#but it turned into a full blown short one shot at the end
nat-ter · 3 months
Bruce had never met Superman face to face but he still hated the alien and thought of him as a threat and he was convinced his boys did too— except his kids are traitors. They each met Superman individually and found him really friendly and nice. At first, they were all hiding the fact that they were friends with Superman from each other, and especially from Bruce. So while Bruce was obsessed with coming up with contingency plan after contingency plan to take down Superman— even though he didn't try to kill the alien yet since Superman was still doing good for the people and Bruce couldn't just attack someone who hadn't done any wrong yet— the kids were making excuses to go meet Superman in secret and Bruce just went on oblivious to the fact that his kids are backstabbing demons.
Of course they lied to Superman too, about Batman's opinions of the Man of Steel, and the various plans he had made to kill said man. They always came up with reason after reason why Superman shouldn't or couldn't meet Batman, sometimes it's getting so ridiculous they were sure even Superman would call their buff. But sweet, ol' Kal never did.
Eventually, they found out that none of them held a grudge against Superman like Batman did, so they all teamed up together and cover for each other whenever one of them spend time with Superman, or cover the fact that Superman came to Gotham one too many time than he should. And it was the one thing that all of them could work together on without fighting or insulting each other. At one point, to keep their secret friendship with Superman, Dick even went so far to wear Batman's costume and meet Superman as Batman because Superman had wanted to meet Batman really bad and they were running dry on why Batman couldn't make time to meet the neighboring hero, and it wasn't like they could just ask Bruce to meet him considering the large collection of Kryptonite in the Cave. And they didn't exactly want their mentor to find out they had went behind his back and formed a friendship with who he swore was his mortal enemy (B's dramatic like that).
They tried to broach the subject of partnership with Superman to Bruce once in a while, of course, but every single time they were either shot down immediately and called ridiculous for even thinking about it or they had to sit through a dramatic monologue about how Superman couldn't be trusted and why they should stay away from him.
But Superman could fly and had superspeed so of course they couldn't stop him if he were to randomly come to Gotham and speak with Batman as if they were friends. Which was what exactly happened. Dick, as Batman, had warned Superman to never, ever come to Gotham without prior notice and to make sure no one notice his presence while he was in the city ("but you can totally see my kids. I'm cool with that." "Oh? Thanks, Batman. But... you know you sound younger than I thought you would." "Uh... yeah, I. Ehem. I'm very in touch with the modern lingo."), and Superman had readily agreed citing about respecting each other's boundaries and all, so the kids thought they were in the clear. But of course, there would be an emergency when even Superman wouldn't have the time to page first before coming right into Batman's turf and ask for his help.
So on a relatively quiet night, Batman was perching on a gargoyle while the newest Robin was scouting out the alleyways for any trouble. And Superman decided to touch down on the roof behind the crouching Batman and said, as if they had met before, as if they were close friends who hang out every once in a while, "Good evening, Batman. It's nice to see you again. Sorry I couldn't page first, and I hope you're not too busy because I have an emergency and I could really use your help."
Batman had gone rigid in a second and through gritted teeth, said, "Superman."
Upon hearing the name through the comm, Damian panicked and immediately sent out an emergency alert to his brothers before grappling to the building where sweet, clueless Superman with his sweet heart was facing the big bad Bat of Gotham who had been stockpiling on kryptonite for years, waiting for the day he would fight Superman. Which was the first mistake.
Because of course Superman, friendly Superman, with heart the size of the Sun, immediately recognised Robin. And of course, clueless Superman with his dumb, harmless 1000 megawatt smile was waving at Robin as if they were friends, as if they knew each other, as if Robin didn't hear Bruce grumbling about each piece written about the good deeds the Superman did every other day.
The others arrived at the scene faster than they would have at any night. Panic stricken and scared shitless of Bruce's wrath. And of course Superman immediately greeted them as soon as they got there.
Batman had merely narrowed his eyes when Superman had waved at Robin, and barked, sharper than he had before, "What the hell are you doing in my city?"
Superman looked taken aback but he was quick to recover. Seems like whatever emergency he got was more prominent than figuring out why his sort-of-not-really-friend was behaving weirdly. "Like I said, I have an emergency and I could really use your help, Batman."
Batman scoffed but with the voice modulator it sounded garbled and hard for the ears. "And what makes you think I would help you?"
Superman blinked. "What do you mean— Why wouldn't you help me?"
"First you encroach into my city without even asking for permission, talking to me as if we are— friends. And then you ask for my help as if I would just drop everything on my plate and follow you. Who do you think—"
But Batman's rant was cut off by the arrival of the other three heroes who stood at the edge of the roof, looking sheepish and guilty, breathing heavily in the quiet night. Superman looked at them, bewildered and surprised to see all the Batfamily in one place but smiling wide nonetheless because he was happy to see his little friends together. It had always been two kids or one. Never three, never all of them and certainly not with Batman in the mix.
"Oh, hey, Red Robin, Nightwing and Red Hood...?" Superman waved awkwardly by the end of his greetings, looking unsure. "Sorry," he said and actually curled in on himself a little as if he's self-conscious. "Are you guys on a big case? I didn't hear anything so I thought you weren't busy. I guess I could try to contact Wonder Woman if you have your hands full."
Superman turned to Batman but Batman was slowly turning his head towards where his kids stood at the edge of the roof. He was eerily silent and motionless making the kids take a step back nervously. Superman watched the scene with a frown, pulling his eyebrows together so tightly they almost meet in the middle. He was starting to detect that something wasn't quite right.
"Explain." Batman barked.
And Superman's face scrunched up even further. Clearly the man was deep in thought. "You know," he said slowly before none of the kids could speak. "Batman. You sound really different than the last time we met. Or any other time, actually. It's as if you're..." he trailed off, staring at Batman's feet, lost in his thoughts again.
"What." Batman shifted slightly. "We've never met before."
"Oh," Superman breathed out, his face going slack. He turned to Nightwing and the young hero immediately stood up straighter. "It was you."
Batman's head snapped towards where Dick was standing with his hands literally clasped behind his back like a soldier. "Nightwing," growled Batman. "Explain."
"Uhh..." said Dick eloquently.
"Red Robin." Bruce barked when Dick fell into silence, unable to come up with a plausible excuse, or to tell the truth.
"Err..." said Tim, swaying a little on his feet. He hadn't had enough sleep or coffee in him to live through the situation.
Batman did not sigh but Bruce Wayne did. A lot. And the kids had a knack of bringing out the dad side in him so Batman sighed through the voice modulator before he could think better. He had always suspected that his kids were up to something but he was so consumed with the thought of the alien— who was now standing in front of him with the world's greatest kicked puppy eyes in the world for some reason— he had stupidly thought whatever shenanigans his sons were up to, he would be able to deal with it later. Of course, he had never thought that his kids were dirty, backstabbing demons.
"Father," Damian finally said, but only because Jason had been signing at him to do so, telling him to use his puppy eyes since it still seemed to work on Bruce. "This is a misunderstanding."
But apparently they were dealing with the full Bat tonight, despite the involuntary sigh, because Batman did not slumped down his shoulders like he always did when Damian turn on his pleading eyes, instead he stood up straight as ever and met Damian's eye straight on. Jason was sure he could hear thunderstorm coming their way.
"A misunderstanding." He repeated flatly.
"Yes." Dick quickly said and Jason gave him a side eye. Dude, he thought, I just convinced the demon child to throw himself under the bus, why are you still talking.
"How is this a misunderstanding." His tone was so flat it didn't even come out as a question.
"I don't understand," Superman said instead, before anyone could reply Batman. He turned to the kids, his face set in disappointment so similar to Bruce's the kids actually flinched back. "You told me Batman was okay with me hanging out with you guys... And he told me— Oh. Nightwing. Right."
Batman's shoulders went impossibly more rigid. "You have been... hanging out."
"Err," said Nightwing, Red Robin and Robin simultaneously. Jason wisely kept his mouth shut. But Bruce's eyes still landed on him. Jason groaned in his head. So much for staying undetected.
"Red Hood," Bruce said slowly, very pointedly. "I thought you hate Superman."
"Yeah, well." Jason shrugged with nonchalance he didn't feel. "Turns out, he's a pretty great guy. So, kudos to him. Yay...?"
"You hated me?" Superman asked, looking dejected. Like someone kicked his dog and Jason knew he had a dog so the expression was even more daunting. And Jason wasn't having any of it, okay. Kal-El had literally given Red Hood his Ma's secret recipe for the perfect cinnamon roll. Which tasted like heaven (sorry Alfred). They had a bond, okay. No way he would let Superman see him as some cynical asshole. No way.
"Not fucking fair. It was the old man who went on and on about how you can't be trusted while making weapons to kill you. So, in my defense, it was hard to like you when all your flaws and possible weaknesses are pointed out in an alphabetical order." He threw a quick glance at the old man he just threw under the bus. Bruce looked unimpressed as ever. "But that was before I met you and found out that you're actually a chill dude. With a mother who's, like, the God of Baking."
"Superman doesn't have a mother!" Batman, honest to god, spluttered.
"Yes, he does." The young heroes said in unison.
"His world is dead. His parents are dead." Batman needlessly emphasised the word 'dead', for which he got four pairs of unimpressed eyes.
"B, have you ever heard of adoption." Dick said, emphasising the last word just to spite Bruce. Because of course Bruce did, if not, three of them wouldn't be there.
"You have Earth parents!" Batman exclaimed quite unlike himself, pointing a finger at Superman as if that's an accusation.
"You want to kill me." Kal whispered, his puppy eyes back on full effect.
Batman shifted uncomfortably. It was one thing to plan ways to kill someone, even if they're alien, it's completely different when said someone you wanted to kill was confronting you about the very thing.
"Yes." Damian reaffirmed. Ever the literal. "Father has been producing a variety of weapons to weaken you, hurt you and eventually kill you with the material called Kryptonite."
"Robin." Tim hissed.
Damian was still a growing child, emotionally and physically. But even he knew that when his any of his brothers said his name like that, it meant he had crossed a line he shouldn't have without realising he did.
"But you have nothing to worry about, Kal." Damian quickly amended. "Should father try to use these weapons under unwarranted circumstances, he will find the stock empty. We have contingency plans for father's contingencies—"
"Damian." It was Dick this time, who quickly moved and put a hand over Robin's mouth. He didn't even realise his mistake, not any of them did, actually.
"What." Batman said. Mostly confused. He couldn't even find it in himself to be furious at the moment. He was just flummoxed.
"Oh. Uh." Superman stammered. "Thank you? That's really nice of you."
An awkward silence befall the rooftop as each hero stood awkwardly where they were, barely breathing, motionless, not knowing what action to take next. Eventually Batman shifted an inch.
Oh no, thought the boys, he's going to go on another rant.
"You went behind my back," Batman started with a dark voice. "I warned you about the danger and you dismissed it. You went and made an alliance with my enemy." Here, Superman let out a protesting noise which could also he offended because, really? Enemy? Batman ignored it. "Not only that, you made plans to go against me. Instead of talking to me, you decided to oppose me. I have trained you and taught you everything you need to know. I take care of you and make sure to meet each of your needs. And this is what I get in return. Betrayal. You did not listen to me and—"
But he was cut off by a sardonic voice. "Master Wayne," said a voice from the batcomm each Bat was wearing, and Superman with his superhearing could hear it loud and clear too. "Considering your history of doing what you were told not to do, are you sure that you should be giving this speech?"
"Alfred," Batman said, sounding almost petulant.
"It is your fault, afterall, that you did not seek out Superman first before deciding who he is and what he is like. It is a good thing, if I may be so bold to say, that the kids see past the mask and befriend Superman in spite of what you have to say about him." Batman looked at Superman who was standing there awkwardly, staring at Batman. Bruce sneered, unable to help himself.
"Quit that," Alfred admonished. Bruce immediately dropped it. Superman blinked. "Now, Master Bruce. I agree that Master Dick, Master Jason, Master Tim and Master Damian should have come forward with their established friendship with Superman but considering your opinion on him, I believe it is understandable that they hesitated to do so." The aforementioned young boys nodded their head at Bruce. "That is not to say, however, that their behaviour shall go unpunish." Now they were groaning and Bruce had a little smile of triumph. "Perhaps, a few days off petrol and reflecting on our behaviours would do us some good. Including you, Master Bruce." Bruce immediately dropped his smile. Why him, too? Alfred answered right away. "I believe you realise now that you have been acting brashly the past few years. Now, we know that Superman is not as aloof and alien as we had previously thought. He is more earthbound than we believed him to be. If he were to go, he will have someone to miss him."
The kids nodded again. Superman just stared at Bruce with wide eyes and an expression Bruce couldn't put together. Whatever, Bruce had no time to care about him. He turned slightly away to whisper to the comm.
"But Alfred—"
"None of that now. I suggest you send the young lads home and we put this discussion off for the future."
In the ensuing silence, Superman softly breathed out: "Wayne."
Batman immediately went rigid, and so did the other young vigilantes. How the hell—
"Bruce... Wayne...?" Superman searched Batman's covered face as if he was trying to see if he was actually coming to a concrete conclusion.
"Oh," Alfred said, surprised and guilty. "The supersenses have slipped my mind. My apologies, Master Bruce."
For the first time in his life, Bruce didn't know what to do. Of course his immediate response should be deflection. But how could you lie to Superman about the very thing he just heard. The kids didn't seem to know what else to do either.
"Perhaps, you should ask Superman to come over for tea if his emergency is not an emergency anymore and we could talk about this in a more secure place." Alfred smoothly continued. No point in lying now. Superman had heard what he had heard and it was unlikely that he could be convinced that his superhearing was faulty.
Superman blinked a few times as if to clear his thoughts before he cleared his throat. "Yes, uhm. I was going to ask Batman to help me take a look at some data about a shipment from Gotham to Metropolis that was to happen tonight. I have reasons to believe that Luthor is involved and when Luthor is involved—"
"Kryptonite is involved." Bruce finished it for him.
Superman looked at him, seemingly a bit surprised. "Erm, yes. That. But I think it has already happened so... I'd have to follow it up tomorrow. So. Uh. I have... time?"
Batman narrowed his eyes and stayed silent.
"Bruce." Alfred said.
"C'mon B," Dick piped up. "The worst has already happened."
"I concur, Father. Kal-El now knows who you are, it is only best that the matter of discretion be properly discussed." Damian nodded sagely.
"The fuck, old man, are you still contemplating this?" Jason raised his arms in disbelief. He's so done with this family.
"Language, Master Jason."
"Uhh..." Tim swayed on his feet.
Batman sighed again. Dammit. Instead of showing his discomfort, however, he growled out a mean, "Fine." And then he grappled towards where he parked the Batmobile. Those brats could find their own way home and Superman? He could fly anyway.
Turned out, Superman could fly with four more passengers and Red Robin's bike that the kids used to get to that building. Although Bruce later gave Kal a piece of his mind about safety and the standard amount of people Superman should carry during flight without putting anyone in danger.
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mrwavellswaps · 8 months
Becoming His Type
Jamie had just been sat and having a couple drinks at the local gay bar when a man walk in who immediately caught his eye. He was fairly tall and lean with young handsome features. But most notably he was wearing a very sharp looking suit. Not a cheap one that was for sure. The man sat down a few seats across from Jamie and ordered a drink. Short and stylish brown hair, perfect porcelain skin, dark stubble coating his face, impeccable sense of style. He was Jamie’s type. So much so that he couldn’t resist shooting his shot. Part of him expected to be shot down right away. After all Jamie never felt like he was anything special. Skinny and pretty average looking, small in most departments and a rather mundane work life. And yet after 10 minutes of talking and laughing the suited man, who’s name turned out to be Leo, grabbed his hand and led Jamie out of the bar so they could head back to his place.
Judging by the attire alone Jamie assumed this guy must’ve had a nice place as well and boy was he right. Soon enough he was standing outside a huge fancy looking place with a gorgeous view as Leo fiddled with his keys until he’d finally unlocked the front door. The two made their way inside and Jamie was just as blown away by the interior as Leo guided them though the place.
Upon arriving at the bedroom, Jamie was last to enter so he turned to close the door behind them. Only when he turned back around, he didn’t have a second to react as Leo slapped what felt sort of like a sticky note on his forehead. “Hey what is-OOUUhhhGghhhHHhh…” Jamie moaned involuntarily as his entire body started to convulse.
“I’ll be honest. You aren’t really my type. But you did seem the most into me at that bar so I thought I’d fix that…” Leo took a step back as he pawed at crotch and watched the transformation begin.
Jamie’s grunts filled the room as his body quickly started the change. His height shot up several inches placing him well above six foot causing his shirt and pants to ride up. His skinny noodle arms quickly started to bulk up, growing larger and thicker by the second. What were once lanky chicken legs began to bulge with insane size, pumping up not only his thighs and calves but his glutes as well! Not to mention his back and shoulders widening while a plump pair of muscle tits began making themselves known. As his muscles continued to swell and rip apart Jamie’s clothes, his pale skin darkened significantly as it filled with melanin giving it a rich brown pigment. All the while his facial features shifted such as his lips growing fuller and nose becoming broader. Even his wavy hair became darker and more wiry before restyling itself into dreads. His hulking body managed to rip through his pants and underwear just in time to give Leo a full view as Jamie’s small dick thickened and elongated to monstrous proportions while his balls grew fat and heavy.
The tag that’d been stuck to Jamie’s forehead fell off at last as his transformation came to an end. “Huh? What the… fuck did you do!?” Jamie bellowed in shock, slightly started by his much deeper voice. “My body… my skin…”
“I made you my type.” Leo grinned as he knelt down to pick up the small piece of paper that’d caused this. “I used one of these handy magic tags on you. This one in particular can turn anyone into a massive black jock.” He said while gesturing towards Jamie’s gigantic new form. “Now how’s about you get over here and stuff me full with that big black cock of yours!”
Jamie wanted to protest but… how could he? He might not have asked for it but this body… it was everything he ever wished he could be. Tall. Buff. Hung. Plus he’d alway kinda wonder what it’d be like to be a black dude. How could he ever be mad about this! Instead he simply allowed Leo to grab him by his giant dick and tug him towards the bed with heavy footsteps!
The next morning Jamie was the first to get up. Not much of a surprise considering how he’d destroyed Leo’s hole after depositing three fat loads in there last night. He grabbed the large pair of pyjama bottoms Leo had prepared for him yesterday and pulled them on, still baffled by how such a massive pair of bottoms could fit his new body.
It’d dawned on him that during all the fucking last night, he’d hardly gotten a look at his new face so he headed straight for the bathroom. And he wasn’t disappointed. The man he saw staring back at him was gorgeous. An upgrade from his former self in every way.
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Not only was he handsome but was powerful too. He could feel it. These huge muscles weren’t just for show, that was for sure. Every movement he made felt like it had so much weight behind it. And just the way he towered over everything now was intoxicating. Not to mention how even with these baggy ass pyjama bottoms, his new cock was still making a hell of a bulge. And he wasn’t even hard! At that point he just couldn’t stop himself from slipping a hand under the waistband and jerking it a little.
“Ohhh yeah. I could definitely get used to this.” Jamie smirked. “Could probably use a new name though…” He thought as he turned around and pulled his bottoms down slightly to get a look at his thick new ass cheeks, jiggling them a little. “How about… Jabari! Yeahhhhh that sounds good.”
With that Jabari made his way back into the bedroom to see Leo slowly beginning to stir. With a cocky grin he slid back into bed with the man that’d given him this perfect body and wrapped his huge arms around him. “So… I take it we’ll be on for a second date?”
“Absolutely.” Leo confirmed before letting out a small yelp as he felt one of Jabari’s thick fingers sink into his still throbbing hole. Satisfied in having gotten the huge black soon to be boyfriend he desired.
If you love my stories then please consider supporting me on Patreon as well!! ❤️
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mydearzero · 8 months
𝐑𝐄𝐃 | 𝐄𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Summary: What once was an innocent crush on a coworker quickly turned into a full blown infatuation with your boss. She could reprimand you all she wanted, but did she have to wear red while doing so?
Contents: NO Y/N, fem!Reader, BAU!reader, unit chief!Emily, SMUT, coworkers, very slight dom/sub undertones, office sex, oral sex, grinding, fingering, power imbalance (boss), canon compliant violence, If I missed any warnings please tell me!
2.8K words
it's here folks, enjoy. let's just ignore that everything about emily screams woman lover to build tension okay. this was the quickest 2.8K I've written in a long time so uh yeah do with that info what you will (I'm horny for Emily) - nik
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You hadn't had the opportunity to work with Emily Prentiss before she left the team to work for Interpol. You'd only just missed each other, you joining mere weeks after she'd left. 
Her reputation preceded her. The team was overly fond of her, even after having faked her own death. You'd seen a picture here or there, but nothing could live up to the Emily Prentiss who met you in New York for the Copycat Killer case. 
She'd been in a relationship with some guy Mark, so you'd really tried to look the other way. But when Hotch went on temporary leave during the whole Scratch situation, she volunteered to rejoin. The day she stepped foot in the bullpen, you knew you were in trouble. 
You could ignore the heat rushing to your face and your hands getting clammy. You could ignore the knowing glances JJ gave you. You could even ignore the digs Luke sent your way once he'd figured out something was going on. What you couldn't ignore, however, was the story Emily was telling while having had one too many drinks. 
"-and my girlfriend at the time freaked out. I tried to tell her it was a fake, but she was already halfway to crying in my arms." 
The words repeated over and over again in your head. 
You could handle an unattainable crush. Hell. Who hadn't had a crush on a straight girl at least once in their life? But knowing Emily played for both teams changed things. It made your irrational feelings rational. You completely lost the ability to look her in the eyes after that. 
You tried to not let your feelings get in the way of your job. The work the BAU did was too important to let that happen. 
It didn't last long. 
An adrenaline rush got the better of you while attempting to talk down an UnSub. But what were you supposed to do? He'd held a gun to Emily's head. One wrong move and it would've been over. You couldn't take that chance. 
Your ears were ringing as tunnel vision took over. The grimy scenery of the warehouse faded into the background. The dripping of the leaking pipes was deafened by your heartbeat. The UnSub's words were drowned out by Emily's haggard breathing. She was scared. 
You did what you had to. You took the shot. The man had dropped to the floor, but not before firing a storm of bullets in your direction, only missing by a few inches. 
While you'd been lucky nobody had been hurt, the same couldn't be said about the team's reactions to your actions. The flight back to Quantico had been short but tense. You wouldn't be hearing the end of this for quite some time to come. 
Though you knew the team would be on edge around you for some time, you hadn't expected what would happen on the very next case. 
"You're off the case." Emily's words were blunt. 
"What? Why?" You questioned. You'd expected to have to take a psych evaluation. Maybe even redo your gun qualifications. But to be put on the bench? Especially on a local case? 
"We've profiled this UnSub as highly unpredictable. I can't have you take uncalculated risks in the field. I appreciate all the work you've done so far, but this is where I need you to step back." Emily looked apologetic. 
"The last case was different! I can stay back here with Penelope. Just let me help, Emily, please," you pleaded. Damn your inability to be mad at her. You couldn't, not when she wore that damn red top that complimented her complexion (and boobs) so well. 
"I'm sorry. We'll talk when we get back." 
Penelope wouldn't let you into her office, so you resorted to catching up on paperwork at your desk. You could've left and taken this as a sign to get some free time. Yet you stayed right there, waiting. 
When Penelope finally left her office with her stuff, ready to go home, you knew the case was over. She asked you to late dinner, but you declined, waiting for the rest of the team to arrive. She waved a short goodbye before stepping into the elevator, leaving you alone with your thoughts once more. 
It wasn't long before the elevator moved again, doors opening to reveal Emily Prentiss. Just Emily Prentiss. You frowned as she walked into the bullpen, nodding at her office, signalling you to follow her. 
"Where's the rest?" You wondered, walking through the door and taking a seat across from the desk. Emily shut the door and turned to close the shutters. 
"I sent them home. We'll debrief in the morning," was all she said. 
She gestured to the chair across from hers. You sat, unsure of what to expect next. 
"I think we need to talk about what happened in New York," Emily left it an open statement. She obviously expected you to do the talking. 
"I'm aware my actions didn't look thought through. And maybe they weren't. But I was worried about what he would do to you," you were honest about what had gone down. 
"Worried or not, there are protocols we need to follow. You put everybody in that room in danger by making that choice. How is that any better than having me potentially get shot?" 
You really tried to focus. It was a serious and consequential discussion. But it was at that moment you realized you'd never actually been alone with Emily. You rubbed your hands on your thighs, trying to rid them of their clammyness and the tension that built in your body. 
"I don't know," was your final reply. A weak one, at that. Emily searched your face for answers. She noted the sheen covering your skin and dilated pupils. You felt scrutinized under her gaze. She squinted, slowly leaning back and crossing her arms. 
You hadn't meant to look, but the action brought the red top back to your attention. Your eyes dropped to Emily's cleavage, if only for a second. Your mouth went dry as they quickly snapped back up to meet her now amused ones. A coy smile crept onto her face. Emily took a deep breath before speaking again. This time, you knew better, only looking in your peripheral at how her chest raised and fell. 
"You know, earlier, you mentioned the last case was different. How come?" Emily inquired. She'd caught that, huh? You felt trapped as you figured she'd deduced the real reason for your careless actions.  
You didn't speak as Emily rose from her chair, taking slow strides around the desk. She placed a hand on your shoulder, standing behind you and leaning over the other. Goosebumps raised on your arms as you felt her warm breath against your collar. 
"I think I know," she whispered in your ear. You unconsciously craned your neck, allowing her more access. Your heart beat rapidly. The hand on your shoulder slowly trailed down your arm, rubbing up and down. 
"Would you have taken the shot if it had been JJ? Or Spencer? Or maybe you would've taken it if it were Garcia. You're such great friends, after all," Emily's tone was taunting. The rising temperature of the room was quickly becoming unbearable. 
Her free hand reached for your chin, turning your head to face her. She cupped your cheek gently, admiring the sight of your desperation. She'd barely even touched you. Barely implied anything. 
"Is this what your strange behaviour lately has been about?" Emily asked. You bit your lip, not saying a word. She clicked her tongue, getting annoyed at your lack of response.  
"Is this not what you want?" She walked around the chair, standing in front of you. You couldn't give in. You wouldn't be able to stop. Not if she gave you a taste. Your hands remained firmly planted by your side as Emily did the unthinkable. She put her hands on your shoulders and draped her legs over yours, straddling you. Your eyes closed at the sensation of having her so close. 
The weight of her ass on your thighs was delectable. Her hands trailed down your arms, stopping when they rested on yours. She leaned forward, and you had to suppress a groan at the feeling of her chest pushing against yours. She took your hands and brought them around herself, planting them firmly on her bottom. Your entire body was on fire. 
"Look at me," Emily's voice was sultry. You opened your eyes tentatively, immediately dropping them to her lips, which were now dangerously close to yours. She didn't hesitate, kissing you roughly. Her hands came up to cup your face. You finally gave in, properly holding her on your lap as she fervidly kissed you. 
You moved your mouth away from hers, kissing down her jaw and sucking harshly at the skin of her neck. A timid moan came from her lips. You'd never heard a more beautiful sound. Her fingers started unbuttoning your blouse as you continued your attack, creating blemishes that contrasted with her pale skin. Once she got the blouse off, Emily's hands fondled your breasts roughly. 
"Shit, Em..." You sighed. You leaned back against the chair, admiring Emily in all her glory. 
"You look so fucking good in red, you don't even know," you groaned, tugging at the bottom of her shirt. 
"I do know," Emily raised her arms, allowing you to pull the shirt over her head. "That's why I wear it." 
"You drive me crazy, Prentiss," you finally admitted. 
"I think I know the feeling," Emily moaned, taking your hand and crudely stuffing it down her pants. Luckily the waistband was elastic, allowing you to feel the dampness of her underwear as you manoeuvred your wrist to cup her pussy. 
"Fuck... You don't know how many times I've imagined feeling your pussy," you confessed. "I've dreamt of the things I'd do to you." 
Emily groaned as you pushed her panties to the side, feeling the wetness against your fingers. The positioning of your hand might've been awkward, but you didn't care. Emily opted to go for another kiss as you started rubbing her clit. 
The soft noises she made while her tongue was in your mouth were otherworldly. Her hips ground against your hand, desperate for more friction. 
Emily hooked her fingers into the cups of your bra, not bothering to unclasp it, simply tugging them down to free your tits. She left a trail of open-mouthed kisses down your neck and chest before taking a nipple between her teeth. 
"Fuck- Emily," you whine. She brought her hand up to your other breast, pinching and biting your nipples in tandem. You retaliated by finally circling your fingers over her entrance, pushing two inside. 
"Oh! Ah- Fuck," Emily exclaimed, throwing her head back. You curled your fingers in the way you did to yourself while thinking of her late at night. Emily reached behind her, placing her hands on the edge of the desk, creating more space for you to do what you had to. 
Emily was becoming less coherent with every pump of your fingers. Your thumb hit her clit harshly with every thrust inside her pussy. Just seeing her come undone like this, on your lap, by your hand, was enough for you to drench your own underwear.
You brought your unoccupied hand to her naked waist, admiring her figure. You couldn't believe you got to see her like this after all this time you spent pining. Her eyes were closed as her chest heaved with heavy breaths. 
"Fuck, don't stop," Emily moaned. Her jaw was slack. Her knuckles turned white as her grip on the desk tightened. You felt her walls constrict around your fingers. You curled them in a come hither motion as you circled her clit with your thumb. 
Emily's arms shook as her moans turned into high-pitched whines, signalling she was getting close. 
"Shit! Oh my god," She exclaimed, followed by a loud moan of your name. It was like music to your ears. 
She rode out her high as she gushed around your fingers. Your free hand drew soothing patterns on her hip, working her through her climax. 
You carefully withdrew your hand from her panties, bringing your fingers to your mouth and sucking them clean. Emily let herself fall back forward, no longer having the strength to hold up her upper body with her arms. 
She took your fingers from your mouth, wrapping her lips around them and sucking seductively. She released them and pushed herself off your lap, tugging you up from your seat. She switched your positions, pushing you against the desk before getting on her knees. 
Emily reached for the button on your pants, undoing it and tugging it down. She tapped your ankle, signalling you to step out of them and spread your legs. It was a bit awkward with your shoes still on, but you made it work. Her fingers left a trail of goosebumps in their wind as she traced them up your leg to your inner thigh. 
She followed the path she'd just drawn with her mouth, hooking her teeth in the waistband of your underwear, laughing as she tugged them down. You smiled at her antics. 
Her mouth returned between your legs, licking a hesitant stripe between your folds. The kitten licks to your clit drove you crazy. 
"Fuck, please, Em," you begged, bringing your hands to her hair. You couldn't feel more lewd, tits out in your boss's office, said boss between your legs eating you out. The scandal of it all only turned you on even more. 
"Can't believe you put your whole job on the line-," Emily scoffed between licks. "-just because you wanted some pussy." 
"Not just some pussy," you moaned as she sucked on your clit. "Yours." 
"Such a horny little thing for your unit chief," Emily mumbled. The vibrations of her words added to your pleasure. 
Your grip on her dark locks tightened as she fucked your entrance with her tongue expertly. You had to put all your weight against the desk to stop your knees from buckling.
"F-fuck, Em. Oh my god," you groaned as she added her fingers to the mix. 
You dared to look down, only to be met with the finest sight the world had to offer. Emily gazed up at you through her lashes, dark eyes blown wide and amused. You could see her free hand was between her legs, stroking herself at the same rhythm she had with her mouth on your cunt. 
God, did you wish you had Reid's memory right about now. 
You didn't know how much longer you could last. Having had the pleasure of feeling her around your fingers, witnessing her expression as she came. It was enough to have you teetering on the edge. 
"Ah, fuck. I'm close," you whimpered. Emily moaned loudly, her pace increasing. Your hips bucked against her mouth, chasing the pleasure. Her hands came up to your sides, holding you in place. 
You had to withhold from forcefully pushing her head closer, desperate for more pressure, more friction, more more more. 
You balled your fists, throwing your head back. The knot in your abdomen tightened, threatening to snap any second. 
"Oh- shit, please." 
"Come for me." It was like she'd pressed a magic button, your climax immediately upon you as she spoke the words. 
"Emily!" You came with a loud cry, grinding your hips against her mouth. It was mindblowing. You'd never come that hard. Emily helped you ride out your high, careful to not overstimulate you. 
She rose from her position on the floor, hands never leaving your body as she got back on eye level. You searched her face for regret as both of you stood there, taking in the situation and catching your breath. 
She leaned in, placing a tender kiss on your lips. You smiled, kissing her back passionately. She helped you redress your upper body, all while never breaking the kiss. 
You separated to pick up your respective discarded pieces of clothing. The atmosphere was light. There was no unresolved tension as you had expected. A mutual understanding had been created. 
Emily grabbed her stuff and walked with you down to the bullpen. "Dinner tomorrow, my place," she ordered.
"Yes, ma'am," you agreed, putting your things in your bag. 
"For now, go get your go bag out of your car," she instructed, locking the door to her office. 
"Why?" You asked as you walked with her to the elevator. 
"Because you can return the favour and have an early appetizer in my bed tonight." 
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collapsedglasshouses · 8 months
Consequences || Noah Sebastian x Reader [Part 5]
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Summary: Figuring out when and how to tell Nick about Y/N's and Noah’s relationship wasn’t as easy as originally thought.
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, mentions of alcohol consumption/drinking, mentions of throwing up, NSFW, SMUT, fingering, handjob, unprotected sex (p in v) (don’t do that kids!), swearing, angsty, fluffy, smutty, EVERYTHING, PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF I FORGOT SOMETHING
Taglist: @jakekiszkasguitarpick @blackveilomens @kingdomof-omens @a1ex-ba1ex
A/N: Hello cuties! As heartbreaking as it is, this is the final part of the Consequences Series. I’m actually kinda proud of myself since this was my first published work in English! At the end I also wrote a little text so imma just say this here: I'm not ready to say goodbye to this fic but I hope I found a good finish to it. Enjoy and let me know if you liked it 🫶🏻
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The first time you and Noah almost told Nick was New Year’s Eve…
"We need to go outside again." You mumbled while Noah was peppering kisses on your neck and he hummed in agreement. It was New Year Eve and therefore another two weeks had past that were filled with sneaky touches and kisses from you or Noah.
You hadn't found the time to tell your brother about your little affair that bloomed into a full-blown relationship. Much to the dismiss of Jolly, who was the only one knowing about this whole thing. He even made it very clear that you two owed him something since he didn't even come to the hotel room that night. He decided to play black out drunk and ended up in the middle of the king size bed your brother and Folio shared.
You felt Noah’s hands sneak under your shirt, while he pressed himself against you. You felt how hard he was, but you also knew that it was about ten minutes before midnight and you couldn’t just spend them fucking your boyfriend in the bathroom, while all your friends were celebrating downstairs, not even knowing you were dating.
“We really need to go outside again, Noah.” You almost moaned out. It was pointless anyway to pretend that you had even an ounce of control when it came to him. Everyday for the last two weeks was filled with the two of you having sex in every little corner of your apartment. Much to the dismiss of your upstairs neighbors, but they had owed you something for the past two years of them shouting at each other non-stop at every possible time of day.
“Just two more minutes.” He groaned in your ear and his hand nearly had slipped through the waistband of your shorts, but you quickly turned around to face him before it was too late. “If we don’t go now, we miss New Year.” – “Y/N, we have 365 days left of 2023, I think it’s not possible for us to miss the new year except we die in the next ten minutes.” He stated making you roll your eyes, before you stood on tiptoes and kissed his nose.
"Give me a second." He than exclaimed, eyeing down to his pants where his boner still clearly made an appearance. You giggle quietly, before giving him some space.
When he was ready, you grabbed his hand and made your way outside with him, making sure to let go of his hand right in time before anyone could notice. While the others were busy chatting, Jolly shot you two a knowing gaze before you grabbed your drink that you left in Jolly’s hand and turned your attention to the group in front of you. Noah stood close next to you due to the temperatures.
You couldn’t believe the year was already coming to an end. Everything was so fucking different from last years New Years Eve, but you wouldn’t have changed a thing. You were here with your closest friends and your boyfriend, who also happened to be your best friend in the whole world.
"Next year is going to be so awesome. So many tour dates and we can finally work on album number 4." Folio rambled happily before taking a sip out of his cup. You on the other hand began to think. You were so happy with Noah but you needed to realise that you weren't going to have that much time together all the time. While you had the luck of working from home most of the time, Noah's job was to tour the world. You had been on a couple of stops with them while they toured and you totally got why they loved it so much. You loved seeing them perform. You loved the energy. It warmed your heart to know they finally could do what they loved all the time.
As if Nick had heard your thoughts, he sighed. "Maybe you should come with us for the next tour, Y/N" - "What?" - "You heard me right. You always join us for a couple of days and you love it. Maybe you can organize it with work that they don't need you in the office for a couple of weeks."
First your eyes met Noah's with surprise who showed you a warm smile, than your gaze wandered to Folio who looked at you awaiting an answer, so did Jolly. When you looked back at your brother's eyes he also smiled widely at you. "I-... I'd love to. I'll see what I can do."
With that Folio gave you such a big hug, he even lifted you off the ground, making you scream. When he finally let you down again, you tried to fix your clothes that were now a lot more wrinkly than they already were from your's and Noah's activities in the bathroom before.
"Next year is going to be even better than this." Jolly exclaimed, making you chuckle a little. "What?" - "I don't know, that sounded like a white woman's Instagram caption." You answered your friend, making the others laugh while Jolly looked at you offended. "Leave me and my white woman's captions alone, Y/N."
"Okay, stop the fighting. One minute to go." Jesse than interrupted your little argument and joined together with the others attending your small party.
You made sure to stand between your brother and Noah, who not so secretly grabbed your hand while the countdown started.
You felt a squeeze on your hand and looked at Noah. He gave you the sweetest smile ever.
Was he really going to-...
Your heart raced when Noah bent down a little and than...
...placed a long and sweet kiss on your cheek before hugging you tightly. You automatically wrapped your arms around his neck and returned his hug even more tightly.
"Happy New Year, Y/N" - "Happy New Year and to many more, Noah."
With that you let go of each other but before you went on to hug the others, you smiled at each other knowingly.
This year was definitely going to be great...
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The next morning didn't start as great for you as you thought though. You woke up with the biggest headache you ever had and felt like you needed to throw up any minute. The light from outside burned in your eyes and when you realised you weren't laying in the guest bedroom, you shot up and almost instantly regretted it, immediately feeling even more nauseous.
You quickly scanned the room, realizing you were on the living room couch. You almost let out a scream when you felt someone next to you shift. It was Noah. Why did you sleep on the couch with him?
"Good Morning, love." He mumbled next to you, brushed your hair out of your face and than instantly noticed your confused look. "Why did we sleep here?"
"You got so drunk, you lay down here and instantly fell asleep." He answered. "And why are you here?" - "You don't remember?" - "Remember what?"
"Jolly and I did our utter best keeping you from telling Nick that we are together for about 1000 times. In the end you didn’t let me go and insisted on me staying with you right before you fell dead asleep." Noah answered you, while your mouth fell open.
"He is right, you were really talkative last night." Jolly suddenly said from the other side of the room, causing you to scream out in fear and instantly regretting it.
Quickly you stood up and made your way to the bathroom and puked. When you felt a little better, you got up and rinsed your mouth before looking in the mirror. You realised someone had taken your make up off.
"Your welcome." Noah said, standing in the door frame, making you jump a little. "Could you all please stop scaring me."
"Sorry." He mouthed before stepping behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. She sighed, instantly relaxing, when his head fell onto your shoulder.
"Should I make you a cup of tea or something?" Noah asked and you looked him in the eyes through the mirror. His voice was still raspy from sleep and it gave you instant goose bumps. When you were honest with yourself, you couldn't believe you pulled his ass. He was the most beautiful man you ever laid eyes on.
"If it doesn't bother you." - "You never bother me." With that he placed a kiss to your temple and headed of to the kitchen.
After you brushed your teeth, you followed him, finding that Jolly had also found himself at the kitchen counter.
"Are the others still sleeping?" You asked, sitting down next to Jolly. "I think so, it's only 9 AM and we were awake until 4:30..."
"What the hell did I do last night?" You than wanted to know, causing Noah and Jolly to shoot each other knowing glances.
You looked back and forth between them until Jolly finally started to talk. "You want me to start with the first one or the funniest one?" - "Just tell me."
"I think the best one was when you were about five shots in, you grabbed your brother by the collar and almost shouted into his ear how in love you are with Noah." Jolly laughed. "WHAT?" You looked at your boyfriend who nodded slightly while setting a cup of tea down in front of you. The memory slightly started to form in your head.
"You know what, Nick?" - "Yes, Y/N?" - "I'M MADLY IN LOVE WITH-..." Jolly instantly came to your rescue. "ALL OF US... uhm... She loves all of us, isn't that right, Y/N." - "Yeah, totally but I REALLY love-..." - "This tequila shot!" Jolly quickly shoved the shot into your hand and with that you forgot what you wanted to tell your brother and drank it.
"Oh my god, I want to die." You cried out in embarrassment and set your head down on the kitchen counter.
"Why that?" You heard your brother ask behind you. And the game began again...
"She is hungover." Noah quickly answered for you and than you felt a hand on your back. Your brother's.
"Maybe drink five tequila shots less next time." - "I'll consider it."
When you looked up again and grabbed your tea cup to drink from it, your eyes locked with Noah's, who was leaning against the wall across from you. You knew this couldn't go on like this forever but for now it needed to be.
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The second time Nick almost found out was not even a month later...
The house was almost creepily empty when you arrived at Noah's place three hours ago. After work you decided to give the boys a visit, only texting Nick but you didn’t receive an answer before arriving, just to find out your boyfriend was the only one home.
But you certainly didn't complain that you had the house all to yourself. The two of you had decided to play some video games like you always did. So you found yourself laying between his legs, leaned against his chest.
You were surprised Noah even took the time to just play video games with you since he mutated into a workaholic with the band stuff going that well. He normally always had an excuse to work on something music related but since you got together you had a feeling he finally gave himself some deserved rest.
"Fuck this, I give up." He cursed out about ten minutes later after you died almost ten times in a row at the same point in the game. You gave him a confused side eye. "Are you really this offended by the game now?" - "I think you should watch your mouth, Y/N." He replied and softly shoved you away from him. "Or what, Noah?"
You turned around between his legs to look him in the eyes. His irises immediately darkened while you sneaked up to him and than straddled his lap. Still not changing his slightly angry face, he placed his hands on your hips. "Don't tease me, Y/N"
"I would never." You sweetly answered him before moving your hips once and than leaning down to pepper kisses on his neck. "I don't know how you got that idea."
You heard him breathe loudly when you slightly nibbled on his earlobe.
With that it took only about a minute before you two sat there only in your underwear.
Noah slowly kissed his way down your neck, finding your sweet spot and started sucking on it. You slightly moaned and than your hand quickly found it’s way in between you two. First you stroked him through his underwear a couple of times, causing him to bite down on your neck and bringing out a tone from you that made him buck up his hips.
"Fuck, Y/N. You drive me insane." He moans in your ear.
With that you slowly pulled down his underwear. He made sure to press his lips on yours again when you slowly let your hand slide up and down his cock. His heavy breaths against you face sent a wave of heat to your core and before you knew his hand also wandered between you and pulled your underwear to the side.
Skilfully he found your clit and started circling it.
"Fuck, Noah." You moaned into his mouth, feeling yourself getting even more wet.
When he bucked his hips up again, you knew this wasn’t enough anymore.
"I need you, Y/N." Noah than whispered against your lips. „Now."
With that you quickly repositioned yourself, letting his tip go through your folds a couple of times before slowly gliding down his cock. Causing the both of you to moan in pleasure.
You let yourself adjust for a couple of seconds while Noah placed soft kisses on your lips.
"You are so fucking beautiful." He muttered against your lips and before you slowly start to move, you brush his hair out of his face. "You're even more beautiful." The smile that spread on his face, gave you goose bumps.
When you slowly began to move, his hands instantly found your hips, giving you a bit of guidance while you tried to take in every second that's happening before you.
You still couldn’t believe this whole thing was actually happening. Every fiber of your body was screaming for him. You wanted nothing more than to belong to him.
So when his arms wrapped around you and made you lay flat on his chest while he started pumping up into you, you could help but exclaim your thoughts. "God, I love you so much."
When you felt your orgasm built up, you were more than pleasantly surprised when Noah spoke up again. "Fuck, Y/N. I'm so close." He moaned in your ear and sent shivers down your spine.
"I need you to cum for me, Noah." You whined in his ear and you almost found your highs when suddenly…
… There was a knock on the door.
That’s when Noah and you came at the same time while trying to tame each others moans with a kiss. You felt his cum spread inside of you.
Than there was a second knock. It shot you right back to reality. You two looked at each other mortified while quickly separating from each other.
"Give us a second." Noah exclaimed frustrated trying to shuffle into his clothes without falling to the ground, while you tried to do the same, with the little extra add on that you felt his cum slowly dripping out of you.
"Is everything okay?" You heard your brother's voice from the other side of the door while you searched for your shirt. You randomly grabbed the black one, laying next to the bed and threw it over your head before fixing your hair and positioning yourself on the edge of Noah's bed.
Noah in the meantime found it’s way to the door and opened it for your brother.
"How can we help you?" Noah asked Nick.
"I wanted to ask if you two want to-…" Nick stopped in his tracks when he saw you sitting on Noah‘s bed while probably having the most "I'm not guilty"-gaze on your face that you ever had, but Nick's eyes focused on your shirt.
"Why are you wearing Noah's shirt?" Your brother asked you and with that Noah's gaze also landed on you with widened eyes.
Quickly you looked down to see there was no doubt you were wearing Noah's shirt, since it was his iconic Cher t-shirt.
You swallowed hard before looking back at your brother and quickly defended yourself. "I spilled my drink over my shirt and Noah was so kind to borrow me his."
Nick looked between you and Noah a couple of times before clearing his throat. "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to watch a movie with us downstairs. Jolly is making popcorn right now so… We would start in five minutes."
With that he gave you two another concerned look before leaving Noah's room, causing you to relax again.
"Oh my fucking god." You whisper-shouted at him the second his door is closed again.
"I didn’t mean to… You know…" Noah mumbled.
"Cum inside of me while my brother was literally standing in front of your door?" You cried out, feeling how is cum had dripped onto his bed. "When I say it like this it sound so weird."
Noah nodded before sitting down next to you.
"Imma have to ask you something before we can go downstairs…" You began. "Helping you clean up? No problem, you can also borrow underwear from me, no one will notice it under your pants."
You gave him a thankful look, before grabbing his collar and kissing him again. After that you two cleaned up the mess you made before both standing in the middle of his room.
"Are you ready to be totally platonic friends again?" He asked while wrapping his arms around you and placing a kiss on the top of your head.
„You mean, we JUST PRETEND?" You giggled before stepping towards the door.
"I hate you, Y/N." - "No, you love me."
Noah smirked at you while rolling his eyes before following you downstairs…
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The third time you didn’t tell Nick, it made things even worse…
"Tell me, Noah. Is this all a joke to you?" You asked Noah while he leaned on the kitchen counter.
You two had been out together when a fan approached you and asked for a picture. That wouldn’t have been a problem. They knew you since you spooked around almost every tour the boys played. The problem was how Noah openly flirted with the young lady.
You normally weren’t really jealous but somehow this just kicked the air out of your lungs.
"To me? Are you kidding me, Y/N? You are literally the one who is almost begging to keep our whole relationship a secret!" Noah answered you, crossing his arms in front of his body.
You would have lied if you said you didn’t know this was coming sooner or later. But you were just so afraid.
"I'm not… I… I just-…" You mumbled, seemingly not able to find the right words.
"You what, Y/N?" Noah almost spit out "You realised you liked us better when we were just friends?" - "No, Noah… I…"
"Then fucking explain why we are keeping this a secret? We've been dating for almost three months and nobody knows it, except Jolly!" Noah yelled at you, making you shrink a little.
Your mind started to race. You knew you acted stupid but you were just so afraid everything would change when you let the others know. You loved having this whole thing all to yourself.
You realised you had been quiet for too long when Noah sighed.
"You know what? Maybe this really was a mistake…" You felt your heart shatter to pieces when Noah walked over to your couch and grabbed his jacket before attempting to leave your apartment.
"Noah, wait!" You shouted after him but he headed out the door and slammed the front door right in your face.
You quickly ran after him, continuing to shout for him to stop.
"Noah, please wait." He was still walking straight to his car. You wrapped your arms around you since it was already dark outside and you hadn’t thought about grabbing a jacket.
"Don't fucking ignore me, Noah Sebastian!" You snapped and finally brought him to stop.
"Than tell my why the fuck you’re avoiding to tell Nick that we are dating?" He asked you with no emotion in his tone.
This was exactly what you didn’t want to happened. You could recall exactly how you told him you wouldn’t want to be the one to hurt him since you two saw each other get hurt by others way to many times.
"This is exactly what I meant back at the hotel room when I told you I don’t want to hurt you." - "Well congrats, Y/N, you fucking did, since I'm not even worthy to be your official boyfriend."
He attempted to open his car door but you found your way between him and the door.
"Step aside, Y/N." - "I'm afraid he will hate us."
"Why the fuck should he, Y/N? We’re literally adults! It isn’t weird that we fell in love. We literally have been attached at the hip since we were… what? 12?" Noah responded, not seeming even a bit calmer.
"I just don’t want this to change!" You than exclaimed and made things even worse.
His eyes changed again. They almost seemed glossy. His next words shot you right in the heart. "Well, if you don’t want this whole secret little thing to change, it means you don’t want to be with me."
With that he gentle shoved you to the side and got into his car.
"Noah, please don’t do this!" You shouted when he closed the door. You knocked against his window but he didn’t even look at you again before driving off.
Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.
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The forth time you had the chance to tell Nick, you did waste no time…
It took you about two hours to gather your confidence before you got into your car and drove to the boys' house.
When you parked in front of the house, your heart was racing. You knew you needed to clarify this now and you would not let anyone or anything hold you off.
You took a deep breath before getting out of you car and going up to the door to ring the bell.
To your surprise it was Noah who opened the door. His expression instantly darkened when he saw you. That hurt you more than words could ever do.
"What do you want?" He asked you plainly. "Let me in."
When he continued to stare at you blankly, not allowing you entry, you took your chance to slip inside when you saw Nick walk by.
"Nick, I need to talk to you!" You yelled at your brother, who stopped in his tracks to look at the two of you confused.
"What’s going on?" He wanted to know, crossing his arms in front of his body, concerned by your expression.
"I'm in love with Noah." You directly shouted out, without thinking twice. You needed to do it now.
If Nick didn’t already look confused, he definitely did now.
"And Noah and I've been dating for almost three months." With that Nick's eyebrows lifted.
"And I didn’t tell you because I was scared that it will change everything but to be honest… I was fucking stupid… Noah is by far the best thing that ever happened to me in my whole entire life." You took a breath. "And I know this is a lot to process for you right now, but I am so in love with Noah it hurts and it hurts even more when I hurt him just because I’m to scared to tell my brother that I love him." You rambled.
With that silence came over the entrance room. You again took a deep breath. Right now you were more than relieved that seemingly no one else was downstairs except the three of you. Not everyone needed to hear your meltdown.
"So… you two are-…" Nick fumbled with his hands. You quickly looked at Noah, who seemed to have frozen in his place, just staring at you surprised.
"Yes… Yes, we are dating." You answered for the both of you, even though Noah technically broke up with you about two hours ago.
"And you’ve been dating since-…" - "The wedding in December." - "When you two left early that evening you were-…" - "Yes." - "Eww."
It went quiet again. Your brother seemed to process what you said to him while your hands sweated like crazy.
"And you aren’t kidding me?" - "Why should I?"
"Your telling me, you just started dating in December and not much earlier?" Your brother asked confused, causing you to start your rant again: "Yes, Nick. And I will not defend myse-… what do you mean 'not earlier'?"
"You guys have been eye-fucking each other since when? A year now?" Nick explained with a hint of disgust in his face. "Which, first of all, is super gross but it would have been weirder if I had brought it up."
"WHAT?" Noah was the one to exclaim that.
"Oh man, don’t try to argue with me… You were basically all over her other ever since Y/N and her ex broke up." Nick than said. "Starting with your private movie nights and ending with Y/N knowing about song ideas that I didn’t even know about."
"So you’re not mad?" You shyly asked your older brother, who chuckled a bit.
"Why should I? I'm actually surprised it took you so long… You were always slightly to close for your own good, ever since that night almost ten years ago… you know the video…" Again, while your brother looked slightly disgusted at the memory, Noah and you looked at each other knowingly.
"After you and your ex broke up, I was so convinced you two were already seeing each other and I'm not exactly blind or delusional, Y/N. At the very latest I knew you two were at least hooking up when you were sitting in Noah’s room with his shirt on and you two looking like total messes." Nick than proceeded to explain, causing your cheeks to heat up.
„So you just guessed it by yourself?" Noah than wanted to know from his best friend. "Maybe Jolly also kinda indicated that you two hooked up on my birthday, which I will never forgive you by the way!"
You looked totally flabbergasted by your brother's words and one look at Noah revealed he maybe looked even more surprised than you.
"So what? You gonna make up now?" Nick asked, already starting to move to the stairs. "You don’t have a reason to fight anymore. I won’t hate you… nobody will… You two are literally the two most important people in my life and I always thought you would eventually end up together. So don’t be so hard on yourselves."
With that Nick turned on his heel and left the two of you alone.
"I-…" You wanted to start but didn’t know what to say. "Yeah, I know." Noah just answered.
"I'm so sorry Noah. I should have just jumped over my shadow." You mumbled and turned to face him completely. He had taken a couple of steps towards you. "You are literally so important to me. I'm deeply sorry for hurting you and-…"
"Would you mind if you could shut up now and let me kiss you?" Noah than interrupted you and before you knew he grabbed your face with his hands and brought your lips together.
Everything inside of you started to tingle. You felt like a child laying in bed the night before their birthday. You felt like a teenage girl kissing her crush for the first time. Somehow this was also kind of true because when you thought about it… He was the one you always loved.
Ever since you had laid eyes on him, deep down you knew it was him. He was your person and you knew nothing on this planet would change the fact that you two loved each other deeply.
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jamneuromain · 9 days
Congrates again Sweetie, you really deserves it ❤️
I don't know how many asks we can send and I had so many ideas of combinations
I am sending two of them depending on what's inspiring you. If both of them inspire you, it's even better. 🤭
🥳😶❤️ Steve Rogers
👇🕯😈 Jake Jensen
Good luck 😘
Okay this is definitely a brain teaser
but still, I'm going to go with 🥳😶❤️ Steve Rogers, because this reminded me of an idea I once had...
Captain America!Steve Rogers x You
Warning: A little cursing but that's all.
Summary: It's your first mission, and Captain America has told you to disguise yourself. You've followed that order to a "T".
A/N: Hiya! Sorry it took so long to get it out :( I have to say, originally I wanted to write a short drabble where Steve was teaching her a lesson, but then I wondered, why is she on this mission in the first place? and I can't control this drabble which turned into a ~2k one-shot....
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"... and the last item on our agenda," Maria took a brief stop from her briefing and looked around the room like a hawk, scanning everyone with her sharp eyes until they landed on the selected few, "congratulations on our fellow analysts who have applied for the field agent assistant position and passed the final test."
With a few claps from the fellow analysts, she paused again, waiting until the claps died down before quickly gathering her thoughts and assigned a few missions to three other analyst/field agent assistant, "And Y/N, I will brief you for your next mission, please stay for a few more minutes after this meeting. The rest of you, keep up the good work. You are dismissed."
It had been an eventful six months with all of your trainings - basically starting up from the ground up, no previous experience being an agent whatsoever - but you made it till the end, even though barely passing all the bars that are required for a field agent assistant. You felt very lucky as field agent assistant only requires 60% of what full-time agents can achieve, and watching your once muscle-lacking arms and legs, now turned out to be somewhat of an amateur wrestler, half of a professional boxer, and a sprinkle of assassin (thanks to Clint for his dart training).
You felt good about yourself. Truly, good.
Maria handed you a slim brown folder with a few pages in it. Opening it with sheer curiosity, you hear Maria picking out a few important points to brief: "There is rumored to be a highly dangerous neurotoxin in the black-market with more than a dozen buyers interested. This mission would be an undercover job in Venice, where the said toxin would be sold to the highest bidder."
The first page had a few sentences of what the said toxin could do. It evaporates soon but kills just as quickly. Victim's skin turned purple in contact with this chemical, looking as if they had suffocated to death. Word on the street? It was responsible for the terrorist attack in Paris last month.
"You would be posing as Mrs. Anna Dashevsky, wife of Mr. Vlad Dashevsky, the notorious couple of wreaking havoc: the train accident in Germany, the bombing in L.A., and a few other dozen of suspected murders and attacks. We have apprehended them both from their Belarus safe house twenty-four hours ago, safe to say that your cover would not be blown since the auction is fully anonymous." Maria had her skeptical look on you, her cold voice brought chills to your spine, "Unless of course, you got made."
"No, I won't, Ma'am." You replied on instinct, knowing fully well that the danger of arms dealers and terrorists gathering in such an auction could possibly be the end of your career - and your life as well, which was why you took a glance at the page of Mr. and Mrs. Dashevsky, making a mental note of the couple's information.
"Good. I shall hope not." Maria gestured you to turn the file to the next page, "You would be working with an Avenger for this mission. Your task is to provide tactical analytic support on the ground. Locate the position of the toxin, get it out, our team would be picking you up two miles south of the venue -" She pointed to a red cross marked on the map, "which is this bridge. If you missed the rendezvous, retreat to the safehouse." Her fingers tapped the red circle on the corner of the map, "Proceed as Protocol 4-12 Agent in Distress."
You scanned over the map to remember the extraction routes, noticing that these are the only pages in the thin folder, "There's no teammate information - am I going in there as Anna alone, or ...?"
Maria shook her head lightly, "You would be greeted by your teammate once you land in Venice, and your teammate would be posing as Vlad, your husband - I noticed you've got a B+ in Russian?" Seeing that you've nodded in confidence, Maria continued, "Good. Practice your Russian, might be handy. Your flight takes off at Runway Charlie in thirty minutes, I'd suggest you head off to the equipment room right now for the gadgets."
"Yes, Ma'am." You dared not linger a second more and headed straight to the equipment room.
First mission on the ground. You could not be more excited.
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Turned out, you could. When the famous Captain America greeted you once your plane had landed on a small airstrip in the outskirt of Padova. Where he was leaning by a smooth silver sedan with a fake nose and a fake moustache.
You almost did not recognise him until he spoke.
"Steve." He introduced himself briefly, extending his hand for you to shake. Didn't take much to know the only one named "Steve" existing in the Avengers team was Steve Frigging Rogers, Captain America himself, the golden boy of the States, and the man with the plan.
"Hi! I'm Anna." You put down your briefcase of trinkery, took his hand and shook with a firmer grip than you had imagined. "Well, my name isn't Anna," You smiled apologetically, "It's ..."
"I know, Y/N." He chuckled, opening the car door for you, gesturing for you to sit, "I've got the files Maria sent. We'll talk on the way."
Yeesh, such gentleman. You bit back the grin and sat in the passenger's seat, while he put the case into the backseat.
The drive from Padova to Venice took about forty minutes, during which he briefed you the latter half of the information required. You switched to one of those little boats - which Italian name you still couldn't pronounce - on entering Venice, by that time you were picking up something casual to talk about, just in case the toxin seller had eyes and ears around the potential buyers.
"First time leaving the office, huh?" He teased you lightly, rubbing small circles around your shoulder blade, pretending to be intimate as he spoke softly.
"Yeah." You murmured, clasping and un-clasping your hand due to obvious nervousness, "It's the first time, well ... ever."
"It's okay." Steve smiled warming, practically glowing kindness when he offered to soothe your nerves, "I'd say you would forget about it ..." He shrugged, "But then I would be lying. Truth is, it's always frightening for the first time, but you will be fine." Steve beamed at you, scratching his fake nose, which you thought must be some kind of silicone that created authentic skin-like appearance, "Just give it time."
Your destination was the safehouse marked on the map. After Steve tipped the boat guy generously, he made sure no one was lurking before tugging a key out of his pocket and opened the door.
Maybe it was your expression that betrayed you, because Steve read something from your looks and grinned, "You want to ask me something? Go ahead."
You're that obvious? But you decided it was best to follow orders.
"This safe house doesn't look so ... safe." You commented, "How are we supposed to defend ourselves, if it comes to ... you know," you chuckled drily, "shooting and stuff?"
Steve seemed stunned for a moment, before really taking a good look at the plain wooden floor and the almost ancient decor in the kitchen, the rusty oven, the missing cabinet door, the whole lot suggesting this place hadn't been set foot in years.
"What, this?" His brows furrowed into a knot, as if seeing completely different things.
You nervously waited for his reply.
"Oh..." Realization hit him as he slapped himself on the forehead, pressing a button below the kitchen table, "You mean ... this."
The noise of machine operating out of nowhere startled you, almost immediately sent you into a defensive position. But as the old crappy oven flipped to the other side and showed an array of guns, bullets, knives, and tasers, the dusty kitchen table pulled the planks to its side and revealed a huge tactical screen, and the fireplace tugged a secret passageway open for an escape route, your jaw fell on the floor.
"I might have told Tony about the whole disguise idea for the safe houses and uh," Steve chuckled, "He and Bruce took it way too seriously. Probably got a bit carried away too."
"One little problem, though," You raised your index finger and swiped a line along the greasy stove, making a face, "I don't think there's anything we can find here to eat ...?"
"Don't worry about that." Steve waved his hand dismissively, "We won't be here more than an hour before heading to the auction place. There's a full wardrobe and weaponry upstairs, first door on the right - but I'm sure you have already got plenty in your case - But by all means, take half an hour to adjust, rest, grab what you need, and I want us out of here by an hour. That sounds good?"
"Good. Okay. Thumbs up." You confirmed and headed upstairs with your suitcase, only to close the bedroom door and squeal into your palms.
Captain America. In the living flesh!
On your first-ever mission!
Three soft knocks came through the thin wooden door.
"You alright in there?"
"I'm okay Cap - I mean, Vlad!" You called out, realizing as soon as you spoke that your voice was hoarse than usual.
"Careful there. The wardrobe door is on the left-hand side. Give me a shout if you need anything."
After that, small trotting noises, probably from the footsteps of Steve Rogers going downstairs.
Left-hand side? You eyed the dusty place curiously, poking and prodding the moldy wallpaper. You didn't see any wardrobe, other than -
Your nail bore contact with a piece of metal, from which a grey-ish camera leapt out of the wall, and nearly hit your hand.
It scanned your face, before emitting that rumbling Transformer noise again, revealing a wall full of weapons, money, and of course, clothes and wigs for disguises.
You gasped at the brand-new Magnums on the wall. You took your word back. This was the safest house in the fucking galaxy.
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"Ta-da-" You walked down the stairs, "What do you think, Ca - Vlad?"
Steve had his gaze pinned on you for a moment. His expression was close to blank, which was giving you a hard time figuring out what he was thinking.
"Am I overdoing it?" You clenched the collar of your coat nervously, "Anna - I mean, I came from a Slavic root, so this is ... alright? No?"
Steve pinched the bridge of his nose, fighting the corner of his lips from the uncontrollable grin. "I would say, that this outfit is ... " He tried hard not to laugh, "It's good, great. Could use a few ... improvements, though."
You were wearing a thick fur coat and a fur hat, sunglasses too, dressing up like a polar bear rolled over in red and brown paint.
"Just because the Dashevsky's are from Slavic roots doesn't mean we have to dress up as good-ole fashioned Russian villains." Steve helped you take off the thick fur coat, smiling to himself, "We still have some time. Care to go through Disguise 101 with me?"
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Title: Thirsty Or Parched {1}**
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Title: Thirsty or Parched? {One-Shot/Script} {1}**
Lewis Hamilton x GF Reader
Warning: Crude & Vulgar Language, Comedy, Fun & Games, NSFW toward the end, Flirtatious banter
Words: 4.9k
Summary: You and Lewis have been dating for a long time. What started as the buds of friendship blossomed to love and was now a full-fledged love tree. Both of you have never really hidden your relationship and have been very open with the public with showing how tight the bonds that bound are. This naturally has gotten everyone to love you together. Today someone had the bright idea to get you guys to do Thirsty Tweets. The twist, Lewis reads yours and you read his. What was to be a funny likkle skit, may possibly expose a lot more about your relationship than you’d intended.
Note: I had this idea and though it might not play out the way it did in my head, I decided to just run with it. Hope you guys enjoy this. Also, this is a little different format than usual. It’s in fic format but also written out like a script. Hope it’s not confusing. 😊
Note II: I am also going to be making this a miniseries with each addition being about a different celeb and their reader insert significant other.
Note III: Italicized text should be read like the actions said characters are doing, so like stage actions in a script.
As always, thank you for reading. I appreciate it.
If you enjoyed this, please, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!!!
***NOT Edited/Proofread***
Lewis climbed out of the custom black and metallic blended Mercedes-Benz G-Wagon then slipped his sunglasses on as the blinding afternoon sun attacked his retinas. When he turned he found you staring at him with a mischievous smile on your face.
“Why’re you looking at me like that, dove?”
You shrugged innocently then blew an obnoxious bubble with your bright pink gum, “Can’t a girl just admire how fine her man is? Is it a crime?”
He smirked trying to keep himself in check. He loved when you expressed how good you thought he looked and loved when you called him your man even more.
“You can admire all you want,” he began, holding open the sides of his jacket so you could get an even better look. “It’s all yours after all.”
You smiled wider then scooted to the edge of the seat he’d just vacated. Your mini-skirt was already short but now it was hiked up to show the upper part of your tempting inner thigh. Licking his lips slowly, he stepped closer.
“What if looking isn’t enough? What if I wanna--,” you began and out of nowhere he felt your legs wrap around his lower body to lock behind his thighs.
The action sent him flush against you where his once peacefully resting dick now stirred from the brush of contact with the most intimate part of you.
“Touch as well as look?”
The look in your eyes spelled mischief and though he knew it he fell right into your trap. Placing his hands on your biceps, he slid his hands up and over your shoulders until they met at your neck where he clasped. The look on your face went from mischievous to surprise then intense arousal. He watched you sink your teeth into your bottom lip and his dick lurched in his jeans.
Without warning he crashed his lips to yours and kissed you, so you knew just what you were in store for when we left this studio. You moaned, wrapped your arms around his neck then sank your nails into the back of his neck. His groan vibrated across your lips, and it was then you wrapped your tongue around his, shooting his arousal up into the upper stratosphere.
When you nibbled his bottom lip hard enough to draw a little bit of blood, he had to pull your seductive succubus ass off of him. He’d meant to move his hands lower to your biceps to pull you off, but he’d jumped the gun and pulled you back with his hands still wrapped around your neck.
“Fuck baby,” you mumbled.
Your pupils were fully blown as your arousal filled you and the hypnotizing look in your beautiful eyes nearly had him sending the order for the guards to guard the car so he could scratch both of your itches. Nearly. He knew that anything under several hours would not be enough for him to fully satiate either of you.
“Fuck baby is right,” he whispered before releasing your neck. “Now I have a situation.”
You glanced down between your bodies then snorted. When he felt your hand rub against him, he groaned.
“And that’s not helping.”
He stepped back breaking the death grip that your thighs had him in. You hooked your heels on the lining of the car keeping your thighs open so he could see just what was waiting for him.
“You are evil.”
You snorted again then blew another bubble. “I would say I’m sorry but I’m not.”
He shook his head, imaging all the ways he’d make you sorry later.
“Uh—Mr. Hamilton?”
You snapped your thighs shut the same time he turned to find a woman with red curly hair standing behind him holding a clipboard and wearing a headset.
“Hi, I’m Mallory. I’m one of the set handles. Welcome.”
She held out her hand for him to shake.
“Nice to meet you.”
“I’m such a huge fan. Wow,” she breathed out with a wide grin on her face and stars in her eyes.
“Thank you.”
“Uh—is Y/N with you?”
You poked your head out from the side.
Coming to stand beside him, you blew another bubble and held your hand out to Mallory who eagerly shook your hand with the same stars in her eyes.
“Wow. Oh my god you’re even prettier in person,” she said.
You smiled but used your hand to cover that beautiful smile he loved so much. It was an action you did when you were embarrassed which was whenever someone complimented you.
“You’re too sweet. Thank you.”
“Ehm, wow. You guys are gorgeous together. Anyway, follow me and we’ll go inside and get you set up.”
Mallory began walking ahead, but you turned back to the G-Wagon bent in to retrieve your purse showing him your lace purple Brazilian panty-clad ass. The same lace purple panties you’d teased him with not even an hour ago as you dressed in front of him. The same purple lace panties you’d refused to allow him to touch. For the love of God, his palms itched to touch so he moved closer, and as if you could read his naughty thoughts you spun around with a smirk.
“Ah, ah, ah. No touch.”
“You ever heard the saying don’t taunt a lion?”
You shook your head. “Why not?”
“Because when they pounce, you’re bound to get hurt,” he illuminated.
You smiled innocently then leaned close. “Mmmm, you know I love it when it hurts Papi.”
With a wink you walked around him leaving him standing there struggling to get a grip on his runaway thoughts, desires, and hard dick. You knew you had him locked in and down. It was almost funny. Almost.
Within 15 minutes after you walked inside the studio management explained what would happen, touched up your makeup, and had gotten you both to do a few random shots for the website as well as the thumbnail for the video. Now as you sat behind the white desk beside one another, he’d finally calmed himself and gotten control over his hormones.
It was insane how much he’d turned into a prepubescent boy since meeting you. It was normal for couples to have a honeymoon period where they were blissfully happy and unable to keep their hands off one another. That honeymoon period was around a year, but here the two of you were 7 and ½ months shy of 5 years and this honeymoon period still hadn’t faded. He was as obsessed with you now as he was then.
“All right you guys, ready?”
The voice of the set manager brought him back to realize he’d been staring at you like a creeper. You turned to him and smiled.
He nodded.
A few of the set handles around squealed then made side comments to each other about how cute it was how he looked at you. Those comments only made you smile wider. Fuck, he thought. He was a goner.
“All right here we go. 4-3-2-1.”
The set manager pointed to signal go.
Lewis: Hello internet and the world. I’m Lewis Hamilton.
Y/N: Ah, hold on. Nope. We intro you right. This is Lewis Hamilton holder of 7 world championships, 103 wins, with 192 podiums, over 7 F1 and driving awards, and one of the most amazing human beings to ever walk this planet and my boo thang!
{He smiled widely while shaking his head at your antics. You’d always been one of his biggest and loudest cheerleaders and today you were proving not a damn thing had changed} {You turned to him smiling}
Y/N: Put some respect on your name babe.
{He nodded then shrugged}
Lewis: Thank you, Dove.
Y/N: And I’m just Y/N.
Lewis: Ha! This is Y/F/N & Y/L/N, ranked one of the top 5 models in the world, the 200 million grossing in one night of her opening debut owner of the lingerie line Insatiable, the designer behind Luxe Bijoux one of the hottest jewelry lines out now, NY Times Best Selling Author, an over 160 million following fashion and beauty guru right on the tube and my beautiful dove and love.
{Your hand was covering your mouth as you tried to hide your zeal and embarrassment. Whenever he gushed like this you always felt like the fairest in the land}
Y/N: Aww, baby. Stahp It!
{The two of you giggled like floors before you rubbed noses together making everyone behind the scenes “aww”}
Y/N: Oh my goodness. Anyway. Thank you. So we’re here to do the famous--.
Lewis: Reading thirsty tweets.
Y/N: Yep. Only with a bit of a twist. I’m going to read Lewis’.
Lewis: And I’m going to read Y/N’s.
{Lewis made a yikes face at the same time you did making everyone behind the scenes crack up}
Y/N: Are you ready babes? Ready for me to read these out loud?
{Chucking} Lewis: I mean, sure. I’m not quite sure about reading yours.
Set Manager: What do you think Y/N?
Y/N: Aww, I’m sure they’re not that bad. Now yours—oh boy! Good God I don’t think I’m going to get off quite so easy, but you know what I get it cause I’m thirsty all day for this man so why not others too.
{He chuckled again because he’d seen a few over the years and had some inkling of an idea of what you were in store for}
Y/N: All right, you wanna go first?
Lewis: Okay.
{He shuffled through the large notecards that were face down on the white table and decided on the third one} {Holding it up he looked at you}
Lewis: Ready?
{You nodded}
Lewis: My, my, my, my god, @Y/F/N-Y/L/N needs to just sit on my face like right now TBH. Right damn now.
{Your eyes bugged, lips pinched, and head turned from him trying to avoid his eyes} {Him on the other hand, he just stared at the camera with an unimpressed look on his face}
Lewis: What was that you said not even a minute ago? Not that bad?
{Shaking his head he shrugged}
Lewis: Okay, @LugoSluzzoUK thanks for that. But no can do she only sits on my face.
{You gasped loudly as your hand swung out to smack his chest}
Y/N: Lewis!
{He laughed, throwing his head back}
Y/N: Wow, not funny.
Set Manager: Woah. Uh—Y/N. You’re up.
{You reached to the bottom of the pile and took a notecard out holding it up like it was the game changer of the poker game}
Y/N: Okay. I would let @lewishamilton break my back like a glow stick until I was like a slinky.
{Your eyes were again wide while Lewis laughed}
Y/N: Oh that’s funny to you.
Lewis: Just picturing it.
Y/N: Right, a glow stick until they’re like a slinky. Woooow. You know what--@ I’m not even gonna put your @ out there, just know I see you and I understand because same! Absolutely the same!
{You raised your hand in the air as if praising the lord and everyone around laughed}
Y/N: These aren’t too bad. Let’s go!
{Lewis pulled another card}
Lewis: I am pretty sure that @Y/F/N-Y/L/N’s photo spread in that Sports Illustrated issue where she was covered in body paint as bathing suits made me a lesbian. Ever since I’ve only dated women while masturbating to her at night.
{You giggled while trying to stop but being completely unable to}
Lewis: @Prettypinkjelly, I get it. I remember that issue and honestly if I were a woman I probably would have been turned too.
{You giggled some more while shaking your head}
Lewis: These are—quite interesting.
Y/N: Not so bad right?
Lewis: So far, although I feel like we’re going to start going down into debauchery soon.
{You both laughed}
Y/N: Okay. This one says. If @lewishamilton had an evil doppelganger I would let the evil doppelganger take me from the mouth while Lewis took me from behind even if they didn’t shower until they made me a double stuffed twinkie with extra filling.
Lewis: Woooooow. That’s a lot to unpack there.
{You laughed uncontrollably}
Y/N: My goodness. You guys sure are creative. Evil doppelganger, double stuffed twinkie with extra filling.
{Your eyes were wide in shock as you stared at the camera}
Lewis: It’s the “even if they didn’t shower” for me.
Set Manager: That’s where you draw the line?
Lewis: It gets very hot in the F1 suit and in the car for hours. Things get quite sweaty.
{You nodded}
Y/N: Yeah but a little sweat won’t hurt nobody.
{You winked at the camera while he pulled another card}
Lewis: Okay. For my birthday this year I have one wish and it’s for @Y/F/N-Y/L/N to come to my apartment and make me a burger, could be frozen I’m not picky, in a pair of red patent leather chaps, the ones with the ass cheeks out. That’s all tooth fairy, easter bunny, Santa, Genie, my fairy godmother, aurora’s three fairy godmothers. Please!
{The silence in the studio stretched until both you and Lewis busted out laughing. For the next minute you laughed so hard you both began crying}
Y/N: Oh my god. Not the leather chaps.
Lewis: Wow. Thank you for the laugh. The ass cheeks out huh.
{He nods his head}
Lewis: @lowkeylokiinya thank you for this because I think this just became our next roleplay night.
Y/N: Lewis!
{You hid your face, but he could see the smirk on your lips}
Y/N: We can cut this out right?
{The studio again fell quiet before he laughed}
Lewis: Your go.
Y/N: My mother always told me that my body is a temple and I agree however I just want @lewishamilton to bust the walls of this temple down!
{Lewis was the first to laugh while your eyes again remained as big as saucers}
Y/N: Wow, wow, wow. Oh wow.
{You look at Lewis who is trying his best to stop laughing but he is miserably failing. The way he is struggling makes you laugh too. After a few moments you both get a grip and sit there in silence for a few seconds}
Y/N & Lewis: Wow.
Y/N: Okay um—I think this is one of my favorites. I applaud you @ you know who you are, still not gonna put you guys on blast.
{Lewis has his next one already in hand}
Lewis: Okay, this one says, I’m not even into feet I find them creepy, but I would suck each and every single one of @Y/F/N-Y/L/N toes and not miss a single crevice. They look like they taste good.
Y/N: Oh my goodness.
{You cover your face with your hands feeling a little embarrassed}
Lewis: I’m going to assume every crevice means in between your toes too. Hmm.
{You and Lewis look at each other speaking nonverbally. He smiles and nods}
Lewis: All right @nuthinbutacomedian thank you for that.
{Lewis’ jaw is clenched, and you notice and go to his ear and in a whisper ask if he’s all right. Lewis brushes it off and assures you that he is good and drives it home with a sweet kiss to your temple which makes those behind the camera and on set “aww” yet again}
Y/N: Anyway, this is says, @LewisHamilton looks like he has a really long dick.
{Your eyes bug and jaw drops while Lewis pinches his lips together while keeping his eyes frontward}
Y/N: Um—uh—well you know something--.
Lewis: Don’t you do it.
Y/N: Looks are not deceiving. We have all seen him in his race suit.
Lewis: Y/N!
{You pinch your lips then zip them while pretending to throw away the key}
Lewis: Christ, you’re going to get me in so much trouble.
{You lift your hands in the air as it to show you mean no harm and that you’re done but he doesn’t look like he believes you. You look to the camera, smile then wink}
Lewis: These are getting quite--explicit.
Set Manager: If you can believe there are much more explicit than this out there.
Y/N: I believe it. Thirst makes the world go round, plus look at this guy.
{You cup his jaw and squish his cheeks making his lips pout}
Y/N: I thirst over him every day.
{Lewis’ smile is small at first but then widens until he is full-on cheesing}
Lewis: Enough. All right, let’s see. @Y/F/N-Y/L/N I just want you to know that if you ever need to fill your prescription for vitamin D I got more than enough D to give.
{Without meaning to you bust out laughing. In a matter of seconds, you’re practically cackling}
Y/N: Oh my god. No way! Yo, that is creative is hell. I have to applaud that one.
{You begin clapping with a look of amazement. Lewis on the other hand does not look amused.}
Y/N: How the hell do you guys come up with these?
Lewis: I kind of want to know too.
Y.N: Right!
Lewis: However @MegsstallionBrotha she’s gonna pass.
Y/N: Am I? Why?
{Lewis looks at you, meeting the playful challenge in your eyes}
Lewis: Why? I think you’re getting all the vitamin D you can handle. No?
Y/N: Am I? I am quite low in the vitamin today thanks to someone.
{Lewis laughs and shakes his head}
Lewis: Oh ho-ho keep talking.
{You giggle as you sift through the remaining note cards searching for your next one to read}
Y/N: @LewisHamilton, if you see this just know I want to use your…cum as a…face mask.
{Your eyes are wide as you blink rapidly for a few moments}
Lewis: Wow.
Y/N: I have to read that again.
{You read it to yourself then bob your head from side to side}
Y/N: I think this could have been worse.
Lewis: Do you?
Y/N: Yes. Think about it. Cu—sperm is pretty much protein, which is similar to the whites of eggs. It’s like making an at-home mask with egg whites which is actually good for the skin and pores, it helps with collagen and firming.
{Everyone is shocked silent staring at you}
Y/N: Just a bit of science there. So if you’re out of egg whites use a little cum, same thing.
{Everyone laughs loudly at that}
Lewis: So you’ve walked around with my sperm on your face?
Y/N: I don’t know about walking, but have I gotten your sperm on my—
{Lewis clamps his hand over your mouth shutting you up}
Lewis: Keep talking. You’re getting so close.
{You laugh but he doesn’t lower his hand until you’ve simmered down}
Y/N: Em, @ person—no judgement.
Lewis: I would let @Y/F/N-Y/L/N dom and peg me if she wanted and say thank you master after she’d ruined all my holes.
{You smile at the camera while managing to not give any other reaction}
Lewis: Woah, that’s a lot of trust there.
Y/N: I think I’d make a wonderful dominatrix. Right? Imagine me all red sexy leather, super high stilettos, fresh pedicure, fishnet stockings, a sexy feather and leather whip, decked out in diamond jewelry and skimpy lingerie.
{Lewis clears his throat loudly and readjusts himself in his seat}
Y/N: You all right?
Lewis: Yep. Let’s move on.
{You smile to yourself knowing what happened, you unintentionally turned him on with the talk of your attire. You know he is more imagining him being the dom and you the sub. The control freak in him would have the hardest time letting you take control.}
Y/N: @ person thank you for this, and again, no judgement. Sounds like fun.
{There is laughter from those around the set}
Y/N: I would let @LewisHamilton rearrange my guts in alphabetical order and then out of alphabetical order any day of the week.
{Lewis snorts and drops his head back as he laughs}
Lewis: Like, what does that even mean?
Y/N: It means any time, any day, any way they’re DTF. You know what @ you, you're a clever soul. Amen!
{You hold your hand high and shake your head fully grasping the sentiment}
Set Manager: Same for you Y/N?
Y/N: Do you have to ask?
{You giggle and that giggle turns to a full-on laugh when you realize Lewis looks very unamused but in his eyes, you see how turned on you have him}
Set Manager: Looks like we’re down to the last one.
Lewis: Yep.
{He waves it in the air}
Lewis: I kind of feel like I need to prep myself. It would be safe to say this might be the thirstiest.
Y/N: I’m sure it can’t be that bad.
{Lewis breathes once more}
Lewis: @Y/F/N-Y/L/N the things I would do to you if I had the chance. Mainly I want to suck your soul from what I know is a gorgeous kat until you squirt all over me to baptize and save me like the Goddess you are.
{Lewis slow sighs out.}
Lewis: There’s a lot going on there. @yourloveisunholy that answers a lot, um—again she’ll pass.
Y/N: Um—I love your name by the way. I appreciate the compliment you are right it is a gorgeous—
Lewis: Keep talking.
{You laugh because at this point you are having the time of your life teasing him}
Lewis: You are so asking for it.
Y/N: He’s right I will have to pass. I need my soul.
Lewis: That’s it?
Y/N: Until the next time @LewisHamilton decides to suck—
{Again Lewis clamps his hand over your mouth making you laugh}
Lewis: Please just read your tweet.
Y/N: @LewisHamilton come and get this face sit zaddy, I know how to ride. Then dick me down so fucking hard that my ancestors get phantom pains. Oh my god!
{You jump to your feet and raise your hands in the air}
Y/N: Winner, Winner! Wow, wow, wow, wow! I am speechless. You know what I am here for this! Period! I feel you on that face sitting part because this man’s face is meant to be sat on.
Lewis: And we’re done here. Thank you Buzzfeed, this has been thirty tweets, couples edition. See ya!
{Your laughter had turned to a cackle at this point. You’d watched him slowly decline in his ability to keep himself restrained. You knew how on edge he was because of the tease in the car, and this was complete comedy for you.}
Everyone behind the scenes clapped then told you guys how great the episode will be online. Lewis was already standing ready to go. It wouldn’t be that easy for him though because everyone seemed to want pictures and an autograph and him being the gracious man he is, he signed an autograph for everyone while letting them get their pictures in.
After about 30 minutes or so, you said your goodbyes after the set manager informed you that the episode was going live in a few hours. You then made your way back to your car. Lewis opened your door then went around to climb in beside you. The whole time he didn’t speak. He didn’t speak when your driver put the car in drive. He didn’t speak the 30-minute drive to lunch. The only way you knew that he wasn’t upset was because you caught him staring at you several times and the way he was staring instantly told you he was far from upset and more on the horny side.
After lunch, you split up to tackle some work errands while making a promise to meet up at home. Lewis kept the kiss quick though you tried to delve your tongue into his mouth. Halfway to your meeting, you texted him.
MSG: You know, most would say you’ve been neglecting me since we left Buzzfeed. They would also say their feelings were hurt.
You expected him to take a while to answer but to your surprise, a response came in after about 2 minutes.
MSGMyHoneyDrop: To that, I would say you’re being dramatic.
MSG: Anyone ever tell you it’s not a good idea to tell a woman she is being dramatic?
MSGMyHoneyDrop: Yes, you. I’m just trying to make it through the day without anyone noticing how hard I am, and without letting blue balls set in.
You shouldn’t have laughed but you did.
MSG: How are you hard? Those tweets do it for you?
MSGMyHoneyDrop: Nope. You do it for me and you know that. Another thing you should know is your ass is mine when I get home. I don’t care what you have to do but you need to find that red leather outfit and you better have it on when I get home.
Excitement filled you quicker than shaken soda spouting through a bottle. You squealed with anticipation.
Much later that night after round 6, you and Lewis lay sweaty, panting, and sex drunk reading through the comments from the Buzzfeed video.
“Someone said I knew Lewis and Y/N were a pair of freaks in the sheets but damn they’re freaks in the streets too.”
You snorted then laughed, handing him a bottle of infused water. While taking a few sips you scrolled through the endless comments. It was clear the video was a hit. In not even 24 hours it had over 13 million views.
“Oh my god. This person said, you can see how much they love each other and how connected they are. #goals. Aww. That’s sweet.”
“Watching Y/N and Lewis read thirsty tweets while they’re being thirsty for one another is a whole mood.”
You rolled on top of him sitting right on top of his still hard member.
“Still hard?”
“You only have yourself to blame,” Lewis said trailing his hands along your red fishnet stocking clad thighs.
“You’re the one who wanted me to wear this. I think you did it to yourself.”
Lewis gripped your hips then moved you back just a little before he lifted you just enough so he could slide inside of you.
The friction gave way to slight soreness and reminded you that you’d been at this for hours and were already thoroughly fucked.
“Still so tight. I can’t get enough of you, sweetheart.”
The fullness you felt made it impossible to remain still, so you slowly rocked back and forth on him until you were bucking against him riding him just the way he liked. Lewis’ moans turned to grunts and before you knew it he’d flipped you onto your stomach while keeping your ass in the air.
“Such a perfect ass!”
To emphasize, Lewis slapped you across it making you shout into the blankets underneath you. From his strokes, you could tell he was close but from the way he groaned you could also tell he didn’t like the fact that he was losing control this quickly. When he tried to move you to change your position, you refused then took control from him and backed yourself onto him slamming your ass into his pelvis.
“Aah, shit,” Lewis exclaimed.
Peeping over your shoulder you saw your sopping core held his attention while his hands were planted on his head. You began flicking your hips raising your backside up and down giving him a show that you knew would mesmerize him. It didn’t take long for him to grip your hips and plow into you with reckless abandon.
“Do you love me, Y/N?”
“I do.”
“Lemme hear.”
“Ah! Fuck Lewis. I love you!”
You bit the blankets, filling your mouth with the soft fluffy material, and let yourself moan as you wished. Lewis gripped the back of your neck and hoisted you up until your back was pressed to his chest and your moans filled the room.
“Mmm, look at me.”
Locking eyes with him, you tried not to roll them to the back of your head from the deepness of his strokes.
“I fucking love you too!”
Lewis kissed you sloppily then you felt him fill you for the 7th time that night. His arms wrapped around you as your bodies shook together riding your shared orgasm. When he collapsed on top of you he didn’t release you, he kept you cocooned in his arms and his cock nestled inside of you.
“We’re never going to be able to live down that fucking episode.”
You snorted then laughed loudly because he was right. You’d both let it slip to the world how utterly and completely horny and parched you were for each other while giving them a glimpse of just how freaky you might be. There was no way the internet would ever let you forget it.
@chaneajoyyy @caramara3 @valkryienymph @babyflowa07 @est1887 @halfrican-heat @mauvecherie-writes @nunya7394 @lovebittenbyevans @gardenwonders2 @sweetlikecoffy @dillie60 @ olabelle757 @ophiaedits @kenequa @triton08 @skyesthebomb @shipatheart @keytodespair @xsweetdellzx @labella420 @coldmuffinbanditshoe @ak329 @shar74nett @youremysuperstar @whore-like-behaviour
@alookintohersoul @asiaaisa77 @jd-now-jq @naturalthrone22      @mrsbarnes-rogers @beyourownkindofbeautiful @beccacupcakesxo @toni9 @wonderlandfandomkingdom @partypoison00 @queenoftheworldisdead @doublesidedscoobysnacks @sophiealiice @richonne4life @coffeebooksandfandom @siempremamita @raveviolet @dumbchick  @amennariee @briellableu @leebabe444 @31miw-inkpsycho
@rororo06 @disaster-rose @bugngiz @yourwonderbelle @queenbetter @melaninhawtie @bekindbecoolbeyou​ @heartfullofgolden @idkiwantchocolatee @missuniee @avngrsfangirl @a-highly-opinionated-mess @19jammmy ​@nunya7394 @eltima02 @motheroffae @luckydiorxoxo
@majx00 @bbhyuneee @queenanababy @ravenqueen27 @multi-fandom5 @xsweetdellzx @bqueensweet @misswolff @g-l-o-b-e-w-h-o-r-e @blveeeeeee @majx00 @rowansshit @tian-monique
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kisha-myers · 1 year
This is inspired by the art done by u_rano on tiktok - I may turn this into a full blown fanfiction, idk yet but this is what I've got in my head so far 😀 I promise it gets better - if you want chapter two lemme know! 🥲
This fanfic is a fem-reader. Sorry for the confusion fusion and not specifying I'm a noon when it comes to this 🥲
Chapter One: New Neighbors
The hustling and bustling of Pikes Street Market in Seattle had always made your heart palpitate with utter dread. Far too many unfamiliar faces in a place that was overflowing with sensations that never ceased to make your anxiety skyrocket. The only reason you had even came here was because your dear old friend Johnny had asked to meet up with you. There you sat, perched at the far end of the uncomfortable wooden bench just outside of your shared favorite chocolate shop, head on a constant swivel as your eyes hunted for that ever familiar mohawk of the Scotsman.
Two hours had already passed since you were supposed to meet him, and although you were certain he of all people would never stand you up, you began to let your overthinking mind get the better of you. What if he got into a wreck? What if he got kidnapped? What if he got called back to duty early, and couldn't tell you because it was a top secret covert operation? The possibilities hurtling through your mind at the speed of light only worsened your erratic anxieties, making your heart kick start with new found speed that sent your stomach spiraling with nausea.
The wind picked up, the sunny yet still chilly day had you a shivering mess in your sweater - oh how you wished you had dressed warmer. You were a native here, born and raised in the pacific northwest - you were no stranger to the bipolar weather of spring. One moment sunny, the next a torrential downpour - it varied every year but still, you expected the same. A sigh escaped your slightly chapped lips as you stood, shoving your hands into your pockets of your washed out skinny jeans to find some semblance of warmth. You decided if you were to be stood up by the one man who had yet to do so to you, you at least deserved a treat - what better treat than a gigantic chocolate covered strawberry?
Carefully you opened the door, inhaling deeply as the scent of melted chocolate and freshly baked pastries enveloped you, calming your anxious heart significantly. Your lips twitched, turning up in the corners into a small smile, oh how you adored this place - memories of your childhood ran through your mind like an old film reel. Moments captured of you and your little sisters taking turns sitting on the bench inside, next to the giant stuffed teddy bear that you had named Rupert - it had fit his sophisticated gaze and so, Rupert he was to remain. A faint giggled tumbled through your lips as you met Ruperts beady gaze, his top hat and monocle you'd given him when you were thirteen still ever present though worn with age. It had been ten years after all.
"Ah, there she is! Was wondering if you were just gonna sit outside all day and leave me all alone in here!" Chuckled Gregory, the lively Elders British man that had takeb over the early afternoon shift a few years prior. Your eyes shot to the counter, smile widening as you rolled your eyes.
"Nah, I couldn't do that to you! I had to get my chocolate fix eventually - besides, you've had people come and go all day." You retorted, making your way to the counter and resting your elbows on it, eyes filled with mirth as you watched the old man restock the display cases.
Gregory shrugged, "Eh, they're not you love - you're far better company that sniveling little brats that have no manners or respect, and teenagers too focused on their phones to even utter a complete cohesive sentence. I mean honestly, how-" His rant was cut short as the little bell over the opposite door dinged, signaling another customer was entering the shop. His face paled, causing your brow to furrow in confusion and worry before you turned you e/c orbs towards the culprit.
A chill seeped into your bones and down your spine as you took in the sheer size of them. Compared to your little five foot frame they towered over you - making you feel impeccably smaller, something of which you had never thought was even possible. Your eyes bounced back and forth between the two of them, taking in what little features you could. The both wore masks of some sort - one had a skull on it, and the other wore a snipers hood, something you only knew because Johnny had shown you one while giving you a tour of the army vase him and his team were stationed at. His eyes were a deep hazel, swirls of honeyed amber mixed with hunter green and mahogany - though pretty to look at they were unbelievably cold and uninviting. Worse yet, he stared back at you, almost as if you of all people were a threat to him. The black that surrounded his eyes only served to unnerve you even more so you cast your gaze away, only to land on his companion.
The other seemed less hostile though not by much, his eyes were a pretty sky blue though they too were swimming in black but encompassed by blonde thick lashes. This one towered over his skull masked companion, having to be damn near seven feet tall. Broad shoulders, thick muscled arms, powerful thighs and a slim waist - you just new he was ripped to filth under those layers. You blushed softly, shaking from your stupor and clearing your throat as you turned back to Gregory with a forced, thin lipped smile.
"Well, it's been nice chatting with you Gregory but I've got errands to run since I've been stood up. If you'd be so kind, I'd like a chocolate covered strawberry to go please." You cursed yourself inwardly as your voice shook, loathing your mere existence as panic laced your heart. Your anxiety was back and it was even worse than before. Your hands were sweating and shook slightly, your breaths were starting to come in short little bursts - you were well on your way to a panic attack when Gregory acknowledged your request.
"Of course love, it's on me today - no pretty lady like yourself deserves to be stood up. You're too good for whoever the hell he is anyways. Here, enjoy it - be sure to say bye to Rupert, I'm sure he missed you too." He chuckled, sending you a wink and waving you off as he turned and strode towards the ominous men lurking in the far corner. You snorted, grabbing the little box that housed your favorite treat and hurried out the door, blowing a kiss to Rupert before you left.
The cold outside for once, soothed you, helping you take deep breaths to calm your racing heart once more as you made your way back to your apartment. Your eyes glanced up towards the sky, dark clouds had begun to roll in, signaling to you that it would rain soon. Your pace picked up to a brisk walk, having decided that you did NOT want to be caught in the rain lest you get sick again. As you rounded the corner your phone buzzed, the vibrations sending tingling down your right leg causing you to stop in your tracks. Hastily your hands fumbled it out of your pocket, swiping the green little phone icon and pressing the mobile device against your ear.
"Hello?" You answered, eyes frantically taking in your surroundings as you forced your feet to regain their momentum.
"You a'right lass? You sound worried?" Johnny's Scottish brogue filled the pensive silence that had enveloped you. Within seconds your mood shifted considerably, eyes narrowing in irritation and vexation.
"Why would I not be worried Johnny? It wasn't like we had made plans together hours ago or anything." You snapped back crinkling your nose in disgust at yourself as you felt tears beginning to well up in your e/c eyes. Rustling could be heard in the background, a muffled female voice groggy from sleep sounded, making your vexation even worse, "Are you fucking kidding me Johnny!? You stood me up, ME, just so you could get laid? What the actual fuck!" You snarled, mentally debating if you should yeet your phone off into the distance with the same force the halfing did to the Ring of Sauron into Mordor. Your eyes burned from both the cold wind now barging against your face and the unshed tears you fought to keep from spilling over.
Johnny groaned and you could hear his palm connecting with his forehead as it finally dawned on him what day it was, "Fuck I'm so sorry lass, time escaped me and you know how one thing leads to another and-" You cut him off, shaking your head even though you knew he could see you. The disappointment and self-resentment you had inside you was swelling, you hated that you were jealous of a mystery woman you didn't even know. You weren't physically attracted to Johnny, it was more so that he had deemed her presence more important than yours - at least that is what you surmised inside your head.
"No Johnny, no I don't know how that is because that doesn't happen to me. I'm not desirable enough for that to even be a thought. Regardless, we had plans and you promised to be here and you weren't. Hours I sat outside and waited for you and you were too busy fucking some twat - real nice Johnny. I'll let you get back to it, I hope you enjoy what's little is left of your leave." With a sniffle you hung up, effectively silencing whatever response he could offer you and subsequently turning off your phone entirely to ignore any texts or calls he'd send your way.
The tears you had so desperately fought to keep back fell, staining your cheeks with their salty essence as you turned the corner where your apartment complex was nestled on. You dug your keys from your pocket, head tilted down as you blinked rapidly to clear your eyes so you could find the right key that would let you inside. Your hands shook as you fiddled with your keys, grumbling insults towards Johnny as you did so. Was it too much to ask for just one person to genuinely seek put your company? To simply remember your existence passed when it was convenient for them to do so? No, you reasoned, it wasn't too much to ask.
Just as your fingers wrapped around the very key you needed, your body slammed into a wall, knocking you off of your feet. A squeaked 'oof' slipped from between your lips as you felt something thick wrap around your waist and crush you into the very wall you collided into. Your head snapped up, a gasp bursting from your chest as your eyes connected with the sky blues you'd stared into only fifteen minutes prior. Your mouth hung open, eyes wide as a blush dusted over your pale cheeks. He cocked his head to the side, one eyebrow raised in question as he took in your shocked features.
"You should be more careful Schatz, you could have gotten hurt." Your brain processed his words slowly, eyes blinking rapidly before you carefully pulled away from his hold.
"S-sorry." You mumbled, cursing yourself for stuttering as you gathered up your keys and treat, "It's been a little bit of a rough day, I should have been looking where I was going." You mumbled, keeping your gaze lowered as your hands fiddled with your keys. You didn't bother letting him respond, you simply stepped around his massive frame and hurried inside your complex, eyes glancing up every so often as you unlocked the main entrance and scurried off to the elevator.
As always, the wait for the stupid contraption was excruciating and of course the entire first floor of your building was all windows. You could feel his gaze burning a hole into your back but you refused to turn and look. You'd already embarrassed yourself enough today, adding onto that would wreck your fragile mind even more. The buzzed ding from behind the metal sliding doors signaled to you that the elevator had finally reached the first floor, a breath of relief slipped past your lips as you moved slightly to the right in case someone was already inside. The doors slid open with a slight scrape, the noise making you grimace as you clutched your keys to your chest. You glanced up and froze as your gaze connected with the skull masked man - of course he'd be the one exiting the elevator.
Your eyes watered as your heartbeat skyrocketed once more. Being unable to take his smoldering gaze, you turned on your heels and bolted like your life depended on it. Your feet carried you up each flight of stairs, your lungs burning with each breath you forced in. You wanted to blame this entire day on Johnny, but you knew it was your ultimate shifty luck that caused this mess. Tears spilled over, blazing a trail down your flushed cheeks and splattering haphazardly onto the metal stairs you practically flew up. You were thankful that no one hardly used the stairs, you couldn't take your nosey neighbor Patrice pestering you about what was wrong - she never ceased her prying and quite frankly you were in no mood to bother being polite.
Eventually you shouldered open the door to your floor, feet finally dragging you to your door as you sniffle. You wiped away your tears with the left sleeve of your sweater, your right hand shoving your apartment key into the lock and turning. Just as you pocketed your keys and rested your hand on the know the faint buzzed ding of the elevator down the opposite side of the hall gathered your attention. You lifted your gaze as the smudged doors opened, your face contorting into pure devastation as both uncannily ominous men stepped off the elevator. Before they could even look at you, you shouldered your door open and hurried inside. You didn't even bother to turn on any lights as you slammed it closed, hurrying to slide the deadbolt into place. You pressed your front against the door, closing your left eye as your right looked out the peephole.
You watched as the stopped in front of the door across the hall from yours, the skull man pulling out a silver key and sliding it into the lock before he stood aside and waved the taller male through. Both men stood there for a moment, silently communicating with one another before their gazes simultaneously turned towards your door, as if they could see through it, as if they could see you. You shoved yourself harder than you anticipated from your door, stumbling over your own feet but thankfully, catching and steadying yourself on the wall. You ran a hand through your h/l h/c hair, taking a shuddering breath as you reminded yourself that that notion was entirely impossible.
No one had the ability to see through doors with only their eyes - you were fine now, safely locked away into your cave of an apartment. You closed your eyes, leaning your back against the wall and slowly letting gravity slide you down until your butt hit the floor. You kicked off your shoes, laughing at yourself for being so pathetic - you would start taking your medications first thing in the morning, your anxiety was off the charts and you needed all the help you could get to control it.
One thing was for certain though, you'd make sure to avoid your new neighbors at all costs.
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Welcome to Family Video
In which Fem Reader flirts with Steve and he is an idiot and doesn’t realize so Robin basically un-dingus-es him lol
Warnings: Language maybe? Steve being stupid. I think that’s it. 
AN: If you have an idea, leave it below:)
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You took a deep breath as you straightened out your light blue, pleated skirt, something you’d bought specifically to impress Steve The Hair Harrington. You started to second guess your outfit choice, glancing at your bright pink blouse in the window of Family Video. Your hair was curled and pulled back with a floral headband and you had done your makeup to perfection. Like you had been doing for the past three months, but alas, Steve was oblivious to your attraction. You pushed the door to the store open, the bell jingling above you. 
“Welcome to Family Video.” Your eyes shot to the counter where Robin, Steve’s best friend, was working, a smirk on her face. 
Although Steve was an absolute idiot that had no idea about your feelings toward him, Robin caught on pretty quickly. You had been Family Video’s #1 customer for the past month and a half, only coming when Steve was working. 
“Hi.” You tried to play off the disappointment you felt with Steve not being there. “I was wondering if Back to the Future was back yet? My little brother has been dying to rewatch it.” You placed your arms on the counter, offering Robin an inconspicuous smile. 
Robin let out a small laugh. 
“Yeah, it was returned about an hour ago.” Robin crouched down and grabbed the VHS. “The register has been weird, lemme run to the back and just grab the key. Mine hasn’t been working.” You smile and nod, hoping the blush of your embarrassment isn’t noticeable. 
Robin pushes the door to the break room open, where Steve has been studying on his lunch break. 
“Yo dingus. I have to go to the bathroom. Can you cover the front for a sec?” Steve sighs before closing his textbook and going to the front of the store. 
You were looking at the new releases and didn’t see Steve appear at the counter. 
“Can I help you?” His voice alone made your cheeks flush and your heart skip a beat. You turned around, flashing a smile at the most handsome man in Hawkins.  
“I’d like to rent Back to the Future, please.” You walked back to the counter, the blush still remaining on your cheeks. His eyes were wide. 
“No problem.” Was all he managed to get out. 
Unbeknownst to you, Steve got nervous every time you came into the store. He had always thought you were beautiful from the first time he had seen you in Algebra but you were smart and he didn’t consider himself good enough for you. His school crush had just recently turned into a full-blown fantasy ever since you started coming to the store. He spent his shifts hoping you’d walk in. He always looked forward to seeing what you’d wear that day. He thought you were the most beautiful girl in Hawkins, Indiana. But today? Jesus. You looked stunning. Your blue skirt was all that occupied his mind. He hadn’t seen you in a skirt in months. Winter had just ended in Hawkins and it was finally nice enough for shorts and skirts and Steve had never been more appreciative. You looked beautiful. He had to force himself to look away from your legs and to the register to ring you up. 
“How are you?” Your voice broke the brief, but very awkward silence. 
“I’m uh, I’m just fine. Studying for the SAT’s. Trying to get into a good college. Ya know.” You knew that Steve’s family situation wasn’t the best and he hadn’t gone to school so he could work for the year. You admired him for putting off what he wanted to support himself. 
He finally met your eyes and he smiled at you while handing you a bag with the VHS. 
“Uh, don’t I need to pay?” You giggled, grabbing at your purse. Steve was quick to stop you. 
“No, no. This one’s on me. You come here like, all the time so I figured it was about time to give our best customer a discount.” He grinned and it made your heart soar. You waited a bit to see if he would say anything else about your frequent visits to his workplace but he didn’t. You returned his smile and laughed, again. 
“Well thank you Mr. Harrington. I’ll be sure to tell everyone in town that Steven Harrington is the best worker Family Video has.” He licks his lips and you are almost certain you can see him blush. 
“Have a good day Y/N. See you next time.” He turns to leave the counter and goes into the back. You watch him go, your heart deflating just a bit. At this point you thought he’d never get the hint. You were getting to the point of just telling him and then just bolting from the FV, never intending on seeing him again, but you knew that would never happen. 
Steve had walked into the back, groaning. He would never be able to tell you how he felt. Robin was lounging on a chair. 
“Sooooo? Did you ask her out? She’s only been in love with you since Junior year.” Steve stopped in his tracks. 
“What?” His heart momentarily stopped beating. 
“Oh my good God. Steve. Go tell her how you feel or I swear to God the next time she rents Rocky I will.” 
Steve turned and rushed out the door.  
You walked to the exit and the bell rang as you opened the door. You had barely made it to your car when you heard Steve calling your name. You stopped abruptly, your heart pounding. You turned. He was right there. Just a few feet in front of you. You could smell the faint scent of hairspray and cinnamon. Him. He was staring at you, his mouth slightly open, like he was stopping himself from speaking. 
“Yeah?” You look into his eyes. Can he hear your heart? It is pounding so hard you are sure he can. 
“Listen, please don’t laugh at me if I am totally reading into this the wrong way. Just tell me to fuck off and I won’t ever speak to you again but uh,” He licked his lips again and ran his hands through his perfect hair, refusing to look at you. “I don’t know, I just feel like I see you everywhere and maybe it just like, uh, a coincidence, but maybe, oh my God this is so stupid to say out loud.” He finally meets your eyes and his cheeks are flushed and you are sure yours are too. Is Steve Harrington trying to ask you out? “I like you. A lot. Fuck. I just feel like the universe keeps putting us in the same places and fuck this sounds so fucking stupid.” His hands are back in his hair. “You know what?” He drops them to his sides. “Just forget I said anything.” Steve turns around to go back inside. 
“Steve.” You reach out to grab his arm, your skin touching his. Your heart hammers. “You really think the universe keeps making me come to Family Video? I come to see you. I’ve checked Rocky out too many times for one person.” Your face is bright red and Steve turns around, his eyes wide. 
“You come to see me?” He slaps his free hand over his face. “Shit, I just thought you liked movies.” 
You smile sheepishly. 
“I do. I just like you more...” You look at him, the shin-eating grin on his face makes you giggle. You realize you are still grabbing his arm and drop it. He frowns at the loss of contact and reaches for your hand. 
“I like you too.” 
“You already said that, Stevie.”
His blush increases as he brings his hands to your face. 
“Y/N, can I kiss you, please?” He is much closer now. Clouding your vision, your senses. He is so gentle with you, not wanting to fuck up what you’ve both wanted for months. 
“I’d be upset if you didn’t.” Steve smiles and leans down to kiss you. His lips connected to yours is everything you’d dreamed it would be. He kisses you perfectly. His hands on your face, his thumbs gently rubbing your cheeks. 
“Fucking finally.” You break away from each other at the sound of Robin’s voice. “I’ve only been watching you eye-fuck each other for the past 5 months.” You blush and bury your head into Steve’s chest. 
“Fuck off Robin.” She laughs heartily. “I’ll take the rest of your shift lover-boy. Go actually fuck each other.” 
You both laugh. 
“Thanks Buckley.” She flips him off and goes back inside. He grins at you again, a sight you are positive you’ll never get tired of. 
“Let’s get out of here.” You grin back and let him lead the way. Steve Harrington had captured your heart and had no intention of giving it back, but of course, you had no complaints about that. 
AN: Ah. Idk what i did here lol. please leave requests bc i legitimately pulled this out of my ass. 
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canmom · 6 months
the especially crazy-making thing about this 'witnessing a genocide' situation is like...
ok, so there's lots of catastrophes that are genuinely kinda intractable. economics shit, climate change. the problems may be evident but there's lots of room for reasonable disagreement about how to solve them and it's easy to get stuck in a bad equilibrium where the only way out is coordinating an enormous collective action problem and nobody is making any headway. that's one kind of bleak, but at least it's a comprehensibly difficult form of bleak.
i know full well that 'genocide' is a geopolitical football where everyone wants to position what the other guy is doing is a genocide but what you're doing is merely anti-terrorism, assimilation, whatever. this is because the post-wwii consensus is pretty clear cut that genocide is one of the worst things imaginable and one of the only things that really merit going to war.
thus WWII, the official Good War, is retroactively cast as a war to end the Holocaust, even if in practice the Allies were pretty indifferent to what was happening and would turn away refugees, and their solution to the problem of millions of displaced people was to jump on board an ethnonationalist colonialist project that would send them all off to a newly defined 'Jewish state' in a spare country the British happened to have lying around in the Middle East... and well, we're seeing how well that's working out for everyone. subsequent stories of genocide, such as Rwanda, Cambodia, or Bosnia, tend to end with 'and then xyz country invaded and put an end to things and the genocidaires went to court and we put up museums at the mass graves and shot documentary films'. even though the nigh-universal hypocrisy about the subject is rancid, you can at least kind of imagine that there is some pretense that the objective of this whole affair is to stop these kind of mass deaths from happening.
at this point there is no ambiguity that what the Israeli army is doing in Gaza is genocide. they've cut off two million people without food, water, and electricity, shut off their communications, and rained the most sophisticated modern weapons on them indiscriminately for going on three weeks. they've blown up most of their completely overwhelmed medical infrastructure and done everything possible to disrupt it. this war is so one-sided it's not funny, it's just a massacre. Hamas can annoy Israel with rockets but can't do a damn thing to protect the population they're ruling. and there is nowhere for people in Gaza to run to. the border with Egypt is closed. an insultingly tiny trickle of aid has made it in, which will instantly disappear to the orders of magnitude more hungry people.
in short there is no option left besides wait to die.
but, ok. in contrast to all those intractable problems... this one is very simple to solve. Israel could stop dropping bombs whenever they feel like it, and negotiate for whatever they fucking want, e.g. prisoner exchanges. they could let the Palestinians out of the ghetto and dissolve the situation that creates Hamas. they could easily continue to maintain Palestinians as second-class citizens. (look at how lopsided South Africa remains.)
and if they won't, because the country is ruled by fascist maniacs with broad support across the settler population, the US - which has all the leverage in the world - could threaten to hang them out to dry until they call a ceasefire. Israel has so thoroughly made enemies of all its neighbours that they would not last long without that US backing. it needn't even get to that point, if the US said 'stop' and made it clear there was any sort of line... Israel might feel it has to do a little damage control and try to look good on camera. maybe hold off on the white phosphorous. leave a few houses standing.
but none of that is happening. none of it.
it seems like the ground invasion will be starting. it might be well underway when i wake up.
despite the 'simplicity', it's still not at all clear what one little human can do about it. if i go to a protest tomorrow, for the symbolic gesture of "having done something" if nothing else, maybe it will make me feel better, but the most likely immediate outcome is that the government (currently going through a rape scandal, i love the uk) is going to step up its internal repression of Muslims. somehow, the idea that the people are displeased with their democratically elected agents won't factor into it. the protestors become 'other' by virtue of protesting, another problem to control.
it's common to ask 'what would you have done if you lived in Germany (or Poland) during the Holocaust?' a lot of people imagine they'd be heroes, hiding Jewish people in their attic or becoming partisans in the woods or whatever. in practice, history suggests that most people would have gone along with it without much complaint, or even taken the opportunity to steal from the victims, moving into vacant houses, taking over companies, even helping the Nazis round people up.
i must not become an inner emigré. doing nothing when i could have done something is unacceptable. but what i feel, faced with this situation, is pathetically impotent.
i feel so sick.
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m3gahet · 5 months
You ever write the end of a fic first and then have know idea how to start it? Just me? Ah well
Short Pibbin drabble. Robin tags along with Pickles as he visits his family after he shots down her offer to "take care of them".
“I shoveled every driveway in fucking tomahawk to earn the money for that kit.” He sighs, his head falling slightly. “Wouldn't even let me keep it in the garage.” 
“That's fucked.” Robin says, her tone a bit stilted. Emotions are weird. Especially others. Her body shifts towards Pickles and hesitates before placing a hand on his thigh. Green eyes move from the pavement as her bloodied knuckles catch his attention.
“You punch my brother?” He asks with a weak chuckle that turns into a full blown laugh as her eyes widen. “Robbi!”
“He made a pass at me!” She exclaims, gesturing wildly. 
“He did what?” Pickles attempts to stand, a burning anger replacing his self pity. Robin shoves him down by the shoulder bringing his ass back to the concrete. 
“I handled it.” She turns her hand to show off the bruises. “Why do you think he ran off to the bathroom after pitching me his business proposal?” His expression softened at her use of air quotations. She wiped her hand off on her jeans. He should have known the blood wasn't hers. “Piece of fucking work.”
“Ain't he?” The two of them sit there on the curb in silence both their eyes shifting to the sky. Pickles leans back onto his hands and steals a glance at the blonde. It's like one of those artistic shots from some chick flick. The street lights create a halo effect around her, a soft smile on her lips and she relaxes with a sigh. “Thanks for coming.” He finally says, returning his eyes to his sky. 
“Well you shot down my first idea.” She chuckled. “Least I could do.” He glanced back at the house, knowing it wouldn't be long til his mother came out to scold him for some bullshit reason. He's about to get up when he feels a sudden warmth cover his hand. His eyes bounce from his hand now covered by the manager's to her face. “Offer still stands by the way.” She jokes as she gives him a reassuring squeeze before leaning in towards him. “I can make it look like an accident and everything.” 
He's overcome with laughter that only grows as Robin's own joins. His face feels warm despite the cool air and all of his frustration and sadness he had felt when he first stormed out had faded. Their laughter softens as he opens his eyes. Robin's face is close to his own, her cheeks a soft pink and her amused smile genuine. He knows it's a bad idea and he could royally fuck up a good moment but he can't help it. 
Robin gives a soft noise of surprise as he presses his lips to her. He just barely breaks away before she caresses his jaw in her hand and pulls him back in. 
It's a brief kiss but it manages to still leave him feeling fucking amazing. 
“Wanna bail?” She asks against his lips before fully pulling away. He realizes she's still squeezing his hand. “I can have a car here in less than five minutes…but I get if you want to say goodbye-” he steals another quick kiss before getting to his feet, pulling her up with him. 
“Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
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solalunar-eclipse · 3 months
Sonic Boom - S3E16
Chapter title: Sinking Feeling
Summary: Finally, things seem to be going back to normal for our heroes. Unfortunately, for them, 'normal' involves dealing with Eggman's usual schemes…and this time is no exception. Simultaneously, Tails struggles to deal with the damage dealt to his plane during last episode's events. ((SO sorry this took me so long to upload!! As an apology, here's a double update for you all. Hope you enjoy!))
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[Camera opens on Tails’s workshop, before cutting to the interior.]
Tails groaned, banging his head lightly against the side of his beloved plane. “Soniiiiiiiic, why are none of my fixes working? She’s still not acting right!”
The blue hedgehog in question hopped up from his seat on the other side of the room, where he’d been lounging and goofing around on his brother’s computer. “Uh, Tails? You do remember that out of the two of us, I am very much not the engineer here, right?”
“I know, I know, I just need a fresh perspective, or—or something! Anything! I’ve been trying all sorts of ways to repair the internal wiring, and nothing’s helping!”
Sonic frowned, looking over the plane with a critical eye. “You said it got busted up just a couple ‘a days ago, right? When we took it up to Roboken to help out Shadow?”
“Yeah. I’d never really expected an occasion where I needed to use the plane’s vertical grappling system for that length of time, and when I took off the undercarriage covering, it was a little bent out of shape. But it wasn’t hooked up to many of the main systems, so it shouldn’t have damaged anything. Unless…” Tails froze suddenly, his eyes growing very wide. 
“You thought of something, pal?” Sonic asked, once the fox had stared off into space for an amount of time he found suitably concerning. 
“Yes, but—that just can’t be it! If I’m right, then that means the grappling system damaged the motor that runs the entire plane! How were we even able to fly down from Roboken if that was the case?!” Tails rushed back over to the underside of his plane, rooting around amongst the wires. “I didn’t even check this because it seemed downright impossible!”
After a moment or two of searching, he went still. “Well. Looks like we sure did find the problem.” the fox sighed, stepping out from under the plane. “I’d found a way to use the extra heat from the combustion chamber to power the winch that controls the grappler—basically, I turned an inefficient thing into a helpful thing.” He simplified his explanation quickly when Sonic’s eyes threatened to glaze over, remembering that he wasn’t talking to another engineer. “But, because the system was attached to the motor, when it got pulled out of place, it dragged the motor out of alignment along with it. We just got lucky that when the grappler snapped back into place, it kind of shoved the motor back in there—but that was only a temporary fix, and it’d be incredibly unsafe to rely on it any longer!”
“Soooo…long story short, the plane can’t fly anymore?” Sonic asked, raising one eyebrow.
“Yeah.” Tails said sadly. “The plane can’t fly anymore.”
[Sonic reaches out and pats Tails’s shoulder awkwardly, while the fox looks up at his plane with drooping ears.]
[Cue intro sequence…which goes off without a hitch, just like last episode! Everybody gets their own cool intro, as per usual, plus the team shot at the end.]
[Dr. Eggman does his old villain reveal, complete with the green screen malfunctioning. However, this time it’s caused by a small electrical mishap, which transforms comically quickly into a full-blown electrical fire. Eggman looks like he’s extremely tired and strongly considering just giving up on the reveal entirely.]
[The intro then continues on, before ending with the title of this week’s episode.]
Later that morning, Tails could be found pacing back and forth on the sandy beach outside Knuckles’s house, muttering to himself. While he thought and planned, Knuckles and Sticks had a splash fight in the water, Amy read a nice novel under an umbrella, and Sonic…Sonic was burying Shadow under the sand. He had let the blue hedgehog dig him a hole and cover him up completely, since he didn’t need to breathe, and was enjoying his respite from the sun. (He was technically a computer, after all, and computers were notoriously incompatible with hot weather. Why he’d been given black fur in spite of this fact, he never understood.)
After Amy had made it through two chapters of her book, only to still have Tails pacing back and forth out of the corner of her eye, she sighed and sat up. Placing a bookmark in her book and laying it off to the side, she got to her feet and called her friend’s name. “Tails? Why don’t you come over and sit with me for a while?”
The fox didn’t respond, too lost in his thoughts to hear her, so she tried again. “Tails! Are you alright?”
When he failed to respond yet again, Amy stepped right into his path, forcing him to notice her or walk directly into her. She folded her arms, waiting for him to look up.
…as she probably should have expected, he instead ran into her and nearly knocked both of them over.
“Oh no! I’m so sorry, Amy, I didn’t see you there!” the fox exclaimed, practically wringing his hands as he looked up at her.
She sighed, smiling wanly down at him. “Tails, it’s perfectly alright…just please take a break from all your pacing and stressing. The beach is a place to relax, not to worry yourself more!”
He sighed, biting his lip with one of his small fangs. “I know, I just feel so bad that my baby can’t fly! She’s grounded, and there’s nothing I can think of to fix her.”
“Well, I’ve actually read that not consciously thinking about a problem can help your brain figure it out faster.” Amy said brightly, always eager to provide her friends with helpful advice. “It’s something about shifting the issue out of your conscious mind that helps people work out what’s wrong.”
“Wait, really? That’s kinda cool, honestly! I guess it couldn’t hurt to give it a try, especially if it means that I’ll get things fixed faster…” Tails conceded.
Right as he admitted that, Knuckles and Sticks came rushing out of the ocean, violently startling everyone else with the way they were shrieking their lungs out. “C-c-c-COLD!!” the badger wailed, diving onto the hot sand and splaying their limbs out. Knuckles followed suit, sighing in relief.
“Aw, don’t tell me you guys are scared of the water now!” Sonic complained. “I need all of you to keep an eye out for me when we’re dealing with that, not getting freaked out too!”
“First of all, Sticks said ‘cold’, not ‘aaaaah’, so we can safely presume that neither they nor Knuckles are frightened.” Shadow corrected him dryly, having sat up at all the noise. His usual smug behavior was slightly offset by all the sand still in his quills, though. “Second—you’re scared of water?”
Sonic froze up abruptly, his smile far too wide and strained. “Ahahaha, well, you see…”
“That’s not important right now.” Amy cut them off before they could start bantering and derail the situation entirely. “The ocean always feels cold compared to the sand, what’s so different about it now? Surely it can’t be that bad!” she insisted, walking over and dipping a toe in—only to pull it back with a yelp.
“That’s not cold, that’s practically freezing! What’s going on here?” she wondered aloud.
Moments later, her question was at least partly answered…when the ocean froze over entirely.
The entire team stared out at the ocean in disbelief, hardly able to process the sight of their beloved blue water now transformed into a mass of cold white ice. Sonic was perhaps the only one who wasn’t utterly horrified, muttering “I’m not sure if that’s better or worse…” to himself instead.
“Tails, can you analyze the frozen water?” Shadow asked after a moment, snapping everyone else out of their stupor. “We need to learn what caused this as quickly as possible.”
“Ah! Yes, right away!” The fox eagerly pulled out his multi-purpose device, shifting it into scanning mode and waving it over some of the ice. “Huh…this says the water has strangely high concentrations of liquid nitrogen. No wonder it froze over so fast, liquid nitrogen can freeze almost anything!”
“Now all we need to know is who did this and how to fix it, and we can get our beach back!” Amy said, punching a fist into her other hand. 
Tails sighed. “To do that, we’re going to need to track the source of this nitrogen. And since we can’t see what’s causing it from here, we’re going to need to cross the ice.”
“We’re not gonna be walking out on that, right?” Sticks asked warily. “‘Cause we don’t know how thick that ice is, and I’m not about ta have it break under me and wind up back in there!”
“Yeah, sounds like we definitely, absolutely shouldn’t go out there. Like, ever.” Sonic blurted out quickly, clearly very eager not to risk his safety on anything even remotely water-related.
Tails’s ears drooped. “If my plane was working, we could just fly out and see what was the matter, but now, we won’t be able to search at all!”
Knuckles frowned, thinking hard. “What’s wrong with it again anyway?”
“The engine is completely busted. It’s unusable, and without it, nothing else will work!” Tails cried, frustrated. “It’s not exactly easy to find plane engines out here, and I set the Build-It Box to update before I knew I’d need it, so I can’t even use that!”
“What about your other plane?” Shadow asked. “I figured you just liked this one best, surely the other one is still functional at least?”
Everyone turned to stare at him. “His what now?” Sticks said, voicing what the entire team was thinking. 
“The…the other plane.” Shadow said hesitantly, shifting his stance and crossing his arms tightly in response to all the eyes on him. “The purple one, the Tornado. I saw you using it while we fought L—that idiot snake.”
“Oh yeah!” Tails’s eyes widened in recognition. “It’s sad, but that one crashed and sank in the lake. It’s basically unrecoverable, unfortunately. We’d need to do some relatively delicate work to get the engine out, and we can’t pull that off while wearing our diving suits.”
Shadow raised an eyebrow at that. “And? I don’t need a diving suit.”
“Ohmygosh, you’re right!” Tails gasped, visibly perking up. “Does that mean you could get the engine out of the Tornado for us?”
“Indeed it does.” Shadow inclined his head slightly, a proud smile on his face.
“Well then, what are you guys waiting for?” Sticks asked. “Let’s get that thing so we can have our beach day back!”
[cut to commercials]
When the show returned, all six heroes were standing at the edge of the lake, looking down into its depths. Sonic was much farther back than everyone else, still having vivid memories of nearly drowning in this particular body of water.
Tails pointed down into the lake. “This is the side we climbed out on after the plane crashed, which means it must be closer to this end of the lake. How long can you stay underwater before things start to…go wrong?” he asked hesitantly.
“I’ve never tested it to that extent, but in theory, I can stay down for an indefinite period of time. The only issue would be if I sustain an injury deep enough to expose my wiring.” Shadow explained, weighing the screwdriver that Tails had given him in his hands.
“So just be careful down there, and everything should be fine, right?” Amy said, telegraphing her movements as she gently placed a hand on Shadow’s shoulder.
“Exactly.” Shadow said, smiling faintly at her concern. “Now then, I should probably get going before the ice grows any thicker.” And with that, he dove into the water. Sonic flinched and his eyes widened, standing on tip-toe in an effort to see better into the lake without actually having to get any closer.
Beneath the lake’s surface, Shadow swam deeper and deeper towards the bottom. The lake was strangely shaped—it was almost akin to a massive well, perfectly circular but also extremely deep. It took Shadow nearly a minute and a half of swimming just to make it to where the plane was mired in sand at the bottom. (Thankfully, the show was able to represent this in a carefully edited sequence of less than five seconds, otherwise precious airtime would have been wasted.)
He quickly managed to unscrew the paneling near the front of the plane, pulling it aside with ease to reveal the water-filled inner workings of the Tornado. And then, with slow, careful movements, he began to remove the engine from its housing.
Meanwhile, above the water, Sonic had already begun to pace back and forth on the sand.
“You know he’s going to be fine, right?” Amy asked. “He doesn’t even need to breathe down there.”
“Sure, he doesn’t have to breathe, but so many other things could go wrong! What if he gets zapped by the Tornado and shuts down? Or if he gets stuck in the wires and can’t swim back up? What if there’s quicksand and he’s sinking under it right now?!?” Sonic cried, his voice pitching higher and his steps getting faster with each new nightmare scenario.
Suddenly, Knuckles stepped in front of him and held the hedgehog’s upper arms lightly, effectively stopping him in his tracks. “Then we’ll go rescue him! The five of us together can get him out of any problem for sure.”
Sonic sighed, looking away. “I sure hope you’re right about that, Knux…”
Suddenly, his ears pricked up at a call from Tails. “Guys, look! I can see Shadow swimming back up now!”
Moments later, Shadow burst out of the lake, the jets from his skates vaporizing its surface into an impressive cloud of steam. Landing with a roll, he stood and presented one perfectly intact biplane engine to Tails with a self-satisfied grin. 
“Woo-hoo!” the fox cheered. “I’ll install this right away, and then we can get to fixing the ocean!”
“Yay…more water…” Sonic muttered to himself, his smile shaky.
[cut to commercials again]
Once Tails had fixed up his plane, the team all climbed onto it, having to struggle only a little to all fit. Sonic was seated securely in the back seat, Amy and Knuckles took the wings, and Shadow and Sticks clung to the landing struts as the yellow biplane soared over the massive sheets of ice. “Do you see anything yet?” Tails shouted. “I can’t look for the machine, I have to focus on flying!”
Amy held a miniature pair of binoculars up to her eyes, squinting out at the horizon. Sticks did the same with her hands, while Shadow simply shook his head and increased the zoom on his sight slightly. Despite his advantages, however, it turned out to be Amy who found it first. “Tails, turn left! It’s out that way!” she cried, pointing off into the distance.
The fox fiddled with some settings on his plane, trying to scan for any strange electromagnetic readings…and suddenly, his scanner began to beep loudly. “Thanks, Amy! I’m definitely picking something strong up in that direction!”
As the team drew closer, Shadow frowned in an effort to make something out—and then rolled his eyes, pressing a palm to his forehead. “It’s the doctor.” he announced, rubbing at the space between his eyes in exasperation. 
“I mean, who else would it really be?” Sonic quipped, smirking. His expression abruptly fell, however, when Tails dipped the plane lower, making as though he was coming in for a landing. “Uh, Tails? We’re supposed to be staying up here in the air where it’s safe, right? Thin ice and all?”
“Sorry, Sonic, but I’ve checked this area on the radar. All the ice is thick enough to support our weight and the plane’s. We need to get in closer if we’re gonna disable this machine!” his little brother called out. 
“Why did I ever decide to become a hero again?” Sonic lamented, trying his best not to look down as the plane slowed and landed a cautious distance away from the machine and the Eggmobile hovering near it. 
The rest of the team hopped off the plane, wobbling a little but generally managing to find their balance. Sonic, however, stayed safely inside, unwilling to even so much as touch the ice. 
“Oh ho! I see you’ve discovered my latest nefarious scheme!” Eggman declared proudly. “May I introduce to you…the Mean Freeze Machine!” He bowed with a flourish, gesturing to an odd tank with tubes feeding from it into the ocean. “As you can see, this particular creation of mine is rapidly covering the ocean in ice, making everyone’s beach days just a little extra cool.” He allowed himself a smug smile at that particular pun, despite the fact that it even pushed past Sonic’s hydrophobia to get him groaning. (At least it didn’t take more than a quick glower at Orbot to get him praising Eggman’s wit. Cubot’s remark of “I don’t get it?”, on the other hand, very nearly earned him a one-way ticket over the side of the vehicle.) “With this machine, I can hold everyone’s beach days hostage, effectively ruining what little appeal this island has! They’ll have to hand the village over to me if they want their precious ocean back!”
“You…you want to ruin people’s beach days?! That’s not cool AT ALL!” Sticks shrieked, launching themselves directly at the Eggmobile. Eggman promptly screamed and pulled up on the controls, but this didn’t deter the badger—they simply switched to attacking with a bow and arrow instead of teeth and claws. 
“Tails, can you reverse the effects of the machine?” Shadow asked quickly.
“Yeah, I can, but you’re gonna need to buy me some time!” the fox replied, already flying over to the device and pulling out some of his tools. 
“Oh no you don’t!” Eggman yelled, still dodging Sticks’s arrows. “Robots, attaaaaaaack!”
Shadow, Amy and Knuckles all sprung into action, dispatching any badniks that dared to approach Tails with ease. Sonic, however, found himself slipping and sliding every which way across the ice as he finally leapt out of the plane and attempted to run, not having Amy’s balance, Shadow’s skates, or Knuckles’s…well, knuckles…to use to ground himself. 
While Sticks took a brief moment to reload, Eggman gloated at the sight of his archnemesis struggling to stay out of the robots’ way. “Having an ice time down there, Sonic?” he called.
The blue hedgehog growled to himself through gritted teeth, his ears flicking back briefly in frustration. He was making an embarrassment of himself in front of all his friends!
Before anyone could look his way, he was thankfully spared that indignity when Tails cried, “I got it! Now we’ve just gotta keep Eggman away until most of the ice reverses itself!”
“Nice work, pal!” Sonic cheered. “That can’t be too—” He was abruptly cut off by a loud creaking sound, as though a giant had just stepped on a loose floorboard.
And then…slowly but surely…the ice began to break apart.
“Oh, shiiiiiAAAAH!” Sonic screamed, abruptly dropping to all fours as his particular section of ice began to wobble in the rapidly melting water. “No no no no no, not again! Don’t tilt, just please don’t tilt…” he chanted under his breath, splaying himself out like a starfish in a desperate attempt to maintain his balance. 
Tails jumped up, getting airborne as quickly as possible in an attempt to save his brother—but then, his attention was drawn away by Orbot and Cubot bickering as they attempted to sabotage his plane, having just been dropped off there by a nearby Eggman (“Be useful for once and don’t let them get away!” he was yelling) while the doctor continued to dodge Sticks’s furious attacks. Frantically, he looked back and forth, uncertain of what to do.
“Tails!” Shadow barked, dropping into a defensive stance. “You defend the plane! Rose, Knuckles, guard the machine. I’ll get Sonic.”
The fox hesitated briefly. “Promise?” 
“Of course.” Shadow assured him.
And with that, Tails flew off and began to shoo Orbot and Cubot away from his plane, rapidly running some pre-flight checks and ensuring that they hadn’t dealt any significant damage even as the ice floe shrank around him. Meanwhile, Shadow used his skates to leap across the various pieces of ice, resorting to Chaos Snap when the distance was too great.
Before long, he’d landed on Sonic’s patch of ice—and abruptly regretted it when his weight made the surface wobble and the blue hedgehog proceeded to scream loudly enough to overload even his audio processors. “Sonic, you’re not dying!” he exclaimed, cautiously making his way over to the terrified hero.
“Yes I am!” Sonic cried, shaking violently and pressing himself a little more flat against the ice as Shadow reached for him, refusing to be moved for fear it would tip him into the ocean.
Shadow sighed, getting down on one knee next to him. “Do you really think I’m going to let anything happen to you?” 
“I dunno.” Sonic muttered petulantly. “Can you defeat all the water?”
“I don’t need to do that. What I can do is dive as deep as necessary, Chaos Spear any creature, and swim without surfacing for hours. I will keep you safe, I promise. Just please let me get you out of here.” Shadow insisted, his voice surprisingly gentle.
“…you really mean it?” Sonic asked, looking worriedly up at Shadow, his ears pinned back and everything.
“Of course I do.” Shadow said. Then, without any warning whatsoever, he picked up Sonic in a princess carry, before skating and teleporting them back across the ice to where Tails had just finished warming up his plane. 
As Shadow set Sonic down in the back seat of the biplane, the blue hedgehog turned slightly green and clamped a hand over his mouth, groaning in discomfort. “Unless it’s to get me outta the water, never teleport me like that again…I don’t know how you handle it.”
Shadow shook his head, snickering at Sonic’s plight. “Hmph. Are you finally admitting that I’m more skilled than you?”
“No!” he yelped, leaping to his feet (but notably staying inside the plane). “I just…don’t need that dumb teleportation stuff to get around, so I never bothered with it!”
Shadow was about to retort when Tails cut in. “Uh, guys? Maybe we should focus on actually getting in the air so we can pick everyone else up? Preferably before the rest of the ice melts?”
“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right, Tails, that’s a great idea. Let’s do that right now.” Sonic said quickly, sitting down again.
The fox revved up his plane, taking off into the air, while Shadow teleported up to one of the landing struts, where he could reach down to help pull the others aboard. Amy and Knuckles resumed their prior positions atop the wings quickly, but Sticks complained bitterly about not getting to properly wreak vengeance upon Eggman for ruining her beach day and for making those terrible puns.
“At least his machine’s busted now, I guess.” she muttered, watching it sink to the bottom of the ocean as the last of the ice melted away. 
“No! My Mean Freeze Machine!” Eggman wailed. “I put so much work into that! You’ll pay for this!”
“But I can’t! I don’t even have any money!” Knuckles called over his shoulder, as the team flew away.
“I didn’t mean it literally!” the doctor yelled after them, even though they were long out of earshot.
“I knew that, Boss!” Orbot said hopefully.
Eggman folded his arms and huffed. “Well, I wasn’t talking to you.”
Orbot drooped sadly, electing not to say anything else to his incensed creator.
Now that the day was saved, the six heroes were back on the beach, and most of them were having fun once again. Sticks and Tails were building a terrifyingly well-constructed sand fortress, while Amy and Shadow inspected and identified the various fish that could be found in the shallows around the area.
Sonic, meanwhile, was lying under an umbrella and trying (read: failing) not to cringe every time the sound of the waves crashing on the shore reached his ears. Knuckles, who had been neatly organizing some shells he’d found, paused when he noticed this, coming over to sit next to his friend.
“Sonic?” he began, prompting the hedgehog to sit up in a flash and shoot him a too-big smile.
“Hey, Knux! I’m doing fine, a hundred percent a-okay! How ‘bout you?” he said, his tone falsely chipper.
“You remember what I said earlier, when Shadow was in the lake? About how he’d be fine, ‘cause we were all there to rescue him if he needed it?”
“Uh, yeah, that was just an hour ago. What about it?” Sonic asked, confused.
Knuckles smiled at his friend. “He’s not the only one we’re all here to rescue. You know that, right?”
Sonic looked up at the echidna for a moment, then over at his friends. There was Tails, who had pulled him from that very same lake, and Amy, who had honestly done her best to help him by finding him swimming lessons. Sticks had insane survival skills, Shadow could hold his breath forever, and Knuckles…Knuckles would be there to ground him and remind him of everything his friends could do when they really put their minds to it.
The hero smiled, lying back again on his towel, but without any of the tension from before.
“Yeah. I do.”
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intubatedangel · 11 months
Pageant Fever : Chapter 2
Chapter 2 for everyone, later than I’d wanted, but it was just so stupid hot weatherwise, that I’ve been spending more time hugging a cold tile floor than I have writing. Anyway, hope you enjoy this next installment. There’s a bit more catching up with characters, but we get close to the real action towads the end.
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Story Index    
Pageant Fever: Chapter 1
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Awareness came back to Zara gradually, like wading through sludge in a thick fog. She could hear sounds, but to begin with, it was little more than a muddled mixture of pitches. Gradually it started to resolve into something more. She could tell it was voices, and eventually figured out they were filled with a concerned tone, but the words were still beyond her reach. Sensation started to come back to her body too. It was not pleasant, the detached floaty feeling of her arms and legs. And the tingling that came after, pins and needles that felt like being stabbed all over. Eventually it eased and things started to come into proper focus. She let out a groan and fought to open her eyes.
"I think she's coming around." A voice said. Zara blinked a few times as she tried to look towards the speaker. It was Katie. She was kneeling over her, holding a small battery powered fan that whirred with a high-pitched whine. "Hey Zara. Can you hear me?" She asked.
Zara let out another groan as she looked around. She was still back stage, but in a slightly more open area. Most of the other contestants were lingering around, there were a few other fans pointed towards her, but they were at least keeping their distance. There was someone she couldn't see.
Despite it clearly being long enough for the others to move her a distance, and for her to regain consciousness, her mother was nowhere in view.
"It's okay Zara, you fainted, but you're okay, don't try to move just yet."
Zara merely grunted, letting herself lie still for a while. The tingling eased off, but she didn't feel fine. She felt hot, like she was still under the bright burning lights. And it wasn't just her imagination. When Katie pressed her hand to Zara's forehead she let out a gasp.
"She's still burning up." She turned to one of the other girls. "See if you can find an ice pack or something and bring those fans closer."
The girl ran off, dodging around slightly as someone else approached wearing a sparkly gold suit jacket. "Ladies, ladies, talent round is starting in 2 minutes, what's the hold up!"
Katie turned towards him, the makeup that made her smile striking turning the frown that she wore into something twice as fierce. "Are you blind?" She hissed.
"Hey. Don't get snippy with me. We're on a tight schedule here, if she's ill, she's out. And if number 1 isn't on stage in 2 minutes, so is she. That goes for all of you. No show? No shot." He snarled at the girls. One or two pulled away and headed back to their dressing cubicles, but most of them stayed put, gathered around their friend. "Looks like the judges won't have much to choose from." He said, turning on his heels. He pulled up short when he heard a freakish gasping.
Throughout the host's tirade, the pins and needles had returned to Zara's body with redoubled ferocity. They were joined by hazy swashes of colour flickering across her vision as patches seemed to vibrate and distort. She could feel her arms and legs trembling amongst the miniature stabbing sensations. Then everything exploded for an instant before replaced by black in an instant.
Katie swung her gaze around to Zara, just in time to see her eyes roll up into her head. Her friend let out another strangled gasp as her back arched, arms and legs rapidly escalating from slight tremors through to shakes, into the erratic thrashing of a full-blown seizure.
"Oh god, Zara! Some-someone call an ambulance!"
* * *
Lucy was sat in an unobtrusive first aid room just off the main hall of the convention centre. It was one of her days off from her actual paramedic job, but like most people and especially those in the emergency services, money was getting a bit tight. So, she was here, earning almost double her normal daily wage. The organisers of big events, and the locations themselves, didn't want to risk any blow back from injuries or incidents, so they would pay good money to have a couple of fully trained paramedics on hand.
The first time she had done a shift here, she had been surprised at the first aid room. Considering the unobtrusive door, she had expected something more like a closet with a basic office style first aid kit. Instead, it was large enough for three beds, and a comprehensive selection of equipment. They could easily deal with cuts, sprains, and breaks, they even had proper splints and a full back board. There was a monitor/defib just like they had in the ambulance, and a reasonable selection of BLS gear. They only thing the room really lacked compared to an ambulance, was drugs. They had some naloxone and epi-pens but beyond that everything else in the cabinet was standard over the counter grade pain relief and topical gels.
Which was why they would happily pay good money for a qualified and currently licensed paramedic. An agreement was in place with the local trust, allowing medics to sign out a drug kit for these sorts of large events. Any usage had to tightly documented, and the most controlled drugs were excluded, to prevent them being a particularly juicy target, but at least it gave a reasonable number of options to deal with most situations until a proper ambulance arrived.
It had been a quiet day so far. Someone had tripped off the end of the escalator, earning a sprained wrist and a friction burned knee, and there'd been a couple of people who had been mildly dehydrated thanks to the warm summer weather outside. Other than that, Lucy had mostly sat at the table on her phone. On older woman, Janice, sat opposite her. Although she had retired from the ambulance service almost five years ago and was approaching seventy, she had a wealth of experience and could easily keep up with Lucy. Janice had in fact been the one to get Lucy involved with these side gigs, having worked with her when the younger medic was a trainee. She still popped by the station regularly to catch up with the crews and offer advice if needed. When she overhead Lucy complaining about the cost of car repairs, she jumped in with the offer of these side jobs.
"Keep that ice pack on it until it’s all melted. If it’s still painful tomorrow go to the doctors, alright." Janice was saying to the young man with the sprained wrist as she showed him out the door. She then returned to the small table, and her cup of strong black coffee. She settled into the seat and took a long sip, grimacing slightly at the taste. Lucy had asked her about it, even tried to show her other methods of coffee that actually tasted pleasant, but Janice was set in that respect. She glanced over at Lucy, looking at her hands. "That fool boy, whatshisname still hasn’t proposed yet?"
"Matt." Lucy reminded her. "And not yet."
"It's been what? Two years?"
"Yeah. It's not that long."
"You young people." Janice said with a humorous tone as she shook her head in an exaggerated manner. "My Kenneth, god rest him, put a ring on my finger after only four months."
Lucy rolled her eyes. "And you spent 48 years happily married." She recited, having heard the tale a dozen times over the last yeah.
Janice grinned and chuckled, then turned more serious. "Have you considered dropping a hint or two?"
"I might have thought about it. I don't want to push too hard though. He's dealing with a lot at the moment, with the promotion and the tensions at the moment." Lucy replied. Even though the local police department had never been involved in any noteworthy incidents, and in fact had one of the best records in the country, events far away had still prompted greater scrutiny. The commissioner’s response, while factually correct in relation to their record, had been distinctly tactless. Now, if he wanted to keep his job, he needed to fix the damage. Which meant creating a position to improve community relations, and who better than an officer who was still held in high regard by the press and public for his heroics during the sinking of the Beetle?
The first month had been tough on Jones, who preferred to be on the street actually doing something. Being trapped in endless meetings and conferences had grated on him, especially when he had to contend with the same head of HR that had landed him on the river patrol in the first place. The suits had wanted a poster boy, someone to distract the press until it blew over. They hadn't expected Jones to have ideas, or the will to fight for them. At least now that he had managed to push his plan through the various committees, and was out there trying to implement it, he seemed to be getting back to himself.
Janice was about to respond, when the radio sat between them on the table squawked.
* * *
Anna stood outside the window to the creche, hiding slightly behind the wall. She could see Hope through the window, her daughter laid out on a plush mat, seemingly happy enough. She was, as much as a 6-month-old could be, somewhat used to being without her mother for short periods of time. Between checkups and the latter stages of recovering from her ordeal, Anna had had to leave Hope with Carl or her grandparents a few times. It was often harder on Anna, leaving that little bundle of joy. While she had every confidence in the creche's staff, they were all degree level educated in early years care and education and knew she would only be a quick call and a few minutes away, it still tugged at her.
She shook her head and blew out a breath, taking one last look at her daughter, before she turned on her heels and headed for the main elevators. She emerged back by the nurses station, which was just as bustling as ever. Trish and Tilly had disappeared, but Carl was still at the desk, his back to her as he leaned over a chart, absently tapping the pen on the desk as he scanned through it. Anna walked over to him, glancing at the chart. On the front sheet was a toxicology report. She could see a couple of the lines were highlighted. She looked at him, seeing the frown on his face.
"Something wrong?" She asked him.
He looked at her, trying to smooth the frown without much success. He sighed then shrugged. "There's been another wave of spikings." He muttered, then waved at the chart. "19-year-old girl came in early this morning after having a bad reaction. She crashed out of nowhere, and we barely got her back."
"That's good though isn't it?" Anna asked, slightly confused.
Carl gave a noncommittal jerk of his head. "This new batch that’s out there. Something in it is causing direct damage to the cardiac muscle in some patients. Cardiology are giving her the wrong side of 60/40 odds, and they're already talking about fitting an LVAD."
Anna fell silent, deep in thought. An LVAD, or left ventricular assist device, was an extreme measure. As the name suggests, it assists the left ventricle by effectively taking over its job. It requires open heart surgery and permanent power and is generally used as a stop-gap measure until a transplant is found. If cardiology was already considering it, the patient must be in serious danger. Carl was still frowning down at the chart. "I understand how bad it is for her. Why are you upset though?" Anna asked. She knew Carl would often get invested in his patients, it was part of why she loved him and why he was a great doctor, but the anger she could sense in him was something new.
He looked down and had to consciously unclench his fist, letting out a long sigh. "I know we're quite a few years from it, but I'm already imagining Hope being out there, being a victim of something similar."
"Ah." Was all Anna said, as her own mind took up the same thoughts. She reached out to take his hand and the two of them pulled close to each other, leaning on one another for a few moments.
"How was Hope?" Carl asked eventually.
"She seemed happy. I kept on eye on her for five minutes and she didn't kick off. I think it'll work out fine."
"Good. It'll be nice to have you back." Carl replied, giving her hand a squeeze.
Anna nodded, looking out over the department, finding herself excited to be coming back. She spotted Tilly on the opposite side of the station, pushing an IV pump towards one of the store rooms. "How's Tilly been doing?" She asked with a slight nod in the nurse’s direction.
"Ha. Give her another year and you'll have some serious competition." Carl replied, then seeing Anna's arched eyebrow, he held up a hand. "Not in that way." He chuckled. "She's great. Passionate and dedicated with the talent to match. Hell, she volunteered right off the bat to pinch closed an artery, on her first day. Whatever you said to her, it certainly rubbed off."
Anna couldn't help but smile. It was good to hear the student nurse was excelling. She had also seen that Anna was back, and having deposited the IV pump, was making her way over. Anna opened her mouth to congratulate her on that glowing review, when the red phone rang.
* * *
Lucy and Janice were both hurrying across the convention centre, laden with their bags. A member of the convention centre's staff had radioed them, describing a young woman in the middle of a seizure. An ambulance was also reportedly on the way but had given an ETA of fourteen minutes.
The pair entered Hall G, scanning over the stalls and crowds until they saw a member of staff running in their direction. They followed, paying no attention to the colourful displays around them. They were guided towards the stage that had been set up, then down its side and through a gap in the black curtains into the back stage area. The staff member ushered them down the narrow curtain corridor and into the dressing area. A huddle of people was a clear indicator of where their patient lay.
"Let us through please." Lucy called as they rushed up to the group. Thankfully they parted easily, backing away to give them plenty of room, and the two medics finally laid eyes on Zara.
The young woman was still deep in the grasp of the seizure, her limbs twitching in a chaotic rhythm as her brain fired off random impulses. Her chest heaved as she took gargling breaths that hissed through her teeth producing a thin foaming spittle. Luckily for her and the two medics, it was clear one of the bystanders had at least some rudimentary first aid training. Probably the girl whose hands framed Zara's head but didn't try to hold it tight, keeping it on a cushion so that Zara didn't smash her head against the floor as she thrashed.
"What's your name?" Lucy asked the girl as she shrugged the bags off her shoulders onto the floor and knelt down beside the trembling form, reaching out to grab Zara's arm, trying to find a pulse as she shook.
"Ok, Katie. Is she your friend?"
The girl nodded. "Her name's Zara."
"Right. How long has she been like this?"
"I don't know, a few minutes maybe? She... she fainted first, but she woke up again. Then...Then..."
"It's alright Katie, you're doing great." Lucy tried to encourage her, even as she turned to Janice. "She's tachy, at least 160, can you get the monitor ready?" Janice nodded and got to work, so Lucy returned her attention to Katie. "Has she ever had a seizure before?" She asked as she pulled out the drug kit and started to open it.
"I... I don't know! We only see each other every few months. Her... her mom might know."
Lucy took out a needle and syringe, tearing open the sterile packaging. "Can you give her a call?" She asked the girl.
"I don't know the number. She's meant to be somewhere here. I'm sure I saw her."
"Ok, ok, Katie, that's alright. Can somebody try and find her please." Lucy asked the wider group of people.
"I could make an announcement." A voice said. Lucy glanced over to see the announcer, looking humbled and rather sheepish in his shiny suit. She simply nodded at him and turned back to the task at hand.
She grabbed a vial and pulled a dose of lorazepam, then folded Zara's skirt along the side slit, baring her thigh, before unceremoniously jamming the needle into the muscle and pushing down on the plunger.
Meanwhile Janice had the monitor already prepared and was taking her sheers to the sari portion of Zara's dress without any consideration for its beauty or expense. As tough as the high-quality fabric was, the shears made light work of it and within a few moments Zara's chest was exposed to the crowd. She wore a small bra, with thin straps that were almost invisible, and even though her breasts would not be large by anyone’s standard, they bounced and jiggled as her body continued to shake.
Lucy watched Janice dot the electrodes around Zara's chest, noticing the sheen of sweat even as her older partner commented, "She's really warm, like she's running a fever."
Lucy nodded, turning her attention to the monitor as it began to display the activity in Zara's chest, immediately alarming as soon as it had a signal. The lorazepam finally started to have an effect, the thrashing easing into twitches, the picture on the monitor becoming clearer as the seizure induced artefacts diminished. The alarming continued though.
"Looks like SVT, we need to cardiovert her." Lucy looked back at Zara as the seizure seemed to come to an end, leaving the young woman eerily still. "Check her airway! I'll get the pads on her!"
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idk-my-aesthetic · 1 year
**Toh ending spoilers**
So if season 3 hadn’t been cut I’m pretty sure we would’ve had an all out Amity VS Luz fight in the finale
Like, this is just a theory. But not only is the setup absolutely there- both with the collecter possessing people under Belos’s instructions or Belos himself possessing ppl- but it makes for a fantastic parallel.
One of their first interactions is the witches duel! A full blown finale fight would be an incredible parallel to show how far they’ve come and grown as witches. Plus it plays on some of their biggest fears- hurting the ppl she loves for Luz and for Amity- who’s main thing is about working on becoming a better person- would be a devastating regression
Also just like. Big emotional scene where mind controlled Amity is saying mean things, and Luz agrees, and Amity has to snap herself out to convince Luz that no those hurtful things weren’t true and I’m so sorry and then they comfort each other and have a nice romantic moment
Like In the actual episode Amity is the one to comfort Luz and tell her about the light glyph being what wakes people up. (Which btw is a connection I love so much how the light glyph was the first she learned and it’s her name and it’s what keeps saving ppl Luz keeps saving people even when she thinks badly of herself she is good and kind and no matter what she thinks she can’t erase that or the good she’s done)
the actual interaction in the nightmare world are kinda short bc the mouse screwed them over and also bc Luz can’t properly finish her arc until she talks to Papa Titian for finale reasons but like
Imagine Luz in the nightmare realm as her freinds yell at her. And she believes them! Ofc she believes them!! She’s been wallowing in guilt for months of course she believes it
Amity gets the quote right. They fight.
Its big and flashy and scary. Luz is so distraught she’s not really properly putting up a fight and Stringbean has to kinda pick up the slack so she doesn’t really get hurt. The others are probably joining in as backup for Amity, throwing in mean things that Luz just keeps agreeing with
(There’s moments when Amity, misses an easy shot or takes a second too long to react, but that’s all the rebellion she can muster. For now)
Mid fight, while saying or agreeing with something mean about herself, Luz casts a light spell
Amity does not wake up
Willow does
And Willow says she’s wrong. Willow starts defending Luz from the others, rebuking all the self deprecating claims Luz makes. As she goes Willow manages to wake up Gus, then Amity, then Hunter
The four of them fight together to protect Luz from whatever monsters manifest from the nightmare, and also from her own self deprecation
Like I feel like it would be so beautiful. Luz’s whole life all she’s wanted is to be understood. She struggled so hard to make freinds, and she loves these ones so much and she’s so afraid that she hurt them. But instead they turn around and say no you didn’t and we love you and fight for her because after so so long of being alone Luz finally has a family, brothers and sisters and a girlfriend who love her.
She would have the support she needed to finally believe them and stop listening to her own fears. The support to finally believe in and choose herself
Now obviously changing this stuff would wreak havoc on the actual script and mess with a lot of what they’d be capable of doing in their limited time. Plus screw up some really really incredible moments like everything with the collector and Luz actually choosing herself. I do think you could make it all work with more time but obviously that’s the one thing the incredible writing team didn’t have.
Anyway I am writing a fic. but it’s very much a WIP. Collage is killing me. So expect it whenever I rise from the dead in the fanfic writer equivalent of Titian form
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jrob64 · 1 year
Sneak peek of a new story for  @apiratewhopines (and whoever else wants to read it!)
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Today is the birthday of one of my favorite people in the CS fandom, @apiratewhopines​! I hoped to have this story finished for her and it’s very close, but I can only post the sneak peek this morning. The art and story are a result of  a conversation we had about glass blowing and what it would be like to see Killian Jones in a glass hot shop. It was meant to be a short one-shot, but it’s already nearing 10,000 words! I hope you love it, my sweet friend! 
Find the sneak peek under the cut. 
As she drove to Portland Wednesday afternoon, Emma worried her bottom lip between her teeth. She was excited but also nervous, not only about learning something new, but also about meeting the man behind the sexy voice. She had actually dreamed about him the night after their conversation on the phone, as if her subconscious was trying to put a face with the voice that was still echoing in her ears.
Parking her bug in front of the warehouse her GPS declared was her destination, she drew in a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. Then she grabbed the gift certificate off the seat, flung her car door open and stepped out.
She approached the building and pulled open the creaky metal door, looking around as she entered, but not seeing Killian Jones. Smiling at the glassblowing equipment spread around the large space, she mentally named things she recognized from watching the Netflix show and numerous YouTube videos.
Turning her attention to several blown glass pieces sitting on a table beside the door, she carefully picked up each one to study them.
“You must be Emma Swan.”
The words spoken close behind her startled her so much, she almost dropped the beautiful aqua colored bowl she was holding. Letting out a gasp, she quickly set it back on the table and turned around, saying, “Oh, I didn’t know you were…”
Her words trailed off as she got a look at her instructor. Her first thought was that her dreams of him didn’t do him justice, and her second was that his looks certainly equaled the sexiness of his voice. He appeared to be about her age, was a few inches taller than her, with dark, disheveled hair, a strong, scruff-covered jaw, piercing blue eyes and a gleaming white smile. His hands grasped both ends of a towel slung around his neck, making his biceps bulge under the sleeves of his tight, white T-shirt, the V-neck allowing her to see dark hair peeking out.
While he waited for her to speak again, he used the end of the towel to wipe away the sweat on his forehead. A few strands of hair flopped down over it once he finished and her hand inadvertently reached forward, intending to brush them away. Suddenly realizing what she was doing, she jerked her hand back and ran it through her own hair instead.
He looked at her with his head cocked and a raised eyebrow, his roguish grin convincing her he knew the effect he was having on her. She cleared her throat and said, “Uh, yeah. I’m Emma.” Holding out her hand, she added, “It’s nice to meet you, Killian.”
He took her hand, squeezing it lightly as he shook it. “Likewise. Have you been waiting long?”
“Not at all. I just got here and was admiring your work,” she said, sweeping her arm toward the glass works on the table. “They’re very good.”
“Thank you,” he replied with a smile. “Hopefully, by the end of your lessons, you’ll be able to make some nice pieces, too.”
“That would be great!” she said, her voice bubbling with excitement.
“Shall we get started?” he asked.
“Oh, do you need this?” She held out the crumpled gift certificate.
“Aye,” he said, taking the paper, folding it and sticking it in his back pocket. Then he gestured for her to go ahead of him.
“You didn’t check it. Are you just gonna take my word for it that it’s worth ten lessons?” she asked teasingly.
“Well, you haven’t lied to me thus far.”
She turned to look at him over her shoulder and saw the smirk on his face. She was enjoying the banter with him and already felt at ease.
Hopefully, the full story will be posted within the week. Happiest of birthdays Beth! 
Tagging: @xsajx @hookedmom @kymbersmith-90 @kmomof4 @lassluna @pirateherokillian @teamhook @stahlop @elizabeethan @whimsicallyenchantedrose @resident-of-storybrooke @therooksshiningknight @jennjenn615 @lfh1226-linda @ilovemesomekillianjones @killianswannn @stories-enchanted @eleveneitherway @withheartfulloflove @kday426 @djlbg @kristi555 @laschatzi @xarandomdreamx @wyntereyez @goforlaunchcee @yasbio2015 @tiganasummertree @winterbaby89 @wefoundloveunderthelight @hollyethecurious @let-it-raines @jonesfandomfanatic @searchingwardrobes @oncechicagolove @andiirivera  @gingerchangeling @everything-person @klynn-stormz @qualitycoffeethings @enchanted-swans @ohmakemeahercules @donteattheappleshook @bluewildcatfanatic @the-darkdragonfly @demisexualemmaswan @grimmswan @spartanguard @flslp87 @ultraluckycatnd @thisonesatellite @captainswan21 @zaharadessert @mariakov81 @snowbellewells @kiwistreetswan @batana54 @nadine200179 @probalicious17 @courtorderedcake @julesep3026 @jackieorioncat @whatthehell102082 @jarienn972 @sthonour @linda8084  @pirateprincesslena @daxx04 @winterbythesea @artistic-writer @cocohook38 @captainswan4life85​ @molly958 @itsfridaysomewhere @fallingforthecaptain  @onceratheart18 @strangestarlighttree @justanother-unluckysoul @mrs-potato-but-likes-tomato @anothersworld @deckerstarblanche @purplehawkcaptain  @superchocovian @k-leemac @citygirlscowboy @laughterandbooks @sotangledupinit @apiratewhopines @huntressandlioness1 @cosette141  @gingerpolyglot @motherkatereloyshipper @cs-rylie @anmylica​ @paradiselady19​ @pawshapedheart​ @vampcoffeegyrl23​ @elfiola​ @softkilly​​
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vianwrites · 2 months
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I don't know why I am suddenly addicted to these two (Trini and Kimberly from the Power Rangers Reboot Movie), but I am. And, as with everything I end up being obsessed with, I decided to write something about it.
This is just something from the top of my head. One-shot, but maybe will turn into a multi-chapter fanfic. Who knows. I'll be cross-posting it on AO3 as well (when I get home), anyways, Title of this fic is "Eyes Open (Trini's Version) and here it goes:
As the days after defeating Rita Repulsa passed in Angel Grove, Trini found herself constantly wrestling with her emotions. The peace that had settled over the city allowed her the time to truly delve into her thoughts and reflect on everything that has happened so far—from moving to Angel Grove, being caught in and surviving an explosion and later finding her Yellow Power Coin, surviving a car crash unscathed, forcefully being thrown over a cliff and down an underground pool that is hiding a spaceship and learning she was chosen to be one of the Power Rangers, training, fighting an alien menace hellbent on destruction and revenge, and everything in between. Yet, no matter from which angle she reminisced, her thoughts always seemed to circle back to one Kimberly Ann Hart. The Pink Ranger had effortlessly become a core part of Trini's life, and it both thrilled and terrified her. One afternoon, Trini sat in her room. There was no training to be had, no school-related activity to be done, no family responsibilities to take care of. It was just an afternoon all for herself with the sun casting a warm glow through the window. She held a photo of the Power Rangers, the team smiling brightly at the camera, that was taken during their celebratory campfire after defeating Rita. Her gaze lingered on Kimberly, her heart swelling with a mix of fondness and longing that shouldn't have caught her by surprise but did. The realization hit her like a ton of bricks—she was in love with her best friend. The fear that gripped Trini was suffocating. She feared ruining the delicate balance of their friendship, of losing the closeness they had developed. And, most of all, she feared Kimberly not feeling or swinging the same way; that she was just going to make a fool of herself if she confessed. The thought of rejection and loss made her stomach churn with anxiety. The "what ifs"—the consequence of being rejected, the fear of being laughed at, of what it could do to them, of being alone again—plagued her and made her feel like she was one step away from a full blown panic attack. But she knew something has got to give—was bound to give—and knew she couldn't keep this to herself for much longer. Trini knew that the weight of her unspoken feelings would only continue to grow until it consumed her entirely; that it would spring forth unbidden one time without much of her control nor foresight, like a volcanic eruption that is both catastrophic and mesmerizing to watch; a force of uncontrollable nature. It was a terrifying prospect, and not one that was new to her. After all, it was one of the reasons—many, her mother would say—as to why she had been forced to move to Angel Grove in the first place, upending her life once again. And even though she had sworn off ever feeling this way again, here she was, mind overtaken by thoughts of a girl. Her mom would definitely freak more than her coming to that realization if she finds out. But, the thing about almost dying and of thinking about a future that would force them to be heroes once again should anyone threaten the peace they had fought to achieve had Trini realizing yet another thing: that life was, simply, too short to not dare and dream and want and hope and love. Not long after that thought struck her did her phone pinged with a notification. She placed the photo she was holding down and replaced it with her phone that she took from her bedside table where she had left it to charge. Kim's name, and small profile photo, greeted her along with the message she sent. It was just a single line of text, but it was enough to make the cogs in her mind run on overtime.
"Hey Trini, can we talk? It's important," the message read.
Trini wonders if this was a sign from the universe. She wonders if it was a good sign or a bad omen. Was the universe pushing her to do it?
Taking a deep breath, she made a decision then. She would tell Kimberly how she felt, regardless of the outcome or what that "something important" Kim wanted to talk to her about was. She just hoped—prayed, really, to any god that might be listening—that it won't wreck their friendship. She doesn't want to be dramatic—she never was—but she honestly felt she wouldn't be able to take if it does. She would rather be stuck in a crazy time loop fighting Rita again and again by herself than lose the one thing in her life that made everything better. "I'll be there in a few," she texted back. That evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Trini found herself standing outside Kimberly's house, looking up at her bedroom window. She took a moment to gather her courage before landing on the flat abutment near Kim's dormer window. Another deep intake of breath and she was knocking on the pane of her best friend's window. When Kimberly opened it with a smile gracing her lips, Trini felt her resolve falter for a moment. "Hey, Trini," Kimberly greeted, her brown eyes a mixture of emotions that played too fast for the shorter girl to grasp. "I'm glad you came." Trini took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. "Well, you said it was important. And I...I also have something important I wanted to tell you. Don't think it could wait either." Kimberly's smile faded for a moment. It made Trini feel guilt at being the cause of it. She stepped aside and invited Trini over the window saying, "Well then, come in." As they settled in Kimberly's room, Trini felt the weight of her confession pressing down on her. Kim quirked another smile that was bordering on playful, "So...should you go first, or should I?"
Trini knew that if she didn't go first, she would lose all resolve she had mustered and so she willed herself to volunteer to speak first. Whether Kim was surprised by that or not, she didn't show it. Her face was a mask of smile that Trini chose to interpret as encouraging.
She took another deep breath—which did nothing to calm the loud beating of her heart and the pounding in her ears—and met Kimberly's gaze, her voice steady but filled with vulnerability.
"Kim, I...There is something I've been struggling to admit to myself for a while now." She paused, her hands trembling slightly before she balled them into a fist. "And, I know I'm not one to mince words or say too much, so I'm just going to go ahead and just say it." "Okay...?" there was a hint of confusion now on the taller girl's face despite her lingering smile. "Out with it then." "I... I think I'm in love with you."
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Ghost Story - Chapter 48
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Pairing: Rooster x Female OC
Word Count: 1689
Warnings: PTSD
Summary: No one will miss a ghost. It'd been a running joke for as long as anyone could remember, something Ghost herself started, and she always said it with a smile on her face or with mirth in her voice. The untouchable stealth pilot in every sense of the word, no one could've predicted the depth of her turmoil over recent events, nor the extremes she would go to in order to protect the man she loved, not even those closest to her. Now, all that was left of the young aviator for Maverick, Hangman, and Rooster were the memories of the past, which would slowly fade with time. She'd come into their lives and made an unforgettable impression, and then, like a ghost, she was gone... Then again, ghosts can't die a second time.
Notes: None
Chapter Songs: Eyes Open Tell Your Heart To Beat Again
The only times the youngest Kazansky had ever seen Annalise Winchester have a full-blown breakdown had been when her parents and sister died. Not even when she and Hangman broke up- either the first or the second time- did she react this way. Bryn had no doubt the breakdown had something to do in part with the traumatic experience she'd gone through with the mission, but still, seeing her best friend lose it after barely saying a word struck a chord with her.
"Talk to me, Ghost. What happened?" Bryn asked, refusing to let her go until Annalise pulled away herself. 
"It's everything," Ghost admitted, hiccupping.
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"What made it boil over?"
"Rooster... he's been acting strangely ever since the mission. He won't look at me, he'll barely talk to me, and when he does, it's short and to the point, and so I thought he didn't want to be around me but-" Ghost pulled away and wiped her tears away angrily- "he is always choosing to stand beside me. We could be in the kitchen surrounded by people. I could be on the other side of the room, and he finagles his way over to me. I don't get it. I finally confronted him about it after Mav and Penny left, and all he said was that it isn't me, that he's not mad at me, but I know he is! What else could explain his behavior? And then add these God-awful, post-traumatic stress nightmares I'm having of being shot down and dying and coming back, not having anything to distract me from the grief of losing my mom and the fact that my dad might not actually be my dad and that Maverick might be my dad instead, I- I don't know what to do, where I should go..." Ghost continued her tangent, jumping between the topics so frequently that Bryn had difficulty keeping up with everything and understanding the totality of the situation, but she caught enough to understand the devastation Ghost was going through.
"Annalise, easy, take it easy," Bryn consoled, worrying how fast her friend had started breathing and concerned she might begin hyperventilating. "How long have you been holding all this in? From beginning to end?"
"Pretty much since I got here. It was just one thing after another, and I internalized it, pushed it down, or pushed people away, thinking it would solve my problems because that normally worked in the past, but it didn't this time, and Rooster being upset with me and not telling me why pushed me over the edge. I just want to go home, but I don't even know where that is now."
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"Before all this happened, where was home for you?"
Ghost sniffled and turned her attention to the ocean, watching its waves crash gently on the shore. Bryn could see the gears turning in her friend's head. "It's changed over the years. When I was little, it was my family. In college, it was Hangman. When we broke up, it was Rooster. Even when Hangman and I got back together, Rooster was the person I went to. He's the one I thought about returning to, and even now, it is taking every ounce of willpower I have left not to go in there and beg him to tell me what I did so I can fix it because he's still my home, but I don't know what to do now that my home doesn't want me anymore..."
Bryn squeezed Ghost's hand. "I may not be able to bring your family back or help with the nightmares, and I don't know how I can help you figure out if Mav is your dad or not- which, for the record, I'm still trying to wrap my head around that and will demand a full explanation when you're not having a breakdown- but I can help with Rooster," Bryn declared, standing up. "I'll be back."
"Where are you going?!" Ghost asked worriedly.
"To chat with Rooster. I'll be back." Without another word, she flung the front door open with the full intent of knocking Bradley upside the head in hopes it might simultaneously also knock some sense into him. The light remained on in the kitchen, the only one in the house. Everything else remained eerily dark. Bryn scoffed until she saw a light emanating from underneath a shut door at the end of the hallway. The guest room. Rooster's room.
Bryn strode furiously toward it, not caring that he may not want to be bothered or even sleeping. She had a bone to pick with him. Swinging the door open, Bryn demanded, "Rooster, what in the absolute fuck is wrong with y-"
She stopped short, her anger swiftly replaced by confusion and concern. Rooster sat on the floor, slumped against his bed, head in hands, white-knuckling his hair. His crutches lay scattered haphazardly on the floor as if he'd let them fall wherever they wanted. Strangest of all, her friend acted wholly unfazed by her presence, like he hadn't even heard her. As upset as she was, Bryn recognized this wasn't normal behavior. So, calmly and slightly cautious, she knelt next to him. "Rooster?"
No response. 
"Bradley?" Bryn prodded, gingerly placing a hand on his arm. He reacted instantaneously, jerking violently away from her. When his eyes met hers, she noticed how bloodshot they were, along with the dried tear stains on his cheeks. He looked around dazedly, taking in his surroundings. Bryn scooted closer to him ."Bradley? You okay?"
"Wh- where's Ghost?" He stammered, his chest rising and falling rapidly. 
"She's on the porch."
"Is she alive?"
What kind of question is that? "Yeah, she's alive."
Rooster's body visibly relaxed, and he braced his head against the bed, closing his eyes. "Good. That's… good."
A realization dawned on Bryn. She'd seen this behavior in others, and it was not something to take lightly. "Rooster, can I ask you a question?"
"How long have the flashbacks been going on?" She asked sympathetically, leaning against the bed with him. Although he didn't respond, his head snapping to look at her told Bryn she was on the right track. "Ghost told me about the mission and what happened."
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"She- she was dying," Rooster croaked out. "I couldn't save her."
"But you did save her. She would've drowned had you not reached her when you did. Ghost told me as such. Is that what you see in your flashbacks? Ghost dying?" Once more, Rooster didn't respond, giving Bryn her answer. "Is that why you can't look at her? Is it a trigger?"
Rooster opened his mouth but quickly shut it. When he repeated the motion but never managed to say anything, Bryn reached out and took his hand in hers. "Oh, Rooster…
"I-I don't know what to do," he confessed. "I want nothing more than to be around her, but I promised I'd leave her alone and-"
"When did you promise that?"
"After I found her. She was furious at me for being there because she knew that-" Rooster trailed off, shaking his head. "I promised I'd leave her alone once we returned to North Island. She didn't acknowledge the comment, so I took it as her agreement with it. I thought it was what she wanted."
"Rooster, if that's what she wanted, Ghost wouldn't be sobbing over the fact that you will barely give her the time of day. She thinks she did something wrong, and until you tell her the truth, as difficult as it may be, no matter how much you tell her it's not her that's the problem, she won't believe you."
"Ghost is hurt enough, though. She's been through so much, and to add onto her plate by burdening her with my issues, I can't do that to her."
"She wouldn't see it like that," Bryn assured. "Hell, if anyone would understand what you're going through, it'd be her."
"I have loved Ghost for so many years, but every time I have the opportunity to be with her, I fuck it up. I don't- I can't cause her any more pain than I already have."
"The only way you'll cause her more pain is if you keep avoiding her. Be honest with her. I promise she will be open to it, but Ghost isn't going to reach out to you after earlier. You'll have to go to her."
"I know…" Rooster rubbed his face and sighed deeply. "I'm sorry, Bryn."
"For what?"
"I'm a grown man. I should be making my own decisions, not having to be encouraged by my best friend to do what I know needs to be done and having to deal with more of my shit."
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"You're also dealing with some nasty PTSD."
Rooster nodded reluctantly. "I thought I was stronger than this. H-how did you know?"
"That you were having flashbacks? A good guess based on your behavior that I saw in both my dad and brother after they witnessed some deaths of their comrades." Bryn squeezed his hand. "I'm not going to push you to do this, but can I at least go tell Ghost that it really isn't her that's the problem?"
"No," Rooster said, shaking his head. He leaned over with a wince to grab his crutches. Recognizing he wanted to stand, Bryn helped him up. "I need to do that. I-I need to face this. Can I make one request?"
"Of course."
"Stay until this is over. If it goes badly, I want Ghost to have someone to turn to for support."
"What about you?"
"What about me?"
"If this goes badly, who will you have to turn to for support?"
"Don't worry about me."
"I already am, so it's a little late for that."
"Take care of Ghost first, then come to me if needed. I'll be back." He took a deep breath and then started for the door. Bryn let him go, watching and waiting until she heard the front door shut. Then, she headed to the living room to wait and pray that her friends finally worked things out for the better.
Tags: @supernaturaldawning @shanimallina87 @polikszena @lgg5989 @callsign-milano @bradshawsandbridgetons @harper1666 @shadeops21 @double-j @copaceticwriter @rotating-obsessions @sharkprestige @thedarkinmansfield @lapilark @mickeyluvs @starshipfantasy @bennypears00 @avabobava @the-navistar-carol @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth @carmellasworld @0hb0llocks @nicangelinee @summ3rlotus @3picklesinajar @magentamistress @the-other-hawkeye @elisha-chloe @emilymarie105 @persephone11110 @luckyladycreator2 @boogdleyboo @k0k3 @bibissparkles @lilmonstrjedi @stinkyrat09 @cocoag19 @suburbzchick @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @goodstuff28 @georgiasimpson95 @horselovers2016 @tanithpriad125 @davidshawnsown @sowolfstudentme @agagafafa @callmemana @sec17 @brxklyn15 @h0ppy0the0sheep @tomanybandstolove @abigailannz @mini-bee-bee @super-btstrash-posts
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