#by just going: oh she's just using a different naming theme. it's fine for her to be named Moe
mewgatori · 10 months
Sometimes I put a bit more research into a minor character's name than I really need to
and other times I just go with whatever seems fun because it's a minor character, so I might as well get a bit silly
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bloatedandalone04 · 4 months
Something Borrowed
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➪the one where you and jake run into his ex at a friends wedding.
Warnings: angst, smut, fluff, oral (f receiving), fingering, public smut, swearing, dirty talk, insecurities, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, car sex, a real bitchy ex
Word Count: 6k - last post got deleted or something :( idk where it went
Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡ | THANK YOU FOR 4.3K FOLLOWERS MWAH
When Jake asked you to be his plus one to his old college friends wedding, you were ecstatic 
Not only was it an excuse to show off how ridiculously hot your boyfriend of three years is, it was also the opportunity to see him in a suit all night. While he looked Godly in his flight suit and uniforms, seeing him in something different but equally as formal was always a treat. 
You had bought - actually Jake insisted he buy you - a new dress that went well with his tux. While it was all black with a white button up, your dress was a champagne color that was just the right amount of contrast and went well with the ‘fine wining’ theme. 
Yeah, you two were that couple.
You didn’t get the opportunity to dress up very often with how hectic both yours and Jake’s schedules are, with date nights being something simple like takeout and a movie or a stroll around the beach that often ended up with you and him jumping each other in the shower when you were supposed to be ridding yourselves of the sand. 
So when he asked you to tag along, you agreed right away. 
But he failed to inform you that his ex-girlfriend would also be there. 
To be fair, he had no idea that she was going to be there, but he probably could’ve guessed since she was also a friend of Trent, the Groom himself, and his wife-to-be, Gemma. 
You were sitting at the table assigned to you, Jake and a few others during the reception part of the wedding when Trent came up to you. He looked a bit tipsy, but that was to be expected. “Hey, man! Thanks for coming,”
Jake’s arms were secured around your middle, your back pressed right up against his front since he couldn’t seem to keep his hands to himself after watching you walk out of your shared room a few hours ago in the same dress you’re wearing now. “Hey, Trent,” he greets, taking his eyes off you for the first time since you sat down at the table. “Congrats, buddy.”
“Thanks,” Trent grins, holding up his left hand and showing off the silver wedding band. “This is gonna take some getting used to.”
Jake shakes his head and teases the skin of your thigh with the tips of his fingers. This dress was probably your favorite thing you own, and the long slit on the left leg area was definitely Jake’s favorite part of it. “I’m sure you’ll manage,” 
Trent grinned down at the two of you before leaning in and muttering, “Hey, have you seen Mara yet?”
Your ears perked up at that, the name being somewhat familiar to you and definitely to Jake. “Mara?” He questioned, quirking a brow and glancing at you. “Why would I have seen her?” 
“‘Cause she’s here, man,” Trent answered as if it was the most obvious answer in the world. 
Jake’s smile faded a bit and he tightened his arm around you. “She’s…here?” He wasn’t looking at you anymore, even though you tried meeting his eyes. “As in…here, here?”
“Uh, yeah,” Trent laughed as he reached over and tugged Gemma away from a conversation with a few other guests. “We kept in contact with her after the two of you broke up.”
Gemma lifted a brow in confusion before she nodded, “Mara? Oh, yeah, she’s around here somewhere,” then she looked at you with barely-hidden concern. “I hope this won’t be awkward for you.”
You wave her off with a small smile as you drape your arm around Jake’s shoulders. “It shouldn’t be,” you assure both the newly-weds as well as Jake, who gave you a cautious look. “I’ll be civil if we see her, I promise.”
Jake nodded then leaned in to press a kiss to your neck. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I didn’t know she’d be here.”
Jake had been yours for the last three years, Mara was a long way back in his past. Really, you had nothing to be concerned or worried about at all. “It’s okay, baby, really,” you say and kiss his cheek. “Totally fine.”
He nods, his fingers going back to tracing random shapes onto your thigh as Trent and Gemma walk away. “There’s a lot of people here, anyway,” he said. “We might not even see her at all.” 
One could only hope you wanted to say but didn’t. Instead you just smile at him and run your fingers through the hair on the back of his neck. “Maybe,”
Jake finished off his drink and set it down before gently gripping the back of your neck and bringing your mouth down to meet his. Your lips connected in a searing yet chaste kiss before he pulled away and smirked at the smudge of lipstick on your chin. He wipes it away with his thumb and leans in to ask, “Dance with me?”
You grin, “As long as I can lead,”
He scoffed as you stood up. “Please,” he murmured as he took your hand in his after standing up as well. “I always lead.”
You hold back a smirk as he guides you towards the middle of the room. “I know,” you whine, resting your other hand on his shoulder when he stops and pulls your body close to his. “It’s not fair.”
“Oh, it’s fair,” he replied as his free arm reached down to wrap around your waist. “You’re a terrible dancer, baby.”
You gasp, “Hey! I thought my dance moves were what made you ask me out,”
“They were,” he confirmed, pulling your body up against his. “I remember the first time I ever saw you dancing. It was at that awful excuse of a dive bar downtown, and some dumb remix was playing. Then there you were. You didn’t care that you couldn’t keep up with the beat, and definitely didn’t care about all the people staring at you because of it. I knew then that I wanted you and that I had to have you.”
You blush at the memory. “And look at us now,”
“Look at us now,” he repeated, glancing around the room discreetly before leaning in to whisper in your ear, “I get to go home with the prettiest and most perfect girl here.”
Your blush deepens as you lean up to brush your lips against his. “You’ve always been such a flirt, Seresin,” you tell him, pressing a proper kiss to his mouth afterwards. “But it’s the reason why I said yes when you asked me out that night at that terrible dive bar.”
“You sent a lot of sad guys away that night,” he reminisced. “Almost made me too nervous to try out my own luck with you.”
“I’m glad you did,” you mumble before kissing him again, this time more deeply. It was a pretty intense kiss to be shared in public, but Jake was all about PDA with you, and he couldn’t care less about being told to ‘get a room’ when those fuckers had no idea what it was like to be with you. 
“Me too, sweetheart,” he murmured and kissed you again.
Your heart always skipped a beat when he called you sweetheart, and he knew it, too. You were convinced your reaction to it is the main reason he called you it, the cheeky fucker. 
Jake’s hands slid further down your body, but before they could get past your lower back, a voice said, “Jake? Is that really you?” 
It had you pulling away from him and looking to your left, where you see a tall brunette standing there with a wide grin on her face, her white teeth on full display. 
Jake, too, looked over at her, and when they met eyes, she beamed, “Oh, my God, it really is you!” A laugh escaped her lips as she leaned in and pulled him in for a hug. “It’s been so long.”
“Mara,” Jake greeted as he wrapped one arm around her, his other keeping you close to him. “Yeah, I guess it’s been a while, huh?” 
“Too long, in my opinion, we used to be friends,” she teased and pulled away before looking over at you. “Hi! I’m Mara.”
“Y/n,” you say as Jake wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you into his side. 
“God, you’re pretty,” Mara compliments as she looks between you and Jake. “Are you two...”
“Together,” he finished her sentence, making you smile up at him as her own faded just a bit. “Yeah.”
Mara nodded and sipped on her wine glass. “I can see why,” she observed, looking you up and down. “You two make a great pairing. So unlike him and I. We were so bad for each other.”
She ended it with a laugh, making your brows furrow as you tried to hold back a scoff. “We don’t need to get into that,” Jake tried to change the subject, his hand running up and down your back in a comforting manner. “It’s Trent’s wedding, after all.”
“Oh, of course,” Mara waved him off then looked over at you. “I love weddings. They’re so romantic.”
“I have to agree with you there,” you reply and look around at the pretty flowers and decorations. “It’s a beautiful venue.”
“You should’ve seen the one Jake and I were looking at when we were together,” she said nonchalantly and sipped more of the wine. 
“Oh? Um,” you trail off and look up at your boyfriend who had his brows drawn together in confusion and irritation. 
“Oh, don’t worry, we weren’t engaged or anything like that,” Mara added. “Just wanted to see what the options were if the time came, you know?”
You hesitantly nod, growing more and more uncomfortable with each passing second. “Right,”
Mara smiled then quickly said, “Oh! He’s like my ‘something borrowed’!”
Jake stuttered out a laugh of disbelief. “Your what?”
“I had him first, and now you do, so it’s like you’re borrowing him from me,” she answered, and you weren’t sure if she was joking or being completely serious. 
Jake’s eyes widened as he moved you away from her. “I don’t think that’s true,” he said. “I’m very happy with Y/n here, and she’s not borrowing me from anyone. We’re each others.”
Mara nodded with wide eyes as she raised her hands in defense. “Right, of course,” 
Your smile was gone now and Jake must’ve sensed that you were growing more annoyed by the minute as he moved to rest his hand on the small of your back. “Well, we better go finish off dessert,” he tried to end the conversation. “Wouldn’t want it to go to waste.”
“Have at it,” she responded and you felt her eyes on you as Jake guided you back towards the table.
“She just totally interrupted our moment,” you pouted and Jake pouted back at you as he raised his free hand and tugged at your bottom lip with his thumb. 
“How will we ever survive?” He teased as he pulled out your chair for you. 
You sit down and glance back at the brown haired girl who was still looking in your direction. “Your ex is kind of fucking weird,” you say and he laughs as he sits next to you and drapes his arm across the back of your chair. 
“It’s easy for my girlfriend to say that about my ex,” he pointed out and glanced back at her. “She wasn’t that weird when we were together, which was a long time ago.” 
He was clearly trying to reassure you, and you could appreciate it to an extent. “She’s pretty,�� but still, you were quite stubborn. 
Jake leaned in and kissed your cheek, making you look back over at his forest green eyes. “Is she? I wasn’t paying attention as I was far too busy looking at my sexy and drop dead gorgeous date,”
You blush and feel your insecurities disappear at his words. “That’s a good response,” you mumble and the two of you share a knowing look before he grabs the fork from off the table and begins feeding you pieces of the lemon flavored cake.
An hour or so later, you were pressed against the wall of the hallway that was next to the room the wedding was being held in with Jake standing in front of you. His lips were on yours as he pressed his front against your chest and softly ground his hips against your own. 
Your moans were lost to his mouth as he pressed you harder against the wall, his tongue poking out to run along your lips. “You taste so good,” he rasped, the faint remnants of lemon cake coating his taste buds. “Sweetest fucking thing, aren’t you?”
His words go right through you and you grip his biceps tightly as he begins placing kisses to your neck and shoulders. “Jake,” you moan and tilt your head back. “I want you so bad, fuck.”
“Yeah?” You could practically hear the smirk in his voice and the image of it that flashed through your mind had you whining quietly. “You want me right here? Want me to take you right here in this hallway?”
You nod frantically as you grip his hair. “I want it,”
Jake reached down and ran his hand up your exposed thigh through the slit in your dress. “Look at what you’re wearing,” he teased, pushing the fabric further up your body. “It’d be so easy for me to fuck you in this dress. No one would even know.”
You moan loudly and watch as he sinks to his knees and pulls down your white lace panties with him. “Jake,” you gasp as he places a kiss on your inner thigh. You look around the empty hallway with excitement evident in your eyes, and Jake caught onto it almost instantly. 
“You’d love to get caught, huh?” He mocked as he ran the tip of his index finger along your slit before sinking it into your wet core. “Love to have someone see how fucking needy we are for each other.”
“Baby,” you whimper as he leans in and circles your clit with the tip of his tongue. “Oh, God. Jake.”
Just as you reached down to grab hold of his hair, the sound of someone calling for Jake had him pulling away from you. “Jake?” The person called again as he stood up and helped you fix your dress. “Jake..oh, there you are.”
You wanted to roll your eyes as Mara left the room and stepped into the hallway with you and Jake. “Here I am,” he said and moved to stand halfway behind you in an attempt to hide his obvious erection. “Did you need something?”
“Oh, Trent asked me if I knew where you were since he hadn’t seen you for a while now,” she explained and you crossed your arms as you stared at her. “I offered to go look for you since he’s had a few drinks now and is well past the point of being able to see clearly.”
Jake nodded and adjusted himself in his dress pants before stepping around you. “Do you know what he wants?” He asked as he took your hand in his. 
“No idea,” Mara answered as she avoided looking at you and instead kept her eyes on Jake. “Better go find out.”
It sounded like she was trying to get him to leave you and go with her, but she was out of her fucking mind if she thought he was going to leave you out in the hall while he went off with his ex. “Oh, okay,” he trailed off. “Thanks.”
Then he was pulling you with him as he entered the room again, missing the brief look of annoyance that flashed across her face, but you definitely didn’t. 
After a quick conversation with Trent that ended with the two men saying goodbye and setting up a date to grab a beer together, Jake pulled you with him towards the exit of the building. 
Your body was on fire and was aching for him in every way, and the moment you had with him in the hall felt like a massive tease. You wanted him so badly, you were practically drooling as Jake hauled you to his truck and pulled you onto his lap in the driver’s seat. 
The dark parking lot of the venue was pretty much empty by now, with the exception of a few cars here and there. You and Jake could fuck right in the abandoned lot without anyone seeing you, and you were so desperate that you were sure you couldn’t wait until you got home.
“I swear,” you mutter as you loosened his tie and began unbuttoning his shirt. “If we get interrupted again, I’ll scream, and I only want you to make me do that.”
Jake huffed out a laugh and pulled your dress up and bunched it around your waist. “Fuck, baby,” he mumbled as he gripped your hips and rocked your core against his thigh. “You’re all worked up too, huh?”
You moan and nod quickly, forgetting about your task of ridding him of his shirt and instead gripping his shoulders as you ground yourself against him. “Oh, fuck, Jake,” you whine as he helped guide your frantic movements. “I need you so bad, please. Please.”
Jake leaned in and pressed a deep kiss to your mouth that you quickly reciprocated. “You need me to make you come, baby? You want to come right on my thigh?” 
You nod again and tilt your head back as he kisses along your neck, his finger pulling at the thin straps of your dress and pulling them down your shoulders. “I want it so bad, Jake,” you whimper as you drag your core against his thigh. “I want you so bad, it’s driving me crazy.”
Jake groaned when your hand reached between your bodies and brushed against his groin. “You drive me crazy, too, sweetheart,” he confessed, bucking his hips against you and making you let out a surprised moan. “Had me so fucking hard for hours.”
Your dress slipped past your shoulders and exposed your chest to him, and when he leaned down to wrap his mouth around your nipple, you whined, “I want you inside me,” you begged as you felt your high approaching with just a few grounds of your hips. You were that worked up. “I’m gonna come, Jake, fuck.”
Jake tugged on your hardened peak with his teeth before pulling away. “Come, baby,” he requested and you were more than happy to oblige, except just as you were about to, the sound of someone knocking on the driver’s side window had you squealing in surprise as you pressed your body against Jake’s. He wrapped his arms around you and shielded your body away from the eyes of whoever knocked, and when he looked over to see who it was, he met Mara’s gaze. 
“Hey,” she greeted in a drunken tone. It was so dark out, he was sure she wasn’t able to see much of you in the truck, only that you were situated on top of him. “I’m sorry, my ride ditched me. Can you drive me home? Please?”
You keep your body pressed to his as you pull your dress back up and lift your head with a pissed off expression on your face. Jake met your angry gaze with guilty eyes as he looked around the dark surroundings, and you knew he wouldn’t leave her here alone. 
Sometimes you really hated how much of a good guy he is.
Huffing, you push your dress back down and crawl over the center console and slump against the passenger seat. “Sure, hop in the back,” he answered and reached over to brush his knuckles against your cheek as you crossed your arms. “I’m sorry, baby, I promise, I’m all yours as soon as we get home.”
“I thought you were already all mine,” you grunted as you gently pushed his hand away and put on your seatbelt. 
“You know what I mean,” he sighed just as Mara opened the backseat door and hopped up into the truck. “Where do you live?” He asked as he pulled out of the parking space and left the lot of the venue.
You look back at her as she smirks. “You know where I live,”
With an eye roll, you turn back around with another huff and turn away from both of them, facing the window and watching the dark scenery. 
“You’re in the same house as before?” He asked for clarification as he looked over at you and tried to get you to meet his eyes, but he knew you were pissed off by this point. 
“Yep,” she replied and you hold back a scoff at the flirty edge to her voice. “I’m sure you remember how to get there.”
You had to grip onto the seat to physically stop yourself from opening the door and jumping out of the moving truck. She was fucking with you for fun now as if she had a chance with him again now that he was with you. 
The ache in your core wasn’t helping your bad mood, either, and every time Jake tried to help you relieve, she showed up. She seemed convinced that her and Jake were still close, or maybe she thought they were friends, but you knew better. Jake wasn’t one to keep a friendship with an ex-fling, yes - he considered her a fling and has told you on multiple occasions that you were pretty much his first real girlfriend. 
He slept around a lot and never settled down until he met you, and then he cleaned his act up and became a better man for you. He stopped his ‘fuckboy ways’ and actually put in an effort, and now three years later he was like a completely different person. A way different person to the one Mara knew. That version of Jake was long gone, but she couldn’t seem to comprehend that. 
How could she ever think he was her ‘something borrowed’? The nerve of her had your blood boiling a bit. 
The fifteen minute car ride was silent, though Jake did try to make small talk with you, but you weren’t having it. You knew it wasn’t really fair to be mad at him, but he really was the only person that could tell Mara to take the hint and fuck off, and he wasn’t doing that. 
Jake parked on the street beside her driveway and reached for your hand as he turned to face Mara. “There you go,” he said without emotion and when you, too, looked back at her, she was smirking as she opened the door. 
“I knew you’d remember where I lived,” she purred as she got out. “Thanks, Jake, I owe you one.”
“That won’t be necessary,” he brushed her off. “It’s no problem.”
She waved at him, and Jake being the decent guy he is, waited until she was inside her house before he turned to you.
You were tense as he gently rubbed his thumb against the back of your hand, and he was almost afraid to break the silence, but he couldn’t sit in it any longer. “Baby,” he called softly, trying to get you to meet his eyes. “Can you look at me, please?” 
With a huff, you glance over at him. He looked good in the dim lighting of the truck and you still felt that ache in your body for him, but you were also so upset about how things turned out. “What?”
Jake sighed and laced his fingers with yours, bringing your joined hands up to his mouth and pressing a kiss to your knuckles. “I’m sorry about Mara,” he started and you soften your gaze just the smallest bit. “I didn’t think she would be there, honestly, and the first time she came up to us, I should’ve shut her down. I’m sorry I didn’t.”
You lean back against the seat as you play with his long fingers. “She wants you,” you stated. “She acted as if I wasn’t even there the whole night.”
“But you were,” he said, turning to face you fully. “You were there with me, Mara wasn’t. And I don’t care if she wants me, because I don’t want her. I mean, you know the kind of guy I was when I was with her, and I’m not going back to that. I want you, always, all the time.”
You stubbornly mumble, “She wants to fuck you,” 
Jake lifted a brow as he leaned in, “But I want you,” he rasped, tightening his hold on your hand. “You’ve had me hard from the second I saw you in this fucking dress.”
You playfully roll your eyes as you smooth out the champagne colored fabric. “Right,”
“It’s true,” he insisted, reaching over with his free hand and firmly gripping your chin. He turned your head so you were looking at him again, and you felt your anger begin to fade away and the lust return. “But I don’t just want to fuck you, I want to be with you for the rest of my life, baby. Mara can look all she wants, but I’m yours and that isn’t changing.”
You bite down harshly on your lip as you hold back a whine. “Jake,” 
He smirks a bit at your reaction, but then his phone went off and he recognized the number as Mara’s. You assumed it was hers, as well, and let out a sound of frustration as you turned to open the door and practically ripped off your seatbelt. 
Before you could go into her house and have your way with her, Jake reaches over and pulls you back and onto his lap. His lips connect with yours as he tightly grips either side of your face and keeps you close to him. “Forget about her,” he muttered against your mouth and tossed his phone aside. 
“She can go fuck herself, because she’s sure as hell not fucking me,” he continued and you whimper against his mouth. “The only person who gets to have me like this is you.”
You moan as you take off his seatbelt. “Jake,” 
“This,” he murmured, grinding upwards and making you whine loudly. “Is all yours, baby. It’s only yours, for as long as you want me, though I’m hoping it’s forever because you’re it for me, sweetheart. There’s no one after you.”
You gasp before pressing a deep his to his mouth, and he returns it immediately as your tongue pokes out and brushes against his. “God, Jake, I need you so bad,” you say as you reach down and palm him through his dress pants. “I don’t know how much longer I can wait, I need you inside me.”
Jake grunted as he pushed your dress up around your hips and the scene mirrored the one in the parking lot. “I can’t wait, either, baby,” he admitted and you unzipped his pants and reached into his boxer briefs. “I want to fuck you so badly.” 
“Please,” you begged, grabbing the back of his neck and bringing his mouth to yours. “Please, fuck me. No one can see us, it’s almost one AM, Jake. Please, I need it.”
Jake had never seen you this needy and desperate before, and the sight had him refraining from coming right then and there. “Oh, sweetheart,” he mumbled, pushing down the straps of your dress and pinching your hardened nipples between his thumb and index fingers. “I know no one can see us, but I wouldn’t give a fuck even if they could. I need you, too, baby. Right fucking here.” 
“Please,” you whimper again and Jake reaches down to push your soaked panties to the side, guiding you to run your folds up and down the length of his hard dick. “Fuck me, Jake. I want it.”
“Yeah?” He breathlessly asked as his tip poked at your entrance. “You need me to fuck you, pretty girl?”
“Yes,” you answer instantly as you arch your back. He drops his hands and grips his base as he guides himself slowly into you. “Yes, fuck yes, Jake.” 
He bottoms out and you both moan in relief. You were so turned on and wet, it was easy for him to slip inside of you and fill up every inch you had to give. “Fuck yeah, baby,” he groaned as you gripped his shoulders tightly and lifted yourself up. “Show me how much you need me, sweetheart. Fuck me.”
How could you possibly say no to that? 
You drop yourself back down and moan loudly as he reaches even deeper than before, and you tilt your head back to allow his mouth to connect with your neck. “God, you’re big,” you slur as your chest runs up and down his with every lift of your hips. “I needed you so badly, Jake, I was going insane.”
Jake groaned and kissed his way up your neck to your lips. He kissed you deeply, still able to taste that lemon cake from dessert. “I know, baby, I’m sorry we had to wait so long,” he apologized and you clenched tightly around him. “Fuck, I wanted to make you come so badly in that damn hallway.”
You moan and grind down onto him harder. “Me too,” 
Jake grabbed hold of your hips as he fucked up into you roughly. “I’m gonna make up for it now,” he muttered as he took control of your body and helped guide you up and down on him. “I’m gonna make you come.”
“Please,” you cry out as you go limp on top of him and give him full control to do whatever he wants with you. You were so worked up, you were close to coming already, and he knew this as he reached down to rub slow circles onto your throbbing clit. “Oh, my God, fuck.”
You clenched helplessly around him as your whole body tensed up. “Come for me, baby,” he demanded in a soft tone. “All over me.”
A loud cry left your lips as you come hard and fuck yourself onto him when he stills and lets you ride out your high. Uneven breaths escape you as you writhe on top of him, already feeling so overly-sensitive but still needing more.
“Slow down, baby,” he said gently and grabbed your hips to help you slowly roll your body against his. “You’re so sensitive when you come, don’t wear yourself out.”
“Then fuck me, Jake,” you request and he stops you completely. He kissed you multiple times before lifting your body up and letting you rest against his thigh. Reaching down, he runs the tips of his fingers along your slit before sinking them into you, making you moan softly as he slowly works you back up again. 
“Get in the back, sweetheart,” he said and you reach down to pull your dress off your body, leaving you almost entirely bare in front of him. His dark eyes trail all over your body as you crawl into the back and lay down on the seat, kicking off your heels and panties as you do so. Jake cursed under his breath as he cleaned you from his fingers before shrugging off his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt. 
He crawls back there with you and licks a stripe up your sopping core, making you shudder a bit, before he hovers over you and slides back into you. “Fuck,” you whimper as you wrap your arms around him and press your lips to his chest. 
“I know it’s not very romantic,” he started as he slowly fucked into you. “But hopefully I’ll be able to make up for it when we get back home.”
You shake your head as you wrap your legs around his waist. “You’re perfect, Jake,” you tell him and bury your face against the side of his neck. “So perfect for me, I love you so fucking much. I’m sorry I was such a bitch to you-”
“Hey,” he cut you off and gave one sharp thrust, effectively shutting you up. “Don’t ever apologize to me when you’ve done nothing wrong. There’s nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart, you hear me?”
You nodded and closed your eyes as he quickened his pace a bit. 
“I love you, baby, so damn much,” he said and kissed the base of your throat before sucking a mark there. “I’m sorry I was such a dick earlier by not sending her away the second I saw her.”
“It’s okay,” you replied breathlessly. “We’re okay, Jake.”
“Yeah,” he agreed as he began fucking you roughly. “We’re okay, baby, we’re us. Just us.”
You whimper and wrap your arms tightly around his body. “Just us,” 
Jake braced one hand on the doorframe and held you close to him with the other as his hips hit yours at a brutal pace. “Fuck yeah, sweet girl, you’re taking me so well,” 
You nod and bite down gently on the skin of his shoulder. “You’re so deep,”
“Yeah?” He asked as he pulled nearly all the way out before burying himself deep within your wet walls. “You feel so good, baby, so fucking tight.”
His filthy words had you seeing stars for a few seconds and you couldn’t stop yourself from clenching around him. “I can’t,” you gasp. “I’m gonna come again, Jake, it’s too much.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” he cooed, kissing your jaw and chin as his hips rutted into yours. “I want you to come for me again. You deserve it.”
“I want you to come, too, Jake,” you mumble, reaching up and tugging on his hair. “Please, come with me. I want it so bad.”
Jake grunted as you pressed your heel against his lower back and drove him deeper into you. “You want it?” He asked, already knowing your answer as he held back his own release in order to get you there first. 
“I want it,” you reply immediately and pull him impossibly closer to you. 
“Come for me first, baby,” he rasped. “Then I’ll come for you.”
You moan and lift your back off the seat as you clamp down around him and come for the second time. 
“There you go, sweet girl,” he praised kissing you through your high as he felt his own take over his body. “Fuck, I’m coming.”
You keep your heel pressed against him and hold him close as he paints your hidden walls white and thrusts his release deeper into you. You moan with each uneven jerk of his hips and when he falls against your chest, you run your hands through his sweaty hair and make it messy. “I love you,”
“I love you more,” he murmured and pressed a few kisses to your damp shoulder. “And I’m sorry again.” He pulls out of you and gently fucks his fingers into you to keep his seed deep within your core before he tugs your panties up your legs and wraps his button up around your body. 
“It’s alright, baby,” you kiss him one last time before crawling onto the passenger seat. “Just know that I probably won’t be able to resist punching Mara square in the face if I ever see her again.”
Jake laughed as he picked up his phone and got back into the driver’s seat. “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that,” he said and you gave him a confused look as he showed you his phone screen. Somehow, when he threw his phone aside, he accidentally accepted her call and she had listened to around three minutes of the thirty minute fucking session you and Jake just got finished doing. 
“Oh, my God,” you laugh and cover your face as he smirks and calls her back. 
“She blocked me,” he informed you after a few seconds and dropped his phone into the cup holder before running his hand through his messy hair and starting the truck. 
You laugh again. “Yeah, well,” you shrugged and wrapped his shirt tighter around your body as you leaned back. “At least she got the message now and took the hint.”
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krirebr · 5 days
More Than This 5
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Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x f!reader, Steve Rogers & f!reader
Word Count: ~6.1k
Summary: Arranged marriages have always been used to solidify business deals among the ultra-wealthy. Your stepfather wants to be in business with Harlan Thrombey, so now it's your turn.
Warnings: Heavy angst, age difference, adult themes, institutional sexism, Linda being Linda, all of the Thrombeys being really awful actually, explicit language, references to bad sex, flagrant disregard for HIPAA (actually, just assume that HIPAA doesn't exist in this universe), the slooowest burn - Warnings will be added as needed for subsequent parts. All of my work is 18+ - Minors DNI
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
Series Masterlist
A/N: Oh god. I promise that there will be a point when this isn't so sad all the time and that point is soon. But it also isn't today. I'm so sorry. 😬
Huge thanks as always to @paperweight91 who listened to me whine and read countless fuzzy screenshots, and gave great advice and was just all around awesome. And to @stargazingfangirl18 who reached out with encouragement when the words just weren't coming.
Any comment, reblog, or ask to let me know what you think will be greatly appreciated. And if you need to come scream at me, that's ok too!
As always, thank you so much for reading! 💜
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Ransom had the complete collection of Harlan’s books. You couldn’t say exactly why that surprised you, but it did. He even had the two poorly-received romance novels Harlan had written under a pseudonym. You hadn’t known the two of them were so close, but then again, you still didn’t really know anything about Ransom.
So that’s what you’d been doing with your days, making your way through Harlan’s complete works. You were currently reading one about an au pair that had been found dead in her charge’s locked nursery when your phone rang. 
Your brow furrowed. The list of people who ever contacted you had gotten much shorter since you’d moved to Boston. Steve, Ransom, Linda unfortunately. That was pretty much it. You looked down at your phone to see your mother’s name. Oh.
You’d expected her to reach out in some way since your wedding and had tried very hard not to feel hurt when she hadn’t. Everyone’s lives had moved on. You were the only one stuck. But you still hadn’t had it in you to be the one who called her. You took a deep breath and answered your phone.
“Hi, Mom.”
“Honey! How are you?”
You kept in your sigh. “I’m fine. How are you?”
“Good, good,” she said, but she sounded sad. She always sounded so fucking sad. It struck you then, that that’s probably how you’d sound too, in ten or twenty years. Maybe less. Probably a lot less. “It’s so nice to hear your voice honey.”
“Yeah,” you said, and, pathetically, you could feel the tears starting to gather in your eyes. You weren’t angry with her. You couldn’t be. It wasn’t her fault she was so broken. It was inevitable. For all of you. And your frustration with her didn’t change how much you missed her. Missed home. Missed the way things used to be. “It’s good to hear you too.”
“I know it’s been a while,” she said softly, “but I wanted to give you a chance to get settled. How are things going?”
“They’re going fine,” you said quietly. You paused. You didn’t want to say anything bad or worry anyone, but also it was your mom. “I don’t know. It’s different here. I don’t have anything to do.” 
She just chuckled. “Cherish that. It’ll change soon and then you’ll miss this time.” You didn’t know what to say to that so you didn’t say anything. After a few moments of silence, she continued. “And how’s Ransom?”
You stifled a groan. You didn’t want to talk about him. Things had been… better since your panic attack. He came home at a decent hour regularly. You fucked most nights now. But he was still just this looming presence. You didn’t know what to do with him. “He’s fine,” you said with a shrug.
That was apparently the wrong answer, judging by the little hum she made. “I know it’s hard at the beginning. When I first married your father–” she cut herself off with a deep breath. “Remember, honey, keeping him happy is your one job now. It’ll get easier the longer you do it.”
A few tears finally broke free and fell down your cheeks. “I don’t– I don’t know him. I don’t know what makes him happy.”
“Then finding out will be a good use of your free time, won’t it?” You glanced at the book beside you, feeling shamed in spite of yourself. “I know it feels so hard, but men are shockingly easy. They just want to be taken care of. That’s all you have to do. Make him dinner. Keep his home warm. Give him heirs. Don’t argue. That’s all. You’re going to be such a good wife to him, sweetheart. I know you can do it.”
You shrunk down into the couch, wrapping your arms around your knees, making yourself as small as possible. You hated this. Hated that she didn’t want more for you. That she’d never tried to give you more. But you were tired, too, of being upset with her for not doing the impossible. What else was she supposed to have done? What else could she give you when she didn’t have anything herself? “Ok,” you whispered. It was all you could manage.
“Joseph says hello, of course,” she said, and you wanted to laugh. He’d done no such thing. “He’s so proud that you’ve made such a good match. He’ll be happy to hear it’s going well.”
“Mmm,” was all you were able to say. You hated this. You couldn’t do it anymore. “It’s so good to hear from you, mom. But uh, I have to– I have to go.”
“Oh,” she said, sounding disappointed. “Well, alright. I miss you so much, sweetheart. We’ll talk again soon. I love you.”
You could barely hold the tears back now. “I love you too,” you said, your voice thick. “Bye.” The moment you hung up the phone, the damn broke. You couldn’t stop it. You cried for your mom. You cried for yourself. You cried for the way everything had changed and there was no going back. You cried because this was a day when it felt like no one on earth was on your side. A shaking Lola forced her way into your lap and you held her until you were able to calm down.
Once you’d stopped crying, you looked around. You couldn’t sit still, your mother’s words ringing in your ears. Your eyes locked on the kitchen. That was something you could do. You glanced at the time. If Ransom came home at his new regular time, it would be tight, but you could do it if you made something simple. But not too simple. Something that showed effort. That you were trying. 
You got up and looked in the fridge. All those tidy little glass containers full of meals his housekeeper, Carol, made. You’d never felt like they were taunting you before, but now. Now you wanted to smash them. You could do this. You could make him like you. Show him what you were worth. You could make yourself a life better than your mother’s, maybe. Get him on your side.
There weren’t a ton of raw ingredients, but after combing through the entire contents of the fridge and pantry, you found what you’d need for a decent spaghetti. Carol was probably planning it for later in the week. Well, now she wouldn’t have to. You’d do it yourself.
You put some music on and got to work. Losing yourself in the prep. But you’d lost yourself too much maybe, because you were still chopping when Ransom walked in the door. 
Lola, of course, rushed to greet him. It still rankled. She didn’t realize that one wrong move would have him kicking her out. His words from that first dinner had never left your mind. But a few days ago, he’d started reaching down to pet her as she danced around him. You didn’t know what either of them were playing at.
He looked at you, now trying to hurry through the rest of your prep, his brow furrowed. “What are you doing?” he asked.
“I’m making dinner,” you said, gesturing to all your work obviously. You looked at the time. You weren’t slow. He was early. Why the fuck was he early? He was ruining all your plans.
“Why?” he asked as he took off his coat, then shoes. “Carol’s put plenty of meals in the fridge.”
“Because I wanted to!” You said, your knife coming down on the onion under your hand too hard.
The knife hitting the cutting board caught his attention. He looked at what you were doing. “I don’t like onions.”
You threw down the knife more carelessly than you should have. It slid across the cutting board before coming to a stop at the edge of the counter. “Then why were they in the pantry?!”
“How should I know?!” he shouted back, matching your tone. But then he looked at you and stopped. “Have you been crying? What happened?”
You froze. Shit. You hadn’t even thought to check what you looked like. You swiped at your face and turned away. “It’s the onions. Obviously.”
“Your face– that looks like more than onions.” He now stood at the edge of the kitchen, only the island between you.
“I’m fine!” you snapped, then forced yourself to take a breath. “My mom called,” you conceded. “It’s fine.”
“Oh,” was all he said for a moment and then, “You and your parents are close then?”
You couldn’t explain why the question irritated you so much. Maybe it was the assumption of homesickness. Or referring to Joseph as your parent. Or just him being here earlier than he was supposed to be, asking you anything. You couldn’t keep the shortness out of your voice when you responded, “My mom. Sometimes.” 
You looked around at your progress, the mess you’d made, the onions he didn’t want. So much for keeping him happy. What a stupid idea. You felt done. Over everything. You began cleaning up all the food, scooping it into the garbage.
“What are you doing?”
“I changed my mind! You don’t want any of this anyway. Have one of Carol’s fucking dinners.”
“The fuck is going on with you?!” he shouted as he watched you clean up the kitchen.
“I changed my mind,” you repeated, throwing the cutting board into the sink. “I’m not hungry. I’m going upstairs.” You stomped over to the staircase.
“You’re not going to eat anything?” he called after you.
“No! I’m fine!” You shouted as you took the first few stairs.
“Yeah, you sure seem fucking fine,” he grumbled as he headed to the fridge. 
You stopped and glared at him. “Wake me if I’m asleep when you come up. I’m ovulating, so. Tonight’s important.”
He let out a humorless chuckle. “Yeah,” he said, flatly. “I got your text.” That was news to you. He'd never responded to it. As you turned to continue up the stairs, you heard him add under his breath, “Although I’m not sure why you feel like you need to be awake for it.”
You stopped and turned around, coming back down a step. “What was that?!”
He turned to you, one of Carol’s glass containers in his hand, and sighed. “Nothing. I’ve had a long day.” You just stared at each other and then he added, “Aren’t you tired of it being such a chore?”
Something crumpled in you at that, but you didn’t want to stop and look at what it was. “Well,” you said. “The sooner I’m pregnant, the sooner it won’t be.” Then you turned and stomped the rest of the way upstairs. 
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When he woke you later that night, he was already ready to go. You didn’t even take off your pajamas, just slid your shorts down to your calves. He was right. It was a chore.
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It was a few days later when he texted you in the middle of the day. You were hiding in the bedroom while Carol cleaned downstairs. She was still mad that you’d wasted the spaghetti ingredients. You were reading in bed with Lola when your phone buzzed beside you.
Big family thing at Harlan’s on Saturday. We’ll be expected.
For some reason, it was the ‘we’ that caught you. It was the first time you’d realized you were a package deal now. If Ransom was invited somewhere, you would accompany him. And vice versa if you were ever invited anywhere. You couldn’t imagine it, with how small your world had gotten. 
The rest of his message caught up with you. His family. Linda had reached out multiple times since her awful visit. Every time you spoke to her, you got so small. You worried that prolonged exposure to her might cause you to completely disappear.
Aside from his parents, you’d barely interacted with the rest of his family at the wedding. It would be fine. You would be fine. You’d have to be. They were your family now too. You’d be seeing so much of them. For the rest of your life. You ignored how much your chest tightened at that thought.
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Saturday came too soon.
Ransom paced around the bedroom while you both got ready. You’d never seen him like this before. He wasn’t dressed. He just kept walking in and out of his closet. And looking at you. You didn’t know if you were doing something wrong. He didn’t say anything, he just couldn’t keep still. The one time you’d asked if he was alright, he’d barked back at you that he was fine, so you hadn’t asked again. 
Watching him pace around was making you even more anxious than you already were. So you focused all you could on getting yourself ready. You’d asked Ransom earlier if his family dressed for dinner and he’d just grunted in response. But it felt like a no, so you wore one of your favorite day dresses. It was your favorite color. You hoped it would give you confidence. You did your hair. You put diamond studs in your ears, with a matching tennis bracelet on your wrist. Reasonable heels on your feet. A spritz of perfume on your pulse points. It was the best you could do without more information.
You stood in the middle of the bedroom once you were done. Ransom was still undressed, still moving. “Uh,” you ventured, hesitantly, glancing at the clock on his bedside table. “Will we have enough time to get there?”
“Who gives a shit?” he growled, thundering back into his closet. A few moments later he came back out, wearing dress slacks and a cream cable-knit sweater. There were holes in it. You could see them clearly from the other side of the room. 
“Ransom,” you said softly, oddly feeling like you were speaking to a spooked animal, “don’t you think that sweater’s a little worn?”
“It doesn’t fucking matter,” he rasped. “Let’s go.” Then he was out of the room and halfway down the stairs, with you scrambling to keep up behind him. 
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The drive to Harlan’s country estate was mostly silent. You’d tried to turn on the radio at one point, but Ransom just turned it right back off. He gripped the steering wheel so tightly, his hands were bright red. You wondered if he was hurting himself. You didn’t know why he was so stressed. You were the one about to walk into the lion’s den, the one who had no idea what was waiting for you. It was his family. He’d be fine. You had no idea if you would be. You rested your hands in your lap, clutching them, and settled into the silence.
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You knew that Harlan lived quite a ways out of town, but you still got to his home much too quickly. The large mansion loomed over you as Ransom parked his car amongst the others in the drive. He turned off the ignition and then just sat there, staring ahead. Just as you were about to call his name, he slapped the steering wheel harshly with one hand then growled “Let’s go!” to you and got out of the car. Once again, you scrambled after him, but this time, he slowed, slightly, to let you catch up. Once you had, he put a firm hand on the small of your back and ushered you up the path and into the house. You didn’t have time to react to that or try to figure out what on earth he was doing before you were greeted by a woman Ransom snidely called Franny. She responded with a very curt “Hugh” of her own then introduced herself to you as the housekeeper. She took your coats, and then Ransom’s hand was back on you, guiding you into a sitting room.
The entire family was already there, most with drinks in hand, and they all turned to watch you enter. You felt pinned by their gazes. “Well!” Ransom’s uncle Walt called out. “Look who finally decided to show. And just in time for the food, of course!” 
Ransom stiffened slightly beside you then smirked. “Well, thank god we’re in time for your fifth drink, Walt. Who’d want to miss that?”
Walt scowled as he got up from his seat, then lumbered across the room, knocking his shoulder into Ransom’s as he passed and jostling you in the process. You started to sway a little, and Ransom’s hand immediately came to your hip to try to steady you. Your gaze flitted down to it, but just as quickly it was gone.
Everyone else began to get up and make their way out of the room. Meg, at least, gave you a small smile and wave, but otherwise, you were mostly ignored. That was, at least, until there were only three people left, Ransom’s parents and Harlan. 
Harlan immediately hugged you. “It’s wonderful to see you, my dear. You look so lovely.” He took a step back to look at you both. “I trust you’re taking good care of each other. This is one of the most important times in your marriage. I hope you’re cherishing it.” 
“Sure Grandad,” Ransom snarked, “we’re loving being married to a complete stranger.”
“Ah, now, you’ll only remain strangers if you let that happen.”
You saw Ransom about to open his mouth to say something else, so you jumped in with a quiet, “Thank you, Harlan, we really appreciate that.”
Harlan smiled at you, big and genuine, and then clapped Ransom on the shoulder. “See, my boy,” he said. “I knew she was exactly what you needed!” 
Ransom’s jaw ticked but he didn’t say anything. You didn’t know how to respond either. Harlan’s kindness had a way of making you feel invisible. 
Linda stepped up to you all then. “Darling,” she said, her tone dripping friendliness in a way that made you brace for impact. “I see not even your positive influence can make my son be on time. How disappointing.” She added a little chuckle onto the end, but you took it as the reprimand it was meant to be. You pasted on your most benign smile, but as always, she made you feel about a foot tall. You had no idea how anyone thought you were supposed to make this man do anything. Like he cared about what you thought or wanted. Like you had any power at all. 
“Is that why you married me off, mother?” Ransom asked, matching her friendly tone, but when you looked up at him, his eyes were hard. “So there’d be someone to handle me?”
“Well,” she said, a placid smile on her face to match your own, “someone has to. Lord knows you haven’t listened to me in years.”
“And yet,” Ransom said, his tone dropping all friendliness, “you still got me here, didn’t you?” 
The look on his face startled you. You’d never seen him this angry. Without thinking, you reached out and wrapped your fingers around his wrist. At your touch, his eyes snapped to yours. You weren’t sure exactly what he found there, you felt lost enough that you couldn’t imagine your expression was much help, but after staring at you for what felt like an age, he gave you the smallest nod and relaxed his posture. 
“We don’t want dinner to get cold,” Harlan called from the doorway.
Linda straightened, finally ending the standoff with her son. “Yes, of course,” she said. Then she looked at you, really looked, her eyes traveling up and down your body, taking in all of you and everything you were wearing. She quirked her eyebrow at you and let out a distinctly judgemental little hum. Then that friendly smile was back and she turned away from you. “Oh, Dad, there was actually something I wanted to talk to you about,” she said as they both left the room.
You stared after her. You didn’t know what you’d done wrong. You’d looked at everyone when you’d arrived and confirmed that you weren’t under or overdressed. She herself was wearing a simple but smart pantsuit. Your clothes were nice, clean, and pressed. You were put together. What could her problem possibly be? You tried to breathe but you could still feel her looking at you and your chest was so tight.
You were brought back to the present by Richard wrapping you in a hug. His lips brushed your cheek as he said, “So nice to see you again, honey.” Then one of his hands on your back traveled lower until it grazed the top of your ass. You couldn’t help the way you jumped.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Dad?” Ransom shouted next to you. “I’m standing right here!”
Richard pulled away and you took a deep breath at being free of him. What the hell had just happened?
“What?” Richard rounded on his son. “I can’t greet my daughter-in-law? You’re so sensitive, Ransom. A little attention is flattering, isn’t it, honey?” 
They were both staring at you. You knew you needed to say something but all you could do in your shock was gape at them. 
Ransom wrapped one arm around your waist to pull you close to him. “You’re a fucking creep,” he growled.
Richard just scowled and made his way to the hall. “Disrepectful little shit,” he muttered as he left the room.
It wasn’t until his father was completely gone that Ransom dropped his arm from around you. He looked you right in the eye, his face so serious, as he asked, “Are you ok?” And there was something in his tone, fear maybe, that startled you just as much as Richard’s hand.
“I’m fine,” you nodded, your voice shaking only the slightest bit. When he still didn’t release you from his gaze, you brushed your fingers over his arm. “I’m alright.”
Finally, he nodded but didn’t really relax. “He’s–” he began, but cut himself off. “Just, watch out for him.”
“Ok,” you said, trying to sound strong. Reassuring. Ransom still just stood there. “Are– are you alright?” 
That seemed to bring him out of wherever he’d been. “What?” he asked, somewhat sharply. “Yeah, of course. Come on,” he said, turning to the doorway. “Let’s get this shitshow over with.”
Everyone else was already seated at the large dining room table when you came in. Ransom guided you over to the two empty chairs in the middle of one side and pulled yours out for you before seating himself. The catering staff moved around the table setting down plates and pouring wine for everyone. But when the server got to you, they moved past you without pouring anything. In case you were pregnant. Of course. That was fine. You just hoped no one else noticed.
“I’m sorry,” Ransom said from beside you and your stomach dropped. “Is there a reason my wife isn’t being served wine tonight?” 
“Ransom,” you whispered, still hoping everyone would just ignore it, but it was too late.
From the other side of the table, Walt piped up liked he’d just been waiting for an opportunity. “Maybe the staff got confused and didn’t realize she’s old enough to drink.” His eyes sparkled and he grinned, proud of himself, as it took every muscle in your body not to shrink down in your seat. 
“Great catch, Walt! You’re right. She is still much younger than me. Like I said before, and I’m sure I’ll have to say again, neither of us chose this. I would’ve thought that’d be a concept you’re familiar with, seeing as how you practically begged Harlan not to make you marry Donna.”
“Ransom!” you admonished quietly. Your eyes cut to the willowy blonde sitting next to Walt, looking like a deer caught in headlights. You had no doubt that he deserved this, but you had no idea if she did. 
Ransom’s eyes cut to you. “You’re right,” he said, before looking back at his aunt and uncle. “I should be nicer to Donna. I’m sure being married to Walt is punishment enough.”
“You little shit!” Walt responded. “I’ll have you know my wife is very happy. Which I’m sure is more than you can say for yours! What’s it been, a month? Two? And she already looks completely miserable.” 
You felt all eyes turn to you again and you weren’t sure you’d ever felt more self-conscious in your life. Your entire body was on fire. You didn’t know what to do. You couldn’t say anything, so you picked up your fork and took a bite of the fish you’d just been served. It didn’t taste like anything.
From your left, Joanie spoke up. “Hey, those first few months of marriage are hard. But so rewarding. I know when Neal and I were first married–”
“Yes, Joanie,” Linda cut in, dryly. “My brother was a saint and we all miss him very much.” She turned back to her son. “There’s no need to get upset, Ransom. We just didn’t want to accidentally serve a pregnant woman alcohol. Better safe than sorry.” She picked up her own fork to begin eating. “Speaking of, if the two of you have an announcement to make, now’d be the perfect time.”
You couldn’t stop your grimace. Ransom stiffened next to you, then answered, “No. No announcement.”
“It’ll come,” Harlan finally joined in from his place at the head of the table. “There’s still plenty of time.”
From the other end of the table, a teenage boy you’d never even met before said, “Maybe not. Maybe she’s barren.” And you felt all the wind go out of you.
“Oh fuck off, you little incel shit!” Ransom shouted.
“She isn’t barren, Jacob,” Linda said, calmly. “We have all her medical records to confirm she’s perfectly fertile.”
You could’ve sworn you blacked out at the moment. You’d known, on some level, that if there was a clause in the contract, it’d come with some sort of confirmation that, at least on your side, it was even possible. But to know that they had your medical records and now were discussing them like you weren’t even here, like you just didn’t matter… You hoped the earth might open up and swallow you whole.
You felt a gentle hand land on your knee but it didn’t really register. Nothing did. You didn’t know where the conversation went from there. You couldn’t hear anything above the ringing in your ears. It was all you could do to keep breathing. But you knew they all kept sniping at each other. And you felt the anger radiating off of Ransom the entire time. 
The clinking of plates and scraping of chairs finally got you out of your stupor as the family got out of their chairs and staff started clearing the dishes. You looked over at Ransom, for help or support maybe, you didn’t really know. But he also looked like he’d gone somewhere else. He could barely meet your gaze.
You were still numb as people made their way back to the original sitting room. You just needed to make it through the rest of the evening. You could do that. Just as you had gotten to the other room, Harlan stopped Ransom with a hand on his shoulder. “I’d like a word in private with you, my boy.”
Ransom looked at you for a moment, then sighed and said softly, “I’ll be right back,” before following his grandfather deeper into the house.
And then you were alone. You were at a loss as to what to do with yourself, so you went back into the sitting room and settled on a vacant couch. Not everyone had migrated there.  There were only a few people in the room now. Jacob sat in the corner, hunched over his phone, but every once in a while he would look up, catch your eye, and smirk at you. It had you sliding further back in your seat. His mother was no help. Donna was slumped over in an armchair, still cradling half a glass of wine. Meg had already shrugged on her coat, giving a hurried wave as she moved through the room. And Richard–
Richard sat down next to you. You slid down the couch as subtly as you could. “You know,” he said, “I didn’t get much of a chance to talk to you at the wedding.”
Alarm bells went off through your whole body. You saw Ransom’s face again, from earlier. How angry, yes, but more than that ashamed and unsurprised. How he’d looked at you. How he’d asked if you were ok. How it’d felt urgent. “It was a busy day,” you gritted out, trying to think of any way to get yourself out of this room.
“Ransom is a very lucky man,” he said, inching closer, his arm draped over the back of the couch, “to have such a beautiful bride.”
“Thank you,” you chuckled uncomfortably. “That’s very sweet.” You looked around helplessly. As he opened his mouth to say something else, you stood up. “I’m going to go get myself some water. Do you need anything?” you asked, but didn’t give him a chance to answer. “No? Ok, I’ll be right back.” And then you fled.
You hurried down the hall toward the kitchen but slowed when you heard voices. You picked out Joanie first, then Linda. You slowed to a stop right outside the kitchen door, trying to weigh just how much you wanted that water. Was it worth facing them? Were they any better than Richard?
“Okay,” Joanie said, “but what do you really think about her?” Your stomach dropped. You tried to reassure yourself that they could be talking about anything, anyone. You pressed closer to the door as quietly as you could.
“I think,” Linda said, then paused while you heard the clink of glassware, “that she will serve her purpose just fine.”
Joanie laughed. “I just have a hard time picturing Ransom with such a mouse.” You closed your eyes. You should go right now. Nothing they had to say would be of any help to you. But, despite your best interests, you were rooted to the spot.
“She definitely wasn’t chosen for her personality, but Ransom understands how good this will be for the whole family. How important it is”
“Oh, of course,” Joanie simpered, and you just hated both of these women so much at that moment, maybe more than you’d ever hated anyone. “I just feel so bad for him. He must be so bored.”
“Listen, I told him that he just needs to get her pregnant, and then he can do whatever he needs to do. Once he has an heir. As long as he’s discreet, of course.”  
Joanie cackled. “You didn’t! Oh, you’re so bad!”
“He might already be behind on that one, anyway,” Linda said, and you could practically hear her smirk. But you didn’t know what she could possibly be talking about. She didn’t know you and there was no one– unless. Oh god.
“Well.” Linda continued. “You know, she and her step-brother are very close, if you know what I mean.”
“Really?” Joanie asked, fucking eagerly.
“Mhmm,” Linda hummed. “Did you not see them at the wedding? They were practically hanging all over each other. He had to be kicked out of her dressing room.”
“No! Does Ransom know?”
“Well, I haven’t told him yet. You know how he gets. I’m waiting for the right time.”
“You know what they call that on the internet, don’t you?”
Linda sighed. “You know that I don’t, Joanie.”
“Stepcest!” Joanie said gleefully.
And that was it. That was all you could do. This fucking family. How– Why? You’d never done anything. You hadn’t even chosen to be here! And they still took so much joy in cutting you down. And if Linda managed to get to Ransom and tell him… Who knows what he’d do?
You moved as quietly as you could back down the hall, swiping at the tears beginning to gather in your eyes, hoping not to call any attention to yourself, when shouts suddenly erupted from the other side of the house. As soon as you recognized one of the raised voices as Ransom’s, you began to hurry in that direction. 
You hadn’t made it very far before he came barreling out in your direction. “Get your coat,” he growled. “We’re leaving.”
You didn’t argue, more than ready to get out of there yourself. You followed him to the closet, and then once you both had your coats, out the door. The crisp night air was bracing after feeling suffocated in that house for hours. Neither of you said anything as you got into Ransom’s car.
It wasn’t until you were fully off Harlan’s property that you felt brave enough to ask, “Is everything alright?”
He glanced at you before returning his eyes to the road and letting out a humorless chuckle. “Sure,” he said.
“What– What did he want to talk to you about?”
“Just his same old bullshit,” he scoffed.
“I–” you had no idea what to say. “Is it always like that?” You felt foolish as soon as you asked. Of course, it was. You could tell.
“Oh, no,” he said, and his tone was so cold, so detached, that you couldn’t help but stare. This felt like a brand new Ransom. “Sometimes it’s really bad.”
You didn’t say anything to that. You had no idea what to do with this sudden urge to comfort him, this man who had so much power over you, this man you couldn’t even say you liked most days. Especially after what you’d just been through. So you kept your hands in your lap and stared out the window.
After a few minutes of silence, he surprised you by being the one to break it. “So. I bet your family looks like the fucking Waltons compared to that.”
You thought of dinner with your own family. Joseph crowing loudly about his successes. Your mother cowering the moment any small thing went wrong. Steve getting into screaming matches with his father. You feeling invisible, on a good day. “No,” you said, hollowly. “Not really.” He turned his head sharply to look at you and you held his gaze for just a moment before he had to look back at the road. There was one large difference though. You’d always had Steve. As far as you could tell, Ransom didn’t have anyone.
That thought led you back to what you’d heard right before you’d left and your anxiety returned. “Steve and I–” you blurted out. “He’s my brother.”
Ransom’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Uh, yeah, I am aware of that.”
You shook your head. “No, I just– I know we aren’t related biologically, but– Nothing’s ever happened between us. Not ever. He’s my brother.”
“What the fuck?!” he called out as he made a left turn more sharply than necessary. “Why would you–” he cut himself off. “Did someone say something to you?”
You ignored his question. “I just–” you said, “I just wanted you to hear it from me.”
“Jesus Christ,” he muttered. Neither of you said anything else for the rest of the drive.
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When you got back to his house, Ransom went straight upstairs while you let Lola out one last time before bed. When you joined him in the bedroom once that was done, he was already in bed. “Listen,” he said softly, “I know you’re probably even more anxious about this whole thing after– I just, I’m really fucking tired. Is it ok if we don’t– If we just go to bed?”
You nodded, relief flooding through you. You were just as tired and didn’t think you could deal with all that after everything else that had happened that day. You quickly went through your nighttime routine in the bathroom. When you came back out once you’d finished, you found Ransom still awake, lying on his back staring at the ceiling. Lola was curled up at his side and he absently scratched her belly. You climbed into bed and turned the lamp off, turning onto your side. You felt him move behind you, scooting closer, not enough that you were touching at all, but you could feel his body heat. It was oddly soothing. You closed your eyes and hoped sleep would come fast, ready for this day to be over.
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mysinsforventi · 9 months
~💜~ If I'm your truth, can you be my lie? ~💜~
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dom! Lyney x sub! f. reader
(reader ISN'T traveler!!)
+ 18 (minors DNI!!!) (all characters in this are adults!)
(This was written before 4.1 release! Characters are not canon! Just my AU!)
(THERE IS A LOT!!): not canon (ooc), a bit of arlecchino x lumine at the end (just minor) , angst, smut, dark themes, cursing, manipulation, gaslighting, pedophile noble man, drugging minors, kidnapping, trauma, death/ murder, lying , self hatred, betrayal, anxiety, depression, identity issues, anger issues, rough sex, nipple/clit clips, anal sex, vibrator, double penetration, master-kink, breeding, creampie, overstimulation, name-calling, discrimination, spanking, a bit voyeurism?, dirty talk, teasing, oral sex both, fingering, reader crying (out of pleasure), hickeys, bitemarks, possesive behavior, obsession, fatui lyney, bit yanderer lyney, (let me know if I forgot something!!)
As lumine's & paimon's travel companien you had the luck of seeing a lot of things, meeting a lot of people. There was never a time you were not grateful for beeing so close with the legend traveler. That all changed after entering fontain. Fontain the nation of justice. It changed you forever. All because a special magican boy has his eyes on you. Showing a huge amount of interest in you.
Neither of you knew, you were all just puzzle pieces of a much bigger game. Well one person knew.. or is it all just a lie? Then what is the truth? Can you be HIS truth? After all he is YOUR lie. Will the traveler lose another important person or win another good friend? Who is the mastermind behind these events? Who is 'the knave' really? Who is betraying who?
Blinded by a lie you try to find the truth. What a great magic trick. Creating a lie for you. Actually you were blinded by the truth, trying to find a lie..
(I noted were the nsfw part starts and where it ends, because the ff is so long! ♡ )
(Another fanfic I'll go to hell for! I'm acutally very proud of this one lmao! Please enjoy~♡)
Fontain, the nation of justice. Lumine and paimon, your best friends and you just arrived here. You had overcome many difficulties since your first days in mondstadt. So you walked with confindence along the habor of fontain. Yet neither of you had any idea that this would be your last journey together. That the nation of justice would take something else from the traveler. The only hope, besides her good friend paimon, she still had left. What tragedy..
"I heard that here in fontain they use all kind of different machines!", paimon explained, floating infront of the both of you. You looked at the huge waterfall and smiled amazed, "What a sight!! Did you ever see something like this on your travels lumine?", you asked curiously, looking over at your friend. The traveler nodded her head as she smiled, "One time there was a huge waterfall that moved backwards. The people used to keep whales as their pets and ride on them~", lumine explained while giggeling to herself. "W-WHALES??", paimon asked shocked. You glared at lumine, "You are messing with me right?!", as you laughed. "What?! And paimon trusted you!!", your floating friend pouted, stumping her foot in the air. This made all of you laugh, "noo the betrayal!!~~", you added in a dramatic voice and laughed more.
After you calmed down you decided to talk to a girl looking into the water for a while. Scared she would jump in. "Are you alright?", paimon asked the girl. "Huh? Oh! Yes I'm fine, thanks for asking!", the girl said, continueing to stare into the water. "We don't mean to bother you it's just you looked worried so we wanted to ask if everything is okay?", paimon tried again. "Please don't jump! This might be weird coming from a stranger but it's not worth it!", you added, looking worried, mentally getting ready to jump in after her.
The girl finally turned around to you, "I wasn't going to jump. There is no reason to worry. I was just looking at a hill were my brother and I played as kids", she said, smiling a bit softly at you before going back to this emotionless expression of hers. Did she just smile? No you must be seeinh things, all this way through the dessert must've messed with your head.
"Well hello there, I don't think we had the pleasure of meeting yet? Are you lynettes new friends?", a boy, looking very much the same as the girl asked, walking towards us. "No we just wanted to ask if everything is okay and got to talking", you answered with a smile, "even tho we don't got what she was saying..", paimon added, lumine nodded with a gently smile. "Mhh I see thats odd. Usually lynette never talk much, especially not with strangers. The only one she ever talks is with me. I'm lyney and thats my sister lynette~", the boy, lyney said with a bright smile on his lips. "Nice to meet you lyney and lynette, I'm y/n, the travelers companien", you said, "paimon is paimon and thats the traveler", she smiles at the twins before us.
"Y/n what a magical name..", lyney laughed and looked in your eyes with a soft gaze. You smiled back and giggeld, "Thank you lyney, your name reminds me of sugar, it sounds sweet~". Lyney blushed at that and coughed. This made lynette laugh quietly. You giggled as lumine and paimon just hit their hand on their heads.
Back then you didn't even realise how much impact this moment had. This interaction between all of you. The soft gaze, the warm, charming smile, the sweet words leaving his mouth that lyney gave you. The caring looks, the short, happy smiles, the purring that lynette gave you. You had no idea what that would mean in the future..
"The opera house? Sure let's go there later I just have to take care of something here first", lyney said, looking at the traveler with a smile.
Would you look at that.. it's not the same smile he gives you. You never noticed... He always treats you different from the travler somehow?? Not that you were jelaous but you never noticed this fact about lyney. Does he do this with all people? You wondered.
You all walked towards the aquabus. It was such a nice view from up here. The aquabuses looked so cool. Music was ringing through some speakers. You listened to it as you sat on the aquabus, waiting for it to move. The song was an interesting one. Yet sadly you couldn't understand the whole lyrics of it. But it went something like this:
… I'm sorry that I did this
The blood is on my hands
I stare at my reflection
I don't know who I am
Practice my confession
In case I take the stand
I'll say I learned my lesson
I'll be a better man
… I'm packing up my things
And I'm wiping down the walls
I'm rinsing off my clothes
And I'm walking through the halls
I did it all for her
So I felt nothing at all
I don't know what she'll say
So I'll ask her when she calls.
"Do you like this song?", lyney sat down next to you, blocking your view of the speakers. A warm smile on his face. You nodded, "It sounded good. I just wished I could've understood the lyrics some more but it echeos here so much haha", you giggeled, looking at lyney. He laughed to and pulled a card from his sleeve only to show it to you, "Sometimes the deeper you look the less enjoyable something gets my dear. Try to enjoy the song for the melody not for it's meaning. Happiness suits you better then a confused stare~", with that the magican threw the card into the air only to make a rose appeare. "Look what I have here for you~ So that what was hiding in my hat~", lyney gave the rose to you and smiled.
You paused as your eyes widened. Thanks to your boyfriend lyney you knew all cards and what the meant. Back then you couldn't have noticed but now.. the card that he showed you was a reversed magican!  The reversed magician is a master of illusion. The magic that he performs is one of deception and trickery. You may be lured in by the showmanship of his arts, but behind that there may be an intention to manipulate for selfish gain...
Why did he show you this card? Has it something to do with the song you heard?
Looking at all the pictures of your photos together you still didn't think lyney was the murderer. Someone else must've framed him! You stood up as you walked outside of your teapot room, "lumine? I couldn't find anything either! I really don't think lyney would do such a thing you know!..", you sounded sad, upset. The traveler came to you to hug you, "We will prove your boyfriends innocence y/n! Don't worry okay?~", she smiled caressing your back. It has been almost 2 months since lyney and you were official dating. Yet it felt like two days since you two met. It is crazy. But you are so in love with him, your feelings for him were strong. So of course you would help him if he was accused of murder and had to stand trail! Lyney is a innocenct, good soul!
Or at least so you thought..
~ 💜 ~ The Trail ~ 💜 ~
You sit there, in the court, in the crowd, watching lyney's trail. Even if you just started dating not to long ago, you didn't believe a single thing that was said against him. Lyney was a kind soul, he would never do, such things! That was what you thought in the beginning of the trail. But now.. you weren't so sure anymore.. are you hurt? Is it the shock? You looked to your traveler friend, lumine. She seemed shocked as well, even more than you. For her it must be even worse than for you..
"Aren't you, mr lyney & you, mrs lynette both part of the house of the hearth?!", furina, the hydro archon just asked. A question that didn't really wanted to click in your head. Lyney? House of the hearth? Fatui? Bad person? There was so much going on in your head, yet your mind was completly blank. What did this mean?
After a few seconds you understood. You understood very well. But.. it has to be a missunderstanding right? Lyney would never..
"Answer my question mr. lyney!", the chief justice, nevieultte asked. Silence. You looked up to lyney, hoping to see a look of shock on his face. But there wasn't.. It looked more like.. guilt? Sadness? Maybe both? Clearly he feels bad that people think that way about him right? Poor lyney he really doesn't deserve this! "Yes your honor, it's the truth!", lyney answered with a serious look on his face.
Your breath stopped for seconds. The same words echoed in your mind. It is true? How did you never notice? Did he use you to get to know the traveler better? You looked up to your friend, lumine. She also looked down to you. Her face said it all.. hurt, disappointed, sad for you. But lumine quickly realised by just looking at you that you didn't know either.
Your heart hurted. Was it all just a lie? Maybe he never liked you.. it was all just a 'script' as furina put it? Actually you didn't know why you are so shocked. You kind of suspecte he hid something from you. You guessed right so why the hard feelings? The answer is simple really, because you are blinded by love. You fell right into his charm, into his trap, his illusion. Even now, your heart tells you it will be alright. He is a villain and? He murders people and? He is a liar and manipulator and? You still loved him! You always would no matter who he was or what he will become in the future. Caught in his charming web, no way of escape.
"Mr Lyney & Mrs Lynette are declared NOT GUILTY!!", finally the end of the trial was here. And you smiled, you were so happy. Even if lyney is a fatui at least he didn't hurt someone. Of course you still would ask for an explaination of him later! You still loved him after all, yet your trust issues are sending warn signals in your head through your whole body. Something still doesn't feel quiet right..
Looking up to lumine who just got ready to leave, you wondered, does she sense it too? Something is missing..
As trial ended you rushed over to your friend, lumine. She greated you with a soft hug and pats on the back. Oh.. she knew you were hurt. "Are you alright?", paimon asked, looking worried at you. You nodded while smiling softly, "It's going to be fine.. I'm sure lyney has his reasons! I want to hear his explainatiom first before jumping to conclusions!", you said towards your friends.
Not shortly after lyney & lynette ran after the traveler and you. It felt heartbreaking to see the way your friend acted towards the twins. Yet she had every reason to do so. After all she almost embarrassed herself infront of the hydro archon who maybe had information on her brother. Why would the hydro archon tell a criminals helper anything? Right?..
Still it hurted your soul to see the traveler leaving like that, "I'll see you later then!", lumine said to you as she left the opera house. So she DID sense it too! She knew something is off..
"Love, can we talk?", lyney asked you, sadness feeling his shaky voice. He is upset. The travelers reaction made him upset. The question is why.. because of his plans? Or does he really care?..
"Sure, where? Maybe somewhere more privat?", you asked with a gently smile towards the twins. "If it's okay.. would like to come back with us to.. um.. our home?", lyney asked, voice shaky, nervous. Is he scared you won't trust him? That you will say no? "Sure lyney let's go~", you smiled and nodded. There is a slim chance this could be a trap.. but oh well.. it's not like you couldn't fight yourself!
So you went back to the siblings house with them. "Sit down, would you like something to drink?", lyney asked with his usually cheerfull smile, but there was a pitch of sadness in his eyes. Sitting down on his bed you looked at him, "lyney why didn't you tell me?", you asked without taking your eyes from him. It was a honest question. Lyney held still in his movements and sighed, "I'm sorry.. I swear I wanted to! But the timing wasn't right.. I didn't want the traveler or you to hate me because I'm part of the fatui.. not all of us are bad..", lyney explained, looking at you with sorrow in his eyes. He looked upset. But was he upset over the 'script' failing or over their new found bound?
"I don't hate you lyney! I'm just.. upset why you didn't tell me sooner? I'll accept and love you no matter who you are or become!", you said, starting to tear up, "Tell me honestly.. was there a second motive involved as you and lynette approuched the traveler and me?", your voice was shaking as you asked what you feared most. The tears just started to overflow, running down your chin.
Lyney was lost for words. You were hurt and it ripped his heart apart. He never ment for things to be this way. All feelings for you were real and true! As for the traveller.. this was another story. But even if he explained it in detail to you, would you understand? Understand that he did all this just to protect his family, to give lynette finally the live she, no they deserved?! He didn't like the idea of beeing bad one bit. He loves to make people gasp in suprise and see their smiles and laughs. Hurting someone wasn't something he enjoyed, yet for his family he would go through with everything! Would you understand him? Stand by his side?
Lyney leaned in, pulling you in his arms and hugging you tightly. Trying to calm you down. "I know you have no reason to believe me. But all the words I said to YOU, all my feelings and actions for YOU, to YOU were real and came from heart. I showed you a part of me I usually keep hidden away.. the real lyney is a lot more complex and pathetic then the lyney on stage you know.. it's not something you just show everyone..", lyney whispered lost in thought, caressing with one hand gently over your back, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was just so scared.. I'm scared of losing you. If you would give me the chance to explain how things came to be this way.. maybe you will understand the real lyney better?", it was a question to you.
You toke a deep breath while leaning against his chest, hearing his heartbeat. Suprisingly it was completly calm. Not a beat was off. Yet his body language spoke a different story. He looked scared, clenching his other hand in his lap to a fist, pressing his theeth together. He looked like he wanted to break down in tears but kept it under control. He hid everything away under this charm, under this cheerfull smiles. Taking his clenching hand in yours you looked up and smiled softly, "Thank you for telling me this lyney! I would love to get to know and love the real lyney, so would you please tell me more about you? I want to believe you! ", you said, kissing his hand with so much love as possible.
Lyney couldn't help but let out a gasp at your words. It felt like a huge burden was taken of off him. His heart was about to shatter in thousends of peaces. He loved you so so much, losing you would be like the sky would fall down, crushing every single shade of light amd hope underneath it. Without thinking he grabbed your hand, pulled you in his arms and hugged you tightly. "Thank you! I'll explain everything and I promise there won't be anymore secrets! I shall empty all my sleves and hat for you!", the magican said, his voice sounding a bit broken.
You hugged him back, gently caressing his back. Trying to calm him down. "I'm listening love~", you whispered, waiting for him to explain. For him to state his reasoning. For him to finally be a step closer to be himself around you. "It all started as lynette and I were still kids. Our parents died as we both were very young..", lyney started. You could tell it wasn't easy for him to talk about this. His breath grew heavier, voice slightly shaking. You toke both his hands in yours as you kissed them gently, "Don't force yourself if you're not ready! Today was a lot going on, we can talk another time love!", you said, worried for your boyfriend. As much as you wanted tl know the truth, your boyfriend's health mattered more to you. "No! I want to tell you this, I want you to understand that I'm not a bad person! J-Just give me some time please..", lyney snapped but sighed right after. He was different. Completly different from the 'lyney' you knew. Or you thought yiu knew. You just nodded and holding his hands in yours, waiting.
After a while lyney continued talking, "Because of our parent's death we were forced to live on the streets. I hated it! Our live was cursed. If it would just be me.. I couldn't have cared less but lynette didn't deserve such a live! It was disgusting, dangerous and I tried everything to get us out of this situation. So we leaned a few magic tricks we saw on the street, it wasn't anything special but it brought us some mora and some reason to live on. But it was far from good. One day a..", lyney stopped, shwalloed hard, clenching his fist, "a noble man came to us. He 'adopted' us, saying we were so talented. In the beginning I thought of it as a blessing. But.. it wasn't. Just another curse that was laid up on us! This noble man brought me to many different partys, festivals, just to grow his power, his social circle. And what better way as to use a young, 'handsome' and talented boy.. Tch!!..", the magican's eyes filled with rage. The grew darker in color and were filled with pure hatred. You never had seen your boyfriend like this.
"Lyney, it's in the past. You are here with me now!", you spoke in a soft voice, kissing his hands while looking at him. Seeing how his gaze grew softer right away. After a few minutes of silence he continued, "He forced me to peform magic on every party, mostly with lynette as my assistent, but more often I started to perform by myself.. he forced me to..", another sign that it was difficult to talk about this situation, your boyfriend sighed and continued, "I shouldn't tell you this. It's horrible but.. you have the right to know as my girlfriend. It will shock you a bit.. and I don't know if you will still like me after this.. so please get ready..", the magican said, hesitating a bit. He looked at the ground, hair falling over his eyes, so you couldn't see him tearing up.
What happened to him? You started to grow upset, thinking to ask your traveler companien, lumine to go and find this man. You know, just paying a visit, saying hello. How dare he make your boyfriend so upset? You sat up, moved out of lyneys arms as you placed your own around him. Pressing him to your chest, caressing his back gently, "Lyney no matter what you tell me it won't change a thing! It is the past! I won't leave you! So if you want to tell me, don't be afraid okay?", you whispered in a sad, warm voice.
Hearing those words meant so much to the magican. "Fine.. Thank you..", lyney continued speaking, "The noble man forced me to perform alone, drink with guests, wear clothes in ways.. that.. were not common for children. He forced me to sleep with rich women, man.. He teached me how to manipulate people.. As a child I thought I had to push through it, just so that lynette had a better live. Later on I started to realise how bad this all was. That it wasn't normal.. The snapping point was as lynette wasn't with me at all. I waited for her back at home but she never came. As I went to ask the noble man where my sister was.. he said... he said.. that one of the man at the party liked her and so he send her over to him as a gift..", lyney finished, his hands shaking, taking deep breathes.
Blood lust, rage, hate. You could feel it. It filled the room. Your own hands were cold, your heart beating fast. What kind of sick jerk?!! You really needed to talk to lumine about this! This bastard will pay!! That was your thoughts, yet you just bit your lip and hugging lyney thighter, kissing his hands.
"Stop this!", lyney all of sudden said. Holding in your tracks you looked shocked. Pulling away from him, "Oh okay.. I'm sorry!", you said a bit sad but worried. He must be very traumatized, you should leave him a bit, you thought. "N-No! Stop beeing angry for me! I can feel it.. the anger. Please don't feel angry.. like you said it's in the past and the noble is already dead!", lyney said, pulling you back into his arms. Making you fall on his lap, you blushed as you tried to sit up. Yet no chance since the magican held you close to him as he continued, "I ran after lynette, storming into the house of the noble. But as I arrived there the noble man was already dead. Father, the knave, arlecchino killed him. Father saved us. Also saving all the other young girls that were found in the basement! Lnyette didn't come to any harm. After this arlecchino made a deal with me, I could live happily with my family in order to follow her. Betrayal shall not happen and everyone would be treated as important. We shall get our freedom back.. I wasn't sure back then, after all I was just betrayed but.. father saved lynette so.. I ended up agreeing. Everything I do, have done is just for my family!.. Even tho I'm with the fatui at the end of the day I'm still just a brother who wants to protect his sister.." , lyney finished, sighing, looking to you. His eyes grew wide and he suddenly regreted telling you all of this.
You sat there listening to all of it, your heart was clenching in pain. It hurt. You loved lyney and lynette so much. You were hurt for them. What did they do to deserve this? Your hands were cold and shaking, tears running down your cheeks, biting your lip to stay quiet.
"Love.. please don't cry! I can't stand this hurt expression on your face! Look I'm all fine now, lynette is fine too. We have visions now and can protect ourselves! Besides.. we have you!", the magican whispered with a soft smile on his face. A caring smile, a real smile.. his real smile. Your heart jumped, yet you cried even more. Lyney finally for the first time showed you his real smile! This meant so much to you!
"Aghhh.. love.. please stop crying mhh? Look I'll show you something fun!", lyney said, grabbing his cards from the table next to him. "Pull one card! Doesn't matter which one!", lyney said, holding a few card in his hand. You giggled and pulled one, "It does matter does it? Fine I did and now?", you asked rubbing your tears away with the other hand, trying to calm yourself down. "Hold your card so that I can't see it, only you!", lyney said.
You did what he told you. "Now I want you to put this card, without me seeing it back into my hand okay?", your boyfriend said, holding his cards still in the hand. After you followed his request, he shambled the cards, "Now I'll mix them, I'll have no idea what you card was of course. But let my mind read yours, I'll pull your card out of this mixed card deck in a moment! Ready?~", he continued. You looked interested and curious as you nodded. "Is THIS your card?", lyney asked, pulling a card out of his deck. You pouted and giggeled, "Your mind trick didn't work lyney, this isn't my card". "Ohh... I see I wonder where it's hiding then? Mhh.. Oh I can see it clearly in my mind! Love, would you please check under the pillow next to you?", the magican pointed next to you. As you lifted the pillow and your card was underneath it you gapsed, "Noo wayy..". "Ahh see there it was hiding! And was this your card?", lyney smirked, taking back his card. You clapped your hands in excitement, "Yes!! This was amazing! You're so cool lyney!", you giggeld, hugging your boyfriend tightly. "And I'm glad you stopped crying y/n~", lyney smiled, caressing over your cheek.
"From now on I promise YOU, I'll try to be more like my real self and I'll always be honest with YOU!", lyney said, looking into your eyes. You smiled and leaned in to gently place your lips on his, "I know love! I forgive you and I believe you~", you said, kissing him again. Even if you still felt like you overlooked something, like something was missing you quickly dismissed it as he pushed you down on his bed. Kissing you deeper, caging you in between his arms, him now towering above you. The kiss continued until you both were barely able to breath. Then you parted to catch your breath. Your mind was blank, was lyney always such a good kisser? You couldn't remember. As you looked into his eyes all you saw was pure love, his cheeks were red, softly blushing. But his usually smile was gone, he just looked so cold. His eyes spoke another story..
"This is the real me.. without mask, without cheerfull smiles, without many words.. do I make you uncomfortable beeing like this?", lyney asked, looking into your eyes, watching out for any sign of discomfort. "No! You don't lyney! I'm curious to see more of the real you. I'll accept you for who you are, who you want to be!", you stated, hands reaching up to his face, just to cup his cheeks and squish them softly. A smile found it's way to lyney's lips. Soon after it disappeared again as he looked away with a sigh, "Thank you love. That means the world to me! But.. you maybe forgive me but will the traveler ever?..", the magican asked. He looked clearly upset. A sigh left your mouth. Even if you knew lumine pretty well you had no idea what to say. Giving information on her wouldn't do good.
"See.. like I understood your reasons, you have to understand that the traveler has been through a lot too. There is a good amount of bad history between the traveler and the fatui! Giving it's mostly fatui habringers that caused trouble and I'm sure the traveler knows that, eventually not all fatui members are the same. Yet we saw a lot, someone who used their own people as their doorstep, someone who kicked our dear friend brutally in the stomatch, someone who would gladly sacrifice any person along their way of power, someone who threw a whole nation into chaos and tried to drown it, someone who sold delusion illegaly and killed a got friend of ours, a psychopath who kinapped children, expieremented on them and drugged them.. these people were all fatui members. The traveler has been betrayed, hurt, got used so many times.. She probably just snapped..", you explained, looking at lyney. Another sigh left his lips, now looking back at you, "And you? You were there with her! Yet you forgive me? You saw those things too?!", he looked so hurt as he asked this. A smile came to your face, "Because thats the real me! I am me! I am my own person! And the traveler is their own person! The traveler maybe can't forgive you.. but I can! Because I am me!~", you said, looking into his eyes.
(Nsfw starts here~ )
Before you knew it lyney hugged you tightly, hiding his face in your neck, "Y-You can't just say things like this ma cherie~~", the magican stuttert. He got shy right there. Not expecting such an honest answer. Once again you suprised him, proving everything he thought he knew about you wrong. Throwing his mind reading skills under the aquabus. You really were something, he smirked in your neck. If you wouldn't be his girlfriend already he would've asked you to be his again. How much he loved you was actually insane. But that wasn't enough. Kissing and holding you close wasn't enough anymore. Lyney wanted you completly all to himself, he wanted you to be marked as his! Without thinking he leaned hin and sucked on your neck. Leaving a hickey. Then another one, and another one. He continued till your whole neck and shoulders were covered in hickeys and lovebites. Leaning back, panting heavy while admiring his work.
"Please let me show you how much I love you! Let me give you all the pleasure you deserve! Will you let let me take it a few steps further in our realtionship ma cherie?", your boyfriend asked you, serious look on his face, his cheeks called him out tho. He was so embarrassed to ask this. But he needed to know! You blushed yourself, heart beating fast, were you really about to do it? It's not like you were a virgin but thinking about doing such things with your boyfriend, lyney made you feel like one. You had dreamt about situation's like this.. might touched yourself to the thoughts of him taking you. But now, that it's about to become reality, you were actually a bit nervous. You wanted him obviously and you tried to say that but you just opened and closed your mouth like a fish on land. Heart beating out of your chest.
"I'm sorry love.. I got ahead of myself haha~ With your charming looking self it's really hard not to! Forget it ma cherie~ i just-", lyney stuttered, laughed akwardly and wanted to sit up. Noo you were silent for to long!! Aghh, you cursed at yourself inside your mind. The smile.. it looked fake. It was interesting how just now you saw the difference. He is back to his fake-self. Quickly you grabbed lyneys arm to pull him back on top of you as you yelled, "PLEASE FUCK ME!!", in his face above you.
A moment later you let out a loud gasp, holding your hand infront of your mouth. Why did you say it like that? Oh man.. what an embarrassement.. Hiding your face in your hands you waited for his reaction.
Lyney felt disgusting. You both had such an emotional moment and here he was.. semi hard under his pants, mind filled with unholy, sinfull thoughts of you laying under him. Obsessed with the idea to make you completly his. After you didn't answer he felt horrible. Was he about to become like the people he hated the most? Driven by their own sexuell desire not caring about others. He didn't want to be like. But these thoughts were lost the moment you pulled him back, saying the three magic words he never thought would hear from you. Lyney wasn't innocenct, he heard those words a lot, even if most are connected with bad memorys. But hearing you say those words was different! His cock twichted in his pants, only growing in size, geting harder. Damn.. you shouldn't have said that! A chuckle left the magican as he leaned down, stopping right infront of your lips, "Are you sure you can handle me?~", he said with a teasing smirk on his lips.
You held your breath has lyney leaned in, blushing hardly at his words. This damn tease..
"Why don't you test it out? I want all of you!~", you smirked back at him, just to laugh at his shy expression. He wasn't expecting that. Usually you were always the one blushing and he loved it. But now.. look who also has another side towards themselves?
Lyney chuckled and leaned in to kiss you deeply, caressing with one of his hands through your hair, "Then don't mind if I do show you the stars a bit closer tonight~", he whispered against your lips. Kissing you deeply, his tongue playing with yours. You couldn't help but to give in. Enjoying it, enjoying his sweet whisperes of compliments on your skin, against your lips. The room felt hot, yet you were so wet. Rubbing your thighs against each other while the whole make-out session happened. Lyney caressed his hands over your body, massaging all your sensetive spots. One hand of his moved under your shirt, playing with your breats while still kissing you.
You panted heavily into the kiss, nippels growing hard under his gentle touch. It felt so good. The magican pulled away, looking at you with lustfull eyes, "May I reveal your beauty to my eyes?", tugging on your shirt, he asked. You quickly nodded, lifting your arms up. One second later your shirt and bra layed somewhere forgotten on the room's floor. Lyney massaged your breats, playing with your hard nippels. Twirling them a bit,without hurting you. Curious over your reaction he leaned his head down, sucking on one of your already sensetive nippels. A smirk covered his face as you let out a loud moan. Suprised at the sudden pleasure overcoming your body. With his other hand he circled one finger around your nippel, but not touching were you wanted it to. While his tongue played and sucked on your nippel, you rubbed your thighs together. You were so wet already. Moaning and panting you had closed your eyes.
You opened them just as quick again. You were about to cum. "Ahh- l-lyney I-", you were trying to warn him. But the magican just hummed in knowledge and continued to suck. Taking his finger and gently flicking your other nippel, while sucking on the other you came. Moaning his name out loud, legs shaking. Cumming in your underwear. Lyney continued for a while before stopping as you calmed down a bit. "Did it feel that good? Ohh~ I must be really talented then with my mouth~ OOR.. could it be that I turn you on this much?~", a proud smirk covered his face. While still catching your breath you answered, "B-Both!", and sat up, pushing him to lay back on his bed. Climbing over him, sitting on his lap. "Would it be alright to take this off?", you asked, pulling on his bow and his clothes.
Suprised lyney leaned back, the view was great he had to admit. Maybe he should let you ride him next time, he thought to himself. Your question made him blush, his ears heating up, cock twitching im his pants. "Take everything off I don't mind~", he answered, smug as always. His heartbeat wasn't smug at all tho. Beating fast. You giggled and nodded, "Fine remember you allowed me too!~", you teased back. Your curiosity got the better of you and you couldn't wait to see your most beautiful boyfriend in his whole glory.
Taking off all of his clothes, just leaving him in his boxers you blushed. Damn he looked fine. You caressed over his chest, without thinking much leaning down, starting to kiss his chest, his shoulders, his arms, down to his stomatch, kissing his neck, leaving hickeys and lovebites everywhere. "Now everyone will know that the great magican lyney is taken~", you smirked, mostly to yourself, beeing proud. Lyney laughed, panting, with one hand gently caressing your head. "Let me return the pleasure to you", you smiled as you carefully removed his boxers. Gasping in suprise as his rock-hard cock jumped out, standing up all angry. A cute whine escaped the magican. Fuck, he had imagined you doing this for the longest time. He couldn't believe this moment was real.
Taking his cock in your mouth, filling up your throat as much as possible with his length. Taking it all in until your face met his hips. "Mghhh.. you're soo bighh~", you mumbled, mouth stuffed with him. Then you started slowly moving your head up and down, licking the tip with your tongue. Going faster after a while. Lyney could swear he was this close already. You were just so hot. You drove him insane. "Love, d-don't ahh- say those things! I-I aghh~ might lose control!", he whimpered out, holding on to the sheeds.
His cock twitching in your mouth. Was he close already? You moved your head faster, sucking harder. One hand caressing over his thighs, finding his full balls, massaging them gently. "Cumf in my mouthh~", you mumbled. Hearing him whine and whimper made you wet again. Feeling your clit throbb at the dirty sounds. "C-Cumming!! Nghh-", a second later your boyfriend, thrusted up in your mouth, leting out a grunt with a whine after. His hips jerking a bit, eyes closed while moaning your name in a dreamy voice. Cumming all into your mouth. There was so much. Without missing a beat you shwalloed his seed completly. Before you let go of him and pulled away, catching your breath.
The magican looked down at you, grabbing your arm, pulling you up in his arms to kiss you. A kiss full with love. "You did so well for me ma cherie~ Please let me taste you too?~", he asked into the kiss, licking over your lips. As you nodded he looked at you, "Sit down then~", he gestured to his face, laying on his back on the bed. A gasp left you at his idea, "A-Are you sure? I might be.. heavy..", you asked worried to hurt him. "Don't underestimate me! Sit down my love~", lyney said, looking serious at you. He really meant it.
With a nod you removed the rest of your clothes. You both were completly bare now. You crawled over him on the bed. Kneeling over his head. Your face all red, shy because you felt exposed like this. "What a great view ma cherie, lucky only I can see this everyday~", he whispered, caressing his hands over your ass. Massaging your ass while starring at your dripping wet cunt. You were so beautiful he could look at every part of you forever. What a perfect view but the show must go on so he leaned in, breathing against your cunt. Chuckling as you whimpered under his touch. Giving your slit a teasing lick with his tongue. But that wasn't nearly enough. "Sit down love~" he said to you, pointing on his face. Still kneeling over him you let yourself down on his mouth a bit more. "I said SIT!!", the magican grabbed your hips, pulling you down on his face, grabbing you tighs and holding you there. Holy shit! His voice changed tune completly. No, not only his voice, his entire aura was different! Fatui lyney is here and long may he stay..
A few minutes later and you came already twice. Lyney fucked his tongue into your hole, swirling it around inside, hitting all the right places. Then moving out, flicking your clit with his tongue. And repeat. It's like he couldn't get enough of your taste, your moans, your shaking legs. He was obsessed, with you! Tears running down your face, you grabbed the headboad as you leaned your head against it. Having not enough strengh anymore to hold yourself up. "C-Cumming again!! Nghh- lyney I'm.. cumming again!!!", you moaned, throwing your head back. The magican was unbothered, his pace growing faster, "Then cum!! Give it to me!", he ordered.
"AGHH L-LYNEEYY!!", you screamed his name, cumming into his mouth for the third time this night. Licking all of it clean, lyney removed his tongue from inside you. He smirked, happy with his actions, before geting an idea. He wasn't done with you yet! Just as you were about to catch your breath, he pushed two fingers into your hole, "You are still so tight ma cherie~ How will I fit my big cock in there mhh?~", he teased, smirking to himself as he started thrusting the fingers in and out of your used cunt. "T-To much-", you whined, moaning, yet moving your hips with his fingers. It felt so good but you were so sensetive that you coudln't help but to cry out. Not that you wanted him to stop, if anything you wanted him to go deeper!
"Mhh.. you are a bad liar ma cherie~ I saw the way you looked at my fingers all day, how you clenched your thighs together. I saw the way your eyes wandered over my back, my thighs. You eye-fucked me since the day we first met at the habor. So don't tell me it's 'to much'!", lyney looked up to you with a proud, teasing smirk. And you knew he was right. "M-More please.. lyney I want more~", you looked down at him, moving your hips faster. "That's my girl!~", the magican said. Fingers thrusting deeper, pace growing faster. You moaned his name loudly, eyes rolling over as you let out a loud yelp. What was that? Your head was spinning for a moment, it felt so good. "Ohh?~ Ma cherie let me show you a magic trick! In a second a waterfall will appear infront of our eyes, are you ready?~", lyney had this grin on his face that spelled trouble, yet you were to far gone already to realise that. "S-show mee ahh~~", you moaned, continueing to ride his fingers.
A twist of lyndys hand, currling of the two fingers. You felt how his fingers pulled all the way out, you whined at the lose of his touch. "Now watch closely love~", lyney said as he snapped his finger with the other hand. Trusting two fingers at once, full spead against your sweetspoat deep inside your cunt. While with the other hand he gently flicked your clit once. You didn't even know what was happening to you. Throwing your head forward, your mind became empty. A loud scream left you, you had lost all control over your body. Legs shaking like crazy, you squirted. All over lyndys face, all over the bed and all over your thighs. Panting heavily while holding on to the headboard. "Look at you~ I should make you my apprentice! You learn so quickly how to put on a great show~", lyney chuckled, removing his fingers from inside you, licking everything clean.
Still trying to calm down and geting your brain to function again you slowly opened your teary eyes. Did you just squirt? You never did that before.. oh wow!! "Mhh~ you taste so delicious, I want more ma cherie~", the magican under you mumbled. Pushing his tongue back into your still dripping cunt. Cleaning every last drop of you. Eating you out again. "Aghh!! L-lyn- aghj~ wait!! S-Still sensetivee~", you yelped, trying to push his head away. But lyney was having none of it, grabbing your thighs to hold you down, over his face, till he was finished. There was nothing you could do besides sit down and enjoy.
"Mhh~~ That was delicious~ This gave me an idea for my next show! The audience in the opera house would love your performance for sure! Maybe you will let me do this next time as our final act mhh?~", the magican grinned up at you from between your legs, gently helping you to lay down on the bed. Beeing so fucked out as you were right now you didn't even understand half of what he was saying, so just nodded. A chuckle left the magican. His cock throbbing in pain. "I'm sorry ma cherie, but I'm afraid I can't hold back anymore. May I show you a part of the real lyney or would it be to soon? You might.. not like this side of me..", the magican still was nervous. Hearing his voice drop into a bit of sadness, made you snap out of your lust-space. You took his hand in yours and kissed it gently, "You can go rough with me you know? I'm not made out of glas! I won't shatter easily! Besides.. i trust you lyney! No matter which you, I trust you!", you smiled, voice slightly cracking here and there.
With that the cheerfull glow in lyneys eyes was gone. The magical, charming self disappeared. As you looked up and looked into his eyes you got shocked for a second. This was new. His eyes seemed much more intimidating, much colder but not in a bad way. Just more serious. This lyney stared at you like you were his prey. A target he had layed his eyes on for a while. It felt like he could read your mind, see through your soul.
"Thank you y/n! For putting faith into my hands. Did I ever tell you how much I wanted you too see this side of me. But I was a coward. Like always, playing my games, hiding behind a mask. I really hope you'll still love me like this. I know I love you so much I can't put it into words!", lyney said, caressing with one hand through hair before leaning over you to kiss you on the lips. It was a deep kiss. You just smiled at him before returing the kiss. In your eyes there wasn't much difference. He still was your lyney! The one you loved!
"Spread your legs for me! I can't wait any longer. Let me stuff you full of my love! Let me make you mine!~", he whispered against your ear, caressing over your thighs. Kneeling above you he helped you spreading your legs, giving him the most beautiful view he so adored. "P-Please lyney! I wanna be yours~", you blushed at his confession and whined for his touch. For his love.
The bed made a 'thumb' noice as it was pushed forward against the wall. Lyney thrusted his whole cock into you in one go. Making you gasp loudly, clawing into his back. "You take me so well! You can be as loud as you like, let the others hear that I finally made you mine. Let the others know that I stole your heart. I want to hear you scream my name!", the magican said in between hard thrusts. Your mouth stood open, the pleasure was to much. You felt so full, walls strechted around his big cock. Threwing your head back with every thrust, biting your lip. Embarrassed that someone would hear you.
"Are you disobeying me? I told you-", lyney's voice got darker, grabbing your chin to have you look at him. "SCREAM-MY-NAME!", the fatui member said, thrusting hard into you with every word. Hitting your cervix over and over again. "Could it be that you have lost your voice? Huh.. what a pathetic whore! Here I thought so highly of you, wanting to make you my apprentice but actually with that dumb look on your face, making you my plaything sounds like a better use for you!", the fatui member whispered in your ear, biting into it. His thrusts geting deeper. "Still not screaming? Mhh.. I guess you leave me no other choice but to punish you..", lyney said as he leaned himself up. Snipping his fingers he suddenly held two clips in his hands. "Hold still otherwise it will hurt you!", he warned, thrusting deep into before staying still inside you. Putting one clip on your nipple, while he put the other on your clit. "There you go! Am I not nice my love? This will help you cum more quickly!", the fatui members smirked, pulling on the clip, making you whimper and moan.
Tears were running down your face. Your whole body felt so turned on. You felt so good. It was a bit painful but a few seconds later you wanted to cum so badly. This lyney was so mean but you loved it. It was so attractive and hot to you. As lyney picked up his fast, deep thrusts again you lost all sanity. Not caring about your noices anymore. Fuck it if someone heard you!
Lyney fucked you hard and fast, pulling on your clips, switching in between them. You screamed his name, cumming over and over again. Voice horse from all the screaming. "What a good whore you are for me! Finally obeying your master. I'm gonna cum soon! Gonna fill your slutty hole up with my seed!", the fatui members groweld, grabbing your thighs to push them up against your chest. Making sure his load would go deep inside of your womb.
You could only lay there and moan, whimper, scream and cum again and again. You were such a lovely mess for this member of the house of the hearth. Such a whore for this fatui member. So in love with the great magican. So obsessed with lyney. "P-please fill me up!! Want to you be yours!!", you moaned, whined. Not even sure if he was able to understand you in between the skin clapping and his own loud moans and whimpers.
"C-Cumming!!", lyney growled, thrusting deep into your cunt, all the way inside and stayed still. Warm liquide filled your cunt, your womb. You threw your head back, moaning. Lyney's cock twitched for a while, more of his seed coming out. Lyney pulled out after catching his breath, admiring his work. You looked so fucked out, so far gone. And he loved it. Within seconds his cock grew hard again.
"I'm not done yet!", he said, grabbing your arm and turning you around, to lay on your stomatch. The clips pressing into your sensetive spots. Making you hiss through your lips. "You are so attractiv love~ Your ass looks so fuckable. But for our first time this would be a bit to much right? So just let me fuck you from behind yes?", lyney chuckled, giving your ass a gentle clap. Pushing a pillow under your thighs.
His comment made you blush. A whine escaped you, a bit sad you wouldn't be able to do that today. But that was quickly forgotten as he pressed his cock, which was already hard again, into your cunt. Kneeling over you, behind you the fatui member watched as his cock disappeared in your needy hole. His hands, gloves still on, grabbing your ass. Massaging it, before thrusting all the way into you. Gently he spread your ass cheeks apart, revealling your other hole to his curious eyes. Shortly he was thinking off making you completly his today. Touching every part of you. But no, he had to be patient! He shouldn't overwhelm you! But.. that doesn't mean he couldn't use a bit of magic to please his curiosity!
"My my love, you don't get enough of me do you? Wanting me so much, even your other unused hole is clenching around nothing. You really want to be my plaything huh? Then let me gave you a taste what it's like. I wonder how much you can handle and how long you would last~", lyney whispered, teasingly smacking your ass. Before holding his hand infront of your face. "Remove my glove for me will you?", he asked. After you did what he asked of you he placed the glove under the pillow by your head. A snip of his finger. The light flickered before it turned of completly.
You got scared, about to ask what just happened. The next moment the light on the bedside table turned on gain. "Now check for me under the pillow infront of you will you?", lyney said with a smirk. So you did, removing the pillow with shaky hands. Revealling a vibrator in the same size as his dick. Your eyes widened, how did he do that??
"Ahh perfect! Let me take this~", lyney said, leaning over you to grab the toy. In the meantime pushing his cock deeper in you, grinding into you sweetspot, teasing you. Slowly grabing the toy as an excuse to mess with your insides. Slowly grinding his hips, circeling them a bit. Making you whimper and moan. Hands grabing the bed sheets.
"L-Lyney.. p-please", you whined, with teary eyes. This made the fatui member chuckle, "wrong title", he said, continueing to tease you. You moaned and throw your head back. Realising what he wanted. You blushed heavily. God damn.. this man.. he drives you insane! "M-Master please~", you asked, whimpered. "What a good whore you are! Your master shall continue the show now!", lyney said, leaning back as he sat up. Taking one finger and gently pushing it in your ass. "Your so tight. Tell me love, are you a virgin here? No harm done if not, just curious~", the fatui member asked, biting his lip at the thought. You moaned, hiding your face in the bed. "W-Why do you have to ask such an embarrassing ques-", you whined but got cut off by your own moan. Lyney pushed in a second finger already. Moving them a bit in and out. Not long till he added a third finger.
Then a laugh left him. Taking his fingers out of your ass. Grabing the vibrator instead, turning it on. You were embarrassed and confused so you wanted to ask what was so funny. Yet again this question got stuck in your throat. Lyney pushed the moving vibrator into your ass in one go. Thrusting it in as far as possible. A loud scream left you, making your cunt clench around his cock. Your mouth standing open in silent moans.
"What a dirty girl~ Already used everywhere!But don't worry, I'll be the last one to use all of your holes. After all you are mine now!~", the fatui member growledy thrusting his cock deep into you. Continueing his pace from before. Your screams, the wet sounds of your holes and the bed slamming up against the wall turned him on even more. "Even if you would try to fuck someone else.. I'll be the only one that comes into your mind! You will always beg for my cock, for my love, because no one can please you as much as I can!", lyney growled, sweat forming on his forhead. His cock twichted at the thought of you begging him to fuck you over and over again. It drove him wild.
You screamed so loud as you came that the whole fontain nation had heard you. Waking up celestia with your crys of pleasure. Not beeing able to think at all anymore, you were so gone. About to pass out actually. Lyney let out a whine, "I'm about to cum! Fill you up again! I'll make you mine! Then you will stay with me forever! With us forever! Take all of me so you will always be on my side ma cherie!~", lyney moaned, mumbled, while leaving hickeys all over your back.
A loud smack was heard, his hips pressing all the way into your ass, pushing the vibrator deeper into you while pressing your back into the matress. His hot cum filling you up. Your head was spinning, not even knowing what he all said in the end. For sure nothing important just how good he felt.
"Je t'aime~", lyney whispered as he kissed your neck gently. Pulling out of you. Taking the vibrator out, turning it off and removing the clips. Laying it down on his table next to the bed. The sparkle of magic and charm slowly returned to his eyes. The magican carefully turned you around, laying down next to you, so he could lay you on his chest. "I'm sorry love, did I hurt you? Do you need something?", lyney asked, voice calming and soft. You tried your best to stay awake and respond. "W-Water", you whispered, voice almost gone.
(Nsfw end! Aftercare here~ )
Lyney gave you a kiss to your forhead before geting dressed in his boxers and his shirt, "Alright love, please wait, I'll be back with water and something to clean you up", with that the magican left the room. Geting the said things for you.
As you were laying there, a complete mess, you realised just how bad this actually was. You are in love, totally obsessed and a total mess for this boy. Damn it all.. how would you explain lumine all of this? The marks all over your body were so obvious. It wasn't the first time this happened.. and it's not like she was a saint either. Buut.. this time it felt more difficult. Probably because lyney is part of the fatui! Aghh.. doesn't matter lumine is your best friend, she will understand! You smiled in thought, lumine always understood you so there wasn't anything to worry about.
A minute later lyney came back into the room with some water and a wet towel. "Ma cherie, are you still awake? I'm back, here is your water", you nodded, slowly sitting up. Taking the glas and quickly drinking all of it empty. That felt good! "Thank you", you smiled and leaned up to give lyney a kiss on the lips. "Let me help you clean up?", lyney asked. You only nodded. Letting him do the work.
After you were done the magican cuddled back to you in bed. Laying you on his chest, caressing through your hair. Before he knew it you were already fast asleep.
"Love?", he asked, not geting answer, he let his mask fall once again. A serious look appeared on his face as he looked out of the window, at the bright shining fullmoon. With one hand still caressing through your hair.
"I love you so much y/n, you don't understand. I never felt this way before for anyone! No one was more important to me than my sister. But since you appeared in my live you share that spot with lynette! I just want to protect you and keep you close. You are different from the traveler! You don't deserve to get involved into all of this bloody mess which is about to happen!", lyney whispered to himself, looking down at you. His eyes glowing brightly, only seeing you. He pulled out a card from under your hair. A fatui card.
As he flipped it in between his fingers, a frown rested on his lips, "Our identity's got revealed and it messed up our plan.. yet with father on the frontline's it should only be a minor issue! There will still be enough time to win the traveler's trust again.. after all we need her as a final failsave in our plan..", a dark aura surrounded the magican, eyes cold, emotionless. His face a frown. Before he felt you cuddling closer to him. Did you feel his mood swing? Could you hear him? No you couldn't. You were knocked out cold, just like he had planned. A small smile formed on his lips, "Sorry love, I shouldn't think about such dark things when I'm around you. After all you deserve to hear and see only good things", lyney smiled down at you, his smile growing warmer, emotion coming back into his eyes.
"Lucky father likes you, so you can stay with us! Don't worry my love, father made already all the plans for you to be save. Welcome to the house of hearth~", your boyfriend whispered, throwing the fatui card in the air. Shortly after the card turned into flower pattels, falling down on the ground next to him. As he leaned down to kiss your lips, he snapped his fingers one last time before also laying himself to sleep. The door of his room got locked. The curtain falling close over the windows. Leaving the room in the dark. Lyney took of his shirt and cuddled closer to you, holding close while singing his favorite song to you,
" … I'm sorry that I did this
The blood is on my hands
I stare at my reflection
I don't know who I am
Practice my confession
In case I take the stand
I'll say I learned my lesson
I'll be a better man
… I'm packing up my things
And I'm wiping down the walls
I'm rinsing off my clothes
And I'm walking through the halls
I did it all for her
So I felt nothing at all
I don't know what she'll say
So I'll ask her when she calls. ",
mumbling the last words, the magican also fell asleep.
~ ❤️ ~ Bonus ending ~ ❤️ ~
"Let's go try meeting the hydro archon again lumine!", paimon said to the traveler as they walked towards the opera house. Continueing their search for information. Wanting to find lumine's brother as soon as possible.
"Uhh.. where is y/n when you need her?", paimon sighed looking creeped out at the fontain. Lumine seemed to have heard voices again. What a creepy situation. "With y/n here, paimon feels much more save! Uhh.. not to say paimon doesn't feel save with you! It's just.. nevermind forget what paimon said hehe!", the floating friend akwardly laughed.
"Lumine.. aren't you worried about y/n at all? We both know the fatui can't be trusted..", paimon asks, looking worried at the traveler. "Don't worry paimon! She is for sure with lyney & lynette. Besides this is y/n we're talking about. She can handle it~", lumine smiled, holding a huge amount of trust and respect for you in her words. "Yeah.. you probably right! Paimon just hopes nothing bad happens to her..", your floating companien said. Lumine nodded and sighed, "I'll talk to her again tomorrow and warn her. Better save than sorry!", she said with a bit of worry in her voice. Something wasn't right. Lumine knew that. She could feel it in the air.
Suddenly all the lights around the two turned off. Paimon got scared and hides behind lumine. While the traveler pulled out her sword, ready to fight.
Clack. Clack. Clack...
Footsteps on the floor could be hard loud and clear. Then someone was clapping as the person walked out of darkness. Fatui jacket shining in the moonlight. A small smile met the traveler eyes.
"Perfect! The rumors do you justice, dear traveler. I didn't expect any less. What a wonderfull performance you put on!", a female voice spoke, sounding dangerous but also so charming. Lumine held her breath. That was..
"THE KNAVE?? What are you doing here? Traveler watch out! She is the 4th ranked fatui habringer!", paimon yelled, still hiding behind the traveler. "Oh did my sudden appearance suprise you this much? But wasn't it a forseen event that we would eventually run into each other? Well.. calm down! I'm not here to fight you or to get the gnosis! Not yet.. at least~", arlecchino spoke with a small smile on her face, raising both her arms in the fatui position before crossing them infront of her chest, "I'm simply here to breath a peace of advice to you~", she said. "Why should we listen to you?!", paimon asked, clearly upset. "Oh, you will listen to me. I made sure of this. After all you want to see your friend again right? Y/n? Was it?", arlecchino smirked, playing with her nails while waiting for an answer.
A gasp left paimon. Lumine put her sword away, putting both her hand on her hips while making an effort to listen, "Go ahead fatui! I'm listening!", she said, voice angry, upset, scared. Scared of losing another important person. "That's a wise move traveler! Your friend is save with us. Now for my adive-", the knave started but got cut off by paimon, "What did you do to y/n?!". Lumine looked clearly angry. Waiting for answer.
"Why? Nothing of course! Actually I took quiet the liking to her. She seemed like a very good 'friend', you may call it that. So no harm shall ever come to her!", arlecchino answered with a soft smile. "What are you planning knave?!", lumine asked, glaring at the women infront of her. Making the fatui habringer laugh, "Haha~ Aren't you cute?~ Mhh.. telling you much would ruin the plan. So let's say I'll borrow your friend for a while. Of course.. she can stay forever if that's what she wants! Your friend is very important to us! To the house of the hearth!", arlecchino answered, walking with every word closer to the traveler. Holding in her steps as she stood right infront of the traveler's face. Smiling down at her.
"You won't use her for your plan! I'll save her!", lumine yelled, pulling out her sword, pointing it against the knave's throat, "You best not provocate me knave!", the traveler whispered dangerously, her eyes glowing. Paimon floated a bit away, giving lumine the space to fight. Yet the knave grabbed the tip of the sharp sword in between her fingers and pressed it in her skin, drawing blood of her neck. Lumine let out a gasp, not expecting that, dropping her sword on the ground. A chuckle left arlecchino, grabbing the traveler's wrist pulling her closer, in the knave's arms. "You might not understand dear traveler. In our house everyone is family! Y/n belongs to that family. I see her as my daughter I'm very proud of. She can bring out lyney's true potenial! And that is very important to me, these kids need to survive for a better future! Even if I don't.. lyney will need to awake his true potential! So I support their lovely realtionship all the way. But.. do you dear traveler?", arlecchino whispered in the traveler's ear.
For a short while lumine was so hypnotisted by her voice that she completly forgot about everything. This women is dangerous! Lumine needed to warn you as soon as possible. This whole aura.. the knave's action. The charming voice. All of it.. it reminded the traveler on lyney. Damn it.. why didn't she realized it sooner?
'The knave' was never arlecchino! Arlecchino is the fatui habringers yes. But 'the knave' is a title made for someone else. Lyney was always the knave!! Lyney was arlecchino's shadow!! Her succesor!
( Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed!~ ♡ )
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loving-barnes · 8 months
Bucky Barnes - My past, my mission
A/N: I was watching Marvel movies and this just popped into my head. It's not good, there are mistakes but I tried. Please, beware that there are heavy topics discussed in this one shot. Now, I can take another break for a decade.
Pairing: Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Avenger!enhanced!female reader
Warning: angst, dark themes (mention of abuse and sexual abuse, torture, children), death, fluff
Please, do not read if you are under 18. This story contains darker themes/topics.
Words: 10 000+
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The team was worried. They had been watching Y/N distance from them and they didn’t know why. Everything seemed fine. That changed almost two weeks ago. She started to hide in her room, attend the gym when no one was there and kept silent when they had a meeting. No one knew what happened. The only person she talked to was Nick Fury. More than once they saw her in a small conference room with him, where they were talking. 
“You need to tell them what is happening,” said Nick when they were once again sitting together, talking. “The team is here for you.” 
“No,” she said stubbornly. “I’m going to deal with it myself.” 
He sighed. “You need backup. It’s dangerous. You won’t be able to handle it on your own.” 
She rolled her eyes. “I don’t want them to know this part of my life,” she whispered. A tear was trying to escape her eye but she managed to control her emotions. 
“Listen, they already noticed that you are not being yourself,” he said. “Since you’ve found out the location of the Youth Center, you are acting differently. It took a toll on you. I know how hard your childhood and teenage years were. But I am telling you, if you want to end this, you need a backup for this mission.” 
“I can handle it on my own,” she raised her voice. “They made me who I am today. I know how they operate. I’m going to do it alone. I don’t want anyone to get hurt. And if I die, so be it.” 
“Come on,” he was getting irritated. “Take at least Barnes. You two have a similar history and work well together.”
“I said no,” she smashed her hand against the table. “You won’t change my mind. I’m doing it alone and I am leaving tonight.” She stood up with a loud noise. The chair creaked. “If I don’t make it back, tell them I just left. Tell them I was relocated. My only wish is you won’t tell them the truth.” 
Nick shook his head. “You are making a mistake.” 
“I told you the same when you took me in and made me part of the team.” She reached her hand to his. He hesitated but took it and they shook hands. “I am thankful.” 
“I am not saying goodbye to you, Y/L/N,” he said. “At least think about it.”
She left the conference room and headed back to her bedroom. It was time to pack and leave. This was her moment, the perfect opportunity to destroy the place that used children to experiment on them. It was a dark place. They were kidnapping them, abusing them and testing on them as if they were lab rats. Successful tests resulted in children with different abilities. Those that obliged were spared and kept as weapons. Others were killed. 
When she escaped, they moved places and she couldn’t find them since - until now. Oh, how she’s been waiting for this opportunity. 
The Centre got bigger, hidden in the woods in Northern Canada. There was nothing but wild nature. The weather would be cold and unpleasant. Fury was right when he told her to bring backup, but she didn’t want to risk the lives of people whom she considered family. What if it didn’t seem as bad as it was presented? The truth was, they didn’t have a lot of information. 
“Hey, Y/N,” she heard Natasha say her name. 
“Hi,” she replied, not looking at her, not stopping to chat. 
“Come on, talk to me. We are friends,” she ran to her, trying to walk her pace. “Everyone is worried about you.” 
Y/n rolled her eyes. “Everything’s fine,” she said. “I have a lot on my plate these days.”
“You are a bad liar, Y/N. We all can see that it’s not fine and something is bothering you. You’ve been keeping your distance, you barely talk to us. What happened?” 
“Nothing,” she was annoyed. “I’ll deal with it myself.” 
That answer made Natasha stop and let her leave alone. She was immediately thinking about what she said. What did she mean by “deal with it myself”? She could already put two and two together. 
She turned around and briskly walked to the other side of the building where the rest of the team was hanging out. It was a Saturday evening. That meant beer time and chat. When she arrived in the lounge room, all eyes were on her. “Did you find out anything?” Steve was the first to ask. 
She sat down on an armchair, frowning. “No and yes,” she said. “She didn’t want to talk at all. She barely looked at me.” 
“And what is the “yes” for?” Sam asked, confused. 
“She said, she will deal with it herself,” Natasha said. “Which indicates she was not talking about mental or emotional things. This means she was talking about something bigger.” 
Bucky was silently sitting next to Sam, watching his friend think out loud. He was holding a beer in his metal hand. No one knew how hard this time had been on him. No one knew how much his heart ached when Y/N stopped talking to him - to everyone. 
“Do you think she could be going on a solo mission?” Tony asked. 
“Maybe that’s it,” she nodded. 
“What the fuck? I thought Fury would discuss it with us,” said Stark angrily. “I’m not saying she can’t handle it alone, but we should know about the mission and discuss it.” 
“I have to agree,” Steve nodded. “She works well with us, but I’m not sure she was ready for a solo mission.” 
“This whole thing stinks,” Sam said. “Think about it - she’s been talking to Fury for the last few days. Her whole demeanour changed with a snap of fingers.” 
“FRIDAY, do we know anything on Y/N?” Tony asked his AI. “What’s her status?” 
“She’s currently in her room, not accepting visitors,” said FRIDAY. 
“What if she asked for transition?” Clint asked. 
“What?” Bucky’s eyes widened. That thought made his heart sink. Why would she want to do that? Was she not happy here? He thought they were friends. He thought that maybe… 
Tony made a face. “I don’t think so. We would already know if she was that unhappy.” 
“I think we saw a lot of that for the last few days,” said Sam. 
“Let’s give her a day and we will try to talk to her tomorrow,” Steve suggested. “We don’t know what is going on and we don’t want to jump to conclusions.” 
The team relaxed - except for Bucky and Natasha. They both were thinking about her. They were trying to figure out what was going on. 
“We should ask Fury,” said Bucky out of nowhere. 
“No,” Natasha shook her head. “If they made a deal, he would keep his lips sealed.” 
Y/N didn’t waste her time. She put on her custom tactical suit that would keep her warm even in the cold weather. She packed the most important stuff, but mostly geared up. She would be using her special abilities that she got unwillingly. 
She checked her watch. It was time. The sooner she’d leave the better. She wouldn’t be able to say goodbyes to anyone. It was better this way. She put on a long black leather jacket, and a backpack and left her room. She was about to pilot a jet for about six hours. It would be a long night. 
Tony was awoken by a beeping sound. He slowly opened his eyes and groaned. He finally got some sleep after a week and he was rudely awakened by his AI.
“Boss,” FRIDAY sounded urgent. “The Jet 05 was taken five hours ago,” she informed him. 
He quickly sat up, rubbing his eyes. “What? Who authorised it? Why didn’t you wake me sooner?” 
“Nick Fury,” FRIDAY answered. “The jet was taken by Agent Y/L/N. I tried to wake you, but you were deep asleep.” 
“What the fuck?” he said to himself. “Call the team immediately and I want Nick Fury here as soon as possible.” 
The team gathered in the biggest conference room they had. Tony was waiting for them, with a hologram of Y/N’s information presented in the middle of the table. He seemed nervous, even pissed and the team saw it. 
“Where did she go?” Natasha was the first one to ask. That’s when a map of the jet's route was shown to them. 
“North Canada. She’s still in the air,” said Tony. “The autopilot was turned off and she’s not using FRIDAY. But there is one tracking device she didn’t turn off. That’s why we know her location.” 
Bucky was silently sitting in a chair, looking directly at her photo. He should have gone to her, talked to her and convinced her to take him with her.  
“You okay?” Steve asked him silently when he noticed his friend struggling. 
“No,” he admitted. 
Steve sighed and leaned closer to him. “I know how much she means to you, but we need more information before we proceed.” 
When Nick stepped into the room, he was met with stern glares and upset people. He expected that. He knew what the reaction would be and he was prepared for everything. “You only figured it out because I arranged it,” he said. “And, also, because Natasha listens.” 
“Why don’t we know more about this?” Natasha asked him. “She’s part of the team, part of this family and you two have decided to leave us out of it.” 
Fury took a chair next to Stark. He was calm. “There’s a lot of things you still don’t know about her. When we decided to bring her here, we had long discussions about her, the abilities she has and her past. We made a deal: she would tell you her story once she’s ready.” 
“Why?” Clint asked. 
“It’s not my story to tell,” said Fury. “You cannot expect someone to tell you about other people’s lives. Same here - she wanted trust, she wanted to feel safe before she’d let you in.”
“So, she doesn’t trust us?” Natasha asked. 
“She does. It was only a matter of time before she’d tell you everything. This, however, is something bigger than you can imagine. I know all of you had a rough past. Y/N’s the newest member of the Avengers initiative and I gave her my promise not to tell you a word.” 
“You are not going to tell us what her mission is?” Steve glared at the director. “We should just wait and see if she comes back?” 
Fury nodded. “That’s what she wants.” 
Bucky thought back to the moments when they talked together. He recalled one night when they were both sitting on the rooftop of the building when neither of them could sleep. They talked about their nightmares, but she wasn’t specific. There was one thing he could remember her saying. 
“I wasn’t born with these powers. They were given to me,” she said sadly, looking at the little purple lights swirling between her fingers. 
They were given to her, which meant she was on her way to a place that gave her the powers. His eyes widened. “Holy shit,” he gasped and that brought everyone’s attention. 
“Two months back, we were sitting on the roof talking and she said to me that she wasn’t born with the power. It was given to her,” Bucky explained. 
Natasha caught up. “She’s going to the place where she was given her power.” 
Fury nodded. “She didn’t want any backup. She wants to do it alone. I believe she’s ready but I suggested she took someone from the team.” 
Barnes abruptly stood up from the chair, letting it fall on the floor and ran out of the conference room. He was ready to find her and be her backup. All he needed was to change, armour up and take a jet. 
“Bucky, wait,” Natasha shouted his name. 
“I have to find her,” he shouted back, not stopping. 
“I’m coming with you. We’ll meet at the hangar.” 
Y/N had no idea that the team had figured it all up - sort of. She arrived in the province of Nunavut, Canada. She landed with the jet in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by deep forest. Once the jet was secured, she left her coat in the jet and grabbed some weapons for the mission. All the details she memorised while on her way to this place. 
The building was three times bigger than the last complex she was raised in. Many children of various ages were held captive in this Youth Centre. The number was still unknown. That’s what it was called. To the public, it was known as a young offender’s institution - a place where they taught children to be better and do better. Y/N knew the truth. She saw the truth. it was a place where they tortured, killed and experimented on kids. All of the memories came rushing back. 
They were as painful as the torture she experienced. For a moment she felt as if she travelled back in time and saw her arms covered in IVs. They were bruised from the needles and burst veins. No wonder she had a problem withdrawing blood or vaccinations.
Her breath became shaky. Maybe it was the cold, maybe it was the painful feeling crawling through her body. 
Using her power, she lifted from the ground and flew through the forest to her final destination. This was her opportunity for revenge - destroy this evil facility and the people who worked there. 
What about the children? What about those who were not corrupted and wanted to live freely? She didn’t know. All she wanted was to destroy this place, even if it meant losing her own life. Was it wrong of her to kill everyone? Maybe.
There it was, a castle-like building in the middle of nowhere. When she was young, the Youth Centre was located in the States. Once she freed herself, they relocated here. 
She landed in a tree where she had a great vangate point. First, she needed a plan. By looking at the perimeter, she could see at least a dozen soldiers walking around the place, keeping an eye on intruders. From the files Fury gave her, there were potentially at least over a hundred men walking around the building. That was the last thing she feared. 
If there were any enhanced children, that would be a problem. It was hard to predict whether they were compelled to obey their orders or if they were still able to think for themselves. The first thing she should do was to infiltrate the building and try to find any children who were still human and try to get them out. Afterwards, it was time to destroy this place.
“If only Wanda and Vision were with us,” Natasha said while piloting the jet. 
Bucky was checking his guns and ammo in the back, wanting to be as prepared as possible. They had four hours to go. Y/N’s jet was located in the middle of a forest, in Canada. From the satellite that belonged to Stark, they found a building there too. It made sense that’s where she was going. 
“They wanted some time off,” Steve commented. “We will have to do it without them.” 
The Captain wanted to join Natasha and Bucky. So did Sam and Tony. Bruce and Clint stayed at the HQ where they monitored the situation from there. 
“I will have a serious talk with Y/N once we are on our way home,” said Tony. 
“Everyone calm down,” said Natasha. “She’s doing what she thought was the best.” 
“I don’t get it,” Sam thought out loud. “How bad could it be?” 
Bucky kept his eyes lowered on the gun he had in his hand. He kept replaying all the conversations he had with her. He thought of one moment when they were at Stark’s party.
She was sitting at the bar, drinking wine when he approached her. She looked stunning that night. They joked, commented on the snobby people around them and laughed at the event. “In the end, I’m enjoying this,” she said with a smile. 
“Really?” Bucky was surprised. “I thought parties weren’t your thing.” 
“That’s true. But I like to enjoy life as it is now. You never know how bad a person had it in the past,” she shrugged and drank the rest of the wine in one go. He could relate to that. If only he knew what her past was. 
“How are you doing?” a hand appeared on his shoulder. It was Steve checking up on him. 
Bucky shook his head. “I don’t know. I keep thinking back at our conversations, trying to find a clue, but I have nothing,�� he admitted. “I want her to be safe, Steve. I care about her. I should have told her that a long time ago.” 
“We’ll find her and bring her back home,” said Steve reassuringly. “Then you can tell her.” 
“I fucking love her, Steve,” he finally admitted to his friend. “I never thought I would after everything that happened. I fear that we’ll be late.”
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat out of nowhere. She frowned. That was odd. She thought it was the adrenaline, but she wasn’t sure. 
She was running out of time. The sun would set in less than four hours and she wanted to finish this mission before dark. The plan was simple - attack, use her abilities to kill every man that was there, get inside, look around and find those assholes that started this twisted institute. If they were able to destroy Hydra and the Red Room, she would be able to end this. 
She could manipulate objects and create force fields. She had both offensive and defensive abilities. She and Wanda were almost alike. However, Wanda was a witch and was able to do more than Y/N. Wanda said to her, that she’s powerful too. 
With a deep breath, she jumped off the tree. Y/N was ready to end it all once and forever. 
With her powers, she captured each man who was outside, throwing their bodies to the wall and breaking their bones. Some of them died, some of them were unconscious from the pain. She cleared her path into the building. Once she approached the courtyard, she was met with more men, heavily armed. It seemed as if they were expecting her. 
All those emotions, rage, anger, and sadness caused her power to intensify. She was able to cover herself with a forcefield while she disarmed them and destroyed their weapons. That’s when an alarm was turned on.
Focus on the power running through your veins, she heard Wanda say. That’s what she told her all the time when they trained together. 
She was powerful, she could do it. She could end it all. 
Once all the men were down, she walked to the entrance door. Her adrenaline was high. Somewhere deep, she was thrilled. A smile appeared on her face as she walked further inside. For a brief second, she lost focus and a bullet scratched her shoulder, making her bleed. She groaned from the pain. 
Her eyes turned purple as she gathered her strength, surrounded the soldier in her powerful magical grip and threw him out of the nearest window. Fucker. 
First, she wandered the hallways of one sector, checking each room. They were empty. She turned to another hallway and checked there - nothing. There were classrooms and offices. It was all empty. 
When she met more soldiers, she swiftly defeated them. She took out her gun, ready to use it. She spent a lot of time at the shooting range. When an opportunity came, she shot a man straight into his head. Headshot, she heard a low male voice inside her head. 
Weird, there were no children to be found. Was it a trap? It was all too easy. That was until she stepped into a hall where she was met with those who made her the way she was. 
Adam Lewinski, the head of the Youth Centre, was staring at her like a hawk. By his side was his wife Greta. He had a right hand, Vladimir Vanko. They were standing at the very end of the hall. 
“What a pleasant surprise,” said Adam with a broad smile on his lips. “Did you miss your home?” 
They hadn’t aged a lot since she escaped. The woman had grey hair and Vladimir gained weight. Their presence made Y/N nauseous. She wanted to scream from all the pain but nothing came out. Her brain was fogged. She heard a loud ringing sound in her ears. 
She registered laughter. “Not so powerful, are you? And you call yourself an Avenger?” 
Y/N tried to open her eyes and looked at the cause of her pain. There was a boy, maybe eight years old, using his power on her. How come they were able to modify them to possess such ability? 
You know what to do, she heard herself say. There was no other way. She had to do it. Kill him before he kills you. He’s lost. 
Gathering her strength, she twisted her hand and sent a purple mist at the child, wrapping it around its neck. With a pull, she heard a loud crack and simultaneously the pain was gone. Taking a deep breath, she fell to her knees. Finally, she could breathe. However, it took its toll on her. 
Y/N just killed a child. 
Tears flooded her eyes as she tried to breathe through her nose. “Fuck you,” she said with a shaky voice. “How can you use children like this?” She stood up on her feet, glaring at the trio in front of her. 
“Haven’t we made you special?” asked Greta and took a step toward Y/N. “Our program gave you the abilities. We made you who you are now. You are an Avenger thanks to us. And yet you are an ungrateful brat,” she laughed. 
“You destroyed families. You took children from their parents and killed them. You used us against each other, making us kill one another. Do you think that is normal?” Y/N asked. “Do you think this is a good thing?”
“You don’t understand it, do you?” Vladimir approached her without any fear. His voice was deep and cold. “Without us, you would be nothing. All of those children were meant to be doomed - raised by abusive parents, in the streets. We gave you a new home, we gave you a purpose.” 
“No, you didn’t,” Y/N opposed. 
Adam whistled. It was a high-pitched sound that echoed around the hall. That’s when more than twenty children entered the hall. Y/N’s eyes widened. Some of them were teenagers, and some of them were literal children. The youngest must have been five years old. 
“There are our greatest creations,” Greta said. “They are more powerful than you think - some have superstrength, one is fast, other can cause you pain with a simple touch. You killed our beloved Lucas. He was such an extraordinary boy. Can you imagine harming someone with a simple look?” 
“You are nothing compared to them,” Vladimir said. “Just because you can manipulate some objects… as if that was something special,” he laughed. 
“We control them,” Vladimir continued. “They would do anything we say - protect us, die for us. They are programmed differently. We didn’t want to allow them to think as a free person.” 
“Weapons of mass destruction,” Adam added. “That’s what they are. That’s what they were meant to be.”
Y/N took a good look at those children. They seemed normal, human. Inside, they were modified, and powerful. How powerful? She was about to find out. 
“Children, it’s playtime,” Adam clapped his hands. 
That was their cue. Slowly, one after another they started to walk towards her. This was the moment she realised how stupid she was to not bring a backup. If she had to die, she’d die trying to stop the potential threat. 
“By the way,” she heard Adam say, “some of the children are waiting for their death, others were moved to our buyers. There is a group that will be given the serum once we are done with you.” 
You have to kill them, she said to herself. End it all. These are not children anymore, she reminded herself. 
That’s when a first child threw a fireball directly at her. She protected herself with a force field. Another hit came right afterwards. Shit. There was a girl that had superstrength. She was able to get close to Y/N and hit her on the right shoulder. Y/N immediately fought back, throwing her against the farther wall. Once she fell to the ground, the wall was covered in her blood. 
Luckily, these children were not immortal. 
The team landed the jet right next to the one that Y/N took. Bucky was the first one to run out of the jet, running to the other one to check it. He didn’t find her. “Fuck,” he mumbled, holding her leather jacket tightly in his fists. 
“We’ve got to move,” Steve ordered the team. “We don’t know how much time we got.” 
The newest nano-tech suit covered Tony’s body. He was ready for some action. “FRIDAY, talk to me. What do we have?” 
“I have analysed the building. There are many dead people. I have captured activity inside the building. It looks like Miss Y/L/N is there,” she informed them. “Boss, if the scanning is correct, she’s fighting children.”
Natasha’s eyes widened, not believing what she heard. “What?” she gasped. “What do you mean children?” 
“The place is holding captive more than 80 children. A group of them are now in an active battle with Miss Y/L/N,” said the AI. 
“Children?” Sam said to himself. 
“I can capture levels of power coming from the place.” 
“Enhanced,” said Steve. Slowly, they were putting the pieces together. “This must be the place where she gained her abilities.” 
“This must be the place where she grew up,” Natasha whispered.
Bucky’s heart ached. She went to fight her demons alone. He was the first one to move, leaving the team standing there. “Wait,” Natasha called after him. “We need a plan.” 
“No, we need to move, now, before it’s too late.” 
“He’s right,” Steve nodded. “Tony, Sam, get in the sky and secure the perimeter. Keep us updated.” 
The time was ticking. 
Y/N was bleeding from her nose. Her body ached as the children took turns, trying to kill her. So far, she was able to eliminate five of them. It was becoming more difficult. They were stronger than her. They didn’t have any emotions. All they wanted to do was finish her off. Y/N’s energy was low. It was hard to keep up with them. 
Before she knew it, they captured her and brought her down on her knees. The girl with superstrength punched her in the face, making her bleed from her mouth. She tore her skin under the right eye. Another hit was on her stomach. Y/N groaned from all the pain and spit out some blood. 
Her vision was blurred. Her ears were ringing and it was hard to breathe. This was it. She was too weak to defeat a bunch of enhanced children. Their experiments were different than back in the day. They had no mercy. 
You need to kill them all, she heard a voice in her head. They are not children anymore. 
Out of nowhere, she could see the faces of people she loved the most. Natasha was smiling at her. Steve had a proud look on his face, and Sam laughed as if she said the funniest joke ever. And then there was Bucky who kept lovingly staring at her, holding his hand stretched out to her. You are stronger than you think. 
Oh, how she loved him. She would never be able to tell him. She was too scared to do so and now, she wouldn’t have the chance. The love she had for her family and for that man brought a warm feeling to her chest. It was beautiful and pleasant. It made her want to fight more. 
“Any last words?” she heard Adam’s voice echo around her. 
“Burn in hell,” she mumbled. 
Y/N gathered all the energy she had left. She never did this before. As if her body was telling her what to do, guiding her through the unknown and making her release it all for the whole world to see - her full potential. 
With a painful scream erupting from her throat, she released the power from her entire body. Each child was thrown away into the cracking walls of the building that started to shake from its core. The ceiling started to fall and the stability of the building weakened. 
“You are going to kill us all,” she heard Greta scream. 
Y/N’s purple mist changed into purple-blue electricity, surrounding her body. The ground under her started to shake. It reminded her of an earthquake. She closed her eyes and let it all consume her. Everyone dead meant no more potential threat to the world. And then, she threw her hands up in the air. 
“What the hell is happening?” Sam asked once he flew over the building. “Something’s not right.” 
“The building is about to collapse,” FRIDAY informed them. “There is a high amount of energy surrounding the place. It belongs to Miss Y/L/N.” 
“No!” Bucky screamed.
When the Captain, the Widow and the Soldier arrived at the border of the estate, they watched as the whole building started to fall before their eyes. Blue and purple cracks appeared on the walls. They were watching it without breath until the rays of Y/N’s power got out of the building. There was a sound that reminded them of an explosion. And then the building collapsed. 
Everyone got covered in dust and the place got silent. The team kept staring at the ruins of the building. It was unrecognizable. No one could have survived it. 
“Holy shit,” someone said.
Bucky fell on his knees, not believing that he had lost her. He couldn’t breathe. All he could feel was pain. His heart shattered. There was no way she could have survived it.
“FRIDAY,” Tony mumbled the AI’s name. “Any signs of life?” 
“Holy shit,” Sam said once he landed next to Steve. “What the fuck happened?” 
“I don’t know,” Steve replied. Once he could see better, he moved forward. 
“No signs of life, boss,” said FRIDAY after a minute. 
“Shit,” he sighed. 
They all started to walk on the remains, trying to find Y/N’s body. Natasha could see tiny hands sticking out of the bricks and wood. It was a horrifying look. So far, she counted six dead children. When she noticed an adult hand, she quickly ran to it, trying to lift any boulder covering the body. Unfortunately, it wasn’t her. It belonged to an unknown woman. “More people were present,” she said into her comm so the rest of the team could hear her. “I have a woman, mid-fifties, without signs of life.” 
They kept walking around, counting the people who died. No one could find Y/N’s body. 
“I’ve called Fury,” Tony informed them. “He’ll be sending a team of people here to get out the bodies and identify the children. Agent Hill and her team that is in Canada will be here in two hours.” 
Steve had his eyes locked on the ground. He kept searching the ruins until he found another hand. This one was familiar. The nails were covered in dust and dark red nail polish. His heart skipped a beat. He prepared himself and uncovered the body. 
It was her. Y/N’s body was covered in dirt. Her forehead was torn and bleeding. Her face had bruises. The suit was torn in many places. “I found her,” he informed the team, swallowing the grief. 
He squatted down, his fingers gently brushed her cheek. A tear escaped his eye. Why didn’t she call them? They would have helped. This should have ended differently.
Natasha was the first to arrive, gasping when she saw her friend lying there, dead. A sob escaped her lips. Then Sam arrived, not believing his eyes. It was difficult for them to see her like this - lifeless, beaten and dead. 
Steve was about to lift her body into his arms when he heard a heavy intake of breath. Quickly, he put two fingers on her neck, trying to find a pulse. “Shit,” he gasped when he felt it under his two fingers. “She’s still alive!” 
Tony flew to them, letting FRIDAY take a complete scan. “Vital signs critical.”
Natasha and Sam helped him take her out of the ruins. Steve held her tightly in his arms as he quickly, yet carefully, walked over the bricks, food and stones. One of her arms was lifelessly hanging down.  
“Let me take her,” Sam suggested. “I can fly her to the jet and get her to the nearest hospital. I know some people from the military.” 
“I’m coming with you,” said Tony. 
Steve nodded and handed her body to Sam. Before Bucky could approach them and see with both eyes she was indeed alive,  both Tony and Sam flew away from them to the jets. 
“No, wait,” Bucky shouted at them. “I wanted to…”
“She’s on the verge of life and death,” Steve stopped Bucky by putting a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it. “She needs immediate medical attention. We will get to her, all right?”
“But Steve-”
“I know, Buck. I know you are worried. We all are. We can only hope that they will make it on time.”  Steve could see the fear in Bucky’s eyes. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much they could do for her. 
She was in and out of consciousness. Her ears registered the rumbling sound of a jet engine. Was she in the jet? She wasn’t sure. Was that the sound of the falling building? All she felt was pain and her brain brought her back to the moments she’d like to erase from her memory forever. 
All of a sudden, she was sitting on a rustic chair with her hands tied behind her back. She was so small, still a child, maybe ten years old. The cold brought goosebumps to her skin. The window in the room was open. It was early winter. They left her sitting there in her underwear as a punishment. Suddenly, someone was holding her cheeks, screaming into her face. It was one of the guards. He pulled her hair, smacked her face and kept yelling. She felt as if she was suffocating. 
Y/N, she heard her name somewhere in the distance. Hold on. We are almost there. 
“Hi,” she heard Bucky greet her. When she turned around, he was sitting on the couch in the lounge room. It was that time when she couldn’t sleep because her past was still haunting her. “Are you okay?” 
“Can’t sleep,” she walked to the couch and sat down next to him. “Bad dreams.” 
“I get that. Sometimes it is hard to rest after a difficult mission. Nightmares invade your mind and won’t let you sleep,” he said. 
She looked at him, memorizing every detail on his handsome face. “Do you… Do you ever wish that you were killed?” 
He looked into her eyes and took a deep breath. “I used to,” he replied. “Now, I don’t.” 
They kept staring into each other’s eyes. “Yeah, same,” she smiled at him. 
That’s when she was pulled into the darkness. She felt more vibrations. What was it? Where was the jet taking her? Was it the jet? Please, stay with us, she heard someone’s voice. 
I’m right here. 
There was a big white room where she was lying on a cold metal table. Her body was tied to it. All she could see were the IVs coming out of her body. So far she counted six. Four on her arms, one on her neck and another one on her right leg. Her mouth was closed shut with a mask. She wanted to cry but deep down she knew it was to no avail. They would punish her and make her suffer more. Just be a good girl and do as we say. 
They made everyone suffer. It didn’t matter that some of the children were maybe three years old. Nothing mattered, only the next mission, the next experiment. 
Will life get better? 
Again, darkness. This time, she was swimming in it for a long time. It seemed that there was nothing more to show. Or maybe this was the end - darkness, nothingness. There was no heaven or hell, only darkness. 
Y/N, I’m right here with you. Please wake up. That voice was familiar. It brought a warm feeling to her chest. She tried to swim to it, as fast as it let her. Wake up for me. Was it Bucky? 
Y/N opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was a white light. It hurt her eyes and she blinked a few times. Her ears registered the sound of beeping machines. It was a steady beep, the one that monitored someone's heart. Slowly, turning her head from side to side, she noticed an unknown woman standing by her bed, checking up on her. 
“What happened?” Y/N whispered. Her throat was dry and her voice was raspy. 
The nurse gasped and quickly found a device that called any doctor. “You are awake,” she seemed surprised. “Oh my god,” she seemed surprised. 
The door to the hospital room opened and a doctor with another nurse came in. He was immediately standing next to Y/N, checking her eyes with a tiny light. “Everything seems fine so far,” said the doctor. His voice was echo-y. He showed his index fingers to her. “Squeeze them as tightly as possible.” 
Very slowly, Y/N wrapped her hands around his fingers, trying to squeeze them with all her strength. It wasn’t much but it was enough. The doctor seemed satisfied.
“That’s great,” he said. “We were waiting for you to wake up, Miss Y/L/N.”
“How long was I out?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper. 
“Over three weeks,” he replied. “You had a ruptured spleen that we had to take out. There’s been some internal bleeding that we stopped. You also had a concussion which led you into a coma for a few weeks,” he explained. “We stitched some of your wounds, you also have bruised ribs. Surprisingly, nothing was broken.” 
She remained silent, thinking about what happened. “Where am I?” 
The doctor frowned. “Do you remember anything?” 
“Yes,” she sighed, tired from all those questions. “I was supposed to die. Am I back in the US or am I still in Canada?” 
“You are back in the States,” he said, relieved that she knew what was going on around her. “Currently, you are still in New York, Langone Hospital.” 
“Has,” she dryly gulped. She wanted water. “Has anyone been here?” 
“You had several visitors. The last one we sent home because the visiting hours had ended. But, now, we need to inform Director Fury about your current state. I’ll let the nurses bring you water and we will give you another IV with antibiotics.” 
“IV?” she panicked. Her eyes widened when he said that. Immediately, she looked at her arm, scanning the needle. Her heart started to beat fast. She needed to overcome her fear. Quickly, she shut her eyes, trying to rest before any potential visitors. 
The doctor saw it. “Do not worry. We are giving you antibiotics, nothing else,” he reassured her. “We won’t hurt you, Miss Y/L/N. I need you to stay calm and we will call Director Fury as soon as possible.” 
With a simple nod, she released a loud exhale. No one knew about her fear of needles. They never witnessed her getting one and she avoided any at all costs. The less they knew, the better, right? 
She fell asleep for another hour when she heard the door open. She stirred and gently opened her eyes, looking directly at Nick Fury. “I’m glad you are alive,” he said. 
Y/N huffed. “I should have listened, I guess,” she whispered. 
“Yes, you should,” he nodded and pulled a chair closer to her bed. “Do you remember it?” 
“I remember it all,” she said. “I had to do it, sir. It needed to stop them. Some of the children were already sold,” he cleared her throat. Fury brought a cup of water with a straw to her lips and helped her drink from it. He didn’t let her take much. “Thank you.” 
“Not bringing any backup was stupid, Y/N.” 
“I know. I know. Will I,” she stopped, not daring to finish the sentence. 
He sighed. “There won’t be any repercussions,” he answered. “We were dealing with a global threat,” he explained. “The Youth Centre was as bad as Hydra. Unfortunately, they used children, experimented on them and killed them. We gathered a lot of information during these past few weeks and have enough evidence that even though the children died, it was for the better.”
“I am so sorry,” Y/N started to cry softly. “I looked. I couldn’t find anyone once I killed a lot of guards. They were hidden somewhere.” 
“Here is the good thing,” he stopped her. “Once we cleared the debris, we managed to uncover an underground place where there were around fifty children hidden in a cellar.” When he said that her eyes widened. “You didn’t kill all those children. You saved them. These children were not enhanced yet. They were abused a lot. Fortunately, no serum was given to them.”
“They are fine?” 
“With a lot of therapy, they will be fine,” he nodded. 
Y/N wanted to say something. When she noticed how he was staring at her, she forgot what she had on her mind. “What?” 
“How did you do it?” he had to ask. “How did you destroy the building?” 
She opened her mouth. How did she do it? It never happened before. She knew what her abilities were. This thing came out of nowhere. She thought back to the moment it happened. There was this feeling inside her that intensified and she released it out. “I have no idea,” she said honestly. “I wish I knew.” 
Fury simply patted her shoulder and stood up. “We will discuss it once you are out of here. The doctor said that if your condition remains the same until tomorrow, they will transport you into the HQ to the hospital wing.” 
That’s when she remembered the rest of the team. “Are- Are they angry at me?” she lowered her gaze. 
“Confused,” he said. “They don’t understand why you did it. Thanks to Romanoff and Barnes, they slowly figured things out.”
Bucky. Her heart dropped. She knew he would hate her the most. “How did I get here?” 
“Because they figured out where you went, and I left one of the tracking devices online, they came to help. However, before they were able to do anything, the building was destroyed and they thought you died,” Fury explained. “Relax. Nothing is as bad as it seems.” 
“So you broke the promise,” she said. 
“No,” he shrugged, keeping his voice on a funnier tone. “I didn’t say a word. I simply left some clues.” 
He was about to leave the room when she stopped him. “What am I supposed to do now?” she asked. 
“Rest,” he turned to her one more time. “And talk to the team. I believe they would like to see you. The last person that was here was Barnes. He looked terrible. No wonder. That man spent most of his days here. ”
She couldn’t believe it. Did Bucky keep visiting her while she was in a coma? Why would he do that? 
Y/N was left alone. Another round of sleep came to her. She didn’t have much energy and another cat nap would only do her good. This time, her mind was not invaded by any bad dreams. Maybe it was the drugs? 
She was awakened by something soft and warm pressed against the back of her hand. When she opened her eyes, she found Bucky pressing his lips to her hand, whispering something. He was sad and tired. Y/N squeezed his hand and he quickly looked up at her. 
“Y/N,” he whispered her name. “You are awake.”
“Hi,” she greeted him. “I woke up today,” she whispered. “It was time.” 
“We thought we lost you,” his voice broke. “I thought I lost you,” and he pressed another kiss to her hand. “How are you feeling?” 
“Tired. Weak. A bit confused,” she admitted. “If all goes well, I’ll be relocated to the HQ tomorrow.  Uh, can you bring me water, please?” Bucky was quick to take the glass with a straw and brought it closer to her lips. When she started to drink it, their eyes locked.  “Thank you,” she said when she finished. 
He opened his mouth, ready to tell her something. However, Natasha, Steve and Sam entered the room before he could make a sound. The redhead was first by her side, carefully hugging her. Steve and Sam stood behind Bucky, smiling. 
“You scared the shit out of us,” said Natasha when she pulled out of the hug. 
“I’m sorry,” said Y/N. 
“Why didn’t you ask us to come with you?” Nat asked. “You know we would have helped you.” 
Y/N’s eyes slowly moved to Bucky who kept looking at her. She wished they could be alone. It was hard to come up with a relevant answer and, in all honestly, she’d rather sit in silence with him. She thought he’d hate her. So far, it has nothing to do with hate. 
Sam started to talk about… something. Y/N wasn’t listening. It was something about a game of darts. Steve told her how the rest of the team thought highly of her and that Wanda and Vision would be back in two days. 
Her eyes were slowly closing while she kept listening to their stories. No one wanted to mention the mission. They kept her mind occupied with something else.
A nurse came to the room with a new IV and a bag. “It’s time to let her rest,” she informed them. “I suggest you come tomorrow.”
Natasha gently hugged her and the rest of them said their goodbyes. Bucky was the last one to leave. He noticed how Y/N was panicking when the nurse was about to take out her IV. Y/N turned her head, trying to breathe deeply. That’s when she found out he was still there. Tears welled up in her eyes. 
He took a few big steps and was immediately by her side. “Hey, it’s okay,” he tried to calm her. “I’m right here, Y/N. Keep looking at me.” 
She only nodded and pursed her lips only to keep her sobs hidden. Bucky found her free hand and took it into his, holding it tightly. He didn’t question it.
“I’m sorry, but you should-”
“I’m staying,” said Bucky to the nurse harshly, not giving her a single look. The woman kept her mouth shut and took out the needle of Y/N’s arm. 
“It’s going to be a minute, alright? Focus on me,” he kept talking to Y/N. “You are doing so well.” 
Bucky knew not to ask, not now. He stayed there until the nurse was done and Y/N had a new IV ready. “All done,” said the nurse. 
“It’s all done,” Bucky repeated for her. She snuggled her head into his chest and silently cried. She hated every moment of it. Nothing scared her more than IVs. She hated them with her whole being. 
He kept stroking her slightly greasy hair, trying to calm her down. Five minutes later, he realised that she had fallen asleep while being snuggled to him. Bucky kissed the top of her head and gently pushed her away. He fixed her body on the bed and stroked her cheek. Once again, he remained sitting next to the bed. This time, his body was relaxed because he knew she was conscious and well. 
Y/N was confused when she woke up the next day and she was alone in the room. She knew Bucky was the last one with her, helping her get through her fear of IVs. Now, no one was present. She sighed sadly. 
For the next few hours, she kept taking naps and watching TV that was installed in the room. That was until it was time to transfer her to the HQ as promised. She couldn’t be more thrilled. 
Everything went smoothly. They helped her take a shower after weeks and prepared her for transfer. Before she knew it, they wheeled her into the medical wing of the compound. The first thing she noticed was the bouquet of red roses standing next to her bed. There was her phone and a book she didn’t finish. The bed was way more comfortable than the one in the regular hospital. And, as if it wasn’t enough, there were snacks in the drawer next to the bed. 
“Do you like it?” said a voice from the door to her room. 
When she turned her head and saw Bucky standing at the door, smiling. Instantly, there was a smile on her face. “You did this?” 
He walked to her. “Yes. I wanted you to feel good, homely.” 
“That is so sweet,” she said and yawned. It was time to lie down and gain more energy. She stretched her arm to him and signed him to take it. “I love roses.”
Bucky couldn’t do it faster. They held hands for a good minute, staring at each other silently. 
This was his moment. He couldn’t wait any longer. He leaned to her and pressed his lips to her. The first good sign was, she didn’t pull away. The kiss was sweet, just as he imagined it would be, if not better. He could stay like this forever.
Bucky smelled like a menthol shower gel. She could breathe his scent until her very last day. How glad she was they made her take a shower before transfer. 
When he pulled away, he kept his forehead pressed against her. “I love you,” he whispered, finally admitting his feelings. “I’ve loved you for some time now.” 
Y/N smiled. “I love you too, Buck.” She couldn’t be any happier. “I was worried you’d hate me.”
He looked into her eyes. “I could never do that. I was upset that you didn’t want me there. I thought my life ended when they found you without any sign of life.” His gorgeous blue eyes filled with tears. “I really thought I lost you.”
She put both hands on his cheeks. “I’m so sorry.”
He brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “Don’t be. You are alive, here with us, with me. That’s all that matters.” 
She kissed him again, this time deepening the kiss. Bucky’s metal hand travelled to her neck and pulled her to him as much as it was possible. The cold made her gasp and that was the moment he used and explored her mouth with his tongue. 
Someone cleared their throat. Slowly, they both turned their head to the sound and disconnected their lips. Steve and Sam were standing at the door, smiling like school girls. 
“Sorry to interrupt, love birds,” said Sam, giggling. 
“You are ruining the moment,” Bucky snarled at him. “Can you come later?” 
“You know what?” Y/N interrupted, patting Bucky’s hand. “Stay. Please. I need to talk to you. Could you also call the rest of the team? I- I need to tell you everything. Please.” 
“Okay,” Bucky nodded and before he left, he kissed the top of her hair. 
Steve and Sam were still grinning at her. They sat down on a small sofa that was next to the bed. “So, you two, huh?” said Sam, winking at her. 
“Sam,” Steve nudged his shoulder. “How are you feeling?” he turned his head to Y/N, genuinely concerned. 
“I’m getting better by the minute,” she admitted with a smile. “Still tired though. The doctor said I need to rest here for another few days. Afterwards, I can leave this place and rest back home - or in my room.” 
“Or in Bucky’s arms,” Sam teased. Steve smacked his shoulder.
“And no active missions until we are sure you are healthy and strong. We can use you from here,” said Steve. 
“Yes, Captain,” she winked at him. “And I am really sorry for what happened.”
Natasha was the first to run into the room. Before Y/N knew it, the woman was hugging her again and taking a seat next to her. “I’m glad you are here with us,” she said with a smile. “The rest of the team will be here any minute. You okay?” 
“Yeah,” Y/N nodded with a smile. She fidgeted a little. “Just nervous.” 
“Why are you nervous?” she asked. “You don’t have to be. We’ve been through a lot together. It’s going to be fine.” 
Clint, Tony and Bruce entered the room. They greeted Y/N with gentle hugs. While they were chatting, Wanda and Vision unexpectedly walked into the room. Y/N’s eyes almost popped out. “Holy shit,” she gasped. 
Wanda was quick enough to come to her and pulled her into a tight loving embrace. “Don’t ever scare me like that,” was the first thing the woman whispered into her ear. 
“I’m sorry.” Wanda and Y/N had a special bond. There was something a little more special than she had with Natasha. But all three women were very close. 
With a kiss on her forehead, she sat by her other side which was not occupied by anyone. Both friends were by her side. And yet she wished Bucky was the one sitting with her. He was the last one to return. His eyes noticed that he wouldn’t be able to sit next to the woman he loved. 
Without stalling, Y/N started to talk about her past - how her childhood was taken away from her. 
“I remember playing outside. My mother was there with me. It was a beautiful warm day. I don’t remember the city I was born in or her name. What I do remember is the sound of her painful cry. It happened so quickly. The next thing I knew, I was in a place that became my new home.” 
Everyone listened and didn’t ask questions or intervene. 
“There’s been always at least 20 to 40 children - all ages. We were raised there. They taught us everything that they considered important as well as basic skills such as reading, writing and math. I guess it was similar to Red Room,” she looked at Natasha. “They started to experiment on us very early, as well as they started to kill us. There was this older girl, about seventeen and she was on her way to becoming enhanced. Unfortunately, the last experiment changed her personality and she turned into a psychopath. Because of that, they killed her and everyone who was undergoing the same treatments as her. Of course, they did it in front of us.
“The first time it happened, I vomited as well as other kids. They punished us and we stayed without food for a week. The only thing we had was water. They kept us between four cold walls. One time,” she put a grimace on her face, “one of the soldiers tried to drown me because I refused to pleasure him. I was eleven.” 
Y/N noticed how Wanda’s eyes closed. She tried to remain stoic. When her eyes scanned each person, no one could look at her, even Bucky’s eyes were on the floor. 
“It happened at least once a week,” she continued. “Unfortunately, when they break you, they’ll get what they want. And they’ll find a way to do it again and again.” Her voice started to shake. “Then comes a turn and once the time is right, you make them suffer.”
She thought about that particular moment and told them about it. She was sixteen when the experiment was successful and she gained abilities. The guards, who loved to play with her, were met with her rage. She killed them all. 
“Thus, my plan to escape started a few days after that. I managed to leave the place that tortured me for years. A place where even though I gained something powerful, broke me in many ways. They took me away from my mother and destroyed my childhood and teenage years.”
This time, a tear escaped her eye and gently caressed her cheek. “I never thought things would get better. I was hiding around the States and in Europe. I became a mercenary only to have some money. Now, here we are… After all that death and torture, I am still alive. That’s why I wanted to, no, needed to do this alone. I needed to finish this and kill them because they were a threat to everyone. I didn’t want to risk your lives for my pain, my past.” 
The team was silent. No one knew what to say. What could a person say after everything they’ve heard?
“Don’t look at me like that,” Y/N shook her head. “You’ve all had traumatic pasts.” 
Natasha was the one who said it out loud. “No one was raped when they were a child.” 
“Well, there are other things that did not happen to me, but did happen to you,” said Y/N. “We live in a fucked up world. Now we have the ability to make it better.” 
. . .
Bucky had his normal hand on the steering wheel while his metal hand held Y/N’s. He proposed a trip - a few days off, without the team somewhere outside of New York. Just the two of them, enjoying their time together. It was nice of him to take her out. 
He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. “Where are you taking me?” she asked, giggling. “Come on, Buck, just give me a hint.” 
“We’ll be there in a minute. Please, wait and you’ll see,” he said with a smile. 
At first, they flew to Colorado and spent a nice day walking around Denver and enjoying the food and entertainment. Today, he took her for a ride. They were slowly driving through a peaceful neighbourhood. There was nothing special about it - houses, families walking around and enjoying the day.
Y/N took a deep breath through her nose. She became nervous. “Did you buy us a house?” she had to ask. 
That’s when he parked the car and looked at her. “No,” he shook his head. “I know I should have asked you about this, but after everything, I figured this would be something you’d want to do,” he started. “I’ve been searching for several days until I found what I wanted and that’s why I brought you here.” 
She frowned at him, not liking how cryptic he was. Bucky quickly kissed her lips and then got out of the car. Because he was a gentleman, he went to Y/N’s door and opened it for her. “I’m nervous,” she said when she stepped out. 
He grabbed her hand, squeezing it reassuringly. He slowly took her to one of the houses. It was of smaller size, but it was a nice place to live. Once they were at the front door, he loudly knocked on them. “I figured that maybe you’d want to…”
The door opened. A woman in her mid-fifties was standing there, dressed in casual comfortable clothes. From her face, she seemed shocked. “Oh my god,” she whispered. 
Bucky didn’t need to say a word. Y/N figured it all out.  She could feel it inside her soul that she knew this person. “Mum?”
“It’s you,” the woman started to sob. “You are alive.” She pulled Y/N into a tight embrace, crying into her shoulder. “Oh my god, my sweet angel, you are alive.” When she pulled away, she grabbed Y/N’s face into her hands, scanning every detail to memorize it. “Your wonderful friend came to me a week ago, saying that he knows you. He told me, that my beautiful baby is alive.” 
Y/N looked at Bucky, her eyes filled with tears. “Yeah, he’s the best thing that ever happened to me.” 
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waywardcrow · 5 months
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Chapter IV.
Summary: 1943. 1975. 2024. Three different decades, three different lives, three different times your life and Bucky's interwined; he lost you twice, will he do it again?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader.
TW: It can change each chapter but themes of Bucky as soldier and as the Winter Soldier in general, flashbacks and dreams in italics like this, lots of feels, reader's being a little anxious, some stalking lol, a brief sex scene (p in v), very bad written smut, implied domestic violence (not from Bucky), murder mentioned, past lives, past 40'sreader is mentioned to be named Beth but that changes for 2024 version of her so I nicknamed her little bird for Bucky, Ace for everybody else, this will be a +18 story so minors dni.
Disclaimer: Please remember english is not my first language so if I make a mistake or forget something let me know.
Pictures from pinterest and graphic and dividers by the amazing @ firefly-graphics so all credits to the creators.
Previous chapter <;<<
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You were fired, that wasn’t a surprise.
Mia Alexander didn’t sue you for every penny you had, that was shocking.
But getting a call from Pepper Potts herself, that was the real main event of your whole life.
She asked you to go and pay her a visit at her office in the Avengers tower, like if that didn’t send you in a spiral of bliss and terror, what will you wear? What could a woman like her want to talk with someone like you? Even if Sergeant Barnes –Bucky, you reminded yourself- told her what had happened in the gala, she might be mad at you.
Your head begun to think in the possibilities all the way there, considering that this was the reason why Mia didn’t sued you, maybe Pepper Potts would do it.
When you finally arrived to the tower your stomach was in knots, not even your lucky outfit made you feel better but like every other day in your life you sucked it up and walked to the front desk.
“Hi, I’m here to see Miss Potts?” you said, making it sound more like a question and the receptionist stared at your vintage midi skirt and blouse like he understood your hesitation. You offered him a smile before telling him your name so he looked for it in the screen in front of him and gave you a visitant pass.
“Third floor, follow the hall, last door in your right” he said and then went back to his screen.
“Oh, ok, thanks” your neck was hot with embarrassment when you reached the elevators and just became more evident when you got in and someone else did too.
“Good morning, third floor too?” Scott Lang, THE Scott Lang, asked you and you could only nod like an idiot. He did a double take on your face and smiled “hey, I know you; you are the girl who throws champagne at evil bosses.”
You were turning purple, it was a sure thing.
“What?” it was all you said.
“Yeah, the other night you did an incredible stunt, Sam told us everything” so Captain America knew too, great. Scott must saw something in your expression because his changed “is ok, seriously, when we hear what she did no one blamed you for it, I was sure Hope was about to kick her ass and don’t let me start with Yelena” your head was spinning “I think it was brave and more subtle than ruining your boss company and driving a car to his pool”
That earned a strangled laugh from you.
“Are you going to see Miss Potts too, Mr. Lang?” you asked when the elevator doors opened again and you walked with him.
“Actually I’m going to see Maria Hill but I’ll see you later” he smiled at you with such honesty that you relaxed for the first time in all day, making your way to your destiny you noticed the front desk for Miss Potts assistant was empty and you were just on time which was as good as being late.
Without not knowing what to do, you knocked at her door.
“Come in”.
Taking a deep breath, you did it squaring your shoulders and trying to tell yourself everything would be fine.
“Good morning, Miss Potts, I hope is ok I called, there was no one and-“
“It’s completely fine” she said gesturing for you to sit in front of her and went to address your formally even if contradicted her next words “Please call me Pepper, everyone does.
There was something about her, a professionalism that was inspiring but also made her approachable and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Only if you call me by my first name too”
“It’s what you like to be called? Because Sam told me about your friend calling you Ace when he went with Sergeant Barnes to the hospital, I think it fits you” at her words it was impossible not to blush again; first of all because of the mention of Bucky, the recurrent thought of your head the last days and then because of the nickname Harper gave you.
“I mean, yeah, my friends call me that” it was an exaggeration, you only had one friend.
“Maybe we should stick to it, between me and you Pepper is not even my name but I think is perfect for me” there was something like nostalgia in her eyes but she didn’t let you think too much about it “and I like that my employees feel comfortable when we talk.”
“Excuse me, what?” it was really embarrassing how you couldn’t form a decent sentence in front of her.
“I would like you to be my assistant, Ace” she said and then your life really changed.
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Bucky still could tasted you, the other you, the one who reincarnated and was born in a rich Italian family in 1950, the one that somehow found him when he was The Winter Soldier.
He wasn’t supposed to fuck you in your fiancée’s car, well ex fiancée, you couldn’t marry a dead asshole. His mind couldn’t know why he needed you that bad but his body did, Bucky was sure it was the conditioning what made him be such a caveman with you but the truth was, you were his mirror back then.
You wanted him since Lucas bragged about his connections to Hydra and how they lend him their best asset to protect the arsenal his father’s company will provided for them. Your whole attention was in the silent assassin who looked at you like you were everything he could ever want.
Lucas wasn’t great with you, his little bird, that’s why he snapped his neck and took you away, sometimes his nightmares will let him breath and remember you surrounding him, riding his cock, high in pleasure, telling him that you loved him before you both were found and he was dragged back to Hell.
As a small blessing, he didn’t remembered that while dreaming, Bucky was too lost on you, in the salty taste of your skin against his tongue when he traced the valley of your naked breasts with it.
“Give me one more, little bird” he ordered, thrusting in and out of you with an incredible skill considering the small space “drench my cock again.”
His english was perfect with you, no sign of hesitation, not remembering he wasn’t supposed to speak it so naturally when it wasn’t necessary; the Brooklyn accent showing up without effort.
“I- I can’t” you sobbed, drunk on him, your body asking for more.
“You will” his metal hand let go your neck to play with your clit, the cold metal sending you to your climax once again, taking him with you.
The softness of your skin against his was the last thing he remembered before waking up.
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Harper called you when you got back home and screamed when you tell her the news; she made a joke about coming to work with you so she could see Sam Wilson every day, making you feel better. Since you convinced your parents go and have the retirement they deserved, Harper was the only one you had and she was more than what you deserved but sometimes you wished for more, for someone to go home to.
Like a fool, your mind went to Sergeant Barnes; you needed to thank him for what he did for you.
If not for him, you would have be ruined but how could someone put that in a thank you card?
Maybe you could bake something for him.
Bucky likes apple pie.
The thought came out of nowhere with an intense hint of pain between your eyebrows, what was that?
Maybe a nap would help, your new job waited for you and this was the chance you dreamed of, ruining it wasn’t an option.
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When Bucky went to check on you that night, you were already sleeping in your couch, making very difficult for him to let you there. Of course he could break in and carry you to your room without waking you up but it would make you feel unsafe.
It was hard for him to go back to a civilian life, or the closest he could have, his actions needed to be careful, especially around you. It was also torture he remembered almost everything and you nothing at all, that he couldn’t tell you about that night on your porch in 1943 or your breakfast with him, Steve and the Howlies when your unit was sent to Europe and destiny brought you both together again, he couldn't tell you about that time in Italy.
Bucky wanted you to know everything but you will never believe him, in the best case you'd believe it was a joke or a proof of him losing his mind but you could also believe him dangerous –which he was- and get away from him where Bucky would not be able protect you.
Sited there in your fire escape, he started to memorize every part of you he could see through the darkness, if that was all he could have from you, he would make it be enough.
Tag list: @cjand10 @bunnyforhim @cookingdancingchick
Next chapter >>>
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Hello lovelies! Sorry for bringing this short chapter, I tried to start going through their past lives but witout giving so much details so this don't gets very confusing, if it still is please tell me so I can work on it, what de you think? I'll love to read about it in the comments!
Love, Lily.
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tiktaalic · 1 month
tortured poets review. by song
fortnight: fine. sounds like a song. one of the lana drag ones. the actual lyrical content is nothing special. i would not have made this track one. 6/10
tortured poets department: kind of exactly what you would expect from a taylor swift album called tortured poets department. it's silly. it's got references. it makes you go. girl? already less distinct musically. 3/10
my boy only breaks his favorite toys: the consequence of doing lana drag is that you listen to songs and go this would be a lot better if lana got her chords on it. fundamentally not a song that i can enjoy from taylor allison swift. a song i would respect in lana of video games fame catalogue once she strips it down. not like head turningly strange like tpd just plain and simple middle of the road. 4/10
down bad: this one is unlistenable for me. cant explain why. probably the chorus of down bad. i think it's tooooooo silly too silly by far when taylor swift does how do you do fellow teens vocabulary. 2/10
so long london: i can see the place that this takes on my spotify wrapped. lyrics are fine. good even. this + backing + doing something even the littlest bit different from soft monotone talk singing makes it one of the most memorable on this album by miles. probably not near the top of most memorable in her hundreds deep bench though. can't think of anything to dock it for but it's no belter. 8/10.
but daddy i love him: yeah okay. i love when she does a silly one. i think the instrumentals are nice. i'm having his baby. no i'm not! but you should see your face. easily i would listen to an album that was full of songs to this theme / musicality. points docked because i dont think she knows it's as silly as it is. 7/10.
fresh out the slammer: bored. i just looked at the lyrics and they're passable but they're performed in the most boring possible manner. stupidest name imaginable. i actually might bump it a point or two if the name was different. 4/10
florida: makes me go yaaaaaay florence every time i hear it. taylor's part halsey 2014 core. could have been worse! if i was in charge of cutting tracks i would keep this one. 6/10
guilty as sin: started it went oh i'm docking this one for boring. read the first quarter of lyrics and went oh this is fine? got to second half and went oh i don't care for this. can imagine a world where it's a better song with different backing and emphasis. 5/10
whose afraid of little old me: i dont think it's good necessarily but i love every song where shes like im craaaazy im insane. i think for the concept it's going for it could have been put together differently. 6/10
i can fix him: i like the way it sounds. but could use more oomph. it's so nice to hear guitars though. don't care for the subject matter. 5/10
loml: snooze. boring lyrics. boring performance. 4/10
i can do it with a broken heart: BAFFLING. easily the me / karma of the album. the tonal mismatch is the point but . well. it is what it is. i would like this more if it WAS a barbie soundtrack release i think. then it would have an extra layer of silly. i think this might make my wrapped. unfortunately. 5/10.
smallest man who ever lived: who gives a shit about matty healy. 4/10
the alchemy: head in my hands. head in my hands. football song. it's so over. and we are never going to be so back. 3/10
clara bow: i like the intro. i can't see myself ever doing more than half humming this. lyrics are whatever. fine, passable. 6/10
the black dog: yeah it's fine. no complaints. guitar 👍. 6/10
getyouback: why would you EVER tee yourself up perfectly to be compared to a better song. 3/10
albatross: oh i liked this one on first listen. 7/10.
chloe sam sophia marcus: outing song ‼️‼️‼️divorce music‼️‼️‼️. nothing too exciting or groundbreaking musically. 5.5?
how did it end: um. it gets points for being #real but not much else. 5/10.
so high school: i think i would like it if it was even a TOUCH less heterosexual. i would cut 3 lines that would turn it into a 6. i can see this song in someone else's hands dominating the radio and me loving that. in taylor's hands i'm giving it a 5/10.
i hate it here: not interesting. next. 4/10
thank you aimee: out of respect for taylor swift's struggles i will withhold comment and rating. -_-
look in people's windows: lyrics aren't bad but it's another one that's not really. doing anything. 4/10
the prophecy: yeah i'll give this one a 7/10. i would have one (1) greige complaint if this was on folkevermore but that's pretty damn solid.
cassandra: passing it and moving on. that's as much as it deserves. 5/10
peter: lyrics get a thumbs up. another 5.5? i could be talked into a six.
the bolter: yes girl commitment issues. 6/10. actually. 7/10.
robin: jesus god this album is too long. i have listened to too much taylor swift tpd to give this any kind of rating.
the manuscript: 5/10. like if woulda coulda shoulda had no beat
thank you for sharing this journey. with me and also taylor swift
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xetswan · 10 months
Youngest Shadow- The Game
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Seven | Eight | Nine
warning: slight homophobia
Longest chapter so far with almost 4k words
Jessica and I have been practicing outside, Angela taking pictures. Only practicing since Jessica has nagged me for the past few days now. Trying to spike on me every time we do so. Eric was studying the prom fliers, “Monte Carlo? That’s our theme?” Jessica frowns at the lame theme that was chosen for this year. “Gambling, tuxedos and Bond. James- Ow!” She threw a ball roughly at Eric’s face, I smirk. 
“Oh. My. God.” Angela exclaims, who was once scanning to take more pictures is now frozen in place. We follow to where she was staring and it was just my sister and Edward showing up to school together. I hadn’t really been speaking to Alice and Jasper after the night with their family. Overhearing that it was destined for me to have a near death experience just for me to know who I was in my past lives and they knew it was going to happen. It also works because I hate attention, something I know Bella hates too. 
Throughout the rest of the day Jasper and Alice would stare at me, trying to pull me aside to talk to me only for me to ignore them and hurry off to a different area or sit somewhere else if we shared a class. But at the end of the day it was a waste when Alice came up to me, taking my hand in hers. “Hey, what’s going on lovebug?” I gave her a look for the stupid nickname and she laughs. “Sorry, but seriously why are you avoiding us?” She pouts, I lick my lips getting ready to actually say it but then something stops me once I lock eyes with her. 
“I needed some time to think about us.” I tell her, “I’m having a hard time with everything, trying to understand and I overwhelmed myself at your place I felt embarrassed.” I lied, I was fine with the whole vampire thing surprisingly. That’s not what bothered me. What bothered me was the fact that she knows I’m going to have a near death experience and won’t even warn me. I don’t understand how that’s protecting me. Maybe I’ll bring it up later. 
“Ah, that makes sense. I’m sorry it’s so overwhelming for you, my lovebug.” She moves my hair behind my ear sending shivers down my spine. It honestly made me forget how many people were around, until we get shouted at. “What the fuck?” A guy yelled, I step away from Alice and we turn to see some guy I don’t think I’ve ever seen before in school. “You guys gay or some shit?” He laughs, my eyebrows furrow as Alice glares at him. 
“Y’all should kiss!” His friends hit him in the shoulders like he did something with that. I glance over and see Jasper staring at the scene as well. “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” The three guys all laugh, I flick them off and they just laugh harder. 
“I need to go, my dad made plans. Just um, come over later.” I tell her, walking away to my bike, getting my helmet on and riding off as quick as possible due to the embarrassment I just had to endure. I ended up coming to the cafe later than Bella which meant I was super late.
There were a group of basketball players outside and I mentally cursed seeing Mike there as well. “[Name]! I didn’t know you were a lesbo!” One of the guys shouted at me and my eyes widen but I try to ignore it, heading towards the door but he blocks it. “Does her man know?” His arm was on the door and he leaned on it. I stare up at him not saying anything. “What?” You got something to say?” He asks, I take my helmet off, putting it on the ground, staring back up at him. I take a deep breath. “I asked you something.” He repeats, I take a step back. In the corner of my eye I see my dad stand up from his spot in the booth. Bella seemed alarmed. “Come on, man. She don’t deserve this plus her dad’s the chief.” Mike puts a hand on his shoulder but the guy doesn’t back up. I dip my hand into my front pocket of my jeans.
“Does your dad know you like-” I take my hand out and spray him with the pepper spray Charlie gave me. He stumbles back holding his eyes and screaming in pain. The cafe door swings open. What happened!?” He angrily asks, “Nothing, sir. He went too far, he was antagonizing her.” Mike blurts out, the kid groans outloud but the group pushes him away. Charlie turns to look at me. “What the hell was that, [Name]?” He grabbed onto my arms as I try my hardest to look away from him. “[Name] Swan, answer me right now.” 
“I don’t want to talk about it!” I exclaim, tears welling in my eyes. “Please.”
His grip loosens, his gaze softening as well. “Are you okay at least?” 
“I’m fine.” I sniffle, wiping my eyes, he lets me go and grabs my helmet for me. “I should wash my hands.” I lift up my hand that’s covered in the pepper spray, I didn’t wipe my eyes with this hand don’t worry. He sighs, shaking his head, pushing me inside. Cora the waitress who knows about my whole life from dad places a hand on my back. “You alright, sweetheart.” I just nod, heading straight for the bathroom to wash my hands quickly then going back to the booth with my sister and dad. 
The dinner ends up being a little awkward as they talk to each other but treat me like they need to walk on egg shells. I forced myself to eat so I don’t have to talk much so I just listen to them. 
After getting home I rush straight to my room where they were already standing, I shut the door, locking it right away and collapsing on my bed. Wanting to just sob and go to sleep but I know I should talk to them. Definitely not about what I heard though, I’m already exhausted from pepper spraying a basketball player. Alice sits behind me, motioning for me to lay on her. I end up just putting my head on her lap and she plays with my hair. 
I stare up at Jasper, he steps closer, wiping my cheek that had a tear fall. I noticed how his face seemed stiffer than normal. I then remembered how it hurts him to be around people still. His thirst stronger than the others. 
“I saw what happened, I’m sorry we didn’t stop it.” Alice apologizes, I look up at her and she seemes extremely beat up over it. I place my hand on top of hers. “It’s okay, don’t worry.” I attempt to assure her. She smiles gently. “I won’t go near you at school anymore. You don’t deserve to go through that.” She tells me, I sit up from her lap. “What? No, let them talk.” I grab her hand tighter even though I know she barely feels it. “But-” 
“I know how I am with attention but I don’t care anymore. Plus I have my pepper spray.” I wink and they both laugh quietly. “Are you sure, darling?” Jasper questions, I pull him closer to me, having him actually sit down now. “Of course, let them talk. What else are they going to do?” I shrug, Alice stands up, going over and sitting on my lap. “If that’s what you want.” She kisses my nose softly. I nod, “It is.”
We then sit there silently and I think about my thoughts from before. I know I’m not going to bring it up to them but I want to so badly understand their thinking. Understand why they do what they do. 
“You’re anxious.” Jasper states, I suck on the inside of my cheek not respnding. “Why?” Alice questions. “Just wondering about how that would play out.” I lie, well partially. 
“Mmm, it will be okay. We’ll be there. Also, we want to take you somewhere tomorrow. Edward will be picking you and Bella up.” She stands up from my lap, she takes Jasper’s hand but I stop both of them from leaving. 
“Wait, I want to um.. I want to try something.” I tell them, getting up from my bed, first taking Alice’s face in the palm of my hands. She smiles, automatically knowing what I’m doing she closes her eyes. I lean slowly, my heart racing as I kiss her lips longer than a few seconds. I push away after a little bit, we both look up to see Jasper watching and I chuckle, pulling him towards me and doing the same thing. 
“I’ll see you both tomorrow.” I wave them off and not even seconds later they’re gone. 
A few hours later my mom ends up calling me, I pick it up lazily knowing that either Bella or Charlie had told her what happened. I hear loud noises in the background fading away. “[Name]!” it was my moms voice yelling, I jolted away from my own hand then go back to it. “Yes, mom?” I ask, “I heard you pepper sprayed someone! What did he do?” She says, I throw my head back annoyed. 
“Mom, I’m fine.” I tell her but I knew she wouldn’t be satisfied with that answer. “[Name]” She warns me. “Mom, please.” I nervously say. “I will have your father investigate what happened if you do not tell me right now.” Of course she pulls that out, “You don’t have to do that.” I tell her. 
“It was just a guy calling me a lesbo or whatever. No biggie.” I quickly say, this happened before in Arizona, I’ve been called names my whole life. Especially for not liking guys and never having a boyfriend. “If it’s no biggie why’d you punch?” She interrogates me, I roll my eyes like before. “I was cornered.” That wasn’t a lie necessarily. She hums, still not satisfied. “Who’s the girl, [Name].” She says and it felt like my eyes pop out of my socket. “Mom!”
“Oh, come on [Name]. I know my daughter.” She laughs, “Who is she?” She repeats herself and I sigh. “Her name is Alice.” She squeals in laughter. “Mom!” I whine for her to stop. “I’m sorry! I’m just happy you found someone.” She tells me. “Well, actually it’s her and her boyfriend.” I bite my lip waiting for judgement. 
“Hey, I can’t judge your lifestyle. Two people?” She excitedly laughs and I shake my head. “Please don’t tell anyone. No one knows except Bella and that’s because they’re also apart of the Cullen family.” I sigh, picking at my finger nails. “Woww I need to see what these people look like if both of my daughters decided to date them.” She jokes, I smile to myself just happy she’s not upset with my dating life even though I know it is definitely out of the ordinary. 
“Well, I should get going to bed mom. I love you.” I say, “Oh, I love you too, goodnight!” She blows kisses over the phone and i press the button to hang up. Finally laying down for the night and going to bed. 
The next day I was sitting with Charlie as Bella came into the room. Charlie is currently cleaning his rifle, he goes to greet her but she cuts him off. “I have a date with Edward Cullen. [Name] does too with his foster brother.” She announcses and I quietly laugh at his facial expression as he glances between the both of us. “They’re too old for you two.” He responds. “We’re both juniors plus Jasper is only a Senior. Also I thought you liked the Cullens.” She says, I tilt my head agreeing with her. “And I thought you weren’t interested in any of the boys in town.” Charlie brings up, she seems frustrated. “Edward doesn’t live in town and its in the early stage- and whatever he’s outside right now.” This even causes me to stop every movement I was making like my dad just did. “Now? He’s out there?” 
“He wants to meet you. Officially.” She tells him. “Good.” Charlie cocks his rifle. I snicker, earning a look from her. “Be nice, okay? He’s important.” He nods reassuring her, she goes to the door and opens it to reveal her new boyfriend. “Cheif Swan I wanted to formally introduce myself. I’m Edward.” He extends his hand and Charlie hesitantly takes it grunting a small hello. “I won’t keep the two out late tonight. We’re just going to play baseball with my family.” He informs him also informing us because we had no idea either. “Bella’s going to play baseball?” Charlie is shocked, definitely because Bella doesn’t play sports. “Yes sir, that’s the plan.” He nods. “Well, more power to you I guess.” 
“They’ll be safe with my family, I promise.” Edward makes eye contact with him to show him he was being serious. He exits and as I get up Charlie holts both of us from following. “You both got that pepper spray- [Name] I know you do.” I laugh at his words. “Dad.” Bella shakes her head, we then both leave and climb into this massive jeep. “Your father thinks you should go to an all-girls school.” Edward says to Bella in an amused tone. 
“No fair, reading Charlie’s mind.” I sat in the backseat and I notice the baseball cap the same time as Bella. “And since when do vampires like baseball?”
I mentally cringed to that question. “It’s the American past time. Plus, there’s a thunderstorm coming. It’s the only time we can play. You’ll see why.” He explains and now I’m perked up at the thought of seeing my two play. Watch them in action of a sport I actually really enjoy. 
We finally get through the clearing of woods, it was a field and there were storm clouds erupting in the sky. The jeep comes to a stop, Esme and Emmett come over to greet us, Emmett helping me down. I look around for Jasper and Alice, “Good thing you’re here. We need some umpires.” Esme smiles sweetly. Emmett has a wicked grin caused by her words. “She thinks we cheat.” He laughs. “I know you cheat.” She turns to both of us. “Call em how you see em girls.” She pats us. I see Alice on the pitchers mound and she gives me a quick wave before speaking up. “It’s time!” Right then a rumble of thunder shakes and I grip onto Bella excitedly. We both stand right by Esme who’s the catcher. Alie pitches and Rosalie smashes the ball with an aluminum bat. It cracks loudly right when a thunder hits at the same time. “Now I get why you need thunder.” My sister says. The ball goes right into the forest, Edward running after it. 
“That has to be a home run.” Bella insists as we wait. “Edward’s very fast.” Was all she said in return. Rosalie darts around the bases, it looks like a blur but Edward rasces out with the ball whipping to home plate. Esme catches it milliseconds before Rosalie slides in. 
“You’re out?” Bella says questioning herself and I sadly nod as I was kind of rooting for Rosalie. Esme nods too. Next up is Carlisle and he hits a line drive, Emmett and Edward race for it, colliding with one another with so much force it felt like I could feel it all in the ground like a mini earthquake. They end up missing the ball anyway, Carlisle is safe. I cheer for him, everyone smiles, almost.
Jasper is up and I watch him and Alice make eye contact and I fall in awe. Jasper whacks the ball into the forest like Rosalie just did. Before they can go after it Alice gasps and they all come to a stop. “Stop! I didn’t see them!” She shouts, Jasper pulling me behind him, Rosalie coming to my side as well. “They’re traveling so quickly.” Alice says in a worried tone. 
“You said they left the country.” Rosalie exclaims. “They did but then they heard us.” Alice looks at Edward. “And changed their minds.” Edward turns to Bella. “Put your hair down.”
Alice races over, shoving a hat onto my head. “They smell you too.” She sadly says and I raise an eyebrow. I thought no one was effected by my blood?
“Like that will help. I could smell her across the field.” Edward ignores Rosalie as he arranges Bella’s hair a certain way. “I shoudn’t have brought you here. I’m so sorry.” Edward says to Bella specifically. They all turn towards the forest and there’s three vampires that emerge out. I look down to their bare feet then back up to their dark red eyes. The one with darker skin and long hair lifts his hand up to show the baseball. “I believe this belongs to you.” He tosses the ball to Carlisle who catches it with ease. He smiles politely. “Thank you.” 
“Could you use three more players?” He questions. “Of course.” Carlisle nods. “I’m Laurent, this is Victoria and James.” He introduces them. 
“Would you like to bat first?” Carlisle asks, Laurent ends up with the bat.  I stand with Edward and Rosalie with my sister near the jeep. I watch Edwards eyes lock with James. “I’m afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us.” Carlisle says. 
“Our apologies. We didn’t realize the territory had been claimed.” Laurent responds and to be frank he seemed nice and genuine but the other two… I don’t know. “Yes, we maintain a permanent residence.” The three have a shared look of surprise from his words.  
“Really? Well we won’t be a problem anymore.” Laurant quickly tells everyone. “The humans were tracking us but we led them east.” The Victoria girl says just as Jasper pitches the ball, Laurent slams it but Alice is already up in a tree in a flash, she catches the ball with a thwap sound as it met her hand. Laurent looked pissed as James smiles, obviously glad he met worthy opponents. 
James is next and it was like a power slam, he runs past first base then Edward, then us two, then wind moves Bella’s hair and before I even realize it James comes to a complete stop. His head whips around to Bella and I, his nostrils flare. “You brought some snacks.” Alice rushes over to me, clinging onto my arm as Jasper was now in front of me beside Edward. 
The Cullens now all in a position. “The girls are with us.” Carlisle says, “We won’t harm them” Laurent reassures him, trying to diffuse the situation. “Just try it.” Emmett says, practically looking for a fight. 
“I think it’s best you leave.” Carlisle says, Rosalie puts her hand on Emmett to calm him down. “Yes, I can see the game is over. We’ll go now.” He says, turning to walk away but looks back. “James.” His hand goes onto the guys shoulder finally getting him to walk away. 
Once they’re gone Esme collects the bats. “Get them out of here. We’ll follow them.” Carlisle says, running off with Jasper and Rosalie towards the other three. Edward scoops up Bella as Alice rushes me to the jeep. Both of them strap us in like little kids. “James is a tracker. I saw his mind. The hunt is his obsession and my reaction set him off.” The two get in and Edward whips the jeep around. As Edward explains things to Bella I look at Alice. “How come my scent effects him?” I whisper to her. “I don’t know, I think it’s like Edward said he’s a hunter.” She sits by me and holds me close to her. 
“The first place he’ll go is your house. He’ll track your scent from there.” Edward says and I jump up as Bella looks horrified. “What?! Charlie’s there, he’s in danger because of me! Because of us!” She shouts and I start breathing heavily, Alice take my hand and tries to soothe me. “Then we’ll lead the tracker away from him somehow.” He calmly replies and I just knew it was to calm Bella down but it’s not working. 
Bella bursts into the house as I sit outside. “I said leave me alone!” Bella yells. “Bella don’t do this. Just think about it please.” Edward pleads and if i didn’t know what was happening I would’ve believed this. “Get out it’s over.” She slams the door and I end up going in a few seconds later. “Bella? What happened?” Charlie asks, his face full of worry. “I have to get out of this place. Out of Forks. I’m leaving and so is [Name].” Bella runs up the stairs, Charlie follows her. My heart breaks as I have to go along with it too. Bella slams the door behind her and he looks down at me. “What happened?” He asked.
I shrugged, “Dad it’s best for us to go. You saw how people treat me.” I explain my part of the reasoning. I walk to my room and Alice stood there handing me my bag. I stand in my room for a little bit then I peck her lips before jogging back over. “I thought you liked him?” Charlie asks and I obviously missed a little bit of the conversation. “That’s why I have to leave. I don’t want this I want to go home.” Bella says. 
Bella then goes to charge down the stairs but Charlie follows her. “Your mother’s not even in Phoenix.” Charlie reminds her. “She’ll come home. I’ll have [Name] call her.” 
“You can’t drive home now. I’ll take you two to the airport tomorrow morning.” I watch his facial expressions and the look makes me want to cry. “I want to drive. I need to think. I’ll pull into a motel in a few hours I promise.” She says and goes down more steps but Charlie blocks her from going further to the door. “Bells I know I’m not around much but I can change that. We can do more things together. [Name] I’ll make sure people stop bothering you. You can go on the rez with Jacob.” He pleads with us and I just hide behind Bella, not wanting to see his hurting expression any more. “Like watch more baseball on the flat screen? Or go to the Coffee shop? Same people, same steak, same berry cobbler every night? That’s you dad. Not me. Not us.” Bella exclaims and I know it hits him hard. I glance up and his eyes focus on me. “Do you… feel that way too?” His voice was soft and it partially broke. I suck in a deep breath. “Yes. I’m tired of being treated like a freak here dad.” I frown. “Bella, [Name]... I just got you two back.” I squeeze my eyes shut having a feeling where this is about to go so we can leave and as much as I don’t want her to go there we need to go. “And if I don’t get out now I’m going to get stuck here like mom did and I don’t want this for [Name] either.” Charlie looks stunned and we take that to our advantage, pushing through him and out of the door. We rush to her truck and she drives away. 
I glance back and see him staring out of the window.
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quibbs126 · 4 months
Could you possibly make a fankid for Earl Grey and Esterhazy? I imagine the pair having a relationship similar to Morticia and Gomez Adams, and also that Earl adopted the Chess Choco twins.
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This one was a particularly interesting one, this is Cremeschnitte
So I’m gonna be real, I’m not entirely sure what her character is. Originally when I was making her, I was just thinking she was a big girl who likes being fancy but has a really big and buff body that she she’s not the most fond of
Which I’m realizing is still fine, it’s just that as I was drawing her outfit I got a different vibe, particularly like a school/academy theme? But I don’t know if she’d be a student or a teacher. But now her colors remind me of the Holiday Express, so now I’m saying she works there
But yeah, I don’t have the most solid ideas for her character, sorry
Oh and also that she used to be much smaller as a child
Anyways, on to design things
So first off, her original name was going to be Medovik Cookie, that being a light colored cake, and she was generally going to be more Cookie based, with me trying to figure out how to mix werehound traits, but then I had remembered seeing someone else’s fankids involving Choco Werehound Brute, and so I thought “why don’t I make mine more werehound like?” And so in the process her name changed from Medovik Cookie to Cremeschnitte
And similarly to Medovik, that’s her name because it was a light colored cake
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So I realize that her dough color is lighter and more yellow than either Earl Grey or Esterhazy, but I made it that color because of how yellow the reference cake was. Though to be honest it ends up reminding me more of the regular Cake Hounds, especially with the white on top
The only real Cookie mixing I gave her was trying to make her snout less rectangular and have the top be more circular, if that makes sense. Also her lacking the ears or whatever Esterhazy has. I also feel like I may have made her head a bit too big, but I mean, I guess it works with her half Cookie status?
Also for my first time drawing a werehound, I don’t think I did that bad. Though granted, plenty of her body is covered by other things, so I don’t know how good it’d look doing it again
Honestly her hair required a lot of minor tweaking because it kept just looking off to me. Her hair was also supposed to be like some sort of braid, but I don’t know how well that came off. But overall looking at the final product, I think her hair looks nice
As for her outfit, I was kind of just making stuff up as I go, all I really had was that she wore a dress, and everything else just kind of happened along the way
But overall, I think she turned out quite well, and I hope you like her too!
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neowinestainedress · 2 years
shattered glasses (all distorted) | lee jeno
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title: shattered glasses (all distorted) | part 1 | masterlist | playlist
pairing: lee jeno x fem!oc/reader (no name used, written in third person) | side member: jeong jaehyun, oc's brother!jaemin | mentioned: lee haechan, park jisung, lee mark, suh johnny
genre: smut, fluff, angst, yandere-ish
summary: there’s only one way to survive in a cage made of rose-colored glasses: don’t shatter the glasses, reality will be painful to accept. 
warnings: yandere behaviours, stalking, possessiveness, (a LOT of) gaslighting, love-bombing, fights, violence, implied undefined mental health issues, dark themes overall, smut, voyeurism, masturbation (implied public masturbation), overstimulation, dumbification, oral sex (f/m), unprotected sex, dirty talk, praise, degradation, mentions of anal f receiving, Jeno is not mean as in the first one, but it doesn’t mean he’s better (sigh) | this one is darker than the first one so PLEASE read the warnings and make sure nothing triggers you. Just like the first one, it has no intentions of romanticizing these types of relationships, it’s simple fiction, written to dig deeper into morally grey characters and toxic behaviours that happen even in real life. If you recognize any of these signs of manipulation in your or your friend’s relationship reach out for help.
words: 28.723k
a/n: this was a lot to write, twisted my stomach but I also loved doing it. It would mean a lot to know what you think about it with comments, reblogs or asks. Especially how you feel about the ending because I had so many different ideas in mind and yeah, I’d love to hear your thoughts!
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If you click ‘read more’ you agree you consent to what you’re reading and you’re fully responsible for the media you consume.
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“Hi, bunny.” 
Her face lit up when she raised it and met Jeno’s eyes. “Hi, love.” Her voice came out loudly, cheering happily as she pushed closed the door of the bar she worked at. The spring breeze ruffled her hair. “I wasn’t expecting you to pick me up.” 
Jeno smiled, leaning down to leave a peck on her lips and giving her his arm so she could intertwine it with hers. “Finished earlier and I missed you, so I thought of passing by. Also, you know I don’t like it when you take the metro.” 
She chuckled, “I’m safe, nothing bad will happen to me.” It had been by now six months since they were dating, to be more correct, since they got back together. Forgiving him and trusting him again hadn’t been easy but not even as hard as she imagined, it was like Jeno had put a spell on her and he was also really good at being forgiven. He took care of her in a way nobody else ever did, maybe too much care. 
“Everything fine?” Jeno asked when, sitting in his car seat, he quickly turned around to stare at her and saw how she was nervously playing with her fingers. 
“Yeah, just, uhm… nothing.” 
Jeno quirked a brow before starting the car, looking at the street to make sure he could get out of the parking lot, but he had no intention to drop the conversation. “What’s going on? Is something bothering you?” 
“Not really, I just… Okay, there’s a new guy at work, and I don’t like the attention he gives me.” 
Jeno almost messed up changing the gear but the tone of his voice was composed as he tried to dig deeper. “Attention?” 
She nodded, thumb trapped in her teeth as she pulled her skin hard. 
He glanced at her, “Don’t do it, you’ll bleed,” he said, grabbing her hand and intertwining it with his, placing them on the stick. “What’s his name?” 
“Oh, you don’t even know him. But it’s fine, I guess he thinks I’m single. He’s nice, though, it’s just clear he’s trying to hit,” she chuckled, smiling dumbly at the way Jeno’s hand squeezed hers tighter. But Jeno didn’t find it funny at all. 
“Of course, he doesn’t know…” The words come out in a whisper, and for a moment he thought about stopping with this bullshit of keeping her a secret. “If he keeps bothering you let me know.” 
“Yeah, but you don’t have to worry. Tomorrow I’ll tell him I’m not single and I’m sure he will stop.” 
“I hope so,” Jeno grunted, letting go of her hand, placing it on her tight, because if he held it as tight as he was holding the wheel he would’ve broken her bones. 
“Can I stay at your place?” She asked when silence fell in the car.
A soft smile crept on Jeno’s face, “Sure, to be honest, you’re always there anyway so why would it bother me today?” 
“I don’t know…” she answered, leaving the phrase pend in the air. 
“Is this again about him?” 
“Who? Jaehyun?” 
“Jaehyun? So that’s his name?” He impressed his name in his brain, with the memo of reminding himself to dig deeper into him. 
“Yeah, but I told you, you have nothing to worry about.” 
“Then what is this about?” 
“My dad, Jeno. We had another fight,” she confessed, sighing heavily, and rubbing her temples in circles. 
“Another?” He asked, holding the wheel tighter. 
“Yeah, you know, the usual. He says he wasted money on me and that I’m a failure. He wants me to pay to live at their place.” 
“Are you for real?” Jeno’s tone got scarier and she turned around to reassure him, but her smile was fake and Jeno knew exactly what her fake smile looked like. “Don’t play with me.” 
“I just don’t want to think about him. You know he always says the same things and then never does anything.” She leaned against the window pane, hoping Jeno would’ve let go. Her relationship with her father had worsened in the last months. Since Jaemin moved out and got an amazing job in a company, her humble work at the bar was something to be ashamed of. And to add to the humiliation her parents felt since she still lived with them, they also rubbed in her face that she was always out — too much for their liking, as if they ever care to worry about them or what they were doing when they were the ones always around the globe for work. 
Jeno was about to talk again but decided to keep his mouth shut, turning on the radio because he couldn’t stand the silence between them. 
But there was something bothering him, thoughts running in his brain the whole evening, running so fast that a painful headache was starting to form. He shook his head, trying to push them out, but the more he stared at her, cuddled up against him on the sofa, laughing at a joke from the tv show they were watching, the more they haunted him. 
“I think you should move in with me.” 
She blinked repeatedly, not sure if he was talking to her or maybe was saying something out of nowhere. 
“I mean it, move in with me.” 
She scoffed, shaking her head, shifting in her seat to have a better view of his face. 
“Do I even have to remind you that you still don’t want my brother to know? Or wait, nobody has to know.” 
Jeno huffed, sighing loudly. “And? Do they have to know where you live?”
She furrowed, was he being serious? 
“And what do I do? Come here without telling my parents?” 
“Just tell them you’re moving out. They don’t want you there anymore. And, it’s not like they’d come visit you anyway. You’re not Jaemin, you don’t get any special treatment.” 
She didn’t answer, gulping because yes, he was right, but why did he have this habit of being so honest? Even if he didn’t have bad intentions he always hurt her so badly. 
“Don’t do that,” he said, making her lift her gaze again. “You know they don’t care about you, not like I do,” he added, caressing her cheek, gently rubbing his thumb on her skin. “You deserve so much better, bunny.” 
She hummed before turning around to face the tv again but this time with a heavy heart. “I — I’ll think about it.” 
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“I don’t understand why you always treat me like this!” She screamed, slamming the door of her bedroom, knowing that for sure her father was going to get even madder. And as expected, the door slammed open. 
“Slam the door again and I’ll kick your ass out of this house. You have no idea of all the sacrifices we had to do to build up everything we have and you are a disgrace to your family.” 
“Honey, let her be,” her mother tried to calm him down, but her husband had no intention to listen. 
“Let her be? We gave up, paid for her art school, and look at her now, working in a fucking bar. And all she does is cry. Grow up. Be at least a quarter of what your brother is and then you’ll have my respect.” 
She fell to the floor, hugging her body to try to push her father’s harsh words away but it was a trick that didn’t work anymore. It never worked, not even when she was ten, and hid under the bed, hoping the pain would go away just like that. 
“I’m sorry,” she cried. “I’ll look for a better job, I’ll pay the bills, I’ll be the daughter you want me to be.” 
“You will never be her,” her father spat out before the door slammed close again. 
Her first reaction was to grab her phone and search for her boyfriend’s contact but then she stopped. Jeno would’ve told her once again that they didn’t love her and didn’t deserve her but those weren’t the words she wanted to hear. She even thought about calling Jaemin, but he had never been one to support her. He probably hated her more than her parents did. Calling her friends was off the table, they didn’t know what was going on behind closed doors and they couldn’t know. 
So the only solution was to lay on the cold floor and let tears flood her face, trying to don’t be too loud because she got on her family’s nerves even if she breathed too loudly. 
But while she laid there, she thought about what to do about her life. 
Of one thing she was sure, she couldn’t keep going on like this. 
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“You feel weird?” Her best friend, Ningning, had asked her, a cute furrow on her face because she couldn’t understand what her friend meant exactly by that. 
“It’s a weird sensation, I don’t know how to explain,” she sighed, letting her head fall on the bed, watching her get ready for a night out she couldn’t go. 
“Maybe you just need to take your mind off this whole new ‘revolutionising your life’ thing,” Ningning proposed, turning around on the chair, while she applied the blush on her cheeks. “Come to the party.”
“I can’t,” she sighed, hugging the pillow. It had been around two weeks by now since she started trying to make her father happier, nothing had changed for now, but she was hoping for better results soon. She started sending her resume to different companies and was also looking for a small apartment she could afford on her own. 
“Hyuck told me Jeno will be there, too,” Ningning said, raising a brow and smirking. 
“Hyuck? Really? Are you two…?” 
“Shut up, this is not about us. Focus on Jeno, I saw the way he was looking at you the last time we went out.”
Right… Jeno. Jeno and all of her friends not knowing what was going on between them. Jeno and the break she took with him two weeks ago so she could fully focus on her life. 
“I don’t have a crush on him anymore,” she replied, sitting on the bed, looking for her phone because she wanted to make sure Jeno wasn’t going to the party with them. But then guilt took over, they had barely spoken in the past days, just a morning and night text every day and some casual checks up two days a week, that was all she could afford; he was too much of a distraction. But it didn’t seem fair to break her own rules because she was afraid of him being surrounded by pretty girls without her around. 
“Are you sure?” Ningning smirked, fixing her black dress, grinning at her friend from the mirror. 
“Yeah,” she sighed, standing up from the bed. “By the way, you look amazing, and I have to go back home.” 
Ningning smiled at the compliment but then her face turned serious, “Wait, about that feeling,” she stopped her before she could get out of the door. “My mom’s a therapist, maybe she can help you with that. You’re really stressed lately,” the blonde cooed, cupping her cheeks and leaving a peck on her forehead. “I want my cheerful baby back.” 
She chuckled, kissing her friend’s cheek before opening the door. “I’ll reach out to her if things get worst.” 
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Jeno didn’t want to appear like a perverted psycho, obsessed with her, but he couldn’t understand how everything seemed to be completely fine for her. 
Why didn’t she miss him like he missed her? 
Why was she always so happy? Not that he wanted her to be miserable but wasn’t she going through some shit? So why was she always smiling? Especially with Jaehyun. 
To be completely honest, Jeno didn’t want to stare, not the first time, at least. It happened that he casually passed by the bar she worked at and saw her, giving him her back, cleaning a table that was close to the window but not enough that she could see him. A smile formed on his face, after five days he finally saw her again, soft hair pulled back into a bun by the silk rubber band he had gifted her and her delicate smile dimpling her cheek.
That was all Jeno needed to see to make his day better, right before someone else appeared in his line of sight. A man who must have been no older than four years of them, he was tall, and from the white T-shirt that hugged his body, Jeno could glimpse the outlined muscles beneath the thin fabric. Light brown hair fell softly over his forehead, long enough to cover his dark eyes if he did not move it with his hands. 
But Jeno could care less about him as a person. Why was he so close to her? Why was she laughing with him? Why was she touching him? What could he possibly have said that was so funny that she felt the need to rest her hand on his bicep and smile at him like that, tilting her head, pinching her tongue between her teeth, and scrunching her nose? 
Repressing the urge to enter by slamming the door and dragging her away from him was difficult, but after taking a deep breath he decided to leave. The blood boiled in his veins, and he could not get those images out of his mind. They ran through his mind like the end credits of a movie, something he did not want to see but his mind replayed and replayed as if it wanted to torture him.
So it was just obvious that the next day Jeno found himself there again. 
Jeno had no idea anymore about the shifts she was working, he knew what it was like to work in that bar, practically never the same routine because there was always someone with problems popping up at the last minute. But by the middle of the week, Jeno seemed to get the hang of it. 
She was working every day, all day. Excluded the few hours when she went out, presumably to go to job interviews with the agencies she had contacted. He even wondered how legal all of that was but once again, he wasn’t surprised knowing the place. 
But why?
He huffed, taking off his jacket as he died from the heat even though the car, parked in a strategic place that allowed him to see without being seen, was not started. He had discovered that parking lot a few months earlier, total causality, but he had always liked it because there was something thrilling about being able to spy on her from a distance. And luckily, it was coming in handy now. 
‘How are you doing? Everything okay at home?’
There it was; the first extra message of the week was gone and he could only hope to receive a response that would reassure him. 
But the answer was not coming, and he was beginning to lose patience, puffs of air escaping noisily from his lips as his slender fingers and feet in the black converse tapped at a pace present only in his mind. 
His nervous movements stopped when he saw her exit the bar, smiling as she held the door for someone else. 
His eyebrows curved as his lips rippled in an expression mixed between confusion and anger. Eyes darkening as the two leaned back against the short wall to...eat? 
Jeno’s eyes moved quickly to the watch around his wrist. 
4 p.m. 
Definitely too late for lunch.
A snack? While they laughed together? And stayed so close to each other?
“Fuck,” he muttered, wanting to roll down the window to hear what they were talking about, but to do so he would’ve had to start the car and they would’ve surely heard him. “Why the fuck does she always laugh so hard when she’s with him?”
Then he remembered that she still didn’t answer, and his fingers tightened even more firmly around the steering wheel. Only to relax when she reached for her phone to answer...
“She’s not answering?” He whispered, watching in disbelief as she said something to him before putting the phone back in her pocket and smiling once again at something he said. 
“Who the fuck does he think he is?”
Jeno had no idea who he was, but he was sure he was going to find out.
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When another week had passed, she was wrecked. Not only the full shifts to make some more money were mentally and physically killing her, but that weird sensation seemed to be growing instead of disappearing. She felt constantly watched and Ningning kept telling her that it was just stress, she just needed to relax, or maybe call an exorcist because ‘you’re never sure about the people who have died inside your house and never left.’ 
But she rolled her eyes at her friend’s words, deciding that the best solution was the first. 
So she laid on her bed, luckily for her, her parents weren’t home, so she had this whole Sunday night to herself. 
The temptation to call Jeno was high. She missed him like crazy and even if she wouldn’t have called him over, maybe hearing his voice through a call was better than trying to reminisce him, his tone, his sinful words, or his touches. 
But then she decided not to. 
She had learned a lot of things in these past months, but she was still a bit ashamed of talking about this and the idea of sexting, or whatever it was called, so that stopped her from picking up her phone. 
She could use some imagination. So she tried to replicate what Jeno did. Letting her hands wander on her body, slowly, taking time to let all her nerves wake up and get drunk at the sensation. It wasn’t like getting touched by him, the goosebumps erupting from her skin weren’t even close to the ones that Jeno’s fingers provoked, but it was better than nothing. 
When the teasing got too much, not satisfying her enough, she slipped out of her clothes, laying bare on her bed, sheets crumpled at the end of the mattress as she tried to relax against the soft surface. Her fingers already knew the path, tracing down her skin by memory until they reached the spot she needs to touch the most. Fingertips circling on her clit after gathering the wetness that pooled out of her. 
Her head rolled back as her fingers quickened the pace, moving fast to reach the first climax that already made her feel better, but it still wasn’t enough. So her fingers slipped inside her with ease, pumping and curling inside of her the same way Jeno did, they didn’t reach as deep as him, and she felt like she didn’t know herself as deeply as Jeno did, but if she closed her eyes, she could see him. His body hovering over hers, one hand to keep himself up, pressing on the mattress close to her head, while the other was buried deep into her. Praising how good she was taking him, how messy she was, how desperate she was for him. Already looking wrecked just with a touch. 
“Fuck,” she moaned loudly when she came for the second time, walls clenching around her fingers and chest heaving. 
She stood there for a while, combatted between stopping there or doing more. But then her needs took over and she turned around to search for something in her bottom drawer. 
The toy Jeno had gifted her. 
She could still remember how embarrassed she was when he gave it to her, but she couldn’t deny that it had turned out useful. Not that Jeno ever left her without him for long, but during those rare occasions when they weren’t together, or when they wanted to do something different, she liked it. 
She brought it to her lips, slowly starting to suck it to get it wet, and then pushed it past her entrance, the tip stretching her out before she let it fill her completely. 
“Mhh, so good,” she breathed out, eyelashes fluttering as she moved it in and out. Legs parting more to make it reach deeper and angle it better exactly how she liked it. 
“Jeno,” she started moaning out his name, eyes closed as her brain pictured him instead, his touch still lingering on her skin, his moans filling her ears, his cock rubbing against her insides. 
“Jeno,” she screamed. It was like she could hear him. As if he was right there, at the edge of the bed, staring at her, boring holes into her skin. 
“Je — Jeno,” she breathed out, so close to coming again… 
Her blood froze in her veins when a loud sound came from outside and the bushes moved. She gulped, toy falling to the side when she pulled it out so fast that she almost hurt herself. Her legs started shaking more, and this time not from pleasure, as she slowly started walking to the window after throwing a blanket on herself. She looked outside, but there was nothing, or better, nobody. She took a breath of relief, maybe it was a stray cat or the wind, it surely was that. 
But when she turned back, she saw her phone on the bedside table, forgotten while she was trying to destress. She walked to it, not even knowing why, but worrying when she saw so many texts from Jeno’s contact but her heart dropped for another reason as she scrolled through them. 
“I miss you.” 
“I know I shouldn’t text you.” 
“I know it’s hard for you but I can’t help it.” 
“I’m thinking about you.” 
“I’m thinking about you while I’m touching myself.” 
“I miss your mouth so much.” 
“are you thinking about me when you touch yourself?” 
“your fingers are not like mine” 
“I wouldn’t stop like you”
“I’d make you come over and over just with them” 
“Are you thinking about me while you pretend – 
That that toy can satisfy you like my cock” 
“what I’d give to feel you again.” 
“to have you spread like this on my bed.” 
“Moan my name” 
“I want to hear you”
“you’re so fucking hot when you’re about to come”
She looked around in panic, holding the blanket that was covering her tighter, and ran back to close the blinds. That was just a coincidence, right? He simply missed her and masturbated thinking about her and as a mere coincidence she was doing it too. He must’ve only guessed she was fingering herself, and that she was sucking her toy before fucking herself with it. Probably he was drunk and was just ranting about how badly he missed her. 
It had to be a creepy, odd coincidence. 
She would’ve talked to him the next day. 
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“I was thinking that if you need a good job maybe my dad could set you up somewhere,” Jeno proposed. They had finally met after what felt like decades, it wasn’t the type of date Jeno wanted to have — grocery wasn’t exactly how he wanted to spend time with her — but it was better than nothing. 
“If my dad finds out I work for your dad he’d be even madder about it. And why would your father hire me? Because I’m your girlfriend? He doesn’t even know it. And I don’t want to get a job like this.” 
“Well, but you’re smart, I’m sure he can find a place for you.” His father was never a presence emotionally but when it came to money and favors he believed they could replace a hug or a word of comfort, so Jeno was sure he could help.
She shook her head, cancelling something from the list before pushing the kart again. 
“Thanks, but no, I’m dealing with this by myself.” 
Jeno hummed, looking at her while she searched for something on the shelves. “I miss you,��� he said for the nth time. “I know why you’re doing this, I know I promised I was going to wait for you but… not seeing you at all is too much.” 
She turned around, pushing him to the side to let an old lady walk next to them. “You think it’s not hard for me? You are the only good thing I have in my life right now and I’m pushing it away to make proud of me a man that probably will never be. How do you think I feel?” 
“But that’s the point. You’re doing this for your father, not for you. When will you put yourself first and stop trying to please others? Especially him. He paid you dust all your life, and gave everything to Jaemin. You could be the Ceo of Samsung one day and it still won’t be enough for him so why are you tearing your happiness apart for him?” 
She swallowed hard, “Lower your voice, please.” 
Jeno scoffed, pushing the kart past her, and ripping the list from her hands. 
“Jeno, stop,” she said, running after him. “I don’t want to talk about this in public.” 
“Sure, or you don’t want to talk about this at all because you’re too busy licking his boots, right?” 
She stopped, feeling on the verge of tears again. “You’re supposed to be my happy place not another source of pain,” she replied, facing him and glaring at him. 
“I’m sorry,” he apologized immediately, pulling her into a hug. “I’m sorry, I know this is a lot for you but it gets me so mad seeing you crawl for him when he doesn’t deserve you. But at the end of the day he’s your father,” he said, pulling away, caressing her nape, “and I can’t come between you two. I’m sure you’ll make him proud.” 
She lowered her head, rubbing her hands against her arms before she started walking again. 
“Hey, I’m sorry.”  
“I know, I… I know you are. I promise you just until I find a better job and then we’ll get back to before.” 
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“He offered you a job?” Ningning squealed, looking at her in disbelief, and shaking Yeri’s shoulders. 
“Are you sure it’s not a scam? Didn’t he just start working at your bar?” 
“He needed some money to have more safety for his and his friend’s business. But when he heard about my degree he was so happy to propose me a place.” 
“Oh, well, that’s good then. I hope it turns well for you, you deserve it.” Her friend cheered, finally happy she could stop stressing over work. 
“Yeah, and now I can also finally spend more time with J — with you, I had missed you so much.” 
“Talking about that,” Ningning said, a grin curling her lips, “Hyuck’s throwing a night at his place. He told me to bring some friends.” 
“Oh, I think I’ll pass.” 
“Weren’t you happy two seconds ago about spending time with us?” Yeri asked, pouting at her and crossing her arms in front of her chest. 
“Yeah, but you know I don’t get along with his friends, we only got close to them because apparently, these two can’t stop fucking.” 
“Hey! Watch your words,” Ningning warned with a threatening pointy finger. “I’m sure it will be fun, come on.” 
“I don’t know, I’ll let you know tomorrow, okay?” 
“You can be so boring sometimes,” the blonde joked, “but it’s fine, we get it if you want to get some of the sleep you didn’t have these weeks.”
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“Bunny?” Jeno answered the phone. “Is everything okay?” 
“Yeah, never been better.” 
“Never been better? What happened?” He wanted to ask if her father died but seeing the way she reacted to critics against him it was better not to. 
“I found a job!” She exclaimed cheerfully. 
“Really? That’s amazing, bunny. What company hired you?” He should’ve gone back inside to work, but he was more focused on this. He could finally have her back. 
“Well, it’s not exactly a company,” she explained. “It’s a new business but it’s related to what I studied for. Jaehyunnie was so hyped when I casually talked about my studies that he immediately offered it to me. I had an interview this morning with his other friend that technically will be our boss when we’ll fire ourselves from here and he was so happy about me —”
“Wait, wait, wait…” he said, stopping her in her tracks. “Jaehyunnie?” 
“Oh, yeah, Jaehyun. Remember? The new guy at the bar.” 
“And you got so close that you call him by that nickname?” 
“Yeah, I basically taught him everything, it was impossible not to get close to. He’s a really nice friend. And most importantly he gave me this job.” 
Jeno scoffed. 
“What’s so funny?” She asked, not understanding his reaction, smile dropping because she expected him to be happy. 
“No, nothing. When I wanted to offer you, my girlfriend, a job, a well-paid one, in an already started business it was a nasty way to get there with connections, but this is fine.” 
“It’s different,” she replied, her enthusiasm dying as soon as she heard his tone. 
“Oh, really, how? No wait, I know how. You let a stranger help you terribly but not your boyfriend.”
“But — but it’s what I like to do. You said that I shouldn’t have crawled for my father but do what I like.” 
“Yes, but do something that gave you an opportunity. If he had this job why would he work there?”
“It’s already a started business, they’re simply bringing it to Seoul and finally with a physical building. I thought you were going to be happy for me…” Her heart sank in her chest, this was the last reaction she expected. 
“I am, I’m so happy for you. I hope it won’t let you down.” 
“You’re not really —”
“I have to go, bye.”
When the phone shut down, she felt a bitter taste in her mouth. Grunting, she let her body fall against the bed, the sheets hollowing around her frame. She couldn’t get why he acted like this. Why couldn’t he just be happy for her? 
She thought about calling him again or texting him to explain the situation again, but she was too happy to deal with his mood swing, so she grabbed her phone again and texted Ningning instead. 
‘If you save some time to celebrate me, I’m coming to Hyuck’s place.’ 
It took Ningning two seconds to respond and making her smile again.
‘Ofc! I knew I could count on you.’ 
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‘I’m sorry for the way I reacted the other day. I know how big you dream I’m afraid he might get your hopes up and you will be even more hurt, and you know why…’ 
‘Make-up dinner at my place? I’ll pick you up at 7?’ 
She sighed, watching the phone light up just when she was done getting ready for the small gathering with the others. She couldn’t lie to him, Hyuck would’ve told him if she went there, and there were high chances Jaemin was going to be there too. So one way or another, Jeno was going to find out the truth. 
‘I can’t tonight, I already have plans. Sorry.’ 
That was not the message Jeno expected to see. 
That was not a message Jeno wanted to see. 
‘Plans? With who?’ 
He typed it out calmly, but inside of him something bubbled, leg throbbing nervously as he waited for an answer that was slow to come. 
What the fuck was she doing? What games what she playing? 
‘I wanted to ask you if you went when I called you yesterday, but then you got mad and I didn’t.’ 
‘I’m going with the girls to Hyuck’s place.’ 
His body froze. 
Haechan? Since when she liked his company? And why the fuck he knew nothing about this? 
‘Is he throwing a party?’ He typed because it was the calmest question that was running in his brain as he walked to his bedroom to change into new clothes immediately. 
‘he didn’t tell you?’ 
‘well, anyway it’s just something small. And it’s also a small celebration for me.’ 
He groaned, picking up the phone and calling her. 
“Where are you?” 
“What do you mean where I am?” She answered, surprised by his tone, a mix between angry, worried and something else she couldn’t point out. 
“Where the — where are you?” He calmed down, opening the front door to jump into his car. “I’ll take you there.” 
“You don’t have to. Ning is coming, it’s the only way to don’t make her pass out.” 
“I don’t care, I’ll pick you up.” 
“You didn’t even know about the party, why can’t I go alone?” 
Jeno stopped the car, afraid he was going to get in an accident. “Now you want to go there alone? Am I getting heavy?” 
“No, I didn’t say that. But, we have to be extremely careful and we can’t be together anyway so just stay at home.” 
Jeno clenched his fist around the wheel. 
“Why do you even want to go there?” 
“To spend time with the girls,” she replied, trying to muffle the annoyed sighs that were threatening to roll out.  
“As if they will spend it with you,” he snorted. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Ningning will be all up Haechan in less than half an hour and Yeri will be kissing Mark as soon as you step inside. What are you left with? Your brother and Jisung?” 
“It’s not a party, they won’t leave to make out…” she mumbled, starting to get nervous, nervously fidgeting with the zip of her dress. 
“Why don’t you just let me pass by and I’ll celebrate you?” 
“You weren’t even happy about my job,” she replied bitterly.
“I explained it to you, please.” 
“They are here,” she replied when the bell rang, grabbing her purse, and rushing to the door. “We’ll see each other another time.” 
Jeno punched the wheel before he started driving to Haechan’s place anyway. He wasn’t going to let her go alone. 
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The party, or night together, was a bit of a bummer, right at the moment she didn’t want to prove Jeno right but his predictions came true. 
Her friends had disappeared and she was left alone with her brother, Jisung and two other people she had never met. 
She was even tempted to call Jeno, find lame excuses about how the party ended sooner and spend some time with him, but she didn’t want to humiliate herself like that. Sure, Jeno couldn’t know this had been a failure. 
But Jeno knew it. He had grown up in that house and he knew all the exact spots to see inside without being caught, also helped by Haechan’s habit of keeping all the blinds open. He could see her sitting on the couch, an empty glass in hand and a fake smile on her face as she talked to Jisung. 
‘having fun?’ 
He smiled when she grabbed her phone and smiled after reading his name, but his smile dropped as soon as she locked it again and didn’t answer. 
What was she doing? Was it a way to pretend she was so caught up in the party she had no time to answer him? Smart move, he had to give that to her. 
“Can you go call them?” She asked her brother when it was getting too much, and he rolled his eyes. 
“Why do you want to ruin their fun? Unlike you, they’re having it.” 
“They can fuck when they don’t have guests at home.” 
“They’re not fucking, you would hear them,” he grinned, backed up by Jisung, “but fine, I’ll go call them.” 
As soon as he left she grabbed her phone again, a small smile on her face while she answered Jeno’s texts. 
‘yep, it’s chill but nice. I missed the girls.’ 
‘and you?’ 
He smirked, shaking his head, before bringing it on her again, nervously scratching her neck and looking around. She was so out of place, he would’ve never got why she tried so hard to fit in them. 
‘like shit without you|’
‘like shit|’
‘going to sleep soon.’ 
‘can we see each other tomorrow? fix this like adults?’ 
But her answer never came since the girls came back downstairs and her phone slipped into the back of her mind. And Jeno almost hit the window with a punch, he didn’t like how easy it was for her to push him in the back of her mind. 
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“This room is so expensive; you spoil me too much.” The suite they were staying in for the weekend was luxurious, she had no idea how much Jeno had spent on it, but it was surely more than she could imagine, and for now, even afford. 
“Had to have you all to myself for a few days,” he replied, grabbing the bottle of champagne and winking at her. 
“I basically moved in with you.” She walked closer to him, sitting on the big crème armchair, watching attentively as he poured the alcohol into the flutes. 
“Basically, but not officially,” he reminded her, eyebrows raising, and a hint of bitterness in the tone of his voice. “Also, your new job is taking you away from me.” 
The laugh that rolled out of her mouth was carefree, but Jeno found it slightly annoying, he wasn’t kidding. The hours of her shifts were weird, and never the same, even if they wanted to, they couldn’t plan anything during the week. 
“So, that’s why you’re taking me away? This is like the third weekend we spent traveling around.” 
Jeno hummed, sitting on the armrest before handing her one of the two glasses. “Don’t you love it? You have me all to yourself for two days straight,” he said, caressing her cheek, before his hand moved down her neck, making her close her eyes at the tickling touch. “No work,” he whispered, taking a gulp of champagne and kissing her, passing the liquid into her mouth, making her squirm and moan once she swallowed. “No annoying father,” he added, kissing her again, tongue playing with hers. “No worries,” he finished, pulling away, placing the glasses on the closest table and pulling her in his arms. 
No friends. And especially no Jaehyun. He wanted to add, but those were thoughts he had to keep to himself. 
So instead of thinking of them, he laid her on the bed, he was going to make her forget about them in another way. 
“Let me take care of you,” he hummed, kissing her jawline, nibbling her earlobe, and making her giggle. “What’s so funny?” 
She shook her head, “I’m sensitive there, it’s ticklish.” 
He smiled, “Do you mind if I kiss you… here?” His lips landed on her neck, precisely on the spot between her jaw and neck, sucking it and pulling away with a loud pop. And then he moved down, kissing her collarbone. His hands promptly pulled her dress off her, revealing her body to him. “The set I got you, uh?” 
She nodded, arms covering her chest, the bralette pushing her boobs up, making her feel exposed. 
“Still hiding from me, bunny? Really?” 
“I’m not used to seeing myself in these things…” she confessed.
Jeno snickered, hand moving behind her back, unclasping it. “Off it goes, then.” 
A moan slipped loudly out of her mouth when his lips wrapped around her nipples, sucking avidly, already making her squirm at the bare touch. 
He had her in the palm of his hands, it was so easy to maneuver her. 
“Will make you feel so good bunny, you will even forget your name,” he whispered after pulling away from her with a loud sound. “Need you to be relaxed, can’t stand seeing you come home from work and be exhausted,” he whispered, moving his hand on her laced panties, rubbing his fingers on her lips, already feeling the fabric get wetter. 
“Please,” she mumbled, the word coming out muffled as she kept her lips trapped in her teeth. 
Jeno chuckled, “Please? You want that baby?” He hummed, fingers pressing harder on her clit as he moved them in circles. “Want me to turn you into a brain-empty bunny?” 
“Yes, please,” she replied, voice barely higher than a whisper, while she forced her eyes open to look at him. Chest already raising faster as he kept teasing her, moving his fingers up and down on the panties, not leaving a single inch of her sensitive zone untouched. 
“Stop squirming, baby,” he ordered, keeping her in place by pressing an open hand on her stomach. “I won’t give you more, need you to be patient.” 
“But I want you,” she pleaded, still trying to stay still and listen to his orders, but it was quite hard when his fingers felt like a mocking tease, barely grazing her and then giving her what she wanted, a back and forth that was driving her insane. 
“I know, bunny, I know, but good girls aren’t greedy, remember?”
She hummed, giving up, it was useless, he always got what he wanted anyway. 
“Come here,” he ordered, swiftly getting off the bed, and waiting for her to follow. “Now,” he ordered when she was staring at him with a confused — slightly disappointed — look on her face. “On your knees,” he said, watching attentively as she positioned on the floor in front of him. “Oh, look at your face, bunny. Eager to suck my cock?” 
She nodded, a shy smile on her face, “You never let me do it…” she whispered, hesitantly placing her hands on his belt, waiting for his nod to start undressing him. “Sometimes I fear I’m not good at it.” 
“Oh, honey, no,” he cooed, thumb caressing her cheek, smirking when her eyes lightened up when she freed his cock from his underwear. “You’re so good, came so far from the messy girl of your first time, remember?” 
“Unfortunately,” she whispered, lowering her gaze, but Jeno cupped her face and forced her up. 
“Look at me, bunny. Keep your eyes on me when you take it all in your mouth, you can do it, right?” She nodded, tongue rolling out, waiting for him to push his tip inside. “Good bunny,” he praised, hand moving back to grab her hair and gently push her on his hard cock. “If you’re good I’ll give you everything you want. I’ll fuck you all night, baby, you want that? Yes, you do, come on, suck it.” 
In a second her head started moving back and forth, at first slowly, wetting it before she started sucking with force. 
“Fuck,” Jeno groaned, throwing his head back, tightening the hold on her hair but not forcing her head against him, giving her complete control. “You’re so good, bunny. So fucking good.” 
The praise got to her head, ass swinging side to side as she shifted closer to him and started reaching deeper, the tip of his cock hitting her throat, nose rubbing against his abs with every thrust. She could feel she was already making a bigger mess in her panties, the way Jeno was looking down at her and how deep his moans were, almost making her come on the spot. 
And Jeno loved how concentrated she was even if she was barely holding it together, always such a good girl, his good girl. A cute furrow creating deep creases on her forehead and big eyes looking up into him.
“That’s it,” he groaned, nails grazing her neck, causing more moans to vibrate around his length. “Want me to fuck you?” He asked, dark eyes staring deeply into hers while she nodded eagerly. “Beg for it,” he ordered.
She was about to pull away but Jeno pushed her flush against him, keeping her there, looking up with confused eyes. “I said, beg me to fuck you.” 
He chuckled deeply when she gagged around him, gargling around his size while she tried to speak, “I know you can’t talk, I don’t really care, you sound so pretty with your mouth stuffed. Beg.” 
She huffed, placing her hands on his thighs to hold herself somewhere and started muffling around him, not a single word made sense and it only caused her to make more of a mess, spit drooling down her chin to the floor.  
“Fuck,” Jeno groaned, throwing his head back. “You sound so pretty when you can’t form a single coherent thought, bunny. Just a mess in my hands, aren’t you?” 
She hummed, trying to nod but the hold he had on her barely made her move. 
“Want me to fuck you dumb, bunny? Yeah? Until your mind goes completely blank?” She nodded, gasping when he pulled her away, sucking in the air in her lungs with greed. 
“Yes, please, please. I want to — want to think about nothing at all.” 
Jeno smiled, thumb brushing her lips, smearing the mix of drool and cum before he pushed it deep into her mouth, thumb pressing on her tongue, triggering her gag reflex. “You don’t gag around my cock, though,” he chuckled while pulling out, cock twitching at her already fucked out eyes. He couldn’t wait to ruin her even more. 
“Open up again for me,” he instructed, a deep moan rumbling in his chest when she obeyed with no hesitation. “I’m gonna grab the back of your neck and fuck your pretty face just how I want,” he said, pushing into her, moving slowly, making her feel the veins of his dick, and pulling out just to tease her lips with his head, “and then I’ll give you all you want,” he groaned as he pushed in, “everything you deserve.” 
Jeno wasn’t gentle, he never was when he lost his mind at the sight of her looking like a mess under him, letting him do whatever he wanted. His hips slamming with force, the lewd sounds of his balls hitting her chin, and the gargling and gagging sounds he was eliciting out of her mouth. He couldn’t last when she started squirming and he knew she was trying to squeeze her thighs to feel something. 
“Fuck, fuck, that’s it, bunny. Take my cum,” he said through gritted teeth, keeping her still against him, while he came into her mouth, so deep into her throat, she had no choice but to swallow, not that she would’ve spat anyway. 
When Jeno pulled out she finally breathed again, head low as she tried to clean the mess on her face, not really making it better since it dripped on her body even more. 
“Jeno,” she screamed when he lifted her up without a warning. 
“What? I doubt you can walk to the bed,” he joked, kissing her and lying her on the soft mattress. “You did such a great job.” 
“No-now can you fuck me?” 
He chuckled at her shyness, shaking his head as he positioned himself between her legs, fingers hooking in the band of her panties, drenched panties, to roll them down her smooth legs. 
“I promised you I would, and I always keep my promises,” he winked before his fingers slipped into her, a broken moan sticking into her throat at the unexpected intrusion. “You’re so wet, you really love sucking my cock, don’t you?” 
She started to answer but Jeno shushed her, “Don’t talk, I don’t need your words, your body is already answering me.” After a few knuckles-deep thrusts, he pulled out, cleaning his fingers on her thighs before starting to pump his cock up and down. Jeno didn’t add any more words before parting her legs more and slowly pushing in, eyes closing as he enjoyed the sensation, every time like the first time. “You always feel so good, bunny, I will never get used to you, fuck.” 
The comment made her smile, eyes rolling in the back of her head, and hips rolling up against him, it was always so much and yet never enough. It was like Jeno made her addicted to him, every time slipping under her skin a bit more, a bit deeper, just enough until there was nobody else left inside of her. 
Just like right now, his big body caging her underneath him, almost folding her in two so easily, playing with her like a chess piece. A frown on his face as he concentrated on the deep and intense strokes inside of her. 
But it was almost as if there was something different, she had no idea if the expensive room had something to do with it, or maybe it was the dinner they had before, probably the alcohol, but her body was on fire, nerves out and head already empty. 
“Jeno,” she could barely sputter out, trying hard to focus on his frame. 
“Yes, bunny, just let go,” he replied before kissing her again, hips fucking against her in a steady rhythm that was already triggering another orgasm out of her. “I want your brain empty,” he moaned. “Don’t want you to worry about anything, just — just focus on me.” His finger quickly pressed against her clit, a buzzing sensation sparkling up in her body, climax hitting before she could even do anything, leaving her gasping with eyes open at the unexpected wave of pleasure. 
Jeno didn’t stop though, he had no intention of being nice that night, he meant it when he said he wanted her brain empty. 
She could barely whine in complaint when he pulled out, swiftly turning her over, strong arms turning her around as if she was lightweight, and that only made her cunt squeeze around nothing. In a few seconds his cock was inside her again, hitting deeper and harder. 
“So pretty, bunny, so fucking pretty,” he moaned, cupping her asscheeks with rough tugs.  
“Jeno, I —”
“I told you, you don’t have to think,” he groaned. “Need to fuck you harder. Come here.” He pulled out again and lifted her up in his arms, walking around the bed. 
She wanted to ask what he wanted to do and if standing up was a smart idea but his words shut her up, he knew what he was doing, she just had to trust him. A scream rippled out of her mouth when his arms slipped behind her knees, holding them up flat against her chest while his cock slipped into her again. Her head rolled back but Jeno groaned, “Keep your head up, I want you to look at me fuck you stupid.” 
Moans and whimpers rolled out of her mouth, barely thinking he already fucked her stupid, he couldn’t do more than this. But Jeno still proved her wrong, they never tried this position before and she felt like her breath was getting caught out. It wasn’t only the position, it was the way his toned arms were flexing with the struggle of fucking her up and down on him, it was the thin layer of sweat pearling his smooth skin, it was in the way his moans and groans hit right against her ear and drove her insane. 
Jeno was everywhere, all over her, inside and outside. 
“See how pretty you are? How good your pussy’s opening up to me?” 
She shook her head, too ashamed to let her eyes meet her reflection in the mirror right where their bodies were meeting. 
“Look down, come on bunny,” he ordered, locking his fingers behind her neck and forcing her head down. 
She moaned louder, the lewd image of cum dripping down his balls and to the floor and the wet sounds caused by his deep thrusts, making her toes curl up. 
“I’m — I’m clo-close,” she whimpered, tears starting to pool at the corners of her eyes. 
Jeno wanted to tease her and tell her to hold it but he couldn’t hold it anymore, and he wanted to wear her out. So his hips started moving faster, hitting her wet spot and making her come in his arms, triggering his orgasm too. He almost fell down on the bed before he laid her down on the mattress. 
“More, please, one more,” she begged, voice hoarse and eyes shiny from tears. “Want to feel you again.” 
“My stupid bunny wants more?” Jeno cooed, fingers slipping inside her, making her shiver, pumping in and out just to tease, thumb rubbing her clit sending sparks down her body. “Want more cock? Need more cock, bunny?” 
She hummed, lips trapped in her teeth, chest heaving, and sweat rolling down her forehead. 
A grin formed on his face before he pushed inside her again, “So warm and wet, bunny. So fucking good for me.” 
A fucked out smile showed on her face but there were truly no thoughts, not coherent at least, in her brain. Too fogged by pleasure and him. 
And Jeno was getting high at the sight of her, nobody else distracting her from him. It was only them. Chants of his name the only word that came out of her plump, swollen lips, together with soft moans and cries. 
“So, pretty, you’re — fuck — you’re so, so pretty,” he groaned, pulling her closer to him, lifting her hips, hitting deeper, fingers dipping with force in the skin of her waist. “My beautiful, precious bunny.” 
The praise shouldn’t have had that effect on her and her heart but it did, because after all that time it still felt surreal that she was his, that after years of yearning she was there, in his arms, that those words and that love were for her. It wasn’t a fantasy anymore, it was their reality. 
“Jeno,” his name came out like a scream, hips rolling back, making him slip even further, causing him to growl at the sight and how much he could feel her. He was about to lose it again, his brain spinning swiftly too as he got lost in the way his cock was stretching her, slipping back and forth with quick strokes. Cum spilling out of her. “Please.” 
“Please, what? Tell me what you want. If there’s any thought left in your empty brain, bunny, tell me what you need.” 
She gasped, nails clenching around the bedding, and jaw locked while hisses rippled out. “Your — your cum, please, please, please,” she wept, tears rolling down her burning cheeks, broken sobs muffling her moans. 
Jeno’s hips started slamming faster against her ass and thighs, so fast she wondered how he didn’t leave marks on her skin. His eyes rolled back when her cunt started squeezing around him with more force, barely giving him space to pull out and fuck into her. 
“Gonna come all over my cock?” He groaned, cupping her cheek, running his hand in her wet hair, before his thumb circled her cheek, rubbing the burning hot skin. “Yeah? All empty in the brain and full in your cunt?” 
“Y-yeah, please,” her voice broke in her throat when the pleasure became unbearable, back arching forming a bow and orgasm rushing all over her body leaving no trace of sanity behind. 
The groans coming from Jeno were groggy and deep, almost animalistic, cunt incredibly tight sucking him, cock throbbing inside her while spurts of white painted her insides. “Fuck,” Jeno muttered through gritted teeth, climax dimming slowly, eyes dropping on her face, tears still rolling copiously on her cheeks and lips letting out heavy puffs of air. 
“You okay?” He asked, lips leaving wet kissing on her jaw, fingers caressing her hair while he slowly pulled out, a river of cum dripping down on the mattress. She could barely nod, eyes already shut, and a small smile on her face. Jeno grinned, kissing her lips, and pulling her close in his arms, he would’ve cleaned her later. 
“I love you so much, bunny, even more when you go dumb on me.” 
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Jeno didn’t like it when she lied. And lately, it was happening too often. 
He didn’t even mind if she could feel that he was mad from the way he was looking at her, or that he seemed more distant. 
Why was she lying? Why was she treating Jaehyun like a secret? 
“You’re home already?” He asked surprised when he heard the sound of the keys in the slot door. He knew she was home, he was staring out of the window when he saw her get out of a car that wasn’t his, and not even of their friends, and he even knew who dropped her by. 
“Yeah, finished early,” she replied, rushing to him to leave a peck on his lips. “But I didn’t want to make you run there so I came alone.” 
“Took the metro?” He asked, raising a brow, staring at her as she stretched and slumped next to him on the sofa. 
She hummed without looking at him, busy trying to grab the remote controller to turn the tv on. 
“You know I don’t like when you take the metro,” he said, trying to don’t make his voice come out like a growl. No, he didn’t like the metro, but he liked it even less if Jaehyun drove her home. And he liked it even less when she lied to him. 
“I know, but as I said, I didn’t want to bother,” she replied, leaning close to him. He glared at her, but she couldn’t see. “It was empty anyway.” 
That wasn’t the first time she lied, but it was the last straw. 
They were mostly white lies, but Jeno couldn’t understand why she felt the need to tell them. What had happened to be honest with each other? And most importantly, what did she have to hide? 
He had to act. 
“Did you hear something about crime rates being higher, lately?” She asked out of the blue, it was late during a Wednesday night but they both were still up because they couldn’t sleep. 
“Crimes?” Jeno asked, tilting his head to look at her, expecting to find her with the phone in hand, maybe asking the question after reading an article. 
“Yeah…” she replied, “Jaehyun told me that he found all the tires of his car slashed,” she sighed, thinking about what he told her that morning, she couldn’t stop thinking about it. “He was terrified, didn’t sleep all night and was still shaking when he told me what happened.” 
Jeno had to suppress the smirk that was forming on his face and replaced it with a sad pout. “Oh, that sucks.” 
Oh, that worked. 
“But no, I didn’t hear anything, if that calms you down,” he added, upper body twisting so he could look at her and caress her face. 
She hummed, smiling at him. “He was so shaken that he took a week off, and I think he went to stay for a while at a friend’s place.” 
Jeno’s face wasn’t showing the emotions that were going through his mind. But he still couldn’t get why she cared so much about him. And all that for some slashed tires? What kind of man he was? 
“Maybe some time off will be good to think,” slipped out his mouth and she quirked a brow. 
“To think?” 
“Yeah, to process it. And realize that it surely must’ve been a mistake or you know, those teenagers that have fun making trouble.” 
“Oh,” she said, only then getting what he meant. “I guess so.” 
“He’s a grown man, anyway. I’m sure he has nothing to be afraid of.” 
She hummed, moving closer to him. “But it must suck being all alone. I’m so glad I have you, I have nothing to be afraid of.” 
Jeno smiled before kissing her. 
Maybe sanity was starting to fill her brain again. 
No, bunny, you have nothing to be afraid of as long as you have me.
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“How do I look?” She asked swirling around, showing off the thigh-length pink dress. 
“Beautiful, bunny. Where are you going?” 
“To the disco, the Kaleido.” 
“There?” He asked, a furrow on his face.
“Oh, nothing, not a big fan of that place,” he said, showing nonchalance, sure, not happy about her night out but also too lost in the way she looked. 
“You’ll start drooling if you keep looking at me like that,” she joked, drifting her eyes away from his intense gaze. It was the look he had on his face when he wanted to fuck her and she couldn’t say no to that look. But she really wanted to go out with her friends, she couldn’t let him keep her at home. 
“You look amazing in that dress,” Jeno hummed like a melody, getting up from the couch and hugging her. “But I’d love to see it on the floor.” 
“Not now, Jeno,” she replied, trying to push him off, smiling at the pout that formed on his face. He almost looked cute as if two seconds before he didn’t look like a starving animal eager to eat her alive. 
“Let me at least kiss you then.” Their lips met in a heated kiss before she could say anything. His hands cupped her ass and lifted her up. 
“Jeno,” she moaned in the kiss, heart jumping in her chest because she loved when he held her like this and he was the only thing keeping her from falling.
“What?” The smirk on his face was smug and in his voice there were hints of arrogance.
“You know we won’t stop if you keep doing this.” 
“Fine,” he sighed, letting her feet meet the floor again, looking at her in awe. “You know what I’m thinking?” 
She scoffed, “How badly you want to fuck me?” 
Jeno rolled his eyes, shaking his head. “How lucky I am to have you.” 
“Stop,” she whined, pushing him away playfully, trying to calm her heart from beating so fast. She hated how pathetic he made her. Like a teenage girl hearing her first compliment from her crush.  
“You truly are the best thing that ever happened to me.” 
She turned around, eyes skimming the clock before going back on him that was sitting on the couch again. “Are you trying to win my heart to get to my pussy?” 
“I was just telling you how much I love you,” he pouted before making her sit on his lap. “One kiss before you go?” 
She leaned in, kissing him with the intention of pulling back soon after but it was like Jeno was drawing her in, and in a second her hands were in his hair while his caressed her back. She really should’ve pulled back but instead, her body turned to him and when her hips started grinding against his lap, the groan that rolled out of Jeno’s lips was the last straw that made her change her mind. 
“You’re not going anywhere tonight,” he moaned, lifting her up, and flipping her body against the couch. 
His hands were fast on her body, lifting the pink dress over her shoulders, leaving her half exposed to him. 
“Gonna give you a good reason to make you stay here every time, so you don’t even think about going in a dirty, shitty disco club.” 
Her head rolled back, ashamed at how hot she found him and his voice. Ashamed that she found him so attractive when he turned so protective. 
“Jeno,” she cried out when he wrapped his lips around her covered cunt, wetting the panties as he sucked her lips and pulled away with a loud pop. “White lace, wore this for who? Some average man that doesn’t know how to fuck you right?” 
She shook her head, trapping her lip in her teeth when he started to rub her clit through the underwear. “For you.” 
“For me?” He snickered, tilting his head to the side. “And you were going to leave me?” 
“When I — when I came home,” she whined, rolling her head back in reaction to his mouth wrapping around her again. His slick soaking the panties with every rough movement of his tongue and lips working in sync. 
“They were already wet,” he hummed against her, nose rubbing against her clit, sparking fire into her. “Should be glad I added to mess to hide how desperate you are.” 
“Nngh,” she blubbered, nails scratching the sofa, moving her feet messily to get rid of the heels so she could plant herself on the surface under her. 
“That’s it, just moan for me, no need to answer. You are desperate. Always have been, always will be.” Jeno’s fingers pressed against her entrance, the cold of the wet panties sticking to her skin making her shiver even more, adding to the teasing of her hole begging to be filled and sucks on her clit. 
“You — you’re messy,” she breathed out, looking down at Jeno and how wet she was down there. 
“I am messy?” He asked, chuckling, pulling away, ripping the panties off her before facing her cunt again. “This,” he collected the cum dripping out of her, “it’s not mine. But if you want I can add to your mess,” he smirked before spitting loudly on her clit. Her head rolled back, eyes squeezing shut and lips parting open. “I will give you that we are messy.”
No reply came from her when he restarted where he had stopped, eating her out loudly and intensely. Strong hands wrapped around her thighs and ass to keep her spread open and deep moans vibrating through her body making her stomach twitch. 
It wasn’t possible to hold back the pleasure, so strong it was almost painful as he kept torturing her clit with sucks and licks, riding the waves of pleasure until she was left hiccupping on moans and sobs. 
“Jeno,” she screamed out, hands pushing on his head to pull him away. Shame creeping on her body when he lifted his head and his chin was covered in her juices.
“Fuck, I — I need to warn them I won’t go,” she breathed hard, lifting her upper body up, and turning around to look for her phone. 
“Searching for this?” Jeno asked, pulling it from behind him where her small black bag laid. 
She hummed, shaky hands searching for her friends’ contact as soon as she could and she was about to do it if only Jeno didn’t slip two fingers inside her, phone falling badly on her chest as the grip on it loosened. 
“Jeno, please.” 
“Text your friends,” he ordered, pumping his fingers faster. “Tell them you can’t go because getting fucked is so much better than dancing with them all night. Tell them how badly you need me and my body.�� 
The moan that rolled out of her lips was embarrassing, a natural affirmative response to his dirty insinuation. 
“I — I need to come up with — fuck — an excuse,” she cried, fingers typing out words before she cancelled them over and over again. 
“No excuses baby, tell them the truth. Tell them how desperate you are. Tell them how you started grinding on me like a bitch in heat.” 
“Fuck,” she moaned. Swiftly typing, ‘can’t come, period came before the due day, hurts like hell.’ 
“Did you tell them?” Jeno asked and she could feel the smirk on his face even if her eyes were closed. “No? You don’t want them to know? Want to keep this a secret all to ourselves?” 
“Yes,” she breathed out, hips jerking against his palm. “Need you.” 
“Oh, I know you do,” he cooed, pulling out to slap her clit sharply. “Dripped all over my hand, stained my new couch with your arousal.” 
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, trying to say more before Jeno cut her flow of air, slipping into her cunt with no warning. “Jeno, fuck,” she cried out, eyes wide open, staring down where they met. 
“Didn’t you want this?” 
She nodded, trapping her lips so tight it started bleeding. “Yeah, yeah.” Her head rolled back since he immediately started with powerful fast strokes, pushing her legs flat against her chest, sliding into her deeply. 
“You’re so pretty when you look like a mess under me, bunny. No trace of that innocent girl you used to be,” his voice was deep, rumbling in her ears while he lowered to mark her neck. 
“Don’t?” He snickered. “Don’t want me to mark you? Don’t want people to know you’re mine?” 
She mumbled no sense. 
“As I thought, it’s not your place to think, bunny. I got it. I know what’s best for you, fuck,” he groaned, sinking his teeth deep into her skin, ripping a scream out of her throat. “Gotta make sure nobody comes close to you, baby girl.” 
“I — I wouldn’t let them,” she whimpered, back arching when he started thrusting into her harder. 
“I know, you’re my good bunny, aren’t you? You know who you belong to. Who do you belong to?” 
“You, I — I — fuck — belong to you.” 
“Good bunny, good fucking bunny,” he groaned before he kissed her again, roughly and messily, pushing her legs up, hips slamming against her ass with loud sounds that resonated in the whole room. 
“Jeno,” she screamed, pleasure fucking her brain just as hard as he was fucking her physically. It was true she didn’t have anybody but him, her ex aside, but fuck, he was so good, he knew exactly what she wanted and needed. It wasn’t possible to resist it. 
“Wanna come? Already?” 
She moved her head swiftly, threads of moans slurring out of her lips as the knot on her stomach tightened incredibly hard. 
Jeno groaned, “Fuck, you’re so perfect taking my cock, bunny. So, so good for me. Come for me, come for me, do it,” he urged, rubbing her clit, making her body still as the orgasm hit her hard. “Fuck,” he growled, head falling in the crook of her neck. “Always so fucking tight and warm.” 
She didn’t reply, no more air in her lungs to emit a single sound but it seemed that Jeno wasn’t done at all. 
“Come here,” he ordered, pulling out and moving her so that her elbows were resting on the couch back rest. 
“What — what are you doing?” 
“Fucking you again.” 
“A-agai — fuck,” she gasped when his cock eased into her swollen cunt another time, pushing out a disgusting amount of cum and stretching her sensitive walls more. 
“I can’t let your night go to wasted with just one round, bunny.” 
She hummed, head falling limp in front of her, body trembling because it was the third round technically and she felt weak in the knees. She wanted to whimper how good it was, but she could only cry out moans and whimpers, the position too good, sending the waves of pleasure straight to her brain like electric shocks, knocking her out. 
“You love it when I fuck you like this, don’t you?” She hummed. “I know, bunny, I know. Feels so good, doesn’t it? Cock turning you into a brainless mess, you love not having anything to worry about.” 
Jeno slapped her ass. “Maybe I should fuck you here.” He spat, saliva dripping on her rim, thumb pressing against the tight hole. 
“Jeno, no,” she cried out, cracking her neck to turn toward him. 
“Don’t want that? Don’t want me to fuck your pretty ass?” 
She shook her head, pussy clenching when he kept pressing on it without pushing past the tight ring of nerves. “Feels wrong.” 
“Oh, bunny, no. You’re with me, it can’t feel wrong.” 
She wanted to articulate more but the thoughts weren’t even forming in her brain. Jeno surely wasn’t going to do it anyway, so she let it fall. But when she felt the tip of his thumb press in she turned around. “Jeno, no.” 
“Just my thumb,” he whispered, leaning in to kiss her. “Can you take just my thumb? I won’t even move it.” 
Her eyes moved around with rapid movements, shame creeping up on her just at the idea. And he smirked. “Oh, bunny, you think it’s too nasty?” 
She nodded, biting her lips, and drifting her gaze. 
“No, look at me,” he ordered, cupping her chin with his free hand. “It’s not nasty for me, nothing of you will push me away.” 
She blabbered something but it wasn’t a proper answer, more like another useless complain or vain try to make it make sense. 
“Let me take care of you.” When another loud spit sound filled the room, she closed her eyes, too ashamed to focus on what he was doing. Moans choking her when he pushed his entire thumb in, never stopping the hard thrusts of his hips. 
“Was it so — fuck — so traumatic?” 
She shook her head, finding it odd but not painful, somehow feeling his thumb press against her front and rub against his cock that was stretching her wide. 
“I told you, you have to trust me, bunny.” 
“I — I do,” she whimpered, voice almost gone. 
“Touch your clit,” he ordered, head rolling back when she immediately followed the instructions. “That’s my good girl, fuck. Rub it fast.” 
Their moans got louder, the pleasure doubling when she started touching herself, her walls clenching around him tighter, wetness dripping out with every move. 
“Fuck, so tight I can barely pull out of you,” he groaned, jaw clenched and head thrown back, some strands of black hair falling on his forehead. “So good, the best in the whole fucking world, bunny. My perfect girl.” 
The comment got to her head, fingers stopping for a second as it was getting harder to concentrate on anything, even if it brought more pleasure. 
“Please, wanna come,” she babbled, looking past her shoulder to glance at him. 
Jeno pulled out of her ass, grabbing her wrists and holding them together behind her back. 
“Want to come?” 
She nodded swiftly, drool dripping out of the corners of her lips, shamelessly rolling down her chin and dripping on her boobs. 
“Say thank you,” he groaned, pulling her hair back, pressing her flat against his broad chest. “Come on, babe, you can do it.” 
“Tha-thank you,” she cried, “thank you, thank you, thank you.” 
“Fuck,” he groaned, hips slamming against her ass with so much force to leave marks behind. Pace faltering when she clenched around him and came, tight walls squeezing so much they triggered his orgasm too, emptying himself into her with loud moans. 
“Oh, God,” she screamed, clenching her teeth and trying to let her head fall but it was impossible in his firm hold. Feeling another orgasm rip out of her. “Thank you, tha-thank you.” 
Jeno huffed, body collapsing on hers, pressing her against the backrest. “You’re welcome,” he moaned, kissing her shoulder and smirking when he saw her lidded eyes. “You’re so welcome.” 
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“Another weekend where you won’t be here?” Ningning asked, positioning the phone better so her friend could see her and not the make-up she was applying. 
“Can you please hire me for this new job, too?” Yeri joked, coming into the frame, and pushing her blonde friend to the side. 
She chuckled, shaking her head at her friends’ antics. “It’s not with the job money.” 
“Your dad?” 
“Nope, not even him.” 
“Oh, God, you have a sugar daddy and you didn’t tell us?” Ningning squealed, sitting better on the bed, almost pushing Yeri on the floor. 
“Shut up, I just won’t be here,” she huffed, tucking her hair behind her ear. 
“Are we even sure we’re doing that bbq? It should rain on Sunday,” Yeri commented, watching the weather app on her phone. 
“It’s raining? I should warn Jeno —” She chuckled awkwardly, trying to quickly come up with something to fix her mistake, “he’s driving you there, right?” 
But her friends were already staring at her with an expression mixed with shock, curiosity and incredulity. 
“What are you hiding? Be honest.” 
“Nothing,” she replied, trying to fake her honest voice but they knew her, even if her hands weren’t in the frame they could bet their life she was pulling a hangnail nervously and her anxious nibbling on her lower lip was a giveaway she was lying. 
“Nothing my ass,” the blonde said, placing a closed fist on her hips and glaring at her. “What’s going on between you and your mortal enemy.” 
She licked her lips before sighing undefeated. “Promise you won’t tell my brother?” And those words were all it took for them to erupt in a loud cheer from the screen of their phones. And she couldn’t really resist their questions and soon she found herself explaining them everything — well, partially everything, she surely couldn’t talk about the bet. But she was finally free to rant about her story, too. It was thrilling, she only had one boyfriend all her life and it had been some time before Jeno, so she was never the one going around telling her love adventures. 
“So, he’s been spoiling you all this time and you didn’t tell us anything?” 
“He just takes me on those trips almost every weekend. It’s a nice getaway. He says it’s to stay away from everybody. Just us.” 
Her friends cheered again, complaining how they deserved someone that would spoil them so much too, and also still shocked because he was the last person they expected would treat her like that. “And wait, are you planning on moving in with him?” 
“He asked me to, but technically we’re a secret.” 
“Not anymore,” Yeri exclaimed, pointing between her and Ningning.  
“Well, yes, nobody else knows. And please, keep it like this.” 
“But why? Is this your choice or his?” 
She forced a smile on her face, the whole thing still made her quite said, but tried not to show it. “His, just because of Jaemin.” 
“I don’t think Jaemin would mind,” Ningning said, and Yeri nodded in agreement. 
“I don’t know, he’s so balked about this whole thing…” 
“Maybe you should talk to him. You make such a pretty couple, it’s a shame the world doesn’t get to see it.” 
And with the idea of maybe finally being free in plain daylight, she confessed to him that it slipped and her friends knew. Sure, she knew he wasn’t going to be happy about it, but she wasn’t even expecting this reaction. 
“What do you mean they know?” His tone was calm, scarily calm, the typical one that promised a storm. 
“They were asking why I was away again and one thing led to another and then I brought you up out of nowhere.” The smile on her face dropped when after looking into his eyes she saw they were dark and a furrow was almost connecting his brows.
“You’re fucking absurd.” 
“What? Why are you mad?” 
“Why am I mad?” He asked, a bitter, low, scary, chuckle rolling out of his lips. “You had one thing to do. We had a promise, we fucking swore to don’t tell this to anybody.” 
“They basically dragged it out of my mouth,” she tried to defend herself. “We were talking and you crossed my mind and it slipped.” 
“Yeah, you never do anything thinking about the consequences of it. First, you didn’t mean to dance with Haechan, then you didn’t mean to cut me off your life for a month, and you didn’t mean to always stay late at your job. You never mean it. You just fuck things up. You don’t think about me. And I have to act cool about it.” 
She stood there frozen, chest moving faster as she felt her pulse accelerating. “Why are you…” she stopped, shaking her head. “Okay, half of these things are not my fault or are not real. I fucked this up because I was thinking about you. They asked why I couldn’t be at their bbq and I said I was busy and then Yeri brought up that it was raining and I thought about telling you. It was a whisper but they heard and it’s not my fault you don’t even want to pretend we’re friends. Maybe like that I could’ve hidden it, I could’ve made them believe that your name crossed my mind, but do I have to remind you that people think we hate each other?” 
He snorted. “People think I hate you. Everybody knows you have a crush on me, so yeah, you could’ve found a way to turn this over. But I guess gossiping with your friends it’s better than thinking about our relationship.” 
“I think about our relationship. How is this damaging for us?” 
“Are you for real?” 
She groaned, clenching her fists hard, “Yeah, stop… stop doing this and just answer me.” 
“Your little friends can’t keep their noisy mouths shut, so guess who will find out?” 
She rolled her eyes, head moving back in an exasperated movement. “You grew up with him why are you so afraid of my brother? Are you hiding something? Are you once again hiding something from me?” 
“God dammit. You see, in every fight you do this. You always bring it there. I don’t want people to come between us. I don’t want people to speculate about me and you. I don’t want people that never cared for you to come between us just so they can drag you away from me.” 
“But he’s my brother how could he? He only would do it if he knew something about you that I don’t know about… and it wouldn’t be surprising.” The last words were supposed to be a whisper but nervousness made them come out like a bitter retort. 
“It wouldn’t be surprising?” Jeno asked, raising a brow. “Fine, you know what, tell your friends that just how they found out we’re together they find out we’re done.”
“What?” Her eyes snapped open on him, thinking she heard wrong, that a small thing like that couldn’t lead to this, but there wasn’t a sign of joking on his face. 
“You don’t trust me. You lie to me. Always. You… you don’t love me. Why do I have to be with you like this?” 
“I do, I never said I don’t. Jeno, please, don’t,” she almost screamed when he tried to walk past her. 
He sighed, crossing his arms on his chest and staring down at her. “Then why do you say those things? What would I hide from you? I do nothing but treat you like a fucking princess all day, protect you from all the shit that happens in your life, take you to pretty places to be together, and spoil you some more and you think I have something to hide from your brother, or you. Tell him,” he ordered, making her shake at the coldness of his tone and the tenseness of his jaw. “I said, pick the fucking phone up and call him.” 
“No — no,” she stuttered, backing away, feeling the tears clog her throat. 
“No?” He cooed, tilting his head. “Now you don’t want to? Why? You were so eager to let your brother know you’re dating me, what happened? This is a fucking revenge, isn’t it? He mocked you since he first found out you were head over heels for me and now you have to slap him with our relationship. That’s all I am to you. A vendetta.” 
“What? No, why would you… what makes you think that?” 
“The way you act makes me think that. The way you need constant validation from others because you can’t think with your brain. Once it’s your father and then it’s your friends and then it’s your brother. Why can’t you just enjoy what you live for yourself? Why do you want the whole world to know what you do or who you love? You need them to side with you, right? Were they happy? Were they cheering for you? Do you think they are truly happy for you?” 
She didn’t know what to say, dumbfounded by his attack of words and the emotions she was feeling. 
“They… they are my friends, I… I just wanted to share how good you make me feel.” 
He nodded dismissively. “Sure, they will always have your back, always stick up for you and support you, right? Until you do something they don’t like…” 
“They are not like that, they care about me, they were so happy for us —”
“Yeah, and how long will it take for that happiness to turn into jealousy? How long will it take before they will go around putting weird thoughts in your mind? Making fears and doubts creep in?” 
“They… they—” 
“They won’t ever do it, yeah, I know. You still can’t see who you surround yourself with,” he almost groaned, tugging his hair, irritated. 
“I… I’m sorry,” she whispered, voice trembling. “I will tell them it was a joke, you, you can… we could fight tomorrow if we go with them so they will believe me. I didn’t… I would’ve never imagined it could hurt you this bad or else I wouldn’t have done that…” Her eyes could barely look at him, even if his face had softened all of a sudden, and his shoulders had dropped while he started walking closer to her. She hated being a disappointment and it seemed that with every step she took she would hurt him.
“I’m not mad for me. I’m mad because I know my reputation and what people think of me, and I don’t want their biases to haunt you too. I don’t want their ignorance about my persona to make you fall out of love with me. I don’t want them to drift us away because we deserve each other. You… God, life has been so unfair to you and now that you have a good thing, I’m sure people will try to take it away from you. That’s why I’m so mad. That’s why I wanted you to keep this, us, a secret, your little secret that nobody could ruin and stain with their unwanted opinions.” 
She hummed, bringing her thumb to her lips and biting the skin while looking at the floor, trying to hide that and the tears that were filling her eyes to the brim. 
“Your friends might not do it, I give them the benefit of doubt, but everyone will know, and some other people will love to try to burst our bubble of happiness apart. And I don’t want it taken away from you. You deserve happiness. You deserve to be loved, so loved that… that your heart will explode with how much love you’re feeling. I don’t want people to hurt you.” 
She nodded, falling into his hold. It always ended like this. Her poison and her remedy. 
“I’m doing this for you, bunny,” he whispered, breath fanning against her hair, while his hands caressed her back. “Everything I do is to protect you.” 
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There were many reasons why Jeno didn’t want to be public, but one of them was that since their friends knew about them, they were forced to go out together. He couldn’t use the excuse of hating having her so close and not being able to touch her, or kiss her, or even talk to her because technically they couldn’t even stand each other before they dated to convince her to stay at home. 
And so here he was, trying to make his way into a crowd of people, looking for her. She walked away from their booth to get drinks by now more than five minutes ago and he was starting to worry. 
“Where the fuck is she?” Jeno murmured to himself, gagging when someone hit him, sweaty bodies getting on his last nerve. “God, when I find her…” But there she was, at the bar counter, drinks in front of her while a man was talking to her. 
He stared at the scene, trying to calm himself before reacting badly. He couldn’t react there. And he was trying to, he really was. That was until the man’s hands lingered a little too close to her and his eyes bored holes into her, staring at her as if he wanted something more. Something that belonged to him and him only. 
“What the fuck do you want from her?” Jeno’s voice coming out in a growl made her jump, scooting over to give him space to move between her and the stranger. 
“We were just talking,” she replied, confused by his reaction. 
“Just talking? You just don’t see how men look at you, don’t you?” 
“Man, calm down.”
“Don’t give me that tone and don’t look at me like that,” Jeno warned, glaring at the stranger, fist clenching at his side. 
“Getting too heated up for a cheap slu—” he didn’t finish the remark, a punch hit him straight in his face, making him stumble backwards. 
“What the fuck!” The man screamed, touching his aching face in surprise.  
“You watch your mouth before you talk about her.” 
“Nobody wants to steal her from you,” the man replied, the arrogant grin on his face still there. 
“You seemed rather interested.” 
“Her ass is all out man, everyone would want to smash,” he mocked, and Jeno was about to punch him again but she pulled him away, blocking his wrist. 
“Let’s go home,” she whispered, a fight in public was the last thing she wanted to happen.  
“Yeah, go home to fuck her like she has been begging me to… if you can satisfy her.” 
She was about to tell him that she never said those things but Jeno slipped out of her hold before she could do anything. The mess that blew up was enough to make a crowd surround them, their friends included, and Jeno only stopped punching that man when Haechan, Jisung and Mark pulled him away. 
“Man, stop it! Come on, stop it,” Haechan shouted, trying to block him. 
“You know shit about what he said,” Jeno retorted, eyes fuming and chest panting. 
“We should go,” she intervened, shielding his body, hoping nobody there pulled out a phone and filmed a video if they both wanted to have their reputation intact. That was the last thing she needed to get on her father’s nerves more and disinherit her forever. “Jeno, come on, let’s go home,” she said, cupping his face to make him look at her and not at the man behind them. 
“Are you okay?” Ningning asked her, going for a hug, but Jeno’s arm came between them as he moved his girlfriend to the other side. 
“She’s fine, we’re going home,” he snarled, giving a quick glance at the others.
“You won’t even tell us what happened?” Haechan asked, shocked by the way he was behaving. Jeno never backed down from troubles but get into a fight? And for his girlfriend? Haechan had flirted with some of them straight to his face and Jeno never blinked an eye, so what the hell was going on there? 
“It’s none of your business.” And with that, they walked out of there under their friends’ shocked gazes. She could barely follow his hurried steps while she looked back and murmured apologies to her friends. 
The ride back home was silent, music blasted to shut down their thoughts. And she felt grateful for that because she couldn’t hide how scared she was at the moment. Jeno never acted like that, the punches that crashed against that man’s face were hard and full of strength and she wondered what else would’ve caused that reaction in him. 
He didn’t believe what that man told him, right? He wasn’t mad at her, too? She wasn’t sure and she was too terrified to even ask one of the thousands of questions that were tormenting her. Jeno probably had his own version of the story and would’ve never listened to hers, probably he would’ve even blamed her because at the start he had proposed to get the drinks while she waited with the girls, but no, she had to insist and now here they were. 
When the car stopped, she gulped hardly before making her way out, the slam of the driver’s door, causing her to jump in her place. Jeno didn’t even spare her a glance as he walked to the porch, broad shoulders lifted up and head low, jaw tense enough it could cut like a knife. 
She tried to don’t cry, at least to don’t sob like a child, but it was hard when the front door closed behind them and he still didn’t say a word. 
“You — you’re bleeding.” Her voice was shaking, broken by silent tears that were all clogged up in her throat. 
“I’m fine,” Jeno replied while sitting on the couch with his head low. 
So that was it? Acting as if nothing happened? 
“I didn’t tell him those things, I was trying to go back to you when he kept talking to me.” She couldn’t go to sleep with no closure, she couldn’t sleep with him by her side if she didn’t feel safe knowing he wasn’t mad at her. 
The sound that came out of his lips startled her, a laugh? A bitter sigh? She couldn’t describe it, but she couldn’t even get it because there was no reason for anything other than ‘I know, I’m not mad at you,’ to come out of his mouth. 
“If it’s not him, it’s somebody else…” Jeno whispered, head still low, lips pulled in a tight, bitter smirk that she couldn’t see — luckily she couldn’t see, or else it would’ve scared her even more. 
“Who are you talking about? I spent the entire night with you. I thought we were having fun until that happened.” 
When Jeno got up, she took a step back, heart jumping in her throat but he didn’t walk toward her, he didn’t even answer as he made his way to their bedroom. 
She took a deep breath and ran after him. Yeah, ran. Like always. Running after him like they were on a wheel, running until her feet hurt and the pain was unbearable. 
“Leave me alone.” 
“I can’t leave you alone, I didn’t do anything, it’s not fair that we go to bed angry because of a stranger.” 
“It wouldn’t have happened if you listened to me and stayed home,” he remarked while he unbuttoned his shirt, bleeding knuckles staining the white texture. She shivered at how it seemed that he wasn’t feeling any type of pain, before her brain turned its attention to his words. 
“You’re blaming me?” Her brow quirked, and her lips twitched in a confused grin. 
“Who’s the one that always wants to go out with them? Who’s the one that hates spending some fucking time with me alone? Who’s the one that never listens to the other? I told you to stay with your dear friends and let me handle the drinks, but you had to go there, alone. Wearing that skimpy dress that had already attracted too much unwanted attention on you. But you don’t notice, you never notice anything of what goes around you. Too busy dancing and swinging your hips because you have me to protect you and you know it, but then I do, I protect you, and I am the bad guy.” 
Her brain tried to follow him, but he was saying so many things, accusing her, attacking her, defending her, loving her that she didn’t even know what to say or how to feel. 
“We — we were together, I thought you enjoyed it as long as we were together,” she mumbled the only things her brain could come up with, the only things that seemed to make sense.  
“I hate those things.” 
She blinked. He had spent his high school and college years throwing parties, how could he hate them now? But she had no time to dwell over that because his words were falling on her like a rain of arrows, attacking from any side, leaving her too astonished to actually react. 
“But you wouldn’t know. You’re too busy paying attention to your friends that barely know you. They don’t even care about you. Have you seen how they were looking at me because I defended you? They hate you. They don’t think you’re deserving of love and protection. If he said the same things to their faces they would’ve laughed and maybe even encouraged you to leave with him.” 
“Ningning would never, she was worried about me.” 
“She always drags you into these problems first, don’t you see? She convinced you to go to Hyuck’s party and didn’t pay attention to you. She makes you buy all these dresses that bring trouble. She started talking to you seriously again just so she could arrive at Haechan.” 
She stared at him, tears falling down her cheeks silently. “That’s not true. She was in China, of course, she didn’t talk to me just as much.” 
“Good, also licking her ass because licking your father’s not enough.” 
“Leave them out of this,” she tried to fight back, but all the rational thoughts had seemed to slip out of her mind. “And I’m free to dress however I want. If they look at me, they are the disgusting pervs, you can’t get mad at me.” 
“Good, next time I’ll let him touch you, call you a slut, and why not, maybe even fuck you in the middle of the club so you’re happy about it.” 
“I never said any of those things,” she cried, fingers dangling in her hair, feeling at her limit. “Can we please talk?” 
“We are talking, you don’t want to listen to the truth,” he hissed, walking past her to go out but she stopped him. 
“You’re still bleeding.” 
“As if you care about me.” 
She stared at his back in disbelief. How did a night out turn into this? 
“I love you,” she screamed, opening the bathroom door he had closed himself into. 
“Then prove it to me. You almost left me for a month, then you only focused on your job and your new little friend, and now you always spend time with our group of friends. Where am I in your life? Do I even matter anymore?” 
“I can care about you and other people at the same time, it’s not, it’s not like one thing excludes the other, please. Be fucking serious.” She got mad. Voice louder and tone firmer as she gained back some confidence. 
“See, you’re doing this again.” 
“No,” she retorted firmly. “You are doing this. You are the fucking problem. Punching a man in public knowing our families’ reputations could go in shambles, treating our worried friends like shit because you think you have some kind of control over me and then coming to our home and treating me like shit because my life doesn’t revolve exclusively around you. You are insane. Fucking sick in the head.” 
She was done. Head exploding and heart racing for the adrenaline and also for the fear that rushed down her spine when she met Jeno’s eyes. Black. Empty. Before they got back to normal. But she had no time to stay there and watch him going through his usual thousands of different changes.
Rushing back to the bedroom she grabbed her tote bag, opening the closet to put in some clothes for the night, and her phone. 
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” Jeno groaned, reaching her at the front door with big steps. 
“To Ningning’s, because she cares about me unlike you!” 
When his hand wrapped around her wrist and with a swift movement he pulled her body from the door she gulped, shaking as she watched him lock the door before facing her again. 
“You’re not going anywhere,” he said. “And don’t even think that I don’t care about you! Maybe that’s the problem. Maybe you are the problem. You never really forgave me about that stupid ass bet so you lead us here. Fighting because you don’t trust me. Screaming because my love is not enough. It will never be enough for you. Tell me what should I do. Tell me what the fuck should I do to show you how much I love you? Do you want me to go to the end of the world for you? Do you want me to climb the highest mountains? Do you want me to kill for you?” 
Her breath got stuck in her throat when Jeno broke down crying, body slumping on the floor, knees cushioning the hit and head low as sobs resonated loudly through his ribcage. 
She let her bag fall to the floor before her body did the same, kneeling in front of him to caress his wet face and meet his broken eyes. 
Jeno had never cried. 
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, letting their forehead touch and pulling him closer. “I didn’t mean it, I was angry, I wasn’t in me. I would never think that your love is not enough, Jeno. I swear I forgave you, I trust you so much but… but all this screaming and crying and the way…” The way he talked to her. The way he twisted her words and used them against her, words that most of the time she didn’t even say. The way she never knew what to expect from him. All of that and so much more, fucked her up, but she didn’t say it. It was just a dumb fight, they were both tired and it happened. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not listening to you when you worry about me. I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like I don’t love you enough. I do… I love you so much,” but I also love my friends, “I promise I’ll try to make up more time for you.” 
Jeno hummed, falling apart in her hold, letting her warmth embrace him as tears wet her clothes and the blood still rolled down his hands. 
“Let’s take a warm shower and heal those wounds,” she proposed, lifting his face, wiping away his tears, finding comfort in the way his eyes got back to normal, still sad, but there was no craziness behind them. 
So water was running over their bodies, warming them up and washing away the tiredness and the adrenaline. Her hands combed his hair, massaging them gently before she started cleaning his body too. 
“Is this scar new?” She asked when she reached his back and saw a scar she never saw before, it was a weird place, between his hip and thigh and it wasn’t too big but it looked like it had been sewed badly. 
Jeno shivered when her hands ran there. “It was an accident.” 
“An accident?” She asked, raising a brow, trying to read his expression. 
Jeno only hummed. “I’m fine, I don’t want to talk about it now.” 
“Yeah, it’s okay,” she replied and then finished in silence, but her brain still wondered there, it was an odd place to have a scar, especially if it was given by accident. What could’ve happened? 
But she was too tired to let herself get dragged in that, so after getting out of the shower and dressing up again, she prepared the first aid kit to heal his wounds. 
Jeno stared at her silently, following her fingers delicately moving on his knuckles, disinfecting the skin, cleaning the area, and then applying the band-aids with light pressure so it wouldn’t hurt. 
“You also have some cuts on your face,” she pointed out, facing him, smiling when she saw how he was staring at her. “What?” 
“Nothing,” he replied, voice still broken, coming out barely louder than a whisper. “I love you.” 
She couldn’t hide the smile that spread her lips, and her eyes briefly looked down where his now banded hands were caressing her waist. “Stop it, I have to fix these cuts on your cheeks.” 
“I’m not doing anything,” he smiled, brushing a strand of hair out of her face. “Just thinking how lucky I am to have you.” 
“Then don’t scare me away,” she replied lightheartedly, leaning in to kiss him after she placed the bandaid on his cheekbone. She pulled away but Jeno’s lips were on hers again, and his hands moved on her back, pressing her against him. 
“I won’t,” he whispered. “I love you so much it drives me crazy. I never felt something this strong, I never imagined I could feel something like this.” 
Her head rolled back when his lips started kissing her neck and his hips ground up against hers, the top of her pj’s falling on the floor soon after, leaving her chest exposed. 
“I’d hide you away from everything if I was sure that could never make you go through any kind of pain,” he whispered before his lips closed around her hard nipples, looking up at her teary eyes that were already staring at him.
“Then — don’t stop, don’t stop showing me what you feel for me.”
“There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do to prove how much I love you.” 
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“Is your sister alive?” Ningning asked Jaemin when she finally got him alone for a moment, they were hanging out like usual on Friday at their favorite place but even this time she passed. 
Jaemin raised a brow, “I guess, aren’t you her best friend?”
The blonde shook her head, wetting her lips before talking, “I am, technically, but lately she’s... it’s like she’s disappeared.”
“Yeah,” she sighed, “she almost never answers my texts, as you can see, she never hangs out with us anymore. I mean, I know she’s happy with Jeno but... she never struck me as the type that stops hanging out with her friends when she starts dating. I know her last relationship sucked and this one is like a fairytale but to me it’s odd.”
Jaemin hummed, well, she was his sister, but he never paid much attention to know if this was true. On the other hand, Jeno was truly a dream come true to her, he wasn’t surprised if after years of drooling over him, now that she finally got him, she was so hyped that she locked herself into their golden castle, or whatever their story seemed to be. But he knew Jeno and if he didn’t find it weird for his sister to be so in love, he found it weird how Jeno was so defensive of her. He never cared. 
“Are you worried?”
Ningning took a deep breath, rubbing her temples and then meeting his eyes, “A bit, probably I’m just seeing things because I miss her but I don’t want her to isolate herself.”
Jaemin hummed, “I think she’s just very happy she can finally have him, you know how obsessed she had always been with him.”
“I don’t know... Jeno is acting weird, I’m happy for them, I swear I am, but it’s hard to believe that’s him. We all know about his past.”
Jaemin let out a loud huff, yes, he knew it better than anybody else, and Jeno was never the romantic type. 
“I can dig deeper into this if it makes you feel better,” he proposed, not really knowing why, but maybe just one talk and a beer with Jeno would've cleared their doubts. 
“I’d appreciate, I feel like I can’t reach her lately and I’m worried sick.”
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“Flowers?” She asked when she saw Jeno lean against his car, waiting outside of the building where she worked. She couldn’t hide the smile on her face or the way her heart was beating. Lately, he was spoiling her with little things every day, but it still brightened up her day. 
“I saw them and thought of you,” Jeno replied, handing her the bouquet and opening the car door. “Get in,” his voice came out almost harsh but then turned sweet again, “so we can get home faster, you must be tired, right?” 
She nodded, smiling harder, thinking that he was being so sweet, not even seeing that Jaehyun was passing right behind them and was trying to greet her goodbye. She didn’t even look outside, too busy studying the pretty flowers and the scent she loved so much, noticing how prettily they were wrapped in the pink paper. 
“These are my favorites.” 
“I know,” he replied without realizing it. 
“You know?” She raised a brow, staring at him with a perplexed expression, but he was turned toward the window, focused on the street. 
“Yeah,” he coughed, “you told me.” 
She furrowed, trying to remember when, but then shrugged, she might’ve done it during one of her rants about anything and everything.  
“How was your day?” He asked, changing the topic.
“Good, me and Jae are working on a new project together, it’s tiring but exciting.” 
Jeno had to suppress a grunt. He hated the way his name, worse, his nickname, rolled on her tongue. He hated even more that she always found a way to slip him into conversations. This was about her day, not him. And he couldn’t even get what he had so special. He was bland and boring. A quick glance at his social confirmed everything he had to know about his personality after the few times he, unfortunately, had the chance to talk to him. 
“I’m sure you’ll relax at home,” he replied, forcing a smile to form on his face. “I was thinking you should seriously move in with me. Now that everybody knows, you can take all your things and set them in my place. And then we can go and buy new things for the house so it will be truly ours.” 
“Are the flowers to ask me to move in?” She giggled, still smelling their scent.
Jeno chuckled, “I popped the question months ago, bunny.” 
“Yeah, but… it’s such a big step.” It was and she wasn’t sure she wanted to make it, sure, she loved sharing a place with him but what if things didn’t work out? Her father surely wouldn’t have wanted her back, she wouldn’t have had a place to go in case of an emergency.
“Where are you always? Where am I driving to?” 
“Fine,” she gave up, rolling her eyes and huffing out a chuckle 
“When was the last time you stayed at your place?” 
“I had to go back there a few weeks ago, remember? My mom misses me.” 
“She sure does,” he replied sarcastically. 
“Hey! She’s not like my father.” 
Jeno looked at her, raising a brow. “Are you sure about it? Or maybe she pretends she cares about you just so she can control you? She never truly stood up for you, she only cares about the company’s reputation.” 
She opened her mouth to answer but shut it after, she didn’t know how to retort it, or if she could do it. 
“See,” he whispered before bringing the attention back on the road. 
“My parents don’t know about you, though.” 
“You wanted to tell everybody about me but not them? I know them already, you don’t even have to introduce us.” 
“No, but yeah, well, fuck,” she stuttered, throwing her head back. Already feeling the headache, stomachache, and tears caused by a dinner together. “I don’t want to hear my father’s remarks about me.” 
“About you?” 
“Yeah, he will joke and tell you to find something better, you have no idea of the humiliation he put me through when he met my first boyfriend. Why do you think he ran away? My father’s words about me were bigger than any kind of affection he felt.” 
“But that’s not me, my love for you won’t disappear because of your father’s jokes.” 
She sighed, looking out of the window and humming lowly. “Is dinner ready at home?” 
Jeno raised a brow, why was she changing the topic? Didn’t she believe in it?What more he had to do to prove to her that nothing and nobody would’ve changed what he felt for her? 
“There’s a surprise for you.” 
“It’s not my birthday.” 
“I know, bunny. I remember clearly all the important days, trust me. Just wanted to spoil you.” 
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“Can you drop me by Jaemin?” She asked, finishing applying the lipstick and ruffling her hair to fix them in place, it was a mess anyway. 
“Your brother?” Jeno asked, coming out of the kitchen, and studying the way she was dressed. 
“Do you know another Jaemin?” She joked, turning around, smiling at him. 
Jeno shook his head. “No, it’s just odd. Do you need something?” 
“He texted me to come over, I don’t know what he wants. Probably something that has to do with dad,” she explained, but the truth was that she didn’t like the tone of the message. If everything was going well since they were public, there was a problem.
Her brother. 
Jaemin had been quite, scarily silent, if she had to be honest. Well, from what she knew. She didn’t dare to bring the topic up with Jeno, scared of whatever answer he was going to give her. 
The idea of Jaemin not even approaching Jeno to ask him to treat her right broke her heart. She didn’t want him to be jealous or overprotective, there was no reason to be anyway, but she still wanted to know that Jaemin cared she was being treated well. 
On the other hand, finding out that maybe Jaemin had snapped and they fought because of her would’ve saddened her more. She didn’t want to be the reason to come between them. 
“I can’t drop you by,” he said, “I have a meeting to be at.” 
“Oh, it’s fine. I’ll take my car.” 
“You should buy another one.”  
She rolled her eyes, “We’ve already talked, I can’t afford it.” 
“It will get you killed one day.” 
She chuckled, “You won’t get rid of me so easily. Bye, see you later.” 
Her old car in terrible condition didn’t get her killed but she kind of hoped it would’ve now that she was listening to what Jaemin had to tell her. 
“You don’t know him!” 
“I don’t know him?” Jaemin scoffed, throwing his hands up in the air. “I grew up with him, I probably know him more than I know you.” Saying that Jaemin was worried was an understatement. He had never seen Jeno act like this, but he didn’t like it. He trusted Jeno, well more or less. He trusted him when it came to himself, but he was the last person he wanted to see her sister with. He couldn’t call himself a protective brother, and probably it wasn’t his place to be worried after the way he acted for ages with her, but he didn’t like this relationship at all. And the conversation he had with Ningning was the last thing he needed to disapprove of it. 
“That’s exactly why you should leave me alone. You don’t know me. How — how can you call me up after ignoring me basically since — since forever to tell me he’s not right for me?” 
“Because he’s not. You’re more than opposite of each other, there’s… there’s no way you two can work.” 
She laughed bitterly, running a hand in her hair and pulling tightly. “We are working out.” 
“God,” he groaned. “You will always be the dumb, hopeless romantic girl that can’t see through rose-colored glasses.” 
“What are you even implying?” 
“Someone like Jeno can’t be with someone like you. He never paid you attention, what happened all of a sudden?” 
She gulped, licking her dried lower lip, and feeling a stab in the back. The bet always running in her brain like a thief ready to steal her happiness at any given moment. But Jeno loved. Jeno had truly fallen for her, it didn’t matter how it happened. They were happy, no matter how different they were. 
“He’s a player,” Jaemin sighed. “He never loved in his life and nobody ever loved him back.” 
She sniffled. “He’s… he’s not a monster. He loves me, and I love him. You can’t judge him for his past.” 
“He can’t love,” her brother snapped, pulling his hair. “And the way he acts around you scares me.” 
She chuckled bitterly, “Now you’re stepping over some lines.” 
“I’m protecting you.” 
She snorted, eyes wide in utter disbelief. “Protecting me? Where were you when I truly needed that? When your friends were laughing at me? When I was the butt of the joke? When they would bully me in the school corridors and you would pass right beside me as if nothing was happening?” 
Jaemin didn’t reply, he should’ve expected she was going to bring that up. And she was right, he was a piece of shit for that, but this was different. He had a terrible feeling in his guts. 
“You never cared about me. Not you, not our parents, nobody. I’ve always been on my own and now you want to teach me some lessons.” 
Jaemin kept quiet, only staring at her while he rubbed his temples. 
“You never cared about me, so why do it now? Why? You don’t want to protect me, you hate seeing me happy.” 
“You’re not happy, he’s tearing you apart,” he retorted. 
“I’m not slapping you and I don’t even know why.” 
“You are always together. You barely even answer your friends’ texts, he… Ningning told me he brings you somewhere every weekend. And he punched a man in a public space risking his reputation for you.”  
She started shaking, that was love. Why was it so wrong that he loved her? 
“He loves me.” 
“Everything he touches turns into ashes; he doesn’t know how to love.”
“What a shame he loves me so much, and he proves it to me every day. I deserve to be happy and he makes me happy, I won’t let you take that away from me,” she huffed, rushing to the door. “And next time, I only want to see you if we’re forced in the same room by our parents.” 
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Jaehyun didn’t like Jeno. He didn’t like the way his hand wrapped around her waist so tight he suspected she had marks on her skin. He didn’t like the way words rolled out of his mouth, almost as if he was casting a spell on someone, her. He didn’t like the way Jeno looked at him, as if he was silently daring him, hating him. He didn’t even like how most of the days he was waiting outside, not even letting her have the time to say bye or chat some more after an entire day at work. 
“He’s late, there’s traffic or something,” she huffed, leaning against the wall next to him, shielding her body from the rain under his umbrella. 
“I can drop you home if you want to,” Jaehyun proposed. 
“No, he’ll get mad,” she said, chuckling but her smile dropped when she saw Jaehyun’s quirked brows. “He’s keen to come pick me up, it’s a pamper.” 
But even those words didn’t change the expression on his face. 
“Leaving you out under the rain is a pamper?” 
“He thinks I have an umbrella,” she replied. “But if you need to go I can always ask Johnny if I can get back in —”
“No,” he stopped her. “That’s not the point. I don’t mind waiting here with you. I just… nevermind.” He shrugged, looking at the raindrops splash on the asphalt in front of them. 
“No, what? It never happened before.” 
“It’s not that either. I was about to make an unrequested comment about your relationship so I kept it to myself.” 
“Oh,” she gasped. “Wait, am I the annoying person that talks about her boyfriend too much? I didn’t think I did it so often, I’m sorry.” 
“No, it’s not about you either,” he stopped, smiling tenderly at her reaction. Jaehyun found it endearing how she was always so considerate of everyone around her.  
“Hey! Don’t make fun of me,” she joked, faking a pout and nudging him with her shoulder. 
“Sorry, sorry,” he apologized still grinning. 
“But… what is that about?” After what her brother told her she couldn’t help but panic when people told her how they perceived her relationship with Jeno, but she still wanted to know if it was the same opinion. 
Jaehyun sighed, holding his purse tighter. “It’s not a nice opinion, I don’t think you want to hear it. It probably only comes from my petty, single ass,” he joked but no, it wasn’t because he was single, and petty and hated that she was taken. Jeno gave him weird vibes and he was never wrong about it. 
“You’re lying.” 
“No, I’m not.” 
“Yes, you are. You’re not making eye contact with me, you do that when you’re bullshitting people around.” 
Jaehyun laughed, shaking his head. “Fine, I am, but I still think you don’t want to hear it.” 
“Is it that bad?” 
Jaehyun thought about it. If he was in a relationship he would’ve wanted somebody to open his eyes, but then he realized that wasn’t his place. He barely knew him, he barely knew them together, that was just a big accusation, no matter how real he believed it was. 
“I don’t like him,” he blurted out in an honest confession. 
“That’s it?” She asked, raising a brow. 
“No, but it’s the only thing I can tell you.” 
“What if I wanted to know everything?” 
He sighed. “Fine. He seems… a little… possessive over you. He gave me those vibes the few times he stopped by but also… also from the things you tell me. It’s like he wants to control you, always.” 
Her heart stopped for a moment. That couldn’t be true. Her brother was jealous because he hated seeing her happy and had to screw it somehow. But Jaehyun? Sure, Jaehyun liked her, at least in the past for sure, and maybe he was just mad that he couldn’t get to her so he had to hate on Jeno for no reason at all. 
It had to be that. 
“He cares about me a lot. We’re perfectly fine,” she replied, forcing a smile on her face before turning around, wanting Jeno to come pick her up as soon as possible. 
“Sure…” Jaehyun’s answer got on her nerves but she didn’t reply. 
“You know, maybe you should go. It’s Friday night, I’m sure you have things to do,” she said, moving away from him. 
“You’ll get wet.” 
“I’ll wait under that balcony there,” she reassured him before walking away, not looking back at him, missing the pity written on his face before he turned around and started walking to his car. 
But being alone didn’t help her mind don’t obsess over his and Jaemin’s words. Not even when Jeno finally arrived after more than ten minutes and they were driving home, the silence in the vehicle weighing on her chest. 
Jeno glanced over, eyes moving quickly from the road to her. “You’re off, what happened?” 
“Don’t lie to me,” he said, voice firm even if there was a faint hint of apprehension under it.  
She sighed lowly, battling with herself whether to let it all out or not. “I talked with Jaehyun about something…” 
He raised a brow, fist clenching around the wheel as soon as he heard that name. “About what?” 
“You talked to him about us?”  
She hummed, looking down, tapping her shoes nervously and playing with the seam of her jeans. “Do you… do you think we’re toxic?” 
“I don’t know, Jaemin told me the same thing, kinda, maybe we are… we are too close to each other.” 
Jeno clenched the wheel tighter, the same anger rising in his blood, his eyes shifting for a second before he forced himself to think straight again. 
“Or maybe people hate seeing others happy.” 
“I don’t know…” 
But trying to keep calm wasn’t easy if she acted like that, how could she let others get inside her head, and heart, so easily? “What did he tell you exactly?” 
“Nothing, just that… you’re… well, you are…” 
“I am?” He urged, losing his patience, finger tapping nervously on the gear. 
“You are…” Obsessed. Possessive. Crazy. Controlling. “…caring.” 
“Caring?” He raised a brow, studying her face, but she was avoiding him, too busy playing with a loose string of her denim pants. 
“Yeah, he thinks you care too much.” 
“He knows shit about me and us. Why don’t you tell him to mind his business, uh? I know how to treat my girl right.” 
“Yeah, I think that too,” she whispered, gulping before turning around to look at the window. 
Jeno cursed internally, knuckles white around the wheel and eyes blank. 
Jaehyun was becoming a problem Jeno didn’t put in his plan. And he was crossing too many lines. 
Jeno had to do something about it. 
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She tried to stop thinking about what her brother and Jaehyun told her, just like she tried to ignore the words of her friends, whining about how little time she was spending with them. But her brain always went back there. 
Every single thing that Jeno did, felt amplified. Maybe Jaehyun was right. He did care too much. 
Maybe what she always thought to be love was an obsession. But where the hell did it come from? It didn’t make a lot of sense considering how their story started and how he never acted like this with other girlfriends. She didn’t know much about his past stories, but she knew enough to know that Jeno never cared that much about someone. He never acted like this with anybody else. And if at the start it seemed like a fairytale, she started to suspect it wasn’t. 
She shouldn’t have felt like a thief in her own house but that was what she felt as she tried to look for more clues around the place. But she couldn’t find anything. There was nothing suspicious, nothing that could add to her theory of him being obsessed with her. 
Yet, the sensation couldn’t seem to fade away and she was sure Jeno got that there was something wrong with her. 
She was acting different, almost as if she was pushing him away, but it wasn’t her fault. The more he did, the more it seemed like he was proving her doubts right. 
And even when she went back in the timeline she remembered she felt the same. Jeno had always been caring. Even when it was all a bet, even when they were hidden from the world. It also was never an option, he insisted on picking her up from work, and accompanying her when she went out with her friends, or at medical appointments. He hid behind ‘safety reasons,’ but she wondered if it was truly only that. 
Maybe he didn’t trust her? But why?
“I have an amazing night planned for us,” Jeno cheered, entering their bedroom, wrapping a hand around her waist as she stood in front of the mirror. “I’m taking you out, then I’ll take you to another beautiful place to drink special cocktails and then we’ll come back here and you’ll see what else I have planned for you.” 
She smiled, caressing his hair back. “I’d love to, but did you forget I had a dinner tonight?” 
“A dinner?” 
“Yeah, with my coworkers, I told you. A party that the boss organized since we’re doing so well.”
Jeno knew it but he thought she didn’t want to go. 
“I thought you didn’t want to go?” 
She snorted, trying to mask the same sensation that was assaulting her in the last days, “I never said that.” 
Jeno gulped, watching as she pulled away from his hold to finish getting ready. Long burgundy dress around her body, legs covered by thin thigh-high tights, high heels, and her furred jacket on the chair. Surely too dress up for a simple company dinner. 
“It’s going to be so boring.” 
She shook her head. “No, I’m surrounded by nice people, I’m sure I’m going to have fun,” she said, turning around and smiling at him. “It will be just a dinner and then I’ll come back home.” 
“Do you need a ride?” 
“No, I can take the car by myself.” 
“I can —”
“Jeno, I can drive,” she stopped him, walking out of the bedroom to reach the front door and pick up the keys of the house and the car.  
“Why do you don’t want to —”
“Bye,” she cut him off, kissing him. “Gotta go. Love you.” 
“Yeah, bye. Love you, too,” he slurred, heart clenching in anger because she never refused a ride.  
Jeno didn’t want to follow her. He truly didn’t. He was trying hard to suppress that urge, walking back and forth in the living room, clenching his fists so tight that blood wasn’t flowing there anymore. But he couldn’t help but think about her. It wasn’t even that he didn’t trust her, or that there were other people, it was the fact that there was Jaehyun there too and Jeno was sure he was going to be all over her all night, probably telling some other bullshits about him and their relationship. 
But it wasn’t like he could anything about it, right? He couldn’t get to the restaurant, he couldn’t even be outside. She kept her promises, she would’ve come home straight away and he had nothing to worry about. 
But he had a lot to worry about. 
And when his eyes fell on a crumbled piece of paper with the address on, he took it as a sign of destiny. He couldn’t stay at home. 
When his car pulled in front of the restaurant, he spotted her car parked close to the entry. He couldn’t see inside, he didn’t even want to risk walking on the sidewalk to spy in, the place too elegant to go unnoticed of suspect movements. 
So he waited, and waited, hours passing by slowly. And just when he was about to lose hope, he saw the door open and a crowd of people come out of there. 
And there she was, it was impossible not to notice her, she looked so beautiful, and Jeno smiled at the sight, until he saw that Jaehyun’s hand was placed behind her back and that she was way too close to him. 
“What the fuck are they doing?” He groaned, squeezing his eyes to see better, hoping he was insane and just seeing things, but Jaehyun’s hand didn’t move, worst, it moved lower, and wrapped around her waist. 
“Why aren’t you moving him away? Why would you let him touch you like that?” 
What he couldn’t stand were the laughers, and the continuous talk, why couldn’t the night just be over? Why couldn’t she come home? 
“Finally,” he whispered, slumping in the backseat when the group parted in two and she started walking to her car. But he couldn’t relax for long, his heart started racing when Jaehyun sat on the passenger seat of her car. What was going on?
He hit the honk when he accidentally punched the wheel, he couldn’t see what they were doing, he couldn’t even get why it was taking them so long to start the car. 
‘sorry I’ll be home later. don’t wait for me.’
When the text popped on his screen he wanted to get out of the car, drag Jaehyun out of there and punch him until he was covered in blood, but he couldn’t. So he tried to rationalise the insane thoughts that were filling his brain like loud voices screaming to him his worst intentions. Maybe she had to drop him home, that’s why it would take more, but why couldn’t she just tell him? Why did she have to lie and be so close to him? 
Her car started, sprinting past his, and he started to follow behind them, hoping to go unnoticed. There were some cars around, so he could blend in with the others well without losing them in the late-night traffic. 
He was trying to calm down but when she didn’t drive toward his place his anger started to get harder to suppress. 
“Why are they driving to the Han river?” 
When they parked and walked away, Jeno didn’t know what to do. Following them on foot was going to be much more dangerous but he couldn’t let her go like this. He was terrified something too big was going to happen. 
He was losing count of the time passing as he watched them sit on a bench while eating ice cream and laughing and talking. Jaehyun couldn’t be that funny, could he? Why couldn’t she see the way he was looking at her? Why didn’t that make her uncomfortable? 
‘are you still up?’
Jeno raised a brow when his screen lit up, why would she text him that? But he ignored it, focusing on the view in front of him. A view that was irritating him more and more as time passed. Jaehyun was too close, and she wasn’t stopping him, letting their bodies touch in a way Jeno didn’t like. 
His hand clenched when the other man leaned closer and tried to kiss her, and the only thing that made him feel better was that she pulled away. Jeno could barely make out some faint apologies coming from Jaehyun from the tree he was hiding behind, but that still wasn’t enough. 
Jeno was going to make him pay for that. 
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She rolled her eyes, pushing her brother to the side and making her way into his place. 
“Excuse me? What if I don’t want you here? Do I have to remind you of the fight of the other day?” Jaemin asked, still closing the door behind and following her on the couch. 
“It was a month ago…” she whispered, looking down at the floor. 
She raised her gaze to him. “I need to talk to you about Jeno.” 
“Did he hurt you?” Jaemin panicked, reaching for her. 
“Would he?” 
Jaemin stopped in his tracks, “I don’t think so, but you don’t seem happy so you are either mad at him or me.” 
She shook her head, sighing. “I know we’re not winning any best siblings award, but I still trust you and I know you think I’m dumb, and maybe I am but… I need your help.” 
“For?” Jaemin could see her legs bounce nervously, and he knew this was worst than he could even imagine. 
“I feel like I don’t know Jeno at all. And I’m not sure I’m going to like who he really is,” she confessed. 
“Why? Who do you think he is?” He wanted to answer that ‘yes, congratulations! You discovered the obvious. He is not who you think he is,’ but he needed to know what kind of doubts she had. 
She gulped, words crossing her mind, but she was terrified of saying them out loud, once Jaemin knew of her doubts, of all the fears and suspects, her and Jeno were over, and she wasn’t sure she wanted that. And precise as a clock a text grabbed her attention. 
‘There’s the fair back in town, are you free tomorrow?’ 
She blinked a tear away and then looked at her brother. “I just… I feel like he can’t open up with me, and I wondered if he was the same with you, or if I’m the problem.” 
Jaemin raised a brow, staying silent for too long, feeling that wasn’t what she wanted to talk about. 
“Did he text you?” 
She nodded. “We’re going to the fair tomorrow. Where it all started.” 
“Are you sure this is a good thing?” 
Jaemin sighed, sifting uncomfortably in his place. “You and him. I still don’t get how you ended up together, I know you took it as an attack and I… I also get that I should be the last person to worry about you but you two have nothing in common. How does it work?” 
She bit her lip, avoiding his gaze. It worked, somehow, in her fantasy, in her delusion. It worked because she kept falling for his fool’s gold because at the end, maybe, everybody was right, she was dumb and madly in love, and that is never a good combo. 
Jaemin took a deep breath, reaching for her hand, making her look at him in surprise. He was never physical with her, avoided her like plague so much she couldn’t even remember the last time her brother touched her. 
“Are you running after a teenage dream?” 
“Why do you always have to think that I’m the stupid girl madly in love with him?” Because you are, she replied instead. Because you will always be. 
“I just don’t want you to get hurt. You loved him for so long without truly knowing him I fear you fell for an idea in your brain.” 
She pulled away and stood up. “I know him. We’ve been together for almost a year that is not the problem. I’m not the dumb one. Things are fine, they are — they are great it’s just…” I’m afraid. “I don’t want this to break, I don’t want this spell to end because I’m fine with him. We’re good. We…” She sighed, maybe Jaemin was the last person she should’ve spoken to. Maybe she should’ve talked to Jeno directly. 
“I have to go now.” 
“Wait,” Jaemin stopped her. “I can tell you what you need to know about him.” 
“Trust me, you can’t.” 
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“Were you at home the other day?” After beating around the bush, she finally found the courage to talk to Jeno. The sound of the food frying in the pans in front of her was actually annoying as it filled the silence when no words came out of Jeno’s mouth. 
“The other day, when? Can you be more specific?” 
“When I went out for dinner with my colleagues.” 
Jeno hummed, shrugging, stopping from scrolling on his socials, “Yeah, why?” 
She breathed deeply, shaking her head before giving him her back again. “Nothing, just wondering.” 
“Are you the only one allowed to have fun?” He stood up, reaching her side, two fingers caressing her cheek gently. 
“I never said that.” 
“No, but I don’t get the random question.” 
“And the day after? You didn’t pass by at work, where were you?” 
“I told you I couldn’t come, bunny. I had a thing to do.” 
“Yes, but what? You never let me take the metro alone.” 
Jeno scoffed and she quirked a brow. 
“What’s funny?” 
He shook his head, leaving her side, but she had no intention of letting the conversation drop. 
“Am I lying? You say it loud and clear.” 
“Yeah, and I also know that you don’t take the metro for some months now.” 
Her eyes widened, and it got harder to swallow the saliva as she stared at him. 
“I saw Jaehyun drop you by weeks ago,” he said calmly. “I’m not worried about the metro because I know you have him and he would never let you ride that.” 
“You don’t even like him,” she chuckled bitterly. 
“As long as he has your back and knows his place, I’m fine with his existence.” 
“Somebody attacked him,” she blurted, trying to study Jeno’s expression, she didn’t like what her thoughts were suggesting her for some days but she couldn’t sleep at night with those doubts. Jaehyun was avoiding her, he didn’t even greet her anymore, he barely explained what happened and she had to put the pieces together by asking Johnny what was going on. She heard that whoever attacked him told him to ‘keep his distance from what wasn’t his,’ and she could only think about Jeno. 
“Oh, on the metro?” 
She was taken aback by his answer and shook her head. “No, out of his house. They almost fractured his nose and he has a broken arm.” 
“Really? Shit, were they trying to rob him?” 
“They threatened him.” She kept her eyes locked into his, more shivers turning her skin full of goosebumps. Jeno was impassible, deep down his concerned frown she could see there was no glint behind his eyes. 
“See, that’s why I don’t trust him around you. He must be in a bad circle or something. The place he lives is nice, why do those kinds of people only attack him?” 
“Jeno,” she breathed out, voice shaking and tears menacing to fall. “Was it you?” She expected a bigger reaction but not that. The calm behind his eyes and voice, terrified her more than his outburst of anger did. 
“Me?” He only replied nonchalantly. “You think I’d ever hurt somebody?” 
She started crying, “You said you would kill for me.” 
“Is it a bad thing?” He asked, walking closer to her, reaching for her hand, shaking like a leaf. “You know I’d never hurt you.” 
“But others? Would you kill for me? Would you… would you ever hurt somebody?” 
Jeno didn’t reply but somehow that silence had all the answers she didn’t want to have. He would. And he did. It surely had been him. 
“Why — why would you do that to him?” 
“Do what?” 
“Beat him? He has wounds all over his face, he doesn’t even look like himself.” 
“Why do you care what he looks like? Do you like him?” 
“No, we’re not doing this,” she replied, shaking her head and walking backwards, hands in front of her as if she could stop him from vomiting out words that would’ve pushed her down a spiral of madness. 
“Yes, we are. Because you’d rather accuse me, your boyfriend, of something like that, rather than come to terms with the fact that probably your bestie from work is not who he tells you to be.” 
“You don’t know him.” 
Jeno scoffed. “Should’ve taught a lesson to you, instead.” 
“What did you say?” She asked, unsure she had heard right. Hoping she didn’t because at this point lies were better than what seemed to be the truth. 
She groaned, slamming a hand on the table. “Why can’t you just be honest for once? You always lie to me.” 
“I never lie to you.” 
“I won’t tell him if you did it but just confess to me and we’ll work it out. If there are some problems in our relationship we can fix them.” 
“You are the problem in our relationship.” 
She gasped before her body started shaking even more, voice vibrating full of fear, insecurity and sadness. “What?” 
“You and your lies and the way you keep listening to everyone except me. No matter what happens, no matter how much things have nothing to do with me, you will always find a way to blame it on me.” 
“I —”
“Shut up,” he cut her off harshly. “I know you talked to Jaemin,” he scoffed. “He never gave a fuck about you. He treated you like shit and the first second we falter, you run in his arms to make me the villain? That’s why you needed him to know, right? Why do you hate me so much?” 
“I don’t hate you. What did he tell you?” 
He laughed, but it wasn’t a familiar sweet sound, it was mocking like a sharp slap straight to the cheek. “Afraid he spilled more than you wanted to reach me, right?” 
“I barely talked about you.” 
“It doesn’t matter what he told me, honestly, he was nice, I got by his weird talks that whatever he was ranting about was coming from you. But you need his words, right? You have me right here and you go ask anybody about me except me. You don’t like me. You never liked the real me. You hate I’m not whoever is in your head.” 
“Please, not this again. I do, I love you so much. I… I…” 
“You what?” He screamed, scaring her, back hitting the wall as the tears started flowing down her cheeks. “God, here we go. Crying like a baby just like when you were a fucking child.” 
She didn’t answer, only wrapped her arms around her body and looked at the floor. This was just like when she fought with her father, or with Jaemin when they were younger and he picked on her for any reason. It was a knife piercing deep into the old wound and twisting with cruel indifference. 
“Fucking answer me! You’re not throwing the rock and then hiding your hand. Ruining our weekend to defend your work boyfie.” 
“Don’t call him that…” 
“No? And what should I call him? Why don’t you run to him? Go, the door is there and I’m sure he’s waiting for you.” 
“He doesn’t talk to me anymore all because you scared him away,” she snapped just to regret it right after. The furious look on Jeno’s face was the last thing she wanted to see. 
“You’re just an ungrateful bitch,” he spat out, turning around angrily. “You don’t deserve anything of what I do for you. This place, defending you from your father, risking my relationship with your brother, hanging out with your friends, dropping you by and coming to pick you up every day from work, spoiling you with small vacation and dresses. But most importantly, you don’t deserve my love. You deserve to be left in the misery you were when you crawled to me on your knees. I should’ve treated you like shit like everybody else always did with you, you would’ve appreciated that more. But here you are.” 
“Jeno, please.” 
“Shut up,” he replied sternly. “And leave.” 
“What do you mean, leave?” 
“What it means? Are you that fucking dumb you don’t know what words mean?” 
“I… I think this is escalating, I didn’t, I didn’t mean this,” she blabbered, a mess on her face as the sobs got louder, too much spit menacing to spill out of her mouth in a pathetic drooling mess. Feeling the floor fall through right beneath her feet, free falling.  
“You never mean it. And I’m tired of your words, of your lame excuses.” 
“No, no, wait,” she said, reaching for him, but he pushed her away. “Tell me what I did wrong and we can fix it.” 
Jeno laughed. “You don’t trust me. And instead of working on it, you just proved to me more and more every day that you’d let other people’s opinions come over your love for me, just like I told you. But I was paranoic back then, wasn’t I?” 
“But this time it’s not words…” 
“What if I did it? What if I beat him and what else did they do to him? Broke his arm?” 
She nodded, lips quivering, brain pulsing for how hard she was trying to keep herself afloat.  
“Would you leave me if I did that?” 
She didn’t reply, gulping hard, blankly looking into his eyes to see if that was a confession or not. 
“Yes, you would, so why would I risk losing you for him? What do I get from beating him?” 
“But he doesn’t talk to me anymore,” she cried, breaking down in another loud sob. Hoping he would open his arms and hold her in, and save her again from the death he pushed her toward. “Nobody else would threaten him over me.” 
“Who said they threatened him over you?” 
“But why wouldn’t he talk to me?” She sniffled. 
“Because people are shit. They use you until they can get what they want from you and then leave you there. Didn’t he have a crush on you?” 
She hummed, rubbing her arms with her palms, sinking her nails down her skin through her clothes to stay grounded.
“And did you ever flirt with him or gave him a hint of giving him a chance?” 
“Of course not, I have you. I love you.” 
“I know, and don’t you think he knows it too? Don’t you think he’s mad because he sees how strong our relationship is? Wasn’t he filling your brain with stupid doubts to make us fall apart?” 
“He wouldn’t…” 
“He wouldn’t? Bunny,” Jeno cooed, caressing her wet cheek. “Men are trash. You don’t know the things they would do just for some sex.” 
“But he’s different… we were friends. I liked spending time with him.” 
“I know, bunny, I know,” he said, pulling her in his arms. “That’s why I’m mad I can’t protect you from the world. I try to, but you don’t listen. You wanted to trust him and here you are, crying because he just wanted to get in your pants and as soon as he realized he couldn’t, he dropped you out of his life.” 
She didn’t answer, only sobbed harder in his chest, arms weakly holding his waist. 
“For how sick he is, he might’ve also hurt himself to make you believe I’d do something like this.” 
“I’m sorry I doubted you,” she said, pulling away. 
Jeno caressed her cheek. “But I need you to trust me, bunny. We can’t go on like this.” 
She nodded. “But you need to trust me too. I love you, I truly do. I don’t care what people say, but I… never mind.” She took a step back before turning around, wiping the tears with the back of her hands, and then walked into the kitchen again, hoping the food didn’t burn, not that she had any appetite left. 
But when her hands placed on the countertop after turning the fire off, she just cried, shaking and sobbing while Jeno stared at her, leaning on the door frame. The silence was louder than any words. They both knew they were walking on a fragile line and it was bound to break. No amount of sick games and lies was going to save them now. But leaving it as a thought was better than saying it out loud. It was safer than starting another fight where maybe none of them would’ve come out alive. 
“We should leave,” Jeno was the one to break the silence, “just for a while. Detox from everything.” 
She didn’t answer, sniffling harder while she held her body close. That wasn’t going to make things better. She knew she should’ve shut things up a year ago, the bet should’ve been a red flag big enough to tell her this wasn’t going to work, but she ignored it, and now she was paying the consequences. Because loving Jeno had always been like this, a rollercoaster with no seat belts. She felt shivers run down her spine when his arms wrapped around her and his chin rested on top of her shoulder.
“I hate when we fight, I really do.” His hot breath on her skin made her feel uncomfortable, it was like the spell ran out of its magic and all of this lost its spark. Like Cinderella, nothing of the fancy dress or the carriage was left, just a scattered pumpkin on the cold ground, but in this case, the pumpkin was her.
“Why aren’t you answering? Why do you act like this?” 
“Please,” she begged, lifting a hand to her ears when he raised his voice, wanting to shut him out. “I’m tired, I’m — I’m exhausted. I can’t, I’ve had thoughts running in my brain for days and I can’t shut them off, I don’t know how to make them stop, I can’t make this pain go away.” 
But it was like Jeno couldn’t get it and thought that everything could’ve been easily fixed. 
“Don’t kiss me,” she said, squirming away, slipping out of his hold. 
“Are you mad at me still? I thought you were mad at him two seconds ago and now you’re turning against me again?” 
“I’m not turning against you,” she retorted. “The world doesn’t turn against you just when a small thing doesn’t go in your direction, I’m… I need some sleep.” 
“No,” he stopped her. “I don’t want to go to bed without resolving this. Why do you pretend?” 
“I’m not pretending, I can’t talk to you because everything turns into a fight. And… I don’t like listening to what other people say about us but maybe they are right, why can’t you just… let me go?” 
“Let you go?” 
She hummed, barely finding the courage to hold his gaze. “Don’t be so protective over me.” 
Jeno’s features were tense and she didn’t like it. 
“Fine,” he whispered. “Maybe we should take a break.” 
She let out a scream of exasperation, why did her every word have to be twisted into something else? “I didn’t say that.” 
“But I did. I can’t take this just like you can’t. I proposed to leave, put the stress to the side and then come back, but you still doubt me.” 
“Leaving will just push our problems back.” 
“What problems? Because we were fine until you brought him up accusing me of hurting him for some kind of… of what? Revenge? Threat?” 
“So it’s my fault?” 
“Yes, it is, we were supposed to eat and go to the amusement park like one year ago, and here we are. Over.” 
“We’re not over, don’t say that,” she huffed, feeling a terrible pain in her chest just hearing that. “We can still go, we can… we can.” 
“You’re tired, go to sleep.” 
She squeezed her head, brain about to explode in confusion, vision blurred because she had no idea what the right path to take was anymore. There wasn’t even a path to follow, just a land of fallen leaves where traps hid underneath, and with every step, she could’ve tumbled inside. 
“My problem is that I think you are too protective of me.” 
“Too protective? Can you please tell me how? The last time we talked, you were lucky you had me, what changed?” 
“I am, I feel safe around you but… I feel like you don’t trust me. It almost seems as if I am a child in your eyes, and I don’t know what to do with myself.” 
He scoffed. “Caring for you makes you feel like that? You know why it does? Because nobody took care of you when you were a child. Because your brain wished somebody took some weight off your shoulder when you were younger, and you’re not used to other people helping you instead of leaving you in the shit. I know that you, more than Jaemin, had to raise yourself on your own. I was there when you always knew how to get out of a situation. You were never dumb, silent maybe, introverted, shy, clumsy, making everything that you touched break or fall or trip directly yourself but fuck, you were never dumb. You… you have always been so fucking interesting and I,” he sighed. “I envied you so much. Because growing up on my own without my father having my back didn’t make me come up like you. You’re right, I’m a mess, and I’m not half of what you are. Why do you think I hated you? I wanted to break you down so badly. But it seemed like the more people would push you to the floor the more you would bloom, and it was always so subtle, so sneaky, you were a master at getting unnoticed and I wanted to be like that so bad. But instead of pushing me away, you attracted me so much, still, no matter how much I studied you, I never got your tricks. I still don’t, not even now. I have no idea how you didn’t turn into a monster, and I do fear I’ll turn you into one if you stick with me. And I try, I try so hard to be the best version of myself, I don’t even realize when I fuck it up but the idea of losing you, kills me. It kills me. And I’m afraid because I… I know that if only you took a glimpse inside of me, of my true self you’d be terrified and you’d run away. God, you already want to run away.” 
She blinked, staring at him with a curious expression, his defences crumbling down like a house of cards. “You noticed me? I wasn’t invisible for you?” 
Jeno sighed, tears rolling from his eyes again, slipping on the floor. “You haunted me. I saw myself in you. And I wanted to destroy you as much as I wanted to destroy myself.” 
She gulped, sitting in front of him. Well, at least now it all made more sense, all the pain he put her through, all the wasted years and tears. “It doesn’t seem really nice.” 
“I have very bad coping mechanisms,” he shrugged, a bitter smile on his face as he stared at her, dried tears marking her beautiful face. 
She reached for his hand, caressing the palm. “Don’t you think we all hide a bad side of us?” 
He shook his head, pulling away. “You wouldn’t get it.” 
“But if you said that I’m the better version of you, how can I not?” 
“Because you are the good I don’t have.” 
“Shut up, you’re an amazing person, why would you say those things now?” 
“It’s not about being a good or bad person, it’s about having scars that healed in a terrible way and having prices to pay because of them.” 
“Don’t you think you’re overreacting?” 
“Am I better in your head?” He asked, tilting his head to the side, voice clipping in his throat. “The version of me that lives there, he’s fine, isn’t he? Maybe he’s just like you.” 
She stared at him, trying to read him deeper, to push past those walls she believed he had pushed down, but they were still all there, too tall to even think about climbing them. “I don’t understand you, Jeno, I… I don’t know if I’m tired or if you’re just saying nonsense but… it’s confusing.” 
He smiled, cupping her cheek. “That’s why I told you, you can’t get it.” 
“Where are you going?” She asked when he got up and walked to the door. 
“Out,” he replied calmly as if they weren’t having breakdown after breakdown, always collected as if nothing fazed him, not even when he was the one underwater gasping for air. 
“No, please, I don’t want us to be alone.” 
He turned around, staring at her standing with her fingers playing together. Jeno gulped, looking down before leaning against the door, and inhaling deeply. The images of the fights of before were burning in his brain like a wildfire that had no intention to stop, her wet cheeks, her eyes full of fear, trust faltering, her screams and her words, he was the monster he wanted to protect her from. 
When Jeno started sobbing she rushed to him, holding him in her arms. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, apologizing for things she didn’t know. Cursing himself for being so dumb once again, for hurting everybody even when he wanted to protect them. Hating himself because he was never going to learn. “I’m so sorry.” 
She caressed his face, shushing him with small kisses. 
“I don’t deserve you,” he said, pushing her to the side, running to the bathroom, locking himself in. And if only she didn’t see his eyes being empty and blank again, she wouldn’t have felt that weird warning sensation in her gut. 
“Jeno, open the door,” she screamed when she felt an alarming silence interrupted by sobs and objects falling on the floor. “Jeno, please,” she screamed louder. “I’m here to help you.” 
“I don’t need your help, you don’t know… you don’t.” 
“Jeno, I don’t care, I don’t care about what had been, but I care about you. You are not your scars.” 
“Yes, I am. I am fucked up in more ways than you could even imagine. I’m so toxic for you and I… I’m so selfish because, fuck,” a groan of pain stopped him. “I can’t be without you, I can’t. I want you so bad because it’s so easy to fool myself I can be like you, that if you chose me there must be something good in the mess I am, and I,” another groan, louder this time, reached her outside of the room, but when nothing followed, she started panicking more. 
“Jeno, what are you doing?” 
“Jeno,” she banged against the door, screaming and crying, “open, please, please don’t do anything dumb.” 
Only after a few seconds he opened, heart on his knees when he noticed the state she was in, the state he put her through. And his heart sank even more when she fell into his arms once seeing he was fine. She loved him too much. 
“I hit him.” 
“What?” She asked, pulling away. 
“I hit Jaehyun, I slashed his tires, I even spied you one night, more than once. I followed you when you went out the other night.” 
She stood there, frozen in her tracks, shaking. The realization falling on her like a cold shower. 
“No, you didn’t. We’re both tired, we need some sleep.” 
“No, I did it. The scar on my thigh? I hurt myself while hiding after slashing his tires and I had to fix it myself.” 
She was speechless, feeling like she could pass out. It couldn’t be true. Yes, she feared it was for weeks by now, but it couldn’t be true. Why was he even confessing? Why couldn’t he keep lying? He was so good at it, and she loved falling into those lies. 
“But why?” Her voice came out like a tremble, salty drops dripping down her face, she couldn’t calm down. 
“Because I’m terrified of losing you.” 
“But what made you even think I would leave you? I… I loved you when you treated me like shit, how could I don’t love you now?” 
“It’s my brain, it’s… it’s the fact I’m never worth more than a fuck for nobody, it’s because I’m bad at love and I’m only good at tricking people into me and manipulating them. It’s because I didn’t learn anything else in my life.” 
“I…” She couldn’t find words to say, she had so many things to let out but they made no sense. Nothing made sense. He was capable of that? Of hurting the people she loved? He spied her? So that night wasn’t a coincidence? Trying to put together all the pieces was driving her insane, and the more she did, the more the picture looked blurry. 
“You were the only one that never looked at me up and down. The only one that never judged me for anything. The only one that truly stood by my side. No matter how much I mocked you for it, or pretended I didn’t notice. I still have all your birthday cards, the ones I always laughed about in front of our friends. I have the Halloween costume you sewed for me when you took your sewing class. I have the small notes you would leave in my bag every time I stayed over with your brother. I have everything.” 
She tried to breathe but it was getting impossible and she leaned against a wall. It was like the world was spinning at light speed and she had no ground under her feet. It was like a Ferris wheel falling to the ground and having nothing to save herself with. 
“So why did it have to take a fucking bet to get to me?” She cried out, voice full of anger but it still didn’t quite come out, too mixed with the disappointment. It all could’ve been so much easier. 
“Because I was in denial. I thought I loved the attention you gave me, the — the pathetic kind of love you felt for me made me feel so fucking important. I believed I could bathe in it and then jump out free once I was done with you. Using you like any other person but then… then you made me discover what love truly is and I couldn’t stand it.” 
She hummed, a small, crooked smile curling her lips. How could she even react to all of that? “But you still love the power you have over me, don’t you? That’s why you’re here, you know I’ll always come back. You know I’ll let you trap me in a cage if it meant being with you, so why this? Why hurt the people I love?” 
“Because I don’t know how much your love for me will make you come back. I… I thought that if I made you feel safe with me, if I cut other people out, you… you wouldn’t have seen how terrible I am.” 
“Then why are you confessing?” 
He lifted his head up, glossy, red eyes meeting hers, nothing but a brown pool of sadness, rancor and so many other emotions she couldn’t point out. “Because I need to be honest with you before you’ll leave me like everybody else.” 
She sat on the floor, legs too tired to support her body, and stared at him, crying and shaking, mumbling apologies, bleeding on the floor since something must’ve cut his hands by mistake. It was another red flag, wasn’t it? A warning as big as a house that was screaming at her to leave now, before it truly was too late. But she also thought of the man of before and how he was trying to manipulate her, how easy it was for him to do it, and now he was confessing all his crimes. And the same questions that assaulted her when he was begging on her knees to forgive him for that bet were filling her brain again. What was he gaining from this? Why did he fight so hard to keep her? But this time she knew he couldn’t have anybody else, that the whole façade of him being a fuckboy was as fake as everything else she had believed lately. He didn’t grow to love her. He always did. Did he? Or did he love the power and the tears and begs and screams? 
After all, it was them. It had always been them. It was falling. It was death, by his side, and it wasn’t sweet or tragically romantic.
She sighed, resting her chin on her bent knees. 
He had done everything to prove her how much he loved her like he had promised. He had done too much. 
“You want me to leave you?” 
Jeno nodded, feeling his heart clench in his chest just at the idea of lifting his head and not seeing her anymore, but that was just another price to pay, he deserved it. 
She pursed her lips together, staring at the floor blankly. She wanted to ask him questions, if he ever got himself checked up for something, if there was something he could do to fix this instead of hurting himself and the people he loved, but she didn’t. 
“I want you to take me to the amusement park tomorrow.” 
He raised his head, shocked to even hear her voice and see that she was still there. 
“I think me and you have to start brand new.” 
He shook his head. “I can’t change. And before I’ll hurt you too, I want you to leave.” No, he didn’t, he could barely survive a month without her, he didn’t even want to imagine an entire life like that, but he had to.
She moved closer. “Maybe instead of pushing the problems back, you could face them?” 
“Drop it,” he warned, but she didn’t listen. 
“I don’t know anything about love, nobody taught me anything about it either. But I guess love is taking care of the people you love, right? I’m not trying to hurt you, I’m here, Jeno. I’m standing close to you after you confessed you stalked me and threatened one of my friends. If I was like anybody else I would not only be out of that door but I would probably be at the police, suing you. But I’m here. I’m here because I listened to you before and I think that maybe there’s a reason why you’re like this, and you can fix this. You don’t heal from the pain of the past, nobody and nothing fills certain voids but instead of letting them drown you and take opportunities away from you, there are ways to walk past them and move forward.” 
He didn’t answer, chewing the inside of his cheeks nervously, thinking about it. “I’ll do it, I promise. But without you, I can’t drag you in this.” 
“You won’t do it if you don’t have a reason to do it, you know it, too.” 
“So you know me a bit, don’t you?” 
She nodded, caressing his cheek with her thumb, and her body relaxed a bit when he snuggled against her touch and shifted closer to her. 
“Maybe we should get up from the cold floor, don’t you think so?”
When the clock struck midnight, Jeno was sleeping, leaning on her, on the couch. And as much as she was exhausted, she couldn’t close her eyes thinking about everything that happened. Tormenting herself, wondering if it was another one of his traps or if he was so good at hiding his demons that not even Jaemin, Haechan, or Jisung had a mere idea of everything that was going on inside him. Thinking how much different he looked when she walked him to the couch and cleaned his wounds and he opened up a bit more. Questioning which of the many versions of himself he had shown her was the real one. Wondering who she was going to wake up to the next day. She hoped it was the same Jeno that chuckled lightly while they ate a bowl of ramen, talking about the future. She hoped it was the same Jeno that promised her he was going to be a better person. She hoped he could be his true self around her, but she started to fear that maybe that version of him didn’t even exist, that he tried so hard to conceal it that it simply disappeared and he, himself, had to find it somewhere he didn’t know. 
She sighed, struggling to grab a blanket, and covered their tired bodies, holding him closer, inhaling his scent before she tried to close her eyes, hoping the heavy sensation on her chest wouldn’t have been there by morning. 
But for now, it was, their hearts were beating as once with the same demons. He was right. They weren’t different, they were a different outcome of the same situation. Probably that was why they worked. She craved his bad, and he craved her good. But she doubted that foolish fantasy could last for long. 
Probably it was better to leave, to run and hide, maybe she was still in time to don’t miss him as if somebody cut her heart off her chest, still in time to don’t let his demons drown her too. But after all, she was a dumb girl, a fool for him. 
She would’ve always wanted him. In any way she could have him. 
And when she looked down at his relaxed face, eyelashes resting on his cheeks, and breath normal, she realized she couldn’t leave him. If she brought the better out of him, this couldn’t go wrong. It couldn’t be worst, at least. 
But the realization of how tricky the path they were going to take kept her up at night some more. 
Jeno was terrified of losing her, the only good part of him, the only person he could somehow mirror himself even though their apparent incompatibility. 
Somebody could’ve called it dedication, some other something darker. After all, the line between love and obsession is thin, and Jeno had crossed it for a while. And she had no idea if there was salvation for that. 
Jeno wasn’t only in love, Jeno was obsessed. 
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taglist: @jenoxygen @bockhyun @harrypinks @eotokki-blog @painted-hills @zimsuhlabim​ @arlenejcc​
I hope you liked it, please leave feedback to show support ♡
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jannythewriter-pt2 · 7 months
Collage Feels Pt.2
Warning ⚠️ Suggestive themes
It was the night of the party and you were nervous ash to say the least. You thought too yourself “ik I wasn’t going to dress up tonight but fuck it let’s show off a little yk” so that’s what you did. The fit tonight was stunning, a black skims dress with a Cuban link chain and Black French tips and crock print nails, and not to mention you have nipple piercings. You looked in the mirror second guessing yourself but decided to get over it and try to have fun, plus how can you not have fun when DAT ASS PHAT 😫.
Mikasa had on a black mini skirt and a black tube top and she was SNATCHED. Y’all then made your way over to the frat house and went inside. You were met with different eyes from different people, after all your new here and you fine so. You then walk in the living room to see the same mf’s you saw in the lobby when you got here; Connie and his friends.
“Damn Mikasa who dis?” Connie said eying me from the other side of the room “Damn she fine, and that ass fat asf” he thought in his head. “This y/n, she’s new so don’t try to fuck her or imma kick all y’all’s head off” Mikasa said. You greeted everyone but kept eye contact with Connie “I like your tats, there fire asf” you said quietly “thank you ma” he said, this made you get nervous as hell, “I like you piercings” he said smirking, “oh, thank you” you say shyly. The party was commencing as usual when you got up to go and use the bathroom. On the way there you saw Mikasa and Eren go into a room and yk what was finna happen 😏.
“Y’all better be safe” you say with a smirk on your face. They look back at you and laugh. You then go back in the kitchen to grab a drink, then suddenly you saw Connie. “Hey ma, wyd” he said, “I’m thirty, iv just been sitting yk how it gets” you said nervously, he smiled at you and said “Yeah I get that, but aside from that are you new here cause I didn’t see you around last year” “Yeah I wasn’t here last year, I transferred cause my last collage was ghetto and I kinda wanted to leave that environment” you said opening up a little.
You and Connie talk for a little bit and you got the courage to ask for his number, and low and behold he gave it to you. “Hey maybe we could go get takeout sometime?” he asked a little hesitantly “Of course, I wouldn’t mind that at all” you said happily. “Maybe next week?” he asked “Of course Connie, whenever your free I’m there” this statement made Connie hot and bothered for some reason, from the way your voice sounded, to the way you looked, to the way you smelled, he wondered if you tasted as good as you looked………
It was the end of the party and you and had to take Mikasa home because that girl was slam drunk and she couldn’t walk properly (Eren gave her some of that good D 😫) and she sounded like she was speaking gibberish. You took her to your car, but there were people looking at you “Is that your car?!” Jean asked shocked, “Yeh this my whip, why?” you said confused “that bitch tuff” Connie said and everyone around agreed. “Thank you Constance” you said in a more hushed tone. You just said his first name, and he liked it…..more than he needed to.
It was in that very moment that he knew he needed to fuck you. He wanted to pin you down, ass up hearing you say his name just like that, over and over again. “Bye y’all I’ll see y’all around” you say, this snaps him out of his trance “bye ma” he said. Everyone else said their goodbyes, then you and Mikasa speed off. “You want to fuck her dont you” Eren said smirking “Nah I’m tryna wife her up, she’s beautiful….but them back shots would go crazy” Connie said smirking and dapping Eren up.
I have fed y’all for now 😮‍💨😫
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theheromira · 8 months
Nimona appreciation post (Part 3 of idk even know how many)
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Hi guys, I'm back with Part 3. Sorry about the delay, I tend to procrastinate even if something has to do with my newest hyperfixation lol (Pic for attention, like always lol)
at the beginning he says to Amb that he's not brooding and now he tells Nimona that "Knights don't mope, they brood."
"Murder him, murdder her, murder everyone!" aaand there is Amb standing int the door and Bals pose XD
Amb lil smile when he sees Bal. He probably thought that he killed Bal and seems glas that he's not
Also him just looking at Bals arm
Nimonas lil "Gesundheit" is way better in the english version ngl
Nemesis 😈
"Oh, look! It's Gloreth!" and the knights behind them actually look in the direction she pointed at
Amb acting like he was about to draw his sword and looking like they just caught him doing something forbidden like I don't even know
Bals almost defeated face at the beginning of the closet scene
Nimona just casually ripping that pipe out of the wall
Bals hamster cheeks when she grabs his face
that die-in-the-closet-dialogue felt very strange to me but I still don't completely understand how people can hate people who have a different orientation than them (sexual or not, I don't know how to say that exactly but I hope you kinda understand me?). There shouldn't be a problem about dying in a closet in real life and I really understand why people are so close-minded and this is still happening, I guess. Why does this "kids movie" motivate me to think about this kind of issue so much? But I guess it's a good thing, I'm probably/definitely not the only one who watched Nimona and really started to think about this (and the other themes of this movie)
also Nimona literally coming out of the closet (as a shape-shifter) is like really nice, I love little things like that in movies that you maybe not even register at first
I like to think that the axe opening the door is a little "Shining" reference
Nimona casually catching the arrow before her face
Bal being the competent idiot that he is grabbing the first thing his hand finds to use as a weapon without even looking
"Even if you see the horn?"
"I will not freak… Uhhh" with that face XD
I just looove her line "This is the part where you run.", how she looks at the knights and how they start to panic
Bals face while getting out of the closet is like: What the everloving hell did just happen/is just happening?
"Yeah" "Oh no! Stay away! Get back! No! This is not happening!" XD
Amb just being bamboozled and proving that he's at least a bit of a Nerd (who other then a Nerd or a Zoologist would call a Rhino by it's full name)
"Leave that guy alone!" "Take that" bonks him away with her horn lol, they are such a good duo
Stairs are either your best friend (Nimona seemingly) or your worst enemy (Kungfu Panda)
Bal just being completely like a fish out of water by what is happening during that chase is also kinda hilarious
Also him still having the brain to tell her she needs to go right in all of this mayhem is very competent of him, I stan him just a bit ngl
the whale
hey def needed a meeting table that round, they are a kingdom of knights
loving that Todd gets the tiny d*** joke, one of the best jokes in the movie and this movie has a lot of good ones
Now he wants the staircase, Bal really should make up his mind XD
I'm a bit sad that the original BlueSky-Scene where she changes into a dragon didn't make it in there but this is also fine, I guess
How did Bal survive that fall?
also loving how he just slides the last few metres face down lol
Nimona looking at Bal before she says her "Something, something, something, we win." was kinda cute
Explosions! "Metal" Also: stuff like this reminds me of a kind of old scetch from a comedian (I know the guy from some youtube vids of different poetry slams but he is a comedian now) I like pertaining bear catapults (I def will get myself some tickets if he ever does a show near me, the guy is hilarious)
Bal looking kinda chill (he prob has a concussion and isn't quite there, I guess) at the different things that fly towards them and then focusing on that little bit of debris that knocks him out (and the sound he makes when he gets hit) lol
Sooo, that was it for part 3. Short I know, but I think I will try to get these posts out and ngl my attention span is a bit short at the moment… with this kind of post thats more on the short site I believe I can stay on the topic and not procrastinate that much. Maybe there will also be some longer ones inbetween, we will see. Have a good one guys ^^
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freddy-owo · 12 days
Pjsk mlp headcanons
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Separate info and reasoning why I picked that for each character under the cut!! ^^
(Be wary: I associate the different pony ‘subspecies’ as having different class levels automatically, so that will be affecting my opinions and reasonings)
Ichika: earth pony
- I picked this for her because she’s like, the ‘generic main character’ vibes, and I think that in a mlp themed visual novel, the mc would be an earth pony. So I made ichika an earth pony.
Saki: pegasus
- her last name means pegasus. Also I wanted to keep all the siblings to the same subspecies (pony-type???) and I can’t just not make tsukasa a pegasus.
Honami: earth pony
- I was seriously debating between unicorn and earth pony with her, but eventually went with earth pony because idk it just felt right
Shiho: unicorn
- shizuku has to be a unicorn in my mind, so shiho does too (also I think it’s funny because unicorns are usually seen as more proper or sophisticated and shiho is. Not that.) (/pos)
Minori: earth pony
- in this universe, usually only unicorns or pegasi get hired by idol industries, so minori really doesn’t have any chance but she keeps trying and trying because she doesn’t care and knows that she can do it. (Another reason why airi is so standoffish towards minori in the main story because she’s trying to tell minori the truth, and that airi was really just a flook with being an earth pony in the idol industry and she doesn’t want minori’s hopes and dreams to be crushed by the idol industry) (which is also why she eventually takes her under her metaphorical wing and ‘shows her the ropes’ because once she realizes that minori won’t give up, she’s like ‘I see myself in you’ and wants her to be happy)
Haruka: unicorn
- once again, idol industry only hiring unicorns and pegasi. Also she just gives off the vibes
Airi: earth pony
- like I said before, she was really just a flook (since earth ponies are VERY rarely hired to be idols). But I really just can’t see her as anything other than an earth pony so that’s why she is one
Shizuku: unicorn
- also vibes, she’s very unicorn to me
Kohane: earth pony
- I just feel like kohane would be like ‘oh man I don’t fit in anywhere all the areas I want to pursue (ie: photography) are full of unicorns and pegasi what should I do’ and then main story stuff happens and she finds out the the majority of vivid street’s population is made up of earth ponies and she’s like ‘oh!’ (/pos)
An: pegasus
- also very tempted to earth pony-ify her due to it fitting her having to climb to get to kohane’s level (this would be if kohane as a unicorn) but ALSO she’s a pegasus because she *hasnt* had to work so much for what she has in the beginning. As Ken says, an’s never really had anything bad happen to her so she doesn’t know how to deal with it. I think that’s partially because she’s one of the only pegasi who occupies vivid street, as well as just being a pegasus in general gives her more ‘power’ in the pony society
Akito: earth pony
- he has had to work so hard to get to where he is. He’s had to climb every single imaginable ladder there is to have to climb, and that just feels very earth pony to me. Also I feel like him being a unicorn or a pegasus could kind ruin his character and it’s entire point of being the way it is (I am not going into a rant abt Akito’s character here that would be way to long and not many coherent words would be used) but just believe me he’s an earth pony
Toya: pegasus/unicorn
- he could be either a pegasus or a unicorn to me. I’m fine with either. Once again, delving into the pony class system, Toya is from a rich family. His entire family is famous and very prestigious. His dad also just feels like all the stuck up obnoxious ponies from manehattan and because of how pony genetics work in my brain, Toya is also either a pegasus or a unicorn. I’m sliiiiiiightly leaning more towards pegasus, because I love Toya wing imagery (having the freedom to fly away and go anywhere by being trapped within his home, held down by his father. Not even knowing how to use his wings until he meets vbs and they help him and show him that yes, he can be free.)
Tsukasa: pegasus
- no explanation needed
Emu: earth pony
- ignore everything I’ve said about class types equating to pony types in my brain emu is so earth pony (also could explain why she’s so different from her family, and why they think she’s too “incompetent” (going from an outside perspective and not actually how her family feels I understand emu’s family im just saying this for the dramatics) to help run the family business and all that)
Nene: unicorn
- she would benefit from this so much. Also we could make robonene into a wooden puppet that she moves with her magic or something like that, since I don’t believe super advanced technology exists in the mlp universe
Rui: unicorn
- also would benefit so much from this. He also deserves to be an eccentric unicorn I think that’s very him. Also he would probably make puppets in the universe and would kinda need magic to move them and stuff (he’s almost twilight level magic ability due to him being a prodigy)
Kanade: pegasus
- I just thought it'd be funny since pegasi are usually athletic and stuff. Also kanade would be like 'why did I have to be a pegasus this doesn't benefit me I don't leave the house'
Mafuyu: unicorn
- I feel like it fits her nice girl image, as well as giving her mom another reason why she expects to much from her (because unicorns are the highest respected pony-type and usually have to most detail-oriented jobs)
Ena: earth pony
- gives her dad another reason to be like 'you can't be an artist you have no talent and no one in the industry will respect your because your an earth pony' also Ena is just such an earth pony it feels right
Mizuki: unicorn
- unicorns irl are usually seen as more girly and feminine than any other pony-type commonly, so mizuki gets the 'girl pony'. Also, when they were a kid (in this pony universe) they'd always get mistaken for a girl because 1) child, 2) unicorn, 3) wearing pink frilly stuff
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bl4cktourmaline · 8 months
HELLO!! my birthday is coming on halloween :3 so i would like to request n25 having a halloween party with reader! or idk anything halloween themed is fine thx <3
Halloween Trip ☆
↳ N25(Together) celebrates Halloween together with you by hosting a haunted house.
♬ X/ModNene is typing...
↻Happy early/belated birthday anon ☆ Hope your birthday is going well ! I wasn't sure if you wanted to separate or put it together. If this wasn't to your liking, feel free to request again \(≧∇≦)
𝅘𝅥𝅮 If you would like to request click here and read the writing rules for all the writers ! ☆
■ Contents: Fluff
► ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : N25
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N25 were doing their usual daily things in order to make more songs to save people. Until K stumbles a song she had saved the title as "[name] birthday present" which she then realised was in a weeks time. Slowly streamlined of events unfold.
Nightcord at 25:00
Amia: Yahoo! What are you guys going to do for [name]'s birthday?
Enanan: I haven't gotten a gift yet. It's quite hard to find something that's presentable.
Amia: Just say you're indecisive..
Enanan: Hey! You're indecisive too
K: Ah.. I've composed a song for them as a gift. I hope they'll like it.
Yuki: Couldn't we just say happy birthday?
Amia: Not this time Yuki!
Amia: I've got an idea of how we can celebrate it fufufu~ Since it is Halloween soon..
Enanan: No.
Amia: Hey! Why?! I haven't even started telling you my plans?!
Enanan: I don't like your ideas.
Amia: Ouch!! Yuki, K, Enanan is such a bully!!
K: Enanan, how about we hear her out first.
Enanan: I refuse, she is probably going to take us somewhere scary first!!
Amia: Ena you suck at guessing.
Enanan: Huh? We aren't going somewhere scary? Also I do not suck at guessing! You always have tricks up your sleeves.
Amia: That's so mean of you to think that someone as cute and adorable as me would do something like that!
K: So where are we taking out [name] on their birthday?
Amia: Let's make a haunted house!
Enanan: ..Eh?
You were now standing outside Kanade's apartment however it seemed a bit different. The door was unlocked and it was incredibly dark with only a few candles that dimly lit the halls.
'Did a hurricane hit Kanade's house..?' You thought as you could see fallen debris everywhere as well as broken furnitures. It has the atmosphere of a haunted house. Perhaps this was what Mizuki had wanted you to see?
"Ya-hello~? Is anyone home?" You yelled in the house, there didn't feel like there was any life in it. You walked into the apartment cautiously.
"EEK WHAT WAS THAT?!" You cried out, slowly embracing yourself to look down. Only to found out that you've stepped on a piece of paper on the ground.
"Oh.. Hahaha, silly me, it's just a piece of paper." As you bent down to reach it. 'Welcome dear guest.. Once you read this, your fate has been sealed! Only way to get out is to continue forward.' And just like that you heard the door behind you shut close with a slam.
"AH-hahaha.. What a nice joke.." You turn around to try to open the door. However..
*Cluck cluck.. CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK*
It was completely shut and wouldn't open. However the shut door had a red writing that kind of looks like blood.
Have fun with this little haunted house activity we put together for you~
Come and find us! There will be a great surprise at the end if you do 𝅘𝅥𝅮
- Mizuki :P"
Oh.. So it is a haunted house after all. You heaved a sigh of relief glad that Kanade is fine and that the girls had come together to make this for you. You had always liked haunted houses however you were scared of them. It was both terrifying and fun at the same time, you would always go with Mizuki as they were the most enthusiastic to come.
You then proceeded to turn around to continue the haunted house activity moving ever so cautiously to not get scared, when suddenly the place was filled with mist and an eerie music started playing.
"Creepy atmosphere? You must do better than that to scare me." You thought.
- only to jinx yourself as suddenly a hand came out of nowhere out of a painting and tried to grab you. "EEK?!" you immediately jolted away on reflex.
The hand immediately withdraw and what now lies in the painting was a black figure with long hair. "The pain.." The painting softly said.
You recall the horror story the Mizuki told you about and jolted out of the hallway as fast as your legs could take you.
"Wait. It was just a painting. Surely paintings can't chase me.." You look behind you and nothing was there. "Urghh! I spent my energy on nothing." Although now you were in the room full of dolls with eerie red lightings.
As you take a bit of a look around the room. You found many artworks in red, they all look quite terrifying but you could clearly tell the Artstyle was from Ena which made it less terrifying.
"The artstyle is really nice, however Ena draws too well to make this scary.."
"Tha- I mean, look guys! A human, we c-could totally use more blood for these paintings!" You heard a voice behind you. Suddenly you can see multiple dolls slowly standing up from their sitting positions to come after you.
Although you weren't really scared since Ena's artworks seem to calm you down as you know you aren't alone and that this room was Ena's part of the haunted house.
"Hey! Why aren't you scared?! I-I mean we are going to harvest your blood you know?!"
"..Ena I know you're behind the voices of the dolls."
"...How did you know?! I thought I didn't mess-"
"Your artworks were really good to give me a sense of fear, probably because I know its your artstyle which gave me the comfort that you're here with me!"
You took this as an opportunity to dash out the room while Ena was stump at the sudden compliment that she forgot about the part about chasing after you.
"Phew~! That was a bit close. I definitely don't want to be chased by dolls." You were slowly making to the end of the haunted house as there was a light emitting out below of a close door, where you assume was where the surprise was.
Without hesitating, you immediately started sprinting to the end. As you were about to reach it..
"Boo" something walked out of another room and scared you.
"AH! PLEASE DON'T EAT ME-" You fell down shutting your eyes and used your hands to block whatever was in front of you.
You slowly opened your eyes to see a familiar purple haired girl standing in front of you.
"Oh.. Ahaha, it's just you Mafuyu, I t-totally knew it"
"Didn't you just screamed 'don't eat me'-"
"I-Ignore that!! The tiny details don't matter!"
"The tiny detail was you screaming though.."
"Hey! That was a half-ass jumpscare! How did you get more scared of that than my part?!" You looked behind you to see Ena coming out of her room, obviously a bit mad.
"I was only told to jumpscare.."
"Still you could've done a little better?!"
"Ahaha.. Now now, don't fight you two, it's [name]'s birthday."
You turned to see the door in front of you which was emitting light open with a side pony-tailed girl behind it.
"Congrats [name]! You made it, I totally enjoyed your screams~𝅘𝅥𝅮"
"Yeah, congrats [name]" as the last member of N25 came out of the lighted room to congratulate you.
"Mizuki! You're so mean! However this experience was really fun. I really enjoyed it a lot" You praised them for making this for you, after all they all poured their efforts into this.
After this. N25 hosted a birthday party as your gift for going through the haunted house. This was the best birthday you could've ever asked for and won't be forgetting in a long time.
"The haunted house was so amazing the decorations and props made it feel so surreal~!" You chirped happily, thankful that your friend made a full haunted house activity for you.
"Aha, the props was thanks to an old friend of mine, he made the dolls and we could control it. But apparently Ena is so terrible at scaring you, we didn't manage to get that to work."
"Oi! How would I know my art would comfort them?!"
"Mhm.. Can I take off this costume and makeup then.."
"Oh right, I'll help with that Mafuyu, after all I was the one who did it."
You took a closer look at Mafuyu and the makeup looks really well made and terrifying. Mizuki's skills of dressing her up has surprised you.
"Ah right I still have to wash my arm.. Is it okay Ena?"
"Hm, oh yeah, the makeup I used is fairly easy to get off. Just wash it off with water."
"Eh?? You all split up the work and cooperate that well to make this whole thing?! I mean.. Everyone worked well except for Ena" you teased a little
"What's that suppose to mean?!"
"That no means you suck!"
Mizuki yelled from the room.
"So loud.."
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stelladess · 1 month
Spoiler ahead for the CN livestream, so chapter 14 stuff and brief IS5 mention (also anime season 3 confirmed now). Do not keep reading to avoid spoilers. Just some of my early thoughts. Stream of conciousness, not having thought things through much kind of thing. Kind of just rambling. But tl;dr is that I am excited and it looks good to me.
So, they keep using Civilight Etherna to describe "Theresa" and even outright ask "is she really Theresa?" in the live stream, so no its not a full on resurrection... so from a certain point of view, I was right. Her kit seems super good, she a bard also the freebie operator. Since I do not have Skalter this is good news for me. Big buffs, can do true damage... is neat. Logos is... outright busted. His S1 is insanely good AFK skill which can just auto kill weaker enemies who enters his range, not even an attack and his S2 seems fine, his S3 is also insane. Depending on the numbers he might outperform Eyja but we´ll see, that is always the test is it not? Amiya gets to be an incantation medic, with an outright busted talent (passive health regen on skill, off and on skill gives max HP boosts, this applies to all operators for both it seems?) and a pretty good looking S1 (attacks two enemies, bonus damage) and an amazing S2 with a big burst of damage at first, then slow and true damage with targeting two enemies and.... once per mission... again. Its... fine, I´m not salty.... Anyway, the big star, is limited (I had hoped she would be freebie since her original was limited but oh well) Walter.... or, W has now picked a name for herself, we will have to learn the context in chapter 14, Wis´adel (she has a different S but my keyboard lacks it, it is pronouched as a "sh" sound though). Wis´adel is a flinger sniper who makes all other flingers irelevant and is absolutely busted. Because I am a big W fan (depending on the day it is either her or Kal´tsit who is my second favorite operator) and flingers were in a really bad spot I am kind of ok with this but I still prefer they do not just blatantly directly power creep operators or go too far on insane damage numbers. Her damage seems... a bit too high in my opinion, but because I love her as a character and am excited for her story going forward and her kit seems fun, just really overtuned, I will be pulling. And I guess Degenbrecher and Mlynar already brought us up to this insane damage level so I should not be surprised. Power creep is something I have kept up in many many games I play and there are times where a later power crept state was my favorite period of the game so I will not go and get too hung up on the power creep. Also, I was right to take notice of the floating black crown parts I think cause it is even more prominent now. Bunch of story related stuff here but I wanna wait with talking about that until I have sorted my thoughts and maybe even read chapter 14. On that note, story for chapter 14 has me INCREDIBLY hyped. 13 was my favorite chapter, dethroning chapter 8. And I really wanna know what they are cooking next! Also IS5 has a Kal´tsit boss... she wields a sword!!!! (There are some interesting stuff about Kal and weapons that comes up occasionally, this is in the past it seems so maybe we find out what the deal is?)
I do think its a kind of bad decision to make IS5 sarkaz themed though, I like the sarkaz stuff but I feel IS is best used for parts of the world not explored in as much depth elsewhere. (I think it works with IS3 doing something explored a lot elsewhere but I kinda do not want them to keep doing that). But back to positive stuff the character designs are great. Wis´adel design has really grown on me, I think its a huge downgrade from what she wore before but it feels like it fits her so I am fine with that. Amiya has improved her fashion sense, at first I was sad at no more big coat/cape but that turned out to just be cause the blurry art... she went for a long coat instead of big coat that was actually a normal coat but just too big for her. So it still is something actually made to fit her but still retains the big coat look to some extent. Civilight Etherna boobs seem bigger then Theresa´s(?) Is it to contain the myriad souls? Deep lore implications about this at least! Logos uniform is good but like, so are all Rhodes uniforms. I do not feel it is exceptionally good for a Rhodes uniform but it suits him. Oh and also we see Wis´adel studying in one of the PVs, Hoederer must be so proud she is finally taking her education seriously~! Lastly on addressing the name situation... I will keep using W until chapter 14 is out on global to avoid spoiling people, after that I will probably switch to using her new name. Names are a very important thing especially when you pick them yourself.
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mioyeo · 2 years
8 makes 1 Team
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No matter how different, without one of us there is no 8 makes 1 Team
Synopsis : In which 8 boys build a friendship despise of their differences with the help of a psychiatrist
Pairing : psychiatrist! Reader x Ateez (for now )
Themes : angst , mental struggles, fears , Disorders etc
Warnings : this chapter includes mentions of , slight angst , anxiety disorder , sign language , mentions of lazy workers , a little crying, please tell me if I forgot something , and I’m not romanticizing Disorders in anyway and this is pure fiction meaning this doesn’t represent Ateez in any type of way
And I would like to apologize and just like to explain that after I post the chapters of you guys getting to meet the patients (Ateez ) there will be back stories as to why they are where they are and etc , besides I do my research before writing about these disorders and other things
Word count : 0,9k
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𝗣𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟬𝟴𝟰𝟴
𝙉𝙖𝙢𝙚 : 𝙎𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙞
𝗕𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲 : 𝗔𝘂𝗴𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝟵, 𝟭𝟵𝟵𝟵
𝗛𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 : 𝟭,𝟴𝟯𝗺
𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀 : 𝗗𝗲𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿 , 𝗦𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗺𝘂𝘁𝗲 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿 , 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁-𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘂𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿 , 𝗣𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗰 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿
𝘋𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘳: 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘴 𝘴����𝘨𝘯 𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘨𝘦 , 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘮 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘴 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘺𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘮
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She walked straight into the room after the guard let her inside
There sat a ginger boy in his bright yellow pajamas watching as the rain drops fell against the window outside and slid down
Y/n approached and made her presence known to the boy who's eyes widened
' Hey , how are you doing today ? '
She signed and smiled softly as he started to smile back
' Hello, are you here to take me outside ? '
He signed back and smiled more brightly
' Yes , I guess you must've been waiting for someone to finally take you outside ? '
' Yes , I really want to go out even though it's raining and the benches will probably be wet '
' Oh , look it just stopped what a wonder '
She smiled and waved him over to go outside
' I've never seen you before , are you new ? '
' Yeah , I just got transferred here a week ago '
The boy grabbed her hand as other patients started to stare making him uncomfortable
' Please don't mind them , all that matters now is you getting fresh air and relax "
' Also id like to know your name so I can speak more comfortably to you if that's ok '
' My name is Mingi and you ? '
' I'm Y/n nice to meet you Mingi '
They both reached outside where the weather was rather chilly after raining for a while
' I love to be outside it makes me happy , but I'm also afraid of the world outside the walls of my room where I know I'm on my own '
The boy sighed and stuck his hands into the pockets of his pajama
' Your not on your own , I'm here now to help you get better so you can fearlessly walk out of here and enjoy your live '
' Do you think I'll ever be able too ? '
' With a lot of help and confidence you for sure will ,  trust me I know that you can '
' Are you going to be here everyday ? '
' Yeah don't worry I will only leave when your fully ready to be discharged '
He smiled holding out his pinky after signing something
' Do you promise that you'll never leave me ? '
' I promise you that I won't leave you '
The boy squealed and sat down patting the dry bench that was under the roof
' I don't know what I will do when I get out of here ? will I be able to manage alone ? '
' Will I even be able to live in peace after what happened ? Can I trust myself to do well '
He looked worried as he played with his fingers
' Mingi, you'll heal and grow at your own pace , as the time goes by you'll be fine '
' Really ? I don't know what it is like to- '
' Mingi let's not make you sad on talking about these things , you will make it and I'm sure of it I'll make you realize how amazing you are '
He sighed and played with his fingers before signing something again
' Im sorry I just worry to much '
' It's ok to worry Mingi , but for now let's go back inside ok ? '
He smiled and stood up grabbing her hand which she of course didn't mind at all
' Did you know their going to be serving chicken nuggets as the letter M tomorrow ?! '
He signed excitedly as they passed the menu frame that showed them the meals for tomorrow
Mingi nodded flashing his gummy smile
' You seem exited to eat it don't you ? '
‘ it’s my favorite of all time ’
' Well let's get you tucked in so you can sleep '
She walked him inside  his room after the guard let them back in
' It was nice outside I feel better '
' I'm sure you do , Goodnight Mingi I'll see you tomorrow on Breakfast time ok ? '
Before she could turn and go out he made a noice making her turn around to look at him
" C-C-Can I-I g-get a good night K-Kiss ? "
He was fighting to bring words out and started to cry when she hadn't approached him
" Mingi did you just talk to me ? "
She smiled and approached him slowly
' I shouldn't have talked you probably think I sound annoying'
He signed afraid to say something again
" Hey , I've never thought that "
She squatted beside his bed and stroked his hair while she looked at him with a smile
" I'm glad you talked, because I actually wanted to start speech therapy with you soon but since your trying to talk to me I am happy we are making a huge progress "
' Your not mad at me for talking? ‘
" No I actually want you to talk to me Mingi and know why you decided to talk to me "
' The others just say that they don't care if I talk or not they'll get something regardless and you seem to care a lot about my well-being "
" What did they say they'll get ? "
He started rubbing his three fingers together in a circular motion
" So They don't care about your progress but the income they'll get "
She sighed but looked at him with a smile
" You don't have to worry anymore you are my patient and no one else's anymore alright ? "
He nodded before slipping into his covers after she placed a gentle kiss to his forehead making him relax with the assurance that she would come back
Mission getting to know patient 0848 done
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