#gotta put my shit on do not disturb when I sleep from now on :
n30nwrites · 1 year
the lost boys with male reader who loves naps and is always so sleepy, falls asleep anywhere and gets whiny when the boys tell him he can’t nap cus he sleeps too much n it’s not good for his health <3
Hand in Hand; Comfort mixes with Safety
Summary: Heading to the pier, you can't help but Fall asleep, that's what happens when you finally find your safety.
a/n: Yk I love my lost boys soft, i don't do that manipulative shit (also it drains me). This is short. I don't even know when this request was sent so sorry if it's been a bit.
Word Count: 1.0k
Reader: Male, 2nd person. Use of nicknames but they are genderneutral for the most part, He/Him pronouns are used.
Warnings: Fluff, Surf Nazis, Mention of murder and othr Lost Boys stuff but nothing gone into detail. Reader wants to sleep but boys are worried.
Disclaimer; i do not own The Lost Boys Characters nor Story line nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any images used.
Comments, Likes, and Reblogs are appreciated.
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It was easy to fall asleep around them. Not that they were boring, they were quite the opposite actually. But once you had felt safe with them, being around them just felt so calming that you could close your eyes and rest.
And you did that, often.
You loved them, just a little but more than you loved naps. You were always tired, and with your trust in the boys, you knew you could fall asleep at any point and they would protect you.
You never got sleep, you just had naps. Which you preferred. A few hours of sleep made you feel better than sleeping for 8 hours.
Like now, you were napping. You were in the between stages of awake and sleep, your body slowly going numb as your eyes kept fluttering close, your jacket was zipped up to prevent the cold and you were laying your head on David's back.
You were falling asleep, holding onto David on the back of his motorcycle while you and your boys were heading to the pier. The boys could hear your heart beat slowing down, and Marko and Paul looked at each other.
Sleeping on the back of his motorcycle whilst the boys drove at high speeds was dangerous, and David faltered when he felt your grip loosen, his foot slowly lifting from the peddle and slowing down, he readjusted his hands.
"You gotta wake up Darling." David drove with one hand, the other gripping both of your wrists, holding you tightly. "Can't fall asleep on the drive, you'll get hurt." Still human, still fragile, he hated it.
"i'll be fine..." your voice came out soft, as your whined and dug your face deeper into his back, and through the rushing wind if they were human you wouldn't have been heart at all.
"Gotta stay awake, not good for you." He rolled his shoulders, disturbing your comfort more for the sake of keeping you awake. You just huffed at his words, groaning and just turning your head, now facing Dwayne instead of the terror twins. "Don't ignore me."
"We'll be there in a few minutes, just let me sleep until then." It was almost hard for him to argue against you. Out of the four of them, David liked spoiling you the most, anything you wanted, he was willing to give to you. David's one hand that was steering the motorcycle quickly left to gently slap your thigh, "Few more minutes, for me?"
"Love you." Your hands grabbed his shirt, as you put your head on his shoulder, wind blowing in your face so you could stay awake. David returned to his normal speed, which was illegally fast, and it wasn't long before they arrived at the pier, and immediately received dirty looks from the onlookers. You continued to lean, except this time on Dwayne as he was the quieter and stood still better than the blondes. "What are the plans?"
"Terrorize some surf nazis, eat some food because, you, Darlin', haven't eaten at all today and I'm not even sure about yesterday." You weren't with the boys yesterday, work tired you out more than usual and you slept throughout the day, only waking up to do some chores, which they had no idea about. Paul wrapped his arm around you, pulled you away from your human pillow, tugging you to the rides and the food, the sweet smell filled the air.
Nothing really stopped you from your tired state though. While Paul pulled you ahead, Marko, Dwayne, and David followed behind, a few steps away as they spoke to each other.
"It's not healthy for humans to be sleeping this much, right?" David asked.
"Not really, especially with the way he forgets to eat." Dwayne watched as your steps stuttered, slightly tripping over yourself.
"We need to turn him."
"He doesn't want to yet, we're lucky he's fine with everything else." Marko wasn't just mentioning the fact that you knew they were vampires. It was the fact that when David would do anything for you, that meant killing for you, and the other three wouldn't have opposed doing so in your name. And you were aware of that, just that your mind often was imaginative and the one time you had stumbled upon them whilst they were killing, you hadn't exactly been fine with it all. You knew they killed, seeing it meant something else though.
"His health will only get worse if he continues like this."
"Not like he'd actually get it checked out."
"Come on Boys!" You called for them, as Paul was quickly walking to a food truck and grabbing you something. It didn't take long for him to come back, probably because he cut the line and despite his aura, Paul was threatening. You ate quickly, as Marko had insisted that they should head to the Ferris wheel, your eyes were heavy but you tried your best to stay awake.
That didn't last long.
Hadn't even reached the top and your head was slumped against Paul's shoulder. You said you were just resting your eyes but that was a clear lie to everyone that knew you. When you reached the top you were out of it, and the boys just watched, staring as your chest relaxed and your stomach slowly went in and out, your heart beat being the one thing they were focused on.
When the ride ended, Marko was the one to try to wake you, he put his hand on your thigh and gently shook you awake. "Stop..." You dragged out the 'p' as you gently pushed him away.
"We gotta get off."
"Don't wanna," You slurred your words, "I'm tired, Paul's comfy."
"You think all of us are comfy," They were getting closer, and whilst they would be fine with threatening the worker and making the teen just skip them, the boys still had to eat. "We gotta go, time to feed."
"Already ate."
"Not you Mi Corazón."
"Oh." You took your head off of Paul's shoulder as the door opened and Dwayne stepped out. The four followed after him, as they headed towards the beach for a bonfire.
"You've gotta stop sleeping so much, completely ignoring the party all night we got going on." Paul joked, laughing at your playful scowl.
"Plus it's not healthy." Marko adjusted his arm to wrap around you. Another thing the boys did, constant touching. It didn't have to be all the time, but just one of them needed to be touching you.
Comfort, that's what you all felt around each other.
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theemporium · 11 months
hey babe!!
if you don't mind could you do a sirius black x sick reader please?
thanks sm! xx
this is lowkey self-indulgent because i am hacking a lung over here but thank you for requesting!🖤
He had been worried when you didn’t wake him up.
A majority of the time you were up before him, teasing him for his yawning and bed hair that he wouldn’t bother to fix until he had some coffee and food in his stomach. You would be the one to drag him out of bed, telling him that he had to start the day and promising him that you could nap after lunch if he got up now. 
But Sirius had dragged himself out of bed at eleven this morning, honestly expecting you to already be up (considering you weren’t in bed next to him when he woke up) and tease him about how he could sleep through an apocalypse. However, he had walked into the kitchen and seen nothing but a bunch of tablets sprawled across the counter.
He frowned, taking a step to investigate when he heard a series of hacking coughs coming from the living room. He quickly made his way towards the sound, stopping at the bottom of the sofa when he saw you curled up in a bunch of blankets, used tissues and bottles of water surrounding you as you gave him a grim smile.
“Hi,” you whispered, sniffling enough for him to know your nose was blocked. 
“Baby,” he murmured softly as he took a step towards you but you quickly slipped your foot out of the blankets to kick his leg to stop him.
“No,” you whined and shook your head. “The whole reason I’m in here is so you don’t get sick too.” 
“You moved here last night?” he asked, his brows furrowed in concern. He could have sworn he had fallen asleep with you on chest and your legs wrapped around his thighs. 
You nodded. “Woke up feeling shit, didn’t wanna disturb you.” 
“Baby,” he said again, but this time it was a little more chastising. “You should have woke me up.” 
You sighed. “But—” 
“No buts, love, I’m your boyfriend,” Sirius said as he puffed his chest out a little, holding back his own grin when he saw your lips twitch with a smile. “It’s my job to take care of you.” 
“You’re gonna get sick,” you told him with a shake of your head. 
“No, I won’t,” he said confidently. “Have you eaten yet?” 
You shook your head.
“Right, then you pick something for us to watch and I’ll make you some soup,” he murmured as he leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead. 
“You mean reheat soup from a can?” you teased. 
“Obviously, darling, whatever gets me next to you sooner, the better,” he winked.
Less than fifteen minutes later, he was tucked behind you as you slowly ate the bowl of soup he had heated up for you. Some random romantic comedy was playing on the television but he didn’t pay it much attention as he focused on you, making sure you at least ate half of the soup before you put the bowl down. 
“Just gotta take these now, love,” he murmured as he pressed some pills into your palm and passed you water.
“Who knew you’d be such a demanding nurse,” you grumbled but did what he said. 
“Sorry for wanting you to get better,” he joked lightly as he took the glass of water and placed it on the table. “C’mon, I’m waiting for my payment.” 
You frowned in confusion. “Your payment?”
Sirius pouted his lips expectantly. 
“Nuh uh,” you shook your head. “I’m gonna get you sick.” 
“I don’t care,” he said and pouted his lips again. “Kiss me.”
“Kiss me or I’ll die!” Sirius sighed dramatically.
“Don’t blame me if you get sick,” you murmured before you leaned in to just peck his lips. 
“Not enough,” Sirius grumbled as he leaned down to deepen the kiss. 
“This is my payment, love!”
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jboofan · 1 year
It's in our DNA
2. Fool of a Kook
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The three men sat in awkward silence. After having lost a secret game of rock, paper, scissors Jimin groaned as he spoke up.
"Say, Jungkook," Jimin mentioned nonchalantly, "maybe you should go and check if she's okay?"
Jungkook rubbed his eyes, ignoring Jimin as he went on watching Taehyung throw popcorn expertly into his mouth.
"She must have been awfully scared when she thought someone had broken in."
"She nearly broke my Grammy award Jimin."
"..to protect herself! Dude that's what you're taking from this?"
"I'm going to bed," he clapped his hands. "I cannot be arsed to do anything right now."
YN stepped out of her room ill opportune, a long winter jacket on, suitcase in tow, catching a snippet of his response.
"Oh," Jimin saw her first, clearing his throat, Jungkook turning to see her standing there.
"You're leaving?"
He nudged Jungkook.
Jungkook peered over, YN checked her bag, pockets and fished out her phone.
"You're leaving then?" he repeated, making the other two want to slam their heads together.
"I have to leave..for work. I have your schedule so will make sure I don't disturb you on my return," she cleared her throat, pointing nervously at the front door.
"But it's quite late, where are you going?" Taehyung politely asked.
"This week? Busan."
"This week?" Jimin enquired. "What do you do?"
"I'm a writer," her gaze landed on Jungkook and it made her nervous. If she said where she worked, would he be suspicious and throw her out?
"I help to boost tourism?" she managed.
1 Night 2 days does go to different places, Running Man tends to stay around Seoul..so it's not like I'm lying.
"You don't sound so sure.." Jungkook eyed her suspiciously.
"Most weeks I travel across the country, help to advertise different regions."
"Well that's great," Taehyung gave her a warm smile. "Isn't it Jungkook?" he nudged, "helping our country, positively patriotic that is!"
"Uh, yeah sure. Great," Jungkook managed a half smile.
"I have to go, we have to be on set in a few hours," she rushed quickly to the door, as quickly as her feet could take her.
"Set?" even in a drowsy state, that last bit didn't make sense to Jungkook, he tapped her name into Naver.
"What's her surname?" he asked the two others.
"How are we supposed to know? We didn't even know you had someone living with you, till this afternoon," Jimin drained his can and grabbed his jacket to leave.
"Gotta say, never thought that it would be you of all people living with a girl that wasn't that yo yo girlfriend of yours," Taehyung cackled.
"Ah, here we go," Jimin spoke into his empty can.
"Cmon Jimin," Taehyung tried to stifle his own laugh. "They might make it work this time, seventeenth time is a charm right?"
"Jennie drives me fucking insane," Jungkook sighed.
"Well, you're still with crazy so.." mumbled Jimin out the corner of his mouth, to Taehyung who couldn't hold his laugh in anymore.
"What you say?" Jungkook narrowed his eyes at Jimin opposite.
"Nothing, just that something must have happened. And as your friends, albeit the only ones that put up with your shit, issues. Concerns. I meant concerns, we will listen and try and help," he smiled innocently, elbowing Taehyung in the ribs.
"Of course man," Taehyung grinned back, as he continued to pretend to listen to Jungkook's rant about Jennie and how her going off on tour with Blackpink was effecting their relationship. The whole group had been subjected to it for years now.
The two of them zoned out; Jimin finally finished off the pistachio nuts, whilst Taehyung and him posed for a few selfies. He'd even managed to go to the toilet and back by the time Jungkook had stopped to take a breath. 
"WELL," Taehyung yawned, "We're gonna head off."
"I gotta sleep man," Jimin stifled a yawn. "I got an appointment on the morning."
"And I just can't be bothered to listen to this again another night," Taehyung admitted.
"Dicks. Shut the door after you," Jungkook dragged his feet to his room, before falling asleep in a heap.
"Can we be friends with your new roomie?" they called after him as he slugged off to bed.
"We're having poker night here next week, don't forget again yeah! It's your turn to hold it!" Taehyung waved back, taking a groan from Jungkook as agreement.
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Jungkook woke up a little after sundown, same as always, noticing the curtains were closed, lights off and no one else home. Just the way he liked it.
He'd lost count of how many days YN had been away, but it didn't bother him. Whether she was there or not, it didn't make a difference to him.
Scratching his arm pits, the echo of his flip-flops against the cold marble floor, stomach rumbling he rummaged the fridge for any leftovers.
"What is she doing?" he wondered, not that Jennie seemed to care much about what he was doing. Sitting on the counter top, cross-legged he did the usual of scrolled through Jennie's social media, liking the last few posts, questioned his existence and then showered to hit the gym again.
YN smiled as the lift opened, appreciative for not having to climb several stairs to get to Jungkook's place.
She pulled out the schedule, and paranoid, scanned it's contents for the umpteenth time to ensure he was not home.
The image of shame and embarrassment the first time they met ran through her mind.
"Damn YN, you better hope he ain't in there," she hoped as she reached the door. She'd be lying if she didn't admit that she would have tried to not come home at all, praying the shoot would be delayed, at least until Jungkook went off to his next schedule.
YN opened the door, knowing that he would have left for the gym by now, as the lights were low, and assuming all the shoes out front were his, she confidently rolled her suitcase in, flicked off her sneakers and let out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding.
"His Highness will be at the gym, so I can breathe again—"
Five sets of eyes stared up in surprise, and a sixth set stood with a beer in hand and a dirty look on his face.
"Oh shi—"
YN froze, still gripping her suitcase handle, her knuckles white with panic.
"I can come back later," she offered, not that she had anywhere she could go. A library or cafe maybe?
"Jungkook, care to share what you've been up to?" laughed Hope loudly, as YN tried hard to not pee her pants.
Jungkook didn't get a chance to reply as Hobi, Namjoon and even Yoongi were quicker than usual, already crowding around YN with several questions. Awkwardly YN tried to dodge everyone and get across the living room to her room.
Jungkook watched her eager to get away, the way her eyes went wide in horror as Namjoon knocked into her expensive suitcases and they fell over, making Yoongi swear blue from getting hit and give Hobi a dirty look for laughing in every situation.
"Jungkook you hiding secrets again?" Namjoon chastised him. Even at 25 he was still being ordered about, even though it was him making most of the money now. Jungkook held his tongue and stood still.
YN walked into Jungkook's solid back, pushing out a hand upon it to steady herself. He gave a low grunt, one which only she seemed to hear as she stood instinctively behind him, slowing down to place herself more behind him after a few short strides, wary of the situation. She didn't know him, but she trusted him more than anyone else right this moment. 
"Why are you so skittish?" He looked ahead, but YN knew his words were for her.
"I thought you were supposed to keep to your schedule. But this is a damn party!" she hissed before shutting up, afraid to upset this man.
"Guys let her breathe for fuck sake," he sighed at having to expel energy, pulling her to one side.
"I thought you were out. It's 7, your schedule said you'd be at the gym."
"Don't be shy," he told her, as she came into view.
YN wouldn't look at him. She wouldn't speak. She’d taken to wringing her hands behind her back, which is now in his as he grabbed it roughly, her bottom lip slightly wobbling. 
“That's easy for you to say Jungkook-ssi,” she uttered it so softly, he almost thought it was only the two of them in the room now.
Why does my name sound sweet like honey when she says it?
Unable to think straight, it was too late when his name came tumbling out her mouth without control.
Why is he looking at me like that? Are his eyes glazed over??!
“I can’t just let you leave, I'd have a lot to answer for," he looked her in the eye. 
"Funny cos you've not exactly gone out your way to make me feel welcome have you. You're itching for me to leave," having him look her in the eye was too much as she looked away.
But annoyed again, she looked at him. Cross.
The way she assumed he would ask her to leave, pissed him off. This wasn't her fault. It was because his brother had made his own plans and no one had let him in on it. And perhaps he'd been taking that out on her.
YN felt a fool for saying what she really felt. She wouldn't have agreed to stay with Jungkook just because she could, she was staying with him because she was so close to her big break and needed to be nearer to the action, because she had no other choice but to. Careers were made or lost depending on your commitment, and she was committed to the end.
She would sell her work, and she was going to be a fucking great talent. Sought after. In demand. Respected.
Watering brown eyes. Sexy, wavy shiny sunkissed hair. Cheeks that had a glow to them from working outdoors. Poutiest fucking lips he'd ever seen on a woman.
His brother had a lot to answer for, but he would save that for when he saw the dumbass in person to ask his questions. He'd been acting like a cold bastard towards her, but he wasn't going to admit that any time soon.
She was everything he needed to keep the fuck away from. Happy, thoughtful and kind.
"Please don't be rude. Introduce us to your beautiful friend," Yoongi mumbles politely, like the others looked toward her with a warm smile.
The beauty in question pursed her full lips together and her cheeks were suddenly crimson.
It’s then that her brown eyes locked with his, flickering with emotion as though they were glowing. She’s pissed. Confused. Upset. Telling Jungkook with her eyes to be a man and say something.
Is she sassing me? 
She stood there, her eyes moving rapidly, impatient to hear what Jungkook had to say too. 
For a few short minutes, he'd enjoyed a rare moment of pleasure in his cold, hard life. Clearly, the time for pleasure had come and gone. Now, he was staring back at his bandmates trying to explain why he was holding the hand of a stranger in his home. 
"This is YN, and she's my... guest."
"Guest?" Namjoon repeated.
Jungkook gave a lazy nod.
"Your guest?" Namjoon repeated, looking between Jungkook and the others. "Is that like a euphemism for girlfriend or something? Because I don't remember reading about that in my social studies book."
"How many times have I told you, that you learn about people through talking to them, hanging out with people, not through books," Hobi reminded him.
Namjoon listened, before smiling back to her. "Please, join us!"
"It's okay, you seem like you're all enjoying yourself," she moved some steps back, not knowing Jungkook was fixed standing a short distance behind her. "Please enjoy your.. gambling?"
"Oh!" she turned to grab an arm to balance herself. "You and I need to have a chat tomorrow, please," her manners returning as she steadied herself upright.
Jungkook watched her wheel her things over to her room, the door shut quickly and the lock even faster.
"She's very pretty, glad you over Jennie," Hobi smiled, "how you guys meet? And why didn't you tell her to join us?"
"Just through my brother. Nothing fancy or special," he took a swig of beer and picked his cards back up, nestling back into his armchair.
"Right, who's go is it?"
Jimin laughed dramatically, "get ready to lose all your money maknae!"
YN was furious. She ripped up his schedule in a fit of anger, flinging the shreds into the air like confetti before stripping off and heading off to shower. The ensuite came complete with beautiful views, but it could do nothing to cool her anger down.
Scrubbing her skin violently raw, and rubbing too rough she couldn't believe her luck that they were all sitting there, like ducks in a row, the moment she walked in.
There goes being able to sit out on the sofas and enjoy dinner in front of the TV again like a normal person. She was sick of being stuck in her room like a prisoner on the rare one day a week she had off.
"Keeps to his fucking schedule my ass," she huffed as she patted her skin down with a fluffy towel before returning to her room to change.
Her thoughts were scattered as a ringtone; her ringtone sounded through them.
"Yeah?" she called out slowly, as she answered the unknown number against her better judgement.
When the caller used her name twice, she realised the call wasn't a mistake but deliberate.
"Who is it?"
"Oh! Sorry! It's me, Jimin."
"How do you have this number?"
She cursed inward for being so suspicious, but she was a practical person. Why would an idol hold onto her number of all people? She wasn't famous.
"Jungkook was being a bit of a dick, so I asked for your number. Thought we could be friends? Taehyung, Hobi and I are meeting for coffee tomorrow, you should join us!"
"Coffee? Me?...but why?"
Jimin laughed.
"Because any friend of Jungkook's is a friend of BTS!"
YN shook her head.
"Oh Jimin," she sighed.
"Sweet, naïve and innocent Jimin. Jungkook is not that nice. And I doubt he would give you my number. The first thing he did when he got my number was message me his schedule and tell me to stay out the way. So fess up."
"Damn, you are smart. Ok, we asked him for your number, that part is true. And so is the coffee. He's not exactly been nice since you moved in, and we noticed you were a little," he struggled to think of a word that shouldn't hurt her feelings.
"Stressed? Anxious? Worried?"
"Yep, all of those. So meet us for a coffee downstairs? 9 good for you?"
"Sounds good. Thank you. For being so nice," she bowed respectfully even on the phone.
"No worries at all, but can I ask a favour? As friends?"
YN frowned.
"Why do I get the feeling I'm not gonna like what you have to say?"
He laughed again.
"Nothing seems to get past you. You sure you're not a police officer?"
"I'm not great with confrontation, I get the feeling that might not quite work for me as an officer.."
"Ok well, Jungkook has fallen asleep drunk."
"I ain't putting him to bed. This ain't no drama Jimin."
"I wouldn't ask you to."
She sensed the hesitation in his voice.
"But he's left a Weverse live running, whilst he's fallen asleep. The phone is just aimed at a candle. And well, he's live and the candle is lit. So we're just a bit concerned."
"That idiot has done what?!"
Pulling on her tracksuit bottoms on haphazardly and a t-shirt, inside out in her rush to dress faster than Lewis Hamilton at a pit stop, she hung up to Jimin before flinging herself out her bedroom door.
Jungkook's gaze went to the door behind him several times as the night wore on.
Why did she always lock herself away when she got home? He'd worked out earlier so that he could say hello and welcome her but he'd forgotten about poker night again.
YN rang back into her room as quickly as she left it.
"You can't just go running out like that, what if you get seen on the camera?!"
YN searched his name and watched his Weverse live running as she tried to get an idea as to where his camera was pointed. Lucky for them, it was staring precariously at a candle and nothing else.
Taking a deep breath, phone in hand she tiptoed into the room and towards the lounge. She saw his feet first, sticking out to one side besides the coffee table, covered in fluffy white socks.
The snores were loud. Loud enough that she groaned before quickly covering her mouth and hoping none of his fans heard.
Scanning the comments to see if any sleuth Army fans had noticed, she continued as nothing was mentioned.
Scared to come into view, she stepped over him, and grabbed his fold phone from behind, snapping. The clamshell together loudly.
Jungkook stood, his torso between her legs as she leaned back over to stand upright, tucking his phone into the band of her tracksuit bottoms.
Rechecking her phone and seeing that his live transmission had ended, much to the disappointment of his millions of fans she sighed on relief as she sat him upright against the bottom of the sofa.
Jungkook felt soft fingers prop up his face, and was sure he was dreaming. The smell of freshly washed hair wafted up to his nostrils, a few stray damp ends tickled his nose until he sneezed.
Eyes opened to see YN standing way too close for comfort, a mixture of concern and annoyance painted upon her face.
Her big eyes blinked back, tipped to the side before reaching out to check his forehead.
"What?" she asked.
"What?" he snapped back.
"Are you sick?" He heard her say, "how much did you even drink tonight?"
Jungkook started back at her, still very much drunk.
It’s impossible for me to trust another woman.
Especially one like YN. Who looks like butter wouldn't melt.
She could be obsessed with my wealth, but my heart says otherwise.
Before he could object, he was being manhandled to his room; his thick jumper under which he was sweating removed, and forced to down a glass of water.
The last image seared to his memory was the image of YN turning the light off and leaving the door ajar.
"Don't go," he managed hoarsely. He'd been expecting her to be loyal, stay by his side as he slept; but instead YN looked back at him and laughed.
"Fool. I'm going to sleep. Try not to die yeah," and her door shut soon after.
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deanwritings · 1 year
Night Falls: Chapter 23
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Summary: After witnessing a murder, Y/N becomes a protected witness to FBI Agent Dean Winchester, who needs her help to do more than just solve one man’s murder.
Word Count: 4,238
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A/N: You lucky ducks. I had written out the rest of my story and chapter 23 was suppose to be the epilogue, but I guess after 5 years the characters have a lot to say. So here's a surprise chapter!
This is also Chapter 23 2.0 as I wrote the initial version and something about it just never felt right. Much happier with how this one turned out.
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You sat in Dean's room in the quiet, just holding his hand as the two of you watched the evening's basketball game, he from his bed, and you besides him in your wheelchair.
Your heart had soared at his words. You've never had someone in awe of you before. And it made you realize, all those nights of wishing there was more to Dean's smiles, or him going out of his way to pick up your favorite chips when you'd run out, or Dean sitting closer to you every night on the couch, was exactly that. More.
Now, he didn't throw the word love out there. Not that you would want him to, but the way he had spoken about you, the sincerity and conviction in his voice, confirmed what you had started hoping for weeks ago, as you began to fall deep for the green-eyed man; Special Agent Dean Winchester, FBI, had liked you back.
It all sounded very junior high when you thought of it like that.
Do you like me? Circle "yes" or "no."
But life had been complicated the last few months, and you would take simple any day of the week now.
And you had wanted to say it back, to tell him how happy he made you and how he could comfort you in a way you had never found with someone else, but the words escaped you. You were so emotionally and physically overwhelmed with everything that had happened in the past 24 hours, all you could do was hold his hand and sit by his side, hoping that was enough for now.
And when your nurse finally arrived to take you back, Dean stared at you with a smile.
"Promise me you'll come visit before you leave tomorrow?" His voice was barely a whisper, and you weren't sure if it was from the lack of conversation, or him not wanting to disturb the quiet around you. "Gotta make sure they're not making a mistake letting you out of here too soon," he quickly follows up with a smirk.
"Sir, yes, sir" you smile back, your voice matching his, and his eyes gleam in the dim light as the nurse wheeled you away.
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After you left Dean's room, your heart full and a feeling of relief for the first time, truly, in months, you managed to sleep peacefully for a whopping twelve hours. You still felt like shit when you woke up, but the pain was already starting to subside and you took another extra, extra strength dose of Tylenol before a PT specialist came to check on you.
You weren't quite ready to put your full weight on your ankle, even with the compression boot, so he equipped you with a single crutch for your left side to help you distribute the weight. It wasn't the most graceful of movements, but you were grateful to not be in a wheelchair for the next few weeks. Though even without a wheelchair, you had no idea how you were going to get up to your third floor walkup. It was going to take you forever to hobble up those steps.
So for now, you would stay with your parents at their hotel that had an elevator and would wait to figure out life's next steps once you had some time to decompress from it all.
After your PT appointment, your parents arrived with a duffle bag in hand, filled with clean clothes to change into before your discharge.
With the help of your mother, you managed to changed into some joggers and a hoodie, though it wasn't without some bickering on how to best maneuver a hoodie with a broken clavicle. A zip up probably would have been better, which you mentioned to your mother a few times, but with gritted teeth, you eventually managed.
Once you were out of your hospital gown and steady on your feet, it was time to head out and start putting this whole ordeal behind you.
With slow steps, and your parents flanking you at both sides, ready to catch you at a moment's notice should you lose your balance as you had a few times already, you maneuver your way to the elevator banks, hitting the "^" button as your dad hits the down arrow.
"Wrong button, Y/N," Your dad eyes you from his side, probably wondering just how bad your concussion was.
"I'm actually headed upstairs to say bye to De--Agent Winchester," you catch yourself. "I'll meet you out front." You smile at your father, and he doesn't respond, just studies your face.
There wasn't much you could hide from your dad, you were so similar that your tells were his tells, but you're grateful he doesn't push the matter.
"You sure you don't need any help, Y/N?" Your mother's worried eyes stare straight into yours as you turn to her, the two of you sharing the same height.
"Mom, I survived a hit man, a mafia boss, and a kidnapping. I think I can manage navigating a hospital." You smirk and she just huffs.
"Still not funny," she mutters under her breath as the elevator up dings open. You may have thrown that joke at her a few times since she arrived and was being overly helpful as you tried to get ready to leave.
"I'll see you guys in a few minutes," you hobble inside and let the doors shut.
Once you hit post-ops, the floor is buzzing with activity; it was a Wednesday afternoon, and the hospital had a full day of surgeries booked from appendectomies to gastric bypasses, plus the emergencies that popped up.
Thankfully, most people avoid you as you as you navigate down the halls until you finally reach 539.
The door is ajar as you shuffle up, and you can hear voices floating through the crack. You recognize Dean's laugh and your chest instantly warms and you smile at the sound. The other voices don't sound familiar, and you briefly wonder if you should give he and his guests privacy, but Dean did make you promise to stop by before you left.
You knock on the door, and with your free hand, push it open wide enough to give yourself room as you take gentle steps in.
Dean smiles at you as you enter, the first true, carefree smile you've seen in him since before that night in the safe house. Standing at his bedside are a man and woman, his arm wrapped around her shoulder.
"Look at you up and walking," Dean smirks and you scoff and shake your head.
"Hilarious." You deadpan as you shuffle to the wall closest to his bed and lean against it for support. "Do you also make fun of sick children?" You cock your head at him as you rest your crutch besides you.
"Only if they deserve it," he grins that thousand watt smile, and you just sigh and quietly ask yourself if this is truly the man who has stolen your heart.
Like you could ever deny he wasn't.
The man next to Dean clears his throat, and you take him in for the first time and your eyes go wide as your mouth drops just a bit. He's HUGE. Dean is tall, but this man looked like he could play center for the New York Knicks. Which made you realize.
"You must be Sammy," you smile at him, catching as he shoots a glance towards Dean.
"Sam Winchester, yeah." His smile returns, the same smile you've seen on his brother. You don't miss the change in his name. Guess Sammy was a family name. Not that you meant to use it like you knew him, but it was what Dean always called him when he talked about his little brother.
"And I'm guessing you're Y/N?" He asks politely, a word you would never use to describe Dean. If it weren't for the same smile, you'd hardly think they were related. Not with the flowing hair Sammy - Sam - was rocking.
You nod.
"Nice to finally meet you," his smiles genuinely, and you return it.
"And this is my fiancé, Jess," he motions to the statuesque woman next to him and your heart sinks a little.
Sam was tall for a man, and Jess was just as tall for a woman. Not in a weird way, more like a model. And she was pristinely put together in a beautiful cranberry sweater and fitted jeans over her toned legs. Her blonde hair was flawless pulled into a high pony and her face was bright and beautiful. You immediately feel embarrassed standing across from someone so elegant while you stand here in your sweats and beat up face, barely keeping yourself upright as you leaned against the wall.
You knew it wasn't your fault, but it didn't stop you from feeling any less insecure.
"Great to meet you both. Dean's told me a lot about you." You smile at them, both of them returning it.
Sam's arms falls off from around Jess and he claps his hands together.
"We'll we're about to step out for some coffee, can we get you guys anything?" Sam offers, looking between you and Dean.
"I'm all set, thank you." Sam nods.
"Sammy, grab me a donut and a large, black coffee." Dean orders and Sam's face falls.
"Dude, the doctor said no caffeine until you were CAT scans were clear." Sam groans, like they've had this conversation already.
"I can't go five days without coffee, Sam." Dean shoots, and your eyes wander between the bickering brothers as you bit back a smile. It was like watching two little kids in very grown men bodies.
"Suck it up, Dean." Sam turns to Jess and pats her on the shoulder, indicating it was time to go.
"You suck it up," Dean grumbles under his breath as you wave goodbye to the model couple.
"Cranky, much?" You raise your eyebrows once the room is empty.
"Sweetheart, beat-up Dean hour was Monday. In case you haven't noticed, I'm laid up in the hospital, some compassion would be nice." Dean crosses his arms and you scoff.
"Says the man making fun a cripple five minutes ago?" You shoot back. Dean's mouth opens for a comeback, but no words escape. You just smirk.
Point, me.
"So have you come to say goodbye or are you just here to annoy me?" Dean cocks his head at you.
"Can I say both?" Your eyebrows shoot up at him, and he dips his head with a chuckle.
A silence falls between you, and you shift your weight against the wall.
"You gonna be okay once you get out of here?" He eyes find yours again, the amusement gone this time.
"It will take a little getting use to walking around like this, but the physical therapist said I should only need the crutch for about two weeks before I can start putting more weight on the boot." You shrug and Dean frowns at you. You know that's not what he meant.
"That's not what I meant." You chuckle, predicting his words.
"I know," you say softly and look down at your feet.
You take a deep breath before finding his steady gaze. The physical stuff was easy to talk about. Easy to see. But the other stuff, that was what had you most worried.
"My doctor gave me a few resources for PTSD, as well as a some names of therapists and groups." Your free hand rubs your forehead. "It's a lot to figure out right now." You sigh. Just another thing to hash out once you finally have a chance to catch your breath from the crazy ride the last few days had been.
"Well, I'm just a phone call away if you need to talk." Dean smiles gently at you, reminding you of your late-night therapy sessions back at the safe house when the reality of your situation would become too much and you felt like the world was going to crumble from under your feet.
"I should probably get a new phone then," you smirk. You hadn't had a cellphone in two months. That would probably be a good place start once you got out of here.
"Still got my card?"
You do. It was stuffed in in your duffle, saturated with blood after being in your hoodie pocket on Monday night. Crowley had taken it with him when he took you so he knew what number to call to get Dean directly. Thankfully, the cop who collected your bloodied clothes let you keep the card rather than bagging it as evidence.
"Still got it." You half smile and Dean can see the defeat in your eyes.
"Promise me you'll take care of yourself until I get out of here," Dean looks at you with concern. You shake your head.
"What do you mean until you get out of here? Last I heard, you're indefinitely suspended." You snark as you smile at him. Cas had mentioned it would likely be a few months before Dean was allowed back to work.
"Can you not be difficult for five minutes?" He sighs, though there's a ghost of a smile on his lips.
"I promise," you say earnestly and his smile grows as the two of you just stare at one another.
A calmness washes over you, and there's something inside of you that makes you feel like you'll come out of this alright. Both of you. You just hope he feels it too.
"Well, I should probably get going, my parents are probably waiting for me." You push off the wall and adjust your crutch under your arm, steadying yourself.
"I'll see you around, Agent Winchester," you give him one last look, a smile settling onto your face as you look into his green eyes, full of life and hope. A look you haven't seen on him before. It suited him, and you hoped to see more of it.
"See ya soon, Ms. Y/L/N." Dean gives you a little salute and you shake your head in a laugh as you turn and make your way back to the row of elevators, finally making your way out of the hospital and away from this nightmare one final time.
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Over the next week, you stayed in a conjoining hotel room to your parents. It was less than ideal, but they were able to help you when your body failed you, and your mom was immediately by your side when you woke up screaming from the nightmares of that night.
You still never told them the full story, and it wasn't one they needed to know. So a few days after being released from the hospital, you reached out to one of the therapists your doctor recommended and was able to schedule your appointment for three days later. It was a lot of crying and anxiety, but your doctor assured you that it was normal, and the confidence in her voice made you believe that you would get through this.
During that week, your parents also helped you cancel your lease. Your apartment hadn't been home for months, and after Crowley had slithered his way in, there was no way you would ever feel comfortable there again. You had all of your belongings moved to storage, and swatted off your parents as they tried to convince you to move home.
As much as you appreciated their help, going home felt like going back on a promise you made yourself years ago. You had always wanted more than what your small, suburban hometown had to offer, and you weren't going to go back now just because of some silly mafia boss who had kidnapped you and tried to kill you and the FBI agent you had fallen for.
A few days after your release from the hospital, you got a text to your new phone from Dean, letting you know that he was finally breaking free. AKA, the doctors had cleared him and he could return home. That had you rolling your eyes.
Sam would be staying with him a few days to help him get back on his feet, and you told him you were glad to hear he was doing well.
With your parents still in town, you didn't feel like it was the right time to meet up to confess your feelings for him, so you promised to meet up with him soon, once you were a little more mobile and his doctor no longer had him taking a pharmacy's worth of meds.
Another week went by and you had found a new apartment, this one with an elevator and a doorman. You hired a moving company, and with the help of your parents, you quickly settled in. Your dad headed back home once the move was complete, and your mom stayed with you a few more days until you finally had to kick her out, insisting that now that you no longer needed the crutch, you would be okay. It took two days of convincing, but sixteen days after you were released from the hospital, you were once more on your own, settled into your new home with no idea what to do next.
You were officially on sabbatical from work, your bosses, thankfully, being very understanding and wanting you to take your time before your return to the office.
At this point, you weren't sure if you even wanted to return. It all seemed so trivial, but you figured you could unpack that with your therapist during your next session.
You were grateful for your friends that kept you company after your mom left. At least one friend visited you each night with dinner, and you filled them in on the less grizzly details of your little adventure from the last few months, though you never mentioned Dean, wanting to keep that for yourself.
All in all, you were finally settling back into a normal life, just missing the one thing you desperately wanted.
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It was a Monday night as you sat on your couch, your good leg folded under you as you sipped on a glass of red wine and mindlessly watched Bravo when your doorbell rang.
Your heart immediately jumped into your chest, and you finished taking the sip of wine you had started before placing your glass onto the coffee table.
You weren't expecting anyone tonight, so there was no reason for your doorbell to be ringing. But you remind yourself that whoever it was would have had to check in the with doorman before they were allowed past the front desk. That was the whole reason you got an apartment with a doorman. No more surprises.
You push yourself out of your seat and slowly shuffle towards the door as the bell rings again.
Whoever the hell it was was certainly impatient. It wasn't like you only had one good leg to walk on or anything.
Maybe one of my friends had Doordashed me dinner. You try to easy your nerves.
It wasn't totally out of the realm of possibilities. Your friends had been stopping over with food or sending you food ever since your parents left.
As you approach the door, you lean against the wood, peeking through the peep hole to see who had decided to stop by unannounced.
You heart stops as you take in the fish-eyed image of your green-eyed agent. You push off the door, your heart rate jumping again, but this time with excitement.
It had been almost a month since you left the hospital, and you still hadn't made plans to see him.
Guess someone couldn't wait any longer.
You take a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart as you undo the door chain and deadbolt before opening the door wide, coming face-to-face with the freckled-faced man.
He immediately smiles as you fully appear from behind the door, and you rest against the frame, taking off some extra weight off your ankle.
"I don't recall giving you my new address," you start, cocking your head at him.
He smiles, the corners of his lips crinkling as he briefly looks down at his feet before his eyes find yours again.
"I may have called in a favor," he smiles back at you with a slight shrug. You raise your eyebrows.
Cas. Definitely Cas.
Not that he had your address, but you were sure a simple FBI search would have easily given it to him.
"And how'd you manage to get past the doorman?" Your forehead wrinkles in question. Dean purses his lips, his eyes still shining as his hand reaches into his pocket, revealing his badge.
You shake your head and tsk your tongue.
"I believe that's an abuse of power, Agent Winchester." You smirk and Dean rolls his eyes and just shakes his head.
"Well if you stopped avoiding me, maybe I wouldn't have to abuse my power." His face stays light, but his comment makes your face fall.
You hadn't been avoiding him per say. Hell, most nights you wished he was on the couch next to you, keeping you company until you fell asleep. You just hadn't been ready for this conversation yet.
After everything that happened, the two of you were battered and broken, inside and out; Dean having finally killed his the man responsible for his mother's murder, and you the witness to it all.
You wanted to give yourself time, to make sure everything you felt for Dean was real, and not just a knee-jerk response to the adrenaline. Not that you personally ever questioned it, but you had disclosed your and Dean's relationship to your therapist one session and she had mentioned "transference," where one begins to attach romantic feelings to a person in a professional, protector role.
That one had you reeling for a bit. You really had to think hard about if what you felt for Dean was only because he had been protecting you, or because what you felt for him was real.
But every night before you would fall asleep, you replayed his words over in your head. They brought you comfort and a soft smile before you fell into your nightmares. A little piece of light in the darkness of your mind. And you knew, it wasn't adrenaline, transference, or whatever the hell else someone wanted to call it.
You had fallen hook, line, and sinker for your annoying, obnoxious, agent.
"I wasn't avoiding you," you break the silence, and he just hums as he rocks on his feet.
"So are you going to invite me in or what?" His gleams at you, not bothered by your slow response.
"That depends," you shift on the doorframe. "Do you have a warrant?" This gets him to bite his lip with a laugh as he shakes his head.
"Still a pain in the ass?" He questions, taking a step closer to you, his face just mere inches away, and you swallow as you look up at him.
"Can't stop now." You lick your lips, his green eyes shining down at you.
God you had missed this. Missed him.
"But I guess I'll let you come in," your breath fans over him before you pull away, allowing him space to step inside.
You hear him sigh, not of relief, but strangled and caught in his throat. You smirk.
He puts one foot forward, but with your good arm you stop him, wrapping your fingers around his bicep, causing him to look down at you.
"Or you can wait while I tell you how much I've missed you."
Here's goes nothing.
If there was anything you learned these past few months, next week, tomorrow, or even the next hour weren't promised. You had to swallow your fear and do what you could to make the most of the time you had. With the people you had. Or wanted to have.
His eyes scan your face, and you swallow before you continue.
"I know I didn't say anything in the hospital that night, but it wasn't because I didn't want to." You take a deep breath.
"Dean, I have never met anyone more bossy or irritating than you. Or who chews like he's in a barn." Dean frowns.
"Are you planning on saying something nice?" His forehead wrinkles as he raises his eyebrows at you.
"Or impatient," you add and he huffs and looks away.
"But," Your good hand leaves his arm, traveling up to cup his chin, leading his gaze back to you. "I have never met someone so dedicated or loyal to the people around him. And there's not a night that goes by that I wouldn't rather be back at the safe house, watching those stupid cowboy movies with you." You feel the muscles flex under your fingers as his eyes relax and his lips break into a grin.
"I had a feeling you hated those movies," he chuckles, his eyes refusing to look anywhere but you.
"I really fucking did."
With a quick pull, Dean's lips crash to yours as your back presses against the doorframe behind you.
It's slow and needy, the release you both had been waiting for these past few weeks, with no one to stand in the way.
No Crowley. No Zazel. No FBI.
Just you and Dean.
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Chapter 24
@iprobablyshipit91 @likesiriusly @kittyque @findingfitnessforme @wonderange @deansgoddess @captainemwinchester @xtina2191 @smoothdogsgirl @mogaruke @chin-up-love @tsunadesenjuuchihaa @lyarr24 
Night Falls
@djs88911 @lacilou@jaleena11 @saralibby80 @bluemindblacksoul @anotherotter @candylee12345 @family-business-forever @holdyourselfinmyhands @nolairishangel @dang-meddling-winchesters @escabell @im-super-potter-locked @littlefrenchnuage @mywaywardboys @fandomsrlove @camibuu @perpetualabsurdity @mrswhozeewhatsis @leonepanda @gabriels-trix @kbl1313 @holahellohialoha @cassiebarnes03 @dancingalone21 @chelsea-winchester @a-closet-full-of-skeletons @benzilla-94 @wunder18 @anotherotter @harleenquinzzel @docharleythegeekqueen @amberrnicolejoness @k-michaelis @bringmesomepie @cl0se-your-eyes-sammy @daydreamingintheimpala @the-sea-of-tenerife  
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laindtt · 5 months
Ask Meme
Was tagged by the lovely @lulu2992 for quite a challenging ask meme: spell out your URL using song titles that can describe your muse/OC/pairings, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL! Thank you so much ♥ As I haven't properly introduced my OCs yet, I chose 3 songs for the Seed family and one for each of its members ; some of them are quite oddly specific so I added some details, but I hope you'll enjoy the medley :) I also added the parts of the lyrics that motivate my choice under the cut.
Tagging, if you're interested in giving a try: @purplehairsecretlair @teamhawkeye @redreart @sweeetestcurse @galeofwaterdeeps @miasmat @josephslittledeputy
TW: strong language, violence, self-harm
L - Live like legends, Ruelle (the Seed family)
When it rains, it pours There will be blood in the water Cold to the core Faith falls hard on our shoulders This is our time No turning back We could live, we could live like legends This is our time No turning back We could live, we could live like legends
A - A million voices, Polina Gagarina (the Seed family)
We are the world's people Different yet we're the same We believe, we believe in a dream Praying for peace and healing I hope we can start again We believe, we believe in a dream So if you ever feel love is fading Together like the stars in the sky We can sing, we can shine When you hear our voices call You won't be lonely anymore
I - If rain is what you want, Slipknot (the Seed family, to the Deputy)
It's been years since anyone could be a friend It's the fear that kills the feeling in the end Can we face it? Can we shape it? Can we really die? If rain is what you want, all you have to do is close your eyes Just close your eyes I am watching resurrection start to crawl Is there any chance in hell? Any chance at all? Do we need it? Do we see it? Is it really there? If rain is what you want, then take your seats, enjoy the fall Enjoy the fall The only thing deeper than my last breath The only thing darker than my last death Is the panic, the static, I've come back from the dead But my cities will never sleep again
N - Nightmare, Halsey (John)
Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep If I shall die before I 'wake I pray the Lord my soul to take I, I keep a record of the wreckage of my life I gotta recognize the weapon in my mind They talk shit, but I love it every time And I realize I've tasted blood and it is sweet I've had the rug pulled beneath my feet I've trusted lies and trusted men Broke down and put myself back together again Stared in the mirror and punched it to shatters Collected the pieces and picked out a dagger I've pinched my skin in between my two fingers And wished I could cut some parts off with some scissors (…) 'Cause kindness is weakness, or worse, you're complacent I could play nice or I could be a bully I'm tired and angry, but somebody should be (…) Someone like me can be a real nightmare, completely aware But I'd rather be a real nightmare than die unaware, yeah Someone like me can be a real nightmare, completely aware But I'm glad to be a real nightmare, so save me your prayers
D - Down with the sickness, Disturbed (Jacob, to the Seed brother's biological parents)
Looking at my own reflection When suddenly it changes Violently it changes (oh no) There is no turning back now You've woken up the demon in me Get up, come on get down with the sickness Get up, come on get down with the sickness Get up, come on get down with the sickness Open up your hate, and let it flow into me Get up, come on get down with the sickness You mother get up come on get down with the sickness You fucker get up come on get down with the sickness Madness is the gift, that has been given to me I can see inside you, the sickness is rising Don't try to deny what you feel (Will you give in to me?) It seems that all that was good has died And is decaying in me (Will you give in to me?) It seems you're having some trouble In dealing with these changes Living with these changes (oh no) The world is a scary place Now that you've woken up the demon in me
T - The darkest star, Depeche Mode (Faith)
Oh you sad one Playing the Angel Isn't so easy where you're from Oh you wild one Devil's companion You won't stay satisfied for long I don't want you to change anything you do I don't want you to be someone else for me Oh you dark one Eternal outsider Caught in the spider's web you've spun Oh you blind one Gentle and kind one Seeing the world as a loaded gun I don't want you to change anything you do I don't want you to be someone else for me Stay as you are, the Darkest Star Shining for me majestically
T - The beaten side of town, Barry Adamson (Joseph)
I woke up this morning from a crazy dream: The Earth was a turning ball of fire Satan and the Pilgrims had wiped the scene And I became their twisted gun for hire Don't let 'em getcha, boy, now use your head The lights they're coming 'round again "Run like a demon, boy," is what they said And then began to count from one to ten So now I'm tryin' to get out of the city You know where I can be found: The beaten side of town… Won't never let you down
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bluemoonperegrine · 8 months
Wolf Be Upon Yeet: Part III
In which @vicarious-rebel and I chatted via DM about the Werewolf By Night and Moon Knight crews in her headcanon which includes Elsa’s pet eldritch horror Stony, which had been the Bloodstone but is now literally a monster. Here are part I and part II.
Stonyverse short fics: 
“Of blood and stone” by Vi
 “Something Awful This Way Comes” (ao3 link) by me
"In which the Bloodstone is a little shit" by Vi
This amazing, adorable gif that's eventually relevant to the silliness below it is @toothyclown's creation. (Toothy, If it's not cool that I saved the file and posted it here, lmk and I'll delete it immediately.) Here's the original post with the gif.
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This edition gets Looney-Tunes-style silly. 🤣
Vi’s text is black. bluemoonperegrine’s text is blue. (I mean, of course.)
I'm thinking about writing some Stony stuff, so I'm rereading your fic introducing the adorable li'l scamp. There "was the body and eight legs of an arachnid but a bony humanoid torso where the chest and head portion should be. The arms were long and thin but ended in clawed hands large enough to close around a human head." So he has eight spidery legs and two arms. The arms are generally human-like, right? Just kind of warped and horrific?
Stony is huge! It sounds like when standing his abdomen is 7 ft off the ground. If his torso and head are roughly human-sized, that would put his head about 4 feet higher.
I think Stony shouldn't have much of a scent. In any case, it would freak Jack out even more if this creature that partially looks like a skinned human doesn't smell like blood and flesh at all.
This idea popped into my head: the moon boys teaching Stony to walk on his humanoid hands. Jack would pass out on the spot the first time he saw it.
If Stony is as big as I described above, someone's gotta ride him like a steed sent straight from hell. Elsa makes the most sense.
I read this part of our chat--"considering Ted's acid is a reflex"--as "Ted is acid reflux" initially. 🤣
Random idea: Elsa finds a way to make Stony temporarily smaller so it's easier to bring him on hunts. Or maybe discovers that he can go back into gem form but doesn't want to. Elsa would need a truckload of chicken nuggets to train and reward Stony for stuffing himself back into gem form for a while.
Stony: screech-growls in protest
Jack: flinches, then fidgets
Elsa: It's only for a few hours. As we clear out the nest, you can eat every single one of those shambling mounds!
Jack: shudders
Stony: perks up
My brain keeps circling back to Stony's origin story. Why was he suddenly able to manifest in monster form? I'm thinking that during a big fight the Bloodstone got a hairline crack. That disturbed some sort of containment spell and Stony could break free.
yup his arms are pretty human-looking, just disproportionately long for extra body horror eldritchness
Regarding Stony's scent, I do imagine him to smell of blood but it also makes perfect sense for him not to smell of anything bc he's supposed to be in a rock.
You're right that it would freak Jack out. It'll make him develop Stony-sense.
TINY STONY! I imagine him looking the same just…. smaller
My Little Stony 🤣
The question is how tiny is tiny Stony? horse-sized? large dog-sized?
He could change to multiple sizes: stone-sized or dog-sized Regarding how he manifested, something like a spell or whatnot "dissolving" the bloodstone and releasing the sentience
When Stony's out, the actual Bloodstone is gone and not in its frame because it's not a stone anymore
Jack sees something crawling on the floor, assumes it's a spider, then "oh wait oh shit it's That Thing"
Poor Jack sees one of the moon boys teaching Stony to do a trick and he just nopes out
Jack wakes up one morning to find tiny Stony curled up on top of him (on top of the covers) sleeping soundly… and is promptly launched across the room by shrieking Jack who runs for the hills
Tiny stony usually sleeps on Elsa's bed. 🤣
I think I just want to terrorize Jack.
Or worse, sees Elsa actually train it for combat and legs it Hasn't Jack suffered enough?
Terrorizing Jack is so much fun. He's our damsel in distress
Someone save the werewolf from the eldrich tarantula
A favorite visual of mine in this AU is Stony deliberately trying to freak out the resident smol woof and Marc just deflecting him like "ok that's enough, you're gonna stop it or no chicken nuggets for you"
Jake not too secretly eggs Stony on. Sneaks him a spicy chicken nug when Marc's not looking
Jack looks at him, betrayed "I loved you… Trusted you…. And you BETRAY ME?!"
Jake: Man up, woof boy
Steven: Jake, I won't tolerate this sort of misogyny and misandry. That's no way--
The system devolves into bickering again. Jake: it's all in good fun
Steven: good fun? you're traumatizing him
Maybe Steven let Jack know about something that wigs Jake out so he can give him a little of his own medicine. He could be afraid of butterflies or something.
Marc standing off to the side, rolling his eyes
Yeah, Steven likes fairness so he'd do that
Jake: whispering to Stony in Spanish Jack: I CAN HEAR YOU AND UNDERSTAND YOU, GILIPOLLAS.
Steven: steal his gloves and crinkle them Jake: DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE Stony just being confused bc he doesn't know Spanish but he gets spicy nuggets so he's fine with it
The moon boys bickering is the best
Jake's cheeky and teases ppl but it really is all in good faith
The smol woof needs a pack. he likely sees Elsa and Ted as his… and eventually, reluctantly Stony as well. He'd be more than happy to include the moon boys and Layla
yeah, they're all his pack Stony is on thin ice tho
I can imagine Jack getting angry at Stony for something and informing him that he's out of the pack.
Stony: no response
He doesn't understand and wouldn't really care even if he did.
Elsa, feigning shock: you Kicked him Out? Jail! In this AU werewolf Jack looks just like he did in the special. I assume he's not a mindless killing machine. In the special he went on a killing spree because he was attacked and tortured via Bloodstone and then guards. So is he basically wolflike? How much human Jack is in there?
I'd say about 10% human Jack, he tends to act very wolflike but can occasionally retain info/memories between transformations but they tend to be vague and blurry (like trying to remember a dream but the only thing you remember is having a dream and maybe some detail or feeling and that's it)
For instance, werewolf Jack can recognize ppl by scent (esp if he's been around them long enough) and has some of the same preferences as his human form, like his penchant for salmon paste
Is salmon paste like lox?
Nah, it's like regular salmon ground down to paste, it's got a similar consistency to any paste and it tastes and smells like smoked salmon
It's pretty good. I pretty much headcanon it as one of Jack's favourite snacks after he discovered it. (Marc absolutely uses that to his advantage when dealing with werewolf Jack)
So there isn't a panic at Bloodstone at each full moon if only the usual suspects are around
Bloodstone Manor is like the Addams family mansion. There are a couple of weird creatures, a werewolf, a monster hunter and two avatars of Egyptian gods and everyone's having a grand old time. And then there's Billy Swan, the only normal one in any room, doing his thing like this is all perfectly normal. Also, where is the manor? Outside Boston?
I read somewhere that in the special it's in Arizona. The garden/labyrinth looked kinda the American SW to me, so that clicked in my head and I used it in my fics. Also I love the desert SW so I was happy to set stuff there.
I honestly have no idea, geography is kinda fluid in my brain. It's somewhere in a forested area and that's all I know abt it
gotta have room to roam (for Ted and Jack) and probably also Stony bc big eldritch horrors gotta stretch
I imagine that Elsa removed all of the monster heads mounted on the walls as well.
... if Elsa hadn't removed the monster heads, Stony may have eaten them 😬
I imagine they're stuffed/preserved somehow, in which case Stony wouldn't so much eat them as chew them up and spit them out in disgust
Jack's doing his own thing and BOOM, Stony pops up and fucks up his day
vlog proposal: Decorating With Stony
After the reveal Stony weighs in by destroying things or not. It's the ultimate interior decor assessment. The releases people have to sign are insane
Sheesh, I still haven't gotten to the part that inspired this series' title! I'll get there eventually.
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themadlostgirl · 7 months
Under Streetlights
*I don't know how to not write multi-chapter fics for my Marvel crushes. Anyhoo! This is the first chapter of my Bucky x Reader fic. Updates will be available to read on AO3!*
Read on AO3
This had to be the fault of aliens.
That’s the only thing you could think of as you woke up to get ready for your day. All the strange shit that had started happening in the world over a decade ago, that had to have contributed to where you were now.
Aliens. Wizards. Killer robots. Literal gods. All of them disturbing what was already a nonsensical planet full of greedy assholes and stressed out meatbags.
How else would life have gotten to be like this? How else would you have ended up in the criminal island Madripoor of all places, living this life?
You swung out of bed and started getting ready for the day. It was strange to get ready for work when it was already pretty dark out. That’s what you get for working a night job though.
You wandered out into the kitchen and pulled open the fridge. A small plate of food wrapped in plastic wrap with your name written on top was set inside amongst the chilled sodas and eleven different condiments. You popped it in the microwave and grabbed a soda while you waited, you were going to need the caffeine.
As you sat down at the rickety table to eat the door opened and one of your roommates walked in, a Korean girl with short black hair and a drawstring gym bag over her shoulders. “Hey,” she said as she passed you and pulled out a similar plate of food to yours. “Rekha make curry again?”
“Hey Ha-rin, and yeah.” you yawned. “How was work?”
“Same old.” she put her food in to heat. “Glad to go to sleep now though. You excited for another fun night of work?”
“Always.” the sarcasm drenched your words, “How are the streets?”
Ha-rin frowned slightly. “Not great, actually. Franks is back on his shit so probably try to stay out of the neon district on your way to work. Do you want me to walk with you? Strength in numbers?”
“No. I’ll be fine.” you told her. You didn’t want her to have to go out after she just got back, not when you could defend yourself just fine. “So Franks is back to trying to recruit girls for his club? Why doesn’t he just give it up? He has to know that no one is going to willingly work for him after what happened with Doozie and Ditzy.”
“I know. I think his new game is to get them to come in as guests, drug them, and then get them to rack up a big bill they need to pay off by working. The other girls from work are trying to spread the info as best we can so everyone knows to stay away from his place.”
“God, he’s such a fucking creep.” you finished the last of your food. “I gotta get ready for my shift. You get some sleep, I’ll see you after work.”
“Be safe.” she waved you off as she sat down to scarf down her reheated leftovers.
You were really appreciative of your other roommate, Rekha. Because all of your schedules were so chaotic it made getting together in any capacity hard. But Rekha always made portions enough of dinner for you and Ha-rin before or after a long day at work. In exchange you and Ha-rin endeavored to keep the apartment as clean as possible as means of showing gratitude. That meant doing the gross stuff like unclogging the shower drain and replacing the roach traps around the apartment.
You went back to your room and started getting dressed, styling your hair and putting on your makeup. You needed to look pretty for work but then you also had to put on a shirt over your work clothes so you had less chance of being accosted in the street. You tied on some tennis shoes, packed your heels in your bag and set off into the dilapidated underbelly of Madripoor that was Lowtown.
You kept a wide berth of the neon district like Ha-rin suggested and cut through the fighting ring district to make up the time. In any normal situation you would have been terrified to walk around the city like this. But you were in no normal situation, far from it.
There was a can lying in the street that you unwittingly gave a light kick to and it went flying, just narrowly missing someone’s window. Yep. You had definitely left normal a long time ago.
You made it to work and used the employee entrance to the locker room. You changed out of the street shirt you had worn and kicked off your comfortable tennis shoes. You pulled on your heels, gave yourself a once over in the mirror and plastered on a bright smile that you knew you were going to be fighting to keep in place after an hour.
For as shitty as your life was living in Lowtown, you had managed to land a pretty nice job as a server in one of the Hightown clubs. The hours were long and the heels you needed to wear killed your feet but it paid the rent and there was less chance of you getting hurt here than somewhere else. Of course, less chance didn’t mean zero chance.
You went about the usual routine, pulling bottles and serving cocktails to the numerous patrons crowding the club. About three hours into your shift your manager called you over. “Queenie, I need you to cover one of the private rooms.”
“But I thought I was off private rooms.” you told them. You really hated private room service, even more than general club work. People were already handsy when it came to being in public but they always ended up leaving any decency behind when they thought they were alone.
“You were requested. Now go.”
You sighed and took a moment to breathe before entering the fray again. You went back to the private room you were directed towards and entered. There was a whole group here, four men and two women. So at least you weren’t being left for one-on-one service like you had feared.
“Hello, what may I get you?” you asked.
“You can get over here and settle something for us.” one of the men said. “We hear that you are the undefeated arm wrestling champion of the club.”
Oh, this again.
“I am indeed. The reigning queen bee at your service, or everyone just calls me queenie.” you gave a little mock curtsy.
“Queenie,” one of the other men, who had a full on waxed mustache with the curly ends, scoffed, “It’s some kind of joke or a trick or something. You don’t look as if there’s much to you in the way of strength.”
“Well, you know what they say, arm wrestling isn’t about brute strength, it’s about leverage.” you came to the table. “Did someone want to play?”
“I will.” curly mustache said and put his arm on the table. “I’m not going to humor whatever stupid trick you have either.”
“Of course, sir.” you were going to enjoy this at least. You knelt across the table from him and put out your arm. He grabbed your hand, you waited for one of the other guests to say go, and then you focused intently to not slam his arm down as soon as possible.
You went through your whole act, letting your arm stay still as he tried to push against yours, watching the confusion build in his eyes, then letting your arm fall a bit to the side to make him think he had the upper hand, before then slowly pushing back and slamming his arm down in victory. The moment his arm went down the others in the room gave little cheers and claps. You stood up again, gave another mock curtsy to the room and pulled out your notepad. “Thank you. So, what may I get for you to drink? Any appetizers for the room?”
Curly mustache was still knelt by the table staring at his hand in bewilderment. “How did you do that?” he demanded. “What sort of cheating trick did you pull?”
“No trick and no cheating, sir. I told you, it is all a matter of leverage.” you responded with syrupy sweetness in hopes that he would drop it.
“Delano, the girl beat you. Let it go and let us get some drinks.” one of the women said with a roll of her eyes.
Delano huffed and sat back down but his glare followed you as you took the order and left. God, what you wouldn’t give to be able to punch assholes like that right in the face. He was going to be a problem tonight, you could just tell.
You returned to the room with the drinks and the food they had ordered. Delano was still glaring at you and had requested a rematch. You indulged him but put on a quicker show so you could move on. You knew you could just let him win. It would probably end all the glaring and demands for rematches but you had very little and fuck if you were going to give up your arm wrestling title to save this asshole’s ego.
The night continued on and you were still working the private room. You had hoped that they would do some club hopping but they seemed more than content to stay here. Normally you would have been a little excited cause it meant that you were more likely to get a bigger tip. Outside of Delano everyone else in the party seemed to like you. But Delano was still there and still glaring and huffing and muttering “bitch” under his breath along with some other choice words in what sounded to be French.
You just had to get through the night.
As the night and your shift was coming to an end the muttered comments from Delano had turned into drunken threats. His friends chided him and told you that there was nothing for you to fear from him, he was all bark and no bite. You didn’t trust them though. You had seen that look before, it was one worn by men who felt their pride wounded and had no other way to face it than with anger. There would be one more trick from him before the night was out. You’d bet money on it.
You had cleared away some of the empty glasses from the room and were about to return when you felt a presence at your back. You turned to see that Delano had left the room and was leering at you from the corner. It was happening now was it? Fine. Get it over with.
You turned to face him, plastering on a smile. “Hello sir, did you need something? Directions to the restroom perhaps?”
“There’s something not right about you.” he said, his words wavered as badly as he did.
“How about we get you back to your friends? Something tells me that you could use a glass of water.” you tried to scoot past him but he lashed out and grabbed your arm in a vice like grip. Damn it all.
He pulled you so you hit the wall. “Not so strong now, aren’t you?”
“Apparently.” you wrenched your arm away from him. “Now, if you are satisfied, I have to get back to work.”
“Get back here you cheating bitch!” he grabbed your arm again.
“Get off me!” you shoved him off and he fell to the floor, skidding quite a ways across the shining linoleum as he went. Shit. Too much.
Security came over to see what was happening. Before you could explain that Delano was at fault he scrambled to his feet and started shouting. “That fucking bitch shoved me! Is this how your club treats its highest paying members! I want her fucking head!”
“Now sir--” the security tried to reason but Delano was far past words.
“Her head! I want her stupid bitch head!” he pulled a switchblade out from his pocket and charged at you.
You didn’t mean to. You really didn’t. But when you saw the knife your body moved on instinct. You grabbed Delano’s wrist and you could feel the bones crack as you squeezed and made him drop the knife. He cried out in pain and tried to wrestle himself away from you. He kicked but you were faster. Your shoe collided with his shin and there was an unmistakable snapping sound. He collapsed to the floor, his leg now bent at an awkward angle.
All eyes went to you. People were crowding around, starting to whisper. Security stared at you baffled by the show of effortless strength you exhibited. “How did you--”
“I didn’t.” you said. “I just kicked him. I think he’s just lacking calcium. Weak bones and all that.”
Their eyes narrowed. “Queenie, I think the boss is gonna want to talk to you.”
“Oh no, there’s really no need to bother them.” you dodged out of the grab they made for you. “Come on Terry, this was just an isolated incident. Never to happen again.”
“You shattered his shin with one kick. We both know that’s not normal.” both of the security guards went to grab you this time. “The boss is definitely going to want to know how you did it.”
No. No! Not the boss! Anyone but the boss!
Your heart was hammering in your ears and you realized you had a choice. Go quietly and you would most certainly become some sort of prisoner and science experiment, or you could do something incredibly stupid.
As their grip latched around your arms you sighed as your mind was made up. Something stupid it was.
You planted your feet and with all the strength you had fought to keep under control, you slammed your elbow’s into the guts of the security officers. They immediately doubled over, gasping for breath at the sudden blow. They looked up at you through the pain and you knew that they had just gotten confirmation on what was going on. What you really were.
So, you did what you did best. You turned and ran for it. You were shoving people out of your way as you rushed through the club. You kicked off your heels and started sprinting down the stairs as fast as you could. The echo of feet thundered after you in the stairwell.
If they were smart someone would be waiting on the ground floor for you. You ducked through one of the doors leading out onto a different floor and kept running. There wasn’t a lot on this floor outside of storing miscellaneous stuff like cleaning supplies and office materials. You wove through the boxes as you made your way to the other end of the room. There were different ways to get in and out of the building. One was the main entrance, the other was the employee entrance, and then there was the freight elevator. It was mainly used to move large art pieces and furniture. It wasn’t the quietest but hopefully it could get you down to the ground floor without having to take another twenty flight of stairs.
You got inside and hit the bottommost floor. The doors creaked shut and with a shudder the elevator started to go down.
What were you going to do? Everyone back there saw what you did. Word would have gotten back to the boss too. You were screwed. All you had to do was keep your strength in check! Almost eight years you had been able to keep this under wraps and because of one drunk asshole it all went up in smoke! Where were you going to go? The apartment would be the first place they checked.
Oh no. Ha-rin and Rekha. You had to at least warn them that some people may be barging in. You still had your phone. You quickly dialed Rekha since she was the one most likely to be awake at this hour. “Hello?” she answered with a yawn. “What’s up?”
“I’m so sorry.” you said, “But some people may be coming by the apartment later. They’re looking for me. I did something and its not safe for me here anymore. If they ask where I am or if you know anything just tell them the truth. No need to get on their bad side.”
“What are you talking about?” Rekha sounded more awake. “What did you do? What’s going on?”
“The less you know the better. I’m so sorry. I wish I wasn’t leaving you guys with this mess. I have to go now. I’m sorry.”
“Wait, you just can’t--” you hung up, tears welling in your eyes.
The elevator came to a halt. You dropped the phone on the floor and kept running. You would have liked to have grabbed your shoes from the locker room but that wasn’t an option now. You just had to pray that you didn’t step on something now.
As you had guessed, the ground floor was swarming with security. There was an emergency exit not too far from you but there was someone standing guard. Damn it. You had hoped to be more covert but looks like you were getting out of here the guns a blazing approach. You snuck as far as you could until sneaking was no longer an option.
You took a deep breath and ran straight at the security guard. They pulled a gun but you were faster and had the element of surprise. You grabbed the barrel of the gun and felt the metal bend in your hand as your other hand swung to punch him in the face. You saw an honest to god tooth fly out of his mouth as he careened sideways and fell to the ground.
He was down though, the door was open, and you had attracted the attention of the rest of the security. You ran out, bare feet pounding the pavement as the sound of shouting and gunshots rang behind you. You saw a cab ahead and pulled the driver out. You started driving, weaving through traffic, your heart beating a million miles a second.
Where to go? Where to go!
You saw a bridge in the distance, the lights of the city glittering on the ocean. You could get out the same way you got in. You hated it but wherever they would take you was better than staying here.
You drove to the docks and parked the car. There was no telling who was coming in and out of port but you had a pretty good memory. You could remember where you were when you were brought here at least. That was as good a lead as any to find one of the trafficking ships.
You crept through the docks. Your feet were starting to numb from the cold. With some luck though, you found what you were looking for. There was a ship being loaded. It looked to be like they were dealing in knockoff handbags but that was just the cover. The real cargo was lined up by a shipping container. There had to have been over a dozen girls scared and shivering on the dock.
This wasn’t going to be fun.
You made your way towards the group and purposely made a lot of noise as you got closer. Heads turned towards you and weapons raised. You gave them a lazy smile. “Hey!” you said, trying to slur your words, “What are we all doing over here? We going sailing?”
The men looked confused and you saw one of them do a headcount of the girls. “She’s not one of ours.” one of them said.
“Probably a hooker someone left alone and drunk.” another shrugged. “I mean, she’s not bad looking. No reason we couldn’t add her to the cargo.”
“Okay, grab her.” one of the guards grabbed you and put you with the rest of the girls.
You waited and followed the girls onto the boat when it was your turn. You were taken into a space down below decks. You sat down and braced yourself for the long journey to a destination you knew not.
“Hey Buck,” Sam said, “We got a location for where the trafficking ring is going to be docking. They should be arriving in L.A. at 0600 tomorrow. If we want to get there in time we gotta get to the airport now.”
“Alright.” Bucky sighed. “I’ll drive.”
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rideyoonmin · 2 years
Y/N's POV:
I woke up as the sunlight was falling onto
my face through the window. I yawned
and stretched my body but freezed when
I noticed something. Jimin was all
over me. He was hugging me so tight and
his face was on my chest. His legs were
locking my body stopping me from going
any further. I couldn't move as he was
holding me tight between his muscular
arms. But I somehow managed to crawl
under his arms and get outside of his hold.
He continued to sleep while looking like
a baby as he then snuggled and hugged
I turned around and met with another
surprise. It was the funniest and the cutest
thing I ever saw. Yoongi and namjoon were
cuddling with each other. They were all
over each other's bodies. I was about to
burst into laughter when I saw it but I
managed not to laugh as I didn't wanna
disturb their beauty sleep. To be honest,
they looked like a cute couple.
I couldn't stop but aww-ing at them.
Yoongi was hugging namjoon so tightly
while namjoon placed his face on the crook
of yoongi's neck. Namjoon was grabbing
the collar of yoongi's t-shirt pulling him
even closer to him. And yoongi was putting his leg over namjoon body and one of
his hands were on namjoon's butt. That was
the funniest shit I ever saw as I couldn't
stop thinking that they look like a gay
I didn't want to be the only one who's
seeing this so I quickly woke Jimin up.
"Jimin! Wake up! You gotta see this" I
"Hmm? What?" Jimin groaned while
rubbing his eyes. Then suddenly he caught
his eyes on the couple who's peacefully
sleeping on the mat and cuddling each
other. Jimin suddenly placed his hand
on his mouth as he tried to control his
laughter. Tears came out of his eyes as he
tried not to laugh.
"Im so glad that this is the first thing I saw
in the morning" Jimin whispered and
"Same. Look at them. They look like a
couple" I said and covered my mouth with
my hand to hold my laughter.
"I know right? We should take a photo
of this" Jimin rolled on the mat and
laughed. I nodded and took my phone in
my hand. I focused the camera on the cute
couple and captured that sweet moment. After taking few photos of them, Jimin
and I began to edit the photos adding heart
emojis on them. We couldn't stop laughing
each time we adda heart emoji onto the
"Damn this is a masterpiece!" Jimin
said in an excited tone and giggled.
"We should show them this, but let them
have their sleep first" I chuckled and
Jimin nodded.
"Let's go prepare breakfast" I said while
getting up from the mat. We both walked to
the kitchen to make breakfast for the four
of us.
It's been half an hour since we started
making breakfast. Jimin was helping
me with cutting tomatoes when we
suddenly heard some screaming from the
living room.
ARE YOU??" Yoongi's voice echoed around
the house. Jimin and I burst into
laugher as both of us figured out what
AHHHH" I could hear the terrifying feeling of yoongi's voice.
BODY!!" Namjoon yelled again.
ME!!" Yoongi shouted back making
Jimin and I role on the floor while
"SNUGGLING? EWwW NO00!!" Namjoon
raised his voice and yoongi began to
laugh loudly.
said in a teasing tone.
Namjoon growled and yoongi shouted in
a frightened voice. And that's the time
Jimin and I knew something was going
to happen. We both ran to the living room
to meet two men fighting on the mat with
"NAMJOON STOP!" Yoongi shouted.
"NO! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Namjoon said as
he hit yoongi again with his pillow.
"With a pillow?" Yoongi raised one of his eyebrows and smirked at namjoon
YOU WITH THE PILLOW!!" Namjoon yelled as
his face turned red with embarrassment.
He looked like that angry girlfriend who's
beating her boyfriend for no reason.
It was fun to look at but it needed to stop
before the situation goes any further.
"Guys stop it!!" I yelled even louder making
the two men stop fighting.
exclaimed as his face turned even red.
Jimin burst into laughter as he couldn't
hold back his laughter.
"Quite being babies and get ready to have
breakfast" I said my last words before
returning to the kitchen.
Yoongi and namjoon got up from the mat
with their messy-haired heads. They gave
each other grumpy faces as they followed
me to the kitchen
8:24 pm..
Soft aesthetic music was playing inside my
room as I was going through my phone.
Suddenly, a notification popped on my
screen making me click on it as I noticed it
was from yoongi.
Yoongi:- Had dinner?
Me:- yes, you?
Yoongi:- I had too. Btw is namjoon still mad at what happened today morning?
Me:- Yes he is. He won't even talk to me properly.
Yoongi:- It's not a big deal though. And I even saw him getting flustered when I tease him.
Me:- Yeah, that's the thing. He doesn't like when
Someone teases him. He's short-tempered.
Yoongi:- Oh i see
Me:- Oh btw, I have something cute to show you
Yoongi:- maybe a photo of yourself...?
Me:- nope this...
Tumblr media
I burst into laughter as I send yoongi the
photo of him and namjoon sleeping on the mat
while cuddling. The funniest part was that
it was edited with heart emojis all over.
For a few seconds, there were no replies
or reactions from yoongi. I stared at the
phone waiting for a reply and after about a
minute, I did.
Yoongi :- Eh-? What the heck is this?
Me:- awww..isn't that cute?
Yoongi:- Of course not. And you even add heart emojis?
Me:- Yes, to make it even cuter. And i thought you would like it.
Yoongi:-Hell no!! That's ridiculous
Me :- no it's not I ship you guys
Yoongi :- Ahh!! No! Quite it! I'm not gay. Namjoon gonna be so mad when he see this.
Me:- yes i know and that's when the fun part is happening
Yoongi:- what do you mean?
Me:- nothing , I gotta go take a shower byee
Yoongi:- bye ❤️
Tumblr media
I was about to put my phone aside when
my eyes suddenly caught on the last
messages he sent. It was a photo of himself.
Iliterally choked on my spit as soon as I
saw it.
"Is this man even real?" I said as I couldn't
handle his handsomeness.
Then I began to read the text on the photo
and ended up turning red asI blushed too
hard for the name he called me. Babygirl.
(Btw that picture of sleeping
together is just a picture of a loading
photo.. Cuz I couldn't find a photo of
them sleeping together)
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princessnijireiki · 3 years
this random person contacted me out of the blue yesterday after pulling my name from the list of members in a discount Telegram group to do Amazon reviews for rebates (which I've done before, it's against Amazon's TOS & frankly it's a way for sellers to artificially boost ratings + sales numbers while doing small potatoes money laundering, none of which I'm against on principle, but like... bold thing to cold approach a stranger with), then after I said, "fine I'll check out what you have closer to payday," she messaged me again TODAY. first thing in the morning, just: "Hey."
and so then when I was like "...yeah ykw nevermind" because 1. very shady to begin with + 2. now on top of that it's annoying (and 3. she sent me her website "catalog" of what she gets paid by vendors to convince people to buy, and it was useless shit ngl) she really just sent me "😢" in response. girl, shut the fuck up! contact the rest of your stalker list & leave me alone!
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double dare, m | ksj, knj
pairing(s): seokjin x reader x namjoon — also yoongi x reader, implied ot7 x reader
summary: Kim Seokjin calls to issue a challenge. A (double) dare, if you will. He says you can't take two dicks at once. Kim Namjoon, his roommate, argues that you can. Well, you never back down from a dare, especially when it involves Seokjin and Namjoon.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language, low-key horny crack + chaotic energy; smut (fem reader, doggy, threesome, slight D/s dynamics, mild restraint, nipple play, finger sucking, fingering, double penetration); non-idol!AU - ot7 x sex friend!reader, focusing on Seokjin and Namjoon in this one :D (cough with some Yoongi)
'journey (to the dick)' au aka you as the main character in harem hentai and BTS is your (horny af) harem
“What? Ah, f-fuck!”
“I need you to get over here. There is a particular matter that needs to be discussed,” came the very serious, no-nonsense tone from your phone, speaking rather sternly for someone who called you three times in a row and forced you to answer in the middle of your, ahem, dick appointment.
You were holding the phone in one hand and your other was on the bed, fingers clutching the sheets, jerked forward periodically with firm, hard thrusts.
Someone was shouting behind the one on the phone.
“I told hyung that you could take dick in both holes and he doesn’t believe me!”
You immediately recognized that deep, sultry voice in the background. Still, you needed to address the accusation first.
“Kim Seokjin,” you panted. “What the fuck?”
You could hear his exaggerated eye roll. Well, you couldn’t, but you could, you know?
“Namjoon thinks you can take dick in the pussy and the ass at the same time,” Seokjin spat as if that was utter bullshit. “And that’s just not possible.”
Smack! “Why–” Smack! “Would–” Smack! “You–” Smack! “Think–” Smack! “I couldn’t – mmm, fuck, yes right theeere, fuck, so deep and so hard, ugh, you’re so good…”
Seokjin continued like you weren’t in the middle of getting fucked right that very second.
“Because, okay, you could take some small dick, sure, but us? Us? Come on, you totally couldn’t.”
“That was absolutely absurd of you to say so, Kim Seokjin,” you snapped, your words curling into a lustful moan as a firm hand pushed the small of your back down, forcing you to your elbow, leisurely spanking your ass hard with his open palm, keeping you on the edge, so close to hitting your peak but not quite there, thrusting steady but rough.
The headboard was hammering the wall at the same deliberate pace.
The neighbor who lived on the other side of the wall was cursing again.
“Are you both going to be home?” you gasped out, all of your muscles tensing. Almost…
Seokjin snorted. “Pfft, obviously, we are human beings who sleep, you know–”
“We’ll see about that.”
You hung up on him.
“I gotta go.”
Surprisingly, the deep, husky voice behind you actually responded.
“After this one.”
“You asshole, you are holding out – a-ah, wait, oooooooh, fuck!”
"I took a shower, Yoongi helped me clean all my bits, I dried my hair, went back home to put on a fresh dress and you're fucking ASLEEP, KIM SEOKJIN, WHAT THE FUCK?!"
“Zzzzzzz – guh!”
Total chaos as you threw yourself onto Kim Seokjin’s lap, disturbing the perfect image of self-proclaimed Worldwide Handsome laying on the couch covered with a fluffy white blanket and squishy alpaca plush with a red neck scarf tucked in his inner arm, grabbing said plush and smacking him with it repeatedly as Seokjin lost his shit, flailing about and throwing his arms over his head, wailing at you to stop. His roommate, Kim Namjoon, was unabashedly cackling like a lunatic behind you.
“You–” FWOOP! “Bossy–” FLOOP! “Pillow–” BOOP! “Princess!”
“Namjoon, h-help!”
“Hell no,” Namjoon snorted in laughter. “I’m having a great time watching.”
“First you doubt me, then you fall asleep on me, what’s next, you–”
Seokjin grabbed both your wrists, thinking he had won, already cheering for himself, only for you to plant your tits right onto his handsome face, his nose jammed right into your cleavage because of the sweetheart neckline of your red lace dress, hot breath warming your chest, brown eyes wide, grip on your wrists lessening in his shock. You yanked your hands out and clutched his head, sinking your fingers into his black hair, violently muffling his half-squeal, half-moan with your breasts, blaringly obvious that you weren’t wearing a bra because your prominent nipples were already hard and creating stiff peaks under the fabric, poking him incessantly in the cheeks.
You gasped as another pair of strong hands grabbed your forearms and made you release Seokjin’s head, forcing them up and your back to arch. A deep voice dipped down to caress your ear, not paying attention to Seokjin who did not detach himself from your tits.
He was making the most of it while you were distracted.
“Woah there, what do you think you’re doing?” Namjoon drawled, grip tightening, bending your arms back, elbows up, pressing your wrists to your upper back. “That’s not a punishment.”
You tried to breathe but Namjoon’s heavenly deep voice was taking your breath away.
“You know what punishments are.”
He pressed your head back, leaving your arms the way they were, and Namjoon’s sultry eyes appeared, half-lidded brown orbs completely visible because he had cut his hair very short now, dark gray-brown and spiked up, cocking an eyebrow at you. You whimpered at his gaze, suddenly feeling hotness on the curve of your breast, lips pressed to one of your nipples, and then wetness closing in, sucking you through lace and satin, the short flared skirt rising because of your spread thighs, but there was too much fabric between you and Seokjin’s hardness, the blanket and pajama pants and boxer briefs, so frustrating, about to lower your head to rectify that, but Namjoon’s palm pressed into your chin, fingers closing in around your cheeks, immobile.
“Where do you think you’re looking?”
Every time Namjoon smirked, one of his dimples peeked out at you. Ugh, so sexy.
“I… I’m s-supposed to be punishing Seokjinnie…” you gasped out, feeling said man’s teeth nicking at your nipple through your dress, his large hands closing in on your waist, pulling you closer, causing you to bend back more, unable to escape Namjoon’s grip and gaze.
Namjoon tilted his head, amused. “Yeah? Were you so, so mad that hyung wasn’t awake so you could show off how well you can take it in both holes?”
You didn’t want to whine and be pathetic, but Seokjin’s mouth and hands were all over your breasts and waist, pinching you through your clothes and sucking on the hard nubs, rushes of pleasure clouding your head and making you forget your defiance, remembering all the things Namjoon liked, like when you were so drunk on sex that you just gave into him, now whimpering and opening your mouth, your tongue sliding out, feeling him shift his palm, Namjoon’s finger leisurely tracing your lips. Your tongue followed, licking the pads of his fingers, rolling your body into Seokjin’s mouth, wanting to grab his shoulders but not letting yourself do so because Namjoon hadn’t allowed you to do so yet.
He liked you bad, but he also liked you obedient.
“W… Want it…”
You felt Namjoon’s other hand tangle in your hair, fingers molding to your scalp, sliding two of his long fingers into your mouth and making you suck on them, your eyelids fluttering as he fucked your mouth with his fingers, rubbing your tongue, pushing your arms down, your name growled by that deep, deep voice.
“Look at me.”
You fixated your eyes on Namjoon’s stern expression, shuddering as you felt Seokjin push the sleeves of your dress down, scooping out your breasts, moaning as his lips touched your skin, hot tongue teasing your hard nipples and you couldn’t tell him to do more or less, trapped by Namjoon’s fingers in your mouth and his hand in your hair, tugging at it lightly so you sucked his fingers like a cock, vision hazing out at the helplessness of it all.
Voluntary helplessness, to be clear.
“You want it? You had Yoongi-hyung fucking you earlier and now you want more? So dirty and so insatiable,” Namjoon taunted, not meaning it of course, because how could he mean it when he too wanted it all, knew you were insatiable and loved it as much as the rest of them, addicted to the feeling you gave him, pushing your head down, fingers still in your mouth. Seokjin raised his head, black hair, large brown eyes, pink lips lush and full and gorgeous, meeting the image of fingers sliding in and out of your glossy lips, your eyes glassy and reflected in his.
Namjoon pushed his fingers apart, opening your mouth.
Your tongue lolled out, swiping around his knuckle, staring into Seokjin’s eyes.
“F… Fuck…”
The oldest was dirty-minded but resistant in showing it, clenching his jaw, weakening as your fingers danced up his arms and you moaned his name messily between Namjoon’s long wet digits, tits pushed up by the neckline of your dress straining under them, knowing your sensuality was irresistible and infectious, placing your hands on his broad shoulders, pulling him closer.
“I still… don’t think you can take us both at once…” he breathed, staring into your eyes.
You smirked, Namjoon’s fingers sliding out, saliva smearing onto your chin, the taste of his skin on your tongue.
“Only one way to find out.”
And you leaned in and kissed those perfect lips, soft and passionate kiss, wrapping your arms around him, fingers splaying over his back and in his hair, his name trapped in the kiss, sudden hardness pressing to your back, breaking the first kiss and turning your head to be trapped in another, full lips commanding the lip-lock, two different hands on your breasts, Seokjin and Namjoon toying with them, the rush of pleasure only just beginning.
“Whose face am I looking at?”
“Obviously mine,” Seokjin scoffed. “Do you even have to ask?”
You gasped. “But Namjoon is so handsome.”
Seokjin rolled his eyes. “Yeah, but you want him to make you look at him, so that completely defeats the purpose of being forced when the default is you facing him.”
“Also, hyung thinks he’s the most handsome,” Namjoon chuckled, tugging your dress off, kisses across your chest as it left your body, hands travelling to push your panties down.
“No,” Seokjin choked, affronted as you moaned and gripped Namjoon’s shoulders, enjoying his powerful grip. “I am not that self-centered. I just happen to like how I look very much. Namjoon is very handsome, capable, and intelligent.”
“Thanks, hyung.”
Namjoon shoved a finger inside your wetness, making you stumble into the sofa, raising your leg to place it against Seokjin’s naked thigh, almost falling if it wasn’t for your ass being suddenly grabbed by Seokjin’s firm hands.
“You are still clumsy, Namjoon,” Seokjin sighed, lowering you slightly to look over your shoulder.
You reached back and held onto the sofa, Namjoon’s mouth on your nipple and his finger in your soaked pussy, thrusting deeply to match his swiping tongue, maddeningly slow but rough, so dangerous, losing your mind at the leisurely pace, trying to buck your hips to get more but Seokjin’s hands were preventing you.
You heard the oldest huff and make a disapproving tongue click.
“Not like that. She likes it faster than that.”
Namjoon knew that. Obviously.
Your eyes widened.
He smirked around your nipple as one of Seokjin’s hands left your ass.
“Seok– oh, fuuuck!”
You gasped as you felt another finger enter your dripping pussy, another finger of a different hand, stretching your walls and a different pace, faster, your eyes rolling back, head hitting Seokjin’s shoulder, but either he didn’t notice or didn’t care, your moans in his ear, Namjoon matching the rhythm, oh, shit, they were fingering you together, Seokjin from between your legs from behind and Namjoon from the front, the backs of their hands slick with your juices, Seokjin’s other hand still squeezing one ass cheek and Namjoon’s other hand on your waist, his mouth on your breasts.
“Come on, I know you’re close,” Seokjin muttered, exhaling hard. “I can feel your pussy sucking me in, asking for dick already.”
He was not normally one for dirty talk, but sometimes Seokjin let himself got lost in the lust, lost in the moment of your throbbing walls and shaking body, moans of their names tumbling from your lips, filling up their living room with obscenity and depravity, thrusting in unison, loud and wet and heavy breathing blending with your sound, pushed to the edge, thighs tensing, electricity flashing throughout your nerves.
“Namjoon, Seokjin, fuck!”
Wet squelch, sweet gush of your juices soaking their hands, your eyes rolling back, yelping as Namjoon’s hand retreated and Seokjin stuffed another finger in you. You didn’t need to say it, one glance at Namjoon and he could see it, harder, hyung, she can take it, gasping as Seokjin obeyed and Namjoon's wet fingers pressed onto your throbbing clit, wild howl at the contact, sparks of sensitivity because it was right after your orgasm, heat at your neck from Seokjin’s cheeks, his teeth finding your shoulder, biting it, maybe from his realization of how crazy this moment was or in the heated moment of wanting to feed you even more pleasure, but the sharp unexpected pain only hiked your moans, Namjoon rubbing your clit as Seokjin shoved his fingers into you hard and fast, the angle a little awkward but there was so much going on that it didn’t matter, already there once again, obsessed with the overabundance of ecstasy, I’m cumming, fuck, Namjoon, Seokjin, a-ah, clit engorged and pulsing strongly to Namjoon’s punishing touch, words jumbled and woven with breathless cries, orgasm crashing down and soaking Seokjin’s hand once more, thick and sweet and honey-like, viscous juices clinging to your inner thighs, painted with your high.
Namjoon leaned in, silencing your shuddering gasps with his mouth, deep kisses and swirling tongue dazing you, aftershocks flinching through your torso as he pressed his fingertips to your jerking core, lowering you from the crashing waves, whispering darkly against your lips.
“We haven’t even started.”
Releasing you, and you were already turning around, meeting Seokjin’s gaze and his panting smile, kissing it, sighing contentedly in his touch, just something about those lips and his large frame surrounding you, something about the way he shivered when you sucked his breath away and drank it, almost innocent, but not that innocent, because the second your wandering hand found the condom on the sofa and pressed it into his palm, his lips curved into a teasing grin, nipping at yours.
“Already?” he teased.
You reached between you and him, fingers ghosting his length, smirking at Seokjin’s gasp, gazing at him under your lashes.
“You get hard from kisses, Seokjinnie.”
“I – gah, d-don’t…”
But he didn’t mean it, of course not, because he was humping your hand that was closing around his hot, hardening cock, stroking him slowly from base to tip, spreading the pre-cum over the sensitive head, his jaw clenching at the feeling, desire and need clouding his eyes, pupils blown-out, ripping open the foil packet, heavier exhales, staring into your eyes.
“You want to look at me that bad, huh?” he breathed against your lips, fishing for it.
You gave it to him, exactly what he wanted.
“Mhm, Seokjin, I want to look at your handsome, perfect face while you fuck my pussy and Namjoon fucks my ass.”
He sucked in a breath, caught in his throat.
“You’re crazy, but so, so hot.”
Eh, you’ll take it.
You moved your hand and he rolled the condom down, yelping as you captured his lips again, addicted to his kiss and his soft cries, his hand and your hand guiding his stiff cock to your quivering pussy, already saturated with slickness, spread knees and lowering body, sinking down onto him, moaning into his mouth and he moaned into your throat, suffocating each other with your noises, rolling your hips and breaking the kiss, both of your faces pointed to heaven with the true heaven between your connected hips, pleasure at being filled and doing the filling, his hands on your ass to push you down.
“Hyung, spread her ass,” Namjoon ordered behind you.
You pitched forward slightly, wrapping your arms around Seokjin’s shoulders, gasping as you felt him tug outwards, sinking his fingers into your softness, your lips pressed to his cheek, his sweet voice murmuring your name, filling you with warmth despite being exposed so vulnerably.
You inhaled deeply, breathing in Seokjin’s clean scent.
Then you flexed your asshole, tightening and relaxing the ring of muscle.
“Fuck, that’s so sexy.”
You gazed at him in your periphery, eyes widening as you realized Namjoon too was naked now, muscular body towering behind you, flicking open a bottle of lube and spreading it over his fingers, rubbing them together as they became shiny and slippery, catching your interested expression.
He smirked, dimple on display. “Ready?”
“I’ve been ready since I walked in the door, Namjoon,” you smirked back, enamored with his seductive dark brown eyes.
He chuckled.
“Nah, you were ready the second Seokjin challenged you and said you couldn’t do it.”
Oops, he got ya.
You gasped hotly, feeling his fingers press up against your tight hole, tracing circles and teasing you, pushing into your ass in the opposing rhythm of Seokjin’s rocking hips, your hold on Seokjin’s shoulders tightening, hearing him gasp with you, watching two Namjoon’s fingers dip in and snake into the tightness, both of them inhaling sharply at the sound, wet squelch and your wanton cry, your hips rocking into it, pleasure shimmering all over.
“T-That’s still not a dick,” Seokjin managed to get out, still stubborn but mixed with awe regardless.
“Gotta stretch her out,” Namjoon chuckled. “Don’t wanna hurt our good girl, right?”
Well, if you weren’t in euphoria before, you definitely were there now.
“N… Namjoon-ah…”
“Shh, I got you, just enjoy.”
You arched your back a little more, Seokjin sliding down to accommodate, slowly thrusting and gasping at the sensation, turning to him and intense kisses, needing to occupy your mouth, fullness in your ass and your pussy, whimpering as your felt Namjoon’s fingers flex, nudging your muscles to relax, core throbbing, clenching around Seokjin’s stiff length instead, so good, oh, yes, it was so good, his kisses and slapping your hips down, wanting more, already chasing more, intoxicated by the feeling of both your holes being filled.
You heard the bottle of lube fall to the floor and the slick sound of hand on hardness.
Shivers up and down your spine.
“Say it.”
You broke Seokjin’s kiss, gasping.
“Tell us that you want it,” Namjoon growled.
Drunk on the idea, commanded by lust.
“P-Please, Namjoon…” you breathed, eyes hazy and half-lidded, staring at Seokjin. “Want you to fuck my ass as Seokjin fucks my pussy. Want you two to ruin me.”
The brown eyes beneath you widened, mouthing, you’re crazy.
You grinned, Namjoon’s fingers buried in your ass.
“Told you, hyung.”
His fingers pulled out, pushing the small of your back down with his palm. One a second to mourn the loss and then your eyes widened, the thick head of Namjoon’s cock pressed against your ass.
Wait, maybe you should have asked if Namjoon could be in your puss–
Too late.
“Oh, f-fuck!”
You clutched Seokjin’s shoulders, digging your nails into him as slowly, carefully, Namjoon’s girth entered your tight, tight hole, still tight even through he worked you up and stretched you out, the lube helping him slip inside, your mind going blank, realizing that maybe you went over your head a little, but too far to turn back and, to be honest, you didn’t want to turn back, the fullness already too good to regret it, gasping as Namjoon gripped your hips, holding you completely still as he bottomed out, hot breath on your shoulder blades.
Your mind wasn’t so blank that you forgot to speak.
“Still…” you panted, slowly grinning at Seokjin’s shocked and stunned face, his jaw dropped as he felt and witnessed it. “Think it’s impossible for me to take dick in both holes?”
“Y-Y-You…” he sputtered, choking a little as Namjoon began to move, his scrambled words mixing with your lustful moans. “Are absurd.”
It was almost too much, but Namjoon did not let you command the pace, instead firmly keeping you in one spot as he nudged Seokjin to move, guiding you both expertly, groaning when you pulsated around the two dicks, able to feel the reverberations from the closeness, body to body to body, trembling from the overwhelming sensation, Seokjin thrusting up from below, his handsome face tense, panting with effort.
“Oh, fuck… it’s so tight… fuck, I can feel it, I can feel his dick fucking your ass, that’s so weird…”
You weren’t quite sure what he expected to feel. What did Seokjin originally think he was getting into when he called you? He was the one who had been touting their superior size! What did he think it would feel like–?!
“A-Ah, y-yes, there, like that, oh f-fuck, like thaaaaaaat…”
You forgot about questioning Seokjin’s brain, refocusing on the feeling of the consistent thrusting and depth of the two cocks, an almost melodic rhythm and substantial fullness. There was a sweet spot, right, oh, there, Namjoon’s hand flat against your back, his deep grunts of effort paired with each smack of hips to ass and Seokjin’s crotch to yours.
Oh, huh, were those loud, pitched moans resonating off the apartment walls you? But the ecstasy too high, too real, too good, so good that you seemed to forget that it was already very late at night.
Surely their neighbors would complain – was that part of your brand now? oops – but it seemed that neither Seokjin or Namjoon noticed or cared, pants and moans and groans and chasing carnal pleasure, irrational, wild, heads thrown back, lashes fluttering and lost in bliss, stuffing your tight, wet heat from both holes, kissing Seokjin sloppily before turning your head to make out with Namjoon, his teeth trapping your tongue and sucking on it, gargled moan and shaking body at the mercy of his iron grip, snapping back to Seokjin’s pillowy lips, juxtaposition of hard and soft, crashing pleasure and coiled constriction, letting go, orgasm overtaking you in shudders, not realizing you had been so close, their names falling from your throat between fucked-out, loud, blissful cries.
“Seokjin… Namjoon…”
Couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t do anything but peak in that gratifying elation, shivers up and down your spine, the lower half of your body throbbing and trembling, chin lowering only to witness Seokjin shutting his eyes and clenching his jaw, groaning out your name as he shot into the condom, jerking cock twitching inside you, vibrating front to back, no, that was Namjoon’s low hiss of your name, his fingernails digging in your hips he shot into your ass, your eyes snapping open, thick spurts of his orgasm so strong that you could feel his cock twitching deep inside, your pulse roaring in your ears, chest heaving, struggling for breath.
Feeling far too proud that they both came with you.
Namjoon’s sweaty chest hit your back, sandwiching you between that big body and Seokjin’s broad shoulders. Seokjin looked to be two seconds away from passing out from the ecstasy of orgasm.
“Don’t… question me… again,” you snickered, panting heavily.
Seokjin mumbled and shrugged, incoherent.
“I think he’s saying you could do this, but not the reverse of him in the ass and me in the pussy,” Namjoon clarified, kissing your shoulders with an amused chuckle.
“What?!” you roared.
“That’s n-not…!”
“We still have unfinished business.”
“Yoongi, I just got DP’ed last night. Have mercy.”
Kisses on your neck, lowering the strap of your bra, wrapping his arms around you, purring your name.
“I guess you can buy me dinner and we can watch a movie instead.”
“I have to buy?!”
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stardustincarnate · 3 years
HEADCANON ━━━ when their s/o is arachnophobic.
genre : a tad bit of humor.
characters included : light, l, misa, near, minoru, mikami.
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- "Uhm.. Light.."
- Slightly annoyed by the fact that you had just disturbed his train of thoughts, he looked up and asked noncommittally, "What?"
- "There's a spider.. in your bathroom.. And I gotta pee.."
- Hells, what? He hastily strode towards the bathroom, stopping and internally panicking once he saw how humongous it was. Several gangly legs... Eugh. Spiders had always disturbed him.
- But he had to do it. Just think, what could possibly be lamer than the god of the new world being terrified of spiders? That would tarnish his reputation. No kidding.
- Light took the broom from the side and carefully shooed the spider off the walls while you slouched behind him and held his shoulders, screaming everytime the creature got near you.
- Some time later, you lost sight of the spider.
- "[Y/N], where is it?"
- "I don't kn -- oh my gosh!!!"
- "What is it?"
- "It's on your head!"
- What the fu -- okay, calm down, Light. You can do this. You've killed plenty of the bad guys before. This is merely a spider.
- '[Y/N].. The predicament you put me into... I swear you will not get away with this.'
- He's utterly spooked, but he was still preserving his image, so it took quite a while to get the abomination off himself. He looked like he just finished an intense tennis match by then.
- "Thanks.. Light."
- "Huh? Yeah."
- Some time later...
- Was that spiders written on top of a page in the death note? Ryuk cackled. He wondered if he could blackmail Light using that to give him more apples...
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- "Ryuzaki! You gotta see this, please!"
- "This better be important for me to be disturbed in the middle of a case."
- You took him in front of the comfort room and pointed at the door. He saw no significance in there and decided to walk away. You immediately pulled him back and pointed at the door again.
- "What? You want me to watch as you take a dump?"
- "No! Look, there's a spider!"
- "I am aware. What? It's just a spider. It's not gonna kill you."
- "I need you to get rid of it!"
- L almost rolled his eyes, looking very uninterested in helping you.
- "Okay fine! I'll give you whatever sweets you want if you get rid of it for me."
- Okay, that seemed fair. Besides...
- He sauntered closer to the door and lifted his arms. The lanky creature crawled on him. He looked okay with it. Too okay.
- For the sake of his own entertainment, also because he disliked you disturbing him, he raised the arm with the spider on it towards you. You hastily went in the comfort room and shut the door on his face.
- He kept that spider for future uses.
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- Uh-oh. There was a spider. You needed someone to get rid of it, but the only one around was your girlfriend, who's just as arachnophobic as you are.
- You just vacantly stared at the bathroom door and waited for the spider to miraculously disappear.
- Eventually, Misa showed up because she needed to take a shower.
- "[Y/N]? What are you doing? Are you gonna use the bathroom?"
- "Yes.. But.." You pointed to the abomination lurking near the doorknob. Misa squealed and hid behind you.
- "Kyahh! Get rid of it!"
- "Me?! Get rid of it?! No, you do it!"
- "But I'm scared!"
- "So am I!"
- After a long moment of silence, you sighed and suggested, "Let's just get rid of it together. Get the brooms."
- Misa looked even more spooked, but she didn't have much of a choice. The spider wasn't gonna get rid of itself. She took two long brooms and you both began to sweep the eight-legged creature away in a careful distance.
- There was so much noise and everything had eventually become chaotic.
- You screamed yourself as you began sweeping it away from her, but the little shit decided to crawl on your broom instead. You immediately dropped it and scrammed out of the house. Misa followed, also screaming. The neighbors were greatly alarmed.
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- "Near... I need your help.."
- "What's the matter?" He said, attention fixed solely on the cards that he was stacking.
- "There's a spider in the bathroom..."
- "What of it?" He asked noncommittally, though he already knew what you were going to say.
- "I need you to get rid of it. Please."
- You feverishly walked to and front. You couldn't hold back any longer. Near looked like he'd rather eat glass, but okay. He wasn't that heartless.
- "Stephen." He called urgently. The latter sauntered towards him and asked what the matter was.
- "There's a spider in the bathroom. Please get rid of it quickly. [Y/N] is about to explode."
- Stephen headed straight to the bathroom, followed by you, and grabbed the spider to relocate it elsewhere. Finally, time for you to break free.
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- "Minoru. Help me." You texted your boyfriend. He asked what the matter was but you did not elaborate and only told him to come to your house asap.
- He was worried upon seeing your panic-stricken face. He thought of the worse case scenarios -- and then you took him to the bathroom where a huge spider was stuck on the ceiling.
- He so regretted coming.
- "Oi oi oi! Where do you think you're going?"
- "Back home? No thanks, I don't like spiders."
- "Neither do I!"
- "Then why should I be the one to get rid of it?"
- "Because no one else is home and I've been holding my dump for thirty minutes. You gotta help me!"
- His face fell. He didn't have much of choice, he was there anyway, so he sighed and picked up a broom. In a safe distance, he very gently shooed the spider away lest it falls on his hair.
- There were lots of unnecessary squeaks.
- Thank goodness, the spider had finally fallen. Exactly in the open toilet. Just as planned. Minoru didn't think twice of flushing it.
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- You really didn't want to bother your busy boyfriend, but you had enough. You've been seeing the same spider for lurking inside the house for weeks now. Teru gave it no heed as it grew bigger. Then it got into your room. That took the last straw.
- "It's only a spider [Y/N]. It's not like it's gonna kill you."
- "You don't understand. The way that thing moves its leg is enough to give me heart attack! I can't sleep knowing that thing might crawl on my face as it pleases. It's so creepy! Why does it even look like that? Get rid of it, please."
- Well that was mean. Teru clicked his tongue. No point of trying to convince you that it's harmless. He sighed and took a chair, standing on it to get the spider which then crawled on his arm. He looked far too calm in your opinion. You backed away from him.
- He opened the windows and set the creature free, immediately closing it afterwards. Though he was pretty sure that it would come back sooner or later.
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laffyraffy · 3 years
So I tripped and ate shit on a sidewalk, scraping the everloving hell outta my knee, which inspired this. I went a bit overboard but, uh, enjoy. 
Ever since you met and befriended Beetlejuice, taking late-night strolls has never felt safer. You've always been in the habit of going on walks when your insomnia was kicking your ass, but with your own personal demon by your side, you could let your guard down a little bit- be a little less aware of your surroundings. 
Beej is telling you about a prank he and Lydia pulled on the Maitlands that day, complete with voice impersonations and grand gestures, making you have to stifle your laughter more than once. (It is late, after all, and you don't wanna disturb anyone.)
You're paying so much attention to him that you don't notice the uneven section of pavement until it's too late: your ankle rolls and the next thing you know, you're kneeling over the pavement, hands and one knee stinging and throbbing. Your other leg is somehow unharmed, dangling over the side of the sidewalk and half in the street.
Neither one of you moves for a few seconds, both a little stunned by how quickly you went down. Beetlejuice reacts first with a, "Holy shit, babes, you okay? You dropped harder than a dead body." He giggles a little, high pitched and nervous.
You don't respond, still kinda shocked. You maneuver yourself so you're sitting down on the ground, wiping your hands off and inspecting your knee. Beej nervously asks, "Babes? You good?"
The pain is really starting to set in now. "Ow. Ow! OW!! This FUCKING hurts, Jesus!! Shit!"
Beej is floating down on the ground next to you in a heartbeat, hands hovering over you like he doesn't know where to put them. "Babes, seriously, are you okay? Can you stand? That was a helluva fall."
You look over at him, tears pricking your eyes. His hair has streaks of yellow in it and they multiply when he sees how watery your eyes are. You quickly reassure him: "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay, just kinda- shocked. I haven't eaten shit like that since I was a kid, I dunno know what happened."
Beej huffs, "This crappy sidewalk happened, I outta haunt the schmuck who paved it, it's totally uneven!" To your amusement, some of the yellow streaks quickly turn red. It's sweet to see him get angry on your behalf, but you wave him off.
"It's not the first time I've tripped on uneven pavement. Probably won't be the last, either. 'S just been a while since I've actually fallen." You look back at your knee to see a steady stream of blood trailing down your leg. "Fuck, my knee looks like a crime scene."
Beetlejuice hisses when he sees how much blood is oozing from the scrape. Before you can say anything to reassure him, you feel two strong arms grab you and lift you bridal-style. You yelp, throwing your arms around his neck to steady yourself. "Beej?! What the hell?!"
He smirks at your flustered expression. "What? I'm not gonna let you walk home on that. You breathers are too fragile, what if you fall again?"
"I can walk! It's fine!"
He hums, head tilted, pretending to think, then shakes his head. "Nah, gotta carry you, just to be safe." The shit-eating grin on his face tells you otherwise: he just wants an excuse to have you in his arms.
His. . . Surprisingly strong arms.
You'd be lying if you said this wasn't doing something for you. It's been a long time since you've been picked up and it's. . . kinda nice, if you're honest with yourself. So, with a huff, you rest your head on his shoulder. "Fine."
"C'mon babes, I- wait, what?"
"I said, 'fine.' Take me home. I'm tired and my knee looks like ground beef, I want to bandage it and go to sleep."
You don't see it, but his face practically lights up, over half of his hair blooming bright pink. "Your wish is my command, doll."
You honestly expected him to snap his fingers and teleport the two of you back to your place, so you're surprised when he simply turns around and starts walking back the way you came. "Bee, wha- You're seriously gonna carry me the whole way back? I'm heavy!"
He chuckles, looking down at you with a raised eyebrow. "You really, really aren't, babes. You weigh about as much as Lyds to me, and she weighs next to nothing." At your sceptical look, he flashes you a grin full of sharp teeth. "Demon, remember? I may not look it, but I'm a lot stronger than any human, living or dead."
"Oh. Okay. You still don't have to carry me. . ." But your protest is just for show at this point, and you both know it.
The walk back home is over quicker than you'd both like (though neither of you will admit it). When you reach your doorstep, Beej suddenly has a third arm that he uses to unlock the door. He pushes it open and carries you over the threshold, third arm cradling your head to keep it from accidentally hitting the doorframe.
For all the times Beetlejuice has tried to fluster you with off-color jokes, you're pretty sure he's never made you blush harder than you are right now. You're a little bit shocked at how tender he's being. You know he's more bark than bite (most of the time), hiding his soft underbelly in disgusting behavior and sexual innuendos, but you've never seen him be soft with anyone but Lydia, let alone been the focus of his tenderness.
It's enough to make you feel like you swallowed a whole kaleidoscope of butterflies, making you feel giddy and light. You aren't sure what to do about the feeling, so you do your best to push it down so you can examine it later.
Beetlejuice carries you into your bathroom, setting you down on the closed lid of your toilet. "You have a first-aid kit, right?" You nod and point, "under the sink."
He brings it to you, opening it and kind of just. . . staring at it. "I, uh, wanted to play nurse, but I gotta be honest: I'm not sure what most of this is for."
You chuckle, taking the kit from him and placing it on the lip of the tub next to you. "It's okay, I can show you. Could you go get me a wash rag? And wet it with warm water?" He does, and you get to work gingerly wiping away the blood and debris from your scrape. It stings like a bitch, and you hiss, gritting your teeth.
"You know. . . I could always kiss it better." You don't even have to look up to know he's wiggling his eyebrows at you. "Beej, I love you dude, but I've seen the shit you put in your mouth. If you kissed my open wound I'd probably get sepsis." You're still so focused on wiping the blood trail off your leg that you don't see the way his eyes go wide, and his hair turns completely pink at the word 'love.' By the time you're done, he's schooled his features into something more neutral.
"Okay, this fucking hurts. But I've got the wound cleared away a bit, so now I'm going to use an antiseptic wipe," you hold up the little square packet before tearing it open, "to really clean it, and get rid of any nasty microbes that might be in there." After you wipe it down, you grab a tube of Neosporin.
"Now I'm gonna slather it with this: it's a pain reliever and antibiotic. It'll help speed up the healing process a bit and keep it from getting infected." Once you do that, you grab a square of gauze, some tape, and a roll of elastic wrap.
"This is a bit overkill but I don't have any band-aids big enough to cover the whole scrape." You finish dressing your wound, making sure the elastic bandage isn't wrapped too tight.
When you look up at Beetlejuice, he's staring intensely at your knee, brows drawn like it's some kind of difficult math equation. "Bee?"
His eyes flicker to yours before dropping back down. Quick as a snake, he drops his head, placing a feather-light kiss to the bandage. His hair is a riot of pinks and greens, with a little bit of. . . Orange? You're still not entirely sure what the different colors mean, but you can hazard a guess based on context clues. Orange is a new color to you, though.
When he lifts his head, he won't look you in the eye. "Well, babes, it's getting late, and I know how you breathers need your beauty sleep, so I'm just gonna- bye!"
Before you can say anything, he snaps his fingers and disappears, leaving you alone, hand stretched out. You rest it atop the bandage, over the spot he kissed, and smile.
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amoristt · 3 years
Grazing the Fire | IV
well hello. here i am, four years later, once again enamored with nathan enough to finally dust this baby off and pick up where i left it. im a little rusty so bear with me this chapter! much more to come <3
reblogs + tags and replies will make my entire day as i put a lot of effort into this :)! it also helps motivate me!
story continues beneath the read more. let me know if you can’t access it!
Warning: language, very vague s/a mentions
want to support me? heres my kofi!
“Alright class, who can tell me,” A board stick clacks against the chalkboard. “Who can answer problem four?” 
A few hands raise in the corners of your eye, but yours remains atop your desk. Eyes far away, mind in a murky haze and almost completely unaware. All you could focus on were the memories playing on repeat within the confines of your tired, tired brain. Hours ago, you were warm, you were comfortable. Safe.
Cheeks heated to a dusting blush when you remind yourself just how you had awoken that morning. At some point in the night, an angel had blessed you. Allowed you to wake up wrapped around none other than big, bad, Nathan Prescott. Your face nuzzled into his chest, broad but wiry hands pressed firmly over your shoulder and his arm slung over your waist to keep you against him. Thankfully you had been the first to wake up, blinking away the morning sun blazing through his blinds and painting the room stripes of gold. At that moment, before your headache came crashing down onto your skull, you were astounded by him. 
Eye lashes brushing the top of his cheeks, his lips parted ever so slightly, chest rising and falling rhythmically. In that moment, there was no anger, no bitterness. Just a soft and peaceful slumber. It was like being the sole viewer of a magnificent painting- each stroke and detail placed just there just for you to pick out, to remember the curves and sharp edges down to the very foundation. From his unkempt hair down to the way his hand flattened onto the mattress where your indent still lived. Nathan was so beautiful like this. 
For a long time you stayed there. It was as though you were afraid to move- you couldn’t bear to disturb him. You had wondered, if he was always like this, so at peace, what would he be like? Likely soft voiced, mild mannered. He’d do his school assignments without hassle and donate to the charity board. He would wander the town with his friends and listen to music in a beat up truck flying down the stretch of highway overlooking the bold, blue, and beautiful ocean. An entirely different version of himself- carefree, and a fair blue as opposed to a burning flame of red. 
But, if that were the case, you’d never have gotten here. You’d never been both the outsider, and the only seeing eye. A lucky, albeit firstly unwilling witness to the display of depth before you. 
It never hit you like it had quite in that moment how lucky you were.
But- just then- an alarm disturbed what serendipity existed. You nearly leapt out of your skin, clutched your hands to your chest at the sudden sound. A headache wove its way into your once untouched temples. Nathan groaned, mumbled, ‘god damn it’, under his breath, and thus his body was reanimated into life. He rubbed his eyes and he stretched, that familiar scowl coming over his eyes and lips as he took in the sunlight damn near blinding him. A polar opposite to the being you’d appreciated just moments earlier.
“Ugh, fuck, how the fuck is it seven already.” He groaned. “I feel like shit.”
“Well good morning to you too,” You started, welcoming Nathan into the world. “‘I’m feeling pretty shitty as well.” 
You said that, but really… You were more than alright. Your head had hurt, slight nausea crept into the wells of your stomach, but other than that you’re sure you were phenomenally better than you’d have been waking up whereverTate would have left your ass.
“You need to get outta here, before everyone gets up.” Nathan drawled, but he didn’t sound as urgent as you expected him to be. You’d expected him to be angry that you were still in his room, but instead he just… accepted it. 
You snickered, climbing out of his throne of a bed. “Wow, you’re giving me the morning after treatment?” 
“Sure am. Get outta here, whore.”
“Oh fuck you.” 
You located your heels from last night, resting upright near his dorm room door. Heels didn’t sound like the most  practical to sneak out of a dorm with, so you instead opted to grappling them by the straps and carrying them at your side. Hair a mess, outfit riddled with wrinkles and makeup smudged under your eyes, you stood before Nathan in all your glory. He stared at you for a long, odd moment- and you for some reason felt exposed, or even, shy. 
“What?” You ask expectantly, placing a hand on your hip. 
His eyes trail to your line of vision. He shakes his head. “Just thinking about how now you really do look like my morning after.”
“Yeah?” You hummed. “Find it hard to believe you get a lot of those.”
Nathan shoots you a suggestive glance. “You’d be surprised. Everyone wants a piece of Prescott.”
Surely, he was joking, or maybe he wasn’t, but you… Didn’t like hearing that. It made your stomach feel odd, uncomfortably heavy.  As he stood up, reminding you how many inches he had over your size, you swallowed and cleared your throat to flush out that crappy feeling. “Well,” you started, mood having dropped. “I’m gonna go, then.” 
“What got your panties in a twist all the sudden?” He asked, raising a brow and pulling some clothes from his closet, tossing them onto the bed.
The bed you two had shared.
You hated the idea of his morning afters- whoever they may be. 
“Not feeling great. Probably a side effect of the roofies.” You mumbled.
Nathan breathed a laugh. “Probably.”
He seemed so calm, right now. Perhaps due to it being so early, before the outside world had a chance to remind him just why he was so uptight all the tight. Before he needed to be so uptight all the time. He really did have so many versions of himself- all of whom you were slowly becoming familiar with. Compared to the person you’d believed him to be before your run ins, you’d never have assumed someone so dangerous could be so soft as last night, as this morning. In the beginning, you’d feared him. Avoided him like a plague, or a wild animal. Even when you were enraptured in the existence of him, you still wanted to keep away. You’d never have believed someone like you could wake up clutched to his chest, as though he were afraid if he released you, you’d be gone long before he woke. 
Then, a sudden thought struck your mind. 
He’d held you so tight. He’d welcomed you in the morning. No anger, no annoyance. His soft laugh at your banter and taunts. How your heels were standing upright instead of tossed haphazardly into some random corner, where he’d watch your struggle to find. 
How he’d stayed awake to ensure your sleep.
“So are you just gonna stand there?” Nathan called you back to reality, hands gripping the hems of his shirt. “I gotta get ready and you need to wash up so you don’t look like a five dollar stripper.” Cruel words, but with absolutely no bite. You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah. But, hey,” You started. “Thank you for last night.” 
“Yeah, yeah. You gotta start learning to watch your own back.” He says. “There’s gonna be times I won’t be there to drag your ass out of the fire.”
If you’d been charged, if you’d been stricken with a strange defensiveness, you’d have retorted, ‘than stop helping me’, but… Instead you allowed yourself the comfort of protection. You allowed Nathan Prescott to watch you.  
“I know,” You reached for the door. “Thank you.”
With that, you bounded out of the dorm silent as a mouse. 
In hindsight, you should have left earlier. Class was merely 15 minutes away when you slipped out of Nathan's room and bounded towards the women's dorm. Albeit not exactly a long walk, by the time you discreetly snuck back into your own dorm, you had roughly twenty minutes to somehow pick an outfit from your countless unopened boxes and make yourself even slightly presentable. 
Wiping off whatever make-up you could get and reapplying it, brushing out the tangles of your hair and nearly tearing off your scalp in the process, scattering your nightclothes over your floor and managing to scrounge out a semi-decent outfit for the day… You still looked a mess. If the mirror could laugh, it would have. Black mascara smudges under your eyes and frizzy untreated hair. What a lovely look. 
You’d made it to class just five minutes late, but those five minutes were all it took for all eyes to be on you as you tried to slide into the classroom unnoticed. A couple classmates whispered to their table mates as you passed by, smelling of oversaturated cherry blossom perfume to hopefully cover the scent of alcohol. You sauntered to your seat and sank down with all your weight, suddenly exhausted. You’d made it with just five minutes tainting your record of attendance. The teacher greeted you with a disappointed sigh, and thus, the day began. 
But, it was so hard to focus. All you could think about was Nathan. 
“Alright class, who can tell me,” A board stick clacks against the chalkboard. “Who can answer problem four?” 
You lowered your head. 
“Ah, how about, ___?”
You snaked back into reality, blinking up at the chalk board that was somehow already riddled with math equations. Since you hadn’t been paying attention even in the slightest, your mouth gaped wide open, eyes scanning for something you understood even slightly so you didn’t look like a total idiot. 
Sadly, you were out of luck. The teacher shook his head. “I’m shocked,” He said. “You're normally so on top of things. Oh well.”
“Oh, I’m sure she was on top of things,” A female voice sniggered behind you “Last night.”
Your face flushed a red, hot, ruby. What the hell was she talking about? How had they found out you were with Nathan? You were so sure of being sneaky, there was no way-
“Her and Tate totally got it on last night.”
You whipped around in your seat, facing girls who looked to be clones of some sort. Both with the same dark eyes, short brown hair, and freckles. “What?”
“Alright-” Your teacher blurted. “That's enough. April, May, enough. Let’s not discuss things outside of the classroom.”
The two girls batted their eyes. “Sorry sir.” One spoke, twirling a hand through her hair. Her sister's wide toothy grin never fumbled. 
“Back to it then. Kate, can you help out __ with number four?” 
The small, blonde girl nodded quickly, brushing a lock of hair behind her eyes and offering an empathic nod. 
As you turned around in your seat, her answer fell on deaf ears. Your heart was racing in your chest, hands balled into fists while you stared ahead blankly.  
They couldn’t seriously think that you chose to leave with Tate, could they? Surely someone must have seen the state you were in. Someone other than Nathan.
The clock ticks forward but time feels like it's passing almost unnaturally slow. With just 10 minutes left, you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket.
‘Nathan: consider ur favor officially returned 
Your tongue poked from your lips, the tiniest of smiles taking over your once sullen features. Terrible thoughts and worries flew out the window while you type back, ‘damn. here i was gonna to ask you to do a backflip off the roof with me. there goes my plans.’
Nathan types for a moment. Typing, stopping, typing again. 
‘Nathan: soundz like a blast. where and when?’
A small blush heats your cheeks. ‘very funny. thanks to last night i have an entire 24 hour session of studying to catch up with.’
His response is almost instant. ‘Nathan: boringgg. txt me when ur fun.’
Rolling your eyes, you shove your phone back into your pocket. It seems you’ve been able to secure enough of a friendship with him for some mindless banter even outside your little visits. You smile. He’s… Fun to talk to. Surprisingly. 
Class comes to an end and you start to pack up the books and papers you’d hardly even glanced at the whole period. Whatever had been upsetting you before is lost in your mind while you think of the morning, the night before. All the things in-between. But, your happiness doesn’t last long. As you get up, you’re almost forced right back into your seat as a weight shoves into your shoulder. Your books scatter to the floor. April, the one who’d remarked about you earlier, glares at you in what looks to be disgust. 
“Careful April,” Her sister hums as she saunters past you, keeping distance and raising her already shrill tone of voice. “Might wanna watch where you’re walking- I’d hate for you to catch something from this slut.”
You absolutely gawk at her. “What the fuck did you just say to me?”
April scoffs. “Oh come on, like everyone doesn’t know what you were up to last night.”
“Sleeping around isn’t a good color on you.” May hikes her bag over her shoulder and snickers at you. They both leave the class together, sickeningly in sync. You’re left stunned where you stand, unsure how the hell your life came to this so quickly. How you’ve stooped so low that the daughters of the world's most uncreative parents are able to bully you based on something that didn’t even happen.
Next class goes no better. The person to your right, a jockey looking brunette guy, asks, ‘have you ever heard of a Tate?’. You say no, that that’s the dumbest name you’ve ever heard. The idiot grins and goes back to marking down likely wrong answers on his test sheet and you debate kicking the leg of his chair out- but you don’t to avoid even more eyes on you. It makes you sick to your stomach- even more than recovering from the roofies does. How can everyone believe it? You barely even knew the guy and you were clearly uncomfortable with his advances. No one saw that? 
After everything you’d worked for to build a reputation, trying so hard to not call out peoples shit for the sake of seeming friendly, tainted over something that didn’t even happen? And the kicker was that it hadn’t even been your fault! He’d drugged you, he’d have taken advantage of you! Yet you were the bad person? 
Class came and went in the blink of an eye this time. Your mind wrapped up in the situation, your stomach churning. You wanted the day to be over with but you still had 4 more classes to suffer through. Why was this happening to you? Was Tate being treated just as horribly, or was he getting pats on the backs of his unaware friends?
Wandering down the halls to your locker, you noticed Lance and Kaz hanging around one of the drinking fountains. Your nerves quelled- your friends would surely make you feel much better. Especially since they had witnessed how awful you were feeling as you left. You approach with a relieved smile, ready to say your truth and finally have someone on your side.
“Hey guys.” You smile, but Lance looks down at his feet while Kaz places her hands to his hips. Your smile fades.
“You could have told us you were gonna spend the night with Tate,” Kaz snaps. “You didn’t need to lie like that just to leave. We were all worried about you and it was for nothing.”
“What?” You feel like you could cry. “No, Kaz, I really did try to leave. Tate tried to drug me and take me home, and-”
“He wouldn’t do that.” Lance interrupts, with a frown. He looks back down at the floor with knitted brows. “I’ve known Tate since before time. He wouldn't do something like that, especially not to one of my best friends. Plus he told me he was really into you. Why would he even try?”
“Are you serious?” You sputter. “You think I’d lie about something like that?”
“You’ve been lying about all sorts of things!” Kaz huffs. “What’s going on with you lately? You’ve been so distant, and secretive. What are you hiding that’s making you lie like this? We’re supposed to be your friends and then you lie to our faces just to go and fuck the first guy that shows you attention.”
“What…?” It was like acid. It was like the rug had been pulled from your feet sending you spiraling down the unending cliff. Kaz, your best friend, all that venom. How could they turn against you like this? What the hell is going on? You felt your throat tighten. “Look, I’m sorry if I’ve been distant, but I’m not lying to you, I-”
“We gotta go.” Lance isn’t in the mood to hear it. “We’ll catch up to you.. Some other time.”
Kaz says nothing as she pushes past you. Lance, at least, spares a short glance over his shoulder. You stood there alone in the hallway, your bag falling off your shoulder and clattering onto the floor with a thud echoing off the walls. Everything you had, all gone at once. 
No one believed you.
With nowhere to go where you felt like you could truly allow yourself to process the day's events, you went to the only place you knew. 
Just outside of campus, where rocks lined the edge of the boundary, overlooking the outskirts of the town and the ocean stretching as far as the eye could see. You settled yourself there, staring at the vast waters and wondering how this had all happened. Unlucky didn’t even begin to cover how it felt. Not only did you feel violated with Tate attempting to do unthinkable things with your unconscious body, but you also felt alone, and walked on. Your best friends hadn’t believed you. While Lance seemed saddened, Kaz was so… Angry. Her words cut like knives into your skin. 
It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair. You didn’t deserve this.
You want to talk to Nathan, but knowing him, he’d see your state and bounce instantly. After all, this isn’t exactly very fun of you.
As the sun began to fall, splaying orange and blues over the wide open sky, behind you, you could hear voices. A group of them, some male, some female. Memories of when your notebook had gotten snatched by those two horsed face assholes came flooding back and with all your alertness, you stood up, and decided that this sitting place was no longer safe. Nothing was.
Before you even made it ten feet away, the group had found their way to your spot and gotten comfortable, one of the girls cheering, ‘this’ll be our hangout! look at how pretty the view is!’
You took a short drive down the stretches of road and decided that if you were going to lament in your own sadness, you were at least going to do so in a place that had something to cover the sound of your tears. Plus a nice view.
The beach, littered with its picnic tables and the sounds of crashing waves would suffice just fine. So, you pulled in the desolate parking lot and wandered down the sandy shores until you stumbled upon a picnic table shaded by a large willow cascading lushious branches to block out the sun- a perfect canopy for you to wallow under. 
You had nothing at that moment. No friends, no reputation, no one to believe your tragic tale. And now, you’d just lost the one spot that made you feel comfortable when stress was building into your body like concrete. Tears pricked into the corners of your eyes and you bit your lip, dreading that feeling of a lump in your throat. Why you? Everything had been going so well. How could not even a single person believe that Tate had tried to hurt you?
Well, actually, there was one person.
Of course Nathan believed you. He’d been the one to rescue you, after all. Time and time again it seemed.  How was it that even the ones closest to you would turn their back so fast, yet Nathan seemed to be there even when you didn’t want him to be? Even when you yelled at him, and he yelled right back, fire and sparks falling into embers around the two of you. 
In that moment, you almost felt like you could finally relate to him. A reputation based on lies and things out of your control, paired with a hardheaded attitude to try and combat all the assumptions. 
No wonder he was so angry. 
“Hey bitch,” A voice suddenly called, and you had a split second moment where you were terrified of once again being the victim of a cruel prank or some classmates boredom. “How about next time you have a pity party you don’t fucking call me in the middle of it.”
You blinked away your tears and through the blurriness saw a figure coming towards you. All that sass, the tone...
“Nathan?” You breathed. It only takes moments before he’s in front of you, holding his phone in view, seeing that the call that had been running for nearly ten minute. You flush in embarrassment, pulling your phone from your back pocket. “How did that happen?”
“Well, can your ass dial numbers?” He taunts, ending the call. 
“Damn it, dumb phone must have butt-dialed you. I knew I should’ve gotten a different one.” You mentally kick yourself. “It must have unlocked in my pocket.”
“You don’t have a password on your phone?” He taunts. When you shake your head, he whistles. “You are just begging for a robbery. I’ll keep that in mind when I’m in the mood to send random messages to all your buddies.” 
“Fuck off.” You scowl, and he grins, hopping up on the picnic table next to you. The sun flatters his skin. He’s almost glowing. 
“Speaking of buddies, how the hell did it pick my number out of your sea of friends?”
You shrug. “Probably cuz’ it’s a priority contact.” 
“Oh lala, I’ve been upgraded to priority huh? Does it display a superman logo whenever you give it a ring?”
“Nope. When I press call it rings the nearest asshole in my vicinity. The fact that it’s you is your own problem.”
“Haha, fucking ha.” He leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees. He stares out at the water, watching waves pull and crash onto the beach. It’s almost beautiful, until he ruins it. “Yknow, you’re a really ugly crier.”
“Wow, thanks.” You shake your head. “That's exactly what I needed to hear right now. Why did you even stay on the line?.” Wiping your eyes, you start to forget your tears. “Couldn’t have been that wild of a conversation.”
Nathan shrugs. “Between the crying and the sound of the waves it was pretty nice.” He grins. “Very educational.” 
“Awesome. Glad I was able to make your day.” It doesn’t feel like your usual bitey remarks. You’re tired, you’re still a little hurt and you can’t stop thinking about how such an amazing morning had turned into such a horrible day.
“So what’s got you all fucked up? Never seen you act like this big of a baby before.”
“Nothing. You already paid off your debt to me per this morning, so feel free to resume our regularly scheduled mutual hatred.” You say, lying through your teeth. You know you’re both past the point of hatred, but you’re feeling jaded, you can’t help it. 
“Oh shut the fuck up,” He groans. “I didn’t drag my ass all the fucking way out to this shit hole of a beach just for you to give me that bullshit. What, did you fail a test? No one matched you on tinder?”
“Everyone thinks me and Tate slept together last night.” You blurt. “I think he’s telling people me and him had sex.”
Nathan tenses his shoulders and grimaces. “Fucking werido.”
“I told my best friends that he tried to take advantage of me and they don’t believe me. One of em’ even said he wouldn’t do something like that.”
“Fuck em’. Who needs best friends.”
“And to make everything so much better, these two bitches that I share four of my classes with harassed me all goddamn day. I mean, fucks sake, how the hell are girls named April and May of all things able to get to me. It’s bullshit. And to make matters worse, Tate is just… Getting away with it.”
“Yeah well, something tells me that Tate’s gonna get a real nice fucking taste of medicine eventually. I just gotta find him first. He’s got a lot of nerve spreading shit around given I knocked his ass onto the pavement.” Nathan brows knit at the memory.
You test the waters. “Why would you do that for me?”
He seems caught off guard, or maybe, surprised that you’d ask. Maybe he thinks you’re both beyond that point. He grumbles, “Why does it matter.”
“I’m just curious. We don’t owe each other anything, remember?”
“Yeah, well,” He huffs. “Don’t ask me questions to shit I don’t know the answer to.”
“You say that an awful lot.” You tease.
“Yeah well you ask dumbass questions an awful lot. Not everything I do has to have some weird ass motives behind it, ___. Maybe I’ve got beef with Tate that’s outside of you.”
“Uhuh. Sure.” You’re about to say something else, when your phone lights up with a text. The display makes your heart fall all over again. 
Unknown Number: you should just pack up and go somewhere else. no one wants std’s from breathing your air xoxo
You don’t even know who that is. Now absolute strangers are on your case. You want to throw your phone into the ocean and leave.
Nathan scoffs. “Don’t even bat a fucking eye for that bitch, whoever the hell they are. Half the hoes you’ve mentioned have slept with half the football team,” he pinches his jacket, “and I would know.”
“Ew, Nathan,” You grimace, that same feeling from the morning returning. It feels, oddly, like jealousy.  He nudges your arm with his elbow and grins playfully. It’s cute.
“Chill, I’m just fucking with you. You gotta know even I wouldn’t fuck girls that desperate. I’m a man of class.”
That last comment actually forces a laugh from you. It’s soft, but it’s real. The first laugh you’ve genuinely had all day. “That’s horrible.” You remark, giggling again.
It's almost like the slight restoration of your mood puts him at ease as well. He leans back on his hands and stares off into the ocean, those sparkling waters under the setting, orange sun. “I’m for real though. Those hoes aren’t worth your time. One day when we blow this shithole of a town they’re not even gonna matter.”
Your brows knit, eyes blinking up at him. Had you heard that right? 
“We?” You ask, perplexed, albeit a little… Hopeful.
Nathan sputters. “Well- Like, when everyone’s older and-”
“You know what, it's fine.” You interrupt. “Fuck it. You’re right. We’re gonna blow this town and they’re just gonna be some shitty memories.”
He sucks in a shaky breath. You’ve never heard him scramble like that, like he’s been unmasked. The look he casts you when you agree, when you don’t tease or patronize and finally hop on the idea that yeah, what if the two of you really didn’t have to deal with it anymore.
What if the two of you could just exist, without the anger. 
You look up at him. “Would you actually do that though?” You start. “With me, of all people?”
He swallows. His expression is tense, but he’s not upset. He appears nervous, caught off guard. Nathan tries, “I-”
Your phone rings. Shrill, piercing. Mood destroying. 
“Jesus Christ, it’s my mom.” You grab your phone and Nathan looks forward, stone faced and silent as you hop off the table and answer. It’s your mother, who all but shouts into the phone that her and your father are taking a surprising visit to Arcadia Bay while they’re traveling by on their vacation. She insists that you be ready in about an hour for dinner, and likely there will be family photos. 
Which means if you still look as wrecked as you did this morning, you’re gonna have a lot of washing up to do. With a quick goodbye, a short and sweet, ‘love you’, you hang up and sigh. 
“You still tell your mom you love her?” He teases. “What are you, five?”
You frown. “You don’t tell your parents you love them?”
Nathan side eyes you, and just shrugs. It is all the answer you need, really, and for his sake you decide it wouldn’t be best to press the issue. Not now. But- it still makes your heart hurt just a little. You wished that he’d had it better growing up. 
“Right… Do you want a ride home?”
“Fuck no, what am I,” He shoves his hands into his pockets. “a fucking girl scout?” 
“I was just offering, weirdo.” When he doesn't get up, you feel like you’re missing out. Like if you stayed, maybe, just maybe, you’d get to know him a little better. “Hey, if you want, I can stay for a bit longer.”
He rolls his eyes. “You’re needed elsewhere. But,” he shrugs. “I don’t know. Fuckin’... Text me or something. Or not, I don’t care either way.”
There’s a small warmth in your chest that rises to your cheeks. He wants you to text him. “Yeah,” You say. “If I’m feeling fun.”
And with that, you bid him farewell, beginning your descent to the parking lot. 
“Hey,” He calls, and you turn just in time to catch a small item he’s tossed right at you. A tiny key resides in the palm of your hand. “Spare. If shit hits the fan again-...” He shrugs, and actually looks away. “Just don’t be too fucking loud of I’ll kick your ass out myself. No Madison needed.”
The widest grin plays over your lips. “I’m gonna re-decorate your room while you’re gone.”
“Ah, you fucking better not.” He shouts. “Actually- you know what, give it back.” 
“No, no! I’m sorry.” You play with the key between your fingers. “Thanks for this.”
“Yeah, whatever. Don’t lose it and remember- emergencies only. I don’t need you watching me sleep like fucking freak. We’re past that stage.” 
“How many times will I have to say I was never watching you. Christ… But, alright. See ya, then.” The key is heavy in your palm. 
You place it into your pocket and give him one last glance before you take off, leaving him to enjoy the sound of waves, birds, and the absence of your tears.
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spidernerdsblog · 3 years
Hey dear💟 how are you? Can I ask for some mob!tom smut?? Like he's smoking a cigar at a boring wedding when he meets a mob!reader and after talking a bit things just happen and he takes her home for fucking all night?
Oh and ends in fluff??
Hi nonnie! I'm fine hope you are well too. Here's your request hope you like this.
Pairing : Mob! Tom Holland x Mob! Reader
Warnings : 18+, SMUT, mature content, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it)
His Queen, Her King
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Being the mob boss Tom had to be a part of various social gatherings, galas, parties etc but the most he dreaded were weddings. Especially when you're an eligible bachelor, people around you are constantly nagging you with the most evident question ‘when is your turn?’ There were several occasions where the leaders of other mobs had tried to set him up with their daughters to forge an alliance but he would turn them down every time because he never found them to be his match. He likes to be in control but that doesn’t mean he would settle for a mere puppet who would dress up pretty and do as told, he wanted someone powerful, fierce who would challenge his authority, a real queen to his vast empire.  
It was one of his childhood friends' wedding day so he couldn't say no. The hall was buzzing with people as he was seated with a couple of his friends at a table drinking and laughing loudly talking about their busy lives and their businesses. One hour to the wedding reception and Tom was already bored he lit up a cigar and took a long puff from it watching everyone silently. 
Just then you walk in through the doors in a long red silk dress hugging your body like a second skin with a thigh high slit paired with pointed stilettos making heads turn. Your hair styled into loose curls cascading down your shoulders complimenting your dewy makeup. Your wrists and ears sparkling with the most priceless authentic diamonds.  Apart from being the maid of honor you are the only woman in the mob business who owns the biggest diamond business in the country. 
People were obviously envious of your power though they never dare to say anything to your face but you have heard how people think you just got lucky with the business as the only daughter of your father, women have no place in the mob even to the extent of being slut shamed and being accused of sleeping with your rivals to run the business. You had simply shrugged it off and showed those people with a flourishing business and earning double profits than your father used to earn when he used to run the mob. You walk over to your best friend.
“Congratulations Jane, finally you’re a married woman now!” you give her a hug.
“Thanks Y/N it feels like a dream honestly” she chirps “but when are you…”
“Please you also don’t start” you both chuckled and continued gossiping.
“Man why are these receptions so dull and boring” Matt groaned “couldn’t they do it at a bar or strip club?”
“Yeah it would have been fun to watch your wife beat the shit out of you after you flirted with one of the strippers” Carl mocked to which everyone laughed out loud including Tom.
“Hey!!” Matt revolted in protest as all of them laughed again.
Your conversation was constantly getting disturbed with their constant brawls and loud laughter. Even the other guests had a frown on their face with the noise they were making.
“I apologize on behalf of my friends, they can sometimes be a little loud” Paul the groom said apologetically.
"It’s ok I know how to deal with guys like them. Let me handle it” You offer and stride your way to their table. 
“Sorry to crash the fun boys but some of us are actually here to attend the reception not to hear your meaningless chatter” you jibe forcing a smile as the men turn their attention towards you. Tom puts down his cigar blowing out the smoke as he takes a quick glance of you.
“I'm sorry love, are we offending you?” he remarks with a smolder and the men around him hollered. The corner of your lips quirk into a sly smirk as you step closer to him drawing a finger along his jawline.
“It will take a lot more than this baby face to offend me” you taunt him back with a grin amusing everyone including Tom at your comeback.
“Oooh damn!” the men hollered again while you turned your back and strutted off to join your friends again. Tom just sat there completely blown away by your boldness. He had heard about you but now that he saw you he understood that you weren’t just a beautiful face after all who just got lucky in the mob business you were a complete badass. The very image of you radiates power and triumph. 
His eyes seeked yours the whole time and then he found you finally all by yourself near the open bar drinking a glass of whisky. He approaches you as he clears his throat.
“Ahem, hey” you lift your eyes from the glass and then put it down on the counter smacking your lips.
“Here to apologise for being a jerk?” you quip.
“I thought we were even already” he remarks with a smug grin.
“Yeah maybe” you half shrug
“Tom Holland by the way” he reaches his hand out and you dismiss it by picking your glass again and taking a sip. 
“I know who you are, the boss of the most powerful mob in London” you say nonchalantly
“Keeping tabs I see” he smirks as he signals the bartender to hand him a drink as well.
“It’s a risky business Holland you gotta keep records about your potential rivals” you state blandly.
“Absolutely, couldn’t agree more” he takes a sip wincing at the strong taste of the drink. 
“So all alone? Bossman didn’t get any arm candy for the night?” you snicker.
“Only a queen fits beside a king like me darling and I haven’t found one yet , what about you?”
“Well I haven’t found my king either” you clink your glass to his as you both gulp down your drinks.
“You look ravishing in that dress I must say” he compliments with a suave in his voice.
“Thank you. You don’t look bad either” you flirt back as you bite the corner of your lip checking him dressed in an Armani suit the Rolex on his wrist glinting in the golden light of the chandeliers.  
“I really admire you. Honestly it’s really hard and dangerous to run a business when you’re a woman” there was a different kind of sparkle in his eyes which you recognize very well.
“What can I say I just love playing with danger” you shrug with sass in your voice. 
“You wanna get out of here? I’m sure nobody will miss us” he licks his lips eyes darkening with pure desire. 
“Well what are we waiting for?” you smirk with a mischievous glint in your eyes both of you coming to a silent agreement.
The whole ride to his mansion was a blur as soon as you were inside he had you pinned up against the door as his lips met yours hungrily. His lips tasted of burnt cigar and whisky.  He started leaving trails of kisses on your jaw and neck while his hand snaked down to your thighs through the slit of your dress unclasping the thigh holster from your leg as it dropped on the ground with a loud clatter. His hand moved further to your flimsy lace thong to feel your sex. 
“So wet already, love? I haven't even touched you properly” you can hear the smirk in his voice. His hand goes to unzip your dress as he leans in for a kiss but you stop him placing two fingers on his lips slowly tracing them. 
“Bedroom?” you ask breathing heavily.
“Upstairs left” he informs between shallow breaths.
You gave him a peck on his cheek and made your way up the stairs. Tom’s eyes never left you as he watched you slide the thin straps of your dress off your shoulders and dropping it off on the floor striding away in just your strapless bra and thong your heels clacking against the marble floor. Tom scoffed in amusement a toothy grin forming on his face . You were really something who was just driving him crazy.
The moment he walked in the bedroom he felt himself twitch inside his pants. There you were sitting in the middle at the edge of the bed slightly leaning on your palms with your legs crossed one above the other. You looked like a viscous siren slowly entrapping him with your charm and beauty. 
“Nice bedroom” You gently smoothed the silk sheets with your hand.
“Glad you liked it” he said smiling.
“Are you just gonna stand over there?” You unclipped your bra and lazily dropped it on the floor putting on a show for him as you lifted a hand pointing a finger motioning him to come closer. A low groan escaped from his mouth at the sight of your exposed breasts as he strolled towards you unbuttoning his shirt and shrugging it off his body drinking in your almost naked form with lustful eyes. You subconsciously licked your lips marveling his taut muscles. He tilted your chin up as you gazed in his brown eyes with parted lips.
“God you’re gonna be the death of me” he mumbles in a husky voice.
“That was the plan all the time, I can then take over your mob” you giggle playfully.
“You minx” he knelt down to capture your red tinted lips passionately tongues clashing against each other as you ran your fingers across his abdomen, nails scraping his skin. He gently pushes you down on the mattress as you shift back in the middle of the bed. He spreads your legs to accommodate himself as he crawls up to be at level to your face pressing a soft kiss to your swollen lips. Goosebumps covered your skin as you felt his bulge brushing on your thighs. You tilted your head to the side as he took the opportunity to suck marks on the nape of your neck. One hand squeezing your ass the other palming your breast as he placed butterfly kisses all over your skin.
“So pretty” he mumbles, pressing kisses between the valley of your breasts,you shuddered when he flicked his tongue over your sensitive bud.
“Oh” you gasped when he wrapped his mouth around your breast sucking the nipple between his teeth, kneading the other fingers pinching and tugging on it. After paying equal attention to the other one too before continuing his journey south. Your stomach flutters as his lips trail down your rib cage, navel the cold gold chain dangling down his neck feeling ticklish against your hot skin. He placed a soft kiss over your soaked panties and you felt that your body was set to fire as you gasped lightly chest heaving up and down. A smirk forms on his face as he moves to kiss your inner thighs ignoring the place where you needed him the most.
“Please” you let out a quiet whimper
“Please what darling?” he whispers with a husky voice. 
“Touch me” 
“I’m touching you love” he lightly chuckles, you whined in protest. “You gotta be more specific with your demands, love, what do you need?” he coos.
“I-I need you, your mouth” you breathed out. 
“See that wasn’t so hard” he practically rips off your thong and throws the shredded fabric away letting out a low growl at the sight of your glistening cunt. He hooked his arms to your thighs, the rings on his fingers felt cold against your skin. He licks a long stripe up your folds sending jolts of pleasure up your body making you squirm in his hold.
“So sweet” he mumbles against your heat. You let out a soft gasp, your hands threading into his soft brown curls as he swirled his tongue through your folds.
You cry out when his tongue flicks your swollen clit giving his hair a harsh tug he groans into your heat. He continued to suck on your clit between his lips pushing a thick digit inside you. Your body arched bucking your hips into his mouth he had to place a hand on your lower stomach to keep you in place. He then adds another finger pumping it in and out of you his teeth grazing your sensitive bud soothing it after with his tongue immediately. 
“Fuck!” You moaned feeling euphoric eyes fluttering shut as he devoured you. Your body tensed up when he added another finger to your heat, your one hand was pulling his hair painfully and the other squeezing your breast rolling your nipple between your fingers. He curled his fingers hitting your spot sending you over the edge.
“C’mon love, let it go want you to cum all over my fingers” he moaned into your heat the vibrations leading you to tumble down the edge as you came undone around his fingers. He helped you ride your high still sucking on your clit, your legs trembled as he lapped up all your juices. He pulled away after sometime his chin glistening with your arousal. 
He got rid of his dress pants along with his boxers and then crawled over to you. You gazed into his warm brown eyes still in your post orgasmic haze as you pulled him down to capture his lips with an urgent need. You tasted yourself on his lips as he deepened the kiss grinding his hips into yours. 
A soft gasp escaped your lips when you felt the tip of his member brushed against your entrance. He gripped his member giving it a few pumps before lining up against your core. You placed a hand flat on his stomach signalling him to stop. He knitted his brow in confusion when you flipped him over to be on top him sitting on the back of your knee straddling his waist. 
“I wanna ride you” you whisper in a sultry voice and his lips curl up to a smirk.
“Then go ahead, darling” he shuffles back a little resting himself comfortably against the headboard. You brought your hand to your mouth and gave it lick before grabbing his member using it for lubrication, slowly pumping his length and lining it up to your weeping core. Your breath hitched when you felt his tip slide through your entrance stretching your walls in a nice way. You slowly sank down on his length feeling so full of him. You stayed like that, your walls warm and snug squeezing him like a vice. Tom groaned when you clenched around him. 
“Oh god Y/N please move or I'm not gonna last for another minute” you leaned down to kiss him starting to move your hips slowly adjusting to his thick shaft.
“Shit” He hissed as you lifted yourself hand gripping on his thighs for leverage to go a little faster, the soft sound of your skin slapping against each other filled the room. Your stomach clenched as you paced up and down his cock, each time filling you up to the hilt. His hands held your hips, fingers digging in your skin groans rumbled in Tom’s throat as he clenched his jaw. He gazed at you with hooded eyes smitten by the way your back arches towards him and your tits bounce with every thrust.
You started to feel a little exhausted, a thin sheen of sweat lining your bodies as you slowed down your pace. Tom’s hands slid down to your ass, spreading your cheeks as he took control, thrusting up into you. You jolted forward moaning out loud, grasping on to his shoulders tightly for support. 
“Just because you're on the top don't think you're in control darling” he says cheekily you let out a light chuckle at his comment before whimpering when his cock hit your sweet spot.
He lifted his knees, planting the heels of his feet into the mattress for leverage as he began to fuck you roughly. He grunted, feeling your walls clench around his cock with every thrust of his hips. You leaned down to kiss him sloppily he reciprocates by slipping his tongue into your mouth swirling it inside your mouth. You moaned into the kiss as you felt a tight knot build inside your stomach.
“Tom” you moan breathlessly, eyes squeezing shut as your hands slide down his shoulder to his chest nails scratching his skin.
“Gonna cum again for me love?” Tom murmured against your lips as he spanked your ass lightly. You nodded your head vigorously starting to roll your hips desperately. He brought his thumb to your swollen clit and rubbed circles as the coil inside you snapped and you screamed out your orgasm hitting you like a ton of bricks. Tom wasn’t too far either as he continued rutting his hips and soon he was spilling inside you.
“Fuck.” He moaned as his face screwed up in pleasure, his eyebrows furrowing as he emptied his seed into your tight pussy, not letting go of his grip on your body. You collapsed onto his chest panting both of you catching your breath, your walls still pulsating around his cock, deeply buried inside you. He caressed your back gently, your chest pressed to his, head resting over his heart as you listened to his steady heartbeat while your fingers fiddled with the chain around his neck. He took your hand and kissed on your knuckles gently brushing his thumb over them lovingly.
“I really like you” he finally spoke out
“What?” you frowned, still a bit dizzy.
“I think I have fallen in love with you Y/N” he confesses softly as you straighten yourself to look him in the eyes.
“Are you asking me out when you are literally balls deep inside me?” you snicker raising your eyebrows.
“I’m serious Y/N” he cradles your face with both of his hands “the moment I saw you I knew you are the one I have been waiting for all my life. A strong, independent and fearless woman who doesn’t need anyone, you are a hell of a queen, Y/N. I want this queen to be only mine, together we can rule the world love. I don’t want this to be a one night thing I want to make love to you every night, kiss every inch of your body and appreciate you, adore you” he rants
“The last part sounded a little creepy though” you chuckled “Well I do like you too my king let’s just take things slow and see where it goes maybe?”
“Sure my queen” he smiles as you kiss him softly.
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arvinsescape · 3 years
I saw Ur requests were open and I was wondering if U could possibly do a part 2 for pregnancy support like post birth and the guys are helping tom and y/n around the house or just taking care of bub to allow the new parents time to rest 🥺🥺 👉👈
A/N: I was planning a part 2, so many people have asked! Thank you so much for your patience with it (part one here), I hope this is what everyone was looking for 💕💕
Warnings: Language.
Your pregnancy had been a long one, twenty hours in labour had brought you Rose Holland. Tom had cried at the birth at the birth of his baby girl, she had him wrapped around his finger from the moment he'd held her.
"Haz, I'm scared." Tom admitted as he stood outside your room, a doctor checking how close you were. Harrison grabbed his best friends shoulders.
"Your scared? Think how she feels, she must be absolutely fucking terrified. Tom get in there and be there for her, you're who she needs right now, you need to be strong for the both of you." Haz said.
"What if I'm a shit dad?" Tom asked, face pale.
"Tom, you won't be. You've got Y/N/N, she's amazing, you both are. You're ready for this, you might not feel that way but you are, trust me." Haz smiled and Tom was about to respond but Harrison practically shoved him into the room with you.
One look at you and all his fears left him, you needed him right now and that was all that mattered to him, you were clearly ready, nineteen and a half hours of labour and you looked so tired. Looked like you couldn't take anymore.
"Tom." It was so fragile, he knew what it meant, you needed him, now more than ever, the baby was here and you were just as scared as he was but you still had to deliver.
"Baby, you've got this, we're almost there." Tom said as he grabbed your hand. He was ready for this, one look at you and the situation and he would do anything, be whatever and whoever you needed him to be.
"Tom, I'm scared." You admitted and he grew more determined as he firmly grasped your hand in his., stroking your sweaty face.
"Baby, you've got this. You can do this, a few pushes and they're here. We have so much support. Baby, come on, we can do this. Squeeze my hand yeah? I'm here." Tom said as the midwife told you to push.
A hard few pushes later and here you both were, parents. You were both amazing, doting on your little girl, but you were both tired, absolutely shattered.
You both heard as Rose cried for the fifth time that night.
"I don't think she needs feeding." You said, she's gotten up an hour ago for that,
"I'll go baby." Tom kissed your shoulder as he got out of bed, more used to disturbed sleep than you, with his job. Tom got out of bed, more tired than he'd ever been in his life, making his way towards Roses room.
"I got it." Haz said as he came out of his room.
"Mate, it's okay." Tom said as he carried on into Roses room, picking his crying daughter up and cradling her.
"Tom, I've got it, go back to sleep, you look like zombie." Harrison said as he took Rose from Tom's arms.
This went on for at least two weeks. The both of you looked so tired, you needed a good nights sleep. Both of you did. Haz and Tuwaine took things into their own hands.
"Tom looks like a dead man walking, he needs sleep."
"Yeah and Y/N/N looks even worse." Tuwaine agreed.
"I have a plan." Haz said.
That's what brought them both to tonight, they'd taken the baby monitor out of your room and put it in Harrison's. It was 3am when he first had to get up, knocking on Tuwaine's door as planned.
"Right mate, feeding time." Haz said, Rose in his arms as Tuwaine opened his bedroom door. "But what do we give her?"
"Y/N has some refrigerated milk." Tuwaine said clearly embarrassed.
"No time for embarrassment mate, we gotta feed her." Haz said as he made his way downstairs. Tuwaine lightly opened yours and Tom's bedroom door, making sure you were asleep, relief flooding him as he saw the two of you asleep and cuddled up.
Tuwaine and Haz got up with her god knows how many times during the night but it felt completely worth it when they saw Tom make his way into the kitchen, completely refreshed.
"Morning mate." Tuwaine said.
"Morning." Tom said as he took his daughter into his arms. "Can they even sleep through at such a young age?" Tom asked perplexed.
"Well, she didn't." Haz admitted and Tom furrowed his brows.
"How'd you mean?" He asked.
"Well, we kinda hatched a plan so that the two of you could get a good night's sleep." Tuwaine admitted.
"Thank you so much guys, you really didn't have to." Tom admitted.
"We wanted to. You guys needed some sleep, you both look so tired." Haz said.
"Yeah but she's our daughter."
"Doesn't mean we can't help when you need it." Tuwaine grinned.
"Well thank you, but can you guys help me and make sure Y/N/N gets at least another few hours?" Tom asked, biting his lip slightly.
"Definitely, she needed it more than you did!" Tuwaine laughed.
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wolfiethewriter · 2 years
Sound Asleep - a Stolitz fic
Also found on ao3. reblogs, likes, comments and kudos are always appreciated if you enjoy :)
summary: Blitz takes a nap at the office and wakes up with Stolas cloak over him.                 
Blitz lay across the sofa in the I.M.P. Office, thoroughly pleased with how today's hit had gone, but absolutely exhausted.Oh well, sign of a good time, he told himself, and shifted so he was lying more comfortably. They still had a couple of hours before their next client was due to show up, so why not hang ten and and take it easy for a bit? 
Yeah, I'll just rest my eyes for a few minutes. Just so I'm rested enough to deal with the next client. He let out a heavy sigh and relaxed. His whole body sinking into the comfy sofa. Closing his eyes for just a few minutes.
. . .
Stolas hung up the phone after getting Blitzy's voicemail for the fifteenth time. 'Hey, this is Blitz, the O is silent, and you've reached I.M.P! We're out of the office right now on a hit, but if you leave your name and details we'll get right back to you!' BEEP.
The prince sighed. He hadn't even known his Blitzy even had a customer service voice. But then he supposed there was a lot about blitz he didn't know. Probably because the imp liked to keep it that way.
Stolas shook his head. There was simply nothing for it but to go and pay his Blitzy a visit.
. . .
The portal opened in the middle of the I.M.P headquarters, and Stolas stepped gracefully through.
“Oh Blitzy, are you busy right now? You haven't answered any of m calls and I began to wonder if-”
His sentence was cut off halfway through as he caught sight of his darling Blitzy fast asleep on the sofa. “Oh.”
Stolas carefully stepped over to Blitz, but quietly so as not to wake him. Taking a closer look. It wasn't very often he got to watch Blitz sleeping, and Stolas planned to engrave this moment into his memory. It was then he noticed the dark bags under the imp's eyes. The stress lines from frowning so much.
“Oh my poor Blitzy, you've been working yourself too hard lately, haven't you?” he said softly. Blitz needed his sleep, and Stolas wasn't going to be the one who disturbed that. Much as he wanted to just scoop the imp up into his arms and hold him tight. Instead, he settled for unfastening his cloak and gently covering the sleeping Blitz with it like a blanket. He smiled as Blitz sighed, content in his sleep.
“You should rest more often, darling,” Stolas cooed softly. “You work too hard. You deserve some rest sometimes, you know?”
Blitz sighed softly again, muttering in his sleep as he curled up under the cloak-blanket. Stolas just gazed tenderly at him. What he had to say to his Blitzy could wait. The imp needed his rest. Though his one concession to contact was a light kiss on Blitz's forehead – for which he had to bend down a ridiculous amount.
“Sleep well my darling, I shall return when you are rested.”
And with that, he reopened the portal and stepped back through it and into the palace.
. . .
Blitz awoke with a large yawn, blinking up at the clock on the wall. “Godamn it, fell asleep at the office again. Gotta stop doing that shit. Maybe we can put coffee in the water cooler, that'll solve the problem.”
With a groan he went to get off the sofa. “Oh well, at least I got some decent sleep for once. No disturbances, no nightmares. Best sleep ever.” 
And I felt so safe and warm, too. 
Not that he'd ever admit that part out loud.  But a quick glance down at himself quickly explained  why  he'd felt safe and warm. Stolas' fancy princey cloak – the one with the sable fur – was draped over him like a blanket. Or a duvet rather, due to the size of it.
Blitz stared down at it, heat rushing up into his face. Not only had the birdbrain been  here  , he'd watched him sleep no less. And if that wasn't embarrassing, Blitz didn't know what was. Fuck it all, now he'd have to call Stolas and return his cloak. Tempted as he was to just keep it and make a duvet of it, Loona would never let him live it down and Moxxie would surely mock him forever about it. So probably best to return it. And that meant calling Stolas.  A.K.A Creepy Mouth One Night Stand Bird Dick, as he was listed in his phone contacts.
Fuck he needed to change that name ASAP. So he quickly found the option for 'edit' and changed it to 'Birdbrain' instead. There, much more acceptable. Blitz even smiled to himself at the goof little picture of the birdbrain himself on the contact screen. 
Okay, no more procrastinating, time to make that call.
Blitz pushed the big green 'call' button and held the phone to his ear before he could chicken out. Listening to it ring through on the other end.Eventually, Stolas answered. “Ah, hello my dear Blitzy! Did you sleep well? You did look most exhausted.”
“Uh, I... I slept pretty well, yeah. Though why the fuck have I got your cloak on me?”
“Oh,” Stolas said, “Well, I popped over for a quick visit you see, and found you fast asleep. You were shivering a little from the cold, so I threw my cloak over you to keep you warm and make you more comfortable.”
Blitz digested that for a few moments. So he was right. Stolas had been watching him sleep.
“Oh. Right. So I guess I better return it to you, huh? Do you wanna come get it or shall I come to you?”
“Oh, not to worry Blitzy, i'll come to you. And then perhaps when I'm reunited with my cloak we can go out for a coffee? My treat, of course.”
Blitz considered the offer for all of two seconds. It was free coffee, after all. The fact he'd get to spend some quality time with his Birdbrain boyfriend was neither here nor there. Well, okay, maybe it was part of it.
“Yeah sure,” Blitz answered. “See you in twenty?”
He heard Stolas chuckle softly, all excitement at the prospect. “It's a date.”
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