#daichi x suga oneshot
and they were captains~ a daisuga series
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hello!!! I'm rewatching Haikyuu and decided to add in the scenes where I felt that Daichi and Suga would have a couple's moment! the entire series is being written as I watch! for reference, the only person who knows that they are dating is Asahi, and every fic can be understood by itself!
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I'm slowly starting to add some more ships because I just can't resist. so far we got daisuga (obvi), iwaoi, and asanoya! all of these works were originally posted on my ao3!
{Eavesdropping on My Perfect Setter Who Has Pent Up Emotions} Daichi x Suga
 {Perfectly Missed Opportunities to Kiss the Most Perfect Boy} Daichi x Suga
{Pair of Jealous Boys} Daichi x Suga
{Put Your Headphones Down} Iwazumi x Oikwawa
{Support System} Daichi x Suga ; Asahi x Noya
{Dull and Boring} Daichi x Suga
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ffeelann · 1 year
That´s How — Kageyama Tobio x fem! reader oneshot
boeeenas, acá empezando éste blog donde voy a subir oneshots q tenía escritos y que voy a ir subiendo, los voy a traducir al inglés y capaz le cambie cositas para q tenga más sentido.
éste oneshot es viejito, y lo hice pq ya se estaba estrenando hq to the top y estabamos todos re entusiasmados JSJSDJS
ando haciendo comisiones por pedido de animes y mangas y de lo que te pinte mientras me des una buena base juju, así que éste tipo de os son los ejemplitos que podés usar para guiarte a conocer mi estilo y mi forma de expresar y contar boludeces uwu
Kageyama, internamente, tenía una sensación de incomodidad muy grande en ése preciso segundo.
Había sido "rechazado", de alguna manera, por Yachi, quien siempre lo ayudaba junto a Hinata con el inglés.
Él le había pedido ayuda también, sin embargo, por temas de su tiempo limitado, tuvo que elegir:
-¿y bien, Yachi-chan?-preguntó Hinata con una intensa mirada de reojo dirigida hacia Kageyama, quien se la correspondía sin pena. Yachi estaba temblando por la intensidad de ése mismo ambiente.
-yo...-Kageyama ahora la miró a ella, a la par de Hinata, asustandola un poco.
Y seamos sinceros, entre elegir a un sol como Hinata, y a una persona que con su mirada puede arrancarte un miembro del cuerpo, como lo es Kageyama, hay diferencia. Para Yachi había más que diferencia.
-Kageyama-kun...-al dicho se le iluminó el gesto, Yachi continuó-... Lo siento, de verdad...- Hinata saltó en festejo, acompañado de un sonido de exclamación y una buena cantidad de atención por parte de los que estaban en el entorno. Kageyama suspiró en respuesta- ¡llamas mucho la atención! ¡Hinata, idiota!
Ése tema se debatió luego en el club, los superiores estaban pensando en quien podría ayudarlo a estudiar inglés.
-pues, no lo sé, no podemos solo girar una ruleta con todos los estudiantes posibles y simplemente elegir...-comentó Suga, mientras veía a Daichi con preocupación.
Yachi estaba entregando botellas de agua al equipo, y fue ahí cuando esta misma escuchó algo que le dio una idea.
-¿"girar"?- comentó lo bastante fuerte como para que todos la escucharan, sin quererlo. Los implicados a la discusion se giraron para verla, la ahora protagonista se sonrojó.
-¿qué pasa con eso?-preguntó Daichi.
-bueno... He recordado algo-decretó- no dije nada antes, porque no lo había pensado, pero...
-¿pero...?-preguntó Kageyama- hay una chica de otra clase, y le han dado mucho crédito en ocasiones por su fluidez y facilidad en las lenguas... o los idiomas, en general-comentó. Sugawara reaccionó.
-¿te refieres a _____ ______? Si, si, sé quien es-dijo haciéndole señas de obviedad a Daichi-pues la verdad mucho no me suena.
-¡oh! ¡Es la chica número 6!-exclamó Tanaka observando a su amigo.
-¿"chica numero seis"?
-oh, en ocasiones punteamos a las chicas en una especie de top, ella es el número seis.
-es la chica que los profesores de japonés, literatura e inglés ponen siempre de ejemplo, eso que dicen de "y eso que es más joven que ustedes"- Daichi abrió los ojos- ¡claro! Esa chica, dicen que ni siquiera toca un libro antes de los exámenes de esas materias...- Kageyama se encontró sorprendido e intimidado a la vez.
-¿cómo alguien que nunca estudia va a ayudarme a estudiar?-preguntó. De cierto modo era verdad.
-bueno, puedes pedirle ayuda a ella, Kageyama-kun.
-¿ella querrá ayudarme?-preguntó inseguro, Yachi sonrió, sin saberlo realmente-¡claro!
-una pregunta más...
-¿por qué te recordó a ella la palabra "girar"?-la pregunta de Kageyama era interesante, de hecho, todos la miraron para saber la respuesta.
-porque ella siempre gira un lápiz o un bolígrafo, o lo que tenga en su mano-finalmente el resto de los presentes rieron, por el hecho de la simpleza de la rubia, mientras ésta se sonrojaba.
Bien, aún no llegamos al principio, pues ése mismo día, dio la casualidad de que _____ se había quedado ayudando obligadamente al club al que pertenecía una amiga suya.
De cualquier forma, le permitieron retirarse más temprano, siempre y cuando, avisara a un profesor, que según le había indicado, estaba en el patio.
La pregunta era en qué parte del patio estaba, no le habían especificado y estaba registrandolo todo. Pero minutos después pudo llegar a ver a una chica, que estaba llenando botellas en uno de los grifos, y se acercó a preguntar.
-no, lo siento, no lo he visto, _____-san-comentó decepcionada.
-está bien, gracias. Seguiré buscando...-se dio la vuelta después de saludar sintiendo con la cabeza, Yachi recordó a Kageyama- ¡o-oh, _____-san!
-¿me harías un favor? Uno de los miembros del equipo de voleibol quiere pedirte ayuda para estudiar inglés...-la chica suspiró, bien, después de todo, ¿qué podía perder por ayudar a alguien?
-supongo que está bien, ¿no?-dijo antes de que Yachi tomara todas las botellas y las acomodara para llevarselas, una vez llenas. _____ la siguió hasta su destino.
-¡Kageyama-kun!-lo nombró Yachi con alegría, pues ya no se sentiría culpable-¡_____-chan está aquí!- Kageyama salió de la cancha, después de que lo reemplazaran en su rol.
-______ ______-la nombró, solo para asegurarse. Su bastante largo cabello estaba atado en un moño desordenado, el cual no tenía liga, estaba sujetado por un bolígrafo con un diseño.
-yo-corroboró la mas baja. El chico estaba por hablar, pero ella lo interrumpió-Hitoka me dijo que necesitas mi ayuda en inglés, so if you want, I can try to help you- comentó la otra mezclando idiomas. La cara del pelinegro era un poema, tanto por su expresión, que obviaba el hecho de que no lo había entendido en absoluto, como que tratara de entenderlo de alguna manera mágica, pues por la fluidez y velocidad de su habla, no podía estar sino más que intimidado.
-¿e-eh?- la chica sonrió bastante más- que si quiere mi ayuda, estaré encantada de ayudarlo, señor-su mirada se iluminó-pero claro, tengo mis exigencias...-el más alto se sobresaltó-¿quieres que te pague o algo?- la chica se rió y negó con la cabeza- aunque si quieres, puedes-decretó con gracia, subiendo y bajando sus hombros- Con "exigencias" me refería a que vendrás a mi casa.
-bien, sólo dime cuando.
-podría ser mañana mismo, como quieras, ¿cuándo es el examen?
-en tres días-contestó con algo de duda- definitivamente, mañana.
Finalmente, después de sellar el momento y el lugar, decidió darle su número para enviarle la dirección, pues quizás no lo recordara, usando para anotarlo, el bolígrafo de su cabello.
Ahora si que volvemos al principio, había llegado y estaba frente a un patio bastante grande, cuyo único obstáculo eran dos perros bastante grandes y uno mediano.
¿y ahora qué? Se preguntó a si mismo. Después de unos segundos y recordar que tenía su número, dio comienzo a la acción necesaria: llamar la atención de la chica para que le abriera la puerta y "lo protegiera", en cierto modo, de los perros, pues él no se llevaba bien con los animales y esa era su preocupación actual.
Un simple mensaje con un "estoy afuera" bastó para que la chica saliera donde él, los perros la alertaban de la presencia del chico con ladridos, a los que ella respondía con asentimientos o sonidos que pretendían calmarlos, acompañados de caricias.
-oye- la llamó, algo fastidiado por el hecho de que le diera más atención a tres animales, y no a él, que sí habia sido invitado. Bueno. También estaba algo celoso, él no se llevaba bien con los animales pese a querer hacerlo.
La chica estaba vestida con una camiseta de mangas largas demasiado suelta, pantalones cortos y zandalias para salir a recibirlo. Está bastante fachosa para estar esperando a alguien, pensó Kageyama, teniendo razón.
-pasa, dudo que te muerdan si no les tienes miedo-dijo abriendo la puerta, a su vez sostenía el collar del perro mas grande, cuyos gruñidos no le inspiraban mucha confianza, a decir verdad.
-bien, pasa-le hizo una seña al chico. Él asintió, obedeciendo.
Una vez dentro de la casa, la observó con atención, las paredes eran color crema y la casa era bastante simple, aunque había una puerta en el comedor que daba al jardín, el cual aparentemente rodeaba toda la casa.
La chica tomó el control remoto de la televisión.
-lo imaginaba...-comentó Kageyama, algo fastidiado por el hecho de no parecía tener intención de tomar un libro, la chica lo miró de reojo-no me digas... O mejor si, dime qué has oído de mí-Tobio se sobresaltó por la repentina demanda-oí que nunca estudias, o algo así...
-y tienen razón, no estudio como ellos, yo estudio de otra forma-él la miró incrédulo-¿es en serio? ¿"Netflix"?
-¿te gusta Marvel? ¿DC? Sherlock quizás... ¿O prefieres algo como Stranger Things?-comenzó a nombrar opciones, ignorando totalmente al chico. Tobio se preguntaba ¿cómo aprendes sin estudiar?
-tú practicas volleyball, ¿te pasas horas con la cabeza metida en un cuaderno con instrucciones o practicando?-comentó, sabiendo que tenía razón, pues como dicen: "la práctica hace al maestro". Kageyama no entendió a la primera, y pensó que estaba tratando de evadirlo.
-practicando, por supuesto, qué pregunta estúpida...-vociferó Tobio, algo enojado por la obviedad, y por eso mismo fue que ____ suspiró.
-bueno, con el inglés es lo mismo, con cualquier cosa es lo mismo. Cuando juegas volley lo único que te dicen o lees es el reglamento, las bases, no lo que vas a hacer...-él la miró frunciendo los ojos, pensando ahora en lo obvio que era, quizás ____ no era tan idiota como le pareció en un punto.
-¿qué tal "la casa de papel"?-comentó la chica despreocupada, a éste punto ya había comenzado a creer que si ella le había confirmado que podía aprobar absolutamente todo con series y películas, ¿por qué no?
-me quedé en el tercer capítulo, creo...-dijo sentándose junto a ____, dispuesto a intentar, pues ya sabemos que si el rey se propone algo, es capaz de mover cielo y tierra para tomarlo.
-excelente, vamos allá-decretó, poniendo el tercer capítulo. En cuestión de pocos segundos, todo un "al instante", ____ miró a Tobio-si no entiendes algo, pregúntame, pero los comentarios y opiniones sobre la serie serán únicamente en inglés, ¿se entiende? Y no me molesta la cantidad, yo hablo sola bastante cuando veo una de éstas, para practicar.
Y así pasaron la tarde, opinando de vez en cuando, a veces Kageyama tenía frustraciones momentáneas, las cuales se aliviaban con las exageradas gesticulaciones de ____, era "tranquilizador" verla, por así decirlo, pues nuestro armador prodigio pensaba que la muchacha era bastante idiota en algunos momentos, ya que solía olvidar las palabras en su idioma materno y trataba de describirlos.
-¿qué es "pill"?-la chica lo miró, comprendiendo al instante, pero a su vez, cuando iba a abrir la boca para hablarle, se olvidó de la palabra completamente- you know... La cosita-dijo haciendo referencia a algo de tamaño pequeño con sus dedos-¿qué cosita?
-la cosita, Tobio, esa cosita que se usa cuando te vas a...-chasqueaba los dedos en busca de inspiración- ¡mierda! La maldita cosa ésta de sabor feo...
-¿una... pastilla o algún tipo de medicina?-preguntó Kageyama-tú me entiendes, la cosita-el chico comenzó a reír en voz baja, intentando cubrirlo con su mano, _____ se cruzó de brazos-¿qué?
-lo-lo siento... Es que supuestamente tienes las mejores calificaciones, ¡y no sabes hablar tu propio idioma!-_____ le dio un codazo.
-y tú le tienes miedo a los perros, y no es "supuestamente", ¡tengo las mejores notas! Y, y, y, ¡y si que sé hablar en Japonés!
-creí que era malo repetir los... ¿Conectores? O como sea-_____ se sonrojó-¡y no le temo a tus perros!
-bien, cuando terminemos esta temporada vamos a jugar con Jill-dijo cruzándote de brazos otra vez-¿cuál es ese?
-es la mas grande, ¡y es una chica, Bakageyama! Además es la mas vieja y no hay ninguna razón por la que ladre, solo dale una galleta y te querrá...-la chica había acertado de alguna manera, ahora la veía quitar el pausado a la serie que veían, -pues la interrogante de "la cosita esa" les había tomado algo de tiempo- había acertado porque no solo había adivinado de alguna forma que una de sus preocupaciones era no agradarle a los animales, y no solo eso, sino que le había dado una solución, para simpatizar, como mínimo, con un perro, su perro.
Llegó la noche y con ello el fin de la temporada presente de La Casa De Papel que estaban viendo, salieron fuera, como dijo ____ en primera instancia. Kageyama estaba de pié junto a la puerta, mientras que la chica se encontraba en busca de algo desconocido para Tobio.
Mirando hacia afuera por una pequeña ventana rectangular al lado de la puerta de madera, vio como los perros lo miraban desde afuera, y lo cierto es que, por alguna razón no estaba preocupado, al menos no mucho.
La vio volver con un paquetito de galletas, de esas que no a muchos le gusta comer solas, pues son saladas pero sin un sabor concreto.
-toma una-le dijo ofreciendo el paquete-no tengo hambre-respondió, _____ lo miró extrañado.
-quizás tú no quieres, pero me prometiste jugar con los perros, ahora, ¡toma una y entregala a Jill!-Tobio obedeció, mentiría si dijese que no quería tomar confianza con un canino, considerados mejores amigos del hombre.
-¿listo? ¡voy a soltar a las bestias!-dijo ____ con un tono similar a un gruñido, Kageyama vio que las llaves que estaba usando para abrir la puerta tenían un llavero de una bolita rosada y otra verde, ambas tenían cara, le pareció un dato para recordar, quizás, podían gustarle mucho las bolitas, ¿quizás?
En fin. Efectivamente, soltó a las bestias, los tres corrieron adentro, lanzandose sobre Tobio, quien tenía comida en su mano. Jill, el perro más grande de los tres, comenzó a mover la cola, dándole a entender agradecimiento de su parte al chico más alto.
-tenías razón...-dijo, embelesado, a su manera, por el hecho de que el perro le dejara acariciarle.
-siempre la tengo.
-cuando yo diga que es carnaval, te pones una falda y sales a bailar, Kageyama-dijo la chica, ignorando el comentario. El nombrado la miró extrañado-bueno, no es literal, es una metáfora...
-auch, auch, ¡auch!-se quejó ____, el perro mediano le estaba tirando el cabello por la espalda, _____ se echó hacia atrás para quitarlo-eso duele...
-córtate el cabello y no dolerá.
-me da pereza...
Kageyama, desde que llegó a la "sesión de estudio", había querido preguntarle algo a _____. Mas bien decirle, o lo que fuere.
-¿cómo haces eso?
-¿qué cosa?
-como... Alejar, o dispersar, bueno, eso, con las preocupaciones...-dijo Tobio haciendo ademanes extraños. _____ lo miró desde su posición en el suelo-no lo sé, pero no conozco el estrés, "Hakuna Matata", como en el rey león... O algo así.
-"sin preocupaciones", ¿ése es el truco?
Kageyama se levantó de donde estaba sentado.
-me voy, es tarde-dijo, entrando a la casa para buscar sus cosas.
-juraría que se veía más serio cuando estaba en el club...-comentó para sí misma- pero mira tú, es como un niño callado, o algo así...
-¿dijiste algo?-preguntó Kageyama-ah, le estaba hablando a Chill-señaló el perro mediano que previamente había atentado contra su pelo.
-está bien, buenas noches...-saludó ya de pié en la puerta, ____ seguía tirada en el suelo-in inglish, please-dijo imitando ése acento de profesor estirado de inglés- uhm... ¿Good Night, ____-san? -respondió con algo extraño en su voz, era extraño ver a alguien hablando con superioridad y que éste estuviera en el suelo.
-Thanks for coming, Tobio-San -dijo mientras hacia un signo de "paz" con los dedos-tu pronunciación va bastante bien.
Eso fue todo, todo hasta el día de la entrega de las notas, cuando Kageyama fue a ver a _____ a la salida del colegio. Llamó su atención con una mano en su hombro:
-oh, Kageyama...-dijo _____ sabiendo lo que pasaba- ¿cuánto necesitabas para pasar e ir al campamento?-él la miró extrañado- ¿cómo sabes tú eso?
-no importa, ¿cuánto necesitabas y cuanto sacaste?
-no, en serio, ¿eres una acosadora?
-¡Tobio, dime de una vez!
-necesitaba más de setenta, se pusieron exigentes.
-¿y cuantos benditos puntos necesitabas?, por Dios...-_____ se preparó para la puñalada, como le dijera que había sacado un 69 iba a ahorcarlo con unos audífonos. Él le dio su examen.
-no...-exclamó incredula, calculando el puntaje como podía.
-"Hakuna Matata", o algo así...-dijo Kageyama con su tono monótono, sonaba gracioso. En especial cuando justo al terminar su frase, _____ saltó para quedar colgando de sus brazos en el cuello de Kageyama.
-¡definitivamente, Hakuna Matata!, no me esperaba un 86 de tu parte...
-¿puedes descolgarte de ahí?
-aguantas más de lo que creí, pensé que te ibas a inclinar hacia adelante...
-vas a lastimarme-_____ se quitó-está bien, gracias por no hacerme dudar de mis técnicas-comenzó a caminar después de darle su examen. Pero sintió una vez más un tirón de las azas de su bolso-oye...
____ sonrió por la sinceridad que se oía en su bastante apagada voz, sus ojos brillaban, era verdadera felicidad. Al final se despidieron y ____ se retiró.
Lo que nuestro querido armador no sabía, era que dos personas en especifico habían visto todo, bueno, en realidad todo el equipo, pero ellos se harían notar.
-¡Kageyama, eres un desgraciado!
-¡era un maldito examen de inglés! ¡Un maldito examen! ¡tenías que aprender a decir "galleta" e inglés, no salir con la chica numero seis!-lo reprochaban Tanaka y Nishinoya, ya que tenían razón en algo, a veces cuando planeas algo, quizás te sale algo totalmente diferente.
Estaban ya terminando el entrenamiento del día, ya les habían dado la confirmación de que irían todos al campamento, todo estaba listo.
Digamos que cuando iban rumbo a casa el dúo dinamico, sonó una pequeña vibración en el bolsillo del más alto.
-deben estar preocupados por ti, Bakageyama-dijo Hinata.
-no es mi família y no están preocupados por mí, idiota-contestó abriendo el mensaje: "no es por asustarte pero como que presiento que el sábado rondando a las cinco y media me va a dar un antojo de salir a tomar un helado". Kageyama sonrió, si que es especialmente idiota. "No queda de otra."
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sunasjellyfruit · 2 years
Haikyuu - Their favourite places to kiss you.
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Characters: Suna, Akaashi, Oikawa, Kenma, Kuroo, Bokuto, Atsumu, Tsukki, Suga, Daichi.
English is not my first language so feel free to correct me :)
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��☆*: Suna - Lips. Lazy and messy kisses, as if nothing else matters during those few seconds. Doesn't care at all if there's people around, if he wants a kiss then he's gonna take it.
🦋☆*: Akaashi - Hands. Delicate kisses appreciating your hands and your actions. After all, your hands and your fingers are the ones that you use to do all the incredible and precious things you sort.
🦋☆*: Oikawa - Shoulders. Usually when you both are sitting side by side he'll stretch and leave a kiss or two on your shoulders. He might even rest his head there for a bit.
🦋☆*: Kenma - Forehead. Whenever he wants to show you his love he'll just hold you slightly and kiss your forehead or the top of your head.
🦋☆*: Kuroo - Collarbones. He can't resist it, the way you walk in his direction with your pretty smile and that shirt without shoulders, he loves the way you laugh when he kisses them.
🦋☆*: Bokuto - Cheek and nose. He adores physical attention, he craves it, so you can assume that he's going to leave unexpected kisses on your cheeks when you're not paying him enough attention, or a smooch in your nose when he wants to cheer you up.
🦋☆*: Atsumu - Lips or neck. He adores those two parts of your body, he thinks they're more intimate, places in which he'll be the only one who can kiss you. Not only that but he loves to hide his face in the crook of your neck.
🦋☆*: Tsukki - Cheeks. He won't ever kiss you in front of other people unless your relationship is long or serious. He secretly likes to cuddle when he's tired, and it's in those moments when he'll stay near your body and kiss your cheeks. He might also do it if he's feeling jealous.
🦋☆*: Suga - Lips. Needy kisses, smashing your mouths together until you run out of air, holding your bodies as close as possible so you can't go away, careseeing your wrists or your arms before firmly holding your neck.
🦋☆*: Daichi - Forehead. Whenever you're feeling nervous or stressed you have the habit of searching for Haichi, and with just a simple kiss on your forehead and some head pats he's able to comfort and calm you down.
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thighridingsamu · 3 years
if you’re tired of writing these pls feel free to ignore this but i love the “hq boys and your first time” series! i was wondering if you could do daichi and aone! (i don’t know if you write for them so if ya don’t no worries!) thank you bae💘
hq boys and your first time together pt.4
sawamura daichi x gn!reader, sugawara koushi x gn!reader, aone takanobu x gn!reader, sakusa kiyoomi x gn!reader | pt.1, pt.2, pt.3, milestone event |
content warning: praise, swearing, angst but not really for suga, no smut just a bit suggestive at the end for suga, mentions of food (suga and aone), implied dom/sub dynamic (sakusa), implied nipple play (sakusa), impact play (sakusa), use of traffic color system (sakusa). i couldn't think of many warnings, so please lmk if i missed something!
word count: ~1.4k
a/n: dai!! bb!! this was so fun to do!!! im glad i can provide daichi and aone content for thou. but it is almost 1 am so if there are parts that are incoherent... i'll edit in the morning heh. as always: these are just my perception of the characters. these were made with the idea that the character and the reader have had previous sexual experience. also idk how sakusa fits in here but i wanted him to be in the next part so i said fuck it ahahah. enjoy <3
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I feel like a lot of people say Daichi is boring or basic, but I see the first time with him being very fun and smooth. When you think back to the whole experience all you see are the wide smiles. All you hear are the giggles and breathy chuckles. Sex with him is an absolute dream and the memory is surrounded by a soft cloud and sparkles (as stupid and cheesy it sounds, it’s true). The ideal flow is there, everything falls into place.
“So damn sexy,” Daichi whispers against your neck, hands traveling up your naked sides. You can feel his smile on your skin, making your face break out into one of your own. “Don’t know how we didn’t get to this sooner.”
You scoff lightheartedly, carding your fingers through his hair. “That so? Mmm, keep doing that.”
He continues to nip at your collarbones and trails up to your mouth. “Or what? Ya won’t fuck me?” He grins and meets your mouth, cupping your jaw to really make you feel the hunger bubbling inside of him. “Because I really doubt that, babe.”
You can’t stop the half laugh, half whine that you let out. “Daichi, please. You’re too much.”
But you don’t move to pull away or add more to the conversation. Instead the two of you speak through smiles and giggles when the other touches a particularly ticklish spot.
Which eventually turn into moans and heated, desperate kisses as Daichi’s hips rock into yours, his cock filling you up and his body so receptive to your touch.
Suga.. has a hard time initiating sex at first. And ignores your advances. If it was a one night stand thing I don’t think he’d have such a hard time getting sexually intimate, but when the two of you have gone on a couple dates and shared sweet, innocent little moments, something holds him back. The farthest he’ll go for at least a couple months is a makeout, but he’s not on top of you and you’re not on top of him. It’s like he’s scared to mess anything up by making your relationship about sex. Until..
“So what, Koushi? Am I just not attractive to you? Or are you going to someone else for sex?”
Suga chokes on his fries at this, coughs racking through his body. He looks at you with wide eyes, one hand on his mouth and the other pushing the coffee table holding the food away.
You immediately feel bad, quickly setting down your food and sitting closer, rubbing his back and handing him his drink. What was supposed to be a chill night in, you just ruined.
You wait until he’s calm and has taken a few sips, still rubbing his back, to lean on his shoulder. “I’m sorry, that was out of li-”
“Is that really what you think?” Suga’s voice is the softest and the most vulnerable you’ve ever heard. “Y/n, seriously. Is that what you think? That I don’t find you attractive or- or I’m seeing someone else?” At the last part he seems almost offended you’d think of such a thing
Words don’t form for a few seconds. Instead you shove your face into his arm, face warm in embarrassment. When you finally think of something to say, Koushi speaks up again.
“I think about being with you all the time. I want to be with you. I thought I was doing the right thing, taking it slow.” He lifts your face and you can see the--worried?--look on his face. “But I got you thinking I’m getting my dick wet with someone else?”
If it were a different situation you probably would have laughed at such a crude comment. Might have egged him on. But you don’t, because suddenly his mouth is on yours, hands finding your hips and bringing you onto his lap.
“Let me prove to you that that isn’t the case, sweetheart. Please?”
“But our food.”
“Fuck the food.” There’s a pause as the tension melts away, hazel eyes looking into yours. “Let’s work up our appetite.”
Human teddy bear. HUMAN TEDDY BEAR!!! Aone is not a man of many words, but he is a man of action. He believes that he’ll have more success showing you what you mean to him, showing you how much he worships you, as opposed to giving you a whole lovey dovey speech (which he would still do if he thought you wanted it). It’s pure, soft sex that let’s you know this man may be who you end up with for the rest of your life.
It was a normal date night, Takanobu wanted to treat you to this new restaurant that you’d mentioned looked great. So of course he wanted to show you he listened to you 24/7 and made plans to take you out.
At the end of dinner he asked if you wanted to head over to his place. His reasoning was that it was late and he didn’t want you to take a car service so late, and sleepovers with you were too fun to pass up.
Obviously you agreed, getting into his car and letting him drive you home. Once you were inside his place the two of you settled on his couch to watch the new episode of the show the two of you were watching together. Though you didn’t get very far.
For both of you it was too distracting to be so close. Sure, this type of contact wasn’t new. Maybe the pheromones were stronger tonight? But whatever the reason, you seated on his lap led to a new experience the two of you weren’t expecting.
“Nnngh~, ‘Nobu..” You hiss as he pushes deeper into you. Your hands grab at his shoulders, nails digging into the skin.
“Is it good? You’re okay?” Takanobu kisses your forehead and moans when you practically suck him in.
“Good, really good. Keep going,” you reassure, hooking your legs around him. “Please, wanna feel you. Need more.”
And who would he be to say no to your sweet pleas?
So he presses his warm body closer, and though he isn’t a man of many words, he’ll be damned if he doesn’t praise how well you’re taking him.
Nothing about my this man is vanilla. Sakusa is very involved in the world of BDSM. No matter how he met you, he knew that he wasn’t going to just have that experience with you and (safely) move onto his next partner. So there’s an emotional and genuine foundation to your relationship before you get on to the freaky stuff. Now despite that, there is planning and negotiating when it comes to the first time. The two of you have a serious conversation about what you want to do as your first real play. And it’s beyond sexy.
“You’re so good at taking this,” Sakusa coos into your ear, landing another slap to where your thighs meet your ass. “And here I thought you were gonna tap out from me just playing with your nipples,” he chuckles.
The hard on in his pants aches, the sight of you whimpering and moaning with red marks scattered all over you drove him crazier than he could have ever imagined.
“Thank you, sir,” you say in response to the spank and in part to his praise. There’s still a part of you that wants to have a coherent and sarcastic conversation with him in this situation. But it does prove difficult when you open your mouth only for a whine to be heard.
“Just one more and you get my cock,” he reminds you, and himself. The main event, so to speak, was nearing. Kiyoomi flexes his hand and lands the last smack, grinning at the way you shudder and push back into his hand. “What a good thing you are, hm?” he asks rhetorically, smoothing over your ass with both hands.
The next couple minutes are a bit of a blur as he undresses and retrieves a condom, returning to you with a fond smile gracing his features. He walks in your line of sight, crouching down to kiss you softly.
“What’s your color?”
“Green, Omi. Please,” you breathe, wet lashes fluttering open.
While Kiyoomi knows he should reprimand you for not using ‘sir’, he can’t find it in himself to do so. Instead he nods and returns behind you, lining himself up.
“I’ll make sure it was worth it, baby,” he whispers as kisses are trailed up your spine.
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tagging: @peachycoreroo, @newfriendjen, @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein. want to be added to my taglist? fill out this form! i won't lie, i almost forgot about the tag list dfknsknfen
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sunnysidekisses · 3 years
Soft hq! Headcannons
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Def the type to leave you lil snacks on your desk :3
Also walks you home/to your train station, no matter if it's the opposite direction of his
He just wants his little baby to be safe :(
Yes, u r little even if he's half your height >:(
Bakes the best muffins!
Chaotic team mom who would probably end a civilization if left alone
But we love him anywaysss
Forehead kisses
Not huge PDA but lil cheek kithes + hand holding
Will just link your pinkies if your too embarassed/don't like hand holding
Low key has great taste in music
Type to hold your hand everywhere so you don't get lost or separated
First to notice if your shoelaces came undone, without fail
Not the best Baker but he is really good at cooking a few things, average otherwise in the kitchen
Another forehead kithes type
Cuddler in bed (like sleeping FOR REALSIES)
Sorry lmao
Mans is a heater
But that's okay, it's great for keeping toes warm :3
Probably shrieked the first time you put your cold toes on him lmfao
He likes to pretend that never happened
Will watch your favorite shows/movies with you
Happy kisses,sad kisses, just
A lot of kisses
Do not let him near the kitchen, he will burn down the house
That being said he is always down to go get your favorite foods or take out
Probably a low key juice addict
I might just be projecting tho
Either has zero spice tolerance or god tier spice tolerance, no in between
Cuddlebug bby
Will cuddle you whenever he can, public or not
Pretty big on PDA, will try to tone it down for you if u ask tho ;0;
He is baby
Couldn't live independently I don't think, but he tries his best🤧
Low key has good jokes, might purposely make you cringe instead tho
Good at massages
Will groan if you massage his shoulders, bby gets so worked up he gets sore sometimes :(
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lizbotw · 4 years
Karasuno popsicle eating competition? 👀👀👀 (i saw you were bored so-)
Karasuno Popsicle Eating Competition
choco omg i loved this concept even though i was definitely not expecting it in the middle of fall, but also, i absolutely get. i spent all night thinking about this so thank you, you successfully cured my boredom, and now here it is, i finally wrote out all of my ideas. please enjoy because i had way too many thoughts about this ♡
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100% Nishinoya’s idea.
What? He literally adores Garigari-kun popsicles. A proper popsicle enthusiast and therefore of course it would be none other than him that would come up with such a plan.
You would probably be walking home with the second-years after practice after a quick stop into Coach Ukai’s store to pick up snacks on the way.
Classic meat buns and crinkly packs of chips that always felt like they contained more air than well... chips—that’s what most of you had gotten. But Nishinoya? It was him and his trusty popsicle (soda flavored of course).
You had to stop too many times to keep track of because he kept devouring them before you could even blink and somehow the lucky bastard kept getting the ones with the sticks that qualify you to get another popsicle for free. You best believe he was cashing those in instantly.
You bumped Tanaka with your shoulder to get his attention, not taking your eyes off of the back of Noya as he disappeared up the hill and back to the store. “Why doesn’t he just buy a whole box of them at this point?”
“Mmm,” Tanaka hummed in agreement, hand deep in his bag of potato chips. He stuffed a few more in his mouth, crunching in thought. “Good point.”
Noya was never gone more than a few seconds and you didn’t even get the chance to reply before he came barreling down the hill, blue wrapper in his hand—prize secured it seemed.
The group didn’t resume walking just yet, waiting to see if finally Noya’s reign of exploiting Ukai’s store for free frozen treats would come to an end. (You were hoping the stick at the center of the popsicle would turn out to be blank, not have another cheesy message about how “You won an extra popsicle! Take this stick to any participating retailer to cash it in.”)
“Aren’t you tired of running back and forth?” That was Ennoshita, chewing on his meat bun and looking like he very much wanted to go home.
Noya pulled the popsicle out of his mouth to reply, tongue already stained blue. “Nope! It’s good cardio, plus I get a reward at the end!” As if to prove his point, Noya punctuated the end of his sentence by shoving the popsicle back into his mouth. It wouldn’t be long until he reached the stick and you guys would (potentially) have to wait another five minutes for him to repeat the process all over again.
“It makes sense to buy more than one though. We’re never going to get home at this rate,” Ennoshita grumbled. He was clearly too tired to be dealing with this or he would have dragged Noya away from the store by his ear a long time ago.
Before Noya could bring up the benefits of running up and down a hill in the middle of the night (on a school night nonetheless) again, Tanaka cut in. “Yeah, why don’t you buy an extra one for me, dude. Then we’ll match!”
It was like a switch was flipped and Noya’s eyes lit up, widening. “Dude, great idea!”
“Right? It was (Y/N)’s idea actually.”
“Tanaka, that was not what I said.” You were quick to defend yourself, casting a nervous side glance at Ennoshita who was already glaring daggers at you.
“Either way, I still think it’s a good idea. I’ll be right back-”
“Oh no you don’t.” Ennoshita grabbed a hold of the back of Noya’s shirt to prevent him from running off (he’d already gotten in position to run up the hill—getting two steps in before he’d been stopped—and if Ennoshita had been a second slower Noya would have gotten away completely).
“Even if you did get one for Ryuu, I don’t know if it’d be very fair,” Narita cut in. Clearly he was just being nice and thinking about everyone, but words had a tendency to get twisted when it came to matters like this, especially when the other second-years were involved.
“Yeah, what are the rest of us, Yuu? Chopped liver?” Kinnoshita finished off his meat bun and crumpled the empty napkin he’d been holding it with into a small ball in his hand to throw away later. He was smirking mischievously and you could tell he wasn’t exactly opposed to the idea of free popsicles.
“True. You really should be offering to get all of us one.” Of course Ennoshita was the one to deliver the final blow. The trio could be real menances when they wanted to be and judging by the look they all shared, they were clearly enjoying poking fun at Noya.
And of course Nishonya took their words seriously, a thoughtful expression taking over his features. Sarcasm? Not detachable when it came to popsicles. “You’re right.” Uh oh… Nishinoya having that faraway look in his eyes was never a good sign. “And if I get it for all of you then… I should just get for the entire team!” His voice increased in volume as he spoke until he had the sudden epiphany at the end that he shouted. Energized by the thought, he made to go run towards the store again but seemed to forget the vice grip Ennoshita still had on him.
Nishinoya struggling against the hold and Ennoshita trying to pull him back so you guys could finally go home and work on your excessive amount of homework quickly turned into a yelling match. You should have known it would turn out this way...
It looked like things were about to get messy, so you decided to intervene, speaking hurriedly before someone lost a limb in the scuffle. “I think it’s a good idea. Let’s just all go ask Ukai now if we can have popsicles tomorrow for practice and then we can go home.” You said the last part looking pointedly at Ennoshita—listen, you were also tired so you knew exactly how to get through to him. How Noya could keep going like this after a full day was beyond you.
There were a few more moments of grumbling and arguing but eventually everyone caved and agreed. And thus you six made the trek back up the small incline to the store perched off to the side. (“No, Nishinoya, we can’t ask him to bring only soda flavored ones. Where is the variety?”)
The jingle of the bell had Ukai looking up from the magazine he was reading and he fixed all of you with an exasperated stare. “You six again? Don’t you have homework or something?”
It didn’t take much convincing to get him on board and he waved a dismissive hand, leaning back in his chair, cigarette between his lips, and opening back up his magazine. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just get home already. I don’t want to be responsible for you getting back so late.”
He for sure delivered on his promise because the next day at practice you found a cooler hidden away in the storage closet in the gym. About an hour into a grueling practice session, he called for a break and revealed the surprise (thank god because Nishinoya had been buzzing with anticipation all day, almost spilling the secret several times, and you were sick and tired of it, please send help).
To say the team was excited was an understatement. The sweltering heat of the gym wasn’t exactly ideal and everyone was dying to go out into the summer sun—at least in the outdoors you had the chance of a light breeze whispering across your neck and relieving some of the suffocating tension of the weather.
Moving everything outside, you helped set up the cooler in the nearby school field.
Takeda was surprised that Ukai even considered doing something like this out of the blue and you overheard Ukai admit that he had been working the team pretty hard for the past few days and that they deserved a break.
The atmosphere was relaxed as some of the team members took up residence on the grassy field, sitting among the bright green and running their hands over the cushiony ground as they got situated.
Leave up to Nishoinya to completely ruin that.
Parking himself right in front of the cooler near the top of the hill and thus preventing anyone from gaining access to the mouthwatering treats inside, he declared, hands on his hips for emphasis, “We should make this a competition!”
Daichi was not having it. “Nishinoya, get down from there, we are not-”
“Challenge accepted!” Hinata and Kageyama were already glaring at each other, determination written all over their faces. (You’re pretty sure either Tanaka or Nishinoya told him some lie before about how eating an ungodly amount of popsicles would make him better at volleyball.) At this point, they were simply waiting for Nishinoya’s signal to begin.
“Now that’s the spirit! Let’s start!” And with that Noya stepped away from the cooler with a dramatic sweep of his arm, bowing low. That’s all the confirmation Hinata and Kageyama needed before they made a beeline for the cooler—you should make sure not to get in their way during this part because they are taking this very seriously.
Tsukishima would just scoff at their childishness, telling them to hurry up and move because they’re hogging all the space.
Tsukishima would not participate in “stupid competitions” of any kind, although he would take a popsicle (begruidngly so after Yamaguchi kept pestering him to do so; secretly he really wanted one though).
You could probably find Tsukishima sitting on the gym steps, rolling his eyes at Hinata and Kageyama. He was also the perfect distance away to throw snide comments at them without risking his safety. Just adding fuel to the flames from the sidelines—that was his role.
Yamaguchi would be perched faithfully next to him eating his own popsicle and Yachi would be leaning up against the side of the gym building since there was no more space left on the steps, talking with him. She kept getting over excited or focusing too much on the conversation though, so the sticky juice of her melting popsicle would be trickling down her arm before you could warn her.
She gets very embarrassed over the whole thing once you point it out and then when she’s busy flailing her arms in apology, that just gets the juice everywhere and then she feels even worse about it, and it’s a whole cycle from there.
If you wanted to join the trio, Tsukishima would not be willing to give up his spot on the steps, but if you kept bothering him about it, he’ll probably give in eventually to get you to shut up or you could take your chances trying to shove him over.
Yamaguchi would take pity on you and squeeze over a bit so you would have room, even though he barely had any space for himself.
Or honestly just go stand next to Yachi, she would be more than happy to have someone else to talk to. The only thing is you have to keep an eye on her melting popsicle or else the above scenario will probably happen except you’ll be right next to her when it does. I sure hope you didn’t wear your favorite shirt today.
Kiyoko is the unofficial referee for the competition.
She was appointed after a unanimous vote was taken between Tanaka and Nishinoya—yes, only those two got a say in it—and technically she would be the official referee if not for the fact that the official default for Karasuno is always pure chaos. Rules? There were no rules. Was this even a competition anymore? Why is everyone taking this so seriously? Does no one have any ideas for a prize for the winner? Why is Asahi on the floor?
Speaking of Asahi, he’s in charge of giving out the popsicles and supervising them in the cooler.
Noya tried to get him to join in on the real action of competing, but Suga and Daichi were absolutely against it because Asahi just looks like he would win. To them, that was automatically cheating (poor Ashai).
Kiyoko helps him out because she doesn’t have much of a job if the boys are doing whatever the hell they want anyway.
Please go hang out with those two at the cooler. You’ll have direct access to all of the popsicles (you now hold all the power) and you can actually relax and have a calm conversation—perfect for some lounging around in the sun. And if you did want to witness the chaos of the competition? Well you also have a front row seat to that. It’s a win-win situation honestly.
Nishinoya and Tanaka were, of course, a part of the competition with Hinata and Kagayama. Now the debate of whether the challenge was to eat as many popsicles as possible or to just eat a certain amount as fast as possible was up in the air because by God, they were doing both. That couldn’t be healthy.
Daichi originally started off just watching from the sides, shaking his head in disapproval and barking reminders at them to slow down lest they choke while on his watch.
Suga was next to him of course, eating his own popsicle and telling him not to be such a stick in the mud. He was enjoying this a little too much and honestly was already hatching a mischievous plan to join in on the chaos himself. Definitely cheers for everyone in order to rile up the situation further and then elbows Daichi in the gut when he tells him to stop encouraging them.
On one such occasion, as he rubbed at the sore spot on his side that Suga kept hitting, Daichi narrowed his eyes at the popsicle in his friend’s hand, taking special notice of it now. “Suga… what flavor is that?”
“Cherry. Why?” He continued eating innocently, although he had an inkling of where this was going to go.
“Didn’t you have two cherry ones already?”
There was a gasp of betrayal. “You know those are my favorite! You’re trying to eat all of them before me aren’t you!”
The bold accusation leads to them sharing a look and a tense beat of silence passing before they both sprint to the cooler, digging among the other flavors for the highly coveted cherry.
“It’s mine!”
“No, you have to learn to share!”
They inadvertently end up in the competition through this alone, grabbing as many cherry popsicles as they can and piling their arms high.
You have to remind them that the popsicles are going to melt if they keep that up and then there will really be none left, which then sends them into a new flurry of ripping open the packages and chomping down on the glistening red treat inside.
If you join in on the competition, I hope you have a big appetite because everyone involved is not slowing down anytime soon. They’ve doubled over due to brain freeze a few times already but that doesn’t seem to be stopping any of them. If you chicken out at some point, you will be socially outcasted. You have been warned.
Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita are actually being normal and sitting a bit away on the grass, eating their popsicles at a normal rate (not scarfing them down like some people) and actually enjoying themselves.
Ideal group to join—lots of space to sit near them and stretch out on the field, good view of the uh… “competition” (can it really even be still considered that? what do you call the absolute chaos that’s going on there? honestly, why is no one stopping them? where are you, coach? isn’t this your job?) but still a safe distance away from the chaos, and lots of things to discuss. That’s right, these three know all the drama going on in school so sit back, eavesdrop on the gossip, and enjoy. You may or may not choke on your popsicles a few times because how do they even know these things.
Lean back on the grass and bask in the sunlight with these three—the good vibes are there. You’ll probably all end up laying down in the grass after you finish eating and just talking, poking fun at each other and rolling around in the grass in laughter at the latest antic or joke you’ve come up with.
Coach Ukai probably should have thought this over a bit more because it’s hard to get anyone back to practice after having this small taste of freedom (also tensions are still high after the competition so no one wants to work with each other anyway—let’s hope the grudges don’t last long), so he basically gives up for the day and dismisses “practice” early (it had already spiraled way past that at this point so the term was used loosely).
Everyone who was involved in the competition either never wants to hear the word popsicle ever again or they’re feral for more once the cooler is empty (Nishinoya).
Who would’ve thought a normal walk home would turn out like this?
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1tsnoya · 4 years
heyya bubby it's me again!! i love how u wrote my last request thank uuu :DDD may i please request sum hcs of noya, suga, daichi, tsukki and asahi having an s/o who enjoys drinking but kinda have a low alcohol tolerance hehehe and how they take care of s/o after she gets drunk or is hungover,, thank uuu
a/n: HI BUBBY ILY <3<3<3
+ this is a long one so i added a mark!
✧・゚taking care of their drunk s/o ✧・゚ headcanons
warning: alcohol (they’re all aged up!)
pairings: noya x reader, suga x reader, daichi x reader, tsukishima x reader, asahi x reader
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:* :・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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→ probably has a low tolerance too LOL
→ cmon this boy is like 112 pounds
→ you two usually come up with a plan before drinking
→ like who is gonna get absolutely shitfaced and who is gonna be the babysitter
→ you always agreed to be babysitter so you never rlly drank that much around noya
→ you just played it off like you werent too big of a drinker
→ eventually he noticed and was like “you’re LYING! you like drinking DON’T U??”
→ and the next party you guys go to, he tells you “just pls enjoy yourself, i’m good trust me”
→ noya didnt know what he was in for...u were L I V I N G
→ dancing on tables n shit
→ he obvi joined in on that dancing cause u looked hot as hell
→ but then he realized how drunk u really were and told u like “lets get you home cause u will regret this in the morning”
→ held your hand the entire walk to the car bc u were ✨tumbling✨
→ very playful with you when you’re tipsy
→ also very protective of you. makes sure that NO ONE fucks with you
→ when you get home he makes sure to make life a lot easier for your drunk ass PFFTFP
→ he’ll get you your pajamas and cuddle you til you fall asleep
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→ i get the vibe that suga loves drinking! 
→ he is super cautious when he drinks with you around
→ you two are def the type to just drink at home together
→ *that’s how he found out that your tolerance was low
→ big wine drinkers
→ like he’ll bring a bottle of wine home and you guys will down the entire thing while watching a movie
→ and then you make fun of the movie
→ any and every thing will make you two laugh
→ suga always keeps an eye on you when you’re drinking
→ and he’s always by your side
→ like he knows your limit and usually keeps note of how many drinks you’ve had throughout the night
→ makes sure you have food and water in ur system too
→ oh and when you two get drunk together at home, a FEAST is made
→ most of the time it’s not even that good cause you guys are shitfaced but you still enjoy it
→ baby is on TOP of it if you have a hangover you already know it-
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→ not that big on drinking
→ but when he does drink...
→ wooowww chile anyway so
→ side note: he’s is a PRO at beer pong
→ anywho
→ since he doesn’t drink that much, he usually babysits you
→ call him dad(dy) or whateva🙈
→ like suga, he’ll keep an eye on your intake and usually knows when you get tipsy
→ *if ur at a party - he’ll just keep an eye on you from a distance
→ he kind of already had a feeling that you were a light weight
→ so when you start getting a little too drunk, he’ll step in and tug at your arm
→ daichi: “babe..hun..it’s time to go”
→ y/n: “psshhpft- the paaarty’s jusy sstarting daaaad”
→ daichi: >:| “okay but there’s a party home remember?”
→ he has to baby you LMFAO
→ he has to buckle you up in the car and make sure you’re drinking water
→ and when you fall asleep 👉🏼👈🏼 he carries you inside
→ helps you change into your jammies, if you’re wearing makeup, he’ll help you take it off, etc.
→ then he tucks you into bed and gives you a lil kithy
→ daichi: “you’re gonna hate yourself in the morning :)”
→ meanwhile you’re knocked out
→ but whatever he said was true, you were FEELING IT when you woke up
→ dw though, he helps you out with your hangover<3
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→ he had to find out the hard way about your low tolerance
→ he loves you and all but he does not wanna deal with ur shit when ur drunk-
→ still does anyway
→ like he’ll watch you from afar while he’s drinking from a red solo cup😭
→ he probably handles hit alcohol SUPER well
→ so when he sees you, dancing around and a little too happy, he knows it’s time to bounce
→ tsuki: “(y/n)”
→ y/n: “TSUKI!”
→ tsuki: “ready to go?”
→ cue the pouting
→ as much as he doesn’t want to, he has to baby you and dumb everything down HSHSH
→ he is a huge tease when you’re tipsy though. like he enjoys messing with you
→ don’t worry doe... he still takes care of you and shit
→ he’s also very protective of you
→ like.. very
→ if anyone looks at you weirdly or whatever, all he has to do it look at them and they’ll get the hint
→ y/n: “baaabbyyy”
→ tsuki: “mhm?”
→ y/n: “why are we leeaving”
→ tsuki: “cause you’re tired remember?”
→ y/n: “oh.. oh yeah!”
→ and in his head, he’s just “oh ok... i guess that worked”
→ once you get home, he’ll help you change and just put you to bed
→ like i said earlier, he’s not good with tolerating drunk ppl LMAO
→ he just let’s you rest so he doesn’t get annoyed with you and make you upset
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→ like he’s babysitting you but at the same time you’re babysitting him
→ people think he’s super intimidating at the party but he’s just 👉🏼👈🏼anxious👉🏼👈🏼
→ y/n: “babbey, come onn!”
→ asahi: •—• “o-okay-”
→ he follows you around like a lost puppy-
→ even though you’re obviously out of it
→ tbh he lets you decide when you wanna go home. unless you just pass out, it’s your choice
→ if he thinks that you’re too drunk (like i’m talking SUUUPER drunk) he’ll just say “um. come on..let’s go home pls🥺”
→ cause let’s be real here. he does not wanna argue with you when are wasted
→ back to this anxious thing
→ he’ll hold your hand the entire walk from the car to your house
→ and if you’re just not cooperating, he’ll throw you over his shoulder HA
→ helps you out until you get to your room
→ and then he gets you something to eat
→ if you wanted fast food on the drive back, he probs stopped to get it😭
→ sigh he’s just.. a nervous mom with a toddler
→ after you eat, he’ll get you your stuff to change and help you get comfy
→ once you knock out, he knocks out with you
→ lowkey over it when you wake up but still treats you like a baby HSJSH
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hieludoboi · 4 years
A List of Things I’d Like to do with You (Pt 1/9)
A/n- This was heavily inspired by @afterglowkuroo​ and their Ward One writing! I cried pretty hard but it, along with some of my own life experiences, inspired me to write this little fic
Links to the next two parts- Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
A/n- Decided to make this a multiple part thing, uhm this was pretty hard to write, kinda cried a bit, also I listened to A Soulmate Who Wasn’t Meant to be while writing this
Summary- Daichi had promised that they would be friends until the end. She was glad they could be.
Pairing- Daich/Fem! Reader
Trigger Warnings- Angsty, sad, depictions of panic attacks, crying, depictions of funerals, conversations of death, major character death, a little depressing, just very sad, I kid of cried while writing it :(
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Daichi’s mother had always teased that he would stay by Y/n’s side until the end of time. At 3 years old, Daichi had met the love of his life. He didn’t know it yet, of course, but she was his other half. It seemed like every other day she was getting into trouble, and Daichi always came to her rescue when she did. She was brash, boisterous and always itching to stir up the pot of life, even if just a little bit. 
Most people had found her a nuisance, a bumbling little spark that no one could seem to get control of, but Daichi... Daichi had become infatuated with her. With every word she spoke he could feel the tantalizing tendrils of fire lick at his skin. Anytime she was around he could feel the warmth and light of her being gently brush the side of his face. Some would say that Daichi was Icarus, and y/n was the sun, but he didn’t mind falling if it were at her hands.
The older they became, the more people hoped that Y/n would mellow out and give Daichi a break, but she only seemed to swell more each day with the sweet rippling heat of the sun itself. Anytime she caused trouble, Daichi was trailing behind her, an apologetic smile on his face as he cleaned up after her; and though people pitied him, Daichi couldn’t have been happier. She had found solace in his stable arms, and he had found tender warmth and joy in her teasing smiles. 
Sometimes, when Daichi was awake at 4 in the morning, he would sit in his bed and think about how she was the soulmate he never got to have. He would sit and think about all the chances he had to tell her he loved her, he would sit and think about the countless amount of times they got in trouble before she left. 
When Daichi woke up, the sun had yet to set, the birds were still perched and void of movement. His window was still slightly open from the night before and he could smell the fresh scent of rain and grass dancing among the gentle breezes of wind. For being such a mischievous person Y/n had loved calm and dewy mornings and the smell in the wind just before the sun rose.  
It had only been a few months since her passing, and Daichi had only seen her when they had finally laid Y/n to rest. In some ways, he still couldn’t process the fact that she was gone. He could no longer feel the licking of dangerously tender flames against his skin, he could no longer hear the bite and tease in her voice as she teased him. In some ways, Icarus had lost his sun, Daichi had lost his ambition the day he lost her. 
Leaving some flowers was the least that he could do for her, right? Daichi thought to himself as he pushed himself off of his bed. The floor beneath his bare feet was cold, a shock to the warmth beneath the blankets that she had gifted him one Christmas a few years ago. It was a Christmas that Daichi had remembered well. One where he had once again forgotten to get her a gift while enveloped in his studies. She had insisted it was okay, and to make up for it, he had invited her to a movie night at his house. That night he had held her tightly in his arms, staring at her with such a loving gaze while she happily watched the cheesy movie that played on the screen, its colors reflecting against the gray walls of his living room. Daichi had figured out that night that Y/n was the love of his life. He just wished he would’ve known it would have been one of their last holidays together. 
A bouquet of Lisianthus flowers in his hand, Daichi stood at the entrance of the cemetery, his chest feeling tight, his throat practically collapsing in on itself. Daichi gasped, his knees buckling before he felt the shock of the wet grass against his legs. Standing at the entrance of the cemetery, seeing all the stones and flowers, it made Daichi remember the day of her funeral in almost vivid detail. 
That day, it seemed like the sun was plucked from the sky and carefully put away. As he stood by the casket, the stench or chrysanthemums seemed to plague his nostrils. In that moment, Daichi realized just how much hatred one person could harbor for a single flower. He could hear the stifling stutters of hiccuping cries ringing against thundering pellets of rain. At one point the sermon mixed with the sobs, and the sobs blended in too well with the rain. Grass, rain, flowers, it all combined into a stench that Daichi could never forget. 
He watched as her casket closed, his eyes glazed over in never ending pools of tears. He couldn’t move, as the casket lowered, his body froze. The sun was beginning to set with plans of never rising again. He watched as her family grabbed the wretched yellow and white flowers, holding them to their chests before gently setting them atop her lowering casket. Daichi couldn’t move. He wasn’t ready to say goodbye, he wasn’t ready to watch the sun set, he wasn’t ready to see her go. So he stood in silence, tears dripping down his face he stood behind everyone else as they somberly tossed or placed flowers into her grave. Daichi couldn’t watch, and so, as they begin to cover her casket, he looked away, shielding himself from the death of the sun. 
Every time he tried to stand, everytime he tried to make his way towards her grave, his body seemed to shut down. He still wasn’t ready to say goodbye, and he knew that, but he wanted desperately to say hello. He wanted to hear her bright laugh as she recounted the days events. He wanted to hear her turn a mundane Sunday into a studio worthy drama, even if it were just one more time. 
So Daichi stood, on wobbly legs of newborn deer he forced himself to walk to the splotched, wet and gray stone that sat comfortable underneath a grand oak tree. As Daichi approached the stone, he saw a head of gray hair sat atop a black coat and beige scarf. Suga. He had forgotten that she was close with the other third years as well. 
“Hi.” Suga offered Daichi a soft smile with his whispered hello. When Daichi looked at Suga he saw the same hurt in his eyes, the same agony and despair. “Tanaka, Noya, Asahi, and Kiyoko left a little bit ago. I was going to leave too, but she hasn’t told me all of her little escapades and adventures she’s had up in the clouds yet.” As Suga spoke, his voice began to break, his words began to tumble from his lips, breaking off as they went. 
Daichi stared at Suga for a moment or two, the words not registering in his mind before he broke down. Upon seeing Daichi break, Suga broke as well, his tears flowing down his face like they knew nothing else. Daichi no longer felt warm flames, he no longer felt the tender light, in that moment he felt only the beginning droplets of rain and the wails of the chilly wind that seemed to sing the harmony to the sad tunes of his sobs. 
It seemed that all they could do for forty-five minutes was cry. For forty-five minutes, all Daichi felt was the clouds crying, dripping unto him and mixing with his own. When he looked up at her grave, he saw white and yellow chrysanthemums placed in the vases. It made his chest bubble with heat and anger. He couldn’t understand why they were still saying goodbye to her, acting like she was truly gone and couldn’t ever return in any way.
When Suga looked at his friend, he saw a pain he couldn’t describe. It was raw, ugly and broken among other things. Suga had lost a close friend, but Daichi had lost the one person he loved the most in life. Suga could tell just by the look in Daichi’s eyes that he still hadn’t processed that she was gone. His eyes spoke with untold stories, they brimmed over with stories waiting to be told. Escapades waiting to be illustrated. So Suga wiped his tears and gently took a hold of Daichi’s wrists, tugging him softly so he would sit next to him on the grass. 
“I would have loved to hear about her last escapades you know? Her last moments of debauchery.” Suga explained, his eyes focused on the intricately carved stone. Daichi looked up at Suga, his eyes empty and void of light. Their last moments of mischief... 
“There was a list. Eight things, there were eight things she wanted to do. I didn’t know she was ill, I didn’t realize why she wanted to do these things, but she just kept pushing the idea of these last eight things she wanted to do.” Daichi’s lips seemingly quirked up into the slightest hint of a smile at the memory of the list. “We did them in order, eight being something she wanted to try, and 1 being something she absolutely needed to do.” Suga nodded his head at the explanation. Daichi began to get a bit more comfortable on the grass, making sure his legs were stretched and not tucked. 
“What was the first thing you guys did on the list?” Suga asked, a smile creeping onto his face at the sight of the light beginning to creep back into Daichi’s eyes.
“Well, our first escapade of those last 3 months began like this...”
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basilrazzledazzle · 4 years
sugawara koushi x reader
reader is gender neutral
i'm in a funk and writing for suga is really easy so i thought i’d throw this out there to you guys. i hope you enjoy it! seeing you guys like and reblog these lil drabbles i have is the only thing giving me seratonin at this point lmao
word count: 2.1K
tw: alcohol and being drunk, plus my shitty writing lmao
let me know if you want a part two to this!! i kinda left it open so that i could write one, but i'm only gonna do that if you guys really want it. if you do, let me know, and i'll tag you in it.
final notes: this is unedited because it's currently 2:07am and i am emotionally drained. tbh wrote this because suga is my comfort character and i needed that.
You hadn’t seen the boys in years.
Well, you said boys, but that wasn’t the case anymore. The youngest of the Karasuno team had graduated two years ago, and you had been out of school for five.
It was Daichi’s idea to get together. He was, as usual, the one holding everyone together. You had still been in touch with him; calling and texting a few times each month, the same with the others in your year. You pretty well only talked to the others over social media, liking their posts and having short greetings in the comments (excluding when you attended the graduations of the first and second years, of course).
The only one you had seen since high school was Kiyoko. She made sure to reach out and meet up at least every few months. Which made sense, as you had co-managed the whirlwind that had once been called the Karasuno volleyball club.
You were all cramped into Daichi’s apartment, and while it certainly small, having to fit a dozen former volleyball players and three former managers.
Alcohol had been brought out and served, and while you would refuse to admit it, you were a bit of a lightweight. You were already a bit tipsy, though most of the others were as well.
You were sitting on a worn love seat, watching the chaos with an amused face. A few of the boys were sitting in a loose semi-circle, playing hot potato with a volleyball. Honestly, you had no clue where it came from, but some things never change.
You looked up as a shadow fell over you. It was Sugawara, holding a plate of taiyaki cakes. He had a trademark grin of his on his face -- you hadn’t realized how much you had missed that look of his.
“Anyone sitting here?” he asked, gesturing to the empty spot next to you.
You shook your head, and he sat down next to you. “Want one?” he asked, offering the fish-shaped cake to you. You happily obliged, taking one and nibbling at the tail. It was good -- light and fluffy as it nearly melted in your mouth. You turned to him. “Did you make these?”
He laughed, looking sheepish. “Yeah, but you were the one who taught me. Remember?”
You did. You and the other former third years had been at Asahi’s house, and decided to have a bake-off. You had teamed up with Suga. “I can’t believe you still know the recipe.”
The grey haired boy - no, man, you reminded yourself - shrugged. "I mean, I've tweaked it a little, but it's mostly the one you used." As you looked at him, his eyes darted past you, and his arm whipped out within the blink of an eye.
The previously mentioned game of hot potato seemed to have gone awry -- Suga had just barely stopped the ball from hitting you in the face. You looked over at them; Noya seemed to be the most embarrassed of them all, and as your gaze set on him, he became even more red.
"My bad," he murmured sheepishly. A few other the others were stifling their laughter as the former libero shifted awkwardly. You took the ball from Sugawara, and threw it at Nishinoya, a grin on your face.
Realizing you weren't mad, Noya grinned as well, catching the ball with ease and resuming their game. You turned back to Suga.
"Nice save. Thanks," you said. He smiled at you, but seemed to be somewhere else. You scooted closer -- a feat you never would've been able to accomplish with the huge crush you had on him in high school (which, you would admit, never quite left) -- and nudged his ribs with your elbow. "What's wrong?" you asked quietly.
His focus seemed to return. "I just missed this." He paused. "And you."
You felt your face turn red, and we're thankful that it was mostly dim. "I missed you too, Suga."
And with that, you took a leap of faith, doing something you never would've had the guts to do five years ago. It could've been the liquid courage running through your veins, or possibly the fact that you hadn't seen each other in so long, or maybe even a combination of both.
You scooted even closer, leaning into him, to the point where if you were even closer you would've been in his lap. The former setter tensed underneath you, completely rigid for a moment. Right before you were about to move back, he wrapped an arm behind you, your neck leaning against his bicep.
You smiled to yourself. Part of you wished that you had acted on the feelings you had had for him in high school -- you could've had a life with him for the past five years.
Sitting like this, close to him and watching your friends goofing off like the old days, made you realize how much you missed Karasuno. You leaned your head into the crook of Suga's neck, murmuring, "This is nice, isn't it?"
He chuckled, his chest vibrating against you. "What, me or this?"
You turned looking up at him, your eyes shining. "Both."
A few hours later, you were dead on your feet. Hate it all you want, you were a sleepy drunk. You had said your good-byes, promising to keep in touch, as you left Daichi's apartment.
As you walked outside, the cool night air prickling your skin, a voice called behind you. "Y/N! Wait up!"
You turned, rubbing your eyes. Unsurprisingly, it was Suga, jogging down the sidewalk to catch up to you. "Are you seriously about to walk home like this?" His raised a brow, a hand on his hip. His whole posture radiated disapproval.
"I was gonna get an Uber, thank you very much," you argued. Suga shook his head.
"Nuh uh. Not in the state you're in. Come on, I'll give you a ride home."
You could tell by his expression that there was no use protesting. Some things never changed, and Suga's over-protectiveness seemed to be one of them.
You stumbled behind him as he led you to his car. He opened the passenger door for you, and helped you slide inside before he went around and started the car. A gentleman, as always.
While you remembered him drinking earlier in the night, he must've had the ability to hold his liquor much better than you. He drove in mostly silence, the radio playing softly in the background as you tiredly instructed him where to turn. Within twenty minutes you had arrived at your apartment building.
Within an instant Suga was there to help you out of the car. You giggled, saying, "I'm notthat wasted, Koushi," but your slurred words said otherwise. He laughed, shaking his head at you.
"Sure, you're just tripping over your own feet for fun, then?" he asked rhetorically, guiding you up the stairs with his arm linked through yours. You nudged him playfully with your elbow.
As you arrived at your door, he helped with the key that was fumbling in your fingers, and opened the door for you. His arm slipped out of the link of yours.
He sighed, taking a step back. "Well, I'll see you around, then." As he turned, you grabbed his wrist, looking up at him.
"Wait, Suga-" Your face was warm, whether it was from the buzzing in your system or because you were flustered, you didn't know. "Will you- will you stay?"
A look of alarm was across his face in an instant. "Stay? As in stay the night? Here?"
You looked away from him. "I mean, you don't have to..."
He shifted awkwardly. "Do you really want me to?"
You looked back up at him, nodding. He sighed, then followed you inside.
He trailed you awkwardly until you reached your bedroom, in which he stopped at the door. You looked at him, pouting, but before you could say anything, he said, "I'll wait right here, I promise. I'm not leaving. Just get dressed."
You would never be able to get over how respectful he was. Honestly, it got to the point where it wasn't fair.
He shut the door, leaving you inside to get ready. You stumbled about as you found a pair of bed shorts to wear with a t-shirt. You rummaged through your closet until you found a t-shirt that would fit him. After changing, you opened the door to find him waiting in the hallway, just like he promised.
You held the shirt out to him, and he stared at it. "It's for you, dummy," you explained. "Unless you want to wear a button up to bed, but that's not gonna be very comfy."
You left the shirt in his hands, turning back around and stumbling into bed. "You can put it on -- I won't look," you said, in a somewhat teasing tone.
You could hear fabric rustling as you sat in bed with your back to him, the only illumination coming from your lamp, which cast dim, warm light close to you.
"You don't have to sleep in dress slacks," you told him. He made some sort of noise that sounded like a cough, but with surprise.
"Are you sure you don't want me to just sleep on the couch..?" he asked weakly. Your turned back to him, finding him in your t-shirt and the slacks he had worn to the reunion.
"Please stay, Koushi," you said, eyes wide.
The stiffness in his shoulders seemed to metl away, even if it was just a little bit, and he laughed quietly. "I never guessed you to be a clingy drunk," he said, making his way to the bed. Before slipping under the cover, he quietly slipped of the dress pants he was wearing. You looked away, fulfilling the promise you had made a moment ago.
He clicked off the lamp, sliding next to you. After a few moments silcence in the dark, he said, "You know, high school me would've killed for this."
You halfway sat up, facing him. "What?"
You could practically feel the embarrassment radiating from his confession. "Yeah, I.." He laughed. "I used to have the biggest crush on you."
You felt almost light-headed. "You're kidding."
In the dim streetlight the leaked in through the window, you could barely make out him rubbing his face in his hands. "No."
This time, it was your turn to laugh. In response, Suga chuckled self-consciously. He lightly smacked your arm with the back of his hand. "Don't laugh at me, it's true!" he said defensively.
"No, no," you said, still giggling, and even though you could barely make his his features, you turned on your side and face him. "I'm laughing because I had a huge crush on you. Especially in third year."
He groaned, laying flat on his back with his head in his hands. "You're not serious," he said, voice muffled. "Oh my god."
"We were fools," you told him wistfully.
He agreed, "We were."
The two of you laid there in silence for a few minutes, not necessarily an uncomfortable silence, but one with words that yearned to be spoken.
"You know," you said eventually. "There's no reason we can't try it now. Y'know, us." He faced you. "And before you argue -- I amdrunk, but I know that I'm saying."
You could practically see his signature smile at how you had predicted his only argument, and he said, "You know me too well, even after all these years."
You exhaled sharply, one of those almost-laughs. "Well? What do you think?"
He sighed, resting a hand behind your ear and brushing the hair out of your face. "I think," he said slowly. "You should get some sleep." Before you had the chance to pout, he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. "We'll talk in the morning -- see what you think when you're all sobered up. M'kay?"
You smiled. Of course that was his answer -- always one to consider others before his own wants. "M'kay," you said, comfortably nuzzling your head against his chest. You could hear the steady rhythm of his heart beating as you sighed. "Thank you, Suga. For everything."
please tell me to write a part two lmao i love him sm
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bbyhaikyuu · 4 years
Tsukishima Kei Oneshot : After All
Genre: Angst well i hope it is
Karasuno M.List || Requests
Note: I finished this quite faster than expected even though it just popped up in my head. So, i hope u enjoy??
After All
"I guess this is it huh." She smiled sadly at him, a sight that wrung his heart dry.
The street lamp illuminated her face, her skin softly glowing. Cold wind caressed them both, bringing them some form of comfort in this unfortunate night.
"Do you still... Love me?" He barely managed speak, yet she heard him loud and clear. He was breathing heavily, trying to control his emotions.
"I love you, Kei."
There it was, those words that made his breath hitch. Those words that made his heart flutter. Those words that could could lift up his whole demeanor.
But why did it hurt so much to hear now?
"Why? I gave you nothing but pain. Why do you keep forgiving me? I made you suffer so much. Why do you still smile at me like that?
Why do you still look at me with so much love? " He said angrily. No, he wasn't angry at her, he was angry at himself.
She gave him everything she had. Every ounce of her time, affection, love, and trust. Yet all he returned to her was misery.
Those nights that he would return home late, she was always there to welcome him with open arms. Those days wherein he unexpectedly caught the flu, she would always be there, wiping off his sweat and making sure he would drink his medicine. The way that she would hold him close and let him bury his face on her chest until he fell asleep after a rough day.
"That's not true, Kei." Her soft voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"In your own little ways, you always made me feel loved. It was a little unconventional, but I wouldn't trade it for the world." She came up to him and raised her hand, her warm fingers touched his cold cheek, wiping a tear away before cupping his face.
"It was my choice to love you. My choice to fight for us. My choice to stay this long." There it was again, that damned smile. How long can she keep up the façade?
"And I never regretted it Kei. Not even once. Not in a million lifetimes." Her hands moved down to grasp his. She placed something on it before making him close his hand.
Warm and circular, his eyes widened as he looked at her.
It was their promise ring. Way back in highschool.
"And it's also my choice to let you go." She stepped back, and looked at him one last time.
"Treat her better, Tsukishima." He felt his heart twinge. It felt so unnatural to hear her say his last name. What hurt more was that she knew.
She knew all this time.
When she turned around, she felt something warm cover her shoulders and neck. It was the scarf that he wore, mingled with his scent. She smiled, but she didn't turn around.
"I wish you both happiness." Those were her final words before walking away.
I love you too. Say it. Scream it. Tell her, Tsukishima.
He couldn't.
Tears started pouring out of her eyes. She chuckled a bit before wiping them off and she continued to walk to the train station.
Everything she said. It was genuine. She truly wished him to be happy. She wanted to see him smile and filled with happiness, until he grew old and surrounded by grandkids.
And she knew she wasn't the one who could make him happy.
She won't live that long in this world, after all.
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kenmas-consoles · 4 years
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"₦Ø₮ ɆVɆⱤɎØ₦Ɇ ₵₳₦ ₥₳₭Ɇ ł₮"
It felt like any other day, for (Y/n) atleast. Walking the streets in such an ungodly hour should be a sin but the team had morning practice and this week she was assigned with key duty. With eyes lidded and a limp to her step dragging her body along the concrete pavements the girl could easily be mistaken as a corpse. This wasn't exactly uncharacteristic of her as she's normally this way after pulling all nighters on the day before morning practices. The last time this had happened Tsukishima had practically scrunched his nose in disgust towards his classmate and team manager seeing how much of a sleep deprived zombie she was.
A gust of wind sped past that made the girl shiver, cursing herself for not bringing a jacket she folded her amrs together.
"Oh, it's (Y/n)-chan!" Hinata said as he saw the girl sluggishly walking. He rode up to her in such inhuman speed flailing his arms a little bit to catch her attention.
"A simple hello would be nice, it's too early to make this much noise." The girl said burrying her face into his back as the boy offered her a ride on his bike.
"E-eh, sorry (Y/n)-chan I was jusy excited." The boy replied stiffening at her touch as well as making the tips of his ears go red, 'I've never been this close to a girl before' he thought only making his face burst with the same red hue. He silently thanked the gods she was practically half asleep and behind him.
"4:30 is way too early to be at school and practice is an hour later," Getting of the bike the female had whined stretching her arms crickets could be heard chirping in the background and the morning breeze had caused her to involuntarily shiver yet again.
"I didn't think I would get here this early normally I'd make it here by 5 on foot" the girl mumbled, puffing her cheeks as she said so.
Still somewhat sleepy she rubbed her eye and looked at the boy who was parked his bike at the bike rack by the school's entrance "Why are you up this early though?"
"Hmm," the boy put a finger on his lips, "No particular reason, I couldn't really sleep last night either maybe because I was excited for today's practice. Something big is happening today and I feel it in my bones."
While the girl had smiled at the boy's enthusiasm and her luck that they were able to cross paths today she let out a sleepy yawn.
"(Y/n)-chan sure is tired, were you not able to sleep last night too?"
The girl shook her head in response. Hinata then crouched down before her with his back facing her and offered her a ride on his back. After a bit of convincing the pair made their way on to the gym, with (Y/n) on Hinata's back.
It was currently 6:52 and practice is now ongoing, and had been for almost an hour or so.
Right after the pair had made their way to the gym Kageyama was unsurprisingly the next person to arrive, the boy being a little bitter Hinata arrived first. The other members soon filled in one after another some more lively than the rest.
Now the girl sat on the bench as the boys did their drills. Takeda-sensei couldn't make it to morning practice today as the school board was having a faculty meeting at this hour as well. So here she was inbetween Yachi and Kiyoko watching the boys practice.
Daichi had proposed a mini-game between the team and as soon as he said it the boys had already split into two seperate teams and started a rally as a way to conclude training.
Kageyama was extremely out of it during the game, his serves had less power in them and his tosses lacked accuracy (nothing the team would notice but still). 'Something doesn't feel right, was it the Mackerel this morning? no no no it couldn't be maybe it was because I wasn't able to wash my pair of favorite kneepads' he thought.
"Kegeyama!" Nishinoya had called signalling him that the ball was being passed to him so he had assumed a setting position, jumping he felt the ball fit perfectly in his fingers flicking his wrist he tossed it to the otherside of the court where Hinata was ready to swing.
'Crap, it's low' The boy thought as the ball had left his fingers watching at how the trajectory was down by atleast 18 degrees. Hinata was ready to spike, he felt the surge of adrenaline kick in as he stretched out his hand. He felt a jolt as the ball collide with his face instead of his palms. It all happened too fast for anyone to register, Hinata was soon found on the floor face first hurt, confused and ready to fight Kageyama.
"Hinata!" Daichi had shouted.
"A-are you okay?" Asahi asked as the whole team had circled around the boy who was still laying face flat on the floor.
"He's silent. . .
Ryuu do you think he's dead?!"
"I would be surprised if he wasn't" a certain megane snickered.
"Now now let's not jump to conclusions, Hinata are you alright?"
The boy groaned in reply refusing to sit up.
(Y/n) stood up from her spot and inspected the orange haired boy. The boy had an obvious red mark on his cheek and a growing spot by his forhead and nose, it was only a matter of time before it started bleeding.
Daichi sighed watching (Y/n) escort Hinaya towards the other managers he looked towarss his team, "looks like this is the end of our morning practice, In the mean time the rest of you can do cool down stretching individually and leave. Hinata would be taken to the nurse's office and Suga and I are going to the teacher's lounge to talk to Takeda-sensei about the new training schedule and updates on this mornings practice."
On the otherside of the gym (Y/n) stood by Yachi who was tending to Hinata who had his nose pinched with a tissue. Yamaguchi and Tsukishima stood a few ways from them snickering at the boy's predicament while Kageyama was silently sat next to Hinata.
"Ano, Hinata-kun I think it's best to go to the infirmary now, your nose is bleeding quite a lot." Yachi said scratching her cheek.
"A-ah you're right."
Noya bounces in with Tanaka and Ennoshita in tow, while Narita and Kinoshita finish up their stretching.
"I'm coming with you!" Noya declared, "I need to ice up and bandage my arms too, plus what kind of senpai would I be if I didn't accompany my kouhais to the infirmary." Noya said with an intense aura that nearly blinded Yachi that had left Tanaka laughing.
Kiyoko had volunteered to go to the Infirmary as well to request for a first aid kit as these accidents have been happening quite frequently these days. This had only caused Noya to sky rocket since he'd get to be within a foot radius with his beloved Kiyoko-san.
Daichi, Asahi and Suga stood by the entrance looking over at the team. Suga let out a playful exhausted sigh watching at how loud and energetic Noya is even after morning practice. The boy was laughing with his arms spread looking over a star strucked orange haired boy while Tanaka seemed to hype them up as well (Y/n) and Kageyama looked geniunly confused with Ennoshita face palming behind them. It was a sight to behold, truly it was.
"Sure is energetic, huh?" Daichi said.
"Well, I wouldn't put it pass him, he's always been lively." Asahi said meekly using a finger to scratch his cheek sweatdropping at the scene before him.
With his hands on his hips, lips twisting to the side, "Kinda envious actually, I feel like some old dude now especially when I'm with you slovenly bunch." Suga replied.
"Suga you aren't even old" Daichi said sighing at how dramatic the setter has been lately, ignoring his latter comment the trio exited the gym heading towards the teachers faculty. Hinata, Nishinoya, Yachi and Kiyoko left the gym as well to pay a visit to the infirmary not long after the trio.
The rest of the volleyball club still stayed by the gym, the door closed, shoes sqeaking and balls being hit could be heard from the gym. None of the boys even bothered to change out of their gym attire yet and class was about to start in an hour.
"Daichi and Suga aren't here right?" Narita asked picking a stray ball.
"Nope, they went to see Takeda-sensei, I'm sure they already left for class after." Ennoshita replied also taking a stray ball and placing it inside the cart.
"I don't think so, they left their bags here." Narita said using his chin to point at where their bags were, by the bleachers along with a few of their teammates belongings as well as a napping (Y/n).
The lights glowed dim and flickered this caused the group of males to stop their ministrations.
"Did the lights just go out for a second or was that just me?" Tanaka asked aloud.
"I bet it was nothing," Yamaguchi said dismissively, as he was about to practice another float serve the lights went out.
"Who turned out the lights"
"Is it a black out"
"Do you think something happened to the main building??"
Narita takes initiative to go towards the door to check, waning to see if they were the only ones affected from the cut off in electricity.
"Do any of you have flashlights"
"Use your phone"
"It honestly isnt really all that dark you guys are exaggerating"
Narita grabs onto the sliding handle and tugs at it, jerking it with a little more force but to no avail.
"Guys. . . we're locked in."
Kageyama's faced twisted as he ran over and started pulling at the sliding door hoping it would budge but after his actions proved to be uneffective he hit the door with a loud bang.
"Shit" he whispered.
The lights then started to flicker on and off, a loud alarm blaring from the intercom and announcement speakers outside. A wave of panic coursed through the students in the gym.
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"What the fuck"
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{Perfectly Missed Opportunities to Kiss the Most Perfect Boy} Daichi x Suga
Summary: takes place during s1e11 on the first day of the training camp. Daichi has been dying to kiss his boyfriend, and everyone keep interrupting. All while Asahi is forced to suffer through their pent up emotions.
Pairings: Daichi x Suga; implied Noya x Asahi
Word Count: 2202
Warnings: mild swearing, slight sexual jokes
Notes: originally posted here on my ao3!
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The third years returned from the shower room. Daichi entered the room first, followed by Suga with a towel around his shoulders and Asahi not far behind. He, for the most part, was dry; Suga and Asahi’s hair was still damp. “Second years can use the showers now,” he said.
The second years got up and grabbed what they needed before thanking him and leaving. Daichi began to put his belongings away in his bag, Suga followed behind him to his bed next to him.
“It’s not the most impressive building, but it might be the best I’ve ever been in,” Suga commented.
Daichi hummed. “We’ll see better this year at nationals, I know it.”
The corners of Suga’s mouth came up in a small smile. Daichi smiled back before Hinata was standing over them. “Um…Daichi?” he started, his shoulders looking more tense than usual. “This is my first time ever at a training camp and…I was wondering if I could go exploring?”
Daichi turned to Suga, asking for his opinion. Yes, it was later at night and everyone should be settling down, but knowing Hinata, if he didn't get his energy out now then he would never fall asleep and throw up everywhere. Suga nodded in their unspoken agreement. “Just make sure you’re back before it’s your time to shower.”
“Thank you!” Hinata bowed and bounced away. Kageyema quickly got up and went to follow him, stopping in front of the two third years and silently asking permission. Daichi sighed and nodded, and before he knew it, Yamaguchi and Tsukki left, leaving just the third years.
“Where did our entire team go?” Daichi asked, looking around to see just the three of them left.
“You don’t think they bailed on us did they? Did we scare them away?” Asahi asked.
Suga held up his hand and waved their worries away. “No way! Second years are showering, and our first years and off doing whatever first years do at their first training camp. It’s not like we were never as excited as them our first year! I remember sneaking off in the middle of the night to see everything!”
Daichi chuckled. “And you got lost and I had to come find you.”
“Wait, you still believe he got lost?” Asahi asked in a small chuckle, brushing through his hair.
Daichi’s eyebrows furrowed. “Yes, that’s what he told me…wait, was that one of your tricks again?”
Suga winked. “It was step five of ‘Suga’s Ultimate Fail-Proof Plan to Get the Hot Guy to Go Out With Me’. Step Five: Dark hallways in the training camp are the best places for a first kiss. Did it work?”
Daichi shook his head and peaked over his shoulder, making sure no one was coming back. Once cleared, he put his arm around Suga and pulled him to his chest, back against him, and playfully messing up his hair. “‘Did it work?’” he mocked with a scoff. “If I remember correctly, I had you pinned against the wall on the second floor and was going to kiss you until that stupid coach from the other team got up to use the restroom for the fifth time.”
“You were so red.” Suga used the back of his hand to hide his chuckle, his head falling back to Daichi’s chest.
“I had to hear about the ‘perfectly missed opportunity to kiss the perfect boy at a training camp’ all day after that,” Asahi groaned, rubbing his eyes. “From both of you,” he quickly added.
“We appreciate your sacrifices for our love life.” Suga reached over and patted him on his back. “Your service will forever be remembered.”
“You can thank me publicly at the wedding after I show my prerecorded best man speech about all the times I’ve had to deal with your pinings,” he laughed.
“Planning our wedding before we do?” Daichi mused, his eyebrow perched.
Asahi smirked. “Like you two don’t already have the venue picked out.”
“Cherry blossoms,” they confirmed in harmony, causing them to laugh. Suga dipped his head into Daichi’s shoulder when he was pulled closer. Daichi reached over and fondly ran his thumb along his jawline, only stopping to raise it closer to him.
“Noya is about to barge in if you two are about to kiss,” Asahi told them.
Daichi sighed, the perfect moment yet again ruined to kiss the perfect boy at a training camp. “No way you know his shower routine.” He still; however, released Suga from his hold just in case Asahi’s instincts were freakishly correct.
“I don't!” he exclaimed in offense. “You can hear his skip!”
Right as he finished, Noya barged in, the door opening wide. Close call, Daichi thought. Suga passed a look over to a very blushy Asahi, both impressed and weirded out about his ability to sense him through the quiet halls.
“Your favorite upperclassmen left hot water in—where is everyone?” Noya frowned.
“Exploring,” Suga answered. “You five should go find them.”
“...All of us?” Kinnoshita asked. “Isn’t that a little mu—”
“All of you,” Daichi repeated firmly, cutting him off. “Before they cause any trouble.”
“Right! Got it, Captain!” they responded. The second years cleaned up a little before going off on their search mission, finally leaving the love birds + Asahi alone.
They waited in silence—kind of awkward silence—for the second years to exit and split up. Daichi plastered one of the most fakest smiles on his face as Ennoshita led them in making a plan to gather the underclassman. He tugged at his bottom lip between his teeth, chewing as he eyed them leaving. His foot impatiently tapped against the floor as he waited to make sure they were well down the hallway before making his move.
Suga and Asahi silently laughed to themselves—it wasn't often that Daichi got this worked up. Once he was sure he was gone, he turned to Suga, his smile softening into something real. “Can’t wait to get me alone, huh, Captain?” Suga teased.
“Thirty-two hours,” Daichi responded, quickly moving over to Suga’s blanket and pulling him in his lap, just like how they were before. “It has been thirty-two hours since I last kissed you.”
Asahi covered his face and shook his head. “I am so single…” he muttered under his breath.
Suga snapped around, pointing at him. “If you manned up and confessed to Noya then you wouldn’t be saying a thing! If Daichi wants to be soft, then let him be soft! I only get soft Daichi once a week so suck it up!”
Daichi laughed, nuzzling his face into Suga’s neck, nosing gently at it. “You smell so good.”
“Well duh, I just took a shower. Didn't know you were Captain of the Obvious too.”
“How many days until we leave?” Asahi asked in vain. “We’ve been here for less than a day, I can't do this much longer.”
“Four more days left to go!” Suga responded. “We promise our domesticy won't kill you.”
“Domesticy?” Daichi hummed. “I didn't know I could ever get you to settle down enough to be considered domestic.”
“Is that a challenge?” Suga teased, leaning back and turning to face him. “Because I can show you how wild I can be.”
“Guys stop,” Asahi pleaded half jokingly. “I don’t want to be here anymore.”
Daichi didn't bother to acknowledge he said something and gripped at Suga’s waist, holding him in place. He leaned forward, lips pouting out and begging Suga to kiss him. Suga prolonged it as much as he could, keeping Daichi on the edge. He pressed their foreheads together, breathing in sync with him. He was just about to press his long awaited lips to Daichi's before a scream echoed through the hallway.
Daichi groaned, dipping his head down to rest on the back of Suga’s neck in pain at yet another perfectly missed opportunity to kiss the most perfect boy at a training camp, lost. “Who the hell was that?”
Suga laughed at the irrarity in his voice. “Hinata and someone else.”
“Wasn't Noya,” Asahi sighed.
“Whoever the hell it was is getting their ass beat.”
“Is our dearly loved captain upset he can't kiss his hot setter boyfriend?” Suga reached down to find Daichi’s hand and squeezed it. “That thirty-two is gonna become thirty three at this rate.”
“They’re all gonna be dead by the time that happens.” Daichi took a deep breath and let go of Suga, starting to get up. “I’m gonna go and—”
“I’ll go!” Asahi offered. “I really appreciate that you two are comfortable enough to be all couple-ly in front of me, but I think two minutes of alone time would be really good for you. I’ll find them and tell them to be quiet before you have to come, that will scare them.”
“You’re so scary, Daichi,” Suga repeated. “Horrifying when you’re pent up and deprived of true love’s kiss.”
“Thank you, Asahi—for everything you’ve done for us the last two years.” Daichi smiled at him and encouraged him to go.
“Make sure you keep an ear out for the others!” he reminded them before prodding away.
The second Asahi was gone, Daichi pushed Suga off his lap and hovered over him. His legs on the sides of his waist, locking him in place. His hands held him up besides the other’s head. “Finally,” he breathed out. “You have no clue how much I had to hold myself back during practice.”
Suga pushed the hair that fell from Daichi’s forehead away and linked his arms around his neck. “You’re not the only one, Dai. I was suffering just as much as you; although, you seem to want something.”
Daichi leaned down to whisper in his ear. “I want so much. You have no clue how good you looked setting to everyone today. Every time you jumped, your shirt lifted a little bit, showing off your body and I swear I was going to die. I have no clue how I’ve made it this far without shoving you into a closet.”
His breath on his neck sent shivers down Suga’s body, leaving a comforting tingle. “You forget how hot you are too. Every time you received, your shorts would run up your legs and show off your thighs. I was so distracted every time I got to toss to you.”
“My best spikes came from your tosses. You’re the best setter I could ever ask for.” Daichi brought one hand down to massage Suga's waist.
Suga smiled, a blush forming on his cheeks and temples from the praise. He took one arm off from Daichi’s neck and ran his fingers down his shoulders, stopping when he got to his forearms. His skin was starting to turn from red to a purplish-yellow. “Ukai didn't hit it too hard, did he?” he asked softly. “I think he always hits it softer to me.”
“I’m good, Kou. It’s not like I haven't had bruises before. We had really good receiving today—it’s really improved. This is the first time I’ve pushed like this in a while.”
Suga leaned up, touching the foreheads together. “I hate seeing you hurt, even though I know it's a part of the game and that it doesn't cause you pain.”
“I love how much you care,” Daichi responded. “But stop worrying so much. This is gonna be our best year.”
“Promise.” Daichi leaned down, one elbow holding him up and the other cupping Suga’s cheek. He leaned forward as Suga tilted his head to the side. The hand still on Daichi’s neck pulled him closer. Just as the gap between was about to close, another yell echoed through the halls.
Daichi, a little startled, lost his balance and landed on top of Suga with a small ‘oof’. Yet again, another perfect opportunity to kiss the most perfect boy at a training camp, ruined. Gone just before he was finally able to show his undying love for his boyfriend like he's been yearning to do since early this morning. His fist came hard down on the pillow is distraught, he’s never felt so defeated.
Suga, on the other hand, found the situation more amusing than anything. He laughed out loud, unable to stop himself. His arms stayed wrapped around Daichi’s back, running his hand along his spine in comfort. “I think Asahi found them.”
“They are all so dead,” Daichi seethed. “Every single one of them has a grave waiting for them.” Taking probably the only opportunity that he was going to get for the night, he quickly locked their lips together in a less than passionate, but more than needed kiss. Daichi, having no patience left, licked into Suga’s mouth earlier than he normally would. Suga happily hummed, more than willing to give Daichi whatever he wanted. Their soft lips hurriedly moved against each other as they knew this would be their ‘good night kiss’. Daichi was quick to pull away, much to his disdain, before sitting up and turning towards the door. “All of you shut up!” he called out. The yelling continued. He stood up, angrily, Suga snickering behind him, and opened the door. “Shut up!!!”
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Hold Me
Daichi hated his job. He hated plugging numbers into a computer and he hated writing reports and he hated fixing the damn copy machine. By 10 am he had already spilled coffee on his shirt, went to a bullshit meeting, and helped Kiyoko fix her desk chair. Two hours down, six to go.
It hadn’t been so bad before, but when Suga got sick he had to take a few months off work and Daichi had to pick up the slack. He really didn’t mind, anything he could do to make Suga’s recovery easier.
But being in the office for eight hours, six days a week was pretty exhausting. And not just physically.
He couldn’t help thinking, he used to be somebody. He was a captain of a nationals level volleyball team. He was someone people looked up to. Someone people looked to for leadership and trusted. People has always told him that he was going to do great things in life, he was set up for success. Now he was just another number in a statistic, a low level worker in an accounting firm.
He felt like he was completely frozen, with frost on his lips and ice in his stomach. It had happened slowly, but being stuck in a place like this had left him cold, as though there were no life left in him. He was in the same place doing the same thing and he felt like he never saw Suga, who was too weak to really leave home. He had dreamed of owning his own business or traveling for a while before settling down with the man he loved. But he couldn’t help feeling he would never get out of this place.
When Daichi finally got back to the apartment he and Suga shared after work he could smell soup on the stove.
“Daichi!” Suga popped his head around the corner, “I’m making sausage lentil soup for dinner! Welcome home!” He flashed Daichi a huge smile, then disappeared.
Daichi felt some warmth return to his fingers, and followed his silver haired lover into the kitchen.
Suga was at the stovetop, stirring the soup and mumbling something about a bay leaf. Daichi plucked the missing herb off of the counter and reached around Suga to drop it into a pot.
“Looking for this?” He teased, pinching the fabric at the base of Suga’s shirt. The warmth started moving from his fingertips up his arm. He could swear he felt the ice cracking.
Suga turned around and gave him another million watt smile. “What would I do without you?” He reached up one hand to stroke Daichi’s hair while the other settled at his shoulder.
Daichi felt a smile creep across his own face, and looped his arms around the smaller man’s waist. “How was your appointment today?” He asked, preparing for the worst but hoping for the best. Suga had been feeling better lately but the doctor had predicted at first that his recovery would last another month or so, Suga had been affected very strongly by mono as he had originally tried to keep working and over exerted himself.
The smile stayed on Suga’s face as he answered, “He said that the mono really took a toll on me, but thanks to all the time off I’m completely recovered! No more weakness or symptoms. If you hadn’t taken all that extra time it wouldn’t have turned out like this.” He presses a small kiss to Daichi’s lips. “I can’t even tell you how grateful I am. Thank you for helping me through this.”
The last of the ice around Daichi’s heart finally melted, this man in front of him finally made him feel human again. He yanked Suga in roughly for a hug. It was so easy for him to forget what he was making this sacrifice for. He wasn’t a failure, and this wasn’t the end. It was just a beginning.
Suga cleared his throat, but his voice was still muffled against Daichi’s shoulder“So I know it isn’t much but if you take a few days off then maybe we can go to the ocean for a few days? I’m well enough to travel and it’s relatively inexpensive.”
Daichi said nothing, but Suga could feel him shaking slightly.
“Daichi?” He asked quietly, his voice laced with concern.
“Just hold me.” Daichi answered hoarsely, and so Suga did.
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tokikurp · 6 years
Evening Cuddles
DaiSuga Winter Weekend Day 2- Cosy/Chilly/Thaw
Summary: Suga sighs, seeing his breath in the chilly air. He really hoped Daichi is home when comes back and not out doing something, like getting groceries.
Sugawara loves his job. He gets to work in a bakery all day, making fluffy cakes and buttery breads. The warm atmosphere the ovens are emitting off while baking gave a comforting feeling. Watching children’s eyes widen while they’re watching him decorate in the front always makes him smile. How amaze they look while watching a cake being decorated. Showing someone their custom made cake for the first time and seeing their reactions! Suga’s favorite customer this month so far had been a woman picking up her parent’s fiftieth wedding anniversary cake. She cried because the cake turned out better than she had expected.
He’s on his feet all day and his back hurts after bending down to pick up heavy stacks. But would he want any other job? Absolutely not, because then he wouldn’t get to see all the happy faces he sees each day.
Expect right now.
Suga was walking home after his shift in freezing temperatures (temperatures that only continued to drop as night grew darker by the minute). Every single day, Suga walks home to and from work since his and Daichi’s apartment isn’t too far from the bakery. It’s just enough distance for the silver-haired man to walk everyday without any problems. Until this moment.
He begins to shiver as the wind picks up, making it feel a lot colder than it really is. Suga groans, he should have left home with a thicker coat this morning! The coat he wears doesn’t do much to shield him from the cold, why did he even wear this thin jacket?! Ah right, because he thought it would get off just early enough to miss the temperatures starting to drop. But he didn’t because a last minute order came in, that he took care of.
He sighs, seeing his breath in the chilly air, as he makes his way home. He really hoped Daichi is home when comes back and not out doing something, like getting groceries.
“Geez, the wind is getting stronger by the minute.” Daichi mumbles, hearing the wind gust pick up. “I hope Koushi comes home soon. Maybe I should call and ask if I need to pick him up?”
He makes his decision just a moment later, leaning over to pick up his phone to call his boyfriend. Just as he pulls up his contacts, Daichi hears the door open and then close.
“I-I’m home!” Suga calls out, his voice shivering from the cold. Daichi stands up from his seat and goes to greet his boyfriend. He can hear Suga’s teeth chattering together as he removes his shoes, even shivering.
“Welcome home.” Daichi greets, kneeling down in front of his boyfriend and helping him remove his shoes. “How was your day?”
“G-good! But I’m-I’m freezing!”
“I can see that. Go take a bath and warm up. I’ll get dinner started.” Daichi suggests as he stood up, Suga looking at him.
“Ar-are you sure?” They always cook dinner together, it’s something they both enjoyed doing together. It also makes the time for cooking go a lot faster and while waiting for something to warm up or cook, their kitchen often times turns into a dance floor. Or ballroom if Daichi wants to ballroom dance with Suga (while singing to him).
“Yes. Go on and get warmed up in the bath.” Daichi nods, giving his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek.
“If-if you’re sure.”
“Yes I’m sure.” Daichi smiles as he heads toward the kitchen. Suga watches him before making his way to the bathroom.
“So much better!” Suga exclaims, walking out of the bathroom after a long, warm bath. He feels so much better and happy not to feel like an ice sickle. Now he’s dressed in a long sleeve shirt and fuzzy pajama bottoms, feeling warmer already. “Daichi? Is dinner ready?”
He calls out, stepping out of the shared bedroom and into the hallway, the floor is warm. Daichi must have turned it (their apartment is a new building and came with a feature to warm the floors, it’s amazing in the winter).
“Yup! Just waiting on you, love!” Daichi responds back, making Suga walk just a little faster to see what Daichi has cooked for the two of them. As he comes closer and closer, the silver-haired male can smell something in the air. He can’t wait to eat whatever Daichi haa made for them.
“In the living room, Koushi!”
Suga heads in that direction and stops at the entrance of the room. There are blankets both on the couch and on the floor, their thick winter blankets actually. He also sees a pot on top of a portal burner on the coffee table. Looks like Daichi made a hotpot by the smell of it.
“How was the bath?” Suga looks up to see Daichi returning to the living room. Two mugs in each of his hands and he can see steam coming out of the two mugs.
“Great, just what I needed.” Suga smiles. “So what happened to eating in the kitchen?”
“Well, I thought that we could wrap ourselves in our blankets, eat some hot pot while watching a movie.” Daichi explains while setting the mugs down, smirking up at Suga. “And I also want to cuddle next to my boyfriend and make sure he’s warm.”
“Awww aren’t you sweet.” Suga smirks back, sitting on the pile of blankets Daichi has set out. “What did I ever do to deserve an amazing boyfriend like you?”
“I ask myself that all the time with you.” Daichi responds, sitting next to Suga and wrapping a blanket around them. The two of them scooting next to each other as close as they can. “So, ready for dinner?”
“You betcha, I’m starving!” Suga exclaims. Daichi pulls the coffee table closer to them and searches  for a movie.
Before they know it, the hotpot is gone and the third movie is on. The hotpot warmed them up, but that doesn’t stop them from wrapping another blanket or two around them. Their cheeks touching each other as they lean against each other.
“Thanks for warming me up, Dai.” Suga whispers, nuzzling his nose into Daichi’s neck. The former captain smiles as he turns the TV off and kisses his boyfriend’s forehead.
“You’re welcome.” He hums. “Just remember to leave with your thicker coat next time.”
“I will, I will.” Suga mumbles, curling up against Daichi. They basically have a bed already made, so why move when they’re cozy? They lay down on the floor and fix the blankets on them. Good nights are said and kisses given as the two closed their eyes for the night.
And Suga already makes a mental note to wear his thicker jacket tomorrow.
And Daichi will remind him too.
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xpao-bearx · 3 years
NSFW UNDER THE CUT!!! 18+ only, minors please DNI 🔞
《Original Post HERE》
《EDIT: Updated Post HERE》
My Second Kinktober 2021 Prompt: DADDY KINK
Fandom: Haikyu!!
Pairing/s: Daichi Sawamura x Shoyo Hinata x Koshi Sugawara
Both Daichi and Suga haven't had a lot of time lately to spend with their boyfriend, Hinata, due to work. Hinata greatly misses their company and devises a plan to finally get back their attention...
NOTES: I saw "daddy kink" on the prompt list and IMMEDIATELY thought of Dadchi and Suga Mama 👁👄👁 Anyhoe, this oneshot is based in the future and it involves an established poly relationship between Hinata with Daichi and Suga! Just please keep in mind that I haven't read the HQ manga, I've only seen bits and pieces of it tho I do know what careers the characters have. But I apologize if my writing seems off since I haven't read the manga! >_<
"Hi, baby! I'm gonna be working overtime again today. Some kids handed in their homework late so I'm stuck grading their papers :("
"Hey, Sho. Might come home late again, sorry. This case assigned to me is a lot tougher than I thought. Love you ❤"
Hinata huffed as he read both of the texts his boyfriends sent to him (funnily enough, he received each text at the same time).
Of course, he completely understood Daichi and Suga being busy. Work is work, and he had a lot of respect for his former upperclassmen taking their jobs seriously. But even he, who was now a pro volleyball player, had some time to spare. So why doesn't Daichi and Suga have any for him?
He despised himself for being this way. He's being selfish, he knew, but it's been a depressing couple of weeks now and both of his lovers STILL didn't have the time of day for him. Therefore, can anyone really blame him for being so needy?
Hinata pouted, pulling his legs up to his chest and wrapping his arms around them. He was currently sitting on the couch, an intense volleyball match playing on the TV that featured Oikawa's Argentinian team though even that wasn't enough to cheer him up.
He was wearing one of Daichi's oversized t-shirts and a pair of Suga's fuzzy socks. Recently, this has been his go-to comfort attire. It made him feel so warm and close to his partners when they weren't around and he absolutely loved how their clothes' scent got on his skin. Their scent.
As he continued to watch absently, he then perked up when an idea suddenly popped up in his head. A brilliant, thrilling idea that made Hinata gulp and his stomach twist into knots.
Was he really up for it?
But one whiff of Daichi's cologne from his shirt and his feet all wrapped up in the coziness of Suga's socks were enough to spur Hinata on, as if Daichi and Suga were invisibly encouraging him.
He just knew they'd love this little idea of his. So, without wasting another precious moment, he jumped up off of the couch and made a beeline towards their shared bedroom.
Suga sighed as he trudged his way up the stairs to his, Daichi, and Hinata's apartment complex.
He enjoyed his job and teaching his students, but he was hyper aware that he hasn't had much time lately to be with Hinata. He knew Hinata was more than capable of taking care of himself, but Suga also noticed the way Hinata would droop disappointedly anytime Suga would say he was busy again or whenever Hinata wouldn't even bother replying anymore to his texts when Suga would have to clock in some extra hours. Hinata didn't mean anything bad by it, of course, but it made Suga feel like such a shitty boyfriend. It was even worse that Hinata endured it all ever so patiently, never saying what's really on his mind or what he wanted in fear of burdening him and Daichi.
Speaking of Daichi, Suga perked up once he saw Daichi already in front of their apartment unit. Daichi was just about to unlock the door before Suga greeted him.
"Hey! You're home pretty early today." Suga grinned, seeing that Daichi has a plastic bag with him. "Whatcha have there?"
Daichi grinned back at Suga, holding up the bag. "Meatbuns. Figured Sho would appreciate 'em. And yeah, I thought I'd be late again today, but I actually managed to wrap up the case without any more issues."
"Great! Then that means you can unwind for a bit, right?"
"I believe so. I also think I did pretty well on this case, so the captain will probably grant me some PTO." Daichi chuckled, sliding his key into the knob.
He really wished he would be given permission to get some rest. His profession as part of the Miyagi prefecture's police force was exhausting and, at times, vexing. But he worked particularly hard on this new case. Firstly because it was unlike any of the past cases he's had before, so he wanted to prove his worth. And secondly, he wanted to finish up as soon as possible so that he can go back to being in Hinata's loving embrace.
Which sounded so sappy, he knew, but he missed the little tangerine. This time apart made Daichi realize just how much of a helpless sucker he was for Hinata. And sometimes, when he was really missing the redhead, he'd do some rather scandalous things in his office before going home all while thinking about Hinata...
But Daichi snapped back to reality when the door clicked open, stepping into their home with Suga following suit. "Shoyo, we're home!" Suga called out, both he and Daichi taking their shoes off at the entrance and neatly placing them away.
"Sho?" Daichi raised a brow when there was no response. Hinata was like a puppy, always bounding up excitedly to them without fail and spoiling them both with adorable hugs and kisses. And it wasn't even that late yet, but was he already asleep?
Daichi and Suga stepped further inside, seeing that the TV in the living room was on. Suga grabbed the remote, turning it off. Without the hum of the TV, their home was only occupied by a deafening silence.
But that was only short lived, for soon there was a loud "AH!" that came from their bedroom.
"SHOYO!" Daichi and Suga shouted in unison, dashing to their room. Their blood ran cold. Shit, what happened? Was Hinata okay?!
They both slammed the door open, but the sight that was revealed to them was definitely NOT what they expected.
Hinata was laying on the bed, wearing only Daichi's shirt and Suga's socks. His left wrist was in one of Daichi's handcuffs from work, Hinata having cuffed himself to the bedframe while his right hand held a dildo and was rapidly thrusting it in and out of his asshole. A mini vibrator was also attached to his twitching cock, spurts of cum leaking out from his tip and dripping down his shaft.
"A-AH..! K-Koshi?" Hinata perked up, lifting his head to peek. His lips quirked up into a bright smile, his face flushed scarlet and beautiful brown eyes gone nearly black with lust. "And Daichi! Y-You're home early!"
"Shoyo, wha..?" Both men were at a loss for words, eyes as wide as volleyballs as they stared totally speechless at the unbelievable--and fucking hot--scene before them. It was like something straight out of a porno, and their naughty little redhead was the star of the show.
"I-I missed you guys...so m-much." Hinata panted, not ceasing his hand's erratic movements with the dildo. A moan slipped pass his lips, throwing his head back. "I-I've been...fucking myself l-like this for a w-while now thinking that it's y-you two!"
It was Daichi who broke out of the tantalizing spell first, dropping the plastic bag to the floor and making his way over to the side of the bed in big steps. He hastily ripped off the vibrator from Hinata's cock, making Hinata whine before he gasped sharply when Daichi's huge hand wrapped around his length.
"Fuck, Sho..." Daichi breathed, slowly stroking Hinata's cock and spreading his cum all over. "You did all this for us? God, baby, I feel like shit for leaving you alone. But this makes it all fucking worth it."
Hinata whimpered, turning his head to look at Daichi. "Y-You can do whatever you want to me, Daddy~"
Daichi froze, and if his eyes were already wide then now they threatened to pop right out of his sockets. Suga chuckled, tone low with a hint of amusement. He walked over to the other side of the bed, plopping down next to Hinata.
"Sho, baby, I think you killed Daichi." He continued to chuckle, hazel brown eyes gleaming. He then reached forward, stilling Hinata's hand with the dildo. "You won't need this anymore, baby, you have us now. Indulge us, though... What did you call dear ol' Daichi?"
Daichi groaned, the front of his pants pitching a tent. Suga smirked, caressing Hinata's cheek tenderly though the expression on his face clearly had other wicked intentions. "Am I your daddy, too, Shoyo?"
"Yes!" Hinata replied without skipping a beat, nodding his head eagerly. "I missed you, Daddy! Do you have time for me now?"
Despite this insanely erotic situation, both Daichi and Suga's hearts melted. Have they really been neglecting their beloved shortie for THAT long?
"Yes, baby. I promise I'll be stricter with the deadlines for my students' homework so I won't have to stay after school anymore." Suga swooped in, capturing Hinata's mouth with his.
"And I'll hand in a request for some PTO, then we can spend more time together. Maybe all of us can even go on a short vacation." Daichi added, holding Hinata's right hand and pressing a gentle kiss to it before cuffing it to the bedframe as well. "Now just relax, baby. Your daddies will do the rest for you."
With both of his hands now bound, Hinata felt powerless. But he wasn't scared, knowing that he's in good hands--literally. As Suga kissed him, so slow and sensual as his tongue lazily danced with Hinata's, one of Suga's hands trailed down and pinched Hinata's nipple through his (or rather Daichi's) shirt. Hinata moaned against Suga's mouth, Daichi positioning himself so that he was on the bed in between Hinata's legs.
"Mhm... You look so gorgeous like this, baby. Such a cute little slut, opening your legs up just for us~" Daichi smirked wolfishly, crouching down. Hinata had no chance to reply when Daichi's warm tongue made contact with the base of Hinata's cock, taking his sweet time as he licked his shaft all the way to the top.
"D-Daddy..!" Hinata gasped, pulling away from Suga and watching with glossy eyes at the sinfully wonderful ministrations Daichi was doing. "M-More... Please? I want more!"
"I think you better give him what he wants, Daichi." Suga laughed, running his fingers through Hinata's fluffy orange hair. "He's been a good boy, after all."
"I have!" Hinata nodded enthusiastically, looking up at Suga. "And... G-Good boys get to have a cock in their mouth, too, right?"
Suga's pale cheeks reddened, grinning. "Dammit, Shoyo, do you know just how dangerous you are?" But Hinata didn't have to say any more, for in a split second both Daichi and Suga's clothes were flying everywhere and carelessly tossed around the room before leaving them as naked as the day they were born.
Daichi crouched down in front of Hinata's crotch again while Suga's cock poked against Hinata's lips. "Open up, slut." Suga growled authoritatively, Hinata more than happily obeying. Suga's breath hitched as he felt the familiar pleasurable heat of Hinata's mouth engulf him, making him throw his head back.
"Having fun there, Suga?" Daichi chuckled. "Well, as for me, I haven't eaten yet though this looks like such a delicious dinner~" He grinned, wrapping his mouth around Hinata's tip before easily taking in the whole of Hinata's member. Hinata wasn't that big (at least not as big as him and Suga), but his size was just right. In fact, Daichi really loved the size difference between them.
"Mmph..!" Hinata's groan was muffled by Suga's cock, his hips jerking up. But that was instantly stopped by Daichi, his strong hands pinning down Hinata's waist.
"No, Shoyo. Stay. Fucking. Still." He commanded as he pulled off Hinata's cock with a lewd pop, dark eyes narrowing up at Hinata. "Good boys do as they're fucking told unless you wanna be punished by Daddy."
Hinata, still completely stuffed by Suga, merely nodded. And without another word, Daichi glomped down on Hinata's cock again.
Meanwhile, Suga gripped onto Hinata's hair as he ever so carefully inched deeper and deeper into Hinata's mouth. With the way Daichi was beginning to bob his head now on his cock and Suga filling him, the sensations were all so damn overwhelming that it was bringing Hinata to tears. Noticing this, Suga (always so kind) gently wiped away his tears.
"You're doing so well, baby." Suga cooed, grunting as he felt his cock hit the back of Hinata's throat. "Shiiit, yeah, that's it... Breathe, Sho. Fuck, take Daddy even deeper."
And Hinata did. As much as he could, he relaxed his throat and opened himself up for his boyfriend. Suga's breath stuttered, watching with intent rapture as Hinata stared right back at him with eyes full of desire and face practically glowing crimson.
Daichi started to go even faster, bopping his head rhythmically and the salty taste of Hinata's excess cum fucking addicting. Shit, everything about Hinata was addicting. And Daichi was especially fired up after being deprived for too damn long, having only held Hinata in his perverted fantasies while jerking off after work all by his lonesome in his office.
Hinata's wanton moans reverberated throughout Suga's cock, making Suga's grip on Hinata's hair tighten as his own moans escaped him. The last of his patience wearing thin, Suga couldn't take it anymore as he began to fuck into Hinata's mouth.
Hinata's eyes shot wide, his pupils dilating as he nearly choked as Suga rammed into his poor little throat. His tongue twitched as he could feel tiny droplets of Suga's precum hitting it, making him ecstatic for Suga to blow his load. It has been way too fucking long.
Daichi could feel Hinata's cock throb, and he knew it wouldn't be far off for him to reach his release. Daichi abruptly pulled away, making Hinata whine around Suga's cock.
"Nuh-uh. You're not cumming until we allow you to, Shoyo." Daichi growled, his assertive voice sending a shiver down Hinata's spine. Even after all these years, Daichi hasn't lost his spark as a goddamn sexy leader.
Daichi then grasped his own erection, rubbing it teasingly against Hinata's anus. The sudden action made Hinata break away from Suga's cock, the handcuffs jangling slightly as Hinata squirmed.
"Oh, please..!" He pleaded desperately. "Daddy, please! Fuck me, I'll be a good boy! Please, I promise!"
A laugh bubbled out of Daichi, deep yet thundering. "Oh, baby, how can I ever deny you? You pretty fucking cockslut~"
Daichi spit on his cock, lubricating himself. But after a few moments, without any warning, he shoved himself into Hinata's yearning hole.
Hinata's back arched, and he almost came right then and there. He swore he could see stars, but was quickly brought back to the present as Suga grabbed his chin and tugged his head towards him.
"You haven't forgotten about me, have you?" Suga chuckled, his fingers mindlessly playing with Hinata's swollen lips and dipping them into his mouth.
"O-Of course not, Daddy." Hinata moaned, sucking on Suga's fingers and shaking his head. "Please fuck my mouth again, I need you!"
Suga grinned. He then swung one leg over Hinata, hovering above the redhead. "As you wish~" He hummed, prying open Hinata's mouth as wide as possible and plunging his entire cock into him once again.
"Careful you don't break him, Suga." Daichi chuckled huskily, quickening his pace. He also grabbed Hinata's cock, pumping him in time to his fast yet steady thrusts.
"Of course not, Daichi. We can't live without our slutty little fucktoy, after all~" Suga winked down at Hinata, before suddenly wrapping a hand around Hinata's neck. He squeezed--ever so lightly--but just enough to make Hinata's eyes roll to the back of his head at the brief loss of air.
Daichi was pounding away like a madman now, animalistic groans and grunts rattling his body. Hinata let out a particularly loud moan around Suga's cock when he hit a certain sweet spot, and Daichi took note as he roughly prodded into it over and over again.
Hinata wrapped his legs around Daichi's waist, pulling him in even closer before he began to bob his head up and down on Suga's cock and some drool dribbling down the side of his mouth. Suga smirked, letting Hinata do all the work and squeezing Hinata's neck a bit harder this time.
Hinata knew he wasn't going to last long. He needed to wait for their permission to cum, but he just couldn't take it anymore. He started to grind himself against Daichi, making the bigger man gasp. And that one little delectable sound from his boyfriend was enough to make Hinata tense up, eyes shutting tightly and body shaking as he came.
Although Daichi tried to control himself, he was completely milked by Hinata as his walls clenched like a goddamn vice around him. Suga couldn't restrain himself either, seeing Hinata cum enough to bring him to the peak of his orgasm. Both men let out cries of pure ecstasy, Daichi pushing balls deep into Hinata's asshole as he came and Suga's sperm shooting straight down Hinata's throat.
It took a good minute for the trio to calm themselves, slowly coming down from their high. Sweat was beading down their bodies, a pleasurable fog settling in all of their minds.
They were all breathing raggedly, but Hinata was the first to speak up.
"S-Sorry I came without your permission, Daddies..." He panted, the inside of his mouth thoroughly stained by Suga's semen and eyes glazed over. "You can punish me~"
Suga glanced over his shoulder, seeing Daichi's cock already standing proudly again from Hinata's words. Suga looked back down at Hinata, a smile reaching all the way up to Suga's ears.
"Fuck, Shoyo... We fucking missed you."
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romiantic · 3 years
hi hi!! may i request tanaka x fem!reader fluff where the reader is a new student at karasuno and he’s immediately interested!! thank you!!! (black reader obviously LOL)
𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐭. 𝐫𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐚
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reading: black!fem!reader
genre: fluff
request: hi hi!! may i request tanaka x fem!reader fluff where the reader is a new student at karasuno and he’s immediately interested!! thank you!!! (black reader obviously LOL)
a/n: I’m so sorry anon for the wait 😭 I really do hope you enjoy
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At first it started with Kiyoko giving you a tour of the gym
She invited you to watch the boys play a bit and you agree of course. She introduced you to Yachi as well
Nishinoya was the first one to point you to Tanaka
When Tanaka saw you, WHEW, his heart almost stopped
How did a gorgeous girl with such gorgeous features end up in Karasuno? Of all the schools you could’ve joined, Karasuno.
And what were you doing here? How did he end up blessed to see someone like you just sitting there, just there, chatting with the other two managers?
The way your long faux locs wrapped perfect into a mini bun while the rest laid flat on your back, your soft skin glistening well under the gym, and how your pearly whites and brown cheeks popped out when Kiyoko mentioned something funny to you and Yachi.
Stop, leave, he can’t take it anymore. His brain wasn’t used to this much beauty since he first saw Kiyoko.
Your beauty alone was making the boy short-circuit
Thankfully enough Nishinoya brought him back to reality
You took a small notice of him and softly smiled and waved at him
Damn it y/n you broke Tanaka 🤦🏾‍♀️ the only thing that helped him out was Daichi announcing their usual five-on-five practice match
Which he took the opportunity to show his skills off
Hopefully it goes well...for him
“Oi Tanaka!” Nishinoya jogged over to his skinhead friend, who was currently getting a drink of water. Nishinoya pulled him over to a secluded area, not too far away from the team. “You see that girl over there? Our lovely Kiyoko has struck again and brought us more beauty.” The short black/blonde was so heartstrung over you, you would’ve seen hearts show up on his pupils.
Tanaka took a deep breath and puffed out his chest, “You’re right Noya, let’s do this.”
The two jogged back over to the court and joined the rest of their team. Their vice captain clapped loudly to get everyone’s attention. Everyone turned their heads to see what the two captains needed.
Their captain called out, “Alright everyone form out, we’re starting out our usual five-on five game. Sugawara will be captain of one team and I will do the other. For my team, I’ll have Kageyama, Tsukishima, Ennoshita, and Nishinoya. Sugawara will have Hinata, Tanaka, Yamaguchi, and Asahi.”
“Yes, I’m with Tanaka!” Hinata shouted and clapped his hands with Tanaka. Nishinoya nudged him and gave him a wink, “You got this bro.” The two boys split ways and joined in with their team.
At first it was going well for Tanaka, you were intrigued by his mass amount of energy and how sharp he hits the ball. You also found how cool that he would ALWAYS motivate his teammate, no matter how tired or worn out they look right now.
Actually, it seems like him, Hinata, and Nishinoya were the ones with the most energy out of it. Even Kageyama looked out of it, from trying to cooperate with Tsukishima, and his rude remarks, to trying to make the perfect sets for his teammates. The three mentioned look like they were on fire, especially on the last set.
It was Tanaka’s turn to serve, he took a deep breath and took a glance at you. You sat with your ankles crossed and phone flat on your lap, he winked at you and threw the ball up. This serve he made extra special by putting all force into the serve.
The ball was spiked straight across the net, passing the blockers, and giving his team the final point to win.
Kiyoko nudged you and smiled, “I think you’re the reason why Tanaka won and acted like that.”
You were genuinely confused and tucked some of your locs behind your ear, “What you mean? Wait, is the Tanaka the skinhead that winked at me?”
Kiyoko shook her head and pointed over to Tanaka, who was currently celebrating with his teammates and getting yelled at by his captain that he’s loud.
Yachi pitched, “Kiyoko isn’t wrong, Tanaka isn’t usually this loud.”
“See y/n, you’re the reason why.”
You waved them off, “Yeah yeah. Not gonna lie, he got some skills and he’s kind of cute.”
Kiyoko nudged you again and smiled, “First day here and y/n is already taking a liking to someone. Come on, I’ll introduce you to the team.”
You nodded your head and headed over to the team, who were currently chatting amongst themselves and discussing game strategies and improvements.
Suga was the first to notice you three coming, “Oh Shimizu, who’s your new friend?”
“This is l/n y/n. She’s new at Karasuno and I decided to give her a tour.”
Hinata leaned over a bit to show his interest in you, “Ouuu she’s pretty Kiyoko.”
She introduced and pointed out the rest of the team to you. You waved and at the team and they did the same.
You took a small glance at Tanaka from the corner of your eye and boy was his face red, redder than a grilled tomato.
“Woah Tanaka are you good?” Hinata asked.
Yamaguchi and Tsukishima snickered and pointed out, “I think he has a crush on the new girl.”
“No I don’t!”
“Yes you do.” Both Daichi and Suga said.
Kageyama added, “If you can countlessly admit your love to Kiyoko, I think you can admit your feelings to y/n.”
Tsukishima muttered, “At least this one would be realistic.”
“I’m flattered actually, he’s a fine lil thing and I like how he plays.”
Sugawara fake gasped, “Someone as bold as Tanaka? To think we’ve never seen the day.”
Hinata violently shook Tanaka, “Dude dude dude, you should like totally shoot your shot.”
Nishinoya agreed, “Yeah dude, she’s standing right there, what’s the worst that could happen?”
The team kept encouraging Tanaka until he mustered the courage to walk up to you.
He stood in front of you, nervously chuckling and rubbing his hand behind his neck while you had a smile plastered on his face, “Uh huh- hi- I’m- I’m.”
Nishinoya called, “Stop being a pussy!”
Daichi called out, “Nishinoya! Ten extra laps around the court.”
“Twenty and I get to show y/n rolling thunder.”
Tsukishima rolled his eyes, “Please anything but that annoyingly stupid receive.”
Nishinoya side-eyed him, “Tsukishima you wanna join me?”
You giggled at the encounter and gave your attention back to Tanaka. Still beet red and nervous, trying to spew out words, you meshed your hand into his free hand. “Take me to the finest ramen place this Saturday.” You winked at him as well.
Everyone’s eyes widened and were in awe at your actions.
Kiyoko crossed her arms and let out a ‘hmph’, “Did she just- wow, y/n. I didn’t know you had it in you.”
“I used to be somewhat of a player back in America.”
Hinata excitedly asked, “Ouu wait y/n, can you please tell us about America? How is it? What do you guys eat there? Is it fun? Do they have volleyball over there? Are they like really good at volleyball too? What about-”
Kageyama cut his questions by covering his mouth, “Do us all a favor and please shut up.”
You let out a small laugh, “I don’t mind getting questions, I mean I am pretty new here.”
“Good then…” Nishinoya did the same as Hinata and started rambling off question after question.
You spent the rest of the afternoon chatting with team and telling a lot about yourself. All while your hands were still connected with Tanaka’s. You looked over to him and winked while he talked into the conversation as well.
You’d say it was a pretty nice first day at a new country, and at a new school.
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FINALLY, I finished this Tanaka request. Sorry anon that it took so long 😭
Also sorry if you wanted just a straight oneshot instead of headcannons 😭
hope you enjoyed 💕
bye babes, drink your water, stay hydrated, and remember that you are the baddest bitch on the planet 🥰 no matter what ANYONE says
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐬 𝟐:𝟑 💗
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟣 𝗂𝗓𝗎𝗄𝗎𝗌𝖽𝖾𝗄𝗎. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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