#i just! think these boys have spent an awful lot of time in just each other's company
crayonturtle · 1 month
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ashwhowrites · 18 days
hi!! can i request a hurt/comfort steddie about reader who somehow meets the both of them but at different times and basically she starts having feelings for both of them w out knowing that they know each other? and one time for exemple at a party she walks on them in the bathroom making out or something and she feels stupid for catching feelings, but eventually both of them talk to her and they make up and get in a relationship! sorry if its confusing ( also no smut pls if u can) thank you!! 💟
I've actually missed steddie x reader! And no smut just like you asked! Just some hinted moments. But it's very PG! I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻very open to writing more about this relationship as it grows
Him...him...or both?
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Y/N met Eddie at the hideout. She wandered in on a random Friday night, ready for a drink. But as she walked in, there was a performance on stage. She grabbed her drink and walked towards the stage. Her eyes found him and before she knew it, they were talking.
Then they talked more and more and became good friends. They never saw each other outside of the hideout. She was busy with college and he had school and other things. But the more Fridays they spent together, the more she found herself catching feelings.
Which was dumb because they were only friendly with each other. It wasn't like they kissed or anything. But she wanted something more. She enjoyed his friendship but she couldn't help herself from looking down at his lips.
She couldn't stop thinking about Eddie. She wanted to ask him out but she was too nervous. She also had no idea if he was interested in her. Sometimes he'd send her a flirty smile and she'd touch his arm, but it didn't go further than that.
Y/N met Steve at the video store. She planned to ask Eddie out to watch a movie, but when she went to check out, she checked out Steve instead.
She blushed as his cute eyes landed on her.
"Great film! I've seen this many times. You've got good taste," he winked as he rang up her movie. She watched in awe as he ran his hand through his hair. He was one of the prettiest boys he had ever seen.
"Oh thank you," she looked at his name tag, Steve" she smiled
She panicked and never asked Eddie out to watch it. Now she couldn't stop thinking about Steve. She went back a few times, they discussed their favorite movies and realized they had a lot in common. It was so easy for him to make her smile and laugh.
She also realized she had a type. Cute boys with pretty brown eyes and flowy hair.
The more she talked with either of them, the more she found herself falling.
Eddie got a little more flirty. Winks and smirks made her stomach flutter.
Steve balled hard with the compliments. A smile never left his face and he leaned closer every time they spoke.
It was like both boys were passing her back and forth and she couldn't get her head on straight. She couldn't even tell which one she liked more.
She had more time to see Steve since he had more of an open schedule. She thought maybe she could ask both of them out, it wasn't a commitment, and people dated more than one person all the time. But she was also terrified to ask out either of them.
The next time she saw Eddie she grabbed a dress that she knew would have him staring.
And she was right.
He sat across from her in a booth, his eyes slipping down her body when he thought she wasn't looking.
The more drinks they had, the closer they got in the booth. She was so close to his lips, that all she had to do was lean in. But she didn't.
Then she'd be back at the video store, leaning on the counter as she listened to Steve's stories. Her eyes followed his every movement. She loved watching his cheeks flush in bright red when he'd catch her staring at his pink lips.
She craved to touch his hair and the chest hair that peeked through his work shirt and vest.
She couldn't decide which one she wanted more.
Eddie felt guilty for seeing Y/N the way he did. He loved Steve and he was loyal to Steve. But there was something about her that Eddie was drawn to. No matter how much he tried to get her out of his mind, she came back every time.
He wasn't going to do anything with her. He could tell she wanted him to make a move. To kiss and ask her out but he couldn't do it to Steve.
Steve knew he shouldn't blush whenever she showed up. And he shouldn't feel excited when she has extra time to talk. He loved Eddie, and they've been through so much hell to be with each other. He didn't want to mess that up. But he couldn't help but keep falling for her. She was gorgeous and he wondered what her lips would feel like.
Y/N slammed her last drink before she went off to find a bathroom. She figured a Saturday night at a huge party would help ease her mind about the two boys tugging at her heart.
She was a tad tipsy, stumbling as she leaned against the wall. She found a door and pushed it open.
Her eyes went huge when she saw Steve pushed against the sink with Eddie's tongue in his mouth. Their shirts were off and Eddie's hands were on Steve's hips.
They didn't notice her at first. She was frozen as she took them in. In a way, she was slightly turned on. But then she remembered they were kissing each other, which meant she was completely out of the picture.
"SORRY!" she squeaked after a second and slammed the door behind her. She raced out of the party as fast as she could. She heard her name being called but she kept moving.
She was an idiot. Neither made moves on her and she was dumb enough to believe it was because they were being polite. But no, they weren't interested. She was throwing herself at these guys and they were gay and together.
Eddie and Steve yelled at the same time, both snapping their eyes at each other.
"How do you know her?" They asked at the same time. Both look at each other confused.
"Hideout," Eddie shrugged, as he grabbed his shirt.
"Video store," Steve coughed, as he slipped his shirt back on.
"Why do you want to go after her?" Eddie pushed, his eyes accusing but he hoped it was the same reason Eddie was itching to run too.
"Well, why do you?" Steve asked back
"We'll talk about it later," Eddie said, then rushed out of the bathroom. Steve was hot on his heels.
They both raced out and searched around for her. Steve sighed in relief when he saw her sitting on the curb.
"Come on," Steve said as he grabbed Eddie's arm.
"Hey, Y/N, can we talk?" Steve asked nerves in his voice.
She was quick to clean her face. And stood up.
"I'm sorry for walking in. I just needed to use the bathroom," she laughed awkwardly. She wasn't sure where to look as they both stared at her.
"Eddie's fault for not locking the door," Steve mumbled, resulting in a smack from Eddie.
"What he meant to say, was it's okay," Eddie said, a soft glare sent to Steve.
"Cool. So um bye!" She rushed out and turned around.
"Hold on, that's not what we wanted to talk about," Steve said as he stepped in front of her. She halted as he blocked her path.
"I misread some signals, all good! We can just forget about it." She brushed it off
"We don't want to forget about it," Eddie said from behind her. She gulped as she stood in between both of them.
"Can you please stay right here while we go talk?" Steve begged, his eyes pleading as he softly touched her hand.
She nodded and watched as they walked away. She couldn't hear anything they were saying, but neither looked mad. She was worried they'd be pissed at her but mad at each other for not telling her that they weren't even single.
After a minute or so, they walked back over. She coughed as she waited.
"We apologize for stringing you along and not telling you that we were seeing each other," Eddie started.
"And we apologize that you had to find out in that way," Steve said as he gestured back to the house.
"I'm sorry for throwing myself at both of you. I'm completely embarrassed." She confessed as she looked at both of them.
"Don't be," Eddie said softly as he walked closer. "We talked and we both admitted that we are interested in you. We were both too scared to tell each other that we were crushing on you. But we both are, and we are okay with that."
"Which means, if you are comfortable and willing to try something different. We'd like to take you on a date, together." Steve explained. He was more nervous than Eddie. He watched her with scared eyes as Eddie smirked with confidence.
"So...you both want to..date me? At the same time? All together. As in I date both of you?" She asked, her brain was spinning.
"Yes," they said at the same time, sharing a smile before they looked back at her.
"Hell yes," she laughed. She couldn't decide between both of them in the first place, and she was granted a chance to date both of them? She wasn't passing that up.
"Well, you are already dressed to impress in that sexy dress, so how about we go now?" Eddie asked, stepping closer as he cupped her cheek. She shuddered as Steve's eyes watched them.
"Mhhm" she mumbled, her tongue numb.
Eddie smirked and grabbed her hand. Steve twirled his keys in his hands and they walked to his car.
"Steve and I are private in public, we don't want to deal with all the Churches and shit." Eddie joked as he crawled in the back.
"But you are welcome to be public with both of us and us three will interact more behind the doors." Steve winked.
Dating both boys was better than she dreamed of. They all hung out at Eddie's trailer. Her head was on his lap as he played with her hair. Then her legs were on Steve's lap as he softly trailed his fingers up and down.
A movie on the TV as they enjoyed each other's company.
"Can I ask who you liked first?" Eddie asked.
Y/N laughed to herself "Not telling," she teased
"Yeah, we don't wanna hurt your feelings Eddie" Steve added on
Eddie growled and threw popcorn at Steve, but he successfully caught it in his mouth.
"I know it was me," Eddie mumbled to himself
She loved that she slept right in between both of them. Steve always kissed Eddie first goodnight, then leaned down to press his lips against hers.
She barely catches her breath before Eddie turns her head to kiss her goodnight.
Her heart raced for both of them. She loved that they both wrapped their arms around her and cuddled into her neck.
Everything about their relationship was perfect and she couldn't wait to experience more.
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lucy90712 · 18 days
Not enough- Jude Bellingham
Dating a footballer is fun until he becomes incredibly successful and all of a sudden there are rumours left and right of him dating someone that isn't you. That's what my life is like Jude and I got together 3 years ago now when we were 17 and have been together since but we never made our relationship public because until the summer we were still long distance and didn't want the extra pressure. Having our relationship private has been so nice as it has meant when we do see each other we get to just enjoy being together but it also means we have to deal with rumours of who Jude might be dating. Those rumours never really got to me while Jude was at dortmund but since he's moved to Madrid things have just got so much more intense it seems that every few weeks there is a million new articles and tweets. 
Having to read all of this and seeing how pretty all the girls has really started to get to me. All the girls Jude is rumoured to be with are either models or just incredibly pretty which makes me feel awful about myself. All these girls have made a name for themselves in some way yet here I am with my job in a cafe while I try and find a job in the area that I studied. Jude likes to tell me that he doesn't care what I do for a living or how much I make but I can't help but feel guilty when I can't contribute much to the house or get him expensive things like he does for me. I'm also definitely no model I'm definitely not as pretty or as skinny as a model which I used to be ok with but now I don't feel so confident in myself. The other wags are also so pretty I definitely don't fit in with them either which makes me feel even worse about myself. 
Jude doesn't seem to have any clue that this is all going on he wakes up goes to training then hangs out with the boys leaving me until late at night so he doesn't see all the rumours or how they affect me. He's not here for the time I spend scrolling through social media or looking in the mirror judging everything about myself. Even when Jude is home he always seems to have something else on his mind so he never really gives me compliments anymore. I'd like to think that he still loves me but at this point I'm really not sure I mean he's young and he's attractive why would he want to be tied down with someone like me he can do so much better. I simply don't think I'm enough for him. 
A few days ago Jude went out to celebrate a big win for the team while I stayed at home but the next morning all I could see was rumours that Jude was flirting with multiple girls all night letting them dance with him and since I haven't really spoken to him. I spent all of last night laying awake thinking about everything and I decided that I just think I need to break up with Jude so then he's free to do all the things everyone thinks he's doing anyway. It's hard to decide to end a relationship especially one that has been going on for so long and one you are so fond of but I don't see any other way forward. This is why I've been so distant with Jude because in my head if I didn't talk to him that would make all of this easier. 
As always Jude left for training just as I got up for work but by the time I got back he was home which only happened the first few weeks I arrived so it was strange to see him here. Like always I headed upstairs to shower and change and when I came back out the bathroom Jude was sat on the bed waiting for me. I still didn't say anything to him because I'm trying to stay strong until I find the right time to tell Jude how I feel. 
"Babe are you ok you've barely spoken to me the last few days" he said 
"Yeah I'm fine just been busy had a lot on my mind that's all" I replied 
"Please don't lie to me I know there's something more going on I see the way you look all the time I just couldn't figure out what was wrong and now I give up so please tell me what's going on" he begged 
"I didn't want to say this yet because I'm still figuring things out but I think we should break up I just can't do this anymore" I said 
"Please no baby no I can't live without you whatever I've done I can fix it and I'm sorry just please don't break up with me" he said 
"It's nothing you've done it's just me" I said 
"Then what is it please tell me if you really want to do this at least tell me why" he said 
"I'm just not good enough for you every day there is new rumours of you being with someone else and all of them are prettier and have more going for them than I do and you deserve to be with one of them or to just be free to do what you want" I explained 
"But I want you that's what I want I don't want any of these girls nor is there anything going on with any other girl incase that's what you're thinking I like that you live a more normal life you keep me grounded and I think you are the prettiest girl in the world" Jude replied 
"Then why are you never home and why do you never compliment me anymore?" I asked 
"I-I'm sorry babe you're right I haven't been home much but I will change that I will come home after training and I will invite you to more things and believe me I could sit here for hours and compliment you and I'll do that if I need to" he said 
Jude did exactly what he said he started listing all the things he loves about me while giving me kisses. It felt so good to have his attention again it felt like we were back to how we were before I came to Madrid. After he complimented every single part of me he asked if I'd like to go out on a date like a proper date outside where people could see us and I didn't hesitate to say yes. Even if people see us who cares it's about time that we went public with our relationship then the rumours can be true for once. We have talked about going public a few times but now feels like the right time just so we can stop the media getting too far out of control 
I got all dressed up in a pretty dress and my makeup and hair all done for once I actually felt really pretty. When Jude walked in he had a white shirt and some black trousers on which he looked so good in. He stopped as soon as he saw me and I think his jaw actually hit the floor which made me blush and that was before he started complimenting me. The entire drive Jude didn't stop telling me how beautiful I looked which honestly made me feel so good about myself. 
At the restaurant there was people taking pictures of us walking in which Jude tried to protect me from a bit but we wanted to be seen together. It was weird being in front of so many cameras as I've spent years trying to avoid all of this but now I'm happily letting them all take pictures and stare at me trying to work out who I am so they can get their exclusive headline. The people in the restaurant were lovely though they showed us to our table then left us alone as much as possible which was nice as we were able to have a proper date night together. As we finished dessert Jude showed me all the pictures all over Instagram and Twitter then he showed me a post he had drafted to tell everyone about our relationship and put an end to everything. He had a beautiful caption written which nearly made me cry and all the pictures he had I hadn't seen before as they were ones he took secretly but they were all so cute. He let me click post so that it was my decision to go public then he took my phone and turned it off so we could enjoy the rest of our evening together without having to see what everyone has to say.
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choiyawnzjun · 5 months
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pairing ; boyfriendsyoungerbrother!jake x afab!reader
sypnosis ; your boyfriend had a younger brother. yeah, you knew that, he was only 2 years younger than you. you see him whenever you and your boyfriend decide to hang out at his house. his name is jake. you were sort of ‘interested’ in him when you found out you both actually had a lot in common than you and his brother but you shook it off since you have a boyfriend. so then, what do you do when he suggests something a little dirty in a silly, little bet?
warnings ; none this is the intro.
genre ; 18+
wc ; 1153
next part
taglist form for this series
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your boyfriend had talked about his younger brother a few times, sometimes about how distant they were since it was only a one year age gap or how annoying he was the other day. your boyfriend always vented to you about him so you’d thought that he would be a really aggravating and disgusting person when you met him but in reality… he wasn’t. he was actually the opposite. a pure gentleman.
you first saw him when you arrived at your boyfriends house since you guys planned for a sleepover at his place. you knocked on the front door and a boy with messy blonde hair that was dyed opened the door. his eyes immediately formed into crescents when he smiled at you.
you smiled back awkwardly, not knowing who this was.
“you’re ___’s girlfriend, i’m assuming?” he smiled, bringing his hand in front of yours to shake then gesturing you to come in.
“um, yeah..” you replied, laughing nervously as you came in. you don’t know what had gotten into you but his brother was very attractive and his presence was very alluring. you shook that thought off quickly since you couldn’t be thinking like that. he offered to get you some water which you accepted and told you to get comfortable on the sofa.
that was your first ever encounter with him before your boyfriend came downstairs to steal you away from him.
your second encounter was when you came over again for a sleepover but your boyfriend had gone out to buy some errands. to get rid of the awkwardness in the air, he suggested to play some of his nintendo games with you and you felt more relaxed being around him after seeing what he’s like. you spent a lot of time around him now whenever you arrived at your boyfriends house and he wasn’t there or when he invited you to play some games with him.
a couple of months had passed and your friendship with jake had grown since. your boyfriend didn’t mind that much since he’d seen how your friendship is with his brother multiple times and so paid little attention to it afterwards.
your younger sister forced you to come along to her boyfriend’s football game and jake was there. he was on the opposing team to your sister’s boyfriend. you guys had exchanged numbers after your second encounter since you both found out you had more in common than your own boyfriend and you.
“hey, ___! what are you doing here?” jake ran up to you when you were about to follow your sister to find some seats. he looked very charming, too charming that you were probably a bit pink, in his football uniform. you immediately shook that thought off, remembering he’s your boyfriends younger brother.
“my sister forced me to come here since her boyfriend is playing today.” you smiled, looking back to eye your sister quickly when you said that.
“aw, not for me?” he teased cheekily, gently budging your arm a bit as he said that with a teasing grin.
“your team might lose, jakey, her boyfriends team are really good and i mean it when i say really good.” you laughed, you never really paid much attention to the frequent teasing you guys did to each other, you thought it was just purely innocent.
“yeah? you wanna bet, noona?” he suggested, his eyes quickly flickered up and down as you folded your arms together, making your boobs push up which he loved. you didn’t notice.
“if you lose.. you have to.. prank call your brother about something. i’m still tryna think.” you said, you had the whole game to think about it so you weren’t that pressured plus it was only a little bet.
“fine, but if i win..” he trailed off, biting his bottom lip before looking you deeply in the eyes, making you slightly nervous.
“i get to fuck your tits, hm?” he smirked, looking too cocky now as if he knows he’s gonna win right away. you felt your face heating up as he said that. you didn’t hate the idea but.. what just happened to innocent jakey?
you hesitated before..
“a bit bold of you but sure. your team is gonna lose anyway.” you laughed again, maybe he was joking… but then again.. did you want that to be a joke?
the game was over and yeah. jake’s team won and your sister immediately ran to her boyfriend after the team had gotten dressed and whatnot, leaving you alone in the parking lot. your sister told you that she would be going to her boyfriends house since he was a bit sulky about losing a game.
your heart was pounding so loudly that you could hear it beating through your ears. you were so nervous about your bet with jake because you didn’t know if he was being serious or not. most importantly, what about his brother?
your boyfriend was a good guy with a good personality, he’s done nothing wrong to you but… he was a bit boring. maybe too boring. you guys also had nothing in common and…
your trail of thought had ended when you heard a very familiar voice behind you.
“aw, noona, you lost.” he chuckled from behind you, you turned around to be greeted with a jake who had a bag slung over one of his shoulders and his car keys in his right hand.
but, hey, this was probably only a one time thing and it’s not like he was actually gonna be fucking you. maybe he just hasn’t had sex in a while and needed a release. yeah… maybe it was that. or maybe you just wanted an excuse. but, you’d been thinking about what this moment would be like the whole game that it had turned you on and your panties were possibly soaked by now so…
“give me a ride to my house please, jakey.” you casually beamed, trying to not make it obvious that you had pulled your top down a little and this time you did notice his eyes move down and up again.
“fuck..” he muttered under his breath, immediately hurrying towards his car and unlocking it while you followed.
he drove to your house and since your parents were at work and your sister had gone over to comfort her sore loser of a boyfriend, the house was empty.
you quickly unlocked the front door and jake dropped all his belongings on the side and pinned you against the wall, not wanting to wait any longer. his lips roughly slamming against yours, desperate yet passionate. his tongue tangling with yours. he pulled away, trying to catch his breath, making eye contact with you while you did the same.
“you really wanna do this?” he breathlessly asked, his eyes digging into yours as he waited for an answer.
“mhm.” you nodded confidently.
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marvelouslizzie · 1 year
No One Else Matters
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Summary: Things between you and Bucky Barnes have been going great until an Avengers dinner party reminds you of that one night you spent with Steve Rogers. Now you are afraid that the meaningless past hook-up might jeopardize your future with Bucky.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Word Count: 4.1K
Warnings: 18+ NSFW MINORS DNI, secret relationship, alcohol consumption but no one is drunk, semi-public sex, unprotected p in v (on birth control and clean), begging, pet names, dirty talk, mentions of past hook up with Steve Rogers, eavesdropping, no mention of y/n
A/N: Another random idea that turned into a one-shot thanks to my amazing friends. Thank you so much @notafunkiller for beta-reading and editing. Also, some lines belong to her because she helped shape the story and I appreciate it a lot!
This story isn't any form of Steve Rogers hate. I just wanted to write a story like this and it wouldn't work with anyone else besides Steve. If you don't want to read a story where Steve is a past hook-up that didn't work out well, please stay away from the story.
All work is mine, please do not repost or translate without my permission. 
Every like, comment, and reblog is highly appreciated. Don’t hesitate to message me. I would love to answer questions or start a conversation as long as it doesn't include any kind of hate.
Read more tag starts after the first paragraph of the story.
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Coming to this Avengers dinner might have been a big mistake. Essentially you were looking forward to this night because it had been a while since you saw your co-workers. Some are more like friends than co-workers, but working for SHIELD keeps everyone busy. Small events like this help people to get together, catch up and maybe plan other stuff for the future, but tonight feels somewhat different.
You were enjoying yourself until you saw Bucky and Steve casually chatting on the other side of the room. That doesn’t happen very often and it reminds you of things you'd rather not think about. Things that happened years ago. Like that one time, you hooked up with Steve. It was buried so deep into your memory, you simply forgot about it and it’s not like you see Steve that often. Occasionally, his team asks for your help and you try to do your best. And you have been nothing but friendly to each other since that night. You remember him taking it pretty well when you said you’d rather stay friends with him. He probably wasn’t looking for a relationship anyways.
It was before everyone found out HYDRA was nesting inside SHIELD for years. He was simply the golden boy. The first Avenger who unexpectedly returned. A savior. Everyone was in awe of him and tried to be their best version. It felt like a fairytale came true.
The problem is whenever people make an idol of someone expectations go over the roof. And when you meet that person, see what they are like up close, you just notice he’s just like anyone else. Even though they didn’t do anything wrong or bad, it still feels somehow disappointing.
He was different than what you expected him to be. You noticed that pretty quickly and decided to keep things professional. It worked out amazingly until… now. You look around, trying to calm yourself down, keeping that memory to yourself because this is definitely not the time to bring it up.
When the dinner finally starts, it turns out to be a good distraction. You chat with whoever is around you about recent missions, the latest gossip, and things SHIELD is planning to do in the near future. But your eyes keep wandering towards Bucky, who is seated across the table. It’s a huge relief to see Steve and him aren’t seated together or even close to each other. Everyone knows they used to be good friends, but that’s not the case anymore. Since Bucky is back to himself and started to work for SHIELD, things went downhill for their friendship. They slowly drifted apart.
You try hard not to glance back at him again, but he’s looking at you. That makes things even harder. You notice how his lips form a small smile whenever your eyes meet and how he tries to play it off as something he did because of his conversation. But you know his smile is caused by you and even though you don’t want to accept that, it melts your heart a little more.
After the dessert is served, people start to focus on their drinks more. Different groups are forming, and when you want to take check on Bucky, he quickly tilts his head to the right, signaling you to leave the room and meet him. You look around to see if anyone noticed, but no one’s focus is on you two. 
You do nothing but watch him discreetly walk away first, without waiting for an answer. He knows you will follow. And that’s exactly what you do: you place your empty glass on the counter and leave the room as subtly as he did. What you don’t notice is that someone actually has been watching you very closely.
You have no idea where Bucky went exactly, so you start to wander around, trying to guess where he’d choose to hide until he grabs you with his arm, pulling you inside an empty room before quickly locking the door.
“Bucky!” A half-yelp leaves your lips, but it’s muffled by his hand.
“It’s me,” he whispers against your ear before he starts to kiss your neck sloppily. “Relax.”
He doesn’t waste any time. His hands are everywhere on your body: grabbing your breasts over the clothes, squeezing your ass.
“I missed you.” His breathy whisper gives you goosebumps. 
“Oh, I missed you, too.” You grab his face with both of your hands and finally kiss him properly. He happily sighs and lets you take control. His lips are soft, tasting like bourbon, which surprises you because he is usually a beer kind of guy. Maybe he decided to try something different tonight since he isn’t the one paying. 
That reminds you of the party and everyone inside. Including Steve Rogers. Bucky’s ex-best friend. And that make the anxious feeling in your gut returns. You need to tell him about what happened between you and Steve. Even if you’re afraid that it would change everything between you two. But you aren’t ready to lose him. Not when you’ve just started to realize how strong your feelings are for him.
He doesn’t fail to notice the shift in your mood. You aren’t as present in the kiss as if you have something on your mind. He stops kissing you unexpectedly, making you give him a confused look.
“Are you okay?” He sounds genuinely concerned.
You take a deep breath. Maybe it’s just better to tell him now and get it over with. What’s the point of delaying the inevitable?
“I gotta tell you something.”
You see how his concern grows even more. His expression is serious and full of worry.
“Do you want to break this off? Is that what it is?” 
God, the way he asked that question just hurts something inside you. He sounded so broken, so afraid.
“No, no! Of course not.” You quickly clear the air, leaving no space for any kind of misunderstanding. “But you might wanna break things off with me after I tell you… this.” 
You can see how your words confuse him. He squints, trying to understand what you are talking about and coming up with a reasonable explanation. You know whatever he’ll think about won’t be even close to the reality, but you didn’t expect his response either.
“Are you pregnant? Is that why you are nervous?” His hand caresses your cheek as he asks you. “You know I wouldn’t leave you for something like that, right? We can do whatever you want. It’s totally up to you.” 
No, you aren’t pregnant. That’s not even a possibility. You’ve been on birth control even before you two started to have sex. Still, hearing his soft-spoken words makes you melt inside. 
“No, baby, I’m not pregnant.” 
You both take a breath after eliminating another possibility. He looks at you fora few seconds, trying to decide if he should say it or not.
“Is it about you dating Steve?”
Words can’t describe how surprised you are. Questions flood your mind instantly. How much does he know? When did he find out? Who told him? And dating? No, you definitely did not date Steve Rogers. God, you have so many questions to ask. You don’t know where to start. 
“You know about that.” It comes out more like a question than a statement. The shock is so clear in your voice. 
“Of course, I know.” 
“How? When?” The questions come out one after another and make him smile a little. You stop yourself from asking even more and decide to make one thing clear. “And I did not date him. It was a one-time thing.”
“Oh.” He sounds surprised. Maybe he thought it was more serious, but if so why didn’t he bring it up before?
“When did you find out?” You have to know. 
“Not so long ago.”
“Who told you?” 
“Sam. He thought there was some kind of tension between you two, but I couldn’t see it. So he explained.” He doesn’t sound like it bothers him much, which is relieving.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I could ask you the same.”
He’s right. He can ask the same question. Your answer is simple, though.
“I actually forgot it happened.” Is he really smiling? “It wasn’t that memorable to me.” 
“That bad, huh?” 
You can’t help but laugh. God, you love him so much. You were worried sick about how he would react and here he is joking about it.
“Do you want an actual answer?” You finally ask. 
“Yeah, sure.” He doesn’t seem to mind.
“It was okay.” 
Now it’s his turn to laugh. “So it was bad.” 
“Like I said, not memorable.” You choose to repeat. You don’t wanna disrespect him that much, but you don’t even remember much about it. That was one of the reasons you wanted to stay friends anyway.
“Doll, it’s fine.” He finally decides to answer you seriously.
“So you don’t mind?” 
“It was way before us. It’s not my place to judge you for it.” 
That’s a huge relief. You were so worried he would just choose some kind of bro code over you but no. He chose you. You breathe out with a smile on your face.
“And if someone is gonna get judged for their past, it’s not gonna be you.”
You instantly frown because you understood immediately what he meant by it.
“That’s not the same thing. I chose to hook up with him. You didn’t choose to get brainwashed.”
“Yeah, of course, but I am the one who killed those people.”
“Bucky, no.” You touch his chest, trying to comfort him without realizing it. “Don’t go there. Please. That’s not a fair comparison.” You want him to be free of this guilt. He’s trying to redeem himself so hard, it has to end somewhere.
“Fine.” He finally accepts it. “I don’t care about your past. I only care about your present and future. Is that better?” 
“Yes, it is better.” You wrap your arms around his neck and close the distance. “You are always so forgiving, yet you are so harsh to yourself.”
“As long as you are mine, I don’t care about anything.” 
That does it. An unexpected jolt of arousal overwhelms you. Suddenly, you don’t feel shy anymore. 
“Can you…” You try to collect your words. “Can you fuck me like you did the last time?” Asking that out loud feels a little weird. Maybe you should’ve drunk a bit more.
You watch as his eyes widen in response. Oh, he wants that as much as you do. No need to feel shy.
“Which position exactly?” He sounds so cheeky, but you can see his question is genuine. He needs additional info because it wasn’t a one-and-done.
“Against the wall.” You bit your lip, remembering how good it felt. So rough, yet so full of pleasure. You can’t help but shiver when you remember that orgasm.
“Fuck.” He surpasses a moan. “We have to be quiet, doll. Can you do that for me?” His voice is really low.
You eagerly nod in response. You aren’t sure if you can actually do it, but you will try your best if he’s going to do what you asked for. 
“God, I love you so much.” You can’t hold yourself back anymore. Hearing those words from him sparks something unstoppable inside you. Grabbing him by the face, you crash your lips against him. 
“I love you, Bucky.” You keep kissing him. “So much.” Your hands move south, unbuckling him as quickly as possible. 
Your movements are rushed but not sloppy. Like you did this a million times before. It feels familiar, but it doesn’t change how much you need him. Urgently. And he doesn’t seem to mind that your act as if you are in a hurry. When you finally unbutton his pants, they pool around his ankles, and that’s when he decides to lift you up. His hands stay under your ass while he presses you against the wall, your dress already curled up around your waist. 
“Are you ready for me, doll?” He asks with that voice he uses when he’s really aroused. It turns you on even more and you didn’t know that was possible.
“Yes.” You want him inside you so much. You need his lips on you. “Please, Bucky, I need you.”
“You do?” Oh, youknow this tone too well. He loves to tease you and make you talk more about what you want, and it’s always so rewarding. So you don’t hold back.
“Please, fuck me, I need your cock so badly.” Even though it’s dimly lit inside the room, you see the shift in his eyes. Your words are feeding some kind of primal need inside him. “I need you, baby, please. I’m so wet.”
“Let’s see if that’s true.” He holds you with one hand and aligns himself to your entrance with the other. You shouldn’t be surprised by how strong he is, but every time he manages to astonish you. He doesn’t even struggle to carry or hold you. When he finally thrusts inside you, a loud moan escapes your lips. The stretch is so fucking delicious. “Shh.” 
“Sorry, sorry.” You quickly try to apologize. “It just feels ssso good.” A low moan follows your words.
“You know I love to hear you, doll.” He starts moving. “I love how you always beg for more.” His free hand goes to your head, pushing a strand of hair back so he can see your face better. “But this time we need to keep it quiet. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
“I’ll be good, I promise.”
That makes him smile. You wrap your hands around his neck again, wanting to be close to him. That’s when you both hear a sound really close to you. So close that you feel like it came right at the door. You both still for a second, listening to find out if someone is outside, but there’s no more sound. So that noise is long forgotten in a minute.
You don’t even care if someone is outside. You don’t care if someone hears you fucking. Bucky Barnes loves you. No one else matters. Your lips clash against his. It’s such a sloppy kiss, but you love every second of it. His hand moves to your neck, holding you in place as he starts to pound on you.
“Is this how you wanted it?” He keeps asking, wanting you to speak, but you can't. “Is it that good you went speechless?”
You nod eagerly.
“Come on, darling. Use your words.” He’s moving relentlessly, taking your breath away with each stroke.
“Yes.” You finally manage to say. “Oh god, yes.”
“Yes to what?” He taunts you. “Is that what you wanted or is it that good?”
“Both!” You say louder than you intended, then you remember you promised to be good and you lower your voice. “Yes to both!”
“Good girl.” His flesh hand travels to your neckline. He quickly pushes the straps of your dress down more, finally revealing your breasts. You aren’t wearing a bra, thanks to the padded dress. “God, look at you.” He marvels at you. “Such a pretty little doll. All mine.” 
His mouth latches on your right breast, sucking and biting it while he keeps moving. He knows how to use his mouth well everywhere. It makes everything so much better. You can feel that pleasure starts to bottle up, your abdomen tensing.
Oh, he truly knows how to get you there. He knows how much you love it when you two climax together. It feels heavenly… like you are in your own little world and there’s no one but him there. Nothing else matters. As your legs start to shake with overwhelming pleasure, you imagine going back inside, talking to others while his come is dripping out of you. No one would know what you two were up to. Not a single soul. It’s your little secret. The thought makes you moan a little bit louder. Your hands grip hard on his shoulders. 
Bucky moans right next to your ear. “God, you feel so good.” His hands are gripping hard on your ass. “I wish I can stay inside you forever. I don’t wanna move. I don’t wanna go anywhere else. I just wanna keep fucking you, until you beg me to stop.” Does he know what his words do to you? Does he notice how it amplifies your orgasm? Or does he just say whatever he wants to say? “I’m gonna come.” He warns you. “I’m gonna come, baby. I’m gonna come.” 
You ride your orgasms together, as he empties himself inside you. His head falls on your shoulder while he keeps holding you. His lips press against the crook of your neck. While you keep taking deep breaths, you can feel his heart racing. 
“Are you okay?” He asks while moving away enough to take himself out of you.
“Okay?” You question as he gently puts you on your feet. “I feel amazing.” 
You lift yourself on your tiptoes and give him a full wet kiss. 
“Now I believe you.” He gives you a little smile that only makes you want to kiss him again.
“I’ll be louder when we go home so you won’t have an ounce of doubt.”
“Yours or mine?” His question comes instantly.
“I don’t care.” You really don’t. All you want is him. Where, when, and how are just details.
He helps you shape your hair back to normal while you pull the stripes up. Your underwear is a mess and you are dripping out already. Bucky takes a napkin out of his pocket and kneels in front of you. He gently pushes the serviette between your folds, cleaning you up enough so you can go back inside. 
“Thank you.” You love it when he takes care of you like this. “But you know that won’t be enough. I will keep dripping all night.” 
“I’m counting on that.” You can see on his face how much that thought excites him. “Keep dripping onto your underwear while talking to others. Remember what we did here. Imagine what we will do later.” He stands up while you fix your dress and you realize that you can’t wait to leave this party already.
“You have such a dirty mouth. I love it.” You grab his face with one hand and just force him to kiss you. Not that you can actually force him to do anything, but he lets you anyway. “Come on. Let’s go back.”
It’s been a while since you returned to the party. Everything seems normal. No one even realized you were absent. No one is suspecting anything. That encourages you to look around for Bucky. When your eyes meet, he gives you a teasing smile while casually chatting with Sam.
The whole night you didn’t say a word to him. Not around other people. But you don't see any reason to keep avoiding him. Everyone knows you two are friendly. So you decide to walk over and chat a little.
“Oh, look who remembered us!” Sam jokes as soon as he notices you.
“Hello to you too, Sam.” You don’t mind his teasing. “Good to see you missed me.”
“Hey.” Bucky raises his beer bottle to casually greet you. He probably got tired of the bourbon.
“How are you, fellas?”
“Oh you know, missions and drinks. Same stuff,” Bucky answers your question. 
“Nothing new?” You tease him, just to see how he would react.
“Nope. Just little old me doing the same things.”
“Really, I keep telling him to go on a date or something but no. He prefers this misery instead.”
You try to surpass a smile forming on your lips, well aware of the exact reason why he’s declining the offer.
While you’re staring at each other, Sam notices Steve on the other side of the room and raises his hand. 
“Hey, Rogers!”
That’s definitely the last thing you need tonight, but there’s no way you can stop Sam. Steve joins your group in a couple of seconds, but for some reason, he looks… kinda miserable.
“You alright, man?” 
“Yeah, yeah.” He absently answers. “I’m fine. Feeling a bit under the weather.”
“Maybe that super serum is finally wearing off.” Sam jokes and it manages to make Steve smile for a second.
“How are you all?” Steve asks while looking at the whole group, but his eyes stay on you for a bit longer than the rest.
“Oh, we are fine. We were talking about the lack of Mr. Barnes’s dating life.”
God, he isn’t going to let that go, is he? 
“Speaking of dating…” Sam continues while taking his phone off. “I met this guy the other day and he’s perfect for you!” Is he talking to you? He shows you a photo of this blonde guy who honestly looks alright, but he’s practically a stranger. “He’s a good guy and he fits your type. I can give your his number if you want.”
“What the fuck, Sam?” Your response makes the rest laugh. “You are playing matchmaker now?”
“I mean… someone gotta do it and I was hoping you would find someone to return the favor for me.”
You look at Bucky just to see he’s kind of enjoying this while Steve looks thoughtful for some reason.
“That’s definitely not my type.”
“Really?” Sam side-eyes Steve for a second to see his reaction, but it’s like he already knew that. 
“And I am already seeing someone, so…”
“Wait a second!” Sam sounds surprised. “You are seeing someone? Since when?”
“Why are you so surprised? You thought I would inform you about my love life or something?” Bucky is laughing quietly on the side, and Sam looks a little uncomfortable.
“I don’t know. I thought you were single. You are already off the market, huh?”
Bucky subtly nods to his last comment but doesn’t say anything.
“Yeah, it seems so.” You put your drink on the nearest surface and stretch your neck a little. 
“Tired?” Bucky asks this time.
“Yes. I’m thinking about leaving. Maybe I should call an Uber or something.” You make a move to take your phone out.
“Actually… I was considering the same thing. I can drop you home, you can save up the money.”
“Really?” You didn’t expect him to offer to leave with you. Usually, one of you leaves first and the other follows, but maybe after tonight's events, he decided that there’s no reason to hide anymore. “Sure, that'd be great.”
You see Sam rolling his eyes. “There go hours of effort.”
“You wanted to leave before?” It’s obvious you are talking to Bucky.
“No, not really, but he assumes that and tries to talk me into staying every time.” You start to laugh. It’s not hard to imagine why Sam thinks he’d rather be somewhere else.
“Sorry, Sam, but we are old. Apparently we need more sleep.” You are mocking yourself and Bucky at the same time, wondering how he’ll react.
“He is old, but you… not so much.”
“My soul is old and that’s enough.” You raise both of your hands and wave a goodbye. “Anyways, time to go. Good to see both of you.” Your thumbs and index fingers move around like two guns pointed at Sam and Steve.
“Good night,” Bucky simply adds.
While you two quietly walk away, Sam is already suspecting something is up.
“Did I drink too much or is there something going on between them?” Sam asks when you are far enough not to hear it.
“They are together.” Steve tries to sound as casual as possible.
“Wait! Really?” He thought something was just blooming between you two, not a full on relationship. “How do you know?”
“I heard them.” Steve notices how it sounds and quickly adds: “Talking.”
“And you are okay with that?”
“Yeah, sure.” That doesn’t sound convincing at all. “It’s not my place to say anything. It was never that serious.” He isn’t sure if he’s trying to convince Sam or himself. “I mean… I think she’d want to get serious, but she talked about staying friends and I jumped on the opportunity and agreed because I didn’t want a relationship.”
Sam nods. “Well, good for them I guess. They seem like a good match.”
“They really do.”
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Nimona headcanons plus a little bonus at the end
Whenever the trio gets home it's like a switch is flipped off inside their brains and all they want to do is be lazy and relax 
They’ve got very busy and stressful lives and a pretty small home so it’s not uncommon for them to yell when they’re asking a question instead of just getting up
And if they can’t hear each other they’ll just call the other person
One time Ambrosius was yelling asking them what wanted for dinner and was interrupted by Nimona calling him 
He answered the phone and all they said was “What’d you say I couldn't hear you” he didn’t even question it he just kept talking 
Nimona brings dead animals home 
I have this small headcanon that the first time she shifted into her human form was when she met Gloreth 
So before that she was living mostly as different animals and she kind of learned their ways and those ways stuck with her 
So there is a small part of her that sees Bal and Ambrosius as incompetent hunters (can you blame her)
The boys always thank her for her doing a good job and then they wait for her to leave the room before they freak out because MY GOD SHE BROUGHT A FUCKING DEAD RAT IN THE DAMN HOUSE 
There have also been times when she’s brought live animals inside the house the trio spent half an hour trying to get a traumatized bird out of their living room 
I just know for a fact that Bal has a crazy amount of brain damage 
This man has used his head as a weapon and has been hit on the head more times than I can count 
So I feel like he has a really hard time remembering the little details he gets really bad migraines and headaches pretty frequently his eyesight is absolute shit and he has to wear contacts or glasses and he gets really bad vertigo if he doesn’t take care of himself 
This worries the shit out of Ambrosius and Nimona but there isn't much they can do except deal with the symptoms when they show up
So I was thinking about the fact that as far as we know Nimona never told Bal about what went down with Gloreth
But I know that the boys would try and heal the damage that Gloreths legacy left behind  
And in the middle of everything Bal turned to Ambrosius and said “I just wish that fucking eyesore was gone” 
He didn’t have to ask what he meant he knew it was the statue 
So Ambrosius got to work trying to get it torn down 
A lot of people including some distant relatives that he hasn’t heard from in years tried to argue that it was an important monument and that her story touched a lot of people 
To which Ambrosius responded with “I’m her direct descendant if anyone gets to choose what happens to that statue it should be me” 
It was a couple of months into Nimona’s return when the demolition was approved 
The boys had asked him a while after he came back if it was something he wanted 
And all he said was “As long as I get to help” 
It was super therapeutic for both Nimona and Ambrosius 
Like don’t get me wrong the damage she did to Nimona is still there 
And Ambrosius will always have a complicated relationship with his lineage 
But tearing down the “fucking eyesore” heals something inside them
It was supposed to be a month-long process but Nimona and Ambrosius kept going and it was completely gone after two weeks
When all was said and done they collapsed on the couch and went through just about every single emotion you can go through
A little bonus I made my mama watch Nimona with me and here are some of my favorite comments: Mind you when I first put the movie on this woman was acting like I was pulling teeth
“I like the queen she seems nice” (and then she freaked out when she died)
“So they’re nice to him 'cause he’s gold I would just steal the armor what does he have without that?” “Money Mama” “Ah”
“Why are they so mean to him he’s just a baby?” (talking about Bal)
“She’s just like you especially with those freaky eyes” (when Nimona met Bal)
“Oh, so she’s the rhino…. Makes sense”
“Awe she’s cute I can't hate her” (about Nimona again)
“Oh wait she isn’t cute that’s freaky” (when Nimona was the demon baby)
“That’s like you and your sister” (Bal and Nimona interrogating the squire)
“Hey, mama is arm chopping a love language?” “I’m worried that you would even ask me that”
“Oh he’s got issues huh?” (after Ambrosius’ internal freak out)
“Can he die a little quieter… and faster” (after the Director stabbed “Ambrosius”)
“Oh fuck that little blond girl”
We had to pause the movie right before Nimona started her rampage because we were getting tired and I woke up to her in front of the tv with it pulled up on Netflix and she turned to me and said “Can we finish it already?”
“If she sacrificed herself I will never forgive you”
“Do you watch anything with straight people?” “Mama you literally ship them” “That's not an answer” (this is right after Bal and Ambrosius kissed)
“Is there a next part?..... so when’s the next one coming out?” 
Once the movie was over I told her some people thought Ambrosius and Bal were related and she looked me dead in the eyes and said
“You’re joking. No you have no be kidding… He literally said it in the movie!” “Said what Mama?” “oh I love him so much and I lost him whatever will I do” 
And then she kept making fun of Ambrosius for the next three minutes
I asked her who her favorite was and she said Nimona I go “aweee you love me” she looks me dead in my eyes and says “don’t make it awkward”
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A Rocky Start - S.Snape
Summary - The new librarian and the potions master spend so much time together until they don't. They start off rocky but things get better.
Pairings - Severus Snape x Librarian!Reader
Warning - Fem reader, use of Y/N
Based off a request by an anon
Expect delays in my posting! My semester has started and I am taking 4 classes! Please be patient with me!
My requests are open!
my masterlist
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
If the students couldn’t find their potions professor in his classroom or store, they knew just where he was, the library. The boys didn’t blame him and neither did the girls, not only was it quiet and serene but the new librarian was breathtaking. The boys swooned over her and the girls in pure awe of her beauty and kindness. She was never one to kick a student out of the library, nor scold them for talking, in fact she encouraged them to talk, dedicating a section of the library just for study groups or students who wanted to chat with each other in between studying. Even going as far as allowing the students to call her by her first name rather than Madame Y/L/N, that just made her feel old.
It didn’t take much to realize the feelings the potions master had for this new librarian nor the librarian with the potions master. It seemed that the only two who hadn’t figured it out just yet were themselves. The pair spent as much time together as their schedules allowed, either at the library, in his classroom or the astronomy tower. She had a knack for astronomy so the tower was one of her favorite spots in the castle.
After the students had returned to Hogwarts after the Christmas vacation, they were met with an odd sight. The librarian alone and the potions master sulking in his classroom. The students were shocked to see the pair of them avoiding each other, even going as far as skipping meals just to keep to themselves. 
“Y/N, are you okay? You haven’t seemed yourself since holiday,” Luna Lovegood asked one day.
“Oh, I’m fine honey, I promise,” She replied with a gentle smile on her face.
“Are you sure? Even Professor Snape hasn’t seemed like himself either.”
“That’s not good, but I’m sure. Did you enjoy your holiday?”
“Yes, I got to spend a lot of time with my father, I even helped him with the next issue of The Quibbler. Did you?”
“That sounds fun! I’ll have to check it out once you guys release it. Mine was pretty boring, just putting books back and fixing some of them up.”
The two continued to chat until they were startled by the sound of the door opening and a cloak swishing in the breeze created by the door. The potions master made his way to the desk where Luna and the librarian stood.
“Can we talk? In private preferably,” He requested.
“Of course, we can catch up later, Luna,” She told the student before heading to her office right behind the desk, Severus right behind her.
“I’m sorry,” Severus said wholeheartedly as she was shutting the door.
“What for? You were just telling me the truth,” She shrugged off, trying to act as if his offensive words didn’t hurt her.
“I was lying. I don’t think you’re stupid, I don’t think you’re desperate, I don’t think you’re clingy. I think you are so smart and beautiful and kind and loving and exactly what I want in my life. You are my favorite person here and you always will be, I have so much admiration for you.”
“You’re lying.”
“I’m not, I brought veritaserum just to prove to you that I’m telling the truth. I made amortentia for the 6th year’s and all I could smell was you. I was scared of how I felt for you so I tried to ruin it.”
“How do I know you’re not lying to me? Just trying to make me feel better?” Severus dug into his pocket and poured some veritaserum into his mouth, swallowing it down.
“Ask me,” He told her.
“How do you feel about me, truly, Sev?” She asked him shyly.
“I love you, I think of you so much it drives me crazy. I care about you so deeply, I’d do anything for you. I think you are the most beautiful person I’ve ever met, inside and out. You are so kind to not only me but everyone. You drive me crazy in the best way,” he ranted to her.
“You love me?”
“I do. If you’d like, I want to take you on a date this weekend.”
“I’d love to.”
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daisyblog · 5 months
Comfort Zone
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My Drummer Masterlist Summary: YN opens Wembley Night 1.
Based on this request.
"Have fun out there, baby!". Harry smiles as he watches YN fiddle with her in ears.
Harry had given each member of the Love Band a chance to open one of his Wembley shows. YN was opening tonight's show, the first one at Wembley. They're both standing backstage, minutes before YN is due to walk out on stage.
Taking a deep breath, to calm her never ending nerves, YN shyly smiles up at Harry's taller frame. "Thank you, gorgeous! Are you going to be watching?".
"Of course I'm going to be watching my girl!". He leaves YN to go with a bunch of kisses and 'I love you's'. Harry makes his way through the hallways of the stadium to an area where he could watch YN perform. Jeff, Brad and other members of the band joining him.
Mitch and Sarah follow YN out to the large stage as YN's introduction video plays, Mitch heading towards his guitar and Sarah finding her new position in YN's regular place.
"Hello Wembley!". She greets the large crowd who roars with cheers, as YN stands at the front of the stage. "I'm YN and I'm so happy to be able to perform for you this evening.".
There's loud screams and fans jumping and running around in the pit area, and from her place on the stage she can see that Harry is stood behind one of the barriers.
"Before we start tonight, I'd like to explain something.". YN's grip on the microphone loosens slightly as she becomes less nervous. "I'm usually sat back there, behind the drums.". The crowd roared once again. "But Harry said I need to get out of my comfort zone...try something new.". YN let out a little giggle, when she heard a loud whistle that she knew came from her boyfriends lips. "So that mean't no drum playing.". A loud boo came from a few fans at the front barricade, making YN laugh. "But can we give a big cheer for Sarah who I've been teaching how to play just so she could play for me this evening!".
"Uh…the first song I’m gonna sing is called ‘Never Loved Anyone Before’” There was a mixture of awe’s and cheers from the fans. “It’s a bit raw…but it’s about loving someone special, who’s supported you through your hardest times.”.
Sometimes I think I was born on the day that I met you Spent all of my days, all my nights praying you never let me go I hate to admit that I still got some shit from my fucked up past But you've managed to break down my walls
You love me so much, it gave me enough Enough to finally have the guts to love myself Thought that I'd been deep, yeah, I could've sworn But everything you are to me is so much more You made me realise that I've never loved anyone before You made me realise that I've never loved anyone before
The only complaint that I got is that I'm fucking scared now The fact that with you, I have so much to lose, got me terrified And if the world ends, and it pulls us apart then you know I promise To find you wherever you are
Harry watched and listened at the words. It was the first time hearing YN sing the song she had secretly written. It caused a lump in his throat as the lyrics pulled on his heart strings. YN was known to hide behind her feelings but tonight she had allowed a whole stadium know how she felt. A smile appeared on Harry’s face, the proudness he felt shining through.
“Okay…Wembley! The next one I’m gonna sing is ‘This Is The Life’ by Amy Macdonald…I’ve seen a lot of you use this one on TikTok for some of the shows and I want you all to sing and dance!”.
Oh, the wind whistles down The cold dark street tonight And the people, they were dancing To the music vibe
And the boys chase the girls with curls in their hair While the shy tormented youth sit way over there And the songs get louder each one better than before
And you're singing the songs thinking this is the life And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size Where you gonna go, where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight? And you're singing the songs thinking this is the life And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size Where you gonna go, where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight? Where you gonna sleep tonight?
So you're heading down the road in your taxi for four And you're waiting outside Jimmy's front door But nobody's in and nobody's home 'til 4 So you're sitting there with nothing to do Talking about Robert Riger and his motley crew And where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight?
Harry was in awe at how effortlessly his girl sang and how her confidence was growing each minute. He watched at how the fans were all in their own bubbles singing and dancing along. He was even more surprised to see YN take the mic and join the fans with some dance moves. He let out a big cheer and joined in, dancing along with Jeff and Brad.
“I want to thank you all for joining me tonight.”. YN began to speak into the mic. “I have enjoyed every moment and I’d like to sing one last song for you…this one’s a special song to me for so many different reasons…one being if I hadn’t have posted me singing this one…I’m not sure I would be standing right here now…please sing along, here’s The Chain!”.
Listen to the wind blow, watch the sun rise Running in the shadows, damn your love, damn your lies
And if you don't love me now  You will never love me again I can still hear you saying You would never break the chain
YN couldn’t help but smile to herself as she heard the crowd sing the famous Fleetwood Mac lyrics back to her.
And if you don't love me now You will never love me again I can still hear you saying You would never break the chain
“Thank you Wembley! See you later!”. YN thanked the crowd before running off the stage into Harry’s arms.
“I’m so proud of you!” Harry held her close to him, placing his lips on hers in a quick kiss.
“Thank you for believing in me!” YN gave him a big grin, still feeling the buzz from performing.
“Always!”. He promised.
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thebestofoneshots · 8 months
Gilded Constellations | wolfstar x reader
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 5.3 K Warnings: PG-13 kisses Prompt: You venture to a reading club, entering a part of Hogwarts you had not yet been into, and meeting new and exciting people. A covert trip to the library, on a quest for a werewolf book, leads to an unexpected encounter. This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it. A/N: Sprinkling in a bit of spice, hope you enjoy <3
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Chapter 15: No One Like You
The week went by a lot faster than you expected it to, Remus, just like the last time, had gotten a lot better by dinner, Madame Pomfrey told him he could go once he took a painkiller potion, and gave you some anti-headache drops. You both thanked her and walked together towards the Great Hall. You were in awe of how fast he healed, really, just the thought of how bad he had been in the morning, and how much better he was now, was outstanding, and it made you wonder what other benefits his condition brought along, even if it was clearly a nuisance for him. 
Later on the week you’d gone to the book club Nina had invited you to, you wondered if she had also guessed Remus’s condition by reading the book she’d lend you, even if she hadn’t spent so much time with Remus; and to be honest, one of the reason you realised was because you were made pretty aware of the moon phases by your classes and professor on the past few months, you had gotten that silver ring as a gift, and you spend a great deal of time with the boys, down to the point that you easily noticed when they were all acting weird. All of them things Nina had not been a witness to, at least not up close like you had, but she had been around a lot longer than you, you really had no way to tell, unless you straight up asked, and that was obviously not happening.
“So… did you like it?” She asked you with a bright smile when she spotted you outside of the Ravenclaw common room. 
You nodded “It was really nice, helped me learn a lot too.” 
She frowned “Learn a lot… about werewolves you mean?” 
You nodded “I hadn’t studied them before,” you added later “I mean I know it’s not all accurate…” I certainly hope some of those Alpha and knotting things aren’t accurate, you thought “but it got me investigating more about them, it’s pretty interesting.” 
Nina nodded “It is, right?” She told you with a smile “I was taking an extra class on magical creatures and they’re all super interesting. They say Newt Scamander may come give a talk at some point next year, it would be absolutely brilliant!” 
“Yeah, totally!” You agreed she guided you inside her common room, and you marvelled at the ceiling. You remembered Remus had told you about it, how it was enchanted to look like the sky above instead of a  normal roof. It was definitely prettier than what you and Rem had created together, but you rather liked the Gryffindor one best.
Nina smiled when she saw you, “beautiful, right? I’m sure you would’ve fitted in perfectly in Ravenclaw.” 
You smiled at her “I’m not sure I’m as studious as most of you,” you told her with a smile “Just the other day I skipped some classes because I had a headache.” 
“Yeah, but you still have incredible grades,” she told you, matter of factly “Everyone thinks we’re nerds that study all the time,” she whispered, leaning in closer to you “but just because we’re reading it doesn’t mean we’re studying,” she smiled mischievously “as you saw with the book.”  
“Yeah, those spicy scenes were certainly something…” you replied. 
Nina guided you towards a small little gathering in front of the fire, it was different to the Gryffindor one, it somehow looked a lot more regal and elegant, reminded you of Professor Nightshade, and then made you wonder how the Hufflepuff common room would look, perhaps Alex could sneak you in one day, after all, he was the head boy. 
“Hey everyone, this is (Y/N),” She said as she pointed at you, you waved awkwardly. 
“Not that she needs much of an introduction,” a boy said, standing up and offering his hand for a shake, you took it with a smile “Neil Perry, it’s nice to meet the new Gryffindor legend.” You laughed, Neil had a very dashing smile, he almost reminded you of Prongs, he was just as bright “That’s Alice,” he said pointing to a girl with silver hair. 
“We share a class, don’t we?” You asked with a smile, she nodded, and the two of you shook hands. 
“That over there is Nox,” he said pointing at a boy with Slytherin robes. 
You both shook hands as well, “Nice to meet you,” he said “This is Comet, by the way” he said, pointing at a girl who was sitting right next to him. 
 “I’m really sorry about the Slytherins that have been picking on you,” she told you with a smile “We’re not all entitled pricks.”  
“Some of us are even nice,” Nox added.
“I don’t hold grudges against houses,” you told them with a smile “I kind of skipped the whole indoctrination moment by getting here so late,” you joked, and it cracked a chorus of laughs from the entire circle. 
Comet extended her hand for you to shake, “I already like you,” the girl said with a grin, which you returned with a wink, you already liked her as well. 
“I’m Jennifer, everyone calls me Jane,” a girl with curly black hair and freckles said as she extended her hands, you shook it. 
“She picked the book,” You heard another girl say from behind, she was wearing Ravenclaw robes too “I’m Clara,” she told you with a smile. You’d seen her around Nina often. 
“Marina,” said another girl with a wave, she was wearing a Hufflepuff beanie. 
“I believe that’s all of us?” Neil said with a smile. 
Then another boy barged into the room, he had light brown hair and looked a little distressed for being late, “I’m sorry, got caught up on the stairs when coming from the library,” he said.  Neil smiled fondly when he saw the boy “That’s Todd,” he told you, “he doesn’t talk much, but he enjoys listening to us a lot.”
You also smiled at the boy “Nice to meet you,” you said looking at him “I’m (Y/N)!” 
He looked at you puzzled “Same (Y/N) Nina won’t shut up about?” He asked, still fondling with the amount of things was carrying in his arms.  
You raised your eyebrow, smiling at the same time “All good things, I hope.” You said as you shook his hand, and helped him hold some of the books he was carrying. 
Todd nodded “It’s like she completely forgot about her old Gryffindor crush and replaced him with you.” 
“Will you shut it, Todd?” Nina said, with a tight smile on her face.
He just shrugged and took a seat next to Neil. Nina looked a little debased, so you placed a hand on her shoulder “Don’t think too much about it,” you told her with a smile, you could feel her ease under your hand “Where should we sit?”
“Come here!” Jane said as she slid to the side of the rug where she was so you could both fit in as part of the circle. Once you did, she took out the book and levitated it towards the centre of the circle, letting it float in between you all. “All right, session starts now.” 
“Favourite parts?” Asked Clara. 
“The chase scene at the end,” Said Neil “No offence Jane, but the book was a bit slow.” 
“Excessive with the descriptions of abs,” added Nox.
“Nah, I rather enjoyed those,” countered the first boy. 
You raised your eyebrows at that but nodded in agreement. 
“I like the way they depicted the werewolf.” Said Nina, who was next to you. 
“Yeah, especially on the sexy scenes,” added Comet with a cheeky smile. Alice hit her on the arm playfully “What? It’s true!” She retorted. 
“I don’t know about the knotting though,” you added in. 
Nox cringed from the other side “Please don’t remind me of that,” he said “I’ve been trying to erase those lines from my mind.” 
“I found it rather interesting,” said Jane “That’s why I chose the book.” 
“But it’s not like that in real life, is it?” You asked, trying to sound playful. 
“Well I’ve never done it with a werewolf, but I highly doubt it,” Responded Comet casually. 
“It’s not,” Todd said, everyone stared at him, and he turned red “I looked it up on a BOOK! Merlin guys!” that got a chorus of laughter from everyone. 
The reading circle continued on, with its playful banter, jokes and a rather in-depth discussion of the relationship mechanics within the story. You actually had lots of fun, Nina was right, just because they had their head buried in a book, it didn’t mean they were nerds. Even if some people would see you from afar, talking about a book so gleefully and entertainedly, that they would consider you as such. Once the reunion was over, they decided on the next book that would be reviewed, Nox picked a wizarding world book titled “Point of Know Return” and he promised it would be delightful, with Pirates, mermaids and fairies and underwater cities deep in the pacific. He also promised there would be no knotting. 
As the night started to fall, you realised the stars on the Ravenclaw ceiling became a lot brighter, you wondered if there was a  spell that you could implement to make the same thing happen to the one you’d created in the Gryffindor common room. “All right guys,” said Jane, “I think we should all head to bed, especially our guests from other houses since you don’t want to leave after curfew.” 
Everyone nodded and started to stand, as you grabbed the book they’d borrowed, you remembered “Hey Guys! Sunday’s the Halloween Party at Gryffindor, you should all come! Costumes are obligatory tho…” 
“You’re inviting us? To a party?” Nox asked in disbelief. 
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?” 
“We aren’t exactly the type of people that get invitations to parties often,” added Todd.
“Speak for yourselves,” added Neil “I’m down!” He smiled, yeah, he definitely reminds you of Prongs “I’m sure I can conjure something to dress up as before Sunday.” 
“I’m coming too!” Said Jane with a smile. 
“If she’s going I’ll be there,” Clara said as she gave you a thumbs up.
“Yeah, I’m definitely coming,” smiled Comet. “Minho will be there, won’t he?” You nodded in response. “Good, I’ll tag along with him.” 
“I’d be lovely to see you all there!” You assured, and waved at them as you walked towards the door, Nina walked close behind you. 
“Did you enjoy yourself?” She asked you with a smile. 
You nodded “Yeah!” You responded excitedly “It was excellent! I’m pretty sure Remus and Lily would also love to join in, have you asked them?” 
She seemed surprised but shook her head “They uh… they’re not like you. Remus is always very polite, but too closed off and Lily is always busy.” 
“I think you should ask Remus,” you told her “I could ask him for you if you wanted,” you offered, but she shook her head again. 
“I’d rather it was just a you and me thing,” she said shyly. 
You raised an eyebrow at her statement but shrugged “Just us then,” you said, placing your arm over her shoulder, Nina tensed up with the unexpected contact and then relaxed back again, once she remembered it was you. 
“I really like hanging out with you,” she said, almost in a whisper. You reassured her by rubbing the side of her arm with your hand, Sirius’ touchiness was rubbing off on you.
“I like hanging out with you too, luv.” You smiled “You’re coming to the Halloween Party, yeah?” 
She shook her head “I’ve got a thing that day,” She told you. 
“A thing? What kind of thing?” 
“A date,” she mustered. 
You stopped the two of you dead in your tracks “Shut up! With who? I thought you liked Remus. Wait… Is it Remus? He didn’t tell me a thing, I’ll punch him!” 
“It’s not Remus.” She said and then frowned “How did you know I liked Remus?” 
You arched an eyebrow “You should be more surprised no one else knew, I figured it out on the first day of study group.” 
She laughed, “Well, I was pretty hung up on him then, that’s not a lie. But…” she cleared her throat “Someone else came around, made me realise Remus wasn’t really my type.” 
“What?!” You narrowed your eyes at her, “Come on, tell me who!” 
She shook her head, a diverted smile playing on her lips “No-uh.” 
“Awww… Nina!” You complained. She just shrugged in response.
“You figured out who the first one was by yourself, figure it out a second time,” she replied. You smiled and shook your head at her response. 
“Fine them, what prize do I get if I get it right?” 
You raised your eyebrows at her, “Not a Ravenclaw, remember?” 
“Fine then, a kiss.” You gave her a look. “What? You wouldn’t kiss a girl?” 
You laughed “I would, I have. Kissed Evans a couple of weeks ago actually.” You explained “But… I’m kind of dating Sirius now.” 
She frowned as if the news were a shock to her “Sirius Black? You’re dating him?” You nodded “And is he aware you are dating?” 
You opened your mouth, drawing a bit of air in before speaking “Well… uhm– he seemed pretty aware last time I checked.” 
“What I mean is…” she started, shaking her head as if she wasn’t sure which words to use “Does he know you are exclusive?” 
“I’m sorry?!” 
“Sirius has a bit of a reputation…” 
Finally, you understood what Nina was going on about and you smiled at her softly, she was worried about you, so sweet. “He knows,” you reassured her “We uhm-“ you cleared your throat “We’ve got a bit of history.” 
“And what about Remus?” She asked then, curiosity getting the best of her. 
“What about him?” 
“I thought you’d end up dating him.” 
Now you frowned “Remus? Why would I–“ 
“-you always seemed to be really close to him, from the day you arrived, really.” 
“I…” you started, but you weren’t exactly sure what to respond. Remus really was great, very different to Sirius, but he had his own charm to him, and he was just as beautiful as your boyfriend, just a different kind of beauty. The more you thought about it, Nina wasn’t wrong, if you weren’t so enamoured by Sirius, you might have fallen for Remus instead. 
“Nevermind,” she said as she discovered you weren’t saying anything, “Want me to walk you back to your dorm?” 
You smiled “That’s so gentleman-y of you Nina,” you told her with a smile “But I’m gonna stop by the library on the way, it’s better for you to stay here, or you might be returning after curfew.” 
“The library?” She asked, puzzled “What for?” 
“I’ve been looking for a book,” you told her with a smile “for a little investigation I want to do on Magical Creatures.” Nina nodded, and pulled you into a hug before the two separated, she stayed in her common room as you walked towards the library. 
When you arrived, the doors were closed and you carefully sneaked inside, not wanting to disturb anybody. You were pretty sure no-one had spotted you, cause even when it was past curfew, and you were still roaming the halls of the library quietly, attempting to find a book, you realized no-one had asked you to leave, the librarian seemed to have left too. 
“You’ll have trouble for sneaking about at this time,” you heard a portrait say disdainfully. 
“I’m not sneaking about,” you responded “It’s not my fault no one was looking when I entered.” The portrait raised an eyebrow at you, as if he thought what you were saying was bull. You stared at the old wizard for a second, narrowing your eyes and turned your back on him, still trying to find the book. As you scanned through the old bookshelves, you finally spotted a book that could be useful, “Dark creatures and the things that make them tick'' you were just about to grab it, when you heard a very low whisper from a couple of bookshelves behind. 
“Merde…fuck-fuck.” You recognized that voice. You would recognize it anywhere. It’s Sirius. 
You looked around, trying to find him, but no matter where you looked, there seemed to be no-one there. Since you had to move further into the library, to try to spot the boy, you decided to put a disillusionment charm on yourself, so you could walk more freely, and perhaps sneak up on him. 
You walked through the lines of shelfs, quietly so you didn’t make much noise, but no matter how hard you looked, Sirius was nowhere to be found. Just when you started to think you had imagined it, and started walking back to get the Dark Creature’s book you’d found, you heard the creaking of a door. You turned around and saw how the door of the restricted section was being opened, by itself. 
Finally it downed you, James’ invisibility cloak, Sirius must have it, you thought before walking up behind him. Or, at least behind where you assumed he was. Eventually you saw his wand come out of the cloak, along with his delicate but strong looking hand. You smiled, almost wanting to applaud yourself for recognizing your boyfriend with a simple “merde.” 
You sneaked up on him, sharply placing your hands over his shoulders, He turned sharply, the cloak falling on the floor before he pushed you against one of the bookshelves. He narrowed his eyes, and then he drew in a breath “Mon Coeur?” he asked, visibly confused. Truth be told, he had smelled you earlier, but he assumed it was just that your scent had stuck to his own clothes from when you were sitting together in the common room earlier that day. 
Finally you vanished the disillusionment charm and smiled “Surprise,” you whispered, he still had you pinned against the wall, hand bunching up your uniform threateningly, you bit your lip “I had no idea you liked it rough, Puppy,” you joked, a playful smile on your lips, as you eyed the way he was holding you. 
“Shit, sorry.” He whispered, finally letting you uniform free, you quickly straightened it, and then turned your head back to him, “What are you doing here?” he asked. 
“Came to find a book after the reading club with Nina.” 
Then you heard noise  and he quickly picked the cloak up, placing it over the two of you as he drew you a bit closer to him. “Shh, it’s Peeves!” He whispered, he probably didn’t need the two of you to stand so close together, nor did he need to place his hand over your mouth, since the two knew you were sneaking about, but he was certainly enjoying it.
And you were enjoying yourself too, especially when you slipped your tongue out of your mouth and licked the hand that was covering it. He made a disgusted expression when you did, pulling back and cleaning it off on his pants as he stared at you in disbelief. “What the hell?” He mouthed, the shadow of a diverted smile playing on his lips. 
You shrugged, with a smile placed on your own, you found his reaction really amusing. You then looked to the side, the sound was further away, far enough for you to whisper “What are you doing here?” 
“Looking for a book,” he said as he placed his hand on your shoulder, thumb brushing on your neck as he pushed your forwards lightly, motioning you to move. 
“And here I assumed you’d come for a barbecue.” 
He rolled his eyes as he chuckled “It’s for a prank, the one for the Slytherins that we talked about the other day, remember?” 
“And you got commissioned to pick the book by the boys?” 
“I was meant to come with Remus, he was feeling off, and I told them I’d come alone. I wasn’t really eager to spend a long time snuggled up against Wormy under the cloak.” 
“But you were eager to snuggle up against Remus, I see,” you teased. He chuckled again. 
He used his free hand to pull his wand out and illuminate the titles of the books as he read through them, he now stood a lot closer to you, his chest basically pressed against your back, you could feel it going up and down as he breathed. Somehow it felt different to when you sat on his lap, almost more intimate. Maybe it was the rush of sneaking about together, or maybe you were just being silly, “What are we looking for?” You asked him, turning your head to see him better, reflecting on how lucky you were a boy like that was your boyfriend. His stunning grey eyes, framed by his dark eyelashes, were scanning the bookshelves as he did. 
“It’s a book called The Compendium of Pernickety Enchantments.” He told you as he continued scanning the shelves. You nodded and did the same. But then in-between some books, further down on the shelves, you found a small tome about werewolves. You had to take it. But you obviously couldn’t do it while Sirius was still there, or at least not while he was paying attention. 
You had to think of something, a distraction, but one that wouldn’t get the two of you caught. And then you remembered Sirius was a boy, and there was one thing that could easily distract any boy “Hey Puppy…” He hummed in response, his face awfully close to yours, his long hair brushing against your cheeks “You haven’t cashed out on those kisses that I owe you.” 
He frowned, giving you a look before turning back to the bookshelves “You’ve been too busy, haven’t you?” he responded, “with the whole trying to finish the book before the session and then the session today, on like our only bit of free time of the week” 
You arched an eyebrow at that “You jealous?”, you teased.
“Well, you should spare some more time for your boyfriend.” 
“How about I spare it now?” You said, finally turning to face him. 
“Right now!?” He questioned, eyebrows furrowed as he looked at you, confusion evident in his face, we’re in the restricted section of the library!, he thought. 
“Of course, if you don’t want to…” you said, with feign innocence and a little shrug of your shoulders. You were tempting him, and Sirius wasn’t one to resist temptation, let alone if it came from you. So he placed his hand behind your neck and pulled you towards him. You gently let your backpack fall on the floor. 
“C'est une idée terrible,” he said as he finally closed the gap between the two of you. 
“When have we ever been known for doing the most prudent thing?” you responded in between a kiss. And it was true, when you and Sirius were together it seemed like you threw caution to the wind, responsibilities be damned, fun? Pleasure? They always seemed to come first.
 Sirius now had both of his hands on your face, expertly leading the kiss, as you pulled your wand from your pocket and started using it to levitate the werewolf book towards your bag. You felt terrible as you did, distracting Sirius with a kiss to take a book from the shelves without him noticing, even if it was harmless, made you feel dirty, and not in a good way. Sirius trusted you, and here you were, hiding your knowledge from him, even if it was because you feared you’d lose a friend over it. 
When the book was safely inside the bag, you decided you’d make it up to him, and placed both hands around his neck, drawing him just a little closer to you and focusing absolutely all of your attention into the kiss. And that had you almost completely forget about the werewolf book in your bag. Sirius was kissing you hungrily, thirstily, like you were water and he’d been in the desert for days.
 You weren’t too far behind either, his lips might have been the most incredible thing to ever be created. So incredible you almost wanted to bite them. And you didn’t hold back from that either, you gently bit his lower lip as the two of you separated slightly, panting for air. 
“Did you just?” He whispered, but you ignored it, and went to place soft, wet kisses over his sharp jawline before using one of your hands to pull his hair out of the way and trail kisses all the way to his neck. 
Sirius Black smelled incredible, of pine trees, musk and a tinge of leather, probably from the leather jacket he often wore, he smelled like an adventure, and you couldn’t help to be hauled by it. Sirius had lowered his hands over to your hips, and held you close as you kissed his neck, eventually you found a particularly sweet spot, and kissed away, stopping to smile as he stifled a moan. 
“Shhh…” you whispered as you continued kissing the spot. Eventually his hand found his way to your waist, tucking your shirt out of your uniform skirt before placing his hand in the warmth of your back, his cold rings causing a shiver to rush down your spine. But his touch, oh, his touch made  your skin feel like you were on fire. You placed your hands over his hair and pulled him back a little, bringing his lips back to yours. Both you and Sirius had kissed plenty since you started dating, but never like this, in fact you were certain he’d never reached for your skin the way he had today, but it felt good, and you didn’t want him to stop.  
Eventually he stopped the kiss, letting his forehead rest on yours, his hand still in the small of your back “We should stop,” he said, panting. 
“…don’t want to,” you answered, a little bratty in the way you’d said it. 
“Don’t make it harder for me Starshine,” he groaned, as he softly bumped his forehead on yours. 
You reached for a quick kiss on his lips “‘m not…” you replied, and kissed him again, now in the corner of his lip “I just–“ you kissed his cheek now “don’t want to stop kissing my beautiful boyfriend.” 
“…merde…” he said, it was taking him all the restraint in the world to stop himself from pinning you against the bookshelves again, this time with your legs around him instead, but with you being so willing, it was harder, so much harder. 
You looked at him expectantly “je m’en fous,” He whispered, and dragged the two of you onto a nearby table, easily hauling you to sit on it, you helped accommodate the invisibility cloak around the two of you, managing to set it around the table by the time he was kissing you again. You weren’t sure you’d ever felt like this before, especially when he reached his hand higher and unclasped your bra. He broke off the kiss to look at you, to make sure you were ok with it, you only brought him back to the kiss in response. 
You moved yourself to reach him better, his left hand already in your abdomen, dangerously close to your breast, when, all of the sudden a vase, that was at the end of the table, tumbled and fell to the ground, making a very loud noise in the otherwise quiet library. You broke off the kiss, pulling apart just a little and staring at each other, both alert of what may happen, over his shoulder, you managed to see a shadow, it was peeves in the distance. 
“Shit, we’ll get caught.” You whispered, turning back to look at him. 
He looked at you impassively, as if he was itching to tell you the “I told you so”. You deserved it, but he very well knew it had also been his fault. He seemed to be thinking about the possible escape plans now, but he hadn’t found the book he was looking for by the time you started snogging. 
“The book,” you whispered. 
“You find it, I’ll distract Peeves.” 
“What? No way! You’ll get caught.” 
“Aw… put a little faith in me, will you?” He told you with a smile, “Find the book, I’ll see you just outside the library.” 
You weren’t entirely convinced by his plan, but nodded, turning around to look for the book, while he got out of the cloak and used the same disillusionment charm you had used earlier. You took a deep breath, still trying to gain back composure from the kiss, and moved towards the bookshelves, scanning through the names of the tomes, trying to find The Compendium of Pernickety Enchantments. After looking through three shelves, you finally found the book, and right next to it, there was one called, The Refined Art of Mild Hexes: A Sophisticated Spellbook, so you grabbed it as well, since it looked like it could be useful. 
You scurried all the way to your backpack, which was still laying on the floor from earlier, and threw both books inside of it. Once the backpack was securely hanged over your shoulder, you scurried outside of the restricted section. 
You were already close to the door when you spotted Sirius, hiding behind a huge shelf, he was almost imperceptible, but close behind him was Peeves. Sirius didn’t see him, since he wasn’t looking towards him, but you could. 
So even if Sirius had told you he’d deal with it by himself, you weren’t about to let him get caught, you had to improvise. You kneeled behind another bookshelf, cloak still covering your frame, and pulled out a piece of parchment, scribbled a small dialogue on it, and charmed it. You used your wand to levitate it to the other side of the library and then, you popped the seal. Now there were whispers coming from the other side of the library, Peeves smiled wickedly as he heard, and started flying towards them. 
You ran towards Sirius, and covered him with the cloak quickly, he was a little startled at first, but then smiled. “That was you?” You nodded “Brilliant! It’s like you’re made for this.” He told you, and it was no lie, he was genuinely impressed with your cleverness, one more reason to the pile of why he was so smitten by you.
“Thanks,” you said, a small blush creeping up your cheeks. You looked to the side so he wouldn’t notice, he’d probably tease you mercilessly about it if he had. After a couple of seconds you took his hand in yours and did a small head gesture to indicate him it was time to move, Peeves was far away enough that you could sneak out of the library unnoticed. 
A couple of minutes later, you were out of the library and speeding through the halls under the cloak.  Sirius was the one leading the way now, he took sharp turns, taking you through stairs, doors, halls and even small passageways. He clearly knew the way by memory, and it made you wonder how many times he had sneaked about the castle like this, how many he’d do it with you from now on. 
Another sharp turn, and he pulled you into a broom’s closet. Letting the door shut quietly behind you. “What is it? Did you hear someone?” You whispered in his ear. He almost felt guilty from the shiver that your innocent whisper had sent down his spine. 
He shook his head and raised one of his eyebrows with a smirk “You said something about… wanting to continue kissing your beautiful boyfriend, didn’t you?” You looked at him with amusement, your eyes shining at his words. “Turns out he also wants to continue kissing his beautiful girlfriend…” 
You were about to ask “here?”, but then again, why would a broom closet be any less proper than the restricted section of the library. You bit your lip and let him close the gap between the two. The common room would have to wait. 
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Disclaimer: This story WILL NOT include knotting; I also do not mean to poke fun at anyone who reads / writes it either, this was just meant for comedic purposes, and I firmly believe you can read and enjoy whatever type of smut you like. Now if you don’t know what knotting is… google it if you’re brave? But trust me, it’s not for the faint of heart. 
Series Masterlist | The Interlude | Next Chapter
TAGLIST: @rayrlupin @callmelovergirl @warcelia @ireneop @endversewinchester @moonyunebi @smuttysluttybitch @mazzymoons @drugs-for-memes @sofiacblair @vmpir3lvr @remuslupinisbae @rabluver @willgrahamisalesbi4n @thatobsessedreader @orkwardx0  @itskailey24 @hell0-kittie @belovedmoony @blacksgarden @loving-and-dreaming @cassie-love20 @starchaser-lily @zucchini-queenie @springflwer07 @sseleniaa @cometsghost @orkwardx0 @imdoingbetternow  @sbrewer21 @remuslupinsbae @maxinehufflepuffprincess @wifiatthetrainstation @unstablereader (hi lovelies, this chapter came out on Wednesday, but for some reason the tags weren’t working, I was told by dear Lily, so sorry for the inconvenience, hope you guys enjoy <;3)
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A/N: Is it me or is it geting hot in here? Next week we have the Q&A, you can send in your questions now for the long post, or save some for asks later that day, (The halloween special is coming and boy, is it going to be fun! One of my fav chapters tbh, also a tad angsty, but you'll see...) Ly, Lilly xx
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bit-dodgy-innit · 2 years
Group Effort
A/N: Hello and welcome to next installment of my 500 Follower Celebration...let’s get fucknasty! Also, just to be abundantly clear, this is very much pre-Nyla and Reader is engaged to the moon boys. Also Mr. Lockley’s little bit of Spanish will be translated at the bottom of the fic as per usual.
The prompt: You and Marc share your wildest fantasies with each other…turns out you both share the fantasy of you getting gangbanged by the three of them in separate bodies.
Requested by: @kotonei-molyneux​ & @strawberry1042-blog …great minds think alike 😈😈
Pairing: Marc x afab!reader, with a bit of Steven x afab!reader and Jake x afab!reader, because we can’t leave them out of the fun, can we? 
Word Count: 2.3k  Spice-o-meter: 🌶🌶🌶🌶 - Rated E, Minors DNI! 
TW/CW: A LOT of dirty talk, handjob, vaginal fingering, talk of group sex/gangbang so mention of nipple play (hello it me), oral (f and m receiving), penetrative sex, anal sex, triple penetration, a little bit of sub!reader, creampie, cum-eating, orgasm denial, exhibition, masturbation, cumshot, talk of internalized slut-shaming, Marc being our dream supportive bf  
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You weren’t precisely sure how the topic came up, but it surfaced after you and Marc shared a long, steamy lovemaking session. The two of you were lying in bed utterly sated and exhausted, your torso draped over his chest while he played with your intertwined fingers. Much like a magpie, your eye was drawn to the glint of the three-stone diamond engagement ring that had recently made its home on your left hand. 
“Hmm, tell me,” Marc hummed into your ear, “what’s your wildest fantasy?” 
Despite having spent the better part of the afternoon with your face in Marc’s groin, you blushed. Not because you were shy about talking about sex or your needs, but because your wildest fantasy was dirty. Not to mention impossible and potentially offending to your fiancé. 
“What’s yours?” you tried to deflect. 
“I asked you first,” he countered. He tipped your chin up so your eyes met. “Whatever it is, you can tell me.”
Ugh, Marc’s molten chocolate eyes and the fact he’d fucked your brains out earlier prevented your normally quick-thinking brain from coming up with a believable backup answer. “I, um…uh.” 
“Want me to go first?” Your fiancé had mercy on you, the last thing he wanted to do was pressure you. The only reason he’d brought it up in the first place was because Marc thought it could be a way to bring you two closer. 
“Please,” you murmured from where you’d buried your face into Marc’s spectacular pecs. 
“Okay,” he began as he stroked your hair, “it’s definitely a fantasy because the last time this happened I was technically dead.” 
Out of everything Marc could’ve said, you certainly didn't expect him to say that. You angled your head so you could see him.  
“But when I went to the Duat, Steven, Jake, and I were in separate bodies. And if there was ever a way for us to replicate that without the death part, I’d want us to all, uh…I’d want the three of us to fuck you. Drown you in pleasure.” 
Your eyes widened, and Marc automatically assumed that he’d gone too far. Before he could backtrack however you said in an awed whisper, “That’s mine too.” 
“Really?” Marc asked, his cock beginning to stir at the thought. 
“Yeah. I didn’t say it at first because I wasn't sure how you’d feel about it,” you confessed, “I didn’t know if having the other boys involved would like, I don’t know, make you think I wanted you any less.” 
“It’s the opposite really,” Marc told you, pulling you in for a kiss, “it means you accept all parts of me.” 
You graced him with a beaming grin, your eyes lit from within. “I love you so much, baby.” 
“Love you too,” he returned after kissing you again. Then his gaze darkened, “So…what would you want us to do?” 
A pink hue stained your cheeks. “Well…um, you know how I love when you play with my tits.” 
“Mmmm, I do,” Marc urged you on. “I’m pretty fond of them myself.”
He sneaked a glance down at the aforementioned breasts while you went on, “You are, but you know how Steven is absolutely bananas for them. So in my fantasy, uh, you’re actually eating me out while Jake and Steven are each sucking on one of my tits.”
You couldn’t quite believe you said it out loud. The idea had played a starring role in your solo-time fantasies, not that you had much time for those anymore now that you were effectively seeing three men who each possessed healthy libidos. Whenever one of the men suckled at your nipple it drove you absolutely wild, so you could hardly imagine how mind-blowingly good it would feel to have both peaks pleasured simultaneously, plus Marc’s talented tongue lapping between your legs. 
Marc groaned. “Now that is a pretty sight.“ His dick quite liked the image too, hardening against his thigh for the third time that evening. 
“Yeah, I’d love to lick this little pussy while getting to watch them play with your titties,” Marc conferred, his hand tucking in between your thighs to part your folds. He smiled wickedly when he found that you were already wet again for him as his fingertips probed you. “What else?” 
You gasped at the touch of Marc’s fingers spreading around your wetness. It made formulating your next thought incredibly difficult, though your fiancé’s hunger to hear more of your filthy fantasies put you at ease. “Uh-ummm, I’d want you all inside me, at the same time.” 
“Shit” Marc swore. That was always his go-to spank bank material. You splayed out and utterly stuffed full of him and his alters, their cocks moving in and out you in a frenzy of desire. He was curious about one thing though, so he inquired, “Who would go where?” 
Your breath hitched due Marc’s question plus the insertion of his digit inside of you. “Mmmm honey, I know where you’d want to be.”
It was time to level the playing field a bit, you decided. Your hand, previously clenched around the edge of the sheet while you watched Marc’s bulging bicep flex as he fingered you, slithered below the covers. 
His hips jerked into your fist when you encircled your palm around his length, stiff and leaking once again. “Your mouth.”
“That’s right, then Jake in my ass, obviously,” you stroked him gently, teasing him with an intentionally light grasp. 
“Obviously,” Marc parroted mindlessly, too consumed with pleasure to be jealous that Jake had gotten anal play in with you before he could. 
“So I guess that would leave my pussy for Steven,” you concluded with a faux innocence. “You don’t think he’d mind, do you?” 
Your fiancé’s eyes rolled back into his head, both from pleasure and from Steven pushing to the front to concur, “Blimey babe, you’re driving us mad…duh-don’t stop.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you told him. You bit your lower lip as Steven pushed another thick finger into your sopping cunt. 
Marc had to wrestle back control of the body, but he was happy to do so in order to hear more firsthand about this little scenario the two of you were concocting together. Also, your hand was on his dick. 
“We’d fuck you so good baby,” he rasped. “Won’t be able to remember your name when we’re done with ya.”
You could see it so clearly in your mind, sandwiched between Jake and Steven’s strong chests as they moved their cocks inside of you in tandem while Marc stood over you to feed you his. Your pussy bore down on his fingers, your brain trying to conjure what it would feel like to be that full. Perhaps you could achieve the same effect with toys, yet it’d pale in comparison to having three solid, warm bodies caging you into their hold, making you take it since they knew you craved each and every one of their thick members.         
Your grip tightened around Marc’s dick at the thought and your cunt bore down on his fingers. 
“Unngh, I’d wanna watch our cum drip out of all your holes,” he grunted. 
Oh fuck, you hadn’t even considered that, but your sex-addled imagination was quick to supply the mental picture for you: Marc’s cum dribbling from your mouth, while the other’s boys seed trickled out of your ass and pussy. Was your fiancé trying to kill you? 
You keened, “That’d be so hot.” Not your most elegant addition to the conversation, but you were overwhelmed with deliciously dirty thoughts, two digits finger-fucking you, and jacking Marc’s fat erection. “I’d push it out for you so you three could taste it, and us together.”  
“Yeah, mmm fuck yeah baby,” Marc’s began driving his hips through the tight channel of your fist, a telltale sign he was close to coming. Your hand moved down the base of his cock and squeezed the base firmly. 
When your fiancé let out a strangled shout at his release being denied, you disclosed “There’s something more I’d want to try.” 
“Fuck,” Marc cursed again, though you weren’t sure if it from the revelation you had more to say or that you’d started moving your hand again. “Tell me baby.” 
You inhaled deeply to battle the part of your head that was told you that you were about to share too much. “Ummm, I…” 
Marc’s unoccupied hand cradled your cheek, “It’s okay.” 
His assurance allowed you to relax some and gave you the courage to continue. “I, uh…I also think it’d be really hot if you all took turns fucking my pussy.” 
Somehow that idea seemed dirtier than the three of them using you at once. Though you definitely weren’t a prude, your sex life before Marc, Steven, and Jake had been pretty vanilla. Satisfying, but not exactly kinky. The thought of a gangbang was one of those kinks that always appealed to you in theory but never in reality, mostly because you couldn’t conceive letting yourself be so vulnerable in front of people who weren’t your partner. 
However, if all the participants in the group sex were your partner, the men who you loved equally but individually and trusted, who each cherished and respected you…well then, yeah, you’d be game. 
Your fiancé nearly choked on his own breath after you spoke. “Fuck,” he repeated. Marc was aware that he wasn’t exactly contributing anything new to the discourse, but you were short-circuiting his brain. 
Jake took the opportunity to push to the front and encourage you on, “Ooooh, you’d like that wouldn't you, nena? Watching us while we watch each other pound that greedy pussy?” 
“Uh huh,” you yelped as he moved his thumb to your clit. “I know you all watch sometimes when one of you is with me,” you explained, “wanna experience it for myself.” 
The scene ignited a fire within you to think about it. All of them had such deep, expressive gazes and for three pairs of those dark eyes to be trained on you while they each punched little gasps and cries out of you with their dicks drove you completely wild. 
“Well that seems only fair,” Jake agreed, infuriatingly casual as you continued fondling each other.  “Pero, te diré un secreto, when we watch the other fuck, we’re usually jacking it ourselves.” The filthiness of the image caused you to cry out. “So would you let us stroke our cocks while we play with your cunt? Maybe one of us would need to spurt all over your tetas because we got too impatient and paint all this smooth skin with our cum instead.” 
“Oh fuck, Jake, I’m gonna come,” you whimpered as your ecstasy rose. 
The mention of your release made Marc reclaim the body once more. “Then come for us, baby. Want you to come thinking about all the ways we’d fuck you silly.” 
To get you over the edge, Marc cupped your breast and flicked a nipple. You did exactly as he said, reaching your peak with a wail as the all-consuming bliss of your orgasm wracked your body. You tried to keep pace, rubbing Marc through it as much as you could while your body spasmed from the intensity of your climax. 
“Yuh…your turn, honey,” you whispered, your body still floating down from the aftershocks. Your fiancé did as you said, soaking your hand in his spend with a guttural shout. 
The two of you were breathless after your respective orgasms subsided. You reached for a tissue from the nightstand on autopilot to clean your hand. After all the dirty talk and shared filth, you had no idea what to say to Marc now that the haze of lust had cleared from your head. 
He beat you to the punch. “We definitely need a shower now.” 
“You still want to marry me, right?” you couldn’t stop the words from tumbling from your lips. 
Obviously, there was still some internalized misogyny or slut-shaming, or both actually, that had clawed its way from the deep recesses of your psyche to your mouth. You couldn’t help but think now that Marc knew how dirty you could be that you weren’t “wife material” anymore. 
“Wait, what?” he looked at you completely confused. 
“Sorry,” one of your hands attempted to hide your embarrassed flush. “It’s just that was a bit full-on and–”
“Well yeah, but honey, I loved every second of it,” Marc guided your palm from your face. “If anything, what we just did makes me want to marry you more.” 
“Sorry,” you echoed. You were being stupid and needy and–
“Baby, you don’t need to apologize,” he told you with earnest, open eyes. “Did any of that make you uncomfortable?” 
“No, no!” you quickly dismissed his concern. “I’m being silly and old-fashioned.”
“I can’t believe someone so loving, accepting and sexy chose me to marry her,” he murmured. “I mean, that was hot as all shit, but I also really appreciate you trusting me to open up like that. It means a lot to me actually, since I’ve trusted you with so much about my past and stuff.”
“That makes me really happy,” you beamed at him. 
Marc pushed himself up to sitting on the edge of the bed, and you followed. He was right, you both really needed to rinse off.
“Honestly, after that, I wonder if Khonshu would grant me a favor so we could make it a reality.” 
Your fiancé’s words made you so hot you nearly started sweating, but you also recalled all of the Egyptian deity’s cruelty. 
“You’re free of him, let’s keep it that way,” you suggested to Marc as the two of you entered the bathroom. Marc reached to turn on the shower, “Besides, between all of us, I’m sure we have plenty of other fantasies to bring to life. “
Marc flashed you a raunchy grin of approval, then drew you under the spray with him. 
A/N: Takes myself to maximum-security horny jail* hope y’all enjoyed! More prompt fills to come! 
Taglist: @twwcs​, @rmoonstoner​, @hot-mess-express1​, @murdickdocked, @toracainz​, @saahmi​, @unspokenmoon​, @winterbiipp​, @avatarofseshat​ @ilikeoldermenhelp, @losers-club6​, @harrys-tittie​, @ninebluehearts​, @lucianadraven32​, @dawnsutopia​, @strawberry1042-blog
nena - babe 
Pero, te diré un secreto - But, I’ll tell you a secret 
tetas - tits 
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bitchinbarzal · 5 months
Plastic Palm Trees | J Drysdale
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It’s not great but this song wasn’t giving much.
Used to drive 'round in your wrangler, in our deadbeat town. In the parking lot, we would talk about all the drama. Had nothing better to do. Now I go out with my new friends to a party downtown, in a new dress, 'til the liquor runs out. Every weekend, go out somebody new
You and Jamie were the romance in the movies. He made you feel like the star of any show at any given time.
He didn’t need to treat you to fancy dinners and vacations. Your favourite times spent together were when you’d borrow Trevor’s wrangler and he would drive up the coast before finding a car park to stop in and you’d both hold one another listening to the radio.
“I love you, jamie”
“I love you more pretty girl”
You’d told each other for the first time in that car. On those nights.
If you had asked anyone who you were as a person they would say quiet, conserved and completely, totally in love with Jamie Drysdale.
Now, you were out every weekend. You could be found in any club in downtown LA.
You were posted up on Instagram wearing little to no clothes, a drastic change from the oversized vintage ducks crewneck you would be found in.
Those instagram pictures would always include a new boy, never tagged.
Jamie would scroll through and try figure out who they were but he never could. They were simply, in his mind, douchebag.
He talked to Mason and Trevor who told him they’d seen you around. That you were a shell of the person they’d all once known before.
Before Jamie broke you.
Thought that it was real, thought that it was worth it, Out the window everything was looking perfect. Caught in a dream, it's not what it seems. Thought that I was fine sitting in the backseat, In the mirror really looked like I was happy caught in a dream 'til something in my head said ‘I'm sorry’ You were just lookin' at plastic palm trees
Everything was fine, it was perfect.
From the outside it seemed like you were coping with everything so well when in reality you took a back seat to Jamie.
Jamie’s trade was nothing short of terrifying for you and your relationship but you both wanted to make it work so you did. Jamie held you in the airport, holding your cheeks in his hands
“I love you pretty girl”
“Don’t forget me Drysdale”
The first few weeks proved that while you might have been in this, Jamie certainly wasn’t.
He aired your calls and when he did pick up he wasn’t talking much just agreeing to whatever you said.
Everyone online and in your life awed over you both, how good of a couple you were for taking the distance in your stride.
Until the distance wasn’t just between you two, it was now you three.
You spotted her in the background of his pictures or fan images and you knew. You knew he’d replaced you.
For a while you just went on, not wanting to lose Jamie at all but something kicked you one day to decide to walk away.
Walk away from sadness and Jamie.
You called him and left a message “there’s not enough room for the three of us Jamie. You said you’d never forget me and you replaced me”
It's not how it used to be
The phone rang in your bag, you pulled it out without checking the caller.
“I- I shouldn’t have called” your throat tightened at the sound of his voice
There was a silence that hung between you both for a moment. It wasn’t the silence that was warm and welcoming. The silence was cold and screamed at you to hang up.
He spoke, “I’m so sorry for what happened, I still love you pretty girl”
You clenched your eyes, stopping the tears from falling and sighed “It was all fake Jamie. You didn’t love me then and you don’t love me now. It was fake”
“It was never fake to me, you were real!
we are real”
“We were never real, my smile was fake, your love for me was fake… nothing was real Jamie”
“I love you… that’s real” he croaked, tears streaming down his face “It’s real, I promise”
“How do you know that?”
“Because I can hear my heart breaking”
“Funny… I thought it was frozen”
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slippinninque · 4 months
how would Fontaine react to his girl’s’ pregnancy glow?
(So sorry this took so long, anon! I hope you like it!🥹💕)
Fontaine would be in awe, honestly. He'd wonder how it was possible for you to become even more gorgeous--but there you were. Being fine as hell as you hop-pulled into your jeans.
He would even swear that you smell different, too. Fontaine couldn't explain the smell, but expect to be cuddled close and enjoyed.
He would absolutely show you off. From his boys to strangers at the general store, Fontaine would walk with you and feel as if he won life's lottery.
When someone sees you and coo over your belly, Fontaine can be spotted grinning in 'yeah, that was me'.
Actually, fully expect to catch this man staring admiring you. Fontaine would embody "a moth to a flame" as he was even more helplessly drawn to you.
People often assume that he in wouldn't know shit, but he's thorough. Remembers every appointment and follow-up, he'd have his own questions ready to be asked alongside of your own. Yes, he reads the baby books.
Personally, he loved being asked about the pregnancy. "She's 'bout ___ weeks now. Little is hidin' in there, so we don't know just yet but my baby been eating a lot of spicy shit... y'all got them spicy pickles?"
Expect being given flowers and foot rubs. Even if you tell Fontaine nothing even aches yet, he insists that getting a head start wouldn't hurt.
You joke that the baby didn't even have all their toes yet but was already spoiled rotten.
When you two walk through the Glen, hand in hand, it's like seeing two suns walking. You wore your smile like a halo and Fontaine's grin was all golden rays.
It's when you began to show, the roundness of your belly becoming more pronounced.
One evening, you were standing at the stove with one hand absentmindedly smoothing over your bump as you considered the chocolate-to-milk ratio for your hot chocolate.
Fontaine took in the new shape of you from where he sat at the small table across the room. He drank in your profile, your sweet face as plump and bewitching as the rest of you.
In the low light of the stove's over head light, Fontaine saw you as his entire world.
He knew you were scared. You were worried that you wouldn't be a good enough mother, or worse--you'll become like your own mother.
Fontaine was scared, too. He worried that the life would catch up to him, his darkness spreading to cover the growing stars of his life.
In this moment of seeing you and how you were braving this next chapter with him, he was resolute. He wouldn't let that happen.
Fontaine would do anything to ensure that you kept your brightness. Anything to keep the family you're giving him safe.
Unable to be away from you anymore, Fontaine rose and joined you at the stove. You aimed a meek little smile at him, somehow still unsure of your absolute beauty.
It didn't matter. He would remind you every moment, of every day if he had to. Fontaine kissed your lips, the tip of your nose, and beneath each eye. When you reached for him, he met your embrace and his eyes slipped close in bliss.
The two of you swayed together and soon he felt himself begin to glow as well.
Thank you for reading!!!!! I appreciate the time you spent here! Tell me what you think, I know it was a little short but I hope the sweetness makes up for it! ✨💕💜
Tag list: @megamindsecretlair @notapradagurl7 @sageispunk @mcondance @blowmymbackout @wide-nose-and-wonderful @mybonafidefeelings @hobiesmain @justabovewater20 @planetblaque @kindofaintrovert @educatorsareslutstoo @mysterychick93 @yeonjoom @sevikasblackgf
(lemme know if you would like to be tagged!)
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cowboybarzy · 10 months
see it with the lights out — mat barzal
SORRY!!! a bit late but it’s out!! I’m also not very proud of this but I wanted to publish it for you and didn’t really see myself write it any better lol I hope you still like it. but this part was just to get ready for the big finale!!!!!!!!!!
word count: 2.3k
masterlist read part 1 & 2 first
debate: are landos eyes blue or green? I definitely think they're green but sometimes appear blue so for the sake of this story they are green lol
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THREE — you can see it with the lights out
October 19th
"Because he doesn't fucking love you like I do."
The harder you tried to push those words out of your brain, the more they repeated, reminding you that your best and longest friendship just imploded.
It had been five days since that night and all you had done was sit in your apartment going over and over every single moment you shared with Mat. You hadn't spoken to him since that night and don't know how to face him. After he said those words, you stared at each other in stunned silence until one of Mat's friends came over to talk to him, breaking up your discussion. Not soon after you left the bar, retreating to your apartment to wallow in peace.
Lando was supposed to come to New York a couple days ago to see you, before you both traveled to Texas for his race this weekend, but after what happened with Mat and now your feelings being all messed up, you felt guilty and told him you were sick. You felt guilty for rejecting him, but you needed a few days alone to collect yourself.
Having Mat's sister stay with you didn't make this situation any better, but she had friends in the city and you just pretended you had work to do so you could avoid the topic of her brother. She finally left yesterday and now you were on the elevator up to go see your boyfriend.
"Hi! Finally," Lando greeted you when he opened his hotel room door, pulling you into him immediately. "How are you?"
"Good," you answered, kissing him.
"Yeah? Not sick anymore?" He pulled you into the room, dragging your suitcase in and closing the door.
"No. Had some turbulences on the flight that made me feel nauseous, but all good now." His smile widened and his hands grabbed you by your hips. You immediately figured out what his face was saying and let him push you onto the bed.
"Good," he whispered and slowly leaned over you showing you just how much he missed you these past two weeks. Unfortunately, another brown haired boy was on your mind.
"You okay?," Lando asked, pulling you out of your deep thoughts. He ever so slightly brushed his finger against your cheek, gaining your full attention.
"Mhm." A certain pair of green eyes were haunting you and unfortunately they weren't your boyfriends. You pulled the bed sheet up, nodding, pushing the guilt away.
"Maybe not fully recovered then, huh?" He pressed his lips against your forehead. "So, how was New York? We've barely talked since the weekend."
"I know, I'm sorry. Just had a lot of things to do and people to see and obviously didn't feel great." You told him about your time at home, what you did and saw. About the hockey game – but purposefully left out the party after.
Talking to him got easier as time went on and he caught you up on his last few days as well. "Wait, I got something for you." Lando stood up, not caring about walking around the hotel suit naked. He came back with a little jewelry box. "This was a lot harder to find than I thought it would be."
You opened the box to find a dainty charm bracelet, a singular charm hanging from it – a little formula one car. "Aw. I love it. Thank you." You kissed him gently, before he placed the bracelet on your wrist. "And I love you." While those words rolled easily off your tongue, your heart didn't mean them and your stomach turned at the realization.
"Room service?"
November 13th
For Lando's birthday, he had spent a few days in England with his family which you couldn't make due to having to work. But you joined him and his friends for the real celebrations in Mexico.
Except for those few mandatory office days, you hadn't been back in New York since that weekend. You were too scared to bring up any of the emotions you were trying so hard to push away. And it was working great so far. At least until you opened Instagram and saw all of the New York Islanders posts that often included pictures of Mat. You avoided those posts, but every once in a while, you broke down and fell down the stalking rabbit hole. But you told yourself you just missed your friendship.
He still hadn't reached out and neither had you. You were too scared to hear what he had to say that would ruin your friendship and felt like you were cheating on Lando if you let yourself think and feel about the situation too long.
In front of Lando, you pretended everything was fine – that you didn't just lose your best friend. Not that he asked much about him, but you pretended to watch his games and still be in contact with him – but you weren't.
And while you thought you were doing a good job about hiding your feelings, there had been a few tense and awkward moments between the two of you. You had never really fought before, but in the last month your quarrels increased not only in frequency but intensity.
But today of all day, it had to be all about Lando. You started with a morning swim, just the two of you, and then a huge breakfast that you got catered to the villa you were renting. You spent the rest of the day on a boat, celebrating and trying to revive the connection you had with Lando just a couple months ago.
During dinner, your phone reminded you that the Islanders had game that night. The notification however shocked you a bit when you read the full title: 'Barzal doesn't return to ice after brutal hit from Nurse'
Your heart sunk and your first instinct was to excuse yourself and move to a private room to figure out what happened to him. No matter how many times you watched the replay and saw his face in terrible pain – and blood – it didn't make you feel any better seeing him leaning on Lee as he was skating off the ice.
"What happened?" You jumped at Lando's voice as he stepped into the room, closing the door behind him.
"Oh, yeah. Sorry. It's Mat. He had a game tonight and got injured." He nodded, but you could see the twitch of jealousy flash across his face.
"Is he okay?"
"Not sure, there hasn't been an update yet." Lando sat beside you, wrapping his arm around you to comfort you.
"I'm sure he'll let you know soon."
"Mhm." You nodded as your eyes flooded with tears. He wouldn't, though. Not after you ignored him after that bombshell of a confession.
"What's wrong?," Lando asked immediately when he noticed your demeanor change. He grabbed your face with concern, but you just shook your head not daring to speak. His face changed from concern to a much more serious. "Did something happen between the two of you?"
His hands dropped from your face. "What? No. Why?"
"You've been acting weird since Texas. You didn't let me come take care of you when you were sick and you've been distant ever since."
"No, Lando. We're fine, it was a stupid little fight but it's all good." You weren't very convincing.
"Are you sure? You usually talk about him more, or his hockey, which I haven't seen you watch in a long time. And every time I touch you, I feel like you flinch and I can't shake the feeling it's got to do with him."
"No." That's all you could say. No. Nothing happened between you. You stood up, forcing a smile. This day was about Lando. Whom you loved. Right? "I promise."
You distracted him with a kiss and another assurance that everything was fine. He believed you, but you could tell you were nearing your breaking point. Just not yet.
November 25th
And that that came sooner than you'd hoped. You'd been having a great time in Abu Dhabi, celebrating and partying g with the other girls until you slept in Saturday and you were reminded of one of your favorite days.
In your first year of university, you had caught your then boyfriend making out with another girl at a party. After that, you might have gone a little hard on the alcohol and ended up calling Mat to come pick you up. However, he was in Seattle and you in Vancouver. That didn't stop him from showing up outside the club at 2am. He picked you up from the side of the road – a low point in your life that you thankfully never repeated – and drove you to your apartment. He gently helped you change into pjs and held your hair when you threw up in the toilet. Then he let you cry into his chest until you fell asleep.
You almost called him remembering that moment, but couldn't figure out what to say so you put your phone back down.
'I got you. I always will.'
Mat's voice hit you like a bullet. It was clear as if he was just next to you and you felt his fingertips stroking the side of your face like it was yesterday. But you were still back in your freshman year apartment, cuddled up in bed with Mat. He thought you were asleep when he whispered those things to you and until this day you thought you'd dreamt him saying it.
Something in you broke and all your feelings finally came crashing in. All those years he made you laugh and stood by your side you had mistaken it for friendship. You thought you were in love before, that's why you didn't recognize what you were feeling for Mat, but turns out no one ever made you as happy as Mat did. He'd always been your person and one day just turned into something even more.
You had no idea how long you laid in bed, thinking everything over and finally admitting to yourself that Mat may be more than a friend.
Eventually, you had to get ready. Lando was due to return from the qualifying race anytime soon, which you were actually supposed to attend, and you needed enough time to pull yourself together. You couldn't dump your newfound revelation on him the night before his last race.
"Lando." You looked up at him, tears streaming down your face. "I'm sorry."
"I know," he said, nodding, trying to mask his pain. He turned away from you and started packing his bag.
"No, I'll go. I'm so sorry." He shook his head, denying you and you could just stand there and watch him throw his suitcase together.
"Lando," you called, before he reached the hotel door. "You really were so good to me. And I'm so grateful to you. For everything you did to me. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."
He nodded, avoiding your gaze though. "I'm just sorry he got you first."
You took the few steps you needed to reach him. "I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me one day. And I hope we can still stay friends."
"Kinda hard to forget you." He let you pull him into a hug and it felt like goodbye. It was hard for you to let him go. He did play a huge role in your life and had shown you so much. He was a genuine friend and you did love him, but enough to stay with him. Lando smiled, pain still in his eyes, and pressed his soft lips on your forehead. "One day."
December 29th
It was almost midnight when your phone rang, the screen lighting up the darkness of your bedroom. You reached for it, sitting up when you saw the name and picture flash across the screen. It was Mat. The first sign of him since that night in October you regretted so much. Carefully, you pressed the green button and held the phone up to your ear.
"Hi." His voice was rough and from that small word you could tell he was in pain. And after the game he had you couldn't blame him. He was more aggressive than he usually was – even counting the last few weeks – and got punished by it, not only with penalty box minutes but also with brutal fights on the ice. On top of that, they lost the game with a pretty rough score.
The line was silent for a while, neither of you daring to speak. You could feel your eyes tearing up. You missed him so much. And that's when he finally broke the silence with the exact same thought. "I miss you." Still so much pain in his voice. "I miss you. And I'm sorry for what I said that night. You were right. I hope that you are happy. And I do support you, no matter what. Just putting it out there that I miss you while you're out there exploring the world."
And in the darkness of your room, you suddenly could not see any clearer. You heart ached for him. For him to hold you and kiss you for the rest of your life. You wanted him. To explore the world with, yes, but also to do the mundane things with. You still had a lot to figure out about yourself, but one thing you were sure about was him. That you needed him by your side just as much as he needed you. It had always been like this. He was your person. And you wanted him to be that for the rest of your life.
"Mat," you took a deep breath, mustering up all your courage. "Lando and I broke up."
The line went dead.
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eddiesbigolepp · 2 years
fresh ink
synopsis: eddie’s sweet little girlfriend wanted some ink to show off, good thing he knows a great tattoo artist.
pairing: eddie munson x reader
word count: 1325
warnings: 18+ swearing, slightly sexual, needles, slight nudity, eddie being a perv again
a/n: this is the same cheerleader!reader from my other fic
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the tattoos that were spread over his skin made you smile. when he first gave you a tattoo tour, each piece made your eyes light up more than the last. you were in awe, they added just the right touch to his skin. the more time you spent with him, the more you caught yourself staring at them, usually the bats on his arm when you held hands. or zombie on his chest when you laid together. it was just so mesmerizing. you traced them daily, a habit that eddie had come to love.
recently, you had started thinking about what you would get tattooed on yourself. it wouldn’t be a zombie but it would be something cool, and something that meant a lot to you. maybe you’d get something for eddie. would that be too much? you two had been together for a while, but would he be creeped out?
“hey!” eddie says grabbing your attention, “you alright?” he questions as you blink up at him mindlessly.
“what? i’m okay,” you mumble looking over to the tv playing some slasher film. you didn’t even realize the movie was almost over until he took you out of your trance.
“no you’re not you’re staring at my arm like it’ll fall off if you look away,” he chuckles turning your face back to him. “what’s wrong sweetheart?” he asks again as you absentmindedly trace the bats on his arm.
“it’s nothin i told you,” you laugh back up at him.
“you’re lyinggg” he says dragging out the last syllable. “what is it, are you obsessed with my hands or something?” he teases, nudging you a little. when you don’t answer his eyes widen and he laughs a little more. “you are, aren’t you? is it the tattoos? they’re pretty sick huh?” he gloats, ego slightly boosted because of your staring.
“you wish, munson,” you reply, rolling your eyes and grabbing a pillow to whack him with.
“hey, hey!” he frowns, grabbing the pillow after it lands on his chest, “violence is not the answer babe.” he turns his body to face you better and he smiles sweetly, “really though, what is it?”
“i just want one..” you mumble, eyes flashing down to his arm again for less than a second before looking back up at him.
“wait what?”
“you heard me.”
“wait but i really didn’t you didn’t even use your cheerleader voice,” he jokes, “what’d you say, doll?”
“i… want one,” you say, a little louder than before.
“what? an arm?” he says grabbing your hands, “i think you’ve got two perfectly good ones right here, they’re probably stronger than mine!” he laughs referencing your insane tumbling ability.
“no stupid,” you laugh back, grabbing his right arm, “one of these..” you point at the bats on his arm.
“little miss head cheerleader wants a tattoo? what have i done to you?” he grins pulling you in for a quick kiss. “what makes you want a tattoo? tell me it’s because of me.” he smiles holding his hand to his heart all giddy.
“don’t get all cocky big boy,” you retort, raising your brows quickly, “i don’t know they’re cool, i don’t know where to get one or where to put it. my mother would kill me if she saw it.”
“wellllll..” he says in a sing-songy voice, “you could get one behind your ear,” he says bringing his hand up to small area behind the lobe. “or maybe hidden beneath the girls,” he says, dragging his pointer finger down your neck, all the way down to your tank and snapping the hem against your skin. “maybe even here,” he mumbles bringing his hands down to your exposed hip and rubbing circles into it. “i’d love it if it were right here too though..” he smirks, bringing his hand down to pinch your butt cheek.
“hey! watch your hands!” you answer, slapping his chest. he still leaves his hand there smirking harder than before. “i have no idea what even to get, also if my dad saw the charge on his card then he’d freak.” you groan, laying your head on his shoulder.
“wait right here,” he says quickly, standing up and letting you fall over to his spot on the couch.
“jeez a warning would’ve been nice,” you call out as he runs to his room quickly. you can hear him rummaging through his dresser and cursing when he banged his finger between two drawers.
“got it!” he shouts, walking back with a black case in hand and a smile plastered on his face. “who said you’d have to pay, i know the best tattoo artist in town!” he chuckles, sitting down in his same spot and opening up the case. there’s a bottle of ink, what looks to be cups for dolls, and a couple sterilized needles.
“what is that?” you ask and he laughs at you shaking his head.
“you cheerleaders, too pure for this world.” he jokes pulling out the packaged needle. “this is a needle, i dip it into the ink and i poke your skin. stick n poke, that’s what they call it. i could give you a small one since you want it so bad,” he chuckles looking down at you as you stare at the box he held in front of you in awe.
“would you really?”
“yeah sweetheart it’s not that hard, now what do you want?” he smiles, “you could get a cute little star or a flower, or maybe an e?” he offers only half kidding.
“i’ve got an idea i think,” you smile and walk back toward his room to find some paper. he closes the case and grabs a couple paper towels before following you back to the room.
he sees you already laying on the bed doodling something in his little notebook and he saunters over. “whatcha got there?” he asks, peering over your shoulder to see what you’ve drawn. his smile widens larger than ever and he rolls you over once you finish. “where do you want it sweetheart?”
“you choose, somewhere hidden though, only want you to see.” you say, beaming up at him. his eyes brighten up tenfold and he grins mischievously. “then let me get started,” he says pushing your tank up so only your boobs are half covered.
“this is gonna hurt a bit, so let me know when you need a break, doll face,” he says grabbing a half empty bottle of water to dip his paper towel into. he wipes the valley of skin between your breasts with the damp towel before wiping you dry.
he pulls the sketch out from the notebook and presses a kiss to your chest before he starts his work. he’s concentrated as he tries to make it perfect. and when a pinch is stronger than the others, you squeeze his shoulders and groan. if it weren’t for the situation right know he’d jump your bones but for now he’ll “go easy on you.”
once he wipes your skin for the last time and he smiles up at you wiggling his eyebrow. “i’m done?!” you question sitting up abruptly almost knocking his head.
“relax! it’s not going anywhere!” he says rolling over to let you stand. you practically run to the mirror to check out the tattoo he gave you.
“eddieeee!” you beam watching him walk up behind you. he hugs you from behind and presses a big kiss to you cheek “this looks so good, thank you babe.” you giggle as he turns you around to get a good look at it.
“tips are appreciated,” he says turning his cheek for a kiss in return.
“i think i can arrange something,” you reply turning his face back to you to kiss his lips.
“gonna buy you so many tiny tops just so i can see my handiwork.” he chuckles darkly lifting you up and bringing you to the bed.
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a/n: the tattoo doodle in question
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venus-haze · 10 months
Dating Starlight Headcanons (F!Reader)
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Note: Female reader, but no descriptors are used. This is based on an anonymous request. I’m so glad I got to write for Starlight again! Do not interact if you're under 18 or post thinspo/ED content.
Warnings: Mentions of sexually explicit content. Do not interact if you're under 18.
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• Asking you out was one of the most nerve-wracking things Annie ever did, considering how she was raised and her position as part of The Seven, but that didn’t compare to how great she felt when you said yes
• Annie’s so supportive of you, and she especially appreciates if you’re supportive of her, no strings attached. She’s spent most of her life doing things that other people wanted her to do, so knowing you’re in her corner no matter what means a lot to her
• If you want to go public with your relationship, she’s initially hesitant, not because she’s ashamed, but because of the danger it’d put you in and how awful Vought can be. She’s willing to fight for you, though, and especially push back on any bullshit that the marketing team may try to push
• Y’all will end up having to stand on Vought’s float at New York Pride, it’s a little cringy but kinda sweet too
• Also you’re Annie’s date to any Vought event! Investor gala, fundraising dinner, movie premiere, you’re there. She feels a lot more comfortable when she knows you’re around, plus it’s an excuse to see you in gorgeous dresses. She’s definitely gotten distracted by you in the middle of a conversation before
• You and Annie do pretty much everything together, road trips and concerts and movie nights! She especially loves road trips because y’all get to spend so much time together and just talk and eat junk food and stop to see weird attractions on the way to your destination
• Y’all constantly make each other playlists and send all kinds of posts and videos throughout the day that made you think of each other
• She’s also big on video calling you when she knows it’s going to be a long day and she won’t get to see you for a while
• You know how tough Annie’s job can be, and sometimes she comes over to your place frustrated and exhausted, and being the incredible girlfriend you are, you make sure she’s comfortable on your bed and go down on her, teasing a bit just to bring that pent up frustration to the surface before making her fall apart on your tongue
• She made the power in your building go out when she came once. You haven’t let her live it down
• Annie definitely returns the favor, and she’s willing to top if you’re not comfortable with topping or in the mood to do it. She’d never admit it, but she likes the control it gives her when she feels like she’s constantly being undermined by both Vought and The Boys (and also using a Starlight-themed strap-on that’s definitely not Vought-approved gives her a bit of an ego boost)
• Loves giving and receiving praise! She loves you so much and never wants you to feel anything but absolutely safe with her. After everything she’s been through, hearing you praise her definitely makes her feel safe with and appreciated by you too
• Sometimes it can be tough going on dates in public because every now and then people recognize her, even if she’s not in her Starlight costume. She tries to balance being gracious to fans while also being respectful of your time and privacy but like, you get it, she’s part of the most visible superhero team in the world
• You inevitably get wrapped up in The Boys’ various plans despite Annie trying to keep you separate because of how dangerous it is. You’re cool with everyone and help how you can, but whenever Butcher’s mean to Annie you tell him off and she gets kinda flustered at you standing up for her. It’s really cute🤭
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lvrmoons · 1 year
When they say something hurtful (part 2)
It had been over a year since your bad break up with Atsumu. Thankfully, you successfully avoided him for that entire year and had no contact with him. When you first realized he had no intention of apologizing or contacting you again, you were beyond hurt, but it turned to anger, and later acceptance. You were quite satisfied with your life now, although sometimes still longing for Atsumu to be by your side again, but you knew that would never happen. 
Or that’s what you thought. 
You coincidentally bumped into him at the convenience store and he awkwardly asked you for some of your time. You agreed, wondering what he was going to say after all this time. So here you two were, outside a small, quiet cafe, with barely any people around. 
“Um... I don’t know where to start but I guess I should apologize first.. Y/n- you do not know how sorry I am. I keep thinking bout that night and how awful I was to ya. I wanted to apologize straight away. Seriously. But I knew you deserved someone much better than me. I know I’m prideful and stubborn and I’ve been working on that. And when I finally reasoned with myself to at least apologize to you instead of just letting you go, you already blocked me... I know I’ll never get the chance to be by your side again, but I hope you’ll accept my sincerest apologies for hurting you.” He tried keeping eye contact with you but ended up staring at the table in between you. You kept quiet for a while as Atsumu sweated buckets from thee awkwardness and nervousness.
“..You know... If you had ran out of the house that night and told me to come back, I would have dropped my bags and come running into your arms.” He finally looked up at you. “And it seems I would do the same even now..” You said, smiling softly at him. He stared at you in shock and you became shocked to when you saw the tears forming in his eyes. 
“A-are you ok??” You ask, standing up and hurrying next to him. 
He hugged you waist and buried his head into your stomach. 
“Thank you. So so much. I seriously don’t deserve you and I promise to treat you like the princess/prince you are.” 
Your face softened as you got reminded of how much you loved this boy. The both of you were held in each others embrace for a while before deciding to go back to his home, your home. 
It had been 3 days since that last argument and you still weren’t home yet. Suna, who thought you would come back after a day, became frantic as his calls went straight to voicemail and his messages weren’t going through. He even tried contacting you through social media but was left on delivered. After the third day, he finally found your friend’s contact and called her.
When the friend said you were hit by a car and was now at XXX hospital on the verge of death, he thought it was a prank, Your way of getting back at him. But when he got to the hospital and saw the IVs running through your arm, a cast on your leg, and lots of big patches on your face, his heart dropped, he felt sick to his stomach as he slowly and hesitantly made his way over to you. His trembling hand just barely grazed your face before he immediately pulled it back. He dropped onto the chair next to your bed and rested his head on his hands trying to stop himself from crying. He couldn’t believe you were on the verge of death, he spent his last moments with you arguing and he wouldn’t accept that. 
You were awoken by the sound of Suna’s crying and you turned your head to see a disheveled Suna. Crying.
Oh how you wished you could take a picture, but you knew exactly how he felt, no thanks to his vicious “prank”.
“Rin..” You whispered. His head shot up faster than you could blink and was by your side in half a second. 
“Y/n.. I’m so sorry, I really didn’t mean to hurt you or scare you. I don’t know what I was thinking pulling that prank. I can’t imagine how you felt. Please... please don’t leave me.” He held your hand as he pressed it against his tear-stained face. 
You didn’t say anything as you wanted him believing that you were dying for a little while longer. 
After a few minutes of silence, he finally looked at you and you were smiling. 
“I accept your apology. But seriously, if you do something like that again, I will actually leave you.”
“I promise I won’t.” He whispered.
“Good. But you know, you still haven’t asked me if I’m ok.” You say
“Are you ok??” he asked, concern written all over his face. 
“Yea actually. You just got pranked! OHHHH” you said laughing.
You could see the concern wiping off his face. He dropped your hand and started walking away. 
“Wait Wait! Come back, I’m just kidding.” You call out still laughing a little. He turned to you and rolled his eyes before making his way over to you again. 
“I actually did get hit by a car, but it didn’t hit me too hard. I’m actually getting discharged today if you’re willing to wait with me.”
“... What about your leg..” He asked staring at your cast.
“Oh, that I did break. But it could be worse.” you shrug.
“y/n.. please care about yourself more. I don’t want any part of you to be hurt.” He said. “And I promise not to hurt you in the future. Ever.”
“Well, you better keep that promise forever because that’s how long I’ll be by your side.”
“Always. I love you so much.”
“I love you more.”
You anger had subsided after a few days but rethinking the words he said to you still made you feel hurt. But instead of isolating yourself and drowning in your sorrows, you knew you had to talk to Oikawa. After all, communication is key. Over the few days after the fight, Oikawa left you alone and he knew to just give you space and time to think. So you were the first to call. 
You asked him to come over and in just a few minutes. He was already outside your door. When you opened it, the first thing you noticed was that he was still in his practice uniform and he was sweating a lot. 
“Were you at practice?” you ask the seemingly obvious.
“Yea- But I came over as soon as you called,” he said, catching his breath.
“Go shower first, you smell.” You say leaving him at the door and sitting at the kitchen table. He nodded and quickly went to the bathroom, not wanting to keep you waiting. When he came back it was silent. 
“Look, I just thought it would be better for us to talk and stuff instead of letting the situation sit and hurt both of us,” you say breaking the awkward tension. 
“Thanks, for calling me over. I’ve been wanting to sincerely apologize and I’ve been thinking about it every day. I know what I did was unforgivable and I know the chances of you allowing me to continue being your partner is low but the selfish part of me wants you to take me back. I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean anything I said that day but I know being angry and annoyed isn’t any excuse to say those things so I truly apologize. Like you said to me before, high school is only a part of your life, you still have so much time to figure out what you love and to set goals. I realize that now, I should spend more time with my loved ones since volleyball will always be there but who knows when I’ll lose you. Um, yeah, thank you so much for always being there for me, and I hope you find someone who deserves you.” He starts standing up before you even had a chance to talk. 
“Sit your ass back down right now.” You say glaring at him. He sat down immediately. “Why do you keep talking like we’ve already broken up?”
“I- um-”
“To be honest, I didn’t know what I was going to say when I called you over, but I don’t want to break up. From what you said, you pretty much understood my feelings without me even telling you. I just hope you won’t use my insecurities as an advantage in arguments. And you need to stop beating yourself so hard when it comes to volleyball. And I’ll always be here for you when your down so you can vent but don’t get mad at me. That’s all, I think.”
“Yes ma’am. Thank you though. Really, I swear I’ll treat you better and that’s not just an empty promise.”
You chuckle, “I believe you. I love you so much Tooru.”
“Thank you for loving me when I don’t deserve it. I will forever be yours.” 
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