#gray stripe asexual
Gray Stripe Asexual Pride Flag
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Gray Stripe Asexual: acespec individuals represented by the grey stripe in the asexual flag.
This may overlap with greysexuality or mesi asexuality.
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gray-ace-space · 2 months
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demigirl / gray asexual / polyromantic flag combo
for @curlyburp but if by some chance it applies to u too go wild use it
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pride-stim-time · 6 days
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🌈 | Asexual Pigment Stars 🌈 | Divider Credit
ID: A four piece gifset of dark purple pigment slime being drizzled onto black clay. It is colored purple and mixtures of gray with clear stars around.
Divider: A rectangle of the asexual flag's stripes in smaller rectangles.
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scretladyspider · 11 months
“Why is there a need for microlabels like demisexual or gray ace? Isn’t that just the asexuality spectrum? Why not just say you’re asexual?”
Let’s talk about the asexuality spectrum and why specificity in labels under asexuality can make a difference—
Asexuality refers to “little to no sexual attraction”. For some aces (short for asexuals), the ‘no sexual attraction’ part of that definition completely serves their needs in a queer label. This is the definition most unfamiliar with asexuality immediately think of.
And I want to be clear that that’s great! It’s a wonderful thing that there’s a word for ‘no sexual attraction’ and that we have more resources addressing this difference as a sexual orientation. Labels are tools. If you find one you like, that resonates with you, use it!
The expectation for sexual attraction is ever present. In the words of Alice Olivia Scarlett, “Love without sex is a difficult concept for society…there are still people who believe that sex is a biological need of the same importance as food and water.”
Our world demands sexual attraction — most often cisgender, heterosexual, heteroromantic attraction to the opposite gender. This expectation exists in queer spaces also, even if gender and sexual orientation are less rigid. Asexuality proudly counters that.
Celebrating differences in a world that says you shouldn’t exist is literally life saving. According to Healthline, “a 2019 study found that LGBTQ people who reported more connectedness to the LGBTQ community were less likely to report suicidal behavior.”
Returning to the definition of asexuality: there are people with no sexual attraction who are served by that part of the definition. They are the black stripe on the asexual flag. There are four stripes —black, gray, white, and purple.
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That gray stripe allows for the spectrum, for those experiences that may include rare and/or conditional sexual attraction. This is the reason the definition includes “little to” in its “little to no sexual attraction”. Asexuality with an asterisk, an exception.
In 2003, AVEN founder David Jay proposed semisexual:
“If anyone wants to play a fun game, go to some queer-ass conference (called something like “transcending boundaries”) and play a game where you try to think up a term/identity for every letter of the alphabet. When you do you’ll be forced to think up new, interesting ideas like: Semisexual. It occurs to me that we’ve got a spectrum of sexual intensity, but we don’t yet have a word for those who are halfway in between asexual and full-force sexual. I’d say that this is extremely important: right now we don’t have a way to talk about people who are asexual but maybe feel like being sexual once a year, or sexual people who are just relatively uninterested and don’t know what to do about it. Thoughts?”
This lead to further discussion on asexuality being viewed as a spectrum. In 2006, AVEN forum user KSpaz coined the term “gray A” to refer to a “fuzzy” connection to asexuality. Many others related to this “fuzzy” experience and it became accepted as graysexual/gray ace:
“Alright, so don't know if this term is already around, but if not, I'm coining it now.Gray-A. Is there really a line at which point you are asexual?According to our logo there isn't. Just fuzziness.So, this thread I dedicate to our fuzzy members who may sometimes feel unsure of their asexuality/sexuality.Share your views, stories, whatever makes you think you'd like to call yourself Gray-A.I'll start:In simple terms, I have hetero attractions, can experience physical pleasure, and am indifferent (as opposed to repulsed) to the idea of having sex if it is with someone I care for (though can't imagine it for any situation without utmost trust involved). I don't get turned on and jump my boyfriend, but will respond to him in touchy ways and am pleased to do so willingly, because it does feel nice. If we never had sex, I would have no problem. But if we do some day, I probably won't mind, and may enjoy it to a degree. I call myself asexual, because I am, and because I choose my label.
In February 2006, the user sonofeazel coined the term ‘demisexual’, writing in a thread about their experiences,
…If “sexual” is for both and “asexual” is for neither, maybe we need a new term for people who only have one but not the other? I propose “demisexuals”.
In 2008, OwlSaint proposed the idea of what we now refer to as demisexual, which is when someone would only experience sexual attraction under the circumstance of a close emotional bond.
A demisexual is, in my book at least, someone who does not experience sexual attraction to people in general. I’ve yet to see a single person and think “hot” or “10 out of 10” or “I’d like to hit that”. Sex with someone rarely crosses my mind and when it does it’s usually more along the lines of “could i force myself to with…. ew no”. In that respect, I can and do identify as asexual. However, with someone I’m in love with, it’s completely different, and I might as well be a “full fledged” sexual, but only with that one person. Full fledged meaning actually desiring sex, both for the physical and emotional aspect, being attracted to that special someone, and feeling sexual arousal in terms of wanting to do something on multiple levels instead of simply the biological reflex or “ugh not again”.
Without that “little to” part of the definition of the “little to no sexual attraction” definition of asexuality, there are a lot of people who really wouldn’t have a word for what they are. Asexual would almost fit, but feel like a shrunken sweater; something’s not quite right.
When you almost belong somewhere but don’t entirely, it can feel very isolating. Like you’re not doing “you” right. This is where that specificity comes into play. It gives room for those in that gray space to breathe, a seat at the table when before there was just standing room.
In the words of blogger Siggy in 2012, a self identified gray ace,
Lots of people come to the asexual community, find lots of experiences to identify with, and are glad to finally have a word to describe themselves. But some of those people will feel that they don’t technically fit into the definition of asexual. Are these people supposed to abandon the possibility of a self-identity because of a technicality? Are they to permanently feel like outsiders to the asexual community?
“Gray-A” is a solution to these questions. A gray-A is someone who finds asexuality to be a useful idea, in the sense that it approaches a self-description, even if it does not quite fit. This allows a space where you can have an identity, fit on the ace spectrum, and feel at home in your community, without being disqualified by an arbitrary definition.
There are many, many terms under the asexuality spectrum that delve into specific experiences, some of which go into the gray area and some that do not but that still describe a very specific experience. There is an effort to put language to the unknown, to be better understood.
Even within those served by the definition of no sexual attraction, there is nuance to language discussing specific relationships to sex and sexuality. Terms that describe individual favorability towards sex, or that describe importance of tertiary attraction, for example.
This thread focused on demisexual and graysexual because they’re more widely used. But it’s worth noting these labels do not serve everyone who exists in that in between space. Here is an expanded list of asexuality spectrum labels by asexuals.net.
I personally also use “gray ace” or just “ace” if I don’t feel like explaining myself. But that’s just me. Everyone is different. Everyone is served by different pieces of language and labels. Some are served best by no labels at all. There’s no wrong way to label your aceness.
Labels are magnets on your queer fridge. You can put as many on there as you feel are right for you, and if you stop liking one, you can take it off and stick it in your magnet drawer.
And that gray area? It matters. If you belong in it, you are welcome in ace spaces. I promise.
if you liked this post you can support me on patreon this pride month 🏳️‍🌈
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42-clocks · 2 months
💚 a zine on aromanticism 💚
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^an informational zine on aromanticism I made for Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week
feel free to share/print!
(pages and image IDs after the break)
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Image ID 1: the front and back cover. The front cover reads, “informational zine — Aromantic: What Does That Mean? — by Peter Z.”
there are two simple arrow shapes between lines of the text pointing in opposite directions.
The middle of the page has a long stripe with the colors of the aromantic flag, which extends to the back cover. the back cover side lists what each of the colors represent: green — aromanticism; light green — the aromantic spectrum; white — platonic and aesthetic attraction; gray — gray-romanticism and demi-romanticism; black — the sexuality spectrum.
The back page reads, “more resources!
Aro Spec Week.com
gsrc.princeton.edu (SAM)
aromanticism.org (AUREA)
Elizabeth Brake (aromanticism)
Aggressively Aro Spec Tumblr
Aromantic Guide.com”
End text. Two gray silhouettes of lily flowers act as embellishment. End ID 1.
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Image ID 2: pages 1 and 2 of the zine.
Page 1: “Aromantic — or just ‘aro’ for short — refers to someone who experiences little to no romantic attraction to anyone — or experiences it in a different way than others. Alloromantic is the opposite — one who does have romantic attraction.” The text is green and dark teal with light green boarders around the sections.
Page 2: small letters says “this might help to understand” and arrow points to the title “Split Attraction Model” — “a way of understanding attraction by separating it into types: sexual, romantic, platonic, alterous, aesthetic, etc.
“Sexual Orientations: bisexual, heterosexual, asexual. Romantic Orientations: biromantic, heteroromantic, aromantic. — sometimes they match, sometimes they don’t! Words like biromantic and heteroromantic commonly refer to both S. O. and R. O.” End ID 2.
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Image ID 3: pages 3 and 4.
Page 3: titled “A-spec Community”. Below is a Venn diagram, the left circle labeled “aro”, the right circle “ace”, the overlap space “aro ace”, this is all within a larger circle labeled “a-spec”.
“Aromantic is not the same as Asexual (little to no Sexual Attraction to anyone at all). The identities and communities are related but distinct”
Page 4: titled “Myths” with dark teal flower silhouettes on either side. Myths include “hates all romance, childish “late bloomer”, not LGBTQ+, unemotional, wants to be alone, can’t be in a relationship, afraid of commitment, can’t also be gay/hetero/etc” End ID 3.
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Image ID 4: pages 5 and 6.
Page 5: “Are you aro? some common experiences: made up crushes, flirting doesn’t make sense, hard to identify romantic feelings, dating isn’t a priority, don’t like romance heavy media, dating because you’re “supposed to”, rarely if ever “fall in love”, don’t have celebrity crushes. *these are not exclusive to aros though!”
Page 6: the top of the page has the shape of an umbrella, the text inside reads “the Aromantic umbrella”. The body has four microlabel examples;
“Gray-romantic — romantic attraction rarely or weakly.” Next to it is a small rectangular flag with 5 horizontal stripes: green, gray, white, gray, green.
“Demi-romantic — romantic attraction only after a bond has formed.” Rectangular flag with a wide white stripe, narrow green, and wide gray stripe, and a black triangle on the left side.
“Allo-aro — allosexual and aromantic, no romantic attraction, has sexual attraction.” Rectangular flag with even horizontal stripes: green, light green, white, yellow, dark yellow.
“Aro-ace — aromantic and asexual, no romantic or sexual attraction.” Rectangular flag with even stripes: orange, yellow, white, light blue, dark blue. End ID.
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styrofauxm · 2 days
On aroace flags...
I want to be very clear, I am not criticizing anyone specific, but rather the current ways of combining the asexual and aromantic flags into a cohesive flag.
But I've had this floating around my head for a while, and I saw a post similar to it today, so I thought I'd throw in my two cents.
Cut because it got long.
In the ace flag, black means asexuality, gray means gray/demi sexual, white is for allosexual allies of asexual people, and purple means community. (I lost the link to the AVEN post, but someone dedicated can find it. Otherwise you can just look up the meanings on the internet to verify).
In the aro flag, the green and light green stripes are for the aromantic spectrum, white is for non-romantic attraction, and black and grey are for the sexuality spectrum. (Post by the creator saying this here: https://www.tumblr.com/cameronwhimsy/102698477928/whoops-yeah-i-just-realised-i-never-actually-made?source=share).
So black, grey, and white all mean different things for each flag, yet in most combination flags, they only appear once. Do they mean what they mean on the aromantic flag or what they mean on the asexual flag?
The light green and green don't have any arbitrary separations for people who do and don't feel romantic attraction, and the grey and black of the aro flag don't have that for sexual attraction either, while the asexual flag does. Cutting out one of the green stripes or moving the black and grey away from each other don't make sense in the context of the aromantic flag.
I've also seen some that add an extra purple stripe. It doesn't mean anything, it's just aesthetic.
Whether or not you like the sunset aroace flag, it is a good example to look at when trying to create a flag to represent aroace people. It keeps the association with asexuality and aromanticism, without using the original colors in ways that don't quite fit. (Color meaning breakdown by the creator here: https://aroaesflags.tumblr.com/post/181034758671/revised-aroace-flag-after-some-conversation-among).
The whole point of having pride flags is to have a meaningful symbol to represent our communities. For aroace people, mashing two together keeps the association with asexuality and aromanticism, but loses the deeper meaning behind each flag.
Honestly, as an aroace person, I think the only way to really design an aroace flag is to depart from the imagery of either flag. That ensures the meanings are solid, and it ensures no one in accidentally excluded (which is, to my understanding, why the sunset flag was created originally - to have a community symbol that included the whole community inherently). But I understand not everyone shares the sentiment.
So, from one aroace person to another, if you are going to design an aroace flag that's based on the ace and aro flags, please keep in mind what those colors mean in the context of each flag, and don't put them in just to have them. And be sure that your design properly includes everyone you are trying to represent.
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redtail-lol · 7 months
Okay ball update
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I'm going to attempt a full ID.
[Image ID: A ballsona in the LGBallT style. The flags as pictured are:
Main ball: Asexual (black, gray, white, purple) on the left; cupiosexual (light gray, dusty light periwinkle, white, light pink) on the right.
Third eye: Everique (pastel red, orange, yellow, green, and blue with white stripes between each stripe, and a dark purple stripe through the yellow stripe. In the middle of that is a lighter purple circle outlined by the darker purple and with a darker purple heart. The purple is all outlined in white too.
Eyeshadow: Para-oriented (blue, dark blue, slate gray, white, slate gray, teal, turquoise) on the left, para-oriented ace (blue, dark blue, slate gray, white, gray, dark purple, purple) on the right.
Whiskers: Doe lesbian (brown, light brown, lighter brown, white, very light pink, light pink, pink) upper left, cotton cloud lesbian (pink, light pink, lighter pink, thin pink, white, thin gray, silver, light gray, gray) middle left, sea femme enbian (dark cyan, saturated dark blue, blue, slightly lighter blue, purple, light magenta, pink, white) lower left, femme mspec (dark violet, hot pink, orange, light yellow, sea green, blue) upper right, femme bi lesbian (dark violet, violet, red, salmon, white, light pink, magenta-plum, violet) middle right, femme omni lesbian (pale purple-ish pink, light purple-ish pink, purple, dark blue, bright sea foam green) bottom right.
Tails: Acespec (navy blue, desaturated purple, desaturated pink, desaturated cream) on the left, arosespec (soft forest green, blueish off white, desaturated purple, desaturated navy blue) in the middle, arospec (green, light green, yellow, dark teal, darker teal) on the right.
Left ear: Bi lesbian (dark indigo, violet, pink, orange, cream) outer, bi lilaen (dark violet, desaturated violet, lavender, blueish off white, periwinkle) inner, bi gay (fuschia, desaturated fuschia, light desaturated purple, desaturated dark periwinkle, blue) inner ear tuft
Left ear halos: Les4Bi (desaturated red, red, slightly pastel orange, orange-ish off white, desaturated magenta, desaturated purple, dusty indigo) in the front, Bi4Bi (dusty pink, dusty violet, dusty blue, dusty sea green) in the back
Left ear earrings: Woman/girl (burnt reddish orange, orange, pale yellow-orange, yellowish off white, reddish light pink) upper circle, hypergirl (silver, white, pink, black, pink, white, silver) upper rectangle, cisfem enby (desaturated gold, white, dusty magenta-violet, darker and desaturated magenta-violet, dark warm gray) lower rectangle, girlby (pastel orange, yellow, white, pink, violet, dark gray) lower circle, Bigender (sky blue, light sky blue, white, purple, white, light pink, pink) uppermost ring, Bigender W+NB (slightly dark gold, yellow, white, purple, white, light pink, pink) upper-middle ring, multigender (sky blue, indigo, violet, hot pink, desaturated orange) middle ring, Bigendermeld (dark sky blue, slighty dark sky blue, light silvery blue, purplish off white, light purple, purplish off white, very light pink, pink, dark fuschia) lower middle ring girlbymesh (hot pink, purple, yellow, white, yellow, purple, hot pink) lowermost ring.
Right ear: Lunian (dusty dark indigo, purple, dusty sky blue, greenish turquoise, sea foam green) outer, lobelian (dusty dark blue, dusty purple, light lavender, purplish off white, dusty pink) inner, stellian (dark magenta, burnt orange, light yellow, purple, dark blue) inner ear tuft
Right ear halos: Mspec4Mspec (blue, sky blue, light saturated green, pale orange, dusty pink, purple) front, Amphic (purple, light sky blue, white, pinkish red, white, light sky blue, purple) back
Right ear earrings: Genderqueer (pinkish violet, white, light yellow, grass green) lower circle, deminonbinary (gray, light gray, yellow, white, yellow, light gray, gray) lower rectangle, aporagender (pink, dusty lavender, yellow, dusty lavender, sky blue) upper rectangle, cisgender (bright pink, bright sky blue) upper circle. Resembles the Fetrah flag (an anti LGBT group) but I'm either stealing their flag and repurposing it or I'm accusing them of stealing my cis flag, whichever I find funnier. There is a black chain between the lower and upper circles. Transneucisfem (dark gray, gold, yellow, white, light pink, slightly dark pink, dark red) lowermost ring, feminine (dark red, red, pink, light pink, pinkish off white, light pink, magenta, violet, purple) lower middle ring, primagirl (purple, hot pink, thin pale yellow-orange, yellow, thin pale yellow-orange, hot pink, purple) middle ring, femme (reddish salmon, orange, pinkish off white, plum, purple) upper middle ring, presentationflux (dark pink, pink, light pink, purple, yellow, purple, light cyan, cyan, dark cyan) uppermost ring.
Beanie: Lesbian (purple, violet, pink, white, salmon, pale orange, light yellow) main
Beanie patches: Evenic (bluish purple, light purple, yellow, orange, dark magenta, very dark violet) upper left, sun sapphic (orange, light yellow, white, purple flower with yellow center, light pink, slightly dark reddish hot pink) right
Beanie rim: Gay enbian (bluish purple, sky blue, very light blue, light lavender, purplish pink, plum, dark dusty violet) left, gay (bluish purple, sky blue, light saturated green, dusty orange, pink, violet, dark dusty violet) middle, gay lesbian (magenta, red, orange, yellow-orange, white, dusty orange, pink, violet, dark dusty violet) right.
Beanie rim pins, left to right: Aquarian (dark cyan, sky blue, light sky blue, bluish off white, light pink, violet, purple), saltwater aquarian (dark cyan, cyan, greenish turquoise, sea green tinted off white, silvery purple, indigo, dark indigo), bi enbian (dusty blue, bluish purple, desaturated periwinkle, purplish off white, desaturated lavender, violet, dark violet), planetary stellian (dark magenta, neon light orange, neon yellow, bright purple, dark blue), planetary bi gay, (reddish pink, bright neon pink, periwinkle, neon bluish purple, saturated dark blue), omni gay (light pink, magenta, very dark purple, purple, light blue), planetary omni gay (light pink, hot pink, very dark purple, bright neon purple, bright neon sky blue), full moon springtide lunian (very dark dusty blue, bright indigo, sky blue, sea foam green, white), full moon springtide bi lesbian (dark purple, violet, neon pink, salmon, white) omni lesbian (dark purple, plum, saturated periwinkle, lavender, cream), full moon springtide omni lesbian (dark dusty purple, purple, periwinkle, silvery purple, white).
Beanie flower pin: Midnight sapphic (yellow middle, purple petals, dark purple clips)
Scarf: Demiromantic (white, thin green, and silver with black chevron) left, neurodemiromantic (very thin silver, white, very thin silver, very thin green, thin lime, very thin green, very thin white, silver, very thin white) middle, autidemiromantic (same as neurodemiromantic but in an infinity shape) right.
Scarf pins, left to right: She/they (purple, pink, dark magenta, white, yellow, bright purple, dark purple), lilae lunian (purple, dusty sky blue, greenish turquoise, pink, violet, dark purple), aneuspec (dark purple, light purple, silvery blue, blue gray, dark blue gray), neuroeuphoric (light lavender, light purple, purple, magenta, pale orange), quoieuphoric (dark purple, light purple, black, white, black, green, cyan), neuroquoieuphoric (dark pink, pink, black, white, black, green, cyan), lilaen (dark purple, dusty pinkish purple, light lavender, pinkish off white, pink), omni lilaen (pink, dusty darker pink, dusty dark purple, light sky blue, bluish off white).
Left scarf tail: Acemid (Purple, lighter purple, periwinke tinted off-white, sky blue, dark cyan) tassles, cupioromantic (light salmon, lighter salmon, white, dusty light lavender, light gray) lower patch, cupiospec (pink, desaturated light pink, light pink, white, light purple, purple, black with light sky blue diamond in the middle) middle patch, cupiorose (gray, light purple, white, light pink, pink) upper patch.
Right scarf tail: Aspec (black upper left quadrant, plum lower left quadrant, green upper right quadrant, gray lower left quadrant, white star in the middle) upper patch, lovecoric ace (orange, pale orange, yellow, thin slightly light purple, purple, thin slightly light purple, yellow, pale orange, orange) middle patch, angled aroace (gold, light yellow, white, greenish teal) lower patch, ánisic aroace (dark reddish orange, orange, orange-ish off white, dusty purple, dark violet) tassles.
Left main wing: Mspec (green, cyan, blue, indigo, purple, violet, hot pink, orange, golden yellow) main feather, pluralian (purple, white, purple with yellow flower symbol with green stems and reddish pink stem tips) uppermost inner feather, plurian (blue, bright green, yellow, pink, dark purple) upper-middle inner feather, multi (purple, white, light sky blue, magenta) lower-middle inner feather, multiceter (purple, white, yellow, green) lowermost inner feather, bi (pinkish red, purple, dark blue) uppermost outer feather, tulim (green, white, light sky blue, light purple) upper-middle outer feather, syn (blue, indigo, violet, magenta, pink) middle outer feather, periso (blue, periwinkle, purplish off white, slightly light red, yellow, pale orange, dusty reddish orange) lower-middle outer feather, spectra (pink, purple, white, neon turquoise, sky blue) lowermost outer feather.
Right main wing: Primlunic (purple, desaturated purple, pale pink, dusty pink, pale yellow) main feather, Enbisian (dark purple, bright violet, bright orange, reddish pink) uppermost inner feather, trixenamoric (light yellow, very light pale orange, light orange-ish red, thin pink, white, thin pink, light pink, lavender, periwinkle) upper middle inner feather, venusic (very light pale pink, very light pale yellow, very light pale desaturated orange, light desaturated red, very light desaturated brown, light desaturated brown) lower middle inner feather, faunic (tan, light brown, brown, desaturated reddish pink light pink) lowermost inner feather, iridian (dusty navy blue, desaturated violet, saturated salmon, purplish off white, saturated salmon, dusty red, dusty dark magenta) uppermost outer feather, hecatolic (light sky blue, light desaturated sky blue, silver, light slate gray, slate gray, stormy blue gray) upper middle outer feather, axinitian (dusty magenta-violet, pink, orange, yellow, white, yellow, orange, pink, magenta-violet) middle outer feather, agatic (dark red, fuschia, magenta, light dusty purple, yellowish off white, light yellow-orange, orange, red, dark red) lower middle outer feather, asterian (very light pale pink, pink, light purple, purple, magenta, orange, yellow) lowermost outer feather.
Upper left wing: Neptunic (bluish teal, light teal, sea foam green, very light pale blue, light periwinkle, periwinke) main feather, omni neptunic (turquoise, bluish light teal, bluish teal, dark blue, dusty light indigo, light purple, light periwinkle) upper inner feather, bi neptunic (pinkish red, pink, light magenta, pale light magenta, sky blue, light blue) middle feather, enbian neptunic lesbian (periwinkle, teal, sea green, pinkish off white, light dusty violet, dusty pink, light pink) lower feather, neptunitrixbian (dark reddish orange, light orange, light orange-ish yellow, light pale yellow, bright sea green, sea green, dark teal) uppermost outer feather, neptunisaph (dark dusty pink, magenta, pink, pale yellow, green, dark teal) upper middle outer feather, neptunitrix (slightly dark dusty blue, slightly dark dusty purple, pink, light yellow, sky blue, saturated slightly dark blue, dusty dark purple) lower middle outer feather, thalassic (greenish turquoise, periwinkle, purple, magenta, pink) lowermost outer feather
Upper right wing: Femique (dark blue, dusty indigo, violet, pink, light pink) main feather, tribade (dark reddish pink, slightly dark red, white, hot pink, light pink with a very dark red moon symbol) upper inner feather, Fenin (orange, very light pale orange, light pale yellow, very light pale orange, orange) middle inner feather, violettian (violet, dusty pink, desaturated yellow, silver, dusty purple) lower inner feather, despian (very dark saturated indigo, dark greenish teal, saturated periwinke, light desaturated lavender, very light pale yellow) uppermost outer feather, hibarian (magenta-violet, hot pink, yellow, turquoise, blue) upper-middle outer feather, Liersic (white, light violet, reddish pink, salmon) lower-middle outer feather, femaric (black, white, pink) lowermost outer feather
Lower left wing: Enbian (dusty dark indigo, dusty dark purple, slightly lighter indigo, indigo, dusty slightly dark purple, dusty purple, slightly dark dusty lavender) main feather, enviolet (dark blue, lavender, very light pale pink, light pink, very light pale pink, lavender, dark blue), upper inner feather, enbian lesbian (dusty dark indigo, dusty purple, light lavender, very light pale yellow, dusty blue) middle inner feather, ammolic (dark violet, desaturated purple, yellow, pale orange, dark dusty reddish orange) lower inner feather, begonia (light pale salmon, light pale desaturated salmon, very light pale desaturated salmon, white, light gold, very light desaturated gold, light pale yellow) uppermost outer feather, Brownitian (dusty green, slightly lighter desaturated green, light dusty green, desaturated light lime, brown, slightly darker brown, dark brown) upper-middle outer feather, carnian (dark reddish pink, saturated salmon, light pale orange, yellowish off white, purplish pink, dark purple, very dark blue) lower-middle outer feather, fincuan (violet, light pink, yellow, pale orange, reddish orange) lowermost outer feather
Lower right wing: Trixic (dusty violet, light magenta, light pink, pale yellow, golden yellow) main feather, vaporic (dusty dark violet, dusty violet, pale light pink, white, golden yellow) upper inner feather, bi trixic (dusty dark indigo, dusty purple, dusty pink, white, light gold) middle inner feather, steam vaporic (light pale violet, light pale magenta, light pale salmon, white, light pale yellow) lower inner feather, orbisian (light pink, pink, magenta, purple, saturated dark blue) uppermost outer feather, sapphixic (light magenta, light pink, light golden yellow, light pale yellow, light pale pink, pink) upper-middle outer feather, trixic lesbian (dark desaturated red, desaturated orange, desaturated gold, white, desaturated reddish pink, desaturated slightly dark blue violet, dusty dark purple) lower-middle outer feather, enbitrix (dark purple, purple, lavender, lighter lavender, slightly light orange) lowermost outer feather
Infinity halo: autism (red, orange, yellow, lime, green with a small white line perpendicular to the others)
Horizontal halo: Schrodinger's Omni (slightly light slightly dusty blue, blue, slightly darker blue, dark saturated blue, black, dark pink, slightly lighter dark pink, desaturated slightly dark pink, desaturated pink) front, aroace lunian (dark green, desaturated tealish green, light tealish green, white, light blue, dusty purple, dark desaturated violet) back
Hanging orbs, front, left to right: demi omni lesbian (dark purple, plum, saturated periwinkle, lavender, cream, with a black chevron), demi bi lesbian (dark indigo, violet, pink, orange, cream, with a black chevron), arospec omni lesbian (dark purple, plum, saturated periwinkle, lavender, cream, light green, slightly darker light green), arospec lunian (dusty dark indigo, purple, dusty sky blue, greenish turquoise, sea foam green, light green, slightly darker light green), acespec omni lesbian (dark purple, plum, saturated periwinkle, lavender, cream, light cyan, periwinkle), arospec bi lesbian (dark indigo, violet, pink, orange, cream, light green, slightly darker light green)
Hanging orbs, back, left to right: dove lesbian (desaturated red, light red, tan, white, silver, brownish light gray), artemis lesbian (light gray, silver, light silver, white, bright green, teal, slightly darker teal with the black outline of a moon, and a black outline of an arrow), ace lesbian (dark dusty purple, desaturated purple, light pale lavender, white, dusty light purple, purple, darker purple), aspec mspec lesbian (bright lime, bright salmon, hot pink, dark violet, even darker violet), acespec lunian (dusty dark indigo, purple, dusty sky blue, greenish turquoise, sea foam green, light cyan, periwinkle), acespec bi lesbian (dark indigo, violet, pink, orange, cream, light cyan, periwinkle)
Negative slope halo (yes if this were a line on a graph the slope would be negative): Azalean (reddish pink, desaturated pink, light pink, white, purple, plum, dark pink) front, mspec sapphic (light yellow, gold, orange, hot pink, magenta, pinkish off white, magenta, hot pink, orange, gold, light yellow) back
Hanging orbs, front, left to right: orchid ace (blue, indigo-blue, light periwinkle, bluish off white, light periwinke, light purple, purple), bigender mspec lesbian (cream, very desaturated light pink, very desaturated reddish pink, violet, dark purple, desaturated slightly dark periwinkle, light blue) hydrangea bi (pink, slightly lighter pink, very light pale purple, pinkish off white, very light pale purple, indigo, blue), disabled (gray, pale red, pale yellow, white, pale blue, green, gray), lesbiall (dusty indigo, purple, magenta, salmon, orange, yellow, yellowish off white) cupio iridian (desaturated reddish orange, dusty orange, very light pale yellow, dusty green, desaturated darker green)
Hanging orbs, back, left to right: queer mspec lesbian (very dark purple, magenta-violet, lavender, very light pale yellow, light gold), meow lesbian (saturated salmon, salmon, light dusty salmon, light pink with cat ears and a tail, a red heart nose, white inner ears, white tail tip, and white whiskers, light purple, slightly darker light purple, purple), catvesi (purple, magenta, salmon, thin yellow, sky blue, slightly light blue, purple, with a purple star), cupio hecatolic (desaturated reddish brown, light gold, pale yellow, dusty indigo-purple, greenish gray), cupio axinitian (dark pink, pink, pale light green, light dusty periwinkle, dusty periwinkle) new sapphic (orangeish red, light yellow, white, sea green, purple)
Positive slope halo: Multi-oriented (very light pale desaturated lavender, desaturated pale light blue, very light pale cyan, very light pale green, very light silver, white, very light silver, very light yellow, very light pale orange, very light pale salmon, light red) front, orientation collector (black, dusty dark red, dusty dark orange, dark yellow, green, blue, purple, black) back.
Hanging orbs, front, left to right: binitor (dark gray, light blue, dark gray, with a dusty red x), queerfuck (dark purple, black, dark red, blue, black, dark purple, with a white eye outlined in black and with a black swirl), demetic (very dark saturated indigo, slightly dark dusty blue, light blue, light periwinkle, bluish off white), pollo (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple on the left side, reverse order of the same colors on the right, with a white circle in the middle), artemisian (dark blue, purple, turquoise, purple, dark blue), label hoarder (pastel red, pastel orange, pastel yellow, pastel blue, pastel purple with a white infinity halo outlined in pastel pink)
Hanging orbs, back, left to right: enboric (black, white, light green), marina lunian (dark violet, dusty dark purple, teal, green, bright sea green), nomin (yellow, light gold, very pale orange, very light pale pink), omni bi lesbian (tan, hot pink, violet, dark purple, sky blue), selenian bi (dusty violet, purple, light purple, periwinkle, light periwinkle) amethystian (pale yellow, desaturated pale pink, violet, dusty purple, dusty dark purple)
Inner halo star: QLW lesbitrix enbian (dark orangish red, reddish orange, orangish yellow, yellowish off white, light magenta-pink, purple, dark indigo with a dark pink moon and purple flower both outlined by light pink)
Inner halo diamonds: enbigirl (dusty purple, purple, lavender, very light pale orange, reddish orange, red) top left, trixigirl (purple, pale lavender, very light pale orange, reddish orange, red) top right, bigender lesbian (dark reddish orange, salmon, light pink, white, light pink, light purple, purple) middle left, nonbinary lesbian (dusty orange, light gold, very light desaturated yellow, white, desaturated pink, dusty dark magenta, black) middle right, demi-enby enbian (dark purple, slightly lighter dark purple, purple, periwinkle-silver, silver, gray) bottom left, nonbinary bi (pink, lighter pink, dusty purple, indigo, dark dusty blue) bottom right.
Outer halo orbs: aurora lesbian (dark indigo, violet, light pink, very light yellow, turquoise) top left, xLx collector (hot pink, reddish orange, light pale orange, light pale yellow, yellowish off white with dark magenta, violet, and purple heart symbols) bottom left, black cat lesbian (bluish black, dusty very dark blue, dusty dark blue, dark gold, burnt orange, dark red, darker red) top right, anti radqueer radinclus (turquoise, light green, orange, dusty pinkish red, dark desaturated brown with a white 4-point star and 5 white long hearts surrounding it in the center) bottom right.
Heart above halos: inclus (pale desaturated pink, pink, blue, pale desaturated blue with a white heart shape in the middle)
Floating symbols: Lykoi lesbian cat (dark pink, hot pink, yellow, white, blue, purple, dark purple with brown markings making up the face of a lykoi cat) at the top left corner, lydian orb (gold, pale gold, white, pale lavender, lavender) between the upper and middle left wings, neurocollector spade (dark purple, dusty violet, violet, black, teal, dusty teal, dark teal with a gold infinity symbol in the middle) next to the upper and middle left wings, termcollector heart (black, thin bluish black, very dark blue, thin dusty dark blue, blue, thin indigo, bright purple, thin dusty purple, violet, thin slightly dark violet, dark violet, thin very dark violet, black) next to middle and lower left wings switchblade sapphic (switchblade with a yellow handle and the classic pink-white-pink sapphic flag with the sapphic flower) just below the termcollector heart, pencontrasexual diamond (desaturated pinkish red, dusty purple, dark gray, dusty blue) between the acespec and arosespec tails, trident trixic trident with enby and woman symbols on its sides (slightly dusty purple, purple, slightly lighter purple, yellow, orange, slightly darker orange, slightly dark desaturated orange) overlapping with the arosespec tail, queerian diamond (dark purple, dusty lavender, white, pink, saturated dark violet) between the arosespec and arospec tails, candy cane bi candy cane (very light pale reddish pink, pale salmon, light pale lavender) next to right tail scarf, labelfuck clover/club shape (as it's known in playing cards) (black with two rainbow stripes outlined in white. The black is not pure black but pretty close, but the very top and bottom are pure black) just above the candy cane, QLW enbian orb (dusty dark blue, purple, yellowish off white, dusty pink, dusty dark magenta) between the upper and middle right wings, mspec lesbian ally diamond (dusty pink, pink, yellow, white, purple, pink, dusty pink with a light pink moon and darker purple-ish pink flowers) to the right and upwards of the QLW enbian orb, nuclear bomb neptunic (the neptunic flag, as described earlier, but plastered onto a nuclear bomb shape)
That's all. That's everything. This took so long. But now I can officially say, End ID.]
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Glittery pride flags with 5 stripes, Part 1.
(Post description: a photoset of ten glittery pride flags, each pride flag has five stripes)
The flags included in the post above are queerplatonic, trans, gay man, lesbian, omnisexual, aromantic, gray asexual, gray aromantic, genderfluid, and questioning.
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withbroombefore · 2 years
It is not warm hat season in my part of the world, but it is Pride month, so here’s some shameless self-promotion for my hand-knit pride hats. Every single one is designed and handmade from 100% wool by me (a queer trans person), which means that usually they’re made to order (this is a good time of year to place one because in the fall/winter there can be a line and thus a longer waiting period). Have an unusual head size? Want a style not listed in the shop? Message me for customization!
The hats come in three types:
There are your standard enthusiastic Pride flags, with stripes all over the hat. I’ve done more options than pictured here, and I have a discount listing for any that I haven’t made yet.
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[Image description: photos of twelve knit hats with cables displayed on foam heads. Each hat is striped in the colors of a different pride flag: trans, lesbian, Philadelphia rainbow, aromantic, bi, nonbinary, genderqueer, asexual, aroace, agender, genderfluid, and intersex.]
The subtle version comes in a solid color of your choice, with pride flag colors of your choice in a narrow band above the ribbing. Of course, how subtle this one turns out depends on how many flags you want on it.
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[Image description: photos of four knit hats with cables displayed on foam heads. Each hat is a solid color with a narrow band in pride flag colors. One is blue with asexual and aromantic colors, one is heathered green with genderfluid and agender flags, one is a muted blue-green with the bi flag, and one is dark gray with the genderqueer flag.]
The stealth version comes in a solid color of your choice from the outside, with pride flag colors of your choice hidden inside the band.
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[Image description: Four photos of knitted hats with cables displayed on foam heads. Top left is a blue-green hat, top right is the same hat with the band flipped back to show the bi and genderqueer flag colors hidden inside. Bottom right is a solid gray hat, bottom left is the same hat with the band flipped back to show the nonbinary and pan flag colors hidden inside.]
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heartless-aro · 1 year
What does it mean to be “aromantic enough”? — Some thoughts on aromantic history and identity
We, the aromantic community, are a young community with a short history (so far), but I still wanted to reflect a bit on our roots and talk about how we define aromanticism and who “belongs” in our community, since I see a lot of self-doubting aros who worry that they don’t.
There used to be an asexuality-centered Yahoo group called “Haven for the Human Amoeba (HHA),” which was created in 2000, predating AVEN by over a year. The first known usage of the word “aromantic” happened in this group in 2002 when a user named maxnova100 said the following:
It’s quite disheartening to see friends of mine sacrifice what was once important to them (friends, pets, work, hobbies) for the sake of trasient “relationships.” Now, it’s understandable that people make such sacrifices for spouses and children, but those who throw aside things that once defined their lives to make time for a fling that they know won’t last more than a month, that to me is incomprehensible.
As such, I’d have to say that I’m not so much asexual (in that I have some sex drive, though probably much less than what’s “normal” for someone my age) as averse to having “romantic” relationships. They take up too much time and emotional energy (I’ve always felt emotionally drained and tired after what few “dates” I’ve been on) and subtract away from the things I really value in life. The concept of putting my hobbies, work, and avocational interests on the back burner for the sake of keeping a girlfriend entertained seems about as appealing to me as having a 100 pound ball and chain around my ankles.
Nor is this due to being a “loner,” as I enjoy the company of all types of people as friends and casual acquaintances. What would be an appropriate term for somebody who is not quite asexual but who dreads the concept of being in a “relationship?” Aromantic (LOL)?
Part of what’s interesting about this is that there’s no way of knowing for sure whether the person writing this had experienced what we would now describe as romantic attraction. What we do know is that they did not identify as asexual, that they had been on dates in the past, and that the reason they described themself as aromantic was specifically due to their aversion to romance.
The reason why I point this out is because I have often seen people, especially those who are newer to our community, question whether they’re “really aromantic,” if they’re allosexual (non-asexual), if they’ve been in romantic relationships before, or if they aren’t sure whether they “really don’t feel attraction or if they do but are just romance repulsed.” But here, we see the first known usage of the word aromantic being used to describe someone who did not identify as asexual, who had been on dates before, and who was using the word specifically to refer to their aversion to romance (not necessarily a lack of romantic attraction).
The first known use of “aromantic” to specifically refer to a lack of romantic attraction was in a comment on an AVEN poll in 2005, specifically in reference to aromantic asexuals (who until then were referred to as asexual-asexual for lack of a better term). By 2008-2009, the term started to be used more frequently, and a few years later, around 2011, our community’s first flag was designed on the National Coalition for Aromantic Visibility.
This flag, the original aromantic flag, had four stripes. These were a green stripe, a yellow stripe, an orange stripe, and a black stripe. Most sources either describe the orange stripe as having symbolized either gray-(a)romantics or lithromantics, and the black stripe as having symbolized alloromantics who “rejected traditional ideas of romance” (or something along similar lines). This shows that once there started to be somewhat of an aromantic community, people on the aromantic spectrum (outside of those who experience no romantic attraction at all) were considered a part of the community, as were some people who experienced romantic attraction but simply “rejected traditional ideas of romance” (at least, according to the standards of whoever designed our first flag). This flag was later replaced, in part because it was criticized for including alloromantic people but not including many identities on the aromantic spectrum, but these details are still interesting to note.
Nowadays, according to AUREA, aromantic is used to mean anyone who feels little to no romantic attraction or whose relationship to romance is non-normative. This includes gray-aros, demiromantics, lithromantics, frayromantics, cupioromantics, and anyone else on the aro spectrum. This includes allosexual (non-asexual) aromantics, partnering aromantics, and romance favorable aromantics. I would argue that it even includes people who experience average levels of romantic attraction but are uninterested in having or do not enjoy having romantic relationships/experiences (i.e., “orchidromantic” people).
All this is to say, no matter where you fall on the aromantic spectrum, if you feel that “aromantic” is the most accurate description of who you are and of your experiences and relationship to romance, then it is your word. You are just as aromantic as I am as a nonpartnering romance repulsed aroace who experiences no romantic attraction whatsoever. So long as you choose to be a part of it, you belong in our community.
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cashew-cow · 9 months
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@tmaappreciationweek day three, with the prompt ‘au’. they’re ghost-hunters and best friends (they hate each other), you honor.
[Image ID: a drawing of melanie king and jon sims from the magnus archives. melanie is a short, east asian woman with black hair dyed bright red at the tips, upon which rests a pair of sunglasses. she is frowning at her small, handheld camera, and resting one hand on the top of jon’s head. she is wearing a leather jacket with spikes on the shoulders and a knife, coffin, and star pin on the lapel. she has two patches: a trans lesbian patch and one that says ‘fuck terfs’ in trans colors. she is wearing a spiked collar and a necklace with the lesbian symbol. her shirt is dark green with ghosts on it, and she is wearing an assortment of rings and bracelets. she has a pleated red skirt over a pair of fishnets and black boots with yellow and purple laces. she has two arrows pointing at her that label her as ‘the Face’, and ‘actual ghost-hunter’. jon is sitting beside her, a notepad in one hand and a pen in the other. he is a thin, south asian man with long graying hair, glasses attached to a chain, and a turquoise button-up shirt. he has two lapel pins in the shape of eyes with a thin band between them. he is wearing a long black and blue striped skirt and calf-length socks with ghosts printed on them. he has green converse shoes on which he has put a trans pride flag. he is wearing an asexual ring and looking at his notepad. he has two arrows pointing at him that label him as ‘(skeptic) empath’ and ‘editor’. the background is of a repeated pattern of ghosts, and on it is written ‘the archives, ghost-hunters extraordinaire’. below them is written their names. End ID]
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gray-ace-space · 5 months
can we all agree the gray ace flag is kinddddd of ugly
um absolutely not. i love the gray ace flag it's very lowkey and classy, kinda mysterious, good shade of purple
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karmatheprowlthra · 1 month
Fuck it, today I'm going to go much more in depth about Karma, his backstory (kind of), his abilities and his personality.
CW: Fatal vore mentions, blood/gory images.
There ARE elements of safe/soft vore in this post but they're a little overshadowed by the darker stuff, I think. Don't read if it's not your thing
This post is the first lore-heavy one I'm making, and it's a decently long one.
Important terms to remember:
Ashrya/Ashryen: Karma's Nation, Western Forces
Mioshkal: A coalition of 5 countries, Ashrya's enemy, Eastern Forces
The Nexus Frontier/Borderworld: a new dimension and Karma's current battlefield
Prowlthra: Karma's species, large powerful felines
Personal Details:
Birth Name: Kairo Oshiro
Nickname(s): Karma, The Fucking Big One
Species: Prowlthra (Chilled Brute Variant)
Height: 8'6" (may be subject to change soon)
Weight: 700lbs (may be subject to change soon)
Gender: Identifies as male (he/they)
Sexuality: Asexual/Biromantic
Physical Features
Karma is a tall, imposing creature that looks similar to a tiger, called a Prowlthra. His fur is black, with gray patches stretching across his front from his muzzle to about mid-thigh, as well as one on the end of his tail. He has red stripes that glow with bioluminescence, including markings under his eyes.
His eyes are black with piercing red pupils. His insides are a blackish-gray. He has round fluffy ears, and his tail is nearly 3 meters long, dexterous and powerful.
When angered, retractable crystalline quills erupt from his back, as well as retractable razor sharp ridges and blades in his tail, triceps, knees, wrists and knuckles. Both quills and ridges are black with red edges/tips.
Karma was born in the year 227 AIE in the Snowcrown Mountain Range under the birth name Kairo Oshiro. He lived in the cavern cities of his species, the Prowlthra, until he left the mountain range at the age of 17. Having left with the intent of becoming a soldier, he received a small chemical dose from a bioengineer that would turn his future markings blood red, the color that symbolizes a specialty in combat within Prowlthra society.
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(Pictured above is the northern hemisphere; Ashrya is the continent on the left, while Mioshkal is the continent on the right)
Upon leaving home in the year 244 AIE, he enlisted in the Ashryen military, specifically the Army, and was subsequently sent to an infantry battalion stationed in his providence, Northeastern Halotakla, after his training was complete.
Later that year, a coalition of Eastern Forces from the Mioshkal continent launched an invasion across Ashrya's eastern and northern coasts. Their exact reasoning is unknown, but many believe it was inspired by panic due to rapidly diminishing resources. Karma's battalion was pressed into immediate service to drive back the invading forces.
The war raged for the next six years, front lines continuously pushing and pulling as nations fought for dominance. Karma received a promotion and began to develop leadership skills, as well as a growing fondness for ambush tactics; many times he would pounce on patrolling enemy squads from the darkness and drag them off, screaming, one-by-one. It got him a reputation as a demon of the night, a ghost story or myth in many places across the battlefront. His tactics began to take on more aspects of inspiring terror to shatter enemy morale.
In 250 AIE, the Ashryen Science Division was able to successfully open a portal to a place initially dubbed the Borderworld, later renamed the Nexus Frontier. Mioshkal, having had spies within Ashryen's government and research teams, was able to replecate their results within weeks. Both sides realized that the Nexus Frontier has far more resources available than their respective territories and moved in to claim as much as they could. Given the environments and extreme dangers of the new dimension, however, specialized military branches had to be developed to traverse and fight within the borderworld. Within the Ashryen, this new branch became known as the Halitzka Corps.
Karma put in his papers and was quickly transferred to the Halitzka Corps as an Advanced Sergeant, with Sergeants Demetri Haldera and Inaya Vallen reporting to him. Over the next four years up to 254 AIE, the squad grew and shrunk but eventually settled with 5 members under Karma's command: Demetri, Inaya, Jun, Reo, and Vasya.
Karma has huge nutritional needs and has to consume a lot to meet standards. Before he left his native mountain range he consumed primarily wild animals gained from hunting, but when the war began he had to start taking enemy soldiers for sustenance due to lack of remaining wildlife in his area of operations. When the conflict shifted to the borderworld, the local fauna was either too dangerous to hunt or too nutritionally deficient, so Karma's diet switched entirely to whatever enemies he could hunt. Most of them died painlessly prior to consumption, but some who were captured for severe crimes received far more painful deaths melting. Karma reached a point where for every one prey he held safely, another 4 melted to sustain his nutritional needs.
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(Pictured above is an early version of Karma in his combat uniform. The design has since been changed, but it shows an excellent example of Karma's brutality and methods)
Like I've mentioned in the past, Karma is extremely overprotective, going out of his way to keep his tinies safe. The one exception is on the battlefield; as soldiers, their role is to fight. Karma will watch their backs and keep them out of danger in the event that they're wounded or disabled, but will otherwise leave them to their responsibilities. He's a good leader that trains his soldiers to take care of themselves, and to come to him when they can't.
That said, protection is a two-sided coin. One side is the big cuddly sweetheart, the one who takes you in and gives you a hug or noms you so you can hide away from your problems. The other is the actions you have to take to keep danger away from your protectee.
Nature designed Karma to be a killer just as much as a protector. He has no shortage of abilities to mess your day up and he has the personality to match.
As a soldier, Karma balances priorities between keeping his subordinates safe and making sure his enemies are dead. He tends to have an aggressive approach to combat, getting involved with claws and fangs. He tears out throats, slashes enemies to bloody shreds and makes sure they won't ever prove to be a threat to his loved ones. When he's hungry, he'll find lone or paired Mioshkal soldiers and pick them off as snacks.
It is important to note that Karma has a brutal digestion process. He tends to kill his prey before he melts them, via a variety of mostly painless methods. This is not the case for every prey he has.
On days when Karma doesn't get sent out for one operation or another, he has to make do with what's available on-base. 90% of the time this means prisoners; the high security prison with the worst individuals (weapons dealers, narcotics dealers, traffickers, war criminals, etc) has Karma coming in to eat so often that the soldiers guarding it have nicknamed it "Karma's Snack Locker". These prisoners, the ones who have caused pain and suffering throughout their world, die brutal deaths in Karma's stomach. They melt, burn, suffocate, boil and are usually crushed. Karma enjoys this process, not because of the violence and brutality but because of his role in painfully removing scum from the world.
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(commissioned from an artist I connected to through a mutual friend)
Karma is a hunter by nature. He stalks, he prowls, he pounces and slashes and bites. He's very good at it, especially against sentient beings thanks to many years of practice. If he catches you, how you're dealt with depends on how you react. Most cases will result in him gulping you down, and if you stay quiet and remain still he'll just hold you and take you with him back to his base as a low-tier prisoner (who are treated quite well). If you fight back and squirm, he'll squeeze you into submission or let you exhaust yourself, or stun you with a sudden burst of bioluminescence (like a flashbang, but without the bang).
The real tricky bit is when you sneak a weapon in. He'll always catch if you have a gun on you, but you can sneak knives and claws in fairly easily; however, Karma's insides are as tough as his outsides. Sharp things won't be able to puncture too deep before they're stopped outright; once that happens, you get squeezed down and melted alive for your defiance. Karma's insides are full of glowing scars from the many prey who have tried this in the past.
It's stories like this, and Karma's habit of hunting, that cause fear to spread within enemy ranks. For example, I have a character named Soha. He's a former Mioshkal infantryman with bad luck. While on a patrol, his fireteam was ambushed by Karma and his soldiers, who slaughtered everyone but Soha thanks to Mioshkal reinforcements arriving in the nick of time. However, Karma continued to haunt Soha for several more days before eventually destroying Soha's duty station and pursuing him into the forest.
Soha, in an attempt to escape, tried fleeing across a frozen lake and broke through the ice. After a moment of consideration, Karma followed and rescued him, carefully returning him to the surface and warming him before gulping him down to keep him safe.
This is where Karma's overprotectiveness flips back to the other side of the coin. Karma doesn't like to kill enemy soldiers who flee out of fear. He makes an effort to calm Soha and relaxes him for a while before taking him back to base. After a few months in a very nice prison cell, some rehabilitation efforts and daily visits from Karma, Soha became a defector and a secondary medic for Karma's squad.
Not all stories have happy endings, however. Soha still wakes up from nightmares of seeing Karma's glowing red eyes in the darkness, or the flash of teeth and spray of blood as the Prowlthra sinks his fangs into Soha's former squadmate. It causes him significant distress, and he rarely let's Karma eat him (though he does tolerate cuddles as long as Karma is gentle).
Strength: Karma weighs 700lbs (currently) on his own. He can carry up to 300lbs of prey (though he doesn't like to carry more than 200 or so most of the time) and 400lbs of equipment with ease, while still being able to flip a light armored vehicle. He can crush bones, including skulls, with one hand and has a bite force of nearly 2200psi.
Digestive System: Karma has retractable fangs, a hinged jaw, a flexible throat and a two-stomach digestive system. The upper stomach is safe and rather spacious, while the lower is tight and full of hot water (which he can actually use to make his upper gut a sauna, as I explained in a previous post). An organ full of water surrounds his lower gut, allowing him to hydraulically crush prey inside. Likewise, he can also fill either gut with an oxygen/nitrogen mix (suitable for most creatures to breath) or withdraw that air at will, causing prey to breathe or suffocate accordingly. He can choose to withdraw specific components of the air like the oxygen, causing a prey to breathe pure nitrogen. As a result, they just start to feel sleepy, then go unconscious and die painlessly. This is how he kills most prey to spare them suffering.
Natural Armor: Karma's fat behaves more like a non-Newtonian fluid than most things. Soft movements can squish and knead it like dough with relative ease (tummy rubs are something Karma enjoys a lot uwu). Sharp impacts like those from bullets will cause it to harden, allowing him to outright tank most small caliber weapons. Medium calibers like those for rifles will penetrate but only a limited amount, usually a mere flesh wound. Larger calibers like those for mounted weapons will cause significant damage. This armor behaves on the inside just as it does on the outside, which is why prey with knives tend to fail at harming him; after their first strike fails, they are often crushed or suffocated by Karma before they can test soft cuts instead.
Hunter's Vision: Karma naturally has a second pair of eyelids that are tailored toward a different spectrum of light. When he squints, his vision switches to thermal vision, allowing him to see heat signatures of his prey. This lets him see through smoke, dust and darkness with ease. He also has two pairs of pupils. The first is his normal red set, geared toward regular vision. A second thicker pair resides in the dark portion of his eyes, capable of compounding his vision to see incredibly far! With his compounding vision and complicated brain, he is capable of plotting immense leaps and pounces to subdue his prey.
Dual Claws: Karma has two sets of claws per paw, an upper set and a lower set. The upper set is far sharper and equipped with neurotoxin glands, designed for combat. The lower set is strong but slightly duller, designed for climbing!
Neurotoxins: Karma can produce a neurotoxin in his fangs and sets of combat claws, which is difficult to produce but punishing to receive. Grade 1 (15 seconds to produce) neurotoxin will give the prey a light buzzing feeling, acting like a light narcotic to some. Grade 2 (30 seconds) is about equal to an anesthetic, causing numbness and/or sleepiness. Grade 3 (1.5 minutes) will cause temporarily paralysis. Grade 4 (6 minutes) will begin to cause permanent paralysis, especially in limbs. Grade 5 (30 minutes) will cause complete paralysis and imminent death. Anything beyond grade 5 is overkill and too time/energy intensive for Karma's body to produce in any necessary capacity. Regardless, a bite or a scratch is all it takes for Karma to bring a prey down.
Quills/Blades: The Prowlthra are a silicate-based species instead of a carbon-based one. Thanks to some unique genetic adaptations, most Prowlthra will grow sharp crystalline spines or quills on their backs, particularly from the base of the neck to mid-back. These kills will raise in anger and can regenerate if broken off; they're also very sharp when they shatter, so an enemy unfortunate enough to get stuck with one will find they have a considerable amount of bad lacerations to deal with. These crystalline spines are partially retractable and lay down flat when not in use. Likewise, retractable crystalline blades grow in the tail, triceps, knuckles, wrists and knees are also common (you can see some in the art where Karma ate Space).
Speed: Karma, while having slow acceleration, can reach very high speeds over open ground. This is both a strength and a weakness; he can't turn for shit once he gets up to speed.
Senses: Between his eyes, excellent hearing and powerful scent trackers, Karma is an incredible hunter that is difficult to throw off your trail. What he lacks in speed, he makes up for in persistence. You can run, but you can't hide.
Finally, to end on a light note, we're gonna discuss some of the more niche but fun details about Karma! It's been a long post with lots of violence so we need some cheering up uwu
Karma's favorite hobbies are eating (regular food) just for tastes, sleeping (usually on the floor), messing with parts to see what he can make (he's no engineer but he tries) and checking up on everyone he knows. He makes extra effort to check up on every soldier under his command after each mission, and will cuddle, nom or just talk to whoever is dealing with stress.
Karma's insides are very plush and very comfortable! His body is naturally warm so he's a good place to relax when cold, even by normal pred standards.
Finally, you know the thing where cats will get big eyes and pounce and bap if you move your foot beneath a blanket? About 10% of the time, as long as he's not hyperfocused on making sure you feel safe and comfortable, Karma will sometimes try to bap at anything squirming in his belly. Any bulge outward will immediately get smacked with a big paw, leading to many games of whack-a-mole started by Space when he's just chilling in Karma belly.
And that's about it! I know this one is a bit of an infodump but I figured I might as well get it out there.
Also yeah the backstory is shaky and the map looks like shit, I know XD
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solutionblade · 8 months
NEUROALTARO - For neurodivergent and alterhuman individuals who feel as though their aromanticism is inseparable from either identity and those identities are likewise inseparable from their aromanticism. NEUROALTACE - For neurodivergent and alterhuman individuals who feel as though their asexuality is inseparable from either identity and those identities are likewise inseparable from their asexuality. NEUROALTAROACE - For neurodivergent and alterhuman individuals who feel as though their aromanticism and asexuality is inseparable from either identity and those identities are likewise inseparable from their aromanticism and asexuality. NEUROALTROSEFUCKED/WEIRD - For neurodivergent and alterhuman individuals who feel as though being rosefucked/roseweird is inseparable from either identity and those identities are likewise inseparable from their being rosefucked or roseweird. The flag in the back of the image is the alternate nebularomantic flag!
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These terms are exclusive to those who are neurodivergent, alterhuman, and on the aromantic or asexual spectrum.
[IMAGE ID: There are four flags in the post. The first flag is a flag with seven stripes. The top stripe is a deep cool violet, followed by a blue that is regular in saturation, then a low saturated teal color. The middle stripe is white, and the following three stripes going down to the bottom are a light peachy orange color, followed by a light in saturation orange-pink color, then a rich warm violet. In the center of the image is a black circle surrounded by the aromantic flag which has five stripes. The topmost stripe of this flag is a light green color, followed by a lighter green color and a white stripe in the middle. The bottom two stripes are gray, followed by black. Inside the black circle is the symbol for the alt key in white that looks like an arrow that has branched off and broken its path and is pointing to the right and is commonly used for alterhumanity. The second flag has the same main colors and the same circle and alterhuman symbol as the first. In the center of the image is a black circle surrounded by the asexual flag which has four stripes. The topmost stripe of this flag is black in color, followed by a gray stripe and then a white stripe. The bottom stripe is a deep violet that is warm in coloration. The third flag has the same main colors and the same circle and alterhuman symbol as the first two. In the center of the image is a black circle surrounded by the aroace flag which has five stripes. The top stripe is a light orange, followed by a bright dandelion yellow. The middle stripe on this flag is white. The next stripe is a light blue followed by a dark blue that is low in saturation. The fourth flag has the same main colors and the same circle and alterhuman symbol as the first two. In the center of the image is a black circle surrounded by the rosefucked/roseweird flag which has six stripes. The topmost stripe of this flag is a warm dusky purple, followed by a lighter purplish-pink, which is then followed by a pink that is very light and nearly off-white. The next stripe is a very light green color, followed by a green of the same temperature that is slightly darker. The bottommost stripe is a mossy green color. END ID]
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sadviko-off · 2 months
List of characters included in my universe, the good ones come first: OC+canon
Below are the villains, they only include one of my OCs.
I wrote a brief description of all the characters; those who are in the plot, but most likely will not be drawn, are highlighted in color.
Let me explain for the canon: the names were changed, as well as the appearance, because after leaving the FH they need to hide somehow, they try to call each other by new name when they are behind the walls of their home base. I also changed the hierarchy of the army in the universe, the commanders became marshals.
I also gave names to some of the villains. CJ name is given for disguise… oh, this is a spoiler ^ ^~
Sad Viko/슬픈 비코: 26 years old, guy (demigender), hedgehog (a mixture of angel and demon), gay, polyamorous.
invisible liquor/보이지 않는 술: 20 years old, guy, hedgehog, asexual.
Eragon/에라곤: 29 years old, guy, hedgehog, asexual.
Magnesia (Juniper)/ 마그네시아 (주니퍼): 30 years old, guy (genderfluid), chipmunk, gay, polyamorous.
Gorgon/고르곤: 31 years old, guy, iguana, pansexual (gay).
Fluffy/솜털 같은: 28 years old, guy (demigirl?), spider-chinchilla hybrid, gay.
Burdock/우엉: 27 years old, guy, chipmunk, gay.
Sinbihan (Mysterious)/신비한: 33 years old, guy, chinchilla, gay, polyamorous.
Ballelian (Valerian)/발레리안: 33 years old, guy, hedgehog, bisexual, polyamorous.
Bulkkoch (Spark)/불꽃: 31 years old, guy, chipmunk, demisexual, polyamorous.
Yangcho (Candle)/양초: 34 years old, guy (genderfluid, femboy), chipmunk, gay.
Oenunbag-i (One-Eyed)/외눈박이: 37 years old, guy, squirrel, demisexual.
Yong (Dragon)/용: 15 years old, girl, chipmunk. (dead)
Posu 0.2 (Gunner 0.2)/포수0.2| Bin/Winh (Bay)/빈: 36 years old, guy, chinchilla, gay.
Usyaseutig (Ushastik)/우샤스틱: 34 years old, guy, hedgehog-eared, demisexual.
Minali (Buttercup)/미나리: 35 years old, girl, chipmunk, lesbian, polyamorous.
Banilla (Vanilla)/바닐라: 37 years old, girl, viscacha, lesbian.
Mokachino/모카치노: 38 years old, girl, chipmunk, pansexual (lesbian)
Amcho (Reef)/암초: 60 years old, guy, chipmunk, bisexual, polyamorous.
Seondo (Freshness)/선도: 57 years old, guy, hedgehog, demisexual, polyamorous.
Ogonyokeu (Twinkle)/오고뇨크: 56 years old, guy (transgender), chipmunk, gay, polyamorous.
Lubi (Ruby)/ 루비: 43 years old, guy, gay, polyamorous.
Yang-gwibi (Poppy)/ 양귀비: 46 years old, guy, pansexual, polyamorous.
Loteoseu (Lotus)/로터스: 47 years old, guy, squirrel, bisexual, polyamorous.
Hyeonjaeui (Current)/현재의: 43 years old, guy (demigender), chipmunk, gay, polyamorous.
Eling-gium (Eryngium)/에링기움 | Milkwid (Euphorbia Mile)/밀크위드: (Suffers from duplicity) 45 years old, guy, viscacha, gay, polyamorous.
Meseu (Scalpel)/메스: 47 years old, guy, chipmunk, bisexual, polyamorous.
Silkeu (Silk)/실크: 46 years old, guy, hybrid of brown and albino chipmunks, demisexual, polyamorous.
Jaleunicha (summer lightning)/자르니차: 44 years old, guy, chipmunk, demisexual, polyamorous.
Koseumea (Cosmea)/코스메아: 46 years old, guy, chipmunk, gay, polyamorous.
Bingsu/빙수: 41 years old, guy (transgender), hedgehog, pansexual, polyamorous.
Beulauni(Brownie)/브라우니: 42 years old, guy (demigender), squirrel, polyamorous.
Seuta (Star)/ 스타: 18 years old, girl (demiboy), squirrel, bisexual.
Mitieo (Meteor)/미티어: 16 years old, guy (demigirl), squirrel, pansexual.
Let me explain the type of animal I chose for the heroes. In Russia they found out long ago that the heroes of the project are all chipmunks, not squirrels. In Korea, squirrel and chipmunk are combined in one word; for Koreans they are the same animal. Because there was no official Wikipedia SaH, then just look at the characters: the stripe on the head, stripes on the tails, round ears - these are direct signs that the heroes are chipmunks. The squirrels were shown as sharp-tailed and pointy-eared gray animals (that is, the same Oegwi and Mul covers from episode 27)
Bang-ulkkoch/Pangulggot (lily of the valley)/방울꽃 or Geumsaegi: 29 years old, guy, chipmunk, pansexual (gay), polyamorous.
Gisteol (Feather)/깃털 or Scout Goseumdochi: 28 years old, guy (a bit of a demi-girl), hedgehog, gay.
Dal (Moon)/달 or Undochi: 22 years old, guy, hedgehog, bisexual (gay).
Hae (Sun)/해 or Bamsaegi: 20 years old, guy, chipmunk, gay.
Cheol (Steel) /철 or Juldarami: 29 years old, guy, chipmunk, bisexual (gay), polyamorous.
Gangseollyang (Snowfall)/강설량 or Unhasu: 28 years old, guy, hedgehog, gay.
Guseubeli (Gooseberry)/구스베리 or Rodia: 28 years old, girl (demiboy), hedgehog, demisexual.
Ttalgi (Strawberry) /딸기 or Caramel - Geumsaegi's younger sister: 20 years old, girl, chipmunk, lesbian.
Samnamu (Cedar)/삼나무 or Commander (Marshall) Goseumdochi: 42 years old, guy, hedgehog, gay.
Somteul (Willow)/솜틀 or Commander (Marshall) Darami: 39 years old, guy, chipmunk, demisexual.
Amondeu (Almond)/아몬드 or Hedgehog Waitress: 26 years old, girl, hedgehog, lesbian.
Meolaeng (Meringue)/머랭 or Mouse Waitress: 25 years old, girl, gray mouse, lesbian.
Gaeam /개암 (Hazelnut) or Kodeu Tokeo Darami: 27 years old, guy, chipmunk, pannsexual.
Amho/암호 (Coding) or Kodeu Tokeo Goseumdochi: 30 years old, guy, hedgehog, demisexual.
Molan (Peony)/모란 or Posu Darami: 29 years old, guy, chipmunk, bisexual.
Malcha (Matcha)/말차 or Boan Chaeg-imja Darami: 27 years old, guy, chipmunk, gay.
Molae Jogjebi|Molae (Sandy)/모래 족제비 or Assistant Jogjebi: 39 years old, male, weasel, demisexual.
Geojis (Liar)/거짓 or Commander (Marshall) Jogjebi: 39 years old, male, weasel, bisexual.
Commander (Marshall) Seungnyangi: 48 years old, male, wolf, bisexual.
Galsaeg Yeou (Fulvous)|Galsaeg/갈색 여우 or Officer's Yeou brother: 40 years old, fox, bisexual (gay).
Officer Yeou/Vixen: 37 years old, girl, fox, bisexual.
Commander Eunbal (Silver paw)/은발 (OC): 42 years old, girl (demiboy), wolf, lesbian.
Mulmangcho: 32 years old, guy, gray mouse, bisexual, polyamorous.
Mulsajo: 28 years old, guy, gray mouse, pansexual, polyamorous.
Oegwipali: 24 years old, guy (demigirl), gray mouse, gay, polyamorous.
Bigeobhada (Cowardly)/비겁하다 or Guard/Chief of Security: 36 years old, guy (demigender), weasel, gay.
Gyohwalhan (Cunning)/교활한 or Chief of Staff: 39 years old, guy, weasel, bisexual (gay).
Mipung (Breeze)/미풍 or Commander diver: 31 years old, guy, gray mouse, pansexual (gay).
Eumpyo (Note)/음표 or Mouse from Episode 6 (Rooftop Security Guard): 28 years old, guy (demigender), gray mouse, gay.
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i4eth · 11 months
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Juvelic Orientations Flag Re-Desing
I am proposing this redesign for the following reasons:
— The colors have no meaning, it's just the flags of other communities together, disproportionately.
— Uses "heterosexual flag" there isn't a pride flag to represent a majority, and I don't like the idea in which blue and pink were placed, because it reminds me of the "cisgender flag".
As this is not a new flag, but a redesign, the original credits for the original flag remain with the person who made the design, which in this case I am based on it.
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Red Orange, yellow, blue and purple stripes represent ALL the queer attractions. Includes all flags and all gender/non-gender love terms.
I kept the gray and black stripes precisely because of the Agender, Asexual and Aromantic pride flags, I do not want these stripes to be erased in any way, I am an Aroace person and these stripes are very important to me, as they must also be important to agender and other non-binary people.
The white stripe represents everyone who is not queer, or some who are straight, cisgender, allosexual or alloromantic who are otherwise queer, Everyone who Has an identity, attraction, orientation labeled "marginalized".
Lavender has long been a symbol of the queer community, so I decided to claim it and put it on the flag.
(flag with quality)
"Do I have to use the flag?"
No, there is no official flag in any community, there are flags for all tastes, and everyone can disagree and agree on guidelines.
"Is the old flag problematic?"
Probably not, but I still wanted to make an Alternative that is more representative, and I welcome suggestions on how to improve it
"Who are you?"
My name is Ethan, I'm an Inclusionist, I'm gay/Vincian non-binary Aroace, I like cats, and I sometimes enjoy learning about queer community terms and flags.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I was once an exclusionist, but I totally regret these kinds of thoughts, but if for some reason you come across an exclusionist comment of mine, please send it to me, I will delete immediately.
I hope you queers like the flag, I tried my best to make it as beautiful as possible, bye!
EDIT: According to some people's feedback I changed the gray tone of the flag, I also think it looks much better so thank you very much for the feedback!
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