#i could decorate and cook a meal and have wrapped gifts for everyone under the tree :(
bigothteddies · 21 days
maybe a house would be nice. admittedly I am only saying that because I realized I could have a housewarming party and try to invite my favorite people to come visit
#unimportant thoughts#itd be so fun! just imagining sharing my space with the people i love and having them in my space to celebrate it#its all I could want ! im gonna be daydreaming about it sctually#i mean i still could do that with an apartment BUT less space also noise restrictions#UGH i could throw a yearly christmas party!#my family had a big christmas party every year when i was a kid with some families we were close with :(#i miss it a LOT#nostalgic about the fact that there were kids my age i could play toys with and eat at the kids table sure but STILL#i could do that for my friends !#i could maybe cover a plane ticket or two and get some of my favorite people together for a nice dinner and sleepover ;(#i could decorate and cook a meal and have wrapped gifts for everyone under the tree :(#meatz has a friend that throws a big halloween party every year and i really admire it#to throw and host a party rvery year where the prople you love can gather and see each other snd have a good time#is a PRICELESS fucking thing to provide and its something i admire#DOING things and hosting events and making stuff happen is a Big Deal#its a value and service many people dont appreciate#fortunately its been BEAT into me by the BMX scene#that the most importsnt thing you can do for BMX isnt to post your opinions online#but to host your own event to provide for the sport your own way to get people involved and to have a good time#and i wsnt to do that in life !#its hard ive arranged beach trips where no one shows up ive hosted movie nights where people leave halfway through#but I know ill find people that want to do things and hang out just as badly as I do !
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kiasnocturnality · 1 year
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: Alois Leblanc, Takeshi, Nasana, Desdemona Nausikáa, Aphaeleon, Va'ariniel, Taruqu'inel, Khione
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: my requests are actually closed rn but I'll make an exception as a little Christmas present for everyone hehe. Also this could have been out like 5 hours ago but I got caught up in playing Genshin lol - gotta farm those materials u know
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. * ⋆ . ·  . ALOIS LEBLANC
✭ Alois takes decorating the tree very seriously. He's the type that needs to have everything in a matching colour scheme and all the ornaments in the right place. He will transform into his flock of bats to reach the really high up places or, to make sure you don't feel left out at all, he'll carry you while he floats up so you can reach this totally isn't an excuse to hold you or anything.
✭ However, once he gets this plan across, it becomes a group effort for the whole estate to decorate the manor together and it's often a really fun day with everyone getting the day off their duties to just decorate and then cook together. The tree in the foyer is huge. Everyone at the Leblanc Estate looks forward to Christmas for this reason.
. * ⋆ . ·  . NASANA
✭ Doesn't really do Christmas. But he's happy enough to decorate the place with you and he certainly won't turn down a big, warm meal in this cold season. I think he enjoys the cooking part more than the decorating. Nasana has a truly feral diet before you came along and he's come to really enjoy cooking, especially your cooking or just doing it as a quality time activity with you.
✭ This naga will be all wrapped up in a jumper and blankets with the fireplace roaring as the two of you go about the place and decorate with ornaments and garlands. He comes to quite like all the shiny stuff everywhere.
. * ⋆ . ·  . TAKESHI
✭ Takeshi celebrates Christmas for the fun of it - he likes decorating and giving/receiving gifts. Also, it creates the perfect opportunity for him to pull tricks when everyone around him is only expecting kindness. Expect a few gag gifts or pranks.
✭ He really likes the ambience that the lights create and you can find him in his fox form napping under the tree and all its twinkling lights in the holiday season. Takeshi strikes me as the type to leave up the neutral-coloured lights around the place for the rest of the year even after all the other decorations are taken down because he really likes it.
✭ Desdemona loves Christmas! I’ve mentioned before that one of her interests is old movies and she’d just love a chance to decorate the place with you!! You’ll have to lead the way with cooking Christmas dinner though because this siren would likely poison you by accident as she’s never had to learn to cook.
✭ She’s all about decorating together though and the whole place will be lit up with lights and candles, there’s a Christmas tree decorated with faux Pearl garlands and silvery ornaments (many of which Des has made with you!!).
. * ⋆ . ·  . APHAELEON
✭ Oddly enough, Aphaeleon isn't very big on Christmas. He's been around long enough to watch it go from a Pagan to Christian holiday and besides, what's the point of celebrating figures that will not be essential to his era as God? Aphae might not be a fan of all the decorations and such but he loves the charity aspect.
✭ You'll be decorating many trees with Aphae as he's used his money money from blackmailing corrupt ppl obv to buy decorations for shelters for the homeless/women/etc. to lift their spirits. This season is quite busy for him as he's leading charity events, masses and gathering essential supplies to donate to shelters. He spends a lot of time going around his churches too which are always open to those in need of shelter but become particularly busy with the colder weather.
. * ⋆ . ·  . VA’ARINIEL
✭ Oh! Va'ariniel's heard about this one! There are stories from a few centuries ago of humans decorating their houses with greenery and a tree with ornaments to invite the fae inside and give them shelter from the cold if needed. Not many humans decorate a Christmas tree for the same reasons now though and so, without the invitation, fae can no longer enter homes to reside in these trees.
✭ She's so eager to bring back this tradition that once stood between fae and humans and so she's got all the castle staff running around to decorate the place (it's also an opportunity to stake her claim to the throne by subtly putting green everywhere ahem). She'll fly up and place ornaments wherever you deem fit and she comes to love a hot chocolate substitute that the two of you figure out how to make together with ingredients from her realm.
. * ⋆ . ·  . TARUQU’INEL
✭ Taruqu'inel had also heard about this Christmas tree tradition but he wasn't as well-versed as Va'ari. He'll hang off your every word as you tell him all about the tradition's history and he's ecstatic to take part in something that once stood to join fae and humans like yourself! His advisors aren't very happy with putting green everywhere and insist he must convince you to use blue instead but he really couldn't care less as long as he gets to see that big smile on your face. He will 100% take you in his arms bridal style and fly up so you can reach places to hang decorations.
✭ However his advisors give you both more than enough resources to hold a feast in Taruqu'inel's name. He knows that they see it as a way of winning people over with generosity and it's a way of showing off what he can provide as a ruler but to Taru this is all about you. He'll have the head chef teaching you both how to make the tastiest dishes, all under your guidance of what a Christmas dinner should be like and you'll be feeding each other desserts by the end of the evening.
. * ⋆ . ·  . KHIONE
✭ While the landscape around Kanastra Highlands holds some beautiful scenery, it can look rather bleak in the winter and so Khione's more than happy to bring some greenery inside. He lets you take the lead in deciding how to decorate everything but he's helping you out every step of the way.
✭ Khione's very giving when it comes to his people and so I'm sure that, like Aphae, he loves the charity aspect the most. He'll get teams of people together months in advance to organise decorations and feasts and parades. Many of the cities across Kanastra have winter markets and he's eager to take you around them all to buy you little gifts and try all sorts of foods with you. Khione is a very serious dragon man 99% of the time but he looks like a child when he's eagerly dragging you around these markets. He looks forward to them all year round.
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overtlydinosaurian · 6 months
As we get closer to Christmas eve, I hope everyone thanks the women in their lives for making it happen. For cooking the feats, for cleaning the house, organizing and buying the presents, reading and considering your wants and needs, and decorating. Yes men might sometimes do this too but let's be real- for the most part, they most certainly are not.
Below is the article (not sure if paywalled, either way it's easier to just read in app). All emphasis added is my own.
Christmas is a feminist issue: Who does all the menial, emotional, mental labour?
It is time to strike – You never know, you just might get a Christmas miracle
My family is blessed. We live in a house with a self-cleaning bathroom. What’s that, you ask? Well, it’s a bathroom that regularly replenishes itself with clean towels and full tubes of toothpaste. The loo roll automatically replaces itself and the small bin under the sink empties itself when full. The hot press is refilled with clean bed linen, and clothes in the laundry basket somehow get themselves to the washing machine and back to dry by what seems like magic.
Mea culpa. I tell a lie. My family used to live in such a wondrous place until last week, when I went on bathroom strike. For five days I stopped doing all the necessary chores associated with the bathroom, and yes, even though I am very, very far from being a house proud or tidy person, I found it difficult. But in the service of feminism if not sanity, I bit my lip at the empty loo roll holder, the dirty towel still on the handrail and the toothpaste stains smeared all over the handbasin, until eventually I could stand it no more and I informed the other people I share a home with that there was no magic elf and if they wanted the bathroom cleaned they would have to do it themselves.
Cue shock, horror and disbelief; dear Lord, you would think I’d told them that Santa himself doesn’t exist.
Fortunately, however, we know that not only does Santa exist, but Mrs Santa will send her elves to earth to do all those chores that need to be done in every household before Christmas. You know the ones I’m talking about: the ordering gifts online and ensuring they are delivered on time: The gift wrapping of the pressies that need to go under the tree (has anyone seen the sellotape?) and purchase of all those itty-bitty gifts needed for Christmas Stockings (the dog needs one too) that hang over the fireplace.
There’s the extra decorations that make the house look properly festive – don’t forget a new wreath for the front door, they’ll be sold out before December 15th! – All this in addition to the necessary house cleaning, food buying and meal cooking that must be done before we ring in the New Year.
Oh sorry. There I go, lying again. Because whatever about Santa, sadly there have been no houseworking elves in my world since I left the Mammy and moved into my own home. That is when I discovered that there are three types of unpaid labour that women are expected to do, without thanks or recognition let alone financial compensation.
Firstly, there is menial housework, as in the aforementioned bathroom and sitting room and repeat ad nauseum. I am talking about all the repetitive, boring stuff we have to do so that Health and Safety doesn’t stage an intervention. This is the work that is done primarily by women – and when the men do it, they expect a reprieve from all menial jobs for at least a month as well as a huge clap on the back while a Greek chorus plays “Isn’t He Wonderful” behind them. (Obviously, I’m talking about the majority of men here. There is a lot of empirical evidence to back me up, so please don’t email, text or tweet me saying you’re a bloke that does housework and I’m a nagging, ball breaking, feminazi. I get lots of communication like that already thank you.)
Second, there’s mental labour, which includes the planning of dinners, school lunches, kids clothes, dental appointments. It’s lying in bed figuring out play dates, present buying and how on earth you’re going to get the dishwasher repaired while picking up the groceries, visiting your Granny and working a full time job. It’s when you nag at your spouse or kids about having to do it all solo and they roll their eyes and say, “make a list” or “just tell me what needs doing”.
This drives me crazy because in the workplace, recognising and organising what needs to be done and then delegating those tasks is called management. This is a respected job which is rewarded with appropriate remuneration and status. When a woman does the same at home, it’s called nagging. There is no reward and no appreciation of your managerial skills. There is definitely no status associated with it. Except the status of skivvy and martyr.
Third, there’s emotional labour, which involves ensuring that everyone stays happy, included, cared for and satisfied.
Arlie Hochschild, the sociologist who introduced this phrase, defined it as work (paid and unpaid), where you “induce or suppress feeling in order to sustain the outward countenance that produces the proper state of mind in others”. Bluntly, it’s putting a smile on your face as you serve Christmas dinner when all you want to do is tell the world to feck off and then lock yourself in the sitting room with the dog and a large (bottle of) gin to watch reruns of Poirot (me, pretty much every Christmas Day).
You don’t have to be a feminist to resist doing the three types of work I mention above. You just have to be a man. Because, to answer Caitlin Moran’s question, “Are the boys doing it?” in the vast amount of cases they most certainly are not. They will leave the cooking and cleaning to you but assume they are doing their fair share if they fill the dishwasher after Christmas dinner and wash the odd pot.
It is the biggest mystery of all time. Why – despite all the advances of feminism - do women still do the lion’s share of housework, the second shift? Why, in 2019, does the latest ESRI study show that women spend double the time of men on caring and more than twice as much time on housework? The simple answer is that most men don’t want to do all that stuff. Why should they – it’s thankless work. And while women continue to cook, clean for them and pick up their dirty socks, they don’t have to.
Ladies, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s time to strike. And then wait to see if Mrs Santa sends those house elves to visit. You never know, you just might get a Christmas miracle. And if not, at least you’ll have a less stressful one.
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xgothixsx · 2 years
How original (Chris Redfield x reader)  Winter wonderland part. 1 ❄️
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Hey! A little Christmas fic to start out with; a little early but I thought it would be a great idea to start up on it !! So enjoy please !! Also this is the start of my winter wonderland for this year!! 
word count; 1,735
pairing; Chris Redfield x reader 
The store was really busy, it was a few weeks before Christmas and everyone was running around looking for gifts, or food for their fancy Christmas dinner and even decorations. (Y/n) was in one isle, a hand in her (f/c) hoodie and the other holding onto a box as she read the directions, seeing if it was something that she could cook easily, she normally cooked homemade meals since one her boyfriend normally doesn’t get to have those since his job tends to pull him out to where either some military ‘food in a bag’ or even fast food is his only option, and two it’s really cute when he tries to help and is completely confused by certain things. Her boyfriend had run off to get some gifts for his family, and coworkers while she was tasked to get something for dinner that night. Of course Chris was always on top of things and already had everything for Christmas dinner and small decorations for the house the two of them share before the end of November. 
“Sweetheart” rang through (y/n)’s ears looking toward the direction that the oh so familiar voice was coming from to see Chris with a basket full of random gifts, she even saw an air fryer in there. He really does think of everything. 
“You done?” She joked as she watched him roll his eyes at her walking over, standing behind her, wrapping his muscled arms around her waist, and resting his head on her shoulder as he looked at the box. It was some hamburger helping that could be thrown together in fifteen minutes. He knew his girlfriend loved to cook, but tonight he wanted to wrap gifts so there wasn’t a need for something big to be cooked, though he knew this would upset her for some odd reason he would have assumed she would have loved a break from cooking him food. 
“Are you still mad at me?” He whispered into her ear before kissing her cheek, seeing her smile a little at him, which gave him his answer, she was never actually mad at him. He had bought an extra special gift for (y/n) this year, it was already paid for and in a bag hopefully out of sight, that’s why he had grabbed the air fryer, it’s not exactly for anyone it’s more of a cover up that he also knows his girl has wanted for a while of course he’ll cover that up saying it’s for his sister or it’s for Jill. 
“Got a long list? That’s a lot of stuff?” She giggled as she turned her head a little giving the man a small peck as she put the box into the cart, she was a little upset that she wouldn’t be cooking tonight and she wouldn’t be able to see that cute frustration mixed with hard concentration look on Chris’s face when he tries to do what she had written down for him; or even the nice dance they do when they cook together waiting for it to actually cook so they can eat it; but helping him do the one thing he always loved doing apparently as she heard from his sister that wrapping gifts was the one thing they would always do with their parents so she couldn’t complain too much. 
“Of course! We can’t forget anybody!” He said happily as he grabbed her hand and grabbed the basket moving it along. Since everything he needed was grabbed he was pretty much following her around watching her grab a few extra things; something small for her mom and dad, along with a few extra things for Jill and them on top of what he had already grabbed. 
“Now close your eyes” She exclaimed as she was getting ready to grab his gift, he chuckled as he moved his hand up to cover his eyes as she ran away to the sporting goods area, which wasn’t too far from him, and picked up the custom pocket knife she had ordered for him. It had his name engraved on the handle and on the other side was the nickname she would normally call him, she paid for it and then brought it to the cart hiding it under some shirt that was in there. 
“Ready?” He asked raising his eyebrow at the woman in front of him watching her smile and nod; the two of them went to the checkout, (y/n) immediately grabbing the knife and hiding it behind her back as Chris turned away to put things on the belt, and as he assumed she wasn’t paying attention to the cart when all it had was one little bag at the back of it while he was waiting for everything to be rung up, the two paid for it and went out to the car. Chris walked her over to her side opening the door for her and watched her climb in, giving her a kiss before closing the door and going to load the cart and then off they went, driving home. (Y/n) had helped carry in a few boxes while Chris handled the rest of them. As he was ‘fixing’ them in the living room, though really he was looking for a place to hide his special gift for her, though it wasn’t her only one. (y/n) went to the bedroom to change into a comfy set of pajamas with cute little puppies all of it, she loved this set specifically since it was the first gift Chris has ever given her. 
“Look at you. All cute and warm” Chris chuckled looking over his girl’s form in the nice kind of fluffy set, before moving closer wrapping his arms around her smaller body with a smile as she giggled a little wrapping her arms around his neck giving him a small gentle kiss. 
“Obviously- I can’t wrap gifts otherwise!!” She said cheerfully as she turned around grabbing his matching pants and whatever t-shirt he normally would wear making him roll his eyes grabbing them, watching her cutely skip out of the room to get dinner cooking, the little hamburger helping that they just bought. Soon dinner was done and the couple was watching some action movie that Chris had put on for them as they ate, sitting close together with a blanket over them , (y/n) was leaning against his big shoulder clearly the two were at peace. 
“You done sweetheart?” Chris whispered as he noticed that her plate was empty, he watched her move a little stretching out, before nodding at him. He chuckled as he took her plate as he got up as he watched her tip over and fall onto her side onto the couch laughing as she did her little ‘hmph’ as he left to put the plates in the kitchen grabbing two glasses of whiskey. When he returned she had already pulled most of the gifts out to the middle of the living room and grabbed one of the wrapping paper rolls that they had. 
“Excited aren’t we?” He chuckled, walking over to her, placing his hand on the small of her back giving her a gentle kiss on her nice soft lips hearing her giggle a little before the two of them sat on the floor. He pulled their cups down as they split the pile in half to make it fair on the both of them. After thirty minutes, over half of the piles were done and the whiskey was gone.
“Wait here I’ll get some coffee” He said, squeezing her thigh a little before getting up quickly and moving to the kitchen. She took this time to look for the present he got her, she was always curious but could never find her gift and she always went looking before Christmas. She moved very little stuff to see if it was in his pile, but couldn’t find anything and quickly started searching the living room before she came across a box. She’s never seen it before, did she finally find one? Should she open it, should she pretend like she didn’t see it? Now that she’s actually found her gift she doesn’t know what to do. She's never gotten this far, though now her curiosity is killing her. So she grabbed the box, it was soft and velvety. It was so small that for someone like Chris it would be so easy for him to hide it in his hand. She slowly opened it to see a beautiful silver and diamond ring, it was beautiful; but he knows that this kind of thing is only for engagements? There’s no way he was planning on it though, maybe he saw it and thought she would love it. 
Chris had walked back with both mugs in his hands before he saw him opening the box to the ring, he didn’t hide well enough but now she’s seen it, maybe he could lie and say it’s for something else, or he should take his opportunity now? It’s how he would have done it when she opened it on Christmas eve, might as well do it now. He put the coffee mugs down walking up behind her and knelt down on his right knee, as he watched her turn around. 
“(y/n)” He said softly as he took her free hand into his eyes looking up at her (e/c) eyes seeing her tear up a little, was she ready for this, should he try to say it was a prank to get out of it? No he had to do it now, or he would never have another chance. 
“(y/n) (y/m/n) (y/l/n) I’ve loved you for a long time… would you please… please marry me and spend the rest of our lives together” He finished proposing to her as he watched her tear up even more, before nodding her head, having a huge wave of relief wash over him. He took the box and the ring out, slipping it over her finger before standing up and giving her a huge and passionate kiss. 
After they separated and a rather long hug following lose behind. “Proposing during Christmas? How original” She snorted as Chris rolled his eyes, she said yes anyway; this years Christmas was definitely going to be a good one.  
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fernweh-writes · 3 years
Hey, it’s me again :3
My birthday is soon(next week on the Friday)
So I wondered if you could write headcanons for the Slasher with an Birthday S/O.
Like what would they give her, what would they do on her birthday. You probably get what I mean.
But only if it’s alright and you got time, if not it’s also fine^^
I already say thank you :3💕💕(btw I really love your writing <3)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE, I HOPE YOU HAVE AN AMAZING DAY!! I did see the other little tidbit you sent in and yes, ofc, anything for you. Especially since it’s your birthday and you asked so nicely<3
(Going ahead and posting this a lil early… i think? I can’t remember when you sent this in sorry :/)
Slashers on their S/O’s Birthday
Warnings: NSFW content, 18+
Michael Myers
Michael has always been pretty indifferent towards birthdays. So what, you’re getting older big whoop. He doesn’t see them as important and doesn’t understand the point of celebrating them.
However, as you keep mentioning to him that your birthday is coming up, he gets the hint. Michael isn’t stupid and he knows you well enough to be able to tell what you want.
Still, Michael isn’t going to throw you a party or decorate or anything like that. Instead he makes a statement just by spending the entire day with you.
During your time spent together you find out Michael did actually buy a cake for you. Although it was also partially for his own benefit as well seeing as he has a major sweet tooth. He even got “Happy Birthday y/n” written on the top in your favorite color. When you bite into it, you realize that it’s also your favorite flavor.
After the cake, Michael brings you a small box with a horribly tied ribbon wrapped around it. Don’t look at him funny, he tried okay. So what the gift inside was most likely stolen from a victims, you got a present that you loved. Isn’t that all that really matters?
Michael isn’t much of a giver in bed, he prefers to take. He mainly focuses on achieving his own end and whatever pleasure you get during that is what you get. But tonight he’ll make a point of not only making you finish first once, but numerous times throughout the night. Today is about you after all, why not try and set a new record in bed to mark the start of a new age.
Bo Sinclair
Morning sex, congratulations, this morning you become breakfast for Bo. No need to get up early to cook for him when he can simply devour you.
Surprise! He won’t be an ass to anyone for one whole day. Just for you darlin’. If some people happen to stumble into town, Bo won’t let anyone ruin your day, and quickly has Vincent take care of them. Even Lester will help out if need be, even though Les hates participating in the “family company”.
Sneaks away in the middle of the night to decorate the house. Luckily, Vincent pitches in and helps him make everything look nice. Bo goes all out with streamers, balloons, banners, he even got you a cake!
He’s more than eager to give you your presents as well. Of course he had to buy you a lingerie set, it’s a surprise that’ll help the two of you later that night…
Bo is a simple man, he just wants everyone to know that you belong to him. So he also got you a dainty little necklace of his name. Sure it may be cute to you, but secretly he’s laying his claim to you.
Usually he’s busy with keeping up the town but just this once he spends the entire day with you. Bo spending so much quality time with you doing whatever you want really says a lot.
He may even take you to the next town over for a nice dinner. After all, no one should have to cook on their own birthday and it’ll make good use of the cute little sundress he got you and gives you the opportunity to dress up. You better wear the lingerie he got you under it though. Good luck making it to the bedroom when the two of you get back from the restaurant.
Vincent Sinclair
You’re not sure who is more excited, him or you. Vincent makes sure that you have the best time ever and makes the whole day about you. It’s the perfect chance for him to spend the whole day with you and show you how much he loves you.
When you wake up he’ll be missing. He woke up early to make you your favorite breakfast. He had hoped to bring it to you in bed but sadly you’ve always been the early riser. Luckily for you, unlike Bo, Vincent is a good cook. How do you think the three boys survived before you showed up?
Vincent has always been a more private person so while there’s not any decorations all over the house and he can’t take you out to a fancy dinner you can still expect plenty of sweet surprises. He made you a bouquet of wildflowers that he picked, got you the new books you had been telling him you wanted, managed to snag one of the vinyls for the new album your favorite artist had recently released, and even got you some new outfits that he thought would look cute on you.
Vincent would be the one to put on music and dance around the living room with you. He enjoys personal time with you and uses the day to really express to you just how much he cares for you.
At the end of the day he runs you a hot bath. While you soak in the tub he throws around the rose petals and gets the ribbons and candles ready. Before you have time to get dressed Vincent will be scooping you up, tossing you on the bed, and tying you up. Be ready for a long night!
Thomas Hewitt
There’s not really much he can do for you seeing as the town is running low on supplies. Still, he’ll do his best to still make your birthday special for you. Mainly he’s just going to kick Hoyt and Monty out for the day so that you can have one peaceful day together. Luda gets to stay seeing as she’s also happy to celebrate with you.
Thomas lets Luda Mae know he wants to surprise you with something. So while he works on the surprise she’ll make sure to keep you occupied. Luda Mae will fix your hair for you and go ahead and give you the gift that she had made you, a sundress made from floral print fabric. She’s so happy her son found someone, especially someone as beautiful as you.
Thomas will have handmade you a small necklace. Since you didn’t tell him about your birthday until shortly before the day, you left him with little time to make it. He’s lucky that your comfortable with Luda Mae and he can get her to keep you distracted,
When Tommy sees you with the dress his momma made you and your hair fixed up he almost forgets about the small piece of jewelry in his pocket.
After hearing you squeal with delight when you open his gift he’s ecstatic! He loves nothing more than making you happy. when you eagerly get him to help you put it on he thinks he’s going to spontaneously combust with his love for you.
Luda Mae will bake you a cake. You’re basically her daughter in law at this point and she’s going to make sure that you have a good day. She enjoys having another woman in the house and enjoys seeing you and Thomas happy together. You’ve given her the complete family that she’s always wanted.
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms is very good at being sneaky. At this point, Malcolm already knows that Brahms is a real person. So Brahms has no issue with getting Malcolm to bring him everything he needs and giving him the extra money for the week. He makes sure to cover all the bases, he got you presents, a small cake, and of course stuff to decorate the living room.
The decorations in the living room aren’t necessarily the best. Brahms hasn’t been responsible for doing anything like this in his whole life. But he still does his best to try and impress you and make you happy. Just don’t expect for his best to be very good. After all, it is the thought that counts.
Honestly Brahms not being self centered for once should be enough of a surprise. It’s your birthday so he’ll make sure to be on his best behavior just for you! No tantrums or arguing, he promises! He even makes sure to hide the schedule for the day to make sure you know that today you get to relax.
Of course, you’ll still have to cook since Brahms is only capable of making sandwiches. His peanut butter to jelly ratio may be perfect but that’s not exactly the type of meal he thinks you would want on your birthday. So he does make sure to get the ingredients for all of your favorite foods!
Your presents include expensive jewelry, pretty clothes, and of course lingerie although that’s more of a gift for Brahms than it is for you. He’ll have you model all of the dresses and clothes that he got you. The big finale is the lace bra and underwear that you won’t be wearing for much longer.
Brahms is a switch and usually ends up being the more submissive one in bed. Tonight however, he’ll co for a change of pace and be more dominant. For once, he was the one spoiling you instead of the other way around and that brings out the more mature and dominant side of him. Expect o be sore the next day though, Brahms isn’t exactly good with holding back.
Billy Loomis
Billy has a tendency to be narcissistic and obviously an ass. But he can also be great at hiding those traits. On your birthday he makes sure to do exactly that, really playing up the bad boy/boy next door front he’s capable of. Tatum did believe that he was practically perfect, and on your special day, he’ll do his best to do exactly that.
He may not have the same money as Stu, but he still manages to spoil you. You’ll have his full attention for the day and he let you decide almost everything. Billy even lets you pick out the movies that you watch together on your birthday, which is something he’s never allowed to happen before.
Seeing you be happy gives him a funny feeling that he’s not used to which can cause him to act a little awkward. You throw him off a little bit. He didn’t expect to care so much about someone until you fell into his lap. He’s a simp for you and he knows it. If he wasn’t then he wouldn’t be making reservations for that fancy restaurant you loved and buying you a new outfit just for said reservation. Yeah he’s down bad.
Makes sure that you order whatever you want, today cost doesn’t matter. But if he knows your favorite, he orders for you in an attempt to impress you. See, he remembers your favorite food, isn’t he just the best. Also gets your favorite over priced dessert even if you have to take it to go. He can’t bake and he knows that store bought cake just doesn’t compare to the fancy restaurants.
He bought you lingerie for under that cute little outfit and he expects to see it by the end of night. Expect to pinned against the front door before either of you has the chance to unlock it. Billy has been imagining you in nothing but your birthday suit all night and he simply cannot wait any longer.
There’s nothing he enjoys more than seeing you fall apart underneath him. He loves seeing you look absolutely cock drunk with your makeup smeared on your face. Your moans and begs eventually begin to melt together and you just become and incoherent mess as he makes you cum again and again. It’s still not enough for him though, he’s going to make you scream.
Stu Macher
He is very determined to make you have the best day over. Expect breakfast in bed! It may not be great but eat it anyways, Stu is not a morning person and he managed to drag his ass out of bed early just for you. So even if the scrambled eggs have the occasional crunch to them it’s best to just grin and bear it.
Is very determined to take you shopping. Expect for him to buy you anything that you touch or pick up. Like the amazing boyfriend he is he will also carry the many bags that you end up with. You’ll have a brand new wardrobe by the end of the day. Of course he made you pick out a few lingerie sets. He even pointed out the ones he liked and made you find your size.
Of course, Stu will still take you out to a fancy restaurant and do the whole traditional night out thing. After dinner though the two of you will end up on the roof of his house that he made sure to help you out on. Stu is secretly a hopeless romantic deep down and will spend time looking at the stars with you because he thinks it’s something that you would like. Will listen to you as you ramble on about planets and watch as you point out constellations if that’s something you do.
Stu is very clingy at all times so he will be hanging over you all day. That’s nothing really out of the ordinary though. But usually those touches include grabbing your boobs, smacking your ass, and rubbing your hips. On your birthday the touches turn more gentle. Expect him to gently tuck your hair behind your ear so he can see your face, gently caressing your cheek, rubbing your knuckles while he holds your hand, all soft and sweet gestures to convey he truly does care.
He’s usually very fast paced with everything including talking, movements, and of course that includes in bed. But tonight he’ll be slow and gentle, drawing everything out. Also makes sure to focus on your pleasure instead of his own for once.
Asa Emory
Asa never thought he would celebrate anyone’s birthday. He certainly never celebrated his own and doesn’t see the point in doing so. To him, birthdays are just another day and there’s no point in celebrating ageing. So he went about most of his life ignoring birthdays, until you came along.
Asa adored you and your enthusiasm for life and all the good things in the world. You were a bright person, especially when compared to him, and he loved the innocence about it. So when you began to mention your birthday coming up with excitement in your voice he knew that you had expectations for your special day.
He may not be a person who celebrates but he’ll be damned if he disappoints. You’re the one good thing life has given him and he’s not letting you get away from him. If that means getting you a small cupcake and sticking a candle in it and a present then so be it. He can manage doing a little something for you.
When he’s not in his collector persona he is much more awkward and an absolute dork in your eyes. So when he takes you out for a nice dinner you’ll notice his slightly off behavior. Asa doesn’t like crowded public spaces and you’ll be able to pick up on his fidgeting. Luckily your good at carrying the conversation for him.
Asa appreciates that you understand it’s hard for him. So when you begin to do most of the talking and don’t pressure him to contribute much to the conversation besides the occasional nod he’s able to relax.
On the way home he gets nervous once more. What if you hate the present he got for you or expected more. He had only gotten you one thing and it wasn’t much. But when you finally open it and you light up like a kid on Christmas morning he lets out a heavy sigh and finally relaxes. It was only a simple necklace but you acted like he had just handed you the stars.
Asa will be surprisingly gentle with you for one night. Of course, he’ll still tie you up and absolutely wreck you but he makes sure to leave out the cutting and biting out for once. The only bruises you have will be on your hips from his harsh grip. It’s the closest thing you’re going to get to love making from him, but you know him well enough to get the meaning behind it.
Jesse Cromeans
Anything you want and it’s yours, he can make anything happen for you. He makes sure to tie up any loose ends with his business well before your birthday so that nothing can interrupt his time spent with you. Of course he makes sure to spoil you even more than he normally does.
Would love to take you on some fancy vacation and stay in one of the finest hotels there. Go ahead, pick any place you want to travel to and he’ll make the arrangements. He makes sure that anywhere he takes you is more private and remote rather than tourist-y though. Both so that he feels more comfortable and so that you can feel special and not have to deal with crowds.
Does the whole flower petals on the bed, candles, flowers, ice bucket with champagne kind of ordeal back at the hotel. Did you really expect him not to though? He has the money to so why not and he knows that even though you claim it’s cheesy that you absolutely love it. Th blush on your face and look in your eyes give away your love of cheesy things and he pays attention to every little thing you do.
Of course you get new jewelry, designer clothes, and lingerie but you get other gifts as well. Pretty much anything you’ve mentioned to him recently he makes sure to get you. Rambling on about that new book your favorite author just released? It’s yours! Been needing new materials for any of your hobbies? You got them!
Expect rough sex. Jesse rarely does gentle and with how much smaller you are than him he can sometimes accidentally hurt you. Your just so small and fragile compared to him kitten, he can’t help it. Of course he always makes sure to take care of you afterwards with a hot bath and will gently massage the knots out of your muscles. Jesse always makes sure that you’re taken care of.
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kelieah · 3 years
Tom taking care of a tired and frustrated you, like him cuddling u or showering u with kisses or practically babying you n eventually u fall asleep in his lap with your head in his neck n he carries u to bed, just very fluffy fluffy!! 💙
just us (tom holland x reader)
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word count: 1.3k
warnings: fluuffff, mentions of sex, language, tom being a div
edited: kind of a shitty ending, and kinda rushed agh, sorry 
a/n: love this ideaaa, just going to somehow tie in the reader’s birthday into this hehe
tom holland masterlist
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Last year, Tom planned a big birthday party for you, inviting your friends, his friends, coworkers, and family. It was crazy. Personally, you hated being in the spotlight so although you appreciated his efforts, you didn’t enjoy yourself as much as you wanted to. So this year, you’ve been trying hard to avoid the topic of plans for your birthday. You also really hoped no one would plan a surprise birthday party.
You wake up to the sight of Tom walking into your bedroom, with a stack of pancakes and a candle in the middle. His face is painted with excitement and warmth, and you couldn’t help but smile at the sight. “Happy birthday, sleepyhead,” he whispers and sits down next to you, leaning in to kiss your cheek.
You smile tiredly and look at the plate of food, tearing up at how cutely decorated it is. “Tommy,” you sniffle and pout at him.
“Oh, baby,” he laughs and places the plate aside, pulling you into his arms.
After he picked you up and brought you to the kitchen to eat breakfast, the two of you began to get ready for the day. You let out a quiet sigh as you smoothed down your dress against your body, your mind swirling with thoughts about whether or not you should be honest to Tom about the big parties and all.
“I heard that sigh,” you hear Tom come up from behind you and snake his arms around your waist. He rests his chin on your shoulder and glances at you in the mirror, “Are you okay?”
You nod and place your hands on top of his, swaying with him as he hugs you close. “Perfectly okay.”
“I’ve known you for how many years?” he asks rhetorically and raises an eyebrow for dramatic effect. Accepting your silence as an answer, he nods and confirms it himself, “Right, five years and you think I don’t know you well? I’m honestly offended love.”
“Shut up,” you groan and tilt your head back, looking up at him as he gazes down at you. “I’m just tired, that’s all.”
“I have a feeling I know what’s upsetting you,” he brings his hands down to your waist and squeezes it.
“Well, then what is it?” you huff.
“I actually didn’t know I was just bluffing to see if you’re really upset,” he admits sheepishly as you gape at him. “Now I know! Babe, what’s wrong?” he holds up his hands in defeat and lets go of you.
You grumble quietly at the loss of his touch and shrug, turning to face him. “I was joking. I’m just tired.”
“You slept for ten hours,” he points out.
You send him a glare, “Because you fucked me all day yesterday.”
“Valid point,” he nods and purses his lips, laughing as you groan loudly with frustration. He follows you as you rush off to your bedroom, “Darling, you know I’m only teasing. Come on, it’s your birthday. I want you to be able to do whatever you want to do. If you want to sleep all day, so be it.”
“Oh really?” you amuse and turn back around while plopping down onto your mattress.
“Yes, really,” he stands in front of you, holding out his hands for you to grasp.
Reluctantly, you hold his hands and look into his eyes, noticing how he is desperately trying to read you. “I’m sorry,” you bring your lips to the back of his hand. “I really am tired, but it’s no excuse to be a bitch.”
“You’re not being a bit—”
“In all honesty, I just really am not looking forward to having a big party.”
“Who said we’re doing that?” he interrupts causing you to give him a deadpanned stare.
“I know you well too. It’s not much of a surprise when I can hear you planning in the closet. You’re not that sly, Holland,” you feel a smirk grow onto your lips.
He scoffs, still trying to dismiss your accusations. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Honey, if you don’t wanna have a big party or a party at all, we don’t have to. Like I said, we can do whatever you want. Even if you just want the entire to yourself, just let me know,” he lifts you up and pulls you close to him.
You eye him suspiciously and drape your arms over his shoulders, “So, you’re basically telling me now that there’s no big surprise party being prepared this minute?”
“Nope,” he smiles at you confidently and tucks a hair behind your ear. “Your day is free.”
You feel all the weights lift off your shoulder and you let out a quiet satisfied sigh. You lean your forehead against his chest and press your lips together. “I just want to spend the day with you and you only. Well, maybe a bunch of food too, but you know. Just us.”
“Yeah, I know,” he chuckles lightly and presses a long, tender kiss on the top of your head. “That sounds perfect, how about we go for lunch or order in. Watch some movies, maybe go to the park and when the sun settles, we could cook a meal together? Then maybe take a bath together, drink some wine, have some fun, and then sleep?” he plans out the rest of the day in one sentence and you tear up at the thought.
“That sounds absolutely perfect. Thank you,” you bring your head back up to meet his face and peck his lips.
“Always, I’ll go grab the keys?” he smiles and kisses you a bit longer, cupping the side of your face.
“Mhm, lemme go grab my coat and stuff.”
And you two did exactly what he planned, all the way to have some fun that results in the both of you not sleeping, yet.
“So much for a bath,” you stifle a laugh, sitting down on the side of the tub as your legs tremble from the previous activities.
He grins and goes down on his knees, wiping you dry. “Hey, nothing wrong with having the fun a little bit earlier.”
“Mm, true. But now I’m really tired,” you slip on the pajamas he hands you.
He puts on his boxers and laughs in response, “I bet. Wanna be carried to bed?” 
You nod eagerly and hold out your arms, “Yes, please.”
He kisses your forehead and swoops you up easily, bringing you towards the bed you both share. He places you down and slides in next to you, wrapping his arms around you to hold you close.
You shift around to get comfortable and soon drape your leg over his, your hand also resting on his bare chest. “Thank you, for today,” you murmur lazily, drawing gentle shapes into his skin. He hums quietly and caresses your skin as well, dragging his hand along your shoulders to your jaw.
“Always, just talk to me next time. Okay? Don’t want you wallowing in self-doubt and stuff,” he whispers and cups your face to kiss you all over repeatedly. 
You giggle and nod in agreement, then turning around to become the smaller spoon. He smiles and inhales your addicting scent, feeling himself becoming drowsy and tired. He eventually falls asleep and before you could, you hear his phone go off on your bedside, the light brightening up the room a bit. You sit up slightly to glance over and make sure it’s nothing important, but your jaw drops once you see the messages from Harrison.
‘How was your day mate?’
‘We were able to cancel the reservation and tell everyone who was invited about the last minute change of plans’
‘All of her gifts are at my place though.... so figure that out too lol’
‘Pretty sure your busy ;)’
‘But seriously text or call me back when you can div, the caterers just dropped off all the food that was ordered at my place’
‘It’s like a bloody mall in here’ 
You let out a quiet gasp as you read the messages and eventually slide back into Tom’s embrace, knowing damn well you were right from the very beginning.
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inbox link under the cut! thanks for reading ツ
leave a comment, give me some feedback pls! it’s greatly appreciated mwah
tagging some mutuals! @sunsetholland @peterssweetpea @ptersmj @evermoreholland @marvelouspeterparker @supremethunda @emmastarz @parkerpeter2469-blog @felicityparkers @spideyspeaches @hollandcrush @ms-misery @msmarvelsmain @heavenlyholland @veryholland @greenorangevioletgrass @spidey-sophie
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domesticnct · 3 years
25 Days of NCT Christmas Johnny
Johnny is the dad that is lazy 364 days a year because Christmas day is the only day he has a lot of energy.
During the Christmas season, Johnny would be helpful but wouldn’t really initiate any holiday festivities.
He would go to your daughter’s choral recital and that would spark a little bit of the Christmas spirit in him.
All of his shopping would be done 100% online. He always asked your daughter for a comprehensive list and would spoil her by getting her everything on it which you always got mad at him for as some of the gifts were rather expensive and left a little less for gifts for your friends.
Johnny would relax while you and your daughter decorated the tree and would tell you where you should put everything. When you asked him why he didn’t help he would say “he worked all day.” At some point he would slip out of the room and moments later you would smell the wonderful aroma of pot roast.
When all the decorating was done he would walk out of the kitchen proud of his home cooked meal that he wanted to surprise you with that night.
Johnny would order all of the Christmas gifts wrapped, but would help you wrap a few of the ones you had bought in the store.
He would also host the annual Christmas party with his coworkers from Neo Culture Technology Corporation. The ones he liked anyway. Never his boss Mr. Lee who no one liked for his treatment of company employees. Especially the women.
Everyone invited to the NCT party would ditch Mr. Lee’s company party or leave early to come to Johnny’s which was always fun and kid friendly.
Christmas eve would be spent frantically cleaning the house after the holiday party from the night before and cooking a grand feast. I don’t know why, but I just see Johnny as being the type of person that has his big Christmas feast on Christmas eve instead of Christmas day.
The evening would be spent playing board games with your daughter and his parents would come to visit and have dinner with you all and play games. You would watch Elf before sending your daughter up to bed while you and Johnny put out the gifts from Santa who your pre-teen daughter had already told you all she no longer believed in. But tradition was tradition. You would put them alongside the ones that were already under and would sit and chat with his parents for a while before heading up to bed.
Christmas morning your daughter would wake up her grandparents first, leaving Johnny feeling betrayed. They would be downstairs waiting for you once you had finally dragged Johnny out of bed.
Your daughter would start opening presents and he would slip out of the room to make a pot of coffee. He would apologize to your daughter for leaving, come back, and leave again to get the pot.
He would just bring the entire pot that he added a bit of sugar too, never any cream and he would just sit there and drink the entire pot.
Within ten minutes his eyes would be wide and he would be bursting with more energy than you think you had ever seen him have.
Your daughter would pass her gifts to you all which she was super proud of. For you she had spent the past several months making a scrapbook of all your happy memories together as a family and for Johnny she had painted him a new special mug for his coffee.
You had bought him a new super fancy coffee maker and the highest quality coffee you could fine and you swore for a moment you saw a single tear fall from his eye when he opened it. He would then make more coffee and be even more hyper.
The day would be spent with everyone just chatting, playing video games, and making Christmas treats. Some of Johnny’s friends would stop by and everyone would have drinks and play more games. They all spoiled your daughter with even more presents.
By late evening, you all would sit around the living room watching a movie and eating leftover pie and your daughter would sit making her Christmas list for the next year while you saw Johnny begin adding them to a cart online.
You would shake your head at him, but would find it adorable how he dotes on your daughter.
The night would probably end in a bit of an argument over who was going to the do the dishes before Johnny conceded and did them. 
You two would be exhausted from the day and go to bed before your daughter ready to repeat Christmas #2 with your parents the next day.
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ray-ray-writings · 3 years
Oh Boy!-BadBoyHalo
One of you lovelies requested a part two to Oh Baby! So here you go! I hope I do it justice and that you enjoy! 
This is a BadBoyHalo x gn!reader. Again this is pretty heavily fem but I know there are people that do get pregnant that do not identify as a woman, and for that reason this is gender neutral. Also, COVID-19? We don’t know her in this fic. 
How Darryl and Y/N tell their families, friends, and fans that they’re expecting. 
After Darryl and I celebrated our good news, we decided it would be best to make a doctor’s appointment to check how far along I was and make sure everything was alright in my uterus. The doctor determined I was 6-7 weeks along and everything was going fine. Darryl and I once again celebrated by ordering food from one of our favorite places. 
“When do you think we can tell  people?” Darryl asked excitedly, picking at his food. I chuckled as I swallowed the food in my mouth before answering, “Well I definitely want to make sure that I get out of the first trimester before we tell anyone. I just want to be extra careful incase things go wrong,” I explained softly, a hand falling to rest on my stomach. Darryl nodded understandingly, “That makes total sense and I agree.” “Maybe when I hit 14 weeks we can tell our parents. And then maybe you could even invite the boys down at around 16 weeks and we can tell them in person,” I stated, shoving another forkful of food in my mouth. 
Darryl let out a small gasp, “You’d let the boys come over and stay with us?” I giggled and nodded, “Of course! They’re some of your best friends and the most important people in your life. You know, we could even have our gender reveal party while they’re here! We could record some of it and upload it somewhere and announce it to your fans, if that’s something you want to do!” I stated excitedly, my mind already racing with ideas. A soft smile fell on Darryl’s lips. He quickly leaned forward and pressed a small kiss to my lips. “That sounds perfect baby. I’ll talk to them about it tomorrow!” He exclaimed giddily. “Sounds good!” 
*Time skip. Many weeks later*
Keeping the secret was really hard for the two of us. But somehow Darryl and I managed. We did have a few close calls. A few slips of the tongue that caused raised eyebrows and hushed whispers, but we always managed to recover from the small mistakes. 
I was so excited to finally be out of the first trimester. Darryl and I planned a dinner for both of our parents. We invited them over under the pretense that we simply wanted to see them and catch up. The four didn’t seem to bat an eye. They came over and enjoyed a really nice meal with a very sweet dessert. After we finished our plates, I offered to brew some coffee for our parents. When everyone agreed, I immediately made my way into the kitchen, Darryl following close behind me. We had to keep our giggles quiet as we poured coffee into the four new mugs we had purchased. 
Yesterday, Darryl and I went out and bought four new mugs. But not just any four mugs. On each of the four mugs, the phrase, “Grandparent. Established: 2021” was written. Bad and I thought this was the best and funniest way to announce it to them, as well as giving each a cute little gift. 
Darryl and I quickly carried the mugs back into the dining room, making sure to cover the labels of the mugs so no one would see before they all were revealed. The mugs were removed from our hands and the four began sipping on their hot drinks. Darryl and I watched with glee as their eyes got wide as they caught sight of the writing on the mugs. All heads snapped to us as we began to giggle at their reaction. “Are you serious?” Darryl’s mom squealed. I simply turned to the side to show off my small baby bump causing the four to gasp in surprise. “Surprise!” The two of us exclaimed together. The four parents stood up and rushed over, wrapping their arms around us in a tight hug. Happy tears fell from everyone’s eyes as we basked in the announcement. The rest of the night was spent sitting around the table talking and laughing. It was an amazing night for everyone. 
*Time skip. Two weeks later*
Today was the day! The boys would be here any moment! Darryl had left early in the morning to pick the boys, Dream, Sapnap, and George, up from the airport. I would have gone with him, but I felt a little too ill. The morning sickness had died down a bit ever since I left the first trimester, but there were definitely days I still felt sick to my stomach. That being said, it did give me enough time to cook up a big breakfast for everyone to enjoy. They had said in the group chat that no one really had time to eat. 
It was perfect timing because as I finished the last pancake, the door swung open. “Honey! We’re home!” Four voices teasingly called from the front door. I quickly turned off the stove and rushed to the door. “BOYS!” I exclaimed in excitement, wrapping my arms around all three in a big hug. “Y/N!” They cheered back, immediately returning the hug. “You’re just in time! I just finished breakfast, come, come!” I babbled, grabbing someone’s hand and pulling them with me. 
The four boys followed me into the kitchen and quickly gaped at the sight. “You didn’t have to do all of this” Darryl whispered, moving forward and pressing a kiss to my cheek. I smiled and shrugged, “I wanted to.” Clay, Nick, and George quickly grabbed plates and piled theirs high of the breakfast foods. “Plus, it makes our announcement a little smoother” I murmured to Darryl as the two of us followed behind the three. 
Once all plates were piled, we moved to the dining room and began eating. We talked and laughed as we caught up with one another, discussing how their flights and things like that. Our discussion was interrupted by a loud beeping from the oven, causing us to jump. 
“Oh gosh! I have a bun in the oven!” I exclaimed standing up and rushing to the kitchen to turn off the stove timer. As I approached the dining room once more, I could hear the boys laughing and when I appeared, they began teasing me. “You’re so forgetful Y/N,” Clay teased, taking a bite of pancake. “Yeah how could you forget your oven’s on?” George also poked, taking a sip of his juice. “Hey, don’t be mean to Y/N! I’ve left buns in the oven before.” Darryl defended, giving me a slight wink. “Oh I remember that!” I exclaimed, “We’re still dealing with that today… And then for the rest of our lives as well.” The three boys fell silent at my statement. Confusion fell onto each of their faces, “What? What does that mean?” Nick questioned. I couldn’t help the grin that covered my face as I rested my hand on my stomach and turned sideways. 
An audible gasp left the three boy’s lips. “No way!” Clay uttered, “No way!” “Way!” I responded, turning to face forward and walk to my chair. “We’re going to be uncles?” Nick questioned softly. Tears pricked in my eyes at the question, but I nodded excitedly. “Yeah, you’re going to be uncles.” The sound of chairs scraping against the floor greeted me before three bodies slammed into me, hugging me tightly. I giggled as I attempted to wrap my arms around everyone to hug them back. Darryl’s chair scraped against the floor and soon his arms wrapped around us as well. 
We stood there for a while, just hugging. Our food was getting cold, but none of us cared. “Do you know the gender?” George asked, pulling his head back a bit. I smiled making eye contact. “I don’t, but our mommas do. They’re in charge of the gender reveal, which is this Saturday. We planned it so that you three could be here for it.” I answered with a grin. The boys seemed to be touched at what I had to say. “You didn’t have to plan your baby’s reveal around us,” Clay uttered softly. I simply scoffed and shook my head, “Of course I did. You’re a part of our family. You’re way too important not to include in this type of stuff,” I answered honestly. Tears seemed to form in everyone’s eyes at my response. “You’re our family too, Bad, Y/N. We love you” “We love you too.” 
*Time skip to Saturday*
Today was the day. We find out what gender our baby is today. I couldn’t help but grin as I watched everyone interact at the party. Darryl and I decided to combine the baby shower with the gender reveal so everyone could get together for one big party. It was also so that the Dream Team could be here for both without having to go home and then turn back around to come for a different party. Besides, they would already be coming back down a month or two after I gave birth so they could actually meet their niece or nephew. 
Darryl’s arms wrapping around me, startled me out of my slight daze. “We’re ready to cut the cake whenever you are,” He murmured, pressing a kiss into the side of my head. I hummed in response and turned to him, “I’m ready”. He ushered me to the table where the cake that our mothers had made. Our moms made a cute cake that was white on the outside with pink and blue decorations on the outside, with “Boy or girl?” Written on the top. “Gather round for the cake cutting!” Darryl called out. 
“Do you really have no preference?” Darryl questioned as everyone made their way over to the front of the table. I smiled and shook my head no, “I honestly don’t care, as long as our baby remains healthy, I’m okay with whatever they turn out to be.” Darryl hummed, kissing the side of my head once more, “I completely agree baby.” Once we made sure that everyone was ready, the two of us picked up the knife together. Darryl’s hands rested over mine as our hands hovered over the cake. The knife cut into the cake easily, a piece was quickly cut. I took a deep breath as we let go of the knife. Darryl reached over and grabbed a spatula to move the cake piece. 
“Ready?” He exclaimed to the crowd. Shouts of affirmation resonated back. Darryl slowly moved the piece out of the way causing blue M&M’s to fall from the center of the cake. Everyone that had gathered around burst into cheers at the reveal. I wrapped my arms around Darryl’s neck after he set the cake down on a plate. His arms came to rest around my waist. “It’s a boy!” I whispered, “It’s a boy Darryl. We’re going to have a baby boy.” “That we are, sweetheart.” 
The two of us let go of our hug and turned back to the crowd. “Well come get some cake!” I exclaimed, motioning for everyone to come forward. Nick, Clay, and George were the first to charge forward. Excited babbles fell from their mouths about having another boys join them. They chattered about how they were going to teach them everything there was to know about Minecraft, not that they couldn’t do that with a girl, but they couldn’t help but be so excited about a boy. A grin fell on my lips and my hand fell to my tummy as I listened to the four babble about everything they were going to do with our baby. Only one thought came to my mind as their words rang in my ears… Oh boy! 
The day after the gender reveal, Darryl posted a photo of the two of us hugging after we cut the cake. It was a picture that I didn’t know existed, but was so glad it did. The response was overwhelming. The fans exploded at the announcement. Many comments and tweets were so supportive of the two of us having a baby together, claiming it would be the best and cutest kid ever, which I couldn’t help but agree with. Fans being excited about the baby just made me even more excited, I couldn’t wait to hold my baby boy in my arms.
 There you go! I really hope you enjoyed, if so please be sure to leave a like!!
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hizashis-lil-bunbun · 3 years
BNHA Valentine’s Day Headcanons!
Happy first day of February! Some of my Discord friends and I were brainstorming how different My Hero characters would celebrate Valentine’s Day. So let’s give ‘em a whirl! All characters are adults or aged up to be 18+ in these scenarios.
Big thanks to @varnienne, @emmappelle, @sweet-darling91, @donica95​, and @katsontherun for letting me bounce ideas off of them. 💖
Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic)
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Gotta start with my blonde bby. And the best way I can describe his ideal Valentine’s is BIG and LOUD!
He’s never been one shy away from telling you how he feels, but he’s especially talkative on V-Day. Going on and on about how lucky he is, how much he loves you, etc.
It’s love songs all day, baby! From blasting modern pop songs while he makes breakfast to sweet, old-fashioned tunes that he makes you slow dance with him to in the living room. He’s a true romantic (and a surprisingly good dancer to boot).
And he might even (re: definitely will) serenade you. The man is a musician after all! In fact, don’t be surprised if Hizashi wrote a song just for you.
As far as gifts go, Hizashi goes all out. He’s a hero and a celebrity, with the salaries to match. So you can expect a few big ticket items. Plus, he’s a good listener. If you ever mentioned something you needed/wanted/expressed interest in, chances are it will arrive wrapped up in red and pink paper on the day.
“Hey little listener! Remember how ya said you might wanna try painting? No? Well I turned the spare room into a studio for ya anyways! Maybe you can make me something to hang up at the station, yeah?”
But just because his gifts are expensive and flashy, that doesn’t mean he devalues your own. Hizashi will blubber and gush over anything you give him, from lavish luxuries to a something as simple as a homemade card. Loudly I might add. Make sure to have earplugs handy.
Unfortunately, one of the drawbacks of having a radio star as your partner is that he’ll most likely have to work on Valentine’s Day. It’s even worse if he had teach that day as well. So don’t count on any fancy dinners until after the 14th.
But if you tune into his station on the day (and you will), there will be at least three or four songs dedicated to “his favorite little listener.”
Even if he can’t be with you on the actual night, he’s definitely going to make up for lost time. Mood music, candlelight, the whole nine yards. He wants to romance you. To make you feel as good as you make him feel everyday.
Oral and overstimulation are the name of the game, and Hizashi is a giver through and through. He’s happy as a clam once he’s got his face buried between your legs, making you cum for the umpteenth time that night. Seriously, does he ever come up for air?
Praise is also a big thing for him. It flows from his mouth like the sweetest wine. And with his quirk, every whispered word and groan against your body feels just as intoxicating. Good vibrations indeed.
He also loves it when you’re vocal. No love song can compete with the way you cry and moan under his touch. He’ll make you sing for him all night long and into the morning hours.
“Damn, baby. I love you so damn much. Love the way you look cumming on my tongue. Think you can do it again?”
Eijiro Kirishima
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Okay. This boy adores Valentine’s Day! Like it’s his favorite holiday.
And how can he not? Everything in the stores is red! He can stock up on red merchandise for the rest of the year in the span of a week. And believe me, he does.
This means his partner should expect a lot of the cliché gifts on the big day: teddy bears, heart-shaped boxes, and red roses to name a few. Oh, and he’s definitely got a stockpile of cheesy, punny Valentine cards centered around his and his friend’s hero personas.
His favorite is the one that says “I think you’re a Red Riot! Be my Valentine?” But maybe that’s partially because it came from you.
Kirishima doesn’t just shower you with crimson trinkets; he buys treats for everyone! Especially his closest friends. To him, Valentine’s is all about showing the people he loves most just how much he cares. And it’s honestly adorable to see him practically bouncing off the walls in excitement when he finds a little red treasure for this year’s celebration.
“Babe! Look at that red shark plushie. It looks just like me! So manly!”
*proceeds to buy seven of them: one for him, one for you, and one for everyone in the Bakusquad + Tetsutetsu*
But at the end of the day, once all the chocolates and stuffed animals have been given away, he’ll make sure you know there’s no one he loves more than you. He spends the final hours alone with you, eating a home cooked meal and cuddling on the couch. Times like these are his favorite, just being to hold you close and appreciate your presence in his life.
Fair warning though. You’ll probably end up watching some some cheesy romcom, cuz he loves those too.
Of course, the red theme continues in the bedroom: red rose petals, red sheets, even a set of red lingerie he bought just for the occasion. Which he proceeds to rip apart minutes after you’ve gotten them on. Hope they weren’t too expensive.
Kirishima tries to be gentle with you, he really does. Savoring your pleasure and letting your orgasms crest and fall naturally. He wants to see you cooing and boneless by the end of the night.
But sometimes he underestimates his own strength and gets a little rougher than expected. Maybe he gives too sharp of a love bite, or squeezes your hips a little too hard. But it’s all done out of passionate love, so you don’t mind too much.
You might actually prefer it if he gets a little rougher.
However, if you wanna get kinky, there is one thing Kiri’s always down for: pulling you over his knee for a good, old-fashioned spanking. His quirk is perfect for it, hardening the palm of his hand just before it smacks down on the soft flesh. It’s like he has a set of built-in paddles. Trust me, if you let him get into a good rhythm, by the end of the night your ass will match the Valentine’s decor perfectly.
“Not pushing you too hard am I, beautiful? I know I can be unbreakable sometimes, but I never want to break you. I love you too much to do that.”
Mirio Togata
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TBH, before he met you, Mirio was a bit of a player (which is kinda canon). Like “has a different date every year” player.
And can you blame him? He’s a total heartbreaker with that (le)million dollar smile and those baby blue eyes. He got so much Valentine’s chocolate from girls in high school, it was sickening! But with you, things are different.
For starters, he’s not so big on material gifts. Giving or receiving.
“How could I want anything more when I’ve got my sunshine right here?”
No, this sweet himbo is all about making memories with his partner! Sharing experiences and spending as much quality time together as possible.
So he plans everything days, sometimes weeks, in advance. Budgeting his time and money to squeeze as much love into a single day as humanly possible.
The moment you wake up on February 14th, he hits the ground running. Quite literally! He’s practically doing laps around your bedroom in his excitement to get the day started.
Valentine’s Day with Mirio turns out to be a marathon of couple activities. Bike riding to a local café for breakfast. Sight-seeing in Tokyo followed by ice cream in the afternoon. He even manages to sniff out a carnival for you to go to in the evening, letting you run amok on the rides and games. And yes, he definitely spends too much money trying to win you one of those giant stuffed animals.
By the end of the day, you’re thoroughly spent and just want to snuggle up next to him. And maybe have a late night snack of chocolate. Mirio is more than happy to indulge you, even offering to carry you home. Anything to be close to his precious sunshine.
Despite your sleepiness and aching feet, Mirio insists he has one last surprise to give you. So he asks you to lay face-down on the bed and wait for him. Naked of course.
Once he finds what he’s looking for, he straddles your tailbone with his thighs and squirts something slippery onto your back. You yelp at the cold sensation and that earns a laugh from Mirio. He tells you it’s massage oil. One specifically designed to relieve muscle tension.
It’s like he knew you’d be sore after his day of non-stop adventuring. Almost like he planned it... What a smooth criminal.
It makes sense though. Maybe it’s because his quirk requires him to pass through things, but physical touch is his primary love language. Nothing grounds him quite like having you in his arms, worshiping every inch of your body.
He works you over, kneading at the muscles in your back, hips, and legs with steady pressure and prescision. He even rubs your feet, making the earlier pains melt away into bliss.
You’re almost too sleepy and relaxed to realize one of his hands is creeping up your body until it’s too late. Next thing you know, he’s curling his fingers into you, amplifying the pleasure of the massage in a new way. Like I said, Mirio’s a smooth criminal when he wants to be.
“Feeling good, sunshine? Yeah, I’ll bet you are. You always look so cute like this... just makes me want to kiss you all over. Maybe I will! But I think you’re still a little tense right... here.”
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tanyawritesstories · 3 years
Slip Up | Hardcase x Reader
I'm going on vacation soon so here's a fic before I go. I've still got zero motivation and ideas, that's why I have not put out a fic in so long, I'm sorry to everyone. I hope you enjoy this one 😊
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: NSFW, smut, shower sex, biting, accidental creampie, no birth control, fluff, playful banter, mischief, Kix knows too much
You knew you should probably get the bedroom decorated like you planned but you were afraid to leave the kitchen with food on the stove. You were still a rookie at cooking and given that you were making Hardcase's favorite, so it would be ready when he came home, made you not want to take your eyes off of it.
He had been on the front for a month, and you wanted him to return to a nice dinner and some much needed relaxation. You had pulled out all the stops for your favorite trooper and boyfriend. You spent your last paycheck on new silk sheets you thought he'd like and some comfy civvie clothes for him to wear around your apartment. Going a little over your normal budget buying the ingredients for his favorite meal, that you were desperately trying not to fuck up.
You didn’t have an exact time that he would arrive but you knew it was sometime tonight. He had commed you earlier and told you he was coming home. He then proceeded to send you messages every time something interesting happened. He had sent you around 36 of them. Telling you when they went into hyperspace, what he had to eat, approximately how long they had before they reached Coruscant air space, and giving you every detail of the arm wrestling competition that Jesse had started. You missed him.
During your momentary lapse in concentration, you had failed to notice that the food had started simmering a little too much. You realized it just in time to sweep the pan off the burner and save it from utter destruction. You finished the dish without any further mishaps and set it in the oven on a low temperature to keep warm. Only then were you able to relax and get to setting up the bedroom the way you pictured it in your mind.
You put the new sheets on the bed and dimmed the lights to a warm hue. You also lit a small scented candle to complete the atmosphere. You had turned up the heating device so your apartment was a tad warmer than usual. Hardcase always complained about how cold it was in space and he preferred your apartment warmer.
You had just finished setting the table when you heard the door open. You turned and saw your boyfriend toss his helmet and backpack to the ground before running towards you. He picked you up and spun you around, huge smiles on both of your faces. He pulled you into a tight embrace once he set you back down and you did your best to hug back just as tight. You pressed kisses to his entire face before kissing him hard on the lips. You finally parted, panting and happy to be in each other's presence once again.
"I missed you," you breathed. He laughed, "I missed you too, doll. More than you know."
"I think the 39 messages you sent me are a good indication," you laughed back. Hardcase kissed you again and you held each other until you were both content to let go. "It smells good in here, are you cooking something?" He asked. "Your favorite," you beamed at him, watching the joy spread across his face. "Please tell me it's done already, I don't know how long I'll be able to wait knowing that you're making my favorite." You nodded, "It's in the oven staying warm. Go sit down and I'll bring it out." That was probably one of the only times Hardcase would willingly let you out of his arms.
You journeyed to the kitchen carefully retrieving the dish and bringing it out to the table. Hardcase was fidgeting in his seat, like he always did when he was excited. He had gotten a slight handle on it since you started dating but ultimately it wasn't something he could get rid of, and you didn't want him to. You loved how energetic he was, how even little things like his favorite food could make him so happy he couldn't sit still. It was goddamn adorable and you wouldn't trade it for anything.
You served him first, far be it from you to keep him waiting, before helping yourself. You watched him take his first few bites and literally moan at how it tasted. "It's s'good," he said with his mouth full. You chuckled at him and watched as he shoveled more food into his mouth. He was happy and so you let his iffy manners slide. "Kriffin' fantastic," he mumbled between bites.
By the time you were both done he had eaten about three quarters of it and was finally full. "Thank you for making that, babe. It was delicious," he said, patting his belly at the same time. "You're welcome, my love." You stood up and started gathering the dishes when he jumped out of his seat and all but yanked them from your hands.
"Nah, I'll do the dishes. You made dinner, it's only fair that I clean up," he insisted. "Babe, you just got back, you should be relaxing, not working. I'll do them," you replied. "Nuh uh, you're not doing the dishes," he said walking into the kitchen. You laughed and followed him, "I will do them, you need to relax. I bought you some fancy soap, go take a nice hot shower while I do this," you said while reaching for the dishes. He pulled them away from your hands. "No," he said, a teasing and childish tone in his voice, "I'm gonna do it."
"Babe," you whined, "let me do something nice for you." Hardcase set the dishes in the sink and shielded them from your grabby hands. "You already did something nice for me, let me do this. Don't make me tickle you," he threatened with a smile. You made a dramatic gasping sound, teasing him back, "you wouldn't dare."
"How about," he turned the sink on and put the plug in the drain, "We let the dishes soak and you and I shower together?" You thought for a second before dragging your arms around his neck. "That sounds delightful." He pecked your lips and turned you around in the direction of the refresher. He lightly smacked your ass when he thought you weren't moving fast enough and you giggled. You gifted him the new casual clothes you had bought him and set them on the vanity, along with some comfy clothes for yourself.
Hardcase got in the shower first, adjusting the temperature until it was perfect before beckoning you in. You stripped and joined him, hugging him from behind once you got in. You hummed happily, pressing your lips to the bruises and scars on his back. He turned around in your arms and held you back, kissing the top of your head. You stayed still, holding each other under the warm cascading water. Just enjoying the feeling of one another’s skin and comfort.
But with Hardcase, there wasn’t peace and quiet for very long. He tilted your chin up and kissed you passionately, you snaked your arms around his neck and pressed yourself impossibly closer to him. He moved his hands down to your ass and began kneading and squeezing it. Hardcase was definitely an ass man and he loved to play with yours. A few moments later you felt his hard length poke at your thigh. You pulled away and smiled at him, biting your lip. “Someone’s eager.”
“Can you blame him? If you were seeing what I’m seeing right now, you would understand,” he chuckled. Hardcase brought his lips back to yours as he hoisted you up and pressed you against the shower wall. His lips journeyed down to the side of your neck and began leaving bruise-worthy bites and suction marks. You had wrapped your legs around his waist to keep yourself up and now slowly began moving your hips to grind against him, small gasps and whines leaving your swollen lips.
Hardcase groaned into your neck and his tongue traveled across your collarbone, licking up the water droplets that had stopped there. He paused for a second to take in the feeling of your warm, wet folds sliding deliciously across his cock. “Are you wet enough to take me, sugar? Don’t know if I can wait any longer,” he sighed out. You took one of his hands and spit into his palm before directing it down to your cunt. He slathered it all around your hole and slid two fingers easily inside, scissoring you just to be sure. He removed his fingers and licked them clean, afterwards lining himself up and thrusting all the way inside.
You let out a noise that was a mix between a moan and a scream as Hardcase immediately set a brutal pace. “Fuck, sugar, you feel fuckin’ amazing,” he growled into your neck. You dug your nails into his back and moved your hips in time with his fast paced thrusts. Hardcase had you at the precipice of an orgasm in what felt like seconds, he knew just how to work your body into submission. You nearly screamed when he hit that special spot inside you that made your vision blurry and your toes curl up.
“Oh, ‘Case baby, I’m gonna cum, fuck!” You squealed, unable to hold back any longer. Your high crashed over you hard, your walls clenching around your boyfriend’s dick. It took every ounce of restraint Hardcase had in him not to come with you and to just stay seated inside until you came down from bliss. He pulled out and shut off the water, setting you down on wobbly legs. “Sorry, babe. I wanna continue this on the bed, that ok? Wanna lay you down and make love to you properly.”
“Ever the gentlemen,” you smiled, you brought him into a heated kiss and exited the shower. “Hurry up,” you whispered as you brushed by him, spanking his ass on the way.
You quickly dried off and abandoned the clothes you had got out, instead laying down in the center of the bed. The new sheets you had put on felt lovely against your skin and you had the passing thought that maybe you should have bought some lingerie too. However you quickly dismissed the thought, knowing that Hardcase would just rip it off anyways.
You didn’t have to wait long, Hardcase sauntered out of the refresher, a hand lazily stroking his cock. You took in the impressive sight of him standing at the end of your bed, tall and muscular, the blue lines weaving intricate patterns across his chest. He was gorgeous. You could feel your body heat back up and your juices leak out of you.
“Kriffin’ hells, you are something to behold, sweetness,” he said. You smiled temptingly and beckoned him forward. He got on his hands and knees and crawled up till he was hovering above you. “Hello trooper,” you said cheekily, “Care to show a lady a good time?” Your question was silently answered when Hardcase circled his fingers around your clit. You gasped and grabbed onto the sheets in a death grip. Hardcase moved his head down to your breasts and sucked a nipple into his mouth. Your other hand flew to the back of his head, urging him to keep going.
He once again slid two fingers into you up to his knuckles and began pumping them, his thumb now giving your bundle of nerves the attention it needed. The only noises spewing from your mouth were gasps and moans of varying volume, with his name mixed in. Hardcase turned his attention to your other breast, licking over your nipple before sucking that one into his mouth and giving it the same treatment as the other.
You were aware he hadn’t cum yet and was probably hard as a rock from all the stimulation without any release. “Hardcase, I need you inside me, now.” He released your nipple with a lewd pop and kissed you, bringing his tongue into your mouth. “Anything for you, babe,” he said. He reluctantly took away his fingers, this time bringing them to your mouth and you sucked generously on them. He lined up and slid inside slower this time, relishing the way your walls fluttered around his cock. He let out a guttural groan and tried not to move right away, but his erection was almost painful and he wanted to cum badly.
“I know you need to cum, baby,” You said, taking his face in your hands, “Fuck me as hard as you want, you deserve to be greedy.” You could swear you heard a whine come from his throat as you watched his eyes darken as he was given permission to ruin you. Hardcase pulled out almost all the way before he slammed back in, causing you to yelp. He stilled for a second, thinking he had hurt you until you assured him that he didn’t and you would tell him if it became too much. After that, he was gone. He gave in to his impulses and set an energetic and bruising pace.
“Holy maker do you feel good, squeezin’ me so tight even when I’m goin’ so fast,” he praised. You moaned out his name and clawed at his back, definitely leaving scratch marks. Your actions caused Hardcase to growl in your ear, sending you hurling towards your next orgasm. “Hardcase, I’m close,” you warned through a moan. “Me too, baby, me too,” he sighed, locking eyes onto yours, “Where do you want it?” “My mouth,” you answered, sticking your tongue out. He closed his lips over your tongue and playfully nibbled it. He moved one hand down to your clit and furiously rubbed, his actions sending you over the edge and he released your lips to hear you scream his name. Your nails dug into his back once more and your back arched off the bed, your silky walls clenched around Hardcase so tight he couldn’t contain himself. He thrusted a few more times and stilled as he shot his hot seed deep into your pussy. You were so blissed out you didn’t even register that he came inside you. Hardcase rested his head in the crook of your neck, breathing heavily, it was several minutes before you both settled down. Only then did the realization hit you.
“Hardcase?” He hummed in response. “Did you just cum inside me?” You felt his eyelashes skim across the skin of your neck as his eyes opened wide in horror. He sat up quickly and pulled out of you, seeing his cum slowly dripping out of you. “Aw shit, I did,” he said, running his hands down his face, “I’m sorry, baby.” You hid your face in your hands and groaned desperately, “What are we going to do? I’m not on birth control!” His hands ran up and down your arms soothingly. “Don’t worry, we’ll find you some.” “How? I need to take it as soon as possible and I have no idea where to get any,” you sighed.
Hardcase thought for a minute. “Hey, I have an idea. I’m taking you to the barracks.” You looked confused, “The barracks? Why?” Hardcase climbed out of the bed and set about getting dressed in his blacks, tossing you some clothes in the process. “Kix has some of every medication in existence in his medbay. I can keep the boys occupied while you sneak in and rummage around for some.” You donned the clothes, looking concerned, “Babe, isn’t that stealing from the Republic?” Hardcase paused and appeared to be thinking. "Technically no because we are using them to provide civilian aid," he finally said. You sighed.
"Just make sure I don't get caught."
You looked through the numerous boxes with various medication names on the front. You still hadn't found any birth control, or anything remotely like it. Hardcase was keeping his brothers distracted while you searched through Kix's supplies. You felt bad raiding it like this and tried to put everything back the way you found it. It was taking a while and you hoped Hardcase had the situation under control out there.
You were so deep into your search you didn't hear the door open.
You stood up as fast as you could, kicking the drawer you were looking through closed with your foot. You plastered a fake smile on your face and leaned against the desk. Kix stood just inside the door, a very suspicious look on his face. "What are you doing in here?"
"Umm, nothing just.. organizing." That was the worst excuse you could have possibly come up with. The medic raised an eyebrow suspiciously. There was no way he believed you. "Were you looking for something?" He prodded, beginning to walk towards you. "Mm, yes! I think I left something here last time.."
"You never came by the medbay when you were here last," Kix concluded. You looked to the ceiling, desperately trying to come up with something. "What's that?"
Your gaze swiftly returned to Kix as he walked to stand next to you. "What?" He turned your head to the side and appeared to be looking at something on your neck. His inspection was followed with a sigh as he turned your head to meet his eyes.
"Did Hardcase accidently cum inside you again?"
Your eyes widened in horror and you smacked Kix on his armored shoulder, which hurt you more than him. "Kix!" The man shrugged like it was no big deal. "What? He mentions it sometimes, not my fault he can't keep his mouth shut, he likes to brag about you." A small smile found its way to your face and you heard Kix sigh again.
"I saw the marks on his neck and figured you two had been at it again, so I snuck away and grabbed these," Kix explained, holding out a pill bottle, "I was going to bring them to him to give to you when I heard noises coming from the medbay and decided to check it out."
You had been looking at the floor in embarrassment until he mentioned the pills. "You went to get them specially for me?" You asked hesitantly. Kix nodded with a smirk, "How else do you think he got them for you all the other times?"
A smile broke out on your face and you hugged Kix, murmuring a thank you into his shoulder. He patted your back. "I would ask for a favor in return, but I don't think Hardcase would like sharing," he said with a smug grin. You gave him a strange look and he shrugged it off, handing you the bottle of pills.
"Take 'em, the last thing we need is miniature Hardcase's running around. One is bad enough."
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spvce-cowboy · 3 years
Requests and those prompt pages you shared make me go full on thot...but soft
Frankie with "when one of them has never had a proper birthday party for whatever reason, and their lover makes it their mission to give them the best day ever, followed by “you didn’t have to do all this for me. just being with you is enough.” “i know. but i thought you deserved ?’’ and their lover smiles, a kiss is shared"
And maybe the dialogue prompt "I wanted to say I love you for the first time without stuttering, but that failed"
Is that too much? Too weird? I'd be happy for either one :)
soft thots are the best thots no one can convince me otherwise 😌😌😌
i added a lil... somethin somethin to this bc i honestly just couldn’t resist.
frankie always lets his birthday pass quietly. it’s been that way since you’ve met him--he usually preferred a quiet night out with his friends, maybe ordering some nice meal in, but never anything big. 
he firmly resisted your suggestions of throwing a party in celebration for the first two years you were together, not adamantly, but with enough gentle insistence that you knew to back off. you could tell that there was some weight there, something unspoken that made him dark and moody during the week that lead up to the day, but you figured he’d let you know on his own time, if ever.
so you’re more than a little nervous for the surprise dinner you had spent the past month planning. you’d coordinated his whole crew to fly back to Texas for his birthday weekend, figured maybe after the year Frankie had had it would be a nice break, if not to celebrate then to distract. 
you made the delta force boys well aware of it, that if he didn’t want to do anything official the lot of your would play along without insisting anything more. the sparklers and cake you were hiding in the kitchen was purely optional, depending on how you read Frankie’s mood after the surprise reveal.
you’re all nerves for the entire day leading up to the party. luckily, Frankie is out of the house for most of it, and you told him you’d take him to a fancy dinner so he’d come pick you up from the apartment straight from work, already dressed in the suit jacket and button-down you’d picked out for him.
the boys and their dates help you with the last of the preparations--you’ve spent most of the day cooking, so they set up the table while you change into a pair of heels and Frankie’s favorite sundress of yours. you take one calming breath before stepping out of your bedroom and back into the fray.
the click of the lock sliding back is the only warning you get as Frankie shoulders the door open. his hands are busy with something and he has his back turned to you as he throws his keys on the side-table by the door.
“hey, sweetheart--listen i called the restaurant about our reservation and they said they didn’t have anything down under your name so i made something for--”
and he freezes, eyes wide with utter disbelief at the scene in front of him.
you’re in the center of the gathered group, made up of the delta force crew as well as some other friends from work. the house is warm with the smell of dinner, with a few, sparse decorations mostly consisting of candles and thin, paper wall hangings.
you give him your biggest possible smile as you and your guests burst out in a synchronous:
“happy birthday!”
the grin Frankie gifts you with is enough to have made all the anxious planning worth it. he crosses the distance between the two of you in a few quick strides. cradled in the crook of his arm is a bouquet of flowers, which he hands to you with a still-shocked “thank you, baby,” after kissing your cheek. then the boys start crowding around him in a mass of back-clapping hugs and loud laughter.
once he makes his rounds to greet everyone and finishes the beer Santi placed in his hand as soon as he handed you the bouquet, Frankie places a hand at the small of your back and ducks his head to speak directly into your ear.
“can i talk to you for a second, on the balcony?” 
there’s a quavering quality of seriousness in his tone that catches you utterly off-guard. you lick you lips and try to feign a confident smile as you nod, leading the way. you can practically hear your own heartbeat, a frantic pulse in your ears.
he clears his throat after closing the sliding glass doors behind himself. your eyes widen further as you realize he’s flexing his hands in that way that he does when he’s trying to get them to stop shaking.
your heart drops to the pit of your stomach as he guides you away from the doors and into the sequestered corner of the balcony, where you’d spent the better half of last week replanting your pollinator bushes in preparation for the summer. the bulbed fairy lights he’d helped you install last summer were still holding up, casting the balcony in warm hues of pink and orange. your brain seems to work on over-time, utterly unsure of what the fuck could possibly be going on. 
“first, i just want to thank you for planning all of this. it um--i really wasn’t expecting it, so, surprise well planned and all,” he gives a nervous laugh, rubbing his hand over the lower half of his face as his eyes flick towards the flood of light emanating from the living room on the other side of the sliding doors. in the quiet that follows, you can barely hear the chatter of music and conversation from the people inside because you genuinely can’t read the pained expression on Frankie’s face right now and that has literally never happened before and honestly you’re utterly terrified. 
because it sure as hell felt like he was about to give you an ultimatum.
so you do what you always do whenever you get freaked out. you start to babble.
“listen, i--i’m really sorry, i know you usually like to keep things low key and everything but Santi texted me that he was thinking of coming up and surprising you so then i thought that maybe i could reach out to the whole team too but i can totally tell them to leave and you guys can just do your own thing and--” you cut yourself off because the look he’s giving you now is just confused. you take in a gulp of air, these next words just as rushed as the previous ones were. “please don’t break up with me.”
Frankie’s jaw hangs open for a second.
and then he starts laughing.
full-body laughing, his face breaking out into that great big smile that you were so relieved to see not even a half-hour ago. but now you’re as confused as he once was.
“i was... i was going to do this later tonight, over dinner but, given the circumstances...” he’s trying to fish something out of his suit jacket’s pocket.
the realization slams into you like a brick wall.
because holy shit he’s trying to fish something out of the suit jacket pocket.
you half realize what’s happening and you half don’t, because he’s balancing a small velvet box in the palm of his hand which he holds in the space between the two of you like he’s cradling a small bird and holy fuck you were absolutely in no way prepared for this of all things.
you think he knows as much because when you look up at him with tear-filled eyes, your hand raised to your mouth in shock, he has a bit of a sheepish look on his face.
“i know it’s a lot,” he clears his throat. “and you don’t have to say yes right away but i just... i wanted to let you know that if you wanted this, it would make me the luckiest man in the world to be able to give it to you. whenever you’re ready and i--i’d love to be able to celebrate this,” he opens the box. the ring is beautiful, simple but delicate and understated and perfect. absolutely perfect. “to celebrate us around this time of year, too. i’d love that more than anything.”
“i--Frankie,” you rip your gaze from the ring in his palm, lip wobbling as your tears begin to fall. christ, you had no idea how full your heart would feel. you thought, in fantasy, that you would but it was nothing compared to this. “Frankie, i wanted tonight to--” 
“you don’t have to say anything now, if you don’t want to,” his words are as rushed as you feel, a bit frantic. “i understand if it’s too much for right i just thought i should make my intentions--”
you shut him up with a kiss.
“yes,” your voice is infinitely firmer than you expected it to be, you kiss him again, as if it could serve as punctuation. “yes, yes--a million times, yes.”
he laughs against your mouth in turn, wrapping both arms around your waist and lifting you up in the air without breaking the kiss. 
placing you gently on the ground, both your and Frankie’s hands are shaking so hard that he can barely put the ring on you. it sits on your ring-finger perfectly. you can’t bring yourself to take your eyes off of it for more than a second. neither can he.
someone turns the music up inside, the heightened volume of chatter is the only thing to break your combined reverie.
Frankie tucks you into his side with an arm slung over your shoulders, kissing the crown of your head. there’s a rare ease to his posture that you can already see yourself getting used to. 
“let’s see if they notice,” he whispers in your ear with a mischievous wink. you don’t think you’ve ever seen his eyes so bright. grinning, you lean further into his side. the two of you step back into the living room.
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years
GF - The Sapling of His Labors
A Drifting Stars AU one-shot, in collaboration with @clownwry.
1st, 2nd, 4th.
Ford hummed an old tune to himself as he worked on dinner. Rather than sitting in front of a fire-pit in the middle of nature, butchering food to make it edible, he was blessed to be standing in a humble kitchen with a stove, cabinets, counters, and everything. The only thing he didn’t have was a fridge or freezer, but that was okay. Ford worked calmly and at his own pace as he chopped up the onion, blinking the burning feeling away, and he used his knife to scoop the diced pieces of onion into the hot skillet, and it sizzled and immediately smelled good.
Ford smiled as he added the green bell pepper, and other delicious things from the garden, and then he gave the veggies and herbs a stir with his hand-carved wooden spoon. Estimating that dinner would be ready soon, he walked across the kitchen, through the living room with a fireplace, two rocking chairs, and a large homemade three-way desk with two chairs, and to the front door. 
The top half of the dutch door was already open, so he leaned against the bottom half of the door to watch his little girl run around with other kids her age, playing tag. “Mabel, honey, dinner!” He called. “Will you please bring some water when you come?”
“Okay!” Mabel called back cheerfully, and Ford trusted her to end the game soon and say goodnight to her friends as he went back to dinner.
The veggies were cooking well, so Ford threw some of Mabel’s special homemade butter into another pan, let it melt, and then he carefully laid two filleted fish down to cook.
The bottom half of the dutch door opened and Mabel came in with a bucket of water from their well. She grinned at the sight of him and sat the bucket down to use a ladle to pour some water into wooden cups. “Ms. Mahogany asked about you again.”
“Oh?” Ford raised an eyebrow at her, his smile still present.
“Yeah, I told her how just last night you told me you were lonely and only wanted someone to hold at night…”
Ford barked a laugh that Mabel joined in with, but she continued as she set the table. “Then she said her son is still single if…”
“Mabel, please!” Ford guffawed with rosy cheeks as he flipped the fish. “I wish you would stop trying to set me up with everyone in town.”
“But I’m a great matchmaker!”
“I know you are. Why not focus on someone else’s love-life?” Ford suggested as he began to plate the veggies.
“I don’t really care about everyone else’s love-life.” Mabel said with a shrug as she sat.
Ford snorted as he platted the fish on top of the veggies, one plate slightly smaller than the other.
“Well, not nearly as much as I care about you.” Mabel elaborated, and smiled sweetly at her uncle as he turned to set the food at the table. “I just want you to be happy, Grunkle Ford.”
The old man was a bit surprised by this, but he smiled softly and said, “I am happy, darling.” He sat the plates and himself down where they belonged, then patted his lap. “Come here.”
The girl didn’t hesitate to crawl into his lap and let him hug her. “I’ve got you.”
“Yeah, but imagine how much happier you’d be if you had me and a partner!” Mabel said optimistically.
Ford chuckled and brushed her shoulder-length hair with his six fingers. “Sweetie, I’m much happier now than I ever thought I would be.”
Mabel grinned at him and hugged him around the neck, allowing Ford to squeeze her gently and hug her back.
A little while later they sat by the fireplace, Ford in his rocking chair, and Mabel by his socked feet, propping her back against his leg as she knitted away. Ford used to tease her and wonder why he even built her a rocking chair, but once she explained she felt more comfortable against him, he let it go. Maybe next time they go to the store, he should trade fish for fabric so he can build a couch.
The eldest read a book out-loud while Mabel knitted, their favorite thing to do in the evening, when all they had for light was the fireplace and lanterns and the stars, but there were no stars tonight. Rain peacefully trickled down outside. They left the dutch door open to enjoy the smells and sounds and cool air, not a hint of a storm in sight.
Ford was enjoying the book, but not nearly as much as he enjoyed looking down at his beautiful girl. The sounds of her needles clicking as she worked, the way her brown eyes twinkled, the blush on her round cheeks, the shine in her hair. Ford had no idea what in the Multiverse he did to deserve her… No, he didn’t deserve her, but he was still grateful for her, and beyond happy he somehow managed to give her a happy life.
Ford was very excited, too excited to let his little girl sleep in too much. True that he purposely got up early to get the eggs, milk the cow, and let the sheep out for her, but he decided to surprise her earlier rather than later, so he made her some pancakes and eggs, squeezed her some fresh orange juice, put a pretty flower on the tray for decoration, and tucked the present wrapped in parchment and card under his arm.
A soft knock alerted Mabel of company, and her door opening and a warm voice fully woke her up. “Mabel, honey,”
She grinned and sat up in her bed. Ford had no regrets. All his hard work was worth it for that smile. “Happy Birthday.”
Mabel was absolutely delighted by the sweet surprise, but a bit disheartened when she saw no plate for her uncle. She raised an eyebrow suspiciously at him, still too used to his bad habit of skipping meals so she could eat. Well, he didn’t have to do that anymore. “Grunkle Ford, where’s your breakfast?”
Ford smiled and chuckled. “Don’t worry, it’s all fixed and downstairs waiting for me.”
Mabel smiled again and said, “Why don’t you eat up here with me? Then I’ll open my present!”
Ford nodded. That seemed like an even better idea than eating separately. So Ford retrieved his mug of coffee and pancakes, and when he sat at the foot of Mabel’s bed, she opened the card. There was no glitter to decorate it with and the card wasn’t nearly as colorful as Mabel would have made it, but Ford still drew plenty of pretty pictures for her and wrote plenty of kind words, and more importantly, he made it just for her.
Mabel grinned and thanked him for the card, sitting by her nightstand and candle so she could see it every day, and then she tore into her present. She gasped happily and squealed at the gift. Mabel had seen Ford sew here and there, but she didn’t know this was what he was working on.
It was a large quilt. It had many different patches, some with colors, some with pictures of animals, one with a shooting star and one with a six-fingered hand. There were so many different patches that Mabel felt she could look and look without seeing every detail.
Ford rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “I asked everyone in town if they had scraps of cloth. I wasn’t sure what to get you, but you deserve something nice, and…”
“Grunkle Ford, I love it!” And Mabel let her new quilt fall on her lap so she could hug him tightly around the waist. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ll use it forever! I love you, thank you!”
Ford chuckled and hugged her back tightly. “Y-You’re welcome.”
It wasn’t much, but it was better than what he could have done for her before.
Ford ran as fast as he could. He didn’t care how sharply branches pricked his face or how many times he stubbed his toe on a rock or tree root. The screaming rang in his ears. Mabel needed him.
He was grateful to find Mabel up in a tree, safe, but not for long. At the base of the tree was a giant black bear, roaring and growling and scratching the tree. It wouldn’t be long until the bear decided to try to climb. Ford gritted his teeth and allowed instincts to take over, animal vs animal.
Ford threw a rock and it hit the bear on the neck, making it forget the human cub in the tree and turn to the adult to roar warningly. Then Ford shot his crossbow and it hit the bear right in the shoulder, close to the chest, but not quite enough to kill it, only to anger it. Mabel screamed for Ford to run away, to get away, but Ford stood his ground as the bear charged at him and he rolled out of the way just in time, then shot the bear again, this time hitting it’s back.
The bear turned and roared at Ford, and he was prepared to pull the knife out of his boot and do some real damage, tired of giving warnings that the bear wasn’t hearring. But then something made everyone freeze. A small wheezing roar. A squeak from a cub. The little baby black bear ran out from the bushes and to its mother, who nuzzled the cub with her nose and stood protectively. Ford lowered his crossbow and nodded. Mabel must have accidentally stumbled across the cub, must have gotten too close, and the mother was being overprotective.
The mother roared once more at the humans and ran off into the woods with her cub, taking the arrows lodge in her with her. Well, good. That’s what she gets for going near Ford’s niece. Speaking of…
Ford turned to the tree and looked up at the frightened girl. “Mabel, are you hurt?”
“N-No. I’m okay.” Mabel looked at the spot where the bears disappeared and bit her lip. “I… I didn’t even see the baby one…”
Ford smiled and nodded. “It’s alright. You’ll find parents are quite protective of their kids. Can you climb down?”
Mabel nodded and carefully made her way down the tree. When she was about halfway down, she leaped into Ford’s arms and they hugged each other tightly, the crossbow still in Ford’s hand.
“Oh, Mabel, I was so worried…”
“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry…”
“Shh, hey, it’s alright. I’m not mad.”
“I thought you… I thought…” Mabel mumbled into his shoulder, her grip on his coat extremely tight.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright. I’ve got you.” Ford muttered to her as he walked them home. “I’ve got you.”
Ford walked home from the ocean, smiling with the large net filled with fish on his back. Mabel was with the sheep, as usual, and smiled and waved when she saw his safe return. The leaves were changing colors and the air was getting more comfortable and crisp. Soon winter would be with them, and rather than fish for money, Ford planned to build music boxes and carve toys, a brilliant idea Mabel had when she noticed how he missed tinkering and building. He enjoyed fishing, but it wasn’t like the old lab work that made him proud.
The next day, like always, Ford walked home and saw Mabel among the sheep, but this time she was chatting with a boy her age. Ford had seen the boy before, Mabel labeling him as a friend, but the old man couldn’t help but wonder if he should be putting money away for a small wedding, a thought that made his blood boil and his heart swell at the same time.
Ford gave the soup another stir before ladling it into a bowl. Poor Mabel sat on the newly built couch, wrapped in her quilt, close to the fire, her cheeks and nose cherry red and dark circles under her eyes as she sneezed and coughed. Ford wasn’t as worried for her as he normally would be; it was just a bad cold. She would be alright. 
Weirdly enough, Mabel’s brain had decided to call it quits and she was nothing more than a rag doll, barely interactive and aware of her surroundings, which was fine by Ford. He could take care of her and the house just fine. He smiled softly and sat next to her, holding out a spoonful of warm soup for her. “Here you are, my dear. This will make you feel better.”
Shakily Mabel ate the bite she was given, but it burned and made her cough roughly. Ford rubbed her back and stirred the soup to cool it down a little. “That's it, easy does it. There we go, I’m sorry, sweetie.”
The second time was the charm; Mabel was able to swallow a second spoonful of warm soup no problem. She actually made a weak smile, then muttered to Ford, “Thanks Daddy,” and coughed roughly into her quilt. She patiently waited for her next spoonful, unaware of what she had done to Ford.
She had said it so innocently, so quietly… Was it possible, that in her weakened state, Mabel thought she was back home with her father? Even though she seemed out of it, she did seem aware of where they were; a few minutes ago, when Ford was making the soup, she had asked if the sheep were put away. And she had thanked Ford for making the soup when he first started on dinner. So, maybe, there was a small possibility that Mabel knew exactly who she was talking to, and she articulated with a title that felt fitting to her.
Ford smiled with a bit lip and held out the spoon filled with soup for her. “Y-You’re welcome.”
He smiled sympathetically as she sniffed again, her poor sinuses turned against her. But then she sniffed again, louder, and Ford began to notice it sounded different…
He also began to notice he was sore. And lying down. And wrapped up, like he was tucked in for bed.
Ford was pulled from his dreams and was sluggishly half-awake, his eyes still closed, and he bought his body some time to gather some strength by paying attention to his blind surroundings.
He could hear and feel a fire going. He was lying in a sleeping bag on the ground, and he could tell there were other things keeping him warm and wrapped up. Some damp cloth was on his forehead. And he could hear crying.
Ford forced his eyes open slowly and he discovered someone had taken his glasses off. He forced himself to work with his blurry vision and he sat up a little, leaning on his arm for support in search of his niece. She sat a few feet away, in a tight bundle. If Ford had to guess, she was hugging her knees and hiding her face in her arms and knees. “Mabel…”
She lifted her head up quickly, but then hid her face again, looking away from him and wiping her face dry with the sleeves of her coat. 
“Hey, no,” Ford said softly, taking the damp cloth off his forehead. “None of that, you don’t ever have to hide anything from me. What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
“N-No,” Mabel cleared her throat and finally turned to look at him; he was a little disheartened to see her trying to smile and still hide what was bothering her. “I’m okay. H-How do you feel? Tea is almost ready.” And she scooted closer to the fire on her knees to check on the teapot.
Ford sighed tiredly, his lips tight to try to keep her from hearing it. “Mabel…”
“Oh, here!” Mabel reached into a pocket of her uncle’s backpack and pulled out his glasses for him. “I thought I’d better take them off you so your face wouldn’t hurt.”
Ford smiled and accepted the visual aid. “Ah, thank you.” He slipped his glasses on and more clues came to his senses.
They were in the middle of the desert. Well, not entirely in the middle, it looked like there was a jungle a few yards behind them. Ford had also been blanketed with sweaters for extra warmth in the cold desert night. Everything seemed well in order and normal, except when Ford looked at his poor little girl. Her hair was a mess, frizzled and… Ford recognized that hairstyle. His hair often looked like that after he grabbed at it too roughly and tried to pull his hair out. There were dark circles under her eyes, eyes that didn’t sparkle. That legitimately scared Ford.
“Good! Tea is ready.” Mabel turned away from him again, refusing to look at him as she pulled out a cup for her uncle and poured him some hot drink. “Here, it’ll make you feel better.”
Ford accepted the drink and sat up fully. “Thank you.” He sipped it and watched Mabel carefully. She didn’t pour herself a cup. Or bring out the water canteen for something else to drink. Instead she held her knees and watched the fire dance. He opened his mouth to ask her if she was alright, but she beat him to it.
“How are you feeling? Does anything hurt? H-How’s your neck?”
“My neck?” Ford touched his throat, a bit confused, and answered, “I feel fine. Nothing hurts. Why?”
“We were ambushed. You got shot. You… You had a bad fever and wouldn’t wake up.” Mabel, still refusing to look at him, held out a dart to him that had been lying on the sand. “Here. I thought you might wanna study it.”
Ford adjusted his glasses and held the dart. It was quite long, but very skinny, and it had a red bull point at the top, like a sewing needle, but Ford recognized the dart. “Interesting. These are Hummie darts. They’re sold through the dimensions, they’re very useful for bounty hunting. See, the top here is filled with poison, just enough to render the body useless and to also hypnotize the target in a deep, dream-filled sleep. Oftentimes the dreams are the victim’s happiest memories or goals, so they won’t try to wake up. It’s also very fascinating because the side-effects are next to none, this makes these darts ideal if you want to bring someone in for questioning or for next-to-perfect condition.”
But Mabel wasn’t listening. Her eyes were still on the fire, she was still holding her knees, but her mind was elsewhere. Ford watched her mournfully and tried to remember what had happened.
Oh. Right.
They were in a different dimension than this one. They had been laughing and playing in the woods, unaware of who they were attracting. By the time Ford hoisted a laughing girl on his shoulders, a dart barely missed him and it hit a tree, causing him to run while Mabel shot pop-rocks with her slingshot. Ford can now remember feeling a tiny prick by his neck. He had hoped Mabel had accidentally pinched or pulled some skin on his neck, but she was horrified to have let a dart get past her. Ford managed to stop running and put Mabel down safely, shaking his head and even slapping himself to try to stay awake and attentive, but just as he was sharing a plan with her, he fell on his knees and collapsed into the grass, the last thing he heard was Mabel’s desperate please to be okay. Not to stay awake, not to help, but to be okay.
Ford put the dart and his tea down on the ground. “Oh, Mabel… You were amazing. Absolutely amazing! You saved us. You saved my life.”
“M-Maybe if I hadn’t asked you to play with me…”
“They were relentless. I’m glad we had fun and played.”
Mabel held herself tighter and turned her head away so it was out of sight. That broke Ford’s heart. What he wouldn’t give for her to just look at him. Had he done something? Had he scared her? He had heard that while under the influence of the Hammie darts, the body is as useless as a ragdoll, but… Oh. Maybe that had scared her. Mabel had no way of knowing what the darts did, she had no idea what kind of poison they were filled with. Did she refuse to look at Ford because when she did all she saw was the shadow of a dead man?
“Mabel,” Ford croaked longingly, and he opened his arms. “Please come here.”
Mabel was trembling. She sniffed again and swallowed a sob down.
She was a Pines, after all. She was going to be stubborn. So Ford scooted himself and the sleeping bag and pile of sweaters. He carefully began to scoop her up, but she finally broke and turned and hugged him around the neck, sobbing into his shoulder and allowing him to hold her close and burrow her in his arms and sweaters and sleeping bag.
“Shh, shh, it’s alright now.” Ford petted her hair and closed his eyes, giving everything he had into making her feel better. “I’m okay, I swear. You did an incredible job.”
“I thought… I thought…” Mabel croaked and swallowed to try to communicate better. “Y-Your eyes… they rolled! Into… y-y-you looked d…” And she choked and sobbed and held him so tightly her fingers ached, but she didn’t care.
Now Ford had never heard of that side-effect before. “Oh, Mabel, honey…”
“I k-k-know you’re okay now… I know… but I th-th-thought I was g-gonna lose you!” Mabel cried out, her throat sounding like it was going to tear in half. 
“I’m sorry…” Ford cooed to her and adjusted her so she laid by his heart and he felt her hands. Holy Moses, she was so cold. “I’m so sorry. I’m not going anywhere, I promise. I love my little starshine too much to be anywhere else.”
Mable hiccuped a weak giggle and she nuzzled her cheek against his chest. “I love you, too, D-Grunkle Ford.”
Yup. Ford wasn’t shedding tears alongside her. No. A raindrop must have fallen on his cheek. On a cloudless night. Yeah, that was it.
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ourmiraclealigner · 3 years
Easy Co. Reacts- Pregnancy 
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request: @captaintrissy
taglist: @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @mavysnavy @ivy-miranda-2390 @ya-yeeteth @rayofshanshine @primusk @punkgeekchic @inglourious-imagines @wexhappyxfew @vintagelavenderskies @easy-company-tradition @meteora-fc @teenmagazines @order-of-river-phoenix @contrabandhothead
Richard Winters:
- When Easy Company gets word that you’re pregnant, you’re flooded with congratulations and gifts. 
- It seems every man under Winter’s command sent something, making you happy, knowing how much he’s loved and how great of a man he is. 
- He’s empathetic and wants to understand and feel everything you do. 
- So, Richard is up when you are, no matter the time. 
- Once, when you couldn’t sleep because of how much the baby was kicking, he rubbed your stomach, trying to soothe the baby so you could get some much-needed rest. 
- “You need to go to sleep, sweetheart.” He mumbles to your stomach, his fingers drawing light patterns into your skin. “You’re keeping your mommy awake, and she needs sleep.” 
- He’ll stay like that, not falling asleep until he’s sure that you’re sleeping peacefully. 
Lewis Nixon:
- You becoming pregnant would be the best thing that could happen to Lewis. 
- It opens his eyes and helps him realize he needs to beat his alcoholism if he wants you and your baby in his life. 
- A family with you is everything he could ever want, and he doesn’t want a child to grow up around alcohol. 
- It was hard, but Lew knew it would be worth it, so he stayed strong, distracting himself by decorating the nursery and buying baby clothes. 
- He wants your child to have all of the educational, financial, and business privileges and opportunities he had and knows he could never give them that if he stayed on the road, he was on.
- He feels content, ready to start this new chapter of his life with you. 
- “You know we’ll have the cutest baby, right? Look at us.” He’ll say jokingly, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you into his side. 
Ron Speirs:
- Ron is surprisingly excited. 
- He already has a son, so you’re surprised at how doting he becomes. 
- He didn’t get to be there when his past wife was pregnant or when his son was born, so this is as new to him as it is to you. 
- All he wants to do is take care of you; doing everything he can to make sure you’re comfortable.  
- He has a little fear that you won’t work out like his last relationship, but he doesn’t show it, not wanting to ruin either of your happiness. 
- He knows deep down that that would never be the case, so he distracts himself by rubbing your stomach, smiling every time he feels the baby kick. 
- He’ll lean down, pressing a light kiss to the spot he felt the kick before mumbling, “Are you trying to say ‘hi’ to daddy?” 
Eugene Roe:
- Eugene finds it hard to be excited when you tell him. 
- It’s not that he doesn’t want to start a family with you or that he doesn’t think he’ll be a good father, it’s neither of those. 
- He knows that the world is challenging and painful, and he knows he can’t protect his child from everything. 
- He doesn’t ever want his child to experience the pain of war or see the things he saw, but he knows that it’s out of his control. 
- His heart breaks as he sits out on the porch, beer in his hand, as he stares out into the lawn, lost in thought. 
- He thinks about every cut, scrape, fear he won’t be able to protect them from, and he hates how helpless it makes him feel. 
- He can’t stand the thought of someone not being able to save his child, just as he wasn’t able to save so many sons years ago. 
George Luz:
- George is the most excited out of everyone. 
- He does not doubt that he’ll be a fantastic father, as he’s always been great with children. 
- It doesn’t matter what gender your child is, he’s excited to start a family with you. 
- His favorite thing to do is decorate the nursery. 
You spend weeks together deciding the theme and another few weeks painting and assembling furniture. 
- Before he goes to bed, he’ll stand in the doorway, looking in and imagining your baby sleeping peacefully in the crib. 
- Before your first child is even born, he’s already planning your second one. 
Joe Liebgott: 
- Joe wants lots of children, so of course, he’s happy when you tell him you’re pregnant. 
- But, Joe gets frustrated easily, and because of your changing and amplified hormones, you fight a lot more than he intends. 
- He always feels guilty because he understands that you can’t control it, and he doesn’t want to add to your stress. 
- He’ll leave before it gets too bad, face flushed as he runs a hand through his hair, the sidewall illuminated by the street lamps.
- He finds his way to the grocery store, picking up flowers and some of the things you mentioned you were craving as his apology. 
- He walks home, puppy dog eyes and all, as he presents the things he bought, looking down at the ground as he mumbles a string of apologies. 
- “I’ll run you a bath too, okay? Does that sound good?” He asks as he starts to rub your shoulders.
 Don Malarkey:
- Your pregnancy is a great source of stress and anxiety for Don.  
- It’s not that he isn’t happy- he is, he’s just unsure of what having a child entails for him and your relationship. 
- He goes to his siblings and friends for advice and spends a lot of time wracking his brain as he tries to remember the things he loved to do as a child. 
- He wants your child to have a better life than he could have ever dreamt of having, so he starts working more, not wanting you or your child ever to have to worry about money. 
- When he finally gets home, he’s exhausted, gently climbing into bed next to you. 
- When he feels you stir, he’ll press a kiss to the back of your shoulder before spooning you, hands resting on your stomach. 
- “How was your day, honey?” He’ll ask sleepily, eyes closed as he hangs onto every word you say. 
Chuck Grant:
- Chuck is the most patient out of everyone. 
- He knows it’s what you deserve after how patient and supportive you were during his recovery. 
- He never complains or lets himself get frustrated, knowing his support and love is the best thing he could give you. 
- He’s a little worried about his arm, saddened by the fact that he might not be able to feel your baby in his left arm or that he’ll somehow manage to hurt them. 
- With reassurance, though, those thoughts slowly start to disappear and are replaced with a strong love for your unborn child. 
- You spend many nights laying in bed, talking about what you think your baby will look like and how they’ll act. 
- “I hope they have your eyes.” He’ll mumble as he stares up at the ceiling, hand running through your hair as your head rests on his chest. “You have the prettiest eyes.” 
Floyd Talbert:
- It took you and Floyd a few years to decide to start trying for a child, but you wanted to make sure you were both ready. 
- You started with a dog, raising and training it together, wanting to see how well you worked together, and you both wanted to become more responsible.
- So, when you finally became pregnant, there was no worry between you two, as you knew it was the right time. 
- Floyd built the crib himself, spending weeks outside trying to perfect it. 
- He was proud and knew it was perfect for your baby, a smile wide on his face when he saw the mattress, pillows, and blankets on it.
- He was there every step of the way, never complaining about being tired or annoyed when you needed something. 
- He held your hair back during morning sickness, made and bought everything you craved, and massaged your back and feet every night, knowing the toll this was taking on your body. 
Shifty Powers:
- Ever since he could remember, Shifty wanted to be a father.
- So, to say he was excited was the understatement of the year. 
- He has everything planned out from their birthdays to holidays, to what games he’ll play with them when the weather is nice, even when it’s raining or snowing. 
- He’s funny, kind, patient, and energetic, so there’s no worry about what kind of parent he’ll be. 
- It’s like a dream come true for him, and it becomes the only thing he talks about at work or around town. 
- It seems like every time you go out, someone new congratulates you, and you always wonder how they know. 
- He’s always coming home, taking out a wrinkled piece of paper and reading off the names he thought about while at work. 
Bill Guarnere:
- Bill has seen his fair share of pregnant women because of his sisters, cousins, and aunts, so he isn’t phased at all. 
- He is shockingly extraordinarily knowledgeable and helpful and is there for you every step of the way. 
- His family is a great support system, and if Bill can’t make it to one of your doctor’s appointments, someone from his family is always with you, holding your hand. 
- You’re always getting home-cooked meals brought to your house, and a few of his sisters will come every weekend to clean, so you don’t have to. 
- Bill is always home from work on time, asking you how you feel as his hands gently grab your feet to massage them. 
- He’s the king of massages, and his hands are always on a sore part of your body. 
- He always says it’s the least he could do. 
Joe Toye: 
- Like Don, Joe is flooded with anxiety and insecurity as soon as you tell him you’re pregnant. 
- He’s conflicted- he always wanted to be a father, but now that the time has come, he isn’t sure if he’s ready. 
- He’s afraid you’ll leave and that your child will find another man to do things he should be doing. 
- Filled with pain and frustration, he keeps himself up at night, hoping your child will love him and understand his struggles with his leg. 
- He’s distant and in his head most days, convincing himself of how awful of a father he’ll be. 
- It isn’t until you step in, spending the rest of the night reassuring him about the kind of man he is and the father he will be. 
- “Are you sure you want to do this with me?” He asks, hand rubbing your own as he looks at you with glassy, pain-filled eyes. 
Babe Heffron:
- Babe treats you like you’re made of glass and could break at any second. 
- He makes sure he and everyone else is gentle with you and is continuously handing you another glass of water to drink. 
- He doesn’t let you do much, always seemingly coming out of nowhere to do the task for you. 
- It’s quite wholesome and sweet. 
- If you’re standing on your tiptoes trying to get something from the cabinet, he runs in out of nowhere, gently pushing you to the side and grabbing it for you. 
- He’ll place it on the counter, slightly out of breath as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
- “Just call for me baby, I’ll get it for you next time.”
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lovestruckay · 3 years
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Request: “Can you do fluffy Hibana x reader Hc? 👉👈”
Pairing: Hibana x Reader
A/N: I got so excited when I got this request because I just read her character profile the other day and found out one of her hobbies is video games! I had a lot of ideas for fluffy Hibana so it’s a bit long, haha.
When you’re both in public, Hibana’s presence is dominating and she demands respect from everyone around her. She is Company 5’s Captain first and she refuses to show anything that could be seen as a weakness to be exploited by her enemies.
That being said, she does enjoy public displays of affection - especially when it comes to staking her claim on you and making sure everyone knows you are a very happy couple. You will never see her show her soft side in public though.
When it’s just you two behind closed doors, however, it’s a completely different story. No one would ever believe you but Hibana is a complete softie. She’s still her flirty, dominating self but she is also excitable, affectionate, and cute.
Once you two have your privacy, she is in your embrace, demanding your attention like a needy kitten. She wants to feel your arms around her, she wants to hear your voice telling her everything about your day, and she wants to talk to you about her recent scientific endeavors.
She absolutely melts under your praise, turning into a smiling mess as she showers you with affection. She doesn’t respect any of this gravel but she loves and respects you and praise coming from you always made her happy.
“Tell me more about how amazing I am~” she’ll tease as she presses a dozen kisses to your face.
Hibana is a scientist but, when it’s just you two, she is such a huge nerd about it. She will go on tangents about her latest experiments, geeking out about the technical details and gushing about how fascinating her results are. She loves when you listen to her intently, even if you don’t understand half of what she’s saying, and she especially loves when you ask her questions.
She likes being able to show off to you how much of a genius she is. If you praise her during these moments, complimenting her on her ingenuity and her research, her smile shines like the sun.
“Your Muse is an absolute genius, who else but me could make such incredible discoveries?”
Hibana loves to play video games with you. It’s her biggest hobby after her scientific exploits and she enjoys being able to share that time with you.
Her absolute favorite game is Animal Crossing. Her island is incredible and, unsurprisingly, princess themed. She’s always sending you expensive gifts in game and giving you all her duplicate recipes. 
Her second favorite game is Minecraft and you have your own server together that you started from scratch. You worked together to build an entire sprawling city, dotted with monuments dedicated to each other.
You both tried to play video games like first person shooters and fighting games but she is way too competitive and matches may have, embarrassingly enough, lead to real life arguments and grudges.
Hibana once pouted so hard she gave you the silent treatment for an entire night after you kicked her ass in Smash.
You both decided it was for the best to either play co-op games or games where you could pass the controller.
Some of the times you’ve laughed the hardest together was when you created the weirdest looking characters you could in games like Skyrim and Dragon Age.
Hibana will always have a feast of snacks and drinks for you both on game night. You’ll both happily munch on anmitsu, cookies shaped like flowers, and other sweets while gaming together. If you don’t have a sweet tooth like she does, she’ll have plenty of your favorite snacks just for you.
Speaking of food, Hibana will make you the most amazing meals you’ve ever eaten. She enjoys cooking for you and will set aside the time to learn new recipes and make you lunches. She even goes as far as to make them pretty, cutting the food into hearts and making cute faces. She goes all out for dinners, especially on special occasions, and you are spoiled rotten.
When it’s time to curl up for the night, Hibana is a huge cuddler. Even if it was sweltering hot, she needs to be touching you somehow to sleep. She feels safest and happiest wrapped up in your arms and the sound of your soft breathing is her favorite lullaby.
She will also frequently steal all of the blankets in her sleep and leave you with the fitted sheet. When you call her out on it, she’ll say that she’s a princess so what did you expect.
You’ll never tell her but she sleep talks and it is absolutely adorable. She talks about science mostly, rambling about whatever problem she went to sleep thinking about, but she also brags about you.
Sometimes she will cackle like she is possessed in the middle of the night, scaring you half to death, before going back to a perfectly peaceful slumber. (Sol knows what she’s dreaming about.)
Hibana sometimes gets nightmares, something she doesn’t like to talk about. With the easier ones, where you wake up to her trembling and twitching, you’ll kiss her temple and whisper to her that you love her and she’s safe. She’ll rouse just enough to escape the nightmare and return to pleasant dreams before you follow.
During the bad ones, you’ll have to shake her to wake her up. After startling awake, she’ll silently curl up in your embrace and you’ll rub your hand down her back until she falls back asleep against you. She tells you one day it’s a recurring nightmare about her covenant burning and that’s all she’ll say about it for a long time.
When you’ve been together for some time and she trusts you completely, she’ll finally open up to you about what happened.
When Hibana knows she wants to spend the rest of her life with you, she’ll take you to the cemetery to meet all of her sisters. You’ll help her decorate the graves to a ridiculously lavish extent and, when you bring little gifts for all of her sisters, she cries in front of you for the first time.
Iris is the only family that she has left and, when you two make friends, she is grateful that the people she loves get along. Iris is also an endless source of adorable stories and an afternoon spent with her is an evening spent teasing your furiously blushing lover.
Hibana may have a complicated relationship with her faith but she is grateful to whatever god might be listening that you came into her life.
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emwritesfootball · 3 years
American Girl | Mason Mount
Word Count: 1,949
Warnings: light sex mentions
A birthday gift for my girl @lionspridetingz. Happy birthday, Ads! <3
- - -
When you’d told your friend Christian you were coming to England as part of your study abroad program for a year, he’d immediately offered his place up for you to be his roommate and you’d gratefully accepted. Oddly enough, his place was closer to the university than any of the housing options that were listed, and you were excited to spend time with your childhood friend.
The day before you were set to arrive, however, you got a panicked call from Christian. He was muttering unintelligibly and you couldn’t really hear him over the sounds of the London storm, but you heard enough to know that the room he’d prepared for you had flooded and he was asking his teammates if they would let you stay there while he got that part of his house fixed. Too stunned to say anything other than ‘okay’, you hung up, shaking your head at the insane situation that would only happen to Christian.
Your friend picked you up at the airport the next morning, both of you grinning from ear to ear as he spun you around in a big bear hug. “Fuck, I missed you,” he drawled, instinctively grabbing your massive suitcases that you’d barely managed to haul off the conveyor belt at the checked bag station.
“I missed you, too,” you replied, playfully bumping his shoulder with your own. “So, where are you taking me?”
“Mason’s place. Some of the other guys also offered to take you in but he’s the one I trust most, so I picked him. I hope that’s okay.”
“Yeah, it’s fine,” you hummed absently, but internally you were reeling. You’d never met Mason Mount in person but you’d met him plenty of times over FaceTime while you’d been talking with Christian, and somewhere along the way, you’d managed to fall for the England player. You knew you’d be meeting Christian’s teammates at some point, but you hadn’t expected to be living with the one you had a crush on.
You zoned out on the drive to Mason’s place, telling Christian you were just taking in the sights when he asked. It wasn’t a full-on lie - you were taking in all the new sights that were so different from Pennsylvania’s Americana charm, but you were also thinking about Mason and wondering what it would be like to live with him.
Christian shutting off the engine to the car brought you out of your daydreams and you stared at your new home for the next few months.
Mason walked out when he heard Christian pull into the drive. He couldn’t believe his luck, having such a beautiful girl live with him while Christian got his place fixed after the flood. Not that you’re gonna do anything about it, the internal voice in his head screamed. Christian had made him promise he wouldn’t try anything with his friend, and Mason fully intended to keep that promise.
She was even more beautiful in person. Mason felt his throat go dry and his palms start to sweat as he took her in. She was in travel clothes - leggings and an oversize hoodie; her hair up in a messy bun - but he couldn’t help going speechless. If she looks this good now, imagine how good she’ll look dressed up for the awards dinner at the end of the season, he couldn’t help thinking, but quickly tried to regain composure as Christian’s voice brought him out of his own head.
“Mase! Thanks again for doing this, man - I really appreciate it.”
“No problem. Glad I could help.” Mason turned his attention to her. “Hey. Nice to finally meet you in person.”
You giggled, hoping your blush wasn’t obvious. “You, too. Thanks for letting me stay here.”
“Of course.” Mason reached for the duffel you were holding, his fingers brushing yours as he took the bag. “Any friend of Christian’s is a friend of mine.”
You felt a little dejected at the statement, but you tried to tamp it down. Just because you had feelings for Mason didn’t mean that he had to have feelings for you. Plus, as one of Christian’s teammates, he was definitely off-limits - no matter how badly you wanted him. You followed him through his house, trying to keep your eyes ahead of you instead of on his toned back or ass, which proved harder than you thought.
The room was beautifully decorated and you held your breath for a moment while you took it in. It was a beach theme, whites and light blues everywhere. The decor told you a woman must have decorated it, and you felt a pit in your stomach when you remembered that he and Chloe had recently broken up, but that it was entirely possible that she’d been the one to design this. “It’s beautiful; thank you, Mason,” you murmured, setting your bags down. Christian set your large suitcase down next to the dresser, and Mason put your duffel on top of it.
“Let me know if you need anything. This place is yours now, too, so make yourself at home.”
“We’ll be in the living room playing FIFA but if you want help unpacking just let us know.” Christian gave you a smile that you returned and both boys exited, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
Two weeks into living with Mason, and the two of you were the best of friends. Of course, you were still closer with Christian, but Mason was getting there. You did your uni work during the day while he was at training and the two of you would cook dinner at night, planning out the following day’s meal afterward so you could go shopping for fresh ingredients in-between your classes. On the nights you weren’t prepping for the following day’s uni classes, you and Mason relaxed on the sofa with a movie or some trashy British reality show. It was the best part of your week, honestly, and you couldn’t believe how easily the two of you had fallen into a routine. On the colder nights when you were both snuggled under individual blankets, you couldn’t concentrate on the movie because you were distracted thinking about how badly you’d like to snuggle under one blanket with Mason.
“Are you coming to the match tomorrow?” Mason asked the night before the first match you’d be attending in London.
“Yeah,” you said smiling, turning to face him. The two of you were unwinding on a Friday night, and you were once again wishing you could be snuggling with him instead of sitting on the opposite end of the sofa.
“Do you, uh, do you need a kit to wear?” Mason couldn’t believe he was stuttering over his words, feeling incredibly awkward in front of you for no reason. Well, he knew the reason but he wasn’t going to dwell on something that wasn’t going to happen.
You paused, your heart racing. “Oh. Uhm, I have one of Christian’s that I was planning on wearing?” You couldn’t believe you were turning down the opportunity to wear Mason’s kit in the stands but you knew Christian would get suspicious and wearing Mason’s kit felt too intimate for you - even though nothing was happening between you and Mason.
“Oh, right. Sorry.”
You felt bad, watching Mason visibly blush and run a hand through his hair as he chuckled awkwardly. “Don’t worry about it - maybe one day.”
Both of you could feel the tension in the air at the last part of your sentence, but neither of you acted on it. It was a line you weren’t ready to cross, but something told you it would be happening sooner rather than later.
Over the next month, the two of you got closer on the sofa. Soon, separate blankets became one blanket and you snuggling into his side became your legs over his lap with your head on his shoulder. You hadn’t kissed yet, but both of you knew it was going to happen sooner or later.
You shared everything with him - your thoughts and feelings on anything; your childhood; your past - and he did the same with you. Mason soon came to know what mood you were in by the tone of your ‘good morning’ and you could read him better than Christian. You knew that Mason was worried about not getting a call-up for this latest round of World Cup Qualifiers - something he hadn’t told anyone on the team - so the morning he got the call was huge.
“It’s Southgate,” he’d whispered when his phone went off at breakfast one morning.
“You got this,” you reassured him, watching him like a hawk as he picked up the phone.
Mason’s expression was neutral as he nodded and said, “Yes, sir,” over and over into the phone.
“Well?” You asked when he hung up.
“I got the call-up,” he said, the disbelief in his voice evident.
“Oh, my god! Mase!” You stood up, enveloping him in a hug. “I’m so proud of you!”
Mason returned your hug, so overwhelmed by emotion that he didn’t even realize he’d kissed you until you were pulling back, looking at him with an odd look on your face. “I-”
“Shut up and kiss me again, Mase,” you murmured, wrapping a hand around the back of his neck and pulling him in for another kiss.
Your relationship grew from there, but the two of you kept it a secret, not wanting to tell anyone until you were ready. Slowly, your things moved from the guest bedroom to his bedroom, and you spent every night in his bed. Mason loved having you in his bed, drifting off to sleep to the sound of your American accent as you told him stories. You loved getting to spend your nights in his bed, the feeling of waking up next to him better than anything else in your world at the moment.
Slowly, you started wearing Mason’s kit underneath Christian’s, making sure Christian’s wasn’t visible when Mason bent you over the sofa and fucked you senseless after matches.
“I think I’m ready to tell everyone,” Mason said one night as the two of you were cuddling in bed the night before another big match. “That is, if you are, too.”
“Yeah, I think I am,” you murmured, pressing a kiss to his sternum. “After the match tomorrow?”
Chelsea’s unbeaten streak under Tuchel continued, a big win coming against United. You hadn’t seen Christian before the match so you’d switched out his shirt for Mason’s, the ‘Mount 19’ on your back feeling lighter than air as you ran onto the pitch after the match and immediately kissed him. “I’m so proud of you, baby,” you said, kissing him again for good measure. He’d scored a goal and you couldn’t wait to congratulate him.
“What the fuck is this?” Christian’s voice cut in and you and Mason jumped apart.
“She’s my girl,” Mason explained, the words filling you with warmth as he pulled you back into him and slung and arm around your shoulder.
“We’re together.”
“I can see that,” Christian grumbled, looking between the two of you. “It’s a little weird so it’ll take some getting used to, but okay. You,” he said, pointing at you, “don’t hurt him. And you,” Christian pointed at Mason, “if you hurt her, I’ll hurt you.”
You rolled your eyes. “We know, Christian.”
“C’mon, Angel,” Mason murmured, pressing a kiss to your temple, “let’s get home so we can celebrate your birthday properly.”
“You remembered?” You asked, shocked.
“Of course. I’ve been into you since the moment you moved into my guest bedroom - how could I forget?” He leaned down, kissing you properly. “Happy birthday, Angel.”
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blushing-starker · 3 years
Another holiday one: Peter and Pepper going caroling together and they visit Tony in the workshop. The bots are wearing Santa hats
"Peter, darling, you know you can get him anything and he'll be over the moon, right? He loves you and it'd kill Tony to know this is causing you so much stress. We could always do a joint gift if that helps? After caroling, the night is ours and so is the mall."
God, what did he do to deserve Miss Potts? She has a solution for all the problems in the world, never hesitates to take what she wants and could probably kick his ass twenty different ways without breaking a sweat. Just last night, she'd cocked her head, put on a disappointed face and Peter was done, defeated, tore himself away from Tony's side at the lab to devour some freshly baked pie Rhodey had dropped by. They'd been working for hours, basically a hair's breadth away from a breakthrough, but Miss Potts didn't like her boys tinkering too long without eating.
Now she's holding his hand like it isn't serious, like it doesn't set Peter's heart aflame because this is Pepper Potts, kind and strong and witty and amazing, showing affection in a public place without shame or fear. And yeah, Tony would never be cold to him outside, but the man's a koala when you earn his trust. Peter has to practically pry the billionaire off from Pepper when the CEO has a meeting to conquer (he's dating a CEO, he's dating a billionaire, he's dating a CEO, he's dating a-
"Sweetheart, I see the gears turning in that head of yours, same as Tony. What is it, Peter?" The snow starts to fall a bit harder and they quicken their pace, catch up with Nat, Bucky and Bruce as they line themselves up before the next porch, ready to start caroling their hearts out. Who'd have thought they enjoyed the season this much?
The others didn't come because decorating the tower and baking dessert for 20 plus people took a team effort. Peter had wrapped an arm around Miss Potts' waist and swung them to the car before they were snatched up by Steve to help in the kitchen. They'd been pressed pretty close, Peter not wanting to risk hurting his, what, lover? Girlfriend? His lover's wife? Either way, he had curled around the tall woman, tried to not jostle her too much in case she got sick. It had been nice. Very nice, really.
The whole thing had lasted maybe thirty seconds so yeah. Technically, this is the first time they've had physical contact for a relatively long period of time. He's eighteen now, not supposed to be getting so hyped and nervous over something as simple as holding hands and going caroling along a snow covered neighborhood adorned with a thousand Christmas lights. But, but he's always been a romantic at heart and the neon glow is reflected off of shiny snowflakes that taste like something pure and special, his teammates are joyous, look decades younger, Bucky's cat Alpine has stubbornly decided to crisscross his ankles and Miss Potts ' is just really fucking pretty, ok?
"Peter?" He gets why Tony can submit so easily to the force of nature that is Pepper Potts ; is rather sure it has something to do with honest eyes and a gentle way of loving broken men.
"Um, you're very pretty, Miss Potts," way to go, Peter. It's a wonder he and Tony even got together when they share one brain cell and it's mainly dedicated to superhero work. Or to Miss Potts.
She softens, tugs at him until they wrap around each other and then kisses him. Light, barely there kisses on pale cheeks, his eyelids, the curve of a red nose, under an unhinged jaw. Nat shoves the team forward, says the next house will probably give them candy while winking at Peter, grins when he turns scarlet. Bucky grumbles, "it's not exactly Halloween," but she yanks the supersoldier away from them so there's some semblance of privacy present.
Miss Potts sighs, sets her chin on his head and Peter short circuits right there, is delighted by the fact that she's taller than him, vows to buy her as many heels and high boots as possible because this is extremely nice and being tucked under her is a dream come true.
"You're so nice, Pete. I don't think Tony's gonna last a month before he says he loves you, not with someone so considerate and amazing. Nat bet it'd take me three months, but right now? Tony would take one look at me and say three weeks. We've been outside for a while, how about we head back home? See if our ridiculous baby got away with sneaking to the lab?"
Oh. Oh, is he supposed to speak after that? Function when she just sent his world tumbling down in a second or two? He inhales slowly, presses his frost bitten lips to a long neck and shivers when Miss Potts laughs, sound as pure and lovely as the freshly fallen snow around them.
On the way back home (HomeHomeHomeHomeHomeHome), he catches sight of a pretzel stand and nearly slams them into the side of a building. Miss Potts does that thing where she chuckles almost silently and maybe it'll take her three weeks but Peter's ready to declare his love for her right then, absolutely smitten and aware of it. He wonders if this is what Tony felt when he fell for Miss Potts. Wonders if his boyfriend would tell him all about it soon enough.
Miss Potts strokes his cheek, smile this side of sharp and mischievous. "Does my boy want something?" It's a soft question with a soft touch with a not so soft look in eyes that could tear him apart any day of the week. His web snaps and they tumble down to the street, are saved by the fact there's three feet of snow by the building's back entrance and they weren't that high up.
Peter gets a pretzel from Miss Potts.
Their lover (loverloverloverlover) is, in fact, hiding in the lab. There's a neon glow here, too, wrapped around Tony as he reassembles holograms, sketches new designs for the spider suit, revises old architecture plans with the gaze of a hawk.
"Anthony Potts, you put down that hologram right now! You were supposed to help out and decorate; not adjust Peter's suit. Again." Tony jolts back, clicks his fingers and everything disappears from the lab table as if Jarvis had never brought several of the genius' secret files to life. He looks like a little kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar and Peter isn't gonna let him forget this for as long as they live.
There's plenty of space on the table now so he settles there, swings his legs up and down, grins up at a fidgeting Tony. "Anthony Potts is new." A cookie tray is tucked away behind a pile of papers and it's too tempting not to snack on one even if he just inhaled a pretzel.
"I can call you Peter Potts, too, you know. Don't tease him, I know you would've been here helping Tony out if we hadn't gone caroling."
It's Tony's turn to grin and Peter's turn to flush now. Two more cookies are snatched, shoved into his face. "I kind of like that. The Potts thing. It's nice."
Miss Potts crosses over to them, wraps a finger around the one curl he can never tame and pulls on it until he's leaning on her palm with the sudden urge to never leave the lab. "I'm glad you like it, Peter. Anthony here has to go clean the dining table, but we can cuddle on the couch to warm up before seeing what's already cooked. How's that sound?"
"It sounds like your husband is being punished for upgrading your boyfriend's suit and making sure he doesn't die fighting some weird alien dog." Tony huffs, steals Dum-E's Santa hat with a pout before dragging himself up the stairs to the kitchen. "I'm saving everyone's lives, but no. I gotta see Steve butcher a Christmas tradition."
"There's nothing wrong with how Steve cooks the meal."
"Tell that to my grandmother and nanny. Even Jarvis could cook better and he doesn't have any hands." Said A. I hums in a suspiciously noncommittal way as his creator starts yelling about blood being spilled if a single stain is found in his prized kitchen.
The bots all seem to sigh in relief, roll over to bump Peter's knee or shoulder as affectionately as Alpine. He patiently fixes their elf ears and hats, rubs a few bells clean from grease and motor oil because Tony probably hadn't noticed and wouldn't notice until they accidentally stained something. Don't ask him or Miss Potts how, but Tony's children could ruin a fifty thousand dollar couch with purple paint without there necessarily being a can of paint around the lab.
Miss Potts' plan of cuddling on the couch is derailed when they hear screeching and curses pertaining to five different languages coming from above. She sighs, takes Peter's hand and he already knows she'll come up with a solution. She always did.
(Maybe it was time to explain he'd already found their gifts, twin silver rings with all their initials engraved hidden in his coat pocket.)
(And then Tony starts shouting something in Italian, Steve might be reverting to an Irish accent, Alpine hops on the dining table to pounce on the chicken, Miss Potts has to yank her husband away from the oven, Bucky's hair nearly catches on fire and yeah, he'll just show them on New Year's.)
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