#bruce banne
farnwedel · 2 years
Im Bann des verführerischen Feindes 00: Prolog
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Ja, hiiii. :D
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Der 11. Tag des Augusts, im Jahre des Herrn 1308
Robert the Bruce (ja, der hieß so) hat soeben eine Schlacht gewonnen oder so und schickt seinen „vertrauenswürdigen Krieger und Spion“, einen Typen namens Sebastien of Cleish (Franzose?), nach Dunstaffnage Castle. Hey, da war ich schon, so 710 Jahre später.
„Bei Anbruch der Nacht ist sie entweder verheiratet oder tot, Sebastien. Ich will einen Beweis sehen für das eine oder das andere.“
Na, da wir uns im Prolog befinden, tippe ich auf verheiratet. :P
„Sie“ wird übrigens als die älteste Tochter MacDougalls und als die „Maid of Lorne“ bezeichnet.
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scotianostra · 8 months
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On September 12th 1315 Thomas Dun, a privateer from Scotland, sailed into Holyhead, captured an English ship and over-ran Anglesey.
There isn't a lot known about Thomas Dun before all this, he crops up in the occasional chronicle of the time, several spellings of his name occur, my favourite is Dubh, a privateer is another name for legalised piracy, sponsored by a state, in this case Scotland, specifically, if you look at the date, The Bruces.
To get back to the name, over the few mentions I found about oor ain pirate, one story uses the name Tavish, a Scottish name for Thomas, what a name for a , Dubh Tavish, or Black Thomas, just as good a name as another famous pirate Blackbeard!
So why would Robert the Bruce want with a privateer, well after Bannockburn there was no point in just sitting waiting for the English making another attack, so the King sent an army commanded by his wee brother Edward to fight the English in Ireland, which he did with success at first, being crowned King of the Island in 1316.
Black Tavish's main activity was piracy in the Irish sea, directed at English ships. His fleet also acted as a a de-facto navy for the Scots, he is said to have ferried the army over the Irish sea and ran a blockade, starving the English of support.
Dun enters the Irish annals when he is mentioned as taking four ships of the Earl of Ulster just off Portrush in County. The ships were were laden with supplies to help the English war effort including food which was a precious commodity in what was a time of not just war but also famine. Portrush now claims Tavish as their own, running annual pirate festival in his honour.
The Bruce's biographer, John Barbour wrote an account of Edward Bruce’s Irish invasion within living memory of it happening. Edward’s army got into difficulty at Coleraine and Tavish sailed up the mouth of the Bann river to rescue him, ferrying Edward’s soldiers across the river and out of the clutches of the army of the Earl of Ulster.
English chroniclers describe Tavish as "a perpetrator of depredations on the sea" and "a cruel pirate", which is understandable as they were on the wrong end of his activities, however he must not have been a very nice person as John Barbour, writing from the Scottish point of view also calls Tavish a “Scumer of the Se” - scum of the sea.
Tavish then extended his activities. He raided Holyhead in Anglesey with four galleys and captured a laden cargo ship, the "James" of Caernarvon, it is said after receiving intelligence from a local "rhingyl" (official) who may have sent out a boat to advise him of the opportunity. The Welsh then rose in revolt and Edward II was forced to return to Wales the troops he had recruited to send against Scotland. Now taking the threat of Tavish and the Scots in Ireland seriously, Edward recalled the Cinque Ports fleet as well. When the King of France protested this withdrawal of support against the Flemings, Edward II claimed all his ships were needed for the defence of Ireland.
Edward II had had enough. He ordered a Geoffrey de Modiworthe to construct a special ship and go after Tavish. This was a 140 man galley, very large for those days in the Irish Sea, and probably the fastest vessel in those waters. Even with that, though, they could not catch the pirate and it took an Irish noblemen, John D’Athy, to take to the seas and finally end Tavish’s reign of terror. In July of 1317, John and his ships intercepted Tavish and his fleet at sea. A sea battle ensued in which 40 of the privateers are said to have been killed and Tavish captured.
Sketches of County Antrim says about the Skerries at Portrush that Tavish “died in his ship there, and was buried on the island, the place of his grave is unknown” but D'Athy is said to have cut off his head and sent it to Dublin.
For King Robert the use of the privateer was only a stop gap, by that time Tavish was done for he was already building his own navy, having instigated a ship building program on the Clyde, a tradition that would continue for most of the next 700 years.
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digupyourbones · 2 years
to add onto the other usm i made the other day
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i want to make myself very, very sad. but i cannot draw hands.
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emo-vadapav · 2 years
someone just stop me💀🥲
im just 22 and i have already adopted so many people unofficially 🥲
itna paisa nhi h sabki pocket money dene ke liye mere pass, people really be calling me pappa😭 and worst part is i do end up acting like a common pappa for everyone close to me? ye kya life h yrr. saala daddy banne ki umar h aur pappa pe pahonch gya sidha🥲
desi middle class bruce wayne bana rkha h kya mujhe? crime fighting ki jagah depression fighting krta hu raatko pura time🥲
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sagevalleymusings · 2 years
Why "Black Widow is the only Avenger without a standalone film" feels true but isn't
(I originally wrote this video essay script in April 2021 a few months before the release of Black Widow but because I'm ADHD I mean went through an abusive workplace situation that involved someone being arrested on company property for unrelated reasons... anyway the point is I never bothered recording it but I think it turned out pretty good so I'm posting it anyway in text form and if you're a videoessayist who'd like to steal this idea, I don't have a venmo so please paste five dollars onto the back of a stray cat and circle three times while announcing your intent and I'm sure I'll get the message)
*friendly wave, jump cut to separate angle*
I am not a youtuber, I do not have a dedicated mic or camera, and the software I have for editing video is five years out of date. But what I do have is a lot of strong opinions about the intersection between pop culture and sociology so let’s talk.
Title card (Why “Black Widow is the only Avenger without a standalone film” feels true but isn’t) with chipper music, transition back to seated position. Image of Avengers on the screen.
I tried to do some research, but unfortunately since the Black Widow standalone film is now imminent, there’s very little that I could find about the original discourse surrounding Black Widow when Avengers came out in 2012, which more or less boiled down to: it’s a little sexist that Black Widow is the only Avenger without a standalone movie. People were calling and petitioning for Black Widow to get the movie she deserves.
But… it isn’t true. It isn’t true that in 2012 Black Widow was the only Avenger without a standalone movie because we all forgot about…
Zoom to Hawkeye
This guy! This guy? Wait, who’s this guy?
Movie clip of Selvig calling Hawkeye “The Hawk”
Right, The Hawk, got it. “The Hawk” doesn’t have a standalone movie either. His standalone comes out in 2021, but not as a movie. Oh no! Hawkeye gets a “small screen” demotion, so when all is said and done, Hawkeye will be the only original Avenger who doesn’t ever get a standalone movie.
Transition to separate angle
By the way, when I was looking up the Hawkeye date, one of the search prompts I got was, “why is Hawkeye so useless?”
Head in hands, bitter laugh
Damn, son. You just cannot catch a break.
Transition back to standard angle
So The Hawk doesn’t have a standalone movie either, but Black Widow is the only one where people say, “the only Avenger without a standalone film.” Why is that, when it’s blatantly not true?
Title Card: Part One: You know why…
Part One. Look. You know why. It’s because… *whisper* she’s a woman.
Okay it’s not quite that simple, but it’s certainly the reason you can say “Black Widow is the only Avenger without a standalone film” and get away with it, but you can’t say “Hawkeye is the only Avenger without a standalone film.” People would have immediately said “What about Black Widow?” But when it’s about Black Widow, they don’t say “What about Hawkeye? You know…. The useless Avenger.”
Cut away
I just… feel so bad for him. Like I had a moment looking at the 2021 lineup when I saw the Hawkeye show announcement and in the Year of Our Lord 2021 I said, out loud, “oh yeah Hawkeye never got a movie either.” That’s how little people care about this poor, boring, unenhanced family man.
Transition back to standard angle
So this is the point at which things get pretty interconnected, like they would with any sociological issue like this, so apologies if it feels like things are a bit jumbled. They are. First and most connected to the “because she’s a woman” reason is that I think the interpretation of Black Widow’s character is that her superpower is that she’s a woman. 
Black Widow and Hawkeye are the only two Avengers who don’t have established superpowers of some kind, but Black Widow moreso than Hawkeye. 
Cut away
I can already hear the whataboutisms flying so let’s caveat some things. We’re talking about the original six Avengers: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Thor, Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton. We’ve been introduced to Rhodey as War Machine, but only if you saw the frankly forgettable Iron Man sequels, and Sam Wilson… just, doesn’t even exist yet. But more importantly, there’s an established distinction between side character Avengers and main character Avengers, and these main six are our main character Avengers, who you would expect to have a standalone film. And most of them do, and all of our standalone films up to this point link up to one of these six. 
Cut away, but still an aside
So then, the next caveat: what exactly do we mean when we say “superpower.” Well… Falcon and the Winter Solider gave us a very helpful but incomplete description of what Marvel Cinematic Universe means when they say superpower.
Clip of Sam Wilson saying “robots, aliens, and wizards”
There are some gaps to this: enhanced humans like Captain America and The Hulk aren’t aliens, but they don’t really fall into the “wizards” category. I think this is why prior to Falcon & The Winter Soldier, they used the term “enhanced human” and not, “robots, aliens, and wizards.” But it’s a good clip to bring up because it does make it very clear that according to the MCU, advanced technology counts as a superpower. Therefore, Tony Stark has a superpower. Which means that the only two of the original six that don’t are Natasha and Clint.
Transition to original angle
I think it’s disputable that Clint doesn’t have a superpower. We’ve established that advanced tech is a superpower, and SHIELD has demonstrated they have significant advanced tech, so SHIELD as an organization has a superpower, and Clint relies on a highly advanced bow, which could fall at least in the periphery of the “robots” category of superpowers. 
We’re also told he “never misses” 
Insert clip of someone saying Clint “never misses” 
In a way that implies something more than just hard work and intense training. And in that sense, Clint’s uncanny ability as an archer could be considered a kind of supernatural ability.
Meanwhile, I don’t think Natasha demonstrates either of these to the same degree such that Nat could be considered superpowered at all. She doesn’t use a significant amount of advanced tech as her primary weapon of choice, and other than a line about her being a “super spy”
Insert clip of Natasha as a super spy
We aren’t really shown anything to indicate that Natasha’s abilities are outside of the hard work and intense training category. As of the Avengers 2012 movie, what have we been shown of Black Widow to suggest that Black Widow deserves to be a superhero, but not Maria Hill? Or Phil Coulson? Or Nick Fury? They’re all established as “agents” not superheroes. What is different about Black Widow that she’s a superhero, not an agent?
The short answer is that the Avengers needed a woman on the team, so here comes Natasha Romanov, relatively unspectacular special agent working for SHIELD.
This trope of having one woman in a cast of mostly men is not something Avengers MCU invented on their own. It’s pretty much an Avengers staple. The original 1963 cast of The Avengers included Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Ant-Man, and Ant-Man’s sidekick The Wasp. 
Cut away
By the way, if any of this is wrong... I’m not a comic book nerd. Don’t “well actually” me in the comments, if there was secretly an established team of Avengers before issue one, or if it was secretly released in 1962 or whatever. You have an issue with any of the comic book facts I’m citing, take it up with wikipedia. 
Transition back to original spot
I can guess why The Wasp wasn’t part of the original lineup - by 2010 they’d already decided that Ant Man wasn’t one of their “tentpole” properties, probably because as early as 2006, the plan was for a chiller, funnier, “family” movie. And without Ant Man, you don’t have The Wasp. 
And honestly Scarlet Witch not being the first also makes sense, because if you still want her arc as an original villain who converts, there has to be an original team of Avengers who fights her. 
So I kind of understand why they went with Black Widow, but that’s all still to say that they needed someone to fill the role of “woman Avenger” and Black Widow was it. It rubs us the wrong way that Black Widow doesn’t have a standalone film because it feels like she’s only even in the cast because they needed a woman so it wasn’t a team of all men. So why doesn’t Black Widow have a film? Because Black Widow is a sexy lamp. Her character matters far less than the fact that she has tits. And don’t worry. I’ll get to her character.
Part two: Joss Wheden didn’t help
Part two: Joss Wheden is the director of the first Avengers film, and that certainly doesn’t help matters. 2012 is pre-scandal with DC, where Ray Fisher laid out Whedon’s gross workplace practices in such brutal detail that it may have contributed to Fisher being “removed” from The Flash. It’s a lot messier than that, but I honestly do not want to spend a long time on Joss Whedon. I’ve already given him too much of my time in my life. 
Cut away
I can’t believe I defended Dollhouse for you…
Transition back
So once Ray Fisher came out about workplace abuse, a loooot of people started coming out of the woodwork to stand with him and open up about historic issues with Whedon, and previous abusive practices. So here we are in 2021 and Joss Whedon is hashtag canceled. But we’re talking about Avengers in 2012. People didn’t know about it yet… did they?
Cut away
I mean that lead is pretty obvious, but spoiler, by 2012 it was an open secret that Joss Whedon was kind of shitty. We just didn’t know how shitty yet.
Transition back
As far back as 2002, people couldn’t help but start to point out that, okay yeah sure Buffy had a lot of strong women characters, but wasn’t it a little weird the degree to which Whedon uses violence against women as a source of their strength? That’s… not the best take. But it’s just one show, so let’s wait to really assess this as a problem until Firefly, a show about a girl whose heightened psychic powers come from years of torture and abuse.
It was around this point that I started noticing people pointing out that Whedon also had a race problem. There’s a lot of Chinese spoken on Firefly, outright stating a merger between the US as a superpower and China as a superpower, implying that there’s a significant population of Chinese in the world of Firefly. And yet… River and Simon Tam, whose names at least imply some Asian ancestry? Question mark? Are played by Summer Glau, and Sean Maher, two white people. And if River and Simon don’t count, there are just literally no Chinese main characters whatsoever.
Inserts of River and Simon
There’s a lot more I could go into, but again. I don’t want to spend that much time on Joss Whedon. The point is that by 2012, Joss Whedon already had a reputation as a “fake feminist” who wrote women who had the appearance of strength without any genuine substance to their character, and which often relied on violence against women as a trope. A good term for this used to be “Trinity Syndrome.” Where the female character exists more as a badass fantasy for men, and often starts as a ‘strong female character’ type, but ultimately just needs a man to get her to open up and love again. 
Cut away
FYI doesn’t this sound suspiciously like the typical male action hero story arc, but just with the genders swapped?
Transition back
But I think it changes the narrative a lot that Trinity of The Matrix was written by two - at the time not out - trans women who were explicitly writing a trans narrative subtly woven into The Matrix. So I dislike the idea that “Trinity Syndrome” is what we call it now, when in hindsight it’s obvious that Trinity was meant to act as a subversion of this trope which by then already existed.
Cut away
A similar term is femme fatale, but femme fatale doesn’t contain quite the same connotations of strength and pain. It’s more a trope of a sexy but dangerous woman, without the coldness and angst that Whedon just… loves so much.
Transition back
So for lack of a better term, let’s call it… Whedon Complex. When a man writes what he thinks counts as a strong female character, but doesn’t relate to women enough to understand them outside of his notion of women’s victimhood, and therefore writes a cold, distant mockery of a woman whose only defining trait is the amount of abuse she had to suffer through to get here. It’s true of Buffy, it’s true of River, it’s true of Echo, it’s true of Natasha. 
It isn’t Whedon’s fault that Natasha Romanov falls under this trope. Whedon Complex didn’t start with Whedon, even if I’m definitely going to keep calling it that out of spite. Black Widow’s character as an assassin trained at birth was established long before Whedon showed up. 
But it sort of twisted the knife. Of the women you could have for Whedon’s Avengers, the one you choose is the one who got her powers because she was tortured… not a great look!
And of the character development we do get, most of it is couched in those terms - her having to atone for a terrible past that she was only involved in because of the, and it’s really important we not forget this, torture and brainwashing. 
Shots of Natasha being sad.
Natasha is a sad. She is a sad, sad, sad. When she’s not being sad she’s being weirdly emotionally detached to the point of it being farcical. 
Clip of her playing straight on a joke
Like that’s not sarcasm, that’s genuine confusion. Joss Whedon was handed a character that fell into all his already existing pitfalls of poorly developed women’s characters, and he tripped over his own excitement to set up a story as tragic and dehumanizing as possible. 
Like don’t get me started on the “I’m a monster because I’m infertile” line. Fuck you, Joss Whedon!
Part three: A lack of prior representation
This is gonna be a sidenote before we get to the main thesis. Hawkeye and Black Widow both got cameos in other Marvel films prior to introduction in Avengers. But Hawkeye’s was in Thor, and Black Widow’s was in Iron Man 2. I think this matters. I honestly couldn’t tell you the plot of Iron Man 2. In fact I’ve done it before, trying to remember a detail in one of the movies. When I list back the plot, I think of it as the second half of Iron Man, then cite the parts of Iron Man 2 with Whiplash in them as the first part of Iron Man 3. Iron Man 2 is a deeply forgettable movie which mainly serves to introduce War Machine. 
When I go back to re-watch MCU movies, which I do frequently because I’m deeply depressed and watching familiar things even if they’re bad is a source of comfort…
Far away stare, jump cut
When I re-watch MCU movies, I skip almost all of the sequels, with the one exception of Thor: Ragnarok because it is one: great, and two: critical to the buildup of Avengers: Infinity War. 
Okay, that’s not quite true. I re-watched Captain America: Civil War when Chadwick Boseman died during my “all the movies Black Panther has been in” binge, and watched Captain America: Winter Soldier when Falcon & the Winter Soldier launched as a refresher to Bucky and Sam’s character interactions up to this point.
But Thor: The Dark World? Seen it once, Iron Man 2 & 3? Once. I actually still haven’t seen The Incredible Hulk, since it’s a little bit removed from the rest of the MCU, starring “not Mark Ruffalo” and at a point in time when we weren’t quite yet convinced that this whole MCU thing was really a good idea.
Cut away
Okay, that’s not 100% true. As of the first version of this script, I hadn’t seen The Incredible Hulk, but obviously I went through and watched both The Incredible Hulk and Iron Man 2 again as part of my research. The Hulk is... fine. It reinforces my point earlier that at this stage, we’re not quite in the tight sleekness of MCU that was building to a conclusion. The Incredible Hulk is very much a standalone, and a bit more apart from other MCU movies, in that the characterization of Bruce and the Hulk shifts slightly in Avengers. 
As for Iron Man 2, it’s obvious from this script that I initially remembered Black Widow’s scene as a minor cameo - just the part where she’s beating up a load of security guards in a white hall. I was shocked to discover she’s an actual character in the movie. Black Widow is introduced fairly early on and serves to move the b plot along. I left the parts where I call it a “minor cameo” in the script because it’s entirely possible that many of the audience misremembered it that way too. And so in that sense, I think the point still stands that Natasha Romanov first appearing in a sequel film winds up being less of a significant appearance than Clint Barton’s minor cameo in Thor.
Anyway, I think a little bit of the “only Avenger without a standalone film” outrage comes from the fact that prior to this point, we didn’t really know who Black Widow was. For starters, sequels generally have an expectation of not setting up significantly important information about additional characters or plot points. Anyone remember how Pepper Pots gained superhuman strength and powers of regeneration in Iron Man 3? No. 
Sequels add flavor but not substance, though that did start to change for the MCU as things progressed. Being introduced to Natasha Romanov in Iron Man 2, it was obvious she was important, but I didn’t come away from the movie thinking she was one of the future Avengers. Black Widow just read as like, a tough secret agent on the level of Phil Coulson (who we’ve seen way more of at this point) or Maria Hill. This is a point I already made. Natasha Romanov isn’t really special. 
Part Four: The character arc
All of this could have been forgiven had Nat’s character had some kind of character arc in Avengers, but she kind of doesn’t? And she definitely is the only main character who doesn’t. And that’s the part I think that gets people focusing on Black Widow as “missing” a story where Hawkeye isn’t. He gets a great character arc in Avengers.
Hawkeye For Hawkeye, his character arc starts with the first few minutes of the video. Hawkeye is shown to be in a world of magic, one he is not a part of but isn’t foreign to him, and he’s pretty decent at figuring out the rules. Hawkeye is smart, observant, and skilled. Right off the bat. Then he gets literally turned, and Hawkeye winds up in a condensed redemption arc. The magic in his world invades this otherwise normal person and he becomes not only a bad guy, but an enhanced bad guy with supernatural wisdom about his “next target.” So yeah, Clint, again, kind of gets superpowers. 
We know Clint will come back, but it’s the journey that matters, not the destination. Clint still demonstrates a need to redeem himself, or at the very least “avenge” the lives he was forced to take, and so his motivation to fight Loki is very personal and very compelling, and ties into the loose “Avengers” theme. 
Iron Man
We don’t know this yet, but Tony Stark’s arc in Avengers foreshadows his ultimate sacrifice in Endgame. Steve calls him out directly as the kind of person who wouldn’t make the sacrifice move, and when it comes down to it, he does. But we have to get there. We have to allow Tony to have the space to grow into being the person who would make the sacrifice play, and Agent Coulson’s death is critical to this. Iron Man is also “avenging.” He also explicitly points out that Loki “made it personal” and it’s his hideous building that Loki puts his gate above. It isn’t just avenging Coulson, but also proving to himself that he isn’t the same self-centered misguided egomaniac that Loki is. 
The Hulk
Cut away
These aren’t in any real order, by the way. 
So anyway, The Hulk. Bruce Banner is brought on supposedly for his ability to detect gamma radiation, but even in the context of the movie, we all know this isn’t the only reason. In a pinch, The Hulk is invaluable as a weapon. 
Bruce doesn’t see Coulson’s death. But he does have something to avenge: his own agency. Loki stripped it away by forcing Bruce to transform when he didn’t want to. This character arc is well established at multiple points, even the cheesy “I’m always angry” line, when Bruce makes a face like he’s either sad or constipated, then just slowly turns green. Agency and self-actualisation is an important arc for Bruce throughout the entire MCU. 
Honestly I think Thor’s character arc is a little weak here too. His primary motivation for fighting Loki is that they are related. So Thor’s arc makes more sense in context of the prior movie, where he’s avenging not just Phil, who he watches die, powerless to do anything about it, but also avenging everyone who suffered in Thor, which Loki escaped justice for. 
This powerlessness is brought to the forefront when we see Thor hesitate before he picks the hammer up again. He’s not really sure he is worthy, because he let Phil die. It’s a callback to Thor’s standalone film, and the struggle he’s gone through this whole time of never feeling quite adequate enough. But it makes less sense if you don’t have the context of the original Thor backing that hesitation up.
Captain America
Steve Rogers is Tony Stark’s foil. Where Tony Stark’s arc is about trying to figure out if he’s “just like his dad” and “too self interested to do the right thing,” Steve is always going to do the right thing, sometimes even to his own detriment. His character arc is about finding himself, his place in the world, his wants and desires, and finding the space for them in an otherwise unassailable goodness and “need” to save the world. 
A lot of people complained about Steve going back for Peggy and dying of old age because “Captain America would never do that” but I think it makes sense for Steve’s holistic MCU character arc, as a man displaced. He signs up for the army no matter the cost, but once he’s there, it isn’t what he wanted. And he has “what he wanted” for only a brief moment before it gets taken away, and he’s thrown into a completely alien world where “what he wanted” essentially doesn’t exist. This works both in the initial thing Steve thinks he wants, which is to “protect the little guy” and also in the thing he actually wants that winds up getting sacrificed, which is “dance with Peggy.” So Steve spends the bulk of the Avengers movie trying to find where he fits into the modern era, initially deciding where he fits is as a soldier of SHIELD, before realizing that SHIELD can be corrupted like any government agency, and landing tentatively on “save the world like always.” Steve doesn’t seem to have a complete character arc in Avengers, so it’s difficult to sum up the resolution like we can for the other Avengers.
But after Avengers, things are constantly coming up that position Steve’s personal desires before his stated goal -his “need” -of always doing the right thing. And so, in a sense, Steve’s arc here also plays on those personal desires, with the added depth of “avenging.” “You should have left it in the ocean” Steve says about the Tesseract, and we’re shown glimpses that Steve feels bitter about having lost his personal want of “dancing with Peggy” to the need of “saving the world” aka “protecting the little guy.” The thing Steve is avenging is the past he never got to have. His enemy is The Tesseract, not Loki.
Even Loki has a character arc in Avengers. He thinks what he needs is to conquer earth, to prove his brother wrong about his ability to rule, and to “avenge” his honor. But once he’s seen succeeding, we see a moment where he realizes that he doesn’t actually want this. Loki is at the midway point of a redemption arc, with the lowest point actually matching up exactly with the lowest point of the Avengers. 
Loki’s defeat by the Avengers is played a little bit for laughs, but the fear in his eyes when he says “it’s too late” the second time highlights that he’s realized he’s gone too far, but it doesn’t matter now. He’s hit his lowest point, and now all that’s left is to turn, and this turn starts with being captured.
Cut away
I think it will be interesting to see where the show Loki takes this, because the betrayal that comes initially at the end of Dark World where Loki fakes his own death, sends Odin to a home, and pretends to rule in his place until he’s discovered in Ragnarok now comes right here.
Insert Loki escape scene
So we’ve already fast-tracked Loki’s long and meandering redemption arc. But technically we don’t know any of that as of 2012. The best we know is that Loki feels regret and has been defeated before the Avengers even show up to kick his ass. Loki is the seed of his own destruction.
Black Widow, transition back
So it’s pretty clear that all the Avengers in our movie have well-established character arcs, including our main villain. There’s even a bit of a character arc of SHIELD as an organization, with the same midpoint and low point moments you would expect lining up with character mid and low points. 
So what about Black Widow?
Well, actually, the overall structure of where the key points in the movie are is what highlights for me that Natasha doesn’t have a character arc in the same way that the other Avengers do. At the midpoint of the movie, Hawkeye has just unintentionally betrayed his friends, the SHIELD ship has been disabled, Steve and Tony have to work together, Thor fails to save Coulson, Loki escapes, The Hulk has had his agency stripped away, and Nat… Nat shoo’s some engineers away, and gets attacked by the Hulk. She also, at this point, helps Hawkeye’s arc turn back, and he starts the redemption part of his redemption arc.
So one could maybe say that Black Widow’s arc is about being betrayed by the people she trusts… but is it? Hawkeye’s brainwashing isn’t a betrayal to her - it’s established very early on. And she doesn’t trust Bruce, something that is also established early on, and then reinforced right before our midpoint.
But we see a shot of her cowering, afraid for her life, after Hulk attacks her, so maybe it’s about being a normal, unenhanced human in the face of all these superpowered people, and the fear that would cause.
Except, that doesn’t really track either, because it hasn’t been established historically and isn’t reflected later. If anything, Hawkeye is supposed to be the relatable audience surrogate showing us a fantastical world.
Budapest clip
And in the low point and subsequent build to the conclusion, Black Widow winds up stepping completely away from the action to chat it up with Selvig to figure out how to activate the Macguffin. If she hadn’t managed to get in position to shut the portal down in time, what exactly would have happened? Nothing? Because we see later that the Chitauri have a hive mind, and taking the base ship down destroys them all, so this is a visually-dynamic climax-building scene because we don’t know if Tony is going to make it in time, but it’s not actually essential to the plot and more importantly doesn’t say anything defining about her character arc. 
There’s one more option I can see, which is what she tells Clint her motivations are. “I’ve got red in my ledger, I’d like to wipe it out.”
She says she’s “been compromised” but… that doesn’t really flow with what we’ve seen so far. Loki’s taunts getting to her is treated as a fakeout, and has nothing to do with the fight she has with Hulk. If it did, we should have seen her inability to act, or some selfish motivation to save her own life, get in the way of saving those two engineers. But that isn’t what happened. 
So to me, this line seems to be more of a throwaway, something to convince us the audience why Nat cares about teaming up to take down Loki. It’s telling us, instead of showing us, what her motivation is. 
And as far as motivation, it’s a bit weak. I think future scriptwriters work with it as best they can - feeling an extra sense of betrayal at the end of Winter Soldier, flip-flopping on what the right thing to do is in Civil War, needing to prove herself by becoming an organizer for global rescue efforts in Endgame, then ultimately sacrificing herself to save billions if not trillions of lives. But we, the audience, never really see the other side of it. We don’t see Nat’s history as an assassin, or any mistakes she makes which cause people’s death directly. In that sense, Natasha Romanov is a static, fixed point in the MCU. She will always do what she thinks is the right thing, and has always done what she thinks is the right thing. What that right thing is, that’s a bit mercurial. But there is never a point of conflict where her wants betray her needs, or vice versa, or where she makes a bad call because of a character flaw, or where a low point results in a betrayal. Natasha Romanov is now and will always be nothing more than a Whedon Complex, full of sad angst, but no real flaws, because her flaw is that she’s a woman, and women are weak and have to be honed to a fine-edged sword through trauma and violence. 
Part Five: Conclusion
So, as far as I can tell, Natasha Romanov is the only character who we aren’t given a clear character arc for in Avengers, and this is the real reason why it’s so easy to say she’s the “only Avenger without a standalone film.” It isn’t that she’s the only Avenger without a standalone film -we’ve established that’s not true. It’s that without a standalone film, she doesn’t have enough character development to feel like an Avenger, not in 2012 at least. Natasha Romanov feels like she fits more closely in both narrative and character development to the rest of the SHIELD agents than she does the Avengers. Phil Coulson got way more character development by this point in the franchise, and he dies. Nick Fury has had more lines. By 2012, there’s very little that feels like it justifies Black Widow’s inclusion in the Avengers lineup, and that makes it feel like a choice motivated by sexism. There’s got to be a girl on the team for all them lady fans. The fact that Joss Whedon is the director reinforces the idea that there’s sexism driving this character. 
And yes, her character winds up getting fleshed out in future movies in satisfying ways, but it feels very meaningful that Black Widow doesn’t even get a chance to have her standalone film until after she’s dead. Any character development that happens in this movie is, to a degree, meaningless. Maybe it’ll change the way we re-watch old Avengers movies. Maybe it’ll make her character in Avengers 2012 make more sense. But honestly? I doubt it.
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fablesrose · 3 years
Description: Y/n, a girl who seems to have found her calling. Being a SHIELD agent is like a dream come true. With a friendship starting to form with the Avengers, she’s the Queen of the world! What could go wrong?
Pairings: Avengers x reader, Loki x reader (eventually)
Warnings: fluff, angst
OKAS Masterlist~Masterlist
The days were getting better. I think.
Food was a blessing. I haven't had real food for seven years; I should have cherished it.  Luckily I had the biggest pile of breakfast food I think I had ever seen placed on my plate.
"Are you going to eat all of that?"
I glanced at Steve, then back at my plate, then back at him, then at my plate.
I never answered him.
I've been living on smoothies for the past six months, then before that, I wasn't even sure if what I was eating was food. My stomach was probably not as big as it once was.
Despite this, I dug in anyway. I had forgotten how good food was, even though I've been out of that cell for a few meals now. I just kept eating to the point where I didn't notice everyone else coming into the kitchen.
"Hey Y/n, I wanna introduce you to the rest of the team," Tony placed a hand on my shoulder making me jump.
I quickly swallowed and wiped my mouth clean, "Okay."
He went around the room giving me names one by one.
"This is Vision."
He had red skin and didn't look human with a yellow stone in his head.
"He's an android."
"That's Sam." Tony pointed at the man leaning against the counter eating a bowl of oatmeal. He raised his bowl in acknowledgment. He looked nice enough.
"You've met Wanda and Bucky."
I nodded at them. Wanda didn't look at me, but Bucky waved.
"Rhodey is over there." He lifted a hand. He looked older than the others, closer to Tony's age.
Tony looked around the room, "You'll meet Peter later, he's at school."
There was a blur of blue light that came from the hallway that headed towards the fridge before coming back to sit at the counter.
"And that would be Pietro, he's the guy you sparred with. He and Wanda are twins. Any questions?"
"The last time I asked a question under normal circumstances I got kidnapped seven years ago, so I'm good." I looked at Pietro, he looked a little tired, but otherwise alright. "Hey, nice to finally officially meet you, sorry I almost killed you the other day."
He glanced up at me, "Can't say I return the pleasure, and uh, thanks."
"That's fair."
"That was awfully nonchalant of you." Loki took the seat next to me, stealing a piece of toast. I was nearly full, so I didn't mind.
"Hey, I would have said the same thing if I ever got an apology from you."
"I have apologized."
"I don't remember it."
"You've said it yourself, you've forgotten a lot of things over the last seven years."
I tilted my head, "I'm pretty sure I would have remembered if you ever apologized. That would be cemented in my brain."
Loki hesitated, "I'll admit you weren't quite... in your right mind when I did it."
"You were high."
I thought back, "Which time?"
I heard a snort from somewhere in the room; I had forgotten people were there to listen in.
"You were given a sedative for one of your checkups after the... incident."
"Ah. Still don't remember it."
He sighed, "Fine, I'm sorry."
I smiled, "Thank you."
There was a pause where I took another couple of bites of my breakfast.
"So, anyone wanna tell me the story behind that?" Sam said, looking absolutely baffled.
I side-eyed Loki, "Do you wanna tell them, or should I?"
Do we have to tell the story?
Come on Lokes, it's a funny story!
I don't find it that funny.
Oh, the God of Mischief, otherwise known as chaos, doesn't find a story, where he makes some chaos, funny.
"So who's telling the story?"
I glanced up at Bucky before looking back at Loki. He looked slightly uncomfortable.
"I guess I am." I slid the rest of my plate away from me, officially full.
"I'm not staying for this." Loki started to stand before I grabbed his wrist.
"Oh no, you don't. You're gonna sit your ass back down and listen."
"I could just teleport away, you know that."
I looked him dead in the eye, "But you're not going to."
He grumpily rested his head on his fist and didn't reply.
I looked around the room, making sure everybody was there. "Alright, so it goes like this. I'm just coming back from an infiltration mission, full-on Hydra gear, the whole setup. My superior, Agent Brian Fletcher-- how is Fletcher, by the way?"
Tony answered, "He's retired, got a nice cabin in the northwest."
"Good for him."
I continued the story, putting in a few more comedic details than there were. Tony and Loki looked at me suspiciously but didn't say anything.
"And so I'm lying there, can't breathe, and I'm just like, 'You son of a bitch, what the heck?'"
The room erupted in laughter. I looked over at Loki who had a small smile on his face while he looked at his hands on the counter.
I finished the story with grace and excused myself to my room. Social interactions were exhausting now and I still had to get used to "normal life." It was nice; having friends was nice. It's been a while since I've had some.
I lied on the bed--no, on my bed. The lights were dimmed as I tried to recharge a little bit. The bed was soft, I just sunk right into it, but it was almost too soft. Seven years of sleeping on a cot that was only a fraction better than the floor can do that to you. I couldn't get comfortable so I eventually lowered myself to the floor, sitting up against the side. The memory of the cots had stirred something in me.
"Hey, Jarvis?"
A voice that was not Jarvis answered me, "Jarvis has been incorporated into the android Vision on the team and is no longer in service. My name is Friday, is there something that I can help you with?"
I thought on it and mumbled to myself, "I guess his voice did sound familiar." I sighed before asking, "Do you have access to recovered Kingdom files?"
"Yes I do miss, what would you like me to look for?"
"Jasmine Okoro."
Friday paused as the AI searched the files. It then produced a hologram of the file in front of me. Friday began reading it out loud, "Prisoner D2- Jasmine Okoro. In facility from April 2010 to May 2014. Status: Deceased. Occasion of death: Duel. Final Opponent: Asset D1-The Queen. Results-"
Friday kept reading through the report, but I stopped listening. I just kept reading the status and the final opponent over and over.
I killed Jasmine.
Something under my skin started to feel unnatural. More than usual I should say.
"Friday, where's the nearest fortified room? Like a panic room? And the fastest route to get there."
I barely heard its instructions, but I made it there and locked the door behind me. The walls were white concrete and not entirely smooth. I stumbled to the center of the room before collapsing on my knees.
I forced myself to look at my hands as ink sprouted from my fingertips and spread up my arms. These hands killed my only friend while in hell. I pounded my hands against the ground, trying to make myself feel something. Something beyond the unexplainable feeling of my skin.
Eventually, it wasn't enough and I had to release even more. Spears shot from my fingers and shattered against the walls, but I still needed to release more. The anger, the despair, and maybe there was a bit of jealousy there too. She didn't suffer as long as I did. Most of it was the guilt and the grief that seemed to rot my insides.
A cloud of soot exploded from my body with such force that I could hear it hit the walls around me. I collapsed to the ground, trembling and exhausted. This was the first time I had used Noxy's powers. I'm not sure how I felt about it, and I was too tired to care.
Tears streamed down my face onto the ground and I shut my eyes tightly, cradling my hands to my chest. Everything felt empty, my mind, my heart.
I had never been more grateful that there wasn't a thought in my head.
Loki sat at the counter while everyone else finished their breakfast and dispersed to work on their own tasks.
"That's not really how that story goes is it?"
Loki glanced over to see that Pietro was the last one in the kitchen other than himself. "No, no it isn't."
"What's the truth?"
Loki smirked, "You're asking the truth from the god of lies?"
Pietro's eyes looked weary, but sparked in amusement, "We all know you're about as honest as the rest of us."
A glass of water appeared in Loki's fingertips, "I guess that's true enough, young one." He took a sip. "The truth is, is that I almost killed her that day. She had just gotten her big break to fulfill her dreams and I threw her back to the bottom of the ladder with that severe of an injury."
"And she's able to just laugh it off with you never really apologizing until now?"
"You'll find she's like that." He paused, "Understand, that she will apologize to you as many times as you require of her, but-"
"I get it," Pietro interrupted, "Y/n's got more pressing matters on her plate than a sparring match gone slightly too far."
Loki watched the young man appraisingly, "Quite right, thank you."
The room was quiet for a moment before Loki started to notice some faint noises. His eyebrows wrinkled as he tried to decipher what exactly the sound was and where it was coming from. He looked at Pietro, "Do you hear that?"
"The thumping? Yes, but I figured that was just tired hallucinations, but I guess not."
They both stood and started wandering, trying to identify where it was coming from until there was a louder sound, loud enough for them to feel in their feet. They paused and found that it had gone quiet.
"Friday? Where was that coming from?"
The AI recited what room and they found their way without much hurry, only a bit of curiosity.
They found the room and found it to be locked. Loki turned the knob without too much trouble after a wave of his hand. He cautiously peeked his head through the door to see if it was safe. Once he came to the conclusion that nothing was going to attack him he opened the door wide enough for Pietro to follow. Loki's eyes landed in the center of the room where he saw a huddled form.
It didn't seem to be moving.
Loki rushed to the figure and his breath of relief caught in his throat when he realized that it was Y/n, despite the fact that he saw she was breathing.
"Is she okay?"
Loki looked her over, "I think so... She appears to be sleeping. I can't find anything wrong."
"Well that's good," Pietro sat down on the concrete, "say, Loki, do you remember what color this room used to be?"
Loki subconsciously ran his finger along the floor before lifting his eyes to the ceiling, "I'm not entirely sure, but I do know it wasn't stained black."
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jayblue-rebloob · 5 years
I keep seeing posts like “what if the hulk is like the bill nye of their universe. Like could you imagine if you were walking to the grocery store and saw bill nye destroying some alien” or like “doc ock is like the bill nye of miles universe. Could you imagine if bill nye was just out there fighting people” and I don’t know about y’all, but based on all the stuff I’ve seen from him recently he’s like, 👌🏻 this close.
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tiny-loki · 6 years
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what really happened after thor: ragnarok.
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lokis-tribble-army · 6 years
When Loki meets Thor during the fight with Thanos:
Thor: You're alive?!
Loki: You have a second eye?!
Avengers: Guys, Thanos isn't defeated, yet!
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purecanesugar · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, Tony Stark/The Winter Soldier, James "Bucky" Barnes & the Winter Soldier, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes & Clint Barton Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, The Winter Soldier, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Avengers Team Additional Tags: WinterIron Reverse Bang, Bucky Barnes & Winter Soldier are Different Personalities, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Pining, Self-Worth Issues, Identity Issues, Self-Esteem Issues, ALL the issues, All the time, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Steve Rogers Is a Good Bro, Team as Family, Clint Barton Is a Good Bro, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV Alternating, Depression, Depressive Episode, Angst with a Happy Ending, Polyamory, V shaped relationship, Don't copy to another site Summary:
When Bucky is hit by a spell during battle, it has an unusual affect on him. Instead of doing - whatever is was that it was supposed to do - it splits him into two. No. More accurately, it removes the Winter Soldier from his mind and makes him into his own person. The Winter Soldier, who then has to cope with being a person himself and what that means. And Bucky, who comes face to face with the very thing and issues he never wanted to. Things are only going to get worse before they get better.
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farnwedel · 2 years
@somenamewithepineapple hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet
"Im Bann des verführerischen Feindes 14: Villainy for Dummies"
Die Autor*in hat offensichtlich keine Geschwister… älter Geschwister würden ihre kleinen Brüder bei der ersten Gelegenheit für n appl und n ei verscherbeln
ja aber! Familienerbe/-ehre! :D
"Im Bann des verführerischen Feindes 15: Jemand zählt 1 und 1 zusammen"
auch auf die Gefahr mich zu wiederholen: ein Leben ohne (kleine) Geschwister? lifegoals
na ja, Lara hat ja sonst irgendwie keine Bezugspersonen. außer Basti halt. vielleicht kommt das noch, wenn sie mal ein Minütchen für sich haben wollen und Caitriona reißt die Tür auf mit "Laraaaa! Der Malcolm hat mich an den Haaren gezogen!"
"Im Bann des verführerischen Feindes 17: Hate to see her leave but love to watch her go"
so stell ich mir Söders dirty talk vor :D und ich denke beide Theorien sind valid und können koexistieren
danke für die validation. und das kopfkino. ewwww
"Im Bann des verführerischen Feindes 19: Aufm Holzweg"
ganz klar die A8 bei Pforzheim genommen
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"Im Bann des verführerischen Feindes 21: Alle, die mit uns auf Kaperfahrt fahren"
for real, ich glaube unsere Holzpfosten haben ein paar von der BILD empfohlene Romane aus dem REWE Zeitschriftenregal zu viel gelesen und das muss das im Kindergarten erlernte logische "wenn ich das mache, passiert das" (nicht zu verwechseln mit "wenn ich die Hand auf die nicht-induktions-herdplatte lege verbrenn ich mir die pfoten) einfach gelöscht haben So ein kurzes Post-it mit "ach, ich hab rausgefunden, dass du mich verraten wolltest…was können wir denn da machen? Toilettenpapier ist übrigens leer" hätte schon geholfen
Pragmatismus dieser Art wurde wohl erst im 15. Jahrhundert erfunden. :/
"Im Bann des verführerischen Feindes 22: Bruce, ich bin dein...Bruder"
ääähhhhh auf soviel Handlung war ich jetzt nicht vorbereitet
Die Autorin auch nicht. "Die Sache mit dem Verrat" bitch please.
"Im Bann des verführerischen Feindes - Epilog"
ganz wichtige Frage: wie werd ich Autorin fürs REWE Zeitschriftenregal? Das entspricht alles ungefähr meinem Schriftstellerinnen-Niveau
Das wollte ich jetzt tatsächlich wissen. Hier ist der Link. :D
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sunshinesteves · 4 years
bj really can’t figure out what mcu character tripp should’ve met...sir it’s fucking obvious
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On September 12th 1315 Thomas Dun, a privateer from Scotland, sailed into Holyhead, captured an English ship and over-ran Anglesey.
Be thankful for this cracking tale, on what looks like being another quiet day on my history posts, hopefully my friends will drag me out to Monday Club later and buy me a few pints as I am totally skint! 
There isn’t a lot known about Thomas Dun before all this, he crops up in the occasional chronicle of the time, several spellings of his name occur, my favourite is Dubh, a privateer is another name for legalised piracy, sponsored by a state, in this case Scotland, specifically, if you look at the date, The Bruces. To get back to the name, over the few mentions I found about him is one story uses the name Tavish, a Scottish name for Thomas,  what a name for a  pirate eh"  Dubh Tavish, or Black Thomas, just as good a name as another famous pirate Blackbeard!
So why would Robert the Bruce want with a privateer, well after Bannockburn there was no point in just sitting waiting for the English making another attack, so the King sent an army commanded by his wee brother Edward to fight the English in Ireland, which he did with success at first, being crowned King of the Island in 1316.
Black Tavish’s  main activity was piracy in the Irish sea, directed at English ships. His fleet also acted as a a de-facto navy for the Scots,  he is said to have ferried the army over the Irish sea and ran a blockade, starving the English of support.
Dun enters the Irish annals when he is mentioned as taking four ships of the Earl of Ulster just off Portrush in County. The ships were were laden with supplies to help the English war effort including food which was a precious commodity in what was a time of not just war but also famine. Portrush now claims Tavish as their own, running annual  pirate festival in his honour.
The Bruce’s biographer, John Barbour wrote an account of Edward Bruce’s Irish invasion within living memory of it happening. Edward’s army got into difficulty at Coleraine and Tavish sailed up the mouth of the Bann river to rescue him, ferrying Edward’s soldiers across the river and out of the clutches of the army of the Earl of Ulster.
English chroniclers describe Tavish as “a perpetrator of depredations on the sea” and “a cruel pirate”, which is understandable as they were on the wrong end of his activities, however he must not have been a very nice person as John Barbour, writing from the Scottish point of view also calls Tavish a “Scumer of the Se” - scum of the sea.
Tavish raided Holyhead in Anglesey with four galleys and captured a laden cargo ship, the “James” of Caernarvon, it is said after receiving intelligence from a local “rhingyl” (official) who may have sent out a boat to advise him of the opportunity. The Welsh then rose in revolt and Edward II was forced to return to Wales the troops he had recruited to send against Scotland. Now taking the threat of Tavish and the Scots in Ireland seriously, Edward recalled the Cinque Ports fleet as well. When the King of France protested this withdrawal of support against the Flemings, Edward II claimed all his ships were needed for the defence of Ireland.
Edward II had had enough. He ordered a Geoffrey de Modiworthe to construct a special ship and go after Tavish. This was a 140 man galley, very large for those days  and probably the fastest vessel in those waters. Even with that, though, they could not catch the pirate and it took an Irish noblemen, John D’Athy, to take to the seas and finally end Tavish’s reign of terror.
In July of 1317, John and his ships intercepted Tavish and his fleet at sea. A sea battle ensued in which 40 of the privateers are said to have been killed and Tavish captured.
Sketches of County Antrim says about the Skerries at Portrush that Tavish “died in his ship there, and was buried on the island, the place of his grave is unknown” but D'Athy is said to have cut off his head and sent it to Dublin.
For King Robert the use of the privateer was only a stop gap, by that time Tavish was done for he was already building his own navy, having instigated a ship building program on the Clyde, a tradition that would continue for most of the next 700 years.
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laviejaguardia · 5 years
We are all loosing our shit with the trailer, but we also know that’s probably like, the first 20 min of the movie maximum 
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caffeinated--writer · 6 years
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Robert Downey Jr. Is truly a gem 😂
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demons2003 · 4 years
Losing Him (Peter Parker) Part 1
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Description: He had gone on a mission by himself. You were meant to go with him but he went before hand. He was badly injured after you arrive and you had to take him to Bruce, your father.
“It’s Green Goblin! You shouldn’t come with me! I can’t watch you get hurt.” Peter yells. The Green Goblin had escaped from prison again and was planning something big. Sadly we had no idea what that plan was. “Why shouldn’t I? We work better as a team. We’re less likely to be killed if we’re together.” I calmly reply. Knowing Peter, it was better if I stayed calm. “No, he has been planning whatever this is for too long. They found something in his cell that dates but to our first fight.” “Yeah, so? We’ve faced bigger threats; I’m coming at that it. Let me get changed and we will leave together.” And that was that. I storm out of the living room and make my way to our room.
Peter and I had been living together for about 2 years. We had been dating for 4 but have known each other for our whole lives. I found out Peter was Spider-man the second day after moving in. He was badly beaten up and was climbing through the window in his suit. He found out I was Spider-woman two days after. He found my suit in my draw. We had made a promise to each other, never fight alone. But for some reason, the Green Goblin was always different. Peter always got me to stay behind, he hated the thought of me there. But I had no clue why.
I run around our room, trying to find my suit. It wasn’t in my draw where I left it and it wasn’t in the wash, because it would ruin the suit. ‘Peter must have moved it’ “Hey Peter, did you move my suit? I can’t find it.” I yell towards the living room. I wait for a reply but hear none. I start to feel a bit worried as Peter hated ignoring me. Even when he was mad about something I had done or was going to do.
I rush back to where I left Peter to find the room empty. I run but to our room and diel his phone number. I wait for him to pick up as I know he can Tony made sure he could if he needed my help. “Hi” I hear on the other end. “Peter, where are you? Why did you leave? Also where did you put my suit.” I rush out. I know where he could be going and I didn’t like it one bit. “Suits under your bed. Don’t come and find me.” Is all he says before the line ends. I quickly check under the bed to find my suit neatly folded and a note. ‘Sorry n/n, I couldn’t let you get hurt.’ Faster than Quicksilver, I put my suit and mask on before swinging out the window. Problem was I didn’t know where the Green Goblin was or where Peter was heading. So I called Tony.
Much like Peters suit I didn’t need my phone in order to call someone. “Hey Pumpkin, what can I do for you?” Tony cheerfully says through the phone. “Is that y/n? She ok?” I hear my dad say in the background. “Tony, I need you to track Peters suit. Don’t ask why, just do it.” I rush. The other end of the line seems to go quiet as I was for Tony to tell me where Peter is. “He’s at the old building that was owned by Norman Osborn. Is everything alright y/n?” Tony says. I try to think of something to say but the truth is the only thing I could thing of. “Peter is after the Green Goblin on his own and I didn’t know where they were. I thought you would have an idea where he was because you put trackers on everyone’s mission suits” I say before swinging in the direction of the building. “Do you want me and your dad t meet you there? We can be back up.” Tony rushes out as I hear my dad asking so many questions at once. “No, keep dad cam, we’ll be fine. Ill call you if we need help.” I say before hanging up. I didn’t need dad to Hulk out as well as deal with the Green Goblin. But it started to all make sense.
Harry was still made at Spider-man for killing his father. What better place to finally kill spider-man then to do it at his father’s old company building. He probably grabbed some of his dad’s old journals and brought them with him to jail. Then they would look all over the city but not where Spider-man would go. But how did Peter know where he was? Starting to swing faster I finally see the building in my sight which Spider-man and The Green Goblin fight each other.
Spider-man was jumping all over the place trying to miss Green Goblin’s hover board, while The Green Goblin was webbed to a wall, cutting himself free. I wanted to help, wanted to pull Spider-man out of there but I couldn’t do that without getting one of us hurt. So I had to sit and watch, trying to find a spot where I could help. Sadly the chance never happened.
The Green Goblin finally breaks free and instead of the hover board it’s the Green Goblin and Spider-man fighting. I still try and look for an opening but I still can’t find a safe one. Until it was too late. Green Goblin had cornered Spider-man, and there was no where to go. He looked away for a second, looked at me and then the hover board was in his stomach.
“NOOOOO!!” I scream into the night. Harry had jumped onto his board and driven it into Peter’s stomach. I swing down to the and kick Harry away from Peter, not wanting anymore harm to come to him.
Peter’s Pov
I didn’t sense it. I got distracted and I payed the price. I felt the blood fall but I couldn’t see it. I barely felt it. My eyes started to feel heavy as a blur forces Harry away from me. I look up at her e/c eyes and smile. “It’s going to be ok, I’ll get you help.” She frantically says. I just nod and smile. “Tony, I need your help. Yes we’re there still.” My eyes slowly closed as the sound of y/n’s pleading for me to stay away gets quieter and quieter till there is no sound at all.
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