#how to communicate you are being serious about how close you are to just dying because living is so so SO FUCKING HARD
avibero · 1 year
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luveline · 11 months
Ok this sentence from your hotch fic "You're so busy, I could never," you say, shaking your head. 
got me thinking what about a lil story about a non bau gf being very upset but trying to hide it from hotch bc he’s busy and she doesn’t want to add to his plate
hope this is ok!! —hotch assures you he's never too busy to listen if you've been upset by something, 1k♡
You're doing the dishes when it starts to come back. It's weird that the nature of the things that hurt us is their ability to come back, to metastasise while we're unaware; you think you're doing a good job at moving forward and the claws of it sink into your back, your chest. One talon at a time. 
You ignore it, focusing instead on Aaron behind you at the dinner table. The sound of papers fluttering across each other as he turns a page, the click and drag of his pen as he writes. You can picture his cursive, and the frown he wears as he works. 
You're dying to tell him about what's hurting you, but beyond feeling small in the eye of the storm that is his job, he's been busy, evidenced by paper work at home and a yawning gap of communication. This is the first time you've seen him all week. You dread filling the time (wasting it, even) with something that doesn't concern him. It barely concerned you, someone else's unresolved issues turned to a bad mood and all the fallout on your shoulders.
"Is something wrong?" Aaron asks. 
He's like a shark for emotions, your tiny sniffle a drop of blood in the water. You wipe your nose with a soapy hand and shrug casually. 
"Nothing's wrong. Are you nearly done? Maybe we can watch a movie." 
Aaron stands up. You stiffen at the sound, but relax when his hand squeezes your shoulder. He braces his hands on the countertop and leans forward, looking at you. You meet his eyes. Usually so serious, softened slightly by worry. 
"You stancing up on me?" you tease. 
He doesn't buy into your jokes. You clear your throat, wondering what you might be able to change the subject to. You've been thinking about asking him if he wants to get a pet fish with you, an aquarium—
"You're upset by something," he says. "I think it's best if you tell me." 
"You think?" 
"Please, honey." 
You set the last dish on the drying rack and dry your hands slowly, buying time. Aaron indulges your behaviour though he undoubtedly knows what you're doing. 
"You're really busy, Aaron, I don't want to put more water in your levy." 
You've barely stopped talking when he begins. "If this is about my being busy, put it out of your mind. You know better than anyone that things have to wait sometimes, regretfully, when I'm working, but I'm here now." He fixes you with a fond smile. 
"Exactly, you're here, so let's not waste time on silly stuff that's bothering me." 
Aaron bears his weight on his hip against the countertop, taking your water-warmed hands into his, tacky skin sticking as he rubs your knuckles. Easing your forward with a gentle pull, one of his hands runs up your arm until his fingertips are nudging under your sleeve. An encapsulating hold, it says, I'm right here. Not too busy. Nothing too silly. 
And still, he says aloud, "Time talking about how you feel isn't wasted, even if you're upset by something small." 
You frown then, nose aching, eyes burning, because it doesn't feel small at all. "Are you sure you're not too busy?" you ask weakly, a high pitch attempt to salvage it and keep hiding how upset you are, but a simultaneous giving-in. 
"No," he says softly, all empathy as you descend into tears, "of course I'm not too busy." 
He hugs you close right there in the kitchen. Words won't come out and your shoulders shake under his hands with every attempt to explain it to him, not just that something bad happened to you, but that it's been really heavy to carry alone, and that weight being taken from you —by him, and so easily— is a moving relief. 
He pulls it out of you, an explanation made of fits and starts, and he gets mad on your behalf, but he pushes it aside to talk you through it. When you can cry without nearly choking yourself on breathlessness, he sways you minutely from side to side. 
"I knew something was upsetting you," he says, still so gently, "but I didn't know it was this bad. I need you to let me know. I'm sorry, honey, but I need you to tell me when it's bad like this if I miss it." 
You shudder in a breath. "It's not that bad." 
You both know it's a lie. Aaron pulls you in for another good hug, hand at the small of your back rubbing a dedicated circle. Your shirt bunches up and he takes a handful of your naked skin, thumb tracking around, his cheek pressed to the top of your head. "It's okay," he murmurs. "Take a deep breath. I will always be here for you, you know that?" 
It's odd to hear him strung like that. You take a deep breath like he asked you to, arms clasped behind his, your face too hot in his neck. 
"Even if I'm busy, I'm here at the end of the day. I promise. If I'm sitting at the table with you, that means I'm waiting for you." He cracks a small smile, his hand at the nape of your neck encouraging your head back. The other hand, dedicated to the patch of skin just above your coccyx, rubs upward. It releases a little of the tension building in your spine. "I love you, honey, I'm busy, but never too busy to hear what's wrong. Never." 
"You'll make me cry worse," you whine, letting him tip your head further back again, hand at your cheek now giving a soft squeeze. You blow a warm breath out at his thumb.
Aaron kisses you lightly, lips only half-touching. 
He pulls away. "Let me make you something to drink, hm?" 
Thus begins a night of adoring pampering and over the top doting. You pretend it's too much, but it's really, really perfect. 
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sanguineterrain · 9 months
I'm BEGGING for a continuation of the drabble where Reader breaks up with Jason
Thinking of him injured and alone after almost dying is killing me 😭
this got more serious than i intended lol but i hope you like it anon! finally there is resolution!
jason todd x gn!reader. tw jason almost dies, hints of self destructive behavior, guilt, communication (i am forcing the batboys to be good communicators!!!), injured jason, dick being the bestest goodest big brother.
pt 2 to this
It's extremely stupid for you to be out this late, but if you hadn't left tonight, you'd probably never leave. And you needed to leave. You can't sustain whatever you and Jason had.
Asking him to quit would've been unfair, and you know he won't do it. This city pulls him back in every time.
"Where ya headed?" the cab driver asks. He doesn't look too shady. He'll definitely overcharge you, but at this point, you don't care. You just want to go home.
"Gotham Heights." You don't give him the exact address, but someplace close enough.
It's begun to rain. You try not to think about how you just left Jason. You turned off your phone as soon as you closed the door; you know he's probably calling like crazy, but as soon as you answer, you'll go back.
And you can't.
You blink back tears. You can't keep watching him throw himself into worse and worse danger. Jason fights crime like he'd sooner let it kill him. One day, it will.
The car pulls up to a stoplight. You're dozing; it's nearly eleven o'clock after all.
Suddenly, something lands on the hood. You jump, heart dropping.
"What the fuck?!" the driver squawks.
Nightwing perches on the hood of the cab. He lightly taps the windshield.
"Evening. Mind pulling over?" he asks pleasantly. "I'm actually their designated driver tonight."
"Nightwing!" you snap, hot with anger. "Get off the car!"
"You shut off your phone and left," Dick says, those white lenses zeroed in on you. His tone is cutting. "He's losing his mind. You know we don't go dark."
You close your eyes briefly. "We almost lost him, 'Wing," you croak.
"So your instinct was to leave?"
"Alright, that's it! Get outta the car," the driver says, unlocking the doors. "Fuckin' crazies..."
Dick opens the door for you and tosses a roll of twenties on the seat. The cab speeds off. You wrap your arms around yourself as he guides you to the sidewalk.
Several emotions cross Dick's face, before he lands on one. Sympathy.
"What happened?" he asks softly.
Your face crumples. "He died, Dick."
"I know," he says, holding your elbow. "I was scared too. But he's okay. He's the toughest guy I know."
"How am I supposed to keep him alive?" you ask desperately. "I can't."
Dick frowns. "That's not your job. I wouldn't expect that of you, and I know Jason doesn't either. None of us do."
You press your palms to your eyes and start to cry for real.
"I just want him to be okay. Every time he goes out, I think it'll be the last time I see him. I love him too much to lose him, Dick."
Dick hums. "Have you told him this?"
You shrug, wiping your eyes with your hand. "Some of it. I-" You wince. "I yelled before I left. He was being so nonchalant about it, and I know it was so I wouldn't worry, but..."
"I know. He can be a real pinhead about some things, but Jason's on it when it counts. He loves you a lot, and I think he'd want to know you're feeling this way."
You rub your eyes so hard you see shapes. "I don't know, Dick. I don't know if I can tonight."
Dick sighs sadly. "Alright. Look, I'll take you home. But can you at least tell him you're okay? He called me up, terrified. Said he dreamt you were in an accident."
Nightmares. The guilt triples.
You turn on your phone. Ten missed calls and fifteen unread texts pop up.
[10:38pm] Baby please come back
At least text me you're okay
I messed up, and you can leave, but at least tell me you're safe
[10:42pm] I'm calling Dick
Sweetheart don't get into a car
[10:43pm] Please don't I have a bad feeling about it
Call me please
You sniffle and tap on Jason's contact. The phone rings once before he picks up.
"Baby? Hi, hi. God, fuck. Are you okay? Is Dick there?"
Jason sounds wrecked. His voice is raw like he's been crying. Tears start to build up in your own eyes.
"H-hey, Jay. Yeah, I'm okay. Dick is here."
"I'm sorry," he says. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have scared you. Shouldn't have been reckless. I won't do that again. I won't patrol alone anymore. I'll-I'll work with Batman again. I called him just now. Told him I'd be at the Cave next week."
"Jay, don't force yourself to work with Batman for me," you say, your stomach a pit. "I don't want you to do something that'll make you miserable."
It's been better, lately, Jason's relationship with his family. It's not perfect, but then again, you wouldn't expect a family that dresses up in Halloween costumes every night to fight crime to be perfect.
"It won't!" Jason says. "Look, B and I have our differences. That's for damn sure. But I'm not so mad about it these days. And I should be safer. You were right. I want to come home to you, sweetheart, I do. If that means working in a team, then I'll do it. I'll do whatever will make us both happy and safe."
You squeeze your eyes shut. "I'm sorry I wasn't there sooner, Jay. I should've been."
"Oh." Jason sounds heartbroken. You can imagine him running a rough hand through his hair right now, tearing through the strands. "No, no, no. Baby, my love, listen. I don't blame you for any of this. That's not your responsibility. It's my job to keep myself alive. And Leslie's, once in a while. But I don't expect that from you. Never from you."
It's quiet for several moments. Then Jason speaks again, tone timid.
"Have I... did I make you feel that way?"
"No, you didn't," you say, opening your eyes. "Not directly. But... I don't know, Jay, I've just felt like there's nothing holding you back some days. You fight like you're fighting something inside of you." You bite the inside of your cheek. "I don't want it to burn you out for good."
Not again, you don't say.
Dick bows his head, and suddenly, you're there, watching them lower Jason Todd's body into the ground.
"I won't let it," Jason whispers. "I won't. I'm sorry I did this to you. Made you feel like this. I only ever wanna be good for you. I'm-I'm trying to be good."
Your lip trembles. "I wanna come home, Jay."
Jason makes a desperate sound, like a wounded animal. "Please come home, baby. I don't want you to leave. Wanna hold you so bad."
"Okay." You nod at the phone and look at Dick. "Can you take me home?"
He smiles, small and hopeful. "Of course."
Jason nearly tears the door off of its hinges before you can knock. He's probably been listening for your footsteps all evening. Your throat tightens.
"Hi, baby, hi, hi," Jason says, bracing himself against the doorframe as he pulls you into a hug. "Missed you so much. Love you so much. I'll be better, it'll be better. I promise."
You kiss his shoulder and bury your face in his warm chest, listening to his heartbeat. A-live, a-live, a-live, it says.
"Thanks, Dickie," Jason murmurs into your skin.
"Sure thing, Little Wing," Dick says, and you think he might sound a little misty-eyed. Sentimental sap.
"Thanks, D," you say softly, and Dick squeezes your shoulder.
"Get some sleep, both of you."
"You first," Jason says, and Dick laughs on his way out.
You help Jason inside, tucked under his arm, and this time, he lets you guide him to the bed. He allows you removal of your shoes and jeans before tugging you in with him.
"I'll be better," he vows, and rolls you over so you're face-to-face. "I promise."
"I believe you," you say, thumb brushing over his salt-streaked cheek. "I'm sorry I went dark, sweetie."
He shakes his head. "'S okay. Well, I mean, it's not, but I understand. I just want you safe. And here. But only if you wanna be here. I won't force you."
"Of course I want to be here, Jay," you say, kissing his cheek. "There's no place I'd rather be. I just... I want us to live."
Jason swallows and nods.
"I'll live. I will. For both of us."
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leviathanofdeath · 1 year
rotb spoilers
watched it again. need to talk about Mirage.
im thinking abt how Mirage was peeping in on Noah's brothers room . he was just curiously watching them, trying to be sneaky but accidently crushing the car under him (of course cuz he is huge) and then accidentally smacking his head on a rail, causing his lights to turn on. very silly typical Mirage thing. He really went home with Noah and then instead of staying put he wanted to see what Noah was up to ♡ and then him promising Kris that he'll protect Noah no matter what, even receiving a walkie talkie to make sure. I fucking love that shit. even before Noah got in the car, Mirage was fucking with him by continously locking the car door. you cannot tell me its not love at first sight GRAHHH
Mirage defending Noah in front of everyone. explaining that he already likes Noah just from the little cop car chase, and that he thinks the human is cool! I love how attached he already became. and him saying "I cross my spark, hope to die" and realizing how cheesy it sounded. literally Gold
And i noticed that Mirage is always near Noah. Hes always close to him in some way. Whether it be in his garage, outside his apartment, walking/standing next to Noah, giving him the little gauntlet thingy so they can at least communicate and Noah can protect himself. They're always together, and hes always keeping his promise. hes so dedicated to protecting Noah.
the death scene. Mirage confidently saying hes going to deal with Scourge while Noah and Elena go to enter the code, even tho he knows he isn't going to win. But Noah immediately stops as soon as Mirage gets downed. And then he's there, about to get hit when Mirage covers him. Literally dying on top of him. Losing an arm and a leg just to keep Noah safe, to keep his promise. are u serious. And its not until this moment Noah realizes what's being taken from him and he begins to freak out because!! Mirage is Dying! And after he does, Noah almost gives up. He is devastated; he's lost someone. He says he can't move, he can't do anything, and its his brothers words that help him regain his composure.
And then luckily, Mirage comes back with a quip and tells Noah to take the wheel. And Noah does. And Mirage continues to protect Noah. HE CONTINUES TO SHIELD NOAH EVEN AFTER HE'S LOST SO KUCH OF HIMSELFN!@ HES WILLING TO DIE FOR NOAH!!! HE DID DIE FOR HIM!!
because of mirage, Noah was able to meet Elena and get that key. because of mirage, Noah was able to enter the temple and receive the codes for said key. because of Mirage, Noah helped save the world. all because an alien had to keep a promise and thought that Noah was cool.
now listen if that ain't complete and utter infatuation then idk what is
and Noah deciding to not sell Mirage is SO IMPORTANT. He originally went to take the key from the museum because he wanted to be able to sell Mirage for cash and save the planet, so seeing Noah go through so many changes throughout the film and then eventually changing his mind is so impactful. when he took the Mirage suit off, he was looking at it so fondly because he realized now that he can't get rid of Mirage. Mirage became special. he then began to use spare parts to build Mirage back up, stating that its his car and he's not gonna sell it no matter what because Mirage is special. Mirage saved his life and this is what Noah is doing to pay him back.
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mikwaa · 11 months
I missed you
Prompt: You left on a mission, and it took a while to come back. And they are eager for you to come back.
Featuring: Kaveh, Kaeya, Alhaitham, Wanderer, Zhongli
Warnings: Only romance, suggestive at one point (nothing much), established relationship, spicy but nothing explicit.
A/n: No, I'm not begging someone to welcome me home like this. I swear.
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Alhaitham was used to these missions of yours lasting days, sometimes even weeks. But this time he felt different, you had been away for a long time, and you had not given any sign of life. Normally you would always find a way to communicate with him, but that didn't happen this time. And these last few days it had become routine for him to stay up late, hoping that you would come into that house to fill the void he felt. But in the end, none of this happened, and he ended up just being overcome by sleep and tiredness. And there he was again, sitting on the couch immersed in his daily reading. He had already lost track of the time, his gaze shifted focus, one hour all his attention was devoted to the book, but at some point he kept staring at the door waiting for some sign from you. And just as he was about to doze off, his eyes so heavy they refused to stay open, he heard the door latch open, and he saw your silhouette. He even thought it was just the effect of sleep, he might be daydreaming or something, but soon those thoughts were put aside, as soon as he heard your sweet voice calling him. "Haitham?" You called him softly, not knowing if he was awake or asleep there on the couch. He blinked, once, twice, three times, before getting up and walking quickly towards you. "Are you okay?" His hands grabbed you around the waist, pulling you into his chest and wrapping you in a warm embrace. And you welcomed him, wrapping your arms around his body, letting yourself be carried away by the feeling of comfort it brought, you'd been away from home for days, nothing fairer than enjoying it. "Yes, I am. And you?" You snuggled into his neck, murmuring in a low, tired tone. One of his hands ran through your hair, gently stroking them, "I missed you, you took a long time." He whispers, full of tenderness in his voice. And he worried, a lot, especially when you disappeared and didn't give news like that. His mind would think of so many things, that sometimes he couldn't even close his eyes with worry. "Sorry, things got more complicated than I expected." And you gave him a little kiss on the lips, as a compensation for staying away. And he stared at you with those eyes that reminded you of emeralds, this while he smoothed a scratch on your face with his thumb, gently dragging his finger all over the area. "We have to take care of that, you can tell me how things went while I bandage it up." And to be honest, all he wanted was to keep you like this in his arms. All because he was dying of longing. Even though he was all serious, with you he showed a different side. More caring and loving, he hated to think of losing you, it drove him crazy. With that, once you walked through that door and back into his arms, his heart ceased, and he took comfort in your touch. Which he missed so much.
It was late at night, but for Kaeya the night had just begun. He was in his living room, enjoying a good wine, already on his fourth glass. Even though everything seemed peaceful, his mind was full of thoughts, and all of those thoughts involved you. Suddenly a commission had come your way, and it had been two weeks since you had been out to solve the problem. Yet you and Kaeya always communicated, often by letters, you always sent him letters frequently. But not this time, he didn't receive any letters from you, and it was driving him mad. He had looked for you in many places, used his position as a Cavalry Captain to try and find you, but he had no trace of you. All he could do was sit and wait, wait for you to knock on his door, and only then would he be reassured. And as if the Archons had heard his prayers, someone knocked on his door. His heart began to skip beats as soon as he heard the sound at the door. He hurried to open it, only to see the little face he had missed so much. He was quick to pull you into a hug, nestling you in his arms, not leaving a gap for you to let go. "Someday you'll kill me with anticipation." He chuckles, as he murmurs against your ear. And you laughed back, clinging onto him even tighter, if that was even possible. "I'm back, I'm not leaving anytime soon." You nod at him, and he pulls away a little, only to pull you into a passionate, tender kiss. Surely he wanted to take you to the bedroom and make love with you passionately, to make up for lost time. But he wanted to hear you out first, to take you in and make you feel wanted, just like you were. He would surely want to know the story in full detail. "I'd be going crazy if I let you out again." With a cocky smile he says, his eye scanning every inch of your face. Archons, how he missed you. You put your hands around his neck as he leaned you against the closed door. "I have so much to tell you, if it's up to me we're both going to spend the night awake." And honestly he didn't care, the next day he would make up an excuse for missing work. All this just to have the pleasure of seeing you wake up in his arms, and to have an even greater pleasure of keeping you in the soft bed with him. "Not for that," And he points to the wine and the glass on the table, "I'll prepare some snacks for both of us, and get another glass." And he pulls away from you, not before stealing another kiss. And if it were up to him, you'd be there until the morning, just enjoying each other's company. And maybe even something more will happen, it will help a lot to make up for his missing you.
Days and days pass, and Kaveh is almost in a state of panic. Every moment you don't signal if you are okay to him, his heart freezes. He just can't think of anything else, all he wanted most was to have you by his side, and he would trap you in his arms in a way that you couldn't even get out if you wanted to. That was the thought that kept him sane, he assured himself that you would come back to him soon. All he could do was count every minute, he even tried to focus on personal projects, but he just couldn't concentrate, all the time looking out the window anxiously, hoping you would show up. And as if by magic, as soon as he looked through the window he saw you, in your shabby clothes and carrying that heavy bag you always carried on long trips. And he ran out of the room, heading for the door to welcome you. And he was the first to open the door, wasting no time to take you in his arms, "You almost killed me! Do you know how worried I was?" And just as quickly as he put you in his arms, he let you go and looked you over from head to toe. "I'm fine, don't worry, I just need a good bath and a few cuddles, and I'll be brand new!" You say with a little smile, but that wasn't enough to convince him. "You're all scratched up, your clothes are all tattered." He said it like an complaining old man, but the tenderness and compassion in his eyes didn't fade in a minute. "It's all right, really." You gently put the palm of your hand on his cheeks, and he snuggled in. Once he felt your touch, he quieted, as if the emptiness in him had been filled. He took your hand and kissed it, then kissed all the way down your arm to your shoulder, "I missed you so much." You took his face in your hands, cupping it, "You don't know how much I wanted to come home." And then, he began to shower your face with kisses, whispering between each one, "You're not going to leave me again, are you?" And then again, " Heavens I love you so much." With a final kiss on your lips. You smiled against his lips, you couldn't take how adorable Kaveh could be. It seemed to take his lips off yours was a bit of work, because he really didn't want to, just like you. But you needed a good bath, clean clothes, and good food. "I'll prepare food for you, your tummy is rumbling isn't it?" He asks softly, while his forehead rests on yours. With a giggle you nodded, and he took you by the hand and led you to the kitchen, "Stay here while I prepare it, I want to hear everything that happened." And besides, he would definitely help you take care of the bruises. "Okay, I'll tell you detail by detail." You say it with a bright smile, and he comes over and gives you another kiss on the cheek. Surely he wouldn't let go of you, he would be the rest of the day like a sly child after you. As soon as you finished doing the rest of your chores, he would hug you and tell you everything that happened in the last few days. Just as he would be a great listener, he couldn't wait to spend a whole day with you.
As the patient and calm man that he was, Zhongli didn't stress over silly things, however there were things that left him with a flea behind his ear. And one of those things was when you went out on those dangerous and long missions, sometimes he didn't even know when you were going to be back, and that made him a little apprehensive. And there he was, in his office at home, having a cup of tea, reading some contracts he needed to review. As attentive as he was to what he was doing, he couldn't help but have thoughts about you, about when you would return to that house that had suddenly become so empty. Since it was already considerably late, Zhongli had given up hope that you would return that day. But there was still that little glimmer of expectation that he would sleep next to you that night, he missed it so much. And so, he heard the 'click' of the door opening, soon revealing your countenance, which he missed so much. "Awake at this hour?" It was the first thing you said as soon as you saw him, and you would pay just to see the sparkle in those eyes all day long. And he stood up, putting all those papers aside and giving you his full attention. "I have been eagerly awaiting your arrival my dear." He held your face, thoughtfully stroking your cheeks. "I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long." Relaxing your face in his hands you say, and he immediately gives you a breathtaking smile. He pulled you into a hug, just to feel you in his embrace, whispering to you, "No matter how long I wait, all that matters is that you always come back to me." The velvety voice that always surprised you, that always gave you goosebumps. The love that oozed from his every utterance. And you clung to him more, it was the best thing to come home, to be welcomed with such tenderness and love, what more could you ask for? You kissed his neck lightly, softly saying, "I'll always come back to you." And he gave you a satisfied smile, you could not give a better answer. As much as his mind was full of bad ideas that could happen to you, so every time you came home safe and well, it was a huge relief to him. "I'll make something for both of us, you can go take a hot bath and put on more comfortable clothes." He strokes your hair, holding you by the chin and giving you a gentle, loving kiss. And he didn't want to let you go, genuinely didn't, but he was content with the fact that he could hold on to you for the rest of the night. He parted your lips from his, his fingers playing with your hair, and then he whispers again, "But first, can you give me one more kiss?" And he asks as if it's been forever since he last placed his lips against yours. And so it was done, he gently pressed his lips against yours, letting himself be carried away by the sensation it brought him. He was craving you so much that he couldn't help himself, as if his skin, his body, everything about him was begging for you. You were the only one capable of giving him that feeling, and it took his feet off the ground every time. With that last kiss, his plans changed, now he would join you in the bath. And then he would prepare the best food, he couldn't wait to take you to the shared room and there he would vent all the tension he felt these past few days. Just to let you know how much you were missed by him these days.
Normally, Wanderer didn't mind too much when you left for these commissions, you were always very competent and always came back soon. But this time it had been almost four weeks since you had signaled anything, you had left, just saying it would be another one of your assignments. You had always been very secretive when it came to this, so he hadn't even bothered to go into details. However, now he felt a certain distress that you were spending so much time working like this, and even more so without giving any news of your whereabouts. From time to time he would walk around the city of Sumeru, hoping to find you somewhere, but he never succeeded. And he had already done that for the day, what was left was to go home and wait for you, and he didn't even know why he was giving so much importance to that. And as soon as he set foot inside the house, he was greeted with a hug, which was already familiar. "I thought you forgot about me." You say in a joking tone. And as if he needed this more than anything, he wrapped his arms around you, pressing you tightly against his body. "You and your silliness, I would never do that." In an annoyed grumble he answered you, his hands clasped around your waist. You lifted your face a little, just enough to kiss him lovingly on the cheek. His fingers tightened around you, signaling that he was enjoying it. "You shouldn't take so long on these missions." He grumbled at you, but you knew he wasn't angry, he was missing you. "I promise I'll spend more time at home." And this time you give him a kiss on the lips, slowly to enjoy the moment. And instead of rejecting it, which he would never do with you, he gladly accepted it, wanting it as much or even more than you. "I think you'd better comply." He manages to murmur during the kiss, meeting you voraciously as he presses his lips against yours. And then he finds your hand, and wraps his fingers around yours in a clear sign of affection. His free hand roaming around your waist, but he still held you tight. After a while he stops, just to admire your beautiful face, which had a pink tint. And without you expecting it, he kissed you all over your face, and you can bet he was as red as you were. His heart was pounding more and more, at the same time that he was reassured that you were home, he could not contain the excitement that ran through his body. You're there, you were finally there. "I love it when you do that." You say softly, and he gives you a little smile, still holding you in his arms. That was a more than accurate indicator for him to continue his advances, he might not say it with words, but certainly his attitudes showed how much he enjoyed seeing your reactions. With every touch, every kiss, every time his skin brushed against yours, he loved every little face you made. The way he looked at you gave away how much he cared. With a soft kiss on your lips he whispers, "Stay here longer, the house is empty without you." Your heart warmed at the phrase, and you pulled him into a deeper, more passionate kiss. And he just dived into the wonderful taste your lips had. And he is immersed in the delicious emotion he felt at that moment. And it was only then that he realized that he needed you there, just so things would make some sense. And surely, he would show you how great his feeling for you was.
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theladyfulcrum · 1 year
Come here children. Come here. Sit down. Take my hands. Listen.
Here’s what we are not going to do. We are not going to let them unravel us and leave us in a heap of bawling bodies. They want us to sob until our eyes fall out and we rupture our abdominal organs because they’re heartless and sadistic and part of STAR WARS—shhh, steady—but we are going to remain CALM. Call it denial, call it call it bargaining, call it what you will, but he’s not gone.
Deep breaths, all together now. Crying is cathartic and necessary for coping with the emotional abuse we endure at the hands of Filoni et al., but don’t cry from lost hope. I’m serious. Was it among the worst things we could have possibly been forced to watch? Has a good majority of the fandom been mulling where the hell we are supposed to find the will to go on after that? Of course. But they’ll be back. And Tech will be, too.
Hush, child. Listen to me.
There was a reason he fell into cloud-cover. He could have been falling into anything. Water can be lethal from that height, yes, but let’s all just remember what Hunter pulled in War-Mantle with falling OUT OF A SHIP and down a LITERAL MOUNTAIN and surviving that with JUST HIS KNIFE. HIS KNIFE, KIDS. Tech accepted what he was doing, and he was okay with dying if that was what this meant, but he’s Tech. Once he fell from view he did whatever he could to increase his odds of getting out of it alive. Trust.
Speaking of falling from view— we know the Clone Wars rules. No body, no confirmed death. Forget that— we know the STAR WARS rules. Even if someone gets SLICED IN HALF before your VERY EYES and FALLS AN INDETERMINABLE-BUT-DEFINITELY-NOT-SURVIVABLE DISTANCE, they STILL aren’t dead. Further still, if you had put the two scenes in front of me with no context, I would have said Echo’s death in an EXPLOSION of FIRE seemed more final and certain that Tech falling away from us. And no, I don’t care about the argument that it’s a kId’S ShOW so they wouldn’t show us the body. Go watch Colt’s death and get back to me. Or you know, pretty much any Clone Wars episode.
BUT THE GOGGLES, you wail. I know, dear heart, I know. I see the cracks in them every time I close my eyes. But Hemlock getting his hands on those isn’t confirmation of anything other than what we already know— no matter where he wound up, Tech is having a Very Bad Time™️. Whether he lost them on the extremely unpleasant way down or whether he’s being experimented on in critical condition is hardly a nicer thing to know, but we’ll take just about anything right now if it means we’ll see our boy again, won’t we?
Shhh, I’m not through. We also have that scene with Phee. If it had been a true goodbye, if Tech had shown an ounce of the development he had with Omega about differences in emotional processing and communication, you’d have seen my soul depart through the atmosphere. But no. That scene’s entire purpose was to be unresolved. Was it just to make us incurably sad in retrospect? Maybe. But my gut says no— there’s more he needs to say to her.
On that note, the same goes for Tech and Crosshair. I refuse to believe we’ll never see them together again. I don’t have anything stronger than my refusal, but my feelings on this are rock solid. There’s also the important issue of THE Bad Batch theme— you know how they’ve established a precedent of not using it unless the whole Batch is together? Collectively, we’re going to refuse to believe they’re going to break that now. And there’s too much love for that theme to never hear it again.
Finally, beloveds, we come to our old favorite: story analysis. You know I’m insufferable about this, but listen. If we look at screenwriting, if we look at story structure, if we look at BEATS, this is the old “DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL” for the Batch (and us obviously). It’s the ALL IS LOST. The EVERYTHING IS AWFUL AND THE HEROES ARE AT THEIR LOWEST LOW. It’s the classic “oh my god this second installment is EMOTIONAL TORTURE HOW COULD THEY DO THIS TO ME” that we can point to in novels, shows, and film series again and again. It’s the ESB ending, it’s the Catching Fire ending, it’s the Rebels S2 AHSOKA IS D E A D AND ANAKIN KILLED HER ending. S3 will open as they enter Act III, where they use what they’ve learned to move upwards toward the finale of this particular story arc. Doesn’t that sound like something nice to cling to?
There now. If I’m wrong, I’ll give you all the choice of k!lling me first or tossing me alive out of a plane with no *hard swallow* parachute, jet pack, or functional grappling gun. But I truly believe you won’t have to.
In the year or two we have to wait, cry for his absence, cry for the Batch being more fractured and farther apart than they ever have been, cry for Hunter feeling like he’s failed everyone he loves, cry for all of it, but not because you’ve lost hope that all might not be lost.
Tech will be back.
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lurkingshan · 4 months
Cooking Crush is the Ultimate Romcom
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I have been singing this show's praises and lamenting it being so underrated for weeks, and I am simply never going to stop because it just keeps getting better. This week was episode 10, a spot where many Thai shows stumble as they set up their final arcs, but this show sailed right on through on the strength of its writing and incredible character and relationship development. This show believes that relationships should make us better, and it shows us how each of the pairs do this for each other rather than telling us.
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Ten is probably one of the best romance leads we have ever gotten in bl. He is just so kind and genuine, and his commitment to honest communication is what drives the story. He's a great match for Prem, who is more naturally cynical and struggles with self-esteem issues. We see over and over again how Ten's steady support and affection buoys Prem through hard times, how Prem never waivers on his feelings for Ten even when he is feeling low, and that even in tough moments they give each other so much joy. Every time something happens that would set up a major conflict in other shows, it is dismantled by Ten and Prem talking to each other about their feelings and getting on the same page. They make each other happy and they want to be together; it is as simple and natural as that.
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Similarly, we are seeing clearly how good Fire and Dy's relationship is for both of them. Fire is basically a whole new man now that he has accepted his sexuality and his feelings for Dynamite, and he is growing in his confidence, even starting to be affectionate with Dy in front of their friends. And now that he's gotten out of his own way, Fire can see Dynamite for who he is and offer him the kind of love and support that has been sorely lacking in his life. Dynamite is a character who seems carefree and confident on the surface, but who is actually hiding a well of pain that is closely tied to rejection because of his sexuality and the way he presents in the world. They see and understand these struggles in each other and they are happier when they're together.
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And let's not forget Metha and Samsee, who are not in a romance (yet?? please show I will love you forever) but whose relationship is also about forming a bond through which kindness, affection, and support can flourish. Metha is always here to support Samsee when he's struggling with his friends, and Samsee relies on him even as he maintains some defensive posturing to avoid getting hurt. But I trust Metha not to hurt him. I love the way Metha moves through this story giving people the pushes they need and generally just being an excellent dude.
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And this show doesn't only care about romance! This is one of the more serious treatments of queer friend group dynamics we have ever had in the bl genre. The friendships in this show are not here as joke fodder or secondary to the romances; they are treated as just as important to the narrative as the romantic beats. Samsee's hurt over being excluded and the changing dynamics of his friendships was taken seriously, and all the other characters gave him space and grace to work out his feelings. I similarly expect that as the show wraps up, we'll return to Ten's family dynamics and come to some solid resolutions there.
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I don't know how else to say it: this show is excellent, the writing is much stronger than anyone expected, and the characters are all-timers. Let some joy into your lives and watch Cooking Crush.
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When SOMEONE who is definitely NOT ME writes the Avatar high school au with Spider properly included, here’s how it should go:
-so my man Jake Sully has been paralyzed since The WarTM (I don’t care which one) and he and his delightful wife (school board hates her) and kids (school board hates everyone but Neteyam) have trouble finding a place that is accessible for Jake. Because of this they all live in a home in an old folks community.
-They live somewhere crazy like Pennsylvania where the drive between one place and another is 45 minutes so the kids are all stupid close and hate (love) each other.
-then one day a social worker drops a kid off to live next door with his decrepit and dying old aunt or something, it’s Miles Spider Socorro here in all his fun neglected glory, and all the Sully kids are like Mine that’s Mine, and he’s Scared but also like alright 🥺
-Spider spends more time at the Sully’s and outside then at his actual house and the whole time Jake and Neytiri are like who the fuck is feeding this kid who did shit to this kid and they’re like treating him like a wild animal that could be spooked but eventually he’s pretty chill and just part of the squad.
-now one day Spider learns that the house, one one Jake and Neytiri have been building for years to be properly accessible and ready for them in like this big woods property with like dumbass little American ninja warrior obstacle courses for Jake to do just arm shit on (I’m convinced that man is buff as hell) and a swimming pool for the kids but also for Jake to like throw them around in and shit. Neytiri’s got a massive garden and some little farm animals it’s all very quaint Pennsylvania woods shit and it’s closer to a better high school (where obviously they will meet the metkayina kids and we can have that romance plot). Spider learns that house is about done.
-Spiders like “oh better spend my last days before the inevitable heat death of the universe (the departure of my family)” and he’s like trying to keep a happy face. No one can quite figure out what’s wrong with him. Jake and Neytiri asked his aunt and social worker if they could bring him along years ago and everyone assumed they told him. OBVIOUSLY no one would leave him the kids would absolutely riot (and who would weed with Neytiri and listen to music in the mornings and who would pretend to hate The Bachelor with Jake and Lo’ak when Kiri puts it on).
-literally the comical confusion continues like they bring him to the house and show him stuff they built specifically for him. “Oh spider look this is your room, the ceilings are high for climbing and we made the sky have realistic constellations for you and Kiri to look at” and he’s like “wow they really want me to visit, I wish my aunt would drive me. Maybe I can walk over?”
-finally someone (probably Kiri or Lo’ak, bonus points for Neteyam or Tuk) asks why he’s being so weird about the move and he’s finally like “because I’m going to miss you all obviously?” And they’re like “you’re coming?? Idiot?? Why would you miss us?” And he cries obviously. I think this took place at the final night at the old house. Everyone insisted spider stay over for it and they all camped out in the living room. He was excited to be there but very confused as to why they wanted him there.
-someone is like “why would you think we would leave you?” And he just says “I didn’t think you wanted me to come” and that makes everyone cry of course. And I’m convinced that Neteyam and Lo’ak do this thing where when Jake is having a serious talk with them they sit down or kneel so he’s eye level so Lo’ak just makes spider sit and stage whispers “when he’s mad you have to make him feel taller” and it breaks the tension a little bit cause it makes everyone laugh
-so then Jake and Neytiri have to have a talk with him like “oops we thought the adults we knew didn’t treat you well told you we were taking you in, we should not have trusted them, go get ur shit and move it over now actually, fuck them, ur done ur ours now.”
-and he’s very confused as to how it happened really but less then 24 hours later he is watching The Bachelor in the new house while Jake pretends not to care who got the one on one and Lo’ak does a worse job of pretending not to care whose on the group date and Neytiri does the worst job of all pretending not to care about how little shit Spider brought with him
-then we get weird shenanigans of Spider learning to be a regular child with parents who care at this new high school with his siblings, probably some stuff like he doesn’t tell anyone when he stays after school and sends Parent Pick Up Pro Jake Sully (he is a stay at home dad who does CrossFit and builds shit in the garage that he sells on Etsy, he hangs out with Tonowari and Tuk all day you can’t convince me otherwise) into a full meltdown. Or Spider forged his aunts signature on a permission slip As Per Usual and because she’s not his guardian anymore people get confused and Neytiri pulls him aside during their special garden time like why didn’t you just ask us to sign it buddy. We will.
-and we also get ur classic Neteyam and Ao’nung plot and your Lo’ak and Tsireya plot because guess who is at our new school?? Swim team champs Ao’nung, Tsireya, and Rotxo, and Lo’ak is determined to join and impress Tsireya
-Tonowari and Jake are both stay at home dads, Tonowari usually works but right now he’s on dad leave for the baby and he and Jake go on walks with the baby strapped to Tonowari’s chest and it does like become every housewives fav hour of the day, but they are both devoted to their sugar mommies, surgeons Neytiri and Ronal (greys anatomy subplot with Ronal and Neytiri starting out as rivals when Neytiri comes into this new hospital but become friends in the heat of some stressful situation)
-Jake misses when Tuk was home all day with him tbh so I can see him being their full time nanny when Tonowari goes back to work just cause he’s not busy and is obsessed with babies (Buffy subplot where Jake goes back to school and becomes an elementary school teacher/guidance consular to help kids like him and Spider with bad home lives)
-he also was the coach of every sports team Lo’ak and Neteyam ever had and both of them loved and hated it because he would praise them too much then notice it and then criticize them to balance it out
-sometimes he comes to swim team after he finds out Tonowari coaches and Tonowari dubs him like honorary coach and Jake is parked on the side of the pool in his chair like “great butterfly kicks Lo’ak” and Lo’ak is like “YOU WOULDNT KNOW GO HOME DAD”
-Jake will not take that lying down so he’s like “okay see you at home for The Bachelor son” and Lo’ak tries to drown himself out of embarrassment but Tsireya taps him on the arm and asks him if he’s been watching this season and that’s how Jake wingmans Lo’ak into inviting Tsireya over for their Bachelor nights
-that is how Ao’nung finds himself at the Sully house for The Bachelor (Ao’nung hates The Bachelor)
-that is how Neteyam finds himself downstairs in the living room for The Bachelor (Neteyam also hates The Bachelor)
-that is how Neytiri finds herself walking into Neteyams room to ask him if he wants to watch The Walking Dead with her but finding him Busy with Ao’nung (Neytiri also hates The Bachelor)
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yaksha-lover · 11 months
How would the guy that seem more unsure about biting the MC (so for example Silver, Epel, Deuce/Ace & co) react if the MC actually asked, for whatever reason, to bite them?🤔
help i thought at first you meant if mc can bite them-
Silver would be shy about it, but he’s grown up around vampires his whole life so the idea isn’t really ‘taboo’ to him. He definitely views it as a pretty intimate act, but a normal step in a relationship. Thus, Silver would only do it if he was close to MC. If you ask him to, he’ll probably make a big deal out of making it a nice + comfortable bonding experience.
Epel would also be shy initially, but he also wants to prove to you that he is able to take initiative and fulfil your requests. He would try to act confident but really he is pretty nervous since it’s his first time biting anyone as a vampire. Obviously he likes you and would love to bite you, but he cares about you and doesn’t want to mess up by accidentally hurting you. Communication is key here, you have to meet him halfway and he will try his best for you.
Deuce is so nervous, constantly asking you if it feels okay or if it hurts. No matter how many times you tell him that you’re fine, that he’s being very gentle and you’re all good, he’ll keep checking. He insists on only taking a little blood, disinfecting and bandaging the tiny wound on your neck, and treating you like you’re dying for the next few hours. He’ll force you to stay in bed even though you’re fine (he insists you need to rest and recover) and will bring you food and snacks to help keep up your strength.
Ace acts unfazed by your request and will even flirt back, but he’s pretty much bluffing. His blush completely gives him away. Similarly to the others, he’s never bitten anyone before, but he’s not going to let you know that. He’ll probably just tease you whenever you bring it up until you let him know that you’re very serious about it. He’ll agree and exhibit more restraint and care than you’ve ever seen from him before. He’s patient and checks in on you, making sure he doesn’t take too much. He will also stay and cuddle with you as you recover (“gotta make sure you don’t pass out, dummy”)
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crazyunsexycool · 1 year
My little love
Chapter 17
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x enhanced!reader
Word count: 3.7k
Warnings: none really
A/N: work has been kicking my ass lately so I haven’t really had the energy to write but here is the next chapter for our favorite family.
Series masterlist
Ch 16
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You stood in the communal kitchen sipping slowly on the hot cup of tea you’d made yourself. It was the middle of the night and it was the first moment of quiet you’d had since you woke up after almost dying.
Everyone came to see you multiple times a day. It felt like there was a revolving door at your apartment. You knew it was out of concern and you appreciated it but after a few days it was a bit tiring, which was the first time you’d ever wanted some alone time. Ever since you were little all you wanted to be was surrounded by people that cared and now here you were, overwhelmed.
“Hhmm?” You looked up to find Steve at the entryway. The same furrowed brow he’d send your way when he was worried about something.
“Are you ok? I called your name like three times and you didn’t answer. Should I get Bruce?”
You shake your head and sigh. Leaning against the counter you take another sip of your tea.
“You only get this quiet when something’s bugging you so what is it?”
“Nothing’s bugging me. I’ve just been overwhelmed with everything that’s going on and this trip to Wakanda.” You try to take a deep breath but there’s still some issues so you cough a bit. “You know I never got to really thank you.”
“For what?”
“For saving my life. If it hadn’t been for you I’d probably be dead right now.”
“Don’t say that. Of course I’d do anything to help you.”
“I know Stevie, but still. It was selfless and you didn’t even hesitate.”
“I did have a selfish reason. You’re my best friend, I couldn’t lose you.”
You smile as Steve gets closer and hugs you.
“I’m serious, Bucky wouldn’t be the only one to feel lost without you.”
“Well you have me for a couple of months unless Bruce figures out how to completely get rid of this poison.”
“He’s working around the clock to try and find something. I’m sure he’s close to finding a cure and by the time Bucky and the kids get back from Wakanda you’ll be back to normal.”
You look up at Steve and smiled awkwardly. Everyone had decided that you were going to stay at the compound while Bucky went to Wakanda and stayed for however long Henry’s treatment lasted. You didn’t like the idea of being away from Bucky or the kids for an undetermined amount of time so you had already packed your bags. The only problem is that you hadn’t told anyone, until now.
“You can’t be serious? You’re still recovering.”
“I can recover while I’m over there too. Maybe a change of environment will help me.”
Steve is visibly upset and he crosses his arms over his chest. “So not only are my best girl and best guy leaving, two of my best friends are too?”
“Steve, I’m sure you can come visit. We aren’t leaving forever.” You roll your eyes playfully.
“Fine. I just worry about you guys.”
“And I appreciate it. Why are you up at this time anyway? Couldn’t sleep?”
“Not really. I was going over the next mission since it leaves early.”
“Well, it seems like we’re both leaving in a few hours. We should try and get some rest.”
“Yeah you’re right.” He sighs and rubs his eyes. “Good night Magnet.”
“Night you fossil.”
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“What are you doing, I thought all of our bags were already on the jet?” Bucky asks as he walks up behind you.
“These are mine.” You turn and wrap your arms around his midsection and give him a quick kiss before Bucky can say anything. “I’m not going to stay behind while you’re gone with the kids.”
He looks at you a little wide eyed be he was caught so off guard that he couldn’t really react. Bucky just accepts the second quick kiss you give him.
“So you’re coming with us?”
“Good because I don’t think I’d know a moment's peace without having you by my side.” Bucky sighs in relief. “Let me take these to the jet.”
“I’ll make sure the kids are ready.”
Bucky grabs your bags and heads out of the apartment to one of the jets that’s been prepared for your trip. You follow him out of your bedroom and into Lottie’s room to make sure her backpack has everything she needs during the flight and then you do the same for Henry.
In the living room Steve is sitting with a very teary eyed Lottie and a pouty Henry. He hugs both kids and murmurs reassuring words.
“Are you ready to go?” Steve says when he sees you walk in.
“Yup. We have everything we need packed.”
“Well then I’ll walk down with you guys then.” Steve stands and moves Charlotte to his hip while Henry takes your hand.
Once you’re at the hanger the rest of the team is there to say they’re goodbyes. Lottie however holds on to Steve for dear life.
“I stay with Steeb.” Lottie announces.
“Sweet Angel but we have to go.”
“Mama are you going with us?” Henry asks, hope sparkles in his eyes.
“Yes I’m going with you. I would miss you too much.”
Henry smiles and wraps his arms around your waist.
“Mama go?”
“Yes, sweet Angel and uncle Steve can visit soon. But we have to go now.” You stretch your arms out to grab her but don’t pull her away from Steve.
Her big blue eyes look at you and then at her uncle. Lottie’s arms wrap around his neck and she gives him a kiss on the cheek before diving into your arms.
“Bye bye Steebie.” Lottie waves at Steve who just looks hurt at the fact that she changed her mind.
“I promise to send you lots of pictures and videos. Bucky said he’d show her the g-o-a-t-s he used to tend to.”
“Just try to take care of yourself over there ok?” Steve says as he hugs Henry and then you.
Bucky walks out of the jet and stands beside you. He takes the kids backpacks and swings them onto his shoulder.
“We should get going, it’s a long trip.” He kisses your temple and then reaches over to give Steve a quick hug. “Come see us when you get the chance.” He tells Steve.
Bucky takes Henry’s hand and they head back to the jet. You snicker when you see the kid’s backpacks on his shoulder.
“The world’s most feared assassin wearing a princess backpack.” You turn back to look at Steve. “Don’t get reckless ok? I won’t be there to have your back.”
“I won't, I promise. Have a good trip.”
You wave one last time before finally making it into the jet. Henry is already strapped in and you sit Charlotte right next to him before taking a seat yourself.
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Most of the flight had been quiet. Since you left so early the kids fell asleep right after take off. Bucky mostly stayed at the pilot’s seat while you read. You were halfway through your journey when Charlotte and Henry finally woke up so you got some of the snacks you’d packed for them.
“Mama.” Lottie cried. The little whimper she let out made Bucky panic.
It reminded him of when Lottie found you on the bathroom floor. He whipped his head around thinking he’d find you unconscious again.
“It’s ok sweet Angel. It's just a little juice on your pajamas.”
You stood and went into the bathroom to grab some napkins. Bucky breathed a sigh of relief as he watched you pat Lottie’s pajama dry. You kissed her forehead before sitting next to her and helping her finish the snack you’d given her.
You could feel Bucky’s eyes on you and turned your head to look at him. He smiles and you wink at him before you turn back and start talking with Henry.
“Do we have to do this?” Henry asks you.
“We do bubs.”
“But why? I want to go home.”
“Are you scared sweet boy?” Henry nods. “Oh sweetheart you don’t have to be scared. You remember what we talked about right?”
“The bad man and the words.”
“Yes, the bad man did the same thing to daddy to make him do bad things. Wakanda, where we’re going, helped daddy get rid of those bad words. That way no bad men can make daddy do anything he doesn’t want to do. And they’re going to help you too.”
“Will you stay with me?”
“Yes baby. It’s why I came with you so that I can be close by when you need me.”
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
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As Bucky landed the jet you saw that not only was T’Challa waiting for you but a group of Dora Milaje were at his side. It’s not like you would do any differently if one of hydra’s “assets” was being brought in. You had all changed into more appropriate clothes than the loungewear you’d been wearing and now you were just fixing a bow on Lottie’s hair. Bucky exits first so that he could talk to T’Challa.
“It is good to see you again Sergeant Barnes.”
“It’s good to be back King T’Challa.” Bucky replies with a grin as they embrace each other quickly.
“What have I said about you calling me king?”
“The same thing I’ve said about you calling me Sergeant.”
You were just grabbing hold of Henry’s hand when you saw someone else rush toward Bucky. They do a very complicated handshake in greeting. You recognize her as Shuri from what Bucky and Steve had told you.
“If it isn’t my favorite white boy.”
You snort at the comment and walk down the ramp to stand by Bucky.
“And who is this?” Shuri asks as she looks curiously at Charlotte and then at you. Your own eyes bounce from T’Challa who you smile at to Okoye who is keeping a stoic expression and then to the young and bright princess.
“Shuri, this is Y/N my girlfriend and this is Charlotte our daughter.”
“I thought you were bringing the asset. And since when do you have a daughter?”
Bucky turned and didn’t see Henry, who had hidden behind you and made himself invisible. Scared of all of the new faces. You also turned your head to look down to where Henry should be standing.
“Henry, could you let us see you please.”
At your request Henry slowly faded into view. His arms wrapped around your waist as he peeked around you to look up at everyone. You can practically see the conflicting emotions on everyone’s faces when they realize they wouldn’t be working with an adult but a child.
“This is who hydra was using?” Okoye asked with a horrified expression on her face.
“It is a very long story but yes. Henry is my son and hydra was preparing him to be the next winter soldier. We’re pretty sure they were going to do the same with Lottie.”
“Hi there little man. You know I’m friends with your baba, I’d like to be friends with you too.What do you say?” Shuri lowered herself to be at eye level with Henry and she smiled. Henry looked up at you and Bucky and Bucky encouraged him to speak up.
“Would you like to see what I’ve been working on in my lab?”
Henry nods but doesn’t move.
“Come on, we'll go together. Shuri has the coolest things there bubs.” Bucky says as he takes Henry’s hand. He turns to you unsure of what to do.
“Why don’t you go ahead and I’ll show Y/N where you’ll be staying?” T’Challa offers.
“Go ahead. I’ll see you later.”
You and Lottie walk beside T’Challa in one direction while Bucky and Henry follow Shuri. The palace was beautiful. It somehow combined sleek and modern with tradition and culture. Lottie was also fascinated with the beauty found in every corner. Little gasps left her lips as she pointed when she saw something she liked.
“So tell me about this little one and everything that’s happened since we last met.” T’Challa asked as he led you to a garden within the palace. Okoye followed and you could feel her eyes on you.
“Well almost three months ago we were on a mission to shut down a hydra detention center. It’s the biggest one we’ve found to date. Everyone was divided searching through different floors when Bucky said he needed a medic. He led me down to an operating room and on the table was Lottie,” you explained as you watched her explore the new area. “She was very malnourished and her health was declining quickly. I worked with Banner and when we did scans we found multiple healed fractures and worse. Later on we found videos of her birth… It was horrible.”
“Did Bucky know about her existence?”
“No. He only found out he was the father a few days later.”
“At least you were able to find her while she was so young.” T’Challa says and you smile.
“She was actually born in nineteen eighty eight. They kept her in cryo so technically she’s three. On a different mission I found three other boys but I got there too late.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” He says sincerely.
“Thank you. Henry we found a day after we ran into each other at the auction. As you know he’s already been programmed to be the winter soldier which is why we came. I wanted to thank you for that. For giving him a chance.”
“You love them very much don’t you?”
“So much. I’d do anything for them. So would Bucky, this hasn’t been easy for him at all but he loves those kids and they love him too.”
“Mama look.” Lottie walks up to you with a flower and a big smile. “It’s Pwetty.”
“It is very pretty, sweet Angel.”
Lottie does her best to tuck the small flower behind her ear but fails. You grab it and place it for her and quickly grab your phone to take a picture and send it to Steve. Lottie wanders over to Okoye and starts talking. The general crouches and places all of her attention on the curious child before her.
“She seems to have a way with people.”
“Yeah, she’s very charming.”
“Is that her ability?” T’Challa chuckles.
“Maybe, but she can see the future. It’s very difficult because the visions come at random and she doesn’t know how to handle them. Most of the time she stops breathing and we don’t know what to do until it’s over.”
“I can’t imagine being in that position but rest assured Shuri will help Henry and if you mention it maybe she can do something to help Charlotte.”
“You have no idea how much this means to us. We’ll never be able to repay you.” You smile.
“Just raise them to be good people. That will be payment enough. Now why don’t I show you where you’ll be staying.”
You stand and call Lottie over. She runs towards you and grabs your hand as you follow T’Challa to the rooms he had prepared for you.
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“You made all of this?” Henry asked as Shuri showed him all of the gadgets she’d been working on.
“I did. They aren’t perfect yet but I’m getting there.”
“Who are they for?”
“Has your baba not told you about Wakanda’s greatest protector?”
Henry looks at Shuri wide eyed and shakes his head. Shuri gives Bucky a disapproving glance before she begins to tell Henry the story she’d been told since she was a child. By the time she was done Henry was absolutely fascinated with the Black Panther.
“Why doesn’t Black Panther fight with the Avengers?” Henry asks when Shuri is done.
“Well I think if the Avengers needed any extra help the Black Panther would definitely fight alongside them. But you must remember there are other places that also need help so he goes there to help those people too.”
“Oh.” Is all Henry says and then nods in understanding. “Will it hurt? To get the words out.” He changes the subject back to the reason he’s there in the first place.
“No it won’t hurt. You can even ask your baba, I helped him too.”
Henry looks over at Bucky and the latter shakes his head.
“It doesn’t hurt at all and remember I’ll be here with you the whole time.”
“And mama?”
“She’ll be here too.” Bucky smiles at his son.
“Now, I know it might feel scary at times so when you feel scared or want a break all you have to do is tell me and we can stop ok?”
“Alright,” Shuri says as she types something on a computer. “Would it be ok if I get some information? Then you can go with your baba and find your mama and sister.”
Henry nods and sits on the chair Shuri pulls out for him. She begins to get a baseline reading for his vitals and all the basic things she’ll need.
It didn’t take to long for her to get what she needed and soon enough Henry and Bucky where making their way through the palace halls.
“Did you stay here while Shuri helped you?”
“No, I stayed by a lake. I’ll take all of you to see it.” Bucky answers as he leads Henry toward the rooms that you’d be sharing. “We’ll do lots of fun things too.”
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The rooms you’d been given were fantastic. They had high ceilings and natural light filtering in through floor to ceiling windows. The beds were ridiculously comfortable and Charlotte immediately laid down right in the middle of the bed you’d be using. Off to one side there was a set of double doors that led to a balcony. The view was just as incredible as everything else. The longer you looked out the more you understood why Bucky loved this place so much.
After the lack of sleep and the flight you were beyond exhausted so you laid down next to Charlotte. As you relaxed more and closed your eyes, she crawled closer and sat by your head. Her little hand came up and gently caressed your face.
“Mama go seep?” She asked curiously.
“You should sleep too, my sweet Angel.”
“Night night mama.” Lottie said as she moved around to lay down next to you. It wasn’t your intention but you did fall asleep quickly.
“Mama seeping.” You could hear Charlotte saying.
Then the bed dipped and you felt someone sit down on your other side. When you looked, Henry was getting comfortable.
“Hi sweet boy, what did you do with Shuri?”
“She let me see all the stuff she makes. It’s kind of like uncle Tony but she makes them for the Black Panther. Did you know about him?”
“Did I know about the Black Panther? Of course I even worked with him once.”
Henry started asking anything he could think of. There’s a knock on the door which Bucky answers. By this point you’re sitting and turning your attention to him.
“We’ve been invited to dinner tonight. Queen Ramonda would like to meet you and the kids.” Bucky says as he finally joins the three of you in bed.
Lottie shuffled around until she was laying her head on his chest.
“Hi dada.”
“Hi Doll. Did you do anything fun?”
“Mmhh,” she nods her head. “Habe fwiend.”
“You have a friend?”
“Yeah. Koye is fwiend. So pwetty.” She mumbles as her eyes begin to close.
You both chuckle as you watch Lottie finally fall asleep when you turn to ask Henry what he was doing, He'd fallen asleep too. After carefully moving around both of them you and Bucky managed to get out of bed. He opens the door for the balcony and you both step outside.
Bucky’s arms wrap around your waist as he rests his chin on your shoulder. You take in the view of Wakanda. The mixture of the city and nature and its beauty.
“How did it go with Shuri?” You ask after a few minutes.
“Better than I expected. She distracted him with stories about black panther while she took most of the baseline readings. We think it would be better to do the sessions in the mornings. He’ll probably need a nap after and then we have the afternoon to ourselves. We could go out and let them explore.”
“That sounds like a solid plan. Do you know how long it might take?”
“No, but it won’t take as long as it did with me.”
You hun in acknowledgment and turn in Bucky’s arms. He smiles down at you while you play with the hair on the nape of his neck. Then he picks you up and balances you on the railing. You give him a few quick pecks on the lips and Bucky smiles after every single one.
“What’s the smile for?”
“Nothing, it’s just the last time I was here I felt like I didn’t have a place in the world. Like I didn’t deserve peace or happiness or love. That there wouldn’t be anyone that would accept me how I am. But here I am with two kids that mean everything to me and the most amazing woman that not only accepts me but loves me and my kids. It’s just… it feels good.”
“Baby,” you blinked back some tears. “Of course you deserve those things. There is nowhere in this world I’d rather be than by your side. I’ll never stop loving you or the kids.”
“I’ll never stop loving you either.” Bucky steps even closer to you and presses his lips against yours. It’s soft and sweet and when he pulls back his forehead is resting against yours. “Let’s get some rest before dinner. With all the sleeping the kids have done they’re going to be up for hours after.”
“Yeah, I could use a nap.”
Bucky tightens his hold on you and carries you into the room. Just how you had gotten out of bed you both quietly got back in without waking the kids. Bucky sets an alarm so you’ll wake up and have enough time to get ready.
The four of you lay in bed all snuggled up against each other. You watch as Bucky’s eyes flutter close and his breathing evens out and you smile. Bucky found his peace and you found your family. Even if you weren’t sure of what would happen in the future this moment was pure perfection.
Ch 18
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sapphiewritesstuff · 1 year
Can you please do an sfw where Namor accidentally hurts the reader's feelings and tries to make it up to them?
ofc :))
Warnings: GN! Reader, hurt/comfort, Namor and reader are bad at communication but aren't we all, not proofread
-Namor loves you with all his being, and would do anything in his power to keep you safe and happy. Spending his time with you is one of his favorite things, and he always wants you by his side
-Namor is also a very busy and serious man, being the king of Talokan leaves little room for breaks, and absolutely no room for mistakes
-Even after hundreds of years of ruling, Namor still struggles with his duties, though it doesn't show
-On particularly stressful days, he'll shout at Namora and Attuma and demand that all of the servants leave his presence, that everyone leaves.
-Everyone except for you, of course.
-You were always his refuge, the only person who he was open with. He isn't the type to vent, but you being by his side, gently rubbing his shoulders and humming some tune, is enough for him to calm his temper.
-That's why your face dropped and chest ached when he asked you to leave.
-You tried to tell yourself that it wasn't that deep, that he just needed to be alone.
-But how could everything be fine when he doesn't even want you around?
-The doubts filled your head quickly, and as a result you started to distance yourself from him, too hurt by his actions and too worried that he'll get angry again if you bother him
-His first thought is that you're upset with him.
-He knows whenever something is wrong with you, and when you shy away from his gentle touches and loving kisses he feels his heart break.
-As I said before, while Namor is very open with you, he doesn't talk about his emotions.
-He is very big on gift giving, so his first plan of action is to bring you lavish items that he thinks you might fancy. He assumes that you're upset because he's been neglecting you, not fulfilling his job as husband.
-You accept the gifts, with a soft smile as you place the beautiful shells or jewelry by your bed, yet you're still scared that he'll reject you if you get too close.
-Namor feels like he's slowly dying because of you acting this way. He waits and waits for you to come to him when he's angry, for you to rub his shoulder and hum a sweet tune, but you never come.
-It isn't long until he's on his knees, begging for forgiveness, promising that he'll fix whatever caused you to turn away from him like this. You are the only one who can cause him to behave like this.
-"What did I do, my love?" He asks, and, oh, your heart breaks.
-Your schedule as rulers of Talokan are busy, but you spend the next day with each other, only each other, to make up for lost time.
-He never wants to be apart from you ever again.
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altvec · 3 months
Do we ball with call of duty OC’s? We ball? Okay we ball.
Michael Kelly, the man who looked like he never stepped foot in a warzone before, was somehow an absolute mad man on the field. Most reckless fucker you could ever imagine, to the point where he got suspended from going on missions for a month and had to do work at the base. It was a cycle, almost like an unbreakable one, that’s when he met the infamous, Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley. He heard of him, of course, they were in the same unit, he just never spoke with him a whole lot since most of his reprimands came from Price.
However, one abnormally sunny day, Michael was outside, it was his break so he was drinking an iced coffee, something John ‘Soap’ MacTavish would heavily judged him for.
“Is that ice in your coffee?” Michael felt a little chill go up his spine, and it wasn’t from the ice coffee, the sound of a guy with a deep voice and a heavy British accent was able to scare the Irish out of him. He snapped his head over to where he heard the voice, he quickly stood up, his glass of iced coffee still on the ground, that’s when he saw him. Tall, muscular, cold hearted, Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley in the flesh. “Ah lieutenant!” Michael glanced down at his glass on the ground then back up at Ghost, “Aye yeah, it appears there is ice in my coffee, indeed.” Michael obviously couldn’t see the other man’s expression behind the skull balaclava he always wore, but Michael had that itching feel he was being heavily judged.
Even if the other was standing still as a tree and emotionless as a rock.
Instead of getting words Michael just received a disapproving head shake as Ghost walked off to god knows where. If it was any other person with a heavy British accent, the Irish man probably would’ve called him a ‘British fuck who was speaking bollocks.’ It happened before.
After that interaction, Michael took notice how he was seeing Ghost around every now and then than he ever did. In the common room, in the mess hall, in armoury, the shooting range, even in the communal showers. Maybe Ghost was just always there and Michael was just too daft to notice him around.
However, as time came and went, Michael was beginning to talk to Ghost more often, even if Ghost didn’t reply or look interested in the conversation, Michael still talked his ear off.
Ghost wanted nothing more than to just close the Irishman’s jaw shut with a wire with how much yapping he did. But for some reason, Ghost could never just tell Michael to shut his mouth and go leave him alone, no, he just let him yap on, even if it was him talking about how disgusting the communal showers were, and they were disgusting.
Over maybe a year later, Michael still hasn’t shut his mouth, but somehow, by a miracle, Ghost actually comments on what Michael had to say. Michael felt accomplished.
Now here we are. Both Michael and Ghost were in armoury, cleaning their guns out for the upcoming mission. The raven haired Irish man was sitting on the floor like he always did, while Ghost was actually sitting on a chair listening to Michael go on about something, waiting for the right moment to intervene and make a comment.
“And I’m surprised my hair isn’t damaged yet with how much I’m dying it, but then again-” “What?” Ghost’s head snapped over to Michael on the floor, interrupting whatever he had to say. “Repeat that?” The masked man stopped what he was doing, but Michael was still cleaning away. “I’m surprised my hair isn’t damaged yet with how much I’m dying it?” The Irish man repeated, but in a question.
“Dying it? You don’t dye your hair.” The Lieutenant just gave the Sargent a look. A look Michael couldn’t read because of the balaclava. The Irish man gave him a small chuckle, turning his head to look up at his Lieutenant. “Oh wait you’re serious?” Michael tilted his head, putting his gun down. “You didn’t know I dyed my hair?”
“Cause you don’t? Black is your natural hair colour..right?” Ghost has never been so confused in his life. No matter how many times he has seen Michael, he always had that same jet black hair that could be spotted from the crowd since most people in the military either had blonde, red and brown hair, weather it was light brown or dark brown, it was certainly couldn’t compare to his black hair. “I have blonde hair..” Michael admitted.
If only Michael could see Ghost’s reaction to that information, but seeing Ghost’s eyes widen with pure shock and seeing the bottom of his mask go down with his jaw was a funny sight.
“You seriously didn’t know?!” Michael smiled in a playful manner, his brows raised in disbelief. “No! I’ve never seen you dye your hair before!” Ghost placed his gun on his lap, still having his eyes widened. “That’s because I do it when everyone’s asleep!” Michael couldn’t help but laugh, one of his arms wrapped around his stomach and the other up to his mouth to try and stifle his laugh, it obviously didn’t work.
“Don’t laugh!” Was that..humour Michael heard? Was his ears deceiving him? Was The Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley having a laugh? This was a moment in history, if only he could record this moment.
“Sorry! But really? You didn’t know?” Michael was able to manage out his words between his laughs. “No!” And for a moment, Michael could see his balaclava around his mouth twitch, as if he was holding back a smile or even a smirk. Yep. Accomplished.
“Gods, whatever! I’m gonna refill my water bottle. Want me to get you one too?” Ghost pointed at Michael’s nearly empty water bottle, the Irish man grabbed the bottle and handed it to Ghost with a smile. This was something Michael noticed in their year of knowing each other, Ghost would do small tasks for him, even if Ghost knew Michael was well able to do them himself. Michael appreciated it though. He watched as Ghost got up and walked out of the armoury room, he still had the smile on his face, he felt his face heat up for a second. He didn’t know why his face heated up, it wasn’t like he was warm or anything- Michael paused, a thought came to his head
Michael mumbled to himself, a frown soon coming upon his lips, his brows furrowed in realisation as his head lowered to the ground.
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cloudinterlude · 1 year
There's a certain tone that bleeds into a lot of MCU fanfiction when talking about Steve's defrosting into the new century and it's bothersome. It's like people don't fully understand why he didn't have to be grateful for being in modern times. There's a serious lack of empathy and it always ends up with some other character ranting to Steve about how he needs to suck it up and move on if he wants to get anywhere in life and somehow that motivates Steve to...realize he was the only one being an asshole and learning to love the current world?
Yeah no.
I've read one (1) - and isn't to say other stories I like got it wrong bc I've certainly read others that are also great - but I've read ONE fanfiction that describes Steve's situation perfectly (in such a meaningful way) and it literally blew my mind when I read it because it was so good to ME.
"Ain't no Grave" by spitandvinegar was amazing. Mind you, I'm not a really Stucky shipper in any capacity (like I see the vision but don't feel it yknow?), but I'm a sucker for satisfying Steve characterization so I inhaled this fic. And y'all...this author did his character justice. It's not even a Steve-centric story! Which made me even more amazed (that the author got him so right) and even more annoyed (that so many people get him so wrong and end up bashing him). I quote the paragraph below but I urge you to read the fic if you're interested!
Like listen, listen. Imagine you live in this country, right? And there's a brutal war, and you witness and maybe participate in a horrific amount of violence, and you lose absolutely everyone you care about. Then you end up in this other country, where the culture and ways of doing things are completely foreign to you, and random assholes make fun of you for how you dress and act and talk while you're still coming to grips with the fact that everyone you love is gone and you can never go home again. Meanwhile, everyone around you is like "smile, motherfucker, you're in the Land of Plenty now, where there's a Starbucks on every corner and 500 channels on TV. You should be grateful! Why aren't you acting more grateful?" So you have to pretend to be grateful while you're dying inside. Sound like an traumatized, orphaned refugee? Also sounds like Steve fucking Rogers, Captain Goddamn America. Except that most refugees were part of a community of other people who were going through the same thing. Steve is all alone, the last damn unicorn, if the last unicorn had horrible screaming nightmares about the time when it helped to liberate Buchenwald.
AMAZING RIGHT? It was very satisfying to read the first time around. Even more satisfying that this was coming from Sam's POV which was just a lovely decision.
This little rant isn't even coming from a place of superiority. I know characterization can be difficult, and it's not so much about the quality rather than the fundamental misunderstanding of Steve's character that makes it obvious that either the author doesn't care enough to try to empathize with him, 2) They're using Steve to prop up some other character or 3) They watched his trilogy with their eyes closed and called it a day.
This post has gotten too long so thats all I'll say for now!
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nopesjsgwhqgsx · 15 days
So I was thinking about this post, and this person is so right. In Canada there’s this smug air of superiority, even in school it’s there, that we’re better/more advanced and socially progressive than the US. Which is complete and utter bullshit. This is going to get long, so strap in I guess. The last residential school closed in 1996. That was 27 years and 4 months ago. Younger than my sister. As of May 21, there have been 35 short-term drinking water advisories placed in First Nations communities, and that’s excluding those in the British Columbia region. 63% of Indigenous women have experienced sexual assault in their lifetime and red dress day isn’t just for fun, missing and murdered indigenous women is a huge and ongoing issue that many people I’ve encountered scoff at. Because fundamentally, to many non-indigenous and Métis people I’ve encountered, it just doesn’t matter to them. And that’s a really big problem with Canada, we keep our evil under the rug and put on an air of superiority to keep the act together.
Police killed 69 people in 2022, the highest death toll in a single year to occur in Canada due to police brutality. And there’s been a 66.5% increase in deaths associated with police use of force from 2011 to 2022, with, you guessed it, a large percent of that statistic being black and indigenous people, despite only making up around 8.7% of the population (in 2022). It should also be noted that if you google police brutality in Canada, the first two results are on the rise in police brutality, the third is a CNN article on how Black Canadians have been battling systematic racism and police brutality for centuries. Which paints a pretty accurate picture of our lovely police force. But really, let’s talk about Chantel Moore as an example. In 2020, Chantel Moore was shot multiple times by an RCMP officer who had been called to her home for a wellness check, subsequently dying. Jeremy Son, the RCMP officer claimed that it was Moores own fault as she had been walking towards him holding a knife. According to the coroner, she had been shot twice in the chest, once in her abdomen and once in her left leg. Just to remind you, for allegedly walking towards the officer while holding a knife. It was also testified by a toxicologist that she would have been showing no serious signs of intoxication when this happened. And this might be the most important fact of all, and ties into the above issue of missing and murdered indigenous women, Moores ex-boyfriend called the wellness check for her because he had been receiving text messages by someone who seemed to be stalking Moore, the RCMP officer tapped on her window to wake her, because, according to him, she had been asleep on the couch, and that’s when she grabbed the knife and walked out onto her balcony, according to Sons testimony, she didn’t drop the knife when asked and he then shot her 4 times in rapid succession. Honestly discrimination against any non-white person in Canada is strong, my clearly indigenous mother gets followed by security guards in local grocery stores as if she’s a threat, even though she has done absolutely nothing to give anyone that impression except dare to have darker skin. The amount of people I’ve heard talk about how residential schools were actually good for the indigenous people because they “kept them from becoming drunks” is sickening and despite being hailed as a “diverse, multicultural, and inclusive nation” we have a long history of discrimination, especially towards Chinese Canadians, who, in a 2021 census, were found to be one of the largest ethnic groups in Canada, and millions of essays and articles and what have you’s could be written on the shit our Government has put them through. And discrimination against Arabic people is no joke in Canada, a 2021 survey found that Canadians are 10% more likely to claim that there are too many Arabic immigrants entering the country compared to immigrants in general.
All this to say, our political system was made by Colonizers and is deeply flawed, feeding a culture of hate towards anyone labeled “other”, this system relies on ignorance and secrecy, presenting itself as a good, positive and progressive force, and while I will admit that our charter is decent, we still aren’t superior and we never will be. Instead of harbouring pride for an event that happened over a century ago, let’s turn our eyes on parliament hill, and strike a match. Anyways this was a super quick skim over the surface of the fucked upness of Canada and I left a lot out, if anyone sees any misinformation, etc pls let me know! My sources are listed below.
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missanne · 2 months
The great war- chapther 7: style
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Yn's heart was agitated that morning, and the reason was her first day of class, despite being at a college in another country she still felt like a teenager accompanied by loneliness, her first days in that country were also similar to what I hoped to forget: she had been kidnapped and even if she hadn't been subjected to physical torture, the words spoken at those times were like worms in fertile soil, and even if she tried to avoid them, they always came back and tormented her mind. She woke up suddenly when a knock on the door followed by shoko (she made a mental note that for the first time in her life, she had made real friends and how good that was) her roommate came in with breakfast: _ good morning star! Here's a special breakfast!
yn's voice was hoarse from hours of sleep, even so, she tried to sound hopeful: _ good morning, I'm very excited for today, and you?
] _ MY GOD! You're saying what you're feeling, a miracle, I mean… — the girl with brown hair had realized that she wasn't much for talking about what was going on inside her mind, and after a long conversation about communication, it was promised that the two would talk about what they were feeling, no matter the situation, Shoko thought it would take her a while to start talking, so her surprise was evident. Between laughs, the girls drank the beauty juice they had researched before bed and the omelet.
Upon entering the campus, some looked at the newcomer, as in addition to the color red they stood out on a black campus, her company was none other than Shoko, one of the best students at the college if not the province.
Those who missed that day had a huge regret: it was rare for foreign students to pass the exams, they were always below or average for admission. Therefore, it was the news of the semester, but what happened next left everyone with an immense thirst to meet the new girl, who at that point had only lost her prescription glasses, and while she was looking in her bag, a tall figure with black hair White people approached and with a strangely sly voice said: Ah, how are you my dear, wow, you're wearing that perfume…
_ oh, not today satoru, I'm busy…
_Ah, yes, I see, are you worrying about that? — He points silver glasses up.
_did you catch him?
_yes, I took it to take the measurements and make one like it….
_ so that's why I'm seeing everything blurry! Please give me back!
_ no.- and after saying it, he raised them above his head and looked at her with a free laugh. At that moment, yn already had her hand on her chest, and despite her heart beating very fast, she was well-behaved, her blurred vision made her uncomfortable, and she was afraid of hitting or bumping into someone on her first day of school and passing. A tremendous shame; She gets close enough to the boy actually to confirm his identity, and asks him again: — Are you sure you won't give it back to me?
I have-then yn take it with the tip of her finger and put it on his arm and then spin it around, making him scream loudly and consequently drop his glasses: — thank you Satoru, you're the best. And she left him there, dying of shame, he had shouted so loudly that the other half of the university who weren't looking at him had to look, and those who were looking in disguise couldn't maintain their posture and tried to hide their laughter or laughter. Shoko and the boys who had arrived looked at her coming towards her with a look of pride, because in her first few seconds in Japan, the same episode had repeated itself, but with a different outcome. So their first serious conversation was:_ When he does that again, you just pinch him.
_ Serious? Won't he fight?
_ If he fights, just ignore it.
Despite feeling bad because he had saved her from a horrible situation, she felt that, deep down, he wouldn't care. The spectators were shocked by Yn's “resistance” to gojo, after all, regardless of gender, everyone was into him and there was even a rumor that if you talked to him or geto and ended up without at least having a crush on both of them, you wouldn't, you would meet no one else in your life. But there was the foreigner not only resisting the gojo but going against her will, so even though in silence everyone wanted to know a little more about her, after all, who would be the mortal capable of such audacity? This spread like a match in alcohol, not only the first period, but the second as well, Shoko noticed this, but the rest is another story.
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psapphic95 · 1 year
The way I keep rereading these chapters makes me think I have an obsession the way Regina is obsessed with emma. In chapter 7 Regina reminisced on the time emma was upset at regina because of the dream she had where Regina cheated and I was just wondering if it was possible to see how it played out. I loved reading the short snippet of it in the chapter and I'm dying to read more
You may have to read the first chapter of You're Mine Too, Mommy to understand this snippet
Regina called out from the kitchen as she heard the front door to her apartment open and close, without hearing Emma shouting out to greet her, as she normally did once she arrived home. 
When no response came, Regina hurried out of the kitchen and emerged into the living room to investigate. There, she found Emma sitting on the sofa unlacing her shoes, her face screwed up into a terribly grumpy little expression. 
“Angel?” Regina entered the room. “You’re not going to say hi?” 
Green eyes barely gave her a glance before settling back down on the task of taking off her shoes. 
“Oh, yeah. Hi.” 
Disconcerted by Emma’s abruptness, Regina immediately approached the sofa where Emma was sitting. The two hadn’t texted much throughout the day; Regina didn’t receive the cute little morning text that Emma usually sent once she woke up if Regina left for work before she woke up. The older woman just assumed Emma was busy, though it was unlike her little girl to not communicate that if that was the case. 
“What’s wrong, baby? Did you have a bad day?” 
The concerned woman sat next to her girl and brushed some hair away from her cheek so she could see her face properly. 
“Nothing’s wrong,” Emma said, her tone clipped and eyes still avoiding her Mommy’s.  
Her tone was unmistakably irritated, face still crumpled into a deep scowl. Regina frowned, she began to feel hurt by Emma’s attitude. 
“Have I done something wrong?” Regina tentatively posed. 
“You cheated on me,” Emma snapped.  
Completely staggered, Regina replied, “I-I’m sorry?” 
“You. Cheated. On. Me. I saw you,” Emma repeated, her pout worsening. 
Regina almost felt like laughing. Of all the things that Emma could have possibly said, this seemed the most preposterous. A brief thought flashed through her brain that wondered if Emma was having some sort of delusional episode. From the moment that she first saw her little girl, she hadn’t even been able to think about being with someone else romantically - let alone cheat on her baby. Emma knew how obsessed her Mommy was with her, so the suggestion that Regina would do anything of the sort was so ludicrous that it was funny.  
Trying to swallow her gobsmacked laugh, Regina started to explain herself. 
“Angel I don’t know when you saw me cheating on you or with whom, but I can assure you that it wasn’t—” 
“In my dream, I saw you kissing someone else.” 
The girl interrupted, sounding deadly serious. 
What on earth…
“You saw me cheating…in your dream?” Regina clarified. 
Emma nodded and kicked off her shoes a little too aggressively. 
“Baby, dreams don’t constitute reality. I’d never do that to you, I love you more than anything.” 
“I know,” Emma huffed. “But I’m still going to be grumpy for a little while.” 
“Grumpy at me?” 
“I haven’t done anything wrong!” Regina finally exclaimed. 
“Stop trying to rationalise my emotions! Archie told me that I’m allowed to feel the way I want to in order to process my thoughts!” Emma snipped back. 
For a few moments, Regina just stared at Emma, almost waiting for her to tell her that she was just pulling a stupid prank. That didn’t happen, and Emma just sat with her arms folded over her chest and slumped back into the sofa. 
“Okay, silly girl,” Regina leaned over and pressed a kiss to the side of Emma’s head. “Come find me when you’ve calmed down.” 
With that, she got up and left to continue making dinner. 
Perhaps she was too confident and optimistic when she expected Emma to immediately come to her senses and toddle along after her to apologise for being ridiculous. Whatever it was, after an hour had passed and Emma had not come into the kitchen to help Mommy with dinner, or at least keep her company, Regina had grown tense and anxious. Mommy thought she could successfully call Emma's bluff, but as stubborn as ever, Emma did not budge. There were a lot of things Regina could handle, but her baby girl being unhappy with her was not one. 
Once she heard the sound of the TV begin playing in the living room, Regina decided enough was enough. 
A part of her couldn’t actually believe she was entertaining such absolute nonsense.  The strict Mistress inside her advised her to grab Emma and bend her over her knee for being so rude and avoidant all day. But, her soft, simpering, whipped Mommy-side instructed her to go and make amends with her little princess, for the sins of her dream-self. 
It was no surprise which side Regina listened to. 
Out of the freezer came a pint of Emma's favourite Ben and Jerry's caramel ice cream and placed on the counter. As that defrosted a bit, Regina busied herself chopping up a whole banana into a bowl. Normally, the girl only had half of a banana with her ice cream, but since she wasn’t there to oversee, Mommy snuck more fruit into the pre-dinner dessert. A single scoop of slightly melted caramel ice cream was mixed in after and Regina silently finalised her plan in her mind. 
With a bowl of ice cream in hand and a look of remorse on her face, Regina re-entered the living room, determined to atone for ‘her actions.’ Emma sat on the sofa, still looking utterly grumpy and adorable, hugging her knees close to her chest and watching her favourite show; Spongebob. She didn’t even look up when Regina entered the room, until Mommy cleared her throat and spoke. 
“I’m sorry that you had a bad dream, munchkin,” the older woman said with as much sincerity that she could muster. 
Walking up to Emma, Regina knelt in front of the girl, who opened her knees to look down to see what her Mommy was up to. 
Through Emma’s open legs, Regina handed her the bowl of ice cream. 
“You know that Mama belongs to you. Don’t you?” 
Thankfully, Emma was only wearing a sweater and panties, so Mommy had easy access to her pussy. Caressing one of Emma’s legs with one hand, Regina used the other to run her thumb up Emma’s slit, which was covered by her yellow panties. 
Suddenly, Emma felt very guilty for making her Mommy feel like she needed to make up for something that wasn’t actually her fault. 
“Mommy, you don’t have to—”
“Shhh,” Regina interrupted, hooking her finger into Emma’s underwear and pulling it to the side. “Let me show you how much I love you, princess.”
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