#guess that means I’d better spoiler tag too
seagreenstardust · 1 month
Izuku “so polite I can’t even imagine calling friends by their first names even if they ask me to but I will stubbornly use Kacchan for my enemy turned rival turned friend turned ??!? until my very last dying breath” Midoriya
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Solara makes a decision, about what to do with her situation.
(Yes, loosing the WIP made me want to finish this more)
Tag list: @succulentsunrise @loosesodamarble
Content: This series contains themes and topics some may find uncomfortable, which is why reader discretion is advised. However, it is mostly canon typical content. References and mentions to Solara's pregnancy, angst, one mention of blood, war themes (because canon), manga spoilers, general theme of hopelessness Lenght: ~3.4k
Chapter 5: Solara's choice
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How did it come to this... I never thought that I’d be here again, standing in this laboratory, staring at an armour. Which... he was relieved from his duties when it came to crafting my armour. But suppose old habits die hard. Or then it’s just as he says it is... He had one almost ready, and he merely finished it.
Just for this occasion. This purpose...
How convenient...
But I suppose that a beggar can’t be a chooser.
If this is the choice I want to make... If I want to take the chance and ... And...
“[The armour is encased with runes that will ensure habitable conditions for the children, if not left alone for too long. That is to say, if they’re not left as they are. Since your body and the amniotic fluid there are the main sources of providing nutrients and a growing environment for them. The magic merely allows these conditions to stay more stable, as well as maintains them for a given period of time if the mother dies. Which is why there is also a communication device linked to the mother’s heartbeat that will trigger a signal once the beat goes quiet unexpectedly, and allows for the remains to be teleported back along with the children.]”
I... I don’t know... Why would he make such a thing...? Because... it’s so... twisted... the idea of... sending someone like this to battle?...
Though I guess it could be used just as protection while fleeing too...
It could be used as a ... shield. Nothing more.
And... at least they’d be...
But motherless...
Would I want to do that to my children? Our children...?
It would be me... making a choice I don’t think I... can make... am allowed to make...
Am I allowed to make such a decision? I don’t... People make such decisions. About other people’s lives.
If it was just my own, then I could. Quite easily I could, but...
In that moment, she didn’t know if she liked it better, to have been offered such a choice, such an option to take. Because if she hadn’t been, she could just have wallowed in the remnants of the lack of possibilities she had. She could just have been the almost-but-hopefully-not-soon-to-be-weeping-widow. She could have been just that.
But the fates had, through the most unlikely route, offered her a rope.
However, she didn’t know if it was made from the gilded threads of fate, spun into that rope, or if it was just a noose, made out of good intentions. If even that.
I can’t just... this kind of a choice... I shouldn’t... have to choose... Because... But... I want it... all... I want our children to have a father, to play with them, be with them, raise them and just... exist... I can’t... And I’m just...
I want... it all...and...
What do I want?
What do I want.... more?
Out of the all that I want, what is the ... more? The most?
I think... it’d... if... when I have to...say ‘or’, instead of ‘and’...
“[With the aid of Category 4 mana storing crystals, it was possible to make the armour compress in the form of a gauntlet. In case there is mana being supplied to the crystals, they’re able to transform the mana into category 4 mana in the form that is most suited for a process to take place. Meaning, if the armour is compressed, it will decompress and vice versa.]”
Solara nodded, grasping only about half of the explanation.
But can I really... no... it’s not a... it’s not something that I’d have the right to choose. Right...? The kind of...
It’d be...
Why am I offered this choice? ... Would it rather be... easier if I could just ... settle in being... nearly... a widow... instead of having to choose... because.. if I don’t, is it not the same as having his blood on my hands? Choosing to stay, would it not be the same, as ... leaving him to die... alone. And it that another kind of murder? To not do, when offered the opportunity to do something?
And yet... if I choose the other then... there might also be...
What kind of a mother, what kind of a person would I be if I chose to go...? What kind of a spouse, what kind of a person would I be if I chose to stay...?
What kind of a ... person... do I want to... be...?
What kind of...
“[It is free for you to take if you so wish. And since you don’t have a lot of time to decide, I take it that you should say it now.]”
I know damn well that there isn’t a lot of time! It was painted all over the horizon! What day today is. And how it’ll mean... How the colours of...  The dawn was the colour of... red... crimson... vermillion... the colours that I ...like...
That I ...like...
There was a hand, an arm, reaching out, closer to her, holding a gauntlet.
“[So, will you?]”
Will I... what will I do...? Take it...? ... Will I... what was... the question?
The hand, stayed still, expecting a reply.
But all she could do, was stare at it.
The hand. The gauntlet.
I’m... supposed to... choose...
What kind of a person... will I be...
Now that I have ... a choice... then...
What... should I... do...?
What cruel fate decided that I must... have ... a ...choice...
Or did I always... have one...?
My. Choice...
“Come to bed, my love. It’s late,” he beckoned with a smile, looking at her from the bed, under the covers, while leaning against the headboard of the bed with a book in hand.
The corners of her mouth tugged up into a tender smile that was laced with a veil of amusement. “Never did I imagine that you’d be telling me to come to bed, because it’s late,” she teased.
“I have asked you to come to bed, many times,” he noted with faint amusement.
“No... You have carried me to bed many times,” she corrected with a chuckle.
“I don’t recall you objecting.”
“I didn’t. But it isn’t quite ‘requesting’,” she smirked while making her way across the room.
“It is... an adamant request,” he told her, very factually, enunciating the words with care, while trying to contain the smile, the smirk, but just for the sake of sounding more convincing.
“Oh? An adamant request you say?” She stopped at the foot of the bed, while crossing her arms, and looking at him with a smirk and a quirked eyebrow.
“Mhm...” he hummed. “And, I’m afraid, that if you don’t comply, I will have to be adamant this night as well.”
“Oh I am very scared,” she purred, taking a step back.
He placed the book onto the bed, while keeping his eyes on her, and pushed the covers aside.
And she, she stayed in place, looking at the careful, strong, gentle motions that he made. Every single one of them more determined and driven than the last.
His gaze lingered on her, as if a target, a lion in the wild; knowing what was desired. Knowing what he wished to do. Who he wished to wrap into his embrace and carry into the bed, just to keep her there, safe and sound; their chests heaving against each other in unison, as their hearts sang the same song, but which the mortal ears of the neither of them could hear. But they wouldn’t need to. They wouldn’t need to hear the song, just like they wouldn’t need to see the gilded ropes of fate, spun from threads. It was enough for them to feel the tender emotions which was as if a blessing from the heavens above.
“You’re not running very fast,” he teased while standing in front of her, close enough for her to feel his warmth through the air, smell the lingering scent of lavender that by now had combined with the faintest of traces of jasmine.
“Maybe I don’t want to run away from you,” she swayed in place, eyes flickering between his eyes and his lips.
“Hmm... then why are you not coming to bed?” He asked, while wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer.
“Maybe I want you to carry me to bed,” she placed her hands onto his chest, letting her fingers play with the collar of his t-shirt. “Or maybe...” her eyes flickered again as she bit her lips.
And he knew that look. It made him chuckle and tilt his head to the side.
So by the time she jumped, wrapping her legs around his middle, and pressed her mouth against his, he was ready.
His arms held her, securely and without a falter, above the ground, carrying her to bed.
And as he sat down, laid down onto the bed, she followed his movements. Balanced them out, only to press herself against him in the end. Because she’d call him to her, only so that she might follow him, balance him, complete him, just like he did to her.
They might have both been their own people. As incomplete and imperfect as anyone else. But together their imperfections played together,  danced together, completed each other in a way like no other.
A pair of imperfect people, who, together, might not have been perfect. But, the stars only knew, they might have been a little more perfect than alone.
She sat on top of the statue. Carved in the shape of the Queen. But unlike the statues, her gaze wasn’t to the open ocean. Hers was to the island. The Queendom.
One home.
The home my children... will know... the place our children will... call... home....
There was a breeze that played with her hair, making it sway around. But she barely noticed it. She barely felt it. Acknowledged it.
There was only the cold stone, block of granite under her, as well as the piece of metal, in the shape of a gauntlet, in her hands.
We stood here once. Together. I think we talked about if I was the first person you had ever kissed. And I told you that you weren’t. That I got my first kiss on that beach there. But I knew, right there and then, that it wasn’t forever. That it wasn’t the kind of a kiss that I enjoyed. That he wasn’t for me. But I don’t think I said those things to you. Because you frowned. Looking displeased. But you understood that it was the me I was back then. Young and ... naive. When I was searching, but figured that I’d need to find someone who was sweeter than my solitude, in order for me to want to share my life.
And you understood that I found that in you.
Because I was here, with you. Talking about life. The future. The past and the present. And what we had in that moment, was hope. We had an idea of a shared future; a bright one.
And... I think I showed you... for the first time... how my mana is, without the spells that bind. When I’m not exhausted. Consumed... I think that was when you saw, for the first time, a pool of sunlight collecting beneath your feet.
A river of starlight.
Because the sun, is also a star.
Even if it doesn’t hold the symbol of hope.
And you kissed me. You kissed me with the kind of an adoration that you always did. You kissed me and told me that I was beautiful. But I don’t think it was because of my magic. Because of the mana, spread around under our feet or in the air.
I think you told me, that I’m beautiful, because you thought... that I. Me. The person that I am, was beautiful.
But that wasn’t the most important part of that discussion.
Because we also talked about children.
We talked, and we made a promise.
A vow, of a kind, to each other.
Or was it just me? Was I the only one to ask you to make the vow?
No. I think I made it too. We made it together.
To always... Always. Put out children first.
We promised. You promised.
I. Promised.
To put our children first. No matter what.
So... what kind of a spouse, what kind of a mother, and what kind of a person... would I be... if I ...didn’t... hold myself to that vow? If I chose to disrespect it?
If I...
Chose to try and... save ...
She curled around herself, holding the gauntlet to her chest, head hanging as low as it could, as the weight of the heavens, or perhaps of just her own regrets, hung on her shoulders.
Her tears, along with broken sobs, were lodged into her throat.
Air tasted like dust.
Felt like ice.
And she wanted to scream.
She wanted to scream in a way that would make death seem like solace.
But... would that not have been her admitting, admitting that he was dead, as the pendant, made of lavender quarts, still hung around her neck with such a pulse that she was sure she could hear it.
I can’t... He can’t... until I see it with my own eyes...
Not even a broken sob. A whimper.
Because all of it. Would have been admitting that he had perished. That he would have stepped over a line, behind which she could not follow.
So, instead, she gladly tried to swallow the sounds that didn’t even wish to leave her throat. The suffocating, muffled, broken cries and cursed to the gods that weren’t even there.
There was just her, and the wind.
Ah... so the Queen beyond the sea is changing. The Seer will be changed to another. How interesting... Though... suppose it was the time for it. This Seer had been around for a time longer than many would deem natural. Though... suppose... what even is natural?
What even is... aligned with the laws of nature?
Because even man-made things, are they not aligned with the laws? Aided and bent, but still made possible. Even nature makes and bends and twists, and if man is a product of nature, then would its creations also be natural?
Though... the thing, is no man. Not anymore, not quite...
And me, I ought not interfere. It would be rather counterproductive for all. But things are in motion. Just as the long-gone researchers of Old Micah would have willed it. Or perhaps not... just as they had willed it.
I wonder if they willed a thing. But rather, simply, strayed too far into things they thought they could make. Because if they can make it, then they should. That’s how they thought. That everything that can be made with their hands, mortal hands, is in accordance of the natural order. Because... if a creation of nature can make it, then it must be natural.
It is a curious thought.
One that I’ll have to ponder... with time... but on another time.
I wonder what the wanderer thinks? It’s been a while since I’ve seen Mrs. Indomita. But she is around. I know so. She comes and she goes.
Now I suspect she’s in her castle, in her solitude, locked away and keeping an eye that none come for her collection. Which... well, she reasons it. Tells me that it’s because in trying times, people will stray too far and meddle with things they ought not meddle with, which is why, extra care is needed. To make sure those items do not see the light of day, a place beyond her archive walls.
But... is it really the reason? And not her own wish to keep her collection intact? Or perhaps... it is both. Both reason and desire.
So many things to consider... and wonder... while the work never stops...
“[Your majesty?]”
Ah, the meeting. Nearly forgot about it.
The room, was silent. But not for the reasons it usually was silent. Not because one of the people in the room, wouldn’t have been allowed to speak.
After all, the walls were thick. Made of stone and metal and wood, embedded with crystals that neither of the people in the room could name.
But neither cared to name them either. Because it wasn’t important.
They didn’t think it had ever really been important for them, to name the stones. Instead, what had been important to them, was being able to be in that room, and talk. Just talk. About everything and anything.
Talk and laugh and grimace. But to do so together, rather than wallowing alone in the tides of their emotions. For a grimace shared is less of a burden, than one carried alone. Even one held, in silence, among friends, would feel less heavy, than one born in solitude.
And yet... the room, was far from light.
Instead, inside lingered a kind of suffocating fog of uncertainty that made the two, in the room, merely stare in front of themselves.
“[So... she’s... today is the day...]” Ad, concluded, more to himself than anyone else.
To which Celer nodded. Just nodded. With their head hanging low, and eyes... staring into nothingness.
“[And she wanted to be alone?]” He asked, just to be sure.
And Ler nodded. Just once, again. To simply confirm the matter.
Perhaps more to themselves, than to Ad. But that was up for a debate, on another time, another occasion. When times would be... again ... brighter. More carefree and good. When things wouldn’t be... as complicated as they seemed.
Though, one had to suspect, if it was in fact the opposite, and things were, in actuality, quite simple, at the end of the day. And time would only make them more complex, muddled and twisted.
‘Time gilds the memories’, or how they say? Might have been wrong.
“[It’s funny...]” Ad said, without an ounce of amusement in his tone. “[It feels like only yesterday... we were at the wedding and ... and now ... it’s..]” he trailed off, not sure how, or if, he should complete the sentence.
And Ler... they let their eyelids fall slowly, in a blink. Without a word, despite them being allowed to utter out worded syllables in that room. But they didn’t deem themselves good with words. Perhaps, if they had used them more, then they might.
Perhaps, in another time, another place, but not now, or here.
“[If... if only Fate... had been...]” Ad stopped, again, to choose a word that would suit the purpose, if there was one that would. If there was a word that he could used, for this. But it felt, as if he had only poor options from which to choose. And yet, he felt that he needed to choose one. “[Kinder.]” He finally uttered, which made Ler look to his direction.
Their eyes, lifted, little by little, slowly and carefully, from the nothingness, the void, that existed in the depths of that coffee table. And looked at Ad.
“[I mean... it was the Fates... that brought them together, right?]” He asked, but from whom, was left unanswered. “[So... you’d think that... the Fates would... find a way to... keep them, together, rather than... do this?]”
But the thing was, fate was a fickle thing. If it was sentient in the first place. Or a mere collection of chances, taken and un-taken. What was left, for those left dangling in that net of possibilities, rather than having fallen through it, was to make due with what they had. Or, perhaps, deem that it must’ve not been, simply, meant to be.
As easy as that.
Or then, there would be a chance. An event, of some kind, that would twist the wheels, turn the tides, set things in motion, that would make that which was encased in a crimson maple leaf of the Tree of Binding Fates, act as a prism, through which the light of the bright future might shine. And cast a reflection, onto the ground.
Now, would that reflection then be painted with nothing but with he very same shade and tone, as if blood scattered onto the ground? Or, would it be something completely different? None knew, because the Fates were a fickle thing.
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javelinbk · 8 months
twenty questions for fic writers
Thank you @scurator for tagging me! Let’s not compare stats, eh?
How many works do you have on ao3?
22 total, 21 J/P
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Just The Beatles!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Brother Dearest
2. Stop all the clocks
3. The Life of Riley
4. Take a sad song, and make it better
5. Double Fantasy
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely! It’s always polite to say thank you, and a comment to me is a gift. That reminds me, I still need to reply to the last few comments on LoR.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The Songs We Were Singing has the angstiest moments, but the ending itself is one of the schmaltziest I’ve done. Get a job, cop is probably the only one I’ve done that doesn’t have a happy ending, although I tried to make it more bittersweet than miserable. And it’s still happier than what happened in real life!
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Take a sad song and make it better, where they [spoiler] end up sharing a love nest/shag pad in Scotland, go back to writing together, and raise their blended family together, and then finally get married in their sixties. What more could you want?
Do you get hate on fics?
No, generally people are lovely, but there were some weird fact-checkers on Brother Dearest for some reason - one who incorrectly tried to tell me I’d got their ages wrong (like I hadn’t checked it!) and someone who was put out that I didn’t include Ken Brown at the Casbah. Oh, and I got the bog-standard message from occasional troll Vee, but that just made me feel like I’d finally arrived in the fandom!
Do you write smut?
Reluctantly, yes, but normally only if it’s part of the plot.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. There was a fic that came out just after Stop all the clocks that had a lot of similarities to certain parts (and I know the author read mine), but they were the types of things you wouldn’t even notice if you weren’t as familiar with it as I was, so I don’t even know if the author realised they were doing it. But people who cry ‘plagiarism!’ generally bug me, especially because we see so many of the same ideas come round all the time in this fandom. And I’ve only been around for 2 years, so I know nothing.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not until recently, but someone has just started translating The Life of Riley into Russian! I think they might be doing Double Fantasy too. Hit up @pinksodaaa if you want to know more
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I tried doing a group fic once, but there were too many cooks, and I’m not really sure how the ‘writing’ part works, especially when you only have contact online. I love chatting with friends about fic though, and would definitely be up for collaborating one day. By which I mean I shout out plot ideas and they write the damn thing.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
I guess I’ll have to say J/P because this is the one I’ve got most heavily involved in, but faves back in the day were Lois & Clark and Father Peter & Assumpta. I guess I’m a sucker for ships involving self-sacrifice for a greater good.
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I don’t really have any, although I have snippets that I’m not sure will ever go anywhere. I have half an idea for one set during Anthology, but I’m not sure if there’s enough of a story there. And I once wrote a short BYBANG sequel for @scurator, but I’m not sure I’ll ever let that see the light of day.
What are your writing strengths?
Err, dunno. I’ve written a few multi-chapter plot-based fics now, so I guess those are my speciality. And I like making my soundtrack playlists, but I don’t know if anyone else is that bothered about them (I know that’s not really writing, but it’s part of the whole creative process for me).
What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh, boy, too many to list. Relying too much on gestures and body language. Writing straightforward dialogue without showing what people are feeling. Using the same words and ideas over and over again.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I can’t say I’ve really thought about it. I can’t speak any other languages other than a bit of basic German, so I doubt I’ll be doing it any time soon.
First fandom you wrote for?
First posted was for Sanditon (a period drama that had a terrible ending that needed to be fixed), but at school my friend and I used to write self-insert John (me) and George (her) fics (and by ‘write’ I literally mean we’d write them out on paper)
Favorite fic you've written?
I love all my children in different ways! I probably like the world of Double Fantasy the most, although I don’t think that fic is particularly well written. Tres bien ensemble is always a fave, because that one just appeared fully formed in my head one day. And I do like the ‘enemies’ part of Brother Dearest. RIP, McHarrison, we hardly knew you.
Tagging @zilabee @beatlessideblog and @eveepe if you fancy it
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plantcrazy · 10 months
Can I skip to Next Week now?
This week.
So, first I get sick and have been feeling like a sleep-deprived zombie (and I'm still sick, but improving), which means I've lost 4 days to work on my next assessment for my course. This is annoying on its own, given I normally take 2-3 days off to do my own thing (aka. Lost Children stuff) after submitting the last assessment.
And then my Tumblr feed gets Twitterified, into this overcrowded-claustrophobic nightmare!
BUT OH! This isn't the cherry on the cake.
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Do you see this guy?
This is Luca. He's my 7-month-old Rex & Nz White bunny and HE! He bit through my drawing tablet cable T - T
I love you little rascal, but now I can't do digital art till I get a new cable T_T
It's only THURSDAY. Ha, ha, I-I Can't! Please. Someone please let me skip to next week, lol. I don't want to know what else is lined up for the rest of my week.
In other news, Lost Children Ch.5 is 75% of the way there. I managed to hash out 90% of the dialogue on Monday before my sinus took my brain offline. So, should have that done first or second week of September.
And I'll leave you with a small extract from some current chapters in WIP or done out of order, or both >:)
Minor spoilers? Nothing crazy, but it might make you crazy with curiosity 🙃
WIP - Ch.5
“Why the interest Stickmin?” Rupert frowned, “Last I checked you were just in this for your pardon. Which, last I checked: You got.” Henry shrugged quickly. “Illegal be curious?” “Should be.” “B-but it isn’t,” Dave smiled shyly at Rupert, in some attempt to get him to drop his well placed dis-trust. “And um… I’d like to know too. You know, since um… I er, well I know I’ll sleep better knowing they’re locked up t-tight.” “Not yet Dave,” Rupert said, “But they will be soon if I’ve got anything to do with it.” “Me help too.” “We’re fin-“ “Hey don’t we have that BIG raid next week with the British guys?” Charles asked, “Henry could totally tag along! I’m sure there’s stuff he could help with.”
Done - Ch. 11
“It,” B-12 heard the third scientist hiss approaching them. “Stand aside Welsh. If they want to see all 4 elements, we will demonstrate all 4 elements.” “Dr. Thomas th-“ “Stand aside Welsh.” Dr. Thomas ordered. The younger scientist faulted for a moment. He nodded in defeat stepping away from the 4 test subjects. B-12 felt all eyes on him. He saw the fear in B-42 next to him and in front the look of revenge in Dr. Thomas eyes and stale features. Guess his wrath wouldn’t be coming in training after all… He took an involuntary step back. Dr. Thomas took a step forward. The second scientist approached the third, “Tom, I’ve got a lighter you really don’t need to-“ Dr. Thomas ignored the second scientist. “Stand aside brother.” He repeated.
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jokertrap-ran · 2 years
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[スタオケ] La Corda d'Oro Starlight Orchestra Main Story Chapter 1-10 Translation
*Starlight Orchestra Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Main story tag will be #Main Starlight
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Sakuya: …Where’s that new member we got? The guy named Kabayama?
Tomoharu: He did say that he could only come by when he has nothing on.
Sakuya: Individual practice then. I think it’s better that way.
Sakuya: You’re being distracting by standing there. Why don’t you go practice too?
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦���◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Ginga: Jesus, you look miserable. What happened?
Ginga: Man. Why don’t you kick back and relax for a bit? I’ve got a pot of coffee brewing so I’ll pour you a cup.
Ginga: It’s a special service, just for you. Would you prefer making it into a Café au lait, or drinking it straight?
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Ginga: *sigh* I see. I never thought that they’d be so at odds with each other.
Ginga: I mean, I never pegged them for the type to do so. One’s all “it’s so troublesome to be at odds with people”, and the other’s all “I’ll just play along with his tune”. So this is an interesting turn of events, I’d say.
⊳ Choice: You shouldn’t be getting amused about this.
Ginga: Hahahaha. C’mon now, don’t give me that pout! You never know, something good might come out of it~
⊳ Choice: It’s a necessary process for them to reach mutual understanding.
Ginga: Oh? So you do get it!
Ginga: This is way better than them holding out on one another when they clearly have something to say.
Ginga: But I don’t think this will all end peacefully if we just leave them to their own devices, either.
Ginga: Come to think of it, didn’t the Orchestra you joined in middle school also end up disbanding for one reason or another?
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Ginga: An Orchestra’s made up of many people from all walks of life, so, inevitably, some clashes happen here and there…
Ginga: And this is where being the Concertmistress comes into play, (L/n).
Ginga: An Orchestra cannot harmonize with each other just through the abilities of the members that are a part of it.
Ginga: The Concertmistress is essential to bind them all together.
Ginga: It sounds like way too much work in exchange for a mere cup of coffee? Haha, you’re not wrong there.
Ginga: Well, I’m always open if anything happens. So, good luck out there~ They’re all relying on you now.
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Sakuya: Narumiya? I know that he doesn’t mean anything… bad.
Sakuya: …Indeed, we cannot reach our goal if we just spread our name through the streets alone.
Sakuya: No matter what the reason may be, no matter what lured them over to us… as long as they’re willing to listen to our performance…
Sakuya: I think we need to discuss with everyone regarding which direction our ensemble should go.
Sakuya: Why do you look so happy? This is going to be harder on you more than anyone else.
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Tomoharu: I suppose I troubled Kujo-senpai back then…
Tomoharu: I guess it’s not okay to use any means necessary to gather people to watch us in the Auditorium when the time comes.
Tomoharu: It has to bear some semblance to the goal we’re aiming for— the National Concours.
Tomoharu: I’ll think about it a little and find a way to bring out the better parts of the Starlight Orchestra to light.
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬Main Starlight♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
Previous Part: (Chapter 1-9) Next Part: (Chapter 1-11)
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e-m-christina · 2 years
The Hellfire Club: Eddie Munson
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SERIES SUMMARY: After the death of her mother, Y/n Hargrove is forced to pack up, leave sunny California behind and relocate to the town where she witnessed her brother's death: Hawkins. On her first day at Hawkins High, Y/n is recruited to the 'Hellfire Club', where she creates an unlikely friendship with the leader - Eddie 'The Freak' Munson.
Just when Y/n's life seems to be straightening out and she begins developing feelings for Eddie, Hawkins is terrorised by a series of brutal killings that her new friend is wrongly accused of committing. Can Y/n and her friends find a way to defeat the new threat before it's too late?
SERIES WARNINGS: Canon-typical horror/death, fluff, slowburn, mutual pining, eventual smut, season 4 spoilers.
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June 1985.
Golden evening beams flickered over the Californian hills as a blue Chevrolet Camero rumbled down an empty road. Music boomed through the open windows, masking the sound of the roaring engine. Warm air flowed between your fingers as you stuck your arm out the window, twirling and flicking your hand against the push of the wind. You squinted against the setting sun as your eyes landed on a bright blue sign that stood out from the sandy hillside.
“Been ages since I left this place,” You said, glancing at your brother, who was tapping his ring clad fingers on the steering wheel. “Been ages since I last saw you.”
The memory of an uncomfortable reunion at a local Pizzeria two summers prior flashed across your mind. You and your mother had arranged to meet your brother for a meal, but your dad, his new girlfriend and her daughter tagged along, against your mother's wishes. Needless to say, your mum bailed out and you had to endure the awkward dinner on your own. How long ago had that been? Two years?
“Yeah, you can thank dad for that.” Billy’s jaw clenched. “Wouldn’t let me leave that shit-hole of a town to visit you.”
“Is Hawkins really that bad?” You raised an eyebrow. Billy had mentioned his dislike of Hawkins over the infrequent phone calls you shared, but he had never said why.
“Oh yeah. It stinks of shit, for starters. It’s filled with old people, there is absolutely nothing to do and it’s always fucking raining.” Billy probably could have listed dozens more reasons as to why he hated Hawkins, but he restrained himself.
“Jeez,” You shook your head and laughed. “Don’t make me regret saying yes to visiting you guys for the summer or I might have to ask you to turn the car around.”
“Please, I’d prefer to spend the summer in Cali with you and mum.” Billy let out a bitter chuckle as he stepped on the gas. “But she didn’t even bother to say ‘hi’ when I picked you up.”
“She wanted to see you. She really did, but I think she was scared that you wouldn’t want to talk to her and...she was really sick this morning. Probably didn’t want to infect you too.” You guessed she just felt too overwhelmed - it has been years since she had last seen him after all. You could hear Billy mumble something, but it was drowned out by Ozzy Osbourne’s (in your opinion) horrendous singing. “How’s dad? Does he still…you know… is he any better?”
“Oh.” Your brows knitted together as you fiddled with the miniature yellow polaroid camera in your lap."Is that how you got that bruise?" You said, referring to the yellowish-purple bruise that graced Billy's cheekbone.
Billy nodded but stayed silent. Throughout their relationship, your mum and dad would get into bad verbal fights, but it was only at the end of their marriage when they got physical. Each night would end the exact same way: you and Billy huddled in your shared room, trying to distract each other by whatever means necessary from the screaming and crashing downstairs.
When your mum wasn’t home, your dad would instead take his anger out on Billy, to make him into ‘more of a man’ or some other bullshit excuse he used to make himself feel better about beating his kid. You were the lucky one - he never hit you. You never understood why Billy chose to live with your dad after the divorce, though you never dared to ask.
“I’m sorry, Billy.” You whispered as a pit of guilt began to burrow in your stomach. “I really thought that he would have sto-”
“Doesn't matter.” Billy cut you off. “Just under a year left of school and then I can leave for good.”
“Where will you go?” A smile formed on your lips as you changed the subject. “Do you still want to be an astronaut?”
“Ha-ha, very funny.” Billy flicked the side of your head.
“That hurt!” You glared at him as you rubbed your temple. “Anyway, I was being serious. You were always obsessed with space.”
You remembered your shared bedroom: Billy’s half of the room was painted a deep blue and had white paint splattered over the walls to mimic the constellations and the milky way, there wasn’t a clothing item or toy out of place and his bed was covered in E.T themed sheets. Your side of the room, on the other hand, was a mess of clothes, stuffed toys and Lord of the Rings posters - something you never really grew out of.
“I’m not a nerd anymore, unlike you.” Billy grinned and began flicking through the radio channels. “And to answer your question, I have a life-guard job lined up in California once I graduate.”
“I am not a nerd, thank you very much.” You folded your arms across your chest. Just because you like fantasy books and had good grades did not mean you were a nerd, or at least that’s what you told yourself. “And that’s great!”
“Yeah, just can’t wait to get the hell out of Hawkins,” Billy said before glancing at you. “Max will like you.”
“Why?” You raised a brow at the sudden change in subject. The first and only time you had met Max was at the Pizzeria and the entire time she ignored you (and you could have sworn she stole a slice of your pizza when you weren’t looking).
“She's a freaky nerd, like you.”
"I am not a freaky nerd!” You groaned and slapped Billy’s arm, which only made his lips curl into a shit-eating grinning.
“Whatever.” Billy shook his blond head and cranked up the radio’s volume to the highest level. “You still like this song?”
You flinched from the sudden increase in volume, which you did not think was possible considering how loud the music was before. Despite the throbbing in your ears, you instantly recognised the song's opening chords: Separate Ways (Worlds Apart).
“Hell yeah, I do!” You grinned and pushed yourself upright in your seat. You’d never miss an opportunity to sing along to your favourite band.
“Please don’t sing-”
“Here we stand, worlds apart!” You soaked in every moment of pain on your brother's face as you purposely shouted the lyrics at the top of your lungs to annoy him. “Someday, love will find you, break those chains that bind you!”
By the time the song hit the second chorus, you had elbowed Billy enough times in the ribs to convince him to join in as well. You don’t didn’t know how long it had been since you had laughed so hard as you belted out the lyrics with your brother. From time to time you would snap photos of Billy with the yellow polaroid which would earn a smack from him and a laugh from you. By the time the song was over, the wind from the open windows had whipped your hair into a mess and your cheeks burned from smiling too hard as the sun flickered its last golden rays over your face before it sunk below the horizon.
If you had known that would be one of your last happy memories with your brother, you would have cherished those moments a little longer.
August 1986.
The windshield wipers frantically swiped from side to side, but they made little difference to the downpour that was crashing against your car. Of all the days the weather decided to take a turn for the worst, it had to be the day that you were moving.
After around thirty more minutes and a gas stop, you finally spotted it, the sign you were searching for this entire time:
“Gonna need a damn arc at this rate.” You muttered, watching as the grates on either side of the road bubbled with floodwater. As you came to a red light, you took a sip of burning hot chocolate from your flask and glanced down at the map that lay crumpled on the passenger seat, trying to make sense of the scribbled directions you wrote for yourself before you left.
If your estimates were correct, you should be arriving in Hawkins within the next few miles. The road to Hawkins seemed a lot longer than you remembered. Despite trying to distract yourself with the radio, you couldn’t shake the feeling of loneliness as you turned each winding corner and highway.
Your grip on the steering wheel tightened as you passed by the familiar sign. You remembered the excitement you felt when you first laid eyes on it. Now you could only feel a heavy sickness settle in your stomach. The events from last summer still haunted you, that monster still visited you in your dreams, your brother's body falling to the ground still flashed across your mind and Max’s screams still pierced your ears.
Welcome to Hawkins - more like Welcome to Hell.
At least you had friends there. That’s what you told yourself to keep yourself somewhat sane, though you had heard that some of them had moved to California. Ironic, you thought as you drove through the centre of the Hawkins. The town seemed so mundane, like nothing out of the ordinary would ever happen there. Like a massive flesh monster didn’t just terrorize the people only a year prior. Like everything was normal.
Hawkins seemed like a town stuck in time, it looked exactly the same as when you first visited. The diner that your dad and Susan took you on your first night had its large blue doors propped wide open, the swimming pool that Billy gave you lessons in had a massive flashing ‘OPEN’ sign stuck in the window and the theatre that Robin and Dustin had dragged you to watch The Breakfast Club had a massive queue lined up outside.
When you were about to give up all hope of locating Max and Susan’s house, you spotted a sign indicating towards the Helensburgh Caravan Estate. You relaxed a little as you turned the corner onto the caravan park. At least you had found the damn place. The crunching of gravel under the cars' tiers made you shudder - if that gravel wore down your tiers tread, you would be pissed. You slowed down a little to look at each number on every caravan’s door.
All you had to do now was find where Max and Susan lived, which was easier said than done. After your brother's death, your dad and Susan split up and sold their house. You tried contacting your father but he seemed to have just disappeared.
This meant that after your mother's death last month, you had no choice but to move in with your ex-relatives, Max and Susan. Max was cool, she shared some of your interests and last summer you guys really bonded. Susan not so much. Though she always acted courteously towards you, you knew she never really warmed up to the idea of you being a part of her ‘family’.
“Jesus H. Christ…that hurt like a bitch!” The guy groaned and pushed his mess of brown hair from his eyes.
“C’mon, where is number seven?” You muttered to yourself when you heard a thump and a yell. You stomped on the break-in in surprise, frantically looking for the source of the noise.
Had you hit someone? With sweaty hands, you leapt out, praying that you hadn’t killed someone. It would really suck if you were arrested for murder on your first day in Hawkins. Just when you reached the front of the car, you spotted a dishevelled looking guy push himself up from the ground with a grunt. Okay, he’s not dead.
“Oh my God, are you alright?” You rushed over and helped picked up the books that he had dropped (presumably when you almost killed him).
“Y-yeah?” He said, more like a question rather than an answer. “I think.”
“I’m so sorry, I didn't mean to!” You apologised, running your hands through your hair. You chewed on your lip as the guy in front of you raised a brow. Would he call the cops? Was he injured? “I didn’t see you and then boom! You were on the ground. It was a total accident, I swear-”
“Jeez, chill out.” The guy in front of you chuckled a little as he brushed down his jeans. You stared at him with wide eyes. Why was he laughing? Did he have a concussion? “You seem more upset than me. It’s not a big deal, plus it’s not the first time I have been hit by a car.”
“Still, I should have paid more attention.” You said as your heart rate slowed a little. He looked ruffled, his jeans were torn at the knees, his hair was a mess and he looked a little unsteady. “Are you hurt?”
“I doubt I shall ever recovery from these wounds.” You stared at him with wide eyes as he placed a hand over his heart and pretended to faint. Had you knocked this dude into insanity?
“Are you alright-AH!” You yelped as he jumped forward with frenzied eyes. Yep, he’d lost it.
“I’m fine.” He grinned as he watched you take a step back. “First time I was hit, I had to go to the A&E. And oddly enough, I was hit by a car that looked exactly like that one.” He pointed towards the blue Camero.
“Oh…that’s weird.” You awkwardly forced a smile as the guy in front of you started pacing.
“Yeah, it is.” He paused and stared at you. You shuffled awkwardly as he looked at you up and down and frowned. “I don’t recognise you, are you new?”
“Uh, yeah.” You said, feeling a little intimidated. “Just moved here today.”
“Well, I guess I’ll see you around.” He said, but just before he left, he turned around and looked you dead in the eye. “Hit me again, and you best hope I’m dead.”
“See ya!” He cut you off and turned on his heel. You stood there stunned as you watched him walk across the estate, towards caravan number four. Did he just threaten you? Was he being serious? You slowly rubbed your face, feeling like you had whiplash from that guy's behaviour. What the hell just happened? Before you could think too much about it, you heard someone call your name. You turned around and spotted a red-haired girl rushing over to you, beaming from ear to ear.
By the time Monday morning rolled around, you had pretty much unpacked everything and settled into your new home. Your room was a lot smaller than the one you had back in California, but it was cosy. You had hung up your posters, re-arranged the bed and the desk, organised your clothes and decorated your walls with polaroid pictures and vinyls.
Only one box remained unpacked - a box which you hadn’t opened in over a year. That box got shoved into the deepest and darkest corner under your bed. It was just like home. Almost. Of course, word had already gotten around to your friends that you had arrived (probably spread by Max) and the telephone was constantly ringing over the weekend.
“Hey, can you drive us to school?” Max’s head popped around the side of your door. “Mum’s passed out again.”
“Yeah, that’s fine. Guess we can just leave now then.” You said, shrugging on the oversized denim jacket that hung over the side of your desk chair before following Max through the caravan towards the front door. The sickly smell of smoke clung to the thick air and yellowed the once (presumably) white walls. You hadn’t really had time to talk to Max about last summer, but it was obvious that it had taken a toll on both her and her now alcoholic mother.
“Should we wake her up?” You asked when you passed through the living room, pointing to Susan who was sprawled out over the cheap Maralunga sofa with a half-empty bottle of Carlsberg clutched loosely in her hand. Her now messy auburn hair, smudged makeup and stained clothing looked a far cry from the soignée lady you met back at the Pizzeria only a few years back.
“Nah, she’ll be fine. Always gets mad when I wake her.” Max had to shove the front door a few times with her shoulder before it gave way and cracked open. You threw Susan one last glance before following Max out into the driveway.
A coolness from the previous night still hung in the air and the morning sun glimmered through the canopy of trees that lined the Caravan park. Though you missed the blazing mornings in California, you had to admit the cooler climate in Hawkins was refreshing. When you opened your mouth to comment on the temperature, you noticed Max’s smile fade as she opened the passenger seat to the blue Camero.
“You alright?” You asked as you climbed into the driver's seat beside her, though you could already guess what was troubling her.
“Uh, yeah.” Max forced a tight-lipped smile before looking out the window. “Just…y’know.. weird being this car again.”
“Yeah.” You fiddled with the keys as you tried to form a response. If you were honest, hadn’t gotten used to the feeling of driving that car, even though it had been in your possession for over a year. “Feels weird to drive it too.”
“I bet you a better driver than him, though.” Max said after a few moments, in an attempt to lighten the mood.
“I wouldn't bet on it.” You snorted, shoving the keys into the ignition as Max’s face turned into one of terror. “I just got my licence.”
To your disappointment, you hadn’t yet shared any classes with the three people you knew in your year: Robin, Nancy and Steve. And during lunch you couldn’t find Dustin, Mike, Lucas or Max, so you sat alone eating the terrible canteen food.
Maths was the last class of the day, and you just felt like giving up. You sat at the back of the classroom, trying to ignore the stares and whispers of the other classmates as they peered at you over their shoulders like you were some endangered zoo animal. Your gaze landed on the board which was strewn with numerous squiggly lines, symbols and letters. Letters? Why the hell was the alphabet involved with math?
“I’m sure our new student, Mrs Hargrove, would like to give this equation ago!” Mrs Reid said, snapping you out of your daze. As soon as she mentioned your surname, a chorus of whispers flowed through the class, and from what you could hear, they weren’t very nice.
“Uh, not particularly.” You said, feeling the eyes of your fellow students burn into your flushed skin.
“I’ll let you off this time since this is your first day.” Mrs Reid said, sending you a wink. “But next time I want you to solve this.”
You only nodded as she picked another student to answer her question. A sigh of relief left your lips and you slumped back in your seat. You would have to find a way to avoid any future math classes. Back in California, each time you had a math period, you would sneak over the school fence and hang out with Argyl in the back of his van and smoke dope, though you doubted he would be willing to drive all the way to Hawkins every day just so you could ditch class.
“Psst!” Someone whispered, catching your attention. You turned around in your seat, to be greeted by a blond guy in a white and green Hawkins High sweater.
“What?” You whispered back.
“Is it true?” He asked, leaning over his desk to get closer to you.
“Is what true?” You frowned, watching as he practically gripped the edge of his desk with an obviously fake grin plastered to his face. Why was everyone in Hawkins so damn creepy?
“That Billy is, or should I say, was your brother?” As soon as those words left his lips, your stomach dropped.
“Yeah.” Was all you said before you snapped your head back to the front of the class. You didn’t want to talk about him. And you especially did not want to talk about him with that random creep behind you. You felt him poke your back and whisper something else, but before you could tell him to sod off, a noise sounded over Mrs Reid’s drawling voice.
Ring, ring.
“Thank God.” You muttered yourself as the bell rang through the class, indicating the end of the school day. You barely paid attention to the teacher as she shouted homework instructions over the eruption of chatting, chairs scraping against the ground and students pouring out the classroom door. You quickly grabbed your bag and rushed to the door, eager to get away from the guy before he could get a chance to further question you.
As soon as you stepped over the threshold and into the packed hallway, you heaved a heavy sigh. You were free to go home, forget about the day and read Fellowship of the Ring with a cup of steaming hot chocolate. Before you could plan any further activities that you could take part in within the comfort of your own home, you heard a voice call your name and the sound of heavy footsteps. Before you could even register who was calling you, a weight crashed right into your back.
“Jesus!” You caught yourself before you almost tumbled backwards into the lockers. When you managed to twist yourself around to see who had latched themselves onto you, you came face to face with none other than a beaming Dustin Henderson.
“Nope, just me.”
“Dustin!” You laughed, pulling him into a hug. “How are you, man? I tried looking for you at lunch!”
“I’m great and it’s great to see you!” Dustin said, pulling away, though he looked like he was about to implode with excitement. “We have so much to talk about, like did you see the new Police Academy? When you were moving, did you see El, Will and Jonathan? Did you meet Suzie? Did you know that four more teeth have come through-”
“Whoah, slow down there, buddy.” You laughed, flicking Dustin’s hat. “I’ll be here for a whole year, no need to rush.”
“Right, sorry.” Dustin chuckled. He had grown alot since you last saw him and his curly locks were a few inches longer.
“What’s up with that shirt, bud?” You asked, surprised at his choice of a shirt that clashed with his otherwise colourful attire -it was a black and white three-quarter length sleeve with the words ‘Hellfire Club’ written under a flaming devil. Definitely not something you would picture ‘do-no-wrong’ Dustin wearing.
“Oh, this?” Dustin tugged at the shirt with an even wider grin. “I’m part of a D&D club, all members get a shirt.”
“Ah, that makes sense.” You said. “Did you-”
“Which leads me onto another topic of conversation.” Dustin cut you off. “Since you’re new here, I assume you’ll want to make friends?”
“I suppose?”
“And do you still play D&D?”
“I haven’t since last year but I can still play.” You said and raised an eyebrow at the curly-haired boy in front of you. “Why?”
“Well, my dear friend, Y/n, I think we have mutual interests,” Dustin said with his hands on his hips. “You see, we are down one member in the Hellfire club and I was wondering if you want to join? You can make someone cool friends and we get another member.”
“Um, I don’t know Dustin.” You said, chewing your lip. “I’m not the best player.”
“Not the best player?” Dustin almost choked on his words. “Y/n, when we played last year, you never lost a game! Plus your level is higher than most of the guys playing at Hellfire!”
You shrugged and readjusted the backpack straps that were digging into your shoulders. “Anyway, it’s been a while, so I’ll probably be rusty.”
“Doesn’t matter!” Dustin said, exasperated. “I can give you lessons or something. C’mon, just come and meet the guys and then you can decide.”
You rolled the offer around your mind for a few moments. It did sound like a good way to make friends (something you desperately needed) and it could be a good way to get you out of your own head and give you a distraction. Though, you weren’t sure if you wanted to hang out with an even bigger group of nerds than you already did.
“Okay, fine.” You ran your fingers through your hair. “I’ll meet the group.”
“Yes!” Dustin grabbed your elbow and began pulling you through the river of students and down the twisting hallways that were lined with shiny blue lockers and classroom doors. “We just have to convince Eddie to let you join!”
“Who’s Eddie?” You frowned as you came to a stop in front of two large doors that read ‘Drama Department’.
“The leader.” Dustin turned to face you. “Be warned, he can be a little…intense.”
“Dustin, what do you mean by that-”
Before you had a chance to question Dustin any further, he shoved open the doors and pulled you over the threshold. The dimly lit drama studio was surrounded by large black curtains that hung from rails on the ceiling, there were various props scattered over the black vinyl floor and multiple costume rails had been forgotten at the edges of the walls. In the centre of the dark room was a round table strewn with candles, board games and left-over lunch. And around that table sat five people, who were all gawping right back at you.
You glanced at Dustin for some help, but he seemed to be oblivious to how much you wanted the ground to swallow you up, and was waving at his friends with a goofy grin. You shuffled awkwardly on your feet and opened your mouth to introduce yourself to the group, but your words got caught in your throat when your gaze landed on someone familiar, who was sitting right at the head of the table.
Someone you had almost killed with your car.
“Y/n!” Your gaze was ripped away from your potential victim and landed on a raven-haired boy who was stuffing his face with a sloppily made sandwich - Mike Wheeler.
“Hi, Mike.” You stiffly waved at him, though your greeting was cut short.
“So!” The guy you almost hit, clapped his hands and sprang from his seat. “My killer has a name after all.”
“Killer? What is Eddie talking about?” Dustin hissed, snapping his head toward you.
“Long story.” You whispered back as Eddie slowly approached, looking you up and down.
“I’m assuming Dustin has tried to recruit you to the Cult of Vecna, yes?” Eddie asked, coming to a stop in front of you - too close for your liking.
“Yeah.” You said, wanting nothing more than to take a step back, but you willed yourself to stay put. Suddenly Dustin’s warning made sense about this Eddie guy being ‘intense.’ At least you knew that he was always like that and it was not because you knocked him into insanity with your car.
“And why should we recruit you, hmm?” Eddie asked, prodding your shoulder. “What level are you anyway? Level one pixie?”
“Eddie, I wouldn’t antagonize her, she’s scary when she gets mad.” Dustin warned his friend but was promptly brushed off by the club leader
At this, the rest of the group burst out into laughter as Eddie continued to stare you down. You could tell what this guy’s game was: he was trying to intimidate you and you were way too damn stubborn to let him win - a trait you had inherited from your father. ‘Two can play that game’, you thought as you stepped closer to Eddie so that you were right up in his face (and you had to admit that flicker of surprise that crossed his features was rather satisfying).
“Level fourteen Trickery Cleric. Which, I have been informed by Dustin, is higher than most of your group’s characters, am I right?” You said indignantly. “So are we gonna play or are you just gonna stand there and chit-chat?”
The room fell into an astounded silence as Eddie’s continued to stare you down. You tried your hardest to read his expression, but his poker face was too damn good - something you had to work on yourself. You could feel the other group members' gazes shift between you and Eddie as they held their breaths. Just when you thought he was going to kick you out of the room, Eddie’s lips curled into a grin and he shot out his ring-clad hand.
“Welcome to Hellfire.”
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insertdisc5 · 3 years
Hi!! I wanted to ask, in celebration of Deltarune CH. 2, do you have any updated thoughts and head canons about the game?? Like, y'know, similar to a previous ask about Kris in your Deltarune tag? Thanks!
thoughts on kris part 2 i guess???? (part 1 from ch1 here lol)
spoilers for deltarune like woah. this wont be kris focused just random thoughts on everything. thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk
not that many thoughts for this chapter tbh! EDIT LOL: this was a lie i have a lot of thoughts
-just in general i feel like the player isn't the only one controlling kris... like yes the player forced kris to do what happened in the snowgrave route but AT THE SAME TIME idk it feels like there's someone else too. just because of the terrifying voice i suppose. and also the jerky movement kris does every time they get their soul out? unless there's another reason for it... maybe getting your soul out means you walk weird lol
-BUT ALSO i feel like kris is 100% in control when they create fountains. idk it just makes sense kris would create them. to create another world, a better world, A WORLD WHERE THEIR BROTHER IS HERE PERHAPS? i do wonder why they get their soul out then though. i'm all for it sweetie! do whatever! i support you!
-(i am and will be playing deltarune with only kris' best interests in mind. i will not hurt anyone unless kris wants me to. dont worry my little meow meow im on your side! talk to me! no? okay ill stay under the sink its fine)
-kris misses their brother so much it's so sad. if you make kris steal 5$ from asriel they take it "reluctantly"? talking to asriel online so often even alphys knows?? the google search?? GOING INTO ASRIEL'S GOOGLE SEARCH ROOM WITH THEIR EYES CLOSED BECAUSE THEY'RE CONVINCED THEY ALREADY KNOW WHATS IN THERE? THAT ONE IS LESS OF A MISSING THING BUT IM LIKE OH MY GOD
-the city walk with susie at the end makes it clear to me that kris really values susie's friendship... kris even sits with her if you spend long enough near the lake like aaaaah ;_;
-and even in snowgrave you spend your last acts with the final boss calling for your friends like YES there's a way bigger creepy aspect to this (kris as more of a Leader who Commands and commands their subjects to come) but still :'0 (and then noelle answers oh my god noelle im so sorry for the trauma)
-berdly. listen. listen. listen. liste
-berdly sucks but [berdly hurts his arm in the battle against queen if you don't save him because he doesnt want to hurt you] [berdly realizing smg's wrong in snowgrave and immediately taking steps to save noelle] berdly is my little crumb nugget. i will protect him.
-noelle. noelle. girlboss!
-like ooooh listen. hearing about the genocide path for undertale. made me go "that is SO COOL. i HAVE to experience it myself this is great. hehehe killing time" and like no regrets. i was fully enjoying the experience knowing i was an awful person. SNOWGRAVE THOUGH. i will never try this myself its too fucked up. casually grooming your childhood friend to murder people <3 and also acting like a weird stalker towards her <3 stockholm syndrome speedrun i will get all the info i can about this but i will never do this myself
-people remarking the kris/player>noelle relationship is similar to the relationship between player>chara in genocide path is like yes. chefs kiss. don't worry we just are making you stronger and everything will be fine "you made me kill my friend? and for what?" this is fine sweetie don't worry about it!!!!!!
-like the amount of details added to snowgrave, like if you equip noelle's watch she notices later? and her battle animations change as time goes on, she gets an ice shield and stops sighing in relief after battle? oh my god? oh my god.
-also why didnt he turn into dust. so many possible reasons. is magic a thing in the normal world and perhaps no magic means no dust (theres graves). maybe he isnt dead. maybe hes braindead. maybe he'll come back. either way that boy is now in the closet big enough to put someone in
-also dess' name probably being december AND THATS WHY NOELLE LOST THE SPELLING BEE?!?!??! FUCK ME UP!!!!! JUST FUCK ME UP!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!
-also so many good pixel art this chapter. too many? i didnt need pixel art of cardboard noelle falling on the statue. like thank you but please. please it hurts my game artist brain.
-the expressions in this chapter were also top notch. all the unsettling noelle expressions like (i fall over face first)
-i threw away the ball of junk (which i already tried in ch1) and this time the game was like "ARE YOU SURE BC THIS IS A BAD IDEA" and kris felt bitter :'( (it deletes all your items in the dark world)
-i uh fucked up and skipped the susie+noelle scene bc listen last time ralsei mentionned seeing what susie is doing we missed some PRIMO LORE. turns out it just makes you skip the scene and you dont get anything new. welp
-speaking of ralsei well you know. he exists. but im stuck on him going "i just wonder what being ralsei-like even is...?" ralsei my dude there's so much i could say about this. do you feel like you can't be ralsei-like because you feel like you have to be asriel-like
-but also that makes no sense bc susie hasnt even mentioned ralsei looks like asriel. and i cant imagine asriel being so meek. so WHAT GIVES
-ralsei as kris’ “i wish i was a monster just like my bro and family and i’d look like asriel but with red horns [THE HALLOWEEN COSTUME] and my name would be something cool like ralsei instead of a boring human name like kris and im sweet and cute because thats how i act with asriel because ASRIEL MADE ME” theory because that would be cute.
-kris definitely has a connection with the big red door in the city, judging by what the kids say they probably went there... i feel like this place's dark world will be the Final Dungeon you KNOW some shit happened there. also the sounds you hear when you go there is the phone dark world call's sound slowed down? AND AFTER SNOWGRAVE APPARENTLY YOU CANT HEAR IT ANYMORE? HUWAH?
-speaking of songs the songs were all so good, My Castle Town rules, the berdly snowgrave music is stuck in my head, flashback is uwah wuahah, Until Next Time is so good, AND ALSO A FRIEND NOTICED THE DARK WORLD CITY THEME IS JUST tHE SONG 74 (MOST NOTICEABLE WITH THE SNOWGRAVE VERSION)?????? WHAT DOES IT MEAN????? it might be just "hey its just reuse" BUT MR FOX YOU KNOW WE'RE GONNA READ INTO THIS IS NOELLE THE ONE SINGING IDK BRO!!!!!!!!!!
-asgore dreemurr fired from the force what happun!!!!! game theory is that asgore is related to dess' death/disappearance but eh who knows
-you start the chapter at lvl2 and get to lvl3 after the final boss, a friend mentioned this is probably because we destroyed a world and im :0
-to go back to kris it's still so interesting to figure out who they are based on how they act/people mention them. like kris shaking the ferris wheel car? yeah makes sense i can imagine a pranking kid do this. kris' dance? yeah thats a little silly but i can buy it. doing cool anime poses? well i dunno this doesnt line up PERFECTLY but sure. BUT EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN SNOWGRAVE... especially >proceed like that is such a weird thing that i can't imagine them doing, but i can't completely see the "player" doing either (compare with going to sans -which kris doesnt know- and going "SANS!" because of course the player would know sans), like THATS one of the reasons i feel like there's someone else in there. the weird robotic merciless actions. if im going super meta it feels like there'd be someone else like writing the choices into existence for us to pick you know? gaster probably? god i need to read more gaster theories i completely sidestepped the gaster shit bc i wasnt interested. anyway just spitballing
-(looks at big shot guy) please dont make him the next tumblr guy i beg you
-obligatory "queen was great" mention if only because this part made me laugh a little bit too hard
Tumblr media
that was a lot. thank you for letting me talk
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
Hello, hello~ I see you opened your requests and I LOVE it.
Can I request a gn!reader with Diluc, Xiao and Albedo who are trying to confess to the reader, but always failed because reader is too busy and is like "sorry need to go." or "I have something to do."?
In the end they confronted them and won't let them go so they finally can confess properly!
I hope you know what I mean ^.^
Have a nice day, have fun and thank you🙌
-Anon (because I don't want my friends to find out I read stuff like this ;-;)
Haha, I'm glad! Sorry for the wait and welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy<3
tags: gn!reader x Albedo, Diluc, Xiao(separate), fluff, tsundere Xiao, flustered Diluc, Albedo is the only normal one for once wow, busy busy bees.
-The least annoyed over this as the others. Still kind of annoyed. But not nearly as much.
-Albedo is also really busy, so trying to clear his schedule to meet your schedule and then you're even more busy its.. He doesn't do good with relationships as is.
-The last to assume you are avoiding him tbh. He's smart but he doesn't understand social cues well enough to draw that conclusion.
-This is why he has lured you to dragonspine because he "needs help".
-cant run now bitch -Khoi Dao as Albedo probably.
Teal eyes watch you as you place the appropriate items where they need to go in his little camp. He had asked you to aid him in organizing his camp, every time he does it it just gets messed up minutes later anyways, he said. You reached up, placing some assorted trinkets on one of the shelves in the small camp. When you turn back towards the alchemist he’s holding his pencil to his pad of paper, but his eyes are trained on you.
“What else do we need to do here? I need to get back to Mond-”
“Ahem, I do believe myself to be in love with you. And I would like to pursue a romantic relationship should you feel the same.” Albedo sounds so casual about it you almost didn’t process what he just exclaimed. He gave you a moment, setting his notepad down on the small wooden table while he waited.
You let out an awkward laugh as you examined him, his expression remained as it usually did. “You’re not kidding?” He shakes his head. “Oh well-” You clear your throat, stepping closer to him and reaching out to him. He takes your hands in his, intertwining your fingers. “I do really have to get back to Mondstadt, but I feel the same.” You squeeze his hands and he returns the gesture.
Thankfully Kaeya’s advice paid off..
-Help him. He’s tried so many times. What do you MEAN you need to go to Liyue for a weekend? Why do you need to take on Bennett’s commissions? Can you stand still for two seconds.
-No. No you can’t. Straight up thinks you’re avoiding him for some reason. Too salty to ask anybody for assistance in this matter. Just kind of broods.
-Sees you while he’s out doing his darknight hero duties and decides now is a great time to corner you in, what normal non Diluc people consider, the weirdest way possible.
-Aka he just kind of drops down from wherever the hell this Batman impersonator was hiding.. Directly in front of you. This was not how he intended to do this but it was getting ridiculous and Kaeya was making fun of him so here he is.
"Ah! Diluc! Archons, my heart." You press a hand to your chest as you meet his gaze. His jaw is set and he somehow seems more annoyed than usual. You lower your hand as his eyes flick away from your form, glancing down the dark streets of Mondstadt. "Is something wrong? You're out quite late." You smile at him and he finally looks back at you.
"Pardon my boldness, but given your recent schedule I have been unable to find a better time for this." He steps closer and you tilt your head, waiting for him to continue what he was going to say. "I would like to take you out to dinner sometime." He adjusts his gloves as he waits for the momentarily stunned silence to pass. Did he always do this when he was nervous…?
"Sure! I'll be free this weekend. Is anybody else joining us?" His smile is awkward, forced maybe? At your words.
"I meant romantically." Diluc clarifies, clearing his throat as warmth spreads to his cheeks. He could only hope his face didn't match his hair. Spoiler alert, it does.
You rub the back of your neck, not expecting this of all things on your walk home from commissions. "I'd love to, Diluc. I'll see you at five on Saturday." You pat his chest as you walk by him in the direction of your home. Leaving a stunned, very flustered wine tycoon.
-THIS GUY. The most annoyed AND the most broody.
-He has never felt like this before, and so he’s stepping out of his comfort zone to even tell you! And then you just? Cut him off? And run away?!
-Tries only once, the moment you’re out of his line of sight he just sort of up and disappears from Wangshu Inn? He just leaves!
-You find out from Verr, because she wants to know if you’ve seen him. "Last I saw him he was going to tell you he likes you." She says with a smile as if she didn't know he disappeared because he didn't manage to say it. Sneaky.
-So this is how you end up trying to lure him in with offers of almond tofu and annoyingly calling out ‘Adeptus Xiao!’ over and over again like he’s a grumpy cat(he is.)
Black and teal swirls of smoke appeared before you and you could only sigh in relief, this had taken the better half of your day. The smoke soon dissipated, Xiao replacing it with his typical scowl. “What do you want?” His tone is harsh, harsher than usual. But at least he isn’t dead or whatever, so you had that going for you.
“I heard some very interesting information from Verr Goldet!” You inform him, holding up the container of almond tofu, it jiggled. His amber eyes snap to the almond tofu, reaching out and snatching the container from you with a huff. A grumpy cat, indeed. “I have a few days off from commissions, would you like to tell me anything?” You clasp your hands behind your back, bouncing on the balls of your feet.
“Okay! Well, guess I’ll go then- Check in with Verr Goldet ok?” Xiao grabs your wrist before you could take more than a step away from him, polearm disappearing to make room for your arm. “Hm? Something wrong, Xiao?”
“Do not make me say it.”
“Say what?”
Xiao huffs but doesn’t let go of your wrist, this was so embarrassing. He knew you knew, you knew he knew you knew. Why bother with this charade? Though, he supposed, this humour of yours is partially what had drawn him to you. Xiao mumbles something under his breath and you lean in closer to hear him. “This is stupid, I like you.” He mumbles, again.
“There we go, was that so hard? I-”
“It was.”
“I like you too, Xiao. Let’s go back to the inn and enjoy that tofu.”
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bibliocratic · 3 years
45 or 10 from the kiss prompt for JonMartin? :)
Thank you!! :D Number 10 Already posted - > Number 19, Number 26, Number 38
Broad spoilers for S5 up to 194. Content warnings in the tags
MARTIN … and that’ll be all outside, and y-you’ll be able to see them, through the glass doors at the back. […] [muzzy] Jon?
[slightly more urgent] Jon.
JON [woozy, coming to] Hmm?
MARTIN Just. [obviously relieved] Just checking.
Thought you’d lost me?
MARTIN … a bit. Yeah.
JON I’m still here. [a shifting sound of unstable brickwork] I think one of my arms has gone to sleep.
MARTIN ‘s what happens when you bring the whole building down on us. JON [mock affronted] It was a team effort, thank you. MARTIN [a small quirking laugh, trailing off into a wet-sounding cough] My mistake.
… Jon?
JON … sorry, it’s – hard. To stay awake, now the Eye’s… [a self-deprecating sound] I didn’t realise how much I needed it.
MARTIN [trying to reassure] I know. It’s… it’s OK.  [a gasping wince] Fuuuck. Jesus.
JON Try not to move too much.
MARTIN [through gritted teeth] Fantastic advice. [another grunt of pain] N-not like there’s…  [shuddering inhale] … anywhere I can go.
[the silence is sober, a conversation already had and ran dry]
JON I think I can… give me a…
MARTIN W’ are you doing?
JON I can... if I just…
[the sound of a dead-weight dragging, laboured panting, several moments of this]
[the movement stops]
Argh. That’s… that’s better.
MARTIN [pushing for light-hearted] Any – huh – any excuse for a cuddle. You’re getting dust all over me. JON You weren’t going to be moving to me, so. It’s not exactly my fault you’re more comfortable to lie on than the floor.
MARTIN High praise there, don’t – heh [wincing gasp] use up all your compliments at once.
JON [tentative] It doesn’t hurt when I…?
MARTIN No. Well, yes, but no more than the rest of it anyway.
JON I can…
MARTIN Stay. Please, Jon. I’d… I’d like you to.
Think anyone’s noticed all this mess yet?
MARTIN I mean, my guess is that Hill Top Road’ll just look like a construction site  to anyone walking past. If it worked… if everything went… went back.
JON It worked. It has to have.
MARTIN [quiet] No one is coming then.
JON No. No, it’s just us.
MARTIN Right. Right. Suppose that’s not the worst conclusion.
JON [trying to keep himself together] No. It isn’t.
[silence for a few moments.]
JON Go – go on then. What’s next?
MARTIN What’s that?
JON Before. You were talking about the house.
MARTIN Oh. Thought you’d tuned out, to be honest.
JON I was listening.
MARTIN Any changes you’d make then?
JON Bigger garden. [a shifting creak of fabric – Martin gasps, and Jon apologises] Maybe a patio area.
MARTIN [winded, recovering with effort] Very fancy.
JON All that walking we did… think we – huh – deserve to be able to sit down in some deck chairs.
MARTIN Too right. [struggling, pushing the words out harsher] Your… your go then, lazybones.
JON What do you want me to say?
MARTIN Just… Tell me about a day we’d have. Any day.
JON [soft, tragically fond and heartbroken] Alright.
[clears throat] Right. So I’m… er, I’m in the kitchen. Um, cooking I guess?
MARTIN Heh, that’s a stretch – I’ve seen your kitchen skills.
[there’s muttering, and a tired chuckle] Ha, OK, sorry, sorry – spoiling the momentum. Carry on.
JON [affectedly prim] Thank you. Right, so I’m cooking. Pasta, o-or stir fry or – something easy, quick, not too much effort. It’s been a long day at work, and I left later than usual. It’s… yes, it’s dark outside, sometime in Autumn maybe, and I’ve put the heating on full blast. You’re… you’re usually home by now, but you… [trailing off]… you… um….
MARTIN [prompting] I’m caught in traffic?
JON [pulling himself back] Y-yes. You text me earlier, t-to tell me you’d got caught at the road works coming out of town, so you’re running late.
MARTIN Silly of me not to have taken the long way round to avoid it.
JON I’ve told you that. You haven’t replied but I know you’ve read it.
MARTIN I’m too proud to tell you you’re right.
JON Heh. Yeah. [a ripped-up out sound]
MARTIN What next then?
JON Give… give me a minute. I-I, er…
MARTIN It’s alright. No rush.
JON [recovering from whatever episode has passed] OK. I’ve… I’ve got the radio on. I’m listening to some sort of talk show, and they’re going on about a political scandal of some sort.
MARTIN Tories at it again?
JON Of course. [warming to the thought] I know the commentators irritate you, so I only put it on when you’re not at home or if I know you’re working upstairs. And I – um… I’ve fed the cats, but they’re hovering around my legs hoping I drop something.
MARTIN [gently teasing] Cats plural, then? We had only had the one before.
JON They’ve multiplied.
MARTIN Hm. Our squadron of cats know you’re a soft touch, and that you’ll accidentally-on-purpose drop something.
JON I would never.
JON True.
The cats are hovering. And I’m thinking about… well, nothing special. The day, things I want to get done tomorrow. I’ve got a pile of marking to do, but I’m going to leave it, because it’s Friday, and you’re always telling me I need to set healthier work-life boundaries.
MARTIN I’m being listened to? A true miracle.
JON Hush. Anyway, the food… it’s a pasta bake, and it’s in the oven. And I’m tidying up because the kitchen’s messy, and then I hear your key. You’re kind of muttering loudly and I can hear you through the glass in the front door. The lock sticks sometimes, but only ever when you use it.
MARTIN [pained, words pushed through teeth] S-so we’ve a cursed door. N-nice touch.
MARTIN A-and then…?
JON You… [groaning] Christ, I’m… I’m getting really dizzy.
MARTIN Shh. I-It’s alright, it’s ok. Close your eyes, deep breaths.
JON [a series of stuttering breaths] Y-you come in. Your bag slumps heavy on the floor, I’m always telling you it’ll give you a bad back, the weight you put in that’s making the straps fray. You kick off your shoes, b-but then you set them neatly by the door, right alongside mine. And then you greet the cats and stroke them behind the ears and you fuss and coo in a silly little voice at them.
And then you – you kiss me on the cheek. Without thinking. Not – not that it doesn’t mean anything. Like you’ve… [huff] you’ve done it so many times now it’s a habit, that we’ve had the chance to make over all the years we’ve had together…
MARTIN [drowsy, words slurring] K-keep going love. I’m… ‘m listening.
JON [it is audibly harder for the words to come to him, but pushing on almost desperate, voice thick] … and I kiss you back, and ask you how your day was… you have a bit of a moan. Y-you’ve wrapped your hands around me now, and you’re freezing and I tell you if you don’t let go, the dinner’s going to burn, and you tell me the tea will be just fine for another minute, and I tease and ask if you’re speaking Northern again, l-like it’s a running joke of ours – and, huh – you pretend to be offended…
And while we eat, we talk. About… about so many little nothings we’ve made into somethings, a-and…
[drained, lost] I-I can’t think of anything else.
[fracturing] Martin?
[a trembling swallowed sob] Alright. ‘s alright, you rest, I-I’ll keep going. Jus’ give me a minute to catch my breath…
[harsh inhale, exhale]
[inhale, exhale]
[inhale, exhale]
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goldenkirstein · 3 years
there's no place I'd rather be
or alternatively, you fall in love with jean despite knowing the precarious situation
anonymous requested: Hello, long time reader here and glad that you open your request! Can I request a Jean x F! Reader. Reader is a Marleyan nurse who arrived with Yelena, tho she has no hate towards Eldian and feels unfair the stigmatism eldian suffers in Marley. She isnt involved in any plans just do her work. She slowly falls in love with Jean, but has to keep their relationship as she is « the ennemy ». They got secretly engaged before the rumbling. Canonverse, Fluff, slight, love. Thank you in advance ❤️❤️❤️
pairing: jean x fem! reader
wc: 2.1k+
tags: fluff, some angst, manga spoilers, female reader, language, mentions of food and injuries.
a/n: dashes denote timskips
“Not so tightly, I said firmly, not to cut off my circulation.” You giggled as the man released his grip on your wrist. He looked down, ears tinted red with embarrassment.
“Sorry, got distracted.” Hazel eyes met yours, and a soft chuckle left his mouth.
You were no stranger to the commanding officer; although a great soldier, he was not immune from the occasional bar fight, which often led him to knock at your door with a pleading look and a couple of cuts and bruises that needed your attention.
Over the months, the fights got less frequent, but Jean continued to visit you, leading to the formation of an unlikely friendship. Sometimes, he would come with lunch in hand, knowing how busy you got taking care of the sick and wounded. Other times, like today, he would join you on his days off, helping you complete menial tasks around the clinic.
“You are a terrible student, Kirstein; you know that?” You stood up from the cot and began to place the gauze and antiseptic liquid in the cabinet situated above.
“Maybe you’re just a terrible teacher.” He looked up at you with a teasing glint in his eyes. You whipped your head back to roll your eyes at the man before returning to the task at hand.
“I’d be careful with the choice of words; I don’t see any other nurse here who lets you follow them around like a lost puppy dog.” Closing the cabinet, you stripped the cot of the sheets, bunching them in your hands. Jean’s eyes followed your precise movements before he took the sheets out of your hand and placed them in the laundry hamper at the end of the bed.
“A puppy dog? Seriously? After helping you out at this lonesome clinic, that’s what I’m reduced to?” He placed a hand over his chest, feigning being shot.
You gave him a deadpan look before moving on to the next bed. The tall man remained in your periphery as you continued to work. The silent treatment clearly worked as a sigh left his lips. You glanced up, mouth already open to quip at him in playful annoyance, but found him running his hands through his hair— a nervous tick. You had picked up on it after cleaning his cuts when missions went wrong.
“So, next lesson, I was thinking, maybe you could teach me how to suture a wound?”
This was what he was nervous about?
“You can barely take my pulse without squeezin’ the pulp out of me; you think I’m going to trust you-”
“Okay, how about a date then.”
You blinked your eyes at him, a confused expression painting your face. There were too many complications, you thought. Sure he was attractive and kind, not to mention thoughtful, and his touch would set your skin ablaze, but he was ranked high in the military; would his superiors be okay with this?
There was no denying you did have feelings for him — a tiny part of you was squealing like a schoolgirl; you desperately wanted to lean into that part, but there could be consequences if you accepted.
Worrisome thoughts circled your mind, and you barely heard your name being called out by the man in front of you. Shaking your head to clear your mind, your focus returned to Jean, his eyebrows raised as he waited with bated breath for your response.
It’s just one date.
It could mean nothing.
There’s no harm in saying yes.
“Um, it’s fine if you don’t-” Jean’s voice was hesitant and quiet, but he was quickly cut off when you let out a laugh.
“I’m so sorry; I didn’t mean to laugh. It’s just-you know what? Yeah, Kirstein, I’ll go on a date with you.” His demeanour changed, and you giggled at the awkwardness. “Now, I have a pile of patient files that need sorting. Think you’re up for the job?” You bit your lip as you watched the man quickly nod and follow behind your footsteps.
“Seriously? I mean, I don’t see it; guess puberty did you wonders, Jean.” You took a bite of the strawberry shortcake, eyes fluttering shut as the flavours filled your mouth.
“Right? I guess I was kind of a dick back then, but I swear they only just stopped calling me that.” Jean smiled as he looked over at you, enjoying the dessert. He hopelessly wanted to kiss you there and then, but he decided against it — too early for that.
“Do you miss it? Your training years?” Taking a napkin, you wiped at the corner of your mouth. The smile on Jean’s face faded away as he looked over the meadow, the setting sun casting a brilliant glow over his features. The change in his expression filled you with instant regret; you opened your mouth to utter out an apology for your carelessness but were cut off by Jean’s voice replacing the sudden silence that had taken over between the two of you.
“Yes? No? Sometimes, it feels like a different lifetime; none of us could have anticipated this. We were so young.” He paused for a moment, biting the inside of his cheek before continuing, “Sometimes I wish we could have stayed like that for a little longer — I could have cherished it better.” His voice turned into a whisper near the end. You stayed silent before he turned back, flashing a smile at you that made your heartbeat quicken.
“Enough about me. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk about Marley. Tell me about it.” Jean’s eyes flickered between yours and the different slices of cake laid out on the picnic blanket. Taking a fork, he bit into the decadent cheesecake and let out a moan.
“You really want to hear about Marley? I thought you’d be sick of hearing about the place, Mr. Commanding Officer.” You giggled while he tried to grumble out a response, the food still in his mouth.
“I could never get tired of hearing about you, doll. Now, c’mon tell me.” His expression softened when he looked at you.
“Don’t do that.” You swallowed thickly, the pet name ringing in your ears.
“Do what?” He wiped the crumbs around his mouth with the back of his hand, making you raise your eyebrows and suppress a laugh. He tilted his head and looked at you with a confused expression.
“Say stuff that makes me feel like I got the wind knocked out of my lungs.” You turned your face, attempting to conceal the embarrassment that had taken over your features. Shutting your eyes, you waited for him to laugh at you, but he never did. Hesitantly you turned to face him and found him staring at you, his hazel eyes sparkling.
“You want to know what my diagnosis for that is?” He leaned in, his face inches away from yours. You struggled to meet his gaze.
“What?” It came out breathy; Jean’s eyes flickered down to your lips before returning to your eyes.
“I think you like me. Wanna know what I recommend as treatment?” He smiled when you quickly nodded at his words, the conversation you were having wiped from your mind.
The distance between the two of you closed in; his lips moulded to yours as he captured them in a tender kiss. The taste of the sweet cheesecake was still present on his lips, and you wrapped his hand around his neck, pulling him closer to you. Jean smiled against your lips before pulling away.
“Guess my lessons finally paid off, Kirstein.” A slight blush tinted Jean’s cheeks at your comment, and he grasped your free hand with his own, bringing it to his lips, peppering your knuckles with soft kisses.
“Are you listening?”
The Commander’s voice made you sit up straight; you offered a quick apology to them before glancing over at Jean, who was shifting in his seat.
The tension was palpable in the room as the Commander continued to explain the fragility of the situation at hand. With Eren abandoning the scouts, intense scrutiny was placed on the Commander and the Marleyan volunteers — the latter of which included you.
You stared at your hands which rested in your lap, gaze focused downward to avoid the venomous looks that were being thrown in your direction. However, it wasn’t anger that filled your chest but rather a certain heaviness. You couldn’t blame them. Centuries of mistrust and hatred fueled this. They had every right to doubt your intentions, despite them being in no way harmful or deceitful in nature.
Gathering enough courage to lift your head, you locked eyes with Jean, and your heart sank deeper into a pool of anguish.
You were a fool.
A fool for thinking that the world would spare you from the inevitable heartbreak that faced you both.
You hoped that Jean wouldn’t be able to see through the front you were putting up, trying your best to remain neutral, not to worry him during such an important meeting. He ran his fingers through his hair, eyes shifting back to Commander Hange. You knew that if you were worrying about the current predicament, there was no doubt that he probably was as well.
Shifting your focus back on your lap, you ran your thumb over your bare ring finger to soothe yourself for the remainder of the meeting.
Welcoming the cool breeze as you stepped out of the imposing building, you allowed your shoulders to relax. The momentary relief was short-lived, however, as two soldiers trailed behind your footsteps. They were getting closer and closer until you turned around and saw a familiar figure dismiss them.
Jean approached you; although his expression was stiff and stoic, his eyes still held the same tenderness for you as they did years prior. Before accompanying you through the gates and on to the stone-laden path towards your clinic, he gave you a curt nod.
You knew better than to reach out and grasp his hand, interlock your fingers together, despite the ever-growing itch you had to seek comfort in his touch.
Sparing a few glances in his direction, you saw his jaw was clenched — the meeting still heavy on his mind.
Rounding the corner, the steps leading to the clinic came into view; it was secluded enough for both of you to drop the act. You walked over and sat on the steps and watched as Jean sat next to you.
A tired sigh tumbled from his lips, hair falling in front of his face, obstructing you from seeing his pained expression. You reached over and brushed it past his ear, pressing a kiss onto his shoulder before resting your forehead against it.
The both of you sat in silence before Jean took hold of your left hand, thumb brushing over the same spot you were moments prior.
“You know, I was worried you only said yes out of pity for me. I thought you only saw me as some poor Eldian-” Raising your head from Jean’s shoulder, you watched with concern in your eyes.
“Jean, you know I don’t care about that stuff.”
“I know that, doll. I just, just, couldn’t believe you would want to marry me.” His eyes remained focused on your hand until you released it from his grasp. You moved it to his face, turning it to make him face you.
Grazing over his cheekbones, you gave him a soft smile, “I still want to. Marry you that is. Ring or not, the end of the fucking world or not, I’m still going to marry you.” Letting out a chuckle, you pressed your forehead against his.
He turned his head to kiss your palm, voice coming out as a whisper, “I can’t make any promises, and I know you’re scared, but know that I love you more than anything, darling.”
Smoothing your hands over your attire, for the umpteenth time doing so, you walked over to join Armin and the others from the ship’s bow.
You instantly smiled when you felt a warm hand on the small of your back, head turning to look at your husband.
“You could have spent a smidge more time fixing your hair, don’t you think so?” Jean shook his head and let out a laugh.
“Gotta look the best for my wife.” He shot you a wink, making you roll your eyes at him despite the action making your mind foggy — even now, he still managed to make you feel like a schoolgirl with a silly little crush.
You pushed into his side, hand snaking up his back as you approached your friends.
“You know it.” He removed himself from your side to lean into the railing, but he grabbed onto your hand and pulled you closer to his body.
Jean brought your hand to his lips before he placed a gentle kiss over the cool metal that wrapped around your finger. He flashed you a grin, “but I’m glad I have you here with me.”
a/n: this took me a long time to finish, so I apologize for it taking so long !! I hope you enjoyed it !!
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jenstar1992-2 · 3 years
Here with You
Pairing: Echo x reader/ Hunter x reader
Warnings: Mentions of nightmares/ trauma, reliving a traumatic experience, Order 66 (because it’s a warning in itself)
Word count: 7,103
A/N: Well, I knew it, it hasn’t been a whole day since I saw the Bad Batch premiere, and I’ve already gotten my first writing idea (yes, this took me like two days to write because I kept getting interrupted). I just couldn’t get the image of my poor baby Echo in that med bay and seeing the trauma those damned Separatists caused him out of my head. All I want to do is hold him and never let go, he deserves the world. This was originally just going to be an Echo x reader, but it turned into a Hunter x reader as well, because I just couldn’t help myself, I love them both, and wanted both of them to get some lovins. Also, I get the sense that Omega is a smart kid, and that she’s pretty well spoken, so I tried to write her as such, while still keeping that childlike innocence, so hopefully it comes across that way.
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So much had transpired within the last few days and you were still trying to wrap your head around all of it. The jedi had been almost entirely wiped out in a single day, and while you were certain their had to be other survivors besides yourself, you were unclear as to what that number was. Luckily for you, you had been amongst friends when Order 66 was given, and your men turned on you. If it weren’t for the Bad Batch, you were certain you wouldn’t be alive right now.
As you sat in the cockpit of the Marauder, the memories began to flood your brain, which caused involuntary tears to fill your eyes.
You and your men had been sent to Kaller to aid Master Billaba and her troops. However, upon your arrival, you were greeted with a pleasant surprise. It turned out, Clone Force 99 had been on planet already and had taken out a large amount of the droids before you even landed.
You had worked with this group before and had even enjoyed the experience. While your men thought their tactics and unprofessional antics were unnecessary and even a bit annoying, you found the group to be, for lack of a better term, fun. You had been around stuffy, uptight individuals for so long, it was nice to have a change of pace, and while your men were great, they tended to be sticklers for the rules and rarely wanted to take risks.
You also got along with this team rather well, enough to consider them good friends, but you were especially close with their newest recruit. You and Echo had known each other well before he joined the Bad Batch, even before his accident at the citadel, and had been friends for just as long, although as time went by and you found yourself encountering him more and more in your life, you slowly realized you might feel more for the trooper than you should, more than you’d ever admit aloud. So, when you’d heard of his survival and rescue, you had been elated, and that happiness resurfaced at the thought of seeing him again.
You exited the gunship and saw the rag-tag group of clones speaking with Master Billaba on the now quiet battlefield. They turned as you and your men made your approach. As you got closer to the group, you scanned the faces of its members before you found him, smiling brightly as your eyes connected, he did the same.
You came to stand before their leader, raising your gaze to meet the man’s unwavering stare.
“Sergeant”, you greeted him, extending a hand formally, which he took without hesitation, shaking it firmly.
“General, good to see you again”, he said with a smile.
“You too”, you responded.
You’d always liked Hunter, from the beginning he’d always struck you as a respectable man, and you admired the fact that he could allow his men to be their reckless selves while also keeping them in line, but only when necessary, it seemed. There was something else too, something you hadn’t noticed right away, but after a few more encounters with the man, you put it together, coming to an all to familiar realization, one that brought butterflies to your stomach, while also bringing about a slight anxiety. How could you let this happen, it was bad enough falling for one man you couldn’t have, but two, you were sure the universe was out to hurt you.
“General (L/N), I’m glad to see your trip was a safe one, and better late than never I suppose”, Depa said, drawing you from Hunter’s gaze to hers.
“Sorry Master Billaba, we were assisting Masters Luminara and Yoda on Kashyyyk when we got word of your need for reinforcements, we got here as soon as we could”, you said, then looking around at the desolated droids scattered across the landscape. “Although, from what I can tell, you seem to now have a handle on things.”
“Yeah, thanks to these guys”, Caleb, Depa’s padawan, exclaimed, gesturing to the group of men before you. “You should’ve seen it, they took all those droids out in a matter of minutes, it was incredible.”
You chuckled. “Yes, I’m well aware of the marvel that is Clone Force 99, and they do put on quite the show”, you said, shooting a quick glance Echo’s way. “Incredible indeed.”
Your words caused the trooper to smile shyly at you.
“Yes, well, we’re still glad you’re here, we just launched a counterattack, and the more assistance, the better”, Depa said.
You nodded. “You need us, we’ll stay”, you said before turning to your troops. “Men, a counterattack has been launched, I want you to rendezvous with Master Billaba’s troops and aid in the attack, Commander Roran, you’re with me. Let’s move!”
With that your troops dispersed, leaving you and your commander where you stood. You turned back to face everyone.
“So, how can we help”, you asked.
“Actually, I don’t think we’ll be needing your assistance after all, in fact, this war might soon be over”, Tech spoke up, causing you to give him a confused look.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, according to the encrypted comm chatter, Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi has found and engaged General Grievous on Utapau”, he responded.
“If he captures, or kills Grievous, the separatist command structure will collapse”, Echo chimed in.
“And most likely the droid armies along with them”, Tech finished.
“It can’t be that easy, can it”, you asked, looking to the jedi master.
“While it is an interesting theory, I would not bet our hopes on it, we should focus on the task at hand”, she replied.
“I agree, we should focus our energy on this attack, strike while we have the advantage”, you said.
Hunter nodded. “Any orders, or shall we do what we do”, he asked, directing his words at Depa.
“What do you think General, should we let them ‘do what they do’”, she asked you.
You chuckled and folded your arms over your chest. “Probably our best bet, what do you think Caleb”, you asked the padawan.
“I say we let them, but only if I can go with them”, he responded.
You looked to his master, raising an eyebrow in question.
“Very well”, she said, giving the boy permission.
“Ronan and I will tag along too”, you stated, then looking to Hunter. “Just in case you guys need a hand.”
“Hope that wasn’t a jab at me”, Echo said, coming to stand beside you while simultaneously lifting his cybernetic arm.
You immediately regretted your choice in words and stammered your defense.
“N- no, I didn’t mean, I would never.”
He let out an amused laugh. “I’m just messing with you General, sorry”, he said.
You then scowled at him before poking a finger at his chest plate.
“Not funny”, you said, but couldn’t keep the smile from forming on your face.
“I said I was sorry”, you heard him say as you began walking in the direction your troops had gone. He soon caught up and walked alongside you.
You chuckled. “Well, it’s nice to know you haven’t lost your sense of humor.”
“Nah, but I did lose a couple other things”, he said, face turning slightly serious.
You stopped walking and just stood for a moment, a sad expression now adorning your features. Noticing your actions, Echo ceased his movements as well and looked back to you.
“What is it”, he asked.
You went to stand in front of him before you spoke your next words. “Echo, I am sorry for your loss, truly I am, but honestly, I’d rather you be here and missing a few limbs, then for you to not be here at all. I’m just glad your alive, and that I get to see you again.”
He stared at you for a moment with an unreadable expression before smiling and nodding.
“I guess you’re right, and I’m glad our paths crossed again, I…”, he began, clearly wanting to say more, but stopping himself. You caught on though and decided to voice it for him.
“I missed you too”, you said, giving him a warm smile, prompting one of his own.
You both began walking once more to catch up with your comrades.
“You know, I was actually surprised you recognized me, what with the countless differences and all” he said with a chuckle.
You shook your head. “You can change all you want, I’ll still know it’s you”, you said.
“Yep, you might’ve changed a lot on the outside, but inside, you’re still the same Echo I’ve always known and loved”, you said, saying the words before they fully registered with your brain, but once they did you nearly froze in your stacks, your face instantly reddening with embarrassment. You quickly tried to back track before he could respond. “I mean, uh, well, y- you know what I mean.” Smooth.
He chuckled, amused at your obvious embarrassment of your less-than-ideal choice of words yet again.
“It’s okay, I know what you mean”, he said, giving you a reassuring smile before seemingly letting the subject drop, much to your relief.
You nodded as you carried on toward the others.
Suddenly, a wave of emotions flooded your mind, and it was as if hundreds of voices were crying out within the confines of your skull. You stopped, placing a hand to the side of your head in an attempt to stop the dizziness that accompanied the voices.
Echo noticed and came to your side, placing a steadying hand to your back.
“Are you okay”, he asked, clearly concerned.
“S- somethings wrong, I feel… death, so much death, I don’t know…”, you began through heavy breathes, but you were soon cut off by the sound of blaster fire.
You both looked to see Master Billaba’s men attempting to gun her down as she deflected their blasts with her lightsaber. Before you could fully process the sight in front of you, you heard Caleb yell for his master, seeing him rush past you, saber ignited and ready to jump to her aid.
“Caleb, no…”, you shouted, but before you could run after him a burning pain in your left arm stopped you.
You grabbed your now wounded arm and turned to see Roran facing you, blaster raised and aimed directly at you.
“Commander”, you said in confusion, but before you could get another word out, he was firing again. You were able to deflect the blasts with your saber, yelling at him as you did so. “Roran, why are you doing this?”
Suddenly, the blasts stopped as Echo came to your aid, wrestling the blaster out of the commander’s hands before knocking him out cold. He then rushed to your side once more, seeing you kneeling and clutching your head.
“General, (Y/N), (Y/N), can you hear me? Say something”, he urged, but try as you might, you couldn’t form the words to respond.
Your head was swimming in a sea of pain, death, and betrayal, most of which you were certain weren’t coming from you, more like from the force itself. You’d felt disturbances in the force before, but none like this, it was all encompassing and soon you found yourself slipping from consciousness from the intensity of it all.
When you finally came to, you found yourself laying in a bunk aboard the Havoc Marauder. When you tried to sit up a hand caught your shoulder and gently coaxed you back down.
“Easy (Y/N), you don’t want to push yourself, you sustained a pretty bad injury, you should rest”, a familiar voice said softly.
“Echo, what, what happened… they turned on us, why would they do that”, you asked, looking at him with confusion and sadness mixing in your expression.
“I don’t know, we’re still trying to figure that out ourselves, but you’re safe now, I won’t let them hurt you again, you have my word. Now rest”, he said, trying to comfort you, but knowing it wouldn’t help much given what you’d just been through.
“No”, you heard someone say, the volume of it startling you slightly, and you looked to see that it was Hunter, who had just entered.
“What do you mean ‘no’”, Echo asked him, confused.
“I mean, she can’t stay here, it’s not safe”, he explained, and when you both gave him a befuddled look, he continued, “It’s Crosshair, there’s… something wrong with him. I think whatever happened to those soldiers is happening to him too, but I can’t be sure.”
“What makes you think that”, you questioned, finally sitting up and turning to place your feet on the floor.
He looked behind him, making sure you three were the only ones in ear shot before bending down to your level.
“He tried to kill that padawan”, he said, so low it was almost a whisper.
“Caleb, is he alright”, you asked, fear and concern thick in your voice.
“He’s alive, but other than that, I’m not sure. He ran off after…”, he began, but the words died on his lips.
You nodded in understanding. “So, what should I do, where should I go?”
“Stay here, on Kaller, find somewhere to hide. We’ll go back to Kamino and sort this out, once it’s safe, we’ll come back for you”, he said.
You nodded, agreeing to do as he said, knowing you really had no other option at this point.
Shortly after this conversation you readied yourself to leave, Tech giving you some medical supplies in case you would need to re-bandage your arm before they returned.
Echo ended up accompanying you in your search for shelter, telling the others he wasn’t going anywhere until he knew you’d found somewhere safe to stay. You had resisted the gesture, wanting him to get as far away from danger as possible, but he insisted.
You found a cave a few miles from the ship’s current location and decided it was as good a place as any to crash for, what you were hoping would only be, a few days.
“You sure you’re going to be okay here”, Echo asked, looking into the cold, dark cave.
“I’ll be fine, I’ve stayed in worse places. Besides, it’s the safest place we’ll find in the wilderness, and it’s dark, perfect for hiding”, you said in a poor attempt to lighten the mood, you didn’t know why, force of habit you guessed. Although, all this earned you was a sad smile from the trooper.
“We’ll be back soon, just stay out of sight until then, okay?”
You gave a small smile, bringing your hand up to your forehead for a two fingered salute. “Yes sir”, you said. This actually earned you a small laugh, which at this moment was music to your ears. You lowered your hand and looked into his eyes, taking on a more serious expression. “Just… be safe.”
“I should be telling you that”, he said.
“Yeah, well, I beat you to it”, you said, half grinning.
“I will if you will.”
You nodded. “Then I will.”
Suddenly your body was moving without you telling it to, and you found yourself wrapping him in a tight hug, closing your eyes to keep from crying, and soon the gesture was returned, leaving the both of you in a long embrace.
“Don’t forget me, okay”, you said, the threat of tears evident in your voice.
He squeezed you a little tighter. “Never.”
Turns out, you didn’t have to hide out in that cave long at all, as they had returned to retrieve you within two days’ time, with a new crew member, but without Crosshair. You two hadn’t been the best of friends by any means, and the man’s standoffishness really irked you sometimes, but you’d always known that deep down, he wasn’t such a bad guy. So, when the boys had told you what had happened between their return to Kamino and their escape from the planet, it put a surprising strain on your heart. You wanted to be angry with Crosshair for his actions, for attempting to kill Caleb and other innocents, but you just couldn’t, especially after you were informed of the inhibitor chips planted within every clone trooper. You couldn’t be mad at him, you couldn’t hate him, because it wasn’t his fault, it wasn’t any of their faults, they were being used just like the jedi had been, if not more so, and this knowledge extinguished any hatred that had grown in you since the day that order was given.
Thinking back on all of this had you shedding silent tears as you watched the streaks of light pass before your eyes, attempting to let yourself to be swept away in the beauty that was hyperspace. This always seemed to calm your mind, but it didn’t seem to be working this time, so you simply stared and let the tears run down your cheeks.
“Hey, you okay”, Hunter asked from the seat beside you, having temporarily taken over piloting the ship in order to allow the others to rest.
You were snapped out of your thoughts by his words and quickly wiped the tears from your face before answering.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine, still just trying to figure all of this out”, you replied somberly.
He nodded. “I understand, we still don’t have it all figured out either and with every answer comes new questions”, he said.
You hummed in agreement. “I guess my biggest question is, why now, why did Palpatine wait so long to put this grand plan in action? I mean, he could’ve done it years ago, but no, he waited… waited for us to get close to those who would eventually become our executioners, and worse, he took away their free will to do it. Those troopers, they weren’t the men they used to be, it’s like they were brainwashed.”
“Tech said they were programmed and when the chips were activated, it basically took over their minds, so I guess, in a way, they are brainwashed”, Hunter said, looking back out at the blue glow of hyperspace.
“Those poor men”, you said after a moment of silence.
Hunter turned his head to look at you, an astonished expression over his features, he then let out an amused huff.
“You are truly a wonder, you know that?”
“What”, you asked him, confused by the comment.
“Even after everything you’ve been through, and after what they did to you and your kin, you still feel pity for them”, he explained. “You’ve always been able to see people for who they really are, and forgive them for their faults, it’s commendable, and it’s something I’ve always admired about you.”
“You admire me”, you asked, raising an eyebrow and grinning in amusement.
He gave you a single nod. “Always have”, he said, giving you a soft smile.
The way he was looking at you made your cheeks begin to heat as a light blush covered them, and you turned away in an attempt to hide it, but he noticed, and his smile widened a bit as he looked back out the view port.
“I think you’re right by the way, about Palpatine waiting so long to execute his plan. I think he wanted you all to build those relationships, that trust, with your men, so that, when the time came, he could not only take you all out, but destroy your conviction as well”, he said, his voice lower than before.
“That’s a bit ominous, given our current situation”, you said, only half joking.
He turned to you suddenly, eyebrows raised in mild shock.
“(Y/N), you don’t think we’d… we’d never hurt you, I’d never hurt you, we’re on your side, I promise”, he said, hurt in his eyes. Did you really not trust him?
Seeing his reaction made your heart squeeze, you hadn’t meant to hurt him, you were just confused and scared. You felt as if your whole world had come crumbling down around you, and you were still trying to resurface from the rubble. But you knew you were wrong for thinking, even for a second, that you couldn’t trust Hunter and his men.
“I know, I’m sorry. I do trust you, all of you”, you said, trying to sound reassuring, but it only came out as sadness.
It looked as if the sergeant was contemplating something, his hands reflexively grabbing at nothing as they opened and closed on his lap. You knew he wanted to do something, wanted to comfort you, but he also didn’t want to invade your space, worried that would be crossing a line. So, you took the initiative.
You reached over and took one of his hands from his lap, holding it softly before giving it a reassuring squeeze and sending a smile his way. This prompted him to smile back, and you both just sat like that for a minute.
Suddenly, you heard a commotion from the bunks, and your name being called out by a desperate voice.
Recognizing the voice, you jumped up from your seat. “Echo”, you said, concern in your tone, before looking back to Hunter.
He simply nodded. “Go”, he said softly.
You gave a confirming nod and let go of the hand you’d still been holding, before quickly making your way to the bunks.
When you entered the room, it took you a second to assess the situation before you. Echo was laying in his bunk, breathing heavy, head shaking from side to side, and body trembling, as if he were in a state of terror. All this while Omega stood by the bunk, watching with concern. She looked back to you when you entered, then ran to you.
“I tried to wake him, but it’s not working, he keeps calling for you, you’ve got to do something”, she said in a rush, voice and eyes full or worry for her new friend.
You bent down to her level and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay, I know what to do, you go wait with Hunter, okay? Everything will be fine”, you told her, attempting to quell her worry.
You then stood and made your way to Echo, sitting on the edge of the bunk and looking over him with your own worried expression. You really didn’t know what to do, you’d never been faced with something like this before. He was clearly having a terrible nightmare, and you wanted to help, so you just acted on instinct.
You placed a hand on his shoulder and shook lightly, softly calling his name, trying to wake him as gradually as you could, as you figured startling him awake would be counterproductive. However, this didn’t seem to work, and hearing your voice only caused him to say your name more. Seeing him like this broke your heart, and for a moment you felt totally helpless, but then you had an idea. You moved your hand from his shoulder, bringing it to cup the side of his face, your thumb instinctually beginning to rub soothing circles on his cheek, and you bent down to speak quietly in his ear.
“Echo, it’s (Y/N). You don’t have to be scared, I’m here, I won’t let them hurt you anymore”, you said, gently grabbing his flesh hand with your free one and holding it to your chest. “I’m here for you, I’ll always be right here with you, it’s okay. Wake up Love. Come back to me.”
As you spoke you could see him slowly calm, and with your final request, his eyes fluttered open, finding yours instantly.
“There you are”, you said softly, a smile spreading over your face. You were just relieved that the nightmare was over, and he seemed to be calming more with each passing second.
As he took in your presence before him, he let out a relieved sigh, but then looked to you with a strained expression.
“(Y/N), I… I was back, back with them, back to that day, I… I didn’t know how or why, and I just…”, he said in a desperate rush.
You shushed him, and let your hand continue to stay where it was in an attempt to sooth the frightened man lying next to you.
“I know, it’s okay, you’re okay now, you’re here with me, you’re safe, I promise”, you reassured him.
This seemed to work, and he let out another sigh as he closed his eyes and tried to regulate his breathing once again, coming back to a steady pattern in no time. When he opened his eyes again, he noticed the position you both were in; you were sitting very close beside him, one hand resting on his cheek, while the other held his hand close to your heart, with his clutching yours in return, like you were his lifeline, which he had to admit, wasn’t far from the truth. You were the one he could trust without question, the one he could confide in, always had been.
You noticed this too and immediately went to pull away, slowly dropping his hand as you did, cheeks now burning. You didn’t get very far though, before he grabbed your wrist with his newly freed hand. “No”, he said, and pulled the hand back towards his head, coaxing you to return it to its previous spot. “Don’t stop… please.”
You stared at him for a moment with an unreadable expression, before finally giving him a tentative nod and continuing your earlier action of rubbing your thumb in circles on his cheek. He closed his eyes and let his head fall back against the pillow, relaxing easily under your touch, this causing you to smile, glad you could be of comfort to him. You stayed like this for a while before your curiosity got the best of you and you voiced the question that had been on your mind since you first heard him call your name.
“Echo”, you said in a questioning tone. He hummed in response, not opening his eyes. “Why, why me?”
He looked at you then, confused. “What do you mean?”
“When you were having your nightmare, you, you called out for me, I was just wondering, why me”, you explained.
“I did”, he asked.
“Yeah, quite a few times actually. Was I in your dream or something?”
He looked away, a bit embarrassed.
“Not exactly”, he said.
You used the hand that was still on him to lightly pull his head to face you, speaking once his eyes were fixed on yours once again.
“Echo, you know you can tell me anything. What is it”, you asked.
“You weren’t in the dream, technically, and it wasn’t really a dream, more like I was reliving a memory, the memory of the citadel, and…”, he explained, his words dying off as he found it hard to voice them.
You placed a reassuring hand on his chest and gave him a nod in understanding.
“So, you were reliving that day, I’m sorry, I know that can’t be easy. But I still don’t see what that has to do with me, I wasn’t there, if I had been, I would’ve taken that blow for you”, you said, suddenly feeling tears behind your eyes, but you fought them back internally.
His eyes widened and he quickly grabbed your hand from its spot on his chest, squeezing it firmly.
“No, don’t say that”, he said urgently, suddenly sitting up, causing your hand to slip from his face, instead falling to rest at the intersection of his shoulder and neck.
“But…”, you tried to say, but he cut you off.
“No (Y/N), I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy, least of all on you”, he said, staring directly into your eyes. You could only nod sadly as you tried to keep your emotions in check, which was getting harder as this interaction continued. He then softened his gaze and let out a long breath. “You were there, in a way.”
You gave him a confused look, about to ask what he meant, until he continued.
“After the explosion, I just laid there for a long time, feeling everything and nothing all at the same time, I was basically just waiting to die”, he told you. Your heart squeezed at his words, as the tears threatened to rise. “But then, I heard someone’s voice calling out to me, your voice. You were telling me not to give up, not to leave you, to keep fighting, and so I did. I bared the pain and rejected the urge to just slip away, even after they took me, I fought through all of it, because I knew that if I survived, then there was a chance I’d make it back to you, and… I really wanted that.”
That’s all it took, his words hit you straight in the chest and flowed through you, causing the flood gates to release and the tears to fall. Echo looked worried then and released your hand, bringing his to cup your cheek, wiping the tears away with his thumb.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you sad”, he said, internally wishing he hadn’t said anything.
You shook your head. “You have nothing to be sorry for, and I’m not sad that you told me, I’m glad you did”, you said, wiping the tears from the other side of your face. “Honestly, I’m just happy your alive, and that you did find your way back to me. I don’t know what I’d do without you in my life. When I heard what happened on Lola Sayu I couldn’t believe it at first, it didn’t feel real, but once I accepted it was… I had never felt true grief until that moment, and the sense of longing was almost unbearable. All I kept thinking was how I was angry with myself for wasting the time I had with you, lying. Lying to you, and to myself.”
“What are you talking about, lying about what”, he asked, sliding his hand down to hook a finger around your chin and turn your face back to face him after you’d turned it away during your confession.
You took a deep breath before speaking next. “I lied to you before, when I acted like that slip up was just a poor choice of words, I meant exactly what I said. See, the truth is, I was upset with myself because I never told you…”, you paused, finding this confession to be much harder than you had thought it would be to get out, “never told you that I…”
After another long pause, Echo decided to take the initiative, seeing as he knew exactly what you wanted to say, as it was the same thing he’d wanted to say to you all that time ago, still did. He used the hand that had a hold of your chin to pull you to him as he caught your lips in a kiss, one that while soft, was full of so much emotion it was almost palpable. You were surprised at first, but soon melted into the kiss, feeling completely content with staying there as long as possible.
Much too soon for your liking, Echo pulled away, but only to place his forehead against yours and let the long overdue words slip from his lips. “I love you too.”
Your smile reached your ears as his words filled you with untainted happiness, which prompted him to smile widely himself. Why had you both waited so long to do this, you didn’t know, but you were glad it was finally happening.
“Why did we spend all that time hiding, when we could’ve just done this”, you asked.
He chuckled. “Because we were both cowardly idiots”, he said.
You hummed in agreement. “I still can’t believe you did all that for me”, you said in a more serious tone.
He pulled back to look into your eyes. “Of course I did… I’d do anything for you (Y/N)”, he told you.
He nodded in response and you smiled again.
“Kiss me again”, you said, it was more of a request than a demand.
He smiled and pulled you close so your face was mere inches from his.
“Yes Ma’am.”
It had been a good fifteen minutes since the cries had stopped and no noise could be heard from Echo’s bunk. Omega was no longer worried, knowing you had it handled, but her curiosity was starting to get the best of her.
“What do you think their talking about in there, it’s so quiet, maybe I should…”, she said as she got up from the co-pilot seat, moving in the direction of the bunks, but she was stopped by a hand grabbing her forearm, causing her to turn and stare at Hunter questioningly.
“Don’t, they’re fine, and it’s none of our business what their talking about, so just let them be, alright”, he said, giving her a warning look, one that wasn’t all that intimidating to the young girl, but she listened nonetheless and returned to her seat.
After a moment she spoke again, not being able to take the silence any longer.
“So, what’s the deal with those two, are they together, or is it some secret that everyone knows about except them”, she asked the sergeant.
Hunter laughed, this kid really was perceptive, not that anyone with eyes couldn’t see the attraction between you and Echo, it had always seemed so obvious to him, which is why he never spoke on his own feelings for you.
“Yeah, there seem to be… unspoken feelings between the two of them, but I’m sure they’ll get their acts together soon enough, especially now that they’ll be around each other more often”, he told her.
She thought on this for a moment before responding.
“I think so too… and what about you”, Omega asked him.
“What about me?”
“Are you going to get your act together as well”, she asked, raising her eyebrow and grinning at him.
“What are you talkin’ about kid”, Hunter asked, wondering if she’d somehow figured it out.
“Seriously, I’ve only just got here and I can see it”, she said.
“See what?”
“That Echo isn’t the only one who has feelings for the general.”
Hunter turned to the young clone, a look of surprise on his face. Very perceptive indeed.
“Why don’t you just tell her, at least one of you should pluck up the courage to do it”, she said.
He exhaled heavily as his features returned to a more neutral expression.
“It’s not that simple kid, there are just some things you’re not old enough to understand. Besides, it’s not reciprocated so there’s really no point, she’s made her choice, and I have to respect that”, he explained, hoping that would be that. However, he wasn’t going to be that lucky.
“Your wrong”, Omega said simply.
“Your wrong, those feelings, they are reciprocated, yeah she likes Echo, but she likes you too.” She said it with such confidence that it made him wonder if the statement was true.
“Really, and how do you know that”, he asked, an almost sarcastic tone in his voice.
She shrugged. “Female intuition.”
He raised a suspicious brow at her but decided not to think too much on it.
“Hm, well, even if you are right, she’s still made her choice, and I won’t get in the way.”
“Won’t get in the way of what?”
Your voice made both of them jump a little. You had just made your way back to the cockpit and had clearly overheard the last bit of their conversation.
“Nothing”, Hunter said, watching you come to stand beside Omega, perching your arm on the headrest of the co-pilot chair and leaning on it.
“Really? Didn’t sound like nothing”, you said, raising your eyebrow in suspicion.
Omega suddenly perked up and turned in her chair to look up at you.
“Hey (Y/N), do you think it’s possibly for someone to love more than one person at a time”, she asked.
You were a bit taken aback by the question, but figured you’d answer, seeing as how you were being very honest today.
“Yes, I do, it actually happens a lot more often than you think”, you responded, purposefully avoiding Hunter’s gaze as you looked at the child.
“And what does that person do, you know, when they realize they have feelings for more than one person”, she then asked.
“Well, usually that person then has a decision to make, and they just hope they don’t break any hearts in the process. You see, love can be a tricky endeavor. However, I think if someone does fall for two individuals at once, then there are other options”, you said, rather matter-of-factly, given the topic at hand.
“Like what?”
“Those involved could always enter into a relationship all together, I suppose”, you said, wondering just how far she was going to take this conversation.
“And that would work”, she asked, seeming almost hopeful.
“It’s possible, yes, but only if all members involved are okay with it. They all need to know that’s what’s going on, and there can’t be any secrets”, you explained.
“Huh, I guess that makes sense”, Omega said, seeming content with your explanation. Then another thought seemed to hit her. “Hey (Y/N)?”
You hummed in response.
“Have you ever been in love”, she asked curiously.
“Omega”, Hunter said firmly, giving her another look of warning.
“No, no, it’s fine”, you informed him, not wanting him to reprimand the girl for just being curious. “To answer your question Omega, yes, yes I have.”
“With more than one person”, she continued.
You raised an eyebrow at her and crossed your arms over your chest.
“What’s with the twenty questions, am I being interrogated or something”, you asked, only half joking.
She shook her head. “No, just curious is all.”
“Uh huh, well why don’t you stow that curiosity away for later and go get some rest, it’s quiet now”, you told her.
“What did you do, I mean, how did you get him to stop”, she asked as she stood from her seat.
“I just let him know that he was safe, and that there was nothing to be afraid of”, you said, which wasn’t a complete lie.
“That’s it”, she asked.
You nodded. “That’s it.”
She gave you a look of suspicion but didn’t act on it.
“Okay”, she said, drawing out the word, and made her way to exit the cockpit.
“Sleep tight”, you called after her as she disappeared down the small corridor. You then turned back to the view port and took a seat in the now empty chair, sighing heavily before finally looking to Hunter. “Well, that was interesting, care to tell me what that was all about?”
“Not really”, he said, turning back to face forward.
You raised a brow. “Seriously?”
He shrugged and kept his gaze where it was.
You sighed again and leaned back in your chair. “Alright then, but I think it’s worth mentioning that the kid knows what she’s talking about, you might want to listen to her every now and then, she’s quite intuitive.”
He looked to you then, confusion on his brow.
“What do you mean”, he asked.
You laughed. “I mean, what she said about me is true”, you said.
His eyes widened a bit. “You, you heard that”, he asked, and you nodded in response. “How much of it?”
“Enough”, you said simply.
He looked away again as he spoke. “Then you know it doesn’t matter how I feel, you’ve made your choice, and I’m okay with that, I’ll have to be”, he said, trying to keep up this act of indifference.
You turned in your seat to face him. “You keep saying that, but, what if I don’t want to choose, because how you feel does matter, Hunter. At least, to me it does.”
He turned his head to meet your gaze. “What exactly are you proposing”, he asked.
“Nothing yet, just letting you know that, I know, and that the feelings are mutual.”
He smiled at this and nodded his understanding.
“What about Echo, have you told him yet”, he asked.
“We talked, and confessions were made… finally”, you said with a smile.
You both laughed then, happy to finally air things out a bit, all the pent-up emotions were wearing on all of you it seemed, and it felt nice to not have to hide it anymore.
“How do you think he’ll feel about your non-proposed proposal”, he asked with a grin.
“I don’t know, but we’re all adults, we can sit down and have a civilized conversation about this, and… we’ll figure this all out”, you told him.
He gave an amused huff. “You make it sound so formal.”
You nodded and gave a light chuckle. “At first, yeah, but I get the feeling that once this proposal is made, all persons involved will be… willing to give it a try”, you said, taking his hand and holding it in both of yours. “Then things will get more… informal.”
He smiled. “Yeah, how can you be so sure”, he asked, leaning toward you.
You smiled back and leaned in as well, your faces now only inches apart.
“Female intuition”, you whispered, your smile turning a bit smug.
He chuckled in amusement. “You’re ridiculous”, he said, before closing the gap between you.
The kiss was sweet and felt just as right as the ones you’d had with Echo, and just like those ones, this kiss ended all to quickly, but you were content to sit back and bask in the afterglow, you didn’t want to rush things after all.
You both sat there a moment, leaning back in your seats, staring out the view port, arms stretched as your hands sat, intertwined, between you. Maybe this really could work, only time would tell.
After what felt like hours, but in reality, had only been minutes, Hunter looked to you with a soft smile.
“I’m glad you’re here with us”, he said.
You smiled back and gave his hand a light squeeze.
“Me too”, you said, and you both stayed like that for a long while, enjoying a view you each thought was much better than the one outside the view port.
Little did you know, behind you Omega stood at the entrance of the cockpit, looking on silently and grinning from ear to ear, feeling quite pleased with herself.
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lilsocksiswriting · 3 years
Fandom: Haikyuu
Paring: Osamu X fem!reader X Future!Osamu 
Summary: On a stormy night, your boyfriend shows up at your door with his future self in two.
Warnings: No beta, Post time skip spoilers, minors DNI
Tags: dirty talk, masturbation, thigh fucking, voyeurism, overstimulation, crempires
Word Count: 4366
There was just something about tonight that made things feel amiss. it was smack dab in the middle of midterms week. Everyone was either studying, out at the bats drinking aways their dread, or like you trying to finish midterm papers. This makes the apartment complex you lived in quieter than usual which you don't mind at all. You can hear the heavy downpour of rain more clearly because of it too. You look up from the screen of your laptop to outside the window and at the street lamps below.  the rain dampens the street lights, limiting their reach,  and making them seem more like fairly glowing orbs. They add to the mysterious ambiance of the night.
A ding draws your attention back to your phone's screen has lit up with a banner of Osamu's name surrounded by grey hearts and stars
Osamu: babe?
Y/N: Hey bubs
Osamu: something weird happened
Y/N: Are you ok?
Osamu: yea. I was just getting in my head again.
Y/N: Oh no
Osamu: I know I'm sorry.
Y/N: you don't have to apologize. I'm not mad, it happens. I'm happy that you aren't keeping it to yourself this time.
Osamu: right, well as I was thinking was when the weird thing happened.
Y/N: and what is this weird thing?
Osamu: we're coming over
Y/N: what?
Osamu: is are coming over?
Y/N: what? Osamu what are you trying to say?
since Osamu only lived a floor above you in a studio apartment much like your own it didn't take long after his text for you to hear a knock on your door. When you open it you realize that 'is' wasn't a typo at all. 'is'  was Osamu's attempt at making a plural of I.
Standing in the doorway was the Osamu who knew and loved.  Board look slumped shoulders with hands stuffed in the pocket of the sweats he taken to wearing more often. Beside him was another man, more specifically another him. This Osamu was smirking in the same way Osamu still did from time to time, smug and relaxed, and stood a little straighter. Maybe even a little taller?  He dressed in black sort and jeans, like a uniform of some sort, that is close not his broads body.
"Well, aren't ya goin' to invite in sweetheart?" the other Osamu asks and you move aside.
When the door clicks shut it also clicks for you who exactly this Osamu is. who he has to be. You follow behind the present Osama down the small hallway that opens up into the rest of your apartment.  Older Osamu makes a b-line to your window to close the blinds while the other plops himself down on your couch making himself right at home leaning back and spreading his legs. if this was any other situation would have taken that as an open invitation to crawl onto his lap. Taking notice of the you-sized spot between his legs you also notice how the pair of sweats he wore were looking quite dingy. You wonder if he was heading into one of those weeks again where he barely slept, barely took care of himself, and stressed ate all your snacks. mid-terms week was definitely the kind of week where it would happen.
You give him that soft look but don't ask if he's been taking care of himself instead you ask, "He's for the future isn't he?"
Osamu nods seeming to not catch on the look or choosing to ignore it. "That's the weird thing that happened. He just sort of appeared."
The amazement that time travel existed and proof of that had now walk back over to stand in front of you right in front of you didn't cross your mind at first. What was crossing your mind was a series of questions.  It takes the rest of your body a minute to catch up to these racing questions and actually speak one out.
"We're still together right?"
Older Osamu's  laugh answers your question but he tells you anyway," I wouldn't be here if we weren't."
"And how exactly do we get you to from here back to where you belong, in the future."
"Tryin' to get rid of me already?" he cocks his head to the side teasing you. You look between present and future Osamu and find that neither seems bothered by the timeline consequences the older being here has. but hey guess that's anxiety for you.
"No, but why are you here? How are you here? How do we get you back so we don't fuck up the timeline?" you blurt out one question after the other to older Osamu and he just stands in front of you, thick arms crossing over his broad chest letting you get them all out.
The fact that neither of them seems to fully grasp the gravity of the situation infuriates you. "How are you two not freaking out about this?"
"Because one way or another he goes back after what happens tonight.”
you give the present version a questionable look. They definitely knew something that you didn't and weren't talking about it yet. "you two know something. What happens tonight?"
Instead of the present Osamu explaining, his older self tells you. "I don't really know how I get back but I do because he's still here," he points to himself," and I'm still for the future, a better version because of what happens tonight."
You don't miss the way his voice drops or how you notice him towering over you. You just try to focus on what they aren't telling you.
"What happens tonight?"  you repeat the question.
"I show my past self how much better he can be," The older Osamu explains but it still leaves out the answer you looking for.
The order Osamu goes on," You know I was at a pretty low point at this time in my life. I didn't think that I was ever goin' to amount to anything. I would always be a stick in my twin's shadow, I'd be the less attractive twin, I'd always be dealin' with some bad patch of acne or my clothes were never goin' fit right,  I'd always be sad like this. I never deserve you-"
"Ok," you cut him off. "Ok, I get it."
"He's not wrong ya know," you look over at the couch.
"I know... it's just hard to hear," you admit feeling guilty and ashamed for doing so. You want to be here for Osamu. You knew what he was going through since his twin got scouted for a pro team and you knew that you \ but that didn't make hearing how Osamu thought about himself anymore easy to hear. You were human. You loved Osamu. And sometimes it was hard to hear about problems of his that you didn't know how to make better.
"But that changes tonight. After tonight I get help, start seein’ a therapist.  I start plannin’ for a future instead of being convinced that I don’t have one. I start to rub the amazing relationship I have with you in my twin's face. I start to learn to stop hatin’ my body for changing," The order supplies.
you frown. "But what happens tonight?"
Older Osamu leaned in closer to you, very close. So close that you can feel his breath rolls off your skin as he tells you, "Tonight I show my younger self how good he's gonna  be able to fuck you in the near future ."
Well, damn. You weren’t expecting that. Mabey something a little closer to a heartfelt talk that would help Osamu out at this point of his life. This wasn’t to say that you were opposed to the idea. In fact, taking another look at the older version of your boyfriend, you were very ok with letting him rail you while the other watched. But someone about it felt wrong? More specifically it made you feel like it was something wrong.
The way the idea settles in your gut makes you turn your head slightly to look at the present version who’s still seated at the couch but sitting up a little straighter now.  Anxiously and hopefully waiting for your answer.
“Are you sure?”
He nods then adds, “But only if you want to.”
You very much want to, it’s just….” Would this even count as cheating or like being with someone else?”
The older Osamu chuckles putting his knuckles under your chin and guiding your face back to his. “Darlin’ we’re the same person.”
That seems to settle your nerves and you nod. “Ok then. Show us.”
A smile breaks out across the order’s face. His other arms loops around your waist pulling you fully into his broad frame. “That’s my girl.”
The older Osamu tastes just the same as the present. The only difference is that he’s a lot less shy about using his tongue. Hell, he’s a lot less shy about using his whole body, and you honestly love it. The more that older Osamu explores your mouth with his, the harder you can feel him getting in his pants. Pulled so tightly against him means that you can feel every little twitch his cock gives in reaction to every little noise you’re able to make. Eventually, you two have to pull away for air. Dizzy with lips swollen you rest your cheek against the order’s heaving chest and look at to the younger who is staring at you like he’s start stuck. It’s cute.
“See,” The older tells his younger self. “Look how dizzy you can make her when you aren’t second-guessing everything.”
If the older was going to be bold, then so were you. You smooth a hand down his stomach, past his belt buckle and grip and the budge below it.  All the while not taking your eyes off the present version of your boyfriend. This earns you a sharp intake of air from the older that comes out on a pleased exhale. “And don’t think for a minute that she doesn’t want all of you. Right darlin'? Look at you already tryin' to get at my cock.”
“You’re already hard.”
He nods. “And all for you.  All’ve ya done is be your pretty little self and I’m already achin’ for ya.”
You squeeze your thighs together. You love to be dotted on by Osamu. You had realized early on that you definitely had a praise kink but only when it came to Osamu.  With gentle hands, Osamu turns to the body so that you’re facing the present version.  A firm hold on your arms holds you in place as a hot mouth leaves sloppy kisses along your neck in just the right spots to keep you feeling light-headed. Those hands eventually move. Snaking up too to grope at your titis through your sweatshirt.  You go to squeeze your thighs together again, but suddenly there’s one less hand on your breast and a hand forcing your thighs apart.
“When she does that, squeeze her thighs together like that,  it means she’s getting riled up,” The older explains while pressing fingers into your clothes clit and rubbing at it causing you to squirm slightly. “Why don’t we show him how wet you are darlin’?”
You simply nod because you want to see too. You can feel how arousal that's collected between your folds, but you've never gotten wet so fast before. Osamu gives you a little kiss on the cheek and helps you slip out of your legging and underwear leaving you bare from the waist down.  You shiver both from your heated skin being exposed to the cool air of your apartment and the way that Osamu is staring from his spot on the couch/ The intensity of that look never fails to go straight to your groin.
One of older Osamu's hands dips between your spread thigh pushing through your folds. His fingers are a little rougher and that small difference feels so good. His fingers rub back and forth a few times, collecting your wetness as they go, before pulling them easy much to your dismay.
The older Osamu holds them up so that both you and his present self can see the strings of slick at connecting one digital to the other.
"Fuck," You both breathe.
Beyond the fingers, you can see Osamu relaxing into the couch and palming the crotch of his sweats
"'Samu, "You wine at both the older for him to touch you more and at the sight of the present touching himself.
"Aww,  you want me to keep touching you down there darlin'?" the older coos into your year.
"Please," You ask nicely not feeling the least bit ashamed since both you and the present Osamu seem to want exactly that.
"Don't you worry your pretty little head darlin',"  you feel warm hands slip up your sweatshirt.  "I'm gonna touch you plenty.  I can barely keep my hands off ya as is, but I wanna give my younger self a good view of how we make your body feel. So come off with the sweatshirt."
You do exactly as you told and strip out of your sweatshirt. You'd do anything to feel his fingers again. Osamu goes back to massaging your tits again, this time playfully rubbing your perk nippled between his fingers. Either Osamu wasn't telling you now you or at some point in the future, he loves playing with your boobs. You're only complaint was that he wasn't paying enough attention to the rest, more needing, parts of your body.
"Osamu, please~" you beg.
"See how easy it is to get her so needy?'
"Yea," the present Osamu nods his head stuffing a hand down his sweats.
"She just loves our touch that much. Right now if you were to ask she'd beg you to touch her, to fuck her, to do anything really, as long as it's us doing it,"  The older Osamu nudged your cheek with his nose making you crane your neck so that your lips are almost touching. " She's such a slutty little girl, " he says lower, "but she's our slutty girl, and we fucking love it."
Osamu's mouth is on yours again and there are fingers that aren't just rubbing your clit but now slipping inside. You moan into the older's mouth and buck your hips grinding against his hands.  You hear a low curse from the present Osamu.
"Well, shit you look like your dick's about to explode there. You're about to cum but you're trying to make it last because you can't last very long  after the first time can't ya."
A frustrated groan escapes the present Osamu's lips. He has the waistband of his sweats pulled down past his hips and his hand gripping the base of his flushed cock.  He looked just about as lost in pleasure as you but had retained some sense of himself to pay attention so that he can learn how to make you feel this good in the future.
"Don't fret though because you're going to be able to go for rounds. Y/N can barely keep up in the future. I usually leave her so fucked out by the end of the night, but I make sure to take good care of her. Treat her to a nice bath and some home-cooked food in bed after I wreck her cunt. "
"O-Osamu," the name tumbles out as your breath quickens, everything that hen man was doing and describing to his younger self was so fucking hot and heavenly sounding.
"Holy fuck."
"Right? See what you can do when you start the impossible is possible? " he then addresses you. "You want more darlin'?"
"holy fuck Y/N," the present Osamu moans slowly stroking  himself, "you sound so fucking good right now darlin'."
"That's what we love to hear," the older Osamu purrs. His hands leave your body but only for a moment to he unbuckles his pants and pull his dick free giving it a few pumps.  Then they're on you again, grabbing your hips and lifting you up just enough that you stand on your tippy-toes.
"Now I'm gonna need to you stay just like that and keep squeezing those pretty thighs together. Can ya do that for us, darlin'?"
when he uses that nickname in that pitch of voice? It was a power that the present Osamu didn't realize he had yet, and god helps you the day that he did because you would do just about anything when he say's 'darlin' like that. you nod your yea with a little 'yes' and you feel the older's hands move to a firm grip on your elbows.
When he roughly pulls you into him your eyes go wild. This was new. The older Osamu's thick cock slips in and out from between your thigh, each thrust making your whole body jolt.  Each time his hips meet the blunt head of his dick slips slang you slit and bumps against your slit making you see stars. All the while the present Osamu watches completely enthralled by the sight of his older self fucking your thighs. The way you titis are bouncing with every thrust, the way his older self is handing you like some treasured fuck toy, and those breathless moans you don't hold back, that's what he wants. He wants to be able to fuck you like that. He wants to be the only one to be able to make you feel the way you feeling right now. He just never thought he could until now. 
"Does it feel good darlin'?  The tip of my fat cock rubbing you like this?"
"y-yes!", answer as he paces quickens.
"Are you gonna cum like this? From me fucking your thighs while my younger self watches?"
you nod vigorously, the feeling of orgasm quickly building in your gut each time the tip of his dick meets your clit. You squeeze your thighs tighter your head lulls back when it finally washes over you.  
"Shit," Osamu curses in your ear as his hips sputter and he spills his cum between your thighs, "Shit, that's it darlin' keep squeezin' round me like that. Don't she look so cute?"
"You haven't even fucked her yet," the present Osamu comments making the older chuckles
"You ready to watch that?”
"God yes," Osamu breaths out looking so desperate to watch you get railed by his older self that it's downright adorable.
The older Osamu chuckles. He handles you like you don't weigh a thing to him lifting you up and laying you back down at the end of the bed. The way the couch is facing the present Osamu has a perfect side view of the two of you. You set yourself up on your elbows when the older steps away. He doesn't bother stripping, he simply pulled his tee-shirt over his head and pushed his jeans down a little more.
"Oh god," You moan because holy fuck you have never wanted Osamu as bad as you wanted him now. He stands to at the foot of your had hands on his hips and a lopsided smirk letting you admire him in what wasn't even his full glory.
This thing that really gets you is how much Osamu hasn't, or in this cane won't change. His body was mostly the same. There's some muscles mass you could see in his forearm, chest, and the way that he manhandles you. His tits are still nice and supple, just begging for you to leave hickies on, and a faint patch of hair grows along his sternum. Your eyes roam across his soft tummy that has the faintest outline of abs the closer you look. Following his thicker trail of hair below his navel leads to his erect cock standing tall and as proud as he is that’s glistening under the soft light in your wetness.
"See," he glances at his younger self and his voice softens. "She really does love us and our body. Every last bit of it. Even on the day when we don't."
He then turns back to you," Now are you ready for me to fuck you darlin'?"
"Yes," you answer and spread your legs that are dangling off the foot of your bed a little wider to accommodate him.
When Osamu pushes into you there's a familiar burn of yourself stretching around him. The older takes things slowly so that you feel every inch of him entering you. Once he's bottom out in you Osamu takes your legs and wraps that around his waist. 
Osamu's pace starts out slow and deep but doesn't stay this way for long. Soon your small apparent is filled with all sorts of lewd sounds. The loudest of which was the dull slaps of skin and squelching every time he thrusts back into you. They barely cover your breathless moans and high pitch whimpers. Both Osamu's are also being quite vocal. The present Osamu is cursing again as he bucks his hip and cums into his closed fist. Meanwhile, the older Osamu is grunting, jacking hammering into you.  You can barely keep up with the brutal pace the older's set. All that you can really do at this point is grab and claw at his shoulders for something to hang on to for dear life too.
"Oh fuck. Oh, fuck Dalrin' you're gonna make me cum. Yer just suckin' me in a like that- shit! cummin'! I'm cummin' Y/N," Osamu moans burying himself as deep as he can inside you and flooding you with his release. 
 Feeling yourself being filled with Osamu's cum pushes you over the edge.  Your walls flutters around his dick and thighs shake around his hips as you cum.
The order barely gives you time to catch your breath before he's calling for his younger self to switch places with him. The present Osamu is on his feet in an instant stripping out of his clothes on his way to you.  The other Osamu moves aside, setting down on the couch and relaxing his arms across the back of it.  He doesn't even bother to tuck his flaccid  cock back into his jeans or fix his shirt. He smiles at the scene before him.
Osamu is hunched over you so you can wrap your arms around his neck and pull him that much closer to you as he fucks you. Like his older self, the pace is fast and deep. You can try and buck your hips but they aren't in sync with his thrusts. The mess, the disorganized movements of the two of you make things hotter, more intense. You're cumming again with a pleasured sob and Osamu continues to fuck you through it reaching his own high.
And he doesn't stop. Your present boyfriend keeps his feet planted on the floor and keeps fucking into even when his cum is being to seep out of your stuffed hole. He pulls away just enough so that he can see your flushed and sweaty face that he cups in his hands. 
"One more yea"
your jaw trembles and the only words you can get out are incoherent so you nod. 
 A tired smile breaks out across his face. "That's my girl. Gonna make you f-feel so good. I'm going to make sure you always feel this good.  gonna stuff you so full of my cum~"
You cum right along with Osamu, letting out a silent scream to fucked to do anything else. You can feel his whole body shudder as he pulls out of you. You immediately feel a mixture of you, him, and maybe even his future self leak out of your spent cunt.  You feel him move you up the bed so that you can catch your breath while fully laying in your own bed with Osamu cuddled up next to you.
"Hmmm?" you hum eyes still closed.
"He's gone."
You peak an eye open and sure enough, the couch was empty now. You were too tired to really think about where the older Osamsua had gone but somewhere in your mind was the assumption that he went back to his own timeline in the future.
"Too tired and icky to care."
You feel fingers thread themself through you and massage your scalp. you lean into Osamu's touch and you're fully content to just lay here in the mess the two of them had made of you for the rest of the night.
"How about I run you a nice bath and we get cleaned up hmm? We can go back to my place and worry about your sheets tomorrow. "
"Will you cook for me?"
"Whatever ya want darlin'." 
 A few years down the road Osamu bursts into the apartment that you two share scaring the living hell out of you. "Fuck! Don't burst in like that."
"Sorry," he apologizes kicking off his shoes. "But it happened It finally happened."
"What happened?"
He strides over to the couch where you had been working on to laptop but set it aside and pulls you into his lap. He nuzzles his face into your neck and you can feel his wide smile on your skin. "That night during Junior year."
"We had lots of nights Junior.  Give me more than that." you request already thinking of your favorite nights spent with Osamu rather it was making an all-night drive just to watch the sunrise, nights where you went out in a group of friends and went home wearing his shoes or being carried on his back,  nights spent in eating his cooking, nights spent with his dick plugged into you...
"I made love to you while I watch."
"Ah that night," you smile, "The details are a little fuzzy, Mabey you can help job my memory after dinner with the team tonight?"
His arms tightened around your waist, "Oh, gladly darlin'."
more  my Haijyuu fics can be found here: Haikyuu collection
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caribbean-ace · 2 years
Station 19 5x16 thoughts/reactions: SPOILERS AHEAD
Oh poor Andy this is going to be hell for her + i guess they can bring back the calendars tho, that would raise some money + look at my wife being so hot i can’t + Maya knows better than to read the comments
Lmao Vic popping out of nowhere + lmao that was a funny scene + they are so horny for no reason😂 + oh crap how did that happen? Does Vic knows something?
CARINAAAA + why are they talking so fast!? + drama indeed + Maya is so scared of Carina + god this is awkward😂 i’m cringing hard af + the innuendo joke from Jack? Not cool
I never knew i needed Sullivan and Hughes being besties but i think this would be my saving grace + ohhh Andy’s mom is hereeee + lmao Zombie Mom + how are we naming this chaotic duo? + well at least he’s being nice about it
I hate Beckett geez + i’m having mixed feelings with Ross why won’t you make Maya captain again!?! + Travis is my entire mood + angry travis is cute i’m sorry
Oh lord this is so awkward + OH HE DID JUST NOT + so the anon who mentioned the threesome, you weren’t faw from the truth tho + what!? + tag yourself i’m confused just as Maya
Remember how back in the day they say it was sort of a problem having too many lt. and now they have four lieutenants in one house yikes + come on Ross + Jack is spinning hard which i get it because yikes + Carina lost it lmao i’m Carina with this whole disaster + at least he has family lol they can ask them for their sperm
travic is baaaack besties at it again + surprised that this wee woo show is actually about fire lol + that guy is gonna be in so much trouble and i HOPE SO + i need Montgomery to punch the living hell of Dixon + angry Carina is my entire mood + finally she said it! + lmao this is such a mess + THE CUTE SMILE
YES TRAVIS + 19 is totally out control + OHH SHE SAID IT + yes andy clapback👏🏼 + that scene was powerful! Yes yes yes! + Chief you’re slacking + OH BOY + god the kiss was so soft + i love them i just decided to ignore Jack😂 + welp if you wanted to have an insider you shouldn’t have promoted him tho + Andy needs a hug
I almost fell from my bed bruh + Jack is being such a mood killer lol + i want to wrap Travis in my arms and never let him go + Travis as Mayor!?! Yes please! I mean i’d miss him so much but that would be so cool + oh no mama Herrera :( + Andy has been through so much, that woman needs a break + my heart goes to anyone that has gone through something like this, you’re not alone, it wasn’t your fault💛
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doiefy · 3 years
after party // lee taeyong
genre: celebrity au, fluff pairing: taeyong x gn. reader word count: 1.1 k warnings: alcohol
You’ve just wrapped up filming for your first full-length film—and it seems your co-star has something to say to you before it all comes to a close.
note: this is the after party for shadow, the movie taeyong and the reader featured in (i had to write this to recover from the trauma of writing the screenplay but anyways). there are very very mild spoilers, though a lot of the references might not make sense without the context of the film. 
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It’s strange how vastly different your castmates are from their characters on screen.
Presently, the diligent assistant is ten drinks too far into drunken stupor, giggling to himself on the couch and having a conversation with—well, no one in particular; it’s probably just some remnant of the script still running through his brain. The alcoholic best friend to the female lead is busy coaxing water into a very drunk android, and the two sworn enemies are playing beer pong, downing cup after cup regardless of how the game is actually played. Across the room, Dejun sticks his tongue out at you, then feigns disgust when you lazily give him the finger. Dejun, he’s still the same.
And what’s stranger: sitting in a room in which all the other actors and actresses have had at least half a decade of experience in the industry. Blue Dragon winners, seasoned idols, the most eligible young talents of South Korea—although now that they’re all drunk, they could easily pass as anything else. And then there’s you. You and your first ever full-length film after dozens of short films on YouTube… it doesn’t quite register yet, that you’ve made it this far. You owe it to Dejun, you guess, for sending you a link to the auditions a couple months ago.
You sigh, downing the rest of your drink and settling back into your seat so you can take in all 1000 square feet of Mina’s apartment; you’ve been meaning to decorate your new place, and the pearly whites and golds of her living room bring all sorts of ideas to mind. You make a mental note to ask where she got that painting—
You nearly lurch out of your seat, turning to see someone coming up the stairs. Your breath catches in your throat; Taeyong’s dressed in a white shirt and blacks jeans, hair swept back. Filming ended only yesterday, and yet he’s already dyed it back to its original colour. It looks good. Better than the red.
“This seat taken?”
You laugh. “You don’t see anyone else hiding up here, do you?”
The bookish assistant is a wild party animal, the alcoholic is the motherly one of the group, and the reluctant allies are actually in a long-term relationship, yet Taeyong embodies his character fully. Perfectly. The role was made for him, and when he sits down next to you, you feel as though you’re on set again, waiting for the cameras to roll. He’s charming in a quiet way, charismatic but humble, inconspicuous despite the numerous awards he has under his belt; two years ago, if someone told you you’d be acting alongside him, you likely would have passed out at the mere mention of his name.
“Parties aren’t your thing?” He asks casually, glancing over at your empty cup. He offers you one of the beers he brought up and reluctantly, you take it. You’ve only had one so far. Another will be fine.
“Trust me, I’d be passed out on the ground if I didn’t have a schedule tomorrow morning,” you tell him with a wry smile. “Showing up to ODG hungover? For an interview with kids? That sounds so wrong.”
“A little.”
He laughs. It’s a bright, cheery sound that cuts through the bass-boosted music, easing your worries a bit. A sign of unrestrained contentment, something unlike his screen character, who would surely be suppressing some sort of dark thought in this moment. “They’ll love you. I’m sure.”
You settle into a comfortable silence. Well, as silent as it’ll get anyways. Taeil has now gotten off the couch and is chasing Jungwoo around the room, yelling his lines. Yuta and Jisoo are trying to see how much beer they can put in a red solo cup before it overflows, like it’s not obvious enough. Finally, Taeyong sighs, looking over at you. Melancholically. Or maybe nervously. You can’t quite tell until he speaks, at which point you realize it’s the latter.
“Could I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
He takes a sip of his drink like he’s preparing himself, screwing up courage; you’ve never seen him like this, and it worries you, what he’s about to ask.
“I haven’t really told anyone about this,” he starts, stealing a glance at you before returning his eyes to the rest of your costars. Yuta waves at him drunkenly. He waves back. “I’ve been thinking about taking a break from acting.”
You certainly weren’t prepared for that. “Oh,” is all you manage to get out, and he gives a quiet chuckle.
“No, not like that. Not because of anything—” He breaks off, laughing. “I’ve just been… thinking about doing my own writing. Directing, maybe. Nothing too grand, of course, maybe a couple of shorts.” He glances at you hopefully. “I was hoping you’d be interested.”
The word is out of your mouth before you can stop it, and suddenly you wonder if you sound like the main character of some sappy teen romance, the quirky hero who doesn’t believe in themself until their rag-tagged group of friends forcibly pushes them to greatness. You must look completely caught off-guard, a deer in headlights, because he giggles a bit, patting you on the shoulder reassuringly.
“Of course,” he says and his lips quirk upwards into a coy smile, something almost cat-like. It’s cute. “You’re wonderful, _____. Give yourself more credit.” A pause. “Though don’t feel pressured to. I know this is just the start of your career, and if taking part in some small project like mine might hinder your own goals in the industry—”
“What was that about credit, Lee?” You ask teasingly. He blinks. “I’d love to. Honestly, I’m not so sure if all this big movie business is really for me. Short films and community theatre productions… that’s where it all started for me. That’s where I’ll always be.”
“Don’t hold back though,” he says. “You have potential. I mean it.”
You’ve heard it from countless representatives, countless agencies, countless other actors. Meaningless words whispered in your ear in hopes that you’ll sign a contract with them. But from Taeyong, after working with him for months, after staying up night after night rehearsing with each other, you know it’s genuine.
“Thank you, Taeyong.”
He gives a soft laugh, and before you can register what’s happening, his lips brush against your cheek. The heat rises rapidly to your face, and you turn around in surprise. He meets your eyes shyly.
“It was a pleasure working with you, ____. I look forward to doing this again.”
You smile. “Likewise.”
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inaflashimagine · 4 years
Mission Impossible (III)
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x F!Reader
WC: 3.2k
Warning: There’s some angst and cursing but it ends in some happiness. Blame finals for making me feel this way because I rarely write angst. And there’s a slight manga spoiler about Panda.
A/N: The next part will be the final part–I will hopefully post it this upcoming Friday. But thank you all for the love, I’m so blown away by all of your support. (Please send me an ask, DM, or comment on post requesting to be added to tag list if you want to be on it!)
Prequel - Part I - Part II - Part IV
“I have to ask Satoru where he got this wine.”
“Are you even listening to me?” Your complaint makes Shoko roll her eyes. Or you assume she’s doing that since she’s adorning the shades you stole from Gojo, her asking price for hearing your woes.
“I have for the past hour. You’ve spent more time with me than with the Gojo family.”
“Hey, I–”
“Not to mention the fact that I led you to my secret lair so he can’t find you.” She languidly gestures to the place you’re currently in, a hidden room one can only enter through Jujutsu High’s morgue after triggering the sliding bookcase and opening the door behind it.
Upon entering the decked-out crib–she even had a bed, flat-screen TV, and, of course, a beverage cooler–you were about to praise her for being better than Bruce Wayne, but you refrained, still miffed that she didn’t invite you to this paradise earlier.
“Did you even eat at this dinner? You keep ranting about that old lady.”
You pout, crossing your arms defensively and avoiding your friend’s pointed stare. “That’s ‘cause it was an inquisition instead! And I’d appreciate any more input, considering you’ve just been smooching with that bottle.”
“Fine, gimme a sec.” Shoko takes a generous swig before exhaling happily and giving you her full attention. “Yeah, sounds like a shitty dinner but at least you don’t have to see them again. And your exit was kinda badass, although a bit too dramatic for my liking.”
“That’s really all you have to say?”
She shrugs, leaning more into the couch you were both sitting on. “I guess. Did you want an Oscar for your performance or something? You kind of botched your fake girlfriend act, though. I also pegged Satoru to be more of a mama’s boy.”
“Wow, thanks for that insightful analysis.” Sinking deeper into the furniture, you sigh, unable to dispel that queasy sensation growing in your stomach ever since you left the estate.
“Well, you did agree to this. Don’t tell me you were expecting his family to be as carefree as him.”
“Of course not, I was just”–a frustrated groan escapes you–“I don’t know what I was expecting. It was supposed to be a simple favor.”
Shoko chuckles dryly at that. “Since when have you ever heard the words ‘simple’ and ‘Gojo’ in one sentence?”
Your lip twitches in wry amusement. “Is that why you rejected him?”
Her eyebrows knit into confusion as she straightens from her lax position. “What do you mean?”
“Satoru asked you to attend the dinner first, but you said no,” you explain matter-of-factly but based on her puzzled expression, your version of the story is far from the truth.
Ieiri’s scowl matches your growing one. Rubbing her temples, she murmurs, “I need a cigarette.”
Your frown deepens. “I thought you quit.”
“And I’m about to start again because I need to take care of two dumb kids.” She gets up from her seat and heads to her desk, tired of seeing your perplexed face and preferring to sift through her bag for a lighter and pack. “He never asked me to be his fake whatever. So he’s dumb for asking you out in the weirdest way possible but you’re just as dumb for not realizing he likes you.”
“Likes me?” you falter, the lump in your throat doubling in size as you don’t even catch her insult. “What makes you think that?”
“Do I really need to spell it out for you?” she mutters before taking a drag of her cigarette. You can just tell from her exasperation that she regrets letting you into her haven. “Please don’t give me another job to do.”
Before you can conjure some response she decides to complete the chore anyway, holding out her free hand and lifting a finger. “When was the last time Gojo bragged about a girl drooling over him?”
You immediately scoff; Gojo’s extremely frequent trysts always interrupted your silent early mornings because he needed to obnoxiously sing about recently getting laid. “Psh, that’s easy. It was–”
But nothing comes out as you pause, triple-checking your quick mental math. Because if it is correct, then that means the last time was…
“–a-a month ago?”
Shoko doesn’t even reply to that, already raising her index finger. “And let’s not forget about that forehead kiss he gave you the day after he stayed at your house...when he wasn’t supposed to stay over in the first place.”
“Friends with benefits stay over and give each other kisses all the time!” Yet you cringe at the lie, your forehead burning as if it were touched by those ridiculously glossy lips a minute ago.
“So it’s completely normal that the same friend proposes this fake relationship, then lies and says you weren’t the first pick when you actually were.” Shoko gives you a tiny break–seeing the smoke coming out of your brain as you slowly connect the dots–before continuing her dissection. You want her input, right? Then she’s about to give you a full thesis, ready or not.
“Didn’t you also mention that this fake relationship came up because Satoru told his family he was seeing a girl? So he’s turning down the opportunity to meet women who would worship him because he’s only got eyes for one person?”
There’s no way…
This time you’re left speechless. Not that Shoko would give you any time to retort, as a third finger joins her other wiggling ones. “Now for my final reason. Let’s talk about you.”
“Me?” you squeak, barely able to process the first two points.
“The fact that you instantly said yes. You could’ve just given him a lifetime supply of candy.”
“I offered! Well, not a lifetime’s worth, I’d be broke long before then…”
“Not the point. You’re still upset about the dinner. Shouldn’t you be relieved that you don’t have to put up with that family?”
Suddenly the floor beneath you seems particularly interesting as you wish it can swallow you whole. “Well, I’m angry because I wanted to impress them but they only made fun of me. I felt...left out.”
“So you agree? You wanted to fit in and impress the Gojos so that Satoru would feel compelled to truly ask you out?”
You blink profusely, dumbfounded at this smoothly-delivered conclusion. It all makes sense–that weird sensation in your chest akin to heartburn whenever you’re near him; the way his electric touches paralyze you but increase your desire to experience more; the moments you feel pride after managing to make him roar in laughter with a corny joke; the countless times you’ve visited a bakery or shop after your missions, wondering which sweets and souvenirs would make him smile in delight; or the realization that before the dinner you wouldn’t actually mind being his ‘girlfriend’, to be the one who can see him not as the strongest sorcerer but simply as Gojo Satoru.
“Yeah, I think I do agree,” you answer, this acknowledgment oddly comforting.
And as you mull over these bottled-up feelings that began to leak out after this stupid favor–or perhaps even before that–you gaze at Shoko in awe, the same emotions currently causing you to smile despite your body warning you not to.
“Fuck, I do like the idiot. And I like him a lot.” A giddy laugh escapes you, the statement announced in the open allowing you to release some tension in your shoulders. Why does the world suddenly feel lighter? “And when did you become a therapist, Shoko?”
Your friend smirks before blowing out a smoke ring, a pleasant aura surrounding her usually gloomy self. “The psychology unit during med school was the only one I didn’t cheat on.”
You’re about to chuckle, ready to find the only Gojo that mattered to you and tell him that you don’t care about his elders, especially his grandmother. Ready to finally return that forehead kiss he gave you a week ago, and hoping that maybe it led to more than just a simple kiss.
But the happiness dissipates when you remember how the dinner ended, the uneasiness reappearing with a vengeance.
“Wait, I’m still mad at him and the way he acted at dinner. And he’s probably mad at the way I acted.” You bury your confused, throbbing head in your hands, exhausted from this continuous rollercoaster as you blurt out an endless string of nearly incoherent words. “What do I do? We don’t have time for a relationship. We can’t even handle a fake one! And what if you’re wrong and he doesn’t like me?”
You feel Shoko exhale as she gently pats your back. “Take a breather. Just talk to him. Since he’s called both of us over twenty times I doubt there’re holes in my theory.”
As if on cue you glance at your phone flashing brightly, though this time a certain contact name stands out among the sea of ‘Stupidest Sorcerer’ notifications.
“Nanamin?” You put the phone on speaker and set it on the coffee table in front of you, an interested Shoko reclaiming her seat by you.
The softest sigh can still be heard through your device, the weariness evident. “Please don’t call me that. And please answer Gojo-san before he calls me one more time asking for your whereabouts, or I will block him.”
“Oh sweet Nanami, I’m sorry he’s bothering you, the world needs to treat a nice man like you so much bet”–you hesitate when you hear a click, signaling the end of the rather short call–“Nanamin?”
Shoko lets out a sardonic laugh before nudging your shoulder. “At least you know what to do now.”
Just as you’re about to agree and explain your next steps, the door to the lair opens, your eyes unable to believe that they’re staring into those unique blue ones.
“I knew I should’ve come here first!” He even has the audacity to clap and widen his chaotic grin, a mischievous expression that causes you to feel wary instead of elated.
“And I knew I should’ve finished that bottle earlier,” murmurs Shoko as she glances between your furious face and Gojo’s cocky one.
“Shoko, how does he know about this place?”
“I didn’t, but your leaking cursed energy gave me a clue. Oh, and Shoko, maybe you should soundproof the walls next time. And return my sunglasses.” The indifferent doctor shrugs at his jabs as you curl your fists and stalk toward him.
“Wait a minute, soundproofing? Did you listen to our conversation?” Any of your irritation that began to ebb as you first looked into those clear blue orbs instantly re-emerges when you see him smiling like a sheepish child caught stealing a cookie from the jar.
He heard. The bastard heard everything. Your blood boils with anger upon this intrusion of privacy, bitterly reminded of the fact that the only boundaries Gojo Satoru respects are the ones he places himself.
“Satoru, get out. You weren’t even invited. Right, Shoko?”
“I’ve been searching for you all night, so I’m staying. Right, Shoko?”
No one was right, because everyone should be exiting her crib and she was supposed to be at home. And she was so close to getting you to leave but Gojo just had to be a dumbass, again. The woman of the hour decides to finish her precious wine and grumbles, “Leave me out of this.”
Not that anyone hears her, as you poke his chest with a finger, your narrowed eyes glaring at him. “I was about to visit you and forgive you, too! Why couldn’t you wait and give me space?”
“Forgive me? You’re the one who should be asking for forgiveness, you almost gave my grandma a heart attack!” He throws his arms up in the air in frustration as if his tall figure wasn’t already imposing. “And so what if I heard you? It gives us more of a reason to talk. Which we need to do, now.”
He grabs your wrist, ready to lead you to somewhere more private, but you easily break away from his grasp, a strange bundle of hurt and fury wrapped around your heart. “Now you want to talk? What, are you going to reject me because I can’t ‘provide for you’? Where was that loud mouth of yours when your ‘oh-so-sweet’ granny was attacking both of us?”
His noncommittal shrug is infuriating. “I’m not going to apologize for my actions. I’m pretty sure you’re not sorry for yours, either.”
You scoff, not surprised to hear those words come out of his mouth. “Right, because the Honored One never makes mistakes. Because you’re so perfect!”
“Oh, I’ve made a few mistakes, and one of them is liking you!”
It takes a good minute to fully comprehend what he just said before the message douses you like a bucket full of icy water.
Then you close your gaping mouth, fully realizing that you don’t like Gojo Satoru. No, you like the idea of being with your fake boyfriend Gojo Satoru, a type of domesticity you’ll never achieve in this cursed world.
It’s an unusual experience to observe Satoru’s slight panic, the sorcerer swearing underneath his breath after he tries to approach you gently, just for you to flinch. “I didn’t mean that–”
Turning away and grabbing your bag and phone, ignoring two pairs of concerned eyes watching your frantically moving figure, you say coldly, “But I thought you rarely made mistakes? It’s okay, Gojo, the feeling’s mutual.”
You slam the door shut as you leave the shaman for the second time today.
“Fuck, not again!” a loud groan echoes throughout the morgue, followed by a punch that leaves an enormous hole in the wall, providing enough warning for you to hightail it out of there.  
At least he’s right for once–Shoko should definitely get soundproof (and perhaps more concrete) walls.
“Megumi-kun, what a surprise!”
“When are you going to return?”
You snort derisively, hoping the sound can carry through your phone. Who knew you’d miss that bluntness? “Well, hello to you, too. You’re not gonna ask me about my trip?”
Hearing his ‘tsk’ in response makes you smile into the coffee you’re sipping as he says, “I don’t even know where you are.”
Exhaling and shifting in the bench you’re sitting on, you look at your surroundings, comforted by the sight of joyful families and their pets already enjoying an early, mundane morning at the park, lively music and laughter reverberating throughout the peaceful atmosphere. The lush green trees and the light summer breeze makes you forget the slight sweat on the back of your neck, the remnant of such grime reminding you of the curses you exorcised less than an hour ago.
“You know I can’t tell you that. Secret missions and all.”
It’s his time to snort now. “More like you don’t want him to know where you are.”
“Well, that too. Although Ijichi called me a day ago, crying about how he was threatened to reveal my location. But your beloved teacher hasn’t visited yet.” A chuckle leaves you after you sigh, “Such a shame, really. Paris is beautiful this time of the year.”
“Have you even talked to him? It’s been over a week.”
“I’m not that cruel!” You’re honestly impressed that the teen managed to wait a few minutes before bringing up the subject for the umpteenth time. Although his accusatory tone is slightly deserved, you don’t appreciate it. “It’s not my fault that we were both immediately assigned to different missions after that stupid fight. I don’t even know where he is. But we did call each other and agreed this might actually be helpful, to give us some space before we meet in person again.”
And you refuse to disclose this to Megumi, but you hope that the talk with Gojo can at least salvage your friendship instead of creating some weird, awkward divide between the two of you. You shudder when you think about the last text he sent you, the all-too-formal I hope you’re doing well way out of character for someone who signs off his emails with “K” and “Sent from my iPhone” or whose voicemail greeting is, “It’s Gojo Satoru, bitch!”
You’re grateful for Megumi’s voice pulling you out of these worries. “I wish he were somewhere far away, but he’s just in Sendai, complaining or telling a horrible joke as usual. At least when you’re here he rants to you but since you two are fighting my ears are bleeding from his constant yapping.”
Picturing Megumi’s peeved expression makes you giggle. Although it’s been years you still see him as the small kid Gojo introduced you to. “Thank you for your sacrifice, the world definitely appreciates it.”
“I would appreciate it if you just apologized to one another.”
“Gojo Satoru is allergic to the word ‘sorry’,” you mumble as you finish your drink, mindlessly dumping it in the nearest trash can and beginning the short walk to one of the confectionery shops you’ve been frequenting lately. “But I do feel horrible for the things I said, so I hope we can properly talk soon. Besides, how much did he tell you guys? He didn’t paint me out as the asshole here, right?”
“If this were one of those Reddit threads, you’d all be the assholes,” replies a faraway voice that sounds way too familiar. “Aside from Nanami-san, he never does anything wrong.”
“Thanks, Maki,” you drawl out, “and thanks, Megumi, for blasting me on speaker.”
“That was my idea, actually!” shouts Nobara, her excited voice almost bursting your eardrum as you now maintain a distance from your device. “I don’t know what you see in him, you can do much better, but you two already bicker like an old married couple so just seal the deal!”
“Don’t be afraid to tell him the truth!” encourages Panda. “That relationship might have been fake, but those feelings aren’t.”
You can’t believe you’re talking about your love life with a bunch of teenagers and a fraudulent panda, but you feel somewhat touched and just a tad curious to hear Gojo’s side of the story. “Ah, thanks, I guess? Now get to class.”
And as you enter your favorite shop a few minutes after hanging up the call, munching on your favorite sweets and reading the texts you’ve recently received (Nanami sent you a picture of the delicious-looking milk bread he baked, Yuji shared some Youtube videos of cute cats while Shoko showed you the newly repaired and soundproof walls of her lair), you don’t even notice the tall, looming person until a souvenir bag is placed in front of you.
“Wow, you come to a chocolate shop and don’t think I’d find out where you are? This is the worst hiding spot ever.”
Almost choking on the confectionery you’re eating, you sputter out, “Satoru?!”
You can’t deny the warmth filling your chest as you see that cheeky grin again.
“Long time no see! I’m here to apologize.”
Nope, this time you’re definitely choking.
A/N: I can’t get the idea out of my head that Nanami bakes. That man is definitely a foodie I feel it in my soul.
Taglist: will be in separate post
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amphibious-entity · 3 years
TMBS Book 1 Brain Dump
~An Embarrassingly Long Post~
I don’t know why I’m writing this or why I’m so determined to do it. Maybe to finally assume my true form and become a mega dork on main, or maybe just for fun!
This is basically a compilation of all the main points running through my head after reading The Mysterious Benedict Society (2007) for the first time. Rather than posting a ton and spamming the tag, everything’s here in one neat package! (hopefully this gets it all out of my system rip)
The Book Itself
The Book Itself, for real this time
The Characters
A Funny Parallel
The S.Q. Section
Lines & Scenes I Liked
Spoilers abound!
The Book Itself
Upon acquiring the first three books (don’t judge me pls), I was surprised at just how long they are. Like, they’re still pretty light being paperbacks and all, but these books are hefty lads.
The first book has this Disney+ Original Series circle thing printed on it, which is kind of unfortunate. Regardless, I love the cover illustration and yellow is actually my favorite color :D It made me weirdly quite happy whenever I saw the book lying around in my room
Also, it’s really cute how there’s a letter from Mr. Benedict at the end! (It only reveals that you can find out his first name if you “know the code”, meaning the bit of Morse printed below the summary on the back.) Shock and horror, though, as I realized I’m starting to recognize some of the letters
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The Book Itself, for real this time
It’s wonderful how the tone of the book really shone through to the show adaptation. Something about the deliberateness of the aesthetic, from the set designs to the fashion to scene compositions, that really sells that particular style— like it’s very clear that this story is being told to us, rather than one we’re seeing unfold, if that makes sense.
Where that narration style stood out to me the most was the first chapter. We are told (rather than shown) how Reynie gets himself to the point of the second test, and there’s this whole twisty time maneuver for that whole sequence of events that’s really interesting
A super secret fun fact about me is that I wanted to be a writer when I was younger! So this particular balance of show vs. tell is really neat, since it runs counter to my own tendencies. The sheer amount of commas in every sentence is also kind of comforting, since Ahah, I Do That in those few serious-ish attempts at writing lol
Overall this book’s style reminds me a lot of Roald Dahl’s books, which are very nostalgic for me :D The whole “kids are more competent than adults” angle helps a lot too haha
The Characters
Oh boy here’s where I get a little bit critical! Overall I did really like this book!! it’s just that that expresses itself in all this weird “”analysis”” lol
Reynie - much better in the books than in the show
It’s sort of a lukewarm take but I feel like show!Reynie is kind of boring? He doesn’t have a lot going on flaw-wise, and obviously since he’s the protagonist he can’t have too many weird traits or else the kids watching can’t project themselves onto him as easily
(I call it the difference between an aspirational protagonist and a vessel protagonist. Going off of the Roald Dahl vibes, think Matilda vs Charlie. show!Reynie is more of a Charlie)
Thus when we get to see him really struggle with the Whisperer and doubt himself it gives him a lot more dimension, at least in my opinion
It is a federal crime that the white knight scenes were not adapted into the show
Sticky - my son
I’ve long held to no one besides myself and my long suffering sister that Sticky is The Best Member of the Society
He happened to hit a lot of the Bingo squares of Stuff I Like In Characters: glasses, anxious, nice :), kind of a coward but ultimately is there for his friends, etc
For some reason I don’t talk about him nearly as much as you-know-who, but I love him just as dearly
Kate & Constance - I don’t have much to say
Kate is really interesting in this book! I like how we get to see more of her depths, in particular that one passage about her belief that she is invincible being the only thing that keeps her from falling apart? :c
Also her constant fidgeting is relatable lol
Constance is somehow a lot more tolerable in the book. I think I’m just one of those people with no patience for small children, unfortunately lol
(Some of) The Adults
It’s interesting that they had such an offscreen presence for most of the book. Giving them more time was probably one of the stronger changes of the show
However if that decision was made at the expense of the white knight scenes I think the choice should have been clear
I like the way Rhonda and Number Two are written
Milligan always on sad boy hours 😔✊
The “mill again” passage is touching but kind of messes up the pacing of the getaway, at least for me. Maybe I should read it again to make sure I didn’t miss something
Miss Perumal is much better in the show. We see so little of her in the book she doesn’t function well as an emotional anchor for Reynie, imo
The Institute Gang
Jackson and Jillson serve their purpose well, and Martina was surprising to say the least. I like the direction they took her in the show! I can’t imagine how funny it must have been to watch the tetherball subplot come out of nowhere lolol
These sections were written out of sequence, so random tidbit I couldn’t fit in The S.Q. Section: I like how he stumbles over his words. relatable
Mr. Curtain
While I think I know why they decided to not give Curtain the wheelchair in the show, we were totally robbed of Actor Tony Hale’s performance for the reveal during the final confrontation
Speaking of the wheelchair, it’s such a powerful symbol of his need for control or rather, his fear of losing it
The Contrast between him and Mr. Benedict. This point is expanded on in A Funny Parallel
Mr. Benedict
Oh boy, Mr. Benedict… How do I say this
I find it hard to trust Mr. Benedict, unfortunately
I mean to say, I do in the sense that I know he would never hurt the kids, thanks to knowing that a) this is a children’s book series and b) the meta (tumblr) states that he is really nice and lovable and stuff, but seriously. Why do the kids trust him at first?? I probably missed something somewhere
I like to think I’m an optimistic person, but unfortunately I’m also super paranoid. The premise of “a bunch of vulnerable orphans team up with a strange old man” is just so odd to me I don’t know how to explain it
I don’t know!!! I really want to trust Mr. Benedict
One of the strengths of the show is that we get to see him more often, and thus he gets to acknowledge more often that the plan is weird and that he feels really badly for putting the kids in danger and that he’s trustworthy and genuine
But his lack of presence for most of the book just makes him into something of a specter, invisible and unknowable, speaking only in riddles from across the bay
Which is why the white knight scene is so important!! I loved that scene ;-;
Because here’s an actual emotional connection! We can actually see it happening, rather than only being told that it exists
Reynie asking for advice and receiving encouragement, in words that demonstrate that Mr. Benedict actually cares about him and worries about him and agghh
It is a federal crime that the white knight scenes were not adapted into the show
But overall this whole issue didn’t ruin my enjoyment of the book at all! It’s just ->
A Funny Parallel
Okay, ready for my biggest brain, hottest take ever??
Mr. Benedict and Mr. Curtain…. are… the same
I mean obviously not entirely, given that one is benevolent and kind and the other is… Mr. Curtain
But seriously. Genius old man seeks out children (mainly orphans) to enact a plan. Said children often end up incredibly devoted to his cause and deeply admire him this is a little flimsy
Undoubtedly that’s intentional and is supposed to show the difference between them, like some kind of cautionary tale? “Let yourself be vulnerable and let others help you, lest you turn eeeeviiillll”
I guess that’s where the aforementioned epic contrast comes in. You get Mr. Curtain, strapped into his wheelchair and hiding behind those mirrored sunglasses, terrified (but unwilling to admit it) of ever showing the tiniest hint of vulnerability, vs. Mr. Benedict, who can let himself fall knowing that someone will catch him :’)
Anyhow I have nothing against the parallels, I just think it’s funny
The S.Q. Section
The S.Q. Quarantine Thread so it doesn’t leak out everywhere else <3
I’d like to meet the emo angstlord genius who read this book and decided to make SQ into Dr. Curtain’s son. What in the world
Okay I should probably preface this by saying that I absolutely adore both book!S.Q. and show!SQ with all my heart. Somehow, despite being a completely different character in both mediums, he has managed to be one of the best characters in either and certainly one of my favorites (besides Sticky of course) in the entire franchise, despite the fact that I’ve only read the first book/watched the show so far. I am confident in this statement.
But seriously! How?? Why?? I could probably write a whole other essay about why show!SQ is such an interesting character, and the change works so incredibly well. I’m just. Baffled
Okay, focus. book!S.Q. is such a sweetheart, oh my goodness. Like, 100% one of the most endearing characters in the book. Poor guy. I don’t even know where to start!!
He just seems to be a genuinely good guy at heart, despite being technically one of the bad guys. He’s genuinely happy for Reynie and Sticky when they became Messengers and helped Kate when she “fell” and was concerned about Constance when she looked sick and how he was in that meeting with Mr. Curtain and Martina?!!? aaahhhhghgh ;-; he just wants people to be happy TT-TT
Comparing him against literally every character at the Institute is probably what makes him so endearing tbh. When everyone else is so awful to the kids, it really makes him stand out. Like a cheerful little nightlight in the worst, most humid and rank bathroom you’ve ever been in
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It’s kind of pointless to theorize about a book series that’s already concluded (I think?) but. Is the implication of S.Q.’s forgetfulness supposed to be that Mr. Curtain used him in brainsweeping experiments somehow? The timeline probably definitely absolutely doesn’t line up but like. How did he get to being a Messenger being the way he is now, given how cutthroat the process is? And then of course Mr. Curtain keeps him around as an Executive because he’s fun to mess with and presumably his loyalty. I’m very curious as to how their relationship develops in the other books, if at all. Those are probably where the seeds of the “let’s make them family” logic were planted
But wouldn’t it be hilarious if the reason we don’t know what “S.Q.” stands for in the books is that he just. Forgot
Another thing that occurred to me. Given that he and the other Executives were Messengers at some point, what were their worst fears? What is S.Q.’s worst fear?? Inquiring minds need to know
One last horrible little anecdote: I was thinking about book!S.Q. while eating breakfast, as one does, and suddenly it hit me.
I want to believe The Author Trenton Lee Stewart had the name for a character, S.Q. Pedalian, and was like, “Hm! What sort of quirky trait should this young fellow have?” Because, of course, in this style of fiction every character has to have at least one cartoonish or otherwise distinguishing trait to stand out in the minds of children. (For instance, Kate has her bucket, Sticky has his glasses, Constance is angry, and Reynie is Emmett from the Lego Movie)
Anyhow, he looks around the room, searching for inspiration. Suddenly he comes across a jumbo box of plastic wrap. Completely innocuous in design, save for one line of text. 300 SQ FT.
“…large… S.Q. …feet? THAT’S IT!” i’m sorry
Lines & Scenes I Liked
In no particular order!
Sticky quotes Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Evil combination aerobics/square dancing in the gym with the Executives
Everyone being happy at the end :’)
Everyone partying after Sticky reunites with his parents, and later finding Mr. Benedict asleep at his desk from the moment they shook hands :’’)
Literally any scene with Sticky in it
Any time Kate says “you boys” or “gosh”
[“Um, sir?” S.Q. said timidly, raising his hand. “A thought just occurred to me.” / Mr. Curtain raised his eyebrows. “That’s remarkable, S.Q. What is it?”] clown prince of my heart </3
S.Q.’s determined monologue about searching for clues after he bungled up the first time
Literally any scene with S.Q. in it (please refer to The S.Q. Section)
Reynie trying to resist the Whisperer.
[Let us begin. / First let me polish my spectacles, Reynie thought. / Let us begin. / Not without my bucket, Reynie insisted. He heard Mr. Curtain muttering behind him. / Let us begin, let us begin, let us begin. / Rules and schools are tools for fools, Reynie thought.]
Milligan showing up on the island!!
Remember the white knight hhhhhh
A Super Secret Bonus Section
I would be extremely surprised if anyone read through all the way down here lol. Regardless, here’s a little acknowledgements section :D not tagging anyone since I don’t want to bother all of these people
Special shoutout to tumblr blog stonetowns for unknowingly yet singlehandedly demolishing my reluctance to read the books by posting a ton of cute quotes. Thank you for your service o7
Thanks to the two OGs that liked the post I made right before this one, for being my unwitting enablers and for sticking around despite being a) technically an internet stranger (hello!) and b) someone I haven’t spoken to irl in literal years (hey!!)
Last but not least thankz 2 my sister for putting up with me ranting about the book when I first got it and for asking about “CQ” sometimes lol. (i desperately hope you’re not reading this orz)
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