#i also truly dont remember whats written in here. so
jessiesjaded · 7 months
It is funny sometimes seeing people get uppity about translators not doing exactly 1:1 translations of media, whether it be a book or a game or a series- and I get it from the perspective of say, 90s and 2000s anime adaptations that completely altered plot points, completely nixed entire lines of dialogue or alter characters enough that they were barely reminiscent of the original- think Sailor Moon and how the US dub censored anything gay in it. Those complaints I understand, completely.
And then with the advent of translating tools sometimes a company has pretty clearly been cheap or lazy and has just slapped it into an online translator and hodge podged it together, losing a lot of important details along the way, just to save on paying a proper translator and that is something I find absolutely shitty and extremely fair to point out- especially when it's a big corporation.
But the flipside people seem to forget is that sometimes there's not an exact word to translate to. Sometimes translations done to T will lose the humour or the feeling of the original so the translator will change it just enough to still get the expression across in a similar way as the original without bogging it down or losing its charm- localising something isn't always a bad thing as long as it overall stays true to the original. Translation is an art at the end of the day, sometimes whats on the page needs a little extra help to really pop, I have a lot of respect for the people who put in the effort.
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hier--soir · 1 year
whole new can of worms
joel miller x f!reader
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rating: explicit, 18+ mdni summary: two friends decide to blow off a little steam together. warnings/tags: [18+ minors DNI] fwb!joel, famous HOG joel miller lmao, age gap [20 years], language, alcohol consumption, established friendship, guitar playing joel!!, oral [f and m recieving], p in v sex, starts slow and careful and ends up rough oops. word count: 6.9k (nice) series masterlist | masterlist a/n: okay LOOK. i’m working on a final part to this little impromptu series, but I got very side-tracked with the idea of a prequel and then the most smut I’ve ever written just fucking spilled out of me. this is the first time they had sex, ladies and gentlemen. you get the beginning before you get the end. enjoy. also, this moment from tlou pt 2 game is what i was picturing for the beginning when joel is playing the song. dont watch if you don't want to, its from a cut scene very late in the second game. zero spoilers, just joel miller strumming that damn guitar in a way i'll never forget. this is part one of my fwb!joel series. you can find the other parts here: two, three, four.
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“Play that one I like.”
Joel offered no verbal response, but sat up straighter in his chair, fingers adjusting along the fretboard of his guitar. You relaxed into your seat, closing your eyes and taking a long sip from your glass of amber liquor.
He began playing and you smiled happily, goosebumps breaking out across your skin as the familiar tune filled the air between you and your friend, melding with the sound of rain softly pattering against the roof of his veranda. You kicked your feet up onto the table between you, the tense muscles in your legs aching from the stretch.
“Get your feet off the table,” Joel muttered, fingers never ceasing on the instrument. “Animal.”
Your eyes stayed closed, but you stuck your tongue out in his direction, smirking a little and keeping your feet up, knowing he didn’t really mind.   
Both of you had endured a long fucking day.
Winter was fading into Spring, and the trees and plants in Jackson were slowly but surely beginning to bloom again. It meant you were spending more hours in the green house than out on patrol, and you weren’t complaining. Tending to the garden relaxed you, connected you to nature and to one of the food sources in the commune that helped put a little bit of food on everyone’s plate each week. Working there made you feel connected to the town, and you loved it, truly. Except, for when a thunderstorm happened.
They’d scared you for as long as you could remember. Since you were a kid, thunder and lightning had made you want to crawl under the covers on your bed and hide away until the loud noises disappeared. But as a full-grown woman, you weren’t afforded such luxuries. Rain, hail or shine, the people in Jackson depended on each other, and you couldn’t duck out of a shift because of a silly little phobia.
When the rain started pouring down on the glass roof of the greenhouse you hadn’t been surprised. Only a few weeks into springtime, the town was still shaking off the remnants of a bitterly cold winter, and a little rain was still common. It was only when the first crack of thunder sounded that you’d stilled, hands frozen gripping a heavy pot, an unwelcome shiver racing down your spine. You’d had to work for hours, the sound of rain pelting against the roof accompanying you, with flashes of lightning appearing out of the corner of your eye all day.
When all was said and done, you’d trudged through the downpour to Joel’s house and arrived on his doorstep looking like a drowned rat, only to find out that he’d spent his afternoon stuck outside on patrol, in the very weather you were so upset about.
He’d opened the door with damp hair, bundled in warm clothes, the tip of his nose a light shade of pink from the cold.
“Whiskey?” he’d asked.
You nodded. “Whiskey.”
And so the pair of you had ended up on his porch, under cover from the residual spit of rain, forgetting all about the shit day through good company and good alcohol.
As Joel strummed the last few chords of the song you sighed glumly, cracking an eye open to watch him. He set the guitar down gently and reached for his glass.
“So beautiful,” you murmured. “Wish I could play.”
“And then what use would I be?” he chuckled. “Can’t have you learning guitar; I’d have no one to play for anymore.”
You watched him closely. Staring into his glass, you could see him mulling the words over in his head. Ellie had hardly spoken a word to him in weeks, and you could see the toll it was taking, although you never pried. Clearly, something had happened, and although you and Joel were close, you hadn’t wanted to insert yourself into whatever drama had consumed his little found family. It made your chest hurt though, to watch him miss that girl. He’d always loved playing for her.
“Good thing I’m lazy then,” you mused softly. “Swear I couldn’t play an instrument with a gun to my head. I’ll need to keep you around.”
“Works for me,” he said, refilling both your glasses. “You on the patrol roster tomorrow?”
You shook your head, accepting the glass with a grateful smile. A slight buzz warmed your insides, fighting to keep your body temperature up as the cool breeze licked at your exposed hands and face. “Nope, I’m a free agent tomorrow, no responsibilities.”
“God damn,” he rolled his eyes. “Gonna be stuck out there all alone with Tommy.”
“Devastating,” you grinned. “I’m way better company.”
“Too right,” Joel agreed. “What’s your plan for the day, little miss no responsibilities? Still reading that book I found you?”
Probably masturbate. The thought zipped through your mind so suddenly that you felt your chest warm, and you cleared your throat softly.
“Yeah,” you replied. “Probably just read for a while. Dinner at Maria and Tommy's, remember?”
You hoped he didn’t see through the lie, because the truth was that you were embarrassed by yourself. Only a few days before you’d been struck by the realisation that you hadn’t had sex, or even been touched intimately by another person, in months. In fact, you noted sullenly, it had been half a fucking year. And you were struggling. It was your longest dry spell in a while, and every night lately you’d found yourself tangled up in your bed with your hand in your underwear, wishing desperately that someone, anyone, else was there with you.
Trying to ward off the unsavoury thoughts filling your mind, you took a deep gulp of whiskey and shut your eyes, contemplating asking if he had any cigarettes laying around.
Suddenly, a deep groan pierced the air between you and your eyes shot open. What the fuck?
With wide eyes, you saw that Joel was gripping his right leg tightly, thumb rubbing deep circles into the skin above his knee cap, and you forced yourself to relax. A sound of pain, you realised. But your heart had stuttered in your chest, because as out of character as it would’ve been, with your eyes closed it had sounded like a vaguely sexual noise. You rolled your eyes, willing yourself to get a grip. But it had been so long, and the sound of a man groaning in any way was enough to light a fire in your stomach.
“It’s the cold,” he noticed your stare. “Makes my knee ache.”
You nodded knowingly, eyes watching as his large hand gripped his thigh, applying pressure to the tender area.
“What’s up your ass?” Joel asked.
“Huh?” your gaze flashed up to meet his and found him watching you closely, eyebrows furrowed.
“You’re frownin’,” he said. “Gone all quiet suddenly.”
“So are you,” you huffed defensively, face warming. “You always fucking frown, I can’t do it one time?”
“No,” he grinned cheekily, stilling rubbing his knee. “I frown enough for the both of us. You can figure somethin’ else out.”  
You let out a begrudging chuckle and felt the indent between your eyebrows relax.
“Seriously,” he pushed. “What’s wrong? Is it too cold? We should move inside.”
“No,” you cringed, scratching the side of your neck awkwardly. Lowering your legs off the table you sat up a little straighter in your chair. “It’s good out here, I like it. I’m just… distracted, I don’t know.”
“What’s on your mind?” he sipped his whiskey.
Without needing any more prompting, you gave up on beating around the bush. “When’s the last time you had sex?”
A choked sound escaped him, and he swallowed quickly, coughing into his elbow. “Christ, what?”
“I’m not,” your cheeks were on fire. “I’m not thinking about you having sex, relax. I was thinking about me having sex. Or not having sex, to be more precise.”
He coughed again, an awkward expression flashing across his face.
You and Joel had been friends for a few years now, since he and Ellie returned to Jackson and decided to settle in the commune. After being friends with Tommy for a few years before that, you’d fallen into a natural friendship with his older brother. It was no secret that there was 20 odd year age difference between you and Joel, but in a post-apocalyptic world, it had never phased either of you. Friends were friends, and an age gap didn’t impact much. But sex was a topic that had seldom come up in conversation over those few years. Here and there maybe, but never in detail, and never so candidly.
“I almost walked in on Shae and Petra fucking the other day,” you continued plainly. “She was late for patrol, so I went over to see if she’d slept in, and I could hear them from outside the fucking house. Stood there like an ass for a minute, just listening like a creep.”
Joel watched you closely, and you noticed his hand gripped his glass a little tighter, fingertips white from the pressure “You… listened?”
“Don’t look at me like that,” you cringed, rubbing a hand over your face shamefully. “Just for a fucking second. Hadn’t realised how long it had been, and it was like my feet wouldn’t move.”
“I see.”
“You better not tell a soul about this,” you pointed at him threateningly. “I’ll end you if anybody finds out, Miller. I swear.”
“I believe you,” he snorted, holding his hands up in surrender. “My lips are sealed.”
You relaxed a little, relieved to discover that he wasn’t going to be as awkward about it as you’d first feared.
“How long has it been?”
Your eyes ticked up to stare at him again. “Like, six months or something.”
Joel let out a low whistle and nodded slowly, sipping from the crystal tumbler in his hand. “You poor soul.”
“Oh, come off it,” you scoffed in disbelief. “Don’t tell me you’re having sex and I’m not? This just keeps getting worse.”
“Fuck you,” he drawled mockingly, that deep Texan accent making you grin. “Would it be such a surprise if I was?”
“S’just bullshit,” you glowered, picking at your nails in frustration. Traces of soil still lined the creases in your palms and you rubbed at it furiously, in a fruitless attempt at cleaning them.  
“I’m not,” is all he said, and you frowned at him in confusion. “Havin’ sex,” he added with a smirk. "And it's been longer for me, so quit your whinin'."
You raised your eyebrows, appreciating the honesty. “Well thank god I’m not the only one.”
“Don’t know when I would,” he shrugged simply. “And who would I be having sex with, anyways? Spend all my fuckin’ time on patrol listening to Tommy talk for hours, or I’m sleepin’, or I’m with you.”
The thought itched so suddenly at the back of your brain, and you fought against it, shaking your head ever so slightly to push it away. Don’t think that. But it was persistent, and after a few moments of silence, your mind was filled with thoughts of you and Joel Miller fucking.
Admittedly, it was something you’d thought about once or twice when you’d first met him. He was a handsome guy, and his arrival in Jackson had definitely caused a stir among the women in the commune. But you’d fallen into a friendship so quickly, so comfortably, that the thought had never reared its ugly head again. Until now.
You watched him for a moment. His hair was dry at that point, and short messy curls framed his face and neck. He had neat dark facial hair, with sweet specks of ashy grey mixed in here and there. That familiar scar on the bridge of his nose. Lips that had gone a darker shade of pink from the cold, that you’d never realised looked quite so… plush. Eyes trailing down, your gaze raked over his hands. Long, calloused fingers that wrapped around almost the entirety of his glass. the warmth in your stomach spread downward, and you knew you should feel embarrassed at where your brain was taking you, but you couldn’t stop yourself. Images flashed through your mind of his hands gripping you like that. Fingers leaving marks on your thighs, on your neck. You shivered, looking away quickly.
“Fuck,” you sighed quietly, not even caring if he heard.
“Hey,” he said softly, assuming you were upset. “Someone’ll come along. We could talk to Tommy about setting you up or somethin’.”
You hummed noncommittally and turned in your chair to face him head on. Joel noticed and adjusted his position to do the same, raising an eyebrow. “What’s that look?” he asked, eyebrows pinching together.
Jesus, here goes nothing.
“What if we fucked?”
Joel stared. His jaw clenched almost imperceptibly, and he put his glass down on the table with a soft clink.
“What?” he said lowly, his voice taking on a sudden gravelly quality.
“I mean,” you searched desperately for the words to explain yourself, licking your lips nervously. “You said it yourself, we’re so busy, right? Always working, or sleeping, or we’re hanging out, you and me. So, what if we just… blew off a little steam together?”
His eyebrows had raised so dramatically you thought they might disappear into his hairline. It wasn’t often you managed to shock Joel, and you laughed gently at the astounded expression that decorated his face.  
“You want to blow off steam… with me?” he pointed lamely at his chest.
“Don’t sound so incredulous,” you joked. “You’re a catch, Joel. You know the teens call you a HOG, right? Hot old guy.“
“Shut up,” he held up a hand to silence you, his eyes squeezing shut tightly as you laughed at his embarrassment. “Don’t want to hear that shit.”
“It wouldn’t mean anything, Joel,” you reassured, veering back on topic. “We could just… help each other wind down after a long day.”
You watched each other in silence for a moment, and you noticed him shuffle slightly in his seat, hand gripping his knee once again. For a minute, you worried that you’d upset him. The friendship you two shared was strong, and you always known you could confide almost anything in him. He was trustworthy, and valued your word above so many others. But maybe this was over the line.
As you were about to speak again, about to take it all back and apologise for even suggesting it, he finally opened his mouth.
“It wouldn’t mean anything?” he clarified. “This won’t affect our friendship.”
You shook your head quickly. “Nothing at all. No strings, bud. Final offer.”
With a deep, rumbling sigh, Joel snatched his glass off the table and downed the remainder of its contents before standing up. “Alright then.”   
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You’d been in Joel’s room a hundred times over the years. Hauling him out of bed for patrol after he’d accidentally slept in, or rifling through his chest of drawers to steal a thick pair of socks. But never for this reason. The pair of you stood awkwardly at the foot of his bed, staring at everything other than each other, as the air crackled with palpable tension.
Joel scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, and you smirked, unfamiliar with seeing him being unsure of himself.
“If you don’t want to, we can just forget I ever sai-“
“Just taking your fuckin’ clothes off,” he grunted, staring you down suddenly. Wide eyed, you felt a rush of heat through your thighs.
“Jesus,” you breathed. “Romance isn’t dead.”
He huffed out a laugh and your shoulders relaxed, happy to see a crack through his tense façade. Your tugged off your sweater, and then your shirt, tossing them over the chair in the corner of his room. Working quickly, you undid the zipper on your pants and pulled them down your legs until you were left in your underwear, a thin white singlet, and your socks.
You reminded yourself that Joel had already seen you naked, thinking back on a time when the two of you had gone skinny dipping in a lake you stumbled across on patrol the summer before. But this was so different. This wasn’t a random moment of spontaneity. And at the lake he'd been a gentleman, averting his eyes for the most part out of politeness, but now? Now he was watching your every move.
Silently, he undid the strap off his watch and placed it on the top of his dresser, before working to undo the buttons on his shirt. After he had tugged it off, you let your eyes trail over his exposed skin, and with no fabric covering him, you could see how quickly his chest rose and fell.
“Hey,” you said quietly, stepping forward and placing a hand on his chest. You felt his heart race under the warm skin and smiled. “It’s just me. Let me help you relax, okay?”
His tongue darted out to wet his lips quickly, and you wondered what it would be like to kiss him. You didn’t dwell on it though, and leaned forward to drag your lips across the skin of his neck. He smelt like rain and pine needles, and you inhaled deeply, pressing soft kisses along his pulse point. One of his hands landed heavily on your waist and his thumb begun rubbing encouraging circles over your hip bone. You hummed against his skin, pressing your chest against his. Exposed to the cool temperature, your nipples pebbled underneath your shirt, and from his exhale you knew he could feel them pressing against his bare chest.
With a slight tremor in your hand, you trailed your fingers down his chest. Through the soft hair smattered there, over the thick jagged scar on his stomach, to his belt buckle. Joel shivered lightly, gripping your waist a little tighter. You worked quickly to undo his belt, and then you dragged his zipper down. With a low sigh, you rested your hand over the front of his pants. He jolted slightly, hand sliding around your back to hold you tighter to his chest. With your face hidden in his neck, you couldn’t see his reaction, but you took the firm pressure of his hand on your back as a clear sign to continue. You palmed him gently through his pants, listening to the little puffs of air that rushed out of his nose as he kept his breathing calm. A surge of confidence rushed through you, and you stepped away, letting your hand fall away from him. His arm dropped from your back to his side, and he watched with bated breath as you lowered yourself onto your knees in front of him.
You gripped the waistband of his pants and started to drag them down his legs, helping him step out of them. Wearing nothing but a tight pair of briefs, it was impossible not to stare. You could see the shape of him through the dark fabric, your mouth salivated. More, you needed to see more. Without wasting a second, you tucked your fingers into the band of them and pulled them down slowly, giving him the chance to stop you if he wanted to. But he didn’t. He watched you with hooded dark eyes, chest moving with deep controlled breaths, his bottom lip tucked into his mouth. With his underwear gone, Joel’s cock finally came into your sight. He was only half hard, you realised with awe, and your stomach tingled as you realised what you were in for. Reaching out, your traced your fingers slowly over his hip bones, smiling as goosebumps broke out across his skin, before gently wrapping your fingers around him.
A shaky breath escaped from his nose.
“Is this okay?” you asked quietly, hand stroking softly along his length. He nodded jerkily. “Why don’t you sit on the bed?”
Joel dropped heavily onto the edge of his bed, and you moved forward to rest on your knees in between his parted legs, placing your hand back over him. The air in the room had turned humid, and you could feel sweat forming on your back out of anticipation. The only light source came from the moon shining in his window, bathing the both of you in a pale light.
“You’re so handsome,” you sighed wistfully, gripping him tighter. “I’ve always known it, but seeing you like this is different. So handsome, Joel.”
He reached out and placed a hand on your shoulder, gripping your skin and massaging the knotted muscle at the top of your back. You groaned appreciatively, and without another moment’s hesitation, you leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his thigh. No more fucking around. You needed him.
Your hand stroked him firmer, tighter, but your mouth was salivating, desperate to taste him. So you dragged wet kisses along his leg until you reached his abdomen, and then you brought your wet mouth to hover over his cock. You heard his breath hitch and smiled devilishly, staring greedily at his ruddy tip, marvelling as a drop of precum leaked out of him. Painfully slow, you pushed forward and pressed a kiss to it, tongue darting out to swipe along him and taste his salt. Joel hissed in surprise, gripping your shoulder tighter as his other hand moved to the back of your head. Not putting any pressure there, just holding you. Lathing your tongue over his head, you moaned lowly at the taste of him. Salty and warm and masculine. You could feel your underwear sticking uncomfortably against you from how wet you were. Closing your eyes, you cupped his balls gently and pressed wet kisses down his length, dragging your tongue over the pulsing vein that ran from base to tip, and basking in the short gasps that flew out of his mouth.
“Stop teasin’,” he grumbled, and you looked up with a smirk to see his dark eyes glaring down at you.
“Sorry,” you lied, before taking his head into your warm mouth and sucking gently. Slowly, you pressed forward, taking more of him in. You felt him swell against your tongue, getting harder from the stimulation, and you hummed around him. He was so big. Maybe bigger than anyone you’d been with, and you struggled to take it all. He was so thick and heavy in your mouth, it was all you could think about. Consuming every thought, every feeling; all you could focus on was the weight of him on your tongue. You worked on creating a rhythm, bobbing your head and taking as much of him in your mouth as you could, while your hand gripped him at the base, stroking him at the same time.
And finally, finally, he made a sound.
“Fuuuck,” he groaned, drawing out the vowel as a heavy breath he’d been holding escaped his lungs. His fingers dragged through your hair roughly, gripping the back of your head. You pushed yourself forward, taking more of him in until he was pressing into your throat, and you swallowed tightly around him. “Christ, feels so fuckin’ good.”
Seemingly against his will, Joel’s hips bucked upward off the bed and you gagged around him, tears springing into your eyes. He moaned lowly, cursing under his breath at the feeling of your throat contracting around him. Unable to help yourself, you removed your hand from him and lowered it down your body, slipping your fingers underneath the band of your underwear and dipping into the wet heat between your own legs. Breathing harshly through your nose, you moaned around him as your finger brushed your aching clit. You pulled back and worked your tongue over his weeping slit, enjoying the way his grip on your hair tightened as you paid close attention to the most sensitive part of him.
“You’re drivin’ me insane,” he ground out, and you glanced up to see him watching you reverently, eyes wide and glossy, cheeks flushed. “So fuckin’ hot. God, you have the prettiest mouth, how did I never notice that? Never fuckin’ thought about how good my cock would look between your lips until it was happening. I’m a fuckin’ idiot.”
Your cunt pulsed against your fingers and you whimpered, taking him back in your mouth as far as you could. God, the way he spoke made you fucking ache for him. after so many years of knowing him, hearing his voice every day, you’d never have imagined him saying things like that to you. But the weight of him in your mouth was delicious, and his words only spurred you to push forward, forward, forward, revelling in the way he groaned as your nose brushed the dark curls at his base. Tears leaked out of your eyes, rolling down your cheeks from the effort, but you didn’t stop. You slid a finger inside yourself and gagged around him again, eyes rolling back in your head at the intoxicating sensation of having something inside both your mouth and your pussy.
“Takin’ me so well,” his thumb brushed across your cheek, wiping away the tears. “God, I’m in your fuckin’ throat, baby.” The pet name made your stomach tighten, and you moaned as more slick formed around your fingers.  
“Shit,” he choked out suddenly, losing all composure. “Are you fucki-“
You moaned, eyebrows furrowing as you fucked your hand and bobbed your mouth up and down quicker over his length.
“Stop,” he ordered, saying your name firmly. “I- Stop, I’m gonna come.” You ignored him, making a high-pitched sound around him as you felt the hot coil in your stomach begin to tighten. His hand gripped your hair tighter, and he pulled you off him.
You blinked lazily up at him, eyebrows furrowed dejectedly, lips parted. A string of saliva hung in the air between your bottom lip and his tip. You dragged your fingers out of your underwear, chest heaving with heavy breaths.
“Jesus, don’t fuckin’ look at me like that,” he groaned and broke eye contact, gripping your shoulder to pull you up off the floor. “Get up.”
Pushing gently on your shoulders, he nudged you forward onto the bed, and you crawled up before collapsing with your heads against the pillows. His bed was softer than you’d anticipated, and everything smelt like him. The pillows, the duvet. God, even if this was a one-time thing, you’d never forget that smell. He followed you, settling with his legs in between yours, and placed his palms on your stomach, pushing the thin material of your shirt up and over your breasts until it was bunched around your collarbones. Your heart pounded heavily in your chest, and you were aching for him, begging him with your eyes to just please, do something, anything.
And Joel was on you before you could speak, his fingers tracing and over your nipples, squeezing the weight of your breast in his palm before latching his lips onto you. He sucked your painfully tight nipple into his mouth, tongue lazily swiping across it, driving you insane. You sighed heavily, running a hand over the skin of his back and holding him to you. His teeth grazed the sensitive skin ever so lightly and your back arched off the bed. Moving over, he shifted his ministrations to your other breast, his eyes closed as he wet your skin with his slick mouth. And then one of his hands was drifting down your stomach, tickling over your skin, under it met your underwear, and he was cupping you through the fabric. Your hips stuttered upward, and he groaned into your chest, trailing his fingers over the soaked material.
“So fuckin’ wet already,” he muttered into your skin, and you nodded franticly against the pillows. “Did you get this turned on just from havin’ my cock in your mouth? Had to touch yourself?” Surprise zapped through you once more, ecstatic to learn just how much he loved to talk during sex. It was one of your favourite things, and it had always killed you to have sex with someone who was just silent the whole time.
“Yes,” you breathed. “Wanted you to finish in my mouth.”
He bit down onto your chest in response and you cried out quietly, eyes rolling back as he sucked a mark onto your skin with his fingers continued tracing feather light over your covered core.
“Maybe later,” his voice was strained. “Need to see you come first.”
He pulled the fabric of your underwear to the side, and then he was touching you with no barrier, and you trembled beneath him. You’d forgotten how good it felt to have someone else’s hands on you.
Joel groaned as he dipped his middle finger between your warm folds, gliding it up and down along your core, getting it covered in your slick. He swirled the tip of his finger around your entrance and you whimpered, hips grinding desperately against his hand. But he didn’t go inside you. His finger moved back up, all the way up, and swiped gently over your clit and you let out a pathetic moan. Such a small, miniscule touch had your stomach tensing painfully, ridiculously close to orgasm after so much time.
Bringing his face up to rest beside yours, he sucked your earlobe into his mouth gently, before murmuring in your ear, “I want to taste you.”
You didn’t say anything, too stunned by the feeling of his fingers against you, until he probed you for a response, purring your name into your ear.
“Need to hear you say it,” he encouraged. “Tell me what you want.”
“Please,” you begged, eyes shut tightly as he rubbed soft circles around your bundle of nerves. “I want you to taste me.” A grunt of frustration left your mouth as his hand disappeared and you opened your eyes to glare at him, but your mouth fell open, awestruck, when you saw him raise his soaked digits to his lips.
“Like this?” he goaded, sucking your slick off himself and groaning.
“Please,” you repeated, mouth dry as you watched him hum around his middle finger. “Need your mouth on me, your tongue, I-“
“Okay,” he soothed, moving down the bed in an instant. “That’s all I wanted to hear.”
He spread your legs apart, fingers splayed as he held your thighs against the bed, displaying your weeping centre for him to see. A deep sound echoed though the room, and it took you a moment to realise it had been Joel. His dark eyes stared at the spot between your legs, and he dragged his fingers through the coarse hair that covered you.
His movements were torturously slow as he leaned down, pressing sloppy kisses on your hips, along the inside of your thighs, until finally his hot breaths were fanning across your core. You clenched around nothing, whimpering at how empty you felt but knowing it would have to wait.
It was like stepping into a warm bath. The second his tongue was on you, fire raced through your veins, warming your body from head to toe. A sound of relief slipped from your lips, and your eyes rolled back as he licked a broad stripe up the entire length of you. A raspy groan vibrated against you as he pressed a messy kiss against your pussy. You looked down and gasped at the sight of his eyes already on you, watching you and your reactions to him.
“Taste so fuckin’ good,” he drawled against you and you twitched at the sensation of his lips brushing against your clit. His thumbs pressed against your folds, holding you open for him to see everything, and he lathed his warm tongue against your clit, circling it until you were moaning and tensing your thighs against his hold, muscles screaming at you to press against his head and hold him to you.
You whispered his name over and over as if it were a prayer. As if you’d forgotten all other words in the English language and his name was your only salvation. His tongue dipped inside your entrance, prodding firmly until you whimpered and begged him to please, please, let you come.
He ate you out like a man possessed. Like you were his last meal and he intended to savour every god damn second of the experience. He was ravenous, lips and tongue working together to make every muscle in your body tighten until you were gasping. At some point your hand had drifted behind his head and you found yourself tangling your fingers in his hair, pulling it tightly as his mouth moved against you.
“Joel,” you groaned. He hummed against you, movements never ceasing. “Oh fuck, Joel, I’m gonna come.”
His eager moan into your cunt was all it took for you to be catapulted over the precipice and drop into your orgasm. Your body was on fire, vibrating against him as you trembled through it, moans and cries leaving your mouth as your way of thanking him. His hands held your thighs in a vice grip, and there would no doubt be marks there tomorrow to remind you were his fingertips had dug into your skin. As your body relaxed into the mattress again, he pressed a final kiss to your clit before pulling back and dragging his face across your thigh, wiping the remnants of your slick off his facial hair.
“Fuck,” he rasped, grinning up at you with glistening lips.
“So good,” you agreed, nodding as you tried to catch your breath.  
“Almost came all over the sheets,” he admitted and you laughed, beckoning him towards you. He stumbled a bit, one of his knees buckling below him on the bed, leading him to land awkwardly on top of you.  
“Shit,” he groused. “Sorry, bad fuckin’ knee. You’ve got me all bent out of shape.”
You chuckled lowly, pulling him up to lay beside you on the bed. “Let’s not put anymore pressure of them then, okay?” He watched you carefully, curiously, as you turned on your side and then moved backwards, pressing yourself flush against his chest.
His cock pulsed against your ass, and he wrapped an arm around your waist, hand splayed on your stomach to hold you against him as he rutted forward. The feeling of his wet tip dragging along your skin reignited the fire in you and you whimpered, lifting your leg only to push it back and drape it over his waist as much as you could.
“You want it like this?” he asked urgently, hot breaths fanning across your sweaty neck. He pinched your nipple between his thumb and forefinger, tugging on it gently.
You nodded, and waited as he pushed his body a little lower on the bed. His hand disappeared from your chest, and you allowed yourself to pout a little, only because you knew he couldn’t see your face. And then his left arm slithered underneath your shoulder and wrapped loosely your neck, gripping your opposite arm to pin you against him. His free hand gripped his cock and pushed it forward until he was sliding his head between your folds.
Both of you sighed at the sensation and you gripped his arm in anticipation. You could feel his torso moving against your back as he breathed, the soft hair on his chest tickling your skin.
“You ready?” he asked and you grunted, pushing back against him again.
“Joel,” you said in a dangerously low tone. “If you’ve ever cared about me, you will stop teasing and fuck me right now.”  
He laughed darkly, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. “Yes, ma’am.”
He notched his tip at your entrance and you gasped as he pressed forward, pressing himself inside of you. It took what felt like minutes for him to bottom out, and when you felt his hips pressing against your ass, you tried to relax. The burn was intense, and you cursed yourself for not anticipating a little bit of pain after such a long dry spell. Joel held still, fingers stroking carefully over the skin of your shoulder, understanding that you needed a second.
“Fuck,” you choked out. “Joel, you’re huge.”  
He let out a gravelly sound into the back of your neck, body shuddering against yours. “You’re takin’ it so well though,” he gritted out. “So tight around me, grippin’ me so good.”   
He pulled back a touch before pressing back into you, and you moaned deeply. That was all the confirmation he needed to continue, pulling almost fully out of you before moving into you harder, stronger, and beginning a steady pace. Your body jolted forward with every one of his movements, but his arm around your neck held you firmly, never allowing you to go too far.
Curses drifted from your mouth, and you hid your face in his arm, biting down on the muscle of his bicep to stifle your sounds. You clenched around him suddenly and his hips stuttered forward, slamming into you in a way that made your stomach tense deliciously. He was so fucking deep, the angle allowing him to glide against your g-spot with every thrust.
“Fuckin’,” he moaned. “You’re so good, bein’ so fuckin’ good for me, aren’t you darlin’?”
You writhed in his arms, accepting the brutal pace he’d set. His skin connected with yours over and over, a satisfying smack, smack, smack sound filling the air.
“J-Joel,” you sobbed. “Oh my fucking god, I-“ He cut you off, gripping your chin and swiftly tugging your face upward so he could see you, and then his mouth was crashing down on yours. He groaned into your mouth, tongue pressing against your lips to part them and then tangling against yours. His lips were soft and wet and you didn’t even care about the odd angle your neck was twisted at as you moaned into it. His thrusts didn’t let up for a second, even as you murmured desperate sounds against each other’s lips.  
“C’mon,” he grunted into your mouth. “Give me another one.” His hand dropped to grip your neck, the sensation only heightening the feeling of him inside you. Liquid heat was spreading in your abdomen, curling through your veins, turning your entire body into jelly. His free hand drifted down your stomach and then his middle finger was dragging across your clit, and a harsh cry spilled from your mouth.
“Shit,” you gasped, face contorting as you felt yourself near your end. He was fucking everywhere, holding you against him by your neck, pounding into you while his fingers circled your clit roughly, and the coil in your stomach just snapped. You yelled his name, body tensing up as he pushed into you, wet squelching sounds filling the air as he fucked you through your orgasm.
“Say my name,” his voice urged in your ear, and you happily obliged, chanting his name like a mantra as he worked your body through it. Within a minute he was groaning frantically, and then he pulled out, and you could feel his come coating your back as he finished. You glanced over your shoulder to see him. His mouth was ajar, soft curses falling from his lips as he gripped his cock, angling it towards you as he painted your skin with his spend.
“Sorry,” he rushed out breathlessly, wide eyes meeting yours. His shoulders shook with the intensity of his orgasm, adrenaline pumping through his veins, and you smiled at the sight. But he looked concerned, eyebrows furrowed as he looked at you warily.
“For what?” you frowned softly, rolling forward onto your stomach to free his arm that was trapped underneath you. “What’s wrong?”
“Came on you,” he clarified. “Should’ve asked first.”
A grin split across your face and his eyes lit up when he saw it, face relaxing again. “Ever the gentleman,” you chuckled. “It’s fine Joel, it was hot.”
His body relaxed and he dropped down to rest on his back, looking at you with a soft, curious expression. “It was,” he agreed quietly.
For a moment the pair of you just laid there, gazing at each other in a moment of wonder, before you suddenly became aware of how much colder the room was now that it was over. You shivered slightly, lifting to sit on your knees. Joel’s eyes trailed over your exposed body, gazing at your breasts, and your stomach, before resting on your face again.
“I’m gonna shower, and then hit the road,” you told him, cringing at the prominent ache between your thighs as you stepped off the bed. You picked your clothes up off the chair in the corner and turned back to look at him. “I’ll see you tomorrow night right, dinner at Maria and Tommy’s?”
He was watching you in a daze, eyelids heavy with drowsiness, but he nodded slowly. “Yeah,” he drawled. “Dinner at Maria and Tommy’s.” His eyes suddenly widened and he rolled over, reaching underneath his pillow before revealing a piece of small dark fabric. Your underwear. He held them out in your direction.
“Keep them big guy,” you winked, and he laughed deeply, dropping them back onto the bed.
You padded towards the door, ready to pop into the bathroom and then head home, before a thought struck you. Resting your shoulder against the doorway you looked at him again, smiling at the sight of him lying naked and fucked out on the bed, eyes closed as he breathed deeply. He looked about as relieved as you felt.
“Hey Joel,” you said quietly, and his eyes flashed open, raising an eyebrow at you. “Between us, right? Probably best if we don’t tell anyone else this happened.”
He nodded once, smiling lazily. “Between us.”
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part two
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rayroseu · 7 months
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Azul was freaking SCARY during this part Ngl lmAO imagine blasting this guy with your most powerful spell and he starts laughing like a maniac with hollow eyes and SHOTS you unexpectedly with an even more POWERFUL spell😂😂😂
I would love more insane Azul ✨✨✨✨ being businessman prim doesnt suit him as much as this lol
Also I FELT this part lol its really nice seeing Rollo get beaten up after his nonsense 💥💥👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Go get him board game club‼️‼️
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I love the buildup towards this part. Malleus was written as if he was intimated by Rollo during the fight, but then his mask of being "weak" falls off and its actually revealed that he is not intimidated by Rollo at all, in fact the way this scene's vibes gives off??? He was looking down at him, with his 'plans' and his stupid delusion about antagonizing him.
I love when TWST reminds us that Malleus is a king. ✨✨
He hides off this personality that he truly believes he's too superior than anything, that he's undefeatable.
Not gonna lie y'all, I think Malleus won't be defeated by the flowers, he emphasized this from the start, that he's fighting Rollo because the flowers will be problematic for Briar Valley, but not him yk.
Plus, this is Meleanor's kid😂 Mother didn't birth a weak dragon‼️
I think this part also mirrors in Book 7 where the Silver Owls was convinced they caught Meleanor but she just laughed at them and declared that they'll decimate every human in her sight for being insulting as to think they can ravage her land and defeat her lol.
Also the fact that Henry basically narrates her as if she's the villain of humanity by calling her a witch... It parallels to Rollo seeing Malleus (even though he didn't do anything) as the root of all evil yk.
Also possible theory for the Kind Bellringer and the Just Judge??? We all know that their story is written more peaceful here than the Disney movie.
But one thing that's strange is that No one knows what the Bellringer was fighting for even if he's considered a hero of Fleur City-- at the same time, we don't know how Rollo even got the flowers (aside from studying ancient flora)--- Basically, Fleur City lore has many plotholes and no one knows what it is and why is that-- Its like Briar Valley history...
We know the crimson flowers are a reference to the scene where Quasimodo released lava around the Notre Dame to prevent Frollo from entering....
What if in Fleur City as well,,,, Quasimodo (as the Kind Bellringer here) rebelled as well against the Just Judge (Frollo) as well?? But the Just Judge is instead credited as "the saviour of Fleur City" because the evidence of the Bellringer acrually being the saviour is burned up or smth, thats why Fleur City's history has many gaps in them...
Also the Just Judge being the actual villain in the history but remembered as a hero now because of misinformation.... It matches Rollo's punishment that he'll forever be complimented by the actions he didn't do, and its up to his guilt whether he can stand living as a fraud who actually harmed the same people thats highly regarding him rn.
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LMFAO GRIM????? DONT BULLY GRANPA TREIN??? YOU SILLY 😭😭😭😭 I wanna hug Grim he's so cute in this event.... My unruly son 💖💓💖💓🥹
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The gargoyles are so cool🥹🥹🥹💖💓💖 How does Malleus differentiate them... 💥
Also this makes me wonder.... Why Briar Valley doesn't have talking gargoyles??? Isn't Briar Valley a magical nation??? Talking non living things should be a norm for them lol
but Malleus feels like its his first time ever with a talking gargoyle lol
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he really loves nicknames rather than "titles" because people who gives him nicknames isnt shackled by the expected decorum of meeting him-- therefore these people are not acting and they are sincere with talking with him, it helps with the connection and feeling like he belongs 🥹🥹💞💞💞
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I love how Grim ran the moment he heard that someone is doing a celebratory toss lol The goofy running sfx lol 😂😂
I love how teasing Silver and Sebek was here lol Threatening to toss Idia in the air omg.. He's traumatized already from walking the stairs lol The way Sebek and Silver can be unexpectedly playful... it feels so... "Lilia taught this to them didnt he..." 😂😂😂
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WAAAAHHH YUU CENTER ATTENTION YAY YAY 💖💓💞💖💞💖💓 i love how he used his sultry smile here though lol .... He knows we waiting for his undivided attention yiiiee✨✨✨💞💞💞
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Also i hate this translation part.... In the twst JP Malleus dialogue shows the specific lyrics of "Make a Wish" hes singing rn but in TWST EN IT DOWNGRADED TO JUST " *SINGING* "l
also on the twistune, twst JP shows the lyrics but on twst en, theres none.... I don't get why they arent translating it... This game is for people who dont understand Japanese?? So its natural youre going to translate everything for us non japanese to yk... Atleast understand without googling for translations???
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YEAAA PHOTOGRAPHER YUU HERE THEY SHINE 📸📸📸📸📸😎😎😎😎 be proud your mages still have magic crowley lmfao 💥💥💥
Also i hit the image limit now... But i love the Cinderella reference from Trein's dialogue ✨✨✨ that Yuu taking pictures of the ball can make the other uninvited students more jealous lol
Its a reference to how Lady Tremaine plotted against Cinderella just for her to never attend the ball... ✨
I like this event ngl, but I feel like Rollo's story was kind of rushed ngll jdnfiind we never found out why he's so angry at Malleus, how did he even come to the conclusion that killing Malleus is killing magic, bruh...🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Malleus is not even the top 1 strongest mage??? 😂😂
Also i feel like this event was made for Idia instead, it felt like Idia was the main character imo...
I just feel like the event couldve given their dynamic more light because its so intriguing that they went to similar trauma but have different outcomes...
In a way Rollo is what Idia wouldve become if he continued tormenting himself for Ortho's death alone...
He said to Rollo that "is removing magic what your brother wouldve wish?" I think thats very telling that even if its tragic that Robot Ortho's creation was fuelled by Idia's grief and defiance that Ortho is forever gone, it was suitable for Idia's pain to remind himself that Ortho wouldve wished he goes on... as is very telling of Book 6's ending about Ortho's refusal on Idia's suicide by going with him on the Underworld...
also because I think Rollo would need some person like Idia whos blunt for regular reality checks just so he wouldn't blinded by his delusion again and ransack the world 😭😭
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kurosstuff · 3 months
HIII I was the one who requested the Lute fic and I absolutely loved it!!! I was wondering if I could request again, this time could it be a Carmilla x Reader, where she ( and her daughters ) gets redeemed and when they get to heaven they find reader who is Carmilla’s spouse ( GN! Or Male reader please ) and they realize that reader doesn’t recognize them because those who go to heaven don’t remember those who went to hell, just a lot of angst hehe
( again if you aren’t comfy doing this it’s alr ^^ !! Thank you !! )
I've never written her before I hope I did her good?♡
Also! I do only write GN! or female reader(can't write male readers I'm sorry♡)
Also what's her daughters names? I looked ut up and I'm getting like a mix of answers so their names aren't stated csuse of it
But♡ hope you dont mind how angsty I made it with? A twist♡♡
Carmilla x reader: Heaven *cruel* rule.
Carmilla didn't see herself as a angel. She's a demon for fucks sake yet- the ones more deserving to be redeemed were her daughters. But they only entertained it if she would.
So like any good mother? She joined them. Not wanting her daughters to be left behind. Wanting to ensure their safety. She trusted Charlie enough but her trust doesn't include.. the odd bunch she allowed to be helpers to the sinners on the path to be "winners"
She truly thought the dream was just that. A dream. Nothing more then just a childish wish Charlie had but here she was in heaven. Her girls in the rightful place- smiling she glanced down at her gold ring.
Maybe she'll see you- her love once again? In the only rightful place you should be in.
She smiled at the thought.
Carmilla fidgeted something felt.. off today as she walked around heaven. Her daughters are not long behind her, holding her dress in nerves. Humming seemed they also felt the same. "My daughters~ don't worry were safe now, ok?" Her new bright wings fidgeting still uncomfortable at the new feeling looking up she froze - seeing the angel - her love - the spouse she had in the living world before she was stripped away from them in death. A bright smile came onto her face seeing you- healthy- happy.
Turns out Heaven? Does have rules
Humming going through a book of rules Carmilla was so close to just giving *up* trying to find another angel was JUST as difficult with all the rules added to it. How there's a wait list but.
No one under Carmine other then her and her daughters were anywhere was there stated of another person. Frowning closing the book. Sighing, she stood up, stopping to smile at one of her daughter
"Did.. you find them, mother?" Smiling sadly, she walked to her, holding her hands out, pulling her into her arms. Her wings automatically curling around her daughter as a cocoon as if? To protect her
"Not yet, my daughter.. but I will"
"Mama- is that-" her eldest asked, whispering out watching her parent. The one she and her sister sobbed for years seeing them not with in the afterlife. But seeing you in heaven? She couldn't help but be glad you were in such a safe place.
As if sensing someone looking, you turned seeing the three newcomers moving to walk up to them to the strangers
"There you are my lo-"
"hi~ I'm glad you made it in heaven~ what's your names? I'm sure there's helper angels for new angels~" you cut off Carmilla accidentally pulling out a almost scroll looking thing "sorry I'm well aware in hell some technology is more advanced and all but~ in heaven some things like this? The council loves the old feel~" humming
Blinking, she tilted her head now. Confused? Why weren't you throwing yourself in her arms? Not calling her your love? Your wife? Bile reached the back of her throat and now an unnerving feeling. That something? Is very, very wrong here
"Do you not know me?"
That made you stop looking up at her, slowly tilting your head in thought, "..no I'm sorry, I don't believe we ever met~" before she or her daughters could ask more a voice called out- making a huge smile appear on your face the same one you used to give her- her blood ran cold.
A beautiful woman stepped out of a house holding what looked like a child. Blinking, she watched as she walked to you, kissing you gently happily humming. She finally realized. The lack of a ring on your finger- well you did have a gold band. But not your band. Not the one you wore during your marriage. Not the one that matches hers.
"I'm sorry, my friends~ My wife needs me for a moment~" Do you need any more help?" After handing her the letter with the angels name to help her and her daughters - gently wrapping her arms around them, pulling them close, sensing how upset they were rightfully so.
"..m-may I ask what the little ones' name is?" Voice breaking, making you smile, grinning looking over at her "her names Carmilla~ I don't know why, but.. the name felt very important~" Purring out kissing the child's head gently making her close her eyes nodding
Turning she guided her daughters away from her lover- her now ex lover. Not stopping until they all reached their new home. Pulling them close sobbing along with them "did they abandon us?" In her tearfully state she didn't know who asked bur she was quick to shut that idea down kissing her daughters heads
"No, no- they'd never - not in a million centuries... heaven.. heaven makes angels forget demons. It's a cruel thing.. that I forgot about - im- I'm so sorry. " Holding them closer, sobbing loudly with them until they passed out from exhaustion looking out the window tearfully sorrowful. Like the day she lost you- she lost you permanently.
She couldn't WOULDN'T tell you. It'd be wrong. Even though she wishes to kiss you. Have you in her arms once more. She wouldn't do that to you. Or your wife. Especially with your child. Its none of your faults for the law of heaven and hell. But - she couldn't help but think. If she wasn't such a horrid woman in the living. Didn't get her daughters involved? Would she have gone to Heaven with you?
Would that child be hers?
It was a cruel, sick thought she quickly took away. Looking down disgusted with herself. She sighed
"I hope your.. happy my love" she whsipering rubbing the band on her finger. She needed time. Then she'll finally take it off. Closing her eyes she sighed.
Love is.. painful.
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born-in-hell · 1 month
Important Information!
Hello! This post was written in january and febuary, before the workers at Quackity Studios came out with their stories. Ever since then, i haven't been following the QSMP as a server, despite still writing a fic based on it and following the situation with the workers somewhat closely. I just can't care about it as much as i did. Im posting this theory because it meant a lot to me at the time. I truly believed i was right, and that Badboyhalo would be the main antagonist. I even had the throry that the QSMP would end in a dispute between q!Fit (Madagio + The Rebellion) and q!BBH (Fed). I worked for such a long time gathering evidence for, organizing and writing this post that it just feels bad to keep it in. Today (30/4/24), another ex-admin, named Elk, released a statement, that said: "There was an odd rule where main island lore was never allowed to tie into creator-specific lore, despite creators actively wanting to involve themselves with the federation and being permitted to do so and certain creators having a HUGE influence on the overall lore.". This just erased any and all motivations i ever had to make a theory that links everything together. There was never a truly coherent story. Which makes not only this theory, but any and all theories that link the player characters to the main island lore, useless. Being honest, i just didnt want this post to go to waste, mostly because i worked a lot on it. For that, this post is very much not finished. Most texts are not fully written - my ideas are not as developed as i wish they were. And i apologize for this, i just dont have the energy to finish this. If you want to know my take on the QSMP lore, you can check out my fanfic. Despite all this, I hope you all enjoy this.
This is a compilation of all the evidence we have to support the Special Guest Theory.
I created this mainly to show people that don't have as much free time or are just dont have the energy to think about or remember all this why the Special Guest Theory does make sense.
This is a colaborative work, as I wouldnt be able to think about all this without these wonderful people: @lionheartedmusings @demodraws0606 @lxrd-ren @skullhalo @windchime-of-teeth
Where it all started: The ARG Emails
On Feb 21, Quackity Studios posted this tweet, that had an ARG puzzle.
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The "special invitation" also grasps my attention, but it might be coincidental wording.
Decyphering the puzzle, it lead to a Google Doc, that had many emails.
Among them, there was this one:
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[Respectful greetings, We are seeking quotes for the purchase of 1393 muffins to satisfy the extra demand of our special guest. For those who are not aware of the situation, it was pointed out that it is an obligation to share two muffins per person in the workspace to guarantee happy and productive work. We wish to receive your commercial proposals as soon as possible. We appreciate your commitment and effort in preparing your offers for evaluation. Sincerely,]
So uhm... muffins right? Who could it possiblly be referencing?
I honestly can't think of no one else besides q!Badboyhalo, even outside of the qsmp, whose brand is so intrinsically connected to this little cake things.
The number is also very specific. If every worker needs 2 muffins, why is the order an odd number? That just isn't divisible equally to everyone.
-> I will make a separate post detailing what i think the 1393 could be referencing.
I want to mention here that, by the way this email is written,
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q!Badboyhalo's Teaser Post
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Ok, so there are a coulple things to pay attention about this post. First the muffins are a clear reference to Bad (there's no arguing here, he is the muffins guy).
Second, where it was posted; unlike all the other cc teasers ─ that were posted on @/quackity4k, quackity's alt twitter account ─ this one was posted on the official Quackity Studios account, along with the arg post that is.
-> These are the other QSMP cc teasers:
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Third, its the only teaser thats accompanied by "welcome to the QSMP". All the others either include something related to the cc (like a bird emoji for Jaiden), or teasing words (closer; up next).
Fourth, the milk emoji. Its curious, and out of place. It is so odd and specific that it deserved to be discussed.
Especially considering that, coincidentally, this is what Badboyhalo responded to the QSMP teaser that i'll talk about later:
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Milk is often ─ surprisingly ─ a symbol commonly used with villains in media, to symbolize various things, but mostly to cause a discomfort in the audience, as milk is associated with purity and childhood. So pairing it with ruthless and cruel villains creates an unsetteling atmosphere.
-> Some reference links: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4
The Teaser Video
-> click here to watch the video
The video starts off in a dimly lit room, with some boxes, and, most notably, a tv, a vcr player and a chair. A shadowy figure enters the room, and inserts a cassette on the player. A promotional video of Quesadilla Island starts playing. It shows the figure watching the video, and the scene is interrupted by a black screen with "20 years later" written. It ends with two other shadowy figures (Quackity and Slime, presumably) talking in the train that took the first group to our current Quesadilla.
The only thing that we can notice on this person, is a little white marking on both their left and right hand.
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Some theorized it could be qFit, but he doesn't have the marking on his right hand.
Right side /// Left side
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The only character, from the first group of islanders, who has a white marking on both hands is q!Badboyhalo.
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And q!Badboyhalo being part of the fed in 2003 does also make sense in his lore; he's never mentioned where he was or what he was doing around the late 1990's and early 2000's.
Unlike fit, who was 13 in 2003. He was a child ─ he was only a bit older than q!Cellbit during the war.
This is, in my opinion, one of the most substantial evidences we have of q!Badboyhalo being involved in whatever the fed is doing.
The 2013 War
When qCellbit started researching the fed, as a child, he was forcefully exiled from Quesadilla, because he found out too much about what was going on. Maybe the tests on children (q!Baghera and the other deceased hybrids), as he says this on his letter to q!Bagi:
[...] I saw everything inside, they were doing all this beneath our very feet… it’s horrible, Bagi. You don’t deserve this, I don’t want you to have to live with these guys. So meet me on the other side of this ocean Bagi. I’ll be going now, I don’t care if I have to swim until [...]
-> You can check q!Cellbit's old diaries translated into english on this post
He ended up, somehow, in a war, where he, coincidentally, first met q!BBH.
q!Bad has stated he was in the war to overlook it.
Antoine's Comic
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This comic was given it was given, from Cucurucho, specifically to q!Badboyhalo.
-> check this twitter clip of antoine's talk with cucurucho to see the full conversation
The Purgatory Puzzle
Codeflippa lead qBBH, qAypierre and qMaximus throughout the maze, into a white room with a red button. Before activating the button, this was shown to them:
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-> Could the asterisks mean Badboy? or maybe Mr. Halo?
They pressed the button, and then recieved this book:
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Via a warpstone, they were taken to another maze, this one with a puzzle and two pictures of cucurucho.
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After going through some rooms, they found a small pillar, with Dapper's hat on top of it, as you can see here:
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Why? Why was dapper's hat there?
If this is a foreshadowing to the fact that Dapper would always be the eggs that would be freed from purgatory, independently from the roulette, than why Dapper?
What makes Dapper special, or different from the other kids, that earned him this, and possibly his life?
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The group found themselves in a circular room, with three die. These die, coincidentally, had the same colors as q!Badboyhalo and Dapper: black, red and white.
There was a chest, and in it, they recieved this books:
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Badboyhalo was shortly after teleported into the middle of the room, so he could play the game.
He thew the die and got a 7.
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He then was gifted this ticket:
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Again, why q!Badboyhalo? What makes him different?
It can't be him being a demon, since Mouse and Tina were already on the island.
So what makes him so special that, not only theres a full puzzle dedicated to him (as evidenced by Dapper's hat, and qBad being the chosen one for the game), but he's the first person (not counting q!Bagi nor q!Carre) to get a ticket? He's the only islander that had to go through this puzzle to get it, the other ones were just teleported into the room. Not even q!Max or q!Pierre got tickets that day.
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askew-d · 2 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "askew-d "?
hello, there! sorry for the long wait, i forgot to check my notifs :( i will do better next time. thank you for this question! i feel like i’ve waited ages for someone to ask me exactly that, lol. i could talk about well-written fanfics forever!! can i give you a hug? because this is wonderful, really.
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let’s go for it! my range of fanfiction that i enjoy vary, but one thing remains: i will adore your fic, no matter the fandom, if it’s written with passion and if it contains good, poetic introspection. i love poetry. for me, if there’s melancholic tropes of any kind i’m into it. immortal character and reincarnation? give me now. supernatural elements or slice of life with doomed narrative? i’ll ignore sleep to read it. angst with happy ending? my endgame, for sure.
however, i also adore silly, comedic, cute pieces of domestic life or otherwise. i had a hard time choosing from my bookmarks for this, and i also reviewed some of my favorites, it was fun. before we continue, here are some of the tags that i don’t dive into for whatever reason: porn without plot (it personally just doesn’t interest me at all), non-con, gore, a/b/o dynamics, soulmates au. sorry if you were hoping for it! i’ll try classify them into an order of what i like most.
1. jellyfish, by mystery twin, for the haikyuu!! fandom — i read this when i was finishing high school and coincidentally the story talks about finishing high school! i have a personal attachment that makes me reread it every year. it’s some sort of tradition at this point. not to mention i love kagehina dearly.
2. teen project to change the world, by animeloverhomura, for the mo dao zu shi fandom — respectfully speaking, i would find this author and give them a big hug. their writing is spetacular! if you've never seen this one and you're into mdzs, know it's a story where the characters get to see every event from the novel and donghua, even the dead characters. they watch wei wuxian journey, can you believe it? so goddamn entertaining. promptly waiting for the next update!
3. a hundred or so hellos, by iwillstillopenthewindow, for the haikyuu!! fandom — remember i said i love melancholic stories? well, this one broke me so hard, i had to mention how i hold it with tenderness (we love things that breaks us, dont we?). this fandom manages to write the cutest, most unhinged things sometimes. even it's an anime about sports. i always get amazed by it.
4. no certainty of doors between us, by betts, for the mo dao zu shi fandom — certainly the most silly little fanfic i've ever seen, it's hilariously sweet. i want everyone to read this masterpiece because, seriously, whoever did this deserves only the best. so, so, cute. it had to be in my top 10!
5. their kindred encounters, by fireflavoredwhiskey, for the untamed rpf fandom (bjyx) — you know those kinds of shows, books, any piece of media, that tears up apart? well, this one was it for me. it's a very famous one that deserves all praise, certainly well-written and enjoyable to the core, with doses of angst, romance and beauty overall.
6. as the clouds part and clear, we finally meet again, by 12262325, for the mo dao zu shi fandom — aaaaa, i was truly torn between putting this in the third or fourth place, but i ended up putting it here. come on, i love an age difference kind of story, especially for wangxian, and this one was perfectly done. sweet and funny. the development? the yearning?? outstanding!! i read this many times already, i'll never get tired.
7. pursuit, by emleewrites, for the haikyuu!! fandom — mystery, romance, lawsuits, poker games, adventure, slice of life, AMAZING depictions and so, so goddamn well-written? that's what you're looking for in any fanfiction. the author dedicated herself entirely for this story, and, like i said, i love stories that are written with passion, you can see it pouring through every paragraph. besides, highly entertaining. i'm not very into long fics, but once i started it off, i couldn't stop. that's how addicting it is.
8. linger by the door (i’ve always been yours), by piecrust, for the mo dao zu shi fandom — epistolary?? have i mentioned how i love it?? some of the phrases in this are gold, in my bookmarks you can check some of them (i ought to make a list of my favorite fic quotes, btw, i will sure do it). through each letter i could comprehend more of wei wuxian's feelings and his internal conflict. i love feeling this connected to a character.
9. all the world is ours to take, by khrys, for the fugou keiji fandom — i have more than one favorite fanfiction for this couple. you know these kinds of developing relationship where the transition from (maybe enemies too) friends to lovers happens so smoothly that it feels like they've been soulmates first and foremost at the end? i don't even know how to explain. i just love how, when they finally are together, it's like they've been together for years. and they just... made it official? i like it. i love my mr. kambe haru.
10. he won’t tell you that he loves you, by hellshandbasket, for the house m.d fandom — i found this to be the most fitting, perfect story for this specific couple. they deserved more stories like this, but we dont see it anymore. i would hightlight the feelings realization in this one, that is so fucking real? haha in any case, it's a fanfic that i enjoyed a great deal.
that's it, i guess! i wanted to add link click fanfics also, however i barely started reading fanfictions from its fandom, i'm drowning in it lately but it's just a start. perhaps very sooon!
oh, i’m gonna finish explaining about the name! in my native language, i’ve heard someone tell me before that ‘life’s a little askew, nothing’s ever perfect’, and that quote remained in every biography of any english website i ever went to. then in literature class someday i had to write about historical women and came across this one named anne askew (i wanted to write about the mostly barely-spoken women). it was the second time i saw this word. i didn’t think of it as a proper name before, but then i had to create a nickname for my ao3 profile and thought, humn, why not just ‘askew’? the quote has been engraved in my heart anyway, so i went for it. we’re all flawed and askew. so, yeah, it just… fit? the ‘d’ here on tumblr it’s only because my surname has a ‘de morais’ in it. i also liked that it resembled ‘alaska’, the john green character i was kinda of obsessed with back in my teenager grunge phase. i don’t like these kinds of books anymore, but i guess some details stay with you. do you think it’s weird? never thought of changing.
thanks for this outstanding ask, it certainly entertained me. and hope you have a nice sleep today, big hugs coming your way! 🤍
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fic rec friday 13
welcome the the tenth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. i was always yours (even before you knew it) by paladarns
Lance thought Keith was just an asshole. Lance has always thought of Keith as an asshole, all throughout traveling into space in a large mechanical lion, all throughout bonding moments. All throughout becoming closer as teammates and friends.
Even now, with his hands pinned above his head and Keith’s thighs straddling his waist, Lance thinks Keith is an asshole.
Lance had always thought he could see right through people, but now he’s starting to think he has a bad judgement of people.
---------- a fic in which keith is obvious and lance is a bit of a gay nervous wreck
takes place as if season 1 is the only season to exist but its now years later
so many things to love about this fic. so so many. so i am going to list them. a) secret relationship bc i love that shit and eat it up every time, b) ‘takes place as if season 1 is the only season to exist but its now years later’ -- paladarns my love thank you for this truly excellent description of where i write my fics like 80% of the time. c) keith has game, and d)  HE WAS ALWAYS KEITHS EVEN BEFORE HE KNEW IT IM SOBBING BEST TROPE BEST TROPE
2. Wake Up, Sleephyhead! by @transbakugou
Keith has never loved someone like he loves Lance. Lance is his sun, his stars, his happiness. Their hands fit together like they were created to do nothing but hold each other, and he fits perfectly inside of Lance's arms. But he can never let anyone find out how much he loves this boy, how wholly and endlessly. Who knows what the Galra would do with that kind of information?
One morning, the lie comes crashing down around them.
Maybe it won't be as bad as they feared.
i love gay whipped klance and truly every single fic that has ever been written based on a vine is truly amazing, this fic is no exception. also secret relationship lol i am a sucker
3. Something Secret by @kingswriting
It was funny at first. Their arguments became more banter than actual disagreements, yet the entire team continued to assume they were at each other’s throats.
And Lance knows they’re not. He is fully aware that every sharp word, every sly smirk, every heavy handed push, and everything in between is anything but malicious.
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t miss the softer side of things.
Or, Lance and Keith are in a secret relationship, but honestly want to omit the 'secret' part.
okay u can always tell what tag im following obsessively at certain times lol. for yall i present yet another secret relationship fic. ahem. this one is cute! banter and flirting and misleading and kisses and GOD its so sweet
4. Things Held Sacred by yarrie
So maybe, just maybe, Pidge was right. Maybe, just maybe, Keith had shot himself in the foot with his first attempt at resolving the blanket-hogging situation, because now Lance seemed to think it was a game and the rules were: steal the blankets, get sex.
To be fair, Keith hadn't exactly been...dissuading him very well.
okay so heres how this works. every fic rec friday so far has been from a specific collection of mine called ‘rereadables’, which was literally started because of this fic. i dont even know what specific part of this fic gets to me so hard, but you know when you read something that makes your stomach go all swoopy? and you can’t stop smiling? thats this fic! i remember i finished it for the first time and then i scrolled right back up to the top and read it again, then again, and again. like i cannot get over this fic. it gives me butterflies every time
5. Communication is key, they say by @ellana17
They already had communication issues before… Or: a malfunction with a healing pod leaves Lance able to speak only Spanish for a few days.
the idea of lance getting stuck in spanish and then almost immediately using that to flirt with keith without him knowing. like. i love that SO much that is quite possibly one of the funniest concepts to exist
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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wolffoxnation2 · 3 months
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@parrotxx You asked earlier and I already had it in my drafts for a bit so heres all ive written for it so far.
I wonder if this still technically counts as canon compliant cus its the same scene and dialogue and doesnt go against anything in the book because we dont get Loki's thoughts.
Anyways im having a fucking blast with Loki's narration.
I do love my kids, despite popular belief and some of my actions. Yes, I'm aware that forcing one of my daughters to marry a giant doesn't exactly scream 'Parent of the Year'. But it'll only be for a day at the latest. Then I'll be free and kill everyone—except my children and my wife.
That snake's gonna get it, though.
"Welcome, Magnus Chase!" I grinned at the boy, "I hope you'll excuse me if I don't get up.".
"Gods." The boy muttered, looking at me with...
Was that pity in his eyes? I haven't seen that kind of feeling towards me in years. More pure hate and disdain is what I'm used to.
I chuckled, forgetting for a moment. "Oh no; no gods here! They never visit. They sealed us in and left us. It's just me and my lovely wife, Sigyn. Say hello, Sigyn."
Sigyn stayed silent, as usual. She looked up at the entourage but didn't show any emotion.
"Oh, that's right," I said bitterly. "Sigyn hasn't spoken in a thousand years—ever since the Aesir, in their infinite wisdom, butchered our sons and abandoned us here to suffer for eternity."
It was actually two thousand and sixteen years, ten months, and four days. But hey, who's counting?
"But where are my manners? This is a happy occasion! How are you, Thyrm, son of Thyrm, son of Thyrm, son of Thyrm?"
Happy for me, more like. I can't say the same for anyone else in this cave; most of them will be dead. Sigyn hasn't been truly happy for two thousand and sixteen years, ten months, and four days, and my daughters have already made their feelings well known about this.
The giant groom—nope, nope! I can't even say it, and if I have to ever again, I'm throwing myself on Heimdall's sword—the giant looked uncomfortable.
The discomfort might have been because it was his wedding day, which was understandable. I remember my wedding day with my first wife, Angrboda. Gods, I was so nervous I shapeshifted into a goat at the altar. It was so embarrassing!
Or the discomfort could have been because he was in my presence. Which is also understandable, considering my —mostly true— terrible reputation.
Either way, I was enjoying his discomfort. I'm really not liking the way he is looking at my daughter.
"H-hello, Loki. It—it's actually just three Thryms..."
I do not care, I thought.
"And I am ready to seal our alliance with a marriage".
And I have been ready to be done with it since you walked in. I also thought but decided to, for once, keep my mouth shut voluntarily.
Instead I said, "Yes, of course! You brought the Skofnung sword!"
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Phullo there, I’d like to ask you a question! I hope I won’t be such a bothersome.
So, I’m planning to write a story about Laughingstock and since I find your storytelling very pleasing I figured it’d be a great idea to ask for your advice about the writing!
My Idea in general for this story is just Howdy taking a day off from working in his bodega. And basically, he’ll be just wearing normal clothes.. shocking truly.
And thennn, Barnaby and Howdy accidentally stumbled into each other’s path. They later then of course had a very long conversation that lasted until evening maybe.
Of course there’ll be some fishy moments like them looking at each other with goggly eyes and other cheesy romantic nonsense- but it’s just mainly them having their usual conversation with a ‘couple’ of jokes here and there. It’s supposed to be a sweet memory for them to remember basically.
So, what I’m really trying to ask you for is- how the heck do you start a story exactly and not make it into just the dialogues? Like, I want my story to be kind of long but I’m afraid it’ll be just them, y’know, talking and I really don’t want it to be boring.. therefore, I really need your help.
I am so sorry if it’s such a bad timing considering the fact that you just had an interview which I am very proud for you for that! Even if it didn’t go as expected at least you did good half of it.
Soo, yeah! I’d very much appreciate your advice and I am sooo sorry that this was soo long!!! And again, a bad timing too.. but hey if you got any time, please consider answering. Thank you..
Also any response yet? On the interview of course.
hmmm... in my experience and Knowledge Accumulated Over The Years via reading And writing... the best place to start is to just drop in. no story introduction, no "it was a dark and stormy night", just Start. it sounds like your story begins with Howdy taking the day off, so maybe kick off with him getting ready / choosing an outfit, or w/ him reflexively almost opening the store before he stops and chides himself for almost forgetting that he's taking the day off
to combat the dialogue, maybe detail him leaving the bodega to go into the neighborhood. what does he see? hear? feel both physically and mentally? is there anyone else out and about? set the scene! ive been struggling with this too lately since i haven't seriously written in a while and i haven't been reading actual books
WHICH! IMPORTANT TANGENTS!! read well-written books, Not fanfic! im not saying dont read fanfic ever or i'd be the world's biggest hypocrite, but also read actual books. it's important to study how published authors write, how stories are structured, dialogue and action. because these books have more often then not gone through a Rigorous screening process. multiple drafts, beta readers, publishers reading it with great scrutiny before agreeing to publish - of course there are exceptions, but a lot of books are the highest quality they can be, and will outshine most fics. because, and i say all of this as good things, fics are unregulated. most dont have beta readers. a lot are from amateur authors new to the scene. there will be spelling mistakes, weird grammar & sentence structure, etc - most fics have Entirely different writing styles from each other. so if you only read fanfic, That is what your brain will learn, and it's gonna be harder for you to write. published books have less variation in styles, and the styles are subtler. there's less spelling mistakes if any, so your spelling will improve. your internal vocabulary will expand. even if you don't consciously study what you read, your brain will pick up on & internalize patterns, how action works, how dialogue works, how to structure a story, all that good stuff. if you want, i can recommend well-written books! i've been an avid reader since... like, ever. i've got recs galore! you can tell me your preferred genre & literary interest and i'll probably have something for you! and if you're not big on books, well... get out of your comfort zone lmao, books are fucking awesome and i guarantee there are plenty out there that you would love.
and when you're writing dialogue, intersperse it with little actions or the main povs' internal dialogue. if there's a natural lull in the conversation, explore that lull! what do the characters do in this moment? what's going on around them? sprinkle bits of setting in so that your reader knows where they are and what's going on.
plus, exploring the non-dialogue sections of your story can, and often will, spark inspiration in your brain for scenes and actions to fill out the story if you want it to be long (but also! if you just want to write the scene of their conversation, that's the beauty of fanfic - there's no requirements. do whatever you want lmao). when Howdy is going into town, maybe Wally calls him over for a quick pose - does Howdy say yes or no, and how does that decision change the story? maybe Julie invites him to join her in a game, or Eddie stops to talk to Howdy about him being out and about. maybe there are some complaints over the bodega not being open. what's the lead-up to Howdy and Barnaby running into each other? do they literally run into each other? what happens when they do? those are just a few possibilities of many!
remember, when you're writing, you're that story's god. you can do literally fucking anything. you decide what the characters do, where they go, what happens in their world. that mindset should help you bolster the plot instead of just "these two characters have a conversation", yk?
i hope this helps!
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inevitably-johnlocked · 3 months
i have a confession
recently i had some trouble and had to delete an email
problem is, i used the google docs there to write my fics. and i thought i downloaded them all, but only one of my major ones did, and i lost everything else
literally all of it
i am anonymous because i lost my tumblr acc but on ao3 i am veetheree, and i had this longer dilemma regarding my potterlock fic (pretty disillusioned with rowling and all.that, unsure whether to continue) but even so i saw that a lot of people subscribed to it and i wanted to at least see where the story leads, i had over 300k words apart from the 40k i published
and i domt hve it anymore :') i didnt check the process because it seemed okay and i had other uni and work stuff to take care of, and now i check it and :') it's gone :')) im not doing well, and i am going to delete the fic i think
i dont have the energy to maintain it and i dont want it to be left in the dust either - i have lost all hope for it, and this is just a punch in the gut. and i was proud of the plot and how i intertwined the 2 worlds too
this is mostly just a rant because i dont really have anybody else who can relate to the pain of fic writing and the challenges that come with it
also, as to why i had to delete the email - it's complicated, hacking situation and such, but it happened over 2 months ago so im not able to retrieve it and neither do i really feel like looking into it, im done with that fic for good 😭
that's all, thank you for being a safe space for me to go to, and i apologise to anyone who was waiting for that fic to be updated :(
Hey Lovely *HUGS*
OH GOODNESS, I'm SO sorry you had a garbage time with your email, and even more so, accidentally deleted fics from your Google Drive without saving all of them. I'm TERRIFIED of losing my own fics from my G-Drive all the time (I do actually write and have about 15 "snippets" of fics on there) and back them up religiously.
That said, I can understand how life can overtake literally everything and just make being online Too Much™ – happens to me all the time 💜🖤. And I know how disheartening it can be to just... not have the motivation anymore to continue on with something, heaven knows I've done that plenty in my 40 years, LOL. And Lovely, we have to remember to do what's best for us in the long run.
When I was a teen, I wrote a fairly popular Sonic fanfic series that I never completed, literally left it on a cliffhanger. This was back before even FFNet, and fics were distributed in the Sonic fandom on our Geocities pages via Webring, LOL. After life took over, it still remains unfinished over 20 years later. I recently found the original word docs of all 9 of the stories (with the 10th one half-finished) and while I cringe at my bad writing from back then, I still love immersing myself in that world. One of these days, maybe I'll finish it, because I do think it was a great concept and intriguing storyline that dealt a lot with humanity and sentience, just obviously written by a teenager, hahaha.
The point of that anecdote? We can still love the things we wrote, and still want to engulf ourselves in that world from time to time and not feel bad about it. And if you decide to come back to it a decade from now, that's okay too. You're only human.
And never EVER hesitate to come here for a friendly eyeball to vent to. I try my best to make y'all feel not so alone. Glad to see you are okay, Vee, truly. That's what's most important.
*SNUGGLE BUGGLE HUGGLE* I hope you have a beautiful, prosperous day. And I'm sure your fic-fans understand <3
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paintbrushnebula · 10 days
That Would Be Beautiful
Foreword: SO! This is a Tangled one shot, its a very small part of this Tangled AU that I've had a lot of ideas and concepts and plot stuff accumulated in my notes app and in my sketchbooks for. I've been calling it "Rapunzel: Year One" for fun (I might just keep calling it that for now), since it's supposed to chronicle Rapunzel's first year out of the Tower, navigating her new responsibilities, her new relationships, and what she wants out of life.
This scene is of Rapunzel trying to learn more about Gothel, what she did when she wasn't at the tower, what her life was like. The idea is that Rapunzel's trying to find some way to prove to herself that Gothel could be humanized, that she wasn't "all that bad" or that there was some sort of explanation for why Gothel treated Rapunzel the way she did.
It's very small, just 1k~ words, it's incomplete and there's more to the scene but I just needed to post something for now bc I think my blog has been a tad revealing about my tendency to abandon personal projects and just leave WIPs and never follow up on them and I just didn't want it to seem like I was doing that again
Ive never written Tangled before omg I dont know if I met my ambitions here pls pls pls give me your thoughts or criticisms they are welcome
It felt ironic in a way that really depressed Rapunzel, how four weeks and a haircut ago, she had all the time in the world with nothing to really do. Now, there was so much that could be done, with what sometimes felt like no time at all.
This was one of those times. 
Rapunzel’s eyes spent more time looking at the clock on the castle library wall than at the page of her chemistry book. Now time was spilling away quick, and any moment now, the pleasant click clack of Lady Desdemona’s pompadour heels would reverberate off the library walls, a much appreciated warning to hide away her research before her tutor dragged her away to the next lesson.
Rapunzel knew Lady Desdemona probably wouldn’t think much of the stack of chemistry, engineering and geography books and loose folios sprawled about, all populated with equations and notes, as well as a few quick pencil sketches of imagined, cuddly moments between her and her beloved. Y'know, for emotional support.
At least, Rapunzel was sure the governess wouldn’t become privy on what Rapunzel had actually been at the library researching. 
It was weird to be so concerned about what the governess would think if she caught Rapunzel trying to teach herself how to find out how old a cloak was and where it's been, but Desdemona was so invested in Rapunzel’s business. Always asking her questions about what she was doing, and why she was doing it. Always taking a moment during lessons to ask if Rapunzel needed a break. Asking how she felt about a royal event when one was coming up. If it made her stressed, if she wanted to talk about it. Always analyzing her behavior like she was some doctor assigned to study Rapunzel’s mental health. Reporting every symptom, every weird quirk back to her parents. 
Rapunzel made a mental note to read up on Lady Desdemona, to see if she had any history in dealing with people's mental health (Rapunzel remembered reading that that specific profession had a name...psychiatry?). She guessed her parents were sensible to   hire a governess to tutor her in the ways of princesshood, who could also ensure Rapunzel was emotionally well-adjusted to her new life. 
She knew she should feel grateful. They’ve gone through the trouble of finding a teacher who could help Rapunzel properly find her footing. Sheknew it wasn’t fair to be frustrated.
It wouldn’t have made Rapunzel so uncomfortable if this process hadn’t been so revealing about what her parents truly thought of her: that she was a damaged girl who needed serious help.
Maybe I am. 
After 6 days of meticulous research in between Desdemona’s lessons, Rapunzel was feeling pretty confident in her ability to date the sediment she picked out of Gothel’s cloak. It alleviated the nagging apprehension and doubt that'd built up in her stomach to learn that humanity had discovered a way to find out the age of an object. Humans had the power to uncover the stories behind relics of eras so long ago and tell them to the world. It made her all cozy knowing that nothing could ever really be forgotten, because smart people were just that curious. That's amazing.
Mmph, delicious. Science is like food for the mind.
Well, technically that's fish. Also eggs.
Rapunzel just needed a proportional counter to count the carbon, as well an actual microscope to spot any pollen or exotic soils that might trace to any regions beyond Corona's borders. She was lucky to even manage the delicate process of plucking sediment from the cloak’s wool with her old magnifying glass. A gift for her eleventh birthday, a relic from a phase when she took deep interest in the insects that’d cluster at the banisters that stretched from wall to wall high above the tower’s floor. 
One of the few things she took with her before leaving that life behind.
At this point, there was nothing more Rapunzel needed to know to enact her experiment. But she didn't own the proper equipment to enact it. Rapunzel didn't even think about how she'd access that type of equipment. She hasn't met any scientists or engineers yet. 
Where do scientists live? There's gotta be, like, a big fancy lab where they work somewhere in the city, right? She'd ask someone, but she wasn't ready for any follow up questions they might ask. 
She knew it'd be so much easier to just ask her parents for the equipment, but what if they were curious about her activity? 
Rapunzel was just too paranoid about anyone finding out about the cloak. 
She was on her own. 
Suddenly Rapunzel noticed how her finger was seemingly stuck running itself in a lulling circle over the leathery skin of the chemistry book's cover. Tough, coarse, yet so lulling, like the palms of Eugene's hands. It soothed away all the pollutant thoughts, leaving alone one singular thing she wondered about. 
It'd be so easy to close the book, lock the cloak away under her bed and take a nap on Eugene's chest. At this hour he was probably still sleeping. He wouldn't stir if she snuck into his room and plopped face down on his chest and get lost. Forget the cloak. Forget Desdemona. Forget her lessons. Forget being a princess. It sounds so easy. Easy and right. 
It made her weak just thinking about how easy it would be to have peace. 
But there was so much Rapunzel didn’t know, and she’s just so confused. The thrill mixed with dread at there being answers to where it all went wrong, answers she might never know if she didn’t search for them, was stinting her growth into her new life. It was getting in the way of her progress too much. 
If she could get a date from the dirt in that cloak, maybe trace a few places of origin, she could make a historical record of Gothel's earlier life. Before the tower. Find a trail and follow it back to its roots. What she'd lived through. Where she was from. 
Did she have family? 
To be continued...
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scepterno · 8 months
Oh my god I love nsfw with acc feelings in it it makes it so real and meaningful icl
I remember reading one where Alejandro was insanely focused on Noah and like to get handsy and describe every part he loved ab him😭 Alejandro when he’s not playing in TD is so different towards people (if he wasn’t attracted to Heather he’d be attracted to Noah?? Or something like that I remember seeing it) but yeah Noah felt so safe with him and wasn’t at all nervous to say no to things in the fic it was so sweet☹️
I haven't read any nsfw fics of alenoah simply because.. erm...... i do not enjoy a lot of alenoah fics in general.. i cannot shake the feeling that most are written by teens so i just tend to avoid them by virtue of not wanting to read some high schooler's fanfic. i am a stickler about proper grammer, syntax, rhythm and beats, or what have you. *pushes up glasses* i am a scholar in STEM at heart. do not let the art degree fool you! when you get older and go to college you tend to...................................... now, i don't mean to be rude, but you tend to refine your tastes in literature, aka silly gay fanfics in the internet.
i just cannot bring myself to sit through more than 2 sentences of a fic if there's not proper punctuation or grammar. (also you can sort of tell when a fic is written by someone young or inexperienced, which, you know, power to them! you cant get better if you dont suck first! but that does not. mean. i will subject myself to Suck) i simply cannot. it hurts my bones.
that was a totally unrelated tangent. WOOPS. sourry 'bout that, mate.
what you're thinking of is the reddit AMA with alejandro's original voice actor where someone asked if they could see alejandro being attracted to anyone other than Heather, using Noah as an example, and he agreed. (they kind of led him into that one, so i take it with a grain of salt, but celebrate nonetheless)
i personally cannNNNAWWWWTTTT see Noah as submissive in a sexual situation with alejandro. with someone like Emma? yeah. sure. vaporize that stupid twink. but with alejandro, who brings out the competitive, spiky side to Noah??? i cant see him assuming the submissive role. maybe he likes to get pampered and Pillow Princess'd once in a while (he is VERY lazy to his core, after all).
i do find it interesting how most people tend to agree that alejandro would be a much better person as soon as he's no longer on reality television. although, i suppose that applies to most characters, especially the villains.
i personally still think that alejandro has a nasty side, since he wasn't ALLOWED to have a nasty side around his family (or he'd get a beating). being on total drama let him have fun with being a complete asshole, which is not something he was ever allowed to do before then, because he's supposed to be perfect! and suave! and a gentleman! Chris hired him to be a dirtbag, so he played the part and had a blast doing it (until it bit him in the ass)
i do regret not being able to show alejandro's Nasty Side more in my fic, but i dont' really think there was room for it given how hard he was trying to redeem himself both in his family's eyes, as well as Noah's. once he and Noah are more comfortable with each other, Alejandro definitely allows himself to be let loose a bit and forego the manners. he truly DOES admire that Noah isn't a pushover, because he considers himself one and wishes, deep down, that he wasn't so compelled to be a people pleaser. there is a subconscious filter in his brain that keeps him generally polite, just because it's been drilled into him by his family (diplomatic and strict, cough cough) that being undesirable or off-putting is something to be punished for.
EGADS, it appears I have allowed myself to ramble again, so I'll cut it off here. sorry for using your fairly straightforward message as a means of info-dumping. 'tis the turn of the tide, or what have you.
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delanceyposting · 3 months
Incredibly long post but i wanted to post oscar Alcoholism era on here. Also posted on ao3
1000~ words, cws for alcoholism, violence, and referenced child ab*se. Please ignore things that dont make sense This is the longest Thing that ive written and actually finished in forever
It was inevitable, bound to happen at some point. Maybe it was the cards he had been dealt, or perhaps it was simply a matter of genetics, but one thing was clear and undoubtable; the amount that Oscar drank definitely was not normal.
He snootily claimed that he could stop any time he wanted, but the truth is, he completely lost control the moment he had a beer in his hands. One was never enough to distract him from the vile being he had made out of himself. In fact, one beer could hardly even get him buzzed after his constant series of binge drinking.
Oscar was constantly coming home late at night, then being incredibly hungover in the morning, slumped over a bucket and puking his brains out. But alas, that couldn’t even stop him from going out and doing it again in the same day.
He absolutely despised the lack of control that he had over himself. Sure, he hated not having power over the other things in his life, but not having power over himself was an entirely different story. You can be above everything your life and do just fine, but are you ever truly fine if you aren’t above yourself?
This constant carousal became so prominent that Morris, and even Otto, had to step in. A make-shift intervention, if you will. Oscar was furious over it, screaming that they had no business dictating what he could do to his own body, and that he was going to continue purely out of spite for them.
“Mo, I tried to tell’ya that this whole fuckin’ thing was pointless,” Otto scoffed, arms folded across his chest as he sat sprawled out next to Morris on the tattered couch, “he ain’t even worth it.”
Otto knew how to push his buttons, and unfortunately for him, Oscar wasn’t gonna take it. Already slightly inebriated, and now blinded by rage, he landed a forceful blow to Otto’s jaw before he could even recognize what he was doing. The initial hit had already knocked him out cold, but Oscar just kept brutally socking him with absolutely no mercy. It was like something horrible had possessed him and was taking complete control of his body. In that moment, any and all dominance he had over himself vanished faster than he could count out 20 papes.
It took both the forces of Morris and Wiesel to pry Oscar away from his unconscious, bleeding cousin. When he finally snapped back into reality, he was met with a thoroughly battered and bruised Otto, bright red liquid dripping down from the shallow gashes scattered across his freckled face. His jaw was already swelling from brute force of the first swing. His nose was bent out of shape and very obviously broken.
Funny enough, Oscar couldn’t even recall slipping his brass knuckles on.
Seeing the damage he had done to Otto reminded him of something terrible— something he had suppressed deep inside his memory and vowed to never remember:
The image of 6 year old Morris, contused beyond recognition, bawling his eyes out after Pa had beaten him, all because he tried to hide his beer. He innocently thought that maybe if he couldn’t find where it was, then he would have no choice but to choose Oscar and him over it.
Blood poured from the wounds on his face, mixing with tears and snot as it dripped down and pooled on the floor below. It was pretty normal for their dad to smack them around, but the extent of this beating could never even compare to what they had experienced in the past. It was unlike anything he had ever done to them before.
Still being held back by Morris and Wiesel, he suddenly burst out into tears, inconsolably sobbing just like Morris did way back when. “What is it, Os? Why is you cryin’ now?” His brother spun him around to face him, eyebrows furrowed in both concern and confusion. Wiesel rushed to Otto’s side, taking a good look at his wounds. Oscar didn’t answer, still distraughtly wailing with his shirt balled tightly in his fists. “Os? Ossie?”, he called out, desperately trying to snap him out of this crying spell that he was under. Now genuinely worried by his sudden breakdown, he grabbed his chin and forced Oscar to look him in the eyes. “What is this about, Oscar?” Still very weepy, he managed to spit out the word ‘Pa’. Morris’ face went blank, like a deer in headlights.
Apart from Oscars blubbering, the room went quiet. The tension was so thick that you could cut through it with a knife. Out of the blue, Morris spoke. “You fuckin’ see?” His solemn expression twisted into anger as he grit his teeth. Oscar squinted at him through teary eyes, waiting for him to elaborate. Morris rolled his eyes at his brother’s incompetence. “You fuckin’ see why I ain’t want you drinkin’ like he did?”, he spat, eyes now carrying a fire that wasn’t there before. Oscar just stared back blankly, breathing shakily. His question had snapped him back into reality for a moment.
“You claim t’fuckin’ hate his guts, but you ain’t even takin’ the time t’realize that—“, he pauses, taking a deep breath before finishing his sentence. “—you is him, Os.”
Oscar felt sick, like he could throw up at any moment, and he was sweating like the Dickens, which could’ve very well been from the alcohol resting in his stomach, but who’s to say?
“I’s can do better, Mo,” he grabbed at his brother’s shirt, pulling him closer. “Please, Mo, I ain’t wanna be like ‘im—I’ll do anything, just please help me be better—“ His throat was scratchy and his face ached like he was about to break down crying again. “You better fuckin’ promise me, Os.” Morris grabbed his chin once again, this time much more aggressively. His gaze was intense. Oscar could’ve sworn that it pierced a hole straight through his soul. “I— I promise, Mo— I’on wanna be like ‘im, Mo—“ Before he knew it, he was crying again. Morris just shushed him, wiping his tears away with his sleeve. “Y’ain’t gotta start ya’ cryin’, Os. Just go get Wiesel the first aid kit, eh?” Oscar nodded in response before walking off to fetch it from the cabinet.
Even though he promised Morris that he wouldn’t, even though he swore that he hated the person he was becoming, and that he didn’t want to turn into his father, Oscar returned to the bar that very night.
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what do you think of candle cove? do you rember it?
youre new around here huh.....................
anyway best lost episode creepypasta out there. it's simple it's on-point and even if im really not a fan of all the ideas in the wiki the idea of writing a whole one as if it was a real show and come up with episodes is such a fun idea that turned it all almost. ARG-ish
it was never super scary but honestly no lost episode pasta is truly scary to me so if anything this one tells a really fun story and it's written in such a fun way
also the creator made Local 58 which is another incredibly fun ARG and i highly recommend that aaaaand. i remember there was a fanmade sequel with the kid as an adult going to therapy, and written isnt fun but there was a voice acted version on youtube that was REALLY good. i dont remember the name but i think it was "the day of the dead" and i highly recommend looking for it
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pigeonwit · 10 months
hiii what r your favorite javey fics asking for a friend xx
[bursts through the wall like the dreamies cat] did someone say javey
here is the first post i made on this - that list was specifically longer fics, so i'll go with shorter ones for this one :) and remember that i do not understand social interactions and rules and etc etc so i dont wanna tag anyone outright just in case it crosses any boundaries.
mountain ridge camp for boys by @/timetogoslumming - starting strong on a GOD DAMN LIE because this one is not short at all but i love it so very much. it could legit be an original story (i'd read the fuck out of a graphic novel of this) it's so well written, the plot is so well set up, etc etc etc its perfect. it hits all my favourite notes - davey going from an outsider to finding his place and feeling like he belongs, jack being a pining idiot, misunderstandings, realistically confusing teenager feelings, etc, etc. i haven't read it in it's entirety for a while but man it makes me happy. sometimes when i'm in my feels i'll pull up the scene where davey very gently handles a ribbon snake. it makes me happy
as you've always been by @/weisenbachfelded - another stunning lie on my part because this is 43,000 words!! ahh friends to fwb to strangers to lovers my beloved. jack and davey re-meet each other after years of separation on a flight - they learn about each others successes and the feelings they'd misinterpreted throughout their friendship. it's so Yearning, so very soft, and not quite as angsty as you'd think. it really does capture that bittersweetness of re-meeting a person you used to know, but also that lingering hope that oh, you do still know this person. and they still know you. it's just such a kind and gentle reading experience.
i pull the trigger (with my eyes closed) by @/we-are-inevitable (MASSIVE trigger warning for murder and suicide) - look man. i have spoken a lot about davey's patented inability to maintain a work-life balance and well. i'd really be letting the team down if i didn't recommend this fic.
i really love this fic as an incredible answer to the question 'just how far does davey's dedication to his family go?'. because davey as a character would give anything for his family, he's doing everything to keep them afloat, he's stressed, he's terrified, he knows he can never repay them for all they've done for him but he needs to try because what kind of son is he if he doesn't? this fic takes all that and goes beyond with it. davey's ruthless dedication to his family juxtaposed against his almost painful love for jack, and how those two things working against each other destroy him. it's intense. there's really no way for me to do this justice in just words alone so i highly recommend you read it (if you're comfortable!) and experience it yourself.
it's so easy (too easy) to love you by @/livesincerely - everyone and their fucking mother knows livesincerely's fics but i love this one so very very much. jack and davey being so in love it's second nature. it's everything to me. it's the perfect little pick-me-up when you've had a long and lonely day.
we'll climb mountains together by @/reluctantcoppercrowd - my favourite javid fic of all god damn time. the progression is perfect, the yearning is palpable, the character interactions and friendships are absolutely flawless, davey as a character is PERFECT (YES he is an awkward anxious autismo YES he is a badass who will kick your goddamn teeth in in the name of Justice NO he will not recognize that he did it at all nor will he accept praise for it THANK YOU), the conflicts are realistic (not only for the time period but the characters themselves process their thoughts feelings and anxieties in realistic ways), the time and effort put into good worldbuilding is PHENOMENAL, and the conclusion feels not only satisfactory, but EARNED. it is truly my favourite javid fic of all time forever and always. it's also not short at all. i'm sorry for the lies anon but i cant help it if things are just Good.
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defeateddetectives · 4 months
had the year end fic review meme brewing in the drafts and forgot all about it until now so for my own reference and posterity's sake: 2k23 edition (while its still uh january!)
apparently i used to do this every year for a while and then had several years of writerly drought so here's manifesting more words for the years ahead!! as with previous years, using metrics from ao3
Total number of completed stories: 8
Total word count: ~8k or so
Fandoms written in: drrr!! (gasp), project k, jjk, natsume yuujinchou (really truly bar revival 2k23 or die trying!!!!!)
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? the last few years had totally sapped me creatively so the bar was on the floor. more than expected by that metric even if much less than i had relative to years before that.
What's your own favorite story of the year? kirigami probably! i guess the good thing about doing this a month into the new year is i dont have to mysteriously redact the yuletide reveal anymore :)
Did you take any writing risks this year? i posted drrr!! fic after ages and that wasnt bb gangsters-centric! and tried my hand at jjk characters' voices (posted only a tip of that iceberg) which was ~adventurous even though i still dont rly have a handle on em! birthright was a risk bc it was a total shot in the dark about a dynamic we havent even seen play out yet??? (more matoba siblings lore when, ms. midorikawaaaa)
Do you have any fanfic or ofic goals for the New Year? just telling myself to keep writing, dont overthink it, and remember everything you write will generally sound awkward and clunky after reading it for the 100th time without stepping away
My best story of this year: i never have an objective measure on this so my fave(s) are typically the best to me
My most popular story of this year: parthian shot & saccades are tied at this moment by ao3 kudos science if we're going by that!
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: nothing stands out over the year
Most fun story to write: a few come to mind. though it was a v tiny memefill, i had a lot of fun with where the hours bend and it came very easily! fun fact: i was in the vicinity of houjicha cheesecake at the time and it subliminally crept into the fic which i only realized much later :')
more beautiful than night was also written amidst a self-indulgent single-sitting whirlwind with so much love and really felt like going back to basics because 2nd person mkiz nonsense is my brain's default state of being apparently <3
kirigami was wildly fun in a very different way like a puzzle i needed to crack and couldnt step away from until i did
Story with the single sexiest moment: mayhaps natori shuuichi ready to throw down at his first appearance in kirgami :D while maybe not what most people would call sexy, the entire dynamic and vibe throughout (anguished repressed bidirectional longing and all) was very sexy To Me!
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: wound up contemplating izaya and celty's absolutely bonkers dynamic via zero sum game in a way i dont think i had before
Hardest story to write: kirigami bc of the mental gymnastics of remixing that original vol 28 canon arc that is an absolute masterpiece in storytelling in its own right. i was very intimidated about doing it justice and as a gift-fic as well! the months leading up to yuletide were also bananas overall so, all things considered, it's a miracle that it came through on time!!
parthian shot also comes to mind bc the current canonverse exorcists dynamic, as delicious as it is, feels so frail and tenuous and i find myself wanting to handle it with the utmost care and respect when trying to show it
Biggest Disappointment: the stories i invested a lot in, i wound up fairly happy with! [endless number of ancient wips glare at me in disappointment]
Biggest Surprise: bar revival 2k23 in its entirety tbh :') also probably the extent to which i fell into jjk/stsg hell but i guess you cant really tell from the finished works for better or worse!!!
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