#how annoying that is loke.
pocketkats · 2 years
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risuwu · 2 years
for the blorbopost- itou gintamas?
i would not classify itou as a blorbo, hes more of a meow meow or a gf which i consider to be separate, but here u go
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btw these are 2 different girlfriends to me
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amerasdreams · 6 months
is there something wrong w me
Is there something just too annoying or grating about me the reason no one really clicks with me
Was it always like this or just too late by 2012
Could I have diverted to a good time line
In any case it doesn't matter bc it's too late now
It feels like it is
How can there be any future
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apathyisboring · 6 months
thank GOD im done w that beast of a white paper though 😭 i feel i could have done better particularly w the intro piece but i am so spent i just did what i could. it’s honestly not my best work but grappling with big ideas like that is so hard especially when u haven’t spent so much time sitting with it and reflecting like that’s a very important part of creating new knowledge whatever idk
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camptw1nk · 1 year
I have an assignment due friday and im. Not wanting to work on it
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zaimta · 1 year
Hey, can i request some friends to lovers relationship headcannons for Gray, Natsu and Loke from Fairy Tail with and fem!reader please
a/n- the crazy thing is this is a trope that would work for them the best, can you tell loke is my fave i went crazy on his
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
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unfortunately for you since y’all are friends he always walkin around in his drawls, he simply does not care
he makes fun of you to no end, and don’t let you talk about something he could care less about either
“shh shh wait you hear that y/n?” he cups his ear “i don’t hear anything??” “you see because that’s the sound of someone who gives a fuck.” you rose a brow “i don’t hear any- oh.”
he thinks he’s so funny
he’s actually thee worst person to go to for relationship advice, if he openly does not like the person you’re dating and you come to him about your problems he’s like “break up with them” with no type of hesitation
at some point, you had to stop goin to him for relationship advice and only talk to him for a good rant
even if y’all are real tight he won’t tell you about ur, until he goes to that moon island and the memories resurface for him, then he’ll tell you all about it
but he’s not a big sentimental guy so it’s a little hard for him but you’re glad to know he could trust you
when he catches feelings for you he denies it terribly, he could catch himself starin at you too long and he snaps his neck in the other direction with a quickness
and don’t let anyone mention it either because it becomes even more obvious
“what are you talking about?? me and y/n? nah we’re just friends…” he says while watching you laugh with your friends with a smile
refuses to ask anyone for advice, he hopes to suffer quietly and move on
he’s the type to confess on accident, probably during a quest and you almost get hurt really bad and he saves you, you try to brush it off n make a joke out of it and he gets mad at you for it
“you could have died back there y/n. do you have any idea how that would have affected us at the guild?! how it would affect me!?” he sighs before continuing “you drive me so damn crazy you know that? i can’t live without you.”
he indirectly confesses to you with that and y’all are basically dating
unsurprisingly he acts the exact same, the only thing that changes is the fact that if he teases you too much you can shut him up with a kiss and he’s always like “oh?”, he is very aware of his effect on you and will continue to annoy you for more kisses
when he strips down it’s way more annoying than when y’all were just friends because he teases you about it
“are y’a that crazy about me that you’re embarrassed y/n?”
a good hit upside the head will do the trick just fine though
he still won’t be able to open up about things easily though, after years of constantly trying to brush things off it doesn’t come naturally to him, but he appreciates that you’re there to listen
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this trope was made for him actually
as his friend he would always drag you along to do all kinds of shit, he drags you along on quests 24/7 and trusts you to watch his back
if he starts a fight in the guild he always comes over to you smiling like an idiot whether he won or lost, constantly asking if you saw the new move he did or how cool he looked doin it
he’s at your house more than his own, he lives to annoy you first thing in the morning, he swears it’s funny but it’s not so funny anymore when he gets rocked for playing too much
he talks to you about igneel from time to time when something reminds him of his father or when he thinks of him just cause and he always tells you that igneel would love you if the two of you would meet each other
he’s not shy about his feelings towards you, he’s kinda obvious about them but not obnoxiously obvious about it, it’s clear to everyone else but not you because that’s just how he is
he would be around you more but it wouldn’t feel new because he was already around 24/7, but he would become slightly more touchy like throwing his arm around your shoulders n junk
he compliments you more too
“hey y/n! lookin good!”
eventually, y’all start jokingly flirting with each other, it goes on for a good while until you catch feelings. you try to ease up on the flirting but he keeps going so you admit that the flirting is getting to you and admit that you can’t flirt with him anymore if it’s not real and he says
“wait i thought we were already dating?”
once y’all are official things are more clear between the two of you, he screams “fun dates” guy so he loves going to nearby fairs with you on dates
he loves eating the food there and having you try some of the food
nap dates could be his thing too, you would have to talk him into it because staying still for long periods of time aint his thing, but when he comes over and he’s really tired he just wordlessly drags you into your bedroom and collapses on you and falls asleep immediately, run your fingers through his hair he loves that
his kisses have playful energy to them, you can feel him smiling into the kiss and it’s the cutest thing ever
when he tells you about igneel it’s different from when y’all were just friends, he talks about you meeting him, and him showing you off to his father knowing that he would love you as much as he does
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y'all would be real close, when he was interested in he would tell you immediately which happened literally every day, he would be like
"hey you see that girl over there? i think I'm gonna go talk to her"
and you would never be able to talk him out of it either
but at the same time, he would keep certain things from you like him being a celestial spirit, he was planning to never tell you about it till his time was up, as he feels his time fading he's filled with regret, instead of telling you how he felt he just ignored his feelings with other women and in the end he wasn't even able to tell you that he loved you
when lucy makes a contract with him, she insists that he goes and confesses his feelings for you
"we all know loke, y/n might not have noticed but we see the way you look at her…and ironically you don’t see the way she looks at you either” his eyes widen, and lucy extends her hand to him “go get her”
his confession is the sweetest thing ever
with encouragement from lucy, he wasted no time running back to the guild, he almost tripped a couple times from the brute force of his start but he didn’t care he needed to see you. he burst into the guild hall out of breath “where is y/n?!” he shouted. the other guild members crowed around loke wondering what happened, asking him about his new look, and wondering why he ran out of the guild earlier “there’s no time for that dammit where is y/n?” cana spoke over the crowd “she’s on her way home to i would go get her now before she moves on if i were you!”
he started running once again by the time he found you, you were a few steps from your house before he shouted “y/n!!” causing you to stop in your tracks at the sound of his voice “loke?” he ran up to you and sweeped you into a hug, he hugged you so tight as if you were going to disappear “i won’t leave you like that again i promise.”
the two of you share a kiss and he tells you everything, he talks about him being a celestial spirit, he tells you ab the previous wizard he made a contract with and why he made up the identity “loke”
from there he tells you his real name, and every time you say it he gets butterflies
as for y’all’s relationship he’s often out of the celestial world hanging out with you on days he’s not on lucy’s schedule
out of respect for lucy y’all never have anything planned on the days he’s contracted, and out of respect she doesn’t call him when she knows y’all are busy, she is y’all’s biggest supporter
when he’s seen around the guild he’s normally seen with you close by, his arm will always be around you one way or another whether it’s your shoulder or waist it’s gonna be there
as the king of the zodiacs, he often calls you “my queen”
he seems like the beach date type, but not during the day during the night time so y’all can see the stars, he points out his constellation
“if there’s ever a time i’m not able to be with you the stars will always be by your side.”
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tswhiisftteedr · 6 months
Gamer ‘Friend’ ☆ Chapter 1: Panty Incident(s)
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☆ Pervy!Dom!Idia Shroud x Fem!Reader : On a Thursday night, Ignihyde’s dorm leader, Idia Shroud bumps into a fellow gamer, and that happens to be you, someone that had become infamous on campus. Being new to this world, and having the headmaster stingy with money, you had yet to experience this world’s gaming. But not to worry, after all Idia Shroud the professional gamer that he is, is here to help, in more ways than attended…
(In this version reader eats breakfast alone not with her friends, lol)
Warnings : Mature content, Non-Con, Dub-Con, Somnophilia, Panty Stealing, Masturbating(male), Cumplay(Idia cumming in readers panties), Degenerate Fantasies, mentions of; Choking, Tying up, Spanking, Slapping, Denigration, Humilation, but no actually action. (It’s mention in a book the reader has.) (Okay, it’s my first fic so sorry if tag this wrong). Reader is said to be curvy about twice. IDIA IS CANONICAL 18.
Note: Reader is; a heavy sleeper(or maybe not👀), shorter than Idia, a masochistic degradee, an airhead, fucked up, unhinged pervert. And Idia gets horny very easily around the reader, since they are the first girl he’s ever seen in real life, besides from his family and the S.T.Y.X employees. Things move really fast because Idia is loke an obsessive pervert. Also when y/n is written it only refers to the first name. Idia is a bit/lot occ, not proofread.
Chapter 1 | Next Chapter |
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☆ More under the cut. ☆
Idia was walking through the halls of Night Raven College, avidly trying to avoid unnecessary attention. His flame-like hair glowed a light blue, and his yellow eyes darted around the halls. He hoped to reach his dorm room without any issues.
However, that was not the case when he accidentally bumped into you. With his scrawny physique, he was almost knocked over by the collision.
“O-oh, I’m so so sorry! Are you alright? Sorry again I wasn’t paying attention!” You tell him, Idia's eyes widened as he nearly fell over. His hands went out to catch himself on you, grabbing hold of your wrist, leaving faint marks of his presence behind. He quickly let’s go when he realizes he is making contact with you. "Y-Yes, I'm fine..." He muttered softly, trying hard not to sound annoyed. Finally, he gathered enough courage and turned around to face you properly.
"Um- So.. h-hello?" He stammered nervously, unable to meet your gaze directly.
He noticed how small and curvy you were compared to him. Your soft and smooth hair was like a magnet pulling him in, making it difficult for him to tear his eyes away from your features. The way your hips swayed with each step had an odd effect on him; one that made him extremely horny.
“Uh, hi?” You reply, questioning the interaction.
"Umm... uh..." Idia stuttered, unsure of what to say next. His hands fidgeted nervously with his his tablet case. "I-I'm Idia Shroud, the Housewarden of Ignihyde." He managed to croak out finally, offering a weak smile that barely reached his eyes, still unsure of why he was introducing himself. But his brain told him to continue.
"And you are?" He asked tentatively, hoping he hadn't crossed any lines by asking such ‘personal information’ so soon after meeting you. Of course to an antisocial guy like himself, such question was considered personal.
“Oh, I’m f/n l/n, and I guess I’m the prefect of the Ramshackle.” You tell him, with a bright smile. He then remembered the whole story behind the girl who had been summon from another world, apparently she had stop 2 Overblots already, he usually didn’t pay attention to normies so he didn’t look into her. But he does remember commenting to himself how she was like an anime protagonist, getting isekaid into a reverse harem type of world….
“Oh, nice to meet you f/n l/n." Idia said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. He shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other, feeling heat rise in his cheeks at the mention of being associated with someone so currently relevant, well at least on campus that is.
"So... uh, what brings you here?" He asked awkwardly, hoping it would steer the conversation away from himself and onto something else entirely.
"I was heading towards the library to get some reading material. You would be surprised how many of the books there are not school-related.” You informed him,
Idia blinked a few times, trying to process your words. "R-Reading? That's... nice," he muttered, clearing his throat awkwardly.
"Well, I guess I should get going too then." He mumbled quickly, turning around and speeding away down the hallway, hoping you wouldn't follow him.
“Bye Idia, I hope to see you soon!” You speak up for him to hear,
"Y-Yeah... see you later..." Iida called out softly after you, his voice trailing off as he rushed towards the exit door of the school building. He wanted to arrive at the mirror chamber and reach Ignihyde as soon as possible, in order to return safely to his dormitory. Once alone in his room, he leaned against the door, panting heavily. His heart raced wildly inside his chest, and sweat formed on his palms.
He closed the door behind him, locking it tightly before collapsing onto his bed, burying his face into the pillow. What did you mean when you said ‘You hoped to see him soon’. How could someone like you—so beautiful and confident—possibly find anything interesting about a loser like him? He berated himself internally, feeling more worthless than ever.
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Meanwhile, you went to the library and found what you were looking for: smut books. You picked up two books, one with a vanilla and soft theme called 'The White Lily', and another one that was right up your alley - a dark romance novel that contained all hardcore explicit content in its plot. It was called 'The Trap of Mr. Sota'.
Here’s a summary of both of the books.
Title: The White Lily
‘"The White Lily" is an adult romance novel that tells the story of Ella, a successful businesswoman who has everything she could ever want, except for one thing: true love. Ella has never felt a real connection to anyone she's dated, and she's starting to think she's destined to be alone. That is, until she meets Michael, a charming and handsome stranger who shakes up her world in the most unexpected way.
As Ella and Michael start spending more time together, they discover that they have a deep and meaningful connection, and they can't resist the attraction that grows between them. But just as their relationship begins to blossom, past secrets and old wounds from Michael's past threaten to tear them apart. Will Ella and Michael be able to overcome their differences and find their happy ending? Or will their love be doomed to never be fulfilled?’
Title: The trap of Mr. Sota
‘"The Trap of Mr. Sota" is an alluring adult romance novel that delves into the depths of human desires. This captivating story follows Sakura, a young woman on a journey of self-exploration and sexual awakening.
As Sakura explores BDSM, she discovers her masochistic tendencies and finds comfort in the hands of Mr. Sota, a dominant figure who pushes her boundaries.
Sakura willingly surrenders to the degrading words and experiences pleasure through being tied up, spanked, slapped, and choked by Mr. Sota.
But Sakura's desires go beyond that. She enjoys being provocative and being disciplined by Mr. Sota.
In "The Trap of Mr. Sota," Sakura explores her submissive desires, becoming an object of pleasure. As pain and pleasure intertwine, Sakura and Mr. Sota embark on a journey of self-discovery, testing their limits and forming a deep connection.’
As you signed out the books, the elderly librarian gave you a knowing look, ‘they must have read them before-‘.
Afterwards, you left the school building, returning to your dorm, the ramshackle, and followed your nightly routine. This included cooking dinner for you and your magical beast roommate, Grim, taking a shower, doing your skincare routine, completing a bit of school work, and now, the newly added activity before falling asleep, reading a couple of chapters of 'The Trap of Mr. Sora’. And commenting on the books chapters using some sticky notes, after all it was still school property.
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The next day..
Idia woke up late, or more exactly, on time, his alarm having failed to go off. He hade made habit of waking up early to avoid interacting with other students at breakfast. Groaning, he rolled out of bed and stretched his stiff muscles before getting dressed in his usual attire: a black t-shirt and his NCR school uniform pants paired with his signature hoodie and shoes. The bayou blue hoodie featured a zippered pocket on the front and a white triangle design on the sleeve, adding a unique touch to its appearance. Its lightweight and breathable material ensures comfort and dryness in various weather conditions and occasions. The shoes, designed with a unique combination of white and blue colors, feature a white sole and a blue stripe.
He gathered his belongings and made his way downstairs to the Ignihyde common area. Stepping through a magic mirror, he arrived on campus and headed towards the cafeteria, where breakfast was being served.
As he entered, he noticed you sitting at one end of the many tables, engrossed in a book. His gaze lingered on you for a moment longer than necessary before he quickly looked away, feeling guilty for admiring someone he shouldn't be attracted to.
"Morning, Shroud," greeted another male student, an Ignihyde student, one he had encountered a couple of times. "You look like shit today." The students adds on.
Meanwhile you were engrossed in your book, currently reading ‘The trap of Mr. Sota’. As you muched on a syrupy pancake for breakfast, a spicier scene form the previous one begin, the sentence were extremely descriptive, which caused you to get a bit flustered, maybe a hint of arousal.
Idia winced at his dorm-mate’s blunt comment, avoiding eye contact as he grabbed himself something on the sweeter side to eat. "Thanks... uh, yeah, I didn't sleep well last night." He told him, trying to end the conversation quickly. As his mind wondered back to the thought of you, he decided to do something extremely bold for someone like him. After Ortho prestred him last night about not getting your contacts, especially after you had told him ‘you wanted to see him soon’, Idia made the decision to seat with you at breakfast or at least try his best to.
He sat down across from you, his eyes flickering involuntarily towards your exposed cleavage when you lifted your glass of orange juice. You usual wear a bow around your neck, but the days started getting hotter since yesterday, so you had opted for no bow and 2 unbuttoned buttons.
‘Damn it’, he scolded himself internally, forcing his gaze back to his own plate.
"So, umm..." he cleared his throat awkwardly. “How was your morning?" He asked, hoping the question would allow him to steer a conversation away from personal topics.
"Ah, hello Idia! I didn't notice you here. My morning has been going well so far. I woke up on time and caught up on some reading. How about you? What have you been up to this morning?” You told him.
"Oh, uh... well, I guess it was alright. Just another morning at school." Idia mumbled, avoiding eye contact with you as he stirred his meal.
In reality, however, his mind drifted back to last night's encounter with you—your soft voice, your scent mixed with the faint hint of vanilla from your perfume, and those enticing curves that made him ache with desire. He shook his head forcefully, trying to banish these thoughts from his mind before they consumed him entirely.
"So, uhm, have... y-you ever thought about joining any clubs or extracurricular activities around here?" He asked abruptly, hoping to change the subject once more.
"Yes, definitely! While there isn't a visual arts club, which was a big disappointment to me, I'm considering joining the board game club. Have you given any thought to which clubs you might want to join?” You asked him.
"Oh, nope, never really had any interest in joining anything like that. Also I heard that club wasn’t so great.." Idia replied nonchalantly, taking a sip of his orange juice.
In reality, he was lying through his teeth; there were several clubs and activities he wanted to join, particularly ones related to technology, plus he was actually a member of the board game club. The thought of being around people was one he disliked,—but an attractive girl like you—made him break out in cold sweats, how was he suppose to beat Azul if you were around to distract, just by exiting.
"I mean... I enjoy playing games alone in my room," he added quickly, hoping it would end the conversation sooner rather than later, this was already too much for him.
“Oh, really, that’s fun! I used to game a lot in my home world, but now that I'm here, I can't. The headmaster is stingy with money, so I can't buy any games, much less a console or laptop to play on.” You explained, begin excitedly but ending with a pout.
"H-Hey, wait a second. I... I could help you out with that!" Idia blurted out before he could stop himself. His heart raced wildly in his chest as he realized what he'd just volunteered to do.
"I have some old games and consoles lying around my room, that I could bring around." he continued nervously, hoping you wouldn't reject his offer. "We could play sometime, maybe after classes?" His palms grew sweaty at the mere thought of spending time alone with you in his messy abode.
"Sounds good! Let's meet up in the library after class. I gotta go now too, so I'll see you later Idia!” You say, putting your school bag around your shoulder, and taking your leave for class.
But what you didn’t realize at that time, was that you had forgotten your two borrowed books on the cafeteria table, ‘The trap of Mr. Sota’ wide open, right at an explicit scene.
Idia's heart had skipped a beat as he watched you leave, his eyes lingering on your figure moving gracefully down the hall. He couldn't believe you had actually said yes to playing games with him.
But before he could savor this victory, his attention was drawn back to the books you left behind. His gaze locked onto the juicy scene described in 'The Trap of Mr. Sora', and despite his better judgment, he found himself unable to look away.
With trembling hands, he picked up the book and flipped through the pages, reading the explicit content with increasing interest. The characters engaged in taboo acts that ignited a fire within him, making his cock throb against his pants.
"What am I doing?" He muttered under his breath, trying to snap out of this dangerous thought spiral. “I can't... I should just put these damn things away." But instead, he continued reading, devouring every word like starved monster.
Idia's heart raced faster as he read through the book, his fingers tracing over your notes in wonder. The way you fantasized about being treated like a mere object, used and discarded without mercy, sent shivers down his spine.
He couldn't help but imagine himself as Mr. Sora, dominating and controlling this perfect girl named y/n. His mind spiraled out of control, filling with images of him tying you up, spanking your plump ass, thrusting into your tight hole—all the things you wrote about yourself wanting.
"No... no, it's wrong," he muttered under his breath, closing the book tightly. Standing up abruptly, he headed back to his room in Ignihyde, pacing the small confines of his room, trying to shake off these forbidden thoughts.
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Class was now over, Idia finally managed to calm himself somewhat, although his heart still raced like a wild animal trapped in its cage. Gathering up the courage, he leaves the books on his desk—his mind still clouded with forbidden images of you—and hurriedly made his way to the library.
As he entered, he noticed you sitting at the same table, already engrossed in another book. His gaze briefly lingered on your figure before he forced himself to focus on setting up the old console and games he'd brought from his room.
"Uh, hey y/n," he said nervously, clearing his throat. "Ready whenever you are." He says setting the console in front of you and taking out an old laptop to use as a monitor, or a second control.
“Hey, Idia! Your old console looks great. Also, can you help me familiarize myself on how to operate it? I'm not used to this world's gaming system or games, so your expertise would be a big help. Are you up for a tutorial?” You ask him,
"Oh, it's no problem!" Idia replied eagerly, plugging in the console and turning it on. He selected a simple racing game and handed you the controller.
"Just press these buttons here," he said, pointing to the symbols on the screen. "And use the joystick to move your car around the track." His hands trembled slightly as he demonstrated, his eyes fixated on yours.
The scent of your perfume mixed with the faint smell of books filled his nostrils, making it hard for him to concentrate. "Umm... so, uh, what games do you usually play back home? Maybe I know some similar ones we could try?" He asked nervously, hoping this would engage a conversation.
“Well I like games like open world rpg, where you needed to collect material to craft items, especially the ones where you could choose classes like swordsman, craftsman, mage, etc. But I also enjoyed puzzled games or visual novels type of game!” You state,
"Oh, I know some games like that!" Idia's eyes lit up with excitement. He rummaged through his bag and pulled out an old copy of 'The Ancient text: Cloudium', a game known for its expansive world and flexible character creation system.
"This one fits the bill," he said proudly, handing you the disc. "You can create your own character and choose from different classes like warrior, mage, thief..." His voice trailed off as he watched you insert the disc into the console.
As the loading screen appeared on the laptop screen, he cleared his throat awkwardly. "Uh, so... uh, do you want me to help you set up your character or should I just... leave?" He couldn't bring himself to watch as you crafted your perfect avatar without asking first, fearful of what it might spark within him.
“Oh no stay! I might need you, after all you seem to already know the gimmicks of the game. Plus I wanted to game with you, sure I like doing it by myself, but I also greatly enjoy playing with others!” You explain, bugging him to stay longer.
Idia's heart raced wildly in his chest as you moved closer beside him, your legs brushing against each other ever so lightly. He forced himself to focus on the game screen, trying hard not to think about how your body felt pressed against his side.
"Alright, well, let's start with creating a new character," he said, clearing his throat awkwardly. "You can choose between male or female... and uh, what race do you want?" His fingers hovered over the keyboard, ready to type out whatever you desired.
“Does the gender affect the game experience, like do you get favouritism from NPC if you chose one or the other?” you question, Idia nodded, "No, it doesn't really matter for this game."
“Okay then I’ll go with a female character.”
Idia's typed in your request, his hands shaking slightly. "Alright, female it is," he managed to croak out, “what race?”
“Oh you can choose.”
He decides to select the race of Snow Elf for you due to its ethereal appearance and agility. "And what class?" He asked timidly,
“I want to be a scout.” You inform him.
"A scout, huh? That sounds interesting," Idia replied, typing in the appropriate options. "You'll be able to move quickly and deal damage from range. Sounds like a good fit for you."
He handed you the controller again, his fingers brushing against yours briefly before pulling away quickly. His heart was racing wildly in his chest as he waited for you to continue with the game setup, as you customize your characters clothing.
“Okay, I’m done! Let’s start playing!”
Idia's heartbeat slowed down slightly as he launched the game, and soon enough, you both found yourselves exploring the vast world of Cloudia. Idia guided you through the character creation process, explaining various abilities and skills that would come in handy during the adventure. Than with other laptop he connects to his older game account, and joins your character.
As you navigated through the snow-covered landscape, the two characters interacted with nonplayable characters (NPCs), completing quests, and fighting off fearsome creatures. The atmosphere shifted dramatically whenever they entered dungeons or dark caves, casting eerie shadows across the screen.
"Do you like it so far?" Idia asked nervously, his eyes fixed on yours. He couldn't help but notice how well you controlled your character, effortlessly dodging attacks and landing devastating blows.
“It’s great! Also Idia I got a question for you.” you tell him,
"Yeah, go ahead," Idia replied eagerly, his voice cracking slightly.
“Actually I got two questions, sorry.. my first one is if you know where the book I was reading this morning went, also the other book that came with. When I realized I had forgotten them it was to late and I had to go to class, but when I came back to the dinning hall during lunch they were gone. So I’m wondering if you saw anyone take them when I left?” You ask him.
Idia's heart skipped a beat as you mentioned the book he hadn't been able to resist peeking at earlier. "O-oh, uh... I... ah..." He cleared his throat nervously. "I-I didn't see anyone take them," he lied, hoping you wouldn't press further.
"But I did notice they were left on the table we shared today," he added. "Maybe one of your friends picked them up accidentally?" His mind raced with guilt and excitement, wondering if you would confront him about it later.
“Oh okay!” 
Idia's heart was pounding in his chest, as he tried to focus on the game. His mind drifted back to your body moving so gracefully with the controller in hand, imagining how it would feel against his own…
"Uh... what's your second question?" He managed to croak out, breaking the awkward silence.
“Ah, yes, I’m sorry if this is a bit direct.. but..” you turn your head to look at him, “do you perhaps own old copies of more adult-rated games, like explicit and erotic content type of stuff, that you wouldn’t mind giving away. Sorry this is weird thing to ask lol.”
Idia's heart skipped a beat as you turned your head towards him, your eyes meeting his. His mind reeled with shock and confusion at your boldness, but a part of him found it oddly thrilling.
"W-well... uh... I mean..." He stuttered, struggling to form coherent thoughts. "Y-you know, some stuff like that might be in my collection," he finally managed to choke out, his voice barely above a whisper.
"But I-I mean, we're supposed to be just playing normal games here!" He added quickly, trying to deflect the conversation back to their shared activity.
“Oh don’t worry I won’t play those games around you, they would just be for ‘me time’ lmao” you tell him with a chuckle.
"O-oh, uh... well, I guess that's fine then," Idia stammered, feeling a mix of relief and unease wash over him. He couldn't believe you had actually asked him about such things, but it also made his cock twitch in anticipation.
"Uhm, so, uh, do you need any help with the game?" He changed the subject hastily, hoping to redirect his wandering thoughts elsewhere.
In reality, he was already formulating a plan in his mind: tonight, after everyone else was asleep, he would sneak into your room and leave those explicit books on your bedside table, along with some games that fit your request. Perhaps steal one of your panties, maybe even the one you wore to sleep…; He was definitely going to steal that specific pair.
“No it’s alright, I’m just enjoying playing with you!” You tell him with a smile,
Idia' break out of his trance, heart racing as you continued to praise him, his mind whirling with the possibility of what could happen between you later.
"Well, uh... nice playing with you too," he managed to croak out, clearing his throat nervously. "I-I think we should call it a night for now."
Standing up, he gathered his belongings handing you the console, old laptop and two games to keep. He then walked towards the exit, trying hard not to look at your figure swaying in front of him. Once outside, he hurried back to his dorm room, his thoughts consumed by images of you, naked and eagerly awaiting him.
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Time had passed and you were already asleep in bed. You were only wearing a t-shirt and panties, as a pyjamas.
Meanwhile Idia waited outside your building, his heart hammering in his chest as he prepared himself for what he was about to do. After ensuring he heard no noise, meaning you were sound asleep, he quietly pick the lock of the front door and climbs the stairs to your floor and crept down the hallway towards your room.
His hand trembled slightly as grabbed the handle of your door, holding his breath as it beeped softly. Slowly, he turned the handle, pushing the door open a crack. The dim moonlight filtering through the window cast eerie shadows across your sleeping form, sending shivers of desire coursing through him.
With practiced ease, he slipped inside the darkened room, closing the door behind him softly. His eyes adjusted to the darkness, honing in on the bedside table. Carefully, he placed 'The Trap of Mr. Sota' and 'The White Lily', onto your desk, with a copy of erotic visual novel game called ‘maiden of the abyss’, a game that would definitely fit your taste.
Then, he approached your bedside, reaching out tentatively to brush aside the covers covering your legs. He paused, taking a deep breath before, with shaking hands, he removed your panties from your body. Leaving your bare glistening cunt in plain sight.
You gasped in your sleep at new and colder sensation with the lack of fabric covering you.
Startled by the sound of your soft voice, Idia froze, his heart pounding in his chest. He hadn't meant for you to wake up! Panic surged through him, but he quickly composed himself and grabbed your panties, stuffing them into his pocket before dashing out of the room.
He closed the door behind him, his pulse racing wildly. Had you heard him? Was he caught? His mind raced with worry as he hurried back to his own dormitory, trying to calm down. Inside his room, he paced nervously, unsure what to do next. But he soon decided that the best course action was returning to his dorm.
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He was now in his room, splayed out on his bed with the adrenaline form the thrill still coursing through his veins, and the image of your body still fresh in his mind. He needed to jerk off…
Idia's breath hitched as he slid his hand downwards, running it over the silky fabric of your panties. The familiar warmth and scent enveloped him as he brought the article closer to his face, sending shockwaves of desire coursing through his veins.
He closed his eyes, focusing on the image of you, spread wide open for him, begging for him to claim you. His fingers traced along the edge of the panty waistband, savoring the softness against his skin before bringing it to his mouth, licking it with a soft moan.
"Oh god, yes," he muttered, his voice cracking with need. "You taste so good." With renewed determination, he removed his pants and briefs, freeing his throbbing member from its confines. Gripping the base firmly, he began to stroke himself vigorously, imagining how amazing it would feel to bury himself inside you.
Idia's eyes stayed shut tightly as he continued to pleasure himself, his dick throbbing in sync with each thrust of his hand. The panties now draped over his cock, adding an extra layer of sensuality to the act.
"Oh god... I want you so much," he panted, his breath coming heavy and fast. "I need you." His pace picked up, faster and harder, his hips rocking back and forth in rhythm with his hand movements. Sweat trickled down his forehead, staining his pillow.
He imagined himself inside you, claiming you as his own, marking your body with bites and bruises. He would make love to you slowly at first, savoring every inch of your tight, warm passage. But soon enough, he'd lose control, pounding into you mercilessly, taking what he believed was rightfully his.
Idia's climax hit him like a tidal wave, his cock exploding in his hand, covering the panties with thick, sticky cum. He groaned loudly, his body convulsing as he rode out the wave of pleasure.
His breathing gradually returned to normal, and he carefully cleaned himself up before slipping back into his pants and pulling on a fresh pair of boxers. Tucking the panties away in his drawer, planning to steal a new pair tomorrow and put the used ones in your laundry basket as if he didn’t steal them. He switched off the light and crawled into bed, trying to banish thoughts of you from his mind.
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The next day…
Idia woke up feeling heavy-headed and sore, his mind still replaying last night's encounter with you. Groaning softly, he opened his eyes, blinking several times to adjust to the dim light filtering through the curtains.
After stretching, he got out of bed and dressed in his usual uniform, avoiding eye contact with anyone who crossed paths. He knew he had to face the day ahead, hoping nobody would notice anything amiss about him.
As he descended the stairs, he couldn't help but wonder if today would be the day you confronted him about what happened yesterday. His heart raced at the thought, both dread and anticipation warring within him.
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Idia's heart skipped a beat as he entered the dining hall and saw you sitting at your usual table, engrossed in 'The Trap of Mr. Sora'. You we’re already there, even though had returned to his early morning schedule. His gaze lingered on your figure for a moment too long before quickly looking away, his face flushing crimson with embarrassment.
"Good morning, y/n," he managed to croak out, trying to sound casual. "Uhm, er... uh... did you sleep well?" He cleared his throat awkwardly, avoiding eye contact.
“Yeah it was alright. Also you know what, when I woke up this morning I found both of my books placed on my desk!”
Idia's falters as you mentioned the books, his eyes darting nervously around the empty cafeteria. "Oh, uh... I-I see," he stammered, trying to sound contrite. "I thought they went missing... er, but I guess they just reappeared, maybe some type of spell..." he lied knowing full well he had broken into your dorm the previous night and put them on your desk for you to find.
His voice trailed off, and he quickly shifted the conversation towards safer territory. "So, uhm, how about we continue our game later today? Maybe after classes?" He cleared his throat again, hoping his proposal would diffuse the awkwardness between them.
“Yeah definitely!.. But there’s also something else that happens to me last night..” you tell him softly.
Idia's heart dropped into his stomach as you continued speaking, his eyes wide with fear. "What happened?" He managed to choke out, his voice cracking slightly.
"I... I think someone stole my panties last night," you begin, getting closer to his ear, lifting off your chair a bit, and whispered to him matter-of-factly, with your lips curving into a sly smile. "They were missing from my body when I woke up. Plus there also was a copy of an erotic game on my desk." You sit back down normally, with a small confused pout on my lips, wondering who was the panty thief.
Idia's heart raced wildly in his chest, feeling a mix of terror and excitement course through him. He forced himself to remain composed, placing a placating hand on yours reassuringly. "I-I... I... well, I-I don't know anything about that," he stuttered, his voice cracking slightly.
"Someone else must have taken them," he insisted, though his mind was racing with the possibility that you had caught him red-handed. "Maybe someone wanted them as souvenirs?" His fingers trembled slightly as he tried to steady them on his coffee cup.
“Chill out, I never said it you lol. Plus.. as weird as it sound I find it kind of cute for someone to do that, it’s like having a secret admirer. But in this case they steal your underwear off of you when you sleep, instead of sending anonymous gifts, we’ll I guess the erotic game counts as one lmao.” You say in an unhinge like some crazy pervert.
Idia's heartbeat calmed slightly, though it was still racing faster than usual. "Well, I... uh... thank you," he managed to croak out, his face turning even paler than its natural hue, when he realized what came out of his mouth.
"I mean, that's... nice of you to say, it’s not like I was that pervert that did that to you!" he added, lying, then clearing his throat awkwardly. “So, about our game... after classes, yeah, let's meet up at the library again." With that, he stood up abruptly, grabbing his tray and carrying it away swiftly, leaving you alone at the table.
As he walked away, his mind raced with conflicting emotions: terror, shame, and an unwelcome desire that threatened to consume him. He couldn’t help but wonder if she would like him if she found out he was the pervert who did that to her. Would she like him to touch her while she was asleep? Would she be aroused if she found herself covered in his cum when she woke up in the morning?
Idia hurriedly moved towards his class, trying hard to calm down and focus on his studies. However, the image of your exposed body and the thought of touching you while you were asleep played like a looped video in his head.
As the day progressed, he struggled to concentrate on anything else but you. During breaks between classes, he finally, in a moment of desperation, he decided to take matters into his own hands (literally). Grabbing his phone, he searched online for tips on how to calm down aroused individuals without resorting to masturbation….
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Finally, it was finally time for their scheduled gaming session at the library. He gathered his things and headed over, hoping you wouldn’t mention last night's events again.
“Hey Idia!” You call him out,
Idia's heart fluttered a beat as he entered the library and saw you sitting at your usual table, already booted up for their gaming session. "Hello y/n," he managed to croak out, his voice cracking slightly.
He set down his bag on the empty seat beside yours and pulled out his laptop, trying hard not to stare at your exposed cleavage peeking out from your unbuttoned top. Clearing his throat awkwardly, he opened Cloudium and began loading the game settings. "So, uh, ready to continue our adventure?" He tried to change the subject, hoping to divert his thoughts away from last night's escapade.
“Yeah! Also I got something for you,” you reach into your bag, pulling out a small bag of a double dozen homemade cookies. “I don’t know if you like sweets but I went back to my dorm during lunch, for us to munch on while we game!”
Idia's eyes lit up at the sight of the cookies, his mouth watering in anticipation. “Oh, thanks!"
Placing the bag on the table between you, he took one of the treats, biting into it slowly, savoring the flavors melting on his tongue.
"These are great," he complimented between chews, glancing sideways at you, taking in your beauty once more. His hands trembled slightly as he reached for another cookie, unable to tear his gaze away from yours.
He continued setting up their characters in the game. "So, where do you want to start today? Any particular location or quest?” He asked, trying to keep his voice steady despite the turmoil raging within him.
“Thanks, it was no problem, really! And no, there isn’t any thing I wanna start with in particular today. You choose, I’ll just follow your lead!”
Idia nodded, his mind still occupied with thoughts of you. "Alright then," he said, selecting a random location on the map. "Let's head to Greyjog. We need to speak with James Berkeley about joining the Tornadocloths or the Imperials."
As your started their journey in game, Idia's mind drifted back to last night's events. He couldn't shake the image of your bare glistening pussy, and wiggling hips as he stole your panties off of you. His cock twitched in his pants, growing harder against the fabric.
“You okay Idia?” You turn to him, “You look red,” you put one of your hands on his forehead and then your own forehead on the backside of said hand, measuring a possible difference in temperature. Your face inches away from his. “well you don’t feel hot to me, doesn’t seem like you have a fever.” You say then pull back, taking your hand and head away from his.
Idia's heart hammered in his chest, his body on fire with desire. "I-I'm fine," he managed to choke out, clearing his throat nervously. "Just a little tired, I guess."
As they continued playing the game, Idia tried to focus on their surroundings, but his mind kept drifting back to you. He wondered if you noticed how hard it was for him to concentrate today. Would you tease him about it? Or maybe... he shook his head violently, dismissing the filthy thought. No, he couldn't think like that. Not here, not now.
After hours of adventuring and battling monsters together, they finally reached Greyjog. Idia led them inside the castle, trying hard not to steal glances at the contour of your form as you played, making your character followed closely behind his.
“It’s already 7 p.m., let’s save our progress, and return to the game tomorrow. Since tomorrow is the weekend maybe we could game at my dorm or yours! Well, only if you’re down to do so, it’s totally your choice.” You tell him,
Idia nodded, relief washing over him as you suggested calling it a day. "Sounds good to me,"  he agreed, saving the game before closing the lid of his laptop. Standing up, he gathered their belongings, careful not to let his bag brush against your leg accidentally, savoring the feel of your warmth radiating through the thin fabric of your skirt.
"Thanks for today, y/n," he muttered, his voice low and husky with exhaustion and desire mixed together. "Have a good night." With that said, he turned away briskly, walking out of the library, leaving behind the intoxicating scent vanilla perfume and books lingering in the air.
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You headed to your dorm, cooked dinner for Grim and yourself, ate, took a shower and did some skincare, reviewed some schoolwork, read a bit more of ‘The trap of Mr.Sora’. Then headed to bed in your usual sleepwear, a t-shirt and panties, no bra.
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Idia returned to his own dormitory, his mind still racing with thoughts of you. Once inside his empty room, he locked the door behind him and collapsed onto his bed, removing his uniform piece by piece as he did so. His body ached from hours of sitting in one position, but that wasn't the only thing that needed relief.
Reaching into his nightstand drawer, he pulled out the used panties from last night, admiring the mix of your sweet perfume and his own musky scent on them. A smirk spread across his lips as he imagined how they belonged to such a perfect angel like you.
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Later that night…
Idia waited patiently outside the Ramshackle dormitory, his heart thumping in anticipation. After ensuring you had retired for the night, he silently unlocked the door by picking at it just like he had done the previous day, and tiptoed down the hallway, up your stairs, towards your room. Carefully, he opened the door, peeking inside to ensure you were asleep before creeping closer.
His hands trembled as he reached out, grasping the edge of your blanket to lift it slightly. His eyes locked onto your exposed thighs, ached with desire as he slid his hand underneath your panties, tracing along your smooth, silky-soft skin. Reluctantly, he pulled them downwards, exposing your beautiful pussy to his hungry gaze. He was so entranced by it. The accumulation of his horniness and the fact you had admitted to enjoying the perverted acts he had committed. His mind went haywire and he decided to do something bold; He was going to jerk off using the fresh pair of underwear, while looking at you.
Slowly, he lowered himself onto the bed beside me, positioning himself between my spread legs. He wrapped the newly acquired panties around his cock, and started jerking off while observing you.
As Idia waited for any sign of movement, his heart raced wildly in anticipation. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he heard a soft moan escape your lips. His eyes widened in delight and terror as you shifted slightly, unknowingly grinding your body against the bedsheet.
Pushing aside all rational thoughts, he continued to stroke himself faster and harder, groaning softly as he watched your perfect breasts rise and fall with each breath. Each thrust of his hand matched the rhythmic motion of his cock sliding in and out of the panties. He could feel his orgasm building up inside him, reaching its peak.
Without warning, he erupted, coating the fresh pair of panties with his seed.
He then decided to do something crazier, something even more fucked up then the ones he had done before. Slowly unwrapping the cum covered panties from his cock, he then lifted your hips and legs, sliding the underwear pair back on, slightly higher than intended, causing the fabric to dig into your folds. He observes with a shaky breath how his hot semen made contact with your cunt.
His heart raced as he watched idly, his breathing heavy and labored. He had gone too far this time. Could you ever forgive him? Would he lose everything he held dear because of his perverse desires?
Without giving himself time to think, he hurriedly got dressed, he quickly throws takes out the panty pair he stole yesterday from his pocket and throws them in the laundry basket in the corner of your room. Carefully, he tiptoed out of your room, closing the door quietly behind him. As he headed back to his own dormitory, he wondered if today was finally the day he complete lost his sanity and any sort of moral compass he previously had.
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minzxv · 6 months
Cheesy rivals
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. Experiencing rivals to lovers with Spinel and Amethio, Romance
First 2 character ask, I love you vamp anon Amethio's was longer I am guilty of being an Amethio lover(not in a weird way he just is so cool) - 🦇
Warning : Cheesy, Spinel may be out of character
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Rivals - Spinel was so annoyed when he almost got the pendant by manipulating Liko with his Pokemon then you appear and start acting loke superman, breaking Liko from the hyonosis was his last straw where he just started spamming moves on you and your pokemon. He didn't even care about Liko at this point he was just doing this because he's petty.
Softening up - Spinel stopped hating you which is good, but did you stop hating Spinel? We don't know, he started becoming less mean and snarky to you, always tells his Pokémon to hit the other RVT members. Even his Umbreon started liking you
Liking you - He was shocked himself, like how would he the most greatest and best person in the Explorers fall inlove with a weakling like you who is part of that annoying brats group but it happened so...
Lovers - Spinel becomes a total different person no forced snarky look, but he's smug about it. Like when you start scolding him for attacking Liko he's like "You wanna kiss me so bad it's funny"
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Rivals - Amethio is a different stories he also hated your guts, but he never hid the fact that he did. Amethio was bold and made it CRYSTAL CLEAR that he hated you more than you hated him. To him you're just another nuisance to him from his success, especially from that pendant.
He secretly becomes more competitive like purposely aiming at you in a battle with Friede
Softening up - nothing noticeable really changed about Amethio he is still cold dull Amethio. What did change a little is his gaze this may sound cheesy, but his gaze becomes softer when you're around, like when he's stalking the airship and randomly finds you walking alone with your pokemon his gaze can't help but soften. Until Konia and Zir said "Boss you alright?" He starts acting professional again.
Liking you - He knew it, but he would never admit it. Amethio is stubborn and thinks things like that are unimportant, so he put his feelings aside and just treated you like a normal Explorers member. It failed after 6 months, but he still didn't have the boldness to do that. You confessed first.
Lovers - Amethio is still quiet and closed nothing changes, nobody noticed anything your top excuses to go walk with him is "I'm gonna go adventure for a while" . In private he's less cold, and treats you like an actual partner instead of just being "A RVT MEMBER" he's not a fan of PDA like Spinel, maybe someday he will be comfortable with that. Amethio is a busy bee, and his old rival being his lover is one of the things he can't process yet.
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125 notes · View notes
holdmytesseract · 1 year
☆ The Baby Fever AU ☆
Loki x fem!Reader
Summary: You're going into labour - unexpectedly. The problem? It's way too early and Loki isn't home...
Warnings: pregnancy things, birth, pain, swear words? angst, panic attacks, tooth rotting fluff
Word Count: 5k (Whoopsies 👀)
a/n: Yaaaay! It's time for y'all to finally meet Narfi! 🥳 Ella is a big sister now! 🥰 I decided to wrote things slightly... 'different'. You'll see. I hope you like it! I tried my best! ☺️
Sidenote: I'm not a pregnancy/birthing expert, so... 😅🙈
Tagging: @km-ffluv @lokisgoodgirl @eleniblue @vbecker10 @loz-3 @jennyggggrrr @lokisninerealms @peaches1958 @multifandom-worlds @fictive-sl0th @loki-laufeyson-1054 @lovingchoices14 @simping-for-marvel @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lou12346789 @kimanne723 @coldnique @lady-rose-moon @mostclevermiss @aagn360 @acefeather2002 @iamlokisgloriouspurpose
Baby Fever Masterlist °☆• Masterlist
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The day had started quite normal. Well... As normal as a day could start with being a little over six months pregnant. You had gotten up quite early to prepare breakfast and say goodbye to your husband, since he left for a mission quite early. Seven in the morning, to be precise, so you got up at six, in order to surprise him with your self-made pancakes. No, you didn't do that for Loki before every mission, but you did it today, since he had to go with Tony - about which he was everything but amused. He had been grumpy all day yesterday after getting to know that. But well... The mission had to be done and Tony was the only one available together with Loki. Though, it wasn't just that. Loki didn't like to leave you alone, now that you reached the seventh month. Sure, you weren't close to birth yet, but nevertheless... It didn't sit right with him. He didn't have a good feeling about it.
Just when you flipped the first pancake in the pan, the door to the kitchen got quietly opened and closed again. "Darling? What in all the nine realms are you doing here?" You knew that he would protest, seeing you up this early. You didn't care, though. You were pregnant not sick. "Preparing a delicious breakfast for my husband," you announced, turning around to face him with a smile. "Since he has to go on a mission with the mean and annoying man of steel." Loki sighed, shaking his head, "Don't even start..." and stepped closer to you. He was already dressed in his full Asgardian armour – except for his helmet, ready to go. "That's really sweet of you, my queen, but you didn't have to do that. I'd rather have you in bed, resting and growing our baby boy." Loki said, cupping your big bump and leaning down to bestow a loving, but sensual kiss upon your lips. You couldn't help but smile in the kiss, lifting both your hands to rest on his leather clad chest. "I know, baby, but I just wanted to do that for you. Wasn't able to sleep anyway for the last two or three ours." The God's expression changed; his face now reflected worry and concern. "Why couldn't you sleep? Is everything alright?" You nodding and rubbed you palms up and down his chest in order to calm him. "Yes, of course, Lokes. I just had a few Braxton Hicks contractions, got kicked by your son a few times and needed to get up to pee two times." Loki nodded, now slightly relieved by your answer, but not entirely. His big hands roamed over your protruding stomach, caressing it gently. "Are you sure, my love?" "Yes, I am." You said, capturing his lips for a quick kiss. "Now sit down and have some pancakes - unless you like 'em burned." Loki rolled his eyes but smiled, causing you to giggle. He gave in in the end, of course and sat down, eating your self-made pancakes. The God couldn't lie... He loved your pancakes and he loved that you surprised him with it. But no matter how much he would love to help you clean up now, wake Ella and bring her to the kindergarten, before spending a lazy morning in bed with you, he had to go... And he absolutely hated it.
"Be safe, okay?" You told him, standing in the door frame of the main door. "Of course, darling. Don't worry about me." Loki wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you as close to him as possible. "You two be safe, yes?" He said, nodding at your belly and you. "Yes." "Good. Take it easy and rest. I'll be back in two days." You nodded, standing on your tiptoes to kiss him one last time. "I'm going to miss you, Lokes..." "I'm going to miss you and my princess and prince as well." You smiled at him, squeezing his thick leather clad shoulders. "Don't annoy Tony so much, yeah?" You said, teasing him slightly and knowing exactly that this would never even happen in your wildest dream. They were going to annoy the hell out of each other... "I'm afraid I can't promise you that, my love." Loki chuckled, winking; before he turned to leave.
After saying thoroughly goodbye to Loki, you cleaned up the kitchen, woke up Ella and got her ready for kindergarten, before bringing her there, of course.
While your daughter was away, you cleaned up the house a bit and did some laundry. Much to your dismiss, you had to take a lot of breaks, due to quite a lot Braxton Hicks contractions. At some point, it even really started to annoy you. It hadn't been that bad with Ella...
Hours ticked by and the Braxton Hicks didn't get better. Rather worse. So, you tried to lay down and sleep, give your body some rest. At first, that was perfectly fine - until you woke up again, with a sticky feeling between your legs. Rubbing your eyes tiredly, your brain needed a moment to catch up. Frowning, you shifted, feeling like you've gotten your period - what was impossible. What in all the nine- Oh no... That was the moment in which your brain had finally caught up, sending a shockwave through your whole body. Within seconds, you sat up and threw the blanket aside. On your sleep shorts was a wet patch - and no, you didn't pee yourself. Your eyes widened at that sight, heart hammering against your chest. Your water broke. Your fucking water broke. That couldn't be. It was way too early. You were not even seven entire months pregnant. "Oh no, no, no..." Panic started to course through your system, as you got up and made your way as fast as possible into the bathroom. It was true. Your water broke. The Braxton Hicks contractions weren't Braxton Hicks... They were real contractions. Not knowing what to do or how to react, you did the only thing your panicking brain could think of... Calling your husband. Grabbing your phone, you quickly tapped on his contact in order to call him; praying to the Gods that he was able to accept your call while flying on the Quinjet. To your sheer relief, he could. "Darling? Everything al-" You didn't even let him finish his sentence. You couldn't. You were way too afraid and panicky. "M-My water broke, Loki." There was silence on the other end of the line for a moment. "I beg you pardon, w-what?" "My water broke. I-I'm in labour." You said, swallowing hard as you felt the tears coming up in your eyes. "I-It's way too early, Loki! I-I shouldn't be in labour now! I'm not even halfway through the seventh month! I-I don't know what is going on! I-I'm afraid! Loki, what do I do now?!" You sobbed, rambling. "Okay, okay, darling. First, take a deep breath please, then tell me exactly what happened." "O-Okay." You did what your husband said, took a deep breath. "I-I had contractions all morning. I-I thought they were just Braxton Hicks, but they weren't. I decided t-to lay down, have some rest, a-and now I woke up and my... my water was broken. I-I'm in- Ughhh..." Another contraction caused you to cut off your own sentence. "L-Labour... I-I'm in labour."
On the Quinjet, Loki literally froze to the ground in pure shock. Your water broke?! You were in labour?! How could that be? It was way too early and- Oh no... His eyes widened at the realisation which dawned suddenly on him. It was too early - for a normal pregnancy, but... not for a Jotun pregnancy. His blood froze in his veins. Seemed like that baby inherited way more of his Jotun genes than he anticipated. Than everybody anticipated. Not even the healers on Asgard saw that coming...
"L-Loki?" Your weaky, shaky voice snapped him immediately back into reality. "I'm sorry, darling, I'm right here. Listen... Normal pregnancies last for about nine to ten months, but Jotun pregnancies last about seven, which means..." "Oh gods... O-Our baby is a Jotun?" Your voice was filled with so much fear. "Not entirely, I think. But my Jotun genes are strong, I'm afraid. I'm so sorry, my love. If I would've known, I-" "No..." You interrupted him on an instant. "Don't blame yourself, please. I-I think I'm ready to give birth, it's just... so sudden, I..." You took a deep breath, feeling the next contraction creep up on you. "I just want our baby to be okay. I-I couldn't stand if something would happen to him. Y-You said he's presumably not entirely Jotun, so what if it's still too early? What if he's not ready to survive outside my womb yet? O-Oh gods..." Another wave of panic rolled through you, causing you to stumble back slightly. "Y/N, love, hey... Listen to me. This won't happen, okay? Everything is going to be alright. You will be alright and our baby as well. Don't panic, please. This is not good for either of you." You nodded, more so to yourself to persuade yourself that he was right. "O-Okay.... Okay. I-I'm going to call Heimdall, so that he can open the Bifrost for m-" "No!" Your husband interjected immediately, voice filled with fear and worry. "W-What?" You were confused now. "You can't do that. I-It's not safe. Travelling with the Bifrost while being pregnant - no problem at all. Travelling with the Bifrost while being in labour - dangerous. It could harm the baby. You can't go to Asgard, my love. It's too late. You need to have our baby here, on Midgard."
That didn't help your anxiety either. Not at all. You were prepared to give birth on Asgard, just like you did with Ella. It was way safer, given the fact that the healers knew what they were dealing with. Your babies weren't just normal babies after all. Certainly not your son. He was a Frost Giant. How on earth would be human doctors able to deal with that? "Ohhh no, no, no, no... I can't do this, Loki. I can't do this here, without the healers!" You could swear, you never felt so much fear in your life than in that moment. "Love, please... I need you to stay calm. I know this isn't easy, but hyperventilation is going to make it worse. Please, my queen, please." "A-And what do I do now?" You cried, unable to hold back the tears anymore. Loki's heart ached, knowing that he should be with you right now and not on a damn Quinjet, heading for Sacramento. "You are going to call an ambulance and make sure you're under medical supervision, okay?" "O-Okay." "I'll look after the rest and try to come back home as fast as possible. Call me, if you need me, yes?" "Y-Yes." "Good. I love you. We're going to make this, I promise." Loki hated to hang up now, but he had to. The God needed to make sure that this Quinjet was no longer heading away from you, but back to you. So, he headed for the cockpit, where Tony was.
The billionaire said casually in his chair, working on new blueprints for an even better suit. The Quinjet was on autopilot. "Stark!" Loki bellowed. "We need to turn around and fly back!" An exaggerated sigh could be heard from Tony, before he swiftly turned around in the chair. "No, absolutely not, Reindeer Games." "It's urgent, Stark. An emergency!" Another annoyed sigh from Tony. "I know you don't like to be on this mission with me - what goes both ways. I don't like spending time with you either, but this mission is impor-" The man didn't get any further. Loki, which had clearly lost his patience with the billionaire already, grabbed him the lapels of his sweatshirt, pulled him roughly out of his chair and pinned him with a thud against the nearby metal wall. Tony was way too perplexed to fight back. Not that he would stand a chance against the God. Without his suit, he was nothing more than a normal man. That was what Loki thought at least. "This idiotic mission is not even in the slightest important to me. My family is important to me. I tell you there's an emergency and you just keep on mocking me?" Loki snarled; a dark chuckle leaving his lips. "Big mistake - and you should know that, Stark. I have to go back to my wife and unborn baby. Y/N went into labour way too early. I don't care about rescuing cats from trees. All I care about right now is the safety and health of my wife and child." He tightened his grip a bit, while Tony just stared at him like paralyzed. "Now turn this Quinjet around, Stark or you are going to wish you had taken my brother on this mission instead of me." Tony blinked; the words reaching his brilliant brain. Immediately, the usually so quick-witted man lifted his hands in awe. He didn't know. How could he know? "Okay, Reindeer Games, okay! I surrender! Just... Let me down." With another angry snarl, Loki let go of Tony - who went to the control board on an instant and changed the destination of the autopilot again. The God witnessed it, gave the man another intense look, before he turned to leave. "Idiot... He could've just said that this was about Y/N instead of threatening me..." Tony muttered under his breath, unable to hear for Loki, as he sat back down on the chair. "Don't fret, my love. I'm coming." Loki mumbled, staring out of the small window. His heart was aching for his wife. He should have never left. He just should've stayed.
You couldn't remember much. Calling an ambulance and riding with them towards the hospital was one of those things.
"Okay, ma'am can you walk?" One of the friendly paramedics asked. A man with ash blonde hair and a lip piercing. You nodded, steadying yourself at the hallway wand. "I-I think so, yes." "Alright. We will steady you." Together with the two paramedics, you made your way down the elevator and hallways of the Avengers compound. It was quiet. Nobody was home. Except you. It was a rare thing to happen, but it did happen. Unfortunately, right on that day. "How far apart are your contractions now? Can you tell that?" The woman with a ponytail asked. "I-I, um... Uh..." You were still shaken up. Loki's words managed to calm you, yes, but only to a certain extent. "I think about an hour apart now." "Okay, and your water broke?" "Y-Yes." You reached the ambulance after a fifteen-minute slow walk, the paramedics helping you inside. "And how far are you exactly?" Asked the man. You swallowed. "Twenty-five weeks." The man and woman's eyes widened, shock written all over their face, causing you to quickly add some more information. "B-But, uh this-" You started, but help your breath as another contraction rolled over you. The pain causing you to bend over, gritting your teeth. The grip of both the man and woman tightened, in order to keep you steady. After taking a few deep, deep breaths, you continued. "This isn't a n-normal pregnancy... M-My husband isn't from, u-um here. He's uh, halfway Asgardian and Jotun, a-and this baby has a lot o-of Jotun genes apparently. T-That's why our son's coming earlier." Your gaze met both their eyes, which reflected still shock, but also disbelief. They clearly needed a moment to get along. Blinking, the man nodded. "O-Okay, um. We just get you to the hospital first. Then we'll see." Said and done. About fifteen minutes later, you were in the hospital - and from that point on, everything went a bit blurry. Your heart was beating fast against your chest, as the car came to an halt. You weren't ready for this. You weren't. No matter if this baby was actually ready to be born, it was still too early. Even for the Jotun pregnancy - as you realized a few minutes ago. This caused a fresh wave of angst and panic course through your system, making your hands shake. So many thoughts were cursing through your mind. What if the baby wasn't going to survive this? Loki wasn't here. What if he couldn't make it back in time? You needed him. You couldn't bring this baby into this world without him, could you? And with that not enough... A contraction like you never had before rolled over your body, causing you almost to black out from the amount of pain. Panting hard, you suddenly felt something else within your body. "I-I-I need to push. I-I, oh gods. I need to p-push." You stammered out, shocking the paramedics again. "Ma'am, are you sure? You just told us your contractions were about an hour apart." "I-I know, but- ahhhh." You couldn't resist this urge any longer. You had to. "Okay, quick, get her inside. We need to check on her!" The woman said, quickly helping the man to get you inside the hospital.
This didn't help your anxiety as well. Quite the opposite. It became even worse. So bad, that you couldn't fight it anymore. It started to cloud your mind; invading your brain. You halfway passed out on the way, but everything was a blur; constantly switching between consciousness and unconsciousness. Bright light, some strange voices saying words you couldn't make out - and the faint cry of a baby was all you could remember.
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The Quinjet had been going as fast as possible - and yet it took Tony and Loki almost three hours to get back to the Avengers compound. Without even saying a single word to Tony, Loki stormed out of the Quinjet the moment it touched the ground. You and his son were everything he could think about right now. There was nothing more important to the God in all the nine realms - except Ella and probably his oaf of a brother. So, he made his way straight to the hospital, stormed through the doors and headed immediately to the maternity ward. Good thing that he was here before, when little Morgan was born not so long ago. It helped him now to remember the way.
With quick steps approached Loki the first nurse he saw in that big, white hallway... A man with very short, pink hair.
"Excuse me, would you please lead me to my wife? Y/N Y/L/N. She must be here." The nurse stopped in his movements, turned to face Loki, eyes widening slightly. You could tell that the man was quite a bit shocked at what his eyes saw. And maybe he wasn't taking Loki seriously. "I, um... I'm sorry, Sir, but I'm afraid I can't." The God frowned. "What? Why not? I demand to see my wife!" The male nurse shook his head. "I'm sorry, Sir. I can't allow a stranger to go-" "I'm not a stranger! I'm the husband and father of the child my wife is currently bringing into this world!" The God balled his hands to fists, clearly angered now. But the nurse didn't budge. "I understand your worry and concern, but I am not allowed to, Sir, until I have this checked." Loki sighed. Probably it wasn't a good idea to literally storm into this hospital, still dressed in full Asgardian armour and armed to the teeth... Loki was sure he was going to hear from Fury about this - and Steve. But what was he supposed to do? That was Y/N - and his unborn baby! A deep breath left Loki's lips as he turned around and took a few steps away from the nurse. With a snap of his fingers, a green shimmer enveloped his body, changing his armour into a hoodie, black jeans and a pair of sneakers. Then he turned to face the man again, who stood open-mouthed across from him, clearly shocked and surprised at what he just witnessed. "Please. I'm begging you. I just want to see my wife and child." If his son wasn't born already - what Loki didn't hope... He was never one to beg. Never. But this situation, with him not knowing how you and the baby were doing, had him on his knees. At Loki's pleading look, the nurse gave in. "Alright, Sir. I'll have a look. What's your wife's name again?" "Y/N Y/L/N." "And you are...?" "Loki Laufeyson." "Okay. I'll be right back." Loki nodded, being very relieved. "Thank you."
About five minutes later, the man came back - with a woman in tow, which definitely looked like a doctor. The God felt how his heart sped up. Was this a good sign or a bad sign? He didn't know. "Mr. Laufeyson?" The doctor approached him. "Yes. My wife is she...?" "She is alright." Relief washed over Loki. "Thank the norns... A-And the baby?" "Alright as well." Loki swallowed. "S-So he's already born?" The woman nodded, giving him an apologetic smile. "He is." His shoulders slumped, sadness overcoming him like a big shadow. "I missed the birth of my son..." He mumbled under his breath, nevertheless loud enough for the doctor to hear. "I'm sorry, Mr. Laufeyson, but the little man couldn't wait for his dad to arrive." Another nod from the God. "How did the birth go? Without complications, I hope?" "Yes. It was a natural birth, although your wife went through a lot of stress and panic attacks. During the birth she was constantly slipping in and out of consciousness." Loki's eyes widened at that. Oh norns... Apparently, you had been so afraid of the sudden situation you were thrown in. Fear of giving birth. Fear of giving birth too early. Fear of the baby's health. And he couldn't be there. No, he sat on a fucking Quinjet towards Sacramento with Tony Stark. Great. "Can I see them, please?" "Of course. Want to pick up your son first?" Loki's heart sped up at the thought of seeing and holding his son for the very first time. "Yes, please." "Follow me."
The doctor led Loki down the hall and around the corner into another hallway, until they came to an halt in front of a big door with two window panes in the middle. "This is our newborn nursery. Before you can enter this room, you have to change." She handed Loki a blue hygiene coat, who quickly put it on. "Ready to meet your son?" The God nodded, almost impatiently.
The woman then led him through the newborn nursery, in which countless cribs stood. Some empty, some with a baby inside. Loki was pretty sure that he had never seen so many babies in one room in his life before. His eyes travelled from one to the other, as the doctor was leading him through the big room.
"There we are." She announced then, stopping in front of one of the cribs. "Meet your son, Mr. Laufeyson." Loki wasn't able to see much yet, but what he saw, was a tiny, blue hand peeking out of the crib. Like Ella, was his son born in his Jotun form - as it seemed. The God's eyes widened slightly, before they searched for Dr. Martin's - as he could read on the little name plate; his brain already working fast to come up with an explanation. Sure, they didn't see a blue baby every day... Just as he wanted to open his mouth, Dr. Martin spoke up. "Your wife told us." She said, smiling softly. He blinked, was a bit taken aback. A blue baby... And nobody lost it? The doctor seemed to read the confusion on Loki's face. "Your baby boy isn't the first special baby we had here." She explained further, before she turned on her heels to leave. "I give you a few minutes of alone time with your son now. I think after that we can take him to his mama." Loki was still in some kind of shock, unable to say a word and just watched the friendly and understanding doctor leave - until a soft, but demanding whine ripped him out of his trance; causing his stomach to flip. The God's head snapped immediately direction crib. Cautiously, he approached the little bed, taking the first look on his newborn son. The little boy was wrapped up in a light blue teddy bear babygrow. Little legs pulled up against his belly; tiny hands balled into fists. His eyes were still closed, but his face was contorted, as another soft whine left his pouty lips. A tuft of black hair was on his head. Loki wasn't able to see a lot of his skin, but as he could tell from afar, it was blue. Familiar marks and ridges adorned his son's face and head. Loki's heart did another somersault, as it fell hopelessly in love with the baby boy. He was beautiful. Just absolutely beautiful - and he was his.
"Hello, little man." Loki spoke in a soft, hushed tone. As soon as his voice urged to the baby's ears, his tiny face seemed to relax; clearly feeling and hearing that his father was close. Without hesitation, Loki reached inside the crib and took the baby carefully up in his arms. "Welcome to this world, Narfi." He managed to choke out, before his emotions got stuck in his throat and a few tears escaped the corners of his eyes. He was blessed with becoming a father again... It was hard to grasp for Loki. He needed a few moments to realise it; feeling pure love and proudness course through his veins. It eased the pain and sadness of missing Narfi's birth a bit. He was here now - and he would not leave his or your side again. "I am so sorry I missed the moment you saw the light of the day, but I am here now, my little prince. Daddy's here now." Loki enjoyed the first precious moments he spent with Narfi, holding him close and letting him feel all his love. One thing was missing though... A thing he did with Ella as well. A thing he would make sure to catch up on later, as soon as he was alone with you and his son.
You blinked your eyes open, adjusting to the sunlight, which flooded the room. The first thing you noticed was the white ceiling above you. You tried to remember what had happened. Your memory was blurry. All you could think of was calling Loki in a panic, telling him you were in labour. You remembered his words and that you called an ambulance, just like he said. You remembered riding with them towards the hospital, but after that it became a haze. "Y/N?" A voice called suddenly out to you. "Love, are you awake?" A familiar voice. Loki. You turned your head in the direction where his voice came from; gaze landing on your husband, who sat beside your bed on a chair, shirtless, skin tinged in blue - and with a small bundle resting against his bare chest, causing your eyes to widen. Loki wore a smile, gentle ruby eyes looking at you. "Hey, my love." He whispered, reaching out his hand for you to take - which you did. "Would you like to meet our son? I think he's very eager to meet his mama." A wave of emotions and feelings over rolled you. You had given birth? How could it be that you couldn't remember? "I-I-I yes, oh gods, Loki... I-I-" "Shhhh, everything is alright." He hushed and reassured you immediately, giving your hand a squeeze, before handing Narfi over to you. You took your newborn son into your arms with shaky hands. This moment seemed so surreal, and yet it was happening right in front of your eyes. "H-Hi, my little prince." You whispered, feeling the tears pooling in your eyes. At your voice Narfi opened his eyes, his father's beautiful matching ruby eyes looking up at you. "Hi... I'm your mama." The baby just stared at you with big eyes, cuddling closer to you. You couldn't help but smile, feeling the tears fall now. A thing you immediately notice was, that - unlike Ella, Narfi stayed in his Jotun form and didn't shapeshift. Perhaps he needed a bit longer for that - which wasn't a bad thing, of course. "What happened?" You asked then. Loki was more than willing to explain everything to you, from the very start.
"How are you feeling now, love?" Your husband asked in the end, after having a long conversation with you. "Tired and exhausted, but I-I- Norns, Lokes, I'm so sorry you missed the birth... I-I should've called you earlier o-or-" "Hey, it's okay, darling." He interrupted you, leaning forward to place a lingering kiss on your forehead. "Please don't blame yourself for this. If anything, I am the one to blame, because I wasn't here earlier. But I am here now - and that is what counts." You gave him a soft, but still slightly saddened smile. "Does Ella know?" Loki nodded. "I called Jane, explained everything to her. She agreed to pick Ella up from kindergarten and to tell her." You smiled, thinking of how excited your daughter must be. "I can't wait for her to meet her baby brother." Loki chuckled, placing a big hand on Narfi's back. "Me neither. But for now, you have to rest, my love. I'm right here." He said, learning down to kiss you leisurely, before he rested his forehead against yours. "I love you so much, my queen... And my little princess and littlest prince as well. Thank you for gifting me the wonderful life I never thought I deserved."
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v-anrouge · 11 months
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quartztwst · 2 months
I'm having a anxiety attack can you js write bout your day or your love/hate for azul or idk but i need something to distract my mind (sorry to bother you for that..)
"Quartzul!!!" WHERE???
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He's so cute hheheheheheh
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loki-laufeyson223 · 3 months
Wedding Bells At Midnight
Warnings: Really not any unless you count tooth rotting fluff as one lol.
Word Count: 3.5k+
Idk how other people are but if I read something, I like to see pictures of descriptive things so if I need to post the links for the wedding look lmk!
It has officially been 3 months since  Loki proposed and we were excitedly awaiting the wedding. The date had been set to be when I finished my college degree so we could have a long honeymoon without any distractions so, the date would be May 24th. I already had my dresses picked out and bought, stored away from my mischievous fiance’s eyes at Natasha’s place. Both me and the groom had been working hard on our vows since we weren’t doing them the traditional way. And since we weren’t doing the traditional vows we also decided that we wouldn’t be spending the night before apart. 
The wedding was 2 days away and it was all either of us could think about. Loki had been nagging me to see the dress since the day I went and bought it, taking quite a chunk out of the bank account. We had agreed to let the Avengers   set everything up at the venue without our supervision, the anxiety levels were high to say the least. True they were our most trusted friends, some more than others, but we still had our worries. Loki was going to be wearing a black suit with a dark green tie and Thor would be his best man with Tony Stark and Vision as groomsmen. All of the groomsmen, including the best man, were going to be wearing black suits.
 My matron of honor is Natasha with Wanda and Pepper Pots as my bridesmaids. Obviously Thor and Natasha would be walking down together with Pepper would be going down with Stark and Wanda would be going down with Vision. All of our bridesmaids and groomsmen were already married with two of the couples walking down together with Thor and Natasha being the only ones not walking down with their partners. The bridesmaids and matron of honor would be wearing dark gray dresses and the groomsmen’s ties would be the same color. 
The night before the wedding we didn’t have a rehearsal dinner and the wedding party had a get together for us all to maybe try to take some of the edge off. We all arrived at Thor and Jane’s house at around 6 pm and left at 9 to try and get some rest before the big day. 
Loki and I were laying in bed cuddling and I was laying on his bare chest listening to his heartbeat while he was tracing soothing patterns on my shoulder. My arms were wrapped around his waist and there was only a single candle illuminating our room with a gentle yellow glow. I looked up at him, propping my chin up on his chest. Loki looked down at me pulling his mind away from the book he was submerged in, quirking up an eyebrow curious of what I’m going to say. “Hey Lokes?”  “Yes darling?”  “What if we got married?”  “We are to be wed tomorrow dearest. Why in the Nine Realms are you asking me this question now?”  “Well I know that but, what if we got married like right now?”  “Now?”  “Yeah, like we could seal the marriage with a kiss at exactly midnight so technically we would be staying true to the date.”, he takes a minute to think about my proposition and looks back at me before saying, “I think that would be a lovely idea, my dove.”  “Really?! Ok then, let me call everyone!”, he laughs and grunts a little when I excitedly push off of his chest and jump off the bed. I call the group chat of everyone who’s supposed to be at the wedding and everyone agrees to meet us at the venue. “You truly are crazy Persephone. You know that right?”  “Yes of course I do. Now get up, we have a venue to get to!”, I say playfully annoyed, pulling him off the bed.
 We get to the venue and get into our separate dressing rooms with our groomsmen and bridesmaids. At 11:50 we all get lined up with Loki already being down the aisle. Heimdall is our officiant so Loki walked down with him. Since I didn’t have a father to hand me off to Loki, one of my closest friends from the military, Shane, would be handing me off. Before the doors open I get behind a second wall and Thor and the rest of the groomsmen turn around and tear up at the sight of me in my dress. 
The dress is a dark green and is long enough to cover my feet. It has flowers adorning the bodice curving around my body, stopping at my waist. It’s an off the shoulder dress with long and flowing pieces coming off the back of my shoulders. It flows out from the bodice in a slightly puffed skirt. My ash blonde hair braided and wrapped around into a bun with delicate and small white flowers intertwined. My eyeshadow a dark and glittery gold color with a smokey eye. The look completed with my lips painted a blush pink. My bouquet is made up of blush pink and dark green roses. My heels are a golden color with pointed tips with white and gold flowers adorning the heels. Frigga had brought my jewelry from the palace vault and said they were mine to keep, as her wedding gift to me. It was also her way of welcoming me into the family. The necklace is a line of diamonds starting from the nape on the left side of my neck and wraps around to the right that comes down to right below the center of my neck where a small emerald lies. Where the few diamonds rest on my nape emeralds pick up on their trail. The emeralds on the left don’t connect to the one in the center. The earrings having a celtic design and are silver with a green stone at the bottom. To top off the entire thing a thin and intricate headpiece made with a similar celtic design with a single green stone that rests in the middle of my forehead.
Thor takes in the sight with a thoughtful look and gives me a smile. “Well what do ya say we get this wedding started.”  “I think that’s a great idea.”, I say with a smile. Thor knocked on the door letting the people outside know we are ready to start. Roslyn by St.Bon Iver begins playing as the wedding party walks down the aisle. When everyone is settled into their places, the door opens once again and I begin my walk down the aisle, my arm linked with Shane’s. Until I Found You by Stephen Sanchez plays as I make my way down the aisle. I look at the man I’m to be wed to and make eye contact, seeing tears falling down his face at a slow pace and I know The God of Mischief is a changed man.
It takes until we get to the end of the aisle for me to finally take in the beautiful white rose arch above us with fairy lights intertwined. Loki takes my hand as Shane hands me off with tears threatening to spill from his eyes at any moment. Loki kisses my hand and whispers in my ear, “You look incredible darling.”  “Not as good as you honey.”, he smiles at that with a small laugh. Heimdal goes through with the Asgardian wedding customs and then hands the situation over to Loki and I, “I believe the bride and groom have prepared their own vows. Is that correct?”, he looks at us both and we nod with a smile. Loki recites his first, “My dearest Persephone, I promise to always make you laugh and we will laugh together. I vow that we will be a family forever and all of eternity. I could never get bored with you and I will most definitely make a point to never let there be a dull moment as long as I’m around. Together we will always have trust because our promises of honesty and love will be our strength. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”, we are both crying at this point and my throat is tight with a sob that I let out with a ragged breath right before I begin, “My one and only love, Loki, I vow to love you even when I’m upset or angry with you. There will be no running- ever, even in the toughest of times. I will not walk out on you no matter what happens. I vow to take care of you even if we ever become old, senile, and smelly. I walk down this aisle tonight and recite these vows because, to me, you are worthy and will never become a burden to me- ever. I’m in love with every part of you, including the beautiful cobalt blue and ruby red eyes part. I love you with my entire soul and body, even more than any being can ever begin to comprehend.”, by the time I finish with my vows I can tell Loki is holding back sobs by the way his Adam's apple bobs. Heimdall comes up behind us and asks for the rings and Thor and Natasha hand us the wedding bands we picked out for each other. Loki’s is black with a dark green marble design and mine is of the same style but thinner to go underneath my silver band with an emerald sitting in the middle. We slip them onto each other’s hands and Heimdal comes up behind us to finish off the ceremony. “Loki Laufeyson, do you take Persephone Alexandri to be your lawfully wedded wife?”  “It would be an absolute honor.”  “And you, Persephone Alexandri, do you take Loki Laufeyson to be your lawfully wedded husband?”  “I didn’t spend all of that money for nothin’.”, Laughs were scattered throughout the venue and Heimdall looks between us with a smile. “Then in that case, you may now kiss the bride.”  Loki holds the sides of my face gently and pulls me in to bind our lips together at exactly midnight. He grabbed my leg, smirking into the now deepening kiss. I instinctively snake my arms around his neck. Getting lost in the moment we hear Thor yell laughing, “Save it for the honeymoon lovebirds!”  We pull away and Loki puts his forehead against mine and rubs his nose to mine playfully. Laughing with joy filled eyes and faces, we make our way back up the aisle, arm in arm, with everyone cheering us on as newlyweds. 
Loki pulls me away from all of the festivities and into the bridal dressing room. “You look absolutely stunning tonight darling.”, he whispers against the shell of my ear. I pull away and lock my hazel brown on his shimmering ocean blue and press my lips to his. His soft lips envelope mine in a breathtaking kiss. The physical bond is only the cherry on top to our soul's bond that can never, ever be broken. We become completely lost in each other until we hear three quick wraps on the door. “Come on Beauty and Beast, wrap it up. Y'all got a first dance to attend to.”, we hear Natasha laugh outside of the door. 
Loki and I make our way out to the separate awning for dancing and everyone starts cheering as we walk out. We make it to the middle of the floor and assume our positions with each other. “I can’t help it” by JVKE starts playing and we begin the well rehearsed dance. The song starts off slow with only a piano to start off. Soon after we have close to 10 seconds of a more formal way of dancing the beat drops into a beautiful symphony and when that first strong beat released itself Loki grabbed my hips and lifted me into the air, bringing me back down gently. After we finish our first dance we walk out and everyone comes out onto the dance floor, dancing and laughing the night away.
Half an hour later everyone’s still on the dance floor when the music and lights suddenly cut out. The beginning of “Electric Love” by BØRNS starts playing and Loki and I run our way out to the middle of the dance floor. In the time we were gone I had changed out of my wedding dress and into a short gold halter neck dress and Loki had just taken off his suit jacket and his tie, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. We had rehearsed the other song we had been working on as a funny surprise for our guests and our own fun and pleasure. When I say we danced like no one was watching, we did just that. The music flowing through our bodies like blood. The short and calculated movements were less precise and more emotion filled as the song went on and with each meeting of our eyes.  The song ended and everyone erupted with cheers, leaving Loki and I grinning like two kids on Christmas. 
I was making my rounds talking to everyone who was attending the wedding and all I could think about the entire time was how my somewhat socially awkward husband was having to do the very same thing, or at least I thought he was. That is until I felt his large hands wrap around my waist and lift me up above his shoulders whilst I was talking to Frigga, making me shriek. “Loki honey, what by the roots of Yggdrasil are you doing?!”, he let out a small chuckle and just kept on moving. We rounded a corner and he sat me down in front of the bridal dressing room door and pulled me into a tight hug, leaning down towards my ear, “We have to sign our wedding certificate darling.”  He pulled away and opened the door revealing that Heimdall, Thor, and Natasha were already waiting for us. We had discussed at an earlier date that Natasha would be my choice of witness and Thor would be Loki’s. Heimdall handed us the certificate and Loki looked at it with a face filled with disapproval. With a slight turn of his pointer finger the once plain piece of paper that officiated our marriage now had golden cursive lettering with green, white, and gold flowers adorning the corners and edges. Beside the paper two gold fountain pens appeared beside it on the table in front of us. Loki hummed his approval and picked up one of the pens, handing me one as well. We signed the certificate and handed the pens over to Thor and Natasha. The two witnesses signed the page and handed it over to Heimdall who then placed a magical bond over it, sealing our marriage document.
Later after most of the attendees said their goodbyes, Loki and I grabbed our bags for the honeymoon. Steven Strange was already waiting for us with his sling ring on, ready to transport us to Greece. Tony had offered to pay for everything as his wedding gift to us and we gladly accepted. He set up two new accounts linked to his and gave each of us our own separate cards. He had also gone ahead and paid for our hotel, which was of course the best one there and booked us the honeymoon suite. 
We went through the swirling orange circle and immediately landed in the hotel lobby. I handed our bags over to the hotel service and helped a little while Loki went up to the counter and checked us in. I sat down on a leather chair in a far corner of the lobby and waited for a while. Five minutes later Loki stalked over to me and offered his hand to me, I accepted it and squeaked when he pulled me around to his back and pulled me up towards the mid-section of his strong back. “Please tell me we’re at least taking the elevator.”, he just chuckled mischievously and took off running. Loki stopped at the beginning forked hallway, right side leading to the elevator and the left leading to the stairwell. “Loki babe, please take the elevator.”, I laughed, pleading with my husband. “Darling.”  “What?”  “Where’s the fun in that?”  Next thing I knew he had started running again and took a sharp left. “Are you sure you can even run up these stairs with me on your back?”  “Oh my dear, why must you insult me in such a way?”, and off he went. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the fact that my husband was trying to have some fun before we went to bed, exhausted from the long night since it was 6am and the ceremony was at 12am. To add on to that we had been up from the break of dawn the day before without any sleep. Also, the honeymoon suite was on the 10th floor. We had arrived in our room within 5 minutes because Loki decided he was tired as well and ended up teleporting us to the door on the 6th floor for a shorter arrival time.
Did I forget to mention that we may have a little too much to drink so when we opened the door, we stumbled our way to the bed and fell face first. Laughing until our stomachs cramped, we got out of the sweat soaked clothes and showered. After the very relaxing and hour-long shower, we slipped into some matching Mr. and Mrs. sweatpants both dark green with gold embroidery and I put on a comfy sports bra while Loki decided to go shirtless for tonight. Though he was slightly uncomfortable being in his Jotun form in a place he had never been, I had reassured him it was perfectly fine, I was just happy for the cool radiating off of him. We peeled the covers back and climbed into bed, snuggling into each other’s embrace. Loki grabbed the blanket and pulled it over us. Once settled underneath the blanket, Loki wrapped his arms around my waist but not before grabbing my left hand and kissing my wedding band. “I love you so much my dear wife.”, he said, pressing a kiss to my forehead and looking down at me with a loving and exhaustion laced smile. “I love you too.”  I raise my head and press my lips to his. I pull away and pull his face to mine, closing my eyes. “My love, my Loki.”
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haruniki · 1 year
Power or Makima (You choose!) and their video game loving reader gf. (Also sorry to be picky but could the reader maybe talk about Turn Based RPGs like Deltarune or Pokemon? Sorry to bother!)
a/n: tysm for requesting!! im putting two request together so hopefully that's okay! I hope you enjoy!!! Also I've only played like two pokémon games and it's the newest and let's go eevee 🥹🥹🥹
the other rq:
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Cw: Makima
Makima with a turn based rpg gamer gf!
When you first mention that you played video games, Makima was intrigued. Dhe wanted to know what made you so interested in them
From Pokémon to Deltarune, Makima has watched you play them and talk about them!
"This character Rika is so cool!! She mostly uses ground type pokémon." "Is that so? Is that a.. type that you find difficult to battle against or do you find it easy?"
Sometimes gets annoyed by how much your games, she sees them as mild distractions
If you can convince her to play a game, she'll lean more towards story based games
Though she does loke games that give you option to how the story can go. Makima enjoys the control it gives her quite a bit.
Finds it a bit difficult in the way that it's something new that she has to learn and adapt to.
Considers buying a device for her to use so you can play some games together
Also doesn't mind buying games as long as she gets some sort of compensation in return
Also buys you little trinkets and clothes related to it
Makima personally hand picks each outfit pair skirts and pants with shirts with your favorite characters on them
And if you ask nicely, Makima might even wear some of the new items after you have worn them a couple of times
But she won't wear the out in public, she does have a slight reputation to uphold, but she doesn't mind you wearing them out in public. Makima finds it rather cute that you both dress so differently.
Overall, Makima will find it fascinating to watch you play and might even show interest in some of the games you play. Maybe even play some of them herself, but she won't make it a habit.
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kaigarax · 1 year
How to Flirt
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Loke (Leo) x Reader
Quote: “Fall in love with the certainty of uncertainty.”
It was no secret that Loke, a new and budding member of Fairy Tail, was a flirt. Among the many mages of Magnolia, Loke ranked among the top five of eligible bachelors. He was good looking, well mannered and overall a kind individual if not a little over zealous when speaking to those of the opposite gender.
Girls practically fell over themselves (and each other) just trying to catch a glimpse of the mage’s attention. But just as there were girls who flushed over the simplest things from him there were just as many who kept him at an arm's length. Many women that did not fall victim to his charm. And it wasn’t something that bothered Loke all too much. If someone had denied Loke’s affections he easily just moved on to another.
You were a different story though.
Loke had gotten many of Fairy Tail’s female members to at least flush from his forward nature but never once had he seen you get embarrassed. Being almost as forward as him, Loke made it a little goal to be there the first time heat rose up to your cheeks at the thought of a romantic prospect.
Of course, the Fairy Tail mage hadn’t actually gotten anywhere with that little goal. Even after a full year of trials and attempts you remained calm, composed and unblushing.
Loke had begun to consider if you were attracted to the same gender or not to anyone at all. But you were always so direct when talking about men you found attractive. And, maybe or maybe not, Loke was a little peeved that you hadn’t even expressed even the slightest bit of embarrassment around him.
Tonight, getting you to flush had been one of the last things on Loke’s mind as he stumbled into the guild hall. He had been in the midst of drinking his problems away when you strolled into the guild hall and took a seat beside him.
You were always so pretty with your white cloak and pulled back hair.
“Bad day?” You asked, resting on your arm and giving the ginger haired man a heart fluttering smile.
Loke flashed you a smile of his own, “how could it be when I’ve run into someone as beautiful as you?”
“It’s always a bad day when one indulges in mortal sin alone.” you teased.
“Mortal sin?”
“You’re here with me, aren’t you?”
“And are you asking me to drink with you, Loke?” You asked, a twinkle in your eyes.
And how could Loke say no?
To mugs in and Loke was already starting to feel woozy. He felt inclined to take a drink whenever you did, which happened to be whenever one of you stopped talking. His words were already beginning to get slurred and people's faces were beginning to merge into one. The conversation between yourself and Loke was mostly about mundane things, or at least Loke thought it was. It was getting really hard to concentrate.
Fifteen minutes in and Loke was certain he had finished at least four and was on his fifth. While Loke never considered himself a weak drinker, drinking this much this quickly wasn’t bound to produce anything good.
You were sitting so close to Loke right now. He could feel the warmth of your skin, or maybe that was just his own? He couldn’t be too sure. It was so annoying how you didn’t seem fazed by the drinking. Maybe he should just abandon you to go find someone else to drown his worries in. Someone that he wouldn’t have to face for the rest of his life. At least then he wouldn’t have to worry about embarrassing himself.
Actually, did Loke really care right now?
He was certain he spilled half of his fourth mug on himself and hadn’t done anything about it.
Hopefully you wouldn’t tease him too much.
And even if you did tease him too much, it’s not like Loke wouldn’t be able to recover. You were always such a loose cannon when you spoke. Half of what you said always managed to surprise him. Even predicting what you might say right now seems like a hassle.
“You know,” Loke grumbled, “do you not find me attractive? I mean, everyone has types and all but you never seem fazed by my flirting.”
You took a sip, “maybe it’s just because you’re bad at flirting.”
“Me?” Loke asked incredulously, “bad at flirting? Are you sure you haven’t confused me for someone else?”
“I mean, you do have the gentleman's straightforward approach down but it isn’t going to work on everyone.”
“Oh, and how about you show me different approaches to flirting then?”
At first, Loke hadn’t been expecting you to accept the challenge. You were always so proper and formal. You downed the mug in your hand before slamming it onto the table. Loke watched you curiously as you rearranged your cloak before you smiled sweetly.
Despite asking you, and being ready, he hadn’t expected you to jump directly into the role of a seductress. It was almost a jarring change, seeing you who had always been so reserved suddenly switch personas.
“Take someone like Gray, for example,” you began. Loke turned to see the aforementioned Ice Make Wizard. Gray had been leaning back and relaxing at a booth, gazing over the guild when his eyes landed on the two of you, more specifically you. You smiled shyly at Gray, “he finds the subtle and shy approach the most endearing,” before turning away quickly. Gray flushed a red as he continued looking over at you.
It was almost as if Gray had caught you sneaking a glance.
The Ice Make Wizard, who had eventually turned away kept snapping his gaze back over to you. As if you suddenly kept recapturing his attention.
“It enforces the idea that you like someone so much yet you’re unable to say it aloud.” Then you moved from the seat beside Loke, sitting in the one across from him, “now, someone like Laxus is a little thicker headed. He needs something straightforward and upfront.”
Laxus, who now sat in front of you, a few tables over, caught your gaze. Loke turned to see the Lightning Mage surrounded by the Thunder Troupe. His own gaze was lazy as he listened to the conversations of his guildmates.
You gave the Lighting Mage a wink when his eyes met with yours, “you want to keep eye contact with someone like him. Spell out your intentions.” you giggled as the Lighting Mage looked away, red tingeing the tip of his ears.
Laxus’s sudden movements seemed to have caught the attention of his trio of friends as they all turned to look at him. When Freed had asked Laxus what was wrong the Lighting Wizard could only mumble something in response. Unlike Gray, Laxus was the kind of person to linger on the moment yet refuse to look back.
His ears remained red for the remainder of the night.
You seemed fairly satisfied with yourself as you leaned forward, playing with your now empty mug. Your own eyes watched Loke closely, as if waiting for something.
“How about directly flirting?” Loke asked.
You smiled, “call someone over.”
Loke looked around. He didn’t want to pick someone who would fall for the slightest amount of attention, and definitely not someone you had already charmed. It couldn’t be someone so easily embarrassed either.
While there was no official bet was made, this was suddenly something that Loke didn’t want to lose.
Finally, Loke smirked, “Natsu! Come over here!”
“Nice,” you sat upright in your seat, “someone like Natsu isn’t embarrassed easily. You gotta be direct yet not overly baring.”
“Yo, what’s up, Loke?” Natsu asked, sliding into the seat beside you.
You gave a cheerful and excited grin, “Natsu, how has your mission gone today? I heard you had Happy faced some pretty tough monsters.”
“Oh yeah!” Natsu exclaimed, “I totally got busted up. But I did finish the quest without too many casualties!”
“You’ve gotten really good at your Magic, Natsu~” you gave a closed eye smile, “we should go on a mission together soon!”
“Oh,” Natsu was suddenly at a loss for words as he looked at you. It was almost as if he were unaware of everything else going on around the two of you. Loke didn’t think that Natsu would have fallen victim to your charms that quickly. He was always someone less aware of social norms. “You know, we could go on a mission-” before Natsu could finish his sentence Happy had scrambled over to Natsu with a sheepish grin on his face. The blue Exceed whispered something into the Dragon Slayer’s ear before the two of them were off, giggling like school girls.
It left just the two of you at the table once again.
“So what do you think?” You asked, “impressed?”
Loke had to admit, you were pretty good at flirting. He was almost speechless as he watched you lean back in your chair with a cocky grin. Of course, no matter how drunk Loke may have been, he still had one more trick up his sleeve before he would wave the white flag.
“How would you flirt with me?” Asked Loke, a smug grin forming on his face.
Your own smile dropped and your expression turned serious. Your brows furrowed slightly as you seemed to debate something. Loke knew that the tides were suddenly shifting in favour of him now.
Gray, Laxus and Natsu had been your childhood friends. You knew them inside out and had history with them. By choosing himself Loke changed the battlefield. You would now be playing on even ground. And in Loke’s many years of life, there wasn’t much that would have surprised him all too much. Especially after your own display.
Then you leaned in towards him, “you, Sir Loke, are someone who keeps your own heart under a lock and key. You keep your feelings hidden deep down here,” you poked his chest, “so I’ll bring mine directly up to the surface for you to see. I like you Loke. I like you the way a girl likes a boy; filled with so much unknown and excitement. The way a woman likes a man; attraction and enchantment. And the way a wife likes her husband; with warmth and knowing.”
Loke suddenly felt himself leaning in towards you, his heart thumping erratically, “I didn’t know you could be such a flirt, (Y/n).”
“Do you think I’m lying?” You turned your head to the side in a cute manner, “I really do like you. I wouldn’t have just gone off and done what I just did if I didn’t really like someone. I wanted to show off to you.”
Loke’s own face had begun heating up. Even when he told himself that this was all just for show, even when he knew that this was all just for the sake of a stupid argument, he suddenly found himself flushed with embaressment. Your words had just come out so genuinely and unexpectedly.
Girls typically fell into two categories when speaking to Loke. Either giddy and shy or disgusted and disgruntled. You fell into neither, which was likely why Loke had been so drawn to you in the first place.
Maybe it wasn’t the best thing to ask you to flirt with him. He had always liked you a little too much and this may have been the icing on the cake. Loke rarely allowed himself to indulge in mortal pleasure for too long and being with you seemed to make him forget his sense of time. It made him forget his sense of self. You made him forget his sense of self.
How could he have really known if that's how you were feeling? He had just seen you charm three other of your guild members in a matter of moments. You were magnetic and so ready to shift personas into what you knew the person liked.
What if that was what you were doing to him?
Maybe Loke might’ve deserved it for all the broken hearts he left behind. But you had just seemed so… genuine. But he guessed that was what made you so good at flirting in the first place.
“Do you?” Loke trailed off.
“Do I?”
Loke swallowed, “is that how you really feel about me?”
“Of course, though I doubt you’ll remember. You’re really wasted right now.”
“No.” Loke declared, “I want to remember this moment forever.”
You chuckled, “why?”
“Because I’m really happy knowing how you feel about me.”
And finally, you flushed, “come on, let’s get you to bed.”
Loke leaned into your warmth as you wrapped an arm around him, “promise you’ll be there tomorrow morning?”
“We’ll see.”
Fall in love with the certainty of uncertainty.
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cerame · 1 year
heehoo i loke your Links, stuff abt them plz??
Oh hi! Sorry I didn’t get to this sooner! I didn’t check my tumblr for a hot second oops
But yes I’d love to talk about them! For botw/totk Link, I’m waiting to actually buy and play the game before I fully solidify him. I’ll give a brief rundown of each of them here, but feel free to ask more about any specific Link :)
Skyward Sword:
Tired in multiple ways. He was more carefree before the start of his adventure, but there are a lot of reasons to be concerned about these days, especially when you’re babysitting your reincarnations, some of which are older than you
That’s not to say he doesn’t know how to chill out and sit back. Given permission, he will instantly drop all responsibilities on whoever is left to deal with it
23 y/o
Huge sweetheart once you get him to stop worrying about things
Potential nicknames: Cloudy, Floater, Feathers
Minish Cap/Four Swords/Four Swords Adventures
I have an explanation for the timeline nonsense I swear. Don’t worry about it
Generally friendly, enthusiastic, and thoughtful, but he has his moments of absolute impulse. Knows far more than he should… probably. He very much enjoys being mysterious just because he’s a little gremlin
He hates being timed
20 y/o
Potential nicknames: Forge, Smith, Mini
Is currently undergoing a redesign
Ocarina of Time/Majora’s Mask
He’s in his edgy teen phase. Moody and has disdain for authority, but he’s still got that undeniable kindness in him. Avoids attachment but just can’t help himself
Mostly homeless, as he’s usually traveling, but he’s always got a home at Lon Lon Ranch with his friend Malon. Kakariko likes him, too.
17 y/o
Potential nicknames: Mask, Eyepatch, Sapling
A Link to the Past/the Oracle games/Link’s Awakening
Most people’s first impressions of him are that he’s quite untrusting and melancholy and that he’s very competent. Once he gets used to someone, though, he’ll open up and mess with them like an annoying sibling. Very clever, knowledgeable, and a jack of all trades. Curiosity will be his downfall
Helps his Uncle run the apple orchard. Has expanded it into farming berries as well
17 y/o
Potential nicknames: Collector, Cartographer, Pinky, Apples
A Link Between Worlds/Triforce Heroes
Very cheerful and friendly. Highly skilled in the arts, though he hasn’t had the chance to mess with yarnwork yet. Low self-esteem but only expresses it in the most concerningly casual ways
Fantastic liar. He fully blames Ravio for this
19 y/o
Potential nicknames: Artisan, Painter, Mirror
Zelda 1/Adventure of Link
At first glance, he is already done with everyone's bullcrap, but really he's a very patient and considerate guy. He is incredibly blunt about things, though. Not as suspicious of people as he probably should be, but hey, what's one more crazy thing happening?
Loves discovering new things. Has a soft spot for soft things like pillows and fairies. Tone deaf.
21 y/o
Potential nicknames: Mage, Explorer, Adventurer, Calatian
Twilight Princess
Generally quiet and reserved but will step in when he deems it necessary. Skilled at keeping the group wrangled. He is fiercely protective of his loved ones and is not as responsible as he comes off as
Doesn't turn into a wolf often. Alternates between helping out Mayor Bo with Ordon and taking commissions for the Resistance
24 y/o
Potential nicknames: Goatherd, Farmer
Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass
Friendly in a loud, boisterous sort of way, but when it comes down to it, he can quiet down and become reliable and responsible if he needs to. Fairly easygoing until he sets his mind onto something, in which case, he's going to accomplish his goals one way or another
Finds the others while mapping out the new continent, so for all intents and purposes, he basically goes missing. Does not like birds.
27 y/o
Potential nicknames: Pirate, Sailor, Sea Dog
Spirit Tracks
usually soft-spoken and polite, but will get a bit louder the more comfortable he is. Much better at puzzles and mechanics than swordfighting. Still works as a royal engineer and is good friends with his Zelda
He sees dead people :/
15 y/o
Potential nicknames: Engineer, Piper, Steam, Conductor
Hyrule Warriors
snarky in a friendly way and will joke around to lighten the mood, but he can be perfectly serious when he needs to be. A natural and skillful leader. Loves kids and dabbles in fashion
Regrets that he has to leave his era’s Hyrule because he’s got a duty to the kingdom, but his Zelda insisted that he went. After all, he’s got his duty as a hero, too
32 y/o
Potential nicknames: Commander, Sir, Ser
Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom
very honest with his emotions and thoughts, and he will habitually go off and do things on his own without waiting for anyone else. Doesn't quite understand social conventions
Thought the others were either very creative yiga or very lost travelers when he first met them
20 y/o
Potential nicknames: Archer, Survivalist, Champion
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thomase1 · 2 years
So, hello there.
I saw @mischief2sarawr 's post and felt the need to write a little something.
As somebody whose birthdays always end up a catastrophe, I felt this personally. So I whipped up this little drabble. My first ever story published here hehe. English is not my native language so I apologize for any grammatical errors or weird phrasing.
Oh and @lokisgoodgirl I stole your sas tag list I hope you dont mind. 😁
Reader × Loki
Warnings: everything that can go wrong goes wrong, Loki thirst, smut, restraints (not on you), maybe size kink, a grain of angst if you squint.
You will have to take it as surprise so I dont spoil everything, but I think the sas wont mind.
I hope.
Ok, I did get carried away a little it seems, word count ~3,500
[AN: If you got notified again, sorry, I edited it since the errors really bothered me and also changed a few things. :)) ♡]
So here goes nothing:
It was your birthday.
And it is terrible.
Nobody from the team even wished you a happy birthday.
They all forgot it seems like.
And to top it off, everything that could go wrong, did go wrong.
It started with small but annoying things, like the coffee machine needing new water, fair enough.
Then new beans, alright.
Then a cleaning, fucking hell.
And then you noticed that you are out of milk.
Just your whole breakfast was already ruined, moldy bread, rock solid butter,... it just kept going.
After that, you went back to your room, opening the package with clothes and other small things you ordered for yourself.
The shirt was a different color, the hoodie was itchy instead of soft, the leggings were far too small and the jeans ripped open, a cool breeze confirming. Your ass open for anybody to see.
You just clumped it all up and threw it in the last corner of your room, trying to forget about it.
And it just kept going after that, small accidents like spilling your juice, burning your food and stubbing your little toe.
It was the worst day you have ever had and the worst of it all?
Its not even a small birthday, its your 30th.
So for the others to not remember that, after year and years of beeing a part of the team, to say it stung would be a giant understatement.
So you decided to just go back to your room and sleep, maybe the universe had a little mercy on you and would let you sleep peacefully.
On your way back, your nerves and frustration finally took over, tears brimming in your eyes. You felt them spill, running down your cheek as you reached your door.
Opening it, you felt you are not alone, its just part of your instincts to sense other presences around.
Then you smell it, a familiar smell, a smell you loved.
Frest like snow.
Smoky like a campfire and...
Oh how you love this smell.
It makes you weak in the knees, the fact that you had been crushing over him for a long time only adding to it.
You two always flirted, you are good friends but never more. Much to your dissapointment.
But what the hell is he doing here?
You were facing your living area, a soft cough ripping you from your thoughts. You turn around and find...
Loki, sitting cross legged on your coffee table, his arms tied to his torso by some beautiful golden chains. (An: lets forget about the ones at his feet since they dont look like they do much anyway.)
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"Darling, why are you crying?", Loki speaks, takeing you from your thoughts once again.
You hear the chains creak against his leather, leaning forward as if trying to reach you. You forgot about the wet streaks coating your cheeks, how embarrassing.
"What is this? Did somebody do this to you?", you ask him, dodging his question.
"I meant to surprise you.", his eyes sparkle with mischief.
"Well you're the first to even talk to me today. But why the chains? You could have just visited.", you ask, oblivious.
"Are you trying to tell me nobody wished you a happy birthday?", he asks with furrowed brows.
"Yes. Now whats with the chains Lokes?"
He huffs, not sure if its frustration or amusement.
His mouth agape looking at you, "So thats why...", he trails off, shifting his gaze to the side,
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"Y/N, I am your surprise."
You knit your brows, the little wheels in your head turning at overdrive.
"What do you mean? What am I surpossed to-", and then it hits you.
HE is your surprise, all wrapped up for you.
"Have you figured it out now? I am at your mercy, do with me as you please.", he looks down at his feet, but you can hear his smirk.
This day suddenly got a whole lot better. You finally wipe your face and walk towards him.
"At my mercy, huh?", you smirk, delicious ideas flooding your mind.
You have wanted him for so long. Never would you have thought of him as a sub to you, but you certenly are not complaining.
But what to do out of all the things on your mind?
Slowly, you dragged your finger along the chains, following the edges of them. You slid your finger to his leather armour, feeling his chiselled chest underneath.
Loki kept his head down, but his breath became almost shaky, he is enjoying this as much as you.
You took your fingers and ghosted them up his neck, his breath cathiching in his throat. Then you trailed them along his jaw, oh how you love his jaw. You fantasize about it a lot, how it you feel buried between your thighs.
With a smirk you take his chin between your thumb and pointer finger. His tiny stubbles prickling your fingers, pushing it up so his eyes meet yours.
His gorgeous eyes capturing you once again. Those shades of green and aquamarin... so unique, never have you seen anything like them. No crystal or diamond could compare.
"So, what should I do with you, prince Loki?", you asked, hearing him take a deeper breath.
The use of his title aways thrills him, it isnt usual for anybody here to use it.
He whines as you take away your fingers, his gaze glued to you. Makeing a circle around him, you notice the pointy chain digging into his back at one spot, so you twist it a little feeling him relax slightly.
"Thank you.", he breathes.
You smile behind him and run your fingers though his hair. So soft, it feels so good to run his wavy locks through your fingers. You lightly scratch at his scalp, his head leaning to your touch.
If he were a cat, he'd be purring.
With your other hand, you go down his spine, all the way from his neck to his ass. His gorgeous, royal ass you just want to bite into like a juicy apple. The thought makes you squeeze his cheek, a sharp intake of air coming from your gift.
Your fingers keep wandering, around his waist to his stomach. You can feel his abs through the thick fabric, straining against it. You take your hand away from his luscious mane, another whine of his makeing you smirk deviously.
Sinking to your knees, you press your front to his back, laying a hand each on his knees.
His breathing quickens rapidly.
Ever so slowly you go up his thighs.
Oh how you wanna ride his thighs, use him like a toy.
You stop to squeeze the inside of his thigh, a tiny sound that can only be described as a moan sounding in your ears. Its so addictive, you instantly crave more.
Torturously slow, you make your way up his flesh. You can feel him shiver against your back as you stay only inches from where he wants you. Where you want to touch but enjoying to tantalize him far too much.
So you make your way back to his knees.
You keep them there for a while, takeing in a whiff of his hair since its right in front of you.
Who wouldnt? It smells divine, you cant even describe it.
It somehow masculine, yet feminine. A little fruity and yet spicy, but overall just natural.
As you keep smelling his hair you, more or less consciously, your hand travels up again, this time even closer to his jewels.
Again, its stays there.
"Please-", Loki whines, trying to shift towards your hands.
Devilishly, you take them away and stand up, takeing all touch from him. Never would you have dreamed about it, but Loki wiggels in his restraints and lets out a keeing, a begging sound.
You circle him, your core throbbing from neglect.
Standing im front of him, "What do you want? Miss my touch?".
He whines, "Yes, please... touch me.".
You snicker, "I will be honest, I really enjoy you like this. Whining for my touch.".
Lowering yourself, you straddle his spread legs, Loki getting cought by surprise as you hurriedly grab his ckeeks and kiss him.
He tastes sweet, his lips are soft and warm. I bet they would feel good against my ear, moaning as he fucks me from behind.
He needs a second to kiss you back, but when he does, its with the same level of enthusiasm. It doesnt take long for it to get heated, your tongues fighting for dominance in a desperate dance.
One of your hands makes contact with his clothed cock, his jaw going slack when you run your hand up and down. You break the kiss to look at him. Jaw hanging open, pupils blown wide in ecstasy and breath coming in ragged.
"Do you like that my prince?", you ask, kissing the shell of his ear.
"Y-yes- gods please-", he groans, bucking his hips toward you.
"Get rid of your pants.", you whisper in his ear and in a flash of seiðr, their gone.
Your palm makes instant contact with his length, the god hissing out in arousal. You may be strong willed, but you cant help look down.
The sight makeing your, already wet, pussy flood your panties.
His cock certenly is of godly standard, your hand looks tiny around him. His head is an angry red and precum is leaking from his slit. The sight spurs you on to hardern your grip and gradually stroke him up and down.
A moan leaves his lips, his head sinking to your shoulder, inviting you to run your free hand through his hair again.
"Somebody is excited huh? How long have you been like this?", you whisper against his hair, movement steady on him.
"I-its been a w- aaah while.", he moans.
You let your hand go over his cock, his words makeing you even hornier. He lets out a groan which he muffles on your shoulder.
"Was it before I was even here?"
He shivers, "Y-yes.. oh gods- Ive been wai- uuuh waiting for y-you.", you hardened your grip, you thumb pressing down on the vein on the underside of his girth.
"Poor thing.", you mock, feeling him tremble.
Slowly, you stood up, hearing Loki cry out, "No! Pl-please dont stop- dont leave me like this, please!".
That honestly made your heart ache for a second, you know he has a massive fear of abandonment, so it probably wasnt entirely sexual.
"That wasnt my plan, this was.", you say softly, takeing off your shirt.
He looks at you stunned, groaning as he lets his eyes wander over your cleavage.
You drop it on the floor, moving to take off your pants, "I would never leave you. Especially not like that.".
You lets them pool on the floor, looking at him to watch his reaction. He adjusts his posture, cock standing painfully tall.
You hook two fingers under the waistband of your slip, "I want to savour my delicious gift. I would be insane to walk away from you.", you slide them down, letting them drop between your feet.
You see his jaw clench, eyes savouring every inch of you.
Gracefully, you walk towards him, wasteing no time to straddle him again, letting his cock rest against your dripping heat. He throws his head back with a groan from the contact.
Your breath quickens too, it feels heavenly to finally feel him. You rocket your hips against him, your clit gliding up and down. His veins in contact with your sensitive bud makes you moan, head falling forwards to rest on his chest.
The chains poke against your forehead, so you tell him, "Remove them, all of it. I want to feel you.".
He obligates and vanishes his top and the chains, feeling his bare torso against you.
"Please-", he pants, feeling him buck his hips.
You have no objection to that, so you lift your hips and line him up. Slowly you sink down, feeling him stretch you like you have never been bofore. Both of you let out a deep moan, his cock twitching inside you.
Its almost hurts a little, which only adds to your excitement. You stay like that and look up into his eyes, dark of lust.
For a second you both you look into each others eyes when he asks, "Can I touch you?".
You nod, laying your arms around his neck. He greedily feels up and down your body, hips moving a little from excitement.
Then his exploring comes to a halt at the band of your bra, "Is it ok if I..?".
"Yes, do it.", you encourage and feel the clasp getting undone. He helps you take it off and flings is across the room, his hands cupping your breast.
He squeezes them and plays with your nipples, you buck your hips, moving in circular motions. Both of you moan at the feeling, his head sinking to your cleavage peppering small kisses all over it.
You cant take it anymore, you need to move, so you push yourself to have him in only by the tip, sinking down in a hard thrust. Its feels so good, you do it again and again, Lokis hands gripping your hips firmly, helping you with leverage.
You kiss, moaning into each others mouth. He starts meeting your thrusts as he gets desperate.
He begins to groan and thrust harder and harder, his veins and ridges gliding against your sweet spots, clit meeting his pelvis with every thrust.
"I- I'm close- is it ok if-", he groans out of gritted teeth so you interrupte him.
"Yes, its ok- let go-", you tell him, cupping his cheek to kiss him.
He tightens his hold on your grip, surely leaving little bruises behind, but you love the feel of it.
His thrusts get more desperate, erratic.
He stills, pushing you down on him as he spills inside of you.
You didnt come, but its ok, this was a true pleasure. He rides himself through his high and wraps his arms agroud you.
"This was so nice, thank you Loki.", you tell him, stroking his hot cheek.
"Was? Darling you did not finish, we are far from done here.", he tells you, cupping your cheek to look at you with a wicked smirk.
"You wanna keep going? But you just-", you question but he heckles.
"Oh we are miles from my limits. I am a god my dear.", he pecks your neck, trailing lower to your ear. He leaves bruising kisses there, your sex clenches at the feeling.
"Mmm, you like that hm?", he mumbles against your skin.
You stretch your neck for him to grand him better access.
"What do you want me to do with you? I am your gift.", he asks you.
"Just take me. Fuck me how you want to.", you groan, feeling the excitement reignite.
"Your wish is my command.", he grabs your waist and stands up with you.
Instinctively your arms and legs wrap around him. He walks over to the next free wall, pushing you against it carefully.
He takes your knees and pushes them up, holing you up and spreading you. His mouth starts to trail your throat, gently nipping at it.
You try to move your hips but fail, "Patience kitten.", he tells you firmly.
You whine at him but he ignores you, kissing your cleavage and speading hickeys all over it. Is he marking you?
Just as you think about it, he thrusts his hips, even his semi hards cock feels like heaven.
His seed spills out and you moan from the sudden pleasure as he keeps on thrusting, feeling him harden inside of you. His thrust stay in a slow rhythm, each thrust bottoming out iside of you.
"Lokii...", you moan.
He groans from your sounds, engulfing your lips with his as he changes his angle. He now hits your g spot perfectly, you cry out from the pleasure, moaning his name over and over.
You grip his shoulder and claw at his back with the other hand, needing to hold on to something. The coil in your stomach tightens, fast, and he can feel that.
"Thats right... say my name- youre squeezing me so well, gods-", he throws his head back and you admire his muscular neck, a vampires dream.
You are a moaning mess, wanting release but also not wanting this to end.
"Close- I'm... ahhh... please dont stop-", you keen feeling your limbst tingle. You sink your nails even deeper into his back pulling a gutteral moan from him.
"Come with me- for me Y/n.", he lets one of his hands leave the hollow of your knee and meets your clit, pressing down on it.
"Ah fuuuuck Lokiiii-", you climax as he starts stroking your clit.
Your channels clench around him, spurring on his orgasm, "Oh gods- fuck- s-so good-".
You feel him come inside of you, thusting into you deeply, holding himself there. He keeps moving his finger on your clit, prolonging your high.
"Your still milking me- your such a good girl-", he starts riding you both though your highs, only stopping when you cry out in overstimulation.
You sink your head to his shoulder, trying to catch your breath. He rests his chin on your head, calming down hilself.
After both of you have calmed down a little, he grabs your other knee again, walking you both to the shower. He sets you down, pulling out, and steadies you.
Your legs are jello but you can stand.
"That was amazing, best fuck ever. We should do that again some time.", you tell him honestly, makeing him chuckle.
"Oh trust me, we will. You are mine now.", he pecks your lips.
"You wanna date me?", you ask surpised.
"Well yes, except if you dont-", you shush him by kissing him, that should answer it.
You both take a shower and help each other clean up. Which may or may not have lead to him fingering you while cleaning you up.
He held you steady the whole time. Not beeing able to keep from kissing one another, the shower took a long time.
After you finally got out, both of you dried yourselfs. You already wanted to blow dry your hair when Loki dried his and your hair with him seiðr.
"Wait, couldnt you have just cleaned us up with your magic then?", you ask him suspiciously.
"Sure. But takeing a shower together was more fun.", he says, makeing a fingering motion with his fingers.
You giggle and slap his arm but your pussy got wet once again. He is holding your mind hostage and you started dating about an hour ago.
"Wait, did you put the chains on yourself? Why did you make them so tight and uncomftable?", you ask him.
"Yes I did. I wanted it to be realistic and I placed that one piece of it deliberatly to dig into me.", he smirks.
"Why would you do that?", you are a little dumbstruck.
"I was curious if you would notice and wanted to see what you would do.", he explains to you.
Your mouth forms a silent 'o' and you nod in understanding.
"Now, lets get ready, I want to take you somewhere.", he snaps his wist and both of you are clothed.
He is dressed in his black Gucci suit, the one you always longed to tear off his body. Sometimes dreams do come true, well, you have yet to take it off of him, but youre sure that can be arranged.
He dressed you in a black cocktail dress with no straps, leaving your collar bones free. It gives you a nice cleavage and the skirt is covered by a layer of tulle, small forest green accents stitched on it.
"Wow, its gorgeous Loki. And you look so handsome, I love that suit.", you tell him with a beaming smile.
"Well thank you darling. I really did a good job, that dress is fit for a queen like you.", he admires, spinning you around.
You giggle and wrap your arms around him, kissing him passionatly, loving, "Thank you Loki, honestly. You turned the worst birthday Ive ever had into the best.".
You see his eyes sprakle, "Now, lets go before I cant hold back from tearing that dress off.".
With a bit of protest you let him lead you to the rooftop, the elevator doors open and reaveal fairy lights, dance music and a bartender mixing drinks.
But also the whole team, shouting "Happy bithday!".
You are taken by surprise, your mouth dropping open as Tony hands you your favourite drink.
"You didnt forget?", you ask them getting teary eyed.
"No! Of course not! We thought it was a cruel plan, but my brother insisted on it.", Thor defends.
"He told us he had a plan and well- I think its clear what it was.", Tony says, gesturing to your neck.
Embarrassmemt floods you as you realize Lokis hickeys are at display for all the team to see.
"Yes. While that may be partly true-" Loki says and looks at you, whispering, "are you alright with me makeing it official?".
You answer him with a nod, getting more anxious to how they will react.
"We are now courting.", he announces, not beeing able to contain his excitement he smiles from cheek to cheek.
"Finally!", say Wanda and Nat in unision.
"Took you long enough brother. Congratulations.", booms Thor, strideing to him, clapping him on the back proudly.
You hear Loki groan very subtly at the harsh treatment.
Oh Thor, always miscalculating your strengh.
"While I cant understand it, congrats guys. Now, lets get this party started!", Tony says, turning to the bar.
And that is how Loki and you started dating.
And also the best birthday you ever had.
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@lokischambermaid @fictive-sl0th @wheredafandomat @sarahscribbles @holymultiplefandomsbatman @muddyorbsblr @maple-seed @xorpsbane @holdmytesseract @loopsisloops @simplyholl @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @thedistractedagglomeration @mochie85 @michelleleewise @vbecker10 @xorpsbane @tbhiddlestan83
@tessathechild (since you asked me to tag u in my fics hehe)
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