#headless tech
narolainfotechus · 1 month
Modern E-Commerce Platforms with Headless Technology
Ecommerce technology, like all technology, eventually becomes obsolete. As user behavior changes, ecommerce platform design must change drastically. Platform limitations limit traditional online stores. Due to these limitations, headless technology has emerged to solve our problems.
Headless technology in ecommerce overcomes all of our challenges and offers innovative solutions.
This blog post will go into great detail about headless technology and show you how it can help companies provide unmatched customer experiences. We'll also look at its core elements, the convincing benefits it has over rigid e-commerce platforms, and the creative businesses that are already utilizing it to stay ahead of the curve.
What is Headless Technology?
Back-end (product data, orders, etc.) and front-end (store design and layout) are tightly linked in traditional ecommerce platforms. This restricts flexibility because changing one often requires changing the other.
The components are separated in headless ecommerce. Essential ecommerce functions remain in your back-end. You can build the front-end using any technology because it's independent. The front-end and back-end communicate through APIs to exchange data smoothly.
Key Components of Headless Architecture Ecommerce
The main elements of a headless architecture are broken down here.
APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)
The foundation for front-end-back-end communication. APIs retrieve product data, process orders, and update inventory.
Backend Systems
Headless gives you flexibility in choosing your store's core systems:
Ecommerce Platform: Choose WooCommerce, Opencart, Shopify Plus, Magento, BigCommerce, or others for headless product catalogs, order management, and essential ecommerce features.
Content Management System (CMS): Utilize platforms such as WordPress, Contentful, or Strapi to effortlessly integrate rich media into your store or manage blog content and articles.
Product Information Management (PIM): specialized systems for managing and centralizing complex product data, such as Plytix or Akeneo; especially useful for multi-channel selling or large catalogs.
Other Systems: As needed, additional features like payment gateways, personalization engines, and search solutions can be integrated.
Frontend Frameworks
Tools for creating your store's customer-facing section:
React, Vue.js, Angular: Popular frameworks for JavaScript that make it easier to create dynamic, fast-loading, and highly configurable storefronts.
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): capable of employing web technologies to provide experiences that largely mimic native mobile applications.
Benefits of Headless Technology in Ecommerce
Every invention benefits the relevant industry in a number of ways. Another example of this is headless technology. The benefits it provides to the e-commerce industry are discussed in this section.
Unmatched Customization
With so many ecommerce brands in every industry, you must stand out. Traditional platforms' rigid templates and design constraints prevent it.
These limitations disappear with headless technology. An exquisite, eye-catching online store that perfectly captures your brand is entirely within your control.
React, Vue.js, and other web technologies can assist you in developing user interfaces that draw users in and fully immerse them in your brand.
That will help you create a distinctive identity and set your brand apart from the competitors in e-commerce.
Speed & Performance
As was already mentioned, APIs are used by headless technology to enable frontend and backend communication. Data interchange therefore occurs far more quickly than internal communication on older, monolithic e-commerce platforms.
This results in extremely fast page loads, quick product searches, and a fluid and responsive shopping experience.
Rapidly loading e-commerce websites also satisfy customers. If a page takes too long, customers will visit the websites of your competitors rather than yours.
This high speed also has the benefit of facilitating conversions and even having an effect on search engine rankings, since search engines like Google give preference to websites that provide a positive user experience.
As such, you find yourself in a win-win scenario!
Omnichannel Excellence
Headless technology lets you create a seamless multichannel shopping experience. To reach customers everywhere, connect your core ecommerce backend to websites, mobile apps, social media marketplaces, and in-store kiosks.
This omnichannel approach involves centralizing your product catalog, inventory, and orders from a single hub.
This streamlined efficiency lets you provide a consistent brand experience and accurate, up-to-date information regardless of how a customer interacts with your business.
Agility & Innovation
Headless tech lets you quickly improve your ecommerce presence. Without reworking the back-end, you can quickly test new front-end features, designs, and technologies.
By doing this, you can stay ahead of the competition and react swiftly to changing consumer preferences. Furthermore, you can build a genuinely optimized setup that promotes growth and continuous improvement if you have the freedom to choose the best technology for every component of your e-commerce stack, including search, CMS, personalization tools, etc.
You can easily scale with a headless tech stack to handle even unforeseen spikes in demand. You can scale your front-end resources independently to handle the surge of traffic during flash sales, holiday rushes, or viral social media moments.
This indicates that back-end limitations will no longer cause website crashes or slowdowns. This will guarantee a flawless shopping experience even when the websites of all other competitors are having technical difficulties.
Future-proof your e-commerce presence with Headless. Headless technology makes it possible to upgrade your e-commerce platform, move to a new payment processor, or implement an inventive content management system.
Your customer-facing storefront can be seamlessly updated without a rebuild. This safeguards your design investment, lowers migration costs, and minimizes customer disruption. This lets your company adapt to changing technologies and market demands.
Real-World Examples of Headless Tech
Don't believe us. Below are some examples of how big brands have adopted headless tech for ecommerce platforms.
Their complex ecommerce system uses headless architecture for global flexibility. This lets them customize designs, promotions, and payment methods for different regions while maintaining a centralised product information and order processing system. This maintains brand consistency worldwide despite regional customization.
The technology helps Nike create a consistent, engaging, and educational omnichannel customer experience across their platforms and mobile apps like Nike Run Club.
Headless gives this fitness apparel brand an app-like mobile shopping experience that appeals to young, tech-savvy customers. They seamlessly integrate workout tips, lifestyle articles, and social media elements with their products for a highly engaging and cohesive experience.
The headless Gymshark stack includes Shopify, Contentful, React, AWS, and Algolia.
Target's headless ecommerce platform lets them quickly test new features, promotional pages, and seasonal storefront designs without disrupting their inventory and checkout backend systems. This makes them flexible and trend-responsive.
Headless commerce has helped Target increase website conversions by providing a consistent multichannel experience across devices. Target found that nearly 80% of customers start and finish their purchases on different devices.
This multinational behemoth in consumer goods uses headless to power the websites of a wide range of its brands. They accomplish efficiency but also give each brand the freedom to design a front-end that perfectly fits its distinct identity and target market by sharing a customer data backend and product catalog.
Utilizing any of the recommended programming languages, Unilever can deliver an omnichannel content API first with GraphCMS, a relatively new headless CMS.
The mattress company has revolutionized the often confusing mattress buying process by utilizing headless technology to offer a simplified, highly visual online shopping experience. Their success in upending the conventional mattress market has been largely attributed to their emphasis on providing a clear and simple product presentation and streamlining the decision-making process.
Casper provides specialized features and integrations by utilizing the headless commerce platform of Shopify Plus.
Headless Technology Implementation with Narola Infotech
Making the switch to a headless e-commerce architecture can completely change your company. Narola Infotech is prepared to accompany you on this journey, understanding the complexities involved.
Deep knowledge of headless development and a dedication to comprehending your particular requirements characterize our team.
Get in touch with us right now to find out how we can support you in creating an e-commerce experience that will last into the future.
Read more: How Headless Technology Future-Proofs Online Stores for Ecommerce Owners
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chasedbybuildings · 3 months
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Westone Quantum X850 headless bass. Matsumoku, Japan, 1985.
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tup-ika-5385 · 11 months
Taking a nervous breath, Tup approached the hangar bay, gearbag slung over his shoulder, all packed for his new mission. Recently, Captain Rex recommended him as a potential ARC candidate, which had him nearly vibrating in excitement. However, he didn’t have as much experience as some of the other applicants, so he’s been assigned a mission, a trial run of sorts, to see how he’d do fighting alongside someone outside the 501st. All this to explain Tup’s anxious anticipation as he approached the Omicron-class shuttle currently parked in the Resolute’s main hangar.
Chapter 2 Summary:
After some stakeout bonding time between the Bad Batch and Tup, tensions rise when one member goes missing.
Chapter 2:
“So, Tech,” Tup asked, breaking the awkward silence that had settled since Hunter left a few minutes ago. “How do you guys typically organize in a standard attack formation? Most configurations I know start with five troopers, so I’m just trying to figure out where I should slot in if this comes down to a firefight.” He wisely didn’t ask about why they were a group of four, or even if they were from the same batch; he figured it’d be a touchy subject.
Wrecker interrupted with a laugh. “Ha, standard formation! Dunno if you noticed, but we’re not very standard ourselves!” He chuckled.
Rolling his eyes good-naturedly, Tup sent Wrecker a grin; the larger trooper reminded him a little bit of Hardcase. If he were here, they would’ve gotten along like a ship on fire.
Adjusting his goggles, Tech nodded at Wrecker’s statement. “Wrecker is correct; as a Commando squadron, our attack formations vary significantly from standard. Instead, we use a series of plans, numbered one through 99, having memorized our positions and responses… well, most of us, that is.”
At this, Wrecker gave a sheepish grin. “Was never really much for studying; but if I’ve done it once, I can do it again pretty easily, so Hunter’ll usually just say “Like that time on Felucia” or something. That, or I can just smash ‘em to pieces!” 
Tup nodded in understanding, making sure to keep an eye on their objective, “Makes sense. One of my brothers in the 501st is like that. Sometimes he has trouble paying attention during our mission briefings, so the Captain would usually send him a quick written comm afterwards, summarizing the main objectives. He’s saved my life more than a few times. A good vod, quick on his feet.” 
Wrecker grinned, “Sounds like my kind of Reg!”
“I’ve been meaning to ask, what is a “reg”?” Tup tilted his head questioningly. Earlier when Crosshair had called him that, he’d been sure he meant it as an insult, but he wasn’t getting the same vibe from Wrecker now.
“Means regular clone, ya know, without modifications and stuff.” Wrecker explained, shrugging.
Tup stifled a laugh, not wanting to come off as rude. “Heh. Most brothers I know would be hard-pressed to call anyone in the 501st regular.”  
“How come?” Wrecker asked.
Tup shrugged, “Probably partially because of our General. Skywalker’s a bit of a loose canon, compared to most jedi, and a lot of the larger battalions kinda imitate the styles of their generals. Plus, Captain Rex is always looking for free-thinkers when he recruits on Kamino, which gets us a pretty interesting mix of vode.” 
Humming in understanding, Tech spoke up. “Perhaps that is why Commander Cody suggested a joint mission. We don’t usually associate with other battalions, but GAR command has been looking to… adjust the leadership structures associated with Commando squads recently. It’s likely that he thought we’d have more luck finding cohesion with less… regular regs.” He considered, thinking to himself.
Giving another shrug, Tup looked back out the window. The Bad Batch was a little rough around the edges, but given what he’d seen so far, he wouldn’t mind working with them again. The group fell into silence again, this time a little more comfortably. Wrecker had taken’s Hunter’s place as the second lookout, aided somewhat by the infrared setting on his prosthetic eye, so Tup spent a few minutes listening to Tech as he explained a few of their more basic plans, sending them to Tup’s comm in case they became relevant.
Peering through his scopes again, Tup let out an excited noise. “There’s a lothcat!”
‘What? Where?!” Wrecker asked, sharing his excitement.
“Over there, on the edge of the supply field!”
Looking through his own pair of scopes, Wrecker grinned. “Aww, look at the little guy, takin’ a nap in the sun! Kinda looks like Crosshair on our mission to Ord Cestus.” 
Tup chuckled at the mental image, noticing the black and white coloring and permanent grumpy expression on its sleeping face.
All of a sudden, Tech’s comm chirped, like Crosshair had been summoned. Tech answered it with a look of confusion. “This is Tech, what’s your status, Crosshair?”
Crosshair’s gruff voice sounded annoyed as he asked, “When’s Hunter going to get his lazy shebs over here? I’ve been waiting for nearly 20 minutes.” 
Like a switch had been flipped, Tech’s form straightened nearly hard enough to snap. Tapping intently at his datapad, he scanned the security footage for his brother. “Hunter left right after we called you. He should have been there fifteen minutes ago.”
“Maybe he got lost?” Wrecker suggested, looking nervous.
Tech shook his head, “Unlikely. Hunter’s modifications give him awareness of a planet’s magnetic poles, meaning he is always aware of his cardinal directions.” 
“Well, let’s go looking for him!” Wrecker said, standing up, barely remembering his flimsy civvie disguise. The rest of the group quickly followed. Crosshair met them in the middle, taking the lead; without Hunter, his enhanced vision made him the best tracker they had. 
“There’s signs of a scuffle, here.” He pointed out disturbed dirt, noticing two pretty clear imprints where Hunter’s hands had been pressed into the ground, but they looked different, intentional. 
“Tech. What’s that symbol mean?” He asked their resident genius. Outside of ARC sign, Hunter and Tech had come up with their own shorthand for various status updates, and that’s likely what Hunter was trying to communicate when he got taken.
Tech leaned closer, adjusting his goggles to get a better look. “This one means ‘Enemy off radar,’ and this one… ‘Extreme caution, pursue objective at a distance.’” Of the three of them, Tech was usually the best at keeping his cool in stressful situations, Wrecker and Crosshair could be loose-cannons, but his forehead creased in worry as he tried to decipher the message. 
“Enemy off-radar? What’s that supposed to mean?” Tup asked, and Crosshair shrugged.
With a sudden intake of air, Tech had a realization. “He didn’t sense them coming." Tech's hands gestured wildly as he explained, becoming more animated. "Hunter’s enhancements grant him an awareness of everything within a kilometer of his surroundings, sometimes more. Sneaking up on him should not have been possible without some sort of experimental technology. Perhaps that’s how the medical supplies keep getting stolen!” 
“What about the second one then?” Crosshair asked, expression terse. 
“Well, objective could mean our mission objective, to discover who has been stealing the medical supplies. Hunter being taken implies that we were likely being watched, and if I am correct…” Tech paused, taking out his datapad again to look at the camera feed of the hangar where the supplies should be. “As I suspected, our opponent utilized our distraction to escape with the supplies once again.”
Wrecker let out a grunt of frustration, slamming a fist into a nearby wall. “So all this was for nothin’?”
“Hardly,” Tech said, glancing furtively around the alleyway. “But before I can say more, we should head back to the Marauder. It’s not far from here.”
Back at the Havoc Marauder, the Bad Batch plus Tup gathered around the holo-table. 
“Alright, what was so important that we had to wait until we were at the ship?” Crosshair griped, jaw tight with worry. 
“I just need to check the Marauder’s surveillance systems to confirm my hypothesis.” Tech said, not pausing to talk. After a moment, he made an affirmative noise before turning back to the rest of the group.
“I had noticed, when looking at the feed of the missing supplies, a strange anomaly that wasn’t visible before, that disappeared during the time that Hunter went missing. Using the Marauder’s systems, I was able to pinpoint the time the anomaly first started, as well as a general location. Using this information, as well as that from the locators Crosshair tagged the supplies approximately six hours ago, I was able to determine a likely location for Hunter. Thankfully, it appears they were not monitoring us when we first arrived, so only some of them were detected,” Tech said, adjusting his goggles.
“Locators?” Tup asked at the same time that Wrecker asked, “How do ya’ know that Hunter’s going to be there?” 
“The second symbol,” Tech brought up a holopic of the signs Hunter had left in the dirt. “‘Extreme Caution; Pursue objective at a distance.’ Hunter obviously had reason to believe that his pursuers were the ones who had taken the supplies, and that our methods to locate them would aid in our efforts to find him. I am a little concerned about this first part, though… especially given Hunter’s likely location.”
“Well, where is he, already?” Wrecker groaned. 
“Given what we know, this is the most likely location. Three of the trackers were likely discovered and removed in-transit, but the last one continued here.” He pointed to their map.
Crosshair jutted his chin proudly with a smirk, glad to finally have an objective. “They always stop looking after three.”
“Indeed,” Tech nodded. “However, I’m not able to pull up any surveillance camera for Hunter’s location, and from what I can tell, the warehouse has some unusual modifications, almost like it’s prepared for an incursion.”
“Let’s go then. We’ve wasted enough time.” Crosshair slid his rifle out from behind him, nearly out the door before Tup spoke. 
“Crosshair, wait. We have no idea what we’re up against. We should at least try and do some recon first.”
Crosshair’s nails dug into his palms; body screaming for action. They needed to save Hunter now! And instead of going where they were needed, he had to stand around and explain his reasoning to some stupid reg? The idea of anyone other than Hunter giving him orders already made Crosshair vehemently angry, let alone a kriffing adiik they’d only met a day ago!
Standing in the doorway to the main cabin of the marauder, Tup’s sympathetic tone felt like a patronizing slap in the face. “Crosshair, I know you want to help Hunter, but we need to make a plan. We can’t just go charging in there. You heard what Tech said; we have no idea what we’re walking into; it’d be jareor. Suicide.”
He pushed past Tup with more force than necessary, glaring ice-cold daggers at him. “If you disagree with it, shove off and go back to the 501st. We don’t need you dragging us down.” He snapped bitterly, smacking away Tup’s careful hand. 
Tup straightened defensively, refusing to take this lying down. Crosshair could get his whole team killed if they went in blindly. “Whether you need me or not, it doesn’t change the fact that I’m here, and I’m here to help. So if you’ve got a problem, di’kut, don’t take it out on me!”
Softer, he continued. “We’ll get Hunter back, but not like this… we’ll do some surveillance, maybe even call reinforcements, if we need them.”
Turning back around, Crosshair’s shoulders were tight as a cord as he adjusted the toothpick in his mouth, voice hardening to hide the shard of helplessness in his chest. “And why shouldn’t I take it out on you?” He asked casually. “Because it’ll hurt your feelings? Because it’s not fair? Because you think you’re worth something, you ARC wannabe?”
He faced Tup now, shoving him as he spat out a toothpick, broken in his anger. “Let me tell you something, reg ,” he sneered. “You and your opinions aren’t worth a kriff . You think you’re an individual? That you’ve got something to contribute? We’re clones, products, replaceable to the last gene; Even our squad, Clone Force 99, could be wiped clean on a whim if it suited the GAR. To anyone outside of this room, Hunter’s as good as worthless, just like the rest of us, and I’m not waiting for nat-borns to sift through their kriff while he bleeds out in some cell!” 
Crosshair knew better than to hope for reinforcements; Clone Force 99 was on their own, just like they always were. One friendly reg wasn’t going to change that.
As Crosshair hissed the word “product,” images of Umbara came up in Tup’s mind. Sense memory came unbidden, and something inside Tup snapped. “You think I don’t already know that?!” 
“I-If any of us were worth something, battles like Teth, Kamino, Umbara wouldn’t have turned into complete FUBAR’s, and my batcher wouldn’t still wake up screaming, thinking he’d been taken away for doing the right thing! I figured all that out long before you got here, but getting yourself killed isn’t going to help Hunter!” 
He refused to let his eyes tear up like they wanted to, focusing on his anger rather than the crushing helplessness he always felt when a brother was taken from him. 
A small warning bell went off in Crosshair’s mind, alerting him to the fact that he’d overstepped. He wanted to ignore it, kriff he really did, but at some point during their argument, Tup’s hair had come undone and seeing another flash of brokenness in a face so similar to Hunter’s was something he couldn’t do, not right now.
So with a put-upon sigh, Crosshair extended an olive branch in the only way he knew how. He turned to Tup, no longer angry and attacking, and asked, “What did you have in mind?”
Chapter 1 Link: Here
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automationqa · 6 months
🌐🔍 Unlocking the World of Headless Browser Testing: Delve into the 'What,' 'Why,' and 'How' of this transformative approach! 🚀💻
Uncover the secrets to seamless testing in our latest video.
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Unleashing the Power of Headless Commerce: The Rise of Headless Magento Stores
In the fast-paced world of ecommerce, delivering seamless, personalized, and engaging customer experiences is paramount. Traditional monolithic ecommerce platforms often struggle to meet the evolving demands of modern shoppers. This has given rise to a new approach known as headless commerce, which offers unparalleled flexibility, scalability, and customization possibilities. In this blog post, we explore the concept of headless commerce and dive into the world of Headless Magento stores, showcasing how this architecture empowers businesses to create truly exceptional ecommerce experiences.
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kodytechnolab · 2 years
Offering a truly omnichannel shopping experience is a trend but does your traditional commerce can allow you to embrace it fully? NO! There will always be hassle and conflicts between the frontend and backend of your app.
Solution? Headless commerce!
It is comparatively new but much more effective to be available on the media your customers are and offers the experience they expect. 
Get the insight scoop of how headless backs up omnichannel in our latest blog.
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euphoriacafe · 2 months
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Happy Easter everyone! I hope everyone has a good day!
Reblogging, Liking, commenting, and follow is welcomed but never a necessity. 🫶🏻
Captain Rex x F!Reader
Short but in the feels - bitter sweet - Fluffy Angst.
inspired song: Atlantis - Seafret
The war was over…you should be happy—no more of your landing getting destroyed— but you weren’t happy…not when he was still out there and you haven’t heard anything. The Jedi have fallen and there was talks about the rebels trying to restore the peace.
What if his luck actually ran of out time and it finally happened.
Maybe it was just your mind playing tricks on you.
You tried to convince yourself that it wasn’t true until saw it for yourself that the galaxy itself was on fire running like headless chicken.
It’s been almost two years now that the Empire continued to get worse…it felt as if everyone was under slavery. You were spending months crying…filled with emptiness from being away and believing that maybe…just maybe Rex was dead.
You joined the Rebels to join the fight… you were doing it for Rex and almost prayed each time that the fight would take you out.
Dark thoughts clouded your mind.
Yet, here you were on the ship in charge of a few rebels who were helping escort a few civilians and picking up same spice. You waited with the ship since you had to make some repairs anyways.
You sat in the cockpit of the ship waiting for your crew to return back and so far it was an easy mission but you were left to your own thoughts.
After what seemed like hours, you looked out the window of the ship and saw your crew returning back. You opened the ramp on the side of the ship and walked out of the cockpit to the ramp.
“Took you long enough.” You called out looking down at your holopad to check off a list- you avoided eye contact.
“Well it would’ve took even longer if we weren’t saved by this rouge clones.” One of the rebels spoke up causing you to pause for a second looking up to see four black clone looking armor bd a small kid.
“Do I even bother asking…” you said as you rested a hand on your hip looking at them.
“It’s a long story but they stuck their necks out for us and Cid trusts them so.” Another rebel said as they landed the items onto the ship. You looked at the clones and felt your heart ache once more.
“What’s your names?” You called out from the ramp looking at them in the eyes.
“My name is Hunter- this is Tech, Wrecker, Omega, and Echo.” Hunter spoke pointing at each person as he introduced them and himself.
“Well thank you for saving my crew… troopers.” You spoke softly as you looked down and felt as if time was becoming slower and the atmosphere was tense.
As you turned around to walk away suddenly a familiar voice called out your name.
You paused.
Was it?
Could it be?
You heard the person call your name once more causing you to turn around…your mind was playing tricks? Right?
“Mesh’la…” he spoke.
It was him… it was Rex.
You felt as if your knees would buckle if you moved so you stayed frozen in place. Rex removed his hood and called out your name once again as he walked closer— his pace getting quicker.
He rushed through the bad batch causing you to finally move from your spot to run into his arms.
“It’s really you!” You shouted letting your voice break into a call as you wrapped your arms around his neck and him wrapping his arms around your waist.
“You’re still alive - you made it- I- oh my- Rex!” You stuttered happily as you felt your heart beat against your chest and your skin becoming hot by his touch.
Rex smiled and held you tighter.
“Mesh’la. I’m so happy to see you.” Rex let a few tears escape his eyes as he held you tightly.
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blueiskewl · 8 months
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The Aztec Death Whistle ‘The Most Terrifying Sound in the World’
For those who want to celebrate Halloween like it’s 1399: Scientists are sending shivers down the internet’s collective spine by recreating an ancient “Aztec Death Whistle” that’s said to emit the “most terrifying sound in the world.”
The macabre kazoo is detailed in a new video produced by the Action Lab, a group of proud internet nerds who specialize in mind-bending experiments.
“The sound that the death whistle makes innately strikes fear into your heart,” intones presenter James J. Orgill in the clip while holding a 3D-printed version of the instrument.
The Brigham Young University engineering grad then plays an audio clip of the scream machine, which evokes a bloodcurdling, bansheelike shriek resembling a sound effect from a haunted house attraction. (We dare you not to jump!)
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Orgill points out that this is not a “human scream” but rather the sound emitted by the replica of a skull-shaped artifact originally discovered in Mexico City in 1999 by archaeologists.
It was reportedly found clutched in the hand of a headless skeleton in a temple dedicated to the wind god Ehecatl — one of many sites where the Aztecs conducted human sacrifices.
Initially thinking it was a toy, per Orgill, scientists didn’t blow into it until 15 years later, whereupon it emitted a terrifying sound.
“‘It was a startling discovery because it sounded like a screaming human,” said the burgeoning YouTube star, who dubbed it the “most terrifying sound in the world.”
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The Aztecs were able to create this nightmarish noise by modeling the death whistle after the human larynx.
When the user blows into the instrument, the wind divides in two, producing oscillating sound waves that bounce around a large chamber before leaving via a second hole.
While the purpose of the instrument remains unclear, experts have several theories, with some believing this fright flute was used to scare enemies in battle.
Others postulate that the whistle was a defense talisman used to ward off evil spirits during a sacrificial victim’s journey to the afterlife.
In order to resurrect this symphony of screams for our listening “pleasure,” Orgill blew into different Tim Burton-esque whistles that were 3D-printed by US tech firm HeyGears.
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All told, they made the raptor larynx from “Jurassic Park” sound like a kazoo.
No 3D printer, no problem: Interested parties can buy their death whistles on Amazon, which offers duplicates made of materials ranging from resin to carbon fiber.
Many advertise how closely their decibels match that of the most bone-chilling human screams.
By Ben Cost.
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venbetta · 9 months
I'm not sure if anyone's ever thought about this or has made a post about it, but I figured I'd add my own two cents if someone did talk about this.
// Ruin spoilers ahead
mostly about Freddy
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So, seeing that headless Freddy has prototype written on the bottom of his foot, it's suggested or even theorized that our Freddy (the one we're with in SB) was a prototype this entire time.
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Of course, like many others, I was very skeptical and in denial about the idea because why the hell would that be a thing? How is he a prototype? It wasn't there on his foot in the base game, so why this sudden change?
I kinda hated it, and as a way to cope, I theorized that maybe it wasn't the same Freddy and FazEnt just replaced him with another copy and then abandoned him... don't ask me how that particular Freddy became headless either. Also I was wobbling between the "True Ending" being the Canon one, I was back and forth and just trying to figure out what would've made sense.
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My logic for the True Ending being canon was, maybe Freddy and Gregory both got out (alongside Vanessa) with glamdaddy intact, and they're just living life. Meanwhile, Faz Ent just made a new Freddy while fixing the plex but gave up and left everything to rot. Of course I know now that makes no sense or explains why/how the 2nd Freddy lost his head, but it's what I came up with. The PQ Ending is technically canon... so that was a waste of a braincell, hah...
Since fnaf has the tendency to rewrite/add things to the story, I think our Glamrock Freddy being a prototype is something I've accepted. Now, there are a few things I thought of that might add to the idea of him being a prototype (not confirmed but more speculative).
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He's a high-tech, sentient AI robot, he can clearly experience human emotion (like the other glamrocks) and has decent mobility. What most likely seperates him from the other glams is the fact that he experiences existentialism. I know we don't see much from the other glams, what they think of their current situation (not even from Roxy in Ruin), they aren't fully aware of what they are or what they're doing (as far as we know). Their programming is focused on being entertainers and birthdays.
I'm not gonna say that the other glams aren't able to express deeper thoughts, but I think this is where I might be stretching this idea just a bit.
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If you're going to make AI bots who can adapt and be flexible with their environment, there's gotta be some kind of limit of what they can say/think/do. Freddy is the prime example of not having that limitation since we see/hear him express concern about not being the only Glamrock Freddy that's walking around:
"Have I always been a Freddy? Am I Monty with a different shell? What if I am not the first Glamrock Freddy? ... Do we all feel the same? Am I special? If I am mass-produced, am I still art?" (Endo Warehouse)
This motherfucker literally commits arson:
"You sure collected a lot of toys! Perhaps we can do something to stop whatever is going on here." (Fire escape Ending)
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When he goes to the basement and encounters the blob, he goes on this monologue:
"I know what this is. I have been here before. She brought me here. I found myself for the first time when I cleared the path. I did not want to, but I had no choice. Now I have a choice. I have changed. My friends are here. They are so angry, confused. But I can protect you. I am not me." (True Ending)
He ultimately goes against some of his programming to help a child in need-- even lie to a security guard-- which if he were set to do as he's told, he would've sent Gregory straight to Vanessa, even with Gregory adamantly telling him not to.
If he were programmed to be strict and not break any protocols, he'd would've gotten Gregory killed immediately.
I'm saying this because if we're being realistic (realistic in terms of how we usually program robots and things), there are barriers in what a robot/ai can really say/do that doesn't break its programming. If he's a prototype, Freddy wouldn't have those barriers to stop him from saying/doing most of the things he did in SB. I know there's another factor to him behaving kindly to Gregory and that's him being in safe mode, but even still... you would think he would follow the rules and not let Gregory do certain things and perhaps unintentionally get the boy killed.
I'm going back to the existential crisis Freddy has, because for something that's meant to be an animatronic mascot for kids, you wouldn't want him to make the children around him question the meaning of being alive and sentient. There would have to be some sort of guard against having those kind of thoughts and ideas. It makes Freddy more interesting, especially if he could've been easily replaced with a finalized version of him that did what he was suppose to.
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Also, I know it's probably more widely accepted that either Vanny or Gregory hacked into Freddy, causing his collapse during the opening. With him being a prototype, maybe his systems couldn't handle that type of an advanced hack, unlike the other glams, making him unable to be properly hacked into in the beginning.
Not only that, there are some issues he has with performing, who knows, maybe he's had collapses before. We don't know.
Him being unable to enter the West Arcade:
"When I step onto the West Arcade dance floor I cannot stop myself! It is a programming bug." (West Arcade)
I'm aware him being in safe mode meant he's disconnected from the main network as well keeps him docile. While the "Afton" fight isn't technically canon, with the other upgrades on Freddy, those parts might have made him more susceptible to the virus attack. There's not much evidence pointing to the other glams not being prototypes but seeing how they each have upgrades while Freddy doesn't, that might hint that the others were mostly finalized, meaning their systems were properly functioning (aside from the virus of course).
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Sorry if this was super long, but it's something I thought about and I had to put it in words. Nothing about Glamrock Freddy is normal, like he's not possessed (I use to believe in the glammike theory but I don't anymore eh...), but he's a prototype! He's gonna act all funky because he's not polished yet... and I think that's very interesting and endearing (in an odd way).
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hello you incredible creator and congrats on the 2k followers!! That's kinda mind boggling, but you totally deserve it🥰
I wonder if I might ask a bit of a needy request: I pulled something pretty bad in my back on Friday, and, despite doing everything from cold and hot packs to getting a massage gun, I'm still pretty near cripplesmd from it. But life goes on - still have to work and cook and do all the normal life things.
Could I request the batch and maybe Fives and Wolffe helping a fem reader go through something like that?
All the love ❤️ ❤
So sorry I'm so late with this one, hun! I hope you are doing much better by now! Let me see what the guys can do for you....
The Bad Batch/Wolffe/Fives x Reader HCs - Love And Care
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Fluff/Taking Care Of Hurt Reader
He is very considerate and empathetic, so until you get better, you won't have to do anything on your own. Hunter will take over all of your duties that he can, and possibly divide the rest among his brothers, depending on how busy he is in general at that time.
"You will see a doctor, and I will take you there. After that, you will rest until you are better. If you don't take it easy, I'm sure it will only get worse," he says gently but firmly.
Don't worry, Hunter is organizing everything and has it all under control, so you can sit back and relax and take care of yourself for now. He's calm and collected, and even if your current condition complicates things, that won't discourage him in any way. There is always a way to keep things working, and he'll find one.
Hunter doesn't complain, all he wants is for you to recover, it doesn't matter how long it takes you.
Massages and meals in bed are not uncommon, he spoils you whenever he can.
Oh, dear… Echo scurries around you like a headless chicken at times. If it were up to him, you wouldn't do anything alone anymore. He takes over your duties for the time being. Woe betide you if he catches you doing something in the household!
"Cyare! You should rest!", his voice rumbles sternly through the room.
You flinch, startled. Echo takes the duster from your hand and gives you one of his famous, lovingly stern looks.
"You're quite a handful," he grumbles, rolling his eyes with a gentle shake of his head, "Can't leave you out of my sight for five minutes!"
He shoots you a reproving, stony look, and you fall silent, before you really start your protest.
Echo is stern, very much so when he needs to, especially when he wants you to take time to recover. But he's also thoroughly loving and caring. He doesn't just push you onto the couch or bed. Echo makes sure you have enough entertainment media, books, holo movies and the like at hand. And of course, very important, food and beverage. Echo is a damn good cook, and he'll do it twice as much for you.
He smiles and says, "You will see, if you listen to me, you will be back on track sooner than you think".
Wrecker looks at you scrutinizing, concern in his gaze.
"Are you in pain?"
You think about downplaying it, you don't really want him to worry, but the piercing look he gives you stops you. That look feels like it could instantly debunk any lies.
As if reading your mind, he says, "The truth, please."
"Well…" you begin uncertainly.
His brows go up questioningly.
"Well?" he asks.
When you finally nod and your hand automatically moves to your aching back, his critical gaze collapses and his expression softens, even if you were a stone, that look would cause you to melt.
You smile lopsidedly, and he finally returns the smile.
Softly he says in his deep, heavy voice, "Okay, Mesh'la, you make yourself comfortable, I'll take over the rest of your duties for today and tomorrow I'll accompany you to see a doctor."
He gently but firmly raises a finger and playfully taps your lips.
"No buts. I'll take care of everything today, and tomorrow and the day after if I have to"
"You need to rest"
He won't take no for an answer, not in this case. He examined you himself because he wants to play it safe, as always, and he is determined to force you to recover if he has to.
Tech has everything under control, already included your tasks in his daily routine. It doesn't matter how long you have to take it easy, Tech takes care of everything, including you.
You are always provided with all you need, and of course he likes to keep you informed about what's going on. When he sits down with you, he tells you everything important and, Tech being Tech, a lot more.
"I have everything under control, there is no need to feel uneasy, and a guilty conscience is just as inappropriate, Cyare".
He brought food from the road, cooking is not really his forte, and he just has too many other things to do at the moment. But he sits down and eats with you in the evening, among other things, to make sure you eat something.
He's not the caretaker type. Crosshair is still worried, of course, and tries to relieve you, among other things, by taking over your duties as much as he can and bringing food home, so you don't have to cook.
Other than that, though, he won't coddle you or openly pity you.
"How are you today?"
"Unchanged, so far."
He nods, throws in a holo movie, and orders you some food. His care is rather without comment and far less tender than, say, Echo would do. But you can still rely on him, he won't leave you alone with your pain.
In his own way, he takes the pressure off you and always checks to see how you're doing. With him, you don't have the feeling of being a burden to anyone, Crosshair somehow has a talent for taking away exactly that feeling.
Maybe because he's rather quiet and doesn't express his concern so loudly. Or maybe it's just his quiet closeness and casual way of tossing you a pillow for your back, throwing himself next to you on the sofa, and just pretending you're just having a relaxing movie night. It's probably a little of both.
As cocky as he is sometimes, he doesn't complain.
"The doctor said you need to take it easy. I'm not going to argue with you, just listen to what me and the doctor say".
His piercing gaze is stern on you, his arms crossed in front of his strong chest.
"And don't even start trying to tell me what else you need to take care of, it can either wait or I'll take care of it."
You have no choice but to surrender, no one is more stubborn than Wolffe…. Well, Rex maybe, sometimes.
With a surrendered sigh, you finally give in.
He's built you a camp in your living room, one with a support pillow and blanket, so you can sit back and listen to music or watch holos.
He covers you up and says, "I'm going out again to get some stuff for you, when I come back we'll order some food, you'll stay in your sick bed until then"
Wolffe looks at you, expecting you to confirm his order.
You look up at him and say dryly, "Yes, sir!"
He raises his eyebrows briefly, but then nods and goes on his way. Wolffe may be a little rougher around the edges, but he cares, in his unyielding way.
He is trying to take over your duties, but it is quite possible that this will create more chaos than anything else. Fives provides you with entertainment media, watches movies with you and discusses with you again and again that you should take it easy.
However, when you see the mess he leaves behind, sometimes you can't help but sneak up and do a few things he's only done halfway or not properly.
Fives often catches you doing this and scolds you, gently, but he makes very theatrical gestures, which sometimes just looks hilarious and makes you laugh.
Some days he'll come storming into your apartment with your spare key, exclaiming, "Gotcha!"
Then, as you lie or sit dutifully on your bed, he pauses and his eyes narrow critically.
You say, "Nope"
"You've already done everything, right?"
You smile wryly at him, whereupon he sighs in surrender, throwing his hands in the air theatrically.
"You'll never get better that way!"
Fives is messy but loving, he cares for you, he does his best. He likes to do it with a lot of love and a lot of chaotic energy.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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devilbeez · 14 days
Pls tell me more abt the overlord assistants au 👀
So how about I tell you a little story of how the Quintessence were formed (if you have better name please tell me. I based this off of how the four of them are the classical elements and ‘Quintessence’ is the fifth element and I’m shit at naming)
Disclaimer; this is MY version of the Au, this is not what all HellSerVants au is like just my own version of this au because Stacy Mango Li and other have their own version of this au as well
Let’s started with titular bitchular Vox’s assistant/Eelliot/Peppermint/whatever tf you wanna call him, for simplicity imma called him “Eelliot”. So Eelliot was a regular Joe not much of a power hungry type of guy, man just scrapping by and want someone to care cause his last relationship landed him in hell. He found this guy, a charmer, a flirt, one could say a bad boy other would say a Chaz. They dated and Eelliot was head over heels, want a whole ass life after death with him. But you know how they are, eventually ‘Prince Charming’ cheated and when Eelliot found out the guy laughed. Saying things like “you really thought I would settle for you? A nobody? Ha! I thought you were easy to fool but this is ridiculous!” And something in Eelliot just snapped, his whole life he been the Veronica Sawyer to other’s JD, the Eliza to other’s Hamilton, the Jane Seymour to other’s Henry VIII, why are all these musical couples? Did you expect any less from me? Point is he’s always been the support and people taken advantage of him in relationships. That day he decided he wouldn’t have it anymore and set an example, starting his now headless, lifeless, ex boyfriend.
Meanwhile, Kitty, best girl is going through a Detroit become human arc, she’s a defective, they were gonna destroy her to study where they went wrong. She was supposed to be the most advanced RoboFizz out there, being versatile and adaptable to any job the people want. Something in their programming just make them— more humane I guess, like they feel rage, they feel scared, they can feel or at least imitate feeling and emotions. So obviously when they learn they was going to be torn apart, they run and the factory worker been hunting her down.
How Kitty and Eelliot met: One day, Kitty was running away from the factory worker and bump into Eelliot who at this time have started a company that will soon be a tech&media empire and collected a reasonable amount of souls. They argued for a bit cause 1. How dare she bump into him and 2. Eelliot never saw a robofizz before, much less alone without an owner and when the people trying to take Kitty back, they begin to babble on about how special Kitty’s model is and truth to be told Eelliot was intrigued. So he decided to do some charity work and help Kitty with the offer that she’ll work for him and he’ll protect her. Kitty obviously did not like this, she saw how deals like this ruin sinners lives but she didn’t had a choice. She agreed but she refused to sign any contract or shake his hand. She might be desperate but she’s not dumb. Eelliot liked that in his new business partner, at least he know they won’t be dead on arrival when he put them to work.
While Kitty and Eelliot make names for themselves, slowly but surely on the other side of the Pentagram city we have we Travis, doing everything he can to get his work off the ground, lie, cheat, bribe, he done it all. The people in his life always underestimated and belittled his scripts writing skill and now it is his turn to show the fuckers who’s the king of film. He became a small time overlord, climbing up the rank just like Kitty and Eelliot.
How Travis, Eelliot and Kitty form a trio: The three met occasionally at the overlords meeting, Travis immediately did not like Eelliot’s whole facade. He doesn’t believe anyone could be an overlord with such— pleasant demeanor? He seem so harmless and yet this guy is slowly becoming the same level as HIM? This gotta be a joke. Then there was Kitty a goddamn machine collecting human’s soul. The duo confused and frustrated Travis a little, though he HAVE to admit they were kind of an eye candy. One day, out of nowhere Eelliot offer him partnership, to much of Kitty’s dismay. Travis denied at first because his ego is too high, why tf would he need anyone help? He doesn’t need one before. That is until Eelliot offer him everything and more, building this vision of what could be to him and Travis was sold. If this goes south he could at least maybe get the benefits before he leave and attempt to get Eelliot or Kitty into bed for a night
And just like that the group was form. Eelliot, the leader, King of Media who work in the shadow rather than putting all the spotlight on him. Kitty, Monarch of Tech, using their robotic knowledge to use and create the most advanced technology hell had ever seen. And Travis, King of the Porn Industry, his script might be bad but he work his workers to the bone to get the degenerates off, one could say game recognizes games.
But there was one member missing. Melissa. She came way later in the time line, it being 2000’s something and she just freshly died and already caused a commotion in the city. Some sinner wanted to take her home but she was a quick learner and an observer, she can tell citizens of hell, these “sinners” have power so they must get it from some where. She cornered a random, weak looking sinner and forced them to tell her everything she needs to know about hell. Just a few weeks she was able to learn how to use her newfound power, creating poison flowers and vines to fend off anyone who crosses her.
How Melissa joined: Melissa intrigued Eelliot, a sinner, freshly dead and already have this much control of her power? He’d rather have her working with him than against him. He goes to Melissa, offering a deal for her soul and Melissa denied, how dumb did he think she is? Eelliot immediately intrigued by her even, so he throws out the soul deal offer try to get her to join the team saying “smart little one like you deserve much higher position than those idiots who sell their souls” Melissa insisted on fuck no, so Eelliot leave her a business card After a few days Melissa think about it and figured it’s better to have a place to stay and if anything happens she could try and fight, overestimating herself and show up at Assistant’s door step.
And with Melissa, The Poison Rose of Fashion added to the group, the Quintessence complete.
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narolainfotechus · 1 month
The Power of Headless Technology in E-commerce
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Staying ahead of the competition is key to success for any ecommerce business. One of the revolutionary technologies that can propel your online store to new heights is "headless technology." In this blog post, we'll dive into what headless technology is, why it's beneficial for decision-makers like you, and how it can boost conversions and leads for your ecommerce platform.
What is Headless Technology?
First things first, let's demystify what headless technology means. In traditional ecommerce setups, the front end (the part visible to users) and the back end (where the data processing happens) are tightly coupled. This means any changes or updates to the front end often require modifications to the back end, leading to potential bottlenecks and limitations.
Headless technology takes a different approach. It decouples the front end from the back end, allowing for more flexibility and agility in managing your online store. In simpler terms, it separates the presentation layer (the "head") from the content management and logic (the "body"), hence the term "headless."
Why is Headless Technology Beneficial?
Now that we understand the basics, let's explore why headless technology is a game-changer for e-commerce decision-makers like you:
Flexibility: With headless architecture, you have the freedom to design and customize the front end independently of the back end. This means you can create unique user experiences without being limited by backend constraints.
Speed and Performance: By separating the front end and back end, headless technology can lead to faster loading times and improved performance. This is crucial for keeping users engaged and reducing bounce rates.
Omnichannel Capabilities: In today's omnichannel world, where customers interact with brands across multiple devices and platforms, headless technology allows you to deliver a seamless experience across all touchpoints.
Scalability: As your ecommerce business grows, headless architecture scales effortlessly, ensuring that your website can handle increased traffic and transactions without compromising on user experience.
How Headless Technology Boosts Conversions and Leads
Now, let's discuss the real benefits of headless technology for your e-commerce bottom line:
Personalized User Experience: With the flexibility of headless architecture, you can tailor the user experience based on customer behavior, preferences, and demographics. This personalization can significantly increase conversions by delivering relevant content and offers.
Faster Checkout Process: Headless technology enables streamlined checkout processes, reducing friction and cart abandonment rates. A smooth checkout experience translates to more completed purchases and increased revenue.
Integration with Third-Party Tools: Headless architecture seamlessly integrates with various third-party tools and services, such as CRM systems, marketing automation platforms, and analytics tools. This integration enhances your ability to track customer interactions, analyze data, and optimize marketing strategies for better lead generation.
Adaptability to Emerging Technologies: As new technologies and trends emerge, headless architecture provides the agility to adopt these innovations swiftly. Whether it's voice commerce, augmented reality shopping experiences, or IoT integrations, headless technology future-proofs your ecommerce business.
In conclusion, embracing headless technology can be a game-changer for ecommerce businesses looking to stay competitive, enhance user experiences, and drive conversions and leads. By leveraging the flexibility, speed, and scalability of headless architecture, you can unlock new growth opportunities and delight your customers at every touchpoint.
If you're ready to take your ecommerce platform to the next level, consider integrating headless technology into your strategy. The benefits are clear, and the potential for growth is limitless. Get ahead with headless, and watch your online store thrive!
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pixlokita · 10 months
wait, huh, i never noticed that printed on his paw. then.. whys he missing his head?
i mean, hes in the right area for the vanny endings where he got attacked, isnt he? he got thrown to the lower level of fazer blast in the vanny endings? and in one of them (save vanny) were literally shown a disconnected freddy head.
also, he does have an unopened gift box in his chest - im guessing a fazwatch, since im pretty sure its the same colors as the gift box our freddy had with the fazwatch in his stomach hatch. which feels like an interesting touch to add? maybe every freddy has it, but like i said earlier why would a prototype freddy be there in the first place? and if it IS our freddy like i first thought, shouldnt the gift box be opened?
freddy described it as a “novelty fazwatch”, and novelty can apparently be used to describe a cheap toy, so maybe freddys keep these on them to give to kids, but that still doesnt explain why the prototype is headless if thats not our freddy. i highly doubt hed be running all that well (both tech wise and literal running lol) if his head just got torn off in the rubble, and steel wool has been pretty consistent in acknowledging the damage animatronics suffer affecting their movement (specifically chica walks and runs like its awkward to move after being crushed, and monty drags himself across the floor). but this freddy basically hones in on us, despite assumedly being unable to see (roxy doesnt hone in on us in her decommission boss fight unless we make noise), and he moves around fine as though his system is entirely fine. it feels so odd.
i forgot to mention. your emo proto freddy cracks me up i love him. teen mike going forward in time.. a fascinating, humorous switcheroo lol
Yeah I didn’t really think too deep about it but this is all interesting TTwTT my small brain just thought heheh he has prototype written on his foot like woody in Toy Story had Andy’s name written on his shoe, must be a different Freddy! lmao but yes to all of this I was wondering if the head was missing to confuse us :0 there were soooo many wires sticking out of it tho like I don’t think the head made it out unscathed if it was ripped like that and most stuff was left connected to the body
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a-feller · 10 months
When reading a book, watching a show or a movie, or even experiencing real life, I often find, when a major character or important person dies, I mourn, not so much the person but more their loved ones, the great bond lost and the incredible damage done to them. Over time, almost subconciously I have grown to value a great bond of love, lust, friendship, romance, great platonic love, or that weird sixth thing two inseperable stray cats have, almost as much as human knowledge, something I greatly revere. This is most prominent in fantasy worlds, where for certain there is some haven beyond the barrier of death, where a person and their knowledge can go to live in harmony after whatever happened to them. Yet leaving their loved ones behind for years to come, perhaps forever. Maybe it is more amplified in the real world, or universes like the star wars one and my belief of real life, where there is no life after death. Just nothing. All bonds severed by death's scythe in one fell swoop.
I will list an example for every book/tv show/movie I can. Spoilers ahead for: The Bad Batch, The Scythe series by Neal Shusterman, Harry Potter, Trials Of Apollo, The Six of Crows duology, The Lord of The Rings
The death of Tech, a clone from the bad batch. His close, paternal bond with Omega, shattered as he sacrificed himself before her eyes, the unrequited mutual love with the pirate lady whom he promised he would come back safely and of course the rest of the bad batch, now a gaping hole within their group.
The death of Tiger, the Best friend of Rowan in the scythe series, slain by people he was played by and his body contorted into a new one for Rowan's greatest enemy. Their friendship gone and spited by the monstosity created from his headless corpse.
The death of Sirius Black and the huge damage it did to Harry and Remus Lupin. Harry losing his first ever loving paternal figure he can remember and Lupin losing a dear best friend (or more considering what half of you post about)
The death of Jason Grace. Killed slowing down an unkillable enemy to save his friends and close-ex-lover Piper McLean, leaving behind at least a dozen dear friends who fought, battle after battle together, almost dying time and time again, only for him to fall far away, after it was meant to be over. And specifically Nico Di Angelo who as anyone who read the book will know had a priceless, unique friendship with him that simply could not be created with another.
The death of Matthias Hevlar, just beggining to fit in with the people around them and his romantic relationship just springing up with Nina, those bonds once again shattered, and the last thing he asked for was a kiss (hold up just gonna go cry for a second).
Edit: The edit is here for the smoothness of the post. I cannot believe I forgot. The very ones who inspired me to make this post in the first place. David and Genya from the Grishaverse and the King Of Scars duology. Another romantic one I'm aware however they had just had a wonderful ceremony, a proper marriage at last. And then David left to go do something and the city was attacked by bomber planes. He wasn't seen throughout the following fight until Genya noticed his absence at the end. They later pulled his body out of the rubble. Some ink Genya was fussing over still there. Queue the funeral, Genya, in private afterwards reads from his notebooks containing all the little things he picked up on that make her happy (hair, skin etc). I am genuinely tearing up just thinking about it. David was also a leader and a role model to the other Grisha, especially other fabrikators. Close friends with Nikolai and Zoya. All of these bonds gone.
The leaving of Frodo Baggins. This one is a little different as he isn't dead but to all of his friends but Gandalf and Bilbo, he is. Never able to be seen or contacted again, no way to hear or feel them either. Sam, who carried him up a mountain. Refused to leave his side ever. Pippin, Merry, Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, All his shire friends, All the people they met along the way. Those bonds were shattered as if he was dead.
This last one is very different. It takes place in the real world. This death is obviously a thousand times more important then any of the others. A real human with thoughts, feelings and of course friends. This person is Technoblade. Funny, kind, skillful, he was friends with pretty much everyone he played with, best friends with those like Philza and of course the people around him in real life. The innumerable amount of people he either just made laugh, or helped get through some really dark times. Like me. 10 million people. Bonds reasonably one way but still there. 10 million people. Bonds snapped like rubber bands. All his friends. Online and off. Those he helped, those he inspired. All grieving with that bond suddenly a gaping hole, all lost. o7 Techno. Fly high.
Edit: I cannot believe I forgot. The very ones who inspired me to make this post in the first place,
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Unleashing the Power of Headless and API-Driven Commerce: Revolutionizing the Ecommerce Landscape
In the fast-paced world of ecommerce, businesses strive to deliver exceptional digital experiences to their customers. Traditional monolithic ecommerce platforms often pose limitations when it comes to flexibility, scalability, and agility. This is where headless and API-driven commerce come into play. In this article, we explore how the headless approach, coupled with API-driven architecture, is revolutionizing the ecommerce landscape and empowering businesses to create innovative and personalized customer experiences.
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askvectorprime · 1 year
Dear Vector Prime, are there any notable Cybertronian folk tales you can recount? Something akin to Johnny Appleseed or Paul Bunyan?
Dear Titanic Tale,
You've heard the story of Xal and the epic of Thunder Cross, but as a species with a very long lifespan, we have more, many more than that. Come close and have a seat, and let me tell you a tale.
Legend has it that the first bots to leave Cybertron did so via space bridges, with blind luck and sheer guts leading them every step of the way. Bravest of them all was Catena the Bridgelayer, with arms the size of Titans and a megaklik-long stride. She built the first space bridge to Luna 1—one-way, they say. And when she got there, she built the other portal of the bridge leading back to Cybertron. And when the bridge didn't work, she broke into transwarp itself using her mighty Forge, and hammered the hyperspace into place until it did! Some old bots—mostly superstitious types—hammer their fists three times before crossing the space bridge, just for luck.
What's that? Just one more? Okay, okay. But be warned: this next one is not for the faint of spark.
Once there was an evil bot from Kalis, who made himself into a Headmaster. Never mind his name: know only that he was one of the worst bots you'd ever meet. One day, his Headmaster partner died. Such was the Headmaster’s grief and spite, that he lived on solely as a body, forever searching for a head to replace the one he had lost. It is said that the Headless Headmaster sneaks up on unsuspecting ‘bots to tear off their heads—but he is never satisfied, as none can match the Tech Specs bestowed by his original partner, and so his cranial collection only grows. If ever you should stumble across a Transformer whose head is missing, be on your guard… should you wish to keep yours.
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