#hope you enjoyed your 4 days in a row posts though they were fun
notdailynoco · 3 months
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day 52: school sketches. again
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withoutyouimsaskia · 2 years
Remember Me, Special Dreams
Part III.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25
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GIF: Originally posted by @ravenclairee​​​
Summary: Self-insert. You're having trouble with recurring night terrors and Morpheus pays you a visit. (Title from the lyrics of Placebo’s Special Needs)
Warnings: language, angst, mentions of night terrors.
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: Hello Tumblr peeps. I’ve had another parasomnia episode since I posted last. This time I thought there was a crack in the ceiling above my bed and there were gelatinous things falling through. Such fun! Hope you enjoy this chapter, please let me know what you think, and also if you want to hear more about my night time hallucinations. Have a great day, Saskia
Sandman Masterlist
You resurface with a nervous energy humming in your bones. You are lying on your side, facing the curtain shrouded window. Thick crusts of sleepy dust have accumulated along your lower lash lines and in the corners of your eyes. You rub them away carefully with an index finger.
A siren wails outside. Your stomach rumbles loudly. Rhythmic ticks emanate from the wristwatch that sits on your bedside table.
There is no doubt that you are awake now.
You exhale shakily, successfully dispelling a single ounce of tension. You immediately feel less anxious, and your following inhales and exhales provide further relief.
That was some dream.
You begin to piece the sections together. Night terror into hallucination, into dream... into whatever the heck that was at the end.
It was a complex beast, but so was your life right now. You were now up to 8 days in a row of these parasomnia episodes. It was getting silly now, you knew this, and you were tired beyond measure, yet you were completely unable to get sustained rest without some kind of subconscious interruption. 
And with your emotions in constant overdrive and showing no signs of letting up, you were certain that they were going to continue for a little bit longer. 
A frustrated huff of air escapes your lips; you know your swirling mind will stop you from getting back to sleep for a while now.
Your thoughts drift back to your mind-conjured images of the beautiful Dream Man with the ethereal voice. He was a whole other breed of night terror. 
You wonder if perhaps you are losing your grip on reality and if a visit to the GP was in order. It was a task for tomorrow though, as there was no way you could make contact in the middle of the night.
You roll onto your back and realise that your lamp is on. You guess you must have fallen asleep again before getting a chance to switch it off after the hallucination part of your night.
You turn another 90 degrees, further towards the warm glow that pervades the space around you. By this point, the energy saving bulb has heated up enough, not only to successfully cast light across your whole mattress but also illuminate the face of the 'Dream Man' who is sitting on the chair across the room.
"Oh fuck!" You exclaim, recoiling away from him.
Your heart rate picks up like a sprinter off the starting blocks.
The man holds his hands up, palms facing you in a show of peace.
His voice rumbles with the same rainstorm-like quality as it did before.
"I will not hurt you. You have my word."  
You're not listening to him in the slightest though. Your chest is pounding painfully and you are worried you may vomit. A stream of consciousness falls from your lips instead.
"You're real. You're fucking real. Fuck! And I'm wearing next to nothing. Fuck!"
You're looking down at your bare legs peeking out from the tousled covers and hastily rearrange them to regain some dignity.
You look back to him and fix him with an accusatory stare.
"You have some serious explaining to do."
"I agree. Where would you like to begin?"
Your eyes drift off to the left as you try and choose.
You know that you should probably start with something like ‘why are you here?’ or ‘how did you get in?’ but all you keep coming back to is the question you utter with trepidation:
“Who are you?”
"In the folklore and legends of your world, I am known as The Sandman, The Oneiromancer. Across the other realms, I go by many names. I am Dream of the Endless, Lord Morpheus, The Shaper of Form, Keeper of the Dreaming, King of Dreams, Ruler of Nightmares and Curator of the collective unconsciousness of the universe."
"Okay, Daenerys Targaryen." You stifle a giggle in response to your joke.
He doesn't react.
"Huh, not into Game of Thrones then? You should look it up. Although I would advise sticking to the books. The series got a bit lost towards the end."
He shifts ever so slightly in the seat, the moss green velvet fabric standing out against his dark clothes. You snap back to the present.
You fidget with the seam of the duvet cover as your cheeks flush with blood. His gaze makes you feel insecure. 
"Sorry. I didn't mean to start babbling like that. I haven't been sleeping well."
“I know. That is precisely why I am here.”
His hands steeple in front of him. He leans forward, blue eyes trained on you intently.
“It has come to my attention that you have become the recipient of a plague of vicious and unrelenting nightmares. I have also seen a drastic change in your sleeping habits, with a concerning decline in the amount of time that you are spending in the Dreaming.”
This was no surprise to you in the slightest.
You had been deferring your bed time to a later and later point in the hope that you could tire yourself out enough to bypass the nightmares and night terrors. But they would always be there within an hour of your head hitting the pillow and would prevent you from getting no more than two hours of sleep at a time.
The Dream Man rises slowly and fluidly from the chair. His expression is tinged with something you cannot interpret.
“I've been observing you for a number of nights now to try and ascertain the cause of your plight. The very idea that this is happening to you as a result of a defect or weakness in the fabric of my realm truly disturbs me. As of yet, I have been unable to pinpoint the exact reason, however I will do everything in my power to ensure my success.”
He’s close to you now, his glacial scent drifts over you like mist rolling off a waterfall. 
“To be unable to sleep is to suffer. I only have to look at you to see that you are suffering and I cannot allow it to continue.”
You know all too well what he is seeing. Your bruised and swollen under-eyes have been the focus of many of the people you have come into recent contact with.
“I don’t know what to say,” you finally speak in a whisper.
“You do not need to say anything, for now you must sleep.”
He turns off your lamp and takes a single step backwards.
“Wait,” you call to him. “I don’t think I can sleep knowing what I now know.”
“You need not worry. I have already selected a dream for you. All you have to do is let it take you.”
“Lie down. Close your eyes.”
You visibly hesitate.
“Do as I say, Y/N.”
You reluctantly recline on your side but do not fulfill his second request.
You gaze at him with glassy, tired eyes.
"I'm afraid."
"They will not come for you, I promise. I will watch over you until morning."
You can't help but believe him.
You re-arrange your pillows and curl into a foetal position.
The Dream Man takes this as a sign that you are ready to sleep, and begins to walk away.
He is wrong.
In your tired delirium, you begin to converse chaotically to his retreating figure.
"You know, I still don’t know what to call you. You said so many names but didn’t tell me which one I was allowed to use."
He turns his head to look back at you.
His reply is a soft intonation that causes shivers to run through your entire body.
“You may call me Morpheus."
"These are the days. These are the strangest of all. These are the nights. These are the darkest to fall."
Taglist: @pinkcyclewitch @layla2-49 @shoidy-cat @silverhart93 @boofy1998
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the-void-writes · 3 months
"only a fool would grow bored with a [x/god/goddess] the colour of blood"
I can't thank you enough for this prompt because it really helped me explore these characters better. The problem is it ended up being over 8k words lol. I'm gonna do something different then, and answer this prompt in separate posts, like a mini-series. I really hope you guys enjoy it because this was seriously fun!
Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
TW: Mentions of nausea, parasites, death of family, and funerals.
Freaks Of Preston - Where Family Begins and Ends - Part 1
Will hated being in Vesely’s office. It was clean and organized to an unnatural degree. There wasn’t a speck of dust on the counters, not a single book out of place. It reminded Will of a stage play, a facade for whatever audience Vesely was inviting at the time. There was an underlying, unshakeable feeling that something in the room would jump out at Will, or the floor would crumble beneath his feet to reveal the darkness that seeped out of everything Vesely touched.
His bone-colored fingers tapped the desk limply, as if an invisible force was lifting his hand and letting it fall. Will couldn’t tell if Vesely’s powers had decayed his body, reducing him to this frail state, or if he was actually older than Jason had thought. Secretly, Will hoped it was the first option, even if that gave him more terrifying questions about his own Infection. His own rapid decay wasn’t as sickening as the idea that a diseased old man had tried to seduce his godfather.
Vesely put down his array of papers and finally glanced up at Will. His green eyes seemed to swirl in the light, the way Will imagined a pool of toxic waste might look. He couldn’t keep looking at him without growing nauseous. The Infection burned and twisted in Will’s veins, reinvigorated by the presence of its former master.
“Hello, William.” 
There was a small hint of hope in his voice, as though he hadn’t expected the boy to show up. Of course, that hope hadn’t stopped him from using the wrong name. Will took a deep breath and moved past it.
“Hello, sir.”
“Please, have a seat.”
He passed the rows of sterile-looking shelves and sat in the chair across from Vesely’s desk. The closer proximity to those toxic eyes made Will’s nausea even worse.
“How is your training going?” Vesely asked. “Is it any easier with the medicine?”
Will’s hand twitched against his leg. He could have told Vesely off right then and there for acting like he gave a damn about the boy he was slowly killing, but he held his tongue. One wrong word could put his team into a week’s worth of extra training, and those poor kids were still recovering from the week before. Their health meant more to Will than any debate he could try to have with Vesely.
“It’s been fine, sir.” Will focused on a row of books in the corner, too dizzy from looking Vesely in the eye. “I have to thank you again for letting me stay here.”
“I have to thank you, as well. We’ve made so much progress since you showed up.” Vesely nodded solemnly to himself. “I should have brought you in much earlier.”
Will took a deep breath, letting his irritation float away. “Rio said you wanted to see me?”
“Yes, there’s something I need from you.”
Vesely leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes. Most days, he was unreadable, save for those moments in battle where his mask of indifference would slip and reveal the power-hungry madman underneath. Today, in his quiet state, Will could read him like a book. He seemed exhausted— fragile, even.
“I’ll have to leave the facility tomorrow,” Vesely said. “My father passed away a few days ago. We’re holding his funeral back home.”
Will sat politely with his hands on his lap, consumed by more thoughts than he could keep track of. From the few things he had learned, Vesely Senior was the one who had planted this idea of the “superior species” into the heads of his children. It must have worked better than he was hoping, because Vesely ended up surgically harvesting his father’s powers for himself, leaving the man comatose until the day he died. Will suspected that Vesely was slightly proud of what he had done, given how he brought up that story every other week. Today, though, he wore no such pride.
“I’m sorry for your loss, sir,” Will said.
“As am I.” Vesely closed his eyes. “There are some things I’ll need before I attend the funeral. That’s why I asked for you.”
“What do you need?”
“I’d like for you to go, as well.”
Will bit his tongue so hard that he thought he could taste blood. He couldn’t afford to lash out, no matter how much his wrists ached from the surge of his powers. After everything Vesely had done— the hit-and-run, Jason’s kidnapping, the child experiments, and Will’s illness— he dared to ask Will for such a huge favor, attending a funeral for the man who started all of this.
Vesely could sense his discomfort like a snake finding its prey in a field. He spoke in a gentle, rhythmic tone, but Will found no comfort in his words.
“You’re not being tricked, Will. I only mean to show you to my family. They need to see the progress we’ve made, with our patients and technology— and with you, most of all.”
Will shook his head. “Sir, I’m not your best patient. I’m not even the best in our Division.”
“This isn’t about your testing— which isn’t as bad as you may think, mind you.” Vesely gestured towards Will’s left arm, with the dark blue lines of his disease trailing down his skin. “You are the only patient who’s survived the initial Infection. You’re the proof that my father was looking for, someone capable of intense strength— A living god.”
The boy flinched at his words, and his irritation seeped through his voice. “So you want bragging rights, is that it?”
Vesely let out a small, barely-audible chuckle, with a smile that looked unnatural on him.
“I just want the others to know that our father hasn’t died in vain, that his dream is alive and well.”
“Alive and well— Is that what you call this? Your parasite ate through my nerves. You want to take pride in that?”
Will crossed his arms and leaned back in the chair. Part of him started to miss Rio’s extensive training and Avery’s medical testing, the pain of which was preferable in comparison to the intense, sickening, stifling atmosphere of the office. Vesely sighed deeply, but he wasn’t irritated— not from what Will could tell, at least. He scratched at his cheek as he thought to himself.
“If you come to the funeral, I’ll give your division the week off of training.”
Of course, he knew the best way to manipulate the boy. Will looked back at him sternly.
“Two weeks, for their full recovery. Riley needs more time to rest.”
“It’s a deal.”
Vesely held his hand out to seal the deal, earning a glare from Will. A double-infection seemed unlikely, but Will didn’t want to take that risk ever again. His hands still ached from the memory of Vesely’s near-acidic touch. Realizing his mistake, Vesely sheepishly retracted his hand.
“Right, I’ll have everything sorted out by tomorrow. You won’t have to speak to anyone, and we’ll be out before you know it.”
“As long as my friends get to rest, it’s fine.”
“You’re a good leader, Will. They’ll truly appreciate it.” Vesely bowed his head. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Will left the office without another word. He cursed Vesely for doing this, just as he cursed himself for agreeing to go. His friends needed that extra time, even if it meant risking his life even further. The funeral invitation may have been sincere, but Vesely always found a way to hurt someone, intentional or not. Still, Will told himself it was the best thing to do. He could get through it, as long as he stayed calm.
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tacomanarrows · 15 days
Six Flags Great America! - 5/4/24
Finally decided to put together my post from going to Great America about two weeks ago lol. Sorry it took so long! With moving back home after college, I kept getting distracted by other things haha.
Here are some of my fav pictures I got! In-depth thoughts about each coaster I rode are below them!
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So I went with a friend from college and rode about half of all the major coasters there (7 out of their total of 15) since lines were pretty long all day. American Eagle, Whizzer and Sprocket Rockets were closed all day (this was only the third weekend of the season so it was to be expected - you know how it is with Six Flags lmao), and then everything else we didn't get to ride was either a kiddy coaster (Little Dipper) or has a clone somewhere else that I've ridden before (Batman the Ride, Joker, Flash: Vertical Velocity, Superman Ultimate Flight). So not super bummed about missing any of those. Getting on American Eagle and Whizzer would've been fun since those are both classics, and even with clones, a credit is still a credit lol. My friend and I are hoping to go back when we come back to school in August, so we'll hopefully be able to ride what we missed then.
But enough about what we didn't ride, onto what we DID ride! (This will be in the order we rode them throughout the day, plus what number they are in my credits list)
Maxx Force - Credit #162! This was easily my favorite coaster in the park! I am a huge sucker for launch coasters, especially ones with powerful launches. With Maxx Force now having one of, debatably the, fastest accelerating launch on any coaster in the world, that did not disappoint! The funky inversions were a lot of fun and I really liked the high speed heartline roll in the middle. Of course the one downside to Maxx Force is that it's a very short ride in duration, in addition to the brakes kicking in while you're still going through the final element. But overall, it was still an absolute blast of a ride and I definitely wanna ride it again next time I'm at the park!
Raging Bull - Credit #163! I knew this B&M Hyper has gotten mixed reviews in the past, so I knew going in it wasn't going to be the best Hyper out there. I did really enjoy it's more unconventional layout for its model and the focus more on lateral and positive forces throughout the layout, and it was pretty smooth all the way through. What did disappoint me a bit though was the airtime. Like I said, I knew not to expect the 5+ second floater airtime hills you get on other Hypers like Diamondback or Candymonium, but I had heard that in the back row, the main first drop off of the pre-drop had some crazy ejector air in the back row. We rode in the back row and there was definitely some air, but not the crazy throw-you-out-of-your-seat type air that I was expecting. There were a few other good pops throughout the layout, but like I said, I liked it's focus on laterals and positives more. Definitely solid all around.
Viper - Credit #164! Viper I was slightly underwhelmed with. Going in, I had heard that Viper is one of the more underrated coasters in the park, both from other enthusiasts and locals who visit the park regularly. It was definitely smooth for a wooden coaster, it had clearly been well taken care of and looked to have gotten some recent re-tracking, which was very welcome. It also had some good laterals going around some of its turns, but similar to Raging Bull, I found it to be kinda lacking in the airtime department. Again there were some good floater hills here and there but not every hill hit like it should I felt like. This is one I wanna give another shake next time I'm there to see if I just missed something.
Demon - Credit #165! Demon was, not my favorite I'll say. Like it wasn't awful, I've certainly ridden worse Arrow loopers but this one was kinda middle of the road. I didn't think it rode as smoothly or had as much hangtime as the other Demon at California's Great America did. I liked the theming that this one had around it though, much like it's sibling in California. The rock work around the lift and corkscrews and the tunnel you fly through after going through the loops were both pretty cool. Other than that though, I wasn't huge on this one.
X-Flight - Credit #166! Opposite of Viper, X-Flight was better than I had expected! I had heard going in that it was the weakest Wing Coaster in the US, so I wasn't really expecting much, but really ended up enjoying it! We rode in the back row on the right side, so we really got whipped through some of the elements, especially the first wing over drop. I sat on the outside seat, so it was a little rattly there but that's to be expected with B&M Wings lol, and it wasn't really that bad. There were a lot of positive Gs that were a lot of fun and I really enjoyed the hangtime on the first drop and the final in-line twist through the tower (which was also a really cool visual moment both on and off the ride). Of the three Wing Coasters I've ridden, I put it in the middle. I liked it more than Wild Eagle at Dollywood, but not as much as GateKeeper at Cedar Point.
Goliath - Credit #167! Goliath was the longest line we waited in throughout the day at over 90 mins, but I would say it was worth it! I knew this was one of the shortest RMCs in duration, so that wasn't an issue for me but I really enjoyed the elements here. Great first drop and some really strong airtime moments. Both inversions were awesome too! The dive loop was really weird in a cool way, since I turned my head up while we were upside down to look through the structure as we dove down, which was a wild moment. And then the HUGE stall under the lift was soo cool as well. I'd only done prolonged stalls on Jersey Devil and Wildcat's Revenge (the one on Steel Vengeance is really quick and snappy unlike the ones mentioned here), but this one was just so big and so long that it was just a crazy moment. Easy number 2 in the park after Maxx Force for me!
Dark Knight - Credit #168! The last coaster we rode was Dark Knight, the indoor Wild Mouse. I know there are better coasters we could have ridden like Batman or Superman, but at this point, it was about 4 o'clock and we just wanted to get out of the heat and sun for awhile, so we chose to wait in the indoor queue of the Dark Knight lol. I knew what to expect since I had done the one at Great Adventure before, but I think this one was a bit better. The trims didn't seem to be hitting at all on the switchbacks, or if they were, they weren't hitting very hard. So lots of laterals all over, and it looked like more of the theming elements were either on or working than on Great Adventure's (at least from when I rode that one back in like 2018 lol). So it was fun, but in the end it was still just a Wild Mouse in a box lmao.
So that's my recap of my day at Six Flags Great America! I had a great time, at least until it started POURING as we were heading out at about 6 lmao. I'm definitely looking forward to going back, hopefully in August like I said. It definitely had similar bones to California's Great America, but I liked the charm of CGA a bit more, although Six Flags Great America has way more coasters lol. If you've been to SFGAm, let me know what you think of their rides or how your thoughts compare to mine! I'd love to know!
Here's all of the coasters I rode at the park from most to least favorite, along with where they landed in my overall credits ranking (plus which coasters are before and after them on my list for frame of reference):
Maxx Force (#20, between Phantom's Revenge at Kennywood and Thunder Striker at Carowinds)
Goliath (#30, between Volcano the Blast Coaster [formerly] at Kings Dominion and Candymonium at Hersheypark)
X-Flight (#46, between Magnum XL-200 at Cedar Point and Nitro at Six Flags Great Adventure)
Raging Bull (#50, between Great Bear at Hersheypark and Impulse at Knoebels)
Viper (#65, between Flight of Fear at Kings Dominion and Comet at Hersheypark)
Demon (#101, between Iron Dragon and Wild Mouse, both at Cedar Point)
Dark Knight (#113, between Racer at Kennywood and Dark Knight at Six Flags Great Adventure)
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harringtonswriting · 2 years
round and round | s.h.
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summary: in which hawkins gets a roller rink, max gets to zoom, and steve is in over his head with you [post-season 4] pairing: steve harrington x gn!reader warning(s): light language word count: 3.9k notes: thanks for reading! this is hopefully the first of many steve fics, but i hope you enjoy! this also takes place after max wakes up from her coma. she’s blind and in a wheelchair after what happened with vecna, and is an absolute menace (affectionate)
Steve has one lone, blessed day off this entire week; he was going to kill Keith for messing up the schedule as badly as he did, because working six days in a row? Covering three call-ins and leaving Steve to close alone twice in the last week? Steve can feel the exhaustion in his bones, and he is absolutely planning on using his day off to lay in bed and do absolutely nothing all day.
But the universe has other plans – it always does, where Steve is concerned. Which is why he’s awoken by the sound of the phone ringing way too early in the goddamn morning.
Initially he decides to just let it ring–it’ll go to voicemail, and the person will leave a message, and Steve can go back to sleep for a few more hours before he decides to see who it is and what they want. Steve pulls a pillow over his head, willing the sound of the phone to hurry up and stop so he can go back to the rather wonderful dream he was having.
Only it doesn’t stop. Not completely. It goes to voicemail, Steve assumes, but then almost immediately starts ringing again. And again. And again.
Steve swears loudly, throwing the pillow off his head and groaning as he goes to find the nearest phone to his bedroom and pick it up.
“Hello?” he asks, not caring that his voice is definitely much more curt than usual. He’s tired and he really hopes it’s a telemarketer that he can rip into so that he can go back to bed.
“Steve! Finally! What took you so long, man?” The loud, much too cheerful voice of Dustin Henderson comes over the receiver instead of the telemarketer he was hoping for, and Steve groans and resists the urge to slam his head against the wall.
“Henderson. Do you have any idea what time it is right now?” Steve asks, gritting his teeth. He doesn’t himself, though he still knows it’s definitely too early to be out of bed.
“Half past get the hell up, man! Were you still sleeping?” Dustin asks, and Steve can hear faint laughter in the background. Wonderful, he’s got the other kids with him. This was not getting any better.
“Is there a point to this phone call?” he asks. He rests his forehead against the wall. He can already feel a headache coming on.
“We-ll,” Dustin starts, stretching out the vowel, “now that you’re awake, I was thinking maybe you’d want to go with us to the new roller rink by the arcade and Family Video? Check it out, maybe have some fun. Apparently they’re even wheelchair friendly!”
“No, no, absolutely not,” Steve says. Him? Roller skating? Absolutely not. He’s avoided that place like the plague since it had opened two months ago; Robin has asked him who knows how many times to go with her, get greasy food and skate around til they threw it up. Not his style.
“C’mon, Steve! Are you really gonna say no to me?” He can practically imagine the face Dustin is making now, hat off his head and hand running through his hair.
“Yes.” Steve’s bed is calling to him, ready to be slept in until well after noon, when he can get up, order some pizza, and spend the night watching cheesy movies with the volume up much too loud. And maybe… maybe he’d call you, see if you were busy and wanted to join him for bad movies and pizza long gone cold by that point. He hopes you’ll say yes. Even if he just gets to hang out with you as friends, it’s still something, and Steve will take it. For now, anyway.
“Eddie would say yes,” Dustin says, his voice snapping Steve out of thoughts of your laughter at Valley Girl from the last time you two had a movie night at his place.
“Then get him to take you.” Steve crosses his arms, turning around to lean his back against the wall as he squishes the phone’s receiver between his ear and his shoulder. He likes Eddie. They’d been through hell and back, barely making it out alive. But the thought of Eddie showing him up… god, Dustin really knows how to push his buttons. Plus, he’s pretty sure Dustin will continue to call him until Steve relents, and he can’t really say no to Dustin. Not that he’ll give him the satisfaction of admitting that. “…are you at least ready to go if I pick you up now?”
The sound of cheers are all that answer him, and Steve sighs heavily through his nose.
So much for his one day off.
So that’s how he ends up at the Hawkins Roller Rink, kids piling out of his car as he grabs Max’s wheelchair from his trunk and helps Lucas get her settled in. All the kids take off ahead of him, laughing and talking much too loudly.
He’s really, really hoping they get bored after like, twenty minutes and ask him to drop them off somewhere that they don’t need a ride home from. Like their own houses. But he sighs, knowing his luck would never be that good, and locks his car before following them inside.
The kids are crowding the front counter, all getting their skates in the right sizes, and making sure the people working behind the counter know Max will be skating in her chair. Steve herds them all over to the nearby benches once they’ve got what they need, waving to the girl behind the counter—Sherry? Carrie? He’s pretty sure they graduated together and maybe he went out with her? He’s not sure, really, but he gives her a smile anyway. She returns it, so that was a good sign.
There are a lot less people than what Steve is expecting for a Saturday morning, but he’s not going to complain. Fewer people that he’ll know and will try to stop him to talk.
Mike, Will, and El crowd on one bench together, pulling their own skates on. Lucas helps Max park her chair next to a second bench, and he sits next to her and Dustin sits next to him. Steve watches the group get ready, talking amongst themselves.
He’s struck, for a moment, at how normal this makes them seem. Like any normal group of high school kids, laughing and chatting and just… existing in their happy little bubble, even if just for a few hours. It causes warmth to spread through his chest, though at the same time, it aches just a little. They deserve more of these moments, and he really, really hopes that when all is said and done, they get them.
“Oh, hey, look who’s here!” Dustin says, and Steve, shakes his head slightly as he sees the young teen has his skates on, and his body is turned to look out onto the rink. He’s pointing from where he’s sitting on the bench out into the crowd of people skating. Steve sighs and pushes Dustin’s hand down, starting to comment on how rude it is to point when he sees who Dustin is gesturing to.
You’re skating around the rink, a large grin on your face as you do a twirl with your hands in the air. You, the person Steve’s been crushing on since, well, much longer than he’d have liked without making any kind of move, but you’re just so… you, that Steve can’t help but admire you from afar, and has been doing so since you walked into Scoops Ahoy about a week after graduating. Sure, he’s known of you for longer than that, but as the Scoops Ahoy visits became more frequent—with Robin picking up very quickly on what was going on—Steve knew he was a goner.
Steve feels his words die on his tongue as a grin spreads over his face at seeing you look so happy and light and just… wow. Steve has never been the best with words, not really, but he really wishes he was to be able to use them for you. You, who he’s been horribly, terribly, deeply infatuated with for much too long without success.
“…to Steve? Still in there, space cadet?”
Steve blinks, and sees Dustin’s hand waving in front of his face. He frowns, pushing the hand away. He sees the way Dustin is grinning at him, and turns to see the other kids exchanging looks and giggles, while Lucas very loudly describes the situation to Max.
“You know you shouldn’t stare at people like that, Steve,” she says, Lucas wheeling her closer while she uses her cane to reach out and smack Steve’s shins. “You’re gonna look like a bigger stalker than you already are.”
“Just so you’re aware, I’m giving you the finger right now,” Steve says, though there’s no real heat to his words. He extends the aforementioned digit and not only directs it at Max, but at Dustin as well. Who gives it right back with both hands, a grin on his face and showing off his braces.
“C’mon, guys, let’s get our skates on and go have fun,” Will says, grabbing Mike’s upper arm with one hand and putting his other hand on El’s shoulder. This calms the rest of the kids down, and they all start moving towards the rink and getting out onto it to skate around to the cheesy disco music coming over the speakers. Max immediately takes off as soon as her wheels hit the rink, and Steve hears Lucas laugh and watches him take off after her.
“This is why Byers is my favourite,” Steve calls out towards the retreating kids, and he laughs as Dustin turns back to look at him, hand on his chest as he looks offended. Steve grins, shooting the kids a thumbs up before he walks over to the food counter. He orders a milkshake and a couple bottles of water—just in case the kids need them, because they’d left their bags in his car—before walking back over to the edge of the rink where the seating was.
Steve settles himself into a nice little booth next to the rink, stretching himself out. He takes a drink of his milkshake—chocolate, because he really needs the boost of sugar to keep himself awake and because he thinks he deserves a treat.
Things are fairly uneventful for the first ten or so minutes, until there’s a bit of a commotion on the rink and it draws Steve’s eyes to Dustin. He nearly crashes into you, and Steve’s on his feet before his brain can catch up. Luckily, you manage to catch and steady the young teen, keeping him upright and skating him close to the nearest wall. Steve leans against the wall from where his seat is, watching as you exchange words with Dustin, throwing your head back to laugh at something he says. He’s too far away to hear what you’re saying, but he’d bet the cash in his wallet that Dustin made some corny comment about being swept off his feet, and you probably told him you were just standing in for Suzie. Steve can’t help the fond feeling in his chest or the smile that takes over his face as he sees how natural it is for you to interact with Dustin, to help the young man.
You’re good with all the kids, really—they enjoy your presence, even if some of them won’t admit it out loud, and he’s glad you’re in their lives, especially with all the crazy shit they’ve dealt with over the last three years. He’s glad you’re in his life, which he’s admitted to Robin too many times to count, even after having to know and deal with him all through middle and high school, and now that he’s pulled his head out of his ass, he’s really happy to have your smile in his life. Well, your everything, but seeing your smile now has him feeling just the tiniest bit giddy.
El and Will stop by where the two of you are standing, more proficient on wheels than most of the other kids, and they move to stand on either side of Dustin and join the conversation. It only lasts a moment, before Mike is also catching up to the group, and you wave as you skate off and leave them to their fun.
Steve watches, leaning forward to rest his chin on his palm, as you pass by Lucas and Max. You wave to the pair, and Steve can’t help his own laugh as you laud the redhead on her sick wheels—which he knows she picked the colours for and spent an entire weekend getting Lucas and Will to decorate for her. He can see Max wave you off with one hand, but he catches how her other hand comes up to squeeze Lucas’ own. Your praise means a lot to her, and Max will be preening all afternoon.
“Hey! Steve! Check me out!” Dustin’s loud voice rings clear even over the sound of ABBA blaring over the tinny speakers in the roller rink. Steve looks over, and sees Dustin skating all on his own. His arms are outstretched and he keeps stopping and starting, but he’s smiling, and Steve gives him a thumbs up.
“That’s great! Proud of you buddy, you’re doing so well,” he calls out, and Dustin’s grin just gets bigger. Thankfully Will and Mike are sticking close enough to grab him if things start to go wrong again. El has joined Max and Lucas, and you—
—are skating right up to Steve. Holy shit, you’re skating up to Steve as the song changes from an ABBA tune to something fun and poppy by Madonna (that Steve will never admit to knowing. And dancing to at home when no one is looking). You wave, and he feels his mouth go dry as you stop in front of him. He nearly stumbles back, sitting back down in the booth seat.
“Hi Steve,” you greet him, and Steve takes a big drink of his milkshake as he waves back. He swallows the thick drink, feeling the cold travel up to his forehead. Shit. Of course he’d get a brain freeze now.
“Oh, hi! Hey, didn’t, uh, didn’t know you’d be here,” he says, the words spilling out before he can stop and think. He does his best to smile at you, and thankfully you return it.
“I come here most Saturday mornings.” You play with the sleeves of your shirt, picking at a loose thread. Steve’s eyes look down at your hands, seeing the way your fingers twist around the thread and some fabric, and has to look back up at your face to stop imagining how it would feel to hold them. “Dustin was asking about it the other day when he came by the record store. He seemed really into it, and said he was gonna try and bring everyone with him this weekend and wanted to know when I’d be here. Didn’t mention bringing you, though.”
Those little sneaks. The kids have been taking advice from Robin, he can tell, and he’s a little impressed. He’ll be more impressed when he’s not so annoyed that they’ve scammed him into coming here on his day off because they think they can play matchmaker.
“Why aren’t you skating with the kids?” you ask, and Steve snorts.
“Me? On wheels? That’s not something anyone needs to see,” he tells you, running a hand through his hair. He sees you following his hand, and he brings the hand down to scratch at his nose so your gaze will meet his. He winks, and you roll your eyes, though he catches the way the corners of your lips turn up and corners of your eyes crinkle. “You’re pretty good, though. At skating. Really good, actually.”
“Practice makes perfect. Plus, it’s pretty fun.” You gesture out towards the small crowd of skaters, including Mike trying to do a spin. Steve hopes he trips and falls, but not enough to get hurt. Just enough to cause some laughs and a bruised ego. “You should try it. It’d be really fun, I promise! And we could, uh… skate together? If you want?”
It’s bold, you know, asking him to skate with you when he’s just said he doesn’t do skating. But you’ve always had a soft spot for Steve, which has been blossoming into something more lately… well, for a lot longer than lately, but that wasn’t anything you were going to admit without a lot of alcohol in your system (which Robin and Eddie had taken advantage of one night at a party you’d been dragged to, and the two of them hadn’t let you forget it). But today you were feeling a little bold—Dustin had mentioned Steve watching you skate when you’d helped him avoid a concussion, and even if the young teen was nosing his way into your business, you couldn’t deny how giddy it makes you.
“C’mon, Steve, please?” you ask, leaning forward over the rink wall to get closer to him. Steve swallows, his cheeks heating up. You decide to go with the big guns, tilting your head down to look up at him with a, “For me?” and Steve is a goner. How is he supposed to say no to you? He can’t, and he knows he can’t—and judging by the look on your face, he can tell you’ve figured that out too.
He sighs heavily through his nose, hanging his head.
“Lemme at least finish my drink and go get some skates, then,” he says, and turns to walk away so he can smile to himself as you cheer at your victory. He makes his way as slowly as he can to Carlie—or is it Kerry?—at the rental counter as he finishes his drink and throws the cup on the nearest garbage, sliding her a few dollar bills and telling her his shoe size. He walks away with the rented skates, back to the booth with the bottles of water, and changes out of his sneakers and into the skates.
This is a bad idea. A very bad idea, really, and Steve blames you. Not that he could ever really blame you for anything, though, so really, he kind of blames himself. And Dustin. Henderson was gonna be relegated to the backseat for at least a week—no shotgun for sneaks.
This has to be some sort of cosmic payback for making fun of Jonathan for being whipped for Nancy last week. Which he is, everyone knows that, but everyone also knows Steve is beyond whipped for you, too (besides you, though he’s pretty sure you’ve got at least an inkling. And this is proving it).
Steve stands up, feeling his knees shake just the slightest bit as he tries to find balance on the skates he’s finished lacing up on his feet. He takes his time moving over to the entrance to the rink, where you’re standing and waiting for him. He gets himself out onto the slick wooden surface, and starts moving forward—keeping himself as close to the wall as he can without grabbing it. You are skating next to him, after all, and even though he’s sure you won’t care—which you won’t—he still has to preserve some of his dignity.
“You’re definitely not that bad at skating yourself, Steve,” you say, slowing your pace to match his. You smile at him, tugging on the sleeves of your shirt again.
“Not as good as you, though,” he says as he grits his teeth. You make it look so easy, and he could watch you do this all day. Really wishing he could be back sitting at the booth watching from a distance. Him and roller skates? Not a match made in heaven. Though maybe his head and the floor will be before this is over.
“Well… maybe spending some more time here might help,” you mention. You catch Steve’s eyes, and while you try to seem nonchalant about it, your fingers are twisting in the fabric of your shirt before you shove them into the pockets of your jeans. “I’m usually here most Saturdays, and sometimes I come during the week. If you ever wanted to skate together, just us. If that’s something you want.”
Steve nearly trips over his own feet, though you’re quick to reach out and grab his hand in your own to steady him. Were you… you weren’t. You couldn’t be asking him out. Steve doesn’t think that could be possible. For one, he’s not entirely sure your feelings for him aren’t platonic, as much as he wishes they were romantic, and for another… you’re asking him as just friends. Even though he’d love to be more than that, really.
He straightens up, and then he realizes… you’re still holding his hand. Even after he’s gotten his balance back, your hand is holding onto his and wow, yeah, it’s warm and fits so nicely in his. He looks down at where your hands are held together, and then he looks up to your face and—oh. Oh. You’re smiling at him, chewing on your bottom lip as Cyndi Lauper starts echoing over the roller rink speakers, and your hand is still holding onto his.
“Y’know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say that this sounds like you’re actually flirting with me,” he says, a little out of breath. He had to have accidentally hit his head again. He bites his lip, seeing if it’ll help bring him back to reality, but all it does is give him a little bit of blood in his mouth.
“...I’ve been trying to do that for about a year now.” Your words aren’t unkind, more nervous than anything, and Steve knows he probably looks like a total dingus as he grins and starts laughing.
He’s not laughing at you, definitely not. But at himself? Oh, most definitely. Because he’s had a crush on you for just as long, if not longer, and he can’t believe he hasn’t noticed you flirting with him before. He can’t believe you have to spell it out for him—and definitely, absolutely, cannot believe you admitted to flirting with him for real. To being interested in him, Steve Harrington, of all people. But your hand is still holding his, keeping him grounded in reality, and he’s suddenly very, very glad for the little shits who pulled him out of bed this morning.
Steve’s laughter dies down, and he ventures a look at your face. “I’m an idiot, huh?” he asks, wheezing slightly as he intertwines your fingers with his own.
“You’ve never been an idiot, Steve. Just need a little nudge sometimes,” you assure him, tugging him forward a little so you can start skating again. He gladly complies, feeling almost lighter than air as the two of you move around the rink.
“Still not sure about this whole skating thing, but… yeah, I’d love to spend some time together, just us. As more than friends,” he asserts, and delights in the sound of your laughter as it echoes in his ears. He’d dance to that music every day if you’d let him, and god, he hopes you’ll let him.
“If you’re free next Friday, it’s Couples’ Night. No kids allowed,” you mention, the two of you skating around the bend in the rink.
And then, just as he’s about to answer, maybe flirt a little more openly now, Steve feels something slam into his back that sends him ass over tea kettle. Unfortunately, he takes you down with him, and he lets out an undignified squawk as the two of you tumble to the ground. As he’s laying flat out on the rink floor, as soon as his eyes start to focus he sees a baseball hat about a foot away, and hears laughter from behind him.
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littleharpethcrossfit · 9 months
Tuesday, 29 August, 2023.
A Beautiful afternoon at the Barn.
4 Rounds
10 Reps
Weighted Back Raises (25/15)
Back Squats: 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 (All 80%)
Chase=275 Bernie/Ed=225 Timmy=195 Herb=185 Dana=175 Dyer=155 Coach=145 Shannon/Sue/Kayla=95 Sandy=85 Linda=75 Faith (KID)=42 Linda/Alicia= did it, no post Chad=visited from the Arboretum but couldn't stay even tho' we told him Robert was not there.
Run 400 / Row-Ski 500 / Bike 1000m
40 AirSquats (RX+ 20 Alternating Pistols)
RX+ (Pistols)
Dana=16:14 Timmy=20 Herb=23:20
Faith (KID)=15:01 Chase=17:24 Bernie=17:41 Sue=17:53 Ed/Kayla=19:35 Dyer=21:20 Coach=22:45 Sandy=26:00 Linda=27 Shannon/Alicia=no post but did it
Anyhow Dips: 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5
Coach was lonely on the Parallel Bars
WG brought The KID to the workout. WG obviously wasn't there to workout since he was not in gym clothes. He coached The KID thru the entire workout with competency and love. I wish I could say that...
Kayla returned today. She was absent 2 weeks and returned wearing no make-up. I had hoped she would want to look good for her old coach, but no joy.
There were 7 girls here today. They talked constantly and laughed a lot. At times I suspected they were ridiculing their coach, but Linda denied it. Afterwards, they sat Indian-style in a circle on the mats in front of a fan for at least 30 minutes. Kayla alone had a beer. I like that behavior. The circle, I mean. They were enjoying each other's company after a vigorous workout. Working hard and having fun is how you build the fabled CrossFit Community.
The Terminator Rodent is winning. Even though there were at least a dozen different traps waiting for it, it eluded them all. Worse yet, your coach accidentally stepped on a glue-trap, causing my shoes to stick to everything every step of my way. After a trip across the pine straw, it looked like I was wearing snow-shoes.
There will be a birthday WOD Thursday. It will be partnered because it has unusually high numbers.
There will be daily workouts this coming Saturday/Sunday/Labor Day Monday/Tuesday. How many will you attend ??
Thursday at 4 PM. Hopefully we will be able to return to the standards we enjoyed prior to Kayla's 2 week vacation. If there are more than 10 homemade birthday cakes I will be embarrassed. Before you get too excited I must warn you that Robert is back from his vacation and is well rested.
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“I Love you”
October series: Day 31
Pairing: Keishin Ukai x f!reader
Prompt/summary: “I think I love you”
Word count: 1K
Warnings/contents: Fluff
Notes: I said before I wanted to end the month with a bang, but instead of a big character or some crazy prompt, I chose a simple and sweet one and ended the series out with what I think was the perfect set of four words. I hope you’ve all enjoyed these! I’m a little sad it’s over, but I will be doing another month long series at some point in the future because this was so much fun!
Happy Halloween everyone 💛 I’ll be sending out my Halloween IwaOi post shortly 
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Your laughter was almost the only important thing to him right now, if only he wasn’t driving in the dark and he could really take this time to enjoy the moment with you; tonight was the official 30th date that the two of you had gone on. While he was certain you were completely unaware of just how many dates the two of you had been on now, he couldn’t help but count them all out after being so in love with you all throughout high school. After you went off to college, he was certain he’d never see you again. That day you stepped into his store without knowing he worked there had been one of the best days of his life. He’d instantly recognized you, and after telling you who he was since he’d changed so much since the last time he’d seen you, you’d seemed as excited to see him as he had been to see you.
Maybe 3 weeks after the two of you had met up again he’d drunkenly confessed he’d had a crush on you since high school when you picked him up so he didn’t drive home in such poor shape. He hadn’t remembered what he’d said the next morning, but you’d filled him in while you handed him some Advil and water, though quickly pushing out his embarrassment by admitting that you’d always thought he was rather cute and that he’d only gotten cuter now.
That day you’d come to the shop had felt like such a long time ago, and in reality it had been quite awhile, but he remembered it as if it was yesterday. Keishin always knew there were days and events that he’d never forget so long as he lived, and these times with you were only reminders that he wanted to remember every second he spent with you as vividly as he remembered the feeling he had that day.
He stole a quick glance over at you while you were talking, trying to listen to you and yet not fully comprehending what you said as your eyes met his and you sent him a cute little grin.
“Are you even listening to me?” You asked with a little laugh that he gave a nervous chuckle at and quickly turned his focus back onto the road so he didn’t accidentally hit a deer through the thickly wooded road.
“I’m listening,” he lied, something you playfully rolled your eyes at since you knew that he wasn’t listening as much as he’d like you to believe he was. You recognized another landmark that let you know that your apartment complex was coming up soon, and you struggled to not let it dampen your mood. You had spent over 4 and a half hours with your boyfriend now, but that didn’t make you want to leave him. In fact, nights like these were ones you wished the two of you never had to separate, and yet despite him feeling so strongly about you, you worried thoughts like that may scare him off. “What are you thinking about?” He asked absentmindedly as he turned a corner that led straight to your apartment complex.
“Just us.” You shrugged. “I’ve had a really good time tonight.” Keishin smiled and peeked over at you again quickly.
“I’m glad— I’ve had a nice time, too. But that’s not saying much, you always made everything so much fun.” You gave a soft laugh and shook your head. “I’m serious— you made the most boring classes fun, you made studying fun, you made dinner with our families that we went to together fun. There’s never been something I’ve dreaded going to that was boring when you were there. You know, math was my favorite class because you sat right next to me instead of a couple seats over or even rows in front of me. I hated math, but you were so fun to be close to.” You could feel your cheeks warm and looked down at your lap.
“You’re gonna make me blush,” you said with an embarrassed tone that he couldn’t help but laugh at.
“I’m only telling you the truth,” when the car stopped, your little smile fell while he put the car in park. You weren’t ready to leave, so instead of immediately getting out of the car, you simply unbuckled your seatbelt and leaned closer to him.
“I really did have a nice time. I always liked being in boring situations with you, too.” You said, making the man smile as he reached for your hand and laced his fingers with yours.
“Can I tell you something?” You gave a soft hum and smiled welcomingly at the man. He seemed to hesitate before he nodded softly and spoke again after swallowing hard. “I think I love you.” He said the words softly, but it was the only thing you heard even over the engine running. Your little smile slowly grew as you gave a soft laugh in almost disbelief before leaning in and kissing him quickly.
“I love you, too.” He smiled and kissed you again gently before giving a light sigh and pressing his forehead to yours. “I hate to leave, but… you have to get up early for deliveries and I need to get back to my cat since I’ve been gone all day. She probably thinks I left forever.”
“Do cats even care if you did?” You gave a soft laugh and reached one hand over for the door and yet he still didn’t let your other go and you made no effort to pull away.
“Mine does anyways, I don’t know about other cats.” You shrugged and hesitated before smiling again at the man and opening the car door. “It’s cold, I should get inside.” He nodded, letting go of your hand and rolling down the window as you shut the door. You leaned down and looked at the man who leaned over the middle console and reached a hand over to place on the door. “Again, I had a great time. Thank you.” He smiled and nodded, wanting to tell you that he loved you again— a million times over really— yet he settled on something much more simple since he knew he would be seeing you again tomorrow.
“Goodbye, (y/n).”
“Goodbye, Keishin.”
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: May 15th Part 1
It’s been longer than usual since our last answer session, so I’m answering a ton of questions today! It’s so big I split it into two parts. Thank you for the patience on getting a response to these.
Thanks for reaching out to us with your questions and kind words ^^!
Sorry if this has been asked before or isn't something you can say but is there anyway for Cove to confess in step 4? I wanted him to confess in step 3 and followed all the steps to make him do it but ended up texting my family instead of Cove at the end.
Yeah, Cove can confess in Step 4!
Hello! I heard that Cove is on the spectrum, albeit undiagnosed. As someone who is ND, this makes me UNBELIEVABLY happy. I literally was brought to tears! Thank you for that!
Out of curiosity, will Cove be diagnosed in Step 4? I have a strong feeling y’all won’t make it a HUGE deal/make it out to be negative, so I’m not worried about that whatsoever! I’m just curious just he’ll off handedly mention it? Or will it just not be touched upon at all (which is ok!)?
Either way is ok, I’m just curious!
I’m happy it made you happy! Admittedly, Cove simply being someone with autism that grew up not being diagnosed was something I included for myself. I didn’t really think anyone would notice or ask about it, aha. But players did start to have questions about his traits, so I started to talk about it outside of the game. It’s great to see it get such a positive response and now I do feel like having it be a non-topic may have been the wrong choice and bringing it up would’ve been good in terms of having positive representation for that. I don’t know if I’ll find a way to mention it in Step 4 now, with how far along the game is, but I am at least thinking about it when originally it wasn’t something I really even considered.
Hey!  Just wanted to say thank you for Our Life.  It's been a bright spot and a needed escape in what's otherwise been a crummy year.  I know you just did a Q&A post but I figured I'd ask anyway.  Was just curious about Step 4.  Will it be similar to the other Steps in that it consists of several different moments or will it just be one long sequence?
Step 4 is shorter than the prior Steps because it’s just an epilogue rather than a full arc of a story. It’ll consist of scenes that all happen in a set row one after the other. There won’t be a collection of Moments to choose from. But it’ll still be very sweet and fun.
¡hola!, you see, first I want to say that I love Our Life! (°◡°♡) and I have 2 important questions, would Cove cry watching titanic? and what is the saddest part according to him? (sorry for my english) 
Titanic would make him cry. He’d probably think the parts showing people who aren’t able to make it to the life boats/are choosing to stay and go down with the ship were the saddest.
Hello, I wanted to ask how much you earn with creating games? Like is it possible to make a living? Thank you >< <3 
How much I earn varies a lot month to month based on Steam sales, Patreon backers, and how many projects are in full production at the time. It’s also hard to say how much I make historically, since that also changes dramatically year by year. But I do earn enough to work on these games full time! I really appreciate all the support that allows me to do that.
Hey!! I was wondering for the 18+ Our Life moment, will there be an emphasis on safety/comfort for all involved? I feel like there  would be just going off of what the rest of the game is like, but I wanted to ask 
Yes! Cove is a nervous boy himself and also super cautious about doing anything the MC doesn’t like, so clear consent from both is absolutely needed for anything to happen. It’s a conversational sexy times Moment with stops/starts so the two can talk about how they’re feeling, rather than a heat of the moment just going for it kind of thing.
Hey!! I was wondering how long the wedding dlc would be? Will it be broken up into moments, or just one big event? 
It’s one long series of scenes all in a row rather than a collection of Moments to pick from. It’s the shortest and the least expensive of all the DLCs. It’s not super crucial to get and those who aren’t into big weddings can totally skip it without worry.
HELLO AMAZING DEVS 👋 i am hopelessly in love with the worst guy ever (jeremy king) and because of this i have a really stupid question: does he really hate people who are nice to him? TvT he’s too cute to be mean to istg it’s a miracle JB held the urge to be consistently nice to him bc just look at his FACE he is so cute! thank you for jeremy’s route it’s so lovely (and awful bc he’s scum 11/10) it gave me so much laughs LMAO i hope you guys have a good day!! 
Haha, thank you. He doesn’t hate them but he’s certainly not pleased with them. Jeremy is either uncomfortable with or annoyed by people being sweet on him, depending on how they approach it. He’s far more comfortable with jerkiness. It lets him relax and he can be himself without it being a problem, since he’s also a jerk. He feels a level of guilt being such a little punk to kind people, not enough to be a better person but still.
Has Cove dated or been interested in someone other than MC? 
Nope! He stays single over the course of the game if he’s not with the MC.
Is Step 4 more mature? Or it's gonna be set in similar atmosphere as Step 3? 
Step 4 is a similar atmosphere as Step 3. Though, it’s actually kind of less mature-topic heavy than Step 3 since it’s just a ‘hey, let’s check in on the gang to see what they’re up to’ style epilogue rather than a story arc with serious issues.
will there be new music for now and forever?? or will the old our life music be reused? 
It’s gonna be a brand new soundtrack. We’ll be opening up a job position for that soon.
Hi, is it okay if we use the assets in Our Life (like the sprites) for fanworks or fan content content, like edits? 
Sure! Just as long as you don’t use the assets made by those artists to make money.
Quick clarification on Step 3 choices: I hope I didn't come off rude (because I LOVE the game, really!!), I was just curious because the intro threw me off at times. For example, you could choose how you felt about Elizabeth in Step 2 (Dinner), but during the Step 3 intro, it says that you got closer to Liz and I didn't get a choice in it. 
For the example, it can’t be helped that you’re closer to Liz in Step 3 than you were in Step 2 because she’s inherently closer to the MC regardless of whether you liked her or not in Step 2. Her feelings are out of your control and the game isn’t so dramatic that you can push her affection away and not let her bond with you, haha. But ‘being closer’ can still be relative. For some people maybe that means you’re best buds now and for others it might just mean you’re not fighting all the time any more. If there’s other parts you want to mention, feel free to let us know.
Did the illustrator for Our Life change? 
We have many OL artists! The main artists who set the game’s style haven’t changed, but there’s multiple other artists who help finish assets.
So Miranda's type is confident and outgoing, huh? So...does that mean Terri's her type?? 👀 
Haha, sorry for the late reply on this. As you might’ve seen in our post yesterday- yeah that is her type.
Hey! First, I just want to say I've really enjoyed how detailed OL got with gender identity and sexuality and how respectful the topics were handled! It's been so wonderful to play since the experiences could be close to my own (I'd be lying if I said I didn't tear up at parts). Second, I was wondering, would future games explore the topic of polyamory? I'd love to see more visual novels allow room for that and I saw you've explored the topic before.
Keep up the amazing work! ♡
Thank you! We do want to include polyamory in at least some of our future projects. Floret Bond, which might be what you’re referring to when mentioning how we’ve explored the topic before, is on hold unfortunately. So right now I’m not sure when something might release or what will be the first game of ours to come out with poly relationships (we might do something else before FB is done). We’ll have see how things ends up coming together.
Hey um. I feel like im not allowed to ask this on the private discord cuz people will yell at me but why is there so much focus on OL2 and not finishing OL1 stuff? I like the new people but i kind of want to finish cove's story and get derek and baxter stuff first. didn't people pay for it? 
I’m sorry, I don’t understand entirely what’s making that situation a concern. There’s a channel in the discord for critique where no one is allowed to comment back. People can voice things they’re worried about without any way for others to push back on it. And the two teams working on the OL games are different. We try to post pretty often about how we’re hiring brand new people to start on Our Life: Now & Forever. The OL1 team is all still working on OL1 like normal. There’s only more updates on the Patreon for OL2 because the expansions to the first game are mostly script-based at this point while OL2 is just starting to get all its art, which means there’s a lot more to show off as previews.
Also, there was a Kickstarter for the first Our Life, if that’s what you mean by people paying for it. But one of the stretch goals was to start Our Life 2 early, before fully completing Our Life 1, so that the new game could be out sooner. It wouldn’t make sense to stop doing OL2 work because that would be going against what backers were promised. Maybe you didn’t get the full story before and hopefully this clears it up!
Hello! I know it's up to every player but.. What is your recommendation for playing order? Did you ever had any timeline  events planned? 
I didn’t make the events with a planned timeline. The events got made simply as I had ideas for them and then I just kind of organized them from left to right on the screen in an order to space out more dramatic ones between more lighthearted ones. Any order the player wants to go with is totally valid!
Hi! It's Step 4 a paid dlc or update? And how long it's planned to be? Ps. Love the game! 
The Step 4 epilogue is free! The Cove Wedding DLC does cost money, though. Those are planned to be shorter than the usual Steps/DLCs.
Will we have options for what sort of job the MC might have by the time step 4 takes place? 
Yeah, you can. It’s not super exact or detailed, but there are options about it.
Is there a pandemic in Our Life world, or is it just in a better timeline with no pestilence? 
Our Life is pandemic-free! That didn’t exist when we began working on the project and it’s not something we’d like to feature in this story now that it has unfortunately come along, aha.
Hi, you said that you can play tic-tac-toe or hangman with Cove in Boating if you're sick/scared but I keep getting tic-tac-toe. Am I doing something wrong?
After being sick/scared you have to continue to be upset/unwell. If you calm down and decide to just chill you’ll end up playing tic-tac-toe.
Hi, GB Patch! Since Lee was initially commissioned to only appear in two Steps does this mean she won't appear in the Wedding DLC? I really like her character so it'll be a little weird to not have our cousin at our wedding, aha.
She is gonna be in Step 4/the wedding DLC after all! We’re still working with her creator to make sure it fits with what they wanted.
Is Sunset Bird based on a real place? Asking for a friend, not trying to move there or anything. 👀
It’s based on small beach towns in So-Cal, but not one specific town you could go see in real life, I’m afraid. It’d be nice if it was real, though.
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We released a new FAQ! It answers common questions and we’ll keep adding more to it. Please check there before sending an ask. FAQ   Also, if you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
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1kook · 4 years
commercial break ; THREE
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this is a netflix & chill drabble kook’s pov during their argument in d&b !
summary; But Jungkook loves the sun. warnings; post-fight, drinking, heart ache :( miscellaneous; everyone say thank u kim namjoon 🤩 word count; 1.5k
notes; a lot of people wanted to know his thoughts during the iconic d&b fight scene so here’s the closure we all needed </3 
He knows he’s said the wrong thing the second the last syllable departs from his lips.
Jungkook doesn’t mean it, that much he knows right away, but even still… there’s a silent moment of shock between the two of you, one where even he is surprised by his own tongue.
You move first, phone whipping across the room.
Now Jungkook has seen a lot of scary things in his life. He’s seen horror movies and walked through a cemetery at night once. He’s come home way past curfew and had to face the wrath of his normally lenient father. He’s sat front row in his first ever college seminar. Yet none of that fear, that anxiety, that dread, compares to the level of emotion he feels wrap around his throat the moment you get up.
“___, wait,” he calls out frantically, hands shaking the further and further you get. He has to tell you he doesn’t mean it, that he would never mean it. But how do you follow up a statement like that? Even when he catches your eyes, beautiful irises colder than the bottom of the ocean, he doesn’t know what to say. He stutters through an excuse he wouldn’t have believed himself and watches you slip further away.
Jungkook can’t let you leave, not when you’re so hurt and he’s so confused, but what else can he say? He doesn’t know, and when you angrily send him back inside he feels every bit the scolded child. Funny how that works.
He calls and calls until he realizes the muted hum from upstairs is the phone you left behind. He’s crazy and in love, desperately scouring through your social media accounts for a sign you’re safe and home. (You were on Twitter three minutes ago, so that’s a relief.) But even then he can’t relax, turning his own words over and over in his head.
Jungkook values a lot of things in your relationship. There’s a beautiful understanding that comes with being in love, a new sense of comfort he’d never felt before. You make him feel warm and in love, keep him grounded when the world threatens to swallow him beneath its surface. You care for him and he for you.
Where those thoughts had come from, he didn’t know. All he knew was that one minute you were picking at the edges of his patience, and the next he was shooting a dagger into your chest.
Self-reflection, Namjoon had always said, the key point to understanding oneself. Usually, that’s followed by some tips on yoga, on calming the mind, but his leg won’t stop bouncing and there’s a boa constrictor wrapped around his throat so that zen mentality will have to wait for now. A harsh exhale, foot thumping against the floor.
Carefully, he unscrambles his thoughts.
There were times you were childish and, for the most part, Jungkook didn’t mind. You brought out the most beautiful things in life with just your laughter alone. You roped him into doing things he never could enjoy growing up, which made him rekindle his love for old hobbies. If sunshine was a person, Jungkook is sure it was you.
You were bright and ever-burning, always with a mission in your head, even if it was something as small as cleaning your windows that day. A star, he thinks, except your smile alone garners the power of ten supernovas combined. The amount of joy and euphoria you’ve brought him this past year was immeasurable. You made him smile, even when you were tired, rising every morning and setting every night dutifully just like the sun.
But too much sunshine could be hot, scorching even.
His mom had mentioned it once, very early into your relationship, how you were a little too childish for Jungkook. He had angrily defended you, stormed out of his parents' house like he was ready to leave them all for you. (Would he? He likes to think so.) But a mother’s advice always haunted one the most.
Yes, your youthful outlook made his life colorful and bright, but there were times he found himself wondering what it would be like to have someone… not as outgoing.
Someone plain and always collected. Someone who would gently remind him of his deadlines, and watch all his favorite documentaries with him. Someone like him, he supposed, who matched his interests perfectly.
It sounds awfully boring.
It sounds terrible to be damned to such a dull life, especially now that he’s had a taste of you. You, who brings laughter and sunshine everywhere you go, his amazing other half. He’d hate it if you always did what he wanted— he loves when you pick at everything he likes because you let him do it back! Jungkook’s head was a never-ending spiral— that much he’s known from a young age. But with you in his life, it became fun and exhilarating. Gone was the dark tunnel and in its place was a twisty slide with loops and turns that defied all laws of gravity. It wasn’t a scary place anymore and it was all because of you.
You, who he might possibly lose forever. His own negligence was to thank, an inability to voice small issues until they piled up and became this big, warped monster that no longer pertained to his original frustrations. It was an ugly thing, so twisted and vile, taking the thoughts he seldom had and weaponizing them against you.
Was that it? Had those mindless thoughts been the root of today’s brash decisions. Jungkook wants to blame it on that, but part of him knows it’s his own inability to share his feelings that led to that spontaneous outburst. There were obviously some things he still needed to work on, but pinning it all on you, his dazzling ray in the sky, was the worst move he could have made. Self-reflection, he repeats to himself.
His heart is still pounding in his ears, drumming obnoxiously loud as if it wants to torture him for his actions. His phone rings across the room and Jungkook lunges for it, hoping and praying it’s you.
It’s not.
It’s just Namjoon calling to wish the two of you a happy anniversary. “You two having fun?” he teases before Jungkook can get so much as a greeting in.
“Hyung,” he chokes out hoarsely, glancing down at the ground. “I-I said something to ___,” he whispers even though there is no one here to hide from but his own crippling thoughts. “And I don’t think she’s coming back.”
His voice cracks a little. He hides it with a gulp so dry it hurts. “What?” Namjoon asks. “What do you mean?”
Jungkook sighs, running a hand over his eyes. “Are you busy right now?”
“You need to go to bed,” Namjoon tells him, ambling the two of them up the stairs. Jungkook snorts, sliding against the entire wall on the way up.
“I refuse,” he announces. He has to pause on the next step because he’s pretty sure there’s about four of the same step whirling before his eyes. Beside him, Namjoon sighs. “Hyung, I can’t see.”
Namjoon rolls his eyes, deciding the stairs are too much of a hassle and guiding them back to the living room instead. “Couch,” he informs him before rather carelessly dumping him onto it. “Listen,” he begins, crouching down beside Jungkook. “It’s like, 4 AM… and I have work tomorrow. So I’m going to leave,” he says, slowly pointing in the direction of outside. Jungkook nods, even though Namjoon is definitely pointing upside-down backward. “Okay, JK?”
“That’s me,” he agrees, letting his head slump back against a throw pillow. Namjoon groans.
“That is you,” he concedes. “And you need to sober up before you try talking to ___ again.”
The mere mention of your name turns a switch on inside him. “Can’t,” he whines, features twisting up together. “She hates me. Will cut my balls off.”
Namjoon goes to protest but eventually stops himself. “Yeah, well. Probably.” Jungkook wails at his friend’s poor attempt at consoling him. “Sleep a little and then head over to hers, okay?” He pats him on the cheek once before finally making his exit.
Jungkook can’t believe this. How embarrassing. If you saw him right now, you’d clown him for getting this drunk off wine. But he truly understands it now. It was the devil’s drink, so sweet and cooling only to suddenly slap him across the face with his own insobriety. Oh, his head was going to ache badly later.
Well, that was a problem for later’s Jungkook, he decides as he slinks off the couch and back into the kitchen. There’s a new box of cherry vodka he’d bought just for tonight—or last night, technically—because he knows it’s your favorite. And well. He misses you so much he’ll do anything to feel close to you again.
He’s not sure how long he sits on the floor, swing after swing going down his throat until he’s got three extra fingers and a new middle name. Just that when the sun finally filters through, so warm and bright, he finds himself missing you again. His feet take him out the door before he can think twice.
The morning rays bring with them a wicked headache that almost has Jungkook throwing up into his bushes. Part of him, the last droplet of reason, tells him he should change. He’s wearing the same clothes from yesterday and they reek. Furthermore, the sun is hellbent on soaking up every inch of his black clothing.  
He should change if he doesn’t want to suffocate in this heat, under this blazing sun in the sky.
But Jungkook loves the sun.
He walks on.
Copyright © 2020, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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lokicat5 · 3 years
Adventures in Jedi-Sitting
Okay guys, look, I’m sorry about this.
This is my first original post, so I hope you like it! This was supposed to be a response to a star wars post about a slice-of-life show (that I know I’ve reblogged before), but Tumblr just wouldn’t reblog it. And besides, it was long enough anyway, so, I made it into my own post! This is like the first thing I’ve properly, actually, physically written, so I’m sorry (and I’d really appreciate some feedback on it)! I just got into a flow, and I really think an “Adventures in Babysitting” episode would be awesome, because, who doesn’t need to see Cody and Rex dying inside over watching a bunch of little Jedi kids? It’s not very refined, and I haven’t worked out EVERY detail yet, so if you have any ideas for one of the things I’ve left vague or not really explained, feel free to comment or reblog (or message me, I don’t know how Tumblr works lol). Anyway, I hope you like it, this took me like 3-4 hours to write :) 
 Warning: It’s kinda long-ish. That’s it. Enjoy! :D
Okay, so it starts like this...
Anakin or Obi-wan have been assigned to look after younglings for a day, and are taking them on a “field trip” of some kind, possibly an educational one. I’m kinda thinking they’ll stay near/on Coruscant maybe? Idk. And like for some reason they bring Cody and Rex, maybe just as a safeguard or something, or as an extra pair of adults so that the two MatureTM Jedi aren’t outnumbered vastly by smol Jedi.
But then something comes up, and Anakin and Obi-wan are needed somewhere because of an emergency. They don’t want to leave the kids, but they don’t have enough time to bring the kids back to the temple. Then Cody proposes, “We could watch them, sirs.” and Obi-wan looks skeptical, as does Anakin, but Rex agrees with Cody and says, “oh go on sirs, we’ll be fine, they’re just a bunch of kids.” And Obi-wan and Anakin share a dubious look because “just a bunch of kids” with Force powers could be more of an issue than even the two most capable clones people they know can handle. And these kids are pretty young, too, but still really powerful, and there’s no back up, just the two of them. But they reassure the Jedi that they’ll be fine and it’ll be a good experience. At one point Rex is like, “Really, we’ve got this. I mean, we’ve had enough experience looking after the two of you,” and they finally get the two to give in (it was an emergency after all, so time is of the essence).
And once the Jedi are gone, the chaos fun begins.
It starts of smoothly enough, but then they can’t find one of the kids when they go to give them healthy snacks (provided by the Temple), and it all goes downhill from there. Chaos ensues, and one of the kids lifts Rex and Cody into the air, who watch helplessly as the kids start grabbing all the sugary snacks they can find and escape. Cody’s like “We... should probably call the Generals” but Rex is like “No! We can do this, besides, they’re busy.” They eventually get dropped once the kids are far enough away, and now they’re frantically looking for a little group of extremely small, Force-sensitive children, and Cody’s just like “can we call them NOW!?” and Rex is like “No! And see, there they are!” and they have to get the kids out of some tight spot, but while defending the kids they run off again and steal a speeder, and they’re all working together to drive it. They nearly get away, but Rex and Cody realize they’re gone - “Hey, where’d they go NOW?” - and manage to catch them, almost getting run over then dropped off the speeder in the process.
*cut to a battle scene with Obi-wan and Anakin fighting some droids side by side* 
O: Do you think Rex and Cody are doing all right with the kids?
A: I’m sure they’re fine.
*cut back to Rex and Cody, screaming and holding onto the back of the speeder for dear life, trying not to fall off, while the kids are driving too fast the wrong way, head on into rush-hour traffic*
Cody’s like “WE SHOULD HAVE CALLED THE GENERALS!!!” and Rex is like “THIS WAS YOUR IDEA CODY! AND BESIDES, WE’RE FINE! THE GENERALS TRUSTED US SO WE HAVE TO DO THIS OURSELVES!” and Cody’s all like “THIS IS SOOO NOT FINE” but they manage to get back into the speeder. Unfortunately, Anakin picks this perfect moment to check in on Rex to see how they’re doing. Rex and Cody are panicking because “We can’t answer that NOW!” but they also can’t not answer it either, so Rex just kinda motions for Cody to take the steering away from the kids and he answers the comm.
And Anakin’s like “Hey Rex, how’s it going with the kids?” And Rex is watching Cody trying to wrestle with the steering as one of the more stubborn kids uses the Force to keep driving, and he’s like “Everything’s going great, sir.” Anakin’s like “They aren’t giving you too much trouble are they? Those ones were supposed to be a particularly rowdy bunch.” Rex nearly drops the comm while lunging to grab a kid who, now bored, is trying to climb out the sides of the speeder, and he’s like “No sir, no trouble. They’re practically perfect little angels.” Personally, Rex decides this is more stressful than some battles he’s been in, though Cody swerving the vehicle while trying to get back to the right side of traffic feels familiar enough. Anakin’s voice comes back over the comm. “Well, Obi-wan and I are just about finished here, so we’ll be on our way back as soon as we notify the locals that their Separatist problem has been dealt with.” Rex has a fresh wave of panic wash over him, but he manages a “Very good sir, can’t wait to see you.” That’s partly true, as he’s very ready to return custody of the kids to Anakin. But just as he’s responding, Cody swerves to avoid another vehicle, which honks loudly, and the kids all laugh and cheer. Anakin sounds suspicious when he asks “Rex... what was that?” And Rex just dies. “U-uh, nothing sir. Just playing a game with them sir. Uh, got another call coming in sir, sorry sir, glad the mission went, well, can’t wait to see you!” Anakin’s like “Rex-” but Rex keys off the comm and turns to Cody, who’s gotten them back in the right lane at last. “Cody, the Generals are coming back and we have NO IDEA WHAT WE”RE DOING!” Cody’s like “I TOLD you we should’ve called someone!” And Rex gets an idea. He swoops to grab another kid, then keys back on the comm and makes the call.
When they get the speeder back to wherever their starting place had been, Ahsoka’s already there, waiting by her speeder-bike. She may not be part of the Order anymore, but Rex still calls her for advice every once in a while, and even just to say hi. They park the speeder and she walks over, shaking her head. Cody’s like, “Thank you for coming to help, General,” and she can see he really means it. The kids are still in the speeder, mostly piled on Rex, who looks at her and mouths “HELP”. She grins and says, “Rex sounded desperate, and by the looks of it, you definitely needed some help. How did you two even get in this mess?” She picks up two of the kids, and Cody picks up two more, unburying Rex enough to get out to help the last three. Rex sighs and says “It’s a long story...”
So they explain to Ahsoka what they did while she shakes her head at some parts, and she helps them set the kids back in the main area of the compound where they started. “You really let them eat (insert alternative to candy here)? That’s your first mistake.” and Rex (indignantly) says “We didn’t LET them do anything! They picked us up and floated us to the ceiling and then took the stuff themselves!” and Ahsoka’s laughing, but so are Rex and Cody and they’re watching the kids playing together and they realize they seriously like these kids.
By the time they’ve finished their tale (”...then we were back here, and, well, you know the rest.”), the kids are all tired out, and Ahsoka helps tuck them into their little rest nooks in the compound’s wall. Rex is just like, “how do you do this?” and she’s like “First: I’ve dealt with younglings before, and second: they’re just kids. There IS more to life than the war. When it’s over, life’ll go back to normal.” She grins at him, and says “It’ll be fine Rex. Besides, it’ll get easier as they get older. They lose most of this chaotic energy eventually.” Rex grins back and says, “What, like you?” and they’re laughing again, but quietly because the kids are still sleeping. Rex thinks of Cut’s family, and finds himself wondering about after the war, and if he could babysit Cut’s kids... Ahsoka walks to the door and stops, looking back as Cody and Rex follow her. “I should probably get out of here before Anakin and Obi-wan get back, and besides, the owner of this speeder will probably be wanting it back. We don’t want you two getting arrested, after all.” They both thank her as she takes the speeder back to its owner, her bike attached to the side, and they both wave as she disappears from sight.
About a minute later, they hear the sounds of a small ship landing outside, and are greeted momentarily by Obi-wan and Anakin. Obi-wan looks skeptical as he enters, glancing around the main room suspiciously. “The two of you survived!” Anakin says, grinning. “We did sir,” Rex says tiredly. It’s been a very long day. “The children weren’t too much trouble, I hope?” Obi-wan asks. “Oh no sir, they were fine,” Cody replies. “They were downright peaceful, for kids. Or Jedi for that matter. Easier than taking out a row of clankers.” Obi-wan and Anakin trade a dubious look, but they thankfully don’t mention the sounds they heard over Rex’s comm. “Well, I’m glad to hear that Cody. But, um...” he trails off, and the two clones feel their hopes sinking. Here it comes, they both think. “It’s very quiet in here, and I daresay a little too quiet. Where are the children?” Obi-wan asks. He sounds a little worried, and Anakin’s grin slips a little as he realizes the same thing. Rex and Cody both relax though. Relieved, Cody replies .“They’re sleeping sir.” Obi-wan’s eyebrows go up. “Sleeping?” Cody points down the hall behind them to the room with the sleeping nooks, and the two Jedi go and poke their heads in to find 7 little Jedi, tucked in and fast asleep. Obi-wan’s smiling as he walks back to them, and he says “I don’t know how you did it, but I’m very impressed, you two.” Both Rex and Cody practically glow with that, and they both say “Thank you sir” in unison, then smile at each other. “Wow,” Anakin remarks, “you both look really worn out though.” Cody can only nod, while Rex manages a “Yes sir.” Obi-wan and Anakin look at each other, then come to a silent agreement. “Sleepover!” Anakin yells, pumping his fist. They all shush him, and he looks apologetic as he whisper-shouts “Sleepover!” Both clones fall asleep where they’re sitting within two minutes, a small “Thank you sirs” coming from both of them. They look like they’re guarding the children, and Obi-wan and Anakin think it’s a very heartwarming sight. The two Jedi bring in extra blankets and pillows from the ship, and they make their friends comfortable before falling asleep themselves, the kids still snoring in the other room.
As they disembark from the ship the next morning, tiny Jedi troublemakers swarming around their legs, Cody and Rex feel a mix of relief and regret. Relief, because they won’t have to chase them all over Coruscant anymore, having panic attacks of every kind while trying to cause as little damage as possible and protect their tiny fragile lives. Regret, because they’ll miss the little troublemakers (no matter how hard they try to convince themselves they won’t). While their Generals are speaking to the Jedi usually in charge of the children, Rex thinks about how the last 24 hours compares to following Anakin with the rest of the 501st. He was struck by how similar their adventure was to an average day with the older Jedi, following them into dangerous situations, protecting them and doing as little damage as possible, as well as cleaning up the mess afterwards. Even calling in reinforcements was a familiar move, and he found himself smiling at the thought of these tiny Jedi leading a group of clones into battle. He also found himself fervently hoping that the war was over before they had to face that, but he swore that he’d follow them into battle himself if it meant he could protect them. They all swarmed him and Cody for hugs, and they once again found themselves buried in a pile of kids, before they ran off back to the adults, calling out “Bye! Bye!” as they ran. Obi-wan and Anakin walked back towards them and boarded the ship, having finished their conversation, and Rex and Cody followed them. Rex paused at the top of the ramp though, and turned to look back. The kids were still calling out their goodbyes as they disappeared into the temple, and they waved to him. He waved back to them, and heard Anakin call “Rex!” 
And as the ramp closed behind him, he knew that they would turn out to be amazing Jedi indeed.
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rataltouille · 4 years
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so i’ve decided to compile all twenty [these will be split into two so that the post isn’t super long] of the writing pieces i’ve done for my random celebration into one post so that it’s easier to read / access share!! you can also find it here, all put into one work, on wattpad, because i feel nostalgic about that website and decided to just post it!!
NOTE: i know that this shouldn't need to be said, but these 20 pieces belong to me so please don’t copy/repurpose it for your writing!! i plan on using these somewhere in my own writing and either way they’re stuff i’ve written so don’t use them!!
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1. cooking + destructive + purple from @andiwriteunderthemoon [also i kind of cheated with this prompt and asked my sis @dreamscanbenightmarestoo for ideas and so the base idea’s from her!!]
I didn’t mean to set my house on fire, alright?
Let me set the scene: I’m sitting in my room, watching the infomercials that blur together, and suddenly there’s a bright purple flash on the glitching screen: /grapes/. They’re shiny, plump, and oh? A recipe for fine wine? Don’t mind if I do. So I pop into my kitchen and cut the grapes, dice them up, finally using the knife after years of not cooking— /mother, are you proud of me now?/— and stick the soft, luminescent fluid into a glass bottle. Following each step of the recipe.
The recipe didn’t mention an explosion.
Destruction rained around my house like a meteor shower. The bubbles from the fluid, frisking up at contact with metal, swam across my shoes and into the living room. It touched the TV, which still flashed the recipe, which I was still cursing at. And then, you know, it burnt up. The couch scorched first, I think. So that was fun. I later realised that I’d used my reserve of petroleum, which I’d put in my kitchen cabinet, instead of vinegar. I think I’ve got to move back in with my mother again.
2. running + quiet + sky blue from @kryskakikomi [i have no idea what this is i drafted this in a fever dream state]
Summer crawled up his skin like a worm. He was seated at his dining table, crosswording his way through the sticky morning, when it struck him that the humidity was new. He’d been caught in summer before, of course, but this year was different. His parents had whisked away to their hometown, and he still didn’t understand why he wasn’t allowed to go. He loved their home— he could have been running on beach sand and waves could have cruised over his feet, and his face would reflect sky blue under palm trees. Instead he sat doodling and scratching at cement walls in a quiet that nagged at his ears, grappling his flesh like a fishing hook, reeling him in. Boredom, him sister told him, before she also left for someone’s home. What would you know? he whispered once the door latched from the outside. Maybe /she’d/ like to sit on the same wooden chair, all the pink paint worn out, and scratch out squares of empty text until the pen poked through the other hand. He scoffed. At least he knew the number of scars on the wood; he could hold that over her when his parents returned.
3. hallucinate + hazy + violet from @chloeswords [i wanted to write something dreamy and ethereal but everytime i look at your url i’m reminded of church mud and indirectly my religious trauma so here we are 🤡]
We hold the book in our arms and chant for God. We don’t know what he looks like. They say that he’s sharp, never pixelating or blurring or showing through, like a hazy image would. No, children, our family says, he will come clothed in gold and velvet— the colour a deep and rich crimson, or chartreuse. And of course, he weaves a violet into his hair. Because he is just that humble. Just that gentle. Loving.
We’ve almost understood now. Pray, clasp our palms together into a transient equinox, and pray. Maybe he will shine down on us. Maybe we will speak so loud and chant so long that our lips will chap. Maybe we’ll simply hallucinate him to salve our bones. Our family says, he will bless you. And so he will.
4. halcyon + pluviophile + beige from anon [i was yearning for cats i am a cat person i love cats]
I remember my life before I moved to London,
Those halcyon days that I spent scooping up cat litter and brushing warm fur,
Being a mother to beige and white and black little felines.
They keep better company than humans.
Now I’m a self-proclaimed businesswoman, artist, influencer, pluviophile,
Even when I’ve barely stepped foot outside during the rain,
[But it needs to be said that when it rains in London, it pours].
I think I’d like to open a cat cafe;
I’m rich enough to pull it off.
5. sing + vulnerable + olive green from @occiidens [this was actually super fun to write because it’s a break from the typically unhinged stories i gravitate towards]
You watch from the highest hill of your town, hand wrapped around the serrated wood of a red oak tree. The bark pokes into your flesh, drawing blood that shouldn’t have been taken from you. You scowl. Just another thing that lives to cause you pain.
Three storeys down is a young man, short and smiling and lovely. He has dark skin and darker hair, walking with the stride of a deer, and he’s smiling; the joy reflects onto your face, even though you can’t hear him. He wears a cotton shirt, the olive green stark against the fire-blue sky. You call out, sing his name, three times in a row.
When he finally looks up, squinting as you silhouette under the sun, the smile widens. A wave. You’re suddenly overcome with embarrassment. Your palm digs into the bark until the wound is freshly dug again, the skin supple and vulnerable. You want to wave, but your hands would look so awkward, and the blood wouldn't help. So you turn on your heel and run— why are you so awkward?— and the grass around you is brighter. This is now a tomorrow issue, you conclude. You’re still smiling.
6. dislocate + ostentatious + blood red from @oasis-of-you [this got really unhinged really fast. TW: body horror]
If you take a turn at Finn Avenue,
Rogue your way down a blood red river,
[It’s not actual blood, do not worry. The colour’s a pigment and it’s saturated enough to give you the texture, the touch, the taste of blood, but I repeat, it isn’t true blood. You might think that it’s ostentatious of us to make you cross a river like that, but you’ll understand why.]
And if can stick your fingers inside the fluid,
You’ll find a bone.
Don’t pull it out fully! Only observe.
[This is a real bone, most likely animal. We may be ominous, but we don’t hurt humans. Not yet.]
So what do you do now? You want passage into a better world.
You came here because you saw the brochure, the flyer,
Radiant Idyll, home for love, but you also saw the jutting anatomy that leads to the city. The pictures were rather clear.
Why do you look so surprised? We’ve put this on the brochure— don’t you ever read the fine print?— to avoid this exact situation. That you would cross a body, a skeleton, pooled over in a fluid that we don’t name, but it’s probably alive.
It’s watching you right now.
So what do you do now?
Hurry up, unhinge your arm, dislocate the elbow, drop it into the blood, forgive me, false blood, and pay for your passage.
Oh! Excellent; that’s record time. We do hope you enjoy your stay!
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1. @noteaboy [i’ve interpreted your url as ”note, a boy”]
There���s an orange tree. It’s spring, and there’s an orange tree, and it brims with fruit and citrus perfume. Point your lens flare downwards, and note, a boy. A young man, perhaps, because he combs his hair, uptight and firm, and he wears a tie. A long suit. He doesn’t look up, because his hand holds a book. /He/ holds the book, not the hands— tenderness doesn’t translate through anatomy, I’ve taught you this before. He’s waiting for someone. There’s only the rustle of leaves. He drops the book onto the lap of the tree, crushing the apple that had fallen down. Orange, not apple. Take note better. You only have one chance to get this right.
2. @eatingjupiter [your url is so beautiful omg]
The goddess had said this before she died: you need to watch over him. He needs your sentry to survive. The goddess’ words weren’t heeded. Little baby Jupiter tottered on lava as him parents small-talked with their kingdom. Well, it must have been small talk, because nothing seemed to happen afterwards other than his mother’s face collapsing in agony, anger, annoyance. He knew not to touch them then. He’d fly off into the sun one day, but if his hands were but and charred, he wouldn’t survive even a third of the journey.
The prophecy was simple: the firstborn to the kingdom will metamorph into a celestial, purify themselves so that only stardust remains. Live in the sky forever. The astrologers were baffled; you don’t just become a star. They should have heeded the goddess.
Jupiter was sixteen when he expanded and collapsed all at once. He still lives, they say, and the astrologers /were/ right, in a way: people just don’t become stars. They become almost empty space. Nobody knows if his hands were burnt when they left earth’s orbit forever.
3. @laughtracksonata [your name gave me slight horror vibes idk why!!]
Hahaha. The Horror Movie (don’t ask me for a name, I’m not good with those), with its cymbal crashing and plastic sounds, it’s so loud and scary that it hurts, father. Please turn it off.
Father doesn't listen. I shiver on the couch. The screen flickers like radio static and reflects off our wide eyes. What kind of a home is this anyway? I don’t want to fucking listen to a laugh track or a horror VHS tape or watch the bass crescendo as the serial killer jumpscares the watcher. I don’t think that having hour pupils glued to the same blood-splattered movie, with the same recording looping in his eardrums will help him. He laughs along, sometimes. It’s scary. Father needs a new hobby.
anyway this got REALLY long so i’m posting the third prompt group, the one based on songs, as a second part in some time. i hope you enjoy this, and PLEASE do boost!! i spent a lot of time writing these pieces and am pretty proud of them :’)
general taglist: @lovingyou-is @guulabjamuns @andiwriteunderthemoon @coffeeandcalligraphy @melonmilk @silentlylostwriter @charles-joseph-writes @eklavvya @eowynandfaramir @bitterwitchwrites @laughtracksonata @whatwordsdidnttouch @indeliblewrites @thenataliawrites @summersguilt @illimani-gibberish @sarahkelsiwrites @writing-in-delirium @shaelinwrites @sienna-writes @chewingthescenery @jennawritesstories @chloeswords @aelenko @keira-is-writing @cherylinanika @infinitely-empty-pages @jmtwrites @august-iswriting @freedelusionbanana @beetleblue88 @mistercaleb @iwannawritepls @hanwatchingmovies @mortallynuttyqueen @idratherliveinnarnia @maisulli @thegreyboywrites @ahowlinwolf @ravens-and-rivers @oasis-of-you @yanittawrites @chazza-writes-sometimes @skyfirewrites @lovebenders @treybriggsthewriter @themidnxghtwriter @ash-karter @queen-devasena @a-procrastination-addict @gaymityblight @beyondthebracken @madmaxst26 @adielwrites @moonpixxel @hollow-knight-dnd @keep-looking-here @overlap @ashleygarciawrites @ryns-ramblings​ @wordsbynathan @novaemlynlewis​ @sophiewritingstuff​ @howdy-writes​ @occiidens​ @nsanelyawkward​ @viawrites-andacts​
118 notes · View notes
artificialqueens · 3 years
Down with the Recipe, Bake from the Heart, 1/10 (Multi) - Juno
Summary: This year’s Great British Bake Off will see some baking for sure, but also a few surprises. Tayce goes into the Bake Off tent determined to bring the winning cake stand to Wales, along with a few Star Baker badges, but her attention may not be on baking for too long as she gets to know fellow baker Aurora, on the same row as her. And judging by the other contestants, Tayce might not be the only one focusing on something other than baking this season.
A/N: This is a DRUK2 group based on GBBO - there are a few ships! It’s also on AO3 with 12 chapters but I will post here with 10 for ease as the first two and last two will are being done together. No CWs for this chapter! I hope you enjoy.
PROLOGUE - October 2021
It had been Cheryl who had suggested a live react to the grand finale of this season of Bake Off, so the twelve finalists could all gather together, watch the finale, and then the winner’s reaction could be captured on film and put on the internet for the whole world to see. Cheryl hadn’t even been in the cast - she’d been on the previous season - but she said she’d become invested in the season and the bakers so much so that she hadn’t wanted to let them go yet.
And judging by the public’s reaction to her tweet about it, she wasn’t alone.
Pip had mentioned in their group chat that her sister had a big town house in the Wirral, and she’d offered to let them all use it as a base for their live watch. Channel 4 didn’t have anything purpose-built for them, and the filming location wasn’t available, so they’d all jumped at the chance. Plus, Liverpool served as a good mid-point for them all - it saved Joe having to go all the way to Dundee or Ellie having to go to Brighton.
Aurora had marvelled at the amount of space there was once they’d all arrived the previous day. The living room and dining area were one, with a dining table probably big enough to fit a couple of football teams at it; and the kitchen led into the room with an arched doorway. The kitchen itself was enormous too, in highly polished white surfaces that Aurora was terrified to touch with her probably-impure fingers
“Bit posh, isn’t it!” She’d muttered to Tayce.
Pip’s sister and her husband were staying away, and they had the place all to themselves - the twelve of them reunited, with just Blu and Cheryl for company, operating a handheld camera with the intention of sending the finale footage for Channel 4.
As three endings had been recorded back in June, with each of the finalists winning one of the takes, the actual winner’s reveal would be a surprise to all of them, including the three finalists, and ensure no slip ups from the production team.
That didn’t stop all twelve of them worrying. None of them had slept a wink, all of them keeping an eye on Prue’s twitter to make sure she hadn’t accidentally tweeted the winner again. But mostly they’d been together, reminiscing on some of the moments from the season that had made them laugh. All the funny moments, all the tense moments, and one or two viral moments loaded with innuendo.
Not to mention everything else that had blossomed in tandem with nature that springtime.
It had been quite a season. They’d started out as strangers, and now they were so tightly-knit that they hadn’t even entertained the thought that they would possibly be watching the finale without all of them in the same space.
Aurora swilled the glass of champagne that Joe had insisted on pouring for everyone, and watched all of the people she’d grown close to on the season, a peaceful atmosphere in the room as they waited for the finale to start.
Well, not all of them were peaceful. Lawrence and Ellie were being their usual loud selves, jousting with wooden spoons and shrieking as loudly as they ever did - but Bimini was utterly still for the first time since Aurora had met them, laid against Asttina’s chest as they both reclined on one of the sofas, while Asttina raked her fingers through their mullet; and Bimini’s eyes were closed, their lips in a sleepy smile.
Aurora felt familiar hands creep around her waist, a familiar chin rest on her shoulder from behind, and familiar lips at her cheek.
“I can’t believe it’s coming to an end now,” Aurora murmured, her thoughts escaping her unfiltered, as they sometimes did with Tayce at this close range.
“Well, it was never gonna be forever,” Tayce said into her ear. “But we’re all gonna be friends after this, aren’t we! The wonders of technology! Come into the twenty-first century, Rory. We have this thing called the internet, and group chats, and phones -”
“We’re not all just gonna be friends, though, are we?” Aurora replied.
“We’re all just besties, nothing more than that. Rory, I’m joking!” Tayce laughed at Aurora’s horrified expression. “All I’m saying is that this isn’t the end - just the beginning.”
“That’s so cheesy.”
“Yeah, but I’m right, you can’t deny that!”
Aurora let her eyes drift around everyone else in the room.
Tia and Veronica who had barely left their corner of the sofa, hands and legs wound tightly together, both with hearts in their eyes and bigger smiles than anyone else in the room as they chatted quietly, simply enjoying each others’ company.
Lawrence and Ellie, wooden spoons still in hand, making the most noise in the room in delighted laughter as they jousted with each other, almost knocking Pip over as she carried in another tray of snacks to lay on the dining table.
Bimini resting against Asttina’s chest as they reclined on the other sofa, Asttina still running her fingers through Bimini’s freshly-dyed mullet, both of them letting out a contented sigh in tandem.
“Yeah,” Aurora murmured, as Tayce held her tighter, “I guess so.”
April 2021
Tayce grinned at the cameras as they panned around everyone. She’d given the interviewer her spiel about how much she’d always dreamt of being in the gingham tent and how excited she was to bring the winning cake stand to Wales for the first time in Bake Off history; and a surprising calm settled in her chest, nerves dissipating, at the genuine warm aura from everyone and everything in the room.
At least Tayce wasn’t in full view of the judges right at the front. That privilege was reserved for two people from London, both of whom looked right at home in front of the cameras, although their names were a mystery for now.
It was all very familiar from seeing it on the telly the last eleven years. Immaculate worktops with varnish that shone like glass; the tent walls decorated with bunting and flowers, and the pastel shelves and adorned with china cups; the multi-coloured KitchenAids ready to whisk, fold and anything else - Tayce’s was pure white, while the woman from Nottingham on the bench opposite her had a turquoise one.
Tayce chanced another glance at her; the tight-lipped smile showed a single dimple, and her long blonde hair was tied off her face, but her fingers drummed nervously on the workbench, and she evidently wasn’t as poised as the veneer she displayed for the cameras.
Tayce smiled to herself. It’ll be fun winning this thing.
Signature: 24 Iced Biscuits
The best bit of the show when it was on the telly was the banter between Matt and Noel. Seeing them in person, even from a distance away, made Tayce’s stomach bubble with excitement, and she had to cling to the workbench a little tighter to stay upright.
“Well, bakers, welcome to the gingham tent! Back for another season of Prue-Paul’s Baking Race!”
Prue’s sweet smile was complemented by her brightly-coloured glasses and sharp, matching blazer, while Paul’s cool stare lingered on everyone in the room a split second longer than they all would have liked.
“For the signature today,” Matt said, “the judges would like you to make twenty-four iced biscuits. The biscuits can be any flavour -“
“ - but should tell the judges a little bit about yourselves or where you’re from.”
“Where are you from, Noel?”
“Oh, you know, the moon.”
Everyone was laughing, even Tayce; although it wasn’t that funny - but the whole room was dancing with nerves by now, starting to become contagious from the people around her.
“On your marks -“
“Get set -“
Once Matt Lucas and Noel Fielding had declared the immortal lines to the room, everyone was scrambling for ingredients from their bags and the fridges.
Tayce was still cringing a bit at the dragon-shaped cookie-cutter her mum had found in some gift shop near the castle in Cardiff. She didn’t understand why tourists would be making dragon-shaped biscuits inspired by their trip to Wales, but for once she was thankful for tourists. Her friend Cara had customised it a little when she’d seen her a couple of weeks ago, by melting the tail with her lighter, elongating it a little, and extending the jaw and ears to make it look a little more ferocious.
“Can’t have people thinking you’re not breathing fire,” she’d said, passing the cigarette back to Tayce, “otherwise they won’t think you’re competition.”
And Tayce had nodded, holding smoke in her lungs half a beat longer than usual, wondering if she cared whether anyone thought of her as competition. After all, it was Bake Off. The last sabotage attempt there had been a national scandal the following day.
The most unproblematic, drama-free show on the telly.
Nothing was going to happen here.
“The judges are coming for you next,” one of the cameramen nudged Tayce out of her thoughts, just as she was measuring out her flour, causing it to fly upwards in a cloud “Just a heads up. Oh, sorry love.”
“Right, right.” Tayce nodded, brushing flour from her face. “What do I say to them again?”
“Just … talk. It’s the first episode. Show them your personality.”
“Personality,” Tayce repeated, nodding. “I’ve got oodles of that.”
“Great stuff. And don’t forget to be doing something bake-ey while they’re coming over.”
The cameraman dodged out of the way to make room for the medical team, running to help the woman in front of Nottingham, who had managed to slice her finger on something already.
“Here they are,” Tayce muttered to herself, taking a deep breath and straightening as the judges, along with Matt and Noel, came over to her.
“Morning, Tayce!”
Paul Hollywood was shorter than he appeared to be, and Prue Leith was taller, but nothing prepared Tayce for meeting either of them. Tayce held her breath for a split second, smiling somewhat mechanically to try to mask the sudden heat in her face.
“Bore da, folks! I’ve brought the weather with me!” Tayce beamed, indicating the heaving downpour of rain that was falling outside the tent; and they all laughed politely.
Tayce momentarily stopped concentrating on the judges and noticed the woman opposite her, turning to watch Tayce interact with the judges. And every time she was describing the perfect quality that her dragon-shaped shortbread biscuits would turn out, she seemed to slow her actions, looking up over at them.
The conversation was light, but Tayce could feel the calm authority of both judges before her, making words freeze on her tongue. It only went on for a minute or two, but Tayce was left feeling as if she should have prepared more.
Oh well. What’s done is done.
The ingredients for her biscuits were mixing slowly in the KitchenAid, the gentle whirr of the blades almost lulling Tayce to sleep as she sipped her cup of tea, before she took out the ball of shortbread dough and rolled it out to cut into biscuits.
“Your accent is so nice.”
Tayce looked up from her biscuits, to see the woman from Nottingham had come over, tucking her hair behind her ear, leaving her hand resting at the back of her neck to play absently with the strings of her apron. Up close, the dimple in her cheek was emphasised as a shy smile twitched at the corners of her mouth.
“Thank you!” Tayce stood to her full height. “This place doesn’t look like Barry Island yet but give it some time!” She leaned against the workbench, tossing her hair away from her shoulders.
“My accent is … well, it’s just … northern,” she continued with a giggle. “I’m Aurora, by the way. I’m so bad at names, I’m sorry, you’ve probably already said yours!”
“Don’t worry, I am too. I’m Tayce. And if I forget your name, well - yeah, same.”
Aurora’s gaze lingered half a second too long as she tested the name on her tongue.
“Tayce.” Her smile widened. “Nice to meet you.”
Tayce was terrible at names. She had no idea how she was going to remember who all eleven of these other people were, especially as one of them would be going every week - the pool of people getting smaller and smaller until Tayce would be remaining with whoever else was any good out of these lot.
As the day went on, she started to pick them up.
She had to learn Asttina’s for one, because Asttina seemed to know everyone’s name from the word go. Asttina was one of the two Londoners at the front, and was the only one of the group who had made a deliberate effort to come round to all their workbenches to formally introduce herself during the bake itself, her demeanour confident but her handshake gentle and light as air.
“Nice to meet you, Tayce,” she’d said, with a cool smile that reminded Tayce of a Miss World competition. “Looking forward to tasting all your bakes!”
She knew Pip’s name too, on the bench just behind Asttina, as she’d turned up in the tent wearing elf ears, claiming they were for luck. Everyone had been staring at her workbench, where she’d positioned a tiny blue handbag with a red circle in the middle, saying she took it with her wherever she went.
“I had a sesh with a psychic,” Pip explained to them all as a group of them crowded round her. “She’s a bit of a local celeb in Liverpool, Psychic Sally they call her, but - anyway, she told me to look for a sign in blue and red, said it was from me great-grandpa - and the same day I walked past one of those handbag shops on Paradise Street and there it was, in the window, 70% off!”
“Definitely couldn’t have been a coincidence, Pippa,” Tayce grinned, and Pip shook her head in agreement, but she had a mischievous glint in her eye and Tayce wasn’t entirely sure how serious she was about the whole affair.
Ellie’s name too had become familiar, because of the amount of times the show’s medics would groan it when she managed to hurt herself on something that episode. Ellie herself had been quiet most of the day, seemingly a little shy and evidently the youngest in the room; but she’d bounced on the balls of her feet at meeting Matt Lucas, garbling something about her and her brother doing all the impersonations as kids.
The soft-spoken woman in front of Tayce was called Cherry, and Tayce had found that out because she’d pointed it out to everyone when she put cherry flavouring in her biscuits.
“Does that actually, y’know, work as a flavour?” Tia had asked her when she was explaining it to them.
Tia was another name that Tayce knew, mainly because the woman was so tall and striking. She looked like she’d come straight off a catwalk and wandered into the Bake Off tent by complete accident on her way to London Fashion Week, happening to become covered in flour in the process.
Cherry had huffed. “I don’t know, but you eat cherry-flavoured things all the time! What could go wrong with putting it in biscuits?”
Tia grimaced. “Wait. Have you … never put cherry flavouring in biscuits before? Didn’t you practise at home?”
Tayce couldn’t help but feel a twinge of mirth as she watched Cherry chew her tongue, her cheeks flushing, but her jaw set obstinately. “I know what I’m doing. I can do this.”
“You haven’t even practised this bake? Okay. So how late do the trains run from here to Newcastle?” Tayce had asked Cherry, and Aurora had doubled over in wheezing laughter as Cherry had folded her arms.
“Darlington. Darlington, not Newcastle. And there’s been trains there for nearly two hundred years, love.”
That had just made Aurora laugh harder, clutching her stomach and shaking in silent giggles, leaning on Tayce as Tayce had led her back to her workbench and let her wipe the tears from her eyes before continuing with her biscuit dough.
That was the most important thing Tayce had learned so far in the tent. The woman from Nottingham opposite her was Aurora, and Aurora lit up the whole bench.
When the judges had stood with her earlier, she’d cooed about how much she adored baking everything for all her family - making fairy cakes for charity bakes for work, birthday cakes for her family, tipsy cakes for her best friends for their birthdays, or anniversaries, or whenever they were just feeling crap.
From the smile that she couldn’t hold back, Tayce knew that Aurora was the only person in the room who meant it when she said that she loved baking.
“One hour break, folks, and then filming starts for Technical, okay?”
The first bake was over, and Tayce’s shortbread biscuits shaped like dragons had gone down pretty well with the judges. She wasn’t sure if she’d had the best feedback, her nerves kicking in and blocking out most of the other contestants’ comments; but she thought she’d done enough for this round at least.
One of the producers herded them like sheep - or maybe cats, judging by how Ginny had gone chasing after a squirrel they’d seen - back into Norton Hall where they were all staying for the weekends while filming was happening. It was a huge, Georgian manor mouse with ceilings touching the clouds, far more halls than were necessary, and so many excessive bedrooms that each contestant had a room each.
Tayce had half-expected four-poster regal luxury as she’d opened the door to her own, twice the size of her room in her flat; but no such luck - it was furnished sparingly, and all the beds were normal. A small double, she noted. Not that she was likely to get lucky with these master bakers, but a woman could dream.
The floorboards creaked as she crossed the room and flopped backwards onto the bed, gazing at the ceiling, the elation sending a shiver through her skin as she realised again that she had made it to Bake Off.
The Bake Off!
They weren’t meant to change clothes between takes unless they’d made a huge mess with the food, so Tayce just retouched her eyeliner and went back down to the communal room, where most of them had gathered back in the group, polite conversations carrying on amongst relative strangers as they sampled each others’ biscuits.
What a surreal scene.
A group of almost strangers, half of their names unfamiliar, and she was meant to discuss baking with them all.
“Alright, babs?” She heard someone pushing a plate in front of her. “My name’s Ginny, Ginny Lemon, and if you don’t like lemon, well - just skip my biccies, alright love?”
“No, lemon is great,” Tayce forced a smile, taking one of Ginny’s biscuits. “Thanks hun.”
“You’re welcome! Which ones did you make - wait, I remember, the Welsh dragons?”
“Now how did you guess that one?” Tayce raised an eyebrow at them. “My mum’s idea, she was like, do it for the Welsh! So of course she found a dragon-shaped cookie cutter from somewhere. One of the tourist shops in Cardiff. Tourists love dragon biscuits apparently.”
“Oh I know love, I know - speaking of weird biscuits, have you ever tried a Worcester sauce biscuit? I don’t recommend it if you haven’t, but have you?” Ginny shook their head, tutting. “Tastes like shit! Waste of biscuit. Waste of Worcester sauce too, though. Anyway, Pip’s looking lonely without me. Nice to see you!”
And Ginny fled from Tayce’s arm, scurrying back over to Pip. Tayce tasted the biscuit, bracing herself for Worcester sauce, blinking with surprise to find it was actually pretty good, the lemon flavour really tasty, and finding she wanted another.
Most of the rest of the biscuits were arranged on a bench at the back. Tayce picked up another of her own and went down the line, eager to see which had depleted the most.
Gravestone biscuits were the biggest shocker for her - two different sets of biscuits were there, iced to resemble gravestones, mostly untouched - but Tayce politely picked up the better-looking of the two and found a lovely chilli kick to it when she tasted. But gravestones weren’t the only common theme - two different rose patterns were there, one set iced in different shades of pink, and the other with a deep red icing. The pink roses were almost all gone, and Tayce took the second-to-last one, enjoying the raspberry flavour, and grabbing one of the other roses to go.
Tayce peered around the room at the other contestants from her vantage point at the table. Most of them had dropped into twos and threes - with twelve people it was bound to happen - chatting amongst themselves, quietly and politely for the most part, although the two Scottish women in one corner were laughing as if they’d known each other for years.
Eventually, she joined Aurora, who was talking to someone whose white-blonde hair and pencil-thin eyebrows looked very familiar …
“Joe Black,” she said, extending a heavily-tattooed hand to Tayce, whose stomach flipped upon hearing the name.
“You’re - on Instagram, that woman -“
“My internet infamy precedes me, but in that case I hope so too do my bakes, and of course my sense of fun.” Joe’s voice was theatrical, her gestures affected; but her smile was warm, and Cherry looked as enamoured with her as Tayce was feeling.
“And who wins the biscuit version of the wars of the roses?” Joe continued, pointing down at the two rose-shaped iced biscuits on Tayce’s plate. “Lawrence, or Veronica? I must say, the amount that Veronica worried about her own bake, that time probably could have been spent thinking up a better biscuit flavour than rosewater, don’t you agree?”
Tayce glanced at Veronica’s biscuit, then up at Aurora. “Does it taste that bad?”
But before Aurora could answer, they were interrupted by “Alright, babes! How’s it hanging?”
The woman joining them had rich violet hair scraped off her face into a bun at the crown of her head, and an intense green stare. Tayce took the hand that was extended to her, finding a firmer handshake than Asttina’s, trying to follow the stream of words from this woman’s mouth.
“I’m Lauren, but you might as well call me Lawrence, that’s all Ellie’s been calling me all day, thinks she’s fucking hilarious, and I’ve not really met any of you yet because, you know,” Lawrence paused for breath, waving her hands, “baking contest, ooh I’m not here to make friends, et cetera, but now that we’re all here and we’re not baking right now, I thought I’d better find out who everyone is! Are you the one who made the dragon biccies?”
“That’s me, baby!” Tayce grinned. “Bore da, bitches!”
“See, I knew you were Welsh, and there Ellie was trying to convince me the dragon biccies were by someone who just really liked Puff the Magic Dragon, she owes me a tenner now - and you’re - oh wait, I know you!” Lawrence wagged her finger at Joe, whose expression didn’t change apart from the slow blink. “That Instagram video!”
Joe fixed Lawrence with a stare. “Yes, that Instagram video; I know that precedes me, but I hope by the end of this competition that can be eclipsed by my culinary skills.” Her voice still kept the throaty drawl, but Tayce was starting to sense her irritation at the association.
Cherry had already offered her hand to shake, and Lawrence took it. “Alright, I remember your name, because you put it in your biccies as flavouring! Where’re you from, do they grow cherries there?”
“No - I’m from Darlington.”
Lawrence blinked, frowning. “Darlington, near Sweetie-shire is that?”
“No, it’s near -“
“I’m joking babes, I’m joking! I know it’s - hey, hey Ellie!” Lawrence stopped to shout to Ellie, who had evidently reappeared. “Els! It’s not Puff the Magic Dragon! Where’s my tenner? Hey!” And she was gone in an instant, Tayce turning to watch her chase Ellie as she scurried out.
“Anyway,” Joe continued, motioning to Tayce’s plate and one of the gravestone biscuits, “I’m so glad you’re enjoying mine! I know my sense of humour is a little … ah, morbid, but I didn’t count on being one of two people with this bake, let me tell you that!”
Joe glanced over to the left out the sides of her eyes; Tayce followed her gaze to Pip, oblivious, making herself a cup of tea.
“She didn’t - like, you don’t think she -“
“Oh, no, not in a month of Sundays! But it’s a strange little coincidence, isn’t it? The viewers will love the drama!”
Joe opened her mouth wide to let out a violent cackle, a sound that might have made a shiver glide down Tayce’s spine if she hadn’t been mid-biscuit.
Technical: 8 Wagon Wheels
The Technical challenge was the first time Tayce felt her nerves return in a rush.
Everyone had identical ingredients and an identical recipe, but nothing prepared any of them for whipping the gingham cloth from them all and flipping the instructions over. Tayce ran her pencil down them, her head spinning.
On the first read, she recalled nothing.
She took one steadying breath, letting go of as many nerves as she could, and then ran her pencil back down the list, jotting down timings and a couple of notes. They only had an hour and a half; precision was key.
On her right, Aurora was fidgeting with her apron, twisting her hair around her finger, before grabbing as many bowls as she could from the drawers and setting them all down ready.
It almost felt like more pressure, rather than less, having no judges in the room - just Matt and Noel, and they couldn’t really interact with the bakers at this point, mostly just talking amongst each other and having to film occasional silly quips for the television interludes.
You’re not gonna get this finished if you keep looking at Matt and Noel!
So Tayce mentally blocked out everything and anything around her, not taking her eyes off her workbench. Instructions, ingredients, whisk, repeat. Oven, timers, filling, cooling, done.
She barely remembered anything else that happened in the room.
As she put the last wagon wheel on the tray to take to the front, she wiped her brow, took a swig of tea, and then heard the immortal lines.
“Bakers! You have one minute to go!”
Tayce looked around the room. Tia, three desks ahead, was looking flustered, covered in flour from head to toe - a difficult feat when you were six feet tall - and Veronica, just behind her, was rounding the corner to help her move the biscuits over to the tray one by one as she spread on the jam and marshmallow fluff. Bimini, who Tayce was sure had finished about ten minutes earlier than everyone else, was doing the same thing for Asttina, leaning over her workbench and talking soothingly to her as they both moved biscuits around.
On the other side, Ginny was rubbing Pip’s back, trying to help her load wagon wheels onto the tray but only succeeding in knocking the handbag to the ground. Ellie broke two of her wagon wheels by dropping a palette knife on them, her squeak causing Lawrence to turn from her bench and put her hands on her hips.
But Tayce felt an unexpected wave of relief when she saw Aurora finishing her own biscuits right on schedule, stepping back with a sigh, rolling her head and her eyes to the ceiling.
They had to bring the biscuits to the front table, and put them behind their respective photographs for blind judging. Looking at the other biscuits on the bench, Tayce nodded to herself in satisfaction. She definitely wasn’t the worst. The photos were all a blur, but there was definitely one disaster, chocolate and marshmallow oozing; Ellie’s broken biscuits; and another tray with a biscuit missing.
It was easy to breathe a sigh of relief for herself.
“Just get into any order,” the producer said, pointing to the stools that had been set in front of the table, “but don’t sit directly behind your photo. Otherwise it just looks obvious.”
Tayce’s biscuits were second from the right, so she bunched towards the left, and found herself between Aurora and Joe. Joe had pretended to trip over her feet while carrying her own biscuits up, cackling gleefully at Veronica’s pained expression as she watched. Veronica, mercifully, had sat as far from Joe as she could.
Aurora was breathing rapidly next to her, and Tayce gave her a nudge with her knee.
“Chill girl! Relax! It will be fine!”
Aurora nodded, but said nothing, focusing on trying to breathe at a normal rate once again. Tayce could practically hear her heart hammering. She nudged her again playfully, and Aurora nudged her back, taking a deep breath out and seeming to calm from then.
Once Prue and Paul were back, Tayce grew a little sleepy. The judging went on for much longer than on telly, and tent was hot from all the baking and warm bodies, plus Aurora’s knee jogging rhythmically was enough to make her feel a little drowsy. Her biscuits were second to last, and Tayce wasn’t really focusing on any of the other critiques as they went down the line, not even those of the two women on either side of her.
She hated tents. They reminded her of camping. This one wasn’t like any of the camping tents, propped by firm wooden walls and decorations but it still reminded her of trips to the Gower when she was at primary school. And thinking of the Gower made her think of day-tripping to Tenby, where the air was hazy with salt and fresh fish, and the sea was far too cold as they skimmed stones, watching them bounce once, twice, three times …
A nudge at her side from Aurora brought her down from her reverie; blinking, Tayce saw the judges had reached the biscuits behind her photo, looking up expectantly to see who would claim them.
Oh, yeah. It’s the Technical, and I’m here to be judged.
She raised her hand, realising that she’d been in a dream so long that she didn’t even know what place the judges had called her for.
“Tayce - good flavour, biscuits had a good crunch, and the chocolate has set well; it just wasn’t quite filled enough.”
Nodding and smiling, she waited for them to move on to the next person before she leaned over towards Aurora, muttering from the corner of her mouth “Where did they put me again?”
But before Aurora could answer, Paul spoke up. “And in second place, we have -“
“You came third, you bitch!” Aurora whispered, her mouth open in awe, and she looped her hand into Tayce’s and squeezed. “How do you do it? You always look so put-together! Not like - Miss Second-Place down there.”
Tayce glanced at Veronica, right at the end of the line of bakers on their stools, whose hand was raised to claim second place. She was nodding earnestly at the praise, but she still wasn’t smiling, her lips tight and her other hand still quivering a little in her lap.
“That means that first place goes to - Asttina!”
But Aurora hadn’t let go of Tayce’s hand, and Tayce was suddenly more aware of that contact than whoever the winner was, even as she slowly drew her hand away for the polite applause that followed.
“Where did you come?” Tayce asked her in a whisper.
“Seventh. Not great. I over-baked them a little bit,” Aurora shrugged. “I’m never gonna be good at technical.”
“Congrats on coming top of Technical!” Tia clapped Asttina on the back as they came back into Norton Hall, and Asttina responded with her winning smile.
“Thanks, babe. I thought you all deserved a taste of what I can do!”
There was a collective amused murmur around the other bakers at Asttina’s slightly smug tone. Tayce grinned, staying silent for now, wondering what the others would have to say to that.
“Oh, there’s more to come, is there?” Tia continued.
“I should hope so.” Asttina licked her lips. “From all of you lot as well.”
“There’s no need to be cocky,” Veronica said, the first time any of them had really heard her speak. Veronica was tiny, with blonde hair and a nasal voice that was louder than any of them had expected; most likely feeling the sting of coming second.
Asttina shook her hair back. “I’m not cocky, Veronica, I just know what I can do. Read the CV, it’s all there! If you want to win stuff, you need to know yourself. Do you want to win?”
“Does the Pope shit in the woods?” Veronica retorted.
It was Tia’s snort of laughter that started them all off, diffusing the vague tension creeping into the room. Asttina’s laugh was only drowned out by Veronica’s as she realised what she’d said.
“Is the Pope a Catholic, does a bear shit in the woods … I know, I know. I mean, yeah, I definitely do want to win.”
Asttina shrugged. “Then there’s no point being modest about what you can do. Let your bakes do the talking!”
One of the producers came in at that moment, motioning for them all to come round, and they all bunched together.
“Alright folks, the day’s filming is done, we’ll begin tomorrow at nine sharp for the Showstopper challenges. Until then you’re free to relax and have a nice time - please don’t go into any areas marked as Private, and no excessive drinking, but otherwise, have a good night!”
“Thank you!” They chorused, clapping for some unknown reason, as some of the staff rounded up the leftover biscuits and cleared them away.
“The filming crew get them,” Veronica explained to Tia, “I asked earlier what happened to them all because I knew we wouldn’t be able to eat them all.”
“You know what this means?” Cherry said, addressing them all from on top of one of the sofas. “This is the last evening we’ll all be together. Let’s all cheers to the cast of GBBO!”
She pulled a bottle of something from her bag, and the rest of them grabbed a mug each, sharing out the gin Cherry had brought, and bringing all their drinks together in cheers.
Showstopper: A gingerbread sculpture of a place that makes you nostalgic.
The Showstopper was about as broad as you could get. Everyone seemed to have something different in mind. Bimini and Asttina, on the two front benches, looked as poised and confident as they had all the previous day; and Asttina, buoyed by her Technical challenge win, puffed her chest in pride.
Tayce had practised her gingerbread over and over, but nothing prepared any of them for being in the tent, where the pastel colours and the novelty of the bright, friendly conversations started to switch to a competitive edge.
Especially after the Technical, where they had all been ranked. Having a number against your name now, combined with a vague grade against the Signature challenge, meant the Showstopper was the be-all and end-all for some of them.
That was it Tayce thought to herself, as she watched Aurora’s grim determination pass her face every second.
And she wasn’t the only one.
Cherry, on the workbench in front of her, had come sixth; but she’d been much quieter all morning, concentrating on reading and re-reading her instructions, tapping her pencil against her chin and growling frustratedly every now and then.
Ellie, wearing a pair or Pip’s elf ears, was doing even worse. Being ranked eleventh had done very little to ease the nerves she had displayed the day before, and her morning had already started with another blue plaster on yet another finger.
But Aurora was the only person Tayce was concentrating on. Something about the way she’d held her hand … and Tayce was far too quick to let her mind run away without her, thinking it meant anything, when obviously it probably didn’t.
“What are you doing?” Tayce called to Aurora over the chatter of everyone else around the room; but Aurora didn’t reply, her tongue running over her lips as she surveyed the mess that was the butter and sugar mix before her.
“Aurora?” She asked, making her way to stand by her behind the bench.
Aurora was still silent, but the noise from the bowls and KitchenAid she was using spoke volumes for her without her needing to say a word.
“D’you want a cup of tea?” Tayce asked her eventually, waiting for the curt nod from Aurora before sprinting to the tea station, in a tent outside.
When she got back, Aurora had moved up to Ellie’s workbench, and even though her back was to Tayce, she could see her shoulders shaking and Ellie’s hand rubbing her back, before offering her a can of the Monster she always had to have, the label covered in masking tape to escape product placement.
Tayce approached them both to comfort Aurora too, but as she did, cameras zoomed in on all three of them. Aurora pushed them both away and walked out of the tent, covering her face.
Ellie looked from the camera to Tayce and then back again, confused more than anything, and Lawrence, turning from her bench, looked back at them all with a frown.
“What’s going on here? Is she alright?” Lawrence pointed to Aurora, who was busy wiping her tears away in the far corner, with Matt Lucas at her side and a camera in her face.
“No,” Tayce muttered, “and she won’t be while there’s a lens on her.”
After that, Tayce kept half an eye on Aurora as she baked. She mostly ignored the cameramen as they hurried around the tent, taking stock footage of them cutting gingerbread shapes, using their ovens, and decorating, but Tayce purposely kept her mouth tightly closed, and her expression firmly neutral.
As Noel called for ten minutes remaining, Tayce was finishing the detailing of the roof of the stadium. The band were meant to be playing biscuit instruments and there was meant to be a crowd, but Tayce had settled for calling it a backstage pass moment, where VIPs could meet them, and just made models of herself and her friends.
“Time is up! Bakers, step away from your bakes!”
Noel called time, and Tayce took a step back to properly admire her finished product - and really, she was blown away by her own bake. The gingerbread houses she’d made in practise had gone alright, but this one, even in the pressure cooker environment of the tent, had gone almost perfectly, down to the timing of the bakes.
“Wow,” Tayce whispered to herself, “week one is done!”
She took a few seconds to admire everyone else’s in the tent. Some were much better than others. Joe’s looked a little strange - she’d meant to do a wedding scene with the gingerbread church, but the roof was crooked, and the gravestones falling over, not supported by the sticky sugar mixture they’d all used as adhesive. Cherry’s ambitious building was incomplete, and Tayce didn’t even know what it was meant to be.
But Asttina’s was incredible - a beautiful beach scene with a model of a beach hut and even a Ferris wheel. Ellie’s technical slip up was definitely repaired by the pub she’d built, adding fondant banners inside and making the dull gingerbread colours come alive with her imaginative take on the icing outside; while Lawrence had made a theatre, melting jelly babies to create beautiful stained glass in the windows, something Tayce kicked herself for not thinking of.
They all had a chance to leave the tent for a break, to sit outside in the shelter, and to have a breather before the actual judging of the bakes was done.
“I don’t envy the judges,” Joe said, her drawling voice awed, as she took in all of the gingerbread houses from their vantage point outside the tent. “They definitely have their work cut out for them, don’t they?”
“Everyone did amazing,” Aurora nodded, “it’s just a case of who did less amazing. D’you reckon they’ll just take this into account, or the whole weekend?”
Tayce didn’t know why she was worrying. Aurora had come middle of the pack in technical, but had been praised for her Signature, and her gingerbread house - modelled on her Nan’s, she had said - was so prim and dainty that Tayce knew the judges were going to eat it up, and not only literally.
“It won’t be you, chillax!” Tayce reached to rub her hand.
“Who d’you reckon it will be then?”
“Well, they tend to take into account the numbers assigned at the Technical challenge, and the Signature comments, to make the first analysis, at least,” Joe chuckled, “that’s what we see on the television. Who were the bottom three for Technical? I was tenth, Ellie was eleventh, who was twelfth again?”
“It’s - erm,” Aurora pointed, but the name escaped her for a second. “Tia. Tia was twelfth.”
“It’s probably between the three of us, then,” Joe said brightly, “unless something goes … horribly wrong to one of the Showstoppers. And how likely is that?”
As they looked through the panels of the tent, one of the gingerbread houses collapsed into pieces onto the tray it was set on.
Tayce glanced around the other eleven bakers to see whose it was.
One of the bakers had her head in her hands, shoulders tensed, while the two people on either side of her hugged her tightly.
“Seriously, Joe, how did you make that happen?” Aurora’s voice was hushed, tense, after the award for Star Baker and the first elimination had taken place.
Joe’s eyes widened as she shook her head. “I don’t quite know - maybe it was just something, spoken into the universe, made to happen.”
“Or maybe it was just gravity and shitty caramelised sugar sticking it all together,” Tayce added.
“Yes,” Joe replied, “or that too.”
Joe, Ellie and Tia had all survived their stint in the bottom at Technical - but Pip, who had come ninth in Technical, and whose Signature had received mediocre feedback, had laughed behind gritted teeth at presenting her collapsed gingerbread house - “More of an Ikea house,” Paul had commented cheerily - which had ultimately turned out to be too hard to bite into and had sealed her fate. Not even the lucky elf ears saved her from the first elimination.
“I was so sure I was going home this week,” Aurora sighed later that night, back at Norton Hall, where everyone had eaten so much of each others’ gingerbread houses that they all felt ill.
“You wouldn’t have, yours was good!” Tayce rubbed her arm. “Relax! It’s done now. Just focus on next week instead.”
“And I can’t believe Prue said she’d like to try a bit of carpet when they were looking at Ellie’s pub,” Aurora said, shaking her head. “Did anyone else catch that?”
“Yeah, I did!” Tayce sniggered. “They’re so innocent! This is just gonna be a load of innuendos all season, isn’t it? Imagine what they’re gonna say for next week too.”
“Oh, yeah. It’s cake week, isn’t it?” Aurora seemed to perk up. “That’s a bit more my comfort zone.”
Suddenly the door opened, and Asttina was led back inside the area by the cameraman and a producer. Everyone broke into applause - this time genuine, not the muted, polite sound that had echoed round the tent in the technical. Asttina had just given her winner’s interview and called her family, and now wore the Star Baker badge proudly on the lapel of her jacket, her grin wider than the Cheshire Cat’s.
“How did your mum react when you said you were Star Baker this week?” Bimini asked her.
Asttina smiled the warmest smile any of them had seen all weekend from her at the mention of her family. “They screamed so loud that you probably all heard it in here. My mum was falling off the sofa, my dad was waving a wooden spoon, my brother was banging on the floor with his feet - oh, it was great.”
“Well-deserved, babes,” Bimini nodded, and Asttina pulled them in for a hug.
Everyone else was clamouring around Asttina, congratulating her on her Star Baker win this week and admiring the badge she’d won - biscuit-shaped, or at least cookie-shaped - but Tayce hung back, exchanging a glance with Aurora, a glint in her eye; and both of them knew what the other was thinking.
Let’s not cross Joe Black. She might make our Showstoppers crumble.
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ryuichirou · 3 years
I like asking digital artist about how they became such great drawer. it’s really interesting to hear from other artist. Hope you will answer my question you may skip if you don’t want to answer some^_^ Thank you for answering!
Tell me a story of how you became a artist.
Who inspired you?
How did you start?
What was your first drawing?
How did you start drawing SNK?
What do you want your artwork to say? 
Do you ever want to do commissions or sell your art one day?
Have there ever been a time you didn’t want to draw anymore?
Who’s your favorite Anime character? Tell me why?
Describe what kind of person you are.
What is a advice do you want to give to other artist?
This is such a fun ask omg, I’m sorry it took me so long to reply…  The reply itself is also quite long because apparently I can’t stop talking once I’m being asked this type of stuff.
Who inspired you?
Back when I was a kid, my main inspiration were cartoons and comics that I watched and read. I used to have a lot of VHS (*old person voice* remember those) that didn’t even work properly anymore because I rewatched them 3-4 times in a row sometimes, and it ruined the tapes.
I don’t think I had one particular person around that inspired me, mostly because I didn’t know the names of the artists whose stuff I liked. But I remember that I started drawings comics because my cousin was doing it (I was ~6-7? I don’t remember). He lost his interest very quickly though, but I kept drawing them by myself.
Oh oh! I also remember enjoying thick books of political caricatures by Jean Effel and Herluf Bidstrup. Didn’t understand a thing, but they sure were funny lol
And when I was 13 I discovered manga, and the rest is history.
How did you start?
Well, I don’t remember lol I think my mom told me something about trying to keep me busy while she was working. And then the cartoons, the comics, the manga, and then, as I started to sliiiiightly lose interest, Katsu became a huge part of my life, so I kind of never stopped drawing.
What was your first drawing?
I have no idea lol it was sooo long ago
How did you start drawing SNK?
Like I said a couple of times, we watched SnK in 2013, and I wanted to draw a fanart of it, it was just an obvious thing to do. We didn’t post much back then, but I always want to sketch at least one little sketch after we watch/play/read something that we like, just as a memory piece. And SnK wasn’t an exception – the characters were just too darn memorable and fun not to draw them.
But I’ll say this: it took me a lot of time to start drawing the way that satisfies me and Katsu. Not only anatomy-wise, but also design-wise: for some reason I used to mess them up royally… You can see it in my Levi-throughout-the-years post.
What do you want your artwork to say? 
For the most part it’s “I HAVE SO MUCH FUN DRAWING THIS CHARACTER OH GOD” lol, the majority of my artworks (if not all of them) are simply love-letters towards our favourite shows, characters and ships.
But I also think that a lot of drawings say “hey what IF”, and those are my favourite ones to draw. It’s obvious that we have a lot of fun with AUs, concepts and other stuff, and it’s especially cool when we manage to put some ideas and concepts out there.
Oh yeah right sometimes it’s just “isn’t it funny? LAUGH AT IT”
 Do you ever want to do commissions or sell your art one day?
I do commissions wink wink
Have there ever been a time you didn’t want to draw anymore?
Nope. I don’t think there’ll ever be a moment when I feel “well I think I’m done”, to be honest, not anymore. Too much stuff to draw…
 Who’s your favorite Anime character? Tell me why?
I have tons of favourite Anime characters… as for now, I think it’s a tie between Levi and Killua Zoldyck? I love it when characters are loyal to someone but aren’t afraid to call them out, to grumble, to critique their actions, but ultimately still side with the said someone because they’re very dear to them. It’s a very broad way to describe Killua and Levi’s relationships with their special people, I know lol but it’s also about someone being very powerful, but also quite sensitive when you look at them closely. Also both of them are super funny and I love their designs.
 Describe what kind of person you are.
Katsu called me Connie Smith the other day, I still think there is no better way to describe me.
 What is a advice do you want to give to other artist?
Don’t forget that art should be fun, first and foremost. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t push yourself out of your comfort zone and try new stuff. Even if it’s difficult at first, it’ll get easy and exciting once you figure it out, and you’ll definitely figure it out eventually if you keep trying. Don’t torture yourself, but don’t be afraid of trying new things: these make the drawing process more interesting,
Phew, I think that’s all… Thanks again, it was a fun ask!
Sorry for the late reply.
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vintage-brass-tc · 3 years
((THIS IS SO LATE — I blame the incoming exams))
Okay, wow! These two days were PACKED with moments!! I’ll try to give an overall summary of the ones I’m thinking most about. Super hard to pick which ones to write here!! 😳😳
Apologies in advance for the super long post once again! I just get carried away with these things.
I was assigned to play something for W one morning before school. I was pretty nervous about it, so I decided to arrive thirty minutes before my time slot to give me time to practice.
After I stopped and got my stuff together to go inside, I noticed that a stunning vehicle was moving up to the left of me. It slowly rolled through the rows of other vehicles until it found an open parking space. The car then began to adjust so it could park trunk-first into the open spot.
I looked inside the wonderful car as it was almost done moving backwards, and I could not believe what I saw. Another pair of eyes were already looking at me....and they were W’s.
He seemed to share the same bewildered expression as my own. We stared at each other for two seconds until I forced my head away from his direction. I allowed myself to think.
Just then, I processed how I had arrived the same time W did. I wasn’t sure why, how, or what caused this coincidence, but I was sure that I was going nuts over it. Haha. Maybe the universe was scheming.
I called out to W as he traveled towards the door, asking him when it was okay for me to come in. He replied with a sweet tone and an even sweeter smile. “You can come in whenever you want!!”
I thanked him, got my stuff together, and sped to the (now open) door, all while remaining a good distance away from him.
Flash forward to playing the music for W. It was definitely something, let me tell you that much.
He walked in and shut the door behind him before turning his head around. “Hey R!!” He quickly shot me a wild look. “Are you ready?”
I scoffed at his jubilant attitude— which he mocked for a bit— and then got started after answering some minor questions he asked about the piece.
Having W standing behind me as I played was terrifying. 😂 I could see him clearly through the reflection of my instrument, and it was VERY hard to focus because of this.
He was moving along with the piece and taking it in the whole time. It was like he flowed with the piece, essentially. Whenever I would make a mistake, he would freeze and kind of snap back into reality.
On the subject of messing up, he stopped me quite a bit during random segments of the song to give out extra tips he had. Every time he would do this, he would step up and lean forward to the right of me. My head would be at just about the level of his chest.
This close proximity revealed to me that W’s breath smells sweet, and slightly of mint. <3 Especially when he‘d sing to me.
He sang a lot of my parts when giving feedback, and these examples, perfect or not, demonstrated what he wanted. As much as I really do adore his singing voice, 90% of the time he couldn’t hit ANY of the correct notes.
He said I was making fun of his singing voice because I was laughing so much. Really though, I was only laughing at how close we were, his volume, his expression, his dramatic dynamic range, his notes that were WAY off . . . okay. Maybe I was making fun of him just a little bit.
When we were finished, he stopped abruptly at the door and praised me right before leaving the room. “Great job, R!”
I smiled and quickly said I didn’t mean to make fun of his singing. He stopped slightly and replied, “MMmm suure, it’s fine!” before popping out to continue doing his work.
I love it when he says my name in a positive light. It’s really special to me.
Instead of helping A as I would usually do earlier in the day, I got to assist W this time. As you have probably guessed, there are quite a few things that happened. Kind of hard to choose what to put here. 😳
I sat down on a chair next to the kids W was teaching to play along with them as an example sound. W seemed to really love having his gaze linger on mine when he signaled the other tubas to play alongside me.
At one point, he repeatedly shot long, focused glances at me when everyone was playing as a group. I met his look with a challenging one, and he seemed hesitant, as if he wanted to say something.
There were slight moments he looked away to cue others in, but most of the time his eyes were on me. I considered setting my instrument down in case he didn’t want me to play, but I pushed the idea to the side.
When we finished the rep, he told me to help someone with one of their stands, as it was falling down. I suppose I knew then why he looked at me, but I couldn’t help but wonder.
Why would he stare so long to ask me something so simple?
Two other memorable things that popped up during this period took place when W began telling his instrument jokes. He told a tuba joke that had a silly punchline making fun of the little notes tubas would stereotypically play.
I laughed pretty loudly at this despite hearing it from him two to three times before, and he gazed at me with a grin. “R’s laughing because she knows it’s true.” “Ye(hehe)ah,” I chuckled a little more and returned his look with additional nods.
Soon afterwards, he began to ramble. He mentioned that the tubas should get used to seeing while notes because this was basically their “whole life”. This ridiculous but true statement made me smile and shake my head to myself.
W THEN MOCKED ME A SECOND TIME. “R’s like—” he mimicked a person laughing, which gradually turned into crying. (His acting was actually on point though, both vocally and expressively.) I began to cackle excessively because of the imitation.
When the end of class arose and the bell rang, I stayed behind to help make sure the students packed up and left on time. Of course, in exchange, this cost me my own time, which, in hindsight, I should have thought more about in the moment.
I left the room to check if the kids in another area needed help for any reason, then came back to retrieve my stuff so I could leave.
Just in time, when I was walking back towards the entrance of the main band room, W was making his way to walk out. Our gazes locked and he stopped in place.
His left arm outstretched to hold one of the doors while his right was curved to pick up the door-stopper. His body was tilted and his legs were slightly bent to reach the bottom of the door.
I slightly lifted my eyelids at him as a greeting, and he looked back at me with curiosity. When I walked closer to him, slowing down about five or so feet away, he lifted his left eyebrow and smirked at me, seemingly amused.
I felt my brows begin to furrow at his teasing look. “Forget something?” He asked me. “Yeah, my stuff…(it’s in there) . . .” I smiled at him as I inched a little closer. “Oh.”
His face lost the smug expression and instead returned to its usual wonder-filled state. It took a few seconds of looking at me before he realized he was blocking the entrance. I mean, I could have used the other door, buuutttt I forgot about that. Whoops.
He scrambled to get up and hold the door open for me. I giggled at his frantic actions and smiled before thanking him sheepishly. After that happened, I walked to get my stuff, then put it on an empty chair in the room.
While I was packing my mouthpiece and stuff into my bag, W had walked back in at some point. He decided to take the spot on the table in front of me.
I turned to him, “Did the bell already ring?” “Yep,” He answered. “Ahh,” I breathed, facing my belongings once again, “I’m going to be late!”
W paused and looked up from the laptop in his hands, to my direction. “Do you need a pass?” He asked kindly, making me smile. “No thank you, I should be fine.”
“Is your teacher strict about tardies?” He continued the small talk inquisitively. “Oh, no, they’re not, don’t worry.” “Okay,” he muttered, sort of relieved(??). “At least, not with me,” I added.
He acknowledged my statement and I stood there for a good few extra seconds while contemplating.
I took my bag, swung it over my shoulder, and moved over to W. He looked extra confused looking up and spotting me again, haha. He was only sitting still, probably unsure of what to do.
“Uh—” “I decided I’m just going to get a pass (tardiness excuse slip) anyway, just in case.” He nodded approvingly at me. “Good choice.”
After setting his laptop down beforehand, he moved with me to a back table and grabbed a yellow sticky note. He then put it on a music stand. I walked him through my teacher’s name, but that’s it. He did everything else on his own..
I thought that it was cool he knew how to spell my name and stuff. I also got to see his messy handwriting, which is always lovely as well.
After he finished, I took hold of the note and thanked him for his help before going off to class, smiling the whole way there.
Lastly, W WOULD NOT stop letting the tubas play throughout the majority of the period. He showered us with compliments since we were sounding really good, and it was just amazing.
I always loved the way W looked at me when I was doing something right. It’s so validating. I love him a lot. ❤️
Whew! That was fun. Not sure why this took a week, but ah well, hope you all enjoyed it nonetheless!
If I start posting about this week right after I publish this one— which I probably will— don’t worry about it. Just rambling as always. ^^
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tomspancakes · 4 years
This Way: Part 4
Tumblr media
*not my gif*
Pairing: Tom Holland x Actress! reader
Word Count: 3580
Warnings: still a crazy ass bih lol. I can’t stop with the drama sorryyy
Summary: Y/n starts noticing how weird Tom is being and decides to confront him.
A/N: I think I’m going to post two days in a row then have one day off, but like a sis is nearing the end of her school year so let’s hope I stick with it haha. Please lmk if you’re enjoying this/ have any constructive criticism. ALSO I need help like ded ass don’t know if I’m stupid or if it’s tumblr’s fault, but when I tag people some of the tags don’t work :/ BUT don’t hesitate to ask to be a part of the tag list :) 
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
*week and a half before lock down*
You opened the door to the flat exhausted after a long day of filming and walked into the living room to see Tom busy on his laptop. He looked up, 
“Oh hi, y/n.” He shut his laptop and stood up, you gave him a strange look.
“Leaving already? Do I smell or something?” You joked and flopped on the couch. Tom has been acting really strange with you after the dinner with his family. Lately he’s been leaving you alone whenever one of the boys got up to leave as well. ‘Was he feeling awkward about being friends?’ you thought to yourself. 
“Oh no no you don’t smell. You always smell nice,” He blushed because he said too much, “Just need to work on this script, Harry’s been on my ass about it.” He said and began to walk away before you could reply.
“What? Not even gonna ask how my day was... you know like a friend?” You teased and Tom sighed and squeezed his eyes shut and turned around
“How was your day, y/n?”
“It was long, tiring, and someone was really rude to me on the set.” You sighed and waited for him to sit back down so he could listen, but he never did, “Ok then… how about your day, Tom?” This was starting to get awkward, 
“Didn’t really do anything, just ate and worked on the first act of the movie, which still isn’t done so if you’ll excuse me I’m going to my room now.” He said quickly, turning around again walking away.
“How rude. ‘Ya let’s be friends, y/n, it’ll be fun.’” You grumbled and mimicked him in an annoyed voice. Tom heard and felt really bad to pretend he didn’t.
You were now sitting on Harry’s bed watching him edit his short film and eating ice cream, he listened to how your day went,
“And oh my god one of the stunt fighter guys was being a straight up asshole,” You rolled your eyes eating another spoonful of ice cream,
“How so?” Harry asked
“Well I kept messing up this one stunt where I was in heels and we ended up filming it 7 times. I mean I felt bad for wasting time, but that was until the dickhead said, ‘I don’t even know why they casted you, it’s a simple stunt just get this shit down already so we can move on!’” You said in a deep voice mimicking the guy, “I was so embarrassed, but thankfully Ryan stood up for me. Still ruined my day though.”
“What the hell? What kinda asshole-,” He got up from his spot on the bed all riled up, “Who is this guy? I’m gonna end him. Does he even realize how damn hard it is to do a stunt in heels?” You laughed at Harry’s protectiveness, “Tom literally took half a day to film one stunt and he wasn’t in heels!” You shrugged.
“Sit your ass back down. Thanks for trying to protect me, but everything will be fine, I’m strong. It’s business gotta suck it up.” He rolled his eyes and jumped on you with a bear hug. You laughed and tried to push him off of you, but he was too heavy. 
“Harry, you bitch, I can’t breathe.”
“I just want to protect my best friend.” He said before letting you go and going back to editing.
“Speaking of Tom, have you noticed that he’s avoiding me?” You asked quickly.
“Huh? I haven’t noticed anything of the sort. I mean you guys are both really busy right now aren’t you?” You nodded and rested your head on Harry’s shoulder,
“I mean I guess, but haven’t you noticed like yesterday when you left the kitchen Tom rushed a bit to leave also?” 
“Oh yeah I forgot about that, it was quite strange now that I think about it.” 
“Yeah Tom’s been doing that to me ever since we left your parents’ house. And when I got home today I tried to talk to him about my day, because you know I thought he’s my friend, and he just said he really needed to work on the script and left to his room!”
“Hmm, I did tell him to finish the first act by tomorrow, but he’s been working in the living room all day. Said something about his room being more of a distraction. Also it’s not like Tom to leave without hearing someone out. He always listens.” You just sighed,
“I guess he thinks it’s still weird to be friends. I tried, sorry, Harry.”
“Please don’t give up just yet, y/n, maybe he’s just stressed or something. You know I wouldn’t want to pick sides.” You nodded and started to drift off to sleep and felt Harry remove the bowl from your lap.
“Y/n, love, wake up.” you were being shaken by Harry.
“Huh? Oh sorry, did I fall asleep?” You asked groggily and he laughed,
“Yeah and I finished editing the short film!” You jumped up no longer tired anymore.
“Oh my god yay, Harry! Can I see it now pleaseeee?” You jumped up and down on the bed.
“Tomorrow, love, it’s 1 am now and I want to show everyone in the house at the same time.” You pouted and he laughed.
“Fine then be like that. But I’m proud of you.” You hugged him, “Good night, Harry, can’t wait to see the finished product!” 
“Night, love.” He chuckled and you walked out with your empty dish.
You pulled out your phone and opened the Instagram app to see that Tom posted something on his story about 30 minutes ago. It was a picture of the script and his foot captioned, “Working on something big, like my big toe.” You giggled a bit and muttered, “Idiot.” The next story post was from Tuwaine, it was a picture you all took together after breakfast when Tom burnt himself. You were laying across the boys’ laps and Tom was happily looking down at your smiling face. It was captioned, “If lock down happens, it’ll be a real party with these people.” You smiled and reposted it to your story.
As soon as you reached the kitchen you saw Tom sitting at the counter and typing away on his laptop.
“Hey, Tom, still working?” Tom jumped at the sound of your voice.
“Jesus, don’t scare me like that. And yes I couldn’t sleep, b-but I think I’m getting tired now.” He was about to close his laptop and leave, but you stopped him. 
“Oh my god… I’m just gonna put my dish in the sink and leave.” His frazzled expression turned to a relaxed one and he sat back down typing again, refusing to look at you. You began to walk away then felt the urge to ask,
“Tom, a-are you avoiding me?” It came out quieter than you thought, you felt vulnerable. He stopped typing for a brief moment when you asked.
“No, definitely not. Why’d you think that?” You walked back to the counter and stood across him leaning on the surface.
“I’ve been noticing that you're in a rush to leave the room when we’re alone…” Tom continued to type, but incorrectly because of his nerves. 
“Oh, I-I’m sorry, love, didn’t mean for you to think that. I’m just busy is all, I promise.” He said and pointed at the laptop.
“Too busy to hear your friend rant about her day?” You asked and he sighed. His heart dropped when you called yourself his friend.
“I’m afraid so, love. Now why don’t you go sleep don’t you have to film tom-” You cut him off getting tired of the excuses,
“Tom cut the shit, I know you’re avoiding me and I don’t get why.” Tom sighed as you rambled and he put his laptop to the side because he wasn’t getting anything done, “I really appreciate you letting me stay here, but shouldn’t we at least talk a little bit? I mean I was ready to be friends with you for Harry’s sake and then we talked at the dinner and then I was genuinely ready to start off on a new foot. I’ve been trying so hard to reach out to you and you’re literally avoiding me now. Like are you even trying at all? Because I don’t-” Your eyes began to water. Tom got too frustrated and cut you off,
“Y/n I can’t talk about this right now. Please, it’d be better if we discussed this another time.”
“What the hell? Are you being serious? You were a dick when we broke up, you were a dick when I tried to reach out to you, and now you’re being a dick for putting our so called ‘friendship’ on ho-”
“Y/n, stop! Ok? I get it. You can call me a dick and an asshole whatever you want, but this is all for you! Everything I do is for you or because of you! So just leave me the fuck alone, please.” His voice cracked when he said the last sentence. 
“What the hell are you talking about? What are you doing for me?” You stared at him confused.
“I can’t say anything, it’s for the best. Just drop it.” You looked at one another, tears threatening to fall out of Tom’s eyes, you hadn’t noticed you were already crying.
“No. I’m not gonna leave until you tell me what’s going on, Tom. I care for you and I want to be here for you, just tell me what’s going on please.” He looked at you and furrowed his brows making tears stream down his cheeks, it hurt to see you so sad especially since he caused it. He turned around in distress and brushed his hands through his hair before turning back to you. He looked into your eyes and sighed knowing there was no way out of this situation.
“I’ve been avoiding you because I told Allana you’re my ex.” 
“Ok and what’s so ba-”
“Let me finish, y/n, please.” You apologized softly.
“I told her not to tell anyone because I didn’t want to break the promise of letting the world know that we dated. A-and she threatened to spill the secret if I didn’t stay away from you. She said if I ever told anyone about what she said or if she ever saw me close to you again she’d expose us right away. I-I didn’t want to jeopardize our friendship because I decided to be honest to my two-faced girlfriend.” All this information hit you like a train.
“Wow, what. a. fucking. Bitch.” You said stunned, Tom scoffed.
“I feel like an idiot for not listening to the boys and not seeing the red flags.” He sat back down and put his head in his hands. 
“Hey don’t worry, I didn’t notice anything either. Hell I tried to help her. Maybe we’re too gullible…” What you said didn’t really help so Tom began to sob a bit. You walked over to his side and put a hand on his forearm so that he could look at you. His heart was racing at your touch.
“Look, I know Allana is bat shit crazy, but…” You paused thinking if this was a good thing to tell him, “I uh I don’t think I can have you avoiding me all the time, I want you in my life,” He looked up at you surprised, “a-as a friend.” His heart dropped, was that all you were ever going to see him as? A damn friend? 
“Ok, but Allana will tell everyone, and I know how much you care about your privacy.” He said with a stuffy nose, you grabbed a tissue for yourself and Tom.
“I know, but we’ll figure out a way. We were clever enough to hide a 6 month relationship.” You smiled, but you both felt sad when you mentioned your past. He got up and wrapped you in his arms tightly. You swayed back and forth as you felt wet droplets fall on the top of your head, and you soaked Tom’s white t-shirt. You both weren’t crying only because of what just happened, but because you missed one another in a way that words can’t explain. You let out the tears you didn’t cry from when Tom didn’t respond to you and remembered the nights you’d go through old pictures of you and him alone. Tom was crying out all the tears he wanted to let out when he saw that picture of you and Gavin and from the nights that he craved your touch. He tightened his arms around you like it was the last time he’d ever see you. 
“Allana might be watching from outside the window, I’m gonna let you go now.” You said and Tom chuckled sadly letting you go, “We’ll talk about what we can do about this situation in the morning or another time.” You smiled kindly at Tom and he nodded. Tom grabbed your hand softly before you could walk away and pulled you close. You gulped because of how close you were to him,
“Thanks for being so kind, sleep well. Goodnight, y/n.” You smiled and replied,
“Thanks for being more kind to me. Goodnight.” You gave him one last hug and walked away feeling relieved while Tom still felt guilty despite what you said. He still felt like he needed to do more.
You woke up at 8 AM feeling a lot happier for some reason. Maybe it was because you cleared things up with Tom last night or because you were going to film a really exciting scene today with some new people. 
You walked into the kitchen, “Goodmorning boys!” You said enthusiastically walking up behind where Harry was seated and gave him a hug from behind.
“Ew why’re you happy?” Harry asked, still tired. 
“Morning, y/n!!” Tuwaine and Haz said in unison. You grabbed a bowl and poured yourself a bowl of cereal.
“Harry, when are we gonna watch your film, I can’t wait any longer.” You complained.
“Maybe when you come back from set, I want to go back to sleep after I eat.”
“Ugh you’re so lazy.” You joked, “where’s Tom, isn’t he usually up by now?”
Tuwaine looked at the other boys then at you apologetically, “He uh left around 5 this morning.”
“Oh for an early workout or something?” You asked, taking a bite of cereal.
“No,” Tuwaine cleared his throat, “to Berlin, Germany.” You choked on your cereal. 
“Wait what, you’re joking I thought he leaves in 3 days.” 
“I don’t know exactly why he left, something about needing a few days for himself before filming. Which I understand because he’s been working hard.” Haz said and you furrowed your brows, was it because of what happened last night? Harry noticed your concern.
“Y/n, do you know exactly why he left?” You wanted to tell him, but you couldn’t. If the boys found out what Allana said they’d definitely do something about it and you couldn’t let that happen. You shook your head,
“Nope, I’m just as confused as you are.” You said coolly.
“Are you sure you don’t know what was making Tom stressed?” Harry asked as he pulled up in front of the studio.
“Ya, I’m sure. He’s avoiding me, remember?” It pained you to lie to Harry like that, but you weren’t sure if you were ready to let the world know you and Tom dated. Harry looked like he didn’t believe you, but he let it go.
“Ok then… Text or call when you need me to pick you up.” You thanked him again for dropping you off and walked to the set. You saw Lana and walked with her,
“Hey, babes, did you see the text from Melissa?” You shook your head no. Melissa was in charge of scheduling which scenes would be filmed every day, “She said everyone needed to meet at crafty’s before going to sound stage 32.” 
“Really? Why?” 
“Not quite sure, but there’s been rumors that filming will be postponed.” Lana said sadly.
“Wait, you’re joking.” She shrugged and shook her head as you guys entered the food tent, everyone already looking disappointed.
“Hi everyone, as many of you know Covid-19 was just announced as a world wide pandemic and we’ve just been shut down from shooting anymore scenes at least for two weeks.” Melissa said everyone groaning, “Yes I know this sucks, but please stay safe and healthy while we’re shut down. If you have a trailer here please make sure you clear all your things out because there will be a cleaning team here in two days to…” You drowned Melissa’s voice out
“Just when I thought this day couldn’t get any worse…” You sighed and dropped your head on Lana’s shoulder and she patted your head.
“Lastly make sure you all stay in the same shape you are in now, so nothing looks different when we resume shooting.” Melissa hopped off the table and everyone began to clear out to get their things. You called Harry telling him the sad news. 
“I’m so upset, Harry, today sucks.” He patted your thigh as he made a right turn.
“It’ll be ok, love. I’m sure you will go back to filming in no time and you’ll actually miss having a break.” You just leaned your head on the window wondering if Tom at least made it safely to Berlin, and in that exact moment your phone pinged. 
Tom: Hi, y/n, I assume the boys have already told you that I left for Berlin. I just landed. I’m really sorry for not giving a warning, but the space is for the best. I hope you can understand xx
You were upset with everything and everyone at this point and Tom’s text just ruined your mood more. How does he know what’s best for you? Mad and feeling petty you texted back,
You: k.
Tom: Please, trust me, y/n. This will help out our situation.
You: Last time I checked running away from your problems never helps the situation.
You threw your phone back into your purse annoyed.
“Oh shit, what the fuck is she doing here?” Harry asked, displeased. You looked up to see Allana pulling into the driveway just before you and Harry did. 
“Great. Just fucking great. Harry, I think I’m gonna scream.”
“I think I will too. Can we just drive around until she’s gone?”
“That would be nice, but I think she already spotted us and won’t leave.” You pointed at her going to sit down on the porch. Harry groaned and pulled into the driveway. As soon as you and Harry stepped out the car she stood up and barked,
“Where the hell is Tom? He hasn’t texted me since yesterday afternoon, today is our 5 month anniversary.” Well that makes things more complicated. Harry looked at you with wide eyes, “What? Why’re you looking at her like that? Did you have something to fucking do with this, y/n?” She said giving you the dirtiest look ever. ‘Bitch I hope it wasn’t because of me.’ You thought. Harry got closer to you in protective mode.
“No no I swear. We were all surprised to see Tom gone this morning.”
“Gone? Where the hell is he?” 
“He went to Berlin early. Now if you’ll excuse us we’d like to relax in our home.” Harry said not letting you talk, almost standing in front of you now. You both began to walk past her, but she squeezed your arm tight and yanked you back. You winced in pain.
“You bitch what did you do? Don’t even think about fucking lying to me.” Her eyes burned into your soul.
“Allana, what the fuck you’re crazy! back off!” Harry said, pulling you back behind him, “I suggest you leave now before things get more ugly.” He said in the most intimidating way possible.
“Ok, but the only thing ugly about this is whatever y/n did with Tom. I don’t doubt for a second that you’re a stupid whore. I saw that photo of you laying on him last night, and I’ve seen how you flirt with Tom you sk-”
“Allana that’s enough, go now!” Harry yelled and she looked surprised. She glared at you before stepping back, “Stay the fuck away from Tom he doesn’t need your ugly ass all over him.” “Allana, sweetie, we live in the same house. Quite dumb of you to think we can really stay away from one another.” You laughed darkly as tears of anger welled up in your eyes.
“Ok then, cunt. Go near him, I dare you. You have no idea what I’m capab-”
“Allana, I said fucking leave!” Harry was tired of this shit. Allana scoffed and finally drove away.
Harry turned to you cradling you in his arms as you let tears fall down your face, “I hate today…” you hiccuped, “a lot.” 
“I know, I know.” He cooed. You looked up at him, “I know something is up, y/n. You need to tell me why my brother really left so I can help you.” You sighed and nodded.
“Ok let’s get you cleaned up.” He kept you close to his side and you both walked in. Tom was so wrong thinking him leaving would solve anything.
Tag list:  @averyfosterthoughts​ @thollandx​ @mrsjeffwittek​ @panicattheeverywherekid​ @racewife2004​ @greatpizzascissorstaco​ @witchything​ @wheelertozier​ @runway-to-my-aid​ @rafficorn @jessirosebud​ @peterspideyy​ @superstarchick​ @jackiehollanderr​  @astridcommings @mineymak712 @hollands-osterfield​ @inhumanwithpowers​
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twstarchives · 4 years
How About A Guessing Game?
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Card: Ceremony Robes - SR Characters: Cater, Trey, Riddle, Ace, Deuce
Chapter 1
(Chattering crowd…)
Cater: Oh! The freshmen are all lined up! They really turned out, huh~? ♪
Trey: Well, of course, Cater. This is their entrance ceremony.
There’s the nervous, skittish ones, and the calm, stone-faced ones… They look so innocent, but also really noisy…
Cater: Think you were this cute two years ago too, Trey-kun~?
Trey: I really don’t remember.
Cater: I probably took pictures of you as a freshman.
Trey: Please don’t show me…
Cater: Well, I know one person who wasn’t innocent since day one of enrolling here…
Riddle: You freshmen over there. Four rows from the right, you three in the back!
Could you stay quiet during the ceremony?
Start whispering again and it’ll immediately be off with your head. Take this warning seriously.
Cater: Whew~! Riddle-kun’s setting things straight right away today too~ It’s almost giving me chills.
Trey: That’s because this is Riddle’s first entrance ceremony as a dorm leader.
He’s probably feeling nervous.
Cater: He’s grumpy every day, though.
Trey: Now then… The dorm sorting ceremony is about to start.
Cater: It’s finally here~♪
Trey: I’m curious about what kind of people will come to our dorm this year. It’d be nice if we got some level-headed students.
Cater: I’m hoping for some bright and easygoing kids~ But not anyone that can’t read the room!! That’d be tricky.
Hey! Why don’t we try to guess who’ll come to Heartslabyul?
Whoever guesses wrong the most has to volunteer as the attendant at the first-year’s welcome party after this.
Trey: Whenever you suggest playing games like that, I feel like you always lose.
Cater: Well, I trust I’ve always had a good eye for people~
Trey: Alright. Either way, you’ll only be able to see the freshmen while they’re having their souls selected.
Cater: Now then… “The 2,000,001st Heartslabyul Freshman Guessing Game” starts now ♪
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Cater: There’s the first person. Will that student come to Heartslabyul~?
           (They’re looking at Jack)
Cater: Wow, he looks like bad news! I vote no. I don’t think he’d fit our trendy dorm uniform at all.
Trey: I vote no too.
Based on past trends, beastman students are usually assigned to Savanaclaw.
Mirror of Darkness: The shape of thy soul is… Savanaclaw!
Cater: Yup, there he goes~ When it’s your third time attending this entrance ceremony, you start to know the Mirror of Darkness’ sorting habits.
There’s our second person. Will that student come to Heartslabyul~?
           (They’re looking at Epel)
Cater: Mhm, that one gets my vote!
Trey: Do you have a reason for that?
Cater: He’s by far the cutest one we’ve seen. If he had an older sister, don’t you think she’d just be gorgeous?
Trey: That’s not a guess, that’s just you wishing for things. Also, he might not even have a sister.
Cater: Well, he should still have a mom, right? …I’m just kidding!! Trey-kun, did I get you?
Trey: I vote no for him.
Cater: Don’t ignore me~…
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Cater: Here’s our fifth person…
. . . . . .
Cater: The tenth person…
. . . . . .
Riddle: ——Now then, does that conclude the entrance ceremony?
Listen up, new students. I am the law in Heartslabyul.
Any rule violators will lose their heads. Keep that in mind.
Cater: The “Heartslabyul Freshman Guessing Game” is over~! And sure enough——
Trey: Sorry, Cater. I won 5-to-4.
Have fun attending to the new students. That freshman with auburn hair seems pretty high-spirited.
Cater: God! I lost…
On top of that, Pomefiore snatched up that adorable new student with purple hair...
Chapter 2
Cater: Alright, attention please! Welcome to Heartslabyul, freshies ♪
We’ve prepared a welcome party for all of you who were sorted into our dorm!
Ace: Are you a first-year too? Hey, what do you think happened to that monster that was going wild at the entrance ceremony?
Deuce: I don’t know.
Ace: Whaddaya say we sneak out and go check it out at the Headmaster’s office?
Cater: Yay~ Mr. first-year with spiky hair, isn’t this exciting~?
Ace: Ah…! When did you get behind me?
Cater: By the way, if you’re not at the welcome party, Riddle-kun will have you lose your head ♪
Ace: O-Of course I’ll be there, Senpai. I’m so moved by this wonderful welcome party. You know?
Deuce: Uh-huh! Y-Yes. Exactly.
Cater: Alright, pull yourselves together… Does everyone have a teacup?
Are they all filled with tea? Nobody poured out a sleeping dormouse by mistake, right?
Alright, cheers for your furthest day away from graduation~! Yay ♪
Trey: You’re handling things well, Cater.
You were able to keep all the restless first-years in line while still keeping the mood upbeat.
Cater: You think~? I just really love parties.
Trey: It helps for you to say that. Since you kept having one trouble after the next just getting ready for this party.
Cater: Right, right, Trey-kun, you work people too hard! I had to do everything from decorating the garden to attending to the freshies.
Trey: Having to attend to the freshmen was your own fault.
Cater: You’re no fun, Trey-kun~!
Trey: Oh, I need to go serve the main dish, meat pie.
I was timing how long I needed in order to serve it warm.
Cater: Trey-kun, you’re a really good cook… but you’re also too devoted to Riddle-kun…
Trey: Haha… Say whatever you want.
Cater: I’m finished with my job too, so after you’re done let’s enjoy ourselves~♪
Trey: Yeah, I’ll see you after then.
Cater: Okay, I’m going to take aesthetic pictures on my phone so I can post them on Magicam~
But before that…
Cater (appearing on the left): Wow, they put the meat pie out on the table! Freshmen, let’s all eat ♪
Cater (on the right): Ahaha! All the new students are flocking towards Trey-kun; it looks like something out of a zombie movie.
Cater (back to center): I’ll take pictures of this too~
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Cater: The welcome party is over!
Before heading back to my room, I should upload all the pictures I took today on Magicam.
#TodaysCaykun #EntranceCeremony #ThirdYearPride #NightRavenCeremonyRobesAreRare #NRC
Now touch them up a little~ Done editing! ♪
Oh, I already got some likes. These clothes really sell, huh?
Lately, I’ve been getting a lot of comments from this one follower. I should give them some likes back.
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Cater: Hah…
…I’m tired. I really don’t care about this entrance ceremony…
……… …Just kidding.
Well, I’m exhausted, but I was able to post some super attractive selfies today.
I took a lot of pictures with the freshmen too, so I don’t mind spending some time editing those.
Alright, time to go back to the dorm and take a shower.
Oh, right, what about Trey-kun? Did he already go back to his room?
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