#giving like a character description LOL. I like these guys a lot but im bad at talking about them
frascospecimen · 5 months
are wwf characters on toyhouse? i want to know more about them
I don’t have a toyhouse sorry… its something I’ve always thought about doing someday cause they’re cool but it’s too intimidating for me to set up LOLL
However I can always talk about my ocs I love talking about my ocs. If there’s anything specific you want to know you can always send an ask^_^
But the basics for the two characters you will see the most: francesca (she/he) is a deer on her mom’s side and a mouse on her dad’s side. He’s kind of pushed around at the school the story takes place in because he’s kind of a weird loner but he really does not care. However she doesn’t really like know or interact with a lot of people and mostly keeps to himself. In the story, he’s trying to win this award thing for finding some exciting unknown story to tell that’s going on its like a journalism thing. She likes bugs a lot.
His one friend at the school is Marlo (they/them), a cat who is their roommate and is like super laid back and nice and friends with a lot of people. I don’t have as much to say about them but they help Francesca through a lot of stuff and they’re pretty cool I think.
Another important character I like a lot is Amanita (she/her), a rabbit whose mom works for the school and she’s on like the student council and gets straight As and stuff. She isn’t like boasty or pretentious about her status in the school she’s just super smart and likes taking tests. She likes helping people and making friends, she’s also a little nervous though. She gets very squeamish about a lot of stuff. She really likes routines and schedules and such.
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strangeauthor · 4 months
heyy if multiple are allowed for the writing post, 2, 4, 7, 10, 18, 22?
i love talking and i have the inability to stop talking so multiple are welcomed
2. What are some common elements of stories you are tired of seeing? What would you avoid writing about?
light=good and pure and dark=bad. so i intentionally subvert in my stories. you can see this in Chaos where B'trayed is potrayed with white and are the Bad Guys and the heroes mostly wear darkerish clothing and are the good guys, or, to be more specific, Nick's uncle eventually gets the power of darkness but is the biggest dork of the cast and has a cat named Pancake
4.In your works, is blood thicker than water or is the blood of the covenant thicker than the water of the womb? (Are familial ties or friendship ties more important?)
its a mixture of both and it depends on the characters, though honestly i like leaning towards the latter.
7. Favorite description in your wip? (If asked more than once, respond with a new piece each time)
this is from my last draft but a lot of the stuff i written in it will be carried over in the final draft because i'm just that iconic
“I said no, Nick.” Amandus stood up, “You just got out of a damn fight with one of them, and now you’re going to a party with them afterwards? Are you serious?” “It’s a chance!” Nick stood up, glowering. “It could be the only other thing in this damn search that can give us clues about dad! All I’ve done is stay at your house!” “Nick, it’s not that simple---” “If we just started the damn search already, maybe none of this would’ve happened!” Nick clenched his fist. “Do you want me to find the truth?” “I do! But here’s the thing, as far as I know, you’re the only person I have at the moment! I can’t lose you! I already had to bury one nephew and I don’t want to bury another!”
man i really like this one the most. there are others of course but this one always gets ppl lol
10. What scene was the most fun to write for you and why?
i think it's the gala scene to be honest, mostly because i had fun describing what the characters were wearing and how it (mostly) correlates to their characterization (except for poor Nick because he hates suits lol)
in the final draft im gonna expand more and actually have them dance and maybe even fight dance at some point. yes i loved that scene in owl house why'd you ask
18. What writers have inspired you with their use of language? What are some of your favorite quotes?
aw man this one hurts because a long, long, long time ago i would've told you it was rick riordan and how he's the literal reason why i'm a writer because of how he described the world in the stories he write and how his characters influenced mine with his language (i dont have any quotes because memory problems lol) but i cant. cause he's a zionist. and it fucking hurts. so i gotta try to find more people to get inspired by so i can answer this one properly.
22. How do you come up with character names? Do the names have a special meaning? If so, what are they?
imma be real with you. i just go on behind the names and try to find the ones that are the most fitting for the character's personality lol there are some that fit; once again, Amandus, his name means worthy of love which i think its nice.
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natto-axolotl · 11 months
choose violence ask game. hollow knight
hi nonnie!!! unfortunately the last time i was super into HK was 2021 but i will try.
the character everyone gets wrong: lurien. he gets watered down into a pk fanboy almost every time i see him.
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom: never ever thought about this, never ever will
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr: not going to go into detail bc everyone's moved on and it was bad but it was a lot of weird discourse that happened a couple years back
what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?: discourse.
worst discord server and why: this is personal beef, but the daily HK server that imploded from surpassing the Users Prone To Discourse threshold in horrific flaming fashion. it's been literally almost 3 years though so we're all good.
which ship fans are the most annoying?: anything with grimm. terribly sorry this is not a particularly romance-inclined fandom and i cannot think about them being in love in canon
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?: grimm. sorry.
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about: I haven't been keeping up with this fandom at all lately so i really dont know WJBDEJDBEN HAHA
worst part of canon: there's nothing i really don't like about the game :D
worst part of fanon: I don't reaaaally like the intense babying of pv and ghost in post canon "everyone lived" fics. let them have agency man.
number of fandom-related words you've filtered: none!!!
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them: lurien!!! this is because i briefly ran an rp blog as him, but also because i think it's interesting to think about what would've brought a character like him to be so devoted to pk's cause, and what kind of person he was when hollownest was in the prime of its life. funny towel man.
worst blorboficiation: grimm. SORRY SORRY SORRY
that one thing you see in fics all the time: strangely contrived prose to refer to the body language of all the characters. i get it but Why
that one thing you see in fanart all the time: ghost being drawn with other indie protags. little baby is officia delegate of hollow knight.
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc): everyone loves memeing on pale king as being a guy willing to kill his own babies to save his kingdom but i genuinely want some exploration of him beyond just a surface level flanderizing "lol. lmao he threw his kids off a cliff" joke. Hupis Incarnate
there should be more of this type of fic/art: i love gijinkas/humanizations esp modern day gijinkas never stop making gijinka content. also anything to do with the radiance. i love the radiance.
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...: CORNIFER AND ISELDA AND THE FIVE KNIGHTS AND (hk fixation kicks back in 2 years layer)
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...: lace/hornet. we don't even know the BACKSTORY. but do you think yuri can bloom on the battlefield.
part of canon you found tedious or boring: actually have never played HK lol
part of canon you think is overhyped: like 40% of the grimm troupe expansion. it's cool but the fanbase latched on too hard.
ship you've unwillingly come around to: lemmquirrel, i see it and im like "neat! middle aged bug yaoi and the aimlessness of a quest to reacquaint yourself with purpose! i haven't read sbabl ever!"
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse: (stares at camera) Shipping.
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing: when silksong (me too. but give them some time.)
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Hi lovely! I was wondering If I could get another BoB ship from you whenever you aren’t busy? 💗I just love how descriptive your ships are and i couldn’t help but ask again! (i Also made quite a bit changes from my first one description LOL)
I’m a female (she/her) , i have big heart, i’m funny, I like to relax, but i also can be energetic. I love to chill and listen to music. I can have a bit of a short temper at times (I just think it’s because I don’t put up with peoples bs LMAO)
, I can also be very stubborn, i’m very loyal, like VERY loyal and I will always stick up for the people i love and go above and beyond to make the people around me happy. which I think that can also lead me to being hurt or misused by friends) I can be a little emotional at times, maybe a little dirty minded too lol,
i love to cook, i’m a dog lover (really just an animal lover at that), and i’m competitive and passionate. I’m a very driven person and if it’s something I want to do i’ll make SURE it gets done. I Make up my own rules and I don’t give into unfair ideas that are put up around me. I lead with my heart and my emotions and if that gets me into trouble then so be it.
i also LOVE scary movies, true crime, all that stuff, i’m also a SUCKER for reality tv 😭 (tlc does have some good drama though) I would say im charming and it’s more of my talking and my smile that gets guys. I’m a bit of a germaphobe and maybe little ocd.
Imma southern gal who’s very short, (5.0) I think I have more of an innocent look (despite my wild attitude LMAO) I have big brown eyes, wavy light chocolate brown hair, big lips, only like a couple light freckles on my nose ( you can see them better in the summer) , button nose, and an olive skintone that has paled over time, I would say I have more of a petite/hourglass figure but I think my chest is what catches people’s eyes (Im a size DD LOL)
I have high standards, I can be very sympathetic, and I also can usually tell when people are in pain or when their vibe is off in general. I usually just joke or “laugh it off” and I can be very deadpan when something bothers me, or if it’s something that really hurt me I usually just shut down and become cold or distant. i’m an INTP, My hogwarts house is Hufflepuff ( even though I honestly thought I was a slytherin for so long 😭)
My love language is physical touch for giving and acts of service as receiving (it’s really just the little things and showing that you care about what I’m saying or just being thoughtful). I grew up with brothers so i love watching sports and playing them (We grew up in a very competitive household lol) i’m very very family oriented, I’m a sagittarius, I like to play the piano, and read and write in my free time. and In the summers I love to fish and swim at my boathouse. And springtime is my favorite season!
Make sure to take care of yourself and and stay hydrated, even rest if you need too! ❣️ Thank you in advance :)
Hi Love!! Thanks for submitting again!
I ship you with:
George Luz from Band of Brothers!
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ship theme song: Rum and Coca Cola by the Andrews Sisters
oof baby this man would bend over backwards to make you smile!
the first thing that stood out to him
besides your bustline
was your instant charm and friendliness
George, like yourself, grew up with lots of siblings
so he was constantly having to stand out to be heard
and i think he recognizes that scrappiness in you too :)
watching any kind of movie with you both is such a blast
you both provide your own commentary
and it is truly hilarious
especially during any kind of horror movie
"its just.. so bad it's good!" George will giggle
you've even gotten George to watch some reality tv with you recently
he thinks it's so damn funny
you both playfully joke about all the dumb characters in the shows
some days you both love going out and being around your people
you definitely make the cutest party couple!
but sometimes you both just really like to sit and chill together and listen to some good music
ngl your taste in music has definitely influenced his
he loves bragging about you to the boys
he'll show them pictures of you with your dog
or standing over a fantastic meal that you just made
you both enjoy making the people you love happy
unfortunately, not everyone deserves your time and energy
and you both learn that in your own different ways
but when you're sad or frustrated
a hug from George seems to lighten your mood right up!
and he's really good at hugging so please ask for more hugs
you and George can be childishly competitive together
like over how many friends you've pranked that week
or how many marshmallows you can fit in you mouth at one time
George is a big physical touch guy
you want hugs?
he gives the best hugs :)
when you play the piano, he can't help but sing along
he loves how family-oriented you are
and he can't wait to start his own family with you one day <3
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zvdvdlvr · 1 year
⭐ -> star! ships. send your sexuality, gender, and a description of yourself and what fandoms you're in. ( as long as i'm in said fandom lol ) ill ship you with 1 or 2 characters!
I'm a straight female and my pronouns are she/her. I'm in the Harry Potter, marvel and stranger things fandoms!
I'm fairly introverted and it takes me a while to warm up to people. I love reading, my room is filled with stacks of books. I especially enjoy mysteries, poetry and Russian literature!I adore adventures, witty and playful banter, pulling harmless pranks, joking around and having indepth discussions on anything and everything. I love helping out and people come to me to vent or for advice and comfort. I'd consider myself really smart and I'm very ambitious; I love being the best at everything I do. I daydream a lot and I'm a hopeless romantic! I enjoy all forms of art and I have quite a few creative hobbies! I'm 5'9 and I have long and curly dark brown hair and brown eyes. I dress mostly in relaxed suits, blazers and coats and I love the occasional dress or sweaters layered over a white button down! I'm a taurus and a ravenclaw
Thank you very much!! Congrats on the milestone, here's to so many more followers ❤️
Thank you so much :((( <333
I do apologize though if this is bad, as i have never done this before. I love seeing those posts witg like people requesting ships with themselves and other characters and i thought it was cool so i wanted to try and im rambling but you get the point
From the MCU, i ship you with:
Loki Laufeyson
Peter Parker/Spiderman
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𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 would definately have you read to him on a lazy morning/midday! Loki would love hearing about any random thoughts/daydreams you have. Would 100 percent help you decide on outfits and collaborate with you every once in awhile. When you and Loki inevitably find yourselves in Avenger's tower, you both would definately pull a couple pranks ( loki would probably take the fall for you lol ). Any drawing or sketch you gift Loki would be kept in a special spot and would never be crinkled, lost, or torn. I feel like you and loki would probably banter quite a bit ( nothing harmful! ) just to hear your smart remarks- Loki loves what your brain can come up with in the heat of the moment!!
𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 would fanboy over the way you dress since he isnt one to dress up unless theres a really good reason and overall you just look good🤷. If its tom holland spidey you like, peter would tell you about his spiderman thang when you started dating or whatvs idk. WORSHIPS the advice you give him- and probably says some 'damn thats pretty smart why didn't i think about that?' when you put in your two cents about his issues. OKAYOKAYOKAYOKAY I HAVE AN IDEA THAT I MIGHT WRITE A BLIRB OR SMTH ABOUT: when you paint realistic portraits and you need like a change of scenery or just something natural to take inspiration from, peter would have you pack up some water bottles, cups, snacks, your canvases, and paints in a drawstring and swing to a relatively natural environemnt ( i.e: a minimal amount of buildings, yada yada yada) and talk to you or listen to music while you painted
From the Stranger Things universe I ship you with...
Steve Harrington
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i <3 my babyboy
𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 ( season 2+ ) would looooove taking it slow and letting you warm up to him- trust is important. His rich ass would probably buy you blazers/suit jackets/ basically anything you want. Would probably ask you to draw random things he thinks about during the day. Such a worrywart tbh- especially when you drive to that one diner in town without telling anyone so you could get a shake and basket-o-fries and brush up on your Russian readings. Super protective as well. If you were with him and Robin during their little Scoops Troops thing: expect him to hold on to you while hugging just a little longer.
From Marauders era Harry potter universei ship you with
Remus Lupin
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loml tbh
𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 is lowkey a quiet guy with people he doesn't know. Understands social cues ( specifically yours ) and can easily calm you down if you have anxiety about something. Would probably tell you about Moony on accident, but would be happy that you knew so he didn't have to keep lying to you. Would rant and vent about all the dumb shit James n Sirius do and how Remus gets frustrated thaf Peter just follows them instead of saying what he needs to say. Compliments your dressing style and admires from afar. Would watch over your shoulder as you sketch/draw, loving watching the way your hand moves in a way that could create such a pretty thing. Please climb a tree and hang out with him
Golden trio era:
George Weasley
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silly billy georgey porgey
𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞 would be a big fan of pulling pranks with you, even if you don't want to do take the blame for it. Could sit and watch you make art for hours <3. Sorry not sorry would call you his little arm rest. Absentmindedly braids your hair when he's bored ( he knows how to braid because Ginny went through a phase when she was a kid when she wanted her hair braided 25/8). Loves hearing you talk about your ambitions and goals, and helping you when you're indescisive. You'd get a sweater from Molly and thats when you knew you were part if the family
𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐧 𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 <33
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queerstudiesnatural · 2 years
i was tagged by frank @soupstiel thank you wormstie <3
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better.
name: rain
star sign: taurus
height: 5'4 / 1.64 m
time: 1:45 am
birthday: may 10th we had a party
favourite bands/artists: see the thing about me is that i don’t feel shame. taylor swift, louis tomlinson, 5sos, luke hemmings, hozier. glee cast.
last movie: dancing queens, it’s a swedish movie about a girl who introduces herself as a boy to be able to dance with a group of drag queens. the dancing wasn’t amazing but the gay people were. leave it to scandinavian movies to give you actually realistic queer characters (or like, characters in general tbh). 
last show: currently watching good witch, and i liked the gilmore girls vibes at first but now i’m halfway through and i’m kinda bored tbh. cassie is my ideal woman though. 
when did i create this blog: september 2021 but i’ve had my main for 10 years
what i post: here u go
last thing i googled: “rrr movie” because that’s what frank said he watched and i thought he was talking about the french movie by that name but his description of it didn’t match so i looked it up and apparently it’s a different movie. the french movie is called rrrrrrr. hilarious movie if you understand french. 
other blogs: my main is @ghost-roads and i have lots of old side-blogs for old hyperfixations that i don’t use anymore but haven’t deleted bc i’m a hoarder
do i get asks?: sometimes. not enough :( i wanna hear from u guys! 
following: 1010 apparently. that’s too many. in my defense i do have several blogs. but i might need to do a bit of a cleanse bc the dash has become A Lot
average hours of sleep: 6 which is soooo not enough for me
instruments: um. a lot. my main instrument is the viol (or viola da gamba) but i also play the recorder, guitar, piano, harpsichord, and then i can find my way around a cello, a double bass, most percussion instruments, and i just bought a violin so i’m gonna try to learn that next. oh and voice.
what im wearing: a floor length flowery dress hashtag summer
dream job: tbh, what i already do (music teacher) but like. less underpaid.
dream trip: not much of a traveller, but i would like to visit more european countries, but not by myself. i need a travel companion otherwise i won’t enjoy myself
nationality: no comment
favourite songs: that’s difficult because when i like an artist i’m usually obsessed with their entire discography and it’s hard to pick favourites. so here are some songs that are iconic to me personally, but that isn’t to say i don’t also like other songs just as much. would you come home by tyler blackburn. long live by taylor swift. the night we met by lord huron. starting line by luke hemmings. movement by hozier.
last book i’ve read: good thing i know no shame. new moon from the twilight saga, which i finished almost a year ago and had been reading for the past three years. yeah
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: stars hollow from gilmore girls. middleton from good witch. and the shire from lotr. i realise those are places inside the universes in question but i mean if i were to live in those universes i’d have to pick a place and well i pick those places specifically. also yes i do just wanna live in a small town where everyone is friends and nothing bad happens.
i’m pretty sure that wasn’t 30 questions lol. i’m not gonna tag 20 people either so i guess fuck the rules. 
tagging the besties, sorry if you’re already been tagged, and of course there’s no pressure to actually do this <3
@sarcasmisalifechoice @roublardise @knifelesbianjo @girlbossdean @lesbianjoannaharvelle @charlie-bradbury @supersapphical @michaelcoded @dylfnatural @angelsdean @freakwiththeknifecollection
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chromes-corner · 2 years
If you’re still doing the character bingo Vampire and DE?
YESSS i never pass up an opportunity to be crazy about pixels on a screen :)
Vamp up first
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oh vampire, a dear OG in the game’s history. he may not be the most emotionally complex or lore-heavy character, but he’s still a little skrunkly to many a player. i think what i like most about him is what fans have made him into. in the games, hes honestly just??? a guy. hes just a dude who loves his juice and annoys his tryhard sister. i like that he’s so simple, and i also like that like... the fact that he’s a vampire isnt really a HUGE impacting factor on who he is as a person. like hes lazy and apathetic and lowkey an alcoholic that JUST SO HAPPENS to also be a vampire. i think thats really funny. 
then theres the fandom side of him. in-game, i like that hes pretty two-dimensional, but god DAMN the fandom has some slappin’ interpretations of him. ugh ugh ugh UGHHHH I LOVE IT WHEN PEOPLE TAKE HIM AND MAKE HIM SO MUCH DEEPER!!!!!! like usually i hate it when an obviously static comic-relief character is put through the “edgy backstory” wringer BUT WITH VAMP ITS ALWAYS SO GOOD AND JUICY YES GIVE ME MOREEE
i also just love that according to his description, mans was content to just die in the oven because he was already drunk when he was baked. and his lines/delivery is kingdom is fucking GODLY. i want to BE him. hes unaware of everything. mans just out here having the time of his life and getting blackout drunk. god i want to hang out with him so fucking bad. 100% on my dream blunt rotation.
also im fucking in love with this “trivia” piece from the ovenbreak wiki
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ok DE next
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dark enchantress is a special case. like, deep down i know i have a lot of thoughts about her, but those thoughts are still kinda coalescing into introspection of who she is.
i cant help but feel like a lot of people interpret her wrong. DE isnt a wholly evil and morally bankrupt character (at least in kingdom, that is. ovenbreak is a bit of a different story bc of the context/lack thereof) and im tired of people treating her like she is!!!!!!!! shes probably like one of the deepest fucking characters in the game and grrr i wanna tear her apart and study her in a lab. i want to put her in  a maze with cheese at the end of it. i want to put a little brainwave sensor on her head and show her a selection of varying photographs and ask her what she thinks of each of them.
i just.... god every story update i hope and pray that she has a part to play in it. seriously the vanilla kingdom chapters are my fucking favorite because we learn so much about her in so little time. shes NOT this completely and utterly evil being just like white lily was not a wholly good and angelic figure. they both had their flaws but white lily when white lily was rebaked the flaws that she had were just amplified tenfold. or at least thats my theory on what happened there. DEs motivations are directly derived from those that she had as white lily, those being a desire to help cookie kind. its that whole right desire wrong reasons shpeal you always see.
okay but the one thing about her is why exactly is she waging war on cookies to “save cookies”????????? i dont exactly get the reasoning behind that. like i know she wants to rebuild the world in her image but i guess i dont quite get how that connects to her wanting to spread the truth about cookies. my only theory is that shes mad at the ignorance of cookiekind and that she wants everyone up in arms over the witches just like she is, but i still dont see why shes actively killing cookies to achieve this goal??? idk maybe i need to read into it more lol
quick mention i dont have much to add on to this but has anyone else noticed the design parallels she has with millennial tree? ok its mostly about the horns and the clothes but still im jus sayin fam
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one day ill sort my thoughts out about her. its been a long week and my brain is fried so my analysis on her is about as deep as a kiddie pool but hey what can ya do
anyways DE my beloved pls come back and talk more shit about the ancients i beg of you
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
Moriarty the Patriot + The Final Problem
aka another unecessary essay from ya boy on how yuumori, instead of taking away from the original text, adds meaning and depth to it
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So I finally got around to reading the final problem after wading through all the memoirs of sherlock holmes and yes, I am in fact reading these because of yuumori. I wanted to see how it was portrayed, what the differences and influences from the original source were. I did end up getting incredibly attached to the original series too, so yeah... I'm glad to report that the original and adaption get along well.
And yeah, I have a lot of thoughts, most of them being just me generally praising yuumori. I think it was straight up genius how they pulled so much content from... well, frankly. The Final Problem was a 15 page short story tossed off by Doyle in order to have an excuse to be done with sherlock holmes, told from the perspective of someone who wasn't even there. And yuumori still managed to make it generally very accurate and complementary to the original, while still being, uhhhhh really fucking different, let's say that.
Read more because again, long essay
Just my observations on the final problem itself is that it is so underdeveloped and told from an outsider perspective. Because of that, so many questions go unanswered, and the reader gets a sense that they are only witnessing a very small part of what actually happened. Sherlock can't afford to go into detail on what Moriarty was even involved in, Watson isn't privy to what's honestly even happening most of the time, and Moriarty just... has this extensive network of organized crime that just isn't even talked about other than Trust Me It's Bad Bro. We don't know Moriarty's intentions, most of who he is, and more questions are honestly brought up than answered within the story. Sherlock knows, oh that's for sure, Sherlock knows what's going on and he has no fucking time to tell Watson. You get a sense that Watson himself isn't even telling all that went down.
So yeah, I can see where there's so much room to expand upon here, not even to change things or make it different because it would be cool, but there's so much that could be happening just within the realm of plausible deniability in the canon.
And I think that it's amazing how Yuumori chose to market itself that way- not as an adaption or reimagining- but that this was in fact the Real story, with Doyle's final problem being... honestly a bit of a cover up, a purposeful misrepresentation of a small slice of the full story. It lends itself completely to that, and I think that's amazing.
(One thing I do find funny is that in Yuumori the story "the final problem" is depicted as a full novella that could be published on its own... man it's not nearly long enough for that but I find it funny in any way)
Of course, there are elements of yuumori that are yknow, simply not realistically something that could have happened, but most of the story is actually within that range of plausible deniability since the canon is so vague and sparse. And since they state that things were changed on purpose to protect people and the moriarty plan, it basically covers that all as simply The Truth. It's well done, and very interesting, especially with the new anime ending taking them to Reichenbach itself.
Like, yuumori didn't even truly change the appearances of the characters, from the descriptions. (we're not counting the illustrations lol) like, Sherlock was never stated (as far as I can tell) to have a specific hair or eye color, hairstyle or such.... he was described as tall, thin, eccentric, messy, with like... long fingers and stuff. Man, yuumori did not go against that. With Moriarty it's different, though he was also reportedly Tall and Thin and Built Like A Yaoi Protag for some goddamn reason, he... you know, has these weird and unattractive features as well, which... in the context of Watson trying to portray Moriarty as unmitigated evil in order to protect the plan, were in this situation made up specifically to further the idea that he was just that.
Because of this situation, the Moriarty that is portrayed as yeah, a smart guy and a threat but seriously just A Bad Dude who seems to have no particular reason behind his actions save being A Bad Dude actually make more sense as a cover up behind a more dangerous secret of him having Real Feelings than the only stated reason being "he inherited being evil from his family". (like... watson, really?)
It explains the vagueness and the events and the weird connection between those two better than the original does, and that's really cool to me.
On their own, without yuumori to back me up on these things, reading this would have left me confused and depressed. But as a half truth immortalized as the real story, you get so much more out of it.
Especially these certain scenes:
When Moriarty just pops into Sherlock's house and they proceed to have a basically wordless conversation amounting to
"you know why I'm here" "you know how I'm going to respond" "well then" "here's date and time of our mutual destruction" "thanks I'll be there" "well I'll be off nice knowing you" "wow it sucks that we're enemies he's such a civil guy"
It just really adds something to that, don't you think?
And the subject of their fall itself, simply the fact that Watson wasn't even there. No one witnessed it. No one found even Moriarty's body. No one found evidence of anything at all.
All Watson could say was that Sherlock and Moriarty had gone up to the mountain together, Moriarty told Sherlock of his plans, let Sherlock write and leave a letter to Watson, and that they never came back down. So he came to the conclusion that they must have fought and both fallen off.... like, holding each other. Not really sure how they reached that conclusion, to be honest.
It doesn't even make sense, exactly told how it is. If Moriarty wanted to kill sherlock and survive, he would have just... brought a fucking gun. Or just pushed him off on the way up. As soon as he got him alone just fucking stab the man. It would have been that easy, but no, he had a whole ass convo with the man, they went up civilly side by side, and they stayed on the cliff a long time while Sherlock wrote that letter. Even then, Sherlock could have just waited to catch Moriarty off guard and pushed him off. But he didn't.
Why would they even have fought, if it was so scheduled? You telling me to believe that after this letter was written and moriarty stood there watching him sipping tea or whatever he was suddenly like "ok im ready to fight now", knowing they would both probably die, and if they were genuinely trying to kill each other and survive, that would even make sense?
Of course, these problems in the original stem just from Doyle no longer giving a shit and slapping this together after losing motivation for sherlock, he was obviously, not hinting at some great conspiracy in the slightest.
But damn, Yuumori really does change that all for you, huh. It adds a whole new layer of context to it. And I like it a lot, I like what they've done on their own, I like what they've done for the original stories, and I especially like what they've done telling the "real story" of this short, vague, mystery that otherwise leaves you feeling unsatisfied and confused.
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manjiroro · 2 years
Age- 15
Sexuality- Bisexual
Pronouns- She/Them
I am okay with both girlfriend and s/o
Zodiac sign- Scorpio
Description about me- I am someone who really values love. Love for me is a bunch of other feelings all muddled up together in one box, its something so pure and so sacred that it makes you feel special. I am an Indian. I am really short, standing at only 5"2 which is why I apparently give good hugs. I am introverted but I don't have any problems with talking in public forums. I am really used to being a leader and sometimes I am kinda all stuck up. I always want stuffs to go the way I want so when it doesn't I have a hard time to cope up with it. I am kinda good at academics and I was told that I always end up being right no matter what topic I was speaking on. I am also prideful and bold but also insecure and timid. I hate asking people for help cause I feel like a burden and I barely cry infront of people. I don't ask for help until the matter is at a serious point. I do have anxiety but I manage to hide it while debates and public speeches. I am very paranoid and I end up overthinking. I am also very insecure about my looks and basically my whole existence. I really hope I get good friends lol. My preferred aesthetics are grunge and e-girl(?), I also like dark academia but I look very soft core. My hobbies are singing, writing, cooking, reading books, listening to music and drawing. I am really confident in my voice so I don't really have any problems singing anytime, anywhere. One of my special ability is that I manage to make anyone and everyone open up to me. It's not like I force them but I have been told that I give off a comforting vibe when I am calm and happy or with people I love. But when I am mad or sad I am kind of destructive and I end up hurting people with my words. I usually talk with a lot of sarcasm too. Going to beach, a concert, maybe a picnic or to the museum seems like a great date idea but honestly I'll be okay with even staying at home if my favourite person is with me. My love language is singing for the person I love, physical affection, playing with their hair, writing them letters, cooking for them, words of comfort and affirmation and giving them small gifts. I don't know if this will help or not but my biggest kin in anime is Eren Jaeger from AOT and Mikey from Tokyo Revengers. I want to grow up to be a doctor in the future, probably a cardiovascular surgeon or a neurosurgeon.
Description of type- I really fall for the bad guys who have a beautiful heart but prefer to hide it. They might be sassy and sarcastic but they can understand when to stop joking. Someone who is caring but prefers to show it through actions and sometimes maybe words too. Someone who'll sing or maybe write a song, or maybe cook whatever they can manage. Someone who gives me a lot of physical affection. Someone who's a bit possessive and protective of me. I also would love a wild horse who'll make me get out of my strict shell and let lose sometimes, someone who'll maybe pull me out at 2am in the morning for food. I am a sucker for enemies to lover trope. But after we do start dating I would love to be best friends with my s/o. A lover who is a best friend makes everything so fun
I would prefer a character from Tokyo revengers.
Literally anyone but Kisaki is fine :/
I don't know if you are still accepting requests so I am really sorry T^T
Have a good day and sorry for burdening you T^T
hi hun!! im so sorry but my matchups are closed!! im sorry you had to take the time to write all this down!! :(
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jubberry · 3 years
oohkay let's go tua with those ship asks: fiveya, horrance and alluther.
thanks el i love you
Send me a ship and I'll answer three questions based on if I ship it or not.
fiveya obvs i ship this since this is 90% of my tua drawings lol
1. ill wait ill wait (to be the one) by georgiestauffenberg made me ship it cause holy fuck dude. I dont know if i ship them romantically when i saw them onscreen cause first of all, age difference is kinda weird lmao. Second, they dont rlly interact much outside literally the first couple of eps. But he was so soft for her, and i felt like they had so much unexplored history.
so i looked at fanfics cause i was wondering if ppl still ship it, then i liked the description of this one so i gave it a go.
Basically the premise is that vanya dates a much older man who seems to know a lot about her. And it was amazingly in character and just provided their characters some depth that u wouldnt find outside of a romantic relationship between them. (The implication of five pining while she doesnt know who he is, their missed chances when he time travelled, fives missed chances of living and having a 'normal' life bec of his own hubris, vanyas insecurity and being able to open up bec shes with someone whos known her since childhood). Its so sweet and thats how i was like, oh yep i can do so much more with these two, and what has kept me interested in drawing them etc.
2. My favourite things are the shippers cause i made some friends in the fandom who are super cool and supportive! I dont get super involved in fandoms and usually just watch from afar so finding people to talk to and muck around with in this tiny fandom is super cool 😭
Though thats not to say I havent come across some bad apples in this fandom and things that I dont like. I think thats the importance of carving out a place for yourself and ur friends in fandom tho.
Another thing I like about the ship itself, i just like the grumpy person whos soft for one person trope. Its so cute. I like all the little clues in canon on how their relationship as kids is quite warm, which is interesting cause five is basically the star student and he can be quite cold vs vanya who is the black sheep of the family.
I also like how five likes her powers even when she caused the apocalypse he spent the majority of his life in lol. Like its a popular hc that five is just a wife guy and i love that.
I see vanya as the type who has a lot of love to give, and she sometimes has unrealistic expectations of what her partner can give. Betrayal and lies really angers her, but also when her partner cannot meet her expectations of love she gets very upset bec its also an indication of how shes not good enough, or not loveable enough to be able to have this in the relationship (her insecurity means every failing always comes back to her, even if its out of her control).
I feel like five would be a level-headed person enough in the relationship to not be afraid to say 'vanya ur being stupid' (ie. the s2 confrontation lmao). Also, five's personality means she will never have to doubt his actions bec she knows hes the type who will not give u the moment of the day if hes not interested.
Not to mention they also have the whole apocalypse vs. saviour, hero/villain thing. Theres just a lot to explore!
3. I probably have several. But mostly I dont mind five being a dick to vanya bec first, even if the appeal is hes soft to her hes already kind of a dick in canon lmao. Also, vanya isnt a child. Shes grown and she can handle petty af things like five telling her shes not good at cooking lol. I also dont mind it cause I feel like people are getting too afraid to write... conflict for fear or portraying an abusive relationship or smth. Like, chill. Conflict is fine, resolving it is how u get a story. However in saying that, nobody should be obligated to write any way unless you want to! Fanfic is for comfort so if what your doing is making u happy then its good enough!
horrance which i also ship but i love the platonic and romantic relationship equally:
1. I came in tua in general not shipping anything so Im honestly not sure. I do remember someone doing a meta before s2 came out that was basically how ben acted weird when klaus summoned dave in s1 that made me go 👀 Otherwise, tua s2 rlly made me like them cause tua FED horrance shippers. Like..... the fact that klaus didnt want ben to leave him, and ben knows thats why he stayed 😢 or the fact that klaus was all over him for some reason???? Somebody also mentioned gay ben once and I resonate with that deeply. Like i get that jill exists but i resonate with gay ben deeply.
2. I love their bickering, theyre so cute together. I just like ben being angry bec hes self aware that hes got both shit and amazing taste. Shit bec he cant believes he likes Klaus (and also amazing also bec Klaus). I think the idea of them being kind of underdogs, theyre not rlly leader types and dont want to be, helps them bond together even in platonic horrance. They're both down to earth, and even tho they can annoy each other, they also know if they want a space to feel comfortable its with each other. Theyre not pressured by rivalry over leadership, or any sort of competition.
I love the idea that even tho ben is like klaus's ''conscience'', hes also down for chaos and bitchy. I feel like klaus rlly enabled that side of him, its not exactly a good thing but its p funny lol
3. I know some people think their dynamic is unhealthy but i dont care lol
alluther. So id say i dont ship this, mostly due to the fact that im not invested? Just like all tua ships so far I rlly came out not wanting anything but platonic relationships cause I feel tua doesnt do romance very well. With alluther, theyre so cute but im not super invested in either of their chars so they havent stuck for me. I appreciate seeing them and talking about them tho, and I'm def open to exploring them further.
1. I think tua canon romances are just so lackluster 😔 Idk who writes the romances but I was just like 'nice' but afterwards I dont really think about them. I love their dance scene and the message behind it! Otherwise, theyre sweet like most of the tua romances but im not super invested, same with all the non canon ships.
2. I really feel like tua needs to decide on what their relationship is. Like, just say its incest or not and stick with it 👀 Or if you wanna support it or not, just make up ur mind. I think I would've liked it better if I found the characters more interesting. Allison especially I feel like suffers from the fact that tua just doesn't want to make her ''mean''. They want to make her supportive and are less interested in making her flawed (ie. she should've had a conflict with Vanya in s2, but the writers didnt want to write the girls fighting which is stupid imo and not what that conflict is about).
In regards to Alluther, the scene where Allison gets annoyed at Luther for sleeping with someone else felt out of line. Like, how are you marrying other people and moving on but Luther isn't allowed to? But honestly, I don't mind if they actually just acknowledge it and make it a deliberate part of Allison's trait that Allison can expect a certain loyalty automatically from other people (which can tie in to her childhood being a star, and the rumour).
Luther is a big simp for Allison, which is sweet, but at the same time it would be nice to have him explore himself for a bit, and who he is outside of the academy. Then maybe they can rekindle their relationship again as new people and see where they go from there.
3. I don't hate them, but they're ok. I'm not super invested in them, just like all the tua canon romance. But I wouldn't mind making content for them if I were a bit more invested in their characters. I love their dance scene in s1 and I feel like its super a underrated portrayal of what their relationship is meant to be. I know no one talks about it but it's just such a great scene, and I'm pretty sure the choreographer was into interpretive dance? The scene had a lot of meaning that I don't see people dig around with.
Essentially I'm pretty sure the fairy lights are obviously a throwback to their childhood together, spending time outside of Reggie. So the dance scene kind of symbolized that pocket of space they made for each other in their life (even if theyre far away, or with other people, they will always have that space for each other).
The way they danced was more like playfighting than dancing, which means their relationship isn't sensual. It's more ''pure'', and romantic. Its basically two kids rekindling their love as adults. I also think this is a response to the incest, cause in s1 tua klaus literally said that 'thank god Regg is not their real father' right before Allison and Luther meet lmao. So its kinda like saying Allison x Luther isnt supposed to be 'ohh step sibling hot' but two people who experienced the same trauma as kids and finding comfort with each other (and rekindling that love after many years).
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roseworth · 3 years
mind trap one shot :^)
heyo here's a little bit of mind trap angst just because im bored idk
honestly theres almost no context to this, basically i just wanted him to be controlled by the mind trap lol. the reason he can be controlled is that as a member of the royal bloodline of the dark kingdom hes automatically sworn to the moonstone (tbh i didnt put a lot of thought into it but neither did the writers when they wrote the mind trap so its fine lol)
(ps im gonna be real with you guys i dont really know the difference between a drabble, a ficlet, and a oneshot. i was gonna call this a ficlet but i was scared of being wrong so i figured oneshot is the safest option)
word count: 1873 
characters: eugene & rapunzel
description: Eugene gets taken over by the Mind Trap. Rapunzel needs to find a way to get him back before it’s too late.
note: this takes place sometime during plus est en vous. theyre in the throne room alone. idk just dont think about it too hard
Everything seemed to stop for a moment. Rapunzel felt like her body was frozen in place as Eugene turned around, his eyes glowing electric blue.
“Eugene?” she whispered hesitantly as he stepped closer. Something in her brain was telling her to back away, but it was like her feet were frozen to the ground. He took another step closer and drew his sword.
She released her hair from her braid and held it up just in time to block his sword from hitting her. He glared at her wordlessly and went to swing again, which she once again blocked.
“Eugene, I- I don’t know what to- you- how…” she stuttered helplessly as she started to stumble backwards. His gaze didn’t change at all.
“Tell you what,” he said finally, crossing his arms. “If you give up now, I’ll give you a quick and painless death.”
She felt her eyes fill with tears as she shook her head. “I won’t give up, you know that.”
He smirked. “I know, but it was worth a shot.”
This made her feel even worse. She couldn’t even tell herself that he didn’t know her or didn’t recognize her. Now she knew that he still remembered her even as he was attacking her.
Maybe that means there’s a chance to get through to him, she thought, but quickly shoved it away. She didn’t want to bother getting her hopes up like that while he was still trying to hurt her.
She didn’t really know anything about the Mind Trap or how to free someone from it. Heck, she didn’t even know why Eugene was being controlled by it, but she didn’t exactly have the opportunity to figure that out right now.
She dodged another attack from him and backed away to put distance in between the two of them, trying to think of some semblance of a plan. She couldn’t keep blocking and dodging him forever, but there was no way she could let herself even try to hurt him. The Mind Trap was still all the way in Cassandra’s tower, and she wasn’t sure if she would even be able to get out of the castle, let alone all the way to the tower.
“Aw, Sunshine, I’m almost disappointed,” he sneered. The nickname that she normally loved now felt like a punch in the gut as he said it. “I’ve seen you do better than this. I mean, come on, you’ve hit me with your frying pan more times normally than you are now.” She didn’t respond as she brought up her hair to block yet another one of his hits.
Even if she did fight back, there was no way she could win. She assumed they might be evenly matched ordinarily, but ordinarily he wasn’t fighting to kill.
Thinking about that made her feel almost nauseous. The person she loved more than anything else was now trying to kill her (or at least being used as a vessel to kill her).
“One of us is going to have to stop eventually,” he remarked. His voice had the cadence of a joke, but his expression said otherwise.
“And I’ve never been one to give up,” Rapunzel retorted.
“I know. I think under normal circumstances I would like that about you. Right now, though, it’s already getting to be a pain.”
It felt like her heart had been torn out of her chest the more he said things like that. It felt like he was already killing her knowing that something in him recognized her right now and still chose to attack. Not chose, she reminded herself. He has no control over this.
Looking into his glowing blue eyes, she thought about the way they usually were. His warm brown eyes and his soft expressions seemed like a distant memory compared to what was staring back at her now.
Just moments ago she had kissed him, and somewhere in the back of her mind wondered if that had been the last time she ever would. “No,” she whispered aloud. That wouldn’t be the last, she could fix this.
She just needed a plan. The Mind Trap reacted to the Moonstone, and she had the power of the Sundrop, there had to be something she could do. Worth a shot.
Her eyes fell shut as she channeled the Sundrop’s power. There was a burst of light around her as her hair lit up, causing a wave of energy.
She opened her eyes to see Eugene had been knocked to the floor. She wanted to run to him, but opted to keep her distance. She watched as he sat up and rubbed his head, his eyes closed.
And she felt her heart sink as he opened them and they were still just as blue as before.
“Nice to see you’re finally on the attack, Blondie,” he mocked. “Too bad it wasn’t enough.”
He lifted himself back onto his feet and scowled. She wished this would all stop. She wished everything could just go back to normal. She wanted so badly to hold out hope, but she was out of ideas.
“I’m not going to fight you,” she insisted, trying to ignore the way tears were starting to spill out of her eyes. She met his intense stare with one of her own as he moved towards her.
“I can’t say I’m surprised, Sunshine,” he grinned coolly. Again, the usually affectionate nickname made her stomach churn as her tears continued to stream down her face. He stood inches away from her, neither of them moving. It was taking everything to keep herself from running towards him, looking for comfort that she wouldn’t find.
As he tightened his grip on his sword once more, she reached for her hair only to find out that he was pressing his foot on it, keeping it in place. He smirked at her. “You lost your defense,” he taunted callously. She tried to tug her hair away, but he was keeping a firm hold on it.
“Eugene…” she said quietly. Everything felt numb as she imagined him as the man he really was instead of the one who was about to kill her. The man who was always there for her no matter what happened. The man who had saved her in more ways than anyone could understand. That man wasn’t the person standing over her right now, lifting his sword above his head to strike.
“Eugene,” she said again, louder this time. “I don’t know if the real you can hear me, but I just need you to know that I know this isn’t you. And I love you so much.”
She thought for a moment that she saw him falter, but gave up her wishful thinking as the sword came closer to her. She squeezed her eyes shut as the love of her life was about to end it.
Nothing happened.
For a split second, she wondered why she was never hit.
Then she heard him cry out in pain.
Her eyes shot open to see that he was crumpled on the ground, his own sword stabbed through his leg. He pulled the sword out and threw it across the room.
“Eugene!” she yelled, dropping to her knees next to him. She looked at his face and was beyond relieved to be met with brown eyes looking back at her affectionately. “Eugene, you’re… you’re back,” she sighed happily, getting lost in his eyes and forgetting for a moment about his leg that was still bleeding out.
He tried to smile back at her, but it ended up as more of a grimace in pain, bringing both of them back into reality. “I just- I couldn’t let myself hurt you,” he said, holding back tears. “I’m so sorry.”
She wiped away her own tears and nodded. “I know, I know. It’s okay,” she reassured him, turning her attention back to his leg. He took his jacket off and wrapped it around the wound to try to stop the bleeding. She helped secure it in place and applied pressure on the wound, and he let out a groan as he instinctively tried to move away. She gave him an apologetic look, but continued pressing her hand down on his leg.
“Hey, look at me, it’s gonna be okay,” she soothed, putting her other hand on his cheek. She tried as hard as she could to distract him from the pain. He grabbed her hand and smiled gently.
“I’m so sorry, Sunshine, I couldn’t-”
“It’s okay, I understand. It was the Mind Trap, I know,” she whispered, though she felt a rush of relief in her chest after hearing him say “Sunshine” in a loving way again.
“I don’t know what happened, I just… I suddenly didn’t have control of my body. It was like I was feeling myself move and hearing myself talk and I couldn’t do anything about it. I kept trying to fight it, but…” he trailed off, his eyes starting to fill.
“Don’t worry about it, just focus on me, it’s gonna be okay,” she said as his entire body shuddered from another wave of pain.
“Rapunzel, you have to go,” he urged suddenly. “I don’t know how long I’ll be able to hold the Mind Trap off for.”
She looked deeply into his eyes, doing her best to stay strong and help him. It was taking all her effort not to break down right then, and she finally gave in. Before she could even think to try to stop herself, she was sobbing into Eugene’s shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her. “I won’t leave you,” she choked out. He squeezed her tighter towards him, his leg now numb to the pain.
“I can’t watch myself hurt you, Sunshine,” he said brokenly as he started to cry too. “It’ll be okay soon, I promise.”
Rapunzel lifted herself up and wiped her tears away. “It’ll be okay,” she repeated through tears. “I’m going to destroy the Mind Trap, then I’ll come right back here.”
He gave her a weak smile, then brought her closer to him again to kiss her. She closed her eyes as she kissed him, hoping that she would be able to keep her word and destroy it. Not just for Eugene, but for everyone. For the members of the Brotherhood that had lost control over their own thoughts. For the others that had loved ones being taken over.
She moved away slightly as she felt Eugene shift in her grasp. She opened her eyes, and her heart shattered as she was once again met with his glowing electric blue eyes. She stood up and backed away from him.
He made an effort to stand up and go after her, but his wounded leg wasn’t doing him any good. Not to mention, even if he could get up, his weapon was still on the other side of the room. He yelled at Rapunzel as she started to run away, but she did her best to tune out what she was saying. She only had one goal in mind now.
“I’ll be back,” she promised quietly, rubbing her eyes as she ran out of the castle. “It’s gonna be okay.”
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your--isgayrights · 3 years
Okay i actually have no clue on how tumblr works (hope I'm doing this right lmao) but I'm writing my first fic (I still can't really move on from orv so I decided to make my own content lol.), I really love your writing style, do you have any tips??
Hmmmm tips tips tips tips.... First of all I’m really flattered that you like my writing enough to ask me about it! I’ll try to give my best answer... I think that I used to read a lot of people’s “writing tips” but ultimately I ended up not really understanding them until I started writing a lot? Either way it’s fun to read how other authors think... It’s really cool that you’re writing your first fic and you thought to come to me... did I already say that? Okay long post under the cut.
I don’t think this will be all that helpful, but this is just things that I think about if that’s interesting!
For me a lot of writing is like struggling with motivation (I have ADHD so that’s probs why), I really have to pace myself while writing because I can’t just force myself to do it. If I go in every day and think “I have to write today I’m not doing anything so I should be writing” I can get burnt out really easily, even if I really like the thing I’m writing and know how it’s supposed to go. So one of my big things is that when I’m not thinking about writing I’m not thinking about writing. that gives my brain a break and refreshes me when I get back to my google document.
Something I’ve also struggled with having to remember is that there’s like. Never a perfect way to write. What I end up doing is thinking up ideas and fragments and sentences in my head and the very moment I think of something I like I have to write it down in my notes app. Most of my writing process ends up being like. Filling in the blanks and connecting the dots between scene fragments. 
For fics in particular I’d also just recommend rereading your favorite parts of the og work! I’m the kind of person who has a pretty good reading memory, so people may have noticed that I include a lot of little details referencing the text in my fic. Just reading the work kind of helps you remember the voices of the character and the style of the narration, and if you just like. internalize it. you can probably replicate it pretty well if you wanted to.
OKAY I say that but don’t worry too much about replicating things in the og work perfectly. I find that a lot of times when I’m writing I’m inserting a lot of personal touches and putting things that are a part of me in the work. Writing is always going to be like. an extension of your voice, no matter what you’re writing. I think that when I heard about stuff like that from authors in the past I was always like. What? I’m not writing about things that happened to me. I’m writing about grown adult men having emotional issues, silly. But there’s like a lot more nuance to writing about yourself, I guess. Like you don’t have to have like a self insert or be projecting onto a character to have yourself reflected in something you’ve written.
I’d say that like, whatever you write as your first fic is going to be lovely, but when you grow up as a writer and look back on it, you’re not going to remember who you were when you wrote it. I think that’s why a lot of people look back on their first works and are like “I can’t believe I wrote that, what was I thinking, cringe cringe cringe ugh.” Like I definitely do that sometimes, but I’ve found that the old work I’m happiest with nowadays is the stuff where I can recognize myself in it, even if I’m not in that fandom anymore or if there’s old jokes or typos I don’t remember making. 
With that being said, I’m the kind of person who always gives myself a mission statement when I’m writing. I sort of mentally go, okay, I’m writing this kind of thing, and this is why I’m writing it. It can be something like oh I’m writing this fluff piece because I love this character and wish they had a happier ending, or  oh I want to write this multi chapter fic exploring an issue touched on in the original work but I feel like with my own experiences I could expand on it more than the author did. Just something that tells me why it is important to me to write this thing when I’m writing it.
AAAH I feel like I made that sound more dramatic than it really is, that’s just how I think I guess. I’m the kind of guy where its like things need to have like MEANING to me when I do them. I’m dramatic and gay and that’s my personality I guess 😔.
Hmmm maybe it’s also my BIGGEST writing tip tho. Like kind of just thinking things through when you’re writing is pretty important. When I was first learning to write at all (talking about baby baby me here this is like sort of a side tangent sorry) I think that a lot of times I would copy phrases and developments that I had liked in things that I had read without really fully considering why I would include those things other than the fact that that was just what I thought writing was. It’s important to consider what importance every scene and sentence has to do with the flow of the story. Are they just things that are happening, or is there a reason that the audience needs to know these things? The weight of your words should have some sort of consequence as a result of you writing them. Are you telling the audience information they need to know? Is it about how the character feels? What does this say about the character? Etc.
I suppose that’s sort of my own writing style. You’ll probably notice that I don’t write a lot of descriptive prose if you read my fic. The thing about me is that I never want to write something that makes my audience question why they’re reading it, I guess. I’m sort of self conscious and think about the reading experience a lot. All of the things I choose to describe are usually so that the reader can understand where people are in the scene and what emotions they are having. There’s a lot of emphasis that I put in like. A reader’s ability to read into things, which works against me sometimes because I’m not always certain if people picked up on different things that I put a lot of thought into (the curse of being seen... sob).
ALSO use paragraph breaks. In my first fic (that I’m not going to tell anyone what is even though its on ao3 because im shy) the thing I always regret the MOST is that there are big chunky paragraphs that are hard to read through at the start. Like my eyes get lost. I mentioned I have ADHD before but even though I like. physically can’t read a big chunky paragraph I will always write them that way if left to my own devices. Paragraph breaks don’t have to just be broken up by dialogue they can be wherever you feel like doing them. You need a lot of them. This post should probably have more of them... oh my god it’s so long...
I have a lot of like. academic trauma, so maybe this is just me, but the reason I didn’t write fic until I was like 16 was because I was always really scared that whatever I wrote wouldn’t be good enough for some impossible standard I was setting for myself. I was always telling myself that I had certain bad writing habits or that I was terrible for never being able to focus on things for very long and all of my projects were doomed to failure before I even started. But then I wrote my first like 8 chapter fic in the summer of my junior year and I was like... oh. that wasn’t so bad. Like. It’s okay to know your limits, but you don’t really know them until you start writing. Like I wrote an 8 chapter fic, and then a few one shots, and then I tried to take on a very complicated project that ended up being over 40 chapters and I had to put it down because I just wasn’t really at the writing level to finish it. I would advise against writing fics that take so long to write that you start hating the way you wrote the first chapter, basically lol. Know how whatever you’re writing is supposed to begin and end before you start writing it.
Nowadays I always have like. plot outlines in my head when I start a fic. Like okay this needs to happen here this needs to happen here etc. I like making lists if it seems to overwhelming when I’m writing something long, just to organize my thoughts. 
Defo feel free to dm me if you have like questions or just want to chat about orv or whatever. I’m a lonely little man out here floating on my pile of words, and I’d love to hear what your fic is about!! 
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searchingforbucky · 5 years
Fic Rec List (Part 9) :)
Hello! I’ve gotten MANY many requests for Mobster!Bucky, which is one of my favorite AU’s! (I say that about almost every AU, I know, I’m sorry, I cant help it) I just really like AUs obviously. ANYWAYS, on this list are some of my favorite mobster stories in no specific order! Yet again this is long, I hope you lovelies enjoy! If their are any mistakes im sorry!
Run to Me by @sgtjbuccky​
I fell in love with this story immediately. The dynamic Bucky and the reader have is wonderful. She doesn’t take any nonsense, and boy is he just smitten. The way the story represents Bucky is awesome, he is cocky and full of himself, but you see the west side, the insecurities and his heart. Its not one of those fics with a whole lot of angst, its just a genuinely good read. It makes you happy, and the DRABBLES oh god the drabbles that come along with it were so cute. Also, Salina has another spectacular Mobster Bucky story called **Disbarred https://sgtjbuccky.tumblr.com/post/180246739540/disbarred which a very, very good fic as well. Makes me want to get a mobster of my own lol.
Black Serpent Universe by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
LOVE love this series. This is the first mobster AU I think I ever read, and it is literally flawless. The universe is basically on every long oneshot and accompanying drabbles/HCs. The one shot is everything I could’ve asked for in a fic, its long, well thought out, detailed, exciting, heartbreaking, fluffy, and so so realistic. I know what you’re thinking, a mobster story realistic? Okay, so maybe not the mob aspect, but the real reactions and the slow burn, its true to life, they don’t just jump into things, they live through the build up. The emotions are practical and real and I feel like they were people and not characters. Its just, really freaking good.
Petals & Bullets by @revengingbarnes
This one is really unique, and it talks about sex slave so you know that's a trigger warning. anyways it's just really well done. And like I said I've never really read anything like it and I think that's what makes it great. And when you go into reading it you really think that it's going to be dark and hard to read because it's such heavy material, but the way it's written is really good because it gives that white and makes it worth it to read. It really makes you feel a lot of emotions that I couldn't honestly pinpoint because I was angry at the situation but I loved the characters, so all in all it was just a genuinely good read, and it was really really well done. Not many people could take that subject and turn it into a really good story like that.
Stay, Gold by @the-canary
You want some angst with a side of pain? Well heres the fic for you. This one HURT. There is not a happy ending, not even close. But with all of that being said, it was beautiful. As you read, you realize whats happening and you just hurt for them, they deserve better and you want them to have better, but thats not their fate. They are a pair of lovers unfortunately a part of a tragic story, but oh sort they make the most of what time that had. I cried, a lot, but I also loved the characters. They loved each other, so much, and you could feel it in your bones. Fantastic story. 
Tangier & Redux by @softlybarnes
Theres something about this one that I love, something so unique about the reader. She’s… mysterious, ethereal, and kinda sinister but most importantly damn powerful. The way she speaks, and talks, it reminds me of a witch. Its something that you don’t see a lot in stories like these, the reader being anything but ‘innocent’. She doesn’t take any less than she knows she deserves, and he fiercely wants whats best for her. Sometimes they don’t think those are the same thing. But the chemistry they have, its so nice to read. And the scene setting in this, its perfect, you can picture exactly what it would look like. And the personification of Bucky as well, he’s no wannabe mobster, he’s ruthless, and they fit together so well. 
Someday by @221bshrlocked
This one is really good, it's Rough and violent but like that's the whole point he's a mobster he's ruthless Yet it's perfectly balanced with the fluff that's in there because at first you don't really see it but as time goes on you see all of the small nuances to how much he really likes her and how soft he is actually on the inside and it's one of those stories that you can tell was just written naturally like there wasn't a lot of structured to it and I think that's some of the best stories because it's like real life you know it just happens and you go with the flow and there's nothing jarring that pulls you out of reading. The smut scenes are also perfectly balanced between being sexy yet sensual and sweet. Really awesome fic.
Truth Set Free by @propertyofpoeandbucky
It was so hard picking one of Leilanis story to focus on, because they’ve done some absolutely spectacular ones such as “Missin’ My Girl”, “Soft To The Core”, “Burst Of Anger”, “Maybe This Time”, “How Unlikely”, and of course a fan favorite “Good Business”. However, I decided to focus on the first one I read of theirs. Its such a cool piece, the way its set up is super good I the way that its picking up sort of like in the middle of the story but you’re not lost, you gather details as you go that forms the whole picture in your head. I love the whole secretive thing it has in it, it makes it kinda mysterious to read. Then you get to the second part, and besides the drama, its sweet, he knew they were gonna be together from the beginning. And this sweetness isnt even like explicitly said, you can just see the nuances from his actions. Really good fic, and so are all of the others. 
Lil’ Anthony by @tranquil--heart
My favorite part of the mobster Trope is the whole big bad mob boss who would do anything for those he loves. And this is a perfect example of that, because he's so hard and tough and a bad guy, but when he's with her he's soft and he just melts. the violence in this is the perfect mix of descriptive without being gory, it's realistic yet not exaggerated or too much to handle. it represents the truth well because it's not  ignoring the truth to mobsters. The way they use the other characters and it is why I was awesome because you get to see the comparison between who they are in the Fic and who they are in the movies. The sexy scenes are nice too lol, and knife kink alert lol, That must be said. 
World On Fire by @beckzorz
Alright so this one is super awesome, it's not done yet but what is done of it is too amazing to not include. it's like the perfect combination of two AUs: its mob boss Bucky, and 40s Bucky all in one. What else could you want honestly?The story keeps you on your toes, you know he's secretive she's in love with him oh, you don't really know what's happening next until it happens and then you think we'll of course that's the perfect way to take the story. the way she writes to is just so amazing, it feels like you're back in time and the way she uses those sensory details is just spectacular. In the reader has secrets to so it's like as your reading your findings these things out And it's just really interesting there is no boring aspect to it.
The White Wolf by @captain-ariel-barnes
Okay so this is the first like long mobster fix that I read and it was a really good introduction to that universe. The way every aspect of this story comes together is just really amazing the plot, the dynamic between the characters, the details, the emotion it makes you feel, it's just the perfect combination of pain and fluff in it just is a really good read. it was a roller coaster of emotions, but it was worth it there wasn't just any angst to have angst it was all plot driven and necessary. Also the way it circles back to the beginning at the end is just an example of really good writing it was believable and true to mobster universe is but it also really reference to the Cinematic Universe really well because it brought in those little details and twists from the movie. And I really really love the flower aspect of it, I just really like flowers, and the fact that he loved her so much from the beginning and you could just see that throughout the whole story was just beautiful. 
His Favorite Gal by @mycupoffanfiction
Okay so there's probably nothing in the world I love more than tough guy and the waitress trope.  and this is just a really good rendition of that, it was one of those stories that like was so good that you read it all in one go and then you get to the end and you're kind of like well damn now it's over and I don't really know what to do. He loved her so much and it was one of those stories that made you feel really powerful to be a woman because it wasn't ever demeaning and it was really empowering to see her go from being a waitress to the queen of New York like that, I really like how it represented how if you have a healthy relationship then you'll both grow to be better people (besides the whole mob aspect lol) 
A Business Deal by @em-imagines
So this one was super interesting, I really loved seeing as the story went on how they were falling for each other. And honestly just like the beginning of the story that plot twist was absolutely amazing, I really like how it showed how powerful the reader can be. Because a lot of the times and fix complex where he has all the power over her, but I really like seeing them on that sort of equal plane. The dynamic between the two was also really awesome because there wasn't ever any Real damsel-in-distress moment oh, they were both really independent and capable people who came together to form that's really nice relationship. It was just a really good story to read, and there are many like it out there.
Should’ve Listened by @becs-bunker
You know as I've been saying I really like the stories where the reader isn't just completely helpless, and this is another really good example because you know like it says the reader is truly a bad ass. When you think the world that she's in the middle of and how she reacts to it it's really empowering, and the way her and Bucky interact is really nice to see. And it's really interesting to read because you can literally feel the tension between them and when is it going to happen when is it going to happen oh, and I really hope there's another part to it lol. Its really well done, and a nice funread.
Kings by @kaunis-sielu
So this one I'm going to be honest and say I didn't know if I was going to like it because I'm not a huge fan of really helpless readers but the way this was done is just really sweet. because she's not just completely helpless like she's not incapable, she just needs help because this isn't the world she's used to being in. and you know the relationship moves fast but you never get the feeling of like that went so fast, you just really feel the love in their relationship. And you see her grow into the position she got put into as his girlfriend, because you feel her gain her confidence and she becomes a real badass in the end and I love how much he loves her it was a really sweet story.
Also check out some awesome drabbles at @empyreanwritings under #Mob Monday, and at @bucky-plums-barnes under #Mobster!Bucky
Thank you guys for reading until the end, i hope you love these as much as I do!💖💖
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Discord pt 50
[Date: 25/02, 6.59 PM - 25/02, 07.51 PM GMT]
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[‘Puppet’ from the Ib OST is playing in the VC.]
fetch: “:)”
Prince: “Oh! Crown said this was a good song! He says it reminds him of being a kid again! Don't you guys think so?
fetch: “YOU RE R I GHT PR INCE ! TH IS JS A VE R Y G OOD S ONG .” [You’re right Prince! This is a very good song.]
Prince: “I like it! It makes me feel all happy inside :)”
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fetch: “TH OUG H ITS A L ITT LE F AST ER TH AN WH AT I U SUALL Y L IS TE N TO . N IG HT COR E HA AHA AHA .” [Though it’s a little faster than what I usually listen to. Nightcore haahaaha.]
Prince: “It is a little fast, but it's very nice :D”
Prince: “It makes me kinda sleepy :) How about you, fetch? :)”
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fetch: “I GU ESS A L I TT LE HA HAA . B UT I GOT PL ENTY OF SL EE P LAS T N IGH T!” [I guess a little hahaa. But I got plenty of sleep last night!]
IM SO ENE ER GIZED AND R E ADY FO R THE D A Y” [I’m so energized and ready for the day]
donti: “Isn’t too much sleep a little bad for someone?”
Prince: “I don't think so :) It's nice to sleep. You don't have to think about all the things that might be stressing you out :)”
fetch: “I AG REE PR INC E . SL EE P IS NNI CE B UT D OGS CA NT S LE EP ALL D A Y ! THAT S A CAT TH ING TO DO L OL” [I agree, Prince. Sleep is nice but dogs can’t sleep all day! That’s a cat thing to do lol]
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[‘No One in Sight’ from the Ib OST starts playing on loop]
fetch: “N OT AS G OOD AS THE LA ST ONE B UT S TILL A BOP” [Not as good as the last one but still a bop]
Prince: “Oh! This one is nice, too! Relaxing, like you’re outside listening to the breeze~”
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Prince: “I can put on the other one again! :D”
[fetch: “ HM . TH ANF YOU PR INCE BU T I LIKE VA RIE TY SOM E TIME S :)” [Hm. Thank you, Prince, but I like variety sometimes]]
Prince: “Oh, ok :)”
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fetch: “IM H APP Y TO SEE C R OWN ANS W E RIN G T H IN GS! YO U M UST BE H APPY T O O” [I’m happy to see Crown answering things! You must be happy too]
[donti: How had your day been so far Prince, while you’re here? This music really gets me in a convering mood.]
Prince: “It's been great! everything is fine :)“
fetch: “TH AT S GOO D :D” [That’s good :D]
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[donti: Thats nice to know! How’s everyone in the court doing?”]
Prince: “Everyone is doing well :D i miss Knight, though... He hasn't been around in a while.”
fetch: “AW SADGE D: I H OPE Y OU F IND Y OUR KN IG HT BUD D Y SOON !” [Aw Sadge D: I hope you find your Knight buddy soon!]
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[donti: Oh no! did something happen? Do you know where he is?
Prince: “No... He just... Went away one day... Crown said he'll find him for us and bring him home again, though, so it's ok! :)“
fetch: “AW HA HA HA H OW N ICE OF. H IM :) :) :)” [Aw hahaha how nice of. him]
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[‘BGM008′ from the Ib OST starts playing]
[Povas: “Where did you last see knight?”]
Prince: “Um...Here, I think :)”
fetch: “O H G OOD SON G [Oh good song]
TH IS MAK ES THE FUN NY PIA NO T INK Y NOIS E” [This makes the funny piano tinky noise]
Prince: “I like the tinky noise too! :D”
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Povas: “Why is it giving me a sense of dread?”
fetch: “I DK WHA T YOU M EAN BY D R EAD :/ ? IT S OUND S F INE TO M E !” [Idk what you mean by dread :/? It sounds fine to me!]
Prince: “Yeah! I think it's lovely! :)”
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Povas: “It might just be me”
fetch: “PR OBAB LY Y OU LOL :D” [Probably you lol :D]
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[donti: “Hm, change of music aside, whatcha been up to?”]
Prince: “Not much has been happening :) I just like to listen to music here. You can't be sad if there's nothing to make you upset, you know? :)”
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[fetch [responding to donti]: “WH O ME ? OR PR INC E ?” [Who, me? Or Prince?]
donti: “Either or! I care about both of you :D”
fetch: “OH IM D OI NG GR E AT :D APP A RE NT LY M I SS E D D INN E R LA S T N IGHT SO M ONA (G OOD GO OD F RIEND MO NA) L EFT OUT A BR EA KF AS T FOR M E TO M UN CH WHI LE SHE WE NT TO W O RK” [Oh I’m doing great :D Apparently missed dinner last night so Mona (good good friend Mona) left out a breakfast for me to munch while she went to work]
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[fetch: “HAV E BEEN VE RY TH IRST Y SO D RINK ING W AT ER” [Have been very thirsty so drinking water]]
Prince: “That's good! Drink plenty of water and eat plenty of food and get plenty of sleep! Crown would want you at your best :D”
fetch: “Y E AH :) TO AST WITH RO SE PET AL J AM M M  AND GO OD C E R EAL” [Yeah :) toast with rose petal jammm and good cereal]
[‘The Little Doll's Dream’ from the Ib OST starts playing]
fetch: “OO OO O GUITAR R R [ooooo guitarrr]
I LI KE GU IT AR” [I like guitar]
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[donti: Prince, you have a very wide range of music in here! Where did you find so many songs?”]
Prince: “Oh, i just like to listen to a lot of things! These songs are from a game called Ib! You should play it :)“
[fetch: “IT I S A VER Y F UN G AME ! GARRY IS MY F AVOR I TE CH AR ACTER” [It is a very fun game! Garry is my favorite character]]
Prince: “Garry is my favorite, too! he's so nice! :D”
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Bea (she/her): “I've heard of that game before. What's it about?”
[fetch: “A G IRL GO ES TO AN A RT ME USE UM AND THE N SHI T GE TS F UCKED LOL PAI NTINS COM E TO L IFE N S H JT” [A girl goes to an art museum and then shit gets fucked lol]]
Prince: “I guess... But i'd describe it a little differently...”
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[”Inquiry” from the Ib OST starts playing]
fetch: “I M EAN AIN T THAT WH AT HAP PENS LOL” [I mean ain’t that what happens lol]
Prince: “A girl named Ib goes to an art exhibit and ends up in finding herself inside a painting! She meets a nice man named Garry and they have to make their way out together! There's lots of different endings and lots of puzzles! :)”
fetch: “MY DE S C RI PT ION W AS BE T TER LOL” [My description was better lol]
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donti: “Oh! So its not a horror game?”
Prince: “It can be a little scary sometimes, but it's not terrible :)”
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fetch: “ANYW AY NIC E B OPS IM GONNA GO EA T THE R ES T OF THE ROSE PETAL JAM :) Y UM BY E G UYS DONT FOR GET TO AS K CR OW N TH IN GS” [Anyway nice bops I’m gonna go eat the rest of the Rose Petal Jam :) Yum bye guys don’t forget to ask Crown things]
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[donti: Alright! What other games do you play?]
Prince: “Lots of games! I like Skyrim, Overwatch, Undertale and Minecraft the most, though! :D”
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[donti: “thats awesome! I like Minecraft too! I also play Pokemon and some rhythm games :D”]
Prince: “Ooh, what's your favorite Pokemon? i like Mimikyu and Ditto the most! :)”
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donti: “Gengar and Joltik! the Mareep line is also pretty cool!”
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Prince: “Oh, I have to get going! Crown's asking to see me :)
Bye bye! :D”
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aethesisim · 4 years
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sorry im so late! just now catching up with stuff! thank you for the tag @itheaxel​ @eternal-infamy​! I got a little too into it on why I like these albums so I’m gonna block it up.
Don’t feel obligated to read all this! I just felt like writing today. :3 My top 7 Albums from left to right are: 1. WHEN WE FALL ASLEEP WHERE DO WE GO? - Billie Eilish. My idol! I love the topics she covers in this album. She goes from creepy, to absolute bops that make you wanna get up and dance, to serious topics that deserve to be addressed - or even just emotional. ‘Listen Before I Go’ and ‘I Love You’ are some I listen to constantly.  It really hits me inside. I think she’s the only music artist who’s created an album that I love 100% of the songs and lyrics in. Though, a lot of the topics in this album are darker or sadder topics as some of you may or may not know, so while I recommend all of the songs, be wary of the lyrics. Unless it’s Bad Guy. Or My Strange Addiction. Bopbop. 2. Feel Something - Jaymes Young. Real emotions in there. Love, heartbreak, overcoming pain. You can hear Young singing from his heart with passion, sometimes with pain - in certain songs, he has this tone where it’s like singing this song is finally lifting pain he didn’t realize he’d held in. Maybe that’s just me! Infinity, Stone and Feel Something tho. I was SO ready to cry. especially over Stone. 3. Zodiac - Xan Griffin. This is an album with a song made for every zodiac/star sign/horoscope, whatever you call it! I’m a Taurus - we’re apparently known for being warm, stubborn, sensual people, which I’d say is fitting personally, but listening to the song Griffin made off of that information made me fall in love with it and all the other songs. My favourites are Cancer, Capricorn and Taurus. They’re just amazing soundtracks and I feel like they all fit the traits that match those zodiacs. Even if you don’t believe in them, I still find the songs to be super enjoyable! (´• ω •`) ♡ 4. Messy Mind - Unlike Pluto. The songs in this are really good. REALLY good. They all have this ominous undertone, and I’m absolutely in love with it. The lyrics are a little darker than some songs (nothing too gruesome or anything), but I find it fitting for Pluto. Some of them sound gentle and upbeat, but the lyrics are saying something else! I always loved that contradiction? juxtaposition? in music, too. But the lyrics he writes fit very well to the characters I like to write, so I love his music even more. I recommend Regret Roulette, FMO, 8 Legged Dreams and That’s What She Said (you read that correctly) It’s a good song, I swear.
5. no apologies live EP - grandson. I don’t know what to actually say... I really like this EP but. LIKE IT’S REALLY GOOD BUT. I think it’s alternative rock? I MEAN I LIKE ALT ROCK BUT- LISTEN IT’S SUPER GOOD and the themes are kinda dark- there’s only 6 songs but MAN are they good- grandson im sorry i like all ur music but idk what to say LOL. blood//water? MMMM. overdose? MMMMMMMMMMM. apologize? MMMMMMMMMMM. despicable? MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM- ok 
6. Thrill Seeker - Sub Urban. he’s edgy. he’s very, very edgy and i like edgy. the way he composes his lyrics is SUPER good and his vocal transitions imo are amazing, but he also goes over i think, more personal-ish topics and kinda sings them in a sort of POV which i’m SUPER interested in. some of them are disguised by themes which is cool too! my favourites are Spring Fever and Isolate!
7. ... Special fact about 7, it doesn’t have an album cover in there! 
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It’s Balloon Boy - updog. Yes, updog. I laughed, and then I heard his music, and I stopped laughing. Here’s the description for his album, that he wrote; ‘balloon boy’ is a journey following all the trials and tribulations you go through when you’re in the process of becoming an adult and reaching a point in life where you suddenly realize you have lost your real self. We all go through crippling insecurities, addiction, loss of friends, giving up our passions to pursue corporate careers, toxic relationships, etc, and eventually you probably won’t like what you see in the mirror. I’ve just recently turned 18, and I’ve been through a bit already growing up!
I’m really feeling the lyrics of these songs these days, and I love his music just as much as I love Billie’s music, too. never growing up, spearhead, dying breath and useless are the ones relating to me the most atm, but again, dark lyrics friends! if you decide to listen, do a beware. :3
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honeyyvee · 4 years
Hi! For the ship thing! I’m a virgo and an istj. I have a pretty dry sense of humor and sometimes im sarcastic to a point where people misunderstand. I’m the kind of person who will cuddle someone and go on 3 am adventures but only if they are started by someone or if I feel extremely comfortable with them. I’m the problem solver type of person so if someone comes to me with problems my initial reaction will be to try and solve them. I love cities and traveling. Hope you’re having a nice day! 💜
Hello there anon! I hope you’re having a nice day too 💜!
The character I ship you with is..........
*drum roll*
“THE WALLS” Min Yoongi
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(He has black hair in the fic but i reallyyy liked this gif of him. Really gives those delicious bad boy vibes y’know)
I made a moodboard for you
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Sarcastic and blunt, honest to a fault.
Choir piano man by day, underground rapper by night. 
Journals and journals of lyrics and emotional venting
2 AM rapping performances in small, stuffy venues
Highkey emo. Definitely went through a MCR phase
Love language is spending quality time with the people dear to him
He provides physical comfort and seeks physical comfort in others 
Black, leather jackets, tattoos. Bad boy facade he puts up to push people away
Emotionally avoidant, he has difficulty dealing with his emotions. Tends to escapism. Gets high to escape the harsh realities of the world. He’s a handful, I’m sorry...
Actually reallly soft and vulnerable inside, he hides it because he’s afraid of being hurt. 
Soft boy who needs a 10 hour long hug.
Why you match:
From your description I think you are a no bullshit kind of person, so that would be pretty good for this guy. He needs someone that will tell him things how they are, and does not buy his bullshit. 
Your humor is shared, so there wouldn’t be any misunderstandings. On the contrary, I think there would be lots of playful and sexually charged banter lol
You like cuddling, he loves providing and receiving physical comfort. Perfect match!
You can expect some late night action in the city with this guy, since he holds late night performances, he would want you to be there. You can go grab some food and stroll around the city after that as a date!
Good thing you like problem solving because as I said, this guy is a handful. You should definitely expect putting your abilities to use with him
Thanks for playing! I hope you like it :)
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