#i have adhd so i can give a little insight
the-racer · 8 months
you know. i made a post about remus + his jewish characterization. now it's time for james and his adhd. everyone always talks about how james is so adhd, right, but i see a lot of truly awfully written adhd and as someone with adhd, it bugs the fuck out of me.
in fics, it's usually just written as "MY GOD, SPARKLY!" and yeah, sometimes it is that way in my brain. but that's not all adhd is. i never see adhd james written with the bad side of adhd.
1) sensory issues. this was the big one for me. i never see james with sensory issues. it's such a reality for adhd people tho. james who hates certain textures and gets unreasonably upset when he bites into a plum one day. he hates anything squeaky and nearly cries when remus' shoes squeak on the castle floors. he has huge issues with clothes textures and he literally shoves Sirius into a wall when he gets an unexpected hug and hates sirius' shirt material.
2) distracted and forgetful. you do see this with james but only as funny things and not things that seriously cause problems. james forgets things a lot- words and places and important dates. he forgot the word pen one day when trying to ask peter for one and he spent the whole rest of the day trying to think of it. he gets distracted by things and it upsets his friends sometimes. lily talking about her family issues and james finding sweets in his pocket that he forgot were there so he just starts talking about his sweets.
3) stims. i hadn't even realized i had them until my therapist pointed them out. james is HUGE on stimming. his most notable is bouncing. he bounces his leg when he's anxious or overstimulated. james bounces up and down when he's happy or worried. he loves bouncing. his hair ruffling thing is a perfect example of stimming. excited and happy, so he ruffles his hair. he wiggles/sways a lot too. his snitch, too, stimming constantly.
4) food. food. he loves specific foods and refuses to go outside of his designated safe foods. he has a specific love for sugar cookies and will eat them always. he always has them on his person. same with grapes, eggs, orange juice, noodle soup. those are his "safe" foods. notices slightest differences in foods. slightly burnt taste, unsalted food, too crispy/soft, stuff like that.
5) special interests. quidditch, number one. he loves quidditch so much and knows practically everything about the sport. he loves to talk about quidditch and gets really rambly when asked about it. and he gets upset when people interrupt his quidditch talk. loves music, too, and hyperfixates on musicians he likes- bowie, abba, queen, whitney houston. stuff like that. special interest in baking since he was young.
i could keep going. but there's so much more to adhd than just going "SHINY" and getting distracted. it's a real issue, it causes a lot of pain. it's not funny and it's not just go make james seem interesting. pretending james' adhd is a joke is harmful and people with adhd are actually affected by it.
however, i love helping people with characterizations and i love helping people in general. so if you wanna dm me to ask about adhd things, im happy to help!!
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soarrenbluejay · 2 months
Supervillains for a community. (Well, except those jerks over in Gotham, insular lot, but they’re they’re one problem) Of course they do- supervillains are a group defined by strong opinions and a willingness to see them through, often with a healthy dash of societal failures and trauma as a catalyst.
The fentons, while not active even on the online message boards, are well known and explosive when they do show up, full of fascinating insights and hours long rants on mad science on hair pin turns courtesy of that ADHD attention span. Bit of the cryptids you feel honored to bump into kind of deal. Besides, like a good quarter of the community as it aged, they’d settled down and had kids (not necessarily in that order) and taken it very seriously! Out in the middle of nowhere, where even the most fearsome government outpost members, the local branch of the IRS, quake before them in fear. Out of the way.
Reveal gone okay-ish, Danny moves to Gotham still to get some air bc now things are Akward and he landed that engineering scholarship which is loads better than any other college would give him with his track record. So- the mysterious Fenton children are finally crawling out of hiding! Everyone is psyched! And roll in to Gotham en masse to witness the fireworks!
Except Danny is Determined To Be Normal. He’s had enough of the throwing himself into harms way shit for a lifetime- he wants to be free to peacefully built Rube Goldberg machines and unintentional increasingly complex bombs to his hearts content. JAZZ, on the other hand- the coveted token Normal One, has finally snapped! She’s watched her baby brother she practically raised throw himself into danger over and over and could do nothing, and now that she’s exposed to this whole network of superheroes outside of small town Amnity, some of those uglier emotions are coming out. And boy is she pissed! And can’t afford to show it much while filing the paperwork to have Arkham legally razed to the ground!
See I love this idea of like, niches in superhero society. A villain the heroes know they can plop their kiddo down with for an exciting afternoon brawl while they take care of a particularly grisly case and come back to a few hours later ranting about some new life lesson and a new move they really want to try. A villain who has a functioning moral compass despite their somewhat batshit long term goal and you can contact to fuck with another villains’s plan so they can laugh at them and you can have an easy afternoon. One who pries up hostile architecture and fills in pot holes, idk man. Get creative here, there’s such potential!
So Jazz becomes a Training villain- someone the heroes know their sidekicks will walk away from in a fight 100% of the time, usually with some new lesson to ponder and only a couple of bruises. Sometimes even snacks!
She also absolutely ambushes mentors to check that they’re worth the kiddo, which they appreciate once they get over being jumped in a dark alley by a 7 foot Amazon trained force of nature. They are not used to being on that side of the jumping, it’s a little unnerving.
(Yes, she low key adopts Shazam upon checking in with him on cursory ‘is the main hero of this city and asshole’ checkin. Yes, the super clones get yoinked out from under Superman’s negligent thumb to go have a blast with Ellie. What about it?)
This however only encourages more assorted weirdos to crawl out of the woodwork. It’s not often one of their own forfeits their potential spot for the running of the coveted Most Normal I Swear prize, but when they do it’s bound to be good! But jazz is off hounding various heroes and punching the faces in of pedophiles and shit whenever there’s no cape within easy reach, and so is a mite bit harder to contact than Danny, who has innocently gotten an apprenticeship under a clockworker for access to their workshop and is gleefully going about doing nerdy shit with great abandon.
Plus this is Gotham. No one gives a shit if someone in the Mad Alchemist uniform and still smoking from their latest experiment pokes their head in a window to bother the local shrimp teen- none of the usual social rules apply, everyone’s crazy here! So everyone drops any and all attempts at masking and just acts their genuine unhinged selves, much to the alarm of the Bats and frustration of Danny.
Bc he cannot get these mfers to go. Away. Even liberal use of the creep stick has little effect when the interloper is calibrated for an opponent with super speed or laser vision or whatever, and he’s trying to maintain his guise as a Normal College Student Do No Investigate.
So he calls in the big guns. He’s not super active in the supervillain kids group chat ever since things in amnity calmed the fuck down post becoming King and then immediately using a loophole that says he will not take the throne until he is grown, as defined by finishing learning his trade a la the medieval standards Pariah set up. So he can just take his sweet ass time with his graduate degree and out of inter dimensional bull shit that much longer! Point is, he hasn’t taken the chance to rant over there in a while, so his Crazy friends are getting a lil worried.
The change to come over and shout at their batshit crazy but (mostly) well meaning parent AND see Danny? Score!
The bats, however, are getting awfully suspicious about this one kid that villains from all over the country are flocking to, especially young and upcoming ones as of recently! And he’s acting his engineering course- all the worst rogues are known to have flown through their PhD studies prior to Cracking. They seem to have a real problem on their hands with this Fenton guy.
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pippin-katz · 9 months
Alright, I have mostly restrained myself, but I cannot stay quiet any longer. There is a question that has been eating at me...
Whose fucking idea was it to have Henry (Nicholas) constantly grabbing Alex's (Taylor's) hair?!
Note: I'm adding this in after finishing writing this because this was supposed to be a relatively short post, and then it spiraled out of control, so if you want to listen to me gradually lose my sanity over this question, feel free to keep reading, cause it is admittedly funny lmfao
Another Note: This is me being overly sarcastic and hyper cause it’s funny for me to think about that situation. This is supposed to be a funny post. I said that at the end, but I’m adding it here too.
Listen, remember what they said about the intimate scenes: they were planned down to every detail. Remember what Nicholas said about having conversations with Taylor, Matthew, and Robbie about boundaries, what was okay, and not okay. Remember that they have A LINE IN THE FILM ABOUT HENRY GRABBING HIS HAIR (iconic).
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Do you see it? Do you see where this is going?
The hair pulling/grabbing is not random. It doesn't happen in just the New Year's kiss to set up a funny line later.
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It happens all the time.
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Even in soft moments, Henry has a hand in his hair.
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The hair grabbing gets its own shot in their love-making scene.
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Consistent small actions (twisting a ring, biting nails, drumming with fingers, etc.) are character habits. They're things that they do all the time, subconsciously or for a decisive reason, usually if you know that action causes a specific response that you want for any reason.
There's a coworker that drives you crazy, so you purposefully hum really loudly whenever they're in the room to piss them off. Your friend has a sensitivity to the color red, so on days you know you're going to see them, you avoid wearing it. Your partner has muscle cramps, so you massage their shoulders whenever you're standing behind them.
These habits usually start as conscious decisions, then gradually become subconscious, hence the term "habit". You've been doing something for so long or for frequently enough that you do it while on "autopilot".
I think it's pretty obvious why this action happens. It's because A: Henry likes feeling of his hair, and/or B: Alex likes when someone touches his hair. Note: This could be in any context, not just sexual; running fingers through it, washing it, styling it, etc.
Either you figured out what I am going to say, and you're wondering why I'm blabbering on so much, or you're just confused about where I'm going with this at all, so here's where it all clicks together.
When you have a character, habits are something you give them to give them more personality, more insight into their mentality through subtle things they do. It's something the director/writer/actor chooses to give to the character.
BUT - nothing in the intimacy scenes happen without being discussed and agreed upon.
This isn't like Nicholas fidgeting with the signet ring to show Henry's nerves. This isn't like Taylor frequently making little hand gestures (peace signs, finger guns, tapping the side of his glass, etc.) because Alex has undiagnosed ADHD and that's one way to physically imply it.
They can do those things without being told or given "permission" because it's their portrayal of the character, it doesn't effect anyone else, and small details like that are typically up to the actors, unless the director is incredibly strict.
That means that someone, one of the four of them, brought up grabbing his hair as a suggestion, and further more, Taylor (and Nick, but obviously Taylor's consent is more important in this specific case) was fine with it.
Think about it. Think about them sitting around a table discussing the kinds of stuff that Matthew and Robbie would want to see, and what Nick and Taylor would be okay with. Think about the fact that one of them was sitting there, and looked at the other three, and said: "What if Henry grabs Alex's hair a lot?"
And then the four of them had to sit there, and talk, in depth, about what that would mean.
Who... the fuck... said it?
Did Matthew and Robbie present it as part of the initial planning?? Or did one of them look Taylor and Nick in the eye and say it?? Did Nick throw it out there as something he thought Henry would do?? Was it Taylor??? Since it's his hair???
Cause it's not just like, running Nick running his fingers through it, combing it during some tender moment, like when Alex talks about his father being an immigrant.
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What the fuck were these conversations like?! I cannot think of a single way to have that conversation where someone wouldn't have to say something that would make me make me go UHHH-
What? So - Matthew's like "how do you guys feel about touching each other's hair?" -and they're like "what, you mean like running our fingers through it?" -and he's like "nah yanking it while you're making out"
Like... what do you say to that?! - "oh which one of us would do it to the other?" -and what, did Taylor fucking volunteer?? Just like - "he can pull my hair, it's chill" - WTF?!
Or did he suggest it in the first place, like they were discussing things that would that could be part of Alex and Henry's dynamic and he's just like - "he could pull my hair?" -and the other three just stared at him for a second, because wtf that's a intensely intimate action to suggest?!
Hair touching in general is really intimate, in like, every context, at least I think to most people, and definitely to me. Most people wouldn't just let someone, even someone they were friends with, start playing with their hair or touching their head. I wouldn't even let my best friend randomly touch my head; I would instinctually try to bite their hand off (not a joke). Maybe I'm a slight bit more touch-repulsed than most, but I feel like it's safe to say that the majority of people don't want their hair and head being touched, grabbed, or played with unless they say so.
And again, they do it CONSISTENTLY. It's not a one and done scene. It is an actual dynamic between Alex and Henry they chose to establish.
I'm looking at you four, Matthew, Robbie, Taylor, and Nicholas. I know it was one of you cheeky bastards that suggested it. One of you brought it up, and the rest of you were like "sure".
I will be forever haunted by this mystery, as I doubt I will ever get an answer.
Note: Please don't take this super seriously. I'm not trying to imply anything; I'm literally just joking around cause the concept of having that conversation boggles my mind lol
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crow-n-tell · 1 year
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I had a lot of trouble with this lil guy. Weird lil music men aren't easy to shift over when their body's are so... Weird. Still, here! Hermit Crab Music Men!
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If you wanna see what went on in my mind for this come right this way...
So a lil info about these boys! These lil music men have adapted to live in the safe shallows, as well as some undersea areas if need be - having two different palettes which match... you've probably guessed by the additions of orange in the music mans usual pastels
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Acid mushrooms! I realized as I was trying to get it all sorted that they are a nearly identical color scheme so it worked out that their colors are a little wacky. Not that real life crabs aren't a bit audacious in their colorings too. Actually the deep sea version of this guy is based off a purple crab called the Palawan Purple Crab who comes from the Philippines.
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Their colors are more so for other crabs of their species to recognize them, or so I've read, but in this particular scenario it suits our lil music man as a sort of camouflage too.
Aside from it being a sort of camouflage, it also gives you insight into these lil guys diet. Most of what (I really need to come up with a name for these guys, but all I keep thinking of is crab rangboom. like crab rangoon? but a sound pun.) they eat are poisonous, which has directly affected how predators view them. Yea see, there are certain families of crabs which are toxic only because they are eating things that should not be eaten.
So music men don't have a lot of predators, other than those who have natural immunities to things like that... ahem, moon.
I imagine that the crabs closer to the surface tend to a little smaller than knee high for an average height human, where as deeper sea versions of them are a lot bigger... Like... I DONT KNOW, Leviathan big? After all these are just lil guys, lets not forget about the big music man!
Next topic is... oh yeah!
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Seismic communication is basically communication through vibrations. Not just through the water, actually it's used by spiders which we can all sort of agree is what the OG music boys are. Spiders use seismic communication when it comes to their webs in particular, able to sense through vibrations in their web if they've captured prey.
Similarly a lot of sea creatures use vibrations as means of communication. Not only in the way spiders do, but sensing out prey; but by avoiding predators or talking to each other. Crabs in particular use all three, but in terms of communication to one another its been noted they will rub their legs together like crickets to talk to other crabs.
For our lil crabby boys, their claws are fashioned sort of like the the original music man has. Hollowed out in the center, they are able to click their lil crab claws together to make sounds and vibrations which distress and confuse their prey long enough to snatch em up and eat em.
Of course they also have the very on brand to SB behavior of just being a literal face hugger if they come out of the shell.
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m...mmmmm..... no... noo....ooo.......
I guess the only thing left to mention is his lil
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I struggled with how i'd give this lil guy a top hat. Then. I remember how WEIRD barnacles are. You see a lot of barnacles that look a lil something like this:
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But they come in many variations!
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And I hate all of them! they are great for designs, helpful in this case, but I get nauseous when looking at them and I can't even begin to understand why.
Sorry if my adhd really popped out on this one, I am actually holding back some of the mostly irrelevant information about colors and uh, other stuff.
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currentfications · 7 months
Ocean Eyes | Part 6
Pairing: Bada Lee x Producer!Reader
Synopsis: Producer!Reader made a little something
Warning: Swearing, Suggestive Content, MENTION OF PAST SH!!!!!
AN: I have been swamped, again. Apologies for the delay :( For some reason my ADHD brain have decided to start two new works before I finished this draft >_< Anyhoo thank you for tuning in again ^_^
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You nodded approvingly at the screen as you downloaded your audio files. Finally inspired, you coursed through songs like a mad man.
Y/N: I am DONE 🤭
Latrice: FINALLY
Latrice: i’m coming over
Y/N: Are you sure
Y/N: It’s like
Y/N: 2 in the morning
Latrice: bitch have I ever missed a single song drop
Y/N: No 🙆🏻‍♀️ You’re the best
Latrice: duh
Latrice: since I’m the best
Latrice: 👀
Latrice: can I-
Latrice: 👉🏾👈🏾
Y/N: Hold the fuck up ☝🏾
Latrice: c’mon shes driving me
Y/N: 🙄
Y/N: Only if she stays outside
Y/N: And I don’t want to hear about it 🙉
Latrice: about what
Y/N: 🙉
Latrice: ???
Latrice: about what bitch??
You ignored Latrice’s text and focused on finishing the task at hand, casting a brief glance at the recording pen in the corner of your desk. A sly grin spread across your lips as mischievous ideas glistened in your eyes.
You were just putting the finishing touches on your trance beat when Latrice knocked on your door.
“Just a second!” You quickly downloaded the file and sent it off before opening the door for Latrice, followed by a platinum blonde. Rolling your eyes at the unwelcome guest, you let out a sigh and before giving your friend a brief side hug. “I thought I said she stays in the car?”
Latrice handed you a few containers of food, and you happily accepted the edible bribery. 
You shot one last glare at the sheepishly smiling Mannequeen member and then turned to face the speaker. 'If she snitches, I'll shave her bald,' you muttered to Latrice, who rolled her eyes at your empty threat.
“Stop being a cunt,” your friend jabbed you on the side, “she’s an angel when the cameras aren’t pointing at her.”
You hummed and nodded with a hint of disbelief before turning on the tunes, devouring the boxes of food while the duo jammed to your new track. 
Two boxes of fried rice and half a serve of fried chicken later, the fifth song wrapped up and you look up at them. “How was it?”
“I. Love. It.” Latrice squeaked and squeezed you into a hug.
“I don’t know, you say that every time so I don’t think you’re a reliable narrator,” Latrice has always been your biggest supporter, even when your family wasn’t there for you. 
You turned around to Redlic reluctantly, desperate for some unbiased opinions. “You, what do you think?”
The girl nodded, a big smile across her face as you finally acknowledged her existence. “It’s really good, I like how the first song really sets the tone, but the rest of them are strong even as stand alone releases.”
You groaned, annoyed that the usually bitchy dancer is actually capable of being insightful.
“I told you she’s a sweetheart, you are just being mean for no good reason at this point.” Latrice doted, tending to her beau. You cringed at their exchanging of pecks. 
“Wait-” she skipped the tracks back one by one, counting on her fingers. “Where’s the sixth one?”
She knows you too well, even your little habit of making songs in two sets of trio, six tracks every time. 
Nervously, your eyes glanced past her, avoiding her accusatory gaze. “I didn’t make one this time.”
Latrice squinted at you, “you fucking liar. Did your mom call you again?”
You shook your head as you took another bite of the fried chicken, “nah it’s not that. I’m fine, really.”
With an air of suspicion, Latrice flicked on the light, causing you to squint. You hadn't seen bright light in a couple of days.
“Let me see your wrist,” Latrice demanded. 
You grinned smugly at the brunette, brandishing both arms. “Four years clean bitch. As I said, I’m fine.”
Latrice sighed with relief, although she still felt unsettled by the absence of that one missing track.
She was about to turn off the lights before noticing something on your neck. Then your collarbone. Then your thighs. It was barely noticeable under all those tattoos, and most would’ve missed it in your dim studio. But not Latrice, not when she was there for most of the inks you’ve tattooed on yourself. 
“Y/N!” She exclaimed, realization settling in. “ARE THOSE FUCKING HICKEYS?” 
Busted, you tried to shrug it off. “I told you I don't want to hear about it,” you tried to play it cool and nonchalant, which is surprisingly easy when you naturally have an unreadable expression. 
The excited buzz had drawn Redlic closer too, inspecting the marks littering your skin. “Holy shit were you attacked by a horde of leeches?” Her eyes widened in surprise, and frankly, incredibly impressed by whoever was able to brand the ice queen.
“Nothing?” Latrice scoffed, “you haven’t been out of this room in two days and you still looked like this, who the FUCK did this?”
Redlic’s eyes widen in realization, as she had the least to drink that night before their little scheme to break you and Latrice apart. “No she didn’t,” a hand clasped onto her mouth, “I’ve never even seen Redy looking this bad.”
Latrice snapped her head around, “Redy?” She turned back to you, mouth agape. “BADA?!”
Still trying to evade Latrice’s penetrating gaze, you nervously tugged a loose strand of hair behind your flushed ear.
“Are you BLUSHING?!” Latrice’s eyes bulged out of her face. The last time she’s seen you like this would be the first time you watched a Beyoncé and Nicki Minaj performance. “Who are you?!”
Though the cat is now out of the bag, you’re secretly glad that Latrice’s attention had been drawn away from the mysterious sixth song you intended to save for yourself (and a certain someone). 
“We were drunk,” you sheepishly explained, writing off that night as a mere escapade. 
Latrice tutted and took a step closer, “it’s been what, twice since you’ve met her and you’ve already pounced on her like a cougar in heat-”
You raised a pointer finger at her accusation, “technically I’m younger.”
“Technically you’re a whore,” Latrice rolled her eyes at your pathetic defense, “oh god - if you look like this, how the hell is she supposed to be camera ready for the Battle Performance?”
“She’s fine,” you reassured your friend, “I have self control.”
Latrice queried an eyebrow as she scanned over your shoulders, “right, self control. After meeting the girl only twice-”
“Babe,” Redlic broke the bickering between you two, pointing at the corner to an oddly memorable black and white jacket. 
“Not now,” Latrice tried to wave off the sidetracking before her gaze flickered to what Redlic was pointing, jaw dropping in recognition. “You even took her jacket? Oh god what have you done to that poor girl.”
Your buzzing phone saved you from the interrogation. You flicked the duo a bird before walking out to the balcony to take the call. “Hey lovely, miss me already?”
There was a long silence before Bada managed to choke out a few words.
“Was that us?”
You chuckled at the obvious, nodding before realizing that she can’t see you, letting out a hum. “Told you I’m making a track for you.”
Bada screamed into her pillow when she heard the intro. She knew she consented to this, but actually hearing it turned her knees to jelly and her brain to mush.
The intro to the soft R&B track had a soft breathing layered on top, to which Bada immediately recognised as her own. The low trance coupled with your own whimpering set as ad-lib was almost too much to handle, and she barely made it to the chorus. 
“Is it too much?” Noticing her silence, you tentatively checked in on her. 
“N-no,” she quickly interjected, embarrassed by how breathless she sounded. She took a moment composing herself, “can we finish listening to the song together? At mine?”
“I’m on my way.”
Tag list: @bada-lee-ily @lil-elliesgf @rubywonu @wiselight
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woahiwrite · 8 months
Hi there! So if your uncomfortable with doing this request, it’s no worry at all. But if you aren’t, I was wondering if you could do a reader with ADHD x Bi-Han? Especially one that is very forgetful and struggles with that part of themself? Maybe first impressions? Look forward to seeing more of your work!
Bi-Han with an S/O who has ADHD
Warnings: Spoilers for Bi-Han's Tower Ending! Otherwise it is just fluff, I do not have ADHD so I "consulted with the Elder Gods" (my friend), so these are mostly based off of her! Gender neutral reader
Shoutout to my bestie for helping me write this(she basically wrote the whole thing I just edited it and added more onto it) she's a real one🤞🏾. Thank you for enjoying my writings!
• So Bi-Han at first will probably get easily irritated
• We all know how Bi-Han is
• You cut him off while he's talking?
• He's giving you a glare
• You forget something simple or move on with a task before it is complete?
• He let's out the most annoyed sigh, but he will redirect you to what was supposed to be done
• That is in the beginning though
• Explain to him why these things happen, how you are trying your best and aren't ignoring him or just slacking off
• It will take him a while, but, he will begin to understand
• Now if you are with him in important Lin Kuei meetings, and you wish to say something while he is speaking, all you need to do is tap his arm
• He'll understand
• Though he may still let out a small sigh
• Your input is always important to him, your insight a valued one, much like Cyrax and Sektor
• Which leads to another point
• If you are doing a task on your own, sometimes you might leave before it is complete, moving on to something else that catches your attention
• Bi-Han often watches you as you work for this reason, not hovering, but, keeping a watchful eye
• Think of the scene where he is watching Sektor work on the Cyber Lin Kuei in his tower ending
• He'll guide you back in the right direction, reminding you to finish fully before moving on to something else
▪︎"Not yet."
▪︎"What's wrong?"
▪︎"It is not finished, do not move on."
• He's a little rough, but he's got the spirit
• Whenever you successfully complete a task by yourself, and nobody is nearby, you are graced with a kiss on the head and met with a proud gleam in his eyes
• (Bi-Han may bring you up as a role model to Lin Kuei initiates, if you feel comfortable with it)
▪︎ "They are among the best of the Lin Kuei, it will do you well to be like them."
• If you ever have emotional outbursts, Bi-Han is there to listen
• He may grow visibly agitated, but he will not open his mouth, he does not want things to escalate
• Bi-Han never wants to fight with you, after all
• Instead, he'll swallow down his comebacks, and instead open his arms for you
• His embrace is sure, steadfast, you know he is always there for you to rely on
• Once you've spoken on everything you'd felt the need to, he does not make a big show of things
• Instead, he kind of acts like nothing happened
▪︎ "Alright, you can let go now."
▪︎ "So, Sektor has made some advancements in his work."
▪︎ "Huh?"
▪︎ "Walk with me to take a look."
▪︎ "O-okay."
• He used to get irritated when he had to repeat the same things to you over and over again
• Though, he doesn't get irritated anymore
• Instead, he gives you reminders
• His most used one is leaving you a letter, he usually gets up and out of bed a while before you do
• A mix of Grandmaster activities and also because Bi-Han likes to "always be prepared"
• Though he also gives reminders before bed
• When you both are comfortable, his arms snug around your waist, he will remind you of the activities of the day to come
• With a small kiss on your head to close the message
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m1ssunderstanding · 5 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day Seven
Okay if anyone is super well-versed in the whole northern songs drama, I would LOVE your insights. I haven’t really looked into it, so all I know is they lost it right before the divorce meeting. What happened? What the hell is this? -- “Which includes Paul and John,” “Just about.” “What does that mean?” “No comment.”
The scouse getting thicker and thicker after “Carolina moOOn?” What can I say? I’m a sucker for it.
Paul’s absolute sugar-cookie heart-eyes when George walks in and then Ringo’s high-pitched “Hi Georgie!” Guys. Tone it down! I know you love him. But you just saw him yesterday, and you’ll see him again tomorrow. Oh wait . . . is today the day he quits?
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John. If you look at your boyfriend like that while he’s being an attention-whore, he’s going to keep being an attention whore. So just. You know. Keep in mind what you’re encouraging here.
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OMG they’re KISSING! (Live George reaction)
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Paul. If you give your boyfriend what he wants while he’s being an attention-whore, he’s going to keep being an attention whore. So just. You know. Keep in mind what you’re encouraging here. (but literally, John just becomes a maniac, dancing and shouting, the MOMENT Paul goes to talk to George, and Paul’s instantly like “George, what george?”)
This Paul/George fight is, boiled down, literally just Paul being paranoid and anal and George trying to reassure him. “It’s not passe, it’s just a chord . . . yeah, but some drainies suit different occasions.”
“You need Eric Clapton.” “You need George Harrison.” John wasn’t here to be cute when George walked in, so he’s making up for it now.
“If you vamp, then it takes away from his vamping.” He says to the lead guitarist. Rolling my eyes so hard right now. See, the problem is, Paul loves George. But he’s IN love with John.
Literally, a montage of them raw-dogging it on the ground would be less gay than this insanity.
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Poor baby. I would’ve quit a long time ago. Good for you.
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I love John’s angsty guitar and torn-up vocals post-george.
And the minute her number one hater is gone, my girl gets on a mic! Way to be, honestly. And here’s the thing. Paul and Ringo (and obviously John) love it! There should’ve been a Beatles-Ono colab on a helter-skelter type track. Would’ve killed.
Paul swinging around on that scaffolding and me doing cartwheels in the bathroom between LSAT sections. ADHD besties!
John when George quits: “If he doesn’t come back by Tuesday we get Clapton in” (which he obviously doesn’t fully mean) VS John’s reaction when Paul misses one session: sprinting down the road and climbing a wall and screaming at him
Yoko sure does know how to cater to a fearful-anxious attachment. “John, John, John, Joooooooohhhhhhhnnnn!”
Literally Mo, marry me immediately! My kingdom for a kiss! She’s literally soo beyond gorgeous, I’m dying. Okay sorry I’ll be done now.
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Men are the WORST! But who is making her laugh like that? Ringo? Is she looking off in the direction of the band? I can’t tell.
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Another rare Paul feminist moment! Woop! “A7, D7, G7. Get ‘em off over the weekend and you’re in.”
“So, cats and kittens. What we gonna do?” . . . “Catch up! Cats and kittens. Don’t get left behind.” ???? There have got to be so many secret jabs on RAM for John to hate it so much that we just don’t understand. Is this one of them? Was this a saying of theirs?
Okay, good job. Now that the band is here, Mo isn’t being fucking mean-girled out of the circle. Also, Ringo sits by his wife, John by his girlfriend, and Paul by his daddy. As they should.
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“The maresey beat awords for the best coople of the yeeuh.” Everyone studiously ignoring him. He’s so embarrassing.
I really really love Mo, though. Like I know I’m biased because she’s pretty, but her cute little “Yes!” when Paul jokingly suggests they do it at the cavern. She loved those days. The fact that she’s an og? God bless her, literally.
“Location isn’t really our main problem at the moment.” George Martin. “It’s breathing, actually.” said in the most casual voice possible but meant with the most wounded heart. Gosh, that one hurt. And then look how George Martin looks at him. His best boy is going through it.
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The huggle! Ringo initiates it with Paul, of course, turning to him and gently gripping both biceps as he forces deep, direct eye contact. But then as Ringo’s pulling away, Paul leans into him and holds him there, talking. And as Ringo’s nodding, he looks to John, who basically pounces on both of them, head bowed, arms aggressive, pulling them all in, tighter, tighter until it’s a three-way head-bonk. Ringo’s hand at John’s waist now, and Paul’s fucking iron talons clenching desperately around his bicep. But still, John manages to pull away from Paul’s grip as Yoko inserts herself between them where, really, she decidedly does Not belong. It’s got to be the most painful non-hug ever recorded on camera. Nobody knows what anyone wants, let alone how to give it to them.
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Why did the gayest one also have to be the saddest one though? I guess the Lord gives his hardest battles to his gayest soldiers, smh
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allastoredeer · 4 months
I read the new chapter of Holy Suffering as soon as it came out and I love the way u write Lucifer. For the past few days I have been reading Radio apple fanfic and I hate how lucifer is portrayed in most of them, shy , innocent with Alastor after the fight, and kinda out of character for the both of them, cause they suddenly like each other, and I don’t see it in them. They like to piss each other off, that’s the whole ship point.
Ur Lucifer is so sassy, Hits all the Good Characterization checks in my brain, he’s such a delight to read, same for Alastor. U had me going speechless most of the time Alastor spoke, cause I honestly didn’t know what he was gonna say next. Writing Alastor it’s probably hard, cause he is misterious and always hides his emotions but You totally nailed it. Right now he is probably angry at Lucifer cause he ratted him out lol
Al be like the audacity of this man after he forced him to do this.🙄
Anywhizzle I just wanted to ask, for the overload meeting, is Charlie gonna send Lucifer with Alastor? Maybe as a snake or something, to make sure is he okay. Cause she really sounded mortified that she didn’t notice that Alastor was suffering and man Al definitely didn’t like that, but it’s not like he can say no to Charlie so
A nd is there like a schedule for next updates? I am really invested in this story and I honestly can’t wait to read more of it.
Thank you ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ Hahah Lucifer's got bite to him, for sure. He doesn't come off as the shy type to me. Awkward as hell, certainly. In the throes of depression, absolutely. And he cares about Charlie's opinion of him to a fault. But when it comes to someone throwing their weight around--or, more accurately, getting involved with Charlie (cough Alastor helping Charlie with the hotel, couch Adam fighting/hurting Charlie cough) he isn't afraid of getting his hands dirty.
Alastor is hard to write ಥ_ಥ I love him so much, but sometimes, I want to cut open his head and properly study his brain because f;knslnjsbj out of all the characters, he's the hardest for me to pin down, in terms of both dialogue and actions. He has such a way of talking, and such a distinct voice (his radio filter) that it's simultaneously easy to imagine his voice, but hard to put it to dialogue. So, I really appreciate hearing that I nailed it (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) Seriously, it's so appreciated to hear.
Nah, Alastor is going to be going to that one alone :3 It's going to be set in his POV, so we'll get some insight in his thoughts on the whole thing, and how he's handling his current affliction. I'm both excited to and nervous to get into it, because writing him in someone else's POV is hard, so writing him in his OWN POV is a little intimidating, but I'm mostly excited. I have a lot of thoughts for this series, and it's gonna be fun to explore them.
As for a schedule, I used to try to keep myself to one, and I've found that I have both a love/hate relationship with it. One the one hand, keeping a writing schedule is nice because it gives me a clear view of what I want to work on and an goal date to get it done, which is very nice for my ADHD brain.
BUT, on the other hand, when I start putting that pressure on myself to get it down, and I fail to actually reach that goal, it hits me pretty hard and it can take away my motivation and joy in writing the fic. It starts to feel more like a chore than a fun hobby I can do in my downtime.
Thankfully, I am DEEP in Hazbin Hotel hyperfixation, and the amazing feedback I've gotten from my fic's is certainly fueling my motivation. So thanks to everyone leaving kudos and comments! It's seriously so helpful and I cherish ever single one of them.
If I had to give an estimate for when the next installment of the series will drop, I'd say either at the end of this week, or the beginning/middle of next week. I have an unrelated AppleRadio one-shot I want to bust out before I work on the next installment, and that one I'm going to try and post by Thursday or Friday.
To quote out favorite Radio Demon,
~Stay Tuned
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south-of-heaven · 10 months
Can you write poly! The Judgement Day with a s/o who has ADHD?
Navigating || The Judgement Day x Reader
Summary: No one has ever said dealing with ADHd would be easy, but with four amazing partners by your side it becomes a little bit easier.
A/N: Like I've said before, I don't have ADHD and I really don't know a lot about dealing with it at all. If there's anything vastly incorrect please let me know so I ca change it.
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Navigating life with ADHD has always presented its challenges, but having Rhea, Dom, Finn, and Damian by your side has made it a little bit easier.
Mornings are often a whirlwind of activity, and today is no different. You're darting around the kitchen, trying to make breakfast, but your mind is bouncing between a dozen different thoughts. Rhea catches your eye and gives you a knowing smile.
"Hey, take a breath," she says, walking over to you and placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "We've got this."
Her calming presence helps ground you, and together, you manage to put together a delicious breakfast spread. As you all sit down to eat, Dom gives you an encouraging nod, his support unspoken but deeply felt.
Throughout the day, you find yourself shifting between tasks, sometimes struggling to maintain focus. But whenever you start to feel overwhelmed, Finn is there with his gentle reminders and positive affirmations. His understanding and patience give you the boost you need to keep going.
Later in the afternoon, you're all hanging out in the living room, and the topic of organization comes up. Damian shares some of his own strategies for staying on track, and you can't help but feel grateful for his insight. He understands the challenges firsthand and offers practical solutions that resonate with you.
As the day comes to an end, you gather in your cozy space, enjoying each other's company. The support and love that radiate from this group are palpable. Rhea leans in, her fingers intertwining with yours.
"You're never alone in this," she says softly, her eyes meeting yours with unwavering assurance.
Dom nods in agreement, his smile warm and reassuring. "We're a team, remember? We've got your back."
Finn adds his voice to the chorus, his words a soothing balm for your worries. "You're strong, and we're here to help you through anything."
Damian's gaze is filled with understanding as he speaks up. "We know life isn't always easy, but we're in this together."
Tears of gratitude well up in your eyes as you take in the unwavering support of your partners. The challenges of ADHD may never fully disappear, but having these amazing individuals by your side makes every step of the journey worthwhile.
In their presence, you find the strength to embrace each day, knowing that you're not defined by your struggles, but by the love and connection you share with Rhea, Dom, Finn, and Damian. And as you settle in for the night, you're reminded once again that with them, you're never facing anything alone.
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sunbearsophia · 27 days
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Sorry again for how few and far in-between my Tumblr posts are, guys! I'll try and be more frequent with them!
It hit me a while back that for all I talk about my Next-Gen on Twitter, I hardly ever talk about my fan kids here on Tumblr! So, I decided to throw together a ref sheet for my main girl, Emmy, to get started on that and introduce her to y'all!
Her full name is Emilia Luna-Ophelia Barrabas-Darling, but almost everyone calls her Emmy for short. She was named after her late grandmother on Eduardo's side, although Laurel was actually the one who suggested it when she was born. (Eduardo absolutely cried when she suggested it, not that he wasn't already sobbing lol.) Her middle names were each chosen by one of her parents. (Luna for Eduardo, Ophelia for Laurel bc her mummy's a Shakespeare geek and we love her for it aaaaa.)
Probably 21 in the reference, definitely college-aged!
Working in retail currently to pay the bills, but saving up to attend art school when she gets the chance, wants to work as a background artist in animation.
Is generally a really friendly and outgoing person, extremely open with her personality, interests and affection, much like her mom. KNOWN for her hugs that could throw out someone's back, just generally really kind and chill, basically a big ol' puppy lady. She's also pretty stubborn and abrasive, however, and does have a temper on her, however. Aside from just generally getting grumpy when she's tired, exhausted or frustrated, she is just as willing to throw some HANDS when someone's pissed er off, just like her old man.
A pretty artsy-fartsy kinda gal, but not so much a snob about art, more like she'll happily ramble about art techniques and history when the subject is brought up. Also has a love for dancing, sports and Shakespeare.
Is extremely close with her family, she adores her Mummy Laurel and is a MASSIVE Daddy's Girl for Eduardo, she never misses the chance to see and spend time with them, and always wants to make them proud. (Her dad was her inspiration to start drawing when she was little, and always thinks of Eduardo and Laurel both as her heroes.) Also loves her little brother Leonardo, and is very protective of him, mess with him you mess with HER. >:(
Also loves her Uncle Mark and Uncle Jon with all her heart, they basically were third and fourth parents to her ever since she was a baby and she knows she can always go to them for anything. Very close to her other uncles, too, but out of all of them, she's closest to Jon and Mark. Also loves her Grandmado, and misses her terribly as an adult.
Has ADHD and dyslexia, so she often uses word processors and audio books to help with the latter and tends to plan and schedule her days in advance and stick heavily with routines to avoid losing focus with the former. Still has her struggles but knows she's supported and loved by those around her and is too stubborn to let them win.
Loves avocados, just like her dad. It was one of her first words, and to this day, her and her dad have a designated day all for eating avocados all throughout. (HC BY THE AWESOME @tamaraskabr ITS SO WHOLESOME I LOVE IT QwQ) Other than that, she loves basically anything mint chocolate, she's a simple woman lol.
All the tidbits I've got for now! Plan to follow up the post with some sketches of her other outfits I've worked on! For now, hope this gives some insight on who she is so I can share more art of her on here with context!
she's my goober daughter and i love her sm lol
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turningsoft · 4 months
Richie Tozier & Will Byers Werewolf Metaphor Post
@pinkeoni's old What's up with all the werewolves? post and its further discussion made me think of a lot. Seriously, it's lengthy.
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I wanna preface this by saying I don't actually believe everything is connected or intentional, as it would be a huge reach. However, it's rather interesting to draw connections even where there were intended none. Proceed at your own peril.
As we all know, the Duffers originally wanted to write Stephen King's IT remake. Naturally, we also know they took some inspiration from King's various work, so for me it was a really small leap from werewolf references in Stranger Things to Richie's werewolf in IT.
Richie Tozier Was A Teenage Werewolf
In the book, Richie goes to see a horror double-feature, which includes movies I Was a Teenage Werewolf and I Was a Teenage Frankenstein (both 1957). Let's read the excerpt from the novel.
The Teenage Frankenstein was suitably gross. The Teenage Werewolf was somehow scarier, though… perhaps because he also seemed a little sad. What had happened wasn't his own fault. There was this hypnotist who had fucked him up, but the only reason he'd been able to was that the kid who turned into the werewolf was full of anger and bad feelings. Richie found himself wondering if there were many people in the world hiding bad feelings like that. Henry Bowers was just overflowing with bad feelings, but he sure didn't bother hiding them.
Now, this quote contains a lot of information to suggest that Richie at least empathizes with the character, but we don't actually see him relating to Tony until Richie comes face to face with Pennywise — for the first time, or so he thinks. During this encounter, It takes the form of the Teenage Werewolf and chases Bill and Richie out of the house on Neibolt Street. His appearance is described in great detail and mostly doesn't contradict the original movie, except for the werewolf's silk jacket.
It was black with orange piping — the Derry High School colors.
And a bit further on:
It was the other thing that made him feel as if he might faint, or just give up and let it kill him. A name was stitched on the jacket in gold thread, the kind of thing you could get done down at Machen's for a buck if you wanted it. Stitched on the bloody left breast of the Werewolf's jacket, stained but readable, were the words RICHIE TOZIER.
In the movie it's Tony's signature jacket that allows others to recognize him in his werewolf form, so it only makes sense to assume Richie's scared because he's forced to recognize himself in the monster. The implications affect him so deeply that he considers giving up his own life.
Bad feelings
It provides a bit of insight into Richie's head and makes us question what exactly he considers “bad feelings” within himself, if not anger (he doesn't seem to be an angry person). Some speculate it has to do with growing up and becoming an unstable, hormonal teenager in the future. Others link it to his possible undiagnosed ADHD, self-hatred and the ever-present fear of being ostracized for his differences, both visible and not. Being a queer person in the 50's would also fit the narrative pretty well. For those who are interested, I strongly recommend reading expanded analysis on the matter here (werewolf as a symbol in IT), here (bisexuality viewed as “monstrous”) and here (Richie's fears explained).
Not his fault
Obviously, none of the aforementioned reasons justify putting such strong labels (monster, werewolf) on a literal child. Richie seems to understand he's not at fault for whatever makes him a target, but he also believes in a strong possibility someone can inflict this inhuman identity upon him. Despite already being bullied, he fears his situation can take a turn for the worse. And despite having a wonderful support system, he somehow knows it's not enough. If someone or something decides to “fuck him up” and exploit his vulnerable state, they will, so he cuts down on the amount of vulnerability. Heavily. I can't believe I'm still not talking about Will Byers.
Hiding stuff
As ironic as it sounds, Richie Tozier is canonically good at hiding. Other people find it difficult to make up their minds about his personality and actions — the most famous instance being, perhaps, this quote.
He had known Richie Tozier for four years, and he still didn't really understand what Richie was about.
Richie uses his Voices and “numbers” both as a shield and a weapon. He shows raw emotions only when he considers it absolutely safe. He takes “refuge in absurdity”. To reiterate @/jasperathrifteddoll's werewolf symbolism post, Richie 1) is confusing; 2) tells half-truths; 3) puts up facades; 4) “through his concealment of his inner thoughts to the reader, seems almost aware of his status as a book's narrator”.
All of Richie's fears are connected to or based on public perception. “But he knew well enough” has earned a meta post in and of itself.
Will Byers Has Werewolves In His Closet
So what's the meaning behind this werewolf costume in the Trick or Treat, Freak episode? Maybe it's a manifestation of one of Will's fears, or maybe there's no hidden message. After all, even if Stranger Things and IT are connected, I Was A Teenage Werewolf has nothing to do with ST… Unless we consider it left a huge legacy and inspired The Cramps to write a song of the same name — the one that introduced Eddie Munson to the audience in S04E01. Frankly speaking, I don't think this was an easter egg the writers were actively trying to include, but it doesn't take away from the parallel. It's still fun to compare Will and Richie, especially because on a surface level they're so unlike.
To execute Stephen King's werewolf metaphor, one would need:
a character with enough emotional baggage,
who is afraid of being perceived as a monster,
especially as a result of trusting an authority figure,
who breaks his trust and exploits his vulnerable state,
potentially making him dangerous in the process.
Let's see if Will ticks all the boxes.
Bad feelings
Will's otherness is easy to pick up on. It's either “being a sensitive artistic kid who grew up to be gay in the 80's” or “being a child who was abducted to a horrific dimension and is now attached to it”. Arguably, we don't even have to choose: these two plots are closely related and can become one through the AIDS metaphore. Not to mention the whole “growing up poor with an abusive and neglectful father” thing. Simply put, Will Byers has plenty reason to experience “bad feelings”. On a rare occasion, we can hear about his struggles firsthand.
Bad feelings = self-hatred
So far, Will has internalized a variety of epithets:
“Zombie Boy”
We can see each of them affect him to some extent.
In season 2, during multiple heart-to-hearts with Jonathan, Will expresses his desire for everyone to stop treating him different, like there's something wrong with him. Meaning, he himself doesn't think there's something wrong. He stubbornly insists: “Yeah, I am. I am [a freak],” but he's quick to be offended when Jonathan agrees. It reads as a defense tactic, not his own opinion. After all, when you pointedly address yourself in a hurtful fashion, shouldn't those words stop holding power over you?
When drawing the Zombie Boy, Will essentially tries to reclaim this identity in a way that's true to him — by using art. He doesn't want to passively accept the label, he wants to strip it of its negative connotations. But then again, when a kid deemed as dead comes back to life, it's a pretty dumb reason to bully him. Will probably knows it's dumb, so he fights back. His homosexuality, though, is a harder pill to swallow.
There's no denying he feels guilty for his attraction to Mike (well, boys, but Mike specifically). Guilty and other things as well, a mixture of shameful, jealous, hurt, confused and angry. In seasons 3 and 4 he learns that even the tiniest portions of his affection and his sincerest attempts at salvaging a friendship can be neglected or misconstrued. It cuts deeply.
Then there's, of course, the van scene. Will says he feels like a mistake sometimes. Not all the time, he clears up. Mike makes him feel better for being different, and yet Will cries after the speech, knowing full well his differences don't make his life any happier or simplier, or better.
Bad feelings = past trauma
Still, all of it pales in comparison to plain old trauma and its prolonged effects. This anon ask and @/heroesbyler's answer have summarized it better than I ever could. Here's a quote that I can't not mention:
His trauma is one of the most if not the most multifaceted in the entire story, and also he literally is the main character foil to the big villain. Saying that Will hates himself for being gay is such a gross oversimplification of what we see. It's haunting to know that people want to project a stereotypical situation to his nuanced one.
Additionally, there were theories that Will is a victim of CSA, and I'm not only referring to the ones about Vecna/MF/UD allegories (these I very much agree with) but those about full-on CSA by Lonnie. While I'm still on the fence about it, I acknowledge this is also a possibility.
To sum up, our boy Will has been through a lot. Emotional baggage? Check. Susceptibility to “monstrous” labels? Check.
Not his fault
Up until this point I was being ambiguous about whether my theory is applicable to S2 only or other seasons as well. I have to admit, right now the werewolf costume guy is no more than a little foreshadowing of the S2 plot. However, given the fact that S5 is promised to take inspiration from S2, some of its key elements or plot points may be reused, albeit probably in a different fashion. Additionally, new information might be revealed, meaning that the metaphore has potential to grow into something bigger in the future.
For now I'll focus on the S2 events mainly and compare them to I Was A Teenage Werewolf.
Movie: Tony Rivers embodies a typical delinquent from the 50's. He's a troubled rebellious teenager with anger issues. He exhibits such violent behavior that he's advised to seek psychological help.
IT: Richie doesn't fixate on the anger part and instead uses “bad feelings” wording to convey broader (or perhaps, entirely different) meaning. Ultimately, we're led to believe that it doesn't matter what character traits Tony possessed. What's more important is 1) he had psychological issues; 2) he was advised to seek out professional help.
ST: Will has a lot of unresolved trauma from his experience in the UD, which manifests in “bad feelings”, so-called flashbacks and coughing up demonic slugs. He's advised to undergo medical supervision/scientific surveillance at Hawkins Lab.
Movie: Dr. Alfred Brandon embodies the classic mad scientist archetype. He conducts experiments on people by using hypnosis and medication in unconventional ways and claims it's for a greater cause. He draws out Tony's traumatic childhood memories during their sessions. Brandon has an assistant, Dr. Hugo Wagner, who comes across as compassionate and humanistic.
ST: Dr. Martin Brenner is affiliated with multiple scientific projects that conduct experiments on people by using sensory deprivation, psychedelic drugs and various abuse/manipulation tactics. He, too, claims it's for a greater cause. Also works with traumatic childhood memories, e. g. the whole NINA project. If twelvegate is proven true in S5, these parallels will become positively unhinged. Brenner repeatedly works with Dr. Owens, who on the outside seems more sympathetic towards main heroes.
Movie: Tony finally accepts Dr. Brandon's help after a Halloween party gone wrong. He decides to trust everyone's opinion, goes through the procedure and ends up becoming “possessed by wolves” (= made into a werewolf).
ST: Will accepts the fact that he's spiraling and needs help on Halloween night. He decides to trust Dr. Owens, Joyce and Bob that his visions are just PTSD-related episodes. He follows Bob's advice and ends up possessed.
Ultimately, this is the moment when Will's trust is broken. Although it's definitely not Bob's or Joyce's fault, a collective authority figure represented by Hawkins Lab fails Will. It fucks him up big. And one can argue, Owens' incapacity to protect him wasn't a simple negligence but an extension of Brenner's politics. @/runninguplenorahills suggests the following:
If Owens knew about Brenner being alive and deliberately kept that information to himself (which he did), and if Owens knew about Henry and everything that happened (which seems to be the case too)……. Well….. doesn't that make Owens' inability to help and protect Will in s2 a deliberate choice?
Regardless, it isn't Will's own doing that turns him into someone dangerous — it's the Lab's fault.
Movie: Dr. Brandon and his assistant argue about the necessity of transforming Tony because it might be harmful or even fatal to him.
“But you're sacrificing a human life!” ”Do you cry over a guinea pig?”
ST: Dr. Owens argues with other scientists over attacking the UD vines/tunnels and potentially harming Will in the process.
“And if it kills the boy?” ”Then quite frankly, Sam, it kills him.”
Movie: In his werewolf state, Tony kills a bunch of his classmates, a random dog, Dr. Brandon and his assistant.
ST: While being possessed, Will leads the soldiers into a trap and gets them killed because they've upset the MF. Owens ends up injured, and Bob gets killed. We can view them all as Brenner's “assistants” to different extents.
All in all, I'd say the metaphor fits. But wait, there's more!
Hiding stuff
Once again referencing @/pinkeoni's posts, there's a long history of Will hiding his feelings. Fascinating how the conversation that basically establishes this trait of his, aka his exchange with Joyce, happens in S2 and specifically in relation to his not-actually-PTSD episodes. But the motive of hiding, be it in a literal or a figurative sense (as in hiding parts of himself), is integral to Will's character. It is continually present troughout seasons and is supported by in-show elements and costume design choices alike.
Billy Hargrove And Henry Bowers Are Overflowing
Parallels should be drawn between Henry and Billy, too. This section is small, but nonetheless I like it — it's a finishing touch to the story and a cherry to top it all off.
Richie completes his train of thought by contrasting Tony and Henry Bowers, accentuating how the latter “didn't bother hiding” his bad feelings, e. g. his anger, bigotry and violent outbursts. The same could be said about Billy. Both of them killed people under the influence (Flayed!Billy, Pennywise-inspired!Henry) and definitely were capable of assault regardless. For both of them a relationship with one's father seems to be an instigation of their descent into madness, although Billy hates Neil, whereas Henry appears to have a more complex, effectively love-hate attitude towards Oscar.
It's also noteable that Billy is a foil character to Will, who is mirroring him in many ways, while Henry and Patrick may be seen as foils to Richie and Eddie when it comes to handling “their same-sex attraction”. And by the way, if sexuaility and attraction is consired “bad feelings” within Will's mind, one particular part of this post becomes all the more relevant. To quote and paraphrase, “Billy wears his sexuality proud and openly”, yet Will's sexuality is suppressed — another case of hiding versus overflowing.
I'd love to TL;DR this post into something concise and coherent, but I fear I'd just end up repeating my points and wording. I'd rather say I have more thoughts on Richie and Will's similarities, so there's gonna be a short post about it sometime down the line. Thank you to anyone who decided that this was worth reading!
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 11 months
i have autism and adhd, and have recently been going through what i assume is burnout. i attribute it to work, i work 9-6 five days a week, and it's honestly become exhausting having to constantly mask and present normal.
i'm mainly worried because i haven't had a new special interest in a while. my old ones, present for years, seem almost muted. i haven't had anything to hyperfixate over in such a long time, and the newest special interest i had (sharks) has felt faint almost the entire time. it's awful because i miss the love i felt for these special interests, they were so integral to me and as a result i feel like my sense of self is weaker.
is this normal? and do you have any tips on recovering from autistic burnout? thank you!!
Hi there,
I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through burnout. There’s a Recovery Plan that one of my favorite websites, Neurodivergent Insights, posted. Here are some Infographs. As well as some templates on how to build a recovery plan:
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The link to this article will be below. I hope you find it helpful.
There’s also another article from Psych Central that gives some tips on Recovery:
How can you recover from autistic burnout?
Autistic burnout may feel confusing and overwhelming, but recovery is possible.
1. Remove obligations
It’s time to get a little ruthless with your schedule and commitments. If something isn’t 100% necessary, take it off your calendar for the near future.
Your new goal is to try to find as much downtime as you can, with fewer extracurriculars, work projects, and social events.
2. Participate in soothing activities
The idea is to participate in more hobbies that you enjoy, or those that promote a sense of relaxation — the things you might normally brush aside in your busy schedule.
You may find it recharging to:
spend time in nature
practice a calming visualization
listen to music
sit in silence with someone you love
Sensory interventions
“These can include compression, sitting in a dark closet specially outfitted for sensory bliss (pillows, quiet, dark), favorite smells, or textures,” Bédard says.
Noise-canceling headphones may also help you feel more grounded.
3. If you can’t sleep, rest
Autism can sometimes make sleep a challenge. Even if you’re not feeling tired, try to spend at least 8 hours a night in bed.
During this time, try to avoid watching the news or scrolling on social media. Instead, curl up with one of your favorite books or movies.
4. Practice self-compassion
“Try to be as gentle with yourself as possible,” O’Conner says. “If there are some things you can’t do, or have to say ‘no’ to right now, that’s OK.”
This article will also be below if you’d like to read through it.
Since you like sharks, I’ll also leave an article talking about ten facts about them. :)
I hope this helps you. I’m unemployed, so I don’t have the experience of working or the workplace in general.
Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ❤️
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signedmio · 4 months
can I pls request a hazbin hotel matchup???
Ok so, ✨️description of me✨️
I am 5'7, and a panromantic demisexual he/him boi, but I dress very androgynous.
Im *technically* an introvert, bc I'm very quiet and like to be alone unless I'm around the people I know and are my friends.. then I'm the loudest mf you'll meet. And I'm very,, i woulsnt say shameless, but just don't think before I speak a lot (adhd)
Im overall very kind, and very chaotic. I've been told by friends I'm a mix of chaotic aunt/mom friend.
Im also very, very stubborn. If I set my mind on something, best believe I will do it. I also won't let people talk trash on those I care for, and am loyal to a fault but suck at verbally expressing how much people mean to me so ✨️✨️acts of service and random pats or hugs or high fives✨️✨️
Im also very blunt. Won't hesitate to say what I think or my boundaries, but sometimes I'll bite my tongue if I feel the convo would end bad. The bluntness goes up by 100 if I'm tired. (Im always very, very tired no matter how much sleep I get)
I love to read, write, draw and crochet, and do lots of "grandma crafts".OH I also love love love music I am never without headphones
I also am a angel kinnie, if that gives you any personal insight on my ✨️mentality✨️ (bc I don't wanna get into that)
Uhhh idrk what to put in descriptions for like a matchup,, never really done this before so I hope this is enough
AHHHHH HELLOOOO OFC YOU CAN GET A MATCHUP YOU ADORABLY SWEET AND KIND ANON !! i love it when people come into my ask box with a shit ton of energy haha!! i definitely hope to see you in my ask box more often :) also dw i got your other ask about the style section but i deviddd i had enough to go off of so dw your good man, anywho, i had to think about this, but i ended up going with…
Velvette !!
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Velvette, I can see being similar to you, but also balancing you out
When she first met you were a bit quiet and timid, but when that loud motherfucker came out to say hello she was SHOOK, not in a bad way, but god damn, kitty’s got claws!
She’s also very stubborn so that either works well with you too or it just doesn’t lmao
She loves your little random pats and high fives but she wasn’t expecting them at first, when you patted her head for the first time she kinda just looked at you with a “😀❓” look on her face😭
Velvette’s also quite blunt and would probably be open about her wants and needs so it’s safe to say you both have a very open and communicative relationship
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writing-in-verse · 4 months
So I Finally Read A Restless Truth by Freya Marske
I've been debating what to say about this book since I finished it late last week. Not because I didn't enjoy it - on the contrary, I loved it possibly more than the first - but rather because I have so much I could say.
A friend of mine recently mentioned, in a poorly-phrased statement out of context, that he didn't really know me. In context he's referring to how little I talk about myself, the self behind the ADHD masque and trauma and deflection.
It's hard to write a character that who's entirely public persona is a facade without making them seem either two dimensional or just two separate characters in one body. Sarah J. Maas is a great example of how to do this terribly with her main character of Throne of Glass, Celaena.
Anyone who knows me knows I have contempt for these books in a way I rarely do for any other. There's so much wrong with them but that's not the point, the point is Celaena is a terrible character who feels like a separate person depending on what the author needs her to be. She's either a snarky, sexy assassin who has no real moral compass or a fashion-loving, sexy princess who finds being an assassin horrifying. The two sides of her talk and act entirely differently with very little crossover to the point where they have different names by the latter half of the series.
Violet, and by extension Freya Marske, shows how someone who has a lot of ptsd tends to deal with their trauma. Of course, everyone is different and hiding behind a sharp wit and rebellious distraction isn't the healthy solution but it is relatable to me. Violet's background on the New York underground stage scene (a part of performance history I'm not well educated on so it was fun to see in historical fiction) gave her the knowledge needed to play a part, whatever part the audience expects of her without ever revealing who she truly is.
I'd be loathe to suggest Violet's public persona is fake as that's simply not true: my own outward way of being is still me even if I keep much of my life away from scrutiny. Violet is sharp and quick witted and rebellious but she uses her stage skills to leave people with a simplified impression, without any of her fears or anxieties mixed in. It's not inauthentic but rather safe and controlled. It's why everyone but Maud Blyth accepts what they're given.
What's more insightful is Violet's inability to see the way she is limiting herself out fear for survival. It isn't until Maud gives her the perspective to see the cage she has constructed for herself that she starts to realise the walls keep you in as much as they keep others out. Of course, Violet can see it on some level but that lack of true introspection is as much a trauma response as everything else. The walls are built around the most vulnerable parts as much to protect as to ignore the damage that's already been done.
I've never seen a character manage to portray the complex realities of living with trauma quite like Violet does, not in the immediate aftermath but in the long periods living with part of yourself you think need to be hidden lest they be taken advantage of or are seen as flaws which makes you less worthy of love rather than a tapestry of someone who deserves more love than was ever afforded.
Violet is fascinating from a character design perspective but she's also incredibly well written, she feels like a person who contains multitudes, who is not 'fixed' by the end of the book but she is willing to let Maud in little by little. Step by step.
Okay this was a long one, turns out I had a lot to say (and honestly still do (I haven't even gushed about Maud!!!)) but I hope you enjoyed reading it.
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aphroditelovesu · 10 months
I read Yandere inner circle and I fell in love with it, but it also got me thinking on how every bat boy 🦇 would be as Yandere romantically for
Cassian I think you will be the most clinging Yandere out of the three Cassian would be the most clingy to me he is like a big softy out of the three and I think he is also the most emotionally intelligent out of the three and I think he would communicate better than the other two specially Azriel and it is unfair to say that Rhys is the most emotional intelligent just because he has mind power abilities we can’t say that he’s the most emotionally intelligent that would be unfair to Cassian so yeah, I think if I had to choose, I would choose Cassian out of the three as a yandere if he could handle Nesta’s mentality with her traumas I think he can handle mine.
Now for Rhysand I would choose him if he didn’t use his mind powers with for his benefit I think he could help me especially with my ADHD anxiety and depression, but I just don’t like anyone poking around in my head other then that I don’t really find a problem with him as a yandere but then agian being a yandere is already a red flag 🚩 but someone poking in my head is a big red flag and I think he is good in communicating, but not as Cass does especially with the high Lord ego I think that might be a problem I can handle his ego and arrogance but I just don’t want too no offense for the people who would choose him but if I had the choice of having all three of them, I would and I know how chaotic that would be, but I still would say yes and I know what I just said but I would still say yes I am just too indecisive AKA ADHD to choose between the three and I know I just said I will choose Cassian but I really had to mentally prepare myself, and have the strength myself to choose
for Azriel communication might be a problem with all of the trauma that he’s been through He’s not really a good communicator and he’s a bit of a sadist in bed. Even the author is herself said this and I “Azriel is a bit of a freak in bed” so if i for example, runaway, the punishments would be very harsh especially that he is literally the torture of the night court and he’s a stocker with his Shadowsinger abilities, so I also think he’s shadows would be all around me dancing and covering me which I have no problems with but I just had a special place for Cassian in my heart and it took a lot to make him a favorite because I’m so indecisive. Who would you choose? Out of the three of them or would you choose all three of them? I hope you could share some insights with me.
Honestly you described them well and I agree with you. Just having the yandere in the middle is a big red flag, but since it's fiction I don't mind🤭🤷🏻‍♀️
In my opinion, Cassian is the coolest of the bat boys. He is a big soft to his sweetheart and would be the easiest to deal with I think. Just give this male a little love and he'll be on his knees for you. But obviously he is a yandere and has the absurd and murderous possessiveness thing, but it is not difficult to calm him down. A big, walking teddy bear, basically.
He is a soft yandere but only for his darling. The others do not apply to this.
Rhysand is another soft one for his darling, but not as much as Cassian. He can be quite difficult to deal with at times, but Rhys will do anything for those he loves and he loves you, he's obsessed. He is willing to sacrifice everything and everyone just for his sweetheart. He's an easygoing yandere when you reciprocate his feelings, but as you said, his daemati skills are tricky. I guess Rhysand won't invade his darling's mind if they loves him back, but if not, well... We're going to have some problems.
He's easy to deal with if you accept him, but be careful with him as Rhysand can act quite strange at times.
And Azriel is, in my opinion, the worst yandere to deal with among the bat boys and one of the worst in ACOTAR. I love him but Az is very difficult to deal with. Whoever he obsesses over is screwed. He loves a lot and is very dangerous, besides being a born stalker. Azriel has many problems and dealing with them will not be easy. One of his shadows will always be watching you and reporting everything to him, what you do, what you eat and who you talk to.
And not counting the punishments, he is the High Lord's personal torturer, you can believe that his punishments will be painful. Yeah, dealing with Azriel is tough and I think he's the one most likely to kidnap your darling.
So if I were to choose, I would say Rhysand or Cassian. I love them all, but Azriel would not be my romantic choice, I have enough problems myself and it would be difficult to deal with mine and his I guess. My only problem with Rhys would be that his daemati abilities would annoy me, I'm very paranoid and I'd think he was invading my mind. I would only choose all three if they were platonic yandere, but still very reluctantly.
So I think my choice would be Cassian as well. The walking teddy bear 🥰🤭
I'm happy to share my houghts with you, anon! I'm always open to chat ❤️❤️
~ Lady L
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criophorus · 5 months
Will Do Readings For Food
Emergency readings are open!
Starting as low as $7!
I hate to complain when I know so many of us are tight on cash, and I always try to stay grateful for what I've got! But I got laid off yesterday morning and have about $15 to my name. Rent is due, I've had to had repairs done on my car 3 times in 3 weeks, and so far I haven't been able to book an interview anywhere. My partner and I were barely scraping by as it were, so we could really use a little help if you're lookin for a reading!
For those of you it may be important to, I'm nonbinary and have a mood disorder, dissociative disorder, ADHD, and chronic pain!!
Primarily opening Lenormand readings (similar to tarot, read in pairs, for anyone wondering!), but will happily do tarot or oracle readings, scry, make sigils, read natal charts, or any other services I've provided here in the past, just ask! I'm more than happy to talk about bundle deals for buying multiple readings or multiple of the above, I'm open to spreads not listed below– in sum, if you don't see what you're looking for, just ask!!
Payment over P*ypal preferred, over v*nmo if, for any reason, you can't use P*ypal.
Readings Prices and Proof of Destitution Below the Cut!
3-Card Spread - $7 - Includes the spread read as a whole ("sentence-style"), interpretation of both sets of horizontal pairs and the mirrored pair as well as the overall summary of my interpretation at the end. That's 4 separate aspects from which I will interpret the answer your question, plus a cohesive interpretation of what they mean altogether, and a huge thank you for paying for gas to get my partner to work in the morning!
5-Card Spread - $12 - Read as a whole, all 4 horizontal pairs, both mirrored pairs, and summary. That's 7 whole aspects of interpretation before your summary, and you've helped me eat for the day!
9-Card Spread, simplified - $15 - Interpretation of center card (core/theme), each horizontal row as a whole (conscious, concrete, and sub/unconscious details), each vertical row as a whole (past, present, and future details), and summary. 7 aspects of interpretation + summary!
9-Card Spread, full breakdown - $35 - Interpretation of the center card, corners/diagonals (context - influence and possibility), each horizontal row as a whole and broken down into pairs and mirrors for more details, and each vertical row as a whole and broken down into pairs and mirrors. That's a whopping 27 aspects of interpretation I'll detail to you before putting it all together and giving you my final, detailed answer! Expect THREE PAGES OF DETAILS on this one! Recommended for when you want a reading on broad areas of your life (ex. "I want on my bf's and I's relationship" or "It's been a long week, I'd like a reading to get some overall insight right now," or a question you want to really deep dive, like "What should I expect at the party tonight," or, "I'm making x decision and need insight on what to do.") Only taking 3 full-breakdown 9-card spread requests at a time so I can get to everyone in a timely fashion! Slots available: (3/3)
To order a reading, DM me or email me at [email protected]
No medical/legal questions.
Must be 18+ or have parent's permission, honor system
Readings under $35 - payment when reading is done, before I send full document
Readings $35 and up - half up front, half when reading is done
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Thank you for reading, and I appreciate every reblog! <3 Love y'all!
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