#ghost is writing jokes down in his phone as we speak
cod-dump · 6 months
*on a mission*
Price: I miss my wife and husband
Ghost: *slowly turns to Price and stares at him*
Price: … it’s what Nik and I started calling Phil as a joke and it stuck
Price: Go on, say something
Ghost: I’ll wait until we get back to base… don’t want to waste the material on a singular person with no witnesses
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amandav09 · 8 months
COD-Sut up challenge
hello everyone! Yes I’m still alive
Summary : For this post I had the idea to use the challenge in which a child says "shut up" to his mother (with the accod of the parent) to see the reaction of the father
Warming : Very slight sexual incinuation, implied violence
Word count :8,5k
Gif not mine - I speak bad English and I am dislexyque, so sorry for the inconvenience
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Simon sat quietly in front of his computer. Her son ran into the living room, while you drop your husband a tea, you kiss his forehead and send a quick look at your son, the signal.
«(N/B) Stop running please» you hide somehow the phone that filmed the reaction of Ghost.
«Shut up mom»
The reaction is immediate, Simon grabs the arm of (N/B) to stop him in his race and gives him the most severe look.
"What did you just say?"
“Simon…” You step in and tell him it was a joke. But he cuts you before you continue.
“No one in this fucking house disrespects you. Even outside, no one has the right”
Simon’s grip was not strong, his cold tone was enough to bring anyone to attention.
«Luv, darling, it’s a joke» I smile gently to him showing my phone
He frowns and lets go of your son’s arm. His gaze fixed in your eyes «Run»
You wasted no time and ran fast, your husband on your heels while your son laughed in the background.
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Konig dried the dishes while you sat on the couch. Your daughter sat in the seat in front of you. She was smiling and waiting for you to start. Your phone hiding behind a cushion and turned towards the kitchen door
«Honey, did you clean your room today?» You say loud enough for Konig to hear
Your daughter does not answer and puts her hand on her mouth to prevent herself from laughing.
«Mom asked you a question, luv» Gently said Konig while continuing his task. From the kitchen, he had no visibility on your daughter waiting for the right moment.
"So (N/G)? Did you make your room?" I repeat my question with an thumbs up.
«Shut up mom» Can she say, the most serious voice possible
You’ve never seen Konig turn so quickly towards you
«kleines Herz (little heart) comes here» Your daughter gets up and goes to see her father. Konig lowers himself to his height and takes his little hand «You must not speak like that, your mother and I love you with all our heart, but respect goes both ways...» He would continue to gently correct your daughter, but frowned as he saw her try to stop laughing. Slightly bewildered, he looked at you. His only response was your loving gaze, and when he looked down, he saw the phone half hiding behind a cushion.
“Oh. So you gang up against me?” He quickly got up and grabbed your daughter and put her under his arm. She struggles laughing while her father quickly approaches you. He grabbed you before you could do anything and put you on his shoulder «meine beiden Töchter (my two daughters) enjoys teasing me? I’m going to have to take revenge!" He says happily as he heads to the bathroom.
“You won’t dare?” You try to get off his shoulder and understand what he was going to do.
“You really want to test me meine Liebe (my love)?” He put you both in the bathtub and took the shower head «Last words to say?»
Your daughter tried to echo her father between two laughs, but he lit the water on you two «We will see if you will still want to make jokes next time» He says in a proud tone
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He was in his office filling out paperwork, his door was open.
You enter by straightening your coat, your phone hide in the outer pocket of your coat.
“(N/G) Come kiss your dad before I take you to school” I tell my daughter when she walks by the door.
«Shut up mom» She says without stopping to walk
You look at your husband who continued to write quietly, as if he had heard nothing
“You don’t say anything?” You ask.
Without even looking up from his papers, John answers: «One, we educated our daughter well, she would never say that. Two, I heard you laughing and whispering in his room, not even 10 minutes ago. And three...” He finally looks up at you, with a smile on his lips «You have hidden your phone very badly» He nods to your pocket where the phone was on the verge of falling «Well tried anyway, my love»
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Makarov (I know, I know. Already the idea that he has a wife is impossible, so to have a child... But let me dream!)
He was on the phone with Yuri, a paper in his hand and pacing in the living room. You were putting wood in the fire because of the cool Russian
«(N/G) you can give me this log please?» you made an expres to put a log quite far from you. Your daughter was right next door and was reading a book, waiting for the right moment.
«Shut up mom» You often found that your daughter resembled her father, and while she said this sentence with the most neutral look possible, it confirmed the thing.
Your gaze turned to your husband who had a cold face and eyes turned to his daughter
«I’ll call you back later Yuri» He didn’t wait for an answer and hung up «What did you say to my wife?» He asked, the cold tone "As far as I know, you were not educated like that. Apologize quickly."
“Why would I do it?” (N/G)
“Because before it was your mother, it was my wife, and it still is. No one disrespects her. No one disrespects you either.” He said to her, “You must respect the people who deserve it. And your mother is the person who most deserves your respect.”
"My love." Step in. His head turns to you, his gaze slightly less cold, "It’s a joke."
He takes a slight breath and closes his daughter’s ears
“I’m going to make you regret this when she goes to bed.”
A shiver of excitement runs through you. You’ll probably have to find an excuse to explain why you’ll have trouble walking the next day.
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Phillip was doing push-ups in the living room, you were sitting on his back, the strength he always amazed you.
Your son entered the living room.
“Cheri, can you grab my book, please?” I wink at him. Your son nods and takes an innocent face.
Shut up mom
Graves stop while he was going to chain another pump
“I should have put on a condom.”
You give him a little blow to the head for his comment. He laughs at that, then continues his push-ups. You thought he wasn’t gonna say anything else, but he called your son
«Apologize quickly before I ask Mom to get off my back»
«Pardon» said your son in you a little smile
«Well, now give him his book, and I don’t hear you talking like that anymore»
I run my hand through Phillip’s wet hair
«It’s a joke, my love»
He stops again, his body a few centimeters from the ground. He leaned slightly to his right to make you fall on your back, the soft carpet receiving your body. And before you can straighten up, Phillip is on top of you, "So you’re trying to get our son to prank me?" He smiles.
"No?" His smile grows even more when he sees your weak attempt.
"I will find revenge, darling, and ohhh, believe me, you will regret it."
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That poor baby just woke up when he heard your son say that.
You and your son had waited machiavelly for him to enter the kitchen
Hearing this quickly woke him up. He put his hand on his son’s shoulder
"Did Uncle Alejandro teach you to talk like that?" He had to yell at his best friend several times for the words he used while your son was nearby
He favors discussion when there is a conflict (except with Alejandro), in addition, it is with a child, and the child in question is his. He wants to resolve this quickly and efficiently.
«Yes» Your son decides to involve his uncle in the joke, and you must restrain yourself so as not to laugh and to pray for this poor man who has nothing to do with it.
«Apologize to mom» He caresses the boy’s head «And don’t talk to him like that anymore, mom is the woman of our life, we shouldn’t speak badly to him» He says softly. Then he takes out his phone
"What are you doing?" You’re frowning.
«I must speak to Alejandro» You could feel the anger emanating from him little by little
Before you could tell him it was a joke. He was already out in the garden
You quickly pick up your phone and send a message to Alejandro: «Sorry»
A few minutes later. Rudy comes back sighing, he takes you in his arms and puts his head on your shoulder
"Why do I feel like we have two children and not one?" You gently run your hand through her hair
Your phone vibrated and when you read the message, you took note to offer a box of chocolate to Alejandro
“I hate you ರ╭╮ರ”
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Your husband held you in his arms while you were making breakfast. Your 7-year-old son enters the kitchen while your 5-year-old daughter was already sitting at the table.
“(N/A), did you pack for school?”
Your son, with whom you prepared this farce, slowly walked to the table.
Shut up mom
Alejandro did not even have time to react that your daughter got up and shook her big brother by the t-shirt.
“Never talk like that to Mom!” Your husband quickly grabbed your daughter to keep her away.
«My baby is a joke» I say quickly. (N/B) Laugh at his sister’s reaction while Alejandro always held your sulky daughter in his arms
«She has your character» You smiled at your husband who made a grimace in agreement.
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avatar-anna · 1 year
Just Called to Say I Love You
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Harry looked down at his phone, surprised to see that he had an incoming call. He was at work, which meant he didn't typically get any calls during this time. His friends and family knew that when he was in the studio, he was pretty much off the grid; he couldn't have anything from the outside world bothering him.
So he was surprisied to see his phone light up.
"Hey, is everything okay?"
"Yep! I was just calling to say I love you!" you said, your voice tender and sweet in Harry's ear.
Frowning, he said, "That—That's it?"
"Yeah, I just haven't heard from you in a while, and you're always out of the house. It feels like I'm dating a ghost," you joked. "So, I was out and I passed that little bakery where we met, and I just felt compelled to call you and tell you that I love you. So...I love you."
Looking back, Harry realized how much of a complete and utter ass he had been to you. Your reasoning for calling was incredibly sweet, and he honestly didn't deserve your kindness. He should've said thank you, he should've told you she called at the perfect time, he should've said I love you back.
"Y/n...You know I don't like distractions while I'm at work."
You didn't say anything for a moment, perhaps too stunned to say anything in reply. Then, "You're right. I'm sorry."
Harry couldn't say anything before you hung up the phone, but he still heard a small sniffle just as the call ended. He'd known he fucked up the minute the words were out of his mouth, no amount of stress or frustration about his writing process should ever be taken out on you, and he just did exactly that in the worst way possible.
"I gotta go," Harry said, stepping into the room where everyone else was waiting for him to return.
"There an emergency?" one of his producers asked. Harry never left a session early.
"Kind of—I mean yeah. It's an emergency, so I have to run. Probably won't be in the rest of the week."
Harry didn't stick around the studio very long. He quickly gathered his things and rushed out to his car. He called you the minute he was on the road, but you didn't pick up any of the times he called. Cursing under his breath, he stepped on the gas a little harder.
When he got home, you were lounging on the couch watching a movie. The house was dark, so he couldn't see your expression, but he knew you well, and the way you were curled up into a ball and huddled under a blanket meant you weren't happy.
"I should've said it back, I'm sorry."
You knew Harry had come into the house, but you weren't ready to look at him let alone speak to him. So you ignored your boyfriend, staring blankly at the movie playing on the TV.
All you'd wanted today was a two minute conversation with Harry. You knew he was pretty strict about his work life and home life, but his work life had been taking over recently, and you knew he could get wrapped up in writing and recording, and you loved how hard he worked, but you just wanted to hear his voice. You just wanted to tell him you loved him.
"I was a dick on the phone, and I know you like your space when you're angry, so...I'm home, and I want to talk, but when you're ready."
He sounded like a kid who'd been scolded. Rolling your eyes, you said, "I didn't want space, that was the whole point of me calling you."
"I know. I'm so sorry, baby. You were just trying to be nice and I was horrible. I never want to make you upset, but I did today, and...I can't apologize enough for that."
You knew you couldn't stay mad at him forever. Harry was an ass earlier, but you knew he didn't mean it, that it really was him getting caught up in his work. He snapped at you, and in a few weeks, you would probably snap at him, and months from now you might have a big argument. You were in a relationship, it wasn't always perfect.
"I brought something home to 'sweeten' the deal in case you're still on the fence about letting me onto that couch."
You and Harry had had little tiffs before, which meant both of you knew how to be forgiven faster. At the mention of sweets, you perked up, even if you were still a little upset. Still not looking at him, you said, "I have to see it first."
Harry was there in seconds, handing a little pastry box over to you. Your eyes landed on the logo printed on the box. "You went."
"Course. Had to get the best for my best girl."
"And it's—"
"Your favorite. Go on," he said, motioning for you to open it.
It was from the same bakery you mentioned earlier, the one where you and Harry met. It was out of the way of the studio, which meant he added about an extra thirty minutes to his drive home to get it. You took a piece of the pastry out with your fingers and popped it in your mouth. Your eyes closed for a moment, taking in not just the taste but all the memories that came with it.
When your eyes opened, Harry was looking at you expectantly. Scoffing, you told him, "Yeah fucking right. But you can join me on the couch."
"I'll take it," he said, quickly getting under your blanket so that you were pressed up against each other. He squeezed you tight, kissing your temple repeatedly while you enjoyed your apology-treat. "I love you," he mumbled. "I love, love, love you."
"Babe, don't distract me. I'm eating."
Harry chuckled. "Okay. I deserve that."
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icarustypicalfall · 7 months
Hi! I have a silly request but since we are both Rudy lovers (i am also radiant cod) can you please write a short little react on „I want uns to move in together“ especially Alejandro, Rudy, soap and ghost. Oc is female and ask that question 😭🥰
Hello fellow Rudy lover :3
Of course!! this is such a cute thing request awwh :')
Cod Men's Response to reader asking them to move in together!!
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Including: rudy, alejandro, ghost, soap Warnings: sfw, pure fluff, fem!reader Note: I can do a p2 with the rest of the characters if y'all are interested :D
«Moon, tell me if I could
Send up my heart to you?»
Rodolfo Rudy Parra
From the moment you met Rudy, you knew he was the right man. Not only because of his sweet demeanor, but also because of his charming personality and kind nature that made you fall hard for him. You and Rudy have been dating for almost a year and a half, and he has always treated you like a precious and delicate creature. No one has ever made you feel the way he does.
While you lived in the southern side of Las Almas with your family, Rudy resided in the bustling center of town. Getting to meet him was always a significant journey, especially with the increasing cartel crimes that made it unsafe to roam the city. However, the allure of spending nights in your lover's apartment was irresistible.
You were ready to take the next step in your relationship and couldn't wait to tell him. One late night, after spending the day together at his flat, making pizzas and dancing, you cuddled on the couch, sipping the Champurrado he had made. Rudy chuckled and gently wiped the chocolate mustache stain from your face before speaking lovingly.
"I haven't had this much fun in a while, mi amor," he murmured, brushing the strands of hair away from your face. "You seem distracted, amor. What's wrong?"
You sighed, placing your mug down, knowing it was the perfect moment to ask him. Adrenaline coursed through your veins as you gathered your courage.
"Promise me you won't get mad?" you said, looking into his eyes.
"You didn't like my abuelita's recipe?" he replied, giving you a disappointed look, causing you to laugh and shake your head.
"No, it's... I just miss you, Rudy. I feel like we're wasting time living apart. I wish we could... you know... live together. And it's..."
"You want to move in with me?" he interrupted, cupping your face and looking both serious and surprised.
You slowly nodded, furrowing your eyebrows, wondering if it was indeed a good idea. But Rudy's expression turned into a wide grin, as if to make sure you weren't joking. He pulled you into a warm embrace and showered kisses all over your face. Then, with a surge of excitement, he babbled in quick Spanish giving you a whole monologue, though you couldn't quite make out the words.
You assumed he was just thrilled, as he jumped up and rushed to grab his phone, yelling, "TE QUIERO TANTO MI AMOR!" before locking himself in the bathroom to happily inform Alejandro.
translation (i love you so much my love!)
After the betrayal of Phillip Graves and witnessing your lover wounded but still fighting with all his might, you were certain of two things. Alejandro Vargas was a loyal man through and through, and he was the man you wanted to be by your side until the end.
It was quite amusing how you had never considered moving in with him sooner, given that you both worked on the same frontlines, fighting against the same enemies, and spent countless nights together guarding your beloved country. The time had come to embark on a new chapter together, though you were unsure if he would agree. However, the thought of losing him that day shattered any trace of doubt or fear, leaving you with an overwhelming desire to hold him in your arms.
After a delightful dinner, you joined Alejandro on the rooftop of the base, a cherished ritual the two of you shared. Sitting in his arms, gazing at the stars, was the highlight of your day, especially since Alejandro was always busy with his duties. He motioned for you to come closer, opening his arms to welcome you as you rested your head on his thigh, relishing in the sensation of his fingers running through your hair. You inhaled his musky scent, your eyes fixed on the dark expanse above. Alejandro's smile brightened as he planted a tender kiss on your forehead, then whispered softly.
"My love, is everything alright? I haven't seen you this pensive in quite some time," he chuckled as you rolled your eyes, prompting you to share what was on your mind.
You sighed, sitting up and locking eyes with him. "I just...miss you," you confessed.
Furrowing his brow, Alejandro nodded, encouraging you to continue. "Miss me?" he queried.
"It's just...I wish we could spend more time together. I thought a part of me died when they took you away. I thought I would never see you again. That day made me realize how much I love you, Alejandro."
His gaze softened as he uttered a heartfelt, "I love you too," nodding for you to proceed.
"Would you like to move in together?" you blurted out, looking in his eyes with a hopeful yet anxious gaze.
The grin on his face widened, and he looked away briefly, his cheeks flushing with excitement. He bit his lip, unable to contain his joy.
"I was actually about to ask you the same thing, mi cielo..."
You and Ghost were like two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together, despite both being reserved and chilly individuals. Behind closed doors, you shared a love that no one expected to blossom. You connected on a deeper level, communicating your feelings without the need for words. It was as if you could understand each other's thoughts. Just like Simon, he wasn't fond of people, and neither were you.
Silence was your sanctuary, and you relished in the tranquil moments, indulging in activities during the early dawn or late night when the world was at its calmest. Spending the night at Simon's small flat in the city, the most peaceful corner of the bustling nation, felt like being in a place where you truly belonged.
He allowed himself to be vulnerable with you, gradually revealing more of his true self, shedding his mask on certain days, and even letting you take care of his hair and face.
Those special days spent together created cherished memories. Deep down, you yearned for more, wishing he could be the last person you saw before bed and the first person you woke up to. You hoped he felt the same way. Simon believed that actions spoke louder than words, and he made sure to keep you happy, occasionally letting slip a heartfelt "luv you."
Once again, you rose early to a cold day, with the usual morning fog lingering until the sun's rays pierced through.
It had become a habit to take Simon's dog for a walk before breakfast, as the nearby coffee shops opened up. Side by side, you walked in silence, inhaling the stillness and watching the droplets of water on the road. Simon placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, drawing you close for warmth as he calmly asked, "You alright?"
You sighed and nodded, your hands fumbling to warm them up. He clasped your palm, tucking it into his pocket, grumbling, "You should have told me straight away. There's no point in venting to Gaz." You looked at him in shock, feeling your cheeks flush. He had overheard your conversation with Gaz about how much you wanted to move in with Simon.
Ignoring your embarrassed state, Simon muttered, "Next time, tell me. I never said you weren't welcome there. Didn't know you had a parrot's brain.. that place is your home too." You gulped, staring at him in astonishment. "You, you don't mind?" His response was simple, he looked away and you swear you saw his eyes twinkle for a moment, "Never said I did."
The holidays were approaching, and you knew that you wouldn't see Johnny for at least two weeks. It broke your heart to be so close yet still apart. The Scottish man resided in a different city, causing the pain of distance to gnaw at you. No matter how many nights you spent together, one of you always had to leave in the morning, leaving the other to bathe in the sorrow of separation.
You longed to gather the courage to ask Johnny to move in together, but fear held you back. He was a composed man who loved you more than his beloved mohawk.
As everyone packed their belongings for the holidays, preparing to return to their flats, family homes, or partners, you entered Johnny's room and set your sports bag aside before sitting on his bed. A small laugh escaped your lips as Johnny scowled, procrastinating on packing until the last minute and now struggling to fit numerous shirts into his bag. You folded a shirt, assisting him in the task before smiling.
"So, Johnny, what are you going to do when you go back?" you asked. He grinned, carelessly tossing the clothes into the bag despite your protests. "Well, bonnie, I'm going to visit my family, and then I'll come to your place andbkidbap you and make you spend the rest of the holiday with me." You laughed and shook your head. "Can I tell you something, Johnny?" He furrowed his eyebrows, mumbling as he focused on his packing. "You'll come to my house. My mom has been dying to meet you. No excuses."
You chuckled and replied, "Well, I mean... I'd love to meet her, of course. But what I was actually talking about... do you think it's time for us to take the next step?"
The look on his face was priceless, and you had to playfully slap his arm to prevent him from blurting out something scandalous. "Not that way, you idiot. I meant... I think we should move in together. It feels like the perfect timing."
His grin widened, and he swept you off your feet, twirling you in the air. "I can't believe you said that, bonnie.. We..."
He didn't get to finish his sentence as he slipped on one of the shirts scattered on the floor, causing you to fall on your rear while he ended up trapped in his bag.
"Bonnie, help me!" he exclaimed. You chuckled and teasingly remarked, "I"I think I might just reconsider this step..."
kindly like and rebelog, it motivates us to continue :)
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leclerc-s · 8 months
series masterlist
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liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo, daphnejones and others
maejones got peer pressured into telling the world who nonsense is about. if you’re my sister or daniel, ignore this post. i’m begging you. remain oblivious as to who the song is about.
view all comments
danielricciardo maeve! what the hell is this? (i love the song, don’t tell your sister)
↳ daphnejones this is a public instagram comment section.
↳ maejones that's not my name
user14 oh so his dick is good
user21 so max is winning on and off track
charles_leclerc i could’ve gone my whole life without knowing who this song is about.
baileywinters you look hot babe. dump your boyfriend and date me instead.
↳ landonorris i exist you know, your boyfriend?
↳ baileywinters hi babe, please ignore my previous comment, i was only joking (no, i wasn't)
↳ landonorris i can also see that comment
↳ user59 i love this couple right here
user35 are we just gonna skip over the fact that these two are together again?
↳ user48 right?! talk about hard launch!
daphnejones i didn't need to know this about your love life mae. somethings are better kept a secret. also, when the hell did you two get back together?
↳ maejones calm down ms. 'only bought this dress so you could take it off'
↳ isabellaperez she wrote 'do the girls back home and touch you like i do' and wants to get you in trouble for 'said you like my eyes and you like to make 'em roll.'
↳ rowantodd the line 'i know heaven's a thing, i go there when you touch me, honey' exists daphne
↳ danielricciardo need i remind you, of 'carved your name into my bedpost, cause i don’t want you like a best friend'
↳ landonorris clearly only she's allowed to be horny in her songs. also maejones don't write about my best friend like that ever again.
↳ user24 they really came for daphne, save it for the group chat guys.
↳ maejones hi alex!!
georgerussell63 i refuse to believe that my favorite song on the album is about max verstappen.
bradleywillsimpson can’t believe people thought the song was about me when max verstappen exists
↳ maejones right? why would i write a song about you, one of my best friends?
↳ bradleywillsimpson i’ve got nothing on max verstappen but i'm also offended that you don't see yourself writing a song about me? you wrote seven, for max, and you weren't dating?
↳ maejones that's different because we dated. you and i never did.
user87 mae saw people saying the song was about bradley, dylan, and shawn and said, "hell no, let me set the record straight."
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daphne jones when the hell did you two get back together? and why weren't we informed of this?
max verstappen oh look at that christian's called me for a very important meeting and my phone needs to be shut off
isabella perez fucking liar, i'm literally sitting next to my uncle, who's laughing at a tiktok my sister sent him. daniel ricciardo so a liar and a coward, what's new?
mae jones in our defense, you guys just never asked
alex albon we were supposed to know you two were on speaking terms again? max verstappen daniel knew
daniel ricciardo oh shit! what the fuck max?!
daphne jones you knew? and you didn't say anything?! how could you? natalia ruiz this is betrayal in the worst form daniel.
bailey winters i would pay good money to know what jos thinks of a song mae wrote while being horny over max
mae jones i’m and i quote, ‘a fucking distraction for his son’ max verstappen the best distraction lando norris ugh love, gross dulce perez don't you, i don't know, have a girlfriend?
penelope trevino don't you people, i don't know, have jobs?
carlos sainz ignore her, she hasn't been properly caffinated yet carlos sainz she gets snarky when she's sleepy mae jones penny! what is your honest opinion of nonsense?! have i hit mayores status? penelope trevino i cannot believe the words that just came out of your mouth. you are a child. but yes on the horny scale it's close to mayores.
lewis hamilton i feel like we shouldn’t be encouraging this behavior.
max verstappen you’re just mad no one has written a song about you lewis hamilton i apologize for viewing you two as those idiot teenagers i met years ago. i’m telling seb. george russell the fatherly duties fall onto you and nando, stop involving seb!
sebastian vettel this is the crap i had to deal with everyday. have fun dealing with them
fernando alonso don't retire. i beg. the least you could've done was take some of them with you. sebastian vettel i'm taking my daughter with me? lewis hamilton bullshit as long as mick is in the mercedes garage she'll be here
alex albon i could've gone my whole life without the words, 'said you like my eyes and you like to make 'em roll.' being written about max verstappen
esteban ocon just when i had gotten over dress being about daniel, mae tells us nonsense is about max. i'm sorry max but i won't be able to look you in the eyes for at least a month
lando norris i’m afraid this will be the only thing max will be asked about at the next confrence
isabella perez my uncle is traumatized and so is christian
max verstappen YOU PLAYED IT FOR CHRISTIAN? isabella perez of course it's my duty as the youngest red bull team member to embarrass you and my uncle
george russell if you say some stupid shit like the rock i'm going to punch you alex albon IT RHYMES WITH CLUCK!
isabella perez red bull will be blasting nonsense, i'll make sure of it
carlos sainz as will ferrari george russell cluck boy will never know peace as long as we're around lando norris i think we're all in agreement to blasting nonsense? yuki tsunoda yes, we are. charles leclerc that has been the most intimidating threat towards cluck i've ever seen
pierre gasly yuki could beat him
lewis hamilton in a race right? lewis hamilton right? pierre gasly sure we'll go with that
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maejones posted a new story
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moments before disaster with max *queue isabella playing nonsense on a loop*
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¡leclerc-s speaks! i don't even know what inspired this 😃. this is a complete 180 turn from seven, i apologize for this dumpster-fire. but anyways FERRARI DIDN'T LET US DOWN FOR ONCE! LET'S ENJOY THIS MOMENT WHILE WE CAN!
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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frogserotonin · 1 year
Hiiii, I badly need more Anthony Lockwood x reader on this app so could you do one where reader joins the agency and there are immediate sparks between her and lockwood (he's always flirting with her, he always does small things for her and he always protects her first in a mission) and one day he gets really injured trying to save her during their missions and at home she's really worried when patching him up and they end up confessing to eachother after they have a mini argument. Then they kiss and make up or makeout 😘
god yeah anon, i get what you mean, the reason im writing is literally bc i need more fanfic 😭 i have read every fucking lockwood x reader on here and ao3 if ya'll want anything written just ask :D - lots of love, mars
everything - anthony lockwood x reader
warnings: violence, ooc, kissing, cursing
You weren’t exactly sure when it had started, this weird tension between you and Anthony Lockwood. It was an odd thing that the both of you left unspoken about, despite the numerous jokes, comments and questions from Lucy and George.
Maybe it had been when you’d first joined the agency. When he’d opened the door to see who was knocking and gone completely slack jawed at the sight of you, before collecting himself and adorning his prize-winning smirk.
“Well hello love, how may we help you?” he’d said, casually resting against the doorframe.
“Are you Lockwood of Lockwood and Co?” your cheeks had reddened from the cold and nothing else. Most definitely not because of the casual pet name he’d thrown in.
“That would indeed be me.” he nodded, easy smirk still resting on his lips. “I assume you’re here for an interview then, come on in and we’ll get you sorted.”
After you’d passed the interview with flying colours, he’d told you how much he looked forward to working with you with a wink and a charming toothy grin. Even now, your heart rate went up a considerable amount every time you saw that fucking smile.
Maybe it had been your first case, when you and Lockwood had had to hide from a very persistent Type Two and you’d dragged Lockwood into the nearest open room and shoved him into the wall. You’d pinned him there with one hand on his arm, pressing it to the wall, and the other over his mouth. Afterwards he’d tried to charm his way out of your teasing his red face.
You didn’t know when it’d started but far out, you knew that it was there and that if nothing happened soon you might just kiss him the next time he speaks.
“George, Luce, angel, we’ve got a new case.” Lockwood called from the hall, placing the phone down and smiling widely. (Damn that smile, it made your heart weak and your brain fuzzy) “We’re going as soon as possible so it’s best we get ready as fast as we can.”
And that was that. You all packed the necessities, like you always did. You all loaded into a taxi and waited patiently until you were at the clients house, like you always did. Lockwood checked with you to see if you had everything you needed, like he always did.
“George!” Lucy called from her place halfway up the stairs. “Come with me, we need to check out the drawing room you read about.” You almost missed the wink she directed your way.
Great, now you and Lockwood were alone. Fan-fucking-tastic.
“Shall we?” he offered his hand and pulled you towards some of the creepier looking closed doors, not-so-discreetly pulling you behind him. Slowly he opens the furthest door, nothing happens. You open the second door, and suddenly you’re thrown against the wall.
“Y/N!” Lockwood cried, pulling his rapier out and swinging it at the ghost that’d materialised. For a bit he succeeded in pushing it back, allowing you time to reorient yourself, before he too was thrown away from the ghost, his rapier landing near his head. You groaned and hauled yourself up, grabbing your own rapier and stabbing at the ghost. It disappeared, then reappeared behind you, causing you to swing around wildly, accidentally putting yourself in the ghosts close vicinity. You felt your limbs start to lock up as you held eye contact with your doom, hoping and praying that Lucy and George had found the source and were covering it with the silver net. The ghost moved closer and closer to you, and you silently mourned all the things you never got to say.
And then, just as you’d accepted your fate, Anthony fucking Lockwood pushed you out of the way. You didn’t have time to dwell on that though, the both of you rolling in opposite directions so as to avoid the ghost swiping at you, before disappearing. You sat up and looked at Lockwood, catching his eye and sending a wobbly smile his way.
“You okay?” he asked, voice a bit strained. You nodded and asked him the same question.
“Yeah…I’m good.” he said, lying through his teeth.
“The fuck you are.” You forced your sore body to stand up so you could walk towards him and check him for injuries.
“Y/N! Lockwood!” Lucy ran towards you, halting your endeavour. “Are you two okay?”
The taxi drive home was awkward and tense. You fought a raging battle against the urge to call him out for being injured, to ask him what was wrong.
When you got home you dragged Anthony into the kitchen and sat him down on a chair.
“Tell me where the fuck you’re hurt right now or I swear I will find out what your worst fear is and make it real.” Lockwood chuckled.
“Love, I’m fine, really.”
“Don’t lie to me, Lockwood.”
Then silence and a slight guilt and still, somehow, that damned fucking tension. So you, do what any normal person would do and pull his jacket off, immediately spotting where he was injured due to the blood staining his white shirt. More silence and more guilt, that stays in the air while you wrap his cut.
“I’m sorry-” He starts but you’re quick to cut him off.
“If you were sorry you’d stop throwing yourself at danger at every given opportunity. You’re so fucking reckless, all the damn time!” You didn’t mean to start berating him but now you couldn’t stop, because he did need to hear this. “Do you know how much you worry us? Do you think George and Lucy and I like seeing you get injured? Goddamn it we care so much about you. Why do you pull these stunts?”
You only now realise how close your faces are. You could feel his breath on you face.
“I don’t think you realise how deeply I care for you.” he whispered, voice husky and low. “You are...everything. I can't breathe when you're not around me and I can't think when you're near me. I would set the entire world aflame if you asked me to. You're the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before I sleep. I love you so much it hurts my heart and my head and my entire being."
You didn't know what to say to respond to that. You were a mess. God maybe-
Fuck it.
His lips were soft against yours. His hair between your fingers, softer. His hands on the sides of your face, gentle. You were kissing him and he was kissing you and you were losing your mind.
"Darling, you drive me insane." he whispered against your lips, matching smiles painting both of your faces.
"I love you too, idiot."
"Of course you do."
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sunnyie-eve · 1 month
6 | Ritual
Series: Unexpected
Paring: (Matt Sturniolo x OFC Brock!) (Chris Sturniolo x OFC Brock!)
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: none
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Going back to the boys hotel room they sit to hear about the Elevator Ritual game but the brothers weren't that excited, "It's ritual time." Sam turns to them.
"Love the sound of that." Matt sighs.
"We're gonna do something we've never done before on this channel." Sam starts, "The Elevator Game." The three applaud, "You guys said you love elevators right?"
"I hate elevators." Matt says once again.
"Perfect." Sam tells him, "Which is interesting because for this ritual we need a singular volunteer." He adds and all the guys look at Matt so he agrees to do it.
"Don't forget about our deal Matt." Dani leans forward to look at him from the other side of Colby.
Sam goes on to explain the whole game and how it's supposed to work and what they have to do, "Chris, we'll have to get our licenses immediately." Nick speaks up.
"I know." Chris agrees, "I'm really considering who's going to do the laundry now." He adds.
"They're gonna just be twins after this." Colby jokes.
"I gotta remember free food." Matt tells himself.
"If she didn't would you still do it?" Chris asks him so Matt tells him he rather it be him then him or Nick.
"I feel like you'd just do better in the elevator than Chris would." Matt adds telling Nick and Chris agrees with that statement.
"He just knows you're the least fit for it." Nick adds and Chris still agrees to it.
Down in the lobby Matt says this will either make his fear of elevators ten times worse or ten times better to which Nick says it can't actually get better, #Welcometothechannel." Sam tells him.
"Are you going to say goodbye to your siblings? You might never see them again." Colby tells him so he and the others hug each other goodbye talking about things they want of his when he doesn't come back.
"Dude, I'm not dead yet."
As Matt and Sam get into the elevator the other wish them good luck and goodbye, "Oh right, I need photos for your prayer cards." Nick takes pics of Matt in the elevator.
"Best brother award goes to." Dani laughs.
"Alright, one two three. Please take us to another world."
"Bye bye, be safe guys." Dani waves so Matt does a little wave back as the doors close.
As the four wait for them to come back, Nick's EMF finally goes off as they walk around, "This thing is called the onvoy it's basically going to say yes or no." Colby pulls out the device but then another guest in the background startles him, "Gahh, that guy scared the fuck out of me."
"That haircut..." Nick says then covers him mouth as Colby and Chris laugh.
"Nick, it's super quiet in here." Dani's eyes widen.
"Sorry, that was terrible."
"So something has to physically touch it like that." Colby explains how it works.
"Are Sam and Matt going to make it back to us, do you think?" Chris asks the thing and it says yes right before the two come right back.
"You're done already?" Nick says surprised how fat it went.
"We only asked it one question." Colby tells the two.
"The one question I asked is, is Sam and Matt going to come back down." Chris tells them, "And it said yes and then it opened."
"Do you want to do it alone?" Sam asks Matt.
"I would-, I don't-, I'd have to write down the numbers..." Matt pulls out his phone.
"Seriously alone?" Dani asks shocked.
"What if you never come back Matt?" Chris asks him, "And you're fully alone in another world? Nick or Dani go with." He looks at the two.
"No," Nick walks away.
"I'm not." Chris makes clear.
"Dani, that's you." Sam laughs looking at her stare at the box in Matt's hand before the elevator opens by its self, "Oh my god! I guess that's a yes I'm going with."
"Guys? Is that a sigh we should do it one more time?" Sam asks the group.
"I say go for it." Chris looks at the two.
"That was so fast you have to." Colby tells them, "Plus you two attract ghosts." He adds, "The goal of the game is to get a lady to come right?" Colby asks then hear how that sound as everyone laughs. "Wait, wait, ahh please cut that." He turns the camera towards himself.
"Dude Dani..." Sam laughs.
"As in a ghost lady to step inside the elevator." Colby makes clear, "No funny business with sis." He looks at Matt giving him a certain look.
"Dude, there's a camera." Matt gets embarrassed.
"You guys are killing me. Let's get this over with." She claps her hands to go so they step into the elevator.
"Please take us to another world." They both say together.
"I may regret saying that but hey, see you guys later." Matt says as the doors start to close.
As the doors close Sam starts to crack up, "I can't believe you just let Dani go with him. You never leave her alone with any guys."
"I'm her older brother. I'm protective of her." Colby sighs as Sam keeps laughing.
"Not even me and I'm you're best friend." Sam points out.
"That's not entirely true."
While they make fun of Colby before starting to ask yes or no question, Matt and Dani hope no one will interrupt them because then they fail at the game. On the first floor they go to there was luckily nobody there.
"Next number is two." Matt look at his phone pressing the button while Dani held the box.
"So far off to a good start." Dani nods her head as they move to the next floor and there was nobody again so they go to the next floor.
"The thing that scares me the most about this is that the elevator is squeaking." Matt points out what Dani has been trying to ignore for the past couple of seconds.
"I've been trying not to pay attention to it and you have to point it out. It makes my anxiety want to act up badly." Dani plays with her fingers to calm her down as the doors open to show no one.
"You have bad anxiety too?" Matt asks pressing the next floor, "Mine gets so so bad at times." He tells her about his.
"I take meds for mine so that explains how bad mine is." She giggles.
"I can't believe I'm doing this." He sighs putting his head back.
"I literally said you couldn't pay me to do this yet here I am." They both laugh but suddenly stop.
"Oh my god that one I felt the drop."
They both stay quite for a few seconds till Dani realizes something, "Matt, we're not moving..."
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b0g-b0y · 1 year
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Price x M reader ✨NSFW✨
Dom reader, a little bit of age difference but you’re just a year or two younger then soap, drinking, breeding.
A really rough draft really rough…
Anyway I’m never going to finish it so you can have my trash. I got the idea from a post from someone but don’t remember who. Also I’m posting this on my phone so it might look funky.
Also I know I said it’s a really rough draft and it is however I do struggle with writing and reading at times due to a disability please don’t be to mean to me.
Y/n was new to 141 as well as the youngest y/n should have realized this wouldn’t go well when Ghost left the room quickly, that should’ve been his warning sign. But here he was playing a stupid game of truth and dare with Gaz and Soap that went too far too fast. It was Gaz's turn to ask truth or dare his eyes were on you. “Y/N truth or dare” Gaz spoke as he had a glint in his eyes and a smile that matched. Feeling confident you chose dare in full confidence you said it as well. “ I dare you to tell Price he looks submissive and breedable,” Gaz said. Soap let out a snort almost instantly. Y/N's face got a little red as he thought of his Captain in a way he most definitely shouldn’t be thinking of, however, this was most definitely not the first time he thought of Captain Price in such a way. And Gaz most definitely knew Soap probably didn’t make the connection that y/n liked Price in a sexual way and thought Gaz was just playing a cruel funny joke that would have you in trouble for sure.
After the laughter died down all eyes were on you and it was dead quiet all that could be heard was Gaz opening another beer or two. You snatched the whisky from Soap and took a big sip. “ Fuck you and I’ll fuck your mom's but I ain’t gonna back out I for sure ain’t no bitch “ you said as you stood up. Gaz was surprised he was actually going through with it, Soap on the other hand was a little hurt you would say that about his mom.
Y/n was now searching for Price. Gaz and Soap followed a bit behind him. Y/n found Price he was having tea with Ghost and reading a newspaper, Ghost gave you all a glare, and Price just looked up at you all and raised an eyebrow in question. You stormed over to your Captain and looked him dead in the eyes as you leaned slightly over the sitting man. “Y/N” was all Captain Price spoke. “ Captain… has anyone ever told you that you look really submissive and breedable sir” you said. Price couldn’t believe what words spilled from your mouth but Price being Price he reacted calmly. “ Y/N I think you should go to bed I can smell the boos on you we’ll talk about this in the morning yeah” was all he said. He stood up and led you out of the room to make sure you really did go to bed and had some water. But before he left he asked, “ Ghost take care of those other two blokes ”. You could only assume Ghost did what he was asked.
When it was just you and Price you didn’t dare speak you weren’t drunk but you were getting nervous and the realization of what you had spoken to your Captain sank in. The realization also set in with you that Ghost would chew you up for what happened without remorse. “I’m sorry Captain” left y/n’s lips as a mumble. Y/N couldn’t bring himself to look up at the Captain’s eyes as his confidence was all gone by now. All Y/N got was a pat on the shoulder and a sigh. “ You just had too much to drink yeah” Price looked at y/n. “No sir… I’m 100% sober” y/n sighed his eyes slightly watering. “ Please don’t kick me out of 141 Captain I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have gone through with it we were playing a game and it went too far” the way y/n spoke you could tell he choked down the tears that threatened to spill. You stop walking and Price stopped soon after. Price turned to look at y/ns smaller form. “ y/n I’m not mad just disappointed you're young and you're not the only bloke to blame for this incident I won’t kick you out but you’ll be struck with a light punishment probably laundry duty for a few days” Price was being too kind about this y/n believe he was being too nice and to calm about this. “ Is that all?” y/n asked him.” Yes, should it not be solder” Price was looking dead at you. “ Yes Captain, I think I need something more brutal, not no slap on the wrist for that shit the words I spilled tonight should’ve never been spoken to you especially with your rank” Price let you keep talking he wanted to know what you had to say. “ Sir, no Captain Price I believe you should chew me out and leave me for the dogs for what I said” y/n stopped there he was expecting Price to say something back. “Why do you think so? Why are you taking this to heart soldier?” Price asked. Y/n didn’t dare answer.”Speak soldier I’m talking to you”. His stare hardened.” Yes sir!” you managed to bark out before swallowing hard. “ Captain, I think I need a harsher punishment not only for what I said but because I meant it. I would bend you backward and breed you like a bitch in heat if given the chance hell some nights that’s all I’ll think about is you underneath me whimpering and whining hell what I would give to hear you beg”. Y/n's eyes locked with Price's gaze with every word spoken. John couldn’t believe what you said. All he knew was that you were young and he had to be the bigger man at this moment. “ y/n I truly don’t know what to say how about we finish this tomorrow” Price said. All you did was nod your head before retiring for the night. That night Price would lie in bed thinking about what you said he couldn’t help but think about it very vividly in fact as he did his pants were getting tighter John was conflicted, y/n was definitely a lot younger than him. “ Bloody hell” he felt too old for you yet your confession left a fire in his stomach. John felt guilty for his sinful thoughts and felt even more guilty that his hands sunk into his joggers and found their way around his cock and he only stopped the rough jerking of his cock when he was about to cum. Price only stopped when he realized what he was doing guilt was what he felt. He turned over and tried to go to bed.The next day Price was tense and wasn’t as calm as usual but whoever stopped by his office probably thought it was just from all the paperwork he had been doing. Later that day when you came into his office only after knocking did Price really start to show how pissy he was really feeling. “Y/n I know damn well why you’re here and I’m about bloody fucking sure you’re new punishment isn’t going to be bloody one” Price spoke deeply well giving a look that could kill. “Captain Price?” That was all y/n said. “ Boluks kid, I want you to show me what your thoughts are about me at night. This is an order to meet me in my office at 19:40 sharp understand soldier” you couldn’t believe what Price had said all you did was nod and then leave, you would train and do chores until that time came.
When sparing Ghost didn’t beat you to a pulp surprisingly! He didn’t go easy with Gaz or Soap, however.
Later that night y/n showed up right on time and came into Price's office. “Captain” y/n said. “Y/n” price spoke. Y/n walked closer to Price until he had a leg between his Captains, his hands on Price's hips making small circles and hot breath landing on his neck. “ you sure about this sir” you spoke against his neck making a shiver come from your Captain. “ No I’m not… this is wrong in so many ways. I fear I’m using you like I’m a desperate old man” Price's words didn’t match his body’s as he couldn’t help but lean in. “ Price it doesn’t have to be right, hell I feel as guilty as you. Just being here touching you is such a privilege we can always stop. All you have to do is give me the order my Captain Price my pretty boy hmmmm”. Price gave you a small hum In response and that was all you needed. You moved quickly pushing him down on his desk, your knee against his crotch, and pulling him up by the shirt to give him a messy kiss. After a while of hungry kisses and rubbing Price through his pants with your knee you couldn’t wait much longer. You flipped him around and pulled him to the edge of his desk and yanked his pants down you made sure to run your hands all over his body and give his ass a nice squeeze your hands on both cheeks that soon made circular motions that just got rougher by the minute, Price let out a sharp breath followed by a moan. Your hips pressed against him allowing him to feel your still-clothed cock right at his entrance Price moved closer wanting more of what you were giving, he was now letting out wipers he wanted more he wanted you. “That’s a good boy captain hmmm are you a good boy for me letting me use you as I please? I know you want more but I don’t know if you can handle it. can you captain can you take me can you” the rough handling got harder his captain would be black and blue tomorrow.” Fucking hell mmmmhaaa I need more I want more I’ll be good please, please I I need mmmmha”. Price was babbling pleads for more. He’s been so good for you so you give the man what he wants you pull your pants down and run your cock up and down his ass an pressing the tip in slightly Price was sweating and crying he was so close he wanted to cum he needed to. You grab his cock as you push all the way in and it hurts. The only lub you had was pre cum and spit which only helps so much.” Please wait I” Price never finished he was cut off by his own sobbing moans. “ That’s not an order Sir is it?” You spoke as you slammed into him harder, you rubbed his cock just as hard as your thrusts so much lust and power filled your head. It didn’t take long for John Price to shoot his big load out so much was given and you made sure to milk him dry. He was crying sweating and tired but you weren’t done. Your harsh thrusts didn’t stop until you were close to unloading your cum, your hands spreading his ass and the tip of your cock still inside as you watched your cum slip out and run down the Captain's leg.
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justcreatingthings · 2 months
I finally fished that test short fic that I got the idea for after making this art. Let me know if these grammatical error or what I can improve on when writing the characters! Haven’t written in ages… Anyways,
*drops this at y’all’s feet and skitters off*
Cuddles and Worries
In a well known manor, chatting and laughter can be heard from behind a set of giant white doors. Those doors lead into a room that might be considered “living-quarters” to some, but the being who resides in this room is not exactly part of the “living” realm… He just tends to rest here most times when he desires privacy from prying eyes! Specifically his fans that know nothing about personal space! Though, as of late, this room has occasionally also been shared with someone else…
“-and that tree had a wasp nest living in it even though no one has ever seen a wasp anywhere near that area! Oh, how horrific it was to witness her swell… ‘Twere as if her head became that of a…ginormous, maggot infested tomato! Turned out that the poor lady was terribly allergic!!”, ranted a hunchbacked Rabbid named T.S Woodrow. He is currently wearing a matching pajama set with a nightcap on his head.
“Oh mon Dieu, ça épouvantable! Did any of those horrid creatures decide to instead go after you?!”, exclaims Phantom, a rotund ghost rabbid laying underneath Woodrow, with concern written all over this face. Woodrow finds Phantom’s ghost half to be softer than a giant cloud so he chooses to lay upon it when they cuddle, just like how they are right now. Phantom is laying with his back on the bed, and Woodrow’s belly touching his own. They have taken this cuddle position so often that Phantom has even joked about how he’s now become Woodrow’s personal bed! Woodrow continues his tale of the day as he kicks one of his hind paws in the air as if he were a school girl talking on the phone with a close friend.
“They did not, for the wasps seemed dedicated to stinging every last inch of her! She was quickly taken into urgent care, but only once the wasps had worn themselves out. At that point, the bugs stayed down upon the ground and did not move even an inch more! The little bugs had worn themselves out in their rage… Luckily the lady lived in the end, but now she refuses to go near any trees on the off chance it might happen again. I, of course, do not blame her in the slightest.”
“I am very glad no harm came to you directly after you recited that poem, but I hope you do try to be safer in the future… I trust you will, but you know I worry about your safety when I cannot be at your side at all times outside this home…”
“We have spoken on this a multitude of times, and I promised to you that I would stay safe. I survived on my own with this curse in the past, and I shall continue to do so in the present and future. Just look around at the destruction surrounding us! Even now, as I’ve spoken to you a myriad of poems during this conversation, neither of us have been harmed nor injured!,” Woodrow exclaims as he directs Phantom to look upon the room and take in the disrepair it is in. There are shards of broken glass laying upon the ground from fallen vases and picture frames, and there seems to be water leaking out from underneath the bathroom door. Woodrow feels a hand touch his cheek and he lets it gently move his face to once again stare back at Phantom, whom only looks back with pure love and adoration.
“Mon poète bien-aimé… I promise I was not speaking of the beautiful chaos cause by your hypnotic poems… I am just worried some ruffian will try to harm you do to your affiliation with me. You have only been here for all but a week, and I know in the past you rarely left Palette Prime… I have a very long list of people whom always try to knock me down a peg or two every day, even if it’s at the cost of someone else’s safety’ …I just want you to put your safety first and foremost when you leave without me… Without you, my life would still be lost in a cycle of loneliness!”
Phantom smiles slightly and his thumb rubs against Woodrow’s cheek in a soothing manor. Woodrow leans into the soft touch and smiles back at him before replying.
“ You really are an Angel, Phantom… I promise I shall be safer when I go out alone. I shall be aware of my own surrounding at every turn. If I must do something to help you worry less, I would not be supposed to a costume of sorts..?”
“Oh, c'est une MERVEILLEUSE idée, mon amour! We can turn it anti a makeover of sorts tomorrow! I’ve always wanted to see you in a suit~ Of course, I’ll let you give me a makeover of sorts as well! Only fair that both of us get to pick out the other’s wardrobe rather than just one of us!” Phantom looks at Woodrow with excitement over the fashion possibilities and he can better understand Woodrow’s chosen sense of fashion.
Both of them share a little laugh, and then continue to cuddle and talk late into the night about different topics. Eventually Woodrow passes out and Phantom holds him close to him, being careful not to jostle him too much. Once settled, Phantom closes his eyes do the ghost equivocal to sleeping, closing his eyes and day dreaming about what tomorrow holds. Anything is possible so long as he has his lover right by his side, and the same vise versa.
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lunarbuck · 1 year
This song is literally perfect for a bucky one shot! Probably a sad and angsts one 🥺👀
Thank you so so much for the request!!
this song is legit so sad 😭 i'm sorry in advance y'all
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Our Song
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x f!reader (any race)
WC: 977
Summary: nothing is the same after the snap
Warnings: THIS IS SAD!! ANGST NO HAPPY ENDING, takes place post-infinity war… , mentions of death and loss, grieving, referenced death
A/N: legit cried while writing this.... and yeah i said no happy ending but in reality, we all know what happens during end game so like,,, you catch my drift? all I'm saying is that eventually things will get better but they don't in this one shot lmao
main masterlist | bucky one shot masterlist | requests are OPEN
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The dog tags around your neck sway and clink as you climb through your bedroom window onto the roof. 
The moon is high in the sky on this beautiful cloudless night, and you can’t help but stare at it. 
You find your way to the middle of the roof and lay down flat, pressing yourself against the plaster. Your fingers mindlessly fiddle with the dog tags, running the pads of your thumbs over the words pressed into the metal.
It’s only been a week, and it still doesn’t feel real.
Wakanda is nearly silent tonight, still mourning all the lives lost. It happened so quickly. You didn’t even get to say goodbye.
You weren’t even there to make sure he wasn’t in pain; you were cooped up with a few families in town, staying safe.
Your mind constantly replays what you think happened, the way he faded away in bits and pieces like sand in the wind. He must’ve been so confused, so scared.
You’d met Bucky a year ago after his deprogramming ended. You worked in the palace, and he often visited T’Challa and Shuri. It was inevitable that your paths would cross.
Bucky was perfect. So kind and caring, he would go to the ends of the earth for you. He’d pluck the stars from the sky; he’d keep the world from turning. And you’d do it all for him too if only he asked.
“I’m so sorry,”   Steve choked, face twisted in pain.
“No,” you whispered. “No, no, no.” Arms wrapped around you from behind as your legs collapsed, slowing your descent. You couldn’t breathe. There was no more air in the world.
Steve fell to the floor in front of you and placed his hands on the sides of your head. His tears cleared tracks in the dirt on his face.
You still couldn’t breathe.
“He- he- he put up a good fight.” The arms holding you released you, and you threw yourself at Steve, burying yourself in his chest.
He held you tightly, shaking with his sobs.
“I didn’t get to say goodbye.” Steve held you tighter, and you gripped him harder like you were the only thing tethering the other to earth.
Steve didn’t speak for a long time, only whispering, praying, “‘Till the end of the line. ‘Till the end of the line. ‘Till the end of the line.”
‘Till the end of the line.
You struggle to take a full breath as tears spill from your eyes. Your chest shudders, your heart aches. The Wakandan grieving process is a celebration of life. It recognizes the pain but reminds everyone of the beautiful life the individual lived.
As you suck in gasping breaths, you try to remember Bucky the way he’d want you to remember him.
Smiling, laughing, happy. You try to remember the way he’d wink at you after telling a dirty joke or making you blush. The way he’d wrap his arms around your waist and lift you up, spinning you around. The way his lips felt pressed against yours, soft and sweet.
You can practically see his eyes in the stars, gleaming down at you.
Even though it’s difficult, you push yourself up, standing and stretching your limbs to the sky. You pull out your phone and scroll through your playlist until you find the song you’re looking for. 
Won’t you lock me in your heart 
And throw away the key
Cause I love you forever
Through eternity
You sway with the breeze, holding the phone close to your chest. Images of Bucky’s bright eyes and beautiful smile flash through your mind at the sound of the song the two of you would dance to nearly every evening.
He’d spin you around the kitchen and sing along, always the hopeless romantic.
You know that even though he’s gone, he’s still yours. He’s still your knight in shining armor, your beautiful Bucky. And you’re still his, his best girl. But it’s hard to convince yourself that as the weight of his absence presses down on you.
You don’t know how you’ll move on, how you’ll ever open yourself up to someone like you did with Bucky. There’s no one out there like him, no one for you now that he’s gone.
Today, Steve left Wakanda to head back to New York. He offered to bring you back with him, but you can’t bear to leave behind the place where you’d met Bucky, where you’d fallen in love. You can’t fathom living in a world without Bucky, one where he’s not at your side.
Each night this week, you’ve repeated the ritual. You hold on to whatever you have left of him, a ratty old henley, his dog tags, a hairband. You listen to the song even though it tears you in half, and you stay up all night. Each night, you wait for a sign, something… anything that will tell you that he’s okay.
Tonight, it still hurts, but the song brings you a new comfort. The stars shine down at you, and this time you can see his eyes, his smile. His soul, etched out in the constellations. 
He’s there, just harder to see. You can live with that.
I have searched for a lifetime
For the one I could call my own
Now I found you, my darling
And I’ll never be alone
Every night, you dance with the ghost of what used to be, what you used to have. Maybe one day, the pain will lessen. Maybe one day, it’ll all make sense. Today is not that day; today doesn’t need to be that day. All you know is that tonight, Bucky is with you in the stars, and that’s all you can ask for.
We’ll be sweethearts forever
Through eternity
Every night I’m dancing with your ghost.
Every night I’m dancing with your ghost.
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please message me to be added to a taglist! mucst be 18+
Everything tags: @peaches1958 @pono-pura-vida @emi11ie @paulasocean @silverfire475 @lovingchoices14 @nekoannie-chan @jen-with-a-pen
All Bucky taglist: @prettylittlepluviophile @writerwrites @w0nderw0mansw0rld @hawsx3 @meetmeatyourworst @harrysthiccthighss @goldylions @late-to-the-party-81 @luxeavenger @cloudyfeel @searchf0rtheskyline @keliiii @urmom4130
strikethru means I couldn't tag you for some reason :/
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p.s. i intend to write a part 2 bc I want them to have a happy ending!!!
songs referenced in this fic:
Dancing With Your Ghost by Sasha Alex Sloan
Through Eternity: Jerry Fuller
125 notes · View notes
Don’t Drink the Punch
pairing: Steve Harrington x Female Byers!reader
genre: follows show plot lines, but will diverge from canon
WC: 7K
warnings: cursing, alcohol, mention of weed and a quick with cigs, part of the stancy fight, mentions of throwing up. should be it.
summary: maybe next time, don’t drink punch that’s ‘pure fuel’. halloween sure was a crazy night, too bad you can’t remember much.
A/N: ALL PART UNDER THE TAG -The Byers Harrington Story-
series masterlist
we are going to ignore time when reading my stories because i also ignore it when writing! i put two and three together, but honestly ep3 (the physical ep) is barely in here, just the fight between stancy and a quick scene of joyce calling the radio shack for bob, once we leave the party that’s where ep3 begins.
thank you to @alecmores​ for proof reading!
previous chapter  next chapter
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Halloween has finally arrived in Hawkins, Indiana. House decorated in fake cobwebs, a corn maze was organized by Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins, and candy was sold out in pretty much every grocery and convenience store. Pumpkin patches sadly were supposedly destroyed, so you weren’t able to pick one out to carve with Will like you usually do. But it was still going to be a great Halloween, you asked Robin over the phone yesterday if she was interested in going to Tina’s party and her response was, “do you really want to go to the party? Sure you don’t want to just come here?” “We don’t have to stay long, an hour at most, if we aren’t enjoying it after that, then we can go to your place. Deal?” “Mmm, sure. It’s a deal.”
You felt so giddy at the idea of finally going to a high school party, you tried to bring it down a notch knowing it’s not gonna be like the movies, but still, a Halloween party! You hope it was good enough to stay longer than an hour. You’re gonna let yourself be a dumb teenager tonight and get fucking drunk.
With your hair styled in tight ringlets and tied together with a blue ribbon, a light blue shadow dusted over your lids and your lips puckered pink. You smooth your hands down the fabric of the blue dress and slipped into some blue ballerina flats. You took a look into your mirror to see if you need any touch-ups or if you looked stupid, but when you looked into the mirror, you smiled. You felt quite pretty today.
Walking from your room to the kitchen you took a peek inside Will’s room, he was wearing his beige Ghostbusters jumper and Joyce was helping with the black ghost pack. You leaned against the doorway for a moment before speaking, “Nice costume.”
Will and Joyce both turned in the direction of your voice. Will had a shining smile on his face and Joyce placed her hands over her heart.
“Pretty dress,” Will noted.
“Honey, you look so beautiful!” you thought Joyce was gonna spill a few tears.
Thanking both of them, you stepped into the room and sat down on Will’s bed, holding your hands out for him to take. Your hands rest on your thighs while you just look at Will, then you move a hand to smooth his bangs and you let your eyes search him, trying to find something. With a hand on his cheek you leaned in closer to him, “are you okay?” you whispered.
He took a moment, but in the end, he just nodded a yes to your question. You didn’t want to push him, not after yesterday, but you knew he wasn’t telling the full truth. You gave a forced smile to Will, trying to show him that you were gonna try and step back just a bit.
Standing from the bed, you smoothed his hair one more time before heading to the kitchen where you could smell Jonathan making breakfast. The smell of eggs, sausage, and some toast wafted through the house, a comforting smell. With a plate already set on the table, you decided to dig in.
“You know-” you said with some eggs in your mouth, “you will make a great housewife one day.”
Jonathan scoffed at your joke, “Oh, and you’re gonna find an amazing trophy husband in the future.”
“Hell yeah. Just because I’m able to birth babies doesn’t mean I want to constantly take care of them, I’m already like a second mother to Will sometimes,” you bit into your toast.
Jonathan fully turned around now and he stopped at the sight of you all dressed up. Only on special occasions do you get fully ready, taking a while to pamper yourself pretty. He set the other two plates on the table then grabbed a tight ringlet, and pulled it down.
“Hey, I worked hard on these,” swatting his hand away.
“You know Halloween is tonight. You don’t have to be dressed up right now.”
“Okay, so Will wants to dress up for school, but I can’t. That’s misogynistic of you, Jonathan.” His mouth gaped open, “what-” You threw a hand into his chest, giggles spilling past your lips, “I’m kidding dude. I just felt like wearing it for school today, plus it’s just a dress, nothing like Will’s.”
He then backed off, knowing it’s Halloween, if you wanted to be dressed up for school you can do so for your pleasure.
Joyce and Will finally joined the both of you in the kitchen. All four of you are chatting, about school, about tonight and the rules, reminding Joyce that you’re going to Robin’s for the night. When everyone was done eating you helped Jonathan wash and dry the dishes while Will got the rest of his belongings together, the both of you were gonna take pictures before leaving.
“I was wondering if you wanted to go to Tina’s party tonight?”
Jonathan turned his head at your question, “What? Why? You decide to go?” He chuckled at the idea.
When you didn’t counter back right away he looked back at you, a small frown on his face, “(Y/n), come on. Do you really want to go to a party filled with drunk teenagers? Teenagers, who are mostly people that don’t like us?” “I know, but it would be nice to experience it just once. Plus Robin’s going with me, and we’ll only stay an hour at most. Come on, if you drive us, we can get drunk, and you can be the dd because you’re a wet blanket,” you threw a gentle elbow to his ribs.
He didn’t respond, just went back to washing the dishes and handing them to you for drying off, “At least- at least just think about it. Please?”
With a tiny turning of his head, he gave a nod.
And that was the end of the conversation.
“No way.”
You turned away from the inside of your locker and met the wide-eyed face of Robin. You look down at yourself then back up to her face, “what?” “Uh, two things. One, you look very pretty, and two, why are you wearing it at school?”
“My little brother wore his to school, I just felt like doing it as well. What’s wrong anyway, it's just a dress!”
“Yeah, but you’re a junior in high school, it’s a little different than a- what grade is Will in?” “Eighth grade,” “Eighth grade compared to Junior year, kinda different.”
You just rolled your eyes and closed your locker. The two of you walk down the crowded halls, elbows and warm bodies bumping into each other. Couples being gross, being way too intimate, or making out against lockers, it was eight-thirty in the morning. 
“Can’t they keep it in their pants at least till lunch, actually no, because I’ll probably throw up my food,” Robin commented.
A breathy laugh left your lips. You surveyed the halls, your eyes roaming from one person to another, the feeling of their eyes watching your passing figure kept you on alert. You knew that today you looked completely different compared to your usual school or everyday attire, but the feeling of them watching you. The eyes trailing down your figure, the giggles of girls, and murmurs. Maybe dressing up for school was a bad idea.
“Robin,” “(Y/n).” “Be honest, are people staring at me?”
Robin did a quick check around the crowded halls and took in the boys with their mouths agape, the girls chewing their gum obnoxiously, their very pointed stares on you.
“Ah, no I don’t think so.”
“No yeah, people are staring at you.”
You just groaned. Now, you’re regretting this decision.
“I think it’s because these dudes are shocked they are just now seeing how beautiful you are, and the girls are jealous. Hell, I would one hundred percent ask you on a date if I didn’t already know about your little crush,” Robin tried to make you feel better.
“And I one hundred percent would date you if you asked.”
“Well, it looks like someone is excited for tonight.”
The abrupt male voice broke through the quiet conversation between you and Robin on the bleachers. The two of you watched as the metalhead trudged up the metal steps, the sound of his feet hitting each step reverberating in the air. In a joking manner, Eddie gave a bow, he was acting like a court jester and you were the sitting princess.
“My Lady.” “Oh, shut up,” lightly pushed his shoulder.
He sat on the bench below you and Robin, his lunchbox, which you knew was filled with weed, he placed it beside him the metal vibrating. Robin ate a sandwich and shared her chips with you as you worked through your homework. Bob let you take the day off, so now until the trick-or-treating, you are making sure your assignments are finished.
“Going to Tina’s Halloween bash?” Robin asked Eddie.
He sighed, “yes and no, it’s kinda a work event. If you look at it that way. Drunk kids, love to get high.”
“Gonna get high, Byers?”
You shot your head up from the work and flushed at the words falling from Eddie’s mouth, the playful wiggle to his brows.
“Oh, you smoke (Y/n)?” Robin turned to you.
“Ah, it was for a little- nightmares and such. Not anymore though.”
You shot Eddie with a pointed look trying to convey your thoughts, but even if he saw the glare, he chose to ignore it and met Robin with a playful smile dancing devilishly across his face.
“Oh, Byers and I would hang out in my van for hours and smoke. Really good times, and then one day, when we were both high, she ended up-”
“Hitting! I accidentally hit Eddie while high, really embarrassing thing,” you fibbed.
Robin slowed in her chewing, just watching the way you and Eddie were interacting with each other at the moment. The two of you have a staring contest, you with your bold eyes watching Eddie who looked to be holding back a laugh, he thought this whole exchange was hilarious and it was pissing you off a bit. Switching tactics of trying, and I mean trying to use intimidation, you decide to use sympathy instead. Using the puppy eyes, ones that your family says can work on anyone.
With a pout on your lips, a sight furrow of brows, and your eyes changing looks, “Yeah- yeah a good smack to my cheek. Her punches are really strong,” Eddie lied.
“Okay,” Robin said one word slowly.
“So, you're dressing up tonight, Munson?”
With the bell signaling the final class for the day, everyone rushed from their classes and flooded the halls. Walking beside Eddie as he walked you towards your locker, the both of you engaged in conversation, neither of you noticed the two people just three lockers away. With a bump to your hip and a gentle push to his shoulder the both of you split, Eddie giving another bow before departing through the double doors down the corridor.
“You two sure are close.” Turning to the voice, Nancy was putting things in her locker while Steve leaned against one, his arms crossed over his chest and feet crossed at the ankle. You looked from them to the doors Eddie walked through, a quick tilt of your head, “Ah, yeah. Got closer over the summer.”
You walked to your locker and threw in everything that you didn’t need for the day, stuffing your books and homework you finished into the cramped space, “You two going to Tina’s tonight?”
“Oh, yeah. Doing Risky Business. What do you think (Y/n), am I better looking than Cruise?”
Turning your attention away from your books and onto Steve, his winning smile on display just waiting for your answer to his question, ‘dangerous territory’ you thought.
“Oh, now you see, there is a pretty obvious answer to your question.”
“So you think I’m better looking?” a cocky smile.
You slammed your locker shut, a teasing smile, “oh, now, I thought you were smarter than that Steve. It’s so obviously Cruise, sorry Harrington.”
You left the two of them heading for Jonathan, “see you two at Tina’s!” you yelled just before exiting the school for the day.
“So you hit “T” to zoom in, and “W” zooms back out. See? Easy-peasy.”
Bob was teaching Jonathan how to work the new camcorders, Joyce wanted to have Will’s night out on tape since she wasn’t joining this year. She and Bob were staying at the house to give out candy and watch some movies, it was cute.
“Just make sure to turn off the power to save energy there. You can always ask (Y/n) for help, she knows her way around one of these, don’t ya?”
“All thanks to you, boss,” the two of you shared a smile.
Jonathan walked over to Will and Joyce, “Are you ready, bud?”
“Just try and keep an eye on him.” “We will mom, it’s gonna be fine,” you reasoned to her.
Will had a beaming smile on his face, ready to go out with his friends for the night and collect candy that will give him tummy aches for days after. Smiling at your fond memories of you and Jonathan trick-or-treating. One year when Will was still small the three of you did Scooby Doo, you as Daphne, Jonathan as Shaggy, and little Will as baby Scooby. And then one Halloween about four years ago, you tried doing a look from Breakfast at Tiffany’s, not as iconic as Audrey Hepburn, but still good.
The three of you ushered out the door and towards Jonathan’s car.
“Be safe,” Joyce yelled out.
“I hope it doesn’t suck!” Bob called out imitating Dracula, poorly you might add.
The boys giggled a bit at the joke, you flicked at both their ears for laughing at Bob.
The car was silent for a few minutes then Jonathan decided to speak up, “I just don’t get what she sees in him.”
“What?” Will asked in the passenger seat.
“Hey, Bob is a great man. You just find him too dorky,” you quoted the one word.
He scoffed, “no I don’t.”
“At least he doesn’t treat me different,” Will murmured.
You and Jonathan got quiet for a moment. If you were to list the people who are very doting on Will after the Upside Down it would be Joyce, You, and Jonathan, then the party. Bob didn’t know about what happened to Will, all of you decided to not mention anything to him, also you all signed NDAs.
“I mean, I can’t even go trick-or-treating by myself. It’s lame.” “Hey, going with a group of people is always more fun than by yourself,” you threw out.
“You think I’m lame? You think (Y/n)’s lame?” “I’m not lame, just fyi.”
Will sighed, “no, but it’s not like Nancy’s coming to watch over Mike, you know?”
You chewed on your bottom lip, looking from Will who was watching the trees whiz past the speeding car, then to Jonathan’s eyes in the rearview mirror. All three of you just released quiet sighs and that was the end of the conversation for the rest of the ride to the Wheeler’s.
The three boys were walking up the grass lawn just as Jonathan pulled up to the curb. Jonathan honked the horn in greeting. Placing the car into park, Jonathan turned to Will as he grabbed the ghost pack getting ready to leave.
“Hey, listen,”
“If I let you go on your own, you promise to stay in the neighborhood?”
The spark was back in Will’s eyes, “Yeah! Yeah, yeah, totally.”
“And be back at Mike’s by nine,” you added from the back.
You and Jonathan looked at each other for a moment, “nine,” Jonathan stated firmly.
“Yeah.” “Deal?” “Yeah, deal.”
“All right, go have fun, bud,” Jonathan added.
You grabbed the camcorder and pushed it up front, “hey, Will. Don’t let any of the idiots use this, all right? I don’t want to worry about Bob pulling it from my paycheck.”
“Okay,” he said with a chuckle.
“I hope it doesn't suck,” Jonathan imitates Bob.
You gave a swift smack to his shoulder, “What the hell?”
“Idiot,” you mumbled.
The two of you waved off Will as he rushed over to the three boys, the four of them shouting and smiling with joy. They were messing around with their pillowcases for a moment, then they headed off into the neighborhood, on a mission for some cavity-inducing candy. Weariness brewed in the pit of your stomach, worried something might happen to Will while you and Jonathan weren’t present, but you both know he needed this.
“Awesome,” Jonathan whispered while looking at his crumpled orange paper.
Smiling tugging at your face, the weariness fading to the back of your mind for the moment, “so, Tina’s?”
He turned his head at your voice, a grimace on his face, “Robin first?” “Step on it, chauffeur! We have a party to attend!”
He sighed, then put the car into gear.
“Wow” “I regret this” “What the hell is Bruce Stevens wearing?”
Girls On Film by Durn Durn was blasting through the many speakers at Tina’s house, it almost looked like the building was bouncing and bumping with the beat of the song. Teens dressed in different costumes ranging from a current pop culture interest to just a simple shirt with a dumb character face mask. Everyone had red solo cups in hand, some cigarettes, and a few couples making out against cars or on the lawn. There were screams and chants from the backyard, people chanting numbers then bursting into calls of someone's name. And then, finally, Bruce Stevens came rushing out the front door and threw up onto the lawn, classy.
It was a lot to take in within the first five minutes of arrival.
You and Robin linked arms, you were still dressed as Wendy, and it looked like Robin threw together a last-minute costume, “I’m one of the outsiders!” she declared. Jonathan trailed behind the both of you, he was like a weak bodyguard.
Walking through the front door, you were instantly hit with the smell of smoke and spilled beer. The air in the crowded house was warm, it was close to feeling like summer all over again just from the living room. The bass of the music makes the floor thump in time with the beat. People grinding against the other, both intentional and unintentional, everyone too drunk to care about a little personal space.
You and Robin pushed your way through the people crowding the door, Jonathan just behind you both. Looking behind to make sure Jonathan was staying close when something else caught you by surprise.
“Holy shit!” “What!” Robin screeched.
You turned her around to look at the scene before you, Jonathan was talking with a cute girl in a KISS costume. He must have said something funny ‘cause the girl was chuckling at whatever the remark was, then they both shook hands in a greeting.
Pleasantly surprised by these events, you pulled Robin with you towards the kitchen. You were in search of a hard drink to get you drunk fast. Having found your destination, you grabbed solo cups for the two of you and looked into the clear punch bowl that had a fog brewing atop the red liquid. Dipping the cups in, you passed Robin a cup and you clicked in cheers.
“What the fuck is this stuff!” you downed the liquid like water.
“This is going to be a dangerous night,” Robin commented.
You giggled at the comment and went back in for seconds, then thirds, and fourths. Whatever amount you were on, you finally went to the dance floor when a song caught your full drunken-dazed attention, “Robin!” and you pulled her behind you to the crowded floor.
Not being even an ounce sober you were just moving your body around in a way that just felt freeing and comforting, you even pulled Robin into whatever dance you were doing, your bodies intertwined.
“Byers!” a voice shouted over the noise.
You twirled your body, colliding into the hard chest of someone, their hands sitting just below where your bra band sat. You were a giggling mess, something was funny that only you saw or thought of, and your drink was long forgotten somewhere in the house, someone might have even taken it.
Your hands traveled from the stranger's chest and up to their neck then finally rested on their cheeks, you squeezed the mushy muscle. Your vision was blurring, one body could have been three bodies. You giggled again, the images were funny to your mind.
“Hey- hey handsome, or gor-gouse, whoever, wanna- wanna kiss?” your words were slurring together from the alcohol and time it settled in your body.
Leaning your face forward, waiting for lips to make contact with yours. Instead, a warm feeling heated your cheeks, your face being pushed back. Blinking your heavy lids, you were just able to make out the person before you, only because he was always in your dreams.
“St- Stevie?”
A clicking noise sounded off, “Sorry babe,” yeah, your vision was fucked.
Eddie was holding your face, “Where’s Ro- Robin?”
“She went to the bathroom, and found me before she hurried off.”
“Wh- where’s Jonathan?”
“Now that, I don’t have the answer.”
“Why don’t we get you some water, huh?” You pouted but complied when Eddie slipped a hand into yours. Pushing and stumbling through the crowd, you were allowed a moment of free space in the kitchen. You leaned a hip into the counter while Eddie grabbed a cup and filled it to the brim, “chug it, Byers,” Eddie tilted the cup to your lips. Chugging the water you felt like a starved man on an island, your hands limply grasped for the cup.
Eddie grabbed the cup back and filled it again, you wiped the droplets off your face. Just as you grabbed for the cup you heard everyone around you ‘ooooo’, you turned to look for the scene to cause such a reaction. Standing before you, actually standing in front of you, Nancy and Steve stood across from each other, and all the party-goers stood still. Nancy had a giant red stain splashed across the front of her white shirt, and Steve leaned against the counter, he ran a hand through his hair in a stressed manner.
“What the hell?” Nancy slurred.
Nancy hurried off into the crowd and Steve followed a second behind, “Nance.”
Eddie blocked your view of the party, the now refilled solo cup pushing against your lips. Grasping for the cup you chugged the water down again, almost choking on the speed you were drinking, “Jesus, you don’t have to chug it.”
“Another!” you screeched.
Eddie went to refill the cup for the third time, and Robin reappeared from nowhere, “You two see the scene between Wheeler and Harrington?”
“I think I wanna go home now, or yours Robin. I just- I think I should leave. I’m too- I’m too dru-nk,” words still slurring together.
“Okay, you can come to mine, my mom’s working a late shift. So I’ll go look for Jonathan and tell him, stay with Eddie,” and she hurried off.
Rubbing your hands over your face, you tried to will yourself sober, at least the water was helping just a bit. You were gonna have the worst hangover tomorrow morning, and god the throwing up, you regret this.
“I regret getting drunk,” you said aloud to Eddie.
Eddie chuckled and pushed the solo back into your hands, “drink, slowly.”
Just as you finished your third cup of water and handed the cup to Eddie you caught movement. Looking over at the crowd, everyone getting drunk and stoned, everyone forgetting the scene Nancy and Steve had only minutes ago. You saw Steve rushing through the crowd, you couldn’t tell from the distance between you and him, but he looked stressed and as if he wanted away from this party before he collapsed or something terrible happened in front of everyone. Your feet moved before your mind caught up to your actions and just before you reached the crowded living room, an arm gripped your bicep and pulled you back.
“You’re not disappearing on me, Byers.”
“But, Steve…” “I know babe, but you’re drunk and I don’t want Jonathan to bite my head off for losing you.” You giggled at that, forgetting what you were doing just a second ago, “Jonathan won’t hurt you, I’m the one with the brawns, remember? I smacked you!” a string of giggles followed.
Just then Robin came back, an arm went around your waist and she tugged one of your arms over her shoulder, “We’re gonna meet Jonathan at his car, and Nancy is coming as well.”
“Huh?” She just shook her head, “See you later Munson.” “Take care of our friend, Buckley, have a bucket ready!” …
The room was too bright, the air felt too thick, and the bedsheets rubbed against your skin in a way that felt like sandpaper. Everything felt wrong and too much at the moment, just even breathing felt wrong to your body. Curling up deep into yourself, just wanting to shut everything out and not exist for the moment, just a small relief of bliss from your hangover and the ache of your skull and body, but it didn’t last long. A door slammed open and then closed accompanied by a too-loud voice.
“(Y/n)! Wakey wakey!”
You just lifted a hand limply into the air trying to make a signal to Robin for her to quiet down.
“Get up! We have to get to school!” “Who’s going to school after last night?” your throat felt dry like a desert.
“Everyone, ‘cause if no one showed up it would be an early senior ditch day.”
“Ugh, I don’t even think I brought my bag with me, and I don’t have extra clothes.”
“Well first sit up and drink this water,” the thunk of the cup sitting on Robin’s nightstand rang like a gong going off in your ears.
“I already called Jonathan to make sure he grabs your bag, and I have some old clothes you could try. But first, drink this water and take some Advil, and take a quick shower to wash your makeup off. I’ll leave some clothes by the bathroom door for you,” and she left you, moving quietly you might add.
“I think my brain is gonna explode inside my skull any minute now.”
“So dramatic.”
You and Eddie hung out by the forest lining the school grounds, both of you choosing to ditch second period. You were seated on the bench hidden deep in the trees, the one where Eddie does all his business during school hours. He was lighting a cigarette between his lips, the smell of the tobacco made you crinkle your nose, but the urge to have a blunt hit you, “Can I have a hit?” A brow raised at your question, “That hungover?” “Oh yeah. Don’t know what the hell they put in that devil punch,” your fingers pinching for the death stick.
Your lungs when inhaling the nicotine burned, but you welcomed it with pleasure and pain. It filled you with some type of relief from your headache. Your shoulders shagged from their tense posture, you held the smoke for a few seconds then with your lips forming a perfect ‘o’ shape, smoke rings were pushed out. Taking one more hit you then passed it back to Eddie.
“So you remember anything from last night,” smoke passed from his lips.
Your eye widened, “not really, did I do something stupid?”
“You thought I was Harrington again,” he gave a breathy laugh.
“What the hell is wrong with me,” you ran your hands over your face in embarrassment.
“Your desire for Harrington must be really strong if you keep mistaking me for him, and you almost went after him when he rushed out the house. If you don’t watch yourself, you’re gonna get heartbroken like glass, the perfect hit and it crumbles.”
“Wow, so poetic of you, Shakespeare.”
Silence passed between your bodies, the rusting of fallen autumn leaves dropping from stems, the trees singing their song that you weren’t able to understand. Everything felt like a frozen moment in time, the two of you just enjoying the other’s company along with the woods shielding the world away from the two of you. Too bad it couldn’t last for longer than a moment.
“I’m just trying to look out for you, Byers. I care about you, I’ve seen you at what I assume is your lowest, the nightmares and everything. I’ve seen you slowly get better, getting a grip back on yourself. I don’t want all of that to just be thrown out the window just because of douchebag Harrington.”
“He’s not a douchebag…” Eddie threw a look your way, “...anymore. He’s growing out of that shell of himself. I swear.”
“Whatever you say, but just know, Robin and I will be here for you if you need mending done.”
The bell rang signaling the end of second period and moving into third. You gathered your belongings and headed back towards the stone building, you turned back to Eddie seeing that he didn’t join you.
“You coming?” “Nah, gonna stay out here a little longer.” “You know, if you keep skipping classes, you’re gonna be held back again!”
He just chuckled at your comment. Leaving him and the woods behind, the small moment of quiet just to walk back into the loud halls of teens you could care less about, “hey, Byers!” You turned to Eddie, “You know I’m here right? And Robin? We’re here for you if you can’t go to your family.”
Stilling for a moment, but then you nodded at him and walked back to the school. As you were taking your time walking to class, you watched the P.E. group running on the track outside and you could faintly hear the squeaking and shouting from within the gym. Just as you were about to pass the gym to enter the school, voices outside stopped you in your tracks.
“Apparently, uh… we killed Barb and I don’t care ‘cause I’m bullshit… and our whole…our whole relationship is bullshit, and… I mean, pretty much everything is just bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Oh, yeah, also, you don’t love me.”
Your eyes widened from the realization of who was talking and what the conversation was about.
Steve and Nancy were talking about whatever happened last night. You knew this was a conversation meant only for the two of them, but you were scared to take even a single step away, worried they might hear you. So you tried to stay like a statue, even holding your breath worried they might have bat hearing all of a sudden. You will yourself think of something else, zone out, anything to avoid this conversation. Watching the kids running the track wasn’t helping as you could still hear them.
“Well, then tell me.”
“Tell you what?”
“You love me.” Your heart broke. The words sounded broken, sharp jagged pieces being spit from Steve’s mouth. You could tell how much Steve cared about Nancy when it was just the two of you and even more when the both of them were together, but sometimes Nancy looked like she wanted to be anywhere other than the present. Unintentionally hearing that Nancy thought their relationship was bullshit and her thinking Steve was bullshit, made a bit of anger rise within you, but this was something not meant for your personal feelings.
This was something between Nancy and Steve, something that they’ve been hiding, well, something that Nancy’s been hiding from Steve. She is hiding her true feelings about things, not happy with the way Steve’s handling situations compared to herself. Sadly that tiny bit of anger was pointed directly at Nancy and you hated yourself for it.
The abrupt noise of the gym doors banging open pulled you from your stupor. Bruce Stevens rushed out and looked down the alley at the bickering couple, “Harrington!” “Dude, we need you, man. That douchebag’s killing us. Let’s go!” “All right!” “Come on!”
And just before Bruce ran back inside he met your standing figure and flicked his head at you, “Byers! You were so hot last night!”
That was your cue to rush inside. With a quiet “thanks” to Bruce, you speed your way from the alley and into the empty halls, fourth period was long forgotten.
Wanting just to rush to work that day, wanting to ignore your hangover, wanting to forget the conversation between Nancy and Steve, you forgot that Jonathan said he had to leave early. So when you walked to the parking lot and didn’t see his car sitting with the engine running, your shoulders slumped and an empty exhale was released. Your bike wasn’t at school, you barely bike anywhere anymore with Joyce being worried.
You knew there was a pay phone near the front of the school, so turning back in that direction you managed to run into an oncoming body. The force in which you slammed yourself into their chest threw you off your feet and you would have landed on your ass if the person didn’t wrap their arms around your waist. Your hands reach out for their biceps to add extra support for yourself.
“In a rush, Byers?”
You thought for a moment it was Eddie, your mind still clouded with alcohol would continue to mix the two males up for some reason, but when you paid attention to the person it was him.
“Ah, sorry. I- Jonathan’s not here, so I was gonna call my mom. I don’t have a ride to work.”
His arms slipped from your waist, “I could take you if you want.”
“Oh, uh, you don’t have to. Maybe I could ask Robin or Eddie.”
“Seriously it’s no problem, Byers,” and he headed off in the direction of his BMW.
You hesitated, not sure if he was gonna bring up the conversation and your eavesdropping, but if he did you’ll just lie, just say you didn’t hear anything. Yeah, you can lie, it’s not even a bad lie, just a light fib. You didn’t even want to be involved with their relationship in any way, for normal reasons and selfish ones. So, with slow and hesitant steps, you walked to the passenger side and slid into the leather seat.
“Radio Shack, right?”
“Uh, yeah, on Main Street.”
With his answer, he started the car and headed off the school property. After just a few minutes you spoke, which might have been a bad idea, “so where’s Nancy? Don’t you usually drive her home?”
Why did your stupid mind have to bring up Nancy when you heard their conversation, but at least this could throw Steve off from thinking you did hear the dispute. You could feel the air thicken with tension from the question and the way Steve hesitated in his answer added more. His shoulders tense, the grip on the wheel tightening, and his jaw clenched.
“Uh, she- uh, she had to stay after school for a little. Told me she’ll have her mom get her.”
A lie, but you didn’t say anything about it, just nodded your head.
The suffocating silence came back. The two of you can make conversation both easily and also very difficult, today it looked to be difficult.
“So…you like working at Radio Shack?” Steve was trying to make small talk.
“Yeah. Bob’s a great boss, very kind and considerate with teaching me new things. It was a little weird at first, not used to that attitude from an older male figure. Only seen yelling and fighting, but I don’t have to stay on guard when I’m around Bob, it’s nice.”
Turning your head to Steve, you could see a tiny smile appearing, “And how do you feel about your boss dating your mom?”
A giggle slipped out, “it was a little weird at first, I admit. But after seeing how happy he made her, I got used to it quickly. Jonathan and Will, on the other hand, they’re being boys about it. Will seems more forgiving of Bob though which is great.”
“Well…I’m glad that you’re happy about this. I like seeing you happy about stuff, seeing people you care about feeling sad hurts in a way you can’t fix.”
Your breath got caught in your throat for a moment causing you to let out an abrupt cough. With your hand laying over your heart you could feel the fast thumping of your heart against your lungs. With your bottom lip pulled between your teeth, you took a quick look over at Steve.
He looked relaxed again while driving. His hands loosened on their grip and one hand rested under his jaw, the tiny smile still on his lips, his eyes holding just a bit of warmth compared to the coldness harboring just a few moments ago at the mention of Nancy. But with that warmth, you could tell that an underlying sadness rested behind his eyes, something that nested within his heart. And you wished you could fix it, just like he said earlier, it hurts seeing people you care about sad and you can’t do anything about it. But you knew that all that hurt came from Nancy and Steve's conversation earlier today, and that’s something only the two of them could work out.
“You see Bruce threw up yesterday at Tina’s? That whole party was crazy. And I regret drinking way too much of that punch.”
“Pure fuel,” Steve mumbled. “What?” you weren’t sure if you heard him correctly.
“Uh, Bruce said it was ‘pure fuel’ whatever that means.” “Basically poison.” “Yep, pretty much,” he sighed.
Just as you opened your mouth to say something the store sign came into view and Steve pulled up next to Bob’s car. Deflating into the seat, you just grabbed your belongings and moved for the door, “hey.” Stopping in your actions you turned to Steve, “if you need a ride home again, you can call me. I don’t have any plans for the night anyway.”
“If you tell me that, don’t be surprised when I’m constantly calling your house just for a ride.” He chuckled, “I’ll happily be your chauffeur if it gets me away from the quiet.”
The teasing tone in your voice dropped, “and if you ever want to hang out sometime outside of school, you know where I live and work,” the tone returned for a moment.
The two of you just stared at each other, taking in this blissful moment inside Steve’s car. The outside world was completely forgotten by you, your work was put on the back burner of your mind where you just took in Steve. Trying to memorize him at this moment, something you always do when it’s just the two of you in a small pocket of peace.
“You should,” his voice broke the quiet spell, “probably head inside. Don’t want to be late.”
With one final look at Steve, you left the car and headed into the store.
“So, how was the party?” “Uh, pretty great,” you lied.
You couldn’t remember much from last night, everything just blurred together making it hard to differentiate the things you did and witness there. You didn’t want to tell Bob that you got practically shit-faced, you didn’t want him to judge you and he would probably end up telling Joyce, and you can’t have that either. I mean, it seemed great.
“Any trick-or-treaters?” “Nope, a quiet night.” “Yeah, no one really goes to our house since it’s away from the neighborhoods.”
Bob was about to say something when the phone started to ring. You being behind the counter, you brought the receiver to your ear, “Radio Shack, this is (Y/n). How can I help you?” “(Y/n), honey.” “Mom? Why are you calling?”
“Uh, is Bob there?” You looked around the story. He wasn’t in the front and then you turned to look in the back and couldn’t find him, “uh, I can’t find him at the moment. Maybe I could help?”
“Okay, well um… I’m trying to watch the tape from last night on Bob’s video thingy, and the tape, it’s…it’s tiny. It’s like it’s shrunk.”
You rubbed a hand against your temple as you tried to remember what Bob taught you, “I believe it’s ‘cause they’re not the same. It’s a VHS-C, not a VHS. You gotta find the- oh what was it…you gotta find the RF-P1U with coaxial cable so you can connect the video ins and outs.”
“Honey, what does any of that mean and how do you remember all that?”
You huffed, “Uh, basically you gotta put a bunch of wires into the back of the TV, and I honestly don’t know.”
She giggled at the last part, “Okay, just give me a few minutes,” and then the line went quiet.
After about three minutes her voice returned to the phone, “Okay I hooked a punch of cords into the back.”
“You sure, are they-”
“No, yeah, I did the coaxial things in the back, so I…this one just goes into the camera itself?” “If it’s an input that fits the camera, yeah, exactly.”
“It’s blue,” “Mom, I can’t remember the cords-”
“No, the TV is blue, I think it’s working.”
“Okay, well, see-” and she hung up before you could say a proper goodbye.
You pulled the phone back for a moment, “Rude,” you stated before placing it back onto the base.
A sudden feeling came over you as if you had just been splashed by a bucket of ice-cold water.
“I've got a bad feeling,” you mumbled to yourself.
taglist: @heartyhope / @preciousbabypeter​ / @dessmxsworld​ / @piper3113 / @animiacorn​ / @burn1ngw00d​ / @drxwstxrkxy​ / @m-rae23​ / @noisyeggsmoneystatesman​ / @yournan69​ / @thats-s0-ravenn​ / @ameliabs-world​ / @mayonesavegana​ / @gracella0709​ / @gengen64​ / @alecmores​ / @choclate32 / @stvrdustalexx​ / @redheadedfangirl​ / @agustdeeyaa​ / @yappydoo​ / @liberhoe / @hehehehannahthings / @ladybug0095 /
*if your username is dashed out, tumblr can’t find your account*
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shimmiemoonie · 1 year
Jotaro x Reader Buzzfeed Unsolved
Just went on a buzzfeed unsolved binge when i got bored last night and this came out as a result. This is crack so please treat it as such. I may write a second part if people enjoy this. I just like the idea of Jotaro using Splat to mess with you. (Also this is an everyone lives AU bc I said so)
Also when I wrote this out I had this in the original Buzzfeed Unsolved meme format but it didn’t copy over so the stuff written like this is Joot speaking
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“Hello and welcome back to another episode where we explore the question, are ghosts real? Today—stop rolling your eyes, Jotaro!”
“I didn’t roll my eyes.”
“You clearly did! Covering your head with that hat won’t undo what I’ll find on the footage when I’m editing later.”
“Good grief.”
“Don’t good grief me. We’re exploring serious stuff.”
“Ghosts are serious. Maybe not to you, but for me they are. I’m actually terrified right now. I’m about to spend a good chunk of my night conversing with the undead. You just choose not to believe in their existence.”
“Because they’re not real.”
“I dragged your ass outside an allegedly haunted building. You're wasting your breath trying to convince the wrong person.” You turn back around so you’re facing the camera. “We’ve been over this before but in case you suck at picking up context clues, I’m on a mission to prove to Jotaro that ghosts are real and Jotaro thinks this is nothing but a waste of time.”
“Definitely a waste of my time.”
“You act like I force you to come every time but you and I both know it’s not true. You’re built like you belong on an American football team. I can’t force you to do anything you truly don’t want to do. That shows me there’s an inkling of hope that there may be a chance I could change your mind.”
You pretended not to see the second eye roll to allow yourself a moment to explain the lore behind the building. It took you longer than you had anticipated due to Jotaro’s scoffing at some outlandish claims or holes in your story.
As you bickered, you couldn’t help but be reminded of how this whole situation came to be. A few weeks before Jotaro suddenly disappeared for over a few months, you had begun to notice strange and unexplainable occurrences that had begun to happen around him. You offhandedly joked about him being haunted by a ghost before he had disappeared completely.
You weren’t sure if you would consider him to be a friend at the time. He wasn’t particularly close to anyone and you just happened to strike up a conversation as he sat down around the spot where you usually ate by yourself at lunch.
Once he had gone missing for some time, you had found yourself missing him. You changed up your spot at lunch when you got lonely and happened to overhear some girls talking about a haunted bathroom on the second floor of the school.
You didn’t have much equipment at the time, just your phone to record. You sat in the bathroom a while timidly asking if there were spirits present. You didn’t gather much evidence, just the stall closing by itself and some tapping, but when you uploaded it to the internet you found yourself gaining a small following.
The support encouraged you to buy a better camera and a microphone so you could be heard better. You began checking out abandoned buildings and homes and eventually your work became relatively well-known throughout the school. People who never bothered talking to you before began to ask if they could be featured in videos. It was overwhelming but you decided to keep the project to just yourself.
Not long afterward Jotaro returned to school and as a joke you asked him how his ghost problem was going. He had tensed at the question so in order to ease the tension you began to ramble about how you had started a ghost hunting show on the internet and even showed him snippets from an episode to prove your point. 
When your rambling was over he surprised you with a snort. “Ghosts aren’t real.”
You felt your jaw drop. Jotaro Kujo—the most haunted person you knew—didn’t believe in ghosts. 
You invited him jokingly to join you for your next video after school and to your surprise he had shown up after a remark about how his friend had something to do so he wanted to kill time.
With your banter, his abrasive taunts, and his attractive looks your following skyrocketed and your videos became more popular than ever. You begged him to star in another video and with some convincing from his friend, Kakyoin, Jotaro became a permanent staple to your show. 
“Stop blowing air on the back of my neck. You’re not funny.”
“I’m all the way over here. Maybe it’s one of your ghost friends.”
You looked over to find a considerable distance between the two of you. He wasn’t far, but he was far enough that you shouldn’t be able to feel his breath. “Are you not feeling this right now?”
“It’s just the wind.”
“I only feel it on my neck! The wind doesn’t concentrate on one singular point!”
“It’s probably just a draft.”
“You’re really telling me you don’t feel anything—” you cut yourself off as a door slowly creaked shut behind you. The sound was eerie and dragged on. It sent shivers throughout your body.
“Nothing a little grease can’t fix.”
“Are you kidding me? Are you really trying to rationalize that?!”
“Everything can be rationalized. Are you trying to convince me Casper did that?”
“And if I say possibly?”
“I’ll tell you that you’re full of shit.”
“You’re the one who’s full of shit. How, after everything we’ve seen, don’t even believe in the possibility that there may be something out there you can’t quite explain with a grounded explanation?”
“Are you telling me ghosts are a more grounded explanation than the wind?”
“Maybe I am.”
“You’re full of shit.”
“Agree to disagree. Now can I move onto the lore behind this room so we can leave?”
“No. How about you face your fears for a change?”
“Face my fears? I just saw a ghost close the door and I didn’t high-tail it to the next town over. I have to be the bravest person you know.”
“Kakyoin was on this shitty show too, remember? He believed in ghosts.”
“No, he said he could be persuaded into believing ghosts were real. There’s a difference. Now lets–” Whatever you were trying to say got cut off by the door slamming open behind you with a bang. “Fuck the lore, lets go,” you say as you begin to push Jotaro toward the exit on the other side. Jotaro, being the stubborn bastard, didn’t move an inch.
“No, we have time. What were you saying?”
“Doesn’t matter. I know how to read a room. We’re getting evicted.”
“Did your ghost friends tell you that?”
“They actually did. They were pretty adamant about it. Told me the tall guy was getting on their nerves.”
“Wonder who that is.”
If Jotaro noticed his stand dematerializing from behind the same door that had been moved, he didn’t say anything.
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buckysimp101 · 2 years
Just Friends- Part 3
Summary: Almost thirty years after the fight that ended your friendship with the rudest, crudest bassist in the history of metal, you run into a ghost from your past while living in Las Vegas.
platonic!Nikki Sixx x Reader
a/n: soooo yeah, here we are. this is the last part of this fic and honestly i was so excited to write this part! with the way their friendship/relationship was set up i had a clear direction i wanted their futures to go and here we are! i hope you enjoy!
warnings: language, mentions of overdose, some bestie fluff tbh
Part 1 | Part 2
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October, 2016 Las Vegas, NV
Twenty nine years have passed since that night in Nashville. The one that had, arguably, changed your life forever. After catching the first flight back to Los Angles you spoke with your landlord and were able to cut your lease. You packed up all your clothes and got on the next flight to New York. You had decided you wanted a bit of a break from life in the city of angels.
Throughout the next twenty nine years you picked up a career as a self-taught photographer, going on to achieve recognition in multiple magazines around the world. In these last years you had never married; however, you had a few flings and occasional long term relationships during that time. Your longest, and probably most serious, relationship led to the birth of your twin sons, Theo and Kai, in 1994. Thats right, the universe had blessed you with your own terror twins. You had broken up in 2001 but you still co-parented the boys successfully. Your little family had made the move back to LA when the boys were 6 and you continued your career in photography there until they went off to college, at which you point you shifted to Las Vegas.
Vegas is where you began to work with musicians once more. You worked with different venues and owners to photograph celebrities during their Vegas residencies. You got to rub elbows with the members of KISS and even Britney Spears when she did hers. All this led to you stepping foot back into the world of music. A world you thought you’d left behind long ago. You didn’t really speak to the members of Mötley Crüe. Nikki had never tried to reach out to you but you had managed to occasionally keep up with him over the years through various news outlets.
The hardest day for you was December 23, 1987. The day Nikki Sixx died, and was subsequently brought back to life. You were still living in New York at the time when you got the phone call from one of your LA friends in hysterics, babbling incoherently about turning on the news and something something Nikki Sixx. You had managed to turn on the news to be assaulted with the information that Nikki Sixx had died. Frantically you dialed Nikki’s house phone, hoping foolishly that this was an April Fools joke in December but there was no answer. So you did what any rational, former friend of Mötley Crüe would do. You called Mick Mars.
Mick answered the phone that night and reassured you that while yes, Nikki was clinically dead, he was alive. And he was being a fucking dumbass that needed to figure out what to do with his life. You offered to hop on the first flight back to LA but Mick held you off. He told you that you needed to figure out your life before you’d ever be able to help Nikki with his. And he was right. By the time you’d figured out your life, Nikki had a wife and a kid on the way. But you wouldn’t trade your experiences for anything, nor your friendships with the rudest, crudest, and frankly sleaziest, band of the last three and a half decades.
It was your off day and still pretty early so you had decided to treat yourself to a day at the New York, New York casino, before the rest of the city decided to truly start their day. You had just been sitting down at one of the slot machines for a few minutes when a gorgeous brunette woman sat to play at the machine next to you. She looked like the models you used to photograph in the earlier days of your photography career. You decided to raise the bet, just a little higher. You won some free spins and the chance to play a mini-game. You were focused. The mini-game gave way to a mini jackpot win, about five hundred dollars. While the game made it’s winning noises you couldn’t help but hear a sound that you thought you’d never hear again. A laugh that haunted you like the ghost of your past to this day.
There, next to the gorgeous brunette who had just sat down next to you not five minutes before, was a familiar head of black hair. Eyes, that you just knew were as green as seaglass under those sunglasses, looking at the screen of the slot machine in front of him. Your mouth moved faster than your brain and before you knew it you were saying, “Nikki fucking Sixx, is that you?”
His neck nearly snapped with the speed at which he looked up, momentarily startling Courtney. That voice had been one he hadn’t heard in a long time. Almost thirty years if he was doing his math correctly. Nikki finally turned his head to look in your direction, the two of you meeting each others’ eyes for the first time in twenty nine years. His mouth started to hang open and hot tears started to well in your eyes. Courtney sat between the two of you with a confused look on her face and a quick raise of her brow at the look on Nikki’s face. “Holy shit, Y/N?” Nikki finally managed to sputter, Courtney’s confusion ebbing and a look of recognition of the name coming over her face, the corner of her lips pulling up in a small smile. 
“In the flesh, Sixxter! Also, I’m so sorry, I definitely didn’t mean for it to seem like I just overlooked you, I’m Y/N. Y/N L/N,” you introduced yourself.
“Courtney Sixx, I’ve heard so much about you. I never thought I’d actually have the opportunity to meet you,” Courtney responded, reaching out to shake your hand. 
You laughed at her statement and shook her hand enthusiastically. “Honestly, I never thought I’d have the opportunity to meet you. I had heard about your wedding through one of those magazines, you did good, Sixx,” you added with a wink in Nikki’s direction, a small blush forming on Courtney’s cheeks.
“Alright, enough ragging on me. Where’s my introduction? You gonna shake my hand or give me a hug, princess?” Nikki threw your nickname from thirty years ago back at you like it was nothing causing you and Courtney to both roll your eyes. But you stole a quick glance at Courtney, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable. She could tell the question you were asking with your eyes and her smile only grew. In response, you approached the man that had changed your life with the biggest hug you could muster.
“Holy shit dude, it’s been so long. Why the fuck are you wearing sunglasses inside?” you mumbled into his chest as Nikki squeezed the life out of you and barked out a laugh, almost as if he was making sure you were real.
You ended the hug and wiped away a few stray tears that had managed to creep their way down your cheeks, your reaction causing Nikki to laugh. “God, when’d you get so emotional, princess?” he added, wiping a few tears away from his own eyes causing all three of you to laugh at the ridiculousness. 
“I’ve always been emotional, Sixx. Just couldn’t exactly show it around you idiots,” you jested, “now what the hell are you doing in Vegas? Are you two still living in LA?”
“My new band Sixx:AM is performing at the T-Mobile Arena tonight and Court wanted to spend part of the day here before I had to leave to get ready and, well, here we are!” Nikki smiled at Courtney as he moved his arm around his wife’s waist, the motion causing more tears to spring to your eyes. They weren’t sad tears. Not at all. They were some of the happiest tears you had shed since the day your boys were born. You were just so damn happy for Nikki. Nikki turned his attention back to you and asked, “Now what about you? What have you been up to? What are you doing here? I heard you introduce yourself with the same last name, you married?” 
“Pump the brakes for a second, hon. Let the woman breathe. It’s not everyday you run in to your best friend for the first time in thirty years,” Courtney said softly while rubbing small circles on Nikki’s back.
Her statement caused you to laugh. Same old, Sixx. “It’s okay, Courtney. Nikki never learned to slow down, I see,” you added with a wink towards his wife before continuing, “well after Tennessee, I headed up to New York for a bit and ended up starting up a career in photography. Mostly models at first, got a couple gigs thanks to a few girls that knew me from hanging with you and the Crüe funnily enough. Stayed there for a bit, never married but I’ve got two boys, twins if you can believe that luck. And we moved out to LA when Theo and Kai were about six. When they went off to college, I moved here. I’d done so many gigs at that point that eventually I got offered a job photographing some musicians and bands in residence. I was KISS’s photographer last year...”
Nikki swore someone had to be cutting onions in his vicinity with the way his eyes were tearing up as you told him about your life. He knew it just as well as you did, the two of you were like fire and gasoline when you were together. Not helping the other, just feeding the destruction. But here you are. Both of you happy and healthy and doing what you love. 
“Okay, stop getting all sappy on me, Sixx. I see those fucking tears. Knock it off before you make me cry,” you joked, making Courtney laugh even more. You liked her. A lot.
“Oh shut up, Y/N,” Nikki responded, not so subtly trying to wipe the tears from his eyes, only making you and Courtney laugh harder. He liked this. Seeing you and Courtney interact made his heart full. 
“Hey are you guys using these machines? Some of us wanna play too ya know?” some kid who looked barely legal to be in the casino asked, surrounded by a group of his also-questionably-aged friends. 
You rolled your eyes at the children and held your hand out to Courtney, “come on, wanna go get something to eat and catch up?” you asked the couple, to which they immediately nodded, as soon as Nikki was done glaring at the kids that interrupted the three of you.
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The three of you finished your conversation at the Irish pub in the casino before Nikki had to head back to their hotel room to get ready for the show. But not before you had the opportunity to tell him how proud you were of him and his fifteen years of sobriety. You both reassured each other that you never had any lingering ill feelings towards the other, that eventually you both understood that you leaving the tour was probably the best thing for both of you at the time. It was your absence, Nikki said, that ultimately kicked his ass into gear following his overdose. Courtney just sat and watched as two best friends reconnected and you made sure to include her whenever possible. The three of you promised to catch up again and made sure to swap contact information, and follow each other on social media of course.
Over the next six years, the three of you caught up whenever possible. When you found out Courtney was pregnant, you bought the crib and nursery decorations and a scrapbook/photo album that Nikki could fill with photos of their new baby. Courtney had asked you at one point during her pregnancy if you ever wanted to be a mom again to which you just laughed. Your answer? “Hell no, the terror twins I had were enough for me. I swear it was like trying to wrangle slightly tamed versions of Nikki and Tommy.” The three of you laughed at that.
 You followed all the other members of the Crüe on social media, hell you even tried to reach out to Tommy via DM one day but he never read it, or it could buried under a sea of other messages. Vince and Mick used social media the least of the four, but you made sure to follow them and keep up with them whenever possible. You didn’t necessarily want your first reunion with the boys to be virtual. And that brings you to...
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September 9, 2022 Las Vegas, NV- The Stadium Tour
When Mötley announced that their new tour end date was going to be in Vegas, you knew you had to find a way to get there. You could afford tickets, sure. But that wasn’t going to be good enough. But somehow, you were offered a gig to photograph the show and you just couldn’t turn it down. You had contacted Courtney the second you found out about the offer to let her know that you wanted to try and surprise the boys at the show and she got so excited. Mostly she couldn’t wait to introduce you officially to Ruby, you’d seen her over social media and the occasional Facetime call but never in person.
You made your way through the backstage area of Allegiant Stadium, your hands nervously playing with the name-tag given to you out front. As you turned the corner that’s when you saw them. Nikki and Tommy were playing hide and seek with Ruby, Mick and Vince were talking in the corner mimicking something that had to do with the show, and Courtney was talking with Brittany, Rain and Seraina. It was Courtney who noticed you first, her eyes lighting up as she yelled, “hey hon, what’s that over there?” pointing in your direction to make sure Nikki looked the right way. That got everyone’s attention and suddenly way too many eyes were on you. Eyes that you hadn’t seen in far too long.
“HOLY FUCK! IS THAT YOU, PRINCESS?” Tommy yelled, his eyes wide and mouth open while Nikki looked like his twin, go figure. Vince and Mick looked at each other like fish out of water at Tommy’s statement. Tommy and Nikki made eye contact before they were both taking off across the stage, pushing each other out of the way to see who could get to you first. Tommy won.
“Woaaaaaah there, T-bone! Let me down, I’m a grown woman damn it!” you squealed as the human personification of a stick picked you up and swung you around.
“Let her down, Tommy. Gotta share princess with the rest of us!” Nikki yelled, dodging out of the way of your legs as Tommy swung you one more time. The three of you were cackling like a bunch of witches by the time the group hug was all over.
“Alright you two, enough. Lemme go see these pretty wives of yours and these other two hooligans I’ve missed very much,” you stated, wrapping your arm around both of the original Terror Twins’ waists and dragging them to the rest of the group.
“It’s just like old times,” Tommy fake sniffled while Nikki rolled his eyes and mussed up your hair.
“Hey, hands off, Sixx. Only Courtney gets to mess up my hair,” you joked upon your arrival in front of the group, Courtney blushing at the innuendo. That was your goal every time the three of you caught up. See who could make Courtney blush the most. She was married to Nikki Sixx so she had some tough skin, but damn if every time you complimented her she didn’t turn pink.
She removed yourself from the weight of the Terror Twins and wrapped your arms around Courtney, “hiya, Court. Miss me?”
“More and more every day, princess,” she added with a kiss to your cheek, you doing the same to her. Ruby clung to her mama’s leg and you looked down at her. Every time you saw her, you saw different features that resembled Nikki or Courtney. But damn if this child wasn’t a near perfect mix of the two.
“Ruby, this is your Auntie Y/N. You remember, Auntie Y/N?” Courtney asked softly, trying to coax Ruby away from her legs. Ruby’s eyes widened in recognition of the person she had seen so many times on Facetime as she unwound her arms from her mother’s legs and threw herself at yours. “Auntie Y/N!” she yelled as you bent down to pick her up and give her a proper hug. You passed her back to Courtney and introduced yourself to Brittany, Rain and Seraina as they were in your immediate circle.You didn’t need to explain who you were, they all seemed to have heard stories about “princess” at some point over the years. The nickname caused you to smile and roll your eyes, you’d never be getting rid of it. Your smile caught as you saw Mick and Vince looking at you, both frozen in place.
“You okay there, blondie?” you called out cheekily. It took Vince a second before he seemed to realize that you were talking to him.
“I think so, I mean...it’s not every day I see a ghost,” he added, slowly walking towards you with Mick in tow.
“No ghost here, Neil. Just a real, live human who has waited thirty-five years for a Vinnie special,” you added with a wink, holding your arms out for a hug which he happily gave you. You could swear you heard him sniffle.
“Don’t go crying on me now, Neil. Gotta be strong for the pretty ladies,” you added with a wink causing him to scoff and push off you with a roll of his eyes. Vince started talking about how Nikki had told them all about the two of you reconnecting in Vegas six years ago and about how your life had changed for the better after you left Mötley, making a joke at how of course you’d have twin boys, almost like a punishment, making everyone laugh in response. Vince hadn’t changed a bit.
 Eventually that just left you and Mick. The guitarist looked at you, a fondness in his eyes.The look on his face belonging to the older brother you never had biologically but were magically gifted in 1981. You had grown. Of course you had. You looked good. Healthy. Happy. Kids. A succesful career you enjoyed. It was all he could have asked for.
“Hey kid. I see you figured this whole life thing out huh?” Mick asked softly as you approached him, the two of you breaking into tears the second he wrapped you into a hug. You were home. Here in this arena, where soon 65,000 people would be cheering and singing along to songs you heard the boys write. Here with the rudest and crudest band of the last four decades. Here with this motley crew of a family that you had somehow wiggled your way back into. And you couldn’t have been happier. 
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the end! i hope y’all liked this fic! Thank you @youlightmeupfinn for your help and @la-undercover-latina for your support! i love you besties!
@marvelsshadow* (couldn’t tag properly)
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captain-lessship · 1 year
Roommates Pt.4
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You had told your dads about Parent Weekend and how when they got here, you’d have a surprise for them. But as it got closer to the weekend, you grew worried. What if Dad didn’t like Ajax? What if Pop thought you could do better? 
You loved your dads to death… well Pop to his afterlife but you knew they could be judgmental but then you rationalized with the help of Wednesday.
“You seriously think your Father, the man who fell in love with a ghost, will judge you for dating a Gorgon?”
“I know it’s stupid but it’s just nerve wracking.”
Wednesday typed on her typewriter. You were one of the only full bodied individuals who could interrupt her writing time and live to tell the tale. “I think you are over thinking and complicating a simple situation.”
“Like your one to judge,” you huffed, falling face first on her bed. 
“Get off, you’ll get sad in my bed.”
You raised your head off the mattress, “Rude. And you’re right.”
“I always am.”
Next person to tell was Ajax. You walked to your dorm and walked in, typing on your phone.
Ajax was laying on his bed, reading a book. You stared at him, he noticed.
“Is there something on my face?”
You smiled and sat down beside him. He readjusted so he could prop his head on your thigh.
“Ajax, you know it’s almost Parents Weekend? Right?”
“Yeah, Mom and Pa have already got on their flight.”
You nodded, “Well, I just wanted to tell you something about my parents.”
“Okay? What’s up?”
“Well… my Dad is like me. My mom died when I was three and he tried to summon her spirit but then he met my Pa. He’s a Phantom.”
He just looked at you, you looked back.
“So? What’s their names?”
You were pleasantly surprised, “Uh… Pa is named Edmund and Dad is Bram.”
“Like the guy who wrote Dracula?”
“Sweet. My Dad is named Peter and my moms Carmen.”
Ajax took the news surprisingly well. You were happy about it but your pissed Wednesday was once again right.
It was time. Parents were filling up the Quad and you were looking for your Dads. You saw your Uncle and Aunt first.
“Oh look!” Gomez said, walking to you and pulling you into a hug, “ You’ve gotten so tall.”
“You look so much like your father” Morticia followed with.
“Thank you and speaking of my father, have you see them?”
Suddenly you felt a chill, you smiled widely. You turned around to see the semi-transparent and slowly shifting figure. He laughed, which was a sound that was mixed with what sounded like glass breaking. 
“Pa! I missed you!” You hugged him once he changed into his solid form. He smiled at you. Wind whirled out of his mouth, making noise that only a few understood as a language.
“Yes, I am eating my vegetables.” You said, lightly embarrassed. The noise came again.
“No… yes… I can’t help it, Pa! Coffee is just so good!” He told you to not drink as much caffeine.
You felt something moving up your arm, you looked and saw black and dark purple sand. The sand slowly formed into a man. He was taller than you and was willowy, amber eyes glowing, crooked teeth showing as he looked at you. 
“Oh my little nightmare, how are you?” The tall man towered over many other people and a few people stared at him.
“I am great! And Pa already asked about the vegetables and caffeine.”
Both let out a laugh, your Dad knelt to hug you. “We missed you so so much!”
“I missed you both too! Oh! About your surprise, stay right here.” You went to get Ajax.
The short man opened his arms, “Bram!”
“Gomez!” The tall man scooped him up into a hug. Lifting him high, the two men clowning and joking.
Edmund talked to Morticia. “Oh yes, I did use what you suggested for my makeup, Ed. Thank you. The pigment in this black is much better than my last brand.”
The noise came from him again, sounding like a wind chime.
“Yes, Wednesday is attending Nevermore now.”
The two cousins were now joining the conversation between their spouses.
Bram spoke, “Oh! That’s wonderful. Is she fond of it?”
Edmund’s voice rang louder.
“You’re entirely right, Ed. It’s only been half a semester!” Gomez said. 
Bram narrowed his eyes, “He loves it here but I worry. He falls asleep often and that, adding his dust, is all that was truly abnormal about him. It was the judgement towards us that hurt him.”
Morticia nodded, “We understand. You can’t help but wonder if you cause a few of their problems.”
Edmund grabbed Bram’s hand and made a low sound.
“Yes, but we are so happy he’s here. It’s a very Addams thing.”
Gomez laughed, “When your and Addams, everything is wonderful. In our own dreary, macabre atmosphere. “
The group laughed. You had found Ajax and had brought him to them. 
Ajax didn’t know what he was expecting. He assumed the familiar couple that stood together were Wednesdays Parents but when he looked at the other two men; he felt a twinge of fear.
One was dressed in a black suit, hair slicked back, flicking out towards the back of his head, and greying on the sides. He was so tall he could grab the ledge of the second Quad level easily, he had long fingernails that were painted black and reminded the boy of a eagles talons. His eyes were like a wolves, golden, sharp and intelligent. His mouth was outlined in black that looked like oil and had too many teeth, some blunt and others fanged, Ajax was pretty sure the man had two rows of them. He guessed since he was ninety percent sure this was your alive parent, this was Bram.
He the looked at the ghost. He was average height, add a few inches for levitation. He was dressed like a 1910s businessman and part of the left side of his face was scarred and was obviously blind in one eye before he passed. The only thing welcoming about the spectral being was his mustache that reminded Ajax of Sam Elliot. This must be Edmund. 
He felt his heart rate quicken but then he looked at you. You were beaming. You talked about them fondly, telling the stories of your house. Ajax knew they had to be good people with how you talked about them so he pushed his fear down.
“Dad! Pa! This is Ajax.”
The two men looked at the boy. Silence fell for a moment.
You broke it, “He’s my boyfriend.”
Something behind their eyes clicked and a smile fell on Bram’s face. Edmund stared at him, eye narrowed.
“Oh! It is wonderful to meet you!” Bram said, kneeling to hug the boy. Ajax thought he smelled like a forest and whiskey.
He released the boy and turned to his husband, “Edmund?”
The ghost stared thoroughly into the boys eyes before stepping forward and extending a hand to the boy. So that’s where you picked it up from.
After meeting your parents and realizing they were sweet people, Ajax felt insecure about his parents. His Dad was a lawyer and his mother was a diva. His Dad couldn’t go anywhere without his Bluetooth ear piece and phone and his mother hated everything of us wasn’t her way. 
Ajax knew that you weren’t what they had expected and when Ajax first told them about you, they went ballistic. It was a screaming match and it ended with Ajax hanging up and throwing his phone against the wall. 
But they had promised that they would at least give you a chance. 
Ajax was shakily holding your hand as he walked up to a pair of Gorgons. The man was dressed in a suit, a red tie and dark sunglasses over his eyes. His white snakes had gold clasps around them, making them seem longer and thus, more intimidating. 
The woman was dressed in a long sleeved dress with a scale pattern and had bracelets on her wrist and upper arms. Her snakes were hidden in a wrap that was a deep blue. Her eyes were a striking violet. She seemed flawless. 
“Mom, D-“
“Just a minute.” He pressed a button on his ear piece, “What Ajax?”
Ajax tried to not be annoyed, “This is my boyfriend.”
You smiled at them, extending your hand. Neither of them shook it. You took the hint and retracted it. Ajax felt sad that they were acting this way. 
“Sweetie,” his mother pulled him close to her, dragging him away from you and his father. She whispered in his ear. “Are you sure that’s the one you want to spend your time on? I saw several other Gorgon boys…”
Ajax pulled away, “Mom! you are being… being…”
“A what?” She asked. 
He stayed silent.
“That is what I thought.” She said. 
Ajax sighed and turned to walk back to you. “Hey Dad, he…”
His Dad was back on the phone, ignoring you and him. Ajax wanted to scream but instead he grabbed you by the sleeves and pulled you away from them and from everyone. You both were silent as you walked into your dorm.
You sent your Dad a quick text to let him know that you weren’t avoiding him but that you were tired. You looked at Ajax who was laying on your bed, you felt your heart break a little. You walked to your bed and laid down beside him.
“Do you want to talk about what she said?”
He was silent. 
You just laid there, waiting for his answer.
“She, ugh, she tried to pawn me off to someone else. She promised she’d give you a chance and she didn’t.”
You felt a frown grow on your face, “That’s… that’s just messed up.”
He rolled over a looked at you, tears building in his eyes. You raised a hand to his face to brush them away before they fell.
“I- They just needed to give you a hour. You are wonderful.”
You smiled, “Thank you and maybe one day they’ll give me a hour. We got time.”
He stared into your eyes, he leaned forward and kissed you. You kissed back. You both kissed each other for a while, just enjoying the feeling of each other lips. Ever so often, you’d blot his tears away.
Maybe one day, you’ll get that hour.
You felt a hand run up and down your arm, gently scratching up and down. You breathed heavily.
“Morning,” Ajax said, “Did you sleep okay?”
“Yeah,” you sat up and stretched, your back popping, “how long have you been up?”
“Long enough to get up and get breakfast. And yes, I got you your coffee.”
“You,” you lifted up your mask and drink the said coffee, “Are the literal best.”
You picked up the cup and enjoyed the still warm liquid you ran on. Ajax sat up and scooted off the bed. You watched him walk to his dresser.
“I know. I need you to do something.”
You sat your coffee down, “Yea? What is it?”
Ajax turned around. In his hands was a jar with colored sticks and a book. 
“Draw a stick.”
Ajax grinned, “Date ideas.”
You smiled, “Did you do this yourself?” You said as you looked at the sticks, deciding which on to pick.
“Well… I might’ve, ya know, saw it on Enid’s Pinterest.”
You laughed, “She updated her Pinterest again? How long have I been asleep?”
“Two days.”
You looked at him, expecting him to be joking. He wasn’t.
“It’s okay! Your Dads left you their gift and classes were cancelled today.”
“Why and where’s my gift?”
“Well, it’s Club Day. And it’s on your bed.”
You had to admit, you were upset that you had slept through Parents Weekend especially since you missed your Dads so much. You got up and walked to the box, picked it up and walked back to Ajax’s bed. He sat down beside you as you undid the ribbon and opened the box, you immediately smiled.
“Uh, what is it?”
“It’s dreams!” It was a collection of bottles of swirling sand and a book.
“Like real dreams people have dreamed?”
“Well, it’s complicated but kinda. It’s the different types of dreams someone could have.”
“Aren’t there just good dreams and nightmares?” He didn’t understand it.
“There’s two categories: Fantasiophio and Malditrope. All dreams are a blend of these two types and the different combinations have different effects.”
Ajax nodded, “Okay, it makes a little more sense now. Now, pick a stick, any stick.”
You smiled and put your box to the side, you drew a green stick. “Now what?”
Ajax opened the book, “Pick a number between one and eighth.”
He read it, “Alright. We are going to go on a walk.”
“It just says a walk.”
Then that was what you two were going to do.
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bazwillendinflames · 2 years
Oxenfree au - deleted scene for chapter 4 
Notes: This was my first draft where I included the classroom scene when Alex and Jonas get locked in whilst trying to find Clarissa in Fort Milner. I ended up cutting it as it was making the chapter too long and I combined two of the ghost scenes together for a later chapter. 
“Love the handprints. Very macrambe touch.”
Dylan looked at where Kaitlyn was standing, a chalk board covered in little white hands.
“At least it’s not red.”
They had to be in an old classroom, with those heavy chalkboards pushed against the wall and stacks of desks and chairs.
“Dare you to touch on,” Kaitlyn said.
Dylan put his hand against the board and screamed.
“Oh shit, are you okay?”
He pulled his hand away and laughed. “Yeah. Your face!”
“Dick move.”
“Daring me was a dick move. What if it did do something? I’m already down a limb.”
“Um Dylan?” Kaitlyn said.
“It’s my disability, I can make jokes.” It was his coping strategy after all, no matter how much the therapist his dad paid for disapproved.
“Not that. Behind you,” she said.
Dylan turned. With the high pitch scratch of chalk against writing, an unseen hand was drawing something.
“Listen mister!” A voice chirped. Dylan reached for the radio in his pocket that had been off, the source of it. “Wanna play a game?”
He dropped it on the pile of chairs. “Nope. No. No.”
“Doors locked!” Kaitlyn said, one step ahead, already rattling it.
“Time for a test. Answer the questions in the allotted time to get a good final rating.”
“We don’t want to play asshole,” Dylan said.
“Here’s a simple one to start!” It continued. The cheery forties newscaster voice was unsettling. “What is the name of the school you’re standing in?”
“I don’t know,” Kaitlyn said, “Dylan?”
“Um-“ he had flashed his phone on the sign earlier. “US communications radio school.”
“Correct! You’ll make a good soldier!”
Dylan breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t want to know what a bad answer would cost them.
The lights cut out. Then turned back on, tinted red.
“Question two! What did the officers at Fort Milner call codes?”
Emma had mentioned it on the phone. “Cookies.”
“How do you know that?” Kaitlyn asked.
“Ding ding. Correct! Someone has been paying attention.”
“Can we go yet?” Dylan asked.
“Final question,” it chirped. The floor below them rumbled and Kaitlyn reached for Dylan’s arm, clinging to him. The lightbulb above them swung with the force of it, casting the room in uneven red shadows. “How many souls were lost in the sinking of the US Kanola?”
Dylan’s mind chose the worst time to go blank. “Shit.”
“You don’t know?” Kaitlyn asked. “What now?”
“It’s ninety something- ninety-two?” He guessed.
“WRONG!” The voices echoed. “So close champ!”
Kaitlyn started to shake, her body suddenly limp, her arms moving stiffly. Just like with Nick, she had lost control.
“Stop hurting her,” Dylan pleaded. “I’m sorry I didn’t know it, don’t use her to punish me for that.”
“We have been forgotten,” it was speaking through her this time. “And you will suffer for it.”
“Kaitlyn!” He called again.
The light above them shattered, raining old glass on him. The room was left in darkness. Dylan could just about make her out, her body shaking.
“We will all suffer,” she said, before dropping to the floor.
“Kaitlyn!” He leaned down, helping her up. “Are you okay?”
“That hurt,” she said faintly, pushing her hair back.
The door swung open with a slam, followed by another strike of lightning. They both flinched.
“I think that’s our cue to get out,” Dylan said.
“Fuck this place,” Kaitlyn agreed, storming out the now open door without looking back.
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jenanddomo · 1 year
today the day i finally move on. im glad he block me on here unless i did idk. i blocked him everywhere. phone number to roblox . i finally deleted every picture of us. well what used to be “us”
i actually cherish the moments we had from beginning to end. i remember when we used to send selfies to eachother n how we would fight who would do what more in the beginning. i remember just being over heels for u , i even thought we werent even gon get together or last for a month. but we grew up for basically 3 years together n saw us become adults .
it sad it had to end like this. it ended in the most heart wrenching way for me. maybe not for u. but then in a way realization hit. this was for the best.
n my gut was right. i remember the time we would just smile after every kiss we did,every hug, even dumb arguments in person we would smile. i remember our dumb inside jokes with miss ***** and dont go to the restroom youll die type beat. i remember the time in december 2019 how we huddled together to stay warm infront of the gym and we just laughed and smile abt it. the first time we kissed n u didnt realize it til i kissed u the third time n we were watching helen keller i think lol. i remember when i used to write u love notes n little drawings for u to keep. n i remember the letter u gave me n how u said u had to write a in a fancy way lol. i regret throwin that away . i only remember some of what it said.
their were up n downs, mostly down lol . but we did have alot of love to give to eachother everytime we saw eachother. i remember just loving to be in his arms n fighting over one spot on the couch just so one of us can lay. or the time ill try to be big spoon n we would just fight. or when we would be ghost together in blankets n just cuddle . i remember we woudlnt even pay attention to movies bc all we will do is make fun of eachother n focus on eachother. lol i remember pretending to be alll sad n depressed everytime he left my house.
i remember our fights . we were both so jealous. so controllin too. im sorry for being so controlling and jealous at the time. now i realize we were being dumb n we needed to trust eachother. but it all started to go downhill when we both lied to eachother.
this is my realization that the relationship was so bad. im startin to remember all the bad things me n him did. i dont wan remember bc i just regret fighting n just arguing. i regret slapping him at school. i regret just being so ugly ard him. all i ever was to be just his n just his. i fell in love so hard for him that i just wanted him n only him. even if he didnt believe me i would say it.
that was my problem, i overthought everything bc how madly in love i was . for me, he was my everything, my world, n at the time i would die for him. do anything for him, but at the same time i would atleast have control over myself n try to do wtv even tho i wouldnt let him do wtv. it so weird not talkin to guys for atleast 3 years . when i blocked him i realize i had freedom . for the first time i didnt know what to do. it like a baby comin out of a womb n just cryin n not knowin wtf to do. it was so weird first time in ever i see nothing abt, tryin so hard not to think abt him . n this week i been trying to do self care n workout but i fucked up my sleepin schedule n diet bc since i dont eat as much -below 1000 cals-
since i eat below 1000 cals i lost most of my energy n just tryna make money made it worse.
it was so weird when his bsf started to follow everything n jst like my stuff. like he a hoe no cap
but lol
idk i can’t speak on things.
i can’t speak abt this no more.
i just hope she makes him happier n not miserable like i did. n i hope he finally loves himself n do better for him. but i really hope he can be happy with n without someone n just be a better bf for someone else n hopefully learn from our mistakes.
ill like to describe this relationship as
“A karmic relationship is one that's filled with all-consuming passion but is extremely difficult to maintain,”
we loved eachother so much but our personalities were always so different eversince the beginning.
hopefully we can talk again in the future. maybe in the future ? maybe when i finally get over over u. i cant bare to see u rn bc ik ill just fall in love again , i just wan see u as sum1 i used to know.
its so funny how i tried to atleast make him jealous lolllollol :p i was so dumb n childish
i dont like nobody
i love to lie so ppl dont think im weak
i only loved him
but he doesn’t love me
im glad i didnt cry makin this post:) girlboss
hopefully i do the things i wan today bc i just got 100 bucks:) also may never post again
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