#hail hydra memes
moonbasetycho · 6 months
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ffxivtribehydrae · 2 years
How Does Your Adventure End?
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You seek your next adventure
A quick drink in the tavern with your comrades is all the reward you need and then you'll find your new adventure to get tangled up in the next morning. Do you endlessly adventure for the thrill? For the honour? For the love of it? Or is it to quiet something deeper and darker within?
Tagged by: @sundered-souls
Tagging: @umbralsound-xiv @actualkomodo @adellennehocoleux @under-the-blood-moonlight
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graktung · 3 years
I just wanna talk about the scene in Wakanda in episode three of tfatws...
That scene absolutely broke me. The way we see the end of the process of getting rid of winter is so powerful, and i think this shows that amazingly. Just by the length of bucky’s hair, we can see that the scene takes places closer to infinity war than civil war, which means that Bucky has been controlled for over 70 years now.
I had a feeling we would see Bucky cry in tfatws but i didn’t expect it to be so emotional; the times he brought to almost crying, have been in relation to Steve, to the shield, to things and people he cares about. But when we see his barrier come down in Wakanda, it’s for himself, and i think that is so important.
Bucky has had nothing but violence and torture since the fall, and anytime he had control, he was fighting again. And although he’s fighting for good reasons, he’s still fighting. So Bucky hasn’t had a break in a lifetime: he’s been fighting space battles, being used as an assassin for 70 odd years, and was a soldier before all of that, meaning he literally hasn’t had any form of peace in a long time. And he knows that himself as we hear in his therapy session; “i had a little calm in Wakanda” and then he goes on to say that he just wants peace, and whilst Dr. Raynor says that it’s bullshit, i think he was being serious. Even if he didn’t mean it then, i think deep down he actually does just want peace, and space to be him and not what he was made to become.
That’s where the Wakanda scene comes in- we finally get to see Bucky. As Bucky. Not as Sergeant Barnes, not as the Winter Soldier, not as the White Wolf, but as James Bucky Barnes. And i think it’s so so important we saw this: for the first time in a long time, he can just be.
Now i also wanna talk about the dialogue and movement of the scene...
There isn’t much of either but i think it’s more effective that way; the scene is stripped down to the necessary words and actions. The dim light of the setting empowers this even further- being able to create such a emotional and powerful scene with so little depicts just how much actors put into their characters.
I think it’s so beautiful in how the dialogue and movement compliment each other in the scene. For starters, as Ayo repeats the words Bucky has been tortured with so many times before, we see him show that through emotions. As the Russian words are spoken, Bucky begins to fight Winter from rising again, and even though it is working, we also see how hard it is for him to push back against the soldier. And when Ayo finishes the old commands, Bucky completely breaks, knowing he is still in control, unlike the past years when the words controlled him.
We all know how emotional this scene was, but i just wanna focus in the point that really broke me:
the reassurance.
Bucky needed the reassurance that Winter was gone. We see this as he looks up at Ayo longingly to ensure that it’s real, that he actually has his mind back. And it’s so heartbreaking for me to see just how broken Buck is- just how scared he was. scared of his own mind!!
I think it hit me so hard because i know what it’s like. No, i’ve never been controlled by HYDRA to become a super soldier, but i get scared of my own mind a lot. I have anxiety, severe anxiety. So being afraid of my mind is normal for me, but it shouldn’t be. I know that there are some things i will never be able to understand, no matter how much i want to learn about something, but i know about being scared. And i understand in a way some people will never fully get. So, i guess seeing someone else suffer as much as- or more- than you hits harder than it may for others. But it’s also comforting to know i’m not alone, and i know Bucky is a character, but i’m like him, and i feel closer to him due to use being similar. I got the same feeling when Tony started getting panic attacks too- i had someone else, who has accomplished incredible things whilst struggling in the same ways i do, which makes me feel a little better when i’m in a bad place.
sorry, that was a lot. i think we all need to vent sometimes, it really does help.
I’m here for all of you, whatever you need me for, i’ll be here <3
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bleuskais · 3 years
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sisu-rove-sgr · 3 years
I used to pass a billboard for Barnes Exterminating Company on my commute to college, and every single time, my brain just went to Bucky. So naturally, I hade to meme it. And now I’m just staring at that spider. Looks like he and Nat are still together.
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haillobster · 3 years
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dilaila95 · 4 years
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seaweeeeedcat · 5 years
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I made a thing and I’m so proud of it
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i-m-marvel-istic · 4 years
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butididnottried · 5 years
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I made an excellent joke, look how funny i’m. 
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bubblegum-gf · 5 years
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redcarcrashblues · 5 years
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my first post shouldn’t be a shitpost but here we are
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yesmooshoe · 5 years
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Wow what a twist!
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geek-talk000 · 5 years
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