#clara & reader
bombsonboard · 4 months
metal arm brrr
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Summary: Every problem needs a solution. Bucky just isn't the biggest fan of yours.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Tags: Fluff in the highest degree, old married couple, Swearing (It's Bucky, duh)
A/N: I just needed to give you guys something, it's been too long since i've written on here and you guys are the best :) I've barely checked this over so I apologize for any typos.
“Can you stop moving, please?” 
Bucky Barnes half asleep is not someone you want to mess with. The first time you shuffled he had hardly made a sound, the second you were met with a low grumble (a warning you knew well) and the third strike, he was thirty seconds from kicking you out of the bed. 
When Bucky had finally learnt to sleep in a bed again, mostly thanks to you, he steadily became a big fan of his beauty sleep and god help anyone who ended up disturbing him. He had a lot to catch up on. Once, you had violently shaken him awake because his phone was ringing and when he heard Sam on the other line, you were deemed a ‘sleep thief’ for a week and a half after. Bucky Barnes was a bitch when it came to his sleep. 
You usually wouldn't have any complaints about being in his vice grip but it was January and the nights were still cold and having a boyfriend with a metal arm meant that you were held to him with an ice cold grip around your waist. When the Summer came, it was a life saver, your own personal refrigerator but you still had a good few months to go before you were hanging off his arm everyday. 
“Sorry.” You mumbled and tried to convince yourself you were comfortable without another word.
Nope, can’t do it. You shift again. 
“You’re kidding- what is it?” He pulls away from you and sits up on his elbow, glaring, he dares you. “Go on.”
With the most innocent doe eyes you could muster you slip your bottom lip between your teeth and debate the argument you could spark when your gaze slips to his vibranium arm in the semi darkness.
He doesn’t miss a thing, you’ve come to realize.
“I swear if you say-”
“-It’s cold! I’m cold! It’s just too much cold!” You burst, arms flailing in desperation. 
“It’s my arm! You said you wanted to sleep on my left, this is my left arm, nothing I can do. Okay?”
“There has to be something.” You search the room for solutions, briefly lingering on the sock drawer. 
“Oh yeah, sorry, let me just take it off.” Bucky grunts, dripping with sarcasm. 
“...If you could?”
“Seriously, fuck you.” 
Bucky falls back into his beloved pillow, eyes shut and wishing he has chosen a partner that let him sleep peacefully, then again, why would he want that when you exist?
“Look, either come to the other side or deal with it.” 
Silence finally reaches your bedroom and Bucky is deeply in dreamland while you lie awake, scheming away. 
In the early hours, you slip out of bed without a sound and make a beeline for the sock drawer, knowing you had some old pairs of slipper socks stuffed at the back. Scissors in hand, you snipped off the toes and smiled at the D.I.Y leg warmers. Oh, he was gonna be mad. 
With nearly medical precision, you held out the slumbering Bucky’s arm in front of you and one by one, slid the fluffy socks up the freezing metal until it was sufficiently covered. Thanking the universe, he was a pretty heavy sleeper, you shuffled back under the covers and happily wrapped the soft arm back around your waist. 
You slept like a lamb after that.
When the morning came, you woke up before him like usual and briefly left him to his own devices as you made coffee, two mugs sitting on the counter beside each other. 
Through the wall, you faintly hear the rising of the soldier before heavy footsteps quickly storm in your direction.
“The fuck is this?”
You look up to see him in the doorway, and find yourself the subject of a stare that would send millions running. Not you. The multicolored socks lined up his arm kind of softened his hoped effect and you had to stifle your laughter. 
“A solution?” You shrug.
“No.” He points at you with his flesh arm accusingly “Nu-uh. This? This is not how we solve things.”
“Is it not? I’m really digging the rainbow on you.” The giggle you had tried to push down had spilled over.
“You’re a fucking menace.” 
The giggle now a full bodied laugh that had you clutching at your chest as you were overcome with the image of your big, scary, ‘world’s most deadly assassin’ boyfriend glaring daggers at you while donning the most fluffy and most colorful socks up his arm.
Bucky was fighting a grin with all his might, your laughter was like an ugly disease, incredibly contagious, hard to avoid, and annoying.
Something soft hits you in the face and you halt your hysterics as you peer at the slipper sock now at your feet. Lifting your gaze, Bucky is smiling smugly, and working a second sock off his arm. 
“Bucky!” You yelp and duck under the counter as the rainbow sock flies in slow motion over your head. 
You probably shouldn’t poke the bear but-
“Y’know, for the best shot the United States army had ever seen you sure do miss a lot.” You taunt from your hiding spot.
When there's no response, you make a break for the couch and get shot squarely in the forehead.
“Say that again.” He dares with narrowed eyes.
“Okay, truce. Truce!” You raise your hands in surrender. 
“Say sorry for last night.” The pink ball of fluff in his hands, a deadly fate, and you’re consigned to concede
“I apologize for last night.” You sigh, approaching him with caution “Now, it’s been ten whole minutes and you still haven’t subjected me to your obscene morning breath.”
He beckons you with his head and you happily plod over, throwing your arms around his neck. The kiss is sweet, and full of promised mornings to come.
It’s welcomed by you. Until you feel the coldest thing known to man, his left arm, writhing under your shirt and sending immediate shivers down your back. 
“Bucky!” You screech and his strong laughter descends on your morning with malice.
Desperately wiggling out of his hold, you escape to the bedroom and yell from your stronghold:
“That was an act of war James Buchanan Barnes!”
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alotofpockets · 1 month
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Roommates | Kyra Cooney-Cross x Gorry!Reader & Katrina Gorry x Sister!Reader
Where you start dating your sister's bestfriend after she becomes your roommate.
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.8k
"You're still going to pick up Kyra from the airport and drive her to her introduction at the Arsenal training grounds, right?" Your sister has asked you this question at least ten times now. Her Matilda's teammates, and one of her closest friends Kyra Cooney-Cross was making the move from Australia to the UK, just like you had done two years ago, and your sister had asked you to look out for her there. 
"Yes Mini, don't worry. I will pick up Kyra and drive her to London Colney. You can go to sleep and stop worrying, I promise I've got her." 
Katrina seemed to finally relax a bit, "Okay, text me when she gets there? I told her to do that too, but she'll probably be too tired from the flight to remember.” Your sister loved Kyra like family, and it was sweet to see how similarly she cared for Kyra as she does for you. 
“I will text you when I see her at the airport, now please go to sleep.” You laughed at the slightly annoyed sigh that escaped her mouth. “Thank you again, and goodnight.” You hung up the phone after wishing Katrina a good night as well.
You finish your workday, and run some errands, before you head home. You made a funny poster to welcome Kyra to London before you head to bed for an early wake up call to head to the airport.
When you saw Kyra walk down the gate hall, she looked exhausted from the long flight, a feeling you knew all too well yourself. She was wearing a pair of sweats and a hoodie, combined with a messy bun. When she laid eyes on your poster her face lit up. Welcome to London, my favourite Tillie!
"Oh we're so showing Mini your sign." She greets you with a hug. “Yeah, let's send her a picture. I promised I'd text her when you landed.” The two of you pose together with the sign, while someone next to you takes your picture. 
“Are you hungry?” You ask while you take half of her bags. “I ate on the plane, but am in desperate need of a coffee.” In the coffee shop you catch up for a bit over coffee, and breakfast for you, before Kyra gets a call. She walks out of the shop to take the call, while you scroll on your phone.
“What’s wrong?” The panicked look on her face as she walked back in immediately grabbing your attention. “That was the landlord of my apartment, he just let me know that he accidentally double signed. In other words, I don’t have a place to stay anymore.” Without a second thought you had a solution for her problem. “I’ve got a spare room that I never use. It’s yours if you want it.”
The following week you helped Kyra get settled and went with her for her introduction meeting at Arsenal. Initially you would just drop her off and pick her up later in the day, but she had insisted you’d join her. Together you got the Arsenal tour, and you sat to the side for all her video and picture moments. All in all, it ended up being a fun day.
The two of you had gotten close quickly over the days that passed, sure you had known each other already, but now living together brought you on a whole new level of friendship.
Tomorrow would be Kyra's first training session at Arsenal, as well as meeting the team for the first time. Besides her Aussie teammates Steph and Caitlin, she didn't know anyone more than a familiar face. You had known she was nervous, but you didn't realise just how much until she knocked on your bedroom door.
“Hey Ky, what's up?” The usual smile the girl was wearing was replaced by a frown. “Were you homesick when you first moved here?” You had been so adamant that she was just nervous, that you hadn't taken the move to another continent into consideration. “Yeah, I did. Come here.” Patting the spot on your bed besides you, you offered her a place to sit. 
You talked for a while before you both fell asleep. The next day you drove Kyra to her first practice with Arsenal. You were just going to drop her off, but when you saw Caitlin get out of her car, you had to go say hi. You knew all of the Tillies from the many times you had met them in the family and friends hall after matches. 
“Y/n, hi, what are you doing here?” She greeted you with a quick hug. You point back to your car where Kyra appeared from behind the trunk. “Ky has been staying with me.” 
On queue Kyra appears beside you, and drops her bags to hug Caitlin tight. While the two of them embrace, another player walks up to greet you. You knew it was Katie, but as far as you remembered you had never properly met. “Hi, I'm Katie, nice to meet you.” She extends her hand. “Y/n, nice to meet you too.”
Katie inspects you, trying to figure out where she knew you from, until it finally clicked. “Oh you're Gorry’s little sister, aren’t you?” Kyra stepped out of her hug with Caitlin to defend you. “She's her own person you know.” It was really sweet, but you really didn't mind. “It's fine Ky, I am.” You rolled your eyes at her defensiveness, but behind that facade you secretly loved how she stuck up for you. 
From then on Caitin and Katie picked up Kyra for practice, since you basically lived on the route to the training centre.
Kyra joined you in your room on more days than not over the next few weeks, and you would be lying to yourself if you didn’t enjoy the moments you spent together. You were quickly falling for her, and every part of you hoped that she felt the same way. 
Then one morning you woke up with Kyra cuddled into your side, and her leg draped over yours. You lift your hand to gently play with her hair, she hums with enjoyment and cuddles further into your side. “Good morning to you too.” You were like a deer in headlights, caught by the fact that she had, unbeknownst to you already been awake. “Don’t stop.”
You release the breath you were holding and continue. You must have laid there for another hour before you got out of bed. “Can I maybe take you out for breakfast?” The way her eyes lit up at your question was enough for you to realise that she did indeed feel the same way. “I would love that.”
The two of you had been together ever since, just keeping it to yourselves to enjoy your time together away from prying eyes. Which is why you were stressed since your sister had called that she was coming to visit with her family, because she was meeting with the West Ham United team. You had offered your home as a place for them to stay while she had her meeting, and while her and Clara would be looking at homes for their family. 
“Relax babe, we never changed my room back to a guest room, so they won’t notice a thing if we act like just friends for a couple days.” Kyra tried reassuring you. You had talked about telling her, but ultimately you decided that you weren’t ready to tell her yet, and Kyra was fine with that. 
Kyra offered Mini and Clara her room, while she took the couch, and your niece Harper was overjoyed to be having a sleepover in your room for a couple of days. It was nice having your family around, and you were excited to have them closer after the move as well. 
Mini and Clara were out house hunting while you and Kyra spent some time with Harper. Harper insisted on some painting, and you could not stop laughing when the girl had started painting Kyra instead of her paper. While Harper was dancing and singing her little heart out to Frozen, you cleaned Kyra’s face. When you were done you placed a quick kiss on her lips. “All done.”
Meanwhile a few blocks over Mini’s mind was on something besides house hunting. “I think they’re together.” She stated to Clare, who was busy inspecting the kitchen of the place they were currently in. “Who?” 
“Y/n and Kyra.” This got Clara’s attention. “What makes you think that?” Mini went on and on about how Kyra’s room looked like it hadn’t been touched in weeks, that you looked so comfortable together, the glances she had noticed between the two of you, and just the general vibe when the two of you were in a shared space. “Well, if they are, what would you think of that?” Mini thought for a moment before ultimately deciding that she thought the two of you would be cute together and good for each other. 
Mini had not expected to get answers to her question on if the two of you were together or not, but when she put Harper to bed, her little girl snitched on you right away. “Did you have fun today?” The girl nodded her head enthusiastically before telling her mom all about the things that you had done today and finished her story with, “Oh and Auntie and Kywa was kissing.” Mini smiled to herself. “Oh did they now, sweetheart? I am glad you had a good day. Sweet dreams.” 
The next morning you head out to breakfast all together, before your sister and her family fly back for a couple more months. “This place is great, y/n. Where did you find it?” You’re glad that they are enjoying the food just as much as you do. “I took Kyra here when she was all settled in.” You were soaking in all the time with your little niece as much as you could, so you were helping her colour in her drawing while you were speaking to the adults at the table.
“Oh, did you go here for your first date?” Since you were so focussed on the colouring you didn’t think before speaking. “Yeah- oh.” Your head shot up at your older sister, though you relax when you see the proud smirk on her face. “You knew?”
Mini points to Harper, “We’ve got ourselves a little snitch on our hands, she saw you two kiss yesterday. I did also have a feeling already.” You felt relieved now that your sister knew, because she was the person you were most scared of telling, with Kyra being one of her best friends and all.
You drove Mini, Clara, and Harper to the airport with Kyra, where you said your temporary goodbye’s. Knowing that they would be back in two months to move to London. You couldn’t wait to have your family close again. 
💗 If you enjoyed this fic, please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging! You can also supporting me by leaving a tip 💗
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bethsvrse · 2 months
(some of my favourite wlw fanfics)
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late night confession - wanda maximoff by @lives-in-midgard
puppy love - robin buckley by @elliesmainhoe
glue - ellie williams by @whore-era
new in town - lydia martin by @heliads
make you mind this season - kate bishop by @hard-core-super-star
lady oswald - clara oswald by @lanawinterscigarettes
if I could fly - clara oswald by @wlw-imagines
I want you (bless my soul) - river song by @penguinwithitsarseonfire
trick or treat - maddy perez by @suzar
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props to all these writers, should definitely check them out :3
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hazbinhotelxreader · 3 months
Heya I saw your GN Child headcannons and I pose this to you:
Reader is the youngest child of carmilla, adopted and wears a cute little horn headband to look like their sisters. I'd love fluff with not only Carmilla but Odette and Clara too!
-Monke Anon 🐒
A/n: yes! This gives me really big Star vibes from SVTFOE lol!
Pairings: Carmilla, Odette, and Clara with a reader that wears horn headbands
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-She finds it adorable. She loves having you wear those little headbands, you just too cute in them!
-She also doesn’t have any horns, her hair is just put up like that, so you two have something in common or similar to each other, you both wear or put something to act like you have horns.
-She probably bought you a small pair when you were younger at some cheap store since you wanted it, but after seeing how often you’d wear them, she started to buy you better ones, more sturdy and longer lasting, and in any color you want.
-She does always remind you that you look gorgeous even without your horn headbands, and that it didn’t matter how you looked, you’re always part of the family.
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-She finds it adorable too. She loves the fact you’re trying to copy her and look like her.
-She seems like the type of person to help you decorate or help you with the horns, and even make personal horn headbands for you that look like her actual horns.
-She definitely starts a small competition between her and her sister of which horns you like the best, she’s always trying to beat her sister and makes you as much headbands as she can that looks like her horns.
-By the looks of it she’s a teenager. So she’s definitely got some other teen friends, and if their over at her house (which is rare since I doubt Carmilla would let other teens over), and if they make fun of you for your headband and tell you to “grow up”, then she’ll talk them Off and kick them out, and then comfort you afterwords
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-She thinks they’re cute, but probably won’t express it often. She seems like the type of person who’s more closed off and serious?
-Though either way she definitely loved having you trying to copy her, she thinks that she’s a great role model for you, and having you want to look like her too? It’s felt great
-She definitely joins in the small competition with her sister, replacing the headbands she makes for you with hers, she just thinks her horns look better on you.
-She’ll comfort you too if anyone has done you wrong by saying your a baby for still wearing headbands, she’ll speak to her mother about after too, she wants this problem resolved not make it worse.
A/n: I hope this is okay! I don’t know much about the daughters and I’ll have to more research! Sorry this request took a while too!
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afterglowkatie · 1 month
mini and co | k.c.c.
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kyra cooney-cross x reader | 1.4k | a day off for the found family, the sun finally making an appearance leading to a mini and co family picnic
ˏˋ°•*⁀ this is part of the pair of pests universe. my favourite found family dynamic
‘Shh, you gotta be quiet. We don’t wanna wake Kyra,’ You whispered crouching down next to Harper, smiling at her little laughs. It was a sunny, warmish day which had you all outside at the park soaking in any bit of sun you could get. Mini and Clara talked about a potential picnic that morning, not fully sure of the idea, though they hadn’t counted on the little ears that had been listening in who definitely wouldn’t let go of the idea. Harper insisted she had to individually call you, Kyra and Charli to join them. 
An afternoon of running around playing games trying to wear out the toddler, Kyra had ended up being the one to fall asleep in the sun on the picnic rug. Mini, Clara and Charli in deep conversation paying no mind to you and Harper, you saw this as the perfect opportunity to rope your little shadow into some mischief. The three of you always liked fighting over who was Harper’s favourite, but there wasn’t any doubt that you were her favourite. No matter where you were, she was always next to you. 
‘Shh, be quiet,’ Harper loudly whispered, holding her finger up to her lips. You held back a laugh after seeing how serious she was looking at you and then at Charli who had spotted the two of you creeping up on Kyra, full unscrewed water bottle in your hands. She just smirked, rolling her eyes and continued to keep Mini and Clara distracted by the conversation so they couldn’t interrupt yours and Harper's plans. 
‘Ready Harps?’ You whispered, the little giggles coming from her were all the confirmation you needed. Helping Harper, you both lifted the water bottle above Kyra, giving a silent countdown before tipping the bottles entire contents onto her. Kyra groaned confused as she sat up looking at herself, her clothes wet before waking up enough to hear the laughter coming from you and Harper. The corners of Kyra’s lips started to form into a small smile hearing you laugh, no matter what she always loved the sound. Though she quickly wiped away any evidence of a smile instead shooting a glare towards the two of you who were laughing so hard you struggled to breathe.
‘Oi, you’ll regret that’ Kyra playfully grumbled while playing along. Quickly sitting up enough to reach out and grab you. Kyra’s arms wrapped around your waist pulling you into her.
‘Oh no! Harper, Kyra’s got me, run and save yourself,’ You dramatically yelled out to her, faux struggling against Kyra knowing you could definitely get yourself free if you wanted to, and pointing in a direction which Harper ran off in away from everyone.
‘No Kywa!’ Harper yelled while running off, Mini following closely behind her trying to hold back her own laughter while shaking her head.
‘Ugh Kyra, you’re all wet,’ Your hands went to hers that were locked around your waist, trying to pull them apart so you could at least sit next to her where you also weren’t getting wet. But she just tightened her hold on you, pulling you even closer, smirking while hearing you protest even more until you finally relaxed into her embrace accepting that Kyra wasn’t letting you go any time soon.
‘I wonder who’s fault that is,’ Kyra rasped out almost into your ear, her head leaning against your shoulder, ‘Don’t dish it if you can’t take it,’ Kyra annoyingly pressed an extra sloppy kiss against your cheek knowing that you’d hate it. Screwing up your face at Kyra you wiped it away onto her arm. She feigned offence at your actions, a faux gasp leaving her lips, you just rolled your eyes. 
Looking away from Kyra and back to where Mini was now chasing Harper around the park. You couldn’t deny the way you felt your cheeks heat up when Kyra’s lips found your cheek. It wasn’t an unusual thing to happen, you both often gave each other little kisses on the cheek and forehead. It was the way you showed your affection, despite your friendship being based on teasing, mocking and pranking each other. There were still those soft moments between the pair. The unusual part was how you felt towards it this time. Though Kyra is just your best friend and you wouldn’t have it any other way. There’s a part of you that realises that you don’t have this same internal reaction whenever any of your other close friends show affection towards you. The other part of you, the one that takes over, pushes those thoughts away. For now at least.
‘Who do you think’s gonna win?’ Kyra’s voice pulled you back into reality. You hummed out thinking while watching the scene play out in front of you. It had turned into a game for Harper trying to get away and stay away from her mum for as long as possible.
‘Obviously Harper. You’ve been the one to chase Harps enough that you know Mini is not winning this one,’ Kyra chuckled as did you. You both had been the one chasing after Harper countless times. Toddlers can be fast when they want to be and you both found that out the hard way.
‘You two look quite comfy,’ Charli had moved over to where the two of you were sitting, Clara going to help wrangle the 2 year old. Only then did you notice that Kyra’s grip on you had loosened, definitely enough that if you wanted to move away you could have done so ages ago.
‘Kyra makes a great pillow,’ You laughed out, joking around while leaning your head against Kyra’s shoulder.
‘Oh let me test this out,’ Without warning Charli had laid against Kyra’s side with her head on Kyra’s other shoulder, ‘You’re right. Room for both of us,’ She hummed in agreement. You both laughed while Kyra tried to push Charli off of her.
‘Nah, only for tiny Catley. You get off,’ You rolled your eyes, your unofficial nickname being tiny since you were younger and noticeably shorter than your older sister. That name followed you from even before you were called up for your first seniors camp, so it wasn’t a surprise when you did arrive to everyone calling you tiny or tiny Catley or some variation. 
Your heart always did race a little whenever Kyra chose you over anyone else, even if you thought it didn’t mean anything other than you just being her favourite friend, ‘Aw no fair Kywa, I’m your bestfriend too,’ You couldn’t help the laugh that left your lips and shook your body when you heard Charli’s mocking tone and then saw the pout she threw Kyra’s way.
Though before Kyra could successfully get Charli off of her, she found herself at the bottom of not just two bodies but now three, ‘Cuddle!’ Harper yelled while running full force and jumping on the top of all three of you. You opened your arms letting Harper get comfy, while Charli shot Kyra a look of triumph knowing there was no way Kyra would try anything not while Harper was also a part of the pile on top of her.
You stayed like that until Harper had fallen asleep and Mini decided it was probably time for them to head home. While helping pack everything away you noticed Kyra shiver a little, ‘Ky, come with me,’ You didn’t wait for her to respond before you pulled her away from the group towards your car. No other words said to her before you were shoving your arsenal training jumper over her head, ‘You never know when you need a jumper,’ Answering Kyra’s silent question.
‘In some ways you’re just like your Steph,’ Kyra fiddled with the bottom of your jumper that was now on her body, ‘But you’re obviously better,’
‘You should definitely tell her that I’m the better Catley. Gotta knock Steph down a little,’ You both laughed out before being interrupted and brought back to the world when Mini and co. came over to say goodbye and grab Kyra to take her home, ‘I’ll see you at training Ky,’
‘Yeah see you at training,’ Turning around to follow Mini, Kyra couldn’t help but smile to herself. Playing with the bottom of the jumper that was a little bit too small for her, but that didn’t matter, the fact it was yours and you had given it to her for now was all that mattered to Kyra. It was all she could think about on her way home. You were all she could think about on her way home. 
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khaylin27 · 3 days
Clara Bow
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pairing: oscar piastri x daughter reader; lando norris x niece reader; y/n norris-piastri x daughter reader
series: the tortured poets department
synopsis: her whole life, olivia lacey piastri-norris has always been compared to family members.
warnings: none
author's note: i had to write clara bow as y/n and oscar's daughter 😭 hope y'all love it. thank you for supporting this mini series from the tortured poets department. now it's time to work on the actual stories on ttpd. if you want more content from this story please don't be afraid to ask on my 'ask me anything' tab.
"You look like Clara Bow in this light Remarkable All your life, did you know You'd be picked like a rose"
November 6, 2024
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f1news BABY PAPAYA: After the Brazilian GP, the McLaren driver, Oscar Piastri, and his wife Y/N Norris-Piastri welcomed a baby girl into the world. Congrats to the Piastri family.
user2 i already know lando is going to be besties with his niece since their birthdays are a week apart
user4 can we not bring up carlos for once. let this couple have their moment for once
After the Brazilian Grand Prix, Oscar and Lando went straight back home as soon as they could. Y/N was currently 42 weeks which is 2 weeks past her due date. Baby Papaya wasn't ready to be out in the world.
"Why does your daughter hate me?" Y/N squeezes Oscar's hand really tight as she pushes the baby. Tears falling from her face from the pain she was experiencing from pushing the baby.
"She doesn't hate you honey." Oscar reassures Y/N as she continues to push. "You're doing great honey. She's almost here." The couple hears not Y/N's tears, but the tears of their baby girl.
"Where's my niece?" Lando says as he enters your private room in the hospital. It's been 4 hours since Y/N gave birth to their baby girl.
"She's sleeping in her bassinet right now." Oscar says as he's snuggling you in the hospital bed.
"What's her name?" Lando asked admiring his beautiful niece sleeping.
"Olivia Lacey Piastri-Norris." Y/N says as she slowly gets up from the hospital bed to walk towards her brother. "She has her daddy and uncle's letters in her name. I had to put your name somewhere in her name. She wouldn't be here without you." Y/N and Oscar laugh while Lando admires his niece.
"She's so beautiful." Lando says then gives his sister a hug. "Thank you for the best early birthday present."
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yourusername olivia lacey piastri-norris ✨🧡 my little rose
tagged oscarpiastri
oscarpiastri she's so perfect. she looks just like you.
yourusername no she looks like you 😭 landonorris y/n she looks exactly like you!!! charlesleclerc that means she looks like you lando 💀 landonorris why do you say that like it's a bad thing @/charlesleclerc 😭
racerbia omg baby papaya is here!! i can't wait for the boys to tell me stories about her in the office 🥺😭🧡
liked by yourusername
alexandrasaintmleux can't wait to meet her in the paddock next year 🥹
liked by yourusername
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oscarpiastri baby papaya is here 👶🧡
tagged yourusername
mclaren WE LOVE YOU BABY PAPAYA 🥹🧡 congrats @/oscarpiastri @/yourusername @/landonorris -mclaren team
yourusername why is @/landonorris tagged on that comment @/mclaren he didn't give birth to her 💀 landonorris without me olivia wouldn't be here yourusername technically it's my husband sperm . . .
danielricciardo another aussie!! congrats you two!
liked by oscarpiastri and yourusername
logansargeant can't wait to teach her my american ways 🦅
landonorris HELL NO YOU'RE STAYING AWAY FROM MY NIECE user2 just the two L named uncles beefing over teaching olivia cultures 😭
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landonorris I'm the favorite uncle. it's a fact 🧡
yourusername you're supposed to watch her lando not fall asleep with her 😭
landonorris it's called multitasking sister ✨ user1 they're both unhinged
carlossainz55 congrats on becoming an uncle camprón
landonorris thanks man.
user2 carlos what are you doing here? 😃
user3 he says congrats to lando but not even to the woman who gave birth to his niece.
"You look like Stevie Nicks In '75, the hair and lips Crowd goes wild at her fingertips Half moonshine, a full eclipse"
Growing up with her dad and uncle as F1 drivers, Olivia was always interested in becoming an F1 driver. Not only did Olivia go to races her dad and uncle were racing in, but she would go to the F1 Academy races with her mom.
Olivia and Y/N were currently in Miami supporting Oscar, Lando, and Tita aunt Bianca. "You know I told your Uncle Lando I was pregnant with you after his first win." Y/N tells Olivia while she was watching her Tita aunt Bianca doing Free Practice 1. Y/N sighs as she sees that Olivia wasn't interested in what she was saying and was focusing on the race. "I'm going to see if your brothers are awake." Olivia nods and sees that her mom leaves to check if her twin brothers were awake.
While Olivia was continuing to watch, she gets spooked by none other than her Uncle Lando. "What the hell Uncle Lando!" Lando laughs at how scared Olivia got. "I hate you."
"We all know you couldn't hate me." Lando smirks while Olivia roles her eyes.
"What are you doing here anyway? Aren't you supposed to be doing press interviews?" Olivia asks Lando.
"I wanted to see if you wanted to join me. It would be good press for you." Lando asks knowing Olivia was racing in F4.
"Fine, I'll join you." Olivia lightly slaps her Uncle before Lando pulls her into a side hug.
"So Olivia, has anyone told you that you look like your uncle?" The interviewer asks Olivia.
Olivia lightly laughs at the interviewer's question. "Yes, I actually get told that a lot. Since my mom is my uncle's sister, they have similar facial features. It isn't a surprised that they got passed down to me since I look like my mom. My brothers look more like my dad."
"How do you like your time in F4?"
"I love it. Of course F4 is rooted in my family since my Uncle raced there when he was young. I love the Jensen team so much. They're like my second family." The interviewer then asks if Olivia sees a future out of F4. "Yes I do. Since the Jensen team and I decided not to extend our contract, I've been offered many contracts in F3."
"Have you finalize a contract with any of the teams? When are you able to share?"
"Yes I have. After looking at many contracts with my family, I've decided that I'll be signing with Carlin F3 team next year." Olivia smiles at her response. "My uncle raced in team Carlin when he was F4 and now I have an opportunity to do the same thing."
"That's very exciting for you and your family. Congratulations Olivia on making it to F3."
Once the interview was done, Olivia sees her Uncle talking to Carlos Sainz. Olivia knew the history with her mom and Carlos. It's sad that her mom had to go through that relationship but she's happy that she met her dad because of it.
"OLIVIA! OLIVIA!" The crowd goes wild as they see her walking out of the paddock to walk to her Uncle and Carlos on the track. Olivia waves to the fans.
"The crowd goes wild at your fingertips little Lando." Carlos says as he gives you a side hug. Since Carlos is very close to Lando, he somewhat became your Tio uncle. Oscar and Y/N were fine with it since it's all in the past.
'I know. It's wild how they went from half moonshine, to full eclipse since I announced my contract." Y/N smiles at them before it was time to leave the paddock for the day.
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f1news FAMILY TRADITIONS: Olivia Lacey Piastri-Norris, daughter and niece to both the McLaren boys, has announced her contract with Carlins F3 team. She's following the foot steps of her Uncle Lando.
user1 she looks so much like lando 😭
user2 she's working late cause she's a driver ✨
user3 following the footsteps of her uncle lando 🥹
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tagged landonorris
landonorris thank you pookie 😸🫶
oliviapianorris never put that on instagram ever again user1 she's definitely her mother's daughter yourinstagram @/user1 that's a fact user1 OMG HI MOTHER liked by yourinstagram
user2 at this point this is lando's home race not logan's😭
oliviapianorris call me an honoree floridian 🫡🦅 logansargeant YES I'VE TURNED U INTO AN AMERICAN landonorris you're going too far @/logansargeant oliviapianorris be nice to each other@/logansargeant @/landonorris
user3 did you film this whole weekend for your youtube channel 😭
oliviapianorris yes i did! coming out on friday!!
"You look like Taylor Swift In this light We're loving it. You've got edge she never did The future's bright, dazzling."
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mclaren Olivia. Lacey. Piastri. Norris. 👏👏👏 Our baby papaya has grown up and won her very first World Championship! 🧡🏆 Just like her dad and uncle.
tagged oliviapianorris
oliviapianorris thank you mclaren family 🥹 love and appreciate everything you've done for me and my family.
yourusername @/oscarpiastri I CAN'T BELIEVE OUR BABY IS GROWN UP AND BECOMING LIKE YOU AND @/landonorris
oscarpiastri olivia went from playing barbies at the mclaren office to now working for mclaren landonorris I'M NOT OKAY WITH MY NIECE BEING SO GROWN UP 😭
user1 the piastri-norris family has always belonged in mclaren 😭
user2 olivia is like oscar but with more edge!!!
user3 everyone is loving olivia in this light!
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oliviapianorris the future's bright, dazzling 🏆🧡✨
tagged mclaren
mclaren our baby papaya forever and always 🧡💫
liked by oliviapianorris
taylorswift dazzling ✨✨✨
liked by oliviapianorris
racerbia congrats on your wdc magandang babae pretty girl 🥹🧡✨
oliviapianorris thank you tita aunt 🥹🫶
carlossainz55 congrats mini lando 🏆
oliviapianorris thank you tio uncle carlos! thank you for giving me tips before the race! user2 y/n and carlos were never meant to be but im glad carlos became a second uncle to olivia and the piastri twins!
landonorris MY TWIN 👯🧡
liked by oliviapianorris
oscarpiastri she might look like you @/landonorris @/yourusername but she's my twin on the track 🏎️💨
oliviapianorris except i got more edge on the track then you 😉✨ oscarpiastri you got that from your mom and uncle lando yourusername 🥹🧡✨
tagged: @omgsuperstarg @splaterparty0-0 @2pagenumb @c-losur3
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grrrechka · 2 months
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I would imagine after multiple reset lives and routes, MC would be beyond pissed at Miranda
Also! Ref\/
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freminet-writings · 7 months
i think i got possessed writing it help
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imagine freminet, who's shy, introverted, and all around quiet with everyone, is secretly super kinky
he's more forward and outgoing during sex, his whole personality doing a complete 180
as a submissive, he wants to be tied up, gagged, bent over, spanked, edged, anything and he'll cry and beg you to continue like a little slut <3!
manhandle him, toss him on the bed, make him clean his cum off of you, use only your thigh to get off, put him in pretty lingerie, stockings, skirts, panties, a maid outfit, rip it off of him or fuck him in them until hes so fucked out he can't even think straight
make him wear vibrating panties in public and force him to walk around with cum dripping down his thighs then fuck him until you have to carry him home
he wants to have to call off of a mission because he can't even walk for days, wants the memory all over his body so mark and bruise him as you please, call him a toy a good boy a slut he'll agree while moaning so loud celestia could hear him
as a dominant he's confident and cocky, almost manipulative when he whispers into your ear as he plunges his cock into you like you're nothing but a toy to him
making you deepthroat his cock until you drool all over the floor and he calls you gross, pulling your hair roughly to cum on your face and then doing it again, this time fucking your mouth until he cums down your throat
stuffing your face in the pillows as he fills you over and over with his load, calling you a slut for enjoying it so much, wanting to see your pretty tears as you moan and pant underneath him
your thighs being covered in marks as he eats you out/sucks you off, it's not his fault your thighs are perfect to bite and suck on, you'll have to keep them covered unless you want everyone knowing the sweet diver isn't so sweet afterall
it doesn't matter whether he's submissive or dominant in the end, because he'll always be back being that sweetheart after everything, as he takes care of you or gets taken care of
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lav-bee · 6 months
Welcome to Demon School x Reader
How they protect your drink in a bar
Characters: Balam, Kalego, Opera, Iruma, Clara, Asmodeus
💛- read as platonic
Warnings?: Drinking... obvi, kinda mentions it in the title XD
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- Holds the cup with two hands and has it close to his chest
- Glances down to the drink every now and then while making sure no one's hands come close to your cup
- Very unlikely anyone would try something, Balam would scare them off pretty easily by just standing there
- Your drink is safe with him :)
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- Is a little stiff at first when you leave him with your drink
- He didn't know you trusted him like that, but once you make that clear he won't betray that trust, keeps the drink close
- Anyone that comes near will be scared away with a glare of his
- Your drink will be protected
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- They're a great pick, top 3 to look after your drink
- Will keep your drink on the table their sitting in front of but will move your drink closer to themself
- Anyone that gets close will get wacked by thair tail and if worse comes to worse they’ll beat them up
- 100/100 will keep your drink protected
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- Never lets the drink out of his sight and for extra protection he places a hand over top of it
- Continues to converse with his friends and if some stranger happens to come over, there is 0 chance Iruma will let them touch the cup
- Drink is safe and sound
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- Drinks it
- Nah, but in all seriousness if you give her an important task such as look after your drink she will protect it
- Holds it close to her will two hands and glares at everyone that passes by
- Drink is 100% safe with her
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- Will leave your drink on the table counter but will pull it closer to him
- Glares at anyone walking by while sipping on his own drink
- If anyone suspicious comes over attempting anything Azz will threaten them with fire and scare them off
- Your drink will be safe
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For the newly added Klee and Clara
Having there older sibling S/O person thing! Put on some charisma to try & bail them out of time out
(Genshin Impact/H:SR) Sibling!Reader trying to get Klee and Clara out of time out
"Retry the speech check, just reload and retry!" - The Russian Badger
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Jean sighs as soon as she sees (Y/N) enter the room. Putting down her pen for a moment, she then looks at them approaching.
(Jean) "(Y/N)..."
(Y/N) "Master Jean! I am so sorry for the trouble Klee caused today!"
(Jean) "She knew the consequences when she decided to go blast fishing-"
(Y/N) bowed apologetically.
(Y/N) "It was my fault, Master Jean. There was something in the waters that spooked me, and she was only trying to help. I swear she didn't do it on purpose."
Jean watched their expression with close scrutiny before lowering her shoulders and giving a sympathetic look.
(Jean) "And you are telling me the truth?"
The sharp gaze of the Acting Grand Master made (Y/N) fidget.
(Y/N) "Yes, as embarrassing as it is..."
Jean walked over and put a hand on their shoulder.
(Jean) "I understand. You are a good older sister/brother for wanting Klee's situation cleared up."
(Y/N)'s expression suddenly beamed-
(Jean) "And as an older sibling myself, I know when another one is lying."
-And quickly reverted to fear.
(Jean) "(Y/N), you know the consequences."
Klee was sitting in "solitary", which was really just a relatively empty room inside the Knights' Headquarters, barring a few shelves, tables, and chairs.
Suddenly, the door swung open, and (Y/N) awkwardly walked in, with Jean behind them, arms crossed.
Klee jumped up in surprise, running up to her sibling.
(Klee) "Big bro/sis? What are you doing here?!"
(Y/N) "I uh...got put in time out as well."
(Jean) "You'll be able to come out when you think about what you have done wrong."
Jean gently closed the door, and both of them heard it lock, her footsteps slowly fading away.
(Klee) "Aw man, now we're both in big trouble..."
(Y/N) smiled as they knelt down to pat Klee's head.
(Y/N) "Don't worry, I have a backup plan."
They slowly reached into their pouch and pulled out a wrapped fish, charred to perfection from Klee's bombs.
Klee gasped as her eyes sparkled, looking at their brother/sister.
(Y/N) put a finger to their lips playfully.
(Y/N) "Not a word of this to Jean, got it?"
Klee nodded enthusiastically before the two shared their meal together.
Neither of them really learning their lesson, much to Jean's dismay.
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A/N: Good luck with the speech check on THIS one, good lord.
Svarog stood stoically in front of a terminal, the light from his mono-eye gently pulsating.
Upon hearing (Y/N)'s footsteps, he turned around to face them.
(Svarog) "(Y/N). What is it?"
(Y/N) "Why is Clara in the corner?"
The light pulsated for a moment before turning around to the terminal once again, but still giving a reply.
(Svarog) "Clara has disobeyed a direct order to not eat the dessert before her dinner. Therefore, disciplinary protocols are in effect."
(Y/N) paused for a moment to remember what he was talking about.
(Y/N) "You mean the jar of cookies? It was only the one gone-"
(Svarog) "It does not change the fact it will ruin her appetite. Early sweets lead to fullness, which leads to food being wasted. Something that cannot be tolerated for someone of her age."
(Y/N) walked up to the terminal, giving puppy eyes to their robotic father figure.
(Svarog) "As the older sibling, you must not spoil Clara. Nor should I.-"
(Y/N) "It's just been a while since she got to have a cookie, Svarog. Surely you can remember that!"
His head slowly whirred to face (Y/N).
(Svarog) "My memory circuits are functioning normally. It has been twenty-seven days, eight hours, and fifty seven minutes since you and Clara have last had dessert.-"
(Y/N) "So that's why you can go a little easy on her! Clara didn't want to disobey you, but she was just having a craving! I promise she'll eat every last bite during dinner."
Svarog remained silent, barring the mechanical noises emitting from his body.
He turned completely to (Y/N), in what nearly sounded like a sigh from his gears moving.
(Svarog) "Your argument is...logical. Reducing disciplinary protocols, your presence is required."
(Y/N) smiled at that, following him outside the room to where Clara was standing quietly in the corner of their living room.
(Svarog) "Clara. You are permitted to leave time out."
Clara's head looked up in surprise before turning around and seeing her family, wiping one of her eyes.
(Clara) "I'm sorry, I won't do it again-"
(Svarog) "Do not apologize. My measures were...harsh for your actions."
(Y/N) "Next time you want to take a cookie before dinner, just ask either of us, okay?"
Clara looked at Svarog as he slowly knelt down and wiped away a tear gently with his mechanical hand.
(Svarog) "Your brother/sister is correct. Given permission, you will not be punished."
(Clara) "...T-Thank you!"
She gave Svarog a hug before running up and doing the same to her sibling.
Svarog watched silently, but both of them could tell he was at least happy to not see Clara sad.
(Svarog) "I must go back to monitoring the other humans outside the camp. Dinner will be prepared at 6:00 PM."
Svarog nodded and walked back into the control room, leaving the two alone.
(Clara) "Did...you convince Mr. Svarog to let me leave?"
(Y/N) ruffled her hair gently.
(Y/N) "Mhm. Just had to remind him that treating yourself won't spoil your dinner. Let's go out for a little bit until dinner so you can work up your appetite, alright?"
Clara smiled and nodded excitedly.
(Clara) "O-Okay!"
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magicalbunbun · 5 months
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Stanley showing his new home to others since he haves a rich (and powerful dream demon) parent.
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pink-o-gore · 1 year
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Why am I simping for a damn Robot...
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alotofpockets · 1 month
Gorry Fam Appreciation
Request a player | with @totaly-obsessed
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Plus a little Auntie Macca appreciation
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h-doodles · 5 months
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And our love is here || A webweave studying MC's part in Miranda/MC themes :)
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hazbinhotelxreader · 13 days
Hello, could you maybe do one with Carmilla x female reader with cat features? It can be smut if you want.
A/n: yep! Sorry to everyone! I havnt been posting cause I was trying to finally relax after school ended, but now I’m back and gotta do over 80 requests lol
Im rusty
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Carmilla x cat like reader SFW and NSFW headcannons
-She finds your absolutely adorable. Come on, you have cat ears, cats are adorable! And Carmilla gives off a cat lady.
-She has defiantly wrapped your tail around her large hands before for comfort, of course she does it gently , she would never hurt you.
-At night, or even sometimes in a meeting if she’s very stressed, she’ll have her hands on her head near your ears to pet you or hiding under the desk to pet your tail.
-Even if you have cat like features, she isn’t gonna treat you like a pet.
-Clara and Odette adore you as well, they’ve fallen asleep on you so many times from your warmth and comfort. Your supper fluffy so they cuddle against you at home if your ever having a movie night.
-You might as well be Carmilla’s personal teddy bear, she keeps you wrapped up in her arms at night close. Her arms around your waist or chest holding you tightly while her chin and head are resting on your head, sometimes nuzzling against your head.
-Something she hates having to do is drag you to the shower. Cats don’t like water and that lived with you in hell. You hate it. So she literally has to hold you down to put you in the tub. She was even considering once to just make a deal with you so she can chain you and hold ya down.
-purposely bought you a pack of blazers for your birthday, whoever your bored she gets one out and waves it around in her office, house, room. She has so many videos of you chasing them in the house.
-She will punish you if you spray. It’s not bad, it is normal for your body, but it isn’t fun for the person cleaning it up. Shes monitoring you the whole time you’re in heat.
-Remember when i said she wouldn’t treat you as a pet? Yea she won’t normally, but will in bed. Pet kink. 100%. You literally have cat features, she’s gonna take advantage of that.
-she 100% uses a leash and collar in bed for you. She’ll have you on your stomach, her strap buried deep inside you while she lays on your back, tugging the collar as she thrusts into you.
-She can be rough and fast if you want. When your deep in your heat she’ll go as fast as she can so your pleased.
-She also praises too. Like ‘that’s my good kitten’ or ‘good girl’. She also calls you things in Spanish like ‘mi gatito’ or ‘mi Vida/amor’
-I’d say she could go for 3 to 4 times depending on her stamina. If she’s going rough and fast on you the whole time she can probably only do it twice, but if she’s going slow on you she’s going 4 times
-She pulls your tail in bed, not hard enough to hurt but enough for you to feel. She loves to see your cat ears tense and pin down on your head as she fucks you, and loves to look into your eyes while she does, unless she’s on your back with her strap then her eyes are closed
-She will scissor you as well to let herself feel some pleasure herself
-Both of you have a lot of scratches after, you guys have sharp nails
-After all of it she’ll make sure you’re okay, safe, comfortable and cozy, she’s a great wife.
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 4 months
About the Kidnapped Kids: What would their reactions be to a reader who reveals themselves to be a scary demon (like Alastor from Hazbin Hotel) when they see the kids being used as leverage?
Clara: Svarog is gonna be there first to beat the reader up
Yanqing: Will try to beat the reader up first.
Misha: Will try to run away and smack you with a broom.
Huohuo: Runs away but fails because Mr. Tail is having too much fun with the Reader—
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