#there’s a part of me that thinks this mainly speaks to Izuku’s own anxiety and the comfort he finds in routine
seagreenstardust · 1 month
Izuku “so polite I can’t even imagine calling friends by their first names even if they ask me to but I will stubbornly use Kacchan for my enemy turned rival turned friend turned ??!? until my very last dying breath” Midoriya
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iidascalves · 4 years
First patrol (Hawks x reader)
So I got a little carried away writing the beginning of this one, but I just REALLY love Mirko. I wasn’t sure what to use as the reader’s quirk so I just did the ability to create telekinetic force fields with energy in different shapes and shit. Also, (h/n) will mean your hero name. Once I finished I writing this I decided it was a little long so I split it into two parts. I guess this first part can be considered a various x reader lol. I’ll post part 2 soon! I’m having a lot of fun with these so please don’t be shy to send requests or asks! Thanks :)
“THAT’S NOT FUCKING FAIR” Bakugou screeched in the common room.
“I literally don’t know what you want me to say.” You stared blankly at Bakugou as he was practically foaming at the month. His hands began to emit smoke.
“Kacchan, calm down! (Y/n), I’m happy you got such a great opportunity!” Izuku tries to congratulate you while holding a death grip on Bakugou’s arm. “You and Mirko will make a great duo!”. You smiled at his reassurance and braced yourself for his detailed mutterings about the specifics of both your and your future mentor’s quirks.
“Thank you. I’m excited but nervous.” You shifted in your seat while your hands were in tight fists. “I’m excited to prove myself.”
“I’ve met Mirko before. She’ll enjoy working with you, I’m sure of it.” Todoroki spoke for the first time all evening from the dinner table as he slurped cold soba. You honestly had forgotten he was there.
“Oh yeah! Your father and Mirko team up sometimes, right?” Izuku mentioned as he turned on the couch to face Todoroki.
“Yes.” Todoroki took a slurp of soba before continuing. “If you run into him, be wary. He’s more concerned about his reputation than a rookie looking for guidance or protection. That’s why Hawks does his own thing most of the time. My dad can’t be bothered with anyone else.”
“I’m sure (y/n) will be in good hands with Mirko.” Izuku tried to ease the tension in the room. As Todoroki is a man of few words, it’s rare for him to share things like this. You decided you should head to bed to prepare for your long day tomorrow.
“Alright guys. Thanks for chatting with me. I’m off to bed.” After replies of good nights and wishes of luck, you tried sleep off the anxiety until tomorrow.
“Ready to rumble, (y/n)?!” Mirko enthusiastically greeted you when you entered her office.
“Yes Ma’am! Thank you for letting me join you today!” You bowed to Mirko and straightened up as you heard her walking toward you.
“No need to be so formal!” Mirko gave you a big slap on the back as she passed you. With your back aching and stinging, you closely followed her to the elevator. “I don’t take just anyone out to patrol with me, (Y/n). You got something special, kid.” She gave you a large smile as the elevator door closed. You were thrilled to finally start your internship, with your idol none the less.
“Thank you, Rumi. It means a lot coming from you.” You tried to calm the reddening of your face as you two descend to the lobby of her agency.
“Don’t sweat it! And remember that on the street I’m Mirko. Right, (h/n)?” Mirko smiled at you as the elevator rang.
After a few hours of patrol you and Mirko still hadn’t had any calls or serious confrontations. Although popperazzi and other media outlets seemed to follow you both everywhere, they were only taking pictures from a distance as not to interfere. “Sorry that this is such a quiet day. I wanted to see you in action!” Mirko began chatting with you and you two walked.
“No, it’s alright. Something is bound to come up anyway, right?” You smiled and continued to survey your surroundings. A teenage boy ran up.
“You’re Mirko, right?” His face was a deep red.
“The one and only! Want a picture or something?” Mirko smiled at the boy. His head whipped around before his eyes frantically landed on you.
“Hi. Can you take our picture, please?” You held up the fan’s phone to take a picture with Mirko.
“1,2,3, smile!” You continued taking a few pictures until Mirko put her hand up to her ear intercom. You handed the phone back to the guy and awaited news. Mirko nodded at you after coming off the intercom.
“Let’s go. No time to waste.” Mirko turned serious as she dashed off to the lower part of town. You used your quirk to manifest a board to ride on in order to keep up.
As unfamiliar buildings flew past, you couldn’t recall seeing the surrounding landmarks on the sheet of information Mirko gave you about your sector.
“Mirko, are we close?” You grew anxious and unsure as you approached the scene.
“Yeah,” Mirko grinned as she gained momentum by swinging off a lamppost. “Stay sharp. This is uncharted territory for you.” You nodded and picked up speed, feeling the wind press against you.
Finally, you saw the scene you were summoned to. A monstrous villain was holding a car with a family trapped inside above his head. You didn’t recognize the villain, he was most likely an angry civilian that snapped. The villain was towering about thirty feet above you. He was angrily screaming, the veins on his neck and arms were bulging and strained. It was obvious this guy never used his quirk like this before.
“You think he used an enhancer?” You kept your eyes glued to the car the villain gripped.
“Probably.” Mirko’s smirk wavered and her brows furrowed. “Bunch of bastards have been juicing up and wrecking shit recently.” The villain began to shake the car and screech in anger.
“I’ll get the car, you get the guy?” You asked Mirko as your eyes focused in on the car and you activated your quirk.
“Read my mind. Just give me a boost.” Mirko smirked and slid a foot back in preparation to jump. “Let’s go.” Mirko lept sideways causing the villain to whip his head in her direction. You raised your left hand and manifested a platform under the car. Your right arm shot out as you made a small platform about seven feet in the air for Mirko to vault off of. Your eyes remained on the car as you heard Mirko’s feet pound on the platform and you saw a swift white streak knock the villain from under the vehicle. While Mirko repeatedly kicked the villain into submission, you lowered the car with the clamoring family to the ground. You ran to the car and escorted each member to the side where a small crown was gathered. You turned to see Mirko with the villain in a suffocating leg triangle. The villain’s screeching quieted and his body began to lose muscle and shrink.
“Mirko, should we take him in for questioning?” You pulled handcuffs out of your pocket and placed them into Mirko’s outstretched hand.
A gust of wind passed behind you making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. You also felt an intense warmth behind you. “We can take him off your hands. You’re in our jurisdiction after all.” You spun around to see Endeavor and Hawks. Your hands clenched and your chest tightened at the sight of the two top heroes.
“Number 1 and 2, always a pleasure.” Mirko hauled the villain to his feet. “So what if we’re in your jurisdiction? You guys didn’t get here fast enough. That’s why we were called.” Mirko smirked.
“Mirko,” Endeavor began to speak. ” we were being briefed on an important future mission. Our delay was expected so they called you and uhh.. Shouto’s classmate.”
“’Shouto’s classmate’ is not the name of my intern, Endeavor.” Mirko put a hand on her hip and raised a brow at the number one hero. Her ears perked up at the arrival of an idea. “How about this: we walk this jerk to the precinct and do introductions over some lunch?”.
“As long as the place has chicken.” Hawks smiled at Mirko. You wanted to admire his handsome features, but decided against it out of fear of embarrassment if he caught you. “Endeavor treats since he was the reason we’re late!”. Endeavor crossed his arms and sighed. He then began walking in the direction of the precinct. Mirko and Hawks shared a laugh and Mirko began hauling the villain behind Endeavor. You paused before following. Your eyes were still trained on Endeavor. You wondered if he would have cooperated at all if you fought with him instead of Mirko. Hell, he didn’t even bother to learn your name after being friends with Shouto for the past year.
“So what’s your deal, kid?”. Hawks was suddenly walking by your side. You tensed at his sudden presence and looked ahead towards Mirko.
“My deal?” You glanced at him to see if his eyes were still on you, eyes briefly meeting before your head turned.
“Yeah. Does Endeavor spook you or something?”
“No.” You could feel your face getting warm. “He’s just intimidating, I guess. And hearing what Shouto has to say about him doesn’t really help.��� You didn’t like being questioned like this.
“I get that. He’s a shitty dad.” Hawks stretched as you two walked. “He’s also a pretty difficult guy to get to know. He’s starting to change for the better though. But his social skills are still shit.” Hawks looked over at you to make sure his remark made you smile. He knew if he kept talking you’d loosen up and get more comfortable. “How’s your first patrol going?”
You glanced at him and smiled. “I can’t complain about lunch with the top two heroes.” Hawks laughed.
“Yeah, I guess. I’d say you’re doing pretty well for your first time. Mirko doesn’t team up with just anyone, you know.” Your face got even warmer as you became flustered once again.
“I’m mainly only good for defense and rescue.” You looked away from Hawks and started to fidget with your hands.
“Don’t be modest, kid. I saw you rescue that family back there.” Your face was own fire upon hearing his praise. “Also saw you kick ass at the sports festival. If it were up to me, I’d have you do more offense training.”
“T-thanks.” You said shyly as you scanned around you for something to look at to distract you from your own embarrassment. Things remained pretty quiet as you continued to walk to the precinct.
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wolf-nir · 4 years
I am writing this in full quarantine since there is not much to do besides overanalyzing each little thing too much. Thank you anxiety.
I will analyze everything from the beginning, but I will focus mainly on Hawks, Twice and Dabi.
So, first of all, a minute of silence for all the shit Re-Destro had to go through in the last few months since he decided it was a good idea to fight the LOV. The guy really went through a lot and in the end, he's seeing his father's legacy and himself being destroyed, in addition to having lost the few people, he considered important.
(I declare that the defendant is in serious need of a vacation.)
Second. MY BABY, KAMINARI I KNEW I LOVED YOU FOR A REASON. I really want to do a character analysis on him, but I'm controlling myself because half of what I write will be me hyping my little Pikachu. I AM A PROUD MOM AND DON’T DENY IT.
(Now, please, that all his theories of being a traitor are gone because I'm tired of having my heart broken.)
Also, please appreciate the magnificence of Midnight because I love this woman too much to be health.
Now, to the real shit hole.
We barely started and we are already shown that Hawks are not there for jokes. So far we've only seen him lose all his feathers once and it was during his rescue actions during the High-End.
Basically, this chicken knows what Twice is capable of and is ready to go with everything.
The scariest thing is not knowing that the Hawks already know that they will need to fight Jin, but the almost relaxed way he seems to use to explain how he managed to accomplish his mission.
(Now, a useless little lecture on scenario structures and scenes for free to you.)
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See this? From the moment that Hawks starts his dialogue, he is completely in the shadows or hiding his facial expressions.
In some situations, this shadow cast on a character's face means that
a) he may be emotionally out of control (think in Gon from hxh)
b) ready to commit some violent/criminal action or 
c) that he is revealing something forbidden to someone who shouldn't know about this.
At first, I thought it would be the second case. Hawks is clearly prepared to attack Twice at any wrong move on the part of the villain, the predatory eyes, with unusual pupils and enlarged in a way that makes you feel fear are clear signs of this.
The thing is. Hawks' speech and even his stance (not counting the feathers) tell a totally different story.
Keigo slowly approaches Jin, the two feathers he uses as a sword in a relaxed, downward grip, as if clearly saying that Hawks has no intention of attacking. Of course, maybe it's because Hawks is confident enough in his ability to control his already sharp feathers and surrounding Twice and even with all this clear threat, Hawks still asks Jin not to resist.
Many may think that maybe it’s because Hawks is wary of Twice’s ability, but Hawks- no, Keigo, created a kind of connection with Jin in earlier chapters, one that seemed to go beyond a simple infiltration attempt and perhaps “use the weakest link” kind of thing. So Keigo asking Twice to surrender almost willingly is more of a sincere request than a veiled threat.
So we can say that this situation is heading towards the third option, in which Hawks genuinely says what he thinks (finally dude).
Please, a minute of silence for my baby's suffering. Twice finally realizing that Hawks is a traitor is the most painful thing I have seen since the last All Might fight. Worst of all is seeing him blaming himself and remembering the last time he trusted someone outside the family he found at LOV.
Returning. It's super interesting to see the use of contrast of light and shadow here.
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The entire appearance of Hawks is in the shadows, he looks more like a villain than Twice himself. It's like this scene is showing us through images of the Hawks' double agent role, showing him completely in the dark, with only his eyes distinct enough, showing that he's always been there to spy. Unlike Twice, which is completely in the light, and even covered by the mask, its expressions are completely exposed.
This is all very cool and ironic, since Hawks is, technically, the good guy, but he finds himself in a position that only villains find themselves when they are drawn in the moments when he intends to attack one of the good guys or protagonist. But Twice is completely engulfed by the light, portraying him in the ordinary role of the hero and, at the same time, transforming him into someone vulnerable, leaving no loopholes for him to hide his feelings of anguish.
(Ouch, these flashbacks from Jin are killing me.)
“How sad is it if nobody trusts you?”
That, right there, is the golden question. Or we can call it the key to the pandora box.
It's just a sentence, but it makes us reflect on how, because of all that the Hawks have gone through to become who he is now, Keigo has never really shown himself to be a character with great connections or someone trustworthy.
And it is noticeable when we see him interact with other Pro-Heros or the Commission. Dude, in the first meeting with the Commission, he shows exactly this scepticism when he reveals that he knows information that the organization itself was trying to keep completely confidential.
He doesn't let anything be a secret and he has said that he always prefers the truth, even if for that truth to be revealed he has to “get his hands dirty”.
Hawks doesn't trust anyone, maybe, but himself. Sure, he trusts that heroes will do their job and that they are reliable in that, but he is still the type to investigate everything he can in any situation, even when he shouldn't know anything.
(Clear paranoia and trust issues, but with such a shitty childhood, who would never?)
As a morally grey character, this desire to always know everything and to have control over things around him is quite predictable, but it also shows that Hawks doesn’t necessarily create a connection with people without seeing some kind of benefit behind it.
Hawks works with Endeavor and tells him his own truth (and perhaps ideology) because he knows that, even if Enji doesn't understand his point of view or doesn't like how he does his job, Endeavor is still Hero # 1 and he needs that strength. Honestly, for me, none of the Hawks' interactions with Enji suggests that the Hawks really are some kind of Endeavor fan anymore like when he was a kid, he just sees the merits of maintaining a friendly relationship with Endeavor since he is Hero # 1 and for to believe that Enji can bring a new image to heroism that differs from all the fanaticism around the image of All Might being the "Symbol of Peace".
NOW. Enough of my improvised character analysis on Hawks and let's skip to what matters because I'm already like Izuku, murmuring incomprehensibly at this point.
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It starts very slowly as if Horikoshi is creating a climax to reveal exactly what Hawks really thinks, or rather what Takami Keigo really thinks and believes. So far we've only seen Hawks, the Hero, but never Keigo, the only time we had a concrete glimpse of the person behind the hero was in the dialogue between him and Twice.
At that moment Keigo really let himself be vulnerable because he found himself mirrored (perhaps in the worst ways) in Jin. Two men with life experiences and opposing paths, but who are still connected by how mentally fucked up they came out of everything they went through.
(What a beautiful friendship *sobs*)
AND NOT ONLY THAT! It's not just Hawks being as true as possible at that moment that makes the shadows disappear, but also the fact that he, a hero, believes in the recovery of a villain, to believe and declare that Twice is a good person, that he deserves a second chance.
And you know what? At first, I thought it was just that. Hawks recognizing that a villain deserved a second chance. But honestly? It’s much more.
Remember this?
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We have already stated that Hawks is not the type of person who likes to lie (he can and has done it before, but he prefers to speak the truth in most cases), so when he tells Twice how he feels caged because of the current system, I don't think he's lying. Especially because his entire life Hawks has always been in a beautiful golden cage.
So when he tells Twice that he is a good person, that he can get a second chance, Hawks is implicitly saying that Jin can get rid of his own cage, that is, the role of villain that he ended up playing in search of acceptance.
Hawks believes that, unlike him, Twice still has a chance to have the freedom of choice that the two never really had.
Note that I use the word “believe”, simply because Twice's reaction and what he says clearly shows that Hawks is being naive in his own way.
And Keigo knows that. 
He knows that his words are empty promises. The Hero Commission would never lend itself to the role of creating a rehabilitation program for a Class S villain, especially one who is part of the antagonist group that almost managed to destroy the reputation of the Heroes and the UA, which has a great reputation for the Hero Course. Besides that Hawks himself made it clear that Twice, because of his quirk, was one of the most dangerous villains among the League.
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Notice how Hawks tries to stop Twice from talking. And I understand don't wanting to be called out in his own bullshit. Hawks acknowledge that Twice is a good person goes against everything that he was trained to believe from a young age, and then, having to see Jin also breaking his expectations when telling the reality of the situation certainly messes with him.
Hawks' expression is quite revealing at the moment, he seems sad to face reality, even reaching the point of acting in denial. He seems ready to attack, but in the sense that he wants Twice to stop telling the truth of the situation.
(Now look at that, my baby is crying and is your fault Hawks.)
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Keigo doesn't want to fight Twice, but that doesn't change the fact that he has to. Keigo betrayed the League, the family that Jin finally found, and worst of all, used Twice to achieve this.
If Hawks really thought that Jin wouldn't fight him after doing so then he certainly doesn't remember what happened to Chisaki. The League takes care of each other. Especially Twice who is the most open to declaring how important other members are to him.
Now a minute of silence to admire the work of art that is this picture. Twice using Sad Man’s Parade always makes me excited and sad at the same time.
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(You go, boy! This is what I call loyalty. You can say what you want about the League, but you can never say that they don't care about each other.)
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Okay, a lot is going on one a single page, omg.
Hawks' resigned expression made me want to curl up in a corner and cry. But then we have Dabi's magnificent manic smile at his side and it is difficult to feel sad.
I saw a lot of people debating whether the sentence on this page was said by Hawks or Dabi, but after searching almost all the sites to read the chapter, it's very clear that the sentence is from Dabi.
Besides, it would be kind of out of character for Hawks to think that heroes are trash when he knows and agrees that heroes are needed in today's society, even if the ideal future he wants is the opposite.
So yes, that phrase is from Dabi, and you know? It’s the only good thing in the entire chapter. Hawks and Dabi indirectly agreeing that Twice is a good person is my jam.
Looking further and throwing some theories here, this statement by Dabi can go far beyond Dabi by not blaming Twice for the heroes' attack. It could have something to do with his own secret past *insert Touya's theory here* and it could mean that in the next chapters we will either have a bloody fight or we will have more clues to Dabi's past and a bloody fight.
Anyway, my friends, Dabi will burn a chicken in the next chapter.
(Ok, so this is the end and Jesus fucking Christ, I don't even know if it makes sense, but yeah.)
(if anyone wants to know about my analysis on Hawks and Dabi character, let me know that it might motivate me to finally finishing write this shit that’s been sitting on my google docs for a long time to be healthy)
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atlaskat · 5 years
Bakugou Katsuki -- psychological analysis (meta)
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I’m not a psychologist, just a social science student studying for an exam, so take this with a grain of salt.
I’m also not totally up to date with the manga (I’ve read up until volume 17). Please feel free to add your own thoughts in the replies if you want to, or call me out if I make a mistake. 
I won’t be speaking too much on biological factors, but I think it might be good to just go through some thoughts I have on the matter. In psychological theory, there’s something called “temperament”, which is essentially a child’s most basic form of relating to the world. A well-known experiment on temperament is the famous Marshmallow experiment, where small children were presented with a marshmallow. If they could wait a certain amount of time without eating it, they would receive one more. Follow-up studies on these children showed that those which showed restraint and could wait for the marshmallow had generally gotten further in life -- these children often developed the capability of making and sticking to long-term plans, and were able to work much more methodically than their peers. 
I think Katsuki would be one of the children that waited for another marshmallow. At first glance, he seems very impulsive, rushing into battle and relying on his brute force -- but I’m actually very sure that this characteristic is part of his later development, and not part of his temperament. The reason I believe this is because he shows a very clear understanding of a much bigger and long-term picture. He is very committed to becoming a hero, and this commitment entails behavior which isn’t completely typical for people his age (such as studying hard, never slacking off despite his delinquent-like persona -- even in middle school --, sleeping early, training very hard to maintain his physical condition even as a young teen, etc). This shows his self-restraint, and his ability to plan ahead.
(I’m aware that the amount of pressure to do well in education is very different in many Asian countries, but compare Katsuki to for example Kaminari -- who also wants to be a hero, but is at the bottom of his class and doesn’t seem very good at planning or studying hard. What I think is most important here is to highlight Katsuki’s commitment).
I would also argue that heritability play a role in Katsuki’s personality and cognition. Intelligence and capability to learn have some hereditary factors, which I think apply to Katsuki. It’s difficult to say what came first in this regard though -- a child might be born with a slight affinity for learning (being able to memorize things quickly could be such a trait), but this doesn’t mean they become “smarter” because of it. In this specific case, the humanistic approach of “without the right support and challenge, no child will reach their full potential” is applicable. 
Still, I think Katsuki was born with at least some higher capability to grasp new concepts, which I think plays a part in his, at least partial, understanding of what it takes to not just get on top but actually stay there. Quickly memorizing new information could also play a part in the way others view him -- thinking he’s skilled, amazing, even as a small child -- which in turn fuel both his willingness to learn and his ego. I think his kindergarten years are hugely important, more on it later.
The last thing I would like to say Katsuki was born with is extroversion. This personality trait can be studied in the brain -- the “reward systems” of the brain (mainly dopamine production and the middle brain as well as around nucleus accumbens) react stronger to positive emotions. I say “born with” because of its clear hereditary implications (and as I think this trait comes from his mother Mitsuki. However, it’s possible to theorize that instead of being born with extroversion, Katsuki was born more or less without neuroticism, which occurs when the activity of the amygdala is higher than normal. This leads people to be more anxious, cautious, and avoid situations which might cause unpleasant emotions). Katsuki was very young (2-4 years old) when he first began enjoying being the center of attention, which I think shows he was born with extroversion.
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Katsuki’s attachment style  Since we haven’t seen that many interactions between Katsuki hand his family, especially not as a child, this part will contain a lot of my own theories and headcanons, sorry about that. 
Attachment styles are easily perceived phenomenons studied in depth by Mary Ainsworth and John Bowlby. Ainsworth noted that a child’s style of attachment manifests itself in two primary forms:
Stranger anxiety and separation anxiety. After 6 months of age a child will show an autonomous need to be close to, or seek comfort in, their “object of attachment”, usually a parent (often the mother). This need becomes apparent when the child is introduced to a stranger, or left alone, through signs of stress/anxiety. 
Ainsworth devised a test to study these anxieties -- the “Strange Situation”. The test looks like this:
The child arrives in a new room together with the mother
A stranger appears
The child is left alone with the stranger
The stranger leaves
The mother returns
All in all this only took three minutes. The most interesting part was the child’s reaction once the mother came back -- its attachment style was most clear then. 
Children usually have one main attachment style, which have two categories with a few subcategories. Secure attachment The child clearly prefers the mother to the stranger. It might cry or be anxious while the mother is gone, but stops as soon as she returns. These children go on to use their object of attachment as a secure base while they explore the world, meaning they return to seek comfort if they experience something negative, but quickly recover.
Later in life, these people can regulate emotions with more ease. They also cope better with adversity, and are able to connect better with people their age (forming deeper relationships). I believe Izuku was a securely attached child. Insecure attachment This form is more complicated. It has three main categories:
1. Resistant attachment The child has attached itself to in this case the mother, but the attachment is less stable. The child is anxious to let the mother out of sight -- doesn’t trust she will come back. The child may continue crying even after the mother returns and cradles it. 2. Avoidant attachment The child, generally doesn’t cry and doesn’t show its physical/emotional needs. Often it will act a bit aloof -- avoiding or completely ignoring the mother. It will act similarly towards the mother as with the stranger. These children have learned that their natural behaviors to attract attention from their objects of attachment will lead to rejection, so they suppress the needs for affection/comfort. More often than not they still experience the same levels of anxiety as other children, but don’t seek their parents to soothe them.
Disorganized attachment The child shows a lot of contradictory behavior, such as crying to be picked up, but immediately wanting to be let down again, often as a result of being scared of their object of attachment. People who were insecurely attached as children generally have more emotional problems, and are at higher risk for mental illness. I believe Katsuki had an avoidant attachment style. The attachment style of a child is largely based on the behavior of the object(s) of attachment, the parents. Insecure attachment is usually the result of parents not understanding/being unable to provide the comfort their infants seek. My theory is that Mitsuki is, like her son, a very determined and career-driven person. Like I’ve said before, I think she’s extroverted, but I also believe that she doesn’t easily connect deeply on an emotional level with people. This could be a result of how she herself was treated as a child -- as we tend to mimic our own parents -- or simply just her personality. Her own emotional needs might not take up a big part of her life, or she doesn’t really need others to comfort her, which in turn means she might assume others are the same. Ainsworth had a few criteria for a “good parent”:
1. Responsive 2. Permissive 3. Cooperative 4. Psychologically available
I think Mitsuki was, or is, lacking in most/all of these. Clearly, from what we’ve seen, she’s stubborn and knuckle-headed -- while she might have been responsive to baby Katsuki, she might not have known how to handle things beside his clear physical needs, like keeping him fed and clean. If she was also working during this period, as I would definitely assume (considering her job as a fashion designer and how well-off the family is; they live in a huge house), her availability might have suffered. Think like this:
- Mitsuki is tired, but has to finish work - Katsuki begins crying - Mitsuki changes his diaper and feeds him, but puts him down again to work - Katsuki starts crying after only a little while, but nothing ‘looks’ wrong (he’s fed, clean, warm, etc) so Mitsuki goes back to work - Katsuki continues crying, which frustrates Mitsuki because ‘nothing is wrong’; she might snap -- such as yelling, ignoring Katsuki further, or leaving the room entirely. As Katsuki begins to speak (let’s say at around 1,5 years), he might try to achieve emotional closeness by showing her his toys, trying to talk to her/play with her. If he is already ‘extroverted’ by this point he will be a lot more vocal than a timid child his age. If he hurts himself, or becomes scared, he probably tries to get Mitsuki’s attention at first, and I think this is where her biggest mistake might’ve lied. Based on how she treats Katsuki being kidnapped by the League of Villains I believe she disregards a lot of comfort-seeking behaviors as weakness. 
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“When you get down to it, you got taken and inconvenienced everybody cuz you’re so weak!!” I think this shows clearly how Mitsuki herself feels. Of course she worried for her son’s safety, but worrying about someone in itself is an inconvenience to her. She equates her own worrying with other people’s weakness -- if only people weren’t so weak, she wouldn’t have to be inconvenienced by worry. Mitsuki, like any parent, never wanted anything bad to happen to Katsuki. She was probably very aware that the world could be a dangerous place, so she tried to eradicate any ‘weakness’ within her own child so as he couldn’t be hurt by the world. I’m not sure where to place Masaru, Katsuki’s father, in all of this. A child can have several objects of attachment, but Bowlby expressed that usually there is a sort of hierarchy in the attachments themselves. For example, the child might favor one parent for playing, but prefer the other if they become scared. I think Mitsuki simply was the more important object of attachment in this case (this can be a result of having more skin-to-skin contact in the first months, or Masaru could for example have been working a lot of the time). Izuku on the other hand became securely attached to his mother Inko, as I think Inko is very emotional and open as a person. While the scene where Izuku cries about not having a quirk comes when he is about 4 years old, I still think this shows clearly that he seeks comfort in his mother. So, a little TL;DR before the next point: Katsuki was an ‘extroverted’ baby, who experienced a lot of emotional rejection from his mother very early on, which made him suppress his needs -- perhaps unconsciously starting to share his mother’s view on emotionality itself (and his own need for help at times)  as weakness. Erikson’s life stages and Piaget’s cognitive development Another model I’ll be using is Erikson’s life stages as well as a theory by Piaget.  We’ve passed the first life stage -- infant (0 - 1,5 years). This is where Erikson means that the child will develop a basic way of relating to the world: positive (the world is a place where my needs are met) or negative (the world is a place where I feel alone). Right before starting kindergarten I think Katsuki had developed the negative view, even though he was an ‘extroverted’ baby, as a result of his attachment style.       - Izuku, on the other hand, developed the positive one. This meant he had a fundamental sense of hope for the world, which is very important later in life. The second stage -- toddler (1,5 - 3 years). Starting kindergarten is an extremely important step in Katsuki’s development. I think he would’ve been completely different without it -- I really can’t stress this enough. Avoidant-attached children will have to fulfill their needs somehow -- usually through validation from sources beside the object of attachment. ‘Avoidants’ can become narcissistic and overly confident, all as a means to protect themselves. This is exactly what happened with Katsuki, let me explain: As I’ve already explained, I think he was born with both extroverted qualities and an affinity for learning new things. His innate temperament was also perseverance. His avoidant attachment meant that it was seemingly very easy for him to be separated from his mother to go to kindergarten, although at the start, his negative view of the world might’ve made him cold/closed off. The kindergarten personnel catered to him, though. Through a lot of positive reinforcement (to which he is especially sensitive as of his extroversion), attention, and frequent intelligence-related challenges (such as new and complicated games, learning to read, etc) Katsuki developed a more positive outlook. According to Erikson, if one stage of life doesn’t “succeed”, it can be recuperated later, which I believe is what happened here. Where I think the kindergarten fell short however is with too much praise, or very easily letting Katsuki off the hook. I believe they saw very much potential in Katsuki from a young age -- perhaps because of this they were too eager to inforce how amazing they thought he was. Often times, we think that anger should be “released” and not repressed. We should get it out of our system, so to speak. However -- counter-intuitively -- we shouldn’t actually do this. Borrowing from the cognitive approach to psychology, the more often we think a certain thought or behave in a certain way, the stronger that mental connection becomes. I think Katsuki, because of his avoidant attachment, might’ve acted really aggressively as a child too. Instead of giving him strategies to cope with his anger the kindergarten teachers probably encouraged him to “release” it, which just made this cognitive scheme easier to access. Thus more likely to be activated again. Children who feel that their opinions and ideas are interesting and valuable will become more sociable, and take more charge, while children with overprotective carers will start doubting their own abilities. Where Mitsuki wasn’t able to do right, the kindergarten picked up the slack and followed Katsuki’s whims to encourage him. He probably developed really quickly, which probably stunned the teachers and carers. The adults’ attention fueled his confidence and ego, and this drew other children to him, which meant more attention.
According to Bandura and Skinner, both real consequences, imagined ones, and reinforcement dictate personality as well as social interactions. Sometimes though, something called “observational learning” occurs, in which no reinforcement is needed. A child often learns behavior by imitating something someone else does, and I’m not excluding this as a possibility to explain Katsuki’s bias/bigotry against quirkless people. Of course, cognitive bias also plays a major part here. As humans, we are wired to look for details which inforce our worldview. 
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Bandura’s model of reciprocal determinism. The individual and the environment affect each other mutually. This is part both of how Katsuki grows egotistical, and also his disdain for Izuku. Another important factor of personality is expectation. If an individual expects to be able to change the environment, they are more likely to attempt to do this. Without kindergarten intervention I believe Katsuki would have become a pessimistic, unmotivated person. Third stage (3 - 5 years) By this point Katsuki had already replaced his emotional needs and attachment to his mother with attention and admiration from his kindergarten peers/teachers (feeling superior to others). During this stage the child is supposed to develop a sort of pride of their own abilities. Katsuki was already an independent child (also because of being an ‘avoidant’), but this is where it might’ve went a little overboard. The development of his quirk was, as we all know, a turning point in both Katsuki’s view of himself/the world and his relationship to Izuku. This is mainly because of the quirk development. I’ve already stated that the kindergarten let too much slide -- the bullying of Izuku started even before the quirk development -- but now that becomes more important, as Katsuki was now capable of doing a lot more damage. Developing the quirk solidified Katsuki’s inflated ego -- now he was sure that he was the most awesome kid alive. It also solidified Izuku’s worthlessness to him (of course, if Izuku wasn’t useless, surely he should’ve developed a good quirk too?), which is how “Deku” came to be. At the same time, Izuku “needed help with everything”, but he was also really helpful towards others. He was sensitive, emotional, but still brave -- someone like that was worrying to Katsuki even back then. Katsuki -- an ‘avoidant’ -- repressed his needs, while Izuku indulged in them, openly showing this ‘weakness’. This is where Piaget’s theory comes in.  According to the theory, people develop “schemata” and “concepts” which are cognitive structures. 
1. A schema is a mental representation which covers a range of behaviors, e.g.: a child learns to pick up a bottle. It learns that it can pick up other things too, so the action of picking something up becomes a schema. 2. A concept is a mental structure which relates to the environment. A concept of an object entails for example what that object does, what it’s used for, and its relation to other objects. Children develop concepts and schemata very early on, and after that there are two processes which occur heavily in the first few years, and then continue throughout life: 1. Assimilation -- new information is modified to fit existing schemata/concepts. For example, a child making engine sounds while playing with a block of wood has assimilated the block into their concept of a car.
2. Accommodation -- the new information can’t fit into existing schemata/concepts, so new ones have to be made. This is part of changing worldviews -- let’s say a little boy only has two categories for animals: birds and fish. But then he sees a dog. If he says “that’s a fish”, he has assimilated the new information, but if he makes up a whole new category of animals, then he has accommodated the new information. There are periods of life in which a child will assimilate more than it accommodates (and vice versa). Piaget called these periods “cognitive equilibrium”. The counterpart is “disequilibrium”. This might be part of something which happens during the first few years of life -- there is an explosion of neurons, brain cells, during this time. When the accommodation has occurred, the child will go back to assimilating. Katsuki developed a lot during kindergarten, and therefore created lots of new concepts and schemata. For example, “I am awesome and everyone else is not”, is a cognitive scheme which enables one to enact their superiority over others. “Deku is useless and I can hit him” is another such concept. However, ‘Deku’s uselessness’ is something Katsuki came up with as a defense mechanism -- as stated before, Izuku indulged in (normal) behavior which Katsuki saw as weakness. But, as any child, he still experienced anxieties and wanted affection. This went against his conviction that sensitivity was weakness, so Katsuki projected all these needs onto Izuku. Punishing Izuku then became a way of punishing himself for the things he wanted. This worked for a while, but then Katsuki became aware of the fact that Izuku was brave enough to go against him, and not only that, but look down on him enough to assume he could need help. He, the most awesome person ever.
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This could mean two things. 
Sensitivity is not weakness, and it’s not wrong to want it
Katsuki is still so weak that even people like Izuku are a threat
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Accommodation is a more difficult process than assimilation, so Katsuki avoided changing his view of sensitivity, which was so deeply ingrained, by adopting the second possibility. But this was scary, and incredibly disturbing to Katsuki, which meant the hostility towards Izuku especially grew. So this is when the bullying picked up a bit. Stage four -- 6 - 12 years During this stage most children begin going to school, the stakes and expectations are higher, etc. I believe Katsuki thrived in a school environment too, with steadily increasing levels of challenge.  This is also when both Katsuki’s and Izuku’s admiration for All Might increased, for different reasons. In Katsuki’s eyes, All Might was so strong he always won no matter what, which enabled him to get in more fights. Winning these fights fueled his ego, and he began believing he could surpass All Might. Stage five -- 13 - 18 years Ooh, here’s when it gets juicy. I believe the bullying might not have been too intense back in stage 4. Erikson defined this stage as “identity against role diffusion”. During their teen years, most people begin identifying all the different sorts of roles they have in life, which might cause some anxiety. That’s why a lot of teenagers are experimenting with their identity, and go through what adults often disregard as “phases”. This searching is very important however, because every person needs to have a secure sense of “this is me” to be mentally healthy. We need to believe there’s a core in our identity, which will stay the same even if we or our surroundings change. Middle school Katsuki and Izuku are both 14 when the series starts. Katsuki is still delusional, prideful, and narcissistic. His teachers think he is powerful enough that it’s inevitable he will go on to UA, which only confirms his view of himself. Right now he tries to act unbothered, but Katsuki is painfully aware of the fact that Izuku hasn’t abandoned the dream to be a hero, even though he is quirkless. All of Katsuki’s intimidation tactics -- blowing up the notebook, for example -- are all desperate attempts to discourage Izuku from even trying, because Katsuki is still scared and disturbed by Izuku in general. Perhaps more so than usual, because I think Katsuki’s trying to find his identity right now as well, especially since it’s time to apply to high school. “Leaving Izuku behind” might be the most symbolic thing Katsuki can think of. He feels as though he’s been stuck with Izuku for years, and wants to hammer home the differences between them, defining his own identity in the process. Still, Izuku is going to apply to UA. I know Katsuki looks pretty unbothered while telling Izuku to take a swan dive off the roof, but I’m 100% certain he’s absolutely shaking inside. It really is a last resort type of thing. Which doesn’t make it alright, of course, but I think it’s important to keep in mind that Katsuki by this point is a vulnerable young teen, unconsciously terrified of going into the world without knowing exactly who he is. Izuku’s response to this bullying and especially the swan-dive line are interesting to me. He doesn’t get depressed, instead he thinks to himself that the idiot Kacchan would have instigated a suicide if he really went through it. This is partly why I think Izuku is securely attached to his mom, even if he now doesn’t approach her with all his problems. He developed a strong sense of hope for the world, more on that in a bit. The Sludge Villain incident is a big stepping stone for both Katsuki and Izuku. We see Izuku genuinely almost give everything up after meeting All Might, and still, even as he saw someone who had bullied him, he still rushed in without a second thought as soon as that person seemed to need help. And in reality, Katsuki was asking for help. You can’t say this isn’t the face of someone who needs saving.
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Of course, Katsuki catches up with Izuku just after the incident, telling him “I didn't need you to save me!”, the works.
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He’s struggling really hard here to assimilate the new information. He doesn’t want to accept it. When he fell into the creek back as a child, I don’t think he actually needed any help, he probably would’ve been fine. The problem then was Izuku thinking he needed help, which he equated to being looked down upon. In this moment, the problem is that Katsuki really needed the help. Had Izuku not been there, not spurred All Might into action, Katsuki might very well have suffocated. And he knows this, he’s a smart kid. That’s why his reaction is so extreme this time. Accepting that he could’ve died if Izuku wasn’t there means, again, that there are two possibilities to Katsuki:
1. He is weak and needs Izuku’s help of all people 2. He has been wrong about sensitivity all along Both of these mean he has been wrong, both are unacceptable to him. But I think the first one, at least unconsciously, does become its own schemata. Some time after the incident Katsuki stays silent when it’s again noted that Izuku is applying for UA. On the first day there, he only tells Izuku to get out of his way, but doesn’t mock or question his presence. Izuku even comments that “ever since that day, he stopped tormenting me.” They even sit beside each other without any real problems. I think this again is due to two things: 1. Katsuki is hyper-focused on his real goals right then, he needs to do really well 2. He has accepted “Deku is applying for UA” as a new schemata, which is easier to swallow than accepting either the sensitivity or needing help thing. 
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High school -- UA There’s of course a minor hitch once Katsuki realises Izuku was accepted, but I think that’s fairly standard. What I think is more important for Katsuki is the fact that entering UA means coming into contact with other people his age who are more advanced than he would’ve ever thought. He’s been so far up that nobody could catch up to him for years, but suddenly, other people are merely steps away if not on the same level. The fact that other people are so close to surpassing him, and seeing Izuku has somehow developed a powerful quirk, opens the gate to the possibility that Izuku might surpass him too.  As many have noticed, Katsuki is much more subdued since starting at UA. I think he’s beginning to warm up to other people (they’re not scared of him, he can’t dominate them like that). But I think his anxiety has slowly been growing, leading to the outburst/fight at Ground Beta, with All Might’s retirement as a final straw.  I want to analyse him further (and even more how he’s affected by avoidant attachment!!!), but this will have to do for now. Please let me know what you thought, if you agree, if you’d like more, etc. It’s really encouraging. Have a nice day!
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edwardslostalchemy · 5 years
I want to share some Shouto headcanons with y’all because I love that boy so much. They range from his high school days to his pro hero days so they’re all over the place. Also there are some with tododeku so there’s that. I’ve had discussions with @brightismarstonight and @alartes-draws over some of these, too. :)
His nerves can get damaged if he uses too much of his power. So he can have like fried nerves on his left side and frozen nerves on his right side. 
Because of this, he feels numbness at times. 
It’s gonna sound gross, but he carries a bottle/vile of Katsuki’s sweat. Whenever he needs some fire power (haha pun intended), he throws it at a villain and then shoots his fire and BOOM. 
He’s more of a long-range fighter, but he’s been training for short-range attacks, too. When he’s fighting an opponent and dodges them with his arms, he activates his quirk so by touching them, he can freeze or burn them, depending where he’s touching like an arm or a leg.
He has multiple burns on his left side.
Because of the burn on his left eye, he lost sight in it and now he’s blind in that eye. He has a kick ass support item/prosthetic eye designed by Mei and she has all these features he can use like infrared/heat-sensing/night vision. So he has that advantage over people because nobody can sneak up on him from behind. 
That prosthetic requires a support item to be attached to his head so that it can receive environmental signals and relay it to his prosthetic so he has a green earring on his left ear. It also records information and stores data so it’s useful when he’s working on investigations. 
He and Ochako train together because she needs training against long-range fighters and Shouto needs training against short-range fighters. Even though Shouto can freeze her in place, she touches him and sends him out of the space they train in. 
The dekusquad works out together and helps each other out, especially when motivating each other while lifting weights and working on particularly difficult exercises. 
Shouto likes sitting on Izuku’s back while Izuku does push-ups. He usually reads a book or eats soba, or he counts for Izuku and cheers for him. Yes, this is a reference to that one fanart, but I can’t find it so if someone could get the link for me, I’d really appreciate it. 
Izuku is the toughest when it comes to working out. Shouto likes to train with him when he wants a solid workout because Izuku is not his boyfriend when they train. Izuku takes things very seriously and Shouto enjoys that attitude. He also thinks it’s hot when Izuku yells at him. 
He believes he is not fast enough, so he trains with Tenya and has asked him about exercises to help with his speed. 
Shouto lets his hair grow long because he wants to look like his mom. He’s tried dying it to cover his crimson hair, but the dye dissolves when he uses his flames. He asked Mei to make him a special, fire/heat resistant dye and she was more than happy to oblige. 
Honestly he’s her favorite customer besides Izuku and Tenya. 
He is weak around children. To the point where he will weep if they are being extra cute or if they dress up like him. When he is a pro hero and he sees kids dressed up as him, he feels so happy about it and tells them they look amazing. 
He doesn’t get involved in politics, but he has spoken out on his disapproval of quirk marriages and they should be illegal. He also advocates/supports people who have been abused and visits centers to volunteer. 
When he rescues kids, he makes sure to give them a smile and to reassure them that they will be alright. He provides warmth with his left side to help them feel safer. It’s always a great feeling when the kids hold on to him and smile back even if they were just rescued from danger. 
Izuku and him have the best teamwork and Aizawa has praised them for it. “You don’t have synergy with your quirks, but your teamwork is so good it doesn’t matter.” 
As a pro hero, he likes to take on interns who have fire/ice/strength quirks. The first two because he himself has them, and the latter because he knows the mechanics of a strength quirk thanks to Izuku. 
He doesn’t like to use kettles to boil water, so he uses a pan and boils water there or heats water in the microwave instead. Kettles give him anxiety and when they whistle, he panics. So no kettles allowed whenever he is in the general vicinity. The dekusquad will kill the kettle. I got inspired by this fanart/headcanon set for this one.
When he’s older and he and Izuku are together/married, he wears his t-shirts, like 100% Beef or Training To Be Like All Might, and because Izuku has worn them in public before, there’s pictures of him with them on. So if Shouto gets asked about the shirts, he just says they’re Izuku’s. That’s it, nobody needs that much context. 
When his mother is released from the hospital, Shouto goes to live with her. He takes her out to eat or to go shopping or just to spend time together. He buys her gifts and spoils her. And he is always hugging and kissing her. 
When he’s older, he becomes less oblivious, but he pretends to not understand so people can back off, mainly reporters. 
Speaking of the media, he doesn’t like to share his personal/private information with the media except for a few occasions. When a reporter was curious about his orientation, he didn’t want to answer because he didn’t think it mattered what his preference was. But the reporter asked him if it would embarrass his father and that instantly convinced him to grab the microphone, look at the camera, and announce he was gay. RIP Endeav*r. 
Again speaking of the media, he may not like talking to them, but he isn’t rude about it. He answers quick questions and then excuses himself. But he is VERY nice to the public and will sign autographs and take pictures with people. 
He likes to talk about All Might so whenever he and Izuku start talking, they don’t stop. They can talk for DAYS and won’t run out of things to discuss. 
He focuses a lot more on teamwork rather than working alone because he has experienced that working with others gets better results than working individually. He also never takes credit for what he does, even if he was involved. He doesn’t need to take credit to know he did his job. 
Because of this, he doesn’t care about ranks anymore. If he’s a top hero, that’s great, but he doesn’t need a rank to be a hero. He’s a hero because he wants to save people and be like All Might, and be the kind of hero he wants to be. Doing it just for a rank would make him feel hollow and hypocritical. 
He refuses to work for his father after he graduates from UA. Instead, he works for Tensei Iida over at his agency and gets great experience and grows as a person and as a hero because Tensei is an open and honest boss with ideals that match Shouto’s. 
When he and Izuku have more experience and money, they set up their own hero agency and become a duo. They have multiple sidekicks and heroes working for them. They also accept interns and have even request the whole Class 1A from UA every year, but they always get turned down and are told they can only have up to 2 interns. 
He’s very careful with his quirk output, when he has to, he goes all out and lets loose. Like he will use both fire and ice together and cause big ass explosions like he did in the sports festival. He has multiple attacks like this that work well against larger villains. 
He is intimidating even when he isn’t mad. He has a resting bitch face and people are scared of him. But when he opens his mouth and starts talking, it’s all Gucci because he’s not that scary once he talks about random things like his favorite heroes. 
Speaking of his favorites, he shamelessly wears their merch and will promote them, like All Might and his classmates from 1A. (You think Izuku is the only one doing this??? Of course not! 1A is family and love and support each other throughout their careers. Shouto does his part and wears their shirts.)
He loves Izuku’s mother. When they met, they instantly clicked and wouldn’t stop talking about cooking and baking and other things (like Izuku). She showed him baby pictures of Izuku and he came so close to crying because he couldn’t believe how cute he was as a kid. He fawned over the pictures and asked for copies. This made Izuku very flustered and Inko very happy. Instant son-in-law.
When he gets the chance, he can sleep all day. His friends get concerned when they don’t see him come out of his room and think he’s hurt or dead, but he was just sleeping. After living in the dorms for a few weeks, the kids are used to it by now and don’t worry it. 
He and Aizawa have talks sometimes and it gets very deep. They both have monotone voices so when someone overhears them, it sounds funny even if they’re both being serious. 
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cowlsmash · 4 years
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name.   midoriya izuku
nickname.   deku
gender.   cis male
romantic orientation.   panromantic  –  no preference for gender.
preferred pet names.  he doesn’t like them!  his mother has free reign to really call him whatever she’d like ( cause mom ), but for the most part, other people giving him pet names doesn’t sit well with him. He imagines he could probably get used to a couple? Maybe like dear or honey or something, but he doesn’t really seek or give them too much. . .
relationship status.   single.
favorite canon / fandom ship. I’m gonna level. I’m not. The biggest shipper. Gosh. BUT. I’m absolutely in love with b/kdk ( thanks @explodie, also see jay’s explanation to understand why i love it so much, it’s so eloquently put in their post and I just swoon ), and t/ododeku? Got-dang that’s my shit. So cute, so pure- my mother literally called me when she first started watching the show ( yes momma samee watches the show, she texted me today to ask me who won the fight between Bakugou, Deku, and AM because she was too anxious not knowing beforehand ), and was like ‘so you like the green boy and icy hot, right?’. So. I have a type. 
    tbh I’m probably not ever gonna just say no on a ship without good reasons? As long as there’s chemistry, I’ll probably be all over it - case and point, tbh I’m not the biggest fan of canon oc/hakodeku? Mainly cause canon is shafting my sweet uravity because i just haven’t seen a lot that my gray brain sees as romantic between them? But I have seen. . . . so much cute content, and great writers, that I definitely could see the ship working beautifully. But yeah, ship and ship alike lbr \ o /
favorite crossover ship.   oh gosh. . .  can I say Deku/Sora???? idk if I can if only because that’s so much heckin sunshine in one room, but that’d be really cute. . . oh, or Deku/Riku. I’m on a KH bender ( for obvious reasons ). . . I don’t hate that. . .
opinion on true love.   not a chance. it’s not that Izuku is terribly pessimistic about love- quite the opposite! He loves the idea of being in love with someone who loves him back and spending the rest of his life with that person. But true love? No way. Love is something that you work for constantly and make better and better, but it is by no means guaranteed or certain. To him, the idea of true love is almost akin to soulmates, so he’s not a big proponent of it. But he will work for love in the same way he works for anything else.
opinion on love at first sight.   absolutely no way. Infatuation? Certainly. Interest? Yeah. Love? No.
how romantic are they? 
ideal physical traits.   it sounds contrived, but Izuku’s not too hung up on physicality. He definitely wants someone strong and capable, someone that keeps up with his lifestyle and someone that he finds attractive in general, but discerning specific features in general? That’s difficult for him. He sincerely thinks that almost everyone has some sort of physical feature that they just own, and were he a more confident and outgoing sort, he may even tell more people what features those are. But as it stands, he’s pretty shy about those sorts of things and tends to keep those thoughts to himself.
ideal personality traits.   someone who motivates Izuku to be better than he is. he loves those around him that he can draw inspiration from, those people that he finds to be so incredible that he has to push himself to keep up. that and the same person being intrinsically motivated to better themselves alongside him? Keeper. always pushing forward, that’s huge for him. it doesn’t hurt if the person is thoughtful and expressive, even if that expression is very individualized and takes a little work on his end to suss out; he’s willing to put in effort ( probably more than his partner ).
unattractive physical traits.   you really think Izuku’s put that much thought into this please he hardly thinks of attractive physical traits, he doesn’t have time to focus on stuff he doesn’t like.
unattractive personality traits.   boorish, brainless sorts, people with complete and utter disregard for others or a general contempt for others’ wellbeings, be that physically, emotionally, or otherwise. people who either act like they orchestrate the world or who think it revolves around their wants, or people who seem to take pleasure in the suffering/misfortune of others. Strictly speaking, arrogance and even some thoughtless behaviors don’t bother him- the malice behind these actions is what bugs him, or unfounded hubris at the detriment of others.
ideal date.   . . . i refuse to say ranking All Might’s top 20 fights while eating dinner in his apartment. that would be something a lame loser would do, a real chicken-little sorta kid, and izuku is not a lame loser. Except that he is talk All Might to him and he’s yours.
do they have a type?   not really.
average relationship length.   probably dependent, but I do see Izuku as the sort of person that wouldn’t even enter a relationship unless he had weight behind the decision and an intent for something long-term. he’s not the sort for quick or serial dating, so if he agrees to be with someone, at least he’s anticipating it being long term.  At the same time, I do see him as the sort to let people down gently if he doesn’t see it that way, or if he just can’t fathom why they would ask him what are you serious you’ve got to be kidding wait think this through you know who you’re talking to right-
preferred non-sexual intimacy.   definitely napping together is a big one, but in general just idle touches. he’s not an incredibly tactile person with most people, so for him to just be able to reach for someone, hold hands, play with their hair. . . that’d mean a lot. 
commitment level.   steadfast and stolid. it would take a lot for Izuku to agree to be in a relationship with someone, between his ambition, his own anxiety and self-worth concerns, and more, so if he was going to, he’d commit to it the same way he commits to everything: wholly and completely.
opinion of public affection.  depends. most things he’s not into really; it’s his business and he doesn’t need the world involved. but like. . . c’mon hold my hand i’m cold. or hugs from behind. little stuff that if you squint you could tell wasn’t platonic, but like. . . c’mon. we’re just friends who hold hands and stuff. He’s all for that.
past relationships?  none.
tagged by: @explodie​ 
tagging:   please say I tagged you and do this it’s interesting
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I like you!- Izuku Midoriya x reader
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You looked at the mirror and looked older at your reflection. You wore a white summer dress that reached to the top of your knee and a loose pastel (f/c) sweater. You were about to grab your backpack-
You saw your phone and a message notification.
Uraraka Ochako                                       Just now
'Sorry guys! I can’t come today, something came up! I’ll just text the noted i have when I can so you guys can write it and add it to the final paper' 
You frowned at the message and got your phone to reply.
‘It’s okay!!!’
You looked at the time displayed on the top of your phone and decided to leave already.
You walked out of the train station and walked towards where you were told to meet up. You looked at the store board and mentally verified that this was the place you were told to meet up at and opened the door. You scanned the area to check if any recognizable faces were already there, much to your surprise, you spotted dark fluffy green hair.
You involuntarily smiled as you made your way there. Your pretense was immediately noticed by the person you noticed and he smiled.
“Oh (Y/n)! You’re here” he said a little shakily as the pencil he was holding almost fell off his hand.
You greeted him as you took your sea across him. “Ochako says she can’t come today” you sighed. He nodded, “I also received the text”
“So who else are we waiting for?” You asked.
“Oh… nevermind” you immediately realized and remembered the supposed and current situation you were in.
Mr. Aizawa had assigned the class to group into three and make notes or whatever of each other’s quirks, how they can be compatible, and how you can use it in an attack. It was chosen by drawn lots, so you, Izuku, and Ochako were grouped together. However, since Ochako wasn’t there, it was just the two of you. Just the two of you.
‘Is this a date?!’ You both thought concurrently as none of you uttered a word.
“S-so let’s get started” you said trying to break the recently made figurative ice between you two. He nodded and seemed as if the look of slight embarrassment and anxiety was washed away, partially.
“I’ve started taking notes on our quirks, if you don’t mind” he said and passed the notebook he was writing on a while ago to you. You took it and scanned the written words.
‘(Y/n)’s quirk quirks-
One of them are her ability to control nature. She can touch flowers, trees, and plants of all sorts and gracefully control them to do anything. Drawbacks are mild headaches and migraines. She often uses them in battle compared to her other quirk however when she does she looks so alluring and elegant as if the drawbacks are not even taking affect.
Her second quirk is an ability to project music into people’s minds and the music can do certain things to the people (ie. Confuse, make drowsy, excite, and even encourage). She can hear the music that’s even projected to the person's mind and she sometimes nods her head, gracefully sways to it, and sometimes melodically hums along’
You read your part in the notebook and a small dust of pink had made its way to your cheeks. The way he described you and took notice of those little things made you a little happy.
You handed the notebook to him and smiled. “You really are prepared for this huh Izuku! That’s a great help!” You grinned at him.
You both decided to order drinks before studying. You both discussed the quirks you, him, and Ochako have, then you two tried to connect them, finally finishing the assignment.
“Well that’s it I guess” he concluded. “We finished this is less than 45 minutes… I honestly expected this to take at least 2 hours” you admitted.
“It’s thanks to your passion for quirks mainly” you added.
The boy flushed a deep scarlet from the sudden rush of blood that came to his face. “You also helped a lot!”
“Well we wouldn’t have finished this fast without your help and effort… say, let’s hang out for a while!” You proposed. “Huh?”
“Well are you going anywhere or doing anything later?” You inquired and he shook his head. “Great! Let’s hang out for a while!”
‘What did I get myself into!?’
You were both sitting across each other in a table of a park nearby. Dogwood trees, as well as kawazuzakura were around and you both had a cup of milk tea for each one of you, which you both ordered on the way to the park.
You started this, yet you partly regretted it. It was silent, none of you both said anything. At all. Tension of awkwardness was in the air and you both knew it.
‘You started it, you continue it’ you mentally scolded yourself.
“Let’s take a walk. The park looks nice today” You said and he nodded. You both stood up and walked along the paved path of the park.
To your luck; he initiated a conversation. “I can see why you wanted to go here” he stated as you put all your attention on him, not that you weren’t already staring looking at him. “Your quirk” he added.
“Oh. I haven’t thought of that but I guess so”
“O-oh, Sorry”
“It’s fine”
It was awkward again. ‘Did I say something wrong?! I must have offended him/her!’ You both coincidentally thought.
“You’re right actually” you decided to speak again. You both stopped walking as you squatted down and placed your hand on a yellow flower. It started to circle your hand to form a bracelet like structure. It enclosed its own end and you controlled the vine of the flower to form another bracelet like thing.
You gave the other leaf and vine like bracelet to Izuku. “Woah… t-thanks” he said and took it, putting it on.
You both continued walking and a soft guitar and piano kind of melody seemed to have resounded along your ears. You smiled.
“Is this your quirk also?” Izuku asked and you nodded.
“I didn’t really mean to do it purposely, sometimes my quirk activates on its own, this kind of music makes my heart ache. In a good way though. It makes my heart ache in the way that it yearns to listen to that music with someone else” you said.
After a good few seconds, you had realized that you had rambled. “Sorry! I must have gone on a tangent” You apologized.
“Its alright… but I can hear it too” he stated.
Your eyes widened and blood immediately rushed to your cheeks after realizing what that had meant.
“I-I’m really sorry!”
“I-i-i-i-it’s okay! Really!” he stuttered as well. You both turned to the side, facing the opposite direction of each other.
“Though i’m glad” you heard him mutter.
Your ears perked up from hearing what he had said. “What?” you inquired softly, curious yet still flustered.
“I-i’m glad that you wanted me to hear the music with you” he said, his voice cracking a little. It was quiet again then you took a pee at him, his face seemed to have gotten redder. “Sorry i just thought that-” he started to stutter and stumble in his words once again.
“Its fine! You’re right! I mean- uh, i didn’t know my quirk could do that” you tried stirring away from the topic.
“Well your quirk is cool, just like you are” he commented. Your face reddened at what he had said.
“It’s a weird quirk” you added.
“Well it’s a nice quirk, like how you are- wait uh i mean!- you’re nice and i like you, wait i like your quirk- not that i don’t like you- i like you but-” he started rambling and muttering.
‘Should i do something…’
“Izuku. I uh, it’s alright, i don’t like my quirk too- wait i meant me too! , uhn never mind what i said” you started speaking softly.
Everything was so silent, internally you were screaming at yourself. ‘He probably thinks i'm so weird by now. Oh my gosh what do i do?!  I say anything again?! should i tell him i like him? Wait no! It would be bad timing, especially since i kept rambling; then again what else should i say, i might not have a chance to talk to him since he might shun me out of his life thinking of how weird i am!’ you turned to face him, he was staring at the ground while walking. You both suddenly faced each other.
“I like you!”
“I like you!”
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