#finally got around to designing them cause i needed to take a break from terrorizing my mother in law (haku đŸ©·)
postmortemespresso · 1 month
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school LIs <3
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twistedmindtales · 10 months
Hollow Cove Manor
Part 1 – The Flyer
With the sun blazing overhead, they strolled down the main street of town, the scorching pavement mirroring their growing boredom. Sarah kicked a pebble aimlessly which ricocheted off of a nearby light pole. Looking up towards the rattling sound of stone meeting metal, the group stopped dead in their tracks as they noticed an unusual flyer affixed to the pole. It fluttered in the summer breeze, its bold letters catching their attention. Intrigued, they gathered around the flyer, taking in the intricate design of parchment-like paper adorned with ornate cursive writing.
The flyer announced the grand opening of Hollow Cove Manor. 
“Step into the abyss of terror at Hollow Cove Manor! A realm where your darkest nightmares come to life. Brace yourself as the threshold of our haunted domain beckons you toward a sinister realm of unspeakable horror. Behold our staff and guest rooms, each meticulously crafted in the very image of your deepest fears. From the immortal vampires to the savage werewolves, the rotting zombies to the ancient mummies, our ensemble of frightful beings lurk within, their elaborate costumes meticulously tailored to strike terror into the depths of your soul. With unwavering commitment, they will plunge you into an abyss of spine-chilling dread, ensuring an experience that surpasses your most harrowing imaginings!”
As each of them finished reading, they exchanged intrigued glances, a sense of adventure shimmering in their eyes. Emily exclaimed, "This is it! The perfect way to finally get some excitement in our lives!”.  Sarah and Michael nodded in agreement, their enthusiasm bubbling over. With newfound purpose after being caught in the doldrums of an uneventful summer, this seemed to be the break they were looking for as they eagerly made plans to visit the hotel.
With renewed purpose, the friends hurriedly made their way to David's house, eager to include him in their adventure. They rapped on his front door with growing anticipation, their voices echoing in excitement. Moments later, David emerged, rubbing his eyes from the weariness of his nap and quickly realizing he was about to take part in something special.
As they set off towards the outskirts of town where Hollow Cove Manor awaited, their steps quickened with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. The once-familiar streets took on an air of mystery, the moon casting long shadows that seemed to dance around them.
Sarah's voice broke through the night air, laced with a blend of nervousness and excitement. "Can you believe we're actually doing this?”
Michael's usual lighthearted tone edged with a touch of unease, replied, "Yeah, it's exhilarating and unnerving all at once. But that's the thrill of it, right? Besides, I think I heard my brother talking about a place like this once and it’s all just a gimmick.”
Emily's voice held a hint of caution as she spoke, "Just remember, everyone, we need to stay together and watch out for each other."
David nodded, a mix of determination and curiosity in his eyes. "Absolutely, Em. We've got each other's backs. No matter what happens."
As their journey continued through the darkened countryside, the flickering glow of distant streetlights guided their way. With every step, their excitement grew, but an underlying sense of dread gnawed at the edges of their minds.
Finally, as they approached the address on the flyer, a hush fell over the group. The hotel emerged from the mist like a specter, its ominous silhouette exuding an eerie magnetism. The moon cast an ethereal glow upon its weathered exterior, emphasizing the jagged edges and worn facade.
Sarah's heart fluttered with awe and caution. "Look at it, guys."
Part 2 – The Grand Entrance
A gust of wind swept through the air as they crossed the threshold into the hotel, causing the creaking doors to groan ominously. The lobby greeted them with dim lighting and antique furniture covered in a thin layer of dust. The flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows along the worn carpet.
The friends exchanged uneasy glances; their breaths steady but hearts racing.
In the dimly lit foyer of the manor, the air was thick with anticipation. The guests, a mix of intrigued tourists and horror enthusiasts, stood in a hushed murmur, unsure of what to expect. A large, ornate wooden door dominated one wall, giving off an air of mystery. Suddenly, a haunting melody began to play softly in the background, setting the eerie ambiance.
The moment arrived with a sudden creak as the door slowly swung open. Four figures emerged, each dressed in their over-the-top costumes with a delightful twist of campiness.
First came the vampire, his cape billowing dramatically behind him. His slicked-back hair gleamed under the soft lighting, and his plastic fangs occasionally caught a glint. He raised his arms and grinned, revealing teeth that were much too white to be convincing.
Following the vampire was the werewolf, who growled and snarled as he prowled forward, his fake fur suit swaying with each step. His fangs were menacing, but the mischievous twinkle in his eyes betrayed the act.
The zombie shuffled out next, arms outstretched, groaning exaggeratedly. His green-hued face was adorned with grayish makeup, and his torn clothing was stained with an overly theatrical amount of "blood."
Lastly, the mummy made its appearance, wrapped in swathes of white cloth that trailed behind. The mummy's stiff, deliberate movements were almost comical, and its bandaged arms flailed in what was probably an attempt at a wave.
The quartet formed a semi-circle and, with a noticeable lack of enthusiasm, started their chant in a synchronized monotone, like chain restaurant singers singing a well-practiced song:
"Welcome, welcome, one and all,
To Hollow Cove's eerie hall.
Vampires, werewolves, zombies too,
And a mummy just for you."
Their deadpan delivery only added to the amusement of the scene. The guests couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of these cheesy, yet endearing, characters. As the chant concluded, the foursome struck poses that were both cringeworthy and oddly endearing.
The guests erupted into a round of polite applause, some even joining in on the laughter. The four characters took a theatrical bow, hamming it up for the crowd before retreating behind the door with a collective wave. The door closed with a soft thud, and the haunting melody continued to play, setting the tone for the whimsically spooky experience awaiting the guests within Hollow Cove Manor.
Part 3 – Choices
As the guests began to clear and go their own ways, the group of friends approached the front desk. The door behind the desk swung open once again but this time it was just the vampire who emerged. With an exaggerated bow, the vampire exhibited a demeanor that was a bit cheesy, but with charm and a carefree attitude.
"Welcome, welcome, my esteemed guests!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with an exaggerated Transylvanian accent. "What brings you, brave souls, to the enchanting embrace of Hollow Cove Manor?"
Sarah stifled a giggle, finding it difficult to take the vampire's theatrics seriously. She exchanged amused glances with her friends, who were equally amused by the eccentric display.
Michael replied, playing along with a playful grin. "We heard people are dying to check this place out. Care to show us around?"
The vampire's eyes sparkled with mischievous delight as he leaned in closer, his fangs glistening under the dim lighting. "Ah, my friends, the secrets lie within the heart of this haunted haven. Venture through our corridors and witness the marvels that await. But beware, for the line between reality and nightmare may blur within these walls!"  His eyes darted back and forth between the friends looking for a reaction, but when he just received blank stares and puzzled looks he said, “Ehm right, well then which rooms did you book again?”
Michael and Emily looked at each other, then back at the vampire, and shrugged, ïżœïżœïżœWhich rooms are available?” 
The vampire responded swiftly, “At Hollow Cove Manor, you get to choose the frightening experience you want.  Perhaps the Witch’s Den filled with cobwebs and boiling cauldrons?  Or maybe explore the depths of the Mummy’s Tomb?  The cemetery where the zombie roams? Some even dare to choose the Forbidden Woods where the werewolf lives, but I do not recommend that.”  
David was scanning a brochure he found on a small table near the waiting area of the lobby containing details about each room and said, “What about the vampire’s chambers?  Is your room available?”
Without skipping a beat, the vampire grinned widely and it was almost as if his eyes changed colors for a brief moment, “Absolutely, as a matter of fact, that one is almost ready.  The other rooms will take an hour or so to clean and prepare so why don’t you all explore our grounds in the meantime and I will have a staff member come find you.”
Each of the friends told the vampire which rooms they wanted and they all hurried off into the main lobby of the hotel. 
Part 4 – Exploring the Grounds
As the friends made their way through the lobby, they couldn't help but notice the bustling atmosphere. Families and other guests strolled by, engaging with the staff, their eyes wide with wonder. With each passing moment, their anticipation grew, eager to unravel the mysteries behind the laughter, the engaging decor, and the peculiar charm of the staff. They yearned to uncover the truth that lay beneath the surface, all the while maintaining a cautious awareness of the ever-present undercurrent of unease.
Amidst the laughter and conversations, the friends couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity mingled with their excitement. The guests appeared captivated by the mysterious charm of the hotel, unfazed by the lurking shadows and peculiar staff.
Emily's eyebrows furrowed slightly as she observed the scene. "Look at them, they seem so... relaxed."
David nodded, his eyes scanning the intricately decorated walls adorned with eerie portraits and dimly lit chandeliers. "It's strange, isn't it? I really thought this place was going to be more like a house of horrors."  
As they followed the winding corridors, marvelously detailed paintings of themed rooms caught their eyes—families staring at the vampire’s chambers, children fascinated by the zombie's abode, and couples marveling at the werewolf's domain. The friends couldn't help but exchange puzzled glances, their curiosity deepening as they became increasingly entwined in the enigmatic tapestry of the hotel.
Just as they made their way to the second story, a blood-curdling scream could be heard echoing through the halls.  This was not the kind of scream you simply ignore, no, it was a piercing, high-pitched, intense vocalization that sent shivers down everyone’s spine and made the hair on the back of their necks stand on end. It was a sound of pure terror that invoked extreme fear amongst the group and caused their senses to heighten for the first time since entering the hotel.
David’s eyes widened as he looked toward Sarah, "Did you hear that?" he asked, tension in his voice. "Is that a joke?  How could I have missed it?" Sarah replied, nervously looking around. "It sounded like someone was in serious trouble, that wasn’t an act."
"We need to do something," David said firmly, trying to stay composed. "We can't just ignore it."
Michael agreed, "You're right. Let's try to figure out where the sound came from. It sounded like it echoed, but I think it came from those rooms to the left."
"What are you nuts? Why don’t we just go tell security?" Emily said with an aggressive and fearful tone.
As soon as Emily finished her sentence, the vampire seemed to appear out of nowhere behind the group with a massive smile on his face.  He seemed a bit more dressed up than before, his hair tightly slicked back, his coat neatly pressed, and his teeth almost appeared to be less plastic and more real than before.  “Ahhhhh I see you have found your way to our corridor of horrors!  Also, the area where your rooms are located.”  He proclaimed while jingling their room keys with his thin hands, ignoring the fearful looks on their faces and the screaming altogether. 
Michael shook his head and responded aggressively, “Wait, we just heard someone screaming at the top of their lungs and you are acting like nothing happened?  What was that all about?  Are you going to get security to check it out or should we?”. 
The vampire’s smile never left as he reassured the group it was simply part of the act and that nothing sinister was taking place. “Please understand, we try to make everyone as comfortable as possible here at Hollow Cove Manor, but at the same time, we need to deliver an authentic horror experience as well.  I can assure you that everyone is perfectly fine and that our actors receive top-notch training to ensure we are meeting our goal to balance both objectives.”
This explanation slightly calmed the group as they attempted to shake off any feelings of unease.  They were also reminded of the families they saw happily wandering around the manor's ground floor, clearly safe and without fear.  However, for some reason, the first floor seemed to be farther in the distance than before and they could no longer hear the activity that previously existed.
Part 5 – Room Number One
As they followed the vampire to the first room, a zombie could be seen at the end of the hallway slinking around, with a very distinct hobble to his movements.  A witch’s cackle could be heard faintly throughout the halls and continued to get louder and more frequent as they continued.  The group noticed a door to their left slightly cracked open, but as soon as they made their way past, it abruptly slammed shut.  Their emotions started to sway between anxiety and anticipation when they approached the first room. 
The door was unremarkable and didn’t appear any different than the rest, but before the vampire opened it he asked, “Who chose the Mummy’s Tomb?  We have arrived!”.
Sarah sheepishly raised her hand from the back of the group and slightly stepped forward.
As the group gathered around to take a look inside the room, the vampire put his hands up in front of him and adamantly pushed them back.  “House rules, you may only view or enter a room that you have chosen and paid for.  I’m afraid that only Sarah will have access.”  This brought on some concern amongst the group and they started to protest.
“No chance!  That doesn’t make any sense and this place is starting to give us the creeps, we are going in with her!” Michael shouted as he puffed out his chest and put on his angriest look.  The rest of the group stepped up behind him in unison.
The vampire shrugged and simply said, “We can just end things here if this is how you feel.  I can process your refunds, please meet me at the front desk.”
As he turned his back on the group and began to walk away, they looked at each other and remembered why they came to the hotel in the first place, to escape the summer boredom and add some excitement to their lives.
Sarah shook her head and calmed the group, “Guys, I appreciate you all but it will be fine it’s all just part of the act.  Don’t worry, I’m actually dying to see this room.”  The group all slightly frowned at her choice of words and then grinned.  She was right after all they were overreacting.  Emily trotted down the hallway and apologized to the vampire who simply turned back around and said, “Suit yourselves.”  As he turned back around and went to open the door. 
The group was herded to an area of the hallway so that they could not see inside the room as the vampire unlocked the door and opened it.  Dust seemed to pour into the hallway as he did so, and a slight heat radiated from the room, which the group could feel from about 20 feet away. 
Sarah took a deep breath and stepped inside.
As she stepped into the darkness of the ancient tomb, an unsettling chill ran down her spine, and the musty scent of ages-old decay filled the air. The entrance was adorned with ominous hieroglyphs, telling tales of curses and retribution for any intruder who dares disturb the long-lost rest of those buried inside. The flickering light of a torch on the wall cast eerie shadows, revealing the haunting carvings of jackals and scarabs, meant to guard the sacred place.
The corridor stretched onward, seeming to lead deeper area that was much bigger than the room should have been. The ceiling was extremely low, and the walls seemed to be closing in on her, suffocating and oppressive. An uneven floor was covered with a thin layer of fine sand that crunches underfoot as if the tomb itself is inhaling and exhaling with each step Sarah took.
As she ventured further in, she encounter a vast antechamber, an ominous expanse that reeked of foreboding. The walls were lined with ancient artifacts and relics, their once vibrant colors now faded with the passage of time. Sarah started to notice the remains of previous explorers scattered around, testifying to the tomb's malevolent reputation. Broken bones and tattered clothing serve as macabre reminders that this place is not meant for the living.
These had to be props right? she thought, trying to calm herself down.
Suddenly, she found herself standing before a grandiose stone door. Its surface was etched with intricate patterns and unknown symbols, and at the center, a haunting depiction of the mummy itself, eyes ablaze with otherworldly fury. The door stands defiant as if daring her to push forward, taunting her.
With extreme trepidation, Sarah summoned the courage to open the door. A gust of stale air greeted her, and the dim light from the torch she took from the wall barely illuminated the vast burial chamber. There lay a sarcophagus at the center, coated with gilded gold and precious gemstones that once spoke of the pharaoh's wealth and power. Now, the golden sheen is tarnished, and the gemstones reflect only the darkness of the tomb.
Sarah began to approach the sarcophagus and a sense of dread washed over her.  It felt as if she was trespassing on hallowed ground. The temperature dropped suddenly, and the faint sound of whispers echoed through the chamber. She couldn’t help but feel as if unseen eyes were watching her from the shadows, and the sense of being unwelcome intensified.
Stopping dead in her tracks as she saw it, the mummy rested within its ornate coffin, wrapped in ancient linen and preserved by sacred oils. The bandages were heavily stained over time, and the desiccated remains beneath are only hinted at, hidden from the living world's gaze. The mummy's hollow eye sockets seemed to follow you, as if aware of your intrusion and displeased by your presence.
A sudden, unexplained gust of wind extinguished her torch, leaving her in complete darkness. Panic set in as the whispers grew louder, surrounding her like a swarm of malevolent spirits. Her heart raced feeling like it was about to leap out of her chest, and every instinct told her to flee this accursed place, but fear rooted her to the spot.
As Sarah regained her composure and scrambled to relight her torch, a faint, otherworldly glow emanated from the mummy's eyes, growing brighter with each passing second. Frozen in terror, Sarah could only watch as the ancient guardian came to life, rising from its eternal sleep with unnatural grace.
Its ghastly form stepped out of the sarcophagus, clothed in tattered, rotting linen, the mummy is nothing more than a shell of its former self, yet an aura of malevolence and wrath enveloped it. The creature's unsettling gaze met, and she felt as though it is peering into her very soul, seeking to devour her sanity.
A chilling voice emanated from the mummy, more like a whisper carried on the wind. It spoke in a long-forgotten tongue, but somehow, she understood the intent behind the words—vengeance for daring to disturb its rest. The very air was suffused with evil, and she realized that escape was futile.
Part 6 – Room Number Two
When the remainder of the group rounded the corner of the hallway, it looked different than the first hallway.  It appeared much older and decrepit than before, almost as if they were built in different eras.  The next room they approached was the cemetery, home to the zombie.
“We have arrived at the famed graveyard!  Who chose the zombie experience?”, the vampire inquired while raising one eyebrow.
Michael walked up to the door and raised his hand without saying a word.  The vampire gave a brief nod and pointed to where he wanted David and Emily to stand while he opened the door.  They obliged and waited while the vampire let Michael into his room. 
“You are actually in luck young Michael, the guest who booked the werewolf room had an
.backed out at the last minute.  Since the rooms are adjoining, you get to experience both the deep forest and cemetery for no extra cost!” exclaimed the vampire with his Transylvanian accent very thick this time. 
“Why did they back out?” asked Michael.  “Actually who cares, let’s do this!” he said in response to his own question.
Unlike the heat that emanated from the mummy’s room, this time, when the door opened the hallway was filled with a cold gust of wind the sound of crickets and cicadas buzzed loudly.
Michael was amazed as he stepped into the room.  It was like he was outside in an actual cemetery.  It seemed as if the walls didn’t exist and the room almost had completely transformed into something else.  
The lighting in the room appeared as a moon cast an eerie glow upon the crumbling headstones of the desolate cemetery. The crickets and cicadas suddenly stopped making noise and the rustling of leaves and the distant hooting of an owl were the only sounds that broke the oppressive silence. As Michael moved forward a large wrought iron gate creaked open, revealing a pathway lined with cracked and weathered tombstones, some leaning precariously as if struggling to hold onto their earthly connection.
Moss and ivy crept up the tombstones that lined the path, lending an air of decay and foreboding to the scene. The air was heavy with the scent of damp earth, rot, and the lingering presence of death. A thick fog rose from the ground, shrouding the graves like a spectral veil.
Michael’s mouth was agape as he marveled at what he was witnessing but also experienced a strong mixture of emotions that ranged from curiosity to fear. Shadows danced around him, playing tricks on his senses, making every rustle and movement seem like the sinister presence of something lurking in the darkness.  Every step was accompanied by the soft, muffled crunch of leaves and the faint whisper of unseen creatures moving through the surrounding underbrush.
Among the graves lay an old, gnarled tree with twisted branches that seem to reach out like skeletal fingers. The tree cast elongated, grotesque shadows upon the ground, adding to the sense of dread. A crow perched on one of the branches and cawed ominously as if warning of the horrors that lie ahead.
Further in the distance, a thick canopy of giant ancient trees loomed like towering sentinels, branches stretching overhead to interlock, forming a twisted labyrinthine ceiling that allowed only a fraction of the moon's pale light to trickle through. The trees themselves bore twisted, contorted forms as if they had been shaped by the weight of countless stories and the passage of centuries. In some places, the bark appeared to peel back in a grotesque mimicry of a human face, forever frozen in a silent scream.
This must be the “adjoining room” where the werewolf lived, thought Michael.
The woods gave Michael the impression that he was being watched by unseen eyes studying his every move from the depths of the darkness.  As the night deepened and the moon climbed higher, the haunting woods seemed to come alive with malevolent energy. Every rustle of leaves, every distant cry, felt like a warning – a reminder that this was a realm where the boundary between the living and the dead were blurred.
Michael decided he would just stick to his original choice and stay close to the cemetery, although it did not offer much comfort.    
Then, from within the unsettling darkness, came a low growl. The woods seemed to respond as if every creature within sensed the arrival of a predator. The growl turned into a guttural snarl, and suddenly, a massive shape emerged from the shadows. It was the werewolf, larger than life and with eyes that burned with a feral hunger.
Its fur was a dark, mottled mix of ebony and ash gray, matted in places with dirt and dried blood. The moonlight glinted off its coarse, unkempt coat, highlighting the sharp contours of its muscles as they rippled beneath the surface. Its claws, long and razor-sharp, extended menacingly from its fingers, leaving marks on the damp earth as it stalked forward.
The werewolf's head was a grotesque fusion of human and lupine features. Its snout was elongated and powerful, ending in a black, moist nose. Its lips curled back to reveal rows of glistening, serrated teeth that seemed to drip with fresh blood. Its ears twitched, catching every rustle of the leaves, and its eyes, a deep amber, held an unsettling intelligence—a predatory cunning that seemed to pierce through the darkness.
With the moon now visible through a parting in the clouds, the werewolf tilted its massive head back and let out a howl that echoed through the forest. It was a haunting, mournful sound that reverberated through the very bones of the earth as if calling upon the spirits of the night to join its hunt.
The werewolf's bloodshot eyes fixed on Michael, and it charged forward with unbelievable speed. Michael's heartbeat thundered in his ears as fear gripped him. Before he could react, the massive creature was upon him, its jaws snapping shut with a sickening crunch. The monster tore at Michael’s stomach exposing his intestines and internal organs.  He tried his best to push the wolf away and get some breathing room, but his attempts were futile.  As the thrashing continued, Michael was able to unleash a primal scream that seemed to surprise the werewolf.  It took a few steps back and seemed to stare at Michael, almost smiling at him.
The moonlight glinted off the blood-soaked fur around its mouth and remarkably, the werewolf began to walk away from Michael and back into the woods.  It stopped suddenly, turned to take one last long look at Michael almost as if it was admiring its work. With that, the werewolf continued into the darkness of the woods.
Michael was in extremely bad shape and could not believe he was still alive.  He looked down at this torso and then immediately turned away in shock and disgust.  His fingers gripped the ground underneath him as he tried to push himself forward but failed. 
At that moment a low moan emanated from one of the nearby graves. The ground trembled beneath his feet and a mound of dirt began to shift and stir. As he watched in terror, a decaying hand broke through the earth's crust, followed by the emergence of a gruesome figure—the zombie.
The zombie's body was a grotesque display of decay and putrefaction. Its ashen-gray skin clung tightly to its skeletal frame, revealing exposed bones and patches of rotting flesh. Tattered remnants of clothing hung from its emaciated body, swaying limply with each step it took. Its eyes are sunken sockets, devoid of life, yet they seem to gleam with an eerie, malevolent light.
Slivers of pale moonlight caught on the zombie's disheveled hair, which lay in clumps on its decomposed scalp. Its movements were slow and deliberate, a jerky dance of undeath as it drags one foot after the other, never breaking its relentless pursuit.
As the zombie drew near Michael, a foul stench emanated from its body, an overpowering mix of decay, soil, and death that made it almost unbearable to be near. The air around it seemed to chill as if the very essence of life were being sucked away in its presence.
Michael noticed its jagged, yellowed teeth, stained with remnants of its last grisly meal. The zombie emitted guttural groans and moans as if trying to speak but only managing to produce haunting, animalistic sounds.
Its gnarled and claw-like hands with nails cracked and caked with dirt reached out towards Michael and its grip felt feeble but filled with an unsatiable hunger that spoke of its desire for flesh.
Time seemed to stand still as Michael confronted the cold reality of his predicament.  He had been spared by the werewolf but only as a treat for the zombie served up on a platter.
Part 7 – The Castle
Venturing along the seemingly endless hallway, Emily, David, and the vampire came to a door that appeared to be an exit.  It was a very heavy fire-resistant metal door that had a small push bar in the middle and required a good amount of force from the vampire to open.  Once they were through the door, they entered a courtyard leading to another building that was clearly part of the hotel property but separate from the main building.   
The courtyard was scattered with overgrown roses, their petals the color of blood, climbing the walls, their thorns a fitting symbol of the domain they were approaching.
It then became clear; this was the vampire’s castle.  The castle's architecture was a fusion of grandeur and decay. Dark stone walls rose in imposing turrets and spires, reaching for heaven’s hands of the damned. The stones bore the marks of age, weathered by time, and the subtle erosion gave the castle an air of antiquity, even though the manor was just built recently. Gargoyles perched atop parapets; their stone faces twisted into expressions of grotesque enmity as if guarding secrets better left undisturbed.
A large wooden door adorned with intricate patterns of swirling ivy and thorns guarded the castle's entrance. The heavy chains that hung from the gate appeared almost decorative, their purpose a stark reminder of the power that dwelled within.
Tall, narrow windows lined the castle's façade, their glass panes reflecting the moon's pale light. Some windows were partially boarded up as if the castle desired its secrets to remain hidden from prying eyes. Others, however, emitted a soft, beckoning glow from within, suggesting a glimmer of life in the heart of the darkness.
Atop the highest tower, a single window stood like a solitary sentinel. Through it, the soft light of a candle could sometimes be glimpsed, flickering like a distant star against the vast expanse of the night sky.
With a snarky tone, the vampire remarked, “Well I guess it is quite obvious where we are now. I believe it was you, David, that wanted to stay within my chambers.  However, we are still cleaning up the witch's abode for Emily so would you both like to visit for now until it is ready?”.
The two were a bit shocked based on the strict rules that only one person could even look inside each room, but also felt a sense of comfort that they could go in together.   
“Sure?” they both said in unison as they exchanged puzzled, yet excited glances.
The vampire briefly looked them each up and down and gave them a look of approval before extending his arm with a large extravagant key.  “Very well then, here you are David.  Enjoy your stay, I need to take care of some guests who just arrived apparently”, he said with a slight roll of his eyes.   
David snatched the key out of the vampire’s hand and grabbed Emily’s hand with the other as he pulled her towards the castle door.  Even though it was a short walk to the entrance, the castle seemed to get bigger as they approached.  Neither of them mentioned it and David put the key into the large door with both hands.
“Quick question, so if we...” Emily began to ask as she turned around towards the vampire who had seemingly vanished quickly behind them.  The two looked at each other but were getting used to the strange occurrences and pressed forward into the castle.
A sense of trepidation mingled with fascination as the atmosphere took over them as the door creaked open.  An unmistakable scent of ancient stone and something more elusive – the aroma of history and power.  Entering the castle was like crossing the threshold into a realm untouched by time. The air was thick with a palpable aura, a fusion of stories and secrets waiting to be unraveled. The dim, flickering light of torches lined the corridor, casting dancing shadows that seemed to whisper their own tales along the stone walls.
The entrance hall loomed ahead, vast and cavernous. Its ceiling soared high above, supported by towering columns covered with intricate engravings that depicted scenes of both beauty and darkness. A chandelier, suspended like a frozen waterfall of crystal and wrought iron, cast fragments of light across the floor. Dust motes danced within the beams as if caught in an eternal waltz.
The floor beneath was made of polished marble, cool to the touch and reflecting the ambient glow. The walls were hung with tapestries, their faded colors and intricate designs hinting at a history that spanned generations. Each tapestry seemed to tell a different story, some joyful and celebratory, while others were tinged with sorrow and unrest.
Passing through the entrance hall, the corridor twisted and turned, revealing hidden alcoves and doorways that beckoned to be explored. The castle's interior was a labyrinth of mysteries waiting to be uncovered. Tall, arched doorways stood ajar, revealing glimpses of rooms beyond. Some rooms were furnished with elegant antique furniture lined with rich fabrics, ornate candelabras, and paintings that seemed to gaze back with lifelike intensity.
Other chambers were shrouded in darkness, their contents veiled in secrecy. Within the depths of the castle, hidden staircases spiraled upwards, leading to corridors that were almost maze-like in their complexity. The air grew colder the deeper they ventured, and the silence seemed to amplify as if the very walls were privy to their thoughts.
The heart of the castle revealed the great hall, a space of awe-inspiring grandeur. High ceilings painted with constellations seemed to stretch into infinity, while enormous windows framed views of the night sky, its stars twinkling as if in acknowledgment of the castle's enigmatic inhabitant. A grand staircase led upwards, covered with a red carpet that seemed to stretch toward the heavens. Portraits lined the walls, capturing the faces of individuals who had long since passed into history. Their eyes followed David and Emily with a haunting intensity, a reminder that the past was never truly gone within these walls.
In the depths of the castle, hidden from view, the vampire lord's sanctum awaited. Within this chamber, darkness and candlelight intermingled, casting flickering shadows on the walls. Elaborate bookshelves lined the room, bearing volumes that spanned centuries of knowledge and wisdom. A grand desk, adorned with ancient parchments and quills, bore witness to decisions that shaped both the vampire's existence and the world beyond.
As the two marveled at the scene before them, the sound of an organ began ringing in their ears.  Quiet at first and then growing louder as they walked towards the vampire’s sanctum. They each took a deep breath simultaneously before opening the door even though their hands hesitated for a moment, fingers trembling.  
The door swung inward on silent hinges, and a scene of eerie enchantment unfolded before them. The room was dimly lit by a myriad of candles, in the center of the room stood a grand pipe organ, its polished wood gleaming in the low light. Its pipes reached skyward like cathedral spires, and the instrument seemed to command the room's attention.
And there, seated at the organ's bench, was the vampire himself. Dressed in a tailored suit that seemed to echo the fashion of another era, his features were both captivating and eerie. His raven-black hair framed his pale face, and his eyes held a timeless wisdom, reflecting the weight of the centuries he had lived through. He didn’t look up from the keys as the door opened, his fingers only stopping briefly as the door opened. 
Was this the same vampire they had been with the entire time?  He seemed similar, but very different at the same time.
A mischievous smile curved his lips as he acknowledged David and Emily's presence as if he had been expecting them. His fingers began to move again, this time producing a haunting melody that filled the room with mystical beauty. The music seemed to wrap around the teens, drawing them deeper into the atmosphere of enchantment.
Behind the vampire, the stained-glass windows depicted scenes of night and romance, casting colored patterns across the room, as if the very cosmos were observing the performance. As the vampire played, the notes seemed to transcend the mere mechanics of sound, becoming a melody that spoke to the soul. The room itself seemed to respond, the very air thrumming with a resonance that resonated in the bones. David and Emily were spellbound, unable to tear their eyes away from the vampire's graceful fingers and the way he seemed to be one with the music.
The vampire's music reached its crescendo, filling the room with a surge of emotion and power. And then, as abruptly as it had begun, he brought the piece to a close, allowing the final notes to linger in the air like a haunting memory.
In that suspended moment, David and Emily found themselves captivated by the vampire's artistry and presence. The enigmatic figure rose from the organ bench, his gaze fixing upon them with a mixture of amusement and something deeper – a sense of shared understanding that transcended mortal boundaries.
As the room embraced the echoes of the music that had filled its very essence, the vampire inclined his head in a subtle gesture of welcome, acknowledging the teens' presence in his sanctum. It was a scene that felt both surreal and yet oddly familiar.
Emily was able to muster up a single word in her meekest voice, “Hi.”
David could not form words at that point, but it was as if the vampire could read each of their minds when he responded, “Well hello there!  Yes, yes, yes, it is me your gracious host.”  He stood and took an exaggerated but formal bow before them.  “Welcome to my chambers!  I just checked with the staff and unfortunately, the witch’s abode will not be ready tonight Emily so we can get you a full refund.  However, we have two coffins available for both of you here in my chambers to stay the night!”.  “Separate of course.”  He said with a slight, yet wicked smile.
Emily didn’t know what to say at this point and was a bit nervous to oppose the vampire’s offer.  “Sure, no problem I can stay here especially if David is also here it could be fun, I guess.” David agreed, considering he was at least with someone he knew which helped to calm him down. “Fine with me.”
The vampire was pleased with their response and beckoned them to follow him to their room. 
The walls of the room were draped in deep, rich fabrics, their dark hues contrasting against the flickering candlelight but matching the castle’s decor. The floor was carpeted with a lush, velvety material, muffling their footsteps as they entered. On one side of the room, two elaborately carved coffins lay side by side, their polished wood with intricate patterns of vines and thorns.
“I’ll let you both relax and get comfortable, again, I must attend to some additional guests and will let you both enjoy the evening.”  With those comments, the vampire quickly seemed to float away and closed the door tight behind him.
Curiously, David and Emily approached the coffins, their weariness from the day's explorations making the prospect of rest enticing. The lids of the coffins were partially ajar, and the velvet lining within looked invitingly comfortable. With a mixture of curiosity and exhaustion, they each lay down, the coffins cradling their bodies like a macabre embrace.
As they drifted into slumber, the world around them seemed to blur. When they awoke, disoriented and groggy, panic surged through their veins like icy tendrils. Darkness enveloped them, a suffocating fear gripping their hearts. David and Emily strained against the confining confines of the coffins, their breathing rapid and labored.
Time seemed to stretch infinitely, their minds a whirlwind of terror as they struggled to escape. The air grew thin, their surroundings oppressive. The very concept of being trapped weighed heavily upon them, and the walls of the coffins seemed to close in, pressing against their chests. Each of them began to pound and scratch their fingernails across the top of their tiny prison. 
Just as the suffocating fear reached its peak, the coffins suddenly creaked open, revealing the moonlit chamber once more. A shiver ran down their spines as they emerged, the room now seeming more ominous than before. The vampire lord stood before them, his presence electrifying the air with an aura of power.
A sly smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he took a step closer, his eyes gleaming with a pang of predatory hunger. David and Emily stumbled back, their hearts pounding in their chests, trapped between the instinct to flee and the compulsion to obey.
In an instant, the vampire lunged, his movements a blur of supernatural speed. His hands closed around David’s shoulders with an iron grip, his nails grazing his skin. Panic surged through Emily, as she watched the blood and life drain from his body.
As his fangs descended into David’s neck, the room seemed to close in around her senses heightened to a feverish pitch. The sharp sting of the vampire's bite sent shockwaves of pain and terror through David’s body, but it was a quick death.
Time seemed to hang suspended, and Emily’s heart thundered like drums in her chest.
And then, as swiftly as it had begun, the bite released its grip. The vampire stepped back, and a triumphant sigh of relief exited his lungs as he observed the terror etched across Emily’s face. Her breaths came in ragged gasps, her body trembling with the aftermath of the attack.
The vampire's eyes bore into hers, a mixture of satisfaction and amusement. As Emily tried to cope with what she had just witnessed and come up with a plan of attack or escape, the vampire was suddenly teleported to her neck to deliver the same fate he dealt David.
Part 8 – Another Day at the Manor
The morning sun rose above Hollow Cove Manor and a new set of guests began to pour into the main foyer.  Each character was in the backroom cleaning off their costumes and equipment to prepare for a grand introduction, dance, and song as they performed daily.  Just before the vampire opened the door behind the front desk to kick off the festivities he looked back at his staff with a glint in his eye and his signature grin. 
TM & Copyright © 2023 Twisted Mind Tales. All Rights Reserved.
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x-childish-x · 2 years
Hi! I love your Kurt/Peter poly fix’s and I was wondering if you could write something where reader gets injured in battle and Kurt and Peter get super protective trying to get them back to the mansion safely? You can make it as angsty or fluffy as you’d like. (gn!reader, please) Thank you so much!!
Don't Mind At All
Pairing: Kurt Wagner x gn!mutant!reader x Peter Maximoff
Fandom: X-Men
Warnings: ANGST, INJURIES (bones breaking), violence, fighting, blood, panic
Word Count: 923
A/N: Hello love! Thank you so much for this request. I really hope you enjoy it and that it's what you were looking for. I truly appreciate your support and patience. I apologize for taking so long to get it out. Enjoy! Feedback is always welcome and encouraged!
Summary: You get injured while on a mission, which immediately kicks in Peter and Kurt's overprotective sides.
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(gifs not mine!)
You moved quietly and quickly throughout the abandoned compound, trying to find the mutant who'd been terrorizing the local residents. The entire team was spread out, looking through different parts of the compound to locate the mutant quickly. The most that you all knew about him was that he had enhanced strength, and according to all of his victims, he was incredibly stealthy.
You weren't too worried about the mutant, seeing as your mutation was the same as Erik's, only weaker. Finally, reaching the last corner of your designated search area, you prepared to contact your team and tell them that there was nothing in your area. However, the moment you pressed the earpiece, your loud shriek was the only thing for them to hear.
The mutant huffed as he threw you across the room, watching with a smile as you slammed into a pillar and slumped to the floor. A groan fell from your lips as you shoved yourself up, quickly dodging the mutant's hand that was flying for your face. You stumbled backward and kept your eyes on the mutant as you reached out, trying to summon any metal to your hands.
The panicked shouts and calls of your teammates filled your ears, but you knew that replying right then would be too dangerous. Finally, as the mutant swung at you once more, a metal pipe of some sort flew directly to your hand, and you swung with all your might, striking him on the side of the head. Watching his body drop, you quickly spun around, looking for some kind of metal that would be strong enough to hold the mutant while you called your team.
"(Y/n)!?" The desperate screams of Peter and Kurt's voices filled your ears.
All you could manage to get out was a quick and short "backup" that you hoped they understood. You slammed to the ground as the mutant yanked on your ankle. You cried out, using your other foot to kick his head as you tried to free yourself. However, you seemed to only anger him as he unleashed his full mutation on you.
You screamed in pain as you felt your shin snap and the mutant's hand quickly left your ankle. You didn't dare look at your leg but instead looked at what caused the mutant to get off of you. Only to see none other than your Peter relentlessly running around the mutant and, you assumed, punching him.
"Oh god," Kurt gasped suddenly at your side, "What's wrong? Are you hurt? What happened?”
"Pretty sure my leg's broke," You winced out, forcing yourself to sit up without moving your leg.
Kurt gently wiped your tears before calling for more backup from the team. Though, by the time the team had reached you, Peter had knocked the mutant unconscious, and was now at your side, panicking just as much as Kurt. You couldn't help the tears that were rolling down your cheeks. They were simply from the pain you felt. However, you were trying to do your best to not freak out Kurt and Peter too much.
"Don't worry, Hank will be here soon," Kurt mumbled softly as your head rest against Peter's chest.
You nodded as you sniffled, watching as Scott and Mystique got the mutant into handcuffs, "Yea."
Kurt stroked your hair softly as Peter spoke, "We need to get them back to the mansion now. To the actual medics."
"I'm okay," You mumbled, trying your best to not focus on the pain radiating through your body.
"If either one of us were to take them right now, we might injure them more," Kurt sighed as he wiped another tear, "We need to wait for Hank to secure them."
"I'm sorry I didn't get to you sooner," Peter whispered, kissing the top of your head, "I should've come the moment I heard you cry."
Before you could respond, Hank came into the room and began to secure your leg so you could get back to the mansion safely. You couldn't help but smile at the way Kurt and Peter glared at Hank the entire time. They always became incredibly overprotective when you got hurt, even if it was a slight scratch on your arm.
"Alright. That should be good enough for the flight back. I'll take them to the plane from here," Hank spoke after he wrapped your leg to a splint.
"No," Kurt and Peter snapped at the same time.
"I will take them," Kurt huffed, "I can teleport. It's the fastest and safest way."
Hank looked down at you as he responded, "I don't think that would be entirely safe. You risk--"
Suddenly Hank was gone, and Peter, Kurt, and you were sitting on the floor of the hospital wing. Immediately Kurt was getting someone to tend to you, and Peter held you protectively in his arms. Within thirty minutes, you had been tended to by an actual doctor, had X-rays done, and thankful the break didn't require you to have surgery. They reset the bone, put a cast on, and you were on your way.
Peter was currently pushing your wheelchair as you headed back towards your room, Kurt walking in front of you to ensure that nobody would walk into you. You smiled at how protective your boys were being and wondered if it would continue throughout your entire recovery period. However, you didn't mind. If having your boys be overprotective meant that you'd get to spend more time with them, then you wouldn't mind at all.
General taglist: @nowthisisdark @techssexythighs X-Men taglist: @madison05x
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sorryimanon · 3 years
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Pairings: Bakugou x fem!Reader
Tags: 18+, dirty talk, explicit scenes, mutual masturbation, penetration, bakugou being a switch, reader is a dom, lots of back and forth between characters, slow burn
A/N: this was supposed to be divided into two parts but surprise, surprise! i got lazy :) i had so much writing this. this might be my favorite fic ive written so far! this is a loooong one. enjoy! 
P.S this is the unedited ver. I will posting the final on my AO3 account (sorryimanon)
Katsuki disliked her. No, he absolutely loathed her. Ever since she stepped foot into the classroom, it was destined for there to be a hostile barrier between the two of them. Granted, all she did was sweetly greet him like the rest of her fellow classmates, but Katsuki completely saw through her fading facade and ignored the kind gesture with a threatening showcase of his quirk.
"Being nice won't get you anywhere, baka," he snarled, glaring intensely at her all the while everyone watched the whole scene unfold.
He treated her like a foolish peasant after that initial encounter, disregarding her in any way shape or form as disgust shone through his eyes.
Y/N persevered the oncoming school years despite the blonde breathing down her neck consistently everyday. Katsuki's aggressive nature towards her subsided once graduation commenced, alluding to the blossoming maturity each student should have endured before branching off into hero work.
Not long after the celebratory succession, y/n bounced to several agencies that offered the same beneficial agreements for her. None caught her attention. Until one day she received a recommendation from Endeavor himself to work full time at his agency. Of course she accepted it and immediately wrote her sloppy signature down on the contract. Unbeknownst to her excitement, a separate copy of the contract was sent to another uprising hero around her age group.
So when she strutted in that morning of orientation, she never expected to see the very infamous Katsuki Bakugou slouched on one of the many chairs in the meeting room. Her throat tightened as she took a seat next to him, his height still freakishly tall even when they were just sitting. Staring straight forward to prevent from any means of eye contact with him, he lowered his head at her eye level and crooked a half smile.
"I'm gonna make you regret for even considering joining here, extra." A fleck of his spit hit the side of her face. Learning from her past encounters with Katsuki, y/n held her tongue in hopes for him to feel satisfied enough to leave her alone.
Thankfully their office hours were inconsistent to where they didn't intervene with each other, neither of them awkwardly meeting in the lobby or an elevator. However, sometimes y/n and Bakugou would desire the same craving for a caffeinated beverage and find themselves standing shoulder to shoulder by the coffee machine.
Bakugou likes his coffee black, she mentally jotted down as she intently watched his usual routine of preparing the beverage.
Like the asshole he is, Bakugou would purposely tip the mug and let a few trickles of the hot liquid burn her hand. He's done this every single time before he leaves y/n alone in the break room. Deep down, he relishes in the strained expression on her face when he inflicts the pain upon her. Thoughts danced across his head. Some involving him blasting y/n into the stratosphere to her kissing the tips of his boots for mercy. Either way, her being so submissive and, dare he say, a pussy to stand her ground sufficed him enough for the time being. But sometimes it pissed him off.
The constant harassment by the angry blonde went unnoticed by their other colleagues, including Endeavor, leaving y/n to prepare every morning to face the wrath of Katsuki Bakugou. His verbal abuse never wavered, occasionally whispering under his breath "weakling" or "stupid girl" whenever the pair were in the same room together. One time he sent her on a wild goose chase to find a missing case file that miraculously disappeared from her desk while she was copying something in the other room. Hours later, she soon discovers the said file tucked behind Katsuki's arm, snatching it from his grip and not once reprimanding him for wasting her time. Y/N eventually got used to it. Adapting to the annual insults of her work ethics and anything he could muster up from his sleeve. Both finally accepted their twisted dynamic, and became accustomed to the work lifestyle.
Months later, the dynamic soon changed when Endeavor announced an emergency meeting with everyone in the building. Apparently a new wave of villains have been reigning terror over the city, causing major damages and fatalities in a matter of weeks. Rumors started to circulate that the new generation of heroes don't have the capabilities to apprehend this group of evil doers. In the meeting, Endeavor made it clear for everyone to be partnered up before he dismisses them to patrol for the night, suggesting that pairing up with someone who is complimentary to your quirk is efficient for when dealing with these kinds of villains.
That's why y/n didn't voice her complaint when she inevitably got matched with Bakugou. His quirk alone was powerful already. With both of their quirks combined, there's no telling how the mission will go, but she surprisingly feels safe knowing he'll be sticking by her side throughout the rest of the night. It'll be a quick mission, then they'll return back to their previous mundane duties in the office. Back to Katsuki's mental and verbal torment.
"Could you move any slower?" Katsuki barked as both he and y/n were taking a quick stroll through the public park, scoping out for any signs of danger.
She was a step behind him, careful not to bump his shoulder or invade his space. She mumbled out a quick apology and fastened her pace, catching up to the man in gear. Tonight he wore his alternative hero costume, the design made specifically for when the temperature reaches an undesirable degree. The collar touched below the tip of his chin, his chiseled chest covered with the thick black material, and his arms protected from the cold with the addition of sleeves.  
"Fucking weakling..." she heard him mumble once they circled the perimeter again.
Bakugou insisted for them to scout out as many places as possible in hopes for an encounter. He desperately needs any excuse for some action, to use his quirk out of anger. Previously, they patrolled the empty plaza of Tatoone shopping center. Other heroes were there as well, but still no signs of any villains lurking in the dark. For the third time, they met up at the center of the park after making another round, both already tired of the tedious task.
"Just our fucking luck. Still no signs of those stupid villains. I guess we should patrol the outskirts of-."
A bright luminescent beam struck the middle of Bakugou's chest cavity, ricocheting him backwards to slam against the trunk of a large tree, knocking him unconscious instantly. Startled, y/n's eyes frantically searched for the perpetrator, only to meet a pair of glowing green orbs staring right back. She shifted her stance in preparation for their next attack, blocking Bakugou's lifeless body from the villains view. Another beam shot from the darkness, only this time y/n counter balanced the blow by rolling to side, the blast missing her by a couple of feet. Y/N quickly raised to her feet and ran head first towards the dark figure. Without preamble, the figure shot multiple beams at the hero, each one emitting from the void of their chest.
Y/N dodged the bright suffocating strips of light, her feet shuffling and heart racing due to the adrenaline rush. However, she miscalculated her next move which allowed the figure to strike her left shoulder when she was distracted for a split second. Pain shot throughout her shoulder blade. Eyes drawn to a close, her hand shot up to cradle the injury. The intense sensation started to spread from the upper half of her body to below. Everything suddenly became numb, including her sensors. She couldn't feel the tips of her digits nor move any part of her face. The muscles in her legs soon stopped contracting, resulting in her knees giving out. She felt the hard, coarse ground beneath her as the darkness began to swallow up her line of vision. The last thing she saw was a scuffed up Bakugou laying face flat on the drenched grass.
- Y/N stirred awake, lifting one of her half lidded eyes expecting to see the villain looming over her tired body. But all she saw was the popcorn ceiling sheltering her, an overhead fan turned on and the curtains tightly shut. She slowly inclined her body upright and peeled the covers from her clammy figure. Still in the process of waking up, she made her way to the attached bathroom by the bed and located the sink. She splashed the cold water on her face, letting the droplets drench the clothes she was currently wearing. Turning off the facet, she craned her head to view the damage on her shoulder in the mirror. But how come she couldn't recognize herself?
Tuffs of blonde spiked out from her head. Her eyes weren't the same color either. Red crimson irises replaced the ones she had before. The injury from last night on her shoulder wasn't there no more, but she took sight at how broad they became. And she wasn't wearing her typical pajama top and bottoms. This morning she was clad in a black tank top and a pair of soft sweat pants.
No, this can't be true. This has to be some sick nightmare. Jolting backwards on her heel, she let out a terrible shriek. After screaming for a good minute, she calmed down and rested her hands on the bathroom counter, transfixed on the reflection in front of her.
"I-I somehow transformed into Bakugou!" The deep timbre voice of bakugou replaced her own. She tugged on the unkept hair and knitted her eyes shut. "This is only a dream. I'm dreaming right? I can't possibly be in Bakugou's body."
A loud ringing noise alerted y/n to open her eyes again. It was coming from her bedroom. Correction, his bedroom. She glanced at herself in the mirror one more time before retrieving the phone that was stuffed in a green duffel bag. Her eyes widened. She recognized her phone number on the screen. Knowing the circumstances, she pressed answered and awaited for the receiver on the other end to speak.
"So, we somehow switched bodies because of being struck by that villains quirk the other night. How long did they say this will last then?" Y/N questioned Bakugou the following morning once they agreed to meet up somewhere in private. Right now they were sitting across from each other on a stone bench by the lake, the morning sun peaking through the tall skyscrapers behind them.
Bakugou shrugged his shoulders, technically hers, and said, "Endeavor informed me it'll probably linger for a good week. He also wanted us to not be on duty till we recuperate from this, saying that the side effects will drain our bodies." He couldn't muster up the courage to stare at her, because all he would see is the reflection of himself. "Unfortunately the villain fled the scene before the others arrived to retrieve us. They're still out there causing havoc."
"This is freaking weird."
Y/N tilted her head in confusion. Across from her, Bakugou pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed in frustration.
"If you're gonna be me for a whole week then you might as well not sugar coat my vocabulary-dumbass."
Right, she now has to devote her time and effort into mirroring Bakugou's explosive personality. But that also means he too has to put on a show in order to persuade everyone he was her.
"Oh, okay..." she started but tensed up when realizing Bakugou was gazing expectantly at her. "D-Dumbass?"
Katsuki groaned as he rolled his eyes at her failed attempt of portraying him.
"This is going to be a long ass week."
- Bakugou grunted in disgust as he scavenged through y/n's closet for something to wear. Every piece of clothing so far hasn't met his criteria of approval to put on his body. There was an unnecessary amount of yoga pants and the most ugliest oversized graphic tees he's ever laid his eyes upon stored in her drawer. Growing up in a household of highly praised designers, the influence shifted his taste in fashion over the years. So, he made the rational decision to make a quick trip to the mall and purchase a few outfits for himself. Considering he's going to be in this body for a whole week, maybe even more, he might as well present himself looking ten times better than she ever has.
He tittered around the mall window shopping, entering store after store leaving with a handful of clothes in plastic and paper bags. So far he bought some outfits that edged a little on the fancy side, but paid no mind to his bank account. Bakugou guesstimated y/n's size during the venture, not wanting to pry or see what's underneath these restricting fabrics. He was about to leave when a frilly-pink themed store caught his attention.
It's a lingerie store, Bakugou thought as he neared closer to the entrance.
Posters inside the displays showcased attractive half naked women clad in nothing but the delicate material. Not to mention they were all posing seductively. An involuntary image of y/n flashed across his eyes, her imitating the same lustrous pose as well as wearing the sheer lingerie like the women behind the glass. Steams of heat practically blowed out from his ears, along with the embarrassing shade of pink panting his cheeks. He clamped a hand on his mouth, eyes widen in disbelief.
The fuck did I just imagine? There's no way in hell that just happened!
He must've been loitering there for awhile because a young girl, possibly his age, was standing in the threshold of the store wearing a pastel pink apron, giving him a welcoming smile.
She spoke, "Looking to shop for something, ma'am?"
Remembering back to y/n's distasteful clothing, he noted that she also lacked having any 'pretty' undergarments. It wasn't that he intentionally raided through her underwear, he just so happen to have stumbled upon the almost empty drawer by accident. In retrospect, he's doing her a favor. He cleared his throat before speaking.
"Yes actually. Can you show me your most expensive set?" - "To your left! That dudes been camping by that spot since the match. He'll snipe you in the open!" Kirishima informed y/n as they both sat criss cross on the cushioned couch.
They've been playing the same game for hours. Y/N prayed for at least one water break or grab something quick to eat since they haven't moved an inch from their spots. Kirishima promised after this match he'll order some takeout for the both of them, but he said the same thing 8 matches ago. All she could do for now was pretend to be immersed in the game, getting a couple of impressive kills here and there, subsequently ranking her to a bronze level. Her digits were beginning to cramp up due to the repetitive moments of smashing down on the labeled buttons on the wireless controller. The screen across from them suddenly went dark and flashed the scoreboard from the recent match. Another successful victory.
"BOOYAAA!!!!" Kirishima clapped his hands and did a celebratory dance. "Ah, good game Bakugou."
Y/N flinched from hearing the blondes name.
"Kirishima, it's Y/N," she reluctantly reminded him.
Kirishima's whole demeanor went south. He chucked out a dry laugh and nervously started rubbing the back of his neck.
"R-Right sorry. Couldn't help myself. I mean, I am looking at Bakugou. Same face, voice, hair, and scary eyes."
After being battered by the villains quirk, Kirishima and Sun Eater were the ones to retrieve them before law enforcement shortly arrived once the perpetrator fled the scene. They were all under one strict oath to not mention this to the public, or else everyone’s image will tarnished and skew the potential of our future rankings.
"I know. I'm still trying to process this whole thing. I've been avoiding all the mirrors in the apartment since I came back." Y/N stood up from the couch and sauntered over to her designated bedroom for the week. She reached for the door handle but stiffened when a pair of hardened hands rested on her broad shoulders.
"Aye, don't worry so much. I bet you Bakugou is thinking the same thing. This week will be over before you know it," he absentmindedly began massaging the area between your shoulder blades and neck.
Does he always treat Bakugou like this despite that nasty little Pomeranian being a complete asshole to everyone?
"What is Bakugou like around you?"
The red head hummed to himself at the random question, thinking of a perfect answer to her curiosity.
"The same how he was in high school except more tamer I guess. But I enjoy his presence none the less."
Then why does he seem to unleash his untamed feelings towards me specifically?
Y/N sighed, obviously not satisfied with that answer.
"Out of everybody, he seems to despise me more and more like it's a game," she said without realizing.
"You know how he is Y/N. He's very abrasive and blunt when it comes to other people's emotions, but deep down I know he only acts like that because he wants to present a strong image in front of everyone," he started. "He's scared of others looking down on him, I know that for sure. But I always looked up to Bakugou from the day I personally got to know him. So, I guess he just stayed by my side because of my admiration for him."
Bakugou is always putting up a front then.
"Interesting...well I'm gonna go to bed now. Thanks for keeping me company," y/n said once again reaching for the knob and opening the door, ignoring the red heads pleas for her not go to sleep on an empty stomach. -
The next day Bakugou found himself inside y/n's bathroom, feet firmly planted on the tiled floor not daring to move an inch. Even though he wasn't in his own body that didn't stop him from paying a visit to the gym this morning. He went extra hard on every machine, not caring about the wandering eyes men gave him while he dead lifted weights. Drenched in nothing but his own glistening sweat, Bakugou entered y/n's small apartment as he dragged his tired feet to the bedroom he was now familiarized with.
Something foul wafted into his nostrils, almost making him teary eyed to the stench. He tried to recall the last time he took a shower. Vaguely he remembers washing his body the morning before he got attack by the powerful quirk. It's been several days since then. This was one thing he didn't want to endure during his experience of switching bodies. He's been neglecting his own hygiene to avoid seeing y/n's exposed body parts. Changing out from her clothes with closed eyes was difficult enough, but taking a fucking shower?! Such a shitty predicament. But he can't smell like this for the remainder of being stuck in this body. He'll die of suffocation.
Ah fuck, that must mean she has to take a shower as well. Or worse, she already has and saw everything.
His eye twitched, lips trembling in fear at what he's about to witness.
Fuck it, I can't go out smelling like shit!
With shaky fingers he began stripping, eyes trained on anything but y/n's figure, the faint sound of the water streaming white noise to him. Her gym clothes piled on the floor, Katsuki slipped into the shower, head titled slightly to view only the shower head. He messed around with the chrome handle, indecisive on what temperature he wanted. Settled onto cold to awaken his sluggish state, he positioned himself under the shower head, goosebumps prickling his skin due to the sudden drop of temperature. Water droplets streamed down and canaled to his lower regions, the sensation relaxing his anxiousness just a smidge. He surveyed the options y/n had laid out for hair care products and grabbed the nearest one. Rubbing the body wash into the palms of his hands, he caught himself, arm mid raised getting ready to wash each crevice of his body.
Shit shit shit shit
The hand in front of him began shaking.
She won't know. It's not like I'm touching her sexually, I'm just keeping her clean for fucks sake!
As gentle as he could, Bakugou washed away the soapy residue, fingers cautiously ghosting over anything perking out. A moment too soon, he accidentally skimmed over her chest a little too fast, the tips of his fingers touching something that was hard and protruding. His breathing hitched.
I just felt her fucking nipple!
But fuck, it strangely felt quite pleasant. Pleasurable even if he had to admit.
He continued on with his previous ministrations, cupping her boobs like a madman and swiping one thumb over the taunt surface to test the waters. A fierce, tingling sensation surged shivers down his spine. An unsolicited low moan spurred out from the blonde.
What the hell?! Why am I still touching her tits? And why am I enjoying it?
Finishing up his routine quickly, Bakugou snatched a towel from the cabinet and rubbed away all the sinful thoughts desperately from his head, a constant fight between his morals and neediness. Nobody will never know what he committed in the confines of her own apartment. And it'll fucking stay like that till on his death bed.
I practically assaulted her. I'm so fucking disgusting
For the rest of the remaining day, Bakugou planned on meeting up with Kirishima to hangout. He wanted to coerce the red head into talking about anything other than y/n. His mind needs the relief. He needs this spell to be over with.
He can't stand trying to fit into women's jeans any longer - Kirishima woke up that morning to a chorus of shrieks. Girlish shrieks, might he add. He thought maybe the neighbors were selfishly doing not-so-holy-things at the peak of dawn. But him and Katsuki were resided on the highest level of the penthouse, them being the only residents on the empty floor. It clicked once he heard his name through the thin walls.
"Ah! Y/N I'm coming!" He leaped from his bed and reached y/n's, technically Bakugou's, room in a matter of seconds.
Y/N's body twitched to the sound of the door being slammed open, the impact rattling the very few wall decorations in the blondes space. Standing in the threshold was the friendly red head, huffing and puffing air out of his chest like he just got done running a marathon.
"K-Kiri! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to wake you up!" Her words afterwards became a jumbled mess, realizing the predicament she pushed herself into.
"Hey, hey, calm down! Tell me what's wrong. It sounded like you were in pain. Did you hurt yourself anywhere?" The red had to remind himself this was indeed another person inside Bakugou's body, because Bakugou would never apologize repeatedly for the sake of apologizing in his entire life.
Y/N was looking quite pallid now, sheepishly tugging on the black covers of the bed, trying to find the easiest way on how to lay this out to her new roommate.
"Well...I just...I woke up to - ah crap."
Instead of explaining her situation, she pulled back the blanket to show kiri the thing protruding between her uncommonly, muscular legs. Kirishima's eyes widen instantaneously, eating up the pitched tent inside her basketball shorts. Oddly enough, this wasn't his first rodeo upon seeing the blonde with a boner. They were dudes. And dudes living together were bound to witness each other's 'flesh swords', he'd like to put it.
"Oh, morning wood? That's pretty normal. Nothing to fret y/n!" He dismissed her with the wave of his hand. "Bakugou gets them all the time! In fact, I remember he'd get them after sparring sessions back in our U.A days-."
"Okayyyyy, Never mind that! I know I have a boner. Just exactly how do I get rid of it?!"
"You mean, you don't know? Haven't you been taught this in Sex Ed class?" Kiri was actually curious as to why she doesn't know nor remember. He surly does. Learning about the human body by the infamous sultry teacher, Midnight, engraved so much information into his tiny-teenage brain.
"That was considered an extra curricular class. I took a CPR class instead."
"Right well, from what she taught us and from my own personal experience, you gotta rub one out."
Y/N's whole face contorted into a confused mess of disgust.
"Rub a what now?" She asked, although she had a feeling what the euphemism meant.
Kiri's face blotched red, the tint flushing to his chest as well. The man was evidently embarrassed about having this conversation with someone who wasn't Bakugou.
"I essentially mean you gotta masturbate. Ya know, in order to calm down your boner," he paused seeing how distraught y/n became. "It won't hurt I promise you! Don't worry, it feels really good! Like, eating ice cream good! Ah no that's not a good analogy!"
"This is so fucking horrifying..." Y/N poked at the thing, rightfully known as his dick, and kept starring as if it might miraculously subside to its original size.
Kiri coughed, grabbing her attention away from Bakugou's dick.
"He has lotion stashed in his drawer," he started, but malfunctioned seconds later. He revealed something private to someone that bakugou condemned as a 'weakling'. "That is if you need it for lubricant. It's kind of tough to jerk off dry..." his sentence fell off midway.
Y/N mumbled out an "Ok", and retrieved said lotion from the lower bunk of his drawers. She felt a pair of eyes on her. Kiri was still standing awkwardly by the doorway, unsure wether or not if that's his cue to leave.
"Um, thanks Kiri. You can leave now," she plopped back onto Bakugou's king sized bed.
This man sleeps alone. He doesn't need a ginormous bed all to himself.
"R-Right! Well, enjoy jerking off- ah no I meant - I didn't word that correctly! Ah geez, see ya later!" He sprinted out the door like his life depended on it.
Locking the door behind her, y/n forced herself into the attached bathroom, the lotion burning the palms of her hand each second. Once she settled down on the lid of the toilet, she shimmied out from his loose basketball shorts, letting them pool at her ankles.
If there's one thing she learned that morning, it was that being a man had its weird benefits. - "Slow down Bakugou! Let me at least catch up before you black out!" Kirishima was on his third shot while Bakugou just downed his sixth one for the night.
The blonde growled under his breath and tugged the red head by his collar to his mouth.
"Fucking idiot, don't call me that. It's y/n when we're out in public," he loosens his grip and snatches kiri's shot and tips his head back to drain it all down his throat, the burning sensation long gone.
"Ugh, my brain can't keep up with this whole switching body shit. It's been so hard back at the apartment." He internally cringes from the recollection of y/n popping her first boner this morning.
"What do you mean? Has that dumbass been giving you a hard time? If she has, I'll give her a piece of my mind."
"Not at all! She's been a saint while living with me. Which by the way, how come you can't just live at the penthouse while y/n stays at her place?
While Kirishima was talking, Bakugou ordered another round of shots. The bartender shoved a whole bottle of Fireball towards the man, saving him in the future to not ask anymore. The young server gave Bakugou a sly wink and returned back to serving other customers down the line. Cheeks flushed red, Bakugou thinks the man behind the bar was being too nice for his liking. He poured two more shots while keeping an eye on the average looking employee. If kirishima kept babbling, he might as well funnel the entire bottle in one sitting.
"I'm just following endeavors orders. We're not supposed to gain attention from those stupid reporters that camp outside our penthouse," he takes another swing of the warm liquid. "I'd rather fucking be quirkless than mistaken for having any rumored relations with her."
"Can I ask a genuine question? How come you hate y/n so much?"
"I don't hate her, I dislike her. There's a difference."
"I don't know man. Sometimes I mistaken your dislike with love."
"C'mon dude, I'm sensing a lot of denial from you. Also, shouldn't you be acting like her right now? She's very soft spoken if I'm not mistaken,"
"I'm not in denial idiot. I hate how soft she speaks. I hate how sickeningly kind she is even though nobody deserves it. I hate how she wastes her talented quirk and doesn't see the potential. She's a lost cause Kiri. She won't last for much longer in this field if she keeps this up."
"Wow, for someone who dislikes her as such, you surly sound like you care about heeeerrrrrr," kirshima drawled out in a sing-song voice.
"Shut up and finish your shot, shitty hair."
When the blonde was driving back to her apartment later that night, he slammed his fists against the steering wheel when an afterthought came to him.
His whole reasoning as to why he went out in the first place, and he can't seem to restrict himself from talking about the girl he's trapped in.
Even in this goddamn body I can't seem to steer clear from y/n talk! - Izuku had to do a double take when he entered the small coffee shop. Something about seeing the pensive blonde sitting patiently in a booth by the corner really made him feel like he was sucked into another dimension. Today y/n was wearing a white v-neck with a wool green cardigan and tight black jeans.
Kacchan owns cardigans? He thought, clearly amused.
Upon hearing the ding coming from the door, Y/N raised her head from her phone and waved Izuku over to her table. The poor man seemed like he was going combust right there. It's been awhile since he's spoken to his old classmate.
The green haired hero slid into the booth across from her and immediately started speaking Deku language.
"H-Hey Kacchan! Boy it's been awhile hasn't it? I was a little stunned seeing your message this morning asking to hangout. I'm sorry that I couldn't meet up sooner. I had an early patrol shift from 9 to 5. You might know how that feels, right?! Oh gosh I'm sounding like an adult. Can you believe we're adults-."
"Midor- I mean Deku, I called you up to ask about if you have any leads on the villain with the body switching quirk?" She cut him off.
"Oh yeah, that villain has been spotted a few times since the last attack. Of course most of my team hasn't been able to reprimand them. A few close calls though. But I heard two people from your sector got hit by the quirk! Are they doing okay?"
I hate lying to those big freaking green eyes.
"That's not true. They got hurt, but no one was attacked by their quirk. I just need to know if you have any information on the quirk in particular and what to do in order to reverse it."
Underneath the table, Izuku fumbled inside his pockets in search for his mini notebook. He still obtained the habit of jotting down everything, literally everything, in hopes the information will provide any source of aide. Izuku became all jittery and excited at the thought of sharing anything with Kacchan!
The small, crinkled notebook was slid across the table, hitting the tips of y/n's knuckles.
"Page 124, the first indent I wrote. It's mainly about my own conspiracy on what the villains quirk is. That was before their first debut of course. But now since we know it's a type of body switching quirk, I tried to pin point on what exactly lifts the quirks effect on the victim," Izuku explained casually while y/n skimmed through the notes and passages. "I did a little detective work on my own and contacted the people who were attacked by the villain. From what I gathered, let's just say- it's a bit taboo ."
This piqued her interest.
"What do you mean by, taboo?"
The man began to wave his hands around fervently in attempt to steer the blonde away from prying more. But y/n swatted Izuku's hand and continued reading the sloppy inscriptions.
Her eyes popped out from her sockets.
"I have to what?!" A few civilians stared in their direction, obviously gravitated to the familiar gruff voice.
"Calm down Kacchan! Why are you so angry for?"
Y/N rubbed her temple all the while wanting to slowly die than endure anymore of this.
"Nothing. Just- Ugh...Is it alright if I borrow this?"
"Y-Yeah! Kacchan can borrow anything from me as long as he returns it!" There was that gleam again in his eyes.
"Thanks Izuku, I owe you one!" She squeezed the greenettes freckled hand before leaving the booth and the shop all together.
Still in the cafe, Izuku sat frozen as if someone walked in with gun. Internally though, he was screaming. -
Y/N: Please call me. It's urgent
It was a Friday night when Bakugou received the cryptic message from her. He was in the middle of  watching his true crime show when the annoying ding from his phone went off. For once, he just wanted to relax his mind and go on auto pilot without stressing his already strained body. It's the whole principle of Friday's. To fuck off and ignore everyone. What's so fucking important for her to text him out of the blue then?
Another acute ding.
Bakugou peeked over his shoulder to see who disrupted him this time.
Y/N: Bakugou, we need to talk. This isn't something to ignore.
He rolled his eyes and retrained his focus on the tv screen.
Ding Ding Ding
"FOR FUCK SAKE!" He released an animalistic growl from the depths of his throat, scratching his voice box even more. His fingers typed away aggressively, not bothering to read her previous messages.
BK: Leave me the fuck alone. You're to only text me if it involves with the reverse of this stupid quirk đŸ–•đŸŒ
Three dots appeared immediately after he sent that. Bakugou started losing his patience while waiting for her response. He hated wasting precious time, especially if there was a second party involved. Her message finally delivered. Bakugou's eyes grew larger in size as he read the text.
Y/N: that's why I'm texting you idiot 🙄 I met up with Midoriya today and he may have given me the solution to our problem.
He bit down hard on his bottom lip as he typed out his last text message to her.
BK: fine. come over then. we can talk about it when you get here.
This time he didn't wait for her to respond back and began cleaning her apartment. - Feeling nervous was an understatement. Y/N felt like she was driving herself to her own execution. Bakugou being the one to carry out the death sentence. She didn't doubt the blonde would be elated at the idea of her being put under a torture device.
Okay, maybe he wasn't too malice to actually do it, but he probably entertained the thought.
Thankfully Bakugou's penthouse wasn't far from her own apartment, saving her much needed gas in case he goes ballistic on her.
The door flew open when she arrived shortly after one knock, revealing a very sluggish looking Y/N shooting daggers at her. Well, at least her body wasn't dressed in bruises or burn marks. That's a win. Bakugou paired herself with a cute crop top and silky pajama shorts. He's got taste she'll give him that.
Her apartment remained exactly the same as she left it when they both were ordered to switch residency's.  Only a few traces of Bakugou were found. Mainly in the kitchen, where all his fancy cooking equipment and utensils were laid out. Unlike him, she ate out almost every night due to the red head being incompetent in the kitchen. He almost burnt down the complex last night. He relied upon his friend to do most of the cooking in their household.
The blonde briskly brushed passed her to sit on the couch, slinging his feet on the coffee table to make himself comfortable. Too comfortable, she noted.
"Well, spill it. What did the damn nerd tell you that could help us with this shit?" He inquired without preamble.
Like a hero, she was here on a mission. A mission that needs to be completed as soon as possible, even if the mission itself was ludicrous. She reached into her jacket pocket to retrieve the mini book, and flipped soundlessly to the page Izuku marked for her.
"On here it says that the quirk can last up to a week, maybe even more, depending on the victim(s). The effected will experience dry eyes, nausea, insomnia, painful migraines, and uncontrollable shaking due to being inside another persons body. They must let the quirk take its course then," she read out loud, ignoring Bakugou's groans of annoyance. "But, for rare cases, there have been reports of one's libido being greatly impacted. The victim will be in constant, insurmountable pain unless they relief themselves, then the two bodies will return back to normal."
To her surprise, Bakugou didn't show an ounce of indignation after hearing this piece of information. He seemed almost indifferent.
And there's no denying the truth. Both of their hormones have been off the rails. Ever since the incident in the shower, Bakugou has caught himself numerous times touching Y/N's boobs. Coping a sly feel as he cooked, cleaned, and even while he scrolled through his social media.  Sometimes her ass as well to see if it felt good in his hands. Y/N was no saint either. Sporting boners every hour for no particular reason. All the blood rushing to her lower region became unbearable when she didn't take care of it. Kirishima kept reassuring her that it's natural for a man to get them a lot. But how much was too much?
He threw his hands up in the air and scoffs. "That's it? I just gotta jack off and then we're free from this curse?"
This is the part she dreaded the most. An uncomfortable heat flash roused up her face, a deep shade of red inching across her cheeks and nose.
"No. That's not what it means. We basically have to...ya know...," she paused mid sentence, too bashful to finish, desperately wanting Bakugou to put two and two together.
She shrunk in her position as the blonde narrowed his eyes at her.
"We have to fuck each other?" He profoundly acclaimed.
"Don't put it like that! But yeah, technically, we have to...help relief each other in order to switch back."
"If you wanted to jump my bones so bad you could've just asked." He leans back against the couch, arm draped lazily over the shoulder of the furniture, along with a playful smirk tugging up on the corners of his mouth. Y/N's blood ran cold when she felt the tiniest twitch down below. Her borrowed reproductive organ is betraying her!
"Do you want to be in constant pain till this all wears off? Or do you want to get this over with and never talk to each other again?" Y/N shuffled more towards the abrasive man, a strong tidal wave of anger rising within her.
"It won't matter because you always wound up in my presence anyway. Like a fucking pest that won't leave me alone." Without realizing it, Bakugou got up from his spot on the couch and marched over to Y/N, who at the moment looked like she was about to pop a blood vessel.
Another thing he hated about switching bodies was the fact that everyone towered over him, despite him being on his tippy toes. The woman in front of him acclimated his height, giving her the upperhand if they were to battle it out right now. If anything he could kick her shins at best.
"Whatever...I'm leaving," was all she said before storming off to the front door, grabbing her things along with her as she grew farther from him.
Katsuki's legs were moving on their own. His hand reached out and grabbed Y/N's forearm, halting her movements altogether. She's clearly enraged, thrashing her body back and forth to loosen his grip on her. He eventually grew tired of her stubborness and secured his grip on both of her arms, trapping her between the door and his body, producing a loud 'thump!'. Although he was in her body, he still carried his strength. In a matter of seconds, both Y/N and Bakugou were chest to chest now, their centers tapping aganist each other.  She averted her gaze to the floor, as if their shoes were more interesting than this whole shitshow of a dilema. Bakugou squeezed her shoudlers, a little too much for her liking, to gain her attention again.
"I didn't say no, did I?" he asked hotly, his warm breath hitting her collarbones. An ice cold shiver ran down her spine, causing her breathing to hitch. Bakugou noticed her sudden stiffness and began rubbing gentle circles into the tender flesh of her skin. "Hoho, someone's excited aren't they?"
Confused, Y/N furrowed her brows and backed up further into the wooden door. But her question was soon to be answered as she followed Bakugou's hungry gaze to the prominent bludge taunting from her pants. Betrayed once again by her unstable horniness!
"Guess I'm not the only one," she accuses once spotting the definite wet stain around Bakugou's crotch. He smirked at that.
"Take care of it then," his voice oozed of seduction and want, rewarding him another twitch in your tight pants. The libido was taking full effect now, any animosity they had before was thrown out the window. Past arguments also long forgotten. Their main priority at the moment was to experience the sweet relief of coming undone.
Y/N darted her hand down to the spot Bakugou needed attention from, and cupped his crotch with her abnormally large hand. Bakugou lets out a shaky exhale as her fingers danced around the sensitive area. One of her fingers moved instinctively, feeling how drenched he was in his panties, and rubbed the underside to get a better feel of the sex.
"You're so wet Bakugou," Y/N mused softly. She leaned forward, searching into Bakugou's eyes for any signs of him wanting this to end. But the pool of his irises were blown out, no tint of your original color in them anymore. "Do you want more?"
He nodded quickly, his hair bobbing up and down. Y/N chuckled and removed her hand from its previous position to the hem of Bakugou's shorts, teasingly toying the waistband. She slipped smoothly into his shorts, tickling him in the process, and toyed with the corners of his panties before moving them aside so she could have access to the thing she's been craving to touch. Wetness lathered up her fingers with just one swipe, causing Bakugou to purse his lips and shut his eyes tightly.
"Is Bakugou embarrassed? Are you mad that I have the upper hand now? After all those years of verbally tormenting me, you can't handle my simple touch?" She whispered dangerously close into his ear. During this, she couldn't tell if he was pissed or turned on. Maybe a mixture of both, but she took pride in his strained expression.
"W-Watch your goddamn mouth. Or do I need to shut you up myself, eh?" By shutting her up, he meant mirroring her exact ministrations. The petite hand of Bakugou's latched onto the zipper of her jeans, and impressively dragged it down in one swipe without getting anything caught. He reached into the tight restraints of her boxer briefs and pulled out the hardened dick. He clicked his tongue. "Not to sound like a narcissist, but you gotta admit, my dick looks pretty."
"Just shut up and jerk me off you asshole. I'm starting to see stars," She wasn't lying to speed up the process. Her body felt like it was on fire, including her dick. If Bakugou keeps stalling for the sake of punishing her, then he's going to be seeing white for days on end.
Bakugou tentatively began pumping her, his grip not too tight nor loose on the flesh. Y/N sighed in relief as he swiped his thumb over the slit, covering his fingers in her precum. Seeing that he's giving into her needs, she returned the favor by inserting her index finger inside, not allowing him to adjust once she massaged the velvety walls.
Bakugou arched into Y/N's body, panting harshly against her chest. "H-Hah fuck, slow down. Shit!"
"Take it like a champ, Mr.Dynamight."
"F-Fuck you."
Oh no. Probably shouldn't have patronized him, because Bakugou sped up his languid motions to pure vigorous jerking of the hand. A wave of pleasure shot up through her body, jolting backwards due to the intense sensation. Of course he's a pro at this. What isn't he good at?
Bakugou rested his head onto the crevice of your shoulder since he could only reach so far, and ghosted his lips on the skin, carefully restricting himself to not engage in kissing the area. While doing so, he cupped the underside of your balls, rolling them around in his small hands. They looked so big when being manhandled in her grasp. Y/N stifled her moans as he kept messing with them, all the while stroking her simultaneously. She felt him smile. The cheeky fucker! Two could play it at this game.
Y/N used one of her thumbs that weren't preoccupied inside Bakugou to massage the only place she knew that could make him cum in seconds.  Two fingers inside, one thumb attentively on the clitorous. It was enough to make Bakugou bite down on her shoulder, trying to prevent any moans from escaping his mouth.
"Moan for me Bakugou. I know you want to," she tried to persuade him with more strokes to the clit, occasionally pinching it with her unoccupied fingers. She can feel he was close. So was she. But she needed to coerce him into helping her to finish too. They need to be a team. "Say something Bakugou. Don't you want to cum? If you don't speak your mind I'm going to stop." She couldn't believe the words that were spewing from her mouth. Y/N has never dirty talked before. Nor has she gotten this far with anyone without freezing up. Definitely the libido effect.
Bakugou detached his teeth from her shoulder and stared deeply into her eyes. Pleading.
"Go faster. Please." The want and neediness in his voice said it all.
He indeed felt vulnerable and exposed right then and there when confessing his desire, but he couldn't care less. Her fingers inside him were heavenly. A mantra of ,"yesyesyesyesyesyes", left his throat as her ministrations didn't falter.
"Fuck! Keep going. Just like that- shit - just like that... yesssss." His moans were beautiful. Not because they sounded like hers, but the way how he vocalizes his pleasure made sense in the world. Every whimper or moan puts her closer to the edge.
"Are you- are you about to?" He asked quietly, as though he was afraid you might stop at any rate.
"Yes! So close, just keep stroking," it was difficult to form sentences after that, the build up tension in your stomach tightening like a ticking time bomb, making your pleads indecipherable.
But Bakugou didn't want to hear that. He wanted to her to say those three words of encouragement.
Make. Me. Cum
And then, as if his thoughts were broadcasted live, she snaked her hands into the locks of his hair and pulled him close to where the tips of their noses touched briskly.
In a small voice she whimpers out, "Make me cum, Katsuki."
Listening to her instructions, his grip tightened around the base of her shaft and began teasing the slit, never once averting his glare from her own. Y/N's legs turned into jello. It became harder and harder to stand any longer. She needed to release. She quickened her pace and brutally scissored his pussy, the erotic sounds of their wetness reverberating in the tiny apartment.
"Cum then baby. Cum for me only."
Next thing she knew a strip of white shot out from below, dirtying the hands of Bakugou's. Her body began to spasm. Katsuki didn't loosen his grip, the stimulation becoming unbearable at this point.
The coil within him loosened, the evidence of his climax coating her fingers, allowing his orgasum to reach its full potential.
The pair blacked out for a split second, but recuperated once the light hit their corneas again.
"Shit." "Fuck." "..." "..."
Silence. Then the realization hit.
"I'm staring at you and not me! It worked! Hallelujah!" Y/N exclaimed, feeling herself to make sure it wasn't a hallucination.
"Gross. You got cum all over my expensive shirt," he said, wiping away the white substance with his sleeve.
Both of them went into the kitchen to clean the after math. Bakugou would grunt occasionally in disgust, sponging away the grime. Y/N throughly washed her hands and towel dried them, thoughts stiffly empty and vexed. She broke the awkward tension.
"Well, I guess we should call Endeavor and inform him that we switched back."
He hummed in agreement.
"And we should probably exchange our things tomorrow or tonight, but preferably soon since we're going to be on duty again."
Another grunt.
"Don't worry about me mentioning this to anyone. We can just keep whatever happened minutes ago between us-
Bakugou cut her off entirely by smashing his lips against hers. Shell shocked by his action, Y/N kept her eyes wide open whilst Bakugou's were knitted shut. She laid her hands on his chest and shoved him away harshly, putting their distance at arms reach.
"Bakugou, what the hell? All of sudden you want to kiss me?" Y/N's face fell, contorting into a mixture of sadness and confusion. "You only kiss people you like. Not hate."
Bakugou moved towards Y/N slowly, a hint of a smile forming as he neared closer.
"And that's exactly why I did it, idiot," he proclaimed confidently, cupping the side of her face. The touch was so tender and gentle she forgot that it was Bakugou at first.
"You're toying with me, aren't you? The libido is probably still lingering. If you really liked me, then tell me the exact moment you did."
Without hesitation he said, "The first day of school. When you walked in."
Y/N slapped the hand from her face, her skin flushing red by his blunt confession.
"Stop lying. You were mean to me the first day of school. And every day after that. I don't think calling people a "weakling" or "stupid" constitutes as liking someone."
All he did was chuckle and continued scooting closer, eventually towering above her. She squirmed underneath him. She secretly missed having his height.
"You're absolutely stupid if you think I really meant any of that crap. I may have gone overboard on the whole berating thing, but that was just my way of pushing my feelings away, in hopes you'd improve better and not take shit from people like me."  
"Ya know, it's kind of hard to detect that when you were practically spitting on my face."
He leaned down and pecked a chaste kiss on the crown of her forehead.
"You can call me all the names you want later. Kick my ass if ya want, but for now let me make it up to you," he whispers before planting his mouth to hers again, only this time she didn't protest.
Heat swirled within her as she watched Katsuki's eyes flutter close, enriched in the moment to open them, and gripped the base of her neck to apply more pressure into the kiss. The man guided her as he moved his plushed lips ontop of hers, consuming the pretty noises she made. And my, were they absoultey rich coming from her.
I want to hear more, the selfish thought banged repeatedly inside his lust filled mind.
Y/N nervosuly closed her eyes shut when Katsuki's wet tongue prodded the entrance of her tight, lipped mouth. Letting him take full control, Katsuki managed to enter the strong muscle into her wet mouth and explored the canvernous place with such eagerness, such tenacity. Like he's been dying to do this for as long as his skillful mind can remember. Y/N found herself moaning as Katsuki grabbed her waist and forcefully collieded their bodies together, her soft breasts pressed up against his hard chest. Her perky tits put him in a trance, remincseing back to the day when first touched them, the guiltiness eating him up from the inside-out. Katsuki slithered one of his hands to the taunt boob and gave it a firm squeeze, causing Y/N to squeak out in embarrasement. They still feel fucking amazing in his hands.
"You're so fucking cute," he drew back from her, already out of breath. Everything was hitting him like a tsunami. He can finally admit to himself that he's been wanting this since they became co-workers. Hell, since the fucking beginning. Younger Katsuki would deem him as a horny loser who lost at his own game, but he wasn't a damn kid anymore.
"K-Katsuki...bedroom?" her hands found their way back into his crisp locks, futher egging him to comply. The small action made him moan.
"Fuck yes," Katsuki growled out and in a haste hooked his arms underneath the back of Y/N's thighs, hoisting her in the air to lead them into the bedroom they're both familair with.
Journeying to her bedroom became a difficult task. If only she'd stop giving his neck, the most sensitve spot out of his entire body, kitten kisses then he'd be plowing her back by now. He grew weaker by the second as the shy, acute kisses trandsitioned into full on sucking and biting. Not that he was complaining.
Katsuki threw her down onto the bed, unable to contain his smile when she hiccuped a chorus of giggles. God, even her giggles are fucking contagious. Strong arms scooped her up momentarily, bringing her to the center of the bed. Grazing her aching spot was Katsuki's growing buldge. Y/N circled her arms around his tiny waist squeezing him closely as Katsuki rolled his hips downwards to meet hers. She seized Katsuki's bicep, whimpering, and rythmically pushed her groin towards his, the tin material of her shorts scraping the surface of his jeans deliciously. His head dragged down to her collarbones, panting softly, wetting the skin from the condesation of his breath.
"I want you so fucking bad, please," he managed to choke out in between the continous grinding.
Gaining a newfound confidence, Y/N mimiced the way how Bakugou unzipped her when they were still in opposite bodies and peeled back his briefs till his inflamed member popped out, smacking his lower belly. He cursed under his breath noticing the immense amount of pre-cum leaking from the head. As much as she wanted to lick it all up, there were other things to tend to. She shimmied out from her skimpy shorts and crop top, not wasting any time for lingering touches. But Y/N caught a menacing glare in his eyes. His attention was focused on something else. Looking down, she saw that she was sporting a sheer laced bra with matching panties. She definitely doesn't remember having these in her personal closet.
"You bought me lingerie?" Y/N tried to sound unfazed at the thought of Katsuki willingly purchasing these pretty undergarments for her. That must mean he's seen her boobs!
"Yeah? So what if I did. Your sense of fashion is nonexistent. I pitied you that much to where I bought you shit with my own money."
His face was stern, scarily resembling the times he'd be bashing someone's head on the concrete during a bloody battle. But his eyes told a different story. She couldn't quite pin point the time or place when she witnessed the same gleaming spark in those vermilion orbs, but she felt safe and wanted all in one.
So she began teasing the straps of her bra, head still in disbelief that the blonde underneath her bought it, and let the material slip off her shoulder seductively. Bakugou's breathing quickened as he watched y/n toy with the next strap. He stopped her midway.
"No," his fingers were ironically cold.
"No?" She questioned him, awkwardly frozen still on his lap. His evident boner pushing up against her sex, making her wet even more.
Numbly, Bakugou pulled up both of the straps to her bra and chuckled lightly to himself.
"I wanna fuck you with this on. It's been on my mind since I bought it," he admitted out loud.
Y/N held back a moan, his words carrying so much weight to them all the while directing it straight to her drenched pussy.
Without saying a word, y/n left acute kisses on Bakugou's neck, trailing it down further and further till she reached the leaking head of his member. He became antsy as she wrapped her petite hand around the base, fingers tracing the topography of his veins. Y/N saw the desperate look on his face and took all of him in her mouth, holding in the breath of oxygen she took before doing so. Bakugou hissed, teeth clamping down on his bottom lip nearly ripping the skin apart. This feels way better and more appropriate. He prefers her wet mouth over her fingers any day of the week.
Y/N sucked in her cheeks, allowing herself to take more of his member. The tip of his head eventually hit the back of her throat, causing her to gag and choke due to the sudden pressure.
"F-Fuck. Holy shit, keep going," Katsuki begged, tears swelling in his ducts already.
The saliva from her open mouth created a natural lubricant, making it easy for her to bob her head up and down. Bakugou's ears picked up the erotic wet squelching sounds coming from her as she kept up the brutal pace, the noise alone making him want to come undone. The sight of y/n slobbering on his dick is now engraved in his head. He let out a wanton moan when she played with his balls, recalling the memory of him performing the same ministration on himself with her beautiful hands.
He can feel the familiar sensation spreading down below, his throat constricting as the stimulation of her sucking and licking becoming too much. Before she could continue, Bakugou reached over and lifted her head by her hair.
"I can't hold it in any longer. I need to be inside you now," his voice was strained to point where it came out as a whisper.
Pushing her back gently, Bakugou latched his mouth onto hers as he spread her legs wide apart. Revealing a canal of her wetness dripping from her panties to the inner thighs. Bakugou licked his lips hungrily. Mentally slapping himself for not tasting her before she gave him head. He'll make sure to explore that endeavor later.
Lips still locked, Bakugou tugged the bottom half of her laced panties aside, strings of her glistening wetness shimmering, and positioned himself at her aching entrance. The tip of his cock teased her folds, coating it even more. He agonizingly went in slow circles, occasionally slapping her clit with it. Y/N's arms were above her head, clutching the linen sheets in anticipation. Katsuki smirked against her lips at her wrecked expression.
"Bakugou please...," y/n pleaded with her full chest. She wants to know how it feels to be wrapped around him. To be one with him. "Don't hold back. Just fuck me."
Bakugou's eyes grew darker after the demand, pure lust taking control over his body now. He sheathed into her quickly without taking his eyes off of her face. A quiet whimper left her throat when he fully bottomed out. He checked for any signs of y/n looking displeased or uncomfortable, but he got his answer when he felt her legs wrap around his torso, pulling him in as close as possible. Bakugou basks in at the sight of y/n sucking him completely, her legs fully bent back in an awkward position. He decides to pull his cock halfway out. y/n whimpers due to loss of friction but gets rewarded seconds later when Katsuki rams his cock inside again, pushing all his weight onto her.
"Oh, fuck, Katsuki!," she whines, instinctively clutching her walls around him.
"You're so tight for me huh baby? Can't help but to clamp around this dick," Katsuki sneered while pumping tentative thrusts into her.
His hands clasped both of her thighs now, pulling her towards him, urging her to move in a harmonious dance with him. Finding somewhat of a rhythm, y/n fucked Katsuki back by rolling her hips, a synapse of heat exchanging between them. Sweat starts dripping down from the crown of his forehead onto the peaks of her breasts. Lost in thought, he tipped his head forward and lapped up the remains of his salty musk, tongue expertly twirling around the taunt nipple. Y/N mewled, hands searching - reaching - for anything to ground herself, settling on interlocking her fingers with Katsuki's nitroglycerin drenched hands. She titled her head and took a whiff.
Caramel and soap
A popping sound went off in her ears. Katsuki released her swollen tit only to look up with hooded eyes, his infamous smirk on full display.
"Open your mouth," was all he said before raising one of his fingers that she was so embarrassingly fixated on moments ago. When she didn't obey Katsuki grabbed her by the jaw and shoved not one, not two, but three fingers in her mouth. Like with his cock, she couldn't handle the intensified pressure in the back of her throat, gagging instantaneously.
"Atta girl. Just take my fingers like a good bitch. Oh? You like it when I degrade you huh? Don't lie, you tightened instantly when I said that." Katsukis pace sped up rapidly, pumping into her cunt like a madman, fingers still lodge down her throat. Each thrust left her shuddering for more, his hips meeting hers to create a loud song, the noise drowning out her muffled screams.
It became hard to see now, a tunnel vision of just a crimson glow. Soon she feels herself becoming light. Katsuki grew impatient and flipped y/n on her stomach, a tiny oof rocked out from her, and inserted his member back into her stretched out cunt.
Y/N yelps as Katsuki's cock hits the sweet spot - fresh tears flooding down her flushed face, babbling nonsense into her pillow.
She caves, sobbing, "yes, yes, ohgod. you feel so good. you're so fucking good -ah katsuki!"
Looming over her trembling body, the blonde slows his harsh thrusts to a savagely slow grind. He lowly chuckles watching her writhe and wiggle her body in desperation.
"You think you can just come that easy? Beg for me to let you come!"
A harsh sting rattled her lower back, causing her to bite down harshly on her lip to avoid showing any pain.
"Such an asshole..." y/n huffed out, oblivious to the way how Katsuki was preparing for her next punishment.
Smack! Smack!
"Not good. Ask nicely for me to fuck this pretty pussy into the mattress."
More whimpers into the tear stained pillow.
"P-Please Katsuki..." she begins, frustration growing exponentially with every word. "Fuck me. I need your cock. I always needed your cock Katsuki. Make me scream out your name when I come!"
She didn't even have time to process what she said before Katsuki enclosed his hand around her throat, forcefully dragging her writhing body to his chest, cranking her head in a 90 degree angle. Cock still warming up her insides.
"That's my girl," he said before kissing her lips again, devouring the sweet noises she made.
Her neighbors were in for a long night. - Both of their bodies the next morning faced more damage than any crusade of a patrol. Bruises painted the outskirts of y/n's body, trailing from her thighs to the divots of her breasts. Katsuki paid no mind to it, seeing how he can make a bloody lip a trailblazer look.
Even though no one wanted speak much about the issue at hand - last night was a pivotal moment for their relationship.
Because y/n wouldn't be making a fresh batch of coffee for the Katsuki Bakugou in her kitchen right now.
Because Bakugou wouldn't be lounging by her washing machine, waiting for the timer to go off so he can put her bed sheets in the dryer.
They found themselves sitting comfortably in silence - the soft whipping of car horns outside her cracked window - Katsuki blowing on his coffee before taking a sip. It all seemed unreal to her. In any other circumstance they'd be at each other's necks by now, screaming nuisances in the air. She considers this whole ordeal a ruse. But it isn't. Thank god it isn't. Because Katsuki never looked calmer or relaxed in his entire life till now. And she wasn't going to bat an eye away from this ground breaking phenomenon.
Intently watching him drink from across the table, she ponders if Katsuki liked her from the get go, and maybe just disguised his feelings with disgust towards her later on. The question will go unanswered, possibly until he confides and tells the story himself, but for now she was content not knowing the what if.
"How did you know I like black coffee?" Katsuki asks, quirking up an eyebrow at her.
Y/N takes a long drag from her mug, indulging in the sweet taste of the caramel creamer.
She smiles and says, "I don't know. Just took a wild guess."
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celeste-clearwater-06 · 3 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could please write something about how the Fellowship (+ Thorin?) Would help a s/o who's Disabled and Chronically ill. Like she has a lot of symptoms like chronic pain, chronic fatigue, difficulty sleeping, difficulty breathing at times, difficulty walking at times, higher sensitivity to the cold, difficulty talking at times, and anxiety, depression and executive dysfunction?
I've been really struggling with my chronic illnesses lately, namely my Autism, Anxiety, Sleep Apnea, a really bad Overbite, Raynaud's Syndrome, Asthma, etc, so I'd really appreciate an Imagine like this. I have a really weird disorder where one of my legs is longer than the other, and it's been causing me a lot of pain and difficulty walking lately, and people have been bullying me for it a lot too, so I could really use a Comfort Imagine right now. Thanks so much hun!!
It's no problem! I'm glad I can provide some comfort!! For each character, I'll use a specific struggling area, to make it a bit easier!! I hope I got these accurate enough, and of there are any mistakes, feel free to point them out!! You are strong, beautiful and so, so amazing!! Keep being you!! ❀❀
Help (The Fellowship// Thorin x Fem!Reader)
Aragorn (Autism)
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Aragorn has known you for a long time, so helping with your autism is not new for him
He's particularly experienced in reading your emotions and meeting your needs, whether it's helping you out of stressful situations or calming you down, he's there đŸ„ș
If there are large and boisterous gatherings in Rivendell, its almost guaranteed that you can become over-stimulated quickly, and Aragorn immediately senses this (spidey senses ÔoÔ)
He's fast to find your hand and give it a gentle squeeze of reassurance
If that doesn't seem to help, he'll instantly stop what he's doing and take you out of the room
If you're someone who prefers lots of space and little physical contact, he is 100% respectful of this and asks if you'll let him touch or hug you (very much gentleman 😌)
If ever you're confronted by someone of importance, Aragorn is right by your side to ease some of the tension
Sometimes there are things you find difficult to say or get out of your system
The king seems to know exactly what it is and will help you out by saying it or asking you simple questions that you can easily answer
And he always reminds you, no matter WHAT
You may struggle with some parts of your life, but every day, he's constantly telling you that you're very intelligent and kind
His patience is unending and he'll never let you think down on yourself
Overall, Aragorn is always someone and reminding you that it's all going to be okay ❀❀
Legolas (Anxiety)
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Most nights, Legolas keeps watch (since elves don't require much sleep) and notices that you jolt awake out of the random
Now, most of the Fellowship notices that you're usually awake and ready to go before anyone else
But Legolas is really the one to address you first
You were a bit nervous to explain, since you didn't want to worry him or the great of the fellowship, amount the other disadvantages you have
He gently encouraged you, and finally, you explained to him your sleep apnea
Yeah, he was very concerned
I mean, his blue eyes widened with terror when you told him that you could basically die in your sleep if you weren't attentive enough 🙃
Legolas, from now on, sleeps directly next to you, or keeps extra careful watch over you at night
Because he could NEVER see his precious mortal friend become injured... Or worse đŸ„șđŸ„ș❀
The other members had noticed a change in his behaviors towards you as well...
Gimli teased him whenever he caught Legolas giving you some extra lembas bread or offered to carry you 👉👈
You really tried to assure Legolas that it wasn't a big deal when you were awake, since you're aware of your breathing situation
But still đŸ˜€
Legolas will always bring you comfort and take great care of you, and that will NEVER CHANGE
Because he loves you very much â€đŸŠ‹
Frodo (Anxiety)
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Frodo is familiar with the feeling of great anxiety, seeing he had a stress-free life while living in the Shire and suddenly was forced to carry a piece of jewelry all the way to giant ass volcano
It's easy for you two to comfort each other and seek refuge in thoughts and feelings ❀
He's not super comfortable with the thought of you having a panic attack though...
Only because he's never had one
It starts to give him a panic attack whenever you have one around him the first time 😳-
Any time you begin to breathe heavy or hyperventilate, halfling boy is hot at your heels, rubbing your back and reminding you to breathe gently
(So many hugs, if you're up for it)
After you calm down, he's constantly checking on you, asking if you need anything etc.
Really, he just wants to know if he can help đŸ„ș
And even with the weight and stress of carrying the ring, Frodo manages to cheer you up somehow
Samwise (Asthma)
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Sam has never had to deal with asthma once in his life
He's very nervous when the subject is brought, afraid it might trigger something inside of you đŸ„ș👉👈
But you just chuckle, assure him that it's alright, and you have ways of keeping it under control
And now, he wants to know everything about it, just to have the awareness in case something happens
Sam just wants to protect you forever, and this was a great way for him to start
He constantly reminds Aragorn that you'll need breathing breaks and will convince Gandalf to let you ride on his horse
He'll scold Pip and Merry if they are trying to drag you around and be silly, because as he says
"You'll rouse him/her/them up! We can't have Y/N gettin injured!" đŸ€šđŸ˜ 
Sam is MOM
As always, he's very kind and always makes sure your needs are met ❀đŸ„ș
Pippin and Merry (Raynaud's Syndrome)
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Very confused halfings đŸ€”
Also extremely concerned!
You were eating one of the lesser pleasurable nights
It was cold and rainy, and a fire couldn't be started, not to mention the quiet arguments of Aragorn and Gandalf in the nearby woods
And Pip's eyes widened when he saw the tips of your petite fingers begin to pale upon hearing Aragorn mention Orcs
"What's wrong with your hands?!" He squeaked, pointing towards your now white-colored fingertips
You hadn't even noticed, nor felt, considering they were numb anyways
Merry looked over his cousin's shoulder and his eyes also widened, not with fright, but wonder
They were both fascinated with your condition, convinced that you were casting some spell Gandalf showed you
Although you reassured them it was just an extremely frustrating inconvenience that you had, among other things
So from then on, the disastrobus duo did their best to keep you out of the cold (and stressful situations!!)
As a distraction, the pair will tell you great stories of the shire, doing little dances and skits that always cheer you up đŸ„Ž
Sometimes, they can be a little rambunctious though...
Merry will pick up on this fact quickly, and nudge Pippin to get him to calm down
Even though it may not feel the best
They find your syndrome absolutely fascinating!! đŸ€”đŸ€”
All in all, these two are always up for keeping your beautiful smile on your face and your spirits high!! ❀đŸŒș
Boromir (Depression)
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Throughout the journey, Boromir has always found an easy way to make you smile
After all, he himself has a fascinating way of brightening anyone's spirits
Yours included ❀
Boromir may not have great stories from The Shire, like Pip and Merry, but he sure has a lot of positive things to say
He'll often suggest sparring with the two troublemaking halflings, just so you can see him goof up and get knocked over đŸ„ș
If the nights become cold and weary, he'll give you a warm hug or a nudge on the shoulder
And a few words of helpful encouragement along the lines of;
"Don't fret Y/N. You have more strength than you'll ever know."
"Let our spirits never dampen! We've come this far!" 😊
He's also an incredible listener
Boromir wants to hear what you have to say if you ever need to rant or get something off of your chest
And don't think for a second that he would ever judge you đŸ˜€
Son of Gondor sees past all of your insecurities and knows you for your beautiful, amazing self ❀❀
Gimli (Walking disadvantages)
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As you travel across great plains and mountains, your limp doesn't go unnoticed by Gimli
It may take him a while to open up about it, since he's afraid he might offend you in some way
And once he asks you, you inform him that it's a difficulty that unfortunately cannot be changed any time soon
And where you come from, lots of people tease and bully you about it
He did NOT handle it well 😳
Although this Dwarf is short and a bit slow at times
He's fascinatingly strong 😳
And so, he makes it his duty to be your designated carrier đŸ„ș
At first, your a tad skeptical...
I mean, he's only around 4 feet tall...
Gimli will happily carry you great distances when you need a break, and even longer
(Sometimes it's just to show off around the others-)
"Gimli, are you sure you don't want a break?"
"Aye lass! The strength of Dwarves is unending!" 😌
*struggling to breathe*
11/10, fantastic dwarf, will never let you down!!
Thorin (Executive Dysfunction)
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Another Dwarf??
Thorin himself has trouble keeping composure with his time management (and sense of direction 🙄)
This means that he'll have an undying amount of patience for you and you only
There's just something about you that he fond of, and it fills in that little sassy, brooding place in his heart
Can also relate to you whenever you grow frustrated at the setback of your journey or lack of sleep
Is 100% willing to help you find your lost belongings (and once again, ONLY YOU)
Thorin will literally make the whole traveling party stop so that you can put something in your bag and make sure that you put it somewhere you'll remember
Always happy to give you extra gentle reminders of keeping your pack closed
The company is utterly SHOCKED with how he treats you
I mean, this man has always been extremely stubborn and hard headed
But when you show up, it's another person he can easily relate and share frustrations with
Also a master at organization?!? đŸ€”
The one thing he could do successfully was organizing the damn journey and traveling company, so ofc he's gonna be good at that 😂
Yeah, Thorin definitely has a soft spot for you
King under the mountain will never run out of patience and kindness for you 😌💙
Sorry these took so long!! I hope you like them!! ❀❀
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shoutoismybaby · 4 years
Omega Shame Part 1
Summary: After spending most of your life on suppressants and ignoring your second gender, you finally decide to embrace who you are with your alphas support. But what happens when your alpha Bakugou walks in on you nesting and sparks memories of your past trauma?
warnings: ABO, Nesting, ANGST ending with fluff,
Nesting. This was something you hadn't even attempted since you were but a small pup. Both suppressants and fear had kept any desire for this activity far away from you, until a couple months ago. That was when you got a courting proposal, your first ever.
It was a necklace, and not just your typical alphas 'just learned how to make jewelry with string'. No. This necklace required welding, a skill you had no idea about, but that just made sense for your alpha to poses. The chain was a simple silver, leading down to a locket with intricate holes on its top layer, creating an almost explosive like design. The cloth that sat inside was a ruby red color that matched the alphas eyes, and the scent it held was strong of caramel and ash.
Of course if Bakugou was to make a courting gift, his was going to be the best you had ever seen.
You had wasted no time in placing the necklace around your neck, relaxing as his scent filled your nose. It was from this point that you knew Bakugou would make an amazing alpha for you. After all, if he put so much effort into the courting gift, you could only imagine the effort he would put into courting you. Even then in typical Bakugou fashion, he passed all expectations.
It started with the way he would make you lunches, walk you to wherever you needed to go, and made sure to give you a thorough scenting only after he got permission. He always showed concern for your physical and mental wellbeing, stopping you from pushing yourself too hard in training and even scolding you for your self deprecating jokes.
“No one gets to talk down about my omega. Especially not my omega.” He had growled at you once. Again Bakugou did something unexpected, making your omega purr at a growl.
It felt so nice to have someone who cared about you. Someone who encouraged you to stop hiding your second gender from everyone but those in your own class. Not that you had even let your class discover on purpose, but the stressful situations class A had gotten in over the years did wonders for wearing off suppressants and scent blockers. 
He, along with your other classmates, had been building up your confidence in your secondary sex for years now. Bringing you to the realization that being an omega didn't mean that you were weak or any less than betas or alphas. Momo and Ochako were omegas after all, and they were some of the strongest people you knew. So once you had gotten an alpha your omega was basically begging to be set free, and you didn't feel like you had to deny it anymore.
So here you were, after 3 months of being off of the medications your hormones and instincts were finally leveling back to normal. It was something you had never experienced before, but you had Bakugou to help support you along the way. That's why you needed his scent in your nest. No matter how nauseous you felt walking into the young alphas room while you knew he was training, your omega refused to continue the day without at least one peice of his clothing. More than that and you were sure you would be sent into a panic attack. You had no idea how he would react to you doing this. Would he be disgusted? Angry?
Ironically the only thing calming your thoughts was to continue building the nest. Pillows upon pillows methodically shoved between various stuffed animals and blankets became nest shaped as the time passed. Soon enough you were left with just one item left, one of his favorite skull shirts. You had wanted to take something he would miss less, but they weren’t drowned in his scent like this one was. You sat back into the middle of your nest to take a thorough look around. You didn’t want to take too long to decide a place for it by now as you were getting tired. Not to mention you were going to go out on a movie date with Bakugou so you also needed to get ready for that. You would have checked the time if you weren’t so fixated on your task, and that would turn out to be a huge mistake.
You had finally found the perfect place for his shirt when you heard your door open from behind you. In the middle of slipping the clothing item over your pillow you froze as your heart began to race. Your omega knew it was an alpha before you knew who it was and she let out a chirp before you could stop it.
All you could remember was the first time this had happened, an Alpha walking in on your nest. You were seven, not old enough to even present as an omega but tendencies could show early in childhood. You were excited and happily humming as you arranged your blankets, stuffed animals, and your parents best smelling clothes into small yet sturdy walls in the shape of an oval on your bed. You couldn’t help but feel safe, like you would no longer fall off your bed in the middle of the night, or that monsters or other intruders would quickly avoid hurting you once they got just a single sniff of your parents alpha scents. You were proud when you were finished and immediately snuggled into it for a nap, only to wake up to the scent of rotting eggs. A clear indicator your father was both near and very angry. All the yelling and trashing of your hard work that happened next was just a blur. But you could remember how you felt the entire time so vividly. The way your lungs seemed incapable of taking in air, the trembling of your hands and especially the weakness in your knees. Most of all, you remembered the absolute terror as your safe space was invaded. Adrenaline pumped through your veins as fast as your heart would allow it, and you could only sit back and watch.
It was that day that you first became aware that there was something wrong with you. Something gross, weak, and worth hating.
That’s why even when the scent of Bakugou filled your nose, your heart still didn’t slow down. In fact, it only sped up when you finally turned around to look at him, all of the hope you had gotten by convincing yourself he would be happy you were embracing yourself quickly diminishing. His brows furrowed more than normal and his mouth was set in a deep scowl, slightly open just enough that his naturally large canines poked out.
He was angry.
“Do you not know how to answer your fucking phone?! You were so eager to force me to agree to this date and then you don't even respond when I-” Your thoughts were racing far too fast to actually hear what he was saying. Your omega could only think of one thing, your alpha was angry with you. You messed up and now he was angry with you. It was just like your parents, you should have listened to them when they told you it was stupid to nest.
But you had worked so hard on it, and it made you feel so good. You didn’t want your nest to be torn apart again. The smell of smoke wafted from the alphas' palms as you were too caught up in your memories to really hear him. Hear how he was angry with you for forgetting about your date, angry that you had stood him up and too busy being upset to even notice that you were sitting in a nest. The smell of smoke invoked just another event in your mind, one that happened when you had first presented as an omega at 13. Something that caused the damn behind your eyes to finally break.
“PLEASE DON’T DESTROY MY NEST” You Omega sobbed, distressed chips flooding from your chest like air. “Please, please!”
Your outburst startled the Alpha into silence. He could only stand there and watch as his omegas scent was filled with fear as she wiped at her eyes aggressively. A first he was confused, letting his body pump out comfort pheromones instinctually as he let himself observe the situation. You were dressed only in your school uniform, clearly having been building the nest that surrounded you from the time you entered the dorm room to when he had burst into your room, now far past dark. You were trembling too, body curled up in on itself as you hiccupped and begged.
“Please, I'm sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorryyy! Just please dont destroy my nest.” Your voice cracked and it resonated painfully in his ear and his heart dropped. Why did you think he would destroy your nest? Sure he wasn't the best alpha but he wasn’t a monster. Did you really think he would destroy the one place where you felt safest? A weight grew in his chest that left as a deep growl,
“Here.” He growled, “Probably best if we just end this bullshit.”
This was all your fault. If you hadnt built this stupid nest in the first place, or even started crying like a fucking baby then this wouldnt have happened. But you were a weak omega, and just like your parents said, no one can love someone so weak. Especially not someone as powerful as Katsuki. You shouldn’t have let yourself believe that they were wrong for even a second. You had thought that Bakugou would be the one who would love you for who you truly were. But that was naive. No one could love such a burden. No one could love you.
The drop of the crafted bracelet to the ground seconds before your door slammed, leaving you alone once more in your room, proof enough of that.
Your parents were right.
A flame of anger lit in your chest. Why were you so unloveable just the way you were? Why couldn’t you just be different? Why couldn’t you be an alpha like your parents had wanted?
You could feel your nails extend into claws as the hair on your body raised. You glared at the soft material weaved together around you as hot tears built up behind your eyes. This time instead of being fueled by fear they were fueled by rage and resentment.
You were so angry. So angry at youself, at your weak omega, and especially at your stupid nest. You couldn't help but let a couple tears fall as you let your anger get the best of you, and you didn't stop it until you were heaving in the middle of your disaster of a room. Surrounded by torn pieces of fabric and the other contents of your room scattered by your tantrum, you finally let yourself breath. 
You turned around to see the item you had been avoiding, your pillow with bakugou's shirt. With a deep breath you grabbed a hold of the object, digging your claws into its plush softness. The caramel ash smell that permeated the air only helped to break down the remaining bits of your anger. And you didn’t want to be left alone with your despair just yet.
With the release of your breath a ripping sound could be heard. The shirt split and cotton popped out from the opening like popcorn. Once you had successfully dissected what had been a comfort item you threw it somewhere away from you and took another deep breath.
Now you were finally alone. Just you and your reality. You could really feel how much pain your omega was in as your hair began to lower and your normal nails returned. You had heard about this pain before. A deep one in your chest, heartbreak. Your omega seemed to curl around that feeling. Of rejection. Self hatred. That no one would ever need you, let alone want you. You could feel yourself start to slip into the limbo of numbness and searing pain.
An Omega Depression.
You remembered learning about it back when you were in middle school, most people were beginning to present as their second sex. Your teachers had emphasized how important it was to get medical attention at the first signs, you knew how dangerous it was, but all you wanted to do was lay there on the floor. You were tired, and what was the point? No one cared about you, not your parents
 not Bakugou. Your throat strained painfully at that thought. Bakugou didn’t want you, and it was your fault.
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mochegato · 4 years
Pixie Spy
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Jason waited on the dancefloor anxiously watching the crowd of people who had just left, ready to pounce on the Sunshine Girl once she exposed herself by exiting the safety of the crowd.  But he hadn’t seen her exit yet.  The crowd had now thinned out enough that he could make out everyone that was still in the group.  She wasn’t one of them. The tablecloths that decorated all the tables did not go all the way to the floor, allowing him to see under the tables.  She wasn’t hiding there either.  There was no sign of her.  She was impossibly gone.
He was so focused on his search, he didn’t notice the wary looks of the people around him watching him as though he might lash out at them at any moment and he wouldn’t have been able to care less even if he had noticed.  He didn’t have a single fuck to spare about their opinions.  He needed to find Sunshine and figure out what the fuck was going on and how he could help.  
He felt a weight on his shoulder and spun quickly grabbing the hand, ready to defend himself against whatever it was.  He relaxed slightly when he saw Dick’s surprised and concerned eyes on him, hands held up in a placating gesture, “Hey, it’s just me Jaybird.  What’s going on?  A rogue?” he asked discretely, stepping closer and lowering his voice so nobody else could hear.
Jason’s eyes returned to the crowd, desperately seeking any sign of her, “No
 at least I don’t think so.  Do you see a beautiful, short woman with black hair and a short black dress?” She couldn’t have just disappeared.  She had to have gone somewhere, but he had been watching not just the dancefloor but the exits as well.  There was no way he could have missed her.  She wasn’t someone you could miss.  She wasn’t there and she hadn’t left.  Where the fuck was she?  
Dick watched Jason cautiously before glancing around the room again.  He was getting concerned about Jason.  He wanted to write it off as a drunken fascination with a girl who walked away or an attempt to disrupt the night, but that wasn’t it.  Drunk Jason was belligerent, well more belligerent than usual, not paranoid and possessive.  Disruptive Jason never bothered to hide his glee at the disruption.  This was something else.  
Dick cast a wary eye back into the crowd looking for the girl Jason described.  “I don’t see anyone like that,” he said shaking his head and returning his gaze back to Jason.  He didn’t know what was going on, but clearly that girl was important to whatever it was. They should have known better than to think the night would go smoothly.  He had naïvely thought the worst he would have to worry about was Jason causing a scene for the hell of it, but this was something more.
“Shit!” Jason exclaimed loudly running his hand through his hair and looking down.  He needed to focus on the immediate issues and let the others know their identities had been compromised.  They needed to figure out who she was, what she knew, what she was going to do with the information, and just who the fuck got her involved in all of this, track that mother fucker down and kick the shit out of him for getting her involved in the first place.  Then figure out what was going on in Paris that had caused so much pain she felt responsible for and kick the shit out of that asshole too.
“Sorry about that everyone.  Guess we should have cut the bar off a few drinks ago. Please, continue dancing
 and drinking, if you think you can handle it a bit better than him.” Bruce announced loudly with a charming, easy smile for the crowd eliciting a few chuckles from the audience.
“Is this related to what you were asking before?” Tim asked quietly, coming up next to them and scanning the crowd as well, not really sure what he was looking for but searching for anything out of place.
“Yes!  We need to go to the safe room,” Jason growled quietly.  “ALL of us.  Now”
“Did something happen with that girl you can’t find? Did she get taken?  Did she take someone else?”  Dick asked grimly still watching Jason with concern, gauging the breadth of the developing situation.
“Somebody got taken?” Bruce asked joining the conversation.
“Yeah, we did.  Let’s go.  Tim, bring up the cameras for back home,” Jason ordered stalking toward the family safe room without bothering to look at anyone.  
“Jason, we were just about to make the announcement. Is it something that can wait?” Bruce asked stepping between Jason and the door to the safe room.
“Gee, I don’t know, B.  Do you think someone figuring us out and breaking into our
 home base is something important?” Jason asked snidely without breaking stride.
Selina sauntered over slowly just in time to see Bruce’s stoic expression pale slightly, not enough for the other party goers to notice but enough that the family could see the change and change their attitude accordingly.  “I’ll do some damage control out here,” she said patting Bruce’s shoulder before pushing him slightly toward the family safe room, a room the family had designated as a safe space in case of emergencies.  It was soundproofed, swept for bugs, and was locked to anyone but the family.  It was meant to be a place they could change into their suits in case something happened requiring vigilante activity.  It also had the added benefit of a place they could send Damian before he actually acted on any of the violent thoughts they knew he was having.  
“And make sure you take Damian with you.  He looks ready to cut someone’s hand off,” she said with an amused smile.  Damian glared at her as he followed his father to the room.  She heard a faint “trollop” as he passed by, making her smile. At this point, she was taking it as a term of endearment from the little terror.  If he really wanted to hurt her he would go after her with one of his katanas, like he did with his brothers.
By the time the family made it to the room, Tim had already pulled up the live feed to the Batcave on his phone.  He got it connected just in time to see
 nothing, absolutely nothing out of place.  The cave was empty, the vehicles were parked, the suits and weapons hung up properly, and the computer was resting.  Nothing remotely concerning, Tim grumbled to himself.  It was bad enough dealing with Jason on patrols but now he had to put up with his bullshit here too.  He didn’t want to be here either, none of them did, but at least he wasn’t actively trying to make the situation worse.
Of course it would amount to nothing.  If anyone had broken into the Batcave his phone, along with everyone else’s, would have alerted them to the trespasser.  He and Barbara had set it up.  There was no way around it.  Nobody could be in the Batcave without them knowing about it.  There was no alarm going off, thus there was no trespasser. This was another of Jason’s paranoid delusions or another way to mess with the family, sabotaging the important night.
As soon as the door to the safe room clicked closed, Bruce turned to Jason with a concerned look, “What is going on, Jason?  What do you think got broken into and who figured us out?”
“There was a woman at the party,” he started unsure how much of the encounter he wanted to relate to them.  Before he could continue there were groans around the room.  He glared at them before continuing louder this time. “She seemed uncomfortable at the gala so I started talking with her.”
“How thoughtful of you.  Completely for her own benefit, I’m sure,” Dick rolled his eyes and shook his head. This damn well better not be about Jason trying to get laid.  There were far less public ways to accomplish that than this.  In fact, Dick had been working on one of those ways when Jason decided to take out an entire table in front of everyone.
“If you assholes are done interrupting,” Jason snapped at them, glowering in frustration.  “Out of nowhere, she suddenly stared hard at you guys for a minute then freaked the fuck out.  I finally got her to say she was there acting as a scout for your,” he pointed at Bruce with a scowl, “lover, so he could break into our place.”
“My what!” Bruce asked confused, “Selina?”
“What the hell, Jason!” Dick exclaimed.  Of course it would be Jason.  Of course Jason would end up with someone who was spying on them.  Jason seemed to attract it.  Even if he wasn’t trying to cause problems, he usually was but even when he wasn’t, they seemed to find him.
“Attempting to bed the enemy, why is that not a surprise, Todd.” Damian scoffed from his seat on the other side of the room.
“Fuck you.  I tried to bring her over when she said that, but she got away.  She kept ranting about a lover’s quarrel and a joke.  Whoever she is working with, she thinks you two know each other and are ‘friendly’, Bruce.  And she definitely did NOT know who we were until that point.”
Tim groaned in frustration.  They took their eyes off of Jason for just a few minutes and now he had to clean up the mess Jason had created.  They were wasting time looking at the batcave instead of looking for this girl.  The batcave was a dead end.  Jason just didn’t want to admit that he let himself get played by some girl.  A girl who he let get away, he might add. “Accident” his ass.  Jason didn’t let anyone get away accidentally.  And now they all had to play along with this delusion.  
He looked back at the live feed.  There was still nothing amiss.  He huffed, “She lied to you.  There's nothing going on in the cave.  Not a creature is stirring, not even a mouse,” he gritted out, brandishing his phone around so everyone could see it.  “I told you before, nobody could be there without getting noticed and us knowing immediately.  You got played.  And now someone who KNOWS OUR IDENTITIES is out there and we have no idea how much of a threat she is because you got distracted by a pretty face.”  
“It was I goddamn gorgeous face and she got away when I got distracted by you arguing with me instead of just helping,” he growled at Tim.  “And she isn’t a threat.  I’m pretty sure she’s a hero of some kind.” Jason defended.  He wasn’t sure about much of what was happening but the one thing he did know for certain was Pixie Pop was a hero or vigilante. She was trying to protect people and only got angry when she thought they were interfering with that.  She wasn’t a villain and hadn’t been trying to take them down.
“You’ll forgive me if I don’t trust your judgement here,” Damian drawled.
Jason spun to face him red faced in anger.  They weren’t listening.  People were suffering and they were still acting like it was a joke, just like Pixie thought they were.  He opened his mouth to respond but snapped it shut when he heard the door open.  Selina slid through closing the door securely behind her.
“How is it out there?” Bruce asked grimly.
Selina shrugged.  “Everyone bought the cover story easily.  Those looking for a reason were judging, but the rest thought it was cute. They think he's taking after his dear old Dad.  After witnessing you do something similar at almost every gala, ball, dance, opening, party, fundraiser, celebration, and just regular dinners for, what?  A decade?  Two?  They see nothing strange in your son doing the same,” she said with an amused smile, taking a seat next to Tim on a table he was leaning against to get a better angle on the video.  
“Disappears for a few years then comes back and gets drunk whenever possible.  It's nostalgic for them.  Jason got your drinking, Dick got your philandering, Tim got your arguing, I believe you prefer to call it ‘negotiating’, and Damian got your looks.” Damian nodded satisfied his description was the only genetic trait and the only one that would not be considered a weakness.  “Not that you aren't all very handsome,” she cooed mockingly, squeezing Tim’s cheeks to accentuate her point.
“Just to check, Selina you didn’t send anyone to spy on us tonight did you?”  Bruce asked annoyed.
“Me?  I haven’t sent anyone to watch you guys for ages.”  Selina said innocently.  “Someone was spying on you guys?”  
“That’s still up for debate, but regardless Jason said this girl knew our identities so we should try to track her down, assess the danger we and she are in
 after the announcement.”  Bruce was tired before this all started, this did not help.  Dick, Tim, and Damian started to protest but Bruce held up a hand stopping them, “if she was intending to do something she would have made the threat to Jason or come up to us to extort us.  She didn’t so either she’s waiting for us to make a move she can jump on or
” he took a deep breath, “or, she had no idea and doesn’t intend to do anything with it.  I’m more concerned with whoever sent her.  That is who we need to find and we find that person through her.  As soon as the announcement is over, Tim, I want you checking security cameras to track her.”
Tim rolled his eyes and pushed off of the table he was leaning against, taking one last look at the live feed.  “Okay, this break has been fun.  I’m going back to the party.  Jason, just go home and sleep it..." his sentence tapered off as he watched a silvery, rippling portal open near the bat computer.  His eyes widened and his jaw dropped open in shock.  Holy shit, Jason had been right.  "What the fuck!  Bruce!  Look at this.  Dick turn on the television there.”  He pushed a few buttons on his phone and sent the image to display on the TV.
The family watched in shocked silence as a figure emerged from the shimmering pool with an enraged look on their face and hands clenched at their sides.  They stared at the figure trying to decide if they remembered ever having seen them before. The figure was wearing a full body suit in varying shades of brown that seemed heavily padded for protection. Their hair was pulled back into a series of long ponytails forming something reminiscent of a horse’s mane that flowed down their back.  The most unsettling thing about the figure, other than that they were in the cave without permission, was their expression. Even with half of their face obscured by a pair of pince-nez sunglasses, the angry expression was clear.  They glared at the computer but made no move to get closer.
“I fucking told you she was telling the truth!” Jason yelled pointing at the screen for emphasis.
Dick growled and turned to leave but Bruce stopped him holding up a finger to indicate he should wait.  “Can’t do anything without a car anyway.  Call for the car and watch until it gets close.”  Dick nodded and pulled out his phone to call Alfred.
Dick nearly dropped the phone when the figure suddenly yelled “Come out and face me you coward!” in the general direction of the computer as the portal behind them disappeared.
“What the fuck?” Tim whispered confused.  “Do they think there we’re there and camouflaged?”
“Or can they see something we can’t?”  Dick contemplated staring hard at the scene in front of him. The figure wasn’t moving to do anything to the equipment in the cave, wasn’t trying to damage it or investigate it. They were focused on something else, something none of them in the room could see.
They all froze when out of the ether they heard a man’s voice respond. “You ready for them to know we’re here, Spots?”
“Oh, they already know,” the figure growled out.
“Ah, that didn’t take as long as I thought it would,” the voice responded.  “Okay Trixx. Might as well drop it then.”
As soon as he said the words, it was like a curtain dropped and suddenly a man in a trench coat was standing in front of a very active bat computer.  Alarms sounded throughout the safe room, as all of their phones rang out with trespassing alerts.  
“What the hell?” Tim exclaimed.  “The computer was on sleep mode just a second ago.”  He brought his phone closer to his face trying to examine the scene better. He and Barbara had designed the system to detect changes in visual, audio, thermal, and electronic signals as well as vibrations caused by any movement.  Whatever they were using had somehow interrupted detection for all of those. “How the hell did they do that?”
Jason ignored the room devolving into chaos behind him, deciding to study the figure in front of the computer instead.  The hair and trench coat were very familiar.  “Is that Constantine?” Jason asked.
“You absolute bastard!  What was that?” the figure yelled gesturing vaguely behind them and stalking closer to the man.
“Yeah, that sounds like Constantine,” Bruce shook his head, resigned to the situation. “Tell Alfred there isn’t a rush.  Constantine won’t try to do anything he hasn’t already done.”
“You going to hit me while you're like that, Spots? Bit unfair don't you think?” Constantine said barely glancing over to her from the computer.
The figure stared at him shaking in rage for a few seconds before forcing out, something that sounded like “dismount” through gritted teeth. A blinding wave of sea green light engulfed the figure.  When the light faded, a woman in a long red dress and the same glasses as the other figure was standing where the figure had been.  She removed the glasses and shoved them in her purse before returning her glare to the man at the computer.
“That’s her!” Jason yelled, pointing at the screen.  “That’s the woman I was dancing with.  Different dress but same woman.”
“Well at least now we know why she thought it was a prank when she figured us out, assuming she knows who he is, which I assume is why she is working with him in the first place, so she does.” Bruce said rubbing his forehead to ease the quickly oncoming headache.  Whenever Constantine got involved things went to Hell, sometimes literally, very quickly and Bruce had not had enough sleep or bourbon to deal with this.  Contrary to his reputation, he rarely drank but this situation, this situation, whatever the hell it was, justified a drink.
“Fuck!  No wonder I couldn’t find her.  She somehow pulled a fucking Houdini and changed her entire appearance.” Jason yelled exasperated.
Constantine typed a few more things on the computer before finally facing her nonchalantly “Not to change the subject but that is a really good glare. Scarier than Batman, honestly.  I could feel it through the back of my head.  I’m this close to being intimidated,” he said holding his thumb and index finger close together.  “I swear, if you keep glaring at me that
” before he could finish his sentence the woman had delivered a strong right hook directly to his jaw.
Constantine fell backwards, knocking into the chair positioned next to the computer, sending it spinning away on his way down, landing on his hands and knees.  He gently rubbed his jaw with a wince and looked back up at her with a raised eyebrow. “Yeah, fair enough.” He slowly stood back up using the chair and computer to help support him on his way up. “Have fun, kid? Meet any cute boys? Girls? Thems? Guess never asked which way you swing.”
The woman responded by kicking him hard in the chest with a suddenly bare foot.  He fell back against the computer from the impact with a surprised grunt.  Before he could get up she moved her foot on his throat to hold him there, braced against the computer.  She had been careful to place her foot flush on his throat but he wasn’t making any noises so she wasn’t pushing hard on it.  The family were all familiar with the move.  It didn’t allow him to move but did allow him to speak. A good questioning position.
“You left some valuable details out of the multiple briefings we had.  Weeks where you could have mentioned them.  Details like you could have just ASKED for this if you weren’t such a fucking self-absorbed coward.” She seethed at him.
Jason made a gurgling sound as he watched her stand over Constantine, suddenly feeling flushed.  He had not expected her to be able to take down a grown man like that, like it was second nature, effortless.  Two quick moves and he was at her mercy.  He couldn’t stop picturing himself in Constantine’s place, at her mercy, and that thought alone made his heart race and breathing more difficult.  The things she could do to him
 He shook his head of the highly enjoyable thought.  Now was not the time for that.
“You know, I’m pressing a lot of buttons here,” Constantine croaked out.  “I might have to restart the whole process if you’re not careful.  Would take time.  Maybe enough for the whole family to return.”
“Fuck you.” She growled at him retracting her leg so he could stand up properly.
“Oh I swing all ways except that way. You may be legal, technically, but you're still a kid and I'm not a pedo.” He rubbed his throat as he straightened back up.  To the surprise of those in the room who knew him, he didn’t react at all. He seemed to accept the attack as justified and turned back around and got back to work on the computer.  Not that they were expecting him to attack back physically but Constantine was never had nothing to say, except now.
“You're an asshole.” She glared at him again crouching down to put her shoe back on.
“Well, yeah, but even assholes have standards.  By the way, really impressed you didn’t fall over there. Standing on one stilettoed leg without falling or losing your modesty?  Impressive. So you never did say, how did it go? Assuming you are done now.”
The family tensed for another attack when they saw her jump into a battle stance.  They watched confused as she switched to a crouching position and started cooing at nothing.  After a few moments, they saw what had drawn her attention.  Alfred the cat had jumped onto the computer like he was chasing after something.
“How the hell did your cat get into the cave?” Tim demanded from Damian.  “He better not mess with anything on the computer.”
“If that second rate concubine touches a hair on Alfred, I will cut her fingers off one at a time.” Damian growled at the screen.
Bruce squeezed the bridge of his nose, “Not quite the Alfred I would have hoped would intervene
Constantine looked over at the cat and grunted, “Not looking for a trip to Hell today, but thanks for the offer.  Scat.”  He shooed the cat away and turned to go back to his work on the computer.
The woman looked back at Constantine and frowned at him, “I don’t know if I’m done yet.  I’m still deciding,” she said snidely.  “And don’t you dare go anywhere near this poor cat.”  Alfred trotted over to the woman, keeping his eyes on Constantine the whole way.  When he got to the woman he rubbed up against her legs and looked up at her with a meow.
She reached down to pet the cat gently and start talking to him quietly.
“Holy shit, Demon Spawn.  I think the cat likes her better than you.” Jason laughed.  Bruce put his hand on Damian’s shoulder when he jumped up to charge at Jason.
“No bloodshed tonight, please.  And Jason, stop antagonizing him,” he admonished both of them.  This was shaping up to be the worst gala they’ve had.  And they’ve had galas attacked by rogues before.  That was still more pleasurable than whatever was going on here. Yep, that was definitely the beginning of a migraine he was feeling.
Constantine grunted out a single laugh.  “Yeah, right.  Because you can hold a grudge.”
She stared hard at Constantine for a few moments before something seemed to click in her head.  “Oh my God, he was right.  I was only there because you wanted me to get out and have fun, figuring I’d forgive you for the convoluted plans and the wait.”
“Is that so bad?  You’re still a kid, you should have fun at some point in your life.  Also, who is ‘he’?”
“So you gave me homework?  Are you so old you forget homework is not fun?  Or did they not have things like homework or school when you were my age?” She snarked annoyed, ignoring the last part of the question.
“No they didn’t have homework WAY back then, or paper, we just grunted to each other and absorbed information through osmosis,” he shot her a sour look.  “And fun wasn’t my only goal, but it was an important one.  Why, didn’t have fun?”
“Oh no, I did.  Until I remembered it isn’t something I get to keep, remembered that nothing about tonight sticks except that device,” she said pointing to something on the computer. “Everything about tonight is just an illusion because I haven’t been good enough, because I failed.  Thanks for that reminder.”  A guilty look flashed across her face before returning back to a glare.  “The remaining part of the night was focused on keeping tabs on the Waynes and fending off entitled pricks’ wandering hands,” she said slowly as if explaining something that should have been obvious.
A dark shadow passed over Constantine’s face.  He turned his focus from the computer for a moment to address her directly, “That is not on you.  None of that is on you.  Whatever the fuck your overactive conscious tells you.  That fucking conscious of yours is going to get you killed then I’m going to have to go to Hell to get you out.  I don’t enjoy Hell.  DO NOT make me go back.” He scolded her.  “For the hands, get any names?  I know a few demons looking for someone to
 play with.  It wasn’t any of the Wayne kids, right?”
“You wanted me to meet the Waynes, didn’t you?” she narrowed her eyes in accusation.  “Why would you tell me to NOT get noticed by them if you wanted me to meet them?  How was that supposed to happen if I was avoiding them?  Did you really think I was so completely incompetent? ”
“No, I thought you were that gorgeous and innocent looking.  A combination that is impossible for any Wayne to ignore.” He sighed and glanced away seeming to brace himself for the conversation they were about to have.  “I needed you to think you shouldn’t get noticed because otherwise there was no reason for you to go instead of Chat.  And I needed you to go because not only do you need the break but precisely because you were going to get noticed by at least one of the Waynes and noticed in a very particular way that Chat wouldn’t.” he said waggling his eyebrows at her.  
“I thought it would take longer than it did, but at some point, one of the boys was going to take an interest in you and talk to you.  And you being you would figure out their identities and tell him everything.  You’re brilliant and noble like that,” he said sneering at the word noble, making it sound like the most disgusting word he had ever had to utter.  
“The youngest was the least likely to act but he is a bit young for you anyway.  The next one is as smart and focused-on-the-mission-at-the-expense-of-all-other-things as you, so I thought you might get along. The next one is as much of a smartass and has the same fuck-you-to-authority, sarcastic attitude as you, so I thought you two might click.  The oldest is as annoyingly sunshiney as you, so that seemed like it might work. Honestly, I thought he was the safest bet since he hits on everything with tits
 Unless he was the one you were speaking with in which case, what I meant to say was
 keep an eye on him if cheating bothers you.”
Dick gave an offended gasp at the accusation.
“Yeah, totally unfair description.  You don’t require tits to hit on someone.” Jason said clapping him on the back
“I don't know that I like the idea of you dating any of them. But it would have gotten them involved without me breaking my promise because, I have said nothing,” Constantine said glancing back towards her for a moment. “But it sounds like you did,” he said with a cocky grin.
“Asshole,” she sneered at him sitting on the floor to get into a better position to pet Alfred.
“Yeah, but an asshole that keeps his word.”  He focused back on the computer and clicked around for a few more minutes before discretely glancing over at her, “Sooooo, did being here make you change your mind?”
“Nothing about tonight made me change my mind about bringing in outside help but it did make me reconsider the wisdom of allowing your interference.” She said shaking her head and glaring at him.
“Oh for fuck’s sake!” he growled out hitting the computer in frustration.  He rounded on her and stalked over to her, looming over her.  “Fuck the goddamned, mother fucking mission for ONCE.  Your life is supposed to be more than the fucking suit. Did being in Gotham make you rethink turning down that acceptance letter?”
“What?” She looked at him wide eyed in surprise but didn’t seem scared of his sudden outburst unlike Alfred who jumped up and hissed at him as he approached.
Constantine sighed sitting down near her and looked away seeming to examine thin air over her shoulder, “I know you got accepted to go here but turned it down because of Paris,” he said quietly.
Her lips pressed together in a thin line and turned her head to glare at the same point in the air, “How did you know that?”
“Your partners are worried about you. You turned it down because of the situation in Paris.  You can’t let that be the only thing in your life.  You got accepted everywhere.  You could go anywhere and you should.  Come on, if Gotham didn’t do it for you I can talk to people in Metropolis, Jump City, Central City, Starling City
 Just somewhere out of Paris.”
Her eyes flared but she gave out a resigned sigh.  “I liked you better when you didn’t care about us.” She said with a wry smile, suddenly finding the cat at her feet batting at the air to be the most interesting thing in the room.  
“I still don’t,” he said unconvincingly as he backing up and returning to the computer.
She let out a doubtful scoff but continued to pet Alfred. After a few moments of silence she cocked her head to the side and looked up at Constantine with an impish smirk. “Awfully coincidental that all those cities have heroes that are roughly my age.  You trying to set me up with more superheroes?  First a bat now a titan?  Or were you leaning more towards an arrow?”
“With Roy!  God no. Jason is as depraved as I am willing to let you go.” Constantine sounded offended.
“Jason is NOT depraved!” she exclaimed affronted.
“Ahh, so it was Jason
” he said looking over his shoulder to throw her a cocky smile.
“Fuck you.” She grumbled with no heat behind it, returning her focus to Alfred, much to his apparent pleasure.
“Already said no to that.  But, if it was Jason, I sincerely hope they were watching that move you pulled when you first came in because he is going to be panting after you after seeing that.”
Her cheeks flushed brightly and Jason preened at causing her to blush even without being there.  She let out annoyed growl.  “This is not the place for this conversation.  Actually, there is no place where I would want to have this conversation with you but especially not where we probably have an audience.  Did you get the information?”
“Almost done.  Someone interrupted me,” Constantine subconsciously rubbed his jaw, “or I would be done already,” he said pointedly.  “And here,” he said throwing a small, white cube into the air but the woman made no move to catch it keeping her eyes on Constantine instead.
“It was important.  Believe me when I say I cut that way shorter than I wanted.  You should really thank this kitty for your lack of bruises,” she said cooing at the cat and petting him more.
“Hell of a thanks for getting this for you,” he said holding up a small device.  “Luckily for us, one of them, I’m guessing Tim, already did the hard work getting the information from the League for us.  Believe me when I say getting it from the League of Assassins would have been far, far more difficult than from the bats.”
“Awesome.  Let’s get out of here before any of the bats come home to roost.  I’m not looking forward to the wrath leaving a wake of bloody and bruised bats would create.”  She stepped away and whispered something they couldn’t hear.  As soon as she said the words, she was bathed in a blinding aqua light again and was replaced with the figure they first saw step out of the portal.
“She has a magical girl sequence
” Dick whispered in awe.
The woman said something sounding like “Voyage” and made a motion to her side.  A shimmering portal opened where she had previously indicated.  “Come on, we’ve been here too long as it is.” She said stepping through the portal.
Constantine looked up at the surveillance camera and gave a wicked smile with a salute before following her through the portal.
The portal closed, leaving the batcave quiet and empty again.
The bat boys stared at the screen for a few more seconds unsure what to say next.  Bruce moved forward to speak when there was movement on the screen.  They watched as a much smaller portal opened back up and Alfred was pushed through, the portal closed quickly behind him.  Alfred turned around and looked around meowing a few times, batting his paw where the portal was.
The quiet of the room was disrupted by a loud phone ringer waking everyone out of their stupor.  Suddenly everyone started talking at once except for Damian who just glared at the screen.  Dick yelled over everyone to silence them pulling out his phone.  “Hey Alfred, we’ll be right out.”  He started to make his way to the exit followed by everyone else when Bruce stopped them.
“They're gone and it's Constantine, it won't be against us.  We don't need to prepare for an attack.  The priority right now is the announcement.  We make the announcement then call Constantine and investigate her.”
“You would choose the one person in the room that was spying on us, Todd.” Damian growled redirecting his glare toward Jason instead of the screen.
“And yet, not the most deceitful one in the room or the most dangerous. Definitely the hottest though. No offense Dick.” Jason said shrugging off the accusation.
“Not the most dangerous to us?  She just threatened to leave a, and I quote, ‘wake of bloody and bruised bats’ behind her.  And she found a way to bypass all of our security to break into the cave and hack the computer.  How is that not a threat?” Tim yelled at him.  This girl was an immediate threat they knew nothing about.  She was skilled and had magic on her side and they knew nothing, absolutely fucking nothing, about her to know what kind of threat she was and Jason was just going with it because she had a pretty face.  He was going to let this girl saunter on into their sanctum sanctorum with no questions at all.  “I know it is hard for you, but you need to start looking beyond your next conquest or you are going to get us all killed.”
“Let me get this straight,” Jason glared at the family, “Dick spent the night talking up a chick that would sell us all out for a dime just so he could get lucky.  Tim spent the night talking up a business man I saw sexually assault someone AT THIS GALA just so he had the chance at a few extra bucks.” Tim opened his mouth to defend himself but Jason continued, speaking over him.  “Bruce spent the night talking up a known thief who was probably casing the guests for a future job, again just so he could get lucky. No offense Selina.”  She bowed her head and held up her champagne glass to show she took it in stride.  And he wasn’t wrong.  That was exactly what she was doing and why she asked for the information on that woman’s designer.  
“And Damian... well Damian doesn't talk to people but I guarantee he spent the night plotting multiple people's murder, mine included.  There’s no way he wasn’t.” Damian crossed his arms and looked away, even more annoyed by the accurate description.  “And I'm getting in trouble because I spent the night talking up someone working with an ally?” he asked incredulously.  
They had all just witnessed the same scene.  They had evidence she wasn’t a villain, she wasn’t a threat.  She was someone they needed to help and they weren’t seeing it.  This is exactly why he hated working with them.  Oh, they wanted to help, but only on their terms. Only if they controlled it and they didn’t control this.  This was an unknown that had been dropped on them instead of them finding and investigating on their own.  They were licking their wounded egos instead of trying to figure out how to help.  They were wasting time with this stupid argument.  “Fuck all of you and your fucked up so called ‘morals’.  She might have been the only really good person in this room, definitely the only trustworthy, honest person and you’re ignoring the situation Constantine mentioned.”
“She was spying on us, imbecile.” Damian growled at him.
“FOR CONSTANTINE!” he yelled back.  How were they still missing that point?  It was like they were intentionally missing it.  “Did nobody else watch what just happened?  Did all of you assholes miss Constantine say he devised this whole thing to get us to help her?  Did you shitheads miss how Constantine is treating her? He ain't treating her like he does us. He’s being protective.  That means he thinks she’s a good guy and a good person unlike the rest of us mother fuckers.  More than that, he’s treating her with kid gloves.  He doesn’t treat anyone with kid gloves, not even kids.  He’s trying to help her in and out of the mask.  He’s motherhenning the fuck out of her.  When have any of you ever seen Constantine act that way about anyone or anything?  She needs our help.”
“ENOUGH!” Bruce yelled silencing everyone in the room.  “Like he told her, this entire night was more about her than us.  He wanted us to know something was going on and for us to get involved.  And he was desperate enough to keep her trust that he concocted this whole plot to make sure we knew without breaking his word. He probably left us a clue by not covering what he got from the computer if not a message.”
“That’s a lot of words for ‘Jason is right’” Jason said smugly. “Come on B, you can just say it. ‘Jason is right.  We should listen to him.’  It’ll make you feel lighter to just finally say it.”
“You can’t be serious father,” Damian groused.
“Stop being such a jealous ass bitch, Demon Spawn.  Just because Alfred tried to run away with her
” Jason smirked at him.
Damian jumped up, face bright red and furious indicating he had every intention of following through with the plans he had been making during the gala.  Bruce stepped between him and Jason, not prepared to deal with the fight right now. They had an announcement to make and it would not look good if the boys showed up with fresh cuts and bruises. It’s hard to sell the story of a happy, functional family when the evidence to the contrary is on full display. “Now that we all agree,” he glared at them all until they quieted down.  “We’ve been in here long enough.  Let’s get back out there and make the announcement and show everyone what a supportive family that is ecstatic to have their brother back we are.  After that, Tim and Jason can go home to start the investigation.”
“Father, I would certainly be more help than him,” Damian objected indicating Jason, “also, there is no reason for me to still be here with these vapid, insolent morons.”
Bruce grunted.  Damian had a point about no reason for him to be there.  And the longer he was here the more likely it would be for him to finally snap and break someone’s hand and maybe more.  “Fine.  Take Damian, too.”  He waved his hand dismissively.  “Now move, we’re making this announcement right now.”
Damian gave a curt nod and turned to follow his father out of the door.  Selina coughed discretely drawing Bruce’s attention back to the room.  He looked at her questioningly.  She eyed Damian and Jason then nodded toward Dick.
Ahh.  She had a point, those three together would result in blood at the very least and the high probability for broken bones, cracked ribs, and dislocated joints, making patrol schedules very difficult until they healed.  “And Dick.  Nobody kills anyone.  I don’t care what you find or what is said, I don’t want any blood to clean when I get back.”
He started walking again but noticed nobody following him. He turned back to them exasperated and raised an eyebrow.  He noted everyone’s eyes on him giving him a deadpan expression and questioning expressions of their own.  “Fine, I don’t want Alfred to have to clean any blood when he gets back,” he sighed.  There was a round of begrudging agreement noises and the family started moving toward the gala again.  
The boys followed him out the door but Dick held onto Tim’s shoulder prompting him to hang back from the rest of the group.  He watched the rest of the family walk ahead of them.  When there was sufficient space between them, he started hitting Tim’s shoulder repeatedly still not looking at him.  Tim brushed off his hands and glared at him annoyed, “What?  You know Bruce is going to be mad we’re not out there.”
“Yeah, yeah.  This will be quick.”  He glanced round to make sure nobody was close enough to hear them.  “Bring up the video of the woman in the cave again.”
Tim gave him a suspicious look but pulled it up. “Okay, now what?”
Dick grinned excitedly, “Rewind the recording to the beginning.  Can you get a better angle of her glare?  I need to see the glare that is better than Batman’s.”  Bruce’s glare was legendary.  If this girl’s glare is that good, he had to see it.  Tim grinned back and scrolled through the different feeds looking for the one that would give them the best angle.
Chapter 3
@loveswifi @mystery-5-5 @dreamykitty25 @ira-sairain @wannajointhecrabcult @susiej1118 @our-presciousss @casual-darkness @ertyzeta @mandy984 @darkthunder1589 @chez-pezeater @emilytopaz @elements1999 @nik-nak-3 @mermaidreject @dramatic-squirrel @thenillabean @alysrose-starchild @phoenixperegrinebitch @nickristus-dreamer @goblinwhoships @g-arya  @no-username2544
 I think I included everyone who asked to be tagged.  I’m sorry if I missed anyone.
I realize there is no actual Jasonette interaction in this and for that, I am truly sorry.  I’m disappointed too.
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sharkmobster · 3 years
more funtime found family au stuff but this time focusing on funtime freddy and michael's relationship. it's incredibly rambly and turns into off-kilter dialogue but i gotta get this off my chest.
tw mentioned child abuse/death
‱ doesn't actually like michael (at first) even tho i draw them hanging around each other a lot
‱ bon bon is the only reason he does loaf around him. (bon bon and bonnet being the only ones who like Michael in the beginning.) They're attached to each other so it's inevitable that they would hang around mikey.
‱ ft freddy plays really mean spirited jokes on michael bc he's not allowed to harm him. he has to get real creative. (ft freddy has a lot of anger inside of him. people write him off as being dumb and goofy but really that's just a mask that he put up so he didn't scare people away. of course the funtimes know how he is, knows who he is right to his core bc they're all connected on a deeper/technological level.)
‱ (slaps funtime freddy. this bear can fit so much trauma and abandonment issues in him!)
‱ can be incredibly vindictive when he wants to be and takes out a lot of his agression on Michael. michael shares the afton name (bc he sure as hell doesn't look like william in my au lol) and that alone is enough for ft freddy to bully him.
‱ (the funtimes blame william for abandoning them so ft freddy takes it especially personal when his ankle biter comes around to "liberate" them. and on some deeper level freddy is just terrified that michael will abandon them all, just like willy did. he never voices this of course. opting to show his apprehension and fear in a more destructive way, pushing Michael further away.)
‱ canon ft freddy: sinister but still goofy and knows how to have a good time
my ft freddy: goofy and repressed anger issues, doesn't know how to enjoy himself without causing someone some kinda pain.
‱ michael gets fed up with being terrorized eventually and confronts him, and ft freddy drops the silly act for a bit just ready to blow up at him. (he can't even place why he's still so angry at michael when really he's been nothing but hospitable and accomodating to their wants and needs but fuck he's just so wound up he doesn't know what to do) michael compares him to william during the argument (cruel and vindictive just like william wanted) and ft freddy nearly rings his neck, absolutely seething but bon bon doesnt let that happen of course. (idk if this is confirmed canon but bon bon was designed to placate freddy. he raises his voice even slightly and bon bon's petting his face, stopping him from getting even more agressive)
‱ ft freddy shuts down after the confrontation ends (emotionally, anyway) and the blow out itself is completely anti climatic, nobody getting hurt. he ends up isolating himself from the others with bon bon hovering around like a concerned mother hen. Baby and the others give him space but michael (after he cools down anyways) won't leave him alone.
‱ See the thing is: Michael understands. Michael understands more than anyone what it's like to feel so deeply, what it's like to hate and hate and to keep hating until that rage is your whole life. It's suffocating. and he had to deal with that all on his own, choking on his own grief and rage without anyone to guide him. (his brother is dead bc of him and he carries that with him everywhere he goes, in everything he does.)
‱ They're living in the countryside of France at this point in time, far off from any wandering eyes, a thick forest surrounding their home. Freddy has a few hiding spots that he scouted out within the first few days of staying there. And that's where Michael finds him, hiding out in a small alcove by the a creek, throwing rocks at the trees (and sometimes wildlife).
‱ freddy doesn't aknowledge him, ignoring him like a child would and bon bon frets nervously between them, not wanting another fight to break out. Michael tells them that he's not here to fight anymore, he just wants to talk. you like to talk, don't you? and freddy doesn't say anything, running his fingers through the dirt, absentmindedly.
‱ michael asks bon bon to leave so that they can have a private convo and bon bon freaks out like absolutely not, he might hurt you and michael asks freddy directly like "are you going to hurt me?" freddy still isn't talkative, and he's rigid when he shakes his head no after a bit of silence. Bon Bon asks if he's alright with him leaving and freddy just shrugs, still staring at nothing in the distance. bon bon hesitates for a few moments before finally leaving, telling Michael to call out to him if he's in danger but michael rushes him along.
‱ it's just them now, nothing but the sounds of nature around them. michael asks how he's feeling and freddy shrugs again. Michael strikes up a one sided conversation, stepping closer and closer to him over time not really getting any kinda response out of him but eventually, during his rambling, freddy finally looks at him and says "Y-You just don't get-get it." and then goes back to the silent treatment.
‱ Michael's quiet, having made his way up to standing right next to freddy (he's only a tiny bit taller than him when he's just sitting like that). he nods his head, considering something for a while until finally he goes "Did I ever tell you about what it was like? Ya know. Being William Afton's golden child?" freddy doesn't say anything but he pauses from drawing circles in the dirt, tilts his head just a fraction to let mikey know he's listening.
‱ michael stares at the creek. "He wasn't the most outwardly loving father. Wasn't really the nicest one, either. But, I wanted his approval so bad, I'd do anything for it." Freddy slowly turns his head to watch him carefully. that's got his attention. "I did a bunch of stupid shit back then, all cause I wanted to be noticed by him. But all that attention went to my little-" and michael draws in a sudden breath, pained. stays silent for a moment, working up the courage to speak. "I did something awful to my brother. All for my father. And it's an awful thing to say but his death didn't matter. Pops didnt bat an eye and Mom was too far gone by that point after Elizabeth...." he looks back in the direction of the cottage. "Well.... you know what happened to Elizabeth." Freddy's stare is hard and unyielding. "He's gone now and I was the only one who cared enough. His fuckin' abuser cared more for his passing than his own father did."
‱ "He threw me into the basement. Did you know that?" Michael bounces from one foot to another, anxiety written into his very bones. he's lost in his rambling now, having never spoken these words out loud to anyone. "I killed his son and he locked me away in the dark for three years." Freddy fully turns to give Michael his undivided attention, stock still, hanging off of his every word. "I got out. Eventually. I ran away and lived on the streets for years until someone got a hold of me. Told me my old man was missing, presumed dead. Got a pretty penny from the fazbear business he co-owned with Mr. Emily. Things were going good, I guess. I was overwhelmed for the most part, didn't do anything other than bounce around from hotels every few days. In some way, I felt like he was still out there, watching me. I just kept running. And then i found out about you." He glances at freddy and looks away quickly when he finds an unblinking visage staring back. "Found out about all of you. Locked away in a storage facility for over 30 years. In the dark. All alone." an incredibly long silence stretches out between them, freddy fidgeting, hyperaware of every noise going on around them.
‱ "You think I don't get it. But I do. I think I understand you more than anyone could." Michael's staring back at him, raw emotion across his face, eyes soft with empathy and that's what makes Freddy turn away from him. Suddenly uncomfortable. "I don't want to fight with you. Not you. Not Ballora, or Foxy, or Eli-" He visibly winces, but regains his composure. "...I just... need you to understand that I want to help."
‱ Freddy's never been so quiet, and it's such an odd sight. Michael's not sure if he should say anything else or if he should leave the bear alone. the bear speaks up, finally "W-We could've kill-killed you."
‱ "That was always a possibility, yeah. I woulda deserved it." Freddy's not sure if he likes the way Michael talks about himself sometimes. "I needed to get you guys out of there, though. That was more important than whatever could've happened to me." Michael huffs. "Besides, if I hadn't bailed you guys out then I would've never gone to Paris. Ballora has good taste in real estate, I think." and despite everything, freddy lets out a sudden breath that could've been mistaken for a sensible chuckle. Michael smiles anyway.
‱ Things settle down afterwards, though there's no bite to Freddy's jokes now. They're not as close as Michael wants, Freddy still keeping his distance, keeping his walls up but it's something.
‱ Freddy starts watching horror movies with him late into the night and until dawn. Doesn't let Michael sleep in afterwards and he might just regret this but it makes Freddy happy. Things go back to normal in the cottage, as normal as things can be for a motley troupe like them anyways. Michael starts laughing at his jokes more.
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Coming Home
I recognize that the finale will probably give us an entirely different plot line with Eda, but I have A LOT OF EMOTIONS ABOUT THAT LAST EPISODE OKAY, and needed to write something, so here we are.
Or Eda’s perspective of being trapped by her curse, and then getting out.
Eda always knew, if she became the owl beast permanently, whatever would be left of her would be trapped in the gray mindscape she tends to visit when the curse overpowers her.  What she didn’t know, up to now, was how boring it would be.  She’s just sort of here, wherever here is.  Sure, it’s most likely her mind, but it irks Eda that her mind is this dull, though.  She’d think she’d have a lot more interesting things going on in here.  At least before she’d had the recurring memory of when she was cursed.  Even that isn’t coming to her now.  Not that Eda wants to think about it, about Lilith.  She just
she wants something.
Something to ground her in this endless gray.  Eda can ‘walk’ in any direction and feel like she’s going somewhere and nowhere at the same time.  She can look at her hand and consider it both close to her and far away.  Eda’s perception of reality is skewed, warped.  She’s both conscious and not.  She hates this feeling.  Having enough awareness to know she still exists, but not enough to truly be anything.
Eda is fading away.  She knows this in a calm, accepting sort of way her old self, the one who existed back in the physical world, would never tolerate.  If she’s anything right now, it’s merely a phantom projection of that self.  The last vestiges that refuse to let go before the curse consumes every corner of her mind and Eda as she was is finally no more.
She’s not really Eda anymore anyway, is she?  Not Edalyn Clawthorne.  Not the Owl Lady.  Not anything.  Just a ghost, a lingering memory.  Will the owl beast remember her?  Doubtful.  She never had any awareness of what the beast did when it was in control—only the terror of those who witnessed its carnage afterwards.  The memories of fearful faces of former friends comes back to her for a brief second.  A moment to be sad, and a little relieved.  No one will mourn her.  After all, there were reasons she lived alone in a secluded house in the woods.
The thought that that’s not quite right struggles for her drifting attention.  The details are blurred shapes she can’t quite focus on long enough to recall.
There had been a reason for all this, hadn’t there?  A strong emotion for something—someone?—outside herself.  She can’t describe it, but she knows it.  There was something and, whatever it was, it drove her to pushing beyond the breaking point, to where the curse could fully exert its control.
She doesn’t regret it, is what she assumes her last cognizant thought will be.  Even though this is her fate, she doesn’t feel remorse.  Whoever it was, was too important to her.
It’s comforting, in this final moment, to know she had something worth sacrificing everything for.
And then there’s an owl.  Sitting on her knee.  A vibrant splash of brown and gold disrupting the endless gray monochrome.  Her focus is caught on it, stuck on the only thing that can differentiate itself from the miasma.
The owl spreads its wings.  Small, cute, familiar.  She can’t place how, but she knows the little creature.  It circles around her once, twice, and then starts flying in a direction.  Entranced, she follows it.  This time, when she walks, she feels like she’s going toward something.
She arrives at a door.  Its details blur and meander, but eventually settle into a design.  Soft wooden features.  What looks like two spy holes over the backside of an owl—owls seems to be a recurring thing now.  Vaguely she wonders why.  It feels important, that there are owls.
There’s a long door handle.  She looks at it, blinks at it, and then realizes she can reach out and take hold of it.  She does.  It feels heavy.  So heavy.  Impossibly heavy.
The owl that led her here—Owlbert—coos comfortingly in her ear.  She can do this.  It’s just a door.  She can open it.  She’s opened lots of doors before, hasn’t she?
She pulls.  The door resists.  She pulls harder.  The door doesn’t budge.  She wraps both hands on the handle, hopes they don’t pop off as they occasionally do, and yanks.  The door jerks open.  She’s sucked beyond, plunged into an abyssal unknown.
The sky is above her.  Her head throbs with the worst imaginable headache.  Hooty is yelling obnoxiously.  Eda groans.  She’s going to lie here, wherever ‘here’ is, for the rest of her life.  Everything hurts.
“Eda!”  She’s being squeezed.  A set of arms wrapped too tightly around her.  A body pressed against her own.  Soft, muffled sobs soaking her tattered dress.  “I thought
I thought
” Luz clings to her, as if letting her go will mean Eda will slip away again.
It takes Eda’s brain some time to catch up.  She’s out.  She’s not sure how exactly, but she’s escaped her mind.  Either that, or this is the afterlife, but if this were the afterlife, Luz wouldn’t be crying.  Granted, it seems to be a relieved, joyful sort of crying, but still.  Eda wants no part of any afterlife that causes her apprentice to cry.
” Eda’s first attempt to vocalize start and end with her jaw forgetting how its supposed to function.  She moves her mouth around, adjusting to the feeling of having a defined, physical presence again, and then tries speaking a second time.  “W—what happened?”
Luz relaxes her tight hold on Eda, sits back, and looks up into the Owl Lady’s face.  She wipes tears out of her eyes.  “We rescued you and Owlbert, but we couldn’t get you to turn back.  Then Owlbert went and got the Bat Queen.”  Luz gestures to where the massive demon is watching them from a distance.  “They did a palisman magic thing and went in your head I think?  I’m not sure.  Then you changed back.”
“Oh,” is all Eda can say.
“Curse is not gone for good,” The Bat Queen speaks up.  “More must be done to prevent it from coming back.”  She pauses and dips her head in a slight bow.  “But help I am willing to give to Owl Lady.”
Eda nods.  She’s having trouble keeping up.  Words of her own will have to wait.
“Hey, Luz, I got the blankets.  Do you think she’ll want some twigs too?  You know, cause she sleeps in a nest and if she’s stuck like—EDDDDAAAA!”  King drops everything he’s carried out of the house, charges forward, ducks under one of Luz’s arms, and slams into Eda.  His tiny limbs can’t fully wrap around her, but he holds her tight regardless.  “I—Luz was so worried you wouldn’t be back this time!”  He buries his face against her stomach, careful to keep his horns pointed away.
Eda wraps one arm around King.  The other she uses to draw Luz back in closer.  She hugs them both tightly.  They’re real and present and solid, and she’s here with them.  Owlbert lands on her shoulder and nestles against her neck.  Hooty stretches down, squirming his way into group embrace where he can.
“Thank you,” Eda whispers, “for bringing me home.”
For being my home.
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red-jaebyrd · 4 years
Festering Wounds
Whumptober #16 - Hallucinations
He had finally made it back to the Cave, but something was off. Jason couldn’t quite place what was wrong, but something wasn’t right. All his senses were in high alert. He could feel his heart rate gradually start to increase and there was an odd pressure in his chest. His limbs also felt heavy and tingly.
The worst was the laughing, no cackling he could hear that no one else seemed bothered by. He scanned the Cave, but couldn’t find its source.
Jason tried to play it cool shaking off the symptoms as sleep deprivation. He just needed a cup of coffee, a few hours of sleep and he’d be right as rain. He stayed a few feet away from the group trying not to bring too much attention to himself, but the dog, Ace wouldn’t leave him alone. Ace kept following him and nosing Jason’s hands, so he obliged and kept his hand on the dog.
The family was chatting about the evening’s events, Tim was complaining about something Jason couldn’t be bothered to listen to and Dick kept asking him a question he could have sworn he had already answered.
Jason’s attention was pulled away from the group to a strange tall figure hiding in the shadows of the Cave. He could see the outline of green hair and a purple suit.
The figure stayed in the shadows, bringing a purple gloved hand to its mouth and it cackled. It walked into the light locking eyes with Jason. Jason gasped. Fear gripped his whole body he felt as if it had been plunged in ice.
“No, fuck no, you can’t be here.”
“What’d ya mean, Bird Boy? I never left.” Joker taunted, drumming the end of a crowbar against Jason’s temple to drive his point. “I live 24/7 in that moderately pretty screwed up head of yours.”
Joker was looming toward him patting the crowbar in his hands. Jason walked backwards and fell over his own feet. His heart pounded in his chest so hard it made it hard to breathe. He looked down to right himself and found that he was dressed in his old Robin uniform. This was so fucking wrong.
Fuck. He crab crawled away from Joker, but he wasn’t fast enough. Joker stopped him by putting a foot on chest and pressing down hard. It was a relatively easy hold Jason could get out of, but Joker was too strong. He couldn’t breathe. He was starting to lose consciousness.
It was the low chuckle that kept Jason from completely blacking out. Joker was standing over Jason twirling the crowbar in his hand like a psychotic cheerleader. Terror gripped Jason so tightly he couldn’t move.
“Batsy really scraped the bottom of the barrel when he picked you,” Joker insulted, holding the crowbar over his head ready to strike. “I guess he was hoping that street rat spunk counted for something.”
The hit across Jason’s chest sent a wave of pain throughout his body knocking the wind right out of him.
“You were ripe for the picking, my little angry bird.” Joker swung again, making contact with his stomach. “A pathetic charity case he could hand feed promises to, promises like becoming his Robin. And where did that get you?”
Joker drove his knee into Jason’s chest and leaned forward further invading his space.  
“Six feet under in a pine box
and when you died, what did he do? The Bat-stard replaced you. He didn’t really care that much about you if just replaced you with the next door neighbor. You were expendable. ANOTHER SOLDIER IN HIS CRUSADE!”
Jason tried to tune him out, ignore the taunts, and not rise to the bait. But he couldn’t fight how the words wedged their way back into his heart corrupting what little confidence he had gained in himself.
and when I took you away from him, he did nothing. He didn’t avenge his precious Robin, did he? No. He believed that you killing me would be far worse than letting me live. You sure showed him
oh wait.” Joker laughed, a high pitch sound that sent Jason into a wave of panic. “You didn’t. CUZ I’M STILL HERE!”
One final hit of the crowbar across Jason’s cheek made it feel like his eye might explode.
“Do you know what you are, my little angry bird? You’re nothing but a festering wound, open and slowly rotting away. And you know what happens to festering wounds if they’re not treated? They get cut off permanently.”
The frightening giggles continued to echo in his ears, but the sound was soon replaced by a loud ticking noise of the bomb.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, not again.
Jason tried to get up and head to the bomb to defuse it, but his body wouldn’t respond. His limbs felt like lead and his head was swimming. Tears streamed down his face and his breath hitched in panic. In his nightmares he had always been able to crawl and make his way to the door, but this time he couldn’t even get up. He just lay there on the floor hearing the sounds of the ticking bomb reverberating in his head.
Bruce, help me please. Please come find me. Please come. I promise I’ll be better.
The ticking finally stopped. Jason closed his eyes in relief, but when he opened them he was in total darkness, which only meant one thing. He was back in the coffin.
He could feel his surroundings pressing in on him and he couldn’t breathe. The air was thick and he was running out of oxygen. Jason had to get out, but his arms wouldn’t cooperate. There was no strength left in them break free.  Before he knew it dirt was crashing in on him crushing his chest and pressing hard on his face suffocating him. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t move. He was going to die all over again.
Someone was calling his name.
“Jason, listen.”
He knew that voice.  
“Whatever you’re seeing isn’t real.”
It sounded far away, but there was no mistaking it for anything else. It was Bruce. Bruce was here? He couldn’t see him, but he could hear him.
“You made it out, son. You’re safe.”
Jason blinked and when he opened his eyes everything was hazy. Once the fog in his brain cleared, he could see Bruce’s face.
Bruce came for him.
Jason relaxed at the familiar face in front of him. He was safe because his Dad came for him.
From the moment they had all gotten back to the Cave, Bruce knew something was wrong with Jason. He had been showing all the classic signs of Fear Toxin exposure. Jason had been unusually quiet. No snark or casual ribbing had been directed at Tim when he complained about one of Crane’s thugs getting a good hit in.  No name calling had been directed at Dick when he had called him ‘Little Wing’, especially when Dick repeatedly kept asking Jason if he was okay. Jason just stood away from the group, eyes scanning the Cave nervously.
Everyone had dispersed as usual to the showers, changing rooms, and then upstairs. Dick had stayed behind to talk to Alfred.
Ace had noticed something was off with Jason as well. He whined a little and hung by Jason’s side until the young man noticed him. He kept nosing Jason’s hands until Jason placed a hand on his head.
Bruce had watched as Jason wandered off to a corner staring at nothing in particular. It wasn’t until Jason gasped and collapsed onto the floor, that Bruce’s suspicions were confirmed.
“Jay,” Dick shouted, running to catch Jason’s head before it hit the floor. “Jason, can you hear me?” Dick held Jason’s head in his lap. “Bruce, he’s trembling like a leaf and he’s all clammy.”
“He’s been exposed to fear toxin,” Bruce answered.
“What? How? He had his helmet on the whole time.”
Jason’s eyes were open wide with fright, but he remained perfectly still. Ace lay on top of Jason’s chest resting his big front paws on Jason’s shoulders. Ace wouldn’t move so Alfred worked around the dog to get Jason’s vitals.
“His pulse is erratic, but not in danger, not yet. Master Dick, keep talking to him,” Alfred said.
Jason didn’t appear to be thrashing or fighting to get up, but his throat was making low keening sounds and tears were running down his cheeks. Dick was doing his best to calm Jason telling him he was okay. Meanwhile, Jason’s breathing was shallow as he was on the verge of hyperventilating.
“Breathe, Jason. You’re okay. You’re in the Cave. Breathe for me.” Dick said calmly. “I don’t think he can hear me.”
Bruce knelt by Jason’s side taking his hand in his. “Jason, can you squeeze my hand?” No response.
“I don’t know how this happened, Bruce. I swear we all took precautions,” Dick explained. “We all had rebreathers on. Jason wasn’t even around when I caught Crane. He was with Duke and Cass stopping the distribution.”
Bruce rushed to find Jason’s helmet. He searched all over scanning for any damage. The filtration system looked intact from the inside, but as he felt over the outside of the helmet he felt a crack on the side along the cheek.
“Shit,” Bruce cursed.
“Vitals are still slightly above his baseline, Sir, but not dangerous,” Alfred said. “I’m more concerned with this breathing. Perhaps an antidote is in order?”
Bruce quickly injected Jason with an antidote, took a blood sample, and gave it to Tim so he could analyze this new strain of the toxin. None of the past toxins had ever caused paralysis. Crane typically liked to see his victims physically react and interact with their fears.  If Bruce had to guess, it appeared this one was designed to mimic sleep paralysis.
A guttural sob escaped Jason’s lips as fresh tears streamed down his face.
Bruce’s heart shattered at hearing his son make such a sound. He carded his fingers through Jason’s sweaty fringe giving reassurances he wasn’t sure Jason could hear.
“Jaylad, it’s Bruce. You’re not there. You’re here with me, in the Cave.”
Jason’s whimpering echoed throughout the Cave. He was trying to say something, but the sounds weren’t making any sense. Bruce knew Jason was likely reliving his death all over again and worst of all waking up in his coffin. Jason never discussed what happened to him when he woke up in there, and Bruce regretted not giving Jason the opportunity to talk about it.
“You’re okay, Little Wing. Bruce and I got you,” Dick sniffed, wiping his eyes. “You’re with us in the Cave. You’re safe.”
Bruce held onto Jason’s hand rubbing his thumbs in circles along the back of it hoping the contact would help to calm his son down.
The words and touch were doing very little to help calm Jason. He showed no signs that he was even actually hearing Bruce and Dick or that he even knew where he was at present. Soon he started gasping for air, which quickly led to him hyperventilating.
Alfred promptly came by Bruce’s side with the portable oxygen tank and mask. He put the mask on Jason, but Jason started to panic at having something on his face.
“Jason. Jason, listen to me. Whatever you’re seeing, it isn’t real,” Bruce said thickly. “You made it out, son. You’re safe.”
For the first time since this whole ordeal started, Jason responded to Bruce’s words. His eyes moved and briefly made contact with Bruce. Jason’s whole body slowly relaxed as he breathed in the offered oxygen. Jason’s eyes began to droop and before long he fell asleep.  
Once Jason fell asleep, Bruce and Dick moved him upstairs to his room so he could wake up in familiar surroundings. Dick was reluctant to leave Jason’s side, but Bruce insisted and promised he’d get him as soon as Jason woke up.
Bruce stayed with Jason all night just watching him sleep. Watching the rise and fall of this son’s chest in what Bruce hoped was a dreamless sleep. It had been awhile since Bruce had stood watch over Jason all night. He had forgotten how young Jason looked when he slept. How the moonlight erased the harsh lines and scars of experiences and hardships making his son look twelve years old again.
Bruce drank in the peaceful moment and allowed his eyes to close in sleep.
He woke up a few hours later to a hand squeezing his wrist. Jason stared at him, blinking away the sleep as he tried to wake up.
“Morning, son.”
Jason kept his head on the pillow keeping his sleepy gaze on Bruce. “What happened?”
Bruce handed him a glass of water with a straw. “Fear toxin laced with a paralytic.”
“Son of bitch,” Jason hissed, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands.
“How are you feeling?” Bruce asked, gently sweeping Jason’s bangs from his face.
Jason took a few sips of the water and handed the glass back to Bruce. “I’m fine.”
Bruce didn’t believe him. Jason had a habit of hiding things, especially how bad he was feeling. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree in that department. Still, if this was something Bruce could help change for the better, he would do it, starting with himself and Jason.
Bruce set the glass down on the nightstand.
“Don’t look at me like that, Old Man.”
“How am I looking at you?”
“You’re giving me your furrowed brow of judgment. I’m fine.”
Leave it to Jason to choose sarcasm and snark to deflect from the pain.
I’m not judging, you. Let’s just call it my “furrowed brow of concern”.
A familiar tension fell between them that Bruce knew all too well. It always boiled down to miscommunication between them. Bruce would say the wrong thing or nothing at all. Jason would respond defensively in anger at Bruce. It was a vicious cycle. One Bruce hoped to break, but he had to be careful. Emotions were still so raw from last night; he didn’t want to fight with Jason. Bruce knew he was skating on thin ice with what he was about to say next.
Looking at his son’s face on the verge of tears, and trying desperately to hide any show of emotion, Bruce could see that Jason was far from fine.
“It’s okay if you’re not fine, because everything that you saw and experienced last night was not fine –,”
“Bruce, please stop,” Jason pleaded, biting his bottom lip to keep it from trembling. ”I’m f-fine.”
Bruce wouldn’t stop. He had to keep going. He had to make Jason understand that it was safe to let his guard down; so he continued.
“Alright, but just know I’m here if you don’t want to be fine.”
Jason choked back sobs. He shook his head, wiping his tears with the back of his hand.
Bruce moved from the armchair to the bed and sat down. He reached over and embraced Jason in his arms rubbing small circles on his back. Jason leaned into the hug and held on tightly crying into Bruce’s shoulder.
“I know you don’t want to talk about it, but I’m here to listen when you do want to talk.”
Jason nodded into his shoulder.
He didn’t need Jason to tell him what the fear toxin made him see. Bruce had a fairly good guess of the trauma the toxin had made Jason relive while under its influence. Bruce had enough experience with fear toxin throughout the years to know that its sole purpose was to unearth deep rooted fears and existing trauma the victim may have ignored or worse, repressed.
It wasn’t a surprise that Jason had buried much of his trauma from the warehouse and the events that had followed. He avoided opening up to anyone about what happened to him just as much as Bruce had avoided talking about his grief over his parents’ death. But by not acknowledging the trauma and keeping it buried, it had fueled the flame to anger and resentment.
Jason needed to talk with someone, and so did Bruce for that matter.
“It doesn’t have to be me that you talk to, but you
we need to talk to someone, okay?”
“No buts, Jay. This is important. I don’t want you turning out like me, burying fears and pain so deep you end up cutting yourself off from those who love you and want to help you. I want things to be better for you.
“It doesn’t have to be tomorrow or next week, but it needs to be soon.”
Jason broke from the embrace, his eyes red rimmed and watery. “Will –will you come with me?”
Just like that, Jason sounded twelve years old again asking Bruce to hold his hand during a shot. Bruce melted at the simple request of his son still needing him. He placed a gentle kiss on Jason’s forehead.
“Of course, I love you, Jaylad.”
“Love you too, Dad.”
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thebisexualdogdad · 4 years
Malec, Clizzy and Jimon as parents AU
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Co written with @inhumanshadows
· So Alec and Magnus have 2 boys (Rafael and Max), Simon and Jace only have 1 child (Stephen) And Clary and Izzy have 3 kids (twins Cora and Iris, Liam)
· Magnus and Alec are the first to start their family so their son's are the oldest, then Clary and Izzy's twin girls and their son is a year younger than Jace and Simon's son
· Malec's sons are personality wise just like their dads
· Very smart, very stubborn and very sassy
· Clary and Izzy's daughters are a force to be reckon with and they can kick the boy's asses any day of the week
· And they protect their little brother.
· Jace and Simon's son is just a little shit who's always playing pranks on people
· He loves pulling pranks. 
· All the clizzy kids can cook. (Isabelle finally admitting she’s not best around a kitchen)
· And the Lightwood-Bane boys are so freaking smart, Rafael is already on track to taking over as the head of the Institute from Alec when he's old enough
· Maryse has her hands full with all these grandkids and she spoils all of them
· Oh the sheer amount of spoiling from her alone
· Malec have the strictest household, Clizzy are in the healthy balance and Jimon have literally no rules
· Jimon has rules put in place by Clizzy and Malec
· Stephen is not afraid of Alec at all and Jace is all proud like that's my boy
· Alec has a realization of terror that Stephen is very much like Jace
· And Izzy thinks it's hilarious
· She has a framed picture of Alec’s face
· All the couples switch off taking care of the kids for date night once a week
· Jimon babysitting means sugar crashes. 
· Clizzy babysitting ends up with simple cooking lessons or art projects or more likely both.
· Malec babysitting means awesome bedtime stories with added magic cause of Uncle Magnus
· One time Stephen got into a little trouble with some graffiti he did on the subway walls so Clary called in retired cop Grandpa Luke to set him straight
· Clary is stern and responsible on the outside but after she pulls her nephew aside and gushes over the art
· And both Simon and Jace are like oh thank god we don't have to discipline him ourselves
· Clary: “bitch you thought....” and hands them parenting books
· Cora and Iris are fascinated by the mundane world and have snuck out a few times to go dance at clubs
· They end up at pandemonium a lot. And Uncle Magnus has the place spelled to let him know.
· Magnus may be the cool uncle but he does give them the ultimatum to tell their moms themselves before he does 
· Liam is 100% like Clary. Covered in paint or chalk pastels.
· The boy is a total artist prodigy
· Izzy is a bit worried when she thinks he hasn’t inherited much from her. But Liam is killer at darts and takes up archery. Uncle Alec sheds a tear
· Cora and Iris also take after Izzy in been highly knowledgeable with weapons which the boys are all terrified of
· They pray for whomever messes with them
· Rafael and Max are more inherently book smart than physically inept but Alec trains with them everyday
· Clizzy’s children all argue over possession of Izzy’s electrum whip.
· The amount of times any of the kids have broken into Magnus' apothecary supplies and accidently blew stuff up or drugged themselves
· He has to put non lethal magic to keep them out of it. Stephen isn’t the bravest but does his best. And Jace is so the overprotective parent
· Everyone is shocked at how protective Jace ended up being, even Simon is more relaxed than he is 
· "They're so fragile! Do you know how easy it is to break a kid?"
· Simon tells Stephen to keep an eye on Jace when he babysits and Simon has to work.
· Simon "babe please don't feed them pizza and ice cream again Alec's gonna be so mad"
· Birthday parties are always awesome.
· Even Alec enjoys them as well as family barbecues
· The kids get really spoiled by Grandma Jocelyn and Grandpa luke.
· Luke is the grill master at barbecues and Jocelyn slips every kid some money for candy and junk food
· Jocelyn teaches the kids about the old days of the shadowhunters.
· Rafael and Max speak multiple languages and will speak in another language around Stephens to make him mad
· He gets back at them by making references they don’t get
· Rafael and Max are just as clueless about pop culture as their dad's meanwhile Stephen lives off it
· When the kids are old enough to start dating Clizzy are excited, Malec are worried and Jimon are 50/50 
· The twins have a very open relationship with their moms so they can talk about the people they have crushes on
· Alec on the other hand is like oh no i didn't sign up for this
· Alec: “I didn’t sign up for emotions and relationship talk.”
· Magnus: “just wait till the sex talk
· "nope, Jace can handle that" 
· "you really want Jace to give our kids the sex talk?" 
· "well he gave me the talk when we were they're age"
· Magnus is like 😑 Or *looks into camera* “this boi...”
· there’s conflicts about the kids going to school in the mundane vs the shadow world
· Clary and Simon obviously want them to experience the mundane world like they did, Alec, Izzy and Jace want homeschool like they did and Magnus is like why do they need school again?
· This leads to immense arguing. Until Jocelyn to the rescue: “they go to mundane school and learn about the shadow world at night like Clary”
· You can’t tell me that Clizzy didn’t start their own inclusive fashion label
· The kids of course designed some of the fashion labels clothing and happily promote the label.
· Cora and Iris are some of the most popular kids at school so everyone wants to wear Clizzy's stuff because they are
· Liam is popular in his own circles. He’s one of the top artists at the school.
· Stephen is the “bad influence”
· Rafael and Max get straight A's and are at the top of their classes
· The others have subjects they excel in and ones they help each other in. Although Stephen while a smart kid has some focusing problems
· All the pta mom's have a crush on Jace
· They all end up going to colleges in New York to stay close to the Institute
· They all live in a shared loft which, thanks to magic fits them all. And they have to periodically make sure the other eats
· Of course Rafael make a chore chart which Stephen doesn't follow at all
· Rafael's like: “guys chore wheel!!”
·Stephen: “fuck ya chore wheel!”
· One night the twins come home from class and the boys had stolen their face masks and were having a spa night
· They’re like: “we should be mad... but they’re taking care of themselves...” 
· They then take the boys shopping for spa day supplies tailored to each of them. They all get together and relax after stressful weeks
· And all the couples gush about how cute their kids are
· So many baby pictures
· And they all embarrass the kids on social medias
· Sole reason any of the parents have social media
· Clary, Izzy and Simon all leave supportive and loving comments on the kids posts, Magnus leaves historical facts retaining to whatever they posted about, Alec leaves the randomest comments that no one understands and Jace just leave troll comments
· And clary’s Insta is full of candids of the kids and the fam
· Alec posts once every 6 months and it's usually of the kids training
· Magnus has a lot of photos with the kids and the chairman. As well as local visits to cat shelters
· Izzy's Insta has a theme and is organized and model style photos
· Simon posts very artsy hipster pictures of New York and inspirational quotes
· He also has pics of his boys at amusement parks. And the first big family trip to Disney was a sight
· Meanwhile Jace's insta is an actual disaster and doesn't even put captions on most his posts
· Simon and Stephen give Jace a crash course on insta
· One time Alec saw a beer bottle in a story and freaked out, Magnus had to stop him from going to the loft to scold them
· “Alec... they’re grown ups... as much as you don’t want to admit it.”
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iwrestlenow · 3 years
Many More To Die - Chapter 2
TITLE: Many More To Die (Chapter 2)
FANDOM: Sanders Sides (Necromancer AU)
SUMMARY: Names are powerful things--and after ten years, Logan's has acquired quite a bit. The restoration of his power is something he has to fight viciously to keep secret...But he's not the only necromancer who's in hiding. Above his head, Roman is being introduced to the people of the Kingdom's as his father's successor--but someone in the shadows is coming for the royal house of Sanders, of which Roman is part.And Logan will not stand for someone laying figurative hands on anyone that belongs to him.
SHIPS: Logince (Logan/Roman), future Moceit (Patton/Janus) and Dukexiety (Remus/Virgil)
WARNINGS: lots of death because necromancy, slash, and more to come as I figure it out ‘cause it’s late and I’m tired. In this particular chapter, CW for angst--I’ll post what kind at the end if you want to avoid spoilers, but I’m warning because for me? It’s a triggery subject. Be safe, you’re all so sweet and ILU.
Also, no betas, we die like men.
NOTES: This is based on the gorgeous piece of art by @gretacticdraws that can be found here. I ended up writing a ficlet for it, and then my brain got swallowed up. Breathe at me wrong, and I’ll write more
hell, who am I kidding? I’ll write more anyway because this? Is self indulgent drivel. XD
Also located at AO3 over here.
1025, A.A.
Logan was yanked from a sound sleep by the utterance of his name—not the sound, but the feeling of it. Crawling around inside his skull like ants, static electricity shocking his neural pathways and the core of his essence. It was red strings and his first meal after that one stretch in the dungeon's blackout cells after he punched the guard that dislocated his shoulder.
Logan Berry. Logan Berry. The gift from his guardian angel was two years old at this point...and Logan was starting to wonder if it was more than just a small reminder of his personhood, to keep the harsh world around him from breaking his spirit.
Sitting up, Logan rubbed his eyes and reached for his glasses where they sat on the floor beside his pallet. When they had finally given them back to him two weeks after his arrival, the right lens had been all but shattered. The guard who had returned them—the same one who injured him—smiled far too wide for Logan's liking, inciting the attack that had gotten him punished.
“I am awake.” he announced softly, sliding his glasses on and rising from his pallet to approach the bars of his cell. Squinting in the low torchlight, he searched...
A point of bright yellow sunlight, slit down the middle by a reptilian pupil gleamed in the shadows before the body it was attached to came into view. Swiftly, it was joined by another eye, very much human and dark as chocolate. A sweep of hair as black as Logan's own fell across his forehead, and the torchlight gleamed across the burnished surface of the scales that covered half of the young drake's face and neck.
“Of course.” the drake shot back dryly, not quite managing to hide the sibilant accent inherent to his species. “That's why you were snoring.”
“What do you want, Janus?”
The eighteen year old Janus narrowed his mismatched eyes at Logan—but quickly gave up on trying to look intimidating. He hardly needed it, being not only older, but the son of the captain of the guard.
“A favor.” he admitted, sparking enough of Logan's interest to banish the last of the cobwebs lingering in his head. Janus didn't like being indebted to anyone—and, to that end, usually came to Logan for favors, as Logan was always perfectly willing to trade his assistance for some commodity, be it books, food, or the repair of his glasses.
“What is the favor?” Logan asked.
Janus said nothing for a long moment, staring into Logan's face...no, not his face. Squinting, he realized Janus was quite deliberately avoiding direct eye contact by focusing on a point just above Logan's eyes, somewhere around his forehead.
Shutting his eyes, Janus ducked his head.
“I...need a name.”
“A name, all right? Like the one you picked for yourself.”
Logan was startled by that request—he told no one about the boy who came to him, claimed he made up his own surname to replace the Name that was stripped away. Some of the guards disliked it, stirring fresh retellings of the legends of the Lazari: necromancers with the power not merely to raise the dead, but craft true, living souls from sheer force of will.
He even heard some new ones about the Animata: a theoretical balance to the Necromata, magic practitioners that could manipulate life the way necromancers manipulated death. From the stories Logan overheard while pretending to sleep with guards outside his cell, the Animata had been wiped out by the rise of the Animator, the First of the Necromata, leading to his rise and attempted enslavement of the Kingdoms. With the Animata gone and unable to keep the balance in check, the king had been forced to slay the Animator and had outlawed necromancy soon after.
All stories, of course...but over the last two years, as his name wormed through his brain the way the power of the prison mages had, it sometimes made him wonder. After all, mythology and legend served two functions in human history: explaining natural phenomenon that were not yet understood, or hyperbolic retellings of one or many actual events.
So the prison guards talked, wondered if Logan had designs on restoring his own Name through the adoption of a new one—but Janus, for all his trust issues and ilicit dealings, was an intelligent boy with a good head on his shoulders. He wasn't one for fanciful stories—only those that he could tell in the name of manipulating others.
Perhaps that was why he felt some measure of shame or embarrassment for asking Logan this favor? There was clearly some...unidentified emotion behind the request, and Logan wasn't particularly good at coping with emotional issues. He highly suspected that, when he still had a Name, he had been essentially the same.
“...I want to be allowed to keep books in my cell.” He hadn't meant to say anything indicating agreement—but the words fell out of his mouth without any conscious permission.
Janus's head snapped up sharply. This time, he met Logan's gaze with an intensity that was decidedly threatening.
“That's all?” he asked, squinting after a long moment. “No...commentary?”
Logan shrugged. “You know I do not care for sentiment. Your obvious flirtation with it, in this situation, does not interest me so much as what I can gain from the moment of weakness on your part.”
“Are you sure you're only fourteen? You sound way too much like my grandpa sometimes.”
Logan rolled his eyes, declining to rise to the bait. Instead, he gave the matter what he felt was a comically superficial amount of consideration.
“Hart.” he finally decided.
Janus raised an eyebrow at him, mismatched eyes losing focus for a moment before he nodded to himself.
“That...works surprisingly well.” he mumbled, seemingly more to himself than anything. Refocusing on Logan, Janus straightened and once again resumed his attempts at exuding as commanding a presence as he could manage.
“You'll get your books.” Janus assured him. “I always pay my debts.”
“Past performance indicates this is an accurate assessment. Hence my request.”
“Oh...go back to bed.”
********** 1033, A.A.
“Ladies, lords, non-binary royalty, and all of my valued subjects!”
By the gods, I'm going to throw up.
Roman stood behind the curtain on the balcony, his heart in his throat. Every part of him was screaming to run, to hide, to sink into the floor and vanish through sheer force of his desire to not be there—to push Remus out to take his place when the king made his proclamation. Already, he could feel the weight of his impending responsibilities threatening to crush him, the world narrowing and the walls closing in...
He couldn't do this. He wasn't ready. He wasn't smart like Remus or as patient as his father, he wasn't commanding enough—he couldn't be king.
But he would be. One day.
Peering through the curtain, he saw his father turn...and though the pride in his face only made the terror worse, at the same time...
He could do this. He had to.
Smiling, King Thomas Sanders IV extended a hand towards him in silent encouragement. It was the same hand he offered to those subjects that knelt before him at court to have their grievances heard, the same hand he offered to both Roman and Remus as children when they felt shy or had fallen down while playing...
...or leading him back into the house when he was out to hunt a Lazari...
“I give you your future king—Prince Roman Sanders!”
A hand fell to his shoulder, squeezing hard enough to bruise.
“Give 'em hell, Ro Bro!” Remus hissed gleefully in his ear.
It was strange, but some of the weight lifted itself off of Roman's shoulders, with his brother's hand there instead as he stepped out onto the balcony and into the sunlight.
For a moment, it was...magical. The ghost of Remus's fingers pressed into his shoulder, his father's hand curling warm around his nape—the people of the Kingdoms below, smiling and cheering in a symphony that filled his lungs as readily as it filled his ears, turning his heart into pure starlight.
For a moment, basking in his father's pride, his brother's confidence, and his people's love—he didn't just feel like he could do this, he knew that he could.
For a moment—that was all he got before his heart stopped beating.
It happened suddenly, but somehow it felt as natural as breathing. The tension of that missing engine powering the body and soul, the inability to draw breath. It was the peace of sleep, the flow of one step into the next while walking down an evenly paved road—he knew something was wrong, and yet he could not escape the manner in which it felt so normal.
Standing there, dying in front of the very kingdom he was meant to serve with no rhyme or reason for it.
Let it go...it felt so right, it felt proper.
As his vision began to dim, and the hand he'd raised to wave to the crowd started to fall by his side, he felt the urge to fight sliding out of him, eyes already slipping shut...
Easy as existing. Getting dark, time to sleep.
Until he heard a sigh next to him that was chilling.
The king.
Death no longer felt so inevitable, nor did it feel right. It was wrong, but...it was inside him, twisting and warping to form words that echoed inside his head. Something was slipping into the void left behind by the absence of a heartbeat, speaking to him in the Reaper's voice...
The necromancer.
Logan was only aware of it in passing—however, Logan wasn't supposed to be capable of even that, and had to take such painstaking care to make sure that no trace of his magic could be felt anywhere. He had to keep the fact that he had power hidden, had to beat back every trace of it.
So he was aware of his magic, far more than he was aware of the distant stars that were the lives of every creature within the palace and beyond.
And the feel of his power waking, straining towards death? That hit him hard, made him focus on that awareness of what was happening.
“Lo? You okay?”
Logan spun in his seat and stood, stalking up to the bars of his cell. It was little more than a voice in another house, reaching him barely through thin walls and great distances...but it was growing closer, crossing that distance, too close too close too close...
“Logan? You're scaring me.”
Patton was at his side, watching him with wide, fearful eyes.
“Someone is killing the king.” Logan breathed.
“What? How can you possibly know that?” Patton hissed.
Logan opened his mouth...and nothing came.
Until that voice, hollow and honeyed, was suddenly in his house and in his veins and in his...in his.
For the first time, Logan understood why the Necromata were so feared—why he was locked below ground, why he had no Name of his own and why it was so desperately important to make sure no necromancer could ever practice their art.
The moment he sensed that foreign power encroaching on something that belonged to Logan alone, everything was chilling instinct and cold, calculating fury. The power swept up and took over, took action to reclaim what was being stolen.
The king was dying, but so was the Green Man.
Logan's last rational thought before an eerie blue light swallowed up his eyes and the power wiped his mind clean was that, if the Green Man was close enough to the king, he might actually be able to save them both.
********** The necromancer in the dungeons. Roman could feel it, he was certain of it...it felt cold and airy, thick morning fog swirling through his marrow yet rendering his mind strangely clear. It was familiar, not all that different from the way it felt when they touched in Roman's dreams.
The necromancer was there. He was...helping Roman.
You have to get to the king.
He didn't know, even after all these years didn't realize who Roman was, and that was the way it ought to be, and yet...he was warning Roman, he was--
The wrongness of it filled his chest in the space of a blink, filled his lungs, forced breath into his body. The fight squeezed every muscle, including his heart, in a steady rhythm that started his blood moving again. Roman tried to clutch at his chest, but he couldn't.
He felt cold all over, but his body was working, warring with some outside force, struggling to stay alive.
His body was no longer his to control, he realized with a rush of fear. The necromancer...chill fog, thick and light and clear, in his head and his veins and his heart...
Roman's body was turning, his head swiveling around, obeying an order he did not give.
The necromancer was animating him now, manipulating his every move—and all Roman could do was stand there and let it happen--
This time, when he tried to move, his body obeyed him, his will and that of the necromancer uniting as one.
He rushed forward, reaching out...
In just enough time to catch the king as he fell, a corpse gone cold by the time the both of them reached the ground. ((CW: parental death--but this IS a necromancer AU. Just keep that in mind. XD))
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trifoliate-undergrowth · 3 years
Pacific Rim 3
I outline the plot of Pacific Rim 3 as experienced by me in a waking fever dream before and during today's 4am shift as a way to distract myself from real life stress with imaginary stress, written in breaks during work and in the parking lot before driving home because I'm going back to sleep when I get there and I want to preserve this fever dream first before I lose the details of it,
Ok I've been here for 3 hours and I don't know how to do a read more link on mobile I'm sorry you're getting this as is whether you want it or not I need to sleep goodbye
Dr. Gottlieb and Liwen are working on building their own portal to the Precursors to beat them up once and for all
Jake is seen giving an inspiring speech to a new wave of cadets who've been training with the old ones, now fully realized Jaeger pilots. Amara is everyone's favorite instructor.
Jake is very imposing and military and inspiring. Jake is everything the kids need him to be. Jake slips away from the party early and tears off his uniform before disappearing down a side street in his civilian clothes
Nate has the visible emotional human reaction of milk curdling and goes after him
Dr. Gottlieb and Liwen Shao are talking to someone about how they're making progress on the rift but they need help. Someone in particular who knows about alien tech. He's coming in on the next flight, actually. The person they're explaining this to gives a disbelieving "no..."
Wakes up in his house in the middle of fuckass nowhere. Somewhere away from technology he could theoretically use For Evil, or people he could theoretically hurt. This is, however, a self-imposed isolation, as he seems to have been granted his freedom, conditionally.
We see his morning routine, featuring normal stuff like making coffee, panic attack in the shower ft. indistinct memories of the Precursors, taking a massive dose of PPDC-granted experimental medication, starting the car, another indistinct alien trauma flashback, listening to the radio on the way to the airport where people appear to recognize him and he low-key has a panic attack because oh God everyone knows what I did
Jake leaves the bar and runs into Nate, who gives him the old Argh Argh Responsibility And Pride talk and Jake is like yeah man I know shut up
They have a fistfight in the rain and the neon lights in the alley outside the bar
No one properly wins because they've drifted so many times and they can predict each other's attacks but they both land a few and take a few, Jake gets hit a bit more because he's drunk
They both end up just sitting in the rain feeling sorry for themselves
Nate: Jules proposed to her girlfriend.
Jake: I know
Nate: they're getting married.
Jake: yeah that usually happens when someone proposes
So Jules wasn't going to end up with either of them and they're both sad about it. Nate suddenly suggests they go back in the bar. He'll buy Jake a drink to make up for beating him up. Jake is like ok sure but the drink's gonna be soda because I was LEAVING the bar because I was ALREADY drunk
They share a Soda Of Angst at the bar and talk about how they're gonna die alone. Jake says "at least we've got each other" and it's impossible to tell if he's joking. Nate is like "you know what this place isn't that bad we should come back sometime."
Newton reaches the lab. He is terrified of Liwen and awkward around Hermann. He instinctively calls Liwen "boss" and she reminds him matter-of-factly that they're working as equals now, "since you ruined my life's work."
Hermann asks how the medication is working and Newton indicates that it works fine but he still gets anxiety about it not being enough. Hermann promises him it's been proven effective, thus why the PPDC let him out of his crimes against humanity iron cell of shame. It's revealed that what they're giving him is a stronger dose of a medication originally developed for burned-out Jaeger pilots with unmanageable symptoms, and that it blocks out memories related to the drift--and since this is how the Precursors were reaching him, this works to block out their influence. The cost is that Newton doesn't remember much of anything past building his own neural bridge. He knows it happened but the details won't load. He's constantly worrying that it's not enough, that the Precursors will come back, and is taking a dangerously high dose that gives him constant hand tremors and worse insomnia than usual.
The first time he and Hermann are left alone they have an uncomfortable attempt at talking which gradually turns into an argument about nothing in particular. Newt keeps calling him Hermann but it sounds Wrong and Hermann hasn't been allowing people to just use his first name here and he finally snaps at Newton to stop it and he's like "oh my God I can't call you your NAME? what the hell am I supposed to call you??"
Newt says something angsty and Hermann says something like 'yes well the nicest thing that ever happened to me was drifting with a dead and decaying piece of kaiju viscera' and he says it sardonically but he's serious
Newt doesn't remember any context for the time they drifted.
Newt assumes he's being maliciously sarcastic and starts SCREAMING at him
Hermann just looks at him in shock at first then just lets him go for a little while
Eventually shutting his mouth by jabbing him under the chin with his cane and saying, very quietly and coldly, "get out of my lab"
Newton gets out of the lab
Newton runs into Nate and Jake at The Angst Bar and they recognize him but he has no idea who they are but he's willing to just roll with it at this point and asks them if they know Hermann well enough to give him advice
"like that was sarcasm right? I'm pretty sure he was making fun of me but now I'm less sure idk"
Nate's: no he's immune to sarcasm
Jake: yeah it's kinda funny
Nate: *the gaze*
Jake: I mean, nothing wrong with that, but yeah if he was being sarcastic that'd be first time it's happened as far as I can tell
Newt: are. Are you telling me. That someone actually. For some reason. Offered me a sincere compliment. And. I yelled at him
Jake: that's your call, I mean, you know him better than us, right? You guys were friends right?
Newton, who doesn't remember any of these people:
Nate: I mean I wasn't there, only way to tell is to go back and ask him
Newt: aaaaaaa
Newton goes back and Liwen is like "hey I've got no idea what's going on here but can you weirdos just act normal for two seconds so we can get some work done" and Hermann and Newt both just kinda. Laser focus on rift stuff
Remember the guy with the "no why would you involve Newton"reaction? No because he's but important and has no name or real identity? Yeah ok every Pacific Rim movie needs one Designated Douchebag to cause Interpersonal Drama and this guy is it. I'll call him DD for short
DD shows up and is like oh my God you actually turned Newton loose in the lab?? Why would you do this we're all going to die
Everyone just ignores him
Designated Douchebag has the self-importance of a high elf and the confidence of a fucking walnut and doesn't like being ignored
And starts talking directly to Newton, which really freaks Newton out but he continues pretending to ignore him
DD: so you're safe now? Not going to start speaking alien gibberish?
Newton: don't plan on it
Hermann, without turning around: DD you may not like to hear this but it was never your business who we brought in to assist, we don't need your permission, and complaining about Newton now that he's already here is certainly not going to do any good.
DD: alright fine but you'd better keep a close eye on him.
DD: anyways Newton tell your girlfriend I said hi
Newton, blank: who?
DD: you know, Alice?
Newton's face registers several emotions as he grapples with a name from the buried memories-confusion, disgust, terror-mostly shock
There is an abrupt cut
Liwen, thinking her two colleagues were acclimated to each other enough to allow her to leave the room and get tea without disaster, is walking back down the hallway talking with a lab tech when they hear the sound of something breaking
A moment later the doors to the lab are flung open and DD is forcibly ejected, collapsing on the floor in front of them. Dr. Gottlieb exits the lab behind him, holding his cane like a cricket bat. There is a muffled sound of Newton yelling OH MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING
Liwen backs out of range of cane damage and sips her tea, mildly intrigued. The lab tech starts to run for help and nearly crashes into Nate and Jake, who came running to see what the yelling was about.
Nate: what is--
Dr. Gottlieb: YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID SIR!! *He takes a handkerchief out of his pocket and wipes some blood off the handle of his cane*
Nate: WHAT is happening
Newton: *trying to have a quiet hysterical laughter meltdown in the lab before anyone remembers he's there*
Anyways next plot point. An alien shows up
Not a Precursor! A nice alien
Listen if PR:U gets to pull all that bullshit with Mt Fuji I'm allowed to add aliens okay
Hermann should have a nice non-genocidal alien friend I think he deserves it
Anyways the alien is clearly a different species than the Precursors (or Kaiju) and seems friendly but they can't communicate with it, the linguistics team is working on it but it's going to take A Lot of Work
Hermann goes "hm I've got a quicker and more accurate option"and wheels out the drift interface
This alien's mind doesn't link well with human minds but Hermann is a pro and powers through
He gets seasick and throws up and finally comes out shaky with a bloody nose and eye but he's managed to communicate!
The alien is a diplomat from another world the Precursors attempted to colonize, they survived because the Precursors underestimated the humans' resilience and spread themselves too thin, trying to invade earth and the alien homeworld at the same time and then getting distracted dealing with the humans, which left the aliens time to prepare their defense
They're here to help with the war effort, they don't have a lot that's relevant to current human scientific understanding but they can help fill in some of the gaps in the human's knowledge about rifts
They're making progress! Yay!
Things are getting serious, training montage Jake and Nate and the new pilots getting ready to kick ass
Newton finally brings himself to apologize to Hermann and explain he was confused but the net progress here is still zero because then they immediately have ANOTHER argument
Hermann has started writing his notes in the alien's language, he wants to make sure he can remember it well enough to help the linguistics team, and it's also beautifully precise and he just loves it and loves that he's able to write it, come on who wouldn't be proud of being the first contact human
Newton sees a bunch of notes of Alien Gibberish (to him) and gets Bad Vibes
Newton doesn't think they can trust the alien, Hermann does but his proof is mainly "I can tell because I drifted with them" and Newton 1. Doesn't remember what that's like and 2. DOES remember that the last time he thought it was a good idea to drift with an alien he ended up nearly killing literally everyone on earth
They yell at each other some more
At some point Hermann tries to deescalate and asks why they can't be friends again and Newton, still yelling, says "people keep acting like we're friends and I don't remember it! As far as I'm concerned this is all we ever had! I barely remember you at all and what I do remember is that we hated each other!"
Hermann: ....I never hated you. .. alright, colleagues, then? We've got a rift to build
Newton, still hyperventilating slightly: ok ok yeah sure yeah
Interlude: Jules gets married!
She asks Hermann to walk her down the aisle (where she meets her wife, who walked down the opposite aisle to meet in the middle)
Newton, protesting "I don't know I don't feel like I should be here," is physically dragged into the venue by Liwen, who is telling him that this is a diplomatic event it's his duty to be at.
She drags him over to Hermann and settles between them, soaking in the chaotic gay science panic vibes
She seems to be enjoying herself
Jules sees Hermann in the audience and an evil gleam comes into her eye
She has a strong arm
She hurls her bouquet directly at his face
Hermann ducks, panic granting him lightning quick reflexes
The bouquet, travelling at about Mach 5, zooms past him and hits Jake Pentecost squarely in the nose
He inhales several petals of baby's breath and gets slapped in the eyelid by a vine and goes into a dramatic coughing fit. Nate pounds him on the back.
Alien, speaking through a translating device they've got set up (it isn't perfect but it works on a basic level mostly): is it bad luck to touch the flowers?
Hermann, still slightly panicked from the near miss: no it's ahh, there's this silly tradition that whoever catches the bouquet is likely to get married next, and ah, as you see there, sometimes a bride with a sense of humor will, err, intentionally aim it at someone who, uh, didn't necessarily want it?
Alien: I think I understand. My sibling often tells me to go the southern hills of ^°^=^^°^°^^°°= to find a mate, though I have told them many times that I have no such desire.
Nate and Jake are like "ok neither of us have a date I guess we're drinking our sorrows away together at the reception" and do that
And maybe make out a little bit
Neither of them is ready to deal with Feelings so they both just blame it on the alcohol and try not to think about it too hard
Newton, venting @ someone, explains that there's an empty space in his memory where he knows that that something about Hermann is supposed to go and it doesn't feel like the other, worse memories he's blocked out, it feels like he lost something precious, but he has no idea what that is
Hermann tells Newton he's been working on a device that might block out the Precursors' influence without affecting his memory, so he can use all of his knowledge. And so he isn't constantly so confused about who he does and doesn't know but he doesn't say that part
It connects to his skin a bit like a drift interface
Newton is terrified but enthusiastic about maybe being Less Confused All the Time
The fact that he is guarded by a full security detail to make sure he doesn't Become Evil Again the whole time he's going off his meds really doesn't help the stress much
Memories start coming back but they're confused and jumbled and at first he's not much better off
The Precursor nightmares are about what he expected but he keeps hearing Hermann's voice in there too and he's not sure why and he can't remember when he heard it like that
Meanwhile Hermann keeps needing to drift with the alien to clarify important details about the rift that they don't know how to translate into human terms, but it fucks him up a little bit more each time he does it until the last time he passes out for like at hour and wakes up disoriented with a nosebleed that just won't stop and Jake orders him to stop drifting
He's ok with that because they've got the information they needed anyway!
Newton, despite his misgivings, reluctantly joins Liwen, dr. Gottlieb and the alien in command to supervise the mission, still wearing the device and getting random bursts of confused memory
Jake and Nate are piloting the Lady Avenger (did u know gypsy is a slur and they prefer to be called Romani) and go though first and start punching Precursors and their bodyguard Kaiju
Newton goes very still and just stares at Hermann for like a solid minute while he's trying to work, his expression shifting to something new
Hermann, softly: what?
Newton, smiling: I remember you.
Hermann, furiously trying to interpret alien data: is this really the best time??
It's a close fight across the rift, the Precursors are on their home turf and the Jaegers are not, fighting in a bizarre low-gravity environment that doesn't really have floors
Their base is set up differently than expected and Hermann decides he needs to check something with the alien. By drifting with them. He's still bleeding uncontrollably after the last stunt that got him banned but he's determined to do it because It's Necessary
Newton takes the headset from him and puts it on instead
It feels Bad
But then he sees another planet, beautiful, so different from his own yet so similar. He sees aliens attacked by monsters from the deep, responding more or less how the humans had, moving inland, building useless walls, building their own monsters for defense. He sees the alien diplomat losing friends and family.
He sees the journey to earth, and drifting with Hermann. He sees the alien's memories of Hermann, and Hermann's memories in the drift. He sees how Hermann remembers him. What he forgot. What the Precursors had blinded him to.
He doesn't have time to think about it because he's feverishly trying to translate the knowledge he's receiving into data that works with their human technology so they can help the Jaegers and there's blood dripping from his face onto the controls but it's there, in the back of his mind, he knows now. Hermann missed him.
The Lady Avenger is hit and Jake is knocked unconscious. They begin to drift downwards as Nate, unable to move the Jaeger alone, yells at Jake with no response
Newton disconnects from the drift, nearly blacks out, and has to sit down for a minute. When he comes back around he sees the Jaegers are in trouble--none completely disabled yet, but they need more help
Newton has an idea
Newton: ok I'm gonna do something stupid. *To his security detail* listen I need you to aim your guns at me and shoot if you think I'm out of control
Liwen, with zero hesitation, reacting quicker than anyone else in the room, pulls out a gun and sticks it right in his face
Newton: see, yeah, that's what I was saying, like that. Thanks boss, glad someone here's got guts.
Liwen: not your boss
Newton: I kinda like saying it tho
Liwen: hm. I'll allow it.
Newton: ok. Hermann--uh
Hermann, hearing his name said right this time: it's ok
Newton: :) ok cool I'm going to deactivate the blocking device I need you to turn it back on as soon as I squeeze your hand, can you do that
Hermann: absolutely.
The Precursors are a hive mind. In battle, when pressed, they can force their thoughts outwards, confusing and scrambling the communications of other species while keeping in contact with each other. This is going well and normal until there's an unexpected distortion which resolves into Newton's voice
(epic Tom Morello riff)
Newton can't keep the connection open for more than a few seconds before they start to overwhelm him, Hermann pulls him back. It was enough to confuse the Precursors and give the jaegers an advantage.
During the delay, Jake wakes up. He's disoriented and in pain and so is Nate, still linked to him, but they can move again. They one-hit-k/o the Precursor that was creeping up on them, turn around, and realize they've drifted almost right into the reactor they've been looking for
So they blow it up
Hermann is still holding Newton's hand as everyone else celebrates. He looks at Newton for confirmation, who nods in relief.
"they're gone. Well, those ones are, anyway."
Humans start opening rifts across the galaxy to kick Precursor ass across multiple star systems
(epic Tom Morello riff intensifies)
Humans team up with multiple alien races previously menaced by the Precursors to take out their common enemy. Jaeger tech is combined with alien science, humans and aliens drifting
They figure out how to use a recording of Newton's Precursor-influenced brainwaves as a weapon to confuse them
So basically Newton makes a recording of himself screaming at the Precursors that's weaponized by teams across the galaxy and it's incredibly cathartic
Jake, in a hospital, is woken up by an infuriating snoring noise. Nate is sleeping in a chair by his bed. He's both annoyed and touched. Mostly the latter.
Hermann writes a book in what is now his third language, the alien script precise and beautiful
We see Newton and Hermann getting dressed together for an Important Event, they're both complaining about having to go but seem not to mind too much. Newton ties his tie too loose, like in the good old days. Hermann fixes it for him.
No one died
The free peoples of the galaxy took down the Precursors with no casualties and the power of screaming
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
Midnight Striga: Fairy Tail/Owl House Cross Fic Episode 3 Part 3
And once again, I arrive with another piece of Midnight Striga!! Everybody Clap Your Hands!!!
With a sigh, Amity plopped herself down in her seat, her Abomination prepped and ready for deployment next to her. Panning her gaze across the classroom, her eyes zeroed in on an empty desk; Willow’s desk. ‘She probably choked and designed to take a zero.’ Amity mused, carefully ignoring the sinking feeling that always tugged at her chest whenever she was around, or thought of, Willow. A Blight had no use for thinking of ‘what if’s, when they could instead focus on their present and their future.
Any further musings were cut off as Willow hurriedly rushed into the room, her Abomination pot trudging along behind her. Amity almost snorted. Was she really going to present that shoddy thing? It was her funeral. Still, Amity was a bit perplexed at the sight of Willow’s beaming grin.
“Alright, are you all prepared for today’s inspection?” Their instructor announced imperiously, not even bothering to walk as his Abomination served as his vehicle; Amity had little respect for the man, but she gave him the diligence his position was due, both for how it impacted her future, and her observations of his skills at the art of Abominations himself. As their teacher scanned the displayed works, he called out criticisms at every turn, “Too many eyes, too many toes, toes in the WRONG places, bah! The only real Abominations in this classroom are you all!” His disdainful shout caused many of the students to wilt in their seats, all but Amity of course and, to her surprise, Willow, who leaned forward eagerly.
The teacher huffed, before giving a familiar ultimatum. “If the next Abomination I see disappoints me, it will mean extra homework for everyone, for a MONTH!”
Amity internally rolled her eyes, tuning out the myriad groans of her classmates. Still, there was no reason for them to suffer because of how strict their teacher was. With a wave, Amity rose to her feet. “Allow me to present next, professor!” With a graceful twirl, her Abomination, utterly without flaw or defect, rose gracefully from its confines.
He chuckled. “Oh no, Miss Blight, you know I always save the best for last!” While the stroke to her ego wasn’t unwelcome, it meant she would most likely have to endure him singling out someone as an example, just to make a point. How petty. “How about
 Miss Park.” Of course. Amity leaned forward, morbidly invested in what she was certain was going to be a trainwreck.
Willow carefully hid at the despairing calls and groans of her classmates. They’d all get to finally see what she could really do, and she couldn’t wait for their reactions! “It would be my pleasure sir!” She said with a sunny grin, throwing all but the teacher, who cocked an eyebrow, and Amity, who was certain it was a bluff, for a loop. How could she be so calm?
“Okay, if you’re gonna do this, you’ve gotta keep that image of a plant in mind.”
“I don’t know, will this really work?”
In, and out. Willow slowly drew a circle, intently focusing on the image held within her heart. The class murmured around her as long, ropy vines of Abomination goop coiled out of her pot.
“I mean, you know how plants grow, right?”
“Of course I do! I just don’t get how that’ll help.”
“Well, you know about climbing plants, I assume.”
“Plants that scale a surface as they grow long vines across it? Yeah, but what does that have- Oh!”
“Now you’re getting it.”
Willow bit her lip, watching as the ropes slowly built upon themselves, clinging to one another, a torso slowly being sculpted from the mass of ooze before her. As the vines clung to each other and multiplied, the image of arms and legs took shape, the overall image having a solid, sculpted quality that even some of the finest Abominations lacked. As the tendrils wove tighter, the definition grew, to the point where it almost looked as if a skinless hulk of well-honed muscle stood before them. If they hadn’t seen it being built, everyone present could’ve sworn it had been carved from stone, it was so detailed. The teacher stood atop his Abomination, mouth agape, almost pitching forward as his eyes hungrily rove across the magnificent specimen before him. To think, Willow had the skill to create something so glorious!
As the classroom burst into roaring cheers at her display, Willow allowed a pleased grin to stretch across her face. Everyone celebrated; everyone, that is, except Amity. She couldn’t believe it. Moreover, she WOULDN’T believe it. There was no possible way Willow could’ve salvaged that
 mess from before in time, much less make something like this in comparison to her previous efforts. Amity’s nail bit into the wood of her desk, her teeth grinding. She would DEFINITELY get to the bottom of this.
Pulling himself together, the teacher allowed a wide grin to crawl across his face. “Oh well done, Miss Park, well done! Who knew you had been hiding such talent?”
Willow sheepishly chuckled, feeling embarrassed. “I just got some good advice on how to move forward, and, well, I took it. It really helped me in how I approached this.” She gestured to her Abomination.
Amity silently growled to herself. ‘Advice. Yeah, right.’
“I must say, Miss Park, this Abomination you divized is simply marvelous!” The teacher exclaimed, attempting to clamber onto its arm. He was slightly surprised, however, when his legs sunk into the apparent Masterpiece’s arm. “Uh, Miss Park?”
Willow flushed, feeling sheepish. “Yeah, I haven’t perfected it yet, so it’s a little unstable right now. My apologies.”
The teacher waved it off. “Oh nonsense, while I admit that is a tad disappointing, you still have shown an incredible degree of improvement! In fact
” he gained a slightly mischievous grin. “In light of this development, I believe that I shall grant you the position of Top Student!”
“”What!?”” The twin shouts, both of surprise, one more of astonishment, the other of incredulity, rang through the classroom.
The teacher nodded. “Indeed.” With a twirl of his finger, the badge that embodied the title shifted from Amity’s uniform onto Willow’s, much to the former’s fury, and the latter’s embarrassment. “Ah, but don’t worry. This is temporary, just until the end of the day.” That statement mollified the two students, if only slightly. “Now then, I believe that it is time to release you all.”
And with that, the bell screamed, signalling all students to leave their classrooms. Willow was relieved, eager to meet back up with Luz and share the great news; her advice had worked even better than they had hoped! For another student, dread and anger burned in their heart. Amity had no idea how Willow had gotten access to that Abomination, but the fact that she was granted such a prestigious honor over it, one that Amity herself had worked to the bone to obtain? Amity was going to get answers, one way or another.
Boscha whistled to herself, casually strolling through the halls. The students she passed gave her a wide berth, even wider than usual. It seems rumors of her changed behavior had spread. Not that it bothered her. Not much bothered her at the moment really. If anything, she felt what could almost be considered relief, she mused to herself, oblivious to the vicious blow she sent to a passing Demon, sending them flying into the lockers, a thin line of blood dripping from their lips. A blank smile played across Boscha’s face, dull and lifeless. Just like she felt. What use was pride and social standing when you were weak? And she was. Weak.
She had made it abundantly clear. That power, that energy, the sheer visceral passion she had felt that night. She wanted to feel it again. Boscha’s free hand slipped into her pocket, mindlessly gripping the jewel she had found after that brawl between that Puppeteer freak and her.

Boscha snorted to herself as she gazed over the milling crowd. Acting as if they meant anything, as if anything in this trap meant anything. Her senses had sharpened after that night, to the point where she could feel the power flowing through each and every Witch and Demon she encountered. Her eyes narrowed at the thought of Demons; she had never really cared much about them before. But after that night, when she saw a taste of what they were capable of? The sheer weakness they carried around as they acted as if they were no different from Witches disgusted her on a visceral level.
Forcing her mind off of the dark train of thought, Boscha recalled what she felt when her heightened senses encountered Half-A-Witch; power. A wellspring of power was coiled in that body, but the feeling it gave, of roots burrowing and breaking through even the hardest of rock, of plants reaching from the lowest point to the heavens, of a world bursting with life, didn’t line up with what her senses gave her when it came to Abominations. In other words, she was mismatched. A pity. Still, that feeling from before, when her sense suddenly SCREAMED at her to turn and look
 if only she could recall just what she had felt. In the back of her mind, she almost could say what she knew deep down was true; she was here.
“So, Miss Noceda, I believe you mentioned that you were interested in touring our grounds?” Hieronymus Bump, Principal of Hexside, and survivor of Eda Clawthorne’s reign of terror over the school during her younger years, mused as he overlooked the intriguing puzzle before him. A human, here on the Isles, something unheard of for generations! And, more than that, one who could use Magic, magic of a kind unlike any he had seen before.
“Indeed sir,” Luz respectfully replied. She was being genuine too. This guy just gave off those vibes to her, the feeling of someone who genuinely wanted to help, and was willing to put in the effort needed because of it. After she had demonstrated her magic earlier when she had ran into the man, and his subsequent attempt to apprehend her for trespassing, they had managed to reach an understanding. “It’s been a while since I finished my own official education, so seeing how Witches go about theirs is a treat.”
Bump blinked, wondering if he had heard that right. “I’m sorry, but did you say you had finished your Magical Education?” Was she some manner of prodigy?
Luz grinned, pleased at his reaction. “Yup. I am a fully accredited mage!” She flashed out the certificate her teacher had insisted she go in to get, oh so glad she had managed to hang onto it after all this time. As Bump marveled over her document, she continued. “While mages are trained differently than Witches seem to be,” she stated, looking over the numerous classrooms and varied subjects, “We are still trained to a standard where we can use our skills to maintain a financially stable lifestyle. And I, personally-”
“Are a qualified teacher, I believe you were going to say?” Bump interjected, bemused at the information the girl’s document had revealed. He internally chuckled at the girl’s visible deflation. Accredited teacher or not, she was still a youth of comparable age to some of his students. “Still, I must say, with your display earlier, and this here, I find myself a tad perplexed at your interest with our facilities.”
As the girl’s eyes sharpened, Bump’s internal alarm started ringing. “While coming here, I encountered one of your school’s students. Frankly, her talents were being wasted to an almost horrifying extent in her current classes.”
Bump raised an eyebrow, interested. “Oh?”
Luz nodded, solemn. “Yup. Her potential for Plant Magic was something I’ve never seen the like of before, and her power was on another level compared to the other kids her age I saw around town. The fact that she was doing Abominations, and utterly failing, was baffling to me.” She turned her gaze up to him. “Just how difficult is it to transfer to another Track here, sir?” She asked.
As Bump mulled over the information she had given him, he answered. “Not exceedingly. While it is irregular, students who show dissatisfaction with their current Track, and some measure of skill or talent in the Track they wish to transfer to, are allowed to switch. But, as I said, it is irregular.” He shrugged, feeling sad at his own statement. “I must ask, but is this student truly struggling so fiercely?”
“Her Abomination was literally just a head,” Luz bluntly stated. “And she was my age. She should’ve been much more skilled if she had even a slight level of talent for the Track.” Luz crossed her arms, sighing. “When I got an idea of what her core difficulties were, I gave her a mental trick to help her out. It should’ve given her enough of an edge to eek out a solid grade. But the trick has limits; it lets her get around some of her issues with making Abominations, but it won’t be able to take her very far, at most it gets her on level with the practical basics.”
“Hmm. That is worrying.” Bump pondered. “Tell you what, we shall meet with this student, and I’ll see what I can do.”
Luz smiled, glad it had gone well. “Why thank you, Principal Bump, sir.” The two shook hands.
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trashystar420 · 4 years
Babysitter Chapter 6 Maribat
It had been a few days since Marinette discovered the ‘villain’ that is Damien Wayne, or is that ReALLY his name. After all he IS a villain.... according to Trixx, which could be considered a reliable source. Fifty-fifty.
She couldn’t focus at the discovery Trixx found. Aparently he was looking in her history. Not a good thing. Especially if as the current guardian of rather powerful magical jewelry, must remain a secret from anyone and everyone. Especially from supposed supervillains.
“Why me.” The designer moaned to herself. Resting her head on her sketch book. Tikki just gave her holder a pat.
“Tikki what am I going to do? A random person. A villain is now aware of the existence of kwamis and will be looking around for them. And he KNOWS that I know.”
“Don’t worry Marinette, if there is anyone who can figure this out. It’s you! After all you are ladybug.”
“Was Tikki. Was. It’s been years Perhaps I’m losing my touch.” She thought out loud.
“Your not thinking of.”
“You know what Tikki. I think Ladybug needs to come out from the shadows once more.” For the first time in a while. She felt a spark. A feeling. It was like as though she were reborn into a new person. Tikki didn’t say anything.
“Tikki spots on!”
“Alright, Robin Jr., Red Hood. Get in position. Red Robin, on your signal.” BlackBird (aka Damien yes I know I said Robin a few chappies ago but screw that!) ordered. The two younger birds also stayed in position. Red hood’s guns and Robin Jr.’s batons at the ready.
This was it. They finally found Mr. Freeze’s hideout. Red Robin was currently drawing the crazed ice fanatic into a trap. That trap being Dick and Jason. Damien stayed on the sidelines. He wanted his younger brothers to gain some experience on their own, and if something were to happen, he could intervene.
“Alright guys he’s right on my tail, so make this quick before I’m frozen over.” Red Robin warned. Jason cocked his guns at the door. Dick above the door. Ready to jump the villain.
The door burst open. Tim tumbling out there. Mr.Freeze came soon after, and that was when Jason shot with 100% accurate precision. At his freezing tank,resulting in the tank to explode, releasing all the ice.
“RB Jr. NOW!!!”
And the baby bird managed to land a solid hit on his noggin, rendering him unconscious.
“I-I did it!!!” Dick cheered. Jason swept him off his feet and spun him around, also proud of his baby bro.
“We did it! I’m so proud of you.” Jason told.
Dick shook his head.
“You were the amazing one Red Hood. You managed to shoot at his tanks without breaking a sweat. Your a real marksman!!!”
“Dawwww ya really think so lil D- AHEAM!” Damien interrupted. Jason reluctantly put down little Dick.
“What’s it to you?” Red hood spat out. Robin Jr hid behind Hood.
“Don’t yell your real names out loud, you never know who or what can hear.” The experienced vigilante breathed out. Much like his father, was also pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Oh sorry BlackBird.” Dick apologized. Red hood still gave him a look, well sort of. His mask basically hides his face, but Blackbird could bet all his money that Jason was giving him a withering glare.
“Alright now lets give the ice freak over to the police and get our butts home huh? I want to get in a nice warm bath.” Tim than pushes both his younger brothers out, letting BlackBird handle the cleanup.
“Why is it always me.” The oldest bird asked to himself. He dials for the police not long after.
Ladybug jumped building to building with the same amount of grace she had back when Hawkmoth and Hawkmoth 2.0 reined their terror down on Paris. With a practiced swing, she threw her yo-yo on a protruded ledge, and utilizing the momentum from the yo-yo swung herself up and far. She kept repeating the process for a few more times. The all too familiar cool breeze. The adrenaline. Marinette felt like the wind.
When Marinette transformed, she was surprised to find her hair much shorter, which wasn’t a bad thing. Long hair could get in the way during a fight and she DID not like ponytails. Perhaps a bun, but it just wouldn’t look good with the costume, or that is was the Bluenette thought.
She landed on top of an apartment, and sat on the ledge, her feet dangling off the building, without a care in the world. The heroine let the breeze hit her face again as her big blue eyes stare into the Milky Way. She just simply let herself get lost in the feeling of tranquility. Breathe in breathe out. Repeated breathing techniques taught to her by the previous guardian, Master Fu. Now deceased due to natural causes.
Her bittersweet memories interrupted by the blaring sounds of a robbery.
“Who robs a bank in the middle of night?” She bitterly spoke to no one in particular. Without a second thought, she jumped to the crime scene to find two burly men in typical black ski masks and all black clothing. Too occupied in carrying the heavy-looking sac of money and precious gold, Ladybug coughed to alert the two theives.
“Ah shit here another one of them!!! This time a spotted freak!!!” Theif one bemoaned.
“Shit Carlie should we just the goods and scram?” Thief two asked. Thief one warily gazed at the mysterious heroine, before reluctantly tossing the bag to her.
“Keep it, we want no trouble.” He gave in, thief two did the same. Mari gave a look.
“I don’t want stolen goods, I came here to stop you two!” Ladybug clarifies. Thief two made an ‘oh’ sound, while thief one nodded.
“You two gentlemen are smart, so why go through with this?” She asked. The two were taken aback by the question, but before thief one answered, thief two spoke up.
“We are desperate ma’am. Our mama is terribly sick and we got no bills to pay for her medicine. The doc said if she don’t get it she gonna...” and then proceeded to bawl. Thief one patted his brother and also began to shed some tears.
“Dammit Dyl, I told you not to cry- hic- your -hic- gonna make me cry....” and now Ladybug is comforting two burly men crying their sorrows out. The spotted heroine asked how much the treatment costed.
“Over $100,000.” He answered. Ladybug winced. Remembering that she earned over $100,000 over the last two weeks due to online commissions and her babysitting gig.
“How about you two show me to your mama first, after we put all the money back.” The two nodded and did just that.
“Dylan!!! Charles!!! Why are you two dressed like that?!?” Mrs. Bension asked.
“We’re sorry mama. We needed the money to heal ya.” Charles answered. That earned the two a hard slap.
And a hug. More tears ensued. Ladybug awkwardly stayed on the sidelines at the display. And then Mama Bension looked at Ladybug.
“You’re not gonna report them to the police are ya?” She asked with baited breathe. Ladybug looked. And really looked at the family before her. They looked so close together, and so happy. It’s not like they wanted to rob a bank to get rich, all they wanted was enough to save their dying mother.
Taking an exasperated breathe, she looks over to mama Bension.
“No ma’am. This secret stays with the four of us. I understand that they were in a terrible position that would’ve made anyone desperate. Now tell me, what is it that you have?”
She had breast cancer.
Ladybug pulled out a roll of money. Around $200,000. It will be over $100,000. That much Marinette knew.
“This should cover the bill. And if you need more or anything else”, she proceeds to take out a little bug, like communicator. It was smaller than her nail.
“Press this small button here” and the bug thing released its wings, displaying a monitor.
“It will alert me. Now I must go. Take care and good luck. And please. Don’t resort to thievery again.” And she took off into the night. The Benisons looked at the amount of money she handed to them. The brothers cheered with tears of joy, while the mom looked over the strange device she left.
“What a strange woman. Kind, but strange.”
“Well today’s the day.” Marinette spoke, while looking at the calender. The day being her scheduled babysitting day. She informed Bruce ahead of time if she could take the two boys out with her, and he agreed a bit too eagerly.
“Alright we are first going to the Gotham museum first, and then we will take a nice walk in the dog park. And finally, the amusement park. Hey guys did I miss anything?”
“Picnic basket check.” Tikki informed.
“First aid kit check.” Longg answered.
“Phone at 100%.” Pollen shouted over the counter.
“Are you ready Marinette?” Kalkki asked playfully. She just rolled her eyes at the sassy kwami.
“Alright let’s go you guys.” And off the five went.
Done! That was chapter 6 ya’ll enjoy!!!!
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lovelyjasmari · 4 years
KHOC Week 2020 ~ Day 3
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Art commissioned by @madasthyhatter​
While her ability to use a keyblade was inherited from her grandmother, many of Kalai’s powers are inherited from her father. When she’s still a teenager, Dilan teaches her how to use a lance but she really doesn’t tap into her affinity with the wind until she becomes a Nobody. 
Alixka wields several types of spears and staffs and can create and control storms. She’s called the Maiden of Tempests because her powers are extremely volatile and it takes her a while to really take control of her abilities. 
Below is an excerpt from the rewritten second installment of her story, showing Alixka using her powers to take down some pretty powerful Heartless. By this point in the story she’s had trouble grasping her abilities without harming herself and has been knocked to critical health afew times already. This is the first time she’s used her powers successfully. Also, can you guess the Disney character she’s interacting with?
Merciless Storm (Excerpt) ~ 966 Word Count
The sound of a cracking piece of driftwood brought Alixka’s mind back to reality. She wasn’t alone anymore and that’s when she noticed the girl from the village, watching her. Despite knowing that she should not be interacting with Somebodies, Alixka found herself curious about her. And clearly she was curious about Alixka. 
“I...I don’t know where you came from.” she began hesitantly. “But thank you, for destroying that monster.”
The Maiden of Tempests smiled; she seemed nice and not afraid or suspicious of her. She was about to say something to her when they felt a strong gust of wind coming from the ocean. The waves rose to dangerous heights and the girl ran off, back into the direction of the village. 
“Oh no, not again!” 
“Has this happened before?!” Alixka asked. “What is it?!” 
“Another one! Another monster!”
And with these words, the skies went dark, clouded by the wings of two large winged Heartless. Dustfliers! 
Damnit, Saix! You didn’t tell me I’d be dealing with THESE bastards too! 
Her weapon was drawn as she watched them fly out to the sea. The way they glided along the water caused more high waves and Alixka began to understand why the houses behind her had been abandoned. The tidal waves caused by the Dustfliers must have made it impossible to live so close to the sea. But Alixka would take care of them now. 
It didn’t matter at that moment that Alixka did not have a keyblade, she would take down these monsters and prevent them from terrorizing the inhabitants a moment longer. This time, fighting them proved easier than in Dwarf Woodlands, now that she understood how they moved and how they attacked. One of the Dustfliers returned to the shore, charging at Alixka but she managed to avoid an inevitable collision with a gale that pushed the monster back to sea. She ran into the water and slashed at the creature, finishing it off with a flurry of hail. 
There was only one left, it circled above her, spitting fireballs that Alixka dodged with ease before it swooped back down into the waves. The resulting gale pushed her back to the shore and before she could stand again, it created a shockwave that covered the beach and the sea. Temporarily stunned, she glared up at the monster. And for the briefest moments, she thought about using her Limit. 
No. I can’t! Not after I promised Xaldin that I wouldn’t! Not until I’m stronger. 
The monster was lunging for her again, she had to stop it before it returned to the shore. She summoned another gale that pushed the monster back to sea long enough for her to think about her next course of action when a soft, natural wind passed through her hair. This gave her an idea. 
Alixka returned the waves, her eyes not leaving the monster for a single moment. It took a few moments longer but finally, another natural wind came and she closed her eyes, focusing on it. At the right moment, her eyes snapped open as she manipulated the wind to accelerate her body towards the monster. Her spear drawn, she slashed at the creature's neck in a swift and critical blow. It wailed and began to fall back into the waves but it was still alive, though not for long. 
The wind answered her call once more and propelled her back into the sky she summoned hail that mercilessly pelted the Heartless and finally, with it’s attention away from her, she plunged downward, running her spear through the Dustflier and destroying it. 
Breathless and exhilarated, Alixka returned to the shore and fell back into the sand. Gazing up at the sky and marveling to herself that she had actually managed to fight off three large Heartless without help or without the use of her Limit power. She closed her eyes and smiled, feeling herself drift off to sleep before being interrupted by the sound of footsteps. She got up but found herself not surprised anymore to see the young girl watching her with admiration.
“Those monsters won’t trouble you or your people again.” Alixka smiled. 
“That was AMAZING!” the girl rushed towards her and took her hands excitedly. “The way you took down those creatures! How the wind carried you! It was incredible! YOU’RE incredible!”
The older girl laughed. Keyblade or not, she had destroyed the monsters and earned this young girls reverence. It felt odd to her, that a Somebody could think so highly of her as a Nobody but it was endearing to her nevertheless. Alixka thought of her most recent dream, of the person who had defended her against monsters, and how much she wanted to be strong just like that person. This girl’s admiration reminded her of that. 
“Thank you,” she said. “But your praise is not necessary. Fighting those creatures, it’s what I do.”
“But what you do is wonderful! You truly have the heart of a warrior!” Alixka bit back a little scoff in spite of herself. Clearly this girl was not aware of the nature of Nobodies and in the next moment, she began to pull Alixka towards her village. “You have no idea how much trouble those monsters were giving my people! Please! Allow us to thank you properly!”
Alixka knew that what the girl was suggesting was against every rule in the Organization’s handbook, but at the same time, she found herself not really caring. The praise was moving her in a way she did not understand nor could she describe, but she was enjoying it. And there was something about this girl that she enjoyed as well, so much so that she felt it wouldn’t be so bad to break the rules a little while longer. 
BONUS: I’m still in the process of designing Kalai’s post KH3 keyblade but I imagine it to be a long reach silver blade called Graceful Destiny. Below is an excerpt from the fifth installment of her story. After a few months of training together, she and Kairi have their skills tested. The path of training has not been an easy one, will they succeed? Let’s find out!
First Test of Strength ~ 1176 Word Count
The rest of the day was spent in preparation for the night to come. Soon after the last bit of sunlight had fallen behind the mountains, Aqua summoned Kairi and Kalai to the mountain path to begin what they had been training for. The others watched on in the distance. 
“Now, while this is not an examination for the Mark of Mastery.” She said to them. “ Nevertheless I expect you both to perform to the best of your ability. Look into your hearts to find the power you need. And it will surely lead to triumph.”  
“Yes, Master!” They said in unison. 
Behind their master stood a large set of gold rings attached to chains, Aqua motioned toward them. 
“Strike the rings to make them spin, keep them spinning in the air for five minutes.” 
This was the first part of three in their test. Between the two of them, they managed it with ease. When the rings had been spinning for the specified time, Aqua told them to shoot at them with streams of light, which they did easily.
For the second part of their test, she summoned an invisible wall in front of her and instructed them to shoot more light at the barrier. When the light bounced back they guarded it easily. Then Aqua told them to do the same as she summoned a stream of light directed to them. They guarded it again with ease, passing their second trial.
“Two down, one more to go!” Ventus beamed. 
“They got this!” Terra grinned. 
Finally, Aqua extended her hand and summoned Brightcrest, her own keyblade. She smiled as she took up a fighting stance. Kalai and Kairi glanced at each other; they had already known what the first trials of the exam would be beforehand, but not this. 
“For your final trial, you will both take me on.”
“HUH?!” Kairi jumped. “At the same time?!”
“How is that fair?” Kalai asked. 
“It’s not!” Kairi answered her. But Aqua continued to smile and Elrena giggled. 
“Aqua is a Keyblade Master!” She said. “So if you’re worried about hurting her, don’t! Be more worried she’ll hurt you!”
“Gee, thanks!” Kalai laughed. “But very well, Aqua. If that is what you expect of us.”
Without another word, their master charged at them. At once, Kalai jumped out of the way while Brightcrest clashed with Destiny’s Embrace. The older girl took a moment to smile at how Kairi managed to hold off Aqua’s attack before lunging at her from behind. It was as though the master had eyes in the back of her head because although she seemed focused on the younger girl, she swiftly spun around and summoned a rainbow of energy that Kalai quickly guarded before clashing her blade with Aqua's.
They traded blows for a few minutes with Kairi moving beside Kalai, her senses on high alert but unsure of what to do next. Then an idea came to her. 
“Get down!” 
Kalai assumed that was directed at her and did so. Kairi then summoned several pearls of light while her friend summoned a gale. This time Aqua was not fast enough to dodge both attacks but she regained her footing almost immediately. Her blade clashed with Kairi’s once more and Kalai watched their movements just as the younger girl had done for her moments ago. 
“Now, Kairi!” 
When the time came, Kairi spun out of the way, she stumbled but Kalai jumped in front of her. Neither were sure they could defeat Aqua but neither would back down. The older girl managed to disarm their master briefly, and she took the opportunity to spin around her and deliver a blow from behind. Aqua fell forward and Kairi was about to point her blade at her in victory but she surprised her by cartwheeling forward and making Brighcrest reappear in her hand. 
“Not bad, you two.” She grinned. “But
She pointed her blade at Kairi, and in the next moment, she was ensnared with chains of light. Kalai pointed Graceful Destiny and summoned another gale that Aqua blocked with ease while charging at her. The older girl tried to get behind her master again but was unsuccessful. Their weapons clashed but Aqua pushed her away before preparing to trap her in the same chains of light. Kairi could see this and with all her might, tried to break free from her trap and surprised both herself and her friends watching when she managed to do it. 
“Amazing!” gasped Lauriam.
“I got ya, Kalai!”
Kairi was so quick running to her friend that she did not even see it coming when her master thrashed her blade at her, and in the next moment, she was on her knees, Brightcrest pointed at her nose.
“Oh no!”
At once Kalai worried about what this would do for her friend’s confidence. She had been doing so well until that moment. But when she rushed to help her friend up, she did not see sadness or disappointment. Quite the opposite. She was breathless, but strangely enough, laughing. Aqua made her blade vanish and smiled at her pupils. 
“Well done, girls.” She said. “Hope I didn’t go too hard on you.”
“Too hard?” Kalai suppressed a giggle. “No way! Right, Kairi?”
In truth, fighting Aqua had been very hard, but neither would say so aloud. Her skill was on a whole different level compared even to  Lauriam and Elrena. It could easily be seen why she was considered a Master.
“Kalai, your strength is without question.” Aqua went on. “But you attack from behind too much.”
Kalai bit her lip to keep from smiling, that was something her father had often chided her for. It had been a good trait in her Organization days but not as an honorable keyblade wielder. That would be something she would have to unlearn. 
“And Kairi, your skills have improved immensely. But you hesitate too much. Stop being so afraid; there is nothing to fear. Your heart is strong. Let it guide you.”
Kairi lowered her head in modesty and felt when her older friend put her arm around her. It was still hard for her to believe that she was anything but weak, but today had helped her see that she would not always be weak if she kept training and had faith in herself. 
“In the end, you two fought best when you worked together. That is ultimately what is expected of you, as the newest generation of keyblade wielders.” Aqua turned to Lauriam, Elrena and Ventus who were still watching from the side with Terra. “We are all on the same side and fight for the same goal. Remember that. Kalai, Kairi, you both pass. Tomorrow I will give you your new armor.”
How their hearts swelled with joy at this! They embraced each other and then embraced their master. It had been difficult, but they had done it. This would be the first step forward in their new journey with their three other companions. Together, as warriors of the keyblade.
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