#his goals are to made breathtaking music and be adored
lordgrimwing · 1 month
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Had a great time fumbling around with drawing this evening with @nighttimepatrons. Here's a little drawing of Makalaure in an aesthetic cloth covering being gracefully buffeted by the winds on the cliffs around Tirion (because he's dramatic and he knows he looks good). Inspired by Boreas, painted by John William Waterhouse.
softer picture under the cut
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andromerot · 5 months
my pedro almodóvar marathon. thoughts, feelings, tier list
or, i spent like 50 hours on this so i better get to post about it
well, i'd be lying if i said i set out to do this with any clear goals in mind. i sort of just wanted to watch movies. this year i set out to watch through a couple of directors entire works, but ran into complications or got bored. so anyway when i finished my term i decided id try a third time with my best friend pedro. i had watched five of his films already but was mostly unaware of other things he had made. on the 22nd of november i started with matador, then went on and in exactly a month i had watched all of his feature films yayyy
so this is how i ranked them on letterboxd and this is a tier list. this doesnt really sum up my thoughts though so im leaving a little review for each below the cut, in the order i watched them in this month hope someone cares :) thank you
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matador (1986): ohhhhhh my god. absolutely unexpected how insane this movie made me. many people say its not very good, i dont think that's true. transgressive, erotic, camp, necrosexual, implicit faggot tension, beautiful costuming, insanely talented cast of so many characters sick in the head. watching this one first really hyped me up to keep at it and to close out the month i rewatched it the other day and though it was less surprising than the first time i watched it its maybe my favorite now :) it has structural flaws i suppose. but i love it
¿que he hecho yo para merecer esto? (1984): pretty funny! not bad at all, i remember enjoying it as i watched it, it just wasnt very memorable. i enjoy every performance by carmen maura, chus was stellar as always and forqué was really sweet in this one too, i liked it. i literally forgot half of the plot though. did anyone remember the telepathic child or the faked hitler diaries? i didnt until i looked it up.
la ley del deseo (1987) (rewatched): showed this one to my friend, god its iconic. some of my favorite chiques almodovar. so fun to watch and so silly even though its not quite a comedy. the fact that antonio is just called antonio in this one makes me unwarrantedly happy. MAURA THE WOMAN THAT YOU ARE!! very hot all around. i think i liked it better this time than the other two i had watched it.
pepi, luci, bom y otras chicas del montón (1980): everyone talks about how sexually transgressive 80s almodovar is and i was like yeah whatever until i watched this one. straight up trilogy of trash shit. so beautiful. i wish every movie was like this. no one likes it but i adored it. erecciones generales will stay in my mind forever and i loved the musical numbers. and the piss, of course.
entre tinieblas (1983): also somewhat forgettable, though i watched it while pretty worried about something else so maybe i didnt give it the attention it deserved. its not a bad time but i wouldn't rewatch it. based on the premise you think it'd be better.
la flor de mi secreto (1995) (rewatched): OH GOD. until last month my favorite almodóvar, its been outdone but it still destroys me. its terribly underrated. i dont even know what i can say about it... marisa paredes is stunning at doing desperation. the boots, the scene at the protest, the initial meeting with ángel, the poem in the car, that moment in the hall. it's beautiful and breathtaking. lesbian film history, i promise.
todo sobre mi madre (1999): like, its good, but i dont get what people see in it that makes it so acclaimed. again paredes is great in this, but penélope is somewhat tame compared to what she does later, and this is the point in the list where i have to admit cecilia roth is not very good to me and all my compatriots start throwing rocks at me. listen i just wish she'd stop doing that stupid accent its so fucking bad cecilia sincerate seguro sos de villa crespo. anyway its fine if a bit weird about trans women, but hes always a hit or miss w that
átame (1989): took a big break between the last one and this one for some reason. anyway, pretty funny, except it really drags in the middle. shouldnt have been that long, but victoria abril always slays and the last scene is wonderful.
tacones lejanos (1991): WOAHHHHH! really cool i liked it. i love a mother daughter thing especially this mother and this daughter. really fun doppelganger story and i love how it was told, i found it both melodramatic and subtle? miguel bosé makes a really pretty girl, this will inform my every subsequent rewatch of suspiria. big fan of his gender. dance number fucked obvs
kika (1993) (rewatch): ok, i know why people don't like this one, but its so silly... cmon. it sillay. once again incredible abril performance, the costuming my god.... her character makes the whole movie i wish i was her. lesbian rossy de palma was wonderful and every forqué performance is a delight. pedro getting hitchcockian with it to slightly trick the audience is a staple of his 90s filmography, fucks.
carne trémula (1997): the title made me think it would be better! there was barely any carne. i didn't really see the point of most of it tbh, though based on how the movie starts and ends there might be some spanish historical context that im missing that makes it more interesting. strangely reminiscing of the buenos aires affair to me, but puig is better. yeah it was just pretty boring.
laberinto de pasiones (1982): YAYYYYYY i had some trouble torrenting so i watched it really out of order this but its SO FUN. obviously in the same vein as pepi luci bom but i liked it slightly more just for how unnecessarily elaborate it was. the one major role i dont mind roth being in and im a big fan of antonios gay terrorist with an ultradeveloped sense of smell character and arias is really into his very silly character too – he works well in secreto as well, i wish hed been on more almodovares, i should finally watch camila. liné was hilarious too. the problematic incest storyline was really funny to me sorryyyyy and i got a lot of gender out of the musical performances. hey can you believe that beautiful fag covered in blood is a franquista now. i can
hable con ella (2002): ehhhhhhh. some people really hate this one for the couple scenes i found most interesting, others love it for reasons i cant parse. its got parts that caught my attention a lot, but mostly it was eerie in an unenjoyable and uninteresting way and the backstories dragged on too long, especially grandinetti's. like i just don't care sorry. THE scene is quite disturbing though. i appreciated he decided to show rape in a more subtle light for once, it made it a lot more cruel and a lot more interesting.
la mala educación (2004) (rewatch): sighhhh. i really wish i liked this one. its got so many elements i am into – the colours are obviously spectacular, the unreliable multiple narrations and the disassembled timelines are always enjoyable to me, the attempt at social commentary is appreciated, some scenes are stunning (fictional ignacios head split in half is unforgettable) but quite honestly the characterization is so bad it bores me. i liked it more the first time i watched it just because of how confused i was, once i wasnt it lost its magic. maybe the worst in what is considered the "somewhat autobiographical movies about directors" trilogy (i think there's four of them but we'll discuss that later) probably because the character of enrique is so bland. i know its more but it feels that you only spend like five minutes with him. ángel/juan's motivations for anything are so puzzling, ignacio is just a caricature at this point and probably the character with the most depth is berenguer, which is ironic, i guess
volver (2006): WAHHH. its hard to talk about it honestly. it was so unexpectedly beautiful. the acting is so on point – penélope cruz and that beautiful carmen maura comeback are self evident, but blanca portillo is also stellar. it was fascinating from minute one and i couldnt keep my eyes off it. its written with such care and love. i suppose the plot itself is nothing out of this world, but the way it is handled is explosive. i really adored it.
los abrazos rotos (2009): the fourth bastard on the self insert series! cmon, its way more about himself than la mala educación. anyway, its good at some points, not very in others. the strong point is obviously the relationship between mateo, judit and diego, their refusal to be tied as a family and their desire to be tied by love is reaaaally interesting. the scene at the sea... but penélope and her millionaire and her millionaires son do nothing interesting at any point, im afraid to say. sad! surprisingly not very memorable, even though i didnt dislike it as i watched it. like i remember i liked some things but if a couple weeks later i dont remember what they were its probably the movies fault
la piel que habito (2011): AUGHHH OK. fuck. THIS ONE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD. it wasnt it was really mid. when it started i was like oh is pedro trying out his hand at cronenberg and i was really excited because im SURE he can do cronenberg better than cronenberg but he didnt. it was worse. how are you giving your women less agency than that guy??? honestly probably the first ever film of his where this is a noticeable problem, though penélope in the last one should give us a hint. ughh it should have been good. im mad about that. no desire to question gender or power and the unchronological storytelling does nothing for me. BAD! if anything i recognized its sexual power for if banderas character was a woman i would be throwing up and convulsing on the floor. i hope vicente and his lesbian coworker had a beautiful romance i guess. i cant believe some people call this one one of the most controversial of his work....
los amantes pasajeros (2013): hm well everyone was like THIS is the bad one and i was like i bet you guys are just being mean but no yeah this is the bad one. its not funny and it drags on so long...i can usually defend the rape scenes in his movies, even in kika or hable con ella, but this one just sucks so bad. i was prepared to defend this movie but i cant. as soon as the movie started i was trying to guess where all the threads would connect, how all the characters would be linked and they mostly... weren't? also the reference to the gazpacho scene in mujeres made me groan out loud.
julieta (2016): well i dont really know what this was supposed to be....it feels on the surface it could have been really good but something about it felt so emotionless. it was an odd experience, watching it, because i expected to be moved by so many scenes and i never was. i dont know what the point of it was.
dolor y gloria (2019): ok yeah this one was sweet! didn't blow my mind or anything but it was very cleverly made...a really more beautiful way to do the childhood-as-movie thing than in mala educación, i really enjoyed it. nostalgia bores me sometimes but i feel hes not being annoying about it. long live old man yaoi (and finally an argentinian actor i DONT hate...) and that beautiful beautiful cave and that mind gripping apartment bringing in the characteristic insane set design but in a new way...i had a good time
madres paralelas (2021): oh this could have been so good! it wasnt but honestly i dont remember exactly why i disliked it. i suppose i didnt connect to the characters and that it is a story that requires that to engage you – their motivations were really out of place and unlike other movies that bothered me. really interesting premise, didnt work out. im sad about it. could have been cool.
yeah so that's it i only realized while writing this that i forgot to rewatch mujeres but obvs that ones very good, proper classic, quote it every time i eat gazpacho and such. also extraña forma de vida is a snore i refuse to watch it again. i hope this works as a rec list for someone. and i am ready to be stoned by my wrong opinions by the rest of you
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mandoalorian · 3 years
Red Carpet [Maxwell Lord x F!Reader]
Summary: you attend an awards ceremony with your fiancée, Maxwell Lord. It’s nerve-wracking, but he knows how to comfort you, and you even meet a few celebrities along the way.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: alcohol mention, allusions to sex
Word count: 2000
A/N: I wrote this while watching the BAFTAs and got inspired! Pedro looked so cute. Anyways there’s nothing better than some tooth-rotting fluff on a Sunday night. REBLOGS APPRECIATED.
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Your heart was racing. You weren’t sure how he did it, or where he got the confidence from, but when you see him all suited up in his tuxedo and hair perfectly coiffed, you feel nothing but pride swell in your chest. You bite down on your lower lip and wrap your arms around him as he stands in the mirror and adjusts his black bow tie.
“You look amazing,” you coo, nuzzling your head into the crook of your neck but being extra careful not to rub your makeup on him. “Smell good too.” you hum, taking in the notes of sweet honey musk with a hint of spice.
He spins around and his hands immediately find your waist as his dark eyes rake your figure. You’re wearing a silver glittering gown that hugs your body in all the right places. “You look… breathtaking,” he murmurs, his warm breath fanning over your neck. When he pulls away from you, he sees the way you happily scrunch up your nose and his entire face lights up. “How did I ever get so lucky?” he asks.
You feel your cheeks flush with heat and you look down at the floor. You and Maxwell have been together for years now, but you still get a little shy whenever he compliments you. He finds it endearing though and his fingers tap at your chin, pushing it upwards so he can look you in the eyes again. He’s completely enamoured by you. You could do absolutely anything and it would capture him into a trance. 
Not once did he ever believe that he was someone capable of falling in love. That was, until, he met you.
“Are you nervous?” you ask, swaying your hips slightly. You’re nervous. You don’t want to say anything to worry him, but he can probably tell none-the-less.
“Not really.” he replies, checking his hair one final time. You’re glad he’s feeling okay. He’s always been good at talking to big audiences. You’re proud of him too. Knowing just how far he’s come.
“If there was a category for best infomercial, you would win.” You assure him and he lets out a laugh.
“Oh I agree,” He cheekily grins, linking his arm with yours. He’s not been nominated for an award, but he was hosting a category. Maxwell wasn’t exactly a A List Hollywood celebrity, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t famous. Everyone in the world knew his face and he was most certainly a household name. If it wasn’t from his commercials or speeches, it was from the lavish parties he held and all the reality TV guest appearances he starred in. “The limo is waiting. Are you ready?”
You grab your purse and nod your head. When you make your way downstairs to the car, his hand doesn’t leave yours once. You’re lucky enough to live in a pretty private enclosed neighbourhood with him, but the second you’re both in the city, there are flashing cameras everywhere.
The bright lights are overwhelming, and you wince as they blind you. He’s used to it though, and he makes full effort to shelter you from it. 
First thing on the checklist was to complete the red carpet. Knowing that there were so many cameras on you, and that your photographs would most likely be in the tabloids tomorrow, makes you feel uneasy. But Maxwell always knows how to calm you down. His hand rests on the small of your back and he whispers a few jokes in your ear now and again which force your lips to curl into a genuine smile.
If it was up to him, he’d spend every moment relishing the limelight and garnering attention. However, he knows you aren’t the biggest fan of it, so as you duck your head down, he makes it his goal to get you inside as fast as possible.
They’re all shouting his name and he politely waves. But once you’re inside, he makes sure you’re okay, and gives your arm a little squeeze. You can see him though, trying to take a peek outside. There are cameras and press waiting for him, you know that, and it was a big night for him. You’d hate to be the thing keeping him from enjoying himself.
“They want to see you,” you tell him. “You should go out and see them.”
“No,” he firmly states, shaking his head. “No. C’mon, I’ll take you to the bar.” He slips his hand into yours and goes to take you across the lobby. You dig your heel into the floor, refusing to move. When he looks at you, you’re smirking playfully.
“Just go. It’ll be good press for Black Gold. I’ll be fine.” you insist, flattening the palm of your hand against his chest. The material of his white shirt is soft and feels so luxurious.
He hesitates slightly, not wanting to leave your side, but he knows that there is no point in arguing. Besides, you have point. “I won’t be long.” he promises before kissing you. When he pulls away, you can’t help but grin, seeing your red gloss smudged against his own soft lips.
“Oh wait!” you laugh, licking your finger and wiping it off for him. “Okay, now you can go.”
When he heads back outside, they go wild for him. They’re asking him all these questions about what charities he’s considering donating to at his next fundraiser, or what his own personal thoughts are on the latest celebrity gossip. But, all he can think about is you.
“I always love chatting to you,” Maxwell flashes his charismatic television smile as he charms the journalist. “But my fiancée is inside waiting for me so I must be heading off.”
Maxwell realises what he’s done immediately after the words leave his mouth. Neither of you had come out and announced your engagement yet. Of course there had been rumours, when the paparazzi had caught shots of the enormous diamond rock on your finger, but nothing had ever been confirmed. The journalist looks overjoyed when he realises he’s the first to learn this information.
“Oh Mr. Lord!” he cries. “Congratulations. This is just terrific news. Do you have a wedding date yet?”
A pink blush crosses Maxwell’s cheeks at the thought of you on his wedding day. “Uh, no,” he answers. “But she wants a summer wedding.”
Maxwell finds himself gushing about you for a little longer than he intended, but he’s really not out there for too long. He’s inpatient to get back inside with you, and grab a drink. You already have a glass of whiskey waiting for him. 
You’re waiting at the high rise bar, your feet dangling from the stool you’re sat on as you sheepishly eye up all the famous guests who are waiting in the lobby. Maxwell jumps up from behind you and you almost fall off your chair, but in one swift movement, he steadies you and holds you tight.
“Maxie,” you mumble, thankful that he’s back with you. “I think I just saw Elton John.”
Maxwell gasps and looks around. “Where?”
You shyly point your finger into the corner, where a Elton John is standing, nursing a cocktail and speaking to--
“Is that Madonna?!” you practically yelp. 
Maxwell adores how excitable you get. “Why don’t we go say hello?”
You look at him as if he’s crazy.
“Max… that is Elton John and Madonna. I can’t--, we can’t… I’m--”
He shushes you and takes your hand. “But imagine how amazing it would be if we could get them to play at our wedding?” 
You feel your heart blossom at the thought but you’re still unsure. “I don’t know…” you trail off but he pouts and you take a deep breath. “Okay. Okay fine.” you sigh, giving in to his puppy dog eyes.
As it turns out, Elton John and Madonna were lovely people.
The awards ceremony is about to begin and you sit around a table which is relatively close to the stage. The seats are warm and made out of crushed velvet, and each guest is given a glass of the finest champagne. Around the table sit other celebrities.
Sure, being around Max means that you’ve met a lot of famous people in your time, but being in such close proximity to them would never not be scary. You weren’t born into wealth or success like the majority of people here were. As someone with a habit of being clumsy and easily flustered, you knew this lifestyle wasn’t for you, and you didn’t think it ever would be. But Maxwell was a natural and he fit in so well around these people. You’d always be there to support him.
You anxiously twist the engagement ring on your finger when he stands up and presses a kiss to the top of your head.
“I won’t be long,” he utters under the music. “Will you be okay?”
He’s due to go on stage in fifteen minutes and the crew has requested that he goes behind the curtains to prepare. You wish you could go with him. As long as you’re with him, you’re fine. You silently nod and he brings his hand down to your cheek, gazing at you with sparkling brown eyes. “Are you sure?”
“Go,” you laugh, swatting his arm playfully and then quickly rubbing out any crinkles you might’ve put in his suit. “I’ll be fine.”
He grins and kisses you one final time before disappearing into the crowd. When he’s out of sight, you decide to take a sip of your champagne, hoping the alcohol would relax you just a little bit. But then George Michael from WHAM! taps you on the shoulder, and you feel like your heart is in your ass.
“May I sit here?” He asks, pointing at the chair next to you. It’s unoccupied, other than your purse which was sitting on it.
“Oh! Sure!” you blurt out, doing your best to stay calm. The two of you sit in silence as you wait for the lights to go down.
“Do I know you?” George asks eventually, folding his arms across his chest. He looks somewhat bemused. “I feel like I recognise you.”
“Um, no. I mean-- you probably don’t know me. But I’m here with my fiancee, Max Lord,” you explain. “He’s presenting the ‘Best Actor’ category.”
“Oh!” George grins, slapping his thigh. “Of course I know Maxwell! He’s the oil guy!” George clears his throat before pointing his finger. “Life is good, but it can be better!” He impersonates one of Max’s most famous one-liners, and you laugh, nodding your head.
“Yep, that’s him.” you confirm.
“I actually invest in his business.” George tells you and you smile politely.
“Oh, well he’d be thrilled to know that.” you tell the star.
Not long after your brief conversation with George, the event begins. You’re so nervous for Max, but you know he’s going to do great. When he comes on stage, he’s just as bold and charming as you anticipate, and you have no doubt he’s swooning audiences all around the world. He winks at you before announcing the nominees, and you feel a flurry of butterflies erupt in your stomach. He’s in his element and you love nothing more than to see him do the thing he was best at.
Max announces the winner and offers her a hug when she comes to collect the award, but all he can think about is heading back to the table so he can be with you for the rest of the night. Sure, he enjoyed all of this. But he loved being with you even more.
When he sits back down next to you, his hand travels under the hem of your dress and up your thigh. His fingers trace loving patterns into your skin. “I was thinking…” he hums quietly, the vibrations of his low voice enough to make a shiver run down your spine. “What if we just skip the after-party and go straight home?”
You’re baffled by his suggestion and shoot him a bewildered look.
“What? But you love parties.”
“But I love you even more,” he reveals, grinning at you dork-ishly. “Besides, I’ve been wanting to get that dress off you from the moment I saw you in it.”
You giggle and lean your head on his shoulder. Events like this were always nerve wracking, but as long as you were with Maxwell, you were in your happy place. Still, the thought of getting out of here and spending some one on one time with your soon to be husband was more than appealing.
“Let’s ditch.” you tell him, and you live for the smile he gives you.
You couldn’t wait to marry Max and be with him for the rest of your life.
Permanent taglist: @paintballkid711 @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal  @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos @rocketqueen  @dybalalover10 @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth @moth-guillotine @pedro-pascal-love @hayley-the-comet @pinkninja200 @maxiarapamaya @autumnleaves1991-blog @artsymaddie @harrys-stan @kennedywxlsh @cripplingmoon @cheekygeek05 @mrschiltoncat @rye-flower @theamuz @persie33 @sleepylunarwolf @martellthemandalor @pedro-pastel @steeevienicks @rrtxcmt @saphic-susperia @ladyjenny19 @readsalot73 @softmedics @jade10077 @dodgerandevans @planetariumx​
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alilbitofdoodles · 3 years
Red Silk & Nylons
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Rating: E Paring: Elizabeth x Meliodas Word Count : 2367 Warnings: Language, Suggestive themes Summary: Despite his inability to be coherent when his gorgeous girlfriend is dressed in only underwear and stockings, he somehow manages to mumble, "Did I mention how crazy hot you are dressed in red? Because you're absolutely breathtaking." A Christmas Special! Gratuitous domestic fluff for that warm cozy feeling~ Ao3 Link: 📖
To be honest, he's surprised she puts up with him and his unbelievably tiny apartment.
Meliodas had offered to buy a full body mirror so she wouldn't have to deal with the cramped space that is his pathetic excuse for a bathroom ( He's pretty sure the maximum occupancy is like one person and a houseplant—it's an architectural feat that they somehow managed to squeeze in the claw tub, sink, and toilet ), but she insisted she was fine. Really, she was fine.
Still, he can't help but feel a little guilty. Especially now since Elizabeth has to apply her makeup while he bathes. He was considerate enough to run the water cold to not fog up the mirror, but even then he felt guilty about the situation overall.
As he gets out of the tub to dry off, wet flaxen hair sticking to the back of his neck, he sighs. He's never been in love like this before. Her happiness gives him happiness and he wants to do everything in his power to be able to provide for her and more. 
Elizabeth was born with a silver spoon in her mouth—no doubt used to a life of luxury. He’s so enthralled with her living with him, but she's almost out of place in his life with how radiant she is. 
Truthfully, he doesn’t know if he’ll ever be enough, but admittedly, he's been getting better. Especially with her. Life seems a little bit easier to manage when you're not alone. Coming home to her warm hugs and bright smile instantly recharges his batteries and he feels like a better person when he’s with her. Someone he likes being, despite his messy past.
In his mind, he knows that his impoverished lifestyle isn't a big deal to her. Doubting her comfortability is just the same as being unable to trust her decision and it feels just as bad, if not worse. He can remember that determined look in her eyes, honest and full of warmth, when she had moved in and called it Home.
Their Home.
Malfunctioning air-conditioning and all.
With newfound confidence he snuffs out the negativity—vigorously fluffing out his hair with the towel as if to scrub the thoughts away.
"How much longer until the Christmas party again?" He doesn’t need to do much, really. Just dry off and put on some casual formal wear. His favorite part was putting on his tie, if only just because Elizabeth would insist on fixing it and he loved the extra attention. He’s guilty of maaaaybe not learning how to tie a windsor knot on purpose if it meant his adorable girlfriend fussing over his appearance.
He looks over to where Elizabeth is and it takes his brain a moment to remember that ‘Oh yeah’  his lungs need air to breathe, because he's sure his body forgot it's own autonomous functions when he sees her.
Elizabeth was leaning over the sink and applying makeup as she normally would, but this time around she was only partially dressed. Her underwear wasn't its usual practical white or nude, but a deep red silk with a sheen that faded to black around the edges. The two cups were edged with black lace woven in intricate scalloped designs. But the cherry on top was the dark pantyhose on her sinfully sexy legs.
Elizabeth tilts her head forward, brushing out her lashes with a little mascara wand, and regards her reflection for a moment before replying aloud, "Mmm...we've got around 45 minutes to get ready so no rush."
As she carefully sweeps the rouge over her lips, it’s color an equally deep red, he watches with heightened attention. The simple act draws his attention to her tulip lips in a coy act of seduction.
He walks over, leaning probably closer than he should, and his mind blanks at a loss for words. Meliodas wonders, always astonished, how perfect she is. She’s so captivating without even trying and Meliodas is just left speechless. His chest is a furnace of warmth and the feeling radiates through his body in little tingles.
Elizabeth spots him staring from the mirror and looks at him without turning around, "What, you think it's too much? I don't normally wear this shade, but Christmas, right?"
Despite his inability to be coherent when his gorgeous girlfriend is dressed in only underwear and stockings, he somehow manages to mumble, "Did I mention how crazy hot you are dressed in red? Because you're absolutely breathtaking."
Elizabeth turns to face him and shyly bites her lip. "O-oh, you like it? I bought it while I was out getting the ingredients. Normally I wouldn't splurge on underwear  of all things, but it came in a set. Plus it had a deep holiday discount..."
Meliodas swipes his thumb over her bottom lip, smudging her lipstick, and his dick throbs at the sight of her. Half-dressed wearing ruby red underwear and silken black pantyhose. He wants to ravage her. See how undone and desperate she looks while he's fucking her in front of the mirror.
"Ah, Meliodas, " Elizabeth pleads, a cute whimper of restraint, and it has his sanity hanging by a thread. "Mmm...w-we need to leave soon..."
"In a second, let me just—" Meliodas places a slow kiss, hungry and needy, upon the dip between her neck and shoulder and immediately he smells her warm perfume; the longer he lingers, the more he can pick up the notes of sweet, spiced vanilla from when they were baking gingerbread.
He slides his hand underneath her bra to palm at her left breast and god does it's pillowy softness fill up his hand just right. His fingers lightly sink into her flesh while the lace bites at his skin. Despite the slight pain, the reminder of said lace only sparks something hotter and deeper within him.
With skillful fingers he easily unlatches the offending material and Meliodas impresses his body against her. Fingers roam her body all slow. It's a careful exploration as he maps out all her sweet spots and judges her reactions. The slight graze of his nails against soft skin earns him a delicious little shiver; a firm grasp has her breathing hitched and heavy; a small tweak to her hardening nipples has her lower spine arching to the ceiling with silent, barely there moans.
Meliodas anxiously grinds his body into hers, his now stiff cock pressing against her ass, and he savors the intoxicating feeling. Another pump of his hips has the tip of his dick just barely reaching her clothed core and he makes it his goal to glide between it over and over again.
Elizabeth airly moans and her voice is heavenly music in his ears. He repeats the thrusting motion with more force and is again rewarded with her beautiful song of praise. He wants her to feel it too. The faster he glides, the more she reacts and it's like a continuous cycle of pleasure with both of them climbing higher and higher within their rapturous daze until—
They both stop, eyes wide, quietly staring at each other for a couple of seconds.
Elizabeth is panting, slightly out of breath,  "Did you just..."
"Uh,  yeah I think I did…"
There's a small opening of torn threads stretching down her pantyhose. He's pretty sure he's stained her thighs with his precum and he can already see her soaking through her underwear more clearly now.
"You know, actually, your hole is kinda hot."
"D-don't say it like that!"  Elizabeth quickly defends in embarrassment, "Gosh, look at them. I don't think I have a spare. I mean, it's not like it'll be seen from underneath the dress so it should be fine...maybe it'll be okay?"
Meliodas hears her voice, but is only vaguely listening. He's far more interested in this little rip he's created. With careful focus he hooks his finger into the seam, playing around with the frayed edges, and something in him feels so strongly compelled to just—
The sound of thread snapping echoes in their little bathroom and Elizabeth gasps. The sheer material stretches over the fleshy skin of her plump butt as he tears apart the nylon even more. It’s not enough to pull it completely off her, but just enough to reveal more of her creamy skin. It’s like a flip is switched and he's, once again, rubbing his hardening dick across the wet spot on her underwear. Meliodas guides his dick along the slit of her panties, sliding the head along and angling it just right so that it tugs back at his foreskin with every thrust. 
It's miraculous how delicious it feels. Smooth and silky like water against his skin.
Meliodas sighs, breathing in ragged, hot breaths against her ear. "Close your legs a little bit." And she does, and the added friction and heat only spurs him on.
Meliodas felt that throbbing pleasurable ache every time Elizabeth breathlessly whimpered his name with every heavy stroke of his cock. It drove him to near madness. His actions became more urgent, more forceful, but it only had her moaning louder. Her nails dug into his scalp a bit painfully, but the pleasure made him blind to it.
He loved this. He loved her. She’s always beautiful, but there was something so thrilling and empowering to see her so immersed in nothing but the passion he could give her. He'd give her all of him and the world if he could, but it still wouldn't be enough. She compliments him and fits perfectly in his life.
"I love you." his voice rumbles between her shoulder blades while he comfortably nestles his hips between her legs.
"I love you too." She murmurs before placing a gentle kiss over his messy hair.
He pulls his face from her and has a wide, mischievous grin that exudes confidence. "So...do you wanna?"
As he strokes his still-hardening erection along her soaking arousal, Elizabeth gasps "Y-yes! Oooh, I-I need you. Please."
Without preamble, he uses two fingers to stretch the elastic band of her panties to the side, revealing her glistening folds bare to him. It’s almost a shame he's unable to take a taste of her sinful sweetness, but he has more pressing matters to attend to.
The tip of his dick is wet and his mouth slightly drops open at finally being inside.  As he slowly sinks further into her, he can feel his cock twitching in anticipation. It's a miracle he didn't just mercilessly fuck her into their bathroom counter right then and there.
With a gradually growing speed, he began plunging his cock in and out of her clenching body and it's almost painful how pleasurable it feels. Another thrust, quicker and harder this time, and Meliodas was rewarded with her sweet sinful, praise. Her back is arched so that the tip of his head is squeezed with every thrust.
It seems like Elizabeth had begun to lose herself to it all. Her insides stroked his shaft with every pass and she thrust her hips back in order to dig his cock in deeper. 
Meliodas firmly grasps her hip with one hand the best he can to anchor her as he begins to push his hips harder, thrusting into her at a wild and merciless pace. He was getting close, but he wanted to ride out the pleasure of being within her for as long as possible. He doesn't want to stop. He wants to come inside Elizabeth so badly, but he doesn't want it to end. The pleasure coils in his stomach as he strains himself from releasing inside her. 
"Elizabeth you feel so good. Everything is so soft .  ..Ah—ngh...I'm gonna...haa..I wanna come so badly."
"A-ahh, mmm! I-it's okay," her breath hitches as he nics a particularly pleasurable spot—judging by how she shudders beneath him. "Please, Meliodas, please...I'm so close.." 
The hot pressure of her tight core fluttering and enveloping his cock is consuming his mind and body in a blinding euphoria. His vision is starting to blur as his thrusts become more reckless. Pleasure singes his nerves and quickly he braces himself onto the counter. He picks up the pace, driving into her with long, intense strokes, and firmly clenches his jaw so hard that his teeth begin to ache. 
Her walls clench and constrict tighter and tighter and he knows she finally reached  her limit when she chokes back a pleasured sob. Her body deliciously shudders around his cock and immediately the unrelenting heat engulfs him and crashes down hard and unforgiving. 
The tension in him snaps and Meliodas buries himself harder and deeper, feeling his cock pulse whilst inside Elizabeth. He felt her body tightening on him as he continued to pump his hips repeatedly, intermingling their essences and slicking her plush walls with his seed and finishing inside her with thick, jerky spurts. As his release begins to taper off, he gives a few shallow thrusts while keeping a firm grip on her hips to fill her up as much as possible.
As they're coming down from their high, Meliodas flips her around and pulls her in for a languid, sloppy kiss. Sucking her tongue, then swirling and rolling them around each other until his head went blank and dizzy. 
He paused to pull away, licking his own equally swollen lips, with their mouth’s barely touching and breathing in each other’s air. Both of them dripping with sweat and Elizabeth’s body still trembling with aftershocks from her own release.
"I'm sorry, Elizabeth I—" his voice is rough and breathless, "I love you so much, I couldn't resist."
"Mm...I love you just as much." She whispers, equally as tired. She brings her hand up to brush away at his sweat-slicked bangs to look more earnestly into his eyes. "But I have to say, we probably are going to be late for that Christmas party now."
Elizabeth gently laughs and it's like heaven sighing. It's so tender and infectious that he soon finds himself laughing along with her.
At least this time they could take a nice, long bath together. 
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kimium · 3 years
As some of you may know I've been replaying the Kingdom Hearts games since I own the entire remix collection and Kingdom Hearts 3. I've been meaning through this week to write a post basically talking about my favourite things in Kingdom Hearts (and now I have the time!) This is self-indulgent (sorry but I've recently spent so many hours replaying through the remix of the games and that has to manifest on my blog in some way) but this is my blog and I really wanna talk about KH ahaha.
Anyways, the rest is under a cut.
First KH game
Technically KH2 was my first game, but that was because a friend of mine in elementary was playing it. Whenever we hung out I'd watch her play it. The first KH game I played myself was 358/2 Days.
Favourite KH game
A tie between 358/2 Days (due to it being my first game) and Birth by Sleep. But if I had to pick between the two I'd say I like BBS a bit more.
Least favourite KH game
You'd think it would be Re: Chain of Memories since the card mechanic is terrible but CoM is saved because it has Great Cut Scenes and adds to the story in a very direct manner.
No, my least favourite KH game is Re:Coded. While I did play it and I do remember enjoying the game play for the most part, it felt like it didn't add a lot to the story and was extra padding.
Favourite Worlds (Disney and Non Disney)
My favourite Disney world is Fantasia. Before Dream Drop Distance I would have said "Alice in Wonderland" since it is one of my favourite books. I love Fantasia because of the aesthetic. Fantasia as a movie was already packed full of classic Disney animation set to beautiful classic music. Fantasia's world also has all of the sounds (including sound effects) as classical music. I love that attention to detail!
My favourite Non Disney world is a tie between Twilight Town and Scala ad Caelum. Twilight Town is largely due to the atmosphere. I adore the feeling of a sleepy little town on the borderline to dreams. The warm tones in is palette also make me feel cozy. Scala ad Caleum is due to how Breathtaking Beautiful it is. The real life inspiration for the architecture was captured perfectly in the world too and I appreciate the effort from the dev team.
Least favourite world
My least favourite world is Tron's world, specifically in Dream Drop Distance. The main reason why I dislike this world is because of the colour scheme. Somehow the dark and neon colours on the screen make me nauseous. It is better in the Remix Version, on a bigger screen, but I remember when I first played DDD I could only spend so much time in Tron's world before I needed a break.
(Also a shout out to Pirates of the Caribbean only because I hated racing Luxord in KH3.)
Favourite character (KH original)
While I love all the characters in their own way my favourite character has to go to Xigbar. Originally I was neutral to him but the more I saw of him (especially in BBS and DDD) I began to like him. I really like characters who are a bit smug and snarky, always hinting they know more than they let on. Of course, the ending to KH3 blew my mind but also made me excited because now we'll definitely see more Xigbar/Braig/Luxu.
(I also really like Saix. Again, someone who had to grow on me, his themes of jealousy, insecurity, and fear over losing Lea as a friend are Top Tier. If you ship Axel/Saix like I do, then they really are "friends to strained friends to "work only" to enemies to tentative friends to lovers". I respect that journey and dynamic.)
Favourite character (Disney)
I LOVE Maleficent! So much! In Kingdom Hearts! I love that they took such an ICONIC villain and gave her motivation and goals so she could be a reoccurring villain in the series.
Favourite keyblades
Aesthetic wise I LOVE the TWEWY keyblade from Dream Drop Distance. It has so many little references to all the characters in it and I find that really fun!
I really like Oathkeeper and Oblivion because they're meant to be opposite keyblades in design yet they're used together and I LIVE for that sort of imagery.
Beauty and the Beast's keyblade in KH1 surprised me with how good it was and I enjoyed using it near the end of the game.
I love all of the final keyblades in Birth by Sleep but especially Aqua's in the Final Episode.
The Pirates of the Caribbean keyblades in KH3 is so cool because it transforms into a flag pole that I can beat people with and honestly I live for that aesthetic. I also like the keyblade from Tangled.
Favourite boss fight
I'm a simple person. I like Darkside because it's Iconic. I also like the final fight in KH3's DLC because that's just Hype and Awesome to see everyone fighting together.
Non final boss fight has to go to Beauty and the Beast's from KH2 because you get to swing the chandelier and use it. I love that.
Least Favourite boss fight
Young Xehanort's boss fight in Dream Drop Distance is the WORST. I hate it so much. Also, Terra's fight his possessed body when you control Lingering Will/his armour is a headache and a half.
(If we're talking non final boss fights, Sora's boss battle in the second visit to Traverse Town in DDD is utter BS.)
Favourite line
Even though it's cheesy I like the line "May your heart be your guiding key."
I also like Terra's line to Xehanort when he says (something along the lines of) "Was my master... no was my father not enough?"
Speaking of Terra's lines I also really like his lines regarding passing the keyblade to others. ("In your hand take this key and so long as you have the makings, then through this simple act of taking, its wielder you shall one day be.")
(Special mentions to Ventus "He said to take... he said to take two grown ups." because of the TONE was Spot On.
And of course... the ICONIC and SAVAGE Woody line in KH3.)
A world I'd like to see in Kingdom Hearts
I want to see TWEWY properly!!! I want to see more of Sora in Shibuya with interactions with the TWEWY cast. And, given the Secret Ending to KH3 that COULD be a possibility. (When I saw Sora wake up in Shibuya I Screamed Internally out of Excitement.)
Favourite songs
If we're talking openings Passion/Sanctuary holds a lot of nostalgia for me. The orchestral version of Hikari makes me FEEL things. Also, of course, Dearly Beloved is great. Destiny Island's main theme is nice too (though I do have War Flashbacks to it as a song in Ice Cream Beats).
Anyways, that concludes my self-prompted rambles about Kingdom Hearts. If you want to ask me anything or just talk about the series with me (provided we're not getting into too heavy of a discussion) then feel free to hit up my ask box. If not (and that's fine) I hope you enjoyed reading my rambles.
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First Date - A Prinxiety fluff fic
“This was a mistake. A huge mistake. A terrible terrible mistake”, groaned Virgil as he flopped backward onto his bed. “Why did I have to be so stupid? There is no possible way this can go well. I mean, I’m ANXIETY. I’m not meant for romance. I don’t deserve romance, especially not with him. I’m an antisocial, insecure mess, and he’s, well, HIM! A smooth, passionate, cute… Oh god, this was a mistake.”
“Come now Virgil. Stop that talk! I don’t happen to see the problem.” reasoned Logan as he firmly did his best to calm the anxious younger side. “You like him, right? I have to assume so, otherwise you wouldn’t have asked him out on a date. And I know that he likes you very much, so what’s the worry for? There is more empirical evidence to suggest that you do, even if the thousands of times I’ve caught you staring aren’t enough-oh stop it!”
Upon hearing this, Virgil had turned an impossibly bright shade of red, buried his head under his pillows, and muttered “well if he does like me I don’t deserve it”.
“You do deserve this! You both do! You two have been dancing around each other, dropping hints and such for too long! Both me and Patton have seen enough of this, and frankly I think Patton might die if you don’t make a move soon. So, if you value our existence, GET READY FOR THE DATE!!”
Virgil, stunned at the outburst from the normally calm and rational side, gave in at last and shoved Logan out the door to get ready, along with the statement “Fine walking encyclopedia, be quiet leave me alone then. And close the door on your way out!” When the door quietly clicked shut, Virgil locked it and turned to survey the chaos that was his room to find something suitable enough for a date.
Sadly, this simple action was made much harder by the state of Virgil’s closet. After looking at it for merely a split second, he gave up and pitched backward onto his bed. He would have stayed there, to hell with the consequences, had Patton and Logan not teamed up and threatened to break down his door.
Doing his best to keep an open mind, Virgil examined his closet again. After scouring it thoroughly, he spotted an item in the back that he had yet to wear. After seeing it, an idea hit Virgil with the force of an out of control freight train and he grinned. “Maybe this situation isn’t so hopeless after all” Virgil thought to himself as he started putting together his outfit.
Finally, after an hour’s worth of angst and worry, several passing stages of impending doom, multiple broken objects that had been hurled against the wall in frustration, and several complaints from various sides about blasting Evanescence music, Virgil was as ready for the date as he thought he’d ever be. Doing his best to reign in his anxious nature, he surveyed the outfit in his mirror.
“If only I could call Roman to tell me how it looks” Virgil thought woefully to himself. Pointedly ignoring the massive butterflies that erupted in his stomach at the mere thought of the golden boy, Virgil decided the outfit was suitable enough for his first ever date. Now the only challenge left was to gain victory over his thoughts in the time that remained before the to-far-away yet much-to-close date with the boy Virgil had been pining over for months.
Meanwhile, in another room there was a very similar situation…
Roman had been trying outfit after outfit for hours, determined to find one worthy of the glorious boy he was wearing it for. Roman still couldn’t believe it, even after everything that had transpired between the two. He still couldn’t believe that his feelings were reciprocated by this dark, beautiful deity who had haunted his dreams for so long. Roman found himself repeatedly pinching himself every day to make sure this wasn’t all some gorgeous dream.
Finally, after managing to give Thomas a terrible migraine asking for fashion advice over and over, Roman settled on an outfit that he hoped would make for a memorable first date. Glancing at the clock on his wall, he realized he had to leave for the date now or risk being late. Praying to every single god and goddess he knew that this would go well, Roman departed.
Virgil arrived at the lake first. Surveying everything Roman had done to prepare for this, a mixture of amusement and affection bubbled up within Virgil, causing the return of the butterflies in full force. Of course, the butterflies came accompanied with a sensation of giddiness and lightheadedness. Thankfully, he didn’t have to wait long with his thoughts for Roman to arrive, as Virgil barely had time to prepare himself before Roman shimmered into being.
In Virgil’s opinion, Roman was looking… he had no words to describe it. Stunned and unable to form words, Virgil could only gaze upon the stunning man and remind himself that this was in fact real. Roman had styled his beautiful dark brown hair in waves, and chose an outfit sent straight from hell to be the downfall of Virgil.
Roman had chosen a blinding white semi formal suit with bright scarlet and shimmering gold worked in. Snugly cut, the suit clung to Roman’s form, accenting his broad shoulders and muscles. The outfit was finished off with white dress shoes. Realizing he was gaping, Virgil shook off the haze he was in, stood, and offered a shy smile and a “hello” to Roman. Of course, Virgil was unaware of the turmoil behind those beautiful eyes.
When Roman arrived to find Virgil already there, he began to freak out, but when he took in the other boy’s outfit, all thought was banished from his mind in an instant. It wasn’t until this moment that Roman realized how far gone he was, and strangely he didn’t even care.
Virgil had shown up in a shining obsidian suit. However, after a few moments Roman realized that there were subtle hints of deep purple and blue worked into the suit, and that Virgil must have spent at least an hour working those shades of color into the suit. His outfit was also snug, showing off Virgil’s slim form. The final pieces of the outfit were the bright black boots Virgil was wearing, and the slight hints of gold eyeshadow that caused his already breathtaking eyes to shine.
With Herculean effort, Roman dragged his eyes to Virgil’s face and was in an instant trapped in that rare, shy smile on the other boy’s face. As he offered a smile of his own to Virgil, their first date commenced. Both of them, dizzy with happiness and wonder, were completely unaware of the effect they had on the other.
“Hey there Princey” smirked Virgil, who was completely unprepared for the blinding smile that followed his statement. “Hey there emo nightmare” came the reply. “Shall we?” asked Roman as he gestured to the meal he had set out beside the lake. “Unless you have any better ideas” replied Virgil with another smirk as he headed for the food. Shaking his head, Roman followed.
The goal of the dinner was for them to get to know each other better, and it was a smashing success. Roman learned that Virgil despised the color orange, hated action films, and adored sugary cereal. Virgil learned that Roman loved country and pop music, hated lettuce, and found the idea of skateboards ridiculous. Both sides were amazed with the other, reveling in the happy dialogue, and thus treated the conversation as if it were a beautiful, breakable thing made of spun sugar and glass.
The second part of the date was to canoe out to the center of the lake and enjoy the stars. As both boarded the boat, they were overcome with dizzy excitement and nervousness. Virgil remarked to himself that the feeling was like boarding a roller coaster, only multiplied many times over. Roman compared it to the feeling a person got right before they auditioned for a part in a show or play. Both however, acknowledged that whatever this feeling was, it couldn’t be compared to anything else.
The boat was quiet as it silently, smoothly rushed over the water toward the center of the lake. Both sides were equally scared and had no idea what to do, afraid of ruining the new, precious thing between them. As the boat halted at the center of the lake, their eyes met and an electric shock seemed to zapp through the air between them, seeming to herald things to come.
“Well the sky is beautiful tonight” remarked Roman after a minute of loaded silence. “However, there are still a few things more beautiful than it.” “Well, I could name one right now” Virgil cautiously ventured. “Pray tell, my dark souled friend. What is this creature so beautiful it outshines the stars?” asked Roman, while ordering his heart to shut up and calm down. Their eyes met again as Virgil whispered “you”. At that moment, Roman was filled with the most intoxicating mix of emotions he had ever felt - wonder, happiness, disbelief, joy… and love. Gathering his remaining will, Roman brought his eyes back to Virgil’s and hesitantly whispered “I have to disagree. I see only one person so beautiful he outshines the stars. And he doesn’t do just that. He provides me with all the light I need to live.” With that, their lips met for the first time.
In that moment, both boys felt like they were living in a dream, because there was no way real life was this good. Nothing could ever feel so right. There was no way that people were this perfect. There was no way someone could hold so much love for another.
The kiss was fragile, yet strong. It hinted at something new, yet something that endured. It was as tempestuous as a storm, but as calm as a starry sky. There were no words in this world worthy of describing it.
After a minute, the two broke apart and shared a wide smile that was, for both of them, shielding a heart bursting with joy. Virgil’s heart was pounding a million beat’s a second, and Roman’s was soaring to impossible heights. With that moment echoing through both sides’ mind and soul, Virgil and Roman moved closer to each other and snuggled up together. As both boys wrapped their arms around the other and raised their eyes to the heavens, both made a silent, unbreakable oath. Not just an oath, it was a promise and a statement resounding with the truths they dared not speak aloud, not yet.
You are my everything. I will follow you to the ends of the Earth and beyond that. Without you, I am nothing. Without you, my life is bleak, empty and dark.
I will NEVER leave you.
My first attempt at a Prinxiety fanfic. Hope you enjoyed reading!
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therapy [jeon jungkook]
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writer: michiko
genre: angst, short story, fan fiction
synopsis: some things are only for oneself. some things are shared to friends, family, significant other, or even social media. but there are things that only the therapist knows.
character/s: jeon jungkook, original character [i]
TRIGGER WARNING: may contain mention of violence, profanity, mental health, self-harm
There are things that no one else knows, things that are better off kept to oneself or locked away in the deepest and darkest part of ourselves. It sounds kind of selfish, almost as if I did not give a single fuck about anyone around me because sharing is supposed to be caring, but let us be honest for a while...none of you gives a shit about anyone, too.
But when you keep everything to yourself and not share it with anyone, chances are you would burst into flames and your enemies will dance on your ashes, not even taking time to scatter your remains at your favorite place. So the moral lesson of life is trust no one. 
Why have I grown to be such a heartless loser? It’s all because of a guy. 
How cliché. But isn’t life a compilation of clichés?  
“Let’s give him a name. Jeon. Let’s call him that. 
It wasn’t anything romantic or extraordinary like eyes meeting from opposite sides of the room or bumping into each other and me spilling coffee on his perfect white shirt. But it does involve coffee. 
There is this hidden gem of a coffee shop in Gangnam that holds these jam nights. It's really fun. It's not just music. There's a bit of slam poetry and every Friday the 13th, there's a speed dating.
Yes. That's where I met Jeon. 
I still remember his first question…"
I had yet to settle on the stool when the guy asked, "What's with the black lipstick?" His voice dripped of this tone that seemed like some kind of judgment, which I was ready to retort. But then my eyes saw the most gorgeous being to walk this fucked up planet. Maybe for me but that was the thing, I normally dislike everyone but there was something about him that gripped onto me so tight that I could not find a way to escape it. 
His dark brown eyes seemed too pierce through my soul, his button nose being the only adorable thing on such a handsome face, his red lips tugged up to a smirk, and framing his face was his gorgeous chin-length black hair with an undercut on the right side―a modern Hades with his black clothes and black boots, matched with his golden skin that glowed even under the dim light of the coffee shop.
I arched my brow as I looked at him, wondering what a guy like him was doing at a speed dating.
“Not to be judgmental but he had the look of a sex god and I am pretty sure that every girl who sees him would definitely jump on him. Trust me on that one because if it wasn’t for my lack of interest and self-control, I would have straddled him right there and then.”
Out of habit, I rolled my eyes not out of genuine annoyance but more of to build a bit of persona around him. It was more of a mask as I tried to gauge what he likes and what he was into...the likes. “I didn’t really want to go to this thing. When they said Friday the 13th event, I was looking forward to a slasher fest or a horror movie night, but apparently that’s not what’s going on. I’m not thrilled.” 
And though I stay over poetry and enjoy the sappy love songs, my reputation has long become the disturbed girl with serious parental issues resulting in lack of self-confidence and self-love, matched with a foul mouth and love for gore and anything dark and darker than black. 
“Call it stupid but it was easier to put a mask for someone rather than to bare my soul and be judged and tossed to the side. At least, with a mask, I can throw it away and make a new one. That makes me sound so deranged but so what?”
He chuckled, crossing his legs like he was some kind of model who just had to show off that he could look like a model. “Dark but I like it.” 
That was what did it for me. The moment he appreciated the darkness I presented, I thought that nothing would scare him because right then he knew that knives and blood are what keep me sane. Right then I thought that he knew what kind of mess he was getting into...or what I thought he was getting into. 
“The more we talked, the more I found myself falling in love with him. I learned how he is more than the guy that he lets on to be. In ways, we were similar. We both hated being judged and so we pretend to be someone else to keep our true selves intact and untouched by the chaotic world outside and toxic people who feed on the weak and the kind.
And the more things got real, the more I wanted it. But he felt differently.”
His hand has always felt warm around mine, making me feel safe and secured. There was something about every bit of him that made me feel warm...as if I was home. 
The view was nothing spectacular but the way the sun and the clouds decorated the blue sky was breathtaking in its own way. Our eyes would momentarily take a break from basking in the light and meet each other in a passionate yet brief glance, as if to make sure that we still had each other. I dreaded the moment that we would have to part…
“So you’d understand how crushed I felt when he let go of my hand because his friends were approaching us and he hasn’t told them about me for reasons I didn’t know at the moment, reasons I wished I didn’t know.
He held me as if he didn’t want to lose me. He touched me like I was a goddess he worshiped. He kissed me as if we would die tomorrow. He told me he loves me as if those were the only words he knew. 
But the moment his crew gets involved, I become a girl who got obsessed with him and wanted him all to myself and he was just kind enough to actually play with me.
What kind of self-respecting woman would stay with a guy like him?”
His head hung low, eyes could not even meet mine. “What the hell was that, Jeon?” My voice was firm, trying my best not to explode and risk another unnecessary argument that I knew I could not handle at the moment. “I know you have some kind of reputation to uphold but why can’t you just tell them that we’re in a relationship? Why do you have to make it seem like I am some kind of obsessed fangirl who wouldn’t leave you alone?” 
As he looked up at me, I could see that he felt guilty about it. His doe eyes always worked its charm and I would often forgive him but I could not seem to find a reason to do so. 
“My self-confidence was on a different kind of low. A part of me felt as if he was just hanging me on a hook because I love him...I loved him. He liked the ego boost so he kept me. Every single time he made me feel like a stalker fangirl, I lost every bit of faith and hope that someone could love someone so messed up, that someone could appreciate the broken. 
I very much thought he could and maybe he could.”
Shaking my head, I knew what I had to do and say, “I’m going. I’m sorry, Jeon. I can’t do this if you want to keep this up. I know that you have your own issues but I can’t keep on ignoring it. I can’t keep on pretending that it’s okay because it’s not. I love you. I swear, I do. Maybe even more than myself.” 
I should not have glanced at him because the moment I saw that look on his face, his brown eyes pleading with me. Immediately, I looked away to avoid breaking and losing my stand. “Maybe someday, Jeon.” I paused, a brutal attempt to keep myself from breaking down. “I love you.”
Then I left. 
I left before I changed my mind and decided to settle for what was there. 
“As petty as it sounds, it drove me back to the darkest parts of my mind. Whatever light he brought to my life disappeared. My life drowned in pitch black again. 
My family is a mess, my parents constantly breathing down my neck over every single thing and me being the constant disappointment in their golden lives. My friends expect me to be as high-achieving and goal-oriented as they are as if I have no dreams. 
As stupid as it may seem, Jeon was the only one who understood me...or tried and that was more than enough. 
He tried. And that’s okay.
I didn’t want to kill myself over him. I just wanted to feel a bit of physical pain to justify the emotional pain that I was going through, thinking that the break-up was too small of a thing to cry over...and wounds are more valid.
But I guess I was wrong because I had to talk about all of this again when I didn’t want to. As much as possible, I wanted to keep this all hidden and buried underneath but therapy really wants us to dig deep, right?”
Dressed in a little black dress, curly black hair clipped at the side, black boots tapping against the floor, bandaged wrists making the perfect accessory to show off while drinking a non-spiked punch―it was an outfit I had no time to plan out but it was a perfect way to show off how I feel about the entire thing...not that anyone gives a shit anyway. 
Across the floor was Ms. Kang, glancing at my direction as if I was going to have a breakdown. Her eyes even got bigger than they already are just when I felt someone standing next to me. And by the look on Ms. Kang’s face, she was invested. 
I knew that the older woman across the floor was not going to look away anytime soon. And I did not have to look at who stood next to me because I could very much tell by the scent that was wafting to my direction. 
“Oh Jeon.” 
“What do you want, Jeon?” I asked, trying to stay strong despite my own strength wavering. 
He chuckled, the same cocky reaction he had whenever he knew that he had something in his grip. “You.”
“I’m not a ‘what’ and didn’t I say that we’re not getting back together until you learn to treat me like your girlfriend and not some psycho stalker?” I rolled my eyes as I took a good gulp of my drink, hoping that I seemed convincing because I did not believe anything that was coming from my lips.
He nodded, setting his cup down on the table before he held me by the shoulders and faced me towards him. “And that’s why I’m here. To make things right.” The cocky look on his face immediately melted, his hands reaching for mine. “I told my friends who you are in my life and it took me a while to realize that it didn’t matter what anyone wants to see from me. What’s important is that I’m happy and I’m happy with you.” 
Arching a brow, I asked, “Really?”
“Really.” A smile stretched across his lips as a soft one appeared on mine, almost as if telling him that we were okay. 
“Sometimes, love can be as simple as forgiving. May their apology be truth or lie, time can only tell and it may be too late but you did your part. But we can’t always fear forgiving and getting hurt. Let’s be honest, we learn by getting hurt. And we won’t know unless we try. 
As much as I wanted to keep Jeon at arm’s length, I want to know if things will work out now because I don’t want to wake up one day regretting that I didn’t forgive the guy I truly love, especially for something that’s still fixable.”
“Why is Ms. Kang looking at me like she wants to murder me?” Jeon asked, arms cautiously wrapped around my waist. 
Pressing my lips together for a while, I looked at him with a smile. “Maybe because she knows what kind of asshole you are?” I laughed. 
With a confused look he asked, “What do you mean?”
“Let’s just say that I tell my therapist everything.”
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
Dodging Death Pt 11 (CasGil, Emiya, Hakuno, Shakespeare)
Previously: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
It didn’t feel like real life.
There were minutes that felt like hours, finding the man leaning her back after they moved to the sitting area of the suite. Her could see that smile on his face and could see him take a drink from one of the glasses, licking at his lips in a way that had her almost losing herself. The blank, happy look on his face, the way he seemed to not be aware that he was looking as fascinating as he was happened to just be too much for her wellbeing.
Then there was that hour, perhaps two, where she was settled against his side. The two of them were feeding one another, finding his fingers starting to get too close to her lips. She tried to eat just short of those fingers, but it seemed her mouth always happened to take a little of his fingers in. It was like she was kissing those fingertips.
She could have been eating nothing but air and she wouldn’t have noticed.
He was good. Dangerously so.
That blond hair hanging over his face a bit, hanging over his forehead and that small wrinkle he would get in his brow when he laughed. He talked, but gods did he talk. There was talk about going out into the world without her.
He talked about the banks as though they were grand archives, filled with aisles after aisles of golden drawers behind the desks and counters where the workers had stood. He spoke of dark woods and steel, combining to create the most inhuman looking interior that he’d ever seen.
“And yet,” he told her, “strangely enough, I found it almost suitable for the type of work they were in, handling the finances of the people. Humans tend to be inherently greedy. Perhaps something inhuman handling such business works better.”
The man paused here and there, coaxing her into action.
There was wine.
She knew only because she was pouring him a glass after he held a glass up to her lips and helped her drink forth.
Gilgamesh was dangerous.
There was no doubt about this. There was an energy about him, something that drew people in. She knew that she should make him pull back, behave himself and let her have a chance to breathe. She wasn’t sure how long she had slept. She was sure there were things she needed to be doing.
In fact, she was almost positive that there were things that needed to be done.
The man’s button up made it to the top of the couch though.
She was swaying a little, climbing onto his lap as he laughed at her.
“I shouldn’t,” she told him.
“You shouldn’t?”
“I still don’t know you that well,” Hakuno pointed out. “The most I know about you is from a book that was probably written by some spurned ex-lover of yours. I don’t know what kind of things you like to do and I don’t know what your favorite color even is. Yet I’ve done this twice? Three times?”
Her lips were pressing to his, tasting the smirk that hung upon his face like the stars outside the windows. The lights of the city and the dim entertainment area lights overhead were set to dim. She could still hear a soft music playing nearby as those hands of the king’s were grabbing her hips, pulling her in closer.
“We have a good energy.”
She had to give him a look for that. They didn’t need energy. Energy was making this that much more difficult. She still wasn’t sure about whether or not she should have been thinking about daring to step into this guy’s home.
“If it will set you at ease,” he offered, those hands moving along her thighs lightly, helping her in straddling him worse than she already was. “I find myself quite enamored with brown at the moment. I prefer it to be a dark brown, something I can get lost looking deep into or a similar shade I can get my hands tangled in.”
His hands moved as though to prove the point. When she closed her eyes, trying to find a little more air; she found that he was stealing her breath again.
Fatigue was aiding in the time between them.
The opulence of the room was making it like some far away tale of grandeur.
There was no need to be coaxed and wooed like this. She was doing better than many right now. She had a job and classes. She had-
A tongue slipped along her lower lip, making her open her mouth to gasp.
Gilgamesh laughed a little, cupping her face and moving to get a deeper kiss. His body was shifting, his body pressing up to hers.
It was so warm in the room.
It just…
She seemed to almost drift to bed. One second on his lap and the next in the bed; she found that she was holding him, closing her eyes as she found him losing the last of his clothing. She was looking once more up at golden hair that gleamed like the jewelry in a top of the line store. Her lips were meeting a pair of bruised lips that stole all her sanity away.
Their bodies were meeting stroke for stroke.
She was taken away, swept into a mess of a world where the feeling of magic ran deeper than the oceans and the rush hit stronger than anything she had ever experienced. Her fingers were running down his back, hearing the occasional purr leave his lips. Her skin seemed to all but drive her that much closer to madness when she would rub his cheeks against her.
The lightest of stubble was making the softest sounds leave her.
There were things this man knew how to do.
There was no better way to put it than that, she thought as the sun rose and she found herself awakening early. The man was draped over her body, his face pressed against her. Every inch of her body vibrated with energy. She felt active, prepared; she could run the distance and back and still have the energy to go about her day.
I might as well just accept that he’s going to be around.
Her hand brushed back those bangs, noting the open, sweet expression on the man’s face. Those thick lashes had his eyes hidden away. His face was free of frowns and smirks, leaving only an open, almost heavily tempting look to remain.
Kissing him awake came to mind, but that meant she would need to move more than she was.
Taking the time to brush her hands through his hair was her big goal right now. Being able to watch him rest and think about what she had fallen into over the last few days sounded better than waking him up and spiraling back into god only knew what next.
She shifted, leaning her face against the top of his head a little.
“Not a morning person?”
The man shifted a little in return, holding her closer as he looked up at her and pressed his lips to her body. There were already the slightest of bags under those eyes. He was sporting a bit of stubble, making it look like she’d been the one seducing him into the bed and stealing away his innocence.
A small laugh escaped her, earning a scowl from the tussled blond.
“What is so funny?”
“You’re being cute.”
Oh, but he didn’t seem to appreciate being called such a thing. The man was releasing her, using his hands to loom over her more. That tired, bedraggled visage was coming closer to her own. His eyes were narrowing as he kept that frown up.
“I’m cute?”
Ooh, but he didn’t like that either.
He pinched at her nose.
“Try again,” he demanded.
“Precious,” she grunted.
“Try again.”
The man was growling away above her, pinning her to the bed and leaving her to laugh at the grump of a face he was giving her.
“You must not have studied that book well enough. That and your language skills are lacking,” he complained as he released her poor nose. “Handsome. The word you are looking for is Handsome.”
Those lips pressed to her chest.
He kissed lower.
This was where they would falter. Didn’t she have class-
Hakuno jolted, flying back to the headboard as the pieces of her life fell back into place in her mind. Class! Work! Oh gods, but she’d missed all of it!
“I have class!”
“Skip them. Your tutoring is no longer necessary- Hakuno!”
“Do I have clothes here?” She asked, leaping off the bed and shivering at the feeling of the cool air hitting her person.
“In the closet,” he relented, draping himself over the bed and watching her rush for the closet. She didn’t worry too much about attire. The man had seen her naked enough times at this point that privacy wasn’t important.
She kicked on the shower, hoping she didn’t miss too many classes.
Her hands were working over the wash rag she’d found with a bar of soap when she felt a rush of cool air.
The rag was pulled from her person, running over her body. A pair of lips pressed against her neck, leaving her to lean back. There was too much intent behind the way the man was moving the rag over her.
“I did not hear your proper compliment yet,” he drawled.
“You’re handsome,” she replied, doing her best to keep her eyes closed to ward off the need to turn around and continue what those hands were promising.
She had to go.
“I suppose I should say something in return. Then again, I don’t believe you are the fondest person when it comes to being overindulged.”
He was brushing her hair back, making her look up only to feel his lips against her forehead.
“I intend to take you as often and as many times as it pleases us. I have seen the amount of work you put in. Had we both been at our most rested and fittest state of being, there’s no doubt we’d still be in bed, with me driving you to cry my name in that breathless voice of yours.”
“I need to go to class,” she argued.
“I’m aware.”
Those golden portals were opening and, as much as she wanted to hurry through this, she found herself washing his hair as he washed hers. The man sat on the counter of the bathroom and held up her blowdryer, leaving her to give him a look and begin with blowdrying his hair.
“We are going to be late if you don’t hurry,” he warned her, hopping off the counter in his nude glory and heading for the door. “I will be waiting for when you finish.”
The mental litany of curses was involuntary. As were the desires to smack him for simply enjoying himself when she was in a hurry. She barely had her hair dry when she was slipping out of the bathroom for undergarments and back in with the first things she found in a bag in the closet.
Were the garments hers?
She didn’t remember skimpy, lacy things like these.
Did she have time to argue?
The dress was surprisingly nice though. She shifted for a moment in front of the mirror, surprised by the fact that her hair was even feeling and looking a little bit more cared for than its usual state. Gil must have had something healthier than the hotel bottles.
She’d find out what it was later.
Later later later- that was becoming a trend this morning.
“I’ll need to-“
Hakuno paused at the sight of the man.
The jacket was draped over his shoulders, the vest and slacks matching. The golden cuff on his wrist looked like someone had had attempted to simply cuff him with the most expensive jewelry piece in the world.
The amused man leaned back in the armchair by the sofa, resting his elbows on the arms of the seat.
“Your bag is here,” he told her, motioning with one hand to her school bag. “Your companions have sent you two messages about attending this morning and I have informed them that you will be attending soon enough. They are to collect information on what you have missed and assist you in any manner necessary so that you do not fall behind.”
The man laughed, simply smirking at her words. “We’re improving already this morning. I think we should give you a bit of coffee to finish the process of awakening you.”
What more could she do other than nod to that.
Coffee was a must this morning, especially when the man was tossing his tablet into her bag and holding it for her to slip her arms into the straps of. They were heading down the hall to the elevator soon enough, riding down to the garage of the place and him guiding her to her car.
Familiarity felt good, especially when her own body felt foreign this morning.
They pulled out, with Gilgamesh once more perusing the surroundings.
“Once you are done with these tutorings of yours, we can indulge in going somewhere else to eat. I have a list of recommendations, although I will be reviewing them while you waste your time with the mind-numbing teachings of these mongrels.”
“They’re classes for those who graduated well enough in primary schooling.”
“A waste when you could have family trades.”
Family trades didn’t mean good business. Not always, at least.
She pulled into the drive thru, finding a golden card behind held out in front of her when she was pulled up to pay.
“I can pay,” Hakuno told him.
“Perhaps, but doesn’t this make things easier for you? You do not need to concern yourself with finances at this point. From what I have gathered, I have enough with the meager trinkets to allow someone of your age to simply travel and indulge themselves to the utmost of their imagination.”
“…I can pay for a coffee.”
“You are welcome, my dear,” he told her simply, accepting his card back from the barista in the window. He was still smug when he received his black coffee.
She rolled her eyes at him and sipped at her drink a bit, driving straight to the campus and parking outside of her first and last building of the day. There was attention, undeniably, since it wasn’t often that someone like Gilgamesh was around them.
He looked and breathed of foreign. The way he walked, proud as could be at her side with the coffee in his hand as natural as the very charisma that was seeming to draw others in, seemed to be doing nothing to coax others to continue on with their mornings.
Emiya waved her way as she opened the door to her first class, pausing at the sight of the blond at her side.
Strange that he would hesitate that much.
“Why not the front?” Gilgamesh offered.
Hakuno motioned towards Emiya, earning a scowl.
“I need notes,” she told him simply.
There was no missing the sigh. There was also no missing the fact that the man seemed to scoot his seat closer to hers as they settled in behind the table.
“Hakuno,” Emiya began.
“I really would love to see your notes.” She ignored Gilgamesh, merely handing him his tablet and looking to Emiya for assistance. “I missed what- three, four days?”
“Three,” he confessed. He slid his notebook her way and she didn’t bother with writing. Her phone was out, she was snapping photos a moment before their teacher was entering and moving behind the podium.
All the drama of the great theaters coalesced to this man’s starting moment, his great Elizabethan inspired attire all but adding to the dramatic expression upon his face.
“Today we begin with the great diplomacy of-“
He paused.
They all waited, finding him blinking.
“…We have a guest,” Sir Shakespeare announced. “Sir… This is no place for games.”
“Hmm?” Gilgamesh looked up, simply waving his golden cuffed arm dismissively. “I am well educated, teacher. You may resume your class as though I am not here. I will permit it since you have a confident aura to your presentation and have thus far showed an appreciation for your work.”
“I do not allow unwilling stagehands.”
Gilgamesh blinked.
“Gil,” Hakuno murmured. “You could-“
“Are you, perhaps, inviting me to assist you?” Gilgamesh glanced at the notebook still open nearby, his smirk only growing. “You may find yourself at a disadvantage.”
Shakespeare laughed. “A disadvantage? On classic literature of the ancients? You jest.”
“I never jest, not intentionally.”
“Gil,” Hakuno warned again, but the man stood up, moving to the front of the class and standing before the man proudly.
“Shall we begin with the mockery of a communication between Humbaba and the great and unparalleled Gilgamesh or shall we begin with the monologue of Gilgamesh turning down the one woman in the world that he would rather go celebrate than touch?”
Hakuno glanced over at Emiya’s notes.
I invited him to sit in on a class about himself!
“Do you think you can manage such a feat as either of those things?” Shakespeare challenged.
“My good man,” Gilgamesh laughed, his laughter carrying around the room. “You’ll find I’m simply unmatched.”
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crazybutcutecatlady · 5 years
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Hello! This is my first ff, so I hope you like it! It’s complete Jin fluff, maybe a bit of angst? If you squint really hard, you may see it. I did give it a title image, but the photograph itself is not mine. Also, any feedback would be welcome! Enjoy!
Jin x reader (Oneshot) Fluff 3K word count
   The chill of September had just started to settle in, leaves had begun to alter their hues just a week or two ago, and new winds blew the blazing canopies from their lofty perches. You had just got off work three hours ago. You washed away the day’s stress and changed into full fall cozy attire. A soft, dense burnt orange sweater, brown leggings and thick, fluffy fox socks to top it off. Indulging in the clean autumn vibes, you make yourself a cup of your favorite tea, grab your favorite book, and the most fitting blanket. You’ve barely settled in when you hear an unfamiliar engine roar outside.                        
    Typically, your neighborhood is very quiet, and most residents opt for public transportation rather than a vehicle of their own. Highly curious, you peek out of the window to peek at the machine. A G-Wagon was parked outside your door, its light pink paint being just as loud as the engine, highly contrasting the old, traditional Korean architecture that surrounds it.  A corresponding pink hat came bobbing out the car and towards your door. Rolling your eyes, you strode over to the door, opening it just before your star-eyed lover could knock on the door. His pink sweater paw hung in the air as he looked at you in slight bewilderment.
    “So, are you keeping things color-themed today?” You teased. He looked you up and down before cocking an eyebrow.
    “Yeah, but I’m not alone, “he playfully retorted. You chortled before reaching up and wrapping your arms around his neck, giving him a little peck on his soft lips before sinking back down on your heels. You pulled back confused though, there were so many strange elements to this sudden event.
    “What brings you here, Jinnie? You didn’t call or anything. And what’s with-”
    “Surprise!” He exclaimed, “We’re going on a date! Go grab warmer clothes and as many blankets as you can, ok?”
    “Wait, wait, wait! What’s with the car? What happened to the Lamborghini?!?”
    “The Lamborghini wouldn’t work for what I’ve got planned, so I bought this.”
    “What?!? Jin, real-“
     “Yes, really. Trust me, it’ll be perfect. Perfect for my princess <3 Now go grab your stuff!” With that, he placed a warm kiss on your head and turned to the car. You stood there for a moment, in a daze, when you heard him call out, “Warm clothes! I mean it!”
       You turned with a huff, finding his extravagance annoying and amusing at the same time. But once he has his mind set on something, whether it’s a goal, an aesthetic, or anything, he’ll stop at nothing to see it executed perfectly. Sometimes the most you could do was shake your head and hang on for the ride. You slipped a pair of jeans over your leggings, grabbed a coat, grabbed several blankets, and put on a pair of boots. Considering the weather hasn’t reached full winter, you thought you might be overdressed, but then again, Jin warned you to dress warmly and he usually says exactly what he means. You poured your tea into a travel mug and waddled your way towards the door, the big load making you clumsier than ever. Getting impatient, Jin made his way back to the door and was greeted by the sight of you trying to balance several blankets, your coat, and a hot cup of tea. He broke out into a grin and leaned his tall frame on the doorway.
     “Need some help, love?” he taunted. You barely managed to give him a pout over the blankets in response. He laughed before taking several blankets from you, as well as a firm kiss.
     “This date better be damn good,” you huffed.
     “Trust me, my love, it’ll be worth it,” he promised, the look in his eye warming as he took in your bundled-up figure.
      You throw the blankets in the backseat and tried to peer around to see what he was up to. Before you could make out anything besides the massive pile of blankets and pillows he pulled you back by your waist with a tut. He threw the blankets past you and pulled you closer.
      “Don’t ruin the surprise, sweetie! Upfront you go!” He said as he steered you to the passenger side, landing a little smack on your butt. You turned at him indignantly, only to feel his lush lips crash into yours. He pressed you against the cool car door, his lips softening and deepening the kiss till your lungs burned for air. When he finally broke free he buried his face in your neck and inhaled deeply. Pulling back, you could see a flame in his dark eyes as well as a satisfied smile on his flushed lips.
       “Been thinking of that all day,” he said with a dark chuckle. Walking away towards the driver’s side, leaving you stunned, you heard him call out,
       “Ah, aren’t you lucky?!? Having such a handsome and romantic man by your side?!?”
       You both climbed into the car, giggling. Just before you clicked your seatbelt in you leaned forward to press a kiss to his cheek. He poured out all his sweet affection as he gazed back at you.
       “I am so, so, lucky. I love you, my handsome man,” you admitted once more. No matter how many times you say it, you mean it fully every time. The raw tenderness of the moment thickened the air, till it was nearly suffocating.
      “You forgot “romantic”, love,” he prodded with a taunting smile, cutting the tension in half. You shoved him back, laughing. His smirk grew into a cheeky grin, wide and heartfelt. He settled into the driver’s seat and pulled the car out of park.
       “I can’t wait to show you what I have planned.”
         The drive stretched into the evening. The sun was lowering itself towards the horizon, staining the clouds overhead, and a sweet chill settled throughout the air. The ride was peaceful with gentle music and contentment filling up the car. You watched as the suburbs waned into rural areas, till finally, you were in the palms of nature. The road you had taken stretched up and over the expanse of the mountains. You understood why Jin wanted the G Wagon now. The Lamborghini wouldn’t have been able to handle these overgrown dirt roads.
        Despite the slight jarring of the road, the scenery was absolutely breathtaking. Every turn had the sun shifting between the flushed crowns of the towering trees, casting a new perspective throughout the expansive woods. The road wound up and down, around and between the folds of the mountains. Eventually, the road passed between two peaks and descended into a deep valley, free from the touch of humanity. Still, Jin drove further before pulling off the main path. You were slightly alarmed but too curious to question him. Not far from the road was a small clearing, filled with tall grass and resistant flowers, encircled by a ring of fiery trees. Jin pulled the car around so that the back of the car was facing the clearing.
       “Stay right here, and no peeking!” Jin said as he began grabbing things and clamoring out of the car.
       “What happens if I peek?” you asked with feigned innocence. His head popped around the corner, his eyes were dark and ominous. Altogether, the image was an adorable collage of contradictions. His serious glare contrasting the tufts of dark hair that peaked out if his pink hat, his strong athletic figure hidden under a corresponding large pink hoodie, and the brightness of the pink against the dim and withering outdoors. He reached over grabbed your chin and pulled you towards him.
       “If you peek, I will not share the wine I bought for us,” he threatened in a low voice. Your eyes lit up.
       “You got us wine?!?” You exclaimed. Jin always knew where to find the best wine. Never once has his taste failed you! It seemed he always knew what you were craving and what paired with the meal best. He dropped his head with a sigh, mentally kicking himself for giving you too much information. But when he lifted his head and looked into your shimmering, anticipating eyes, he lost any sense of negativity.
        “Of course I got us wine! I’m the most romantic man in this country, if not the world! How could you forget my virtues so easily?” He whined. Laughing at his antics you asked, “Did you bring roses as well?” with a tease. He looked you dead in the eye before grabbing a rose bouquet from the back. With a cock of his eyebrow, he handed them to you as you stared back in delighted shock.
        “It would be unforgivable if I didn’t, beautiful. Can you even imagine it? Me? Forgetting to bring roses? Absurd! Did my princess forget who she’s with?” His rambling left you in a fit of laughter as you took the roses from him. He smiled softly before pinching your cheek. “It’ll be just a second, love.”
                     You sat back and listened to him positioning things and rustling around, fighting the increasing need to give just one backward glance. Instead, you finished off your tea and focused on the sickly-sweet scent of the roses. A minute or two later Jin opens your door and offers you his hand. You take it with a smile that causes his heart to flutter. Hopping out of the car, he guides you towards the trunk, presenting the most beautiful and endearing sight.
        The backseats had been removed, giving enough room to lounge comfortably together. The bed of the car had a thick pillow-like blanket over it, and the sides were lined with pillows. The trunk door hung over you with fairy light strewn all over it, reaching all around the upper interior of the car. An open picnic basket filled with hot food and thermostats sat in the middle with a bottle of your favorite wine placed strategically in front. You gasp, unable to close your mouth and unable to stop smiling. Tears welled up in your eyes as you drank it all in. Meanwhile, Jin was eagerly drinking in your reaction, heart-swelling at your glistening eyes. He turned you towards him by your waist, your eyes a little slower to follow. But once they’re on him the whole world seems to pale in comparison.  He leaned in and kissed you affectionately, engulfing your lips with his. His arms coiled tightly around the curve of your waist as you reached up and over his broad shoulders, wrapping your arms around his neck. You both stayed like this for a minute, completely satisfied to just hold one another for a little while. When he pulled away you breathed out, “Jin this is perfect.”
       “Did you expect anything less from me, princess? “he said with a breathy laugh, “Go ahead. Get comfortable,” he said as he nudged you towards the trunk, following in close pursuit. He laughed as you excitedly hopped into the back like a child.
       Time streaked by as you two dined on Jin’s homemade dishes and slowly emptied the wine bottle. You talked in between bites, sharing secrets and small proclamations of love. The sun had all but entirely disappeared over the horizon before Jin pushed the basket away, grabbing a case of fresh cookies and thermostats of hot chocolate. The two of you snuggled, nibbled, and sipped as you watched the stars come out of hiding. Eventually, time was lost on you two. An endless sea of stars stretched overhead as you two discussed the wonders and possibilities of the universe.
        “Jin, do you think we knew each other in a past life?” You questioned dreamingly. He turned towards you, drinking in your image and your presence, wondering how he could’ve survived any life without you.
        “I’m not sure. If we did, I don’t think you could ever forget me” he said bluntly, causing you to scoff before he could finish, “I know I sure as hell could never forget you.”
        You froze slightly before looking up into his eyes, with your own resembling an owl. They bore down on you, dark, strong, intense, and completely certain. The next thing you knew, you were bound in his arms, seeing nothing but fireworks as he pressed his lips further than before. His tongue gently worked its way into your mouth, hypnotizing you completely as you melt into his arms. The make-out session intensifies, till you’re both tired and out of breath. Tipsy from the wine and each other, you both opt to snuggle close to each other for a cozy nap under the stars.
                     Hours had passed before the extreme cold woke both of your shivering figures. Jin sat up, wincing at the soreness over his body. You followed with a similar grimace, trying to comprehend your surroundings. You both had fallen asleep in each other embrace, but as the night stretched on and the temperatures dropped, not even your body heat could fight off the bitter cold. The blankets were stiff too. In fact, upon closer examination, you could plainly see the frost that coated the blankets and matted your hair as well as Jin’s.            
        Had the cold not turned you miserable, the scene would have been breathtaking. It was the first frost of the season, and it had certainly set a standard for the approaching winter. The frost had taken hold over the clearing, claiming the last few standing flowers and weighing down the tall grass. Your combined breath hung like clouds in the still air, the silvery full moon casting an ethereal glow over the motionless woods.
        Jin pulled himself out of the trunk with a mumbled curse. He unfolded his height and tried to stretch the stiffness from his muscles, earning and even deeper contortion of pain. He turned and pulled you out of the trunk, your muscles refusing to cooperate. Once you finally stood up, he shook out a blanket and wrapped it around you. He guided your sleepy figure towards the passenger seat and tucked you in. He made sure everything was packed up and then carefully drove out of the valley.
           You woke up in your bed with Jin snuggled close beside you. You could barely recall getting home. Your throat was tight, your head was throbbing, and your lungs were burning. Soon you began to notice that Jin’s breathing was uneven, and his skin was flaring. Sweat was clinging to the both of you, and your body trembled in protest as you made a slow effort to get up. You gingerly walked towards the kitchen, making a hot porridge and honey-heavy tea for both of you. When you came back, JIn was tossing and turning with his fever. You set the breakfast down, hurrying to grab a cold rag for him. As soon as you placed it on his head he began to calm down. You slowly ate your breakfast, trying not to push your stomach too far. The tea helped immensely.
          You were just about finished when Jin woke up. His breath grew shorter as he pulled himself up, looking around confusedly with the cool rag dropped into his lap. He was still horribly stiff and aching. You rushed over to him, gently cupping his cheeks. His frown deepening in your palms as he took in your own fevered expression.
          “Jinnie, baby, how are you feeling?” You asked worriedly. He lowered his face into your palms, hiding his face before mumbling, “I ruined everything, didn’t I?”
          You looked at him confused. Your hands drifted to the back of his neck and over his thigh as you lowered your head, trying to catch his eye.
          “No, no, no, my love! Mi amore, how could you even think that?!?” You dotingly exclaimed. His head snapped up in an irate response.
          “I should’ve taken you home!” He said as loud as his raspy voice would allow. It caused you to flinch. Upon seeing that he lowered his head and voice again, “Instead, I let us sleep in the freezing cold. And now, you’re sick. Because of me.” He bemoaned. You tutted before pulling his large frame against you.
         “Jin, last night was perfect. I wouldn’t change one second of it,” you reassured him as you caressed his hair and rubbed out one of his shoulders, “We were both tired and tipsy. It’s ok,” before he could defend his guilt you added, “Plus, I’m already feeling better! Eat your breakfast and drink your tea, it’ll help. And when you’re ready, we’ll soak in the bath together, mmk?”
          A pair of deep dark puppy eyes looked up at you before a mumbled “ok” passed his swollen lips. You pressed a kiss to his head and squeezed his shoulder before getting up to draw your bath. In a couple of minutes, he had finished his breakfast, feeling better as promised, and you had a steaming aromatic bath ready for the both of you.
         He slowly entered the bathroom, guilt still evident on his face. You smiled at him lovingly, pretending to lean in for a kiss before pulling his shirt over his head. He became less tense with your antics and pressed you to the wall, reclaiming the kiss with a smile. You returned the smiley kiss with one hand pressed on his firm chest and the other sliding up to cup the nape of his neck. Your grin widened as he pulled back.
         “You know, even when sick you’re still my Mr. Worldwide Handsome.”
          “I thought I was the Dorito Man?” He said with a quirk of his eyebrow and a small crooked smile. You hummed with a gentle smile and gave a small nod.
           “Yeah, that too.” You said matter of fact-ly.
            He laughed softly before he began stripping you down. Before long, the bathroom floor was covered in scattered clothes. The two of you were snuggled against each other in the bath, tracing images on each other’s skin while exchanging jokes and kisses.
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azurefanfics · 5 years
A Little Surprise
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: fluffiness
Word Count: 2k
A/N: Hello! This is my first fic for this fandom (and the first time I’ve written in about two years) so any feedback will be much appreciated! This is just a short little oneshot for Joon’s birthday that I’m trying to use to ease myself back into writing, I hope you enjoy!
Your husband was heading back to Ilsan for his birthday. It wasn’t often that he was blessed with time off, let alone some that overlapped with his birthday, so he thought it would be a nice change of pace to head back to his home town and spend the day with his family. Unfortunately, work commitments had prevented you from heading to the suburbs with your husband. You had been extremely apologetic and tried your best to get out of it (to no avail) but your husband, being the sweetheart that he is, understood completely. He knew that these trips didn’t happen often, but when they did they were extremely important. The fact that you’d arranged to take the weeks before the meetings off to go on a tour around Europe didn’t hurt either. You two had the time of your lives together, visiting all the tourist destinations, admiring the culture and sampling the food. You went everywhere from Venice to Wein to Copenhagen, soaking in the beauty and the history of the places whilst simultaneously revelling in the relative peace and refreshing anonymity that these destinations had granted you. Your husband’s job has meant that you often struggled to find privacy and couldn’t have dates in public areas. But in these places you were nothing but another young couple strolling through the romantic city, free to do and explore as you pleased. You’d both arrived back in Korea with hearts full of love and memories to last a lifetime. 
A week later, when he was headed to his parents’ without you, he found that he did not feel disappointed but instead immensely grateful for the time you were able to spend together. He hadn’t been able to spend his birthday with his family since pre-debut, so obviously he was welcomed home with open arms. Unbeknownst to him, his sister Kyungmin immediately got down to business and began planning a surprise party. As he spent his days wandering around Ilsan indulging in nostalgia, she was busy gathering supplies, inviting his friends and scheming with you. Although you were on the other side of the world, you had been doing your best to hurry along proceedings at work. You’d rescheduled some meetings and worked gruelling hours for days, often working 18 hour days with no break. Your schedule was jam packed, but you were painfully close to wrapping the deal that had been the goal of this trip. Although you were overworked and certainly on the verge of burning out, it would all be worth it to see the look on Namjoon’s face.
The day of the party arrived quickly, all the preparations had been made and Kyungmin was practically vibrating in anticipation. Namjoon, for his part, was completely oblivious to the plan and was just enjoying the time he had with his family. His members had travelled to Ilsan to spend the day with him, and they spent a good portion of the day hanging out together. Upon their arrival back at your in-laws’ house, Namjoon discovered the place covered in balloons and streamers, and the party was soon in full swing. Your sister in law, knowing Namjoon’s propensity for cute things and how much he adored the Ryan cake you and the members had given him a few years prior, had ordered an adorable Mangnanyong cake, much to his delight. 
With a stomach full of cake and having received gifts from all of his loved ones, Namjoon found himself well and truly content. He was grateful to have so many wonderful friends in attendance, many travelling all the way from Seoul to be there. There were his members (of course), numerous other idols who had taken time out of their busy schedules to be with him, as well as other friends (old and new) from outside the music industry. It was in moments like these that Namjoon felt well and truly loved and thankful for all that he was blessed with in this life. However, it wasn’t long until these thoughts were rudely interrupted by the chaos brought by three of his members.
“It’s your turn to deal with them now, birthday boy” said Yoongi, unceremoniously dumping his hyung and his youngest dongsaeng in front of the other rapper. Suddenly snapped out of the shock of being dragged over, Jungkook bounded towards Namjoon. 
“Hyung, my present was awesome wasn’t it?” His eyes sparkled in anticipation of hearing Joon’s verdict. “Much better than hyung’s right? He always has awful taste for stuff like this!”
Unbeknownst to him, those two had spent the last 10 minutes bickering over whose present was better, driving his other members insane in the process.
“Yah! Has the youth lost all respect for their elders these days? Besides, you know that mine is better, just give it up!” exclaimed Jin.
“A-hem”. Kyungmin cleared her throat, inserting herself into the conversation before her brother could speak up. “I think I’ve definitely got the best gift here”.  
Before either boy could protest, she quickly crossed the room in a few long strides. She pulled on the door and it swung open to reveal you on the other side. Although exhaustion and stress clouded your features, your radiance shone through nonetheless. At the sight of Namjoon, your face smoothed and a brilliant smile overtook your face, causing all the air to be sucked out of his lungs for a moment. Even after all these years, he still found you to be the most beautiful woman in the world. 
“Hey” you greeted softly.
“Y-Y/N? What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be in America still?”
“Yeah I was… But I managed to wrap things up a bit early so here I am” you replied
At that he briskly crossed the room and pulled you into his strong, warm arms. The whole room had stopped to witness the touching reunion, but neither of you took notice as you were both too caught up with the other. You buried your head into his shoulder, breathing in his scent. He smelled of wood and musk and home, and all at once you remembered how much you’d missed him. No matter how many times you’re apart, be it for his tours or promotions or your own work, you were always overcome by a deep yearning for him that could never be satisfied until you were together again. Pulling back, you looked into his eyes and instinctively knew that he was thinking the same thing. You tilted your head up, allowing him to slot your lips together. You fit together like two pieces of a puzzle, after years of being together this kind of affection came naturally to you two. That is until you were interrupted by two sets of gagging noises, causing you both to pull away and blush sheepishly. Kyungmin and Jungkook grinned at each other impishly, before the former dragged you away from Joon. “Now that you’re here, let’s get this party started!”
The next day, you and Joon were strolling through Ilsan, revisiting some of his favourite childhood spots with Monie. Although the dog was quite the tsundere towards your husband, he had no qualms towards showing affection towards you, licking you and yipping loudly whenever you don’t give him enough attention. You were always glad to see the furry friend whenever you visited your in-laws. You and your husband settled yourselves on a bench in the park as the little white menace ran around chasing squirrels and fetching the occasional stick your other half threw.
“Are you enjoying being home?” you asked, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between you.
“Yeah, it’s been nice seeing my family and catching up with old friends, but it’s even better now that you’re here” he replied. You hummed in response, sinking further into your husband’s arms contentedly. Suddenly remembering what you came out here to do, you tensed, fiddling with your wedding band.
“What’s wrong?” asked Namjoon, sensing the sudden tension that entered your frame. His eyes travelled to your finger, where your hand was still fiddling with the ring. This was a nervous habit of yours since the very first day he presented you with a ring, which only served to compound his concern.
“It’s nothing really, I just…. I just have another present for you”. Last night you had given him a pair of his favourite wireless noise cancelling headphones that were only available in the states. He had broken his last pair on the flight back from Europe and he hated the prospect of having to wait months for another pair to arrive. Songwriting, travel and hell even monster dishwashing sessions were incomplete without them (even if the latter was slightly unsafe given your husband’s clumsiness). When you whipped them out of your bag, his face lit up like it was Christmas day and you promptly won the debate between the members. 
“What? You don’t need to keep spending your money on me, you already got me a trip and those headphones, that’s already way too much!” he exclaimed.
“It’s not really like that. I wanted to do something different for you. I really hope you like it. Besides, it not like I can take all the credit, the boys helped me with it too. Really they probably did most of the work… So yeah” you rambled, before petering out. With that, you pulled out your phone and passed it to him, pressing play.
The video started with soft piano melody playing a soothing lullaby. Pictures of your adventures with Joon, old and new, faded into view. Some of them were ridiculous selfies taken at tourist spots, or pictures taken by managers or one of the boys, but most were charming candids of your husband. Each shot allowed him to see himself through your eyes, and the infinite pool of love you felt for Namjoon was palpable. Even at the most breathtaking of locations, the camera’s focus never wavered from the man in front of you. A soft voice filtered out of the speakers, your voice, singing a lulling melody that he didn’t recognise.
“D-did you write this song?” 
“Yeah. Well I had some help from the boys, but it was mostly written and performed by yours truly”. His eyes met yours with something akin to awe. How is it possible that the woman that he loves with all of his heart could continue to amaze and astound him every day? “I know sometimes on tour you can’t sleep. I was thinking that maybe this might help when you miss us.”
“Us?” he questioned, but you merely smiled and shook your head, before gesturing for him to continue the video. Pictures came and went, everything from your wedding photos to images from the last tour to pictures from your most recent trip together to Europe. As the music slowed and diminuendoed, his breath caught as the final picture faded into view. A positive pregnancy test. His head snapped up hopefully as his eyes brimmed with tears.
“Is it true? You’re… ” he whispered, too scared to say the words aloud. You forced your eyes up from the ground to meet his, nodding. You and your husband had been trying for a baby for a while, but it had been unsuccessful thus far. That didn’t make it any less daunting to tell him the news though. At that, he whooped before picking you up and spinning you around. Monie bounded over at the commotion, yipping and tilting his head curiously.
“I’m going to be a dad!” he exclaimed excitedly, half to you and half to the dog, before crouching down. He placed his hand on your stomach, before placing a kiss there, on top of your t shirt.
“Joon, you’re not going to be able to feel anything yet” you said, giggling at his actions nonetheless.
“I know” he replied, “but I want to do it anyway”. 
“Hi little bean, I’m your dad!” he whispered softly, staring at your stomach. He stood up in one smooth motion, before meeting your eyes. “It’s amazing, you’ve really got a little life we made together in there”.
“It really is” you smiled.
His eyes flickered across your face, soaking in your every detail.
“I love you so much” he whispered, before pulling you in for one more kiss.
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Jin X Reader    The First Frost
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     The chill of September had just started to settle in, leaves had begun to alter their hues just a week or two ago, and new winds blew the blazing canopies from their lofty perches. You had just got off work three hours ago. You washed away the day’s stress and changed into full fall cozy attire. A soft, dense burnt orange sweater, brown leggings and thick, fluffy fox socks to top it off. Indulging in the clean autumn vibes, you make yourself a cup of your favorite tea, grab your favorite book, and the most fitting blanket. You’ve barely settled in when you hear an unfamiliar engine roar outside.                        
     Typically, your neighborhood is very quiet, and most residents opt for public transportation rather than a vehicle of their own. Highly curious, you peek out of the window to peek at the machine. A G-Wagon was parked outside your door, its light pink paint being just as loud as the engine, highly contrasting the old, traditional Korean architecture that surrounds it.  A corresponding pink hat came bobbing out the car and towards your door. Rolling your eyes, you strode over to the door, opening it just before your star-eyed lover could knock on the door. His pink sweater paw hung in the air as he looked at you in slight bewilderment.
     “So, are you keeping things color-themed today?” You teased. He looked you up and down before cocking an eyebrow.
     “Yeah, but I’m not alone, “he playfully retorted. You chortled before reaching up and wrapping your arms around his neck, giving him a little peck on his soft lips before sinking back down on your heels. You pulled back confused though, there were so many strange elements to this sudden event.
     “What brings you here, Jinnie? You didn’t call or anything. And what’s with-”
     “Surprise!” He exclaimed, “We’re going on a date! Go grab warmer clothes and as many blankets as you can, ok?”
     “Wait, wait, wait! What’s with the car? What happened to the Lamborghini?!?”
     “The Lamborghini wouldn’t work for what I’ve got planned, so I bought this.”
     “What?!? Jin, real-“
     “Yes, really. Trust me, it’ll be perfect. Perfect for my princess <3 Now go grab your stuff!” With that, he placed a warm kiss on your head and turned to the car. You stood there for a moment, in a daze, when you heard him call out, “Warm clothes! I mean it!”
      You turned with a huff, finding his extravagance annoying and amusing at the same time. But once he has his mind set on something, whether it’s a goal, an aesthetic, or anything, he’ll stop at nothing to see it executed perfectly. Sometimes the most you could do was shake your head and hang on for the ride. You slipped a pair of jeans over your leggings, grabbed a coat, grabbed several blankets, and put on a pair of boots. Considering the weather hasn’t reached full winter, you thought you might be overdressed, but then again, Jin warned you to dress warmly and he usually says exactly what he means. You poured your tea into a travel mug and waddled your way towards the door, the big load making you clumsier than ever. Getting impatient, Jin made his way back to the door and was greeted by the sight of you trying to balance several blankets, your coat, and a hot cup of tea. He broke out into a grin and leaned his tall frame on the doorway.
                 “Need some help, love?” he taunted. You barely managed to give him a pout over the blankets in response. He laughed before taking several blankets from you, as well as a firm kiss.
     “This date better be damn good,” you huffed.
     “Trust me, my love, it’ll be worth it,” he promised, the look in his eye warming as he took in your bundled-up figure.
     You throw the blankets in the backseat and tried to peer around to see what he was up to. Before you could make out anything besides the massive pile of blankets and pillows he pulled you back by your waist with a tut. He threw the blankets past you and pulled you closer.
     “Don’t ruin the surprise, sweetie! Upfront you go!” He said as he steered you to the passenger side, landing a little smack on your butt. You turned at him indignantly, only to feel his lush lips crash into yours. He pressed you against the cool car door, his lips softening and deepening the kiss till your lungs burned for air. When he finally broke free he buried his face in your neck and inhaled deeply. Pulling back, you could see a flame in his dark eyes as well as a satisfied smile on his flushed lips.
     “Been thinking of that all day,” he said with a dark chuckle. Walking away towards the driver’s side, leaving you stunned, you heard him call out,
      “Ah, aren’t you lucky?!? Having such a handsome and romantic man by your side?!?”
     You both climbed into the car, giggling. Just before you clicked your seatbelt in you leaned forward to press a kiss to his cheek. He poured out all his sweet affection as he gazed back at you.
     “I am so, so, lucky. I love you, my handsome man,” you admitted once more. No matter how many times you say it, you mean it fully every time. The raw tenderness of the moment thickened the air, till it was nearly suffocating.
     “You forgot “romantic”, love,” he prodded with a taunting smile, cutting the tension in half. You shoved him back, laughing. His smirk grew into a cheeky grin, wide and heartfelt. He settled into the driver’s seat and pulled the car out of park.
     “I can’t wait to show you what I have planned.”
      The drive stretched into the evening. The sun was lowering itself towards the horizon, staining the clouds overhead, and a sweet chill settled throughout the air. The ride was peaceful with gentle music and contentment filling up the car. You watched as the suburbs waned into rural areas, till finally, you were in the palms of nature. The road you had taken stretched up and over the expanse of the mountains. You understood why Jin wanted the G Wagon now. The Lamborghini wouldn’t have been able to handle these overgrown dirt roads.
     Despite the slight jarring of the road, the scenery was absolutely breathtaking. Every turn had the sun shifting between the flushed crowns of the towering trees, casting a new perspective throughout the expansive woods. The road wound up and down, around and between the folds of the mountains. Eventually, the road passed between two peaks and descended into a deep valley, free from the touch of humanity. Still, Jin drove further before pulling off the main path. You were slightly alarmed but too curious to question him. Not far from the road was a small clearing, filled with tall grass and resistant flowers, encircled by a ring of fiery trees. Jin pulled the car around so that the back of the car was facing the clearing.
     “Stay right here, and no peeking!” Jin said as he began grabbing things and clamoring out of the car.
     “What happens if I peek?” you asked with feigned innocence. His head popped around the corner, his eyes were dark and ominous. Altogether, the image was an adorable collage of contradictions. His serious glare contrasting the tufts of dark hair that peaked out if his pink hat, his strong athletic figure hidden under a corresponding large pink hoodie, and the brightness of the pink against the dim and withering outdoors. He reached over grabbed your chin and pulled you towards him.
     “If you peek, I will not share the wine I bought for us,” he threatened in a low voice. Your eyes lit up.
     “You got us wine?!?” You exclaimed. Jin always knew where to find the best wine. Never once has his taste failed you! It seemed he always knew what you were craving and what paired with the meal best. He dropped his head with a sigh, mentally kicking himself for giving you too much information. But when he lifted his head and looked into your shimmering, anticipating eyes, he lost any sense of negativity.
     “Of course I got us wine! I’m the most romantic man in this country, if not the world! How could you forget my virtues so easily?” He whined. Laughing at his antics you asked, “Did you bring roses as well?” with a tease. He looked you dead in the eye before grabbing a rose bouquet from the back. With a cock of his eyebrow, he handed them to you as you stared back in delighted shock.
     “It would be unforgivable if I didn’t, beautiful. Can you even imagine it? Me? Forgetting to bring roses? Absurd! Did my princess forget who she’s with?” His rambling left you in a fit of laughter as you took the roses from him. He smiled softly before pinching your cheek. “It’ll be just a second, love.”
                  You sat back and listened to him positioning things and rustling around, fighting the increasing need to give just one backward glance. Instead, you finished off your tea and focused on the sickly-sweet scent of the roses. A minute or two later Jin opens your door and offers you his hand. You take it with a smile that causes his heart to flutter. Hopping out of the car, he guides you towards the trunk, presenting the most beautiful and endearing sight.
     The backseats had been removed, giving enough room to lounge comfortably together. The bed of the car had a thick pillow-like blanket over it, and the sides were lined with pillows. The trunk door hung over you with fairy light strewn all over it, reaching all around the upper interior of the car. An open picnic basket filled with hot food and thermostats sat in the middle with a bottle of your favorite wine placed strategically in front. You gasp, unable to close your mouth and unable to stop smiling. Tears welled up in your eyes as you drank it all in. Meanwhile, Jin was eagerly drinking in your reaction, heart-swelling at your glistening eyes. He turned you towards him by your waist, your eyes a little slower to follow. But once they’re on him the whole world seems to pale in comparison.  He leaned in and kissed you affectionately, engulfing your lips with his. His arms coiled tightly around the curve of your waist as you reached up and over his broad shoulders, wrapping your arms around his neck. You both stayed like this for a minute, completely satisfied to just hold one another for a little while. When he pulled away you breathed out, “Jin, this is perfect.”
     “Did you expect anything less from me, princess?“ he said with a breathy laugh, “Go ahead. Get comfortable,” he said as he nudged you towards the trunk, following in close pursuit. He laughed as you excitedly hopped into the back like a child.
     Time streaked by as you two dined on Jin’s homemade dishes and slowly emptied the wine bottle. You talked in between bites, sharing secrets and small proclamations of love. The sun had all but entirely disappeared over the horizon before Jin pushed the basket away, grabbing a case of fresh cookies and thermostats of hot chocolate. The two of you snuggled, nibbled, and sipped as you watched the stars come out of hiding. Eventually, time was lost on you two. An endless sea of stars stretched overhead as you two discussed the wonders and possibilities of the universe.
     “Jin, do you think we knew each other in a past life?” You questioned dreamingly. He turned towards you, drinking in your image and your presence, wondering how he could’ve survived any life without you.
    “I’m not sure. If we did, I don’t think you could ever forget me” he said bluntly, causing you to scoff before he could finish, “I know I sure as hell could never forget you.”
     You froze slightly before looking up into his eyes, with your own resembling an owl. They bore down on you, dark, strong, intense, and completely certain. The next thing you knew, you were bound in his arms, seeing nothing but fireworks as he pressed his lips further than before. His tongue gently worked its way into your mouth, hypnotizing you completely as you melt into his arms. The make-out session intensifies, till you’re both tired and out of breath. Tipsy from the wine and each other, you both opt to snuggle close to each other for a cozy nap under the stars.
                  Hours had passed before the extreme cold woke both of your shivering figures. Jin sat up, wincing at the soreness over his body. You followed with a similar grimace, trying to comprehend your surroundings. You both had fallen asleep in each other embrace, but as the night stretched on and the temperatures dropped, not even your body heat could fight off the bitter cold. The blankets were stiff too. In fact, upon closer examination, you could plainly see the frost that coated the blankets and matted your hair as well as Jin’s.           
     Had the cold not turned you miserable, the scene would have been breathtaking. It was the first frost of the season, and it had certainly set a standard for the approaching winter. The frost had taken hold over the clearing, claiming the last few standing flowers and weighing down the tall grass. Your combined breath hung like clouds in the still air, the silvery full moon casting an ethereal glow over the motionless woods.
     Jin pulled himself out of the trunk with a mumbled curse. He unfolded his height and tried to stretch the stiffness from his muscles, earning an even deeper contortion of pain. He turned and pulled you out of the trunk, your muscles refusing to cooperate. Once you finally stood up, he shook out a blanket and wrapped it around you. He guided your sleepy figure towards the passenger seat and tucked you in. He made sure everything was packed up and then carefully drove out of the valley.
      You woke up in your bed with Jin snuggled close beside you. You could barely recall getting home. Your throat was tight, your head was throbbing, and your lungs were burning. Soon you began to notice that Jin’s breathing was uneven, and his skin was flaring. Sweat was clinging to the both of you, and your body trembled in protest as you made a slow effort to get up. You gingerly walked towards the kitchen, making a hot porridge and honey-heavy tea for both of you. When you came back, JIn was tossing and turning with his fever. You set the breakfast down, hurrying to grab a cold rag for him. As soon as you placed it on his head he began to calm down. You slowly ate your breakfast, trying not to push your stomach too far. The tea helped immensely.
     You were just about finished when Jin woke up. His breath grew shorter as he pulled himself up, looking around confusedly when the cool rag dropped into his lap. He was still horribly stiff and aching. You rushed over to him, gently cupping his cheeks. His frown deepening in your palms as he took in your own fevered expression.
     “Jinnie, baby, how are you feeling?” You asked worriedly. He lowered his face into your palms, hiding his face before mumbling, “I ruined everything, didn’t I?”
     You looked at him confused. Your hands drifted to the back of his neck and over his thigh as you lowered your head, trying to catch his eye.
     “No, no, no, my love! Mi amore, how could you even think that?!?” You dotingly exclaimed. His head snapped up in an irate response.
     “I should’ve taken you home!” He said as loud as his raspy voice would allow. It caused you to flinch. Upon seeing that he lowered his head and voice again, “Instead, I let us sleep in the freezing cold. And now, you’re sick. Because of me.” He bemoaned. You tutted before pulling his large frame against you.
    “Jin, last night was perfect. I wouldn’t change one second of it,” you reassured him as you caressed his hair and rubbed out one of his shoulders, “We were both tired and tipsy. It’s ok,” before he could defend his guilt you added, “Plus, I’m already feeling better! Eat your breakfast and drink your tea, it’ll help. And when you’re ready, we’ll soak in the bath together, mmk?”
     A pair of deep dark puppy eyes looked up at you before a mumbled “ok” passed his swollen lips. You pressed a kiss to his head and squeezed his shoulder before getting up to draw your bath. In a couple of minutes, he had finished his breakfast, feeling better as promised, and you had a steaming aromatic bath ready for the both of you.
     He slowly entered the bathroom, guilt still evident on his face. You smiled at him lovingly, pretending to lean in for a kiss before pulling his shirt over his head. He became less tense with your antics and pressed you to the wall, reclaiming the kiss with a smile. You returned the smiley kiss with one hand pressed on his firm chest and the other sliding up to cup the nape of his neck. Your grin widened as he pulled back.
     “You know, even when sick you’re still my Mr. Worldwide Handsome.”
     “I thought I was the Dorito Man?” He said with a quirk of his eyebrow and a small crooked smile. You hummed with a gentle smile and gave a small nod.
     “Yeah, that too.” You said matter of fact-ly.
     He laughed softly before he began stripping you down. Before long, the bathroom floor was covered in scattered clothes. The two of you were snuggled against each other in the bath, tracing images on each other’s skin while exchanging jokes and kisses.
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parkbearum · 5 years
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“...The lights inside his eyes followed her only in a room of souls as she moved,knowing that he’ll see every bit of her shine....”
Dancer!Kai  ●  1
Kai X Reader
The grey silk brushed against the wall in each turn,the silent room filled with heavy panting and costumes.The clock on the wall showed midnight while the breaths each soul took only became heavier and more frequent,pushing bodies behind imagination.
You watched every move made in the room while each pair slowly practiced,no comments nor judgements made while each individual put themselves out there,giving it their best shot.You watched as one of your friends rose on her feet,made a circle around the room while twirling and came back to her previous position.
“Rhythm.”you heard her say under her breath while you massaged your foot,feeling every tense muscle and bruise due to how much you’ve pushed yourself.
Walking to the end of the room,you picked up a tangerine from the box on the corner.Something your classmate had brought to the whole group as an encouragement push on the back for the performance that was about to take place in a few weeks.Her father owned a tangerine farm in the suburbs and there was always a sweet gift from them before big events.
You touched your costume,soft and airy.It looked like what you had imagined water fairies wore when they needed to come to surface and bless the earth.The silver detail on the ends shone with the light while it moved around your fingers,feeling like a real cloud against your skin.
You heard them talk about the steps,choreography and the weather for the day,it was the usual talk in the practice room as some waltzed around and some cooled down for the day even though you would stay to perfect everything for the whole night.
You waved goodbye to some of the people when you got out the building,a smile that faded a few moments after.Walking up the hill,you watched the lights of the convenience store,a few people inside cooking some food for a late night snack.It was a cold day while your ears were filled with nothing but the sound of white noise.
You felt a card brush against your hand while resting it in your pocket due to the cold weather. A small smile found your red lips in the chilly night while you made your way to the silent house you were awaiting to see the whole day.The street light blinked at you while you stood under it,thinking about the stranger you had met a week ago.
His caramel skin and vanilla smell came to your imagining a few times this day only.He had left you a card,a ticket to be precise for a dance lesson in a studio which seemed match his name,you had been saying it yourself for a few times even though you knew that it was nothing more than a dancer helping out another one.
He had also given you his number at the back,which you tried to ignore,because this wasn’t like you.Talking to strangers on a bookshop or going to a dance class,spending time with people was not your first choice when it came to ways to spend time.You were not the type to do that as much.
Instead,you would watch movies in your room alone or read a book.You went out sometimes,playing with a few street cats before arriving at a local cafe that was near.You went to shops and your earphone never left your ear while walking,A few more visits to the bakery shops around and that was your idea of going out,not with people and as quiet as you could manage.
So when he gave you the ticket,you brushed the small cries of your heart off your shoulder and moved on with your life.It was not like you did not have a social life but remaining it as small as possible was your goal when it came to having a social circle to hang around with.
But he seemed new,exciting and something you haven’t experienced.
Maybe you would go,you thought as it was 2 days after and you did make spontaneous decisions,even though rarely.By the time your mind storm with the dance performance,classes and the ticket had ended,you were in bed next to the small lamp you adored.
Unlike what many people thought about you due to your quiet nature,you did have some experiences in the relationships department.Ones you decided not to recall as it only brought sorrow and bitterness out of the bottom parts of your heart.
Slowly drifting apart from the world,you were still confused yet,there was a sweet taste around you while the night carried on along the black sky.
The morning was quiet as you made your way to the bathroom,the time unusually early for a saturday while you washed your face.Your mind was still running about the class you so wanted to go but your heart had its doubts while you looked yourself in the mirror,worries and overthinking was all you could see.
It was usually like this with you.Something great would happen,an event that would leave fruits of opportunity at your grasp but you would be scared,too afraid to grasp it to the point where the time would wash it away from you,leaving you alone with your thoughts and quiet apartment.This wasn’t the first time you were overthinking something like this.
You looked yourself in the mirror,you could go like this.Missing opportunities one by one as life moved along with the changing colors of the sky,taking no risks and not being bothered.But where would it take you?You were afraid of ending up as a fading soul than anything and your fears that were holding you back didn’t help either.
Before your mind started running too fast for you to catch up,you took a breath and found yourself dressed in flowy clothes for the class.You weren’t sure and there was still a huge amount of doubts at the back of your mind but you moved on still,giving this a shot after missing a thousand of them before.
The ride was filled with you turning up the volume of music on your phone to not hear your worries roaming around your mind.You were trying your best to let them go,make sure they stayed in the past while you moved on,walking to the class which seemed to be inside a small building that looked like it was specially designed.
Opening the door to the class,you found a few curious eyes looking your way.Smiling while trying your best not to make eye contact,you walked inside the spacious room.It was rather a modern take on the classic dance studio look with lower lights and different colors,even high chairs at the end and a corner with drinks.
You sat down at the back of the place,stretching while more people filled the room.There were all kinds of dancers from what you could see,from hip-hop dancers to b-boyers.You looked at your shoes while the teacher came in,acting like you were fixing them while the figure kept silent.
While he started speaking,you looked up at his face and sighed,It was not him.All this time waiting,you had thought that the stranger you met was the teacher,your heart was beating fast while relief took all over your body.You were far more comfortable moving around now.
While he thought the steps to the class,you focused hard with your silky shoes.It was more of a pop-based choreography which was out of your practice as you had been working on ballet for the last couple of months but while you got the movements right,your muscle memory of the years you did jazz and hip-hop came back alive.
Moving alone with the class,the teacher looked along the huge crowd,picking the people who did the best to show example.When he pointed at you and some people clapped,you smiled with a small giggle.Yes,you were not good at social events but you were passionate about dancing and it showed,much like now.
When he turned up the music,you let your body discover different mediums around while moving it with the flow.Your steps were precise and what you had and others lacked was the understanding of the beats as you moved every bone in your body according to the small background music in the song.
Clapping along with the people around you,your eyes landed on someone too familiar in a room full of strangers.
It was him.
Just like how it was the first time he had seen you,you were losing yourself in music this time around as well.He moved your body with every bit,a bit too much attention to the detail which overwhelmed him,finding your precise movements a bit too professional for your age.He watched your eyes open with shock when you saw him.
He waved first,a smile on his lips while you walked at the back of the class where your shoes were.While trying to wear them on the floor,away from where everyone was,he followed you and sat next to you on the cold floor which you tried to ignore.It was embarrassing that it had happened one time but this time,it was more than that as he had seen you actually dance.
You were aware of his position at this point as a dancer as he had the freehand of coming in classes anytime he wanted,he was probably the head teacher of the studio which was what you were afraid of as your thoughts created a thousand scenarios in your head about how he would criticize and comment on you.
It was fine for someone else,anyone else to do it but not him as you thought of him as different.
After you were done with wearing your shoes,your eyes met his in a flash.His were smiling but your only had worries inside them.He offered you his hand while you tried to stand up,feeling a bit more normal after your breath calmed down.
“You were quite breathtaking just now..”he said,his eyes shining much like anytime.
You smiled and thanked him before walking out of the class as it was almost over.Walking over the lockers,you tried to find your keys inside your pockets while standing still,a few hand movements and you reached down.
“Hey!”you heard a voice say from behind while staring at your locker.
Turning back,you met his panting figure.He had probably ran here from the looks of it,you thought while he smiled and gathered his breath.You turned your body at him while looking at his face with a smile.
“Hi.”you fixed your bag on your shoulder,he was still staring like he was out of breath.“I....It may be a little rushed but I was wondering...”he said,expecting you to nod right away but taken aback when you only opened your eyes even wider.
“Do you want to eat something together?”he said with a chuckle at the end while your palms got covered in sweat.
He seemed like a normal human being asking this to you,a bit out of breath from running but what you did not know what his thoughts that were rushing in and out a bit too fast for him to force sentences.His smile was just a cover up for his nervous wreck of a heart.He had been waiting to see you,unconsciously.
He was a teacher here,also the owner,but not the type pt ask girls out like this.He was not even sure if he was asking you out as this was simply to get to know you as you had been secretly roaming around his mind for the whole week and although he had tried to push your thought away and get rid of it by hanging out with more people and working hard,it was still there at the bottom he had forgotten to look at for a long time now.
You giggled back,remembering your promise to go out of your comfort zone and meet more people this morning,you just nodded,lacking the right words when it was just a simple ‘yes’ at the back of your mouth.
He nodded back,looking at you a bit too intensely for a few seconds before going to get his stuff.His hands were out of control as he jumped up and down at the practice room,happy that you said yes.This was far from his usual self,as an individual who was often professional and calm.
After an hour or so,you found yourself sitting in a local restaurant with him.He was sitting nervously in front of you while talking to the waiter about what you wanted to order.He smiled once the waiter left and the two of you were left alone in the quiet restaurant.
“It’s quite nice here..”you said with a smile to melt the ice that seemed to be too thick at times.
“A-Ah,yeah.”he smiled back,you could see how nervous he was by the way he frequently shook his leg.“It’s a place I visit often.”he said,slowing down the pacing he did with his leg.
“I’m sorry if this was a bit too sudden.”he said,you smiled back since you realized that he had been wanting to say this for the whole time.
You shook your head this time,making sure his smile came back before you talked.“I’m actually glad you did.”you forced yourself to say,not because you didn’t mean it but because it was hard to be blunt with people.
“Oh.”he said unknowingly.The smile on your face and your small acts made his heart fly like a bird inside his rib cage while he watched every aspect of your face under the afternoon light.
“I wanted to thank you for the free lesson anyways so this is a good opportunity.”you said,more behind the empty words that just came out of your mouth.
You wanted to say something different,to be blunt but you thought that it might scare him as this was your first time doing something like this and you weren’t too sure of what to say.Your real intention was to get to know him and perhaps,hang out a little more before you did last time,much like what he wanted.
He nodded while you enjoyed the food.After a while,you opened the conversation on dance and how he got into it and soon,you knew a lot about his shaky adventures.You listened sincerely the whole time he talked,sometimes with a smile and sometimes frowning,maybe a bit too much.
Turns out he was a dance student 5 years ago like you in an academy but he was a little too greedy at first.Despite being a national champion and the top of his class,he became too eager to be the best of the best and injured himself,which took longer than expected to heal.He then took a break and moved to Europe for a little fresh air for a year,then moved to there and opened a studio as a new start,for his soul.
He didn’t tell you all of that there but left blank spaces for you to fill in like his family and the places he had visited and also the reason for his departure,your guesses were only temporary in your hopes,for him to fill in later when you asked,If you asked.
And unlike what you would do,you told him too.The meal seemed to break the ice as you talked about your dance journey,your real passions and hopes.You did not include heart breaks or departures but when you paused for a while,he understood from the way you looked in front of him.
While walking on the quiet street next to each other,you giggled as he made silly jokes.It didn’t feel awkward or spontaneous anymore,it was more like a natural gathering as it felt like you had known this goofy soul for a while.His laugh and his silky hair felt too comfortable and too close to home for you,a home you always wanted.
It was not because of the way he looked nor seemed but how gentle and kind his soul was impressed you.He was careful with every word,cautious of every step both of you took as he tried to see the boundaries as clearly as possible,his heart happy while his mind drifted away to strange places with your words.
At the end of the day,you were sitting next to the river while the wind caressed your face,his figure next to you.The sun was setting when the both of you found a quite moment of peace at last.It was like the bricks were in their right places and you were where you were meant to be for the first time.
While looking for rocks to take home as the only reminder of this cozy day,your figure was close to him.After endless hours of looking around and laughing at his silly expressions,you were empty-handed in front of the metro station.
You smiled,a lot of things to say yet you had no courage.“T-This was...”you tried to find a word that did not sound bland nor too dull while he looked at you with adorable eyes as you stood there.“reall-”He had kissed your cheek,a bit too close to your lips while you were about to say something.
While he seemed to enjoy the surprised expression on your face,he was not so nervous anymore as his heart and mind agreed for the first time that this was the right thing to do,right place to be and the right person to be with.
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iammarylastar · 7 years
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6. Sweat and blood
“Hit me.“ Jack said, fists in front of his face, getting his gloves up. This bitch could be sneaky sometimes. "Come on, don’t be shy Babe.”
He was sure to piss her off. She hated when he called her Honey, but giving her some Babe or Love would throw him into bigger troubles.
“Never call me that again.” She growled, throwing a side kick in his ribs. He blocked her kick easily with his elbow and waved at her to fight harder.
“Show me what you’re made of, Love.” He teased her, blowing her a kiss.
She attacked him, punching restlessly in his abs, hard as stone. She was not known to be a fragile pussy, she had been taught to fight like a tigress but something was keeping her from knocking him down.
“Shut the fuck up McClane. Fight back!”
Jack smirked and threw a punch towards her face which she avoided by bending her upper body to the side.
“Come closer Honey, don’t hold back. I won’t bite. Unless you ask me to.”
She had asked him to practice a bit, all those weeks spent to do nothing but filing files and snapping shots was nerve wrecking. She needed some action. Adding the frustration to have this asshole teasing her with some fucking ridiculous pet names and she was ready to kill anyone with her bare hands. Glancing at McClane doing his daily hundred push ups, muscles tight and glistening with sweat, along with the low grunts escaping from his throat from the effort didn’t help.
Fighting seemed to be the right release. So wrong. Being so close to him, touching him even through punches or elbow kicks, made her feel weird. Why did he have to practice shirtless ? Dammit!
A slap in the face made her come back to Earth.  “Honey! You should focus on my eyes, this way up!” He laughed at her, pointing two fingers at his fucking blue eyes.
Why had he to wear a so damn adorable smile? Cheeky bastard!
She startled and blushed furiously. He took her off guard and hit her, which had never happened before. Which should never have happened. And he caught her in the act of staring at his abs. Goddammit McClane! Stop being so sexy, asshole!
“Don’t worry Love, let’s say those cute cheeks got red because of the slap!”
Her blood boiled, both by anger and desire. She clenched her teeth and her fists and growled.
“Shut the fuck up McClane!”
She throws a backspin kick, aiming at his damn cute face with her heel, but Jack swiftly caught her ankle and hooked her leg on his shoulder, grabbing her waist to keep balance.
A devilish smile of victory taped on his stupid face, Jack stepped forward and closed the distance between their panting and sweating bodies.  Years of yoga, gymnastics and martial arts practice had her amazingly flexible, so she didn’t flinch where her thigh almost touched her shoulder.
“You’re damn loose-limbed Honey. I could already figure out nice ways to benefit from such a skill.” Jack whispered in a sultry ton, so close to her face they were breathing the same air.
“I’m tired of you McClane. Don’t you have any other focus in life than my ass and what you want to do with it?” Jack gasped for air at the thought and narrowed his eyes to stay tuned. He wasn’t sure he would be able to keep his cock in his pants if she teased him like that.
“I’m only focused on one goal: have this mission done so I could fly back home, pleased and delighted to get rid of you. Honey. ” He emphasized the last word, and leant forward, his nose grazing along her jawline.
She chuckled to hide the shiver that was running through her spine and laced her hands behind his neck. His musky scent was intoxicating and she could feel the heat coming from both their waists.
Damn, aren’t sweaty men supposed to stink? Why is he SO attractive?
Her face softened and she sighed in his ear. “Do you think you could handle me McClane?
He swallowed hard, thought hard, every piece of his body was rock hard before such a challenge. This moment was worth the wait. She’s so sexy, promising him Heaven, stuck in his arms.
"I’m so fucking ready to handle you, however you like, Honey.” His heartbeat raced twice, as the heat rose from his body. Jesus they were so close…
Shade purposely brushed her lips across his jawline, moaning and tugging on his neck.
Her knee crushing his balls knocking him out. Using her grip on his neck, she jumped and threw her knee straight in his crotch, making him drop her waist and mew like a lost kitty. Falling heavily on his knees, his face twisted in an awful grimace, his hands cupping his late crashed balls, Jack winced in pain, and growled loudly before resting his forehead on the ground.
Shade crouched down and patted his back.
“I warned you not to call me Honey.
"Bitch!” He groaned through his teeth.
“That’s better."  She laughed then became serious again. "I told you, you couldn’t handle me, McLane.”
Jack rolled on his side, still curled up like a wounded animal, helplessly rocking his three set. Watching his so-called wife turning on heel and leave the living room, he just yelled in anger.
“Fuck! Shade!” *
The next couple of days were nightmares.  Shade hadn’t been very talkative or receptive to Jack’s jokes before the ‘incident’, but now it was worse. Jack was pouting, mute, and humiliated. He looked so miserable Shade even didn’t want to mock him. They shared their lunch without a word and shifted silently.
Around 8 pm that day, Shade finally opened her mouth and ordered:
“They’re moving. Les Bains Douches. One hour. Get ready.” She threw her Phone for him to read the text their French contact just sent.
“What? Like bathhouse? What the fuck are they going to public bathhouse at night?”
“Jack” she sighed. “Les Bains Douches! like the famous VIP nightclub. Parisian nightlife: Champagne and cocaïne. Our friends have an appointment with their contacts. ”
“OK.” He just grumbled, somewhat happy to go out of the room. Paris had been waiting for them for weeks and they barely had put their feet on the cobbled streets since they arrived.
Shade magically showed up less than fifteen minutes later, moulded in a stunning mid thigh black dress, bare back and deep dip, the cut to the side forcing Jack’s eyes wandering along her endless thigh, his mouth suddenly dry.  She was walking towards him, confidently perched on silver stilettos, with the movements of a tigress… slow, soft and swaying. Her long hair dancing around her face, cascading over her plump breasts.  She stopped in front of a crumbled faced Jack and handed him a sparkling necklace.
“Please. ” she just said, turning her back to him and gathering her hair to the side.
Jack swallowed loudly, biting his lips not to blurt out some shit about her being drop dead gorgeous or eating her neck up. He was too scared to losehis freshly healed nuts.
Shade hooked matching earrings to her ears and said.
“Let’s get the party started McClane.”
“Yippi kay yay” Jack thought to himself before following her partner.
Waiting for the lift to pick them up, uncomfortably shifting on their feet, both avoided the other’s look. Shade broke the ice first.
“Jack, I’m sorry for…” she looked down at his zipper" … my kick. I shouldn’t have…It wasn’t fair.“
"I deserved it. I behaved like an asshole and it was not good. I totally understand why you don’t like me and I’m sorry.” Jack apologized.
Shade smirked and pecked his cheek.
“I like you, Jack.”
She noticed the red mark her lipstick had left on his cheek and rubbed it with her fingertips.
“Now you’re gorgeous. You forgot to compliment my outfit. What do you think?” She striked a pose like a top model.
“Shade, you’re absolutely stunning, I think… breathtaking, but…” he hesitated.
“What? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was so scared you’d kick me in the nuts again.” He chuckled.
Shade laughed heartily, her laugh sounded like cristal.
“As long as you stop calling me Honey, your nuts are safe, Jack.”
“I’m glad you call me Jack. McLane refers to my father and I swear it’s harder to ear than Honey.” His smile was goddamn adorable.
As the lift ringed and its doors opened, he reached out his hand she gladly took, intertwining their fingers together.
“Mrs Sinclair, I’m in your debt.” He led her inside the lift and smiled.
Shade was all over Jack, one knee on the Louis XVI armchair he was loose spread on.
“Here you go. Like new.” Shade finished cleaning up Jack’s cut on his lower lips, drops of blood still resting on the front of his open shirt.
“Thanks.” He hissed in pain, his jaw still burning from the punch he received.
“No, thank you…” Shade looked straight in his eyes. “You saved me…”
“Nothing you couldn’t have handle all by yourself.
* The nightclub was hot and dark, jam-packed with glitter, Louboutin, jeroboams of Champagne and Cartier’s watches.
They spotted the Mafioso’s, gathered in the VIP square, and sat at a table next to them. French’s police had them put on the right list.
After a few alcohol free spy-drinks, Jack and Shade headed on the dance floor, as Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair, obviously a young couple in love.  They danced together, sometimes touching, sometimes staring. Mrs  Icecube seemed to finally melt, gracing Jack with some of stunning smiles of hers.  Jack was forced to glue himself to her to whisper smart words in her ear, his humour hitting his target. Shade’s cristal laugh was music to his ears and he sneaked a hand successfully on the small of her back.
At one point, Shade had to go the bathroom. She needed to pee, check her make-up and free her sore feet from her stilettos for a minute. On her way to the ladies room, she jumped into the wrong guy.
"Sorry.” She said, brushing past him.
“Ohhh! Quelle beauté!” The guy forced her, grabbing her chin and scrutinizing her face. He stinked strong vodka and was obviously drunk. “Princesse…I Love you” he leant over to steal a kiss but Shade escaped his grip and kept walking away. The asshole turned mad and threw both his hands towards her, fisting his fingers in Shade’s hair and shoulder and yanked her back. The strap of her dress broke and her thighs spread to keep balance tore up its side. Shade screamed in surprise, and turned around ready to knock the guy down. A glance to the side, mobs are staring at the scene. No way she could beat him up without drawing attention on her fight skills. She had to play the trembling lamb.
“I’m just worried to know you’re  alone. I don’t want you to spend the night all by yourself.” He growls, coming closer.
Nausea invaded her stomach at the memory. The 6 year old self had to deal with her terrifying drunk father, ordering her to be a good girl before slapping her for whatever reason, her mother too busy to sleep off her hangover in the couch to help. She needed someone to protect her but there was none.
“Elle est avec moi.” Jack popped up from nowhere and grabbed the fucker’s wrist, keeping him from touching Shade again. She was with him. She was his.  And he wouldn’tlet any-fucking-one threatening her.
“Dégage connard!” The guy barks at Jack, throwing his fist in his jaw. Jack bent down to grab his gun taped on his calf but Shade stopped him.
“Don’t… put ourselves on the show, Cupcake. People are staring at us.” She insisted. Jack glanced at the men,  laughing out loud at the Cupcake thing. She’s right. He couldn’t blow their cover.
Lifting both his hands in sign of abating,  Jack calmly said to the drunk guy.
“It’s OK man, we don’t wanna fight and waste the party. Just let me check if my wife is OK and ̀ we’re gone.”
My wife.
Facing Shade and brushing her hair out from her face, he lovingly inquired. “Are you OK Boo?”
She nodded, took his hand and they got the hell out of the club.
* “Take off your shirt.” He followed, amazed, Shade’s fingers undoing the buttons of his shirt. “It’s covered with blood, I’ll clean it up before it’s too late.” He helped her to get rid of his clothes she carefully hung on the back of the armchair.
“It’s a shame he ruined your dress. You looked stunning in it.” Jack played with the broken strap and glanced at the extended rip that exposed the skin of her hip. Showing the tiny thin string of the thong she was wearing.
“I’ll make it. You’ll make it. Big boy. ” Shade says, pecking the wound on his lips. And again. And again.
Jack’s hands landed softly on her hips, eliciting a light moan from Shade. Jack said nothing as she let her lips press a little longer on his. He groaned when she darted her tongue through his parted lips.
“Boo, please don’t start something you shouldn’t.” Boo. He was dead serious. She loved the way his low tone ran through her core.  “I’m not sure I could stop….”
“Stop rambling and kiss me, Cupcake.”
Jack could have laughed or chuckled if his lips weren’t busy tasting Shade’s tongue. She was fighting for dominance, dauntless tigress, but he let her have the lead. All those sleepless nights spent on that fucking sofa, looking at the ceiling to force his brain not to picture hot sex scenes with Shade, the hours spent fighting against his need to knock at her door, tiptoe into her bed and sneak a hand under her silky nighties. So many times forced to the shower for some quick releases, the ghost of Shade silhouette wandering across the suite with nothing but boy shorts and tight tops.
He still couldn’t believe it was really happening and didn’t dare to wake up from this sweet, perfect, hot dream.
Shade cupped his cheeks and pulled him closer, her tongue dancing with his. He sat up to deepen the kiss, his hands flying to her ribs, where they stopped, just below her delicate breasts his thumbs caressed. She tilted her head back to moan loudly, Jack took advantage of her offered breasts he covered with his mouth. Tugging on her wasted dress, he placed wet kisses on her bare stomach, while she racked her fingers through his short hair. Her feet back on the ground, Shade trailed open kisses down his neck and chest, and further down. She licked his navel while her hands unhooked his belt and unzipped his pants.
Jack shivered in anticipation and lifted his ass, his teeth hard dug in his lower lip as he witnessed his pants and boxer disappear down his legs. Shade didn’t tease him more and took his length in her mouth, twirling her tongue around the soft skin of his shaft.
“Fuck Shade!"  Jack tangled his fingers in her long hair and lowered his gaze to enjoy the show, gently guiding her head as he fucked her mouth. Her moans mixed with his grunts added more fuel to his fire and he quickly felt like he couldn’t handle more of those sweet ministrations.
In a swift but rough movement, he flipped her in the chair and captured her mouth in a searing kiss.  Kneeling down between her feet, he slowly slid his hands along her thighs, up to her ass and hooked the hem of her thong he pulled down and threw to the side. Shade mewled and opened her thighs for him. Grazing and nibbling at her thighs, he took his time to be met with the little patch of hair that covered her soaked pussy. Sneaking his hands back to her bottom cheeks, he roughly pulled them to his mouth and lapped her folds like his life depended on it.
Arching her back under the heavenly sensation, she clung at his neck and forced him to lick harder. Jack was losing his mind and his hardness screamed for more. He nonetheless did his best to make her pleasure last longer.
Lifting her ass up, he almost threw her on the floor, catching the force with his hands. He hovered his taut body over her and lay on her, his heavy body melting with Shade’s.
Shade could taste her own juices on Jack’s tongue as he explored her mouth again. She felt her body liquefying when Jack entered her gently and started to fuck her as slowly as he could.  Resting on his elbows he broke the kiss and plunged his eyes in Shade’s. Her green wild eyes were sparkling with lust. Jack couldn’t fight the urge to eat her neck and grazed his teeth on her pulse point.
The agonizing slow pace with which he was making love to her was quickly impossible to keep, Shade was wiggling her hips under him, inviting him to free the beast he had held back for so long. Shade slammed her hands on his ass, pulling and pushing hard to emphasize his thrusts. Jack grunted in her ear, this was thousands times better than he had imagined. "Shade…” he painfully hissed, losing control.
Shade pulled at his hair, forcing him to stare at her again. Her face twisted in pleasure but she needed more time. She parted her lips and captured a sweatdrop on his forehead. The salty taste in her mouth, the tortured sounds coming from Jack’s throat, his fucking scent were sending her over the edge.
“Shade…” he couldn’t hold on anymore. “Yes!” She cried in ecstasy, her thighs tightening around his waist as she came. Her walls crushed his cock as he spilled his load out, deep inside her. In a final thrust, Jack felt his orgasm run through him, powerful and devastating.
“Jesus!” She gasped for air once Jack had rolled to her side.
“Sorry but my name is Jack…” he joked, one hand resting on his chest, breathing heavily. His other hand played with her hair, before he rested on his elbow, staring at her flushed face.
She just chuckled, enjoying the last shot of pleasure traveling down her spine.
He leant over her to taste her lips once again, and sighed.
“Shade… I…” She stopped him, her fingers on his lips.
“Don’t say something you shouldn’t.” She whispered in a smile.
She stirred up then relaxed.  “I told you, you couldn’t handle me.”
Jack rolled to hover over her again but Shade was already on her feet, combing her long damp hair back, her head tilted backwards, offering the breathtaking sight of her perfect body to a crumbled-into-pieces Jack.
Without a word, she swaged to her bedroom, leaving poor Jack alone on the floor.
His short dream was over but it was fucking worth it. It was a shame he couldn’t have shown more of his skills, his hardness was quickly back at the thought.
Shade leant on the frame of the door, her sexy ass swaying to the music of her voice.
“Round 2. Now Cupcake.”
Thank God
@kenzieam @pathybo @tigpooh67 @beautifulramblingbrains @oddsnendsfanfics @frecklefaceb @badassbaker @jaihardi @angelswannawearmyredshooz @bookwarm85 @societalfailure @beltz2016 @pernilleals @captstefanbrandt @kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995 @zarkanic @kaybou902-blog @liendre50 @sporadichologramblizzard-ed17414 @red-diary @singingpeople @writingismyhappytime
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hiraethtae · 6 years
BTS Fic Rec | part 1
**- fav ***- amazing fics i love
see you through the screen by FlaminkoMage ***
There was Taehyung, a popular internet blogger, and there was Jeongguk, one of the most famous idols in Korea.
AU where Taehyung manages to befriend his favorite singer without even knowing it.
note: it’s ongoing! ( no smut, slow burn )
min yoongi, the park jimin stan by lovelivesinthedream 
Min Yoongi is a few things: college student, amateur music producer, composer, lyricist, and part-time cashier. Min Yoongi is not a fanboy for idol groups. No way.
At least not until he sees BTS perform for the first time and is instantly captivated by Park Jimin.
note: it’s ongoing! ( no smut, fluff )
Before I Fall by riinkuun (corporalrin) **
Jimin isn't all too fond of the popular idol group, BTS. Okay, so he knows most of their songs and even has a favorite member. And he might have memorized at least one piece of choreography for one of their songs. He would really like them more if it weren't for the notorious douche bag of the group, Jungkook, weren't in it. However, when he and Taehyung get a chance to meet up with the idol group, Jimin gains some unwanted attention from a certain someone he'd rather have no involvement with.
note: completed! ( enemies to lovers, fluff, every fangirls dream )
all because of you by xxdevilishxx for chunshi **
jeongguk frowns, ruffling his own hair, and whispers, "even if you’re j-hope in front of the fans, you don’t have to play that part in front of the rest of us. i like hobi hyung a lot, but i like hoseokie hyung even more.”
(based off festa 2016 where the anonymous letter for hoseok stated how sometimes he made the members uncomfortable by being too happy and excited)
note: oneshot ( one of my most fav fics because i’ve never read anything like it. pure and sweet. wished it was longer tho ;3; )
I Want You To Be My Night by TheOrgasmicSeke 
The Big Bad Wolf may be big, but he's really not all that bad. He's more like an over sized puppy who just wants to be loved.
note: oneshot! ( jungkook is the cutest werewolf and yoongi is a caring person )
그 손을 내밀어줘, Save Me by TheHalesNyx **
That’s when Min Yoongi, self-declared ‘simple man’, turned the corner onto his street, mid-yawn, his breath escaping with a small squeak he’d never admit he made, when he collided into another body, and his ‘simple man’ life was thrown into chaos.
In which Jungkook is angry, nearly a high school drop out, and alone, and Yoongi is an adult who is struggling, and somehow, they find someone to save them in each other.
note: completed! ( has the same vibe like ‘i want you to be my night’ but this whole fic just made me have faith in humanity again )
the moon and the stars (are nothing without you) by wowoashley (orphan_account) 
based off of Real Events that happened to me the other day. i ended up screaming to siobhandestele about it and they told me to write a fic about it. and the word moderation does not exist in my vocabulary so :) based off the prompt: "Taekook college AU! The college tour guide raved about the uni's friendly atmosphere and amicable student body, but wanted a high five from a cute student and all he got was a glare"
note: completed! ( cute & funny, I really enjoyed this one. jungkook is hella awkward and tae is personality goals. seokjin isnt the nicest chara here so be warned )
The World by RoseFangedLion  ***
They say if you go and put your ear to the Heart of the World for long enough you'll hear the name of your soulmate whispered out in its heartbeat. But Yoongi fell asleep on that thing almost every night and he had never heard a word. Not that he's bitter or anything...and his bitterness certainly doesn't drive him to leaving his comfortable home to go out adventuring as a mail currier or anything...not at all. That said there is a distinct possibility that Yoongi is more sarcasm than human.
note: completed! ( This fic is on a completely differnt level then any other fic i have ever read. World building, amazing story line, amazing imagination and just the whole idea. Yoongi’s character here is absolutely stunning and the plot twist at the end had me sighing wistfully. i highly recommend you guys to read this fic it’s highly underrated )
preorder bonus by abdicar 
Jimin is a lesser known streamer who works at a video game store during the day. He’s pretty happy with his routine and his small audience, at least until famous youtuber AgustD decides to take an interest in his channel.
Thankfully, he’s too busy developing a crush on Yoongi, one of the store’s new regulars, to worry about it.
[aka the gamer and streamer/youtuber au nobody asked for]
note: oneshot! ( aka a really cute fic. really liked the concept. highly recommended )
The Songbird and the Sea by MissterMaia ***
In a world where dominance of the sea is an endless battle between pirates and mariners, Park Jimin is content living in his little village on a small, uninteresting island by the eastern mainland. He wants nothing to do with the bloodshed of good and evil, the heartless killing of both innocents and condemned, the constant establishment and disruption of order. What he wants is peace, to live his life in the same town he was born in, to spend his days in the beautiful forest, and to use the powers of his Blessed Rune to nurture the home he loves so dearly.
But when his island is attacked by pirates, Jimin will have no other choice than to do as they command and leave all thoughts of peace behind in favor of boarding the Agust, a pirate ship captained by the infamous Min Yoongi, Black Fox of the East.
note: ONGOING BUT ALMOST FINISHED! ( enemies to lovers, slow burn. amazing world building. plot and characters, i bloody love this fic, if i can quote it like a novel i will. it’s absolutely breathtaking with amazing unique concept just like ‘the world’ fic and i highly recommend you guys read it!!!)
refrigerator humming, chewing gum and instant karma by locks
Taehyung sets the flowers down on the dining table, plucking the card off the little holder. "Dearest Taehyung, just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you. I hope you're thinking about me too. Love--" he pauses and squints before cocking an eyebrow and pursing his lips. "Hyung, why is the boss of your little boy band gang professing his love for me?"
Yoongi drops the noodles on the floor with a loud curse as he burns his hand.
Or, Taehyung's been trying his hardest to avoid Yoongi's criminal life for a long ass time, but a cute kid and his infuriating father keep pulling him deeper into the mix.
note: completed! ( THIS FIC OMGOD, it’s funny, it’s cute, it got me squealing here people! taehyung is great with kids, jungkook is hella smooth, this shiz has explicit sexual content and gang story oml it’s good people! also taehyung scares people i bloody love his character here! )
white balance by sasireun ***
Yoongi brings his camera along to the event without thinking much about it, but Jimin really is too cute to resist photographing.
(Alternate-reality where Yoongi becomes a Jimin fansite master.)
note: oneshot! ( god i loved this concept so much! if any of you have more fics like this send me a message! it’s well written and cute and i wish it would continue )
Blow Me Like Your French Horn by ohdizzy for jiminiminiminie ***
In which Jimin undergoes a transformation from Cinnamon Roll to Sinnamon Roll and Jeongguk is a little too competitive, a little too tsundere, and a little bit too moony-eyed for his own good.
(A tale of red converses, sandpit wrestling, shitty best friends a little too obsessed with playing Cupid, emotional constipation, existential crises, and that one body roll Jimin does that makes Jeongguk re-evaluate his life)
“i see that you adore playing your loud ass trumpet at random moments in the middle of the night, well fyi i happen to be a master at the French horn so fuck u i challenge you to a brass off” AU
note: completed! ( this damn fic had me wheezing continously across this storyline. jungkook is a tsundere and good is this story amazing, highly recomended if you want to have  agood day it will certainly bring up your mood. also the bloody fic name i cannot- )
King of the Library, Knight of His Trade by madigraye 
Moral of the story? Don't fuck with Jeon Jungkook or else you'll end up ruining your perfect attendance to chase his coattails.
note: oneshot! (Taehyungs character here reminds me of the tae from ‘the moon and the stars (are nothing without you)’ fic and i really liked his character there so hell yeah. a funny chain of misfortune keep tae meeting kook and it left me cackling)
Constraint by Harlot ***
Jungkook is young and he is more acquainted with confusion and poor-decision-making than he’d like to admit. Despite being only 19 years old, he sometimes argues that he’s been through and seen some shit. He is never sure where he’s going to end up and he’s not entirely sure what kind of future is waiting for him. He is often not sure of a lot but he is certain—absolutely certain—that he’s not gay. Alternatively, a story in which Jungkook meets Park Jimin and doesn't like him whatsoever. There's just something about him... there's just so much about him. Jungkook really can't stand him. In fact, he can't stand him so much he can't quite seem to get him off of his mind.
note: oneshot! (This story is bloody real to me. Awesome characterization, about the same level like the world and the s&s. Jungkook’s character development is amazing and jimins character is hella strong. I love this story. Please read it. No matter how painful it is)
Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast by Kavbj 
Taehyung has magic in his veins and Jungkook's determined not to let it kill him.
note: completed! ( The fisrt BTS fic i ever read. really original, well written, can be confusing at times but i really liked the concept and taehyungs character)
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Lance Week: Comfort
Day Three/7-25-17: Love/Comfort
Being a part of Voltron was badass. Seriously badass. Fighting evil aliens in space with a semi-sentient space lion that could form into a giant, Galra-destroying mecha? Undeniably badass. This was the coolest thing that Lance would ever do in his entire life, and he took solace in the fact that if he survived this war he would make sure his family was telling his story for generations.
Another thing that was undeniable about being a part of Voltron? It was stressful. Seriously stressful. Like, pull out your own hair and scream into the void stressful. You could see it on their faces, and in their body language. Left alone without a way to decompress for too long, and any of the team members got twitchy and irritable real quick.
In a situation this stressful, having a source of comfort was 100% necessary. Everybody had their own way of it. Lance could get into how each member of the team comforted themselves, but really, that was their business. The only comfort routine he needed to worry about was his own.
It was a five step process he had affectionately labeled "The Lance McClain Strategy of Not Going Insane", or the LMSoNGI. The name was a work in progress. However, the name was the only thing that needed work, because the process was guaranteed to get Lance to stop freaking the fuck out, if just for the peace of mind needed to get through all of the steps.
First step: Get stressed. At first glance, it seemed like a weird requirement to a getting unstressed routine, but you needed to be stressed to un-stress. It was like any analogy about darkness and light, or warmth and cold. "You will never know true peace until you get stuck in space away from almost everybody you once knew and are forced to fight against an evil empire of purple cat people" or whatever.
Second step: Get rid of that extra energy. Considering that the thing that stressed Lance out the most was their near-death experiences involving Voltron, this was a necessary step. He'd always been fairly good at keeping his cool during bad situations, something that he was intensely proud of, but even the coolest person on the planet (so to speak) was bound to get a little worked up after the kinds of battles they participated in. Stretching, running, doing laps in the blue lion. Lance did whatever he had to do to work off all of the extra energy in his system, once he was sure it was safe to do so. His preferred method would have been doing laps in the pool, but he still hadn't managed to figure out how that worked and was honestly kind of scared to find out.
After that was step number three, obviously, which was: Prep time! Eat Hunk's epic post-battle food, which was basically a constant since that was part of how Hunk comforted himself. Then, make sure everybody knew he was going to disappear for at least a couple hours, just in case. He would also make sure he had everything he needed, so he didn't have to stop midway because ugh, why?
Then came the best step, which was step number four: Relax. Lance would strip out of his tight and semi-uncomfortable armor and put on the much better and more comfortable outfit of a bathrobe, pajama pants, and adorable blue lion slippers. He liked rubbing at the marks the armor made, because it gave him a strange sense of something like catharsis. Seeing the marks the battle had left, maybe, and knowing that he was okay. He would do the same with whatever injuries he had obtained, if any; just looking them over, prodding them lightly and reassuring himself that he was okay.
Then he would go take a bath. Water almost hot enough to scald his skin, and he always made sure to close the door so that whatever steam built up stayed in the bathroom. Inhaling the steamy air was always nice, and it seemed all Altean soaps were scented with some scent or another. Normally it was the same floral scent, like a strangely pleasant mix of lavender and hydrangea that Coran had told him was the juniberry flower. It was a nice scent.
The heat of the bath normally did wonders for his muscles, and besides that it normally completed the goal of step two, and long as Lance had completed step two correctly. It drained him of energy in the best way possible, leaving him happily sleepy instead of dreadfully tired, like he would normally be after battles such as that.
Once he was finished with the bath, he would go through with a couple other things before lying down to sleep his troubles away. Face mask, of course, because it reminded him of his older sisters and also he liked having a soft face. Music through the headphones he had so blessedly salvaged from Pidge, who was a gem. Readjusting his pillows and blankets into perfect formation. And then, he would crawl into his nest and go to sleep, and honestly? It was perfect.
The first few battles/hard training sessions had left him drained as hell, but when Lance went to bed straight out of the lion he woke up almost worse than when he had went to sleep. That kind of stress didn't go away with a nap, and going to sleep while still riding on a battle high was no way to live. It was breathtaking how much of a difference a little stretching and a bath could do, and taking that one step further was Lance's definition of comfort and self-care. It really made a difference.
And all of that carried on the the final step, step five: Clean up. It sounded odd, but cleaning up was a comfort all its own. Wiping the goo off his face, making his bed, making sure the bathroom was clean, and changing back into his normal clothes was a process all its own. It was like washing away the final, lingering bits of stress that clung to him despite his best efforts. Maybe… starting a new slate. Making sure he had a clean environment to work in was insanely calming for some reason, as was making sure he himself was clean. It was cleansing, if you will.
Maybe not his best pun, but he was still proud of it.
At the end of the day, Lance supposed it was nice to pick up and look around, and see everything in his little space clean and nice and how it was supposed to be. It was a welcome bit of stability in the otherwise tumultuous chaos that had become his life. Really, cleaning up was as important to Lance as step number four, though he could argue that all of the steps were equally important, because it signaled a sort of end. Sort of like, you went through this, you survived, you de-stressed, and now you're done and you can move on. Everything is as it's supposed to be. Take a deep breath, and continue forward.
That was the real comfort, honestly. Knowing that he had put something behind him, and that he had accomplished something. They were making progress, however small. Every time he went through this routine there was an additional bit of comfort in the fact that they had done it, they had won the day, they had helped people, and they were on their way to their end goal, whatever that was.
Comfort was complicated. Everybody had their own way of going about it, and Lance was lucky to have figured out a routine to it. He was still fine-tuning, of course, but he was proud of the LMSoNGI, even if he still had to work of the name. It was his own method, and it wouldn't work for everyone, but it worked for him, and that was enough.
Day One/7-23-17: Family
Day Two/7-24-17: Friends
I had a bit of difficulty ending this one, so the ending paragraph is filled with cheese. Ah, who am I kidding, the entire piece is filled with cheese because the author is filled with cheese. Please accept my humble offering, cheese gods.
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miragablog · 7 years
Top 10 Mahou Shoujo Shows for Babies (Part 2)
Now let's move onto Majokko, or Witch Girl...
Mahoutsukai PreCure
Junior High student Mirai Asahina is your typical tween. Between spring break, She goes out and spots a mysterious object fall into the park close by. Inspecting the area Mirai bumps into a novice witch by the name of Riko.
Scouring the human world for a magical gem known as a Linkle Stone the duo are thrown into unwarranted conflict with the minions of a dark sorcerer.
 Ah Pretty Cure, the untamable cthulian beast that haunts my every nightmare.
Being WAY behind in the franchise myself, I can't honestly speak on how great this season is comparatively to others.
What I can say however is that, as far as Majokko Mahou Shoujo goes Mahoutsukai Precure is a fun entry into a rarely explored subgenre.
Watching Mirai and Riko’s friendship blossom and Mofurun just be- Mofurun is a pleasure enough but combined with cute, bright visuals and varied transformations I fell head over heels for Mahoutsukai.
Like everybody and their mother has said, Pretty Cure has some solid Sakuga and Mahoutsukai isn't missing out on any of it.
Say what you will about the toy hole Bandai has created for the franchise or its scattered quality since Futari Wa Pretty cure. I’ve really enjoyed what i’ve seen so far.
If you’re into some sweet witchy goodness and looking for an accessible entry point into the Pretty Cure franchise, Mahoutsukai may just be the broom ride you need.
 Kobato Hanato is a naive, young women with a wish to travel to a certain place.
Through helping others, Kobato must fill a magic jar with “konpeito” to see her goal come to fruition.
With the help of a talking stuffed dog named Ioryogi, Kobato can grant her wish, so long as she doesn't fall in love with somebody she heals, of course.
 I have to be really upfront here, this is the first title i’m revisiting out of the list. A show has not made me cry so early on since Skip Beat, and that's saying something.
 Kobato’s visuals are breathtaking, adapting Clamp’s wonderful character designs with a detailed level of care.
It's ridiculously rare to see a show so faithful to the source materials intent like this nowadays.
The soundtrack is this dangerous mixture of heart wrenching and nostalgic that just ruins your tear ducts.
One of the main perpetrators for this being Kobato’s character song, Ashita Kuru Hi or “The day that will come tomorrow”. Going right by Aozora and Tuxedo Mirage on the “cry like a little bitch” playlist I have tucked away.
 Genre-wise Kobato harkens back to the themes of early mahou shoujo, where magical girls were just young women with otherworldly powers.
There are no transformations, no magical weapons- just a weird girl and her surly companion, solving the mundane problems of broken people.
 Forewarning that the show is slow paced and if you wanting something with a little less emotional weight to it, this may not be a great fit.
However, If you’re looking to jump into a pool of your own tears while enjoying some fantastic old school Mahou shoujo, Kobato is the girl for you.
Ojamajo Doremi
 Doremi Harukaze is the “World’s Unluckiest Pretty Girl”. That’s at least what she believes. Fascinated with magic, she stumbles upon a mysterious shop run by a creepy lady, Majo Rika. Doremi being the smart cookie she is deduces that Rika is a witch that, due to a curse must keep her identity a secret. Promising secrecy, Doremi is in turn taken under the witch's wing as an apprentice and hijinx ensues.
When finding Ojamajo Doremi, I got the reminiscent feeling that I could've watched it on something like 4kidz, with a bowl of Cocoa Pebbles and my kitty in my lap before school.
Like a mixture between Tokyo Mew Mew and Digimon, I love the shows infectious energetic vibe.
While most works in the genre do deal with the maturation process of young girls, Ojamajo feels quite believable with how it presents its cast. Doremi acts like a curious third grader and the adults around her and her classmate all feel around their own age.
The strange part that makes Ojamajo Doremi is its unorthodox transformations, with the girls literally putting the witches clothes on and the power of their weapons being limited. I LOVE this aspect of the show as it lends to grounding the setting even further into a fantastical reality.
If you’re into cute kinetic comedy and watching some wacky little kids become witches then I highly recommend watching this adorable slice of Majokko.
Magical Angel Creamy Mami
 A up and coming Pop star in a milky galaxy, Yuu Morisawa is a sassy, fun loving girl with a pension for mischief; shirking responsibility to go play in the neighborhood.
However her cat like curiosity lead her to encounter extraterrestrial beings from beyond the cosmos, whom bestow upon her the power to transform into a teenager for a year.
With the help of her companions, Nega and Posi, Yuu can't just save the day but has to balance a life as an idol and actress!
 If you want something really different from typical Mahou Shoujo, I highly recommend Creamy Mami. Not only does it play with some light sci fi themes but presents beautiful pastel art and a energetic cast, brimming with strange characters.
It is still very much of its time, airing in the early 80’s but that doesn't hinder its beautiful charm.
 Aliens are rarely seen in a genre like Mahou Shoujo and having them utilized in such a quirky manner makes Creamy Mami stand out. Other than watching Madoka for the first time, This was the most recent instance of me feeling uneasy while watching a show in the genre.
 One thing that has Creamy Mami in my graces is its bubbly retropop aesthetic, invoked by a soundtrack chucked full of songs that can only make me want to go to a karaoke bar in Akihabara and dance the night away.
 Whether or not you're into the retro aesthetic, Creamy Mamis a cool, poppy experience for anyone with a sweet tooth for fun.
Show By Rock!
 Cyan has always regarded herself as a ordinary girl, despite her musical telent. Without the confidence to join a band, all her dreams seem for not. That is until shes transported to world of Midi City where everyday is a concert and everyone wants to be a pop star. Scouted by a ragtag recording company, Cyan is thrusted into the world of music and must fight evil with the power of song!
As one of Sanrio’s recent properties, Show by Rock surprised me and many others with its nutty, Jodie and the Pussycats take on Mahou Idol.
Music being a driving force in establishing critical moments for any show, it’s important for the image songs to stick out in show of this kind. And Boy oh boy do I love every sugary, Jpoppy moment of Plasmagica’s discography.
The property being based off a rhythm game lends its soundtrack to a diverse blend of Electronica, Pop, Visual Kei, Indie and Folk rock- I could keep going for FUCKING DAYS DUDE.
And I know what you're wondering, “But Mirage the show looks like it's mostly CG? Isn't that bad?”
CG is a tool that can enhance and lift up a adaptation, or bastardize the intent of a work and piss off its fanbase.
Yet Show by Rock sits at the lucky impasse of not being based on a prior written property but a video game, diverting any kind of expectations people have of the work.
That is not to say the CG is horrible however.
In fact I think Show By Rock presents one of the best exercises in overt 3d modelling currently standing, in an industry full of PS2 models and- (Abunai Sisters) What. What the fuck is that?
Then again im talking about BONES and when BONES picks up a property, it's bound to turn some heads.
( Also uh if you don't get down with this sweet lesbian subtext well uh im sorry man we cant mix. I mean there’s bad taste and then there's hedonism. )
JPOP, Fujoshi bait or hell even Hello Kitty- Show by Rock catches you off guard with its unorthodox presentation but eventually reels the audience in with the power of music.
Definitely worthy of your time and maybe a APK download. -\owo/-
And so I get to the bottom of my beginner recommendations. Next video is already in the works, gunning to be either a more Shoujo oriented analytical piece or a Mahou Shoujo history lesson ^o^. Thank you all for your patience on this. Life got in the way, as it does but with some new soundproofing and a recent switch to premier (after this vod) i'm looking to make the next video a tad more focused on one subject.
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