#and i wsnt to do that in life !
demadogs · 11 months
just discovered through tiktok that some girls have been shaving their widows peak for years cuz they hate it????? you share a physical trait with a vampire and you DONT LIKE IT????
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clits-and-clips · 2 months
Since writing the affirmations and starting manifestation again, I've actually been in a much better headspace. It's crazy how things align, and you end up where you need to be, especially through pain
#txt#have been reading the affirmations every day twice a day sometimes#doing my intentions and manifesting what i wsnt#which is mainly independence#also a good relationship with my ex from here#mainly stuff for me tho#and the full moon on Wednesday which is in scorpio which is his sun sign#will be a big release and maybe i can let go a bit or a lot lol#i need to move on and focus on myself and what i want in life and doing it all on my own#with support obviously but ive never been fully independent and im so ready for the blessings and the open doors#i dont know if ill truly ever be over him but i have to try for my own sanity at this point#i dont want to manifest anything selfish like him coming back to me because it probably wont happen anyway lmao#i hope i dont sound crazy lmao but coming back into my spiritual journey is definitely what i need#connecting with myself and my purpose feels like the only thing i can do rn#have a driving lesson tomorrow but in all honesty i could just go do the test and pass cause ive been driving forever and im good at it#just need to practice certain things but im nearly there! so close i can feel it and see it#anyway i hope i can keep this energy up and continue to head in a positive direction because it feels really good#if i need to cry about him and the loss then i will but im not going to dwell on it too much#i just need to take it as a lesson and let it go :)#cause at the end of the day i really did lead myself here whether it was his choice to end it or not#blah
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theood · 2 days
Have to a call a job place back and it's giving me.so much fucking dread to do it
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bigothteddies · 21 days
maybe a house would be nice. admittedly I am only saying that because I realized I could have a housewarming party and try to invite my favorite people to come visit
#unimportant thoughts#itd be so fun! just imagining sharing my space with the people i love and having them in my space to celebrate it#its all I could want ! im gonna be daydreaming about it sctually#i mean i still could do that with an apartment BUT less space also noise restrictions#UGH i could throw a yearly christmas party!#my family had a big christmas party every year when i was a kid with some families we were close with :(#i miss it a LOT#nostalgic about the fact that there were kids my age i could play toys with and eat at the kids table sure but STILL#i could do that for my friends !#i could maybe cover a plane ticket or two and get some of my favorite people together for a nice dinner and sleepover ;(#i could decorate and cook a meal and have wrapped gifts for everyone under the tree :(#meatz has a friend that throws a big halloween party every year and i really admire it#to throw and host a party rvery year where the prople you love can gather and see each other snd have a good time#is a PRICELESS fucking thing to provide and its something i admire#DOING things and hosting events and making stuff happen is a Big Deal#its a value and service many people dont appreciate#fortunately its been BEAT into me by the BMX scene#that the most importsnt thing you can do for BMX isnt to post your opinions online#but to host your own event to provide for the sport your own way to get people involved and to have a good time#and i wsnt to do that in life !#its hard ive arranged beach trips where no one shows up ive hosted movie nights where people leave halfway through#but I know ill find people that want to do things and hang out just as badly as I do !
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arsenicflame · 2 months
anyway ive been thinking a hell of a lot about my past experiences with the nhs for my mental health and it just. makes me feel so fucking defeated
like even if i was prepared to go out n try n get help and do everything that goes with that its. not gonna fucking get me anywhere is it? im just gonna get brushed aside and dumped back out the system and ignored if i imply i think its more than simple situational depression
i cant do anything about this. i dont get a choice. i cant get the help i need and i simply dont have the energy to fight for myself. i don't even really want to try. im stuck like this for the rest of my life
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trafficpan-ic · 3 months
Remind me why i am doing this
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medicaltechnician · 5 months
back in my pissy at some people in my friend group a little bit era!!! ✨✨
i am just gonna, not be online and social until new years i think. (might be online a little. Just want to get away from everything though. Still will be active and spreading info on twt so maybe /maybe/ it’ll get thru some of their heads.)
just, dont want to talk to some of em again. In my evil era. All I see is the worst in people era. Tired era. 🙄 In my wish I was ignorant again but i cant even wish that because of everything era.
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lemongogo · 2 years
yall post grad isnt it
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aropride · 2 years
what if i made an exact replica of my house in the sims ..
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bulletsfrank · 1 year
we took tenacious to the vet and he got blood work and x-rays done and all of his organ function is fine, though he has high white blood cell count due to infection, but they aren't exactly sure what said infection is. i don't have the money for them to be able to take CT scans or x-rays of the inside of his throat and mouth to check for tumor/polyps, so he very well could have one of those too... but as it is, he still isn't eating, he still isn't moving, and he isn't breathing well at all. he got antibiotics at the vet but we aren't even sure if that's the issue. if he doesn't eat by monday they say to call but it's been two days since he ate last. i can't sleep. i've never been this scared in my life
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girlwithfish · 2 years
iwent to dc once as a kid rheres a pic of me w my mom n siblings holding a pink ds somewhere when i was like 7 or 8
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myfirstandlast · 2 years
i’ve been so so depressed thinking about school and how just . clueless i was with everything and being blinded by the envy and the desire to be friends with and be like all the cool interesting people that seemed to surround me and walk straight through me but for so many reasons i have this ridiculous difficulty with seeing people as multi-faceted and understanding that they could have cultivated a personality and life that seems to take so much effort and equally be putting effort into work and career and studies and i just. wasted everything. years and years of not knowing what i want to do not knowing much of anything seriously at all and just thinking it was going to work out all laissez-faire like those cool people make it seem but suddenly they’re all talking about their classes and everything and i’m realising oh i really am just as stupid as i was trying to avoid acknowledging. like i actually don’t know what to do with my life at all and because i’m antisocial and trapped in my parents’ house i can’t have a crisis while living on my own with friends to talk to that i literally don’t have so i know i’m just gonna have to kill myself soon. it is so. bleak. and so utterly depressing and i have to spend my last moments with the people who probably understand me the least on earth. i feel shame and i feel just complete and utter misery for everything wasted and everything lost
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depressedzelda · 28 days
kind of thinking maybe I am finally reaping some of the many consequences of loving to drink so much as my liver pretty much started swelling up and hurting halfway through today umm <3 that coupled with the general mental confusion that I can no longer tell if it's normal or not + the complete lack of appetite I almost always have. ok maybe these things are related
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volatilechemicalz · 3 months
so many people I want to talk to . obviously I should do anything but talk to them
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h3nsh1n · 1 year
reading the things people post here apparently my unpopular opinion is that is always bad to cut someone off without warning and explanation unless that person is actually dangerous to you/has abused you
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orphudice · 1 year
i am exhausted actuslly
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