#golden roof challenge
meowpupp · 5 months
repost, im sorry. dunno what happened to the og
tw//: male oral receiving, noncon, crying, uhh i dunno
your life is practically perfect. every day you wake up and get taken care of by an owner who adores you. price gives you everything- warm meals, a comfy bed, a roof over your head. you couldn't have asked for anything better.
in the short time he's had you, he's improved your life tenfold. and so it's no surprise when he gets a call from the shelter, asking if he'd be interested in an emergency placement. 
its for another pup, a male this time. unlike you, who price assumes is a mix of a golden retriever and a german shepard, this new pup is a belgian malinoises. the lady thoroughly explains the hybrid's history. ex-military, highly trained, and extremely high needs. it would be a challenge, but one that price would be suited for. 
and so, two weeks later, your perfect little life is disrupted. price brings the new hybrid home. price brings kyle home. 
you’re not allowed anywhere near him. price has kyle locked up in the garage, keeping you two completely segregated. 
“he’s dangerous sweetheart. needs some training,” he explains when you ask. apparently, despite how good kyle tries to be, he still can’t help from being a little… rough. 
it’s torture. everything about kyle is so interesting to you. the only things you know about him are his name and his scent. 
his scent alone is nearly enough to send you into an early heat. musky, masculine and strong- gunpowder, fresh earth and something you can’t quite place. it makes your head spin and your cunt throb. 
you spend hours sitting at the garage door. hoping that if you’re sweet enough price will cave and give you what you want- it’s how it normally goes anyways. 
except this time it doesn’t work. 
days go by, then a week, then two. and in all that time, you still haven’t even seen kyle. it’s only a matter of time before you crack. 
you wait for price to fall dead asleep, then move quickly. sneaking down the stairs, and rushing to the garage. for a moment, you stand and think over your decision.
what if kyle is dangerous? what if he’s huge, with sharp teeth and mean eyes? he might just be waiting to get his hands on something sweet and pretty like you. he might hurt you 
you should turn back. but you don't.  
as you step into the garage, everything is still. there’s no noise, no movement. all you can see is prices car and some storage tubs. 
you step further inside, driven by curiosity as you look around. there’s a little bed in the corner, soft sheets and a nice pillow. you notice one of the blankets is yours. price must have been starting the process to introduce you two. 
you feel some guilt, suddenly realising just what you’ve done. not only have you disobeyed your owner, you’ve stolen his keys, broken into the garage, and led yourself into danger. 
before you can even think of darting out of the room, running to prices bed and acting like nothing happened, you hear movement. 
your body freezes, ears perking. the garage is cluttered, blocking your view as you glance around. you have no idea where kyle could be. you have no idea if its even him who made the noise. 
but all your thoughts are interrupted as a hand covers your mouth, another pulling your body into one behind you. your nose fills with kyles scent, and your brain switches off.  
every instinct to run, to kick and fight, to claw out of his grip is shut down. all you can think of is kyle. the way his hard chest presses against you, how big his hand is on your face, the sheer warmth of his body. 
he growls, the sound low and deep, “why’re you here?” you can feel his tent press against your ass. he doesn't give you an opportunity to answer, hand still covering your mouth. the other trails up your body, following your waist, pushing up your shirt. “you must be the other hybrid… price always tells me how good you are, so why don't you show me?” 
his hand gropes your tits, massaging the fat flesh. he groans, dick only growing harder as he grinds against your ass. he drops his head, nosing your neck, inhaling your scent. you're so small to him, so weak. he's trained to kill, to hunt, and in this moment you're his prey. 
kyle snaps, forcing you onto your knees. he moves to stand in front of you, your face level with his tent. “you've broken the rules, haven't you?” a smirk spreads across your face, grinning at the conflict of guilt and lust that spreads over your face, “shhh, i wont tell, okay? just gotta let me do one thing first…” he mumbles, eyes growing half lidded. his thumb swipes across your bottom lip, “let me fuck your throat raw. wouldn't want you to slip up, accidentally tell on yourself.” 
his smirk only grows as you hesitantly nod, parting your lips. 
he takes his time, slowly inching his way down your throat. he forces every inch of his thick, veiny shaft into your mouth. kyle isn't like price, he doesn't have the same control. he tries, he really does, but the way you gag and choke around his cock is too much to bare. 
the only sounds that fill the garage is his strained grunts, and the wet gagging noise you make with his every thrust. he takes what he wants, using you as nothing more than a toy. holding you in place, he fucks your throat ruthlessly. 
by the time hes done, tears are streaming down your face. he pumps his load down your throat, directly into your tummy. he denies you the privilege of tasting his cum. instead, he uses his dick to smear your drool all over your face. he tucks himself away, smirking at the way your face glistens with tears and spit, how swollen and red your lips are. 
as he leans down, he gently cups your face. his lips brush against your ear as he speaks.“go run back to daddy now. and remember, not a fucking word of this.”
follow up; here.
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kiwinatorwaffles · 1 year
i actually love the fact that wels chose a knight as his persona because this man CANNOT be further from a traditional knight stereotype
most people assume that because he’s a knight, he must be honorable and stoic and hyperaware of his knightly duty, right? WRONG.
bro’s hubris is through the ROOF this is the guy who charged straight into a vault with underleveled gear thinking he could win but instantly getting his tin can ass kicked. he also constantly loses battles by underestimating his enemy (see: fire emblem engage). he’s the type to make a fight harder for himself or more “fair” like a typical knight would, but it’s more for giving himself a fun challenge. and then he gets his ass kicked
so yeah, wels is nothing like a typical “i must uphold my honor and devote my life to my land” type of guy. he’s more like a golden retriever, honestly. i know we all call hels the opposite of a model knight, but lets be real, wels is pretty far off from the model as well and we love him for that
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kekaki-cupcakes · 6 months
Hi luv! May I req for Leo falling for a mischievous (cat-like personality) demigo (maybe ares, idk) after she beats him while sparring so he continuously asks her to spar just to spend more time together (and maybe she knows it and just plays along, maybe tells him she’ll go on a date with him once he beats her?). Idk this was just an idea, thought I got. Do not feel pressured or anything obvs!
Heya this has been in my inbox for a while and I finally got a good idea lol cause I don't wanna be posting half assed WIP's. [this is also combined with a request for Leo Valdez x daughter of Athena reader I got a while ago btw]
Enjoy <3
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love is stronger then everything [except Clarrise, of course] ---Leo V x Daughter of Athena reader
»»————- ★ ————-««
Leo was a mastermind. 
Like, obviously you were the daughter of Athena, but he was the one behind it all. He was just… so smart.  It was unbelievable sometimes. Not to be big headed or anything, he was just the most intelligent person in the room.
Well, in this scenario, it wasn’t the room, it was the arena. And that’s about where his cunning brain cells decided to sit on the bench and do their nails with Piper. 
He’d tell them off later, if he ever survived the sharp eyed sharp edged girl in front of him who was somehow holding a war axe made of solid imperial gold over her shoulder like it was nothing. The sight of your arms distracted him of his incoming death momentarily, but then you just had to open your mouth. “
“Valdez, are you gonna spar with me, or was the six step official challenge at breakfast with a disco ball and three tonnes of strawberries for nothing?” 
“Four tonnes, actually,” he managed to squeak out, and then shifted his grip on the sword he’d borrowed from Jake, who’d only laughed in his face when Leo told him he’d challenged you.
Judging by the way you fiddled with your camp beads necklace and then swung the smooth golden axe stained with something remarkably similar to human blood, Jake was right. Leo gulped and stepped back, ready to scramble out of the way and clang his too big sword against the edges of the axe he only just realized were sharp enough to cut through bone. 
You seemed to pity him as well, which Leo didn’t appreciate, but at least you gave him a few extra seconds to scramble out of the way.
A moment later there was sand in his eyes churned up by your sneakers, the ones with little green string snakes as laces. He vaguely remembered snakes being a symbol of Athena, only that thought was scrapped when he had to step back to avoid having his skull split in half. 
Piper cheered sarcastically and passed Jason a leftover strawberry from this morning’s events. 
You spun around and the axe made a crater in the sawdust covered ground. Leo turned and half heartedly swung his hammer at your shoulder, but you dipped back and knocked it out of his hands in less then a second, leaving him defenseless. 
Leo launched himself backwards and felt his shoe skid on the ground, sawdust billowing up into his vision as gravity decided to ruin his day, and his dignity. 
He was contemplating just falling asleep right then and there, when a gray sliver appeared in front of him. He had to cross his eyes to identify the metal poking his nose as the tip of your war axe. Leo just got comfy on the ground, resting his hands beneath his head as you glared. 
Apparently you weren’t satisfied with the early defeat, gray eyes narrowed as you snapped. “What on Olympus was that, Valdez?”
“Me fighting?” He asked hopefully, squinting up as the sun angled itself behind you. He brushed away the thought that it made you look a bit like an angel, despite the frown on your face and the weapon at his throat. 
“Well you aren’t any good at it, so don’t bother,” you said, hooking the axe over your shoulder and marching off. “I have to go help Beth with the capture the flag plans.”
Leo huffed, blowing a strand of his curly brown hair out of his face and grinning up at the roof, which swirled a little. He might’ve bumped his head a little too hard, now that he thought about it. 
Then another face swam in front of him and Piper popped a bubble that smelt vaguely of grapes. She looked towards where you’d disappeared out the arena’s swinging double doors. “What in the ever loving fucknuggets was that, Valdez?”
“I liked their version better,” Leo grumbled, and sat up slowly, feeling his bones groan internally at him. “And it’s not my fault their fit. And strong. ANd have a huge weapon. And pretty eyes. And-”
“And a nice ass?” 
“Yep, especially in those camo pan- why are you looking at their ass?” Leo asked suspiciously. Taking a hand from Piper to get up properly. He stretched his arms above his head and tried to stop thinking about your butt. It didn’t really work very well, and then his thoughts skipped along to your thighs and the really cool scar along one and he missed half of what Jason was saying in between the smile he was trying to hide. 
That didn’t matter very much though, because Leo was struck with the best idea in the history of children born of the literal ideas god. Well, maybe that was Athena, not Hephestus, but your parents were a problem for later. Way later. Like when you’d decided Leo was more than just a rock stuck in your shoe.  
That was something he could work on though. 
He just had to impress you so much that you’d agree to go out with him. Building something cool would be the immediate option, but he built cool things everyday. It wasn’t easy, per-say, but it wasn’t a date-worthy achievement.  
Piper snapped her fingers in front of his face and Leo jerked his head back, “huh? Sorry I was just thinking…”
“About what? Finally giving up on-”
“Imma single handedly win capture the flag!”
»»————- ★ ————-««
You handed out the last of the helmets, blue plumes dotting the crowd of demigods jostling around and yelling about lice and how their butterfly clips wouldn’t fit underneath the bronze. 
You chose to ignore those ones and turned back to the little canvas tent someone had dragged out from Bunker 9 to set up base in, even though it couldn’t be used during the actual game. You weren’t actually sure what the point of it was, but Clarrise deemed it necessary, and you decided not to argue with her, in the interest of living.
The Athena cabin had managed to swoop in and ally with the Ares cabin before Connor got there, so you managed to rein in the help of Butch and his siblings [which meant that the Red team would have quite a few problems involving pegasi droppings in the hours to come], the two twins of Nike, the Dionysus and Hebe kids, as well as the smattering of Aphrodite kids that were ready to get blood under their perfectly done nails. A few of them seemed too happy about that prospect, but Drew had heart shaped arrows and Charmspeak, so you ignored the fact Lacey was singing about chopping off heads. 
Annabeth propped her sneakers up on the table, smudging mud on the map of the forest as she did so, to tie up her laces. “So, we’ve got puddles of pegasi shit under the leaves, I asked Holly and Laurel who could make the most nets so we’ll have enough to trap most of the Hermes cabin under by the time we start, and then Clarrise and her lot can just heavily maim the rest.”
“Nice,” you noted, and pushed the coloured pins for each demigod wiping blue warpaint across their cheeks around the map to their places. “We’re against Will’s dickwits, so they’ll do that thing and keep the sun behind them to blind everyone on our team.”
Annabeth fiddled with her camp necklace and glared at the map. “ And what are we supposed to do to counter that? Ask Apollo to take the day off??
“Start handing out sunglasses.”
Someone dragged a bucking gray pegasi through the opening to the canvas tent and chaos broke out, Butch yelling orders at a group of Dionysus kids who began feeding the freaked out mare shiraz. 
You turned away before you were lumped with the task of dealing with them, and reached for your axe. A sticky note fell off, the yellow paper floating to the ground. 
Hi hi so if i win capture the flag by myself then will you go out with me also i cant ask you this in person because jasons teaching me how to use a sword and im about to run out of sticky note and now ive forgotten what i was trying to say
The note ended there, and you frowned, trying to ignore the twitch at your lips when you turned the greasy crinkled paper over. 
right yeah this is leo by the way you probably already figured that out cause no one else is smart enough to beat all of camp to go out with you the flying horse distraction was my idea too by the way im a genius you should definitely go out with me okay now im out of pa
“Who’s the person?”
You nearly decapitated Drew in that moment. You lowered your axe and shoved the note in the back of your pocket that you only just remembered wasn’t there, courtesy of the armor you’d donned. “What are you talking about?”
“The love note,” she insisted with a curious smirk, lipgloss shining. “They sounded pretty excited and now you’re making that face oh my god you actually like them back!” 
“Do not!” You snapped back, tightening your shoulder guard and hefting your bloodied axe over you shoulder. The pegasi was led out of the tent as you shooed Drew in the same direction. “Now go back to your station, we’re starting in five.”
She squinted at you for a second, then her eyes widened as he jaw dropped. “Leo!”
You blinked, wrinkling your nose. “Okay how did you even-”
“Seeya later!” Drew called over her shoulder, skipping away with Butch to find her section of the woods to patrol, her assigned heart shaped sunglasses slipping down her nose. 
You narrowed your eyes at her retreating figure, but then one of Clarisse's sisters was wondering if the no killing rule had changed in the last four minutes and you were promptly distracted. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
“Why don’t you just run along there and turn Travis into a toddler for me?” You asked a son of Hebe who nodded solemnly and disappeared into the trees. Light dappled the leaves on the ground and once you’d ordered around the rest of the soldiers in training, the bellowing horn sounded. 
A tense silence filled the woods, no one daring to make the first move and startle the spies out of their trees and the runners from their starting places. You pushed the cat eyed sunglasses up your nose and adjusted your sweaty grip on the axe, which must have weighed as much as the Hebe boy you’d just sent on his way. 
Blue streaked the sky behind the clouds, but the blue you were concerned about fluttered peacefully in the wind from where the flag had been nestled in Zeus’s fist. 
From what you’d planned, the Nike twins should be hiding in the two pine trees in font of you that had grown on either side of the track you knew the red team would take, nets between them ready to trap the enemy. Drew was placed behind you with her bow and arrows, ready to take down anyone that made it past Holly and Laurel. 
And if the lucky little fucker made it any further, you had your axe ready.
The rest of your team, save the Ares kids bordering the river, who were ready to maim but not kill, were causing a distraction that included a lot of grapevines and a reenactment of the Hamilton Musical [the second half was to be acted out at the campfire later that night]. It was sure to distract the Apollo cabin while  Annabeth donned her blue Yankees hat and snuck through. 
The only way it could go wrong at this point, is if a certain fluffy haired pointy eared son of Hephestus went through with his sticky note proposition and burned down the entire woods. 
Considering the fact he’d challenged you to a duel four times this week, you wouldn’t be surprised. Not that you minded. His concentrating face was sort of cute, especially when he stuck his tongue out a little and that time you’d pinned him to the sawdust covered ground you’d realized he actually had a few little freckles along his nose. 
And he really liked strawberries. That you could admire. 
Okay, maybe you looked forward to whatever proposition he’d set up at breakfast each day, but it mainly had to do with the presents. And definitely not that grin he’d get when you agreed.
If he won this game of capture the flag, which was impossible for one demigod anyway, and you did go out with him, you’d get to see that smile times one thousand. It sort of made you want him to win.
Then you shook the thought from your helmet cladden head. Your team was going to win this, and you’d stab Leo yourself to do so. 
Lightly, though. 
He still had that crackly laugh you could place from across the dining pavilion, you couldn’t kill him. It made your brain melt for a moment, which wasn’t something a daughter of Athena needed. But, he was a certified genius. Maybe that would even it out. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
“Where the fuck is Drew?” You yelled into the forest around you, but only the crickets and startled squawking birds answered. Metal clanged and the crickets were silenced when your Axe thudded against a tree, handle first. 
Austin smirked, and his bow knocked into your shoulder hard enough to leave a bruise you could already feel forming. 
You ducked another blow and stumbled back, stumbling a tight ring around the sun of Apollo to get back to your weapon, glancing around the clearing as you did so. Holly and Laurel were nowhere to be seen, and there were certainly no nets to help you out in the one on one ambush. 
You’d been waiting around for some action when suddenly there was a lot but still not enough, because apparently everyone on the blue team had decided they’d rather fall asleep in their stations than help you. Even without them you could hold up your own, grabbing your axe and swinging it around at Austin when he came back for seconds. The arrow in his hand seemed less scary once his bow was in two splintered pieces at your feet.
He stepped back, face falling, and the daisies crushed underfoot sprung back into their slightly crumpled places when he backed away properly, turning to where the blue flag was still untouched on the top of Zeus’s fist. 
You paused, lowering the axe in confusion once he called out to nothing, “Oi! Move it loverboy, I’m running out of time!” 
Then you froze, because of course somehow, against all odds, a panting Leo was clambering up the highest point with the red flag in one tightly closed hand and a second later he was holding the blue one above his head victoriously as well, a stupidly wide grin on his cute face. 
He let out a yelp as pebbles began to slide around his feet but then you couldn’t see him anymore, pushed to the back of the crowd by a stampede of yelling demigods brandishing weapons.
It took you a second to realize they were cheers and not war cries [the difference was hard to make out most of the time], so you weaved through some Hermes kids who were chatting animatedly and a Demeter girl with a stump where her arm had been. Will rushed along behind you to her side once you’d gotten past both teams of the now over capture the flag game. 
“What the fuck is this?” You yelled up at Leo, who sent you a double thumbs up and then began hopping down the pile of boulders, the flags now held with his crooked teeth.
You squinted up at him, watching his green army jacket get caught on an overhanging branch and then when he jumped down finally, you were there to cross your arms and glare at him.
“Sup?” he smirked, holding his hands behind his back and rocking on his feet. “Did you get my note?”
Apparently he guessed your answer through your facial expression and then held up the flags like an offering. You ignored a fatal sounding screech from an Aphrodite boy in the distance as Leo chewed his lip. “So…. I won!” 
“And how, exactly?” 
Leo glanced to the side, and you followed his gaze to a smirking daughter of Aphrodite, who’s hoop earrings shined with blood that definitely wasn’t hers, judging from Drew’s satisfied expression. He then pulled out another crumpled up sticky note from his jacket, which was stained with something dark. He read out in a stilted tone, “I have to make a flamethrower, a chariot with poison shooting arrows, a two real life hoverboards, about thirty pairs of water, lava, and acid proof headphones, and a few jetpacks.”
“Right,” you muttered, tilting your head at Leo.
 He blinked obliviously at you and tucked away his extensive list, probably not able to hear you speak over the yelling crowds that bustled around carrying bandages and broken weapons, already busying themselves with the aftermath of the set up blood-bath.  
“It was worth it,” he shrugged, “but I’ll be stuck in bunker nine for the rest of the my life.”
“Maybe you can take a day off.” You unfolded your arms, resigned to the fact all of Camp Halfblood was about to witness this. Then you stepped forwards a little and leant in to whisper in his pointed ear. “...Y’know, for our date.” 
Leo blinked.
“Someone get the Leo extinguisher!” A Hebe kid yelled, and there was a general uproar of chaos from everyone but you weren’t really paying attention because Leo had patted down his flaming torso quickly, only that didn’t change the color of his face back to normal.
He narrowed his eyes, but the grin had never faded and you could see his fingers tapping along his thighs a thousand miles an hour. “You serious?”  
You nodded.
“DID YA HEAR THAT?” He yelled at the crowd of teenagers, cupping his mouth with a scarred hand, “I GOT A HOT DATE YALL!” 
“Don’t make me regret it,” you muttered back, rolling your eyes, but when Leo smiled up at you you knew you’d never regret it, so instead you just smiled back, shoving your hands in your pockets while Piper started screaming from Jason’s shoulders. 
Leo clapped his hands eagerly, “great, now you gotta carry me.”
“That’s cringe.”
“I’m being serious,” he said and held his arms up so you could grab him bridal style. You paused for a moment and then resigned yourself to the fact this might be the rest of your life. It wasn’t too bad, you realized, when Leo wrapped his arms around your neck and pointed in the direction of Will triumphantly. “Forward, sexy steed!” 
“One, if you ever call me that again, I will literally throw you off a cliff, and two, why do we have to get to WIll?” You asked as you carried him through the crowd in the direction of the stressed out blonde anyway.
“Cause Clarrise stabbed me in exchange for letting me win.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
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rileyglas · 8 days
The List ~Pt. 12 - Conviction~
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) x Reader
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Summary: As you train for Extermination Day, your power intensifies, granting you visions of a dark future. Determined to save those you love, you battle through the Exorcists, facing relentless challenges. Things take a turn mid battle, leading to an unexpected twist of fate.
Themes: The usual angst, mystery, sassiness, cursing, fluff, actual plot, slow burn, Rosie is the sweetest, eventual smut, and of course 18+
4.2k Words
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5  Part 6 Part 7 Part 7.A Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 (You're on it!)
**sentences in italics are internal thoughts of the reader
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When Alastor said you needed to train together, you weren’t entirely sure what he meant. You half expected to just practice fighting each other but the reality was more exhausting. You both felt your abilities expanding, yet you’ve been struggling more than anticipated. It is one thing having to adjust from small needles to heftier daggers, but the focus it takes to stop objects is an entirely different challenge. When you did it at V Tower it was in the heat of the moment, you didn’t have the time to think about it. Now you’ve spent almost three days trying to hone in the new ability with no luck. 
After multiple failures Alastor suggests to up the stakes. “Maybe you need to feel threatened in order to channel the power?” he teases half joking, half serious. Vaggie overhears this and is quick to volunteer, throwing her spear directly at your chest from across the lawn. You reach your hand out but nothing happens. Oh shit. A dark shield surrounds you, making the weapon bounce off and clatter to the ground. You snap your head to Alastor to see his cane omitting green sparks, “How did you do that?!” 
He shrugs, “Quite an interesting development, I suppose.” Charlie runs over excitedly, “If you’re able to cast that over the hotel, it could buy us needed time and protection! What do you think?” The two start to scheme how and when the shield could help against the Exorcists. Within a few tries, he effortlessly produces one large enough to surround the hotel. Feeling utterly defeated, you huff in frustration. I need to focus, I’m no use dead. Why is this so difficult NOW? 
“Must I be the one near death in order for you to do this, dear?” You feel Alastor’s hot breath suddenly breeze across your neck. You scoff and shake your head, “Apparently!” Vaggie enthusiastically picks up her spear again, more than eager to throw it at Alastor but you’re quick to shut her down, “Don’t even think about it! I do not wish to test that theory!!” She pouts and walks away disappointed.
Finally you’re able to get away from the madness. You plop onto the couch in the foyer, leaning your head against the backrest. I just need a few minutes to rest my eyes. The instant your eyes close, you feel your mind slip away from exhaustion. 
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Golden blood rains on top of you. Angels, if you can even call them that, fall left and right. Screams of battle fill the air. It seems as though all the training and planning with the rest of the hotel and cannibals is actually working. “Eat shrapnel fuckers!!!” Cherry Bomb releases her grenades into a group of Exorcists. You toss a few angelic steel daggers to finish off a few she missed. “Fuck yeah! Keep it going girl!” she yells over her shoulder. Nifty runs around stabbing the already fallen angels while also collecting your weapons. Carmilla managed to get you a small handful but it was plenty so long as Nifty could return them to you quickly. She hands over the bundle manically laughing, “Stab, Stab, STAB!!!”
Looking up, you see Alastor battling Adam atop the roof. His shadow demons swarm the Exorcist leader making him curse and lose focus. There you go, keep a distance and you’ve got him Al. A smile creeps across your face, amazed by how well Charlie’s plan is working. 
You pivot your focus to a few cannibals in need of healing. The amount of energy it takes to heal so many injuries back to back is draining but not impossible, especially with Alastor close by. As you finish mending a wound on Rosie’s shoulder, a pang hits your chest. 
The neon sign above the hotel flickers as Alastor’s tentacles flail and throw Adam around. A voice thunders overhead, “- Radio is fuckin’ dead!” Adam swings his guitar, slashing Alastor nearly in two. You watch his lifeless body flip over the roof railing and plummet to the ground. 
Any power or sense you usually have of Alastor disappears completely. You stumble over to him, violently heaving from the sickness settling in your stomach, but it’s too late. Even as you cradle his body, kissing him, begging him to wake up, it’s all in vain. This can’t be it. This wasn’t supposed to happen…You hear screams echoing around you. It takes a moment for you to realize it’s your voice filling the air. 
“Hey Toots - Toots! Stop yelling! Come on, snap out of it!” You open your eyes to a very concerned Angel trying to shake you awake. “Kid, you alright?” Husk rests a hand on your shoulder. Your brain catches up and brings you back to the present, regrounding yourself in the lobby of the hotel. You shake your head trying to answer, voice hoarse, “Al - where -” 
“What is going on? Is someone hurt?” Alastor paces through the lobby having heard the commotion. His smile falters seeing the disheveled state you’re in. He rushes to you, unintentionally (or probably intentionally) shoving aside Husk with his cane. He drops to his knees to grab your face, “What is it? What happened?” his voice wavers in a mix of worry and anger. 
You throw your arms around him, making him grunt from how tight your grip is, “Nothing. Just - Just a nightmare.” you whisper into his neck. But was it really a nightmare? Everything was so vivid and clear. It was as surreal as when you dreamt of your life on Earth. It felt real. You let go to sit back on the couch, taking both his hands, “I think the stress and exhaustion is getting to me. Nothing a good night's rest won’t fix.” He nods but his eyes reflect doubt. He knows you all too well by now.
“Really, I’m fine. Let’s get back to training.” You attempt to put on a more confident voice for everyone. Angel and Husk walk away to the bar, mumbling something about the possibility of cracking under pressure. You know it’s far from the truth. You spent years on Earth preparing, training, and enduring the battles of war. It wasn’t a foreign feeling, quite the contrary, it was nice to have some familiarity even under these insane circumstances. But this dream truly felt different. 
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Alastor insisted you go to bed early and you happily complied. As soon as your head hits the pillow you’re out. However, the “dream” returns, exactly as before. The raining of blood, Cherry Bomb, Rosie’s injury, and then -
“My dear I’m right here, what’s going on?” he wraps his body around you, pulling you out of your nightmare. Your throat strains once again. A cold sweat covers your body but your blood feels like wildfire. You sit up and brush back your hair, “I - I don’t think this is just a dream anymore Al. This entire time we’ve been training, trying to grow our power together and I think…maybe mine has evolved into seeing flashes of what’s to come. Is that possible?” your chest heaves trying to regain some composure.
He ponders for a moment, “Well it is entirely possible I’d say. The question is, do you receive the visions to change the future or is it foreshadowing the inevitable -” “Don’t say that.” you cut him off sharply. He recoils at your sudden aggression, then softens when he notices your eyes beginning to well up. With a deep sigh, he places a kiss on your temple, “You’re dreaming about Extermination Day, aren’t you?” You remain silent, unable to find the right words without crying. The back of his hand gently brushes your cheek, “You can tell me, my love. It can only help for me to have some insight.” 
Fighting through tears, you tell him every detail of what you’ve been seeing. There had to be a reason you were given the vision, you refuse to believe otherwise. After explaining the dream you begin to ramble, “You can’t fight Adam. He’s too strong. Let me do it or maybe I can join you or maybe we can get Lucifer -” He shakes his head, shushing you, “No - no, the plans have already been put in place. You need to be on the ground to assist the others. Besides, we both know Lucifer will only step in if Charlie is in danger. You’ve given me enough to predict how Adam will fight. I can use that to my advantage and have the upper hand on him. Things will be different.”
You rest against his chest, entwining your fingers with his, “I’ll hold you to that.” you mutter under your breath. He brings the back of your hand to his lips, “Get some rest. We have two days to gather our strength. Should - or rather when - we get through this, we still have the deal with Lucifer to handle.” You nod. The pit in your stomach weighs heavily at the thought that there is still another battle awaiting at the end of all of this, but you try to shake off the feeling, knowing your mind needs to stay clear for the sake of the hotel and your friends. Rule #3 K̵e̷e̴p̴ ̷t̸h̴o̴s̷e̵ ̷y̶o̴u̵ ̶l̴o̷v̶e̴ ̸c̶l̴o̷s̴e̷
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In the blink of an eye it was already the eve of Extermination Day. Charlie delivered a more than fitting speech, giving everyone a glimmer of hope. How this charming, sweet, hopeful woman was the daughter of someone like Lucifer, you didn’t know. Maybe it was the fall that jaded him? Maybe the loss of Lilith pushed him over the edge? All you knew is that she radiated a warmth that everyone could feel, even Alastor. 
“Ah, the celebratory night before a courageous last stand. It's been a surprising thrill to witness these wayward souls find connection. Almost makes one sentimental, eh, Niffty?" you overhear him from the balcony as you sit at the bar with the other hotel members. Angel grabs your attention with a few pokes to your side, “So, are ya really an Overlord? I thought that line o’ work required you to be a ruthless asshole.”
You take a swig of whiskey and chuckle, “Even in Hell, kindness can get you far, so long as you put your trust in the right people.” A scoff comes from across the bar, “Interesting take considering your choice in men.” Husk grumbles, cocking an eyebrow at you then up to Alastor. You slide your now empty glass over to him as a silent refill request. 
“Last I checked that man and I are the only two saving graces you all have for tomorrow. I know you aren’t friends, but maybe show some appreciation towards his willingness to help. I don’t see Lucifer jumping in on the front line.” You bite harsher than intended. There is a part of you that harbored pity for Husk. Going from a prestigious Overlord to nothing but a pet had to come with its share of personal demons. You try not to take his bitterness to heart.  He growls as he slides back a filled glass, “I had a feeling there was more to you than you let on. Al wouldn’t take an interest in just anyone.” “Oh I think he has more than just interest in our friend here. Heard her screaming his name from down the hall yesterday!” Angel jeers but the grimace on your face erases his smile. You stare vacantly into your glass remembering the night before, the blood, the screams, Alastor’s limp, lifeless body. “Hey dollface lighten up! I’m just giving yous a hard time. What ya do in the bedroom is -” “That’s not the reason I was screaming last night.” you say abruptly. Husk and Angel share a brief look of concern. “I’ve been having nightmares about tomorrow. Every single one ends the same and every time I wake up yelling out for him.” you throw back your drink and slam it against the bar. They continue to stare, speechless, while you stand to shimmy on your jacket. “We will make it through tomorrow, I promise.” Rule #2 D̷o̸n̷’̷t̵ ̴b̸e̶ ̸a̸f̴r̸a̶i̴d̵ ̶t̵o̶ ̸s̷h̶o̵w̸ ̴y̸o̶u̷r̴ ̴p̵o̴w̵e̵r̶ With a grim smile you walk out of the lobby, needing a walk and some fresh air. 
You only make it a few steps from the door when a voice calls out to you. Turning, you see Rosie sitting on a bench out front. Though you’d never formally met the woman you recognize her immediately from the Overlord meetings. She waves you over and motions for you to take a seat, “Ya know when Alastor came to me saying he fancied someone, I knew they had to be something quite special. He didn’t mention, however, what an absolute gem you are!” You share a bashful giggle. Alastor has talked about Rosie a few times in the past, always alluding to her being one of his closest friends since arriving in Hell.
“Thank you Miss Rosie. I’ve heard nothing but good things about you. We all truly appreciate your assistance with the cannibals. Will you be joining us tomorrow?” You make conversational pleasantries, as if you didn’t already know the answer. “Oh, of course! Though I might be more on the sidelines. The townspeople can get pretty rambunctious when given free reign.” Her sweet demeanor radiates much like Charlie’s. Even with the darkest thoughts spiraling behind your eyes, you can’t help but smile hearing her enthusiasm. 
A question pops into your mind. If anyone knows Alastor and his past, it’s Rosie. You look around to ensure no other ears are around, dropping your voice so it doesn’t carry, “Miss Rosie may I ask an unusual question? It’s regarding Alastor.” 
Her black eyes widen with curiosity, “Well of course darlin’. Anything at all! What’s on your mind?” You take a deep breath and focus nervously on your hands resting in your lap. “I know about his deal and I know about Lilith. Did he ever…have any feelings towards her? Or rather made her think he did in an attempt to sway her in some way?” As soon as the question leaves your mouth, a twist of regret and embarrassment sets in. Here you are, the night before possibly losing the most important people in your (after)life, and you’re asking mundane things like this. I’m so stupid…
“Oh my -” she sits back, taken off guard by such an inquisition. There’s a tense silence for a few moments which only makes your heart sink deeper in anticipation. A small smile returns to her face after having collected her thoughts, “Alastor has done a lot to get to where he is today. You’re aware of that I’m sure. When he spoke of Lilith and his plans, there was always something more sinister behind that smile of his. He only became truly passionate when he mentioned the power he would obtain and the possibility of being more than just an Overlord.” 
She sets a light hand on your shoulder. You turn to meet her gaze and her voice softens, “But in all my years of knowing Alastor, I’ve never seen him so smitten when talking about someone. I see how his eyes follow you around here. He holds the look of a man willing to set both Heaven and Hell ablaze for you. Does that help answer your question?” 
A warmth builds in your chest, you smile and nod through a few tears of happiness, “I think it does. Thank you.” Rule #1 B̶e̸ ̷o̵p̶e̶n̶ ̶t̷o̶ ̷t̴r̸u̸s̸t̵,̶ ̷b̸u̵t̴ ̶n̵e̵v̷e̸r̷ ̷d̶o̵ ̶s̴o̷ ̴b̶l̷i̴n̵d̴l̷y̶ You pat her hand still atop your shoulder. She takes your hand, fiddling with the few rings you have on, “You share something so special with him. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you two.” She glances behind you and lights up, “Speak of the handsome demon - Alastor, dearie, how are you this evening!?” she waves at him while you try to brush away the tears without him noticing. “Ah, marvelous as always, my dear. I see you’ve already acquainted yourself with my darling other half?” his smile widens as he sets a possessive hand to your back.“Yes and she is just a doll! It’s almost unbelievable such a gal would become entangled with the likes of you!” Rosie teases playfully. She pats your arm and stands, “Such a pleasure to finally meet you, but it is getting late. I’m off to rest up for tomorrow. Have a wonderful evening you two.” She gives a quick kiss to Alastor's cheek, mumbling something to him before gliding gracefully into the hotel. Alastor slides in beside you on the bench, crossing his legs and wrapping an arm around you. “Good company is never hard to find with Rosie.” he sighs contently, “How are you feeling, dear?” You snuggle closer and lean your head against his chest, “As good as I can I suppose.” He hums agreeingly. A comfortable silence falls between you. The closer he is, the more at ease you always feel. In the quiet of the evening an idea stirs. 
“I’ve been thinking Al…I know your contract limits your power. Maybe for the sake of tomorrow, we can try to break it before the fight?” His fingers tighten against your skin, “Absolutely not.” he answers sternly. You pull away, surprised by the brunt response, “But - it could be just what we need to -” He raises a hand and cuts you off, “I said no. We don’t know what predicaments that can cause.” A small pout makes your lip quiver. I only want what’s best for him. If it would help, I’d be more than willing to take that chance. His finger hooks under your chin to pull you closer, “I appreciate your sentiments dear but you will need to trust me on this. Everything will be handled in due time.” he whispers above your lips before closing the space. 
What starts as a soft peck swells into something more passionate. His hands smooth down to your waist and he presses into you hungrily. You return his intensity, threading your fingers through his hair. After a few moments you break away, breathless, “Don’t do that.” “Do what?” he pants through a smug smile. Your finger glides across his lower lip as your eyes burn into his, “Don’t kiss me as if it’s our last.” His toothy grin spreads under half-lidded eyes, “Of course it’s not! Though after tomorrow, I hope you know we will not be leaving our room for a few days. The heat of battle just might awaken something more between us.” he growls into your ear while his fingers tease the hem of your shirt. You giggle and push him away, “Let’s just try to get through the next twenty-four hours, shall we?” 
He chuckles, offering his hand, “As you wish. Off to bed then?” You take his hand and within a second you’re back in your room. Only a few hours of rest before battle, something that felt all too familiar. Your entire future in Hell relies on what happens tomorrow. You try to hold onto any bit of sheer hope as you relax against Alastor’s chest and drift off. Rule #4 T̷u̵r̷n̸ ̸y̵o̶u̵r̴ ̶w̵e̴a̶k̸n̸e̶s̶s̶ ̴i̷n̶t̷o̶ ̴s̴t̵r̵e̴n̵g̸t̷h̵
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Everyone stands outside the hotel, weapons in hand. As Heaven opens up, Alastor’s shield forms around the perimeter. Only a few Exorcists make it through and they’re easily disposed of. “It’s working!” Charlie exclaims excitedly. 
Just when you think the last of the Exorcists are dealt with, Adam’s fist shatters the entirety of the shield. Shit - ready or not Al, here he comes. You continue to fight alongside the others, using your daggers in between healing some of the more vulnerable cannibals. Then it begins. 
Golden blood begins to drop from the sky. Cherry Bomb. Nifty. Your chest pounds reliving the very nightmare you’ve watched unfold multiple times. A shout of pain brings you out of your horror filled haze. You watch an Exorcist throw a spear into Rosie, luckily only hitting her shoulder. You swiftly toss a few daggers to drop the Angel and grab ahold of the Cannibal Overlord. 
“Miss Rosie, I got you.” You press a kiss to her hand, flinching slightly from the pain radiating through your shoulder. Her expression is both shocked and impressed, “Handy little thing aren’t ya? Thank you, dear!” She lovingly pats your face then begins tearing apart the Angel on the ground. 
The flickering of the neon above you makes your heart drop. You freeze, watching the battle on the roof. All the air leaves your lungs as Adam swings, only instead of hitting Alastor, you hear a metallic snap followed by a wail of pain. Fuck fuck fuck I need to get to him. As you rush towards the building a black shadow slides up your legs, holding you in place. “No! Let me go!” you scream to the ground.
An eerie silence falls over the battlefield. Charlie runs over and clings to you, “Please…it’s Pentious…tell me you can do something!?” She starts to sob into your shoulder, “Please…Adam zapped him and the Egg Bois…” she whimpers. You look around but don’t see them anywhere, “Charlie, I’m sorry. I can only heal what I can see and touch…I - I can’t bring back the dead…”
She screams out, transforming into her demon form and taking off on Razzle towards Adam. You remain held down by Alastor’s shadows. “Take me to him now!” you beg the shadow attached to your legs. Your pleas go ignored. Enraged, your hand begins to glow, “GET OFF!” you scream as your power pushes the shadowy fingers off your legs. Finally free, you continue towards the hotel. Before you hit the door a large blast rips through the center of the building, making the walls crumble around you. The shadows once again flood around your feet but this time the world around you fades out. Your body swims through darkness. In the past you’ve always been sent straight to another location. This time, however, he holds you within the shadows. 
After who knows how long, the world begins to fade in again. The demolished remains of Alastor’s tower surround you, clouded by dust and smoke. Being held in the shadow state for so long felt like being on a ship in a storm. You stumble to your knees trying to regain your balance. “Alastor?” You call out, coughing from the thick air. 
Pained grunts can be heard to your right. You stagger over and find Alastor sitting up against a broken beam. Blood gushes from a wound across his chest, “Damnit…” You mumble, straddling his legs to get a better look at the gash and keep him still. “Don’t!” He snaps as your hands run across his chest. 
You sit back on your heels with a puzzled look, “Don’t what? Heal you? Are you stupid? You’re going to bleed out!” You place your hands on his shoulders, pinning him in place, “Hold still, I can -” “I said don’t!” he shoves your body to the side and shuffles away from your reach. You freeze watching the blood continue to drip down his body. “I should have had him. He was weak!” he huffs angrily through the pain. “At least if this kills me, we won’t have to worry about Lucifer’s deal.” 
“Not funny.” you whisper, slowly crawling back towards him. He holds a hand out in protest, “You’re already weakened from healing the others. I don’t want to risk what this could do to you!” you ignore his resistance and continue to climb over him. Your legs cage him in and your hands gently press his body to the floor by his shoulders. His eyes flicker between red and black as he pants under you. 
“Please, my love, this is not your pain to bear. You’re not strong enough. Not after everything -” he pleads weakly through a raspy voice. His eyes begin to glaze over and his smile fades. You cup his cheek, grinning through teary eyes, “There was only ever one choice when it came to the deal with Lucifer. I love you, and I’d die a thousand times more if it meant saving you.” 
Before he can respond, your lips crash into his. He captures your screams of pain with his mouth. You feel his arms wrap around your writhing body as a hot white fire burns across every fiber of your being. You peek through blurred vision long enough to see a single teardrop fall from his eyes. 
He breaks the embrace and sits up to cradle you, “You stupid, stubborn, beautiful woman…” he coos while brushing the hair away from your sweat soaked face. You spasm in his arms, the fire still tearing through you, gasping for any air your lungs can contain. Your eyes start to roll back and he shakes you gently to keep you awake, voice wavering, “No, you don’t get to leave me now. There’s too much we still need to do.” 
Through the blinding pain, you feel him slip something onto your finger. He leans down and kisses your forehead. “I choose to never live without you.” He breathes against your skin. You can almost make out a bright glow of pink and green growing around you before your vision fades and your body goes limp in his arms. 
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Tag List (Let me know if you would like to be added!)
@rl800 @fairyv-ice @looking1016 @martinys-world @sirens-and-moonflowers 
@alastorssimp @alastorsgirl48 @mysterisumone @ohnah2022 @catticora
@eris-norwega @kaylopolis @littlebluefishtail @little-slyvixen @laudrawin 
@qu1cks1lversb1tch @diffidentphantom @rapturenyx @purplerose291 @mcntsee
@iheartalastor @written1nthest4rs @cloverresin20
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jewishvitya · 6 months
Tal Mitnick, an 18 years old Israeli that refused to serve in the military:
It's not just a couple of soldiers that are bad soldiers or that enact violent occupation on Palestinians, it's actually a whole system of violence. Of pulling people into the army and making them work for the occupation and for oppressing Palestinians.
Militarism in Israel is very entrenched in society. And the military is some golden goose that you're not allowed to touch. You're allowed to criticize the government, you're allowed to go out for gay rights, for women's rights. But when it comes to criticizing military action against Palestinians or other oppressed communities, this is totally out of the norm. You cannot speak against the military because it's so entrenched in society.
A lot of conversations start with the military, and because most people did serve, it's seen as this kind of thing that everyone needs to pass in order to become an Israeli.
So. Yeah. When you're older you don't feel ostracized as much because after a while it's less relevant to daily life. At least in my experience, I didn't serve and it's not really talked about much at this point.
In Jewish Israeli society, the military is trusted more than most other institutions. Tbh, more than any other institution I can think of. And it's seen as a right of passage. Some people will be okay with you if you volunteer for a social service instead - work at hospitals, schools, etc. Others think you shouldn't get the choice, and unless there's a medical issue you should be going to the military.
The narrative of self defense is absolutely believed, so by refusing to serve, those kids are seen as saying "I will enjoy the sacrifice made by others, but I will not contribute myself." It's seen as ungrateful. But that's if you don't express a moral objection to the military.
If you challenge the military itself, you're challenging Israeli society. And that's how it's taken. "I refuse to participate in the occupation" - "So you're saying I did something bad by serving. You're saying I'm a bad person." And when most of Israelis served in the military, and those that didn't serve often still support it or have loved ones that did or still do, this is challenging the moral character of pretty much all of us. Which, it should.
The military nurtures a mindset of dehumanization to a scary degree. I listened to a few interviews with stories from Breaking the Silence, an organization meant to bring to light the way the military abuses Palestinians, and there's something described by Yehuda Shaul.
He tells the story of serving in Hebron, in the West Bank, and he describes the daily stated mission of soldiers there.
While on patrol at night, they pick a random Palestinian house - explicitly one that they have no intelligence against, a civilian family - and they get in, wake the family up, separate men from women, search or something, get on the roof, jump to the next roof, get into that house, wake that family up, treat them the same way.
Again, at random. And he described two goals for this:
One, to create the feeling of being persecuted, and two, to make our presence felt.
They want Palestinians to feel beaten down and powerless, and they want them to feel that the military is everywhere, so they're too scared to resist.
This isn't random rogue soldiers, this is what the military does there on a normal day. And he said it's impossible to treat a population this way without seeing them as less human than we are.
I don't know if I can just say that the military is another tool for indoctrination in addition to everything else it does. But as a kid, I had a left-leaning friend from the Tel Aviv area, and we'd argue a lot. Because you don't need to be a full on leftist to disagree very strongly with a teenage settler. And as I was going through the process of changing my mind, I saw him going through the same process in the opposite direction - he became way more right wing during his military service. He told me the stories of why, and all those stories did was make me feel like I don't even know this person. I wonder sometimes how many young people go through the same.
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tanglepelt · 1 year
dc x dp snippet? idea? not too sure....
Essentially amity park is a front. The whole town was designed to recruit member for an evil group. The end game to destroy the justice league. My brain took the idea and ran with it. I may continue this. I may not.
Amity Park had always been a strange place. For as log as anyone could remember. A gimmick, a spooky town. It played its role perfectly. No one really looked into it. No one saw the mad scientist or weapons facility as odd. Who would ever think to investigate a tourist trap. The showier they were the more believable. The Fenton’s were assets at keeping tourist gullible, their driving, and obsession sold the show. Keeping the tourist distracted and money coming in. Who would notice the laser watches, they just looked normal. Any ghost attack was just a show. Any damage done and its fixed the next day as if It was planned. The town had was obviously committed to there “haunted” town.
Ghost hunters in amity just made sense. Walking around with weapons was a normal and not suspicious. Locals didn’t care and anyone else thought it was part of the gig. The bigger the dramatics the more they could get away with. With all the chaos and attacks the tourist would be distracted.
It let them track anyone who came into town. They would check in visitors with the guise of making sure they stayed in the living world. Waivers had to be signed or there was no entry permitted.
No one to see how all the kids were more observant, no one to see the the gym coach or classes, no one to see the experiments, and no one to notice the secret town meetings while the children slumbered.
The meetings discussing the children and how they’ve advanced. Who needed to be terminated, who was improving and who would soon be integrated into the loop. Every year they discussed the first-year students. It was there last chance to become incorporated or “move” after high school. They couldn’t risk any of them leaving the town unless they were in the loop. 
After all of if the kids thought their schooling was normal, they’d never question it. The president challenge was harder then most. Why would an average school require flips off the bars or the ability to scale a rope to the roof if a building. The last two years of high school centered around obstacle courses, agility and parkour in gym.
An amity child leaving without being in the fold could be catastrophic. It would only take one to alert authorities for a slight inconvenience. Authorities could be paid to look the other way or easily put down. A hero however would be a headache to deal with. This town was the center of there recruiting. It was do or die.
Now the organization will admit the ghost were a welcomed surprise. A front row sear to watch the progress the kids had. They expected the jocks or even geeks to manage it the best. The seniors to take arms and manage the threat at the very least. The oddball trio was not what they had wanted or expected.
Those three were the problem students after-all. One so into technology it would be hard to keep him in line. The network was heavily blocked a monitored but using him was an issue. He had nearly bi-passed there security on accident. Imagine if he knew what was going on. Then the goth, the activist. She was too much an individual, free thought and radical views. They’d have to break her spirit. Then there was Danny Fenton.
He had promise in the beginning. Well rounded. Wasn’t so caught up in improving others as his sister. Held good grades through elementary and through middle school and was the golden candidate until the previous summer. No longer set to focus on study’s but off with his friends.
As Sam had grown falling away from their potential, she dragged Danny and Tucker with her. Both now had more individual thoughts and opinions straying from his parents. His grades had dropped even before the ghost. Just to A- or so. Attempts to steer them away from her only brought them closer.
If they couldn’t get sam in line they’d have to cut there loses. They’d lose a good potential hacker, the masons would need a new heir someone they could actually mold to gain more funds and business, and they’d lose a potential leader or scientist.
Cutting just Sam would have led to problems. They had tried. Sam was abruptly moved for a week to see what would happen. The guise a business trip. Danny and tucker given no notice. The two took matters in their hands and hunted for her. They nearly discovered the truth of the town. Only once the Fentons explained she was on a trip did they calm down. The trio were deemed lost causes. They were set to bet terminated.
Two weeks before the plan was set to eliminate them the ghost appeared, and it was them who took charge. Now the ghost was always planned, the Fenton’s had been close to opening the portal. So close to new weapons and infinite power supply. Nothing they had done activated the portal. But the problem trio when left alone somehow got it working. The power from the portal shorted the cameras in the lab and they were unable to see how.
 Sam and tucker were out on the field. They were learning at a rapid pace. With them constantly fighting and winning. The three were considered candidates again. They’d still have to break the girl, it was worth the effort now. Add the fact they had a viable solution now.
The newest hero of amity park. Phantom.
Phantom himself would simple a ghost to take care of. Allowing the Fenton to play around for now. What fun was a hunt to them if they couldn’t play with there prey. Once it was time to rid themselves of the pest the Fenton’s could truly hunt.
For now, phantom was getting Sam and Tucker more suited for future missions. He could keep “his” team for now. Danny was obviously the one with the plan. He was never with them but had to be the main contact with phantom. Whenever Danny was around phantom would show to clear his messes.
The surprise reunion with Vlad confirmed their suspicion. Not to mention the Youngblood incident. Danny led his schoolmates to board the ship and free their parents. Only once the ghost shield was down did he go and contact phantom to come handle the rest.
An accident would be in order. It was only a matter of time until the trio grew stagnant and needed more focused teaching. The masons were still an asset they just would not be allowed to be a caretaker again. Jeremy and Pamela mason still were the main source of income. The two were good the schmoozing. Sam would just have to manage field work with her business persona as her “grandmother” had. The Fenton’s were non-negotiable and a necessity to the group. If the need arises, they be allowed to raise another.
The foleys would work. They were good caretakers but served no other purpose to the group. Framing phantom for there deaths should be enough to ignite a need for revenge and break the group apart. Introduce a new fourth to them after the shock wore off.
Valerie had grown as well. She would be brought into the loop soon. The red huntress would be an asset. Her original purpose no longer mattered. Valerie would be easy to recruit. All it seemed to take was some money and a reason to dislike a group. All it took for her to despise ghost was her father losing his job, one of the groups smartest moves yet.
Good thing that reason was already in motion. The anti-ecto acts were set to be announced tomorrow. The justice league would publicly denounce the acts within an hour. They had no reason to condemn an entire species that had shown no sign of aggression. Most ghost weren’t even visible to the public.
With Amitys gimmick who would believe the reports of supposed ghost destruction. Viral videos of it just to be explained through special effects. Keep the rest of the world believing the gimmick and the young in amity only seeing the disbelief.
The justice league would be the key to their own demise. Events have been ruined, the children had been infected by the ghost flu, Sam had been kidnapped by a ghost, and the constant attacks on the school. This was the wedge they needed to keep them in line. To bring them into the fold. The towns caretakers would make sure any opinions of the hero’s would be bad. The only mentions of the hero’s permitted of the hero’s online would be failures and misunderstandings.
Citizens of the infinite realm and ghost were two very different species. Not that the children would ever be allowed to know.
Soon the justice league would fall.
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leakyweep · 8 months
Doflamingo x gn!Reader - Patience
@kyuuin9in ; Morning, hope you’re doing better! It’s 💜 anon, decided to come off anon for the request. :D I’ve had this on my mind for a while; how would Doffy feel if he met someone who actually read him like an open book to the point where his s/o actively (but not verbally) tries to teach him healthier habits, such as handing him a glass of water instead of letting him reach for the bottle of wine after a nightmare, proving him with emotional support without outright asking him about it and not expecting him to tell her about it. But also being basically attached to the hip to him and just doing things for him without him asking her to. He’s thinking about getting some salt? Well, would you look at that his s/o already passed it to him. (I also think his s/o wouldn’t like Trebol too much cause he’s an active enabler of Doffy’s bad habits 💀💀)
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A/N ; Thank you for this lovely request! Writing Doffy being soft is so fun and challenging, so I hope you enjoy <3
Words ; 0.8k
Warnings ; None, just pure fluff. Although this fic is sfw, my blog is not. Minors, you are not welcome on my blog. Thank you.
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Being with Doflamingo was a full time job. It didn’t matter that you lived under his income, under the roof of his stone palace, in his pink satin sheets. You helped out the servants in your free time, making up for the harsh side Doffy always showed the helpful staff. You stood in the kitchen, cutting vegetables, preparing lettuce, learning how long to cook meat to the exact temperature the master enjoyed. You found the servants to be quite pleasant; and while your husband was off in some meeting, you got to know his underlings, smiling and listening to their interesting stories and anecdotes. 
At the end of the day, when changing into your silk pajamas in front of your beloved, he asked you why in the hell you spent your days folding laundry with his servants, thanking them at the dinner table, tucking them in and telling them about the days you spent on the sea when you would join him on his expeditions – and your answer was simple. 
“They’re people too.” 
This made him… think. In his office, in bed, with the other members of the royal family. Of course, your least favorite cohort, Trebol, had many negative things to say about your kindness. He found it pathetic, trying his best to convince Doffy you were his weakest link, that your emotions were too strong. Of course, this made your love see red, grabbing his closest commander by the collar to tell him never to speak about you that way. Although your heart swelled, it discouraged you from being around Trebol for long bouts of time.
One particular night, you had joined him in bed later than usual, too caught up in your screaming thoughts as loud as a freight train in your ears. Sitting in the plush armchair Doffy had gifted you for a birthday in the past, you watched the moon slowly ascend into its place in the dark sky, trying your best to focus on all the good things in your life, the most prominent being the large, snoring figure just feet behind you, sleeping wistfully beneath his heavy comforter. This was short lived, though, when he was snapped awake by a harsh nightmare, his breaths ragged and uneven. 
You turned from your seat to ask him what was wrong, but before you could, his large hand reached for the bottle of red wine on his bedside table. You frowned at him and when his golden eyes met yours, you shook your head. 
“Darling, let me put that away for you. I’ll grab you some water.” Your footsteps were soft against the carpet as you took the bottle before he could argue. You disappeared to the kitchen to grab a glass of cold water for him as he pouted like a little boy who got his toy taken away. His expression upon rearrival made you chuckle gently while handing him the glass. With a roll of his eyes a mumble of gratitude, he took the glass and sipped. He fell back asleep in your arms that night, your manicured nails gliding through his blonde locks to calm him back to his dreamland.
Over time, you began to learn small habits to change for his well being – wine was forever replaced with water on his bedside table, you found yourself passing him things before he could ask at the dinner table, learning his triggers to help him calm himself when he was tested, being his kind ambassador when going to the town to enjoy the nightlife. You wouldn’t change it for the world, you thought. You loved this man – and you realized that while he was ruthless, powerful, and malicious, he also had feelings, and he just needed a little help dealing with them in a self-sustaining way.
Doffy’s heart had grown a few sizes since meeting you, or so he was convinced. The way you were kind to every living creature, how you spoke to children and laughed at their terrible jokes in the streets of Dressrosa, your calming tone as he felt those tendrils of anger threaten to choke him and devour him whole and completely dissipate at the sound of your voice – it all drew him closer to you, wanting to smother himself in the absolutely pure and selfless aura that radiated from your smooth skin. Hearing your laugh after a long day of work and dealing with absolute imbeciles was like medicine. Making love to you was like nothing he had felt before. All these things combined into one, and Doffy was marrying you within the next year. 
You were thankful for him, just as he was for you. And you knew as you grew old together, he would change, and he would grow, and that he just needed time. 
You were willing to be patient with him until the end of time.
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goodnightmemes · 1 year
❛ You can’t keep making excuses for every one of [name]’s insane whims. ❜
❛ Genius always looks like insanity at first, though, right? ❜
❛ Hey, please stop fire-spinning inside. ❜
❛ I say it like I see it, no filter. If people can’t handle it, that’s their problem. ❜
❛ You’ve got to stay off the Twitter. ❜
❛ Are you mocking me? ❜
❛ This can’t Shazam. It’s a lamp. ❜
❛ Where’s my speargun? I gotta pack. ❜
❛ He told me you haven’t left the bath for a week. ❜
❛ My mind is a fueled-up racing car, and I got nowhere to drive it. ❜
❛ I need danger, a hunt, a challenge. ❜
❛ There’s someone here for you! With a box! ❜
❛ Hello, stranger danger. ❜
❛ Excuse me, I love your accent. I had to try it. ❜
❛ You must be very special. ❜
❛ When you throw a murder mystery party, you do it right, buddy. ❜
❛ I’m not here. ❜
❛ He’s just staying here. He’s going through things. ❜
❛ This rich-people shit is weird. ❜
❛ This is stretching my stride-taking abilities. ❜
❛ Okay, let’s stop talking and actually start hanging out and having fun. ❜
❛ Why is it on the roof? ❜
❛ I wanted to ask, what are you doing here? ❜
❛ Is this part of the game? ❜
❛ I’ve learned through bitter experience that an anonymous invitation is not to be trifled with. ❜
❛ You really try. I like that. You really make an effort. ❜
❛ You never know when shit’s gonna go down. ❜
❛ I’m uncomfortable. I’m gonna go for a swim. ❜
❛ It’s true. I say it like I see it. ❜
❛ If you want to shake things up, you start with something small. ❜
❛ That’s the place where you have to look within yourself and ask, “Am I the kind of person who will keep going?” ❜
❛ That was some real red-pill stuff. ❜
❛ Every single one of you is holding on for dear life to [name]’s golden titties. ❜
❛ Wow. That was so real. ❜
❛ I’m a truth-teller. Some people can’t handle it. ❜
❛ It’s a dangerous thing to mistake speaking without thought for speaking the truth. Don’t you think? ❜
❛ Are you calling me dangerous? ❜
❛ A few cocktails before I’m murdered. ❜
❛ Halle Berry! That has a kick. ❜
❛ This simple thing that you thought you were looking at, it suddenly takes on layers and depth so complex, it gives you vertigo. ❜
❛ Every time we’ve gotten to the point where I’m going to strangle you, you pull something like this, and it’s magic. ❜
❛ I wanna be responsible for something that gets mentioned in the same breath as the Mona Lisa. ❜
❛ This is reckless. And you’re gonna get somebody killed. ❜
❛ It’s been a memorable weekend already, to be sure, but now the real fun starts. ❜
❛ Tonight, in this very room, a murder will be committed. ❜
❛ Well, to be clear, I mean, I didn’t know what a “blood diamond” was so… ❜
❛ What am I supposed to do now? Play Yahtzee all weekend? ❜
❛ I like the Glass Onion as a metaphor. An object that seems densely layered, but in reality the center is in plain sight. ❜
❛ It’s like putting a loaded gun on the table and turning off the lights! ❜
❛ Well, I’m out of here. Tomorrow morning. Gone. ❜
❛ You’re murdering my vibe. ❜
❛ So you come here, in your Gucci flats, telling us that we owe you? ❜
❛ What do you want? A check? You want performative pity? ❜
❛ I want the truth! ❜
❛ But me, I’m tired of pretending like you’re the victim in this game. ❜
❛ That changes things, right? ❜
❛ Have we ever not pulled through? Pulled it off? ❜
❛ We won’t know the cause of death without an autopsy. ❜
❛ Listen, I must insist that nobody touch the body or disturb anything around it. ❜
Are you treating this as a crime scene then? ❜
❛ I’ll pay you one billion dollars to tell me which one of them tried to kill me. ❜
❛ Oh, fiddlesticks. ❜
❛ Is that a speargun? ❜
❛ Oh, hell’s bells! Just, everybody, just stay here! ❜
❛ I can peel back the layers, I can take it to a point, but what lies at the center, only one person can tell us who killed [name]. ❜
❛ You’re not in the bath again, are you? ❜
❛ Heavens, the dog ate the caviar again. ❜
❛ It’s a stupid idea, right? ❜
❛ Listen, I want to be clear, huh? I am not Batman. ❜
❛ Any feelings of reverence or respect that you had for me when you crossed my threshold, buttress those feelings now. ❜
❛ Yeah, I’m trying real hard to buttress, but this sounds nuts. ❜
❛ Is this safe? ❜
❛ I shouldn’t be here. This is nuts. But I’m here. So let’s do this. ❜
❛ The reality-distortion field ends here. I can’t let you do this. ❜
❛ Look me in the eye! You know it’s a lie! ❜
❛ You must be really great at Clue, huh? ❜
❛ I’m very bad at dumb things. My Achilles’ heel. ❜
❛ This is your last chance to back out. ❜
❛ I think it’s really shitty what they all did to you. ❜
❛ I sold my soul for this. ❜
❛ I thought you said you didn’t drink? ❜
❛ That’s hard kombucha. That’s Jared Leto’s hard kombucha. ❜
❛ We’re running out of time! ❜
❛ Please. Think of the danger here. You gotta step back and let me handle this. ❜
❛ I never email anything that I wouldn’t want to see on the front page of The Times. ❜
❛ I think maybe you should take up drinking. You’re just killing it. ❜
❛ Something is just teasing the edge of my brain. ❜
❛ Oh, if I ever meet Jared Leto, I’m gonna whoop his kombucha-brewing ass. ❜
❛ My therapist says this is a toxic relationship. ❜
❛ We will do what we always do. Deny, half-apologize, and then go silent awhile. ❜
❛ Please tell me you did not think sweatshops are where they make sweatpants. ❜
❛ I will do whatever I have to do to save myself, and he is my only lifeline. ❜
❛ This never happens in Clue. ❜
❛ He’s a son of a bitch. Leave his ass. ❜
❛ I don’t feel sorry for him. He deserved what he got, and you are better off without him. ❜
❛ Please don’t kill me! Oh my God, please don’t kill me! ❜
❛ I’m not trying to kill you, you crazy bitch! ❜
❛ Shitballs! ❜
❛ It hides not behind complexity, but behind mind-numbing obvious clarity. ❜
❛ A veritable minefield of malapropisms and factual errors. ❜
❛ Oh, please. Just tell us who tried to kill me. ❜
❛ Nobody tried to kill you, you vainglorious buffoon. ❜
❛ What is reality?! ❜
❛ Does he keep a vial of poison in his tooth or something? Is that a rich person thing? ❜
❛ Oh, it’s so dumb, it’s brilliant. ❜
❛ No! It’s just dumb! ❜
❛ You dim-witted, brainless jackass! ❜
❛ Your one murder, with any panache at all, and you stole the whole idea from me. ❜
❛ Wow! We got some big accusations flying around here. ❜
❛ You need evidence, and you’ve got nothing. ❜
❛ Anywhere you go, it’s going to be your word against mine. How do you think that’s gonna go? ❜
❛ There’s nothing I can do. Except maybe offer you some courage. ❜
❛ I hope your little bitch tantrum gave you closure ’cause it accomplished nothing! ❜
❛ You’re ruined. ❜
❛ Did you get the son of a bitch? ❜
972 notes · View notes
lightwing-s · 1 year
pairing: dick grayson x female! reader ; jason todd x female! reader
word count: 1,5k
reblogs and interactions are always appreciated ! ♡
a/n: happy new year everybody ♡
⌜masterlist⌟ ⌜requests⌟
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An unspoken requirement of dating Dick Grayson is the constant attendance of important events, be it in Gotham or Bludhaven. You were not used to all the balls, galas and charity dinners, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t like it. That’s how you found yourself busy on New Year’s Eve night.
The huge hall was delicately decorated with lights, expensive golden curtains and glass snowflake pendants  throughout its entire extension. Festive music could be heard at every corner, and everyone seemed busy in their own conversation, celebrating the end of a busy but fruitful year with those closest to them. Except you, who stood quietly observing your boyfriend talking with someone you didn’t know all the way from the bar.
Noticing you were gone, Dick’s eyes roamed the room in search of  you and found you standing by the bar, drink in hand, and absentmindedly looking around. Staring at you, he couldn't find sight more perfect, not even the glass roof or the expensive artworks hanging on the walls. Nothing looked as good as you did tonight, your long dress complimenting your body and matching perfectly with the color of your eyes. The necklace he had gifted you on christmas morning hanging beautifully from your neck. You looked ethereal, like an angel lost on earth. An angel whose touch was all his, whose kisses belonged to him, and whose laughs were only meant for his ears.
Approaching you slowly, he got to admire every little detail he could find on you as he got closer and closer, and when he was about to reach you, you turned. If Dick was already breathless by only looking at you from afar, when you turned to him with your pearly smile shining bright in your face he lost air for good. 
“Have I told you how absolutely ravishing you look tonight?” he asked, hand wrapping around your waist bringing you close to him and kissing your forehead.
“This is the third time since we arrived here” you replied, not daring to look back at him, knowing damn well you wouldn’t resist his smile. Your night had just started, and if you wanted to make it to midnight with your dress intact, you have to behave. Unfortunately.
“Well, I feel like I could tell you a hundred times more. You are looking incredible today, and I think whoever gave you this necklace knew very well it would make you look even sexier.”
“Behave, it’s almost midnight” you scolded.
“What if I can’t hold myself? Do you think Bruce would notice we went missing?”
“Hmm” you thought about it, and finally looking back at him but not daring to spend much time in his eyes, you withdrew from his touch, handing him your drink and walking out. “Wanna find out?” you challenged.
By the time he found a place to put your drink, you had already disappeared into the sea of people, and so, he excused himself to everyone he accidentally pushed and made his way to where he had last seen the tail of your dress. Finding you in the middle of a corridor, high heels in hand, he smiled at you and you ran away. Fine, it’s  a game.
You tried to run from him, tried to navigate yourself through the maze of stairs and corridors. Gosh, you thought, how can a house be this big? You found one door, locked. You knew he was close, there’s no way you could out run him, so turning left once more, you found a door to the outside just as you heard him in the corner. Thinking you could escape him was your stupidest thought of the night, as he quickly got to you, embracing you waist and spinning you in the air.
“Accept it, you can’t leave me” he said in your ear.
“Who said I ever want to leave?” you asked back. Your eyes were staring at his for a dangerous amount of time, something you had been depriving yourself of doing all night. You were soon intoxicated, and it wasn’t the four drinks you already had. Dick Grayson was like a nuclear explosion, once it landed on you it radiated love into everything close, making you see the world through rose colored glasses, making you feel as light as a feather and as dumb as a young child. He took away all your senses and gosh did you take his. It had just been a few months, but Dick knew that without you in his life, he was a goner. 
“You drive me crazy in ways not even the Joker is capable of making Batman feel” he breathed, his mouth millimeters away from yours. “Babe, you were my best arrest of the year. You are now sentenced to Dick Grayson County jail on accounts of heart robbery and with a sentence of life”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his corny joke, the sound filling his ears like music. You were his paradise, his new world. The best gift 2022 had given him, and as far as he was concerned, the life sentence wasn’t a joke.
“Why are you laughing, Y/n? This was not a joke.” he stated, a dumb smile plastering his face. “You’re sentenced to spend your last days with me”
“I plead guilty, officer. And I take my sentence willingly as long as you’ll be here by my side” you answered, intertwining your fingers.
“I’ll be here for 2023. For 2024” with every pause, he placed a chaste kiss to your mouth. “For 2025. The entire decade of the 2020s. For my whole life, Y/n. My entire being, my entire existence will be subordinate to yours and I promise to make you a hundred times happier that I made you this year. 
And with the sound of the fireworks, his mouth finally crashed onto yours for the perfect midnight kiss.
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Gotham’s night sky was always mysterious, with all the smoke of pollution or the clouds from the rain hiding it from its local residents. Coming from a town where watching the stars was one of the cheapest and easiest past times, you cursed this damned city every time you tried doing it there. But since you and Jason started going out, you found out the higher he took you, the taller the building he set up for your date, the better the view would get, so rooftop talks became almost a weekly thing for you two.
Dating Jason has been amazing, he is kind, romantic, very protective of you and loves to make sure to fulfill all your wishes. So with him knowing your conjoined love of stargazing and fireworks, he prepared the most romantic midnight picnic for you to watch the countdown to the new year. The night seemed to cooperate with your date, as the almost cloudless winter sky settled a surprisingly perfect ambiance after days of snow storms or weather overcast with clouds.
Upon arriving at the top, you had to hold yourself from crying at how he had decorated the space for you: fairy lights hanging from every wall,a fluffy mat you were sure he had stolen from somewhere in the manor, and a table full of food and wine.
“I hope you like it.” he said, shyly. His nose was red from the cold, and you knew he must have been cold for a while considering the time he’d need to prepare everything. His hands instinctively went to his pockets for warmth, and something about the way he positioned himself just made him look the cutest.
“It’s perfect, Jay” you replied, taking his face in your hands and giving his nose a little peck. Then, you took his hand in yours and took him to the mat, where you covered yourselves with two blankets and proceeded to eat, and laugh and love each other until midnight came. With a few minutes to go, Jason took you to the parapet, hugging you from behind and setting a kiss behind your ear.
“This year wasn’t perfect, you know” he whispered “But it got a lot better because of you, Y/n” as if you were ice by the end of winter, you melted in his arms as he held you closer than you already were. “I was scared of saying this before, because I thought you couldn’t ever love me back, but princess, I love you so much words wouldn’t make it justice”
Body weak, mind empty, his words replayed over and over in your head for what could have been hours, but were actually just a few seconds. Turning to him and wrapping him in a hug, you looked deep into his eyes, making sure he would believe every single word you were about to say:
“I love you, you giant buffoon. Neither words of infinite kisses could do it justice.” his smile after hearing it was the most genuine he had ever given, exploding of happiness just like the first fireworks that had started on the horizon. Happy for finding someone so nice, so sweet and understanding as you, who even with his coldness and fear of being in a relationship, had the patience to wait until he felt at home. Jason couldn’t begin to describe what you made him feel, looking deep into your eyes one more time, he went for the kiss both of you were longing for.
Passionate, intense. Just like his 2022 had been with you, he prayed 2023 would bring him more of the same, more of your love, more of your kisses, more of you.
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sasukimimochi · 8 months
.✦ Blackened Wings. (Pt 1) - Happy Halloween!! 🦇
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WC - 1080 ( .MDZS Bat flock AU✦. )
Summary: The siege of burial mounds was set, but upon arrival none were found- all belongings left behind besides the clothes on their backs and Wei Wuxian's scripts. When there is nothing else left behind and no traces to find, what more is there to do than move on?
Timeline: Post first siege on the timeline. Wens/WWX did not die in the seige, and are completely off the map.
Prompt 26, for my Writing/Drawing Challenge- Animal.
Lan Wangji had been spending a great amount of time with the bats that had chosen to roost under his roof- he knew it wasn’t good practice to be in close contact with them, but he felt especially attached to them since they showed up not too long after Wei Wuxian’s and the Wens disappearance.
He was, of course, distraught. Absolutely devastated and worried- but he was very much wounded, so what could he do in such a state? When he went there to see, there really had been nothing left of them. All of their belongings were still there besides the clothes that were likely still on their backs, and Wei Wuxian’s inventions. 
The assumption was, despite months of searching, that they had all died, ran away, or the most nausea inducing, been secretly done away with or decided to die together on their own terms. There was just no evidence, nothing- it was like they were spirited away. 
Like they never existed.
Lan Wangji had drank that night. So much so that he thought he might disappear too- his brother had brought him home safely though, somehow.
He’d spent the next few nights trying to sneak out, being brought home and at one point even restrained- his family didn’t want him to go on a search for someone they considered evil, but especially when injured and having no leads- he didn’t care. However all he was allowed was time sitting on his deck, the night sky all he had to keep himself from going completely out of touch.
He could remember stories that Wei Wuxian told him as he looked at the stars- how he hoped his parents were two of those very ancient lights watching over him- on a long past anniversary of his mother’s passing.
And then…they came from that sky.
A somewhat large, black and red bat with a group of small white bats- he hadn’t ever seen the small white kind before, but the larger one looked kind of like a flying fox. It was large, but it wasn’t as big as some he’d seen- which made him think it was a different breed than those he’d seen in the past. Its wingspan was impressive, but its body was smaller than a cat’s. The small ones could fit in his palm if they allowed him to hold them, with sunburst orange details and dark gray wings, accented by that same golden color mixed with a light, delicate red on the outer fold of their wings. The smallest of them had an especially brilliant hue and a lovely fluffy white coat, and was the friendliest of the bunch. A baby, he presumed.
He’d focused on them, watching them hang from the beams and all huddle up inside the larger’s wings in what he assumed to be to stay warm. It was still chilly at night, and the white bats were quite small- and as they were white primarily they likely didn’t get a lot of heat retention. The larger bat though was the one who shivered. The smaller ones would huddle close, and eventually the larger one would fall asleep for a short time.
So he watched them, and stopped trying to run away. For some reason the bats stuck around, and one of the smaller ones especially loved to fly over to him and hang off his robes, sit on his shoulder or on his head. The larger one would quickly follow as if worried, but would stay as well when treated to pets and figs. It turned out even the smaller ones ate fruit as well, which he found unusual. He’d never met such small bats that didn’t eat insects and rather ate fruit.
It became his reason to keep going day to day, the only reason he didn’t rush off with his injured body looking for the one he loved. He had to stay here as long as he was injured, but he felt the time was easier now, spending time with his bats.
“A-Ying,” Lan Wangji whispered to the large bat, watching as its head turned to him expectantly. These bats were so smart, and the little things this one did reminded him of all the cute characteristics Wei Wuxian had. Rubbing its nose with its wing, tilting its head when told something curious. He still remembered the angry flapping accompanying a quite squeaky, chittery shriek the bat had made when his uncle had gotten too close to the little white bat. Those two seemed bonded, despite the little one appearing to have some sort of family amongst the other white bats left.
“Is it alright if I name your little one too?” Lan Wangji asked softly, watching as it leaned forward to give him a little lick on the nose with its soft little tongue. He exhaled quietly like an attempt of a laugh despite the exhaustion, listening to the soft mewling and chirps that sounded like real laughter to him.
“What about ‘Sizhui’?”
The bat moved its head back as if it truly understood the words, mouth slightly ajar with its head tilting ever so slightly and eyes wide- as if he was looking into his heart with those dark eyes.
“It is from a poem…do you want to hear?”
The bat chittered quietly in response.
“Yearning for but cannot chase after you, longing for someday when you will return.” He looked outside briefly, where the bats usually were roosting. The bats however were roosting in the corner of his room where it was warm, except for the littlest one currently hooked into his lapels. “It loosely means ‘chasing memories’, or another: ‘to yearn for’.” He gently scratched under the large bat’s jaw, watching its ears vibrate with happiness to the affection, but still stare at him so closely. It was unusual to see the bat this focused.
“Do you like it?”
The bat gently booped their noses together and wiggled its ears again, the soft little clicks bringing the corner of his mouth up, however tired it was. “Little Sizhui then.” 
He paused, remembering the boy that followed at Wei Wuxian’s heels. He called the boy little radish, didn’t he? He missed them so much…
He hadn’t realized he had started to drift to sleep until he felt something soft gently wiping away the tears he hadn’t known he shed. His eyes cracked open just slightly, and he could have sworn he saw pale anthracite blue looking back at him.
Hope you guys enjoy Halloween! I took time to finish most of chapter 28 instead of working on the second part for this, but just so you know its basically a second perspective with perhaps a bit more addition. It'll be for prompt 18 "Love."! I will hopefully have another part to show you guys before long, but for now i hope you enjoy this ! 🦇 💖
I did a very quick sketch with it, but I apologize cuz it doesn't look too great hahaha I'm just trying to get ahead so I can't spend time on side stuff too much. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! eat lots of candy and enjoy some halloween movies etcetc!!
.✦.👻🦇💀🎃🍬🍭🍫🌙✨✦. *
Read More MDZS stuff I've written or look at more MDZS stuff I've drawn in my masterpost! ❤
Random Information about this au:
WWX turned himself and the Wens into bats together to “disappear”. The bats start roosting under the edge of the Jingshi roof in the corner and LWJ watches them during his recovery days. He thinks it's in his head that two of them remind him of wwx & wy but doesn't care - he protects them now, and even a bit of the vice versa.
WWX is a fruit bat (I felt like a flying fox would be too big), and the wens are Honduran white bats. They are seen as a flock, despite WWX presenting as a different breed. They CAN change at will, except for Wen Yuan which WWX keeps tight control of because he’s a kid and accidents can happen. They don’t though, so the Lans assume they are all just regular bats that have taken a liking to the Jingshi roofing.
(Extra: convo excerpts when developing, it won't be completely cohesive):
Sasu: Someone is mean to LWJ (forcing him to accept liquor, etc etc) bat wwx pops out and starts squeaking at them from inside his lapels. It scares em off (works almost everytime).
A-Yuan is still little so he stays on LWJs shoulder half the time (tucked under wwx wing the rest of the time).
Yuyu: “Pristine cultivator Hanguang-Jun” chilling in front of his uncle who’s seething. Cause there’s two bats on his nephew; One is chewing his ribbon.
Yuyu: Would be funny if only wwx was the big bat and all the wens and a-yuan were just-
A tiny mob of fluffs under his wing
Sasu: jfhshfjfj beautiful, I like the idea. Maybe not a flying fox size cuz that's huuuuuuge but fruit bat. still big enough!
Yuyu: Everyone in Gusu just sighs as they now not only got “totally not pets” bunnies but bats too. Wangji privilege smh
I like to imagine Qiren is like….slightly afraid of the larger bat
Sasu: all the Lans start to like the small bat flock tho cuz the big one brings bugs and fruits to the small ones
they also don't poop there which is a plus xD
I'm sure they wouldn't like guano on Gusu paths
Yuyu: Omg.
Maybe one of the smaller bats got stuck in Qiren’s closets or something 
And well….
Qiren might explode
Sasu: jfhsgdjfb LMAO LWJ is just like “why did you close them in there” and just babies the bat and feeds it a berry or smth
Yuyu: The lost bat was a-yuan ಥ_ಥ Hence wwx was just panicking flying everywhere
Sasu: I think wwx woulda led them to the closet and just sqUEAK
Qiren: "no u cant get in there!" but then heard the other squeaks gjhsgxjf
LWJ just following them around like what's wrong and that's how he ends up on the scene jfjshdhf much bat cuddles after that
Yuyu: wlskjheiocewin one day LWJ just full on cuddles bat wwx like a plushy and wwx bat is just (a bunch of flustered emojis) And all the other bats are just looking at him from the other side of the room like e u e
Sasu: HAHAHAHA they know they for sure know- god I'm dying a little imagining LWJ petting wwx slowly while he's going to sleep like he's a cat (and falls asleep with his hand on him)
Yuyu: God imagine if that’s how he poofs back into a human- /jk
Sasu: ignshdjfn fruits basket style. imagine he wakes up and sees the bat replaced with wwx nods
Yuyu: Wwx has not dared to move all night
Sasu: wwx panic shifts back into a bat and LWJ wonders if he was seeing things
Yuyu: Just eyes his water next to his bed all suspiciously……"did i accidentally drink"
Sasu: hfhsbdjd - he starts calling the bat a-ying (cuz wei ying would be too on point) and the bat seems a little flighty so he's like ‘did i catch smth’ nfhshdjjf he's sus but also doubtful haha ‘maybe i offended him’
aw but imagine he like recognizes mannerisms in bat wwx that human wwx would do, like rubbing his wing over his nose a lot, having human like expression and these squeaks that seem like laughter (and he of course gets scary or protective depending on who he's with) so he act like air puppy sometimes or shows his teeth at other times and he likes to wrap his wings over LWJs shoulders to have a full body rest
Yuyu: A living blanket
Sasu: mn, living blanket with claws
Yuyu: Lwj has learned not to voice this opinion out loud or the bat gets upset (A puppy! Of all things)
Sasu: kfhsgzcjfj hahaha- that’s just the term for fruit bats they’re nicknamed air puppies. I don't think LWJ would call him that, maybe some juniors tho haha
Yuyu: Jingyi
Sasu: pft haha Jingyi bonds with bat a-yuan nods the bat LWJ personally named Sizhui because he is small and reminds him of the little boy wwx once cared for owo
so a-yuan is a shoulder bat for Jingyi a lot when he's in his kid years
Jingyi says he's his best friend and has to be convinced to leave the bat at home when training dnhdgshsj
Yuyu: Mo Xuanyu lives in this? I can imagine him being absolutely infatuated with the bats, also hilarious if he looks at wwx bat for like 1 min and is just ... leans in whispering, Yiling Patriarch!?
Sasu: wwx, internally: that's my name don't wear it out
wwx, outside: angry bat flutters
how would he recognize tho
vkjdhdj hahaha
Yuyu: Haah love bats, wonderful stuff
Sasu: Bats are the best (❁´◡`❁) ❤
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brittle-doughie · 1 year
Concept: secret sands y/n tries to rob Yogurt cream cookie, but yogurt catches them. But turns out they get along (y/n is an antique lover, yogurt loves showing his best wares)
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“Complete this task and many doors will open to you”, the boss said. You weren’t one to back down from a challenge, so you accepted the job. They didn’t call you a Sneaky Veteran Assassin for nothing.
Infiltrate the merchant son’s palace and clean out his treasures. That was the mission
You had thought it would be a piece of cake and it was…at first. Getting inside and sneaking past guards was just routine for you. You scoped around rooms for possible clues or items needed to get you to the treasure room.
After some quick snooping around, you managed to find yourself standing at the doors leadings to the treasure room, you rubbed your hands together in excitement, ready to get your hands on the countless gemstones and artifacts this palace was holding!
You opened the door with confidence, hehe that merchant’s son won’t know what hit them when you…cleared…out…:this room?
You were surprised to see the cookie himself lazing about amongst his riches, the sound of the door opening alerted him to your presence!
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Yogurt Cream: What are you doing? What brings you here?!
Think fast, THINK FAST!
Y/N: O-oh, I’m just a…humble trader! I was told to look for you on here and my do I say that you’ve got quite the collection here! These artifacts are mighty fine if I do say so myself!
Yogurt Cream: Hhmmm...If you're a humble trader, you wouldn't be trying to steal my treasure, right?...Right?
Y/N: Of course not! As I’ve said, I was just told to find you here!
Yogurt Cream: You know, I'm not sure to trust you. Do you have any proof of who sent you here?
Y/N: Is that the Naga’s Heart I spot there? Now that’s quite the treasure!
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Yogurt Cream: Oh yes! That heart is indeed one of my favorites! That is why I am proud to say that it's currently in my collection! You have a good eye!
Y/N: Is that the necklace of various gemstones there? I bet it would look great on someone as nice looking as you!
Yogurt Cream: Hehe, you certainly know how to flatter! Well, I suppose I can’t refuse a compliment. You have quite the eye for treasures, yes? Care to see what else I have?
Y/N: Gladly.
Y/N: This crown may be valuable, it even has the gemstones of all types embedded in it, but the Cookie having it is certainly more valuable then that~
Yogurt Cream: Oh my, I am flustered!
Y/N: The Golden Lynx! It shines brightly, but your shine is easily the brightest to me!
Yogurt Cream: Aw stop it, you flirt. You really had my heart skip a beat!
Y/N: This ornate beetle, worth a lot. But the cookie who has it? Priceless~
Yogurt Cream: Stop this, I might faint with all this flirting. But please continue. I want to see more of this~
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Centipede: ….
Peppercorn: ….
They were just bewildered as they listened in from above on the roof. They were going to try and bail you out of there in case you were caught, but it looks like you have everything under control?
Peppercorn: I guess Y/N Cookie has it under control for now, we just have to wait for the signal, then we clear out the treasure room, alright kid?….Kid?
Centipede: ……
Centipede then suddenly got on her hands and knees.
Centipede: It should’ve been me! Not him to receive compliments!
Peppercorn only rolled her eyes as Centipede continued to complain. Though…if she were honest, she wouldn’t mind getting a compliment from Y/N Cookie too…
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raayllum · 15 days
for @kradogsrats
It takes the third time of Viren shutting a cupboard more firmly than he needs to for Kpp'Ar to sigh, raise his head, and ask, "What is it this time?"
At his best, Viren is dutiful if prideful as a pupil; at his worst, he is frequently stressed and, when bothered enough, moody and bad-tempered. This seems to be a combination of all simultaneously, as he's kept his eyes on the records book Kpp'Ar had assigned him to update all morning, and his concentration hasn't wavered, but... his mood has only soured as the day has gone by.
Viren glares at him, running a pale hand through his hawkish mop of brown hair, freshly anointed wedding band glinting, and Kpp'Ar thinks for a moment his apprentice won't say anything when Viren grits out, "Lissa's pregnant."
Kpp'Ar nearly drops his wrench, the clock on his work table not quite tuned right. He turns, a strange swooping sensation in his stomach. "Oh."
"We knew... we thought we wanted children. But not now." Viren buries his face in his hands, sighing deeply. "I don't know what we're going to do."
Kpp'Ar is quiet, each word sticking in his throat less measurable than the last. What does he know about having offspring? If there's one thing he's avoided more than people, it's tiny, wailing, squishy-faced people who can't control their own thoughts and impulses.
Finally, he says, "Don't be daft. You'll do quite well for yourselves. You have the castle to live in, and—"
"There's more to raising a child than putting a roof over their heads," Viren snaps. He crosses his arms like the petulant child he may raise. "Not that my father would know," he grumbles in a lower voice.
Kpp'Ar rises, reaching for his cane and wincing. His joints are always worse this time of year, and Viren's crisis isn't worth it, maybe—the man is dedicated and singleminded to a fault, so long as he pays the child proper attention, there shouldn't be many issues—but...
Kpp'Ar curls a hand over Viren's shoulder. "So long as you show up, and love them, I'm sure you'll be a perfectly adequate father."
Viren's lips twitch. "That seems like an awfully low bar." He straightens, puffing his chest out slightly. "And I intend on being far more than adequate."
"There you go," Kpp'Ar says, moving back to his bench. "Treat it like you have something to prove, and you'll have an easy path laid out ahead of you."
As easy as parenting can be, anyway.
"It cannot be that straightforward," Viren says, his mood gone, eyes alight with amusement.
Neither will ever admit it, of course, but Kpp'Ar knows—secretly—that they both enjoy the intellectual challenge of their constant bickering as much as any other pursuit of their partnership.
"You have good intentions," Kpp'Ar counters. "Many fathers do not even have that."
"Hm." Viren goes and pulls down a flask from one of his stores in the walls, taking a swig.
Six months later, Viren and a smiling Lissa bring by a little boy with blue eyes and wisps of golden hair, and an only slightly squishy looking face. The old cogs of Kpp'Ar's heart stir in ways he didn't think he was capable of.
He makes the boy trinkets, and his sister too, when another one follows a year or so later.
Soren is frail and dying the last time Kpp'Ar sees him, a father's fury in Viren's eyes. Good intentions, Kpp'Ar thinks, as the gold swallows him up.
(You know what they say about hell.)
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baohanhanesel · 6 months
Karaoke with TF141 !! + Honorable mentions.
Summary: The reader brings her boys to have some fun... Few are hesitant...
Mentioned: Captain John Price, Simon Ghost Riley, Kyle Gaz Garrick, John Soap Mactavish, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo Parra.
Here comes Captain John Price. He is trying to impress you with his deep demanding voice. It is not fit for karaoke, or the songs he has chosen to sing but he is getting there. Most of all, he is embarrassed but the alcohol in his system just gives him too much courage to feel shame. You applaud him, trying to get him going. He doesn't drag you in the fun at first, wanting to show you how it's done and to not force you into something this humiliating. But after you join him, he is laughing and cracking up. This guy is brave, he has no shame but a tiny glimpse of embarrassment. How were you even able to bring him here in the first place remains unknown...
Simon Ghost Riley did everything in his power to not enter the door. He was skeptical, there was no way you could make him do any sort of karaoke. That was just humiliating for his part. But after seeing that you both were in a private room laughing your asses off and preparing for a song... His mind did wander a bit. You chose the first song, singing it all by yourself while he hums along in the side. Until the end of the night, you could only get him as far as to mutter a line out loud along you. At least he didn't record your embarrassing moments, you thought...
Kyle Gaz Garrick is having fun. He is going to show you exactly how to kill it on the stage! You honestly expected this from him, this man got experience. You were a brave person, but even you were very subtle about the karaoke. But this man right there was living at the moment! Seeing as his energy is through the roof, you were also affected greatly by that. Not long after you found yourself swaying your hips to the side just like him and screaming the lyrics out. Both of you were awful at singing. But none of you cared.
Now John Soap Mactavish is another story. His Scottish accent makes it hard for the lyrics to roll on his tongue and it sounds incredibly funny and attractive at the same time. You find yourself cackling and laughing at his poor attempts. This man's deep voice wasn't made for karaoke. He doesn't seem to care though, that's the least of his concerns. He just wants to beat you to it. But the lyrics accuracy kept giving him low points... Poor fella regretted wanting to do karaoke in the challenge mode. The night did end on a frustrating but equally fun way! Johnny was a confident man and you felt that. His confidence made you feel confident throughout the entire night.
Alejandro Vargas is a monster. He is so good and it is not even funny. At a point he started to get annoying for you. How dare he be this good at this? Guns, combat, cooking and now karaoke? This man was going to haunt your most vivid day dreams. He of course got the first song. He kept flexing, knowing he was good. You joined along, just to not let the situation get awkward or remotely less fun. You figured it would be fun to make fun of your poor attempts as Alejandro absolutely kills it. The night was fun, it was both a sufferable and admirable experience.
Rodolfo Parra was just too gentle with it. He let you have the first song, then joined with the lyrics. This man was a golden mine for you. He never judged the cracks in your voice or the awful tone to it. He didn't have it any better himself... Both of you had your fun, and Rodolfo kept bringing drinks until you were wasted and there wasn't a trace of pride left within you. Rodolfo found himself dancing to the awfully sung songs just to join in the second after.
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Serendipitous Meeting
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Fandom: Bayonetta
Tags: Male!Cereza x reader
Note: I've finally done the unthinkable! I've turned my and @cerezzzita 's chaotic conversations into sort of a headcanon ficlet. This is for people with very specific wants and needs, so basically for me and maybe three other people.
Might add part two, we'll see.
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You were just putting some flowers on your gradmothers grave for her anniversary when you heard a ruckus not far away. Understandably curious, you headed in direction of the strange noise.
When you came closer, a stray bullet almost hit your forehead, instead it landed in the stone pillar next to you. Quickly, you dove behind one the tombstones. There, behind the tombstone next to yours, you found pudgy stout man spitting profanities in italian.
Amidst the chaos, you saw as a roof of a mausoleum suddenly burst open, as if someone, or something fell on it. But you didn’t saw anything. Your puzzlement grew as you heard mettalic ringing of a blade sqinging right above you.
With a terrified yelp, you scrambled away on all fours. Even as you looked around in your hasty escape, you didn’t saw anything, but you felt it, this otherworldy presence.
„Look out!“ You heard the mens voice, but you had no chance to react. There, in the sliver between realities, you saw a horrifing monster. And you were too stunned to even be afraid.
Luckily for you, there was a guardian angel watching after you that day. Bullets wheezed past you as a man in black laid waste to the terrifying creatures. You were so confused and helpless that all you could do was cover your head with your arms and cover in the midst of battle.
Gunshots, inhuman screeches and dying gurgles were switches for deathly silence. When you finally braved yourself to unfurl yours arms from your eyes you saw him.
Precariously perched a tone of the tombstones, impressively long legs clad entirely in black, as your eyes travelled up and up, you saw a golden medallion with moon incrested on it, which rested on even more impressive chest, you almost darted your eyes away in embarassment. When you finally rested your vision on his face, the first thing you noticed was an elegant sleek glasses perched upon perfect thin nose. You weren’t used to seeing these types of glasses on men, they usually opted for something for angular, big, and masculine, but as your eyes glided over his beautiful countenance, you must admit they suited him well. You were too ensnared by the mans appearance that it took you some time to notice that his brows were cinched in annoyance.
„Ugh, Rodin has truly outdone himself this time. To think I had to cancel afternoon sermon for this handful of low-ranked vermin…“ the mysterious man stopped dusting himself off when he saw one of the creatures under next to him on the ground, trying to crawl away. He looked at it in disdain and without another thought raised on his legs high above his head, then slammed it right over creatures head. „…how tacky.“
The man’s deep, smooth voice curled around your ear like a whisp of perfumed smoke. You almost missed the wet crunch of the skull underneath his boot.
With a flick of his wrist, as if benevolently dismissing this whole affair, he turned to the italian, which looked even shorter standing next to him.
„Honestly, finding a real challenge in these parts would be…what’s that word again? When you find something good without looking for it?“
„Serendipity.“ You heard yourself say.
You saw the man’s shoulders tense, then slowly, he turned to you and you were once again helpless victim to that smokey grey gaze.
„You…you can see me?“ He took one step towards you, head tilting to the side like a cat, eyeing its next prey.
You haven’t got the chance to answer. A shadow appeared above you and you saw a stone boulder hurling towards you. You had your breath nocked out of you as much larger body knocked your over and thrown you to safety.
The last thing you remember before passing out was a feeling of two generous pectorals mushed against your face.
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collaredattachment · 11 days
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She's been standing there by the lilies for twenty minutes now
Occasionally she'll lift her hand like she's about to make a choice, but then her fingers would bend as if burned by the air, and then she's still again
People push past her to get to the other side of the narrow walkway between the displays, and some of their elbows are forceful enough to nearly make her topple. Most of them don't even bother to apologize
At twenty five minutes you're finally finished misting the orchids, and though you briefly consider just moving on to the calatheas, the sight of her is too strange to leave uninvestigated
"Ma'am?" you call as you approach, but she doesn't respond. A slight twitch in her neck is the only indication that she heard you at all
You stop beside her, close enough for your shoulders to touch
"Could I be of assistance?" you ask her, angling your head to try and get a look at her face
The sight you're greeted with instantly explains why none of the others have stopped to help
She's clearly trying not to cry. Her eyes are red-rimmed and moisture sheens at the waterline, but the way she's clenching her jaw indicates that she has no interest in letting the tears come falling
Her hands are held tightly in fists that leave her knuckles white
She offers no response, so you accept defeat with a bow of your head
"Sorry for bothering you, ma'am," you say. "Let me know if you need anything."
Right as you turn to head for the calatheas, her bony fingers grab the back of your shirt
Her voice is rough and strained, like she's been stressing the muscles of her throat for days
You turn back to her, but she's not looking at you. Instead, her eyes are focused on the lilies
"Which one should I choose?" she asks as her eyes flit over the selection
You ache to ask her about the occasion, to squeeze at least a few details out of her, but you fear speaking out of turn will make her retreat back into her shell. Hoping you're not testing the limits of her patience, you turn to the flowers after a moment of contemplation
The table holds sixteen lilies in all, and most of them are looking rather well, but it's one of the back row plants that catches your eye
The setting sun peeks past the greenhouse roof behind you and grants the petals a pale golden color contrasted by the thick, deep green of the leaves beneath. Two of the flowers are still only buds, but with a little care they'll bloom beautifully
You reach for the plant without hesitation and offer her the pot
It's not quite so magical cast in the woman's shadow, but she clutches the dirty plastic like it's holding her mother's ashes anyway
For the first time, she looks at you. As she turns her head, her hair, long and greasy, shifts away from her neck
It takes effort to keep your expression calm when you catch sight of the nasty scar on her jugular
The woman stiffens and grinds her teeth as if in challenge, to try and dare you to say something
You don't. It's a long three seconds that you keep silent
The woman stares at the ground, searching for invisible details in the gravel, her mouth only a thin line stretched from cheek to cheek
She pushes past you so hard you have to slam your palm into the table to stay standing
"Shit," you hiss as you straighten yourself, and when you turn your head to see where she's going, you freeze
Haunting is how you would describe her. She's standing awkwardly, head turned back toward you, unable to take her eyes off the lilies, and my, what eyes they are in the sunlight; round with indecision and richer in color than the branches of the arborvitae behind her
She gnaws dead skin off her lower lip and swallows it, never blinking once
"They were his favorite," she says, barely above a murmur, and if the wind hadn't carried her words you doubt you would've heard them at all
In that moment she seems so thin she might fall over if you so much as breathe toward her
"I hope he likes them," you say quietly
The crease between her brows deepens violently, but before you can see the rest of her crumble, she turns on her heel and barrels through a bed of petunias to disappear behind the greenhouse
The weight that had subtly settled on your chest suddenly lifts and you take a deep breath, though it does little to settle your nerves
It's now too late to take that break, but perhaps it's for the better if you keep yourself occupied until the silhouette of her, sunken and hollow and grieving, fades enough for you to think clearly again
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whattheheckmidoriya · 2 years
The Way You Say My Name
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Pairing: Post-war Levi x Deaf Reader
Word Count: 2,321
Warnings: none to my understanding! (Let me know if I should add any♡)
Description: After the war, Levi began to understand the treasures and simplicities of life, but nothing could ever be as precious as the first time his name rolled off your tongue.
Author's note: The long-awaited fic is finally here! Yay! I hope the wait was worth it :"D And please, as a hearing person, I kindly ask that if there's anything wrong with my writing in this piece, let me know! Even with my research, I understand there's still a lot for me to learn, so don't hesitate to kindly point out what I should look out for in the future!♡
Join the taglist here!
Levi Ackerman was a lover of simple things.
It was often he would find himself relishing the ways of this new life of his, one where he was no longer bathed in the stench of crimson despair, but in gentle perfumes birthed from the growths blossoming under the golden sun. Far behind him were the days of fighting, and he nearly scoffed at the turn his life had taken. To think that a soldier would someday trade his dull blades for flowers and tea bags was an idea that he would’ve called a fool’s dream. Only if he’d known then that he was only destined to become the greatest fool of all.
Indeed, Levi was a fool in love.
He usually found himself wondering what he did to end up where he was today, safe under a roof he shared with a love of his own, laughing long after the sun had bid its farewell and when there were enough stars in the sky to be reflected in that pale gaze of his. And despite having been a fighter all his life, he cherished these peaceful moments when he was no longer Humanity’s Strongest. He was no longer a soldier, a mere vessel molded into a weapon from a boy who’d been robbed of the joy of youth. No, he was now, wholly and forevermore, Levi Ackerman. And Levi had fallen in love with the simplicities of his new reality.
The crack of dawn was no longer a promise of bloodshed and demise, but a single, fleeting moment when he could slowly fill his lungs with fresh air, feel the warmth of being truly alive wrap around him in the form of a jewel he calls lover. 
What a beautiful thing.
Meeting you turned out to be the most lovely experience of his life. Who would’ve thought that he’d find himself tripping over his two feet, stuttering and stammering, fully disarmed before the mere presence of you? He still chuckled at the memory, at how he’d quite literally fallen into your arms after his faltering leg had betrayed him for the better, dropping him straight into your steady embrace. Looking at you now, Levi still couldn’t fully thank whatever lucky stars he had in the heavens for crossing your paths together.
He kissed the top of your head gently, allowing for his lips to linger before pulling back and carefully setting a hot cup of tea on your bedside table. A breath of wonder filled his lungs as you smiled up at him, and he swore he saw new constellations twinkling in your loving eyes. A scarred hand tugged at the sheets that lay strewn across the bed, making sure to put your subtle shivering to a stop.
“How did it go at the shop today?” you signed, tilting your head in curiosity. Usually, you’d help him get ready and lend a helping hand in tending to customers, but after waking with a fever and sore throat, Levi insisted he could handle things on his own for the day. Still, you worried that he’d overwork himself in your absence.
Levi spared you a knowing smile as he sat on his side of the bed, setting his cup down before answering. He didn’t reply immediately, taking a moment to articulate his words with care. When he did speak, his words came clumsily, his missing fingers presenting a challenge, but he learned from you that mouthing his words helped. “Wasn’t too bad,” He paused, rehearsing the gestures in his mind before continuing, “It was a slow day today. I missed you.” 
You giggled softly. He was always so soft-spoken when signing with you, still too fresh to the language to form longer sentences. It was quite endearing. You still remembered the days when he’d stay up late practicing what you’d taught him, his ears burning red whenever you laughed at his mistakes and guided his hands to form the correct gestures. You had to admit, he’s gotten better at communicating through signs with you, no longer depending on a pen and notepad or the awfully rare lip reading successes you had with him. 
A glance out the window told you that the sun had only just begun to set, the sky a gentle painting full of warm, golden hues as the sun teased meeting the horizon in a kiss. You smiled. He closed the shop early just to come home to you. “I should be able to help out tomorrow,” you said slowly, giving Levi the chance to follow your gestures and piece the words together. 
Levi frowned, placing the back of his hand over your forehead. He pulled his brows together before shaking his head. “Rest.” He said through sharp signing, though his expression remained one of care and concern.
You merely huffed in defeat, relenting when he tilted his head at your untouched tea. Both of you sipped at your drinks quietly, smiling as he locked one hand around yours, offering a gentle squeeze. Sneaking quick looks at your lover, you caught the tender way he peered down at your intertwined fingers, your chest fluttering in an achingly beautiful way. 
The flicker of candlelight danced around your room, bathing your lover in its glow, his eyes twinkling with specks of gold. Carefully, your fingers feathered along his forehead, brushing aside the cascading strands of hair that lingered just above his eyes. With a soft clatter, you set your cup aside, using your other hand to caress the sharp curve of his jaw. 
He could only watch attentively as your fingers gently traced over the contours of his face. Across his cheekbones, down the bridge of his nose, and over the corners of his lips. Instinctively, he leaned into your touch, turning his face to feather the palm of your hand with a kiss. As your fingers ran over his softening features, he gave way for his eyes to flutter closed. Bliss.
“I love you,” he sighed suddenly, only sinking further into your warmth. When your touch halted, his breath hitched and, immediately, his eyes opened to meet your gaze. Heat bloomed in his cheeks, rising to the tips of his ears as he marveled at the twinkle in your eyes; a lovely thing spilling over with curiosity and wonder. Curiosity. It then hit him that he’d forgotten to sign for you, and he immediately brought up his hands to articulate his words. 
But you knew. Of course, you knew— you'd memorized the shape of his lips long ago; how they curled and stretched with each sweet syllable was art you were fascinated by. You knew what it looked like when he breathed into existence those three sweet words. If anything, his love was the one thing you could recognize without the need for signs.
Instead of letting him sign, you carefully placed one hand over his neck, feeling the faint beating of his heart drumming beneath your skin. As if by instinct, Levi abandoned his cup of tea and covered your hand with his own; his touch, sweet and gentle, brought a smile to your lips. 
This little habit of yours, so soft and intimate, was one of his favorites. There was always something so enrapturing about the way you waited with anticipation for him to use his voice, to feel the deep rumbling of his words thrum up his chest and through his throat. 
You gave a short nod, gaze settled on his lips.
Levi huffed a sharp breath of amusement, scooting closer to you. He always seemed to get shy in moments like these, moments when his boldness became meek. Being close to you helped. A beat passed and he steeled his will, taking a deep breath. 
“I love you,” he repeated, sealing his declaration with the whisper of your name. Butterflies fluttered within his stomach, tickling his insides as he watched your eyes light up. Your fingers tapped over his neck excitedly and he couldn’t help but respond with a chuckle.
What he didn’t expect, however, was for you to take his other hand and press it against your own neck. Hesitation fleeted across your face, though it was gone as soon as it came. Levi tilted his head in a silent question, his heart stuttering for a beat or two.
The sun had long disappeared, in its place now standing the elegance of the moon. In this newfound darkness, where only the faint silver glow of the moon and the flickering of a small flame gave way for light to seep into the room, your courage bubbled hot within your veins.
Your hand slid down to his wrist as if keeping him tethered to you by your touch alone. A part of you thanked the shadows of the night for hiding the rising blush that crawled over your cheeks. 
Sharp silver eyes widened in realization, and the Captain couldn't help but let his mouth hang slightly in sudden surprise. This had never happened before. No, he'd never heard your voice before— never even brought up the subject for the fear of making you uncomfortable. He'd simply reasoned that you'd do it, if ever when you were ready. 
Your hand on his neck, his on yours; a gesture so innocent as it was intimate. 
He offered you a moment, a chance to pull away, but when determination sharpened your features, he felt a stream of pride pulse through his heart. Maybe there was some excitement there, too.
Swallowing, he gave your neck a tap and you responded with a tap of your own. "I. Love. You." He emphasized each word, noticing the concentrated pull of your brow as his voice rippled under your skin. Then again, he said, "I love you."
You opened your mouth, then clamped it shut, your heart crashing against your ribcage. Shaking your head, you tapped his neck twice. Repeat. 
"I love you." He repeated an oath he kept close to his heart. 
A deep breath breezed past your lips, expelling your nerves. "I…"
"Love," Levi continued, offering a reassuring nod.
"Love," you smiled sheepishly. "you."
Levi broke into a smile, one of the rare ones that genuinely showed the puff of his cheeks, and squeezed his eyes with joy. A laugh of wonder rumbled through his chest, a beautiful thing thrumming under your fingers. Pressing his lips into a thin line in a futile attempt at suppressing his smile, he tapped your neck twice. Repeat.
At his reaction, excitement bubbled within your stomach. Your words, though clumsy and slightly mushed together, came with much more confidence, "I love you." 
Levi ran a hand through his hair, then let it clasp over his mouth. Unable to contain his excitement, he was quick to sign, "That was good," He nodded, smiling. "You did so good." 
After a beat, you surprised him once more. Softly, almost inaudibly, with a single word, you managed to pull at his heart in the most achingly beautiful way. You breathed, "Levi."
He froze. His breath ceased for a mere second as his mind processed what you'd just said. Wide, gunmetal and milky eyes stared back at you, full of wonder and something you couldn't quite place.
Two taps to your neck. Repeat.
Again, a hushed breath carried his name, "Levi." 
Your heart hammered against your chest as you waited for a reaction from your lover. Had you pronounced it correctly? Had you fully messed up his name? 
With a frown, you signed, "Was that wrong?"
Heat tinted Levi's cheeks red, his eyes widening in panic before he shook his head. "Not bad," he signed quickly. Instinctively, he rubbed the two scarred stumps on his hand— a nervous mannerism he'd picked up. "Not wrong." He reassured, scooting closer to you. 
Your brows pulled together, not quite understanding his reaction. "Then what?" Your signs were loose; downhearted. Defeat heavy on your shoulders, you let yourself fall back onto the bed and blew a sigh.
Levi didn't turn around to meet your gaze, not immediately. Instead, he blinked rapidly, hoping to keep back the stinging tears that threatened to well in his eyes. His heart was tight, constricting painfully in his chest with emotions that remained foreign to him. The butterflies that merely danced in his stomach fluttered up to his chest, tickling his heart so lovingly. Warmth trickled through his veins, down to his fingers and toes. Everything felt so soft, so unreal to him.
When he looked over his shoulder, he felt the air get knocked out of his chest. In a second, he'd forgotten how to breathe. Pools of wonders unknown stared back at him, wide and brimming with questions unspoken. He clicked his tongue, dropping his shoulders with a sigh. He laid down by your side, turning to face you.
You gaped at him, rushing to wipe the tears that had fallen onto his cheeks. Silently, you watched as he tucked his bottom lip between his teeth, trying to keep it from quivering. 
Before you could say anything, he signed, "I love the way you say my name," He blinked; more tears dropped. "It sounds nice when you say it." 
A watery laugh rushed past your lips, and Levi didn't resist when you tugged him into your embrace. He quickly melted into your hold, keeping you close as his emotions got the better of him. You pressed a kiss to his cheek, letting your love seep through his skin.
How beautiful it was for Humanity's Strongest to be a man; no longer a killer, but a boy new to the kindness of the world. Levi Ackerman was once the name of a soldier— of a man carved from stone, chiseled with blood-stained blades. Now? Now, Levi Ackerman was simply Levi. Your Levi. Sweet, loved, and beautiful in an almost poetic manner.
And Levi could get drunk on the way his name rolled off your tongue. His favorite simplicity of all. 
🏷Levi Ackerman taglist
@leviackermanmyhero245 @violet-19999 @celestair @ms-sin-city @ghostly-haunted @andrastesbeard @ikisstoga @izukus-gf @Bluetima @Lemonboi69 @aconstructofamind
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