#book quote(s)
wedarkacademia · 6 months
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kitchen-light · 4 months
Regretfully, I had to leave all my books behind. I couldn’t bear to make the choice between my beloveds, so I left them all.   Give them back. Give us back our beds. Give us back our offices. And give us back our books.
Nabil S., from "It Was All Songs: A Letter From Gaza" translated from the Arabic by Sarah Aziza, published in Mizna on February 12th, 2024. You can read the entire essay here.
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writtenforthesoul · 1 year
Płacz trochę pomaga – dopóki się płacze. Ale w końcu, wcześniej czy później, trzeba przestać płakać, a wtedy trzeba się zdecydować, co robić dalej.
C. S. Lewis, „Opowieści z Narnii. Srebrne krzesło”
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psykopaths · 3 months
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somerabbitholes · 8 months
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Naipaul first visited India in the 1960s, a journey that "broke his life into two" — the same decade as when he extensively travelled the postcolonial ‘Third World’. This is articles from those years. A clinical and moving bunch on the impossibility of decolonisation and the long shadow of empires; on his encounter with India in a decade of famine, war, drought, and reform; a fragmented country "without even an idea of a graded but linked society"; on the teeming mass of former ‘colonials’ who can’t help but seek out a metropolitan life.
Loved this to bits.
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quotespile · 11 months
Who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed?
Hunter S. Thompson, The Proud Highway
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stromuprisahat · 5 months
Laurent’s vocabulary [in Akielon] hit its limits when it came to military terms and manoeuvres, but Damen filled in the gaps. It was of course no surprise to find that Laurent had a well-stocked armoury of elegant phrases and bitchy remarks, but could not talk in detail about anything sensible.
Prince's Gambit- Chapter 9 (C. S. Pacat)
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night-thief · 2 years
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I felt a tremendous distance between myself and everything real.
- Hunter S. Thompson
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myfanfictiongarden · 25 days
Mina, I must stop. Good-night. Bless me in your prayers; and, Mina, pray for my happiness.
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I'd served thirty days of combat in Normandy, seventy-eight in Holland, thirty-nine in Bastogne, and thirty in Haguenau. And I wonder if, with war becoming such a part of you, you become like the Toyes and Guarneres of the world, people who lose a limb and yet have that phantom sensation that it's still there.
Sometimes, I couldn't get back to sleep. Or I'd just read or try studying at a desk, not that I was very good at that. I couldn't concentrate like before the war. I'd be reading some book and suddenly realize Roe was sitting beside me. Malark, I'm sorry, but it's Skip . . . I feared my grades were slipping badly.
— Excerpt from Don Malarkey in his book, Easy Company soldier : the legendary battles of a sergeant from World War II's "Band of Brothers", regarding life after the war
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murakamijeva-muza · 5 months
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"For last year's words belong to last year's language And next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning." ~ T.S. Eliot
Max Deacon and Jenna Thiam in The Collection (2016)
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catastrxblues · 6 months
'if we were villains' quotes i still think about a lot
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act iii, prologue / act iii, scene 9 / act iii, scene 12 / act iv, prologue / act v, scene 5 / act v, scene 7 / act v, epilogue
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pixiecactus · 2 months
i'm going to call this post book!gendrya for dummies (it's me i'm the dummy): i had always loved the parallel that gendrya share about being the third born child (we are five books in, and still to this moment we don't have another baratheon bastard introduced to us that's older than gendry, so the order for me is: mya, bella and gendry) and (if we go with the r+l=j theory, jon obviously is not ned's son... so we have robb, sansa and arya) but something that has never ocurred to me before, is that we obviously already know the plot point of "the seed is strong" and we have gendry directly telling ned how his mother used to have yellow/blond hair (this is my own headcanon, but i like to think that she had brown eyes as well) meaning that all children sired by robert baratheon shared his hair colour and eyes colour, so gendry in his colouring and looks does not resemble at all his mother and we know exactly the same thing about arya, how of all of the catelyn tully/stark's children, she's is the only one that has none of her mother's looks, she and jon had the stark look, long face and grey eyes, like her father (and jon's mother) and like all of the starks of old time (karstarks included), and meanwhile genetics in asoiaf had always been somehow really wonky if compared to how genetics work in real life, it always interested me this fact about arya, one could simply said that arya having stark's looks and colouring is to help the narrative of arya feeling like an outsider in her own family, just like jon, and to establish even more how deeply the jon/arya bond runs, even when she knows both of her parents, and it's a true-born daughter. so this post was me discovering another gendrya parallel shared between them, i don't think it's really important but hey, it's still there alright
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psykopaths · 3 months
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quotespile · 5 months
In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I... And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots.
Hunter S. Thompson, The Great Shark Hunt
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