#mini gorry
alotofpockets · 1 month
Gorry Fam Appreciation
Request a player | with @totaly-obsessed
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Plus a little Auntie Macca appreciation
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paulamdm · 5 months
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the kids got their moms back
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Til Its Done
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Only 50 days left to add to this collection before Paris! We already have some great designs still to come but now that we're seeing the Olympic Squad confirmed our creativity is piqued!
Who would you like to see on a heartsandstarsnation shirt?
Visit our store to see our already extensive range.
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carolineshairtie · 3 months
Charli: Do you think different paints have different tastes?
Kyra: They do.
Mini: ...Why did you say that with such certainty?
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melodiousoblivionao3 · 2 months
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maxgirl29 · 4 months
I’ve never been the kind of girl that’s wanted kids but after seeing Harper do the Australian call up? Lord have mercy.
I want a kid right now.
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woso-dreamzzz · 1 month
Sleep II
Katrina Gorry x Teen!Reader
Summary: You forget your medication
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The first and only warning flag that Mini needed was you and Kyra pulling pranks.
You'd always been a bit easily influenced by the older girls but you usually didn't get involved with pranks unless you hadn't done one thing that was meant to be second nature at this point.
So, as Mini watches you run your laps as punishment, she sighs.
"She's off her meds," She says in explanation to Charli, who is sitting nearby.
"Her adhd meds," Mini elaborates as she watches Kyra try to trip you. You just barely keep your balance and immediately try to get revenge by shoving her over.
"Is she allowed to be off them?"
"I mean, technically, yes. It doesn't really matter if she misses a few doses but I don't think she's taken any this entire camp." Mini sighs as she stands, stretching out her leg before grabbing you by the back of the shirt as you jog past.
"Hey!" You complain," I still have two more!"
"Nope. Back to your room, please." She keeps her orders short so you can follow along. "Go straight in and shower. I'll be up to see you shortly."
"Into your room," Mini insists," And shower. I will up soon."
You'd grown accustomed to listening to Katrina's orders. As soon as you came to live with her and Clara, you'd been put into a routine that you hadn't ever had before.
Your parents were always working and rarely home. You'd grown used to doing what you wanted, when you wanted. You hadn't even had a bedtime before moving into Mini's house and it came as a shock to you when she began to enforce one.
It had been extended a little during camp but not by too much and you were usually in bed way before anyone else in the team. It was a little annoying and everyone teased you but you didn't mind.
You didn't really cling to your routines as much at camp and really, that should have been the other sign that told Mini what she needed to know.
She's not at all surprised when she sees you lounging on your bed on your phone with no indication that you had even thought about showering.
"Shower," She says to you," Go on. In the shower."
You nod. "Yeah. Just one sec-"
"No," She insists," Now."
"You need to shower before dinner. You know this. If you don't do this now then you won't do it later."
You frown. "I thought you wanted to talk to me."
"I do," Mini says plainly," But you need to shower first." She jerks her chin to the bathroom. "Go on. Wash you hair too."
You make a face. "I don't like wet hair."
"We've got plenty of time before dinner. Wash you hair and I'll dry it for you."
She gives you a pointed look and you nod, shuffling into the bathroom with a towel and a change of clothes.
Mini waits briefly before relaxing when she hears the shower start running, digging around in your drawers for where you've stashed your hairdryer. You swear that you always know where it is despite it always being in a different place when Mini looks so after several minutes of searching, she manages to find it and plug it in.
It takes a while for you to return but when you do, you sit in front of her as she blow dries your hair, brushing it through once it's all dry.
"So," Mini says finally," You haven't been taking your medication."
"That's scary," You reply," Do you just know everything?"
Mini laughs. "It's the mum instincts but, really. What's up with that? Did you forget to grab a refill before we left?"
Usually Clara is the one to take you to refill your prescription but she had been busy during the week before camp and you hadn't really thought about it until a few days before.
You shrug.
"Camp isn't that long," You explain," I didn't think it would matter."
"You don't have to take your medication if you don't want to. We can find alternatives," Mini says with a hum as she pulls the brush through your hair again," Do you want to come off your medication?"
"No." You shake your head, turning it so you can look back at her. "I just forgot. Promise. It won't happen again."
Mini searches your face for a lie but it's clear to her that you're being truthful.
"Okay," She says," But stick close to me this time. I don't want Kyra being a bad influence.
"Why not?" You whine.
She grins at you. "Because you're entirely too susceptible to joining her schemes."
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queen-of-reptiles · 4 months
description: in which harper calls y/n mama for the first time after you and mini finally move in together and no longer hold a relationship together via facetimes
katrina gorry x female reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction! Do not take any of this seriously.
warnings: this one is so cute - just fluffy learning how to co-parent ughhhh
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y/n just posted on their story
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y/n laughed as she span Katrina once more, the woman laughing with her as she unpacked her final box. Harper was sat on the sofa watching with a wide smile.
Katrina and y/n had been together over a year now, the two having started dating January of 2023. Harper had never really known life without her, though she was aware she was not of relation to her.
Katrina, up until recently had been playing in Sweden, the couple keeping their relationship together with facetimes and quick flights over when they had any time.
However, Katrina had finally signed for y/n's team of four years West Ham United, and now the two were finally together full time, excitement had spread through them at the idea of actually fully starting a life together.
Katrina and Harper had arrived a week ago, their move yet to be announced, which gave them time to move the two Australians into y/n's apartment, a spacious three bed, due to the fact y/n had friends stay more often than not.
They were at their final box, unpacking Katrina's last bits of living items, Harper watching her mother and her mother's girlfriend dance as they did so.
"Come here monkey." y/n grinned, holding out her hands to Harper who grinned and squealed, standing up to grab y/n's hands and let the woman dance with her.
y/n cooed as Harper's little feet jumped on the sofa, the girl laughing as y/n danced with her, Katrina could feel her heart warm at the sight and smiled.
Harper jumped off the sofa, y/n helping her to the ground and the little girl ran at her mother, shouting excitedly as she jumped at her, Katrina chuckling and picking her daughter up.
"Hey Harps." Katrina smiled, kissing her daughter's cheek as y/n moved over.
Katrina smiled, pulling the woman by her top so she could steal a kiss from her lips, the Australian smiling into the kiss as the woman craned her neck up to reach her girlfriend.
Harper let out a squeak pushing their faces apart and pulling at y/n's hair, which was all she could reach while sat on her mother's hip. y/n laughed as she ducked down and pressed kisses over Harper's face.
The toddler bursts into laughter, giggling at the feeling and Katrina can feel her heart almost burst at how cute the scene is. The family they were becoming was all she ever wanted.
"I think, it's time for some dinner." y/n says as she takes Harper from Katrina. "What do you want Harps?" y/n asks her as the girl thinks.
"Chicken nuggets!" Harper squeals and y/n chuckles as Katrina sighs.
"I guess we could make a stop at McDonalds." Katrina hums and y/n looks at her with a grin.
"I won't tell if you don't?" y/n offers and Katrina grins before y/n moves to get her keys, Harper telling her in garbled words that she didn't want to get down from y/n's hip.
The three piled into the car, Katrina watching sweetly as y/n clipped Harper into her car seat and kissed her nose before shutting the door and turning to face Katrina.
"What?" y/n asked her, looking rather sheepish worried she had overstepped a boundary.
"I just, love you so much." Katrina smiles, moving in to press a kiss against her lover. "I'm so happy to be here." She says again.
y/n smiles against Katrina's lips, her head ducked so they could meet and her arms wrapped tightly around the woman, bringing her close so they could be in each other's tight holds.
"I'm so happy you're here." y/n promises her, pecking her lips once more before she moves around and opens the passenger door for Katrina who chuckles and steps into the car. y/n grinning as she got into the driver's seat.
Katrina had settled in fantastically over the last few weeks, sinking into training easily, fans going crazy over the small bit of content they had recieved during her signing video.
Harper had joined, wearing her own shirt and number along with her mother, holding a mini mic which she shouted into in excitement when y/n had walked in.
The small girl running over with a wide grin and giggling when the woman grabbed her and lifted her into the air, before scooping her up in a tight hug.
Katrina and y/n were not a secret, the internet thought they were very cute, especially the clips of them after the Australia vs England game in the World Cup, where y/n's team had sadly knocked out Katrina's to get to the finals.
Currently the two were in bed, their first game since Christmas, in the WSL tomorrow against Tottenham. Katrina was settled onto y/n's shoulder, arms wrapped around her as she hummed happily.
The two were quiet, listening to the sound of London wind as y/n ran her hand down Katrina's face, occasionally pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"I'm so happy you're here." y/n murmured quietly, Katrina smiling into her shoulder.
"God, you're such a softie." Katrina tells her. "Scary big defender, all tall and chiselled, all you are is a great big softie." She continues and y/n chuckles.
"Only for you love." y/n tells her, leaning down to peck her lips.
Katrina grins into her shoulder, rolling her eyes as y/n tenses. The sound of small footsteps echo and the door is pushed open, a tearful Harper walking into view.
"Hi Baby." y/n smiles, sitting up and looking at the clock which read 11pm. "What's the matter?" y/n asks as Harper moves over, y/n quickly scooping her up.
"Bad dweam." Harper says, her little voice thick with sleep and sadness as she crawls over to her mother and pushes her head into her collarbone.
Katrina sighs and sits up, y/n doing the same as she wraps and arm around Katrina and brings the woman into her side, Harper balanced on her chest.
"It's okay. We're right here monkey." Katrina promises Harper. The girl sniffles, laying her tiny hand on Katrina's other shoulder.
"Why no cwothes?" She asks and y/n closes her eyes, sucking in a large breath as she tries not to laugh, Katrina's eyes widening in panic.
"We just got a little hot monkey, thought we would be cooler this way." y/n tells her, Harper now recovering from her bad dream and sitting up stretching her arms as she scoots over to y/n, arms raised.
"Off." Harper says before Katrina calls her name and sends her a pointed look. "Pwease." Harper adds and y/n chuckles, helping the girl take her top off, leaving her in her night nappy.
"Do you wanna stay here for the night?" y/n asks her, Katrina sending y/n a slightly pointed look as Harper nods and falls into y/n's chest.
The woman chuckles and leans over, switching her bedside lamp off as she settles down and brings Harper closer to the middle, so she was between the two.
"Night babe." y/n says as she pecks Katrina's lips. The woman humming into the sweet kiss. "Night baby." y/n then says, leaning down to press two kisses to Harper's cheek.
The toddler giggles tiredly before reaching out for her mother who presses a kiss to her other cheek, the girl then falling asleep quickly know she was safe.
"You're so good with her." Katrina whispers to y/n softly, knowing it was something y/n worried about.
"You think?" y/n asked worriedly and Katrina smiles.
"I know babe." Katrina promises before the two slowly drift into sleep.
y/n panted as she ran after the ball, trying to fight her way through the wind which was becoming almost impossible to run against now, the ball was hardly staying down and as she approached the edge of the box, waiting for Kristie's corner she wasn't sure how this would go.
It was currently 4-4 and the 89th minute. It had been an incredibly eventful and busy game. y/n being kept very busy, especially considering they had lost Shannon due to a red card twenty minutes in.
That left three very stressed defenders of Kirsty, y/n and Hawa, Rihanne refusing to switch the formation leaving the three to fight as best they could.
Which unfortunately tonight was not the best. As they crowded around the box for the last attempt of the game, y/n watched as Kirstie kicked the ball while holding it so it didn't blow away.
Bethany England reached it first, heading it to y/n, who just swallowed and sent her foot through it, watching in shock as it skimmed Katrina's back, and into the goal.
The echo of the fans at Chigwell were nothing compared to Katrina shout of happiness as she ran at her girlfriend proud of her as the team barrelled on top of her.
Soon, y/n got them up, pushing them back to their places with a shake of her head as she walked back to her own, Mackenzie quickly racing out of her own goal to pick her up in a squeeze before running back.
The whistle blew two minutes later, West Ham fans screaming in excitement as the group cheered, relieved that they had moved further up the table and away from relegation with a big win.
y/n was laughing with Hawa as they walked over to Katrina, who was talking to Kristie with Harper on her hip. Harper smiled as she saw y/n, fighting to get down as she ran over.
"Mama, look at my shirt!" Harper cheered, turning around to show y/n's number and name which made the woman grin.
"Wow, don't you look so cool!" y/n smiles as Katrina walks over. y/n suddenly pauses. "Wait." y/n breathes. "What did you just call me?" She asks.
"Mama?" Harper asks, looking up at her. Katrina smiles, as if having seen this coming and y/n crouches as Harper places her small hands on y/n's cheeks.
"Okay baby." y/n smiles, pressing a kiss to Harper's head. "Okay." y/n nods as she picks her up.
"Don't cwy mumma." Harper tells her and y/n lets out a tearful laugh as she wipes a few tears away.
"No, of course not." y/n chuckles at the girl, smiling softly as she presses another kiss to her head and Katrina smiles, moving over to join them.
"Macca!" Harper calls and y/n chuckles, placing Harper down who ran to the Australian goalkeeper, the woman picking her up with a smile and cheer.
"She called me mama." y/n said to Katrina who smiles softly, leaning up and pressing a loving kiss to y/n.
"I told you that you were good with her." Katrina smiles and y/n laughs, picking up Katrina with a wide grin, the woman's legs wrapping around y/n's waist as she spun with her.
"She called me mama!" y/n cheered again and Katrina laughed.
katrinagorry10 just posted in her story
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this is a cute one because god bless that woman!
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pitchsidestories · 3 months
You belong with me II Alanna Kennedy x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1516
a/n: we combined two requests for this oneshot, hope you guys like it !
As the social media manager of the Australian national team, you never got tired of working with the players to create new content together.
In that moment you were already focused by placing the big camera on the tripod in front of you, after that was done you looked up to Mackenzie Arnold, your girlfriend’s best friend, humming:” Ready?”
“Yes, fire your questions away.”, the goalkeeper responded smiling brightly at you.
Satisfied by her okay you clapped into your hands: ”Alright, let’s start.”
“Yes, please.”, the brunette nodded happily. You two were suddenly interrupted by Harper, who was running excitedly into the open arms of the player: ”Macca!”
“Hi Harper and Cait.”, Mackenzie greeted the intruders warmly.  
Noisily Caitlin Foord wanted to know from both of you:” What are you two doing?”
“Recording a video for the Matilda’s Instagram?”, you replied shrugging, because it was quite obvious for everyone to see what was going on here. 
In good spirits the goalkeeper explained:” It was supposed to be a quick round of questions.”  
“What questions?”, Katrina Gorrys’s daughter asked big eyed. Casually
Mackenzie shrugged her shoulders:” Just random questions?”
“Like?”, the toddler pressed on stubbornly.
Her curiosity was endearing to you, that’s why you patiently answered her:” Like who’s her favourite roommate and what’s her favourite food in camp.”
“It’s so obvious. I’m her favourite roommate because Lani sneaks out to be with you at night.”, the Arsenal forward said with a cheeky grin on her lips.
With a frustrated sigh you interrupted the conversation you have been filming since Harper appeared a few minutes ago:” Cut!”
“I thought we didn’t even start anyway.”, Mackenzie giggled confused.
Sheepishly you told her:” I already hit the record button.” “And she’s getting paid for that.”, Caitlin teasingly rolled her eyes at you.
Groaning you hid the face behind your hands: “Girls!” “What?”, the forward threw up an eyebrow.
Meanwhile Harper who realized you were filming them was now in her element, clapping her hands like she was the director of this set, exclaiming delighted:” And action.”
“See, they should pay her. She’s carrying our social media appearance.”, Caitlin remarked amused.
To your defense came Mackenzie who pointed out to one of her closest friends:” She does, but y/n always makes you look good in photos as you said earlier.”  “She does.”, the Arsenal player admitted.
Clearing your throat, you draw back the attention to the task which lay ahead of you all:” So who’s your favourite and worst roommate in camp.”
“They’re both going to kill me. Caitlin and Alanna but I’m not saying who is which.”, the goalkeeper responded with a wink to the camera.
You bit back a laugh and continued; “Okay, next question. What’s your favourite part of the training camp?“
Without missing a beat, Mackenzie answered; “Seeing the girls.“
“Awww!“, Caitlin cooed from somewhere next to you with a smirk.
The goalkeeper made a dismissive hand gesture in her direction; “Shut up. I’m talking about Mini and Harper!“
“Rude!“, Caitlin complained, laughing.
You shook your head at the two football players; “Girls, please!“
“Focus.“, Harper said as strictly as possible for a toddler and pointed her finger into Mackenzies direction.
You smiled at the little girl; “Thanks, Harper.“
Mackenzie looked at Caitlin in disbelief; “Can’t believe we’re getting called out by Harps!“
“She’s already a social media pro.“, you shrugged. Caitlin grinned; “We can tell.“
The filming was again interrupted by Katrina; “Oh, here she is!“ Harper immediately ran into her mothers arms who gently picked her up.
“Harper was in safe hands, Mini. I’m a keeper.“, Mackenzie commented, smiling about her own joke.
Caitlin rolled her eyes; “Worst joke ever, Macca.“ “Shush it. Time to go back to filming.“, the goalkeeper decided and you were more than happy to comply.
After you managed to film the video without any further interruptions, Alanna was impatiently waiting for you. With her arms crossed over her chest, she was playfully pouting; “You did a video without me?“
“It was Maccas turn.“, you explained matter-of-factly.
Mackenzie who left the room right behind you winked at her friend; “Yes, and it was fun. Even though Harper stole the show as usual.“
“She did.“, you agreed with a laugh. Alanna pretended to be shocked; “Rude.“
“Jealous that your girlfriend didn’t work with you today?“, Caitlin teased, closing the door of the hotel room that you used to film.
Unimpressed, Alanna shook her head; “She only does videos with you, guys.“
“So that’s a yes.“, Mackenzie concluded with raised eyebrows.
You eyed your girlfriend from the side while you remarked; “I mean at home she only takes photos with Leila recently. So it’s fair.“
The defenders jaw dropped open; “Don’t start with Leila now. You never want to be on my photos.“ “
Well, you never ask me.“, you continued.
Alanna retorted; “Don’t distract. You also never ask me to be in your little videos.“
“That’s something different.“
“Not at all!“
“We’ll talk about this later.“, you ended the discussing while fondly rolling you eyes about your girlfriends teasing.
“Fine.“ Your small dispute attracted some of the drama-loving Matildas.
Mary Fowler looked at you with curious eyes; “Trouble in paradise?“
“Yes, Mary. Obviously.“, Alanna shook her head, laughing. Kyra Cooney-Cross grimaced; “Trouble? No way, that’s our thing.“
Steph Catley shot her an inquisitive look; “What did you do again that we haven’t noticed yet?“
“What are you talking about, Steph?“, Alanna asked.
“Talking about Kyra. I think she was onto some mischief again.“, her fellow defender explained without taking her eyes off the younger player.
“I’m going to bed now. Good night, girls.”, you announced.
“Lani is she still pouting because of the Leila photos or is this just a thing you love to tease eachother with?”, curiously Mary turned to look at your girlfriend, expecting a dramatic reply.
“No, we’re just making fun.”, Alanna reassured the younger forward. 
“You two are such weirdos.”, Steph commented smirking.
Unimpressed by the teasing of the fellow Matilda’s she shook her head:” We’re cute.”
“Sometimes.”, Mary admitted.
Your girlfriend rolled her eyes: “You’re too young to have an opinion.”
“Rude.”, the younger player scoffed playfully.
The evening went on as usually, but Alanna decided to say goodnight to the team because she wanted to see you desperately after your dispute earlier.
When she came into your room you were already laying on the hotel bed, the only thing you were wearing was an old jersey of your girlfriend which was big enough on you to cover all the important parts. “Hi love.”, you hummed.  
Noticing your sleeping clothes Alanna lifted an eyebrow:” What are you trying to do?”
“These are my normal sleeping clothes.”, you answered innocently.
“You never sleep in my jersey.”, the Mancity player remarked. 
“Okay, fine, maybe I wanted to show you that I belong to you.”, you sighed.  
The blonde nodded slowly: “I do hope so.”  
“And you belong to me.”, you concluded with a seducing smile.
“I do?”, Alanna asked grinning while letting her eyes glance over your whole figure taking it all in.  
“Yes.”, you replied confidently, now looking at her the same way she did a few seconds ago.  
“I see.” cheekily she took your camera from the nightside table, I think it’s time for a couple photo.”
“Fair enough, through the mirror?”, you suggested beaming.
Shrugging her shoulders, Alanna agreed to it: “Fine. If you want it artsy.”  
“I do.”, you told her.
“Of course you do.”, the defender smirked at you. 
After a couple of tries to take the photos, you looked up to her:” Thanks, it turned out really cute, don’t you think?”
“Yes, I love it.”, she said equally satisfied with the photos and the pretty picture you two made together.
For a moment your girlfriend hesitated before adding:” Can we post it?”
“Great.”, Alanna kissed you, afterwards she quickly posted it, the rest of the evening her focus was entirely on you.
The next day you were back taking photos of the Matilda’s during their training.
“Look who’s coming now.”, Hayley nodded in the direction from where Mackenzie, Alanna and Caitlin were arriving on the pitch side.
Immediately you were blushing, remember the night you had with the blonde defender, while taking a photo of the trio:” Name a better trio, Hayley. I’m waiting.”
“The powerpuff girls.”, the forward laughed. 
Jumping on to your back Kyra almost screamed into your ears:” Charli, Mini and me!”
“Nirvana.”, Ellie giggled.
“I shouldn’t have asked.”, you mumbled but couldn’t help to smile at all the answers the player had given.
“Don’t forget the Jonas brothers.”, Charli winked at you while pulling the young Arsenal midfielder away from you.  
“I’ll make this the next random question for a video.”, decided.
The Tottenham player immediately supported your idea:” You should.”
Meanwhile Alanna was hugging you from behind, whispering:” As long as you think we’re the best trio.”
“Always.”, you replied, turning around to kiss your girlfriend on her lips ignoring the howling noises Caitlin and Mackenzie made.
You were never more certain that you and Alanna belonged together.
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greynatomy · 8 months
who even are you?
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katrina gorry x reader
this was a request from wattpad. finally wrote about another matilda. my writing block is slightly going away.
this is one of the ones that’s been sitting in the drafts
part 2 part 3
You met Katrina at the beginning of 2021. You were in Australia on a vacation when you nearly knocked her down walking to a café. Your tall frame towers over hers by almost a whole foot.
As an apology, you invited her to have breakfast with you, connecting with one another instantly. You talked about what you did for work, intrigued when she said she played football professionally. She also opened up about always wanting to become a mother and recently finding out her ivf procedure worked and was currently pregnant.
You hit it off pretty well, hanging out everyday, which turned into you asking her on a date and becoming official by the end of your month long vacation. It was difficult when you had to go back home to England.
Months passed and you talked whenever you could, missing her more and more. You talked to your boss about wanting to go remote, but would fly out only when necessary and surprisingly to you, he agreed.
You talked about it to Katrina and she was ecstatic. You moved in with her just before her final weeks of pregnancy.
In the delivery room, once a little baby girl was born, which Katrina named her Harper, she asked if it would be okay if she put your name in the other box for parent. You cried into her shoulder, wanting nothing more.
After some time, you’d gotten married in a small private ceremony months after Harper’s birth, moving into a bigger place. You both couldn’t be happier.
Two years later, the Australia’s Women’s National Team were currently in training for the Olympic Qualifying Asia. Harper was off to the side of the pitch playing with all the toys that she brought with her.
The coach calls the team for a water break, Mini’s two other kids, Kyra and Charli, rush over to Harper.
“Havin’ fun Harps?”
“Yeah!” She raises up her little doll to show them.
Catching their breath, the three play with each other, all in their own world, until the coach calls them back in for a scrimmage. It was a close game, playing like it was a real match.
As everyone was focused on the game, Harper saw someone familiar in the distance, instantly getting up from her blanket, running towards the figure.
“Mama!” She crashes into you.
“Hi, Harper. You been good for Mommy?”
“Yeah!” Harper sees a ball and tugs you by the hand. “Mama, play!”
“Wanna play some football?”
In your own little world, the team’s scrimmage finished, everyone eager to change out of their sweaty gear. Kyra and Charli took off to Harper’s blanket wanting to spend some time with their little sister. The thing is, Harper’s not in the blanket.
“Charli, where’s Harper?”
“How would I know?”
“You’re supposed to keep an eye on her.”
“Me? What about you?”
“How’d we lose a baby?”
“Hey, guys!” Startled, they turn around to see Mini. “Good training today, huh? Where’d Harper go?”
“Uh-well-um—” Charli started malfunctioning.
“Wait! Look there!” Kyra pointed to the distance, seeing Harper with someone she’s never seen before. “Hey! Get away from her!” Before the other two know it, Kyra was already running to where Harper and the supposed stranger are, grabbing Harper out of your arms.
Katrina realizing that it was you, runs after Kyra, hearing her daughter let out a cry.
“How did you get in here? I’m gonna call security!”
“Can you just listen to—”
“—Why should I listen to you, you-you kidnapper!”
The rest of the Matildas are now aware of all the commotion, going up to it.
“What’s happening here?” Sam asks, seeing Kyra hold onto a crying Harper tightly.
“She’s trying to take Harper!”
“What? No, I’m not!”
“Who even are you?”
“If you’d let me expl—”
“I don’t wanna listen to what you have to sa—”
“SHUT UP!” Katrina yelled, everyone going silent, except for the cries of Harper. “Look, this isn’t how it’s supposed to go, but conclusions were jumped into so I’m doing it now. This is Y/N and she’s my wife and Harper’s other Mom.”
“You’re married?” “Wife?” “Other mom?” “Since when?” “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Okay! Shut up! I’ll answer everything after we’ve all showered and dressed. Kyra give Harper back to Y/N.”
Handing Harper back to you, she gives you and apologetic smile.
“Sorry about that.”
“It’s alright. Just a misunderstanding.”
As they all go into the changing rooms, you greet your wife with a kiss.
“That was something, huh?”
“Definitely not how I wanted it to go.”
“‘Least it’s out of the way. Can we get some ice cream after?”
“I sceam (ice cream)!” Harper suddenly has a burst of energy.”
“Ice cream!”
“I have two children at this point.”
“Don’t Kyra and Charli call you Mom?”
“Four children. I have four children and you all drive me insane.”
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yeeterthek33per · 10 months
Misplaced Toddlers and Mayhem (Katrina Gorry x reader)
A/n: I wrote this while I was drunk, so if theres any mistakes or something, and it doesn't add up... Y'all can blame the boxed LIIT 😂
Part two
Summary: Harper takes a walk, Kyra and Charli are in shit unless they find her, Mini has a heart attack, and you make a new friend... or two.
Honestly, you hadn't even expected to be out today, and now you're being forced to go out Christmas shopping and one of the places you were being forced to go to was basically a wild child haven.
Kids just about terrified you. You avoided them like the plague. One bad run-in was enough for a lifetime for you. One toddler shoving their dirty little mits into your face, leaving you coming down with a nasty lung infection, was enough for you.
They were grotty, and whiny and just not your crowd.
You used to love them. After that experience, though, you felt a little more enlightened, so you left the crotch goblins to their parents at all costs.
However, your sister was insistent you get something for your nieces. She doesn't understand why you can't stand being around them now. She knows what happened but thinks you're being ridiculous, and when you're relying on her to keep you housed for the time being, you had to play nice.
As much as you loved your nieces, you loved them from a much larger distance than your sister liked.
So you had to deal with holidays and birthdays. Meaning you were stuck doing toy shopping. In the local toy store. Where kids are allowed to run rampant, occasionally bumping into you, making you wince, and very occasionally, you receive an apologetic look from weary parents.
As you're walking down the sports aisle, with your nieces having taken a liking to soccer, you end up shopping for a couple mini balls and some cones, and what looks to be a training goal.
You aren't sure since you dont follow it majorly, but it'll do. Despite your own weariness, you knew they loved you and anything you gave them. You had to hand it to Ashley. She'd raised some otherwise pretty decent kids.
As you're browsing around for some pink cones, knowing little Emily liked the colour pink, you spot a little girl just standing there. It wouldn't be a surprise to you, considering kids are typically allowed to run rampant. But the little thing looked about two years old, if that.
What kind of parent let's their two year old go off on her own?
The moment she spots you, it's like she knows you. You had never seen this child before. She runs up to you, making grabby hands.
At first, you think she's aiming for the pink cones in your hand, but the moment you even offer them to her, she bats it away and continues making grabby hands at you.
"I- Hi kiddo? What's up, huh? Where's your mum? Or dad?"
"Wibbons, wasso"
And then it clicks. She wants your hair ribbon, though you don't register the second part. So, in an effort to keep the child calm (at bay), you pull your hair down and offer it to her. She quickly begins to play with it before trying to kind of half attach it to her own head.
It makes you laugh a little.
"Hewp me pwease"
It honestly kind of makes your heart melt a little. She seems like a nice kid. She's not really dirty as such. But you never know.
"You want them in your hair, huh?"
She nods eagerly. You sigh, knowing you're stuck now.
"Okay, turn around for me, I'll put them in, but you gotta stay very still for me."
To her credit, for a two year old, she does stay very still. You carefully use the ribbon to create a mini bun with a bow and she's vibrating with excitement when you're done.
"Yayyy, tank yoou."
Well, at least she has manners.
"Wow, you look so pretty. What's your name?"
"Ha- Hart- Harp-..."
She seems to be struggling a little, and it kind of makes you giggle softly.
She nods, giggling slightly.
"Alright, Harper. Can you tell me where Mum is?"
The little blonde looks confused for a second. Shakes her head at you and points off to the outside of the shop.
"Cha cha."
It makes no sense, and honestly, what did you expect from a two year old?
So you do what any responsible adult would do here, and ask the lady up the front to check the cameras to see if she'd come in with anyone.
Of course, no dice. She's visible walking into the store completely alone.
"Oh boy."
--------- meanwhile----------
"You fucking lost my daughter?! Charlotte Grant, what the fuck were you thinking?!"
Charlie glares at Kyra, who is snickering lightly as Katrina rips her a new one. Though Katrina whips around to her now too.
"Oi, what's so funny? You were supposed to be watching her too!"
Kyra gulps lightly.
"I was watching her! I went to go get ice cream for us all and told Charlie to stay with her!"
"Rubbish! I told you to stay with her while I went and got her some more chips. That kid eats like you do sometimes, I swear."
"What a load of bull!"
"Is not!"
"Will you two knock it off!"
Katrina is quick to shut the two bickering, totally adult women up. They both shut their mouths simultaneously and look to the shorter, much more terrifying woman.
"Where is she?"
"We don't know, we both came back, and she was just..gone!"
The older woman feels like she's about to have a heart attack. She starts running through different possible scenarios in her head.
"Is it possible that she could have wandered off? Maybe she went to go find that toy store we passed on the way?"
"Fine, we'll go check, but the moment she's not there, we're calling the police."
Both of the kids nod at Katrina and quickly take off running toward the area where the shop was.
"Where Cha Cha? I wan ice keem now"
"Who's cha cha, Harper?"
"Cha cha sissy."
Okay, so, 'Cha cha' is her sister. That's a start. She's already had you kicking a ball around with her, and now she's demanding ice cream. So you duck outside to the ice cream truck quickly for a small cone, hoping to god she's not dairy intolerant or something.
She happily munches on the cone while you contemplate what to do. You could call the police. You probably should call the police. That is until she suddenly up on her feet, pointing erratically at a very frantic looking blonde and brunette, followed by a pissed but frantic looking shorter brunette.
"Cha Cha! Cha Cha, Mummy! Kywa!"
You're relieved. But now also mad. You were about to give this person a piece of your mind. It is so dangerous leaving kids on their own like that.
"Oh, Harper baby! thank god."
"Mummy, I made new fwend!"
The shorter looking woman looks up at you and the words you were going to say just kind of stop in your throat.
"You did, huh? Well, you gotta thank her for getting you that cone, then."
The kid looks up at you with a cheesy grin.
"Tank you y/nn"
The Mum turns to look at the other two, who are now looking at the ground, shuffling awkwardly.
"And you two! Apologise to this poor woman right now. You couldn't watch Harper for two seconds on your own, seriously! You're 21 years old! The pair of you!"
"We are really sorry."
You smile a little.
"Honestly, it's not a problem at all. She had us all a little worried when she walked in on her own. But she was really good, no trouble at all, honestly... well... aside from the glaringly obvious."
Seriously? Stick to your guns, you said. You're pissed, you said. Yeah, right. She is pretty hot, though...
"Honestly, though, thank you so much for looking after Harper, I know she can be a little much for some, especially considering it looks like she's raided your hair ribbons too."
You chuckle a little shaking your head.
"Not at all, honestly. She was a little demanding, but she's definitely well mannered, and she was pretty relaxed the whole time. All I got from her, though, was 'Cha Cha', 'Ribbons' and 'Wasso'... I wasn't really sure what to make of that too much. I assume one of you is Kyra, though."
The shorter woman nods slightly, pointing to the brunette behind her. She waves a little. "I'm Kyra, this one is Charlie, or as we affectionately call her, 'Cha Cha'. I just call her Idiot though."
The two of them start bickering, and eventually, Charlie has Kyra in a headlock. The woman in front of you facepalms and shakes her head at the two of them.
"I'm so sorry, just ignore those two. You'd think they were 5 and not 21 year old adults. I'm Katrina, Harper is my actual child. These two just forcefully adopted themselves to me."
At that, both of them stop for a second. Kyra speaks, "Hey! You still love me like your own!"
"Excuse me! She loves me more than you." And they're back to wrestling.
At this point, you're trying to stifle a laugh behind your hand. You look down towards the little blonde girl, who is now on her feet, looking at the two of them, the cone she had now fully eaten but completely covering her face and hands.
Katrina looks down at her as well.
"Oh my goodness, Harper. How do you do this every time?"
The little girl giggles as her mother crouches down to wipe her face with the napkin that had been around the cone, but you notice it's kind of already messy, so you grab some of the sanitiser wipes you usually keep on you and offer them to her.
She has a grateful look in her eyes as she accepts them from you.
"Oh my god, thank you, honestly, I swear I normally keep this kind of stuff on me but I kind of just dumped everything in the car when I got the phone call saying she was missing."
"It's all good. I'm happy to help."
She smiles gratefully at you.
When she's done, she picks Harper up to keep her still and in eye sight, but the toddler has other ideas and reaches for you instead making grabby hands, wanting into your arms instead.
Katrina goes to protest, but you reassure her and take Harper into your grasp, the little girl quickly latching onto you and starts playing with your necklace.
"I swear, I've never seen her like this before. She's usually pretty shy around strangers or any of my friends that she doesn't spend a lot of time with."
"Really?" You ask, surprised. The girl had been so friendly with you. Why you?
"Really. I've never seen her like this."
You look down at her, smiling softly. You poke her hand a little.
"Guess I have a new friend."
What has gotten into you. You thought you were supposed to be terrified of kids. What's different about this one?
"Guess so." You meet Katrina's gaze, and she suddenly looks down at the ground before she turns to look at the other two, and you think you see a hint of a small blush rising to her cheeks.
Must be imagining things.
"Hey, you two! Stop fighting. Can you go back to the car and get Harper's bag, please? I'llmeet you both where we were sitting"
Kyra quickly let's go of Charlie, and they both nod and take off towards the carpark. You watch as Charlie shoves Kyra a little on the way, and you snort slightly.
"Hey.. I was wondering if you wanted to come and get something to eat with us. If you have time, of course, I wouldn't wanna take any more time from your day."
"Honestly, I'd take anything to get away from christmas shopping, but if I come home with nothing for my nieces, my sister might actually kick me out." You say jokingly, rubbing at your neck.
"Oh! Of course! We better let you get going then." She looks a little disappointed at first but quickly covers it with a smile. She just kind of stands there.
"Yes.. yep.." You hesitate for a second, and then you slowly gesture at the happily occupied Harper in your arms.
"Right! Sorry, yep, taking her now."
It's adorable and makes you grin a little, leaving a warmth to fill your chest. Though you're a little sad that you don't get to spend more time with them.
Harper tries to cling to you as you hand her over, but she sulkily climbs back into Katrina's arms once she realizes you aren't staying.
She buries her head into her mum's neck when she's situated. It makes your heart melt a little, already a little attached to her.
"Nice meeting you all." You smile and turn to leave back into the toy store to continue shopping.
Katrina pauses for a minute before leaving with Harper. She feels weird. Like she doesn't really want to let you leave. Sure, you were attractive, and Harper clearly loved you already, but this was just a really lucky situation, and you were technically a stranger to her.
She gets back to where they were sitting and sets Harper down beside Charlie and sits next to them.
"Hey, you okay Min'?"
She looks at the blonde confused.
"I mean aside from the heart attack you gave me, fine, why?"
Charlie, at least, has the decency to look a little guilty at that.
"I know, I know, I'm sorry. I promise we'll look after her better. But not what I meant. You look a little.. I don't know... disappointed? Not mum disappointed, more like sad disappointed."
Katrina steels her features at that.
"What? No.. I'm fine. I'm a little disappointed for Harper, if anything. I've never seen her so quickly attached to someone like that."
"Yeah, I thought it was weird that she let someone near her, actually."
"Right? She's always been wary of everyone. She double took me when she was born even."
Charlie chuckles a little at that.
"Sounds about right for her, seriously though, I don't think it's just Harper on this one."
Katrina raises a brow.
"She's pretty hot, she looks about 28ish, definitely your type."
"If she's so hot, why don't you date her?"
"Because one, I'm happily single and two because she was clearly eyeing you up."
"Yeah, because I was looking for my kid, who was practically clinging to her."
"But even after that, Mini, you know we do pay attention. She clearly had the hots for you."
It's Kyra that interjects now.
"Seriously, you two, what is it with you and interceding my love life?"
Charlie grabs her by the face and turns the now suddenly defensive Katrina's head towards her.
"Because we love you, and we want to see you happy, and we want what's best for Harper and what makes her happy. We can see you were clearly attracted to her. Now, if you don't go back to that store to try and find her and get her number, I will do it for you."
She goes to protest but again she's shushed by the blonde.
"I promise we'll watch Harper with our lives. Now please go find her."
Katrina's hesitant, but she blows out a breath, and she receives a tap to the butt as she turns to go back to the shop. She glares back at Charlie, but she's already preoccupied, making her daughter laugh as she tickles her.
They were right. It's always been her and Harper. Even with the whole team and sisters like Kyra and Charlie, it felt like it's always been her and Harper against the world. That's always felt like enough, but even then, she knew something had always felt a little disconnected.
Now wasn't the time to delve into stuff like that, though. She jogs back towards the store and sees you leaving the store right as she gets to the path leading up to it... with a trolley full of... soccer gear?
She shakes away the thought for a moment and jogs up to you. "Hey!..." and she realises then that she never even got your name.
You look up at her, tilting your head in confusion but smile nonetheless.
"Hey you, I thought you'd left already. D-Did you need something?"
She's a little out of breath from the impromptu jog. To be fair, it is her off day.
"Hey..sorry to bother you like this, but I honestly couldn't leave without at least asking first."
"Is everything okay?"
"Of course, yes, everything's great, Harper is with the other two. They promised they'd keep an eye on her this time. It's just that... I've had a bit of a think and..."
You're patient while she speaks, and the curl of your lips as you listen has her heart racing a little.
"Would you want to, maybe, go out sometime?"
That catches you off guard. You weren't expecting that one. You blink in surprise at her.
"Like just the two of us?"
She nods, a little shyly.
You bite your lower lip to suppress a bigger grin than you want to let out.
"Of course, I'd love that."
"You don't have to if you dont want to though, honestly I understand if you're taken or- wait, yes?"
You stifle a little laugh and nod at her. Yeah, she's definitely cute.
"Yes, Katrina, I would love to go on a date with you."
She grins widely.
You offer your phone to her, the contact section open with a new contact.
"Add your number, and I'll shoot you a message?"
She agrees quickly and types her number in and gives you your phone back.
She gestures back to the trolley beside you. "Soccer fans?"
"Their mothers are. The girls are taking after them pretty quickly, though."
That's when she spots the pendant on your necklace, a little soccer ball. Was that why Harper was quick to go to you?
She smiles and nods, understanding, before looking at her watch. "Shoot, I have to go. The girls are probably worried I got kidnapped or something."
You let out a soft laugh and wave her goodbye as you walk to your car to load the stuff back into it.
You save her contact as "Cutie 💖" and shoot her a message when you get back to your sister's place.
Katrina is just getting into her house when her phone pings in her pocket.
"Date on sunday night? The name's Y/n, btw 😉"
She's smiling a little too hard at her phone, and it doesn't take long for Kyra and Charlie to pick up on it.
"Who's that you're messaging, Min?"
She shakes her head.
"Nobody of your concern."
Kyra gasps in excitement. "It's that girl, isn't it?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
She's glad she's got the night off for sunday now, though.
"Anyway, any chance you two can watch Harper sunday night?"
The pair look at each other, exchanging looks with cheeky grins before nodding.
Katrina's watching them warily, but then they both suddenly squeal and tackle the midfielder to the ground in excitement.
"We're so proud of you! You're going on a date!"
"Who said it was a date?" She gasps from under them both, having the air knocked from her after hitting the floor boards.
"Puhlease, that look in your eye told us everything we needed to know."
"Ugh, get off me, I technically haven't even said 'Yes' yet."
"Well hurry up and do that!"
"You have to get off me for me to do that!"
Shes practically dragged to her feet and handed her phone, the two girls looking at her with sparkling grins and giddy looks in their eyes.
She types in a quick message and sends it to you.
'Hey! I'm really sorry about not asking, I can be a bit of an asshole when I'm not paying attention. 😅 but yes, definitely. Sunday sounds perfect 😊'
Her phone pings straight away, it makes her grin just that bit more.
"It's all good. You had three kids on your hands 😉 I probably would have done the same thing. 6pm sound good?"
Charlie whines pouting. Katrina hadn't even realised they were now reading over her shoulder.
"Aw man, and to think I liked her already."
"Oi! Sticky beaks, knock it off. Go get Harper cleaned up. Or something."
They both groan and take Harper to go get washed up and changed.
'6pm is good. See you then 😉'
Let me know if y'all want part two for this.
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alotofpockets · 1 month
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Roommates (with Kyra Cooney-Cross x Reader)
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pixiesfz · 5 months
I was the anon that requested the Charli fic I loved it would love a Katrina gorry fic also if you write for her
Ask and you shall receive (I’m not kidding guys when you send a request I will most likely do it, I only won’t if I don’t physically find them attractive or don’t know the player well enough to write it fluidly)
okay but here is my beautiful mini.
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plot: y/n had only joined the Matilda’s about a year before mini left to have her baby and she was her biggest supporter through it all, well until you get transferred to Chelsea
warnings: pregnancy, idiots, and I’m not sure what else, timeline doesn’t add up but deal with it
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“Thankyou Tong for this opportunity I won’t let you or the team down I promise” you smiled into the face time which Tony nodded at “Well you’ve been an important necessity for this team for a couple of years now so I don’t imagine you wouldn’t” he laughed and you joined him.
“I’ll let you get to it now, I have some many more calls to make” he said as you nodded, thinking to the younger players in the team “I’ll let you get to it” you smiled and ended the face time.
“Was that Tony?” Katrina asked from behind you and you nodded “wants me to play for the next camp, which you in a few months time should be able to play” you cheered as she held her very pregnant stomach.
“It would have been another year if I didn’t have you” she smiled and you playfully rolled your eyes “please I just say here and looked pretty most of the time”.
“Yeah you did” she confirmed and you blushed, you weren’t sure when you started to have feelings for the midfielder, you were actually quite scared of her when you had your first call up for the Matilda’s and then she left to have Harper and you put your hand out to help, you loved the closest after all.
“I do have a question for you actually” Katrina said as she sat next to you on the couch “shoot” you smiled “how come it took you so long to join the Matilda’s, I know for a fact you have been called up many times before you finally joined”
You shrugged your shoulders “I had terrible anxiety in my early 20’s” you admitted “as you know my family weren’t the best at encouraging me after I came out” you said and Katrina nodded.
She knew about your family problems after a night where you maybe had a few too many at your stay at home New Year’s Eve.
“So I never thought I could do our country well enough” you said and Katrina moved her hands from her bump and onto your hands “You were and still are now, Jesus do you remember how the media blew up after your debut” she asked and you shook your head with a smile
“It was a bit funny” you shrunk your fingers “A hatric against Canada” Katrina almost yelled as she squeezed your hands.
“Yeah which you assisted two out of the three times” you said “I know I am pretty good” she said with a smirk and you rolled your eyes “okay now” you laughed and tried to walk away but Katrina pulled you back down again.
You looked down at her with a smile and she was looking up at you with eyes you’ve never seen before “you are amazing y/n” she said and her eyes darted down to your lips as you did to hers.
You couldn’t control yourself, not when she looked so beautiful.
You leaned in slowly before Katrina took the initiative and put her lips on yours.
It wasn’t rushed and it wasn’t crazy, it was nice and lustful but then you remembered and pulled away.
“What?” Katrina asked softly and you dropped your head “I haven’t been honest to you, I was planning to tell you soon but I just haven’t had the chance and-“
“Y/n what is it?” Katrina asked again as she lifted your head up with her fingers “Chelsea has offered me a spot on their team” you admitted and Katrina nodded her head “then take it” she said
“What?” You asked “Chelsea is amazing” Katrina said as she got up “But Chelsea is in London, you’re here”
Katrina looked away “but it’s better for you, I’ll have Harper with me, I’ll be fine” she said as she tried to hide the tears welling up in her eyes, you didn’t hide them well as they started to roll down your cheeks slowly.
“You- you want me to leave?” You asked
“I want you to do what is best for your career and chelsea is that, Melbourne city isn’t doing anything for you, Chelsea will make you a known name, just like Sam” she said and you rolled your eyes “what if I don’t want to go”
Katrina scoffed “then your stupid”
“Am I stupid for wanting to stay here and look after you and Harper?” You asked bitterly “yes” Katrina said, still refusing to look at you “Harper is mine” she stated “always has been you were just near and you decided to help me”
“Okay” you said as you stood up “I’ll go tell Emma” your croak in your voice evident to Katrina that you had been crying “you do that” she said as she wiped her eyes, you stayed still for a moment hoping that Katrina would ask you to stay but she didn’t, she stood still.
“Fine” you whispered before going to your ‘guest room’ that you actually hadn’t slept in for weeks as you slept in Katrina’s bed.
When you left Katrina finally turned around, tears running down her eyes as she kept her hands on her bump.
You packed as Katrina turned on the TV, watching a show that she didn’t care about, she just wanted to look like she wasn’t affected by you leaving.
When you finished, you went into the room “I’m leaving” you stated and she kept her eyes on the TV, scoffing you grabbed the remote and turned it off.
“I was watching that” Katrina complained “I’m staying with my parents, then I’m getting on a plane to London, I’ll stay with Sam and then I’ll get my own place I- I” you stopped “I don’t know why you’re so okay with this!” You yelled “because I care about you!” Katrina shot back
You sniffed as she rose “I care about you and that’s why you need to leave, go to Chelsea become a world known name, you can’t stay here and look after a child, it’s too much of a distraction”
“That is not your decision to make for me” you told her and she stepped forward “trust me y/n, you don’t want this”
Your eyes were watering again “just” you started “just let me kiss you one last time” you whispered and Katrina finally let her tears fall on her face as she stepped closer to you until her faces were inches apart.
She nodded before you grabbed the sides of her face and pushed her towards you, your lips melted together as you both tasted the salt from each others tears
“I love you” you admitted as you left your forehead on hers “you have to go” she said back and you sobbed and nodded “okay”.
When you once met again, it was about a year later against your national game against New Zealand, you were trying out your New players on the pitch and you still couldn’t believe that she had come back to play.
The first thing you noticed when she walked in was the young toddler that she held in her arms, “Harper” you breathed out as the little girl looked at you and pointed.
“Sorry” Katrina laughed before looking at you again “She’s seen some pictures of you before and now she’s finally seeing you in real life”
You had no reaction to the words as you stated at Harper “hey Harps” you smiled and walked closer to her “Katrina watched carefully as she took your emotions in, she saw your eyes and how they started to gloss over.
She was partially to blame of course, she practically kicked you out after you had helped her for 8 out of 9 months of her pregnancy.
“Do you want to hold her?” Katrina softly asked and you nodded “yes please” you said and Katrina smiled sadly “here” she passed her over and you held her perfectly.
Katrina had to stop her eyes from watering as you remembered the ways to hold a child as she remembered you searching it up when she was still pregnant.
Harper seemed to have clung on to you immediately before her snores filled the room.
“She’s gorgeous” you told her “just like her mumma” you smiled and Katrina blushed.
“It was silent again before she spoke up “I’m getting transferred” she piped up “that’s amazing” you smiled and she nodded “where?” You asked “west ham” she said and you tried to hide your happiness at her answer.
“So I’ll finally see you at the wsl” you smirked proudly “yeah I’m excited” she said and you merely nodded.
“I’m excited too”
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pinasscoladaa · 4 months
I’m sick today 😭 so can u please do a Matildas x reader sick fic
Poorly Girl - Matildas x reader & Katrina Gorry x Reader
Going into training was something you usually loved to do, especially at national camp, it was something that brought joy to your day. not today though, you had woken up feeling like you had swallowed a million tiny shards of glass and the dull ache that rattled through your head was far from pleasant. So as you walked through the corridor and into the camps breakfast hall, your usually happy demeanour and radiant smile was now replaced with an uncomfortable frown, squinting your eyes to try and ease your headache, quickly realising it wasn’t going to work when you were greeted to the loud chatter coming from the room of aussies.
Avoiding social interaction was extremely unusual for you, especially with the tillies, you normally opting to be one of the loudest out of the group of girls, always making some sort of joke. So when you trudged over to the breakfast buffet and grabbed a few pieces of toast before sitting yourself at the back of the room on what seemed to be the only empty table, the girls quickly realised something was wrong.
You stared at the pieces of toast for a few seconds before pushing the plate away, a wave of nausea flooding over you with the thought of eating, Instead opting to just putting your head on the table and closing your eyes to avoid the bright Australian sun.
Your peace was interrupted with an extremely loud “Oi Oi” being shouted down your ear, quickly identifying the person as kyra as she sat next to you along with a few other people to which you assumed was charli, caitlin alanna and mackenzie, you made a pathetic attempt to lift your head and give a not very convincing smile to group of girls.
All of them circling round, loudly interrogating as to why you weren’t being social or as ‘obnoxiously loud as normal’ as alanna has stated jokingly. You looked around the room hoping to catch the eye of mini to hopefully swoop in and rescue you, your best friend always being there when your friends were being too much, frown only deepening when you couldn’t see her anywhere. Luckily for you though claire and emily had spotted you and saw your dilema, both of them also sharing a look at how poorly you so obviously were.
“thats enough girls, shes clearly not well” Claire stated, distracting the girls while emily gently grabbed your arm to help you up out of your chair, “come on, lets get you back to your room, no training for you today” mumbling a small ok as she silently led you back to your room, tucking you back into bed and darkening the room before leaving, you quickly falling asleep at the sudden silence and darkness.
Around an hour later you woke to the sound of your door opening, knowing instantly who it was as there was only one person who had a key to your room.
“its only me” Katrina stated in a hushed voice as she walked in placing a bag on the desk before emptying its contents to get what she had brought out for you. It was obvious to alot of the girls that you and mini had feelings for eachother, neither if you having the courage to tell eachother though, instead the pair of you remained best friends who where very much inlove with eachother.
“i brought you some medicine and some snacks darling.. oh and obviously the best company ever” she smiled, putting the tablets on the bedside cabinet next to you.
“oh really.. i don’t see harper?” you croaked out with a tired smirk on your face. Katrina let out an offended gasp as she climbed into the bed with you, making you let out a small giggle, your actions making here smile brightly, only your previous laugh was quickly interrupted by a harsh coughing fit. Your throat felt 10x worse now so swallowing the tablets that mini had brought felt like hell.
“c’mere poorly girl” Katrina cooed, pulling you into her embrace , your head now resting on her chest as her arms wrapped tightly around you, one of her hands coming up to brush your hair away from your fever struck face.
The comfort of minis hold had you ready to fall back to a deep sleep within seconds, eyes closing and a satisfied smile on your face, murming out a “thank you mins” before dozing off.
Mini looked down at you, admiring your sleeping state, but also in awe of how somebody so ill could still look so incredibly beautiful before kissing your forehead gently and letting herself sink into her own tiredness, knowing harper was safe and having a sleepover with charli and kyra, and her girl best friend was safe in her arms.
(obsessed with the tillies & mini atm so i loved writing this)
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carolineshairtie · 3 months
Mini: Awwww, you're so adorable! Give me a hug~
Charli, recording: This is so cute.
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kamotecue · 9 months
baby fever ➳ k. gorry
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pairing: katrina gorry x reader
summary: in which y/n has baby fever while taking care of harper.
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you felt someone knock the wind out of your chest as you sat up straight trying to catch your breath. you looked around and spotted harper who gave you an innocent look, as you gave her a soft smile.
you always wanted to have kids, and when you started dating katrina, you fell in love with her mini me. she’s always mischievous playing pranks on you, but at the same time she can be the kindest and sweetest child you’ve ever seen.
“y/n, can you make breakfast?” harper asked, as you chuckled.
“sure, harps. what would you like?” you asked, as she gave you a grin.
“can you make eggs please?” she asked, as you gave her a soft nod.
“can i have an avocado toast as well?” you heard a deep voice as you turned to the right to see katrina staring at the two of you with a soft but wide smile. her two girls getting along.
“sure, love.” katrina gave you a kiss on the cheek, as you gotten up heading to the kitchen followed by harper who brought out a plushie that you gave her.
you met katrina when she played for utah royals in 2018, and have been dating since. you were traveling the world, visiting places and that’s how you met.
you’d get the bitterness as you loved playing soccer, you pursued college football however never went pro. as you tore your acl in the last season of college, you never fully healed for it hence you had quit.
there were shocks as you represented the youth levels but never the senior team. the prodigy had disappeared and soon everyone forgot about you.
you cracked a few eggs in an empty bowl, quickly beating the eggs with a fork as you put a little bit of salt and pepper for the taste.
you placed the eggs in two different plates, harper had a plate that had a cartoon design as katrina just had a white plate with a gold lining. her avocado toast was set, as you lastly placed the eggs beside the toast.
“breakfast is ready!” you called, as katrina came along with harper following her. you watched as katrina gave harper a boost to sit on the chair, a soft smile made its way to your face.
“thanks, love.” katrina said, as she placed both her’s and harper’s plate on the table. you all chatted about silly things, topics that harper found interested.
you spent the whole day, watching harper’s favorite shows, you had also baked cookies one of her favorite’s. a day well spent, you thought.
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