#honestly the struggle of being a traditional artist-
siphoklansan · 1 year
How I picture their first meeting (/hj)
She tapped the fellow prefect on the shoulder.
“You seem troubled, Miss Siphok. Is there anything I can do to help you with that?”
She was surprised. Despite being in Ramshackle for this long, she had never seen her before. She didn’t know how she knew her name either.
“...Who are you?” She asked the girl unknown to her.
Instead of replying at first, the girl before her simply laughed and then she gave an answer.
“Just someone who keeps an eye on people to make sure they are alright.”
Now she was confused. The girl spoke again.
“But if you need to hear a formal introduction, I am more than pleased to give you one.” She clasped her hands.
“I’m asking you again. Who are you? Why are you here?” She asked the girl.
But she simply smiled and spoke again.
“...My name is Renée Rose Menken, and I look forward to get to know you better, Miss Siphok.”
(p.s: I also drew a small comic of your ship with Floyd before, but I’m sorry for not showing this. I forgot to take a picture of it... *cries in traditional artist*)
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celepom · 2 years
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For Transgender Day of Remembrance, here’s 10 graphic novels with transgender protagonists, are about gender, or are autobiographies from transgender creators.
Cheer Up: Love and Pompoms by Crystal Frasier & Val Wise
Annie is a smart, antisocial lesbian starting her senior year of high school who’s under pressure to join the cheerleader squad to make friends and round out her college applications. Her former friend BeeBee is a people-pleaser—a trans girl who must keep her parents happy with her grades and social life to keep their support of her transition. Through the rigors of squad training and amped up social pressures (not to mention micro aggressions and other queer youth problems), the two girls rekindle a friendship they thought they’d lost and discover there may be other, sweeter feelings springing up between them.
Blackwater by Jeannette Arroyo & Ren Graham
Tony Price is a popular high school track star and occasional delinquent aching for his dad’s attention and approval. Eli Hirsch is a quiet boy with a chronic autoimmune disorder that has ravaged his health and social life. What happens when these two become unlikely friends (and a whole lot more . . .) in the spooky town of Blackwater, Maine? Werewolf curses, unsavory interactions with the quarterback of the football team, a ghostly fisherman haunting the harbor, and tons of high school drama.
The Bride Was a Boy by Chii
The heartwarming transgender love story, based on true events! Drawn in the style of diary comics with an upbeat, adorable flair, this is a charming tale about Chii, a woman assigned male at birth. Her story starts with her childhood and follows the ups and downs of exploring her sexuality, gender, and transition--as well as falling in love with a man who’s head over heels for her. Now they want to get married, so Chii’s about to embark on a new adventure: becoming a bride!
Love Me for Who I Am by Kata Konayama
Non-Binary Maid Reporting for Duty! Mogumo is a cute but lonely non-binary high school student who just wants a few loving friends. As someone who doesn’t identify as a boy or a girl, however, finding people who really understand can be a big challenge. When fellow student Iwaoka Tetsu invites Mogumo to work at an untraditional maid café, Mogumo is hopeful that things are looking up. Will they finally find friends to call their own―or just more misunderstanding?
Super Late Bloomer: My Early Days in Transition by Julia Kaye
A highly personal collection documenting the early months of artist Julia Kaye’s gender transition. Instead of a traditional written diary, Julia Kaye has always turned to art as a means of self-reflection. So when she began her gender transition in 2016, she decided to use her popular webcomic, Up and Out, to process her journey and help others with similar struggles realize they weren’t alone. Julia’s poignant, relatable comics honestly depict her personal ups and downs while dealing with the various issues involved in transitioning—from struggling with self-acceptance and challenging societal expectations, to moments of self-love and joy. Super Late Bloomer both educates and inspires, as Julia faces her difficulties head-on and commits to being wholly, authentically who she was always meant to be
Magical Boy by The Kao
A breathtakingly imaginative fantasy series starring Max—a high schooler chosen to become the next "Magical Girl." There's just one catch . . . he's a trans boy! Although he was assigned female at birth, Max is your average trans man trying to get through high school as himself. But on top of classes, crushes, and coming out, Max's life is turned upside down when his mom reveals an eons old family secret: he's descended from a long line of Magical Girls tasked with defending humanity from a dark, ancient evil! With a sassy feline sidekick and loyal gang of friends by his side, can Max take on his destiny, save the world, and become the next Magical Boy? A hilarious and heartfelt riff on the magical girl genre made popular by teen manga series, Magical Boy is a one-of-a-kind fantasy series that comic readers of all ages will love.
Welcome to St. Hell: My Trans Teen Misadventure by Lewis Hancox
A groundbreaking memoir about being a trans teen, in the vein of FUN HOME and FLAMER... and at the same time entirely its own. Lewis has a few things to say to his younger teen self. He knows she hates her body. He knows she's confused about who to snog. He knows she's really a he and will ultimately realize this... but she's going to go through a whole lot of mess (some of it funny, some of it not funny at all) to get to that point. Lewis is trying to tell her this... but she's refusing to listen.
X-Gender, Vol. 1 by Asuka Miyazaki
An autobiographical diary/essay manga about finding love in Japan as an X-gender person. At 33 years old, Asuka Miyazaki realizes that they like women! Asuka, however, is neither a woman nor a man--instead, they're X-gender, which is a non-binary identity. Follow Asuka through the pages of this autobiographical manga as they record the ins and outs of their journey to finding love with a woman.
Girl Haven by Lilah Sturges & Meaghan Carter Three years ago, Ash's mom, Kristin, left home and never came back. Now, Ash lives in the house where Kristin grew up. All of her things are there. Her old room, her old clothes, and the shed, where she spent her childhood creating a fantasy world called Koretris. Ash knows all about Koretris: how it's a haven for girls, with no men or boys allowed, and filled with fanciful landscapes and creatures. When Ash's friends decide to try going to Koretris, using one of Kristin's spellbooks, Ash doesn't think anything will happen. But the spell works, and Ash discovers that the world Kristin created is actually a real place, with real inhabitants and very real danger. But if Koretris is real, why is Ash there? Everyone has always called Ash a boy. Ash uses he/him pronouns. Shouldn't the spell have kept Ash out? And what does it mean if it let Ash in?
DeadEndia: The Watcher's Test by Hamish Steel
Barney and his best friend Norma are just trying to get by and keep their jobs, but working at the Dead End theme park also means battling demonic forces, time traveling wizards, and scariest of all--their love lives! Follow the lives of this diverse group of employees of a haunted house, which may or may not also serve as a portal to hell, in this hilarious and moving graphic novel, complete with talking pugs, vengeful ghosts and LBGTQIA love!
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astrologged · 1 year
Ixion in the signs and houses
Ixion (28978) is a minor planet in astrology, named after the king of the Lapiths in Greek mythology. Ixion represents the energy of obsession and reckless behavior, as well as the consequences that come from acting without regard for others.
Ixion in Aries: A tendency towards impulsive and reckless behavior, particularly in pursuit of personal goals or desires. There may be a need to learn how to balance individual needs with the needs of others.
Ixion in Taurus: A fixation on material possessions and physical pleasures. There's a tendency to pursue wealth and status at any cost, and a need to learn the value of moderation.
Ixion in Gemini: A tendency towards duplicity and manipulation. There may be a need to learn how to communicate honestly and openly, and to take responsibility for one's words and actions.
Ixion in Cancer: This placement can indicate a fixation on emotional security and a fear of being hurt or rejected. There's a tendency to hold onto grudges and resentments, and a need to learn how to let go of the past and move on.
Ixion in Leo: Can indicate a tendency towards arrogance and narcissism. There’s a need to learn how to work with others and share the spotlight, rather than constantly seeking attention and admiration.
Ixion in Virgo: A fixation on perfectionism and control. There's a tendency to be overly critical of oneself and others, and a need to learn how to accept imperfection and let go of the need for constant order and cleanliness.
Ixion in Libra: A fixation on relationships and a fear of being alone. There may be a tendency to sacrifice one's own needs and desires for the sake of harmony, and a need to learn how to assert oneself and set healthy boundaries.
Ixion in Scorpio: A tendency towards obsession and possessiveness in relationships. There's a need to learn how to let go of control and trust others, as well as a need to examine and heal any issues around power dynamics and manipulation.
Ixion in Sagittarius: Can indicate a tendency towards recklessness and a disregard for consequences. There may be a need to learn how to think before acting, and to consider the impact of one's actions on oneself and others. Try to be less impulsive.
Ixion in Capricorn: Can indicate a fixation on power and authority. There may be a tendency to pursue success at any cost, and a need to learn the value of collaboration and teamwork.
Ixion in Aquarius: Indicates a tendency towards rebellion and a disregard for tradition and social norms. There may be a need to learn how to balance individualism with a sense of responsibility to the collective.
Ixion in Pisces: Indicates a fixation on escapism and a tendency towards self-destructive behavior. There’s a need to learn how to face reality and take responsibility for one's actions, as well as a need to examine and heal any underlying emotional wounds.
Ixion in the houses
Its placement in the houses can give insights into the areas of life where these themes are most likely to manifest.
1st House: Indicates a person who is ambitious and driven, but may also be reckless in pursuit of their goals. They may be seen as a maverick or outsider by others.
2nd House: Someone who is motivated by material success and financial gain, but who may also take risks that endanger their financial security.
3rd House: Someone who is highly competitive and driven to succeed in their intellectual pursuits, but who may also be prone to taking shortcuts or bending the truth to get ahead.
4th House: Someone who is highly ambitious in their domestic and family life, but who may also struggle with issues of trust and loyalty within the family.
5th House: Someone who is highly creative and ambitious in their artistic or romantic pursuits, but who may also take risks or engage in unethical behavior to achieve their goals.
6th House: Someone who is highly motivated to succeed in their work or health pursuits, but who may also take on too much and burn out or engage in unethical behavior in pursuit of success.
7th House: Someone who is highly ambitious in their partnerships and relationships, but who may also be prone to betrayal or deceit.
8th House: Someone who is highly ambitious in their pursuit of power, but who may also engage in unethical behavior to achieve their goals. They may also struggle with issues of trust and betrayal in their intimate relationships.
9th House: Someone who is highly ambitious in their spiritual or philosophical pursuits, but who may also be prone to taking risks or engaging in unethical behavior to achieve their goals.
10th House: A person who is highly ambitious in their career or public life, but who may also engage in unethical behavior or take risks that could damage their reputation or career.
11th House: Someone who is highly ambitious in their social and humanitarian pursuits, but who may also be prone to taking risks or engaging in unethical behavior to achieve their goals.
12th House: A person who is highly ambitious in their spiritual or creative pursuits, but who may also struggle with issues of self-sabotage or addiction. They may also be prone to betrayal or deceit in their private life.
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grumpybunny-salem · 11 days
Furry HRT comics have been something my brain kinda constantly returns to over the last... since people started making them, and so just like anything else I'm really invested in, I feel like I need to analyze them as a phenomenon a little bit.
In some ways, I feel like the most popular formats of these comics are informed by a traditional or uncomplicated view of medical transition. Every character is presented as being able to get an appointment pretty simply, and all live in proximity to their endo. Their initial appointment usually sucks, but characters get what they're looking for and generally don't experience any more roadblocks. The meds people take are always compatible with them, and do not cause any unexpected or adverse side effects.
There's also the assumption in many of these comics that transition has a definite "end". There exists a point where a character is "done", more or less, which isn't accurate to transgender experiences and pushes some of the harmful narrative perpetuated by the medical system. This structure, as well as the fact that furry HRT generally functions more quickly than transgender HRT, is helpful to the format of the stories as short-form narratives, as it helps create a satisfying conclusion.
This is all great for what the format and narratives seem to be trying to convey. Even in amongst the body horror which is common to the narrative, which is in itself useful for exploring how something many view as horrible or uncanny (such as gender transition), they are stories about trans joy. They're about some of the adversity we face, finding happiness among that adversity, and sharing in it with our communities. They're also about finding an authentic self through a medical process that isn't seen in reality, and how regardless of how strange people find something, happiness and self love are what is most important.
But also, when I reflect on these narratives, I sometimes struggle to see myself in them. I'm a person who has spent her entire time medically transitioning dealing with shitty, non-fantastical roadblocks; and it's never the fault of a shitty doctor. Prescriptions take a long time to deliver, insurance doesn't wanna cover it, drugs don't work properly (or sometimes too well, and my doctor starts thinking I have a tumor in my brain), that kind of stuff.
And part of why this bums me out is that there's still so much joy there. It takes more work to love oneself when you spend a month or two off for every three months on, but it's a beautiful thing when you do. There's a whole side of the community engaging with things like DIY HRT, helping and looking after one another even when the medical system won't. There's also people microdosing HRT, either because they're unsure how they feel about it, or there's something in the "in-between" that feels right for them.
Of course artists should put to the page the stories that they want to tell. This post honestly was helping me do the same thing by orienting my thoughts. I'm just yearning for stories that feel a little bit closer to the life I've lived and noticing trends that feel reminiscent of the ways the system hurts us. I love and appreciate every single one of these stories and I hope people don't stop making them - there's so much uniquely trans joy to be had in them. I guarantee this isn't the last of what I have to say about the topic; there's too much here worth celebrating and reading closer.
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joaneunknown · 2 years
What does it take to be a writer? Well, it is more than just writing...
Maybe you have been thinking that you have the talent and the creativity to become a writer and have been planning to begin your first book. Honestly, being a writer, even if you aren't well-known and you don't have too many readers besides your family and friends, is way more than just writing.
And, as I have been writing for almost two years now and with two books on the market, I have got a taste of how it is to be a writer even if I am part of the writers that struggle building a small heap of readers month by month. With all that has been said, here are ten things a writer must do besides writing
1. Maintaining a consistent reading habit
I have said this a thousand times but reading improves everything you write. It inspires, it makes you create other versions of a situation, it takes you to different worlds and ultimately, reading teaches you how to write. Having a consistent reading habit means, from my point of view, always reading something. Maybe not every single day but constantly having a "now reading" book. Read how many books you can in a month, whether that would be one or three or five or even ten books a month! Reading is your tool as a writer, don't let it collect dust.
2. Daydreaming/Brainstorming every single minute of the day
Daydreaming as a writer is also a vital tool. If you don't daydream, then you won't come up with a book idea or even a short-story idea. You constantly have to let your mind wonder and daydream. Yes, most ideas coming from daydreaming are shit but if you know how to select the ones that are worth transforming into a book, then half of your job is done. If you have an idea, then the rest of the writing will flow right through.
3. Motivating themselves to keep going
Personally, there have been a few times where I found myself lost in a rabbit hole with no exit. I didn't know what to write and how to write it because all the writing I was doing at the time was just flat with no flavors added. And, somehow, I got out of it even when I thought that writing was no longer my calling. Of course, I got over that quite quickly by thinking of what I could write, and the pleasure writing gives me.
4. Thinking out of the box
Now, I consider that writing isn't for everybody because when you are writing you must think out of the box and think of all the stories and plots that exist. Sometimes, that is not as easy as every single one of us (especially the writers that are just starting out) has a larger or smaller fear of being judged. Judging nowadays comes from the tiniest pieces of crap, so I came to the conclusion that no matter what I would write about, people are always going to judge it.
5. Visualizing their story
Mentally, I think all writers visualize their stories and turn them into movies. Visualizing your story should be active most of the time even when you are not writing because it can reveal new ideas and possibilities that you haven't seen before.
6. Being designers
Even if you are a self-published author or a traditional published one, all writers desgin their books' covers. If you are like me, a person with no artistic talent like painting, drawing or sketching, then you will have a problem turning your imaginary design created in your mind into a physical drawing or painting. I did that with both of my eBooks and luckily for me I had such a good designer that visualized the cover of my books better than I did. But, although it may seem like the easy part that comes with being a writer, it truly isn't. Your book must have a cover that relates to it and that could attract readers to it too!
7. Being some good damn researchers
Researching is vital for any kind of book, and, thanks to the internet, you have all the sources to come up with a good research project. Researching ends only when you are done with your book because while writing the book whether that would be in the middle or the end, you still need certain information to make your story more credible.
8. Having managerial and marketing skills
Marketing your book and yourself as a writer is also a part of this job, especially when you don't have a team behind your name. I, for one, understand how hard it is to market and manage your books so that people don't forget about them two days after you release them. Luckily, social media platforms are a great way to market, manage and promote yourself as a writer but it does take a lot of time and patience to build a platform.
9. Being a harsh editor and a pretentious reader
Editing is a very hard job to do that gets even harder when you are editing your own writing. Why? Because as a writer you think your writing is impeccable and to edit your books properly, you must be harsh and cruel. If it doesn't seem interesting to you, cut it. If it is too flat, grow it out. If it doesn't make sense, delete it. And I could go on with such examples for the next eight hours. Being a pretentious reader helps you edit your draft more than any other editorial skills. Having high standards for your writing does nothing but improve it.
10. Being vulnerable
All writers must be vulnerable in their writing. Writing is the place where you let it all bleed and not all people are courageous enough to expose themselves in such a way. I, for one, consider that writing is for people with thick skin because it takes a lot of strongness to put your pain out there. Not only that but you have to dig deep into yourself to make your work heartfelt and emotional and, even if not all readers notice it, there is always more behind a beautifully written story. Beautifully written stories start with a hurting soul and end up with a healed one...
With all this being said, what are you waiting for? Grab a pen and something to write on and begin your writing journey today! Remember, write what entertains you and it might also become something that entertains others!
"Start before you are ready" - Steven Pressfield
This is Joane Unknown, thank you for reading this week's Talking Unknown post and get ready for another one next week. More at the link in my bio👇
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pasharuu · 1 year
idk why but i wanna show tumblr my aranara quests themed custom tarot deck lmao. i finished it in february but since i created this acc just recently, i gotta put it here now. im just really proud of this project and the fact that i actually finished it.
unfortunately tumblr will only allow me to add 10 pics per post, while there are 23 cards, so that kinda sucks. will have to separate em it seems. i'll also explain a little about my choices on these. so here we go, first ten.
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0 the fool - "where the journey begins". i think its already a tradition to put some main figure on the fool card and so did i. glad i used his correct design for the card-
basically theres nothing to explain except for the monarch butterfly symbolism, which usually is a sign of a chosen. not like Arama is any "chosen" in a common sense, but i felt like adding this anyway. 6/10 nice Arama card.
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I the magican - creation and manipulation. Aranimba got here for his exclusive sense of beauty and the will to create the beauty. he is an artist after all.
the story of the bg is kinda wonky. it was at release of 3.4 and due to my disappointment i made a pic where Aranimba points at that shiny cave northwest the mt. damavand with excitement. well, now its a boss enterance, but back then i had no clue, i made it literally at the release day lol. but it worked well on the bg of this card. i think you wouldnt guess it was that cave if i didnt tell, and that was done on purpose as well. 8/10 for backstory, and im proud of this card overall.
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II the high priestess - waiting for the impulse from outside, confidence. first of all, the high priestess to me was always associated with some whimsy loud woman, and if you ask me, this is where Arapacati fits. however here she is depressively hugging a viparyas cuz she kicked her brothers a decade ago and now shes sad. what did i tell u about whimsy woman? 6/10, solid.
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III the empress - the mother, fertility, the birth of a new. THIS IS WHERE WE STARTED, THE MAMA. no need to explain why i put Rukkhadevata here? 6/10, i struggled with this card cuz i hate drawing people, but it came out solid imo.
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IV the emperor - the father, discipline, responsibility. to remind you, Araja is basically the one who runs the Vanarana dream realm, the tree of dreams. he is also here for a very simple reason because of being a big boss here, and looking like one as well. 7/10, nice mustache.
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V the hierophant - attention to visible and invisible, search of the essence. if you ask me why i put Arapandu here, theres my answer - because he was the only major character who didnt have a card in the process of planning. i have some really vague explaination why exactly on hierophant, its mostly because of Varunastra actually, not Arapandu. i honestly dont have any emotional connection to Arapandu, he's kinda boring. 4/10.
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VI the lovers - chosen by heart, determination and aspiration. ONLY BECAUSE OF SUCH INTERPRETATION. im against shipping aranara x anyone.
i think i wouldnt even make any better choice for this card whatsoever. they are here because they share dreams and aspirations and i really love their duet. 9/10 i teared.
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VII the chariot - knowledge of the world, searching for the new. these goofy guys are here mostly because of "searching for the new", even though their methods were unsafe and archon knows what would happen to these dummies without any sense of self-preservation if we werent around. fact: they've been wondering for at least 4 years, but i love to say a decade. nay, theyre just very lucky. 5/10.
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VIII justice - "play nice, and others will play nice with you". this is a card for Nara Varuna specifically and i decided to make both Lumine and Aether so that everyone will be satisfied. since Nara Varuna did nice in the past, all the aranara praise their name in the present.
the bg is again kinda symbolic. these are runes on Varuna contraption: "the water", when the rain pours, for Lumine, and "the sky", when its sunny, for Aether. i only hate how i made them so vague that theyre barely recognizable eh. but overall good cards, 6/10.
for now. i bumped into images limit. gotta complete it in the next two posts!!!
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papa-evershed · 10 months
Hey! If you’re interested in doing so For Science or something, I could go a run down on your favourite moments from the Act On interviews. I really feel like Rob is so comfortable and engaged in those, they’re a delight.
I can definitely do this! This is right up my alley because I completely agree, I feel like the Act On This interviews are when we get the best glimpse of him just being him because it isn't press related. And quite frankly, him just being himself is more interesting to me than watching someone answer the same five questions over and over again on a press tour. (Not that I'd complain if he did do more press. I'll take whatever I can get, I'm not fussy.)
I'm going to apologize ahead of time for the length and because this will most likely be a very unorganized list. I considered doing video clips but Tumblr just makes that too much of a pain in the ass. 😩
(* I decided to really only do the most recent Act On This because otherwise I'd be here all damn week trying to make a list and ain't no one got time to read that. 😂)
First off, it's not exactly a moment but like previously mentioned—just the general vibe of these interviews. It's so much more laid back and less professional (in a good way) so we get to see The Hot Mess Express™ in all of his glory and who wouldn't appreciate that small glimpse into his unfiltered chaos? These gifs literally happened within seconds of each other. Between him dropping his phone, struggling to set it right, then immediately breaking into dance, I get whiplash just watching.
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2. I won't gif this one because he's so understandably private about his kids, but the moment when one of them bursts in not long after the above moment. And honestly, there isn't anything there to gif (again, not that I ever would) because boy was quick as lightning to turn that camera to protect his kid's privacy. 100/10. For all of his goofing off, Dad was quick to Dad™. And even with that distraction and the speed with which he remedied it—he still kept up with what Ross was asking and saying to him. For all the talk of how much of a class clown he is, it appears he can still handle his shit without missing a beat when it really matters and this was a prime example of that.
3. When he pretty much just admitted to being drunk during the Christmas trivia. Keep it real, that's how we like it. 😎
4. This one may be considered a boring choice but another one of my favorite aspects of the Act On This interviews is hearing him get to speak so candidly about his acting process. It's not something most actors really get to discuss in great length with traditional press anymore unless they're the pretentious, insufferable, method sort that make headlines with their extremes. But hearing him discuss how he tried to find ways to bring warmth to the character in The Inheritance made me even more interested in seeing it—to see how much of it they kept, to see if the attempts were even successful. He talked about adding humor because otherwise the audience might grow tired of these fighting siblings and he's right. When he finally does settle down and get serious, he gives incredibly insightful answers and I feel like his approach to most characters is just spot on. So yeah, a thoughtful answer that also increased my interest in an upcoming project is a major win.
5. It's happened over the course of a few different Act On This interviews so it's a bit hard to gif or anything but when either he or Ross mentions how frugal he is. 😅😂 He's got a five year old IPhone (which shouldn't be remarkable but lbr), his laptop supposedly only works if it's plugged into the wall, he'd rather have the money than a make-up artist, and I'm almost positive there are examples I'm missing. Love me a frugal king. 👑
6. I wouldn't call this one a moment really, more so just another example of why I love Act On This—for little pieces of insight and perspective like this. I like learning how people cope with different things and what tools they use, this one is also just very relatable because it's something I find myself also doing as I get older too (although not in audition rooms, obviously).
7. Similar to the last one, whenever he talks about how he's found ways to deal with nerves. It's especially interesting to me because I feel like I've seen a lot of chatter among fans as to whether or not he gets nervous but he's pretty transparent about how his nerves have sabotaged him in the past. It's something else that's relatable, when he discusses finding methods that work for him (mindfulness really is slept on). It takes a certain level of vulnerability to admit when you've been actively searching for ways to cope and it's admirable to hear anyone not just admit it but to encourage others to do the same. Plus, don't we all watch these hoping for those honest moments?
8. Because I'm a trash person and I wouldn't be me without admitting it...every single moment when he has the audacity to just exist looking like this. 🤷‍♀️ He was 🔥🔥and I'm honest enough to admit that the eye candy is certainly a perk of any Act On This interview.
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Honestly, I could keep going but I will spare us all.
Of course there's the obvious mentions too, like whenever he breaks into song and/or dance. The Christmas trivia was a pleasure. And like most people, I also enjoy just any little personal tidbit he's chosen to share throughout the years, even something as simple as what beer he wants to drink or his love of house plants.
Overall, I appreciate these interviews because like you said, they're just so comfortable and engaging. Once he gets the wiggles out there's usually some really great advice or tidbits shared so I really watch these always waiting on those moments and anything else is just icing on the cake.
Hopefully this was somewhat of a satisfactory answer and bless anyone that's read this far. 😳
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taylortruther · 2 years
One thing I'll admit to being surprised on with this album is the (sort of) anti-marriage messaging. Normally that wouldn't surprise me about anyone - I mean who cares if a woman wants to get married or not!! - but with Taylor, who wrote so much about fairytales and marriage in her previous discography, it honestly does surprise me that it seems that marriage is no longer something she's interested in. Bejeweled video seemed to nail the message home.
i think it's less anti-marriage, and more anti-the expectation that a lot of women modern generations (myself included) struggle with--this idea that, as a woman, you are expected to get married, have babies, etc. and how that often means, even for superstar celebrities, that you are also expected to prioritize that and put your own ambitions and life on hold.
i'm still working through my thoughts on this, but i think paper rings, peace, ttds, champagne problems, and several songs on midnights now, express 1) a deep love for joe that doesn't require marriage, because it's just paper, 2) a bittersweet reflection on how she wasn't able to experience a "normal" traditional life--she chose her own ambition, and now can never have that again because of that ambition/her fame.
we know she feels her childhood was pretty idyllic, and that she longs to return to it (christmas tree farm.) we also know she feels some resentment and fear about whether she can provide anyone in her life normalcy and security (peace, the infamous "no one's going to sign up for this" interview quote, what she said to aaron about the elephant in the room during the long pond sessions.) she feels very proud of her success ("i am a rich man" quote in the yntcd mv) and doesn't want to dim her shine or make herself smaller for anyone ever again (i did something bad.)
the message i'm hearing from her is that marriage isn't the end-all be-all, and tbh i don't think any reasonable fans on here were suggesting it was. it was something she wanted for a long time (in her art) because she thought that was the pinnacle of love and romance, but as she got older, life/reality/ambition/etc. showed her that's not really the case.
so to me she's not someone who doesn't want to get married, it's just not the pinnacle of personal success for her, and she resents the implication that it should be. not only is it deeply offensive to imply that she will only be a real woman (to refer to that vulture piece) or truly "successful" when she becomes a wife and mother... but it's not how taylor sees herself. her ambitions are larger than being a wife and mother.
could marriage and motherhood still be part of her life? i think so. but it's insulting to suggest that her artistic and other personal ambitions should be secondary.
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northernfireart · 3 months
out of curiosity, you seem to switch between digital and traditional art :D which, the art itself, absolutely insanely stunning and gorgeous, however maintaining such a strong style is SOOO hard, I rly struggle, any tips? x
woah thank you so much!!!😭 to be honest I mostly switch between traditional and digital because I'm not at home 90% of the time and I am very inspiration driven so I always bring a sketchbook with me everywhere (so a lot of style stability is really just muscle memory), but what's really helped me was getting a brushpen that felt like my digital lineart brush. and same goes for styles with thin lines: getting a nice, thin black pen.
also you will feel less unsure with traditional/digital (whichever is not your main medium) if you just... keep switching to it. And I even got a life proof that it works: my friend was a digital-only artist most of her life and whenever I handed her a piece of paper to sketch something she would get incredibly stressed. however, we've been getting out to a coffee shop to draw our silly ocs together for a lot of years now, and even though she didn't switch to traditional fully, she feels much more comfortable with it and even insists we draw instead of doing something else sometimes.
and, after all, I think my last tip would be to not worry about your style so much. a few years back I fell into a hole of struggling with a style that was too cartoony for what I wanted out of it. and I kept pushing, it being not very fun to stylize things and just mostly stressful to draw. my best decision was changing it up, honestly. whenever I'm not satisfied with my art style - I change it. why stick to it if it's no fun? and how will you find out if you like to draw something in some style if you don't try it?
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tubbytarchia · 5 months
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(I don't know what happened, this ask is completely absent from my askbox though I received an email for it, so I screenshotted from there! I'll answer it just in case you're still interested kind asker!)
Assuming you've never done art before to any notable degree, UH, I'm not sure!! I think most artists start with traditional tools and I would definitely recommend that as well. Just get a notebook and start doodling stuff! Digital art is really convenient, but the ability to change things around endlessly is both a blessing and a curse, for beginning artists probably mostly a curse, cause you'll likely start to overstress about it and start trying to make changes till perfection (I get stuck with that constantly and it's awful). With traditional, it's 90% yolo and that's the beauty of it! You work around it, or you start again, a little wiser!
But if you do want to do digital, it's dependant on available tools and preference (eg do you prefer drawing with fingers on mobile or with a tablet on desktop, etc, you just have to test different options). And I honestly don't have a lot to suggest here because I've stuck with the free version of FireAlpaca for most of my life and don't use a pen/tablet, so unfortunately suitable software and the like is up to you to figure out, or you can ask someone wiser than me! Art software with simpler interface is probably the way to go at least in the beginning, heck, I used to draw using "aggie.io" just on my lonesome. But regardless I'm always here to propagate free or easily-acquirable tools if nothing else. You most definitely don't need anything expensive or complex to create something awesome, and you don't need to "upgrade" either if you ever feel that you're being limited by your tools. Just changing things up in other ways can be a huge help, but every artist is very different and the journey of any skill is one that never ends!
For general advice.... again, don't overstress, hence my recommendation to start with traditional art or with software with simple interface. Creation starts with you fucking around and putting some lines on paper, and just keep going from there. It's not going to look anything like what you want it to look like for awhile and that's okay, that's how obtaining a new skill starts for everyone. As much of a nice sentiment as it is to call someone talented, I firmly believe that no one is born with that shit. Some people just pick some things up quicker than others, but we all start somewhere and we struggle but struggle is proof that you're doing it right, so don't ever beat yourself up for partaking in art and creating something, because god knows that's the biggest problem among artists lol
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likegemstone · 7 months
So I'm someone who has, historically, profoundly struggled to find motivation to do things I'm not good at. I think it's a somewhat universal experience to not want to do something you know you're going to suck at, but for most people it seems to manifest as just general disinterest in the thing. They still can and will do it if they need to, they just won't be especially interested in it. Some weirdos even take it as a challenge and they like engaging with something they're bad at because they want to get better at it.
Me? In the past, if I was bad at something, everything in my body and mind screamed at me to never attempt it again. My anxiety spiked, my brain suddenly became WAY more interested in literally ANYTHING else (hello procrastination), I'd get in these obsessive thought spirals where all I could think was about how bad I was at the thing, etc.
It has been extremely limiting. I've been slowly shutting myself off from more and more aspects of my life for years. I've isolated myself because I'm bad at being social, I stopped writing almost entirely for ~5 years despite it being my main passion, I quit art for even longer, I started and stopped at least a dozen ideas for small businesses, I deleted all my social medias (honestly at the time that was probably for the best tho), and I pretty much lost all interest in doing anything at all because I think the more I gave in to the whole "if I'm bad at something I need to stop doing it" thing, the bigger the feeling got. The more true it felt, the more grip it had on my life.
Recently, I decided I really want to focus on improving my art--getting better, and specifically getting faster at it. So many artists say that one of the best ways to get faster is to be more purposeful and confident in every mark you make--basically, stop fiddling, erasing/undoing, second guessing your decisions, making a dozen marks and erasing them until you finally get the one you want, etc. And they all say a great way to practice that is to draw in pen/something permanent.
But see, I struggle so much with traditional art in general, much less permanent media. Because I'm bad at it. The reason I've been able to keep drawing for 2 years straight now is that I finally got an ipad and an apple pencil. I've got undo, transform, liquify, duplicate, layers, zooming in, etc.
And yet, I want to get faster. I don't want to have to rely on those tools. I want to be making every mark with intention. I want to know what I'm doing and believe in it. So I have been practicing figure drawing in my sketchbook again instead of on my ipad. And it feels so awkward. I'm so uncertain, I feel like I'm drawing with my left hand, and I'm bad at it. I get super impatient and my mind gets scrambley after just one or two figures and I have to take a break.
But I keep coming back to it--like, I'm not losing interest. I think about it when I'm doing something else and then I have to sit down and watch a youtube video on figure drawing or line confidence or whatever and try again. I'll be watching Criminal Minds or something and then suddenly my brain is saying "no, try to draw again, we need to get better."
And that is. WILD. And exciting. And emotional, because I've been a quitter for so so long and I don't want to be anymore.
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moondane-lovers · 3 months
Since I'm super curious:
Guldo for the ask game!
-What made me like them
Honestly, it just sort of happened. The characters I end up being drawn to are pretty random, especially when there are others that are considered a "better choice" (same thing happened with spandam) and his funny personality and his vibes just... I couldn't help it. I have a pattern of liking characters that only appear shortly too, and I mean. He's just. Great.
-My favorite thing about them
I could say a bunch of things, like his absolutely adorable physical form, his vibes, but for me, it's how impressive he actually is. He's played as a quick villain that gets taken down with only a short struggle, but to the average person as well as saiyan or freiza force soldier, he's TERRIFYING. He's part of the ginyu force for a reason, and he's got incredibly cool powers. His potential is just... so ignored.
-Nicknames we have for each other
Guldo mostly calls my S/I by their name, but sometimes go with things like "paint face" since they're a full time traditional artist. They occasionally call him green, but also mainly stick with names, aside from also calling him a "walking nuke" due to his strength.
-A headcanon of our relationship/friendship
We do a lot of outdoorsy stuff together. He trains a lot and it’s definitely more intense than what I can handle, but we go on long hikes in the woods, crazy walks through uncharted areas and so on. Our little secret hobby that he enjoys a lot is going into abandoned places. Earth is still so new to him, so having an experience where I get excited over all the things we find helps him learn, plus, free stuff!
-My favorite image of them
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I have a few buuuut
-Anything else!
I’ve selfshipped with him for a few years now, and even started making a selfship blog before but got too scared and embarrassed.
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sidesteppostinghours · 2 months
9 and 25 for all of them !! :)
evening gideon!! thank you for the ask :]
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
ok. so. the thing about me is that i dont actually listen to music all that often??? its mostly when i draw digitally, and im primarily a traditional artist so i dont really know that many songs. i also have shitty memory so its hard for me to remember quotes. aka this is a pretty hard question for me to answer, but i will try my best:
Caine-"Oh, captain, make up your mind/Before the salt burns your eyes and you run out of time/'Cause you're popping the cork, you get lost in your brain/And you lose touch with all the things that made you feel sane" - Ship in a Bottle (fin)
honestly ive never really associated this song with him before but i looked into the lyrics just to see whether it had anything i could think of them with and theres??? actually a bunch of lyrics there that fit???? like to the point i was struggling to decide which one to use for this. but i think this one, the second chorus, really encapsulates the biggest parts of their character. hes the decision maker out of all my steps, the one that knows how to make the logical choices and think his way out of a problem. but hes on a time limit. he doesn't know when it will end, just that it will at some point, and they cant stop if they want everything done in time. also sight and eyes is something i associate caine with a lot, especially closing your eyes/refusing to see. "you get lost in your brain/and you lose touch with all the things that made you feel sane." COUGHS. coughs. caine has the most gates open out of all my steps. i also fully intend to make them the source of hb 2.0. yeah.
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look him in the eyes and say this to his face. he will look like he got hit by a freight train.
Cecilia- another quote!
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im just gonna go ahead and put my own tags to this one because thats where i put it best:
#thinking about this again with ceci#the best part is the bullet hole#like yeah shes not ready to face the fact that everything shes been doing up till now#was just to distract herself from the absolute misery life became after heartbreak#she has FRIENDS she has people she CARES about and they even seem to like her back!!!!#she even has a girlfriend!#isnt that enough?#tell her thats enough#cecilia rider
theres a reason shes a thrill seeker yall.
Cynthia- "I swear, I'm so fucking sorry/I'm not a good person, I'm barely a person at all/But someday I'll be perfect, and I'll make up for it all" - Against the Kitchen Floor (Will Wood)
uh. *looks at cynthias relationship with ortega* uhhhh. *looks at cynthias relationship with sidestep*. uhhhhhhhh.
this song was also difficult to choose lyrics out of, but there is just something so special about girls who simply have to be the best they can to make up for the sin of being. there is something equally as special about girls who take their past selves as judge, and their lover as executioner. also "im not a good person, im barely a person at all" kills me. the regene flavouring on that line??? utterly insane of mr wood to make a song just for her.
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
THESE BITCHES ARE SO CONTRADICTORY!!! THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING CLASHING ABOUT THESE FUCKERS AND ITS DELICIOUS. not even just trait wise, but with their themes? their core ideals? their relationships???? its always some sort of fucking fundamental difference shaping the way they act and i am Obsessed with it. also all of them are dangerous and it makes me vibrate a little bit. rangers you are so lucky that none of them are interested in leaning into being a full blown villain. but this question is,,, also difficult to answer because idk how to pick just one favourite lmfao. i will attempt it though.
Caine- he is the normalest guy around. there is also something Deeply Wrong with him. my favourite thing about caine would probably be how fun it is to dive into his psyche! ill often have times where i get bored of them and wonder why i got so interested in the first place, and then i get hit with another round of it and i remember "oh right! its because hes insane." his whole character revolves around what is going on inside their brain, from their high subterfuge to their connection with heartbreak and his relationship with the puppet. theyre the most fun to play with in their mind.
Cyrus- god. my favourite thing about him is a tie between his stubbornness and his surprisingly strong sense of empathy. both of those were the things keeping him from becoming a villain in the first place, and now its whats stopping him from going back to being a hero. i want him to confront what hes become so bad yall dont understand-
Cecilia- cecilia is just. a breath of fresh air. shes easy and super fun to play, and while she certainly has her moments (i am looking directly at the checkpoint three mortum reveal scene), shes mostly lighthearted fun cruising through the game as nothing more than a silly guy. i think the next game will actually dig into her character more deeply and allow me to showcase the parts of her shed usually keep hidden, but for now im having a good time getting her to kiss argent and embarrass her friends.
Cynthia- somebody come pick her up please before she starts crying in this club. she is crying because of me but lets not talk about that. i think my favourite thing about her is the contrast between her general wimpy sad lovergirl disposition and her revenge scar, and how she chooses to cope with it! because like,,,, it is just so so tasty watching her fumble with the overwhelming emotion, Especially since the emotion is hurting people. she never learned what to do with the anger! she does not want it! she wants to be as kind to other people as possible! "im not a bad dog, i dont know why i bite" etc etc. eventually she might figure it out, but Definitely Not Now lmfao.
questions from here!
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cool-island-songs · 1 year
Craig for ask gamee :3
Sorry this took so long but tumblr kept chewing it up in my drafts
Sexuality Headcanon:
Gay gay homosexual gay. Fem Craig? Staunch lesbian.
Those are my preferences in writing Craig, though I do also enjoy shoving him back in the closet because without yaoi magic, abrupt PCness, and the comfort of meth bf's twitchy hand in his, I can really see that being a longer struggle for Craig
Not-totally-gay slut Craig has a fairly long legacy some younger fans may not be aware of. This fandom is old and Creek only became canon in 2015 so it's like a form of culture shock for me to see artists getting yelled at for drawing Craig with girls. It's not like he was usually with girls, but there's this thing in the old yaoi tropes where the one who is presumed to top is less flamingly homosexual and more interested in sex generally. He was also frequently a menacing gay villain back in the day though lol
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"I'm not just gay, I'm a catamite." - Craig Tucker, 2003
I do personally love reading his earlier aggression and posturing on the show as internalized homophobia. He's NOT gay! Don't say he's gay or he'll beat you up, completely un-homoerotically!!! This is a fun retconning thing though. The intentions of the showrunners earlier on likely were not that he is posturing extra hard due to being closeted. But authorial intent is not relevant to how I might want to thread the needle between older Craig characterizations on the show and more current ones
I'm a bit more fixed with Craig than others due to the presentation of his autism and generally see him demisexual, monogamous, traditional in a learned, rote sort of way. He's very favorite person-y with Tweek to me
Gender Headcanon:
I've only ever written him cis but I have enjoyed trans Craigs of all stripes (get it????), and I actually do have some t4t Creek planned!
Very into fem Craig. Excited to write her being so regular about Tweek's twiddies <3 In short, give me all the Craig genders
A ship I have with said character:
Well... I guess I like Creek a little bit 👉👈
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I like exploring other dynamics but I'm always going to conceive of Creek as a unique bond. They get something from one another they can't get anywhere else, even when I'm putting them in horrible circumstances. That's what I'm here for, babeyyy
A BROTP I have with said character:
Honestly love thinking about Craig/Tolkien, Craig/Jimmy, Craig/Clyde (though I think I see that last one quite differently from most, or at least I'm most interested in the SoT vibe with dumdum traitor Clyde and amoral opportunist Craig). Really love writing platonic Crenny but I generally see Kenny as gravitating to other people so when I write these two as closer friends, it's usually based on particular circumstances. Craig/Bebe reluctant gossip hoes is also very funny to me
A NOTP I have with said character:
Yeah, I don't really NOTP anymore. There is a version out there of any ship I might find compelling. Being so Creek brainrotted, I don't spend a lot of time thinking about other Craig ships in any endgame capacity but I'm always curious to see the different ways people view Craig. I've noticed his characterization tends to vary depending on who he's with. One example is his socioeconomic status. I've noticed his family potentially being worse off than most others is stressed in Crenny fics, socioeconomic status tends not to play a huge role in Cryde or Creek fics, and he is often more ambitious and upwardly mobile in Cryle fics. As my friend @phantomchill put it: "he's absorbing their financial status. autism masking has gone too far!" This is not a negative or positive thing, there isn't one correct way, but he feels very malleable as the love interest guy
I'm very much a Tweek-relater first and foremost and early on in my time in fandom came up with the very novel theory (lol) that people tend to project onto one guy in their OTP more and thus multiship that guy, while the other guy isn't allowed to have other boyfriends. I have since moved beyond this theory for myself at least, because I relate to Craig quite a bit too and I think sometimes people have other boyfriends and that's pretty normal and okay. Striving for realism in my homosexual erotic cartoon porn writings
A random headcanon:
Honestly don't even consider autistic Craig to be a headcanon at this point. I think they're doing it on purpose now. His special interests are ancient animes and space. His favorite person is Tweek. He is also canonically very hairy
This is very specific but I like headcanoning Craig as Mediterranean. Peruvian Craig is cute of course and honestly I don't care where he's from as long as he's hairy, tan, and big nosed. Big nose/big eyebrows Craig 🛐 Are these just my aesthetic preferences? No. I have Matt Stone tied up under my bed and he says it's canon uwu
General Opinion over said character:
I want to beat him up
Also a bit bored by Craig discourses (bad boy VS. dork??? Leather jacket and cigarettes as a personality IS a dork I'm so sorry to burst your bubble) so some new proposals:
Craig actually doesn't like TOS. He doesn't really get it (too campy). TNG is his favorite. I'm talking about Space Trek u fake ass nerds
Craig weeb loser dub v sub opinions???
Red Racer is just Speed Racer. Sorry it's not a great discourse it's just how i feel
Craig STEM smart vs. Craig not naturally proficient in any subject
This is crazy but what if his penis was just regular. No okay that one is too far. I- *is shot dead*
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not-xpr-art · 1 year
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BTS Rapline Triptych '23 - surrealist painting
i wanna be a human 'fore i do some art - yun by rm (feat. erykah badu)
it's been nearly 5 years since my last rapline triptych, and 3 years since my last bts fanart, but after listening to agust d's latest album (in conjunction with rm and jhope's releases last year) i got a sudden wave of inspiration to do a surrealist inspired work!
this is based on the lyrics and general vibes of a few of my favourite songs from the albums (such as polar night, yun and equal sign!) as well as an interpretation of my own journey through the last 3 years or so...
see the individual panels below with a lil explanation to my thought process~
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i had actually originally planned to have suga be surrounded by flames (very similar to my 2018 triptych), but decided that the flames suited jhope's panel more (because of the connection to the song arson), so settled for a bathtub filled with... a red liquid (is it blood? is it wine? you decide lol)
part of my thought process was focused on the way his album in particular comments on how we change, and also how that can be a painful thing to reckon with. the last few years have felt very much like we've all been forced to choose either to sink or to swim, and while we decide we remain in some sort of limbo... the closed door and empty room are a part of this feeling (and also something i was inspired to do after watching his music video for amygdala).
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the 'shadows' connected to rm (which also cross over into the first panel) are supposed to represent the concept of past selves. rm's album 'indigo' emphasises the idea of the self, and how to feel much more at ease with who you are now whilst not completely letting go who you were then.
the central black splotch (technical term) is based on work by the artist yun hyongkeun who was the inspiration for the song 'yun' (which is also where the written lyrics above are from). i liked the way his works looked like voids, with rough unfinished edges, drawing you in like a cave. i wanted this part to be the only real dark part of this central panel. i was a little worried this panel would look out of place because of that, but i kinda realised that that's the point!
this panel is very much a reflection of what it is to be an artist, and a human. and in the sea of soulless ai and the commercialised art market, it was kinda refreshing to create something that i didnt try and harmonise. the colours dont feel like they necessarily go together and the glitched flames from the final panel create a confusing mess in the centre of the piece, as a central focal point of the whole piece it honestly looks kinda bad to me, but i dont care! mess is an integral part of being human, and being human is an integral part of being an artist.
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i originally planned for there to be lightning to coming out of the cloud because of the storm-y vibe of jhope's album, but i thought it'd clash with the fire so went with some rain instead lol. the album carries a lot of themes of the pressure of success, living up to other people's (and your own) expectations, and struggling with what you want out of life vs what you need! and i tried to reflect this in the cloud 'hat' on his head.
i wanted to add some open doors to contrast with suga's closed door, but whereas suga's door has a thin gleam of light coming through the seam, jhope's doors all lead to darkness. the fear of what lies beyond those doors isn't lessoned when the door is open, if anything it's heightened! the doors could also be empty, given that a lot of my motivation for art has felt lacking in the last 3 years lol...
the additional faces came about by accident but i really like how they came about lol. in a way i was trying to give the portraits a traditional ink drawing style, as well as continuous line drawing to fit with the surrealism theme. they represent the 'self' in all its forms, who we are inside, who we are to others, who we want to be etc. all three of the albums explore themes of self, and in their cases specifically who they are in a world where their success is almost unparalleled. i dont relate to this (ofc) but i do relate to the dilemma of how to stay true to that self whilst grappling with our commercialised and over materialistic world.
finding that faith in yourself as well as faith in art to bring you back to yourself has been hard for everyone and i found it really humbling to see that same pain i feel reflected back in the form of music.
ultimately this piece is about finding reasons to live and to keep going, and desperately doing that all through my art. something i've always done, but has been especially difficult in recent years. and like the albums themselves, this isn't the end of a journey, but instead a midway point, a crossroads, where we can look back and look forward in equal measure trying to make sense of everything...
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atomiciva · 1 year
Hi hi!! Just so say in advance but for some reason i cant write questionmarks so ive just put them in brackets of where they go lmao. I wanted to shoot you a message and so I hope you dont mind but I was wondering what sort of portfolio you submitted to be able to work on Unicorn Warriors Eternal, I currently am an animator who has been struggling on getting a 2d animation job for a few years now and I was wondering if you would have any advice for someone who feels like they are struggling to get into the industry (Questionmark) Your animation for the show is amazing and I love the little bit of fanart that you made of melinda and edred too!! Once again, sorry if this is a bother but I figured that I would atleast try to ask :)
Heya! No worries at all!
I still feel super lucky honestly and I've only ever been at this one studio so far, so I don't know how helpful this is gonna be but I'll give it my best shot haha
This was my old showreel straight from the end of university which I had on my portfolio site when I applied:
I was lucky in the fact that the main thing I enjoyed doing during uni was animation clean-up in TVPaint, aaaand then I saw the job listing looking for... animation clean-up in TVPaint! I'm still not the best at rough animation, but as you can see my reel had lots and lots of clean-up examples, and that was exactly what Studio Zmei was looking for.
So, first tip: Focus your showreel on what you want to get a job for! If you're applying for rough traditional animation, show your roughs vs the final thing, or a clean-up heavy reel like mine if you wanna do clean-up, or a reel just for ToonBoom rigged animation if that's what you're applying for.
Second? Tip? Look for more obscure studios, or ask around your local studios (if you have any) if they offer internships or even junior level jobs? Studios are often really biased towards local people, and I was lucky that Zmei just happened to be situated in my home city. We often get interns not from any listings but just from people showing interest in an email. But I also know that's a bit unusual and a lot of studios are more closed off?? And going back to the more obscure studios part: The more well known a studio is, the more insane the competition to get a spot is, hence why usually it's not so much your portfolio's fault rather than the huge influx of candidates. This is where looking at general animation job listings sites can help a lot, and I even found Zmei's listing here in the first place:
aaand there's one for games too: https://gamejobs.work/
Lots of studios use these and they also have twitter/instagram pages to keep you updated as well. If a job is listed as remote, go for it! A lot of smaller studios that handle outsource animation are often starved for animators. (a lot of those do 2D rigged animation in ToonBoom or Adobe too, so it's def worth making a fresh reel for that if it's up your alley) Following a lot of studios on social media and especially LinkedIn helps too, as some of them post listings there exclusively.
And, third tip - there's no shame in starting small. I constantly get spammed by studios looking for mobile game animators or educational video animators on LinkedIn. Sure not all of those are gonna be worth looking into, but a lot of my friends started off like that. Every little bit of experience counts and builds up your CV. It's really hard to jump straight into being a rough animator, or a designer, or a storyboarder. Even my role of doing clean-up is considered more junior, and we had lots of people who did only coloring and shading too. And the more entry level version of a storyboard artist would be a storyboard revisionist. Everyone starts somewhere!
Other things like putting a direct link or linktree to your portfolio site or showreel easily accessible on all of your social medias could also help, as recruiters often have no time to dig for that stuff. (altho I'll be honest I've only ever been approached once (1) by a local studio on just instagram, so that's a really rare occurrence. still helps to be prepared though!)
I hope this was somewhat helpful haha. Good luck!!!
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