#headless architecture
narolainfotechus · 2 months
Modern E-Commerce Platforms with Headless Technology
Ecommerce technology, like all technology, eventually becomes obsolete. As user behavior changes, ecommerce platform design must change drastically. Platform limitations limit traditional online stores. Due to these limitations, headless technology has emerged to solve our problems.
Headless technology in ecommerce overcomes all of our challenges and offers innovative solutions.
This blog post will go into great detail about headless technology and show you how it can help companies provide unmatched customer experiences. We'll also look at its core elements, the convincing benefits it has over rigid e-commerce platforms, and the creative businesses that are already utilizing it to stay ahead of the curve.
What is Headless Technology?
Back-end (product data, orders, etc.) and front-end (store design and layout) are tightly linked in traditional ecommerce platforms. This restricts flexibility because changing one often requires changing the other.
The components are separated in headless ecommerce. Essential ecommerce functions remain in your back-end. You can build the front-end using any technology because it's independent. The front-end and back-end communicate through APIs to exchange data smoothly.
Key Components of Headless Architecture Ecommerce
The main elements of a headless architecture are broken down here.
APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)
The foundation for front-end-back-end communication. APIs retrieve product data, process orders, and update inventory.
Backend Systems
Headless gives you flexibility in choosing your store's core systems:
Ecommerce Platform: Choose WooCommerce, Opencart, Shopify Plus, Magento, BigCommerce, or others for headless product catalogs, order management, and essential ecommerce features.
Content Management System (CMS): Utilize platforms such as WordPress, Contentful, or Strapi to effortlessly integrate rich media into your store or manage blog content and articles.
Product Information Management (PIM): specialized systems for managing and centralizing complex product data, such as Plytix or Akeneo; especially useful for multi-channel selling or large catalogs.
Other Systems: As needed, additional features like payment gateways, personalization engines, and search solutions can be integrated.
Frontend Frameworks
Tools for creating your store's customer-facing section:
React, Vue.js, Angular: Popular frameworks for JavaScript that make it easier to create dynamic, fast-loading, and highly configurable storefronts.
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): capable of employing web technologies to provide experiences that largely mimic native mobile applications.
Benefits of Headless Technology in Ecommerce
Every invention benefits the relevant industry in a number of ways. Another example of this is headless technology. The benefits it provides to the e-commerce industry are discussed in this section.
Unmatched Customization
With so many ecommerce brands in every industry, you must stand out. Traditional platforms' rigid templates and design constraints prevent it.
These limitations disappear with headless technology. An exquisite, eye-catching online store that perfectly captures your brand is entirely within your control.
React, Vue.js, and other web technologies can assist you in developing user interfaces that draw users in and fully immerse them in your brand.
That will help you create a distinctive identity and set your brand apart from the competitors in e-commerce.
Speed & Performance
As was already mentioned, APIs are used by headless technology to enable frontend and backend communication. Data interchange therefore occurs far more quickly than internal communication on older, monolithic e-commerce platforms.
This results in extremely fast page loads, quick product searches, and a fluid and responsive shopping experience.
Rapidly loading e-commerce websites also satisfy customers. If a page takes too long, customers will visit the websites of your competitors rather than yours.
This high speed also has the benefit of facilitating conversions and even having an effect on search engine rankings, since search engines like Google give preference to websites that provide a positive user experience.
As such, you find yourself in a win-win scenario!
Omnichannel Excellence
Headless technology lets you create a seamless multichannel shopping experience. To reach customers everywhere, connect your core ecommerce backend to websites, mobile apps, social media marketplaces, and in-store kiosks.
This omnichannel approach involves centralizing your product catalog, inventory, and orders from a single hub.
This streamlined efficiency lets you provide a consistent brand experience and accurate, up-to-date information regardless of how a customer interacts with your business.
Agility & Innovation
Headless tech lets you quickly improve your ecommerce presence. Without reworking the back-end, you can quickly test new front-end features, designs, and technologies.
By doing this, you can stay ahead of the competition and react swiftly to changing consumer preferences. Furthermore, you can build a genuinely optimized setup that promotes growth and continuous improvement if you have the freedom to choose the best technology for every component of your e-commerce stack, including search, CMS, personalization tools, etc.
You can easily scale with a headless tech stack to handle even unforeseen spikes in demand. You can scale your front-end resources independently to handle the surge of traffic during flash sales, holiday rushes, or viral social media moments.
This indicates that back-end limitations will no longer cause website crashes or slowdowns. This will guarantee a flawless shopping experience even when the websites of all other competitors are having technical difficulties.
Future-proof your e-commerce presence with Headless. Headless technology makes it possible to upgrade your e-commerce platform, move to a new payment processor, or implement an inventive content management system.
Your customer-facing storefront can be seamlessly updated without a rebuild. This safeguards your design investment, lowers migration costs, and minimizes customer disruption. This lets your company adapt to changing technologies and market demands.
Real-World Examples of Headless Tech
Don't believe us. Below are some examples of how big brands have adopted headless tech for ecommerce platforms.
Their complex ecommerce system uses headless architecture for global flexibility. This lets them customize designs, promotions, and payment methods for different regions while maintaining a centralised product information and order processing system. This maintains brand consistency worldwide despite regional customization.
The technology helps Nike create a consistent, engaging, and educational omnichannel customer experience across their platforms and mobile apps like Nike Run Club.
Headless gives this fitness apparel brand an app-like mobile shopping experience that appeals to young, tech-savvy customers. They seamlessly integrate workout tips, lifestyle articles, and social media elements with their products for a highly engaging and cohesive experience.
The headless Gymshark stack includes Shopify, Contentful, React, AWS, and Algolia.
Target's headless ecommerce platform lets them quickly test new features, promotional pages, and seasonal storefront designs without disrupting their inventory and checkout backend systems. This makes them flexible and trend-responsive.
Headless commerce has helped Target increase website conversions by providing a consistent multichannel experience across devices. Target found that nearly 80% of customers start and finish their purchases on different devices.
This multinational behemoth in consumer goods uses headless to power the websites of a wide range of its brands. They accomplish efficiency but also give each brand the freedom to design a front-end that perfectly fits its distinct identity and target market by sharing a customer data backend and product catalog.
Utilizing any of the recommended programming languages, Unilever can deliver an omnichannel content API first with GraphCMS, a relatively new headless CMS.
The mattress company has revolutionized the often confusing mattress buying process by utilizing headless technology to offer a simplified, highly visual online shopping experience. Their success in upending the conventional mattress market has been largely attributed to their emphasis on providing a clear and simple product presentation and streamlining the decision-making process.
Casper provides specialized features and integrations by utilizing the headless commerce platform of Shopify Plus.
Headless Technology Implementation with Narola Infotech
Making the switch to a headless e-commerce architecture can completely change your company. Narola Infotech is prepared to accompany you on this journey, understanding the complexities involved.
Deep knowledge of headless development and a dedication to comprehending your particular requirements characterize our team.
Get in touch with us right now to find out how we can support you in creating an e-commerce experience that will last into the future.
Read more: How Headless Technology Future-Proofs Online Stores for Ecommerce Owners
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marketxcel · 4 months
Unleashing the Future of E-Commerce: The Rise of Headless Commerce
Dive into the dynamic landscape of E-Commerce with our latest blog. Explore the disruptive potential of Headless Commerce and discover how it's reshaping the online shopping experience, unlocking unprecedented flexibility, and setting the stage for the future of digital retail.
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gowidesolutions · 8 months
When it comes to eCommerce, there are uncountable trends to account for, so much so that you might lose the count after a certain time. From different store development platforms to third-party integrations, the trends can be seen in almost every vertical of the industry. Therefore, as an ecommerce business owner, you have to plan ahead and take necessary actions to supersede your competitors, generate higher revenues, and acquire and retain the maximum number of customers.
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codeonedigest · 11 months
(via Shopify Commerce Headless Architecture Tutorial for Ecommerce Developer & Merchandiser) Full Video Link - https://youtube.com/shorts/59DGB2CbFrc Hi, a new #video on #shopify #headless #architecture #ecommerce and #retail #pos #platform is published on #codeonedigest #youtube channel.  @java #java #awscloud @awscloud #aws @AWSCloudIndia #Cloud #CloudComputing @YouTube #youtube #azure #msazure #codeonedigest @codeonedigest   #headlesscommerce #ecommerce #headlessecommerce #whatisheadlesscommerce #headlesscommercesolution #shopifyheadless #shopifyheadlesscommerce #shopifyheadlesstutorial #shopifyheadlesscheckout #shopifyheadlesscms #shopifyheadlessreact #shopifyheadlessapi #shopifyheadlessapp #headlessshopify #headlessshopifytutorial #headlessshopifystore #headlessshopifydevelopment #headlessshopifycheckout #headlesscommerceshopify #headlesscommercebasics #headless
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dmsinfosystem · 1 year
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Learn to build a Headless CMS Architecture by which you can easily start building a modern and scalable content infrastructure today.
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techjour · 1 year
Explore the power of MACH - Microservices, API-First, Cloud Native and Headless architecture at techjour to respond to changing Customer needs.
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 3 months
Here are some German specific quirks I think König would have <3
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(yes, I know he's Austrian, but the difference is really only that they talk funny and have better desserts)
♡ he HATES fans and air conditioning. Like I'm talking disdain from the deepest pits of hell kinda hate.
Ceiling fans and AC are not a thing here, and literally every German looks at it with a very disapproving look if there happens to be one somewhere.
König absolutely refuses to sleep with the fan or AC on, just open a window, Liebling!
He's so upset that he can't put the window "auf kipp" :( (pls Google it, it's so hard to explain lol) like he's crushed that he can't keep the windows "auf kipp" all day.
You have a ceiling fan? Nope, not anymore. That thing is getting taken down the minute you move in together. But if you insist on keeping it, he'll secretly cut the cable to the switch.
Everyone knows all they do is whirl around dust and make you sick! He's not having it.
König acts like artificial ventilation is his worst enemy (I agree with him) and he'd rather suffocate than turn on the goddamn AC.
♡ Sundays are strictly lazy/rest days. Nothing's open on Sundays here, so we're forced to relax and not run around like headless chickens trying to get things done.
He's absolutely baffled if you have plans to go somewhere on a Sunday. What do you mean you need to run errands? What do you mean you're going out? And if you want him to come along?? Yeah, no.
His brain stops working. After the many years he's been alive, not once has he gone somewhere on a Sunday that wasn't his Oma's house for Kaffee und Kuchen.
You're not going anywhere. Plans are canceled, and you better spend the day on the couch with him.
♡ König probably misses all the beautiful old architecture Vienna has to offer. You don't quite appreciate it as much when it's just there all the time, but now he wishes he could quietly people watch in the city center :(
In my mind he's a bit of a history nerd, so he probably frequented museums and castles, admiring the delicately sculpted ceilings and wondering how people lived back then.
He'd be most fascinated by the masonry work done on the outside of most buildings. I mean, that's stone, but it's so smooth and carefully crafted.
♡ there are some very weird sayings in German that you just can't translate because they don't make sense. König is sick of having to awkwardly try to explain what they mean after he's been caught muttering one under his breath, only to realize halfway through that he looks like a maniac.
German is a very literal language, and I think he misses speaking it. We have very specific words for some things and he probably struggles to talk in English sometimes purely because the words he wants to use just don't exist.
(I'm very upset they didn't give him an Austrian accent bc it's one of my favorites, but I can also confidently say that I think he wouldn't be taken seriously at all if he had one lmao)
♡ König goes on random ass walks sometimes. Where's he going? On a walk. No, like where is he going? HE'S GOING ON A WALK.
There's no destination, you just walk. No matter the weather. Ya walk until you feel like you've walked enough. (A very German experience and I hate it)
♡ dreams of his Oma's Kaiserschmarn (me too, König, me too.)
It's basically a giant pancake that you tear into little pieces (traditionally, it has raisins too, I think) and you eat with either cinnamon sugar or applesauce (or both) and you will drift up to heaven.
It's warm, it's fluffy, it's sweet;
It's perfect for a gloomy Friday afternoon spent with his Oma and Opa 🥺
(Can you tell that I'm projecting)
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"Auf kipp" is a very specific window position where only the bottom two hinges stay attached so you can tilt the window towards you and a little crack is open so you can always have fresh air!
"Oma und Opa" grandma and grandpa, which he loves so much, undoubtedly.
"Kaffe und Kuchen" basically tea time. You get together and eat cake and have coffee! Mostly on the weekends :)
"Kaiserschmarn" what dreams are made of.
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sleepyorchidmonster · 7 months
Twst event where NRC's magic goes haywire and the dorms swap themes. Like, it's still Savanaclaw, but everything is flooded, or there is a gothic castle in the middle of scarabia (the architecture is a mix between diasomnia and Scalding Sands, though).
In an effort to solve the crisis, the students must find the artifacts responsible for keeping the magic at the school. There are three different items, one in Pomefiore (the oldest dorm), Diasomnia (the dorm known for its magical prowess) and Ignihyde (they installed the system).
Crowley organized three groups:
- The dormheads for Diasomnia, the most dangerous of the three;
- The vice-housewardens for Pomefiore;
- The freshmen plus Cater, Floyd and Silver for Ignihyde.
Starting with Diasomnia, the dorm swapped with Heartslabyul, with plenty of hedgehogs and flamingos running around, as well as the regular gravity defying architecture.
As soon as the housewardens passed though the mirror, everyone but Riddle became as tiny as a mouse, which is okay, since at least they won't get separated and lost in the maze of corridors. Riddle is getting a headache from all the bickering, though.
However, Diasomnia's influence is still present, so this version of Heartslabyul is a bit creepier. Card and chess soldiers dripping with blot stalk the hallways, beautiful roses with a metallic scent bloom among the thorns, painted by headless knights. There is also the Jabberwocky wandering about.
After a near death experience (Riddle was thrown at, at least, five walls by the Jabberwocky and was almost beheaded, only to be saved by the twst version of the Bandersnatch), they decided to go to the kitchens, looking for a way to return the others to normal (or at least Malleus, whose dragon form is no bigger than Grim at the moment).
Unfortunately, there was nothing of use in the kitchens, though they did find (and fight) one of Lillia's cooking attempts, brought to life and in excruciating pain for existing.
They manage to power though by using Idia's "Riddle on-field DPS Strat", where they let Riddle fight while providing him with shields, healing and buffs. He used Zettaflare thrice.
After securing the artifact, the dorm returned to normal. Which is great, since Riddle was five seconds away from passing out.
Idia: This'll be Ez! It's not like the Queendom is KNOWN for having dragons, right?
Riddle: *walking faster*
Idia: Riddle!?
*Roars in the distance*
Riddle: Malleus, I need a shield RIGHT NOW- *gets thrown into a wall*
Kalim, later: Are you okay?
Riddle: Just a concussion and a few broken ribs, no problem.
Idia: Bruh
Leona: What do you think, Malleus? Missing the tines when you used to loom over all of us?
Malleus: I'm still taller than you, Kingscholar.
Malleus: Rosehearts, why are the gargoyles wearing party hats?
Gargoyles: Because it's our unbirthday party!! *Spits out confetti*
Idia: are we running in circles?
Leona: Riddle, we've been here before...
Vil: I remember that weird painting.
Riddle, whispering: SHUT UPPPP!
Bandersnatch, after we finish everything: WHY WERE YOU ATTACKING THE STUDENTS !!!????
Jabberwocky: Wait, there were no intruders?
Bandersnatch: NO, YOU FOOL!!!!!
Housewardens, minus Riddle: Are you KIDDING ME-
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tintinnabulums · 2 years
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Architectural Relief Depicting the Gigantomachy. 3rd - 2nd century B.C., terracotta and pigment. The Art Institute of Chicago. (x)
[image description: photo of the sculpture described above, which depicts three headless figures: a god and goddess in flowing robes stand behind a kneeling giant with wings and serpent-like legs. end id.]
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Rosemary’s Mother
Part 1 of ?
Rosemary Winters (RE8), Lady Dimitrescu (RE8)/Larissa Weems (Wednesday)
Notes/warnings/summary: Why do these two women have such a stranglehold on me? When is Gwen going to be cast as Lady D? IDK but here in this house both mommies are alive and well and mothering…as it should be.
Alcina woke in darkness her eyes could not penetrate. “What? What is this?” She felt herself floating in a void. Then she remembered. “He killed me! That stupid man thing!” “Where am I?”
Then she remembered her daughters and she felt her grief wash over her. She felt like she was drowning! “Bella!” “No!” She wanted to cry but she couldn’t. She was in some sort of disembodied conscious state.
He took everything from her. She was just a well of sorrow. Why was she here? Where was she? What was she? “Mother Miranda?” She must be trying to resurrecting her. She tried to reach out somehow into the void. Then she felt it; another presence. “Who’s there? Mother?
No, not Miranda. It felt like fear. It was timid, but curious; reaching out to her as she tried to reach out to it. “Hello? Who are you?” One of her daughters? Her heart leapt at the thought.
She felt a sort of buzzing; an electrical current flowing around her. She felt herself coming together in the void; her physical person; she was back in her body.
She turned around seeing a dim light coming from behind her. There was a small child silhouetted in front of her. A small, dark figure facing her. Alcina bent double to try and be closer to the child’s level.
“Hello, sweetling,” she said gently. “Are you alright?” She received no response but she continued to feel fear emanating from the girl. “Come here to me, sweetling. Come to mother,” she coaxed.
Suddenly she felt herself being pulled away; they were both being pulled in opposite directions from one another. “No! No! Rosemary? Come back to me child!” She was enveloped once more by darkness, and she awoke in the rubble of her home. “Rosemary?”
Larissa made her way down the main staircase to the entry foyer of Nevermore Academy where she found her prospective student standing and gawking at the architecture around her. She could see the lower body of her mother waiting just outside the door. “She must be even taller than me,” she thought to herself.
“Good morning, Ms. Winters, is it? I’m Principal Weems.” The girl spun around. “Good morning, Principal Weems, I’m Rose and this is my mom, Lady Dimitrescu,” she gestured toward the headless body outside. “Good morning, Lady Dimitrescu, do please come inside,” she called.
The woman bent down a good ways to clear the seven foot entryway. “Good morning, Principal Weems,” a stunning raven haired woman said as she appeared inside draped in a floor length white gown with a black dahlia pinned above her bosom on the left. Larissa immediately liked this tall and stunning woman.
She smiled brightly at her. “My, it isn’t often I find myself looking up to someone. What a refreshing change.” The lady smiled at her in return. “You’re a lovely, petite flower.” Larissa caught the gagging face Rosemary made out of the corner of her eye and smiled even wider.
“My office is just upstairs, shall we?” She turned and led the way, falling into her well worn speech about the schools history and some of its most notable alumni. Lady Dimitrescu enjoyed the ample view while following along behind; suddenly her daughter’s choice to tour the school was a little less irritating to her.
Larissa told them a little about the variety of “outcasts” enrolled in the school; some of them common, some rare, and a few entirely unique in their abilities. Alcina discovered that Rose had been honest with her when she’d told her mother she thought she’d find the guidance she felt she needed here.
It did not entirely placate Alcina’s worry that her daughter wanted to break free from her. The notion did not sit well with her at all. Her three older daughters had always been completely devoted to their mother. The four of them were very alike in their desires, hungers, and basic needs. Rose was very different from her mother, and Alcina had changed many things about the way they lived their day to day life in order to better cater to this daughter.
But she never expected her daughter to want to live away from her, especially not so soon. Rose said she wanted someone she could learn from, who could help her be more in control of her powers, and Alcina did not seem to be able to help satisfactorily.
Alcina was frightened of losing Rose, the way she had her other daughters, but she wasn’t prepared to say, “I don’t want to lose you.” That was too vulnerable, so instead, she resorted to being extra irritable toward her while simultaneously endeavoring to spend every second in her immediate presence as they prepared to come to Nevermore for their visit.
But this woman in front of her gave off the impression that she’d encountered all manner of young people with all sorts of abilities and she seemed unruffled; entirely in control of herself and her school. That confident air coupled with the elegance of the woman’s dress and appearance caused Alcina to briefly entertain the thought, “If I were ever to allow anyone to act as a caregiver to my child, it would be someone like her.”
Unfortunately, that thought was immediately followed by, “Of course, the only person I want caring for my little girl is me,” and her eyes narrowed in a possessive, almost aggressive, way. She gritted her teeth as Larissa turned back to them. She gave Alcina another of her warm, beautiful, smiles and said sweetly, “Here we are,” as she opened the door for them to step inside.
“I see your prior education has been entirely home based?” Larissa said as she reviewed Rose’s file. Alcina started to speak, but Rose interjected, “Yes, my mother is very…protective, but she’s done a fantastic job so far.” Larissa smiled, “I agree. Your exam scores were impressive. You must be very proud of her.”
Alcina smiled at Larissa’s complimentary tone. “Yes, she’s all I have left, and I am proud of her.” Concern creased Larissa’s brow, “Yes, I saw in Rose’s background file, you mentioned that her sisters had passed away. I’m so sorry for you loss. It must be very difficult for you, especially with Ms. Winters getting older and beginning to express a certain independence, as they inevitably will do.”
Larissa saw the look of worry on Alcina’s face. Rose reached out and took her hand. Alcina lifted her hand and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it before looking at her daughter with an almost pleading gaze. “Of course, I’m sure that independence in no way interferes with a child’s love for their parent,” Larissa offered. “Of course, I’m still entirely devoted to mother. It’s just that I have certain abilities now that I don’t feel completely in control of and since I can’t seem to find a way to be rid of them, I would at least like to feel in charge of them.” “Well, I’m confident we can help you with that, Ms. Winters. That’s the whole purpose behind Nevermore Academy. We strive to offer a sense of belonging and security as we help students understand and control their unique abilities.”
“Shall I have you take a tour of the grounds and facilities, Ms. Winters?” Larissa called her assistant on the phone and a young lady arrived shortly after. “Ready?” she asked Rose brightly. “May I accompany them?” Alcina asked. “Oh, yes, of course,” Larissa said.
Their tour guide was a bubbly young blonde girl. Alcina found her enthusiasm a little trying, but she appreciated how warm and friendly she was being toward Rose as she led them around explaining the purpose of each communal area.
Rose seemed to really enjoy the company of someone her own age and it caused Alcina to worry that Rose felt she was missing out on things by living alone in a house with just her mother and a handful of servants as company.
A big part of Alcina wanted to grab Rose up and run away with her; lock her inside their home and never allow her to see the light of day again. But the rest of her wanted to see her daughter happy, as she seemed to be right now.
Enid left the pair standing in the quad as she went to fetch Principal Weems when they’d finished their tour. The pair seemed fine when she left, but by the time Larissa stepped into the grounds she was startled to find two of her male students cowering before an enraged looking Lady Dimitrescu. She towered over them menacingly and as Larissa walked quicker towards them she saw the largest set of claws she’d ever seen extend from one of Alcina’s hands.
Larissa broke into a run. “Lady Dimitrescu!” she called breathlessly. Alcina turned toward Larissa, her eyes glowing angrily and Larissa stopped in her tracks. She noticed the students running in opposite directions from behind Alcina.
“Mother! Stop it right now,” Rose shouted. Alcina turned, apparently startled by her daughter reprimanding her. Her claws retracted. “Did you know there were young man things here,” she asked Rose? “Yes, mother, I knew it was a co-ed school.”
“And you expected me to allow you to stay here with them?” Alcina was yelling at her daughter loudly enough for most of campus to hear. “Please, Lady Dimitrescu,” Larissa tried to intervene.
Alcina turned back toward her and her eyes began to glow again, but this time Larissa stood her ground, determined to help Rose. “Can we not discuss this back in my office so we don’t embarrass Ms. Winters in front of her peers?”
Alcina turned back to her daughter and saw tears brimming in the bottoms of her eyes. Her demeanor changed immediately. She went to her daughter, scooping her up into her arms, and cradling her against her bosom like a small child. She placed a kiss in the girl’s hair.
“Please don’t cry, sweetling, mother is sorry.” Larissa was relieved to see Alcina’s anger gone. She gestured for them to return inside. Larissa smiled slightly at the sight of the girl’s face still buried in her mother’s bosom, but she was also concerned about the dynamic between them.
Larissa felt they could both benefit from some time spent apart from one another. She was no novice at dealing with helicopter parents. However, the height, glowing eyes, fangs, and four foot claws were a tricky combination. Larissa would have to tread lightly.
After managing to deposit Rose temporarily in the care of her would be dorm mom, Larissa led Alcina back into her office. “Lady Dimitrescu, you frightened my students with your behavior earlier. The two young gentlemen may have been a little overly friendly toward Ms. Winters, but I assure they are harmless.”
“I did not raise her to take a liking to man things and I did not realize they would be present here.” She stopped as she noticed Larissa appearing to hold back a chuckle. She scowled slightly. “What is it? What’s so amusing?” “I’m sorry…really. It’s just…” “What?” “Well, I don’t know about you, but whatever intentions my parents may have had for me in that regard, they were entirely unsuccessful.”
Alcina raised her eyebrows in surprise. “What about you? Did you develop an interest in the sort of people you were ‘raised’ to like?” “That was a long time ago…but, no, I don’t suppose I did.”
Larissa smiled at her. “I think that’s often the case, but I can assure you, we have strict policies here against boy/girl mingling in their dormitories. Each dorm has a teacher who resides there, and they watch their assigned students like a hawk. I will, of course, make you aware of any policy violations Ms. Winters may make.”
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ahedderick · 6 months
Daring Docent
A few times a year I volunteer as a docent for a very small local museum/gallery in town called the Gilchrist.
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It was built in 1843 by a judge, and it is very much in the "wide doors to fit the ladies' hoop skirts" style of architecture. Lovely, gorgeous, highly impractical to heat. As I went around turning on lights and unlocking doors I noticed one of the "staff only" doors ajar. It's the one that leads up to the big, interesting attic, down to ? (I have never checked that part out), and out to a hidden second story porch. I peaked in just enough to admire the secret porch, then left and shut the door more firmly. Unfortunately, when I did that, the other "staff only" door right next to it popped open with a loud creeeak. At which point I nearly jumped out of my skin. Oof!
I was very brave and continued turning lights on and checking thermostats. I said hello to the three headless mannequins wearing period clothing in the parlour. But my heart was thumping for a while! There are very few visitors on Friday afternoons (which is why I volunteer then.) I made good use of the quiet time to work on small illustrations for a book. I don't want to do them and I've been stalling . . sooo it was good to get started and have lots of peace and quiet to do it. The author wants one scene to include: Father Goose flying through the air with two children on his back, at dawn, just about to crash into a haystack, whilst two villagers look on from thatched-roof cottages and a butcher chases a rooster wearing roller skates around a barn.
This drawing is supposed to be 5 x 7 inches. I. How am I going to fit ALL THAT? In 5x7 inches? Why is the rooster wearing roller skates?
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narolainfotechus · 2 months
The Power of Headless Technology in E-commerce
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Staying ahead of the competition is key to success for any ecommerce business. One of the revolutionary technologies that can propel your online store to new heights is "headless technology." In this blog post, we'll dive into what headless technology is, why it's beneficial for decision-makers like you, and how it can boost conversions and leads for your ecommerce platform.
What is Headless Technology?
First things first, let's demystify what headless technology means. In traditional ecommerce setups, the front end (the part visible to users) and the back end (where the data processing happens) are tightly coupled. This means any changes or updates to the front end often require modifications to the back end, leading to potential bottlenecks and limitations.
Headless technology takes a different approach. It decouples the front end from the back end, allowing for more flexibility and agility in managing your online store. In simpler terms, it separates the presentation layer (the "head") from the content management and logic (the "body"), hence the term "headless."
Why is Headless Technology Beneficial?
Now that we understand the basics, let's explore why headless technology is a game-changer for e-commerce decision-makers like you:
Flexibility: With headless architecture, you have the freedom to design and customize the front end independently of the back end. This means you can create unique user experiences without being limited by backend constraints.
Speed and Performance: By separating the front end and back end, headless technology can lead to faster loading times and improved performance. This is crucial for keeping users engaged and reducing bounce rates.
Omnichannel Capabilities: In today's omnichannel world, where customers interact with brands across multiple devices and platforms, headless technology allows you to deliver a seamless experience across all touchpoints.
Scalability: As your ecommerce business grows, headless architecture scales effortlessly, ensuring that your website can handle increased traffic and transactions without compromising on user experience.
How Headless Technology Boosts Conversions and Leads
Now, let's discuss the real benefits of headless technology for your e-commerce bottom line:
Personalized User Experience: With the flexibility of headless architecture, you can tailor the user experience based on customer behavior, preferences, and demographics. This personalization can significantly increase conversions by delivering relevant content and offers.
Faster Checkout Process: Headless technology enables streamlined checkout processes, reducing friction and cart abandonment rates. A smooth checkout experience translates to more completed purchases and increased revenue.
Integration with Third-Party Tools: Headless architecture seamlessly integrates with various third-party tools and services, such as CRM systems, marketing automation platforms, and analytics tools. This integration enhances your ability to track customer interactions, analyze data, and optimize marketing strategies for better lead generation.
Adaptability to Emerging Technologies: As new technologies and trends emerge, headless architecture provides the agility to adopt these innovations swiftly. Whether it's voice commerce, augmented reality shopping experiences, or IoT integrations, headless technology future-proofs your ecommerce business.
In conclusion, embracing headless technology can be a game-changer for ecommerce businesses looking to stay competitive, enhance user experiences, and drive conversions and leads. By leveraging the flexibility, speed, and scalability of headless architecture, you can unlock new growth opportunities and delight your customers at every touchpoint.
If you're ready to take your ecommerce platform to the next level, consider integrating headless technology into your strategy. The benefits are clear, and the potential for growth is limitless. Get ahead with headless, and watch your online store thrive!
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palin-tropos · 1 year
the bad ending to nilsenist architecture is at least darkly comedic
me when i’m a party bureaucrat and it’s my job to measure the statue shrinkage and i’m like “yikes it’s about 75% of its original height” and my boss is like “you fucking idiot you better write down that its actually 130% of its original height at least and it’s always been headless” and the whole thing groans ominously and crunches further
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enigmalea · 1 year
Why I Contributed to FujoGuide
If you follow me here or mastodon you may have noticed that I've been reblogging/boosting a lot of posts for something called The Fujoshi Guide to Web Development (@fujowebdev). There's a good chance you followed me or know me from the Dragon Age fandom where I run communities, events, and zines and write fanfic, and you might be wondering why the sudden and drastic departure from my normal content. Why would a writer contribute to something related to webdev? Why have you stopped seeing thirst for Dragon Age characters and started seeing… whatever a FujoGuide is?
The answers to those questions (and more!) are below the cut.
My Coding Journey
I wrote my first lines of code in 1996 (yes, I'm old AF). It was the early days of the internet and tutorials for how to make your own websites were literally everywhere. You couldn't go more than two clicks without finding a how-to written in plain language. But it was painstaking and tedious. CSS didn't exist yet (literally, I started coding about six months before it was released) and even when it appeared it wasn't widely adopted or supported.
It was the "glory days" of Geocities, Myspace themes, Neopets, and Livejournal. If there was a cool site, you could use HTML and/or CSS to customize it. I honed my skills by coding so many tables character profiles for RPs, creating themes, painstakingly laying out user info pages, and building my own site.
Gradually, things changed. Web 2.0 showed up with locked down profiles and feeds you couldn't customize, free website hosts became more difficult to find, and point and click page builders became the way of the web. Shortly after, I took a long break from fandom; frustrated and disappointed with site closures, lost communities, and general fandom wank… it felt like it just wasn't worth it anymore.
I eventually came back, and when I did it meant customizing themes, figuring out how to create tools for my communities, coding tumblr pages (and learning they're not really supported on mobile), and looking at automations for my common tasks. One day, I woke up and thought, "I'm going to make a Discord bot… it can't be that hard."
So, I did it.
An Unexpected Friendship
About a month after I launched my bot to the public, I received a random Discord message from @essential-randomness. A friend had told her about my bot, and she was working on BobaBoard which needed volunteers. I was shocked. First, people were talking about my bot. Second, I wasn't a real coder. I didn't know anything! I just googled a bunch of stuff and got something working. I had no idea what I was doing.
She assured me it was okay. She was willing to teach me what I didn't know - and most of all, that she wanted my help. I took a day or two to think it over, and fatefully filled out the volunteer form. I didn't know if I could be useful or how I could be useful, but I wanted to try.
Programming Is Awful
In the years months that followed, I spent a lot of time in @essential-randomness' DMs complaining about programming… at least once I realized she wouldn't judge me. I was still very much doing things the hard way, taking hours to update a site to add a single link on all the pages. I knew there were easier methods, but I either couldn't find them or once I found them, they were filled with dense jargon which was terrifying.
"An all-in-one zero-javascript frontend architecture framework!" Is that even English? "A headless open-source CMS." Cool. Sounds good. "A full-stack SSG based on Jamstack extending React and integrating Rust-based JS." Those sure are words. With meanings. That someone knows. Not me, though.
I spent so much time looking at what sites claimed was documentation and losing my mind because I had no idea where to even start most of the time. With @essential-randomness' encouragement, I kept at it, experimenting with new things, and jumping in headfirst even when I had no idea what I was doing. And I was so glad. Where I used to struggle keeping one website updated, last year I managed to deploy and update 7 websites. Yeah, you read that right. It was amazing.
The new stuff made it all much, much easier.
An Idea Is Born
Meanwhile, we spent hours discussing why it was difficult to get fandom to try coding. Part of the barrier was the belief you must be some sort of genius or know math or that creative/humanities people can't do it. It is also partially coding communities being unfriendly to newbies and hobbyists; a culture which often thrives on debasing people's choices, deriding them for not understanding, and shouting rtfm (read the fucking manual) and lmgtfy (let me google that for you)- all of which are unhelpful at best and humiliating and abusive at worst. The tech dudebro culture can be unforgiving and mean.
The number of coding-based Discords I've left far outnumbers the ones I've stayed in.
We determined what fandom needed was a place for coders of all skill levels to come together to help and support one another; where they could learn to code and how to join open-source projects they love, and where they could make friends and connections and show off their projects whether they were new or experienced programmers.
And thus… Fandom Coders was born.
What About FujoGuide?
Of course, running a coding group and working on BobaBoard together means we spent a lot of time talking about the state of the web. We both lamented over poor documentation, jargon-rich tutorials, and guides which assume a baseline of knowledge most people don't have. What we needed to do was provide tutorials which start at the beginning… from the ground up (what is a terminal and how do I open it?) without skipping steps. What we needed to do was make those tutorials fun and appealing.
I don't remember exactly the journey it took to get us here if I'm honest. I have no clue who said it first. But I do remember I first started thinking about anthropomorphizing programming languages when we attempted to cast the languages as the Ouran High School boys… and again when I suggested we do a [TOP SECRET IN CASE WE DO IT] group project in Fandom Coders to help people learn about programming.
What I do know is that as last year ended, @essential-randomness became laser-focused on creating our gijinka and moving forward with FujoGuide… and I couldn't say no.
Okay, But… Why Contribute?
To be honest, it's not just that I was around for the birth of the idea. It's ALL of the things in this post - the culmination of three years of frustration trying to figure out what I'm doing with coding, of wading through dense documentation, of wanting to give up before I even start. It's three years of dipping my toes into toxic techbro culture before running away. All added to decades of watching the web become corporate-sanitized, frustratingly difficult to customize, increasingly less fun, and overtly hostile to fans who dare enjoy sexual content.
To sum all of this up, it's the firm belief that we desperately need a resource like this. Something that's for us, by us. Something that builds fans up, instead of tears them down; that empowers them to create for themselves and their communities what no one is creating for them. It is a project I'm deeply passionate about.
And I can't wait until we can bring it to life for you all.
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blueiskewl · 2 years
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Underground Tunnel Found Beneath Egyptian Temple May Lead to Cleopatra
The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities have announced the incredible discovery of a rock-cut tunnel deep below ground in the area of the Taposiris Magna Temple, west of Alexandria in Egypt. The massive tunnel, which has been described as a ‘geometric miracle’ stretches over 1,300 meters (4,265 feet). The area has been under investigation in the search for the long-lost tomb of Queen Cleopatra .
The tunnel was discovered 13 meters (43 feet) underground by the Egyptian Dominican archaeological mission of the University of San Domingo, headed by Dr. Kathleen Martinez. During the excavations and archaeological survey of the tunnel a number of ceramic vessels and pots were found under mud sediment, as well as a rectangular block of limestone. Two heads made of alabaster were also found near the temple, one of which dates to the Ptolemaic period.
Part of the tunnel was found to be submerged underwater and this supports the theory that foundations of the Taposiris Magna Temple are also underwater. At least 23 earthquakes hit the Egyptian coast between 320 and 1303 AD, which would explain the collapse and submergence of part of the Taposiris Magna Temple.
The architectural design of the newly discovered tunnel resembles the magnificent Tunnel of Eupalinos on the Greek Island of Samos, which is considered one of the most important engineering achievements of the Classical world.
Taposiris Magna, The Great Tomb of Osiris
Taposiris Magna, which is a name meaning “great tomb of Osiris”, is an ancient city established by the pharaoh Ptolemy II between 280 and 270 BC. After Alexander the Great conquered Egypt in 332 BC and established Alexandria, the city of Taposiris Magna became a center for the religious festival of Khoiak. The Khoiak festival revolves around the legend of the god Osiris, who was murdered by his brother Seth, and revived by his sister-wife Isis, who conceived their son Horus.
The temple at Taposiris Magna was dedicated to Osiris, who was worshipped by Greek leaders in Egypt who honored the old traditions.
The Final Resting Place of Cleopatra?
For the past 14 years, Dr. Kathleen Martínez has been the head of excavations at Taposiris Magna. The discoveries made during that time have made her more and more certain that she is close to the long-lost tomb of Cleopatra VII and her lover Mark Antony . The famous ancient Egyptian queen’s proposed ties to the site has brought it to international headlines as new and intriguing finds and documentaries are made about the site every few years.
There have been many notable discoveries during the excavations. For example, in 2010, a huge headless granite statue of a Ptolemaic king was unearthed. Dr. Zahi Hawass believes that it probably belonged to Ptolemy IV and was dedicated to the god Osiris, stressing the link between the ancient site and the well-known ancient Egyptian god. Martinez said that the excavations have also found a beautiful statue head of Cleopatra, along with 22 coins bearing her image.
Behind the temple, a necropolis was discovered, containing many Greco-Roman style mummies who were buried with their faces turned towards the temple. This means it is likely the temple contained the burial of a significant royal personality, like Cleopatra.
Could the newly found underground tunnel lead archaeologists closer towards the tomb of Cleopatra and Mark Antony? Only time will tell!
By Joanna Gillan.
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dmsinfosystem · 1 year
Building a Headless CMS Architecture: A Comprehensive Guide
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In the ever-evolving world of web development, the Headless CMS architecture has emerged as a popular solution for building websites and applications. In this article, we'll explore what a Headless CMS is, why it's gaining popularity, and how you can build a Headless CMS architecture with a Hook to enhance its functionality.
What is a Headless CMS? 
A headless CMS is a content management system that doesn't control the front-end presentation layer but offers a content repository, API, and backend system for managing content. Unlike traditional CMS systems, a Headless CMS separates content management from content delivery, allowing developers to build custom front-end experiences using the API and tools of their choice.
Why is Headless CMS gaining popularity?
Headless CMS is gaining popularity for several reasons, including:
With a Headless CMS, developers have complete control over the presentation layer and can use any technology they prefer to build custom front-end experiences. This flexibility allows developers to create unique user experiences and enables faster development times.
Headless CMS is highly scalable and can handle large amounts of content and traffic without affecting performance. The API-driven approach also allows developers to build applications easily scaled horizontally.
Headless CMS architecture is more secure than traditional CMS systems as it doesn't expose the back-end system to the internet, reducing the risk of attacks and data breaches.
Headless CMS systems can be more cost-effective than traditional CMS systems as they require fewer resources and can be hosted on scalable cloud platforms.
How to Build a Headless CMS Architecture?
Building a Headless CMS architecture can seem daunting, but it can be broken down into several key steps:
Step 1: Choose the Right CMS Platform
The first step in building a Headless CMS architecture is to choose the right CMS platform. There are several popular Headless CMS platforms available, including Strapi, Contentful, and Sanity. Every platform has different benefits and drawbacks, therefore it's important to assess each choice in light of your particular needs.
Step 2: Define Your Content Model
Determining your content model comes after selecting your CMS platform. The types of content you'll be managing, the attributes that make up each content type, and the connections between various content categories are all defined by a content model.
Step 3: Create Your Content
The next thing to do after establishing your content model is to start producing content. This can include text, images, videos, and any other media types you'll be managing in your Headless CMS.
Step 4: Set Up Your API 
The API is the backbone of a Headless CMS architecture and allows developers to access and manipulate content from the CMS. Setting up your API involves configuring your CMS platform to expose your content through a REST or GraphQL API.
Step 5: Build Your Front-End Application
The final step is to create your front-end application after your API is established. This involves using the API to fetch content from the CMS and display it on your website or application. Your front-end application's technology selection is up to you, allowing you to create a unique user experience that suits your unique demands.
Using a Hook to Enhance Your Headless CMS Architecture
While building a Headless CMS architecture is relatively straightforward, you can enhance its functionality using a Hook. A Hook is a piece of code that allows you to modify or extend the behaviour of a CMS platform. Hooks can be used to perform a variety of tasks, including:
Integrating with third-party services: 
Hooks can be used to integrate your Headless CMS with third-party services, such as analytics.
Modifying content:
Before the content is transmitted to the front-end application or saved to the CMS, hooks can be used to change it.
Extending functionality: 
Hooks can be used to extend the functionality of your Headless CMS by adding custom features or integrations.
To use a Hook, you'll need to identify the appropriate Hook point in your CMS platform and write custom code to execute. Hooks can be written in various programming languages, depending on your CMS platform.
Ultimately, creating a headless content management system design offers more flexibility, reliability, safety, and cost-effectiveness than conventional CMS systems. You need to choose the best CMS platform, establish your content model, produce your content, configure your API, and develop your front-end application before you can design a Headless CMS architecture. Using a Hook can also enhance the functionality of your Headless CMS architecture by allowing you to modify content, integrate with third-party services, and extend functionality. You can create a Headless CMS design that satisfies your particular requirements and offers a distinctive user experience by following these directions and using the power of Hooks.
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