#he makes me feel like the patrick ‘i love you’ scene in spongebob
Hozier having a crowd repeatedly yeehaw him is actually so funny
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phil-lesterfan · 7 months
What are your thoughts on Squidbob tell me now
HI!!! i know you said now and it's been a few hours but we'll put it up to time zones. anyway, i was thinking about this ask and ultimately it's that quote from dan in that interview, right? "best friends, arch enemies, husbands, business partners, partners in crime, soul mates, just mates, who the fuck knows?"
obviously it's antagonistic, but on spongebob's part, it's unintentional (my knowledge is rusty, and i'm not fully caught up on spongebob, though i've seen a few squidbob moments from more recent eps) and when he does hurt squidward, he genuinely feels bad about it – when he picks up on it, at least. but, like, when squidward says spongebob has hurt his feelings or when it's really obvious, spongebob takes accountability and tries to right his wrong(s). even if that means making the situation worse, lol
AT THE SAME TIME, yes, squidward can really hurt spongebob and even enjoys seeing him hurt, but he understands when things have gone too far, and it seems to me like he doesn't just want to be in spongebob's good books for the sake of his reputation. take "fools in april" for example: squidward really hurts spongebob with his "prank" and it's a very public prank where people make clear their disapproval of his actions. of course, no one wants to be seen as the huge asshole, and squidward even says "it hurts, doesn't it?" to plankton when plankton becomes the most hated thing in bikini bottom. BUT when squidward apologises to spongebob, while he struggles, it's clear he wants to (he just physically can't) and he doesn't know everyone else is at spongebob's house. he genuinely just wants spongebob to like him again. (plus, he finds it humiliating when it's revealed other people are there – clearly, it's not about reputation)
the other obvious one is "dying for pie" where he puts spongebob's life in danger and realises he doesn't want to be responsible for spongebob's death nor does he really want spongebob to die at all.
it's also insanely cute to me that he's, like, as far as i know, the only one who calls spongebob "sponge" – i don't think i've heard any other character refer to spongebob like that . . . except maybe patrick? but i might be confusing it with a – you guessed it – squidbob scene.
also the way squidward's voice goes all soft when he calls "spongebob sponge" :') and how he's protective of spongebob too. like in "pizza delivery", when the customer is rude to spongebob and spongebob sobs, we can infer squidward KNOCKED THE GUY OUT!!!!! and he went back over to spongebob and reassured him that the customer was happy with the order and everything was ok :)
squidward also gets flustered when spongebob compliments him and spongebob likes it when squidward is having fun. i think deep down, they both genuinely care for each other, and they both want the other to be happy, they just have different ideas of happiness and aren't sure how to get them to align. there's really great potential there, and i personally love relationships like theirs where it's just so fucked and they're more prone for divorce but they keep remarrying anyway
sorry for this mostly focussing on squidward . . . spongebob is a bit more complicated to me bc he's a mix of childish and mature and you're never entirely sure when which facet will be more prominent. ultimately though i think they have the potential to balance each other out but still have a good time together (as in, they won't settle right into "BORED old married couple"). when i have more thoughts on spongebob's side of the relationship, i will let you know o7
i know this spawned from the "to be loved is to be changed" post tags, but for squidbob's part i feel i was mostly joking or i probably made a tblitbc comment while watching spongebob with my irl and i've forgotten why, LOL – let me think on it some more and let me watch more of the show, and i'll get back to you on that. :)
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makeyoumine69 · 5 months
Omg I wrote an ask but then my app crashed, I’m not sure if it sent ☠️ um. Okay if you got this ask already, please feel free to ignore this… lets see if I can remember what I wrote hahaha rip
Like the recent anon you got, I may also need some reassurance about something. What do you do if you really like a character, but then they do something highly triggering, and then it changes your entire perspective of them? And yet, you still want to be with them? I just watched AP a week ago and I was starting to hyperfixate on it. I really like Patrick a lot, probably the first time I’ve ever shipped with a villain who is THIS ruthless, and I’d see him murder ppl on screen and I’d think “oh teehee he wouldn’t hurt my OC though :)” sjfhkshdjg it also helps that I skipped almost all of the murder scenes except the Paul one (my friend who LOVES this movie watched it with me, told me to look away while they fast forwarded through the scary parts) I really cannot handle horror at all, but I wanted to try seeing this movie because I love Christian Bale. So I suppose you can say I technically only watched 30 minutes of this movie XD
I was having a real good time coming up with fluffy stories for my OC and Patrick for a full week now. But then I foolishly watched the deleted scenes yesterday without asking my friend to check the video to see if it had any triggering content… and I liked the scenes very much, except the one with Courtney. That scared the shit out of me. I have had a personal experience of being sexually assaulted and hit in the bedroom without consent, so seeing Patrick kind of yank Courtney around and yell at her, and roughly pull out, hurting her, it definitely triggered me and I was stress vomiting afterwards for a few hours. And today I woke up and I still cannot stop thinking about it. I felt really, really good with Patrick up until I watched that yesterday, and I am so shaky and nauseous just remembering it. It just keeps replaying in my head, despite me trying to stop thinking about it. I believe the director commented that they deleted that scene and replaced it instead with the scene where Patrick and Courtney are simply talking after they had slept together, where she’s just feeling depressed and saying “if you don’t call before Easter, have a nice one” or something like that, I am paraphrasing. But it didn’t imply any violence had occurred beforehand, at least I really hope not
I know Patrick is awful. I know he’s horrible. I know he is the worst, I did this to myself by liking him in the first place. I feel very stupid when I vent about this to my friends, they’re like “well… just don’t ship your OC with him if it bothers you. He’s literally a serial killer, it shouldn’t surprise you that he would also hurt women sexually. Just stop thinking about it.” but it doesn’t feel that simple, I can’t just… stop, you know? I spent an entire week *obsessing* over this character. I got serotonin out of this, it was a habit to think of him; my brain cannot simply just say “oh whatever I’ll drop him then, move on to something else”. I have absolutely tried distracting myself with other interests in the last 24 hours. I have watched other movies that aren’t scary, I have looked at different characters from romantic comedies that don’t involve murder, I have binged SpongeBob episodes lmao, but my brain is very much attached to Bateman. I want to feel comfortable with him, I like him. I wanted to ship my OC with him very badly, and I still do! I know he’s fictional, I shouldn’t be overthinking this, but I feel so shaky and unsafe when I think about him now. I feel heartbroken like I’m going through a breakup, as silly as that sounds, because I have been really looking forward to making this character someone fun to write about. I keep reminding myself it was just a deleted scene, he didn’t really hurt Courtney in bed, but god… it was jarring to see it happening regardless. I know he does these things in the book, I know he’s despicable, but I really wanted to hope that movie!patrick could be someone I could potentially try testing the waters with. Like the anon you answered recently, I have also had a poor experience shipping with villains and I am trying to reclaim that for myself. It feels scary knowing he has the potential to be physically or sexually abusive, when I am trying to practice the whole “I am the exception with villains” thing. I’m so sorry, I am writing so much omg I promise I’m almost done
So I guess I’m just asking for you to lie to me and say he’d be gentle with people in the bedroom, or that he wouldn’t bother hitting somebody or hurting them because it doesn’t bring him satisfaction...? Or even just… he didn’t hurt Courtney… *wouldn’t* hurt Courtney. Or Evelyn. Or Jean. Or whomever else. Like, if he’s ruthless, I’d rather he just murder people, not assault them, does that make sense? Oh my god I know that sounds completely out of character but I need somebody who knows him very well to try to reassure me, if you were okay with that of course. You’ve been writing him for a long time so I think you’d know him best and i know if anyone can convince me that Patrick has a gentle side to him, it would be you. And if anybody else wanted to write reassurances in the replies as well, by all means, I need all the help I can get lol. If you wanted to respond to this, of course. Please don’t feel pressured to respond if you don’t want to! Forgive me for sending such a lengthy ask. I feel very silly. Have a lovely day, I very much enjoy your blog btw you seem like a very kindhearted person :) sending you hugs. Again, please don’t worry about responding if you don’t wish to.
Hello dear!
Jesus, it's such an honor to hear people say that I know Patrick very well, it literally makes me cry! 😭
I would tell you this - when it comes to having crushes and just interacting with different characters, we all have our own visions of them. Speaking for myself, as much as I try to write Patrick canonically, I don't really write any gore or him committing murders because my psyche blocks those aspects of his personality, but I don't judge people who write him really violent and brutal - that's just not my cup of tea. I can't say that I tried to find some good traits in his personality, no, I just accepted the fact that I fell in love with a narcistic, arrogant man who has mental problems and loves to manipulate people. All those "I can fix him" things never worked for me and I never really tried to imagine him changing in a good way for me. Actually, I just let him live rent free in my head, and as for the way I write him - sometimes I feel like I want to write him being gentle and loving - I really have a thing for sweet and affectionate Patty, sometimes (most of the time lmao) I'm into some really angsty shit, so probably most people don't like my writing because in my stories Patrick appears to be a dickhead and a total bastard. But like I said, we all look at characters from our own perspective and we have the right to imagine our crushes the way we want them to be. After all, only Bret Ellis can present Patrick's character the way he is supposed to be, since Ellis created him.
Speaking of the deleted scene with Courtney, it was a little different in the book, but yeah, I wouldn't recommend reading the book because it's much more triggering and disturbing than the movie. Honestly, when I read the book for the first time, I had a big breakdown because I felt disgusted by the things Patrick did in the novel and Bret did a great job of making Bateman a real monster, so I can say that the movie version of Patrick is less off-putting. Even now I try to avoid reading the book too often because some chapters make me really depressed. But I can confess that I'm one of those people who believe in the theory that Bateman didn't commit all those murders and that they were all in his head. In Lunar Park, Bret Ellis' other book, he hinted that all the murders were actually not real. So I can recommend you to read this book because it has a lot of interesting facts about Patrick Bateman as a character from the novel.
I hope I made you feel a little bit better, and my DM is always open to talk! Thanks for sharing this with me! 💕💕💕
*sending my love and hugs!*
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autisticsupervillain · 5 months
It's Fictional Throwdown Friday!
This Week's Fighters...
Spongebob vs Kirby!
Speed Equalized.
Spongebob and Kirby are the final contestants in the cook-fight championship, where the contests have to simultaneously defeat their opponents in combat and cook a delicious meal better than their opponents and only one can take home the gold.
Analysis: Spongebob
Ah, yes, Spongebob SquarePants. We love him, we meme him, and we remember him as the purest essence of childhood cartoon nostalgia. This goofy goober, nautical nincompoop, and asexual icon may seem like a harmless wimp on the surface... and to an extent, he kinda is. His life long dream is to work as a fry cook at a dead end fast food restaurant, he once struggled to lift a glass of water, and he's easily small enough to fit in your hand, regularly getting overpowered by ordinary humans. You'd be forgiven for mistaking Bikini Bottom's best fry cook for a harmless goofball, wing nut, or knucklehead mcspazatron. But just you wait, this fry cook has a lot more up his virtually nonexistent sleeves.
There are three acronyms that one must always remember when discussing Spongebob. E.V.I.L, P.O.O.P., and T.F.I.B. Don't recognize that last one? It stands for Toon Force Is Bullshit.
When Spongebob isn't struggling to lift Teddy Bears, he's effortlessly rotating the entire planet, sucking up the entirety of Earth's oceans, and absorbing enough water to replace the moon in the sky. We're in for some shit now.
As a sea sponge, or, really more of a kitchen sponge I guess, Spongebob is remarkably durable and flexible. He can freely shspeshift into nearly any form he can imagine, regenerate from getting reduced to dust, duplicate himself millions of times, and absorb any liquid or physical attack thrown at him. Like the time he was able to walk around getting punched all week without feeling any of it, or the time he literally laughed off being erased from existence.
Moreover, he's a master of nearly any hobby or job he picks up. He's so good at cooking Krabby Patties that they can become sentient, cancel mind control, and make people romantically attracted to them, while his bubble blowing skills let him create torpedoes, create sentient life, and create entire fuctioning societies out of bubbles. He's such a Rockstar that his music can physically assault you and free you from mind control and one time he was able to rock out so hard he transformed into the sun.
On top of that, Spongebob can create anything he can conceivably need in any situation, either by drawing it with the magic pencil (which, yes, later seasons show he still has), blowing bubbles, letting his tears come to life to revive him from the dead, or just by willing it into existence with his imagination. And not only can the pencil's eraser erasing things from reality, but he can even erase reality itself by pulling on a string and unraveling the entire universe.
And then... there's his ability... to break the fourth wall.
Not only can he ride on the scene transitions, not only can he exit the comic book he's in, but he can also rewrite the plot of his own story as it's happening. And that's without the magic book from the second movie. He can just... do that. On his own.
He's strong enough to fuse together with Patrick down to the level of his DNA by hugging him really hard, fast enough to watch Patrick run to the sun in back in seconds, and strong enough to defeat and capture everyone else in Bikini Bottom within a single night (albiet with Patrick's help).
While this all may sound unbeatable, there is one major issue for Mr. SquarePants. He can only survive out of water for so long and if exposed to extreme heats outside the water for too long, he risks drying up and suffocating to death. But, that's okay, because if that does happen, his tears will come to life and resurrect him from the dead anyways.
So next time you think to underestimate your childhood icon, you'd do well to remember... he's ready.
Analysis: Kirby
Kirby, Kirby, Kirby. It's the name you should know, they're the star of the show, Kirby's the one. While this impossibly powerful little puffball's backstory is by an large a mystery, the widely accepted explanation is that they are a reincarnation of the immense god-like being known as Void that came about as a result of Void interacting with positive emotions. They are the positive counterpart to Zero's and Void Termina's dark and hateful incarnations, who came into being as a result of Void interacting with powerful negative emotions.
As a result of this, Kirby is paradoxically both horrifyingly powerful and unrelentingly cute, cuddly, and friendly. They may aspire to no higher cause than eating cake, making friends, and sleeping, but I do not exaggerate in the slightest when I call their power godlike. Kirby has been stated several times to have infinite power and has defeated beings amped by the Master Crown, which was stated to have the same. This alone would make them universe level at least, but they have feats that put them well above that. The parallel dimension known as... Another Dimension (great name guys, not confusing at all) is shown to contain at least sixteen universes, with Magalor's defeat destroying all of them.
But Kirby has far more than just raw power on their side. As a matter of fact, they are well known for their versatility thanks to their Copy Ability. With it, they can inhale an enemy or object into their maw and transmute it into either a star shaped projectile or a copy ability, allowing them to copy a wide variety of powers from their defeated foes. They can combine these abilities, store them for later, or transform these powers into allies who can fight alongside them. And provided their opponent is too big for them to inhale, Kirby has ways of copying their powers anyways. By tossing their ability at their foe as an energy projectile, they can transmute enemies into copy abilities or they can just scan enemies outright with the copy ability known as... Copy.
These copy abilities come in a wide variety, ranging from those that grant Kirby mastery over a specific weapon to those who bestow Kirby with some form of elemental power. Notable ones include ice Kirby, who can freeze foes solid even if they can survive in space, cook Kirby who can transmute enemies into food, magic Kirby who can use magic for a variety of purposes, ranging from summoning food to summoning allies, and Copy Kirby, which can copy the powers of whoever Kirby scans. Their most powerful Abilities can even do damage to the fabric of reality itself, ranging from their Ultra Sword cutting holes into other universes to Time Crash, which creates an explosion so powerful that it damages time itself, effectively allowing Kirby to stop time.
Even without their Copy abilities, Kirby is remarkably tough. Their incredibly small size of a mere eight inches makes them remarkably tough to hit, they can regenerate from being impaled in an instant, can inflate themselves with air and fly through the sky, and summon a warp star to help them fly across the galaxy in seconds. And if all that sounds like a lot for one little pink puffball, Kirby can just speed dial up three other identical Kirby's to help kick your ass on command. Or throw a Friend Heart at you to forcibly befriend you.
And if you somehow make it through all of that and manage to kill Kirby? They can simply come back as a ghost, steal your life energy, and regenerate their body from nothing. Unless you can kill ghosts, Kirby's just gonna come straight back.
Having said all that, Kirby isn't perfect. While they are shown to be strangely technologically and scientifically adept, they have also shown to be incredibly naive. They've been manipulated into doing the villain's bidding on more than one occasion and they tend to simply jump headlong into situations without any kind of plan.
While Kirby may not be Nintendo's strongest character as is widely believed, they are every bit the godkiller you've heard they are. The next eldritch terror that steps foot on the peaceful planet of Popstar is gonna end up like all the rest, running for it's goddamn life.
Throwdown Theme:
Throwdown Breakdown:
This... is a tricky one.
Both of these pint sized power houses have absolutely massive arsenals to throw at each other, with several of their abilities simply canceling each other out. Both of these characters are small enough to fight inside the palm of your hand, are nigh-unkillable, can breathe underwater forever, and can duplicate themselves in numerous ways.
Going for the kill is grossly out of character for both of them, but Spongebob is the only one with a way to actually kill their opponent. Kirby can't destroy someone who can come back from nothing, whereas the Magic Pencil would leave them with nothing to come back from. Spongebob has the means to create anything he can imagine to fight Kirby with, but Kirby can just copy whatever he creates by inhaling it or using Copy. Similarly, Kirby can also create beings to fight on their behalf with their Artist (not to be confused with Paint) ability, handly countering out Spongebob's bubbles.
Spongebob has quite few counters to Kirby's tricks. He can simply shapeshift out of being turned into a copy ability or food, his absorbent abilities makes powers like Fighter and Water useless or detrimental, he can simply draw a portal to escape Kirby's stomach pocket reality, and krabby patties can cancel out the effects of the Friend Heart (as well as other times Spongebob has resisted mind control). But, by that same notion, Kirby's ice is more than capable of freezing people who can withstand the vacuum of space, meaning it should work fine on Spongebob, the Pure Hearts is better mind manipulation than what Spongebob has shown to resist (they can counter out the mind control powers of Void Termina, whose incarnations such as Dark Matter can control entire planets), and should be much stronger physically.
The reason I Equalized Speed for this fight initially was because I assumed Spongebob was exponentially faster. Then I realized that both of them can move even after time has been destroyed, placing both at about equal speed. That's gow close this matchup is and that's how overpowered both of them are. Which is not at all helped by how few options they have to out each other down.
However, there are a few things that just barely make this Kirby's game.
Kirby is stronger, smarter, and more experienced. Spongebob can destroy the universe, but Kirby can tank sixteen blowing up in their face. Both can be incredibly naive and overly trusting, but Kirby is smart enough to build a rocket ship by themself. And both are no stranger to saving the world, but only Kirby fights off eldritch abominations on a near daily basis.
Spongebob has some clear win conditions here. But the issue is actually being willing to use them in this context. Spongebob isn't going to murder his competition in a cooking competition, so the magic pencil is out. That leaves fourth wall breaking and plot manipulation. However, Spongebob has never used those abilities in a straight up fight before. Even in situations where his life or the world was at risk, Spongebob has never simply rewritten the plot so that he wins a fight or competition and he likely wouldn't do so here. Because this fight is, in context, a friendly competition and it's really not like Spongebob to willingly cheat.
Kirby, meanwhile, has a few ways of incapacitating Spongebob. Their ice and Friend Hearts should be more potent than what Spongebob and his resistance to such things can handle, their strength and greater experience would give them an advantage in combat, and they can match Spongebob's versatility.
This fight is genuinely the closest one we've had all year. But, I think Kirby has just enough to overcome their aquatic adversary.
Spongebob wins the cooking competition though. Not even Cook Kirby competes with that. If Neptune himself can't match Spongebob, I don't know what Kirby can do.
Does that make this a tie? Eh, Throwdown's the name of the game so that's what I'll count.
This Throwdown's Winner is....
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
If Marinette was a guy, let me tell you what would've happened. People would go WILD for a sensitive, artistic and cute boy who's lovesick and a big romantic. Him having Adrien's photos would never be a big deal bc from a long time, fandom is apologetic and too forgiving of a male characters action. He wouldn't be called a stalker, he would be called protective and so possessive and cute. I've seen ppl defend a guy who drugs the mc and sexually assaulted her. Trust me, this won't be a problem.
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I know! Literally the only male main characters who get crap for their behaviour are Danny Zuko from Grease, Noah from Notebook, Howard Volovitz from Bug Bang Theory (who btw had character development unlike Raj who ACTUALLY deserves hate but doesn't get it) and Ross Geller from Friends. Everyone else is totally fine.
I know the praise for being "good fathers" Homer Simpson from Simpsons and Richard Waterson from The Amazing World Of Gumball get when they are both sh*tty fathers and sh*tty husbands.
Homer always whines about how much he hates his life and his own family and his job and literally all his friends tell him they would die for a life like that but he doesn't appreciate it. Every time Marge told him to do something useful for their household he doesn't want to do it and she has to. For a while I loved him because he's hands down the funniest character in the show until he found out Marge is going to see a therapist every week from how unhappy she is with her life, instead of talking about that to her and trying to make their marriage better, he chose not to tell her anything because he thinks the therapy is enough, he didn't even feel sorry for her because after therapy she's always cooking good meals and is in mood for s*x so it works for him. Every time he ruined something she made he gets rewarded in the end of the episode, and she and their kids always forgive him. He literally doesn't even care about Maggie, always makes Lisa's life harder, and HE LITERALLY CHOKES BART AND PEOPLE SEE THAT AS FUNNY AND NO ONE EVER CALLED IT OUT! Bart literally has trauma from that, it was established in the show and the movie. You know who is hated in that show? Lisa. Lisa, who is one of the sweetest characters and one of my favourite characters I relate so much to, is hated because of her religion, Homer is loved for being a jerk.
Richard Waterson is so bad my own grandma hated him! He does literally nothing around the house and kids, Nicole has to work and take care of three freakin children AND the household but he can get away with everything and people even see him as a good guy who "tries his best" because he spends all day in bed eating junk food.
Peter Griffin and Quagmire from Family Guy are also horrible characters. Peter is a bad father who hates his daughter and Quagmire is a LITERAL r*pist and people not only love Peter but also laugh at Quagmire's r*pe jokes and scenes where they hinted that he r*ped someone.
Patrick Star from Spongebob Squarepants is so bad that I was a kid and I already hated him. He's treating Spongebob like cr*p and uses him and Spongebob always has to apologise cuz HOW DARE HE BE MAD AT HIS BEST FRIEND WHO'S ALSO THE WORST FRIEND YOU COULD EVER HAVE and Patrick is so popular he even got a spin-off show.
Aaron Samuels from Mean Girls was the biggest hypocrite ever and no one hates him, everyone hates the main female character who was also a hypocrite but you know how it goes - she learned her lesson, she became a better person, and he got rewarded even though he's still a jerk and he doesn't even realize he's a jerk.
I already wrote about My Best Friend's Wedding and Made of Honor being two movies with the same plot but MBFW has a female lead and MoH has male lead and the female lead also suffered the consequences and learned her lesson and she lost and EVERYONE EVERYWHERE hates her, you won't see anyone on the Internet who loves her, but no one hates him who won by doing something terrible, never learned his lesson and never faced the consequences. She can't be with a guy she loves but he can be with a girl he loves and she is terrible he's not, he's a hero.
In that movie Emma the main character who's wonderful ended up with a guy who was is always criticising her and yelling at her and I don't see people complaining about that.
Gumball in The Amazing World Of Gumball is a really bad kid. He's selfish and mean for no reason and no one hates him and he doesn't get character development but you know what? I'm glad no one hates him cuz he's just a kid - and so is Marinette. Gumball is actually the most accurate representation of a kid his age. But he doesn't receive criticism for stuff Marinette receives criticism all the time, even when doing something bad wasn't in her intentions. I would rather want them to criticise his father Richard if they have to criticise someone but no way they'll get criticism cuz they are male characters.
Maxim Lavrov from The Kitchen is literally THE WORST main character I've ever seen in my life and I watched so much stuff. He is constantly stalking Victoria, his on-off girlfriend, literally 70% of times they had s*x that was because he literally forced her to do it even when she told him to let her go and that is seen as hot but actually that's r*pe, he stole her documents so she can't travel with other guy when they broke up, he poked holes on her tires to prevent her from leaving with someone else, he stole her medical records in hospital when she was pregnant to see if the baby was his, he spread rumours that she is dating their boss who's married and that she would date anyone who can buy her stuff, he fought his rival out of jealousy, he cheated on her twice with the same woman, he didn't want to do anything around their apartment and she had to everything herself when they got married, he didn't like her for being "too perfect", he dated the girl he cheated with the first time he broke up with Victoria and when karma did it's work and he got cheated on he pursued Victoria immediately as if he would actually date her again if he didn't break up with this girl and when Victoria didn't want to date him he blamed her for their relationship failing and he called her a gold digger, he always grabbed her by her hand forcefully and he was really rough with her when she didn't want to talk even when she was pregnant, he followed her everywhere ALL THE TIME and spied on her. I think only my mom and I can't stand him. Everyone else loves him on the fan page and everyone who's seen the show. They love him. The only consequence he suffered was when she broke up with him both times when he cheated but even in the end of the show they didn't get together but they were in good terms and they worked at the same place and he was allowed to take care of their daughter with her and he got a promotion too. Without even trying.
Shrek literally signed a contract to get rid of his family and I feel like I'm the only one who hated him in that movie, no one complains about that character downgrade cuz like how tf do you disown everyone you love and still get a reward in the end?!
Raymond, Robert and Frank from Everybody Loves Raymond are treating their wives horribly, no one said anything about them. They are all horrible, you don't know which one is worse. In fact, ELR makes abuse Debra, Raymond's wife, has to suffer from his family funny.
Fallon and Adam from Dynasty - Fallon always works on being a better person even when she breaks a vase while Adam kills people and all is forgiven
I'm sure there are a lot more other examples and these are just a few, but female characters ALWAYS suffer the consequences in stuff I watched. I don't remember ever seeing a female character cheating her partner and getting away with it, a male character is always forgiven for cheating after the female character is really hurt, she always forgives him and they are a happy couple. And don't tell me about rom com jerks who get the girl every time for treating her terribly. Also women in rom coms are shallow if they choose a hot tall bf but male characters can choose women who look like literal supermodels and that's totally not shallow. I just hate these stereotypes. "If male character did it they would get cancelled" I literally grew up watching male characters who never changed and those toxic ones ended up as a pop culture icons. It's a rare case when a male character's behaviour is called out.
Bish I literally had to watch people draw Chat Noir punching Ladybug and people saying he should do it in the comments and him getting praised when he yelled at her and that's totally fair from our fandom? That's not gender equality, that's misogyny.
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wayslidecool · 1 year
top 10 best spongebob episodes?
okay, so i'll come forward and say i probably can't give you a top 10. i haven't been caught up with the show for a few years now, and it's been a long while since i've seen most of the episodes, even the ones i do enjoy. so instead what i'm gonna do is give more of a generalized "i remember these episodes being pretty damn good". will probably go out of my way to highlight more niche picks. so uh, these aren't my top 10, just ten episodes i like that i felt like talking about.
all this is under the cut because i don't wanna flood peoples' dashboards talking about Sponge Bob lmao
so first thing first, let's get some of the obvious picks out of the way: i think pretty much everyone knows that pizza delivery (s1, ep 5a), band geeks (s2, ep 35b), graveyard shift (s2, ep 36a), krusty krab training video (s3, ep 50b), and chocolate with nuts (s3, ep 52a) are some of the series' best. probably others i'm missing but like. everyone loves those episodes, countless people have talked about why they're great, i don't think there's much i could say that hasn't been said by other people and said better.
so let's highlight some others that i personally found really good that i probably can say more about!
tea at the treedome (s1, ep 1c)
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man, talk about coming out swinging. this episode is part of the very first block and i think it is so, so strong. i think what makes this episode work so well for me is how they handle spongebob, how he so badly doesn't want to disturb his new friend that he becomes completely passive and can't even ask for water is so good, feels very relatable. i love the way this episode handles his internal monologue, showing his increasing desperation up until he inevitably snaps. ("I NEED IT!") it's so so good, such a good showcase of his character.
patrick's also great here! he hits such that nice balance of "well-intentioned stupidity" that defines all his best appearances. the way he sees spongebob slowly breaking down and tries to remind him to stay classy ("when in doubt, pinky out!"), eventually coming in himself to show spongebob things aren't so bad and immediately being proven wrong, it's all just so good.
my only real knock against this one is that for sandy's debut episode, i feel like she doesn't really get to do a lot. which is definitely a pity, but i dunno, i don't wanna hold it against this episode too much because they definitely give her some great episodes later on, and this episode otherwise nails the character writing.
sb-129 (s1, ep 14a)
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this is a really high-concept episode to put in the show's first season, don't you think? honestly i think this is an episode worth checking out for the spectacle more than anything. don't get me wrong there's some killer jokes, the joke about everything being chrome in the future, the way squidward inadvertently ends up inventing jellyfishing, there's some good stuff, but let's face it. the real reason you come to this episode is for its sheer scale. idk about you, but i can sort of give or take "caveman humor".
but man, this is an episode that goes places. i mean, in eleven minutes, we get a snippet of the future, the past, and the nowhere dimension (the last of which i'll go over a bit later on). on one hand, it kinda feels like the episode has to rush through them all, but on the other hand, it doesn't feel like any of these time periods are meant to be all that fleshed out. they mostly exist to provide an interesting setpiece, deliver a few jokes, and then move the story to the next place. i could see an alternate longer version of this episode feeling like it drags on a bit too much.
and man, that nowhere dimension. i love that scene so, so much. it's surreal, it's memorable, it's a bit unnerving, and it adds so much to this already high-concept episode. that scene's probably the highlight of the whole thing to me (and MIGHT be what elevates it to a personal favorite) but i'd definitely say the whole thing is worth your time.
dying for pie (s2, ep 24a)
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i think this is another of those episodes everyone can sorta agree is one of the best, but eh. i wanted to talk about it anyway because yeah it's just that good. i think spongebob and squidward are probably the best character duo in the entire show, and this is probably the best example of said dynamic. i really like how the plot is set in motion by squidward's carelessness, how his apathy is what forces him to realize how much he actually cares about his neighbor. what i love even more is the balancing act they play with the spongebob-squidward dynamic, the way they're still able to keep spongebob a bit annoying to squidward while still letting squidward genuinely care.
besides all the character stuff, man is this episode just funny. the absurdity of the pirates selling pies that are actually bombs, spongebob's sweater of tears, "Eleven times?!", spongebob's bucket list including showing squidward to everyone wearing a salmon suit and open heart surgery? yeah this episode has a lot of heart (hehe!) but never is it at the expense of the episode's comedy.
the only thing i could maybe see someone holding against this episode is that spongebob having not eaten the pie is kind of an ass pull but like. the writers aren't gonna kill off the main character, come on. and besides, i think the twist ultimately serves the episode well, i think getting that scene of squidward expressing his exasperation over everything he had to go through really reminds us why we love this dynamic: no matter how much squidward secretly cares about spongebob, spongebob's always gonna be a little bit annoying to him. d'awwwww.
squid on strike (s2, ep 40a)
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speaking of good spongebob/squidward episodes! this one is so, so underrated i think. it's not really one of the show's most quotable episodes, but at the same time, i kinda think that works in its favor, if that makes any sense. jokes aren't as good if you know they're coming, so an episode filled to the brim with really good jokes that aren't especially quotable ends up hitting just as hard on rewatches. it might not have the same staying power as something like band geeks or chocolate with nuts, but because of that it manages to always surprise you with just how funny it is.
and to make it clear: this episode is hilarious. mr. krabs trying to charge his employees for things like "existing" and "breathing", spongebob's idea of getting more from his job just being getting to wear a comically oversized hat, the general cluelessness of both spongebob and the population, spongebob taking squidward's anticapitalist metaphors a bit too literally, there's a lot of good material here. probably also helps that this is the episode where squidward says "Nobody gives a care about the fate of labor as long as they can get their instant gratification." so true bestie.
i think what buoys this episode beyond just its great jokes is once again how it nails the characters. spongebob loves his job, sure, but the only thing he loves even more is his good friend squidward, so of course spongebob will become more passionate about the strike when mr. krabs insults squidward! so much so, that he's willing to dismantle the establishment, board by board! and conversely, the one thing that could make squidward give in is the idea that he might be on strike with spongebob forever. as i've said. spongebob and squidward are the best dynamic on this show.
nasty patty (s3, ep 44a)
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this is probably the darkest episode of the entire series, and i love it SO much for that. like, i wouldn't say it's unreasonably dark, they make it apparent from the very first line of the episode that the health inspector doesn't actually die, but we are still looking at an episode of a children's cartoon where the main characters are thoroughly convinced they've murdered an innocent bystander and spend the whole episode trying to cover it up. and it's hilarious.
i think the juxtaposition of such a storyline with a character as innocent as spongebob is what really elevates this episode for me. ("The dark deed you requested is done, sir.") the whole episode ends up becoming this exercise in just how long they can keep up the central joke before the characters inevitably find out what's going on, especially with the multiple fake-outs! i love how there's multiple instances where the health inspector briefly regains consciousness, only to be immediately knocked out again. so good.
and as a result of that structure, it manages to escalate so well, with how they bring in the police and manage to keep coming up with situations where they have to keep the not-so-dead body just barely out of view. the scene where spongebob stuffs the health inspector in his hat (pictured above) is probably the highlight of the episode to me, it just so perfectly illustrates how silly this story manages to get.
fear of a krabby patty (s4, ep 61a)
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so most people agree that the series went downhill after the first three seasons. and they'd be right! the first three seasons are absolutely the show at its peak and the show never managed to recapture its glory days in the seasons that followed. but it's not like they flipped some switch and the show was suddenly bad. hell, if anything, "fear of a krabby patty" (the very first episode after the movie!) might be one of my all-time favorites. in fact, and this statement may sound treasonous, but i think i like this one more than their other 24-hour adventure in "graveyard shift". yeah, i said it! bite me!
of course, the krusty krab being open for 24 hours with spongebob and squidward being forced to work the full shift is about all this episode has in common with that one, as the stories go in pretty wildly different directions from there. i love the way plankton is integrated into this episode. his "dr. peter lankton" schtick is so funny in how obvious his intentions are, leading to some killer therapy jokes and a couple instances of being crushed by a piano.
another highlight of this episode is its distinctive animation style! c.h. greenblatt has a very recognizable art style, you can usually easily tell which episodes he boarded (like dying for pie up above!) but you can especially tell with this one. actually, between its loose, expressive animation and its zippier pacing compared to the classic seasons, this almost feels like sort of like a post-sequel episode? i wonder if this episode would be all that different if they made it in season 11. i don't mean this in a bad way, for the record -- i think this episode manages those traits really well.
mermaid man & barnacle boy vi: the motion picture (s4, ep 67b)
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i don't really have much to say here i just think this one's funny as hell. it's not like it thrives off these intricate character dynamics, or this elaborate well-plotted story, its plot is just a vehicle for a flurry of ridiculous jokes that all end up hitting for me. you know that thing where you see some bad movie and are like, "i could do better than that!" despite having no filmmaking experience? that's the central conceit of this episode, and it works to hilarious effect.
this episode may not thrive off of intricate character dynamics sure, but i still think it uses its characters very well. it does a good job finding everyone's role in making the movie, from spongebob as director, squidward as the makeup artiste, sandy as the pyrotechnician ("Did somebody say BOOM?!"), plankton as the boom operator ("Did somebody say BOOM?!") and of course, pearl as the boatmobile. it does such a good job putting every character in a position where they have extremely high, extremely unearned confidence.
and that's really just where this episode succeeds! it's not complicated, you throw dynamic characters in a ridiculous situation and mine the comedy gold. helps that this episode has some killer running gags.
boating buddies (s6, ep 109a)
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yeah, let's throw a controversial pick on here, why the hell not. so to make things abundantly clear: i do not in the slightest think this is one of the best spongebob episodes ever written. i also totally get why most people hate this one, and i don't think it's unjustified! that being said, when i was watching through season 6, i found this one of the funniest episodes of that season, and after thinking it through a bit, i think i understand why.
i'm not gonna try and dance around the argument that this episode ramps up spongebob's creepiness to absurd levels, or that it's unreasonably cruel to squidward, because it does and it is! HOWEVER. a lot of those criticisms seem to be under the assumption that, like most episodes, we're supposed to root against squidward and for spongebob. and like, that is clearly not the case here. this is very much an episode told from squidward's point of view. squidward doesn't like spongebob, so this episode will show us spongebob's worst side. squidward can't catch a break, because we've all had those days, right? this is an episode that puts the audience in squidward's shoes, and shows us why he's the way he is.
and i dunno, i think when you watch the episode under that pretense, it ends up working! or, at least it does for me. again, i can totally get why someone wouldn't like that characterization even if they understand the perspective this episode is written from. but to me, it ends up making gags like spongebob being able to hear squidward breathing from his house, or the drawn-out blackboard gag set to an orchestral score work that much better. throw in a frenetic boating scene towards the end with that surreal laboratory sequence for a bit of extra energy, and ultimately it ends up being an episode i enjoy. it's definitely not gonna be for everyone, i wouldn't necessarily highly recommend this one, but if you're gonna watch it, at least try to do so with the writers' intentions in mind.
planet of the jellyfish (s8, ep 169b)
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you know, for as long as the show's been on the air, it doesn't feel like you really get those big, outside-the-box episodes all that often. spongebob is a show with a comfortable status quo, rarely deviating from its usual character dynamics, locations, and stock stories, so when we get something like this "invasion of the body snatchers" pastiche, it ends up standing out a lot more among its peers.
i think they made a good decision with this episode to keep spongebob oblivious about what's going on just long enough to mine that for its comedic potential, and no longer. if you had that eat away at much more of the episode, i think it could've dragged, but we get the best material of spongebob's obliviousness (like his awkward conversation with the jelly squidward, or seeing the jellien attempting to bite him and assuming it just wants popcorn), and after that the story lets spongebob find out, lets the story move on, and start building the suspense
i think that the monster movie pastiche does a good job giving this episode a unique flavor, it ends up feeling a bit higher stakes than a lot of spongebob episode, while also using this opportunity to riff on the genre and make a lot of silly and offbeat jokes, like the jellies kidnapping spongebob's spatula for some reason, spongebob freaking out about all his friends being kidnapped... and some random incidental, all the jelly clones hissing at a dude for ordering a patty with mayo (which turns out to be their weakness!), it feels like it does a good job making the most of its genre parody.
krabby patty creature feature (s11, ep 222a)
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oh hey, another b-movie monster movie pastiche. look, i'm not gonna beat around the bush. i'm a sucker for these things, okay? in general, season 11 is probably one of my favorite seasons of the later part of the show's run, i think it generally does a good job feeling fresh with a mix of new character pairings, offbeat story concepts, and a handful of genre pastiches. like this one! truth be told there's absolutely other S11 episodes i could've picked that'd give this list more variety (squid noir would probably be my next choice, consider that an honorable mention) but listen. monster movie episodes are fun, okay?
compared to planet of the jellyfish, i think creature feature is generally a bit more frantic, really thriving from the sense of urgency the story concept provides. less suspense, more action! unlike the previous episode, this episode puts spongebob at the center of the action right from the start, letting him see the situation unfold and ultimately become the one tasked with stopping it. perhaps you miss out on some of the jokes about spongebob's naivety, but the increased tension more than makes up for it. plus we can now use that time to show how the mayhem is effecting people around town, get gags where bubble bass complains about the cheap promotional stunt, or a cop complaining about the zombie apocalypse interrupting his break. good stuff!
this is another episode where i think i have to give a shout out to the animation. i know some people complain about the recent seasons being overanimated, which is a complaint i definitely feel for some episodes, but i think this episode uses its really expressive, really fluid animation to great effect, really selling us on spongebob's terror with these big expressions. i also gotta shoutout some of the character designs for the patty monster versions of the characters, you can tell the animators working on this episode had to have a blast with it, and i feel like the end result really pays off.
and... that's it for the episodes i feel like talking about right now! is this the Cream of the Crop? probably not, but they're all episodes i've enjoyed, and it's nice getting to sit back, elaborate why i like these episodes so much (even if it's been pretty time-consuming LMAO). thanks for asking!
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the-indie-owl · 2 years
Favorite SpongeBob ships?
Oh boy, I have a lot of ships in the show (some of which are divorced ships or semi-canon ships of the Bikini Bottomites) but I'll just start off with the Main Ones that I ship.
SpongeBobXSandy - Probably one of the Main Ships in both the Show and the Fandom. The Two have a lot of perfect chemistry together and they even have such adorable moments, the two protect each other and even enjoy a lot of fun. They're also very helpful of each other since they're close friends and all, and I like how Sandy is the Badass Girl while SpongeBob's usually the "Goofy Nice Guy". Felt a bit disappointed that their past of how they met was retconned since the Third Movie only for the Spin-Offs like "Kamp Koral" and it was also kinda funny that ship was roasted in one episode of a wedding flashback (Truth or Square).
I sometimes think that SpongeBob has a crush on Her, rather or not it'd be a question, yet, they still support each other.
PatrickXMindy - I'm pretty sure everyone shipped them since the first movie in their own childhoods (including mine). Gotta admit, I always find Patrick's crush on her adorable since they are opposites attract and it's one of those "Royal Heir X Peasant" tropes. It was nice to see that Mindy did had a cameo in the Birthday special. Oh, and I guess Patrick does have a type for Girls; Mermaids (which was hinted in Legends of the Bikini Bottom).
Sherm said that Mindy is 14 and that he assumes that SpongeBob and Patrick are like kids (which makes Me believe that he doesn't know their ages which is why he thinks Mindy is young) maybe SpongeBob and Patrick are somewhat Older Adolescents too since No One really knows much about the Characters' Canon Ages (The Writers would never really know about their true ages based on how old they are).
Personally, in my POV/Headcanon, I see Patrick 17, SpongeBob 18 (based on some theories about his age), and even Sandy 19. (But in most of my AUs, Mindy is 19-21 while Patrick is 22 in some of my AUs, mostly from my Human AU.)
SquidwardXSquilvia - It was nice to see that Squidward finally had a love interest of his own (but sadly, much like Mindy, Squilvia is just a one appearance character even though Mindy did at least came back at the show one time). I felt bad for Squidward being so lonely all the time he couldn't find someone like him who he could love. Personally, I think Squilvia has the same interests that Squidward has, if she could find a Man like Him, then Squidward would find a Woman like Her.
Gotta love on how SpongeBob instantly ships them together since Squidward is honestly the Tsundere type who has feelings for Squilvia. I can see Squilvia having sympathy for Squidward on how rough his life was as she could relate to the same way as him. I think these two would have been perfect as Husband and Wife 💙
Hoping for Squilvia, she might make another appearance in the Modern Episodes.
NeptuneXAmphitrite - Surprise to see that I would instantly brought up Neptune's ship since he's one of my favorite characters? Lmao, thought so 🤭
I know that we barley see them together, especially in "The Clash of Triton" and even though it's unknown on what happened to Amphitrite and Triton in the First Movie, I'd like to think that Neptune and his Wife were separated once.
Even though we haven't gotten a backstory about them, I headcanon that in Ancient Times, they didn't mind at first but when they got to know each other, their romance blossomed into love (but Amphitrite was already in a relationship with Poseidon as Neptune technically stole his Greek Counterpart's Girl and won her heart in a fight).
In their Teen Years, I see that their relationship would be pretty similar to Bambi and Faline from "Bambi" (imagine Neptune and Amphitrite's love scene with the song, "I Bring You A Song"/"Looking for Romance" in the background lol)
I guess Amphitrite was chosen to be Neptune's Queen so they can produce an Heir to the Throne but their feelings do matter for each other since hey, Amphitrite respects her Husband a lot.
So yeah, that's about it. I ain't going to feature all of the other ships in cuz that would take a lot of exhausting work to explain a lot. But these that I picked out are my Number One ships in the Show.
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pomegranate-cuties · 1 year
Chapter 19 Reactions
First time poster, long time reader and so on. All instances of bold in quoted text is my own emphasis. Now, without further ado:
People who have never seen these structures, and have only the ill-imagined efforts of artists or the imperfect descriptions of such eye-witnesses as myself to go upon, scarcely realise that living quality. I recall particularly the illustration of one of the first pamphlets to give a consecutive account of the war. The artist had evidently made a hasty study of one of the fighting-machines, and there his knowledge ended. He presented them as tilted, stiff tripods, without either flexibility or subtlety, and with an altogether misleading monotony of effect. The pamphlet containing these renderings had a considerable vogue, and I mention them here simply to warn the reader against the impression they may have created. They were no more like the Martians I saw in action than a Dutch doll is like a human being. To my mind, the pamphlet would have been much better without them.
Tell us how you really feel Mr Narrator! As someone who's been accepting any and all illustrations of our tripod aliens as canon, I'm feeling very attacked right now. And who was it who first described the Martian machines as a milk stool, hm?
The internal anatomy, I may remark here, as dissection has since shown, was almost equally simple.
I love these delicious little hints of a post-Martian world 🥰
They did not eat, much less digest. Instead, they took the fresh, living blood of other creatures, and injected it into their own veins. I have myself seen this being done, as I shall mention in its place.
Virgin digestive system (humans) vs Chad vampire metabolism (Martians). Also, I'm having a bad feeling about the fate of the Curate...
Their undeniable preference for men as their source of nourishment
[Audio and video description: Official YouTube music video for the US version of "Maneater" by Nelly Furtado, an uptempo electro-pop song with an infectious, thumping beat. The video is set to start at the chorus (timestamped 2:12), depicting Nelly Furtado dancing in a dimly-lit, dilapidated warehouse, interspersed with shots of the crowd dancing in other rooms of the warehouse:
Maneater, make you work hard Make you spend hard, make you want all of her love She's a maneater, make you buy cars Make you cut cards, make you fall real hard in love She's a maneater, make you work hard Make you spend hard, make you want all of her love She's a maneater, make you buy cars Make you cut cards, wish you never ever met her at all
End description.]
These creatures, to judge from the shrivelled remains that have fallen into human hands, were bipeds with flimsy, silicious skeletons (almost like those of the silicious sponges) and feeble musculature, standing about six feet high and having round, erect heads, and large eyes in flinty sockets. Two or three of these seem to have been brought in each cylinder, and all were killed before earth was reached. It was just as well for them, for the mere attempt to stand upright upon our planet would have broken every bone in their bodies.
[Audio and video description: Scene from "Chocolate with Nuts" (season 3, episode 52) of SpongeBob Squarepants. SpongeBob, with a bandaged head and two crutches, and Patrick, with a neck brace and both arms in casts, knock on the door of a potential chocolate customer. The customer wears a full-body cast, eyepatch, and ventilator face mask, with an IV drip attached to his right side.
The video begins with a close up of the customer's face, who laments, "Ugh, some guys have all the luck. I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning, I break my legs, and every afternoon, I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep." As he speaks, a violin begins to play, and the shot cuts over to SpongeBob and Patrick, who look like they're about to cry.
Right as the customer finishes his speech, the mobility device holding the customer's leg out from him falls. A wire snaps, sending the customer tumbling down the stairs to the sounds of shattering glass and cries of pain.
End description.]
In the next place, wonderful as it seems in a sexual world, the Martians were absolutely without sex
Ace pride 🖤🤍💜
The last salient point in which the systems of these creatures differed from ours was in what one might have thought a very trivial particular. Micro-organisms, which cause so much disease and pain on earth, have either never appeared upon Mars or Martian sanitary science eliminated them ages ago. A hundred diseases, all the fevers and contagions of human life, consumption, cancers, tumours and such morbidities, never enter the scheme of their life.
Yes! I'm so glad this's been finally addressed, because it was the first thing I was curious about. It's a little inconceivable to me for life to exist on other planets without microorganisms, but that may be a lack of imagination on my part. What's more interesting is what this might mean for Martian immune systems...
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iboatedhere · 1 year
If you feel like talking about it, can I ask how you feel about last night's storyline now that you've seen the whole thing? I think in the past that last scene would have had me swooning for a couple days. But now I just can't. I don't know if I'm realizing that a small resolution with minimal actual communication between them just isn't enought for me, or if it's the fact that the scene with Carlos acting so dismissive and uncaring still proceeds it which means that there still hasn't been any signs of growth and so I'm just fully prepared for the next conflict to be treated the same with secrets or non communication getting the flippant treatment.
I hate it though. I see others losing their minds over it and thinking it's so great and such progress and I respect their but don't agree. But I'm also so frustrated that I can't just make myself agree with them so I can continue to enjoy the show I once loved so much. The show and fandom have just become so frustrating for me that I've stopped watching and unfollowed all but two blogs that regularly post about it.
I'm basically in the same boat you're on.
Like, listen, I'm not going to complain (because I already did that to Sonia last night) because we got a hug and kisses which is what I've been begging for all season but I'm not on board with the great communication praise because that was, nearly beat per beat, a copy of what we saw in 2.4. I think great communication would've been them explaining why they want, or don't want kids to each other instead of to their parents. Or keep Owen and Andrea but shave some time off that first rescue (which went on way too long, we seriously did not need to see that couple joyriding for as long as we did or the second rescue which I feel like the set up to it went on too long) and gave TK and Carlos the time to talk to each other. If we're going with the reasoning that Carlos doesn't want kids because he doesn't feel like he's going to be good enough at it (which is in character) then I feel like TK should know that. And he should also be going to therapy and taking Gabriel with him. The decision to have or not have kids is a big deal and it's make or break for a lot of couples. The same way I personally couldn't be talked into having kids is probably the same way people can't be talked out of having kids and if they genuinely reach the conclusion one way or the other with all their cards on the table then that's fine. But right now it feels like Carlos has this trauma he's carrying around (shocker) that's holding him back but now it's also kind of holding TK back from what he wants. The way that that needs to be dealt with is obvious (kid talk aside) but my faith in it actually being dealt with is low. I'll believe it when I see it and not a second beforehand.
Long story short, it wasn't as bad as I was expecting but it's also not as good as it could be which does seem to be the theme of the season when it comes to Tarlos. Maybe I'm just so jaded by them and feel like they've already dug such deep a hole that it's going to take a lot more than this to pull themselves out of it. Like, do I want to write a 5+1 fic of them traveling the world and living their best life and then coming home and sleeping in their own bed, kind of. Am I there yet, no. Will I ever be? I don't know. This was definitely a step in the right direction but I want more for them and for us. Their part of the episode was fine, but I'm not losing my mind over it, and maybe I never will again. But it does suck to feel like that Spongebob meme where Squidward is watching Spongebob and Patrick frolic outside his window. I wanna frolic but I've locked all the doors and windows and I can't get out.
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Sometimes whenever MC talks to Barnaby it feels like they’re talking to a 5 year old imo. Idk why they make him so dumb and childish almost all the time. I mean I guess it was alright when he was a 3rd year (still a bit odd though) but now in 7th year he’s still pretty much the same if not only a bit more mature/smarter and that’s really not good. It’s not cute or funny anymore, it’s actually quite concerning at this point. Next year he won’t be at school anymore and it’s not unlikely that some people are gonna take advantage of his naivety and I don’t think anyone wants that.
This is how I feel as well. The game insists on featuring him quite a lot (not on the same level as Penny or Merula, but he's only about one tier or so lower than them.) He's in all of the advertisements and he's been a love interest consistently since the Celestial Ball. So he's easily one of the favorites of the developers - or, alternatively, they believe he's popular among players and highlight him for that reason. Whatever the case, they choose to feature Barnaby a lot...and yet unlike other characters, he hasn't really evolved as a person, nor have we learned much of anything about him since Year 3 when he was a lead. The last moment, the very last that I can recall him getting development was during Year 5. Him exploding during the big Library fight because it reminded him of being at home, and then MC getting to see firsthand what that was like when Barnaby let them practice Legilimency on him? Complete with Barnaby's cheerful explanation that he just represses this stuff? Oh my stars. That is...heartbreaking. (And also chilling for me because I can relate on so many levels.) But that was Year 5.
Since then, he's gotten so little. Every time he turns up, it's just playing on the joke that he's stupid. Now, I will say that Barnaby isn't badly written for a "stupid" character. He has some genuinely funny moments and scenes that make you face-palm but also smile. He has hidden depth, and a wisdom that comes from his experiences and traumas. He rarely shows it but he can be quite mature, to general amazement. To draw a few comparisons, Barnaby is written rather like early-seasons Patrick Star, from Spongebob. I think I even once made an "Incorrect Quotes" post using Barnaby for the iconic "Is this the Krusty Krab?" Bit. To those who know what I'm talking about, I'm sure you can see what I mean. It suits him. Dopey, but well meaning. Still, that bit can get old. This is what I mean. Barnaby isn't badly written, but too often he's just very one-note. Another comparison I've made to Barnaby before is Olaf from Frozen. That's a character who he reminds me of and I think he could do with taking another page from Olaf's book. Because although Olaf is quite childish...he grows up a fair bit in the second film. He begins to mature, and it's beautiful. Jam City, Barnaby could be just as beautiful if you'd only let him be.
Thought you should see this, @dat-silvers-girl
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maguro13-2 · 4 months
Return of the Hash Slingling Slasher ~ Slasher Remake Improved! ~ Pt.3 (1/2)
"Later that night..."
[owl hoots]
[Shows Cafe Guimauve with three big signs that says 'Open Forever ' and 'Whatever']
[Fumito is shown at the counter reading a book]
Fumito Nanahara : [in mind] It's pretty quiet here that I manged to close up shop for a bit. Now here I am in the night, reading my favorite part of the book. No questions ask, no limitations, no bounds of seeing things like in a horror movie. If this place is like a horror movie, I wonder If this is my chance to be here in the night all by myself? But what are the odds of coming to a cultivating conclusion to the next point where everything has each of their parts. No sir, I have absolute confidence on this case. [he hears spooky sounds and the sound of water dripping but he doesn't know what it is] Hm? What was that noise? Eh, probably nothing. [he hears it again and still don't know what it is] Where are those noises coming from? Must've been that crazy feeling [hears it again and finds out what it is] Okay. I know where that sound coming from. It's not me, or not in the kitchen. But what on earth is someone making all those noises?
Saya Kisaragi : [on the ceiling wearing suction cups cleaning, while whistling]
Fumito Nanahara : Man...That is one weird way to hear those noises. [Saya sneaks up on him, whispers into his ear]
Saya Kisaragi : Enjoying of reading your favorite part of the book, Fumito?
Fumito Nanahara : Aah! Jeez, Saya! Don't sneak up on me like that! Did you finish combing your hair and brushing your teeth?
Saya Kisaragi : Yep! I sure did!
Fumito Nanahara : Good! Hope you're willing to get yourself ready to sleep in bed with me, cause it's going to be one sleep over. Before it's lights out for us. And by the way, that spooky noise and sound of dripping water. Was it you doing that to clean the ceiling with those suction cups?
Saya Kisaragi : Precisely, that's the because there's never a time to wash the ceiling during the day! And lucky would might come to our way!
Fumito Nanahara : "During the day"? Since when did places like this would want to have a Graveyard Shift for a night shift for those who want to work at night in any way? Whose crazy idea was it to have a crazy-ass night shift like this?
Mr.Krabs : From now on the Krusty Krab is open 24 hours a day.
Squidward : [gets up] What!? [crowd of fish barge in cheering and tramples Squidward]
Spongebob : [gasps] Wow! Now we never have to stop working!
*flashback ends*
Fumito Nanahara : Oh for the love of...[growls and says to himself] "Open 24 hours a day", "Open 24 hours a day"! I knew it was that Eugene Krabs' idea for having the Graveyard Shift that it was scariest idea that would be gullible enough to give all the extra credit, I mean if we work here at our work places in any way, this would be the scene of a horror movie, and Graveyard Shift is the name of that horror novel by that novelist Stephen King! People were so crazy about it! More importantly, I have one thing to say this from the Cartoon characters. If I were able to get a midnight snack at 12 O'Clock, who wants a so-called "burger" at 3 in the morning? Like that elder bairn monster from Easter!
[cuts to the Elder Bairn Bunny's bedroom ]
(Alarm cock goes off]
Elder Bairn Bunny : [with Patrick's voice, turns off alarm clock] Oh, boy! 3 A.M.! [whips out a plate of burgers from under his blanket and starts to eat one of it, cuts back to Cafe Guimauve]
Fumito Nanahara : And you know what else is in this scene? Just look at this whole place I established, It's becoming a ghost town here in Japan! This is ideal of a horror movie or a horror game that we get the feels of being scared straight! No one in the world would ever survive a horror movie or in a horror game that have enough courage in their heart for God's sake!
Saya Kisaragi : Yeah, but aren't we part of a horror thing that is really scary when it comes to spooky madness, like ghost stories? Both you and mother told us that the light will guide us towards to "hope". And to think that the darkness is not hated, it's kinda scary as an evil force. Promise that you'll take me out of the darkness by reaching out to you, and you'll never know why it's hard to sleep alone in the dark, because every person feared their selves to the light. But I am the luckiest person that will ever see the light against, "Hope" it was destined that anchors around the soul.
Fumito Nanahara : You are correct, "Hope" is what anchors around the soul, that's where the light guides you to where it was.
Saya Kisaragi : [walks up to the counter]True. I could never abandoned to everything, especially you. [gazes at Fumito while holding his hand] Look deep in my heart and tell me that I'm your favorite girl.
Fumito Nanahara : [nervously] Well, umm, I...
Saya Kisaragi : Say it. Say it that I'm your favorite and I'll make you understand of how much I love you dearly.
Fumito Nanahara : Well, I...[ the lights start to flicker on and off]
Saya Kisaragi : Huh? What's going on here? What's happening?
Fumito Nanahara : I don't know. But I do know is...what's up with the lights flickering on and off?
Saya Kisaragi : I don't know. But I do know that it's only you doing it.
Fumito Nanahara : Saya, I don't think that was me doing it.
~ The Slasher awaits for his arrival ~
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spookaburra · 7 months
Spongebob! 4, 10, 14 and 23!
4: How many people I ship them with
One? Maybe two, if you count the idea of Squidward/Spongebob/Squilliam, but I don't ship Spongebob with Squilliam by himself.
Incidentally, I'm crushed that the ship name for Squilliam Fancyson and Spongebob Squarepants is "Squillbob" and not "Fancypants".
10: Describe the character in one sentence
He is sunshine, if sunshine wore its heart on its sleeve.
14: Best storyline they had
This is kind of a tough one, since the series doesn't really...have...a storyline. I guess by definition, the first movie would have to be it, since Spongebob gets his heart broken, gets drunk (on ice cream), puts himself in danger to help his friends, experiences self doubt and nearly gives up on the journey, faces death with the very real realisation that he let down the entirety of Bikini Bottom and that Mr. Krabs was going to die because of his failure, ends up facing down a literal assassin sent by Plankton to kill him, and then finally ends up saving the day by only the skin on his buck teeth. He went through a ton during that movie, and one scene that sticks out to me a lot is when he and Patrick encounter that trench, and he just...turns around, defeated.
"Hey, where you goin'?"
"I'm going home, Patrick..."
"But what about Mr. Krabs?"
"What about US!? We'll never survive in that trench!"
I'm a total sucker for character depth, and I adore any moment where the writers show us a bit deeper into Spongebob's soul. I like to see the occasional cloud cover over that sunshine, because the contrast is fascinating to me.
23: Future headcanon
I'm gonna have to disappoint you on this one, because I've been staring at this question for a very long time, and I'm coming up with a huge blank. I don't want to just make something up for the sake of the question, so I'm leaving this here, and I'll edit the post if I think of something later.
EDIT: I figured out why I'm having such a hard time coming up with something! It's because making decisions about a character's future feels too final and concrete, and I prefer to keep things open. Anything I could come up with would just be one of my innumerable get-together ideas that I have for any given ship, and I love all of those in different ways so I'm not gonna just be able to pick one to be """The One""" you know?
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Well if you need more Patrick Bateman content then here's one: Some headcanons of [reader] whimpering in pain during s*x followed by aftercare. Please?? The s*x definitely gets bloody like in that scene🥵 (minus the killing part b/c he actually likes [reader]). Idk why, but I love the idea of [reader] not being able to sit still during afercare and it totally pisses Patrick off, but he also lowkey likes it because he sees it as an opportunity to tease her and be dominant. If...that makes sense... ("OH MY GOD, Y/N. STOP... MOVING!")
A/n-I am so sorry I ignored this for such a long time I had a lot going on so I hope you like it!(there's not a lot of smut just because I had no idea what to write for it, I tried my best 😩)
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"p-Patrick please slow down" I managed to mumble out, he continued to aggressively thrust into me "shut up were not through yet" I whimpered "patrick this hurts" he grabbed me by the throat "I.said.were.not.done.yet" he then continued the same pattern
After awhile my hands began to wonder between my thighs I felt something wet and slimy I looked at my hand and all I saw was red my eyes widened, I must of not noticed
I mean I didn't really feel anything just a lot of pain but thats just apart of dating patrick
After a while he finally cummed for the fifth time he took a deep breath and slumped against me "that's a lot of blood" I paused was it really that much? I went to sit down but quickly shot up from the pain down my ass
He got up in front of me and lifted me up by my legs and started walking towards the bathroom "bath or shower" I paused "..shower" "alright stay here and I'll be right back ok?" He pecked my forehead and went off
He after about 2 minutes he came back and lead me to the hot shower he was behind me and started scrubbing me with body wash my arms,legs,chest,thighs just about everything "what about you" patrick hummed "well worry about that in a minute let's just focus on cleaning everything off you"
After a while he let me wash his body but not his hair wow we got out and he wrapped a towel around me and brought me to the bed after he changed the sheets "sit infront of me" ...um "I can't" he raised his eyebrow "why not?" "Because my ass hurts patrick" we paused "just sit still" he's impossible "fine"
*SpongeBob fish voice* 10 minutes later
"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD (Y/N) SIT STILL" "I CAN'T PATRICK IT HURTS" he huffed and sat back with my hair half way brushed "your impossible.." I layed my head on his chest on my side "I don't know why your saying that to me.." he wrapped his arms around me "because you are, goodnight" I paused and kissed his cheek "goodnight Patrick"
The end
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levinyathan · 2 years
A post of the Brothers (and maybe the dateables) watch "Spongebob Squarepants" with MC? I loved that show as a child and still do! (I prefer the earlier seasons)
Thank you!
Sure, I loved Spongebob too! I am not really sure which seasons from that I will use as a reference but I use from range 1-4 seasons and 1 reference from season 5! I hope that is okay for you :)
Demon Brothers + Dateables (and Luke) watching Spongebob Squarepants with MC
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- Lucifer:
He thinks he is too old for this kid show
Buuut because you asked for it, then he might give a try. *heavy sighs*
Thinks the show is very unlogical and stupid. But it is a cartoon comedy show so what did he actually expects?
He relates with Squidward so much excepts how petty and lazy he is. Feel bad for him ngl.
"What did he ever do at his past life that he needs to suffer like this."
He finds it funny when they are being sarcastic. But would not laugh because he doesn't want to hurt his pride after looking down at this show.
A/N: never underestimates Spongebob Squarepants.
He doesn't like Patrick because he never makes any sense.
"East? I thought you said Weast." "Weast? what a thickhead fool of animal, if he is real I would throw him straight to the land." "Alright Lucifer calm down, it's just a joke."
Don't know why, but Spongebob's laughs haunting him everytime now.
"You know, if Mammon works like that yellow sponge he might become a better person."
He won't say this but watching a cartoon show with you and you laughing at it, might be one of the most enjoying moments he ever had.
Doesn't mind watching a whole season or more as long as he can spend some time with you.
- Mammon:
Oh, a cartoon comedy show? Sounds fun, count him in!
He doesn't really expect much from a kids show since he thinks it's for babies.
Did not expect to laughing his ass so hard.
Would repeat the jokes to you as if you didn't see it at the first place.
Oh he just loves Mr. Krabs. Whenever he is on the screen he is excited like a six year old kid seeing his favorite superhero character or Leviathan when he saw Ruri chan.
Wants to be like him one day, please stop him. He might sell Levi for 62 cents too.
He is scared with the hash slinging slasher and will never watch that episode ever again.
Very emotional when there is a sad part and you need to comfort him like the ending of the 'Pizza Delivery' episode.
"This..this is supposed to be a comedy show...*sobs* they have no rights to hurt my feelings...*sobs*. Oi MC, you don't mind if uh...yknow...g-gimme a hug? I- It's okay right?"
Would become one of his favorite show and will watch it again with you and you only.
- Leviathan:
He watched the Japanese version of it once and surprised by how deep Plankton's english voice is comparing to the Japanese one.
He would loves to watch it with you! He always the one who asked for watching animes together and feels happy when you asked to watch Spongebob with him.
He remembers the opening and 'the krusty krab pizza' song by heart and would sing it with you.
If you think Mammon's humor is broken, then you need to think that again.
Man literally laughs so hard just from one of the anchovies saying the word "E."
Sometimes he would roleplay some funny scenes with you just for laughing sakes.
He likes Spongebob the most because he is the main character and he is a cheerful, friendly character who likes to helps people and is loyal to his friends. Just like Henry and Ruri chan!
He will use the Spongebob meme references when you are with him because he knows you are the only one who will get it and it feels like you guys are having your own secret code for conversation.
"Ugh I get slapped by someone because I seduced his girlfriend." "Boohoo, let me play you a song on the world's smallest violin." "LEVI BSKSNKAKNWK" "Uh yeah I don't get what is so funny about this."
- Satan:
Doesn't really interested with a comedy cartoon show but since you like it, maybe it is worth for a watch.
The illogical of this cartoon makes him bombarding you with tons of questions.
"Why Mr. Krabs has Pearl as a daughter who is literally a whale?" "How could they set a fire in the ocean?" "Why didn't Plankton just hire someone to buy Krabby Patty and bring it to him?" "How could they drink water from a glass and take a bath at the ocean?" "How-" "Oh My God Satan just watch the show."
His favorite is Sandy, she is smart and a curious squirrel who likes to widen her knowledge just like him. Not to mention how she is still not easily snapped even getting herself surrounding by some idiots.
Kinnie moment (?)
At the same time he is scared with Sandy the most. When she is actually forced to wake up because hearing loud noises when she is hibernating to be exact.
The next thing you knew after watching this show with him, is that he is somehow becoming a spongebob nerd even he doesn't seems to be so interested in it at the first place.
It's all because he watched the spongebob dark theory / conspiracy from youtube and getting really into it.
"MC, do you know that Krabby Patty is actually made out of a crab? So that means Mr. Krabs is a cannibal?" "what." "Or maybe the meat is from a huge whale who is apparently Pearl's parent and he raised Pearl so he can used her-" "No, you better stop it right there."
He is still gonna share his theories and conspiracy to you, even if it is going to ruin your childhood or not.
- Asmodeus:
He loves to watch a comedy cartoon show with you! Since that means you will laugh a lot right? Your laughs are so adorable!
Cuddles with you while watching.
He just loves handsome Squidward and would watch it again and again.
His favorite jokes is the hidden dirty jokes.
Thinks Karen doesn't deserves Plankton.
Stan Karen, the computer woman who can kick ass and stand for herself.
But he should admit, Plankton really know the way to seduce her.
He will buy the lipstick coral blue number 3 for you and him to wear.
He likes how Mr. Krabs is head over heels to Mrs. Puff, he thinks that it's sweet.
"He reminds me of my fans, all of them are so in love with me! Just like how I am head over heels to you, MC!"
- Beelzebub:
Whatever it is as long he is with MC, he is sure it will be worth time to spend for.
Shares his popcorn with you.
Sometimes he laughs and sometimes he didn't get it.
"I don't get it. Why they called Texas stupid? What is wrong with Texas?" "Why are they so angry over a dolphin noises? I think it's cute."
When you explained it to him, he could finally laughs, either if he really understand it or not.
But if you couldn't explain the joke, it doesn't matter to him. As long as you are laughing at the jokes, he is happy. There are still a lot of jokes that he can laugh with.
His drools are everywhere whenever Spongebob makes Krabby Patty or seeing Goofy Goober's ice cream.
Wants to make some of them together with you later.
Chum Bucket kinda reminds him of Solomon's hideous food.
He likes Spongebob's grandma the most, she is so kind and sweet.
He thinks Mr. Krabs, Squidward, and Larry could be delicious if they are getting cooked.
Thought Spongebob's parents are cookies at first.
He will name the sponge at the kitchen Spongebob.
- Belphegor:
Quite interested at first because he is curious if this show is actually funny or not.
Turns out he chuckles a lot, Belphie approves.
Also cuddles with you while watching the show.
Doesn't really like Spongebob because he finds him annoying.
He likes Plankton and Squidward the most.
"Shut your mouth, you mediocre clarinet player. You pretentious, insignificant artist. Your sniveling creations are worth less than a protozoan's waste." "Who is his name again?" "Plankton?" "Ah yeah, I like that guy already."
He somehow loves when Squidward suffering despites he is his favorite.
"Hey MC what do you think if we annoy Lucifer just like how Spongebob and Patrick annoys Squidward?"
Want to be patrick so bad because he didn't need to do anything besides having a free time.
He likes some of the bgm because it's calming.
By God he hates Spongebob's alarm clock, if that thing is real he will make sure to get rid of that thing from existence.
Would sleep in the middle of the show because he is tired of laughing.
Both of you ended up sleeping together.
- Diavolo:
He is super excited to watch humans tv show! Not to mention this is quite popular among humans isn't it?
He has the biggest laughs ever.
"AHAHAHA! MC did you see that? That is so hilarious!"
He would definitely do the Pioneer Hitchhiking dance with you.
He remembers every memes and jokes from the show.
Will definitely tries Spongebob's bubble blowing technique with you and he somehow manage to blow a real sized giraffe elephant bubble.
Wants to make a bubble buddy but kinda hesitates because bubble is so fragile.
Won't stop talking about the show to literally everyone including you.
He would buy a netflix account or DvDs to binges it again.
- Barbatos:
Rarely watch one and thinks it might be refreshing to try something new.
He stares the show with his usual smile, but he rarely laughs it makes you think if this man might find the show unfunny.
"This show is very hilarious, MC. I will tell Young Master about this later. He would certainly loves it."
Maybe he laughs internally who knows.
I think he would likes Squidville and Fancy! I don't know why.
Doesn't have a favorite.
He would stay silent for the whole episode and will suddenly gives a review after it ends.
Feels bad for Squidward, but also hates him because of slacking around during work.
He will make some bon-bon and you will be the tester.
Genuinely finds it funny even it doesn't really show, would ask for some show recommendations that is similar with Spongebob for him to watch when he has a free time.
- Solomon:
He already watched it before and would like to watch it again with you.
His favorite is Patrick, I don't know why but I believe he likes Patrick the most.
Thinks Chum Bucket couldn't be that bad and the others are just being dramatic.
"So you mix a cultural fungus growth medium inside of the chum? interesting." "Solomon, that is just a fancy word for an old used sock..."
Please prevent him from recreate Spongebob Squarepants universe food and drinks.
He would laughs mostly at the most weirdest and darkest jokes the show ever made.
I think he always watches this type of show for keeping his sanity checked to the point he already remembers every episodes of it.
He sometimes looks at you rather than the show, but when you notice that he is staring, he will look back to the screen and pretends he doesn't staring at you.
- Simeon:
He loves cartoons, count him in!
He somehow enjoys slapstick comedy more. Especially when Plankton get stomped and squished.
"Oh poor little Plankton" *proceeds to laugh at him*
Loves everyone to be honest, each of them have an interesting character!
He is a Plankton apologist, saying that he is just too ambitious but he is actually also sympathetic and kind sometimes.
I think he will asked about your opinion at every each episodes like storyline, characters, etc.
Humming the Spongebob opening out of the blue, and then you guys humming together.
Some of these characters reminds him of the seven brothers ngl.
- Luke:
"I'm not a kid! Why should I watch a cartoon show?!" *watches it anyways*
He laughs a lot, and it's super cute.
He hates Squidward like what is his frickin problem?! >:(
He likes Spongebob the most and probably will buy Spongebob plushie secretly.
He doesn't get some jokes like the dirty jokes and poor bby is confused.
"Huh? Why did Spongebob quickly changes the tv channel from dancing anemone into sport channel when Gary comes in? Its just an anemone!" "Oh Luke you sweet summer child."
Have I mentioned that he is also a fan of young Mermaid man and Barnacle Boy? No? Well now you know.
He thinks they are super cool, still respects them when they are already old even when he thinks Mermaid Man becomes like Patrick boomer version.
Really want to ride an invisible car so bad.
Would invites Simeon and Solomon to watch together next time.
I hope you like it, thanks for reading! ♡
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autisticbee · 3 years
what are your favorite squidbob moments in the show? and what kinda scenes with them would you like to see in the future? also which season of spongebob is your favorite? if you don't mind being asked!
I love being asked! Also sorry this got kinda long lmao
Hmmmm fave squidbob moments
In no particular order;
The duet in Hello bikini bottom! (They??! Sound so good together??? It actually makes me emotional)
A lot of dying for pie, fools in april and pizza delivery obviously
A lot of Christmas who? Especially the clarinet gift and this bit;
"What was I thinking? I gave away all my stuff just so SpongeBob wouldn't be sad. Am I insane?"
The entirety of Bubble Bass's Tab, but especially the "Squidward, that was so masculine!" Scene particularly Squidward being kinda flustered about it and clearing his throat  AND of course the tango
OH and spongebob saying he wants to play the board game in a babytalk voice and Squidward relenting immediately in a babytalk voice before shaking out of it
And spongebobs influence on Squidward's imagination
Them laughing with arms wrapped around each other in Out of the picture (and Spongebobs "...but a little slower than Squidward")
Squidward calling Spongebob his partner in squid noir
Them having fun together in the sewers of bikini bottom (I like when squidwards silly side comes out bc of SB) ans Squidward deciding to go after SpongeBob down the loo lol
SpongeBobs crush being the most obvious thing in the world in Squid Plus One (the little foot thing he does as he says "whatcha doing?" Lmao)
While technically this isn't really squidbob as it was also about patrick, Squidward suddenly panicking about leaving them behind in Pineapple RV and going back and KARATE CHOPPING SEABEARS to save them (even tho they didn't actually need saving lol)
"SpongeBob, no matter what I've said, I've always sorta liked you." - Graveyard shift
A lot of bottle burglars particularly when SpongeBob runs against Squidward whole dressed as a cat and purrs
"SPONGEBOB! I NEED A HUG!" in house worming
SpongeBob whispering "Maybe we should cancel our plans" to Squidward in Plankton Paranoia
SpongeBobs speech in Love that squid
Squidward being peturbed when Spongebob says he doesn't have a thumbs up for him and then being bewilderingly happy when SpongeBob gives him two
"Bye Squidward, bye Mr. Krabs, *flirtatious tone* bye Squidward!"
"You said bye Squidward twice?"
"I like Squidward."
Squidward being weirded out by Spongebob not wanting to throw away anything but still being sympathetic to how getting rid of trash made SB feel and finding a middle ground (photos) in Sentimental Sponge
Some bits in Sanitation Insanity, like when SpongeBob compliments Squidward for the millionth time and Squidward looks mighty pleased
Squidward thanking Spongebob and giving him a air kiss in pat hearts squid
SpongeBob saying "Especially not you Squidward" and then kissing him on the corner of the mouth In kwarantined krab
Whenever Squidward pats Spongebob on the head/hat
Not really a fan of the episode as a whole but the scene in squidward's sick daze where he's figuring out a name for his fake illness and he points at the things he's basing the name on and points at Spongebob when he says "Cute"
Squidward missing Spongebob in "Squidville"
Squidward kicking a lot of butts to save Spongebob in Spongebob, you're fired!
BONUS, aka things that aren't in the show itself:
Squidward calling Spongebob his friend and saying he loves him in the sponge on the run movie
A bunch of comics; Squidward tearing up when SpongeBob tells him it was a great day because he got to spend it with him when they went to a crappy theme park
Squidward going to a meditation class and his mind is full of spongebob and when he finally clears his mind he's happy for five seconds then misses spongebob (and patrick but shh he's not the one all over Squidwards mind lol)
The label maker comic, just their interactions in that are SO CUTE and I love whenever Squidward joins in the fun with spongebob
Squidward taking SpongeBob to a ballet performance (*coughs* date)
As for what kinda scenes I'd like to see in the future:
More obvious moments of Squidward really liking Spongebob, it's obvious to me but some people still think he 100% hates him and nothing else lol (plus any scenes where Squidward actually gets emotionally vulnerable and open are goooood)
Squidward willingly giving spongebob a hug and then getting embarased about it afterwards
Something like a sequel (or just the shows usual thing of copying it's own episodes) of the clam episode with SpongeBob and Patrick, but this time with Spongebob and Squidward and they actually make a really good parental team (maybe junior has some juniors of his own and needs a babysitter or something lmao)
As for my favourite season: hmmm maybe season 12 or 13? I also really like season 9
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seeksstaronmewni · 3 years
The Bear Roots of Burbank Cartoons: A Lookback at Boo Boo Runs Wild
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5 years ago, [adult swim] aired the greatest of all Yogi Bear / Ranger Smith episodes, “Boo Boo Runs Wild” (1999), on August 13th, 2016 A.D. at 4 AM.
Look and see, kids, how America’s not-so-average bear connects in the wide world of animation that produces many of the cartoons that you love in Burbank, Canada and more!
As and after I saw it, I knew that I found the greatest band of cartoonists out there, and that greatest band of cartoonists out there was none other than...
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Spümcø, whose many creatives would end up working at Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Cartoon Network Studios, and many other popular Burbank and Canadian studios that made the cartoons I grew up and beyond watching.
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Obviously, the character design is rather different, but they still look like the right characters, even with the slight color changes...
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and with their items of human attire out. Ranger Smith, on the other hand...
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Ranger Smith is wildly off model, and probably on purpose, throughout the picture.
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Only in one scene appears he with a more familiar face.
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Now, I didn’t have to watch Wild Kratts (which, by the way, features 6 Spümcø Canada creatives) to learn that “there’s only one thing a bear likes more than raiding a pic-a-nic basket.”
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As the title suggests, Boo Boo loses his temper when Ranger Smith restricts him from tearing bark and decides to go primal in returning to his bear roots: “From this day forth, I’ll not dress in the man’s attire, and I’ll not speak in the man’s tongue. From now on, it’s going on all fours and grunting for me!”
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Boo Boo wreaks havoc for the trees with his natural bear roots.
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Unlike past episodes, however, the artists went far wilder than the usual Hanna-Barbera cartoon, making the trees alive and screaming in pain! OH, WHAT TOURTUE! Not to mention how I love Boo Boo’s goofy/manical laugh, a beautiful product of John Kricfalusi’s voice (Yes; I know that he was a formerly abusive megalomaniac who still has ADHD, but God knows what cartoons would be like today—at least those produced in Burbank and Canada—if it wasn’t for the many layout artists that he led).
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Also unnatural to a Hanna-Barbera cartoon is the extreme levels of slapstick, wackiness and graphic nature of cartoons since such shows as Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures, Beany and Cecil’s DiC reboot, and The Ren & Stimpy Show. Boo Boo and now Cindy Bear are licking away at all of the honey... and bees... with insanely long tongues (may be that they’re sloth bears?). This left Yogi Bear practically speechless.
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The mere sequence of dialogue between Yogi and Ranger Smith, discussing what to do about Boo Boo, involved HEAVY work in the storyboards by Vincent Waller. So many expressions that they couldn’t fit in each of Spümcø’s 3-panel storyboard pages!
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As you see, in addition to Vincent Waller’s storyboards, John K. added extra poses (storyboard revisions more or less, but definitely layout poses) under the respective scenes. That way, Vincent could focus on telling and writing the story in rough pictures. (source of storyboards)
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I also love the sound design. While it’s definitely true to a Hanna-Barbera cartoon, John K. and the late Henry Porch were very creative with some weird, dated and out-of-context sound effects, similar to what they and Horta Editorial did on The Ren & Stimpy Show in the first two seasons. The production music (probably APM and Capitol Records) also gave it a vintage, nostalgic feel.
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Ultimately, with the aforementioned abusive megalomaniac aside, Spümcø undoubtedly harbored some of the finest animators and artists ever. Such names as Bob Jaques (Spongebob Squarepants, Buy One, Get One Free*, The Baby Huey Show), Ben Jones (DC Super Hero Girls, Cats Don’t Dance, Teen Titans GO!), Vincent Waller (Spongebob Squarepants, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog), Albert Lozano (Inside Out, A Kitty Bobo Show), Todd White (Spongebob Squarepants), Eric Koenig (Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Madagascar, Cats Don’t Dance, The Simpsons, and The Tigger Movie), and Erik Wiese (Samurai Jack, The Mighty B!) are among the hundreds of creatives who ended up almost everywhere working in Burbank and Canadian animation.
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Other names on the Spümcø team that one might recognize include Gabe Swarr (Dexter’s Laboratory, The Buzz on Maggie, Foe Paws, El Tigre), and even background artists such as Richard Daskas ( @rdaskas​ - Samurai Jack, Time Squad, Sym-Bionic Titan, Batman Beyond), Richard Ziehler-Martin (Tiny Toon Adventures, The Wacky World of Tex Avery), Hector Martinez (Tom and Jerry: Robin Hood and His Merry Mouse, Timone and Pumba, Captain N, Evil Con Carne, Dora the Explorer), and Tony Mora (MAD, Teen Titans GO! to the Movies, Pickle and Peanut). I mean: in short, these artists worked for Warner Bros. Animation, Disney Television Animation and Walt Disney Feature Animation, Nickelodeon, and Cartoon Network Studios!
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Spümcø’s production assistants on Boo Boo Runs Wild feature Matt Danner —a fantastic character designer, storyboard artists, director and producer, whose credits range from (Johnny Test and The Legend of the Three Caballeros to Team Hot Wheels and The Looney Tunes Show—and Cartoon Brew editor Amid Amidi. Brian A. Miller was an executive in charge of production, not for but probably in association with Cartoon Network.
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Spümcø’s creatives, as I said, are all over the place in Burbank animation. Other shows that still air on @adultswim​ have ex-Spümcø creatives. For example: today’s re-run of Samurai Jack EPISODE XVI features Chris Reccardi (The Powerpuff Girls, The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy)...
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Scott Wills (Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal, The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat)...
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Lynne Naylor-Reccardi (The Shnookums and Meat Funny Cartoon Show, Wander Over Yonder) and Jim Smith (YooHoo and Friends, Tom and Jerry Tales, McGee and Me)...
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and Leticia Lacy (TRON: Uprising, Sym-Bionic Titan, Wander Over Yonder, Korgoth of Barbaria).
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Even outside of Cartoon Network Studios, where most ex-Spümcø artists end up, @cartoonnetwork​’s The Amazing World of Gumball, from Cartoon Network Studios Europe (AKA Hanna-Barbera Studios Europe), features ex-Spümcø artist Charlie Bean (The Powerpuff Girls, Robotboy, Batman: The Animated Series, Timone and Pumba, Creature Crunch) on The Cartoon Network Europe Development Team.
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One of Cartoon Network’s biggest and craziest hits, Teen Titans GO!, also features such ex-Spümcø artists as storyboard artist, director and producer Luke Cormican (The Buzz on Maggie, Brandy and Mr. Whiskers, Brickleberry, The Replacements, El Tigre)...
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Gerald de Jesus (The Book of Life, The Ricky Gervais Show, TMNT)...
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and Eric J. Pringle (Fosters’ Home for Imaginary Friends, The Problem Solverz). What wacky cartoon filled with live-action images, unpredictable visual gags and extreme slapstick humor wouldn’t?
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Relatively, you could even tune in to Nickelodeon, the original home of Spümcø’s ground-breaking hit, The Ren & Stimpy Show, and see names of creatives associated with Spümcø and Ren & Stimpy, such as Zeus Cervas (Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Spongebob Squarepants, Clarence) on today’s episode of The Patrick Star Show...
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or even Gabe Del Valle (Mighty Magiswords, Spongebob Squarepants) on today’s episode of Middlemost Post!
Overall, Boo Boo Runs Wild introduced me to the cartoon studio whose works I took for granted and on which I was missing out all of my life, and I strongly encourage this generation to support this Yogi Bear / Ranger Smith episode, which you can watch RIGHT NOW on [adult swim]’s site. It was officially on their YouTube channel, but it was removed for unknown reasons. This short never even got a DVD or VHS release!
The last televised airing of Boo Boo Runs Wild on [adult swim] so far was January 6th, 2019 A.D., but Spümcø also produced “A Day in the Life of Ranger Smith” and “Boo Boo and the Man” (based on true events in the life of John Kricfalsui) for Cartoon Network.
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As I come to a close, it’s worth noting that layout Ed Benedict, an animator and artist whose credits go all of the way back to the 1930s with Disney and continued with MGM and Hanna-Barbera/Cartoon Network Studios, originally worked on Yogi Bear episode “Yogi’s Birthday Party” as a layout artist, and reprised that very role for “Boo Boo Runs Wild”. What a legacy the animators and artists of this episode leave!
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Always will I remember how Spümcø, whose legacy connects to my Cartoon Network-infused childhood, blessed me and graced me that fateful day, August 13th, 2016 A.D., with the ultimate example of the fine art of cartooning that is the Yogi Bear / Ranger Smith episode “Boo Boo Runs Wild”. I was living in the moment, and I thank God for it.
“For years they have [been] asking me to make new Yogi cartoons, but I can’t even get a half a million [dollars] to make one, probably because I actually like the characters, but 60-70 million $ to make walking corpses is economical.” - John Kricfalsui on Yogi Bear (2010)
Another Ranger Smith, Boo Boo or Yogi Bear cartoon from the people behind The Ren & Stimpy Show is highly unlikely today, due to the abuse and harassment of John K. angering the world to the point of hating and condemning the man who helped to shape not only Cartoon Network but also television animation—and animation as a whole—with an undeniable legacy of artists and animators who deserve way more credit and respect than we perhaps thought of giving as kids.
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