#hi. life is still horrible for ya bitch right now.
did you let that pikachu fuck you, mr. ash ketchum? 🧐
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m2ok · 3 months
Golden Salvation Pt.2
pt. 1
cowboy!Ghost x m! reader
A/N: There will be one more part to this just to wrap everything up :)
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Your pulse thundered in your ears as the stranger loomed closer, hand gripping lethal iron at his hip. Fight or flight instincts kicked into overdrive - this was no ordinary burglary; you could see it etched in every predatory line of his body.  
This man had come for blood, your blood.  
Slowly, you raised your hands in a gesture of peace even as your mind raced. One wrong move and you’d be pushing up daisies come morn. These were the dark shadows Simon lived in, the enemies he’d made through his notorious work. And now they were coming for him...through you.  
.“Don’t want no trouble, mister,” you said, keeping your tone calm and even like you didn't know why this man was here. As if there could be any other reason for someone to break into a home as dingy as your own. “Just a simple bartender is all – barely got a dollar to my name”  
This snake didn't need to know how deep your bond with Simon went, especially since hiding your relationship was the only way you could see to get out of this situation.  
The man cackled at your words, rolling his eyes as the smile dropped and he stalked closer to the bed, aiming the gun at you as he cocked it back with a sickening crack.  
“ Mhm... as if you weren't all nice and cozied up to him not mere hours ago – ya really think im gonna believe you?” He gave you a mocking grin 
 “No no im not stupid sweetheart. Im not here to collect any of his debts from you – I care more about the eight men o’ mine your Ghostie killed. Those boys were my family, he didnt think twice about that though when he shot em’ dead where they stood. Figure I should make him feel the same hurt I do, hm?”  
“You won’t hurt him none-” You tried to reason “His heart don't belong to me, he won’t spare a second glance past this cabin. Hell, He's probably halfway across the desert by now” Your voice was shaky as you spoke, lies seeping through your lips at the risk of your life. You knew what you meant to Simon, no one else was able to get into his space as you did- at least not if they wanted to walk away with their life.  
The man's smirk dropped, new anger burning in his eyes as the grip on his gun tightened, “I saw the way that mongrel looked at you, you’re his boy and that's clearer than any mountain river” he scoffed, finger moving from the side of the gun to rest on the trigger.  
You closed your eyes, praying in your head, but not to any god. No, your prayers were aiming for Simon's rescue, praying that he would somehow know you were in trouble and come rescue you from it. 
Simon sat astride his horse on a dusty ridge, watching the moon rise silver over the desert wastes. A half-smoked cigarette dangled idly from his lips; he’d been nursing the same thoughts over and over since dusk fell heavy as a shroud across the badlands.  
 Thoughts of you.  
Somewhere deep in his gut, an uneasy feeling roiled. Like an invisible string tugging at his soul, trying to tug him back the way he came. Simon growled low in his throat, frustrated with his own foolish longings. You’d made your stance clear – this life wasn’t for you, not truly. And he had no right to ask you to join him.  
And yet... 
A crack suddenly split the still night air. So faint and far that any lesser man may have missed it entirely, but not Simon.  
In an instant he was vaulting onto his horse’s back, boots pounding twin paths in the dirt as they flew towards the distant lights of your little town. Another shot rang out, louder now, and Simon’s blood turned to ice in his veins.  
He knew that sound – deep in his bones he knew something was horribly wrong.  
Choking the reins in a near stranglehold, Simon rode as if all the demons of hell were nipping at his horse’s hooves. Towards you. Towards salvation or damnation, he did not know. But by God, no son of a bitch was gonna harm one hair on your head if he could still help it.  
Help was coming- you just had to hold on.  
The man fired the gun, a sharp sting hitting your side before it blossomed into agonizing pain. You let out a pained cry, one hand instinctively going to land on your wound while the other covered your mouth to muffle your sobs. Your hand was soon coated in dark crimson, entire body shaking with adrenaline as the man cocked the gun once more.  
“Was gonna just end you, but I figured I should make this painful the same way he did. Should fill you with so many bullets he won’t be able to recognize you” he hissed, aiming the gun at your other side.  
Simon was little more than a blur of dust and primal fury as he crashed through the remains of your splintered front door. For a split second, time seemed to freeze – taking in the scene with a single, piercing gaze.  
You,curled onto the bed clutching a bloody wound. And him. That snake. Gun pressed sickeningly against your body as he spewed his venomous threats. With an almost guttural roar, Simon’s Colt leapt into his hand like it was part of his very being. Two blooming shots rang as one; his aim was true as bible scripture.  
The intruder pitched backwards, scarlets blossoms exploding from where his eyes once were. He was dead before he hit the floor.  
But Simon saw none of it. Already he was at your side, tatty serape ripped and pressed desperately against your weeping injury. Brown eyes wild and scared met your own, and for a moment the steely outlaw facade slipped entirely.  
“Darlin’...” he choked, voice thick. “Talk to me, baby. Stay with me now, ya hear?” Working frantically to stem the flood, Simon tangled scarred fingers gently through your hair, anchoring you to this world with his touch alone. 
“That’s it…keep breathin’, just keep breathin’” His voice dissolved into ragged prayers mere ghosts could hear. Help was still minutes away - but for now, you had Ghost. And he’d be damned before he let the reaper take you from him. 
You were sobbing, your brain mangled with confusion and fear as the adrenaline ran out and the full pain of the bullet lodged in your abdomen had you reeling, 
Red painted everything around you, hands, clothes, and sheets underneath you drenched in it. 
“Simon-” you rasped, breathing labored as you looked around with wide eyes at the gruesome scene in front of you. It was too much, you could feel your head going light- brain fuzzy and ears ringing as you fought not to close your eyes. 
“It hurts” you choked, trying to shove his hand away from where he was pressing down on the wound to stop the torrent of blood flowing out. “Simon I cant-” you said, throat raw from the sobs that came out. 
You wanted so badly to stay with him, to be able to wake up tomorrow with him, but you didn’t know if you’d get that with the way you felt your strength leave your body.
“It hurts- it hurts” You were almost begging, for what you didn’t know. You just wanted the pain to go away. 
You were terrified- not ready to die yet, and especially not like this, not when you had so much left to do. The thought alone sent a new set of tears streaming down your face, hand shaking- clutching the bleeding wound on top of Simon’s own to try and ebb the pain that burrowed deep in your skin. 
Simon felt his world crumbling as your agonized crimes tore through him, sharper than any bullet ever could. Seeing you in such anguish ripped open a fissure in his battered heart, letting the demons of his deepest guilt and self-loathing spill forth in a torrent. 
“I know, baby, I know it hurts…” he choked, pressing you close as if trying in vain to absorb your pain into himself. His own broad shoulders shook with ghosts of rage and grief, tears cutting rivulets through the dirt caked on his cheeks. 
Goddamn it all, he should’ve been here. Should have followed his instincts and never left your side. Now it may be too late to hope for forgiveness, your blood staining his hands a brand of failure he could never outrun. 
“Please, darlin’, please hold on…’ Simon begged, voice breaking as he spoke. His bandana was wrung out and useless now - in desperation he moved to cradle you fully, applying trembling pressure with his bare hands and what remained of his coat. 
Distantly he heard the clatter of the approaching horses, but paid them no heed. You were fading, slipping away before his eyes, and all the strength and guns in the world couldn’t stop it. 
“Don’t ye leave me now…I can’t do this world without ya…” A broken whisper, barely audible above the thunder in his ears. Simon pressed his forehead to yours, sharing the same ragged breaths, two souls more tangled than any root or vine. Hanging on a blade’s edge against the dark. 
You stared up into Simon's eyes, eyebrows cinched in pain and eyes soaked with fear. 
“I don’t wanna die, Simon” you whispered, voice shaky as you clung to him - like he alone could save you from this fate. 
You could feel your heartbeat slowing, breathing ragged as you gasped for air that just wouldn’t enter your lungs….
Soon enough the doctor burst into the room, medical kit in hand as he came barreling over to you. He very carefully took you out of Simon’s arm with some convincing, to lay you back on the bed before he opened up his kit. 
He handed you a flask filled with whiskey “You’re gonna want to drink this - it’ll help ease the pain” He said. 
With shaky hands you drank the bottle, a scream ripping from your lungs as the man began to carefully dig into the wound, grabbing hold of the bullet with sterile tweezers before carefully pulling it free. 
With practiced care he cleaned the wound, a harsh whimper leaving your lips at the sting of pain before the wound was stitched up and bandaged. 
You were shaking, sobbing so hard your throat was raw and your lungs burned - the pain was unbearable and a large part of you wished you could just die to get away from it. 
The doctor had you drink another flask, the alcohol numbing the pain receptors in your brain just enough to allow you to fall into a light sleep. 
Simon sat vigil at your bedside through what felt like hours, not letting go of your limp hand once. Your cries of pain echoing loud and endlessly in his mind, driving spikes of pure anguish deep into his soul.
He watched in heavy silence as the doctor worked, breath caught tight in his chest, hardly daring to hope. But then - your ragged breaths evened out, color returning sluggishly to waxen cheeks. Alive. You were alive. 
It was nearly two hours later when the man was done, wiping his hands on a rag as he stood up on shaky legs. 
“He’s stable” The doctor said simply
Choking back sobs of relief, Simon buried his face in the crook of your neck, leaving a trail of gratitude-laced kisses amongst salty tears. “That’s it, darlin’...you fight. Got too much left to do in this world.” he’d whisper to you, voice so soft only you could hear
 “Most important thing now is cleaning that wound twice a day lest it get infected. If it does…” The doctor ordered, his words trialing off though his intentions were clear. He put down a set of bandages and cleaning solution on the nightstand for Simon’s use. 
“It’ll take a long time to heal, I reckon” The doctor said “but my work is done here, y’all know where to reach me should he take a turn for the worst” He said, tilting his hat to Simon before he gathered his tools and headed out of the shabby cabin. 
Simon took the doctor's words as gospel, nodding along to every word before the man left. He spent the next few hours cleaning up the mess that was now your little home. He dragged the body out back to deal with fully in the morning, cleaned your sheets and changed you into new clothes, boarded up the broken window, and finished by fixing the door that he had come barging through. 
His own hands were gentle as churches doing their appointed duty, cleansing and dressing the angry wound each time without fail. Whatever it took to coax your stubborn spirit back to the land of the living. 
Days bled into each other without notice. All that mattered to him now was you. And slowly, so slowly - full color seeped back, fever broke its hold. Eyes fluttered open to meet his own once more, full of pain but oh-so-blessedly alive. 
“Hey there, sunshine…” Simon whispered hoarsely, like a parched man dying of thirst at an oasis. Finally, finally, he allowed himself the ghost of a weary smile. 
You were going to be alright. And by God, he’d spend his last days making sure of it. 
You slowly sat up, a soft whine leaving your lips with the movements as you aggravated the still raw wound. “Simon” you mumbled as you held his hand, reaching over to take a swig of the whiskey on the nightstand to ease the searing pain. 
You rested your head back against the pillows with a soft sigh. It had been a few days now, and the pain was still a dull yet constant ache in your side. 
You took the sight around you in, everything was clean and neat including your bedding and clothes. Even the floor had been mopped, the only reminders of your near death being the hole in your side. 
“Simon you did all this?” You asked simply, eyes wide as you gazed up at him. 
Simon huffed a soft, weary laugh at your question, gently squeezing your hand just to make sure you were really here and he wasn’t hallucinating. 
“Course I did, darlin’. Weren’t about to let ya recover in filth,” He replied gruffly. Truth be told, tending to your every need had been the other thing keeping his demons at bay these long days and nights. 
Keeping busy spared him time to think - and thinking led down paths too bleak to tread. Like how terrifyingly close he’d come to losing you forever.
Holding your gaze with quiet intent, Simon softly brushed calloused knuckles along your cheek “Reckon it’s about time i started pullin’ my weight ‘round here proper. Ain’t no safe place for ya out here alone” A question lingered in the subtle quirk of his brow, the hopeful yet wary gleam in tired eyes. After all that had passed between you both, was there still room for him at your side? A Ghost finally ready to lay his soul to rest, if you’d have him. 
You could only hum softly at his words, sleep still filled in your bones. You didn’t answer him, instead you patted the empty side of the bed “Come sleep next to me, Si. You need the sleep” You said, your words a silent confirmation that you still wanted him. 
Simon gave a soft grunt of approval, too weary in body and soul to do anything but obey your gentle prompting. Careful not to jostle your healing injury, he stretched his long limbs out beside you with a satisfied sigh. 
It felt strange but right, sharing your space in such an intimate way after so long living apart. Like the final piece of a puzzle slipped neatly into place. 
Turning his head, Simon watched you watch him through half-lidded eyes, drinking in every beloved feature as if to confirm this wasn’t some whiskey-fueled dream. Reaching out, he lightly touched the graceful curve of your cheek before letting his hand come to rest against the steady rise and fall of your chest. 
“Sweetest sound there is,” he murmured, voice sleep-roughed and thick with meaning. A tousled head tucked itself beneath your chin with a contented sigh, tension seeping from tense muscles. 
Come what may with the light of dawn, for now all was peaceful. You were alive, you were safe. And against all odds, Simon had finally come home to roost. 
You held him close in your arms, gentle fingers carding through thick hair as you let his head rest against your now steady heartbeat. He needed the comfort, you could tell, and you were more than happy to give it to him. 
“Rest now, Si. I'm not going anywhere. Can’t get rid of me that easy” You assured, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. 
It was a funny thing, holding such a toughened man in your arms, keeping him close and coddled despite the almost laughable size difference. 
SImon made a low sound of gratitude at your soft reassurance, melting bonelessly into your gentle embrace. Your gentle fingers winding through his hair brought forth a wave of lethargy he’d fought to stave off this long week past. But no more - here in your arms, he was finally allowed to let his guard down. 
It still struck him sometimes how two souls so disparate could fit together so seamlessly. But you’d always had a way of easing even his most ragged edges, soothing demons he thought long beyond taming. Lithe as you were in your current state, your strength ran deeper than any show of force ever could - and he found solace there like nowhere else. 
“Missed this…” he mumbled, so soft it was barely audible even in the stillness enclosing your little world. One arm curled protectively around your middle, thumb brushing idle patterns against the slowly healing wound beneath the bandages. 
A prayer of thanks on parched lips, Simon let weary eyes slide shut. Sleep rose like a gentle tide, carrying him off to oblivion sheltered in the piece of heaven he’d begun to call home. You’d brought him back from the brink of darkness once more, anchor in the storm. And for that, he was eternally grateful. 
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havange · 2 months
If you are, I'd love to see more of you two interacting! There was this old group Seph was in on here and they kinda split up and I've been missing seeing them interact with people on here! Do you know anyone else on here? Seph is close to @moonlightdancer26 ! I think the three of you would be hilarious! Sorry for the long ask :>
Na ur good I don’t mind long asks at all💖
Ian gone sit here and lie to you I don’t plan on being active on here like that😭 Only time I am is when Seph mentions me or theres a topic of something that’s going down on here that comes up in our convos so I come to scope the scene out and maybe mess with them a lil LMAO
Background info: Seph has been my bestie beloved going on 5 years in counting. We met each other on the second day of math class and for anyone wondering IIIIIIII was the one that made the first move and initiated our friendship and their first impression of me was that I was a bitch (which is absolutely hilarious) but it wasn’t because of the way I acted it’s just I have a natural Rbf(Resting bitch face) and I chose a horrible seat next to some actual bitches.
ANYWHO we were both quiet kids to an extent with Seph being a little more talkative in our math class but other than that our friendship came SOOOOO natural like i’m talking first day we were cackling and i’m pretty sure we were told by our teacher we had that we were going to be separated (to which Seph death stared at him and threatened to make his life hell if he actually did it, safe to say we were never separated😭😭) Along the way we also bonded over the various and I mean VARIOUS things we have going on, great example: Adhd (It’s very very VERY strong too)
BACK TO THE STORY we had plenty other classes and even lunch together so I told them to sit with me in our next class we had RIGHT after our math class and obviously we were still trouble in there💀 and from then on our friendship flourished and now I cannot be separated from them for shit not just because I love them… but also because they know absolutely every detail of every dark ass secret I have☺️
But ya besides Seph of course, I mean I know of people on here but not enough to where i’d consider us to be friends but ya I just be chillin OH SHIT but content wise we have thought about releasing snippets of just us being deranged😭😭😭so maybe y’all will see that sometime soon
@halfblood-princes-crown may or may not agree with the way I told the story but hell ITS THE TRUTH!!! from my pov anyways🤭
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(I’m the driver!)
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 13 ("A Tisket A Tasket") Part 5, I Give Up
Just for funsies here's Jess calling Dean an idiot and Idiot admitting it.
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Before I continued to slog through this absolutely mind numbing DALA (Dean and Lorelai Affair) episode, I uttered 6 words that I hope won't come back to bite me in the ass: "This can't possibly get any worse." Ahahahahahaha. There are 14 minutes left in the episode. I'm fucked. I've been on this one way too long and I'm determined to finish this. I'm just going to enjoy this Literati on a Bridge break. I'm going to my happy place where Dean doesn't exist and Rory is an orphan because Lorelai (and Chrisopher) don't exist and every episode is just 45 minutes of this.
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"I'm so much happier here." R: "Why were you screwing with Dean an hour ago but you're suddenly being nice to me?" J: "Well it's the screwing with Dean that's an important step to getting here so I could be nice to you."
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Ugh he took the fucking Quarter On A String so now I have to suffer through that fucking Lost and Found episode. God damn it Mariano! Why are the pretty ones always so dumb?
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Did I mention that he is so pretty. I'm legally obligated to say that at least twice per Jess Episode. After Rory and Jess part ways, we cut to Rory returning home with a bag from the bookstore and Lorelai immediately shifts full gear into Weirdly Suspicious & Passive Aggressive Mode. When Rory admits she visited a bookstore and had a slice of pizza with Jess (oh the horror!) then goes to her room, Lorelai immediately shuffles her passive aggressive, suspicious little feet right in after her. 90% of the time that Lorelai and Rory meet to talk on their couch after Rory has just departed from the company of Dean or Jess, especially at night or at the end of the episode, it means Lorelai is about to dish out some horrible, horrible wisdom/life coaching. The Couch is where we have witnessed many classic mother-daughter bonding moments, such as the time Lorelai asked Rory to make sure Jess got his rabies shots before she slept with him. Ah, the couch.
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Mmmm yep. *collects money*
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SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH. Here we go. I think it was the great Michael Scott who once said, Why are you the way you are? Honestly, every time I try to enjoy something fun or exciting, you make it...not that. I hate so much about the things that you choose to be.
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Ya know, I stan Rory more and more lately with how she stands up for Jess. Sorry your mom's a bitch. How many more tmes I can rant into The Void about Lorelai's unhealthy grudge with Jess? How many more times can I point out that Lorelai has only had one prolonged interaction with Jess, while she's known Dean twice as long and he's been rude and used a condescending tone of voice with her many times, including the first time they met (on Willy Wonka night) and it literally just happened again moments ago. It's just mindblowing to me how she will not let this FUCKING GO and SIXTEEN years later in AYITL when she is married to his uncle she is STILL making digs at him over him being rude to her when he was 17, joking about how he should have a baseball thrown at his head.
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I honestly don't think I could love Rory Gilmore more at this point. Bless her rationality and sweet heart and cute rose sweater that looks like a swirl of that strawberry icing you squeeze over instant oatmeal. Are you witnessing a historical moment right now? The birth of a Rory Stan? Sort of. It won't last forever, but since I won't go past season 4 anymore, then yes.
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The "things she's seen and heard" are just her regurgitating what Dean told her 5 minutes ago. LOL. She just took this kid's word as gospel, without even questioning it. The DALA is so fucked up, man! Lorelai is way too concerned with the lives of teenage boys! If Dean told Lorelai to jump off a bridge would she do it?
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I really wish this were my gritty unrated Gilmore Girls spinoff titled The Hollow because I would have someone on this show actually acknowledge that Jess is honestly something of a miracle. His father abandoned him as a newborn, he had a tumultuous, negligent, inconsistent, possibly even abusive upbringing. His mother drank while she was pregnant with him. He grew up watching unsavory men in his mother's life circle in and out like a revolving door (according to Liz The Worst, one of them even died). Yet he doesn't turn to any real crime, drugs, alcohol, or even sex (okay, well bless his heart he tries there but people seem to cockblock him at every turn). HE SKIPS SCHOOL TO WORK AT WALMART. In real life kids like that are really lucky if the worst path they go down after that kind of chilhood merely involves them stealing loose change from an old fucknugget like Taylor Doose who deserves to be stolen from anyway. That bridge should have been fixed 10 years ago. Here's some of the train wreck. There were no survivors.
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If Dean needs someone to talk to that badly he can get a diary or a dog or a sock puppet or like, one fucking friend his own age. I think half of the issues of this show could be solved if these people had more friends. Can't Taylor Doose swing some kind of town wide Bid-A-Friend Auction? Or emotional support animals?
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Sure but like, did you ever stop to think that you and Dean are actually his only "enemies" and it's completely one sided because he couldn't care less about you, and also, your enemy is a 17 year old boy and you're a full grown adult lmao. Crazy lady. I wonder how Jess feels knowing he's the most exciting thing that's ever happened to a town full of boring nobodies who will go nowhere and do nothing while he will eventually makes millions of dollars from his best selling novels that get turned into blockbuster movies. Maybe someone will even make a movie about his life. I'm going to think about who could play Milo/Jess in a movie about himself while Lorelai yammers on and remains in denial about how insane she is. What do you think? Lorelai says Rory is "So young and naive, so nice and gives everyone a chance"; what she's really saying is "Jess doesn't deserve a chance, not even from you." I stoppped watching at this point and only skimmed a few more seconds. I saw that Rory stormed off, Lorelai and Rory fight over it at FND, Emily is confused, Lorelai says "I didn't like Dean at first because I didn't know him, I don't like Jess because I know him." You know what, there are times when this show starts to get my under my skin so much that I’m just not enjoying it and there’s no point in finishing the episode. In conclusion, Lorelai sucks and ruins everything and my number one Hill To Die On will continue being that Dean and Lorelai are sleeping together because there is no other logical explanation possible for why she talks about him like this. Goodnight!
Edit: guys, sorry that I was so enraged with Lorelai The Worst that I managed to gloss over the fact that Rory and Jess went on a Book Shopping and Pizza PRE-DATE 😍😍😍😍 THEIR FIRST ONE!
In my Gilmore Girls spinoff The Hollow we would see every minute of every Pizza and Book date and pre-date I promise you this 🥰 No skimping!
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yakumtsaki · 1 year
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To the surprise of no one, Liz and Sophito immediately dumped their baby so they could bang 5 minutes after Liz gave birth. Thankfully we have Sophie, who remains the only competent adult this family has ever seen.
-Felina baby, I don’t want you to worry, I’ll love you even if you end up inheriting Liz’s horrible Frances Worthington eyebrows! -Goo goo! 
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It’s time for the pets to get to work procreating, because the lot isn’t nearly laggy enough as it is. 
-Ok Kitana, it’s time to have kittens with Klaus! -’Klaus’, more like Cucklaus! I hate him! -I know you do baby, I hated Cyneswith too but I still did my duty! -And produced SUGAR.  -I promise you your kittens won’t be like Sugar! -Well if they are I’m giving them to the wolf! 
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Preggo chimes on the first try, great job bbs!
-Ya great job, Cucklaus, round-headed asshole. -Go to hell, Shitana, I can’t believe I’m wasting my genes on you.
Ok then, let’s move on to the dogs!
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I’m shocked to say I’ve finally discovered something Don is good at: getting pets to knock each other up.
-So what do you think, Servilia, wanna have some puppies? -I don’t know, Don, Xander is so hot but what if our kids turn out like Sugar?? -They won’t, baby, Sugar was a freak accident!
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First try again, and Servilia and Xander actually really like each other❤️
-Xander! Xander you big stud, come in here and do me again!  -I will babe, let me just catch my breath, you’re a whole lotta woman!
Ya ok gross, going for more of a puppy love vibe here, guys- 
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-Then look no further than us! I’m pregnant again!  -That’s right, I knocked her up before the umbilical cord was even cut! 
WHAT. That’s it, I’m turning autonomous woohoo off, you two are gonna drown me in babies, we’re having 2 and that’s it, the lot lag is UNREAL..
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..in no small part because of this goddamn wolf-attracting forest I had to plant.
-Are you seriously gonna keep deleting and replacing this thing every night?
Well the fucking wolf has left us no choice now, has he? HAS HE.
-I worry that you’re going a little Captain Ahab over the wolf.
What nonsense, I’m completely sane! Now you sit there and don’t move till the sun sets again in 12 hours, and I’m not moving either, I don’t care if the entire household dies in the meantime.  
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HERE HE IS. Alright, asshole, your relationship is at 100/100, NOW BITE HIM
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-Oh moonflower, isn’t it so nice to reconnect now that autonomous woohoo has been disabled? We can finally really talk about our relationship and not just bury our problems under passionate geriatric woohooing!  -You’re so right, Donnie, this is the best time ever, now let me just go check if iVan needs a late night tune up🌸
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Ok you know what?? Between the lag, psycho Aiden, and the worst digital animal to ever exist, I have officially HAD IT. Tonight I’m solving 2 out of 3 of those problems!!! 
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-Aaaaaiden! Get over here buddy, it’s time for your first kiss! 
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-You’re not Cyneswith! 
Ya sorry Aiden the Cyneswith kiss ain’t happening but don’t worry, I found you Clarabelle here who is very willing!
-Hmmm! Well, that’s an interesting perfume..
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-Wow Clarabelle, you know, despite being half-cow half-plant, you really are beautiful in your own way.. Very striking.. I love your teeth..
Why don’t you get a little closer Aiden, our Clarabelle is shy!
-Oh that’s sweet, she’s demure! Nothing like that slut Cyneswith! 
You can say that again!
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Ugh his stupid glasses upset her stomach! Poor bb.
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-Good girl, Clarabelle.. I’m glad I got one last murder with you💜
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-And now, to prolong my life for one more wolf party.. At least Aiden died for a good cause! 
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Alright, Jojo, this is it. Tonight IT ENDS
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WELL HELLO, FUCKER. Bet you didn’t expect us waiting for you western duel style, did you!!! Now why don’t you step into our yard in this new beautiful fenced area we built, don’t worry it has a door! Just follow Jojo in..
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Is it happening?????
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iVan wants to become a werewolf too, which LOL, so here you go, iVan, you’re a robowolf or whatever the fuck now! 
-𝙰𝚆𝙾𝙾𝙾𝙾𝙾𝙾𝙾𝙾. 𝙸𝚂𝙽'𝚃 𝚃𝙷𝙸𝚂 𝙵𝚄𝙽, 𝙹𝙾𝙹𝙾? -Yes yes, it is..
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And here you go, Jojo, I deleted the cute default so you can have a proper menacing appearance! 
What is it? 
-You know, I’m not totally sure being a werewolf is for me after all..
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tonguetiedraven · 1 year
Raven, I have a humble request. I am starved more fluff content. Y'know that thing where if you're somewhere cold, and if you get wet you should take off the wet clothes and cuddle with someone else to preserve body heat? Yeah, it would be remarkable if you wrote a tad bit of bonrin with that.
Perhaps a bit of smut, as a treat.
I was aided in filling this request with help of the fantastic @marble-wolf and it is amazing to me that with all the icy stories I've written, this hasn't really come up xD
Here's a snippet of it with a link to the full story. A bit of smut was included in that version. As a treat ;)
Cold. Suffocatingly cold that felt like shards of glass that made everything painful and tried to force Rin to inhale from the sheer shock of how horrible it was. His clothes were heavy, his boots even more so, as he kicked to try to get his head above water. Above the water that made his muscles ache with the chill that battled the cold empty feeling of the black flames that had barely touched him but still left him flameless and lethargic. 
He got to the surface somehow, grasping at the edge of the ice that cracked and fell in and he was thoroughly panicked now, his breathing painful and ragged. His head frantically turned in search of the demon they'd been fighting. 
Ryuuji bellowed out the last syllables of the death verse, hurrying across the ice as quickly as he dared, ducking and sliding the last few meters to avoid her dying blast of black flames, and brought himself to a stop right before he slid into the hole with Rin.
“Rin! Hang on!” 
Ryuuji flipped himself around, getting flat on his stomach and stretching to spread his weight out over the thin ice, reaching forward as it creaked and groaned. His boyfriend was clawing at the water, but his movements were getting less wild, and it looked like the horrible cold of it was starting to slow Rin down.
“Babe, get your legs up for me. Get flat like you’re swimming.” He reached into the ice, snagging one of Rin’s hands, icy cold because Rin had ditched his gloves, and it was a chill Ryuuji could feel even through his own glove.
He waited for Rin to do as directed, got a good hold on Rin’s hand, and began to shimmy himself backwards, pulling Rin flat onto the ice with himself, spreading his weight out so the fragile ice had a better chance of holding him up.
He didn’t stop backing up when Rin was entirely out, he didn’t stop until the ice was no longer creaking and bitching beneath them. Satisfied that they weren’t both going to plunge into the icy horribleness below, he surged to his knees and hauled Rin upright with him, wrapping him up close as the knot of fear in his chest he hadn’t allowed himself to concentrate on flared to violent life. 
Rin was a terrible kind of pale. The kind that made Ryuuji think of too many instances of Rin bleeding out and almost dying and he was shaking in a horrible way.
Rin got his arms around Ryuuji, shivering as the water poured off of him and made the ice slicker. He hid his face against Ryuuji's scarf, panting too fast and he just barely managed to not rip Ryuuji's thick coat with how tight he held onto him. 
That had easily been the coldest water Rin had ever been in and its icy touch continued to trace down his skin with every trail of water.  
“I’ve got you,” Ryuuji assured, holding Rin as tight as he dared, feeling the sheer magnitude of wet trying to seep into his clothes as well. Far too much icy water in this frozen place, and Rin had taken a hell of a hit from those black flames, and “Fuck!”
Ryuuji pulled back, looking around helplessly at the frozen lake. “We gotta get you outta—your backpacks gone?”
Still in the water? Rin had the tent. Fuck! 
There wasn’t time to lament that loss. Ryuuji forced himself to breathe and focus. He had read the survival guide over and over and knew the steps. 
“We gotta get all this off of ya before it does more damage. Come on, strip, quick” Ryuuji set to unzipping Rin’s now useless coat before switching to unsling his own backpack. 
Rin's fingers didn't want to work as he fumbled with buttons and zippers and the laces of his boots (completely filled with water that he was certain had been hurting but his feet were numb now.) He shed his coat, the soaked splat loud in the eerie quiet of after a fight and he took a long moment figuring out the slippery leather of his boots. He managed to get them off, followed by his socks. He really didn't want to sit on the ice but he got his pants partially off his thighs before his hands went completely, uselessly numb. (And it burned. It was like holy water without the sizzling.) 
He looked up at Ryuuji, teeth chattering, fangs cutting his lips as he tried to form words that didn't want to come.  
“Hold on, sweetheart,” Ryuuji rushed, rolling the sleeping bag out for Rin to sit on so he didn’t have to touch the ice. “I’ve got—” he pulled out his spare sweater and a towel, hurriedly dabbing at Rin’s arms and chest to get rid of some of the water before tugging the sweater over his head. His spare pants followed that, and he cinched them as tight as he could to keep them around Rin’s waist before pulling out the hoody. That went on over Rin’s sweater, and he pulled the hood up to cover Rin’s ears, pressing a kiss to his frozen cheek before unwinding his own scarf and wrapping it around Rin’s head and throat. He didn’t have spare gloves so he put his on Rin’s, and gave him his spare pair of socks, doubling them up and knowing that was only going to help a bit until he got them out of here. 
They were on a frozen (or partially frozen) lake, and there seemed to be a million miles of empty land around them, but the demon had supposedly been living at a sanka, so they had to find that. 
Ryuuji focused on his boyfriend again, cupping Rin’s cheeks with his still warm palms and looking around. “We gotta find where she was living.” His eyes locked on Rin. “You okay for me to carry you?”
Rin nodded, though he was shivering so much that he doubted Ryuuji could actually tell. "Y-yeah." He hurriedly said. 
His hands were on Ryuuji's shoulders though he couldn't feel even the gloves on his hands. 
(Ryuuji was the one who got cold. He got really cold and he was giving Rin all of his warm things and Rin wished he could tell him no.)  
Ryuuji looked down at Rin’s frozen things and decided he was ditching everything but the boots and coat. He strapped both of those to his backpack, put that on, and stood up before hefting Rin to his chest. He coaxed his boyfriend’s legs around his waist, pressed a kiss to Rin’s frozen cheek, and encouraged him to tuck his face against Ryuuji’s throat while he hauled the sleeping bag up and open. He tucked it around Rin in a sort of cape and let himself look around again.
She’d come from the west, so that was most likely where her home had been. Hopefully it could offer some shelter.
Ryuuji got a better grip on Rin’s thigh and back and headed that way at as quick a pace as he dared on the ice. 
Rin's body was shivering too much and his face was hidden as he tried to get his flames to come. The chill of black empty flames kept his firmly quelled and his soaked tail hung limp though he forced himself to reach down and haul it up over his leg to keep it from dragging. 
Rin's shivering slowly eased and he wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing as his breathing calmed and he relaxed a little as the sound of Ryuuji's footsteps changed from ice to crunchy snow. He hoped it wasn't too far because it really was too cold for Ryuuji.  
“Can ya talk to me, babe?” Ryuuji asked, not liking that it was really just the sound of his own footsteps and the wind around them. He wanted to keep Rin up and alert. As alert as he could get him at least. “I want to make sure you aren’t trying to fall asleep on me.
They were under the trees now, and it looked like there was something ahead. He just couldn’t be entirely sure.
Rin was tired. "'M awake." He began anyway, forcing his eyes open though all he could see was the darkness he had curled into against Ryuuji. "Tired… get home and make curry… fuck, bet my phone is gone." 
(You'd think True Cross would have a fund set aside for the many times exorcists lost their phones due to exorcisms.) 
Rin was pleasantly numb now at least. The sharp feeling of cold had faded completely.  
“Probably in the coat pocket and fried. We’ll harass Mephisto for another one,” Ryuuji commented as he moved around the trees. There was absolutely a building ahead and he was about to cheer with delight about that, but he was going to wait for any celebrations to see how together it was. 
“Curry?” He continued, picking up his speed as Rin’s shivering seemed to get worse. Please, please, please, let there be a fireplace in there ready to be warm and perfect. “Sounds like a good reason to sneak over to your dorm.” He tipped his head towards Rin, feeling a bit discouraged by the holes he could see in the paper walls. No locks to get them back quickly. Damn it. 
“Not that you’re not a good reason to sneak over.”
Rin coughed a laugh, attempting to tighten his grip and he forced his head up to grin. "You should sneak over! Curry and no studying… couldn't Mephisto have sent someone else on this stupid mission?" 
Rin shivered violently, curling himself back down as the wind picked up a little. The dark spot against Ryuuji's chest was tempting. He wanted to sleep there. It was his favorite spot and the call to sleep was trying to grow stronger, strong enough that his tail slipped and dragged and almost tripped up Ryuuji before he caught it and set it back over his leg. 
"And a nap." Rin mumbled.  
“Oi,” Ryuuji pinched Rin’s thigh. “I feel ya nodding off. Get your ass up. You’re not sleeping on me.” They weren’t too far from the ‘house’ now. (It was in shambles but might block some elements and that was all he could really hope for at this point.) 
“Tell you what, get my coat open and slip your hands in there. Use some of my heat to warm yourself back up.” 
If there wasn’t a fire, they’d have to do a lot of that. He’d probably do a lot of that any way, but they wouldn’t have much of a choice if there was no fire.
Rin turned his head to get out of the wonderful darkness and stared at the trees, endless trees, with slightly dazed eyes. His hands grappled at Ryuuji's coat, getting it open and slipping his hands under Ryuuji's shirt and against Ryuuji's incredible back. 
"We got up too early. Stayed up too late." Rin defended himself with a slur. "You're comfy."  
"I got up too early. You slept for another hour. And it's your own fault we were up late. You distracted me with your grabby hands, Okumura," Ryuuji lightly teased. He didn't like how slurred Rin was.
He let go of Rin's back to reach for the door and slid it open, and —
And immediately felt panic grip his chest at how run down it all was.
"You like my grabby hands." Rin murmured, sliding his glove-covered hands down Ryuuji's back to grip his sides. 
Rin looked back at their new surroundings and groaned at the ramshackle place that was dusty and dim and offered only some protection from the harsh world around them. 
"Fuck." Rin grumbled and tried again to get his flames past the lethargy.  
Ryuuji slid the door shut with his foot and decided to just be rude and keep his boots on as he walked further into the crumbling home. 
“This place’ll have to work,” Ryuuji muttered to himself and moved to the center of the room. 
The irori was completely frozen over. The sunken pit was covered in mostly frozen logs and the pot that had been over it was broken and rusted, and there was no hope of getting anything warm from that.
“Alright,” Ryuuji mumbled, mostly still talking to himself. “New plan. Right. Okay.”
Ryuuji gently set Rin down, gave his cheek another kiss, and decided he was still far too cold. 
“This isn’t me getting fresh with you,” Ryuuji stated, trying to sound teasing and managing to not sound entirely frantic, “But I need you to strip again and climb in that sleeping bag.”
He tugged off his own coat as he spoke.
Rin moved to follow Ryuuji's words, trying to grin as his fangs chattered and his clumsy hands managed to get off his clothes, though he left on the socks. His legs up to his knees felt numb and he was nervous to even look at them. 
"But I like when you're fresh with me." Rin giggled, feeling a little sick from the cold.  
“I’m not saying it’s off the table,” Ryuuji offered, tugging off his sweater and thermal shirt and shucking off his pants and underwear before motioning for Rin to get in the sleeping bag. 
He carefully piled all of those items on top of the sleeping bag, and then shoved himself into the space next to Rin. The ground was immediately the coldest spot, so he laid on his back and hauled Rin on top of himself, struggled violently with getting it zipped, had to shimmy Rin’s tail out of the way, and finally got them sealed inside. 
“Wrap yourself around me as much as you can, okay?” Ryuuji asked while he tugged his jacket over their heads to block out some of that chill. 
(Rin was worryingly cold.)
Rin set his hands on Ryuuji's shoulders, pressing his nose to Ryuuji's throat and wrapped his tail (damp and frozen and possibly crusted with ice) around Ryuuji's thigh. Rin's sock covered feet curled against Ryuuji's hips but Rin still couldn't feel them. He should probably take off his socks but between his feet and tail, he'd probably freeze Ryuuji rather than Ryuuji warm him up. 
"I like this." Rin mumbled against Ryuuji's collarbone.  
“Yeah?” Ryuuji asked, smiling a little as he fought back a shiver. Rin’s entire body was freezing. “Like naked cuddling? Who’d’ve guessed?” 
He snaked his hand around and snagged one of Rin’s hands, tucking it between his arm and side so it could warm up. He brought Rin’s other hand up to his lips and breathed on Rin’s frozen fingers, trying to bring some heat and feeling back to them.
Rin closed his eyes, enjoying the new warmth and laying against Ryuuji. 
"Naked cuddles with one hot rooster." Rin said, feeling his breathing slow more as he relaxed. This was nice after the shock of the water. His tail squeezed Ryuuji's leg gently, and some of the ice on the fluffy part of his tail fell off.  
“You are still trying to fall asleep on me,” Ryuuji pinched Rin’s hip with his other hand before he slid it up and down Rin’s back, trying to rub some heat into him. “Stop that or I’ll make up some test for you. Or homework.” 
It was entirely quiet in here, and it occurred to Ryuuji as they cuddled together and shared their body heat, that he probably should have done at least a basic check for any other demons or animals that might have made this their home.
"Keep me awake." Rin mumbled, freeing a hand to get his socks off and set his frozen feet against Ryuuji's legs. "Not my fault you're so comfy." 
But he was warming up. Ryuuji was warm and smelled good and was holding him so nicely. Ryuuji's hand moved up and down his back and Rin managed a deep, happy purr that rumbled through them.  
“Do you have any idea how much of a challenge it is keeping you awake or waking you up?” Ryuuji asked, laughing a little bit. Rin was a heavy sort of weight on him, and he’d always found that he liked that weight. It seemed like it should be stifling, but Rin had never been stifling. 
“Guess turnabout is fair play. This is karma for all the times I’ve shoved my frozen toes on you. Better enjoy it, Okumura, ‘cause I’m gonna be using you as my defroster again after this.” 
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 years
So between P3P and P4G specifically, which one do ya prefer?
If it’s a question of just P3 vs P4? P4 no question. If it’s FeMC vs P4MC? Depends on what I’m feeling like tbh klsdjf;jf (aka which I’m playing and getting the biggest feels from).
But if it’s which is a better “enhanced ver”......well.... 
P3P no question.
P3P (and FES) Have been the only re-releases (of Hashino era games) I believe 100% do justice to the OG while adding onto new stuff (my imperfection gripes about P3 aside). Aigis' SL is great, fits really well, and in all honest it was a dumb decision it wasn't in the original to begin with. Metis is great, the absolute best thing to come out of the Answer, the best variation on a Positive Shadow (screw you Shadow Futaba you make no sense). The Answer itself I feel is very consistent with P3's Journey (right down to Yukari being a bitch and being forgiven for it no matter how horrible she is, not that's a positive but at least the game is consistent, and that’s what I’m looking at atm, P3P/FES are consistent with it’s new content in relation to the old content, aka it doesn’t feel out of place), and it's fun to see everyone's flashback and going through their grief. And Hamu? What can I say about Hamu. I love her. She both embodies the 0 fool and the fully actualized 22 Fool. You can play her similar to Minty or you can play her as his EXACT opposite. If he encompasses the theme of death, she's the theme of life (both P3 have life/death theme since they go hand in hand but some fans forget that). The butterfly effect is great, I love I can SL all my teammates, Rio/Saori's SLs are great. I'm happy you can save Shinji especially since it makes sense (out of all the fake out deaths in Persona games, it is the most realistic). She gives a new fresh take on P3 while still keeping it in line with the themes. (aka, it’s suppose to have differences but not stray to far, and it does just that).
P4G......................... has things I like. >_> I like the gameplay changes (tho I'm fine playing the original, it's not make or break for me). I like some of the new events, both story and side SL stuff. But I hate some of the new events, both story and side SL stuff. I don't really like Marie. I have a lot of mixed feelings on her. I don't mind her in spinoff titles, I don't mind her in general as a char.....but I hate what they gave me. For me to like Marie, she needs to 1) have more interaction outside her SL with the main team (it just feels like they should just suddenly care for her) 2) Not be the "good part of Izanami" (will get to that), but instead just have her be an avatar/henchmen of Iza, aka she's NOT Izanami-no-Mikoto, she's just Kusumi-no-Okami, 3) Tone down the tsundere ness (the P4G one, the over the top "you found my poem" kind? Mostly seen in PQ1/2? That's fine, I just find she can be a biiit mean in her SL tho.....like...her attitude in the SL, esp at the beginning always has me going “Ok so like....WHY should I hang out with you? You’re just being difficult, it’s not fun” and I don’t like that).
I really don’t like what they did with Izanami. Iza is not a bad person...god..des......or whatever. She was misguided, she wants the best for humanity but doesn’t know what the best way is so she makes her weird little experiment happen. But then Marie comes along and now SHE’S the one who want’s the best via protecting them, while Iza just grants wishes. And it feels like they took a character who was pure grey neutral, and turned them into the “evil/evil-shadow” side. For a character that was suppose to help explain Iza more, she just muddied it for her. The only real stuff we learn from Iza is Iza’s reaction to Marie, otherwise it’s mostly spent on Marie and this “Izanami-no-Mikoto” they’ve pulled out. I’d rather have a Gas Station Attendant SL to give me insight on Iza than Marie (Hell, I’d love a side with Iza ending! And it’d fit right in with P4, we could even have two variations, one where we lead the world to shadow ourselves and one where we become a minor god alongside her and let the human world live peacefully for a bit....until we decide to maybe do the experiment again). Even then, we could still have Marie be just a minor goddess separte from Iza, who is helping Iza (even if she has amnesia because she forgot why, possibly because she believed in Iza’s way until she went against it so Iza wiped her memory because she still needed her), and it’s because Iza wants to help humanity and grant their wish, but Iza’s not sure what that is so she concocted this WHOLE THING to do just that. Keeps it from coloring Iza as evil, AND it actually adds characterization to the Saragiri’s more (because if Marie was a follower/shoot off of Iza, that would explain why the Saragiri’s are with Iza......considering in mythos the Saragiri’s are like....Iza’s children....yeah 8U)! Basically, it adds to what is established rather than takes it away! (which is what FES/Portable did) 
(tldr; the above paragraph: Izanami has her children helping her out because they align with her for one reason or another, no Avatars, no “we’re facets of just one being,” just one big family mess) 
Anyway back to ranting, one last issue with Marie as Izanami, by the end she’s like “I’m Izanami-no-mikoto” but then just becomes the town’s minor goddess of Inaba and.......shouldn’t she be OP? It feels like they made this very complicated......and it shouldn’t be..... I wanna say I need to replay it but.....it gets convoluted ;w;
I also don’t like how the game fucks you over if you choose the very wholesome friend route with Marie (I really like her friend route a lot, she’s just so happy and it’s cute). And it really is a big spit in your face with your choices mattering. 
There’s also the fact....that Marie feels like she’s suddenly more special than the other girls (with the whole her grabbing the MC and hugging him, and Rise getting jealous, and being forced to have a valentines day date with her)..... And that leaves a bad taste in my mouth with that sudden favortism. “But Silly they did that with Aigis.” But......it’s different (and not a “I like Aigis more” it’s different, but it’s “It’s executed differently”). 1) Aigis is integral to the story, AND it was established in the OG game (this is the biggest point), 2) Despite the romantic coding, we don’t actually get a chance to date her in the Vanilla version, and even when we do in FES/P3P we don’t get to have the bonus date afterwards other chars get. So you can give the MC SOME leeway that while he holds Aigis very dear, it’s still a platonic relationship on his end (or at least, they don’t get the time to explore a true romance because the SL is so late in the game and then they’re dead).
But the root of it is the first part....aka...........Aigis already existed, how the game treats Aigis IS the basis of P3. It’s not for P4. The diff is a new person suddenly comes in and is like “I’m more special than all of you!” and pushes the girls to the side....and that’s not cool to the OG stuff. It feels a bit insulting when the new stuff starts to shit on the old stuff by ramming it into it. And I think that might be why P4G/P5R have a few issues, it takes a wedge and tries to hammer it into a story that.....got through itself without the add ons (I’d say “fine”, but that’d be implying I think P5 is “fine”....P4 got through fine, P5 had a whole ton of issues and P5R did not fix them in the slightest.....really just “cutting the grass while the house is on fire” kinda deal there). 
“Well P3 did just fine without the Answer or FeMC! Why do you consider it fine then?” Because The Answer was a sequel, it didn’t wedge itself into the original game. And P3P started the game over from scratch, you start from the beginning. Sure a lot of things weren’t changed *sobs* but the things that were, were not because it felt like the devs were pushing the new “better” thing in anyone’s face. But because it was a natural change that needed to be made thanks to the diff MC. 
Basically, Hamu/Metis felt like it had a whole game/scenario catered to them and the rest of the cast. Marie feels like she’s on standby until her scenario shows up and changes things fast and drastically (Hamu’s was slowly throughout the course of the game, IF the big options were made, showcasing the butterfly effect), and anyone who isn’t the MC feels.....left by the wayside. 
0 notes
obeymeoasis · 3 years
Demon Bros React: MC Defends Them From Nasty Remarks
Warnings: Explicit language, MC being mildly violent (throwing/kicking things).
Lucifer had just finished some paperwork for Diavolo and was on his way to R.A.D to deliver it.
In the hallway he could hear two demons talking and laughing. As he got closer he heard them say "Lucifer" and instinctively ducked into a nearby alcove.
"Lucifer's such an asshole." "I know, right? He acts like he's so much better than the rest of us when really, he just has a huge stick up his ass. It's no wonder he doesn't have any friends. Even his own brothers don't like him!" "He'll probably spend the rest of his life being Diavolo’s little bitch."
He would be lying if the comments didn't make him angry. But it was far from the worst thing he had heard about himself and would definitely not be the last time someone spoke ill of him.
With a weary sigh, Lucifer turned toward the south entrance where he could walk in order to avoid the demons. He could have strode past and glared at them menacingly. He could have made them grovel on their knees. But he was honestly exhausted and looked forward to this day being over as soon as possible. Plus, it would reflect poorly on Lord Diavolo if he started a fight with some lesser demons over this.
Suddenly, the chatter of the demons was interrupted by a loud thumping sound followed by the sound of one of the demons screeching in pain.
Lucifer quickly turned around to see- Oh no. You were standing in front of the demons, rage clear on your face. The demon who had yelled in pain was crouched on the ground holding his bruised shoulder. A History of the Devildom textbook was open on the ground, pages crumpled.
Did you... did you just throw a textbook at a demon?
Before he could even move, he heard your angry voice. "Listen here you fuckers. How dare you talk about Lucifer like that. He's one of the kindest, most intelligent, most thoughtful beings I've ever met. And you have no right to speak of him like that! I love him!"
Lucifer's heart burst at your declaration, his cheeks warming in pleasure. The two demons however, who had been gaping at you in shock, were now beginning to look murderous. The injured one stood up and slowly inched toward you, a vicious grin on his face. "Oh, is that so? And what the hell is a weak human like you going to do about it?"
You opened your mouth to speak but before you could say anything, Lucifer picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. "Love, I appreciate how you stood up for me. There's not many people who have done so for me before. But any more would cause trouble. And also, please don't throw textbooks at others, no matter how much you think they deserve it."
With a smug smile on his face, Lucifer began to walk toward the dorms. You, however, were struggling to turn your head around, still yelling and pointing angrily at the demons. "This isn't over! Sleep with your eyes wide open! You'll be hearing from my lawyer!"
He really did love you.
Mammon was at the casino on a Monday night. It was lively as always, crowds of people playing group games and others drinking and mingling.
But for some reason, Mammon felt like being alone. He was in one of the more quiet corners, playing the slot machines.
He honestly should have been back at the dorms doing his homework. He was here because he felt like he had to, but his heart wasn't really in it. Mammon thought about packing it up early and texting you to see if you wanted to hang out.
The sudden sound of glass shattering broke through his thoughts. There was some sort of commotion going on and Mammon could hear angry yelling and cursing, some kind of argument.
Like many of the other customers, Mammon drifted toward the noise wanting to see what had happened. His heart sank when he saw you in the middle of the crowd, still in your R.A.D uniform, arguing with an older demon who Mammon recognized as a regular. They had played some games together before that always ended in angry accusations. The remains of a drinking glass lay shattered on the floor.
Mammon quickly rushed to your side. "MC, what the hell are you doing here?! What happened?" Up close he could see how livid you looked, you were trembling with fury.
The older demon opened his mouth while gesturing at his ruined clothes. "This bitch threw a drink at me! I should have them arrested! Do you know how much this tuxedo costs?" Ignoring him, you turned to face Mammon.
"Mams, Lucifer told me to check up on you and you weren't answering my calls. So I decided to come in person to make sure you were okay. But then I heard this asshole saying terrible things about you to his friends, calling you a liar and a cheater and all kinds of horrible names that you're not!"
Mammon was shocked to see you were struggling to fight off your tears, your lower lip quivering. "I know how caring and genuine and loving you are and I couldn't stand by while he said those things about you! None of it’s true!"
Overcome with emotion Mammon embraced you fiercely, shielding you from the other demon. "Oh, babe. Ya really are a special one.” Mammon gently stroked your hair and whispered in your ear. “I don't care about what he said, but thanks for sticking up for me. I love ya so much."
"Now let's make a run for it so that demon doesn't kill us."
Levi was slowly getting used to being in a relationship with you in public. At first, interactions were limited to the privacy of his room: cuddling and watching movies, gaming together, reading manga together. But now he looked forward to waiting for you after classes and walking home with you while holding hands.
His face got really red and he had a hard time making eye contact with you but still, he thought it was an improvement.
Right now he was waiting for you outside your classroom, scrolling through his D.D.D to kill time. Suddenly, he heard someone call your name.
“MC, you’re dating Levi right?” At the sound of his name he peeked in the window to see you cornered by three demons. He saw you nod. 
The demons began to barrage you with questions. “Why are you with a loser like that? Doesn’t he like never leave his room?” “He’s honestly the ugliest out of his family. I don’t believe that Levi and Asmo are related.” “You don’t actually find him attractive, do you?” “Are you with him ‘cause he’s like the easiest to control?” 
Each word felt like someone was piercing his heart. These were all things that he had thought or wondered himself, days when the darkness seemed to win over his mind. But to have them spoken out loud, especially in front of you, it was unbearable. It was as if his lowest and most shameful thoughts were being justified.
He was afraid to hear what your answers would be. Biting his lower lip, Levi turned to head home by himself but flinched at the loud sound of something slamming into the wall. He peeked inside the window again and saw you standing there, furious, your hands clenched into fists. You had apparently kicked one of the desks into the wall, black scuff marks clearly visible against the white paint.
“Alright, listen here you despicable fucks because I’m only going to say this once. My relationship with Levi is private, meaning all of your questions can be answered with ‘none of your damn business’. But since you’ve gone out of your way to waste my time, I’ll let you know this: Leviathan is more beautiful, inside and out, than any of you will ever be in your entire miserable lives. I honestly don’t think you deserve to breathe the same air as him and I hope Levi summons Lotan to devour the three of you."
Levi’s jaw was on the floor. He had never heard you speak that way. He had never had someone defend him so fiercely. His thoughts were interrupted by the classroom door suddenly slamming open as you walked out."
“Oh Levi, tell me you didn’t hear anything just now.” Your eyes were wide and you looked at him nervously.
Levi grabbed your hand and held it tight between two of his own. “I did, but it’s alright. Thanks for what you said.”
“Anything for my Lord of Shadows.”
Satan was heading to the library, your usual after-school spot. Some days you two spent hours there doing homework, reading, or just chatting quietly about your day before heading to dinner.
As he approached the table he saw you sitting down with a stranger seated opposite you. Leaning closer he was relieved to see it was a classmate you were friendly with, someone he knew you hung out with occasionally.
Satan was about to say hello when he stopped at the mention of his name. "MC, are you sure it's wise to be this involved with Satan?"
He quickly ducked behind a nearby bookshelf. Satan usually wasn't one to eavesdrop like this but the question concerned him.
"MC, I'm asking you for your sake. Satan is dangerous. He's violent and cruel. There are rumors about him beating up other demons and doing horrible things to them. What if he tries to hurt you too?"
Satan flinched. Sure his wrath had led him to do some destructive things before, but it was never without reason. Is this how you saw him as well? His thoughts began to spiral. What if you grew scared of him? Of his wrath? What if you flinched at his touch? That would hurt more than any of the rumors that swirled about him. 
Satan saw you take a deep breath before speaking. "Well, I appreciate you talking to me about this. I know you meant the best and were just thinking about me. But I promise you, you have nothing to be worried about. Satan would never hurt me."
He saw your friend shake their head, exasperated. "But you don't know that! What if one day he can't control himself and has an outburst or something?"
You replied carefully. "Satan is gentle. Incredibly so. He always treats me with nothing but respect and kindness. And Satan's not some kind of monster. He knows how to control himself and his powers. I love him. I really do. And until he decides to stop loving me, I want to be by his side."
He saw your friend huff irritably and get up to walk away. "Suit yourself, MC. Don't say I didn't warn you."
Satan took this as his cue to walk over. Your eyes brightened at the sight of him and you started to ask him about his day, acting as if nothing had happened. Satan played along for a bit, but then reached across the table for your hand and began playing with your fingers.
His hand was shaking. "I'll never stop loving you, you know. For as long as I live you're the only one for me. I love you, MC."
Asmo was thrilled when you said you wanted to go dancing with him because he was usually the one pestering you to do things. He was having so much fun with you tonight, twirling you around on the dance floor and marveling how beautiful you looked under the shimmering lights of the club.
He was beginning to feel a bit hot, however, and excused himself to the bathroom, making sure you were safe on of the couches with a bottle of water in your hand.
Asmo had just finished touching up his makeup and adjusting his outfit when he heard two demons near the entrance of the bathroom gossiping loudly about him.
“Did you see what he was wearing tonight? He might as well have come naked instead of wearing those scraps of fabric he thinks counts as an outfit.” “My friend slept with Asmo once. She said he’s super easy, he’s willing to pretty much sleep with anyone.” “I bet him and that human won’t last another week. Once he’s done with them he’ll trash ‘em and move on to the next one, like he always does.”
Being the Avatar of Lust meant that Asmo had heard these kinds of comments before, whispered in the hallways at R.A.D or the dark hallways of nightclubs. It never really got easier listening to them though, and he realized he was biting down hard on his lower lip, his nails digging into his palm. 
Asmo contemplated what to do. He didn’t want to keep you waiting by yourself outside but he also didn’t want to run into the demons talking about him. Their comments affected him more than he thought they would. Maybe it was because you were involved. He wouldn’t do that to you. You knew that right? He would never treat you like a plaything.
Taking a deep breath and steeling his nerves Asmo schooled his face into an expression of careless indifference. He took a step outside, ready to greet his "fans", but was surprised to see that you had gotten there first.
And what a sight you were. Despite being much shorter than the two demons, it seemed you were the least bit intimidated. Your glare was ice cold as you gestured wildly at the two of them, and moving closer Asmo realized you were screaming.
"How fucking dare you say such vile things? You don't know the first thing about Asmo. You're really going to shame someone for what they wear?! For what they do in the privacy of their bedroom?!"
You pointed angrily at the demons, who seemed too stunned to move or say anything. "People like you make me fucking sick. You're despicable! Talking as if you're so high and mighty when all you do is judge others! How dare you? You cowards!"
Asmo could see you were getting more and more enraged and your hands were beginning to tremble. He leapt forward to stand between you and the demons and put his hands gently on your shoulders. Once he saw that you were okay, he gave you a passionate kiss, his mouth hot and needy against yours.
You kissed him back for a moment but moved away to hiss, "Karens, Asmo! Karens in the fucking Devildom, who would have thought?!"
"I know, darling. Let's head home. We can have a nice, relaxing bubble bath together."
Beel was looking through the menu, deciding between a couple of his favorite dishes. It was your one year anniversary and despite his insistent protests, you had remained firm in your decision to pay for that night’s meal. Ever since you and Beel began dating, he pretty much always paid for your meals together because of how much he ate. But tonight, you wanted to be the one to treat him for once.
Beel knew you had secretly been saving up Grimm and he’d feel so guilty if you spent it all on him. Which was why he was trying to decide between a couple of different things, when normally he would have ordered everything on the page.
“Babe, please order whatever you want. I can practically see the thoughts turning in your head. I told you that I wanted to pay for tonight and I’m going to keep that promise. I want this to be a special night for us, so don’t worry about it.” Before he could protest, you called the waiter over.
Beel sighed and knew there was no changing your mind on this. You were incredibly stubborn when you wanted to be. He rattled off his usual order as the waiter frantically scribbled down notes, struggling to keep up. Once finished, Beel handed over the menus and smiled at how cute you looked, a mixture of pride and smugness on your face.
But your expression soon turned sour as you heard the conversation from a couple sitting a few tables over. Their voices were intentionally loud and they kept sneaking glances at your table as if to watch your reactions.
“Oh my lord, honey did you see how much food that guy just ordered? What an absolute pig!” “I saw, darling. I honestly pity his date right now, they must be soooo embarrassed.” “Is there anyone who wouldn’t be ashamed to be seen in public with such a selfish glutton?”
Beel’s heart felt like it had sunk. Embarrassed? Was MC embarrassed to be seen with him? Panicking, Beel thought back to all of the dates he’d had with MC so far. He realized that they ate out a good majority of the time they hung out, with Beel eating his normal enormous portions each time. Oh no, what had he done?
Head bowed, Beel slowly looked up at you, afraid to see what kind of expression you were making. But to his surprise, you didn’t look embarrassed or ashamed at all. You looked like you were going to murder someone.
Beel felt his lips inch into a smile and he flushed with amusement and happiness. But you weren’t finished just yet. “EXCUSE ME WAITER?” 
Your waiter practically ran to the table and looked between you two nervously, then at the couple glaring daggers in your direction. “COULD YOU PLEASE BRING US ANOTHER MENU? MY BOYFRIEND WASN’T FINISHED WITH ORDERING WHAT HE WANTS. OH BEEL, I LOVE HOW MUCH YOU EAT. HOW COULD SOMEONE BE EMBARRASSED OF A WONDERFUL GUY LIKE YOU?”
Beel took the menu and began listing some more foods at random, not really paying attention. He was too busy thinking about how much he loved you, how nobody aside from Belphie had ever stood up for him like that, had protected him like that. His cheeks felt like they were about to split from how much he was smiling.
When the waiter finally left, looking frazzled, Beel made his way over to your side of the table. He knelt down and nuzzled into your neck before giving you a tender kiss on your forehead. “MC, you’re amazing.”
Belphie had to admit, the gardens were a pretty nice place for a nap. Earlier in the day you had practically dragged him outside claiming that you were bored of sleeping in his room. As if that was even possible.
At first he was pretty annoyed that you were making him get up and move around. But the newly washed picnic blanket, the cool breeze rustling through the trees, and the light smell of flowers in the air all contributed to a very nice environment for a nap.
Belphie rested his head on your lap, already feeling his eyelids growing heavier. Your fingers gently combed through his hair, lightly scratching against his scalp, and he practically purred.
He guessed he had been asleep for about ten minutes when he awoke to the sound of your voice and something prodding against his knee.
Irritated at the disturbance, Belphie looked up to see two R.A.D students he recognized for always causing trouble. He looked over to see you scowling and guessed you had been telling them to leave so they wouldn't wake him up.
One of the students leered down, blocking out the light, and used the tip of his foot to poke Belphie's knee again. "Well the two of you make an odd fucking pair, huh?” He sneered, “Personally, I don’t date people who have MURDERED me in the past but what do I know? Love works in all kinds of mysterious ways.” You flinched as if someone had slapped you and Belphie growled, his hands curling into fists.
The other student leaned down to clap Belphie on the shoulder. “I gotta admit I didn’t know you had it in you, chief! I always thought you were...” He gave Belphie a once-over before adding “Well, everyone thinks you’re a bit fucking useless, eh? But I’m glad to see you’re capable of something.”
Belphie opened his mouth to reply venomously but was interrupted by the most horrifying sound coming from your mouth. It sounded like a combination of wailing and screeching as fat tears rolled down your cheeks. It was difficult to hear what exactly you were saying because of how hard you were crying, but Belphie could make out “How could you say that?!” and “Leave him alone!” among the screams. 
The two students had their hands over their ears, their faces twisted into grimaces of pain. One shouted, “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Worried, Belphie put a hand on your shoulder in an attempt to calm you down but you shrugged it off, continuing to cry and wail. Pretty soon other students began gathering around you, whispering amongst themselves and looking to see what all the noise and commotion was about. It was difficult to ignore you when you kept yelling things like “You’re horrible! Horrible! Leave us alone!” 
The two instigators looked at each other for a brief moment before deciding to run off, not wanting to get involved any further. And as soon as they left, it was like a switch had been turned off. You stopped crying and screaming immediately. If he hadn’t been there from the beginning, Belphie never would have guessed that you had been crying. Your face was perfectly calm and you sat relaxed with your hands folded, the picture of innocence.
“Belphie, don’t worry about what those two idiots said. We’ve talked about it enough and we’ve both worked it out, haven’t we? And you’re not useless. You know how much I love you and care about you. You mean so much to me.” 
Belphie leaned over to take your hand in his trembling one. He reached down to brush a stray leaf out of your hair before whispering, “MC, you’re fucking terrifying sometimes. I love you.”
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reidslibrarybook · 3 years
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Couple - Spencer x Pregnant!Reader
Warnings - Language, Allusions to s3x, pregnancy
Summary - Mood swings and outbursts are constant during your pregnancy, so Spencer finds a way to cheer you up!
Category - fluff, domestic life ig
Word Count - 1.2k
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After years of convincing, Spencer still hadn’t agreed to watch Twilight with you. He had disagreed saying that he had no interest in watching a sanitized version of literature, especially if it was contemporary. He explained that the classics were where his mind ought to occupy and he didn’t want to waste his time on a watered-down YA novel turned movie.
The only thing that changed his mind was your pregnancy. You had been in a funk for weeks and no one, not even your own husband could pull you out of it. Truthfully, you didn’t know what had got you in such a mood. Perhaps it was the constant mood swings, your daily battles with morning sickness, your aching breasts, the fact that the growing fetus inside you was constantly riding your bladder, the nagging cravings, your deteriorating body image, or your ever-present fatigue.
Spencer had done everything exactly the way he should have. He had tried everything to make you feel happier and better about yourself, he was always there… always. He comforted you about your growing insecurities, made sure to massage you whenever you were sore, and dropped everything to ease your cravings and nausea. Despite his efforts, nothing could bring up your irritated mood.
The two of you had just gotten back from the market with your tubs and tubs of ice cream. You were beginning to become agitated when you couldn’t decide on a flavor to buy leading to Spencer haphazardly throwing multiple tubs of ice cream in the cart so you could have a plethora of flavors to choose from. On your way home, some reckless driver had cut you off, practically opening a gate to hell inside of you. Thankfully, the two of you had just barely made it home safe even though you practically blew his eardrums with your aggravated yelling.
He opened the door for you as you carried the lighter bag of groceries inside the house, “God, I don’t even know why I’m so hung up on that idiot. He just made me so so mad.”
Spencer contemplated his next move and decided on telling you a fact about your pregnancy since you always seemed to react positively to his ramblings. “You know, hormones are only one reason why your mood shifts so violently. Changing hormone levels elicit an irritable or even angry reaction whenever something provokes you. Also, your fatigue and physical discomfort play a huge role in your mood swings as well-”
“No shit,” you mumbled as you rolled your eyes and dropped the bag on the counter. He heard you angrily walk to the bedroom and slam the door. He sighed and continued to put away the groceries, trying to think of something, anything that could cheer you up.
After an hour or two of isolation, you guiltily made your way down the stairs timidly hiding behind the wall as Spencer sat on the couch reading a thick book you didn’t recognize. You stood there, waiting for him to acknowledge you, unsure if he was upset with your most recent outburst. He looked up and smiled softly at you, thinking about how beautiful you looked in your large t-shirt and shorts— your pregnant belly hiding in the midst of your oversized top. He walked towards you and grabbed your hand tenderly, capturing your attention. You smiled as tears pricked your eyes, he pulled you in for a hug, attempting to calm your sour mood. You leaned in and tucked your head in the crook of his neck.
“I’m sorry for being so difficult, Spence. I didn’t mean to be so horrible. You’re so patient and kind and I’m such a bitch to you all the time.”
He pressed a soft kiss to your lips, “Y/N, I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now. All the pain and discomfort you’re feeling is something that I can’t even fathom. The least I can do is make you feel as comfortable and loved as possible. Mk?” You nodded and leaned into him again as he tapped your thigh, signaling you to jump and wrap your legs around him. He carried you to the couch and placed you down on the fluffiest throw blanket he could find. Spencer walked away towards the kitchen— a short five minutes later, he walked back in with two bowls of ice cream in his hand.
“You know me so well, love.”
“Well, I am your husband.”
You threw the blanket over the both of you and leaned on his shoulder as you spooned your ice cream into your mouth. “Mhm, can you read to me?”
He looked down at you, snuggling impossibly closer into your body, “I think I have a better idea.” You quirked a brow and waited for him to reveal his ‘genius’ idea. He turned on the tv, navigating to Netflix. As he began to type the name of whatever he wanted to watch in the search bar, you knew the moment you had waited for, since you first brought up the idea, had arrived.
“No way,” you looked at him as a wide smile dawned on your face, “Are we going to watch Twilight?”
He frowned sarcastically, “yes.”
You put both your bowls down on the table and pulled him in for a tight bear hug, “YES, FINALLY! DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS?”
He was amused by your enthusiasm, “If I had known that watching 10 hours and 34 minutes of cringe-worthy movies with crappy acting would be the antidote to your mood, I would have done this a loooong time ago.”
“But that’s the point, Spencer, they’re so bad that they’re good.”
“I have no idea what you mean by that.” You shook your head and continued to eat your ice cream as the first movie played on the tv. Spencer soon understood what you had meant when the two of you finished watching it. At one point, he couldn’t stop laughing at Taylor Lautner’s wig and when he noticed the stalker-like tendencies of Edward. By the second movie, Spencer was well and truly captivated, he couldn’t take his eyes off tv… especially when a scene with a shirtless Jacob was rolling. It was around 8 or 9 in the morning when you had finished your marathon and the two of you were spent. Spencer carried you up to bed and held you close to him.
“So, did you like it?”
He pulled away to look at you, “It was better than expected, I guess”
“Sooooo, did you like it for the plot or Taylor Lautner’s abs?”
His eyes widened at your accusation, “I- what, no, I- I liked it for the plot.”
“Aaaaaand his abs,” you teased as you poked his cheeks that were flushed with crimson, “C’mon, no shame in admitting it, Spence. You’re definitely team Jacob because of his hot bod.”
“Ok, fine. He is very attractive,” he laughed, “But that doesn’t mean I’m on his ‘team’, I don’t think I could root for a man whose only characteristic is being shirtless. Not to mention the fact that he’s practically the definition of a groomer.”
“That’s fair. Sooo, should I start wearing a wig and walking around the house without a shirt on?”
He smirked, “Maybe not the wig part, but the latter… now that’s a good idea.”
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pairings: Lucifer x Fem!Reader, Mammon x Fem!Reader, Leviathan x Fem!Reader
warnings: tw abandonment (but it turns out okay, I promise), mentions of the act of birthing,
A/N: you came to the right place! as the second oldest of six children, I have some experience when it comes to pregnancy:) I hope you don't mind, nonny, but I'm gonna split this up into a few parts so I can do the dateables as well!
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The moment you had shyly produced the positive pregnancy test from the pocket of your hoodie, it felt like Lucifer had entered into a fever dream filled with nursery designs, baby names, the expenses that pile up before the baby even arrives, researching human pregnancy, keeping you out of harm's way and healthy and happy...
So when you first stagger out of bed and rush to his bathroom, hand clamped over your mouth and one shaky hand on your slightly swollen tummy, Lucifer isn't surprised
He is very concerned, however. You had been so nervous to tell him of your pregnancy, you waited until the last moment before your bump was noticeable to tell him
That meant you had been suffering from all of these pregnancy side effects before he'd permanently moved you to sleep in his room
Lucifer hoists himself out of bed and pads into the bathroom, gathering up your hair, if any, into his fist and pulling your hunched form between his legs for support
You hate this feeling with a passion; throbbing stomach and a lump in your throat with little to no vertigo and tears rolling down your face as you try and catch your breath
You tell him it hurts, you ask him if he can take the pain away as your head rests on his chest, lashes fluttering with wooziness
Lightheadedness was unbearably common; you would suddenly grip his sleeve and he could watch the color drain from your face and your knees get shaky, body beginning to sway
He always catches you though, finding a place for you to sit or lie down and gather yourself
Tummy rubs become more common; the feeling of his hands against your bare tummy, spreading their warmth and nullifying the ache, allowing you to relax
He's extremely attentive as well and can tell whenever you need something
Water? Here's a cup sweetheart, remember, you're hydrating and eating for two people!
Craving something? Chocolate? Fried pickles? Chips of some kind? sweets? He's stockpiled anything you could want and locked it away just for you.
I feel like Lucifer would want your baby to be a little girl. A little princess he can carry on his shoulders and spoil with his love and gifts.
Satan ruined him for having another baby boy, but if that's how the cards fall, he certainly wouldn't mind. Unfortunately, he'd be constantly walking on eggshells, afraid he'll make your little boy into another rebellious child
That's the last thing he wants
Lucifer does his best to keep his kid away from Satan and Belphie and out of the 'Formerly Anti-Lucifer League', but sometimes you're taking a nap or out shopping with Asmodeus, and Satan and his brothers manage to coerce the little one into their shenanigans
One thing is for sure though, even if Lucifer didn't want any kids and the creation of one was unplanned, he would never ever turn you away
He's very responsible and does anything in his power to make the pregnancy as easy and happy as possible
On the day you are to give birth, he's a mess
He has already sweat through 3 shirts by the time the IV has been secured to your hand
Everything he says doesn't come without a stutter
He's squeezing your hand and kissing your hair during labor, trying to distract you from the burn between your legs as much as he can
You probably need extra stitches from baby's horns ngl
Definitely cries before the baby is even put in your arms
Refuses to let his brothers come and see you, "They can wait until we go home."
Lucifer is Smitten™
He smooches the tiredness under your eyes and tells you to get some rest
Surprisingly, he enjoys a lot of the names from the human world you discuss and will most likely pick one of those
But if it's a girl, her name is Lilith. I'm sorry MC, your input is invalid at this time
You don't regret 'final day in the devildom sex' at all when you get to witness the Avatar of Pride reduced to tears when the nurse puts the child in his arms
P-P-Pregnant? MC, ya better be jokin'...
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You weren't, judging by the pregnancy test(s) clutched in your fist
He's not mad at you, he's not upset, (in fact, he's the happiest he's ever been), he just scared
Broken Condom Victim™
He loved you just a bit too hard last week...
but let's be real here, HIS MC, carrying HIS baby?
That's like the highest level of ownership on his lovely human you could get! Levi, Asmo, Beel, Lucifer, everyone would be SOOOO JEALOUS!!!
He gets to have a little one running around again!
You saw how sweet he was to babified Satan in the obey me anime premier! He LOVES little kids and nothing would make him happier than someone to play with (besides MC of course) that wouldn't make fun of him for messing up and being silly!
You're so pretty!!
I mean, ya were always pretty, but somethin' about ya is different and yer even more beautiful than before somehow!
Mammon said, his entire face the shade of a pomegranate
Pregnancy glow is REAL
Asmo agrees, after stealing you away from an extremely overprotective mammon and hiding in the attic to chat without disturbance (mammon)
But as much as YOU know he would be the BEST father, comments from his brothers continue to drag him down and the evenings he cried into your shoulder became more and more frequent as your pregnancy progresses
Mammon, as we all know, is, in fact, a tiddy man
He likes to touch and squeeze them, and just gently hold them while cuddling or even browsing in a store, he'd just come up behind you and touch your boobs
(also, mammon likes all sizes, so if you have next to no tiddy like me, you'll be at his mercy as well. those with the large honkers, however, watch yourself)
Now that there's a miracle growing in your tummy, other parts of your body are preparing for its arrival, including your chest
Swelling, swelling, soreness, growing and darkening of the nipples, and swelling make it so Mammon can no longer touch your pretty tiddies :(((
(grammarly didn't like that word)
On the day mammon snack size was to be born, mammon is silent but extremely fidgety
It was early in the morning when you'd shaken him awake like, "mammoney, I'm going into labor" and he was out of bed and out the door with your luggage before you finished blinking
After grabbing your DDD's and you, he carries you down to the car (what dysfunctional family doesn't have a car? a nice one (Mercedes, Audi, you get the idea) for lucifer and a Volkswagon bus or something for his siblings to share) and drives quickly, but very carefully drives to the hospital, holding your hand the whole way.
He covers your eyes when they put the IV in, just in case you're squeamish, and rubs your arms as the drugs begin to take effect and there's a little fear in your eyes at the thought of pushing an entire human/demon being out of your coochie
He assures you and never lets go of your hand no matter how long you're in labor
When it's all over with and you are resting in your hospital bed waiting for the doctors to finish the Apgar tests and give you your baby
Mammon is speechless as the nurse places the baby in your arms
That's HIS KID!!
Immediately starts crying
The little horns poking out of the blanket? Those look just like his!!
Judging by the bit of hair on it's head, it looks like the baby will have hair like yours
If it's a baby boy, he thinks it should be named "Mammon II" but you just giggle and remind him of the deal he made with lucifer long ago, that his first born child, no matter the gender, had to have 'Lucifer' somewhere in their name
Human names are dumb, except for yours of course, so he searches for suitable demon names
The last thing he wants is a kid named Lucifer, so that will be the kid's middle name
He really regrets his past decisions now
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"Yeah, babe?"
"I'm pregnant."
*leviathan has been KO'd*
No joke, this man is literally floored and didn't wake up for a while and you were afraid you had just slain the fucking Lord of Shadows
Some Henry you were
You had to call Lucifer in to wake him up because he was still flat on the floor a half and hour later
Mammon is more that happy to tip a bucket of ice water on the face of the son of a bitch that impregnated HIS MC
Levi wakes up and pounces on you, gripping you tightly by the arms
"You're k-kidding r-right?"
Him? A father?
Unfortunately, Leviathan.exe has stopped working, try again in two thousand years
I hate to say this, but he definitely detaches himself for a while until his brothers, especially Asmodeus, literally beat him into shape
He comes back to you, a little bruised and sobbing, but not from the beating he just received
He's so sorry he neglected you! He's such a horrible demon, undeserving of your welcoming nature
He's gonna be the worst dad, and he's not good enough for you, and his kid will hate him just like everyone else does, he doesn't deserve you, he's so sorry for making you suffer the side effects and feel all alone,
Sir, I-
It's your turn to shake some sense into him, reminding him that he would be the. best. dad!!
Not to mention the fact that you were just happy he realized his mistakes and came back to you
He begs you to sleep in his bed tub with him for security, and you have to admit his tail is very comforting
Levi does extensive research on human pregnancy and now at the dinner table, instead of talking about the latest slice of life anime he'd been watching, he's just spouting random pregnancy facts and you're laughing so hard it brings you to tears
When the weird dreams and vivid nightmares happen, Levi is right behind you, rubbing your swollen tummy, and letting you talk about them
A lot of them were about him and about your future child
Most of them were about how they got hurt in some way, either that or YOU got hurt and the baby died
These, more often than not, brought you to tears and stress you out, but Levi is right there, okay? Nothing can hurt you, nor would he let anything happen to you on his watch
Learns how to massage you (safely) to reduce stress
Definitely talks to the baby a lot
Levi begged you to be induced so the birth was safe and not a sudden occasion and you agree
On the day the doctor recommended, you arrived at the hospital and got down to business
Levi didn't really want to be in the room with you, but he knew he had to for your sake and he'd played a few birth simulators from both perspectives and you really needed him
Kinda sits there awkwardly comforting you and encouraging you, holding your hand and caressing your cheeks, a bit flushed from exertion and tears
If the baby is a boy, his name will be Henry and that's final
If it's a girl, he doesn't really care, as long as you don't name her 'mammonia' or something dumb like that
definitely crashes your hospital bed to snuggle until the baby is ready
cries when the baby wraps its extremely small digits around one of his own
also at the little horns protruding from its head
and the tuft of purple in its head
Also Smitten™
He's so excited to get home and show off his beautiful baby to his brothers and then formulate a plan to raise the kid to live and breathe TSL just like his daddy <3
Countdown Masterlist
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(Y/n) and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week: Thursday (Part 1)
Monday     Tuesday     Wednesday     Thursday (Part 2)     Friday     Saturday     Sunday
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: swearing, homophobia (f slurs and d slur), panic attacks, toxic friends, mentions of attempted suicide/getting told to kill yourself
Word count: 6,377
(A/N): ok, so I definitely got carried away with this, so I had to split Thursday into two parts. If I kept it in one part, it’d probs be like 10k-11k words long lmao
You woke up feeling strangely more refreshed than usual. Glancing at your clock, you saw that you actually woke up about thirty minutes before your alarm went off. You got a whopping twelve hours of sleep, a stark contrast from your recent sleep schedule consisting of no more than four hours a night. You felt like you could rule the world with how much energy you had. Sure, you felt anxiety pooling in your stomach like you usually did and you had a terrible dream about Haley rejecting you and getting completely outed to the entire school, but that did not stop you from throwing your covers off your bed and walking down the hall to the kitchen with the most confidence you’ve had since starting high school.
When you got to the kitchen, you saw a dead looking Uncle Schlatt slumped at the table chugging coffee and a chipper Philza trying to make conversation. Usually, you would’ve joined Schlatt in being dead inside, but today was different. You were filled to the brim with energy that you haven’t had in years. As you walked through the door, their heads turned towards you.
“Mornin Dad, mornin Uncle Schlatt!”
Your uncle merely grunted before going back to guzzling down his coffee. Your dad smiled at you, “well, looks like someone’s well rested.”
“Yeah, I got like twelve hours of sleep last night.”
“Glad to hear it, hun. You really needed it.”
“Glad to hear someone’s feeling well rested,” your uncle grumbled into his coffee. 
“Schlatt, don’t be such a downer all the time,” Philza rolled his eyes at your uncle. 
“Fuck you Phil, I’m a ball of fuckin sunshine. Ain’t that right, sweetheart?” 
“Yeah, Dad, I don’t know what you’re talkin about. Uncle Schlatt’s the heart and soul of this house. Even if he doesn’t live here.”
Schlatt gave a booming laugh, “suck it Phil. And that, (y/n), is why you’re my favorite niece.”
“At least I’m someone’s- wait. I’m your only niece.”
“Still my favorite niece!”
You grinned happily, that was better than nothing. “Love ya, Uncle Schlatt!”
Your uncle’s cocky grin turned more sincere and he diverted his full attention to you, “love ya too, kid.”
“Love each other quieter, you woke me up.” Wilbur’s tired voice complained as he walked into the room and slumped into his chair next to Schlatt. Schlatt clapped a hand onto his shoulder and rustled his hair.
“My man! How’s Sally, huh?”
Wilbur flushed red and started sputtering as Philza turned his confused gaze to his son. “Who’s Sally, Wilbur?”
You couldn’t leave your brother high and dry when he accepted you for being yourself so readily yesterday, so you quickly jumped in for him. “Sally’s just one of his friends at school. They’re job shadowing together for their project. Right, Wilbur?” You turned towards the flustered man with a somewhat forced smile and raised eyebrows. He looked at you with immense relief and nodded vigorously, his hair flopping onto his forehead. 
“Yes! We’re planning on job shadowing our band director, he said that it’d be a good idea if we want to major in music.” 
“Oh, why didn’t you tell me about her before! You should invite her over for dinner, I’d love to meet her!” Oh, your dad did not buy your terrible excuse for Wilbur, that man is like a bloodhound when it comes to sniffing out lies. Poor, poor Wilbur. 
Despite the blush remaining on his cheeks, Wilbur seemed to think that Philza actually bought his weak excuse. “I’ll invite her over soon. Does Friday night next week work?”
Philza grinned cheekily, “yes! I can’t believe you haven’t brought her over sooner if you’re close enough to job shadow with her!”
At this point, Schlatt’s face was cherry red with his almost failed attempt to hold in his laughter. “I’m not missin this. Me an’ Tubbs are comin over next Friday.” 
Wilbur still hasn’t noticed that they hadn’t bought it, you thought he was more perceptive than that. Eventually, Philza started to make breakfast and conversation lulled into a comfortable silence as everybody waited for Techno, Tommy, and Tubbo. Deciding to pull out your phone, you scrolled through your notifi- wait. Why did you have forty-two messages from Adrian and Sammy? Why did they make a groupchat with everyone except Annie? Furrowing your brows in confusion, you opened the group chat. What you read made your breathing catch in your chest and your skin blanch, it wasn’t a dream. Everything was real.
Sammy <3
(y/n) you fucking pervert
How could you do this to us????
Adrian <3
We’ve given you everything and yet you’re still a disgusting person. 
Fucking faggot
We thought we could fix you, but you’re broken
You’re always going to be
Sammy <3
And now, you’re gonna go to hell with all the other dykes and fairies.
It’ll probably be heaven for you, surrounded by perverts like yourself
You’re staying far away from Annie
Adrian <3
You’ve put her through so much shit and now this
We swear to god if you talk to her again we’re gonna make you wish you would’ve gone through with killing yourself freshman year
We’re leaking the pictures slut
You felt your anxiety melt away into betrayal. So they were yours and Haley’s stalkers? How dare they try to leak Haley’s pictures. They could leak yours, you didn’t give a shit if yours were leaked. You could learn to live with it, you always did after all the shit you put yourself through throughout the years, but Haley’s? She didn’t do anything. Even if her rejection was painful, you still deeply cared for her. She didn’t deserve that. You, however, did for not being normal. For making people around you uncomfortable with your presence. 
That was you guys?????
Why the fuck would you do that
I trusted you 
All of you
Sammy <3
We trusted you too dyke
But you’re a two-faced bitch
And to think we actually thought you were our friend
Were you only friends with Ann and I so you could get into our pants?
I’m disgusted
You’re a fucking pervert.
Adrian <3
We shouldn’t have talked you out of suicide freshman year
You fucking deserve it
Make Annie’s life easier and just swan dive off a roof
You’ll be doing everyone a favor
Listen, I don’t care if you leak my pictures.
Just don’t leak Haley’s
She has no part in this
I’ll leave you guys alone if you delete Haley’s pictures
Hell, I’ll do anything for you if you could release them after the final volleyball match today
It’s Haley’s time to shine and she deserves the attention as team captain
She’s worked so hard to get there all of high school and leaking my nudes would take the attention away from her
Let her have her moment
Sammy <3
For once she has a point
She probably manipulated the poor girl
Who knows what the fag would’ve done to her if we didn’t expose her
Adrian <3
Fine, we’ll delete Haley’s pictures and we’ll wait until after the game
But we’re leaking yours
You deserve it for what you did to Annie and Haley
“Kid, are you okay? You’re kinda pale over there buddy.”
Looking up from your phone, you saw everybody’s eyes on you. They each looked concerned, but Wilbur even more so. He was the only one in the room at the moment that knew about your panic attacks. He stood up from his spot and walked over to you with long strides.
“She just remembered the homework in stats that we forgot about. Techno asked us in the group chat about it, we were just about to go and see if he could help us.” 
“But Wilbur, I thought you took statistics last year.”
“No, that was algebra two, I’m taking stats this year,” that was a lie, he was in pre-calculus this year. “C’mon (y/n), lets go finish that assignment.” 
He grabbed your shoulder and hauled you into a stand before grabbing your hand and practically dragging you up the stairs and into Techno’s room. Said pink-haired teenager looked up angrily. “What’d I say about kno- (y/n)?”
Wilbur closed the door and locked it behind him. He dragged you over to Techno’s bed and sat you down on the edge before kneeling down to look you in the eyes.
“(Y/n), can I touch you? Is that alright?”
After you shakily nodded, he grabbed your hand and placed it over his chest. “Breathe with me.” Like yesterday, you tried to copy his movements, but it wasn’t working. Your panic attack was just getting worse by the minute. Techno pushed Wilbur aside and took his place kneeling in front of you and grabbing your hand, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles.
“(Y/n), can you tell me five things you can see around the room?”
When you didn’t move your wide eyes away from Techno’s face, he frowned and gently squeezed your hand. “You can get through this. What’re five things you can see around the room?”
You reluctantly tore your eyes away from his face and peered around the room. You hadn’t noticed that your blurred vision had tunneled until you realized that you couldn’t see anything in your peripheral vision. Your unseeing eyes flicked around the room. 
You tried to swallow, but you couldn’t do anything through the lump in your throat. With a shaky voice, you gasped out “I-I can’t breathe. I-”
“Deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Follow me.”
You tried to breathe with him, and you eventually got to the point where you could speak. Your eyes flicked around the room once again and slowly recognized your surroundings. 
“You… Wilbur… Desk… Window…”
“That’s good, just one more.”
Your eyes flicked around the room, “...Book.”
“Look back at me, you’re doing so good,” when you looked back at him, he had a small smile on his face. “Nice job. Now, four things you can feel. Can you do that for me?”
You shakily nodded and looked at your hands and around your surroundings. “Bed… Pants… You… Carpet.”
“Three things you can hear?”
“You… Birds… Breathing.”
“You’re almost there, I’m so proud of you. Two things you can smell?”
“Toast and… and burning?”
Despite his confusion about the sudden burning smell, he continued to smile at you. “Good, last one. One thing you can taste?”
You licked your lips before scrunching your nose slightly, “...snot.”
“Wilbur, can you go get her a few kleenexes and a glass of water?” Techno asked his brother without taking his eyes off you.
Wordlessly, he swiftly left the room. “Are you feeling better?”
You panted as you reached up to rub at your teary eyes, “yeah, how’d you know what to do?”
His smile turned slightly bashful, “I did some research last night. I’m glad I did, that was a bad panic attack. Can I- can I ask what caused it?”
You pulled out your phone and handed it to him, letting him scroll through the messages while you brought up your knees to your chest and rested your chin on your knees. You felt tired after that attack, however you had a little bit more energy than you usually did. Only a little bit more. It was probably because you slept for half the day and through the night yesterday. You watched your brother scroll through your texts with tired eyes. 
He was emotionless as he scrolled, making you somewhat scared about what his reaction would be. He probably hasn’t gotten to the whole “go kill yourself” or the stalking parts. Judging by his set jaw and labored breathing, he was pissed already and he didn’t even get to the bad parts yet.
In the middle of his scrolling, Wilbur came back with a box of tissues, a glass of water, and a plate of bacon, eggs, and toast. When you hardly moved to grab them, he sat on the bed beside you and handed you a tissue. After cleaning up, you took the glass of water and started to slowly sip at it. “Thanks, Wil.” 
He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you close to him. When he looked over Techno’s shoulder at your phone, you saw his eyebrows furrow. “Tech, what’s-”
He was interrupted as Techno shoved your phone into his hands and stood up to start pacing around his room. “Read it yourself.” He sounded more monotone than usual. He was absolutely furious.
You watched Wilbur’s face as he read through your messages. Unlike Technoblade, he looked furious. His eyes were set ablaze as his entire face turned an angry red. “(Y/n), what the absolute fuck? Why didn’t you tell us this was happening?”
Shrinking in on yourself and pulling your knees closer to your chest, you murmured out a small “sorry.” You saw him quickly turn his head to you as his face softened. He pulled you into a full hug.
“This isn’t your fault. None of it is, it’s all their fault,” he spat with disgust. “How’d they even get your nudes? Did you send them to anyone?”
You leaned your head against his shoulder, “that’s the thing, Wil. I’ve never taken nudes before. They took them through my window. I deserve it.”
You felt him freeze up and heard Techno pause his pacing to stomp over to you. He tore Wilbur’s arms off from you and held you out at arms length by your shoulders. He looked the most angry than you’ve ever seen him with his furious eyes burning into your own and his mouth set in a firm frown. It was terrifying to see him that angry.
“(Y/n), you don’t deserve a single fucking thing that’s happened to you. You were manipulated and gaslit by a group of self righteous assholes. You. Do. Not. Deserve. Anything. That. Happened. To. You. Do you understand me?” 
Despite your fears of him, you were determined to protect your friends. “But I do deserve it though. I was a bad friend to them. I tried so hard, but I couldn’t be a good friend to them when they were always helping me. I’m just not a good person in general. I deserve it for not being normal.”
“Technoblade, that’s enough.” Wilbur cut him off with a firm tone, putting a comforting hand on your arm.
“No it isn’t Wilbur. It’s not enough until she realizes how fucking toxic they are. What they’re doing is gaslighting. You’re in a psychology class, you should know what that is. Give me the definition of it. Now.”
“It’s when someone manipulates another person for their own personal gain… I’d know if I’m being gaslit, and I’m not. They’re just telling me the truth, they keep me in check. I could put more effort into my appearance and personality. I could stand to lose a couple of pounds.” “How do you not- ya know what? Listen. Just listen. That’s the definition of being gaslit. They’re constantly putting you down and making you self conscious about every. Little. Thing because they need to put someone down to fuel their own damaged egos and they laugh at you when you show that you’re hurt by their comments. That’s not a healthy friendship, (y/n). It’s toxic. 
“Real friends would never, and I mean never, do that to you. Real friends would never tell you that you looked like shit when you’re as beautiful as Aphrodite. Real friends would never out you to the entire school when you weren’t ready. Real friends would never tell you to lose weight because they wouldn’t care about what you look like. Real friends care about your well being and they look out for you. They love you for you.”
You fell silent as you contemplated his words. Were they really that toxic? You were planning on being a psychology major in college, so why didn’t you notice that they were actually always against you? You learned in your class that manipulative people are naturally cunning and sneaky, but you couldn’t help but feel stupid. You thought that they were helping you when they were clearly toxic. It was right under your nose and you didn’t even see the signs. What kind of psychology student were you if you couldn’t recognize the obvious signs of manipulation? 
On one hand, you were filled with betrayal. But on the other hand, you felt molten hot anger overwhelm and swirl around your entire body like a cyclone absolutely decimating everything in its path with its violent winds hurling in a blind rage anything and everything without a care of the outcome. You felt the burning hatred of a thousand suns rise up from deep within your being, filling you with a hatred that you didn’t know you were capable of. 
They fucked up your entire life, not you. They were the ones with the ugly personalities, not you. They were the ones that needed to improve themselves, not you. They were bad friends, not you. They laughed at the pain they brought upon you purposefully. They completely humiliated you. They betrayed your trust. They took pictures of you without your consent. They fucked up your relationship with Haley. They violated Haley. They fucking stole her dignity from her with those disgusting pictures they took of her. They were truly vile creatures undeserving of any mercy. Not that you were actually considering being merciful, that would be too good for them. They deserved everything you were going to throw at them. You were going to rise like a phoenix from the ashes of your past self. 
You felt yourself practically vibrate with fury as you held Technoblade’s intense gaze with one of your own. “Those bastards fucking used me for years. Literal years and I thought they were there for me,” you gave a sardonic laugh, your voice shaking with anger. “I-I’m gonna fuckin kill them the next time I see their sorry asses. Make them feel what it’s like to get tossed out of a car. Make them feel what it’s like to constantly get beaten down.”
Techno’s hands gripped your shoulders in a vice grip as his eyes sparked with a crazed delight and he grinned widely at you, “that’s the spirit! You’re gonna rain hellfire upon them, beat their asses (y/n)! Fuck em up! FUCK! EM! UP!”
Wilbur, always thinking about potential consequences and the voice of reason, spoke up with hesitance. “As much as I love that you’re finally realizing that they’re toxic as hell and want revenge, you’d have to wait at least until tomorrow. If you did it today, you wouldn’t be allowed to go to finals. Besides, I don’t think that you should even fight them. You would be out- wait. They’re the ones that opened the car door and fucked up your back?” Seeing you nod, his face darkened in anger. “...(Y/n), you’re gonna fuck em up as soon as you can tomorrow. We’ll back you up if they try to gang up on you, we aren’t eighteen yet, so it’s still legal. ”
“YOU ARE NOT FUCKING ANYONE UP ANYTIME SOON, TECHNOBLADE.” Philza’s voice boomed from behind the closed door. Said door swung open to reveal your father’s angry form and your uncle’s intrigued, slightly proud form.
You three stared at the two for a while with gaping mouths, your previous intensity substantially diminuendos into a quiet shock. No one fucks with an angry Dadza. Techno was the quickest to get over the shock. “...How long were you standing there?”
Your father sneered. “Well, long enough to hear that you three are going to fight someone! Why the hell would you do that?” 
Your brothers looked at you in a silent question. Shaking your head, you answered in a small voice, “there’s just some people messing with me at school. They were just worried about me. We weren’t gonna actually fight someone, they were just talking about how it’d be nice to get some revenge for me. I was just about to tell them that I could handle myself and we didn’t need to fight.”
Immediately, your dad’s stiff stance relaxed slightly as his eyes pierced into your own, searching them to see if you’re lying to him or not. You felt a cold sweat drip down the back of your head at the intensity of his gaze, you hated when he did that. It always made you feel like he was staring right at your soul. Eventually, his gaze softened.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve helped you through it.”
“I didn’t want to bother you. Plus, it’s nothing I can’t handle by myself.”
“But you looked really panicked earlier hun. Are you sure you can-”
“I just forgot about my stats homework until this morning and I thought I wouldn’t be able to get it done in time, but I did! No worries,” you spoke a little faster than usual. You prayed that he wouldn’t see through your lie. 
“...Alright. Just let me know if it gets to be too much for you and I can talk with your principal about it. Now go eat something and get ready, you only have,” he glanced at the clock on the wall, “an hour before you have to be at school. Hurry up or you’re going to be late.”
Your dad turned around and walked down the hallway away from the room. Schlatt, however, loomed in the doorway for a while before he came into the room and closed the door behind him. You three watched him warily as he eyed you and your brothers.
“...Ya know, I approve,” after seeing your confused looks, he chuckled and spoke again. “I approve of you three fuckin em up. I heard part of your conversation, and those snot nosed brats deserve it for what they did to my favorite niece.”
You three stared at him with shock, making him laugh at you. “Close your mouths, you’re gonna catch flies.” He paused for a second before leaning towards you and whispering “now, you didn’t hear it from me, but the key to a good punch is following through with it. Don’t hesitate. Don’t tuck your thumb in, that’ll break it. Make sure you center your hit on your index and middle fingers, they are the strongest points of the hand. If you need to, go for the eyes, nose, and groin.”
“I-thank you Uncle Schlatt. I really appreciate it. Just- please don’t tell dad?”
“Of course not! I mean, if you don’t fuck em up enough I will. (Y/n), when you’re done, I want details.”
You saluted sarcastically, “yessir, will do!”
He gave a boisterous laugh, “you better. Now go get ready.” 
As he was about to walk out of the room, he suddenly paused and his hand shot to his pants pocket. He pulled something out before putting it into your hand and turning again to walk out of the room. “This is from Tubbo and Tommy. They were worried about you.” In your hand laid three of your favorite candies. You felt your heart swell at their innocent, caring natures. They were honestly some of the sweetest kids you’ve ever met. 
“Well boys, you get first pics!” You held out the candy to them.
Wilbur looked at you with knitted eyebrows, “but they gave those to you.”
“I wouldn’t have gotten through that panic attack without you guys helping me, so take this as a temporary thank you.” You watched as they glanced at each other before reaching out to grab a piece of candy.
“Alright, I’m gonna go get ready, you guys can take the bathroom before me. Love you guys!”
You went into your room and made sure your curtains were closed before turning to your closet. Humming in thought, you picked out a white button up and the nicest sweater you owned. You put on the collared button up then slipped the sweater on over it so that the collar poked out of the neck. You smiled at yourself in the mirror, feeling more confident in yourself than you’ve felt since you started hanging out with them. Fuck them, they always lied to you. You looked great in anything you put on. You felt elated and basked in the spectacular feeling of being able to like what you wore. 
While you waited for your brothers to leave the bathroom, you pulled out your phone and scrolled through your contacts before you stopped on one: Haley’s. The girl that stole your heart and relentlessly stomped on it until it was a red puddle at her feet. Despite the pain, you still loved her. She was your everything. Your thumb hovered over her icon, contemplating on texting her. You had to tell her that she didn’t have to worry about her pictures anymore. 
I know you don’t want to talk to me, but I have good news
You don’t have to worry about your pics anymore
I took care of it.
You don’t have to reply to this
Just know that I took care of it and you don’t have to worry about it anymore.
You sat on your bed staring at your phone screen waiting for her to open your messages. You stared at the ‘delivered’ icon at the bottom of your message, waiting for it to say ‘read’. You stared for about ten minutes before you gave up, putting your phone in your pocket and standing up with a sigh. She would see it eventually. Just as you reached your door, you felt a vibration in your pocket. You whipped out your phone and smiled at Haley’s face on your screen. She was calling you. 
Taking a deep breath to calm yourself down, you clicked the answer button, “hey Hales.”
“(Y/n), what’d you do?”
“I took care of it. That’s all you have to know.”
“I think I should know more. What’d you do?”
You paused for a moment before you hesitantly said, “I asked them to delete your pictures and they have to, it’s part of our deal.”
“...You found out who they were?”
“Yeah, but that’s not important. You don’t have to worry about it.”
“(Y/n), don’t tell me what to worry about. Who are they?”
“...Fine, it was Adrian Schnieder, Annie Lockhart, and Sammy McConnor. Ya know, you’re scary when you’re mad Hales. Remind me not to get on your bad side again.”
“It was them? You hang out around them all the time, I thought you were good friends. Why would they do that?”
Even though she couldn’t see you, you shrugged. “I dunno. I think they were just jealous. They’re assholes and I can’t believe I haven’t noticed it a lot sooner. I’m sorry they put you through that, you didn’t deserve what they did to you.”
“God (y/n),” she sighed out, you imagined that she was running a hand through her hair. “I can’t imagine how much that hurt you. You four were really close.”
“I know, but it was a long time coming. Like I said, I should’ve noticed that it was them. They’ve always been toxic as hell.”
“How’d you find out? What happened?”
“Did you hear about what they did to me yesterday?”
“Should I? If you’re not comfortable talking about it, that’s totally okay. You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t wanna.”
“No, it’s fine. You’re gonna hear about it eventually, shit spreads like wildfire at Klinkver. Long story short, they outed me to the entire school and thought that I was only friends with them to get in their pants. They basically told me to kill myself,” you added nonchalantly. “But that’s not the important part about this. They told me that they were the people that took those pictures of you.”
“...(Y/n), how could you say that’s not important! They fucked up your life and all you care about is my pictures? What’d they say they’d do with yours?”
“I asked them to not leak them until after the match tonight so you could have the spotlight. You deserve it after all the hard work you’ve put in to get team captain. Zuri was hard to beat and you deserve the recognition for that.”
You heard her take a deep breath through her nose, “(y/n), for once in your life care about yourself over others. You’re gonna be exposed to the entire school and it bothers me that you’re being so nonchalant about that.”
“They’ve put me through worse. Besides,” you wove a hand in the air, “it’ll all blow over sooner or later when another person gets their nudes leaked. You remember how fast people forgot about Marlene’s nudes when May’s got leaked like a week later.”
“Still, it’s degrading to have people see you like that. No matter how fast they get over it, it doesn’t change the fact that they’ve seen you. You can’t come back from that sweetheart.”
You felt your heart skip a beat at the nickname. Even if she called almost everybody that, you felt special. “I don’t care if people see my boobs, it wasn’t even a clear picture anyways. It was hella blurry.”
Your door swung open for the second time today. There stood Tommy, his eyes peering innocently at you. “Dad wanted me to tell you to hurry up.”
You smiled at him, “thank you buddy. Let him know I’ll be down in a minute. Oh, and thank you for the candy, it really made me happy.”
He beamed brightly before he sprinted down the stairs. “Was that Tommy? Is he gonna be at the match tonight?”
“Of course, he and Tubbo are our team’s mascots after all. They would never miss a game, especially our final match.”
“I can’t wait to see them, but we need to talk about this. It’s more serious than you paint it as. How are you not pissed at those dumbasses? You trusted them and they betrayed you.”
“Oh, believe me I’m furious. Heh, I’m actually kinda shaking right now because of how pissed I am. But for now, I’m just gonna imagine their faces on the ball so I can keep my mind off them until tomorrow.”
“...Please don’t tell me you’re gonna do something stupid tomorrow.”
“I wouldn’t call it stupid per se, they deserve it for what they put you through. It’s more getting justice than being stupid.”
“(Y/n), I swear to god if you start a fight just to get back at them for me, I’m gonna slap you. Think about yourself every once and a while, they put you through so much. If you feel comfortable, you’re gonna tell me everything they did to you tonight on the bus coming home.”
“So we’re gonna sit together?” You tried and failed to stomp the hopeful tone from your voice.
Her laugh sounded angelic in your ear, “of course we are silly, you’re my best friend. I gotta go, my dad’s calling me. I’ll talk to you later!”
“See ya!” When you hung up, you danced around your room with joy. You- no, they- didn’t ruin your friendship with Haley after all! Oh, you felt like your heart was going to burst out of your chest with joy. Even if she didn’t like you like you adored her, you still cherished your friendship. Looking back, Haley and the team always had your back, they genuinely cared about you. They were perhaps the only ones you would fully trust in the future. 
“(Y/N), HURRY UP YOU’RE GONNA BE LATE!” Tommy’s voice outside your door shook you from your happy dance. “Coming!”
You ran to the bathroom and hastily went through your routine. Despite your rushing, you tried your best to look presentable. You were going to prove those snakes wrong, you were beautiful no matter what you wore or how you looked.
After running down the stairs with your bag, your dad stopped you before you could run out the door with your keys. “You look nice today hun.”
“Thanks Dad, I just wanted to dress up a bit for finals today. I’m honestly really pumped to play tonight.”
“That’s good,” he smiled at you before pulling you into a quick hug. “Just take it easy today, you need to save your energy for the match tonight... Listen, I don’t know what happened to you this morning and I don’t know exactly what’s going on in your life right now, but just know that I’m always gonna be here for you. Whether you need help with homework, advice, or if you want me to beat up someone else’s dad for you,” he chuckled, “I’ll do it.” 
You closed your eyes and leaned into his touch, happy with the contact. You two stood in the hall for a moment before he pulled away and told you to leave for school. 
The drive to the school was uneventful with your brothers mainly holding up the conversation. As you pulled into the parking lot, you realized that you needed to catch up on two full days of stats homework.
“Hey Tech?” He hummed, looking over to you.
“Sorry, but would I be able to maybe copy your stats notes from Tuesday?”
“Yeah, I’ll give em to you so you can copy it before school starts. We’d have to go to Mr. Mullins for yesterday’s notes though. We can just ask him about it before school starts.”
As you pulled into a space and moved to leave the car, a hand stopped you. “(Y/n), if any of those two-faced bitches bother you at all, let us know. Don’t deal with this on your own, we’re here for you,” Wilbur said genuinely.
“Yeah, if they say anything bad about you, it’s on sight.”
You laughed, “thanks guys, I’ll let you guys know if they do anything. We gotta get going though if Tech and I wanna get those notes done.”
In the school, you and Techno successfully got your notes done before the first bell rang. The rest of class went by without a hitch with you actually somewhat understanding mostly everything being taught. You even got a question right when you were called on! Turns out not feeling weighed down by toxic people helps a lot with concentration.
The only block you were dreading was the second block. You were sure that if you even glanced at Annie and Adrian, you’d go apeshit on them. Luckily for them, they didn’t show up to class today. They were probably comforting Annie after you “manipulated” her, you thought with an eye roll. Today was just another work day, so you pulled out your laptop and opened Google Docs. You saw Annie’s and Adrian’s unfinished and you were slapped in the face with inspiration. 
They were still expecting you to finish their essays, so you were gonna finish them alright. You were going to completely rewrite their essays all about how they were terrible homophobes and how LGBT+ people are always facing some form of discrimination amongst their peers, complete with attached screenshots of them calling you slurs over text. You’d even write a little note at the beginning that would tell your teacher that they didn’t write this, but they made you write it so you deserved the credit for it. You didn’t care that this would take a while, the satisfaction that you would get would be worth it. This was going to completely screw up their grades, this essay was worth twenty five percent of your overall grade. Mr. Todd was really laid back, so he only had a few rules in the classroom. First was to respect your classmate’s time and work, second was to clean up after yourselves, and third (“the most important one” he said on the first day of school) was that he would never tolerate racism, sexism, transphobia, or homophobia in his classroom. Your masterpieces you were writing would definitely earn them a failing grade, a good scolding from Mr. Todd, and maybe a visit to the principal’s office. This would be first in a long line of gifts you have in mind for them. 
At lunch, you were slightly stumped as to where you should sit. You didn’t really know anybody in your lunch period, so you just sat at the empty table Adrian, Annie, and Sammy left for you today and ate while working on your masterpieces. Finding sources was extremely easy for you, you remembered doing extensive research about discrimination when you first found out that you weren’t the straight girl you thought you were. Luckily for you, you still had the old Google Doc full of sources you wanted to save for later. Thank you, freshman you. 
Third and fourth block went by relatively quickly, you completely finished the work in both classes with plenty of time left for you to continue typing up the essays. You had gotten Adrian’s completely done and Annie’s thesis written. Oh, revenge is sweet. You weren’t even done with what you had in store for them. 
You had their parent’s phone numbers and you got Adrian’s boss’ number from Marlene, who worked with him as a waitress. Annie’s parents were total sweethearts that would be absolutely fuming if you showed them what she said to you. You weren’t sure about Adrian’s or Sammy’s parents, but you were going to send them screenshots anyways. If Adrian’s parents were as bigoted as he was, you still had his boss to fall back on. You could email the screenshots to the principal and the athletic director so that you could have something to rely on if Sammy’s parents had the same beliefs as she did. She valued cross country more than everything, so you could fuck that up for her. Revenge never tasted so sweet to you before, it felt like you were high with how giddy you were. Techno and Wilbur were going to love this. 
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
♡ "the next time i see you, it'll be in hell" / "you're the best thing that's ever happened to me"
♡ pairing: connor kent (superboy/RotS) x fem! reader
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes / i was listening to 'esa hembra es mala' by gloria trevi so if you do speak spanish, that's a song rec while you read this fic. if you don't, listen to 'hermit the frog' by marina instead!
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"connor please, you're giving ME a headache and it's only seven in the morning," his friend, jake, spoke as his hands covered his face, "wait, shut up, who is that?" connor asked, seeing you with a few friends.
jake sighed, "that's ( your name )," he spoke softly, "she's friends with everyone here. some like her, some can't stand her. it all depends on how she feels with you." you were schools resident 'popular' girl and had a bit of a following among your class.
"i'm gonna go talk to her," connor said. his friends eyes widened, "connor no!" jake screamed, grabbing his friend and pulling him back, "she's a complete bitch, don't do it!" jake exclaimed as he could tell that everything he was saying was going over connor's head.
you fixed the newspaper that had superboy's face plastered on the cover, "i just think that superboy could beat robin if i'm being honest. PLUS he's attractive because you can actually see his face," the day old conversation between you and your friends about who was the better sidekick struck up again and anyone who knew you knew how much you adored superboy.
"hey ladies," you turned to look at the boy, confused on who he was as you had never seen him around school. you gave him a small smile, "uh, hi?" you asked, "do i know you?"
the boy who approached you was wearing sunglasses which threw you off considering your school didn't allow anyone to wear them inside the building. you looked to his other friend, recognizing him as someone you had in your Calc class.
"just wanted to introduce myself, i'm connor," he said, giving you a sly smirk. you shook his hand, half awkwardly, "please i'm ( your name )," you replied as you saw the way connor gave jake a wink, "is there something you wanted or?" you asked again, not knowing why he was still here.
"no, just wanted to say hi to my future girlfriend," you let out a laugh, catching everyone off guard, "please, as if," you replied as you grabbed your friends and walked away, kind of taken back by the new boy.
"he was kinda cute," one of your friends said as you rolled your eyes, "uh, not really? kinda weird if you ask me," you replied, looking down at the newspaper, "well, i'm going to class, see ya," you said, walked towards your AP Lit class.
you sat down in the front, immediately talking to the friends you had in the class. it wasn't even five minutes later when connor entered the class, immediately smirking when he saw you. you growled, instantly annoyed at his expression.
"ah, so you've met the resident new boy?" you nodded as your friend giggled, "he's really nice. made more than a friends already," she said as you shrugged, "okay and? he had a lot of nerve coming up to me and telling me i'd be his future girlfriend," you replied.
she let out a belting laugh, "yeah, he told meghan from fifth period the same thing," you saw connor walking up to your desk and before he could make himself comfortable next to you, you instantly put your leg on the chair, "don't even think about it," you said, not even looking at him, "the desk in the back is available though," you smirked as you watched your teacher roll her eyes at your attitude.
connor bent down to your level, "don't gotta be so hostile, sweetheart, i know you like me," he whispered before getting up and leaving.
your friend, looked at you, laughing at disbelief at both of your attitudes. you rolled your eyes, trying to pay attention to the discussion as you could feel connor's eyes on you almost the entire time.
throughout the weeks and going into months, your relationship with connor didn't change. he arguably became the biggest pain your ass from the beginning of the day until the final bell rang. he managed to befriend a few of your friends which meant that you were around him at times.
you sipped your coffee as you were reading the newest article on superboy, "ah, ah, ah, what do we have here?" connor asked, taking the magazine from your hand, "superboy fan, huh?" he scanned the cover, a smug smirk coming onto his face as you snatched the magazine back.
"yeah, someone who's actually useful in life," you replied as he walked with you to your locker. he had never saw the inside of it and taken back by the amount of photos you had....of him, "aww, don't be that way, sweetheart! maybe one day superboy will actually give you a chance," he joked.
your annoyance instantly shot up as you slammed your locker and walking away, "see ya later sweetie!" he screamed. you stopped in the middle of the hall and flicked him off, "the next time i'll see you, it'll be in hell!" you yelled, storming off to class.
you walked into class, sitting down as your friend, henry, walked up to you, "hey babe," he said, a warm feeling crossing your face at the term of endearment, "hey henry, what're you up to?" you asked, seeing him looking at you, a bit nervously now.
"i was wondering if you were free-," before henry could say anything else, connor walked up behind him and tapping him on the shoulder. he had heard the conversation between the two of you and knew exactly where it was heading, "uh, she's not interested, better luck next time," connor stated, surprising henry with his sudden angry attitude.
henry knowing he didn't want to risk the chance of getting his ass kicked walked away from the conversation as you stared at connor with rage in your eyes, "what do you want?" you seethed as you saw connor's smirk playing on his face, "you weren't actually entertaining him, were you?" he asked in disbelief, "i literally hate you with every ounce of my being," you blurted, finally sick of connor's attitude.
his mouth hung open as you got up from the desk, "do me a favor and PLEASE leave me alone, that's all i ask," you stated as you walked out of class and deciding to ditch for the rest of the day.
"told you she was gonna blow up," jake informed as he sat down in his seat, connor still standing in place, taking in everything you had said. he knew he was being a bit of an ass but he didn't know you were that angry with him.
connor knew he had to make this up. he genuinely did like you and he didn't want to ruin his chances with you because of his shitty attitude. throughout the class period, he picked his brain for ideas until sirens went off in his head.
he knew you were practically in love with his alter ego and he knew he could use superboy as a way to persuade you into giving him another chance. that is if he played his cards right.
you reluctantly showed up the next day, trying to avoid connor as best as you could. you were talking with a few friends, gossiping about the fight that superboy and robin had against a few low level villains in metropolis last night.
"hey, look at connor," jake whispered, seeing his friend practically beat up. you were taken back by his appearance as he had a few bruises on his arms and legs, "are you okay?" jake asked connor.
connor shook his head slowly, his body still recovering from the night before, "what were yall talking about?" he asked, trying to redirect the conversation. everyone looked to you, "someone was gushing about superboy, so please, if you'd continue," meghan said playfully.
"oh shut up, like you don't have robin posters all over your room," you retorted as you watched connor struggling to stay upright, "all i'm saying is that superboy remains the best sidekick there is. did you see the way he walked out of that fight scratchless and look at robin, he nearly died," you continued.
meghan instantly retorted as you noticed how eerily silent connor had became. you turned over to him, about to say something sarcastic towards him until he flopped on top of you, passing out completely. you looked down at him, "connor?" you whispered, "hey connor, wake up," you whispered, shaking him a bit.
"take him to the nurse!" jake yelled at you as you grabbed connor by the arm and pulling him against you, "fuck off, he's heavy as hell," you breathed, trying to steady his weight against you before walking slowly towards the nurse.
you made the walk to the nurse but by the time you made it, connor had woken up, "don't take me to the nurse, please," he whispered, "what are you talking about?" you exclaimed, "you clearly aren't okay and you don't look okay either," you added on.
he steered the two of you to the family bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit, "clean me up here, i really don't want to be questioned right now," he said, nothing cocky or playful in his voice. you sat him on the toilet, bending down to clean his face first, "hey, is everything okay....you know at home?" you asked.
he laughed, shaking his head, "these injuries aren't from my guardians if that's what you're wondering. i kinda got into a fight last night," you stared at him confused, "did you lose or something? these injuries look horrible," you replied.
"course i did, just took a nasty beating before i won," he said as he flinched at the rubbing alcohol hitting his arm. you muttered a sorry as you put a band-aid on a few of his cuts, "listen, i wanted to say sorry for acting like a prick," connor muttered a few minutes later.
you were taken back by his apology, "i knew i was being an ass but please don't take this as me joking but you're actually the best thing that's happened to me since i transferred," you remained silent, not knowing to respond as you put the last band-aid on his knee.
"and if i could have a second chance, that would be super dope, ya know?" he tried to say without sounding nervous, "you better not be joking, kent," you threatened, putting your finger on his chest and shoving him a bit.
connor flinched back in pain as you muttered a sorry, "i'm not joking, i'd really like to take you out for coffee sometime," he asked as he grabbed your hand and gave it a kiss. you agreed as you responded with a kiss on his cheek, "also, i had this lying around my room and figured you'd like it more than i would," he dug into his backpack and gave you a magazine.
your eyes widen seeing what it was. it was the magazine that superboy first appeared in and you had analyzed a few signatures of his to know that it was his signature on the front, "did superboy sign this?" you practically tried to contain your excitement as you ran your finger over the sharpie.
connor nodded, "i met him one time after he saved a few people in metropolis last year and got him to sign the magazine. i figured since you like hm a lot more than i do, you'd take care of it better than i would," overwhelmed with excitement, you grabbed connor by the neck and kissed him.
connor was taken back by the sudden kiss but awkwardly responded with another kiss as you held the magazine close to your chest, "i can't thank you enough for this connor," you whispered, your lips still on his a bit. he chuckled, "just meet me at the coffee shop near the school and that'll suffice," he replied, giving you another kiss before slowly getting up.
"now lets get to our second period before we get marked truant again," he grabbed your hand and held it as softly as possible, "you know how much shit our friends are gonna give us, right?" you said, laughing a bit. connor nodded, "nothing we can't handle," he replied as he squeezed your hand in reassurance.
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crimeronan · 3 years
Ok so I’m into the dreamer trilogy and haven’t read the Raven cycle...what is Declan’s characterisation/journey there?
also declan’s TRC storyline is like. equal parts horribly fucking sad and unbelievably fucking hilarious so. i will try to strike a Balance
FIRST OFF.  there is exactly one (1) declan POV chapter in the entire series. it happens toward the end of the last book. up until then, everything we know about him comes from the observations and narration of others.
he is also a very minor character.  his importance grows throughout the series, but almost all of his actions happen offscreen.  it’s not until the last book that we know exactly how much he’s been dealing with the whole time.
when he’s introduced in the first book, he appears as a plot device.  here is a two-dimensional horrible controlling hardass who doesn’t give a shit about anything but his future political career.  look at his fake, smug fucking grin.  how did someone like ronan end up with a brother like him??  doesn’t matter.  it’s a convenient excuse for ronan to live with his best friend in a drafty warehouse, which means more room for YA hijinks!
declan’s introduction scene is Embroiled in Capital-D Douchebaggery. according to the narration (from gansey and adam), he loves to fuck women and then never call them back, cozy up to powerful people, and bitch about how ronan’s ruining his life by being sad about their dead parents.  SOME people can just get over their dead parents, ronan!
this intro scene is also Extremely Funny i 100% recommend reading it even if u don’t read the actual series.  ronan makes a nasty comment, declan goes “why are you the way that you are” and tries to salvage his date, gansey utters the phrase “man whore”
then later that night things go like. actually bad.
declan shows up at the same pizza place where ronan is with his friends.  this scene is gansey pov.  gansey runs out to the parking lot to find the two of them Very Literally Trying To Kill Each Other.  you don’t see that violence in cdth - there’s only the TINIEST shadow of it when declan confronts ronan over matthew - so i Cannot Express Enough that someone is going to end up hospitalized at BEST. ronan’s already slammed declan’s head on the car, declan’s already grabbed ronan and beaten the shit out of his face, like.
you do not get good old-fashioned Declan Lynch At His Actual Worst in cdth. u might be thinking, THAT guy???? doing THIS????
oh yeah. things are real bad between declan and ronan.
after gansey breaks up the fight (and gets punched in the face for his trouble, albeit accidentally), declan tells ronan that their dad would be fucking ashamed to see him now & that he’s washing his hands of it & basically if ronan wants to go off and fucking die, he can.
this is like. just a couple months after the magical suicide attempt referenced in cdth
in the aftermath of that scene it becomes clear that ronan absolutely unequivocally 100% will kill himself if he has to live with declan. hence. why he’s living with gansey instead.  gansey spends that whole night petrified that the declan altercation will lead to another attempt, and for Good Reason
so like, that’s how we first meet declan. he’s an uncaring wannabe corporate asshole who does not give a fuck and who only exists to exacerbate ronan’s mental health issues.
but then the opening of book 2 gets real interesting.
book 2 is where we start learning more about the lynch family.  we learn that ronan’s father was a dreamer who sold his creations on the black market, we learn that that’s why he was murdered. we learn that ronan’s a dreamer too. we learn that there are very powerful people looking for the greywaren, an artifact that takes objects from dreams. those powerful people just don’t realize it’s a person, yet.
so here’s the assassin who killed niall lynch.
he goes to declan’s dorm.
with everything we know about declan, the kid should be completely unprepared.  he can box, but the assassin knows that, so there’s no real advantage.  he’s alone, and he doesn’t have an escape route.
declan pulls out a gun.
this is an unexpected turn of events.
unfortunately he ends up getting beaten half to death with the butt of said gun, because he loses the ensuing physical struggle for the weapon.  the assassin is like, i need the greywaren.  declan is like, i know it exists but i don’t know what it is.  i’ll find it for you.  i’ll get it to you.  then you’ll leave me the fuck alone
now with everything we know of declan at this point - his attitude toward ronan, his general demeanor, and this new knowledge that he knew about the black market - there’s one obvious question.
will declan sell ronan out if he finds out about the dreaming.
and like, okay. their relationship is antagonistic in cdth but it is NOT what it is in trc. believe me when i tell you that at that point, when you’re reading, you can pretty reasonably go, “oh, god.  oh god.  oh god please no one ever tell declan what the greywaren is.  oh god.”
declan has some other interactions with ronan and the gang throughout the book, mostly where he’s just a hardass who tells ronan to stop causing trouble.  adam’s the only one who notices that declan is scared.  like bone-deep shaking to the core petrified.  about Something.
probably getting beaten to within an inch of his life by the man who murdered his father.  that’s the reasonable reader conclusion.
so imagine how everything changes when you find out that declan already knows.  that declan’s known about ronan’s dreaming for longer than ronan has.  that declan knew exactly what and who the greywaren was, and he lied to a man who was ready to torture him for information, and he got away with it.
suddenly a lot of things recontextualize.
“keep your head down and stop making trouble”? people are gonna NOTICE your magic bullshit, ronan, we do not have time for this!
“stop hanging with that loser druggie friend of yours”? you mean the loser druggie friend who sells on the magic black market and doesn’t care about protecting himself or anyone else?
“i got super weird for no reason about ronan sleeping close to adam”? i don’t have fucking TIME to be homophobic i’m busy with your POTENTIAL TO MANIFEST NIGHT TERRORS IN FRONT OF WITNESSES IN BROAD DAYLIGHT
“i’ll find out what the greywaren is and bring it to you”? i’ll die. i’m making a bargain to die. i’m never giving you the greywaren and i know you’re going to kill me about it and that’s fine as long as my brothers are safe
ronan doesn’t know that he dreamed matthew.  declan knows.  he’s known the whole time.  declan tells ronan in book 3.  and then things recontextualize even further, because ronan’s death is also matthew’s, and matthew IS close to declan in trc.
but declan never tells the goddamn truth unless it’s his last option.  he doesn’t tell ronan that he knows about the dreaming and he doesn’t tell ronan what specifically wants to hurt him and the lack of communication fucking destroys both of them.
in the last book, ronan realizes declan loves him.
more than that, he realizes declan’s loved him the whole time.
this is when declan finally tells the truth.  things are getting bad, plot-wise, and declan is scared, so he comes clean.  he tells ronan that niall specifically tasked declan with protecting ronan from the market.  he begs ronan to run from the danger.  “let’s pour gasoline on everything dad left and start over.”
this is also when ronan realizes that declan’s childhood was very different from ronan’s own.  and that niall and aurora lynch were not the same people to declan that they were to ronan.  and that their father’s decisions are what’s driven the wedge between him and declan all this time
(he’s still struggling with the cognitive dissonance of this in cdth. i don’t think he knows how to adjust his perception of declan to fit this new information.)
aaaaand the final scene with declan makes me cry every time i read it so instead of summarizing, here’s the important part:
Ronan delivered a sharp tap to the object, and a small cloud of fiery orbs sprayed up with a sparkling hiss.
“Jesus, Ronan!” Declan jerked his chin away.
“Please. Did you think I’d blow your face off?”
He demonstrated it again, that quick tap, that burst of brilliant orbs. He tipped it into Declan’s hand, and before Declan could say anything, jabbed it to activate it once more.
Orbs gasped up into the air. For a moment, he saw how his brother was caught inside them, watching them soar furiously around his face, each gold sun firing gold and white, and when he saw the spacious longing in Declan’s face, he realized how much Declan had missed by growing up neither dreamer nor dreamt. This had never been his home. The Lynches had never tried to make it Declan’s home.
“Declan?” Ronan asked.
Declan’s face cleared. “This is the most useful thing you’ve ever dreamt. You should name it.”
“I have. ORBMASTER. All caps.”
“Technically you’re the orbmaster though, right? And that’s just an orb.”
“Anyone who holds it becomes an ORBMASTER. You’re an ORBMASTER right now. There, keep it, put it in your pocket. D.C. ORBMASTER.”
Declan reached out and scuffed Ronan’s shaved head. “You’re such a little asshole.”
The last time they’d stood on this roof together, their parents had both been alive, and the cattle in these fields had been slowly grazing, and the world had been a smaller place. That time was gone, but for once, it was all right.
The brothers both looked back over the place that had made them, and then they climbed down from the roof together.
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realcube · 3 years
their team reacts to seeing them with hickeys/back scratches 💫
characters: kageyama, akaashi & kita
tw// fem! reader, sexual references, swearing, blood 
kita tw// mentions of daddy kink, punishment, overstimulation - MINORS DNI 
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thank you anon for the request 💗
Tobio Kageyama
he was on tanaka��s team for game amongst karasuno and he watched his senpai take off his shirt and wave it around after they scored another point
but instead of putting the shirt back on, he kept it off bc he was too lazy to go get it since he threw it to the other side of the gym
then noya took his shirt off too bc he was sweating buckets 
but kageyama wasn’t really sure why they had their shirts off so he felt the need to ask
‘why aren’t you putting your shirt back on?’
noya was just kinda like ‘who are you, my mom?’ but tanaka gave him a straight answer which was ‘it helps with ✨ aerodynamics✨’
kageyama isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed so he doesn’t even know what aerodynamics are
but then he watched tanaka make a killer spike and he was sold 
shirt = off
aerodynamics = thriving (?)
sets = awesome
back scratches = exposed 😳
hotel = trivago 
tsukishima was the first one to notice ofc as he was positioned right behind kageyama 
he didn’t say anything tho bc yamaguchi was on the opposite team so he just had to snicker to himself
hinata was like ‘what’s so funny, stinkyshima?!’ bc he automatically assumed that tsukishima was laughing at him lol
but then he followed tsukki’s gaze and leaned back to look at kageyama’s back too
‘yeesh, man. you should probably put some aloe vera on that or something, it could get infected.’
AIUWRAFHBE ok ok hinata isn’t completely oblivious to the connotations of back scratches but he’d never think in a million years that kageyama would get laid so he kinda subconsciously ruled that possibilty out-
kageyama quirked a brow, ‘what?’
‘your back! it’s all mangled.’ 
then noya and tanaka ran over and fkn BURST OUT LAUGHING 
at this point, all of kageyama’s team was surrounding him while the other team waited patiently for them to serve
but after a while, it was clear that they weren’t gonna do that so suga - who was on the opposing team - strolled over to see what they were all laughing about
and when he saw it- bitch- he went red 
a cool mom so he probably made a suggestive remark as he walks away
it eventually got to the point where everyone in the gym was crowded around kageyama and for ease, i’ll categorize their reactions:
laughing their ass off  ➵ tsukishima, tanaka, nishinoya, coach ukai & yamaguchi
concerned and confused  ➵ yachi, takeda, hinata & narita 
a blushing mess  ➵ asahi, kinoshita & sugawara
unfazed 😐  ➵ kiyoko & daichi 
LIVID  ➵ kageyama
kageyama could literally break his neck and walk into practise with a neck brace and no one would bat an eye but now that he has scratches on his back, suddenly everyone is so concerned about his wellbeing? where with this energy that time he said that hinata gave him a concussion?
to be fair, he didn’t have a concussion- also, he forgot the word so he told suga that hinata gave him a ‘conclusion’
daichi agreed, trying to usher everyone back to their spot on the court, ‘yeah, it’s no big deal, guys. let’s get back to practise.’
everyone slowly made their way back to where they were previously but since tanaka and noya were still on kageyama’s team, they continued to pry 
tanaka flung his arm around kageyama’s shoulders, ‘so how’d you get those scratches, big boy?’ 
an ungodly laugh left noya’s mouth
kageyama shrugged, ‘(y/n), i think.’
the whole gym room went silent before erupting in choruses of laughter once again
kageyama was truly the idiot that didn’t understand the implications of the back scratches - so you can imagine that he was frustrated when everyone started laughing again
‘what’s so funny?’ but then, he recalled the events which he was pretty certain were the reason for the marks on his back......it was pretty funny
you insisted on giving kageyama a back massage after a long day of practise so he took his shirt off and let you go for it 
for the record, he really loved it :)) he was just so happy sitting there between your thighs as you sat on the couch and rubbed his back, loosening all the knots he didn’t even know he had
but then he got a lil’ inch on his back and was like ‘can you get that for me?’ since your hands were already on his shoulders/back
ofc you said yes and started lightly scratching the spot he desired, but being extra careful bc you just got you nails done in the stiletto shape and the last thing you wanted to do was puncture his back lol
‘harder..’ kageyama muttered so low that you almost didn’t hear him
you obliged, pressing a bit harder 
‘harder.’ he insisted once more
again, you served by digging your nails in a bit deeper
‘no, kags. i’ll literally pierce your skin if i press any harde--’ 
‘harder!’ he barked (for a joke) and you jumped from fright, instinctively pushing in more and increasing the pace of your hand
at this point, you were rigorously clawing at his back, on the verge of drawing blood which you could tell by his skin’s newfound crimson pigment 
kageyama took it upon himself to lean backwards onto your nails to force you to go rougher as you had yet to ease his itch 
then you let out a high-pitched scream so naturally, kageyama jerked away then peered over his shoulder to make sure you hadn’t like..died
‘what?!’ he asked, eyes filled with worry
‘blood!’ you yelled, pointing at his back before sprinting to the kitchen to get a tissue 
kageyama’s gaze followed you until you were out of sight, then he lightly touched his back around the parts you were scratching and once he pulled his hand away, he noticed the blood which was now on his fingers
the concerning part was that he didn’t even feel it tbh 🤔
anyway tanaka and noya probably coo ‘oooh~ lovebirds~’ when you come pick him up from practise
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Keiji Akaashi
bokuto heard some ppl whispering about akaashi & (y/n) in the changing room so he turned around to take a look at his friend then he noticed the scratch marks on his poor friends’ back
‘AKAASHI!! DID YOU GET MAULED BY A BEAR?!?!’ he screamed, grabbing the attention of everyone in the changing room and those who weren’t whispering about akaashi before, were definitely doing so now
akaashi smiled softly and shook his head, hastily throwing on his shirt and buttoning it up as he spoke, ‘no, bokuto-san.’
bokuto quirked a brow, wondering what could’ve possibly happened before his jaw dropped to the ground
‘is it ‘cause i patted your back a bit hard earlier?!?!?’
akaashi didn’t even bother to question how bokuto could think that a slap on the spine could lead to scratch marks and instead just replied normally, ‘no.’
bokuto was stumped once again- why else would his buddy have marks on his back? and why was (y/n) such a prominent name floating around in this changing room? doesn’t everyone know that she is taken by bokuto’s best-bro akaashi?
bokuto’s jaw hung open once again as his soul left his body through an overdramatic gasp, before leaning in and whispering in akaashi’s ear, ‘wait- don’t tell me- you and (y/n)-’
akaashi’s cheeks tinted red slightly so he turned his head away while he pulled on his blazer, ‘no.’
bokuto let out a light sigh of relief, gently patting his pal’s back, ‘ah, good. but then, where did those marks come from?’
before akaashi even got the opportunity to open his mouth to respond, komi and konoha passed the pair, konoha patting akaashi’s shoulder and komi shot him a toothy grin accompanied by a thumbs-up, ‘get some, akaashi.’
then they walked off, konoha mubbling something about his chances with (y/n) being ruined 
this left both bokuto and akaashi extremely confused
once all traces of komi and konoha were gone, akaashi proceeded to explain himself
‘backne is a horrible thing.’ he murmured, grabbing his satchel, slinging it over his shoulder before strolling out the changing room. ‘i’ll wait for you outside.’
and bokuto just stood there like (。_。) ‘what’s backne?’
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Shinsuke Kita
atsumu had invited the whole squad back to inarizaki for one last game before coach kurosu’s retirement 
after ages of arrangement, the whole team were able to make an appearance at the game - whether that be for 10 minutes or the whole thing
kita was able to stay for the whole thing
he was currently warming-up while chatting with aran before he was approached by atsumu, who was as lively as ever
‘mister rice farmer! it’s good to see you again!’ he sung, tossing his arm around kita’s shoulder and patting it in a friendly manner, ‘how’s life been treating ya?’
kita and atsumu somehow managed to make small-talk as if they hadn’t been apart for the last 6 years
‘me and my girlfriend have only been together for 6 months but i think i’m ready to settle down.’ atsumu mused, tapping his elbow before realising that he had been talking about himself for a while, ‘but anyway, i see that you and (y/n) are still going strong. haven’t y’all been together since the first year of highschool? that’s impressive! when are you gonna wife her up?’ 
kita perked up upon hearing that, ‘uh, yes. but how do you know that?’
atsumu couldn’t help but smirk, casually running a hand through his hair before motioning to the hickey on kita’s neck which was on semi-display, ‘right there, bud.’
kita looked down but unfortunately, his neck didn’t bend enough to see what atsumu was referring to 
‘also,’ atsumu chuckled, slightly embarrassed about what he was going to admit ‘i saw the pic of her you put on your facebook.’
‘ah, okay.’ that one kita could understand
atsumu was about to open this mouth to say something but then the shrieking noise of the coach kurosu’s whistle rang through the gym room, indicating the start of the match
the game went surprisingly smooth tbh 
minimal fights :o
but kita did get teased quite a lot smh 
anyway, after everything was all said and done and everyone started to filter out the gym, kita rushed to the bathroom to check himself in the mirror and see what atsumu was referring to on his neck
once he took a look at himself, he frowned
just as he thought, a hickey - that’s embarrassing
it was clear you made an effort to place hickeys in areas that would be hidden though as the bruise was barely peeking out from under the collar of his jersey, atsumu just has a rather keen eye 
however, that wasn’t going to stop kita from pounding you dry when he gets home - as a punishment ofc 
kita was about to leave but he couldn’t help but stay and stare at himself in the mirror for a bit longer, recalling last night as he wondered at what point you bit those onto his neck
was it during the 2nd round? or the foreplay? or perhaps the 4th round? wait- no- definitely during aftercare cuddles!..or actually, maybe the 1st round?
in all honesty, he couldn’t remember 
to him the whole night was a blur of pounding into you relentlessly, overstimulation, pleads for mercy, tears, passionate kisses and praise
with a sprinkle of daddy kink but let’s not talk about that
oh, and not to forget the way you’d call out his name just as you were about to reach your orgasm 
or your sweet, lewd whines that echoed through the room when he thrashes against your sensitive spot 
and don’t get him started on the cute little nicknames you have for him that squeal out through moans, like ‘daddy’, ‘master’, ‘sir’ etc 
kita snapped out of his fantasies, letting out a sigh and about to exit the bathroom- until he noticed himself in the mirror out of the corner of his eye
he was hard
smh smh smh 
now he was stuck between a rock and a hard place
(literally 🤠)
he could either potentially embarrass himself or cause an accident by walking to his car and driving home with a throbbing boner
or he could call you to help him jerk off in a bathroom stall
so he took a seat in one of the stalls - for the sake of the ppl he might run over if he did otherwise  
he rung you up and thankfully, you picked up and you weren’t feeling bratty enough to deny him the help he needed so badly
although it wasn’t a very pleasurable experience since he was constantly on hyper-alert just in case the janitor walked in, at least he got a lot of nostalgia from it :))
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turtle-babe83 · 3 years
I’d like to write some head cannons about sexual experiences. I’d like to know the strangest place each of the boys “got busy” with the girlfriend. Like an odd place, horrible timing, getting caught by someone or whatever. Even something funny that happened during their sexual journey. Perhaps a position that didn’t go well or something they tried that was a complete no go...
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Embarrassing sexcapades for our boys? @tmntspidergirl, challenge accepted. Let’s do one story for each. 😈 (Btw, being funny irl and writing funny shit are not exclusive to one another. This is my first attempt at writing humor so bare with me. 😩)
Warning: Some language, NSFW 18+ only
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He’s such a dom. The man can’t help it. He likes control, needs to be in charge, absolutely craves the submission. Except.....that one time his girlfriend begged him to let her be in control. How could he deny her when she was giving him THAT look and promising such naughty things? And that was the prelude to the most humiliating night of his life.
So that’s how he found his naked self lying spread eagle, tied down to his bed, while his girlfriend placed a silky blindfold over his eyes. At first, he tensed up. She had basically yeeted him right out of his comfort zone. She began with a leisurely exploration of his body, using her lips, teeth, and tongue. Those little nips and licks were making his heart melt and his cock hard. When she finally gave his member the attention he was seeking, he thought to himself that maybe he should give her the reins more often.
Now being such a control freak, Leo could keep his moans and groans nearly soundless. What he never anticipated was his sweet, loving girlfriend deciding to try wax play without learning anything about it first. He went from the wet warmth of her mouth, to burning candle wax dripping down his length. The scream that ripped from his throat was high pitched and full of pain and regret.
“Motherfucking son of a bitch ass cunt!!!”
His girlfriend panicked and started yelling for help. Suddenly, his bedroom door busted open and Donnie and Mikey pushed through, weapons drawn, to find their eldest brother, their leader, Mr. Honor Boy himself, strapped to his own bed, cock blood red and covered in drying wax. The only sound in the room was uneven breaths, till Mikey pulled out his phone.....click. 💙
One summer night, the team had split up for patrol, and Raph was out covering his area when he saw a woman being followed. She was attractive, albeit a bit older than him. He kept his eye on her stalker, waiting for the right moment to strike. He did his heroic duty and stopped the mugging just as it began. The grateful victim had taken one look at the big brute and thrown herself into his arms. She begged him to escort her to her apartment, and once there, she invited him in.
After offering him a drink that he downed rather quickly, she offered further thanks in form of a blow job. Having never experienced one, Raph eagerly agreed. She struggled to get her mouth around his girth but finally got a good rhythm going. Raph’s brain just checked out at this point. Ohshitohshitohshit......Raph.exe has stopped working. Within a couple of minutes of watching her head bob, he was just too excited and felt himself starting to cum too fast to give any warning. The poor woman began choking on the amount shooting out of his massive dick and panicked, he pulled out abruptly, painfully raking the underside on her bottom row of teeth. Unfortunately, that just caused jizz to shoot up her nose and splash into her eyes. Raph had no idea what to do so he started thumping her on the back while she coughed and gagged. Grabbing a throw blanket off the back of her couch, he tried to wipe her face but she just shoved him off.
Raph stood there rather sheepishly, limp dick still dripping, rubbing the back of his neck. “Ah, ya alright?” When she didn’t respond, he tried again, “So, uh, can I see y-“
“Get. Out.”
“Yeah, okay.” ♥️
It actually wasn’t too hard securing a girlfriend for this energetic ball of sunshine and pizza grease. A few weeks into the relationship, she began hinting that she was ready to take things to the next level. Heavy make out sessions evolved into dry humping and wandering hands. Eventually, they both agreed they were ready to take the final step.
Mikey showed up at her apartment, looking cool and confident, but feeling hella nervous. She had picked up their usual from their favorite Mexican restaurant. They parked themselves in front of the tv and chowed down on beefy bean burritos with extra jalapeños, a big bowl of queso, and chili relleno. Mikey loves to eat but his nerves had him overeating for comfort. They finished dinner and started a second movie, which is when things took a decidedly more heated turn. Their kisses grew more urgent and hands grabbed and squeezed. Articles of clothing were soon scattered around the floor.
As his girlfriend laid back on the couch and opened her legs in invitation, Mikey felt the first rumbly gurgle in his gut. No way in hell was he stopping now, so he lined himself up at her entrance and pushed in. Overwhelmed at how good it felt, he only hesitated for a moment before he was rutting into her with everything he had. Unfortunately, that was also the moment his digestive system protested his spicy, bean filled meal.
Every thrust was punctuated by a loud, obnoxious fart. Once he got started, he couldn’t stop. Her gasps and moans turned into coughs and “Dear god, Michelangelo” as the foul odor permeated the room. “I’m (fart) so (fart) sorry!” It didn’t take but a few minutes for him to reach his climax, but the pleasure was short lived as a cramp seized his stomach. He jumped up and ran for the bathroom as she managed to get herself over to the window, opening it and sticking her head out for fresh air.
Luckily for him, she half blamed herself for getting Mexican food in the first place. He did make it up to her.....once he could finally leave the toilet. 🧡
Being a nerdy genius had its benefits....like attracting the attention of a pretty grad student. After bonding over espresso and microbiology, Donnie jumped at the chance to check out the labs at her university. They snuck in just after midnight, once Don had disarmed the alarm and turned off the security cameras. He should have been more observant when she met up with him wearing a tight top and a short skirt, but he was so excited to check out the lab equipment, he failed to realize that he was being set up for seduction.
The door to the laboratory was no problem for his lock picking skills and they were inside in no time. Donnie’s mouth gaped at all the microscopes and beakers. He perused the posters on the walls, the books, the equipment, everything but the woman who was waiting impatiently for him to examine her more closely. When it became apparent that he had no clue what she was really about, she decided to take drastic measures. Pulling her shirt over her head, she tossed it over the microscope he was peering through. Frowning, he pulled back just in time for her bra to land next. Donnie froze, eyes wide, brain working overtime to access the situation. Suddenly, the details he had pushed aside as unimportant came to the forefront: her attire, the way she had been brushing by and touching him over and over, the flirty way she batted her eyes when he was nerding out over the Centrifuge 5910 R. Holy fuck.
Oh boy, what should he do? This was unexpected but not necessarily unwelcome. He swallowed thickly, and turned to face her just as her skirt came flying up and slapped him in the face. He cleared his throat and tried to give a seductive smile, which came out looking a bit strained. There she stood, in nothing but a tiny scrap of a thong, crooking her finger at the tall terrapin. Wiping his suddenly sweaty palms on his cargo pants, he took a deep breath and a step.....and promptly tripped over his own feet. Timber! The bigger they are, the harder they fall. He managed to plant his hands in the floor before his face met tile but the force the landing knocked his glasses off his face and they went skittering across the floor. He crawled under a lab table, squinting his eyes and cursing his large feet. Sweeping his hand back and forth, he finally found his glasses and put them back on. Hoping to salvage the moment, he tried to sit up quickly and bashed his head on the underside of the desk. Everything went fuzzy and then black. When he came to, he opened his eyes to a perky set of breasts dangling over his face and a soft cooing voice. Maybe the night wasn’t a complete disaster after all. 💜
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withluvgen · 3 years
Just Friends
Suna Rintarou X Reader 
After overhearing Suna and the others talk about his feelings for Y/N, she’s hoping that they’d be more than just friends. But things aren’t always easy are they?
Warnings: ANGST! Language.
WC: 1915
A/N: It has been so long since I posted something but I finally found the time to finish this! Anyway, here’s more angst I guess??
Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are appreciated!!  💖
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The thought of transferring to a different school was absolutely a horrible idea. You dreaded even thinking about it, but it wasn’t your choice to begin with. Your father landed a promotion which meant a relocation to Hyogo. You hated the thought of leaving Tokyo, you had to leave everything behind and adjust to a whole new environment. It worried you, just what type of students were you going to meet there?
Being a transfer student meant you had to at least spend an entire year in any club the school has, and luckily for you the volleyball team was looking for a new manager. That’s where you met the other second years of the team. From the moment you met the trio that was the Miya twins and Suna, you knew that maybe transferring to Inarizaki wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
No, it wasn’t a bad idea...it was a terrible one. How were you supposed to know that you’d develop feelings for the middle blocker? Of course he appeared emotionless and often stirred a little drama or chaos with the twins, but underneath all that was a sweet and caring Suna Rintarou that you had the chance to know on an entirely different level. You easily became close friends with him and much to everyone’s surprise he let down all his walls for you. Atsumu would often tease the two of you but Suna would just brush it off as you two just being friends. FRIENDS. That was all you two were. Or maybe there was still some hope for you…
“Oi, Suna.” Atsumu says as he places the net where it should be. Suna only hums in response before the setter continues. “Ya sure ya don’t like y/n? We all see the way ya look at her ya know.”
“No.” Suna responds bluntly. His back facing the door, not seeing your figure hiding behind it. You bit your lower lip at his response, but you were used to it at this point. He always just ends up saying that you were just a friend to him. 
“Ya sure about that? I mean ya spend a lot of time with her and you treat her differently than all the other girls who want yer attention.” Osamu says as he sets the pole down. 
“Yeah. I don’t like her like that. We’re friends. We’re just friends.”
“Who are ya trying to convince us or yourself?” Osamu teases.
“Shut up.” 
“So if ya say yer just friends then it’ll be fine for ya if someone else asked her out?” Atsumu asked, glancing over at his twin who was leaning by the volleyball poles that he just returned. Suna sighs before he opens his mouth again to speak. 
“Honestly, I wouldn't care.” He answers but Atsumu didn’t miss the way Suna’s jaw clenched at the thought of someone else dating you.
“I don’t believe ya! Just be honest with us for once! We’re your best bros!” Atsumu exclaims. 
“Okay fine, you want me to be honest? Then sure I’ll be honest. But never say that again. It’s…”
“Disgusting? Cringey? Absolutely stupid?” Osamu chimes in before he notices you standing by the door. Atsumu brushes his twin off and urges the middle blocker to continue.
“I’ll admit that I...I think… I may have feelings for someone.” Suna says as he shoves his hands in his shorts. Something he usually did that you thought was cute.You were about to leave when Atsumu opens the door wide, revealing you from your hiding spot.
“Ya heard all that, Y/N?” Atsumu teases as pulls you inside.
“Oh...I...uh… no? Maybe?” You were panicking internally, trying to think of an excuse after being caught eavesdropping. “Okay, look, I just wanted to check if everything was back where they should be but it looked like you boys were having a serious conversation. I didn’t want to intrude.” 
“How much of that did you hear?” Suna asks, eyeing your clearly flustered appearance. 
“Only the last part.” You lie. “I didn’t know you were capable of actually liking someone, Rin.” 
“Oh but y/n, what if it’s you that he likes?” Atsumu teases again, earning a glare from both Suna and Osamu. You give out a fake laugh as a response. 
“Highly unlikely. He’s the one who always says that we’re just friends.” you turn to leave the room with the rest of the boys in tow. Unbeknownst to the group, Suna was relieved that you didn’t find out about his feelings. You did deserve a proper confession after all.
A week has passed since that day, and Suna has been acting like nothing happened. To be fair, he does think that you didn’t hear much of their conversation. He still acted the same towards you. Always bringing you your favorite drink for lunch. Always walking you home after practice since you did live a few streets away from each other. You didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, but he always stayed to hang out in your place for a while before he went home. It was nice having him around, you thought. 
If only he would confess his feelings, and you’d do the same. Wait what was stopping you from telling him how you feel? After hearing him almost admit to liking you, you had a chance. Right? 
You both were hanging out by the gym for lunch. He brought you your favorite drink as per usual, and you brought some of his favorite snacks with you. You were used to this dynamic of yours by now. He’d pick you up from your shared classroom with Osamu, to take you elsewhere to eat lunch with him without the twins bothering you. There were already rumours circulating the school about the two of you dating, but Suna always dismissed them saying how you were just friends. 
There it was again. That word you’re starting to hate so much now. But despite being just friends, you enjoyed being with him like this. It was moments like this where you can see how he’s being his authentic self. 
 “Hey so you remember the other day in the gym?” Suna starts as he takes a sip from your drink. You pout at him but he just looks away. “When you heard me say that I like someone?”
“Yeah, I do. It was a little vague but I don’t want to pry.” You say staring at the grass on the ground. Heat rising in your cheeks as you feel your heart beating in your chest. Was he about to confess?
“I know. About that...I’ve been thinking this through and I just didn’t want to say anything until I was absolutely sure about how I felt.” He was nervous. Oh god why was he nervous, now you’re feeling nervous. Was he really about to tell you how he feels? 
“Go on, Rin. You can tell me.” You encourage him a bit.
“I know that. It’s just that I don’t want to ruin things between us, but I think I like y-” He stopped talking to take a deep breath before he continued. “I think I like Yui.” 
“Oh Rin, I like y-” you stop yourself at the realization of what he said. You felt your heart drop to your stomach, or was that just your heart breaking? You just couldn’t tell anymore. “Did you just say, Yui? As in Yui, the girl from your class who called me a bitch the first time I met her because she thought I was flirting with Samu?” 
“Yeah. That Yui.” Suna says bashfully. It was uncharacteristic of him to be like this, and yet even with your heart breaking at the revelation, you still found him adorable. God what was wrong with you?
And as if the gods knew how you were feeling the school bell rang alerting you both that lunch break was over. Without a word you got up and went straight to your classroom with Suna. As soon as you got back to your seat next to the gray-haired twin, he noticed how somber you looked. 
“Ya okay?” Osamu asks as he offers you a piece of candy. 
“No.” You answer as you lay your head down on your desk. 
“Well, if ya want to talk about it I’m here.” He says as he reaches for your hand to give it a light squeeze. 
“Thanks, ‘Samu.” You look over at him and notice how he was still holding your hand. He lets go as soon as your eyes land on his, causing a light tint of pink to appear on his cheeks. 
“Sorry. ’bout that.” He apologizes before motioning for you to speak, but before you could say anything your teacher comes in. 
You didn’t have the chance to talk to Samu during classes, and you honestly didn’t feel like talking to anyone at this point. You did just get your heart ripped out. But unfortunately it was time for club activities, which meant having to go to the gym and facing the very reason of your heart being ripped out. 
Before you could even dart out of the classroom, Samu held your wrist and pulled you towards the clubroom. You tried to protest, but it was no use because of how tight his grip was. 
“Okay, talk.” Samu says, looking down at you. “You’ve been out of it since Lunch. Did something happen with Suna?”
With the mention of his name you felt the tears you’ve been trying hard to suppress all afternoon threaten to spill. You took a deep breath before explaining to Samu what happened. Instantly he had his arms around you as he pulled you into his chest, running a hand across your back trying to soothe you.
After lunch Suna made his way back to his class, slumping at his desk. Why didn’t he just admit how he feels? Why did he chicken out? He felt so stupid. He knew he hurt you, the look on your face after he said that he liked Yui said everything. 
What was he even thinking? He didn’t even like Yui as a friend so how could he ever have romantic feelings for her? He just panicked at the moment, thinking that you wouldn’t feel the same way and that he’ll lose you in his life. Suna knew he fucked up and he had to make this right with you. He had to apologize and tell you how he really feels. As soon as the bell rings he’s going to run to the clubroom and confess his feelings for you. 
Big mistake. This was all a big mistake. As soon as he rounds the corner to the clubroom, he sees you wrapped in Samu’s arms. He stopped in his tracks and hid behind the wall before either of you saw him. Was this what Atsumu meant when he asked if it was alright if someone else asked you out? His best friend and the girl he was in love with, together. Was this how you felt when he said he liked Yui? 
Suna didn’t know what to feel. His heart was tightening in his chest as he took a peek at you and Samu again. He definitely fucked up. If only he just admitted his feelings instead of constantly denying them. If only he just said that he didn’t want to be just friends. 
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Hope you liked this. Thanks for reading! 
I would really appreciate it if you’d reblog this! 
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