire. For a moment you wonder what will happen if this confrontation comes to fighting. You doubt you could win. Even without confirmation of his possible immortality Lord Astarion has a certain aura about him that you can’t quite put your finger on.
You eye him slowly, carefully, examining smallest details. His demeanor doesn’t seem threatening but you see those fangs in his mouth and you know what they can do, you know the power he must possess. Yes, it’s no rumor after all, he is a vampire. And if the same rumors are correct – a very powerful one. He doesn’t need a dagger in his hand to be extremely dangerous and you’re not enough of a fool to pick a fight with a Vampire Lord unless you have to.
“Can I assume you’re not here to give me a key?” you raise an eyebrow at him. You’re not going to be intimidated by him.
You have one more trick up your sleeve if things go murderously bad, a ring of teleportation that you rarely use because it tends to trigger magical defenses but since Astarion already caught you there’s no reason to avoid using it if you can’t talk your way out of the situation. And you will try to talk your way out of it because you have too much pride to scuttle away like a spooked rat.
Vampire’s eyes slide down your body smoothly like a viper, then back up again. Another glance to the metal box behind you and then back to your eyes. He tilts his face to an angle, giving you a curious look.
“I could. But I do wonder what are you doing here. And more so, I am dying to hear how you got inside without being noticed, how have you made it this far as to end up in my personal chambers.” his tone is still smooth like velvet and it gives you chills.
“Let’s say I’m good at what I do.” you smirk at him, despite your unease and tension in your body you are not going to show even a sliver of it to him.
“Indeed you are.” Astarion now steps closer and you move to the side when he approaches the box, placing his long, nimble fingers on it. You recognize a hand of a man who has picked many such locks himself in the past and you wonder about his history for a moment before he looks at you again, his eyes always on yours, almost never leaving.
“Do you know what’s in there, darling?” vampire asks and you cross your arms on your chest, shifting your weight on the other foot. Your goal is also to appear non-threatening but your muscles are tight as a spring.
“I was hoping it’s the Amulet of Weeping.” you say straightforwardly. You see no reason to lie because unless Astarion keeps something more in the box he knows perfectly well what you were trying to get.
Vampire chuckles lightly and taps his fingertips on the lid of the box.
“Indeed. Do you know what it does, you precious little thief?” the smirk on his lips and his eyes, forever locked on yours, it’s almost all you can see.
Yet his question makes you lose your cool. You look at the metal box and clear your throat, stalling for time but then look back at him.
“Well, actually I don’t. You see-“ a sudden finger on your lips, silencing you. If he’s a vampire, why his touch is so warm? And how in the Nine Hells he’s so fast? You didn’t even see him move, it was like a flash, it happened in a blink of an eye.
Oh yes, he’s even more dangerous than the tales you’ve heard.
“Shh. Don’t speak.” Astarion’s voice is soothing, alluring.
What is this… Why you feel so relaxed, so… warm? Your alertness starts to blunt, your caution begins to turn into curiosity and are you flushing? Your face feels hot and this change you feel somehow does not feel strange or unwelcome. It’s like being embraced, it’s like being caressed, you belong.
And all you can see is the crimson of his eyes.
“There we go. I’m sure you’re feeling better. Don’t resist, my dear, just relax, I’m not going to harm you. Maybe I will even reward you for being so brave.” Astarion croons with a voice like silk.
“Reward?” you ask, feeling like you’re in a dream. A voice in the back of your head tells you you’re being charmed but that voice is quickly snuffed out. It’s gone like a whisp of smoke from a candle that just got blown out. One moment it’s there and then not even a memory of it lingers.
“Yes, a reward, darling. Wouldn’t you like to be rewarded?” vampire’s fingers now grip your chin softly, lifting your face to his, his thumb traces your bottom lip.
“What… kind of reward?” even your own voice sounds distant now but you couldn’t care less. Those eyes… Those red eyes that bore into yours… They are everything.
“Ah, now what kind of reward we will have to see for ourselves.” Astarion smirks but his fangs don’t bother you anymore, if anything they look attractive, lighting a fire in your belly. “Let’s go, I’ll let you pick your reward, you little thief.”
With that he moves his fingers from your chin and wraps his arm around your shoulders, now leading you out of this small room. You follow without question or hesitation, but glance back at the box just once, trying to remember what was so special about it and why did you even come here. No, you don’t remember. And it doesn’t matter, not anymore.
When you look in front of you the door opens and a view of a lavish bedroom greets you. A big, luxurious bed with bedposts and parted drapes, all in black or red or gold. Simple glance around the room reveals several paintings, some bookshelves and cabinets, closets and a table, some comfortable looking armchairs. The carpet even under your boots feels soft, you almost want to lay down on it. But Astarion’s arm around your shoulders makes you walk further, towards the bed, and you barely register the door behind you closing.
Why are you here? Oh yes, the reward. When Astarion stops you just in front of the bed, his arm leaves you and he turns you to him by your shoulders. When your eyes land on his you smile. He’s so beautiful, so handsome, he’s the prettiest being you have ever seen. He sees your smile, your glazed over eyes and smiles in return.
“Not afraid of me, are you?” he asks and you slowly shake your head. “Very good. I must say, you are very very pretty, darling. What’s your name?”
Your name… Your name? What’s your name?
Your face scrunches in confusion, your eyes scan his chest and noses of your boots as if the answer is written somewhere in his noble’s attire or in the leather of your shoes. You look up at him again and Vampire Lord chuckles.
“Well, that matters not. You will remember soon enough.” Astarion uses both hands to tuck strands of your hair behind your ears and you smile at him again. His touch is soft, warm and wanted. “But, to get back to my point, you are beautiful.” he leans closer to your face, his smile and his eyes become your whole world. “And I like to collect beautiful things.”
“Things?” you echo and something once more tugs at your mind but then disappears again. You’re perfectly in his control. Under his gaze you can’t resist him.
Astarion does not bother to reply, his gaze sweeps down your body, analyzing every piece of clothing you’re wearing, then his nimble fingers begin unclasping your leather armor, taking it off piece by piece, dropping one item after another to the side of his feet. At first you don’t realize what’s going on, you just watch his face but when vampire slips the straps of your bra off your shoulders you finally blink in confusion.
When you look down at yourself you see yourself half naked, your nipples perk up at the contrast between the air of the room and the warmth of your clothing that just got removed. You rise your eyes to Astarion and see his smile once more. You don’t recognize the gentle malice in his expression but even if you did you wouldn’t care, not until the fog is lifted from your mind.
“Relax, I’m not going to hurt you.” Vampire Lord whispers and his face is so close you can smell wine on his breath and… something else. Something metallic, coppery, you can’t put your finger on it.
Your face scrunches at the thought, your eyes move to his lips and his smile, you see the fangs.
Ah yes, that’s right, he’s a vampire.
Wait, what are you doing here?
You gasp, your thoughts get interrupted by Astarion pinching both your nipples at the same time. Again you feel the fire in your abdomen, you recognize it as desire and you look into his eyes, the crimson of them drowning you like a lake of blood. And you give in.
“I want something from you.” Vampire Lord’s whisper replaces your thoughts and you just stand there with your face flushed and your body reacting with a shiver because he’s still teasing your nipples. “Something you can give me with ease.” a pause, a moment passes, then you feel his palm press against the small of your back and push you towards him, against his chest. Your hands grasp his waist and your lips part. “Just give in, darling. And I promise you a night you’ll never forget.”
You see his grin and it would look dangerous to you if you weren’t completely in his control. Instead of fear you feel overwhelming lust and you close your eyes, turning your face up and inviting him for a kiss.
And Astarion does kiss you. His lips clash against yours in a hurry and passion. His tongue pushes past your lips, past your teeth, it tastes you and you taste him back. Yes, you recognize what it was that you smelled before – blood. You taste it on his lips, you taste it on his tongue and you don’t care. Your heart beats fast in your chest, your fingers now move to his clothing, trying to find clasps, buttons and laces. You manage to open his doublet, slip it off his shoulders. You don’t hear it falling to the floor, because only thing you’re hearing is your own heartbeat beating fast in your ears.
But then the kiss stops. You don’t know how long it lasted, a minute, an hour, a year? Still, you feel like it wasn’t enough, you don’t want it to stop and you barely open your eyes before you immediately try to kiss him again, eliciting a chuckle out of the Vampire Lord.
“How eager.” he comments but you don’t care. Your arms find his neck and you try to pull his head lower, to your level, your lips seek his with urgency, but with ease Astarion pushes you away. “Patience, my pet. I’ll reward you soon enough.”
You exhale in dizzy frustration but lower your hands, obeying. It’s easy to listen to him, you realize. What a pleasant feeling, you could do this forever.
“Stand still, darling.” Astarion’s voice reaches your ears and you return to the present.
You now watch him undo laces of your pants and slide them down your hips and thighs, together with your underwear, exposing you fully. You don’t know what shame is and you don’t remember how embarrassment feels like. You only know one thing – you want this man, you want him to take you and it’s hard not to start begging.
Astarion guides you while he takes off your pants and shoes, helping you step out of last bits of your clothing and when he raises again he puts one arm around your hips, leading you to the bed. It looks so soft, inviting. You want to spend forever in it with him. So when you feel vampire pat you on the ass, urging you to climb in, you do so without hesitation.
When you turn around and lay on your back, you have a moment to watch Astarion shed his own clothing in full. He takes his time, his eyes roaming up and down your nude body, his eyes would tell you of possessiveness and even a hint of cruelness if you could think straight, but right now you only see that he wants you. After he pulls his pants down and his eager erection is revealed, you swallow hardly. You want it in you, you want to taste it, you want to please him. You want to serve.
“Do you like what you see?” Astarion taunts and you nod without any shame, your lips part and you lick them, your gaze focused on his cock, so ready to make you his, maybe forever.
Vampire Lord kicks off his shoes at last, then removes his pants completely and after he straightens his back, you watch his hand grasp his shaft and give it a few slow strokes. After the third or fourth you notice precum glistening at the top of his cock.
“Ah…” is only thing you manage to say, your desire coiling and moving in you like a hungry snake. Your reaction makes Astarion chuckle and the sound of it forces yours eyes back on his once more.
He gets closer and climbs into bed slowly with a grace of a predator, his body moves on top of yours and you part your legs widely for him, welcoming him. You lean your head back, relaxing in the bed and Astarion once more sweeps your body with his gaze, stopping at your breasts.
“Touch yourself.” he commands and you immediately do so. Your hands raise, cup your breasts, your fingertips graze your nipples and then pinch them, roll them, tug at them gently while you do as instructed. You see how intensively Astarion is watching you, his smirk widens when you let out a soft moan, then another. You were ready for him already, this is just making it worse.
Finally he looks down, between your legs, and with one hand pressed against the bed for support with other he traces the inner side of your thigh up and then higher. When he touches your entrance, feels how wet you are for him, he exhales slowly. His fingers explore every inch of your sex, making you gasp and moan louder, then his thumb brushes against your clit, sending a shiver through your body.
“You’re so ready for me, pet.” Astarion’s voice is husky, it’s obvious he’s getting worked up too as his eyes dart between his own fingers exploring you and you playing with your nipples.
That dreamy feeling you’ve been feeling up until now lessens, maybe it’s because Astarion is less concentrated, maybe your own desire is making your mind begin to break free but you now realize that you’ve got seduced into this man’s bed. Yet you’re too aroused, too impassioned to stop here. And your body still screams to be taken, to be conquered and to be claimed.
And he’s just so beautiful. No, you’re not free from his charm and allure, not even close, and your mind focuses on his silver locks falling gracefully around his face, you see his eyes, now filled with lust and desire, examining every inch of your body. You feel his fingers making you moan with a practiced touch and you want more. So much more.
“Take me.” you hear yourself say with a gasp and your hips buck against his fingers as if your own body is out of your control, not only your thoughts.
Astarion now looks into your eyes and smiles.
“I’m going to do so much more, my dearest pet. I’m going to claim you, I’m going to fill your tight holes and then I’ll have you beg for more.” his words send a shiver down your body that pools between your thighs, his fingers tease your cunt and he immediately notices that you got even wetter, it makes him smirk. “I’ll make you mine, I’ll claim you, and I will keep filling you with my seed every night. And who knows, maybe you’ll give me an heir eventually.”
Silence falls while your face gets redder with his every word.
An heir? He wants you to do what? Yet his eyes are still your entire world and your body moves, your hips moving again, your cunt pressing against his fingers in need.
Yes, you will give him an heir. As long as you can be his.
Your hands leave your breasts and you put your palms on the back of his head, your fingers threading in his hair.
“Yes, I will.” you whisper and that reply rewards you with a passionate kiss.
Astarion’s fingers now leave your drenched seam and roughly pull your knee up, making you hook your leg around his waist. His chest presses against yours and you sigh against his lips.
And then he enters you. One swift thrust and he’s fully inside, stretching you almost to a point of uncomfortable fullness and you moan at that, your mouth remains open with the gasp but his lips are also parted, he’s enjoying the feeling of you around his cock. Your heavy-lidded eyes meet his and your fingers clench in his hair.
“Take me. Make me yours.” you whisper and a guttural growl escapes Astarion’s throat at your words. He doesn’t wait, he begins thrusting.
You close your eyes and moan, feeling his cock pierce you again and again. You’re so aroused his shaft is moving with satisfying ease, his hips snapping against you with increasing pace.
“Fuck, you’re going to look so beautiful with my cum dripping out of you.” Astarion grunts and lowers his head to your neck, kissing it first, then nibbling the skin with his teeth. His hand grips your thigh strongly, keeping it up.
Only response you can give him is your moans, loud and unashamed. You hold onto his neck and hair while he rocks himself against you, filling you deeply with his cock, his thrusts unrelenting. It feels like he’s been going at it for hours and every second is better than the last.
Your mind swims from sensations. His sweaty skin against yours, his shaft buried deep inside your cunt, his teeth on your neck, his fangs-
“Ouch!” you exclaim when he bites down, sinking his canines into your flesh, but when you react you hear a rumble of a laugh coming from him. Astarion lifts his head at you, his lips are painted in redness of your blood.
“Get used to it, my pet. You’re mine now.”
Vampire Lord bites you again and this time you just sigh. Somehow his first bite was painful, second one sends a shiver down your spine. Your fingers leave his hair, you place your palms on his back, feeling something there like scars, but you don’t know, you’re far away, consumed by your passion. It’s just his lithe body claiming yours, making you writhe and arch your back, making you moan.
Then Astarion slows, he moves his hips now lower, his pelvis brushes against yours, then an angle changes and he begins rubbing himself against your swollen clit, sending jolts down your spine. You open your eyes, more in surprise than anything and see Astarion’s smug smile.
“Enjoying yourself, darling?” he lifts his head with a smug smile, confident because he knows he’s good at this and he’s correct. You whimper and nod eagerly, your face still flushed. “Good.”
Astarion’s thrusts ease into a steady pace. How his skin is rubbing against you is beginning to drive you crazy. You look at him, not able to control your moans that are growing louder by the second. What is he doing to you? You never felt pleasure like this before. You can’t stop, you don’t want to stop.
“Come for me.” you hear a whisper in your ear and then he looks at your face again, enjoying the view.
Everything up until this point felt like a dream, but not this.
You feel your orgasm with every inch of your body. You cry out and dig your nails into Astarion’s back, your body tenses and your cunt clenches around him, your sweaty form spasms and you feel yourself clinging to him.
“Good girl, very good girl.”
You are barely able to comprehend Astarion’s words, because the world melts around you, this moment is intense, most intense thing you experienced in your life. But Vampire Lord doesn’t stop thrusting. When your bliss begins to fade, when you come down from your high, you look at him again and Astarion leans away from you. He straightens his back as much as he can, his palms pressed on the bed by your sides and his now messy hair drapes over his eyes but you see him watching his cock plunge into you with increasing fervor.
“Watch me fill you, my pet.” vampire’s grunt is laced with strain as he keeps fucking you while you’re trying to recover from your orgasm. You’re out of breath but this is not over, not until he says it is.
And you listen, you look down, seeing your bodies connect with every pump of his hips and you grasp at the sheets. Something about this, the anticipation, the knowledge of what he’s about to do and the desire to be used by him, it’s making the edges of your world blurry.
Astarion is grunting now, his lips parted and he’s breathing heavily. Even his face is flushed, but then he moans loudly just before he clenches his teeth. His thrusts become erratic, his eyes locked on the motion of him thrusting into you, his groans are barely passing his teeth. You know he’s spending himself entirely inside of you and it’s a delicious thought. And then after few more pumps he stops, panting when his face relaxes. You keep your eyes where your bodies are still connected, your thighs are quivering, and Astarion glances up at you with a smirk.
He says nothing as he moves one hand and grips the base of his cock, slowly pulling out of you now. You mewl gently at that, the feeling of him leaving your body is an unwelcome one. But Astarion is not done yet. He kneels between your thighs and pats your inner thigh with his cock that is now losing its hardness. With a satisfied grin he lets go of it and presses a thumb to your fold, teasing it, watching his cum seep out of you. You blush heavily at that even though you can’t see what he’s seeing.
“Beautiful.” Vampire Lord comments more to himself than to you and remains still for a long moment, just appreciating the view. Then his eyes raise to your face. “Rest for a bit. When I said I’m going to fill your holes, I meant all of them.”
You nod eagerly despite your face burning.
You cannot wait.
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forbidden-sunlight · 1 year
yandere!poseidon headcanons with fem!kokushibo!reader
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warning: obsessive behavior, violence, spoilers from manga/anime. Please take caution when reading the content.
Credit for this piece goes to @recreationalfanfics and their phenomenal works, specifically this one. I would like to specially thank my friend @nixes-noxes for helping me fine-tune this script to its fullest potential.
The intention of this story is for entertainment purposes only. The behavior exhibited here is inappropriate and unhealthy, hence it should not be encouraged. There are also triggers, so please take caution. You are responsible for your Internet consumption!
A demon was born from the malice of mankind. That is the story that humans and gods believe…but that is not the truth in your case.
 Fearing death, you willingly drank Muzan Kibitsuji’s blood and became the first Upper Moon. One of Twelve Kizuki to serve him and provide aid in his quest to obtain a solution to walk in the sunlight. You had died by the hands of your descendant and his fellow Demon Slayers, unsatisfied with the life you had lived as an abomination. In the end, you could not attain the innate talent your little brother possessed.
Because you were a creature classified as ‘evil’, you were confined to the depths of Helheim as punishment to suffer for all eternity. Not wanting to perish for a second time, you sliced down  enemies and cultivated your Moon Breathing Style in the hellish landscape before you were suddenly plucked out of that place, coming face-to-face with your new master: the Valkyrie called Brunhilde. 
Apparently, she had intended to call out another champion to fight against the gods in a tournament known as Ragnarok, but for some unknown reason you were whisked here by her summons. Seeing this ‘accident’ as an opportunity, you laid out your sword and offered your loyalty to her. Yes you were a demon, but you had been loyal to Muzan until your dying breath. Being the servant to a demigod would not be any different, minus facing the antagonization of both human and gods alike for just being by her side. 
It was better than returning to Helheim, anyway. The water did not scorch your skin and the high quality tea leaves were exceptional. 
The smallest pleasures in life made a difference…but does that include being on the roster to fight against the infamous tyrant of the divine waters,  Poseidon? Probably not. 
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This is a god who is the physical embodiment of perfection. He is a king who has no need to be supported by individuals who are beneath him in the hierarchy of all life. Furthermore, he was not pleased when his little brother had added him as a contender in this childish tournament without his consent. Why stall the inevitable fate of humanity with Ragnarok? It’s honestly a waste of time for him. 
There has never been an opponent who did not quiver at the sight of his trident nor survived to tell the tale. So why should he even bother to give any effort in this fight? His opponent was a demon. It is only natural that a demon would be stomped down by someone like himself, even if it is a female one with a slightly impressive physique and once bore the moniker ‘Moon Hashira’. 
Untamed [Hair Color] tresses held together in a ponytail that reached to her waist. [Favorite Color] nagagi-kimono and black umanori-styled pants tied with a white obi. [Eye Color] irises and red sclera with words written on them. 
The only reason he even recognized the clothing is because Aphrodite whined about the ‘poor fashion’ taste of Brunhilde’s new ‘pet’...but did she honestly expect anything more from a demon? 
No, but she enjoyed hearing the others praise her intellect and how no one could ever hold a candle to the beauty of the lusty goddess. A hypocrite by any other name. She and Ares had another falling out, again. 
Still it would not bother the gods nor himself by allowing his opponent to try and land a hit on him before killing the unfortunate abomination. The effort of an ant trying to avoid being crushed by a boot is always…adorable. 
This act of ‘kindness’ towards the Moon Hashira led Poseidon into a match that has lasted longer than the previous Ragnarok bouts. She did not hesitate to use the water surrounding the arena to create a heavy mist that acted as a smokescreen before attacking from behind with her sword. She slashed his calves and right forearm, then jammed her sword that is made from her own flesh and blood into his stomach. She was going to kill him. She would do whatever it took to win the fight.  
This revelation enraged Poseidon. How dare a demon think that she can kill a god? Blasphemy! HE IS A GOD, HE IS PERFECTION. ANYONE WHO DISAGREES HIM DESERVES TO DIE. 
And yet he still found himself kneeling on the circular platform, leaning heavily against his trident with the bloodied edge of her sword pressed against the side of his neck. If it isn’t the reversal of positions that bothered him the most, it was the look of indifference dancing in the Moon Hashira’s eyes. As if he was the one being a nuisance and not the other way around. 
Suddenly, she withdrew her sword and sheathed it. “I will not kill you.” She said, “A hierarchy exists to keep the balance between those who sit at the top of the food chain and those who are barely scraping by. Those who upset the balance must be punished accordingly. I am a demon, so I should die by the hands of a god…but I will not allow myself to die by someone who does not respect my master. That is…embarrassing. So take this loss as an act of kindness from me. The humiliation of being defeated by someone such as myself is more than adequate punishment.” 
Turning her back to him, she stepped onto the boat that was tied to a stone pillar and drifted back to the human’s side of the arena. Poseidon also retreated, refusing Ares’ offers to escort him to the medical wing and swiftly returning to his palace beneath the ocean floor. He ignored Proteus’ concerns, isolating himself in his quarters as he…unleashed his anger onto the furniture. They could be easily replaced…but his defeat cannot be remedied just like the splintered wood, the tattered drapes, or anything he had thrown around the room. 
He has lost against an imperfect creature. Him, the one who is the most feared and blessed god in the pantheons. How could this have happened?! How?!
Though is the Moon Hashira truly an ant if she had beaten him? No. But there is no use thinking about the wretched embodiment of impurity anymore. He…has lost the match, and in the end it is just one loss for the gods. Humanity will be destroyed, and the divine waters will be restored to their glory once the vermin have been eradicated. 
Shortly after he had regained his composure, Poseidon returned to the Grecian’s private balcony to watch the other matches. As he is a god, his wounds healed within a matter of hours…so why could he have still felt the sword in his belly, twisting his insides? Why?
This might be the starting point in his descent to madness. He would remain a silent statue even in the aftermath of his adopted nephew’s death by Jack The Ripper’s hands, and Shiva’s obvious win against Raiden Taeemon while his brethren watched the events unfold in awe and anger. 
But no matter how hard he tried to dissuade thoughts about the Valkyrie’s servant, his mind always drifted back to the Moon Hashira. He silently reflected on their fight; he remembered the humiliation when she spared his life, her deadly grace as she released one form of the Moon Breathing Style, her perfection. 
[First Name] [Last Name], the Moon Hashira and a demon summoned from the depths of Helheim to save humanity….she was perfection. And Poseidon wanted her.
Knowing that the moon always gravitated towards the ocean would only feed into his delusions that it must be a sign from the Fates that this is his other half. The companion who will be by his side for all enternity. So why does she still dare to stand by Brunhilde and whisper in the demigod’s ear? Why does she converse with the samurai Kojiro, when he had no business being near her, let alone sharing a plate of Japanese snacks and tea? 
How dare she smile at the man who had killed Heracles and the traitorous Buddha? She is perfect, there is no need to waste her time teaching her breathing techniques to a brat that went toe-to-toe with Loki in the greenhouse! 
When the tyrant of the oceans witnessed [First Name] showing more emotions around the other combatants, he knows must act swiftly or else she will be snatched away by someone else who is lesser than a god of perfection such as himself, or worse be cast aside by her malicious master for the sake of humanity’s survival. 
He will make the necessary arrangements with Proteus to prepare his kingdom for the arrival of a new queen.
Bonus Content: 
The Moon Hashira is fully aware of Poseidon’s psychotic tendencies and will not make it easy for him to whisk her away like Zeus’ previous mistresses. Nor is she blindly loyal to being oblivious to Brunhilde’s scheming. 
She did not live for half of a millennia as an Upper Moon by being an idiot.
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bae4choi · 1 year
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Human Dom! Yunho x Innocent(ish) fem pixie! Reader
Genre: Smut, fluff
Word Count: 3,552
Warnings: Dom! Yunho, Sub fem! Reader, Pixie! Reader, Virgin! Reader, Size kink, Yunho loves her tits,  ass slapping (once), Outdoor sex, unprotected sex (boooo 👎🏻), breeding kink, overstimulation, oral (both receiving), fingering (f. Receiving), Manhandling (kinda, not really?), Hickey giving, praising, use of nicknames (tiny, baby, good girl
Authors Note: literally started writing this while waiting for my voice lessons to start… and it was unexpected😭 also I wrote this in a different POV then I normally do, so please let me know what you think!! It’s also no proofread, sorry!
As Yunho threaded his way through the forest he stopped with a soft, almost inaudible gasp, letting his gaze fall onto a nude women swimming in the lake. His eyes widened when confirming that what he saw on the girls petite back, was in fact a pair of glistening holographic wings.
She arose from the somewhat shallow water, fluttering her wings to rid of the water and pushing her damp hair back before turning to leave said lake. Only to stop in her tracks when she spots Yunho, she lets out a scream before quickly sinking her body back into the lake. Covering her nude body from the unknown human.
"I-I'm so sorry" He stuttered out, spinning away from her at an inhuman speed as heat began rising to his cheeks.
"W-who are you?" The girl let out a whisper loud enough for Yunho to pick up on, he looked to the side seeing her still covered by the water. They made eye contact and he fully turned towards her.
"Uh.. I'm Yunho, I just moved into the house over there.." he gestured behind him, she nodded, her pretty wings fluttering behind her.
"what are you?" The words left his mouth before he could stop them, not even realizing how rude he was coming off.
"Oh- oh my gosh, I'm sorry that came off super rude-" he stopped when she let out a soft giggle, she shook her head no in response making him sigh in relief.
"It's not rude, humans are curious creatures" She responded, he only titled his head in response. "I'm a pixie, my name is Y/N" she gave him a warm smile.
Suddenly her body rose from the lake, Yunho was taken off guard and quickly averted his eyes from her exposed body. He felt her body getting closer to his and he sucked in a breath, her small finger tips gently caressed his bare arm.
"You're so large" her head had barely reached his chest, she was in fact small, probably the smallest girl he'd ever seen.
She continued to feel and grab his arm in awe, admiring how much bigger he was then her in comparison. He almost regret looking down at her when his eyes laid on her chest.
Her breasts were small, but large for her own size. Droplets of water rolled down her nipples and fat of her chest.
Yunho couldn't help but feel bad that he was getting aroused by this, she seemed almost innocent. Was being naked like this normalized and nonsexual for pixies? Or was she playing him?
He cleared his throat, catching the pixie's attention. She looked up to him, catching his eyes in hers before tilting her head.
"D-Do you have.. you know, clothes?" He refused to look back down to her chest, already disliking the way his somewhat hard erection was pressing against his jeans.
"Clothes?" She asked, frowning in response. "But you cannot have sex with someone with clothes on.?" She stated causing Yunhos eyes to practically bulge from his head.
"Sex?! I-I think you have the wrong idea Y/N.." he tried to back away but her grip remained solid on his arm.
"But, my friend says when two people find one another attractive they have the urge to have sex" she looked more confused then hurt and her expression only made Yunho question whether or not he was having a wet dream or not.
"Do you not want to have sex?" That's when her expression fell into one of sadness and Yunho couldn't help but feel bad. Because he did in fact want to fuck her into oblivion, but from the looks of it, she's never had sex with someone. And not to mention she was so small... there's no way he'd fit inside of her.
"I mean- have you had sex before?" She shook her head no before pulling him closer to her small body by the loops of his jeans.
He gasped, seeing how her tits squished up against the higher part of his stomach and giving him the most precious eyes he's ever seen.
"But... I want you to have sex with me, Yunho" she spoke, suddenly becoming shy under his gaze. "I wanna know how it feels" she whined, pushing her hips into his.
Oh fuck, Yunho was definitely having a wet dream. And who was he to decline when the hottest girl he'd ever seen was practically begging him to fuck her. He wasn't going to let this dream go to waste, no fucking way.
"Is that so, little pixie" he dragged a finger down her spine, grinning when he felt goosebumps gather upon her skin. One of his hands made it to her ass, giving it a small gentle squeeze that earned him the prettiest moan he's ever heard.
Her hands gripped the fabric of his white shirt as he massaged and played with her ass. Soon letting his other hand fall to her other cheek, spreading them apart before landing a soft slap to one side.
She jerked into his body with a whiny squeak, burying her face into his abnormally large chest.
"Y/N" she whispered out a little 'yes' into his shirt, still enjoying the stinging sensation in her back end. He let out a small chuckle that had her raising her head to look at him with a pout.
"Is there a place you'd feel comfortable laying down at?" She wasted no time in grabbing his hand and dragging him behind her.
To be honest, he wouldn't mind getting used to the view of her ass jiggling with each step she took and the way her wings fluttered with excitement. A proud smirk made it to his face when noticing one side of her ass was bright red.
She stopped, almost causing a distracted Yunho to slam into her petite body.
"Here" she pointed to the grassy area lined with tulips. Yunho had bought the house right on the edge of the forest just for this, the wonderful view it came with.
God, and he didn't regret it one bit when she laid her body onto the grassy ground, keeping her upper body up with her hands and letting her legs fall apart. Her dripping arousal being on full display for Yunho.
"Oh fuck" he cursed before kneeling between her open legs, pulling her hips and making her body slide on the ground and bump into his hips.
She let out a whine of relief when feeling his covered erection against her most sensitive area.
"Gosh, tiny, you're easily the most perfect girl I've ever seen" she moaned in response before wiggling her hips against his, loving the way his jeans rubbed against her sobbing clit.
"So impatient~" he teased as he stopped her hips from moving against his, he knew if she continued to do that she'd have him coming undone in his pants. He simply couldn't have that, he wanted to be inside of her when it happened, breeding and fucking his cum so far into her pretty cunt. She let out a whine of dissatisfaction at the loss of feeling and tried fighting against his grip, only causing him to laugh.
"At least let me do one thing before fucking you. Can you handle that, tiny?" She eagerly shook her head 'yes' but let out a surprised gasp when he leaned over her body, tongue poking out to tease her perky nipple.
His lips closed around the pretty bud, sucking and biting at the skin. While his other hand came to tweak and pinch her other. The constant moans and jerks of her hips confirmed that she was enjoying the stimulation.
His mouth separated from the red swollen nipple with a string of saliva connecting them before scattering purple marks all along both of her breasts. Her hand came to his head trying to push his head away, he obliged, his eyes meeting hers.
"Kiss me, Yunho" She pulled the back of his neck and closed the gap between them, his lips meeting hers in a passionate sloppy kiss.
His body practically covered hers as he hovered above her, slipping his tongue into her sweet tasting mouth. He swallowed her continuous moans as she allowed him to take complete and utter control.
They separated, breathing heavily and catching their breaths. But it didn't take her long to want more, pushing her hips against his.
"Take your clothes off" She tugged on his shirt with the most precious pout he's ever seen.
He listened and quickly stripped, letting his clothes fall next to them in the grass.
She stared at him in awe, still mesmerized by how large he was compared to the male pixies she was always ever around.
Her eyes moved down his body, landing on his erect cock, admiring how he was not only huge, but had a good amount of girth. She couldn't help but lick her lips.
"My eyes are up here, tiny~" he teased, her doe eyes met his and he smirked at her embarrassed expression.
He sat up on his knees between her legs, giving her a better view of his erection. She sat up not long after, her finger tips ghosting over the head of his cock, causing Yunho to let out a small groan.
Her hand pulled away, afraid she may have hurt him, but he grasped her small hand with his own and brought it back. Making her wrap her hand around his length, it could barely wrap around his thickness. She gave it a small squeeze and watched how it twitched in her hand, she smiled and looked up to him.
"It's pretty" His mouth fell agape from her words, "pretty?" He asked and she shook her head yes.
"I've never seen one before, are they all this big?" She moved her hand up and down his thick cock and he let his eyes shut in pleasure.
"I-I don't know" he responded with a moan, and she giggled, becoming more confident and picking up the pace.
"My friend says pixies would be lucky to have sex with humans, since their cocks are bigger then male pixies"
He believed her, considering how small she was herself. He could imagine that all the other pixies in the race were just as small.
"Ah shit.." He let out a breathy moan when her lips attached to the tip of his cock, placing a small delicate kiss on the precum covered skin.
With Her back arched, ass in the air, and wings flattened on her back. Sometimes fluttering when Yunho would moan. She sucked the tip into her mouth, swirling her warm tongue around the pink skin.
"Just like that, baby" he praised, his hand coming to stroke her hair.
She groaned against him, heightening Yunho's pleasure and earning a loud moan from him. She took this as her chance to engulf as much of his cock as she could fit into her small mouth. Her hand gripped the base and the other rested on his thigh.
Her tongue swirled around his length as she bobbed her head up and down. Causing wet squelching sounds, as well as making her gag a few times.
God did Yunho enjoy it, although it was her first time, she was way too good at it for her own good. He loved the way she would gag when the tip of his cock hit the back of her throat.
She continued, now knowing what he liked and his most sensitive spots. She abused that knowledge. Yunho was close, so so close, and she could feel it in the way his dick twitched in her mouth, how even more precum leaked from his slit, when his moans got louder and when he could barely stop himself from thrusting into the girls mouth.
"N-No more" he tried pushing her head away and she looked up to meet his eyes "don't wanna come yet-" and so she released his now wet cock with a popping noise.
"Can we have sex now, Yunho?" She sounded so innocent and sweet saying the words and as bad as he wanted to, he needed to prep her for what was to come.
"Lay down, Y/N" she obeyed, her back falling to hit the grass behind her back.
He smiled to himself, he loved how easily she listened to him. She was so submissive, yet demanding? She knew what she wanted and he liked how she was straightforward, it only turned him more.
He spread her legs apart by her thighs, admiring her dripping hole. He pushed her legs up a bit before diving his head into her wetness. His tongue flattening out on her, licking a strip of her wetness, making the girl let out a high pitched whine.
"Y-Yunho, I thought we were gonna have- oh-!" She couldn't finish her sentence before letting her head fall back with a loud moan. His lips sucked on her clit, using his teeth at some points to give it soft nibbles.
He chuckled against her clit, the vibrations causing her hips to jerk up into his face and arch her back. His tongue lapped up and down her arousal, licking up all her juices, letting out small groans at her sweet tangy taste. He would eat her out all day if he could.
She couldn't control her own hip movements, so Yunho took it Into his own hands to wrap one arm around her tummy and push her hips down, stopping her movements. And with the hand of that arm he circled two fingers around her swollen clit, and fucked his tongue in and out of her.
"Feels s-so so good" she choked out, her hand coming to thread through his hair.
Although he was supposed to be stretching her out to fit his cock into her tight hole, he couldn't get enough of her taste, it was nothing like he's ever tasted before.
And before they both knew it, she was coming undone on his tongue, letting her juices seep out of her. She moaned loudly as Yunho sped up the pace of his fingers on her clit, letting her ride out he high.
He removed his tongue when she was done, giving her thigh a small kiss before raising his head to look at her. She was in the process of catching her breath, with her head leaned to the side and eyes closed.
He smirked, fingers sliding up and down her slit, she jerked away as she was still sensitive from her recent orgasm.
"Too much" she shook her and tried crawling away, but he gripped her leg, yanking her body towards himself. She let out a squeak of surprise from his actions.
"Not yet, baby, still gotta stretch you out~" he let two fingers slip into her hole and she sucked him in like it was nothing.
"Ah Yunho~!"  she groaned, feeling the way his fingers rammed into her and his palm slapped against her clit with every thrust.
He added a third finger, and she whined, not knowing whether or not she liked the stretching sensation or not. But she made up her mind when the pain soon turned into pleasure and she felt her second orgasm arriving too soon.
"It's too much-!" But before he could stop she was already tightening around his fingers, letting her orgasm take over.
She let out a loud, almost pornographic moan when he added a fourth finger, adding to the pleasure she was feeling.
He pulled his fingers out, a sting of her arousal attached to his finger. He shoved two of his fingers into his mouth, groaning from the sweet taste.
Her head fell back, exhaustion coming over her from the overstimulation.
"Aww~ you're tired already? What happened to wanting my cock inside your pretty cunt, tiny?" He chuckled when she raised herself on her elbows and pouted at his teasing.
Yunho's erection brushed up against her wet lips and she whimpered at the sensation. Even though she was sensitive she still pushed her hips closer to his cock, he smiled at her enthusiasm.
"You sure you want it? It may hurt a bit, baby" He informed her and she eagerly shook her head yes, which was what he expected from her.
He lined up with her entrance, slowly pushing into her tight cunt, stretching her out around him. Her arms went weak and she dropped her body onto the ground with a loud whimper.
He leaned over her body, littering wet kisses all over her neck and jaw line, trying to make it somewhat enjoyable from her.
Once he was fully bottomed out, he waited for her breathing to slow down, and he noticed tears rolling down her face. He was in the process of pulling out, not wanting it to be too much for her, but she stopped him. Wrapping her legs around his torso, causing his cock to thrust back into her.
She practically let out a scream from the sensation and he moaned into her neck as a response.
"H-Hurts-" She whined, tightly closing her eyes, letting the tears roll down her face.
"I know, tiny, it'll get better. I promise" His sweet tone reassured her and he placed a quick kiss onto her plump lips. His hand then dropped to her clit, circling his fingers around her bud.
Adding pleasure to her pain, but it began to feel more pleasurable then it did painful so she pushed her hips into his cock, informing him that she wanted him to move.
He pulled his cock out before rolling his hips back into her at slow and soft pace, letting her get used to the feeling. He could feel how she fluttered around his cock, tightening and un tightening around him with constant whimpers falling from her mouth.
"Want m-more" she wrapped her arms around his neck, tits now pressed against his chest as he hovered over her.
His hips continued rolling into hers, gradually speeding up his thrusts to please her.
"Look at you tiny~" he admired her expression, eyes screwed shut, tears running down her face and he could tell that they were no longer from the pain, but rather from how good she felt. Her mouth was agape, high pitched moans leaving her throat as she let her head fall back in pleasure.
"You take my cock so well, and god-" He choked out when she tightly clamped down onto his cock "you're so fucking tight-!"
"Yunho- I-I'm gonna c-cum" His head fell to her neck, littering red and purple marks all around her soft skin as he sped up his hips.
"C'mon, tiny, cum for me- be my good girl~" he cooed into her ear, wrapping one of his arms around her small body and fucking into her like there was no tomorrow.
"Yunho-!" She chanted his name like a broken record and let her third orgasm take over, thrusting her hips to meet his as she tightened around him.
"Oh shit-" He only lasted a few more seconds before shooting his load into her cunt, fucking it so far into her.
They both rode out their highs before Yunho took out his now softening cock, admiring her cum dripping hole. He smirked at the view.
"Mmm~ you look so pretty" he caressed her still spread legs and she whimpered, feeling over sensitive from her past orgasms.
"But you'd look much prettier with my cum still in you~" His fingers slid against her folds, catching his cum on his fingers before shoving it back into her hole. Earning a whine from the girl as she tried pulling away.
"Y-Yunho, no more-" her breathing became heavier from the overstimulation. Yunho took his fingers out, catching the rest of the cum that dripped out and shoving it back into her.
"Sorry, sorry, I couldn't help myself~" he let out a small chuckle, removing his fingers and bringing them to her mouth.
"Open" she obeyed, sucking his fingers into her mouth. Licking up both hers and Yunho's juices with a groan.
"Such a good girl~" he took them out before laying next to her and wrapping his arms around her small body, pulling her close to him.
They laid there the rest of the night, watching how the sky turned different colors during the sunset. At some point Yunho had put his pants and boxers on and dressed her in his shirt. She looked absolutely adorable with the oversized fabric pooling over her body. Before they knew it, they fell asleep in one another's arms.
Yunho was awoken from a ray of light shunning down on him, he let out a groan trying to block his view with his hand when he suddenly heard a giggle.
He instantly sat up and opened his eyes, noticing that what he thought was a dream was really reality. And he couldn't get enough of it.
Y/N's petite body sat criss cross in the grass, still only wearing his white t-shirt, threading flowers together with her fingers as she made a flower crown.
She glanced at him, giving him a warm smile that he absolutely adored.
"Good morning, Yunho!"
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eywa-eveng · 1 year
ɪ. sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴛᴏ ɴᴏɴᴇ
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ – ᴊᴀᴋᴇ sᴜʟʟʏ, sᴜʟʟʏ ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ X ᶠᴱᴹ ᴹᴱᵀᴷᴬᵞᴵᴺᴬ ᴿᴱᴬᴰᴱᴿ 
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ – 11.2k
ɢᴇɴʀᴇ – angst
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs – widower!Jake
ᴘᴀʀᴛ ɪɪ – ᴘᴀʀᴛ ɪɪɪ – ᴘᴀʀᴛ ɪᴠ
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Sand swirls through the air like ash from a fire, waves of white flurries glitter in the sunlight, stirred up by the wingbeats of the descending ikran. One by one they each land on a small inlet, screeching their arrival as if the warning horn hadn’t been enough to draw a crowd around them. There’s four, each more intricately patterned than the last, like detailed weaving spread across their wings. Such creatures are foreign to the reefs. Aside from seldom trading among the People in the far reaches of the forest, ikran are never seen in Awa’atlu. To see them here now, unannounced, is cause for curiosity. The riders seem harmless as they dismount, the oldest of them extending his arms in a show of vulnerability. He’s easy to recognize as your eyes trace over the length of his smallest finger, one more than any other Na’vi you’ve ever known. The crowd shifts like ebbing waves as you move through them, parting to allow you to greet Toruk Makto and his family. The youngest of his daughters hides in his shadow, face half hidden behind his leg as he inclines his head towards you. It’s a surprise that he knows who you are when he offers his greeting. 
“Oel ngati kameie, tsakarem.” He says your name gently. The title is an old adage from days long past, before your rites of adulthood. One that belonged to you and your sister. But she is mated to the olo'eyktan, not you. It was Ronal that he would need to show such reverence for. Still, in your sister’s stead you are the best person to speak on behalf of the clan. 
“Toruk Makto, oel ngati kameie. You are a far way from the forest. What has brought you to our island?” The crowd is growing larger and their voices raise around you, questions ringing in their hushed tones. There is uneasiness in the air as warriors gather around you, unarmed but tensed in anticipation. They wear looks of curiosity and suspicion as they circle the family. 
“I would like to know the same.” Tonowari says as he dismounts his tsurak, gesturing respectfully to Jakesully as your sister moves in beside him. You nod to them both. Whatever reverence Jakesully may hold for you, it will always be shadowed by your sister. She eyes the newcomers warily, catching your gaze as you move in beside her. There is fire brewing in her ocean blue eyes, something weary and distrusting as she watches her husband speak to Toruk Makto. 
“We seek uturu.” 
“Uturu?” Ronal asks incredulously, ears flicking upward. “And what would the great Toruk Makto need sanctuary from? What war have you started now?” You try to catch her eye as she strides across the sand to look at the children, twirling their tails over her wrist and pulling at their thin arms. 
“No more war. I’m done with war. I just want to keep my family safe.” The great warrior shakes his head, lifting his daughter into his arms. 
“What family is this?” She snaps, raising his eldest daughter’s hands for all to see. “These children are not even true Na’vi! They have demon blood!” The girl pulls her arms away but it is too late, the clan has seen her five fingers. But Jakesully has them, too, and is quick to flaunt it to your sister. It does little to quell her distaste as she continues to look over his children with a heavy judgment in her eyes. 
“Ronal!” It is bad practice to question your elder sister, more so when she is tsahìk. The voice of Eywa rings in her words, but the Great Mother is not cruel. Ronal’s gaze snaps to you, eyes narrowed as she bares her teeth in warning. You hiss right back, ears pulling back in a display of defiance. She abandons the children to slink closer to you. Her eyes are narrowed as she snaps at you. 
“You are not tsahìk. This decision is not yours to make.” 
“You are being cruel. They are children. He is a father. These things should matter.” Ronal hisses again. She may be tsahìk but you have learned every lesson that she has and Tonowari knows this. His eyes watch the two of you as you circle each other until Ronal finally backs down, glaring up at her mate with a resolute shake of her head. But Tonowari is not weary of the unknown. Not as your sister is. He is kind and gentle to those that need it. A worthy olo'eyktan. They share in an unspoken conversation, staring at each other until finally Ronal relents with a nod. 
“Jakesully and his family will stay with us.” He decides, reminding the clan to be mindful of their ignorance. “But they are forest people. They do not know the sea. It will be like taking their first steps, learning as a child does.” He names Ao’nung and Tsireya the childrens’ teacher before your sister turns to you with a scowl on her face. 
“My sister will teach you, Jakesully. Learn well.” She says before stalking away. The crowd begins to dissipate as soon as their leaders turn their back to the newcomers, declaring them non threatening with action alone. 
No matter the excitement there is still work that needs to be done and everyone moves to return to their tasks. And now you’ve been given a heavy burden. As Tsireya leads the Sully family away you mull over your new responsibilities. Teaching children is easy. It is easier to learn when you are young, but Jakesully is not young. Not as a child is. He is a warrior. Not old, still in his prime, but surely past the point of learning such simple tasks as breathing and riding an ilu. These things are easy to learn young. Of course, Jakesully will not master anything in a day and if he is as great a warrior as the stories say it will surely be shameful for him to be forced to learn as if he is a baby. 
Still, Ronal has given you this order and you will fulfill your purpose as asked. Just as Tonowari said, there is great shame in being useless and it’s how you’ve always felt living in Ronal’s shadow. The People respect you but there is no need for a tsakarem as old as you. It is the title of a youngling, one that Ronal outgrew years ago. It used to feel like a crown placed upon your head. The clan needs a tsahìk just as it needs water and they have one. Ronal is healthy and young, glory to Eywa, and it makes you useless. 
Tsireya will be named the next tsakarem, or perhaps another young girl of the clan. And they’d overshadow you as well. Though you can’t find it in your heart to resent your sister or niece. It is not their fault that the Great Mother’s light shines brightly through them, that Tonowari had his pick of the tsakarem and chose Ronal. It was better than an arranged mating. He had a choice and you will not fault anyone for his freedom to decide his own mate. But at times you still feel lost, like you’ve floated far from the reef and lost the way home. You seldom dwell on these feelings but Ronal snapping at you reminded you that you are not tsahìk just as she said. Whatever Jakesully’s show of respect had stirred inside you was easily squashed under your sister’s temper. 
“You’re thinking awfully hard about something.” Jakesully says, drawing you from your stupor as he takes the basket from your arms. You hardly remember walking here but it is where your feet have carried you as your mind wandered. The marui is empty save for him, the children went off to train with your niece and nephew some time ago. You have nothing to say to his remark as you stand with the light of the disappearing sun warming your back. The shape of your body blankets the pod, cutting a dark shadow across the brightly woven mats. Jakesully’s eyes look a few shades darker in the warm light, yellow irises shining bright as flames as he tilts his head in curiosity. You shake your head. 
“It is nothing.” 
“Didn’t look like nothing. You didn’t even hear me say your name when you came in.”
“I’m sorry,” you greet him properly, touching your fingertips to your forehead and drawing it out towards him. «I See you.» He returns the gesture. 
“There’s nothing to be sorry for. Actually I should thank you.”
“Thank me? It’s only fruit. The children will be hungry after swimming for so long.”
“The fruit is one thing, but I wanted to thank you for your kindness earlier. I knew your sister would be less accepting, but I hadn’t expected her to–” he draws in a deep breath, “thank you for defending my children.” 
“I know your story, Jakesully. It has carried across Pandora like a song on the wind. Every Na’vi knows your name. There is no fault in your children. They look like you. I am not tsahìk,” you say quietly, “but even I can See that the Great Mother chose you for a reason. No matter what Ronal says, Eywa has not turned her back on you. You don’t need to thank me for saying it.” He laughs but it lacks humor. He sounds pained, rueful, as his ears drop ever so slightly. His brow furrows, so differently than any other Na’vi’s frown with the adage of dark brows, eyes shifting towards the burning light of the coming eclipse. There is something in the reflection of his eyes. A deep sadness. In time, he’ll learn that you were chosen as a tsakarem because your eyes See things others don’t. In everyone’s eyes is a piece of their spirit and Eywa has blessed you to know what each piece means. It is the one thing Ronal has yet to learn. This she cannot See. 
“You can just call me Jake.” He says after a while. Whatever torment he’d been thinking of passes like the tide, tension rolling off his shoulders as he shakes away the darkness. 
You nod, “Jake. And you can call me by name. No need to say tsakarem. I haven’t been one in years. Since Ronal mated with Tonowari. There’s only tsahìk now.” 
“I wanted to show respect.” He says sheepishly, still worried about making a good impression. As if you have the power to rescind Tonowari’s granting of uturu. 
“I See you, Jake. If you See me, that is enough respect. I’ll go now, I have to help prepare food for the clan, but we will begin training in the morning.” He looks as if he wants to say something more, mouth poised to ask, but he simply quiets himself with a nod. 
Morning rises in shades of shell pink and sea blue, warming the woven paths hung between the marui as you go to fetch Jake. His children are still inside when you arrive. You pause in the open flap of their marui, hesitating to enter. It feels intrusive arriving so suddenly when you’ve yet to properly introduce yourself to the family, but Jake welcomes you in with an offer of breakfast. 
“You made this?” You ask, accepting the food graciously, but still feeling awkward sitting down beside him. His children eye you warily, thin tails flicking in anticipation. All but the youngest whose eyes only hold curiosity.  
“No,” Jake says around a mouthful, “someone brought us food this morning.” Probably one of the elders. 
Both you and Ronal had been scolded by them during your meal last night. Berated for acting so childishly in front of newcomers. There was no defense for your behavior. Had it been just harsh words they’d have nothing to say but the two of you had acted in aggression like bickering children, though your mother insisted that it couldn’t be helped. Siblings are more comfortable with shows of aggression towards each other because there’s no real threat of violence between families. Unfortunately, of the Sully family, only Jake knew of your relationship. The children surely must’ve thought the two of you would swipe at each other regardless of Ronal’s pregnant state. Both of you had been scolded thoroughly, heads bowed and ears tucked in the face of your punishment. Adults turned to children before the elders of your clan. It made Ronal angrier than she had already been getting belittled as if she wasn’t an authority in the clan and she’d been glad to leave your presence when the two of you were finally dismissed. 
Now it only makes sense that Jake’s children are wary of the woman that dared to stand up to the tsahìk so publicly. You offer them a proper introduction as a show of peace. They seem to settle as you name Ronal as your older sister. 
“I’m Neteyam.” His eldest speaks first. Even in so few words his voice carries a cadence you recognize, an echo of someone else’s voice. His voice sounds as assured as his father’s and you wonder how much Jake’s sons must revere him, and how much they must loathe the shadow his legacy has cast over their lives. It is the same with you and Ronal, but perhaps not as heavy. Ronal is only known well within your clan. To have a father who’s name has been woven into songs must be a great burden to bear. 
“I’m Lo’ak.” His second son says after his daughter turns her head away, yet not so far that you can’t see her eyes. She’s wary, confused, and filled with the light of Eywa. Truly something special but still young, still abrasive. You don’t push her to speak after she mumbles her name. 
“I’m Tuk!” The youngest says, less bothered by the tension of the unknown that fills the air. 
“Tuktirey.” Jake says once they’ve all eaten and Tsireya comes to gather them. 
“Tuk’s full name is Tuktirey.”
“Oh. Would you rather me call her that?” Perhaps you hadn’t earned the right to be so informal with them. Jake was a father, he’s protective. If this is his way of shielding them from harm you’ll comply happily. 
“No,” he laughs, “she thinks she’s in trouble when you call her by her full name. I was only saying it in case you were curious.” You hadn’t been. Your names in Awa’atlu differ only slightly from those that are common elsewhere. Tuk seemed like a perfectly good name for a girl but Tuktirey sounds even lovelier. 
“She’ll grow into it, I’m sure.” You says, listening to her scream as she jumps into the water. Soon Tsireya and Ao’nung will teach them to dive properly, but for now their shouting and splashing is just fine. Breathing comes first. They move like shadows beneath the water, darker skin standing out where the others disappear in the greenish-blue waves. They only make it so far before their braided heads poke out of the water, clearly out of breath long before the Metkayina children. Teaching them will take patience. 
“That’s what her mother always said.” Another melancholy look takes over Jake’s face. It is not your place but even still you want to ask about his feelings. Where was his mate? Had she remained with her clan in the forest? It sounds inconceivable. To be parted from her children would surely tear at any mother’s heart. 
“Where is her mother?” You ask gently. Jake’s expression crumbles then rebuilds into something empty and contained. His eyes are hauntingly empty when he turns to look at you. 
“Dead.” It’s enough to make you flinch away. No matter how much you want to pluck the petals from this flower to see what’s at the center it’s clear Jake doesn’t want to speak of it any longer. It’s only fair. Losing a mate is a terrible pain. There are more questions in your head but you ignore them. It is not your job to soothe his spiritual wounds. You’re not tsahìk. Instead you lead the way out of the marui to a quieter area of the water. 
“We will learn here. If you want to live here the ocean must become like a second home. You said you could adapt, this is your first step to change.” He nods. He looks restless, bouncing lightly on his feet as he waits for your instructions. He’s clearly eager to learn, eyes suddenly bright with almost childlike anticipation. Even his tail seems to move with rapt interest. It’s endearing to see him so open to learning your way of life, to truly becoming one with the clan. 
The ocean is as warm as the sand as you step in. The water swallows you, up your ankles and knees, hips and shoulders until you disappear beneath the gentle waves. Threads of white sunlight pierce the water, dancing in rippling ribbons across the backs of passing animals as you swim farther out. You surface quickly and gesture for Jake to follow you. He clambers through the shallow water awkwardly before disappearing beneath the waves. He moves with more precision in the water. Despite his form being made for balance and agility on land he moves well, with strong strokes that cut through the water. You sink beneath him as he approaches, watching his shadow pass overhead. He only stops when a few sloapek swim into his path, slowing down at the sight of the horned fish. He turns to look for you, brows raised in surprise. The childish glow returns to his face as he watches the animals swim around him.  
«They are safe. Sloapek don’t harm Na’vi.» You sign to him, realizing belatedly that he can’t understand you. He tilts his head inquisitively before gesturing that he needs air. 
“What were those things?” He asks when you both surface. 
“Sloapek. They don’t bother Na’vi. Most of the animals are docile, especially this close to shore. It’s only outside the reef that you need to worry. Even tsurak are safe if you don’t bother them. Like your forest banshees. They’re a hunter’s mount. If you wish to learn that you’ll need to ask Tonowari. Ilu I know but skimwings are something meant to be taught by a proper warrior. I learned to complete my rites, but I am not a warrior.” You say, tracing the shape of your first tattoo spanning from the right side of your chest to your shoulder. “Learn well and you will receive your own tattoo when all your rites are passed.” 
For all of your doubts, Jake learns well. Despite his thinner limbs he is a strong swimmer, something he said he was taught long ago. He hasn’t said that he learned when he was still one with the tawtute but it is what you suspect. His body knows how to move and yet his lungs are like a baby’s. Whatever he learned then was not taught to his new body. He can swim only for so long, though he’s getting better with each day as he builds his strength and stamina. As are his children. Kiri seems to be learning the quickest as the days pass and she’s finally become comfortable enough to speak with you as she would her family.
“What type of wound is this?” She asks, stretching to lean over your shoulder. It is easy to see where the hunter is wounded. It looks as if something has taken root beneath his skin, sprouting and spreading like faintly glowing rivers. The barb of whatever stung him is blessedly gone from the wound. The mark of it is shallow and you mix a salve to soothe the stinging. 
“Most likely, a barb from a nettle coral. They are stone trees outside the reef that have stinging spikes. They’re usually hard to remove because they’re barbed. Luckily it did not stick.” She draws closer in excitedly, always keen to learn something new about the world around her. Her chin rests on your shoulder, hair tickling your ear as she leans over to watch you work. 
“What are you mixing?” She asks with rapt attention. You list off the things as you add them to the bowl, reminding Kiri not to forget to maintain pressure on the man’s wound even as she’s distracted. If he shares your sister’s distrust of Jake and his four fingered children he says nothing as her hand keeps his blood inside his body while you mix his salve. When it is ready you let Kiri smell the bowl. She mentioned liking the scent of medicine as it reminded her of home, of her grandmother and the “lab.” You’re still not exactly sure what a lab is but it was a place of solace for her. The first conversation you shared with Kiri started because you smelled of something familiar, an almost human-like substance, she said, that filled the lab with a sharp, clean scent. It had only been a few plants to settle a child’s stomach but she appreciated the smell nonetheless. Now she’s become your shadow when Ronal is occupied with other duties, leaving the healing of lesser wounds to you. Her yellow eyes are rapt with attention as you carefully cover the hunter’s wound with the soothing balm. It will stop the stinging and help with healing but the path of the shock will scar like a tree growing up his torso. You dress the wound carefully and remind him to rest as he leaves the marui. 
“Sa’tsmuke,” Ao’nung’s voice carries as he rushes into the healing tent. Kiri stiffens beside you as she rinses the blood from her hands. There’s still a heavy bruise beneath his eye from his earlier fight with Neteyam and Lo’ak but he doesn’t seem to be otherwise injured. 
“What is it?” Ao’nung eyes Kiri warily, shifting awkwardly with his eyes towards the ground. “Ao’nung, what is it?”
“Lo’ak is missing.” He mumbles. 
“Missing?” You’re on your feet before he can explain. “Ao’nung, it’s nearly eclipse. Why did you wait so long to speak? Where did you last see him?” He mutters something else, turning his face away from you. Whatever he’s done he is trying to keep his eyes hidden. You lift his gaze with a firm hand under his chin and all that shines in his pale blue eyes is guilt. 
“What have you done? Where is Lo’ak?”
“Near Three Brothers.” He says finally, eyes downcast as he shifts in the face of your ire. 
“Three Bro–Ao’nung! You took him beyond the reef?” His shoulders sag in shame. “There is no time for this. You will be dealt with later. I will go find Lo’ak. Kiri.” She doesn’t take her eyes off Ao’nung, gaze bright with anger, but her ear ticks in your direction. “Take him to your father. Have him say exactly what he told me.” 
She nods, gripping Ao’nung tight by his arm so he won’t wrestle away from these consequences. You’ve known your tsmuke’itan to be brash and hotheaded, still going through the throes of growing and becoming a man, but this is beyond something you’d expected of him. If he is here now it means he abandoned Lo’ak. Left a newcomer outside the reef with no knowledge of how to return home. As Kiri pulls him away you hiss, mock clawing at his face in a show of frustration. He doesn’t flinch, knows you wouldn’t harm him despite your anger, but his ears fall back in a show of submission. He knows what he’s done. 
Eclipse closes in as you call your ilu, and you consider lighting a torch but riding underwater will be quicker, so with a yip you set out with only the dimmed sky as your guiding light. Three Brothers isn’t too far beyond the safety of the reef. Your ilu feels the urgency in your body through tsaheylu, swimming as fast as she can manage beyond the safety of the seawall terraces. The only light so far from land is that of Pandora, the animals twinkling beneath the dark water and the stars sparkling overhead, Naranawm ever present in the sky. Your voice echoes over the sky as you call for Lo’ak, praying to the Great Mother that he hasn’t drowned or been attacked. 
“Lo’ak!” This time there is a splash, like something hitting the water a distance away. Weary of the darkness but worried for Jake’s son, you move towards it, hoping it isn’t an akula tempting you into a trap. In your haste you left for open waters unarmed saved for your knife. Now is not the time to be caught in a predator’s sights. Something small moves through the water, small enough to ease the thoughts of a hunting animal. As the silhouette moves through the pale ripples of starlit waves you find familiar shapes outlined by a scattering of freckled light. 
“Lo’ak!” He follows your voice, allowing you to pull him onto your ilu. He doesn’t look nearly as exhausted as you’d expected him to be after spending half of the day outside of the reef’s gentle waters. Tsireya must’ve taught him well. He’s quiet as you start back towards the island, urging your ilu forward at a gentler pace. For a while he doesn’t say anything and you realize he won’t. You’ve seen Lo’ak’s eyes before this. He feels lost, othered. A withered sapling at the foot of a towering tree, always fearful of being a disappointment. But you are not his father. 
“You don’t owe me silence, Lo’ak. I know what ma tsmuke’itan did. He came to me himself. If you are angry you can be angry. If you are frightened you can be frightened. If you are upset you can be upset. I will not scold you for speaking your heart. Ao’nung was wrong. He mistreated you. Whatever you feel is alright.” He’s quiet still before letting out an unsteady breath. 
“I want to go home.” He says finally. His voice sounds small and you’re reminded that he’s still a child. His arms tighten around your waist as his head falls against your back. 
“I’m sorry, Lo’ak. I know this was not your choice but Awa’atlu is your home now. The Metkayina are your family.”
“Doesn’t feel like much of a family.” He grumbles. “No one Sees me. Demon blood, alien, that’s all they see.” He bites out, hands tightening to fists as anger builds in his voice. You don’t discourage it. Most of the clan has kept away from the Sullys but those that don’t have largely been unkind in their approach. Even Ao’nung and his friends have made the children feel alone in this new place. But they are not aliens. Even if they carry the mark of the skypeople they were born and raised as Na’vi in the forests of Pandora. They’re no more human than you are. 
“Lo’ak, if it means anything, I See you.” Every part of him is fighting to be seen. He is not just the son of Toruk Makto, he is not just a companion to his elder brother. He is Lo’ak. A person in his own right. You See this. He doesn’t say anything else for the rest of the ride, doesn’t confirm or deny his belief that your sacred words hold meaning. Instead he falls quiet as if he’s waiting for something. He seems to know what will happen when you return. The shoreline is alight with torches when the two of you arrive. Jake and Neteyam are waiting with them. Lo’ak is lifted from the water by his brother as Jake pulls you up as well. He’s quick to check Lo’ak for injuries. 
“He’s fine.” He declares to the crowd gathered around. “Just a few scratches, he’s fine.” And quieter he asks, “What were you thinking?” Lo’ak stares at his father, jaw clenched as he awaits his punishment. 
“No.” Tonowari says. “Ao’nung knows better than to go outside the reef. The fault is his.” He pushes his son down to kneel. A look passes between the two boys. Something aside from the usual look of confrontation. There’s a budding understanding between them. Both of them look at you for a moment before Lo’ak raises his chin defiantly. 
“I was the one that wanted to go beyond the reef. Ao’nung tried to stop me.” The quick glance is explained as Lo’ak lies to his father, protecting Ao’nung from the shame of being so publicly disciplined. Jake grabs Lo’ak’s wrist and pulls him towards their marui. The men nod to each other and your sister catches your eye, looking between you and Jake as he reaches over to usher you away as well. She doesn’t have to say anything for you to know she’s curious as to how far your relationship with Jake and his children goes. It isn’t a conversation you’re ready to have. The waves of your hair shield your face from her as you follow behind the Sullys. Lo’ak tries to speak before he’s berated further. 
“You told me to make friends with these kids. That’s all I’m trying–”
“I don’t want to hear it.” Jake cuts off his defense. “You are a shame to this family.” Lo’ak’s face falls and his gaze shifts to you. You want to reach out and hold him, to comfort him, but he turns away before you can. His stomping strides carry him further down shore, away from his home. Neteyam’s lips press into an irritated line before he goes off after him. It is what Jake expects of his eldest son but Neteyam looks to be exasperated, tired of having to be the one to bridge the gap between his father and brother. 
When Jake spoke to his son, the voice of an olo'eyktan replaced that of a father’s. Right now Lo’ak is not his son. He is a warrior that has stepped out of line, defied orders. You stop him from following them with a hand around his wrist, quickly removing it when you realize what you’d done. 
There have been small touches between the two of you but never something as direct as this. You are not his mate. It is not your job to soothe his anger or protect his children. You take a half step back, readying to return to your own marui as night settles deeply over the island. Jake’s ears relax as he catches you retreating. Now he grabs your wrist to keep you beside him. He’s still angry. It’s evident in the tensed line of his muscles and the hard set of his jaw. His dark brows are drawn low over his eyes and for a fleeting moment you see Lo’ak in his expression. It pains your heart to see that they are so similar and yet so different. 
“He is upset, Jake. You have to see that.” It’s all you can do to defend his son. You look to where they’ve both disappeared to, seeing Ao’nung join them on the beach. You hope this will put an end to the antagonizing between the clan children. When you turn back to him, Jake is already looking at you, anger bleeding from his face the longer he stares. His grip on your wrist, though not harsh, loosens, as his hand slides up your forearm to pull you closer. 
“I thought we’d lost him.” He says quietly, eyes wet with unshed tears. You wonder what he sees as he looks at you, if he realizes who you are. “We” he said. As if Lo’ak was his and yours. Perhaps he’d meant his children but the way he holds you says otherwise. “Thought I’d lost you.” 
“I can never be lost. The sea is my home.”
“The forest was our home. But home isn’t always safe. When Kiri told me you left alone–” he stops himself from speaking his fears into the air between you. “I can’t do that again. I can’t lose anyone else.” His words are only a whisper, haggard and desperate. He suddenly sounds his age as his thumbs stroke against your arms. Whatever he’s feeling goes far deeper than you had expected. 
In the few months since their arrival you’ve spent almost every waking moment with the Sully family. At first you thought it was simple diplomacy outside of your lessons. Befriending the third most important clan member would solidify their standing even if tsahìk did not fully approve of their joining the clan. But Ronal was past her tantrum. She was wary but not completely unkind as she had been upon their arrival. A tenuous thread of understanding has formed between them and you wonder now if that thread is spun by your own hand. If your sister would have tempered herself so soon if not for your open acceptance.
The Sullys accepted you as well, but only now do you realize how open their hearts have truly been. 
“I am here. I’m safe. We’re safe.” It’s all you can say as Jake seems to bask in your simple presence. He doesn’t touch you aside from holding your arms in his, though part of you wonders if he wants to move closer. You want to. So desperately do you want to close the distance between the two of you, to lay your head on his shoulder and promise that everything will be alright. But he is not yours to comfort, nor are his children. It is because you are still tsakarem to them that they open their hearts and bear their vitra to you. Slowly, you pull away. 
“I am tired. I’ll go first.” You say, head bowed to avoid what you might see in Jake’s eyes. You spare a quick look in the marui and wish you hadn’t. Tuk is sleeping curled up against Kiri, the elder gently cradling her sister’s head as they sleep. It squeezes at your heart. The weight of Jake’s eyes follows as you retreat, ears drooped in reflection of your soured mood. Part of you wants to pray. To visit the Cove of the Ancestors and seek solace in the voices of those that came before you. But what they would tell you is no different than what you already know. Jake had his mate. She is gone but her place will always be in his heart and her memory leaves no room for you. Clinging to the edge of a family that doesn’t need you won’t fill the void of not having your own. 
Everyone had given up courting you shortly before Ronal became tsahìk, when Tonowari began sending courting gifts in pairs before choosing your sister. No one wanted to overstep with their future olo'eyktan and now you’re far too old to be courted. Any man that wanted you would’ve made his desire known years ago. So you return to your empty marui to sleep alone, fending off thoughts of the man you wish could be yours. 
The avoidance starts small. Instead of joining Jake for your lessons you encourage him to seek out Tonowari to learn to ride a skimwing. As you’d expected he hadn’t been keen on starting with an easily mastered ilu. When the children ask you to teach them you turn them towards Ao’nung and Tsireya. After the Three Brothers incident the relationship between the children seems to have improved. Lo’ak invoked an understanding between him and Ao’nung. One that your tsmuke’itan has not taken lightly. Your days return to how they’d been before the Sullys’ arrival, busying yourself with menial tasks until you’re needed for something. But it only lasts for so long before Tuk finds you feeding the ilu, half of her hair undone from its usual braids as she wades over to you. The water is up to her chin as she pouts at you. 
“Sa’nok!” Your heart leaps in your chest at the title but you quickly remind yourself that Na’vi children often call their teachers mother. “Can you help me with my braids? I tried to do it myself but I can’t.” 
“I see that.” You say, drawing your fingers through her disheveled hair. She stays to help you feed the ilu, giggling as they carefully snap the fish from her little hands. When your basket is empty you put her on your hip and carry her back to her marui, stopping at your own home to grab your box of hair ornaments and combs. Jake is there when the two of you arrive and you hesitate to enter, mumbling a soft greeting as you pass him. It’s clear on his face that he has something to say but he keeps it to himself, sharpening the spear in his hand with more force than necessary as you undo the rest of Tuk’s braids. She had only taken out a few before deciding to seek help and the loose hair sticks up around her head like sprigs of grass as you try to pick through the tangles she’s caused trying to do it on her own. 
“Alright go wash your hair.” You say, patting her shoulders. She jumps to her feet immediately, probably happy for the brief freedom before she’ll be stuck in one place for the long while it will take to braid her hair. As soon as she’s gone Jake tosses aside the spear that’s long since been honed to a perfect point. For a moment both of you only sit, waiting for the other to move. There is nowhere for you to go. If you leave, Tuk will come looking for you again and you’d be right back here to face him one way or another. He stands with the fluidity of a rising wave, ready to crash over you as he walks inside. 
“Where have you been?” He asks plainly. From his height his gaze falls over you like cold water and a shiver dances up your spine despite the sunlight still spilling in from outside. 
“I have been busy. Did Tonowari not tell you?”
“You didn’t tell me.” He snaps. Behind him his tail sways in tense arcs as he begins pacing. “You can’t just disappear like that.”
“I didn’t disappear. I was busy.” You say again. It does little to calm him. 
“If you’re not going to be around, you tell me. Don’t just disappear without saying anything.” His words make you feel like a child being scolded. It wasn’t as if you’d left the reef. If he had simply asked someone would’ve told him where they’d last seen you on any day he might’ve been curious. Whether you were tending to less urgent wounds or helping younglings learn to swim in the shallow tide pools, you never went where you couldn’t be found. Because truthfully you had hoped he would look for you despite your avoidance. Tuk coming to find you had been a blessed excuse to see him without having to go to him with your tail between your legs, ashamed of your own feelings. 
“I’m sorry.” He tuts at that, looking away for a moment before he finally kneels before you. He sits staring at the treads of the mat beneath his feet, locs falling over his shoulders before finally looking up. His face is creased with worry, a line gathering between his brows as remorse shines in his eyes. 
“No, don’t be sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound so harsh I was just worried about you. It went from seeing you everyday to not at all. That–just tell me when you’re not gonna be around, okay? I want to know where you are.” His hand moves to hold your arm like he had when you brought Lo’ak home. His five fingers soothe over the rippling pattern of your skin as you wonder what he was going to say before he stopped himself. His eyes are still full of worry and guilt but there’s a fleeting hint of grief there too. The feeling of wanting to pluck away at his layers surfaces again but you resist the urge to ask. It is not the time nor is it your place. Of course you’ve grown close in the time since his arrival but it isn’t nearly long enough to ask what you want to know, to dig at his wounds when you can’t tell how long they’ve been healed. Whatever is ailing his soul has nothing to do with you no matter your desire to help soothe the spiritual pain. It is in your nature but if he wanted help he’d ask and the words have yet to leave his mouth.
Even still something has shifted between the two of you. These gentle touches feel different than before. This isn’t guiding or teaching; this is purely for the sake of closeness as the two of you sit in heavy silence. So many words linger inside you, almost being spoken yet never leaving your lips. It isn’t until Tuk returns with sun-dried hair that you part. Jake says something about returning spears to Tonowari, not turning to face you and his daughter as she climbs into your lap. 
The last bead is finally threaded into her hair just in time to send her off with her brothers when they come to fetch her, saying something about visiting the Cove of the Ancestors. It’s nearly eclipse but the floating mountains and glowing trees always look most beautiful when the sun is hidden. You take your time to clean up the mess made while fixing Tuk’s hair. She’d rooted through your entire collection of beads and ornaments, picking her favorites. She’d been excited to show her brothers, bragging about how she had pretty shells mixed into her hair, too. It was endearing to see her so happy to be wearing part of your clan’s traditional dress even if it was something small. 
“You’re still here.” Jake says as you set the last comb back into the box. He sounds relieved. 
“I only just finished with Tuk’s hair. She left with Neteyam and Lo’ak as soon as I was done. I’ll leave now.” 
“You don’t have to. Stay and eat with me.” He says, gesturing to the food set out. Someone had brought another meal to feed the Sullys while you braided Tuk’s hair. She was happy to sit still while she was eating, no longer squirming with childish impatience as you worked. There is still enough food left for the rest of the family and Jake hands you a portion before you can refuse. Your fingers brush his as you take it from him and it makes you linger for a beat longer. In the gentle silence of your shared meal you finally gain the courage to ask one of the question you’ve been wondering about since you first met Jakesully. 
“What was it like riding toruk?” There have been only six riders since the time of the First Songs and here is one of them before you. You try to keep the awe from your voice. While riding toruk is a feat of legends it is only done in times of great strife. Jake wasn’t Toruk Makto because he simply wanted to be. It is a great responsibility that he took on. One that easily could’ve led to his death had he failed. And surely many had failed before.
“Terrifying,” he decides, laughing humorlessly. “Riding him was different than riding an ikran. There was so much at stake. And knowing what it meant to ride him, that power and what I needed it for; that was terrifying.” He laughs again, a small chuckle but it doesn’t sound as empty this time. “That’s the first time I’ve ever admitted that to anyone.”
“That you were afraid?” He nods. “I don’t fault your fear, Jake. Even the mightiest warriors feel scared sometimes. There was much to lose in that battle. The whole of Pandora would’ve mourned the loss of the Tree of Souls. That was a heavy burden for you to carry but you succeeded.” He nods. He’s heard you but it does not seem like he believes your words. 
“Have I?” He mutters softly, so softly that you wonder if he meant to say them at all. But before you can ask Neteyam’s voice rings through the hush of the night. The rest of the children follow him, kneeling just outside the marui as Neteyam gently lays Kiri down. She isn’t moving and the light that should be glowing brightly in the darkness is dim beneath her skin. 
“What happened?” You ask, already moving to check over her. She is breathing but her eyes don’t open when you lift her arm. Her muscles feel tense beneath your fingers, tightening when you try to move her even slightly. 
“We were all connected to the Spirit Tree but Kiri started shaking and then she stopped moving. She wouldn’t wake up.” Tsireya is close to tears as she clings to Lo’ak’s arm. His face is set in a harsh frown but his fear is evident in his eyes. They all look scared and Tuk cries as she clings to her father. Jake holds her tightly as he looks to you for help. 
“Go get your mother.” You say to Tsireya but Jake stops her. 
“No. You are here. You’re tsakarem. Help her.” He says. “Please.” His eyes are pleasing as he cradles Tuk to his chest, kneeling beside you once more. If he trusts you to do it then you will care for his daughter.
Her heart beat is slow as you press your ear to her chest, and her breath rattles with the familiar sound of drowned lungs. That is easily fixed. It is one of the first things you learned to heal. With two fingers you draw sweeping lines from her waist up to her chest then from her neck down to her heart before blowing air against her navel. It takes a few passes before her lungs open and she coughs up the water. She doesn’t wake as you dry her face but her heartbeat sounds stronger and her breathing comes easier. Her body is less tense as you try to move her arms again but she is still twitching almost imperceptibly. 
“She will sleep. I can’t say when she’ll wake. If she isn’t awake by morning I will call for Ronal.” Jake nods and lays Tuk down beside her. The little one has tired herself out with tears, cheeks still wet as she curls up next to her sisters. 
“You two return home.” You expected Tsireya to be slow to part with Lo’ak but even Rotxo seems to hesitate in leaving. A true bond has been made between all of them and you are glad to see that the Omatikaya children are finally being treated with Metkayina respect and care. 
“Come.” Jake grabs your wrist as you pass him to take the children home. 
“Come back?” It’s a question. Desperation is clear in his tone as he stares into your eyes. He’s terrified. You can see it in his eyes. The fear of a father who can do nothing to protect his child. There’s no enemy to fight, no battle to win. Whatever has harmed Kiri is intangible and the feeling of futility shines in his eyes. You nod, and slowly he lets you go. It feels as if he’s uncertain about letting you leave at all. But you do, taking Rotxo to his parents and Tsireya to hers. 
“Do not mention Kiri. I don’t want to worry your mother needlessly. If she has not improved by morning then I will call for her help.” They nod and Tsireya hugs you before entering their marui, sitting down quietly next to her brother. 
“Tsmuke,” Ronal says when she sees you. 
“You are growing.” A small smile finds its way to your face as you take in how much her stomach has grown in the time since Jakesully’s arrival. The two of you have been apart for the long weeks, months, since the Sully family joined the clan. At first it was stubbornness. Neither of you wanted to admit that the other was right as you took opposing views of the displaced family. Now it is simply the duty of teaching them. Ronal has the clan to tend to as you worry over the newcomers. She had no time for them and so she had no time for you, either. 
“Is he waiting for you to come home?” She asks when you finally turn to leave. You pause in your retreat but don’t turn around. Your home is not with Jakesully. Every night you leave to return to your own lonely marui. And Ronal knows this. 
“That is what I thought.” She says after a moment, likely seeing the way your body has sagged in the wake of her question. Your tail has stilled and your ears have fallen flat against your head, though that at least is hidden by your hair. When you turn, fists clenched, she is already going inside. It’s a game you’ve both played since you were young. If she turns before you leave you’ll know if her words were meant to be as scathing as they sounded, but she holds firm. Her eyes stay hidden. Not sitting or turning before you lose patience and storm away. It could’ve been a simple question, but if she meant to insult your interest in a mated man she has done it. 
As if you don’t already know that your feelings are wrong. This budding desire is as useful as putting a single drop of water on a fire. You’ll burn away and turn to steam and he’ll burn on, unbothered by your infatuation. Whatever comfort he’s seeking from you now is that of a friend. It has to be because you won’t let your heart consider that he could feel something more. He had his mate. She might’ve joined Eywa before her time but she was his and he was hers. There was nothing you could do to change that. 
The boys are asleep by the time you return and Jake is sitting with his feet in the water, eyes trained on the horizon. He looks up at your approach and you watch as his shoulders relax in relief. 
“I thought you forgot about us.” The words you want to say are too much for this quiet moment so you simply shake your head as you sit down next to him. 
“I called in some old friends. They’re going to come look at Kiri in the morning.” You look at him questioningly. Neteyam had said that the ride to Awa’atlu took many days. No clan could spare their tsahìk for that long. Not even for Toruk Makto. 
He nods, “Human friends. The ones that stayed when the skypeople left.” It’s an instinctual response to hiss at that. You feel yourself bare your teeth before you can gather your feelings. Jake was human once. If he trusted them to treat his daughter then you could trust them to be near your clan. But there is still a piece of you that loathes the thought of tawtute coming to your home. He doesn’t rebuff your harsh response, only reaching to run his thumb over the back of your hand. You want to flip your palm upward, to catch his hand in yours. It would be strange to hold his hand. You can’t thread your fingers as you would with anyone else but his hand is strong, comforting. Your grip tightens on the edge of the path overhanging the water to keep from acting on the thought. 
The humans arrive soon after sunrise, stirring up more clouds of sand as their strange, black ikran descends from the sky. It isn’t truly an ikran but you aren’t sure what else to call the strange ship. 
“Keep them back.” Jake instructs before moving towards the thing still stirring the beach. The small crowd gathered is happy to comply as you usher them away from the loud, buzzing thing. A dreamwalker steps out in his human garbs, though there are pieces of the Omatikaya decorating him as well. A necklace, an armband, even a knife across his chest like a proper warrior. And his feet are bare. The second man to leave the buzzing beast is human. His face is covered in a clear mask and he wears no Na’vi adornments. They all speak in frantic tones before they take what they need from the strange, hollow beast and start following Jake. He catches you by the elbow as he passes, a clear sign for you to join them. They’re watched by everyone that they pass and the human is the first to duck inside the marui, seemingly glad to be in a somewhat hidden space. He greets the children before Jake sends them away. They only go as far as being out of the way, standing vigilant just outside the open flap. You wish to join them but Jake pulls you with him as they begin their human treatment. 
Kiri is not like you. You know this. It’s plain to see in her five fingers and the low placement of her tswin. She has part of the skypeople in her, but she’s spoken so freely of her mother in the time she’s spent with you. She wasn’t Jake’s mate but his friend. A woman that taught the Omatikaya children about earth and learned about Pandora in turn. She treasures Eywa’eveng just as any Na’vi does. She was careful and curious and she gave her life trying to help Jake protect it. It’s no wonder she gave birth to someone so in tune with the Great Mother. Grace. Kìreysì. 
The human and the dreamwalker fret over Kiri, seemingly making no progress as the three of them speak in their human language. It means nothing to you though, your ears only able to find your own name amid the flurry of foreign sounds. The children seem more in tune with the conversation, ears twitching as they listen just outside the marui. After so long with Kiri not so much as flinching as they move and poke at her with sharp needles you stand to leave. The tiny man looks up from his strange, bright and moving plate. It glows against his brown skin but it isn’t a glow that you’re used to. It seems too bright, too harsh. Unnatural. He looks just as uncomfortable as you feel but you can’t be sure. There’s nothing to see in his brown eyes beneath the two masks he wears. 
“I am going to get Ronal.” Jake calls after you but you’ve already decided. His friends have done nothing but make noise around her. Ronal will see to whatever is harming her, quicker than they ever could. You find her in the healing tent, working over the back of a young hunter. 
“He was met with an akula.” She says as you watch her cover the long gashes along his back with a healing salve. 
“Kiri needs you.” Her hand pauses at your words.
“What is wrong?” 
“She was shaking uncontrollably last night while at the Spirit Tree. She swallowed water.”
“You can heal her easily.” She concedes. 
“I have cleared the water from her lungs but she hasn’t woken up. Whatever made her convulse is still inside her. I’m not knowledgeable enough to help.” Ronal clicks her tongue at that. 
“Whatever I know, you know.” She sighs when you don’t leave. “I will be there as soon as I am done here.” You nod and leave her to her work, returning to the Sully marui. 
“What are they saying?” You ask Neteyam. 
“He doesn’t know.” Lo’ak says, satisfaction clear in his tone. “I am better at English than him.”
“Then what are they saying?” His smug attitude fades immediately. 
“They don’t know what’s wrong.”
“Hah!” You growl. None of the children react but the two outsiders look up at you. The dreamwalker only looks confused but the human flinches as if there’d been a threat in your frustrated tone. Jake looks at you for a moment before holding out a hand for you to join him. 
“Where’s your sister?” You wrinkle your nose at him. Jake has always had a slight accent, tongue still failing to perfect certain words with the ease of a child taught since birth. His children don’t carry his same inflections but if you had noticed it before it’s disturbingly prominent now. It strips away a bit of him, revealing the man he used to be beneath it. Human, dreamwalker. Part of you wants to know that side of him to better understand the man he is today but then your eyes trail wearily to the strange things that now fill the marui with lights and sound and it suddenly feels too overwhelming to ask. Ronal arrives as Jake speaks to his friends, looking between the three men before her eyes land on you. 
“I see that I am not needed.” You’re on your feet in an instant, snatching up her arm before she can leave. 
“You are tsahìk.” She understands your words, your trust in her and hesitancy towards the foreign men. In this matter you stand with her in a shared distrust. Whatever they are doing is not helping. But this is what tsahìk does. She stares at you for a moment, eyes uneasy. 
“Remove these things.” She says it to you but her voice is loud and unflinching, though it’s doubtful the human understands her. 
“Out!” You hiss when they do not move away from Kiri. 
The dreamwalker moves first, then Jake says something in his human tongue to get the other man to listen. They work quickly in the shadow of you and your sister, leaving Kiri to be properly cared for. Tuk runs in as soon as they pass her, hand grabbing yours as Ronal sets her healing tools beside Kiri. She asks for the tent to be closed off, all of you keenly aware of the two outsiders standing just beyond the open marui. This is not something for them to witness. Jake complies, leaving the three of you inside with Kiri as he closes the flap. Ronal looks over Kiri, mumbling a prayer to herself as she does the same as you did last night. She moves her limbs, testing her body as she tries to find what is harming it. When she does she goes to work immediately. Her tools aren’t strange. They are pieces of your everyday life. She doesn’t pierce her skin as they had, and doesn’t need their strange glowing and noise to work. She calls on the Great Mother to guide her as she begins to heal the child. 
It takes much time and you begin to sing a working song to fill the tense air and cover the sound of the human words coming from outside. It doesn’t distract Ronal as you sing about the ocean and Eywa. It’s a song meant for fishing, for working on the great seawall terraces, for weaving clothes, and sharpening weapons. It’s an idle song to fill the time and you sing it quietly as Ronal works, blowing great gusts of air against Kiri’s skin. With one last exhale like a great tulkun’s breath she sits back heavily as Kiri begins to shift. You’re at the child’s side in an instant, brushing her hair from her face as Tuk takes her hand. Her eyes are barely open before she begins to cry. 
Her hand reaches out for you as she finally recognizes your face above her, wanting to be held as your sister collects her things. Ronal rests a hand on your head as Kiri hugs you, Tuk worming in between your bodies. There is meaning in your sister’s touch that doesn’t need to be said with words. Take care of her, her touch says, before she leaves. You watch her go and she glares at the outsiders as she passes but as soon as she does Jake is moving to gather the three of you into his arms. 
“Thank you, Great Mother.” You whisper against Kiri’s hair. Whatever has happened she is awake now. She will heal. It takes a long while before she is comforted enough to let go. She sits quietly, picking at the food Tsireya brought for her. The children fill the marui, all seven of them crowded together as they try to rouse Kiri from her low spirits. It leaves you outside with Jake and his strange friends. Jake introduces you and you’re surprised to hear their names. Norm the dreamwalker and Max the human. These are things you can say easily. Jake’s name still sounds a bit strange on your tongue, the sound of it just as complex as Grace’s name had been when Kiri first taught you. Their names sound rounded to start, but your tongue wants to make a sharper sound. But Norm and Max. These sounds you know.
“May the Great Mother smile upon our first meeting.” Norm says, gesturing towards you. «I See you.» Max says something in his human tongue–English, Lo’ak called it–but you just tilt your head. You can’t understand him any more than you understand a chittering ilu. 
“He said it’s nice to meet you.” Jake says, laughing at whatever look of confusion has crossed your face. You nod but say nothing. Soon they go back to speaking their human words but Jake keeps you close to him with his arm hooked over yours. So you sit, listening but not understanding. Finally they say something that seems to upset Jake. His ears fall as he sighs, and his hand finally finds yours. There’s defeat in his eyes when he looks at you after hearing what his friends had to say. Defeat and longing you realize as his hand tightens around yours. If he wants to say something he doesn’t. Instead he nods resolutely and rises to walk the outsiders back to their hollow ikran. You meant to ask what it was called but the thought is easily lost as you turn towards the children. 
It is near to eclipse and the sun is a bright crescent of firelight in the sky, casting an orange glow over them. They’re gathered in a tight circle, like a braided cord. Shoulders touching and tails sweeping against each other. Lo’ak has Tsireya’s arm, Ao’nung and Neteyam are sharing in their own conversation, and Tuk has tucked herself under Rotxo’s arm, still clinging to her sister’s hand. Kiri’s face is still troubled but she doesn’t look as upset as she had when she first woke. You imagine it will be long before she returns to herself. It doesn’t seem like they’ll be eager to leave so you take it upon yourself to feed them. 
“How is the girl?” Ronal asks when you join her at the cooking fire. Women of the clan are gathered here, talking amongst themselves as they prepare dinner. Many hands are needed to feed so many people and they smile upon your arrival. 
“Awake and well enough. The children have been keeping her company since she woke.” 
“That is good.” She nods, passing you leaves to wrap the fish you’ve cooked. The two of you work in tandem as you had before Jakesully’s arrival upset the balance of Awa’atlu. Or perhaps it’s only you that’s been so upended by the man and his family. You’ve missed moments like this with your sister. They’d been lost after you set yourself as her opposition before the clan. Her acceptance was reluctant and eased by the will of her mate. But things have simmered since and Ronal has quelled her distaste for the family. 
“You are close to her,” Ronal says carefully, blowing the flame off a roasted bit of meat. “She will be more comfortable if you look after her. I can’t say what happened, but it was something terrible. The whole of her spirit was upset by it.” She speaks quieter now, strong voice suddenly lost in the din of gossiping women. “If something more happens you have seen how I healed her. It will be your responsibility.”
“My responsibility? I am not tsahìk. This is a matter for the will of Eywa.” Your voice is a sharp whisper. 
“You say this as if we do not know the same things. The Great Mother speaks just as clearly to you, tsmuke. It is because I am tsahìk that I am entrusting the health of a child of our clan to you. Any mother of Awa’atlu would do the same. You know this. Stop questioning yourself.” She snaps. Ronal has never been one for kindness based on familial ties. She treats you as any other member of the clan when the need arises. You aren’t above reproach. She frowns at you, before venting her anger into the food in her hand. With a jerk of her head in the direction you came from she dismisses you. The last of the food she’s made goes in the basket on your hip as you leave. 
“Sa’tsmuke,” Tsireya announces you when you set down the food. Your niece’s dimpled smile lights up her face as laughter greets your arrival. Even Kiri has a small smile on her lips. It’s a relief to see. Jake still hasn’t returned but you try not to dwell on his absence. They continue their happy conversation as the night grows darker until it tapers off into quiet mumbles and stifled yawns. The Sully children settle down for the night and Tsireya is nearly asleep as you detangle her from between Kiri and Lo’ak. She clings to you the same as she had when she was small as you put her on your back. Her face nuzzles against your hair as you see everyone home. The oversight isn’t necessary. There’s no danger in walking alone even in the darkness but you enjoy these small moments of borrowed motherhood.
But when you return to your empty home once more your heart feels hollow. The feeling has plagued you for weeks, marked with the arrival of the Sully family. The loneliness hadn’t bothered you so much before. The clan has many unmated men and women. Finding a mate can take years and you always assumed you’d bloom into love later than most. And when the time for mating seemed to pass you accepted your status as a singular woman. Now it feels as though there is something missing. Like a chip in your knife that you hadn’t noticed before. The dull ache of it plagues you as you try to sleep, trying to ignore the whispers carrying on the balmy breeze. 
If this pain is the Great Mother trying to tell you something you choose to ignore it. Jakesully has mated before her. He belongs to someone else. No matter the circumstances he’s found himself in now; without his mate and far from his home, nothing but friendship can be shared between the two of you. 
Even as your heart squeezes painfully in your chest you resign yourself to the dull ache. These feelings are yours alone. You’ll just have to accept the pain of longing for a heart you can never hold. 
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Oel ngati kameie – I See you
Tsakarem – tsahìk-in-training
Uturu – sanctuary
Tawtute – skypeople
Sa’tsmuke – aunt, mother’s sister (speculative)
Tsmuke’itan – nephew, sister’s son (speculative)
Naranawm – Polyphemus, the planet Pandora orbits
Vitra – spirit, soul
Tsmuke – sister
Tawtute – skypeople
Tswin – neural braid
Eywa’eveng – Pandora
1K notes · View notes
Just thinking about Levi receiving a puppy for Christmas...
"I told you not to buy me anything..."
Levi grunted but still smiled softly as you handed him a small box covered in red and green Christmas wrapping paper. You made him sit on the couch, the precious present in his hands.
"Go on, open it!" You said with pure joy in your voice, a huge smile stretching your lips.
Levi looked at you before starting to unwrap the paper carefully, making sure to not ripe it. He could not lie that he was a bit excited as he tried to guess what could be potentially inside this package.
Your lover was so focused on unwrapping his present that he did not even notice how you sneak out of the living room, leaving him all alone in the room. When he removed completely the Christmas paper, he opened the box with almost trembling hands. Inside it, he discovered a beautiful red... bow.
Slightly surprised, Levi took the small bow and turned his head, expecting to see you but he met... nothing. Even more surprised, he looked around, thinking that you were probably going to pop out from somewhere and telling him this was just one of your usual joke.
"Honey? Where are you?" He asked, turning around and tried to see if you were hiding behind the couch.
"What about you turn back around?" You replied, making Levi turns his head back.
No words could have describe the shock Levi had on his face as he saw the tiny puppy you were holding in your hands. His mouth opened but not even the smallest sound could escape it. You swore on your life that you saw Levi's eyes getting watery for a second before he quickly batted his eyelashes to remove them.
The puppy let out a little yelp and wagged his tail happily as he saw the man in front of him. You did not have the chance to do anything before Levi gently took the dog in his arms and gently rocked him. He did not even flinch when the wet puppy's tongue entered in contact with his cheek.
Yes, Levi Ackerman, the clean freak, was actually GIGGLING as the doggy continued to lick his face eargely. Guess even the coldest heart could be warm up by a cute creature.
You were scared at the beginning that Levi would not like the present because of his love for cleanness (and between you and me, we all know a baby animal makes a lot of mess). But you could not be more wrong as you saw your boyfriend tying the red bow around the dog's neck and starting to caress his belly, touching the soft fur.
Next thing you know, Levi, the puppy and you spend the rest of the evening listening to a comforting movie. He even put the Christmas hat on the doggy's head!
It was the best gift Levi could ever receive.
234 notes · View notes
moni-logues · 30 days
Deer Tracks
Pairing: Namjoon x f. reader (Suri); A Fine Line couple
Genre: slice of life? a little angst a little fluff? established relationship
Beautiful, sobbing high-geared fucking and then to lie silently like deer tracks in the freshly-fallen snow beside the one you love. That's all. (Deer Tracks, by Richard Brautigan)
Word count: 3.2k
Content: implicit smut (piv), that's really it tbh
A/N: Anon, this is for yoooooouuuu! And for anyone else who loves the AFL couple like I do lol my first babies, my special little creatures haha. I have genuinely had this bonus chapter/drabble/whatever you want to call it in mind since I finished writing the series. I have thought of it SO often and, truthfully, never got to the end, never quite figured out in my head how I was going to pull it together. But I'm happy with what I did and I hope you are too!!! Also shout out to sunny for finding this poem for me when I couldn't months and months ago.
You lay in your bed, staring at the ceiling, legs swishing idly against the sheets, as if making snow angels out of them, but only the bottom half. And there was no snow. And you weren’t having fun. Sleep wouldn’t come. You had learnt that. It wouldn’t come until the smallest hours of the morning, when exhaustion finally gripped you and pulled you under. Then you would wake a few hours later, unrested, and do it all again. 
It was self-inflicted. You knew that, too. You knew that you were doing this to yourself. You were sleeping in your own bed. Namjoon slept next door. You didn’t have to wonder if he was asleep because you could faintly make out the sound of his snoring even through the wall.  
Things weren’t going well and you weren’t dealing with it. You were making it Namjoon’s problem, making yourself Namjoon’s problem. He knew it was happening. You knew it was happening. He didn’t have the power to stop you. You didn’t think you did, either. Even though you wanted to. You could feel all your worst instincts clawing at you, invisible hands crawling over the edge of the bed to pull you apart, pull your life apart. You wanted to resist them and you wanted them to devour you, both at the same time.  
You loved him. You were in love with him. That was the problem. That was the thing that kept you up at night. The anxiety of it screamed at you and, sometimes, you could block it out; sometimes, he would kiss you and you would melt into him and everything felt golden; other times, more often recently, he would kiss you and you’d feel sick. Sick because you wanted to escape. Sick because you wanted him to stop seeing you. Sick because you loved him. Sick because he made you happier than you thought you would ever be again. Sick because it all terrified you.  
So you pulled away. You pulled yourself back into your shell, set up spikes around it, were erratic and irrational about who got access to you and when.  
You were sleeping in your own bed.  
Namjoon had, weeks ago now, planned a sweet winter getaway. Just a long weekend. There was astronomical stuff happening: a big moon, some meteors, something that he would tell you about as you sat, breath puffing in front of you, huddled together outside a cabin, looking at it all. He had said you wouldn’t be able to see it well in the city; he was going to book somewhere remote, where the sky would be dark and clear. You had wondered why it mattered so much but matter it did, to Namjoon, so you had agreed, looked forward to it.  
Until you had realised you loved him. Until he had come home one day, late and tired, and a choir had started singing in your heart. There had been nothing special about that day, not at all, but you had looked at him and he had smiled at you—crinkly-eyed and deep-dimpled—and something inside you had bloomed. It was love. It was horror. 
You wanted him to cancel. To say, ok this is a bad idea, let’s not go and spend 72 hours in each other’s company with no escape and nowhere else to go. Because you wouldn’t say it but you didn’t want to go. You were fighting with yourself not to run, not to scarper, not to dig yourself a hole in the ground and live there instead. You could convince yourself you were coping while you had work to distract you with (and Namjoon had his work, too). But a weekend in the country? You wouldn’t be able to get away from it if you couldn’t get away from him.  
There was a slightly tentative knock at the door. 
“Yeah?” you called. 
Namjoon poked his head around.  
“I know we talked about heading up a little later but they’re forecasting snow so I think we should get an earlier train, is that ok?” 
“What time is that?” 
“Probably around 9.” 
He nodded, hesitated at the door for a second, then nodded again, leaving you to it. You felt sick again. Terrified. Half of you wanted to run out to him, to tell him to please never, ever let you go. Half of you wanted to run.  
The train was slow because the forecast had been partially right: it was snowing, but it was snowing earlier and heavier than predicted. The journey from the train station to the cabin was even worse. Namjoon couldn’t drive; somehow, you had gone all this time not knowing that. You had also forgotten that he had mentioned something about renting a car when he first brought up this trip.  
You hadn’t driven for years. Hadn’t needed to. Wouldn’t have been able to afford a car anyway. You were anxious. You were already anxious and now you had to drive winding roads on forested hills while the snow fell thick like cotton balls.  
“I’m not fucking doing it,” you said, as you and Namjoon stood outside the car rental place.  
“We don’t have any other way of getting there.” 
“They won’t go. I already asked.” 
“Well then how do we get there? I'm not fucking driving.” 
“Suri, plea-” 
“No! I said no! I hate driving. I can’t drive! I won’t!” 
“You said you have a licence.” 
“Yes, I have a licence but I haven’t needed it for years. You seriously expect me to drive in this? I’ll kill us both.” 
Namjoon pulled his beanie from his head with a sigh and then fixed it back in place.  
“I’m sorry. This was not how I planned it. I didn’t know the weather would be this bad, but can you please drive? We can take it slow—everyone else will be driving slowly, too. I promise it’ll be worth it when we get there.” 
You knew it was an argument you couldn’t win because, short of going straight back home, there were no other options. With the way the snow was falling, it was even possible that there wouldn’t be any trains running anyway. You offered him your best scowl and stomped inside to pick up the keys. You wanted to argue, but you wanted to get out of the cold. 
The journey was almost painfully tense. Driving, as it turned out, was quite a lot like riding a bike and, even with the snow, you coped pretty well: drove carefully, took corners slowly, made it to the cabin in a little under an hour. But you held onto your anger like a security blanket. It was, in some ways, a relief to be able to cling to it, rather than being tossed about in the waves of your anxiety. Anger was safe. Anger kept people away. Kept Namjoon away.  
You were hoping for blessed relief from the cold. You were expecting to open the door and be hit with a wall of warmth, fire lit, heating on, a small side lamp illuminating just enough of the space that you could find your way to the light switch. 
It was dark. It was just as cold inside as it was out. You stood in the entry way and clenched your teeth together while Namjoon fumbled with the thermostat.  
“I’m hungry,” you announced when nothing more had happened a minute later. 
“Ok, yeah, we can eat in a sec. Let me just figure this out.” 
“What do we have to eat?” 
“I don’t know, babe; I think there’s something in that bag.” 
Namjoon gestured vaguely to the pile of bags next to you, which told you nothing. You inhaled, preparing to heave an aggrieved sigh when Namjoon straightened and looked at you. 
“I know, ok? I know. I’m sorry. This isn’t like I wanted it to be either.”  
Sentences short, clipped, like he was fighting his own frustration. He probably was. You were being a brat. You knew it. You were making yourself his problem. You were pushing buttons.  
Somehow, this time, it didn’t feel like victory. It felt like defeat.  
You let your sigh fall and stomped past him, flopping onto the sofa still in all your winter stuff. He turned back to the thermostat. 
It remained tense and quiet for the rest of the evening and when you (fully clothed with a jumper and socks on) slipped into bed next to Namjoon (also fully clothed), you had deflated. You couldn’t sustain your anger that long, not when Namjoon didn’t fight back.  
“I’m sorry,” you said, chewing on the inside of your lip, eyes cast down.  
Namjoon leant over and pressed a kiss to your hair. 
“I’m sorry, too. This isn’t what I wanted.”  
You bit harder on your lip when you felt it wobble.  
“I just thought it would be nice to get away. The sky isn’t even fucking clear because of the snow. I should’ve planned this be-” 
“No,” you said, interrupting. “I’m just being pissy.” 
“Yeah...” He paused. “About that-” 
“I’m sorry.”  
You didn’t want him to ask, didn’t want to talk about it. Didn’t want to have to admit it, finally, that you loved him. Certainly not after that day.  
You hesitated because you could feel your heart thumping and that prickling sensation on your skin that said you were stripping yourself bare. “It’s just me. It’s not you. I... I’m not trying to be a dick. Well, I guess, I-... I’m sorry.”  
You risked a glance at him. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close. He pressed another kiss into your hair. You closed your eyes and felt your limbs loosen, something inside of you unlocking, allowing you to relax into the warmth of his body.  
“It’s ok,” he whispered. “As long as you’re here.” 
You nodded.  
“I’m here.” 
You raised your face as he went to kiss your head again and he caught your eyebrow. You didn’t give him the opportunity to laugh or say anything; you put your lips against his, turned your body towards him, and hoped you could say without saying the thing that burnt inside you. 
It somehow felt like it had been a long time. That the nights that had passed since the last time he was between your thighs had stretched into weeks, elongated themselves in your memory and your body, so that every touch, every movement felt like remembering. Felt like something almost lost but found again. Felt, as it always did, like something coming together within you. Never more in your body than when he was, too. It grounded you. It brought you closer to yourself, closer to him, as though they were one and the same.  
“F-uck!” you cried, gasping and panting as you tried to hold on, wanting this to last.  
You were so close to it, to letting all that pleasure wash over you, drown you, take you under, but you didn’t want to go. Didn’t want to let this pass. You wanted to stay in this moment, this perfect moment, where it was just you and him and everything you did best.  
If it passed, you would have to confront it again: the fear, the terror that your love placed inside you.  
“Shit,” you swore again, but it wasn’t pleasure this time. It was frustration because you’d thought about it. Because now you were thinking about it.  
You shut your eyes. You couldn’t look at him without that painful heart swelling, that effulgent warmth that enveloped you, followed by the ice-cold trickle of anxiety. You loved him. You loved him. You loved him.  
Did he love you? Could he? Could anyone?  
Your breath hitched and you tightened your fingers around Namjoon’s arm, nails digging into his soft flesh. You could feel it welling, this feeling, these tears, brimming in your eyes, sticking to your lashes. 
The moment the first fell was the moment it all came loose. You came, cursing and crying, your body writhing, Namjoon firm and solid and stable around you. You came, hot and harried, clutching him to you like a buoy, as he held you secure and safe as he always had. You came unfastened, unbuckled, apart at the seams, flopping into him, just crying now, just crying.  
His voice was as soft as his body was not.  
“Are you ok?” 
You nodded, desperate for him to believe you as you continued to sob. He placed a hand on your head, stroking gently, the other rubbing small circles into your back.  
“It’s ok,” he whispered. “You’re ok.” 
And you loved him more because that was all he said. He didn’t push you for answers, didn’t make you reassure him. He held you and soothed you and let you be sweaty and naked and messy in his arms.  
You were shivering with the cold before the tears on your cheeks had dried. You both wordlessly re-dressed and snuggled under the bedsheets, still clinging to each other. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked.  
You knew he already knew the answer. No.  
“I’m fine,” you answered, muffled against his hoodie.  
“Can we talk about it tomorrow?”  
You nodded, because it was easier to just say yes now, to push the issue into the future. You could avoid it then, too.  
Sleep didn’t come. You knew it wouldn’t, even though the cold made you tired, even though you could still feel Namjoon in every one of your muscles. You looked at Namjoon, at his face, peaceful as he slept. Not snoring, not right now. Tipped on his side, broad shoulders curled inwards. You thought about what he might see if your places were reversed. Did you look cute as you slept? Could he have lain and felt like he could look at you forever? Did it make his blood feel sweet inside him, having you close to him?  
It felt impossible. Too easy. Everyone had said it was. Namjoon had said it was. Some of it had been easy, you thought. Maybe. The parts where it was you and him and no one else. The parts when you forgot to be self-conscious, forgot to supervise yourself so strictly. The parts when you just let yourself have it—happiness—even if you didn’t think you deserved it. 
You looked towards the window, where that curious glow of snow was sneaking around the edges of the curtains. It was still dark outside, but snow had a light of its own somehow, a peculiar way of shining by itself.  
You slipped carefully out of bed, wrapping your arms around yourself, and went to look. You pulled the curtain back and it was still snowing. Fat flakes fluttering slowly to the ground which was perfectly smooth and white. Unblemished. Untarnished. A blank slate. 
You looked at the dark lump of Namjoon’s body under the covers. You were a blank slate. You had said that. Namjoon brought colour onto it. You had said that. You looked out at this perfect snowfall, the silent padding as it placed itself gently on the ground. A blank slate. Beautiful. No one had disturbed it. Not even a creature.  
You had thought of your blank slate as empty. Blank because it held nothing. Blank with a freedom that scared you because you had been worn down and made to fear it. Your blankness made you hollow and worthless.  
But this snow wasn’t. It was full. It was generous. It was giving itself to the earth. You had chosen. You had made your choice and it was Namjoon. Was always going to be Namjoon from the moment you had met him. And you had stopped fighting that.  
You thought you had stopped fighting it but you had only paused. You stopped fighting it until you started again, until love blossomed in your heart just as everything on the surface started to bury itself underground. The richness and fullness of your own spring felt wrong, at odds with the earth and at odds with what you knew. What you had come to expect. What you had come to believe was all you would ever have.  
You looked at the snow. You looked at Namjoon. You practised. 
“I love you,” you said, barely more than mouthing the words but they still felt loud in the blanketed silence of the room. “I love you.”  
You looked at the snow. Still perfect. Fewer flakes coming down now, the sky no longer heavy with clouds. You had been so intent on the snow that you hadn’t noticed the moon: bigger and brighter than you’d seen it before. This was what Namjoon had wanted to see.  
“Hey,” you said, gently shoving against his shoulder.  
He groaned, rolling onto his back and rubbing his eyes. 
“What’s up?” 
You tugged on his hand, pulled him out of bed. 
“Look,” you urged, pointing at the moon.  
Namjoon’s response was hummed as he adjusted to being awake. He shivered and pulled you into his body, back to his chest, arms around your waist.  
“The moon,” he said eventually. 
“Yeah, the super one.” 
“Uh, it’s called the Frosty moon, I think. If I were awake, I’d remember.” 
You smiled and placed your hands over his, leaning your head back against him. 
“I love you.” 
Namjoon laughed and you froze, rigid as he let you go, as he turned you around. His hands moved to your face and he kissed you, warm and soft, a smile still tugging at the corners of his mouth. 
“I love you,” he replied, kissing you once more before he laughed again. “I fucking love you.” 
“You do?” Your voice was whisper thin, air caught in your throat. 
“Yes, I do! I love you!” 
The bubble of worry in your chest popped and it all disappeared, all that fear, all that doubt. He loved you. He fucking loved you.  
“I love you,” you repeated, looking at him this time.  
Even in the early-morning darkness, you could see his eyes sparkle, see the dimples in his cheeks. He mouthed the words back at you, picked you up and carried you back over to the bed. He wrapped himself tightly around you, lips against the back of your neck, your shoulder, your jaw.  
“I didn’t want to rush you,” he said. “I didn’t want to put any pressure on you, so I wanted you to say it first but, fuck-” he laughed again- “fuck, I’ve wanted to tell you so badly.” 
“You have?” 
“Yes, baby. I love you. I really fucking love you.”  
“I love you.” 
You stared through the darkness at your hands, clasped together just in front of you. The words felt fuller than you ever thought they could. You had thought they would feel like something being taken from you, like they would open up a hole inside you and leave you bereft but they didn’t. Each time you said it, you felt filled up. With every repetition of the words, you felt more whole. Coming together. Being brought together inside yourself, all your little broken pieces.  
You loved him. He loved you.  
You fell asleep quickly and slept soundly until late morning. 
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
I frickin LOVE the extreme size difference between kraken and clownfish reader! Please, sir, can we have some more??
A living, breathing human. One you at least assume to be. It's really hard to tell since it's been so long, and their current situation.
After exploring the ruins of the latest in numerous ship cracks in the region, you swam up to the surface to experiment with your new toy in its proper environment. As hard as you tried, instruments just didn't play well underwater. On land you discovered the horrific aftermath of what you thought to be a natural disaster, a visceral sea of crimson and improvised weapons strewn across the shore as far as the eye could see. There wasn't a remain in sight of what caused either beside the rotting wood of a ship and a single leg peaking from the intact helm of the ship. It twitches as a broken spear washes onto shore and sticks its boot.
Saving your shock for a better time, you rush over to help the survivor. It takes all of your strength to pull the wheel off their crushed limb, prolonged by moans and pained breaths causing you to let go out of fear of hurting them more. You pull them as close to the water without submerging them to check their injuries. Their pants leg was dyed red, but upon rolling back their sleeve there's sickening relief that the blood was likely from the shed around them, and their leg wasn't irreparable despite the bruising. Their forehead was spilt open, and their body was covered head to toe in smaller battle wounds, but they would live.
You tear off the driest part of their shirt and wrap it around their head. Hissing in pain as you tie it tight, the human's eyes flutter open. They fall on you momentarily, but their focus swiftly draws elsewhere - passive confusion soaring to unbridled fear. You don't have the pleasure not opportunity to ask them what's wrong.
A tendril locking around your waist and arms, you're dragging back into the sea - hurled through the tides so rapidly your vision temporary goes black before fading back into the murky blue depth of the ocean. The tendril is so thick it completely immobilizes you all the way down to your tail; left hopelessly to flail and scream as you're pulled down to the sea floor and back at the mouth of the ship. Through its smile of minced flesh and pointed teeth, you realize it was not the ship looking down on you, but the glowing eyes of your captor. Released from its tendrils, the chance of your escape is greatly weakened as the beast takes you in its enormous hand instead.
"Little one, it hurts me so to see you in cohorts with the enemy...."
The best approximation to your scale would be the time you entertained a group of children on a cruise ship. The smallest, friendliest one of the bunch had the most adorable doll you had ever seen. It fit snuggly in the crook of their arms and was no longer than their torso, waving to you as the ship passed by. Somehow, you were even smaller than that to this creature. Its single hand fit perfectly around your midsection with room to spare. One bite and your head would be taken clean off. If you could've grown pale in the gills you would have.
"please don't eat me...."
Can something thing big even hear a feeble little thing like you? You're probably part of its dessert, not even the full thing. The Kraken's tremendous laughter answers your question in one way or another.
"Eat you? Eat you? Even frightened you put on the best performances, my love. Why in the seven seas would I eat my mate? It's true you be on the smaller side, but you have done what no other creature has done in ages. Make me laugh."
You now know the source of those distance chuckles after every show. Back then you used to write it off as another mystery of the sea.
"I made my peace washing you from afar, but seeing you continue to play with our food broke my heart in two and left me no choice but to claim you now. I do care for you, but you will need to earn my forgiveness if you want your freedom. I pray you have your best material in memory."
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dontaskmemybias · 1 year
Plus One
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Pairing: Non Idol!Lee Felix x afab reader
Request: No
Theme: Roommates to Lovers
Contains: Fluffiest fluff, cursing, suggestive themes.
Word Count: 4,798 words
Note: This is a work of fiction and does not portray any of the members irl. I might make a part two to this if y'all are interested!
When you moved into town you were DESPERATE for a new roommate, you asked everyone and it turns out that a friend of a friend of an old college roommate had someone he knew who was looking for a roommate. It felt like the universe was on your side when you heard the news and you almost cried from happiness, but there was a catch (of course there was) the roommate was a dude.
Now the thing is usually you wouldn't mind rooming with a guy, you've lived with quite a few and other than them leaving messes for you to clean up occasionally they had all been pretty decent. You were worried because you had never met this Felix guy before so you had absolutely no idea what to expect. But everyone who had met the guy swore up and down that he was a great guy, very respectful, and made killer brownies, so you decided to meet up with him in person to judge for yourself.
The day came that you were supposed to meet up with Felix at a local café and get to know him, see if you would get along. You decided that if he was going to live with you it didn't really matter what you looked like, so you popped on your favorite oversized hoodie and a pair of leggings and made your way to the café. When you got there you shot him a text to let him know where you were sitting after grabbing an iced coffee. After what felt like five seconds you heard someone clearing their throat.
You looked up to see who the crazy deep voice belonged to and almost jumped out of your seat when your eyes laid on the most gorgeous person you'd ever seen. He looked like a fae creature, his long blonde hair caressing his face, the freckles across his cheeks looked like beautiful constellations, and he was dressed in a button-up layered under a beige sweater-vest and perfectly fitted blue jeans. Your brain did a hard reset and you realized he had asked you a question.
"Oh, shit, sorry, yeah I'm Y/N, you must be Felix?"
He smiled and you swore he looked like a ray of sunshine come down to Earth, you had to stop yourself from staring as he let out a low chuckle.
"Yep that's me! Am I not what you expected? You look... kinda shocked to be honest." he lightly chuckled and ran his hand over the nape of his neck.
"Oh no! Sorry I didn't really have expectations, I just feel like I should've dressed nicer is all." you looked down and cringed at your outfit choice.
"Oh! No worries! I think you look great!" He flashed you a toothy smile and slid into the seat next to you. "So, what do you want to know? I'm pretty much an open book!"
That was six months ago. Six very long months of living with the most gorgeous creature to ever walk the Earth. You had to tell yourself at least once a day to get your shit together and stop ogling your roommate whenever he did the smallest thing like stretch his arms up to reveal a sliver of his lower abdomen or bake you brownies when work had you stressed out.
Not to mention his habit of touching and cuddling you.
His friends had warned you when you first met them that Felix loved skinship and he would probably break down your personal bubble like he did to all of them. But NOTHING could have prepared you for the amount of physical affection this man gave you. It started small of course, testing the waters, knees touching on the sofa during your weekly movie nights, holding your hand when you went out so you didn't get separated, things like that. But over time knee touching became full on cuddle sessions on the couch while you watched your favorite movies. Holding your hand at the bar became a hand wrapped around your waist. Eventually Felix had come to you in the middle of the night because his insomnia was acting up and he couldn't sleep and you offered to let him cuddle you. Now you two spent almost every night in your bed together.
It was honestly really nice. You hadn't dated anyone in years and you desperately craved physical affection. Nobody would guess it by looking at you, but secretly, you were just as much of a cuddle bug as Felix was.
The only problem is with every lingering touch, every time he fell asleep in your arms, you fell harder for him.
This became abundantly clear last Tuesday when he came bouncing through the apartment like someone had just given him a puppy.
"Y/N~ guess whaaaattttt!!"
"What's up 'Lix?"
"My work is throwing a huge end of year party and I GET TO BRING A PLUSSS OOONNEEEE!!" He looked positively giddy at the idea of bringing a plus one, but you didn't know why. Felix is also going through a romantic dryspell.
"Is that so? Who are you planning on asking? Some cute girl got your eye?" As soon as the words left your mouth you saw the tips of his ears go pink and he looked down at his feet. "Oh. My. God. Does 'Lixxie have a crush on someone?" You teased him, but deep inside you were devastated at the thought of Felix being with someone else.
"No, nothing like that..." Felix trailed off then his eyes met yours and your heart ached at the sight. His cheeks were now a bright pink and he looked so bashful.
"Oh I'm sorry for teasing 'Lixxie you know anyone would be lucky to have you!" You said it sincerely because you really did mean it. Anyone would be lucky to have Felix in their life.
"It's okay, I was actually excited because I wanted to see if you'd come with me..." He looked away and then his eyes met yours again, filled with panic. "I mean not like a date or anything you're justoneofmybestfrie-"
"Felix," you saw his panic and cut him off "no worries, I would love to go with you!" You gave him a big smile. "Plus I would love to meet all the coworkers you've told me about!"
He let out a sigh of relief and smiled back at you. "Okay awesome! Its next Friday at 7pm, the dress is cocktail attire. I know you don't have a ton of clothes like that so I was thinking maybe this weekend we could go shopping? I want to find something to wear as well!" He positively beamed at you. Felix LOVES shopping, but he hates to go alone so you know that he would be really bummed if you said no.
"Of course I'll come with you 'Lix, who else would be able to tell me if my dress looks good or not." You started giggling at the thought of bringing one of the other guys you hung out with dress shopping. "I mean I could always ask Hyunjin but you know how he is." Felix busted out laughing at that, no doubt remembering the time you tore your dress on a fence before going to the bar with the guys and Hyunjin complemented your 'grunge' look before you told him that you had ripped it on the way in.
"Okay so let's hit the mall on Saturday?"
"Sounds good to me!"
That is what led to your current situation, going to what felt like 5 billion stores (actually three) and watching your incredibly attractive roommate try on suit after suit.
"Y/N what about this one?"
You looked up to see him clad in a gorgeous blue suit that seemed to fit him just right. You had to stop yourself from literally drooling on the department store floor when he twirled around for you.
"It looks incredible 'Lix, like it was made for you!"
"You've said that about like the last three suits I've tried on." he rolls his eyes and inspects himself in the mirror.
"Well I can't help that all of these fit perfectly on you!" you weren't lying, the last three suits literally looked like they were tailored specifically with him in mind.
"Y/N!" Felix looks over at you and takes your face in his hands, his face is so close you can feel his breath on your nose. "I've just had the most amazing idea."
You tried to hide your blushing face by putting your hands over his and covering more of your face. "What idea?" You ask, trying not to sound too out of breath.
"We should go get you a dress and when we find the perfect one we can come back and I'll get a suit to match you!" He jumps back raising his hands in the air beaming while waiting to hear your response.
The thought of you and Felix matching at this party made your heart flutter a bit, to anyone who didn't know you, you would look like a couple. That thought alone made you feel all sorts of things you should not feel about your roommate. But, despite that, you answered.
"I think that's a great idea 'Lix!"
The look on his face was one of pure joy when you agreed. He runs into the dressing room to switch back into his own clothes leaving behind a VERY flustered roommate.
You looked in the mirror and saw the red tinting your cheeks and hoped that by some miracle Felix didn't notice how flushed you got just from the idea of coordinating outfits (who blushes at that?) you put your cold hands on your cheeks to calm the redness down and waited for Felix to get out of the dressing room so you could go to the dress store next.
If there's one thing on this Earth that you hate, it is trying on clothes. It is your personal hell. You hate the way nothing seems to fit, everything is itchy, the dressing rooms are always way too hot and make your face bright red, and the fluorescent lights make everything look that much worse. Your only saving grace today was Felix. Your ray of sunshine, always making sure to complement you but also give you actual feedback.
"No definitely not this one, you'll be way too uncomfortable with the sleeves all night." You smiled at how well he knows you, the sleeves were already bugging you and you knew that you would want to rip them off if you had to spend a whole night in this awful dress.
You had tried on like 50 dresses by now (actually 10) and none of them had the WOW factor, but luck would have it that #51 (11) was in fact the winner. It had a beautiful high neck with a patterned cut down the front to show off your 'assets', it was the perfect length, and it was covered in gorgeous silver glittery designs. This was the one, you were sure of it.
"Hey 'Lix?" you called out from the dressing room.
"What's up gorgeous?" You knew he was getting tired because he tended to call you things like 'beautiful' and 'gorgeous' when he got sleepy, which did not help your situation whatsoever, but it was quite cute.
"I found the dress, but I was thinking, I think it should be a surprise!"
"How are we supposed to match if I don't see the dress?"
"Well I could show you a bit of the fabric? Then you could go off of that?"
"Okay darling that sounds lovely." darling? That was a new one. Thankfully you had time for the massive blush that crept up your cheeks due to the new nickname to dissipate as you changed your clothes. Once you got out your cheeks were just a light pink.
Felix perked up as you walked out holding the dress behind your back and you went over to the checkout. After purchasing the dress you showed Felix a bit of the fabric from the bag and he started giggling. "I like that we are making this a surprise, I think it'll be fun!" And with that you both went to the men's section so Felix could find a matching suit.
Thankfully it didn't take too much time, he found a match almost right away and (of course) it fit him perfectly, or so he told you. He said since your outfit was a surprise, his should be too.
Clothes in hand you drove the two of you back home to get some much needed rest. As soon as you got through the door Felix shot you a devilish look and ran toward your bedroom and flopped down on your bed. You walked in, chuckling lightly, and asked him what he was doing.
"I think it is nap time and naps are always the best with a budddyyyyyy!" He held his arms out and made grabby hands at you. You burst out laughing and headed over to the bed. As soon as you were within his arms reach he pulled you down next to him and started spooning you.
"Y/N, you're my best friend, you know that?" He sleepily whispered to you. You felt your breath hitch at his small confession, but before you could respond you heard his breathing even out and he was asleep. You sighed and pulled the covers up over the two of you and decided that a nap with Felix wasn't the worst thing in the world. So you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep.
All week Felix was so excited about his work party is was basically all he could talk about when the group went out for dinner on Wednesday.
"Y/N and I are matching but we haven't seen each other's outfits and I am soooooo excited to see the dress she picked!" He exclaimed to everyone.
"Dude, we know, it's all you've talked about in the group text since Saturday." Chan chucked at the freckled boy who was positively beaming.
"I'm happy for you guys, it sounds like it will be a really fun time!" Jisung chimed in, smiling back at Felix.
"Anyway, changing the subject. Y/N how's work going?" Seungmin looked over at you with a big smile. You smiled back at him.
"It's going pretty great, I think I'm really getting the hang of things." Everyone seemed to appreciate the change in topics as they all went around the table talking about work and the different things they were now in charge of.
Dinner went by quickly and before you knew it you were heading back home. You and Felix had only had a few glasses of wine with dinner but the buzz was definitely present on the ride home has you both giggled about everything and nothing at all.
When you got through the door Felix pulled you in for a big hug and started playing with your hair. "I really can't wait to see your dress, I'm sure it is going to look amazing." You pulled back a bit so you could see his face and he was still smiling, a light blush was present on his face but you were sure it was just the alcohol in his system.
"I'm so excited to see your outfit too 'Lix! But it is late, we should head to bed."
"Yours or mine?"
It was a harmless question given that you guys stay in each others beds all the time, but usually you go to sleep separately and then Felix will come get in bed with you when he can't sleep. Other than your nap session on Saturday you had never really laid down together ready for bed. Something about the shift in dynamic made your heart wrench a bit, you tried to hide it by smiling back at Felix.
"How about yours tonight?"
When you laid down your mind was racing a million miles per second. You never really slept in Felix's bed, he mostly came to yours. You didn't think about it when you answered him but now you realize that you fucked up. You are surrounded by the smell of Felix, its on his bedsheets, pillows, and, most importantly, on the boy curled up behind you latched on like a baby monkey. Felix's arms are around your whole body, one arm across your chest with his hand on your shoulder, and one across your stomach with his hand on your hip. His leg is even draped over your body so you are surrounded by him.
Looks like you aren't getting much sleep tonight.
Sure enough you barley slept the night before and you wake up feeling awful. Normally when you sleep with Felix he wakes up before you and is either in the shower or cooking breakfast, but not this time. This time you woke up to find yourself still surrounded by the boy, but something feels different. You wiggled a little and your face turned bright red when you realized that Felix was not only still fast asleep but sporting a rather large erection that was pressed firmly to your backside.
You needed to remind yourself that with was a natural thing that men's bodies do in the morning and it had nothing to do with the fact that you were pressed against him in the night.
Fuck was it hot in the room or was it just you?
You tried to calm yourself down, but how could you with this beautiful man pressed against you like this? You decided maybe you should get up and act like nothing happened. Before you could get up you heard Felix grumble a bit and pull you in closer to himself.
Well there goes that plan.
You resigned yourself to waiting for Felix to wake up.
After what felt like forever Felix finally started to wake up. You decided to save him from embarrassment at his current state you would act like you were asleep until he had released you from his hold. You closed your eyes and waited... and waited... and waited some more. Finally you felt Felix shift a bit and your heart almost stopped when he bent his head down and placed a soft kiss on your cheek before getting out of bed and heading to the shower.
You held your breath until he was out of the room and as soon as you heard the bathroom door shut your hand flew up to the place where he had kissed your cheek and you felt yourself smile at the sweet gesture. You giggled a bit until finally letting yourself get out of Felix's bed and walk into your own room to get ready for the day.
It was finally Friday. The day you and Felix had been waiting for. You could barley contain your excitement at work and basically counted the seconds on the clock until it was (finally) time for you to go home. You drove as fast as safely possible and when you flung the door open to your apartment you found Felix waiting for you in the living room with a huge grin on his face.
"It's Friday." Felix simply stated, but you could tell he was as excited for tonight as you were.
"I am SO excited 'Lix! Let's blast some jams and start getting ready!" You beamed back at him and all but ran to your bedroom to get your speaker, Felix close behind you.
The two of you wanted to wait until you were completely ready to show off your outfits so you got ready in your room and he got ready in his with the speaker in the conjoined bathroom between the two of you. It took you both about an hour to get ready and you were shouting back and forth about various different things the whole time.
Finally you were ready. You looked stunning with your half-up hair and all the accessories you bought for the occasion. The dress fit you even better than you remembered. Hands down this was the hottest you'd ever looked in front of you roommate.
"Okay, I'm ready Lix, you ready?" You shouted full of excitement.
"Yeah! On the count of three!"
You both opened the doors to your side of the bathroom and stopped, eyes wide on the beauty before you. It took a while for either of you to speak, just taking in the whole fit on the beautiful person in front of you. Finally Felix spoke.
"Wow... you look.... WOW!" He was beaming, completely awe stricken at your ensemble.
"Right back at you handsome." You took in the beautiful silver and black suit he now wore. The suit looked like it was made for Felix, the perfect blend of feminine with its silver floral patterning on the cuffs of the blazer and the ends of the slacks, and handsome with its sharp angles.
Felix held out his hand to you. "My lady, shall we?" You smiled at the gesture and took his hand. He put your entwined hands over your head and twirled you around, leaving you both in a fit of giggles. And with that you left to go to the party.
Felix's work Does. Not. Fuck. Around. when it comes to parties. They had rented out a beautiful ballroom and had snacks, an open bar, as well as a rather large dance floor. You and Felix decided to start at the bar. As you were grabbing your drinks a strikingly beautiful woman came up and coldly stared you up and down before placing a hand on Felix's forearm.
"Hey 'Lixxie I'm so glad you made it!" You couldn't tell what Felix was thinking about this woman as he let out a small smile when she addressed him. "This must be the girlfriend you've been telling me about!" She gave you a cold smile devoid of genuine emotion as she spoke.
You felt your heart drop. Felix has a girlfriend? He never mentioned anyone to you. How could he even have time for a girlfriend when he was sleeping in your bed almost every night? What the fuck is going on??
Felix looked shaken at the statement for a brief second and before you could clarify that you were just his roommate he spoke.
"Yes, this is my girlfriend, Y/N."
You stared back at him with wide questioning eyes. What in the actual fuck is going on right now???
The woman looked you up and down again, chuckled to herself, then left muttering something under her breath that sounded like it rhymed with lanky witch.
As soon as she was out of earshot you grabbed Felix's arm and looked him in the eyes. "What the fuck was that?"
Felix shyly looked down and took a deep breath before explaining. "That was Megan, she works in the accounting department and she has been trying to get me to go out with her for months and when she wouldn't stop I panicked and said I had a girlfriend. She seemed to believe me at first but I never brought this girlfriend around and so she started to get suspicious. I'm sorry I brought you into this but it seemed like the perfect cover in the moment, but if it makes you uncomfortable I can call her back over and come clean." He looked back up at you and gave you a half-hearted smile.
Felix wanted to be your fake boyfriend for the night. In what world would you ever pass up that golden opportunity?
"No, It's okay 'Lix, we can fake date for the night to get her off your back. She seems like a royal bitch to me anyway and I wouldn't want to make you talk to her more than you already have to." He let out a sigh of relief and smiled at you, then stood up and wrapped his arms around you in a big hug.
"Thank you Y/N, you're a lifesaver." He pulled back a little and smiled at you as he reached up and pushed a hair out of your face. You looked into his eyes and smiled back.
"What are friends for?"
The rest of the party flew by. Felix introduced you to all his coworkers as his girlfriend and they all congratulated you two and told you how cute it was that you two decided to wear matching outfits. You ate, drank, and had great conversations but after a while Felix seemed a bit on edge and you decided to see if he was okay before continuing to enjoy the party. You led him out to the balcony where you could only see one or two people sitting around, seemingly bored with the festivities inside.
"Hey, 'Lix, you seem... anxious? Are you doing alright?" You take his hands in yours and notice his shoulders immediately relax a bit.
"It's nothing love, just getting a bit tired is all." He had been calling you cute nicknames all night in front of his coworkers to keep up the guise of being together, but the fact that he called you love while it was just the two of you made your heart stutter momentarily. You chalked it up to the few drinks he had had throughout the night and decided to blow past it.
"Okay, well how about we dance to one song and then head out? The dance floor is too big and the DJ is too good to pass up one dance." You squeeze his hands softly to comfort him a bit and hopefully put his mind at ease. He looks up and softly smiles at you.
"Lead the way."
When you walk inside you guide Felix to the dance floor and start moving around, letting the beat take over your body. You see Felix smile at you as he begins to do the same. Pretty soon the two of you are jumping around laughing hysterically at how ridiculous you must look just jumping and moving your shoulders to the beat. When the song ends you get ready to head out before Felix takes hold of your hand. The beat changed and a slower melody filled the room.
"One more dance?" He sheepishly smiled at you. You walked toward him, placing your free hand on his waist and smiled back at him. "Anything for you 'Lix."
The two of you started with your hands together, free hands on each others waist. But as the song continued Felix slipped his hand from yours and put both of his hands on either side of your waist. Your arms came up and wrapped around his neck, your bodies now pressed into one another, looking into each others eyes. Felix rested his head on your shoulder and let out a sigh.
"I wish we could stay like this forever." He whispered into your ear.
"Me too." You whispered back.
Once the song was over Felix pulled his head back, hands still placed on your waist and smiled.
"Let's go home."
The Uber back was quiet, your heart was beating out of your chest as you thought through the nights events. Felix had a hand on your knee and his head rested on your shoulder as you made your way back home. Once the Uber pulled up you said thank you to the driver and walked up to your apartment hand-in-hand with Felix.
After you stepped through the door Felix turned you to face him and he just looked into your eyes in silence for a moment until he softly spoke, barely a whisper.
"Can I kiss you?"
You were sure you were dreaming. There was no way this beautiful, incredibly kind, amazing man wanted to kiss you right now. As if he could tell what you were thinking he took a step towards you and brought his hand up to caress your cheek.
"You are the most beautiful person I have ever laid my eyes on and I've wanted to kiss you all night, well, I've wanted to kiss you a lot longer than that. So, may I kiss you, Y/N?"
"Yes." You whispered.
And with your consent Felix pulled your face to his and gently placed his lips on yours. It was a beautiful kiss, filled with all the emotions you had both been feeling for quite some time.
You pulled away to catch your breath and smiled at him. You thought back to Wednesday and a thought occurred to you. "It is late, we should head to bed."
"Yours or mine?"
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strqyr · 3 months
the very first episode of rwby has this... weird is not the word i'm looking for, but it's got this weird, pilot-y feel to it; establishing the basic building blocks of the world, but it also... leaves out something that's pretty significant.
you see, in salem's narration, she speaks of the unforgiving world with a forgotten past that humanity, born from dust, inhabits, the creatures of darkness that almost ended humanity's brief existence, however "even the smallest spark of hope is enough to ignite change, and in time, man's passion, resourcefulness, and ingenuity led them to the tools that would help even the odds. this power was appropriately named 'dust'. nature's wrath in hand, man lit their way through the darkness, and in the shadow's absence came strength, civilization, and most importantly, life."
cut to the dust robbery, the fight were ruby solely uses the recoil of crescent rose to zip around, some of her actions—including swinging her weapon—emitting rose petals, the glyphs that appear when glynda and cinder fight, glynda creating a storm cloud and hail on top of controlling shrapnel to attack the airship (and moving ruby out of danger)... to ozpin mentioning ruby's silver eyes, establishing what huntsmen and huntresses are, that they train at these academies, the white fang and faunus are mentioned...
pay attention during the first episode, and you'll quickly notice that aura and semblances are not mentioned once; this is most notable for the dust robbery when compared to the ice queendom version of the fight, in which ruby uses her semblance a lot while in the original, all her quick movements are due to using her weapons recoil to move around. and while yes, you could argue that glynda uses her semblance, she also very much creates a storm cloud and rains hail from it with no dust in sight, so with the emphasis dust is given in the episode—first with salem's narration, then with the proceeding robbery on the dust shop—it would be very easy chalk it up to gravity dust.
and i just find it... interesting? because if you only ever watched the very first episode of rwby, you wouldn't know aura and semblances are even a thing; the focus is very much on dust and how important it has been to humanity's survival against grimm, how it was the light against the darkness, how man is born from dust, even the set up for any magic reveal in the future... it's all there, but there's nothing about the power that is tied to one's soul that has taken a much bigger focus, especially characters-wise, since then.
it's giving me this fun thought exercise of imagining the world of rwby with only dust and magic (+ magical artifacts à la the grimm campaign).
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blackcherryvelvet0909 · 10 months
Shadowed Ripples (Deuce x GN!Reader)
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Content Warning: Mild violence (brief fistfight), mild hurt/comfort
“That’s a big ass fish!” Ace declared as he stared up into the large tank. 
There was, indeed, a very big fish that swam by. You glanced over at the small info cards that decorated the sides of the display tank. “I think that’s a sturgeon.” 
“What other fish could be that big?” Epel asked. 
“Various creatures trump the size of a sturgeon.” You glanced over your shoulder to see Sebek approach your little group from behind. “Whales, sharks, crocodiles, squids.” Sebek crossed his arms as a brash smirk twitched at his lips. “You humans would know such things if you cared to read.”
“Would’cha quit with that better than thou shit?” Epel cut back at Sebek. “Take that ‘humans er better than fae’ crap and shove it up yur-!” 
“Epel!” Epel winced at the sound of Vil’s harsh tone, his head snapping in that direction. There Vil stood at the tank three paces away, the one that held a series of colorful jellyfish. His eyes were so sharp they could cut glass - even you gave a shiver. You and Epel both meekly turned your heads away, though Epel’s was followed by a grumble of words you couldn’t discern. 
“What do you want to see next?” Deuce stepped over to your side, hands tucked into the pockets of his jacket. It was the one he often wore while he was out riding his magical wheel - the leather was resilient to water, which was why he wore it today. No rain would dampen this aquarium trip. He smiled down at you as he patiently waited for your answer, his cyan eyes catching the light from the tanks. They looked pretty…
“I saw a sign outside advertising manta rays,” you said. “They have tanks shallow enough for you to pet them; I want to try that!” 
“That baby stuff?” Ace laughed. “What’re you, four?” 
“Ace, shut up.” Deuce huffed before he turned back to you. “Let’s go find out where they are, [Y/n].”
“You babies have fun,” Ace chuckled as he waved you off. “Me and Epel are gonna go look at some actual cool shit.” 
“Like the anaconda that scared the piss outta ya when it came down from its branch?” Epel snickered. 
“Shut up, dude!” 
You let out your own chuckle as Ace was reprimanded for his raise of voice by Trein. That was the last you saw of Ace as you and Deuce separated from the group and turned into the hall that led to the other part of the aquarium. 
“There they are!” Deuce pointed towards the little shallow tank of water in the center of a room in the distance. Sure enough, there were the manta rays you’d been searching for. Your smile widened as you and Deuce walked over to the open pool of water, so clear it almost sparkled in the lighting. You were about to reach out and touch one, but you were compelled to glance over at Deuce. He gave a nod as he said, “Go ahead! I’m just going to take off my jacket real quick.” 
You gave a nod in return before you went about your fun. You dipped your hand into the cool water and reached out to one of the little manta rays swimming about. When your fingertips grazed its back, you gasped: It was slippery! A little slimy, too, but not in a gross way. It felt a bit like lip gloss, maybe nail polish. You didn’t linger on the thought too long - you were too preoccupied with petting the little creatures. 
Deuce came to stand beside you a minute later. After a glance at the tank attendant, his hand slipped into the water close to yours. The smallest of giggles left his lips as his fingers touched a manta ray’s back; you couldn’t help but think how cute the sound was. As the two of you continued petting the rays, you asked Deuce, “Have you ever been to an aquarium before?” 
“A few times,” he replied. “My mom worked at one for a while when I was little. She would get discounts on tickets, so she’d bring me there on the weekends when she was able.” He glanced at you as he recalled the memories. “We didn’t have a lot of money back then, so I only went twice, maybe three times. Still, I’m happy I got to experience that with her - and now with you.” 
Your heart fluttered at that last part. Deuce seemed genuinely joyful at the fact he got to come here with you and your friends. Sure, this was part of the school trip, but…it felt special when he put it like that. You smiled back at him as you nodded, “I’m glad, too.” 
Just then, your hands accidentally brushed. Deuce let out a small gasp and yanked his away and out of the water, sending a few droplets splattering to the ground. “Sorry!” he blurted out. 
“Sir, please keep your voice down,” said the tank attendant. 
“S-Sorry, ma’am,” Deuce uttered, clearly embarrassed. 
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his reaction; Deuce could really be adorable at times. You took your hand out of the water and shook it a little to dry it. “It’s okay, Deuce. It’s not like it hurt or anything.” 
Deuce simply nodded his head meekly. It was just a touch, no big deal. Why was he so flustered? Before you could ask, Deuce grabbed a few paper towels from the dispenser at the corner of the tank. He walked back over and handed you a few. You took them with a ‘thank you’ as you began to dry your hands. As you looked around the room, then back to Deuce, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“Deuce, where did you put your jacket?” 
“Hm?” Deuce perked up at your question. “Oh, over there.” He pointed at the bench behind him - but there was no jacket. A look of panic crossed his face as he glanced around the room. As you’d noticed before, his leather jacket was nowhere in sight. Deuce jogged over to the tank attendant, and in the most polite, yet rushed way asked, “Excuse me, ma’am? Have you seen a leather jacket anywhere? I put mine on that bench over there.” 
“Leather jacket?” The woman thought for a moment, then she seemed to remember something. “Oh, yes, I saw it there a moment ago. I…I believe someone grabbed it.” 
“Who did?” Deuce glanced around the room to try and find the person in question. 
“A boy around your age,” she replied. “They just left.” 
Deuce quickly thanked the woman before he sprinted out of the room, muttering apologies to the people he passed by in a hurry. You haphazardly tossed your paper towels in the trash can before you took off after him. 
You finally caught up to Deuce outside the aquarium, where a few picnic tables were scattered about. It looked like a small garden set aside for people to eat in. Three guys sat on one of the tables, the middle wearing a very familiar jacket. Deuce was already in front of them, voice calm and level, yet by his body language you saw he was irritated. “Excuse me,” he said, “that’s mine.” 
“Huh?” The young man turned his head to look down at Deuce. He was around the same height, but he had the high ground from where he stood on the table. “This one?” He opened the leather jacket and did a little spin, then gave Deuce a grin - one an asshole would give. “Sorry, man, finder’s keepers~ If you wanted to keep it so bad, you shouldn’t have left it.” 
“I took it off so I wouldn’t get it in the water.” You could tell Deuce was trying to keep it together. “It was right behind me on the bench, where I left it. You didn’t think to ask if it belonged to anyone?” 
“Why?” The boy smirked as his words were lined with a faint chuckle. “As I said, if you wanted to keep it so bad, you should have left it on - maybe tied it around your waist. You just abandoned it there - sounds to me like someone who doesn’t care for it.” 
“My mom gave me that jacket.” You’d forgotten about that. You watched as Deuce’s hands slowly balled into fists. “I do care about it.” 
“Aww, your mommy gave it to you?~” The man and his buddies let out a small bit of laughter as the leader mocked him. “Well, then mommy’s little boy should take better care of his things.”
“Look, man,” Deuce’s voice grew more angry by the minute, “just give it back.” He held out his hand. “We’ll forget all about it if you do. I don’t want things to get ugly.” 
“Ugly?” The guy laughed. “What’re you gonna do, huh? I could snap you like a twig!” 
“Would you just give it back?!” you piped up, equally as angry as you marched up to the picnic table. As you approached, you noticed something about the boy: on his shirt was pinned an RSA pendant. He was a Royal Sword student? And he acted like this?! Guess the school wasn’t full of ‘goody two shoes’, as Ace once told you. They had their own share of assholes. 
You decided to try and use that newfound knowledge to your advantage. “Do you really need us to get your headmaster involved? I’ll go get him myself!” 
“Oh really?” The guy jumped down the table and stepped in front of you. “Who do you think he’s gonna believe, huh? Us, three of his most beloved students, or,” he grabbed your collar and yanked you forward, “some snot nosed NRC-” 
He let go of your collar as he was suddenly yanked back and thrown to the ground. Deuce stood before him, face twisted in rage as he glared down at him. “Don’t touch them. Never touch them!” Deuce cracked his knuckles. “You wanna fight someone, you fight me.” 
“Hey!” One of the guy's friends stood up and grabbed Deuce’s shoulder. “Who do you think you-?!” 
That guy was shoved back onto the picnic bench. The third came up from behind and tried to punch Deuce, but Deuce ducked out of the way and delivered his own square to the guy’s nose. The student yelled out in pain as he, too, stumbled to the ground. The leader got back on his feet and charged at Deuce; unfortunately, he managed to hit him in the stomach. Though Deuce wobbled a few steps back and groaned in pain, he quickly regained himself. Swiftly, he grabbed the guy by the shirt, surely about to start beating him to a pulp - and then the double doors behind you swung open. 
You watched as the two headmages, Ambrosius and Crowley, shook hands, ending their conversation. You stood close by, nervous at what they’d agreed upon. When Crowley had stepped through the doors and broke up the fight, an argument ensued. The RSA students tried to accuse Deuce of attacking them because of their school, while you and Deuce explained that the boys had stolen Deuce’s jacket and refused to give it back. You also mentioned that the leader of the friend group had grabbed you by the collar, and that was the reason why Deuce attacked. Not long after, Ambrosius had arrived; apparently, another RSA student had heard the commotion and went to fetch him. Ever since then, the two had been in a discussion as to what to do with the boys. 
Your eyes landed on Deuce, who sat on a bench a small distance away. The three RSA students still sat at the picnic tables within the little garden, one of which now had a bruise forming on his face. The leather jacket was no longer on the lead’s person; as Crowley approached you, you saw it was now draped over his arm. “Would you please hold this?” he asked as he offered you the jacket. You nodded and took it without a word. Crowley then walked over to where Deuce sat, head hung low in shame. He’d been like that since he realized what he’d done - that he’d tapped into his delinquency again. 
Your heart sank as you watched Deuce look up at the headmage as he addressed him. You wished you could hear what they were saying. Deuce looked so disappointed in himself…so sad. He nodded along to whatever Crowley was saying; when the short conversation ended, you were able to read Deuce’s lips as he said, “Yes, sir. Thank you, Headmage.” The man laid a comforting hand on Deuce’s shoulder and patted it lightly before he walked off to dispel the small crowd of students that had gathered several feet away. You saw Ace, Epel, and Jack among them - you gave them a wave and a small, forced smile to try and ease their worried faces. 
In moments, you were at Deuce’s side, sat next to him on the bench. You glanced down at the leather jacket in your arms; thankfully, there was not a scratch on it. You offered the garment to Deuce with a little smile. “It’s not damaged. I’m happy you got it back.” 
Deuce’s cyan eyes flicked down to glimpse the jacket. He gently took it from your hands and put it on his lap. “Thanks…” he mumbled. 
A silence filled the space between you two for a few minutes. You watched as the students dispersed, most going back to their regularly scheduled activities. Your small group of friends, however, lingered at the entrance to the aquarium, likely waiting for you two to join them. Your gaze then landed on the garden space several feet away. You could barely make out the face of Ambrosius as he spoke to the boys - scolded them, most likely. To you, he looked like a disappointed father. For the way the boys’ postures drooped as he led them away, you were sure they got the lecture of a lifetime. You just hoped they wouldn’t try and come back for vengeance at some point. 
“Crowley said that he and Headmage Ambrosius believed us,” Deuce finally spoke. You turned your full attention to him as he continued. “He said this would be my only warning though…he told me to tell a staff member if something like that happened again.” 
“That’s good.” You gave your friend a comforting smile as you placed your hand over his. “I’m happy you didn’t get in trouble.”
“Yeah.” Deuce looked like a kicked puppy, a deep frown set upon his face as he stared down at his jacket. “But I still messed up. He’s right - I should have just gone to one of the professors for help. They would have helped me…I need to stop being a delinquent.” 
“You did nothing wrong, Deuce.” The pain in your heart mixed with anger as you thought back to the fight. “They picked a fight with you - you protected me. I would have done the same for you!” 
Deuce let out a small chuckle at your words. The tiny smile that tugged at his lips quelled your anger for the time being. He glanced in your direction as he spoke. “Thank you, [Y/n]. You…weren’t scared, were you?” 
“A little.” You gently squeezed his hand. “I was afraid of you getting hurt.” 
There was a glimmer of something in Deuce’s cyan orbs as he looked at you. His posture straightened as he scooted closer to you. His hand squeezed yours in return, a determination apparent in his voice as he began with, “[Y/n], I-” 
“Hey, Deuce!” Both your heads looked in the direction of Jack, who now stood halfway between your bench and the entrance of the aquarium. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, I’m fine, Jack.” Deuce suddenly appeared a little startled, but kept himself together. “Thanks for waiting on us.” 
“No problem.” Jack smiled as his tail wagged a little behind him. He gestured back at the others with a nod of his head as he said, “We’re ready when you are.”
“We’ll be there in a second.” Deuce waited for Jack to turn and begin walking away before he faced you again. “C’mon, we should go. We only have an hour left here.” 
“Yeah, we should.” You stood up from your seat on the bench, with Deuce quick to follow. Your smile grew as you saw Deuce slip back on his jacket. You glanced up at the sky - gray clouds still hung overhead. “I think the rain might start back up soon, too. It’s probably good to head back in.” 
“Mhm,” Deuce mumbled, rolling his shoulders as the jacket slipped over them. He spared a glimpse over towards the entrance of the building; Ace, Epel, and Jack were gone, likely somewhere in the lobby. That determination rose in his heart - if he was going to make a move, he better do it now. 
“By the way,” you lowered your gaze from the clouds back to Deuce, “what were you saying before-?” 
A pair of lips met the skin of your cheek. You sucked in a breath as you gasped, eyes blown wide at the sudden contact. Deuce leaned back to his full height as he pulled away, his handsome face meeting your vision. An equally attractive smile was stretched across it, pretty cyan eyes looking right into yours as Deuce asked you the thing that’d been on his mind since last night. “Do you want to have lunch with me after this?” 
Your heart pounded in your chest, blood rushed to your cheeks, your mind went nearly blank. Deuce, Deuce Spade, was he…asking you on a date? You slowly nodded your head as you let out a whispered, “Y-Yes.” 
Deuce seemed to sigh in relief, shoulders now lax, loose of tension. He gave a small nod of his own, but it seemed to be more of an assurance to himself - that he just asked you that and succeeded. If only you could hear how giddy his thoughts were then. He offered his hand to you, “Let’s go, then. We’ll go eat after we leave here.” 
Words were not possible to produce for you at the moment - you simply took his hand with a shaky smile and let him lead you onward. You barely registered the questions your friends asked you two, whether about the fight, what Crowley had said, or why you were smiling like an idiot. For several minutes, you had trouble registering the many aquatic animals swimming around the various dimly lit tanks. All you could focus on was Deuce Spade: his handsome smile, his warm hand, how the jacket hugged his attractive figure just right, how softly he spoke to you - and how pretty his eyes looked as they shined with the shadowed ripples along the aquarium walls. 
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draguuula · 1 year
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synopsis: mammon tries to verbally tell you he appreciates you. kinda angst but full of soft comfort for all my therapist mcs. wrote this when i was at school and just finished... Σ(×_×;)! not proofread... again.
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golden flecks drowning in an azul pool glanced at your form from across the picnic table. you had chosen to sit outside despite the slight chilly breeze as it was peaceful and quiet in contrast to the usual bustling atmosphere inside of the R.A.D. cafeteria.
his eyes searched your form with your back turned to him whilst you hummed in thought to yourself, thinking of what snack to get from the vending machine. he squinted harder. why did he feel so strongly about you? it wasn't even the sappy need to wrap you in his arms, he noted, no - not like the dramas he watched with satan and asmodeus. at least, not just that.
his features softened as he looked down at his hands with a thoughtful gaze. he just wanted oh so badly to let you see yourself the way he saw you with his own eyes.
the way your eyes would light up at seeing even the smallest or cheapest phone charm to match with him, or the way you would grin at him and his brother's antics whenever there was always some curse or mystery happening around the house of lamentation...
he wanted to protect that peace you brought to him - he needed to.
you noticed him awfully silent as you stalked back over to your shared table, and he only noticed your presence once you slunk back into your seat. no words had to be spoken as a heavy silence lingered in the air. all day, he had stayed uncharacteristically quiet just like now, lost in thought; a sort of epiphany, if you will.
"mammon, i'm here if you want to talk."
"that's the issue," he responded a bit too quickly, his cheek pressed against his palm as he huffed. he rested his elbow on the wooden table and glanced to his right at the wild ivy clinging to the sides of the R.A.D. building, anything to avoid your confused gaze. your never-ending understanding, caring, and compassionate gaze.
"you're always ready to talk," he sighed after a silent interval, furrowing his brows as a shadow downcast over his eyes. he seemed to be rather frustrated with something, his white lashes fluttering (ironically) heavenly over his cheekbones before he closed his eyes. it was only then as you took in his discontented appearance that you noticed a tint of blush highlighting his cheeks ever the slightest.
"...yes? is that not what one does to hold a conversation?" you cheekily responded, shooting him a closed eyed smile. at that, he opened his eyes and finally stared at you directly. the eye contact was fierce, and you wondered what his determination behind that look was.
"i'm serious, y/n. why... why don't ya ever talk about yourself, huh? yer always going on and on about wanting to be there for us, but... ya never... talk about yourself," he tried to explain his concern in the kindest way possible, scratching his nape. it was hard to get the gruffness out of his voice when he was embarrassed to be the one who called you out on it, yet he knew he'd take the job any day seeing as he was your first man, after all.
"oi. what i'm tryna tell ya," he crossed his arms now on the table, yet one of his hands reached out to find its way over to yours. "is that i'll be here for you if ya ever wanna open up... i ain't gonna force ya to, but just know it's an option."
despite his frown and eyebrows knitted together, you could tell he really meant in genuinely and that he wasn't mad at you. oh, he could never be mad at you when you were his sweet little angel.
one step at a time, with every soothing rub he massaged your knuckles with.
but that's what worried him. you weren't meant to be some godsent creature to tame them. and he'd make sure you knew how much you could rely on him as well.
and every kiss he planted those same knuckles with.
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