#i hope if i can remember to be nicer to her she’ll be nicer to me
yakkunmori · 2 years
3 (i think)
Today i can’t see out of one of my eyes
But on yesterday first.
My dad is so mean to me :(
I don’t know why but i really wanted to go to that graduation party because it seems like it would have been so much fun. I would have been able to have snacks and hang out with my friends and everyone and it just makes me upset that I couldn’t go. If they gave me a reasonable explanation like they did for me not going to the beach then I would have accepted it. Now i just feel bad. I still do really want to go to the beach :(((
My shoe broke right before graduation and it sent me into such a panic. My superintendent stapled it back together enough for me to walk down the archway but then it came undone again. I switched shoes with one of the girls I know which saved me the embarrassment of walking barefoot to get my diploma. My family was so mean about it and I understand why because they were my sisters and i would be fucking pissed if one of my sisters broke the shoes that I just thrifted too. I’ll pay her back for it don’t worry it just made me sad :( i didnt mean to break them !!
@/wku95 watched me graduate!! I sent her the link to the livestream and she sent me soooooo many lovely messages about it. I feel like it was such a shit day but she made it so much better. She’s so kind to me and im so happy that she was there for it because it made me feel a little bit more important on a day that I wasn’t really looking forward to. I really love her so much and I hope I can love her for so many years into the future as we both grow up together.
Ok now todays stuff
Guys look at my laptop shit
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It looks like the 15.6 to me what do you guys think
I’m going with my dads suggestion because hes being so mean about it and i dont know what to do so i guess ill just do it.
It makes me so upset that hes like this and instead i have to think about being older and sharing an apartment with kat and being able to do the fun things we want to and not have to deal with my family
I also cant see out of one of my eyes lol its super blurry i think its because ive been rubbing it too much but my eyes are itchy :/
I think thats all for tonight ill edit the tags if I see anything else
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sycamorelibrary754 · 6 months
Guardian Angel
Chapter 6: Compound Living
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Summary: Your recovery continues in the Avengers Compound. You open up to Wanda about your past and have a heart-to-heart that may lead to something more for the both of you. 
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: Sorry for the delay! The next chapter of Guardian Angel will most likely be posted after the holidays. I hope you enjoy!
Guardian Angel Masterlist
If you had to stare at another cup of jello, you might just scream. After being stuck in the Med Bay for two weeks, you were craving something sweet from the shop. You were surprised that the food wasn't better given that Stark could have brought up filet mignon if he wanted to. You were extremely grateful that you were finally leaving the Med Bay today, even though you weren't going far.
Wanda would be here shortly to help you move into her old room in the compound. The redhead had been coming to visit you almost every day when she wasn’t at home with the boys. It was the highlight of your day when she walked through your door and brought some much-needed color and personality to your plain old Med Bay room. 
Every moment spent with Wanda you learned something new. Her childhood and the happy memories she had of Pietro, despite the struggles they faced growing up in war-torn Sokovia. She waxed poetically about her parents. How her father would bring home American sitcoms that she fell in love with while simultaneously learning English. The Chicken Paprakish her mother lovingly prepared.
Despite all the information you had learned about her and everything she knew about you, you still felt like you were holding back. You couldn’t miss the look she gave you when Dr. Cho said she couldn’t reach your parents, but you were too scared to mention the kiss you had shared when you first woke up after the accident. You feared that Wanda would dismiss it as a mistake caused by your shared vulnerability. However, you knew you couldn't avoid it forever.
Dr. Cho and Banner entered your room, interrupting your thoughts. "You're all set," said Dr. Cho, handing you your discharge papers and aftercare instructions. "Remember, your first follow-up appointment is on Friday."
“Thank you both so much. I'm really grateful,” you said, choking up.
“Okay, who’s ready to bust out of this joint?” Wanda announced pushing in a wheelchair.
Oh great, my driver is here," you joked, wiping your eyes before Wanda could see. "Will you ever stop treating me like a baby? I've made significant progress in my recovery thanks to the cradle.”
“Not a chance,” helping you shift from the bed into the wheelchair. 
“Steve, Bucky, and Sam are at your apartment getting your stuff and Natasha should be back from the Candy Bar any minute with an update from Harper on the shop,” rolling you down the hall and into the elevator. “Because you can’t just rest and let yourself heal, you have to be a workaholic,” Wanda mumbled. 
"I have never missed a day of work, not even when I had a fever of 102," you proudly declared.
Wanda sighed and said, "I'm sorry Y/N, but I don't think that's the kind of flex you think it is.
"Good afternoon, Ms. Maximoff," said FRIDAY.
“Oh, my God!” You exclaimed. “Who is that person?” If you could stand up from the wheelchair, you would have.
"Relax, it's only FRIDAY," Wanda said as she laid a hand on your shoulder.
“Tony's AI interface is integrated into every function in the compound and can provide assistance with any needs.”
“I notice that you have a guest, Ms. Maximoff.”
“Yes, FRIDAY. This is Y/F/N Y/L/N. She’s going to be staying with us for a bit in my old room.”
Welcome Ms. Y/L/N. Please let me know if you need assistance.
“Hi FRIDAY, it’s nice to meet you too.”
“She’ll be your new best friend,” Wanda joked. 
“Stark really can do anything,” you said.
The elevator stopped as FRIDAY announced your arrival in the living quarters. Doors opened to a stunning common area, leaving you speechless. Needless to say, it was much nicer than your apartment.
"Welcome to the common room and the kitchen," Wanda said, as she led you through the room. "We usually keep some late-night snacks in the fridge, and if you ever need something sweet, I can show you where Clint keeps his stash of chocolate," she giggled.
"This is amazing," you say, your eyes wandering around the room.
“What did you expect?”
“I don’t know. I mean, you hear rumors about the Avengers Compound, but you don’t know if it’s true. Oh my god! Look at that plasma screen TV! A Ps5!” Squealing like a little kid. 
“Yes, when they're not working, you'll find the boys and some of the younger ones gathered around that ridiculous thing.
“I want to play!” 
“Y/N, you only have one good arm.”
“So, I could still play! Call out moves,” you pleaded as Wanda rolled her eyes.
“Tony’s lab is down that corridor to the left. He’s usually in there tinkering away at all hours of the night until Pepper comes and gets him.” Wanda continues to roll you down a separate hallway, “Team bedrooms are down this way.” 
You passed a few doors before coming to a stop. “This is my room,” gently opening the door and pushing you inside. 
“Wow, Wanda, this is awesome.”
If you walked in a forest at first light, if you let the awakening green hues into your soul, that would be the sense that was her bedroom. There was a calmness, a serenity, a feeling of optimism. The same feelings you felt whenever she was in your presence. 
“Thank you. It’s not as fancy as some of my teammates' rooms, but I loved it,” helping you out of the wheelchair and onto the bed. “I did my best to make it my safe space. So no matter what was going on outside, no matter what happened out in the field, I could come home and find my peace of mind again.” 
“That’s beautiful, Wanda.”
As you looked up, Natasha called out "Knock knock" from the doorway.
“Reporting back from the Candy Bar, boss,” Nat said walking towards you.
“Oh God, I’m almost afraid to ask.”
“Relax, everything is fine,” Nat said as she sat down on the edge of the bed. “That Harper girl has the shop running like a well-oiled machine.”
Thank goodness, you exclaimed. "Do we need anything? I could place an order from here," you said, reaching for your phone.
"Y/N, you shouldn't be working. Your number one priority should be your recovery," Wanda interrupted.
You simply grumbled at her response before turning back to the Black Widow. 
“I called Harper and let her know you were coming. Is there any chance she didn’t fangirl over you when you arrived?”
“If you consider knocking over a jar of jelly beans and dropping some kid’s ice cream on the floor keeping her composure, then sure. She was very composed,” Natasha said. 
You ran a hand down your face, imagining your best friend's clumsiness. You said, "Thank you, Natasha. I owe you one. I have been going crazy not being there. It was a relief to have someone in there to keep an eye on the place.
“No problem, Y/N,” patting your leg. “Oh, and one more thing,” bringing her other hand out from behind your back. “I brought you back a little something.” Holding up a bag from your shop. “Harper told me what you liked. The first rule of compound living - guard your snacks or they will be eaten by one of the boys,” handing you the bag. 
“You’re the best! I’ve been craving some sweets from the shop,” taking the bag.
“I know,” Natasha smirked. “Second rule of compound living - I know everything.” 
“It’s true,” Wanda confirmed. 
“Delivery!” Sam called out as he walked into the room carrying a couple of boxes with Steve and Bucky trailing behind with boxes of their own. 
“Wow, did you pack up the entire apartment?” Nat teased.
“We wanted to be prepared for every eventuality,” Bucky said. “We weren’t sure what Y/N would need.”
“Wow, thank you so much, you guys,” you said. 
Steve said, "We'll be happy to help you unpack after our meeting with Hill," placing down the boxes.
I'll come with you guys," Nat said. "See you in a bit, Y/N.
“Bye,” you waved. 
Wanda fluffed the pillow behind your back before sitting down on the bed next to you.
“Yes, very much so.”
“Is there anything I can get you?” 
“No, I’m alright for now,” a small yawn escaping your lips.
“I should let you get some rest,” rising from the bed.
“Wanda, wait,” placing a hand on her arm. 
She turned back toward you, her face curious. 
There's something I need to share with you. It's the reason why I'm here, recovering away from my family," you say, your gaze fixated on the soft comforter. "You see, my parents and I are not on good terms. We're estranged.”
Wanda’s face softened at the admission. 
“My parents founded Onyx Petroleum in California in 1978. They're not exactly Tony Stark rich, but pretty close. Growing up, I always felt resentful towards them - they were never the kindest people in the world, and their wealth and status just made it worse. But once I started researching climate change and the impact of fossil fuels on our planet, everything changed. It was disgusting to see the sheer amount of pollution that Onyx Petroleum, one of the world's top five most polluting companies, was responsible for. And yet, despite all of this, they still don't seem to care even an iota. It's just not right.”
Wanda's calming hand on your thigh pulls you back into the present moment as you take a deep breath.
“Throughout my entire childhood, my parents never failed to remind me that one day I would inherit and run the family business. When I turned 18, they presented me with a legal document that would bind me to take over the company as the Chief Executive Officer after completing my college education. The mere thought of it was enough to make me feel physically ill,” you look down at your lap as you recount the painful memory. "I remember the day I told them that I would rather live on the street than work for their business," you said softly. "I had always dreamt of doing something that aligned with my values and passions, and I knew that working for them would compromise that. But they didn't take it well. The very next day, they cut me off and kicked me out of their lives. It was as if I had never existed to them." Your voice cracks a little as you finish your sentence, and you take a deep breath to steady yourself.
"Oh Y/N," she said, gently placing a hand under your chin and tilting your head up. Your eyes glistened with tears that threatened to spill over.
“I moved in with Harper,” wiping at your eyes. “I funded my college education using the savings I had accumulated over the years and pursued a degree in entrepreneurship. Upon graduation, I took a leap of faith and established the Candy Bar with Harper. It has been the saving grace of my life," you breathed out, feeling a sense of release from the burden that had been weighing you down.
Wanda didn't respond immediately. As you looked up, you saw tears shining in her eyes. "I am grateful that you trusted me enough to share all of this with me. I am so sorry that this was your reality."
“It was a long time ago. I’ve built a life and a business that I love, and I don’t think about it for the most part. But, when I heard Helen say that she couldn’t get a hold of my parents after the accident… I don’t know,” you trailed off.
“I understand that the accident must have brought up some painful memories for you. Trust me, I know firsthand how much courage it takes to face such buried trauma," she said, placing her hands gently on top of yours. "You're an incredible woman, and it's a shame that your parents aren't here to witness the amazing person you've become.
You nodded silently before meeting the gaze of the redhead. Those beautiful green eyes caught your attention once again.
“If you ever want to talk about this I’m always here, or I can talk to Bucky about introducing you to Dr. Raynor. She’s a terrific therapist.”
After thanking Wanda, you thought the conversation was over, but you could see her contemplating something. "What's wrong?" you asked her.
Oh, nothing. Nothing’s wrong. I just… I’ve felt so guilty about what happened between us after you woke up in the Med Bay,” struggling to get the words out. “I felt like I took advantage of you and how vulnerable we both were in that moment.”
"Oh, thank God you finally said something!" you exclaimed, relief washing over your voice.
“What do you mean?” A look of confusion on her face. 
"I felt the same way, but I was too scared to say anything. I've been wanting to bring it up for two weeks, but I was afraid you would dismiss it as a mistake in the heat of the moment," you rambled. "Then I thought maybe the reason you weren't bringing it up is because you did think it was a mistake, and I didn't know--" Wanda cut you off by placing a finger over your lips.
You didn’t realize that you were out of breath. 
"I like you, Y/N. It's the first time I've felt this way about anyone since Vision, and it scares me. From the moment I saw you in that cafe, I haven't been able to get you out of my mind, and then when I saw you in that car..." She started to choke up.
I know," you reassured her. "I haven't stopped thinking about you either. When I woke in the Med Bay and you were there," reaching up and stroking Wanda's cheek, "I knew I was going to be okay.
Wanda leaned into your palm as her eyes met yours.
“It wasn’t a mistake, Wanda.”
“No, it wasn’t.” 
As she leaned forward, you could feel your heart racing with anticipation. Suddenly, her lips met yours again for the second time. It was a soft and tender kiss at first, but then you felt Wanda's hands gently cup your face, pulling you closer to her. You could sense a deepening urgency in her touch as her lips moved against yours with a newfound passion. In that moment, you forgot about everything else - your worries, fears, past, and future. All that mattered was the intimate moment you were sharing with Wanda. When you finally broke the kiss, your eyes met and you both knew that you had found something special in each other.
After their meeting, Steve, Bucky, and Sam kept their promise and returned to help you unpack. When Steve knocked on your door, there was no answer. Upon slowly opening the door, he discovered that you were sound asleep on the bed. Your good arm was wrapped around Wanda, who was peacefully dozing while snuggling up against your chest.
“Should we wake them?” Sam asked. 
"No, let them sleep. We can start unpacking the boxes," suggested Steve.
You woke up a couple of hours later with the afternoon sun shining on your face. Wanda stirs slightly next to you.
"Hi," you muttered wearily.
"Hey," Wanda said while stretching and looking up at you.
“I guess we fell asleep.”
“It’s lunchtime. You should eat something. Let me grab you some food,” she said, looking at her watch.
“I'll come with you. I'm tired of being cooped up in rooms.”
As the two of you sat up in bed, your eyes widened in surprise as you took in the state of the room around you. You couldn't help but notice that all your belongings had been carefully unpacked and placed in their proper places, giving the space a neat and organized feel. The room was adorned with delicate fairy lights that cast a warm, inviting glow around the space, while a beautiful bouquet of flowers sat proudly on the coffee table, adding a touch of elegance and charm to the overall decor. It was evident that someone had taken great care and effort in decorating the room, and you couldn't help but feel grateful and touched by the thoughtful gesture.
“Um, can FRIDAY unpack boxes?” you asked
Wanda smirked and said, "I don't think she can." Then she added, "In case it isn't clear, I think the team likes you too, Y/N."
“Wow,” you were completely amazed.
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mhathotfic · 1 year
I mentioned merging these and now I can’t not do it so here’s toxic baby daddy Bakugou
Warnings: toxic relationship, dubcon, manipulation, afab reader with she/her pronouns, unprotected sex
Paring: Katsuki Bakugou x reader
This relationship was messy from the start
They honestly couldn’t even call it a relationship in the beginning
It was a “friends” with benefits situation, playing loss with the term friend
They never really got along except for when he had her face down ass up or her legs over his shoulders
Really, she only dealt with him because of his dick
So the cute coworker she had eyes for finally asked her, she didn’t hesitate to break things off with Bakugou
Who was livid about it
Months of sleeping together, trying his hardest to get on her good side so she’ll want more than just dick
And she throws him to the side so easily?
At least she tried to
She was meant to be done with him, but she got pregnant fast with new guy.
Too fast
Her estimated conception time didn’t line up with when they started dating let alone sleeping together
It couldn’t have been his which meant
“How far along are ya?”
Bakugou was way calmer than she expected
Truthfully he was ecstatic
“3 months”
He looks at her with what interpreted as stony gaze so she continued in hopes of assuring him she’s being honest
“I’ve been with him for a little over a month now so it’s not his and—”
“You’ve been crying”
“Well he dumped me so.…”
She brings a hand up to her face as if expecting to discover she’s shed a few tears again and he tells her he knew because she always acts tough like nothing bothers her when she’s been crying
She doesn’t know why he cares or why she offered up the information so easily.
But before she questions him he’s talking again
“Fuck him then, all that means is I don’t gotta beat his ass to keep him away. His loss anyways”
She assumes he’s joking to try and cheer her up, but he couldn’t be more serious
He regretted letting her slip away and now that he’s knocked her up
She’s stuck with him for the rest of her life
He’ll be sure no one tries to take her away from him again
He gives a month before he’s insisting she moves into his guest room and offering to help find an apartment that’ll accommodate her and the baby when they’re born
He didn’t expect things to move so fast after that
But your hormones drive her crazy and her libido goes up like crazy
And well…
He already knows how to fuck her right, and a warm body against hers feels so much nicer than her lonely little bed
And he definitely wasn’t complaining
Especially when she bit her lip and said the condom wasn’t necessary if she was already pregnant
It was nice
Like he wanted to make love and not just fuck her
Whispering dirty praises into her and playing with her clit and telling her how gorgeous her and her growing baby bump are
It’s easy to forget how much of an ass he can be when he’s like that
Easy to say yes to him when he asks if she wants to try a real relationship
But then they start arguing over stupid shit
And she starts remembering why they weren’t official before
Snd locks herself in her borrowed room and he wonders why she has to be so combative with him
Nothing ever gets resolved though because they always end up fucking about it in the end
By the time their daughter’s 2 birthday comes around she’s been moved out and they’ve broken up for the past year but it isn’t easy
Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to get over him and his dick when she has to see him often, and he knows it.
He’s a good father, his daughter clearly comes first with him so she tolerate him being in their lives still
Because kids deserve to know and love their father
And doesn’t think their past is reason to keep him away
He’s well aware of that too
He knows she’s“over it” but not over him and he’ll be damned if he let’s some fucking loser extra come into her life and play house with his family.
So he keeps them at bay and flaunts the fact he’s the current number 2 hero and they aren’t on his level
Then reminds her of just how charismatic and charming he can be when he tries to be
Pushing all the right buttons and saying all the right things to get her to let him in her bed again.
She tries so hard to fight his seduction but she’s still fixated on him
Much to disappointment and displeasure, she finds she still in love with who she thought he was and sees parts of it in the way he is with their daughter
It’s hard getting over the past when you see glimpses of the future you could have had all the time after all
So yeah, when another date turns out to be a bust, she often finds herself comforted by the man who embodies her poor taste in men as well as the good
And unfortunately she tends to forget about the bad in the relationship and let’s him take her
In her defense
He’s an incredible lover
He’s attentive in bed, paying close attention to all her reactions and responding accordingly
He’s never too gentle or too rough, he’s a perfect in between in pace
And god the way he fills her out, she’s certain if a divine entity were to make a perfect cock it’d be his
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moody4world · 2 years
Real rider
A/N(?): i am !!NOT!! a writer, everything i write and post is simply for fun and not to be taken seriously
equestrian y/n teaching jack the basics of horse riding for churchill downs mv
this is fluff
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Jack had just dropped his brand new album called home the kids miss you. He had already recorded a music video for first class but he was mostly excited to film his music video for churchill downs with THE drake himself.
He had proposed his idea of what he’d want to include in the music video to his directors and one of those scenes included jack riding a horse. Only problem with that was that Jack had never ridden a horse in his life. But he was dead set on having this in his music video.
“Come on Neelam there’s gotta be someone you know that can teach me, I mean how hard can it be right?” “Oh you’d be surprised, I do know someone and it’s definitely not as easy as you think Jack, you want to learn how to ride a horse at a high speed in the span of a few days when you’ve never even sat on a horse before, be for real.”
Jack stared at Neelam looking very offended but he knew she had a point. A really good one at that. But the last thing he was going to do is give up. “Okay okay that’s true but if they’re such a professional i can at least learn the basics right? I just really want this to look cool as fuck.”
“Fine i’ll give her a call later and see what I can do for you.”
“This is exactly why I never fired you.”
“Jack what the hell?”
“I’m kidding i’m kidding…wait did you say she?”
“Uh…yeah is that a problem?”
“No of course not I just thought it’d be a guy”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’ve just never seen you hang out with a horse girl before.”
“Oh god please don’t call her that or she’ll flip her shit. She hates it when people call her that.”
“Gee thanks for the heads up.”
Later that day you were watching a random movie that was recommended to you by a friend on netflix when your phone started ringing. You picked it up to see it was Neelam and you accepted the call. “Hey Neelam what’s up?” You said while stuffing your face with popcorn. “Hi y/n! just work and more work, you know how it is.” “Yeah that’s literally all you do, why’d you call though? is everything okay?”
“Yeah yeah everything is great..but”
“Uh oh what is it?”
“It’s nothing bad but I just need you to do me this one favor for the next two weeks and I promise i’ll pay you and everything just please help me out or this boy won’t leave me alone.” Neelam rambled
“You had me at the word pay but what do I have to do for the next two weeks? thats a lot of days.”
“Can you teach Jack how to ride a horse for his music video?”
You paused your movie at the mention of Jack’s name and put your bowl of popcorn on the coffee table in front of you.
“Uhm yeah..yeah sure that’s fine I can do that. When do we start?”
“Are you available this friday?”
“Yeah that’s perfect, i’m sure you remember where the ranch is so i’ll see you then.”
“Thank you so so much y/n i’ll text you a time and more details later okay?”
“Okay byee”
You let out a heavy sigh after you both hung up. “I haven’t seen Jack in person in years…will he even recognize me? okay he probably will you haven’t changed THAT much y/n come on. Yeah that’s true…ugh i really hope he’s nicer now cause that dumpling joke was so annoying….it was kinda cute tho. Girl snap out of it. I’m literally having a whole dialogue with myself about this and I haven’t even started teaching him yet jesus christ.”
Everyone talks to themselves….I just happen to do it a lot more than usual and there’s nothing wrong with that. I knew Jack since middle school, we always had the same classes and he would sit near my lunch table and our friends usually hung out together. He never bullied me or anything like that cause i’d refuse to let a young jb look alike who raps to bully me. He just always pointed out things that made me feel slightly embarrassed. Like that one time he called my kermit and mrs. piggy socks cute which made his friends laugh about it. He apologized afterwards and said he really meant it but I mean who knows.
Friday comes around and I made sure I got to the ranch early to set everything up. I got the horses ready and even had enough time left to have a quick snack. A few minutes after I was done, I saw Neelam walking in with Jack. I walked over, meeting them half way. Neelam gives me a tight hug swaying us side to side as we always did when we see each other. “y/n!!!! hiiii” “It’s been way too long Nee” “I knooow this guy keeps me way too busy.” She says pointing towards Jack who’s standing there all awkward with his hands behind his back. He puts his hand forward and I do the same shaking his hand “Jack” “y/n” there’s an awkward silence between the three of us until Neelam clears her throat and breaks the silence “Oh..kay uh i’m gonna go and leave you two to it then. y/n good luck with this one.” “I think i’m gonna need it so thanks” “I’m standing right here…you guys realize that right?”Neelam laughs and walks towards the exit of the ranch. Once Neelam was out of earshot Jack turns to me and goes. “Long time no see y/n l/n” ugh here he goes with the last name. For some reason he could never just say my first name like everyone else. “Yeah long time no see…clearly not much has changed.” “I don’t see why that’s a bad thing dumpling.”
There it is..that old nickname. I didn’t want to have feelings for this guy but the butterflies were unavoidable at this point. He’s taller now, he has a nice beard, his hair is curlier, his voice is also deeper but his cute goofy smile is still the same and clearly the nicknames too. “I was hoping you’d forget about that name.” I said awkwardly. “I did until I saw your chubby cheeks again.” “Stop pointing it out” I said defensively but in a joking way, he laughs and puts his hands up in defense “I’ll stop…no promises.”
“Okay enough talking let’s get started or we’ll never get you to ride a horse in time for your music video.” “Okay let’s go”
Getting Jack to even get on a horse was harder than you expected.
“Pay attention to what I do so you can do it after me.” I get on the horse making sure to do it at a pace that he can follow and once i’m seated i turn to him and tell him to do what I did. Since he’s tall you would think its much easier but nope. This guy took like 5 minutes to even get on the horse, to be fair I didn’t pick our nicest horse for him either but he got on eventually. I got a good laugh out of seeing him struggle with something that was so easy to me though, no regrets so far.
After we did a little bit of trotting we took the horses for short walk before calling it a day. “So..how do you know Neelam?” he asked me out of no where “Uh…we met through a mutual friend” “Why are you lying?” “Who says i’m lying?” I was definitely lying, but how did he know that??? did Neelam tell him how we met?
No probably not cause he didn’t even know I was his instructor. “You did that awkward smile you used to do when you lie….so how did you guys really meet?”How does he even remember that?! i’m feeling those stupid butterflies again too get it together y/n. “Okay fine, I used to date her cousin a few years back and we got really close.” “Used to?” I don’t remember Jack being this nosey damn “You sure are nosey Jackman.” he shrugged.
“Not nosey just curious. I’d hate to be your ex, I know he feels stupid.” “You don’t even know what caused the break up.” “By your body language i can tell he’s the one that fucked up though.” “Yeah he did but i’ve been over it for a while now.” “Any new dudes in your life?” “No, just enjoying life as it comes these days. How about you mister rapper? new groupie every night or what?” “Who’s the nosey one now huh?” he says with a smirk. I know he did not just flip the script on me. “You asked a bunch of questions and all I asked is one and now i’m the nosey one?” “I’m just messing with you. But no i’m not like that… not anymore at least.” “Oh wow” He looked offended at my reply but can you blame me? he’s so popular now.
“What do you mean by oh wow? do I look like a manwhore to you?” I give him the look of “do you really want me to answer that?” “Okay don’t answer that” and we both started laughing. “Do you wanna do a small race to the stalls?” he looked at me as if i had grown two heads “ A race?!? are you trying to kill me? I thought we were getting along.” “You’re so dramatic it’s like 7 feet away” “Are you forgetting that you’re the real rider here and not me? I’m just an intern” “Okay prospect, no race this time. You’re such a party pooper.” “If you’re a good teacher and I get the hang of this by the end of these two weeks i’ll race you. Deal?” “Deal” We shook on it and continued our way to the stalls. Unlike getting on the horse, Jack had no issues getting off of it and he was quick to offer me his hand to help me get down.
Of course I didn’t need it but I decided to entertain him and accepted the help anyway. For whatever reason my horse, Talula felt like it was good moment to push me off and of course it had to be like one of those cliché rom coms. You know the ones where the girl falls into the guys chest and their faces are so close they’re almost breathing the same air and they look into each other’s eyes like its the prettiest thing they’ve ever seen?
Well that’s exactly what was happening between Jack and I. Until Talula decided to push me again and we both snapped out of it. His right arm was still around my waist and his other hand was still holding mine. I frantically pushed him away and stepped back brushing my clothes off from the invisible dust and possible horse fur.
“Sorry about that.” Jack apologized “No no it’s fine.” I started nervously laughing.He started walking backwards towards the exit “Tomorrow same time?” “Yeah, same time” “Alright, see you tomorrow dumpling.” He turned around now walking to the exit with his back towards me. “Stop calling me that.” “Not a chance dumpling.” He glanced at me over his shoulder with a smug grin on his face. I rolled my eyes but I couldn’t hold back my smile. After a full day of teaching Jack some of the basics and catching up a little bit I can say that he’s definitely the same goofy Jack that he was when I first met him in middle school. Maybe these next two weeks won’t be so bad after all.
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fallershipping · 11 months
Return to Sender
(Short Drabble) Nanu is tired of hiding, and Looker is tired of his bullshit. Both of them are in the wrong, and both of them are suffering the same trauma.
A little after midnight, Sushi High Roller’s cacophony of bar ambience was only just now beginning to die down. However, the hiss of hot oil and chatter amongst the tipsy patrons that yet remain is hardly a softer sound. Usually Nanu can tolerate this noise, but tonight he was grumbling curses under his breath as he tried to massage his temple. The lights were of no help either, and he craved the dark solitude of the empty Po Town police station.
But he can’t go ‘home’ quite yet, even after his meeting with Anabel being so short and awkward. She had paid for her portion of the meal when the sun was still high in the sky and departed for who knows where, who cares. Having declined giving her any sort of number or way to contact him, all she left behind was a written note:
‘Happy to see you again! :) - Anabel’
It remained there, untouched. He’ll put it in his pocket. Eventually.
What was he waiting for, anyway? The decision to seek her out again stirred over and over in his mind, but that opportunity to go over important words left unsaid was far gone. Interpol agent 000 wouldn’t have clammed up the way he did. He would have spoken bluntly over just what and how Interpol fucked them both over with. Instead, a tired, bitter, aching old man barely got through a normal conversation that he felt continuously detached from. Anabel’s pitying, disappointed gaze burned a hole into his memory.
He had been working with children for a long while that he had forgotten Anabel was a toughened woman approaching or already in her 30s. He couldn’t remember a voice that wasn’t patronizing, so everything he needed to say to her became trapped in his throat.
The scraping of the bar chair next to him was like a deafening sound in an already loud bar.
There he is.
Nanu took another swig of his whiskey and kept his eyes averted. Usually it is an act of dominance to not be the initiator of confrontation, and yet a part of him felt a new, meek desire to pretend to be senile and incoherent to avoid it entirely.
He only felt Looker’s radiating anger grow hotter next to him.
“Zeroes.” Gotta hand it to the rookie, he can hide the venom in his words with respect so well.
“… Don’t use that name in public.” Nanu croaked out, voice dry from alcohol and lack of use. “Guy’s dead, anyway.”
A curt snort. Nanu’s grip on his drink tightened.
“Clearly.” Looker waved off to the bartender now in front of him, just mouthing out ‘water.’ “Could you’d have been just the least bit nicer to Anabel— she thinks that she’s made you very upset.”
Nanu finally turned a glance to his side, crimson eyes a sullen glare. 
Looker was facing him directly. Back straight. Eyebrows deeply furrowed. A full on scowl directed at his once superior. Gone were the days when this man, though taller, was almost permanently hunched over and puppy-eyed, always hoping to please and to never disappoint. And now, though both sitting down, Nanu felt an unfamiliar, hateful sense of being so miserably small in his presence.
“She’ll get over it. You both should’ve known by now I’m not good company.”
Looker pinched the bridge of his nose. A glass of water was handed over to him in which he returned with a short nod and an inaudible ‘thank you.’ He exhaled, eyes closed, probably digging through his mind to figure out what to say.
Nanu grew impatient.
“Yeah. I didn’t tell her either.” A pause, choosing to lubricate his gullet with more whiskey. “Go on. Fucking mock me for it as if you’re any better. Remind me of what I promised at the Floating Restaurant— won’t change a damn thing.”
Looker stayed quiet. Paradoxical; the alcohol tonight making Nanu the talkative one while Looker was stone cold.
“Of course it won’t.” The detective’s voice was firm and clear. “Because now I know it’s why you left.”
The Kahuna sneered. He raised his glass again, only to roll the ice within it. But Looker was right; Nanu has had plenty of missed opportunities to talk to Anabel during the time he was watching her quickly climb the ranks.
“… Nanu, I’m not here to mock you—”
“You’re a bad liar, 100KR.”
“Not when we both don’t want to hurt her with something so—“
The elder officer finally turned himself fully to face his inferior.
“And surely this ‘bodyguard’ method of yours is keeping her safe, right? Where the fuck is Croagunk? Who the fuck put you back on UB work? Yeah I feel real at ease that Anabel is choosing to work with the guy who apparently can’t keep one thing alive—“
Looker slammed both his hands on the bar, his glass and ice shivering from the impact. The chair behind him screeched from Looker raising himself to full height. The formal composure he was keeping out of respect was breaking with the redness in his face, his breathing intensified. The light fixture behind his head casted a dark shadow to his expression; provoked, irate. Hurt.
For the longest time, Nanu found a dark comfort seeing the pain behind those dark grey eyes. He wanted his rookie to feel that weight on his shoulders. He wanted him to never forget the dressing down given a decade ago for the catastrophic failure that came with a permanent cost. Nanu’s said words he never, ever truly meant— a slowly constricting, consuming regret that at that time, it felt better to say ‘It should have been you.’ 
But now, the Kahuna looked into his ex-subordinate’s eyes, and he only saw his own reflection staring back.
Looker put a hand to his chest, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. In, and out. Breath shuddering as he sat back down onto his seat. His head hung low in shame after causing a bit of a scene. The rest of the restaurant barely had much of a reaction. Looker swallowed dryly, before remembering his own drink laid before him.
The whiskey wasn’t fairing well in Nanu’s stomach. He turned away from his companion— venting out his grievances just felt disgusting now instead of relieving. It came in flashes: his failed Rocket heist. A partner dying in his arms. Leading his team only to get critically injured en masse from an ambush. Every and all baggage that he dealt by condemning someone else. Someone who he could pretend was a younger Agent 000.
“… Working with Anabel. Made me remember something– about that day.”
“It’s my damn turn to talk, sir.” Looker’s voice, weary as it now was, cut through like daggers. 
The detective continued. “Glutton trashed against the walls, threatening to cause a cave-in after we had left it half blinded. I still remember the roars like scraping metal machinery and glass…”
“By the time my ears stopped ringing, it wasn’t screaming anymore. It couldn’t scream anymore. I found it digging into the corner of the cave, curled up like a Togedemaru when predators won’t leave it alone, and I asked myself for the first time why we were sent with full orders to kill something we’ve never seen before.”
The vision was clear as day ten years later. Nanu recalled a thick smell of iron in the air.
“I-I. I couldn’t do it. I recalled my… Pokémon. I tried signaling a retreat, I considered throwing one of my spare Pokéballs, maybe calling for backup, anything.” 
“KR, I told you to take the shot.”
“And I asked of you to stand down.” Looker interrupted. “While you ordered Krookodile to attack it.”
The beast released a guttural scream. The reptile Pokémon’s claws dug deep into its already wounded skin, and it fled from its hiding spot. An animal cornered will seek out any escape out of desperation. An animal cornered will do anything it can to survive, retreating to something of a familiar, comforting scent.
“… ___. She felt like a safe Wormhole home, Nanu. And we both didn’t know.”
Nanu can’t seem to remember ___’s  face anymore. Or her remains. All that was left were flashes of white and red, and suddenly being at Poni beach; Looker hunched over an unknown purple haired woman that had washed ashore.
“… Do you know how many we’ve successfully contained after the new Task Force?” Looker traced a number on the bar table with his pointer finger, “Twenty-three. Twenty-three out of twenty-three recorded breaches. Sometimes the chase is delayed, but every mission has ended in success. We are ordered to kill or contain— whichever is the most possible. I thought I would… Have had to kill every single one that came through the rift. That this was the only way after how wrong I was before. To keep the Chief–to keep everyone alive.”
Looker inhaled deeply. “I never wanted to return to Beast work, even more so when I saw Anabel again as my boss… It was not until the Ultra Ball hit the ground with a final locking ‘click’ that she said something that vindicated what I felt so long ago– they were only scared, wild animals; only dangerous when provoked beyond their limit.”
There was a prevailing bitter taste in Nanu’s mouth, whether it be the whiskey or having bitten the inside of his mouth from clenching his teeth so hard. Despite everything he had said or felt before, he cannot deny how much Looker has remained one of the only Interpol names deemed trustworthy. He holds his error as an ever looming burden, yet greatly relies on him to always do the right thing. He scolds the younger agent for overcomplicating and stumbling over a very difficult situation pertaining to Anabel’s secret Faller status, yet the elder retiree had abandoned both Looker and Anabel to handle that on their own. Not like he couldn't make a decision on whether allowing someone to continue to passionately work for an agency that used someone like her before, or tell her just how lost and alone she is with no one to help and absolutely no way to travel home. Keep it hidden how much one is risking their life or give them absolutely no life left to live for: Nanu chose to run.
It was clear that the Chief and Detective have been excelling far beyond these tired old bones, especially at the tail end of his service. On a better day, one not spent drowning in self pity, he’d admit to being proud.
“... I will never be proud of how much I’ve failed, sir. Croagunk has passed away.”
Nanu turned once more to his younger colleague. He wanted to say something, yet nothing came from him. Looker didn't look in his direction once; the man was adjusting his coat and finishing his glass. The detective stood up from the bar, nodding another thank you to the bartender and returning his chair to its place underneath the counter.
“… I’m going to tell Anabel everything, the higher ups be damned, and when I do,” He straightened the wrinkles in his duster coat, “You’ll be responsible for yourself, and tell her exactly why we didn’t hear from you for years.”
“Fuck off, KR…”
“Have a good night, Zeroes.”
Looker turned on his heel and walked out the doorway out into the cool Alolan night. All Nanu saw was the back of the man’s head. He groaned, running his hand through his fully grey hair, staying at his seat for a good long while as the ice melted in both glasses.
Whiskey left unfinished, he placed enough money on the table right beside Anabel’s leftover note, and finally left for the rundown station he called home.
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panda-writes-kpop · 2 years
Jihyo as Your GF
A/N: Hi guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! Hope you're doing fantastic today, and if not, I hope this fic can make you feel better! ❤️
If you enjoy works like this, then you should check out the rest of my Masterlist!
TW: None!
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- Constantly worries about you
- “Did you make it to work alright? Are you feeling okay? Will you remember to-”
- “I’m okay, love. You don’t have to worry about me so much.”
- Loves to relax and stay in on her nights off
- Jihyo likes to save nicer dates for anniversaries and special occasions.
- If you like it, she’ll buy it; no questions asked.
- Likes to run her fingers through your hair to calm you down.
- Angrily rants to you on her bad days while pacing the floor
- You’re able to convince her to sit down and take a deep breath.
- You two gossip all of the time since you both are dating and are best friends.
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👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they're in love?
For all the ROs
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
Mav: A person. Deep down he hopes people will think of him as more than the strongest - especially after he’s gone.
Carmen: Someone who tried their best. She doesn’t know what the future holds or who she’ll end up being but one thing she does know is how much of herself she puts into everything she does.
Juno: Someone who saved as many people as she could. Even with her medical skills and ability she can’t save everyone. She hopes people know that she tries though.
Silas: A good person. He tries his hardest to care for everyone and to do the right thing - even at the expense of himself. He hopes no matter what happens that people remember that about him.
Payton: A good sibling. They don’t care what other people think of them once they are gone (ironic considering how obsessed with it when they’re alive) but everything they do is for their siblings and if people need to remember something about them, they hope it’s that.
Amari: Someone who was strong. They fought for their place in the Astra, worked as hard as they could to get where they are in life. They need people to remember that about them.
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
Mav: His personality! I intended for him to be much more…condescending. Don’t get me wrong he’s arrogant in the current draft of the story but it’s more joking/subtle now.
Carmen: Her power. She originally had shape-shifting but I didn’t like how plain it felt. I wanted her to have a more specific ability.
Juno: She originally wasn’t meant to be an RO at all! I ended up changing it last second because I liked her dynamic with the MC a lot.
Silas: He was originally supposed to be a rookie like Amari. I changed it because I liked the dynamic of having everyone except one character knowing the MC prior to the start of the story better.
Payton: They’re a lot nicer than they were originally! They hated the MC in the original version and was kinda an asshole in general. I found writing that type of character to be boring though so they changed quite a bit.
Amari: Similar to Carmen, their ability changed the most - or to be more accurate, I took a long time to decide on their actual ability. I knew I wanted them to be some kind of “manipulator” but didn’t choose a specific ability until way later than I would like to admit.
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they're in love?
Mav: It’s definitely noticeable lol! He’s much more open and willing to actually listen to someone he’s into. He’s also a lot more willing to be vulnerable with his partner.
Carmen: It’s noticeable to people that know her! She’s a lot more relaxed when she’s in love - more willing to let things go and just exist with her partner/crush.
Juno: Not really all that noticeable. She’s basically the same when she’s in love with the exception of being a bit more upbeat (?). That’s the best way I can describe it. She’s just happier.
Silas: It’s very noticeable when he’s got a crush! He’s a flustered mess - always smiling, stumbling over himself to make his partner happy, etc. It’s almost annoying how devoted he is.
Payton: Yes and no. It’s not obvious until it is. One day they act completely normal and the next they’re a flustered mess. When they’re in love, they tend to be a lot more genuine! More soft smiles, snorts, etc.
Amari: It’s not noticeable. They’re the type that could be married for years and have nobody realize because of how unflappable they are. Similar to Juno, when they’re in love they are just happier.
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valyalyon · 27 days
February 2030
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CW: dub con, former exes reconnecting, first person POV, main character is separated from spouse, love interest is divorced, explicit language, smut, unprotected intercourse. MDNI. 2.7K Words.
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What can I say about February of 2030? Is there really anything that will make me sound like a decent wife?
By February, my blue eyed eldest son, Theo, was 6.5 years old and in first grade. He was doing really good and I was happy watching him learn.
Theo was a friend to all at his school, but not really a class clown. He was easily popular because he was kind and funny, but he was quiet and respectful of authority.
He always had a smile on his face, and it always got wider when he saw his brother in school, or when his mom would pick him up at the end of the day.
My honey-eyed middle son, Leon, was 4.5 years old, attending preschool. He was also doing really well in school, and took it very seriously. I thought it was adorable.
Leon was a more quiet young boy than his older brother, but it didn’t mean he was rude. He answered questions in class, and interacted with the teacher if they’d interact with him.
His honey, deep focus stares and silence were a little intimidating to other students, though, so he didn’t have as many friends. He didn’t seem bothered by that, and I hope he never is.
My dark eyed daughter, Eden, was turning 3 years old in April. She was a very talkative little girl, with sweet, fiery eyes. For 2 hours during each work day, she spends it either at daycare or with a friend/family member.
The rest of the time, though, my daughter is by my side. She watches me so much, and speaks to me in Spanglish words of her own creation. I love hearing her talk, and she’ll talk all day if I tell her that’s what I need.
Like her brothers, though, she’s sweet and understands not to push me. She never even slightly gets on my nerves, and if she makes a mess she tries to clean it. Feelings are also important to her, so if she ever catches herself being mean she stops.
I’m a lucky mother, in that sense.
I don’t even remember the day it started happening, but Julius found where I was living and started bringing Anthony around whenever Theo and Leon were home from school.
I allowed them into the house every afternoon for over a week. Julius and I kept our distance on the couch as we watched our kids all play together after school. I didn’t mind it because I know that Theo had missed his friend, so I was all for having Anthony around.
Within a few days, Julius mentioned he had purchased a house in the neighborhood and that Anthony would be going to school with Theo. He offered to come get us in the mornings for school, or to wait at the bus stop with us.
The next week, we’re waiting at the bus stop together with the boys, and waiting for them after school. It’s not anything, we don’t even really talk at first.
I would sit on half brick walls at the bus stop, and just enjoy the nicer weather in the afternoons, with Julius standing near by at a respectful distance.
We would talk to each other at that distance, catching each other up on our lives, or asking if the other knew about an event at the school.
This only lasted the first three days of that week, and by Valentine’s Day, Theo, Leon and I were running late and had missed the bus. Julius came with Anthony, and picked us up.
We dropped off the boys at their school, with me getting down to hug my sons tightly and tell them, “I adore you boys, take care of each other and have a fun day. Make sure to give your cards and candy to your classmates.”
They both said they hugged me back, squeezed back in the embrace, and then ran off.
Anthony hugged Julius’ leg real tight, and the man lifted his son and gave him a big squeeze, “have a good day, kiddo.”
He helped his son back down and Anthony ran to catch up with Theo and Leon. The boys were stopped before the doors of the school, waiting for their friend to join them.
I kept watching until they all disappeared into the school together, and then told Julius he could drive away.
While we had been able to talk while our children were there, the absence of them now only created an incredible silence between us.
We hadn’t been alone with each other in over 5 years. He wasn’t the same 20 year old man that I fell in love with, he was going on 32 now but had never stopped taking care of himself.
His body was strong, his muscles pressing tight against the sleeves of his shirt. His brown hair was still as curly and thick as it’d always been, with his matching beard trimmed close to his face.
He drove just as safely as he always had, but the tension in the car was growing.
I took into account my outfit, realizing my thighs were bare and exposed. I tried to turn my expression away, but I felt as though he kept looking my way. I cleared my throat, playing with my fingers.
Why was I still so attracted to him after so many years?
“We really shouldn’t do anything,” I mumbled to myself, then looked up at him.
He was driving slower into the neighborhood, “should I take you home?”
“Maybe that’s for the best,” was what I said, but then our eyes locked on each other’s. His dark brown eyes melted my honey eyes, “I’m afraid it’ll escalate if we’re alone for longer.”
Julius nodded his head but mentioned, “you’re separated from him, though, and I’m divorced. If ever there’s been a time for things to escalate, well, it’d be now.”
I nodded my head and looked at the man’s attractive face and body. I tore my eyes away and shook my head, “I’m still married.”
“You’re separated from an abusive, drug addict,” his words were a little harsher this time, but I knew why.
He was playing my game, my way.
He knew how much I liked dominance in sex, so he becomes combative before hand to make me fight him. Then proves that he’s stronger than me and that he has a place in my body even if I protest.
“You’re a jerk,” I remarked, dropping my eyes from him again as I told him, “let’s talk, but not at my house. My friends are there with Eden for a little while.”
He made his way down the other street to his house, and turned onto his driveway. He parked, unbuckled himself and turned to me. Julius grabbed my face and kissing me hotly.
I didn’t protest right away, letting him kiss me since I felt there was a lot of built up pressure between us.
After a minute or two of our tongues dancing, I pulled away, and mumbled against his open lips, “show me around your house. We’re only going to talk. We can’t have sex, Julius, we absolutely can’t.”
He nodded his head and pulled away, getting out of the car. He came around and opened the passenger door for me.
Julius walked me into his house.
The lights were off and the windows cracked open, the light streaming in and fresh air flowing through the house. It was meticulously clean, with Anthony’s room being only a little messy from toys.
I was happy they had moved close, I was happy Theo and Leon had a friend in Anthony. The house was beautiful, too.
“I want to show you the master suite,” Julius told me, taking my hand in his and guiding me towards the stairs.
“We’re not going to have sex,” I told him bluntly.
He laughed and shook his head, “of course not.”
Julius lead me up to the third floor of his home. This third floor opened into a tight hallway, with a door at the end for the master suite. The hallway had windows every few feet, leading to it being well lit and feeling more open than it actually was.
Walking in this hallway with two people was not easy, and I leaned on the wall for a second to let Julius get ahead of me.
He turned around, and came back to where I leaned on the wall, proceeding to stand in front of me. He put an arm on the wall by my head to block me, and the other hand went to my waist.
I felt stupid, but at the same time I knew I was wet. His hand trailed down, going in between my legs and searching for my clit, “isn’t this such a claustrophobic hallway?”
“Your windows are open, what if someone sees us?” I protested in a little moan, as his lips came onto mine, and his tongue began to enter my mouth.
“Do you want me to fuck you out the window? So everyone in the neighborhood can see?” Julius questioned, rubbing her clit with the searching hand while his other hand started going to her panty to remove it.
I stepped out of my panties when he tugged them down, and he smacked my ass when it came off.
I moaned, my eyes looking up at his, “please don’t… just show me the master suite… We can’t do this.”
He got down on his knees in front of me, and started to eat my pussy.
I was moaning loudly as I felt his tongue swirling along and into my vagina. He held his thumb against my clit and I rocked my hips, giving into the pleasure.
His hands roamed up, squeezing my breasts and playing with my nipples as he continued his assault of me. My moans just kept getting louder, especially when he started to finger me while his tongue worked on my clit.
In our steamy session, he stopped and stood, lifting me and carrying me into the master suite.
He walked me to the bed, threw me down and climbed on top of me. He rubbed his bulge against my opening as he kissed me, and I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep him close.
While I didn’t push him, I did pull my lips away from his to protest, “we should stop now, we’ve already gone too far. I’ve already cheated on my husband. Julius, we can’t continue.”
He didn’t pull away immediately, instead his hands trailed down my legs, and he looked into my eyes, “I will never tell him. I want you, Dolores, you know I do.”
His fingers returned to my pussy, and my legs were already spreading for him. My lower body had a mind of its own when it came to Julius, I didn’t even realize I was giving in until his eyes met mine.
“Once, but… we can’t… not again,” I tried to put a boundary in place.
So, we did. We fucked for about half an hour, and it came to a stop when Julius began cumming inside my pussy.
Now that it’s done, there’s not one thing that I would change.
As his balls released everything he had into me, my phone rang and I saw it was from my friends. Since they were watching my daughter, I didn’t want the call to go to voicemail.
I quickly pulled away from Julius and grabbed my phone, answering breathlessly, “hello?”
“You okay? You were supposed to be home 20-30 minutes ago,” Natalie was less worried about the time, and more so worried that I had gotten in some trouble.
“Julius wanted to show me his house,” I replied, quickly rushing around the room to throw my clothes back on.
My friend let out a little laugh on the other line, “actually, if you want to take more time, then… Feel free. I’ll watch Eden for an hour longer?”
“No,” I walked over to kiss Julius goodbye, but he grabbed my hand to stop me, “I’ll be there in less than 5 minutes, Nat, thank you so much.”
“Love you, Dolly, see you soon,” Natalie replied, hanging up.
“Don’t walk, I’ll take you in my car… You look like you’ve been ravaged,” Julius told with a chuckle, and kissed my hand.
I swallowed my pride, “okay, but stop. Stop trying to be intimate with me. We aren’t going to have sex again, that was the only time.”
He nodded his head, agreeing and walking me back to his car.
The next day was a Friday, and I decided that morning that my sons and I would meet Julius and Anthony at the bus stop. This was my attempt to keep the agreement we made the previous day. I couldn’t sleep with him again.
When the bus came and picked the kids up, all the parents except for Julius and I left as soon as they saw their kid enter the bus.
I always waited to watch the bus drive away, waiting for it to disappear from my line of vision. A part of me felt that if I didn’t oversee the bus something might happen.
Once the bus disappeared, Julius stood up and held his hand out to me, “let me walk you home.”
I looked at his hand, and placed mine in his slowly, looking up into his eyes as I spoke, “what happened yesterday is not happening again, Julius.”
He responded in the affirmative that he understood what we had said the day before. He didn’t argue, and just walked me home.
Maybe this is where it all went down hill, but I didn’t have a sitter for Eden that morning so I had taken her to daycare… If she was there, I wouldn’t have invited him in.
When he stepped in through the door, it was instant. He lifted me off the ground into open mouthed kisses, and I couldn’t fight with him because I was wet.
He carried me onto the dining table, where he fucked me in multiple positions before we ended up on the couch.
I’m pathetic, but again he’s cumming inside me by the end of it and the worst part was that I begged for all of it.
I gasped as I caught myself at the end of our second rampage, “Julius… I don’t know why I give into you.”
“Your body remembers that I took your virginity,” he offered as a response, kissing my shoulders and back, “how could you ever deny me now when nobody stands in our way?”
He was unfortunately very correct.
Saturday, he came over in the late afternoon with Anthony so the kids would be able to play. The timing made it so that all the kids would be playing during bed time, and I was slightly frustrated trying to put a cut off in place.
Julius, though, had other plans, and suggested that we put the kids to sleep when it was time and continue talking to one another.
By 8pm, I was doing night time routines with my kids. Julius and I put everybody to bed, with the boys all together and Eden in her room.
Now, readers, can you guess what my lovely, stupid self did again?
I slept with him again. This time we started on the couch in the living area, only to finish in the master bedroom.
In typical stupid brain dead Dolores fashion, I let him cum inside me again for the third time in three days.
Sunday morning was no different.
I woke up in his arms, and within minutes we were having sex again.
I was stifling my overwhelming moans, feeling all nine inches of his cock as it ripped me apart.
For the fourth time, I felt his cum filling me but for the first time my mind began to swirl with understanding of what I had been doing.
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ngl I had a bit of a rough time writing DIE lately as I've had more inspiration for SEA. however, DIE is getting close to the end of the story! Not sure yet, but I only have a few more ideas and then DIE will be done. thanks for your interaction and love :) I'm glad my stories have reached your eyes.
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SONG REFERENCES Francesca by Hozier
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Jess/Leto + “is this your first time?”
This prompt decided it needed to be super-cute modern AU so here we are. PG-ish, equivalent to early-era, and also on ao3.
This is a terrible idea.
There are days Jessica has to remind herself that she had anxiety before this relationship happened to her, but there’s just something about the dynamic that turns up her petty fears in a way that makes her want more and there’s definitely something wrong with her that she’s a good ten or fifteen years from actually figuring out and-
Normal people do not make such a big deal out of something as small as a trip to the seasonal ice skating rink. Jessica is slowly giving up on trying to appear normal.
It’s not her fault that this place looks like a wonderland of lawsuit bait, and she’d probably have some thoughts on the design and construction too except-
“What shoe size are you again?”
They have been together just under a year, Jessica reminds herself. It is perfectly okay that her partner can’t remember that detail. (She suspects he never will, but that’s more worries she can deal with later, after…)
She tells the attendant and is handed a pair of ice skates that look… possibly older than she is, but again her baseline is-
There are attempts at being normal – so, so many attempts – and then there is trying to pretend everything is fine in the middle of December and everything is not fine and she cannot screw this up and she can’t-
“Something wrong?” her partner asks, and at least her general pretending-not-to-spiral signals get through to him, and-
“Could you help me put these on?” See, she thinks, she can talk her way out of this, she can-
He wants to take care of her. Hell if she knows why, but she’s not above taking advantage of it sometimes.
By the standards she functions under, lying about lack of experience with what should have been a normal activity at some point in her life is… a lesser sin, she thinks, but still necessary, still the fear of it, still-
“Is this your first time?”
Fine, maybe she takes advantage of him more than she admits. Maybe she noticed his tendency to just go with things and not ask any more questions than necessary and part of her was and is really, really attracted to that. Maybe she’s still convinced that she can avoid conversations about her background forever, and maybe she will, and-
“I didn’t get out much before you,” she murmurs, hoping that’ll be the end of it and well aware she’ll never be that lucky.
“I’ve figured that out, but…”
“Ice skating never happened because too many people, most of whom might have… made judgements about outfit choices.”
“And I’m assuming none of the other holiday stuff because…”
“Varied reasons. And not a conversation I’m having in public, okay?”
She knows that look in his eyes, the lists that will be made by the time this is over with, another layer of how to adequately socialize a girlfriend whose background could politely be described as culturally isolated and she hates this and she never asked for it and she loves it and-
“You’ll be good at this.”
“You are a nicer person than I-“
“Stop internally hurting yourself for five damn minutes and just…”
“Do you think this place has insurance?”
“Almost definitely not enough. It’ll be fine.”
Her cultivated paranoia says otherwise, but it feels alright to let his stubbornness win over hers and-
“Don’t let go of me?”
She’s still not sure about this as they get out onto the ice rink, but she trusts that her partner is strong enough to get her up when she inevitably falls and-
Maybe, just maybe, she’s overthinking this.
She still stays as close to the wall as possible, so her free hand will have something to grab if she needs it, but… she doesn’t. This is not an experience she has any real desire to repeat, but she would if he asked, and isn’t that just so likely to be her undoing, and-
“You didn’t say no,” he says after a while. “I thought this would be fun and-“
“You’re a hard person to resist. And this isn’t… terrible.”
“High compliment from you.”
“Maybe I’m starting to like being challenged.”
He takes that as permission to twirl her, and for a moment she has no idea what’s going on and then it feels warm and-
“Warn me before you do that again.”
“That did not sound like don’t do that again…”
“Trying to compromise, okay?”
They’ll figure this out, she thinks. Eventually. Maybe.
She’ll at least try.
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mitsuki-komori · 1 year
Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the Roses Headcanons game so much! 🥰🌹 Can I have Y1, Y3, P1, P2, & P4 for Marie Adlai, please? She’s such a sweetheart! 🥺💕 For the family ones, I’d be happy with her sibling relationship with Gauche or her found family with Sister Teresa at the orphanage or even the Black Bulls “adopting her” as their honorary little sister (if Gauche would allow that is 😁) so it’s really up to you however you’d like to take those prompts. Thank you!! 💖
Hi! I’m so sorry this took so long to get out, but I hope that the wait was worth it! I write these during class so I hope you enjoy them! Friendship and Family headcanons for Marie Adlai!
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Y1: What do they consider the most important quality in a friend? What qualities do they bring to a friendship? 
I think the most important quality to Marie is kindness and integrity. She wants to be friends with someone she gets along with, someone who has a kind heart and will always do the right thing. It’s something she admires and someone she strives to be. She loves being treated with kindness and wants to make others just as happy as she is when it happens.
Y3: Have they ever had a best friend? Was there a specific moment when they knew this person was their best friend? 
Marie is friends with everyone at the church and loves them all the same. She loves Theresa, the kids, Asta, her brother, and even though she’s only met her once or twice, she likes Noelle! She knew they were friends when they treated each other with kindness and got to know each other.
P1: When was a time they felt truly loved by someone in their family? 
She always feels loved by Gauche, it’s hard not to. She spent the majority of her childhood being raised by Gauche on the streets. He protected her, stole her her, and went to jail for her. She’s happy to see him as a good magic knight. He works hard to try to make Marie proud and just that alone makes her happy.
P2: What is one of their fondest family memories? 
A fond memory of hers is one of her oldest. When she was young, she remembers a day when she was in the garden with her mother and Gauche. Her mother was humming a soothing tune and Gauche had made a flower crown for Marie, that’s also when Marie first understood his vow to always protect her. Of course it was a vow he had vowed long before that, but that was the first she understood what it meant.
P4: Do they particularly look up to or admire someone in their family? What do they admire about them? On the flip side, does anyone in their family particularly look up to or admire them? 
Marie loves and admires her brother. He’s a brave magic knight who works to help people and she couldn’t be more proud of him. She loves how he’s brave and strong, though he does need to work on being a it nicer… Gauche on the other hand… He loves Marie. He thinks she’s a literal angel in human form. He doesn’t dislike anything about her. She hopes she’ll be able to help people like her brother when she gets older.
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dragondemoness · 2 years
I was inspired by another post to make this one but Kaede, Mahiru, Kirumi and Aoi with a male S/O who’s normally very Dominant and Rude all the time, but so soft and submissive for her?
I feel like this turned out terrible, but I hope you enjoy this
Warning: Very slightly suggestive in the last two parts
Kaede, Mahiru, Kirumi and Aoi with a Dominant Male S/O who's Submissive Towards Them
Kaede Akamatsu
She loves to get this special attention from you
She’s not really submissive or dominant by nature, but if you get all flirty, you will make her blush so hard
But prepared, for she can get flirty too
Once you’re in private, and your dominance has calmed down, she is more than willing to get back at you for earlier
She’ll kiss you, whisper in your ears, whatever she can do to turn you into a puddle like you did to her
It’s all for revenge
But even if you didn’t do anything, she’ll sometimes do it anyway
She just can’t resist~
She really does love that you’re willing to be so vulnerable with her
After the flirting wars are over, you both lay down for a nice cuddle session
Mahiru Koizumi
She might act like a mom sometimes, but she’s not really the dominant type
Or at least, she doesn’t mean to be one
If you’re being rude to someone, she’ll give you a scolding, which secretly makes you blushy and shy
When you bring this up in private, it makes her blush like a strawberry and stumble over her words
She has no idea where to go from here
If you want her to scold you, she can, but she’ll struggle with it at first
Then she’ll end up venting her frustrations about you being rude to everyone
Like that Family Guy scene where Lois berates Peter to make him short again
She’ll apologize in case she hurt your feelings
Besides that, you’ll have to tell her what you want her to do
But if you want cuddles, she’ll happily oblige
I’m sorry I really hit a wall with this part
Kirumi Tojo
She doesn’t really think about it, but she could be classified as the dominant type
She takes good care of everyone, and scolds them when she needs to
And she shows the same behaviors to you, but in a more loving way
She doesn’t scold you as much, but lightly asks you to be nicer
When she learns you’re submissive, it surprises her, but she’ll act dominant to you if you want her to
She’s your maid, after all
She’ll do whatever you want her to
If you want her to care for you, absolutely
Want cuddles? Hell yes
Just tell her what position and you will have a nice cuddle session
If that’s not what you want, then, well, take it up with her
I will not go into details here
Anyway, she loves how vulnerable you are with her
However you want to spend your time together, she loves it
Aoi Asahina
She’s more of the submissive type, but only by a little
If you flirt with her, she’ll get super blushy about it
I mean, remember her interactions with Genocide Jill
She doesn’t like when you’re rude to people though, and she’ll be sure to let you know
She doesn’t scold you, but she does tell you
But the change in behavior was more than enough to trigger your submissive side
Finding out you’re the submissive type kinda makes her sit and stare for a minute
She has no idea how to be dominant
You’ll have to guide her
If you just want to be cared for, great
She can do that for you
Anything besides that, just tell her what you want
But anyway, she’s happy you’re so vulnerable with her
She thinks you’re super sweet, aside from the whole “being rude to people” thing
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apaise · 1 year
with her fathers and the rest of the kitchen staff now retired to the servants’ quarters, it’s only charlie left in the palace kitchens -- well, her and ten heaps of pots and pans waiting patiently to be scrubbed. her father austin had wanted to help, but her other father gabriel insisted it was a just penalty when charlie had been dodging work most of the day. unfortunately, she had been too enraptured with her new book ( possibly swiped from the royal library ) to be helpful with the navarrean princesses’ arrival. 
but regardless of what is happening at the castle, it hardly seems to matter to charlie. as a kitchen maid, her life mainly happens downstairs, confined to the sweltering walls of the scullery. she’s only allowed to partake in the upstairs world’ by sweeping the ashes from the fireplaces in the mornings, but -- for her every day change of scenery, charlie has to rely on her books.
the biggest change with the royals’ visit is that there’s simply more cutlery and kettles and pans to wash, now with queen sienna and king james trying to impress the princess’s betrothed. charlie had never seen her papa plate a trout with so many different flowers from the palace gardens, but . . . she guessed it was a decent illusion, making it seem as if there was much more food when it was mostly petals and leaves. these days, she doesn’t envy the meals on the silver trays so much -- preferring some good old bread and stew to fancy tricks with garnishes. a feast for the eyes can’t very well slake a real appetite. 
she decides to sneak a bit of cheese and apple before she gets to work on the dishes. and with that, of course she’ll need a cup of tea. and then before charlie realizes it, she’s back to opening her book again, devouring an exciting chapter about ancient burials and curses from the middle east. as she turns the page to read further about the dolls that would become servants in the afterlife, however, charlie hears the door open suddenly. 
she immediately bolts up like a dog caught nibbling his owner’s favorite shoe, hurrying over to the basin as she pumps water. ❝ i’m washing! i was washing the whole time, honest! ❞ she insists right off the bat, assuming it’s gabriel or nora ( forgetting her glasses again ). but when charlie casts a glance over her shoulder, pretending to be hard at work -- she’s astonished to see a new face. 
and it’s not someone finally here to help with the scrubbing, but one of the visiting princesses. princess ashley, by the looks of it; charlie vaguely remembers seeing the royal portraits when the halls were first awash with the new proposal rumors.
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❝ oh -- your highness! ❞ charlie starts, wiping her hands on her apron before dropping into a quick curtsy. ❝ what, ah -- what -- what brings you here? ❞ she starts, the bewildered expression still plastered across her face. and then a few seconds pass, and charlie realizes her impertinence. ❝ i mean, begging your pardon, miss -- ah -- i mean, princess -- ❞ oh gods, this is why her fathers never let her speak to the royals here; they know charlie always ends up putting her foot in her mouth. ( but also, it’s their fault then, that she’s so very poor at it ). 
❝ uhhhh, is there anything i can help you with, your highness? ❞ charlie finishes, hoping that’s a decent save. she puts on a big smile afterwards, hoping that the princesses of navarre are nicer than the ones in temeria. ( the time charlie accidentally pet duke when she still had ash on her hand from the fireplace was enough to tell her she should avoid princess audrey at all costs. ) ( @feveredblurs​ )
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faroreswinds · 2 years
Asks for Three Hopes
For Claude blaming the church of everything in 3Hopes, do you know if these are conclusions he came to on his own or he heard Edelgard talk about it and was like “that makes sense”?
A little of column A, a little of column B. It SEEMS like mostly B, but I doubt it. There is a lot of text in this game and I haven’t learn all it’s secrets yet.
Can I just say that the devs apparently saying that this portrayal of the lords is what would happen with Byleth? COMPLETELY strips them of their characters, and makes it to where any of them are only halfway decent people because someone else made them that way. And by characters I of course mean specifically Claude.
Claude being willing to sacrifice his own people? Making Faerghus and Sreng fight each other? Killing Rhea and ignoring all of the mysteries he was always so curious about? Invading other nations? All of those things and more that fundamentally go against everything his 3H character stood for? Well, don't worry, he was actually ALWAYS like that and it's only because Byleth Stood There Once that he changes for the better! ZERO THINGS about his base character prevented him from committing these horrific, cruel actions, it was ONLY BYLETH that stopped him from dropping this low!
Like, honestly, how does that make ANY sense? Why is it that Edelgard and Dimitri are arguably BETTER without Byleth in Three Hopes and Claude is inarguably evil, when in 3H it's the OPPOSITE that's true? Where Edelgard and Dimitri can't succeed without Byleth while Claude is able to manage pretty decently without them? Why make his character SO dependent on whether Byleth is around when IN 3H he was one of the few characters that was mostly UNAFFECTED by Byleth's player pandering effect?
Sorry for ranting!! I just needed this off my chest 😭
No worries, rant away! Because it doesn’t make sense at all. It really doesn’t. 
The only thing that makes sense is the original idea of Claude not trusting the Church and even wanting Rhea dead at some point. And that’s it. After that? No.
Edelgard is noticeably nicer. So what... did Byleth make her just worse? Dimitri is actually like... a really, really good king. Hell, he even has a great support system. Better than Byleth ever offered! Wtf?
I don’t think the devs thought it through. They are pretty fucking dumb.
I hear Agarthan Myson(who now has a unique portrait - generic warlock with stubble!) leads Flèche to kill Claude on Golden Wildfire to avenge her brother.
His model has stubble! Not sure about the portrait, I can’t remember at the moment. 
But yeah, I think he does manipulate Fleche into trying to kill Claude. Poor Fleche. She’s a young fool.
wait is there actually lord supports with byleth in 3 hopes?
Yes-no. They all have a single support with each other. But you can only achieve them if you recruit Byleth and get banished to the “shadow realm”.
You know how it would have been a good way to make Claude not as moronic as he is in 3 Hopes and yet show how he'd do anything to stop the war? Keep it the same until last chapter, make a scene in which Edelgard is talking until she just... Drops dead. Claude then claims to the empire troops that the Alliance won't let them pass to Fhirdiad, and they have the option to either leave or fight. And the last chapter being a fight between the Alliance and the Empire (at which maybe the Kingdom joins?).
Idk I think it would have been interesting to see how much of the army would fight if Edelgard weren't there.
And if we need to keep the "All Lords need to be alive" for the secret ending, then the poison just renders her unconscious and Claude is going to basically abducts her so when she recovers her conscience she'll have to stop the war.
The thing is, I really like Claude being ruthless, but not to the point he's an idiot like in Three Hopes
Nothing really to add. The writers didn’t need to make Claude drink the dumb dumb juice.
I really can’t tell if they purposely wrote him this way, knowing he’s wrong, or if they really wanted us to believe the Church is some evil and cruel force....
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fairykitt · 1 year
loggin in
i’m so sleepy for whatever reason, i slept at idk 12 pm last night and hardly woke up at 10, it’s 4 pm now and i just can’thelp but shut my eyes off, i have an exam in two days, and i’m way underprepared, a former friend was a total douchebag to me and my other friend, former for a reason, when i tried to call her out for it she started attacking me like she is an angel from the heavens stating facts while she was turning tables into her own favor while none of her talk made any sense, what bothered me is her confidence, and the way she kept increasing her voice while aintaining an innocent look, this sort of bullshit reminds me of how awful she was back in our childhood, how imcredibly understanding i was, how distant and away from confrontation i was so i won’t get caught in her ugly bullshit, and how i saw our other friends treat her because of her stupid acts, i thought that’s it, people are cruel, inconsiderate, i don’t remember much but i remember this conclusion, i remember how alone i felt, how my observations led me to treat her like a baby so she was my good puppy, and the rest of our friends can not comprehend how can i be so patient with her, it was fear, dissociation, dehumanization i might say, she loved me and i didn’t care, i was being kind,i was giving her a hand because oh wounded bird, give her enough love and she’ll do better, as if it ever worked with my parents, shitty attitude remains always a shitty attitude, not your problem fofo, she remained a baby and i had enough, then i thought i was being cruel so i came back to pat her shoulders, come on fofo, cruel is okay, especially when you’re not a rehabilitation centre, especially when people refuse to grow nicer to you, just because everyone should be nice not because i’m nice to you goddammit, she grows more and more fucked up, and i again had enough of her constant never ending bullying to everyone and everything, her immature attitude towards, her existence now gives me fucking hives, i never knew how to handle that bullshit, and i don’t know now, and i don’t wanna know, it’s an awful game, i won’t allow her near me, i won’t conversate with her, i won’t argue with her, i won’t make plans with her. and good god if she uttered a word about our last encounter i would rip her to peaces, bitch i didn’t ask u to get anything i was politly explainaing why i wanna do this simply not to go behind ur bac, i wasn’t mean, i wasn’t rude, i didn’t keep telling u what i think about it, just like how u commented about that thing our friend suggested, i didn’t mind purchasing it bc yes i knew she wanted it anyway, but yes if i was there the minute u were deciding i would’ve said smth, so i’m also explaining why i wasn’t rude and purchased it anyway u stupid cunt, and that’s fucking valid u insane bitch, people get to have different opinions but they disagree politely without being dismissive or a fucking bully ya zbala, I disagreed politely i was never the bitch that u r, go learn some fucking manners first and then come talk to me, so yeah, my point is, she is disrespectful child and i was raised by one and it’s really difficult for me to deal with, even tho i know i’m on a solid ground, i just can’t be on their level, i would curse u that’s all, i hope u won’t get to raise kids until u learn to be a truly good person, so u won’t shatter them like my mom did, u and her should learn alot, and the hard way, because u make life incredibly hard for every fucking human being around of you and it’s just exhausting, what u r? u r dysfunctional coward fucks. what am i? i’m just tired of ur bullshit, and i will do my best not to enable your tantrums, none of this crap will get a hold of me, not my mom, not you not any manipulative asshole out there, i know you, i see you, i will let u burn in your bile of shit, i will grow out of your influnces, i will.
now umm, i’m still sleepy, my exam is still in two days, i still despise that whore, 
but what else
i’m burning this candle, it smells of heaven, i have a small yellow light on yet the light of the day is still by my window, it’s so cozy and calm, except that i’m not? or am i? exams month is the most stressful time of the year for me, a year ago i thought my right hand is paralyzed one day, the other i thought i’m dying and skipping my exam, yet i attended my exams, i skipped two bc i procrastinated my way till the second one and i skipped the third because i almost died on my second one so, my procrastination makes all the sense, but i can fight it, i did, i fought my anxiety and i didn’t hide from life, life wants livig and i lived and lived and lived, life doesn;tcare if you’re in your bed, sure u gotta rest, but make up for that time if u want to achieve a certain thing,or if u wanna achieve happiness u know, as happiness is life.
so i got every right to be so exhausted, not really happy most of the time, but i also gotta know that if i wanted to move forward and feel happy ever in my life, i gotta get moving and search for what could make happy even for a little while.
and i know i will get my rest, and i’ll go to the sea
damn that bitch is stressed about her trip to the sea because of no one but her family. maybe in another episode i’ll try to accept them, for now i just be and they just be, i”ll get my room, my kettle! won’t need to move around their awful energy, just me and my sea
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
Can I request Hanako (or Amane Yugi), Teru Minamoto, and Akane Aoi (the male) with a female s/o who is literally invisible to people. (This totally not based on events that actually happened to me-)
Like some people, even her close friends, won’t even notice she’s there and if she’s has to asks something she tends to repeat it or stutter. She also tends to get forgetting or lost on school trips, etc.
This has happened for as long as she could remember and she’s use to it by now but sometimes it still hurts when they forget her
Headcanons please!
hanako x f!reader, teru minamoto x f!reader, akane aoi x f!reader
a/n: sure thing!! I feel like Hanako would understand that as a ghost, so I think I’ll write for him in his ghosty form! I hope that’s alright :)) thank you so much for requesting, and I hope these turn out alright!!
I’m really sorry if these are shorter or poorer than normal, and if they’re formatted strangely- I’m doing my best to get requests done on my phone (´ε`”)
warnings: none?
word count: 1,414
Hanako <3
He understands, he understands more than anyone- so he thinks. I mean, he’s a ghost. He literally cannot be seen by anyone who isn’t an exorcist, near death, a fellow supernatural, or bound to him in some way.
Still… honestly, he gets pretty defensive over you-
They can’t hear him, but you can. (They can’t hear you, but he certainly can.) It’s honestly somewhat humorous, Hanako standing behind you, shouting that they’d better listen up!!
“IF YOU GUYS MAKE (Y/N) REPEAT HERSELF ONE MORE TIME?? Are they deaf, (Y/N)?? I think they’re deaf?????”
His reactions like that are half-joking-half-serious. He’s genuinely upset that they treat you like that- but he hopes that all his ranting and going on helps you to feel better somehow?
He can’t exactly follow you on trips, but! He makes Yashiro “Honorary (Y/N) Defense”! Meaning, since he can’t, she’ll defend you in his place!
You get interrupted or ignored? Hanako tells Yashiro to help you out, and (though she would any way) she’s raising her hand somewhat shyly- explaining that you were trying to talk.
Getting left behind on a field trip? Yashiro is sticking by your side! She turns around constantly, making sure that you keep up with her, and especially making sure that you get on the bus with the rest! As per Hanako’s request, and her own care for you, she’ll let you sit next to her.
Hanako is always very talkative, but he’s still very patient with you- he loves to have conversations with you, which is a big reason he doesn’t get why they treat you like that. You’re such a great person-! You’ve got such a cute voice-!!! Why don’t they listen-?!!!
To be honest, he finds your stutter kind of cute… he’s quite bold, so you being timid is something he doesn’t mind! Hanako doesn’t mind listening out for you- even if the other people aren’t in a relationship for you, isn’t it… basic human decency?? What happened to that???
“It’s really alright, Hanako. Things like this have happened since I was little- it hurts sometimes, but I’m mostly used to it.”
Hanako would then grab your shoulders gently, looking in your eyes with some determination!
“You shouldn’t have to be used to that!! I’m used to it because I’m dead, but you’re… alive. You can be heard and seen by everyone, yet they choose to not listen- it’s… ridiculous. I’m sorry that you have to deal with that, (Y/N)... really.”
Uncharacteristically soft moment, but it simply hits different for him due to personal experience. I’m sure as a human, the only time people saw him were when he was bullied, and now he’s- obviously- not seen by nearly anyone. It’s such a lonely feeling, and he genuinely hates that you can relate to it.
Teru Minamoto <3
It’s hard to not garner attention as Teru Minamoto’s girlfriend- so, people certainly acknowledge you once your relationship is made public/becomes obvious.
But! Before the entire school knew about the Prince having a girlfriend, Teru was… quite defensive over you- even before the two of you were a couple, he’d notice the way others seemed to step all over you. Ignoring you, interrupting you, forgetting about you.
Like Hanako, he doesn’t get it? You’ve got his attention, how do you not have anyone else’s? You’re so cute… and really do have a lovely voice, appearance, and overall are really pleasant to be around?? If anything you deserve more praise than he does-
He also doesn’t get it due to the fact that people acknowledge him a little too much-
Anyway, he tends to give that praise he thinks you deserve to you!
Meaning, he brags on you so much. Compliments you to your face, telling you how nice it is to converse with you- telling his family how lovely of a person you are. He even mentions it to classmates, which does start to earn others being more noticeable of your presence.
Not afraid to stick up for you in the least!! Who wouldn’t listen to Teru?? The moment someone interrupts, he’s politely making his way into the conversation- offering an “I’m sorry, I don’t think (Y/N) got her chance to speak.”
“Th-That’s okay, Teru. I appreciate it, but I’m used to things like that,” You told him after class, slightly embarrassed.
“Used to things like being ignored?”
“...you shouldn’t have to be. I’d never be upset with you, but it does upset me that people have been so willing to pretend you aren’t there? I think you’re lovely, and nearly impossible to ignore. It’s simply confusing, I suppose.”
BRO if he, for some reason, isn’t on the field trip and you get forgotten- it’s game over for the chaperones will get their heads chewed off. Except he’ll be calm and collected while doing so- however, on the inside, he can’t express how upset he is.
“Is it not your job to make sure all the students are accounted for? What if (Y/N) had gotten lost? Do you not realize she could have been kidnapped? Should some low-life had decided to try anything strange, the blame would have been on you, and therefore our entire school. What would that do for both your’s and the school’s reputation?”
If he’s on the trip? You won’t be getting forgotten <3 Even you were to get distracted for a moment, he’s grabbing your hand and making sure you stay caught up with the class. Sits with you on the bus, and makes absolutely sure that you’re safe and with him!!
Akane Aoi <3
He worships the very ground you walk on. We all know how he treated Aoi? Well, now that’s how he treats you- maybe a bit less exaggerated and dramatic, but all that love and more is there!
So, he’s admiring you, and sees that you keep opening your mouth in an attempt to speak- only to have someone interrupt you, not even acknowledging that you’re there??
“Hey, (Y/N), what’s up?”
“O-oh, I was just trying to ask them something…”
“Oi, you heard her. Shut up for a moment and let (Y/N) get her question in.”
Most are somewhat aware of how scary Akane can be, so they’ll certainly listen whenever he’s there. Heck, people occasionally keep an extra eye open if they know he’s around- making sure they don’t unintentionally look past you.
If you dislike his very direct method, he’ll try to be nicer to others about it. But, he can’t help but get defensive- like our other boys, he admires you so much, and enjoys talking with you so much, that- by this point- others are simply missing out?? Like, it’s basically their loss for treating you like that. And it’s his mission to shower you in love and admiration to a point where others do the same- platonically of course, and boys better rethink anything that isn’t strictly “wow (Y/N) is cool, it’s cool that she’s taken by Akane.”
Cos, as we all know, if someone even says “oh, (Y/N) probably makes a cute girlfriend” it’s game over. RIP unknowing student, he had no mercy bashing their skull in </3
“Akane, it’s really fine, you know? Things like this happen been happening since... forever. I’m just not easily noticed, I suppose. I’m used to it!”
“Hmm... well, get un-used to it. You’ve got the most beautiful presence and voice of anyone I know! And, I want the class- for everyone- to be able to acknowledge that. You shouldn’t have to repeat yourself constantly, nor be ignored like that. Not on my watch, at least.”
You won’t be getting forgotten. He’s ahead of Teru, ahahahaaaa!!! If he isn’t on the field trip, he’s telling someone who will be to keep an eye out for you “or else <3”. The person wouldn’t even bother to question it- just nod and keep an eye out for you constantly. They even offer to have you sit with them! How sweet! Glad to know they value their skulls!!
If he’s on the trip, like the others, he’s keeping an eye out for you constantly. He’ll hold your hand the entire time, stopping as you pleased, but keeping an eye out for the group. He wants you to see what you want, so you will- all while staying with the class, or at least close to the class. If he, for some reason, were to lose sight of the class, he takes comfort in the fact that you wouldn’t be lost alone.
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ijwrsmff · 3 years
Hello there
This one is a bit lengthy but can i please get headcanons of the straw hats reaction to an admiral reader(gender neutral please) who quits the marine to join them, and is at first is distrusted but does something to gain theirs trust
I hope it's not too much trouble
It's no trouble at all! I really like this idea, it was a ton of fun to write! I hope you enjoy it ^^
He found you during a fight with the marines
He noticed...you were so much stronger than the marines you were fighting with
Maybe not strong in comparison to Luffy...but he was extremely powerful so comparing to him isn’t fair
He saw you deal what should have been a finishing blow to his crewmates…
But for some reason you never hit them hard enough to kill them
Down them, sure...but never kill
He makes quick work of the other marines, and approaches you with a smile
“Join my crew!”
You looked at him baffled
“Quit the marines and throw away all my hard work to become an admiral because some...kid thinks I would be a good match for his crew? No thanks.”
Luffy left it at that, but knew he’d see you again soon
You encountered him once more at a nearby island
“Is...is that offer still on the table?”
He grinned wide and pulled you by your hand to his ship
He couldn’t put his finger on it...but something was special about you
He just knew the crew would love you
After they get over their initial distrust that is
But Luffy? He trusted you already
No hesitation, he knew you had a good heart and that’s what really mattered
He didn’t trust you...at all
He would go silent when you talked to him, giving you the silent treatment
He didn’t trust the marines...how was he supposed to know you weren’t there as a spy?
You tried to talk to him a couple times...but he just pretended he was sleeping
One day, he was up in the crow’s nest training and you walked in
“Mind if we spar? It’s been a while since I was able to.”
Since you left the marines
He huffed but gave a firm “sure”
He didn’t go easy on you, which surprised him when you handled yourself fairly well
You parried his attacks, and gave a few good jabs of your own
He respected your strength
He still won...but he expected to beat you within seconds
Not minutes, nearly half an hour of sparring
From then on, he’ll make small talk with you
Every once in a while he’ll go to take a nap and he’ll pull you down to lay beside him
He also sits next to you at the dinner table, even helping you fend off Luffy when he tries to steal your food
Overall...he respected strength. And if Luffy chose you...you were here to stay
Once he starts to trust you, he’ll protect you at all costs
She trusts Luffy’s decision...but that doesn't mean she has to trust YOU
She won’t go out of her way to be mean...but she won’t help you if it means bending over backwards
She interrogates you, wanting to know why Luffy had chosen you
After days of interrogation on and off...she thinks she sees why
You were unhappy in the marines
Sure...you managed to become an admiral...but the happiness you had hoped to feel just wasn’t there
She discovered that in the short time you’ve been on this ship, you’ve felt happier than you ever did in the marines
She’ll be nicer after that, slowly building up her trust in you
“Want me to show you how I chart the islands we go to?”
Even if cartography wasn’t your thing, you figured it would help get you closer to Nami
After that, you would spend hours upon hours with Nami
She can be very...very protective
So once she trusts you, any comments about you that weren’t warranted she’d defend you
She wants to get closer to you, and spends the majority of her time with you
Either sitting on the deck or working on her maps
She even tells Sanji off if he starts to bother you, making the hearts in his eyes break
She’ll protect you...and she knows in her heart you’d protect her too
He is so...so scared of you at first
You were an ADMIRAL
How could you just give up that position to join a crew?
Doesn’t trust you for a good long while
He’s convinced you’re a spy
He lets his imagination get to him, and that drives a wedge between you two
You don’t blame him...the situation is sketchy, but you were genuine
You would spend all the time needed to get the crew to trust you
After only being with them a short period of time...you trusted them with your life
And that’s never happened before
In the marines...people wouldn’t go out of their way to save another if it meant getting hurt in the process
During battle, you stepped in front of Usopp and took a harsh blow, forming a long slash across your chest
After that...he’s significantly nicer to you
He visits you in the infirmary and looks...troubled
“What’s wrong Usopp?” You give him a concerned look
“Why what?”
“Why did you save me...you’re hurt now. Because of me.”
You smiled at him...so he did care
This was a good first step
Maybe eventually you can become even closer
He’s reluctant to trust you at first, but Luffy seems to see something in you…
Just like he saw something in him
So he tries to get closer to you, even going so far as to not flirt with you
Not until he got to know you better
The first time he really began to see the trust between you building was a regular day
Nothing particularly special about it, except you went into the kitchen while he was cooking
“Mind if I help?” It was your attempt to get closer to him
“Of course! Here, I need this mixed.”
You cooked together in relative silence, small talking every once in a while
Overall it was...nice
It was a bonding experience and he cherished it
That day, he sat next to you at the dinner table
You gave him a wide smile, which he returned
He would defend you to anyone who spoke ill of you after that
He could be quite protective, and it showed
Especially to Zoro, who made comments about your being a spy (which only made Usopp and Chopper panic more about the situation)
“Hey marimo! They don’t deserve the bullshit you’re throwing at them. Back off.”
“What are you gonna do about it, shitty cook?” A smirk formed on Zoro’s face
Oh dear...it looks like they’re fighting again
You went to speak up, but Nami stopped you
“They get like this sometimes. Though it’s impressive how quick Sanji was to take the bait this time...I think he likes you.” She gives you a wink and your face flushes
Who knows what the future will bring...all you know? Is that you made the right choice to join this crew
He wants to trust you...he really does
But the nagging fear of you hurting his crew is at the back of him mind
He avoids you, not wanting to risk getting hurt
Once you get injured in battle...he realizes how unfair it was that he did so
“I’m sorry y/n...you’re hurt. Please follow me to the infirmary.”
He keeps it relatively formal, only talking when he needed to do something to check on you
“Would you...come back in a couple days so I can check on the wound and how it’s healing?”
You gave him a smile “yes doctor! Thank you!”
“Hehe you don’t have to thank me I don’t deserve your thanks I was just doing what I’d do for any of our crew!” He swayed back and forth, his paws on his face as he smiled
You could swear you saw flowers around him…
After that, he invited you to play games with him, Usopp, and Luffy
While Usopp was still reluctant, Luffy was 100% on board
“Come on y/n! Play with us!” Chopper smiled up at you and...well...there’s no way you could say no to his adorable face
So you joined in
It was fun...more fun than you thought possible to have
You laughed as Chopper tagged you, and you spun around picking him up in a hug
“Chopper...thank you.”
He smiled and laughed, “for what? Tagging you?”
You shook your head, putting him down
“No...for being a good friend.”
And he was, he was your best friend. You grew closer to him in the days following and you were certain you made the right decision
She knows what it’s like to not be trusted by the crew initially...but at least with her it was one pirate to another
You were a marine
And not just a marine...but an admiral
She is reluctant to trust you, but will give you the benefit of the doubt
She spends a lot of time with you, gauging if you’re a threat to her crew or not
She would sacrifice herself for any one of them...you’re no exception
She almost thinks its her JOB to determine if you’re a threat or not
It wasn’t until your first battle together that she finds she trusts you
You give her a look, and she knows to use her devil’s fruit
You both coordinate perfectly together, and it shows your trust
She has only battled so flawlessly with her crew...which means you’re entirely one of them now
She will defend you from that fight forward, and stands up for you when the others express their doubts
“Y/n? Would you like to read with me?” She pats the spot next to her and smiled at you
“Of course! What are we reading today?”
The two of you grow closer and closer, spending hours upon hours just...enjoying each other’s company
She looks at your smile and knows...she would do anything to keep that happy smile on your face
He doesn’t trust you...but he doesn’t...NOT trust you
He’s reluctant to get close, but finds it’s really easy with you
He’s newer to the crew, but he trusts Luffy’s judgement
So he doesn’t have any reason not to give you a chance
He’ll spend time with you, requesting you sit in his workroom as he works on a specialized weapon for you
Over that time, you make a lot of small talk
It brings you closer together
“Y/n! What do you think?” He’ll say holding up your now finished weapon “Pretty super, right? Don’t you just love it?” He has a look of pride on his face that makes you grin
You take the weapon into your hands and feel the weight is perfect
Not light, but not overly heavy either
“Thank you Franky!” You jump up to hug him and miss seeing his face turn a dark crimson
“O-of course! Anything for a crewmate!” He hugs you back, lightly as if he’s afraid he’ll break you
This makes you laugh, “Franky...I was an admiral remember? I won’t break from a hug!”
“Well then...take this!” He lifts you up, spinning you around in circles
You both laugh, pulling each other closer and closer
Once he sets you down you see the fleeting color of pink on his cheeks
You were sure your face mirrored the same color
He knows in that moment he would protect you
Even if you didn’t need it
Maybe...protect isn’t the right word
It sounds so...one sided
“I’ll protect you...will you protect me?” He looks sheepish, almost as if he hated asking
You lean up and kiss his cheek
“I’ll protect you Franky. I’ll protect all of us...this crew...it’s special.”
He nods, knowing exactly what you meant
“Then we’ll protect each other.”
And it was settled
As soon as you stepped onto the ship he approached you
“Your name is y/n...correct?”
“Yup! That’s me!”
He leaned down so your…”eyes” were level with each other
“Can I see your panties?”
“...is that a no?”
It’s safe to assume...he doesn’t judge you for being an admirable
Though seeing some of the crew be distant from you...it only motivates him to speak to you more
You looked tired after playing with the crew on deck, so he approached you
“Would you like me to play you a song to help you sleep?”
You stared wide eyed, not knowing he was the musician on the ship
“Sure! Would you...maybe be able to teach me how to play an instrument?”
“Which instrument would you like to learn?”
You hummed, “I’m not sure. I’ll get back to you on that.”
And so he played you a song
It put not only you, but Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper to sleep
He would have grinned if he could, and looked over his crewmates with love
As he finished the song he looked at you once again
“Sleep well y/n...I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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