#formatting tips
the-lonelybarricade · 2 years
Hi lovely content creating friends!
I have noticed something weird going on when viewing posts in tumblr's mobile dark-mode. From experimenting on my own posts, it seems that unwanted formatting is carried over when copying and pasting from an external source (such as Google docs). It will look something like this in mobile dark mode, where regular text remains black and formatted text (such as itallics) becomes white:
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Unfortunately, copying and pasting without formatting doesn't seem to be a quick fix since tumblr will treat this as one block of text (and it will likely exceed their 4,096 character limit per block).
So if you create content and want to make that content accessible to dark mode users, this is something you'll need to keep an eye out for. It goes without saying that if people can't read your content, it will impact your engagement.
If you want to avoid this happening with your posts, there are a few things you can look out for. If you switch the to the HTML editor for your post, you can usually find a tag that looks something like this: < span style = " color : # 000000 " >. This is carried over text formatting, and deleting any tags like this should solve the problem. Here's a short little tutorial on how to do this.
If you are posting something that's really long, like a story, then I would recommend translating your text into HTML and pasting it directly into the HTML Editor that I accessed in the video above. AO3 put together a beautiful Google Doc here that runs a script to convert all of your text into HTML. The instructions tell you exactly what to do, and since tumblr has made this change it has been life saving. You can find more about this doc and other neat tools from the @ao3org tumblr here.
Lastly, if you're a mobile dark mode user and you encounter a post that looks like this, rather than scroll past please consider switching to light mode or accessing the post from a computer. Please support content creators even if you have to go a little out of your way to do so 💕
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the-slaylus-parable · 26 days
Very shameful question here but wtf did texts look like in 2005. Formatting and such. Google won’t tell me. I have a vague idea of “1990-2014” but that’s about as specific as it gets. Please. Please. Please.
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m0thman-after-dark · 6 months
fic readers and writers a like!!! I beseech thee to answer my formatting questions!
When writing a long, more serialized story on ao3, how do you prefer for things to be broken up?
Each distinct arc is its own fic? It’s all one fic all the time that keeps being built onto? Certain more similar arcs are grouped into fics but after a big change it’s a new one? Or maybe each similar arc is a fic in a series, with the entire story also being part of a bigger one? Or something else entirely because seeing things in 2 series could be discouraging or less likely to be picked up.
I’m curious where people fall on this
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eliseabram · 1 year
Effective book covers
A book cover is the first thing readers see when browsing for books, and it is often the deciding factor in whether or not they pick up the book to read it. A well-designed cover helps attract readers and makes a great first impression. Like clothing, cover styles constantly change, so take the time to research what’s popular in your genre before creating one. Here are a few things to consider…
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txttletale · 1 year
some people on this website scare me a little like i'll make a post like 'super mario has been acquitted of any role in the 1929 valentine's day massacre' and then someone will reblog tagged like #1929 #super mario #video game mascots #gang warfare #organized crime #1920s #mario #super mario on trial #super mario acquitted from participation in violent crimes #funny #post and it's like. hello i didn't know the dewey decimal system had a blog
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omegasmileyface · 8 months
TIP: hey. yknow that fandom you dont care abt thats clogging up your dash because your beloved mutual wont shut up about it and you would never unfollow them over something like that? have you ever thought "oh my god shut up" with just a little bit of vitriol toward them? block the tag! this will prevent you from building up a quiet hatred toward your friend over a long-time minor annoyance they didnt do on purpose
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novlr · 2 months
Save formatting for last
Try to avoid formatting while you’re drafting — it’s a distraction.
Your first draft will never look the same as your final one, so formatting takes you away from the important business of writing. For many writers, it’s the reason they struggle to get words on the page.
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Did You Know?
The story of Borderlands does not actually revolve around Handsome Jack, Timothy Lawrence and Rhys Strongfork. Other characters exist.
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study-for-hogwarts · 2 years
Since I just finished my bachelor thesis and have all this -for now- unnecessary knowledge swirling around in my head, I let it out here, in case anyone can find it useful.
I present: the biggest (formating & general) rules in thesis writing (as proposed by my German professor):
1. Per page: at least 2 maximum 4 paragraphs. Professors don't like to have one huge block of text for more than half a page. They will be less likely to want to read your paper.
2. Figures and Images: put them in the text where they are spoken about, don't just refer to them being in the appendix. It disrupts the reading flow and no professor likes to shuffle back and forth in a paper multiple times. Also, images and figures should be centralised on a page, seem coherent with each other in their entirety (especially if you created them yourself, use one colour and design pallette if possible) and be named correctly. Additionally, ich you use more than 3 or 4 images/figures, have a table of tables/figures in the front of your paper after table of contents.
3. Use figures and Images - be visual, make your thesis as easy as possible to understand. No one likes to read something and have his brain in knots the whole time.
4. Use times new Roman (or Arial) in size 12, 1.5
5. Recap: If your paper is really long, we're talking about 45 pages plus and you are talking about something from chapter 2 in chapter 7, briefly (!) recap it for ease of understanding and to reinforce your red string (roter Faden).
6. Subtitles: rather have too many than too few subtitles, they make it easier to navigate the paper and help you keep track of the smaller sections (they can also help in the writing process as too not lose focus of what you are doing).
7. Limitations and future research: at the end of your paper, after the discussion and before the conclusion, you have to name limitations. If you think you had none, look again. NO paper, none at all has no limitations. If you can think only of a few, you can also add them in one or two sentences to the conclusion, but it's better to have a separate part. For theses or papers in general, common limitations are time constraint, limited access to data, limited know-how, etc. After limitations, you can have another small chapter called "future research", here you can put all the ideas that you had during writing, which are in relation to your main topics. Maybe you would have liked to research more into a specific area, or you were missing key information somewhere. In future research you can put all the ideas you would like to see researched in the future.
8. Page numbers: i hope you were clever and formatted your document with page numbers, titles and subtitles before even starting to write (if you weren't, like me), it's not horrible, but it can be slightly annoying. Don't try to do it by yourself if your not sure. Just don't. You will probably get frustrated and your stress levels will rise even more. Just Google "how to multiple kinds of page numbers Microsoft word" and follow the instructions exactly. This saves you time and nerves. Usually in theses, you use Greek page numbers (I,II,III,IV,V,VI,...) For table of contents until the introduction, and then continue with them as soon as your bibliography starts. For the part in between (introduction until conclusion) you use Roman (?) numbers (1,2,3,...).
9. Titles: if you use 1. 1.2 1.2.1 etc., make sure that it is necessary to use things like A rule of thumb is, if you can't say 2 (i.e. but not than you don't need to say at all but put that part unter Of course, this rule does not work all the time, but I like to check the necessity of my structure in this way.
10. Plan more days: When you are nearly done with your writing process, many of us estimate 1 day for formatting and 1 for proof reading. This is, was and never will be enough. Especially not if you are a perfectionist. Plan at least 1 week for formatting and proofreading. Honestly I would recommend 10 days. Because after writing a huge paper like this you are bound to be exhausted and will crash some days. Also, it is good to take 1-2 days of distance from your work to have a fresh point of view. If I would write a bachelor thesis again, I honestly would calculate 2 weeks for formatting and proofreading. If you have to "fix" your sources, definitely take 10 days. You will take 2 days for sources, if you have to find additional ones, or check them.
11. Last but not least: if possible, register your bachelor thesis (i.e. in Germany that is the point when you officially start your writing period (usually around 9-12 weeks) as late as possible. Do as much research, etc. before this time starts. I won't say write at least half of your thesis before you start this period and have all your questionnaires/interviews/or whatever research type you use ready to go. I won't say that, but well... Just, 9 weeks is nothing. Honestly, think about the 2 weeks towards proofreading, sources and formatting (+trying to get calm after being stressed continuously for 7 weeks (I was)). Just, if you think now is the time to register, wait another two weeks.
That's all for now, I know I will use this again for my master thesis, so I will leave this here for now. I hope it helps some of you too.🤗
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cutedice · 2 years
I SAW YOU DO HCs. Will you do Law and Zoro with an SO who accidentally woke them up from a nap? Than you!
((this caught me off guard; thanks for requesting!))
S/O Waking Partner From Their Nap
Characters: Law, Zoro Warnings: mild cussing (like 3 curses), mostly fluff
GN!Reader, everything used for the reader is neutral
- Honestly he's pretty used to be woken up from his naps.
- Actually, it's more surprising you managed to wake him up without it being an actual emergency.
- You saw him sleeping in the yard and decided to swing down for a quick look.
- But, then you're in the air.
- Luffy ended up launching into you, laughing about wanting to play something before you both realized you were in a free fall.
- That was a whole lot of screaming for a few seconds.
- You didn't hit the ground though. Sure, you were now being squeezed, but that was better than the grass.
- Maybe.
- When you looked up the Captain's face had met with Zoro's hand. His other arm was wrapped around you.
- "Can't you both keep it down? I'm tryin' to sleep."
- Luffy apologizes; he doesn't look apologetic.
- Zoro's decidedly too tired to deal with it. Sometimes it was better to walk away anyway.
- Though maybe he could have put you down when he decided to do that?
- You're decidedly too interested in where you're going to put up a fight this time around.
- He carries you away from Luffy (who was complaining about him stealing you) with a huff and finds a more reclusive spot. "Nap with me," he stated. "Don't want you gettin' into trouble if I'm not there."
- You tease him about how soft he's being.
- "Shuddup," he grumbled, messing up your hair and kissing your forehead. "I ain't soft for no one. This is just punishment for wakin' me up."
- You want to call him a liar, but he's already out. So, you curl up against him and join him in dream land.
- Let's be real, he doesn't nap often as it because he doesn't sleep.
- The crew had finally convinced him to go lie down after a stressful day and that was a win!
- Then they told you to go check on him a few hours later and that was a lose.
- "Come on, (Y/N)! Law loves you, he won't be mad if you wake him up!"
- The wonder twins kept claiming that, but shame on you if you don't believe them.
- You just didn't want to disturb the little sleep he got, but here you go anyway (after a lot of literal pushing).
- You walk into Law's room, very quietly, and quickly make your way to the bed.
- Still breathing? Yep. Still asleep? Yep.
- You turn on your heels to get out as fast as possible, taking one more look back.
- Woah does he look cute. It's almost surreal to actually see him sleeping.
- Oh never mind you're on something soft.
- A moment passed and then you quickly realized your situation, scrambling to get up.
- "Calm down already," Law sighed, reaching over and gently patting your forehead. "I'll toss you to the floor otherwise."
- You calm for a moment to thank him for saving you and then proceed to apologize profusely in the same panicked tone.
- He's just content messing with your hair and watching you talk though.
- Really he's waiting for you to shut up, but he's not complaining. Well, mentally he's not.
- "(Y/N), you're too loud for such an echoey room. Why don't we enjoy the peace before everyone comes looking for you?" he suggested.
- You both did rarely get peace... So, you agree.
- Thus, he pulls you close and you both enjoy a rare few minutes of intimacy and calm before the door slams open and the captain returns to his duties, blaming the rest of the crew for waking him up.
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internet-society · 11 months
What will be today's objective goal?
Stretch out of your tension.
Repeat: "I have the space I need to create the reality I want."
What will be today's social goal?
Balance your posture.
Repeat: "I am my profound harmony."
What will be today's active goal?
Ground yourself in action.
Repeat: "It exists when I empower it."
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lesbiancolumbo · 2 months
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Diane Seuss, frank: sonnets
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byoldervine · 1 month
How do you format a book?
I’m still on my first draft so I’m not at that point with my work yet, but I’ll refer you to Abbie Emmons’ video on the subject - she also has a lot of other great writing tips if that helps!
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cryingtulips · 1 year
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Bedrock bros in The Shadows and the Son by SunOfIcarus
Trey Parker and Matt Stone, South Park || @/sandmoonyelse || @/AnnieSpratt || The Shadows and the Son (chapter 2) || @/life.by.linus || @/thewildwoodmoth || @/hollywarbs || sagun, I'll Keep You Safe || The Shadows and the Son (chapter 2) || @/iorvetha || Taylor Swift, Safe & Sound || @/wolfythewitch || The Shadows and the Son (chapter 2) || @/cremsie || The Shadows and the Son (chapter 2) || @/tigothy || Roshani Chokshi, The Gilded Wolves || The Shadows and the Son (chapter 6)
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dykemd · 4 months
Hi Bea, my wife wants to start working out and gaining muscle mass but she has no idea where to start... so much workout content on YouTube is either aggressive guys or yoga for weight loss. Do you have any tips?? Love your blog 💖💗
for some serious muscle gain the first thing she should do is find a split that works for her. there are 1837288282 splits out there but for beginners she should consider either push/pull/legs or upper/lower body theyre classics for a reason. that out of the way, it’s all about coming up w a exercise selection n sticking to it! dont go changing what u do every workout — i literally do the exact same thing week in week out. it’s the best way for tracking ur progress n making sure ure increasing weight or reps every session. also make sure to not choose weight over form thats a quick way to injury n it’s absolutely not worth it!! other than that she needs to just be patient, it’s a long game but if she eats n works out enough she should be seeing those newbie gains pretty soon at least 🙏🏽💪🏽
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envirogoth · 2 years
  I already own fast fashion/I can only afford to buy fast fashion, now what?
>Sustain what you buy-sewing, washing, and an attitude that cares about the garment
>Fast fashion can break or wear out easily, you can upcycle the fabric
cut out prints for other projects
use fabric for patches
use fabric to repair other clothes
cut off sleeves/collars/make into crop top
t-shirt bags (an option- but inconvenient to use from personal experience)
other non-clothing crafts
>If you won’t use the clothing item and want to give it away, ask people you know before donating to a thrift store. Thrift stores are already overrun with fast fashion as it is, try not to give them more. But if the only other option is throwing it away, it’s fine to donate it.
>Don't buy excess to what you need. yes you can keep up with trends and accessories but hauls or multiple of an item with the same purpose isn't necessary (ex. more t-shirts than what you can cycle regularly)
>Reduce future fast fashion purchases
If possible consider alternatives such as thrifting, rummage sale shopping, and diy. 
Thrift stores and rummage sales support local economics! Your money is going to your neighbors instead of a company.
Rummage sales are preferable to places such as depop, becasue it involves local neighbors who want to get rid of clothes (that will possibly be thrown out otherwise) They can be much cheaper for much higher quality.
>There’s a difference between not being able to afford any other clothes, and buying hauls of fast fashion to wear for a short period of time only to donate immediately or throw away. Influencers who make hundreds of dollars worth of hauls aren’t the type of people who can say “i can’t afford anything else”. hauls aren’t sustainable. 
>Don’t feel guilty if you truly can’t afford anything else, but please consider your options and sustain what you already own before buying more.
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