#i had a suspicion that blog was you when you made that post earlier
brosif40 · 1 month
Yeah having a mutual find the side blog is a jump scare, but something that’s funny is when they find the post that was actually a call out directed at them that I simply disguised as a regular post
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Remember to get proper sleep tonight buddy :)
We cares about your health
HEYY I have a very messy sleeping schedule it's hard to keep a normal one 😔 but luckily for you I've been sleeping at 8pm lately
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bcacstuff · 1 year
KE's friend Bennet Jordan commented on his post that Dashy isn't Sam's best friend so... They've seen each other while in NY
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Sigh.. I actually was contemplating, do I post this or not... 🙄
I mean, I really don't want to turn my blog into some kind of 'samsplaining' in another way, decoding the 'bizarro' (thank you Anon for that word) of a blogger that turns each little breadcrumb into some kind of evidence explaining it her way....
First for the ones that don't go to this blog and have no idea what this is about. Bennet Jordan posted on IG a slide of pics with a dog, most likely Dashy, KE's dog. They were in NYC as well, as KE is working on a project with his fiancée Emily Chen. KE left a comment on his post, he answered and later on his answer was deleted
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Anyway, I don't think they're 'back together', they never were actually together. At the most we have a suspicion KE was on that roadtrip last summer and perhaps in LV with S.
If that comment is about the Sam we know, and that's already a big if, but let's assume it was, then it's a bit odd to say Dashy isn't Sam's best friend and the 💀 ... now that doesn't look to me KE and S are in a loving relationship, now does it?
I also do not think they met up in NYC, even though they were there at the same time. We know S had quite a busy schedule, and we also know he went out for diner with friend Paul D (the chef). So the little spare time he had... well you can figure. And on top of that KE was working with Emily on a project.
But I took a little deeper look under the surface. I mean, the easiest thing to say is 'oh, look, they must have met... together...' 🙄
If you look a bit farther, and scroll his and his fiancées IG, you find out that curiously enough the couple did a roadtrip together last summer, they even announced their engagement during that trip. Oh... wait, who was doing a road trip last summer again....????
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right.... and no the dog didn't like him much, he's hiding in plain sight behind the table, head down, tail down... 🙈 But the whole gear including hat and T-shirt from Jackson Hole Wyoming...
So let's check out timeline from last summer. His last pic in the UK was posted on July 23 with the bucket hat. The next pic shows him at Zion NP posted on August 1st. The cowboy pics were posted on August 11th, clearly latergram as he was already back in LA after 48 hours in LV, of which the JL concert on August 6. Anyway, you can check the timeline I referred to above.
Now what about Emily & Bennett. Now Emily posts this on the 20th on June (2022). The 'our' in her post is her and Bennett
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Interesting roadtrip, especially some of the places... 🤔
KE leaves a comment on that post
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Note, the date stamp is CEST = 9 hours ahead of PT. So her comment is on the same day as Emily's post.
Bennett also comments on that post, answering a friend who gave him a tip
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Again interesting, last minute including Zion to Jackson Hole... 🤔 🤔
She and Bennett then post a video about custom hats they had made, and they announce their engagement in the next posts. KE leaves a comment on Emily's post about it. (Aug 2nd). Though the engagement actually took place a bit earlier, as Bennett already posts with the hat earlier on (July 16) with the hat. And that's also when they had the pics made for their engagement post. (the photographer leaving a telling comment).
Nevertheless Bennett posts a video of the start of their road trip and the truck they hired on 26 July
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Anyway, later on he posts some more photo dumps of the trip. And, it's not waterproof evidence and all, but it's just quite the coincidence these people were on sort of the same road trip. Don't think they went the whole trip together (I do hope not for them, lol) but chances they met at some point or perhaps even travelled part of it together... well, it's an option. And to me, that could be where this comment about Dashy not being the best friend of Sam could come from... provided it was 'that' Sam he was talking about.
Anyway, as always. Not here to prove anything, and I value you readers as wise as you are. So all up to you to make up your mind about it, or just say... well, who cares, water under the bridge already for a long time 😉
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nobodysdaydreams · 11 months
Okay so for everyone that’s confused about what any of this has to do with Italy:
I made the character side blogs (most of them. There’s a Kate one and an executives in space one that aren’t mine, but they were revealed in Sophie’s red string posts at some point)
Gert (with Milk’s knowledge and assistance) and Truman responded with various Italian and dr garrison accounts including @italianldcurtain @italianwhisperer @the-italian-benedictmafia @drgarrison @italiandrgarrison etc. many of which sent ominous DM’s either to my main, my character side blogs, or both. For the record, even though I’m not @drgarrison DO have a side blog for her (@thedrgarrison). I also had my blogs for curtain and SQ block most, if not all of the Italians at some point.
Thus far, no one has correctly guessed my reason for making these side blogs in the first place (and based on the information you all have, I doubt anyone will, but I would be very impressed if you could). I will be dropping an explanation and official apology to the fandom, but it’s gonna take some time to type out as it ended up being so much longer than I expected and I want to do this justice (I also plan on adding memes).
The “Anti-Hero” Curtain edit is one i’ve been wanting to make for a while (he was the first character I thought of when I heard the song and it fits him so uncomfortably well). However, I was not the only person to notice or post about this so I want to credit @striveonward for posting about it earlier. All the edits are under the hashtag “#MBS confessions” and they all use the same audio clip except for the ones on @ldcurtain and my main. The one on Curtain’s account is an actual edit and the one on my main is more of a proper unhinged confessional.
If you want more detail as to what accounts belong to who, you can refer to @sophieswundergarten’s red string posts (but I have a suspicion she might do one more now that all has been revealed).
I procrastinated on a lot of important life stuff to make these videos and I still have to type up my official explanation/apology so sorry if I’m a bit less active over the next few days but I hope this was entertaining at least. The side blogs will still be posting some content and I’ll speak more about them in my unhinged longer reveal post.
Once again my sincerest apologies to anyone offended by my actions 😔
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So uhh, I just wanna rant a little bit... Pls answer if you have anything to add to whatever I'm gonna submit!! Thanks--
So when I was watching OG Naruto, the first thing I noticed was the looking down upon each other moment between Naruto and Sasuke. And BOY 😃 was I laughing while having second hand embarrassment when they kissed.. I didn't think much of it but it was hilarious. By the time I reached Chunin Exam I began to feel a sudden unusual dynamic between N and S. The affection they have for each other gave me a VERY "oh ok um.." Vibe. As always.. I ignored it.. Nah cuz I couldn't take them seriously 😂. I started to see the sudden change in S at the hospital when he suddenly wanted to fight N. From there, probably a little earlier I felt their dynamic kind of intensify a bit. VotE1, we don't talk about it. It was so emotional I'm pretty sure I cried. At the beginning of Shippuden.. The appearance of Sasuke was pretty intense (Sasuke's outfit was a big nono).. I then started to notice the change in Naruto (the character)... After then I started to get emotional, cuz my favorite characters started to fall.. You got Asuma's death, then Jiraiya's death.. No because when I saw Itachi's, I NEEDED a mental break.. So then I decided to surf the internet a little.. BIGGEST MISTAKE. I wanted to know more about characters and try to put myself in their shoes to see what actions I would take if it was me... And then I started peeking into ships.. That's where the trauma began. So I saw some analysis of ships to see which one makes the most sense.. The first one I saw was unironically SN/NS. Then the person who wrote the analysis pointed out things that I ignored. When I kept reading, I just continued getting surprised at the signs that I've noticed but decided to ignore. And I was like "Oh, ok... Interesting.." From there I basically had my suspicions cleared about their relationship (That's also when I found your blog, just a bit later)... The next one I saw was just.. 🤐🤐. SS was next.. Bro I'm not gonna lie.. When Sakura was introduced I already started disliking her. Right then and there.. No because as the series went on she was utterly useless.. Always whining and forcing her feelings on Sasuke who clearly did not like her back. Especially during the fake confession I just grinned my teeth so hard. I have a friend who watches Naruto, apparently she hates Sakura to the core as well. She said that she couldn't watch the fake confession episode and honestly, I get it 💀. She finished the series but still can't bring herself to watch the fake confession scene. Anyway back to SS... What I first saw were invalid points they made. Whatever crap they spewed out just made no sense because there was no evidence of whatever they were implying. Then they posted a page of Sasuke saving Sakura from hitting the ground after Gaara released her from his Chikaku grasp. Something that's normal for a teammate to do for the other teammate. But somehow it was romantic? So what I saw it as was that if I almost fell and my friend catches me, it means that he loves me? Because you know friends or teammates don't save each other on the regular basis apparently. As I kept reading I started getting frustrated. I didn't bother going to NH cuz.. HEH 💀💀💀. UM ANYWAY. It was a long process because I'm a bit slow. So, whenever I saw Sasuke and Sakura in the same scene, I felt frustration. My heartbeat started increasing because OMG. I JUST COULD NOT STOP CRINGING AT ALL THE TIMES SHE CRIED AND DESPERATELY WANTED SASUKE TO BE WITH HER. I was just like "Bro are you for serious? You got problems around you and you care about Sasuke?" I just subconsciously got mad whenever they were close. I took another break. And this time started looking at fan arts. It was really nice and relaxed me, until SS fan art appeared. I just got off Google and went to do something else. Then I go back later and then NH is what I see next, and I'm just like 😐😐. Then SNS fan art appears and I'm just like 😏😮😍😆. Back to the series. When Sasuke and Naruto are on the same scene I feel happy AND relaxed as they express how they felt about each other. My admiration for their bond was beyond
what I imagined. No because when Naruto said that he and Sasu would die together, and did I mention that it suspiciously sounded like a wedding vow? Anyway, whenever they'd share their feelings, I'd be watching and trying so hard not to scream. I just watched in excitement and was fan girling through the whole thing. And then I reached the War Arc. Then Neji died.. I was just like "😩😩 WHYYYY????" And Hinata started to act all bold, and I actually appreciated her in that moment when she brought N back to his senses. But then what came next just annoyed me. And I stopped watching. What kind of human would think about someone's hand when their cousin just died infront of them? ik it's a war, you're gonna need to suck it up but come on.... There was another reason as to why I didn't want to continue because, I accidentally came across a few spoilers.. Because I knew that after the war S and N would fight and then you got the monstrosity called Burrito that was upcoming.. After all of that.. I found myself just stalking SN/NS fan arts and stuff.. OH AND when Sakura started doing stuff when Sasuke showed up, it made me want to appear in the show and completely OBLITERATE HER SELFISH ASS. AND THEN SHE HAD THE AUDACITY TO SAY THAT SHE CAUGHT UP TO SASUKE AND NARUTO BECAUSE SHE CAN CREATE CRACKS ON THE GROUND??? DON'T GET ME STARTED WITH WHEN SHE GOT A STAB FROM MADARA, THINKING THAT SHE COULD BRING HIM DOWN BY PUNCHING HIM? AND STARTED WHINING LIKE A PUPPY IN HEAT BECAUSE SASUKE KUN DIDN'T GIVE 2 JACKS ABOUT HER???! AND HER ANNOYING, DELUSIONAL STANS SAY THAT SHE SURPASSED TSUNADE???? NEVER WILL SHE EVER, IDC WHAT UNIVERSE, BUT NEVER WILL SAKURA EVER SURPASS TSUNADE. THEY CAN YAP ALL THEY WANT BUT IT'S FACTS. DON'T COMPARE MISSY WHO WETS HER PANTIES AT THE SIGHT OF HER SASUKE KUN TO SOMEONE WHO, NOT ONLY LOST THOSE IMPORTANT TO HER, BUT THANKS TO THE LITTLE MOTIVATION SHE RECEIVED FROM NARUTO DESPERATELY TRYING TO FIGHT KABUTO, SHE GAINED THE STRENGTH TO GET OVER HER TRAUMA (even though it was all sudden, I really loved how she got over it). AND EVEN BEFORE AND AFTER TSUNADE MET DAN, SHE STILL HAD HER OWN MOTIVES TO BE A GREAT PERSON. TSUNADE ACTUALLY THINKS ABOUT PEOPLE AROUND HER OTHER THAN BOYS. HOW CAN THEY COMPARE SAKURA TO SOMEONE SO AMAZING??!!
And then you got SS stans saying that their relationship is "unique". I never heard an excuse as lame as that. Sasuke disliking being touched by Sakura, constantly avoiding her, and the indifferent attitude towards her whenever she's injured is considered unique? Idk about you but, It's a big red flag from my side if my husband doesn't seem concerned about me whenever I'm hurt. If anything, their relationship is whatever they want to call it.. But IT IS NOT UNIQUE, NOR CuTe, NOR LOVING. And a 'friend' of mine really said that Sakura deserved Sasuke 💀💀. Bro there are so many red flags that I just.. 😩😩😩. My parents marriage is looking a bit like SS.. First of all.. They don't like touching each other anymore.. In this, Sakura is the only one who wants to touch and be touched by Sasuke, but Sasuke's it's not the same. He doesn't want to be touched nor does he want to touch Sakura.. They both make little to no effort in the relationship, in SS case Sakura is the one making effort. Sasuke is just bleh. My dad works a lot but still wants to be home and, to be with us. Not just because of me but because he actually still wants to be home. In this case for SS.. How do I put this,, It's pretty self explanatory anyway... Uh, Sasuke does NOT come home but when he does it's usually because of Salad (the time they had dinner where Sasuke was just 😥).. Or to when he needs to reduce the boost if you know what I mean. AND HUNNY THAT ISN'T ROMANTIC, IT'S SAD 😃. I'm not saying he's using her, because I don't think he is but... Ahem... That's one of the very few times Sasuke touches Sakura.. And that's one of the very, very, VERY, few moments of SS 🤐. "But what do you meann!! They had sex, they love each other! It's real deal love!!" Where have you been? 😀 Since when does real deal love works like that in the real world? Because people have sex don't mean they love each other. It's called a one night stand for a reason. One night stands don't need no love. Whatever crumb the author throws at their desperate fandom, they take it and be like "SEE! IT'S REAL DEAL LOVE!!" 🤦. My little brother's attitude when my mom gives him an extra donut. They gotta learn the difference between actual love and guilt tripped love. Their very different things. Their pink mega mind, self absorbed, princess with down syndrome is not the one for Sasuke. And please, they need to stop editing panels to fit their sad ship. It's getting embarrassing.
Well you said everything jaja
What I can add, is that at the time I watched Naruto when i was 12, more than a decade ago...I always find it at least "weird" that you go to such extreme lengths and pain just for a "friend". It's not a question of culture or something, because some antis would say ñiñiñi is different in lalaland. I guess bonds and friendships can be handled the same in any part of the world, same with relationships with parents, siblings and lovers. It's not that in some countries idk you would fuck a friend but your relationship with a couple would be distant in comparison to a friend. So, there is no "friendly" or straight explanation for Naruto going that far for Sasuke. I have seen this dynamic on full metal alchemist, but they were brothers and their relationship was absolutely different than SNS beginning with no repressed feelings at all. And on shippuden those feelings get more intense and deep.
And what you said about Sakura and SS I agree.
Specially about the touching thing, some of the things that separate a friendship from a love relationship is touching. at least they are on a superior level of spirituality than they do not even need that, which is not SS case.
Sasuke doesnt like being touched at all, but he always started physical contact with Naruto and he is not disgusted to be physically close with naruto. on the other hand with sakura... Their relationship is not unique at all, in the positive way of the word... They lack of everything.
And that shit saying Sakura deserved Sasuke or viceversa is a total redflag because shows that you are treating a person like some prize. You dserve a prize if you did enough to win. What you do not deserve is a person. That shows how selfish they are as their cherry bloom princess, because technically LOVE is not about giving my feelings thinking if the other person will give me back what i deserve. Many times in the anime is showed that Sakura does and behaves in certain way in order to catch sasuke attention and get "his love." From there you see a scheme from her, because all of her actions are driven for a purpose of being close to sasuke which would lead to idk being his girlfriend. But is all about her and this again shows how she never loved him, as SS claims that she suffered that much poor girl.
It was always about her and her ego. She is such a narcissistic person and loving someone...is all about the contrary.
And this also is another win for SNS because Naruto love for Sasuke, and viceversa, never hid an scheme behind. Not a I will save you----> he will like me/he will do things for me. they always did and bring comfort to each other, because of real feelings and uninterested love.
SS and NH can never work having Naruto or Sasuke figure in between, you need to erase one of them to make those ships work and be "natural" and loving.
What i will always say for how SS and NH work in BORUTO is...Divorced-in-maybe-good-terms couple that just is still together for the sake of the children.
And SS and NH making mental gymnastics to justify why they are canon, is useless. THey are just canon to let the kids in boruto, have biological parents. thats it.
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purrincess-chat · 3 years
I've had this discussion before with friends, but I wanted to delve into it more. In a meta mood today I guess, but I've been thinking while watching s4 (well, I've thought it for a while but it's glaringly obvious in s4), but ML has a huge pacing problem.
I know that s1 was more or less a pilot season. It introduced the concept and dynamics of the show, and they weren't exactly sure if it would get its feet off the ground yet, but seasons 2-4 so far have just had a lot of pacing issues.
And I'm going to preface this by saying that everyone who can't understand the difference between critical discussion and salt, feel free to leave. I don't care if you think the show is perfect the way it is. Go do that somewhere else. People can and should be able to look at the media they consume critically. It doesn't mean it's bad or that they hate it. They just fundamentally understand that it is flawed, and enjoy discussing the plot and its flaws on a deeper level. Refusing to see flaws where they exist isn't the positive power move you think it is.
Anyway, back to the pacing issues.
S2 and s3 had barely any plot. The plot we did get was trickled in. Crumbs. Now we got to s4 and Thomas has declared that every episode will have Chat Blanc levels of bombshells dropped as if that's a good thing. Don't get me wrong, s4 has been better than prior seasons, but I still leave every episode feeling like they rushed to cram in too much.
We all know how I feel about the love rivals, and setting aside personal feelings, the rivals from a writing standpoint were not necessary. At least not functioning as love rivals. Introduce Luka and Kagami, sure, but from a storytelling standpoint the purpose they served in s2 and 3 was just to be a cheap distraction. And they didn't have to be.
The big draw of this show is the love square and its subversion of the love triangle. Now people argue that it's realistic to explore other options before getting together, and while that might be true of real life, that isn't in line with the genre/style of this show. It wasn't a needed lesson, so to speak. They drew us in with the promise to subvert a specific trope in an interesting way, then immediately dragged out that very trope. And not even for any big reason. They just needed an excuse to keep the endgame ship split. And as we can see with how swiftly they dropped the rivals when they were no longer "necessary" as distractions, the writers were always using them as an excuse not to put the square together earlier. They knew the square's chemistry was too good and fans were going to be foaming at the mouth by s3 if they didn't do something. Then the second they have another excuse for the square not to get together, boom. Dropped the rivals.
You felt cheated because it was a cheap tactic, and honestly, it was so avoidable if they had just paced things better.
Honestly, I feel like Alya should have found out in s3. Granted, in order to do that they would have had to changed a lot. So this is what I personally (you are welcome to your opinions elsewhere if you disagree or enjoy canon the way it is) feel would have helped fix this pacing problem:
S1 was a bit unavoidable, and it works for what is is: a market tester.
S2 should have focused more extensively on the lore and Marinette's guardian training. We should have been introduced to Mayura earlier. They should have spent more time expanding Master Fu's story and the order's backstory. They could have created tension with the girls/Alya/Marinette's relationships by having her constantly sneaking around to either fight bad guys or train as a guardian which begins to harbor Alya's suspicion. They very well could have moved Master Fu passing his role onto Marinette to the s2 finale if they were more efficient with their time, leading into s3.
S3 could have had Alya finding out. Marinette becomes too overwhelmed with her new duties as guardian and being Ladybug just as she is in s4. S3 could have been her exploring her new role with her bff by her side for support while they begin to build up the Agreste plot more.
S4 then would have been free to expand the Agreste plot without having to crowd in so many other plotlines. Everything would have room to breathe. Marinette would have been busy enough in prior seasons to justify not dating anyone.
What the rivals effectively did was waste time that could have been utilized to develop the plot further in other areas. I get some people like them, but from an objective storytelling perspective, they were filler. When you write a story, like an honest to God professional story, everything has to serve a greater purpose for the plot and move it forward, and if you are experiencing pacing issues or a plot line isn't working, you have to make the executive decision to cut it or change it. I get that time constraints are a thing in TV. Executive meddling happens. Deadlines are tight, which doesn't always leave room for this kind of long game thinking. I also get that this is (I believe) the first time Thomas has been a head writer. Mistakes are bound to happen. It's how you learn and get better. I get that.
This post is more just me speculating what would have made things work better. For me. So backspace over your butthurt comments. Your precious canon is still untouched. I promise. This is just my opinion, shared on my own blog (and not even tagged). Go make your own meta post.
But that being said, I enjoy s4, but it still doesn't quite sit right with me because they are putting too many eggs in their basket now in an attempt to be epic and up the stakes, but in reality, it just leaves the show feeling really unbalanced. To me.
If you like ML the way it is, great. Go enjoy it, scamp. I wouldn't be here if I didn't glean some enjoyment from it too. I just like to think about things sometimes. And that's perfectly okay.
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ohnopoe · 3 years
no goodbyes | remus lupin
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Ship: Remus Lupin x Reader Summary: Leaving Hogwarts and his position as Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher was hard enough, but leaving you was another thing all together Word Count: 1.7k+ Warnings: Self deprecation, a shitty world, and a surprisingly light amount of angst Author’s Note: Gender not specified/gender neutral. This turned out cuter than I expected tbh... This is for the wonderful wednesday writing challenge that @autumnleaves1991-blog and @clydesducktape​ organise! The prompt is linked here because spoilers!
There was something bittersweet about returning home for Remus Lupin.
His family home was small and cramped, but soft and warm, filled with reminders of those who were no longer there. Family, friends, it seemed nothing truly lasted in his life, and that only felt more true as he returned now, before the end of term, before he had intended.
Another job lost to his condition.
Somehow the sting of it didn't cut as deep anymore, but then he'd been dealing with the same prejudice for over twenty-five years now, perhaps he was just getting used to it, he thought with a somewhat amused scoff.
He could understand the letters that had swarmed the school the morning the truth had been revealed, he could understand the fear the student's parents had at the thought of him teaching their children. But that didn't mean it didn't hurt.
And yet, that wasn't anywhere near the most painful part of leaving.
Harry had been disappointed, hell, he looked near heartbroken to see his favourite professor was packing up after all they had gone through in the past few days. And he understood the pain, he really did. The boy had no connection to his parents, and just as he had found two, both were stripped from him.
He would have to try and stay in contact with him, just as soon as he was able to track down Sirius, that is.
The man he had believed capable of betrayal for so many years.
The man he had once called brother, and now- what was he now? Could they go back to the friendship they once had after so much distrust? He could only hope so.
Perhaps there was some good to come from this year after all.
But the moment that thought filled his mind, another face filled his mind.
He had never expected to meet a kindred spirit when he took on the job. He had been determined to keep somewhat to himself, to do his job and make no waves. He hadn't expected you.
The laughter and joy, the late nights that had started out with marking homework together and soon dissolved into simply enjoying one another's company. There was an ease with you that he could not remember ever feeling before.
Even when there was no time, there was still something.
It had started so simply. A book was lent, a note slipped into it. Thoughts shared on a scrap of paper as it was returned.
It soon turned into a pattern.
Books were found with the purpose of being for the other, as you each excitedly awaited the day they would find it back to their gifter's desk, with a simple note which would hint at a long conversation that would come whenever they found the chance.
It was such a soft and gentle thing, and it was yours. 
And then there was the moment, only hours earlier, when you had walked into his office, with his book in hand. Your smile refused to meet your eyes, eyes that seemed to hint at a torrent of emotions that were pulled back. There was so much to say, so much he wished he could say, but how could he?
The truth was out, and it didn't matter that you had been there at his side regardless of the fact you had known from the moment he started working by your side. It didn't matter that you had been there the day after every moon, chocolate and pain potions in your bag as you simply sat with him, reading to him when he wanted company, or working silently at his desk when he needed to rest.
It wasn't just about your beliefs now.
Even if, by some miracle, you felt the same way he did, the world would never allow it. You would receive all the hell and prejudice that he needed to protect you from. His love could never be enough to make up for a world of hate. Could it?
He had held back, trying to appear as though his heart wasn't breaking as he realised this was the end.
There would be no more soft conversations or raucous laughter, no more working together as you each complained about the illegible handwriting of student's work.
This would be the last time you entered his office, as this would be the last time it would be his office. 
And the book in your hands, his book, would be the last one passed between you.
There was a sadness in your gaze as you looked him up and down, taking in each new mark with the same concern you showed every month, and it stole any words from his mind. How could he find something to say when someone as wonderful as you stood before him?
Your mouth had barely opened before a noise startled you both from behind. His classroom room was pushed open in a hurry, and he glanced down at the open map before him to confirm his suspicions. Harry was not about to let him leave that easily either.
Another broken smile filled your features as you turned away from the doorway to face him once more, and then you were walking forwards.
He felt as though he had been hit with the strongest of stunning spells as he simply watched, unable to convince his legs to move, or his arms to wrap you up and hold you against him as he longed to do. No, he simply watched silently as you placed the book down on his desk with a tenderness that seemed to cut through him.
And when your eyes met his, there was so much there, so much hidden in silence, that he never got a chance to explore.
Harry was at the door, and you were retreating already.
He wanted to follow, trapped in your aura, desperate to never leave you. But Harry needed this too, and as you turned to give him a single nod, he did his best to reconcile that this was the only goodbye he would get from the one he loved in secret.
Funny how he hadn't thought to look at the book after that. 
It had gone into his bag almost automatically as he spoke with the desperate boy, but even his subconscious had him holding it carefully, as if somehow he could retain your touch through the book itself.
Now, as he stood with bags in hand in the small cottage of his childhood, it was as though nothing were more important than finding that book and clinging to it.
Clothing and nick nacks were pushed aside as he searched the bag for the precious item, and he sighed with relief as the feel of familiar worn leather touched his skin.
A book on herbology, of all things. 
He hadn't even realised he had it before you had found it upon his shelves, and raised it with a tilted head, silently asking if you could borrow it.
Herbology was never a strength of his, and it turned out you were similarly lacking in talent in that department, yet you had taken it with a smile, soft and gentle. A smile that had him realising he would do anything to ensure that smile existed all the more often.
Now, the odd book seemed to be more important than any other, even if it still made little sense to him.
He couldn't help but treasure it as he ran a hand over the cover, staring at it in wonder.
Had you enjoyed it? Had you found it just as confusing as he had?
Now he would never get the chance to discuss it with you, your meetings abruptly ending with the sudden termination of his position.
He couldn't help but wonder, had you left a note in this book? Perhaps something small, a jest about the author's name fitting the topic suspiciously well.
It was with a certain trepidation that he opened the front cover.
What if there was nothing to be found? What if you had decided that after everything that had happened, you didn't even want to do this? What if that was why you had not said goodbye?
No. He was placed in Gryffindor for a reason, and opening a book was not going to be the thing that stopped him in his tracks.
The cover fell open, and he held his breath as he took in the small post-it note that sat right there, with your familiar script staring back at him.
It was a short note, shorter than most, but even the sight of that had him smiling to himself.
If you want to know my thoughts, you're going to have to meet me at The Leaky Cauldron for lunch the day after school lets out.
I'll understand if you don't want to
The huff of laughter that escaped him almost surprised him. But then, he should have known better than to doubt you. You had made it clear from the start that his condition wasn't something that would ever scare you off, going so far as to threaten him with a hex should he ever imply it again.
He should have known better, should have had faith in you.
Perhaps losing his job wasn't the end of everything, perhaps this was just another chapter in his life, and you would remain a steady character, if he would be lucky enough to keep you as a friend.
The note would be treasured, he knew that even now as he unstuck it from the front page, careful not to crease the proof of your unyielding loyalty.
But as he lifted it he noticed something else.
Light shone through the thin paper from the warmth of the fireplace, hinting at more dark ink on the other side.
There, in a slightly more shaky handwriting, but one that was undeniably still yours, held another message.
P.S. I never told you, but I was falling in love.
For the first time in a long time, Remus Lupin felt excited for the school holidays. The end of term could not come fast enough. After all, he had to discuss some notes shared in a book.
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theoreticslut · 4 years
“Bloody hell, it’s only taken you five years.”
Part 2 to “You don’t share real well”
pairing: fred weasley x reader x george weasley
requested: yes 
word count: 3k
warnings: references smut but it’s not graphic, fluff
A/N: i didn’t plan on writing a part 2 to this, but i think it turned out so well so thank you so much for requesting it @immajustreadwritereblog !! I hope you like it just as much as I do Xx Also, a HUGE thank you to everyone that’s been reading, commenting, & reblogging my work!! I posted two different stories  y e s t e r d a y & they’re both super close if not already at 100 notes!! not to mention i’m also close to 200 followers already! like that’s absolutely crazy!! I feel like I just started this blog so i’m just very overwhelmed and grateful to every one of you! I hope you continue to like my writing and will continue supporting me! I seriously love you all so much <3
Taglist: i’m just going to tag some people that had asked to be tagged in other stories of mine, message me if you’d like to be added or removed!
@justmesadgirl @xuckduck @yikesyikesyikes95 @filipi-yes @aestheticwh0r3 @siredkai @matsuno-nadeshiko @msmarklee1213 @immajustreadwritereblog
You groan as you turn over in bed, waking up a bit. You hiss as your head is already pounding from the lack of sleep you’ve had recently. Not only have you been working, but you’d also spend much of the night cuddling with Fred and George and just enjoying each other’s presence.
Since seeing the twins again at Bill and Fleur’s wedding you had nearly moved in with them. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny had to go back to school anyways so it’s not like you were missing much at the burrow.
Fred and George had asked you over for a week, which soon turned into two and then three until suddenly it’d had been nearly three months that you’d be there.
“Good morning, darling.” George smiles as he walks into the room carrying a mug of coffee.
“Morning, Georgie.” You smile, watching as he sets the mug down on the stand and then crawling on top of you, laying on top of your body as he wraps his arms around you.
You giggle, smiling widely as you kiss his forehead and run your fingers through his hair.
“Is someone a bit needy this morning?” You whisper, still playing with his hair as he whines a bit.
“I just need you to hold me.”
You smile and nod, kissing his forehead once more before letting him just lay there. Since you’ve sort of moved in with them, moments like this have happened more and more between all of you.
You've more than made up for those few months where you couldn’t see each other. Both of them are showing you more affection than all your years combined, however. It’s almost like they’re trying to catch up on all the time they’ve wanted to hold you and be close to you that they were too afraid do at hogwarts with so many other people around. it was obvious you were all close friends, but truthfully you all had been wary of being too cuddly to prevent any unwanted questions about your guys' relationship from peers and professors.
You weren’t going to complain, you loved the boys and any time you were held by them or got quick kisses from them made you more than happy. You still hadn’t shared your true feelings with them, but why would you when you already had this? If you told them you loved them you were afraid all of this would stop.
“Hey, George, I - what’ve we got here?” Fred asks as he walks into the bedroom, stopping and pouting when he sees George holding you.
“Morning, Freddie.” You smile, getting him to smile a little bit at you before going back to pout at his twin.
“Why am I not getting cuddled?”
“Because it’s my turn. I need some of y/n’s love this morning.” George mumbles out grumpily to his brother, his face pressed into your stomach.
“That’s not fair. You’re always cuddling her.”
“I got here first.” George argues and you sigh, shaking your head at the two.
One thing you could say for sure about these boys was that for being adults, they still very much acted like children at times. it was endearing in a way, however, because you were truly the only person who got to see them both like this.
Fred had made his way over to the two of you and was attempting to push his twin out of the way so he could have you instead. You sigh, chuckling ever so slightly.
“That’s enough you two. I am more than capable of loving you both.”
“You are?” They ask simultaneously, Fred looking up at you as George finally lifts his head from your stomach.
“Of course I am. I’ve loved you both up until now, haven’t I?” You chuckle, not yet realizing what you’ve admitted.
“You love us?” Fred asks, wanting to smile but in total disbelief that you would actually love the both of them like they do you.
“Of course I do.” You smile, pushing back the hair that’s resting on his forehead.
“Like, you really love us?” George asks, sitting up and straddling your body.
“Like as more than friends?” Fred asks.
You nod, blushing madly but not breaking eye contact with either of them.
“Well, yeah. Do you think I’d let anyone else kiss me like you guys do? Do you think I’d have anyone else hold me as much?”
They both try to stop the smiles from taking over their faces, but neither of them succeed.
“We love you too.” George smiles, kissing your lips.
You freeze for a second as this is the first time either of them have actually kissed you. They’d kiss your skin and your head and hands, but they’ve never kissed you.
You smile into the kiss as you kiss him back, you’re lips seeming to perfectly fit his.
“We’ve loved you for years, but weren’t sure how you would take it. We were afraid you’d only love one of us, or even worse not loves us at all.” Fred admits as you and George pull away, George going to kiss and suck on your neck.
“Well I guess you both got pretty lucky, huh?” You smile, leaning over to press a kiss to Fred’s lips.
“That we did.” George smiles, kissing your neck again.
“Let us show you just how lucky you are.” Fred smiles as he pushes you down so you’re lying on your back, placing another loving kiss on your lips before laying down beside you and kissing down your body.
“Boys.” You gasp as Fred kisses just below you belly button, working on removing your shirt as he trails kisses up your belly.
“We’ve been wanting to do this for so long.” Fred admits breathily, as he cups your breasts.
“I love you.” You sigh as George lifts your shirt over your head as Fred works on removing you’re bra.
“Take it all in, princess. This is all for you right now.” Fred smiles, kissing your lips as George presses kisses to your bare thighs below your pajama shorts.
You can’t help but be happy that night when the three of you head over to the burrow for Christmas dinner with the family. You had finally confessed your feelings to the boys you’ve been crushing on since the second year and Merlin did it work out in your favour.
Not only did they both like you back, but you found out pretty quickly just how blessed you were with these two. They certainly knew what in the bloody hell they were doing when showing you just how lucky you were.
“Merry Christmas, Molly.” You smile, hugging the woman who’s been a second mom to you as you get inside the house.
“Merry Christmas, dear. It’s wonderful to see you again. How has it been living with Fred and George?” She asks as the two hug their father and siblings.
You smile at them, loving how close they were with their family. This is honestly the only thing you've wished for for so many years. You spent hours upon hours imagining what it'd be like to be a part of a loving family with a loving partner that's proud to show you off to them. Little did you expect when meeting Fred and George, that they'd be the ones to give it to you.
“It’s been really nice. I’ve never realized how much I miss them when we’re apart.” You admit, chuckling as you get your jacket off.
She smiles at you, taking your jacket and setting it over the back of one of the kitchen table chairs.
“For the record, we miss you too whenever you’re not around.” George smiles, wrapping an arm around your waist as Fred hangs his around your shoulders.
They still can’t believe what had finally happened earlier. It almost felt like a faraway dream, but knew differently when they could both recall the taste of your lips and your scent. They couldn’t wait to get you back in bed tonight. Now that you were theirs, they didn't plan on spending much time away from you.
They'd never admit it, but those few months you guys spent apart were literal torture for them. So many nights the two of them had laid awake in their separate beds wishing they could conjure you there with them. They had missed the faintly sweet smell of your perfume that felt like home to them. They missed your body heat that was never enough to keep them warm if needed, but was comforting nonetheless. They missed having your voice and laugh fill the space around them.
“For Merlin's sake, you three look so cute together. When will you finally get together?” She chuckles, bringing a blush to your cheeks as you gaze down at the floor.
You look up at the twins as they smile down at you. After you had all finished this morning and lay in the post-orgasmic bliss, they finally asked you to be theirs and theirs only, kissing your fingers and nose and shoulders, pressing quick kisses to your lips as you said yes.
“Well, mum.” George starts, as you smile.
You knew she’d be excited. You had the inkling suspicion that she’s been well aware of your feelings for each other long before you guys were.
“Surprise.” Fred says, smiling at you and then over at his mother.
“No! Really?!” She gapes, smiling widely as she clasps her hands together.
“What happened?” Arthur asks, as the family come rushing to the kitchen.
“Wait, did they finally get together?!” Ginny squeals, rushing over to you as she notices how the twins are holding you.
“We did.” George chuckles, kissing your forehead as their mum and sister gasp, Ginny squealing some more in excitement.
“I knew it! I knew they liked each other!” She cheers, hugging you three and jumping in excitement.
“It’s about time. Bloody hell, it’s only taken you five years to get here.” Ron states, earning a smack in the head from Hermione.
“What? It’s true.” He pouts, rubbing the place hermione smacked him.
“Yeah, but you don’t need to point it out. Just be happy for them, Ronald.”
You three chuckle at the younger sibling and his girlfriend before each of your boyfriends give you a sweet kiss on the lips to remind you just how much they love you, even if it had taken five years to admit it.
“Freddie, Georgie. It’s too early to be up.” You groan as the two of them are kissing you and tracing their fingers along your sides or arms. Essentially they’re just not letting you sleep and you’re not sure why.
“Princess, today’s a special day.” Fred smiles, placing a soft kiss to your forehead.
“It’s my birthday, I’d like to sleep in a bit longer.” You huff, burying your face into the pillows.
You can feel George start kissing at your shoulder as he traces patterns into you thighs. You're not gonna lie and say it wasn’t turning you on, but it was certainly annoying you.
“Guys” you sigh as Fred sucks on the spot just below your earlobe.
“Are you really going to complain when you get to wake up to this?” Fred asks, chuckling at you.
“You two are unbelievable. I swear to Merlin you’re the horniest guys I’ve ever met.” You huff, turning over so your laying on your back
“And that’s a bad thing?” George asks, kissing your lips.
“Not bad, but annoying at times.” You quip, smirking and kissing him back as Fred traces patterns into the skin where your shirt has risen.
“We just want to treat the birthday girl to a  good morning. We have a few things planned for today and thought you’d enjoy this first.” He smiles, placing a few hot kisses to your neck.
“You know what I'd like even better?" you ask, smiling as you loosely wrap your arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his lips as he keeps tracing his finger over your thighs.
"What's that, darling?"
"Some breakfast in bed. Maybe some pancakes and hot chocolate. With some strawberries and bananas cut up on the side."
Fred chuckles as George smiles at you, biting his lip as he admires your beauty.

"I'm sure we could do that for you, princess. After we finish here." Fred smiles, kissing your nose causing you to scrunch it because it tickles.
"I'm holding you to it, Weasleys." you smirk, moaning as george presses his finger against you in just the right spot.
As promised, Fred and George cooked you breakfast after you had all finished and you hopped in the shower. You sigh contently as the warm water hits your back. It's been just over a year and a half that the three of you have been together and you don't think you've ever been happier.
Sure you guys had your problems from time to time, usually one of the boys getting jealous for some silly reason or you getting upset with their continued immaturity on some topic or another, but you were always able to resolve it and move forward. Somehow you three just worked.
You rinse off your body and make sure the majority of your conditioner was rinsed out of your hair before you shut off the water and step out of the large shower. that is one thing you loved about this apartment, was how large the shower was. It was a walk in with a rain shower head and more than enough room for you, fred, and george to shower together.
You dry yourself off with a towel before wrapping your hair up in it and sliding your silk robe over your arms, tying it in a loose bow at your waist.
"Don't you look stunning." fred smiles at you when you walk up to the island and sit down. He serves you a plate of pancakes with a swirl of whipped cream on top along with some sliced strawberries and bananas next to them.
You smile, blowing a kiss at him as you take a bite of the food.
"mm, thank you loves." you smile at the two of them when george sets a mug of hot chocolate in front of you.
"I love you two so much. I hope you know that." You smile, taking another bite of your pancakes as Fred hands George a plate of pancakes and takes one for himself.
"We love you, darling." george smiles.
"More than you could ever know." fred adds.
you nod and smile at the two, feeling your heart inflate with love. you honestly aren't sure what you would be doing with yourself if you didn't have these two.
You smile as you take in the scene around you. After a day spent shopping around muggle London as well as diagon alley with fred and george, you were now having a beautiful dinner with the rest of the weasley's at your guys' shared apartment.
Fred and George had prepared a wonderful chicken casserole with bannocks (biscuits/rolls) and had invited their parents, their siblings (Ron, Ginny, Bill and Fleur being the only ones who came), harry, hermione, and some of the members of the order, including Sirius, Lupin and Tonks. You really couldn't have asked for a better evening. You were surrounded by people who loved and cared for and who loved and cared for you.
"I think it's about time for gifts, don't you, princess?" Fred asks after a few minutes of everyone chatting after eating.
"Oh, uh, if that's what everyone would like to do? I don't mind waiting." you smile.
"Yes, let's see you open gifts! I just know you're going to love mine." ginny smiles and you chuckle.
"alright, then. You guys tell me what i'm doing."
Fred and george smile as they start handing you gifts that you open one by one. Eventually you get down to one last gift that everyone seems excited about.
You look at it confused as it's such a small box, yet the twins had purposefully held it until last.
"go on, open it up, dear." your hear molly say and you smile, working on carefully ripping open the wrapping around it.
"What did you guys get me? As if you haven't already done enough for me today." you chuckle, looking at your boyfriends.
"just open it. I think you'll like it." fred smiles and george urges you to keep opening it.
you chuckle lightly, shaking your head as you continue unwrapping it to find a small, black velvet box. Suddenly you realize what it is and look up, mouth agape.
"you didn't. did you?" you ask, tears already starting to build in your throat and behind your eyes as you look over at the two red heads standing behind everyone else smiling directly at you.
"we did." george smiles as they both walk over to you, kneeling in front of you, fred taking the box from your hands and opening it to reveal a stunning two band ring.
you can't believe this, letting out a small gasp and covering your mouth as it hangs open when you finally see the ring in all its beauty. the first band is thin, consisting solely of tiny diamonds around the entire circumference. the second band is just as thin, also consisting of tiny diamonds around the circumference, but this one sporting a single diamond in the middle.
"y/n, darling, we love you more than life itself. we're honestly not sure what we would do with ourselves if we didn't have you." fred starts.
"fred and I were so excited when you told us you loved us that day just over a year and a half ago. we're aware that this may seem real sudden as we haven't been dating terribly long, but in our hearts we knew we wanted to be with you for life since our fifth year at hogwarts at least. it's probably been longer than that in all honesty." george chuckles, smiling at you as tears threaten to spill out of your eyes.
"we would be the happiest men alive if you agree to marry us. in return, we would do everything in our power to make you the happiest woman in the world. What do you say, princess?" fred asks, him and george watching you as you nod, choking back a sob as you answer.
"yes. yes! i can't imagine saying anything but yes. I love you two more than anything in this life." you smile, tears now free falling down your cheeks as you pull the two of them into a hug while everyone cheers around you.
"we're so happy for you three. you truly have no idea what it means to your father and I to see you so happy and in love." molly smiles, a few tears falling from her eyes as she look on at the three of you, so obviously in love with each other.
"welcome to the family, y/n! we're going to have so much fun now that we're sisters." ginny cheers and you chuckle, wiping at your eyes as each of your fiancés’ place a band on your finger, the diamond encrusted one going on first, followed by the one with the single diamond.
"we love you, darling." george smiles as he kisses you, holding your waist.
"so much." fred adds, taking his turn kissing you when george steps back.
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nationalharryleague · 4 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
Genre: AU, Angst, lil bit of fluff, best friends to enemies to lovers
Word count: 3.3k!
A/N: Hi! I don’t think I’ve ever posted a fic on this blog before and I haven’t really written in about five years, so please be nice!! I’m very nervous and I would love some feedback if you have any :) Also, this is loosely based on Overnight by Maggie Rogers (it’s a wonderful song, give it a listen) Thank you so much for reading!! More of my writing can be found here! 
You would have known that voice anywhere. It was smooth and deep and laced with the most perfect accent that you had ever heard. His voice penetrated the crowd of the bar and found its way to you, like he was speaking only for you. He sounded like music to your ears, but that of a song that hung heavy in your heart.
You clenched your hands tight around the glass that held your whiskey, the uncomfortable feeling of knowing he was here invading your thoughts. You wanted to run and you quickly gulped the rest of your drink. The back of your throat burned from the alcohol as you reached for your coat that had accompanied you and your friends in the booth. A curt “I have to go,” left your lips as you made a b-line for the door, needing to escape the bar that felt so small and suffocating all of a sudden.
You didn’t mean to look over your shoulder. It was a subconscious need to get one good look at him before you escaped that took over your body. He had been talking to a pretty girl, but his eyes looked over her shoulder and they locked with yours. It felt like you knew those eyes in a different lifetime; everything was so different now. Those eyes lit up when he registered your face, quickly excusing himself from the girl and beginning to move towards you.
You panicked as you realized he was coming near, fighting your way through bodies towards the exit. As you felt the shockingly cold air of a New York City winter hit your skin, you also sensed a familiar hand grab yours. It was warm. He had always been so warm. You could barely make out the rings that sat on his fingers, but you could see them so clearly in your mind. The mix of gold and silver jewelry that you had played with when it was the only thing either of you had on was burned into your brain. You ripped yourself away from those happy memories and your hand from his.
“You are not allowed to touch me anymore,” you attempted to shout, but it came out as a whimper. It was like as soon as your eyes connected, he stole all of your power.
“Y/N, please,” he breathed. “I just need to talk to you.” His eyes looked desperate and a small part of you felt triumphant. Your prayers that he missed you had come true but the tidal wave of emotions you were feeling dimmed any joy you could have felt.
“Harry, you made it very obvious that I didn’t fit into your life,” you hissed. “You’ve done enough talking to make it crystal clear that I was just a fuck to you.” Tears began to sting your eyes but you forced yourself to swallow them away. He didn’t get to see you cry over him.
“You know that’s not true. You were my best friend.” Your heart hurt with his use of the past tense, but was true. You hadn’t been best friends for a while.
“Best friends don’t lead best friends on while fucking other people.”
The night was warm and the air was balmy. The humidity hung around you on the front stoop while a party raged inside. The alcohol coursing through your veins had heated your body temperature and you found yourself sitting on the steps, trying to escape the heat.
A hand rested on your shoulder and you turned to see who it belonged to. A metallic glimpse of gold and silver rings signaled for you to let down your defenses, relaxing your muscles that were getting ready to run. A grin fell across your lips as you looked up to the owner of the rings.
“Hey,” you beamed. You couldn’t censor your adoration for the man in your altered state. You loved him and anyone paying attention could see it.
“Hey you,” he answered, sitting down on the front steps next to you. “How are you doing, my love?” The way he said ‘love’ made your cheeks heat further. He had called you ‘love’ since you had met in college, a hold over from growing up in England that had stuck years after graduation. The term of endearment had only been a sign of friendship to you until you began sleeping together a few months earlier. You had both agreed to a strictly platonic friends with benefits situation, but like in every movie written as a cautionary tale, you had quickly fallen for him. You were hopeful he felt the same about you. He was so affectionate and loving, you assumed that he was just waiting for the right time.
“I’m a little too drunk,” you said with a hiccup and a giggle. “I think you have to take care of me,” you murmured as you began to feel dizzy.
“I will,” he assured. “You stay here. I’ll be back in a little bit and we’ll get you home, okay?” He pressed a familiar kiss to your head as he got up, disappearing back into the party.
You didn’t think much of him reentering the brownstone. You played on your phone and only decided to go look for him after a sweaty stranger plopped himself down next to you on the steps and began hitting on you. You didn’t want anyone else, just Harry. You scanned everyone inside, scaling the stairs as you continued searching for the floppy hair that you thought looked sexy pushed back. You giggled to yourself as you thought about how there was a Mean Girls joke to be made, but your face and heart dropped as you heard a familiar groan through the door at the top of the stairs. Your suspicions were confirmed as you heard a woman moan “Harry” at the top of her lungs.
You slammed the door open. He was on top of her, his muscular back shining with sweat in the light of the now open door and littered with scratch marks. He turned and looked back to tell whoever opened the door to get out, but paused when he saw your heartbroken face. “Oh my god,” he whispered, quickly moving off of her and covering himself up.
Your eyes began to fill with tears and blur your vision, but not before you realized you knew the girl in the bed. Her name was Grace and you had introduced the two earlier in the night. It clicked in your head. He left you on the porch when you needed him to go fuck your friend.
“I need to go,” you stammered, turning around and running from what you just saw. You held tight to the handrail, trying not to fall down the stairs because of your tear filled eyes and intoxication. Harry chased you down the stairs after you, ready to catch your wobbly body if you were to lose your balance.
“Y/N,” he shouted at you. “Talk to me!”
Once you were on the sidewalk, you whipped around to face him. The pain in your chest had been masked by explosive anger. “How fucking dense are you, Harry? Are you fucking blind?”
“What are you talking about?” he shouted back. His button up was thrown haphazardly over his shoulders, his stomach fully exposed. You tried your best to focus and not let his butterfly cast its’ usual spell over you.
“I’m in love with you, Harry!” you screamed. It was the most obvious thing in the world for you. You couldn’t understand how he could sleep with someone else, especially while you were patiently waiting for him. He stood there quietly, chest still rising and falling rapidly. “I have made it so obvious. You are the center of my world. I drop everything for you at a moment’s notice.”
“We always said this was just sex, Y/N.” He spoke firmly, but you knew him well enough to hear the pang of guilt in his voice. “I didn’t mean for you to get that idea. I was never interested in anything romantically with you.”
“Then why do you call me pet names? Why do you always stay over after we hook up? Why do you hold me all night long? Why do you act like you’re my boyfriend?” you peppered him with rapid questions as you cried. The salty taste in your mouth signaled that the angry tears were now streaming down your face. “And even if it was just platonic and you never meant to give me that idea, you go and fuck my friend? That I introduced you to two hours ago? While I’m drunk and need you?”
His face fell and guilt coated his features. He tried to follow you down the sidewalk as you walked away from the brownstone and you nearly slapped him across the face. He looked down at the ground pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration while feeling the shame you hoped he would.
“I’ll get myself home,” you spat. “Do not call me. I don’t want to talk to you.”
It had been eight months since you had seen him last and seeing him at the bar knocked the air out of you. You couldn’t get the image of him out of your head. Every time you closed your eyes, he stared back at you.
He had changed since you last saw him. He had a short beard, got a few more tattoos, and grew his hair out. His curls had returned and you couldn’t help but want to touch them. You missed looking at him. You missed everything about him.
Your phone buzzed on the coffee table in front of you and a picture of Harry from years ago with space buns in his hair lit up the screen. You remembered that night; it was one of the happiest times of your life. Most of your happiest memories involve him somehow.
You had unblocked his number after you saw him at the bar a few nights ago and you weren’t sure why. You picked up the phone and debated if you wanted to answer it. You braced yourself and swiped a finger across the screen, bringing the phone to your ear.
“Hello?” you squeaked out.
“Oh my god... hi Y/N,” he sounded surprised.
“Hi…” you drifted off.
“Um… I’m not sure what to say. I call a lot and you never pick up,” he confessed. “I don’t really have anything to tell you. I wasn’t expecting to get to talk to you.” You stayed silent, waiting for him to say something you could answer. “Um, can we meet up?” he choked out.
“I’ll be at our spot in an hour.”
True to your word, you were there within the hour. You were both sitting on your bench in Washington Square Park. If you looked close, you could still make out the tiny letters of ‘H+Y/N’ surrounded by a heart in the wood. You had carved it on a drunken night out during college when you both had gotten lost trying to find the way back to one of your apartments’. You rubbed your gloved fingers over it, trying to remind yourself why you were attempting to forgive him. You wanted your Harry back.
“I told myself everyday that I would eventually lose those feelings for you and we could just be friends again,” you mumbled, wanting to sink down into your coat and refusing to look at him in the eye. You knew that you wouldn’t be able to resist those eyes; you loved them too much. “But I spent months hoping you would realize how much I loved you one day, and that you would love me too.” Your voice was low and your cheeks were bright red from the cold, but mostly embarrassment. You were out of practice being vulnerable with him.
“Can you please look at me?” he asked, lifting your chin so your eyes would meet his. His fingers were so soft on your skin and you felt the cool metal of his rings. You recalled how they felt on the rest of your body and yearned to be close to him again. “Stop crying over me, my love.” He moved to wipe the tears off your face and you leaned into his hand at the sound of his old pet name for you.
“I have cried over you for so long,” you forced out the sentence, feeling so pathetic. “It feels natural at this point.” You watched his face twinge with remorse. He knew he caused all of this pain because of his own stupidity. He pulled you into his body, curling around you in an attempt to protect you after all he had done was hurt.
“I’m so sorry for what I did to you,” he sighed. He had never apologized before, and hearing him show remorse made a more few tears slip down your face. “I was careless and didn’t pay close enough attention to how you were feeling. I should have been able to pick up every signal you sent me.”
“I agree,” you choked on a laugh through tears. He was quiet for a moment. You heard him take a breath to begin speaking again but you cut him off. “Why did you do it?” you questioned him. “We could have gone back to my apartment and you could have slept with me.”
“Because I was so afraid of how I felt about you,” he conceded after a long pause. “You were not the only one with feelings, Y/N.”
You were stunned. It had never crossed your mind that he might have felt the same way after how he treated you that night. You pulled away from his body to search his eyes for any hint of deceit, but he was telling you the truth. You breathed out a soft ‘oh,’ and attempted to process this new information.
“I don’t understand.”
“If you were so angry with me that you broke off our arrangement, I hoped that I could push everything down and just go back to the way things were before,” he explained. “When you confessed your feelings, I panicked. I should have come clean, but I didn’t and I broke your trust in more ways than one. I have called you nearly everyday since, trying to explain myself and take back everything I said, but you were shut off to me, rightfully so. I’m not asking for everything to go back to where we were, I’m just asking for your forgiveness. I can’t leave with us like this.”
And finally the picture for you was complete. You understood that night; the full motivations behind events that ruined you for over half a year.  For the first time since that night, you felt at peace. You weren’t worried that he never wanted to be with you, or angry that he had slept with Grace, or anxious that he would be out of your life forever. You felt the anger and resentment that had made itself home inside of you begin to melt away. You felt lighter.
“You have it.”
His eyes sparkled in spring’s late afternoon sunlight that was streaming through the coffee shop’s window. They peaked out from over his mug as he took a sip of his coffee, black with a single sugar, and you watched his movements carefully. You tried to take in as much of this time as you could, trying to create good memories to make up for the time you had lost.
It had been a few weeks since Harry had reentered your life and you had spent so much time together, sometimes it felt like you had never strayed from each other’s side. You hadn’t picked up where you had left off. You had decided to stay friends for the time being, agreeing it wasn’t the right time for a relationship, although you both wanted to be more. It was happier and healthier for both of you with everything life was throwing at you.
“What are you thinking?” he smirked. “You have your thinking face on.”
“That I missed this,” you confessed, bringing your own cup to your lips. You had missed everything about the time you spent with one another. You had been best friends for a reason.
“I never want it to end,” he remarked.
You sat in the coffee shop until the workers were cleaning up around you, talking about everything and anything under the sun. He had walked you home to your apartment, hand-in-hand, unable to say goodbye just yet. As you reached your front door, Harry reached for you and pulled you into a warm hug. You reached your arms around him and felt your sore muscles from helping him move out of his apartment the day before. You rested your head on his chest and just stood there for a moment. You both knew what was coming when you eventually pulled away.  
“I don’t want to leave you,” he exhaled into your hair.
“We’ll be okay,” you assured him. “We can make it through anything, right?” you asked, not sure if you were directing the question towards him or yourself.
Harry had been offered his dream job while you weren’t speaking. You were so proud of him when you found out, even if it was in London. The job was why he was so adamant about making up. He refused to leave New York until you were on speaking terms, afraid if he left, the two of you would be done forever.
You felt him begin to pull away after he checked his watch, knowing he needed to leave for the airport soon. You fought off the lump in your throat and steeled yourself so you wouldn’t cry. This was so good for him and you refused to make him feel guilty for taking this opportunity.
“I love you and I’m going to miss you so much,” he spoke as he held your face in his hands, eyes boring into yours. The love between you didn’t need to be classified as romantic or platonic anymore, it was just love.
Your heart broke as you said your goodbyes and watched him walk down your hallway. You made sure you watched until he turned a corner and you couldn’t see him any longer, making sure he was safe for as long as you could. You closed your apartment door behind you and fought off tears. You had faith in your relationship and knew you would make it.
As you moved to lay on your couch and cry it out, you heard a knock of your door. You knew that knock anywhere. You ran to the door and as you opened it, you felt Harry’s lips connect with yours. This kiss wasn’t lustful like ones you had shared in the past, just full of love and adoration for the other. He held you sweetly and your mind tried to memorize everything about this moment.  You stood there, tangled together, for several minutes, staying connected in the way you had never been before.
“I couldn’t leave without getting one last kiss,” he admitted when you both came up for air.
“I’m glad you didn’t,” you beamed back at him.
You didn’t know what was next for you both, but you knew you had a future. You had been apart before, and you had always found your way back to each other. You had no doubts that you would again.
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kaitwrites · 3 years
Part 23: Explanations
Hello bbys! I very much forgot about posting this yesterday oops (It was Christmas I have an excuse lol) but anyway here it is! Once again a very big thank you to @garbagepale-kid for being the best and helping me edit and proof read and everything. I hope everyone is having a good holiday season!!
Word Count: 1,742
Warnings: Uh... none really. It did low key make me sad tho so I mean 
You slowly made your way up to Sero’s room in a daze. Your fingers occasionally danced over your lips that were still tingling from your kiss with Katsuki, and your face was hot and red from what felt like a permanent blush. You had promised to meet him back in his room within thirty minutes before he came busting down Sero’s door to come and look for you, and you were pushing it with your slow pace. 
After what seemed like an eternity, you stopped in front of Sero’s room. You heard soft music playing and hoped that his neighbors were either heavy sleepers or nonexistent. You brought your hand up and knocked three times. After a few minutes you turned on your heel, ready to head to Bakugo’s room when he didn’t answer, but just as you had begun to retreat his door creaked open. 
His eyes were red and the smell of weed invaded your nostrils as smoke drifted from the room, he had a lazy smile plastered on his face once he realized who had been knocking. “Hey, I wasn’t expecting you. How was your talk with Bakugo?” He leaned against his doorframe, crossing his arms over his bare chest. 
You shifted anxiously as your gaze fell to the floor, “can I come in?”
 His smile dissipated and he made room in the doorway, shutting the door behind you as you made your way into the room, sitting on his bed. Though the two of you had been sharing the room, there was no sign of this, save for the pajamas that were still piled on the floor from the night before. You had been keeping most of your things in your suitcase, and for the most part he had done the same, but in his assumption that you weren’t coming back he hadn’t bothered to pick up after himself. 
Sero turned the music down and tried to kick some clothes out of the way before he picked up a sweatshirt from the ground, pulling it over his head before taking a seat on the floor in front of you and crossing his legs. 
“Everything okay? How did it go?” He placed a hand on your knee and looked up to you. 
You smiled and looked down at him, placing one of your hands on top of his. “It went well.” You watched as his smile came back to his face, though this time there was something different about it. “It went… really well.” 
“Well that’s good, right? You’re happy?” He asked, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand. 
Sero leaned back, taking in your expression. You had a smile on your lips that he hadn’t seen in a while, a sparkle in your eye that hadn’t been there since Bakugo had kicked you out of his room. Though you had only said a few words since he had opened his door for you, he could hear something different in your voice. He knew this was coming, he had just hoped for a little more time. 
“Yeah,” your free hand made its way up to your lips and you felt the blush come back to your face once more. Your attention turned to his face and you saw nothing but sadness come over his features. Your smile fell and you sighed, not sure if you were ready for this conversation. “I wanted to come and talk to you, though, about what happened earlier.” 
“Right.” He sat up straight, rolling his shoulders. “I’m sorry, I just… I really have no explanation for that.” You could tell he was trying to find the right words to say, he had always been a pretty easy person to read. He bit his lower lip and took a deep breath, looking to where your hands were connected, then back up to your eyes. “I love you, Y/N.” 
“I love you too, Han.” You reassured him. He was nervous, it was written all over his face. His sad eyes betrayed his bright smile. 
“No, like… I love you.” He watched you cautiously, waiting for the realization to come over your face. Once he saw the spark of recognition he continued before you could get a word in. “I’ve been in love with you for so long, I just never knew how to tell you, it never seemed like the right time.” He swallowed, his mouth suddenly very dry. “First there was Monoma, and I knew you were very hesitant to give any affection to anyone after him… But then Bakugo came along. I hadn’t seen your face light up like that since Monoma.” 
“Han…” It was the only thing you were able to get out. You had had your suspicions that he harbored those kinds of feelings for you, but you'd buried them deep down. It wasn’t that you ignored them, it was more so that you just thought he was just being the same old Sero, one of your best friends, because he never acted on them. 
He rubbed the back of his neck, looking anywhere but into your eyes. “You had never looked at me like that, and that’s when I knew that there was never a chance for me. Not in this lifetime at least.” . 
You sat there, dumbfounded. Memories from high school sprang to the front of your mind, the pining for the sweet, black haired, toothy-grinned boy came back. You had savored every smile in your direction, every slight brush of your hands, each second of eye contact you had shared. You’d admired him, stealing glances and falling more and more in love with his smile every day, but he had been in a relationship. Then Monoma came along and sucked you dry, made you feel worthless, and by the time that disaster was over you were too scared to let yourself feel that vulnerable to anyone else, Sero included.  
“If you felt that way for so long, why didn’t you say anything?” Your voice was strained. “Sure, I wasn’t ready for a relationship after Neito, but maybe if you’d told me I wouldn’t have pushed my feelings for you so far down that they disappeared.”  
His eyes shot to your face, An intense feeling of self-loathing washing over him at the words coming out of your mouth. You actually had feelings for him? There was a point in time where there was mutual pining? He’d noticed some lingering glances after he’d ended things with a girlfriend in high school, and the ways you always found a way to spend extra time with him,but in his mind that was just because you were worried about him. That relationship hadn’t ended the best, and he thought you were trying to be a good friend to him. Boy was he kicking himself in the ass for never acting on those bubbling feelings way back when. 
“I feel like an idiot.” He admitted, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his palms. “You’re telling me there was a time where I could have swept you off your feet...” he trailed off, then let out a remorseful chuckle. “To think, if I had acted on that before Monoma came into the picture… you wouldn’t have been put through all of that pain.” He looked up to your glossy eyes. 
Bringing back the things Monoma had said and done to you were still a very rough subject for you. Even after all of this time, even after finding solace in Katsuki, it was just irreparable damage. He moved himself from the floor to sit beside you, pulling your head onto his shoulder, rubbing your shoulder. “But now you have Bakugo, and I wouldn’t have done all of this for you if I hadn’t known he was a good guy, he just needed a little push in the right direction.”
“Han, why would you agree to do this if you felt so strongly about me?” You whispered, wiping at the tear that had escaped your eye. “If I had known I wouldn’t have agreed to this, to lead you on like this.” 
“There was never a moment throughout all of this that I thought you were leading me on. Y/N I chose to do this. I did it for you. Seeing your beautiful smile and knowing that you’re happy is worth more to me than any reciprocated feelings. I went into this knowing that the end game was always going to be Bakugo, and if that’s what makes you happy then that’s what makes me happy.” 
More tears trailed down your face as he spoke. Never had there been anyone in your life to put your feelings before their own. Never had there been anyone to risk their happiness for the sake of you. There was a part of you that still loved Hanta, and you thought that there might always be because though feelings were never reciprocated at the time, he was your first love. “Thank you, Hanta.” You sniffled and pulled his face to your level, giving him a kiss on the cheek. 
You didn’t miss the faint blush that adorned his cheeks, or the sad smile plastered on his face. He squeezed your shoulder and stood up, pulling you with him. “Dance with me, one last time.” He turned the volume up on the Bluetooth speaker in the room and held his arms out to you. You smiled as you remembered all the times he had done this, it never failed to cheer you up. 
He took your hand and pulled you close, holding you tightly to his chest and resting his chin on top of your head and the music played softly throughout the room. He wanted to cherish every last moment of this, because who knew when the next time he’d ever be able to hold you this close, if there would ever even be a next time. The two of you swayed together in the small space that the room allowed, and much to Seros dismay, the song ended all too soon. You pulled back and let him wipe at the tears that had fallen down your face once more. 
“Just remember, I’m always here if you ever need me.” He pulled you closer one last time, placing a kiss on your forehead and holding back the tears that threatened to fall before watching you walk out of his room to go back to Bakugo. 
Taglist:  @hopelesshawks @goustcop @pride-of-persephone @jadenyukis-bodypillow @unawi13-blog @sokka-simp @astroninaaa @pansinspace @oikawasiwa @thelifeoftheshorty @camry-orphanaccount @vhskenma @hallothankmas @pinkquartz19 @reblogs-of-things-i-like @xxoperatexx @kiristanfirsthuman2nd @introvertatitsfinest @garbagepale-kid @calumsfringe @itsmysticalmystery @sirachano0dles @bakugousflowerprincess @fukyouthink @ynfics @hadesnewpersephone @cirtruss @cherryblossom242 @chaichai-the-weeb @sergeant102105 @punicorn999 @definitelynotaundrayah @dangerousluv1 @missalienqueen @coffeeaddictedmay @nxynxy @tansyfleurwhisper @insane-without-delirium @ravenkake @thoretical-theo @overzealous-imagination @delightfulartisancolorauthor @multifixx @emomochi
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milkiijustwrites · 3 years
Hi I found your blog and saw that it said requests were open! If it's alright, may I request Hajime, Kokichi, Nagito and (if you write for him) Izuru discovering their normally rambunctious and fearless male s/o has aquaphobia and will start freaking out if hes submerged in water more than 5 feet deep or at the beach and a large wave crashes in his direction? It's okay if you don't wanna do it I know it's kinda oddly specific hahaha
It's fine! Thank you for telling me this specifically!! I hope you like it :))
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And omg it's another male s/o gwisvwisg
🥛 Mod Kiibo 🥛
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Raffle ends tomorrow!! If you want to join join now!! If you want to request me don't forget to check out the pinned post 🥛 Also I'm not very confident of my writing so bare with my grammar 🥛
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Hajime had already has his suspicion at first, when he asked you whether you want to hang out with him to the beach today. You definetly hesitated a long time.
And this suspicion was soon discovered because of some of your actions. You don't want to go near to the sea, you said youre not ready to go swimming. But how you look at the sea is quite obvious.
Also, walking along the seaside is quiet a normal thing to do when you're in a beach, but you refused to do that and just sat down at the sand and starts playing by your own.
That's mighty suspicious. So hajime would ask you if you're afraid of water. Out of pride, of course you'd say no. But in front of hajime? Nope you could only slowly nod your head.
Because if you deny the fact that you're afraid of water, hajime would definitely pull you to the sea and test you. You don't want that-
Hajime sighed as he flicked your forehead with his fingers calling you stupid. He then said that you should've told him earlier, he won't laugh or do anything.
After this incident, he would most likely avoid going to sea areas because he doesn't want you to feel afraid. Especially when riding on a ship if you guys are going anywhere.
He would hug you tight in his arms and not letting you feel the nauseous feeling on the ship. Comforting you as well.
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Kokichi would know from the start , he obviously spy on you sometimes and heard you talking over to your friends by phone saying how afraid you are to big oceans and stuff
He would hide it for himself, because he thought maybe some day this will come in handy.
He suggested to go the beach but you obviously rejected it, he knew this was going to happen so he then change another suggestion to go on a "blind date"
He'll use a cloth to cover your eyes and bring you to whatever places he desire. You hesitated but as long as it's not places to the water, you'll be fine
He then bring you to the beach, when you guys are about to touch the sand, kokichi swiftly carries you and bring you to the sea, running.
You panic, as the cloth tied to your head came off and yous aw the scenery if the beach, you're about to yell at kokichi but he ttold you that it's fine, he'll be by your side.
He's actually using his own way to make you overcome your fear, he slowly puts you down to the water and you felt the breezing feel of the water going across your legs, he held your hand and proceed to go further
As you go further and further, your anxiety goes up and up and up, you were afraid. But with kokichi's hands held yours tightly , you continue on
Finally the water raises into your chest and you started to be more and more afraid, you hugged kokichi as tight as you can, hoping nothing will happen.
Suddenly he stops, and pats your head at the same time, telling you everything is alright now.
You then let go of him and saw yourself swimming on the ocean, though you're still afraid, but you confirmed one thing, as long as kokichi is there, you'll be alright.
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He want to know everything about you, small info or bug info, he didn't even got to know this big info of yours, how could he even claim himself as your partner?
He already had a hunch, just like hajime, due to your weird actions. But Doubting one's own partner is such a hopeless thing to do! So he decided not to take his own hunch that seriously.
He wants to hear it out from your own mouth, so he'll try a lot of Opportunity to let you admit the truth. Basically it all failed but Nagito never gives up. He truly believe his luck on that hunch he got after all.
But then just one day, he asked you fi you want to live with him in a house on the seaside.
You obviously declined, which actually made him sad, he stated that maybe you just don't want to live with a trash like him, he understands.
But then you quickly denied his statement and said that there's other reasons. This time Nagito took this opportunity and Plan to trick you into telling the truth.
He asked you several questions about the situation and he finally get you to say it out by yourself.
He smiled as he shuffled his hand into your hair, telling you that this isn't something you should be ashamed of.
He then will teach you how to swim just to overcome your fears. Don't worry, Mr Komaeda would be very gentle towards you, you are his hope after all.
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Izuru knows, from the very beginning, with all that actions you've made, it's not hard to tell actually, for him specifically though. I mean he is the ultimate hope after all.
Things that will make his s/o afraid? Oh.. this thing shouldn't exist. That's what he though, so whenever you got close to any water related thing, he'll just hides you from it, sometimes even wreck that thing over
You sometimes questions his action but continue your life anyway, untill things get wrong.
You want to brush your teeth and gargle the foam out, but when you're about to turn on the water pipe, izuru immediately close your eyes with his both hands and tell you not to look
Soon you figured out that he found out you aquaphobia, This situation really makes you dumbfounded. You then explain to him that you're only afraid when a big amount of water splashes to your way.
Izuru awkwardly apologize but he is still over protective- no beach date allowed, none of them. NONE
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zosonils-art · 3 years
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Relationship: Ferb Fletcher & Phineas Flynn
Characters: Ferb Fletcher, Phineas Flynn, Perry the Platypus (Phineas and Ferb), Linda Flynn-Fletcher
Additional Tags: Autistic Ferb, Autistic Phineas, autistic phineas is more implied and could also be taken as adhd but he has both anyway so, Autistic Meltdown, Autism, Sensory Overload, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Illustrations, Canon Continuation, Fix-It of Sorts, i think????? i don't frequent this goddamn website i don't know, Brotherly Love, Crying, some of the crying is me
Summary: A stressful day pushes Ferb past his breaking point, and Phineas feels that he has a responsibility to set things right. Takes place immediately after Ready For The Bettys. Was supposed to be a simple continuation fic but got wildly out of hand. Ph*n*rb shippers fuck off this isn't for you.
as you’ve probably figured out if you’re following my main, i recently wrote my first fic since i was about 13! it’s available on ao3 at the link above, but you can also read it on tumblr by clicking the readmore on this post! i put a lot of effort into this and it took a lot of courage to post, so feedback is greatly appreciated!
"Mom! Guess what Ferb did!"
Phineas bursts into the kitchen energetically, still buzzing with adrenaline from the day's adventure. Ferb follows a step or two behind. Linda turns her attention from the freshly baked pie in her hands to her sons, although Phineas is too beside himself with excitement to consider whether or not she's paying attention. "He made a secret tunnel, and a spy headquarters, and a villain's lair, and a hover jet shaped like Perry- tell her, Ferb!"
Ferb doesn't match Phineas' enthusiasm. In fact, at the moment, he's sick to death of it. He prepares to launch into the explanation he's been trying all day to give. "Actually, I-"
"Wait a second," Linda interrupts, eyeing the boys with suspicion. "Why are you two soaking wet?"
The interruption is just too much for Ferb. He doesn't even process the question, just lets out a harsh shout of frustration. Phineas recoils - Ferb almost never shouts. "I give UP!" Ferb yells, his voice shaking on the last syllable, and before either of his surprised family members can respond, he turns around and storms off, his destination betrayed by the distinct clunking rhythm of stairs being stomped on too hard and the sound of a door slamming upstairs.
For a moment, the kitchen is silent. Linda recovers before Phineas does, her eyes narrowing in disapproval. "Young man, that is not how we talk to each other in this house!" she calls, setting the pie tin and her oven mitts down on the kitchen counter and following Ferb's path to his room. Before she can make it to the doorway, though, her progress is halted.
"Mom, wait!" Phineas pleads. He's finally caught onto what's been going on all day, and although he's still only half processed it, he knows he doesn't want Ferb to be in trouble for it. He frantically tugs on Linda's arm to draw her attention. Once he's sure that she's stopped, he withdraws his hand (he's still wet, after all, he doesn't want to make her uncomfortable), but sidesteps around her to put his tiny body firmly between her and the doorway to the living room. "Mom, please don't be mad at Ferb, it- it's not his fault! I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it, he's just..." Phineas' voice trails off briefly, but he forces it back into action, complete with the most serious expression he can manage. "If you're gonna be mad at either of us, it should be me, okay?"
At first, Linda returns Phineas' gaze with suspicion, then her face softens with realisation. She crouches down to her son's eye level, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Phineas, did something else happen today?" she asks, the anger gone from her voice.
Phineas hesitates, dropping eye contact again. He's almost certain about the cause of Ferb's outburst, and he can't help but mentally beat himself up for it to a degree. "Well, Ferb's been trying to tell me something all day, but he kept getting interrupted by our spy mission, and I guess it must have been really frustrating because he hates being interrupted but I didn't realise and-" he pauses to breathe, and shudders as he inhales as if on the verge of tears - "and I should have asked at some point but I just kept getting distracted and I didn't even realise how upset it was making him but-"
"Phineas," Linda says gently, and he gladly accepts the invitation to cut his rambling short. His breathing is shaky, but he doesn't cry just yet, even though his emotional state has nosedived in barely a minute. After giving him a moment to snap back into focus, Linda continues. "Phineas, honey, it sounds like this has just been a misunderstanding. On my end, too," she adds, regretting having snapped at Ferb earlier. Phineas nods with a nondescript mumble of agreement. Although he still obviously isn't looking, Linda gives him a reassuring smile anyway, accompanied by a gentle squeeze of his shoulder. "Thank you for telling the truth, sweetheart," she praises him.
"Mmh," Phineas mumbles, tugging at his shirt collar. He tends to fiddle with his shirt when he's nervous or overexcited. It doesn't hold a candle to bouncing his leg or flapping his hands, as far as stimming goes, but it's a lot easier to do while someone is touching you. "I just should've realised what was up earlier, then he probably wouldn't have freaked out..."
He finally glances up again, and the look his mom is giving him tells him that he should drop the argument, so he stops. Linda ruffles his hair affectionately, leaning forward to reach all the way behind Phineas' oddly-shaped head, and flinches at the unpleasant reminder of how waterlogged he still is. She stands up, flicking her hand dry. "I'm sure he knows you didn't mean to hurt his feelings," she reassures Phineas. "Why don't you dry yourself off and then go talk to him? Which reminds me," Linda motions towards the puddles tracked all over the kitchen floor, "why are you two so wet?"
"Oh, we fell in Isabella's pool," Phineas answers matter-of-factly. He isn't quite back to his usual blindingly sunny disposition, but the panicky tremble in his voice has at least disappeared.
Linda smiles, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. "Well, that I believe," she says. She'd tactfully decided not to comment on whatever that secret spy headquarters spiel was that Phineas had been getting worked up over, but she suspects his latest imaginary game took the boys to Isabella's backyard and ended up having some real-life consequences. "Oh, hi, Perry," she adds, as the platypus in question waddles into the kitchen.
Perry responds with his familiar chatter. Phineas leans down to pet Perry on the head. "At least you've had a stress-free day, huh," he says, then leaves for the bathroom. Perry stares at him blankly.
Ferb is having a meltdown.
He knows what this is, of course. He reads every textbook and blog post on the subject he can find, just in case it helps him make some more sense of himself. If he misses one, Phineas will no doubt have found and memorised it himself for the same reason, and will gladly rattle off anything new. Knowing why there's a raging storm beating at the inside of his head, however, is entirely different from quelling it. By the time he reaches his bedroom, he's trembling so violently that he can barely stand. He stumbles to his bed, pushing his hands down into the mattress to keep himself on his feet.
It's like feeling every feeling from every second of the day all in the same moment, and it hurts. So much is happening in his head that he can't even isolate a single thought, let alone process what it means. Is he angry? That'd make sense, sure, but his mental state isn't exactly conducive to deductive reasoning at the moment. Is he sad? Scared? Something else entirely?? He can't tell what emotion or mixture thereof it is, only that it's hurting his head, and he wants to get it out but he doesn't know how. He's struggling to breathe now, his arms shaking with the effort of keeping his body supported, and as he draws in a desperate shuddering breath Ferb feels something wet in his eye and then on his face, and he remembers that his entire body is wet and he hates it. It's cold, and his hair is sticking to his face and uncomfortably close to his eyes, and his clothes cling to his body oppressively and he wants to tear them off and stop feeling everything. Instead of doing that, he forces himself to breathe in again and looks around the room frantically, hoping to find something other than absolutely everything to concentrate on.
His eyes land on Phineas' bed, and although his vision is blurring as the panicky tears pour down his face, he recognises the shape instantly. Is he mad at Phineas? Should he be? He should be, right? If Phineas had just stopped to listen to him for once, he wouldn't be here with the world ending inside his brain. Another violent wave of emotion sends a shock through his whole body, and Ferb is still in no state to identify it, but he gets the message. He doesn't want to be angry. Not at Phineas. In fact, he doesn't want to feel anything he's feeling at the moment. Not the turbulent assault of everything inside his head, not the hammering rhythm of his heart trying to beat its way out of his chest, not every tiny thing that touches his skin or the light from outside that still feels blinding through the curtains or the muffled sounds of conversation downstairs that he doesn't have room in his brain to translate into anything but more noise.
Sensory overload is another term Ferb knows, and it's another one that doesn't really help to know in the moment. The feeling of anxiety that's been growing in his chest since that morning finally becomes too much for his body to handle, and he collapses on his bed, weakly gripping the blanket for support. Burying his face in his covers blocks out most of the sunlight, at least, but it doesn't significantly improve his mood. He shivers, partly from cold thanks to still being uncomfortably wet, partly from the sobs making his whole body convulse. (When did those start? He doesn't remember.) He uses the last of his physical strength to pull himself fully onto his bed and curl into himself, trying desperately to calm himself down.
It's not working. Why isn't it working?? It's as if every effort to steady his breathing just makes him cry harder, every attempt at a calming thought being shattered into a thousand anxious ones by the merciless torrent of everything whirling around in his mind. Ferb is suddenly hyper-aware of how empty the room around him is, and it makes him feel helpless. It's the first feeling he's managed to connect a name to with absolute certainty this whole time, and it's terrifying.
If he was making any noise before in his attempts to control his breathing, he's stopped now. No sound escapes him as he lies in place, too preoccupied with the overwhelming barrage of thoughts in his brain to move. More than anything, Ferb wants his brain to just shut off. Everything in his mind blends into a horrible white noise that won't stop, threatening to drown him in static.
Through the raging mental cyclone, he just barely hears the knock at the door.
Phineas waits a moment before entering his room. He wants to make sure Ferb has time to process that he's here. A few seconds pass, then he opens the door slowly so that it doesn't make any sound. A stab of guilt hits him when he sees Ferb curled up on his bed, visibly distressed. He's facing the opposite wall, but the way he shudders as he breathes makes it obvious that he's crying. Phineas feels his heart sink. He'd really hoped it wouldn't be this bad.
"Hey," he says softly. Ferb grips himself tighter. Just a minute ago, Phineas would have been the last person he wanted to see, but now his desperation for comfort outweighs any lingering hints of animosity. He doesn't object to his brother's presence, so Phineas gently closes the door and walks over to his side of the room. He sits on the bed, watching Ferb to see if he reacts negatively to the shift in weight distribution, and tenses up slightly at how damp the blanket is. Of course, Ferb wouldn't have stopped to dry off on his way up here. A closer look confirms that while a lot of the water on his body has run off and soaked into his bed, Ferb is still almost as wet as he was when he arrived home. Phineas frowns - that can't be comfortable, and it's probably making him feel even worse. "Are you okay?" he asks.
Ferb curls into himself even more instead of asking. The question is so frustratingly rhetorical that he almost reconsiders the possibility of being angry, but the idea still scares him, so the feeling passes. Fortunately, Phineas understands the unspoken 'obviously not' with no further input, and continues to talk. "I'm really sorry about today," he begins. "I know you don't like being interrupted, and I should've realised that it was making you feel bad but I just wasn't paying enough attention and- and I'm sorry, because it's kinda my fault you got so upset," he apologises, not realising that he's holding back tears until he stops to breathe. He wills himself not to cry. He's here to try and make Ferb feel better, not guilt him into forgiveness.
It takes a second or two for Ferb to process what Phineas is saying. It's a struggle to drag the words through the confusing whirlwind of everything still rampaging through his head. Eventually, after a great deal of mental effort, he shakes his head in response. Perhaps he was angry before, he still can't tell, but he definitely isn't now. He can't manage anything beyond the simple gesture, but it's not the first time he's been utterly uncommunicative, so Phineas understands the meaning as well as he needs to: it's not your fault.
"Th-thanks," he stutters, although Ferb's acceptance does little to settle the crushing feeling of responsibility. "Next time you can speak I'll let you tell me whatever it is you needed to, okay? I promise." He smiles a little. "No more secret agent business to interrupt you."
The last sentence sure prompts a reaction from Ferb - he rolls over so that his face is entirely buried in the blanket and makes a frustrated noise without opening his mouth, his body shaking with some mixture of anger and physical strain. Phineas inhales sharply and recoils, no more prepared for an audible outburst from Ferb than the first time. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asks, already speed-testing possible answers in his head. "Did you not have fun today? Of- of course you didn't, that's why you're upset, but I thought you did a great job on the spy mission! It was really cool." He's trying to be reassuring, but Ferb just shakes harder, seemingly becoming more aggravated rather than less.
Phineas tilts his head in confusion. "Ferb? Ferb, it's okay, I-I'm sorry. Did... did it not go the way you planned?" he guesses, searching increasingly frantically for any change in Ferb's body language. "Hmm... oh, were you not finished building it yet?" He thinks back to Ferb's numerous attempts at speaking to him throughout the day, hoping that he'll find some clue that makes everything fall into place - and something clicks in his brain. He deflates a little at how painfully obvious the realisation seems in retrospect, with a soft "Oh." Sighing at his own ignorance, he directs his voice to Ferb again as he says, "You didn't actually build all that, did you?"
Ferb sits up slowly and turns to Phineas with his signature deadpan glare, the silent, biting sarcasm undermined significantly by the tears still falling from his eyes. Phineas hums concernedly. "Is that what you were trying to tell me?" he asks. Ferb gets partway through rolling his eyes before giving up and returning to the fetal position.
Phineas sighs sadly. He hates seeing his brother cry. There's nothing he wants to do more than pull him into the tightest hug he can manage, but he knows Ferb won't appreciate being touched in this state, so he opts to fiddle with his shirt again to keep his hands busy. "Who do you think did build that stuff?" he asks. Ferb doesn't care. On any other day, a secret spy lair being hidden under his house would be cause for immeasurable excitement, but after the day's events he's thoroughly sick of thinking about the subject. Phineas picks up on Ferb's antipathy towards the question and, sensing that it might be a sore topic for some time, decides not to bring it up again for a while. He'll satisfy his curiosity sometime when it doesn't come at the expense of Ferb's comfort.
An uncomfortable silence falls over the boys. It's broken when Ferb suddenly sniffles loud enough to make Phineas jump, sits up again, and halfheartedly tries to wipe the tears from his face. "Oh geez, hold on," Phineas says, leaning over to rummage through his short pockets. He eventually pulls out a wad of tissues, somehow unaffected by the earlier impromptu dive into Isabella's pool. He offers them with a gentle "here you go" to Ferb, who takes a few silently and scrubs at his eyes.
While he still doesn't feel good by any stretch of the definition, Ferb at least doesn't feel completely awful anymore. What was once a violent hurricane in his mind has receded enough that he can focus on the world around him without breaking down, at least for the time being, and he's left feeling just drained. He balls up his handful of tissues and tosses them at the bin under his desk. The ball makes it to Phineas' leg before unceremoniously bouncing to a stop. Phineas picks it up and throws it the rest of the way to the trash, standing up to do so.
Rather than sit down again, he kneels down and pulls out one of the drawers conveniently built into the bed. Ferb watches inquisitively, still too out of it to immediately catch onto what's happening. Phineas rummages a little before finally pulling out a pair of pyjamas, suggesting, "You should dry off and change your clothes." He pauses to think. "Can you make it downstairs to the bathroom by yourself?" he asks. At any other time, it would be a silly question, but Ferb is always exhausted after a meltdown. The visible effort it's taking him just to stay upright isn't lost on Phineas. Ferb ponders the question, then gives a tentative nod. He's definitely shaky, but he really wants to change into something dry.
"Great!" Phineas smiles encouragingly. "Should I bring the usual stuff to the living room? Your bed's probably not gonna feel comfortable until it dries out." Ferb glances down at the unmistakable damp silhouette of where he had been lying earlier and nods again, more confidently. He slowly gets to his feet, first pushing against his bed for support, then grasping the hand Phineas offers him. He lets go once he's certain he's regained his balance, and only then does Phineas hand him his pyjamas. "I'll come meet you downstairs, okay?" Phineas says. Then, pulling at the bottom of his shirt, which is still a bit soggy despite his best efforts to towel it off, he adds, "I should probably change into something dry as well."
Ferb rubs his eyes as he comes out of the bathroom, his drenched clothes swapped out for his much more comfortable pyjamas. He's stopped crying, it seems, but he's still feeling sensitive enough that the light from outside bothers him. He's relieved to discover that it's much darker in the living room - Phineas must have been here already. The curtains are drawn so that the lamp on the end table is the only light source in the room, softly illuminating its surroundings with a pleasant warm glow. He doesn't have the energy to analyse the entire room, even in these far more bearable conditions, but his attention is drawn to his favourite weighted blanket folded neatly on the couch. He sits down and drags the blanket over him, struggling a bit with the weight, but relaxing once he feels its reassuring pressure on his legs.
It's as he's settling into his position on the couch that Phineas enters with an "Oh, there you are, Ferb!". Perry is firmly but comfortably wedged under one of his arms, like a fuzzy teal football or loaf of bread, and seems altogether unbothered by his position. Ferb gasps quietly at the sight of Perry, his eyes brightening momentarily, and reaches out for him with various soft noises of urgency. Phineas wastes no time in setting Perry down next to Ferb, and the platypus reacts with a gentle, almost soothing chatter. Ferb instinctively mimicks the sound under his breath, and Perry responds with a nearly identical noise. Ferb echoes it again, slightly louder this time, and his face lights up with a weak smile, the first one he's managed all day.
Taking this as a sign of progress, Phineas sighs with relief as he sits on the sofa. He makes sure to maintain a respectful distance from Ferb, who's running a hand through Perry's fur as they echo the same low growling noise back at each other. (It pains Phineas not to join in, but he senses the two have gotten themselves into a groove that would be rude to interrupt.) Ferb's smile fades almost as soon as it appears, but he seems much more relaxed after the change in clothes and scenery. His hair is sticking up in every direction from being towelled dry, and Phineas stifles a laugh at how silly it looks. The back-and-forth chattering eventually dies down, and it's only then that Phineas continues. "Mom's gonna make you some tea, and she says if you aren't feeling better by dinner you can eat in here if you want," he says. Ferb turns to him and raises a thumbs-up briefly before returning his hand and focus to Perry.
Phineas quietly watches his brother for a moment before speaking again. "Do you want me to stay?" he asks. Exactly how sociable Ferb is while he's coming out of a meltdown varies. He almost invariably needs some time on his own to mentally reset, but sometimes it helps if someone he trusts is there to reassure him for a while first. In Phineas' experience, asking is always the best way to tell.
Ferb hesitates for a second, then surprises both of them with his answer, which is to turn and collapse into Phineas' lap with one arm hooked over his legs in a sort of pseudo-hug. Phineas tenses up, not sure how to react. He cautiously puts an arm around Ferb, in a comforting gesture that doesn't fully subject him to the overwhelming sensory experience of a true hug. Ferb doesn't fight it, just repositions himself so that he's lying down with Phineas as a makeshift pillow and sinks further into the gentle embrace. Phineas laughs softly. "Okay, I guess you do."
This is nice, Ferb thinks. Definitely an improvement over violently sobbing alone in his room. Perry must be feeling relaxed too, because he climbs onto Ferb's stomach, circles a few times, lets out one more chatter, then flops down and goes to sleep, purring gently. Phineas giggles at the platypus' behaviour, and Ferb's shoulders shake in silent laughter - his blanket absorbs enough of the sensation that it just tickles. Watching Perry doze off reminds him that he's still exhausted, despite the positive change in environment, and his attempt to stifle a yawn fails. He's still on high alert, and he knows he won't be sleeping for longer than a few minutes until the emotional clutter completely drains from his mind. With that said, both the blanket and Perry weighing down on him make for a pretty cosy combination, and he finds himself fighting to keep his eyes open. Maybe just a moment of rest will be good for him.
Before he knows it, his eyes are closed, and he's powerless to prevent himself from drifting off. Phineas accepts his new career as a pillow without comment, simply adjusting his right hand so that both his arms are positioned protectively around his brother. Being trapped in place for the time being doesn't worry him. Ferb won't mind being stirred awake when their mom arrives with his tea, and until then Phineas can easily occupy himself with thoughts of what to do tomorrow. Besides, he can subject himself to a few minutes of quiet if that's what Ferb needs. What kind of a brother would he be if he couldn't, right?
Ferb half-consciously brings a hand to Phineas' wrist, as if it'll float off if he isn't holding on. He can feel his brain shutting down, and he welcomes the change. The last thing he's aware of before his consciousness finally leaves him in peace for a moment is the sound of Phineas' voice, promising him, "You're gonna be okay."
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silverwhiteraven · 3 years
Wings of Broken White - Ch. 4
Tag List: @marichatmay
[ Posted on Ao3 ] [ Chapter 1 ] [ Chapter 3 ] [ Chapter 5 ]
[ Summary: Alya takes Marinette somewhere, and it turns cute. ]
Alya decided that Marinette wasn’t getting out enough despite the fact that they shouldn't be going anywhere when it was still late winter.
“Girl, you hardly go anywhere anyways unless it’s for someone else!” Alya argues as she dragged a snugly bundled Marinette down snow and salt dusted sidewalks.
“Hey, I went to the school’s Valentine’s party last month, that should count for something!”
Allya scoffed at the weak defense. “You were, like, a ninth-wheel, Marinette. Rose and Juleka, Nathaniel and Marc, Mylène and Ivan, Nino and I, we were the wheels on that bus. You on the other hand…” She trailed off to emphasize her point.
Marinette scoffed. “I think you missed a set of wheels, Als. Max and Kim were there. Chloé and Adrien showed up, too.” 
“Max was there sporting an Aro-pride flag pin and keeping Kim company,” Alya shot back. “They were just being single-wheels, together. And Adrien, with Chloé? More like she had kidnapped him to a secondary location! Adrien clearly wasn't the one to decide to show up. And remember the color coded cups? He was using the one for the ‘Single, just here to support my friends’ category. Just like Max, just like you. So my point still stands: You need to get out more often, just for yourself.”
Marinette sighed, relenting. “Fine, but next time, I get to decide where I go, so no more surprise trips.”
“Yesss,” Alya pumped her fist in the air victoriously, her wings spreading out, too. Marinette laughed and pushed her hand back down to her side while she dodged out of the way of one fairly the overexcited wing.
“Anyways, where are we going? You said something about, ‘You’re going to love it, my treat!’” Marinette quoted in an exaggerated mimic of Alya’s voice, causing both girls to burst into giggles.
“Just a café,” Alya says coyly, almost teasingly. It made Marinette squint in suspicion.
“It wouldn’t happen to be the same café you mentioned two weeks ago on the Ladyblog, right? The one they planned to theme after Paris’s new heroes?” Marinette asked, teasing her friend right back with her confident guess.
“You remembered! Yep, that’s the place! And it’s not just any regular themed café, either. It’s a cat café,”Alya revealed dramatically, while spreading her wings again to wrap them both in a mock cocoon of unnecessary but playful secrecy. Marinette balked.
“Wait, so you’re basically taking me to a ‘Chat Blanc emphasis-on-the-Chat’ Café?”
Alya snorted, pulling her wings back. “Yes, but it’s actually called ‘Hero Rescue Café’. They work together with the animal shelters around Paris, most of the cats they have are available for adoption. The profits are even donated back to those shelters to help keep the animals cared for. Isn’t that cool?”
“Mhm,” Marinette nodded along as Alya continued to rave excitedly and lead the way to their destination. I wonder if they’ll have any cats that look like Blanc? Probably not. Blue-eyed white cats were already popular, and no doubt are even more so now. Not that I could adopt a cat anyways, but it’s a niche thought. Wait, why is it a nice thought? It’s not like I like Chat Blanc or anything, no way! I don’t do crushes! Oh, who am I kidding? Marinette groaned in defeat to her own thoughts, making Alya stop talking and look at her.
“Something wrong, Marinette?”
“Oh! Sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you, I was just thinking about how sad I’m going to be if I see a cat I really want to keep but can’t?”
Alya nodded in acceptance of the awkward excuse, and Marinette sighed in relief. I can never tell her about my crush- I’m scared to find out what kind of match-maker she would try to be. Or even worse, tell me I have no chance! I mean, I know I have no chance, but still, ow. Would Ladybug have a chance? Wait, she and I are the same person! If I don’t have a chance, neither does Ladybug! Hold on, why am I even thinking about this!?
“We’re here~!” Alya announced, breaking Marinette free once more from her internal chaos.
“Is that a cat in the window? There’s a cat in the window!” Marinette let herself get distracted by the café and Alya laughed.
“Duh there's a cat in the window, it’s a cat café, what else would be in the window?” She teased, but Marinette only laughed.
“Well I know that, but I can still be excited over a cat, can’t I?”
“Save it for when we go inside,” Alya winked, opening the door for them both. There was a second set of doors past the first, and Marinette realized that they did the smart thing and made an enclosed entryway.
“Oh, this is to keep the cats from dashing outside, like at a dog park,” she mused, making Alya chuckle.
“Yeah, and gives people a fur-free place to hang up their coats. Oh, look!” She added excitedly, pointing to the opposite wall from the hanger rod. There was something that almost looked like a long shawl or a barber cape. Marinette recognized it easily. “They have wing-covers for patrons to borrow, in case we don’t want the cat’s playing with our feathers. That’s so thoughtful. They really went all-out on this place.”
Marinette smiled and nodded in agreement as she slid off her jacket and hung it up. “It really is sweet of them. Are you going to use one?” Alya shook her head.
“Nope. My wing’s are tough, I can handle a few clingy kitties,” she declared with a proud smile, and Marinette only chuckled as she opened the next set of doors for them both.
Unsurprisingly, Marinette enjoyed the café. She spent a lot of time admiring their logo that was embedded in the resin coating of their tables. The stylized lettering was inspired by some of the animal-themed Akumas. Then the entire name was encircled by the white belt of Chat Blanc and the red and black yo-yo of Ladybug. Symbolic of two heroes saving those in need. They really thought this out. Maybe Ladybug should show her respect here some time.
Surprisingly, the café’s cats also enjoyed Marinette. Alya was convinced they had met every single cat in the building before they even got their drinks. Marinette was just embarrassed and spent a lot of time spreading her attention between each feline before shooing them all off towards other guests. One of the cats, sleek black with yellow-flecked green eyes, was too stubborn to leave, so she let him claim her lap indefinitely. 
But, completely unbelievably, the café got a surprise guest. Chat Blanc himself showed up out of the blue. Alya had spotted him running across a rooftop across the street, and proceeded to book it out the door, fly after him, and then shamelessly ask to take a photo of him with the cats that were inside the café inspired by him and his partner. He was stunned at first, but agreed, soon enough beaming happily as he surrounded himself with cats.
“Is he crying?” Marinette whispered to Alya as she recorded the feline hero sitting on the floor with at least five different cats climbing his back, shoulders, and into his lap.
“The happiest tears I’ve ever seen,” Alya confirmed.
Once Alya was satisfied she had taken enough pictures and video footage for the blog, she turned her focus to getting a few personal memorabilias.
“Mari! Come here! Take a pic of me with Chat, please? I want something for my desktop background, this would be perfect!”
Marinette agreed, to the annoyance of the cat in her lap. She managed to get the photo, a cute scene of Alya, her nerdy school friend, and Chat Blanc, her dorky friend-but-only-because-she’s-secretly-Ladybug, doing a silly pose with their arms linked, wings flared out, and several cats surrounding them.
She gave a thumbs up, and Alya whooped, standing to take back the phone. Marinette stepped forward, only for the clingy black cat from earlier to entangle himself with her ankles.
With a squawk, she went tumbling, but was deftly caught in the arms of Chat before she could meet an untimely end via a floor of cats.
Marinette flushed scarlet. Chat Blanc smiled shyly. The black cat jumped up on them, getting his lap-seat back. Alya, of course, got another photo.
All three of them managed to laugh it off, but not without Alya demanding another picture of the two and the cats before she would let them stand up.
“Marinette, I’m texting you copies to keep for yourself. Sorry, Chat, I’d send you some but-”
“No worries,” he chuckled and rubbed his neck, waving her concern away with his other hand. “Secret identity means secret number. You’ll be using your own pictures on your computer, though, right? Consider me honored by that,” he bowed dramatically and the two laughed as he straightened. “And Marinette, I’d be more than happy to let you do the same if you wanted, too,” he played the comment off with a wink.
“Time for me to go,” Chat Blanc continued before either girl could respond. “Chat out!”
They watched him dash out the doors and off over the rooftops.
“Girl...Did he just flirt with you?” Alya looked at Marinette, awestruck.
“What? No! There’s no way! Nope!” Marinette flustered and started walking out in a feeble attempt to escape the accusation.
“Uh-huh, because feeling ‘honored’ to be a screensaver for one girl and being ‘happy’ in case it were to happen by a second girl, is totally the same thing,” Alya followed after, determined to tease the life out of Marinette.
“Yes, exactly! Completely the same! It would have just been awkward to say the same line twice, so he just reworded himself, that's all! He was just giving permission to use his picture for personal use, nothing more, nope!”
Alya laughed before winking playfully. “Yeah, girl, sure. That was all, nothing more, nothing less. Whatever you say.”
“Thank you,” Marinette nodded in finality, ignoring the teasing sarcasm from her friend.
Later that day, Marinette saved one of the café photos as her phone’s background, making sure to put a completely different photo as her lockscreen to avoid any further notice or teasing about her and Chat Blanc.
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pinelife3 · 4 years
An investigation: if supermodels are so dumb and vapid, how do they pull artistic geniuses?
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This is a picture of Nick Cave and his wife leaving the inquest into their son’s death. Their 15 year old boy fell from a cliff after taking acid and becoming disoriented. 
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I cannot even conceive of how terrible it must be to lose a child. The drugs and the cliff make it an episode of Skins (or Euphoria for the zoomers) but that’s your little boy. It was a stupid accident and now you never get to see him again. A teenaged tragedy. Unendingly unfair. 
Ghosteen, the 2019 album from Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, is a complex, existential album in conversation with the death of Nick’s son and his feelings of loss and grief. Nick Cave is an artist - his life’s work is to share how he feels and what he thinks. What he’s expressing with Ghosteen is sorrow and longing - and some larger angst about the purpose of existence.
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Through all this tragedy, I’m sure you couldn’t help but notice... who’s the babe with the shiny hair and the fabulous gazongas? That’s Nick’s wife, man! Susie Bick - or sometimes Susie Cave. She was a major model in the 80s and 90s. A model and an artist - it’s actually fitting. 
And what’s more, Susie is the founder of The Vampire’s Wife - a label which has become super popular in the last couple of years. (Fashion people eyeroll The Vampire’s Wife because every dress has the same silhouette, but that’s out of the scope of this blog.)
There is a perception that models are are vapid and unserious. Their job is to look good, keep their mouth shut, and move merchandise. They cannot offer anything profound because their value is surface level. Men and women both push this way of thinking. 
For example, when Brad Pitt was recently revealed to be dating 27 year old model Nicole Poturalski, people were disappointed. Brad Pitt has been a cultural fixture for decades - after all this time, people still find him fascinating. And they expect him to date someone who is equally compelling. Clooney married a human rights lawyer - why is Brad dating someone who makes posts like this on Instagram...
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This was Lainey Gossip’s take on the new girlfriend: 
A model, younger, it’s so predictable it’s almost boring.
Nice! I guess we’re all feminists until the woman in question is young and hot. 
It's easy to assume the worst of a person who is unknown to us, but is beautiful and hooking up with someone famous. A million mean thoughts spring to mind. “A model, younger”. That’s scorn. You know exactly what she’s saying: hot but dumb. An uninteresting person. We know what Brad really wants her for... 
If Brad Pitt is compelling to you, how compelling must Nicole Poturalski be to have won and held his attention? Brad Pitt has not been celibate in the four years since he separated from Angelina Jolie, but not until Nicole did we have confirmation of someone who he was definitely seeing. He allowed himself to be photographed with her en route to his French chateau. And what ensued was a weird story - she’s in an open relationship with some old German restaurateur and she has a son? She’s a sugar baby? Why would Brad fucking Pitt get publicly involved with someone who has a messy personal life: why hook up with a married 27 year old and weather months of stories about her open marriage if he didn’t actually like her? Why even be seen with her? The relationship is a little weird - but the reporting on it has been nasty. The new sugar baby angle which has emerged in the last week (late October 2020) is basically calling her a whore. This is the level of suspicion and derision directed at a model dating a public fixture like Brad Pitt. The notion that Brad Pitt would pay for female company or sex is patently absurd. 
If our assumptions about models are correct, why do so many models end up with artistic geniuses? I don’t care about the Victoria’s Secret models who hooked up with the bassist from Kings of Leon. I’m talking about beautiful women who made it with icons, the premier humans of the past century:
Nick Cave and Susie Bick
David Bowie and Iman
Kanye West and Amber Rose
Bob Dylan and Sara Lownds
Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall
Mick Jagger and Carla Bruni
Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin
Eric Clapton and Pattie Boyd
George Harrison and Pattie Boyd
Madonna and Jesus Luz
Salman Rushdie and Padma Lakshmi
Donald Trump and Melania (lol)
Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni
Evan Spiegel and Miranda Kerr 
Hitler and Eva Braun (What?! She had a brief career an artist’s model...)
Michael Jordan and Yvette Prieto
Rupert Murdoch and Jerry Hall 
ACTORS (perhaps not artistic icons... but still creative and interesting)
Matthew McConaughey and Camila Alves
Johnny Depp and Kate Moss
Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk
Bradley Cooper and Suki Waterhouse
Robert Pattinson and Suki Waterhouse
Vincent Cassel and Tina Kunakey
Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubrey
Leonardo DiCaprio and half the VS roster
Huge congrats to all the models with more than one entry on the list. You’ll note that there is a dearth of female icon/male model pairings - this is kind of interesting but not something I feel like getting into.
To some extent, the prevalence of the artist and model pairing makes sense. Men like good looking women. Rich, powerful men are high status and have access to good looking women. Plus, an artist needs a muse.
Many of the models in the list above are actually iconic in their own right. Like, when someone is having a great day on RuPaul’s Drag Race and looking sleek and skinny and flawless RuPaul might compare them to Iman. People pay $10,000 USD for handbags named after Jane Birkin. 
Conversely, in the case of Amber Rose, she became the most desired woman in the hip hop industry c. 2010 because she was with Kanye. And most especially because she broke Kanye’s heart. Everyone wanted the girl from “Hell of a Life”. People point to that song as being about Kim - it was prophetic, yes, but not written about her.
Anyway. Could an icon, a legend, a genius, make it work with someone who had nothing to offer but a fast metabolism and a beautiful face? Do poreless skin and puffy lips make up for never finishing high school? 
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Wouldn’t being with someone superficial or unserious mean the artist was fundamentally boring in some way too? This is increasingly the assumption about Leonardo DiCaprio - seen above photographing his 23 year old model gf for her Instagram. Even Reddit mocks him for his age gap relationships with models.
And here’s where I try to make my point: 
Kate Moss’ daughter, Lila, recently had her modelling debut during Paris Fashion Week. It was big news because she’s celebrity spawn - and of course her mother is one of the most iconic models ever. She was eviscerated. 
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On The Daily Mail, the comparisons to her mother flowed. What’s interesting is that Daily Mail readers do not like Kate Moss but they will defend her 90s modelling career with their life. They laud her bone structure, her waifish figure. An irresistible, undeniable face. 
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It seems silly to praise someone for the shape of their head and the way their skin fits over it... it’s not a talent, is it? Maybe it is! There is no shortage of hot girls in the world - but there may be a shortage of girls with preternatural charismatic beauty. Lila Moss (left above) is attractive - she even looks quite a bit like her mum. Perhaps in the pic above she even looks hotter than her mum (right above). But Kate Moss is more interesting: less perfect - half her eyebrow is missing, she’s less manicured. She exudes some kind of darkness, newness. Lottie Moss, Kate’s younger half-sister, is a similar story. Obviously attractive, obviously interested in modelling - but she’s lacking something. 
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Bella Hadid came from a similar-ish background to Lila Moss (Bravoleb parents, frequent appearances on Real Housewives of Beverley Hills in her teen years, groomed by her ex-model mother) but Bella Hadid has it. She may have risen through the ranks due to nepotism and cosmetic surgery but she is someone people want to look at. She is sought after - not foisted upon us. Again, it’s not because she’s the hottest woman on the planet. She is gorgeous, but on top of that, there’s something beguiling about the angles of her face.
What’s this thing that clicks in your head telling you that Kate Moss’s face is more interesting than her daughter’s? It’s an intrusive thought: her skull shape is pleasing, let your eyes linger. A command: you will not forget that face. 
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Iman has it. Look at her. On meeting Iman, Bowie said: "I was naming the children the night we met... it was absolutely immediate." How many beautiful women had Bowie met in his life? How many had this effect?
Can you imagine trying to keep David Bowie or Bob Dylan interested in what you’re saying? Or Madonna? Or Michael Jordan? Most of us do not have a single thought in our head which would be of interest to these people. The models I listed earlier transfixed them. Mick Jagger could have romanced every woman on the planet - but he only wanted Jerry Hall (pls disregard affairs so I can make my point). 
When a model hooks up with an artistic genius, it’s illogical to assume she’s vapid or that the icon is with her for shallow reasons. What we should assume is that she is the most interesting woman that icon has crossed paths with in a long time - which would make her very interesting indeed.
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
Title: A Rough Day
Summary: It should have been apparent to Hange by the weight gain and the sudden lack of red days. Somehow, Levi noticed it first.
Link to cross-postings: AO3 
Notes:  Thought about this idea because of the headcanon from @faerielleart‘s blog and had to get it written out. Just some fluff and domestication for our favorite pairing.
It felt like the war against Marley happened centuries ago.
Levi was sure though that it had only been two years since they had signed the peace treaty with Marley ending the war and the reign of the titans. He was present in the signing of the treaty after all.  
With the fall of the titans, the survey corps was declared redundant. The military shifted to defence against possible invasions by humans. There was no need for Paradis to rely on the soldier dubbed humanity’s strongest. Having seen enough war, bloodshed and loss to last a lifetime, Levi eventually decided to shift his focus towards more mundane things like entrepreneurship, marriage and maybe a family.
The only person he could have ever wanted to spend his whole life with had other dreams. The end of the war had opened up a new age for technological advancement and trade and the person heading it all was the former survey commander, Hange Zoe. The mad scientist could finally channel her genius and enthusiasm towards a new type of research to improve the lives of the people in Paradis.
Somehow, they managed to make it work.
There was no wedding, flowers, invitation or cake. There was just an unspoken agreement between them. They had originally lived in the same barracks and with the dissolution of the survey corps, it felt almost natural  to move to a small flat near the center of Paradis, of what used to be Wall Sina. Their daily life together began soon after they settled in. Hange was gone by 5am and back in their flat by 9pm all week. Levi found happiness in keeping the house clean, cooking and catching up on all the sleep he had lost the past forty years of his life. When he ran out of tasks to do in the house, he found himself doing research on different types of tea as knew shipments came in from different parts of the world and experimenting on different mixes in the kitchen.
The two were following their own dreams and had pursued different things and this left little to no time for Levi and Hange to process the relationship between them. They were both the only survivors of more than a decade of fighting what seemed like a hopeless war. That history was enough to forge an unbreakable bond between the two. When they were together, they made the most of it.  Nights together were intimate. Weekends together were comfortable. It was as if Levi and Hange were making up for all the comfort and happiness that they were deprived of the past decade.
The domestic lifestyle they have built together had also made Levi more familiar with the workings of a woman’s body. Levi grew up with his mother and was aware that women bled once a month. It was not something he occupied himself with in the barracks since it was the responsibility of the women to keep themselves clean. With Hange gone for 12 to 16 hours a day, it suddenly became Levi’s responsibility to clean blood off sheets and clothes on top of cleaning the house. The blood took hours to scrub off, even with the new chemicals and products coming into Paradis, it became the bane of Levi’s clean freak existence. That was until it stopped. Levi didn’t think too much of it at first. It meant one less job for him and Hange probably had a good explanation for it right?
A few months passed and Levi started to notice that Hange was getting chubbier. She was notably eating more, waking up later than she used to and coming home earlier. Levi didn’t complain. They were all welcome developments. It meant more time for the two of them and less blood to clean up.
“Sometimes, I just feel sick. Maybe I’m just working too hard.” Hange replied groggily when Levi prodded on these recent changes in their everyday schedule.
Levi raised one eyebrow. “Okay. Just don’t overwork yourself.” Like all days, Hange left for work while Levi went about his own chores for the day.
Those days, Levi found himself more invested as usual in his tea mixings. The diplomatic agreements gave rise to more and more new types of tea leaves and Levi was starting to get more creative and ambitious. He started to boil this new import called coffee beans with different types of tea leaves. The flowery aroma of some teas definitely did not mix with the bitterness of the coffee and as soon as Levi tasted them, he ended up setting them aside in the rejection pile.  
The price of the tea leaves and coffee beans though and the trauma of having to deal with the scarcity of this commodity years ago forever stuck to Levi though and the latter ended up lining them up on the kitchen table trying to find a way to consume while at the same time enjoy his failed concoctions.
Levi only had a few seconds to ponder the fate of the failed concoctions before Hange came in.
Maybe we could just eat out.  Levi remembered that he hadn’t prepared anything for dinner.
“Ahhh. Thank god you made some tea. Today was exhausting. I’ve been telling them to test that new contraption before...” Hange trailed off as she consumed the three cups of tea Levi had deemed failures in the leaf and bean mixing process. Her face quickly changed from pure exhaustion to excitement. “These are amazing Levi! Will you be selling these? Can you make more tomorrow?”
Levi stood frozen for a second, too surprised at how quickly Hange had consumed all three cups in front of them. “Sure.” He managed a nod as he gathered the three cups from the table and brought them to the sink. “About dinner…” Levi looked back only to find that Hange had retired to the bedroom. He at least had some time to wash the cups and cook dinner.
By the time he did cook dinner and call Hange from the room, the latter was dead asleep, sprawled all over the bed with no space for Levi to comfortably slip in. She was sleeping belly up and Levi only noticed that her belly was starting to form a small hill. She couldn’t be… Levi carefully placed his hand on her belly, only to be grabbed violently by the wrist.
“What the fuck Levi! I’m trying to sleep.” She pushed his wrist away and rolled to the side, her back facing him, falling asleep again almost instantly.
Levi held his aching wrist and walked back to the kitchen to clean out the rest of the tea cups he used in his mixing experiments, a little shaken by Hange’s reaction to his prodding. Maybe she just had a rough day.
                                            Rough Day    
Two months passed with no red days and a constantly drowsy and cranky Hange and Levi was sure that type of weight gain was not natural. All the weight had concentrated towards Hange’s belly and she was starting to have trouble walking.
“I really should watch what I’m eating. I’ve just been eating away my stress the past few weeks and people have been making fun of my weight gain, telling me to see a doctor. They’re even fucking asking me how many months in I am! I know I’ve been eating a lot but I’m really trying. Besides, I don’t even think we should be making jokes when we have to deal with the fact the port extension has to be opened next month to make way for new deliveries…”
Levi rested his chin on his hand and tuned out the fifth rant of Hange that week. He was 90% sure his theory was correct but Hange had not given him any opening to discuss it the past two months. How does he bring that up without pissing her off? More importantly, how the fuck does she not notice?
“Maybe you should take a break then?” Levi suggested half heartedly.
“What? Why? With so many things happening next month…. You can't expect me to…"
Levi once again tuned Hange out and focused instead on her belly. Hange was still trying to squeeze into her pants like she was fifteen pounds lighter and Levi was starting to worry about both of their bodies. "Maybe you should see a doctor?"
"Are you even listening to me? I was asking for your opinion on the new military gear!"
"So what I'm getting here is you don't have the time to see a doctor?"
                                             Rough Day
Levi took matters into his own hands.
His first stop was the doctor's office. He knew he couldn't bring Hange in for a consult but all he wanted was to at least confirm his suspicions. The doctor only had to explain the lack of red days for Levi to be completely sure that the four he had gotten from the two on two he had put together was the correct answer. The crankiness, the fatigue and the morning sickness were only secondary evidence to the lack of red days and the apparent weight gain.
"So she shouldn't be working anymore should she."
"I would recommend she takes a leave for the next 6 months at least."
Levi thought for a second. "Why don't you get that in writing…"
The next few steps after that were easy. Hange may be in a high position in Paradise but Levi still had contact with one of the few people who could make sure Hange didn't show up for work. The child-loving, good-natured Queen Historia did not need any more convincing.
"Oh, I guess it looks like you're trapped at home then. Maybe you should spend the next six months resting." Levi said, feigning surprise at the letter from the queen he himself brought home.
"Indefinite leave for the next six months? What the fuck Levi you can't expect me to just sit around? Why the hell would you do this? And work today was so eventful… I was excited to test out the new cargo carrier…"
"Other people can take over the work."
"But can they really oversee everything. There's a lot going on and this is a really important time… I don't have the time to be sitting around."
"Maybe if you just---"
Hange grabs the envelope from Levi's hand and scans through it. " Wait Levi what the fuck. This wasn't sent here there's no return address. YOU filed for my leave?"
Levi shrugged. "What if they just gave it to me to give to you?"
"All official documents have to be coursed through me Levi. How the fuck could you do this. There's so much to be done. Just thinking about everything which is gonna be waiting for me after 6 months. What if the others don't handle the work right? What if they mishandle the new carrier and we lose thousands worth of products? Are you considering this?" Hange roughly grabbed the letter from Levi, almost tearing it in the process. "I'm appealing this."
"You must be shitting me Hange. You really don't get it do you?"
"The office should still be open." Hange said, not looking back.
It has been years since Levi's last military training but he was relieved to know he still had the agility to outrun an angry (but pregnant) Hange to the door. He locked the door behind him from the inside. "You're not getting out of here shitty glasses."
"You don't let me out and I swear I'm gonna break down the door while you're sleeping."
"Then I won't sleep."
"I'll break out through the windows then!"  
Levi rushed to grab Hange from behind as soon as she turned her back. He was careful not to squeeze her swollen belly  "If this were any other day, I probably would have let you get away with whatever bullshit you wanna do but I'm not letting you jeopardize what could be our future child shitty four eyes"
"You're not making any good arguments here!" Hange continued to struggle. "Stop holding me back!" In frustration, Hange shifted her weight towards her back, utilizing her size advantage to push the smaller man behind her.
Levi fell to the floor and let out a grunt of pain. "How dense can you fucking be? You're six months pregnant you dumb shit."
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lucas-koh · 4 years
Stitches - Bryce Lahela x MC
Hi everyone! This is my first Choices fic, and I’m pretty happy with it! I’ve posted it over on Ao3, the link is on my blog, user is margotmuses, but apparently links don’t show up in tags :( if you like this it would be super cool if you could go give it some Kudos or a Comment💜💙 feedback means the world to me!
Doesn’t follow canon, but elements of canon. FWB.
Song: I Wanna Be Adored - The Stone Roses
Rating: M
Word Count: 3600
Chapter One: The First Time...?
It was no good having nerves on day one. Day one of thousands. But she couldn’t help it. This was the real test, the real tell of whether or not she would make a good doctor, and it was all she’d ever wanted. It didn’t help that she was running late, either. On day fucking one.
She walked with a sort of half run as she neared the doors to Edenbrook, trying to quell her nerves by counting her steps. It was modern and intimidating, glass windows piling on top of each-other, intercepted by the occasional wooden plank. She had aced college and med school, but actually practising medicine was a little different. She swept through the doors and up to the front desk, where a kind looking woman was waiting with a clipboard.
“Ah! An intern?” She asked. “I’m Dr Ines Delarosa. I’m your resident for the year.” Ines was instantly calming, and suddenly all worries about the upcoming year and about being late were dispelled from the intern’s head.
“What’s your name?”
“Suki. Suki Moore,” she smiled confidently and pulled out a hand to shake Ines’. Ines shook her hand with a warm smile and made a few notes on her clipboard before rounding the desk to enter into the computer. Seconds later she brandished a freshly laminated name tag.
Dr. Suki Moore, it read. Dr. Suki Moore.
Her confidence came rushing back as she clipped the badge to her clothes, even though she’d have to transfer it to her scrubs shortly anyway. Ines then directed her to the staff changing rooms and Suki rushed over with a new spring in her step. Time to ace this internship.
She cradled her cornflour blue scrubs in her arms as she entered the staff changing rooms. They appeared to be empty at first, before Suki rounded the corner and crashed right into a chiseled, honeyed chest.
“Well hello there,” the voice audibly smirked.
She could smell body lotion and cologne, it was lovely. She unburied her face from the chest and stepped back to look at the man. He was tall, and very, very attractive. His smooth golden skin highlighted the tight abs on his stomach, and muscular chest; his shoulders and arms were broad and strong looking. His hands crossed over his chest as he leaned against the locker next to him. This man definitely took care of himself. Suki scoped her eyes up to his face. And oh. My. God. She wasn’t sure if she’d ever seen a prettier man in her life, and that was no exaggeration. His jaw was defined below an absolutely encapsulating smile, even if it was slightly mocking, white teeth shining against plump peach-golden lips. His deep brown hooded eyes were warm and inviting, humour sparkling in them, and his eyebrows were thick and defined. His hair was brown with natural looking blonde highlights, swooped back and to the side floppily. And he had a strong, straight nose. But there was a rugged edge to his good looks. Something familiar about the wolfish grin he bore struck something in Suki. Probably because he’ll be just like every other asshole who came here from an Ivy League.
She quickly averted her gaze, she may have been looking a little too long. There was an absolutely furious blush on her cheeks.
“You know, you’re going to have to get used to seeing naked people if you’re going to be a doctor.”
She tried to conjure up a good comeback, without having to look at him, but she could only stutter out a scoff. Suki was confident, but easily flustered. Finally, she came out with something.
“I’ve seen plenty of naked people, thank you. That doesn’t mean I want to bowl face first into your…chest.” She had to stop herself from focusing on how his chest had felt, the smooth warmth and the enveloping scent. Now is not the time for you to be thirsty, she told herself.
He chuckled, seeming pleased that he’d rattled her. Yeah. Typical Ivy League medical intern jerk.
“I think you’re an odd one out,” he smirked, clearly used to the attention.
Suki tried to avert her gaze from him as she began to change out of her own clothes into her scrubs. It was clear the guy was struggling to not look too, as he slipped his scrub top over his chiseled chest. She’d just have to get on with it. Now was not the time to be shy. She was late already, and she would be changing in front of these people for years to come anyway. With a clearing of her throat, Suki quickly pulled up her Henley and replaced it with her scrub top. Just as the guy was looking like he was about to leave, face trained on anything but Suki, the door fluttered open. A pretty but serious looking woman stood at the threshold.
“Scalpel jockey, you’re late!” She called into the changing room. “Hi,” she gave a quick smile to Suki before trying to usher them out of the room.
“Coming, Jackie,” the guy shot Suki a wink as he left the room.
“Come on!” Jackie encouraged Suki, with motherly strictness, as the guy strode past her and out of the room. Suki rushed her joggers off and her scrub trousers on, clipped her name tag to the pocket and hurried after Jackie out the door.
“We’re lucky,” Jackie muttered as they neared the lump of interns standing in the main foyer of the hospital. She obviously wasn’t copping for introductions just yet, so Suki kept her mouth shut as they joined the group on the right side. Next to them, was the guy from the changing room. He smiled at Suki once more, confident and flirty. She nodded in return.
Ines was stood at the head of the group, and started her speech to welcome everyone to Edenbrook.
After a few lines from Ines, a glamorous, attractive woman strode up to the spot in front of everyone. Ines nodded to her.
“Everyone, this is Chief Harper Emery.”
The group quivered with quiet mutters and some awkward shuffling. She must be a big deal. Chief Harper Emery went through a gruelling speech about the upcoming year as an intern, challenges they’d need to face, instincts they’d need to follow, and standards they would have to meet.
After the long (and kind of terrifying) talk from Chief Emery, she left for Ines to partner off interns to work on their first case together. There was a little reprieve where Ines shuffled through the papers, a harsh looking man glancing over her shoulder.
Suki turned her attention to the interns around her. God. She’d known how many there would be, but seeing them all in a group like this was so intimidating. She wondered if she’d even get the chance to befriend anyone. Maybe Jackie would be a good friend when there wasn’t a time limit. She looked to her right at Jackie, who was chatting to a guy in a wheelchair in front of her. She wasn’t the type to butt in halfway through a conversation.
Reluctantly, Suki turned to look to her left. Her delicate features scrunched up in uncertainty as her eyes raked over the sculpted man. There was definitely something about him that was giving her déjà vu. She tried to get a glimpse at his name tag, but it was just at the angle where sun was reflecting off it, and moving her head too much might be cause for suspicion.
“Do I know you from somewhere?” She breached the air around them.
“You mean, aside from like five minutes ago?” He turned to her and gave a megawatt smile, one she was sure charmed all the ladies and gents and everyone else he came across. “I don’t know, do you?” He shot her another wink, before Ines was calling for everyone to quiet down so she could assign partnerships. Sigh.
The surgical residents were beckoned over to one side, and the familiar man left her side with a farewell grin.
“Don’t go bumping into too many chests, I might get jealous,” he muttered in a deep voice before leaving. She wished she could have come up with a witty response, but alas, he was gone.
Ines started to read down her list, before;
“Moore and Emery.”
Emery?? As in, Chief Harper Emery??
“Uhh,” Jackie hesitated beside Suki, looking a little worried for her. There were mutters throughout the group of interns as Suki gave Jackie what she thought was a reassuring smile, and made her way to Ines. Then, a stunning, organised woman stepped up. She looked a little angry.
“Aurora Emery,” she introduced herself. Suki breathed a sigh of relief.
“Hi!” She smiled, and introduced herself to Aurora.
The day went by, Suki and Aurora talking to patients and treating them. Aurora turned out to be Harper’s niece, but she seemed like she didn’t like to talk about it. She was pretty focused and serious, but Suki could tell that was her mask of professionalism, and that underneath she was just a normal girl, frustratingly overshadowed by her successful aunt. Her work ethic was fantastic, and she was smart, and Suki tried extremely hard not to feel intimidated. Luckily, they were able to work together well to come to conclusions and treat their patients. At one point Aurora was called to her Aunt’s office for a little while, but it wasn’t too long and soon enough she was back to working smoothly with Suki.
Then, Suki caught Jackie in the corridor at one point.
“Hey, Suki Moore,” Jackie grinned down at her name tag.
“Hi, sorry I didn’t introduce myself earlier but…timing and all.” She laughed comfortably. Jackie smiled.
“I got it. Hey, some of us are heading down to a bar called Donahue’s after our shifts, celebrate day one kind of thing, want in?”
“Yes! I’ll definitely need a drink.”
“Tell me about it. Meet us in the lobby and we can all head down together.”
The end of Suki’s shift came soon enough and she was heading to the changing room to slip out of her scrubs. She’d packed a nicer outfit in her bag in case of something like this, so she changed into the skirt and bodysuit. They might be interns now, but they were still med students at heart, after all. The changing room was empty, and Suki thought back to her awkward encounter that morning. She was going to spend the next however many years seeing bare chests, so why had this one flustered her so? She supposed she had bowled right into it, which was, quite embarrassing. Especially when she’d never met the man before. She sighed and left for the lobby.
There was a group of tired looking interns gathered around the seats in the lobby. Jackie was there, along with the boy in the wheelchair she’d been chatting to that morning, Aurora, a sweet girl with a plait, and a thin, blonde boy. She was grateful at the absence of chest-boy, but she remembered he’d gone with the surgical interns, so he probably wasn’t known to this group. Aside from Jackie somehow, that was. Still, she was grateful not to be further embarrassed.
“Hey! Everyone, this is Suki,” Jackie smiled as Suki walked towards the group. They all greeted her and introduced themselves, the boy in the wheelchair was Elijah, the sweet girl Sienna, and the blonde boy Landry. They all chatted as they made their way to the bar, which wasn’t far at all. They talked about their first days, and bonded over patients. Sienna had been partnered with Elijah, and Jackie with Landry, which she hadn’t seemed to happy about. He was probably too weaselly for her.
Once they’d reached Donahue’s, Landry grabbed them all a table, a booth in the centre, and Jackie went to get rounds.
“Tequila!” Jackie sang as she came back to the table.
“Oh, no…” Sienna said.
“Give me that.” Suki grabbed a shot. She clinked it with Jackie’s and they downed their shots. Suki’s face scrunched up at the strong taste, meanwhile Jackie was deadpan. They continued chatting for a while, each of them taking turns to get each round, some opting for safer options than others, such as beers. Only a short amount of time in, Suki already felt comfortable, like she knew these guys were going to be her closest friends through her time at Edenbrook, and even after that. She also basked in the warm glow of the alcohol coursing through her, forgetting all her worries.
She felt her throat jump as she saw him waltz in. Oh god, time to be further embarrassed. The boy didn’t even have to acknowledge her at all for her to feel utterly mortified, but something told her he would anyway. He walked in confidently, laughing attractively with a group of friends. Other surgical interns, probably. He looked good in more casual clothes, wearing a patterned button-up and black jeans. Not as good as he’d looked un-clothed, though. She watched for as long as she could, before he was too close and she had to avert her gaze for fear of being caught.
Much to Suki’s chagrin, about five minutes later he was swaggering up to their table.
“Ah! It’s the odd one out!” He grinned as he placed down the tray of shots. “Thought you guys might need these.”
“Thanks,” Suki stuttered and threw a shot back immediately.
“Woah, girl. Take it easy,” Elijah chuckled. The boy eyed her up with an impressed look on his face.
“You two know each other?” Sienna asked.
Suki could feel her face growing red, and she was praying the nameless boy would explain, even if he did say something embarrassing.
“Yeah, she was admiring my bare chest this morning,” he winked.
“What!?” Landry spat out his drink, the insinuation a little much for him.
“Not like that!” Suki scrambled. “It was just in the changing room… I didn’t see him…”
“Ahaha!” Jackie cackled, “That’s what was going on when I saw you two this morning! I thought you looked a little flustered.”
Suki looked at the boy, taking in his features once more. Who are you? She couldn’t outright ask his name, that was far too clunky, but she had to find out somehow. She highly doubted ‘Scalpel Jockey’ was his actual name. Thankfully, Jackie jumped to her rescue.
“This is Elijah, Aurora, Sienna, and Landry. And you’ve already met Suki,” she snorted, turning to the group at the table, “Me and Bryce met this morning on our walk into Edenbrook.”
Bryce. Bryce. Hmm. Not an uncommon name, but it wasn’t Chris or Alex or anything. She’d definitely known some Bryce’s in her time. Bryce smiled at the mention of Suki’s name.
“Yes, I know Suki,” he smirked. But the way he said it seemed to hold more than just their meeting that morning. Did he know? Had they met before, and he wasn’t telling her? Her name flowed off his tongue like it was familiar. Ugh. Suki had spent so much of the last ten or so years studying hard and meeting so, so many people, that placing his face was just, difficult.
“Well, anyway, I should get back to the other surgical interns, you guys enjoy your shots. And your night.”
“Yeah, see you man!” Elijah grinned, as Bryce stepped back to his former group.
“So uh, what’s the deal with him?” Suki asked Jackie in her best attempt at sly.
“Bryce? No clue, like I said, I only met him this morning. He’s quite full of himself, nothing unexpected from a surgical intern.”
“Hm, okay.”
After a couple of hours filled with drinks and shots, Suki was laughing and dancing with all her new friends without a care in the world.
“I’m gonna pick a song on the jukebox!” Suki grinned to her friends, before making her way over to the old jukebox in the corner of the bar.
She scanned down the list of songs, coins at the ready.
“Pick something good,” the voice came from behind her neck, hot and making the hairs stand on end. Suki turned to look at the culprit, already knowing who it was.
“‘Good’ is very subjective.” There was an odd twinge to her voice which only came out when she was drunk. He laughed, his own honey skin showing a sheen of sweat over his forehead.
“This,” he pointed at a Beatles song, “overrated. But this,” his finger slipped down to a Stone Roses song, “much better.”
“Noted.” She bit her lip as she weighed up her options. He watched fondly at her focus. Eventually she picked the same song Bryce had pointed out.
“Do you?” He asked as she turned to him.
“Do I what?”
“‘Wanna Be Adored’?”
“Doesn’t everyone?”
He flashed that wolfish grin again. “You don’t need to want it if you’ve already got it.”
He was cocky as shit, sure, but it was utterly captivating. He was ever so slightly blurred by her alcohol intake, but his deep eyes bore into hers as they had briefly that morning. Something about starting her internship reminded Suki of being a freshman at college, inhibitions low and desire high.
If he’d been a standard guy, him but without all the mystery and mortification, in all his beauty and flirtatiousness, she would have no doubt taken him home. They would’ve been out of there faster than ever; but there was hesitancy, stemming from the niggling at the back of her mind over who this guy was.
“I think you’re confusing adoration with something else.”
She chuckled. “You certainly have the whole cocky jockey thing, huh?”
“It’s Scalpel Jockey, actually.”
“Duh, so you’re a surgeon?”
“I’m going to be the best surgeon Edenbrook has even seen.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it. Bryce, right?”
“That’s me. And you’re Suki.”
She squinted at him and bit her lip again. “Do you have siblings or something? Or, have you ever been to Santa Fe?”
“That where you’re from?” He asked, raising his eyebrows and very definitely avoiding her questions. She let it slide: after all, if he was going to play that way, so was she. She was too buzzed anyway to push.
“Yeah, lived there for a bit before college. Where are you from?” Okay, maybe not to push a little.
“Your dreams,” he winked. Damn this boy was full on. She found it amusing, though, and she wasn’t exactly avoiding his flirtations. “You wanna dance?”
“Alright, then.”
She noticed as they walked the short distance to the space where people were dancing, (it wasn’t exactly a dance floor) her friends were watching her and Bryce and whispering amongst themselves. Sienna shot her a wink.
Bryce grabbed Suki’s hand from behind and spun her round to face him, his face more serious but still with a playful air. She tried to suppress the gasp which unconsciously came at the sudden movement, but Bryce noticed the surprise in her eyes anyway.
Her stomach fluttered as he pulled her body to press flush against his, in much of an echo of their position that morning. This time, however, his hand held hers down to the side while his other warmed the small of her back, and she leaned up to rest her free arm against his shoulder. Intimacy with a practical stranger wasn’t unknown to her, but it still sent jolts of scandal through her, especially with the way he was looking at her in that moment. And something about it being him in particular.
“You getting déjà vu right now or is it just me?” He joked.
Man, I’ve been getting déjà vu all day.
“Yeah, thanks for reminding me.” Her cheeks were hot from the memory of her embarrassing morning.
“You made my morning, the look on your face…” he trailed off into a laugh.
“I wasn’t exactly expecting the first intern I met to be a shirtless guy walking into me.”
“Hey! You walked into me,” he laughed, and rubbed his thumb up and down a little on her back. The movement sent electricity up Suki’s spine, so subtle, yet so intimate. They bobbed side to side in time with the song, very close to grinding on one another. Since it wasn’t exactly a slow song, but it wasn’t hugely upbeat either, their dance was chilled, with occasional comic moves.
Bryce’s hand was warm, and large, and the palm slightly rough. Suki thought about how he was going to be using this very hand in surgery, its precision and stillness aiding his art. Hell, it was art. She moved her own hand so that her fingers slowly threaded in-between his, watching as he gently reciprocated. The sensation crackled like an open wire exposed to a puddle, pulsating all the way through her arm. Sneaking a look at his face, Suki watched as Bryce’s smile widened, and his eyes sparkled.
Dancing with Bryce felt right, and freeing, and exciting. But all too soon it was over. The bar was closing, and Suki’s first day as an intern at Edenbrook was reaching its end.
“That’s our cue,” she cleared her throat as she reluctantly stepped away from Bryce.
“I guess it is. You uh, alright getting home?”
Suki looked behind her, where her friends were collecting their belongings from the table.
“Yeah, thanks. I’ll see you ‘round.”
His eyes scrunched up in the corners as he smiled.
“Yeah, see you Santa Fe.”
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bills-pokedex · 3 years
Worldbuilding Month: Day 9
{I s2g somebody asked me whether or not Bill owns that lighthouse in this canon, but I can’t for the life of me find it. (I still have two asks for Worldbuilding Month, though, and as I continue to put off talking about the last two topics I actually walked into this month planning on talking about, I’mma probably going to answer those. :D)
Anyway, to respond to a question that Tumblr seems to have eaten, first off, yes. Bill calls the lighthouse the Sea Cottage because he thinks he’s hilarious when it comes to names, but its actual, full name is the Cerulean Cape Lighthouse. It’s been decommissioned for the past thirty-some years, though, since most sea routes have been diverted away from Cerulean Cape thanks to the Eastern Kanto Power Station—or, in other words, the Power Plant. You would think it’s actually because of Zapdos, but no, they just diverted it because you probably don’t want to have ships sailing too close to an active power plant, you know?
But the point is, it was decommissioned and actually abandoned until Bill came along and was like, “I have no idea who I have to shove money at to have this place, but I want this to be my home now.” And the town of Cerulean Cape—because there’s a town right there, between Cerulean City and Vermilion City—was like, “...okay.”
But that’s not quite as important as which canon does this blog even take place in?
(Oh, don’t worry. We’ll talk about Bill’s actual reputation with the locals at some point this month.)
The answer is ... all of them.
Or, well, most of them except Special and Pocket Monsters (the latter of which is the one where Red has a clefairy). I’ll get into why later, but first, let me explain how this works.
Gameverse Red is the same as Zenshou Red. He’s the one who fought Team Rocket at Saffron City, defeated the mysterious Viridian Gym Leader (and chased him out of the gym, basically—though he obviously doesn’t retire from a life of crime after this point), became champion, conceded championhood to Lance, and retreated to Mount Silver.
Ash Ketchum is the one who started out from Pallet Town and then ... did everything you probably are aware of thanks to the anime. (I ignore Electric Tales canon when it comes to Ash and Gary, though I adopt the hell out of it for every other character that appeared in it. Just ... just roll with it.) Ash and Gary are a year younger than Red and Blue, the latter of whom is Gary’s cousin. (Red has no relation to Ash.)
Consider all of the above to be Gen I. You’ll need this notation for later, so just keep it in mind.
That takes care of the first gen. Subsequent gens look like this:
- Most of the gens occur exactly as they do in canon, but wherever you have a choice between male or female avatars, it’s usually the female character who goes on to be the hero and champion. There’s really no reason for this, other than a joke I cracked with a reader of a sci-fi fic I write on the side, wherein someone noted the fact that Hilda and Rosa were champions, to which I responded with, “Yes, and Hilbert and Nate ran off to start a noodle cart together.” This turned out to be half-true. Hilbert and Nate ran off to start a noodle restaurant together. They’re gay, and Hilbert keeps inflicting terrible food ideas on the customers. But anyway.
- Another note: I realize in a previous post that I name each of the champions as ... not being the player characters. As in, according to the queer culture post, Steven, Diantha, Iris, and so on are still champion. The truth is that they’re actually ... not unless a character decided to hand the title back to them for one reason or another. That means that the best way to read the earlier post is by looking at it as, “This is a list I made with these characters as champion so I don’t have to immediately explain that these other characters are champion.”
- Gen II: This means that Lyra is indeed the Johtonian champion, with Ethan Gold (meaning, Ethan and Gold are the same person) not quite completing his journey. Crystal exists as well but quit her journey to become a researcher. It was Lyra who stopped Team Rocket’s attempt to take over Goldenrod City, although this plot didn’t have anything to do with finding and reaching out to Giovanni. Rather, it was just an attempt to use the Goldenrod Radio Tower to broadcast the frequency the Rockets had perfected at the Lake of Rage. (Lyra did not stop Team Rocket at Lake of Rage; that was Ash.)
- Incidentally, Giovanni never properly retired. He merely gave up the Viridian Gym after suspicions fell on him as to what he did on the side. To the majority of the public, he still maintains the facade of an upstanding businessman who cares about the people, and his cover story for giving up the gym was that he wished to focus more on his business pursuits. (This is why trying to prove that he’s a member of Team Rocket pisses Bill off just a little. Giovanni is just too good at covering his tracks.)
- Anyway, yeah, the branch of Team Rocket that tried to take over Goldenrod wasn’t trying to find Giovanni, as mentioned above, but rather establish a better foothold in Johto. They half-succeeded. Team Rocket still has a very strong presence in the region outside of Goldenrod, and the only reason why they don’t have Goldenrod is because that city’s already half run by the local yakuza and half run by criminal rings formed by Galarian immigrants, and neither of these groups have any interest in either joining Team Rocket or putting up with Rockets encroaching on their businesses. Lyra just defeated the executives at the Radio Tower, it was the locals who chased Team Rocket out of Goldenrod. With chains, knives, and guns, no less.
- Gen III: Emerald is the canon universe for Gen III, meaning both Groudon and Kyogre were awake at the same time. The western half of Hoenn was subsequently hit with a massive heatwave, while the eastern half was pounded with torrential rain. Lanette had been taken to Ever Grande for her safety early in the legendaries’ battle, and this is how she developed a phobia of intense storms.
- Sapphire Birch (daughter of Professor Birch) and Ruby Maple (son of the Petalburg Gym Leader) teamed up to summon Rayquaza and stop the battle, but it was Sapphire who caught Rayquaza and subsequently became both the hero and champion of Hoenn (by way of defeating Steven), until she conceded to Wallace. Ruby, who didn’t want the press, left Hoenn to continue his journey elsewhere. Sapphire is still a prominent trainer in Hoenn.
- The Delta Episode didn’t happen as it does in canon, but Zinnia exists in this world. She notes that it’s very different from both the one she came from and the one “the other her” was supposed to save. Deoxys was intercepted by the government and remains a pokémon known only to government officials and top-level Symposium researchers.
- Gen IV: Full disclosure: I never finished Platinum, so instead, I follow DP canon for the blog. No one knows what actually happened at the top of Mt. Coronet, including which legendary was awakened there. We do know that both Dawn and Lucas were present but not which one specifically saved the world. Both proceeded to become champions (Lucas defeated Cynthia, while Dawn defeated Lucas, then conceded the title back to Cynthia). Dawn then went back to Sandgem to resume her work as Professor Rowan’s assistant. Lucas went to the top of Mt. Coronet with an ancient artifact and hasn’t been seen since.
- Gen V: Hilbert was Hilda’s childhood friend and started alongside her but not with her (or Cheren or Bianca). They crossed paths numerous times until Hilbert decided training wasn’t for him and proceeded to retire. Hilda went on to become the Hero of Ideals and the champion of Unova, a title she almost immediately conceded to Iris (who she let defeat her so she could go off to find N).
- Gen V.5: Nate follows a similar story to Rosa: he was her childhood friend but not close enough to travel with her. Eventually, he met Hilbert, who talked him into becoming a business partner of sorts. Rosa, meanwhile, proceeded through the rest of the canon story, obtaining Reshiram from N and claiming the title of champion for herself. She’s still the champion of Unova ... and the only one who knows where N (and by extent, Hilda) are at any given time.
- Both Black City and White Forest exist. They’re right next to each other. Opelucid is a city with a mix of both old and modern architecture, and Drayden and Iris had shared the position of gym leader until Iris challenged Hilda for the title of champion. Iris never went back to the Opelucid gym after being defeated, but she is a prominent trainer who often supports actual champion Rosa. She’s filling in for Grimsley as the fourth member of the Elite Four while Grimsley’s off globe-trotting.
- Side point, but Alder exists and was defeated by Hilda. I just keep forgetting he exists because I never actually 100%’ed BW, lol.
- Gen VI: Serena and Calem are the same person. Or more accurately, Calem’s deadname is Serena, until he came out as trans shortly after the events of Gen VI. Something about what happened at Geosenge made him realize he needed to be truthful to himself because, you know. Life’s too short not to. Besides, becoming champion kinda gave him the power to be like, “Listen. If you don’t accept me, that’s fine, but just so you know, I have literally faced the gods of life and death, survived, and proceeded to wipe the floor with this region’s Elite Four and former champion.” Diantha, of course, is 100% in support of both Calem and the aforementioned statement.
- Just as an added cherry on top, which legendary did Team Flare try to awaken? And which one did Calem catch as a result? Yveltal. He eventually found Xerneas too, but I can’t go into that in case someone actually does want to read that giant sci-fi fic I’m writing on the side.
- But yeah, Lysandre is dead as hell. Sycamore is secretly devastated, which is why Calem set off to find Xerneas.
- Gen VII: Selene, a newcomer to the Alola region, is the one who did ... pretty much all of what went down in Gen VII, including eventually taming Solgaleo (“Nebby”). Lunala never surfaced, and USUM never happened.
- Lillie eventually found her way to Bill, who took her under his wing for about a year. After that, Lillie returned to Alola with copies of Bill’s notes and a thumb drive containing what they hoped would be a cure for Lusamine. Turns out, it was, and Lusamine has been well (and in therapy) since. So ... in case anyone’s wondering what happened to Lillie after the few brief times she was mentioned early on in this blog’s history.
- Elio, a boy from Iki Town, is blissfully unaware of all of this, but he was the second person to ascend to Alola’s Pokémon League and challenge their Elite Four. Acerola kicked his ass.
- By the way, Hala was an Elite Four member for all of a month before deciding he would much rather go back to Melemele Island and resume his duties as a kahuna. Molayne took his place (at Kukui’s request) and has remained ever since. The other admins are still baffled by how this man can be a hardcore gamer and Elite Four member and still have time to both do science and run the storage system ... except Bill, who is an unrepentant workaholic who doesn’t sleep, so therefore, his opinion doesn’t count.
- Gen VIII: Victor is just one of Hop’s friends. He's traveling mostly to keep up with what Hop’s doing and support his friend, but he doesn’t really go out of his way to adventure or get stronger.
- Gloria, on the other hand, is the hero of Galar and will absolutely kick your ass in a heartbeat. She doesn’t have a Scottish accent, but she does have Cumbrian one, given that Postwick is literally supposed to be Windermere. Anyway, she’s the chosen one for Zacian. (Hop gets Zamazenta.)
- Chase and Elaine do not exist, LGPE did not happen, and I don’t know what you’re talking about.
- All of the events that are actually stated as happening above occurred pretty much in rapid succession, within a few years of each other. Or to make this visual even clearer, the timeline is as follows:
Gen I (FRLG) happened at the same time as Gen III (Emerald). > Ash Ketchum left Pallet Town a year later. > Gen II (HGSS) and Gen IV (DP) happened two years later. > Gen V (W) happened three years later. > Gen V.5 (B2) and VI (Y) happened two years later. > Gen VII (Sun) happened three years later. > Gen VIII (Sword) happened three years later > the Crown Tundra sideplot of this blog happened one year later.
This means it’s been fifteen years since Red and Blue left Pallet Town and fourteen since Ash left.
That said, circling back to Bill and his team, I know the Pokémon anime states that the storage system is a transfer system and that it was invented by someone else, but because all of this went down in the infamous porygon episode, I can say that’s not true, and you probably wouldn’t have known otherwise if I didn’t just tell you. So Professor Akihabara doesn’t exist, and the digital storage system does.
But yes, Bill lives in a lighthouse he calls the Sea Cottage. He dyes his hair green and speaks with an accent that to our ears in the real world sounds awfully British, and in addition to being a tech researcher/engineer, he studies ancient pokémon behavior on the side. His backstory (hated school, used a trainer’s journey as an excuse to get out of going, had an ivysaur that evolved into a venusaur and inspired him to become a researcher) is lifted straight from Electric Tales, but a few side details are either taken from the games (details about his family, being the son of a fellow pokémaniac who annoys the piss out of him, etc) or How I Became a Pokémon Card (he once met a dratini that was the child of a giant dragonite, and furthermore, he gave dratini its official National Dex name). As for which pokémon he’s fused with, it was a clefairy (first, according to the games), followed by a rattata (Special), and finally a nidorino (Zenshou, also games).
That said, I also ignore a lot of Special canon, in part because I didn’t read much more than the stuff related to Bill and in part because I just ... don’t really care for Bill’s interpretation in that universe. Oh, sure, it’s funny to see him try to throw hands whenever possible, but I just kinda grew up with the chiller Bill from literally every other universe. That and I kinda want to provide Bill content that doesn’t just fall back onto the default interpretation for him, which always seems to be some variation of the Special interpretation. So while I still take elements from Special (his birthday is another one, for that matter), the vast majority of the canon I use is really from other sources.
Same thing can be said for the rest of the canon used here. The short version of all of this is that I rely on a mix of the anime and games for all facts offered here, coupled with my own twists on canon when it comes to characters and timeline of recent events in order to blend the two together.
It’s confusing, but just roll with it.}
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