#fic spoilers
mathelaw · 2 months
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WARNING: SPOILERS (fic Kurdu'abadaz)
A little thingy I did for @lordoftherazzles newest chapter of Kurdu'abadaz, this fic gives me LIFE. Go check it out!
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glitchysquidd · 2 years
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Hide & Seek
A scene from my fic I'm Not Paid Enough it happens in Chapter Three <3
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 7 months
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that’s it, it’s split, it can’t recover; just frame the halves and call them brothers
that’s it, it’s split, they can’t recover, frame the halves and call them a whole
btw most of the harm that comes to reader in this au comes from others and not actually Moon he’s just like. Playing spectator to their suffering lol
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demonic0angel · 6 months
Spoilers for Ghost Game (click for clarity)
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Minus the finale, these are all of the arcs I've decided on for the story.
Thank you to everyone who commented and enjoyed my story! The 2nd chapter is coming in 2 days!
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mizu-ren · 19 days
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More spoilers
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derpygirl-draws · 1 year
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OH NO! My secret bitty! They’ve gone and revealed themself!
This is what I get for my excitement over the fnaf ruin trailer qmq Mutiny! Mutiny I say!
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theclod3215 · 8 months
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My piece for the Malevolent Big Bang 2023! ( @malevolentbigbang )
Image ID in alt and under the cut (with some extra silly doodles!!)
It was an absolute honour to work with everyone on @organchordsandlightning ‘s fic!! It’s such an amazing story, I couldn’t recommend it more!! (I might have cried a bit)
You can read it here!
[ID: Digital art of Arthur Lester sitting cross-legged holding a golden haired baby, presumably Emily McFarland, swaddled in a golden blanket. Arthur, or rather John, is gazing down at her lovingly, tears running down his face. He is sitting against a stone bricked wall, with dark vines crawling towards him and blood splatters behind and on him and Emily. /End ID]
Unofficial doodles I made to try to come up with ideas! (Also cuz I went a little insane over the fic for a bit)
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[Image ID: Screenshot of a Procreate canvas tinted a light cream. Several monochrome (excluding a blush applied to each figure) digital sketches of John Doe and Arthur Lester cover the canvas. John is portrayed as a large (in musculature) man with dark prominent eyebrows, a curved nose, a stubbly goatee (only on the chin) and yellow eyes with slight wrinkles underneath. He has dark hair styled similar to the ‘Façon’ hairstyle, though more messy and swooping/fluffy. He is also lightly shaded in.
Arthur is portrayed as a slight man with very messy hair reminiscent of the cut of the ‘contour’ hairstyle (but with no gel and grown out slightly). He has a moustache and prominent eye bags as well as many [canon] scars. His scars include: a nick on his right eyebrow close to his eye, a long thin scar along his neck, a large, messy, scraping scar on his right jaw and cheek, his wooden right pinky (sometimes not depicted on accident), and various other bodily scars. From left to right the sketches are as follows:
The top left sketch is of Arthur, in a plain white button down, seemingly laughing affectionately and looking downwards.
The next sketch is of John, in a button down, tie, vest and slacks, as he looks down at a bundle in his arms (the baby, or, Emily McFarland) with an anxious expression with wide eyes. The caption reads: “You are” [crossed out] “He’s a Dad!! (Boogie Woogie Woogie!!”
The next drawing is a design sketch of John, in the same clothes as before. He is looking to the right with a serious expression, eyebrows drawn together. The caption to the right of John says: “John’s Human Body.” The notes read as such: “In Arthur’s POVs, Just a silhouette w/ eyes”[pointing to the sketch].
The next is a series of four(4) drawings. The first being a darkened silly here of a figure (John) in a doorway, holding the door open with the caption “ominous.” The second is another sketch of John, still in the doorway, but now visible and this time in a tank top and sleep shorts, with messy hair, more stubble and an exhausted expression. There is a speech bubble reading, “Can I come in?” attached to him. A caption is to the right, also attached to the next drawing, and says, “same energy as:” the next sketch is in a simpler chibi-like style compared to the last, though it reflects the same moment from a different angle, with John saying a bit more pitifully, “Mom, I frew up.” The last sketch in the series is of Arthur, in the simpler style, looking as if he just woke up, with an exhausted and exasperated expression, squinting forward, as he hunches over and balls his hands into the blankets. The caption with an arrow pointing to him says, “Thought he was done w/ midnight invasions after Faroe”
In the upper middle left, there is one drawing of John, in button down and vest, anxiously clutching his chest/shirt, with wide eyes and a frightened nervous expression. The caption with an arrow pointing to him reads, “Look what you’ve done,,, you’ve given him anxiety”
The lower middle left contains another series of three (3) drawings, in the simpler style, starting with one of John. He is wearing a dark suit with a light button up and trench coat. He is looking at someone slightly off camera with a pleading look not unlike “puppy dog eyes” and is saying, “Could I take a cab?” The next drawing in the series is of Arthur, wearing a suit, tie and button down, with a confused look on his face, the caption reading, “*processing *” The next drawing is the continuation of the last, but Arthur is angry and flushing, his hands in the air as he shouts, “I’M NOT A CAB, JOHN”
The next sketch is of Arthur, in the last outfit, with his right hand on his hip and his left doing ‘jazz hands’. He is grinning smugly , his eyebrows raised high above his dark sunglasses. The caption around him reads, ���Best Detective in ✨Arkham✨”
The very last sketch on the canvas, in the bottom left corner is of a cop (no discernible features except a hat, button down, and mouth) talking to Arthur, who looks resigned but pained. The cop says, “Man, this guy has shit luck” /end ID]
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infectiouspiss · 3 months
is this like how squids ink i've never known omegaverse to have squid style asshole lubricant
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pinkpkmntrainer · 1 month
fic spoilers
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he's awful i love him
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ardenrabbit · 3 months
A Long and Slow Recovery - are we past the halfway point? I am so excited to see how everything turns out. Did you do a lot of research to delve into Xie Lian’s experience with recovery? It’s very well written with regard to his mental and emotional struggles. Also , I just love how you write Hua Cheng and Xie Lian’s interactions.
Those Worthy of Following( new name change!) - I gushed about it in your comment section but need to emphasize how much I love that opening chapter with the dual between Hua Cheng and Xie Lian. And this dynamic, of Hua Cheng being the prince, and Xie Lian being the bodyguard, is A+++. Xie Lian is so calm and kind and powerful. He was so fierce about Hua Cheng not talking down about himself. Like,yes gege, please show your Hua Cheng how precious he is, haha. I ❤️ reading Xie Lian showing his protectiveness of Hua Cheng, even from the man himself. I’m also keen to see how Feng Xin and Mu Qing will take to Xie Lian in this verse too.
Is there anything else you can share about it that’s not spoilers? If not, that’s fine too!
Your writing is just delicious - a pleasure, something to savor and come back to again and again.
Thank you!
Omg thank you so much 💕😭💕 Your comments are always such a delight!! It's so validating and encouraging and I hope you know that!!
We are indeed past the halfway point in alasr! I honestly just kind of know what happens in a big blob with like half a dozen bullet points, so I don't have a final chapter count ready, but Chapter 20 is basically the start of the second half of the story. I originally thought the fic was gonna end at just about the New Year celebration, but it turns out his recovery is taking a lot longer than that, and his recovery isn't even the only one we're dealing with now, so I got ambitious. The premise also uh deserves a little more closure and resolution than that lol, so Arc 2 is gonna be a little higher stakes than we've had so far.
I'm so glad you're enjoying how I'm writing Xie Lian and his recovery! Haha I did research a variety of other conditions and disabilities and read accounts from people who have them, because that's just good research. Honestly, though, inspiration for the vast majority of Xie Lian's mental/emotional struggles have been sourced from firsthand experience :)
I'm mentally and physically disabled and have been my whole life, and I wasn't even diagnosed with anything (I was somehow just diagnosed with Teenager) until I hit rock bottom about it in adulthood. I've gotten to a better place with the mental stuff, but even though it's no longer an active threat to me, my bad days can still leave me nonverbal, disconnected from reality, and sometimes catatonic. The physical stuff has been getting worse over the years, and even though I can still walk independently with a cane when I leave the house (as long as I rest a lot), I still fall down just walking in my own home. I keep having to remember that my chronic pain and fatigue isn't normal, and I keep getting evidence that I'm worse than I thought. I've had to reorganize my life around all of it and I'm uh. Not taking it well lately lol.
So alasr is my self-therapy project. Xie Lian is going to get better and I'm not, and that still kind of pisses me off lol, but it's nice to vent and see someone else get a happy ending. So...yeah, at least writing alasr has helped distract me from my own pity party, and Xie Lian's anger, despair, guilt, and forced optimism are cathartic for me. It's not just about me, though; obviously I'm trying to stay in character for him and write in the context of his specific circumstances. But I guess I relate to sick fic stuff lol
Fully aware that that was a lot of oversharing 💜
But ANYWAY, AS FOR ✨ THOSE WORTHY OF FOLLOWING ✨ I'm so glad you're liking that one so far too!! I craaaaave protective badass Xie Lian and I needed a different brand of angst and drama from alasr for a while lol. I love writing violence tbh. I don't wanna spoil too much, but I definitely wanna confirm this:
TWOF is NOT a post-canon reincarnation fic. I'm personally not up for writing that kind of loss of all their canon experiences. And there are probably some really well-written takes on it! It's just not personally my speed. 😅 This one might seem like a post-canon reincarnation fic in the first couple chapters, but it'll make more sense soon.
It IS angst with a HAPPY ending, I promise!! What I'm planning right now gets really rather sad and it might seem hopeless at some point, but I promise, I'm confident in my plan to make it genuinely happy and fulfilling!
I'm exploring a trope about which I've had some general hangups, but I honestly enjoy taking tropes and tweaking them to my preferences. I think a lot of people can already guess what trope I'm talking about, which is fine with me! If it means the buildup and foreshadowing are working, I'm happy it fits!
What I'm panicking about with this wip is that I've convinced myself that I need to earn a doctorate in Tang Dynasty battle and siege tactics to write it credibly lmao. I spent three hours the other night researching ancient Chinese fire starters and the differences between Han and Tang era tea preparation (to little avail). This one is gonna take a lot of research for my own peace of mind but I hope it pays off!
Mu Qing and Feng Xin are gonna be okay!! Someone commented on ch2 that they liked that Mu Qing got hurt because they hate him and I'm like...I didn't think I'd framed that as a good thing..... 😅 That was something a Bad Guy did.......... 😅😅😅
Thank you so much for your kind comments and all of the fun engagement!! I'm truly so honored that you've enjoyed my writing so far! 💖💖💖
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demonic0angel · 2 months
Another spoiler for Ghost Games (click for clarity)
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This is a spoiler specifically for the setting of each arc :3 (Pictures are not mine)
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squeeegs · 9 days
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hey guys you should read @yellowocaballero's fic Rosetta Headstone it's really fun and cool and a good time and don't read too much into the title it'll be fine i promise
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circadiananomaly · 4 months
Love your isat fic!!! I love some good siffrin comfort! You mentioned siffrin's body having side effects from the loops? I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on that!!
Oh!!! My goodness, I can’t remember the last time I’ve received an ask! Thanks, Anon!
Since this is late game spoilers, I’ll put the full answer under a read more…
I was thinking, since Siffrin could barely manage walking after the events Act 6, he’d be guaranteed to have symptoms from that for a while… I haven’t been able to write it in yet, but I also want to experiment with a Headcanon that’s been going around ISaT tumblr that post-game Siff would still have the sugary scent of Wish Craft on him!
Yeah, okay so he’d probably have symptoms like…
Random spikes in temperature (and a sudden increase in the scent of sugar around him, to boot)
(Temporarily) Really bad stamina
(Temporarily) decreased pain tolerance (I’d imagine that his body just,,, gives up for a good while after the loops)
Fainting spells
Sharp increase of appetite (Yeah, even compared to the loops! He’d probably be eating like nearly double compared to back then!!)
Loss of strength in limbs (He legit solo’d the entire house, there’s almost no way his body would bounce back from that quickly-)
(Temporary) Lack of motor control/dexterity (Probably wouldn’t be able to carve for a while. Writing’s manageable, though!)
A lot more Crying (As I’ve written already-)
I wanna write more of these into the fic! Experimenting with the concept of having side effects from a magical mishap sounds super interesting! I will warn you, though, the fic is going to go through so many teeny tiny edits. I keep noticing tiny things and it’s bothering the heck outta me.
I hope this was what you were looking for when you asked this!
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sweeneydino · 8 months
Spoilers for LME[Lime meets Emerald]
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I swear I'm getting there-
I only have like.... 5000 words to go 😩
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infectiouspiss · 3 months
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ohhcinnybuns · 2 months
Tell me about Angel like You 👀✨
Hi!!! Angel Like You is my most recent AU idea(s) after listening to a similar song title by Miley Cyrus, but because I'm complicated and I like to make things difficult for myself, it can go in one of two ways: Potential Fic Spoilers Below
Angsty Beast SKK with an alternative ending to Chuuya saving Dazai before his grand finale. I know there are many AUs about them already, but it was fitting that in an alternate universe, they find happiness, too, even if they thought they were doomed from the start.
2. Very high fantasy - The second AU under this umbrella would be Angel Chuuya and Demon King Dazai. DKD likes a pretty red-haired angel who harbors a deep secret in the recesses of Heaven. Eventually, DKD lures Angel Chuuya down from Heaven, and they meet in the human plane dressed as average humans. They become smitten with each other, fall in love, and often begin to meet to play around in the human world until Heaven learns of their meeting. Hoping Chuuya won't risk leaking their secrets and his secret, they lock him away, out of sight from DKD. Eventually, possessive and protective, Dazai kicks everyone's ass with his ghoulish army, and Chuuya drops from the Heavens to stay with DKD. DKD stays with Chuuya after learning about his secret, accepting him for who he is, and living together happily.
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