ffxivtribehydrae · 23 hours
Little OC Creation Ask List
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I am trying to help a friend with their creative block around creating a FFXIV OC. So I thought I might try putting together a quick Ask List on the topic and maybe they would find people's responses helpful. Also it might be interesting to learn about how people approach the creative process!
How did you decide on the sex and/or gender of your OC? Was it important that it was the same as yours? Or the same as what you personally find attractive? Or did it not make much difference either way?
To what degree is your OC a self-insert? Are they in any way an aspirational version of yourself? Or perhaps a way to explore feelings and behaviours you suppress in yourself?
Is it important to you that you "like" your OC (as in consider them likeable)? Or is it more important to create a distinctive character, even if they are unpleasant or evil?
Do what degree did you intend your OC to be canon-compliant? Did you end up sticking to this or did you veer off into unforeseen territory over time?
How important is it to you that your OC is attractive? Does that mean attractive to you personally (sexually or just for purposes of playing dress-up!)? Or do you aim to make an OC over which others will inevitably thirst?
To what degree do you use the OC creation process as a way of exploring your own strengths and flaws?
Is your OC based upon another character or person? Or aspects of several? Is this just in terms of their appearance? Or also their personality?
Do you create the OC first and then the backstory? Or do you have a backstory lined up and then create an OC that will fit this?
Have you ever retconned your OC's story or situation? What inspired this? Did you just fancy a change? Or were you bored with them as they were? Or did you regret your decisions on first creating them?
To what extent does your OC function as a mouthpiece for your own views when it comes to describing their opinions or reactions? Do you quite like exploring how someone with very different values to your own might respond to a situation?
What is your main focus when creating an OC - making a character for yourself and your own enjoyment? Or do you try to create a character that will be popular with others or attract a lot of attention?
How much importance do you attach to humour when creating a character? Are there inevitably comic elements? Or are you more focused upon angst or drama?
Does your OC need to be believable (within the context of the fictional world in which you place them)? Or are you more interested in pushing the boundaries of what you can invent?
How do you want other people to view or react to your OC?
Is there anything you regret about how you designed your OC or their backstory?
Do you have the same OC (broadly speaking) across multiple fandoms or settings?
Did you design your OC with a specific aspect of RP in mind? Such as shipping, NSFW things, attending in-game social events, hosting events or entertaining others?
Has anyone ever reacted badly to your OC? Why was this?
Do you want other people to become invested in your OC? What would this look like ideally?
Is it important to ensure your OC has flaws or negative traits? Or do you try to make an idealised character as far as possible?
Do you want or enjoy your OC having in-game interactions with other people's characters? Or do you prefer to keep things more distant (like Ask Games on Tumblr!)? Or is your OC private and just for you?
How do you feel about others making art of your OC or writing about them? Do you feel like you need to vet their creative process? Or does anything go?
Was there a location in-game that inspired your OC (like Ishgard or Hingashi etc.)?
Was there something in the MSQ or even a side-questline, that inspired you to create them? Perhaps meeting the Sylphs or the Namazu? Or visiting the Unsundered World? Or even something to do with crafting or gathering?
To what extent does their appearance in game match your vision of them creatively? Are there things you wish you could change about them in this regard? Or possibly do, if you knew of a way to do so...
Do you have a voice claim for your OC? Did you have this before you did anything else? Or did you decide on it later?
Which OCs that are not yours do you most admire? What is it about that character that you find impressive or engaging?
To what extent have other people's OC influenced your own? Perhaps in the sense of inspiring your ideas? Or giving you "permission" to create a character you might not otherwise have done? Perhaps a lore-breaking one, or an overtly sexy one, or a self-insert, or a villainous one etc?
What do you try to avoid when creating an OC? Are these things you dislike in other people's OCs? Or purely your own personal preference?
What is your favourite thing about your OC or OCs? Is there something about them of which you are particularly proud?
To what extent does it matter that you are being "original" when you create an OC? Or is it OK to base them on an existing character or celebrity, so long as you enjoy it?
If you're stuck for ideas when creating an OC, what do you do to inspire yourself? (if you never have this problem, then what would you advise to someone that did!)
Is there an OC you would love to create in-game, but currently you are unable to do so, perhaps because that race is not playable or that sex is unavailable (hello female Hrothgar)?
How many OCs do you currently have? If you have multiple OCs then how different are they from each other? How often do you create new ones?
What things do you most want to see in someone's OC? Or what do you always find the most interesting? Or stimulating, if you're in that sort of mood?
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ffxivtribehydrae · 3 days
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I'm finally open for art orders after a year and a half!
I've changed things up a bit~ We're doing 10% off hrothgals until Dawntrail and giving Artistree a try!
Please see below for links and DM me with any questions. As always, shares 💓 tysm!
Full terms of service and additional samples: nichroous.carrd.co
Artistree request form if you like (we can still chat and invoice the old-fashioned way too): artistree.io/nichroous
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ffxivtribehydrae · 4 days
I'm currently filled with hubris and am trying to follow every exisiting FFXIV blog as I'm only following under 400 right now and there must be more. Please like/reblog so I can either burn in the sun or accomplish my goal and deafeat fate.
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ffxivtribehydrae · 6 days
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ffxivtribehydrae · 7 days
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A lil YCH of the dads, Zo'ogai and Cyrus ( @neoma-eltanin ) that I am absolutely in LOVE with!
Thank you so much @mypillowpaper ! It was well worth the wait!
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ffxivtribehydrae · 7 days
Watch my sadu magnai amv
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ffxivtribehydrae · 7 days
~Character Master List~
My new roster list is pretty comprehensive! From nobility to mercenaries to healers to artisans, you’ll find an array of characters available! 
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Find more info [HERE]
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ffxivtribehydrae · 8 days
so embarrassing when i forget im checking someone's blog and i start scrolling through and liking and reblogging shit as if it's just my dash. it feels like wandering into someone else's apartment and not noticing and making myself lunch
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ffxivtribehydrae · 8 days
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literally how it feels to play paladin and the whole party gets behind your passage of arms
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ffxivtribehydrae · 8 days
Resources For Writing Deaf, Mute, or Blind Characters
Despite the fact that I am not deaf, mute, or blind myself, one of the most common questions I receive is how to portray characters with these disabilities in fiction.
As such, I’ve compiled the resources I’ve accumulated (from real life deaf, mute, or blind people) into a handy masterlist.
Deaf Characters:
Deaf characters masterpost
Deaf dialogue thread
Dialogue with signing characters (also applies to mute characters.)
A deaf author’s advice on deaf characters
Dialogue between deaf characters
Mute Characters
Life as a Mute
My Silent Summer:  Life as a Mute
What It’s Like Being Mute
21 People Reveal What It’s Really Like To Be Mute
I am a 20 year old Mute, ask me anything at all!
Blind Characters:
The 33 Worst Mistakes Writers Make About Blind Characters.
@referenceforwriters masterpost of resources for writing/playing blind characters.
The youtube channel of the wonderful Tommy Edison, a man blind from birth with great insight into the depiction of blind people and their lives.
An Absolute Write thread on the depiction of blind characters, with lots of different viewpoints and some great tips.
And finally, this short, handy masterpost of resources for writing blind characters.
Characters Who Are Blind in One Eye
4 Ways Life Looks Shockingly Different With One Eye
Learning to Live With One Eye
Adapting to the Loss of an Eye
Adapting to Eye Loss and Monocular Vision
Monocular Depth Perception
Deaf-Blind Characters
What Is It Like To Be Deafblind?
Going Deaf and Blind in a City of Noise and Lights
Deaf and Blind by 30
Sarita is Blind, Deaf, and Employed (video)
Born Deaf and Blind, This Eritrean American Graduated Harvard Law School (video)
A Day of a Deaf Blind Person
Lesser Known Things About Being Deafblind
How the Deaf-Blind Communicate
Early Interactions With Children Who Are Deaf-Blind
Raising a DeafBlind Baby
If you have any more resources to add, let me know!  I’ll be adding to this post as I find more resources.
I hope this helps, and happy writing!  <3
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ffxivtribehydrae · 9 days
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There's no way I can explain this sudden urge to draw my chocobo.
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ffxivtribehydrae · 10 days
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A contract with the company for once! Hunting corrupted beasts in the Burning Wall. Though Bexy said she needed them to help Sayuri too, so it was for more than one good cause to fight them.
And as we were heading out, Adelle was there! I didn't know she was back, with Khu even, but he wasn't here. I hope to see him soon!
I did well in the battle, but everyone else got pretty beat... Or almost all, Erjon was fine too afterwards. But everyone could make it back, which was most important. And we got everything we needed to help Sayuri, I think and didn't encounter the slavers we been hunting in the area.
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ffxivtribehydrae · 15 days
Hey FFXIV crowd! Just curious...
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ffxivtribehydrae · 18 days
People who have anon asks enabled, I gotta ask, why? What good comes of it?
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ffxivtribehydrae · 19 days
finished this animation
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ffxivtribehydrae · 20 days
I haven't RPed in like 4 years and I'm severely more limited than last time, so... any disabled RPers got any tips for someone who's scared of dipping their toes back in due to their limitations? I'm a bit hesitant to just dive in given how much has changed in my absence, as well as worried about how my unpredictable health might affect the quality of my participation...
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ffxivtribehydrae · 20 days
Yay, unsolicited advice time! Or, not really advice, more like miscellaneous tips and tricks, because if there's one thing eight years of martial arts has equipped me to write, it's fight scenes.
Fun things to add to a fight scene (hand to hand edition)
It's not uncommon for two people to kick at the same time and smack their shins together, or for one person to block a kick with their shin. This is called a shin lock and it HURTS like a BITCH. You can be limping for the rest of the fight if you do it hard enough.
If your character is mean and short, they can block kicks with the tip of their elbow, which hurts the other guy a lot more and them a lot less
Headbutts are a quick way to give yourself a concussion
If a character has had many concussions, they will be easier to knock out. This is called glass jaw.
Bad places to get hit that aren't the groin: solar plexus, liver, back of the head, side of the thigh (a lot of leg kicks aim for this because if it connects, your opponent will be limping)
Give your character a fighting style. It helps establish their personality and physicality. Are they a grappler? Do they prefer kicks or fighting up close? How well trained are they?
Your scalp bleeds a lot and this can get in your eyes, blinding you
If you get hit in the nose, your eyes water
Adrenaline's a hell of a drug. Most of the time, you're not going to know how badly you've been hurt until after the fact
Even with good technique, it's really easy to break toes and fingers
Blocking hurts, dodging doesn't
Just thought these might be useful! If you want a more comprehensive guide or a weapons edition, feel free to ask. If you want, write how your characters fight in the comments!
Have a bitchin day <3
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