#dirty deals
claire-de-lune-poetry · 11 months
Dirty deals-
The ones who wade in the waters
Alligator eyes peering out just to see prey
Not a sound made while they investigate
Waiting for the perfect time to strike
Hoping to swoop in with middle man promises
Contracts with trap doors and theifery
In the end, they'll discard you how seen fit
Maybe even taking a last breath of your own
Sociopath greed fueled by narcissistic desire
So many masks & puppet strings
They wait mouth watering on sidelines
No direct contact for the master cannot become attached
Closed doors only see the evil grin & hidden intention
A silent chess game the world has become
Always monitoring your opponent to know them best
For if you study you'll have the upper hand
Can finally put action to an ill-intended plan
Be weary of those who promise dreams
In pages of legality oozing with schemes
For the price of it is the cage bird singing
Dreams stolen to a man who's looking for an unearned winning.
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The Reply
Ettore waited.  Quietly impatient.  Nicky had stalked off an hour ago to meet with the prince, ordered by Cassandra to make his formal introduction.  If he was to be visiting from his own turf for the foreseeable future, it was only right and proper the Camarilla should know.  She would have no argument with this current set of Ventrue who ran the city like an act of war.  
Nicky was nothing if not an act of war.  
Ettore had objected, saying that family shouldn’t go anywhere unaccompanied, especially not into the prince’s presence, even in a venue so public their meeting under the full weight of the Masquerade.  But Nicky had gone anyway and the Lady had not disagreed.  So Ettore held his tongue.  It was not his job to gain say Lady Cassandra and Ettore reminded himself how Nicky had inherited Chicago from the previous don.  If he could use the term so loosely.   
He glanced sidelong at his clanmate and cousin, seated like a queen in one of the club’s low backed chairs.  She blew cigarette smoke into the dark air, waving it into swirling shapes with a languid finger.  It was a literal smokescreen, her focused window into the spirits that haunted this club, observing the fates unfurling their secrets before her dead white eyes.  She would be watching the meeting from a far, hearing back the whispers of the desperate souls bound to this place, hoping for release.  Lady Cassandra would see if there was something amiss between the formal confrontation of the city’s prince and its abandoned murderous son.
When Cassandra drew a sharp hand through the smoke, sending the faint blue swirls to vanish, Ettore turned back to the crowd.  He saw Nicky rudely pushing his way through the press of kine, in obvious temper.
“I take it the meeting didn’t go well?” Ettore asked as Nicky joined them, remaining unperturbed in the wake of Nicky’s snarling hiss.
“I will eat that bloated fuck’s soul first chance I get.”  Nicky wrung his hands together so viciously Ettore was concerned he’d rip the skin from his fingers.  “That arrogant - “
Nicky broke off, his pale eyes staring at something past Ettore’s shoulders, face hardening in sudden concentration.  Ettore turned, expecting the prince and all his men bearing down on them in response to whatever exchange his cousin had with the Ventrue behind their closed door but all he saw was a beautiful woman draped in a pale kimono, hanging on the arm of an obviously besotted man.  The woman was known to him, of course.  Everyone knew her, on both sides of the Masquerade.  Disinterested, he turned back to Nicky to find him still watching the Toreador saunter by, dragging her willing toy into a dark and secluded corner.
“Boss.  Don’t.  Don’t even think of it.”
“Too late,” Nicky replied, watching the proceedings with calculated interest.  “What’s her name?”
“That’s Pia Hunter.  Don’t do what I think you’re planning.”
“Prettier than I thought she’d be.”
“She’s trouble boss.  Not worth whatever it is you’re considering.”
“The family is not to go near her,” Cassandra spoke.  “Nothing good will come of it.”
“I don’t want good,” Nicky murmured.  “Trouble is exactly what I’m looking for.” 
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zutarawasrobbed · 3 months
I’m sorry, but the Netflix showrunner referring to Kataang as an “issue to tackle” in the future is some of the funniest shit I’ve ever read/heard.
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olexxx · 1 year
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AU episode idea: The “antagonist” accidentally saves the day
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 6 months
"Mr. Bubbles, Mr. Bubbles-"
A little boy's voice--the first little boy that Tim had discovered in the labyrinth city below Gotham--echoed through the cavernous halls. Tim crept over the rubble of a broken stalagmite that had fallen through the ceiling, destroying the white and gold decor and dripping water inside. The room up ahead was lit only from glowing green tubes of liquid that lined every wall of Amity, the ectoplasm that powered the entire city.
"Are you there? Are you there?"
He peeked out from behind a crumbled wall. On his own, the little boy was crouched over corpse, fresh enough that it's blood was still wet on the floor. The boy's giant needle, the go-to weapon of all the Little Sisters that Tim had seen so far, was jabbed into the corpse's stomach and, slowly, ectoplasm and blood filled the glass jar on the end.
"Bring me a lolli-"
There was no sign of a Big Daddy, but Tim knew there was one nearby. These children were never without their protectors after all.
"Bring me a toffee-"
And at this point, Tim had killed enough of them to know for certain that one was around.
His left arm, marked all over with the needle marks of constant Plasm and ecto-dejecto injections, tingled, like there were ants under his skin. Or more accurate, he mused grimly, electricity-
Don't Think About It.
"Teddy bear, teddy bear."
He kicked his bare feet excitedly as he finished harvesting ectoplasm. Screwing off the jar, the child lifted it up to his lips like a cup and drank the viscus liquid down in huge, chest-heaving gulps like his life depended on it. Unlike Little Sisters who wore gore-covered dresses, the Little Brother was dressed in a white medical gown, relatively clean considering his filthy surroundings. His arms and face were free from dirt or blood, and even his hair looked suspiciously washed and combed.
Tim tightened his grip on his gun.
The Little Brother sighed, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. Brushing off his skirt, he yanked the needle out of the corpse. Then, like he could sense him, the boy looked straight at Tim. He froze.
Blank eyes covered in a green flim stared at him... and the Little Brother smiled at him, his teeth stained brown from the muck. "Mr. Helper! There you are, I've been waiting soooo long! Big Sister thought you'd never catch up!"
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sapphic-agent · 2 months
I can't believe how mixed-up the fandom (and the LOK writers) get Katara and Zuko's characters.
I want to make this clear, just because she grew up during the war, doesn't mean Katara was forced to fight. I honestly don't know where people get this from. Her cultural norms very blatantly dictate for her not to. It was something she vehemently struggled against to be able to do. It was always her initiative and choice to fight because that's who Katara is; a warrior.
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Hell, she's even reveled in dominating her opponents and showing off her skills in battle
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But you know who was forced to fight? You know whose skewed concepts of honor dictated him to fight? You know whose society urged him towards participating in war? You know who was the most at-ease and relaxed working peacefully in his uncle's tea shop?
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The entire concept of Zuko's character is that he doesn't easily thrive as a warrior and doesn't enjoy fighting if he can avoid it. One of the key things he learns post-redemption is that fire isn't just a force of destruction, it's also life and passion. And that's what allows him to be a better firebender later.
So it makes no sense that Katara gave up on fighting before Zuko. And don't misunderstand, both of them should have been still relatively active (because Zuko is a warrior too and the point of this post is not to claim he isn't). But between the two of them, Zuko would have been the one to embrace peace and retire
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canisalbus · 1 month
Vachete Suomi AU. Vesuri ja Vaski asuvat suuressa kylässä jossain sisämaassa kaukana suurista kaupungeista kuten Turusta. Kirkonkylän pappi, Vesuri, yrittää parhaansa mukaan vakuuttaa kyläläisiä kasvattamaan perunaa, koska se on satoisa ja ravitseva kasvi mutta kyläläiset eivät tahdo luopua nauriista. Vaski on kartanonvoudin poika ja yrittää pitää suhteita yllä kyläläisiin, että he olisivat suostuvaisia maksamaan veroja kuninkaalle eivätkä hyökkäisi hänen isänsä kimppuun.
Loose translation:
Finnish Vaschete AU.
Vesuri (a type of pruning knife/billhook) and Vaski (brass/copper/bronze) live in a big village somewhere inland, far away from the country's populous cities like Turku (Finland's oldest city and former capital located in the southwestern coast). The village priest, Vesuri, is trying his best to persuade the villagers to start farming potato, a high-yielding and nourishing crop, but people are reluctant to give up their turnips (one of Finland's most important staple foods up until 1800's when potato finally took over). Vaski is the son of a local lord of the manor (or maybe you'd call it bailiff? Or even jarl?) and is doing his best to get along with the villagers so that they would continue paying their taxes to the king and wouldn't turn against his dad.
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inuhalfdemon · 3 months
Dirty Dealings
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Fanfiction Promotional Post
New Orleans; 1950: in a moment of desperation, a young woman makes a Faustian bargain to live forever and is cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets. Addie LaRue is determined to find her life's purpose: despite Alastor's cleverly placed entrapments. The radio demon may just find that he can be bested by his own game...
A fictional Hazbin Hotel prequel work heavily inspired by "The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue" written by V.E. Schwab.
Mature; M/F
Tumblr: Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Chapter 5: Chapter 6: Chapter 7: Chapter 8: Chapter 9: Chapter 10: Chapter 11: Chapter 12: BONUS ONE-SHOT: Chapter 13: Chapter 14: Chapter 15: Chapter 16: Chapter 17: Chapter 18: Chapter 19: Chapter 20: Chapter 21: MUSIC PLAYLIST
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54085216
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eilarae · 1 day
Stardew Valley Discourse: A Summary
shane: i have depression
person: aww poor sweetie im so sorry ily im always here for u
shane: *exhibits symptoms of depression*
the same person: ew there's no excuse for that
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romeave · 7 months
damn imagine getting married and agreeing to do a joint wedding, but the other couple are the protagonists so you have to say your vows off to the side like 50 ft away from the alter next to some bush.
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monocub · 5 months
you think dadan would have dressed up as santa and gifted the asl boys coal for christmas and those little assholes would've complained and started throwing it at her
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bonefall · 4 months
no joke you turned star flower into one of my least favorite characters into one of my favorites. this is why i follow you and this is why its important to talk about this stuff. even when people are aware of these issues, it can be hard to see just how deep they run until somebody points it out
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Star Flower deserves better, most of the cast of DOTC deserves better but Star Flower, Snake, and Bumble deserve the most better
She didn't DO anything man. She's not even that mean. It's super popular for people to just end up absolutely hating her because of Thunder being jealous and angry at her, but she didn't fuckin "betray" anyone, and everything Thunder is saying about her is SUPER messed up and should really have been examined!
Like... how do they unironically write Thunder looking at Star Flower, saying "YOU ONLY LIKE MY DAD BECAUSE HE REMINDS YOU OF YOUR FATHER" and just let that hang in the air?? And leave Clear Sky's internal monologue about how she's going to obey him, be more loyal to him than his "own kin" (Thunder) whomst he's actively abusing, and how he finally has someone who won't question him?
I need her to get therapy, man. I need her and Thunder to get therapy and Clear Sky to blow up.
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sandinmybed · 7 months
can i be fr for a minute?? sending abuse to people online for holding different views than you is not activism and in fact actively hurts your cause. most people are not extreme in their viewpoints, you can give them a new perspective if you're willing to spend some time explaining shit. if someone is saying something you disagree with and you rush in there to condescend to them and call them disgusting and subhuman and dont even TRY to explain calmly why their views are harmful, they're going to shut you out instantly and double down on their views.
most people are simply genuinely ignorant to the issues they're talking about - they just pick their views up from the news and the world around them and express opinions because that's what every person does. if you run in there and tell them they're scum for it, what then? if someone does that to you, are you going to think "maybe i should do some research" or are you going to think "this person is an asshole, im blocking them." a lot of you think you're activists and then refuse to do any kind of actual WORK to support your cause.
#this is not about the isr*el thing even tho thats obviously a huge issue rn#its just a pattern ive observed online#im not saying you have to be kind to people who oppress you dont twist my words#but if youre trying to support any cause and you think calling people names is going to help#youre a fucking idiot lol#people call themelves activists and pro-X cause because they called their opposition dirty c*nts online#how the hell is that meant to help anyone? theyre just going to retreat into their propaganda chambers because you proved what the leaders#of those spaces have been telling them#you can obvs block people if you dont want to deal w them but thats a neutral action. sending abuse harms ur cause.#text#like educating ignorant people is hard work! yeah! its also the entire fucking point of activisim#and if you think its too much effort then just stop pretending you give a shit tbh#like my parents managed to change our neighbour's very xenophobic stance on migrants with a calm conversation#some people will listen and some wont and shes not exactly going out to protests for migrants rights but shes not hostile anymore#and a lot of yall think that isnt good enough but let me tell you it IS good because these things take time!#unlearning things is MUCH harder than learning them in the first place and a lot of people grew up in environments that taught them#very discriminatory and conservative views and its actually not their fault. and its hard to educate yourself differently on something you#have no idea is not true. where do you start w that?
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yourgfdgirlfriend · 9 months
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if he doesn’t react like this when he gets to see a picture of you; drop his sorry ass
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frogs-with-tea · 4 months
thinking a lot about zoro having really sensitive morning sickness, and the smell of cigarettes being the worst offender.
so that means sanji trying so hard to quit so he doesn't bother zoro, and sneaking shameful smoke breaks when he gets too stressed.
think about the potential comedy.
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saintkillerivy · 4 months
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The face in the mirror isn’t my own
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