#how do I know what’s a bot and what’s not
otdiaftg · 2 days
The out pouring of love for this blog has swept me off my feet. I knew the logic behind the follower count, but this weekend proved to me without a shadow of a doubt just how much this fandom cherishes these characters and this story.
I am overwhelmed with adoration towards every. single. one. of you.
I took the weekend to finally recoup after the whirlwind of this past year but wanted to take a moment now to answer some of the questions I've seen pop up and to inform you all of what my plans are for what's next.
This took me a long time to ponder and I wanted to make sure I was in the correct headspace to answer it. Short answer: No.
Long answer: All For The Game is near and dear to my heart. And the reason I began this account was because the dates for 2023 matched that of the dates they were meant to be in 2006. To continue it in the year 2024 would mean the dates would be completely wrong and a lot more logistics would have to occur beforehand.
But also-- I'm not the best when it comes to technology, especially when it comes to BOTS so every post that was published was typed out, formatted and scheduled by hand by me. I did not have help. I did not have proofreaders, or editors, or managers. I contacted all the artists myself, sorted through every single page of the artists to find matches to the story, read and re-read the books for exact or guesstimation of dates/times, and made a hell of a lot of typos on the way through all that.
There was probably an easier way that I could have done all this. But I didn't/don't know it. So that all boils down to: It’s a long and tiring process.
Don't get me wrong, it was worth all the hours. And all the sleepless nights I had getting everything done and out. I already thanked my support network, but without my wife and my best friend being there to make me another cup of coffee, walk our dog, do the chores and generally make sure I didn't crumble from the pressure -- none of this would have happened.
So, putting myself through that again, after everything that has happened this year alone-- felt like it would cheapen the experience I had when the dates won't even match.
That being said.... 2034 isn't that far away. >__>
Short answer: No.... sorry.
Long answer: As stated, it is VERY hard to organize what and how I did. HOURS spent researching, organizing, scheduling, etc. Time spent away from my family and other hobbies. NOT time I regret (need to keep prefacing that) but time I want back now. At least for a little bit.
It also doesn't sit right for me to start an OTDITSC when I know some people are still waiting for their copies. There are so many of us out here (as I've come to find out) and I don't want to exclude people's enjoyment and connection that this account gives. I also feel like the more posts about TSC out there, the harder it is for those who are (lets say) waiting for the physical copies to block/mute spoilers. We can say a tag is enough, but this is the internet. And that's not always true.
And lastly, personally, TSC is still SO VERY NEW. It's not even complete yet and we don't 100% know when the next one will be published. I don't want to start something, get to the end of the timeline, and than have a huge gap between posts that will potentially be moments in the second book. It doesn't feel fair to their story, to myself, or to the followers of this account to have incorrect information for something I love so dearly. If I'm doing it. I want to do it right.
Well. A lot. For me personally, as well as this account. I don't want to leave everyone in such a finite way. I love this fandom. I love its art and writings and the abundance of talent and joy that it exudes.
So first, for myself, as well as those artists who agreed to help with this account, I want to post, for the next 40 days Artist Highlights (that means this account will still be active until Friday, May 24th).
Every day, I will post about an Artist and the work that I wanted to post but couldn't fit in. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, these artists are the reason this account thrives. Art, in a multitude of forms, speaks in a way words can not. And these artists prove that.
I'm excited to show them off for a couple more weeks at least. They are all wonderful people.
To also tie us over, I am opening both my personal account as well as this account to questions.
Questions regarding the process, the story, the best movie out in theaters, whatever. I will be answering your questions (as fast as I can) until that last Artists Highlight day (Friday, May 24th). After this day, I will leave the questions answered up for a week, and then remove/delete them from this account. I want to make this more of an archive of sorts and will be updating the Timeline Page as this progresses as well, so you can move freely within the timeline.
Keep in mind that I am only one person, have a family and a full-time job-- so answers may be sporadic, but I will answer them.
This has truly been such a pleasure. And whether I get questions or not, I see you and I appreciate you. I hope your life is filled with everything you ever want, everything you need, and that you never let it go.
🦊 🧡- Kelysium
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animentality · 13 hours
not to be a boomer, but I do worry about the current generation of kids being raised with iPads.
first off. some of them literally can't hold a pencil because their parents never gave them physical toys to grip and play with, developing their fine motor skills.
you might ask why do we even need to learn how to write physically anymore- well, frankly, because if you're stranded on an island somewhere and you need to write HELP, you might not have the strength to hold a pencil, but you can at least hold a stick.
but on a more general note.
writing by hand helps you remember things better. it forces you to focus in a way that typing something word for word does not. a person can transcribe what a professor says without even thinking about it.
someone writing notes has to consider what to write and what to omit. it also activates more parts of your brain, forcing you to flex the parts of your brain related to learning and communicating, while also engaging the part of your brain dedicated to muscle control and precision.
but in general, I think the issue isn't even oh technology is bad and kids are getting dumber.
you can have PowerPoints AND take physical notes. that could help you learn even better than the olden days where you just had to remember everything that was thrown at you. or read very limited, out of date books.
the problem is that the generation that raised/is raising this generation of children just doesn't understand the true impact that all this technology will have on their kids. or they just don't care.
because our generation had the internet yes, but it wasn't widely accessible for most of us, sharing our computers with the entire family in the kitchen. it was also the internet in its infancy, where it wasn't quite so predatory, when it was lawless and disturbing, yes, but it wasn't weaponized by corporations trying to sell you things and steal your data, it wasn't flooded with bots and ai and all sorts of things that the human brain can't even distinguish as real or fake, especially when you're just a little kid.
that generation still played with physical toys. we celebrated when it snowed and we could stay home.
we also came from a gen that still, vaguely, cared about some form of community and had third spaces for kids to hang out.
90s children, who still had some memories of both playing outside on a playground and playing Mario Kart on the Nintendo 64 with their friends, who both went out to the mall and had a club penguin account.
we grew up with laptops and smart boards. maybe some of us had them in high school or college, but we still physically went to class and developed relationships. learned uncomfortable things about ourselves and others, the way humans do.
met new people and were exposed to new ideas, away from our parents. but not from some fucking influencer trying to sell us Sephora products.
we had to study for things, instead of just being able to Google shit for some bullshit online test.
which is also something that really concerns me. so many kids today can so easily Google answers for every test, and while tests don't ultimately matter in the real world, they still provide some basis for things that do matter.
like I'm just imagining medical students googling how to perform an appendectomy on the day of, and just using a YouTube tutorial to guide them through, and shuddering.
there are some things that the Internet can't teach you.
there always will be.
but I don't think my generation is really helping their kids find the balance that we were given naturally growing up.
the boomers and gen xers had fist fights and we had bullying someone online until they committed suicide.
and now kids use AI to spread fake nudes of girls.
but the laws haven't caught up with a lot of this stuff yet, and certainly won't while we have dinosaurs running our government. and culture takes even longer to change than laws.
I also worry because I know how badly covid affected kids worldwide. how they struggle to read and do math, because remote learning just isn't good for kids.
and I can't even blame them!! I literally teleworked for 4 years and even I can admit that I'm not nearly as good at focusing at home as I am in the office.
it's hard for kids with social anxiety and disabilities, yes I know, I know, trust me, I have social anxiety, and as a hybrid worker ATM, I highly doubt I'd be able to handle 5 days a week in the office.
but it's also not particularly good for kids to stay home ALL the time, entertaining themselves in their room and never being challenged, and never meeting people other than their parents.
the iPad is more of a symbol of that problem than the direct problem.
if your entire... world view is limited to what you can see on your iPad... I mean what a terrible world view you'll have.
you're a 10 year old using TikTok and all you ever see is the same opinion over and over until you can scarcely comprehend people who have an opposing opinion.
you see fake videos that seem so real. that must be real, and so comforting, aren't they, those videos that seem so real?
you let 30 year old influencers who are trying to grift people shape your world view.
and it's not even your fault.
your parents aren't doing anything to help you.
you're young and you're being barraged with entertainment and fake educational videos and how to guides that accidentally create mustard gas in your toilet.
your parents should be teaching you to find a balance between these things. they should be telling you what's real and caution you about the things you see.
they should limit your fucking time on the iPad actually. take you to a fucking park and let you roll in the mud or some shit.
and then when you're a teenager and a young adult, then you can start deciding for yourself what you believe.
but a lot of these weird millennial/gen z parents, man. just let your 1 year old scroll through vids on TikTok while you don't even talk to them or look at them once.
maybe it's because they don't see the harm in it, but I don't get it.
adults can watch TikTok all day and know, ahhh this is bad for me. I'm not doing anything I actually want to be doing.
adults can see other adults doing dumb shit and say ah you're sponsored. someone paid you money to say and do that. silly.
but kids are just kids.
they don't have discipline and frankly, that's not their responsibility. that is yours.
you should be teaching them that they can't have everything in life at their finger tips at all times, actually.
the iPad doesn't solve all of your problems, nor will it think critically for you.
so I worry about if humanity can really keep up with its own technology.
our species is still in its infancy, believe it or not.
so maybe these are just growing pains, and future generations will be able to look back on this era and know the proper balance.
but as someone living in 2024.
I wonder just how much pain is left before we really mature and either make it or break it.
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in1-nutshell · 1 day
Bot Buddy being Rodimus's older sister and having a crush on Swerve
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Hinted Romance, Cybertronain reader
Buddy is a near carbon copy of Rodimus.
Key word ‘almost’.
Instead of sporting the red and oranges being her main color on her frame, Buddy has more blue tones with some yellow around.
That is where all similarities end.
Buddy being related to Ultra Magnus makes more sense than her being related to Rodimus.
“Hey Buddy! Watch this!”--Rodimus
Rodimus on the top of a tall shelf.
“Rodimus No!”—Buddy and Magnus
Buddy and Magnus look at each other in surprise.
“… I hate when you two do that.”--Rodimus
“Don’t care, get down here before you break something or hurt yourself.”--Buddy
She was in fact close to him though.
Being a part of the Elite Guard for most of the war can do that.
The other part was stationed around communications and message relay for the Guard or the Wreckers.
That was where she first met Swerve.
It was purely by accident.
Swerve had been given the wrong number and connected her instead.
“Hello? How may I help you?”--Buddy
“You’re not Blurr. Who are you?”--Swerve
“You have the help line for the Wrecker’s and Elite Guard, do you require any assistance?”--Buddy
“Oh, no not really. I thought I had Blurr’s number. You know Blurr?”--Swerve
“Yes, I am familiar with the racer.”--Buddy
“Isn’t he the best! We were going to hatch a plan to build and run a bar when the war ended.”--Swerve
“Really? Blurr agreed to that?”--Buddy
“Absolutely! He even gave me his number, but I must have punched in the wrong digits and contacted you instead. Not that you haven’t been nice and all!”--Swerve
Buddy laughing a little bit.
“Its all right… umm… what is your designation?”--Buddy
“The names Swerve! And who might I be speaking with if you don’t mind?”--Swerve
“I’m Buddy—”--Buddy
“You’re THE Buddy!? Wow! This is just my day! I’ve heard so much about you and your work with the Elite Guard, The Wrecker’s…”--Swerve
Buddy gets a bit more comfortable on her end ready to continue this pleasant conversation with Swerve.
It was a slow day anyways… it felt nice.
That started a slow friendship between the two.
The chats had to happen on scheduled days since Swerve had a habit of talking too much and Buddy didn’t like to stop him.
Buddy refused to talk to Hot Rod about this.
Swerve was her friend.
Finally, someone that hadn’t been friends with Hot Rod before knowing her.
She was going to protect her friend’s identity as long as she could.
But of course, Hot Rod had a feeling his sister was hiding something from him and was going to get to the bottom of it.
Hot Rod dramatically draping his frame on Buddy’s berth.
“Why won’t you tell me!”—Hot Rod
Buddy rolling her optics.
“I’m not telling you squat Roddy.”--Buddy
Hot Rod suddenly sitting up.
“What if its… someone?”—Hot Rod
Buddy frame stiffens a bit.
“It is someone!”—Hot Rod
Hot Rod flopping on her back and starts popping her side annoyingly.
“Who’s the lucky bot who’s got my stuck up of a sister like this?”—Hot Rod
Buddy grabs his digit and slightly bends it backwards.
“Hey! OWW!”-Hot Rod
“Keep it up and I’ll bend more than your digit Hot Rod. Got that?”--Buddy
Buddy lets go of his digit and crosses her arms glaring at him.
“Fine, fine, I wont start talking about your secret—”—Hot Rod
Buddy judo flips her brother to the floor.
Hot Rod was over the moon hearing that there might be someone out there for his stuck-up sis.
Maybe it would help loosen her up.
Primus knows she needs to stop stressing so much.
Buddy just wishes that Hot Rod would drop the subject… but is secretly pleased to hear that he is happy that she found someone she likes.
…then came Rodimus Prime.
Buddy felt their sibling bond significantly weakened thanks to the matrix bonding.
Rodimus didn’t seem to notice but Buddy did.
But she refused to acknowledge it to him.
He was a Prime now, he had other things to worry about than her.
Just pushing through trying to get her work done.
Timeskip to the Lost Light…
Buddy was not aware that Swerve was on the ship until she got wind of the bar.
She walked in and zeroed in on the minibot.
Buddy walking over to the bar where Swerve had his back to her.
“Welcome to Swerve’s you see anything you like?”--Swerve
Buddy smiles a bit.
“Hmm… I don’t know you recommend anything Swerve?”--Buddy
Swerve stops cleaning the glass in his servo and turns around, wide eyed.
Buddy smiles a bit more seeing Swerve’s own face light up.
Swerve reaches over the bar to hug his friend.
Several bots at the bar stop seeing the small bartender hugging one of the most strict bots on bourd.
“… 20 shanix that Buddy tells Swerve off.”--Skids
“Wrong. 50 and she throws him out.”--Whirl
“She wouldn’t do that… right?”--Tailgate
Buddy hugs Swerve back while silent chaos ensues behind them.
So many bots thought that Swerve was going to die that day.
Rodimus had so many com pings within that hour.
He brushes the pings off like a rumor.
Especially when he hears about something potentially happening between Buddy and Swerve.
… That changes when Rodimus starts to notice Buddy hanging out more and more at Swerve’s.
This was the first flag to be raised.
Buddy doesn’t ‘do’ crowded bars.
But he brushes it off as Buddy finally letting loose.
Rodimus is talking with Drift when he notices Buddy at the bar.
“Isn’t it nice seeing Buddy happy?”--Drift
“Hmm? Yeah… but it’s a bit weird seeing her out here.”--Rodimus
Drift raises an optic.
“She doesn’t like big, crowded places, it’s ‘Too loud and too much engex being spilled all over’.”--Rodimus
Drift looking at Buddy happily talking with Swerve at the counter.
“Maybe she’s here for someone?”--Drift
Rodimus downing the rest of his drink laughing at the end.
“Ha! That’ll be the day.”--Rodimus
One time a rather rude bot had come to the bar and demanded to know why he was cut off from the drinks.
All while he was slowly tipping to the side.
Buddy tried to de-escalate the situation.
“Listen, we are all civilized bots here. Lets just get you back to your habsuite or the med bay if—”--Buddy
The bot looks at Buddy and spits in their face.
“Can it! Your nothing more of a has been-washout-guards-bot who is only good for a pretty paperweight!”—Random Bot
Buddy wipes the spit infused engex from her optics, glares at the bot harshly, about to unleash the Pits when she gets interrupted.
Swerve stands on the bar counter gaining some height, his servos shaking at his sides.
“Don’t you EVER talk to her like that! Now. Get. Out. Of. MY! BAR!”—Swerve
Buddy feels her spark skip a pulse looking at the mini bartender.
The bot tries to take a swing at him, but Buddy grabs the fist in her’s.
Buddy’s optics blazing in fury.
“You heard the minibot.”--Buddy
Buddy kicks the bot in the back of the knee and throws the frame across her shoulder.
Marching outside and kicking the bot several feet away from the entrance.
“Get. Out.”—Buddy
“… She gonna be my Amica.”--Whirl
“Whirl, not the time.”--Cyclonus
“Well, I can’t be her Conjunx. Swerve has that covered; this is the next best thing.”--Whirl
“Swerve does not—”--Tailgate
Whirl points at Swerve still standing on the counter with a lovesick smile on his face.
“…Maybe your right.”--Tailgate
“Tailgate, Whirl no.”--Cyclonus
“Hold on Cyclonus, they might have a point.”--Rewind
Cylcnous puts a servo on Chromedome’s shoulder shaking his helm.
Chromedome sighs giving in as Whirl, Tailgate, and Rewind scheming in silence.
Buddy managed to cuff the bot and send him to Magnus.
The bot never came back to Swerve’s.
Swerve has heart shaped optics behind his visor.
You’d have to be blind not to see his clear ‘admiration’ for the former member of the Elite Guard.
But he is convinced that all of this will pass.
It’s not like Buddy would actually have feelings for him.
Meanwhile Buddy has started creating Swerve/Love playlists in secret.
A secret that she is taking with her until she goes offline.
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fandomnerd9602 · 3 days
Fem!Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
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You and Petra both could not believe it. You had proposed to her, and despite everything she had said yes honestly the thought of it still made Petra smile a little more and more.
She found herself screaming in delight while working a shift at the Moondance diner, she was so giddy at the mere thought of it.
Any normal girl would consider herself lucky for the fact that she was marrying a stark meaning that she would want for nothing in the world. Not Petra, she was excited because she was marrying her best friend.
She couldn’t help but squeal in delight. She grabbed Betty’s hand and jumped around in the kitchen. And then her boss, Enrique, had to interrupt.
“Yo! Parker! What’s with the jumpin’ jacks?!” his voice thundered.
“Enrique! I’m engaged!” Petra shouted back, excited as ever.
“Yeah. Yeah we all saw the scene.” the man just went back to the grill.
Petra was beyond excited for her marriage to you.
Meanwhile you were with Harley Keener, trying to begin planning the party and ceremony.
“I screwed up” you said kind of upset.
“How?” the young inventor asked with a smirk, “you’re marrying Petra Parker.”
“I ruined my proposal to my best friend”
“Second best friend!” Harley interrupted jokingly.
“I mean…I proposed to her before she even had our prom.” An idea popped into your head, “prom! I need to make my prom-posal to her even more special!”
“Well don’t over think it. And don’t under think it either” your pal offers. “Who can help us?”
Only one name came to mind: Ned Leeds
Would it qualify as kidnapping as to how you got Ned to help you? Put it simply, you saw him walking down the street after school, grabbed him by the backpack and flew back to the Avengers Tower.
“Mr. (Y/N) Stark, sir” Ned said after landing, “that was bot the most terrifying and awesome experience of my life”
“Ned I need your help” you tried to explain only for Harley to come flying in with Michelle in his arms.
“Dude that was weird” Michelle grumbled.
“I need both of you to help me” you tried to explain, “Petra deserves a prom-posal as awesome as her and I’m clueless”
“Whipped” Michelle said jokingly.
“Petra loves Star Wars! And so do i” Ned said with a little nervousness.
“Okay but why?” Michelle asked
“Because I love her and I screwed up the actual marriage proposal” you answered back
“Because she’s the best thing ever in my life and I-I couldn’t think straight when I saw her smile”
“Why” Michelle giggled
“Are you gonna help me or not?!”
“Yeah sure” she said nonchalantly.
That night Petra swung to her apartment and snuck in thru the window, trying to be as quiet as a mouse…or even a spider.
Then aunt May’s voice broke the silence, “Petra, honey, can you come into the living room?”
Busted. Petra thought to herself. She switched into her favorite pair of sweats and hoodie and walked into her living room.
The stereo was playing ‘Always and Forever’ softly. The whole living room was decorated like the Ewok village from Return of the Jedi.
You stood there with a bouquet of flowers and a small smile on your face. “Hey there Spider Monkey” you said softly.
“Hey you” she answered back.
“Petra, I love you so much” you said, “I know I screwed up my proposal and all but-”
“You didn’t.” She answered back with a giggle. “I thought it was just right. I wanna spend my life with you, (Y/N)”
“I wanna spend my life with you too.” You held up the flowers, “and I want to spend prom with you as well. Will you go to prom with me?”
Petra stood there, tears forming in her eyes. She ran forward and jumped into your arms. “Yes. yes! Yes to everything!” she giggled before kissing you. Somehow each kiss with you felt like the first.
Ned, Harley and Michelle each appeared with their own lightsabers and threw confetti.
“Finally.” Michelle said with a little smile.
“Look at my best friend” Ned said with his own smile. “Do you think Y/N will let me be best man?”
“I called dibs dude!” Harley immediately shouted back.
“How about dude of honor?”
“I’ll allow it.”
Not that you or Petra had noticed the argument. The two of you were so busy, lost in each other, lost in this small, infinite moment of happiness.
Tags: @ma1egamer @jacenradio7 @deafeningsharkslimeempath @holiday-house-of-m @family-house-of-m @supercorpdanbeau @pinklawyerwinnerzonk @russianredassassin @revanshand @iamnicodemus @multi-fandom-enjoyer
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bots-and-cons · 3 days
Hello there. This isn't my first time requesting, but it is my first time requesting to you. I read your rules carefully, if I somehow still managed to get it wrong, let me know. There is human baby that is very affectionate. They are always excited to see the Autobots and always giving them a kiss on the cheek or hugging them everytime their feeling down (Platonic). Ratchet and Arcee, please and thank you.
A/N: I wrote this with the reader having a baby/toddler, that they bring to the base occasionally, so the reader is the parent in this case. I didn’t really know how else to write this. There's also this post, this post, and this post about a similar topic
•When you first brought your baby to the base they were just a few weeks old, so they’ve basically been around the autobots since they were very, very young
•Arcee ended up being the baby’s favorite autobot, and she became very attached to the baby too
•It’s not like you can leave the baby alone with the bots for like the first year, at least not for longer periods of time
•A big part of that is that the autobots are all so big, and might have a hard time holding and handling the baby
•Arcee is smaller than any of the others so she has an easier time handling small creatures, such as a baby or a toddler
•Arcee thinks it’s very interesting to watch your kid grow, and she also finds it very hopeful, like how a creature as weak and fragile such as a baby, can grow into someone so resilient and strong as you
•The kid comes to think of Arcee as a part of the family, and she’s their favorite babysitter
•You’re good friends with Arcee as well, so you spend a lot of time together, and your kid of course is there too
•The kid loves to hug Arcee and be held by her, and Arcee loves holding them and keeping them safe
•Ratchet isn’t exactly ecstatic about a baby at the base, because he feels like a baby might disturb his work
•As if that doesn’t happen with the team and the kids too, but surely a baby would be too much
•But when he meets your baby for the first time, it’s an absolutely awe-inspiring moment
•Ratchet has never seen a real baby before, and they’re so tiny and fragile and… adorable?
•Sure the baby sometimes makes some unwanted noise, but in general, they’re a pretty calm and happy baby
•Ratchet looks after your baby when you’re busy with work/studies, so you can work freely
•You’re still at the base when you work, and he comes get you when he doesn’t know what to do with the baby or when they need something
•Ratchet grows very attached to the baby, and he does his absolute best to keep them safe and happy
•In a weird way, the baby also does the same for Ratchet, they give him hope about a better tomorrow
•Ratchet is like family to you and your kid, and you all take care of each other, the baby too, even if it’s more on an emotional level with them
•Sometimes Ratchet just holds the baby while he works, because he wants to be absolutely sure they’re safe
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hqbaby · 1 day
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how did it end? — hinata x reader
ੈ𑁍༘⋆ didn’t you hear? they called it all off. after your relationship falls apart, you find yourself trying to pick up the pieces. in the midst of the wreckage, you still can’t figure out exactly why it all ended.
word count. 1.5k content. angst, breakup fic
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You remember when you first moved in. It was a hot summer day and there was a leak in the kitchen. It wasn’t there when you bought the place and Shoyo had spent the whole morning arguing with the realtor because of it. You remember seeing him get all frustrated and having to tell him to calm down, that it would be fine.
“I just wanted it to be perfect,” he told you when he got off the phone. The two of you were sitting on the floor of your bare living room, sucking on popsicles and wiping the sweat from your foreheads.
His words warmed your heart, which might have seemed counterproductive in the heat, but you didn’t care. All you could do was smile at him and take his hand and say, “Look around. It’s already perfect.”
He lit up at your words, suddenly all giddy as looked around the place. Your place. For both of you.
He kissed you then and you laughed, jokingly shoving him away, reminding him of the heat, but he didn’t care. You didn’t either.
Things were easier then. Lighter, happier. Better.
You look around the living room now, bare once more, stripped of all signs of life that had once filled its walls, and you wonder if things will ever be that good again. And you realize that they probably won’t.
“You okay?” Sakusa asks you. He’s carrying a box of your things, things that had once had a place in this home and don’t anymore. “Are you missing anything?”
You shake your head. “I’m fine,” you tell him, picking up a box at your feet. “We should go.”
All of your things are split between the trunk of your car and Sakusa’s. After he heard about what happened, he had offered to help you move your things to your new place. At that point, you hadn’t even considered leaving this house, your home. You never thought you’d have to look for a new place again.
“Is there anything else?” Sakusa asks as he closes the trunk of his car.
You look at the boxes of your things, the empty house behind you, the winding road ahead with an unfamiliar destination. You can’t help the tears that fall from your eyes. “I—I can’t,” you say, turning back to the house. “I can’t leave. It’s not over yet.”
Your friend has a pained expression on his face. He says your name, quietly, sadly. “What do you want to do?”
“Can I call him?”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
But you’re already fumbling through your pockets, pulling your phone out. “I’m gonna call him.”
You tap on his number, still at the top of your contacts list. You worry your lip as you listen to the phone ring once. Twice. Thrice.
He declines.
You ring him again.
“Please stop,” Sakusa says, prying the phone from your hands. “He won’t answer. I’m sorry.”
You look back at the house. Did it always look so empty? So lifeless? So miserable?
“I just need a minute,” you tell him, rubbing your tears away with the back of your hand. “Just a minute,” you say, walking towards the house. To soothe it? To stop its pain? You don’t know. “I’ll be back.”
You push through the doors and suddenly you’re back at the beginning.
Shoyo stands by the staircase with a fresh bouquet, grinning that boyish grin of his. “Happy anniversary,” he says.
You frown. “It’s not our anniversary.”
“I know,” he tells you, still grinning. “But it will be in three months. Thought I’d get you something in advance.”
You launch yourself into his arms and he peppers your face with kisses as you giggle and clutch the bouquet to your chest. “I love it,” you tell him, pulling away to look him square in the eye. “Thank you.”
You’re back in the present, standing at the staircase, arms empty, the warmth of his embrace gone. How long had it been since the two of you were that happy? That careless with your joy?
A month ago, you were both at the staircase too. You were standing at the top, him at the bottom. The distance hurt you more than it should have.
“I can’t deal with this anymore,” you told him. You weren’t crying, you were just staring at him, all tired and drained. “You know that, right? You know I can’t.”
You felt for the ring on your finger. It had been there for two years already, a promise that was yet to be fulfilled. A promise that you had been waiting on for so long, one that never came and would never come.
He gripped the rails and shook his head. “I don’t know what you want from me."
He had a different look on his face, one that you wouldn’t have recognized two years ago but had become increasingly familiar with in the last few weeks. You were both tired, and that was never going to end well no matter what you did.
“Put me first,” you told him. Asking. Begging. Pleading. “Just put me first for once.”
You grip the railing now and you wonder why it didn’t end there. Because it didn’t. Somehow, you found it in yourselves to keep going, keep breathing life into the corpse that was the two of you for two more weeks.
You should’ve let it end there. Maybe it would’ve made more sense.
You wander to the kitchen, the place where you once considered that you might’ve been the happiest you’d ever be.
It was a Sunday night, Shoyo had spent his day off with you, going to your favorite spots around the city, having dinner at the place you two loved, lying on the couch and watching all the shows you’d missed. You found yourselves washing the bowls you’d used for ice cream, chatting about your day, the things you could do next week.
You thought that you were already happy then, that things couldn’t get much better, but Shoyo wasn’t having any of that.
As you placed the last bowl on the drying rack, you found your boyfriend on his knees. There was a ring in his hands. No box, just a ring. He later told you that he’d kept it in his pajama pocket because he was so scared of losing it and you’d laughed at him and told him you understood.
He was nervous, the words getting all jumbled in his mouth until all he could say was, “Do you—do you maybe wanna marry me?”
You nodded your head and leaned down to kiss him. He slid the ring onto your finger and you held him tight. You never wanted to let him go.
You twist the ring on your finger now. He told you to keep it, but you’d been contemplating giving it back. Maybe Sakusa could pass it along. Or Atsumu. Any one of your friends would do. You just know you can’t give it to him directly. He won’t have that.
You tap the kitchen table, still there, part of what you decided to sell with the house because neither of you wanted to keep it. You both know why, but you never said it out loud.
It was where things ended, more or less.
You had sat down for dinner, the week building up to that moment had been tense, but not anything special. You were bracing yourself for another fight, another cool down, another restless night of sleep before things went back to normal. You don’t know if you should’ve realized it was coming. You guess you never will.
“We need to talk,” he said and you listened.
You both poured out all the things that bothered you, the things you wanted to fix, the things that were clearly going wrong. It was a civil conversation, diplomatic and understanding. You talked and talked, trying to piece together the things neither of you could understand on your own. You thought it would work, you thought it was going well.
But it went on for too long. You circled around the same concerns again and again. You put things together only to watch them fall apart. It felt like building a sandcastle by the sea only for the whole thing to be washed away by the waves in seconds.
In the end, you realized that you were going nowhere. This was going nowhere.
So you stopped trying to fix it. You both did. There was no point trying to bring something back when it had clearly been gone for a while already.
You look at the table now. You look at the marks you left on it, where you had both engraved your initials. Shoyo had been so happy when you agreed to doing it.
“We’ll be here forever,” he told you as he pressed the cutter to the wood. His head was bent, focusing and carefully carving each stroke. 
You were sitting beside him, head on his shoulder. You smiled. “We’ll be here forever.”
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notes. i’ve been in a weird place recently, picking at old wounds and all, so my writing’s been all over the place. i’m trying not to touch any of my series right now (mainly because i’m scared i’ll mess with the plots too much to backtrack), so here’s a little fic for now <3
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ikkosu · 19 hours
"They were clearly checking you out and you didn't do anything, that's why I'm mad!" + prowl (i want see what are you doing with this 👀👀)
😈😈😈 ehgekjekek
—THE outfit you wore today was surely different from the ones you had every other. The change in tone irritated him and it was little too flattering for Prowl's taste : tight in every manner, inappropriate at certain angles, and it was definitely a sight for sore eyes.
Attraction comes with that, too — magnetic to the point, he'd roll his eyes at loony idiots tripping over their feet.Sometimes, ramming against walls and pouring a little too much coffee in their mug, it spills.
Is this the state of the Autobot faction? Only a mere change in fabric deters their focus entirely? Inefficient idiots. He wasn't letting this go. You're breaching a standard protocol and confrontation is key, even if it meant he'd have to express his disdainful displeasure at your new attire.
Though, everytime he pushed that thought away, opting to focus on how own reports — another sparing ogle from the bots clamps up his spark and he lets out a frustrated growl. It's not so hard to look the other way, is it?
You swivelled around in time for the Cop-bot to appear, frowning in all his glory. He doesn't say anything. A pinched expression is all he's got. More glaring. Silence. Just glaring. Glaring, and.... more glaring?
You interject before he could process a word.
"Is this your 'you forgot to put margins in your reports again' scowl or is it another scowl that's conjured up on a whim because you're mad at something different entirety?"
He shuts his mouth then opens it. "One that is nothing significant." He clips, strutting past you.
"Sure, nothing." You pottered after him with a grin. " Ratchet says you're hot to the touch, a little frisky today if he had to term it nicely."
"I wouldn't have to be if you're just as modest as every other day." He strides faster. "And, will you stop dragging your feet? It's very much irritating, thank you."
"Modest?" You retort. "Hide's got the most checks in the swear jar, prowl. I barely got a penny."
He halts, let's out a vent then turns around. "I meant modest as in your appearance."
You look down to your outfit, then up. "What's wrong with it?"
"That's entirely the point." He hissed. "You're too ignorant to realize what effect your attire is having on others. Clearly, there isn't enough optics in this base that would rather ogle at the resident liaison than do their work."
"You're blaming me for their inefficiency?"
"I'm blaming you for not taking accountability."
"I can't just tell them to stop looking can I?" You said. "Better yet, gouge out their eyeballs so they couldn't see anymore. Is that what you want?"
He leans in close and says lowly. "The least you could do is tell them off."
You look up, frowning. The urge to throttle his neck cables is threading on a thin line you're sure it'll break. That is until, a bubble of enlightenment popped.
"You're not....jealous, are you?'"
Prowl immediately clamps up. A blue-ish hue spreads across his cheeks, all the way up to his forehead. He leans away, huffing. His doorwings twitched irritably and his response is strangely sulky, almost child-like.
"Don't ask questions you know the answer to."
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tapesfrom1980 · 2 days
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first meet premiere , walker scobell x fem! actress reader
ps: for the dress, think greta lee’s oscars after party ‘24. this was so half assed i’m so sorry
“oh my god y/n!”
y/n grinned as she threw open the hotel room door to reveal her bestfriend, mckenna.
“look at you! you could walk on a runaway right now and no one would think you’re out of place.” mckenna gushed as she hugged her bestfriend.
“me? i feel like i should be bowing down at you just by being able to look at you!” y/n laughed as she pulled away from the hug.
it was the premiere night for ghostbusters: frozen empire. mckenna had invited a couple of her friends, including y/n. y/n knew she was extremely proud of the movie and wanted her loved ones there with her.
“i am so excited. i really hope you love the movie as much as i do.”
“i already know it’s gonna be amazing. thank you for inviting me.” y/n smiled warmly at the blonde girl.
“AND you’re gonna meet walker, aryan, charlie, leah, and dior. they’ve been so busy with the press but now you’ll be able to meet them! especially walker.” mckenna winked knowingly as she sat down on the hotel room bed.
y/n rolled her eyes playfully and sat down next to her. “i will actually hurt you if you try anything today mckenna.” mckenna feigned hurt and gasped dramatically.
“what ever are you talking about my dearest y/n? i would never do anything like that.” y/n bumped her shoulder jokingly.
“i’m excited to meet them though.” mckenna raised her eyebrows suggestively. “all of them mckenna.” y/n waved her off.
“besides, tonight is going to be all about you. i’m not focusing on some guy instead of my best friend.” y/n laid her head on the blonde girl’s shoulder.
“i know, but it would make me really happy if you guys finally talked.” mckenna laid her head on top of y/n’s. “i know you better than anyone y/n and i know you’re gonna have a good time with walker.”
y/n groaned dramatically but smiled.
“alright, alright. let’s get going.” y/n stood up and held out her hand for mckenna to grab.
“we are going to have. so. much. fun.”
“aryan! oh my gosh!” mckenna rushed to engulf a tall brown boy in a hug. y/n smiled fondly as she watched them. she realized the rest of the group was behind him and pursed her lips.
“guys! this is the girl ive been telling you about, my bestfriend, y/n l/n!” mckenna pulled away from aryan and pulled y/n next to her.
“hi guys.” y/n smiled and waved shyly to the group, suddenly feeling very anxious.
“you look beautiful y/n! i love your dress!” leah went to give y/n a hug, dior following.
“thank you! i love your makeup!” y/n grinned, suddenly feeling a surge of confidence.
“dior your hair looks stunning. i’m so jealous.” y/n complimented, genuinely amazed by the girl.
“me?? look at you!” dior beamed.
“this is charlie, that’s aryan as you already know,” mckenna grinned. “and that’s walker.” y/n looked up at the 3 boys in front of her.
she had already met aryan and loved him, but she had yet to meet charlie and walker.
“it’s so good to see you again aryan.” y/n wrapped her arms around aryans neck and squeezed him.
“you look amazing as always, y/n.” aryan smiled back at the girl as they pulled away. y/n thanked him and turned to charlie.
“it’s so nice to meet you charlie, hi!!” y/n beamed, feeling a rush of adrenaline upon meeting the group.
“it’s really lovely meeting you y/n, i can’t believe mckennas been hiding you for this long.” charlie joked as mckenna rolled her eyes.
“i’ve been telling you for ages how great she is.” she huffed as y/n laughed.
“and this is walker.” mckenna smirked knowingly. y/n took a deep breath and turned to the boy behind her. he had been awfully quiet the entire time and in a trance. it wasn’t until aryan shoved his shoulder slightly that he came to.
“you look beautiful y/n.” walker breathed out. he admired the dress she was wearing. it was a white silky custom Loewe dress with the back exposed. her hair was in a wavy sleek middle part, tucked behind her ears on both sides with golden clips.
y/n felt her face warm, but smiled nonetheless. “thank you. you look really nice too.” she ignored her heart pounding inside her chest and wrapped her arms around walker, who was slightly towering over her.
y/n’s face was hot, and she refused to glance at mckenna as she knew what she would be doing.
“sooo, are you guys ready?”
“if i take one more step i think my legs will actually snap off.”
the 4 girls threw themselves on the bed. leah’s face was smushed into the comforter, 100% leaving traces of her makeup on it. dior groaned and covered herself with as much of the blanket as she could. y/n and mckenna held each other dramatically like they haven’t slept in 10 years.
soon after the premiere, they had attended the after party that lasted for almost 4 hours.
“my head is killing me.” y/n grumbled against mckennas neck. the guys were in the same mood, not bothering to take their suit jackets off. y/n couldn’t see them but she figured they too, were slumped.
y/n decided to get up after a couple of minutes, refusing to sleep with her makeup on. the girls were long gone in sleep and y/n was careful to not wake them.
she looked down at mckenna, realizing one of her lashes was now stuck on the blondes shoulder. y/n snickered quietly to herself, taking off her heels before getting up.
“you look just as gorgeous you know, one lash and all.” y/n jumped as she turned around, realizing walker was still awake.
they had talked more at the after party but the obvious mutual attraction between the 2 made y/n shy away from him.
“you’re funny.” y/n playfully rolled her eyes, smiling at him tiredly. he flashed her the same smile back but continued.
“i’m serious.”
“you’re really sweet walker.” they held eye contact for a couple of seconds before y/n finally looked away.
she realized mckenna was right, she didn’t wanna keep hiding away.
“do you wanna go for a walk?”
“yes.” without skipping a beat, walker got up.
“okay.” she pursed her lips to hide her excitement. remembering how cold it was outside, she let her eyes scanned the room as she tried to remember where her jacket was.
“shit, i left my jacket in my room.” y/n covered her face with her hands in frustration. so much for a walk alone with him.
“are you trying to get out of this walk with me? because it’s not going to work.” walker joked with a raised brow. he walked over to y/n and took off his suit jacket and placed it around her instead. he stood inches away from her, fixing it to make sure she’d be nice and warm.
y/n tried to avoid eye contact, heart racing as he delicately put it on her. she swore she was going to pass out.
“won’t you get cold?” y/n looked up at him, trying to hide her giddiness. walker shook his head with a small smile.
“don’t worry about it. i’d rather walk in the cold then miss this opportunity. especially with you.”
“i’m gonna punch you.” y/n grinned at the curly haired boy, taking his hand and quickly exiting the room together. after closing the door shut, she realized she didn’t take a keycard to be able to come back with. or her phone.
as if walker was reading her mind, he laughed out loud. “don’t worry, we’ll just knock till the door falls off and one of them wakes up.” y/n laughed but nodded.
“come on!” she gripped tighter onto his hand and started running down the hotel hallway. the pair tried to contain their laughs as they knew if they got caught they’d be sent back to their rooms.
“where are we going?” walker asked between breaths.
“i don’t know!” y/n beamed back at him.
they ran until they found a door that brought them outside. y/n sighed in content as the cold air hit her. she hesitantly let go of walkers hand and she swore she saw him about to hold it again.
“the breeze feels so nice.” y/n closed her eyes happily and stood still for a second. when she opened them again, she looked back at walker who was gazing at her with a smile.
“what?” she smiled back at him, suddenly feeling shy underneath his gaze.
“would you ever wanna like…i don’t know..hang out? go out?” walker blurted out at last. y/n grinned and took a step closer.
“is the walker scobell asking me out?” she gasped playfully. she swears she saw his face get red.
“yes. i am.” he admitted genuinely.
“i’d love to.”
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y/n.l/n: late night shenanigans 😴 @walker.scobell
walker.scobell: I wonder who this handsome mysterious young lad is
y/n.l/n: 😬😬i wouldn’t say all that..
mckennagraceful: I KNEW IT.
y/n.l/n: LEAVEEE
aryansimhadri: WHEN WAS THIS??? HELLO??
leahsavajeffries: You and me both Aryan
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mychlapci · 3 days
Rodimus giving birth painfully at the worst time possible and with no help whatsoever.
Its in the middle of battle and he’s in too much pain to move, his tank is painfully stiff and swollen and he’s in so much pain but his fluids haven’t even broken yet and there is so much pressure all he can do is vent heavy and huddle under the shelter hoping the wrong bot doesn’t find him.
Best part about it?
He wasn’t even in this battle.
He was on a civi huddle trying to get to safety because he left after finding out he was sparked.
Deadlock and Ratchet who don’t even know.
He’s literally got the worst luck because bombs are falling and soldiers are offlining and bullets are flying in the space he’s in and crawling only did so much his tanks are too heavy on his frame and half his spoilers been blown off while the other half is leaking energon hanging by a thread.
This mech is in serious trouble because he feels his sparklings moving and its making everything worse and the siren for clearing the battlefield sounds and he knows he’s really fragged because that means they send out a large bomb and what do they do?
Drop the largest bomb that caves in his shelter and guess who just so happened to fall in protecting each other?
Deadlock and Ratchet who have no idea he’s behind them as they check each other over and talk quietly so relieved they survived as they mention it’ll take at least two days to remove the rubble so they can escape.
And guess whose frame wracks with pain as their sparkling readjusts and kicks them too hard and makes him fail at stifling an agonized scream thats muffled from him biting into his arm?
Deadlock and Ratchet have the most distressed, out of frame mind zapping shock of their life cycles seeing Rodimus like that.
Your thoughts/the rest?
Ooh poor Rodimus (Hot Rod?)... but he was lucky that a bickering Deadlock and Ratchet ended up in the rubble with him. For a moment they’re too busy fighting and pointing out whose fault it was that they ended up here and how long it’s gonna take them to get out thar they don’t notice that there’s someone still alive in the mess. Hot Rod squealing out as his forge clenches alerts them to his presence very quickly…
When they realize it’s Hot Rod, their shared… friend, they rush to him and no matter how hard he tries to hide his pregnant belly from them, his water finally breaking tips them off. I don’t think they realize they’re the sires at first, but when Ratchet scolds him for not coming to him when he got sparked and Hot Rod tells him he didn’t want to hang a sparkling on his shoulders it clicks.
Deadlock is more stunted. Ratchet knows what to do, but Deadlock does not. I think he only jumps to action once Ratchet orders him to help him get Hot Rod out of the rubble and onto a more comfortable surface. Hot Rod was very lucky to have been found by them. Ratchet can patch him up and help coach him through the birth. He can already see that Roddy’s been straining himself, forcing himself to push when he does not need to. Thankfully his water finally broke and it’s gonna be significantly easier from now… Hot Rod clings to Deadlock as Ratchet helps him coax out the sparkling, scolding him for not telling them, for keeping this to himself, for trying to move through an active war-zone when he knew he’s that far along. Because of all the stress and the fighting still going on outside, Hot Rod has a very hard time giving birth, but at least he can scream into Deadlock’s chest this time around <3
if it’s going to take at least a couple days to clear out the rubble they know they’re in hot water. Hot Rod’s sparkling comes out alive but barely holding on and they don’t have enough fuel for the four of them… Everyone has to pitch in to keep the little one fed, which slows down the progress. Hot Rod’s injuries and the fact that he’s only recently birthed a sparkling mean they have to drag him out and help him walk across the empty battlefield… Hopefully, they can reconnect with an autobot squadron soon, and as for Deadlock… he’s going to stay with his sparkling for as long as he can, for now.
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verdart · 5 hours
I made the unfortunate decision to comment on a tiktok saying
"Blitz has every right to doubt Stolas' intentions and I will di on this hill defending Blitz"
Which made me actually realize in the context of Stolitz how much the fandom vilifies Blitz.
Upon rewatch I realized that he is actually kinda innocent lmao. So here comes the rant hop on in Verda rants at 4am again train.
The thing is first of all we need to work our media literacy muscles. So Stolas stans who think he is a uwu babygirl that dod nothing wrong repeat after me. "Blitz didn't watch "just look my way", "owl in a cage" or any other Stolas longing scene that we cried over"
Now that thats setteled I don't want to hear any "he is trying" bs because as of now (pre full moon s2e8) he hasn't actually done anything that Blitz is aware.
Lets start from the top my initial comment was about how Stolas treated him for so long before actually catching the feelings and how Blitz has a right to think he is not genuine.
Up top lest start with the condescending pet names and I won't be hearing Blitz cant be mad at that Stolas does it bc he thinks he likes it... jesus okay s2e1 when stolas starts the imp dirty talk what does blitz do a) encourage him b) get naked and dtf bc that was hot, c) shuts him up
Ding ding ding C. Stolas can still take this as bedtime play sure but we have a case for Blitz not liking it from day one. Other than that we all know he views Stolas' (perhaps in his mind endearing) pet names as condescention.
Secondly even if we ignore the power imbalance Stolas is the one to suggest the transactional fucking... s1e1 even tho in the forst time it was Blitz's doing, sorta. So don't at me saying well Blitz just uses him for the grimoire, like girly duh that was the premise. But Stolas also uses Blitz. Imo lending a book vs fucking in payment is a bot excessive but for Blitz's case beggars cant be chosers.
Now to the elephant in the room... Ozzie's. Does Blitz invite him (Stolas) purely out of selfish intentions that has nothing to do with him? Yes. Is he a dick? Yes. But Does Stolas hide his fucking face when he has a reality check? Yes. But then y'all be mad bc Blitz pulled his hand back.
That night Stolas was read once, Blitz was like at least 2 times... if we don't count the stuff for Stolas by proxy. He was having a hard night bro. And after Stolas invites him he is like no and Stolas respects that. Which if the show didn't add s2e2 in between it wouldve been a perfect stepping stool to get the Stolitz on healthy communication territory but that didn't happen.
I cannot for the life of me pin point when Stolas genuinely falls for Blitz. If its from day one damn it took him long enough to understand what he was doing was wrong.
Anyways we as fans can't be mad at Stolas because we know he is starting to understand the absolute power imbalance he created and the position he left Blitz in. He has realized that the thing is lets remember and repeat "Blitz is not watching the show with us". Blitz doesn't know of this sudden change of heart.
Now to adress a few meaningful interactions we have after ozzies. The fucking pixelated phone texts from s2 western energy.
Stolas apologizes but in that way that I look down upon. "Sorry if" like girl own it up anyways Blitz brushes it off and Stolas instead just goes hehe I didnt care either. Yall need relationship therapy my god. Important thing is Stolas was trying to reach out. But instead of going anything I said that made you upset etc he could've actually apologize properly for getting ashamed. Tho Blitz should also apologize for inviting him on a date for his own gain but thats another bag of worms I won't open tonight.
Other than that he has put off seeing him and doing the transactional fucking for a while. During those times. And as we know from all the phones Blitz breaks after talking to Stolas and hearing hus dirty talk he isn't too excited about. We don't exactly know if he comes or not on those nights. But he is also showm to be quite comfortable in s2e2 with the "my dick is good but its not that good" comment so maybe they do continue the arrangement... idk. Either way we know they haven't really talked.
All I am saying is that both parties of this ship are guilty af of hurting eachother and taking advantage of eachother. But as the power house of this power imbalance, Stolas needs to be held accountable. And he is doing that now!! Or will, in s2e8 and I can't wait to see how that goes. Overall, I can see totally why Blitz shuts down any signs that Stolas might actually be into him. He has a good bunch of reasons too. And as far as we've seen from the trailer we will get to hear him say it out loud as he should.
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callsign-relic · 1 day
Thinking about cybertronian tummies from the previous anon-
Just thinking about how crazy it is that we have a vat of acid in our bodies and the only thing protecting us from digesting ourselves is a little lining of mucus.
I’d like to imagine that some bots think that just because human stomach acid could kind of dissolve metal that means we can eat the same snacks as them.
Like “what do you mean you cant eat rust sticks?? What is your acid balloon for then!”
Or some bots being scared of humans because how can meat sack have a vat of acid in their body????
AHHSHD yeah I could definitely see that!!!
A bot who doesn’t know much about humans worrying they can “spit their acid” at them HAHAHA. Or feel like humans must be invincible if they can contain a whole vat of acid inside them… once the human finds out they probably laugh HAHA
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whatwooshkai · 9 hours
for the smoke & mirrors ask - have you had 16 yet?
"You do it! You're the leader!"
"I am not asking! Boulder, you ask."
"Actually, nevermind. This is stupid. I'll just use my hoses-"
"No! You are not spraying me in the face again, you almost broke my optics-"
"Oh shut up, you were fine!"
"Blades is correct, that level of pressure-"
"Stay out of this, Chase!"
"Seriously, guys, I don't mind asking-"
Cody sighs, lowering the lift all the way down before the rescue bots break out into an all out brawl. Five minutes of listening to them bicker and yet he still has no idea what they want.
"Hey guys!" he announces, and every helm snaps over. Cody is suddenly aware of the size difference. "Whatcha talkin' 'bout?"
The rescue bots' gazes flit between Cody and each other, seemingly having a silent conversation before Boulder pipes up and says, "We want you to wash our faces."
"Our faces," Chase repeats. "We would like you to wash them."
"Yeah, I heard," Cody says, giving them a lopsided smile. "I just wanna know why."
"Well, back on Cybertron you'd have to go to a detailer to get your face properly cleaned," Blades explains. "Lots of small seams, big servos, it's not exactly easy to do it yourself. But we figured, since your servos are so small...?"
None of the rescue bots are looking at him. Boulder is very interested in their hands, Blades is scuffing his feet, Heatwave is tapping a beat on his arm that makes Chase's finials flick in time.
Oh my god. Are they... embarrassed?
Cody coughs into his fist to stifle a laugh. His dad says it all the time: "For a race of advanced alien robots, they're just as bad as us."
"I can wash your faces!" Cody assures them. "Frankie'll be here soon, and she'll be happy to help too!"
There's clear embarrassment radiating off the bots, but Cody decides not to let them stew in it and runs to the storage closet to grab the supplies, fumbling with his comm link at the same time.
"Hey, Frankie," he says, pressing his cheek to his shoulder as he puts the car soap in a bucket with some sponges and towels. "How far are you?"
"Walking in now," her voice crackles over the comm line. "Why?"
"The bots asked for their faces washed, so we're doing that," he explains, grabbing a second bucket.
Cody shrugs, then realizes she can't see him. "Because they asked. Isn't that a good enough reason?"
Frankie sighs, but there's a smile in her voice. "I guess so. Coming down the lift now."
"Don't get off, we'll need some height." Cody carries his supplies out of the closet, past the bots who are currently greeting Frankie, up onto the lift beside her. He sets down their supplies and they divide them between each other, and Heatwave fills their buckets when prompted.
Boulder and Blades come forward first, sitting down and letting Frankie adjust the lift so they're at the perfect height.
Cody has been close to the rescue bots before. He sits on their shoulders, they carry him around in their hands, sometimes they sit him atop their helms! But he realizes that he's never been this close to their faces, and now he understands why they wanted this.
Boulder's faceplate isn't perfectly smooth, there are small grooves and seams and scratches and scuffs, there's little divots under their optics that almost look like tear ducts. Cody dips the sponge into the soapy water and starts on Boulder's cheek, but nearly drops it when the rumbling starts up.
Blades had slumped over immediately, leaning his chin onto the railing of the lift, and while Boulder was doing a better job of keeping themselves upright, twin rumbling rises from their chests, the unmistakable purr of an engine.
Frankie and Cody exchange looks, not wanting to ruin the moment. Like cats! Frankie signs excitedly, and Cody can't help but grin, because they are.
There's a shocking amount of dirt on Boulder's face, so it takes almost two hours to get the towel to come out clean when he wipes it across their cheek. Blades has fully fallen asleep.
Heatwave's tapping his arm impatiently while Chase has busied himself with a book, but his tapping foot is giving him away as well.
"All done!" Cody announces, clapping his hands together, and Boulder blinks sleepily, before giving him a big smile.
"Thank you!" they say brightly, standing up shakily and picking up Blades with them, making room for the other two.
Chase takes a spot in front of Frankie as Heatwave sits in front of Cody. He leans onto his hands to brings his face close enough for Cody to reach it.
Heatwave looks exhausted already, and far worse for wear than Boulder did. It almost seems like there's dark circles under his optics, there's dirt crusted into the scar on his cheek and in the seams of his jaw, and there's a dent just below his left optic.
He's asleep in minutes.
All four rescue bots' engines purr in time.
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audhooman · 1 year
soooooo I might’ve accidentally stayed up till like 5am and then I might’ve accidentally slept till 4pm..
I’m turning nocturnal and this is not a good thing, I don’t live in an area where there are many graveyard shifts available and I don’t know how to drive.. plus I have a job I really love that’s in the morning! Agh!!
Anyway how’s your day been?
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in1-nutshell · 15 hours
Human Buddy going through a break up with the Scavengers
SFW, Platonic, Slight Angst, Comfort from everyone, Human reader
Buddy had been in a relationship before they had left Earth and kept in contact through the internet when they met the Scavengers. The group had heard plenty of stories about this mysterious partner of Buddy’s.
It was almost adorable to hear them rave about their partner.
As a gift for Buddy’s birthday, the Scavengers decided to travel to Earth. Spend a couple days on the planet, let Buddy have a couple dates with their significant other, sight see, the whole works. Everything was going well on their way until Buddy received a text from their significant other.
A text saying they wanted to break things off and promptly blocked Buddy from any form of communication.
Buddy is devastated and now the Scavengers have heard the story too.
Krok is hugging Buddy as they are sobbing into his armor.
He doesn’t say much at first, he knows he needs Buddy to calm down before anything else can be done.
When he thinks that enough time has passed, he is ready to get Buddy better.
All Scavengers are on deck.
He tries to get Buddy distracted in some of their old hobbies.
When they are playing Shoot-Shoot-Bang-Bang, Krok lets Buddy take a free shot at him. He is worried about Buddy getting better and he is doing the best he can to help them through this hard time.
Krok holding Buddy to his chassis.
“It’s okay Buddy, take your time.”--Krok
Buddy still clinging to Krok’s armor letting the rest of their tears fall.
“Sorry for taking up so much of your time…”--Buddy
“No, I told you was going to be here for you and I’m not going to go down from that promise.”--Krok
Buddy sniffles a bit pressing their face more into his armor.
Krok carefully runs his digits up and down Buddy’s back.
“There, there… there, there…”--Krok
His famous scowl gets deeper.
Crankcase feels for Buddy a lot.
He considers himself lucky seeing how his online relationship ended up working out.
Let’s Buddy have their time to be sad, but after that, he is not going to let them be sad for a sorry excuse of an organic.
The passive aggressive hype bot on board.
He and CONS-4EVA team up to get Buddy back on the dating field after a while.
While playing ‘Shoot-Shoot-Bang-Bang’ he will give Buddy a few more openings than usual, maybe even let them get a free shot at him.
Buddy scrolling through the dating app with Crankcase and CON’s looking at it too.
“What about this one?”--Buddy
“Hmm… red flag. He’s got a fish on his profile picture.”—CONS-4EVA
“All right, how about this one?”--Buddy
“Maybe… no, don’t do that one. She’s got a sketchy background.”--Crankcase
“…This one?”--Buddy
“…Put it in the cart.”--Crankcase
“You can’t do that on this app Crankcase.”--Buddy
Spinister suggest shooting the person who made Buddy cry like this.
A bit awkward with the affection, but he is trying.
After a few days of Buddy being sad he’ll go on the internet to see what he can do about Buddy’s heartbreak.
A minor spark attack when he reads that humans can die of heart break.
His fleshy isn’t going to die on his watch.
Has Buddy in constant view and encourages them to seek out the team more.
While playing ‘Shoot-Shoot-Bang-Bang’ nothing changes much in their dynamic… except the few times he will let them have a chance to shoot him
Or maybe throw them at the opponent.
That one nearly gives Krok a spark attack.
Buddy was sitting on the table reading a data pad.
Spinister and Krok were drinking some enegex and talking about the latest hole Grimlock made.
Buddy twitches a bit before sneezing.
Spinister turns his neck so fast Krok is sure that he snapped it.
He jumps over the couch, snatches Buddy up, grabs a blanket and starts wrapping them up into a burrito.
“Shh! No talking.”—Spinister
Spinister starts walking to the med bay.
“Why are we heading to the med bay?”--Buddy
“Check if your organic spark is still online.”--Spinister
“Excuse me, but my what?!”—Buddy
“Their WHAT!?”--Krok
As much as Fulcrum hates organics, Buddy has grown on him quite a bit.
That being said, he still isn’t completely comfortable with touching.
More words of encouragement kind of mech.
He does have sympathy for Buddy and their heart break.
Probably tells Buddy minor insensitive things about their ex later.
While playing ‘Shoot-Shoot-Bang-Bang’ he’ll offer himself as a shield three times and three times only.
Fulcrum holding a broom and gently petting Buddy from his perch.
“There, there.”--Fulcrum
Buddy looks up a bit strangely at Fulcrum who was on top of the fridge petting them with a broom.
“Everything will be okay eventually.”--Fulcrum
Buddy looks at the dust bunnies floating down on their lap.
At least he’s trying.
Another one of the bots holding Buddy as they cry their little heart out.
Tries to make jokes too early on but backs off when he gets a bunch of glares and Buddy starts to cry harder.
Offers to go with Spinister to go shoot the person who broke up with them.
Top hype man for Buddy to get back on their feet.
When playing ‘Shoot-Shoot-Bang-Bang’ defiantly makes an alliance with them and Grimlock.
50 50 on him throwing Buddy in the air.
“Got you now Mis—”--Fulcrum
“SNEAK ATTACK!”--Misfire
Misfire throws Buddy at Fulcrum.
Fulcrum screams and ducks, Krok swan dives and catches Buddy.
“Misfire! What in the name of Cybertron—”--Krok
Krok looks at the suction cup stick on his forehelm.
Misfire walks over and grabs Buddy.
“HA! Eat it Krok!”--Misfire
While he can’t communicate too much, Grimlock does keep Buddy close while they are down.
Wants to squish whatever made Buddy this depressed.
He doesn’t want Buddy to feel sad.
He lets Buddy hide with him when things are a bit much.
While playing ‘Shoot-Shoot-Bang-Bang’ Grimlock offers himself as a shield, will growl at anyone who tries to get close to Buddy.
Misfire enters the room.
“Hey Grimmy! Have you seen Buddy around?”--Misfire
Grimlock looks at him before slowly moving his tail.
Buddy fast asleep at his side, snoring and twitching.
“Oh, I’ll come back in a bit. Sweet dreams you two.”--Misfire
Misfire closes the door.
Grimlock wraps his tail around them and continues to sleep to the sound of Buddy snoring.
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Why the fuck are people on Twitter upset about nonbinary robots. Transformers are aliens, why would they follow another species gender binary based on reproduction when they don't even reproduce sexually. If anything, ALL the robots should use they/them.
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cantdealwiththisnow · 1 month
Part 1 - Appreciation post for all the TFP universe Autobot mugshot cameos (known and unknown) in RID2015 3x25 (even if the context is that they've been OUSTED against their will)
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